3018 min read

Modern Statistics for Modern Biology-3

10 Networks and Trees

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dats = read.table("../data/small_chemokine.txt", header = TRUE)
## ggtree v3.4.0 For help: https://yulab-smu.top/treedata-book/
## If you use the ggtree package suite in published research, please cite
## the appropriate paper(s):
## Guangchuang Yu, David Smith, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam.
## ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic
## trees with their covariates and other associated data. Methods in
## Ecology and Evolution. 2017, 8(1):28-36. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12628
## S Xu, Z Dai, P Guo, X Fu, S Liu, L Zhou, W Tang, T Feng, M Chen, L
## Zhan, T Wu, E Hu, Y Jiang, X Bo, G Yu. ggtreeExtra: Compact
## visualization of richly annotated phylogenetic data. Molecular Biology
## and Evolution. 2021, 38(9):4039-4042. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msab166
## LG Wang, TTY Lam, S Xu, Z Dai, L Zhou, T Feng, P Guo, CW Dunn, BR
## Jones, T Bradley, H Zhu, Y Guan, Y Jiang, G Yu. treeio: an R package
## for phylogenetic tree input and output with richly annotated and
## associated data. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2020, 37(2):599-603.
## doi: 10.1093/molbev/msz240
## Attaching package: 'igraph'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     decompose, spectrum
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     union
## Attaching package: 'tibble'
## The following object is masked from 'package:igraph':
##     as_data_frame
## Attaching package: 'reshape'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     expand
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'ggnetwork':
##   method         from  
##   fortify.igraph ggtree
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:reshape':
##     rename
## The following objects are masked from 'package:igraph':
##     as_data_frame, groups, union
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
##     node1  node2 node1_string_id node2_string_id node1_external_id
## 1   CXCR3   CCR7         1855969         1843829   ENSP00000362795
## 2   ITGA4    EED         1858446         1845338   ENSP00000380227
## 3   CXCR5 CXCL13         1847335         1847033   ENSP00000292174
## 4     PF4  CXCR5         1847665         1847335   ENSP00000296029
## 5    THBD    PF4         1856612         1847665   ENSP00000366307
## 6   CCL19   CCR7         1849114         1843829   ENSP00000308815
## 7  CXCL13   CCR7         1847033         1843829   ENSP00000286758
## 8    CD44  ITGA4         1860096         1858446   ENSP00000398632
## 9   ITGA4   CCR7         1858446         1843829   ENSP00000380227
## 10  CXCR5   CCR7         1847335         1843829   ENSP00000292174
## 11  ITGA4  CXCR3         1858446         1855969   ENSP00000380227
## 12  CCL19  CXCR5         1849114         1847335   ENSP00000308815
## 13  CCL19 CXCL13         1849114         1847033   ENSP00000308815
## 14  CXCR3    PF4         1855969         1847665   ENSP00000362795
## 15   THBD   CCR7         1856612         1843829   ENSP00000366307
## 16  CXCR3  CXCR5         1855969         1847335   ENSP00000362795
## 17  CXCR3  CCL19         1855969         1849114   ENSP00000362795
## 18  CXCR3 CXCL13         1855969         1847033   ENSP00000362795
## 19    PF4   CCR7         1847665         1843829   ENSP00000296029
## 20    PF4   SRGN         1847665         1843628   ENSP00000296029
##    node2_external_id neighborhood fusion cooccurence homology coexpression
## 1    ENSP00000246657            0      0           0    0.847        0.000
## 2    ENSP00000263360            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 3    ENSP00000286758            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 4    ENSP00000292174            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 5    ENSP00000296029            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 6    ENSP00000246657            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 7    ENSP00000246657            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 8    ENSP00000380227            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 9    ENSP00000246657            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 10   ENSP00000246657            0      0           0    0.851        0.079
## 11   ENSP00000362795            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 12   ENSP00000292174            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 13   ENSP00000286758            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 14   ENSP00000296029            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 15   ENSP00000246657            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 16   ENSP00000292174            0      0           0    0.876        0.000
## 17   ENSP00000308815            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 18   ENSP00000286758            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 19   ENSP00000246657            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
## 20   ENSP00000242465            0      0           0    0.000        0.000
##    experimental knowledge textmining combined_score
## 1         0.000       0.9      0.878          0.913
## 2         0.566       0.0      0.312          0.688
## 3         0.812       0.9      0.824          0.996
## 4         0.000       0.8      0.151          0.822
## 5         0.576       0.9      0.070          0.957
## 6         0.812       0.9      0.983          0.999
## 7         0.575       0.9      0.680          0.985
## 8         0.576       0.0      0.643          0.842
## 9         0.000       0.0      0.647          0.647
## 10        0.000       0.9      0.720          0.914
## 11        0.000       0.0      0.505          0.505
## 12        0.000       0.9      0.625          0.960
## 13        0.576       0.9      0.670          0.984
## 14        0.564       0.9      0.649          0.983
## 15        0.000       0.0      0.407          0.407
## 16        0.000       0.9      0.634          0.907
## 17        0.000       0.9      0.745          0.973
## 18        0.576       0.9      0.505          0.977
## 19        0.000       0.8      0.342          0.862
## 20        0.576       0.9      0.303          0.967
gr = graph_from_data_frame(dats[,c("node1", "node2")], directed = FALSE)
E(gr)$weight = 1
## IGRAPH b776ac3 UNW- 11 20 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c), weight (e/n)
## + edges from b776ac3 (vertex names):
##  [1] CXCR3 --CCR7   ITGA4 --EED    CXCR5 --CXCL13 CXCR5 --PF4    PF4   --THBD  
##  [6] CCL19 --CCR7   CXCL13--CCR7   ITGA4 --CD44   ITGA4 --CCR7   CXCR5 --CCR7  
## [11] CXCR3 --ITGA4  CXCR5 --CCL19  CCL19 --CXCL13 CXCR3 --PF4    THBD  --CCR7  
## [16] CXCR3 --CXCR5  CXCR3 --CCL19  CXCR3 --CXCL13 PF4   --CCR7   PF4   --SRGN
V(gr)$size = centralization.degree(gr)$res
ggd = ggnetwork(gr, layout = layout_with_fr(gr), cell.jitter = 0)
ggplot(ggd, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
  geom_edges(color = "black", curvature = 0.1, linewidth = 0.85, alpha = 1/2) +
  geom_nodes(aes(x = x, y = y), size = 4, alpha = 1/2, color = "orange") +
  geom_nodelabel_repel(aes(label = name), size = 4, color = "black") +
  theme_blank() + theme(legend.position = "none")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
edges = matrix(c(1,3, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5, 4,6), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    1    3
## [2,]    2    3
## [3,]    3    4
## [4,]    4    5
## [5,]    4    6
g1 = graph_from_edgelist(edges, directed = FALSE)
## IGRAPH b7e7551 U--- 6 5 -- 
## + edges from b7e7551:
## [1] 1--3 2--3 3--4 4--5 4--6
vertex_attr(g1, name = "name") = 1:6
plot(g1, vertex.size = 25, edge.width = 5, vertex.color = "coral")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplotadjacency = function(a) {
  n = nrow(a)
  p = ncol(a)
  fromto  = reshape2::melt(a)
  stopifnot(identical(nrow(fromto), n*p))
  fromto$value = as.factor(fromto$value)
  cols = c("white", "darkblue")
  ggplot(data = fromto, aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) +
    geom_tile(colour = "black") +
    coord_fixed(ratio = 1, ylim = c(0.5, n + 0.5), xlim = c(0.5, p + 0.5)) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
    scale_x_continuous(name = "" , breaks = 1:p, labels = paste(1:p)) +
    scale_y_reverse(  name = "" , breaks = n:1, labels = paste(n:1)) + 
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
      legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white"),
      legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
      panel.border = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
      axis.line = element_line(color = "white"),
      axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y = element_blank() 

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplotadjacency(as_adj(g1, sparse = FALSE))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
edges = "1,3\n2,3\n3,4\n4,6\n4,5"
df = read.csv(textConnection(edges), header = FALSE)
sg = graph_from_data_frame(df, directed = FALSE)
## IGRAPH b83d682 UN-- 6 5 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from b83d682 (vertex names):
## [1] 1--3 2--3 3--4 4--6 4--5
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
finch = readr::read_csv("../data/finch_beaks_2012.csv", 
                        comment = "#", col_types = "cc")
## # A tibble: 248 × 4
##    band  species blength bdepth
##    <chr> <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 19022 fortis     10      8.5
##  2 19028 fortis     12.5    8.9
##  3 19032 fortis      9.3    7.5
##  4 19041 fortis     10.3    9.6
##  5 19044 fortis     11      9.2
##  6 19048 fortis     10.1    8.2
##  7 19072 fortis      9.6    7.8
##  8 19082 fortis     10.9    8.6
##  9 19104 fortis     10.3    8.4
## 10 19114 fortis      9.8    7.7
## # ℹ 238 more rows
## # A tibble: 248 × 4
##    band  species blength bdepth
##    <chr> <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 19022 fortis     10      8.5
##  2 19028 fortis     12.5    8.9
##  3 19032 fortis      9.3    7.5
##  4 19041 fortis     10.3    9.6
##  5 19044 fortis     11      9.2
##  6 19048 fortis     10.1    8.2
##  7 19072 fortis      9.6    7.8
##  8 19082 fortis     10.9    8.6
##  9 19104 fortis     10.3    8.4
## 10 19114 fortis      9.8    7.7
## # ℹ 238 more rows
## 'network' 1.18.1 (2023-01-24), part of the Statnet Project
## * 'news(package="network")' for changes since last version
## * 'citation("network")' for citation information
## * 'https://statnet.org' for help, support, and other information
## Attaching package: 'network'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:igraph':
##     %c%, %s%, add.edges, add.vertices, delete.edges, delete.vertices,
##     get.edge.attribute, get.edges, get.vertex.attribute, is.bipartite,
##     is.directed, list.edge.attributes, list.vertex.attributes,
##     set.edge.attribute, set.vertex.attribute
finch.nw  = as.network(finch, bipartite = TRUE, directed = FALSE)
is.island = nchar(network.vertex.names(finch.nw)) == 1
plot(finch.nw, vertex.cex = 2.5, displaylabels = TRUE, 
     vertex.col = ifelse(is.island, "forestgreen", "gold3"))

finch.nw |> as.matrix() |> t() |> (\(x) x[, order(colnames(x))])()
##          19022 19026 19028 19029 19032 19041 19044 19048 19072 19082 19094
## fortis       1     0     1     0     1     1     1     1     1     1     0
## scandens     0     1     1     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     1
##          19104 19114 19121 19122 19125 19126 19129 19146 19164 19172 19174
## fortis       1     1     1     0     0     1     0     1     1     0     1
## scandens     0     0     0     1     1     0     1     0     0     1     0
##          19182 19203 19210 19212 19214 19217 19224 19226 19244 19251 19252
## fortis       0     1     1     0     0     1     1     1     0     0     1
## scandens     1     0     0     1     1     0     0     0     1     1     0
##          19260 19263 19270 19274 19278 19280 19288 19289 19299 19312 19326
## fortis       0     1     0     1     0     1     1     0     0     0     0
## scandens     1     0     1     0     1     0     0     1     1     1     1
##          19328 19343 19349 19362 19372 19374 19382 19384 19392 19394 19401
## fortis       1     0     1     1     1     0     1     1     1     1     0
## scandens     0     1     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     1
##          19406 19408 19422 19426 19430 19433 19438 19439 19452 19461 19466
## fortis       0     0     1     0     0     0     0     1     0     1     0
## scandens     1     1     0     1     1     1     1     0     1     0     1
##          19469 19482 19486 19492 19493 19494 19495 19496 19497 19502 19510
## fortis       0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1     0
## scandens     1     0     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     0     1
##          19511 19513 19518 19526 19527 19528 19536 19543 19553 19554 19563
## fortis       1     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     1
## scandens     0     1     1     1     1     1     0     1     1     1     0
##          19568 19573 19592 19594 19597 19598 19599 19602 19604 19614 19619
## fortis       1     0     0     0     0     0     0     1     1     1     0
## scandens     0     1     1     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     1
##          19622 19623 19627 19642 19649 19652 19653 19654 19664 19674 19682
## fortis       0     1     1     1     1     0     0     1     0     1     1
## scandens     1     0     0     0     0     1     1     0     1     0     0
##          19692 19712 19720 19734 19740 19746 19747 19749 19766 19774 19782
## fortis       0     1     0     1     0     1     0     1     0     1     1
## scandens     1     0     1     0     1     0     1     0     1     0     0
##          19783 19815 19820 19821 19829 19832 19835 19840 19844 19848 19849
## fortis       0     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     0     0     1
## scandens     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1     1     0
##          19852 19854 19855 19868 19874 19878 19882 19889 19900 19910 19914
## fortis       0     0     0     0     1     1     0     1     0     0     1
## scandens     1     1     1     1     0     0     1     0     1     1     0
##          19921 19922 19928 19932 19936 19940 19941 19942 19946 19947 19951
## fortis       1     1     1     1     0     0     0     1     1     1     0
## scandens     0     0     0     0     1     1     1     0     0     0     1
##          19952 19955 19956 19974 19993 19994 21040 21041 21045 21047 21049
## fortis       1     0     0     1     1     1     0     0     0     0     1
## scandens     0     1     1     0     0     0     1     1     1     1     0
##          21052 21053 21057 21070 21080 21081 21082 21087 21088 21089 21090
## fortis       1     0     0     0     1     0     1     1     1     1     1
## scandens     0     1     1     1     0     1     0     0     0     0     0
##          21092 21093 21106 21109 21111 21113 21129 21131 21135 21136 21159
## fortis       0     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0
## scandens     1     1     1     1     1     1     0     1     1     1     1
##          21160 21161 21162 21165 21167 21169 21176 21191 21244 21247 21248
## fortis       1     1     1     1     0     1     0     1     1     1     0
## scandens     0     0     0     0     1     0     1     0     0     0     1
##          21249 21253 21255 21256 21257 21258 21259 21260 21261 21262 21263
## fortis       1     0     0     0     0     1     1     0     1     1     0
## scandens     0     1     1     1     1     0     0     1     0     0     1
##          21265 21266 21267 21268 21270 21271 21272 21273 21276 21277 21278
## fortis       1     1     0     0     0     0     1     1     1     1     0
## scandens     0     0     1     1     1     1     0     0     0     0     1
##          21279 21280 21281 21282 21283 21285 21286 21287 21288 21289 21290
## fortis       0     0     0     1     1     0     0     1     0     0     0
## scandens     1     1     1     0     0     1     1     0     1     1     1
##          21291 21292 21293 21294 21295 21296 21297 21298 21299 21340 21341
## fortis       0     0     1     1     0     1     0     1     1     0     1
## scandens     1     1     0     0     1     0     1     0     0     1     0
##          21342 21343 21347 21349 22000
## fortis       0     1     0     1     1
## scandens     1     0     1     0     0
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
g1df = ggnetwork(g1)
##            x         y name      xend      yend
## 3  0.3032258 0.4110425    4 0.0000000 0.6131356
## 4  0.3032258 0.4110425    4 0.1382566 0.0000000
## 5  0.6988827 0.5876187    3 0.3032258 0.4110425
## 6  0.8605999 1.0000000    2 0.6988827 0.5876187
## 7  1.0000000 0.3817937    1 0.6988827 0.5876187
## 1  1.0000000 0.3817937    1 1.0000000 0.3817937
## 2  0.8605999 1.0000000    2 0.8605999 1.0000000
## 31 0.6988827 0.5876187    3 0.6988827 0.5876187
## 41 0.3032258 0.4110425    4 0.3032258 0.4110425
## 51 0.0000000 0.6131356    5 0.0000000 0.6131356
## 61 0.1382566 0.0000000    6 0.1382566 0.0000000
ggplot(g1df, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
 geom_edges() + geom_nodes(size = 6,color = "#8856a7") +
 geom_nodetext(aes(label = name), size = 4, color = "white") +
 theme_blank() + theme(legend.position = "none")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Package:  markovchain
## Version:  0.9.1
## Date:     2023-01-20
## BugReport: https://github.com/spedygiorgio/markovchain/issues
statesNames = c("A", "C", "G","T")
T1MC = new("markovchain", states = statesNames, transitionMatrix =
         nrow = 4,byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(statesNames, statesNames)))
## Unnamed Markov chain 
##  A  4 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states: 
##  A, C, G, T 
##  The transition matrix  (by rows)  is defined as follows: 
##     A   C   G   T
## A 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3
## C 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
## G 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.5
## T 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.0
plot(T1MC, edge.arrow.size = 0.4, vertex.color = "purple",
     edge.arrow.width = 2.2, edge.width = 5, edge.color = "blue",
     edge.curved = TRUE, edge.label.cex = 2.5, vertex.size= 32,
     vertex.label.cex = 3.5, edge.loop.angle = 3,
     vertex.label.family = "sans", vertex.label.color = "white")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
oldpar = par(mar = c(5.1,4.7,4.1,2.6))
datf = read.table("../data/string_graph.txt", header = TRUE)
##      node1   node2 node1_string_id node2_string_id node1_external_id
## 1    CXCR3    CCR7         1855969         1843829   ENSP00000362795
## 2    ITGA4     EED         1858446         1845338   ENSP00000380227
## 3     SMC3   CENPK         1854200         1843648   ENSP00000354720
## 4  HNRNPA1  LUC7L3         1852510         1843556   ENSP00000341826
## 5     SMC2     RB1         1847012         1845924   ENSP00000286398
## 6    RBBP4   CENPK         1855919         1843648   ENSP00000362592
## 7    CXCR5  CXCL13         1847335         1847033   ENSP00000292174
## 8     CD44   RUNX2         1860096         1855482   ENSP00000398632
## 9      PF4   CXCR5         1847665         1847335   ENSP00000296029
## 10    THBD     PF4         1856612         1847665   ENSP00000366307
## 11 SMARCA1    EZH2         1855408         1850211   ENSP00000360163
## 12    HMMR   BARD1         1858139         1844829   ENSP00000377492
## 13     MBP    MMP7         1857547         1844765   ENSP00000372025
## 14   CCL19    CCR7         1849114         1843829   ENSP00000308815
## 15   RBBP4    EZH2         1855919         1850211   ENSP00000362592
## 16   RUNX2     RB1         1855482         1845924   ENSP00000360493
## 17     RB1   HSPA8         1845924         1843112   ENSP00000267163
## 18    DHX9   BARD1         1854615         1844829   ENSP00000356520
## 19  CXCL13    CCR7         1847033         1843829   ENSP00000286758
## 20    SMC2   KIF23         1847012         1844781   ENSP00000286398
## 21    CD44    HMMR         1860096         1858139   ENSP00000398632
## 22    CD44   ITGA4         1860096         1858446   ENSP00000398632
## 23 SMARCE1     RB1         1850602         1845924   ENSP00000323967
## 24   ITGA4    CCR7         1858446         1843829   ENSP00000380227
## 25     MBP    STK4         1857547         1855759   ENSP00000372025
## 26   RBBP4    LIN9         1855919         1851108   ENSP00000362592
## 27     RB1     EED         1845924         1845338   ENSP00000267163
## 28   CXCR5    CCR7         1847335         1843829   ENSP00000292174
## 29   PSMA1   HSPA8         1861079         1843112   ENSP00000414359
## 30   RBBP4 SMARCA1         1855919         1855408   ENSP00000362592
## 31   ITGA4   CXCR3         1858446         1855969   ENSP00000380227
## 32   CDK12     MBP         1860122         1857547   ENSP00000398880
## 33   CCL19   CXCR5         1849114         1847335   ENSP00000308815
## 34 SMARCA1     EED         1855408         1845338   ENSP00000360163
## 35    CLTC   AP3B1         1846064         1844363   ENSP00000269122
## 36   CCL19  CXCL13         1849114         1847033   ENSP00000308815
## 37   CXCR3     PF4         1855969         1847665   ENSP00000362795
## 38  TCERG1   HSPA8         1847779         1843112   ENSP00000296702
## 39   RBBP4     RB1         1855919         1845924   ENSP00000362592
## 40    CLTC     EED         1846064         1845338   ENSP00000269122
## 41 RACGAP1   KIF23         1849236         1844781   ENSP00000309871
## 42    DHX9 HNRNPA1         1854615         1852510   ENSP00000356520
## 43    CD44    SRGN         1860096         1843628   ENSP00000398632
## 44    SMC3    SMC2         1854200         1847012   ENSP00000354720
## 45    THBD    CCR7         1856612         1843829   ENSP00000366307
## 46    DHX9    EZH2         1854615         1850211   ENSP00000356520
## 47   CXCR3   CXCR5         1855969         1847335   ENSP00000362795
## 48    LIN9     RB1         1851108         1845924   ENSP00000329102
## 49   CXCR3   CCL19         1855969         1849114   ENSP00000362795
## 50    EZH2     RB1         1850211         1845924   ENSP00000320147
## 51   RUNX2    EZH2         1855482         1850211   ENSP00000360493
## 52   CXCR3  CXCL13         1855969         1847033   ENSP00000362795
## 53    EZH2     EED         1850211         1845338   ENSP00000320147
## 54    CD44    MMP7         1860096         1844765   ENSP00000398632
## 55     PF4    CCR7         1847665         1843829   ENSP00000296029
## 56 SMARCA1 SMARCE1         1855408         1850602   ENSP00000360163
## 57     PF4    SRGN         1847665         1843628   ENSP00000296029
## 58   RBBP4     EED         1855919         1845338   ENSP00000362592
##    node2_external_id neighborhood fusion cooccurence homology coexpression
## 1    ENSP00000246657            0      0       0.000    0.847        0.000
## 2    ENSP00000263360            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 3    ENSP00000242872            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 4    ENSP00000240304            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 5    ENSP00000267163            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.136
## 6    ENSP00000242872            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 7    ENSP00000286758            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 8    ENSP00000360493            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 9    ENSP00000292174            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 10   ENSP00000296029            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 11   ENSP00000320147            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.090
## 12   ENSP00000260947            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 13   ENSP00000260227            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 14   ENSP00000246657            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 15   ENSP00000320147            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 16   ENSP00000267163            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 17   ENSP00000227378            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 18   ENSP00000260947            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 19   ENSP00000246657            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 20   ENSP00000260363            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.482
## 21   ENSP00000377492            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 22   ENSP00000380227            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 23   ENSP00000267163            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 24   ENSP00000246657            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 25   ENSP00000361892            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 26   ENSP00000329102            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 27   ENSP00000263360            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.092
## 28   ENSP00000246657            0      0       0.000    0.851        0.079
## 29   ENSP00000227378            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 30   ENSP00000360163            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.144
## 31   ENSP00000362795            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 32   ENSP00000372025            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 33   ENSP00000292174            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 34   ENSP00000263360            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.069
## 35   ENSP00000255194            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.080
## 36   ENSP00000286758            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 37   ENSP00000296029            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 38   ENSP00000227378            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 39   ENSP00000267163            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.100
## 40   ENSP00000263360            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 41   ENSP00000260363            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.578
## 42   ENSP00000341826            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.082
## 43   ENSP00000242465            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 44   ENSP00000286398            0      0       0.395    0.658        0.256
## 45   ENSP00000246657            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 46   ENSP00000320147            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 47   ENSP00000292174            0      0       0.000    0.876        0.000
## 48   ENSP00000267163            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.183
## 49   ENSP00000308815            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 50   ENSP00000267163            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 51   ENSP00000320147            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 52   ENSP00000286758            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 53   ENSP00000263360            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 54   ENSP00000260227            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 55   ENSP00000246657            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 56   ENSP00000323967            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 57   ENSP00000242465            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.000
## 58   ENSP00000263360            0      0       0.000    0.000        0.085
##    experimental knowledge textmining combined_score
## 1         0.000      0.90      0.878          0.913
## 2         0.566      0.00      0.312          0.688
## 3         0.000      0.90      0.081          0.904
## 4         0.309      0.00      0.394          0.563
## 5         0.000      0.90      0.097          0.915
## 6         0.000      0.90      0.046          0.900
## 7         0.812      0.90      0.824          0.996
## 8         0.000      0.00      0.843          0.843
## 9         0.000      0.80      0.151          0.822
## 10        0.576      0.90      0.070          0.957
## 11        0.149      0.00      0.549          0.620
## 12        0.000      0.00      0.438          0.438
## 13        0.576      0.00      0.284          0.683
## 14        0.812      0.90      0.983          0.999
## 15        0.945      0.90      0.778          0.998
## 16        0.583      0.90      0.302          0.968
## 17        0.576      0.00      0.181          0.637
## 18        0.000      0.00      0.454          0.454
## 19        0.575      0.90      0.680          0.985
## 20        0.107      0.00      0.255          0.625
## 21        0.576      0.90      0.623          0.982
## 22        0.576      0.00      0.643          0.842
## 23        0.000      0.72      0.066          0.727
## 24        0.000      0.00      0.647          0.647
## 25        0.576      0.00      0.584          0.816
## 26        0.852      0.90      0.780          0.996
## 27        0.664      0.00      0.384          0.795
## 28        0.000      0.90      0.720          0.914
## 29        0.099      0.90      0.191          0.920
## 30        0.873      0.90      0.735          0.996
## 31        0.000      0.00      0.505          0.505
## 32        0.564      0.00      0.075          0.579
## 33        0.000      0.90      0.625          0.960
## 34        0.321      0.00      0.336          0.544
## 35        0.709      0.00      0.449          0.840
## 36        0.576      0.90      0.670          0.984
## 37        0.564      0.90      0.649          0.983
## 38        0.667      0.00      0.183          0.716
## 39        0.995      0.90      0.758          0.999
## 40        0.321      0.00      0.169          0.411
## 41        0.996      0.90      0.979          0.999
## 42        0.603      0.90      0.472          0.978
## 43        0.576      0.00      0.330          0.703
## 44        0.606      0.00      0.829          0.808
## 45        0.000      0.00      0.407          0.407
## 46        0.321      0.00      0.290          0.497
## 47        0.000      0.90      0.634          0.907
## 48        0.820      0.00      0.337          0.894
## 49        0.000      0.90      0.745          0.973
## 50        0.099      0.00      0.608          0.631
## 51        0.000      0.00      0.840          0.840
## 52        0.576      0.90      0.505          0.977
## 53        0.999      0.90      0.988          0.999
## 54        0.576      0.90      0.358          0.970
## 55        0.000      0.80      0.342          0.862
## 56        0.197      0.00      0.566          0.636
## 57        0.576      0.90      0.303          0.967
## 58        0.969      0.90      0.658          0.998
grs = graph_from_data_frame(datf[, c("node1", "node2")], directed = FALSE)
E(grs)$weight = 1
V(grs)$size = centralization.degree(grs)$res
ggdf = ggnetwork(grs, layout = layout_with_fr(grs), cell.jitter = 0)
ggplot(ggdf, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
  geom_edges(color = "black", curvature = 0.1, linewidth = 0.95, alpha = 0.8)+
  geom_nodes(aes(x = x, y = y), size = 3, alpha = 0.5, color = "orange") +
  geom_nodelabel_repel(aes(label = name), size = 2.5, color = "#8856a7") +
  theme_blank() + theme(legend.position = "none")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: BiocGenerics
## Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     combine, intersect, setdiff, union
## The following objects are masked from 'package:igraph':
##     normalize, path, union
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     anyDuplicated, append, as.data.frame, basename, cbind, colnames,
##     dirname, do.call, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find, get, grep,
##     grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, Map, mapply, match, mget,
##     order, paste, pmax, pmax.int, pmin, pmin.int, Position, rank,
##     rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply,
##     union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min
## Loading required package: Biobase
## Welcome to Bioconductor
##     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
##     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
##     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
## Loading required package: annotate
## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## Loading required package: stats4
## Loading required package: IRanges
## Loading required package: S4Vectors
## Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     first, rename
## The following objects are masked from 'package:reshape':
##     expand, rename
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     expand
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     expand.grid, I, unname
## Attaching package: 'IRanges'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     collapse, desc, slice
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     collapse
## The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices':
##     windows
## Attaching package: 'AnnotationDbi'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     select
## Loading required package: XML
## Loading required package: graph
## Attaching package: 'graph'
## The following object is masked from 'package:XML':
##     addNode
## The following objects are masked from 'package:igraph':
##     degree, edges, intersection
## This requires a login to the website.
fl   =  "../data/genesets.v2023.1.Hs.xml"
gss  =  getBroadSets(fl)
## [1] "Mus musculus"
table(sapply(gss, organism))
## Mus musculus 
##          930
## GeneSetCollection
##   unique identifiers: AHNAK, ALCAM, ..., PHACTR4 (15553 total)
##   types in collection:
##     geneIdType: SymbolIdentifier (1 total)
##     collectionType: BroadCollection (1 total)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
d1 <- data.frame(Yellow = c(25, 500), Blue = c(25, 100), Red = c(25, 400))
row.names(d1) <- c('Significant', 'Universe')
Yellow Blue Red
Significant 25 25 25
Universe 500 100 400
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
universe = c(rep("Yellow", 500), rep("Blue", 100), rep("Red", 400))
countblue = replicate(20000, {
  pick75 = sample(universe, 75, replace = FALSE)
  sum(pick75 == "Blue")
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   0.000   6.000   7.000   7.492   9.000  20.000
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(data.frame(countblue), aes(x = countblue)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, colour = "white", fill = "purple", center = 0.5, linewidth = 1)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: ggdendro
## Loading required package: gridExtra
## Attaching package: 'gridExtra'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     combine
## The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
##     combine
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     combine
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer
##          Gene_Symbol      Brain_A      Brain_B      Brain_C      Heart_A
## 1      0610007P14Rik  0.583821300  0.811178200 -0.248054500 -0.670754430
## 2      0610008F07Rik  0.132626060  0.112301350  0.312233920  0.101930620
## 3      0610009B22Rik -0.093576430 -0.200746540  0.250508300 -1.021361400
## 4      0610009D07Rik  0.067083360  0.126169200 -0.123456955 -0.744005200
## 5      0610009O20Rik  0.021918774  0.134603980  0.271852970  0.274609570
## 6      0610010F05Rik -0.105888370 -0.055680275  0.011550903  0.060846330
## 7      0610010K14Rik  0.017017365  0.508284570  0.235718730 -0.337080000
## 8      0610011F06Rik  0.089499000  0.305825700  0.053700447 -0.280189500
## 9      0610012G03Rik -0.167317870 -0.143017290 -0.374084470  0.039494038
## 10     0610012H03Rik  0.034482956  0.176100730  0.072544575  0.005020618
## 11     0610030E20Rik -0.135389800 -0.478253840 -0.146669860  0.053563118
## 12     0610031J06Rik  0.148112300  0.308350560  0.278199200 -0.237701420
## 13     0610037L13Rik  0.184633260  0.235663410  0.735561400  0.138975140
## 14     0610040B10Rik  0.521688940  0.405527600  0.471277700  0.191289420
## 15     0610040J01Rik  0.000000000  0.034128666  0.089999200 -0.212408070
## 16     1100001G20Rik -0.006621838 -0.107301235  0.053710460  0.000000000
## 17     1110001A16Rik  0.446373460  0.793332600  0.934689040 -0.119122505
## 18     1110001J03Rik -0.122501370  0.000000000  0.147428990 -0.092612270
## 19     1110002L01Rik  0.561212060  0.791598800 -0.132620330 -0.322017670
## 20     1110004E09Rik -0.025690556  0.455727580  0.495500560 -0.097280025
## 21     1110004F10Rik  0.021909714  0.000000000  0.287421230 -0.272432330
## 22     1110006O24Rik  0.087490080  0.071885586 -0.164383410  0.000000000
## 23     1110007C09Rik  0.283854480  0.111957550  0.041959763 -0.035444260
## 24     1110008F13Rik  0.117875100 -0.201073650 -0.466361050 -1.154291200
## 25     1110008J03Rik -0.006820679 -0.151138300  0.108343124  0.036622047
## 26     1110008L16Rik -0.712367060  0.113869190  1.099696600  0.292397980
## 27     1110008P14Rik  0.092078686 -0.120291710  0.124584200 -0.079120160
## 28     1110012L19Rik  0.924580350  0.503031490  1.145199050 -0.513648985
## 29     1110017D15Rik -0.195298200  0.000000000 -0.192935940 -0.040094376
## 30     1110032A03Rik  0.751852040  0.655700700  0.330963130 -0.608601570
## 31     1110032F04Rik -0.014842035 -0.010968685  0.071282863 -0.133693695
## 32     1110034G24Rik  0.993034840  0.964386460  0.951295400  0.459557060
## 33     1110037F02Rik  0.056138037  0.085503586  0.437434523  0.293288867
## 34     1110038F14Rik -0.450596330  0.006381989 -0.691206000  0.240078930
## 35     1110051M20Rik  0.095395090 -0.135659220 -0.110706330 -0.387126920
## 36     1110057K04Rik  0.049049377 -0.331742300  0.081490990 -0.683506000
## 37     1110058L19Rik  0.122638940  0.383940705  0.696602320 -0.201188325
## 38     1110059E24Rik -0.143974300  0.026944160  0.340705870 -0.170465470
## 39     1110059G10Rik  0.201825140 -0.190685270  0.838624950  0.000000000
## 40     1110059M19Rik -0.091547490  0.011567116 -0.049226284  0.049384594
## 41     1110065P20Rik  0.003420353  0.018584251 -0.040905000  0.058675766
## 42     1190002N15Rik -0.445428370 -0.604033950 -0.287226680  0.577609060
## 43     1190005I06Rik  0.000000000  0.016355038  0.000000000 -0.018420696
## 44     1190007I07Rik -0.068022250 -0.105204580 -0.151452060  0.163117410
## 45     1200014J11Rik -0.070289610 -0.100507736  0.466013900 -0.001914024
## 46     1300002K09Rik -0.173666480 -0.022186280  0.000000000  0.000066800
## 47     1300017J02Rik -0.145506860  0.017158985 -0.207314970 -0.124299050
## 48     1500002F19Rik -0.104049206 -0.278739930 -1.172356100 -1.117887000
## 49     1500009C09Rik  0.125998500  0.102641580 -0.001962662 -0.067315580
## 50     1500011B03Rik  0.000000000 -0.174635890  0.290543560 -0.233426570
## 51     1500011K16Rik -0.445693970  0.509779930  0.497816100 -0.703756330
## 52     1500012F01Rik -0.251766200 -0.560409550 -0.842336650 -0.043907166
## 53     1500015O10Rik -0.159251690  0.079365730  0.275936130  0.042119980
## 54     1600002H07Rik  0.038933277 -0.094993114  0.146145820 -0.120644570
## 55     1600002K03Rik -0.206387520 -0.091880800 -0.146019460  0.071624756
## 56     1600012H06Rik  0.000000000  0.089706420  0.179288860 -0.003049851
## 57     1600014C10Rik -0.215618130  0.000000000  0.199883940  0.090336800
## 58     1600014K23Rik -0.111561775  0.112286570 -0.037129880  0.000000000
## 59     1600015I10Rik  0.190909390 -0.042310238 -0.080662250  0.000489000
## 60     1600017P15Rik -0.058201790 -0.056797504 -0.005234718 -0.071463585
## 61     1600029D21Rik -0.035245420 -0.160283570 -0.098185540 -0.022998810
## 62     1600029I14Rik  0.021473408 -0.107681750  0.024267197  0.004160404
## 63     1600029O15Rik -0.008043766 -0.031773090 -0.336074350 -0.133758070
## 64     1700001C02Rik -0.070769310  0.135436060  0.126147270 -0.050273895
## 65     1700001C19Rik  0.114964486  0.313562880  0.070638178  0.053470134
## 66     1700001G17Rik  0.105551240  0.050423145  0.414375780  0.253577230
## 67     1700001J03Rik  0.014658451  0.013553619  0.048101902  0.090931416
## 68     1700001J11Rik -0.149873260  0.166211600 -0.009781361 -0.090561390
## 69     1700001K19Rik -0.127673630 -0.077965740  0.000000000  0.338340280
## 70     1700001L05Rik -0.189256670 -0.333961500 -0.112204075 -0.085585120
## 71     1700001L19Rik  0.098959446  0.008140087 -0.015996456 -0.016870499
## 72     1700001O22Rik  0.145047660 -0.111752030  0.836732860 -0.018258095
## 73     1700001P01Rik -0.336738100 -0.255229000  0.288915160 -0.176509860
## 74     1700003E16Rik -0.048564434  0.116449830  0.367126940 -0.024671555
## 75     1700003E24Rik  0.000000000  0.029492378 -0.130871532 -0.046230317
## 76     1700003F12Rik -0.037593365 -0.046936512  0.153212550  0.248368740
## 77     1700003H04Rik  0.009254932  0.055111410 -0.035352707 -0.014449120
## 78     1700003M02Rik -0.023036003  0.063896656 -0.022087574  0.033626080
## 79     1700003O11Rik -0.149570940  0.015823364 -0.088792800  0.081779960
## 80     1700006A11Rik  0.087985516  0.000000000 -0.055223940 -0.100205900
## 81     1700006E09Rik  0.000000000 -0.033807755  0.151624200 -0.096747875
## 82     1700007B14Rik -0.043994427 -0.024906158  0.014934063  0.281105520
## 83     1700007G11Rik -0.130292420 -0.050508022  0.101530550  0.204132080
## 84     1700007K09Rik -0.238406180  0.039500237 -0.021145820 -0.008360386
## 85     1700007K13Rik -0.134807110 -0.064011100  0.000000000  0.022831917
## 86     1700008A04Rik -0.071861270  0.058793545 -0.029700280 -0.081809520
## 87     1700008F21Rik  0.104508400  0.019853592  0.088422300  0.036264896
## 88     1700008I05Rik -0.049357890 -0.062359333  0.013828278  0.001449585
## 89     1700008J07Rik -0.011330605  0.168132300  0.307642460 -0.022977829
## 90     1700008O03Rik  0.096676830  0.132058620 -0.071629524 -0.262227060
## 91     1700008P02Rik  0.032011032  0.071275710  0.092432020 -0.028336525
## 92     1700009J07Rik  0.071457386 -0.095787525 -0.047974586 -0.100521090
## 93     1700009N14Rik -0.119846820  0.032348633 -0.093623160  0.048902510
## 94     1700009P17Rik -0.103669170 -0.108954910  0.051001072 -0.016495705
## 95     1700010I14Rik  0.000000000 -0.257187370 -0.082531930 -0.062419415
## 96     1700011A15Rik  0.105683330  0.064107420  0.111911300  0.082499504
## 97     1700011E24Rik -0.056731224 -0.029707909  0.079798220  0.055110455
## 98     1700011H14Rik  0.000000000 -0.159026150  0.091562750  0.001141548
## 99     1700011I03Rik  0.012178421  0.101752760  0.006744385  0.099054810
## 100    1700011L22Rik -0.061778545  0.007957459  0.000000000  0.216253760
## 101    1700012A03Rik  0.161382200  0.167398450 -0.233665940 -0.106126785
## 102    1700012B07Rik -0.057643414 -0.005564690  0.154047490  0.086338040
## 103    1700012B09Rik  0.004110813 -0.038983822  0.054497242  0.006484032
## 104    1700012B15Rik -0.008268833  0.243364330 -0.366273400 -0.216052530
## 105    1700012L04Rik  0.054064274  0.000000000  0.004910469  0.016116620
## 106    1700012P22Rik  0.012667179  0.041931152 -0.024754047  0.125257020
## 107    1700013D24Rik  0.003543377 -0.066108230  0.003543377 -0.187694550
## 108    1700013F07Rik  0.008686543 -0.058931350 -0.010235786  0.254519940
## 109    1700013G24Rik  0.071109295 -0.026942730  0.181667330  0.115275860
## 110    1700015E13Rik -0.171827800 -0.046294212  0.192986010 -0.217399120
## 111    1700016C15Rik -0.083126070 -0.164715770 -0.147489070  0.000000000
## 112    1700016D06Rik -0.072000500  0.028714180 -0.030122757  0.088421820
## 113    1700016H13Rik -0.040621280  0.000000000  0.081183910  0.023746967
## 114    1700016K19Rik -0.001085758 -0.046042442  0.192039970  0.036317825
## 115    1700017B05Rik -0.114327430 -0.231056210  0.051724434  0.000000000
## 116    1700017D01Rik  0.055444717  0.058598520 -0.007930279 -0.050889970
## 117    1700017N19Rik -0.015367031 -0.025628090  0.007658482 -0.071199420
## 118    1700018A04Rik  1.129120300  1.639661800  0.559495000  0.000000000
## 119    1700018A14Rik -0.025476933 -0.131744860  0.050949574 -0.019486427
## 120    1700018B08Rik -0.098516464 -0.012972832  0.000000000  0.146507260
## 121    1700018B24Rik -0.082910060  0.104556080  0.001297951 -0.009821415
## 122    1700018C11Rik  0.035699844 -0.022244930  0.049312115  0.000000000
## 123    1700018F24Rik -0.028091430  0.001529217 -0.157968520  0.138710980
## 124    1700019A02Rik  0.028344631 -0.052751540 -0.003244877  0.058024406
## 125    1700019B03Rik -0.092291355  0.006408215 -0.120438576 -0.018733978
## 126    1700019D03Rik  0.030315400  0.033775330  0.127828600 -0.028421879
## 127    1700019G17Rik  0.475992200  0.581736100  0.781287200  0.158079620
## 128    1700019M22Rik  0.155026440  0.001454353  0.028196335 -0.076697830
## 129    1700019N19Rik  0.149945740  0.178660400 -0.056272984 -0.108548640
## 130    1700019O17Rik  0.169645310 -0.052846910  0.051673412  0.094734190
## 131    1700020A23Rik -0.093286514  0.000000000 -0.117088795  0.107840060
## 132    1700020D05Rik -0.005561352 -0.017410278  0.220433240 -0.196670530
## 133    1700020L24Rik -0.000155000  0.314732550 -0.068905350 -0.300108430
## 134    1700020N01Rik -0.039798737 -0.080881120  0.265720840 -0.059308530
## 135    1700021F05Rik -0.379727360  0.198880200  0.073132515  0.024529457
## 136    1700021F07Rik -0.097615240 -0.069334984  0.000000000  0.021621227
## 137    1700021K19Rik -0.278433800  0.016823292  0.087115290  0.295260900
## 138    1700022A21Rik -0.073415280  0.000000000  0.002455711  0.098685740
## 139    1700022I11Rik  0.006767750 -0.234194280  0.000000000 -0.247027870
## 140    1700022P22Rik  0.000000000  0.010089874 -0.136968610  0.200428490
## 141    1700023E05Rik -0.056877136  0.011528969  0.011528969  0.046679020
## 142    1700023F06Rik -0.041665077 -0.053824425  0.003343105 -0.184921260
## 143    1700024G13Rik -0.250535500 -0.092257500 -0.003271103 -0.035009860
## 144    1700024J04Rik -0.018031120 -0.189993860 -0.041798590  0.027809620
## 145    1700024P04Rik -0.070022106  0.008720875 -0.002543926 -0.032065390
## 146    1700024P16Rik -0.000483000 -0.010056973 -0.027037144  0.030415535
## 147    1700025F22Rik -0.031166553 -0.014975548  0.020474910  0.002863407
## 148    1700025G04Rik -0.970149025 -1.573818965 -0.897290730  1.541749250
## 149    1700026D08Rik  0.005948544 -0.006489754 -0.044510365  0.000897000
## 150    1700026L06Rik -0.223026750  0.000000000 -0.050155640 -0.193211080
## 151    1700027A07Rik  0.105490210  0.076793194  0.623592400  0.024451256
## 152    1700028J19Rik  0.080348490  0.000000000  0.245141500 -0.235863690
## 153    1700028K03Rik  0.122828010 -0.070186140  0.154321670 -0.074555874
## 154    1700028P14Rik -0.093678474 -0.021936893  0.009174824  0.097423550
## 155    1700029F12Rik -0.190759660 -0.007926941 -0.081097126  0.009718895
## 156    1700029H14Rik -0.020673275 -0.049056053  0.240290160  0.063752650
## 157    1700029I15Rik  0.154694560 -0.032741547 -0.058504580  0.119287014
## 158    1700029J07Rik  0.541650300  0.832765600  0.052181720  0.160395620
## 159    1700029M20Rik -0.053388120 -0.099946020  0.072730064 -0.067453384
## 160    1700029P11Rik  0.036470890  0.000000000  0.013199329  0.070683480
## 161    1700030C12Rik -0.020537853 -0.028586864  0.044564247 -0.113567350
## 162    1700030F18Rik -0.065585610  0.011308193 -0.044862270 -0.064455510
## 163    1700030J22Rik  0.000000000 -0.136362080  0.037570953 -0.052990913
## 164    1700030K09Rik -0.022748947  0.177844520  0.176344400  0.131128790
## 165    1700031F05Rik -0.146284100 -0.079292300  0.146715160  0.339013580
## 166    1700031M16Rik  0.117419240  0.035327910  0.054441452 -0.088530540
## 167    1700034E13Rik -0.028066158 -0.006464481 -0.008623123  0.086260320
## 168    1700034F02Rik -0.039505480 -0.051082610 -0.038892270  0.031315804
## 169    1700034H15Rik  0.013263226  0.000000000  0.044581890 -0.149217130
## 170    1700034I23Rik  0.038682223  0.010345459  0.453238245  0.047599075
## 171    1700034J05Rik  1.920192700  0.537848000  0.217340950  0.193850520
## 172    1700034O15Rik  0.025118351 -0.094072340  0.130504610 -0.127588750
## 173    1700037C18Rik  0.070514680  0.035396576  0.090058800 -0.007382393
## 174    1700037H04Rik -0.325621600  0.035489082  0.624046300  0.504094100
## 175    1700039E15Rik  0.023280620  0.000000000  0.272193900 -0.177635670
## 176    1700040L02Rik  0.186154370 -0.139716150 -0.056905270 -0.260954860
## 177    1700042B14Rik -0.017910480  0.012936115 -0.057887077  0.006002426
## 178    1700048O20Rik  0.098782540  0.613058100  0.283298020 -0.204670900
## 179    1700049G17Rik  0.373135100  0.162284370  0.129048350  0.295723440
## 180    1700049L16Rik -0.067315100 -0.120203020 -0.092275140 -0.154038900
## 181    1700052K11Rik  0.000000000  0.183339120  0.105646130  0.346268650
## 182    1700052N19Rik -0.185333730 -0.115017414 -0.260028360 -0.330617430
## 183    1700054O13Rik -0.309738640 -0.041080475 -0.017727852  0.069203850
## 184    1700055N04Rik -0.296396730 -0.052923918  0.089683773  0.069499490
## 185    1700056E22Rik -0.163049700 -0.008472919 -0.064412594  0.353295800
## 186    1700057G04Rik -0.131901740 -0.185189720  0.015891075 -0.016784668
## 187    1700058G18Rik  0.062911990 -0.089979650  0.051926613 -0.093006610
## 188    1700061G19Rik -0.143141750 -0.067948340  0.148036960  0.084084034
## 189    1700062I23Rik  0.553984640  0.337361340  1.032657600 -0.310960770
## 190    1700065I17Rik -0.094940186 -0.062092780  0.039102554  0.165165900
## 191    1700066B19Rik -0.107564926  0.228705880 -0.043086530 -0.139088630
## 192    1700066M21Rik  0.144037720  0.119452950 -0.211150650 -0.069206240
## 193    1700067K01Rik  0.027424335 -0.107595920 -0.069371700  0.034888744
## 194    1700067P10Rik -0.092095375  0.038667680 -0.044641970 -0.144682880
## 195    1700069L16Rik -0.013317108  0.271696100  0.071665290  0.113298416
## 196    1700071K01Rik -0.133917330 -0.097689630  0.045141220 -0.485022070
## 197    1700072H12Rik  0.319765100 -0.129516120  0.447893620  0.026719570
## 198    1700073E17Rik  0.583162300  0.369132040 -0.014276028 -0.213057040
## 199    1700074P13Rik -0.056555748 -0.004511833  0.078117850  0.000000000
## 200    1700080E11Rik -0.092103004  0.010573387  0.004580975  0.063871380
## 201    1700080O16Rik -0.076529500  0.082573890  0.000000000 -0.073228836
## 202    1700084C01Rik  0.045799732  0.605234600  0.064627650  0.029738903
## 203    1700084E18Rik  0.178718090  0.051359653  0.186361790 -0.111791610
## 204    1700084J12Rik  0.366786000 -0.104489800 -0.179162030 -0.056873320
## 205    1700084K02Rik -0.012821674 -0.033076763  0.141801830  0.186422820
## 206    1700086L19Rik -0.013110638  0.121223450  0.223953720  0.007463932
## 207    1700086O06Rik -0.197064880  0.181907180 -0.006680489  0.090911390
## 208    1700092C17Rik -0.049883842 -0.239914900  0.171190260  0.000000000
## 209    1700093K21Rik -0.051568510  0.019342900  0.016726970 -0.039883137
## 210    1700094D03Rik -0.113239290  0.310786720 -0.029020310  0.000000000
## 211    1700101E01Rik -0.052535057 -0.128429890  0.000000000  0.014950752
## 212    1700102P08Rik  0.260072230 -0.356774330 -0.684742450 -0.513595600
## 213    1700106J16Rik  0.032988070 -0.045261383  0.275034900 -0.185951710
## 214    1700109F18Rik -0.284667730 -0.153229240 -0.075826405 -0.022662401
## 215    1700110M21Rik  0.014754772 -0.077193260  0.000876000 -0.040368557
## 216    1700112E06Rik -0.347889900 -0.272151000 -0.546582700  0.403674130
## 217    1700113H08Rik -0.072861670 -0.118227005 -0.031631470  0.000000000
## 218    1700120K04Rik  0.090051174 -0.009232998 -0.087545395  0.329945560
## 219    1700123I01Rik -0.108308315 -0.232833390  0.000000000 -0.179721360
## 220    1700123K08Rik -0.067820070  0.152525420  0.078269480 -0.098330500
## 221    1700123L14Rik  0.056938650  0.008023739  0.000000000  0.099824905
## 222    1700123O20Rik  0.126156800 -0.087166786 -0.205475800  0.275830270
## 223    1700125H20Rik -0.050211430  0.000787000  0.053585052 -0.026776314
## 224    1700128F08Rik  0.025259495 -0.131186490 -0.074734690  0.051568985
## 225    1700129C05Rik -0.052396774  0.060659410  0.006750584  0.041917800
## 226    1810009A15Rik  0.218942640  0.394142150  0.102634430  0.145916940
## 227    1810009J06Rik  0.008276940  0.052579165  0.024280220 -0.013765574
## 228    1810010D01Rik -0.035038470  0.004740238 -0.000738000 -0.056257725
## 229    1810010H24Rik  0.109558580 -0.098920345  0.000000000 -0.046483517
## 230    1810011H11Rik  0.050721170  0.000000000 -0.104161260  0.014095783
## 231    1810011O10Rik -0.143494600 -1.569353100 -1.850275000  0.541169170
## 232    1810013L24Rik  0.000000000 -0.049267770  0.110368730 -0.025300980
## 233    1810019J16Rik  0.022594690  0.055053713  0.114979265 -0.103079560
## 234    1810020O05Rik  0.042371750 -0.034096240 -0.067448616 -0.057267190
## 235    1810022K09Rik -0.281319620 -0.473811630  0.971445560  0.229174610
## 236    1810024B03Rik  0.000000000 -0.038317204 -0.134060860  0.026834965
## 237    1810030O07Rik  0.014418125  0.000000000 -0.694752200 -0.467204100
## 238    1810032O08Rik  0.058212757  0.095249650 -0.205876830  0.506019100
## 239    1810033B17Rik -0.226346500  0.037578106 -0.015794277 -0.055524350
## 240    1810037I17Rik  0.639081000  0.593948590  0.523704290 -0.195341825
## 241    1810041L15Rik -0.067287920  0.049622536  0.018837929  0.125064370
## 242    1810043G02Rik  0.110304356  0.145143990 -0.124618530  0.063830376
## 243    1810046K07Rik  0.032253265 -0.017371655  0.191174500  0.000000000
## 244    1810055G02Rik  0.068831444 -0.017028809 -0.120802400 -0.016153336
## 245    1810058I24Rik -0.277225020 -0.125026700  0.309346200 -0.085268020
## 246    1810062O18Rik  2.666431000  0.920930400  1.777166800 -0.091947080
## 247    1810064F22Rik  0.000000000 -0.030619621  0.204918860  0.014997482
## 248    1810065E05Rik  0.016843796  0.054073810  0.063145640  0.032907963
## 249    2010001E11Rik -0.007395744  0.030287743  0.055468560  0.000000000
## 250    2010001K21Rik -0.015836716  0.112570286 -0.060502530  0.034261227
## 251    2010002M12Rik  0.185550210 -0.115674970  0.108767030  0.054172993
## 252    2010003K11Rik  0.035734653 -0.089583874 -0.019727707  0.056513310
## 253    2010005H15Rik  0.379891400  0.151659010  0.242941860  0.133468150
## 254    2010012O05Rik  0.113296030  0.029916763  0.000000000  0.105827810
## 255    2010015L04Rik -0.246676920 -0.271588800 -0.278308400  0.918908100
## 256    2010106E10Rik -0.014517307 -0.045470238  0.137612340  0.014895439
## 257    2010107E04Rik  0.215309140 -0.053307533 -0.120116234 -0.029204369
## 258    2010107G12Rik  0.107574940  0.000000000 -0.063588140  0.310282230
## 259    2010107G23Rik -0.030854225  0.321105960 -0.038702965 -0.011923313
## 260    2010109I03Rik -0.020999908 -0.108200550  0.017960548  0.378422260
## 261    2010111I01Rik  0.343344700  0.000000000  0.396261700  0.099524020
## 262    2010204K13Rik  0.000000000 -0.023882866 -0.068621160 -0.163544650
## 263    2010300C02Rik  0.065042020 -0.088902470  0.114657400 -0.025542736
## 264    2200002D01Rik  0.083494190 -0.103322980 -0.225993160  0.162463190
## 265    2200002J24Rik  0.084285736 -0.004173756 -0.027937890  0.104061600
## 266    2210010C04Rik  0.021272660  0.163581370  0.000000000  0.011039734
## 267    2210016F16Rik -1.269731500 -1.319796100 -1.026216500 -0.508014200
## 268    2210018M11Rik  0.193901060  0.156788830  0.095801350  0.324418070
## 269    2210404J11Rik -0.177500724 -0.163876892 -0.118998888 -0.064925908
## 270    2210404O07Rik -0.028292656 -0.008226872 -0.314440730 -0.236005780
## 271    2210407C18Rik -0.007306099 -0.016640663  0.010960102 -0.019815922
## 272    2210408I21Rik  0.170769690 -0.147052290 -0.144039150 -0.009192944
## 273    2210409E12Rik -0.061766387 -0.046186211  0.030608893 -0.041410208
## 274    2210418O10Rik           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 275    2300002M23Rik -0.080577850 -0.150224690 -0.114619255  0.013511181
## 276    2300005B03Rik -0.069681644 -0.068997380  0.000000000 -0.001284123
## 277    2300009A05Rik  0.224422930  0.040317060 -0.037374973  0.117249010
## 278    2310001K24Rik -0.035125256  0.067008495  0.062438965 -0.027454853
## 279    2310002J15Rik  0.019802094 -0.144527910 -0.087827680 -0.034668922
## 280    2310002L09Rik -0.031354427 -0.051537514  0.136739250  0.037201405
## 281    2310003H01Rik  0.000000000 -0.130325320  0.238169200  0.043261528
## 282    2310005G13Rik -0.076345444 -0.033959866 -0.006132126 -0.010365009
## 283    2310007B03Rik  0.074738500  0.000000000 -0.076848030 -0.127776150
## 284    2310007L24Rik  0.183712480 -0.016448498 -0.011539459  0.000000000
## 285    2310011J03Rik -0.254872800  0.181749820  0.334820750  0.205941680
## 286    2310014L17Rik -0.000151000 -0.188230510  0.211755750 -0.087677956
## 287    2310022A10Rik -0.218383310 -0.118835450  0.654299740  0.011893272
## 288    2310022B05Rik  0.121261600  0.460609440  0.418961050 -0.016240597
## 289    2310030G06Rik -0.079600810  0.092131140  0.116005900 -0.006982803
## 290    2310033P09Rik  0.087945223  0.245606895  0.066675425  0.061840775
## 291    2310034C09Rik  0.021092415 -0.003794193 -0.051092148  0.083589080
## 292    2310035C23Rik  0.028766632 -0.066791534  0.084208490  0.000000000
## 293    2310036O22Rik -0.041622162  0.155237200  0.212957380  0.034154892
## 294    2310039H08Rik -0.479833130 -0.182880400  0.495607380 -0.389719500
## 295    2310042E22Rik  0.000000000 -0.209040160  0.197522160  0.611922260
## 296    2310044G17Rik  0.401428220  0.333306300  0.165366170 -0.114554405
## 297    2310047M10Rik -0.221013310 -0.145537375  0.009519815 -0.158394335
## 298    2310057J18Rik  0.034747600 -0.017416477  0.160697460  0.055818558
## 299    2310057M21Rik -0.344513420 -0.202951910  0.292315480  0.064856050
## 300    2310057N15Rik  0.028844357  0.014648914 -0.022405148 -0.010552406
## 301    2310061I04Rik -0.041447640  0.237933160  0.476584430 -0.043713570
## 302    2310061J03Rik  0.057495117  0.010825157  0.356048100 -0.062225340
## 303    2310061N02Rik -0.001427174  0.148611070  0.160734180  0.108139990
## 304    2310067B10Rik -0.145823000  0.137162210  0.184690480  0.399950030
## 305    2310067E19Rik  0.300986300 -0.320750240 -0.675506600  0.650143600
## 306    2310068J16Rik  0.103820324  0.061668873  0.520663260  0.362930300
## 307    2310079G19Rik  0.130560870  0.062388420  0.114501000  0.027592182
## 308    2310081J21Rik -0.221948307  0.003671805 -0.058125973 -0.124766030
## 309    2410002F23Rik -0.340312005 -0.106341365 -0.026208748  0.034162044
## 310    2410004B18Rik  0.159839630  0.057299614  0.056867600 -0.026902199
## 311    2410012M07Rik  0.127504830  0.095062730  0.172923090  0.013036728
## 312    2410015M20Rik  0.055338860  0.368039130  0.335322380 -0.596663500
## 313    2410016O06Rik -0.161313216 -0.155610403  0.065033276  0.143174650
## 314    2410017I17Rik  0.084098816  0.004487991  0.128769870  0.022362709
## 315    2410018L13Rik  0.219419480 -0.211769580  0.126194950 -0.048590660
## 316    2410018M08Rik  0.365313050 -0.323359000  0.097695830  0.003146648
## 317    2410024N13Rik -0.086375710  0.140438080  1.407590400  0.223092560
## 318    2410066E13Rik  0.540652750  0.859511400  0.150150300  0.168477060
## 319    2410076I21Rik  0.182360650 -0.056644917 -0.512984300 -0.117340090
## 320    2410089E03Rik  0.227130089 -0.080616155 -0.051536400  0.461312292
## 321    2410127L17Rik  0.108698369  0.054503083  0.770441528 -0.419520975
## 322    2410131K14Rik -0.034718037  0.000000000  0.034507750  0.038028717
## 323    2410137M14Rik -0.060420990 -0.029189587  0.142936700  0.124396800
## 324    2510002D24Rik  0.123845580 -0.014472008 -0.034155846  0.153345110
## 325    2510003E04Rik  0.130523922  0.063129187  0.030981779  0.092599631
## 326    2510009E07Rik  0.279027000 -0.020182610  0.035292625 -0.266297820
## 327    2510039O18Rik -0.190219880 -0.183774000 -0.222916600  0.081582070
## 328    2510049J12Rik  0.153028490 -0.283674720 -0.095906734 -0.050082684
## 329    2610001J05Rik  0.187284470  0.349656100  0.355133060 -0.417689320
## 330    2610002J02Rik  0.017950058 -0.027392387  0.184565540  0.102800370
## 331    2610002M06Rik -0.262149800 -0.085355760 -0.355484500  0.309365270
## 332    2610005L07Rik  0.099340120  0.037048976  0.069928170  0.226517360
## 333    2610008E11Rik  0.000000000  0.204545020  0.011977196  0.618899350
## 334    2610017I09Rik -0.075977325 -0.027713299  0.093613625  0.022530556
## 335    2610018G03Rik -0.204934120  0.024814606  0.028774738  0.050582886
## 336    2610020H08Rik -0.216604710 -0.124933720  0.000000000 -0.324143400
## 337    2610028H24Rik -0.091183186  0.175497530 -0.064408300  0.045812130
## 338    2610034B18Rik  0.063348290  0.014974117 -0.364438060  0.248540400
## 339    2610034M16Rik  0.028903484  0.116603850  0.014930248 -0.073666096
## 340   2610044O15Rik8  0.638599900  0.386294840 -0.104424950 -0.271647450
## 341    2610203C20Rik  1.131308100  0.739532000  1.452051600 -0.100877285
## 342    2610204G22Rik -0.062154770  0.793468000  0.513364800  0.495854850
## 343    2610206C17Rik  0.000000000 -0.080711840  0.245007040 -0.071067330
## 344    2610301B20Rik  0.000000000  0.057202340  0.091357230 -0.544721600
## 345    2610305D13Rik  0.330282200  0.000000000  0.028735160  1.308662400
## 346    2610318N02Rik -0.088795422  0.006518605  0.034729240 -0.034690857
## 347    2610507B11Rik -0.118450165  0.024452210  0.192113880  0.166115760
## 348    2610524H06Rik  0.232193000  0.000000000 -1.010356900 -0.480700020
## 349    2610528A11Rik -0.108659744  0.095161440  0.141017440 -0.017159462
## 350    2610528J11Rik  0.197281840 -0.163743970  0.000000000 -0.127202030
## 351    2700029M09Rik -0.070681570 -0.054183960  0.021338463  0.000000000
## 352    2700046G09Rik  0.103526590 -0.113291740 -0.110917090  0.066938880
## 353    2700049A03Rik  0.004995823  0.103593350 -0.048274994 -0.001202583
## 354    2700050L05Rik  0.149521830 -0.236308100 -0.519533630 -0.087789536
## 355    2700060E02Rik  0.078224658 -0.111175060  0.149868487  0.137659072
## 356    2700062C07Rik  0.273659230  0.388951780  0.430658340 -0.146205430
## 357    2700081O15Rik -0.162789340  0.000000000 -0.231483940  0.424275400
## 358    2700089E24Rik  0.226470000  0.261579500  0.152400020  0.048435210
## 359    2700094K13Rik -0.500400540  0.019884110  0.063647270 -0.708880400
## 360    2700097O09Rik  0.410332680  0.323027130  1.171061500 -0.261343000
## 361    2810001A02Rik -0.036703110  0.190675740 -0.361800200  0.123715400
## 362    2810004N23Rik  0.000000000  0.123057365  0.282055850 -0.461898330
## 363    2810006K23Rik  0.131269450  0.473841670  0.201152800  0.366439820
## 364    2810007J24Rik -0.042736530 -0.005722523  0.071425440  0.013008118
## 365    2810008D09Rik -0.019139767  0.000000000 -0.003664017  0.363929750
## 366    2810021J22Rik -0.124866010 -0.221512320 -0.348915100  0.155468940
## 367    2810025M15Rik  0.069656370  0.218078610  0.060272217  0.286479950
## 368    2810039B14Rik -0.081406590 -0.068487170  0.044067383  0.000000000
## 369   2810047C21Rik1 -0.006479502 -0.127950905 -0.191106560  0.357621670
## 370    2810055G20Rik -0.033219813 -0.076101778 -0.060990572 -0.063332558
## 371    2810403A07Rik  0.087987900 -0.124339100  0.048077583  0.364310260
## 372    2810408A11Rik -0.352198120  0.095735550 -0.420502660  0.265068530
## 373    2810408M09Rik -0.149436470  0.175217630  0.627375600  0.084738730
## 374    2810410L24Rik -0.013433456  0.145071980  0.258091930  0.117201805
## 375    2810417H13Rik -0.349092010 -0.369481565 -0.407094960 -0.191148755
## 376    2810428I15Rik -0.171360970  0.206578730 -0.389611720 -0.018723488
## 377    2810459M11Rik -0.049567223  0.074541570  0.055995464 -0.010887146
## 378    2810474O19Rik  0.000000000 -0.194647790 -0.045104980 -0.020717620
## 379    2900005J15Rik  0.230885980  0.250232700 -0.015271664 -0.131871700
## 380    2900011O08Rik -0.069721700  0.121916770 -0.031229973 -0.000932000
## 381    2900026A02Rik  0.165205480  0.296895030  0.589929100  0.253013600
## 382    2900041M22Rik -0.034034252  0.090533730  0.062899590  0.000000000
## 383    2900060B14Rik  0.035704613  0.048973560  0.039487362  0.075545790
## 384    2900092C05Rik  0.008183956 -0.084008690 -0.001725674  0.039889336
## 385    2900097C17Rik  0.011218070  0.082383631  0.088235378 -0.150813339
## 386    3000002C10Rik  0.016375542  0.078378680  0.007036209 -0.020949840
## 387    3010003L21Rik  0.288486960 -0.402955530  0.173574920  0.217200280
## 388    3010026O09Rik  0.000000000  0.156810280  0.099682330 -0.146155830
## 389    3010085J16Rik  1.312114200  0.180391790  0.230238910  0.000000000
## 390    3110001D03Rik  0.185641770 -0.339805600  0.111407760  0.004190922
## 391    3110002H16Rik -0.422524450 -0.314671520 -0.083898544 -0.188254360
## 392    3110007F17Rik  0.216360887  0.519597060  0.240387757  0.542996877
## 393    3110009E18Rik -0.297559740 -0.218226910 -0.019579887 -0.336140160
## 394    3110021A11Rik  0.178236480 -0.180297370 -0.072206500  0.054970740
## 395    3110035E14Rik -0.416578770 -0.383391860 -0.404885300  0.852613900
## 396    3110040M04Rik  0.073407650  0.049733162  0.022977829 -0.001814842
## 397    3110040N11Rik  0.252159120  0.191145900  0.764547350  0.167575360
## 398    3110043O21Rik  0.082081795  0.161895280 -0.179044250  0.035315514
## 399    3110047P20Rik  0.002822635  0.121793749 -0.052503588  0.135257720
## 400    3110052M02Rik  0.874858393  0.236733757  0.124863147 -0.104133290
## 401    3110053B16Rik -0.028329135 -0.019332409  0.036128760  0.160769938
## 402    3110057O12Rik  0.281241417  0.611994730 -0.655204305  0.231704460
## 403    3110062M04Rik  0.181258680 -0.007512093  0.115266320  0.034640312
## 404    3110070M22Rik  0.091392040 -0.059488773  0.174760340  0.050516130
## 405    3110079O15Rik -0.114710330 -0.082050800  0.087572100  0.000000000
## 406    3110082I17Rik -0.062808040  0.000000000 -0.057040215  0.005034447
## 407    3110082J24Rik  0.019376278  0.137525560  0.157194140  0.065669060
## 408    3300002I08Rik  0.004553795  0.369326100  0.097723010 -0.110701560
## 409    3426406K10Rik  0.040719986  0.093673706 -0.054281235  0.098283770
## 410    3632451O06Rik -0.009776592 -0.099761010 -0.027759552 -0.074264050
## 411    3830403N18Rik  0.975430000  1.226135700  1.176787900  0.006875992
## 412    3830406C13Rik -0.110106470 -0.002024651  0.000000000 -0.019567490
## 413    3830408C21Rik  0.355085850  0.452458860  0.000000000  0.314892300
## 414    3830417A13Rik  0.000000000 -0.026282787  0.000000000  0.061417580
## 415    3930402G23Rik  0.092159750 -0.077847480 -0.204860210  0.035101414
## 416    4430402I18Rik  0.739329340  1.309127800  1.373305300 -0.158356190
## 417    4631405J19Rik -0.022011280  0.008716583 -0.089543820  0.000000000
## 418    4632415L05Rik  0.134497640  0.356906900  0.464593900  0.038126470
## 419    4632419I22Rik -0.183919900 -0.259601600 -0.564302900 -0.218670850
## 420    4632427E13Rik  0.528219200  0.355617520  0.240360260  0.089973450
## 421    4632428N05Rik -0.489006040  0.000000000 -0.131141660  0.098978040
## 422    4632434I11Rik -0.490527630  0.096672535 -0.224360470 -0.371878150
## 423    4732456N10Rik -0.114900110 -0.040062904  0.027181149 -0.048329830
## 424    4732463B04Rik  0.008964539  0.037700176  0.066868305 -0.043219090
## 425    4833403I15Rik  0.012448788  0.000000000  0.102211950  0.017069340
## 426    4833408A19Rik  0.011006832 -0.045653820  0.603654860 -0.507632260
## 427    4833418N17Rik -0.090403080 -0.065528870  0.028159142  0.051133156
## 428    4833420G17Rik  0.086928604 -0.032400368 -0.239532470  0.152688740
## 429    4833422C13Rik -0.044384956 -0.058349133 -0.062980650 -0.050870895
## 430    4833423E24Rik -0.042319775  0.033624650  0.068368910 -0.034821033
## 431    4833424O15Rik -0.013450146 -0.094015600 -0.120354176  0.093243600
## 432    4833427G06Rik  0.000000000 -0.039609910  0.152828700  0.045524120
## 433    4833439L19Rik  0.282763480  0.722242360  0.811677000  0.038474083
## 434    4921501E09Rik  0.014646053 -0.027501106  0.051084995  0.000000000
## 435    4921504E06Rik  0.083896160 -0.039615154  0.002449036  0.021377087
## 436    4921506M07Rik  0.010961056 -0.152786250  0.186673640 -0.049844265
## 437    4921507P07Rik  0.263593200  0.377667900  0.116272450  0.151689530
## 438    4921509C19Rik  0.096273900  0.014123440  0.113124370 -0.011469841
## 439    4921511C20Rik  0.014168263  0.035308360 -0.055006027  0.000000000
## 440    4921511H03Rik  0.003365994 -0.003200531  0.045715332 -0.100673200
## 441    4921517D22Rik  0.300971980  0.031506060 -0.004867077 -0.158972260
## 442    4921524J17Rik  0.036399840  0.245459794  0.416569250 -0.172757390
## 443    4921524L21Rik  0.015716076 -0.014445305  0.007893562  0.013545513
## 444    4921530D09Rik -0.097038746 -0.091014385  0.042067050 -0.126907830
## 445    4921530L21Rik -0.040512560  0.000778000  0.007855892 -0.112515450
## 446    4921533I20Rik -0.010356903  0.128826620 -0.005348682  0.107900620
## 447    4921536K21Rik -0.095484730 -0.051566124  0.000000000 -0.035798550
## 448    4921539E11Rik -0.046910286 -0.023057938  0.063636300 -0.021452904
## 449    4922501C03Rik  0.266567230 -0.207213400  0.205639840  0.340969100
## 450    4922501L14Rik  0.000000000  0.053951740 -0.115812300  0.085506440
## 451    4922502D21Rik  0.091937065  0.003272057 -0.056855680 -0.089839935
## 452    4922505E12Rik -0.047899246  0.141420360  0.050192356  0.074939730
## 453    4930402F06Rik  0.003758431  0.002183914  0.078114990 -0.084523680
## 454    4930402H24Rik -0.160371780 -0.391669270 -0.470616340  0.889801000
## 455    4930404A10Rik -0.050934790 -0.005604267 -0.079926490 -0.036681652
## 456    4930404N11Rik -0.073314670 -0.075288296  0.120968340  0.120619774
## 457    4930407I10Rik  0.077912810  0.107437372  0.156925198 -0.137471910
## 458    4930412O13Rik -0.152982710 -0.007817696 -0.027997730 -0.052133799
## 459    4930415F15Rik -0.037286760 -0.114943030  0.123011110 -0.147561550
## 460    4930415L06Rik  0.000000000  0.028716564 -0.060304640  0.000767000
## 461    4930415O20Rik -0.007467747 -0.002046108  0.048157692  0.003626347
## 462    4930421P07Rik -0.089699745  0.054722786  0.128251080 -0.116605280
## 463    4930422G04Rik -0.319526196  0.008387090 -0.203784463  0.007194517
## 464    4930426L09Rik -0.052590370 -0.192633150 -0.109210970  0.249673370
## 465    4930427A07Rik -0.127262590 -0.054798126 -0.002175331 -0.139808180
## 466    4930428D18Rik -0.021406174  0.002186298 -0.016034603 -0.078219890
## 467    4930429B21Rik  0.148666380  0.016419410  0.171791080  0.304484370
## 468    4930430A15Rik -0.019408703 -0.046955585  0.099223614 -0.027961731
## 469    4930430D24Rik  0.054663660  0.000000000 -0.032133580 -0.053434372
## 470    4930430F08Rik  0.212056160  0.581388500  0.001717091 -0.086243630
## 471    4930432K09Rik -0.030784130 -0.035841940 -0.095419410  0.101881504
## 472    4930432K21Rik  0.000000000  0.085581300 -0.015534401  0.271683220
## 473    4930433I11Rik -0.006324291  0.040472030  0.064690110 -0.059958935
## 474    4930433N12Rik -0.037295340  0.006692886  0.000438000  0.014501095
## 475    4930435E12Rik -0.129473210 -0.085442540  0.038297176  0.103886604
## 476    4930441O14Rik -0.080986500  0.002329826  0.003293514 -0.013040066
## 477    4930444A02Rik  0.008475781  0.257411960  0.010706902 -0.132069110
## 478    4930444G20Rik  0.412802547 -0.165217875 -0.413218967  0.274666150
## 479    4930447C04Rik  0.002713203 -0.045590400 -0.006748200  0.110966680
## 480    4930448K20Rik -0.034596443  0.039342880 -0.102968690  0.011444569
## 481    4930449I04Rik -0.049864292  0.009911060  0.047916890 -0.015883923
## 482    4930449I24Rik -0.040380478 -0.006201744  0.162662980 -0.037158012
## 483    4930451C15Rik  0.007405758  0.081177235 -0.039886950 -0.153535370
## 484    4930451I11Rik -0.177166460  0.000000000 -0.135895730  0.169133190
## 485    4930452B06Rik  0.000000000 -0.076152800  0.028832912  0.012405396
## 486    4930453N24Rik  0.110847950  0.002714157 -0.203210350 -0.048834800
## 487    4930465K10Rik -0.041690350 -0.097794056  0.142471310 -0.075391290
## 488    4930467E23Rik           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 489    4930470P17Rik -0.050852300  0.023848534  0.242444520  0.005648613
## 490    4930471G03Rik  0.048159122  0.048159122  0.081129550  0.323738570
## 491    4930474M22Rik  0.020677567  0.000000000 -0.019371510  0.140863900
## 492    4930474N05Rik -0.014569759  0.119515420 -0.075256350 -0.156930920
## 493    4930479M11Rik -0.125629900  0.137487890  0.032726288  0.189720630
## 494    4930480E11Rik -0.003407478 -0.014551640  0.141790390 -0.106664660
## 495    4930483J18Rik -0.061565876 -0.140707970  0.017770767  0.199484350
## 496    4930485B16Rik  0.071186540  0.005221844  0.125377180  0.036178590
## 497    4930486L24Rik  0.166202070 -0.010152817  0.837464330 -0.104509830
## 498    4930502E18Rik -0.023322105  0.095821860  0.050854683 -0.025629520
## 499    4930503B20Rik -0.094652176  0.052688600  0.029846191 -0.178833960
## 500    4930503E14Rik -0.041546823 -0.044167520 -0.048047780 -0.061866045
## 501    4930503E24Rik  0.067814830  0.081221100  0.068774700 -0.043469430
## 502    4930503H13Rik -0.078645706  0.001640320 -0.062869550  0.083518030
## 503    4930503L19Rik  0.313434600  0.087567330 -0.045347214  0.422420500
## 504    4930504O13Rik  0.027502060  0.101810455  0.000000000  0.197811600
## 505    4930505A04Rik -0.096152306 -0.053567886  0.095808980 -0.031939507
## 506    4930505H01Rik -0.014730454 -0.179092400 -0.131870270 -0.131586550
## 507    4930505O20Rik  0.190041540 -0.163911340  0.304983620 -0.025833130
## 508    4930506C21Rik  0.534458160  0.154210090  0.010009766  0.020082474
## 509    4930506M07Rik -0.471040730  0.148811340 -0.686712270  0.871706500
## 510    4930511M11Rik  0.071980000  0.000000000  0.038620950 -0.079713820
## 511    4930512B01Rik -0.124090195  0.000000000  0.034882070 -0.055796623
## 512    4930515G01Rik -0.224780080  0.182585720  0.277926920  0.057968616
## 513    4930515G13Rik  0.066585064 -0.014461041 -0.097511770  0.254629600
## 514    4930517N10Rik  0.050692080  0.015717983  0.073179720  0.031508923
## 515    4930519F09Rik  0.050256730  0.015355110  0.126638890 -0.030866623
## 516    4930519F16Rik  0.016598701 -0.038081170 -0.011361599  0.018115520
## 517    4930519G04Rik -0.052146910 -0.058494331 -0.037353992  0.045085190
## 518    4930522H14Rik -0.029632092 -0.021898270  0.054704666 -0.111646175
## 519    4930522L14Rik  0.569171900  0.461394785  0.495841980 -0.200221065
## 520    4930523C07Rik -0.063665870  0.117593765 -0.154274460  0.552424900
## 521    4930524B15Rik -0.007714748 -0.096016884  0.012319565  0.014053345
## 522    4930524L23Rik -0.180390360  0.054874897  0.000000000 -0.135176660
## 523    4930526D03Rik  0.135006430 -0.008596420  0.118026260  0.052942753
## 524    4930527J03Rik -0.098617550 -0.003438473  0.138443950 -0.242901330
## 525    4930528A17Rik -0.015442371 -0.031431675 -0.040586950  0.035654068
## 526    4930529M08Rik -0.116976975 -0.085475685 -0.089976074 -0.008639810
## 527    4930538K18Rik -0.119629860 -0.049828053 -0.207005020  0.359668250
## 528    4930539E08Rik -0.023408890 -0.044765950  0.071733000  0.075572490
## 529    4930544G11Rik  0.050089836 -0.018044472  0.077999590 -0.137560370
## 530    4930547C10Rik -0.022191525  0.056417465  0.023728370  0.130480770
## 531    4930548H24Rik -0.016899109 -0.047318460  0.124463080  0.376574040
## 532    4930549C01Rik -0.145575050 -0.042567253 -0.101443770  0.063303950
## 533    4930550C14Rik  1.304313700  0.402184960  0.953196050 -0.391594900
## 534    4930550L24Rik  0.004113197 -0.126339440  0.084107400  0.017044544
## 535    4930555G01Rik           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 536    4930555K19Rik  0.227421760  0.000000000 -0.108860970  0.094806670
## 537    4930556L07Rik -0.056926250  0.000000000 -0.052463530  0.061323166
## 538    4930558K02Rik  0.155486580 -0.085963250  0.125860210  0.017948627
## 539    4930560O18Rik -0.119668010 -0.001135349  0.188855170 -0.155657770
## 540    4930562C15Rik -0.058806420 -0.064470290  0.038784027  0.000000000
## 541    4930563D23Rik -0.056356430 -0.053384304 -0.006176949  0.020084858
## 542    4930563E22Rik  0.121104720 -0.091870310 -0.003954887 -0.094715595
## 543    4930567H17Rik -0.135535240 -0.066569805  0.000159000  0.000391000
## 544    4930571K23Rik -0.019793987  0.034547806  0.072853090  0.034547806
## 545    4930578C19Rik  0.793231960  1.152606000  0.506404900  1.033118200
## 546    4930578I06Rik  0.104805470 -0.059719086  0.126295570  0.185702800
## 547    4930579F01Rik  0.049077034 -0.034320354 -0.043029785 -0.071556570
## 548    4930579G24Rik  0.019971370 -0.082476140  0.064970490 -0.131282330
## 549    4930579K19Rik -0.119460580  0.400753970  0.119992256 -0.159892560
## 550    4930583K01Rik  0.023186684  0.010770321  0.191301820  0.004881859
## 551    4930584F24Rik -0.011988163  0.015843391 -0.037220000  0.149180410
## 552    4930590J08Rik  0.042525770  0.033092022  0.019998074  0.000000000
## 553    4930595M18Rik  0.056212425  0.027475834 -0.088184830 -0.001558304
## 554    4930596D02Rik -0.021945000 -0.068572520  0.140769960  0.110037800
## 555    4931406B18Rik  0.068798540 -0.048097610 -0.004356861  0.150159840
## 556    4931406C07Rik -0.017474174  0.144410130  1.211260800 -0.082006454
## 557    4931406H21Rik  0.133450980 -0.204778200 -0.195308690  0.012313366
## 558    4931406P16Rik  0.112673760  0.346903800  0.168699260  0.060644150
## 559    4931408C20Rik -0.083536150 -0.031144142  0.144607070  0.078665260
## 560    4931409K22Rik -0.033995150 -0.062161922 -0.057814120 -0.068671230
## 561    4931414P19Rik  0.093212605  0.000000000 -0.303714280  0.088109970
## 562    4931417E11Rik -0.034837723 -0.035858630  0.168360710 -0.105334760
## 563    4931423N10Rik  0.003153324  0.085690975  0.007193089 -0.006794930
## 564    4931428F04Rik -0.050338745  0.023955822  0.034801006  0.097173690
## 565    4931429I11Rik  0.033786774  0.014738560  0.098810670 -0.036831380
## 566    4931429L15Rik -0.056640150 -0.114656925  0.000000000 -0.076009750
## 567    4931440F15Rik -0.066240070  0.132976055  0.046151875 -0.072602510
## 568    4931440L10Rik -0.070232390  0.099795820 -0.080366610  0.043071270
## 569    4931440P22Rik -0.031892300  0.041902542 -0.221020700  0.280267720
## 570    4932411E22Rik  0.073972225 -0.101678850 -0.012756825 -0.012756825
## 571    4932411N23Rik -0.023390293 -0.036746980 -0.005879402 -0.005516529
## 572    4932414J04Rik  0.069625854 -0.088596820  0.105584145  0.198750500
## 573    4932414N04Rik  0.045034410 -0.056890965  0.000000000 -0.036685944
## 574    4932415M13Rik -0.000240327  0.055827855  0.114327433  0.063948295
## 575    4932416K20Rik  0.039379120 -0.045695305  0.123850820  0.066208840
## 576    4932418E24Rik -0.076400760  0.009045601  0.061533450  0.000000000
## 577    4932435O22Rik  0.014194012  0.140051840  0.044818880  0.026618958
## 578    4932438A13Rik  0.239493424 -0.034960597 -0.110651720 -0.149255602
## 579    4932438H23Rik -0.110735890 -0.138484480 -0.020370960 -0.056579590
## 580    4932442L08Rik -0.037504673  0.058440685  0.065000060  0.107243060
## 581    4933400A11Rik -0.051566600  0.061552525 -0.048764230 -0.045943260
## 582    4933401B06Rik -0.113159660  0.079734325 -0.042778970  0.017791271
## 583    4933402E13Rik -0.026800156  0.005276680  0.042635440  0.012728214
## 584    4933402J07Rik  0.072003840 -0.011507511 -0.020102500  0.006088734
## 585    4933402N03Rik -0.080529690  0.086241245 -0.095608234 -0.000904000
## 586    4933402N22Rik  0.021595478 -0.021050452 -0.005042076  0.035369873
## 587    4933402P03Rik  0.191399570  0.060962200 -0.007605076  0.175950530
## 588    4933403O03Rik -0.119586470  0.000000000 -0.006989956  0.092872620
## 589    4933405L10Rik  0.014888763  0.000000000  0.027445793  0.110898020
## 590    4933405O20Rik -0.118734840  0.016854286  0.212858200  0.057828903
## 591    4933406J08Rik -0.044615746  0.028508663 -0.016146660 -0.008165836
## 592    4933406M09Rik -0.042864800 -0.032204628  0.000000000 -0.035990715
## 593    4933408B17Rik  0.004232884  0.426309100 -0.163559910 -0.045600890
## 594    4933408J17Rik  0.000000000 -0.020461082  0.045072556 -0.369514000
## 595    4933409G03Rik -0.055754660 -0.065615654 -0.010596752 -0.000586000
## 596    4933409K07Rik  0.563430454  0.985528180  0.517920206 -0.299628065
## 597    4933411G11Rik  0.024046898 -0.076844215  0.042098522  0.176948550
## 598    4933411K16Rik  0.036881447 -0.061213017  0.033174515 -0.001801014
## 599    4933411K20Rik -0.285643100  0.203526500  0.154580120 -0.190493580
## 600    4933412E24Rik  0.054042816  0.000000000  0.219944950  0.078602790
## 601    4933415F23Rik -0.040724754  0.038883686  0.030168533 -0.011476994
## 602    4933416C03Rik  0.000000000 -0.020540714 -0.110067370  0.037960052
## 603    4933416E03Rik  0.142777920  0.103268620  0.062207700 -0.266527650
## 604    4933417A18Rik -0.030814886 -0.081110954 -0.055053395  0.004501581
## 605    4933421I07Rik -0.252401830  0.085001945  0.000000000 -0.216527460
## 606    4933422H20Rik -0.048611640  0.035420418 -0.107203960  0.027472496
## 607    4933425L06Rik -0.049917220 -0.014272213  0.010578632  0.024282455
## 608    4933426M11Rik  0.064714430 -0.274329200  0.000000000 -0.032857895
## 609    4933427D06Rik  0.050927162 -0.049810886  0.138193130 -0.063263890
## 610    4933427D14Rik  0.075946810 -0.156811710  0.245255000  0.247377870
## 611    4933427G23Rik -0.012660980  0.159880640  0.281053540  0.046100616
## 612    4933430I17Rik -0.011447430  0.001390934 -0.199304580  0.149111270
## 613    4933432I09Rik -0.020476818 -0.139266490 -0.081611160  0.149422170
## 614    4933433C11Rik -0.141818520 -0.139044760  0.000000000 -0.106804370
## 615    4933434E20Rik -0.025523663 -0.029293060 -0.076032957  0.139905613
## 616    4933434I20Rik -0.013447762 -0.068062305  0.014346600  0.110214230
## 617    4933436C20Rik -0.163681500 -0.103232384 -0.019678116  0.282424930
## 618    4933436I01Rik -0.073720455  0.005950451 -0.086607930  0.057125570
## 619    4933437N03Rik -0.140925880 -0.055362700 -0.141078000  0.177218910
## 620    5031410I06Rik -0.094699145 -0.015392345  0.015965701  0.015965701
## 621    5031414D18Rik -0.017895699 -0.192400930  0.059409620 -0.123884680
## 622    5031425E22Rik  0.213284970  0.001589775  0.965218070  0.319256300
## 623    5031439G07Rik -0.000324000  0.148164750  0.000000000  0.191160200
## 624    5033411D12Rik -0.169391630  0.016792297 -0.059966564  0.019966125
## 625    5330417C22Rik -0.030741215 -0.019006730 -0.073358060 -0.180183410
## 626    5330426P16Rik  0.317741400  0.099431040  0.337098120  0.731526400
## 627    5330432E05Rik -0.264468670  0.166091440  0.064030650  0.124626640
## 628    5430411C19Rik  0.015172958 -0.344043730 -0.138285160  0.000000000
## 629    5430416O09Rik  0.721098400  1.425200000  1.880571400  1.687576800
## 630    5430417L22Rik  0.108912470 -0.020187378  0.145867350 -0.232155320
## 631    5430419D17Rik -0.005515575 -0.015397072  0.048057080  0.145020010
## 632    5430427O19Rik -0.203984740  0.192056660 -0.005037308 -0.197031970
## 633    5430435G22Rik -0.098382470 -0.051971912  0.019795418  0.019795418
## 634    5730408K05Rik -0.461118700 -0.645881650 -0.438014500 -0.134730340
## 635    5730409E04Rik -0.100753310  0.294507030  0.122220990  0.085451126
## 636    5730409K12Rik  0.018259048 -0.020953178 -0.152867800 -0.024887562
## 637    5730455P16Rik -0.173010830  0.276908870  0.092452050  0.037354470
## 638    5730471H19Rik -0.076930046 -0.047344208 -0.202160360  0.260804650
## 639    5730507C01Rik  0.000000000  0.237545970 -0.023554802  0.099256040
## 640    5730508B09Rik -0.208813190  0.159993650  0.002419472 -0.049639225
## 641    5730522E02Rik -0.081996202 -0.008173466  0.062291385  0.131936072
## 642    5730559C18Rik -0.032442093 -0.017638206  0.005894184  0.148143770
## 643    5830403L16Rik -0.085713390  0.024425983  0.593458650 -0.037735462
## 644    5830411N06Rik  0.029126644  0.009656906 -0.048733234 -0.048447132
## 645    5830415F09Rik -0.037295340 -0.028754711 -0.141774180 -0.116203785
## 646    5830416P10Rik  0.012610436  0.020255089 -0.044397354 -0.185893060
## 647    5830417I10Rik  0.051033974 -0.013592720  0.168396000  0.150384900
## 648    5830418K08Rik  0.144627570 -0.270210270 -0.172587400  0.079113960
## 649    5830428H23Rik  0.713722700  0.744382400  0.141678330  0.051190376
## 650    5830454E08Rik  0.011028290  0.113591670  0.640266400  0.000000000
## 651    5930403L14Rik  0.037216663  0.103241920  0.209143640  0.143783090
## 652    5930403N24Rik -0.137675760  0.000000000 -0.072845460 -0.089946750
## 653    5930412G12Rik  0.082782745 -0.015317917 -0.111570360  0.007696152
## 654    6030419C18Rik -0.030476093  0.052121640  0.081620220  0.070750710
## 655    6030458C11Rik  0.352452280  0.347053050 -0.415411000 -0.048968315
## 656    6030468B19Rik -0.013033390  0.058665276  0.084258080 -0.147009850
## 657    6030498E09Rik -0.141933920 -0.015087128 -0.159722330  0.207204340
## 658    6030499A19Rik  0.034526348 -0.003508568  0.160785200 -0.178390980
## 659    6330403A02Rik -0.070570946 -0.028769970 -0.115749836 -0.170550350
## 660    6330403K07Rik  0.187069900  0.000000000 -0.344538700 -0.416788100
## 661    6330407A03Rik -1.162174200 -1.174537700 -1.791666500  0.464081760
## 662    6330408A02Rik -0.148209100  0.303342340  0.232394220  0.336513520
## 663    6330416G13Rik -0.100111960 -0.076956750  0.000000000  0.002068520
## 664    6330549D23Rik -0.172526360  0.074290276 -0.044620514  0.000000000
## 665    6430411K18Rik -0.077673910  0.000000000 -0.078261375 -0.004899979
## 666    6430531B16Rik -0.000709000  0.128061300  0.121718880 -0.108192920
## 667    6430548M08Rik -0.797885400 -0.803485900 -0.685444360 -0.407023900
## 668    6430550D23Rik -0.053602220 -0.139937880 -0.047549725 -0.126633170
## 669    6430571L13Rik  0.006831169  0.107904434 -0.093912125  0.034551144
## 670    6430573F11Rik  0.001792431  0.255126480  0.359652520 -0.105945590
## 671    6530402D11Rik  0.006318569  0.000000000 -0.033755302 -0.000424000
## 672    6530411M01Rik -0.007467270  0.033264637  0.122082710  0.073735714
## 673    6720401G13Rik  0.141478540  0.251817700  0.179580690  0.007194519
## 674    6720489N17Rik  0.588324070 -1.315411600 -0.536405100 -0.160239220
## 675    6820408C15Rik  0.056962967  0.000000000  0.103444100  0.162107940
## 676    6820431F20Rik -0.030323029  0.000000000  0.002439499  0.157362940
## 677    7120432I05Rik -0.070435524  0.000000000 -0.034243107  0.051308632
## 678    7120482A17Rik  0.193986900 -0.023306370  0.000415000  0.000000000
## 679    7330403C04Rik  0.055870533 -0.147651670 -0.511248600 -0.423060900
## 680    7420426K07Rik  0.023673058 -0.067282200 -0.002004623  0.267025000
## 681    8030411F24Rik -0.034166813 -0.054094315  0.145053390  0.009772301
## 682    8030462N17Rik  0.152475360  0.017544750  0.484468208  0.184246540
## 683    8430408G22Rik  0.783256530 -0.170801160  0.521134400  0.774600500
## 684    8430410A17Rik  0.079864025 -0.039897442 -0.145409100  0.098598960
## 685    8430419L09Rik -0.179464820 -0.014730930 -0.178369520 -0.189776900
## 686    8430427H17Rik -0.264232160 -0.184880260 -0.105095860  0.302597520
## 687    8430429K09Rik  0.102710724 -0.053517820  0.143883230  0.586833000
## 688    9030612E09Rik  0.211515900  0.038411617  0.016688824 -0.052717686
## 689    9030617O03Rik -0.258849620 -0.044454098 -0.162251000 -0.109145164
## 690    9030619P08Rik  0.000000000 -0.087694645  0.057591440 -0.039456367
## 691    9030624J02Rik  0.023621560  0.095633510  0.034373283  0.085002900
## 692    9130008F23Rik -0.495738030 -0.750039600 -0.876926900  0.000000000
## 693    9130011E15Rik  0.089617491  0.118913648 -0.201412205  0.041385413
## 694    9130019O22Rik  0.028832436  0.325731280  0.018012047 -0.030041218
## 695    9130019P16Rik  0.592436300  0.463716030  0.074155330 -0.007708073
## 696    9130023H24Rik -0.315046800  0.002524376  0.156105040  0.093452450
## 697    9130230L23Rik -0.093754290  0.000000000  0.112415310  0.040456770
## 698    9130401M01Rik  0.000000000  0.280346870  0.282529830 -0.084257126
## 699    9130409I23Rik  0.148674490 -0.089304450 -0.020893097  0.031143188
## 700    9230104L09Rik  0.085315704 -0.076103210 -0.077507020 -0.075721740
## 701    9230110C19Rik  0.054503918  0.084515095  0.005981922 -0.163599970
## 702    9230110F15Rik -0.027935505  0.008251667  0.012288570 -0.141790390
## 703    9230113P08Rik  0.035688162 -0.004964590  0.002461910  0.033406497
## 704    9230115E21Rik -0.043152810 -0.004372120  0.139498710  0.000000000
## 705    9330020H09Rik -0.034844400 -0.014456749 -0.041568756  0.243669510
## 706    9330121J05Rik -0.023014069  0.065932750  0.096067905 -0.147419450
## 707    9330132A10Rik  0.032807827 -0.056479930 -0.003119469  0.000000000
## 708    9330151L19Rik -0.036987305 -0.181077000 -0.424996850  0.056904316
## 709    9330155M09Rik  0.000000000  0.029948235  0.127325530  0.014899731
## 710    9330158H04Rik -0.017870426  0.004735947  0.054641247 -0.069371700
## 711    9330159F19Rik  0.070125100  0.152351860 -0.075788020  0.006717682
## 712    9330175E14Rik -0.022447110 -0.082992550 -0.250560280  0.150224690
## 713    9330182L06Rik  0.006240368 -0.051815510  0.000000000  0.031888485
## 714    9430007A20Rik  0.064417840 -0.152346130  0.028658867  0.056697845
## 715    9430008C03Rik -0.034114996 -0.005503813 -0.044548194  0.104228179
## 716    9430015G10Rik  0.000000000  0.266176700  0.030638218  0.070254326
## 717    9430016H08Rik -0.147220610  0.205915450  0.043600082 -0.128870010
## 718    9430020K01Rik  1.466947600  1.674701700  1.630131700  0.586532600
## 719    9430021M05Rik  0.021897793 -0.025127410 -0.043523310 -0.132223130
## 720    9430023L20Rik -0.105992794  0.016578674 -0.066039085 -0.540687100
## 721    9430025C20Rik -0.487712380 -1.294195700 -1.219732800  0.051903725
## 722    9430038I01Rik -0.003774643  0.072285650  0.111488820  0.011024475
## 723    9430041J12Rik  0.051687717  0.000000000  0.163020610  0.132647510
## 724    9430053O09Rik -0.012116909 -0.134705540  0.135395530  0.000000000
## 725    9430069I07Rik -0.072250840  0.154996400  0.004201889 -0.120508194
## 726    9530002B09Rik  0.047052383  0.026856422  0.015287876  0.000000000
## 727    9530003J23Rik  0.000000000  0.064950940  0.000000000  0.162074090
## 728    9530009G21Rik  0.324957370 -0.576465600  0.408927440 -0.062399387
## 729    9530053A07Rik -0.070111750 -0.057115555  0.154536720 -0.021118640
## 730    9530056K15Rik  0.098191740 -0.176951890 -0.031929016 -0.133723740
## 731    9530068E07Rik -0.223910330 -0.116168020  0.035984993 -0.118996620
## 732    9530085L02Rik  0.148758890 -0.043374540  0.108980656  0.090230940
## 733    9530091C08Rik -0.267312530 -0.554160600 -1.165489200  1.231308900
## 734    9630028B13Rik -0.055949210 -0.005342007  0.009174347 -0.156458850
## 735    9630033F20Rik  0.171434880 -0.034440994  0.231627460  0.131374840
## 736    9830004L10Rik  0.063941956  0.866426470 -0.073656080  1.100690400
## 737    9830107B12Rik -0.125140190  0.027852535 -0.099966050  0.042513370
## 738    9830147E19Rik  0.592427015  0.218051915  0.412142290  0.056193353
## 739    9930012K11Rik  0.166693210  0.181710720  0.000000000 -0.049608707
## 740    9930013L23Rik -0.079034330  0.102520466  0.114443780 -0.015936375
## 741    9930014A18Rik -0.321452380  0.065402985  0.028125525  0.633678200
## 742    9930021J03Rik  0.294971473  0.169787882  0.218733547 -0.006951330
## 743    9930104L06Rik  0.034429073 -0.066333770  0.186941150  0.085472110
## 744   9930111J21Rik2 -0.592556485 -0.209339145 -0.839432250  0.451846600
## 745                a -0.079154015 -0.076097490  0.044377804 -0.102830410
## 746    A030009H04Rik -0.236237530 -0.012979984 -0.398028370  0.000000000
## 747    A130010J15Rik  0.053405760  0.379901400  0.011108398 -0.146617890
## 748    A130014H13Rik -0.086686134 -0.048373222 -0.224517820  0.044182300
## 749    A130049A11Rik -0.268683430 -0.323087700 -0.437670230  0.189117430
## 750             A1bg -0.065125465 -0.043358803  0.010068417  0.189046860
## 751             A1cf -0.018951893 -0.008092880 -0.043224810 -0.070749760
## 752    A230006K03Rik -0.026501179 -0.060096740 -0.018029690 -0.054204464
## 753    A230046K03Rik  0.175117500 -0.443076130 -0.155097960  0.012837410
## 754    A230050P20Rik  0.066268444  0.177072530  0.267029760  0.299658780
## 755              A2m  0.027771473  0.020798683 -0.003243446  0.018961906
## 756    A330021E22Rik -0.180345540 -0.183163170 -0.103134155  0.000000000
## 757    A330023F24Rik  0.132962230  0.421134950  0.419666300 -0.274604800
## 758    A330041J22Rik  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.160796170  0.015607834
## 759    A330050B17Rik  0.189748760 -0.273320200  0.000000000  0.153975010
## 760          A3galt2  0.016745090 -0.225626950 -0.001264572 -0.224175450
## 761    A430005L14Rik  0.153604750  0.232558250  0.153153180 -0.466712715
## 762    A430010J10Rik  0.000000000  0.016051292  0.017223835 -0.081826690
## 763    A430033K04Rik -0.192126270  0.204865460  0.243168350  0.171696190
## 764    A430057M04Rik -0.086980820 -0.063714504  0.186702250 -0.185480120
## 765    A430072C10Rik  0.802728650  1.734339700  1.784789100  0.157918450
## 766    A430078G23Rik -0.143953800  0.014249802 -0.065066814  0.011124134
## 767    A430089I19Rik  0.023679386 -0.096027548 -0.101148128  0.038049308
## 768    A430093F15Rik  0.059300423 -0.026018620  0.000000000  0.117425920
## 769    A430105I19Rik -0.058352470  0.155525680 -0.025506020  0.018403530
## 770    A430107J10Rik -0.207295420  0.681352600 -0.271049980  0.689417360
## 771           A4galt  1.245930200  1.924711700  2.024235200 -0.126342770
## 772            A4gnt  0.023756027 -0.078876495  0.019817830  0.009299755
## 773    A530016L24Rik  0.003736019  0.286763200 -0.149000170  0.051688194
## 774    A530032D15Rik  0.089634663  0.240155697 -0.048823835 -0.114767315
## 775    A530040E14Rik -0.099549890 -0.054807901 -0.072948814 -0.107987883
## 776    A530053G22Rik  0.065186980 -0.040276527  0.091154575  0.040339947
## 777    A530054K11Rik -0.099455355 -0.083102705 -0.053651330  0.214196205
## 778    A530064D06Rik  0.096971510  0.039204597  0.301033970  0.130266670
## 779    A530088E08Rik  0.269533160  0.075940610 -0.007182121 -0.025010109
## 780    A530099J19Rik  0.000000000 -0.000494000  0.142791270 -0.007250786
## 781    A630001G21Rik -0.790047170 -0.679761400 -0.721063600  0.016217709
## 782    A630007B06Rik  0.286467550  0.023806572  0.000000000  0.159015660
## 783    A630010A05Rik -0.050212383 -0.030453682  0.000000000  0.172075750
## 784    A630033H20Rik -0.065853596 -0.244029520  0.447550300  0.641454700
## 785    A630038E17Rik  0.008800507 -0.023635864  0.054079533  0.007805347
## 786    A630072M18Rik  0.722934700  0.820590000  0.245126250  0.000000000
## 787    A630089N07Rik  0.201937680  0.627073760 -0.229998590 -0.242136000
## 788    A630095E13Rik  0.077484130 -0.059728146  0.029015541  0.080432415
## 789    A730017C20Rik  0.248317720 -0.056634426 -0.035590650  0.168313030
## 790    A730017L22Rik  0.203288080 -0.356547360 -0.067106724  0.129687310
## 791    A730018C14Rik  0.037721157  0.148985860  0.000000000 -0.006229401
## 792    A830018L16Rik -0.074585440 -0.008939266 -0.039352894  0.010261059
## 793    A830021K08Rik  0.420903680  0.581988330  0.394207000  0.400640000
## 794    A830039N20Rik -0.002322674 -0.017674923  0.063717840  0.077222824
## 795    A830080D01Rik  0.570369700  0.442663200  0.779336900  0.299226760
## 796    A930003A15Rik  0.112716200  0.112797260  0.218999390 -0.157642840
## 797    A930004D18Rik  0.560207840  0.167237760  0.093630314  0.160504340
## 798    A930005H10Rik -0.028012276  0.053240776  0.017028332  0.000000000
## 799    A930011G23Rik -0.215061190 -0.096047400 -0.000671000  0.000000000
## 800    A930017M01Rik  0.076970340  0.021798370  0.101850985  0.173220155
## 801    A930018M24Rik  0.067911150  0.000000000 -0.040010930 -0.088851930
## 802    A930018P22Rik  0.000000000 -0.047263145  0.081746100 -0.055544853
## 803         AA388235 -0.488417630 -0.729726300 -0.623137000  0.186374660
## 804         AA415398  0.154719350 -0.050954820 -0.216589930 -0.030529499
## 805         AA467197 -0.153853420 -0.196387770 -0.083216190  0.659625530
## 806         AA986860  0.009560108  0.208380220 -0.103052616 -0.215038300
## 807         AA987161  0.334824100 -0.040732384 -0.028126717  0.265043740
## 808             Aaas  0.002995491 -0.213933940  0.022058487  0.306411270
## 809             Aacs  0.000000000  0.088181496 -0.085846424 -0.010053635
## 810            Aadac -0.089237690  0.018759250  0.072609900  0.040576935
## 811          Aadacl2  0.065681460  0.020280838 -0.053499220  0.000836000
## 812            Aadat -0.096596720  0.084199430 -0.086395260 -0.011427879
## 813            Aaed1  0.632427200  0.096259120  0.517910960  0.338631630
## 814            Aagab  0.036182404  0.316438200  0.147874360  0.182790760
## 815             Aak1  0.051690578  0.140332217 -0.230945825  0.174899578
## 816            Aamdc  0.412846570  0.869978900  0.601695060 -0.199564930
## 817             Aamp -0.131767270  0.343563080  0.468890200 -0.057971000
## 818            Aanat  0.104501724  0.029180527 -0.027328491  0.000000000
## 819             Aar2  0.098779680  0.062182426  0.459949500  0.029099941
## 820             Aard -0.259700300  0.086743830  0.000000000 -0.119434830
## 821             Aars -0.061720848  0.115504265  0.230895040 -0.047778130
## 822            Aars2 -0.144050600  0.167315480  0.224438670  0.138441560
## 823           Aarsd1 -0.062859535  0.293689730  0.361968040  0.251847270
## 824            Aasdh -0.009384632  0.165319920  0.113061430 -0.117433070
## 825         Aasdhppt -0.004563332  0.236663820  0.033382416  0.004485130
## 826             Aass -0.153768540 -0.010893822 -0.041797638  0.008399963
## 827             Aatf -0.404090880 -0.349692340 -0.229431150  0.207857130
## 828             Aatk -0.063997270 -0.068893910 -0.023087025  0.042152880
## 829         AB010352  0.153995990  0.037638664 -0.096985340  0.077416420
## 830         AB041803  0.723804500 -0.021489143 -0.518616700  0.476808550
## 831         AB124611 -0.239384170 -0.301542760  0.010530949 -0.113016605
## 832             Abat -0.171748640 -0.334216600 -0.386888030 -0.284007550
## 833            Abca1  0.236385350  0.290847780  0.000000000 -0.040815353
## 834           Abca12  0.026729584 -0.009791851 -0.080289364  0.007414341
## 835           Abca13 -0.076871395  0.028463840 -0.026634693 -0.080451965
## 836           Abca14 -0.150052550 -0.133920200 -0.062918660 -0.049895287
## 837           Abca15  0.012767315 -0.036662580  0.011449814  0.010277748
## 838           Abca16 -0.003451824 -0.011462212 -0.012138367  0.024315357
## 839           Abca17  0.170883180 -0.145975110  0.161727430  0.066619870
## 840            Abca2  0.309567450 -0.003591538 -0.033051014  0.015231609
## 841            Abca3  0.134531500  0.298804760  0.111360070  0.036669254
## 842            Abca4  0.343251700  0.158858780  0.137974740  0.055650710
## 843            Abca5  1.135160000  1.165444900  1.190496000  0.421369080
## 844            Abca6  0.049028397 -0.084772110  0.089379790  0.323795800
## 845            Abca7 -0.145449160 -0.039980890  0.028239250  0.144853590
## 846           Abca8a -0.123816970 -0.177108760 -0.163168430  0.928604600
## 847           Abca8b -0.093615530 -0.116343975 -0.064187530  0.455060960
## 848            Abca9 -0.351727000 -0.176417350  0.000000000 -0.157033440
## 849           Abcb10 -0.189086910  0.042059900  0.000000000  0.097107410
## 850           Abcb11 -0.013537407 -0.098505974  0.034636020 -0.073554516
## 851           Abcb1a  2.070028300  1.981127700  2.057934800  0.594772340
## 852           Abcb1b  0.109910010  0.063961030  0.171632770  2.120947000
## 853            Abcb4 -0.524045940 -0.225715160 -0.325099470  0.199197770
## 854            Abcb5  0.108961823  0.001071453  0.127415420 -0.014239073
## 855            Abcb6  0.000000000  0.155375480  0.315218930 -0.108283040
## 856            Abcb7  0.024795532  0.004874229  0.061576843 -0.158605100
## 857            Abcb8 -0.112783430  0.000000000  0.071056366 -0.133610250
## 858            Abcb9 -0.018008709 -0.018569470  0.080939770 -0.016381740
## 859            Abcc1 -0.708033100 -0.842203140 -0.090115070  0.083435060
## 860           Abcc10  0.006060123 -0.009602547  0.076935290 -0.007247448
## 861           Abcc12  0.061450960 -0.204586980 -0.038070202  0.159423830
## 862            Abcc2 -0.205264090  0.023073196  0.014117718  0.000000000
## 863            Abcc3 -0.185707090 -0.015527248 -0.318056100 -0.422355650
## 864            Abcc4  2.353335400  2.042797000  1.951158500  0.365002630
## 865            Abcc5 -0.269425400 -0.286032200 -0.238901620  0.605317100
## 866            Abcc6  0.693201070  0.328677650  0.372599120  0.000000000
## 867            Abcc8  0.070860860 -0.008849144 -0.118183136  0.032423973
## 868            Abcc9 -0.315012926 -0.085638524 -0.123276235  0.404989473
## 869            Abcd1 -0.142396930  0.237851620 -0.564229000  0.000000000
## 870            Abcd2 -0.382648940 -0.053903103  0.008893490  0.008782864
## 871            Abcd4 -0.114824295  0.238104340  0.238827700 -0.005645752
## 872            Abce1  0.016105652 -0.328691480  0.006582260  0.175460820
## 873            Abcf1 -0.007616997  0.466629030  0.368314740  0.000000000
## 874            Abcf2  0.043399810 -0.234720230  0.155292510  0.000000000
## 875            Abcf3  0.044145584  0.148856160  0.327128400  0.256217960
## 876            Abcg1 -0.233606340 -0.176176550 -0.526312350 -0.161495210
## 877            Abcg2  1.572835900  1.364060400  1.323862100  0.123734474
## 878            Abcg3  0.372711180  0.578000070  0.173844810 -0.383453850
## 879            Abcg4  0.004407883 -0.096064570  0.056056023 -0.074687004
## 880            Abcg5  0.155238150  0.179167750  0.140352730  0.004078388
## 881            Abcg8 -0.061141968 -0.028121948 -0.162202840 -0.003817558
## 882            Abhd1  0.101382730 -0.106256960  0.475718980  0.030817986
## 883           Abhd10  0.296080600 -0.132574560  0.441845420 -0.112382410
## 884           Abhd11 -0.035229206 -0.093088630  0.000000000  0.000198000
## 885           Abhd12  0.000000000  0.141018870  0.242158410 -0.217102530
## 886           Abhd13  0.000000000 -0.152148250  0.414085400  0.143623350
## 887          Abhd14a  0.059190273  0.059967518 -0.057420254 -0.007920265
## 888          Abhd14b  0.449321750  0.347243300  0.277789120  0.383905400
## 889           Abhd15 -0.075384140  0.020992756 -0.093220473 -0.103724480
## 890          Abhd16a -0.025471210  0.000000000  0.015390396  0.012516022
## 891          Abhd16b -0.157594680  0.055792330  0.138955600  0.039219380
## 892          Abhd17a -0.103616714  0.079283240  0.023432255 -0.029964447
## 893          Abhd17b -0.446696760 -0.826646800 -0.389543530 -0.237826350
## 894          Abhd17c  0.001020432  0.000000000  0.155154700 -0.372736450
## 895            Abhd2  2.479816400  2.729277600  2.703351000 -0.198164940
## 896            Abhd3 -0.019832611 -0.345036500 -0.455591200 -0.341600420
## 897            Abhd4 -0.004600525  0.418646800  0.094833850 -0.128588200
## 898            Abhd5  0.210944180  0.471315380  0.033761980 -0.219616890
## 899            Abhd6  0.746475200  0.803104400  0.194036480 -0.174358840
## 900            Abhd8  0.330413820 -0.073109630  0.105687620 -0.170992370
## 901             Abi1  0.224268910  0.178477290  0.548515300  0.029947280
## 902             Abi2 -0.021232605 -0.059222220  0.263020520  0.243862150
## 903             Abi3 -1.319414100 -1.450409900 -1.153149600  0.396657000
## 904           Abi3bp  0.004422665 -0.027534962 -0.336294650 -0.221955300
## 905             Abl1 -0.551010600 -0.080691340 -0.293019300  0.200181960
## 906             Abl2  0.195562840  0.454398160  0.518563300 -0.080436710
## 907           Ablim1  1.705764800  1.858283000  1.752397500  1.241339700
## 908           Ablim2 -0.039959430 -0.087025166 -0.026165485 -0.032146930
## 909           Ablim3  0.000000000 -0.224135880 -0.273690700  3.363185000
## 910              Abo -0.172060970 -0.000731000  0.000649000  0.096219060
## 911              Abr  0.151986120  0.368016240 -0.051638603 -0.123808860
## 912             Abra  0.094044685 -0.212036130 -0.265043260 -0.108321190
## 913           Abracl  0.005333900 -0.812036750 -0.836431500 -0.207744835
## 914             Abt1  0.279091840 -0.199184900  0.331249240  0.053832530
## 915            Abtb1 -0.103949070  0.085987090  0.001948834  0.000000000
## 916            Abtb2 -0.160210130  0.003742218 -0.039885998 -0.012215614
## 917           Acaa1a  0.019006252 -0.112825390  0.019754410  0.210436340
## 918           Acaa1b -0.077527520 -0.051106930  0.003081799 -0.166977400
## 919            Acaa2 -0.070566180  0.631734850  0.228015900 -0.049647330
## 920            Acaca  0.302985670  0.348807330 -0.054667235 -0.212003710
## 921            Acacb  0.858700750  0.797260300  1.123361600  0.408885000
## 922           Acad10  0.047883034  0.411569600 -0.231432910  0.000000000
## 923           Acad11  0.004177570  0.321150780 -0.040363790 -0.187515740
## 924           Acad12 -0.153208260  0.229339600  0.068949700  0.277356150
## 925            Acad8  0.140858650  0.354924200  0.227900500 -0.606690400
## 926            Acad9 -0.089126110  0.000000000  0.722150800  0.060186386
## 927            Acadl  0.277531620  0.361275670  0.305648800  0.001410484
## 928            Acadm  0.016019821  0.335200300  0.023541450 -0.049605370
## 929            Acads  0.093914030  0.221566680 -0.109116080  0.019974709
## 930           Acadsb  0.151463990 -0.158781050  0.102800370 -0.316334720
## 931           Acadvl -0.009434700  0.291253100  0.002394676  0.152494430
## 932             Acan  0.000000000  0.041784286  0.032422066  0.004516602
## 933            Acap1 -0.401456360 -0.393736360 -0.380629540  0.010750294
## 934            Acap2 -0.104091644 -0.475134850 -0.506015800  0.000000000
## 935            Acap3 -0.011370182 -0.062503340 -0.205292220  0.264364720
## 936            Acat1 -0.080606940 -0.154608730 -0.294996260  0.092513560
## 937            Acat2  0.000000000 -0.282466900  0.166855340 -0.217019560
## 938            Acat3 -0.173112390 -0.234411240  0.238075260  0.077019215
## 939            Acbd3 -0.004270554  0.175532340 -0.248655320  0.092204094
## 940            Acbd4  0.152327060  0.119409084  0.246057510  0.211313720
## 941            Acbd5  0.394144060  0.704142600  0.256410600 -0.096026420
## 942            Acbd6  0.116845130  0.312729840 -0.534417150 -0.019328117
## 943            Acbd7  0.014000416  0.015161514  0.060444355 -0.019138813
## 944             Accs -0.194482800 -0.285118580 -0.152286530 -0.112251760
## 945            Accsl -0.060846806 -0.020835876  0.119125840  0.097935680
## 946              Acd  0.083018300  0.005833149 -0.103696350  0.083660600
## 947              Ace -0.712907300 -0.671795850 -0.138380050  0.061234474
## 948             Ace2  0.000000000 -0.103473190  0.092442036  0.047393322
## 949            Acer1  0.034816742  0.041367530  0.144606590 -0.011713982
## 950            Acer2  1.136308200  0.377115018  1.146303880 -0.067418575
## 951            Acer3 -0.052458286 -0.724973700 -0.223985670 -0.578326700
## 952             Ache -0.226493360  0.262956620  0.039203644 -0.130856040
## 953            Acin1 -0.097475050 -0.104428290 -0.122235300  0.322832100
## 954            Ackr2 -0.185360430  0.110427860 -0.241318230 -0.260513300
## 955            Ackr3  0.510579100  0.129060750  0.490774150 -0.022322655
## 956            Ackr4 -0.010835648  0.136858460 -0.170517920 -0.433675770
## 957             Acly -0.055060387 -0.085327150 -0.261353500  0.095134735
## 958            Acmsd -0.033288480  0.000713000 -0.006746292 -0.030567170
## 959             Acn9  0.087863920  0.258282660  0.204468250  0.087224960
## 960           Acnat1  0.418573860  0.629078870  0.016624450 -0.286358360
## 961           Acnat2  0.070561410 -0.091135500 -0.018488884  0.095858574
## 962             Aco1  0.084917070 -0.000849000  0.700094200 -0.310971260
## 963             Aco2  0.163461690 -0.122899055  0.312184330 -0.002375603
## 964            Acot1  0.155996320  0.234968190  0.221157070 -0.217243670
## 965           Acot10  0.031444550 -0.148177620 -0.093954090 -0.181162360
## 966           Acot11 -0.150303843  0.005752802  0.040108681 -0.003897667
## 967           Acot12  0.069705960  0.005656719 -0.021155834 -0.146928790
## 968           Acot13  0.767803670  0.255344870  0.175068380 -0.133276460
## 969            Acot2 -0.027220250  0.250525000  0.280814170  0.058736324
## 970            Acot3 -0.052451134  0.060426235  0.095547676  0.000000000
## 971            Acot4 -0.076152325  0.000000000 -0.047989845 -0.066893580
## 972            Acot5  0.000000000 -0.044068336  0.013390064 -0.075151920
## 973            Acot6  0.326558600  0.178537850  0.053265095 -0.050839424
## 974            Acot7 -0.314492700 -0.300225730 -0.407481670  0.118316170
## 975            Acot8 -0.092527390 -0.001791000  0.304969300  0.058963776
## 976            Acot9 -0.043967247 -0.081318855  0.025770187  0.043062210
## 977            Acox1  0.518642900  0.667326450  1.144293300  0.227840900
## 978            Acox2  0.082595825 -0.041274070  0.009001255 -0.080914020
## 979            Acox3 -0.161429420 -0.058755634  0.057971958 -0.336296560
## 980            Acoxl -0.007126808 -0.008391857  0.023638725 -0.217491150
## 981             Acp1  0.029851151 -0.059839439  0.023036098 -0.082386016
## 982             Acp2 -0.072566510  0.144143580  0.000000000  0.034928320
## 983             Acp5  0.000000000  0.352477070  0.319541450 -0.235287670
## 984             Acp6 -0.367202280 -0.472219470 -0.287570000  0.236734870
## 985            Acpl2  0.119883060 -0.062107086 -0.153451920  0.324294100
## 986             Acpp -0.010389805  0.041762352 -0.046990395 -0.122555730
## 987              Acr -0.248467920 -0.038348675 -0.259071830  0.669860840
## 988            Acrbp -0.000844000  0.174257760  0.007629871 -0.281515600
## 989            Acrv1  0.000000000 -0.047855377  0.160856720  0.194398880
## 990           Acsbg1 -0.054022790  0.063821790 -0.089408400 -0.052710533
## 991           Acsbg2 -0.023946285  0.092051030 -0.060571670 -0.085958480
## 992            Acsf2 -0.484885685 -0.617938270 -0.044508694  0.046319483
## 993            Acsf3  0.076853750  0.166497700  0.145814420  0.002531052
## 994            Acsl1 -0.225827220  0.117991450 -0.319596300  0.151854520
## 995            Acsl3  1.917134300  2.141471900  2.265851000 -0.189952370
## 996            Acsl4 -0.108113290 -0.846130400 -0.613651750  0.300673480
## 997            Acsl5 -0.339138030 -0.356560700 -0.247143750  0.143260960
## 998            Acsl6  0.437796120  0.273235800  0.394101140 -0.126874450
## 999            Acsm1  0.100817200 -0.084179880 -0.079488280  0.011239052
## 1000           Acsm2  0.062998295 -0.001194477 -0.054206370 -0.073036194
## 1001           Acsm3 -0.076724530  0.000000000  0.036594390  0.198585990
## 1002           Acsm4  0.042496204  0.017931938  0.061611652  0.006164074
## 1003           Acsm5  0.063989160  0.064971450 -0.009503841  0.073474410
## 1004           Acss1 -0.650256160 -0.785493850 -0.883817700  0.286641120
## 1005           Acss2 -0.372873300  0.000000000 -0.364882470 -0.100888250
## 1006           Acss3  0.075697900 -0.208553310 -0.041860580 -0.068343160
## 1007           Acta1 -0.006933689 -0.033880234  0.122079850  0.000000000
## 1008           Acta2 -1.252610200 -1.222355800 -1.489606400 -0.530490400
## 1009            Actb  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.033541680 -0.133782390
## 1010          Actbl2 -0.164998050 -0.089799404 -0.132394310 -0.064467910
## 1011           Actc1  0.075287820 -0.063567160  0.040465355  2.432984400
## 1012           Actg1  0.083041430 -0.053365471 -0.028934001 -0.006779194
## 1013           Actg2  0.000000000 -0.174064640  0.054461480 -0.031917572
## 1014          Actl10 -0.089205265  0.002101898 -0.078032970  0.091820240
## 1015          Actl11  0.059109688 -0.121521950  0.181572440 -0.043886660
## 1016          Actl6a -0.063160900 -0.543520900 -0.111139774 -0.353058820
## 1017          Actl6b  0.005116940  0.162082670  0.205985550  0.148955350
## 1018          Actl7a  0.104946140  0.000000000 -0.285878180  0.255294800
## 1019          Actl7b -0.030703306  0.044992924 -0.030570746  0.026542425
## 1020           Actl9 -0.094175816  0.004092217  0.000000000 -0.089671135
## 1021           Actn1  0.026984695  0.134725330  0.329481125 -0.016075613
## 1022           Actn2 -0.007339478  0.017929077  0.000000000  0.005427837
## 1023           Actn3  0.159343720  0.021611690  0.065242290 -0.022090435
## 1024           Actn4 -0.006242752  0.284511570  0.396093370  0.348743440
## 1025          Actr10 -0.144471170  0.000000000  0.067273140 -0.355270400
## 1026          Actr1a  0.019382477  0.238251690  0.488761900 -0.067375180
## 1027          Actr1b  0.259144780  0.523665900  0.568191050  0.273316860
## 1028           Actr2 -0.182116510 -0.135676380 -0.137128830 -0.135820390
## 1029           Actr3 -0.056732178 -0.103701590  0.009556770 -0.296181680
## 1030          Actr3b -0.104311940  0.000737000  0.032800198  0.090136530
## 1031           Actr5  0.249779700  0.250947480  0.362052440  0.134602070
## 1032           Actr6  0.000000000  0.515498640 -0.394284730  0.036732674
## 1033           Actr8  0.218862530  0.365357400  0.382899280  0.000000000
## 1034          Actrt1  0.059537888  0.069438460 -0.004456997 -0.014411926
## 1035          Actrt2 -0.046113014  0.089883330  0.050275326 -0.241747860
## 1036          Actrt3 -0.112900734  0.080865860  0.267693520 -0.207235810
## 1037           Acvr1  0.707500460  0.305617330  0.422710420  0.599456800
## 1038          Acvr1b -0.673427100 -0.577751160 -0.519558400  0.050582886
## 1039          Acvr1c -0.000258000  0.061562060  0.053723335 -0.018225193
## 1040          Acvr2a  0.000000000  0.171471600 -0.016977310  1.003204300
## 1041          Acvr2b  0.174880980  0.001173496  0.037939550  0.181551930
## 1042          Acvrl1  1.088461900  0.970410350  0.996988300  0.459177970
## 1043            Acy1  0.063961030  0.085291860  0.143821720 -0.303785320
## 1044            Acy3 -0.097839355  0.047922134  0.322808740  0.077028750
## 1045           Acyp1  0.045492172  0.382473000  0.453874600 -0.244568820
## 1046           Acyp2  0.138541220 -0.191294670  0.053337097  0.793583870
## 1047             Ada -0.187242510 -1.098491700 -0.203403950 -0.469840050
## 1048           Adad1  0.029123783 -0.006778240  0.061697006 -0.031219482
## 1049           Adad2  0.033093930  0.163211820  0.173045640 -0.103455540
## 1050            Adal  0.001742840  0.518082600  0.093981266 -0.332151900
## 1051          Adam10  0.596066500  0.569089900  0.260742200  0.156542780
## 1052          Adam11 -0.019183159  0.077825546  0.127486230 -0.033029556
## 1053          Adam12 -0.139323710 -0.058637142 -0.003850937  0.006514549
## 1054          Adam15  0.237822055  0.460119250  0.144914148  0.429029450
## 1055          Adam17  0.000000000  0.063051224  0.023504257  0.225766180
## 1056          Adam18  0.004023552 -0.040129185  0.039597988  0.000194000
## 1057          Adam19 -0.998010160 -0.634176730 -1.040354700  0.490799430
## 1058          Adam1a -0.277158260 -0.179573540 -0.068970200  0.533551200
## 1059          Adam1b  0.059101105  0.019714355  0.000000000 -0.090338710
## 1060           Adam2  0.023524761  0.073707104 -0.009534359 -0.027972221
## 1061          Adam20 -0.008965492  0.000000000 -0.002552986  0.061060430
## 1062          Adam21 -0.261475560 -0.048060417 -0.081854820 -0.092419624
## 1063          Adam22 -0.248731140 -0.146540160 -0.123506070  0.652478200
## 1064          Adam23 -0.140561100 -0.242517470 -0.119562626  1.392754600
## 1065          Adam24  0.024042606  0.022867203 -0.041472435  0.188817500
## 1066          Adam25  0.035793304 -0.074972630 -0.028541565 -0.039916040
## 1067         Adam26a  0.040868760  0.042443275  0.067410946  0.060654163
## 1068         Adam26b  0.005997181  0.001513958  0.054887295  0.058230877
## 1069          Adam28 -0.079643250 -0.075494766  0.075169090 -0.071549890
## 1070          Adam29 -0.064609050  0.039902687  0.049894810  0.024230003
## 1071           Adam3 -0.094028950 -0.143428800  0.176604270  0.182132720
## 1072          Adam30  0.064804080  0.000000000 -0.089830400 -0.145859240
## 1073          Adam32  0.048757076  0.023542404  0.045513153 -0.025336266
## 1074          Adam33 -0.088252544  0.012627125  0.024231910  0.043245316
## 1075          Adam34  0.073731185  0.020590067 -0.040551663 -0.060418846
## 1076          Adam39  0.039704800 -0.029154300 -0.024093151 -0.030696869
## 1077           Adam4 -0.221614840 -0.128273010  0.150242330  0.811128600
## 1078           Adam5 -0.039590360 -0.038576126 -0.089875220  0.012030125
## 1079          Adam6a  0.017620564 -0.093598840  0.030178070 -0.086087700
## 1080          Adam6b  0.015247822  0.006768704 -0.043233395 -0.021925926
## 1081           Adam7 -0.019273281  0.010752678  0.081907270  0.054866790
## 1082           Adam8 -0.120046616  0.040255547 -0.114042760 -0.054166317
## 1083           Adam9 -0.004154205 -0.222428320 -0.369051930  0.363123900
## 1084        Adamdec1 -0.005816937  0.031719208 -0.009612083  0.035407543
## 1085         Adamts1  1.917093300  0.347516060  0.974709500  1.054157300
## 1086        Adamts10  0.412312500  0.683654800  0.234663960  0.106786730
## 1087        Adamts12  0.105461600 -0.084527016 -0.074361324  0.119805810
## 1088        Adamts13 -0.002350807  0.000000000  0.108152870  0.133645060
## 1089        Adamts14  0.022809029 -0.006286621 -0.078137875 -0.077383520
## 1090        Adamts15  0.011394501  0.035965920 -0.029528141 -0.023804188
## 1091        Adamts16 -0.093350890 -0.098407745 -0.049481870 -0.142905240
## 1092        Adamts17  0.005990411  0.005565262  0.054780005  0.027808284
## 1093        Adamts18 -0.013258934  0.137607570  0.218769070  0.000000000
## 1094        Adamts19 -0.063631535 -0.006501198  0.028038502  0.135264870
## 1095         Adamts2 -0.118325710 -0.061367035 -0.027341366  0.127711300
## 1096        Adamts20 -0.035881042  0.039981365  0.019913197  0.013368130
## 1097         Adamts3 -0.054272265 -0.003724845 -0.017281740  0.000396341
## 1098         Adamts4 -0.142721650 -0.141199110  0.204968450  0.206253530
## 1099         Adamts5 -0.339943400 -0.343989370 -0.397859570  1.900127900
## 1100         Adamts6 -0.403067100 -0.111876490 -0.842287060  0.019069672
## 1101         Adamts7 -0.139723780 -0.213554860  0.012950897 -0.054705143
## 1102         Adamts8 -0.074985025 -0.028896571  0.065647127 -0.058082582
## 1103         Adamts9 -0.812295523 -1.235162982 -0.376464611  1.385219900
## 1104        Adamtsl1  0.006718636  0.001565934  0.161122323  0.013789415
## 1105        Adamtsl2  0.326827530  0.428790570  0.057441710 -0.144838330
## 1106        Adamtsl4  0.081850530 -0.034157753 -0.114519120 -0.061051370
## 1107        Adamtsl5 -0.030428886  0.012037277 -0.015019894 -0.041471960
## 1108           Adap1 -0.100330830 -0.050625324 -0.054073334  0.081412315
## 1109           Adap2 -0.173328880 -0.152523520  0.098084450  0.346923350
## 1110            Adar  0.012358666  0.416314130  0.242616650 -0.305464740
## 1111          Adarb1 -0.343263150 -0.539241300 -0.084353450  1.860782600
## 1112          Adarb2  0.065990450 -0.040877342  0.062712670  0.105793000
## 1113           Adat1 -0.104309560 -0.122212890 -0.166744710  0.249879840
## 1114           Adat2 -0.268616200  0.000000000 -0.234912400 -0.313033100
## 1115             Adc -0.074987410  0.000000000  0.281043530 -0.073273660
## 1116           Adck1  0.000000000  0.057662964 -0.175604340 -0.176096920
## 1117           Adck2  0.144296650  0.073505400  0.184478760  0.069647310
## 1118           Adck3 -0.085474014 -0.010770321  0.081701756 -0.256364820
## 1119           Adck4 -0.113161090  0.000000000 -0.065478800  0.052310944
## 1120           Adck5  0.083175896  0.045143604  0.167645453 -0.014132978
## 1121           Adcy1  0.030533790 -0.002196312  0.137225630 -0.026884079
## 1122          Adcy10 -0.034341335 -0.016426086  0.105266094 -0.120447160
## 1123           Adcy2 -0.079600334 -0.068602560  0.064666270 -0.063139915
## 1124           Adcy3 -0.164598460  0.057653427 -0.129858500 -0.018395900
## 1125           Adcy4  0.067430496  0.000000000  0.094325066  0.279259680
## 1126           Adcy5 -0.048673153  0.087132454  0.059745790 -0.062713146
## 1127           Adcy6 -0.023625374  0.222472190 -0.275036800  0.382676120
## 1128           Adcy7  0.111364365 -0.239095690 -0.129584790 -0.303735730
## 1129           Adcy8 -0.097524640  0.049450397 -0.000378000  0.097926620
## 1130           Adcy9  0.345455650  0.676433560  0.380996700  0.019438744
## 1131         Adcyap1 -0.037530900 -0.002845764  0.047357560  0.000000000
## 1132       Adcyap1r1 -0.072295190 -0.018839360 -0.043315887  0.070294380
## 1133            Add1 -0.099648476  0.458020200  0.225532530  0.160415650
## 1134            Add2 -0.181807040 -0.102435110  0.064180374  0.012652874
## 1135            Add3  0.749484060  0.759490970  0.742409700  0.098885536
## 1136            Adh1 -0.070281030  0.723366740  0.000000000  1.550129900
## 1137            Adh4  0.003654003  0.105584620  0.011736870 -0.132576940
## 1138            Adh5  0.187068940  0.034652710  0.191267970 -0.230420110
## 1139           Adh6a  0.041831493  0.095134735  0.027533531  0.060266495
## 1140           Adh6b  0.062078000 -0.088734630  0.023654938  0.074082850
## 1141        Adh6-ps1 -0.074954990 -0.064889910  0.062486650  0.089380264
## 1142            Adh7  0.012891293 -0.023727417 -0.045623302  0.000000000
## 1143          Adhfe1 -1.231973600 -0.903889200 -1.005168900  0.420635220
## 1144            Adi1  0.390819550  0.091338634  1.009265000  0.024789333
## 1145            Adig -0.140611170 -0.020876408  0.012552738  0.086264130
## 1146          Adipoq -0.005426884 -0.024351597 -0.052233696  0.017862320
## 1147         Adipor1  0.000000000  0.127288820 -0.001821518  0.088917730
## 1148         Adipor2  1.053899800  1.039245600  0.844821930  0.113460540
## 1149             Adk  0.949166300  1.398747900  1.296238400 -0.553850200
## 1150             Adm  0.531131740  0.089612484  0.688728330  0.134780880
## 1151            Adm2  0.144109250 -0.026279926 -0.243939400  0.148759840
## 1152            Adnp  0.137107850 -0.038137436  0.041121483 -0.106041910
## 1153           Adnp2  0.292649750  0.127426620  0.544852730 -0.282506940
## 1154             Ado -0.175190930 -0.276213170  0.303904530 -0.057569504
## 1155          Adora1  0.036067486 -0.108109950  0.108693600 -0.057903767
## 1156         Adora2a -0.312425600 -0.343711380 -0.114482400  1.071106900
## 1157         Adora2b  0.228006360 -0.026121140 -0.032723427 -0.057996273
## 1158          Adora3 -0.066128253 -0.129953863 -0.019768238 -0.087726870
## 1159           Adpgk -0.255945680 -0.424440380 -0.246576310 -0.371356960
## 1160           Adprh -0.588933000 -0.186493870  0.131183620  0.392902370
## 1161         Adprhl1  0.000000000 -0.042519570  0.090989590  0.179444790
## 1162         Adprhl2  0.004802227  0.177681920  0.152361870  0.063859940
## 1163           Adprm  0.188641550  0.152699470  0.864417100  0.021457672
## 1164          Adra1a -0.135746000  0.011342526  0.000000000  0.031609535
## 1165          Adra1b  0.066880700  0.049048900  0.123783590  0.059351920
## 1166          Adra1d -0.027784348 -0.216053010  0.150193690  0.064530370
## 1167          Adra2a  0.116091730  0.012744427  0.103990555  0.025171280
## 1168          Adra2b  0.000000000 -0.095265865 -0.133947370 -0.188142780
## 1169          Adra2c -0.066489220  0.000000000  0.015852928 -0.055666447
## 1170           Adrb1  0.003031731  0.066028595  0.165119650 -0.248538020
## 1171           Adrb2  0.000000000 -0.008134842 -0.234553340 -0.126546860
## 1172           Adrb3  0.121797085  0.116892340  0.000000000 -0.005097866
## 1173          Adrbk1 -0.020292282 -0.102304460 -0.007979393  0.330390930
## 1174          Adrbk2 -0.381136900 -0.341092600 -0.390919200 -0.421798700
## 1175           Adrm1  0.012724400 -0.267223125  0.337790485  0.250984670
## 1176            Adsl -0.226543430  0.164184570  0.007593155 -0.041001320
## 1177            Adss  0.243874550  0.023251534  0.244280820 -0.015896797
## 1178          Adssl1 -0.037931920  0.000000000 -0.013099670 -0.222766400
## 1179           Adtrp  1.066362900  0.840334900  0.474391940 -0.081238750
## 1180           Aebp1 -0.260026930 -0.384753230 -0.373232840  0.023709297
## 1181           Aebp2  0.118066790  0.042154312  0.007352352 -0.154984470
## 1182             Aen -0.121540070 -0.055603980  0.170397760  0.148853780
## 1183             Aes  0.000000000  0.444266800 -0.017978191  0.086019990
## 1184        AF067063 -0.019849300 -0.008743763 -0.049618720  0.018329144
## 1185        AF251705 -0.131628040 -0.219273090 -0.275360580  0.127973080
## 1186        AF357341  0.035554410 -0.046363354 -0.009675026  0.110487460
## 1187        AF357355 -0.032754420  0.077870370  0.002945900  0.000000000
## 1188        AF366264  0.230339530  0.060896397  0.005477428  0.114342210
## 1189        AF529169  0.007357121 -0.253416060  0.062397003  0.229414460
## 1190           Afap1  0.192479130  0.480233670  0.263952260  0.310484400
## 1191         Afap1l1  0.399712560  0.785022740  0.792734150  0.566244100
## 1192         Afap1l2  2.526517900  3.212196400  3.178902600  0.081567764
## 1193            Aff1  0.528526780  0.264332295  0.224042885 -0.375485420
## 1194            Aff2 -0.060078620 -0.008704662 -0.050114630 -0.013939858
## 1195            Aff3 -0.085273266 -0.117171764 -0.116999626  0.000000000
## 1196            Aff4  0.723805400  0.264634130 -0.034061432  0.000000000
## 1197          Afg3l1 -0.030459880  0.064314840  0.084700110 -0.049602985
## 1198          Afg3l2 -0.017685890  0.054848670  0.493881230 -0.257946000
## 1199             Afm  0.000000000 -0.006029606 -0.024935722 -0.045849800
## 1200           Afmid  0.098193170  0.038052560 -0.121911050 -0.050481320
## 1201             Afp -0.149861810 -0.026732922  0.010470390 -0.117753506
## 1202           Aftph  0.357814800  0.188655850  0.487931250 -0.436956400
## 1203             Aga -0.185912130  0.322718620 -0.426489830 -0.127920150
## 1204           Agap1 -0.213385580  0.106641770 -0.183664320  0.191733360
## 1205           Agap2 -0.271129600 -0.091807365 -0.068489550  0.000000000
## 1206           Agap3 -0.087288380 -0.138494490  0.017349243  0.167572980
## 1207           Agbl1 -0.018569470  0.000000000 -0.016277790 -0.028419018
## 1208           Agbl2  0.008623600  0.014654636  0.000000000 -0.005524159
## 1209           Agbl3  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.022260666  0.000000000
## 1210           Agbl4  0.083230495 -0.051596640  0.051173687 -0.008310795
## 1211           Agbl5 -0.019410610  0.228579520  0.120597840 -0.044942380
## 1212            Ager  0.006134033 -0.061991690 -0.266769400  0.000000000
## 1213           Agfg1  1.053821600  1.232030900  0.993004800 -0.219314580
## 1214           Agfg2 -0.135429860 -0.189572330  0.122247220 -0.076570510
## 1215           Aggf1 -0.114373210 -0.088800430  0.103950500  0.375394820
## 1216             Agk  0.023769380 -0.097566366  0.299844505  0.079912900
## 1217             Agl -0.108928680  0.451254840  0.791833400  0.117937090
## 1218           Agmat  0.133440500  0.143931390  0.000000000  0.095847610
## 1219            Agmo  0.756476900 -0.222359180  0.251682760  1.036551000
## 1220          Agpat1  0.133302690  0.494957450  0.579113500 -0.190904620
## 1221          Agpat2 -0.587135300  0.389265060 -0.151884080  0.111011980
## 1222          Agpat3  0.000000000 -0.006772995  0.264221200 -0.133806230
## 1223          Agpat4  0.388737200  0.063820360  0.441978930 -0.060902120
## 1224          Agpat5 -0.054441452  0.150443080 -0.279509070 -0.498403070
## 1225          Agpat6 -0.134892460 -0.209767340  0.027665138 -0.078406334
## 1226          Agpat9 -0.223560330 -0.256397250 -0.151440620 -0.139225480
## 1227            Agps -0.179396630 -0.502476700 -0.704574600  0.051474570
## 1228            Agr2 -0.009543419  0.093218330 -0.071386340  0.097476006
## 1229            Agr3 -0.028217316 -0.068469524  0.026794434 -0.034865856
## 1230            Agrn  1.176320100  1.346209500  1.354506500  0.246796610
## 1231            Agrp -0.070803165  0.020353794  0.347068800  0.216919900
## 1232             Agt  0.014893055 -0.062460900  0.048738480  0.066158770
## 1233         Agtpbp1  0.162301060  0.234773640  0.102500916  0.006308556
## 1234          Agtr1a -0.138247970 -0.137101170 -0.162342550 -0.030807495
## 1235          Agtr1b  0.005942345  0.017862320  0.039911747 -0.046892643
## 1236           Agtr2  0.029844760  0.016643047  0.107400420  0.092945576
## 1237          Agtrap -0.081881050 -0.067169190  0.323788640  0.000000000
## 1238            Agxt  0.016389370  0.029731274  0.102841854  0.101524830
## 1239           Agxt2 -0.170189380 -0.170540330  0.027758598  0.072762490
## 1240          Ahctf1 -0.055022717 -0.116033555 -0.013189078  0.056776048
## 1241            Ahcy -0.015752474 -0.133935609  0.327350933 -0.191572670
## 1242          Ahcyl1  0.742061600  0.821324350  1.013344800  0.221510890
## 1243          Ahcyl2  0.394787800 -0.067260740  0.611674300  0.000000000
## 1244           Ahdc1 -0.009057999 -0.106565475  0.274690630  0.325165750
## 1245            Ahi1  0.070447920 -0.144692420  0.141846180 -0.125829700
## 1246           Ahnak  0.285258300  0.494131100  0.614275930  0.284626960
## 1247          Ahnak2 -0.020198822 -0.245296000 -0.429461000  0.064515590
## 1248             Ahr -1.153749500 -0.125850680 -1.193080000  0.681632040
## 1249            Ahrr -0.012311935 -0.003332138  0.000550000  0.068511486
## 1250           Ahsa1  0.304612160  0.000000000 -0.384581570 -0.620155330
## 1251           Ahsa2  0.728378760  0.079819682 -0.022705555  0.048045155
## 1252            Ahsg -0.003132820  0.191314220 -0.032850742  0.424203870
## 1253        AI118078  0.045190334 -0.049910070  0.199846740 -0.026794434
## 1254        AI182371  0.014033318  0.133219240 -0.033039093 -0.004124165
## 1255        AI314180  0.094161030 -0.092162130 -0.167947770 -0.046753883
## 1256        AI314831 -0.022923946 -0.005303383 -0.018816471  0.169463630
## 1257        AI317395  0.034016132 -0.094611170  0.038454533 -0.120804310
## 1258        AI413582  0.035847187  0.046240092  0.082044842 -0.016386271
## 1259        AI427809 -0.067322254  0.080511090 -0.368455900  0.009789944
## 1260        AI429214 -0.143191340 -0.037668230 -0.099687580  0.443902020
## 1261        AI462493 -0.286179540  0.105777740  0.254932400 -0.241425510
## 1262        AI464131 -0.003382206  0.009959221  0.112093450 -0.094018460
## 1263        AI467606  0.914246560  1.423428000  1.311493400  0.122170925
## 1264        AI504432  0.000000000  0.067742825 -0.124283314 -0.121044636
## 1265        AI593442 -0.000724000  0.000000000  0.082847120  0.054099560
## 1266        AI597468  0.274414060  0.292386050  0.301819800  0.425440800
## 1267        AI597479  0.214673040  0.319889070  0.009471417 -0.106619360
## 1268        AI607873 -1.480081600 -1.329983200 -1.068945400  0.321370120
## 1269        AI747448  0.153248790  0.172621730  0.080291750 -0.022895813
## 1270        AI836003  0.333929540  0.197437760  0.075593470 -0.121987820
## 1271        AI837181  0.046322346  0.245680810  0.068741320 -0.161071300
## 1272        AI846148  0.120680330  0.192227360  0.488187300  0.384178640
## 1273        AI854703 -0.016761303  0.064810750  0.055570126  0.015014172
## 1274        AI987944  0.000000000  0.030165195 -0.021303654 -0.134994980
## 1275           Aicda  0.192799090  0.111593720  0.162199020 -0.040085793
## 1276            Aida  0.268226620  0.138862610 -0.117076874  0.387842180
## 1277            Aif1 -0.263421540 -0.477078900  0.000000000 -1.146458600
## 1278           Aif1l  1.112384300  1.219068500  0.717418200 -0.128032210
## 1279           Aifm1 -0.106631280  0.006515503  0.133328440 -0.009999275
## 1280           Aifm2  0.037126064  0.161733630 -0.133769040 -0.020528793
## 1281           Aifm3 -0.040330887  0.086369514  0.074884415 -0.079176900
## 1282            Aig1  0.431793700 -0.151227950  0.630402100  0.347526070
## 1283            Aim1 -0.022042513 -0.007333756 -0.109110355  0.495092885
## 1284           Aim1l -0.105319980  0.000000000 -0.103990555  0.125369550
## 1285            Aim2  0.385374550  0.915635600  0.851725100  0.357416630
## 1286           Aimp1  0.000000000  0.186701770 -0.205623630 -0.106842995
## 1287           Aimp2  0.015914917 -0.274649140  0.381436820 -0.134694580
## 1288             Aip -0.017124176  0.238848690  0.188182830  0.009934425
## 1289           Aipl1  0.006717682  0.175462720  0.096686360  0.106903076
## 1290            Aire -0.009199142  0.124333380  0.146549700 -0.009199142
## 1291            Airn -0.594891150 -0.934465153 -1.043058650  1.653348700
## 1292           Ajap1  0.055342674 -0.024467468  0.083181860  0.002295971
## 1293           Ajuba -0.026360035 -0.012253761 -0.076004030  0.004090786
## 1294             Ak1 -0.133099560  0.002206802  0.047597885  0.390342240
## 1295        AK129341  0.249531270  0.001473427 -0.050145626  0.068163870
## 1296             Ak2 -0.872062200 -0.037476540  0.254542350  0.000000000
## 1297             Ak3  0.780453700  0.496028900  0.656518000  0.071724890
## 1298             Ak4  1.959641250  2.249260200  1.598967050  0.327011110
## 1299             Ak5  0.081590176  0.039323330 -0.020497799  0.186967370
## 1300             Ak7  0.060803413  0.022248268  0.035820960  0.010111809
## 1301             Ak8 -0.086707115 -0.015552998  0.162174700 -0.096451760
## 1302             Ak9 -0.018445492 -0.134100910  0.001180649  0.000000000
## 1303           Akap1 -0.252581120 -0.017580032  0.190022470 -0.032588005
## 1304          Akap10 -0.166738030  0.008372307 -0.828249450  0.045925140
## 1305          Akap11  0.554716117  0.028230350  0.062417348  0.302251180
## 1306          Akap12  0.909793850  0.307302470  0.239994050  0.091393470
## 1307          Akap13 -0.011061668  0.076498985 -0.132234570  0.284464840
## 1308          Akap14  0.000000000 -0.156556130  0.013369560  0.058943270
## 1309         Akap17b  0.388340000  0.151662830 -0.071950436 -0.021673203
## 1310           Akap2  0.652082900  0.304169650  0.185728070  0.533678530
## 1311           Akap3 -0.118742466 -0.003925324  0.034893990  0.020153046
## 1312           Akap4  0.000000000  0.053183080  0.105449680 -0.139852050
## 1313           Akap5 -0.198208330 -0.201581950 -0.249116900  3.141352200
## 1314           Akap6 -0.104885580 -0.085565570 -0.132067680  0.825620650
## 1315           Akap7  0.363920200  0.065577510  0.176754000  0.476953500
## 1316           Akap8 -0.048780440  0.079807280 -0.234881400  0.030042648
## 1317          Akap8l  0.406312000  0.475544930  0.490505220  0.243036270
## 1318           Akap9  0.461445800  0.243669510  0.125182150  0.252444270
## 1319           Akip1  0.681955340  0.549489000  0.587727550 -0.696451200
## 1320         Akirin1 -0.000384000 -0.108296394 -0.073695180  0.073260310
## 1321         Akirin2  0.007569313 -0.243197440 -0.441138270  0.123525620
## 1322            Akna -0.136731150 -0.081307890  0.021883010 -0.091801170
## 1323          Aknad1 -0.001088142 -0.027150154 -0.122589110 -0.003890038
## 1324            Akp3 -0.030910015 -0.074950220  0.022356510  0.004309177
## 1325          Akr1a1  0.386569980  0.507319450  0.509196300 -0.277579300
## 1326         Akr1b10 -0.134960170 -0.472107400 -0.577986700 -0.274597640
## 1327          Akr1b3 -0.370872500 -0.073665620  0.154576300 -0.043700220
## 1328          Akr1b7 -0.189130300 -0.300435070 -0.294345860 -0.047602654
## 1329          Akr1b8 -0.176055910 -0.108305930 -0.090938090 -0.091577050
## 1330         Akr1c12 -0.025545597 -0.022092820 -0.019752502  0.000000000
## 1331         Akr1c13 -0.684888360 -0.403914450 -0.606548800 -0.341472150
## 1332         Akr1c14  1.658146900  1.903266900  0.157223700  1.477040300
## 1333         Akr1c18  0.021269798 -0.041023254 -0.011391163 -0.009468079
## 1334         Akr1c19 -0.185797690 -0.083929060 -0.186678890  3.708762200
## 1335         Akr1c20  0.004847527  0.001401424 -0.000288000  0.179946900
## 1336         Akr1c21 -0.073768616 -0.086187360 -0.043742180  0.101882460
## 1337          Akr1c6 -0.015744210  0.090209484  0.127069470  0.123349670
## 1338          Akr1cl -0.011487484  0.019706250  0.002342224  0.061858177
## 1339          Akr1d1  0.000000000  0.036106586  0.065995690 -0.063754560
## 1340          Akr1e1  0.480280880  0.816507340  0.586051940  0.025610924
## 1341          Akr7a5 -0.138575550 -0.041810990 -0.288247600 -0.159047600
## 1342            Akt1 -0.073333740  0.130223270  0.090755460  0.009839058
## 1343          Akt1s1 -0.049638270 -0.009608269  0.208151340  0.167266850
## 1344            Akt2 -0.250644685 -0.497118950  0.270554550 -0.267426965
## 1345            Akt3  0.256598470  0.132538800  0.000000000  0.259733200
## 1346           Aktip  0.253021240  0.408087730  0.154510500 -0.066838264
## 1347            Alad  0.100347996 -0.154741760  0.717351440  0.000000000
## 1348           Alas1  2.393873200  1.948743800  2.582821800 -0.063326836
## 1349           Alas2 -0.070087910 -0.141109940  0.085444450  0.501966950
## 1350             Alb -0.054925440 -0.118411540  0.079763410 -0.110945700
## 1351           Alcam  0.497914300  0.498555180  0.548294540 -0.686906340
## 1352        Aldh16a1 -0.238119130  0.097568035 -0.042014600 -0.055174828
## 1353        Aldh18a1 -0.038031100 -0.211309910 -0.082629204 -0.081423280
## 1354         Aldh1a1 -0.177264210 -0.327693000 -0.380602360 -0.714104200
## 1355         Aldh1a2 -0.073602200  0.028295994 -0.031392097  0.004002571
## 1356         Aldh1a3  0.332773700  0.222342490  0.076236725 -0.012492180
## 1357         Aldh1a7  0.149742130 -0.037449837 -0.093565940  0.032061577
## 1358         Aldh1b1 -0.103401184 -0.037245274  0.000000000 -0.122318270
## 1359         Aldh1l1 -0.152017600 -0.183173660 -0.136434560  0.698242200
## 1360         Aldh1l2 -0.078094006  0.105452060 -0.003104687  0.022995472
## 1361           Aldh2  0.000000000  0.082936290  0.001564980 -0.431863780
## 1362         Aldh3a1  0.038256645  0.044485092 -0.106511116 -0.067692280
## 1363         Aldh3a2 -0.102456090  0.104146000  0.452681540  0.154473300
## 1364         Aldh3b1 -0.097397804 -0.298014160 -0.305286400 -0.283994670
## 1365         Aldh3b2 -0.093216660  0.041027070 -0.120721815 -0.007228613
## 1366         Aldh4a1  0.225287910  0.367728230  0.302256100  0.121435165
## 1367         Aldh5a1  0.287080300  0.332601070  0.324614520  0.154683590
## 1368         Aldh6a1  0.000000000 -0.006458759  0.235512260 -0.054326534
## 1369         Aldh7a1  0.278915880  0.348432060 -0.371267320  0.015190125
## 1370         Aldh8a1 -0.011935711 -0.146311760 -0.123959064 -0.155456540
## 1371         Aldh9a1  0.599450600  0.803393840  0.819212440 -0.362028600
## 1372           Aldoa -0.254535680 -0.100407600  0.003724098 -0.201139450
## 1373        Aldoart1 -0.165405270  0.223969460 -0.072901726 -0.023208141
## 1374        Aldoart2 -0.055248737  0.048649788  0.188024520  0.169427400
## 1375           Aldob -0.172528270  0.029784680  0.284858230 -0.060225010
## 1376           Aldoc  0.245188710  0.803547860  0.316602230 -0.128539090
## 1377            Alg1  0.047891617  0.107936795  0.022949459  0.220249650
## 1378          Alg10b  0.075851920  0.524882800  0.200184350  0.000000000
## 1379           Alg11  0.050705910  0.035773277 -0.153469090  0.278325080
## 1380           Alg12  0.015153408  0.124467850  0.069722176 -0.039370537
## 1381           Alg13  0.269378660  0.034124850 -0.151971340  0.057291030
## 1382           Alg14  0.478131300  0.236539840  0.681700700 -0.031959534
## 1383            Alg2  0.254694460  0.049406530  0.961530700 -0.246542930
## 1384            Alg3 -0.214029790  0.106811520  0.579880240  0.216631410
## 1385            Alg5 -0.282754900  0.057898520  0.070364950 -0.177217480
## 1386            Alg6  0.187018870  0.937950130  0.313269140  0.045054913
## 1387            Alg8 -0.085026740 -0.060037613 -0.694579600 -0.430357460
## 1388            Alg9 -0.390846730  1.042729400 -0.680498100  0.000000000
## 1389             Alk -0.062617780  0.064474106  0.064188000 -0.024165154
## 1390          Alkbh1 -0.208682060 -0.094792366 -0.257366180 -0.017163277
## 1391          Alkbh2  0.189342500  0.174544330  1.068075700  0.153378010
## 1392          Alkbh3 -0.089206696 -0.013560295 -0.046133040  0.000218000
## 1393          Alkbh4  0.055863380 -0.075416565  0.214624400  0.340819840
## 1394          Alkbh5 -0.016169071  0.253310680  0.150716780  0.020617962
## 1395          Alkbh6  0.265305520  1.024077400  0.310246000  0.167427060
## 1396          Alkbh7  0.213335040 -0.042849540 -0.579074860 -0.165461540
## 1397          Alkbh8  0.034518242  0.176110270 -0.064840320 -0.102225300
## 1398            Allc -0.032683850  0.070827010  0.008430481  0.067873955
## 1399           Alms1  0.040313880  0.138396263  0.032990296 -0.398378857
## 1400          Alox12 -0.250247960  0.140092850  0.005949020  0.695158960
## 1401         Alox12b  0.046593666 -0.221616740  0.072151184 -0.001788616
## 1402         Alox12e -0.046975613 -0.001240730  0.010404587 -0.108139990
## 1403          Alox15 -0.168409350 -0.162837030 -0.021155357 -0.120350840
## 1404           Alox5 -0.110181810  0.056040764 -0.139538760 -0.260304450
## 1405         Alox5ap -0.399046420 -0.352922920 -0.196888920 -0.448302270
## 1406           Alox8 -0.065515520  0.123941420  0.000000000  0.072397230
## 1407          Aloxe3 -0.027224064  0.003120422  0.080062866  0.088153840
## 1408            Alpi -0.000634000  0.005179405  0.018207550  0.083748820
## 1409           Alpk1 -0.059141637 -0.013196150 -0.832779233  0.327008727
## 1410           Alpk2  0.122423408  0.087615966 -0.008109095  0.001323700
## 1411           Alpk3  0.008402824 -0.009111404  0.131909850 -0.038229942
## 1412            Alpl  1.528203500  1.681836600  1.160955900  1.150716300
## 1413          Alppl2  0.128553870  0.115963460 -0.071335316 -0.017513752
## 1414            Als2  0.146425720  0.270380500  0.558959000  0.242666240
## 1415          Als2cl -0.055443763  0.088307618  0.029757980  0.160676240
## 1416        Als2cr11  0.030444622 -0.025023460  0.013511181 -0.081170560
## 1417        Als2cr12  0.068489550  0.000000000  0.041499615 -0.055737020
## 1418            Alx1  0.005082607  0.013670445 -0.053207397  0.077999115
## 1419            Alx3 -0.085734844 -0.041545390  0.212116720  0.042766570
## 1420            Alx4 -0.010628700  0.071610930  0.099619865  0.000000000
## 1421          Alyref  0.026253700  0.000000000 -0.177035330  0.208809850
## 1422         Alyref2 -0.202227117  0.425352320  0.503326180  0.063049315
## 1423           Amacr  0.044065000  0.206867700  0.116512775  0.044405460
## 1424            Ambn  0.041838170 -0.166909220  0.040592670 -0.007040024
## 1425            Ambp -0.081160545 -0.045169830  0.012820721  0.165323260
## 1426          Ambra1 -0.001583099 -0.323934560  0.112032890 -0.123142240
## 1427            Amd1  0.424615726  0.789316307  0.645486227  0.438497203
## 1428          Amdhd1 -0.047528744  0.034333230  0.025954723 -0.106812954
## 1429          Amdhd2 -0.165835860  0.024050713  0.124966145  0.055707455
## 1430           Amelx  0.022175789  0.050558090  0.025333881  0.000000000
## 1431           Amer1 -0.057746887  0.477687840  0.342938420  0.464256300
## 1432           Amer2  0.010504245  0.019670245  0.068836690  0.095313547
## 1433           Amer3 -0.013158798 -0.054687977  0.221097950  0.077924730
## 1434            Amfr  0.138665197  0.229081155  0.171195030 -0.152789593
## 1435             Amh  0.030636310 -0.081634045  0.391849520  0.010969639
## 1436           Amhr2  0.109220030  0.002581120  0.057260036 -0.046131610
## 1437          Amica1 -0.099236728 -0.092958928 -0.021645069  0.033101560
## 1438          Amigo1  0.000000000 -0.012090206  0.312884800  0.086854935
## 1439          Amigo2 -0.606908800  0.497056000 -0.634488100 -0.581416600
## 1440          Amigo3 -0.125542640 -0.280263420  0.076425550 -0.071740150
## 1441         Ammecr1  0.248038770 -0.234879500 -0.305469500  0.000000000
## 1442        Ammecr1l  0.012977600 -0.220162390  0.000000000 -0.092929840
## 1443             Amn  0.119071960  0.090987680  0.058588505  0.107298850
## 1444            Amn1  0.298262600  0.050130844 -0.022557259 -0.794180870
## 1445            Amot  1.165238900  1.904697900  1.215616700  0.286363600
## 1446          Amotl1 -0.069274900  0.354489330  0.057921410  0.796427700
## 1447          Amotl2 -0.237551210  0.000000000  0.248001100  0.597205640
## 1448           Ampd1 -0.101818085  0.000000000  0.113303660 -0.136650090
## 1449           Ampd2 -0.225067854 -0.198981287 -0.128109692 -0.078629496
## 1450           Ampd3 -1.066380000 -0.723790170 -1.044925200 -0.099872590
## 1451            Amph  0.003439903  0.049975395  0.121811870  0.079412940
## 1452             Amt  0.145031930  0.274310600 -0.009795666 -0.109520910
## 1453            Amtn -0.043503760  0.052525520  0.125226970  0.007120609
## 1454            Amy1  0.192021370  0.234170440 -0.499129300  0.000000000
## 1455          Amy2a5           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 1456            Amz1 -0.061908245  0.118702410  0.019242287 -0.132251740
## 1457            Amz2  0.627587300  0.259662630  0.016561508 -0.185052870
## 1458          Anapc1  0.012892723  0.001491547  0.127679820  0.075520515
## 1459         Anapc10  0.195016380 -0.027903557  0.000000000  0.001148701
## 1460         Anapc11 -0.160501480  0.000000000  0.152434350 -0.003463745
## 1461         Anapc13 -0.060837746  0.372118950  0.239123340 -0.812120440
## 1462         Anapc15 -0.280147555 -0.438002115 -0.278765200 -0.055184366
## 1463         Anapc16  0.230999950  0.246282580  0.489835740 -0.009458542
## 1464          Anapc2 -0.181881430  0.583291050  0.491704000  0.121723175
## 1465          Anapc4 -0.234418870  0.366706850  0.000000000  0.276659000
## 1466          Anapc5  0.070359230  0.045154570 -0.266253470 -0.128848080
## 1467          Anapc7 -0.012009621  0.166070940  0.199865820  0.034272670
## 1468             Ang  2.182906200  2.047102000  1.635156600 -0.003070831
## 1469            Ang2  0.028214931  0.097982880  0.227589130  0.144574170
## 1470            Ang4  0.110161780  0.020237446  0.002006054  0.283093450
## 1471            Ang5  0.119684696 -0.011341095  0.086410520  0.192198750
## 1472            Ang6  0.127399440 -0.050922394 -0.151235100 -0.013483524
## 1473          Angel1  0.219481470  0.223176960  0.326717380  0.067636490
## 1474          Angel2  0.111928940 -0.092602730  0.000000000  0.361741070
## 1475          Angpt1 -0.106151580 -0.192426680 -0.399609570  0.000000000
## 1476          Angpt2  0.162612920 -0.337597370  1.015399900  0.809782000
## 1477          Angpt4 -0.032467842 -0.045934200  0.023325443  0.136143210
## 1478         Angptl1 -0.302206040 -0.213356970 -0.153711320 -0.306375500
## 1479         Angptl2 -0.386278150 -0.117962360  0.002261162  0.008251667
## 1480         Angptl3 -0.055026054 -0.114742280 -0.092719555  0.046240330
## 1481         Angptl4  0.057972430  0.049226284  0.225944520  0.141651630
## 1482         Angptl6  0.164267540  0.121313095  0.142936230 -0.009917259
## 1483         Angptl7 -0.019442081 -0.114280700 -0.087163925 -0.302984240
## 1484             Ank  0.602405100  0.575151900  0.662903300 -0.084932804
## 1485            Ank1 -0.081915855  0.011487007  0.140213970 -0.072913170
## 1486            Ank2 -0.079303265 -0.081741330 -0.055272102 -0.141166210
## 1487            Ank3 -0.023586750 -0.042568684  0.000000000  0.053615093
## 1488           Ankar  0.000000000  0.043273926  0.101702690  0.074538710
## 1489         Ankdd1b  0.814714430  0.565240400  0.081418040 -0.171314240
## 1490          Ankef1  0.008969307 -0.093234540  0.015329838 -0.015109539
## 1491          Ankfn1 -0.034194470 -0.056936264  0.096384050  0.064649580
## 1492          Ankfy1 -0.156624800 -0.147422790 -0.154769900  0.165819170
## 1493          Ankhd1  0.163883210 -0.068578720  0.010137558  0.122620580
## 1494          Ankib1  0.042651176 -0.056693077  0.290443420 -0.123073580
## 1495           Ankk1  0.000000000  0.005459309  0.146822930  0.065625670
## 1496          Ankle1 -0.001380920  0.088565830 -0.050848007  0.134754180
## 1497          Ankle2 -0.039388179 -0.081398966  0.301788335  0.001714467
## 1498          Ankmy1  0.035083770  0.080448630  0.106745720 -0.004059315
## 1499          Ankmy2  0.067805290  0.516313550  0.077039720 -0.029609680
## 1500          Ankra2  0.115068910  0.165578370 -0.056653500  0.006195545
## 1501          Ankrd1  0.026294231 -0.099184990 -0.029929638  0.150930880
## 1502         Ankrd10 -0.277383330 -0.166237830 -0.150078770  0.209039210
## 1503         Ankrd11 -0.030251980 -0.161350010  0.059828280  0.241502520
## 1504         Ankrd12  0.161048890  0.127769470 -0.191235540  0.228560450
## 1505        Ankrd13a  0.116195680  0.394712450  0.684780100 -0.282698630
## 1506        Ankrd13b -0.271348000 -0.036797047  0.053717613 -0.079769135
## 1507        Ankrd13c  0.265706060 -0.232726570 -0.002184868  0.007693291
## 1508        Ankrd13d  0.195976260  0.221842770  0.056145668 -0.031399727
## 1509         Ankrd16 -0.002264023 -0.052240370  0.000000000  0.195029740
## 1510         Ankrd17  0.221463200  0.000000000  0.032204628  0.063834190
## 1511          Ankrd2 -0.169639590 -0.029870510 -0.028516770 -0.095779896
## 1512         Ankrd22 -0.178497790 -0.139660840 -0.036684036  0.000000000
## 1513         Ankrd23 -0.015177250 -0.012382031 -0.226581100  0.302451600
## 1514         Ankrd24  0.118210790  0.068513870  0.000000000 -0.058117390
## 1515         Ankrd26  0.248203750  0.187815190  0.390240200  0.234226700
## 1516         Ankrd27  0.087788105  0.012264252  0.181227680  0.041473866
## 1517         Ankrd28  0.304791450  0.000000000  0.320121770  0.415260310
## 1518         Ankrd32  0.020508290 -0.176751851 -0.155807494  0.114402769
## 1519         Ankrd33  0.000000000  0.037255287  0.096683980 -0.235627170
## 1520        Ankrd33b  0.190368973  0.030155659  0.207570233 -0.033317725
## 1521        Ankrd34a  0.140491490  0.083789350  0.037891865  0.035354137
## 1522        Ankrd34b  0.015028954  0.029507160  0.141623970  0.035281660
## 1523        Ankrd34c  0.331014630  0.199425220  0.246165750 -0.149063110
## 1524         Ankrd35  0.124727250  0.090108395 -0.078779220 -0.092948440
## 1525         Ankrd36 -0.008100990  0.067889928 -0.026682853 -0.000237942
## 1526         Ankrd37  0.399902340  1.513098700  1.251385700  0.342439650
## 1527         Ankrd39 -0.091192245 -0.201615810 -0.084757805  0.193743230
## 1528         Ankrd40  0.029867172  0.293421750  0.377041820  0.423924450
## 1529         Ankrd42  0.164487360  0.067625046  0.019410133  0.028958797
## 1530         Ankrd44 -0.932754500 -0.718672750 -1.328887500  0.110552790
## 1531         Ankrd45  0.064574240  0.047864437  0.000000000  0.081354620
## 1532         Ankrd46  0.550660130  0.747606300  0.414257050  0.080916405
## 1533         Ankrd49 -0.295784470  0.047439100 -0.127058500 -0.350261200
## 1534         Ankrd50  0.135607720  0.135214800 -0.105825424  0.055171967
## 1535         Ankrd52 -0.059410095 -0.205666540 -0.268290040  0.022684574
## 1536         Ankrd53  0.008028030 -0.119398594  0.003758431  0.110781190
## 1537         Ankrd54 -0.019798279 -0.057686330  0.093328000  0.319351200
## 1538         Ankrd55  0.000321000 -0.077708244 -0.051595210 -0.037179470
## 1539          Ankrd6  0.567267400  0.747934800  0.123053074 -0.066760060
## 1540         Ankrd61 -0.292240620 -0.293176170 -0.180891510  0.000000000
## 1541          Ankrd7  0.129897600  0.105411530 -0.088779930  0.436430450
## 1542          Ankrd9 -0.118798256  0.030370235  0.098266600  0.010186195
## 1543           Anks1  0.650776860  0.795228000  0.515095700  0.173984530
## 1544          Anks1b -0.091544630  0.052253723 -0.003042698  0.075805664
## 1545           Anks3  0.064960960 -0.129839420 -0.051341534  0.171598910
## 1546          Anks4b  0.020722866 -0.131731510 -0.037398815 -0.084483620
## 1547           Anks6  0.204334740  0.059415817 -0.095433235  0.058285236
## 1548          Ankzf1 -0.311171530 -0.221298220  0.022395610 -0.151464460
## 1549            Anln -0.241312265 -0.169861558 -0.029076340 -0.099197625
## 1550            Ano1 -0.195102690 -0.383040900  0.095489025  0.000000000
## 1551           Ano10  0.698496800 -0.150297640 -0.497853280  0.294700150
## 1552            Ano2  0.112600800  0.114896774 -0.052693844  0.135053160
## 1553            Ano3 -0.054128647 -0.010116339  0.012848139  0.056780100
## 1554            Ano4 -0.128783700  0.066061500  0.043658733 -0.054502487
## 1555            Ano5  0.002692699 -0.036775112 -0.029517650 -0.033875942
## 1556            Ano6  0.048796655 -0.140342475 -0.201993230  0.082416060
## 1557            Ano7  0.048049927  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.019686699
## 1558            Ano8  0.105388165 -0.115421295  0.065142155  0.020766258
## 1559            Ano9 -0.096920010  0.055536747  0.013088703  0.079617020
## 1560          Anp32a  0.000000000  0.143364900  0.062945366  0.332775120
## 1561          Anp32b  0.023962020  0.100286484  0.069462776  0.000000000
## 1562          Anp32e  0.357297900  0.485606200  0.430857660 -0.065399170
## 1563        Anp32-ps  0.182591440  0.032775880 -0.010801315  0.206313130
## 1564           Anpep -0.194742200 -0.511105540 -0.219839100  0.174585340
## 1565          Antxr1  0.844789000  1.196972800 -0.028272152 -0.271266460
## 1566          Antxr2 -0.982469560 -0.488795280 -1.077307700  0.329517840
## 1567          Antxrl -0.043510437 -0.060443880 -0.059048176  0.010992050
## 1568           Anxa1 -0.691565040 -0.981728100 -1.273915300  0.074248314
## 1569          Anxa10  0.002465725  0.014846802  0.027347565 -0.166553500
## 1570          Anxa11 -0.251487970 -0.407741540  0.041698690  0.142727135
## 1571          Anxa13 -0.023534298  0.000000000  0.092197420  0.006811619
## 1572           Anxa2 -0.283311840 -0.270872120  0.104685780  0.000000000
## 1573           Anxa3  0.130645750  0.102158550  0.235098840  0.076205250
## 1574           Anxa4  0.331221580  0.638287540  0.501175900 -0.135416980
## 1575           Anxa5  0.000000000  0.090754510 -0.338850980  0.036970140
## 1576           Anxa6 -0.319654465 -0.410182712 -0.194984915 -0.094080685
## 1577           Anxa7  0.600351330  0.518389700  0.269276620  0.182624820
## 1578           Anxa8 -0.067796230 -0.097014430  0.000515000  0.134581090
## 1579           Anxa9  0.066106796 -0.040739060  0.116356850  0.000000000
## 1580            Aoah -0.101713660  0.006400108 -0.069868090 -0.045075893
## 1581            Aoc1 -0.014717579 -0.032130240  0.045859337 -0.056115150
## 1582            Aoc2  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.461016650 -0.141153810
## 1583            Aoc3 -0.130719660 -0.163391110 -0.191407680  0.307247160
## 1584            Aox1  0.534614560  0.320202830  0.105808260  0.007965088
## 1585            Aox3  0.064969540 -0.037103176 -0.100605010 -0.096815586
## 1586          Aox3l1  0.038572790  0.000000000 -0.021686554 -0.021481514
## 1587            Aox4 -0.084978580  0.002327442  0.045003890  0.106108665
## 1588           Ap1ar  0.000000000  0.445665360  0.496407500  0.129916190
## 1589           Ap1b1  0.041077137  0.011543751  0.048457146 -0.451432700
## 1590           Ap1g1  0.160453800  0.000000000 -0.130638120 -0.000108000
## 1591           Ap1g2 -0.241112230 -0.118045810 -0.264472000 -0.174510000
## 1592           Ap1m1 -0.513361930 -0.070622444 -0.051914215  0.014844894
## 1593           Ap1m2 -0.215849880  0.017628193  0.017628193  0.017628193
## 1594           Ap1s1 -0.472635750  0.007141113  0.023191452 -0.464589600
## 1595           Ap1s2  0.804863000  0.354392050  0.257026670 -0.525152700
## 1596           Ap1s3 -0.112465860  0.009439945 -0.028714180  0.611352900
## 1597           Ap2a1  0.303152080  0.344660760  0.133778570 -0.061805725
## 1598           Ap2a2  0.220103502  0.406564955  0.188850164 -0.179873705
## 1599           Ap2b1  0.530769350  0.407972340  0.583790800 -0.570557600
## 1600           Ap2m1  0.176211360  0.323836330  0.428399100 -0.319376950
## 1601           Ap2s1 -0.170206070  0.000000000  0.278155800 -0.193790440
## 1602           Ap3b1  0.017392159  0.168004990  0.315167430  0.000137000
## 1603           Ap3b2  0.039721966  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.247940060
## 1604           Ap3d1 -0.022120476 -0.122505190  0.008336067  0.336088180
## 1605           Ap3m1  0.525445940  0.379301070  0.638821130  0.003872395
## 1606           Ap3m2  0.078182220  0.117967606  0.221947670  0.383461000
## 1607           Ap3s1  0.881951650  0.561608013  0.377187417 -0.034706116
## 1608           Ap3s2  0.031819344 -0.419286730  0.000000000 -0.012958527
## 1609           Ap4b1  0.173969750  0.000000000 -0.585486900  0.015740871
## 1610           Ap4e1  0.375101100 -0.053878784 -0.658693800  0.000000000
## 1611           Ap4m1  0.000000000  0.084124090 -0.640144800  0.194161890
## 1612           Ap4s1  0.432675360  0.363277440  0.399226200 -0.160568240
## 1613           Ap5b1 -0.091823580 -0.018472195  0.036148070  0.175363540
## 1614           Ap5m1  0.294116970  0.194265370 -0.136978630 -0.534302700
## 1615           Ap5s1 -0.186365130 -0.234959600  0.117976665  0.168785570
## 1616           Ap5z1  0.074583050  0.056547640  0.000000000 -0.184679030
## 1617           Apaf1 -0.728933330 -0.760399800 -0.571260450  0.113835335
## 1618           Apba1  0.000000000  0.196266650 -0.163464070  0.705078600
## 1619           Apba2  0.040246487 -0.068386080  0.000000000 -0.051301003
## 1620           Apba3  0.211287980 -0.076795100  0.150566100  0.192943100
## 1621           Apbb1  0.000000000  0.127682690 -0.141743180  0.143376350
## 1622         Apbb1ip -0.061158657 -0.150884630 -0.039690970 -0.072746280
## 1623           Apbb2  0.000000000  0.081133840  0.061716080  0.535632130
## 1624           Apbb3  0.201125140 -0.126680370  0.049590110 -0.033188343
## 1625             Apc  0.171374320  0.139253620  0.027370453  0.260959630
## 1626            Apc2 -0.037220000  0.023245811  0.073857310  0.032880306
## 1627          Apcdd1  3.852216700  4.365247000  4.439705000 -0.412991520
## 1628            Apcs -0.012922764  0.015048504  0.064543250  0.059880257
## 1629            Apeh  0.053866386  0.000000000 -0.246898170 -0.104297640
## 1630           Apex1  0.131450650 -0.203040600 -0.001830101 -0.194945810
## 1631           Apex2 -0.183053020  0.119632244  0.123338220 -0.065892220
## 1632           Aph1a  0.156681060  0.170489790  0.693467125 -0.117491720
## 1633           Aph1b  0.045616150 -0.319997800 -0.240070340  0.030895233
## 1634           Aph1c -0.033843517 -0.289352420  0.059927940 -0.231088640
## 1635            Api5  0.038022995 -0.019019127 -0.221149440  0.128499980
## 1636            Apip  0.234010700  0.079547880 -0.065639496 -0.118643760
## 1637          Apitd1 -0.024698734 -0.467861650 -0.279367920 -0.567361350
## 1638            Aplf -0.107249740 -0.003926754  0.362029080  0.167937280
## 1639            Apln -0.272703170 -0.097902775 -0.253698350  0.205340390
## 1640           Aplnr -2.404516200 -1.838882400 -2.141282000  1.163601900
## 1641           Aplp1  0.081295490  0.000000000  0.249618050  0.166305540
## 1642           Aplp2  0.275148400  0.228960040  0.000000000  0.324600220
## 1643           Apmap  0.185640340 -0.024630547  0.358078480 -0.123577595
## 1644           Apoa1  0.002767086 -0.061092377  0.071087360 -0.040938854
## 1645         Apoa1bp  0.050967216  0.548215870  0.239410400  0.205770500
## 1646           Apoa2 -0.084511760  0.170707700 -0.210309980 -0.056360245
## 1647           Apoa4  0.030774355 -0.003089190  0.149099350 -0.063204525
## 1648           Apoa5 -0.071187020  0.052850246  0.217978950  0.043045520
## 1649            Apob -0.040144920 -0.025876045 -0.060041428 -0.025324821
## 1650         Apobec1 -0.043674470 -0.011060238  0.083183290  0.111184600
## 1651         Apobec2 -0.008533001 -0.327441700 -0.137984280 -0.065073970
## 1652         Apobec3 -0.380596160 -1.007162600 -0.022458076  0.380332000
## 1653         Apobec4 -0.060343266  0.123421670  0.189352040  0.002298355
## 1654           Apobr -0.223073000 -0.010710716 -0.014562130 -0.103735450
## 1655           Apoc1  0.025752068 -0.249289040  0.208505150 -0.098768234
## 1656           Apoc2 -0.124218940  0.000000000 -0.068383220  0.152115820
## 1657           Apoc3  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.145913600  0.053574562
## 1658           Apoc4 -0.143007280 -0.017829895  0.074119570  0.177016260
## 1659            Apod  3.509788500  3.292130500  4.653329000  0.109599590
## 1660            Apoe  0.788943300  0.873361600  0.677357700 -0.241979600
## 1661            Apof -0.212713720 -0.105797290  0.123824120 -0.119347095
## 1662            Apoh -0.136569980 -0.012974262 -0.017468452 -0.075788975
## 1663         Apol10a  0.000000000 -0.060395240 -0.030333996  0.345186230
## 1664         Apol10b -0.025040627  0.116596700 -0.286615850  2.176299000
## 1665           Apol6  0.184337140  0.000000000  0.257087700  0.088808540
## 1666          Apol7a -0.008538246 -0.029622078  0.082991600  0.046932220
## 1667          Apol7b  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.093538760 -0.101596355
## 1668          Apol7c  0.219913480  0.152704240  0.232821460 -0.460770600
## 1669          Apol7e -0.009723187 -0.027288914  0.130701070 -0.014725208
## 1670           Apol8  0.013851166 -0.178972720  0.053434372 -0.155368800
## 1671          Apol9a -0.168891900 -0.003469944 -0.035550594 -0.368248000
## 1672          Apol9b -0.298719400 -0.147633550 -0.101473330 -0.538312440
## 1673          Apold1  0.635009770 -0.007258892  0.216436390  0.167014120
## 1674            Apom -0.246303560  0.033178806 -0.162985320  0.090778350
## 1675            Apon  0.140963550  0.223597050 -0.257324220 -0.023478031
## 1676           Apool -0.311559200 -0.588192000  0.168122290  0.206226350
## 1677         Apoo-ps  1.253211500 -0.008248568  0.448026430 -0.133210420
## 1678          Apopt1  0.070452690  0.175951960  0.004776001  0.209481240
## 1679             App  0.349169730  0.481514930  0.525505070  0.188249590
## 1680          Appbp2  0.112285378 -0.192412375  0.149520875  0.048224450
## 1681           Appl1  0.308199880  0.041788100  0.273378370  0.236149790
## 1682           Appl2  0.086960790 -0.183156970  0.003145218  0.227445600
## 1683            Aprt -0.133923530  0.000000000 -0.027662277 -0.001136780
## 1684            Aptx -0.435719970 -0.390589240  0.379018780 -0.234498020
## 1685            Aqp1 -3.327802200 -3.360458000 -3.243260900  1.546320000
## 1686           Aqp11  3.138157800  3.177955600  3.124980000  0.000000000
## 1687           Aqp12  0.096154210 -0.084698680 -0.140006540 -0.388810160
## 1688            Aqp2 -0.065501210 -0.047903060  0.129349710  0.019434929
## 1689            Aqp3 -0.130830760  0.022179127  0.238823410 -0.023267270
## 1690            Aqp4  0.032485485 -0.048561573  0.077822685 -0.022975445
## 1691            Aqp5 -0.161644460 -0.071373940  0.116420746 -0.061083794
## 1692            Aqp6  0.076666355  0.204944130  0.000000000 -0.050075054
## 1693            Aqp7 -0.185837750 -0.050468920 -0.520004750  5.066481600
## 1694            Aqp8  0.016768932  0.151692870  0.030517578  0.005054474
## 1695            Aqp9 -0.198121550 -0.182531360 -0.054008960 -0.123912334
## 1696             Aqr  0.193539620  0.144880300  0.031078339  0.076993940
## 1697              Ar -0.789936540 -1.001087200 -0.966712500  0.000000000
## 1698            Araf  0.320374500  0.334876060  0.000000000  0.079772950
## 1699           Arap1 -0.275120260 -0.205557350 -0.225309850  0.246057510
## 1700           Arap2  1.264954600  1.077796000  0.756065370  0.336716650
## 1701           Arap3 -0.068659780  0.147738460  0.000000000  0.548803300
## 1702             Arc  0.011415482 -0.305528160 -0.246401790 -0.103605750
## 1703           Arcn1  0.001715660 -0.045337677 -0.130681990  0.000000000
## 1704            Areg  0.096306800  0.015221119  0.057161330 -0.028688908
## 1705           Arel1  0.009233475 -0.466690060  0.029581070 -0.436752320
## 1706            Arf1 -0.032102584 -0.182315940 -0.125496865 -0.039496900
## 1707            Arf2  0.211689950  0.063121796 -0.016655922 -0.029519081
## 1708            Arf3 -0.035236360  0.132575990  0.000000000 -0.378595350
## 1709            Arf4  0.039075850 -0.080450060 -0.150907520 -0.019409180
## 1710            Arf5 -0.208436490 -0.029431343  0.070999146  0.063977240
## 1711            Arf6  0.178895000  0.323947900  0.194342610  0.093853000
## 1712         Arfgap1 -0.055855750  0.196852680 -0.170095440  0.309618000
## 1713         Arfgap2  0.197699070  0.881470700 -0.190422530  0.000000000
## 1714         Arfgap3  0.240345000  0.555877200  0.000000000 -0.058999540
## 1715         Arfgef1  0.193733220  0.013997078  0.117741585  0.053788185
## 1716         Arfgef2 -0.267244340 -0.168023973  0.026049518  0.267584976
## 1717          Arfip1  0.029710770 -0.256078240  0.183951850  0.075362680
## 1718          Arfip2  0.071346280 -0.108046530  0.179221150  0.259812360
## 1719          Arfrp1  0.171888350  0.342197420  0.223228450 -0.012941361
## 1720            Arg1 -0.057315826 -0.274220940 -0.070312020  0.186143400
## 1721            Arg2 -0.085833070 -0.331908700 -0.194246290 -0.101802826
## 1722          Arglu1 -0.046611786  0.073429110 -0.025869370  0.288740160
## 1723         Arhgap1 -0.282045360  0.000000000 -0.181872370  0.055046080
## 1724       Arhgap11a -0.563002600 -0.412057880 -0.537951950  0.088487150
## 1725        Arhgap12  0.136117940  0.000000000 -0.281349180  0.161931990
## 1726        Arhgap15 -0.090937614 -0.090888020 -0.165351390 -0.061288834
## 1727        Arhgap17  0.123627660  0.045430660 -0.503504750 -0.004352093
## 1728        Arhgap18  0.000000000 -0.181812290  0.149236680  1.869227400
## 1729        Arhgap19 -0.440331460  0.285619740 -0.278637400 -0.432656760
## 1730        Arhgap20  0.666204900  1.981947400  1.834503200  0.011826992
## 1731        Arhgap21 -0.015755653 -0.023532867 -0.056143760  0.517074600
## 1732        Arhgap22  0.000000000 -0.010452747  0.000000000 -0.056309223
## 1733        Arhgap23 -0.171243910 -0.183969500  0.141019825  0.136609558
## 1734        Arhgap24 -0.162014480 -0.164816380 -0.269385340 -0.204248430
## 1735        Arhgap25  0.123330590 -0.163607600 -0.293580530  0.124674320
## 1736        Arhgap26  0.264783860  0.126493450  0.245460510  0.398816100
## 1737        Arhgap27  0.187287329  0.026723385 -0.075637102  0.168299190
## 1738        Arhgap28 -0.301128860 -0.051574707 -0.509211060  2.001080000
## 1739        Arhgap29  0.188534740  0.086135864  0.110171320  0.101769450
## 1740        Arhgap30 -0.150063040 -0.180583000 -0.039240837 -0.274220940
## 1741        Arhgap31  0.283976550  0.213814740  0.272286420  0.419323920
## 1742        Arhgap32  0.351356030  0.397506240  0.432175160 -0.167805670
## 1743        Arhgap33 -0.013014317  0.000000000 -0.057019710  0.119678500
## 1744        Arhgap36  0.058176517  0.006940365  0.028638363 -0.109397890
## 1745        Arhgap39  0.090700630  0.271630760  0.876032800 -0.353279100
## 1746         Arhgap4 -0.104547500 -0.183092120 -0.094241620  0.117480755
## 1747        Arhgap40  0.001744747 -0.172713760  0.016850948  0.100358010
## 1748        Arhgap42 -0.082981112 -0.102001670 -0.270803930 -0.602241270
## 1749        Arhgap44  0.277173750  0.131558180  0.117947815  0.012842177
## 1750         Arhgap5  0.256935600  0.056176662  0.198536400  0.000000000
## 1751         Arhgap6  0.200152400  0.339262960  0.168846130 -0.101204395
## 1752         Arhgap8  0.240383630  0.167448520  0.193315500  0.320779320
## 1753         Arhgap9 -0.161364560 -0.159073350  0.000000000 -0.185074330
## 1754         Arhgdia -0.103099820  0.326993000  0.160564420 -0.298089030
## 1755         Arhgdib  0.061090470  0.318804740  0.212609290 -0.201855660
## 1756         Arhgdig -0.096077440 -0.082583904 -0.042747974 -0.041750908
## 1757         Arhgef1 -0.139021870  0.061212540 -0.477968220  0.037458420
## 1758        Arhgef10  0.370982170  0.562460900  0.454763400  0.921063400
## 1759       Arhgef10l -0.104374886  0.023938179  0.000000000  0.194412230
## 1760        Arhgef11  0.110354420  0.071407320  0.083618164  0.154250140
## 1761        Arhgef12  0.274208540  0.401084425  0.219879625  0.259460930
## 1762        Arhgef15 -0.326555250  0.013376236  0.013376236  0.839662550
## 1763        Arhgef16  0.085489750  0.082434180 -0.062940120  0.017828941
## 1764        Arhgef17  0.000000000 -0.021540642 -0.049299240  0.032794476
## 1765        Arhgef18 -0.068898680  0.056077957 -0.126559260  0.049516678
## 1766        Arhgef19 -0.016931534 -0.022188663  0.167874810 -0.020477772
## 1767         Arhgef2  0.138366700  0.560839650  0.176560400  0.312783240
## 1768        Arhgef25  0.000000000  0.595755600  0.199592110  2.190533600
## 1769        Arhgef26 -0.115175250 -0.118125440 -0.064582350  0.297785760
## 1770        Arhgef28  0.530581000  0.200008870  0.354141700  0.615831850
## 1771         Arhgef3 -0.109947205  0.132563590  0.127328870  0.062441826
## 1772        Arhgef33  0.101226330  0.207703590  0.290209770  0.041687010
## 1773        Arhgef37 -0.042479040 -0.019713402 -0.115972040  0.256052970
## 1774        Arhgef38 -0.034871580 -0.016316414  0.082400800 -0.171656610
## 1775        Arhgef39  0.046329500  0.123248100  0.051419735 -0.017582893
## 1776         Arhgef4 -0.114607334  0.109514240 -0.193422800 -0.186489100
## 1777        Arhgef40 -0.066883564  0.009047031 -0.008575916 -0.017109394
## 1778         Arhgef5  0.148514750  0.260802265  0.177351000  0.444555765
## 1779         Arhgef6 -0.649562840 -0.500076300 -0.690659050  0.481105800
## 1780         Arhgef7  0.276465420 -0.087209700 -0.036615370  0.786190030
## 1781         Arhgef9  0.624308600  0.974891200  1.144665200  0.502584930
## 1782          Arid1a -0.060374260 -0.108364105 -0.048381805 -0.051099777
## 1783          Arid1b -0.117132190 -0.120560170  0.196109770  0.147380830
## 1784           Arid2  0.003811836 -0.033115387 -0.334254260  0.208298680
## 1785          Arid3a -0.039540290  0.353500840  0.237283230 -0.052146435
## 1786          Arid3b  0.451245300 -0.177965640 -0.302902700 -0.189394470
## 1787          Arid3c -0.043932438 -0.092996120  0.137568000  0.208989620
## 1788          Arid4a  0.117812160  0.032570840  0.000000000 -0.076381680
## 1789          Arid4b  0.381316180  0.208827020  0.027835846  0.197978020
## 1790          Arid5a  0.855861200 -0.141749380  0.064744470  0.144136900
## 1791          Arid5b  0.385784150  0.156080250 -0.086687090  0.702412600
## 1792           Arih1  0.025662422 -0.140901570 -0.324366570  0.000000000
## 1793           Arih2  0.111764273 -0.104670048 -0.028068540 -0.375979110
## 1794            Arl1  0.207774160  0.077076910  0.020313263 -0.153524400
## 1795           Arl10 -0.155273440  0.639246940  0.083344940  0.000000000
## 1796           Arl11  0.000000000 -0.094401840 -0.116865635 -0.044241430
## 1797          Arl13a  0.011398792  0.009314537 -0.198090080 -0.018094063
## 1798          Arl13b  0.646745700  0.124072075  0.296464920  0.381737700
## 1799           Arl14  0.094455720  0.022020817  0.004413128  0.028349876
## 1800         Arl14ep  0.000000000  0.426415440  1.014939300  0.115560530
## 1801        Arl14epl  0.015748024  0.005729199 -0.013389587  0.267470360
## 1802           Arl15  0.116772650  0.106954575  0.814760200  0.003273010
## 1803           Arl16  0.000000000  0.227793700  0.208000660  0.142893790
## 1804            Arl2 -0.130473610  0.523887630  0.397188200 -0.247204300
## 1805          Arl2bp  1.323046700  1.263786300  1.358207700 -0.596751200
## 1806            Arl3  0.453729630  0.646644600  0.366430280 -0.174273490
## 1807           Arl4a  1.817468600  1.745271700  1.343243600 -0.489364620
## 1808           Arl4c -0.481234550 -0.327287670 -0.385548600  0.191475870
## 1809           Arl4d  0.000000000  0.188780310  0.575775600 -0.019737720
## 1810           Arl5a  0.347352030  0.000000000  0.030024529 -0.537290600
## 1811           Arl5b  0.564864160  0.053976060 -0.696297650  0.025897026
## 1812           Arl5c -0.049513817 -0.117947580 -0.071235660  0.000000000
## 1813            Arl6  0.599059100  0.173857690  1.030375500  0.058304310
## 1814         Arl6ip1 -0.066338540 -0.097458840 -0.078491210 -0.377525330
## 1815         Arl6ip4  0.286768900  0.320331570  0.494293200  0.370331760
## 1816         Arl6ip5  0.567110060  0.627245900  0.883940700 -0.358727460
## 1817         Arl6ip6  0.477477070 -0.248497960 -0.110558510 -0.398922920
## 1818           Arl8a -0.264032360 -0.201717380 -0.563489900 -0.025294304
## 1819           Arl8b  0.269200330  0.025478363  0.101414680 -0.313653950
## 1820            Arl9 -0.112093925 -0.582849000 -0.253542420 -0.334166530
## 1821           Armc1  0.059477806  0.016459465  0.323822980  0.206110950
## 1822          Armc10  0.332875250  0.210526940  0.592072500 -0.274799820
## 1823          Armc12 -0.073008060  0.049128532 -0.036463260  0.090338710
## 1824           Armc2  0.058928847  0.005593419  0.063426733 -0.011713743
## 1825           Armc3 -0.036505700 -0.025773525 -0.028152466  0.037062168
## 1826           Armc4 -0.040117502 -0.000188828  0.037198544 -0.011056186
## 1827           Armc5 -0.002423763 -0.018163681  0.275991440  0.229162700
## 1828           Armc6  0.017581940 -0.007826805  0.021234512 -0.075587270
## 1829           Armc7  0.000000000  0.247515200 -0.121671680 -0.164854530
## 1830           Armc8 -0.181516650 -0.049736023  0.018675804 -0.109176636
## 1831           Armc9  0.108955380  0.044046402  0.000000000  0.088279724
## 1832          Armcx1  0.118939400  0.000000000 -0.054098130  0.078883170
## 1833          Armcx2  0.443951600  0.421248900  1.003185700  0.471943860
## 1834          Armcx3  0.163824403 -0.016360283  0.039929391 -0.072979926
## 1835          Armcx5  0.433169360  0.578721050  0.598109250  0.021635532
## 1836          Armcx6 -0.194624900  0.422528270  0.053363800 -0.107551575
## 1837            Arnt -0.215522770 -0.005314827 -0.000969000  0.291691780
## 1838           Arnt2  0.000000000 -0.027534485 -0.133564950  0.009259701
## 1839           Arntl  0.676404950  0.375139240 -0.084877014  0.471930500
## 1840          Arntl2  0.056708336  0.130887990  0.178775310  0.254453180
## 1841          Arpc1a  0.263001440  0.373797420  0.240000720  0.390435220
## 1842          Arpc1b -0.023834229  0.196271420  0.365378855  0.085422991
## 1843           Arpc2 -0.062811850 -0.038442610 -0.072827340 -0.134813310
## 1844           Arpc3 -0.081921580 -0.153688430 -0.099976540  0.023125648
## 1845           Arpc4 -0.137335780 -0.354949000  0.054096222  0.000000000
## 1846           Arpc5 -0.108119965 -0.221007350 -0.077043530 -0.301772120
## 1847          Arpc5l  0.093764305 -0.073236465  0.169939040 -0.192977900
## 1848          Arpp19  0.457592960  0.318451880 -0.054515840 -0.048512460
## 1849          Arpp21  0.033403873  0.019137860  0.194623950 -0.007282734
## 1850            Arr3  0.051336290  0.083731650  0.120769500 -0.017870903
## 1851           Arrb1 -0.457214360 -0.576139450 -0.781936170 -0.134694580
## 1852           Arrb2 -0.348741050 -0.374041080 -0.257955070  0.149450300
## 1853          Arrdc1 -0.002446175  0.208941460  0.428145400  0.000000000
## 1854          Arrdc2 -0.155481340  0.004572392 -0.183105950 -0.069023610
## 1855          Arrdc3 -0.407302860 -0.266819950 -0.463849070 -0.344204900
## 1856          Arrdc4 -1.957255400 -1.858066600 -1.932632400  0.585273740
## 1857          Arrdc5  0.002150059 -0.115808010  0.128748420  0.073191166
## 1858            Arsa -0.148891450  0.486360070 -0.601903440  0.273084640
## 1859            Arsb  0.581897980  0.267380955  0.296164985 -0.142062900
## 1860            Arsg  0.005195141 -0.016233921 -0.000998000 -0.012198925
## 1861            Arsi -0.061564445  0.024597645  0.000000000  0.364208220
## 1862            Arsj -0.061640740  0.052401066 -0.147337440  0.107896330
## 1863            Arsk -0.061422825  0.113587380  0.202234270  0.385308270
## 1864            Art1 -0.016242027  0.007394791  0.137166020 -0.079942230
## 1865        Art2a-ps -0.201434610 -0.069260120  0.000000000  0.191312310
## 1866           Art2b -0.146891120 -0.091229916 -0.052875996 -0.024672031
## 1867            Art3 -1.550902400 -1.860480800 -1.910174800  1.638755300
## 1868            Art4 -0.083012580 -0.004856587  0.000000000  0.021040440
## 1869            Art5  0.063179016  0.000000000  0.172388080  0.198320870
## 1870            Artn  0.080132484  0.111177920 -0.058651447  0.000000000
## 1871            Arv1 -0.102059840 -0.167044640  0.000000000  0.578274250
## 1872           Arvcf  0.142930510  0.000000000  0.091683390 -0.028316021
## 1873             Arx -0.093954090  0.183842180  0.113086700  0.068796635
## 1874          Arxes1  0.028331757 -0.001455307  0.341968540  0.008399487
## 1875          Arxes2  0.009409905  0.314124580  0.544091700 -0.226280690
## 1876           As3mt  0.399644850  0.305714600  0.746127100 -0.401328100
## 1877           Asah1 -0.035142900 -0.211598400  0.029315948  0.034235000
## 1878           Asah2 -0.286442760 -0.217946050 -0.878208640  1.247248600
## 1879           Asap1  0.002009392 -0.212756160 -0.187360760 -0.185707090
## 1880           Asap2 -0.871284500 -0.681393600 -0.467846870  0.901994700
## 1881           Asap3  0.584170800  0.862299440  0.923468600 -0.082466600
## 1882            Asb1  0.090274334 -0.037605286 -0.236956600  0.286862850
## 1883           Asb10  0.046600340  0.012363434  0.115611550 -0.088945866
## 1884           Asb11 -0.063785076  0.000000000 -0.136445520 -0.056449890
## 1885           Asb12  0.049664020  0.130774020  0.028701782  0.270267960
## 1886           Asb13  0.195732600 -0.218504430  0.277645600  0.000000000
## 1887           Asb14 -0.005527020 -0.165806300 -0.142583370 -0.056385517
## 1888           Asb15 -0.014453411 -0.126973630 -0.100497720 -0.112693310
## 1889           Asb16 -0.136086460  0.215600490  0.127466680 -0.007547855
## 1890           Asb17 -0.056091785  0.190814020  0.000500000  0.145293240
## 1891           Asb18  0.107807636 -0.067488670  0.075408936  0.156942370
## 1892            Asb2 -0.114772320 -0.087249756  0.000000000 -0.171025750
## 1893            Asb3  0.321244240 -0.122563360 -0.389209270 -0.085762980
## 1894            Asb4  3.903332200  1.985629100  2.144362000  0.193122390
## 1895            Asb5  0.045851230  0.208594320  0.052292824  0.310066220
## 1896            Asb6 -0.023127079  0.095578190  0.007574081 -0.064578060
## 1897            Asb7  0.170928955  0.013438225 -0.521678670 -0.570486305
## 1898            Asb8 -0.258796700 -0.165271280  0.253124240 -0.165536880
## 1899            Asb9 -0.078858376 -0.079335690  0.169124130 -0.085248950
## 1900           Ascc1  0.171652320  0.409293650  0.270786760 -0.049468994
## 1901           Ascc2 -0.109448430 -0.049698830 -0.193261150  0.032653810
## 1902           Ascc3  0.154079440 -0.002245903  0.045040130  0.072224620
## 1903           Ascl1 -0.174527170 -0.025290966  0.005133629 -0.194829940
## 1904           Ascl2 -0.010656834  0.191634180  0.094909670 -0.029359340
## 1905           Ascl3  0.035928726  0.000000000 -0.005689144 -0.086196420
## 1906           Ascl4 -0.008369446  0.016900063 -0.000143000  0.085246086
## 1907           Asf1a  0.408465400  0.437361720  0.093044280 -0.122716900
## 1908           Asf1b -0.290453900 -0.290458680  0.011852264 -0.092067240
## 1909           Asgr1 -0.084009170  0.000000000  0.040825367 -0.085068700
## 1910           Asgr2 -0.081631180 -0.070651054  0.049431324 -0.053686620
## 1911           Ash1l  0.096656800  0.094287870  0.152458190  0.123017310
## 1912           Ash2l -0.217530250  0.209429740  0.000000000  0.022307396
## 1913           Asic1 -0.044480324 -0.016180515 -0.075937750  0.007994652
## 1914           Asic2  0.029009819 -0.002749443  0.084720135 -0.088809970
## 1915           Asic3 -0.139235020 -0.047206880  0.162456990 -0.048577310
## 1916           Asic4 -0.037820340  0.000000000  0.098193170 -0.026147842
## 1917           Asic5 -0.029574394 -0.040798187  0.008373261 -0.055649757
## 1918             Asl -0.028942585  0.108940600  0.340811250  0.107544900
## 1919           Asna1 -0.310342800  0.828916100 -0.082293990 -0.084418300
## 1920            Asns -0.770954600 -0.752983100  0.462574960  0.072564125
## 1921          Asnsd1 -0.132431030 -0.356931700 -0.013503075 -0.199316980
## 1922            Aspa -0.737325200 -0.969353700 -0.913378700  1.185216000
## 1923           Aspdh -0.150484560  0.143676760  0.206795220 -0.042350770
## 1924            Aspg  0.037349700  0.047335148  0.316647530 -0.013623714
## 1925            Asph -0.832543850 -0.704481600 -0.630231400  0.241712570
## 1926          Asphd1  0.137784480  0.000000000  0.041958810  0.457948200
## 1927          Asphd2 -0.039161205  0.021362782  0.136896130  0.157356260
## 1928            Aspm -0.303475860 -0.069002150 -0.312749860 -0.282440660
## 1929            Aspn -0.393883230 -0.737340900 -0.749736300  1.319354500
## 1930          Asprv1 -0.069636820 -0.304808620 -0.076324940  0.006585121
## 1931         Aspscr1  0.396581170  0.473322400  0.218332770  0.000000000
## 1932          Asrgl1  0.003315926  0.093575000  0.441460600 -0.565121650
## 1933            Ass1 -0.058725119 -0.138262990 -0.104673860  0.634132145
## 1934           Aste1  0.219672200 -0.523571000  0.084019660  0.069296840
## 1935            Astl -0.052782536  0.052858353 -0.164912220 -0.055449963
## 1936           Astn1  0.080560210  0.037288666 -0.011995316  0.020966530
## 1937           Astn2 -0.087647440  0.048762320  0.275604720 -0.234855180
## 1938            Asun  0.034814835 -0.257865900 -0.409358020 -0.153918270
## 1939           Asxl1 -0.612122540 -0.249297140  0.284358020  0.157302860
## 1940           Asxl2 -0.282641400 -0.378773700 -0.108150480  0.188420300
## 1941           Asxl3 -0.081360340 -0.011669636 -0.172207830  1.464535200
## 1942            Asz1 -0.086774826  0.076617720  0.134853360  0.044580460
## 1943           Atad1 -0.032534600 -0.136448860 -0.219730380 -0.060284615
## 1944           Atad2 -0.570100800 -0.599731450 -0.251369950  0.000000000
## 1945          Atad2b -0.131978990 -0.160138129 -0.308038717  0.388021480
## 1946          Atad3a -0.180307390  0.251884460  0.108745575 -0.515691760
## 1947           Atad5 -0.137761600 -0.264311300  0.136425020 -0.212763310
## 1948           Atat1 -0.186310770 -0.053399086 -0.068779945  0.297394280
## 1949           Atcay  0.000562000  0.117168430  0.092639446 -0.161753650
## 1950            Ate1  0.023499489  0.138206480  0.021942139  0.072919846
## 1951            Atf1  0.000000000 -0.050944330  0.381380080 -0.080170630
## 1952            Atf2  0.179534910  0.000000000 -0.052404404  0.138524060
## 1953            Atf3  1.577191400  0.155108930 -0.505344870 -0.132357120
## 1954            Atf4  0.126443860 -0.222522740  0.010672569 -0.260568620
## 1955            Atf5  0.033784866  0.017803192  0.006649971  0.160366060
## 1956            Atf6  0.030322075  0.014302254  0.004446983 -0.056725502
## 1957           Atf6b -0.177387710  0.068321230  0.107588290  0.115025040
## 1958            Atf7  0.016575813 -0.147312160 -0.243194580  0.162773130
## 1959          Atf7ip -0.041930200  0.172112460 -0.032724380  0.280160900
## 1960         Atf7ip2  0.008738995 -0.014633178 -0.023814917 -0.006114006
## 1961           Atg10  0.309282780  0.067293170  0.950739400  0.065059660
## 1962           Atg12  0.323026660  0.245521550  0.475224500  0.072825430
## 1963           Atg13  0.102543830  0.005930901 -0.286602970 -0.082713130
## 1964           Atg14  0.191434860  0.578383450 -0.066978455 -0.157872680
## 1965         Atg16l1  0.088175770  0.033474922 -0.248855110  0.000000000
## 1966         Atg16l2 -0.158463000 -0.109027386  0.000000000 -0.160598750
## 1967           Atg2a  0.013526917 -0.024318218  0.138202670  0.032308100
## 1968           Atg2b  0.106019250  0.175373554 -0.160612590  0.227226495
## 1969            Atg3 -0.344951630 -0.227250100 -0.066446304 -0.328443530
## 1970           Atg4a  0.071010113 -0.102887630  0.101434710  0.209281925
## 1971           Atg4b  0.054756165  0.114725110 -0.130845070 -0.253617760
## 1972           Atg4c  0.026933193  0.105392930 -0.554669860  0.162379740
## 1973           Atg4d -0.037943363  0.062902450  0.132063870  0.268291000
## 1974            Atg5  0.020421028  0.012404919  0.420072560  0.208474640
## 1975            Atg7 -0.060166360  0.022589684 -0.034598827 -0.060853004
## 1976           Atg9a -0.110146046  0.075133800  0.529205300  0.019292831
## 1977           Atg9b  0.009710312  0.116023060 -0.035817623  0.273661140
## 1978           Athl1 -0.331285950  0.011168480 -0.164759160 -0.190450190
## 1979            Atic -0.519025800 -0.485777850 -0.219253540  0.170160300
## 1980            Atl1 -0.110548496  0.181627270  0.157958510  0.800990100
## 1981            Atl2  0.967502600  0.469668400  0.481983180 -0.092613220
## 1982            Atl3 -0.051119804  0.154952050  0.199691770  0.114895820
## 1983             Atm  0.268318650  0.464052680 -0.030241013 -0.003759861
## 1984           Atmin -0.206511970  0.635877600  0.033595562  0.215432170
## 1985            Atn1  0.147254470  0.194394110  0.011905193  0.046775340
## 1986           Atoh1 -0.073738100  0.011310101  0.000000000 -0.024712086
## 1987           Atoh7  0.021720886 -0.000955000  0.000000000 -0.099776270
## 1988           Atoh8 -0.029994965 -0.013054848  0.202354910  0.241861340
## 1989           Atox1  0.576429370  0.693795200  0.435016630 -0.587987900
## 1990          Atp10a  3.963256800  3.664324800  3.657563200 -0.611001500
## 1991          Atp10b  0.055066110  0.042085648  0.033470154 -0.037159920
## 1992          Atp10d  0.382979400  0.240583420  0.354445460 -0.133142470
## 1993          Atp11a  1.008743300  0.941878300  0.634629250  0.438064580
## 1994          Atp11b  0.791049960  0.648209600  0.497174260  0.011477470
## 1995          Atp11c  0.375648500  0.105120660 -0.059685707  0.000000000
## 1996          Atp12a  0.065641405 -0.027847767 -0.004884005  0.062643530
## 1997         Atp13a1 -0.066186430 -0.148311140  0.120363710  0.281904700
## 1998         Atp13a2 -0.120332720 -0.065398690 -0.078800200  0.012556553
## 1999         Atp13a3 -0.038352491 -0.133040188 -0.207620385  0.048560858
## 2000         Atp13a4  0.040598870 -0.041417600  0.136644840  0.030378342
## 2001         Atp13a5  0.277258870  0.271492480  0.469477180  0.060478210
## 2002          Atp1a1 -0.048435210  0.100703240  0.415939330 -0.563365000
## 2003          Atp1a2  0.482436660  0.511552800  0.655806060 -0.083093170
## 2004          Atp1a3 -0.003542900  0.000000000  0.130496030 -0.070835590
## 2005          Atp1a4  0.078109264  0.060535908  0.072311880 -0.106984140
## 2006          Atp1b1 -0.418649200 -0.084063530 -0.630749700 -0.897718400
## 2007          Atp1b2 -0.201586250 -0.303655150 -0.062472820  1.018601400
## 2008          Atp1b3 -0.008804798 -0.307303435  0.000000000 -0.782859805
## 2009          Atp1b4  0.081851006  0.093899730  0.196340080 -0.199269300
## 2010          Atp2a1 -0.066082954  0.000000000  0.042922497  0.119165420
## 2011          Atp2a2  0.364143370  0.362899780  0.147957800 -0.279441830
## 2012          Atp2a3 -0.313350680 -0.100456715 -0.542104700  0.053267480
## 2013          Atp2b1  0.102813720  0.036087990 -0.050833702 -0.032795906
## 2014          Atp2b2 -0.026454449 -0.069242000  0.012059689  0.034697056
## 2015          Atp2b3  0.049444200 -0.097458360 -0.173571110 -0.077725410
## 2016          Atp2b4 -1.114898200 -1.522707500 -1.287710700  0.522327400
## 2017          Atp2c1  0.511295300  0.572140700  0.352950100 -0.269515040
## 2018          Atp2c2  0.191785340 -0.025456429  0.000000000 -0.013760090
## 2019           Atp4a  0.044965267 -0.070598125 -0.041908740 -0.122676370
## 2020           Atp4b  0.007368565 -0.059530735  0.021301270 -0.046129704
## 2021          Atp5a1 -0.456044200 -0.211630820 -0.119912150 -0.291939740
## 2022           Atp5b  0.005696297  0.000000000 -0.056714058 -0.318323140
## 2023          Atp5c1 -0.136261940 -0.030364990  0.122251510 -0.092006680
## 2024           Atp5d -0.280074120  0.029591560  0.132720000 -0.199798580
## 2025           Atp5e  0.000000000  0.058524130  0.089008330 -0.202351570
## 2026          Atp5f1  0.077991963  0.071143150  0.093106745 -0.176404955
## 2027          Atp5g1 -0.297704695 -0.322949885 -0.438089370 -0.361764905
## 2028          Atp5g2 -0.133193967  0.190428733 -0.181323370 -0.299974757
## 2029          Atp5g3 -0.041920662  0.025126457  0.045605660 -0.353074070
## 2030           Atp5h  0.163824397  0.181948660  0.169537227 -0.257438663
## 2031           Atp5j  0.074103355  0.245366100  0.090017320  0.196408270
## 2032          Atp5j2  0.043204308  0.301428800 -0.112780570  0.005584717
## 2033           Atp5k -0.097233770  0.232295040 -0.087527275 -0.185951230
## 2034           Atp5l  0.016393662  0.010640314 -0.258297602 -0.162548858
## 2035           Atp5o -0.022762299 -0.127793310  0.215480800 -0.065024376
## 2036           Atp5s  0.002303600  0.074498650  0.509757500  0.069259170
## 2037          Atp5sl -0.235751150  0.174778940  0.509521960 -0.101316930
## 2038         Atp6ap1 -0.081493380  0.052455902  0.321665760 -0.501306530
## 2039        Atp6ap1l  0.000000000  0.010752201  0.081176760  0.040048600
## 2040         Atp6ap2  0.070657730  0.000000000 -0.321402550 -0.217408180
## 2041        Atp6v0a1  1.242054000  1.148973500  0.669851300  0.034256935
## 2042        Atp6v0a2 -0.016912460  0.105374335  0.470271120  0.078371050
## 2043        Atp6v0a4 -0.158118250 -0.182881360 -0.047034264 -0.103515625
## 2044         Atp6v0b  0.000000000  0.000483000  0.048437120 -0.240836140
## 2045         Atp6v0c  0.041153590  0.058900514  0.310128847 -0.098591805
## 2046        Atp6v0d1 -0.095324520 -0.268361100  0.363318440 -0.783543600
## 2047        Atp6v0d2 -0.074390410 -0.004358292 -0.106140140  0.027286530
## 2048         Atp6v0e -0.222266200 -0.240557670 -0.082953450 -0.239381790
## 2049        Atp6v0e2  0.225230700  0.801492200  0.444372180  0.222820760
## 2050         Atp6v1a  0.175911900  0.323996540  0.240165710 -0.540911700
## 2051        Atp6v1b1 -0.063916210 -0.083755970  0.213651180 -0.127999780
## 2052        Atp6v1b2  0.035520554 -0.026311874 -0.029996872 -0.289394380
## 2053        Atp6v1c1  0.204154970 -0.062064170  0.006022453 -0.254055980
## 2054        Atp6v1c2 -0.124199870  0.000000000  0.029819489  0.040726660
## 2055         Atp6v1d  0.142545700  0.228414540  0.000000000 -0.311442380
## 2056        Atp6v1e1 -0.236623760  0.336657520 -0.072715760 -0.144922260
## 2057        Atp6v1e2  0.017329693 -0.210299490  0.017329693  0.090973380
## 2058         Atp6v1f -0.245018955  0.421831130  0.184669970 -0.384144310
## 2059        Atp6v1g1 -0.143608095 -0.083213809  0.060895444 -0.146562580
## 2060        Atp6v1g2 -0.075059890 -0.207272530 -0.084497450 -0.100193500
## 2061        Atp6v1g3 -0.158368590 -0.059540750 -0.110615730  0.000000000
## 2062         Atp6v1h  0.113963130 -0.046289444  0.449845300  0.050491333
## 2063           Atp7a  0.815732960 -0.058711052  0.685625100 -0.056771280
## 2064           Atp7b  0.068539620 -0.056495667  0.046797752 -0.051584720
## 2065          Atp8a1  1.119463900  1.082470900  0.826033600 -0.130852700
## 2066          Atp8a2  0.000000000 -0.057163715  0.147279260 -0.132240300
## 2067          Atp8b1 -1.400661000 -1.988368500  0.040530680  1.114992600
## 2068          Atp8b2 -0.047828197  0.000000000  0.503567700  0.175570960
## 2069          Atp8b3  0.000000000  0.008079052  0.071508410  0.034158707
## 2070          Atp8b4 -0.221702580 -0.072116850 -0.117971420 -0.038708687
## 2071          Atp8b5  0.342275140  0.683858900 -0.708517550  1.682410700
## 2072           Atp9a -0.520944600 -0.221308710 -0.136824130  1.206152000
## 2073           Atp9b  0.270864500  0.080395700  0.184516900  0.085476875
## 2074          Atpaf1  0.241063830  0.209955930 -0.083233358 -0.364130735
## 2075          Atpaf2 -0.206877230 -0.654881000  0.514783860  0.121691704
## 2076          Atpif1 -0.443067550 -0.381935120 -0.777928350 -0.438614850
## 2077             Atr  0.019646883  0.015857459 -0.062647584  0.158774136
## 2078          Atraid  0.106264114  0.123062134  0.383430480 -0.123217580
## 2079           Atrip  0.168298720  0.165772910 -0.173738000  0.203355310
## 2080            Atrn -0.147504328 -0.169645309  0.000513080  0.505270955
## 2081          Atrnl1  0.143849370 -0.093333244  0.100596430  0.206547740
## 2082            Atrx  0.263402000  0.154501910 -0.212831500  0.175633430
## 2083           Atxn1  0.194152360  0.006941795 -0.328226100  0.524087400
## 2084          Atxn10 -0.343925480 -0.264912600 -0.436014180 -0.810254100
## 2085          Atxn1l  0.000000000 -0.024588108 -0.061988830  0.226996420
## 2086           Atxn2  0.016168594  0.000000000  0.009674072  0.212466240
## 2087          Atxn2l -0.177865030  0.044809340 -0.022408485 -0.087369920
## 2088           Atxn3  0.104165080 -0.061644554  0.067713740  0.553986550
## 2089           Atxn7  0.207255360  0.327737800 -0.159076690  0.174043660
## 2090         Atxn7l1 -0.304487705 -0.631106360 -0.129455330 -0.066547869
## 2091         Atxn7l3  0.053360940  0.356945040 -0.339374070 -0.154689310
## 2092        Atxn7l3b -0.013928891  0.356851330  0.353277445  0.090632675
## 2093        AU015228  0.128791810  0.111883160  0.209831710  0.186963080
## 2094        AU015836 -0.018805980  0.009630680  0.095346450  0.076615330
## 2095        AU018091 -0.259455200 -0.197740550  0.017669200  0.114411830
## 2096        AU019823  0.518342000  0.281272900 -0.019712448  0.432749750
## 2097        AU019990 -0.068969250  0.087336060 -0.007799149  0.038975240
## 2098        AU021092  0.912117960  1.266673100  0.628591540  0.136018750
## 2099        AU022252 -0.130242350  0.099980354  0.647752760 -0.085414410
## 2100        AU022751 -0.090605736 -0.028388023  0.020809174  0.351943500
## 2101        AU023871 -0.170158860 -0.151764400 -0.162542340 -0.236004350
## 2102        AU040096  0.161785600  0.261206630  0.290273200 -0.127941130
## 2103        AU040320  0.052097320  0.013134003  0.114246845 -0.006419659
## 2104             Auh -0.234822270  0.270661830  0.793325900  0.182301520
## 2105            Aup1 -0.169875140 -0.284455300 -0.199646950  0.213281630
## 2106           Aurka -0.197094920 -0.108189580 -0.452085970 -0.271755220
## 2107        Aurkaip1 -0.157925600  0.184206010  0.140951160 -0.234088900
## 2108           Aurkb -0.185425280 -0.110224724 -0.140980720 -0.100855830
## 2109           Aurkc -0.042127728 -0.036047578  0.086423159  0.039389252
## 2110           Auts2  0.951741700  0.537668700  0.514376640  1.704804000
## 2111        AV320801 -0.005456448  0.022206545  0.037269353 -0.025875568
## 2112            Aven -0.254486560 -0.810715200  0.080791950 -0.234721660
## 2113            Avil  0.242599960  0.081346035 -0.199326990  0.182401660
## 2114            Avl9  0.780859000  0.493701930  0.511491800 -0.014719963
## 2115             Avp -0.007367611 -0.017606735  0.060028553  0.000000000
## 2116           Avpi1 -0.181757450  0.158809190  0.374306200  0.045634747
## 2117          Avpr1a -0.045752050 -0.237753870 -0.174901010  0.020923615
## 2118          Avpr1b  0.090284350  0.228440760  0.053581715 -0.050865173
## 2119           Avpr2 -0.087202070 -0.105056286  0.071212770  0.195217610
## 2120        AW112010  0.115295410 -0.716895100 -0.326327320  0.958186150
## 2121        AW146154  0.084877970 -0.025876522  0.106659890  0.272682670
## 2122        AW209491  0.062091350  0.176018240  0.110489845 -0.026249409
## 2123        AW549877  0.011534691  0.115111350 -0.609630600  0.000000000
## 2124        AW551984  0.000000000 -0.024605751  0.000000000  0.011129856
## 2125        AW554918  0.363767620  0.280427930 -0.049410820  0.334053040
## 2126        AW822252 -0.321240900  0.030356407  0.033763885  0.155504700
## 2127           Awat1  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.008000374 -0.039300920
## 2128           Awat2  0.001609325 -0.092656610  0.112037180 -0.075706480
## 2129          Axdnd1 -0.062747955  0.000000000 -0.029426575 -0.098953250
## 2130           Axin1  0.063848495  0.000000000  0.418380260 -0.147851470
## 2131           Axin2  1.423463800  2.351983000  2.046853000 -0.352406500
## 2132             Axl -0.036123276 -0.071462630 -0.166948800 -0.033692360
## 2133        AY036118 -0.008587837  0.029728890 -0.143733020 -0.147383690
## 2134        AY074887 -0.079525470  0.071107864  0.000000000  0.166401860
## 2135        AY358078  0.031789303 -0.030318260 -0.082793236 -0.001454830
## 2136        AY512915  0.054848670  0.155650620  0.120959280 -0.056951523
## 2137        AY512931  0.055558680 -0.032737255 -0.086549280  0.125768180
## 2138        AY512949 -0.035531044 -0.137573240  0.096872330  0.075564384
## 2139        AY702102 -0.128551960 -0.047010900  0.015423775  0.358898640
## 2140        AY702103  0.027505398  0.008692265 -0.055215360  0.073467255
## 2141        AY761184  0.052641870  0.071791650 -0.074313640 -0.280916200
## 2142            Aym1  0.102598190  0.117509840  0.021763325 -0.020431995
## 2143           Azgp1 -0.040353300 -0.225600240 -0.079348564  0.020393848
## 2144            Azi1  0.089917180  0.148376460  0.089052680  0.220823760
## 2145            Azi2  0.140665050 -0.088198660 -0.013586044 -0.098855020
## 2146           Azin1  0.295231820 -0.750738140 -0.563850400  0.120085716
## 2147   B020004J07Rik  0.128355980  0.158216950  0.088314060 -0.019098759
## 2148   B020018G12Rik  0.035256863  0.002073765 -0.023976803 -0.019941330
## 2149   B130006D01Rik  0.000000000 -0.185791490 -0.308701040  0.136609550
## 2150   B130016D09Rik -0.104791640  0.054560660  0.147553920  0.137861250
## 2151   B130024G19Rik -0.054816246 -0.007331371 -0.250918400 -0.235599520
## 2152   B230118H07Rik  0.472413060  0.829214600  0.609388800  0.199679370
## 2153   B230206H07Rik  0.438145640  0.192610260  0.298112870 -0.169530870
## 2154   B230207O21Rik -0.300618650 -0.082148550  1.129626300  0.038487434
## 2155   B230217C12Rik  0.000000000 -0.168327330 -0.060061455 -0.131396770
## 2156   B230219D22Rik  0.332234380  0.498662000  0.663792600  0.381221770
## 2157   B230319C09Rik -0.245041370  0.141194820 -0.259565830  0.045231342
## 2158   B230354O11Rik -0.114858150  0.000000000  0.455967900 -0.163206580
## 2159             B2m  0.000000000 -0.337830540 -0.434343340  0.065716740
## 2160   B330016D10Rik  1.026568400  0.265051360  0.763948900  0.076700210
## 2161        B3galnt1  0.361333850  0.056419850  0.195270540  0.000000000
## 2162        B3galnt2  0.091290474 -0.068690300  0.113816260  0.000000000
## 2163         B3galt1 -0.042528152 -0.209301000 -0.086214066 -0.054293156
## 2164         B3galt2  0.329516900 -0.098317620 -0.363596440  0.156006810
## 2165         B3galt4  0.096096990  0.153231620  0.734950540  0.147957320
## 2166         B3galt5 -0.004719257  0.069029810 -0.035933495 -0.041646957
## 2167         B3galt6  0.053161144  0.158431050  0.511252400 -0.225870130
## 2168         B3galtl -0.485583780 -0.138167380 -0.599093900  0.071655750
## 2169          B3gat1 -0.127193930 -0.016405582  0.034201145  0.210356240
## 2170          B3gat2  0.110923290  0.095641610  0.668972500 -0.055219650
## 2171          B3gat3  0.032494545 -0.051860332  0.141312600  0.209038260
## 2172          B3gnt1  0.320630070  0.738044740  0.919182800  0.058483124
## 2173          B3gnt2  0.559649470  0.540082930  0.667706500 -0.111587524
## 2174          B3gnt3 -0.695008300 -0.406044960  0.248537060  0.278762820
## 2175          B3gnt4  0.068606850 -0.016401290  0.121093750  0.000000000
## 2176          B3gnt5 -0.104450226 -0.177746770 -0.093608380  0.249471190
## 2177          B3gnt6 -0.199892040  0.064761640 -0.100028990  0.090477940
## 2178          B3gnt7 -0.026525974  0.016151905 -0.060460090 -0.027608871
## 2179          B3gnt8 -0.047459126 -0.143888000 -0.014501572  0.001307011
## 2180          B3gnt9  0.035845757  0.066041950 -0.059232235 -0.003067493
## 2181         B3gntl1  0.212276940  0.234848980 -0.153936390  0.106447700
## 2182   B430203G13Rik -0.355758670  0.152819630 -0.166172980  0.527273200
## 2183   B430209F14Rik  0.401381970  0.466085430  0.565127400 -0.187419890
## 2184   B430212C06Rik -0.001908302  0.000000000  0.040260790 -0.156279560
## 2185   B430306N03Rik -0.156399730 -0.017690659 -0.180172440  0.004192352
## 2186        B4galnt1  0.003470660 -0.082132578 -0.086003305  0.120815515
## 2187        B4galnt2  0.133729930 -0.093420506 -0.067652225 -0.144426820
## 2188        B4galnt3 -0.063097001 -0.037025343 -0.005978584  0.028626681
## 2189        B4galnt4 -0.041359900  0.016692638  0.194871900  0.020661830
## 2190         B4galt1 -0.002902985 -0.490425100  0.094983100  0.000000000
## 2191         B4galt2  0.071485996 -0.037864685  0.131057740  0.053368570
## 2192         B4galt3  0.015000343  0.174982070 -0.476368900  0.047679424
## 2193         B4galt4  1.013956500  0.883796200  0.900681000  0.440050600
## 2194         B4galt5  0.167291640  0.172675610  0.146816730 -0.016088486
## 2195         B4galt6 -0.325566300 -0.494088170 -0.551901800 -0.612984200
## 2196         B4galt7  0.129194740  0.000000000  0.080033300  0.194587230
## 2197   B630005N14Rik -0.032462120  0.016252518 -0.263049130 -0.043622970
## 2198   B630019K06Rik  0.080610275  0.210852150  0.047470570  0.238513950
## 2199   B830017H08Rik  0.202090740  0.037399770  0.181670190 -0.132969860
## 2200   B930036N10Rik -0.015895367 -0.031429290  0.086542610  0.033521175
## 2201   B930041F14Rik  0.327014450  0.723019600  0.737464900  0.081600190
## 2202   B930078G14Rik  0.127560620  0.000000000  0.324139600 -0.144943710
## 2203   B930095G15Rik  0.131202700  0.126543050 -0.060356617  0.902774800
## 2204            B9d1  0.264088630  0.144120220 -0.266194340  0.315099720
## 2205            B9d2 -0.221282480  0.019213200 -0.303215500 -0.002608299
## 2206           Baalc -0.009569645  0.245461940  0.129973890 -0.002487183
## 2207            Baat -0.137956140  0.026529312 -0.028409481  0.114662170
## 2208          Babam1 -0.191316600  0.312330250  0.647237800  0.000000000
## 2209           Bace1  0.055542946 -0.006679058 -0.005686283 -0.202650550
## 2210           Bace2 -0.297893285 -0.522781850 -0.394849775 -0.065823080
## 2211           Bach1  1.063849400  0.224352840  0.056435585 -0.193785670
## 2212           Bach2  0.235291000 -0.067643640 -0.204401500  0.089218620
## 2213             Bad  0.178333760  0.015082359  0.000000000 -0.100977900
## 2214            Bag1 -0.043970108  0.192752840  0.088460920  0.048452377
## 2215            Bag2  0.100025180  0.166065220  0.237272260 -0.138607500
## 2216            Bag3  0.466941830 -0.035594940 -0.090667725  0.189205170
## 2217            Bag4 -0.100577355 -0.080139400  0.075103283  0.150425913
## 2218            Bag5 -0.431075100  0.017029762 -0.063353540  0.122259140
## 2219            Bag6 -0.227475170  0.101895330  0.136409760  0.066212654
## 2220          Bahcc1 -0.049406530  0.000000000  0.192997460  0.503214360
## 2221           Bahd1  0.119710445  0.063200950  0.000000000  0.221917630
## 2222            Bai1  0.040348530 -0.062832830 -0.165273190  0.001325607
## 2223            Bai2 -0.001205921  0.098993300 -0.025279999  0.214327340
## 2224            Bai3  0.005153656  0.176157470 -0.007081509 -0.079607960
## 2225          Baiap2  0.271459100  0.608451370  0.564250950 -0.192467690
## 2226        Baiap2l1  1.709710600  1.400022000  1.498337700 -0.037826538
## 2227        Baiap2l2 -0.048457146 -0.078487396  0.224911690  0.038847446
## 2228          Baiap3  0.033541680  0.142349720 -0.114171505 -0.055775166
## 2229            Bak1 -0.543706900 -0.057498455  0.238164663 -0.033846140
## 2230           Bambi  0.046746254 -0.311661720 -0.415856840 -0.191105370
## 2231           Banf1 -0.046436310  0.039520264  0.300516130 -0.181402200
## 2232           Banf2 -0.129282000 -0.093965050  0.018462181  0.037769794
## 2233           Bank1 -0.130939960 -0.076177120 -0.105609894 -0.124896530
## 2234            Banp  0.011152744 -0.139711860 -0.216323380  0.109834194
## 2235            Bap1 -0.021721840  0.236837390  0.498124120  0.012146950
## 2236           Bard1 -0.097230592 -0.235094864 -0.102866014 -0.117715993
## 2237          Barhl1 -0.084635260  0.057816030 -0.077845570  0.043461800
## 2238          Barhl2  0.098563194 -0.004692078  0.080247880  0.037107944
## 2239           Barx1 -0.049733162 -0.026566505 -0.061982155 -0.186509610
## 2240           Barx2 -0.116062164  0.023508072  0.061018944  0.026271343
## 2241           Basp1 -0.273295880  0.244560240 -0.119044304 -0.092146870
## 2242            Batf  0.219622610  0.202210430  0.074209210 -0.231809140
## 2243           Batf2 -0.071977140  0.186207770 -0.024046421  0.000000000
## 2244           Batf3 -0.030565262 -0.000499000  0.028027534  0.018619060
## 2245             Bax -0.366148000 -0.014612198  0.448202130  0.117107390
## 2246           Baz1a -0.929299350 -0.919209500 -0.973687200  0.144263270
## 2247           Baz1b -0.067487720  0.029664993  0.091130260  0.177104950
## 2248           Baz2a -0.076864240 -0.019899368  0.015976906  0.000000000
## 2249           Baz2b  0.124628070  0.043998720  0.070907590  0.571378700
## 2250        BB014433 -0.067935940 -0.114840984 -0.137075900  0.027654648
## 2251        BB287469 -0.022025585 -0.035744667  0.034839630  0.025711536
## 2252            Bbc3 -0.023985863 -0.000283000  0.145935540  0.236179830
## 2253           Bbox1  0.182531830  0.135103700 -0.093033314 -0.033792973
## 2254            Bbs1 -0.153645990  0.132189750  0.079558370  0.047606945
## 2255           Bbs10 -0.118472100 -0.089908600  0.156817910  0.029966831
## 2256           Bbs12 -0.091745850  0.121136190  0.704910760  0.271923070
## 2257            Bbs2  0.293583400  0.467278000  0.192998890 -0.177284720
## 2258            Bbs4  0.515704630  0.665374760  0.303415300 -0.237494950
## 2259            Bbs5 -0.020193100  0.271134850 -0.369105820  0.110278610
## 2260            Bbs7  0.373150350  0.273253920  0.462088580 -0.004037380
## 2261            Bbs9  0.358929630  0.538881300  0.000000000  0.137654300
## 2262             Bbx  0.257801530 -0.026970387 -0.055458546  0.181805610
## 2263        BC002059  0.246957780 -0.179588800  0.793068400 -0.191097740
## 2264        BC002189  0.174893860  0.016870022 -0.139950280 -0.093831060
## 2265        BC003331  0.451083180  0.097660065 -0.464281080  0.026766777
## 2266        BC003965 -0.243108270 -0.089218140 -0.152316100 -0.066113470
## 2267        BC004004 -0.338773730  0.091240880  0.000000000 -0.094637870
## 2268        BC005537  0.054367065 -0.196194650 -0.392379760  0.000000000
## 2269        BC005561  0.265667920  0.202150340 -0.048114777  0.000000000
## 2270        BC005624  0.142777918 -0.029889109  0.305796150  0.144878869
## 2271        BC005685  0.847557380 -0.229111673 -0.379000503 -0.767107480
## 2272        BC005764  0.068630695  0.039452553  0.075614450 -0.155993940
## 2273        BC006965 -0.040978194  0.049333095  0.018748283  0.076746227
## 2274        BC016423  0.188934330  0.004042625 -0.158245090  0.235929490
## 2275        BC016548 -0.012687206  0.014906406  0.011195660  0.082610610
## 2276        BC016579  0.025034904  0.000000000  0.150186060  0.173734190
## 2277        BC017643 -0.223251340 -0.398458960  0.367339600 -0.129342560
## 2278        BC018242 -0.088918210  0.064262870  0.273325920  0.115518090
## 2279        BC018473 -0.091049670 -0.074009895 -0.002261639  0.073232174
## 2280        BC018507 -0.181063650  0.038364410  0.555839540  0.403909680
## 2281        BC021614 -0.197165970  0.164423470 -0.156977650 -0.246194840
## 2282        BC021785 -0.080014706 -0.022328854 -0.060147285 -0.015866280
## 2283        BC021891  0.120338920 -0.043043137  0.145042900 -0.028907299
## 2284        BC022687  0.119324684 -0.140012260  0.163611890 -0.119334700
## 2285        BC022713 -0.209193230  0.179577350 -0.099048615  0.002100945
## 2286        BC023105 -0.058592320 -0.083901405 -0.145714760  0.028524876
## 2287        BC023829  0.037739754 -0.211798670  0.017380714  0.041576385
## 2288        BC024139  0.030350685  0.099882600  0.051475048  0.013164043
## 2289        BC024582  0.013028145  0.007671356  0.038143158 -0.197341920
## 2290        BC025446 -0.092439175 -0.065025330  0.006888390  0.072957990
## 2291        BC025920  0.095626830 -0.060897827  0.076689240 -0.034465790
## 2292        BC026585 -0.518858900 -0.149374490 -0.526325700  0.302796840
## 2293        BC026590  0.253750320  1.035771800 -0.548654560 -0.500032400
## 2294        BC027072  0.048518180  0.000000000  0.121527195  0.035002710
## 2295        BC027231  0.191674230  0.068595886  0.025836945 -0.485016350
## 2296        BC028528  0.764712330  0.625685700  0.489304540  0.349751470
## 2297        BC029214 -0.010026455  0.041490555  0.144840240  0.101580620
## 2298        BC030307  0.047818660 -0.049030780 -0.001740933 -0.080099580
## 2299        BC030336  0.469440940  0.532230850 -0.189671040  0.202412130
## 2300        BC030476  0.091320515  0.171422960  0.080990790 -0.034468174
## 2301        BC030500  0.015739440  0.094017030  0.093965050  0.020195484
## 2302        BC030867  0.029154778 -0.108993050 -0.034811497 -0.046205044
## 2303        BC030870  0.000000000  0.196079730  0.255315780 -0.031171799
## 2304        BC031181  0.000000000  0.168364520  0.630566600 -0.442785260
## 2305        BC031361  1.150274800 -0.040451050  0.466692920 -0.207070830
## 2306        BC034090 -0.089795590 -0.094615940  0.008802891 -0.110491276
## 2307        BC034902  0.000000000 -0.021315575 -0.004968166  0.123230460
## 2308        BC035947 -0.063697340 -0.085705760 -0.038459300  0.228237150
## 2309        BC037034 -0.099158290 -0.157487870  0.209551810 -0.268039700
## 2310        BC037156 -0.024738312 -0.051599980 -0.045437336 -0.024004936
## 2311        BC043934 -0.277984620  0.047583580 -0.328243260  0.094047550
## 2312        BC048403 -0.040876627  0.176934000  0.130300045 -0.015535830
## 2313        BC048502 -0.081825730 -0.061153412  0.073082924  0.006874561
## 2314        BC048507 -0.062516690  0.070509434  0.000000000 -0.118963240
## 2315        BC048546 -0.077004430  0.080863950  0.170554160  0.079034330
## 2316        BC048562  0.019423485 -0.090247630  0.188272000 -0.241304400
## 2317        BC048609  0.212952140 -0.115925790  0.256822600 -0.197859760
## 2318        BC048671 -0.005536556  0.053627014  0.032145023 -0.083222390
## 2319        BC049635 -0.016949654  0.023938656  0.156703950  0.134225370
## 2320        BC049688 -0.088655470 -0.132369040  0.252045630  0.000000000
## 2321        BC049702 -0.114420414  0.079548836 -0.100630280 -0.081314090
## 2322        BC049715  0.027570248 -0.166628360 -0.062706950 -0.055099487
## 2323        BC049730 -0.007552147 -0.040843487  0.022404194 -0.011839867
## 2324        BC049762 -0.016212463  0.000000000  0.008290291  0.051818370
## 2325        BC051019  0.007954598 -0.157552240 -0.017203808  0.037713050
## 2326        BC051070  0.013816834  0.024163723  0.021934032  0.103940964
## 2327        BC051142  0.043755530  0.090235710 -0.213010310 -0.125463960
## 2328        BC051628 -0.013718605 -0.015200138  0.263106820  0.056602000
## 2329        BC051665  0.045385360  0.128241540  0.062045097  0.070901870
## 2330        BC052040  0.292102340 -0.128780840  0.672916400 -0.450392250
## 2331        BC053393  0.094672200 -0.040719032  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 2332        BC053749 -0.021665096  0.013687611  0.123887060  0.000000000
## 2333        BC055111 -0.022320270  0.087873460  0.100641250  0.105734825
## 2334        BC056474  0.012022972  0.152503010  0.576952000 -0.172201160
## 2335        BC061194  0.114688870 -0.057391167 -0.215330600 -0.030318737
## 2336        BC061237  0.075345040  0.317708500  0.007834911 -0.045236110
## 2337        BC065397  0.194499495  0.227892850  0.031414986  0.207525250
## 2338        BC068157 -0.027539730 -0.002149105  0.039572716  0.077627660
## 2339        BC068281  0.115388390  0.114819530  0.029241085 -0.009314060
## 2340        BC080695 -0.130884650  0.162278650  0.007738590 -0.029246330
## 2341        BC089491  0.006440640  0.019111633  0.126635550  0.025902271
## 2342        BC089597 -0.289989470 -0.048125744 -0.028189182 -0.004208088
## 2343        BC094916 -0.302368640  0.276216980 -0.116841790 -0.179841520
## 2344        BC096441  0.269020080  0.616334900  0.101383210  0.123801230
## 2345        BC100451 -0.321832660 -0.309136870  0.000000000 -0.138243200
## 2346        BC100530  0.019121647  0.112946510 -0.038867474 -0.014373779
## 2347        BC106179  0.611923200  0.597828400  0.478587150  0.438244820
## 2348        BC107364  0.258867260  0.321977620  0.407745360 -0.028669834
## 2349        BC117090 -0.087816715  0.000000000  0.041035175 -0.063413620
## 2350        BC147527  0.157026770 -0.047523975 -0.096607685 -0.087039470
## 2351            Bcam  0.202302930  0.275934220  0.343276020  0.223667140
## 2352            Bcan -0.030049324  0.173532490  0.148060800  0.020328045
## 2353          Bcap29  0.553010000  0.221618650  0.276711460 -0.397100450
## 2354          Bcap31  0.031875610  0.316572200  0.000000000 -0.230521200
## 2355           Bcar1 -0.086925510  0.000000000  0.013815880  0.096758840
## 2356           Bcar3  0.693589200  0.316838260  0.963220600  0.038584232
## 2357           Bcas1 -0.041180610  0.108374120  0.039022446 -0.105844975
## 2358           Bcas2  0.327345850 -0.006377220  0.054801940 -0.072402000
## 2359           Bcas3  0.095962050 -0.125470640 -0.098396780  0.017228127
## 2360           Bcat1 -0.001461983 -0.007436752  0.096857070  0.100017550
## 2361           Bcat2 -0.032251358 -0.139424800  0.010123253 -0.047969818
## 2362           Bccip -0.096859930  0.238433840  0.345842360 -0.239639280
## 2363         Bcdin3d -0.007954121  0.154950620  0.247151850  0.010721684
## 2364            Bche  4.649556600  4.440036300  3.862018000  0.077902794
## 2365          Bckdha  0.031124115 -0.045542717  0.302382000  0.174448970
## 2366          Bckdhb  0.226922990 -0.037364960  0.315200800  0.000000000
## 2367           Bckdk  0.128986360  0.129207130 -0.212733270 -0.174311160
## 2368           Bcl10 -0.021453380 -0.460560800 -0.338570600  0.057324410
## 2369          Bcl11a -0.045889378 -0.006512165 -0.099860670  0.014130116
## 2370          Bcl11b -0.045963287  0.157801630  0.052427770  0.006723404
## 2371            Bcl2 -0.257389310 -0.414541000 -0.264473440  0.512454275
## 2372         Bcl2a1a -0.471393600 -0.139533040  0.000000000  0.105275154
## 2373         Bcl2a1b -0.454154970 -0.165578840 -0.019163132  0.119246480
## 2374         Bcl2a1c -0.095073700  0.126050470 -0.001813412 -0.162083150
## 2375         Bcl2a1d -0.468463420 -0.191686150 -0.093211174  0.095434190
## 2376          Bcl2l1  0.405987740  0.633467700  0.682596200  0.252006530
## 2377         Bcl2l10 -0.022080421 -0.051273346 -0.001290798  0.026458263
## 2378         Bcl2l11  0.164632800 -0.191553120 -0.081079480  0.151475900
## 2379         Bcl2l12 -0.167922970  0.087632180  0.160432340  0.068838600
## 2380         Bcl2l13 -0.011021137  0.389933600  0.124601840  0.047961235
## 2381         Bcl2l14 -0.071330550 -0.017249107 -0.003378391 -0.049901962
## 2382         Bcl2l15  0.041993618 -0.087898730  0.000000000 -0.210055830
## 2383          Bcl2l2 -0.177571300 -0.027217388  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 2384            Bcl3  0.029056550 -0.470918180  0.502145770 -0.120746136
## 2385            Bcl6  0.168382640  0.129811290  0.000000000 -0.162641530
## 2386           Bcl6b  0.505368230 -0.290849700 -0.272520070  1.309477800
## 2387           Bcl7a -0.713108540 -0.697710040 -0.831589200  0.094295500
## 2388           Bcl7b  0.338913920  0.343153950  0.567248340 -0.587962600
## 2389           Bcl7c  0.011303902  0.112589360  0.175202370 -0.016154766
## 2390            Bcl9 -0.125626560 -0.266438960  0.455572130  0.271882060
## 2391           Bcl9l -0.128663540 -0.141707900  0.020188808 -0.018190860
## 2392          Bclaf1  0.047327995 -0.071491240 -0.112348560  0.206343650
## 2393           Bcmo1 -0.010336399 -0.006618977 -0.009828091  0.010513783
## 2394            Bco2  0.494186400  0.607021330  0.100446700 -0.006767273
## 2395            Bcor -0.440534600  0.003037930 -0.231686590 -0.011815071
## 2396          Bcorl1  0.097165110 -0.169552330 -0.035045147  0.000000000
## 2397             Bcr -0.003568650  0.166167500  0.156082870  0.009512425
## 2398           Bcs1l -0.051153183  0.144327160 -0.269960400 -0.316834930
## 2399            Bdh1  0.152710910 -0.135195260 -0.145840640 -0.050240040
## 2400            Bdh2  0.029397488 -0.035731792 -0.005030632 -0.016980171
## 2401          Bdkrb1  0.000000000 -0.019135952  0.011825085  0.064682960
## 2402          Bdkrb2 -0.004364014  0.200115200 -0.063156605 -0.246508600
## 2403            Bdnf -0.104084970 -0.034658432  0.062227726 -0.078630924
## 2404            Bdp1  0.303687100  0.033446312  0.120084760  0.334386830
## 2405           Bean1 -0.036424637 -0.067502500  0.158976550  0.268594740
## 2406           Becn1  0.000000000  0.188213350 -0.060860634  0.153415680
## 2407          Begain -0.060843945  0.017830372 -0.027021408  0.074457645
## 2408           Bend3  0.121505260  0.234520910  0.242587570 -0.241841800
## 2409           Bend4 -0.079591274 -0.098958015  0.044336796  0.042932510
## 2410           Bend5  0.882094400  1.125513600  0.907779700  0.467378140
## 2411           Bend6 -0.165574550  0.009850502 -0.142077920  0.085916996
## 2412           Bend7  0.193454270 -0.074065210  0.000000000  0.889083400
## 2413           Best1 -0.139074800  0.000000000  0.326599120 -0.041398050
## 2414           Best2  0.085619450 -0.030067444  0.112390520  0.003771305
## 2415           Best3 -0.091395855 -0.056534290  0.149523260 -0.020143032
## 2416            Bet1  0.658452030 -0.002324104  0.460009570 -0.305160050
## 2417           Bet1l  0.286847100 -0.030338287  0.036912918 -0.091445920
## 2418            Bex1  0.010294437  0.249702450 -0.072066784  0.000000000
## 2419            Bex2  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.050486565  0.081032750
## 2420            Bex4 -0.118454220 -0.145666600  0.019310714 -0.081804275
## 2421            Bex6  0.019316196 -0.043161870  0.088498590 -0.040854930
## 2422            Bfar  0.035459040  0.286084650  0.120247364  0.182285790
## 2423           Bfsp1 -0.007750988  0.095582485  0.219419000  0.004957676
## 2424           Bfsp2 -0.008897781 -0.053109646  0.002164841  0.115348340
## 2425           Bglap  0.017508507 -0.008254051 -0.117481230  0.285012250
## 2426          Bglap2  0.089991570 -0.064014910  0.163599970  0.005707741
## 2427          Bglap3  0.138044360  0.039254190 -0.006822109  0.008448124
## 2428             Bgn -2.242827000 -1.551940900 -1.471411200 -0.259603500
## 2429         Bhlha15  0.147682670 -0.075163364  0.000000000  0.124756810
## 2430          Bhlha9 -0.022430420  0.024959564  0.098216060  0.023428917
## 2431          Bhlhb9  2.051354400  1.655160000  1.916070900 -0.032487392
## 2432         Bhlhe22  0.118964670 -0.002027035 -0.065503600  0.241362570
## 2433         Bhlhe23 -0.000814000  0.038139820  0.060601234  0.088678360
## 2434         Bhlhe40  1.505677700  0.459209440  0.666821000 -0.385155680
## 2435         Bhlhe41 -0.250524520 -0.382128240 -0.240332130 -0.366055000
## 2436            Bhmt -0.017433172  0.138571899  0.005359976 -0.071856022
## 2437           Bhmt2  0.000000000  0.047313213  0.149378300  0.052554130
## 2438           Bicc1 -0.158535950 -0.146752120 -0.132952215  0.078948973
## 2439           Bicd1  0.000000000 -0.005886555 -0.236618040  0.347408300
## 2440           Bicd2 -0.099480630  0.242420670  0.142847060  0.638398650
## 2441             Bid -0.126361850 -0.060961246 -0.272856700 -0.314936160
## 2442             Bik -0.059340477  0.043609142 -0.241974350  0.005258560
## 2443            Bin1  0.046783924 -0.072654250  0.280199530  0.175899030
## 2444            Bin3 -0.005426407  0.231897350  0.558567050 -0.389132980
## 2445           Birc2  0.207447050  0.124882700 -0.054189682  0.268799780
## 2446           Birc3  0.170154570 -0.154506680  0.000000000  0.361148830
## 2447           Birc5 -0.180233000 -0.284297470 -0.252007960  0.016599655
## 2448           Birc6  0.099032400  0.015172005 -0.055573463  0.252916340
## 2449           Birc7 -0.156773570  0.000000000  0.247679230  0.063961980
## 2450            Bivm  0.398366930  0.399215220 -0.460452080  0.114480495
## 2451           Blcap  0.023604393  0.341612820  0.129081730  0.180306430
## 2452             Blk  0.223022460  0.007997990  0.039772987 -0.048367023
## 2453             Blm  0.050710200  0.000000000 -0.027668476 -0.414030080
## 2454            Blmh -0.065407750 -0.036564827  0.028409004 -0.230507850
## 2455            Blnk -0.033952713  0.110315320 -0.191553120 -0.109791280
## 2456         Bloc1s1 -0.128288270  0.493011470  0.226665015  0.193883420
## 2457         Bloc1s2 -0.037387848 -0.017801285 -0.668332100 -0.423961885
## 2458         Bloc1s3 -0.044866085  0.000000000  0.109832290 -0.244306090
## 2459         Bloc1s4  0.071368694  0.116488930  0.262820720 -0.040598870
## 2460         Bloc1s5  0.107028484  0.019607544 -0.231877800 -0.275751600
## 2461         Bloc1s6 -0.113883020 -0.088866234 -0.242215160  0.169763090
## 2462           Blvra -0.283699500  0.000000000 -0.276489260  0.128654480
## 2463           Blvrb -0.032708168  0.109252930  0.083877560  0.161783700
## 2464           Blzf1  0.000000000  0.425647740 -0.259972570  0.155509950
## 2465             Bmf -0.114708420 -0.010294437  0.110428810  0.097798350
## 2466            Bmi1  0.377233500  0.189456940  0.002060890 -0.009525299
## 2467            Bmp1 -0.310548780 -0.335073000 -0.230597500  0.249984740
## 2468           Bmp10  0.000000000 -0.012662888  0.069569590  0.063209060
## 2469           Bmp15  0.249227050  0.240293500  0.168349270 -0.062742710
## 2470            Bmp2  0.032828330 -0.063461780 -0.003487110 -0.200101850
## 2471           Bmp2k  0.365878100  0.197313310 -0.145011900 -0.199083800
## 2472            Bmp3 -0.048037530  0.077450750 -0.146344660  0.070819855
## 2473            Bmp4 -0.648376000 -0.713412760 -0.513733860  0.052977562
## 2474            Bmp5 -0.039055347 -0.302484040  0.060992718  0.024463177
## 2475            Bmp6 -0.682051200 -0.620866800 -0.500733400  1.388769100
## 2476            Bmp7 -0.164927245  0.033018351  0.177717685  0.061527493
## 2477           Bmp8a -0.086393360 -0.027009487 -0.099626540 -0.131826400
## 2478           Bmp8b -0.028373241  0.059964657  0.024976730 -0.203228470
## 2479           Bmper -0.092535496  0.008169174 -0.090268610  0.026058197
## 2480          Bmpr1a -0.177263260 -0.261281500 -0.370741370 -0.214062210
## 2481          Bmpr1b -0.017888546 -0.044085503  0.106215954 -0.068618774
## 2482           Bmpr2  0.858360300  0.697789200  0.680008900  0.137619020
## 2483            Bms1  0.179483410  0.098162650 -0.033218384  0.483098980
## 2484             Bmx  1.082518600  1.280155200  0.522168160 -0.645738100
## 2485            Bmyc -0.075500010  0.011780739  0.304058070  0.000000000
## 2486            Bnc1 -0.090174675  0.064009670 -0.090454580 -0.108635426
## 2487            Bnc2 -0.093251230 -0.067203520  0.060805320 -0.046778202
## 2488           Bnip1 -0.055108070  0.350461960 -0.493620870  0.142761700
## 2489           Bnip2  0.355008130  0.290596000  0.138906480  0.088269230
## 2490           Bnip3  1.146513000  1.087846750  0.146360158  0.244700905
## 2491          Bnip3l  0.406799800  0.345752715  0.366957190 -0.103589535
## 2492           Bnipl  0.026633263  0.049283504  0.032579422 -0.093340400
## 2493             Boc  0.292373180  0.725428600  0.281864640 -0.065589430
## 2494            Bod1  0.115411280  0.231101990  0.000000000  0.111457825
## 2495           Bod1l  0.320191380  0.176680560  0.322573660  0.381912230
## 2496             Bok  0.074837210  0.376582150  0.168990610 -0.029063225
## 2497           Bola1  0.055392265  0.037458420  0.362167840 -0.129084110
## 2498           Bola2 -0.215065000  0.117207530  0.498960500 -0.238236430
## 2499           Bola3  0.140199660  0.241874700  0.302255630 -0.051356316
## 2500            Boll -0.010697365 -0.069407460  0.001506805  0.007840633
## 2501            Bop1  0.024302006 -0.112140180  0.006015301  0.119249820
## 2502            Bora -0.142907620  0.131299970 -0.435657980 -0.010039330
## 2503            Bpgm  0.056270600  0.211001400  0.073419570 -0.310951700
## 2504            Bphl  0.048610687  0.230203630  0.067298410 -0.230148790
## 2505             Bpi  0.043909550  0.035159110  0.019931316 -0.011642933
## 2506          Bpifa1 -0.044476510 -0.098914150  0.060213090 -0.021548748
## 2507          Bpifa2  0.007422924 -0.030268192 -0.062086582  0.142532830
## 2508          Bpifa3 -0.086801530 -0.122641090  0.006514072  0.156048770
## 2509          Bpifa5  0.036956310  0.107975480  0.137829780  0.169536590
## 2510          Bpifa6 -0.019230366  0.003048420 -0.038825990  0.046087740
## 2511          Bpifb1 -0.058799267 -0.039909363 -0.120773315 -0.032557964
## 2512          Bpifb2 -0.012819767  0.008367062  0.010693073  0.067872524
## 2513          Bpifb3 -0.021009922  0.009970188 -0.095095160 -0.024571419
## 2514          Bpifb4  0.036487580  0.005097389  0.115595820 -0.035706997
## 2515          Bpifb5 -0.033921240  0.033481598  0.149740220  0.217154030
## 2516          Bpifb6  0.057004450 -0.117910860 -0.087554930 -0.115771290
## 2517         Bpifb9a -0.006908417  0.022867680 -0.076858040 -0.186057570
## 2518         Bpifb9b  0.005087376 -0.136614800 -0.284089570 -0.002926827
## 2519           Bpifc  0.027151585  0.040718080  0.165672300  0.012936592
## 2520           Bpnt1  0.040382385  0.092943190  0.000000000 -0.334499360
## 2521            Bptf  0.284370425  0.315908923  0.005491734  0.308818335
## 2522            Braf  0.098314285  0.365865700 -0.121047020  0.027151108
## 2523            Brap  0.203741070  0.035407066  0.001834869  0.100650790
## 2524           Brat1  0.064585210 -0.056968212  0.062663080 -0.077743050
## 2525           Brca1 -0.086777690 -0.108728410 -0.153627400 -0.195188050
## 2526           Brca2  0.142474170 -0.125248430  0.029351234 -0.145092960
## 2527           Brcc3 -0.069018364 -0.207995410 -0.167375560  0.175871850
## 2528            Brd1 -0.101692680  0.029646397  0.001415730  0.201311590
## 2529            Brd2 -0.213994980 -0.129796030 -0.330813400 -0.078381540
## 2530            Brd3  0.098134040  0.014162064  0.018918037  0.077803610
## 2531            Brd4 -0.008932114  0.018179893  0.102506640  0.289063450
## 2532            Brd7 -0.058853150  0.296485900  0.088738440 -0.211803440
## 2533            Brd8 -0.017456055  0.013384819 -0.245262150  0.238252640
## 2534            Brd9  0.000000000  0.182695390 -0.128252980  0.334737780
## 2535            Brdt  0.132721420  0.000000000  0.070427895  0.090021130
## 2536             Bre -0.053430557  0.051275253  0.804781900  0.067655560
## 2537            Brf1  0.002418275  0.108293295  0.219299075  0.182427645
## 2538            Brf2  0.171209340  0.399016860  0.612496850  0.603016400
## 2539            Bri3  0.271243100 -0.009124756 -0.073849680 -0.004649162
## 2540          Bri3bp -0.095772740 -0.103811264 -0.001212597 -0.180278780
## 2541          Brinp1  0.018843174  0.025669098  0.004159451 -0.043441772
## 2542          Brinp2 -0.000669000  0.128596300  0.025875092 -0.171590800
## 2543           Brip1 -0.794777400 -0.655396000 -0.576527100 -0.179636960
## 2544           Brix1 -0.145362850 -0.323594100 -0.106359480 -0.506541250
## 2545            Brk1  0.001776695  0.064574240  0.075420380 -0.525211330
## 2546           Brms1 -0.446784500 -0.272157670 -0.550150900 -0.011763573
## 2547          Brms1l  0.429093360  0.604235650  0.269783020 -0.147239690
## 2548            Brox  0.146224020  0.050670625 -0.093187810  0.187438010
## 2549           Brpf1  0.032220840 -0.015596390  0.096520900  0.045689106
## 2550           Brpf3 -0.205155370  0.030971527 -0.249892710  0.017556667
## 2551            Brs3 -0.023038387 -0.053750990 -0.069090370  0.104474545
## 2552           Brsk1  0.035481453 -0.103127480 -0.098004820  0.119415280
## 2553           Brsk2 -0.148309710 -0.077264310 -0.095716000 -0.186405180
## 2554           Brwd1  0.325686450 -0.038453102 -0.033832550  0.289344800
## 2555           Brwd3  0.201861380  0.142077450  0.004094601 -0.127177720
## 2556           Bscl2  0.000000000 -0.214048860  0.071527004 -0.187263970
## 2557           Bsdc1  0.395075800  0.250812530  0.408590320  0.096802710
## 2558             Bsg  2.118263200  2.205635000  2.094781900  0.086769104
## 2559             Bsn -0.103093625  0.018751858  0.007978200  0.035794810
## 2560            Bsnd -0.095652580  0.024940490  0.000000000 -0.153156760
## 2561           Bsph1 -0.010290146  0.023944855  0.047735214  0.164001940
## 2562           Bsph2  0.048794270  0.006159306  0.022936821  0.102490425
## 2563           Bspry -0.007089615  0.265234470 -0.215484140 -0.245527270
## 2564            Bst1 -0.082089424  0.000000000  0.279676440 -0.220969200
## 2565            Bst2 -0.536747930 -0.437792780 -0.181447980  0.422760960
## 2566             Bsx  0.060322285 -0.053143978  0.070571900 -0.123547080
## 2567           Btaf1  0.132549290 -0.450675000 -0.310277940  0.061429977
## 2568           Btbd1  0.035678386  0.149417880  0.268252370 -0.022324085
## 2569          Btbd10  0.114198685 -0.197143080  0.039371014 -0.089459420
## 2570          Btbd11  0.031375885  0.000000000  0.069089890 -0.004981518
## 2571          Btbd16  0.062459470  0.057756424  0.057476997  0.000000000
## 2572          Btbd17 -0.083855630 -0.096844670 -0.014390469 -0.112742900
## 2573          Btbd19  0.000000000 -0.191270830 -0.282489780  0.239553930
## 2574           Btbd2 -0.267213820  0.264091500  0.185693260  0.300601000
## 2575           Btbd3 -0.041085243  0.033747673  0.000000000  0.401614200
## 2576           Btbd6  0.146579270  0.069007400  0.103915215  0.216779710
## 2577           Btbd7  0.213858600  0.283430100  0.436071400  0.131030080
## 2578           Btbd9 -0.006608009  0.000000000 -0.509441850  0.418349270
## 2579             Btc -0.003974438  0.000000000 -0.092270374  0.075833800
## 2580             Btd  0.336124420  0.023871899  0.384022240 -0.164304730
## 2581            Btf3 -0.020281314 -0.023930073  0.100753548 -0.013565540
## 2582          Btf3l4 -0.005956650  0.063516141 -0.169614790 -0.194877625
## 2583            Btg1 -0.348543170 -0.470944400 -0.759708400 -0.014989853
## 2584            Btg2  1.094253500 -0.462323200  0.000000000  0.526606560
## 2585            Btg3  1.012764450  1.009218250  0.431784625  0.411506650
## 2586            Btg4  0.017992020  0.000000000  0.138317110 -0.013271809
## 2587             Btk -0.104242325  0.000000000 -0.011065006  0.273791800
## 2588            Btla -0.162389280 -0.139642240  0.154824730  0.283411980
## 2589          Btn1a1  0.006698608 -0.144118790  0.018867016  0.068764210
## 2590          Btn2a2 -0.060949326 -0.108320236  0.060173510 -0.104701040
## 2591           Btnl1 -0.100314140  0.096166610 -0.134824750  0.088192940
## 2592          Btnl10 -0.246716020  0.066990376 -0.050969124 -0.059656620
## 2593           Btnl2  0.120672700 -0.085693360  0.205948350 -0.040026665
## 2594           Btnl4 -0.024209023  0.188945770  0.000000000 -0.020695210
## 2595           Btnl5  0.017617543 -0.118864378  0.000707467 -0.051397960
## 2596           Btnl7  0.000000000 -0.085876940  0.000000000 -0.107740880
## 2597           Btnl9 -0.348480220 -0.274894240 -0.348804950  1.624464000
## 2598            Btrc -0.092137340  0.028368950  0.026620865  0.421449660
## 2599            Bub1 -0.480864520 -0.636234300 -0.411952500  0.127753730
## 2600           Bub1b -0.465351100 -0.208720680 -0.402611260  0.479347230
## 2601            Bub3 -0.005929947  0.066114426  0.521020900 -0.041250230
## 2602           Bud13  0.123889446 -0.035516262  0.030218601  0.148365500
## 2603           Bud31 -0.262519840 -0.189070700  0.015661240 -0.347527500
## 2604            Bves  0.057300568 -0.080016610 -0.118090630  0.000000000
## 2605            Bysl -0.045609950  0.287404060 -0.169234280  0.067537310
## 2606          Bzrap1 -0.054117203  0.082685470 -0.135717390  0.049455643
## 2607            Bzw1  0.002850533 -0.338841440 -0.266416550 -0.051348686
## 2608            Bzw2 -0.183139800  0.115193844 -0.117283344  0.078963280
## 2609   C030005K15Rik -0.052261830  0.000000000  0.008547783  0.107761860
## 2610   C030006K11Rik -0.040139200  0.105693820  0.037058830 -0.207569120
## 2611   C030016D13Rik -0.114121440  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.209873200
## 2612   C030034I22Rik  0.000000000  0.302953240  0.724452500  0.625179300
## 2613   C030039L03Rik -0.052365780  0.176687240  0.070490360  0.116560936
## 2614   C030046E11Rik  0.000000000  0.239892000 -0.156227110  1.226080000
## 2615   C130023O10Rik  0.120730400  0.306800370 -0.183891300  0.168125150
## 2616   C130026I21Rik -0.161692620 -0.099706650 -0.278064250  0.116137030
## 2617   C130026L21Rik  0.031697750 -0.004128456 -0.060121060 -0.172573090
## 2618   C130046B21Rik -0.085794450  0.127353190  0.063147070  0.367334840
## 2619   C130050O18Rik -0.269214630 -0.305834300  0.004897118  0.409080980
## 2620   C130060K24Rik -0.014838219  0.035379887  0.019274712  0.063883780
## 2621   C130074G19Rik  0.963303570  1.312991100  0.975781440  0.187591550
## 2622   C130079G13Rik  0.014120579  0.004724979 -0.023641110 -0.066897390
## 2623             C1d  0.264481070 -0.001706123 -0.528419500  0.013901234
## 2624         C1galt1  0.046099663 -0.136150360  0.031006813 -0.234222410
## 2625       C1galt1c1  0.292522430 -0.040863990  0.163184170 -0.168211940
## 2626            C1qa  0.000000000  0.067006590  0.429367540 -0.176532750
## 2627            C1qb -0.289171700  0.097361565  0.463050840  0.004224777
## 2628           C1qbp -0.324019430 -0.260416980 -0.021892548 -0.187263490
## 2629            C1qc  0.137893680  0.734169960  0.500367160 -0.267994400
## 2630           C1ql1  0.042633057 -0.042925835 -0.081606865 -0.333479880
## 2631           C1ql2  0.097891810  0.005135536  0.042397500 -0.076063156
## 2632           C1ql3  0.038402557 -0.279663560 -0.104486465 -0.010303974
## 2633           C1ql4  0.102464200  0.019550323 -0.053044320  0.000000000
## 2634         C1qtnf1 -0.781441200 -0.717116830 -0.436294560  1.059412000
## 2635         C1qtnf2  0.000000000 -0.140978340 -0.202182770  0.213865760
## 2636         C1qtnf3 -0.118905544  0.081603530  0.011860371 -0.077666280
## 2637         C1qtnf4  0.060433388 -0.002262592 -0.123171810  0.064949036
## 2638         C1qtnf5 -0.040988445 -0.005369663  0.014574528  0.023960590
## 2639         C1qtnf6  0.009067059  0.009067059 -0.068577290  0.366028800
## 2640         C1qtnf7 -0.101595880 -0.150215630 -0.132509710  0.116952420
## 2641         C1qtnf9  0.000000000 -0.154238700  0.008611679  4.128537000
## 2642            C1ra -0.081876280 -0.023935795  0.158031940  0.125948900
## 2643            C1rb -0.103213790 -0.026944160 -0.092236520 -0.034266950
## 2644            C1rl -0.061844826 -0.102144240  0.109888080 -0.067976475
## 2645             C1s -0.580570200 -0.254580020 -0.323139200  0.358301640
## 2646              C2 -0.029342651 -0.040331364 -0.132774350 -0.188849930
## 2647   C230004F18Rik  0.021600246 -0.088961124 -0.027874947  0.086060050
## 2648   C230030N03Rik -0.029472828  0.000000000  0.051089764  0.048802376
## 2649   C230052I12Rik -0.148571010 -0.031000137 -0.077031136 -0.027377129
## 2650   C230081A13Rik -0.280321120 -0.362692830 -0.420602800  0.688272500
## 2651           C2cd2  0.096925735  0.219008920 -0.269334800  0.071317670
## 2652          C2cd2l  0.164809230 -0.156875610  0.097961426  0.167256830
## 2653           C2cd3  0.181876180 -0.023096561  0.000000000  0.193274970
## 2654          C2cd4a  0.000000000  0.032107353  0.120477200 -0.023921967
## 2655          C2cd4b -0.147320982 -0.010970353  0.216795680  0.122932674
## 2656          C2cd4c  0.050076008 -0.061929226  0.003130913 -0.156837460
## 2657           C2cd5  0.259880070  0.174259660  0.000000000 -0.000670000
## 2658              C3 -1.047845800 -1.323426200 -1.055495300 -0.506352400
## 2659   C330007P06Rik  0.334130285  0.313027634  0.174048186  0.100763562
## 2660   C330018D20Rik -0.213528160  0.641198640 -0.002579212 -0.509041800
## 2661   C330021F23Rik -0.071356300 -0.010951042  0.032943726 -0.152518270
## 2662   C330024D21Rik  0.166491030  0.089169980 -0.069502350 -0.011353493
## 2663   C330027C09Rik -0.276954650 -0.356230740 -0.049307346 -0.190678600
## 2664           C3ar1  0.000000000  0.790373800  0.662403600 -0.418121340
## 2665             C4a  0.280570980 -0.078825950  0.262163160  0.090605260
## 2666             C4b -0.091804030 -0.074822426  0.551486000  0.023443699
## 2667            C4bp -0.076807976 -0.059356213 -0.034390450 -0.071755886
## 2668        C4bp-ps1 -0.044611930 -0.062664986  0.024288177  0.024523258
## 2669   C530005A16Rik -0.251553540 -0.185619350  0.174902440 -0.016263008
## 2670   C530008M17Rik  0.012322903 -0.032750607  0.144904139  0.063603875
## 2671           C5ar1 -0.403478620  0.042588710 -0.128354070  0.000000000
## 2672           C5ar2 -0.163605690  0.027194977 -0.163959030 -0.215398790
## 2673              C6  0.000000000  0.019695282 -0.000371000 -0.068020344
## 2674   C630004L07Rik  0.027132988 -0.028370857  0.018009663  0.078163624
## 2675   C730037M02Rik -0.001327038 -0.001908302  0.048712730 -0.074890610
## 2676          C77080 -0.005070686 -0.086224556 -0.012207508  0.017842293
## 2677          C77370  0.302150250 -0.008066654  0.130399700 -0.159638880
## 2678          C78339  0.036225320 -0.003880501  0.020985603  0.000000000
## 2679          C79130 -0.098226550  0.000000000  0.002686024 -0.008154869
## 2680          C87414           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 2681          C87436 -0.058797360  0.193722720  0.933592300 -0.034174442
## 2682          C87499  0.039207935 -0.061825275 -0.001932621  0.008469105
## 2683          C87977  0.026000977 -0.003107071 -0.035288810  0.170994280
## 2684             C8a  0.032686234  0.047765730 -0.059900760 -0.022313595
## 2685             C8b -0.028572560  0.049832344  0.000000000 -0.193365100
## 2686             C8g -0.206215380  0.013401985  0.040417670 -0.142149450
## 2687              C9  0.000731000  0.029562473  0.053050995 -0.018432617
## 2688           Caap1  0.208073620  0.010244846 -0.113678930  0.145377160
## 2689           Cab39  0.289277550  0.164664032  0.162650350 -0.261445765
## 2690          Cab39l  0.139088630  0.024282932  0.240409370 -0.042190075
## 2691          Cabin1  0.114118576  0.160963060  0.361054900  0.011322498
## 2692         Cables1  0.746318800  0.225272660  0.150101660 -0.266372680
## 2693         Cables2 -0.099766730 -0.271667480  0.396251200  1.283067200
## 2694           Cabp1  0.014158249  0.213264470 -0.288245200  1.169195200
## 2695           Cabp2  0.075482370  0.122848510  0.104854584  0.052522182
## 2696           Cabp4 -0.142245770  0.000535000 -0.093689440 -0.164376260
## 2697           Cabp5  0.101431850 -0.008037090  0.078292850  0.032157898
## 2698           Cabp7 -0.028189182  0.000000000  0.121932510 -0.116804120
## 2699           Cabs1 -0.011064053  0.016400814  0.098623750 -0.123477460
## 2700           Cabyr  0.946496000  1.046206000  0.132916450  0.087508680
## 2701          Cacfd1 -0.083226443  0.176677942  0.474254845  0.090379951
## 2702          Cachd1  1.433816400  1.042188200  0.679393770  0.007194996
## 2703         Cacna1a  0.582451340  0.997422200  0.347714900 -0.073493960
## 2704         Cacna1b  0.000000000 -0.083097935  0.047574997  0.083187100
## 2705         Cacna1c -0.115248680 -0.173720360 -0.069822310 -0.079937935
## 2706         Cacna1d  0.072495460  0.041803360 -0.034556390 -0.092041016
## 2707         Cacna1e  0.346292500  0.122640610  0.516933900 -0.269184600
## 2708         Cacna1f -0.004855633  0.054636955 -0.035924435  0.063432220
## 2709         Cacna1g -0.033349514  0.038283825  0.014253140 -0.180273060
## 2710         Cacna1h -0.067121980 -0.006724358  0.106780530  0.143219470
## 2711         Cacna1i  0.071610930 -0.033175470  0.240985400  0.055984974
## 2712         Cacna1s  0.031468390  0.000000000 -0.020209790 -0.042572975
## 2713        Cacna2d1 -0.102748395 -0.177195070 -0.129936933  0.088079214
## 2714        Cacna2d2 -0.043702126  0.007224560 -0.060057163  0.048358917
## 2715        Cacna2d3  0.000000000  0.104077816  0.061898710 -0.040842056
## 2716        Cacna2d4 -0.089679240 -0.007024288 -0.139853000  0.126891610
## 2717          Cacnb1  0.373104100 -0.041779518 -0.218592170  0.440846440
## 2718          Cacnb2 -0.153130530 -0.033457281  0.009761573  0.213621145
## 2719          Cacnb3 -0.256687160 -0.076891420 -0.130912780  0.034465790
## 2720          Cacnb4 -0.036427498 -0.040854454  0.055783270 -0.080634120
## 2721          Cacng1 -0.107758520 -0.140088080 -0.331957820  0.160177230
## 2722          Cacng2 -0.038460730  0.061085700  0.004827499 -0.002543926
## 2723          Cacng3  0.070535180 -0.101240160  0.082709790 -0.073327540
## 2724          Cacng4  0.000000000 -0.047885418  0.123581890 -0.142494200
## 2725          Cacng5  0.018551826  0.010244846  0.065351010 -0.005454540
## 2726          Cacng7  0.552168850  0.000000000 -0.032033443  0.031777382
## 2727          Cacng8  0.030570030 -0.034816265  0.069151400  0.059999943
## 2728          Cactin -0.044452190  0.070394040  0.000000000  0.339776520
## 2729          Cacul1  0.016403198 -0.208850860 -0.543870000  0.022946358
## 2730          Cacybp  0.814702030 -0.149375920  0.244058610 -0.113254550
## 2731             Cad  0.081222534  0.207760330  0.199377060 -0.042642117
## 2732           Cadm1  0.972670560  1.214028400  1.035524400 -0.676109300
## 2733           Cadm2 -0.024612904 -0.023639202  0.226943020  0.020849705
## 2734           Cadm3  0.000000000  0.196202750  0.395426750 -0.238389020
## 2735           Cadm4 -0.101191520  0.258235450  0.185820100 -0.204011920
## 2736           Cadps -0.047288418  0.052339077  0.146167760 -0.016076088
## 2737          Cadps2 -0.059443474 -0.070437910  0.000000000  0.177359100
## 2738           Cage1 -0.017579556  0.013318539  0.053150177 -0.007232189
## 2739           Calb1 -0.033723354  0.000000000 -0.070535180  0.013914108
## 2740           Calb2  0.007894039  0.006636143  0.040220260 -0.017066479
## 2741           Calca -0.093730450  0.031347275  0.068661690  0.138830660
## 2742           Calcb  0.043439390  0.041193962 -0.167386050 -0.219728000
## 2743        Calcoco1  0.000696000  0.277958870  0.057228090  0.116081240
## 2744        Calcoco2 -0.005103350 -0.030728102 -0.069911004  0.047143698
## 2745           Calcr  0.067059994 -0.017271042 -0.015430927 -0.085121630
## 2746          Calcrl  0.034953117 -0.108125690 -0.036957740  0.000000000
## 2747           Cald1 -0.755481700 -0.320803640 -0.472668650  1.035640700
## 2748          Calhm1  0.060363293 -0.144430160  0.276294230  0.268362050
## 2749          Calhm2 -0.264645580  0.082055570 -0.137051580 -0.040219307
## 2750           Calm1  0.222973820  0.378022200  0.152109150  0.092271805
## 2751           Calm2 -0.247825145 -0.232089995 -0.211818220 -0.010992050
## 2752           Calm3 -0.301077840  0.016729355 -0.038642883  0.035196304
## 2753           Calm4 -0.044671535 -0.124222755  0.101243970 -0.204329010
## 2754           Calm5  0.029624939  0.008147240  0.019571304 -0.155503750
## 2755          Calml3 -0.024098873  0.000000000  0.039048670  0.083093170
## 2756          Calml4 -0.858925340 -0.815558430 -0.752673600  0.000000000
## 2757           Caln1  0.000000000  0.035052300  0.112313270  0.013594627
## 2758            Calr -0.260452270 -0.100191120 -0.267500880 -0.098311424
## 2759           Calr3 -0.113412380  0.012607098  0.012607098 -0.031952858
## 2760           Calr4 -0.004055500  0.002503395 -0.055692673  0.165736200
## 2761            Calu  0.070098880  0.073475840  0.209237100  0.270623200
## 2762            Caly  0.041098118 -0.082347870  0.072308540  0.000000000
## 2763           Camk1 -0.327906600  0.000000000 -0.136785500 -0.133292200
## 2764          Camk1d -0.016868591 -0.079172610  0.065811160  0.000000000
## 2765          Camk1g  0.012732029  0.026044846 -0.096107006  0.133372300
## 2766          Camk2a  0.048831940  0.050888060  0.000000000  0.015108109
## 2767          Camk2b  0.039291380 -0.032115936 -0.033238888  0.120973110
## 2768          Camk2d -0.248585700 -0.394892700 -0.390060420  0.064358710
## 2769          Camk2g -0.214455600 -0.083639145 -0.903649800  0.495770450
## 2770         Camk2n1  0.657445900  0.659432400  0.701176640  0.446687700
## 2771         Camk2n2  0.277118680  0.005414486  0.086021900  0.049761295
## 2772           Camk4 -0.143878460  0.094050410 -0.047736168  0.069797990
## 2773          Camkk1 -0.030995846 -0.014881134 -0.139437200 -0.095859530
## 2774          Camkk2 -0.373773100 -0.258093360 -0.158114910  0.129369740
## 2775          Camkmt  0.017971039 -0.729259970  0.126651290 -0.020585060
## 2776           Camkv  0.008340836 -0.018550396  0.073718070  0.018127918
## 2777            Caml  0.539701460  0.406155600  0.045224190  0.000000000
## 2778            Camp -0.118229866  0.054142952 -0.113072395  0.031380653
## 2779         Camsap1 -0.052562237 -0.149564740 -0.075788975 -0.271687980
## 2780         Camsap2  0.554670330  0.278418540  0.191661830  0.265454300
## 2781         Camsap3  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.118046760 -0.074111460
## 2782          Camta1  0.017486452  0.296890496 -0.044078471  0.181258561
## 2783          Camta2  0.097949980  0.044394493  0.260972980 -0.039957047
## 2784           Cand1 -0.152778630 -0.171201700  0.221317290 -0.053507805
## 2785           Cand2  0.101768490 -0.145119670  0.162160870  0.120252130
## 2786           Cant1  0.001255512  0.109736920  0.285016060  0.404644970
## 2787            Canx  0.000000000  0.048839570  0.185655600 -0.215146060
## 2788            Cap1 -0.248101230 -0.045671463  0.136883740 -0.175071720
## 2789            Cap2 -0.052374363 -0.053146362  0.000000000 -0.164428710
## 2790            Capg  0.000000000  0.476243970  0.534752850 -0.676935700
## 2791           Capn1 -0.627539630 -0.370929240  0.073917390  0.165748600
## 2792          Capn10 -0.060873510 -0.034169435 -0.091268060  0.120891570
## 2793          Capn11 -0.155404090  0.350812440  0.000000000 -0.024827957
## 2794          Capn12  0.020609379  0.134760380  0.272426130  0.116274830
## 2795          Capn13 -0.023935318  0.014505863  0.095737934 -0.092271330
## 2796          Capn15 -0.043747425  0.069712640  0.037654875  0.026721480
## 2797           Capn2  0.437354100  0.662278200  0.351832400  0.275158880
## 2798           Capn3  0.013087273 -0.008080483 -0.132931710 -0.006853104
## 2799           Capn5 -0.199406150 -0.154185300 -0.255362030 -0.528646000
## 2800           Capn6 -0.003643990  0.009682179  0.068300250 -0.081641200
## 2801           Capn7  0.246331210  0.254898070  0.204237940  0.000000000
## 2802           Capn8  0.000000000 -0.003208160  0.159551620  0.021286488
## 2803           Capn9  0.084414005 -0.054477215 -0.002213478  0.067931175
## 2804          Capns1  0.171478270  0.309111600  0.597041130 -0.076481820
## 2805          Capns2 -0.161432270 -0.010824680 -0.053392410  0.193076610
## 2806         Caprin1 -0.192103390 -0.053062440 -0.020148277 -0.095361710
## 2807         Caprin2 -0.069858550 -0.157836440  0.000000000 -0.110095500
## 2808           Caps2 -0.141364100 -0.065252780  0.090441230 -0.018444538
## 2809           Capsl -0.363597400 -0.350482000 -0.292715550 -0.287214280
## 2810          Capza1 -0.079375743 -0.247179030 -0.325245860 -0.257651805
## 2811          Capza2  0.049091340 -0.231401440 -0.362594600 -0.102369310
## 2812          Capza3  0.046409130  0.154366020 -0.054202080  0.041555880
## 2813           Capzb -0.253289220  0.000000000  0.282990460 -0.181390760
## 2814            Car1  0.009273052 -0.060934544 -0.059809685 -0.167441370
## 2815           Car10 -0.026033401  0.076974390  0.039254190 -0.056089878
## 2816           Car11  0.000000000 -0.072415350 -0.030279160  0.051115990
## 2817           Car12 -0.060516834 -0.075397015  0.005408287 -0.051448822
## 2818           Car13 -0.276335240 -0.408359530  0.281985280 -0.072603700
## 2819           Car14  1.708972000  1.566313700  0.948046700  0.171801090
## 2820           Car15 -0.010914803  0.823313240  0.013166428  0.091721060
## 2821            Car2 -0.016232490  0.517332100 -0.451200960 -1.996997400
## 2822            Car3 -0.247479440 -0.094968796 -0.076972485 -0.221752640
## 2823            Car4  0.994636540  1.012004900  0.351817130  0.107597350
## 2824           Car5a  0.705867295  0.955704950  0.781229500 -0.026795865
## 2825           Car5b  0.472640040  0.978078370 -0.169751170 -0.320919500
## 2826            Car6 -0.063242910 -0.035508633  0.043736458  0.019027710
## 2827            Car7  0.114873410 -0.292643550  0.163721560  0.495317940
## 2828            Car8 -0.506578900 -0.671897400 -0.890055660  3.017378800
## 2829            Car9 -0.028722286 -0.074229240 -0.039713383 -0.182773590
## 2830          Card10  0.057393074  0.116076470  0.006202698  0.252291680
## 2831          Card11 -0.008390904  0.007932663 -0.107828620  0.122367860
## 2832          Card14 -0.037581444  0.053069590  0.041685104  0.001651287
## 2833           Card6  0.029393673 -0.146952150  0.000000000  0.031395912
## 2834           Card9 -0.247634890  0.040584564 -0.165157320 -0.136354450
## 2835            Carf  0.000000000  0.388805870 -0.042946340 -0.139313700
## 2836         Carhsp1 -0.098514319 -0.224534035  0.173799518  0.086882828
## 2837           Carkd -0.015831470 -0.036206722  0.001117706  0.054053307
## 2838          Carns1  0.000000000 -0.153608800  0.144864080  0.140117170
## 2839            Cars -0.129369740  0.017320633 -0.243433950  0.062814710
## 2840           Cars2 -0.152832980  0.347513200  0.437098980  0.156917100
## 2841          Cartpt  0.000000000  0.052835464  0.063007355  0.011778832
## 2842           Casc1  0.000000000 -0.033495903 -0.121063230 -0.073140144
## 2843           Casc3  0.137362480  0.110229490  0.130558970  0.185906410
## 2844           Casc4  0.698413850  0.703664800  1.092264200 -0.719418050
## 2845           Casc5 -0.474907400 -0.524039750 -0.397110000 -0.259550570
## 2846           Casd1  0.430156700  0.306350700  0.293400760 -0.132375720
## 2847            Cask  0.032577515  0.049439430 -0.006505966  0.311414720
## 2848         Caskin1 -0.063670160 -0.020496368  0.021953106 -0.092016220
## 2849         Caskin2 -0.055507660  0.178799630  0.132480620  0.262418750
## 2850           Casp1 -2.413322400 -2.268113100 -1.787833200  0.650903200
## 2851          Casp12  0.392741680  0.806085600  1.791007000  0.662778850
## 2852          Casp14  0.065727234  0.130846500  0.060052395 -0.059868336
## 2853           Casp2  0.078203200 -0.118455890 -0.403771880  0.114177230
## 2854           Casp3 -1.000219800 -0.657865050 -1.153199200 -0.245200630
## 2855           Casp4 -0.296790120 -1.094872000 -0.228600980  0.337610240
## 2856           Casp6  0.613251200  0.749028200  0.919080260 -0.342520240
## 2857           Casp7 -0.177548410 -0.404117100 -0.048080920  0.009946823
## 2858           Casp8 -0.323886870 -0.320333480  0.074158670  0.051464080
## 2859        Casp8ap2  0.092428210  0.000000000  0.037732124  0.163706780
## 2860           Casp9 -0.186269760  0.007040978  0.051185608  0.294435020
## 2861           Casq1 -0.229544160 -0.207027440 -0.155778410 -0.032565594
## 2862           Casq2  0.065229416 -0.108228210  0.025925160  0.717438700
## 2863            Casr -0.001181126 -0.057529926  0.127951620  0.032855034
## 2864           Cass4 -0.039866209  0.044527054 -0.061952589 -0.074839355
## 2865            Cast  0.337044720  0.162302970  0.237383840  0.189311030
## 2866           Casz1 -0.126810788 -0.021718502 -0.089152100  0.411725755
## 2867             Cat  0.191522600  0.461990360  0.478458400 -0.075282100
## 2868        Catsper1 -0.102419850  0.016778946  0.000000000  0.009952545
## 2869        Catsper2  0.291899680  0.022786140  0.314734940  0.000000000
## 2870        Catsper3  0.092967030  0.297170160  0.589385030 -0.074835780
## 2871        Catsper4  0.024267197 -0.012431622 -0.023158550 -0.083481790
## 2872        Catsperb -0.032641410  0.019938469 -0.054649830  0.119704250
## 2873        Catsperd -0.047199726  0.000000000  0.040039062  0.008563042
## 2874       Catsperg1  0.110439780 -0.344082360 -0.387941360  0.231446740
## 2875       Catsperg2 -0.282970900 -0.151475900 -0.209267620 -0.114611626
## 2876            Cav1  0.593579300  0.556341200  0.310198780  1.455500600
## 2877            Cav2  0.346078870  0.459795950  0.324741360  0.810840600
## 2878            Cav3  0.023476124 -0.003169537 -0.217697140  0.122998240
## 2879         Cbfa2t2  0.155149940 -0.031002045  0.073380232 -0.159069298
## 2880         Cbfa2t3 -0.020363171  0.061453657  0.011593660  0.041001957
## 2881            Cbfb -0.226313590 -0.172985080 -0.102784160  0.013300896
## 2882             Cbl -0.058362007 -0.176077840 -0.051598550 -0.019122124
## 2883            Cblb -0.388323780 -0.492741580 -0.570719700  0.818866700
## 2884            Cblc  0.117536545 -0.031418324  0.129790780  0.004494190
## 2885           Cbll1  0.003880501 -0.121064186 -0.237022400  0.111145500
## 2886           Cbln1 -0.066228870 -0.007981300  0.024796009  0.254621030
## 2887           Cbln2  0.060684680  0.024459839  0.130177020  0.134129050
## 2888           Cbln3  0.030063152  0.000000000 -0.025643826  0.176969530
## 2889           Cbln4 -0.110905650 -0.015134811  0.007618904 -0.071877000
## 2890            Cbr1  0.296823980  0.198627470  0.427873600 -0.100604060
## 2891            Cbr2 -0.190008160 -0.233431820 -0.035615444 -0.400653360
## 2892            Cbr3 -0.109407900  0.545332900  0.375620370  0.102188110
## 2893            Cbr4 -0.103336334  0.210703850  0.658436800  0.051817894
## 2894             Cbs -0.036914825  0.067152500  0.130438330  0.002828598
## 2895           Cbwd1  0.707270600  0.523445100  0.620565400 -0.214693070
## 2896            Cbx1  0.081835750  0.217947000  0.391710280  0.070886610
## 2897            Cbx2  0.326089380  0.000000000 -0.059084415  0.000000000
## 2898            Cbx3  0.324569567  0.403842111  0.034947736 -0.053309168
## 2899            Cbx4 -0.420203200 -0.222924230 -0.162906170  0.019160270
## 2900            Cbx5  0.179494860  0.174061780  0.221554760 -0.247339250
## 2901            Cbx7  0.059861660  0.203353400  0.840714930  0.300534730
## 2902            Cbx8  0.083612440  0.090082170  0.031907080 -0.048738003
## 2903            Cby1  0.188420770  0.194686410  0.176761150 -0.140769960
## 2904          Cc2d1a -0.129475600 -0.068368910  0.101567270  0.306607250
## 2905          Cc2d1b  0.084656002 -0.148916246 -0.008550405  0.237741948
## 2906          Cc2d2a -0.222963810  0.326556680 -0.027380943  0.525488400
## 2907          Cc2d2b  0.026638746 -0.030250310  0.002237559 -0.024295091
## 2908           Ccar1  0.190893170  0.036606790 -0.126523020  0.049705505
## 2909           Ccar2 -0.221967220 -0.013465881  0.101367950  0.299773220
## 2910           Ccbe1 -0.001911163  0.031876564 -0.079567910 -0.037059307
## 2911           Ccbl1  0.000000000  0.000903000  1.178566000  0.000903000
## 2912           Ccbl2 -0.493929400 -0.009268761 -0.565455440  0.305375580
## 2913         Ccdc101  0.085921525  0.000000000  0.253715990  0.359149460
## 2914        Ccdc102a -0.224294660  0.351967330  0.017469883  0.066984180
## 2915         Ccdc103 -0.051809788 -0.054827213  0.043599606  0.007050514
## 2916         Ccdc104  0.324300770  0.459471700  0.418627740  0.074140550
## 2917         Ccdc105  0.080907820  0.131525520  0.022785187  0.106257440
## 2918         Ccdc106 -0.060603620  0.048291683  0.095428470 -0.137717250
## 2919         Ccdc107  0.037683487  0.375646100  0.652104400 -0.053812027
## 2920         Ccdc108  0.067397120 -0.067822460  0.117967606 -0.249555110
## 2921        Ccdc109b  0.309743400  1.472529400  0.257582660 -0.202101710
## 2922          Ccdc11 -0.012567520  0.181585790 -0.085562230  0.034358500
## 2923         Ccdc110 -0.011070728  0.079973220  0.200570100 -0.028291702
## 2924         Ccdc111  0.114082810  0.000000000 -0.229365830 -0.217680930
## 2925         Ccdc112  0.457431800  0.206775190  1.627220200  0.000000000
## 2926         Ccdc113 -0.040694237 -0.074246410 -0.037132740 -0.104148390
## 2927         Ccdc114  0.079697130  0.112209800  0.125637530  0.152758120
## 2928         Ccdc115  0.026777267  0.156428340  0.176143650 -0.207479480
## 2929         Ccdc116  0.000000000  0.083520410  0.068773750 -0.034251213
## 2930         Ccdc117  0.854524600  0.485151300  0.746120450 -0.202627180
## 2931          Ccdc12  0.369743110  0.538080690  0.104618310 -0.076914788
## 2932         Ccdc120  0.032792090  0.000000000 -0.052201270  0.075569150
## 2933         Ccdc121 -0.174649240  0.174370290  0.152952670  0.050323963
## 2934         Ccdc122 -0.014739990  0.021311283 -0.094072820 -0.116782190
## 2935         Ccdc124  0.158105850  0.068463326  0.288663400 -0.195200920
## 2936         Ccdc125 -0.139372830  0.273032200  0.508035660  0.562449460
## 2937         Ccdc126  0.200226300  0.084371090  0.500465870 -0.051597595
## 2938         Ccdc127  0.222290040  0.176512720  0.136217120 -0.124995230
## 2939         Ccdc129 -0.043129444  0.014962196 -0.032397270  0.192132470
## 2940         Ccdc130 -0.387658600  0.038359165 -0.016549587 -0.250515460
## 2941         Ccdc132  0.389504430 -0.120117664  0.124443054 -0.320926670
## 2942         Ccdc134 -0.140995030 -0.155017850 -0.038286210 -0.143186090
## 2943         Ccdc135  0.089232920  0.001947880  0.215812200  0.002191067
## 2944         Ccdc136 -0.132266040 -0.067950250 -0.149273400 -0.183081630
## 2945         Ccdc137  0.000000000  0.473666670  0.155889990  0.465069300
## 2946         Ccdc138  0.000000000  0.099349500 -0.478097920 -0.189099790
## 2947          Ccdc14  0.380337720 -0.229220870  0.401568400  0.000000000
## 2948         Ccdc141  5.384556000  5.186674000  4.725537300 -0.017915726
## 2949         Ccdc142 -0.029181004  0.159249300  0.115996840  0.000000000
## 2950        Ccdc144b -0.034123898 -0.003891945  0.000000000  0.038107872
## 2951         Ccdc146 -0.106118200 -0.095664024 -0.033371450 -0.010050297
## 2952         Ccdc147 -0.073198320  0.047376156  0.128947260 -0.016397476
## 2953         Ccdc148 -0.000691000  0.017185211  0.008686543 -0.217710020
## 2954          Ccdc15 -0.123153690 -0.073677060 -0.562813300  0.094178200
## 2955         Ccdc150 -0.056553364  0.055631160 -0.000685000 -0.035719395
## 2956         Ccdc151  0.073644160  0.091915610  0.229746820  0.078841686
## 2957         Ccdc152  0.920282360 -0.119908330 -0.266634460  0.092405796
## 2958         Ccdc153 -0.133651730 -0.000870000  0.016868114  0.022542000
## 2959         Ccdc154  0.074137690  0.222714420 -0.020523071  0.155918600
## 2960         Ccdc155  0.013435364  0.004567623 -0.104536530  0.038779260
## 2961         Ccdc157 -0.180914880  0.138646130  0.276047230  0.009842873
## 2962         Ccdc158 -0.087170600 -0.154705520 -0.131634240  0.102615830
## 2963         Ccdc159 -0.091454030  0.078100204 -0.061408520  0.158758640
## 2964         Ccdc160 -0.084550380  0.063893320 -0.166075230 -0.144929410
## 2965         Ccdc162 -0.039146900  0.001121998 -0.000200000  0.001121998
## 2966         Ccdc163 -0.187576770 -0.389983180 -0.085597040 -0.005747795
## 2967         Ccdc166 -0.108222010  0.301377300  0.168107510  0.109119890
## 2968         Ccdc167  0.373485570 -0.924391270 -0.240567200  0.271790500
## 2969         Ccdc169 -0.019124508 -0.181283470  0.035058975 -0.049821377
## 2970          Ccdc17  0.184098720  0.161376950 -0.090856550 -0.372487550
## 2971         Ccdc171 -0.142314910 -0.028057575 -0.154572010  0.191916470
## 2972         Ccdc172  0.041079520  0.034279823  0.170594220  0.046874523
## 2973         Ccdc173  0.337306500  0.349465370  0.490806100  0.096395016
## 2974         Ccdc174  0.185230260  0.127816200 -0.130679130  0.158808710
## 2975         Ccdc175  0.000000000  0.026634693  0.038383484  0.032222748
## 2976         Ccdc176  0.056163788  0.181526660  0.116553780  0.386649130
## 2977         Ccdc177  0.000000000  0.026872635 -0.040205480  0.192321300
## 2978         Ccdc178 -0.026043892  0.067060950  0.059886932 -0.015006542
## 2979          Ccdc18  0.052025795 -0.044850350 -0.020687103 -0.020328045
## 2980         Ccdc181  0.593127250  1.122605300  0.777650830 -0.030556679
## 2981          Ccdc19 -0.038737774  0.159282210  0.287012580  0.127758980
## 2982          Ccdc22 -0.126799100 -0.022954940  0.152146340 -0.109450340
## 2983          Ccdc23 -0.046473503  0.130089760  0.155468940 -0.179807190
## 2984          Ccdc25  0.329827300  0.075223920  0.457873340 -0.350917820
## 2985          Ccdc27 -0.095516205 -0.046313763 -0.011532784  0.000000000
## 2986         Ccdc28a  0.000000000  0.077789780 -0.357210160  0.058495045
## 2987         Ccdc28b -0.298611640  0.131292340  0.188417430 -0.117836000
## 2988           Ccdc3 -0.197212220 -0.259845260 -0.209988120 -0.163978100
## 2989          Ccdc30  0.108190540  0.056766033  0.278093340  0.002264023
## 2990          Ccdc32 -0.077576640  0.112518310  0.418344500 -0.217014790
## 2991          Ccdc33 -0.088660720  0.065645695  0.134806630  0.095279690
## 2992          Ccdc34  0.254968640  0.000000000  0.328993320  0.182731630
## 2993          Ccdc36 -0.058658600  0.112716675 -0.001017094  0.019401550
## 2994          Ccdc37 -0.152646060  0.010190964  0.141266820  0.005441189
## 2995          Ccdc38  0.000000000  0.047369003 -0.047283173  0.010519981
## 2996          Ccdc39 -0.016908646 -0.075564384 -0.078455450 -0.199982640
## 2997          Ccdc40  0.065988064 -0.126006130  0.014498234  0.262764450
## 2998          Ccdc41  0.505268100  0.398411750  0.288927080  0.082812310
## 2999          Ccdc42  0.053147316 -0.001257420  0.000000000  0.052484990
## 3000          Ccdc43  0.250317570  0.162300110  0.114102360 -0.122322080
## 3001          Ccdc47  0.044167520  0.332274440  0.000000000  0.137525560
## 3002          Ccdc50 -0.031974316 -0.058984755 -0.085842609  0.004317761
## 3003          Ccdc51 -0.129226210  0.117317200 -0.151471140  0.228071690
## 3004          Ccdc53  0.034260273  0.162057880  0.259964940 -0.433973300
## 3005          Ccdc54  0.023759842  0.015226841 -0.111091140  0.005937576
## 3006          Ccdc55  0.040675163  0.282909400  0.160616870  0.091908455
## 3007          Ccdc57 -0.040062904 -0.055369377 -0.052227497 -0.027879238
## 3008          Ccdc58 -0.406681060  0.115539550 -0.412676800 -0.517849900
## 3009          Ccdc59  0.079541680  0.261301520  0.443858620  0.037129880
## 3010           Ccdc6 -0.218476300  0.008613110  0.486317160  0.260193350
## 3011          Ccdc60 -0.050856113  0.016615390 -0.006814480  0.221223830
## 3012          Ccdc61  0.000000000  0.202860830 -0.104917050  0.349588400
## 3013          Ccdc62  0.178849220  0.280196670  0.572474960  0.307754520
## 3014          Ccdc63 -0.100792885 -0.063636780 -0.088171960  0.000000000
## 3015          Ccdc64  0.088766100  0.091156480  0.086402416 -0.152386190
## 3016         Ccdc64b -0.037489414  0.081204890 -0.084072590  0.066336155
## 3017          Ccdc65 -0.091761110 -0.097355366 -0.079313280 -0.042508125
## 3018          Ccdc66  0.289548870  0.395405770  0.420902250  0.369627950
## 3019          Ccdc67 -0.587235450  0.000000000 -0.116957190  1.178849200
## 3020          Ccdc68 -0.187398910 -0.194223400 -0.200406070 -0.131416800
## 3021          Ccdc69 -0.001497746  0.119269850 -0.396181580  0.169476510
## 3022           Ccdc7 -0.010198593  0.015449047  0.084529400  0.072849750
## 3023          Ccdc70 -0.055672170 -0.016591549  0.072499275  0.148632530
## 3024          Ccdc71 -0.078941345  0.147181510  0.864867200  0.274355900
## 3025         Ccdc71l -0.418733600 -0.054357050  0.034840107  0.155464170
## 3026          Ccdc73 -0.007045746 -0.049114704  0.008769989  0.165685650
## 3027         Ccdc74a -0.114945890 -0.032867910  0.089930060 -0.034356117
## 3028          Ccdc77  0.015000820 -0.425784600 -0.449738030  0.000000000
## 3029          Ccdc78  0.023264885  0.000000000 -0.034684658 -0.000508000
## 3030          Ccdc79  0.013405323  0.015365601 -0.038627625  0.063662530
## 3031           Ccdc8 -0.290172100  0.205295560  0.438973900 -0.019255161
## 3032          Ccdc80 -1.129124600 -1.140017500 -0.852311600  1.655392600
## 3033          Ccdc81 -0.007986546  0.051599026 -0.025046349 -0.020096302
## 3034          Ccdc83  0.111945150 -0.025668144  0.023363590  0.020941734
## 3035          Ccdc84 -0.090219975 -0.027224064  0.066944600  0.000000000
## 3036         Ccdc85a  0.028300285  0.162549970  0.229189870  1.237629900
## 3037         Ccdc85b -0.248164650  0.085916520  0.438591000  0.258069040
## 3038         Ccdc85c -0.102412224  0.140843390 -0.065854070  0.000000000
## 3039          Ccdc86  0.274240970  0.284138680  0.166635510 -0.003244877
## 3040          Ccdc87  0.067684650  0.000000000  0.038618088  0.000000000
## 3041         Ccdc88a  0.260416980  0.091915130 -0.033663750 -0.023173332
## 3042         Ccdc88b -0.250003340 -0.037525654 -0.050856113  0.087946415
## 3043         Ccdc88c -0.362448929 -0.475779530 -0.515399930  0.680282810
## 3044          Ccdc89 -0.003881931  0.037068367  0.014242172  0.025408745
## 3045           Ccdc9  0.277018070  0.133222580  0.483552460  0.272210600
## 3046         Ccdc90b  0.414853100  0.775493600  0.136431220 -0.486026760
## 3047          Ccdc91  0.989875800  1.096081700  0.926654800 -0.185135360
## 3048          Ccdc92 -0.047996998 -0.018213749  0.104726315  0.127718450
## 3049          Ccdc93 -0.226290700 -0.287500380 -0.165375710 -0.052955150
## 3050          Ccdc94  0.058508634  0.648243430  0.002901555  0.280882833
## 3051          Ccdc96  0.158843040  0.000000000  0.122322080 -0.055836678
## 3052          Ccdc97 -0.038457870  0.244872570 -0.015279293 -0.285632600
## 3053           Ccer1  0.135687350  0.194509030 -0.026017189  0.177757260
## 3054          Cchcr1  0.005178928 -0.011863232  0.054520130  0.177519800
## 3055            Ccin  0.116452220 -0.089189050  0.107331276  0.009305000
## 3056             Cck -0.013304710  0.057247640  0.056628227 -0.078514100
## 3057           Cckar -0.106141090  0.140299800  0.130059240  0.000000000
## 3058           Cckbr -0.238069530  0.157820700  0.178221700  0.125888350
## 3059            Ccl1 -0.006562710 -0.049916267  0.238299370  0.005742073
## 3060           Ccl11 -0.066955090 -0.022832870 -0.248391150 -0.061959743
## 3061           Ccl12 -0.118351460  0.001305103 -0.110465050  0.038126945
## 3062           Ccl17  0.000000000  0.019474983 -0.128905770 -0.022733688
## 3063           Ccl19  0.997806350  1.167269140  0.374388696 -0.138719464
## 3064            Ccl2 -0.113356590 -0.021570206  0.221012590  0.261679650
## 3065           Ccl20 -0.019554138  0.062567234 -0.165920730 -0.056952477
## 3066          Ccl21a  0.000000000 -0.180743695 -0.400748493 -0.417024020
## 3067           Ccl22 -0.052118780 -0.059509754  0.059123516 -0.041444300
## 3068           Ccl24  0.207083700  0.000000000 -0.074839115  0.081752300
## 3069           Ccl25 -0.162793400  0.433288095 -0.328576085 -0.090440750
## 3070           Ccl26 -0.023014069 -0.122516155 -0.146348950 -0.031352997
## 3071          Ccl27a  0.579805850  0.797194960  1.250917000  0.054218292
## 3072           Ccl28  0.000000000  0.036756992 -0.077157020 -0.146029950
## 3073            Ccl3 -0.168709280  0.000000000  0.007878780 -0.513387700
## 3074            Ccl4 -0.030101776 -0.012447834  0.003548622  0.010635376
## 3075            Ccl5  0.302252300 -0.442908300 -0.325027470  0.277902600
## 3076            Ccl6 -0.353249550 -0.095651630 -0.094163895  0.000000000
## 3077            Ccl7 -0.135809900 -0.105638030 -0.074837210 -0.072046760
## 3078            Ccl8 -0.026097775  0.069284440 -0.050020695  0.207362170
## 3079            Ccl9 -0.133594990 -0.005149365  0.120165350 -0.237449170
## 3080            Ccm2  0.210656170  0.539253230 -0.137435910 -0.376031880
## 3081           Ccm2l  0.155986790  0.402765270  0.108001710  0.529089000
## 3082           Ccna1  0.039802550  0.072281360 -0.000632000 -0.023144245
## 3083           Ccna2 -0.012921810 -0.320305820 -0.244188310 -0.263722900
## 3084           Ccnb1 -0.287413123 -0.435756363 -0.332657817 -0.046231747
## 3085        Ccnb1ip1  0.021058083 -0.017124653 -0.026592255  0.074161050
## 3086           Ccnb2 -0.201758860 -0.622488000 -0.593424300 -0.087499620
## 3087           Ccnb3 -0.059345245 -0.071380140  0.056149483  0.052971363
## 3088            Ccnc  0.343137740 -0.242062090  0.557144170 -0.384587300
## 3089           Ccnd1 -0.449726100 -0.278776170 -0.236580850  1.216811200
## 3090           Ccnd2 -0.752830500 -0.562361700 -0.461586950  0.727983500
## 3091           Ccnd3  0.116399290  0.137874130 -0.163084980  0.000000000
## 3092         Ccndbp1  0.168895720  0.121332170 -0.289530750 -0.013378143
## 3093           Ccne1 -0.146105770 -0.410562520 -0.070156100 -0.190216540
## 3094           Ccne2  0.024757385 -0.440329070 -0.609709260 -0.165501600
## 3095            Ccnf -0.029816150 -0.068643570 -0.005184650 -0.176831250
## 3096           Ccng1 -0.055065155 -0.038047790 -0.220198630  0.259776120
## 3097           Ccng2  0.865489960 -0.257079600  0.259278300  0.046384810
## 3098            Ccnh  0.110484120  0.002939224  0.000000000 -0.464946270
## 3099            Ccni  0.128301145  0.193850515  0.333440775  0.391816140
## 3100            Ccnj -0.077763080  0.003863335  0.087441444 -0.353137500
## 3101           Ccnjl -0.087379456  0.000000000  0.090121270  0.141464230
## 3102            Ccnk -0.075390816 -0.138275150  0.047968864  0.157039640
## 3103           Ccnl1  1.001879700 -0.279050830 -0.214601520  0.064104080
## 3104           Ccnl2 -0.103593826  0.150541303 -0.038343428  0.091930390
## 3105            Ccno -0.016935825  0.231728080  0.047111988 -0.010581017
## 3106           Ccnt1 -0.031565666 -0.083406450 -0.384531020  0.177676200
## 3107           Ccnt2  0.153610230 -0.258376120 -0.387765880  0.000000000
## 3108            Ccny  0.363638880  0.000000000  0.425767900  0.407878880
## 3109          Ccnyl1  0.823801040 -0.166438100  0.000000000  0.464189530
## 3110          Ccp110  1.027481100  0.897620200  0.841157900 -0.393132200
## 3111           Ccpg1  0.184827800  0.045948982  0.072187420  0.338537220
## 3112            Ccr1 -0.029562473 -0.074988365 -0.084615230  0.056490420
## 3113           Ccr10 -0.023550034  0.367486000  0.118452070  0.158186910
## 3114          Ccr1l1 -0.054037570  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 3115            Ccr2 -0.283985140 -0.191798690 -0.233823780  0.000000000
## 3116            Ccr3 -0.101946830 -0.117544650  0.076369286 -0.185264590
## 3117            Ccr4 -0.025438309 -0.041549683  0.090962890 -0.226609700
## 3118            Ccr5 -0.066653253  0.040024281 -0.066499475 -0.118775608
## 3119            Ccr6 -0.128096100 -0.136206150  0.338536260 -0.078931330
## 3120            Ccr7 -0.110314370 -0.056057453 -0.113795280  0.017169952
## 3121            Ccr8  0.008743286  0.031039715  0.160505770 -0.160597800
## 3122            Ccr9  0.074806690  0.093392850  0.100963116 -0.072815420
## 3123           Ccrl2  0.557392100 -0.109158516  0.728695870  0.000000000
## 3124          Ccrn4l  0.399638650  0.238410000  0.130653860  0.083569530
## 3125             Ccs -0.087202070  0.241696830  0.642627240 -0.328899860
## 3126           Ccsap  0.054596900 -0.049658060 -0.112749815 -0.056777715
## 3127          Ccser1  0.040201664 -0.015910625  0.087943554  0.052917957
## 3128          Ccser2  0.162790300  0.246930120  0.139432900  0.180487630
## 3129            Cct2  0.000000000 -0.143079760 -0.158362390 -0.233742710
## 3130            Cct3  0.000000000 -0.179695130  0.216050150 -0.415874000
## 3131            Cct4  0.244891170  0.005300522 -0.389449120 -0.210586550
## 3132            Cct5  0.144384380 -0.229269030 -0.244338990 -0.133818630
## 3133           Cct6a  0.223691940 -0.063812256  0.023626328 -0.007993698
## 3134           Cct6b  0.000000000 -0.054065228  0.191078190 -0.047784330
## 3135            Cct7  0.323018070  0.026949883  0.196771620 -0.043936730
## 3136            Cct8  0.172795300 -0.174637800 -0.048207283 -0.318919180
## 3137          Cct8l1 -0.240281580 -0.171701910  0.099515440  0.231691360
## 3138            Ccz1  0.075437546  0.215303420 -0.103313446 -0.024295807
## 3139           Cd101  0.084919450 -0.270249840  0.087512970 -0.164892200
## 3140           Cd109 -0.404788020 -0.532025800 -0.310775760  0.665422900
## 3141            Cd14  0.700373200 -0.288025380  1.226542000 -0.168340680
## 3142           Cd151  0.080795287  0.325476170  0.735385425  0.385238650
## 3143           Cd160 -0.088485240 -0.065619946 -0.081198690  0.000000000
## 3144           Cd163  0.075826170 -0.255933280  0.162546160 -0.015928268
## 3145         Cd163l1  0.037576200  0.083827970  0.203834530 -0.063884735
## 3146           Cd164  0.000000000 -0.205701830  0.004819870 -0.524506570
## 3147         Cd164l2 -0.083868500  0.000000000  0.013662338 -0.059132100
## 3148           Cd177 -0.187948700 -0.104434970  0.047709465 -0.067244530
## 3149           Cd180  0.000000000 -0.003518581 -0.075596330 -0.077013016
## 3150            Cd19 -0.065012930 -0.185979370  0.197563170 -0.039206980
## 3151           Cd1d1 -0.362526900 -0.365210530 -0.227554320 -0.591307160
## 3152           Cd1d2 -0.173824310 -0.352664470 -0.230927470  0.000285000
## 3153             Cd2  0.018282890 -0.392245770  0.000000000 -0.075380325
## 3154           Cd200 -0.431518550 -0.311669350  0.242905620  0.150593760
## 3155         Cd200r1 -0.033243656 -0.079847336 -0.047325134 -0.054357530
## 3156         Cd200r2  0.034245968 -0.071893215 -0.179047580  0.000000000
## 3157         Cd200r3  0.068531990 -0.135657790 -0.000242000 -0.013637543
## 3158         Cd200r4 -0.060512543 -0.014106751 -0.015994549  0.032936573
## 3159           Cd207 -0.119481560 -0.025717735 -0.020322800  0.069800380
## 3160          Cd209a -0.136950500 -0.146080500 -0.014208317  0.016891480
## 3161          Cd209b -0.044866562 -0.136634830  0.024035454  0.062830450
## 3162          Cd209c -0.053004265 -0.011078835 -0.025033474  0.137361050
## 3163          Cd209d -0.039090633 -0.069082260 -0.049924374  0.043159485
## 3164          Cd209e -0.000860000  0.000000000  0.129782680 -0.073975086
## 3165          Cd209f -0.034723760  0.088919640  0.079305650 -0.002843857
## 3166          Cd209g -0.208832740  0.072278020 -0.151888370  0.176526070
## 3167            Cd22 -0.180951120 -0.046947002 -0.250559800  0.023349762
## 3168           Cd226 -0.218050000 -0.305437100 -0.107354164  0.000000000
## 3169           Cd244  0.061743736 -0.165695190 -0.275965700  0.000000000
## 3170           Cd247 -0.010921955  0.025794030  0.080188274  0.196229460
## 3171           Cd248 -0.155654430  0.081604480 -0.037929535  0.068900585
## 3172           Cd24a  0.153157230  0.000000000 -0.390131000 -1.137017300
## 3173            Cd27 -0.171846870 -0.053255558  0.104843620 -0.147552490
## 3174           Cd274  0.123350140 -0.290902140 -0.757541660  1.518218000
## 3175           Cd276 -0.071960310  0.082401751  0.047813893  0.024527070
## 3176            Cd28 -0.008179188 -0.023850441  0.083207130 -0.049716950
## 3177           Cd2ap  0.766763700  0.783322330  0.493040080 -0.083117485
## 3178          Cd2bp2  0.000000000  0.306722640  0.384844300  0.053918360
## 3179          Cd300a -0.014786720 -0.107384680 -0.326609130 -0.043058872
## 3180          Cd300c  0.005593777 -0.031533240 -0.212385650 -0.057741642
## 3181          Cd300e -0.058414936 -0.100423336 -0.213552950  0.036291600
## 3182         Cd300lb -0.200267790 -0.068413734 -0.065313340  0.020371437
## 3183         Cd300ld -0.321328640 -0.388669000 -0.162229540  0.096049786
## 3184         Cd300lf -0.218932630 -0.012588024 -0.014844894  0.007779598
## 3185         Cd300lg -0.897218200 -0.694373130 -0.878307800  1.457088000
## 3186           Cd302  0.150247100 -0.213439460  0.000000000 -0.038821697
## 3187           Cd320  0.614490500  0.756567000  0.659205900 -0.231092450
## 3188            Cd33 -0.066780090 -0.010844231  0.079438210 -0.018709660
## 3189            Cd34  0.416401860  0.497822760  0.274053570  0.130352020
## 3190            Cd36 -5.458692000 -5.360999000 -5.531210400  1.645235100
## 3191            Cd37 -0.217863560 -0.073393345 -0.151144500  0.180904390
## 3192            Cd38 -1.473661400 -1.697071100 -0.706777600  0.340699200
## 3193            Cd3d  0.046444893 -0.147171500  0.157275680 -0.136910440
## 3194            Cd3e -0.036514282 -0.020873070 -0.188545700  0.059952736
## 3195          Cd3eap  0.126281740  0.000000000  0.561523440  0.584257100
## 3196            Cd3g -0.110164640 -0.035935402  0.016787529 -0.126929760
## 3197             Cd4  0.000000000 -0.037944794 -0.010303974  0.039841175
## 3198            Cd40 -0.064109800  0.000000000  0.082748890 -0.031192303
## 3199          Cd40lg -0.081028460 -0.028999805  0.012802124  0.132734780
## 3200            Cd44 -1.125874000 -1.041465800 -1.348645200 -0.085958004
## 3201            Cd46  0.129056450  0.000000000  0.200687890  0.513575100
## 3202            Cd47 -0.440452580 -0.562253950 -0.552095400 -0.120224950
## 3203            Cd48 -0.173675540 -0.219776630 -0.423290730 -0.179371360
## 3204             Cd5 -0.000153000  0.125556950  0.093973640  0.122354030
## 3205            Cd52 -0.417687420 -0.151738640  0.444033150 -0.128639220
## 3206            Cd53 -0.316372400 -0.124566555 -0.144528870  0.289851670
## 3207            Cd55 -1.298612100 -1.263925100 -0.942029950  0.010425568
## 3208           Cd59a  1.730737700  1.330852500  0.633769040  0.000000000
## 3209           Cd59b  0.452276700 -0.082127570  0.171951770 -0.119519230
## 3210            Cd5l -0.187855720 -0.148023130 -0.194978240 -0.039185047
## 3211             Cd6  0.003836632  0.000000000 -0.051655770  0.032389164
## 3212            Cd63 -2.632832000 -3.182701600 -1.899035500 -0.882992740
## 3213            Cd68  0.030120373 -0.444921970 -0.732679370  0.000000000
## 3214            Cd69 -0.212377070 -0.158808710  0.032688618  0.013578892
## 3215             Cd7  0.000000000 -0.072123050  0.089154720 -0.133322240
## 3216            Cd70  0.015910149  0.000000000  0.039198875  0.122253420
## 3217            Cd72 -0.089031220 -0.083470820  0.305510040 -0.139236450
## 3218            Cd74 -1.439565700 -1.877115700 -1.589169000 -1.448553600
## 3219           Cd79a  0.177377220 -0.326931480 -0.278259750  0.133109570
## 3220           Cd79b -0.129921910 -0.257491100 -0.167847630  0.010880947
## 3221            Cd80  0.005498173 -0.021679880 -0.158758640 -0.105623962
## 3222            Cd81 -0.048855780 -0.062391280  0.000945000  0.358279230
## 3223            Cd82 -0.503922000 -0.140374180  0.303257940 -0.336715220
## 3224            Cd83  0.554890160  0.936532000  0.156936170  0.142112260
## 3225            Cd84  0.042987347 -0.093992230 -0.045182705 -0.006855965
## 3226            Cd86  0.046656610 -0.046904087  0.062016487  0.094694614
## 3227            Cd8a -0.012054920 -0.035851000 -0.075088024  0.017642498
## 3228           Cd8b1 -0.153758530 -0.019684315 -0.068860054  0.081450460
## 3229             Cd9 -0.904254900 -0.769719100 -0.491251950  0.127731320
## 3230            Cd93  0.000000000 -0.112717630 -0.094064710  0.439824100
## 3231            Cd96 -0.021570206 -0.052699566 -0.063302040  0.000000000
## 3232            Cd97  0.321376800  0.398846630  0.082495690 -0.097521780
## 3233          Cd99l2  0.272360800  0.176667210  0.396662700 -0.243081100
## 3234             Cda -0.051506996 -0.163374900 -0.049981594  0.182600020
## 3235          Cdadc1  0.133643150  0.301484100 -0.121779440  0.390825270
## 3236           Cdan1  0.082083226  0.107509138 -0.164349085  0.199265480
## 3237          Cdc123 -0.018079758  0.116058350 -0.003318787 -0.193828580
## 3238          Cdc14a  0.515912060  0.396508220  0.334667200 -0.856191640
## 3239          Cdc14b -0.248026370  0.000000000 -0.077477930 -0.745423800
## 3240           Cdc16  0.278794770 -0.047534466  0.123692990  0.103174690
## 3241           Cdc20 -0.121779440  0.037616730 -0.075191975 -0.015653610
## 3242           Cdc23  0.442510600  0.649246200  0.363425250 -0.006603241
## 3243          Cdc25a  0.142171860  0.050096510  0.213015080 -0.172414780
## 3244          Cdc25b -0.008301496  0.001666545  0.049655675 -0.129178045
## 3245          Cdc25c -0.020054817  0.072947500 -0.011947632 -0.096789840
## 3246           Cdc26 -0.109250070  0.785693170  0.228183750  0.000000000
## 3247           Cdc27  0.022647858  0.140878680  0.000000000 -0.359562870
## 3248           Cdc34 -0.285498620  0.000000000 -0.159595010 -0.542970200
## 3249           Cdc37 -0.355851650  0.000000000 -0.127897260  0.305365560
## 3250         Cdc37l1  0.566737200  0.181689260  0.285637860  0.029661179
## 3251           Cdc40  0.130117420 -0.050551414 -0.270311360 -0.025995255
## 3252           Cdc42  0.199035640  0.087802890 -0.032781600 -0.183018680
## 3253        Cdc42bpa -0.015594482  0.000000000 -0.019319534  0.285243030
## 3254        Cdc42bpb  0.142160420  0.392636300  0.029464722  0.511917100
## 3255        Cdc42bpg  0.000000000  0.034569740  0.253213880  0.044739246
## 3256        Cdc42ep1 -0.383934500  0.000000000 -0.010489941  0.490974430
## 3257        Cdc42ep2 -1.131971800 -0.779138100 -1.011952400  0.142133710
## 3258        Cdc42ep3  1.597333000 -0.136720660 -0.089838030  0.214887620
## 3259        Cdc42ep4  0.350816730  0.080002310  0.985557560 -0.297525400
## 3260        Cdc42ep5 -0.028035164  0.060549975  0.367421390  0.019401074
## 3261        Cdc42se1  0.390826230  0.668063160  0.562228200 -0.252728460
## 3262        Cdc42se2  0.034683228 -0.503120400 -0.117601395 -0.143508910
## 3263           Cdc45 -0.254420280 -0.146174430 -0.343113420  0.040830612
## 3264           Cdc5l  0.137872907  0.143663512  0.245858825 -0.071441756
## 3265            Cdc6 -0.358133320 -0.399905680 -0.320149420  0.276134000
## 3266            Cdc7 -0.110348700 -0.056928158 -0.241037850 -0.016963005
## 3267           Cdc73  0.261694900  0.311537740 -0.070146560 -0.149399760
## 3268           Cdca2 -0.414871220 -0.252188680 -0.270508770 -0.131317620
## 3269           Cdca3 -0.359733100 -0.092075350 -0.130139830 -0.212482930
## 3270           Cdca4 -0.290240760 -0.227067000  0.187768940 -0.034183502
## 3271           Cdca5 -0.076626300 -0.085384370 -0.022314548 -0.254964830
## 3272           Cdca7  0.028366089 -0.245898250  0.346579550  0.282089230
## 3273          Cdca7l -1.183827900 -0.833646300 -0.813602900 -1.147434200
## 3274           Cdca8 -0.203892230 -0.229518410 -0.192204480 -0.259843830
## 3275           Cdcp1  0.002296448  0.053963184  0.116459370 -0.218608380
## 3276           Cdcp2  0.000000000 -0.326768880  0.002077103  0.084731100
## 3277            Cdh1 -0.167740350 -0.133466720 -0.304130550 -0.118161200
## 3278           Cdh10  0.035924910  0.019411087  0.264678000  0.010676384
## 3279           Cdh11  0.108671190 -0.188705440 -0.049842358 -0.041671276
## 3280           Cdh12  0.115158560 -0.003535748  0.182903290 -0.109928610
## 3281           Cdh13 -0.221054550 -0.269776820 -0.087990284  2.056391200
## 3282           Cdh15  0.020315647  0.036439420 -0.145047190  0.227168560
## 3283           Cdh16 -0.174613950 -0.007678986 -0.006679058  0.020727158
## 3284           Cdh17 -0.128449440 -0.005679131 -0.065677166 -0.049813747
## 3285           Cdh18 -0.010455132  0.002372503  0.161240102 -0.030151129
## 3286           Cdh19  0.000000000 -0.029563904  0.017304420  0.013034344
## 3287            Cdh2  1.654006500  1.523108500  1.408061000  0.031164646
## 3288           Cdh20  0.062849045 -0.024405480  0.189469810  0.139343740
## 3289           Cdh22  0.000000000 -0.085693836  0.021584034 -0.104345800
## 3290           Cdh23  0.000000000 -0.072515010  0.037864210  1.248290100
## 3291           Cdh24 -0.073824883 -0.022323370  0.030796052  0.147586585
## 3292           Cdh26  0.085795880  0.041653156  0.237182620  0.111388680
## 3293            Cdh3  0.000000000 -0.034683228  0.227502820 -0.162130830
## 3294            Cdh4  0.043825150 -0.068658830  0.045933723  0.000000000
## 3295            Cdh5  0.001322746 -0.005278587 -0.171343800  0.537244800
## 3296            Cdh6 -0.014139175  0.229766850  0.285847660 -0.130510800
## 3297            Cdh7  0.000000000 -0.019832134  0.015235901  0.015146256
## 3298            Cdh8  0.066006180  0.000000000  0.091960430  0.070611480
## 3299            Cdh9  0.085343840 -0.008055687  0.000000000  0.027571678
## 3300           Cdhr1 -0.043634415  0.039143562  0.101638794 -0.040226460
## 3301           Cdhr2 -0.050093174  0.078926560  0.026756287 -0.094395160
## 3302           Cdhr3  0.013183594  0.089200500 -0.140666960  0.005111694
## 3303           Cdhr4  0.277798180 -0.435421000 -0.019186974  0.105922220
## 3304           Cdhr5 -0.098664284 -0.134837150  0.100235460  0.070141315
## 3305           Cdip1  0.417157170  0.360117900  0.070176125  0.086107254
## 3306           Cdipt -0.198328020 -0.274471760 -0.130936150  0.440975200
## 3307            Cdk1 -0.364796640 -0.372110370 -0.469121930  0.000000000
## 3308           Cdk10 -0.052268980  0.060125111  0.042848111  0.260924815
## 3309          Cdk11b  0.281095500  0.605467800  0.245306970  0.520751950
## 3310           Cdk12 -0.193060165 -0.041332245 -0.339079145  0.590299370
## 3311           Cdk13  0.000000000  0.250507350 -0.237684250 -0.003094673
## 3312           Cdk14  0.121726990  0.518862700  0.408149720  0.319031240
## 3313           Cdk15 -0.099508760  0.095900060  0.127725120 -0.071747300
## 3314           Cdk16  0.290678980 -0.022925377  0.259305000 -0.002883911
## 3315           Cdk17  0.299753200  0.145580290  0.034783363  0.371465680
## 3316           Cdk18 -0.280490400 -0.178709980 -0.025820732 -0.080538270
## 3317           Cdk19  1.088518100  1.049922000  0.812228200  0.523623470
## 3318            Cdk2 -0.074079990 -0.539713400  0.154665950 -0.066867830
## 3319           Cdk20  0.041000366  0.000000000 -0.026635170 -0.177269940
## 3320         Cdk2ap1  0.107834815  0.110212325 -0.032625676 -0.083078385
## 3321         Cdk2ap2 -0.150759220 -0.245468140  0.113328460 -0.127612590
## 3322         Cdk3-ps -0.029992580  0.125024320  0.103788376  0.011823177
## 3323            Cdk4 -0.655631070 -0.090857506 -0.051685333 -0.256704330
## 3324            Cdk5  0.106454370  0.042048930  0.468242170  0.044886590
## 3325          Cdk5r1 -0.115203380 -0.008872032  0.008570194 -0.047209263
## 3326          Cdk5r2  0.071557520  0.177492620  0.018674374  0.049436570
## 3327        Cdk5rap1 -0.113724710  0.015507221 -0.138761040  0.000283000
## 3328        Cdk5rap2 -0.217250350  0.036771297 -0.373874200  0.009836674
## 3329        Cdk5rap3 -0.177119260  0.157507900  0.529789450 -0.041006090
## 3330            Cdk6 -0.861057760 -0.853653900 -0.673377500 -0.707626800
## 3331            Cdk7 -0.293518780 -0.191042187  0.887288320  0.059918405
## 3332            Cdk8 -0.203010560  0.070708275 -0.223340030  0.457613950
## 3333            Cdk9 -0.206986430 -0.071762085  0.169177060 -0.079149246
## 3334          Cdkal1 -0.004135132 -0.261683000 -0.191921230  0.665940760
## 3335           Cdkl1 -0.023058414 -0.001072407 -0.030721664  0.011204243
## 3336           Cdkl2 -0.179040910 -0.058833600 -0.096766474  0.057632923
## 3337           Cdkl3  0.000000000 -0.233263970  0.229371070  0.524472240
## 3338           Cdkl4 -0.037737370  0.000000000  0.079300880 -0.059172630
## 3339           Cdkl5  0.567488200  0.811391350  0.090019226  0.320469860
## 3340          Cdkn1a  2.033792500  1.007277500  0.227268220  0.000000000
## 3341          Cdkn1b  0.301445960 -0.001828670 -0.121156693 -0.288999075
## 3342          Cdkn1c  0.813465100  1.281370200  1.163917500  1.743621800
## 3343          Cdkn2a  0.087780476 -0.029083729  0.241269590  0.214159490
## 3344        Cdkn2aip  0.089438915  0.047999380 -0.003108025 -0.173326255
## 3345      Cdkn2aipnl -0.026168823  0.424903870  0.044747353 -0.100532530
## 3346          Cdkn2b  1.103770700  0.934539800  0.524222400 -0.113838196
## 3347          Cdkn2c -0.384268280  0.007472992  0.077694890 -0.023713589
## 3348          Cdkn2d  0.000000000  0.155455590  0.183607100  0.013802528
## 3349           Cdkn3 -0.264467240 -0.318445680  0.053078650 -0.034192085
## 3350            Cdnf  0.001039505 -0.052377700 -0.147363660  0.119182590
## 3351            Cdo1 -0.574443340 -0.116137030 -0.461885450 -0.278837200
## 3352            Cdon  0.000000000  0.320147500  0.118385790 -0.534729500
## 3353           Cdpf1 -0.141621590  0.176854610 -0.061170578  0.097650530
## 3354            Cdr2 -0.357402800 -0.574786660 -0.548820000  0.363801000
## 3355           Cdr2l  0.067574980 -0.051898003 -0.064968110  0.147687910
## 3356           Cdrt4  0.034088135  0.084685326 -0.019340515 -0.094834330
## 3357            Cds1 -0.558653830 -0.387852200 -0.383491040  0.000000000
## 3358            Cds2  0.000000000 -0.254735950  0.089809420  0.240159990
## 3359            Cdsn -0.095901010  0.053365230 -0.014864445  0.130719180
## 3360            Cdt1 -0.026953220 -0.108384130  0.043864250 -0.076518536
## 3361            Cdv3 -0.027168274 -0.023220540 -0.071502208  0.024045945
## 3362            Cdx1 -0.075225830  0.000000000  0.016393185  0.144911770
## 3363            Cdx2 -0.016262531  0.078243256 -0.001060963 -0.032917500
## 3364            Cdx4  0.000000000 -0.033229350  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 3365            Cdyl  0.014652252  0.020793915  0.174826620 -0.249795910
## 3366           Cdyl2  0.046200275 -0.386364460 -0.261650100 -0.157632350
## 3367         Ceacam1  0.470713620  0.280358300  0.287794100  0.473945620
## 3368        Ceacam10 -0.036948204  0.058856964  0.084316730 -0.073730470
## 3369        Ceacam11 -0.016771793  0.013255596 -0.075978756 -0.027531147
## 3370        Ceacam12  0.038559914  0.002735138  0.040979862  0.041738033
## 3371        Ceacam13  0.037912846  0.040724754  0.021268845  0.083881855
## 3372        Ceacam14 -0.011906147  0.077382565 -0.039527893  0.063720230
## 3373        Ceacam15 -0.109909060 -0.074939730  0.186131000 -0.013153553
## 3374        Ceacam16  0.005315304  0.050745010 -0.019723892 -0.168422700
## 3375        Ceacam18 -0.022851944 -0.103993416  0.077919960 -0.214331630
## 3376        Ceacam19 -0.017534256  0.016680717  0.006396294 -0.000393000
## 3377         Ceacam2  3.051674800  2.284844400  2.084838000  0.299342630
## 3378        Ceacam20  0.072422030  0.046538830  0.078135490 -0.055590153
## 3379         Ceacam5  0.002811432  0.003180504  0.062555310 -0.034302235
## 3380         Ceacam9 -0.041725160 -0.004484177  0.184305190  0.109453680
## 3381           Cebpa -0.179338930 -0.329113000 -0.297482500 -0.210020070
## 3382           Cebpb  0.218533040 -0.450639250  0.164227490  0.018589973
## 3383           Cebpd  0.717665200 -0.125496860  0.478117470 -0.166785720
## 3384           Cebpe -0.070868015  0.088859080  0.021311283 -0.070028780
## 3385           Cebpg  0.316079140 -0.076642990  0.000000000  0.112661360
## 3386           Cebpz  0.384183880 -0.074889180 -0.004964829  0.000000000
## 3387           Cecr2  0.547524900  0.524777900  0.492023940  0.978240500
## 3388           Cecr5 -0.126870630  0.498295300 -0.116680620  0.393130780
## 3389           Cecr6  0.066526410 -0.051782608 -0.029803276 -0.216335770
## 3390             Cel  0.105047700  0.110023020  0.082024100 -0.013682842
## 3391           Cela1 -0.165409560  0.036204338 -0.122139454 -0.294678700
## 3392          Cela2a -0.099540710 -0.090369225  0.000000000  0.079330920
## 3393          Cela3b  0.263580800 -0.034842490 -0.025685787 -0.090326786
## 3394           Celf1  0.088625910  0.046125412  0.155694010  0.000000000
## 3395           Celf2  0.266579151 -0.001761913  0.167195560 -0.121240615
## 3396           Celf3 -0.063857555  0.141607760 -0.345395100  0.191405300
## 3397           Celf4 -0.107733730  0.060885906  0.112907890 -0.020340920
## 3398           Celf5 -0.134290700 -0.052297592  0.029691220  0.101322174
## 3399           Celf6  0.033735752  0.019268513  0.028616905 -0.017892838
## 3400          Celsr1 -0.025552273 -0.017191887  0.000000000  0.004438400
## 3401          Celsr2  0.103796480  0.145250320 -0.046682835 -0.123811720
## 3402          Celsr3 -0.037771700 -0.003337860  0.089295864  0.000000000
## 3403           Cend1 -0.041231155  0.028636932 -0.019509792  0.000000000
## 3404           Cenpa  0.004437923  0.088987830 -0.337781430  0.041720867
## 3405           Cenpb  0.072824000  0.005881310  0.047092438 -0.019134521
## 3406          Cenpc1  0.079633710 -0.258565430 -0.206644060 -0.392457960
## 3407           Cenpe -0.431347850 -0.876318930 -0.576599600 -0.370917320
## 3408           Cenpf -0.473170760 -0.322636600 -0.209817890  0.000000000
## 3409           Cenph -0.374525550 -0.452344420 -0.538797860  0.067059040
## 3410           Cenpi -0.113462450 -0.117482660  0.001051426 -0.169799800
## 3411           Cenpj -0.169420720 -0.508241650  0.132555010  0.566717150
## 3412           Cenpk -1.066289000 -0.957791800 -1.306308300 -0.595792300
## 3413           Cenpl -0.098880290 -0.506557000 -0.262662900 -0.265707500
## 3414           Cenpm -0.107157710 -0.071029660 -0.057908535 -0.157713410
## 3415           Cenpn -0.177213670 -0.281479360 -0.051021576 -0.402974130
## 3416           Cenpo -0.266530985 -0.097626925 -0.016256570 -0.133655547
## 3417           Cenpp -0.057090760  0.013966084  0.134616370 -0.177164550
## 3418           Cenpq -0.152828700 -0.482935900 -0.540674200 -0.459275720
## 3419           Cenpt  0.157662870  0.039697647 -0.419125080 -0.043552400
## 3420           Cenpv  0.199557780  0.339432240  0.188762660  0.212596420
## 3421           Cenpw -0.470294480 -0.212880130  0.124534610 -0.230026250
## 3422          Cep104  0.325215820  0.453610420  0.124269485  0.171910290
## 3423          Cep110  0.023154259 -0.098887440 -0.102394104  0.039477350
## 3424          Cep112  0.579663750  0.542784200  0.334426400  0.672843460
## 3425          Cep120  0.069556236  0.006862640  0.000000000  0.198452470
## 3426          Cep128 -0.142960550 -0.167660710 -0.279542920 -0.279643060
## 3427          Cep135 -0.053165436  0.162823680 -0.542046550  0.282914160
## 3428          Cep152  0.019049168 -0.062625885 -0.279449940  0.033429623
## 3429          Cep164 -0.108486655 -0.009618285  0.475184200  0.165545465
## 3430          Cep170 -0.050837517 -0.431012150 -0.394258500  0.081591606
## 3431         Cep170b  0.123729706  0.105168340  0.322240350  0.024665356
## 3432           Cep19  0.011828899  0.220357900  0.167254450 -0.136021610
## 3433          Cep192  0.138127326 -0.609464640  0.582498563 -0.043827852
## 3434          Cep250  0.003873348  0.122079850  0.101465225  0.318544400
## 3435          Cep290  0.387190820  0.171643260 -0.144668580  0.044599056
## 3436          Cep350  0.049674986  0.164119402 -0.131959914  0.261318046
## 3437           Cep41 -0.307625300 -0.459083080  0.306537150 -0.284519670
## 3438           Cep44  0.314912320  0.476001260  0.446763040 -0.421254630
## 3439           Cep55 -0.263526920 -0.317287450 -0.146588800  0.453773500
## 3440           Cep57 -0.011961937  0.248641010  0.144299500 -0.036167145
## 3441         Cep57l1 -0.281865120 -0.152205470 -0.187250610 -0.122013090
## 3442           Cep63  0.259092330  0.519960400  0.668463700 -0.092164040
## 3443           Cep68  0.274216650  0.608278300  0.446389200  0.267934800
## 3444           Cep70  0.627382300  0.552740100  0.558846500  0.115191460
## 3445           Cep72 -0.148444650 -0.019216060  0.120321750 -0.309713840
## 3446           Cep76  0.027061940 -0.432717800  0.242743970 -0.285601140
## 3447           Cep78  0.032305240  0.444853780  0.145649430 -0.044736385
## 3448           Cep85  0.107654570  0.064337250 -0.063461300 -0.162674900
## 3449           Cep89 -0.049036026  0.000000000  0.308415400 -0.157466890
## 3450           Cep95 -0.064732550 -0.303939820  0.242740630  0.039468765
## 3451           Cep97  0.269262800  0.127221110  0.032401085  0.000000000
## 3452           Cept1  0.316394800 -0.023194313  0.526760100  0.035166740
## 3453            Cer1  0.000000000  0.157485010 -0.146740910  0.032216550
## 3454          Cercam  0.000000000  0.042813062  0.154991391  0.019985916
## 3455            Cerk -0.415372850 -0.347808360 -0.185904030  0.000000000
## 3456           Cerkl  0.578684800  0.617835500  0.717698100 -0.335508350
## 3457           Cers2  0.210780140  0.185452460 -0.439130780 -0.332756040
## 3458           Cers3 -0.143990040 -0.047937870  0.167397980 -0.051597120
## 3459           Cers4  0.175629620  0.909959800  0.584431650  0.484507560
## 3460           Cers5  0.277281760 -0.045186043 -0.251496320  0.372427940
## 3461           Cers6 -0.338759900 -0.304819100 -0.197691440 -0.239328860
## 3462           Ces1a -0.076006890 -0.044065000  0.009047508  0.017920494
## 3463           Ces1b -0.022249699  0.063629630  0.241486550 -0.081810474
## 3464           Ces1c  0.003133774  0.101743700 -0.125943180  0.065181730
## 3465           Ces1d -0.095983030 -0.145800590 -0.066865920  0.042430878
## 3466           Ces1e  0.065397740  0.057652473  0.001345635  0.008407116
## 3467           Ces1f -0.010233402 -0.021387577  0.000000000 -0.044094563
## 3468           Ces1g -0.068646430 -0.085721970  0.005824566  0.024810314
## 3469           Ces2a  0.011710167  0.007692814  0.160492900  0.085786340
## 3470           Ces2c -0.020819425 -0.118805410 -0.176221372 -0.154402970
## 3471           Ces2e  0.000000000 -0.259830950 -0.185070990  0.278449540
## 3472           Ces2f -0.012009144  0.055379390 -0.111835480 -0.169778820
## 3473           Ces2g -0.750649000 -0.490689750 -0.720145700 -0.381350040
## 3474           Ces3a -0.045481205  0.054109097  0.158106330 -0.030436516
## 3475           Ces3b -0.028808117 -0.120914936 -0.056488514 -0.177755360
## 3476           Ces4a -0.010659695  0.199295520  0.160829070  0.167354580
## 3477           Ces5a  0.000618697  0.039854289  0.039486170  0.066472050
## 3478           Cetn1  0.060225487 -0.010744095  0.128860470 -0.076086520
## 3479           Cetn2  0.431518550  0.476606370  0.283214570 -0.376074800
## 3480           Cetn3  0.326935770  0.255099300  0.167065620 -0.069940570
## 3481           Cetn4 -0.038216830 -0.014332533  0.550720925  0.334035635
## 3482             Cfb -0.215219020 -0.776633740  0.000000000 -0.186761860
## 3483            Cfc1 -0.036755560 -0.030754090  0.000000000  0.066588400
## 3484             Cfd -0.074202060  0.062317850  0.022369385 -0.005632877
## 3485           Cfdp1 -0.024305344  0.211083410  0.054004670  0.037940980
## 3486             Cfh  3.549983000  3.077869400  3.700025600  1.357544000
## 3487           Cfhr1  0.001880169  0.011913776  0.024569988  0.000000000
## 3488           Cfhr2  0.030410290  0.154312610  0.319327350  0.004079342
## 3489           Cfhr3  0.058791160  0.056959630  0.004434109 -0.010381222
## 3490             Cfi  0.001916885 -0.034862995  0.079236030 -0.109108925
## 3491            Cfl1 -0.208270070  0.048785210  0.015448570 -0.047266006
## 3492            Cfl2  0.020024300  0.065954210 -0.367878900  0.000000000
## 3493           Cflar -0.026790937 -0.139268237 -0.210257848  0.042080561
## 3494             Cfp  0.136894230 -0.251671800 -0.254167080 -0.034687520
## 3495            Cftr  0.018479347 -0.088571550 -0.014612675 -0.177234650
## 3496             Cga  0.103272915  0.056481360  0.182131770 -0.039569378
## 3497          Cggbp1 -0.019689560 -0.147921560  0.257262230  0.012405396
## 3498             Cgn -0.195022100 -0.186615940 -0.257861140 -0.272195820
## 3499           Cgnl1  2.126054800  2.455556000  2.339952500  1.117843600
## 3500          Cgref1 -0.273942000 -0.051083088 -0.131600380  0.157126900
## 3501          Cgrrf1 -0.048034190  0.000000000  0.880755400  0.027965069
## 3502           Ch25h  3.896257900  0.347283840  3.835442000 -0.346161370
## 3503           Chac1 -0.121500970  0.073522570 -0.024451733  0.242550370
## 3504           Chac2  0.000000000  0.218993660 -0.349058150 -0.144040580
## 3505            Chad -0.287212370 -0.182643890 -0.337526320  0.117883680
## 3506           Chadl -0.001098156  0.017277240  0.033233166 -0.001098156
## 3507          Chaf1a -0.283163550 -0.003002167  0.000000000 -0.052249430
## 3508          Chaf1b -0.144663810 -0.282075880  0.095803260 -0.032640457
## 3509          Champ1 -0.227100850  0.404939650  0.085989475 -0.095234870
## 3510            Chat -0.035871030  0.267734530  0.126417160 -0.025836468
## 3511          Chchd1  0.112381935 -0.267053600  0.056315422  0.144381520
## 3512         Chchd10 -0.030892849 -0.216003900 -0.264893050  0.046826840
## 3513          Chchd2  0.275793073  0.094150861  0.118814150 -0.067678133
## 3514          Chchd3 -0.006952286  0.238074300  0.289097800  0.201354030
## 3515          Chchd4 -0.117661950  0.170223240 -0.128047940  0.000000000
## 3516          Chchd5 -0.031472445  0.278227095 -0.233566765  0.137990237
## 3517          Chchd6 -0.060643196  0.297271730  0.334382530  0.023194313
## 3518          Chchd7  0.109820366 -0.246324540  0.216381070 -0.214800830
## 3519            Chd1  0.279837600 -0.147767070 -0.048793793  0.249167440
## 3520           Chd1l -0.062897205  0.295795440  0.075733185  0.410604000
## 3521            Chd2  0.197131160  0.088213920  0.014032364  0.342394830
## 3522            Chd3  0.207908630  0.275815490  0.167939187  0.050163748
## 3523            Chd4 -0.089763640  0.219631200  0.126273160  0.203891750
## 3524            Chd5 -0.038075924 -0.114742756  0.115980150 -0.044560910
## 3525            Chd6  0.128389360  0.015210152  0.185239790  0.271820070
## 3526            Chd7 -0.319036438 -0.306619678 -0.114024444  0.623554087
## 3527            Chd8 -0.166996000  0.000000000  0.069211006  0.079864500
## 3528            Chd9 -0.007661820 -0.131222720 -0.892679200  0.258908270
## 3529            Chdh -0.056789875  0.007820129 -0.067046165 -0.149748330
## 3530           Chek1 -0.004760742  0.124567030 -0.255062100 -0.135070320
## 3531           Chek2 -0.785795200 -0.584146000 -0.798268800  1.286650700
## 3532           Cherp -0.049126625  0.004243851 -0.178023340  0.162098880
## 3533            Chfr  0.026988983  0.111920360 -0.016968727 -0.116546630
## 3534            Chga -0.056087017 -0.130031590 -0.058859825  0.039094448
## 3535            Chgb -0.090294840  0.027792454  0.000305000 -0.049232483
## 3536          Chi3l1  0.000181000 -0.040711880 -0.093397620  0.000000000
## 3537          Chi3l3  0.122529510 -0.011947632 -0.077803135 -0.161529540
## 3538          Chi3l4  0.017038345  0.010565281  0.102042200 -0.051150800
## 3539            Chia -0.037848950  0.037241460  0.000000000  0.229558470
## 3540           Chic1  0.117337705 -0.306477070 -0.222139600 -0.098187444
## 3541           Chic2  0.186662670 -0.037305832 -0.045001030 -0.544863700
## 3542           Chid1 -0.288897040  0.039244650  0.292907700 -0.321030140
## 3543           Chit1  0.055098057  0.008657455  0.058987617 -0.056948660
## 3544            Chka  1.459529400  0.389225960  0.458530900 -1.378268200
## 3545            Chkb -0.163158416 -0.378991360 -0.038475990  0.098283055
## 3546            Chl1  0.003647327  0.001365185  0.012829781  0.044212820
## 3547             Chm  0.238765720 -0.229310040  0.011258125  0.296504970
## 3548            Chml -0.225103380 -0.308084960 -0.786960600  0.851451900
## 3549          Chmp1a -0.292224400 -0.045523643  0.483915330 -0.374854560
## 3550          Chmp1b  0.540512100  0.000554000  0.294638630 -0.135773660
## 3551          Chmp2a  0.015569687  0.137081150  0.112940790  0.021893501
## 3552          Chmp2b  0.372234340  0.251619340  0.535140040  0.040061950
## 3553           Chmp3  0.405496600  0.767780765  0.210121635  0.243096830
## 3554          Chmp4b -0.141045570 -0.427530300 -0.007936478 -0.063018800
## 3555          Chmp4c  0.041939260  0.060232640 -0.099925040  0.000000000
## 3556           Chmp5  0.224378590  0.227867130 -0.084734920  0.156835560
## 3557           Chmp6 -0.055846214 -0.472687720  0.061531067 -0.134578700
## 3558           Chmp7  0.195163250 -0.108558655  0.525322900  0.267484200
## 3559            Chn1 -0.145483500 -0.167182450 -0.040770054  0.111946580
## 3560            Chn2  1.960164100  1.799426100  0.906080250 -0.285779950
## 3561           Chodl  0.006561279 -0.110452650  0.151812080  0.069887640
## 3562         Chordc1  0.782350540 -0.492775920 -0.259089470 -0.157369610
## 3563            Chp1 -0.051812172  0.454523100  0.537442200 -0.130390170
## 3564            Chp2 -0.184053900 -0.278850560 -0.174844260 -0.278694630
## 3565            Chpf -0.017086029 -0.040739060  0.082899570  0.064390180
## 3566           Chpf2  0.097871300 -0.101843834 -0.089993480 -0.169373990
## 3567           Chpt1  0.280118940 -0.288519860  0.415249820 -0.168002130
## 3568          Chrac1 -0.192995550 -0.246823310  0.214272500 -0.286027430
## 3569            Chrd -0.063338280 -0.015258312  0.072579384  0.029877663
## 3570          Chrdl1  0.000000000 -0.038940907 -0.029852867 -0.043664455
## 3571          Chrdl2 -0.111403465 -0.026606083  0.000000000 -0.015474796
## 3572           Chrm1  0.008018494  0.000000000  0.110127926  0.092981815
## 3573           Chrm2 -0.039997578  0.224204060  0.486864570 -0.113400460
## 3574           Chrm3 -0.269792560 -0.274227140  0.004092217  0.076878550
## 3575           Chrm4  0.107430460 -0.057561874  0.044180393 -0.009951592
## 3576           Chrm5  0.023006440  0.105884550  0.067642690 -0.009935379
## 3577          Chrna1 -0.027125359 -0.029077530  0.004610539 -0.076727390
## 3578         Chrna10 -0.020444393  0.042519093  0.000000000 -0.058137417
## 3579          Chrna2 -0.010097981 -0.107423780  0.012433529 -0.114521030
## 3580          Chrna3  0.029006481 -0.011375427  0.011001587  0.024882317
## 3581          Chrna4 -0.106007576  0.164809230  0.003258705 -0.174920560
## 3582          Chrna5  0.003838539 -0.057686806 -0.010447979  0.019700050
## 3583          Chrna6  0.033411503  0.033106804  0.136767390  0.012147427
## 3584          Chrna7  0.000000000 -0.011043549 -0.023357391 -0.018135548
## 3585          Chrna9 -0.042644500  0.047993183  0.167340280  0.035213470
## 3586          Chrnb1  0.509936330  0.397673130  0.616808400  0.801000600
## 3587          Chrnb2  0.000000000  0.002995014  0.093935010 -0.112705230
## 3588          Chrnb3 -0.038745880  0.094783780  0.068209650  0.000000000
## 3589          Chrnb4 -0.028064251 -0.090988636  0.009078503 -0.017006874
## 3590           Chrnd -0.033704758 -0.004253864  0.005764961  0.098648070
## 3591           Chrne  0.000000000  0.064665320  0.115029335 -0.095723630
## 3592           Chst1 -0.519070150 -0.490604880 -0.309529300  0.450280200
## 3593          Chst10 -0.145604610  0.005977154  0.000000000 -0.001951695
## 3594          Chst11  0.685728550  0.737529300  0.223303320 -0.041186333
## 3595          Chst12 -0.287047860 -0.567528250 -0.420970440 -0.216254710
## 3596          Chst13 -0.142460820 -0.147717950  0.032888412 -0.020322800
## 3597          Chst14  0.136590960  0.028253555 -0.057838440 -0.106000420
## 3598          Chst15 -0.941091540 -0.930433300 -0.701901440  0.024384499
## 3599           Chst2  0.332464700 -0.027557373  0.330366600 -0.669090300
## 3600           Chst3 -0.131958480  0.024782658  0.110575676  0.280626770
## 3601           Chst4  0.000000000  0.043472767  0.009294987  0.029149055
## 3602           Chst5 -0.038588524 -0.042216778  0.027764320 -0.021157265
## 3603           Chst7 -0.144599910 -0.208874700 -0.367437840  0.520649900
## 3604           Chst8 -0.098923680  0.121137140  0.022375584  0.049118996
## 3605           Chst9 -0.048461437  0.047631740 -0.020084381  0.105126380
## 3606           Chsy1 -0.050866127  0.000000000  0.268536570  0.157374380
## 3607           Chsy3  0.072475910  0.050688744 -0.002513409 -0.029680252
## 3608          Chtf18 -0.005367756  0.000000000  0.044066906 -0.067791460
## 3609           Chtf8 -0.067249300 -0.008729935 -0.234701160  0.048355103
## 3610           Chtop  0.162657740  0.208724980 -0.077034000  0.038410187
## 3611            Chuk  0.270436300 -0.268590930 -0.283579830 -0.146959300
## 3612          Churc1 -0.042250633  0.109813690  0.166022300 -0.043988228
## 3613           Ciao1  0.097524640  0.147677420  0.334177020  0.075470924
## 3614         Ciapin1 -0.037458420 -0.016770363  0.106821060  0.000000000
## 3615            Cib1 -0.372296330 -0.133400920  0.314623830 -0.388013360
## 3616            Cib2 -0.256180760 -0.224668030  0.039256096 -0.102959156
## 3617            Cib3 -0.060550213 -0.059152126 -0.040133953  0.028941631
## 3618            Cib4 -0.043951510  0.003084660  0.231516840 -0.061346054
## 3619             Cic -0.254911900  0.016155243  0.388587950  0.072205540
## 3620           Cidea -0.055778980 -0.002797127  0.111566070 -0.043373585
## 3621           Cideb -0.270617000 -0.107319355  0.237676620  0.241673470
## 3622           Cidec  0.033942700  0.000000000 -0.067172050 -0.005299091
## 3623           Ciita -0.114473340 -0.127835750 -0.023512840 -0.068605420
## 3624            Cilp  0.062043667 -0.079718110 -0.029832363 -0.197218420
## 3625           Cilp2  0.000000000  0.087320330  0.123435974 -0.104359630
## 3626            Cinp -0.143586640  0.079632280  0.279432300 -0.275368200
## 3627            Cir1  0.058294775  0.067724705 -0.023279191 -0.044180872
## 3628           Cirbp -0.162445070  0.535992600  0.148522380  0.158770560
## 3629          Cirh1a -0.011095047  0.065114020  0.197577480 -0.177163120
## 3630           Cisd1  0.294106480  0.431334500  1.038747800 -0.562348370
## 3631           Cisd2  0.083805560 -0.172209260 -0.176577570 -0.131391050
## 3632            Cish -0.181858060  0.162882330 -0.567406200  0.179290300
## 3633             Cit -0.237456800 -0.065601826 -0.153237340  0.059484005
## 3634          Cited1  0.045566560 -0.018469810  0.050718784 -0.505265240
## 3635          Cited2 -0.054875374 -0.155274390  0.151792530  0.058665276
## 3636          Cited4 -0.145937440  0.017514706  0.201335900 -0.202632430
## 3637            Ciz1  0.015394211  0.246365550  0.224035260  0.133209230
## 3638        CK137956 -0.014383316  0.007389545  0.085223675  0.028852463
## 3639           Ckap2 -0.651162150 -0.134301190 -0.263352400 -0.237541200
## 3640          Ckap2l -0.256380560 -0.409371850 -0.123292920  0.081950190
## 3641           Ckap4 -0.256242750 -0.435604100 -0.234269620  0.286365500
## 3642           Ckap5  0.145450590  0.099804880  0.189193730 -0.139525410
## 3643             Ckb -0.215801720  0.084397316 -0.339053150  0.000000000
## 3644            Cklf -0.774576660 -0.621963000 -0.880447860 -0.659466270
## 3645             Ckm -0.025519133 -0.062948940  0.121989966 -0.072734116
## 3646           Ckmt1  0.001894474  0.021269321  0.061913967 -0.059888363
## 3647           Ckmt2 -0.022760868 -0.002790928 -0.038586617  0.019894123
## 3648           Cks1b -1.092411000 -0.689699650 -0.063175200 -0.289616580
## 3649            Cks2 -1.826052700 -1.273181267 -1.495227167 -0.071620783
## 3650          Clasp1  0.069935800  0.165914540 -0.090716360  0.094446180
## 3651          Clasp2  0.192554470  0.219674110 -0.038716316  0.092156410
## 3652          Clasrp  0.066336630  0.000000000  0.044698715  0.162053110
## 3653           Clca1 -0.280853270 -0.543120860 -0.314547540 -0.189235210
## 3654           Clca2 -0.076370240 -0.263922200 -0.134600160 -0.257372860
## 3655           Clca3  0.073819160  0.129253860  0.142652990 -0.159271240
## 3656           Clca4  0.124460220  0.000000000 -0.032180786 -0.009846687
## 3657           Clca5 -0.119183540  0.000000000 -0.050915240  0.181770320
## 3658           Clca6  0.016725779 -0.018733978  0.112195252  0.021053314
## 3659           Clcc1 -0.017783165  0.087999344  0.141199110 -0.020465850
## 3660           Clcf1 -0.134692670 -0.059329987 -0.139764310 -0.067312240
## 3661           Clcn1 -0.005797386  0.019935608  0.151448730  0.044404507
## 3662           Clcn2 -0.044647694  0.067781925  0.238720900  0.004703999
## 3663           Clcn3  0.430515300  0.368399620  0.135830880  0.000000000
## 3664         Clcn4-2  0.003813744 -0.244442940 -0.630996700 -0.078583720
## 3665           Clcn5 -0.081875800 -0.233372690 -0.342645650  0.289102080
## 3666           Clcn6 -0.234287260  0.363102900  0.000000000  0.267413140
## 3667           Clcn7  0.362473000  0.828295700  0.214039330 -0.123445510
## 3668          Clcnka  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.058515550  0.074296474
## 3669          Clcnkb -0.082808495  0.027692318 -0.040304660  0.069056510
## 3670           Cldn1 -0.099460125 -0.105485440 -0.037382126 -0.036639214
## 3671          Cldn10 -0.096243142 -0.148208145 -0.041072607 -0.032420873
## 3672          Cldn11  0.312468050 -0.008349419  0.128249170  0.413682940
## 3673          Cldn12  0.063006880  0.456213470  0.436795700 -0.090728760
## 3674          Cldn13  0.062113285 -0.116578580  0.085736750  0.087506294
## 3675          Cldn14 -0.034794807 -0.009591103  0.035529613 -0.026547909
## 3676          Cldn15 -0.639375200 -0.595228700 -0.188818450  0.259825700
## 3677          Cldn16  0.035573483 -0.001275063 -0.074395180  0.040104390
## 3678          Cldn17 -0.128176690 -0.013201237 -0.002985001  0.005714893
## 3679          Cldn18 -0.018248081 -0.103878500 -0.040885925 -0.235524650
## 3680          Cldn19 -0.038829327  0.003184319  0.034187317 -0.025982380
## 3681           Cldn2  0.034491062  0.039391994  0.000000000 -0.006312847
## 3682          Cldn20  0.020116806 -0.262887950  0.204886440 -0.073005676
## 3683          Cldn22  0.197242260  0.037764550  0.135439400  0.147158620
## 3684          Cldn23 -0.016162395  0.003516197  0.000000000 -0.010296822
## 3685          Cldn24  0.137390610  0.173835280  0.407734400  0.040973663
## 3686          Cldn25  0.468348500  0.661653500  0.683779700 -0.131877900
## 3687          Cldn26  0.036540510  0.026754380 -0.079051495 -0.051563740
## 3688           Cldn3 -0.035995960  0.087045190  0.000000000  0.029334545
## 3689           Cldn4 -0.201674460  0.096409800  0.006129742  0.065382004
## 3690           Cldn5  1.465598100  1.738821000  1.567739500  0.159770010
## 3691           Cldn6  0.509737000  0.440007700  0.650558950 -0.031578064
## 3692           Cldn7 -0.198986050 -0.050062180 -0.001779079 -0.234904770
## 3693           Cldn8 -0.073550700 -0.034695150 -0.020967960  0.012520790
## 3694           Cldn9 -0.038340570 -0.112590790  0.032084942  0.149419780
## 3695          Cldnd2  0.107255936 -0.088094710  0.100555420  0.018200874
## 3696         Clec10a  0.000000000 -0.114150050 -0.035258770 -0.035562992
## 3697         Clec11a -0.056037426  0.169355870  0.016231537 -0.034290790
## 3698         Clec12a  0.000000000  0.029038430  0.039638520 -0.026353836
## 3699         Clec12b -0.297235500 -0.676998600 -0.322510720  1.913032500
## 3700         Clec14a  0.000000000  0.127270700 -0.099135400  0.431714060
## 3701         Clec16a  0.364603040  0.296214100  0.403554920  0.124829770
## 3702         Clec18a -0.054310320 -0.078597070 -0.049723150 -0.025272370
## 3703          Clec1a -0.474254130 -0.486133100 -0.532266600  1.630171300
## 3704          Clec1b -0.904458050 -0.817381400 -0.762424000  0.589904800
## 3705          Clec2d  0.343648900  0.548204400  0.531559940  0.000000000
## 3706          Clec2e -0.003074646  0.014310837 -0.015013218  0.007761955
## 3707          Clec2g  0.012264252  0.028565884  0.164713860 -0.276012900
## 3708          Clec2h  0.178495880  0.169566630  0.090658190 -0.030597687
## 3709          Clec2i -0.053797722  0.001797676 -0.021779537  0.027616024
## 3710          Clec2l -0.161587240  0.011258602  0.176333900 -0.061995030
## 3711          Clec3a  0.008984089 -0.021890640  0.049386500 -0.029110432
## 3712          Clec3b  0.008289337  0.081989290  0.119836810  0.072000030
## 3713         Clec4a1  0.002262116  0.112207890 -0.182633400 -0.076750755
## 3714         Clec4a2 -0.067751410 -0.107381344 -0.112889290 -0.070579530
## 3715         Clec4a3 -0.286773200 -0.054843903  0.428007130  0.000000000
## 3716         Clec4a4 -0.034663200 -0.023760796  0.000000000  0.213111880
## 3717         Clec4b1  0.051578045 -0.096227170 -0.044065952 -0.031320572
## 3718         Clec4b2 -0.033138275  0.022279740 -0.081775665 -0.082260130
## 3719          Clec4d -0.150377750 -0.069754120  0.002283573 -0.063594340
## 3720          Clec4e -0.092408180 -0.168274880 -0.159461980 -0.053804398
## 3721          Clec4f  0.007709026  0.171643730  0.046978950  0.067768100
## 3722          Clec4g  0.051633595 -0.189115520  0.000854969  0.063708783
## 3723          Clec4n  0.019903660 -0.034901142  0.078551770 -0.008509636
## 3724          Clec5a -0.054238320  0.050265312  0.008459568  0.000000000
## 3725          Clec7a -0.303534980  0.040829660 -0.262769700 -0.065495014
## 3726          Clec9a -1.813838000 -1.867099300 -1.775976700  0.413256650
## 3727            Clgn -0.020306587  0.009582520 -0.038727760 -0.020751000
## 3728           Clhc1 -0.148020740 -0.109391690 -0.146906850 -0.177861690
## 3729           Clic1 -0.427483560 -0.669579500 -0.300485600 -0.127557750
## 3730           Clic3  0.065487385  0.580214500  0.000000000 -0.147098060
## 3731           Clic4  0.547264100  0.430898670  0.528743740  0.000000000
## 3732           Clic5  0.000000000  0.031781197  0.267392160  0.584936140
## 3733           Clic6  0.026343822 -0.016232014  0.038303852  0.025784492
## 3734          Clint1  0.090871810 -0.062985420  0.007863998 -0.389398570
## 3735           Clip1  1.145326600  1.050266300  0.655928600  0.229857440
## 3736           Clip2 -0.241118430  0.044620990  0.042033672  0.419432640
## 3737           Clip3  0.016285420 -0.036311150  0.021189213  0.027354717
## 3738           Clip4 -0.051212310 -0.017860413  0.090762140  0.045273304
## 3739            Clk1  0.434486400  0.006733894 -0.148573880 -0.052352905
## 3740            Clk2  0.347700120  0.148993490  0.053796770  0.117719650
## 3741            Clk3 -0.063910484 -0.138121600 -0.229710580  0.077082634
## 3742            Clk4  0.274100300 -0.148255350  0.098656654 -0.133770940
## 3743            Clmn  0.110006330  0.070959090  0.070822240  1.132380000
## 3744            Clmp -0.002547741  0.049931526 -0.316443920 -0.011085033
## 3745            Cln3 -0.218684200 -0.331250200  0.438521860 -0.002402782
## 3746            Cln5  0.311136250  0.475642200  0.354990000  0.033384323
## 3747            Cln6 -0.089755060 -0.284740450  0.235198020  0.197501180
## 3748            Cln8 -0.080536840  0.041377068 -0.122110370  0.135648730
## 3749            Clnk -0.089903355  0.031774044 -0.205502030  0.040537357
## 3750          Clns1a  0.190947530  0.191867830  0.571066860 -0.049264908
## 3751           Clock  0.074578285  0.000000000  0.085417750  0.437562940
## 3752            Clpb  0.511760230 -0.109409330  0.230927940 -0.108050820
## 3753            Clpp  0.059570790  0.324947360  0.000822000  0.100214480
## 3754            Clps -0.087575436  0.000000000  0.202388760  0.173007970
## 3755          Clpsl2 -0.042027473 -0.082991600 -0.202374460  0.152279380
## 3756          Clptm1  0.000000000  0.228536600  0.245383260 -0.008606911
## 3757         Clptm1l -0.160561080  0.082946780  0.492891300 -0.256796360
## 3758            Clpx  0.065221790  0.369494440  0.369494440 -0.067120550
## 3759           Clrn1  0.058145523  0.016236782  0.102537630  0.177688120
## 3760           Clrn2 -0.039294720  0.029965878  0.052180290  0.031251907
## 3761           Clrn3 -0.053880215 -0.110136510  0.000000000 -0.018978596
## 3762           Clspn -0.195830820 -0.088105680 -0.035794735 -0.020367622
## 3763          Clstn1  0.562221500  0.834347700  0.482109070  0.150364880
## 3764          Clstn2 -0.000451000  0.000000000  0.046866417 -0.017395973
## 3765          Clstn3  0.078582290  0.008663654  0.143661020 -0.088578700
## 3766            Clta -0.049968720 -0.087423325 -0.010846138 -0.356017100
## 3767            Cltb  0.456159600  0.681922900  0.631881700  0.303381920
## 3768            Cltc  0.251919750  0.182654380  0.164659500  0.000000000
## 3769             Clu -0.316155430 -0.082519530 -0.312055600  0.000000000
## 3770          Cluap1 -0.026677609  0.100445270  0.209210400 -0.028980971
## 3771            Cluh -0.199194910  0.088025570 -0.116642475 -0.052558422
## 3772           Clvs1  0.092221740 -0.006678581 -0.130254270 -0.182169440
## 3773           Clvs2  0.142936700 -0.097656250  0.135158060  0.141900540
## 3774           Clybl  0.775477400  0.716801640  0.500492100 -0.250758170
## 3775            Cma1  0.018358707 -0.072439670  0.060261726  0.036029340
## 3776            Cma2 -0.074519160 -0.080285550 -0.046233177  0.137130740
## 3777            Cmah -0.540637970 -0.489099030 -0.430025100 -0.150582790
## 3778            Cmas -0.116736410 -0.076180460  0.000000000  0.093444824
## 3779            Cmbl -0.445979120 -0.627442840 -0.503224850  0.152831080
## 3780            Cmc1  0.141403200  0.202631950 -0.195769310  0.032913208
## 3781            Cmc2 -0.695618600  0.010901451 -0.318418030 -0.540924100
## 3782            Cmip -1.897156950 -1.978114650 -1.623102200  0.393894190
## 3783          Cmklr1 -0.578348160 -0.423964020 -0.518006300 -0.362186430
## 3784            Cml1  0.598472100  0.868010040  0.350333200  0.022140026
## 3785            Cml2  0.213724140  0.364183430  0.174152370  0.084315780
## 3786            Cml3 -0.035171032 -0.139458813  0.049459139  0.013629595
## 3787            Cml5  0.035931587 -0.035057545  0.024947643  0.053610325
## 3788           Cmpk1  0.088256836  0.016409874  0.106211660 -0.339380260
## 3789           Cmpk2 -0.102692130  0.328760150 -0.156742100  0.302938460
## 3790           Cmss1 -0.487719060 -0.295162200 -0.009984016 -0.489171030
## 3791          Cmtm2a -0.017799854  0.066133500  0.104799750  0.013849258
## 3792          Cmtm2b -0.061506270  0.044216633 -0.153900620 -0.133747100
## 3793           Cmtm3 -0.884013650 -1.075418500 -0.624926570  0.334877000
## 3794           Cmtm4  0.081641674 -0.065416810  0.167650220 -0.195673470
## 3795           Cmtm5  0.000000000  0.008140087 -0.004341602  0.004052639
## 3796           Cmtm6  0.142120360  0.373003000  0.308765400 -0.172169690
## 3797           Cmtm7 -0.441565505 -0.316596984 -0.205313680 -0.013925550
## 3798           Cmtm8  0.413789750  0.411979680  0.092147830  0.918333050
## 3799           Cmtr1  0.002557755  0.610631940  0.619199750  0.119485855
## 3800           Cmtr2 -0.263505940 -0.201385500 -0.597175100  0.331215860
## 3801           Cmya5 -0.115317820 -0.058915375 -0.195162535  0.236146686
## 3802           Cnbd2  0.036592484 -0.156287200 -0.452824120  0.126023290
## 3803            Cnbp  0.394364360  0.352931980  0.255435000  0.000000000
## 3804           Cndp1 -0.112188816  0.000000000  0.023679256  0.068879604
## 3805           Cndp2 -0.141833300  0.062035560 -0.013805389  0.000000000
## 3806         Cnep1r1  0.000000000  0.136816980 -0.246939660 -0.004142761
## 3807            Cnfn -0.021549702 -0.070950985 -0.056815624  0.150026320
## 3808           Cnga1 -0.064002514 -0.028033257 -0.001533508  0.070994380
## 3809           Cnga2 -0.034255980 -0.103665350  0.078749660  0.015715122
## 3810           Cnga3 -0.002632141 -0.040851116  0.094017980  0.060455800
## 3811           Cnga4  0.000000000 -0.061070442 -0.089920520 -0.005679607
## 3812           Cngb1 -0.143274783  0.088020803 -0.005046606  0.107979537
## 3813           Cngb3  0.009945393  0.072341440 -0.017618180 -0.014208794
## 3814            Cnih  0.322054860 -0.082267760  0.103282930 -0.029766083
## 3815           Cnih2 -0.014647484  0.283164020  0.096152780  0.084038260
## 3816           Cnih3 -0.047748566  0.107922080  0.075256350  0.079529760
## 3817           Cnih4  0.116343500  0.299508100 -0.581082340 -0.240769390
## 3818          Cnksr1 -0.010578156 -0.070296764  0.204443930 -0.048881054
## 3819          Cnksr2 -0.046714783  0.001747608 -0.018266678  0.110002040
## 3820          Cnksr3  0.154210090  0.018587112 -0.360014440 -0.432372100
## 3821            Cnn1 -0.150100230 -0.355963700 -0.137627600 -0.053597927
## 3822            Cnn2  0.056656360  0.443168160  0.116047380  0.000000000
## 3823            Cnn3 -0.226606845  0.141567945 -0.046811819  0.423747060
## 3824           Cnnm1  0.048424244 -0.055697440 -0.019929409 -0.038022520
## 3825           Cnnm2  0.868027450  0.095341446  0.438379050 -0.533112300
## 3826           Cnnm3  0.139531610  0.494419100  0.047819138  0.283840660
## 3827           Cnnm4  0.078329560  0.010490418 -0.263093470 -0.400961880
## 3828           Cnot1 -0.074456213  0.088956513  0.024884857 -0.022329173
## 3829          Cnot10  0.000000000  0.184384350 -0.244506840  0.354727750
## 3830          Cnot11  0.003150940 -0.060149193  0.222834590 -0.159060480
## 3831           Cnot2  0.015474558 -0.050335647 -0.117938997  0.197281120
## 3832           Cnot3 -0.229276660  0.185213090 -0.088751790  0.141330720
## 3833           Cnot4  0.455994600 -0.109471320 -0.146143910  0.147800450
## 3834           Cnot6  0.562590600  0.236999510  0.635403630 -0.057888985
## 3835          Cnot6l  0.675246240  0.129418370  0.374440200  0.151112560
## 3836           Cnot7  0.403166770  0.248953820 -0.017113686 -0.102272990
## 3837           Cnot8 -0.161177396  0.056973219 -0.185894010  0.059397460
## 3838             Cnp -0.579066300 -0.472823620 -0.059214115 -0.223398690
## 3839          Cnppd1 -0.420447350  0.667707440 -0.400230880 -0.223108290
## 3840           Cnpy1  0.034580230  0.152336120  0.122153280 -0.221884730
## 3841           Cnpy2  0.107440950  0.083230970  0.627679800 -0.289859300
## 3842           Cnpy3  0.179822920  0.176848410  0.081902504 -0.291587830
## 3843           Cnpy4 -0.321996700  0.047754765  0.172713760  0.134331230
## 3844            Cnr1 -0.032758236 -0.025996208  0.001164436  0.001479626
## 3845            Cnr2 -0.492712020 -0.311184880 -0.523297800 -0.251484400
## 3846          Cnrip1 -0.845654000 -0.593622200 -1.161357400  0.287047860
## 3847            Cnst -0.035072327  0.217986100 -0.033952236  0.615963460
## 3848           Cntd1 -0.201741220 -0.087990760 -0.227784160 -0.046329020
## 3849           Cntfr -0.069712160 -0.079001900 -0.180345540 -0.036499023
## 3850           Cntln  0.272817130  0.204368110  0.012389660  0.707761300
## 3851           Cntn1  0.108940125  0.007513046  0.034031390  0.010998249
## 3852           Cntn2 -0.031933784 -0.030101776 -0.013565064 -0.007816315
## 3853           Cntn3  0.011855602 -0.092269420 -0.050709248  0.000000000
## 3854           Cntn4 -0.129931930  0.097558500  0.073183060  0.091186520
## 3855           Cntn5  0.026491165 -0.023233890 -0.118290900  0.167204380
## 3856           Cntn6  0.002104282  0.000000000  0.204907900 -0.021841050
## 3857         Cntnap1  0.069987300  0.182375910 -0.010334492  0.488935470
## 3858         Cntnap2 -0.049478530  0.070757866 -0.118825436 -0.034827232
## 3859         Cntnap3  0.014712334  0.011977952  0.038113913 -0.005296229
## 3860         Cntnap4  0.201273440  0.066932200  0.105320930 -0.069031240
## 3861        Cntnap5a  0.137092110 -0.152752400  0.040766716  0.129768850
## 3862        Cntnap5b -0.001533508 -0.020930767 -0.037035465  0.027825356
## 3863        Cntnap5c  0.015812874 -0.126044035  0.120895864 -0.051354168
## 3864          Cntrob  0.048878670  0.063739300  0.069103720 -0.234111310
## 3865            Coa3 -0.024220467  0.184101100 -0.026918411  0.078958510
## 3866            Coa4 -0.163494590 -0.074876785  0.054270267  0.369874480
## 3867            Coa5 -0.126524930  0.217499730  0.029973030 -0.295487400
## 3868            Coa6 -0.163640500  0.408260820  0.442570200 -0.025155544
## 3869           Coasy -0.124341490  0.065843580 -0.039232254  0.433763030
## 3870            Cobl -0.279836650 -0.152889250 -0.216160300  0.199280740
## 3871          Cobll1  2.202883700  2.239779500  2.104200400  0.121065140
## 3872            Coch  0.221739770  0.164933200 -0.096160410  0.000000000
## 3873            Cog1 -0.008488655 -0.127105710  0.264233600  0.295975700
## 3874            Cog2 -0.041273594 -0.293388370  0.181029320  0.046515465
## 3875            Cog3  0.002113580  0.074252607  0.176952364  0.021993160
## 3876            Cog4 -0.301684860 -0.269885540  0.226171500  0.381462100
## 3877            Cog5  0.251873970  0.377586360  0.056800842  0.068159100
## 3878            Cog6  0.291765200 -0.178406720 -0.041785240  0.022865295
## 3879            Cog7 -0.015887737 -0.011503220  0.084360120  0.070678234
## 3880            Cog8  0.197452305  0.051526785  0.225402355 -0.102462529
## 3881            Coil -0.297010900 -0.088981150  0.616860870  0.220469000
## 3882         Col10a1 -0.105410576 -0.092272280 -0.058435917  0.266763700
## 3883         Col11a1 -0.080003740 -0.007398605  0.034568310  0.123173710
## 3884         Col11a2 -0.033147335 -0.011909485  0.024693490 -0.023784637
## 3885         Col12a1 -0.261997220 -0.242197040 -0.157642840 -0.275114060
## 3886         Col13a1 -0.111331940 -0.003867626  0.006307602  0.000000000
## 3887         Col14a1  0.546865940  0.267226700  0.070855620 -0.165064810
## 3888         Col15a1 -0.138635160 -0.150854110 -0.121057030  0.909785300
## 3889         Col16a1  0.009085178 -0.093545910 -0.005339146  0.049212456
## 3890         Col17a1 -0.060405730 -0.026310444 -0.046915530  0.098625180
## 3891         Col18a1 -0.108939170 -0.104092120  0.174655440  0.137051100
## 3892         Col19a1 -0.024800300  0.061610222  0.159215930  0.117940900
## 3893          Col1a1 -0.135729790 -0.028072357 -0.029515743  0.014301300
## 3894          Col1a2  0.000000000 -0.003476620 -0.038288116 -0.058059692
## 3895         Col20a1 -0.072140455 -0.042613985 -0.027742146 -0.140394685
## 3896         Col22a1 -0.073048115 -0.053703785  0.003737450 -0.007340431
## 3897         Col23a1 -0.082424164  0.289715770  0.071825030  0.032154083
## 3898         Col24a1  0.003099918  0.079451084  0.061448574  0.031399727
## 3899         Col25a1 -0.035772324  0.137537000  0.214341640 -0.099340440
## 3900         Col26a1 -0.012523651  0.061009884  0.116842270 -0.039326190
## 3901         Col27a1 -0.050781727 -0.036716938  0.150109290  0.000000000
## 3902         Col28a1 -0.061815740  0.000000000  0.126492500  0.191069130
## 3903          Col2a1 -0.065993786 -0.038295746  0.098277570  0.081829550
## 3904          Col3a1 -0.132459640 -0.069027424  0.000000000  0.231410500
## 3905          Col4a1  0.000000000 -0.108726500 -0.088724140  1.135805100
## 3906          Col4a2 -0.143515110 -0.164613250  0.212557320  1.095745600
## 3907          Col4a3 -0.129973410 -0.104077816  0.004562855 -0.064459324
## 3908        Col4a3bp  1.559137300  1.414157900  1.312196700  0.108491900
## 3909          Col4a4 -0.157853130 -0.109945774 -0.104083540 -0.055334090
## 3910          Col4a5 -0.069634914 -0.097481250  0.000000000 -0.095938680
## 3911          Col4a6  0.000000000 -0.000327000  0.041364193  0.049408913
## 3912          Col5a1 -0.116330385 -0.025985480  0.043714999  0.134531735
## 3913          Col5a2 -0.113056660 -0.208337780  0.031149387  0.016430378
## 3914          Col5a3 -0.082820415  0.000000000  0.031304360 -0.033552170
## 3915          Col6a1 -0.374923230 -0.071695805 -0.000902000  0.157765870
## 3916          Col6a2 -0.106439590  0.131219860  0.050849438  0.128834720
## 3917          Col6a3 -0.206388950 -0.197870730 -0.318387500 -0.030923367
## 3918          Col6a4 -0.064231396  0.001692295 -0.094499590 -0.030405045
## 3919          Col6a5 -0.161213397  0.009836197  0.046440125 -0.018521309
## 3920          Col6a6  0.226481675  0.109301092  0.213276870  0.194535260
## 3921          Col7a1 -0.107895850 -0.005941868  0.117804050 -0.048133850
## 3922          Col8a1 -0.450714600 -0.329162120 -0.383836750  0.835103030
## 3923          Col8a2 -0.128693100  0.183718200  0.142833230 -0.097855090
## 3924          Col9a1  0.000864000 -0.013215065 -0.045140743 -0.039108753
## 3925          Col9a2 -0.161193370  0.102590084  0.036170006 -0.040133953
## 3926          Col9a3 -0.048866750  0.001811981 -0.107254505  0.064030650
## 3927         Colec10  0.104713920  0.066573620 -0.068520546 -0.060718060
## 3928         Colec11  0.000000000 -0.249244690 -0.016017914  0.476434700
## 3929         Colec12 -0.261405470 -0.313382150 -0.416574000  0.000000000
## 3930        Colgalt2  0.387079240  0.181645400  0.115778920  0.568720340
## 3931            Colq -0.082986355  0.092080116 -0.008277893  0.015100002
## 3932          Commd1  0.100782394  0.415377620  0.361042980 -0.081037520
## 3933         Commd10  0.238381860  0.531144140  0.265228270 -0.237266060
## 3934          Commd2  0.000000000  0.024754047  0.269361020 -0.013548851
## 3935          Commd3 -0.090939520 -0.007527351  0.098919870  0.142879490
## 3936          Commd4 -0.191693300  0.086133000  0.181829450 -0.324575420
## 3937          Commd5 -0.122161390  0.454710000  0.605348100  0.054141520
## 3938          Commd6  0.060317040  0.221751210  0.000000000 -0.365959640
## 3939          Commd7 -0.150005340 -0.187067510 -0.251679420  0.317639830
## 3940          Commd8 -0.181735040 -0.392318250  0.104083540  0.274664880
## 3941          Commd9 -0.090244770 -0.248437400  0.075484276  0.311112880
## 3942            Comp -0.077222824  0.005813599  0.000000000  0.218903060
## 3943            Comt -0.380305770  0.361895560  0.244058610 -0.059457780
## 3944          Comtd1 -0.024014950  0.093944070  0.236664770  0.021914959
## 3945            Copa -0.015765190  0.061467170  0.116937640  0.000000000
## 3946           Copb1  0.015066147 -0.006293297  0.158312800  0.244568820
## 3947           Copb2  0.020439148  0.179707530  0.327528950  0.051918983
## 3948            Cope  0.276570320  0.183629990  0.035745620 -0.107362750
## 3949           Copg1  0.072145460  0.115660670  0.245911120 -0.010088921
## 3950           Copg2  0.318511000  0.139874460 -0.023405075  0.126631740
## 3951           Coprs  0.007810593  0.021915436 -0.116818430 -0.174279210
## 3952           Cops2  0.104171750  0.000000000  0.067789080 -0.217739100
## 3953           Cops3  0.078759673  0.003654480  0.495897765  0.099170210
## 3954           Cops4 -0.353611950  0.106044770 -0.149634360 -0.692520140
## 3955           Cops5  0.118786810  0.199440000  0.137413980 -0.762171750
## 3956           Cops6 -0.250928880  0.480651860  0.498478900 -0.001056671
## 3957          Cops7a  0.262532230  0.011284828  0.296545030 -0.119779590
## 3958          Cops7b -0.144519800  0.611104970  0.700751300  0.239874840
## 3959           Cops8 -0.075802800  0.060091020  0.076136590  0.199920650
## 3960           Copz1 -0.231264110 -0.192052840  0.097770690 -0.465183260
## 3961           Copz2  0.657690050  1.040550200  0.534897800  0.282111170
## 3962          Coq10a  0.107344870  0.029659635  0.224088668 -0.197736260
## 3963          Coq10b  0.138062240 -0.253917223  0.280691385 -0.172320365
## 3964            Coq2 -0.153407100  0.029488564 -0.051550865  0.137240410
## 3965            Coq3  0.469096180  0.107241150 -0.172141550 -0.167208670
## 3966            Coq4  0.000000000 -0.043731213 -0.078151700  0.096201420
## 3967            Coq5  0.305226330  0.294087400  0.055855750 -0.156247620
## 3968            Coq6  0.091236115  0.503589630 -0.059111120 -0.010141850
## 3969            Coq7 -0.301421640  0.416176320  0.129070280 -0.327353950
## 3970            Coq9 -0.108570576 -0.094269276  0.104177950  0.160731790
## 3971           Corin -0.003713608  0.000000000 -0.086303234  0.071109770
## 3972          Coro1a -0.348029600 -0.110166070 -0.168766020 -0.058027744
## 3973          Coro1b -0.180179600  0.230407710  0.107757570 -0.157114030
## 3974          Coro1c -0.712683700  0.087744710 -0.319240570  0.166428570
## 3975          Coro2a -0.082712170 -0.191080100 -0.324780460 -0.404944420
## 3976          Coro2b -0.011990547  0.496604440  0.086936474  0.679036600
## 3977           Coro6 -0.395991330 -0.307569030 -0.342111100  1.952597100
## 3978           Coro7 -0.017312050 -0.205357550 -0.118717190  0.057942390
## 3979            Cort -0.216510300 -0.040095330  0.091246605 -0.177280430
## 3980           Cotl1  0.029096127  0.055661200 -0.282083030 -0.389885900
## 3981           Cox10  0.215413100  0.030817032 -0.057142258 -0.172223090
## 3982           Cox11 -0.070022106 -0.095446110  0.168131830 -0.263773920
## 3983           Cox14 -0.183635710  0.023983955  0.632712360 -0.206729890
## 3984           Cox15 -0.203345300  0.223114970  0.147795200 -0.111010550
## 3985           Cox16  0.096242905  0.089576720 -0.129468920 -0.292305950
## 3986           Cox17  0.186977390  0.039532660  0.136969570 -0.054890633
## 3987           Cox18 -0.182564260 -0.039497375 -0.257856370  0.038103104
## 3988           Cox19  0.526799200 -0.286366940  0.725128650 -0.242596150
## 3989           Cox20  0.144545555 -0.133074763 -0.012132645 -0.026650429
## 3990          Cox4i1 -0.329870220  0.042484283 -0.254668240 -0.309363370
## 3991          Cox4i2 -0.062371254  0.070965290  0.144558430  0.240976330
## 3992           Cox5a  0.003906250  0.074903490  0.263209340 -0.686730400
## 3993           Cox5b -0.067117215  0.046217918 -0.155600070 -0.278121950
## 3994          Cox6a1  0.126620300  0.000000000  0.073025700 -0.239070890
## 3995          Cox6a2 -0.056807995 -0.079783440  0.052188396  0.591211300
## 3996          Cox6b1  0.004654884  0.140149120  0.143096920 -0.293786050
## 3997          Cox6b2 -0.326440330 -0.062453270 -0.325548170 -0.305455200
## 3998           Cox6c -0.010447025  0.053469658  0.028626442 -0.127166270
## 3999          Cox7a1  0.002596378  0.649054500 -0.119117740  1.065355300
## 4000          Cox7a2  0.010927200  0.000000000 -0.133375170 -0.096983910
## 4001         Cox7a2l -0.033393860  0.135971545 -0.058067798  0.118792535
## 4002           Cox7b  0.006728173  0.031082153 -0.385518075 -0.206333635
## 4003          Cox7b2 -0.064181805  0.011878967 -0.014164925 -0.016721249
## 4004           Cox7c  0.042383194  0.019143581 -0.084303855 -0.291644575
## 4005           Cox8a -0.031054497 -0.038948060 -0.434498800 -0.174888610
## 4006           Cox8b  0.000000000  0.076543330  0.132126810  0.945494200
## 4007           Cox8c -0.118431090 -0.188580990  0.064232826  0.058865070
## 4008              Cp  3.265719000  3.056302500  3.871860000  0.543714050
## 4009            Cpa1  0.099808690  0.060448647 -0.027089596 -0.002530098
## 4010            Cpa2  0.003743649  0.034944057 -0.012018681 -0.012018681
## 4011            Cpa3  0.048422337  0.004868031 -0.023998260 -0.022658348
## 4012            Cpa4 -0.024598122  0.146253590 -0.024931430  0.062848570
## 4013            Cpa5  0.019540310  0.156082630  0.040709020 -0.175236230
## 4014            Cpa6 -0.076672554  0.000000000 -0.073956010 -0.017548084
## 4015            Cpb1  0.031832695 -0.068017480  0.035055160  0.059659004
## 4016            Cpb2 -0.066704270 -0.041100980 -0.029455185  0.065982820
## 4017             Cpd  0.440511700  0.475089070  0.213905330  0.202094080
## 4018             Cpe  1.722604300  2.071382000  2.566677600  0.750287530
## 4019           Cpeb1 -0.058760166 -0.121124744  0.015372276  0.000000000
## 4020           Cpeb2  0.000000000  0.021897316 -0.473246570 -0.382946000
## 4021           Cpeb3 -0.142522340 -0.308256630  0.000000000  0.396776200
## 4022           Cpeb4 -0.092873570 -0.215736390  0.000000000 -0.083210945
## 4023           Cped1 -1.083896200 -1.425556200 -1.952580000  2.497279200
## 4024           Cphx1  0.086288610 -0.019746621  0.238500753  0.088303406
## 4025           Cplx1  0.201052190  0.100234030  0.127118590 -0.045457363
## 4026           Cplx2 -0.180869100 -0.127923970  0.176414490  0.216001990
## 4027           Cplx3  0.093421936  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.131398200
## 4028           Cplx4  0.000000000  0.023385525 -0.067135810 -0.090625760
## 4029             Cpm  0.152803420 -0.246029850 -0.167994500  0.894913200
## 4030            Cpn1  0.145879270 -0.042583942 -0.076533320  0.159287930
## 4031            Cpn2 -0.034826756 -0.046182156 -0.068195820 -0.048198700
## 4032           Cpne1  0.100788120 -0.063612940  0.183082580 -0.107011795
## 4033           Cpne2  0.189525600  0.453640940 -0.051179886 -0.768950460
## 4034           Cpne3  0.116643906  0.043658257  0.204517360 -0.052402496
## 4035           Cpne4 -0.051496030 -0.001652718 -0.059662820 -0.068113330
## 4036           Cpne5 -0.118173600 -0.000606000  0.114842890  0.107318400
## 4037           Cpne6  0.000000000  0.039890290  0.098683834  0.093484880
## 4038           Cpne7 -0.092776300  0.028112888  0.162845610  0.000000000
## 4039           Cpne8  0.052216530  0.000000000  0.478180900  0.177651400
## 4040           Cpne9 -0.106067180  0.020155907 -0.064292430 -0.057111263
## 4041            Cpox  0.174396510  0.000000000  0.049652100 -0.123473170
## 4042          Cpped1 -0.117507460  0.664056300 -0.028557777 -0.035131930
## 4043             Cpq -0.095198630  0.086536884 -0.172877790 -0.498966220
## 4044            Cps1 -0.071741104  0.101015090  0.104853630  0.000000000
## 4045           Cpsf1  0.038892746  0.142842770  0.612849240  0.201681610
## 4046           Cpsf2 -0.480966570 -0.597813600 -0.550785060 -0.172115330
## 4047           Cpsf3  0.000000000  0.123428345  0.221122740  0.004093170
## 4048          Cpsf3l -0.047247410 -0.047247410 -0.301067350  0.330008030
## 4049           Cpsf4  0.208727840 -0.232607360 -0.276009560  0.061026096
## 4050          Cpsf4l -0.056407450 -0.002731800 -0.135619160  0.040328503
## 4051           Cpsf6  0.372956280  0.002982140 -0.265894900  0.210881230
## 4052           Cpsf7 -0.138903620  0.189390180 -0.356603620 -0.004633904
## 4053           Cpt1a  0.610888500  0.693933500  0.539101600 -0.306221960
## 4054           Cpt1b  0.121057030 -0.394881730 -0.068246365 -0.073870660
## 4055           Cpt1c -0.118817330  0.039098740 -0.185316090 -0.179821010
## 4056            Cpt2  0.433595180  0.483029840  0.322766780  0.012197018
## 4057            Cpvl  0.001231670 -0.034675600  0.143004420 -0.045218468
## 4058          Cpxcr1 -0.028679848  0.000000000  0.043746950  0.003114700
## 4059           Cpxm1  0.044487953 -0.122292520  0.021231651 -0.003447056
## 4060           Cpxm2 -0.024644375 -0.066810610 -0.051855564  0.128980640
## 4061             Cpz -0.206098080 -0.020243168  0.017516613  0.028061390
## 4062            Cr1l  0.223019600  0.092139244  0.230701450  0.089249610
## 4063             Cr2 -0.197357650 -0.152710910 -0.072871685  0.120829580
## 4064          Crabp1 -0.197287560  0.015135765  0.168064600 -0.058933735
## 4065          Crabp2  0.011721611  0.057035446  0.078608510 -0.154930110
## 4066           Cradd  0.013848305  0.405635360 -0.035670280  0.534095760
## 4067         Cramp1l  0.418510900  0.281164650  0.000000000  0.047406673
## 4068            Crat  0.071951866 -0.136225700  0.239985470  0.266264920
## 4069            Crb1  0.009132385 -0.031382084  0.202732560 -0.000398000
## 4070            Crb2 -0.155175690 -0.001859665  0.000000000 -0.004364967
## 4071            Crb3 -0.087306020 -0.069931030  0.127203940  0.119720460
## 4072            Crbn  0.149232860  0.131249430 -0.216442110  0.000000000
## 4073            Crcp -0.531487460  0.518560400 -0.779832840 -0.066810610
## 4074           Crct1  0.067399980  0.003605366 -0.049189568 -0.197442050
## 4075           Creb1  0.111570360  0.148521420  0.053515434 -0.151720050
## 4076           Creb3 -0.148535730 -0.581113800 -0.243062020  0.341750140
## 4077         Creb3l1 -0.057901860 -0.126976970 -0.079928875  0.428275100
## 4078         Creb3l2  0.039335250  0.255469320  0.000000000 -0.296943200
## 4079         Creb3l3 -0.089224340 -0.088182926 -0.052586080  0.035191060
## 4080         Creb3l4  0.073791030 -0.137324330  0.705434300 -0.123290060
## 4081           Creb5 -0.432969570 -0.560078140 -0.512925600  1.036839000
## 4082          Crebbp  0.326155660 -0.013500214  0.094549180  0.332709300
## 4083          Crebl2 -0.018425941  0.993792530  0.766968700  0.040584564
## 4084          Crebrf -0.034193993  0.136116030  0.000000000  0.116434100
## 4085          Crebzf  0.013684273  0.050469400 -0.110098840  0.274989130
## 4086           Creg1 -0.560229800 -0.672863500 -0.289718630  0.109260080
## 4087           Creg2 -0.065406320  0.004884243  0.027693272  0.170394420
## 4088          Creld1  0.014098644  0.000000000  0.059486866 -0.078273300
## 4089          Creld2 -0.108488080  0.063556670  0.324842450 -0.199351310
## 4090            Crem  1.209683900 -0.169836040 -0.588037970  0.074846270
## 4091             Crh -0.008239746  0.031723022  0.110186580  0.000000000
## 4092           Crhbp  0.012131691 -0.028452873 -0.063069340  0.084097385
## 4093           Crhr1  0.055187225  0.048690796  0.075662136 -0.040793420
## 4094           Crhr2  0.072765830 -0.050911427  0.095262050  0.000000000
## 4095           Crim1 -0.289480200 -0.158430100 -0.153485300  0.528724700
## 4096           Crip1 -0.280166630 -0.183222770 -0.883137700  0.140216830
## 4097           Crip2  0.429468150  0.937572500  0.698658940 -0.104310990
## 4098           Crip3 -0.033644676  0.054456710  0.051265240 -0.151172160
## 4099           Cript  0.308654800 -0.035693170  0.165468220 -0.144959450
## 4100          Crisp1  0.096481320  0.057269096 -0.003163815 -0.058241367
## 4101          Crisp2 -0.007645607 -0.001008987  0.010143757  0.003775597
## 4102          Crisp3 -0.032660007  0.060287952  0.117260930 -0.039538383
## 4103          Crisp4  0.053324223 -0.036064625  0.012811661  0.051636696
## 4104        Crispld1  0.641124700  0.417981150  0.426542280  0.109925270
## 4105        Crispld2 -0.052710056 -0.013464451  0.026974201 -0.174943920
## 4106             Crk  0.266156200  0.095090866  0.132515900  0.000000000
## 4107            Crkl  0.057033540 -0.053204536 -0.121260640  0.135185240
## 4108           Crlf1 -0.046332836  0.040157318  0.090552330 -0.001761913
## 4109           Crlf2 -0.221706390 -0.145273210  0.178869250 -0.027009010
## 4110           Crlf3 -0.306456570  0.226632120  0.087422370  0.007806778
## 4111           Crls1 -0.484715940  0.067731860 -0.112868310  0.057208060
## 4112           Crmp1  0.037077427 -0.039517403  0.087817670  0.000000000
## 4113          Crnkl1  0.081088066 -0.065189360  0.114264490  0.062408447
## 4114            Crnn  0.141674520 -0.015808105  0.219555850  0.006316662
## 4115           Crocc -0.003614426  0.131885050  0.145457270  0.036592484
## 4116            Crot  0.000000000 -0.402155880 -0.061373710  0.562541000
## 4117             Crp  0.187991140  0.040449142 -0.004167557 -0.061346530
## 4118          Crtac1 -0.008309364  0.053461075  0.048101425 -0.092332840
## 4119           Crtam  0.015438557 -0.002670765 -0.014872074  0.065836430
## 4120           Crtap  1.095057500  1.103542300  1.226331700  0.000000000
## 4121           Crtc1  0.031501770  0.313228130  0.133984090 -0.154263500
## 4122           Crtc2  0.379940030  0.415007600  0.550027850 -0.132892610
## 4123           Crtc3  0.155181880 -0.220132350 -0.594298360  0.080271720
## 4124             Crx  0.022084236  0.069020270  0.241580010 -0.014755726
## 4125          Crxos1  0.025346756  0.102068424 -0.031923770  0.078169820
## 4126            Cry1 -0.090719220  0.046841145  0.201202870  0.684327100
## 4127            Cry2 -0.172557830  0.119440080 -0.336133480  0.284850600
## 4128           Cryaa -0.032016277 -0.208060260 -0.038669110 -0.092651844
## 4129           Cryab -0.533693800 -0.571911800 -0.427268500  0.042522430
## 4130          Cryba1  0.000000000 -0.004331112 -0.359810350 -0.147904870
## 4131          Cryba2  0.252112400 -0.006626606  0.005014420  0.157095430
## 4132          Cryba4 -0.043974400 -0.111846450  0.001662731 -0.194882870
## 4133          Crybb1  0.000000000 -0.065051556  0.039827824 -0.208804130
## 4134          Crybb2 -0.010332108  0.052032470  0.072430610 -0.024741650
## 4135          Crybb3  0.096302986  0.195777900  0.380425450  0.138230320
## 4136          Crybg3  0.534887300  0.562950130  0.463342670  0.317140580
## 4137           Cryga  0.025384903 -0.071878430  0.233514790  0.003631592
## 4138           Crygb  0.105031010  0.195853710  0.269099700  0.149657730
## 4139           Crygc -0.088461400  0.077268120  0.040150166  0.093742850
## 4140           Crygd  0.055027960  0.235438350  0.021868229 -0.102709770
## 4141           Cryge  0.015038013  0.099989890  0.077362540 -0.171348570
## 4142           Crygf  0.165118700 -0.064178940 -0.014701366  0.014923573
## 4143           Crygn -0.065999510 -0.041650295 -0.035299778 -0.020093441
## 4144           Crygs  0.037532330 -0.081713680  0.000000000  0.198718070
## 4145           Cryl1 -0.265528680  0.042202473 -0.144698620  0.054443360
## 4146            Crym  0.009158134  0.199178700  0.026113987 -0.144117830
## 4147            Cryz -0.028235912  0.521173000  0.414875030  0.066377640
## 4148          Cryzl1  0.257740970  0.301692960  0.328042030 -0.109549520
## 4149              Cs -0.198607440 -0.108452800 -0.323457720 -0.163450240
## 4150            Csad  0.029980660  0.052410126 -0.052942276 -0.198865890
## 4151           Csdc2  0.093195440  0.157102580  0.112607480 -0.026852130
## 4152           Csde1  0.154998780  0.103189470  0.025839806  0.057388306
## 4153           Cse1l -0.296813960 -0.098935130 -0.046854973 -0.123777390
## 4154            Csf1  1.114915800 -0.359669200  0.330163000  0.355992320
## 4155           Csf1r -0.074964520  0.178654200  0.274141300 -0.105476856
## 4156            Csf2  0.000000000  0.053303240  0.051447870  0.027123928
## 4157          Csf2ra -0.053350450  0.031076431 -0.197796820  0.089081290
## 4158          Csf2rb -0.530165200 -0.657986160  0.084860800 -0.495626930
## 4159         Csf2rb2 -0.314696300 -0.454543600  0.010816574 -0.523010250
## 4160            Csf3  0.036236286  0.055434227  0.161557200  0.151721950
## 4161           Csf3r -0.024315834 -0.108889100 -0.230178830  0.062999725
## 4162      Csgalnact1  0.428754800  0.222661020  0.418474200  0.334118840
## 4163      Csgalnact2 -0.020289421 -0.561988830 -0.370496750  0.015686989
## 4164             Csk -0.141669270 -0.299459930 -0.301517500  0.000000000
## 4165             Csl -0.126323220 -0.013684273  0.010083199 -0.222937100
## 4166           Csmd1 -0.001590729 -0.001590729  0.049390316  0.110709670
## 4167           Csmd3 -0.035751955 -0.018716812  0.048089845  0.050095013
## 4168          Csn1s1 -0.003035069  0.010717869  0.000000000  0.080945490
## 4169         Csn1s2a -0.063882350 -0.022198200  0.069866180  0.150668140
## 4170         Csn1s2b -0.007999897  0.033689500  0.023014545 -0.028021336
## 4171            Csn2  0.000000000  0.016327381  0.172924040 -0.018811226
## 4172            Csn3  0.000769000 -0.030091286  0.042554855 -0.043438435
## 4173         Csnk1a1  0.035653114 -0.169035910 -0.030307770  0.163004880
## 4174          Csnk1d  0.000000000  0.148090360  0.271823880 -0.414595600
## 4175          Csnk1e  0.114946365  0.000000000 -0.370149600  0.350709920
## 4176         Csnk1g1  0.258383750 -0.002554894 -0.325939180  0.069463730
## 4177         Csnk1g2  0.157333370  0.589586260  0.791760440  0.057501793
## 4178         Csnk1g3  0.316822050  0.150409700 -0.098939896  0.065214160
## 4179         Csnk2a1  0.243006230  0.049998760  0.060768127 -0.036335945
## 4180         Csnk2a2  0.150143620  0.070263860 -0.072450640  0.002088547
## 4181          Csnk2b -0.067463875 -0.111776350  0.000000000 -0.142457010
## 4182        Csnka2ip -0.050887585 -0.086741924 -0.090780735  0.074284080
## 4183           Cspg4 -0.116096020 -0.072294710  0.007085323 -0.115471360
## 4184           Cspg5  0.147645950 -0.015353203  0.055695057  0.107414246
## 4185           Cspp1 -0.042727985 -0.215600232 -0.235589791  0.109298154
## 4186           Csprs -0.182213784 -0.157801471 -0.408744960  1.818318700
## 4187          Csrnp1  0.268351550 -0.349450100  0.077643394 -0.367942800
## 4188          Csrnp2 -0.268032070 -0.037427425  0.105470660 -0.223535060
## 4189          Csrnp3  0.051887990 -0.034962654  0.165195470 -0.098887920
## 4190           Csrp1 -0.183008200 -0.354442600 -0.098213196 -0.049647330
## 4191           Csrp2  1.774991000  1.572272300  1.625430100 -0.590000150
## 4192         Csrp2bp  0.036127090  0.174029350  0.563346860  0.404592500
## 4193           Csrp3 -0.222230910 -0.016645908 -0.042143820  0.286880970
## 4194           Cst10 -0.030086517  0.038147926  0.152174000  0.117496970
## 4195           Cst11 -0.199938770 -0.061642170  0.000000000 -0.017080784
## 4196           Cst12  0.006031990 -0.000679000  0.108688354  0.034355164
## 4197           Cst13  0.006832600 -0.117561340  0.000000000 -0.061178207
## 4198            Cst3  0.120544430  0.157947540  0.134379390  0.110106470
## 4199            Cst6  0.101081850  0.000000000  0.054114340  0.065335750
## 4200            Cst7  0.054055214 -0.232830050 -0.443010800  0.082453730
## 4201            Cst8  0.033618450 -0.217572210 -0.223423960  0.086421970
## 4202            Cst9  0.008157253 -0.107481960  0.210011960 -0.064772606
## 4203            Csta  0.052519800  0.143556600  0.000971000  0.018083572
## 4204           Cstad  0.532010100  1.512884600  0.446198940  0.045527460
## 4205            Cstb  0.059390068  0.395595550  0.602746960 -0.424698350
## 4206           Cstf1 -0.211079120 -0.024374485 -0.113671300  0.000000000
## 4207           Cstf2  0.186479570  0.436012270 -0.007300377  0.329689030
## 4208          Cstf2t -0.074064730  0.134801390  0.173597340  0.132140160
## 4209           Cstf3  0.489830030 -0.157129050 -0.202061655 -0.134224655
## 4210           Cstl1 -0.009913921  0.100151540  0.014651299  0.038425922
## 4211           Ctag2 -0.033528805 -0.042612076  0.184395790 -0.005242348
## 4212          Ctage5 -0.113806725 -0.004614830 -0.304393770  0.001172066
## 4213           Ctbp1  0.145440100  0.036639214  0.073102000  0.139411930
## 4214           Ctbp2  0.411891940  0.340604780  0.623359700  0.000000000
## 4215            Ctbs -0.041996956 -0.009107590  0.308769230 -0.039857388
## 4216            Ctc1  0.075611115 -0.104804990  0.004104137  0.101846220
## 4217            Ctcf  0.150220870  0.156254770  0.091843605  0.034428596
## 4218           Ctcfl  0.032968044 -0.034249306  0.000000000 -0.108727930
## 4219         Ctdnep1  0.112813153 -0.249935787 -0.133952935 -0.120778562
## 4220           Ctdp1  0.019154072  0.473720550  0.216504570  0.266826630
## 4221          Ctdsp1 -0.071475980  0.380168900  0.746313100  0.054598810
## 4222          Ctdsp2 -0.220980645  0.228350165  0.045324326  0.206707955
## 4223          Ctdspl  0.040842533  0.020894527  0.206875800  0.286989700
## 4224         Ctdspl2  0.311930655  0.317855360 -0.166703940  0.156418800
## 4225            Ctf1  0.000000000 -0.116823200 -0.038925648 -0.025985718
## 4226            Ctf2 -0.050021650  0.104991910 -0.002038956  0.026883125
## 4227            Ctgf  0.397061820 -0.140997410  0.082959650 -0.436597350
## 4228             Cth  0.066706660 -0.052775860 -0.085724354 -0.102439880
## 4229          Cthrc1  1.335145000  1.732578300  1.162445500 -0.087060450
## 4230            Ctif  0.451388840  0.382543100  0.808409200  0.529796100
## 4231          Ctla2a  0.610935200  0.252452850  0.609605800 -0.089528084
## 4232          Ctla2b  0.680499100  0.145747180  0.866135600 -0.538278100
## 4233           Ctla4  0.083943370  0.076978210  0.000000000 -0.081102370
## 4234          Ctnna1  0.049594880  0.000000000 -0.252742770  0.254554750
## 4235          Ctnna2 -0.076062200 -0.063407420  0.000000000 -0.018452168
## 4236          Ctnna3 -0.182068350 -0.082029340  0.057433130  0.012176514
## 4237         Ctnnal1 -0.536662600 -0.432460780 -0.638393400 -0.657769200
## 4238          Ctnnb1  0.633237840  0.823696140  0.501178740  0.463098530
## 4239        Ctnnbip1  0.263328080  0.095219135  0.796305660  1.539211300
## 4240         Ctnnbl1 -0.039658070  0.558890340  0.053411960  0.171703340
## 4241          Ctnnd1 -0.164796830 -0.293080330 -0.468991280  0.077412605
## 4242          Ctnnd2  0.002216816 -0.019436360  0.004856110 -0.073585990
## 4243            Ctns -0.034928320 -0.395398620 -0.017670155 -0.396354200
## 4244            Ctps  1.045728700  0.286174300  1.359641100 -0.083571910
## 4245           Ctps2  0.000000000  0.246826170 -0.108078960 -0.275205600
## 4246            Ctr9  0.174067970  0.616688250  0.584317700  0.090484140
## 4247           Ctrb1  0.086093900 -0.027287960  0.228738310 -0.031274796
## 4248            Ctrc -0.002490997 -0.153309820 -0.001361847  0.087219715
## 4249            Ctrl -0.066949370 -0.185051440 -0.506294250  0.268625740
## 4250            Cts3  0.048727513 -0.033128499 -0.070360185  0.026170016
## 4251            Cts6 -0.010391712 -0.050013065  0.000000000  0.051397324
## 4252            Cts7 -0.004996777  0.000000000  0.087874410  0.127994060
## 4253            Cts8 -0.032444954  0.000000000  0.064004900 -0.047034264
## 4254            Ctsa  0.119028090  0.471663480  0.253211980  0.018130302
## 4255            Ctsb -0.343916900 -0.392330170 -0.313141820 -0.060691833
## 4256            Ctsc  0.411965370  0.417326930  0.248690600 -3.402336100
## 4257            Ctsd -0.457677840 -0.398742680 -0.677868840 -0.584579470
## 4258            Ctse  0.000000000 -0.134247780 -0.234188560 -0.135630610
## 4259            Ctsf  0.376954080  0.404865740  0.500358100 -0.175298690
## 4260            Ctsg -0.229395870  0.076126575  0.000000000 -0.175711630
## 4261            Ctsh  2.963794200  2.757796800  2.485586600 -0.653089500
## 4262            Ctsj  0.000000000  0.042072296  0.051201820 -0.056575775
## 4263            Ctsk  0.000000000 -0.479944230 -0.652951240 -0.275927540
## 4264            Ctsl -0.539166450 -0.375638960 -0.469751360  0.273286820
## 4265          Ctsll3 -0.199730870  0.123857500 -0.186289310  0.136440280
## 4266            Ctsm  0.092020750  0.038323880 -0.113513470 -0.012825012
## 4267            Ctso  0.037993430  0.471626280  0.089120865 -0.143999100
## 4268            Ctsq -0.028689861  0.028459072  0.052031040  0.046385765
## 4269            Ctsr -0.172655100  0.000000000 -0.018013000 -0.079320430
## 4270            Ctss  0.028610230  0.000000000  0.520058630 -0.395169730
## 4271            Ctsw  0.054215908 -0.144719120  0.378779400  0.029799461
## 4272            Ctsz -0.566804900 -0.509973500 -0.740750300 -0.201703070
## 4273            Cttn -0.004231453  0.531419750  0.396337500  0.221086500
## 4274         Cttnbp2  0.716464040  0.272611140  0.290309430  0.006718636
## 4275       Cttnbp2nl  1.154654500  0.366116520  0.090747830  0.061182976
## 4276            Ctu1 -0.296701430 -0.074222565  0.240305900  0.039711475
## 4277            Ctu2  0.123476030 -0.121761320  0.193611620  0.058351040
## 4278           Ctxn1 -0.223675730 -0.008301258  0.003634453 -0.010495663
## 4279           Ctxn2 -0.091323376  0.046924114  0.119394300  0.007989883
## 4280           Ctxn3  0.022981167 -0.188168050 -0.249923700 -0.086731434
## 4281            Cubn  0.025453568  0.009467125 -0.146460060 -0.133115290
## 4282          Cuedc1 -0.160099030  0.295774460 -0.309561250  0.228043560
## 4283          Cuedc2  0.055267810  0.196338650  0.223490720 -0.106707096
## 4284            Cul1  0.060454370 -0.223441120  0.000000000  0.129038810
## 4285            Cul2  0.530877100  0.330917360 -0.182939530 -0.076045040
## 4286            Cul3  0.135658260  0.045578003 -0.104923250 -0.088017460
## 4287           Cul4a  0.422992700 -0.013755798  0.448277470  0.000000000
## 4288           Cul4b  0.032855034 -0.078859330  0.013082504  0.033246040
## 4289            Cul5 -0.001204491 -0.110870360  0.129115100  0.044354440
## 4290            Cul7 -0.204972740  0.358686450  0.391358380 -0.013750076
## 4291            Cul9 -0.002265453  0.313244340 -0.073637486  0.081684110
## 4292            Cuta  0.036219597  0.229316710  0.160113330  0.005986214
## 4293            Cutc  0.039299965  0.239274020  0.554823400 -0.086086270
## 4294            Cux1  0.112996100  0.020866394  0.166889190  0.035408974
## 4295            Cux2 -0.000701000  0.000000000 -0.037032127  0.000000000
## 4296           Cuzd1 -0.235486500 -0.008749962  0.000000000 -0.092768670
## 4297           Cwc15  0.160996440  0.289504050  0.189332960 -0.204866410
## 4298           Cwc22  0.299034120 -0.584103600  0.124695780  0.274727820
## 4299           Cwc25  0.075942279  0.066482306 -0.198192120  0.067249536
## 4300           Cwc27  0.544377300  0.633833900  0.463555340  0.551241900
## 4301         Cwf19l1 -0.262737270 -0.026343822  0.611728670 -0.228932380
## 4302         Cwf19l2 -0.018033981  0.000000000 -0.181397440  0.187695500
## 4303           Cwh43 -0.085938930 -0.015523434  0.111862660  0.014151096
## 4304          Cx3cl1  0.900493140  0.501153950  0.379150870  0.131765370
## 4305          Cx3cr1  0.000000000 -0.052005290 -0.118813515 -0.017025470
## 4306           Cxadr  0.145716670  0.480580800  0.022109509  0.243164060
## 4307           Cxcl1  0.790384300 -0.224005220  0.230282780  0.330564500
## 4308          Cxcl10  1.493571800 -0.610364900 -0.451815600 -0.483788970
## 4309          Cxcl11  0.516402240  0.201880460 -0.029797077  0.094223020
## 4310          Cxcl12  0.788430200  0.999755860  0.956595400  0.834372500
## 4311          Cxcl13 -0.215157510 -0.174344540 -0.165320400 -0.158545500
## 4312          Cxcl14 -0.153233530 -0.056229115  0.036402702  1.053884500
## 4313          Cxcl15 -0.021787167  0.001640320  0.136392600 -0.046853065
## 4314          Cxcl16 -0.557000160 -0.636041160 -0.084322930  0.669278600
## 4315          Cxcl17  0.588057500  0.218998910 -0.031550884  0.077971935
## 4316           Cxcl2  1.515709400 -0.318759920 -0.224003310  0.369377600
## 4317           Cxcl3  0.000000000  0.100268364  0.078196050  0.077599050
## 4318           Cxcl5  0.029335499 -0.033157825  0.126887320  0.140737530
## 4319           Cxcl9 -0.760524300 -1.005535100 -0.769436840  2.690850700
## 4320           Cxcr1  0.000000000 -0.107323650 -0.006844044  0.041180134
## 4321           Cxcr2 -0.286612030 -0.032898426 -0.095529080  0.756004800
## 4322           Cxcr3 -0.066635130  0.022537231 -0.033864020  0.017651558
## 4323           Cxcr4 -2.424967800 -2.909063800 -2.351341200  0.494512560
## 4324           Cxcr5  0.217377190  0.079246520 -0.053436280 -0.041744232
## 4325           Cxcr6  0.277088640  0.492366300 -0.080131054  0.003906727
## 4326           Cxx1a  0.527137755  0.575416075  0.546287535  0.255282400
## 4327           Cxx1c  0.683137900  0.827739700 -0.078127860  0.000000000
## 4328           Cxxc1  0.106338980  0.038311480  0.049568176  0.430438040
## 4329           Cxxc4 -0.160593510  0.010362625 -0.127432350  0.440558900
## 4330           Cxxc5  0.009824276 -0.194944380  0.054296017  0.000000000
## 4331            Cyb5 -0.106646540 -0.268444060 -0.433008200  0.020030975
## 4332          Cyb561  0.871769400  0.648991100  0.747534750 -0.257843970
## 4333        Cyb561a3 -0.079010010  0.064531330  0.134417530 -0.157558440
## 4334        Cyb561d1 -0.189653400  0.150645260  0.000000000 -0.247150420
## 4335        Cyb561d2 -0.128895760 -0.211555480 -0.063518050 -0.045795440
## 4336           Cyb5b  0.757988000  1.004094100  0.661678300 -0.244029520
## 4337          Cyb5d1  0.405834195  0.155385970 -0.571383475  0.126999853
## 4338          Cyb5d2 -0.273259160 -0.234505180 -0.375182150  0.207902910
## 4339          Cyb5r1  0.312837120  0.263921740 -0.056197643  0.746840000
## 4340          Cyb5r2 -0.066833970 -0.058546066  0.146797660  0.122323990
## 4341          Cyb5r3  0.051108360  0.406736370  0.237071990  0.704003330
## 4342          Cyb5r4 -0.358915805 -0.574565415 -0.194427015 -0.348698615
## 4343          Cyb5rl -0.129125600  0.016210080  0.000000000  0.011650085
## 4344            Cyba -0.282668600  0.277233120  0.319160460 -0.498021130
## 4345            Cybb -0.448885920 -0.505894200 -0.597863200 -0.249267580
## 4346          Cybrd1 -0.084244250  0.000000000  0.065761566 -0.004162312
## 4347            Cyc1 -0.094961170  0.000000000  0.203560830 -0.567892100
## 4348            Cycs  0.108564215 -0.265911417 -0.256349563 -0.297325290
## 4349            Cyct  0.035750390  0.035750390  0.044715405 -0.070787910
## 4350          Cyfip1  0.000000000  0.237987520  0.130344390 -0.031013489
## 4351          Cyfip2 -0.163189890 -0.321065430  0.027713776 -0.062705040
## 4352            Cygb -0.142749310 -0.116369250  0.015899181  0.232939720
## 4353           Cyhr1  0.269080160  0.068576810 -0.054992676  0.101524830
## 4354           Cylc1 -0.029911041  0.000000000  0.024257183 -0.030394077
## 4355           Cylc2  0.038979530  0.143260480  0.119161130 -0.055930138
## 4356            Cyld -0.071681020 -0.195292470 -0.385610580  0.000000000
## 4357             Cym  0.068051815 -0.118797780 -0.089141370  0.098341940
## 4358         Cyp11a1 -0.083806515  0.046025276  0.055808067 -0.073707104
## 4359         Cyp11b1  0.145940300 -0.039745808 -0.178255080  0.067672250
## 4360         Cyp11b2  0.014774323  0.112006190  0.018109798  0.150763510
## 4361         Cyp17a1 -0.080217360 -0.103385450 -0.058669567 -0.059073925
## 4362         Cyp19a1 -0.071488380  0.056813717  0.098095894  0.000070600
## 4363          Cyp1a1 -0.236118320 -0.253969200 -0.128460880  1.326080300
## 4364          Cyp1a2 -0.023861885  0.000000000  0.121403694 -0.012744427
## 4365          Cyp1b1 -0.123900550 -0.012032510 -0.034632925 -0.166692495
## 4366         Cyp20a1 -0.005099297 -0.442054750 -0.479809280  0.468849180
## 4367         Cyp21a1  0.063925266  0.004461765  0.135375980  0.140524860
## 4368         Cyp24a1  0.110825540  0.000000000  0.089570045  0.093966484
## 4369         Cyp26a1 -0.060212135 -0.080226900  0.031344414  0.008681774
## 4370         Cyp26b1  0.000000000  0.038766860 -0.153059960  0.289939880
## 4371         Cyp26c1  0.002556801  0.049021720  0.004042149 -0.015268803
## 4372         Cyp27a1 -0.116873264 -0.265969280  0.000000000  0.172443390
## 4373         Cyp27b1  0.109817030 -0.019754410  0.098715780 -0.037914753
## 4374         Cyp2a12  0.037927628 -0.001690865 -0.148771290  0.000000000
## 4375         Cyp2a22  0.086613180  0.019330025 -0.049189090 -0.072629930
## 4376          Cyp2a4  0.034281254  0.000000000 -0.064151290 -0.093545440
## 4377          Cyp2a5  0.022369385 -0.008996487 -0.139661790 -0.035630226
## 4378         Cyp2ab1 -0.086833480  0.121572495  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 4379         Cyp2b10  0.031361580  0.176488400 -0.090719700 -0.057330610
## 4380         Cyp2b13 -0.070919040  0.077654840  0.196750160 -0.012279511
## 4381         Cyp2b19 -0.031839370 -0.034240246  0.211062910  0.000000000
## 4382         Cyp2b23  0.181928160  0.059802532  0.001671791 -0.095552920
## 4383          Cyp2b9  0.062230110  0.011791706 -0.245241640 -0.013806820
## 4384         Cyp2c29 -0.017484665  0.076324940  0.000000000 -0.014139175
## 4385         Cyp2c37  0.109601020  0.000000000 -0.162929530 -0.021776200
## 4386         Cyp2c38 -0.032278538 -0.055705547 -0.005948544 -0.007714748
## 4387         Cyp2c39  0.212402820 -0.026409626 -0.024728775 -0.089384556
## 4388         Cyp2c40  0.002198219 -0.042703150 -0.001833916  0.048453330
## 4389         Cyp2c44 -0.047889710 -0.190583700 -0.062832830 -0.039802074
## 4390         Cyp2c50 -0.028962135  0.052473545  0.017649174  0.056137085
## 4391         Cyp2c54  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.009177685  0.183651920
## 4392         Cyp2c55  0.017072200  0.000250000 -0.021142960 -0.019768238
## 4393         Cyp2c65 -0.017151833  0.052644253  0.156457900  0.000000000
## 4394         Cyp2c66  0.008617401 -0.046883583 -0.158623220 -0.119823456
## 4395         Cyp2c67 -0.037572860  0.004460812  0.008385658  0.048407078
## 4396         Cyp2c68 -0.028085232 -0.044660570 -0.036355972  0.000000000
## 4397         Cyp2c70  0.042854310  0.127501010  0.000000000  0.019138813
## 4398         Cyp2d10  0.049526690  0.000000000 -0.144264220 -0.167326930
## 4399         Cyp2d11 -0.366214280  0.006132603 -0.017695427  0.041717530
## 4400         Cyp2d12 -0.097367760  0.017355442 -0.024664402 -0.118008610
## 4401         Cyp2d13 -0.041878700 -0.019825459  0.235260960 -0.046585560
## 4402         Cyp2d22  0.279913900  1.027986500  0.721726400  0.234247210
## 4403         Cyp2d26  0.041632652 -0.126289840  0.344555850 -0.259035600
## 4404         Cyp2d34 -0.081887245  0.029642582  0.049269676 -0.009863853
## 4405      Cyp2d37-ps  0.148756500  0.055128574  0.038041115 -0.176278110
## 4406         Cyp2d40 -0.079878330 -0.119174960  0.125394340  0.022812366
## 4407          Cyp2d9 -0.048508644 -0.173830030 -0.032344818  0.026486397
## 4408          Cyp2e1  2.081082800  2.922890200  2.121831400 -0.054820060
## 4409          Cyp2f2 -0.141677860  0.000000000 -0.021068096 -0.174319740
## 4410          Cyp2g1 -0.162422660 -0.095928670  0.155287270 -0.127134320
## 4411         Cyp2j11 -0.039954185 -0.022606850  0.184646600  0.071307180
## 4412         Cyp2j12 -0.035540580  0.000000000 -0.064295290  0.045732020
## 4413         Cyp2j13  0.011871338 -0.015013695  0.094254490 -0.044770240
## 4414          Cyp2j5 -0.021816254  0.095577240  0.030227661  0.196833130
## 4415          Cyp2j6 -0.179011340 -0.025561810 -0.483744140  0.940876960
## 4416          Cyp2j9 -0.347522260 -1.006840700 -0.234317780  0.434196000
## 4417          Cyp2r1 -0.140905380 -0.029855251 -0.253166680 -0.064067364
## 4418          Cyp2s1 -0.022633553  0.087508200  0.043370724 -0.073880196
## 4419          Cyp2t4  0.045091152 -0.224474430 -0.338488580 -0.269411100
## 4420          Cyp2u1 -0.078945640  0.013825893  0.091917040  0.112848280
## 4421          Cyp2w1 -0.014828205  0.135817530  0.151573660 -0.025721073
## 4422         Cyp39a1  0.904408450  0.622889500  0.574056600  0.241793630
## 4423         Cyp3a11 -0.040081500  0.031399250  0.055745600  0.009035111
## 4424         Cyp3a13 -0.042589664  0.205653670 -0.037148476 -0.001388550
## 4425         Cyp3a16 -0.074001310 -0.098569390 -0.007925034  0.044106960
## 4426         Cyp3a25 -0.099614384 -0.015558958 -0.040706634  0.140873430
## 4427        Cyp3a41a -0.013401032  0.014939785  0.062042713  0.023024082
## 4428        Cyp3a41b -0.021154404 -0.019685268  0.067142960  0.044684410
## 4429         Cyp3a44 -0.091272830 -0.041464330  0.000000000 -0.068102840
## 4430         Cyp3a57 -0.033335210 -0.014938355  0.046925545  0.163403510
## 4431         Cyp46a1  0.100841520  0.155312540  0.191937920 -0.027534485
## 4432         Cyp4a10 -0.126249790 -0.134827610 -0.009312153  0.259245870
## 4433        Cyp4a12a  0.051605700 -0.051965714  0.038971424  0.124688625
## 4434        Cyp4a12b -0.154375550 -0.159723760  0.044805050 -0.125256540
## 4435         Cyp4a14  0.021594524 -0.156118400  0.161732200  0.019392490
## 4436         Cyp4a31 -0.028287888 -0.022773743  0.000000000  0.015992165
## 4437         Cyp4a32 -0.104083540 -0.101157665 -0.119844440  0.110463620
## 4438          Cyp4b1 -1.110855100 -1.423905800 -1.731865900  1.059324300
## 4439         Cyp4f13 -0.103195670 -0.037511350  0.407103540  0.000000000
## 4440         Cyp4f14 -0.094182490  0.035554886  0.167627330  0.105237960
## 4441         Cyp4f15 -0.082867146  0.056006430  0.050796986  0.018307686
## 4442         Cyp4f16 -0.141167160  0.019532204 -0.339162830  0.388716220
## 4443         Cyp4f18  0.007906914  0.000000000 -0.155289650 -0.060029507
## 4444         Cyp4f39  0.010550499 -0.017829418  0.136029720  0.027819633
## 4445         Cyp4f40 -0.054765700 -0.065061090  0.151772020  0.024905682
## 4446      Cyp4f41-ps -0.130251410 -0.141531470  0.194615360  0.000000000
## 4447          Cyp4v3  0.055059433  0.117520810  0.039176940 -0.050180912
## 4448          Cyp4x1 -0.126029490  0.012183189 -0.048704624  0.056586742
## 4449           Cyp51  0.634391300  0.060067654  0.527520660 -0.910038500
## 4450          Cyp7a1  0.140202050  0.007762432  0.239318370  0.044981956
## 4451          Cyp7b1 -0.157457350 -0.123277664  0.038790703  0.038241863
## 4452          Cyp8b1 -0.065257550  0.044000150  0.064021590  0.044341087
## 4453           Cypt1 -0.001578331  0.000000000 -0.023611069 -0.102056980
## 4454          Cypt12 -0.002187729 -0.059447290 -0.134938720  0.064140320
## 4455           Cypt2 -0.079424380 -0.069062710 -0.078380110  0.083374500
## 4456           Cypt3  0.000000000  0.072967050  0.039236546  0.192586900
## 4457           Cypt4 -0.070204260  0.000000000  0.001136780  0.000000000
## 4458           Cyr61  1.759573900  0.645916000  1.088077500  1.806887600
## 4459            Cys1  0.097002030  0.226326470 -0.002371788  0.141211030
## 4460         Cysltr1  1.016676000  0.548954000  1.201032600  0.202984330
## 4461         Cysltr2 -0.635619160 -0.434113980 -0.429447170 -0.595794200
## 4462          Cystm1  0.291631220  0.460716720  0.367082120  0.002202988
## 4463           Cyth1  0.183363910 -0.307332040 -0.710012900  0.635866170
## 4464           Cyth2  0.243198870  0.000000000 -0.085927010 -0.338008880
## 4465           Cyth3  0.715690600  0.670391100  0.647549600  0.121871950
## 4466           Cyth4 -0.077377320 -0.088541510  0.066899780 -0.563372140
## 4467           Cytip -0.083081720 -0.062397003 -0.102022650 -0.081131460
## 4468           Cytl1  0.000000000  0.103674890 -0.155012610  0.509996400
## 4469           Cyyr1  0.150479320  0.000000000  0.008326530  0.551121700
## 4470   D030018L15Rik  0.197224620  0.061555862 -0.086404800  0.010533333
## 4471   D030028M11Rik -0.337775230 -0.330732350  0.461304200  0.121106625
## 4472   D030046N08Rik  0.094149590  0.000000000  0.305523870  0.126315120
## 4473   D030047H15Rik -0.007629871  0.008723736  0.098241806  0.012419224
## 4474   D030056L22Rik  0.407782550  0.000000000  0.218229300 -0.346126560
## 4475     D10Bwg1379e -0.081049920 -0.080652714 -0.043063164  0.039344788
## 4476       D10Jhu81e -0.160732750  0.032777786 -0.320847500  0.033282757
## 4477      D10Wsu102e  0.516765600  0.156109810  0.092099190  0.067296030
## 4478       D10Wsu52e -0.052784920  0.152241700 -0.077951430 -0.310663220
## 4479       D11Wsu47e  0.000000000 -0.023125172  0.364174370  0.010460377
## 4480   D130040H23Rik  0.067416670  0.113421920 -0.159708020  0.058279514
## 4481   D130043K22Rik  0.060029507 -0.116094590  0.025795460 -0.028794765
## 4482   D130046C19Rik  0.559968000 -0.552973750 -1.380868900  0.422043320
## 4483   D130050E23Rik  0.033745766 -0.022128105  0.035913944 -0.007512093
## 4484   D130062J21Rik  1.350858200  0.350477220 -0.869224550  0.378313540
## 4485        D14Abb1e  0.199732780 -0.202317240 -0.222560880  0.050793648
## 4486     D15Ertd621e  0.206551550 -0.185301780  0.189227100  0.186213500
## 4487     D16Ertd472e  0.012508392  0.054841995 -0.244240280  0.275989530
## 4488       D17H6S53E  0.243807320  0.062359333 -0.035804750 -0.018000603
## 4489     D17H6S56E-5  0.240070820 -1.135589100  0.442164900  0.004992485
## 4490      D17Wsu104e -0.075268270 -0.115355015 -0.076087950  0.000000000
## 4491       D17Wsu92e  0.164077760  0.286762240  0.455533030  0.151926040
## 4492     D19Bwg1357e -0.715168950 -0.168469430  0.288669600 -0.182767870
## 4493     D19Ertd737e  0.103348015  0.414001940  0.349000455  0.069839240
## 4494      D1Ertd622e  0.113230705  0.056855200  0.397409440 -0.772958300
## 4495          D1Pas1 -0.102435590  0.000000000  0.169519900  0.036122800
## 4496   D230025D16Rik  0.342732430  0.172079090  0.336832050  0.198650360
## 4497   D230041D01Rik  0.361425400 -0.235492700 -0.599732900  0.549770360
## 4498          D2hgdh  0.302087300  0.243430140 -0.000107000 -0.093868256
## 4499        D2Wsu81e -0.008082867 -0.222259040 -0.063202380  0.000000000
## 4500   D330041H03Rik  0.205394505 -0.064296960 -0.085029123  0.065833805
## 4501   D330045A20Rik  0.006485939 -0.034220220  0.142416480  0.002038002
## 4502      D3Bwg0562e  0.035736084 -0.010803223 -0.016910553 -0.191184520
## 4503      D3Ertd751e  0.452059750  0.438720700  0.351850500 -0.433401580
## 4504   D430041D05Rik -0.011657235  0.072694300  0.108637572 -0.049951554
## 4505   D430042O09Rik  0.083837441 -0.151441506  0.057197707  0.085963385
## 4506        D4Wsu53e  0.486319540 -0.027368546 -0.082320210  0.001006126
## 4507      D5Ertd577e           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 4508      D5Ertd579e  0.302169800  0.239644050  0.121397970  0.031333447
## 4509   D630003M21Rik -0.069906710  0.210150240  0.239273550  0.289041040
## 4510   D630004N19Rik -0.008392334  0.018446922  0.624110200  0.721539000
## 4511   D630023F18Rik -0.112895490  0.000000000  0.014694214  0.022947311
## 4512   D630028G08Rik -0.117690560 -0.092202190 -0.018555641 -0.093726160
## 4513   D630029K05Rik  0.003948212  0.016299248  0.071139810  0.116994380
## 4514   D630039A03Rik -0.030441284 -0.051151276  0.013350964  0.062170030
## 4515   D630045J12Rik  0.391769400 -0.072882650  0.132172110  0.051906586
## 4516      D6Ertd474e -0.041752815  0.095146656  0.208209510 -0.010766506
## 4517       D6Wsu163e  0.102414130  0.025562286 -0.376543520  0.000000000
## 4518   D730001G18Rik -0.023551940 -0.092471600  0.070231440  0.151796820
## 4519   D730005E14Rik -0.134128570 -0.207866190  0.964119454 -0.367902755
## 4520   D730039F16Rik  0.204731460  0.443172930  0.118624210  0.017651081
## 4521   D730048I06Rik -0.008145332  0.097567080  0.000000000  0.062214375
## 4522      D7Ertd443e  0.032921790 -0.126673700 -0.002059937  0.060189724
## 4523   D830030K20Rik -0.141704083 -0.233721890 -0.281338533  2.355023700
## 4524   D830046C22Rik -0.136742120  0.015529156 -0.247379300  0.022872448
## 4525      D8Ertd738e  0.033856392 -0.020801544  0.426861760 -0.105652810
## 4526       D8Ertd82e  0.216520790 -0.100191120  0.207014560  1.439870400
## 4527   D930015E06Rik -1.081492900 -0.814186600 -0.985713000 -0.122330190
## 4528   D930016D06Rik  0.338275900  0.177641870  0.524825100 -0.414036270
## 4529   D930020B18Rik -0.036876680  0.065727710 -0.133866310 -0.077297690
## 4530   D930048N14Rik -0.116159440 -0.029720306  0.046030520  0.375919820
## 4531           Daam1  0.000860000 -0.046335220  0.083007810  0.712307930
## 4532           Daam2  0.000000000 -0.127215860  0.012681961  0.279731270
## 4533            Dab1 -0.045185090 -0.006272793  0.009059429  0.096065520
## 4534            Dab2  0.557197600  0.650845500  0.939341550  0.541204450
## 4535          Dab2ip  0.733647350  0.924981100  0.853585240  0.666741400
## 4536           Dach1  0.366146100  0.034371376  0.290088650  1.628253900
## 4537           Dach2  0.010612011  0.187923430  0.012536526  0.000000000
## 4538           Dact1 -0.257341860 -0.149168010 -0.150944230 -0.017325401
## 4539           Dact3 -0.086429596  0.008014679  0.159407620  0.000000000
## 4540            Dad1  0.000000000  0.091771126 -0.134365080 -0.279316900
## 4541            Daf2 -0.029616356 -0.059789180 -0.084639070 -0.080389500
## 4542            Dag1  0.083419800 -0.026546478  0.067245480  0.044354440
## 4543           Dagla  0.276390080  0.121752740  0.302775380  0.016000748
## 4544           Daglb -0.213210100 -0.139888760 -0.177857400 -0.083741665
## 4545             Dak -0.215792660  0.176325320 -0.043837070 -0.088488580
## 4546          Dalrd3 -0.211636540 -0.191606520  0.183389660 -0.157547000
## 4547           Dand5  0.064003944  0.459828380  0.405244350  0.107184410
## 4548             Dao  0.005381584  0.000000000 -0.078316210  0.026093483
## 4549             Dap  0.364659300  0.427688600  0.000000000 -0.341028200
## 4550            Dap3  0.047821520  0.019773483  0.092573640 -0.217716220
## 4551           Dapk1  1.617075000  1.347481700  1.068716000 -0.350913050
## 4552           Dapk2 -0.694001700 -0.577795000 -0.792886730 -0.129103180
## 4553           Dapk3 -0.013630867 -0.079439640 -0.204662800  0.000000000
## 4554           Dapl1  0.195862300  0.027420998  0.000000000 -0.071202280
## 4555           Dapp1 -0.452134130 -0.121549130 -0.243536950 -0.038771630
## 4556            Darc  0.313588620 -0.048745155  0.958678250  0.065816880
## 4557            Dars -0.898077960 -0.705027600 -0.014359474  0.323053360
## 4558           Dars2  0.002245903  0.005295754  0.126139640  0.327536580
## 4559            Daw1  0.026432991 -0.064103600  0.000000000 -0.045550346
## 4560            Daxx -0.375649450 -0.082987310  0.059541225 -0.184850220
## 4561          Dazap1 -0.090128900  0.112575530  0.000000000  0.134244920
## 4562          Dazap2  0.032695770 -0.040690422  0.040537834 -0.000077200
## 4563            Dazl  0.109133720 -0.105552670 -0.020362377  0.011014938
## 4564            Dbf4 -0.253721240 -0.631560300 -0.093322280 -0.167403220
## 4565             Dbh -0.024717808 -0.047749996  0.044029236  0.103210926
## 4566             Dbi  0.139350890  0.339063640  0.220226290 -0.265742300
## 4567           Dbil5 -0.018881798  0.168759350  0.237437730  0.409791470
## 4568            Dbn1 -0.236342430 -0.114835260 -0.185914040  0.086040970
## 4569          Dbndd1 -0.077856064 -0.006283760  0.194309230  0.065096380
## 4570          Dbndd2 -0.166182040  0.421854974  0.123243800  0.324180840
## 4571            Dbnl -0.314702030 -0.080012320  0.103711130 -0.074658394
## 4572             Dbp -0.115066050 -0.041659832  1.038819800 -0.244221210
## 4573          Dbpht2  0.000000000 -0.095030310  0.106855870  0.084312916
## 4574            Dbr1  0.096694950 -0.015697480  0.219020840  0.116140840
## 4575             Dbt -0.330307960 -0.428666600 -0.490147600  0.173964500
## 4576            Dbx1 -0.198684690 -0.119998455  0.139716150  0.155417440
## 4577            Dbx2  0.079443930  0.050452232  0.257171150  0.154238220
## 4578          Dcaf10  0.110490800  0.000000000 -0.326742650  0.800325400
## 4579          Dcaf11  0.466120712 -0.235774515  0.204231741  0.202813390
## 4580          Dcaf12 -0.222819330 -0.335114480 -0.101479530  0.105775830
## 4581        Dcaf12l1  0.236319070  0.167487140  0.000000000  0.063305855
## 4582        Dcaf12l2  0.006836891  0.030998707  0.109724520  0.082562450
## 4583          Dcaf13 -0.228850360 -0.378286360  0.000000000  0.067979810
## 4584          Dcaf15 -0.207254890 -0.094037530 -0.437553400  0.062281130
## 4585          Dcaf17  0.285335540  0.329854500 -0.004055500  0.403731350
## 4586           Dcaf4  0.019449234 -0.170400140  0.076857090 -0.073239800
## 4587           Dcaf5 -0.075141910 -0.078325270  0.283158300  0.280389800
## 4588           Dcaf6  0.342861180  0.385104180  0.501081470  0.050609590
## 4589           Dcaf7  0.159500120  0.632471100 -0.251648900 -0.267889020
## 4590           Dcaf8 -0.179202080  0.008102417  0.057589530  0.099347115
## 4591           Dcakd  0.060106993 -0.093457460  0.198968885  0.603457235
## 4592          Dcbld1 -1.359843300 -1.504125100 -1.947154500  1.102964400
## 4593          Dcbld2  0.899156600  0.253422260  0.087246420 -0.237109180
## 4594             Dcc  0.161369800  0.015368462 -0.024692059  0.024044514
## 4595          Dcdc2a  0.084538460 -0.040711403  0.094556810 -0.308147430
## 4596          Dcdc2c  0.064060690  0.075273990 -0.045487404  0.034587383
## 4597           Dcdc5  0.000000000 -0.096107960 -0.150802610 -0.015760899
## 4598           Dchs1 -0.471475120  0.186251160 -0.136221410  0.587861060
## 4599             Dck -0.122490880 -0.064679146 -0.481646540 -0.080987930
## 4600           Dclk1  0.096472025 -0.070598365  0.146207093 -0.013557673
## 4601           Dclk2  0.000000000 -0.119332790  0.217565540  0.164083480
## 4602           Dclk3  0.000000000  0.064326290 -0.008330345 -0.151550770
## 4603         Dclre1a -0.070588590  0.113956930  0.090314865 -0.010167599
## 4604         Dclre1b  0.066852570 -0.205670360  0.372621060 -0.483878600
## 4605         Dclre1c -0.362053400 -0.325067520 -0.115599630 -0.023153305
## 4606             Dcn -2.405913400 -2.110273000 -2.261681600  0.798838600
## 4607           Dcp1a  0.009134769  0.320037360 -0.360722060 -0.204472540
## 4608           Dcp1b  0.227283480  0.112092020  0.365097050  0.000000000
## 4609            Dcp2  0.199203490  0.166738510  0.127625470 -0.340745930
## 4610           Dcpp1  0.083566666 -0.017699718  0.034026623 -0.189567570
## 4611           Dcpp2  0.405055050 -0.131938460  0.136914730  0.140272140
## 4612           Dcpp3 -0.069858550 -0.245953560  0.005199432  0.094303130
## 4613            Dcps -0.314754500 -0.028202057 -0.733703140  0.000000000
## 4614           Dcst1 -0.081064705  0.221475841  0.227240565  0.115039347
## 4615           Dcst2 -0.294142250 -0.139447210 -0.025325775 -0.178896900
## 4616         Dcstamp  0.191027640  0.129756450 -0.074182990  0.124564170
## 4617             Dct  0.023578644  0.062234880  0.098246574 -0.025741577
## 4618            Dctd -0.221323490 -0.117259980 -0.321167470 -0.115643500
## 4619           Dctn1  0.113982200  0.156425480  0.221954350  0.084042550
## 4620           Dctn2  0.000319000  0.145547870 -0.171266560 -0.250489230
## 4621           Dctn3 -0.325571060  0.000631000 -0.026968956  0.000000000
## 4622           Dctn4  0.224522590  0.479828830  0.294456480  0.069685936
## 4623           Dctn5 -0.031042099 -0.444014550  0.139932630 -0.232115750
## 4624           Dctn6  0.170814510  0.244422910  0.391198160  0.000000000
## 4625          Dctpp1  0.000000000  0.041019440  0.313506130 -0.360880850
## 4626         Dcun1d1 -0.065724135 -0.113584281 -0.216810705 -0.019065860
## 4627         Dcun1d2  0.527510640  0.013291359 -0.296379100 -0.245766160
## 4628         Dcun1d3  1.322005700  1.230230800  1.102027400 -0.000882000
## 4629         Dcun1d4  0.060217857 -0.406542300  0.087668896  0.372314930
## 4630         Dcun1d5  0.296147350  0.000000000 -0.223241800 -0.072579384
## 4631             Dcx  0.058835030 -0.017934800  0.083569050  0.044004917
## 4632            Dcxr -0.115333560 -0.053802490 -0.071090700 -0.043795110
## 4633            Dda1 -0.030635357 -0.094264510  0.027365208 -0.135979180
## 4634           Ddah1  1.958516100  1.971300100  1.951544800 -0.969623570
## 4635           Ddah2 -0.467092500  0.057973860 -0.419427870  0.307189940
## 4636            Ddb1 -0.065289500  0.102631570  0.094556810  0.043032646
## 4637            Ddb2  0.109463215 -0.004863262  0.000000000 -0.101038930
## 4638             Ddc  4.436360400  4.486534000  4.370828600  0.039638996
## 4639           Ddhd1  0.098542210 -0.400207520 -0.152026180 -0.218865400
## 4640           Ddhd2 -0.116774560  0.588480000  0.382833480  0.173860550
## 4641            Ddi1  0.131532190 -0.126392360 -0.418085100  1.407732500
## 4642            Ddi2 -0.190779690 -0.087769510 -0.508852500  0.006467819
## 4643           Ddit3 -0.246593480 -0.188832280 -0.236241340  0.108026505
## 4644           Ddit4  0.558928000 -0.073235510  0.409330840 -0.347315300
## 4645          Ddit4l  0.529301640  0.134332660  0.000000000 -0.321502200
## 4646             Ddn -0.026756287 -0.002830505  0.003749371  0.027419567
## 4647             Ddo -0.137671470 -0.105631350 -0.060952663 -0.028403759
## 4648           Ddost -0.225193980  0.274361600  0.092464450 -0.416661260
## 4649            Ddr1 -0.067962170  0.009648323  0.005134583 -0.010147572
## 4650            Ddr2  0.123984810 -0.047066210 -0.144554140 -0.087826730
## 4651          Ddrgk1  0.113274574  0.401376720  0.379186630  0.239972110
## 4652             Ddt -0.089555740  0.044488430 -0.352297780 -0.301369670
## 4653            Ddx1  0.000000000 -0.175606730  0.119720460 -0.159292220
## 4654           Ddx10  0.074472430  0.402441980 -0.000355000 -0.219290730
## 4655           Ddx11 -0.259492870 -0.008074284 -0.054065704  0.136003970
## 4656           Ddx17  0.149961470  0.281773570  0.065668106  0.137592320
## 4657           Ddx18  0.140303612  0.027853966  0.445711137 -0.051445006
## 4658          Ddx19a -0.211090090  0.266553400  0.120668890 -0.251504420
## 4659          Ddx19b -0.123538020  0.083940506  0.319579120 -0.042139053
## 4660           Ddx20 -0.147871970 -0.303251270 -0.376257420  0.077775955
## 4661           Ddx21 -0.042598724 -0.048768997  0.223683360 -0.006441116
## 4662           Ddx23  0.045658110  0.424469950  0.340085980  0.195034030
## 4663           Ddx24 -0.073006630  0.054390907  0.304321300  0.194837570
## 4664           Ddx25 -0.038550377 -0.017396450  0.054325104  0.072486400
## 4665          Ddx26b  0.000000000  0.018562317  0.381643300  0.651587500
## 4666           Ddx27 -0.020232200  0.226572990  0.163069730  0.074354170
## 4667           Ddx28  0.079041004 -0.278120040 -0.006963253  0.157683370
## 4668           Ddx31 -0.202600000 -0.052576065  0.187823300 -0.108099460
## 4669           Ddx39 -0.035940170 -0.096871376  0.165210720  0.000000000
## 4670          Ddx39b -0.273534770  0.045775414  0.055369377  0.153666500
## 4671           Ddx3x  0.171924599 -0.247832775 -0.163921355 -0.023203375
## 4672           Ddx3y  0.509795200 -0.050230026 -0.353777900  0.117583275
## 4673            Ddx4 -0.119998455  0.032466410  0.068580150  0.143665310
## 4674           Ddx41 -0.040767193 -0.029924870 -0.111608980 -0.118047240
## 4675           Ddx42 -0.299166680  0.016414642 -0.213557240  0.013768196
## 4676           Ddx46  0.088713646  0.000000000 -0.029438019  0.238790510
## 4677           Ddx47  0.042057037  0.054551125 -0.175892830 -0.142616270
## 4678           Ddx49 -0.211564060 -0.130385880  0.108325480  0.080658910
## 4679            Ddx5 -0.078116419 -0.178367615 -0.374011995  0.028107167
## 4680           Ddx50  0.545814500  0.384988780  0.102469444  0.110151290
## 4681           Ddx51 -0.076797960 -0.058207990  0.082483770  0.105809210
## 4682           Ddx52  0.101519585 -0.170900340  0.000000000  0.177829740
## 4683           Ddx54 -0.204544543  0.150815250  0.581115480 -0.075702427
## 4684           Ddx55  0.000000000 -0.136931420 -0.071652890 -0.282262330
## 4685           Ddx56  0.166100980 -0.007858276  0.161859990  0.000000000
## 4686           Ddx58  0.072523120 -0.062878610  0.037805557  0.372952460
## 4687           Ddx59 -0.191367630  0.384150980  0.113350390 -0.098834040
## 4688            Ddx6  0.136716840  0.000000000 -0.060996056  0.038426400
## 4689           Ddx60  0.100912094  0.000000000  0.060357094  0.540714260
## 4690           Deaf1  0.221454620 -0.120470524  0.163713460  0.207729340
## 4691           Dear1  0.050096035  0.232854840 -0.081805230  0.156005380
## 4692            Deb1  0.207379340  0.586467740  0.771428100  1.144338600
## 4693           Decr1  0.306713100  0.654483800  0.636652950  0.000000000
## 4694           Decr2 -0.132750030  0.132060050  0.273882400 -0.008557320
## 4695            Dedd -0.097018240  0.104029655  0.000000000 -0.005350113
## 4696           Dedd2  0.039095400 -0.114077570  0.162801740  0.000000000
## 4697            Def6  0.307202820  0.504987240  1.008674100  0.071984290
## 4698            Def8  0.043804170  0.232920170 -0.092901230  0.006960869
## 4699          Defa17  0.003415855  0.002950669 -0.059981585 -0.058459282
## 4700          Defa20 -0.015543938 -0.009079218 -0.106918097  0.010765076
## 4701          Defa21 -0.098710060 -0.045256138 -0.157739160  0.071293830
## 4702          Defa22 -0.092156410 -0.080255510 -0.118626595  0.035745620
## 4703          Defa23  0.000000000  0.015942574 -0.004806042  0.023872137
## 4704          Defa24  0.036150455 -0.019700050  0.094424250  0.087889194
## 4705          Defa25  0.010875543 -0.001876513 -0.082169533 -0.072013377
## 4706          Defa26 -0.086376670  0.000000000 -0.120210650 -0.089382170
## 4707           Defa5  0.000000000  0.022046090 -0.033433914 -0.078197956
## 4708        Defa-ps1 -0.030431270  0.015235424 -0.046341420 -0.042524815
## 4709        Defa-rs1 -0.011312485 -0.045733450 -0.149221900 -0.047075750
## 4710           Defb1 -0.143012520 -0.065525055  0.027544975  0.069784164
## 4711          Defb10  0.000881000 -0.041216373  0.000000000  0.105201720
## 4712          Defb11  0.206996440 -0.068750380  0.033521652 -0.163148400
## 4713          Defb12 -0.006406307 -0.211514950  0.036231995  0.009768009
## 4714          Defb13  0.062650200 -0.018011570 -0.065365314 -0.030219555
## 4715          Defb14 -0.063177586 -0.049501896 -0.057832240 -0.027318478
## 4716          Defb15  0.040794373  0.019983292 -0.165470120  0.000000000
## 4717          Defb18 -0.073424340 -0.022563934  0.000000000 -0.020636559
## 4718          Defb19 -0.038361550 -0.028010845  0.027362347 -0.026239395
## 4719           Defb2  0.086208340 -0.180623050  0.139727120  0.105485440
## 4720          Defb20 -0.008709908 -0.019143105  0.072967050  0.140109060
## 4721          Defb21  0.000000000 -0.043787480  0.030824184 -0.007654190
## 4722          Defb22  0.005912304 -0.005506039 -0.022674084  0.063836100
## 4723          Defb23 -0.022710323 -0.124617100 -0.081678390  0.163425450
## 4724          Defb25 -0.007715225  0.028587341 -0.066249850  0.084552765
## 4725          Defb26 -0.096283910  0.092016220  0.150192740  0.238344670
## 4726          Defb28  0.003179550 -0.045665740 -0.165726660  0.118894100
## 4727          Defb29 -0.043312073 -0.042849064  0.084140780  0.066586970
## 4728           Defb3 -0.169057850 -0.050243855  0.049602030  0.028822422
## 4729          Defb30 -0.095559120  0.000000000 -0.334644320 -0.182097910
## 4730          Defb33  0.100761410  0.042327880  0.215813640  0.084816456
## 4731          Defb34  0.224092000 -0.185015200 -0.022876263  0.046361923
## 4732          Defb35 -0.014256001  0.281143200  0.096072200  0.000000000
## 4733          Defb36  0.089221000 -0.218104360 -0.133029460  0.015183926
## 4734          Defb37 -0.060809612  0.015474319  0.000000000  0.077633380
## 4735          Defb38  0.023454190  0.019377232  0.123691080 -0.013572693
## 4736          Defb39  0.006449223  0.000206000 -0.012012959  0.017871380
## 4737           Defb4 -0.005358696 -0.029297352  0.006192207 -0.021178722
## 4738          Defb40 -0.034308434 -0.092473984  0.021076202 -0.034344673
## 4739          Defb41  0.023053646 -0.052423954  0.005007744  0.045618057
## 4740          Defb42 -0.050566196 -0.029925346  0.009267807 -0.099138260
## 4741          Defb43  0.066812515  0.024657250  0.109635830 -0.020434380
## 4742       Defb44-ps  0.027324200 -0.026474476  0.153883460  0.099732876
## 4743          Defb45  0.000000000 -0.124644280  0.013286114  0.010069847
## 4744          Defb46  0.016609669 -0.202950480 -0.012768745  0.309167400
## 4745          Defb47 -0.005751133 -0.114162920  0.047087670 -0.138846870
## 4746          Defb48 -0.015700817 -0.131519800 -0.027797699  0.161540510
## 4747           Defb5 -0.127732280  0.098753930 -0.027199745 -0.009611130
## 4748          Defb50  0.099966050  0.016547203  0.044555187 -0.035813330
## 4749           Defb6  0.043451786 -0.086760520 -0.012467861 -0.096397400
## 4750           Defb7  0.071212770 -0.102597710  0.061252594 -0.089962960
## 4751           Defb8 -0.081022260 -0.145195000 -0.061337948 -0.194432260
## 4752           Defb9  0.007800102  0.004135609  0.111930850  0.274175640
## 4753           Degs1 -0.383991240 -0.751511600 -0.187339780 -0.379009250
## 4754           Degs2  3.275731600  4.057792000  3.445771700  0.498902320
## 4755             Dek  0.183692930  0.161790850  0.258417130 -0.065562250
## 4756         Dennd1a -0.091726300  0.100136280 -0.248478410 -0.280700200
## 4757         Dennd1b  0.114363670  0.008272648  0.036681175  0.075612545
## 4758         Dennd1c  0.067697525 -0.193327900  0.000000000  0.120084760
## 4759         Dennd2a  0.002106190 -0.013472080 -0.171287540 -0.119647026
## 4760         Dennd2c  0.000000000 -0.561562060 -0.598579400  0.105432030
## 4761         Dennd2d -0.012150527 -0.051399233  0.186749938 -0.156660320
## 4762          Dennd3  0.438323020  0.675355900  0.041877747  0.000000000
## 4763         Dennd4a  1.104140812 -0.028749835  0.443888140 -0.437199383
## 4764         Dennd4b -0.034426690 -0.163735390  0.060691357 -0.285093300
## 4765         Dennd4c  1.276913600  0.756462100  0.820195200  0.166022300
## 4766         Dennd5a  0.108450890  0.285679820  0.309434900  0.368119240
## 4767         Dennd5b  0.331511500  0.055015564 -0.368388900  0.922933565
## 4768         Dennd6a  0.053882845 -0.415549520 -0.074347730  0.191703318
## 4769         Dennd6b  0.000000000  0.152813430  0.551915650  0.416952600
## 4770            Denr -0.099565506  0.635853770  0.177187920 -0.560901640
## 4771         Depdc1a -0.041989087 -0.124123573 -0.015918732  0.009295225
## 4772         Depdc1b  0.010984898 -0.239234450 -0.159861090 -0.014098167
## 4773          Depdc5  0.089071750 -0.193574430 -0.144075400  0.290262700
## 4774          Depdc7 -0.239546780 -0.391230580 -0.231328490 -0.157001970
## 4775          Deptor -0.441910740 -0.460954200 -0.320792200  0.097015380
## 4776            Dera  0.275801660 -0.198088650  0.080867770 -0.385826600
## 4777           Derl1 -0.180195810  0.121708870 -0.552641870 -0.122590065
## 4778           Derl2  0.000000000 -0.317417140 -0.214591030 -0.139759060
## 4779           Derl3  0.023825645  0.000000000  0.171304230 -0.021430492
## 4780             Des -0.027077675 -0.151192670  0.027301311  0.120465280
## 4781           Desi1  0.279346470  0.422079100  0.805707000  0.158062930
## 4782           Desi2  0.145242212 -0.067439795  0.185068845  0.128152130
## 4783            Det1 -0.092463490 -0.172786710 -0.208146100 -0.182222370
## 4784            Dexi -0.135978700 -0.338276400 -0.174212930  0.139682300
## 4785            Dffa  0.070578100  0.052441597  0.084567070  0.116227630
## 4786            Dffb -0.027887344  0.172674660 -0.075976370  0.000000000
## 4787           Dfna5 -0.188237667 -0.345170973 -0.317367067 -0.221851197
## 4788          Dfnb59  0.053983210 -0.039639473 -0.112977030 -0.119084835
## 4789           Dgat1 -0.152161600 -0.203588490  0.241559980  0.470312120
## 4790           Dgat2 -0.188852790  0.097752094 -0.114920616 -0.009096623
## 4791         Dgat2l6  0.041697025 -0.169563770 -0.009704590  0.096911430
## 4792          Dgcr14  0.086997510  0.339203360  0.506884100 -0.010147572
## 4793           Dgcr2  0.059093952  0.052276610  0.059691906  0.127735610
## 4794           Dgcr6  0.131403920  0.308794980  0.163512230 -0.069418910
## 4795           Dgcr8 -0.211166380  0.246748920 -0.028665543  0.362013820
## 4796            Dgka  0.372830400  0.160273550 -0.014374733  0.711341860
## 4797            Dgkb  0.000000000 -0.059226513 -0.030620575 -0.084580900
## 4798            Dgkd -0.302639000 -0.477086540 -0.116321560  0.775065400
## 4799            Dgke -0.001403809  0.251342770  0.213309290  1.137312900
## 4800            Dgkg -0.122144700 -0.048685550  0.029248238  0.034107685
## 4801            Dgkh -0.141797070 -0.096701620  0.000000000  0.727745060
## 4802            Dgki  0.111011505  0.083643910 -0.000033400  0.007956028
## 4803            Dgkk -0.013504505 -0.030964851  0.136112210  0.035394670
## 4804            Dgkq -0.052401066  0.042108060  0.000000000  0.190955640
## 4805            Dgkz -0.660139575 -0.080460549 -0.264699460  0.292025090
## 4806           Dguok  0.052528380  0.140339850 -0.066677090 -0.599876400
## 4807          Dhcr24  0.386934280  0.618386270  0.401374820 -0.311676980
## 4808           Dhcr7  0.003060341  0.024988651 -0.029127598 -0.253279200
## 4809           Dhdds  0.000000000  0.050500393  0.181459430 -0.188497540
## 4810            Dhdh -0.003033638  0.081733230  0.284519200 -0.255207540
## 4811            Dhfr  0.283318040  0.008925438 -0.103980540 -0.268184660
## 4812             Dhh -0.040336610  0.005656719 -0.122874740 -0.172887800
## 4813           Dhodh  0.032440662  0.093124390  0.085831640 -0.122678760
## 4814            Dhps -0.398979660  0.030015469  0.036149025 -0.149377820
## 4815           Dhrs1 -0.237802500  0.122030260  0.381071100 -0.554425240
## 4816          Dhrs11 -0.130324360  0.155399320 -0.070682526  0.431937700
## 4817          Dhrs13 -0.098354340  0.024177551  0.043106794  0.028842926
## 4818           Dhrs2 -0.008739471 -0.016809464 -0.006422043 -0.026977062
## 4819           Dhrs3 -0.974000930 -0.862328500 -0.929110500  0.854507450
## 4820           Dhrs4 -0.110287670 -0.201305390  0.161979200 -0.722003460
## 4821           Dhrs7 -0.248738290  0.201238630  0.129828450 -0.049252510
## 4822          Dhrs7b -0.100657460  0.000000000  0.475885400  0.088950634
## 4823          Dhrs7c  0.000000000  0.018539429  0.020350933  0.339668270
## 4824           Dhrs9 -0.010616303 -0.036239624 -0.146207330  0.050925255
## 4825           Dhrsx  0.000000000  0.047387600  0.062064648 -0.061573030
## 4826          Dhtkd1 -0.084485054 -0.045559883 -0.002111435  0.137625700
## 4827           Dhx15  0.075544360 -0.072298050 -0.019078255  0.043869972
## 4828           Dhx16  0.061289787  0.042293550 -0.028242111 -0.026232720
## 4829           Dhx29  0.016821861  0.269944200  0.152037620  0.228835100
## 4830           Dhx30 -0.146114350  0.079205990  0.214331150  0.000000000
## 4831           Dhx32  0.000000000  0.208876610  0.293149950  0.080628870
## 4832           Dhx33 -0.165277480 -0.385352130 -0.702726840  0.000000000
## 4833           Dhx34 -0.082880974  0.007812977 -0.022032260 -0.082229140
## 4834           Dhx36  0.148911480  0.144431110  0.174714090 -0.002079010
## 4835           Dhx37 -0.146058560  0.000224000 -0.140141960 -0.012444019
## 4836           Dhx38  0.068538666  0.108906746  0.354482650  0.000000000
## 4837           Dhx40  0.491481780  0.485639570  0.730506900  0.257103920
## 4838           Dhx57 -0.312054630  0.242163660  0.511325840  0.331756600
## 4839           Dhx58  0.135330680  0.251362800  0.689186600 -0.238251690
## 4840            Dhx8  0.232669350 -0.028610706  0.177207470  0.285755160
## 4841            Dhx9 -0.075249670 -0.024624825 -0.009287834  0.028640747
## 4842          Diablo  0.454356200  0.008353233 -0.472140300 -0.235780720
## 4843           Diap1 -0.210783000  0.049248695 -0.411433220  0.095205310
## 4844           Diap3 -0.204738620 -0.203559880 -0.107985020 -0.055669308
## 4845          Dicer1  0.055716515  0.000000000  0.126319890  0.129315380
## 4846           Dido1 -0.086212160  0.095916750 -0.291327480  0.227483750
## 4847           Diexf  0.290026660  0.269720080 -0.020336151 -0.279012200
## 4848           Dimt1  0.849847800  0.382660400  0.064342500  0.027110577
## 4849            Dio1  0.015198231  0.100306510 -0.016681671 -0.087870600
## 4850            Dio2  0.120846750 -0.018657684 -0.161819930 -0.005083084
## 4851            Dio3  0.015857220 -0.041516780  0.186770440  0.032136440
## 4852           Dip2a  0.265203000  0.079380510 -0.199963570  0.168738370
## 4853           Dip2b  0.098670006  0.143001560 -0.056686400  0.293063160
## 4854           Dip2c  0.190856740  0.370124625 -0.066916750  0.080011459
## 4855          Diras1  0.054240704 -0.006416798  0.084994790  0.008705139
## 4856          Diras2 -0.032080173  0.127627850 -0.068290710  0.041588306
## 4857           Dirc2  0.000000000 -0.019173622  0.128868100 -0.339783670
## 4858            Dis3 -0.041934013  0.161715980 -0.157105920  0.236320970
## 4859           Dis3l  0.072022915 -0.056591988 -0.388914600 -0.355947020
## 4860          Dis3l2 -0.166646480 -0.226739400 -0.184092520  0.038957596
## 4861           Disc1 -0.008417606  0.061868668 -0.037347317  0.107078075
## 4862           Disp1  0.153125525 -0.086477519 -0.078282590  1.011116300
## 4863           Disp2 -0.148143290  0.008416176 -0.021243572  0.019895554
## 4864          Dixdc1  1.773076000  1.794516600  1.637449300  0.016383648
## 4865            Dkc1  0.230444910  0.196450230 -0.260468960  0.161040300
## 4866            Dkk1 -0.276398660  0.000000000  0.146811490  0.073517320
## 4867            Dkk2  0.006551266 -0.177708150 -0.054039000 -0.267201900
## 4868            Dkk3  0.064280990  0.056273937  0.088093760  0.022990704
## 4869            Dkk4 -0.035305977  0.037568092  0.077318670 -0.002295971
## 4870           Dkkl1  0.265514850  0.125241280 -0.097733500 -0.103544710
## 4871            Dlat -0.002530575  0.043029785  0.112409590 -0.238919260
## 4872            Dlc1 -0.018484593 -0.168663741 -0.181669948  0.664340000
## 4873             Dld  0.068485260 -0.087374690  0.483325960 -0.027404785
## 4874           Dlec1 -0.031761646  0.032080173  0.093226430 -0.061490060
## 4875           Dleu2  0.168921470 -0.105240820 -0.011901856 -0.056289196
## 4876           Dleu7  0.147868630  0.071071625  0.017876148 -0.191102980
## 4877            Dlg1  0.087822914  0.220345500  0.332386020  0.123429300
## 4878            Dlg2 -0.163134570 -0.168017390 -0.183990000  0.514701370
## 4879            Dlg3 -0.002654076 -0.257283200  0.081430910  0.128307820
## 4880            Dlg4 -0.293647300 -0.372879030 -0.135283470 -0.289928900
## 4881            Dlg5  0.218962190  0.275801180  0.141071320  0.256154540
## 4882          Dlgap1 -0.004073143  0.015830040  0.020493984  0.035954000
## 4883          Dlgap2 -0.052328110  0.001417160  0.068489550  0.000000000
## 4884          Dlgap3 -0.003174782 -0.088090420 -0.074006560  0.000792000
## 4885          Dlgap4 -0.073025700 -0.076538086 -0.059752940  0.046494484
## 4886          Dlgap5 -0.365433700 -0.295231820 -0.300771240  0.000000000
## 4887            Dlk1 -0.007000923  0.000471000  0.188098910 -0.025743484
## 4888            Dlk2 -0.035441400  0.005176067  0.024789810 -0.033061980
## 4889            Dll1 -0.194292550 -0.224653720 -0.394114970  0.450103280
## 4890            Dll3  0.110160350 -0.097988130  0.066458225  0.044011116
## 4891            Dll4  0.251028060 -0.105418205 -0.481771000  0.340743060
## 4892            Dlst -0.276623730 -0.223800660  0.234123230 -0.143235200
## 4893            Dlx1  0.146329880  0.185593130  0.182116510 -0.030903340
## 4894          Dlx1os  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.057382584  0.133278370
## 4895            Dlx2  0.000000000 -0.110352990  0.062603950 -0.071473120
## 4896            Dlx3  0.000000000 -0.032045364  0.149028300  0.021040440
## 4897            Dlx4  0.011551857  0.036384583  0.000000000 -0.041372776
## 4898            Dlx5 -0.037410260  0.085816860  0.081160070  0.088121414
## 4899            Dlx6 -0.049352170  0.042546272  0.137032030  0.046538353
## 4900           Dmap1  0.197377200  0.377218250  0.195177560 -0.173729420
## 4901           Dmbt1 -0.024357796  0.066476345  0.114839080  0.078509810
## 4902           Dmbx1  0.116831300 -0.099169254  0.086746690  0.002589703
## 4903            Dmc1  0.000000000 -0.072516440  0.037608147 -0.031145096
## 4904             Dmd  0.242741110  0.129130360  0.135882380  0.264110100
## 4905           Dmgdh  0.496897220  0.381812570  0.368162160  0.115596770
## 4906            Dmkn -0.122351650 -0.030187130  0.021607876 -0.091513634
## 4907            Dmp1 -0.132613660  0.091339590 -0.206222060  0.014189243
## 4908            Dmpk -0.216328140 -0.393745900 -0.143601420 -0.033643723
## 4909           Dmrt1  0.042076588  0.183146480  0.257320880 -0.010645390
## 4910           Dmrt2 -0.112425804  0.082449910 -0.081325054  0.015658855
## 4911           Dmrt3  0.000000000  0.137504580 -0.075992110 -0.026165485
## 4912          Dmrta1  0.000000000 -0.050701620  0.086010930 -0.232457160
## 4913          Dmrta2 -0.096277240  0.118346690  0.100958350 -0.062006950
## 4914          Dmrtb1  0.000000000  0.091797830  0.020334244  0.045536040
## 4915         Dmrtc1a  0.015079498 -0.006790638 -0.081731796 -0.129198070
## 4916         Dmrtc1b  0.000000000 -0.025691986 -0.060631275  0.087010380
## 4917        Dmrtc1c1 -0.047087192 -0.056209324  0.110550405 -0.173921105
## 4918          Dmrtc2 -0.118778706  0.043097020 -0.149251940 -0.041606903
## 4919           Dmtf1  0.453689580  0.138486860 -0.017484665  0.163216590
## 4920            Dmtn -0.250165460 -0.035664080 -0.039496900  0.000000000
## 4921            Dmwd  0.099185470 -0.023714542  0.000000000  0.078503610
## 4922           Dmxl1  0.337134360  0.202146530 -0.102745056 -0.034426690
## 4923           Dmxl2  0.589271315  0.457228900  0.485077380  0.029214385
## 4924            Dna2  0.046759130 -0.159151550 -0.134529590 -0.163257600
## 4925          Dnaaf1  0.017277956  0.006080628  0.062757971 -0.133818385
## 4926          Dnaaf2 -0.253604900 -0.295045380 -0.067051890  0.074111940
## 4927          Dnaaf3  0.110760690 -0.026494980  0.104005340 -0.032412052
## 4928           Dnah1  0.045652390  0.027717590  0.129673480 -0.083542824
## 4929          Dnah10 -0.117803098  0.025697803  0.059323789 -0.106540966
## 4930          Dnah11  0.000000000 -0.021979809 -0.024187088 -0.069740770
## 4931          Dnah12 -0.037849426 -0.009989738 -0.034850120 -0.056940556
## 4932          Dnah17 -0.063392162 -0.022838831  0.159674406  0.155071732
## 4933           Dnah2 -0.092157364 -0.054481983 -0.101200580  0.157730100
## 4934           Dnah3  1.905063828  1.499494640  1.435121149  0.124279692
## 4935           Dnah5 -0.004230499 -0.031361103  0.005604744 -0.038363457
## 4936           Dnah6  0.274187885  0.139013610  0.389202759  0.042652926
## 4937          Dnah7b -0.080069382 -0.148449581  0.012176516 -0.128009798
## 4938           Dnah8 -0.149832250 -0.398972750  0.044635058 -0.211574080
## 4939           Dnah9 -0.038735390 -0.009723663  0.039051056  0.008111477
## 4940          Dnaic1 -0.024599552  0.005147457 -0.092403410 -0.156897540
## 4941          Dnaic2 -0.010795593  0.239890580  0.081403730  0.000000000
## 4942          Dnaja1  0.349707610 -0.132269541 -0.162540755  0.031953494
## 4943          Dnaja2 -0.003297806  0.023228645  0.096261024 -0.053403854
## 4944          Dnaja3  0.085447310  0.431083680 -0.145761490 -0.167761330
## 4945          Dnaja4  0.502328900  0.180514810  0.003560066  0.146931650
## 4946          Dnajb1  0.601018900  0.269832600  0.066007614 -0.449666980
## 4947         Dnajb11 -0.277436260 -0.016666412 -0.321817400  0.059264183
## 4948         Dnajb12  0.066824910  0.310021400  0.191589360  0.071312904
## 4949         Dnajb13  0.011356354 -0.329573630 -0.126845840 -0.140617850
## 4950         Dnajb14 -0.279014100 -0.023208618 -0.494388580 -0.618715760
## 4951          Dnajb2  0.173231120 -0.091354370  0.155415060  0.263633730
## 4952          Dnajb3 -0.052850246 -0.079392910  0.012844086 -0.218815800
## 4953          Dnajb4  0.829211240 -0.565264700 -0.803517340 -0.470686900
## 4954          Dnajb5  0.333405020 -0.115827080  0.269336220  0.141464710
## 4955          Dnajb6  0.036288071 -0.197490790 -0.142107771  0.015420150
## 4956          Dnajb7  0.671538350  0.002321720  0.532920840  0.083369255
## 4957          Dnajb8 -0.047841788  0.015775919  0.031346085 -0.100270510
## 4958          Dnajb9  0.847273800  0.611496900  0.476666450 -0.459187500
## 4959          Dnajc1  0.420343400  0.207953450 -0.052629470  0.400937080
## 4960         Dnajc10  0.760214800  0.610264800  0.669074060  0.354389200
## 4961         Dnajc11 -0.418035500  0.093882084 -0.173329830 -0.116883755
## 4962         Dnajc12 -0.140183930  0.000000000  0.092016220 -0.191916940
## 4963         Dnajc13 -0.032730166 -0.039320373  0.076235643 -0.084543453
## 4964         Dnajc14  0.041744232  0.700978300  0.303005220  0.254760740
## 4965         Dnajc15  0.419630530 -0.593016150 -0.993158800 -0.103700160
## 4966         Dnajc16  0.022712708 -0.023199081 -0.073061940 -0.606720450
## 4967         Dnajc17 -0.268639560 -0.029290200 -0.176620480  0.013562202
## 4968         Dnajc18  0.109135630  0.231107710  1.056548100  0.057216644
## 4969         Dnajc19  0.071354388  0.052610875  0.073406218 -0.221038815
## 4970          Dnajc2 -0.094543460 -0.042925835  0.333334920 -0.051083565
## 4971         Dnajc21  0.229866030  0.377843860  0.137332920  0.140183450
## 4972         Dnajc22  0.061505795 -0.030187130  0.232660300  0.088382720
## 4973         Dnajc24  0.150796890  0.000000000 -0.076903820  0.330503460
## 4974         Dnajc25 -0.340860370 -0.136811260 -0.245296000  0.055448532
## 4975         Dnajc27  0.516857600  0.472174170 -0.152269360 -0.305493830
## 4976         Dnajc28  0.387146950 -0.445258140 -0.022480011  0.010478020
## 4977          Dnajc3  0.022232056  0.011772156 -0.049088955 -0.156072140
## 4978         Dnajc30  0.139169220  0.119880200  0.295305250 -0.052652836
## 4979          Dnajc4 -0.118546960  0.054938316  0.117063046  0.002827168
## 4980          Dnajc5  0.028445244  0.221673970  0.000000000  0.157387730
## 4981         Dnajc5b  0.191643240  0.042505264  0.189124100 -0.170268540
## 4982         Dnajc5g -0.003523827  0.000501000 -0.075600624  0.000000000
## 4983          Dnajc6 -0.139419560 -0.186995980  0.045574665  0.004331112
## 4984          Dnajc7 -0.337038040 -0.241083150 -0.105365750 -0.096735954
## 4985          Dnajc8  0.130341530  0.491703030  0.301381100  0.108633995
## 4986          Dnajc9 -0.026023865 -0.159406660  0.112370490 -0.481095300
## 4987           Dnal1  0.173316480  0.751230240  0.511320600 -0.037634373
## 4988           Dnal4  0.058542730  0.050697803  0.151635650 -0.120122430
## 4989          Dnali1 -0.046216965  0.285485270  0.129487040  0.150044440
## 4990          Dnase1  0.235584260 -0.169345380  0.030839443  0.136680130
## 4991        Dnase1l1  0.057148933 -0.005246162  0.798236850  0.000000000
## 4992        Dnase1l2  0.357267860 -0.000586000 -0.315011020  0.200451370
## 4993        Dnase1l3 -0.113914490  0.057041170  0.091804504 -0.004920006
## 4994         Dnase2a -0.069216730 -0.062293530  0.093644140  0.053515434
## 4995         Dnase2b -0.032705307 -0.093433860  0.016393185 -0.040802480
## 4996            Dnd1 -0.016090870  0.261394980  0.064967155  0.083858490
## 4997            Dner  0.028008461  0.126633640 -0.029449463  0.216152190
## 4998            Dnlz  0.027438640  0.447844980  0.016351223 -0.026006699
## 4999            Dnm1 -0.020609856  0.158548360 -0.147731780 -0.113394740
## 5000           Dnm1l  0.258260730 -0.078156470  0.335483550 -0.035145760
## 5001            Dnm2  0.391092300  0.333886150  0.529665950  0.066760060
## 5002            Dnm3  0.493633045  0.408671380  0.308569670  0.051516055
## 5003          Dnm3os  1.118898880  0.497606040  0.000000000  0.000643015
## 5004           Dnmbp  0.325249670  0.163530830  0.000000000  0.165690900
## 5005           Dnmt1 -0.260944370 -0.121360780  0.202508930 -0.045333862
## 5006          Dnmt3a -0.248218060 -0.294019220 -0.004330635 -0.248158930
## 5007          Dnmt3b -0.006024838 -0.092030525 -0.064460280 -0.171784400
## 5008          Dnmt3l -0.163919450  0.109633920  0.084429740  0.115993500
## 5009           Dnpep  0.090534690  0.058268070  0.335516930  0.000000000
## 5010           Dnph1 -0.004868031  0.023637295  0.000000000 -0.115985870
## 5011            Dntt  0.009149551  0.000124000  0.000000000  0.112317085
## 5012         Dnttip1 -0.010049820  0.149057390 -0.145219800 -0.167868610
## 5013         Dnttip2  0.290489200  0.000000000  0.462034230 -0.116564750
## 5014           Doc2a -0.047228336  0.023087978  0.323870180  0.158559320
## 5015           Doc2b  0.105401990  0.003654957 -0.001266956  0.057389260
## 5016           Doc2g  0.050700188  0.049702644 -0.136474130  0.398190020
## 5017           Dock1  0.032423973  0.014000893  0.106082916  0.468288420
## 5018          Dock10 -0.317245480 -0.401428700 -0.361539840 -0.085739136
## 5019          Dock11 -1.051908500 -1.010610600 -0.697577500 -0.078712940
## 5020           Dock2 -0.324780000 -0.357971200 -0.078317640 -0.065474510
## 5021           Dock3 -0.053285600  0.033473970  0.108314514  0.038038254
## 5022           Dock4  0.612321850  0.481771470  0.293660160  0.168204310
## 5023           Dock5  0.726586340  0.280769820  0.295288560 -0.369397640
## 5024           Dock6  0.172865550  0.062951026 -0.049883843  0.199887529
## 5025           Dock7 -0.833896160 -0.506156440 -0.376467700 -0.284098630
## 5026           Dock8 -1.093064300 -1.277004700 -0.979064000 -0.455462930
## 5027           Dock9  1.246884300  1.026481600  1.036700200  1.090048800
## 5028            Dohh -0.007422924  0.024627209 -0.155786510 -0.018402576
## 5029            Dok1 -0.377217770 -0.059026240 -0.056122780 -0.009629726
## 5030            Dok2  0.077033040 -0.011441708 -0.070387840 -0.045473100
## 5031            Dok3 -0.133556840  0.000000000  0.091965200 -0.020062923
## 5032            Dok4 -0.041479588  0.279068000  0.000000000  1.227026500
## 5033            Dok5 -0.159556390 -0.025454044  0.118270874  0.056357860
## 5034            Dok6 -0.001975536  0.076563835  0.038008213  0.077346800
## 5035            Dok7  0.081302640  0.044810295 -0.011424542  0.000000000
## 5036            Dolk  0.412078380  0.306881430  0.498218060  0.048696518
## 5037          Dolpp1  0.041734695 -0.138659480  0.169282440  0.048486710
## 5038           Dom3z  0.108357430  0.112961290 -0.092779640 -0.043760300
## 5039          Donson  0.001488209 -0.250663280 -0.147266390  0.269606600
## 5040          Dopey1  0.885503770  0.293018340  0.324831960 -0.027318954
## 5041          Dopey2 -0.214071270 -0.254253860  0.236758710  0.069324020
## 5042           Dot1l -0.070037365  0.138717650  0.000000000  0.189020630
## 5043           Doxl2 -0.101768490 -0.097163680  0.024554253  0.093678950
## 5044          Dpagt1  0.001530647  0.148198130  0.276887900  0.433970450
## 5045            Dpcd -0.170331000  0.101611140  0.722004900 -0.509758000
## 5046           Dpcr1 -0.013821602  0.000000000  0.159665580 -0.171978000
## 5047           Dpep1  0.047178745 -0.227644440  0.000000000 -0.046292305
## 5048           Dpep2 -0.113727330 -0.114102363 -0.011399031  0.191200975
## 5049           Dpep3 -0.108533380  0.027721405 -0.004716396 -0.031658650
## 5050            Dpf1 -0.001900196 -0.001900196  0.005181789  0.123264790
## 5051            Dpf2  0.262201300  0.353503230  0.224426270 -0.141353600
## 5052            Dpf3  0.000000000  0.148707390  0.014182568 -0.119450090
## 5053            Dph1 -0.095803260 -0.266468520  0.165377140  0.026162624
## 5054            Dph2 -0.060616970 -0.193481920  0.103967670  0.308490750
## 5055            Dph3  0.325951580 -0.016142845  0.435601230 -0.154242520
## 5056            Dph5 -0.003777504 -0.518205170 -0.514150600  0.343126300
## 5057            Dph6  0.834509850  0.547676100  0.396713260 -0.093337060
## 5058            Dph7 -0.047364235 -0.161956310  0.362996100 -0.084212300
## 5059            Dpm1  0.129643440  0.175782200 -0.109115600 -0.215863230
## 5060            Dpm2 -0.021595955 -0.246706010  0.466002460  0.005204201
## 5061            Dpm3  0.216402050  0.170921330  0.714715960  0.000000000
## 5062           Dpp10 -0.039515258  0.011845112  0.060669660 -0.019570350
## 5063            Dpp3 -0.103307485  0.067401885  0.383579955 -0.055876255
## 5064            Dpp4  0.559007640  0.582063700 -0.062636375 -2.763845400
## 5065            Dpp6  0.003047943  0.000000000  0.144204378  0.055832864
## 5066            Dpp7  0.075955870 -0.213221550 -0.332719800 -0.316717620
## 5067            Dpp8  0.146511080  0.155626300  0.134037020  0.066833496
## 5068            Dpp9  0.165327070  0.167143820 -0.093019010  0.068913460
## 5069           Dppa1 -0.075038910  0.005969524  0.135706420  0.043026447
## 5070           Dppa2 -0.022051176  0.017886480 -0.002844175 -0.041318098
## 5071           Dppa3 -0.149167535  0.038744688 -0.068114995 -0.028941375
## 5072           Dppa4  0.020141602 -0.020190715 -0.017654897 -0.001482725
## 5073          Dppa5a  0.408081050  0.027885914  0.208935260 -0.087284565
## 5074             Dpt -1.582903900 -1.640045200 -1.499248500  0.825214400
## 5075         Dpy19l1  0.225025180  0.377751350  0.345394130 -0.234523300
## 5076         Dpy19l2 -0.057502270  0.106083390 -0.051093100  0.065478800
## 5077         Dpy19l3 -0.191279410 -0.172540660 -0.478344440 -0.088556770
## 5078         Dpy19l4  0.403229700  0.362989430  0.581905360 -0.178115370
## 5079           Dpy30  0.418085100  0.177135470 -0.099123955 -0.213171960
## 5080            Dpyd -0.013880730  0.000000000  0.048419476 -0.085224150
## 5081            Dpys  0.004701614  0.041715622  0.135924820 -0.060181618
## 5082          Dpysl2 -0.053382874  0.387245180 -0.016606330  0.355753900
## 5083          Dpysl3 -1.237309500 -1.159992700 -0.976704100  0.616856600
## 5084          Dpysl4 -0.019889355  0.200831890  0.174036980  0.189815520
## 5085          Dpysl5 -0.207532880 -0.138593200  0.000000000 -0.117159840
## 5086            Dqx1 -0.231051450  0.170059200 -0.104252815 -0.000522000
## 5087             Dr1 -0.223733900  0.087548256  0.507063870 -0.367404940
## 5088           Dram1 -0.337072850 -0.484691140 -0.363961220 -0.032943250
## 5089           Dram2  0.220485690  0.121571540 -0.015938759  0.087514880
## 5090           Drap1 -0.000040100  0.257034300  0.354829800 -0.011039734
## 5091          Draxin  0.000000000  0.026509285 -0.013005734 -0.006907940
## 5092            Drc1  0.000000000 -0.036819458 -0.005664349 -0.078413490
## 5093           Drd1a -0.229425430  0.125477790  0.159534450  0.075310710
## 5094            Drd2  0.022700310 -0.063449860 -0.017216682  0.105925560
## 5095            Drd3 -0.010135651  0.130839350 -0.007283211 -0.031952380
## 5096            Drd4 -0.046379090  0.032746790  0.187756060 -0.069943430
## 5097            Drd5  0.043524742  0.000000000  0.077954290 -0.184218880
## 5098            Drg1  0.020223618 -0.048593520  0.295281400  0.032347680
## 5099            Drg2  0.230912210 -0.014832974  0.623758800  0.096988680
## 5100          Drosha  0.544957160  0.472599980  0.498236660  0.206238750
## 5101            Drp2 -0.078170300 -0.129599570  0.066773415  0.092212680
## 5102            Dsc1  0.072928430 -0.027908802 -0.069845200 -0.008346081
## 5103            Dsc2 -0.035667420  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.015149593
## 5104            Dsc3  0.154277320  0.024907112  0.099663734 -0.104663370
## 5105           Dscam -0.039077282  0.117143630  0.000000000  0.128915790
## 5106         Dscaml1  0.000000000  0.053464890  0.024394989 -0.149406430
## 5107           Dscc1 -0.077056885 -0.379374980 -0.124598030 -0.200944420
## 5108           Dscr3 -0.365767480 -0.618420100  1.458608200 -0.154828550
## 5109             Dse -0.312605380 -0.346159460 -0.450563430 -0.757048600
## 5110            Dsel  0.509906300 -0.055396080  0.642545200  0.212369920
## 5111           Dsg1a -0.014348030  0.120240210 -0.001904011  0.000000000
## 5112           Dsg1b -0.057559967  0.057627200  0.081346035 -0.059519768
## 5113           Dsg1c  0.062869550  0.000000000 -0.017533780  0.244070050
## 5114            Dsg2 -0.045893192 -0.006068230  0.044395447 -0.048654556
## 5115            Dsg3 -0.013762951 -0.003205776  0.013105392 -0.021329880
## 5116            Dsg4  0.120733740 -0.002182961  0.010826111  0.000000000
## 5117            Dsn1  0.000977000 -0.329254630 -0.042971610 -0.196452620
## 5118             Dsp -0.147337914  0.235245945  0.084135532 -0.032970665
## 5119            Dspp -0.183539870  0.167943000 -0.017755985  0.071479320
## 5120             Dst  0.572091100  0.376747130  0.246891980  1.454885500
## 5121            Dstn  0.495424270  0.211641310  0.172515870 -0.467282300
## 5122           Dstyk -0.105850220 -0.171542170 -0.258387570  0.231041910
## 5123            Dtd1  0.469539640  0.586545000  0.448246960 -0.056789400
## 5124            Dtd2 -0.077524185  0.053658485 -0.098107815 -0.316339970
## 5125             Dtl -0.343739500 -0.244545460 -0.562305900  0.000000000
## 5126            Dtna -0.083281994  0.000000000 -0.019766330 -0.060758114
## 5127            Dtnb  0.372039800  0.326789380 -0.211286070 -0.022327423
## 5128          Dtnbp1 -0.252355580  0.191538330 -0.030221940  0.483660700
## 5129           Dtwd1 -0.520731450 -0.541300800 -0.428947450 -0.352881900
## 5130           Dtwd2  0.000000000  0.776459700  0.010603905 -0.061479570
## 5131            Dtx1 -0.151090150  0.001155853 -0.053182602 -0.055836678
## 5132            Dtx2 -0.055970670 -0.099716190  0.030869007  0.101178170
## 5133            Dtx3  0.020172596  0.240294460 -0.010182858  0.338989260
## 5134           Dtx3l -0.244706150  0.215671540 -0.373835560 -0.016357422
## 5135            Dtx4 -0.133317470  0.144052980 -0.065631870 -0.115225315
## 5136           Dtymk -0.058951855  0.074596405  0.094561580 -0.037521362
## 5137           Duox1 -0.020164490  0.099976540  0.001127243 -0.101932526
## 5138           Duox2 -0.083194256  0.014052391  0.059145927  0.029143333
## 5139          Duoxa1  0.000000000  0.245607850  0.103127000 -0.132927420
## 5140          Duoxa2  0.097055435  0.053967000  0.106057170 -0.006065369
## 5141           Dupd1 -0.019815922  0.075325010 -0.023831844  0.020903110
## 5142           Dus1l -0.010626316  0.076937675  0.000000000 -0.189348220
## 5143           Dus2l -0.222873690  0.000000000 -0.227707860 -0.106376170
## 5144           Dus3l  0.076289180  0.081071850  0.355217930 -0.027873993
## 5145           Dus4l  0.609663500  0.240406990 -0.613783360  0.026593685
## 5146           Dusp1  0.650697700 -0.626997950 -0.409406660  0.323750500
## 5147          Dusp10  0.000000000 -0.317069050  0.245095250 -0.926188950
## 5148          Dusp11  0.372226720 -0.040998460 -0.193254470 -0.046607018
## 5149          Dusp12 -0.109503746 -0.032903190  0.105432034 -0.065395594
## 5150          Dusp13 -0.036487103  0.000000000  0.031598090  0.011151314
## 5151          Dusp14  0.166727540 -0.044305800 -0.170062540  0.001404762
## 5152          Dusp15  0.000896000 -0.086080074 -0.029548645 -0.144036770
## 5153          Dusp16  0.551264760 -0.167124750  0.104827880  0.283745770
## 5154          Dusp18  0.423415180  0.564024450  0.239068030 -0.417244430
## 5155          Dusp19  0.187893390 -0.378249650  0.024142265  0.214717860
## 5156           Dusp2 -0.051840305 -0.317427160  0.049667835 -0.039858818
## 5157          Dusp21  0.012601376 -0.015573025  0.182060240  0.000000000
## 5158          Dusp22  0.965772600  1.073829700  1.253665000  0.992032050
## 5159          Dusp23  0.136651040  0.421111580  0.840849400 -0.276694770
## 5160          Dusp26 -0.252648830 -0.197206500 -0.276575100  0.000000000
## 5161          Dusp27  0.082149030  0.000000000  0.144577980  0.272185330
## 5162          Dusp28  0.185287000 -0.009455681  0.071985245  0.089776990
## 5163           Dusp3 -0.050853730  0.544387800 -0.399904250  0.321567540
## 5164           Dusp4 -0.125746730 -0.336334700 -0.085735800  0.000000000
## 5165           Dusp5 -0.093712330 -0.130583760  0.001115799 -0.070374010
## 5166           Dusp6  0.410650250  0.000000000 -0.126759530 -0.029923439
## 5167           Dusp7 -0.124361040  0.150510790  0.419844630  0.002717972
## 5168           Dusp9 -0.011722088  0.094099520 -0.024922848 -0.116763590
## 5169             Dut  0.061094284  0.046512127 -0.056090355 -0.047847748
## 5170             Dux -0.121592285 -0.008832455  0.006030798  0.080228805
## 5171          Duxbl1 -0.029669127  0.083442371  0.084643681  0.032791455
## 5172            Dvl1  0.081620220  0.050206184  0.018764019 -0.075137140
## 5173            Dvl2 -0.092154500  0.005754471  0.143754480  0.010678768
## 5174            Dvl3  0.051376343 -0.276249400  0.372795100 -0.085554600
## 5175         DXBay18  0.122709750  0.137382982  0.124463398 -0.158106647
## 5176           Dydc1 -0.004998207  0.032313824 -0.111554146 -0.147519110
## 5177           Dydc2 -0.053888320 -0.023043156  0.068109990  0.231261730
## 5178             Dym  0.080969330  0.000000000  0.147223000 -0.099784374
## 5179         Dync1h1  0.194175720  0.275257100  0.281185150  0.260588650
## 5180         Dync1i1  0.418148040  0.170598030  0.213373660  0.019999504
## 5181         Dync1i2  0.237004280  0.130751610 -0.042198180  0.007828712
## 5182        Dync1li1  0.335041050  0.228438380 -0.219543460  0.377453800
## 5183        Dync1li2  0.176606415  0.380843410  0.136379480  0.229115011
## 5184         Dync2h1 -0.025125980 -0.128700730 -0.192738530 -0.111286160
## 5185        Dync2li1  0.258761400  0.150780200 -0.092805386  0.591917500
## 5186          Dynll1  0.331979750  0.152663230  0.133861540 -0.325313570
## 5187          Dynll2 -0.000550000 -0.512963300  0.402590750 -0.141580580
## 5188         Dynlrb1  0.221607210  0.297466280  0.386454580 -0.057729720
## 5189         Dynlrb2 -0.033010960 -0.085195540  0.025966167 -0.114743230
## 5190         Dynlt1a -0.539639500 -0.488653180  0.177669530 -0.515798570
## 5191         Dynlt1c -0.555581100 -0.441081050  0.387637140 -0.360369680
## 5192          Dynlt3  0.237790110  0.272521970  0.106287000  0.022996902
## 5193          Dyrk1a -0.180643320 -0.150510305 -0.040895225  0.132376195
## 5194          Dyrk1b  0.000000000  0.002516270 -0.395225050  0.178473950
## 5195           Dyrk2 -0.394639015 -0.414281850 -0.752181050 -0.399001835
## 5196           Dyrk3 -0.219462870 -0.022739410 -0.020405293  0.019385815
## 5197           Dyrk4  0.020420074 -0.090652940 -0.063722610 -0.128339290
## 5198            Dysf -0.635568140 -0.501029000 -0.097290990  1.315707200
## 5199            Dytn  0.085160255  0.027419567  0.026677132  0.170233250
## 5200          Dyx1c1 -0.001749516  0.210052970 -0.036574364 -0.135161880
## 5201          Dzank1  0.020576954  0.000484000  0.000000000 -0.030648708
## 5202           Dzip1 -0.155494450 -0.007794857 -0.101078035 -0.066173794
## 5203          Dzip1l -0.044848442 -0.210505490  0.127820970 -0.011177063
## 5204           Dzip3  0.031348230 -0.471020700  0.028409481 -0.513594600
## 5205   E030002O03Rik  0.351576800  0.000000000 -0.007679939  0.161354540
## 5206   E030011O05Rik  2.106875400  0.112711430  0.382994650 -0.133356570
## 5207   E030019B06Rik -0.045392513  0.058780670  0.081677910  0.007318497
## 5208   E030047D23Rik  0.074570180  0.000000000  0.646491050  0.015311718
## 5209   E130006D01Rik -0.029870987 -0.076459885  0.019137860 -0.172500610
## 5210   E130012A19Rik -0.052387714  0.019273281  0.082108020  0.000000000
## 5211   E130114P18Rik -0.037822723 -0.086820600  0.109028340 -0.042877674
## 5212   E130201H02Rik  0.010116577 -0.000057200  0.163493160 -0.113125800
## 5213   E130308A19Rik -0.011923790 -0.238755700 -0.052097320  0.243471150
## 5214   E130309D02Rik  0.018113135  0.000171185  0.072482110 -0.049333332
## 5215   E130309D14Rik -0.093229770  0.202846530  0.128895760 -0.092509270
## 5216   E130309F12Rik  0.283123500  0.060967922  0.119893074 -0.088705060
## 5217   E130311K13Rik -0.318724160  0.178182600  0.008397579 -0.164750100
## 5218   E230001N04Rik -0.066867830 -0.132052900  0.081587315 -0.206803800
## 5219   E230008N13Rik -0.047767005  0.000786445 -0.021327566 -0.030991536
## 5220   E230019M04Rik -0.081982610  0.097090720  0.053582670 -0.061988354
## 5221   E230025N22Rik -0.063677310 -0.010520458  0.065732480 -0.054255962
## 5222            E2f1 -0.154750820 -0.022768497  0.149471280 -0.000645000
## 5223            E2f2 -0.200585370  0.016745567  0.100990770 -0.134936810
## 5224            E2f3 -0.086770773 -0.012613774  0.161705970 -0.134154795
## 5225            E2f4 -0.189826490 -0.074043274  0.266950600 -0.219991680
## 5226            E2f5  0.780204800  0.394819740  0.441735270  0.310663220
## 5227            E2f6  0.359232430 -0.384287830 -0.229554180  0.156536580
## 5228            E2f7  0.260365000 -0.065448284 -0.026502132  0.533222200
## 5229            E2f8 -0.280009270 -0.288312440 -0.144123550  0.215315820
## 5230   E330009J07Rik  0.136597630  0.046881200  0.077259060 -0.331132900
## 5231   E330012B07Rik  0.000000000 -0.047312737  0.130237580 -0.075650215
## 5232   E330013P04Rik  0.000000000 -0.044881820 -0.011704445 -0.112533570
## 5233   E330014E10Rik -0.000906242 -0.072574234  0.021024847  0.050425339
## 5234   E330017A01Rik -0.051861763 -0.004609585 -0.002430439  0.007386208
## 5235   E330021D16Rik -0.045878887 -0.024009228  0.321357730  0.146351340
## 5236   E330027M22Rik  0.004194260  0.023499489 -0.118008610  0.088563920
## 5237   E330034G19Rik -0.027056694  0.047447680  0.043636800  0.000706000
## 5238   E330037G11Rik  0.053592205 -0.096463200 -0.008339405  0.051985264
## 5239   E430018J23Rik  0.000000000  0.001772404  0.293155200  0.190786840
## 5240   E430025E21Rik -0.129869460  0.146036150 -0.029192924  0.309380530
## 5241            E4f1  0.182654380  0.057678223 -0.024525166 -0.012506008
## 5242            Eaf1  0.139360430  0.533085800  0.454464900  0.149770740
## 5243            Eaf2 -0.081265930  0.026405334 -0.009787083  0.069355490
## 5244            Eapp  0.000740000 -0.001943588  0.246632580  0.162146570
## 5245            Ear1 -0.128181697 -0.058882714  0.011271715  0.040248870
## 5246           Ear10 -0.080184937 -0.019092798  0.091874120  0.121526955
## 5247           Ear11 -0.018453121  0.013204575  0.028624058  0.032361507
## 5248           Ear14  0.131186960  0.025729656  0.075575830  0.121138570
## 5249            Ear2  0.000000000 -0.148937230  0.126808170  0.577091700
## 5250            Ear5 -0.036161423 -0.040317060 -0.025428772  0.012384892
## 5251            Ear6  0.040883064 -0.006240845 -0.118078710 -0.051954746
## 5252           Ears2 -0.021547318 -0.074566364 -0.160843850 -0.012553692
## 5253           Ebag9 -0.287587170 -0.430840020 -0.136594770  0.156922340
## 5254            Ebf1  0.973537450  0.795228000  0.745206830  0.527560230
## 5255            Ebf2 -0.034666300  0.029719113 -0.059123993  0.064375115
## 5256            Ebf3 -0.440789220 -0.254159930  0.000000000  2.512221800
## 5257            Ebf4 -0.042885303  0.073656560 -0.030710220  0.002363682
## 5258            Ebi3  0.001102448 -0.326442720 -0.245332720 -0.012204170
## 5259        Ebna1bp2  0.021168709 -0.054116250  0.326628680  0.052363396
## 5260             Ebp -0.247535230 -0.408977030 -0.185228820 -0.273112770
## 5261            Ebpl  0.223668100  0.100325584  1.109862300  0.055471420
## 5262             Ecd -0.065598965  0.023030281 -0.129684450  0.012904167
## 5263            Ece1  0.122844696  0.397768020  0.419341100 -0.048924446
## 5264            Ece2 -0.117125274  0.004309893  0.001200676 -0.069840668
## 5265           Ecel1  0.097845080  0.012402058  0.220693590 -0.054927826
## 5266            Ech1  0.416447640  0.765780450  0.688014030  0.037374496
## 5267          Echdc1  0.577993870  0.077651024  0.538994800  0.192389970
## 5268          Echdc2 -0.098643780  0.201917170 -0.132800100 -0.031892776
## 5269          Echdc3  0.003673077 -0.007314682  0.160017490 -0.036489010
## 5270           Echs1 -0.239924910 -0.062295437  0.038342476 -0.227305890
## 5271            Eci1  0.000000000  0.670393470  0.731275100  0.252579200
## 5272            Eci2  0.718276000  0.412385940  0.932024960 -0.273581500
## 5273            Ecm1  0.144910810  0.315669060  0.488428120  0.406364440
## 5274            Ecm2  0.887691500  0.864295000  0.618267060  1.445428800
## 5275           Ecscr -0.754225730 -0.676548960 -0.655928600  0.464408870
## 5276           Ecsit  0.050172330  0.025432587  0.263199330  0.062748910
## 5277            Ect2 -0.490146640 -0.339509000 -0.346932900 -0.120129110
## 5278             Eda  0.000000000 -0.065654755 -0.068179610  0.485548020
## 5279           Eda2r -0.158875470 -0.101150510 -0.146506790  0.407497400
## 5280            Edar  0.023822308  0.071833130 -0.034090996  0.013115406
## 5281         Edaradd  0.105409145  0.000000000  0.014611244 -0.124972820
## 5282            Edc3 -0.147036550  0.203956600 -0.343956000  0.394656180
## 5283            Edc4 -0.018106460  0.377475260  0.154442310  0.255136000
## 5284          Eddm3b  0.000000000 -0.005471230  0.026027203  0.023712158
## 5285           Edem1  0.024463654 -0.580350400  0.000000000 -0.053779602
## 5286           Edem2  0.257033350 -0.016865253  0.195634840 -0.216847420
## 5287           Edem3  0.217849730  0.113246920  0.183587070 -0.168999670
## 5288            Edf1  0.004620552  0.137022020  0.388090130 -0.040570260
## 5289           Edil3 -0.023038387 -0.040198803  0.000000000 -0.041997433
## 5290            Edn1  1.565675700  1.555313100  0.780534740  0.000000000
## 5291            Edn2  0.028402328 -0.156569000  0.029404163 -0.059921740
## 5292            Edn3  1.369650800  1.895503500  2.317787600  0.067831040
## 5293           Ednra -0.156744000 -0.120588780  0.046918870  0.145842550
## 5294           Ednrb -2.045542700 -2.959183200 -3.073932200  0.000000000
## 5295            Eea1  0.023186684 -0.011763573 -0.086252210  0.375206950
## 5296             Eed  0.167330025 -0.104724408 -0.063948390 -0.246504305
## 5297          Eef1a1 -0.190775870 -0.140051840  0.000000000  0.031372070
## 5298          Eef1a2  0.015310288 -0.020771027  0.045445442  0.231651780
## 5299          Eef1b2 -0.037129402  0.059302330 -0.252012250 -0.007361412
## 5300           Eef1d -0.204746250 -0.005323410 -0.025815964 -0.151390080
## 5301          Eef1e1 -0.241648670 -1.619863000 -0.699425700 -1.131844000
## 5302           Eef1g -0.517943400 -0.252727030  0.079036710  0.358671200
## 5303            Eef2 -0.207516670 -0.006786346 -0.018871307  0.130464550
## 5304           Eef2k -0.267333030  0.107747555  0.094281200 -0.158525470
## 5305          Eefsec  0.148807050 -0.308695800 -0.132473470  0.324255000
## 5306           Eepd1 -0.124889850 -0.254418370 -0.424423220  2.016067500
## 5307          Efcab1 -0.056476593  0.015923023  0.076745030 -0.027593613
## 5308         Efcab10  0.004698277  0.059629917  0.067174435  0.049753666
## 5309         Efcab11 -0.057200430 -0.070044520 -0.037979126  0.075871944
## 5310         Efcab12 -0.012115002 -0.066156864 -0.021462440  0.016053200
## 5311         Efcab14  0.293493270  0.332479480  0.219649310  0.227719300
## 5312          Efcab2 -0.391814700  0.157224660  1.063707400 -0.907609000
## 5313          Efcab3  0.127625940  0.049404144  0.010844231  0.057759760
## 5314         Efcab4a  0.080254555  0.171981810  0.082542420  0.000000000
## 5315         Efcab4b -0.032899380 -0.278204440  0.102221010 -0.127150060
## 5316          Efcab5  0.079344270  0.010086536  0.150853630  0.055662632
## 5317          Efcab6  0.007318974 -0.035434723  0.010336876  0.046164036
## 5318          Efcab7  0.057257652 -0.062866210  1.139051900  0.365563870
## 5319          Efcab9 -0.093052864 -0.081143856 -0.018346786 -0.091496944
## 5320           Efcc1 -0.032398939 -0.002543688  0.057891846 -0.074652434
## 5321          Efemp1 -0.449786660 -0.612964150 -0.533978000  0.043942930
## 5322          Efemp2  0.798825260  0.715160370  1.053373300 -0.008596420
## 5323            Efhb -0.008056641 -0.089115620 -0.016638279  0.003421307
## 5324           Efhc1 -0.012337208  0.146094800  0.006142616  0.165689470
## 5325           Efhc2  2.825635000  2.385543800  2.688202000 -0.159421440
## 5326           Efhd1 -0.233247280 -0.118954180 -0.530652050 -0.174319270
## 5327           Efhd2 -0.123743534 -0.295235630 -0.399200440 -0.388926500
## 5328           Efna1 -0.758906840  0.190093040 -0.099044800  0.677707700
## 5329           Efna2  0.060871600  0.014703274  0.124329090  0.154304500
## 5330           Efna3  0.956226825  1.372093415  0.805714600  0.200867655
## 5331           Efna4 -0.027734280  0.223168850  0.017037392  0.097238540
## 5332           Efna5 -0.304815300 -0.219715600 -0.194300650  0.274470330
## 5333           Efnb1  0.113960266 -0.049262047 -0.571863200  1.047546400
## 5334           Efnb2 -0.558815960 -0.795053500 -0.690806400  0.318756100
## 5335           Efnb3 -0.021067620 -0.109683040  0.069525240 -0.072798730
## 5336           Efr3a  0.111032486  0.113198280 -0.006291390  0.073404310
## 5337           Efr3b  1.587446200  2.082517600  1.834300000  1.074394200
## 5338             Efs -0.113193510 -0.123459816  0.007886410  0.067439556
## 5339          Eftud1 -0.174426560  0.171308520  0.000000000 -0.016830444
## 5340          Eftud2  0.655254360  0.430179600  0.633798600 -0.017701149
## 5341             Egf -0.038923740  0.019881248  0.021886349 -0.154239650
## 5342          Egfem1  0.006355763 -0.036201477 -0.095952034 -0.041130066
## 5343           Egfl6 -0.073437690 -0.064966680 -0.063058380 -0.015568733
## 5344           Egfl7 -0.190656660  0.115126610  0.196851730  0.414429660
## 5345           Egfl8  0.293617250  0.602271100  0.670391100 -0.131651880
## 5346          Egflam  1.001459100  0.954067700  0.341080670 -0.137650010
## 5347            Egfr -0.175560000 -0.082709310 -0.119680880 -0.132847310
## 5348           Egln1  0.499185560  0.597278600  0.426125530  1.074132900
## 5349           Egln2  0.297019000  0.303314200  0.229663850  0.044168472
## 5350           Egln3 -0.298130040 -0.246392250 -0.347539900  0.000000000
## 5351            Egr1  0.703119750  0.000000000  0.194079880  1.809908400
## 5352            Egr2  0.742097400  0.021768093  0.000000000  0.208671570
## 5353            Egr3  0.099549770  0.007799149  0.155214310  0.058679580
## 5354            Egr4  0.067809105  0.029453754 -0.079367160  0.047226906
## 5355           Ehbp1  0.245322700  0.135654450 -0.232991220  0.086796760
## 5356         Ehbp1l1 -0.109925270  0.053788662  0.252838130 -0.041567802
## 5357            Ehd1 -0.499546050 -0.499529840 -0.748579000  0.647356030
## 5358            Ehd2  0.000000000 -0.103551865 -0.481148720  1.232999800
## 5359            Ehd3  0.236765860  0.192904000 -0.028358460 -0.093921660
## 5360            Ehd4 -1.459957100 -0.855042460 -0.729800200 -0.886406900
## 5361             Ehf -0.060053350 -0.082592964  0.000000000 -0.031105518
## 5362          Ehhadh -0.026304245  0.000000000 -0.312102320 -0.205139160
## 5363           Ehmt1 -0.202200890  0.196701530  0.321600440  0.304293160
## 5364           Ehmt2 -0.182060240 -0.098598960  0.128650190  0.047218800
## 5365            Ei24  0.250363350  0.443891530  0.415474900 -0.069704056
## 5366            Eid1  0.224086760  0.170546530  0.288440700  0.000000000
## 5367            Eid2  0.256668570  0.780157100  0.360005860  0.172800540
## 5368           Eid2b  0.573981300  0.537055970  0.692233100  0.235338210
## 5369            Eid3  0.047443867 -0.943281650 -1.941299000  0.311296000
## 5370            Eif1  0.135629020 -0.179127055 -0.101779939 -0.075902303
## 5371           Eif1a -0.032916070 -0.111278534  0.149188040 -0.187447070
## 5372          Eif1ad -0.031265260  0.743289950  0.927233700 -0.407217030
## 5373          Eif1ax  0.000301000 -0.157944680 -0.085269930 -0.679525400
## 5374           Eif1b  0.000000000 -0.074418070 -0.108445170 -0.312305450
## 5375           Eif2a -0.094967840  0.082379340  0.125881200 -0.018815994
## 5376         Eif2ak1 -0.012089729 -0.029865265 -0.027565956 -0.262137400
## 5377         Eif2ak2  0.493985180  0.166725160  0.177075390  0.173809050
## 5378         Eif2ak3  0.163834570 -0.793574330 -0.291233540 -0.356690880
## 5379         Eif2ak4  0.483421330 -0.031311990  0.474037170  0.236367230
## 5380          Eif2b1  0.118520260  0.288299080 -0.246476650 -0.607012750
## 5381          Eif2b2  0.078440666  0.067861080  0.637777300 -0.407358170
## 5382          Eif2b3 -0.191760060  0.006176472  0.558962800  0.068936825
## 5383          Eif2b4  0.001499653  0.371417050 -0.115755560  0.022975922
## 5384          Eif2b5  0.095375540  0.607766600  0.328696730 -0.034039497
## 5385           Eif2d  0.182703020 -0.009556294 -0.152673240  0.010606289
## 5386          Eif2s1 -0.301646230 -0.317285540  0.329044340  0.000000000
## 5387          Eif2s2  0.014351845 -0.164505959  0.130956170 -0.243375780
## 5388         Eif2s3x -0.237941740  0.000000000  0.512732500 -0.197142600
## 5389         Eif2s3y  0.286182400  0.141141890 -0.111006740  0.167967800
## 5390           Eif3a  0.079213140  0.123787880 -0.021396637  0.109646800
## 5391           Eif3b -0.442902570 -0.230589870  0.035574913 -0.028393745
## 5392           Eif3c -0.010347367  0.082312110  0.168482780 -0.001805306
## 5393           Eif3d -0.148873330  0.108922960  0.010875702 -0.015226364
## 5394           Eif3e  0.399277700 -0.034740448 -0.045405388  0.081205370
## 5395           Eif3f  0.061302185  0.323371900  0.155977250 -0.003785133
## 5396           Eif3g -0.133085250  0.230629920  0.466692920  0.000000000
## 5397           Eif3h  0.000070100  0.078846933  0.115431308 -0.062421083
## 5398           Eif3i -0.133131980  0.126400950  0.055620193 -0.346961020
## 5399          Eif3j1  0.052998066 -0.009618282 -0.112078668 -0.066558360
## 5400           Eif3k  0.064492226  0.130573270 -0.207553860 -0.030670166
## 5401           Eif3l -0.045925140 -0.007221222  0.000000000 -0.314322470
## 5402           Eif3m -0.289741513 -0.144431590 -0.279681210 -0.051055430
## 5403          Eif4a1 -0.154377617 -0.529100730 -0.438774107 -0.486158373
## 5404          Eif4a2  0.324129100  0.154421800  0.034950256 -0.035970688
## 5405          Eif4a3 -0.127864200  0.125254313 -0.022398630 -0.070650737
## 5406           Eif4b -0.211597440  0.000000000 -0.216181760  0.163573270
## 5407           Eif4e  0.125273225  0.176391125  0.103501795 -0.301017760
## 5408         Eif4e1b  0.162803412  0.082226751 -0.023069859  0.165524010
## 5409          Eif4e2 -0.328945160 -0.206826210 -0.224660870 -0.060287476
## 5410          Eif4e3 -0.774425500 -0.657902700 -1.122046500  0.238829610
## 5411        Eif4ebp1 -0.099709034 -0.080749510  0.237535950 -0.201343060
## 5412        Eif4ebp2 -0.023429870 -0.053338050  0.055805683  0.411458020
## 5413        Eif4ebp3  0.140311240  0.000000000 -0.215867040 -0.170896050
## 5414       Eif4enif1 -0.002673149  0.037300110  0.103108406  0.211418150
## 5415          Eif4g1  0.152359010 -0.034839630  0.198622700 -0.062443733
## 5416          Eif4g2  0.126839640  0.101580620  0.005555153 -0.029697418
## 5417          Eif4g3 -0.033294678  0.021174430  0.248530390  0.190499300
## 5418           Eif4h  0.254686360  0.108884810  0.288269040  0.000000000
## 5419            Eif5  0.154133800 -0.091584206 -0.282157900 -0.120462420
## 5420           Eif5a  0.048266411 -0.208682530  0.131949902 -0.255228993
## 5421          Eif5a2 -0.023413181  0.317096230 -0.006524563  0.058647156
## 5422           Eif5b -0.046517372 -0.006220818  0.048956870  0.151591300
## 5423            Eif6 -0.165278430  0.084081170  0.312365060 -0.186861520
## 5424           Elac1 -0.296168800  0.413795950  0.482640740  0.259177680
## 5425           Elac2 -0.106947900  0.146700380 -0.041242123  0.038795948
## 5426           Elane -0.081113340 -0.035673620  0.094744680 -0.004610539
## 5427          Elavl1 -0.034553528  0.000000000  0.215686800 -0.077735900
## 5428          Elavl2  0.036074160  0.018336296  0.017801762 -0.045764923
## 5429          Elavl4  0.104274750 -0.002672672 -0.022796630  0.101251125
## 5430            Elf1 -0.084943770 -0.056620598 -0.084754944 -0.031793594
## 5431            Elf2  0.062286616 -0.015297890  0.004620314 -0.083884003
## 5432            Elf3  0.042510033  0.003840923  0.114991190  0.069300175
## 5433            Elf4 -0.807403804 -0.768414000 -0.874343390  0.211467982
## 5434            Elf5  0.111513615 -0.044020176 -0.034469128  0.015474796
## 5435           Elfn1 -0.054976940 -0.168830400  0.000000000 -0.090101240
## 5436           Elfn2 -0.020249845  0.043262721 -0.044065954 -0.144701237
## 5437            Elk1  0.269480700  0.444918630 -0.104995730  0.391311650
## 5438            Elk3 -0.100035670  0.000000000  0.199355130  0.758629800
## 5439            Elk4  0.000000000  0.126562120 -0.026678085  0.419445040
## 5440             Ell -0.029117107  0.115094185 -0.039262770 -0.019438744
## 5441            Ell2  0.263314250 -0.069101330 -0.153258320 -0.415164000
## 5442            Ell3  0.049940110 -0.074672220  0.121757984 -0.098421100
## 5443           Elmo1 -0.045743942 -0.286586760 -0.170992850  0.116573334
## 5444           Elmo2 -0.002969265  0.476000800  0.423646930  0.175090310
## 5445           Elmo3  0.081872460 -0.035694122  0.052350520 -0.093761920
## 5446          Elmod1  0.104308605 -0.038612366  0.028223038  0.046988964
## 5447          Elmod2  0.188264850 -0.075703620  0.186488150  0.209122660
## 5448          Elmod3  0.000000000  0.482302200  0.136749270 -0.216009140
## 5449         Elmsan1 -0.260498050 -0.165454860  0.147320270  0.175837520
## 5450             Eln -0.133960250  0.000000000 -0.130019190 -0.024600983
## 5451           Elof1 -0.286857130 -0.091440200  0.393767360 -0.127375600
## 5452          Elovl1 -0.058734894 -0.366354000  0.271392820  0.091683390
## 5453          Elovl2  0.015398502 -0.083041190 -0.068988800 -0.187369350
## 5454          Elovl3  0.008718491 -0.096946240  0.022797108 -0.063988686
## 5455          Elovl4 -0.017877102  0.011331081  0.212601660 -0.017630100
## 5456          Elovl5  0.035764694 -0.531538960  0.000000000  0.217226980
## 5457          Elovl6 -0.697500700 -0.450295450  0.525278100 -0.266250600
## 5458          Elovl7  3.627529100  3.327003500  3.226544400 -1.963063700
## 5459            Elp2 -0.003977299  0.652039050 -0.042763233 -0.005739212
## 5460            Elp3 -0.029304504  0.301970480 -0.617421150  0.431880950
## 5461            Elp4  0.177593940  0.071213720 -0.204176905  0.337343210
## 5462            Elp5 -0.001768112  0.064107895  0.437498100 -0.322143080
## 5463            Elp6  0.060003280 -0.062073708  0.182270530 -0.179637430
## 5464           Eltd1  0.529548650  0.343517300  0.603501300  0.144720080
## 5465             Emb -0.420794230 -0.375127547 -0.441251274 -0.481317040
## 5466           Emc10  0.001264572  0.175656800  0.501528740  0.059812070
## 5467            Emc2  0.382802960  0.308542250  0.243650440  0.274420740
## 5468            Emc3 -0.021523476  0.241548540  0.441220280  0.103524210
## 5469            Emc4  0.092013360 -0.067933080  0.487418170 -0.217528340
## 5470            Emc6  0.449209700 -0.008950710  0.141680240 -0.081421850
## 5471            Emc7  0.119116780  0.129608150  0.104073524 -0.171115880
## 5472            Emc8  0.233237270 -0.105378630  0.192916870  0.322077270
## 5473            Emc9 -0.098552230  0.674124700  0.323386200 -0.280229570
## 5474            Emcn  0.440618520  0.280838000  0.150416370  0.516561500
## 5475             Emd  0.635320660 -0.124003410  0.578519800 -0.236054900
## 5476            Eme1  0.052893160 -0.041438580 -0.017651558  0.114970684
## 5477            Eme2 -0.486064900  0.059194565 -0.150301930 -0.143192290
## 5478            Emg1 -0.000224000 -0.043293000 -0.063224790 -0.085016250
## 5479           Emid1 -0.123590470  0.002191544  0.000000000  0.112648010
## 5480         Emilin1 -0.213159080 -0.027296066 -0.135181430  0.022129059
## 5481         Emilin2 -0.101883890 -0.121712210 -0.242084980 -0.088575360
## 5482         Emilin3  0.047594547  0.026570320  0.178890230 -0.051944256
## 5483            Eml1  0.384099000  0.202030180  0.467109680  0.454240800
## 5484            Eml2  0.265595440  0.336448670  0.347348200 -0.129698280
## 5485            Eml3  0.090278625  0.247344020  0.018967152  0.096322060
## 5486            Eml4  0.073819160  0.248013500  0.127613070 -0.281819340
## 5487            Eml5  0.253282310  0.102554085  0.005803405 -0.068159343
## 5488            Eml6  0.318090440  0.385707860  0.203253750 -0.097893240
## 5489            Emp1 -0.497014050 -0.245820520 -1.081327900  0.867258550
## 5490            Emp2  1.336982700  1.308150300  1.101745600  1.229666700
## 5491            Emp3 -0.964333530 -0.931746000 -0.321784970 -0.515927800
## 5492            Emr1 -0.135372160 -0.083480835  0.122542380 -0.011563301
## 5493            Emr4  0.055960180 -0.070909500  0.000000000 -0.116629600
## 5494            Emx1  0.052201270  0.128744130  0.095458984  0.156507490
## 5495            Emx2 -0.059317112  0.000000000  0.108160970 -0.144675250
## 5496             En1 -0.135508540 -0.155595780 -0.047906876  0.083173275
## 5497             En2 -0.004095554 -0.126184460  0.238704200  0.000000000
## 5498            Enah  0.638844500  0.622528100  0.341485980  1.519365300
## 5499            Enam -0.058281900 -0.090916160  0.152266980  0.006207466
## 5500            Enc1  0.983705040  1.597845600  1.708468900 -0.138056280
## 5501          Endod1 -0.003397465  0.007083893  0.094222546  0.000000000
## 5502           Endog  0.046154022 -0.105362890  0.399082180 -0.304240230
## 5503           Endou -0.448131080 -0.280564790 -0.596423600  0.306989670
## 5504           Endov  0.165308000  0.011772156 -0.028795242  0.066580770
## 5505             Eng  0.138827320  0.168151860  0.111740110  0.330824850
## 5506          Engase -0.083866599 -0.036932705  0.114254714  0.020887613
## 5507            Enho -0.036153793  0.017151356  0.017151356  0.144146920
## 5508           Enkd1  0.172409060  0.129182340 -0.115365505 -0.055563927
## 5509           Enkur -0.036705017  0.165922160  0.016920090  0.616385940
## 5510            Eno1 -0.062923433  0.374818807  0.434876123 -0.792313580
## 5511            Eno2 -0.020847320  0.067885400  0.161969180 -0.084275720
## 5512            Eno3  0.408836360  0.132266520 -0.117521286 -0.230620380
## 5513            Eno4 -0.073479650  0.000000000 -0.036285877  0.169990060
## 5514          Enoph1 -0.112409590  0.097088340  0.459900860  0.147384170
## 5515           Enox1 -0.025163889 -0.021958828  0.195687290  0.045155049
## 5516           Enox2 -0.009154320  0.000000000  0.170094010  0.392395500
## 5517           Enpep -0.444515230 -0.054934500 -0.262559900 -0.001264572
## 5518           Enpp1 -0.422973160 -0.321526050 -0.201827050 -0.532402500
## 5519           Enpp2  1.176924700  1.203675300  1.272109000 -0.034940720
## 5520           Enpp3 -0.046842575 -0.087866310 -0.333721160  2.821334800
## 5521           Enpp4  0.121928215  0.217106820  0.058927536  0.088645935
## 5522           Enpp5 -0.085145950  0.219119070  0.367452620 -0.148013110
## 5523           Enpp6 -0.333714000 -0.127128120 -0.285789000  0.000000000
## 5524           Enpp7  0.018228054 -0.071926594  0.049627780 -0.234702590
## 5525            Ensa  0.442070960  0.332648280  0.636128400  0.026013374
## 5526          Enthd1  0.000000000  0.088669780  0.168105130  0.269687180
## 5527          Enthd2 -0.085776806 -0.031948090  0.004070759  0.082380295
## 5528          Entpd1  0.000000000  0.130397800  0.436089520 -0.522552500
## 5529          Entpd2 -0.249238490 -0.003225803  0.109243390  0.172949310
## 5530          Entpd3 -0.120674610  0.015721321  0.011282921  0.000000000
## 5531          Entpd4 -0.279676440 -0.010502815  0.029201508  0.014305115
## 5532          Entpd5  0.169631960  0.137170790 -0.151449680 -0.242471220
## 5533          Entpd6 -0.210984700 -0.042120457 -0.035696030  0.000822000
## 5534          Entpd7 -0.614261150 -0.252400880  0.114207745 -0.028309345
## 5535          Entpd8  0.150842190  0.039342880 -0.150227550  0.096698284
## 5536            Eny2 -0.183920860 -0.194067000  0.159239770  0.000000000
## 5537            Eogt  1.522438000  1.482174900  1.386841800 -0.115727425
## 5538           Eomes -0.016002655 -0.190106390  0.012395859  0.141993050
## 5539           Ep300  0.190176960 -0.016362190 -0.019305230  0.000000000
## 5540           Ep400  0.062581060  0.021361351 -0.088653564  0.246603010
## 5541           Epas1  0.523527150  0.669734950  0.696029660  0.204241750
## 5542          Epb4.1 -0.045416832 -0.175301550 -0.392423630  0.495921130
## 5543        Epb4.1l1 -0.029391766 -0.072167400 -0.170264240  0.174071790
## 5544        Epb4.1l2 -0.267578120 -0.099450110 -0.216647150  0.299145700
## 5545        Epb4.1l3 -0.207678800 -0.227807040 -0.092798710 -0.170005800
## 5546       Epb4.1l4a  0.000000000  0.056085587  0.023327827  1.222987700
## 5547       Epb4.1l4b -0.100400925  0.017606258 -0.046980858 -0.034629820
## 5548        Epb4.1l5 -0.308210850 -0.069529530  0.151062010  0.370348930
## 5549          Epb4.2  0.039296150  0.049357890 -0.012754440  0.021353245
## 5550            Epc1  0.230780600  0.128193860 -0.088898660 -0.092852590
## 5551            Epc2  0.221830370  0.084228516  0.157651900  0.126972200
## 5552           Epcam -0.129179480 -0.118797780 -0.064804554  0.000000000
## 5553           Epdr1  0.146593570  0.107751850  0.307136060 -0.147244930
## 5554            Epg5  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.040971756 -0.062645435
## 5555            Epgn -0.015326977 -0.155964850  0.170737740 -0.017028809
## 5556           Epha1 -0.163963800 -0.127322670 -0.020509720  0.104116920
## 5557          Epha10 -0.019640446  0.014373779  0.081602570  0.023285866
## 5558           Epha2 -0.043917656  0.000000000 -0.084187030  0.057372093
## 5559           Epha3  0.004312515  0.109027386  0.247015000 -0.056337357
## 5560           Epha4  0.869139700  0.733424200  0.669412600  0.694319700
## 5561           Epha5  0.000000000 -0.025911808  0.000000000  0.023123741
## 5562           Epha6 -0.065894130 -0.016666412  0.000000000  0.011196613
## 5563           Epha7  0.830417160  0.246019360  0.475681300  0.113652230
## 5564           Epha8 -0.001842976  0.165754800  0.180007930 -0.069909096
## 5565           Ephb1 -0.263553860 -0.422613140 -0.146710155  1.213744650
## 5566           Ephb2  0.174356460  0.064067364  0.215691570  0.006515503
## 5567           Ephb3  0.074976444  0.093840120  0.000000000  0.027658463
## 5568           Ephb4 -0.287239550 -0.038802147  0.018166542  0.702818900
## 5569           Ephb6 -0.109932420 -0.069357870  0.165664670  0.019499302
## 5570           Ephx1  0.306954380  0.415110600 -0.203973770 -0.235219960
## 5571           Ephx2 -0.004990578 -0.114572050 -0.045721530  0.048341274
## 5572           Ephx3 -0.014113426 -0.124104980  0.000000000 -0.068498135
## 5573           Ephx4 -0.084972860 -0.128993510  0.011406422  0.035390854
## 5574           Epm2a  1.042567700  0.196776870  0.205272200  0.022518635
## 5575        Epm2aip1  0.000000000  0.144268990  0.550119400  0.101221085
## 5576            Epn1 -0.193473820 -0.103665350 -0.311533930  0.103178024
## 5577            Epn2  0.087256430  0.317009930  0.403088570  0.287439350
## 5578            Epn3 -0.096287730  0.142388340  0.142274380 -0.152606010
## 5579             Epo  0.000000000  0.080359936 -0.085948470  0.001531124
## 5580            Epor  0.024303436 -0.007194042 -0.078994274 -0.042047500
## 5581           Eppin -0.027528286  0.061664580  0.184200290 -0.039189340
## 5582           Eppk1  0.021080970  0.105863570  0.000000000  0.024546623
## 5583            Eprs  0.024476051 -0.047455788  0.094104770 -0.202850340
## 5584           Eps15 -0.009097099  0.000000000 -0.304898260 -0.275067330
## 5585         Eps15l1  0.097650530  0.111272810 -0.058047295  0.319140430
## 5586            Eps8  1.714778000  0.934628500  1.275585200  0.190159320
## 5587          Eps8l1  0.122574330 -0.056567192  0.000000000  0.186524870
## 5588          Eps8l2  0.831338400  0.970391750  0.685514000  0.061035156
## 5589          Eps8l3  0.336664905  0.514262435  0.572731965  0.080300809
## 5590          Epsti1 -0.154536720 -0.198830600 -0.123480800  0.234496600
## 5591            Ept1 -0.062721250 -0.469373230 -0.175274850  0.112922670
## 5592             Epx -0.096935270 -0.001875877  0.080450535  0.094323635
## 5593            Epyc  0.000000000  0.058883667 -0.080904484 -0.014169216
## 5594            Eqtn  0.194864750 -0.057800770 -0.066951275 -0.017626286
## 5595           Eral1 -0.226348400  0.050980568  0.674376500  0.284643650
## 5596           Erap1 -0.013524056 -0.052598000  0.130368230  0.188668250
## 5597            Eras -0.016520023 -0.031774998 -0.097547530  0.097045420
## 5598           Erbb2  0.223680020  0.935206900  0.603020670  0.216308120
## 5599         Erbb2ip  0.099888800 -0.052756310 -0.396796230  0.040097237
## 5600           Erbb3 -0.037292004 -0.025547504  0.110929010 -0.163055900
## 5601           Erbb4 -0.083772180  0.092265130 -0.010694027 -0.031178951
## 5602            Erc1  0.325159390  0.301375550  0.101643080  0.053742090
## 5603            Erc2  0.000000000 -0.040197372  0.095385075 -0.066230774
## 5604           Ercc1  0.066792010  0.037542820  0.460538400  0.670905600
## 5605           Ercc2 -0.118463040  0.000000000 -0.073898790 -0.042703150
## 5606           Ercc3  0.178483960  0.167907710  0.331453320 -0.174561500
## 5607           Ercc4 -0.121589660  0.332404140 -0.419660100  0.070617676
## 5608           Ercc5  1.064808800  0.594041800  0.411443700  0.053669930
## 5609           Ercc6  0.038568020 -0.292860980 -0.137691020  0.250142570
## 5610          Ercc6l -0.223865990 -0.491848950 -0.253660680  0.094997406
## 5611         Ercc6l2  0.027630330  0.036274910  0.272295232  0.363525635
## 5612           Ercc8  0.220287800  0.357272620  0.506114000 -0.220756050
## 5613            Ereg  0.030986309 -0.031945230 -0.079382420 -0.200894830
## 5614             Erf -0.225436690 -0.078368190  0.304905900 -0.356722830
## 5615             Erg  0.306957240  0.360916140  0.406629560  0.186943050
## 5616          Ergic1 -0.508484840 -0.134919170  0.385747900  0.478026400
## 5617          Ergic2  0.138596530  0.017698288  0.023521423 -0.328747750
## 5618          Ergic3  0.047223090  0.160980220  0.222604750 -0.486168860
## 5619             Erh  0.130449613 -0.052628836  0.017831484 -0.480232553
## 5620            Eri1 -0.468686100 -0.664584640 -0.217778680 -0.123490330
## 5621            Eri2 -0.046192646 -0.184503080 -0.240846630 -0.144446370
## 5622            Eri3 -0.353741650 -0.432633400 -0.428133960  0.097851750
## 5623          Erich1  0.000000000  0.082945820 -0.231429100  0.376545900
## 5624          Erich2 -0.096834180  0.000000000  0.037987710  0.001118660
## 5625          Erlec1  0.099699020  0.092928890  0.046599388 -0.341961860
## 5626          Erlin1  0.187345500  0.000000000  0.364326480 -0.364542000
## 5627          Erlin2  0.091308594 -0.308902740  0.000000000 -0.028252602
## 5628           Ermap  0.000000000  0.048172950 -0.050531387 -0.145191200
## 5629            Ermn  0.107662200  0.000000000  0.078839300  0.049107075
## 5630           Ermp1  0.081600190  0.105762480 -0.263069150  0.355135920
## 5631            Ern1  0.493213650  0.544487000  0.602048900  0.000000000
## 5632            Ern2  0.072343830  0.071497920  0.079964160 -0.194570060
## 5633           Ero1l  0.015190125 -0.004810333  0.411866200 -0.108995440
## 5634          Ero1lb -0.217946050  0.130218980 -0.470338820 -0.336867800
## 5635           Erp27 -0.066625120 -0.016579151  0.044198990  0.128083700
## 5636           Erp29 -0.156022550  0.107865810 -0.019178390  0.058684350
## 5637           Erp44  0.232000350  0.000000000 -0.010074616 -0.054337500
## 5638          Errfi1  0.283807750 -1.063265300 -1.179337000  0.021921158
## 5639            Erv3 -0.081973550 -0.072915080  0.000000000 -0.030428886
## 5640            Esam  0.540782000  0.439027800  0.632936500  0.301342960
## 5641           Esco1  0.153938057  0.044786692  0.154766320  0.086946965
## 5642           Esco2 -0.130609990 -0.039177895  0.009566784  0.075843334
## 5643             Esd  0.067381860  0.023658750  0.198533060  0.320430280
## 5644            Esf1  0.296159740  0.281970020  0.150960920  0.208399770
## 5645            Esm1 -0.398163800 -0.226593020 -1.210074900  0.221945760
## 5646           Espl1 -0.071636200 -0.149778840  0.009684086 -0.072655200
## 5647            Espn -0.028628350 -0.112807750  0.098855970  0.077970030
## 5648           Espnl  0.000000000 -0.063337326  0.099911690 -0.115221020
## 5649            Esr1 -0.081904410 -0.212560650 -0.007749558 -0.097085950
## 5650            Esr2  0.153645990 -0.113134860  0.011048794 -0.085090160
## 5651           Esrp1 -0.067070960  0.000000000  0.075841430  0.060816765
## 5652           Esrp2  0.243974210 -0.056222916  0.390108600  0.057607650
## 5653           Esrra -0.046562195  0.000000000 -0.163624760  0.053491592
## 5654           Esrrb -0.008972168 -0.003079891  0.020119667 -0.132338050
## 5655           Esrrg -0.237173080  0.035069466 -0.066683290 -0.074407100
## 5656            Esx1  0.000497000  0.003377914 -0.009522915 -0.063066960
## 5657           Esyt1  0.414558400  0.638862600  0.710862160 -0.217134480
## 5658           Esyt2  1.636311500  1.605428700  1.390952100  0.172536850
## 5659           Esyt3 -0.026623726  0.015208721  0.213346000 -0.025225163
## 5660           Etaa1  0.000000000 -0.100505830 -0.072605610 -0.201830390
## 5661             Etd -0.076951980 -0.077422620  0.000000000  0.004251480
## 5662            Etf1 -0.031248093  0.101777080 -0.272049900 -0.340743060
## 5663            Etfa  0.021293640  0.306356430  0.527529700 -0.486722000
## 5664            Etfb  0.000000000  0.213374140  0.426627160 -0.221785550
## 5665           Etfdh  0.226938250  0.455870630  0.412840840 -0.356985100
## 5666           Ethe1 -0.193684100 -0.184537890  0.085325240 -0.223768710
## 5667            Etl4 -0.240768430 -0.269701960 -0.723979000  1.605541200
## 5668           Etnk1  0.403606400  0.599479700  0.661939600 -0.030266762
## 5669           Etnk2 -0.072589400 -0.090254780  0.067404750 -0.002326012
## 5670          Etnppl -0.000958000  0.017834663  0.028793812 -0.129040240
## 5671          Etohi1  0.182026860  0.435648920  0.025939941 -0.176944730
## 5672           Etos1  0.140476230  0.000000000 -0.028796673  0.248173240
## 5673            Ets1 -0.008755684  0.386673930  0.316411020  0.750904100
## 5674            Ets2  0.100768090 -0.396110530 -0.601493840  0.694603900
## 5675            Etv1 -0.662295100 -0.537791015 -0.568437335 -0.015620710
## 5676            Etv2 -0.049275875  0.143506530  0.190726760  0.020057201
## 5677            Etv3 -0.041104317  0.329855920 -0.236165050  0.037882805
## 5678           Etv3l  0.041446210 -0.003017426 -0.040943146 -0.033531190
## 5679            Etv4  0.006806374  0.038192750 -0.107973576 -0.020192623
## 5680            Etv5 -0.461826800 -0.480151415 -0.347784285  0.216954470
## 5681            Etv6 -0.123628620  0.105113030  0.000000000 -0.109861374
## 5682           Eva1a -0.150743960 -0.111305710  0.000000000  0.422686580
## 5683           Eva1b -0.013555050  0.036262990  0.147394660  0.135108470
## 5684           Eva1c  0.070456980 -0.077121735  0.015648842 -0.143902780
## 5685             Evc -0.129109860  0.034381390 -0.042855263 -0.001869679
## 5686            Evc2 -0.017955780 -0.072915080 -0.013145447  0.080317974
## 5687           Evi2a -0.615686400 -0.525236600 -0.262499800  0.246720790
## 5688            Evi5  0.473201750  0.535211560  0.445367800  0.017401695
## 5689           Evi5l  0.011107922  0.563286300  0.345787050  0.046131610
## 5690             Evl -0.141670230  0.000000000 -0.206829070  0.407736780
## 5691            Evpl -0.047237396  0.000000000  0.027444840 -0.013770580
## 5692            Evx1  0.041596413  0.082189080  0.171601770 -0.005990505
## 5693            Evx2  0.000000000 -0.000199000  0.172204020 -0.230377670
## 5694           Ewsr1 -0.082180817 -0.134554067 -0.072935898  0.099168620
## 5695            Exd1 -0.250973220  0.231992240 -0.008560181  0.153805260
## 5696            Exd2  0.092162610  0.254012100 -0.051888943  0.296351430
## 5697            Exo1 -0.131013400 -0.087973120 -0.160375120 -0.159006120
## 5698            Exo5 -0.323688030  0.435941220  0.038938522  0.000000000
## 5699           Exoc1 -0.147563930 -0.226510050  0.271143900  0.247887610
## 5700           Exoc2  0.842976570  0.680516240  0.954270360  0.064598080
## 5701           Exoc3  0.000000000 -0.237120630  0.210203170 -0.014186859
## 5702          Exoc3l -0.783008600 -0.530340700 -0.242853160  0.615371700
## 5703         Exoc3l4 -0.143211840 -0.016100407 -0.067843435 -0.058672190
## 5704           Exoc4  0.296703340  0.138810160 -0.171866420  0.309776300
## 5705           Exoc5  0.479875560 -0.027747154 -0.364456180  0.246242520
## 5706           Exoc6  0.160577770  0.143894200  0.109573364  0.220181470
## 5707          Exoc6b  0.834720600  0.679495800  0.530636800  0.179403300
## 5708           Exoc7  0.106173040  0.154535770  0.215738770  0.011508942
## 5709           Exoc8  0.048576830  0.017943382  0.140235420  0.000000000
## 5710            Exog -0.239211080 -0.122274400 -0.212423320  0.070193770
## 5711          Exosc1  0.259051800  0.342841630  0.214639660 -0.020640373
## 5712         Exosc10 -0.073754310  0.259057040  0.202757840  0.309842100
## 5713          Exosc2 -0.425726400 -0.065041065 -0.458652970 -0.244476800
## 5714          Exosc3 -0.088911295  0.062464237  0.096623183 -0.186253540
## 5715          Exosc4 -0.167171960  0.059460163  0.170814040  0.000000000
## 5716          Exosc5  0.189748760  0.090661526  0.097700596 -0.119367600
## 5717          Exosc7  0.000000000  0.670207000 -0.028425217  0.405264850
## 5718          Exosc8  0.257633200  0.114905360  0.182755470 -0.160985950
## 5719          Exosc9  0.186896320  0.136608120  0.271783830 -0.162850380
## 5720           Exph5  0.065340520  0.084608555  0.140804290  0.060833454
## 5721            Ext1 -0.987018100 -0.558807400 -0.403010370  1.139584500
## 5722            Ext2  0.179720880  0.139982220  0.228688240 -0.008122444
## 5723           Extl1 -0.077713970 -0.021843910  0.060677530  0.063782215
## 5724           Extl2  0.228392600  0.199393270 -0.389698980 -0.178576950
## 5725           Extl3  1.730258000  1.992382000  1.346737900 -0.060105800
## 5726            Eya1 -0.040863037 -0.056880950  0.000000000  0.183849810
## 5727            Eya2 -0.155636790 -0.160236360  0.048201084  0.000000000
## 5728            Eya3  0.176696780 -0.064583780 -0.301905630  0.111472130
## 5729            Eya4  0.012114048  0.089298250 -0.072021960  0.013372421
## 5730            Ezh1  0.485651970  0.546330450  0.118626595  0.495218280
## 5731            Ezh2 -0.267843250 -0.475818630 -0.231369970 -0.337691300
## 5732             Ezr -0.088770870 -0.192325590  0.000000000 -0.999093060
## 5733             F10 -0.027228832  0.058650494  0.063844204 -0.022804737
## 5734             F11 -0.058548927 -0.012095451 -0.071422580 -0.070054054
## 5735            F11r -0.269198420 -0.040878296  0.197671890  0.002910614
## 5736             F12 -0.033860683  0.084763050  0.033017160  0.023778915
## 5737           F13a1 -0.200840000 -0.089163780  0.342730520 -0.012514114
## 5738            F13b -0.043030740 -0.017821789  0.014324188  0.000000000
## 5739              F2 -0.112434864  0.190085890  0.018830776  0.033490180
## 5740             F2r -1.030117500 -1.591412100 -1.346516600  0.904912950
## 5741           F2rl1 -0.065064430  0.349540230  0.122831820  0.579576500
## 5742           F2rl2 -0.102134705 -0.180657390 -0.113958836 -0.120659350
## 5743           F2rl3 -0.223810200  0.169011120  0.100883960  0.064939500
## 5744              F3 -0.075837610 -0.138201240 -0.004112721  0.137277600
## 5745   F420014N23Rik -0.097780704  0.147242550 -0.136127000  0.125642300
## 5746              F5  1.179827200  0.357669830  1.392230500 -0.058028220
## 5747   F630010C12Rik  0.005125523 -0.009215832  0.032151700  0.011703968
## 5748   F630028O10Rik  0.103203770 -0.094512940 -0.074668884  0.333374500
## 5749   F630042J09Rik -0.048200130  0.000000000 -0.056180954  0.054578780
## 5750   F630048H11Rik -0.020614147 -0.892061230 -1.563689200  0.371753700
## 5751   F630111L10Rik -0.157817360 -0.198570730 -0.250110150 -0.034889220
## 5752   F630201L12Rik -0.062806610 -0.125022410 -0.129360200  0.131729130
## 5753              F7 -0.084385395  0.276293750  0.310600280  0.113339424
## 5754   F730021E23Rik  0.526614670 -0.369096760  0.328532220 -0.159101490
## 5755   F730043M19Rik -0.251500600 -0.216820240 -0.107452390  0.280529980
## 5756              F8 -0.216994760 -0.367130760 -0.225613120  0.327259540
## 5757   F830001A07Rik -0.215126510 -0.217991830 -0.392562870  0.530991550
## 5758   F830002L21Rik  0.026193619  0.221865650 -0.058307648 -0.272773270
## 5759   F830045P16Rik -0.078341960  0.080673695  0.254436020  0.187278750
## 5760   F830115B05Rik  0.194017890 -0.049312590 -0.036173344  0.644650940
## 5761   F830212C03Rik  0.038569450 -0.063304900  0.083368780  0.063847540
## 5762             F8a  0.222165110  0.321762560  0.102921960 -0.134436600
## 5763              F9  0.029266357  0.005169869  0.064668655  0.043801308
## 5764   F930015N05Rik  0.058521270  0.051344870  0.264248370  0.067583560
## 5765            Fa2h  0.040011406 -0.051424980  0.047140600 -0.077139380
## 5766            Faah -0.085602760 -0.004724026 -0.046149730 -0.097596170
## 5767           Fabp1 -0.021764278  0.010264874  0.064672950 -0.002511025
## 5768          Fabp12 -0.154986860 -0.061007023 -0.105520725  0.126598360
## 5769           Fabp2 -0.027807236  0.021455765 -0.005135536 -0.110005380
## 5770           Fabp3 -0.269422050 -0.264604800 -0.054212093  0.925599350
## 5771           Fabp4 -3.111536500 -3.467667000 -3.783585500  2.599433000
## 5772           Fabp5 -2.100458400 -2.432465100 -2.015144100  2.032008200
## 5773           Fabp6 -0.115190030 -0.022005081 -0.042272568  0.015820026
## 5774           Fabp7 -0.067744255  0.426129820 -0.211014270  0.062731266
## 5775           Fabp9 -0.277284150 -0.214629650 -0.090271950  1.410660300
## 5776            Fadd -0.586912630  0.337738040 -0.158959870 -0.167866700
## 5777           Fads1 -0.125114920  0.067445755  0.835290900  0.071953300
## 5778           Fads2 -0.538838400 -0.591180300 -0.615682100 -0.165611740
## 5779           Fads3 -0.785037500 -0.683578000 -0.633741400  0.205990790
## 5780           Fads6 -0.051582813 -0.085649490  0.130615230  0.148259640
## 5781            Faf1  0.508410450  0.062870026 -0.022092820  0.155358310
## 5782            Faf2 -0.247952460 -0.290452960 -0.188697810  0.238304140
## 5783             Fah  0.079837800 -0.013511658 -0.087508680  0.903239250
## 5784           Fahd1 -0.206361770  0.031164170  0.198514940 -0.324224950
## 5785          Fahd2a  0.147739890  0.306184770  0.252400880 -0.493990900
## 5786            Faim  1.353017800  1.563013100  1.322078700 -0.394395830
## 5787           Faim2  0.056667328 -0.043375970  0.040721416  0.090759754
## 5788           Faim3 -0.035556316 -0.076896190  0.025043010 -0.183833600
## 5789         Fam101a -0.059949875  0.129271030  0.022482872 -0.118693830
## 5790         Fam101b  0.091349600  0.517289160 -0.014968872  1.576003100
## 5791         Fam102a -0.651532200 -0.701742200 -0.343837740  1.131880800
## 5792         Fam102b -0.008502960 -0.922801500 -0.979819300  0.905291560
## 5793        Fam103a1  0.121632100  0.083179951  0.103657723 -0.047713757
## 5794         Fam104a  0.062134743  0.131005290 -0.008768082 -0.078352930
## 5795         Fam105a -0.162129880 -0.092378140 -0.040977955  0.286165700
## 5796         Fam105b -0.368730550 -0.037416458 -0.018373490 -0.029985428
## 5797         Fam107a  1.998333000  0.958299640  0.484258650  0.025023937
## 5798         Fam107b -1.104615200 -0.867005800 -0.551600000 -0.429714200
## 5799         Fam109a -0.005393982  0.000000000 -0.079960820  0.119319440
## 5800         Fam109b -0.011487484 -0.159867290  0.170408730 -0.154274460
## 5801         Fam110a  0.011709213  0.500783440  0.061297417 -0.235838890
## 5802         Fam110b  0.003430367 -0.107901570 -0.009839535 -0.054279804
## 5803         Fam110c  0.051131250 -0.164144040  0.000000000  0.169982430
## 5804         Fam111a -1.290195500 -1.186760000 -0.596751200  0.000000000
## 5805        Fam114a1  0.645205500  0.721831300  0.297645570  0.738151550
## 5806        Fam114a2  0.000000000  0.072202206 -0.057735443  0.397006030
## 5807         Fam115a  0.750390050  0.688516600  0.621215800 -0.032160760
## 5808         Fam115c  0.578543200  0.422281270  0.218737600  0.440055850
## 5809         Fam115e  0.033907890 -0.069881440 -0.001057625 -0.028309822
## 5810         Fam117a  0.060797690  0.000000000 -0.011082172 -0.120424270
## 5811         Fam117b  0.045623780  0.089612010 -0.254395480 -0.014030457
## 5812         Fam118a  1.049398900  0.468783380  0.061213493  0.268194680
## 5813         Fam118b  0.528133400  0.088110924  0.319183350 -0.115258220
## 5814         Fam120a -0.149370200  0.093796730  0.000000000  0.112154960
## 5815       Fam120aos -0.108040810  0.229202750  0.073301315  0.000000000
## 5816         Fam120b  0.000000000 -0.027689934 -0.174884800  0.160283090
## 5817         Fam120c  0.107147695  0.289488800 -0.096845865  0.383208273
## 5818         Fam122a  0.168294190  0.237077710 -0.041515595  0.071961165
## 5819         Fam122b -0.036396503  0.276880260 -0.341819300  0.073280334
## 5820         Fam122c  0.034719944 -0.029442310 -0.000300000  0.013627052
## 5821         Fam126a -0.391183850 -0.396607400 -0.144141200  0.065058710
## 5822         Fam126b  0.056806564 -0.305421830  0.155668260 -0.115511894
## 5823         Fam129a  0.401010040  0.381953720  0.403353200 -0.426411150
## 5824         Fam129b  0.544903300  1.074679900  0.548648360  0.214688780
## 5825         Fam129c -0.241037850  0.132575990  0.064435005 -0.211731430
## 5826         Fam131a -0.020936490 -0.089538100  0.000000000 -0.099383830
## 5827         Fam131b -0.174170020  0.090799810  0.183197980 -0.034340860
## 5828         Fam131c  0.000000000  0.064765930  0.000000000 -0.108803750
## 5829         Fam132a  0.000000000  0.003923416 -0.246686940 -0.530626800
## 5830         Fam132b -0.052250385 -0.024661541  0.070509434  0.046923160
## 5831         Fam133b  0.237997060 -0.130838400 -0.094359400  0.234773640
## 5832         Fam134a  0.000000000  0.153456690  0.011502743  0.144260880
## 5833         Fam134b  1.045299500  0.734046000  0.500096800 -0.218571660
## 5834         Fam134c  0.284591670  0.375449180 -0.081343174  0.137692450
## 5835         Fam135a  0.173166280 -0.113150600  0.265756600  0.000000000
## 5836         Fam135b -0.057767772 -0.033022976  0.038061046 -0.048360729
## 5837         Fam136a  0.024438381  0.490429400  0.942996000 -0.025790215
## 5838          Fam13a  1.984975300  1.379628200  0.975544900 -0.742089300
## 5839          Fam13c  1.491929000  1.607143400  1.453481700  0.258245000
## 5840         Fam149a -0.048776627 -0.231993200  0.231210230  0.031709670
## 5841         Fam149b -0.078021530  0.378001200  0.062943460  0.549018860
## 5842         Fam150a  0.000000000  0.009650707  0.021292210  0.025132656
## 5843         Fam150b  0.171126840  0.062731740  0.135309700 -0.074536320
## 5844         Fam151b -0.198512550  0.000000000 -0.245608800  0.474967480
## 5845         Fam154a -0.020942211  0.037391186 -0.058732986 -0.044138910
## 5846         Fam154b -0.103991510 -0.046982290 -0.137818340 -0.049417973
## 5847         Fam155a  0.073137998 -0.009666470 -0.063285350  0.044173480
## 5848         Fam159a  0.139851570  0.045808792  0.007902145  0.086706160
## 5849         Fam159b -0.081569670  0.170126440  0.206644060 -0.027495384
## 5850        Fam160a1 -0.015217304 -0.014410973  0.005996704 -0.006672382
## 5851        Fam160a2 -0.148265360 -0.010055542  0.246514320 -0.002831459
## 5852        Fam160b1  0.096457480  0.306997300  0.123233795  0.575607300
## 5853        Fam160b2  0.008043051  0.042134286 -0.014249563 -0.005509378
## 5854         Fam161a  0.322422980  0.465277200  0.148028370  0.015463352
## 5855         Fam161b  0.324721340 -0.298019900  0.178745750  0.092496395
## 5856         Fam162a  0.000000000  0.302543640  0.173834800 -0.314870830
## 5857         Fam162b  0.120179650 -0.049106598  0.258780480 -0.119146824
## 5858         Fam163a  0.067117214 -0.093939780 -0.116524700 -0.023652554
## 5859         Fam163b -0.049409866  0.103251460 -0.031009197  0.055949688
## 5860         Fam166a -0.216680530 -0.159590240 -0.583336350 -0.000035300
## 5861         Fam166b  0.214766030  0.070097920 -0.030852795  0.187945370
## 5862         Fam167a -0.056778908  0.025393010 -0.089057446  0.002745152
## 5863         Fam167b -0.339149480 -0.235912800 -0.179728510 -0.299451830
## 5864         Fam168a -0.272797580 -0.022035122 -0.412057400  0.272989750
## 5865         Fam168b  0.042692184 -0.028015137  0.372391700 -0.070634840
## 5866         Fam169a -0.017296314 -0.007185936  0.307386400 -0.116950035
## 5867         Fam169b -0.075087070 -0.058793545  0.003848076  0.019420624
## 5868         Fam170a -0.123349190  0.035672188  0.100242140  0.026012897
## 5869         Fam170b -0.002083778  0.036222458  0.003195763 -0.164682390
## 5870        Fam171a1 -0.142534260  0.000000000 -0.316052440  0.213302610
## 5871        Fam171a2 -0.148569580  0.109661580  0.051776410  0.433968070
## 5872         Fam171b  0.196151730 -0.106987000 -0.052767277 -0.118749140
## 5873         Fam172a  0.000000000 -0.147931100 -0.337923050  0.612113000
## 5874         Fam173a -0.445847500  0.178674700 -0.494647980 -0.308492660
## 5875         Fam173b -0.121432304  0.450978280  0.013843536 -0.144538400
## 5876         Fam174a  0.533149700  0.657062530  0.341428760 -0.086447716
## 5877         Fam174b -0.079284905 -0.130711558 -0.264421225 -0.095967533
## 5878         Fam175a  0.049087048  0.739072300 -0.220863820 -0.144701000
## 5879         Fam175b -0.322666170 -0.075791360  0.142550470 -0.535538700
## 5880         Fam177a  0.024011610  0.287171125  0.225299120  0.180927039
## 5881         Fam178a -0.053029540 -0.099481820 -0.236187948  0.125252240
## 5882         Fam178b -0.122511627 -0.013809680  0.015280008  0.018874884
## 5883         Fam179a -0.066801070  0.022691727  0.133517740 -0.135721680
## 5884         Fam179b  0.113624570 -0.084540370  0.043923378 -0.056740760
## 5885         Fam180a -0.081269740  0.069865700  0.001587868  0.173710350
## 5886         Fam181b  0.127413750  0.032566309  0.023915293 -0.042586090
## 5887         Fam183b -0.007039070 -0.014381886  0.050250530 -0.088209150
## 5888         Fam184a -0.037508010  0.099384310  0.070019245  0.011153698
## 5889         Fam184b  0.029357433  0.049088955  0.076490880 -0.076174260
## 5890         Fam185a  0.645926950 -0.357738020 -0.256954200 -0.554526800
## 5891         Fam186b  0.152540200  0.079632760 -0.088804245  0.000000000
## 5892         Fam187b  0.029163837  0.007589340  0.146524430 -0.263851640
## 5893         Fam188a  0.092952730 -0.425587650  0.305750850 -0.122705460
## 5894         Fam188b -0.112911700  0.009510040 -0.013623714  0.172115800
## 5895        Fam189a1 -0.050681114 -0.004574299 -0.004574299  0.018246650
## 5896        Fam189a2  0.032766342  0.365502830  0.487404350  0.710263700
## 5897         Fam189b -0.035423280 -0.175569530 -0.144965650 -0.105798244
## 5898         Fam192a -0.114243510  0.005445480 -0.172197340  0.116255760
## 5899         Fam193a  0.226760860  0.141985900 -0.012397766  0.326624870
## 5900         Fam193b  0.180758480  0.061258316 -0.059679030  0.168134690
## 5901         Fam194a  0.005281448  0.024805069 -0.050037860 -0.046471120
## 5902         Fam195a -0.008784771 -0.092567444 -0.069269660  0.147441390
## 5903         Fam195b  0.172761920  0.499454500 -0.069633484  0.000000000
## 5904         Fam196a  0.098443985 -0.173988340 -0.178926470  0.751597400
## 5905         Fam196b -0.021434784 -0.010633945 -0.167743200 -0.061904907
## 5906         Fam198a  0.265066150  0.268829350 -0.050904274 -0.110304356
## 5907         Fam198b -0.993213650 -0.982748500 -0.304188730  1.600072900
## 5908         Fam199x  0.857455730  0.854766850 -0.033176422 -0.087826250
## 5909         Fam19a1 -0.011228561 -0.018724918  0.144656660  0.131939410
## 5910         Fam19a2 -0.010575295 -0.061832428  0.116141320 -0.129513260
## 5911         Fam19a3 -0.253852370 -0.062608240 -0.055272102  0.169739720
## 5912         Fam19a4  0.010680199  0.107004166  0.092752930 -0.014370441
## 5913         Fam19a5  0.075224880  0.020761490  0.096551420  0.000000000
## 5914         Fam203a -0.031396866  0.214059830  0.238087180  0.038525580
## 5915         Fam207a -0.243257050 -0.043358803  0.149445530  0.084556580
## 5916          Fam209 -0.289591800 -0.203534600 -0.079881190 -0.287050720
## 5917          Fam20a  0.129197120  0.402456280  0.000000000 -0.006205559
## 5918          Fam20b  0.380485530  0.173885350  0.328282360 -0.101251125
## 5919          Fam20c -0.007194996 -0.015210629 -0.097049240 -0.028237343
## 5920           Fam21 -0.070334435 -0.212319370 -0.175024030  0.000000000
## 5921         Fam210a -0.130763050 -0.361264230 -0.272083280  0.077722550
## 5922         Fam210b  0.187513350  0.083898070  0.429785730 -0.000188000
## 5923         Fam211a  0.015904903  0.000000000 -0.108216286  0.303151130
## 5924         Fam211b -0.168612000 -0.027820587  0.041347504 -0.015859127
## 5925         Fam212a -0.826645400  0.007316589  0.390587800  0.578300500
## 5926         Fam212b -0.219908710  0.085519314 -0.014208794  0.792974500
## 5927         Fam213a -0.265030860  0.723170300 -0.218276980 -1.010933400
## 5928         Fam213b -0.172885420 -0.040749550  0.203855040 -0.199678900
## 5929         Fam214a  0.165628910 -0.071107390  0.438643930 -0.499102600
## 5930         Fam214b -0.106412410 -0.112702850 -0.204362870  0.008938313
## 5931         Fam216a  0.220220090  0.136808400  0.361951830 -0.070413110
## 5932         Fam216b -0.020745277  0.012127876 -0.083282950  0.178633210
## 5933         Fam217a  0.550580000  1.289469200  0.870545400 -0.338428500
## 5934         Fam217b -0.170056820 -0.142944810 -0.327019700  0.636449800
## 5935         Fam219a -0.172817700 -0.014735699  0.290948400  0.244487760
## 5936         Fam219b  0.246171000  0.325942520  0.253588200 -0.022881985
## 5937         Fam220a -0.190073173 -0.048352401 -0.309447608 -0.076004188
## 5938         Fam221a  0.058242320 -0.125104900 -0.113107680  0.000000000
## 5939         Fam221b -0.163027290 -0.065883160 -0.087883950  0.150428300
## 5940         Fam222a  0.136720180  0.090051650  0.162683490 -0.113482950
## 5941         Fam222b -0.003111839 -0.084029200  0.377055170 -0.145104410
## 5942         Fam227a  0.000000000 -0.000978000 -0.025662422  0.428431030
## 5943         Fam228a  0.098426820 -0.096922400  0.000000000 -0.015346527
## 5944         Fam228b  0.008624077 -0.007549286  0.123535630 -0.036292076
## 5945         Fam229b  0.005323887  0.490502830 -0.393562800 -0.224156860
## 5946          Fam24a -0.040082455 -0.037509920  0.000000000 -0.122327330
## 5947          Fam25c -0.035051346  0.010482788 -0.012168884 -0.120916370
## 5948          Fam26d  0.040832996  0.005553722 -0.005380154 -0.259265900
## 5949          Fam26e  0.000000000 -0.113832000  0.033846380 -0.152561190
## 5950          Fam26f -0.053229332 -0.137520790  0.010028839  0.170539380
## 5951          Fam32a  0.000000000  0.336382870  0.152894020  0.192058560
## 5952          Fam35a  0.352302070  0.621363640 -0.682748300  0.253511430
## 5953           Fam3a  0.167953970  0.169659610 -0.001892567  0.001049042
## 5954           Fam3b -0.221756940 -0.003283024  0.041365623  0.000260000
## 5955           Fam3c -0.120791435  0.000000000 -0.414957050  0.321146000
## 5956          Fam43a -0.227473740 -0.108076570  0.164900300  0.756432530
## 5957          Fam43b -0.012857437  0.204669000  0.040520190  0.094835760
## 5958          Fam45a  0.317622180  0.505498900 -0.135548590 -0.068971634
## 5959          Fam46a -0.039085150 -0.104069946  0.044356105 -0.084949493
## 5960          Fam46b -0.160977840  0.046195507  0.124653816  0.020002842
## 5961          Fam46c  0.147203920 -0.216983800 -0.107992170 -0.176517010
## 5962          Fam46d  0.156609060 -0.096117500 -0.057572365  0.008108139
## 5963          Fam47c  0.037787437  0.001921654 -0.001369000  0.012176037
## 5964          Fam47e -0.156908040  0.000000000  0.015944958 -0.025295258
## 5965          Fam49a -2.104241400 -2.569684500 -2.022275400 -1.156167000
## 5966          Fam49b  0.009053230 -0.588494800  0.048476220 -0.296732430
## 5967          Fam50a  0.000000000  0.200718880  0.608838100 -0.072510720
## 5968          Fam50b  0.046512604  0.060085297  0.056181430 -0.176051620
## 5969          Fam53a  0.017061234 -0.172572610 -0.111777306  0.239603040
## 5970          Fam53b -0.596975800 -0.674248700 -0.717020500  0.404943940
## 5971          Fam53c  0.273315430 -0.117709160  0.817267400 -0.027136803
## 5972          Fam57a  0.000000000  0.238480090 -0.050644875 -0.082670690
## 5973          Fam57b  0.099274635  0.022154331  0.145893570  0.521763800
## 5974          Fam58b -0.353961000  0.320760730  0.149459840 -0.111785890
## 5975           Fam5c  0.040112020  0.008899212  0.000268000 -0.042184353
## 5976          Fam60a  0.012083530 -0.212309355  0.050487042 -0.004900698
## 5977          Fam63a  0.918436500  1.481076700  1.135097000  0.165714740
## 5978          Fam63b  0.424059233  0.541755660  0.310370443 -0.226761664
## 5979          Fam64a  0.099757195  0.000000000  0.082568170  0.007662773
## 5980          Fam65a  0.051618576  0.442837720  0.330980300  0.372969630
## 5981          Fam65b -0.276210780 -0.458834650 -0.312916280 -0.524478440
## 5982          Fam65c  0.033460617  0.155230520  0.065240860 -0.002978802
## 5983          Fam69a  0.799377440  0.829254150  0.000000000 -1.266922000
## 5984          Fam69b -0.095545290 -0.041731834  0.180929180  0.057949543
## 5985          Fam69c -0.125434400 -0.096201420 -0.057751180  0.194526200
## 5986          Fam71a -0.171363350 -0.151803500 -0.007153034  0.137484550
## 5987          Fam71b -0.001449585 -0.044700146 -0.117782590  0.012589932
## 5988          Fam71d  0.096273900  0.010723591 -0.101237774 -0.002400398
## 5989         Fam71e1  0.056270123  0.076960090 -0.015111923 -0.095689300
## 5990         Fam71e2 -0.003605366  0.026372433 -0.021083832 -0.031935215
## 5991         Fam71f1 -0.017076492 -0.036830902 -0.156535630  0.013418198
## 5992         Fam71f2 -0.268129350 -0.099270820  0.172945500 -0.209678170
## 5993          Fam72a  0.896932600  0.202792640  1.131563200 -0.209736350
## 5994          Fam73a  0.989966400  0.674437500  0.256087780  0.496802800
## 5995          Fam73b  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.050503254 -0.072070120
## 5996          Fam76a  0.157017230  0.146244530  0.191801550  0.092686180
## 5997          Fam76b  0.280408860  0.124210360 -0.496871470  0.208472250
## 5998          Fam78a -0.232617860 -0.167650700  0.000000000  0.190179820
## 5999          Fam78b  0.264664650 -0.039950370 -0.015574932  1.260112800
## 6000          Fam81a  0.182975770 -0.093299390  0.065527916  0.000000000
## 6001          Fam83a -0.019911766  0.197273250  0.001945496  0.055553913
## 6002          Fam83b -0.009657860 -0.027070045  0.089324474  0.060803413
## 6003          Fam83c -0.103266716  0.058459760  0.030808926  0.333548550
## 6004          Fam83d  0.043053627 -0.141253470 -0.109786030 -0.148737430
## 6005          Fam83e -0.096452236 -0.011374474  0.014983177 -0.142175200
## 6006          Fam83f -0.006457329 -0.133195400  0.048714160 -0.143038270
## 6007          Fam83g  0.023316860 -0.144234180 -0.037450790 -0.056009770
## 6008          Fam83h -0.117224220  0.056389330  0.108495235 -0.176450250
## 6009          Fam84a -0.048573970 -0.135395530 -0.104718685 -0.159668450
## 6010          Fam84b -0.531482200  0.152503970 -0.120329860  1.059482600
## 6011          Fam89a -0.479886530  0.271377560  0.041064740  0.023205757
## 6012          Fam89b -0.279757500 -0.257479670 -0.349709030 -0.063186646
## 6013          Fam92a  0.248377800  0.017115593  0.341371540  0.035123825
## 6014          Fam92b  0.046617030  0.015772343 -0.034523010 -0.130212780
## 6015          Fam96a -0.070795060  0.000000000  0.066709520 -0.385819440
## 6016          Fam96b  0.310866360 -0.284895900  0.098865510 -0.106665610
## 6017          Fam98a  0.042444230 -0.616535660  0.476102830 -0.363279340
## 6018          Fam98b  0.004323006  0.349031450  0.546011000  0.086050990
## 6019            Fan1 -0.032360077  0.125954630 -0.219486240  0.209960940
## 6020           Fanca -0.109201910 -0.145137310  0.000000000 -0.136403560
## 6021           Fancb -0.249890800 -0.404129500 -0.133711810  0.642653470
## 6022           Fancc  0.321268560  0.174397950 -0.036035538  0.163902280
## 6023          Fancd2 -0.239694120 -0.247247700 -0.161407470 -0.020132542
## 6024        Fancd2os  0.007681370 -0.024761200  0.169885640  0.026874065
## 6025           Fance -0.022429466  0.017017841  0.118157390  0.196812150
## 6026           Fancf  0.025542736  0.239640240  0.268658640  0.026233196
## 6027           Fancg -0.074516300  0.248661520 -0.002984047 -0.028707027
## 6028           Fanci -0.304772850 -0.117396355 -0.007266522 -0.092031956
## 6029           Fancl  0.080186368 -0.079017161  0.395314710 -0.293453457
## 6030           Fancm -0.182940480 -0.217774870  0.083458900  0.140546320
## 6031           Fank1 -0.064230440  0.063504220 -0.071227070 -0.123344420
## 6032             Fap -0.079451084 -0.171123030 -0.561299800  0.738174900
## 6033            Far1 -0.576671600 -0.573361400 -0.532848360 -0.181859970
## 6034            Far2  4.347294000  4.272421000  4.025846500 -0.271976000
## 6035           Farp1  0.385796550  0.569026950  0.712465300  0.032558440
## 6036           Farp2  0.055794240 -0.056631565  0.209370140  0.090459350
## 6037           Fars2 -0.238993640 -0.042003155 -0.073786736 -0.031034946
## 6038           Farsa -0.075661180  0.008594990 -0.177944660 -0.096599100
## 6039           Farsb  0.257596970  0.244567870  0.254054070  0.094944954
## 6040             Fas  1.031197500  0.409005170  0.225564000 -0.220220570
## 6041            Fasl -0.045859337 -0.001945972 -0.007211208  0.021210670
## 6042            Fasn -0.134728430  0.000000000  0.223765370 -0.244875910
## 6043           Fastk  0.090286730  0.209496500 -0.110923290  0.206797600
## 6044         Fastkd1  0.111597060  0.173199180 -0.521504400 -0.046704770
## 6045         Fastkd2  0.000000000  0.331194400  0.111589910 -0.457435130
## 6046         Fastkd3 -0.072597030 -0.095331670  0.095411300  0.149087900
## 6047         Fastkd5 -0.070121290  0.173009400  0.254034520  0.153873920
## 6048            Fat1 -0.262055400 -0.240495200  0.168478490  0.109345910
## 6049            Fat2 -0.000657000 -0.062403202  0.111337660 -0.108602050
## 6050            Fat3 -0.006141281 -0.031476211  0.023204390 -0.036071587
## 6051            Fat4  0.066810610  0.427145000 -0.097193720  0.690339100
## 6052           Fate1 -0.000875000  0.083322525  0.140844350 -0.000875000
## 6053             Fau -0.256314275  0.024061680 -0.043138506  0.184297085
## 6054            Faxc  0.000598000 -0.011849403  0.134459500  0.016674042
## 6055            Fbf1 -0.088720800 -0.224331860  0.182484150 -0.013010502
## 6056             Fbl -0.403710130 -0.324396370 -0.094544170 -0.134592056
## 6057          Fblim1 -0.351081370 -0.266988750  0.075913430 -0.065196514
## 6058           Fbll1 -0.083950040  0.018702984  0.000000000 -0.143162250
## 6059           Fbln1 -0.203243730 -0.114578724 -0.000158000 -0.129350190
## 6060           Fbln2 -0.015604973 -0.109081745 -0.065077780  1.651295700
## 6061           Fbln5 -0.270723340 -0.516461850 -0.394534600  1.240441300
## 6062           Fbln7 -0.136229990  0.084862710  0.078648570  0.048176765
## 6063            Fbn1 -0.442440260 -0.315174813 -0.210415830  1.163139080
## 6064            Fbn2  0.037536620 -0.032076836  0.061577797  0.017799377
## 6065            Fbp1 -0.270401480 -0.247166630 -0.087514880 -0.139863010
## 6066            Fbp2  0.006970882 -0.091504100 -0.007616520 -0.074503900
## 6067            Fbrs  0.005112648  0.211456300  0.000000000 -0.152540200
## 6068          Fbrsl1 -0.082733629  0.054026605  0.190289260  0.171253927
## 6069          Fbxl12  0.018016338 -0.072627544 -0.092497350  0.193657400
## 6070          Fbxl13 -0.020336151  0.084179400  0.023553371 -0.031268597
## 6071          Fbxl14 -0.104866030  0.105424880  0.113704680 -0.062595370
## 6072          Fbxl15 -0.033227920  0.119207860  0.079796314 -0.137952800
## 6073          Fbxl16 -0.024795055  0.322137360 -0.143630500  0.203656200
## 6074          Fbxl17  0.648301100 -0.215733530 -0.370844840  0.626322750
## 6075          Fbxl18 -0.170779230 -0.031837463  0.095567230 -0.070294860
## 6076          Fbxl19  0.014269352 -0.000962000 -0.107989310  0.054495335
## 6077           Fbxl2  0.387238030  0.284873500  0.287094600 -0.117517950
## 6078          Fbxl20 -0.284263600 -0.008650780  0.000000000  0.568399400
## 6079          Fbxl21  0.022691727  0.000000000 -0.098206040 -0.026907920
## 6080          Fbxl22 -0.030409336  0.000000000  0.105647090 -0.080962660
## 6081           Fbxl3  0.437719350  0.444297800  0.156915660  0.421437260
## 6082           Fbxl4 -0.122488020 -0.117630005  0.307909970  0.592062500
## 6083           Fbxl5 -0.030445099 -0.137941360  0.040447235 -0.294618130
## 6084           Fbxl6  0.159352300  0.699828600  0.392502300 -0.091345790
## 6085           Fbxl7  0.000000000 -0.981996775  0.286822080  1.017051900
## 6086           Fbxl8  0.034816265  0.090991974 -0.008451462 -0.148924830
## 6087          Fbxo10 -0.025245667  0.334055900  0.422240730  0.000000000
## 6088          Fbxo11  0.103820800  0.083801270 -0.018709183  0.072636604
## 6089          Fbxo15 -0.034980297  0.000000000 -0.002766609  0.000483000
## 6090          Fbxo16  0.283378600 -0.043179990  0.000000000  0.011915684
## 6091          Fbxo17  0.001615524  0.005059719  0.013551712 -0.021267414
## 6092          Fbxo18  0.145565990 -0.144066810  0.037510872  0.000000000
## 6093           Fbxo2 -0.023286343  0.195781710  0.147529130 -0.040364742
## 6094          Fbxo21 -0.207274440  0.571934200  0.283952240  0.078680515
## 6095          Fbxo22  0.097137450  0.123631480  0.102738380  0.745080000
## 6096          Fbxo24 -0.184352870 -0.124144554 -0.086445330 -0.032179832
## 6097          Fbxo25  0.454486850 -0.056648730  0.220756530 -0.054991245
## 6098          Fbxo27  0.000000000  0.262187000  0.012775421  0.058080673
## 6099          Fbxo28  0.238565440 -0.270046230 -0.258075700  0.028426170
## 6100           Fbxo3  0.133720160  0.217617743  0.243226525  0.017863035
## 6101          Fbxo30 -0.257164000 -0.768424030  0.104376790 -0.419840800
## 6102          Fbxo31 -0.159475800  0.000000000  0.469285960 -0.042526245
## 6103          Fbxo32  0.115079880  0.260278700  0.160788540 -0.010128975
## 6104          Fbxo33  0.196229930 -0.108424660  0.000000000  0.118797300
## 6105          Fbxo34  0.026168823 -0.309218880 -0.227703100  0.576081300
## 6106          Fbxo36  0.000000000  0.229072100  0.207056050 -0.309422970
## 6107          Fbxo38 -0.095126150 -0.015814781 -0.282850270  0.133499150
## 6108          Fbxo39 -0.331840040 -0.185508730  0.029916763 -0.048286915
## 6109           Fbxo4  0.108600140 -0.224573610 -0.001678944  0.244881630
## 6110          Fbxo40 -0.180607320 -0.097824570 -0.051777363 -0.082936290
## 6111          Fbxo41  0.022543430  0.010969162  0.124192715  0.000000000
## 6112          Fbxo42 -0.028049469  0.085636140  0.000000000  0.226144790
## 6113          Fbxo43  0.128528120 -0.047668457 -0.089008330  0.078297615
## 6114          Fbxo44  0.037364960  0.035386562 -0.047245502 -0.057314873
## 6115          Fbxo45  0.401136400  0.032993317  0.170944210 -0.045745850
## 6116          Fbxo46  0.036589622  0.651558900  0.263739600  0.000000000
## 6117          Fbxo47 -0.010041237  0.035414696  0.254816060 -0.032236576
## 6118          Fbxo48 -0.104829310 -0.047085762  0.000000000  0.032786846
## 6119           Fbxo5  0.305671700  0.000000000  0.245704650  0.405142780
## 6120           Fbxo6  0.123279095  0.401820180  0.129364490  0.100782870
## 6121           Fbxo7 -0.063023569 -0.070279840  0.150819300 -0.204445360
## 6122           Fbxo8  0.217089890  0.260192633  0.052943000 -0.038723469
## 6123           Fbxo9  0.232695580 -0.046525000  0.422606470  0.285520550
## 6124          Fbxw10 -0.103267670 -0.118566510 -0.021232605 -0.055217743
## 6125          Fbxw11 -0.051269530  0.333176600  0.375123980 -0.069852830
## 6126          Fbxw13 -0.005051136 -0.033900738  0.037247180  0.093834400
## 6127          Fbxw14  0.082405570 -0.027185917  0.009985924 -0.017786026
## 6128          Fbxw15  0.002658367  0.007436752 -0.006217957 -0.001481056
## 6129          Fbxw17  0.043182850  0.067374706  0.958811760  0.307230000
## 6130          Fbxw18  0.009597302 -0.066965580  0.004649162 -0.158349510
## 6131          Fbxw19  0.023839950 -0.047747135 -0.009606838  0.001934052
## 6132           Fbxw2  0.191981320  0.032882690 -0.090456960  0.185511590
## 6133          Fbxw20  0.116690636  0.060723305 -0.126426220 -0.084926605
## 6134          Fbxw21  0.120582104 -0.013661385  0.062585830  0.121779440
## 6135          Fbxw22 -0.027627945 -0.084603310 -0.219705580  0.090081215
## 6136          Fbxw24  0.065029620 -0.066322330  0.048833847  0.214809420
## 6137          Fbxw26  0.000000000 -0.149647710 -0.001836777  0.007468224
## 6138           Fbxw4  0.053056240  0.000000000 -0.044093610 -0.164420130
## 6139           Fbxw5  0.011863232  0.159160140  0.089304924  0.003941536
## 6140           Fbxw7  0.545545575  0.336349960  0.240455628  0.086337090
## 6141           Fbxw8  0.278809312  0.305793283  0.263324260  0.024388310
## 6142           Fbxw9  0.000000000  0.215375420  0.375627520  0.038811207
## 6143           Fcamr -0.086472990  0.010299206  0.046703815  0.055560112
## 6144          Fcer1a -0.008520603  0.073401450 -0.036719800  0.041818620
## 6145          Fcer1g -0.187785150  0.084142210 -0.282243730 -0.180085180
## 6146          Fcer2a -0.015026569 -0.062261105 -0.076204300  0.015079498
## 6147            Fcf1 -0.028653145 -0.033370970 -0.147830960 -0.652676600
## 6148           Fcgr1 -0.244620800 -0.017385960  0.343198300 -0.153398990
## 6149          Fcgr2b -0.214660640 -0.285852430 -0.252425670  0.000000000
## 6150           Fcgr3 -0.348534100 -0.266490460  0.280603400 -0.104590890
## 6151           Fcgr4  0.065278530  0.081595420  0.000000000 -0.169000150
## 6152           Fcgrt  1.212511100  1.588982600  1.516988800  0.418349270
## 6153           Fcho1 -0.117063046 -0.051029205  0.265114780  0.089895250
## 6154           Fcho2  0.023244858  0.075530050 -0.300662040  0.246097560
## 6155          Fchsd1 -0.011042118  0.023303986  0.017120361  0.163420680
## 6156          Fchsd2  0.120282170  0.001716614  0.283913600  0.096489910
## 6157            Fcna -0.177382235 -0.168455835 -0.161486625 -0.147058010
## 6158            Fcnb -0.019649982  0.015618801  0.081212520 -0.056673050
## 6159           Fcrl1 -0.029582977 -0.051810740  0.000000000 -0.105774880
## 6160           Fcrl5 -0.130455970 -0.022161484  0.195417400  0.100972176
## 6161           Fcrl6 -0.019289494 -0.009188652 -0.197233680  0.056068420
## 6162           Fcrla  0.013213158 -0.015610218 -0.079216960 -0.136889930
## 6163           Fcrlb  0.055863857  0.003320694  0.137271880  0.000000000
## 6164           Fcrls  0.003277302  0.257227900  0.564279560 -0.232876300
## 6165           Fdft1  0.002728701  0.067903043  0.510479450  0.003749848
## 6166            Fdps  0.285733220  0.187785150  0.217377660 -0.536077500
## 6167            Fdx1 -0.151432040 -0.010793686  0.310981750  0.087298390
## 6168           Fdx1l -0.294543270 -0.181778910  0.433032040 -0.167600630
## 6169         Fdxacb1  0.337282180  0.173719880 -0.011947155  0.355217930
## 6170            Fdxr  0.008527279 -0.106947900  0.146070960  0.106396200
## 6171            Fech -0.130376820  0.053954600 -0.241798880  0.000000000
## 6172           Fem1a -0.012911797 -0.017239570  0.004486084  0.138730050
## 6173           Fem1b  0.079936030  0.073224070  0.028434753  0.029207230
## 6174           Fem1c -0.137030600 -0.028689384 -0.102699280 -0.046121597
## 6175            Fen1 -0.273459670 -0.221539735 -0.336022375 -0.102415323
## 6176          Fer1l4 -0.053184270  0.145640373  0.088257788 -0.122712615
## 6177          Ferd3l  0.041962624  0.005921841  0.159341810  0.000000000
## 6178          Fermt1 -0.009519577 -0.103504660 -0.010370731 -0.024982452
## 6179          Fermt2  0.317844400  0.244824410  0.000000000  0.205680850
## 6180          Fermt3 -0.105473040 -0.127200600 -0.150747780 -0.118282320
## 6181           Fert2  0.268282900  0.055313110 -0.262933730  0.131063460
## 6182             Fes -0.324129580 -0.234725480 -0.084415910  0.134949200
## 6183           Fetub  0.017066002 -0.014275551 -0.024081230 -0.085114000
## 6184             Fev -0.021817207  0.104577540  0.236724850  0.096091270
## 6185            Fez1  0.775832650  0.795024400  1.142406000  1.103384500
## 6186            Fez2 -0.271900180  0.000000000  0.155785560  1.033140200
## 6187           Fezf1 -0.104516506  0.002187729  0.197353360  0.002436161
## 6188           Fezf2 -0.130993840  0.251174450  0.047088623 -0.002345085
## 6189           Ffar1 -0.072289940 -0.040403843  0.030629635  0.268389230
## 6190           Ffar2 -0.109562874  0.214762210  0.160631660  0.245932100
## 6191           Ffar3 -0.063525200 -0.047603130  0.199997900  0.000000000
## 6192           Ffar4 -0.042414190  0.159121510  0.073369980 -0.116837500
## 6193             Fga  0.070571735  0.112269640  0.091229202  0.010105372
## 6194             Fgb  0.194935320 -0.050803660  0.113524914  0.045358658
## 6195            Fgd1  0.000000000  0.282006740  0.218823430  0.007373810
## 6196            Fgd2 -0.014770031 -0.066541195 -0.019470692  0.142559050
## 6197            Fgd3 -0.201119900  0.071168420  0.047321320 -0.149360180
## 6198            Fgd4 -0.358073230 -0.221463200 -0.117739680 -0.033722400
## 6199            Fgd5  0.361734400  0.392740250  0.184503560  0.368248000
## 6200            Fgd6  0.768787400  0.704786300  0.813193300  0.000000000
## 6201            Fgf1 -0.490689750 -0.432112700 -0.221086500 -0.063794610
## 6202           Fgf10  0.017448425  0.000000000  0.054497242 -0.067111490
## 6203           Fgf11 -0.070682526  0.293053150  0.085412980  0.197119240
## 6204           Fgf12 -0.026278973 -0.006078243  0.159050460  0.002450466
## 6205           Fgf13  0.446046350  0.671656130  0.411332130  0.038898945
## 6206           Fgf14  0.140735150  0.136819840  0.147675040 -0.056088448
## 6207           Fgf15  0.047031880 -0.104417324  0.000000000 -0.077967170
## 6208           Fgf16  0.021455765 -0.017689705  0.135654930 -0.026471138
## 6209           Fgf17 -0.108562470  0.012355804  0.054733753  0.212313650
## 6210           Fgf18  0.187422280 -0.033553123 -0.048542976  0.098966120
## 6211            Fgf2 -0.085738180 -0.046489240 -0.101654530  0.592319970
## 6212           Fgf20 -0.001361847  0.051850796  0.122348310  0.039201736
## 6213           Fgf21  0.089686870  0.066268920 -0.106601715 -0.067573550
## 6214           Fgf22 -0.024250984  0.003984451 -0.079988480  0.086620810
## 6215           Fgf23 -0.015821934  0.020063400  0.079405785  0.081855300
## 6216            Fgf3  0.118245600  0.045875550  0.121068954 -0.104658130
## 6217            Fgf4  0.074945450  0.204753400  0.000000000  0.004177570
## 6218            Fgf5  0.029803753  0.015370846 -0.079267025 -0.113276960
## 6219            Fgf6  0.011549473  0.000000000  0.176875110  0.151291850
## 6220            Fgf7 -0.222340100 -0.313093660 -0.073280334  0.065425870
## 6221            Fgf8 -0.024385452 -0.012791157  0.308429240  0.103805540
## 6222            Fgf9  0.158408640 -0.087240696  0.149032120 -0.107030870
## 6223          Fgfbp1  0.098189830  0.320436480  0.192587850 -0.058983803
## 6224          Fgfbp3  0.000000000 -0.121313095  0.375194550  0.173013690
## 6225           Fgfr1 -0.195101260 -0.221613880 -0.248910430 -0.034176826
## 6226         Fgfr1op -0.089641094 -0.389622700 -0.386983870 -0.179133890
## 6227        Fgfr1op2 -0.209881780  0.158813480  0.090017320  0.050856590
## 6228           Fgfr2 -0.195609570 -0.092721940 -0.130158420 -0.233946800
## 6229           Fgfr3 -0.124539850 -0.177873610 -0.300388340  0.240410330
## 6230           Fgfr4  0.049050808  0.050910950 -0.013609409  0.056188583
## 6231          Fgfrl1 -0.106421470 -0.128165250  0.000000000 -0.029875755
## 6232             Fgg -0.057520390 -0.022238255 -0.018998146  0.000000000
## 6233            Fggy  0.075400734  0.186930653 -0.021642484 -0.141856672
## 6234            Fgl1 -0.099234580 -0.115495205  0.098407270 -0.099629400
## 6235            Fgl2 -0.223700050 -0.336552620 -0.464097020 -0.412634370
## 6236             Fgr -0.262122150 -0.269209380 -0.180975910 -0.470814230
## 6237             Fh1  0.000629000  0.267223360  0.182359700  0.160532950
## 6238           Fhad1  0.023648262  0.100163701 -0.028680086  0.016997099
## 6239           Fhdc1 -0.292689320 -0.149856090 -0.167405600 -0.119566440
## 6240            Fhit -0.087894920 -0.001529694 -0.111149790 -0.030616760
## 6241            Fhl1 -0.506804470 -0.353641030 -0.580280300  0.090192320
## 6242            Fhl2 -0.154189590 -0.078938010 -0.292130950 -0.110146046
## 6243            Fhl3  0.232660770 -0.087222100  0.315499780 -0.215261460
## 6244            Fhl4  0.103262900  0.066538334  0.096039770 -0.061458588
## 6245            Fhl5 -0.074414250  0.013271809 -0.028225422 -0.141242980
## 6246           Fhod1 -0.642884730 -0.283890250 -0.335412980  0.268667220
## 6247           Fhod3  0.106838230 -0.116325855 -0.017211437  0.181401730
## 6248          Fibcd1  0.000000000  0.003248215  0.083036900 -0.122596264
## 6249           Fibin  0.026090145  0.026090145 -0.083102226  0.085493090
## 6250            Fibp  0.105506900  0.367110250  0.540566440  0.467586520
## 6251            Ficd  0.073668480  0.078372000 -0.160030360  0.205051900
## 6252            Fig4 -0.078890800 -0.004622459  0.269274700 -0.317231660
## 6253            Figf  2.158205000  1.792825700  2.074298000 -0.448926450
## 6254           Figla  0.000000000  0.034922600 -0.076590060 -0.132041930
## 6255            Fign  0.165761470  0.189987180 -0.004870415 -0.151096340
## 6256          Fignl1 -0.247396950 -0.547964100 -0.543808940 -0.091026306
## 6257          Fignl2  0.015715122 -0.122919560  0.462012770  0.174091820
## 6258          Filip1  0.755695340  1.077631000  0.955651300  1.489452400
## 6259         Filip1l -0.547368288 -0.686253565 -0.625277032  0.055684090
## 6260          Fip1l1  0.166354180  0.000000000  0.250122070  0.304279330
## 6261            Fis1  0.224549300  0.349987030  0.441740040 -0.110709190
## 6262           Fitm1 -0.031173706  0.102535725  0.140841000  0.137978550
## 6263           Fitm2 -0.100505830  0.148538110  0.241152290 -0.035938740
## 6264            Fiz1  0.243446830  0.524045470  0.225672720  0.308756830
## 6265            Fjx1 -0.052268505  0.021325111  0.146001340  0.218428610
## 6266          Fkbp10 -0.091194150 -0.197894100  0.040625095  0.000000000
## 6267          Fkbp11 -0.025238990 -0.037491800  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 6268          Fkbp14  0.050582886  0.032827377 -0.170222760 -0.285445200
## 6269          Fkbp15  0.000000000  0.099635124  0.016428947  0.000000000
## 6270          Fkbp1a -0.001421928  0.000000000 -0.188310620  0.108357430
## 6271          Fkbp1b -0.417682650 -0.232301240 -0.425899030  0.367701530
## 6272           Fkbp2  0.053247450  0.132073400  0.092832565 -0.715220450
## 6273           Fkbp3  0.108416560 -0.002194405 -0.100142480  0.295709600
## 6274           Fkbp4  0.529608700  0.446776400  0.404805180 -0.280702600
## 6275           Fkbp5 -0.637281900 -1.208055000 -1.006899400 -0.529179100
## 6276           Fkbp6 -0.015261173  0.293095600  0.311326500  0.012129307
## 6277           Fkbp7  0.130266190 -0.233531000  0.074790000  0.174708370
## 6278           Fkbp8 -0.348052500  0.134342200  0.267190930 -0.253447530
## 6279           Fkbp9  0.017972946  0.112367630  0.057539940  0.403108600
## 6280           Fkbpl -0.125110630  0.187901020 -0.582969670  0.002514362
## 6281            Fkrp  0.041490078  0.041695595  0.067559720 -0.235836980
## 6282            Fktn  0.000000000  0.319601540  0.259075160 -0.105724810
## 6283           Flad1 -0.178906920 -0.325407980 -0.145832540  0.119640830
## 6284            Flcn -0.303084850 -0.428076270 -0.024433613 -0.075204370
## 6285            Flg2 -0.059605120  0.076720715  0.136518960  0.089241505
## 6286            Fli1  0.208014490  0.308304800  0.521424300  0.483055100
## 6287            Flii  0.291897770  0.575965900  0.216185570  0.182352070
## 6288            Flna -0.590209000 -0.428565980 -0.559041000 -0.039370537
## 6289            Flnb  0.669244770  0.638720500  0.516432760  0.385582920
## 6290            Flnc  0.000000000 -0.005628586  0.032195090 -0.023416520
## 6291           Flot1  0.034605503 -0.071484090  0.614335540 -0.048882960
## 6292           Flot2 -0.446140300 -0.602381700 -0.548316000  0.127570630
## 6293           Flrt1 -0.054906845 -0.182835100 -0.169670100 -0.179392340
## 6294           Flrt2  2.613835300  2.511816000  1.551416400  0.262245180
## 6295           Flrt3 -0.193205360 -0.167515280 -0.119606020 -0.055359840
## 6296            Flt1  1.101471900  1.089996300  1.044565200  0.369236950
## 6297            Flt3 -0.359862330  0.000000000 -0.165309430  0.020632744
## 6298           Flt3l  0.504162300  0.610179400  0.063185690  0.381625650
## 6299            Flt4  0.227162360  0.527044300  0.871963500 -0.074133396
## 6300         Flywch1 -0.218059060  0.130308630 -0.022889614  0.062793730
## 6301         Flywch2 -0.028099060 -0.069509980 -0.053714275 -0.170153140
## 6302            Fmn1 -0.052355766 -0.155053140 -0.012588978  0.206653120
## 6303            Fmn2 -0.019536018 -0.049854755 -0.001380444  0.002840042
## 6304           Fmnl1 -0.769512200 -0.637413000 -0.746067050  1.112194100
## 6305           Fmnl2  0.285774230  0.068202020  0.165392880  0.090049740
## 6306           Fmnl3  0.133587840  0.337275500  0.479189870  0.237895970
## 6307            Fmo1  0.444521900  0.120250700 -0.742917060  1.441710500
## 6308            Fmo2  0.897360800  0.577520400  0.451095580  0.865134240
## 6309            Fmo3 -0.011011601 -0.110999584 -0.033999920  0.000000000
## 6310            Fmo4  0.182595250  0.047055244 -0.219559670  0.529673600
## 6311            Fmo5  0.348617550 -0.056777000  0.076061250 -0.125894550
## 6312            Fmo9  0.136066910  0.004163742 -0.010192871 -0.131054400
## 6313            Fmod  0.000000000 -0.146105290 -0.047683716 -0.111076830
## 6314            Fmr1 -0.001167297 -0.018796920 -0.132983210  0.054552080
## 6315          Fmr1nb  0.067906860  0.050654890  0.002809525  0.064610004
## 6316             Fn1  2.835206000  2.818840000  3.121857600  0.945856100
## 6317            Fn3k  0.068675040  0.152337550  0.000000000 -0.237282280
## 6318          Fn3krp  0.010347843  0.000000000  0.098384380 -0.207193850
## 6319           Fnbp1 -0.563219100 -0.698926000 -0.417989730 -0.298482900
## 6320          Fnbp1l  0.425370220  0.270389560  0.304363250  0.336390500
## 6321           Fnbp4 -0.296689030 -0.276790620 -0.251093860  0.233951570
## 6322          Fnd3c2  0.089476110 -0.048049450  0.036208630  0.019517422
## 6323           Fndc1 -0.135533330 -0.264049050  0.070682526  0.000000000
## 6324          Fndc3a  0.000000000  0.072865486 -0.134363170 -0.127791400
## 6325          Fndc3b -0.107700350 -0.423232560 -0.030450820  0.067491530
## 6326         Fndc3c1  0.034053802 -0.053400993  0.066756725 -0.013418675
## 6327           Fndc4  0.100577830  0.019528389  0.231608390 -0.078222275
## 6328           Fndc5  0.000000000  0.042754173  0.141144280  0.087173940
## 6329           Fndc7 -0.074551580  0.041709900  0.239606380 -0.002508164
## 6330           Fndc8  0.115748880  0.006111622  0.118043420 -0.103271010
## 6331           Fndc9 -0.243126390 -0.059143543  0.022633553  0.107548710
## 6332           Fnip1 -0.475474360 -0.505188000 -0.514446260  0.034681320
## 6333           Fnip2  0.020947456 -0.465008260  0.197540280  0.199549670
## 6334            Fnta  0.139227870  0.638151170  0.327315330 -0.143786430
## 6335            Fntb  0.173125740  0.155873300  0.089798450  0.108910560
## 6336           Focad  0.450646880  0.411866200  0.710505000  0.123747826
## 6337           Folh1 -0.000760000 -0.064701080 -0.058824540 -0.135403630
## 6338           Folr1 -0.007109642 -0.028231144  0.008596420  0.052003384
## 6339           Folr2 -0.091097830 -0.084388730 -0.064856050  0.099914550
## 6340           Folr4 -0.060130596 -0.036252975  0.110094070  0.005933762
## 6341           Fopnl -0.530727400  0.040420532 -0.281914230 -0.123070720
## 6342             Fos  1.357493900  0.366214280  0.352868560  0.214738370
## 6343            Fosb  1.712141000  1.426061600  0.121581080  0.373355870
## 6344           Fosl1  0.020573140  0.117419720  0.200927730  0.467637060
## 6345           Fosl2  0.948460600 -0.245262620 -0.090498924 -0.030678750
## 6346           Foxa1 -0.059986590  0.077949050  0.187065600 -0.007627010
## 6347           Foxa2  0.115163800  0.162198540 -0.007524490 -0.223738670
## 6348           Foxa3  0.002851486 -0.090927600 -0.001137734 -0.011946678
## 6349           Foxb1  0.000000000  0.088703156  0.095773220  0.115451336
## 6350           Foxb2 -0.089929104  0.030626774 -0.159963130  0.227385040
## 6351           Foxc1  2.187402200  1.981387100  2.896534400  0.355633740
## 6352           Foxc2 -0.287512300 -0.248909950 -0.205940720  0.514967900
## 6353           Foxd1 -0.080480576  0.171294210  0.303720000 -0.141671180
## 6354           Foxd2  0.242299080  0.064929960  0.300650600 -0.063055990
## 6355           Foxd3  0.072813990  0.115184310  0.135294440 -0.155160900
## 6356           Foxd4  0.000000000  0.002364159  0.040060997 -0.110486030
## 6357           Foxe1 -0.111053940 -0.011615753  0.102466110  0.001158714
## 6358           Foxe3  0.000000000  0.030692100  0.054558754  0.151871200
## 6359           Foxf1  0.537098400  0.338104720  0.356288900 -0.032755375
## 6360           Foxf2  3.251287500  3.118003800  2.985720600  0.000000000
## 6361           Foxg1  0.125346180  0.007627487 -0.038519382  0.095141410
## 6362           Foxh1  0.082856655 -0.056298256  0.133890630  0.000000000
## 6363           Foxi1  0.063560010  0.040087700 -0.049709320  0.170337680
## 6364           Foxi2 -0.147460460 -0.042530060 -0.094662670  0.020644665
## 6365           Foxi3 -0.138277530  0.014615059  0.283496860  0.284329900
## 6366           Foxj1 -0.095202446  0.024680138  0.148421290 -0.080345154
## 6367           Foxj2 -0.109341620  0.098086360  0.151791570  0.372473720
## 6368           Foxj3  0.116930960 -0.009323120  0.000000000  0.408838270
## 6369           Foxk1  0.159483433  0.240271325 -0.136602163  0.000573875
## 6370           Foxk2 -0.007664681  0.208671570 -0.293356420  0.118321420
## 6371           Foxl1 -0.039813520  0.000000000 -0.000862000  0.083607200
## 6372           Foxl2  0.000000000  0.059108257  0.520650400 -0.032183647
## 6373         Foxl2os  1.515396600  1.136288200  1.568542000  0.120660305
## 6374           Foxm1 -0.213382240 -0.419205200  0.248418330 -0.149871830
## 6375           Foxn1 -0.079185486 -0.088214400  0.160790440 -0.023928165
## 6376           Foxn2 -0.293568130  0.000000000 -0.036273956 -0.094953540
## 6377           Foxn3  0.189261920  0.077610971 -0.170102360  0.059702397
## 6378           Foxn4  0.022590637  0.120997906 -0.039944172 -0.048002720
## 6379           Foxo1  0.465013500  0.543210000  0.606749530  0.033020973
## 6380           Foxo4  0.090106964 -0.084003925  0.304534440  0.014747143
## 6381           Foxo6  0.059815407  0.032783985  0.038605213 -0.050533295
## 6382           Foxp1  0.817404750  1.033568400  0.673474300  0.087186810
## 6383           Foxp2 -0.027071000  0.110259056  0.070251465 -0.117558956
## 6384           Foxp3 -0.014074802 -0.197838300 -0.018986225  0.000000000
## 6385           Foxp4 -0.150872230  0.033481598  0.057314396  0.058729170
## 6386           Foxq1  0.753234400  0.830096980  0.682607415 -0.195553780
## 6387           Foxr1 -0.015348434  0.005310059  0.163254260 -0.080053330
## 6388           Foxr2 -0.028975964  0.007299423  0.014181614  0.192848680
## 6389         Foxred1 -0.067632675 -0.294428830  0.013355255 -0.383129120
## 6390         Foxred2 -0.092578890  0.010447502  0.016151428  0.197895530
## 6391           Foxs1  0.037978172 -0.072898390 -0.157827850 -0.007823944
## 6392            Fpgs  0.000000000 -0.020628452  0.010197639  0.024280071
## 6393            Fpgt  0.000000000 -0.124581814  0.361057760  0.180271150
## 6394            Fpr1  0.164868350 -0.000822000  0.000000000 -0.129469870
## 6395            Fpr3  0.008659363  0.000000000 -0.004229069  0.097598076
## 6396         Fpr-rs3  0.095394135  0.001202583  0.045315742 -0.285717960
## 6397         Fpr-rs4  0.114613056 -0.036532402  0.102657795  0.163435940
## 6398         Fpr-rs6  0.007032394  0.050872803 -0.015067101  0.023179531
## 6399        Fra10ac1  0.406412120  0.108569145  0.279023170  0.038891792
## 6400           Fras1  0.006576538 -0.042348385  0.000776000 -0.055520535
## 6401           Frat1 -0.370578770 -0.294920920 -0.044985294  0.047191143
## 6402           Frat2 -0.338203900 -0.101048470 -0.354056840  0.135938640
## 6403           Frem1 -0.050136090  0.019238949  0.000000000 -0.123902800
## 6404           Frem2  0.978398800  0.869566440  0.578663350  0.070776940
## 6405           Frem3 -0.105281350 -0.039300920  0.003459454 -0.138797280
## 6406            Frg1 -0.012069702  0.221189500  0.016166687  0.406061170
## 6407             Frk -0.379771230 -0.372431760 -0.275441170  0.172117710
## 6408           Frmd3  0.000000000  0.075938225 -0.000957000 -0.034476280
## 6409          Frmd4a -0.554403800 -0.743729100 -0.531258100 -0.129408840
## 6410          Frmd4b  1.110432600  1.296743400  0.359485630  0.074575424
## 6411           Frmd5  2.347301000  2.586879300  2.890962100 -0.193380830
## 6412           Frmd6  0.060661793  0.576873300  0.518217560 -0.244281290
## 6413           Frmd7 -0.040984630 -0.054405212  0.173874380  0.000000000
## 6414           Frmd8 -0.262970210  0.047556635  0.145196198  0.112818480
## 6415          Frmpd1 -0.059087753  0.106195450  0.037601948  0.010728836
## 6416          Frmpd3  0.074697020 -0.020737648  0.017931938 -0.029016495
## 6417          Frmpd4  0.000000000  0.048353672  0.114076614  0.165299420
## 6418           Frrs1 -1.019165000 -0.652586940 -0.550694000 -0.456650260
## 6419          Frrs1l -0.118711950 -0.056599617  0.152847770 -0.121581554
## 6420            Frs2 -0.303360940 -0.253058430 -0.343169200 -0.067141530
## 6421            Frs3  0.000000000 -0.052877903  0.206929680 -0.036089420
## 6422             Fry  2.500506400  2.344490000  2.141101800  1.209733000
## 6423            Fryl  0.577337265  0.336305140  0.892787000  0.155358792
## 6424            Frzb -0.077560900 -0.021840096  0.300877570 -0.073837280
## 6425            Fscb -0.008464336  0.016985416  0.016985416  0.018923760
## 6426           Fscn1 -0.778293600 -0.519563700 -0.713588240  1.466610000
## 6427           Fscn2 -0.131967070 -0.163573740 -0.033410072 -0.076386930
## 6428           Fscn3 -0.052474022 -0.049519062  0.024422646  0.024422646
## 6429            Fsd1  0.090291500  0.221541880 -0.125244620  0.072073940
## 6430           Fsd1l  0.076615330  0.735730200 -0.134126660  0.421190740
## 6431            Fsd2  0.007410049 -0.028700352  0.010906220  0.000000000
## 6432            Fshb  0.017328262  0.081693650  0.156557080 -0.034519672
## 6433            Fshr -0.015395641 -0.034279823  0.112105370 -0.035027027
## 6434           Fsip1 -0.010823727 -0.113433360  0.035437584  0.109366420
## 6435           Fsip2  0.028771400  0.000000000  0.103763580  0.141443730
## 6436             Fst -0.054632187  0.040058136 -0.020943642  0.000000000
## 6437           Fstl1 -0.918419840 -1.332198100 -0.651499300  0.440030570
## 6438           Fstl3 -0.008422375  0.160472870 -0.087162020  0.000000000
## 6439           Fstl4 -0.022813797  0.013718605 -0.024512291  0.048246384
## 6440           Fstl5  0.100532055  0.007178783 -0.002137184  0.012293816
## 6441            Ftcd  0.140675540  0.062592980 -0.013963699  0.054980278
## 6442            Fth1  0.017609596  0.055894850  0.224619870 -0.098952290
## 6443          Fthl17  0.121325731  0.028937697  0.058245182 -0.115924357
## 6444            Ftl1 -0.283937137 -0.226710003 -0.169589041 -0.130043982
## 6445            Ftl2 -0.266080220 -0.133217494  0.012075424 -0.132579167
## 6446            Ftmt  0.027539253 -0.189294820 -0.036270620  0.096610070
## 6447             Fto  0.229140760  0.575922500  0.007404327  0.356523040
## 6448           Ftsj1  0.622283940  0.511878000  0.660326960 -0.062118053
## 6449           Ftsj2  0.068028450 -0.036966800 -0.082811830 -0.192071910
## 6450           Ftsj3 -0.196602340 -0.096682550  0.521654100  0.478010180
## 6451           Fubp1  0.164096830  0.047103880  0.000000000  0.058083534
## 6452           Fubp3  0.095474240  0.173089980  0.088191030  0.102786064
## 6453           Fuca1 -0.593439100 -0.263697620 -0.279577260 -0.214998250
## 6454           Fuca2  0.361517900  0.000000000  0.991024000 -0.795964240
## 6455             Fuk -0.019474506  0.011261940  0.011872292  0.127644060
## 6456          Fundc1  0.087413790  0.171892170  0.269374850 -0.120251656
## 6457          Fundc2 -0.034508705  0.000000000  0.004009247 -0.079848290
## 6458            Fuom -0.603449800 -0.098898410  0.151913640 -0.364116200
## 6459           Furin -0.002252579  0.059123040  0.450807570  0.054831505
## 6460             Fus -0.096650120  0.006958962  0.197986600  0.070917130
## 6461            Fut1  0.172538760  0.000449000  0.022987366  0.000000000
## 6462           Fut10  0.530196670  0.364403250  0.280639650  0.033239840
## 6463           Fut11  0.531868455  0.844050155 -0.683131720 -0.469539410
## 6464            Fut2  0.164025780  0.000000000 -0.111767290  0.043841840
## 6465            Fut4 -0.164960860 -0.270760540  0.022924423 -0.031606197
## 6466            Fut7  0.072711945  0.000000000 -0.019825459 -0.007809639
## 6467            Fut8  1.865976300  1.515330300  1.223154100  0.543250100
## 6468            Fut9  0.063544270 -0.032313347  0.062910080  0.015400410
## 6469             Fuz  0.201755999  0.318676458  0.333195915  0.166533705
## 6470             Fv1 -0.814085960 -0.533739100  0.238345620 -0.564045900
## 6471             Fxn -0.004456520 -0.433910850 -0.311614040  0.324533940
## 6472            Fxr1  0.237939830 -0.185050960 -0.273281100 -0.007819176
## 6473            Fxr2  0.052354336 -0.197876450 -0.251147750  0.083798885
## 6474           Fxyd1 -0.196634770 -0.182898040 -0.002346039  0.279187200
## 6475           Fxyd2 -0.088963030 -0.056912422 -0.025481700 -0.125329970
## 6476           Fxyd3 -0.168068410 -0.094810010 -0.155936240 -0.083011150
## 6477           Fxyd4 -0.014728069  0.000000000 -0.439739700 -0.192200180
## 6478           Fxyd5  1.021228800  0.962669400  1.356762900 -0.080752370
## 6479           Fxyd6  0.064895150 -0.097081184 -0.267987250  0.704061030
## 6480           Fxyd7 -0.077536580  0.163279530  0.038420200  0.091811660
## 6481             Fyb -0.276072500 -0.169554230 -0.044966698  0.157687190
## 6482           Fyco1  1.532095900  1.849873500  1.672396700  0.416915900
## 6483             Fyn -0.444408420 -0.626037600 -1.080602600  0.746858600
## 6484          Fyttd1  0.057921410  0.087051390  0.083556175 -0.029435158
## 6485            Fzd1  0.324986460  0.299802780  0.452473160  0.202806950
## 6486           Fzd10 -0.134492870  0.000000000  0.212958340  0.027098656
## 6487            Fzd2 -0.036834240 -0.112449646  0.131710530 -0.031534670
## 6488            Fzd3  1.995645000  0.708319660  0.356265070 -0.658155440
## 6489            Fzd4  0.315577500 -0.024128914  0.000000000 -0.085196495
## 6490            Fzd5  0.068227770  0.000000000  0.022469997  0.039886475
## 6491            Fzd6  1.233586300  1.267404600  1.422826800  0.044210434
## 6492            Fzd7 -0.290051940 -0.424325000 -0.554562570 -0.032308580
## 6493            Fzd8 -0.049030780  0.092736720  0.104226110  0.012170792
## 6494            Fzd9 -0.019107819 -0.014604092  0.213683600 -0.059920310
## 6495            Fzr1  0.011398315  0.041099070  0.062063694 -0.397823330
## 6496            G0s2 -0.110985756 -0.124744415 -0.285716060 -0.059981346
## 6497            G2e3  0.389414800  0.074644090 -0.384230600 -0.196454050
## 6498           G3bp1 -0.042147636  0.059167862 -0.376279830 -0.112605095
## 6499           G3bp2 -0.367534640  0.032193184  0.115127560  0.215080260
## 6500   G530011O06Rik  0.719011800  0.261802200 -0.772601100 -0.162617200
## 6501   G530012D18Rik -0.174329760 -0.238603590 -0.189310070  0.344521520
## 6502   G630022F23Rik  0.000000000  0.233370780  0.110449790 -0.074859140
## 6503   G630090E17Rik -0.145129680 -0.082417010  0.114113330  0.037891865
## 6504            G6pc  0.002564907 -0.039631844  0.015501499 -0.027114868
## 6505           G6pc2 -0.055164814 -0.002644062  0.005509377  0.036547184
## 6506           G6pc3 -0.137142180 -0.346309660 -0.458355430 -0.781162260
## 6507           G6pd2  0.087741850  0.000000000 -0.091616630 -0.227015970
## 6508           G6pdx  0.251750950  0.342192650  0.174405100 -0.049617767
## 6509   G730007D18Rik -0.213426110  0.154104710 -0.581522000 -0.022113800
## 6510   G930009F23Rik -0.018507957  0.333677300 -0.055656910 -0.020204544
## 6511             Gaa  0.078447820  0.093724730 -0.024855137  0.082078930
## 6512            Gab1  0.609894750  0.988176350  0.749238000  0.039458275
## 6513            Gab2 -0.021301270 -0.074072840  0.000000000  0.463828100
## 6514            Gab3 -0.514461500 -0.266572480 -0.382230760  0.515815260
## 6515         Gabarap -0.004220009 -0.124754906 -0.227388380 -0.106318474
## 6516       Gabarapl1  0.915097240  0.671894100  0.582559600 -0.094696045
## 6517       Gabarapl2  0.174909590 -0.119923590  0.070405960  0.093587875
## 6518          Gabbr1 -0.079363820 -0.052655220  0.000000000  0.365256300
## 6519          Gabbr2  0.000000000  0.237094880  0.048373700 -0.016242027
## 6520           Gabpa  0.046875954  0.130304340  0.064662930  0.349530220
## 6521          Gabpb1  0.496572500 -0.139597900 -0.046531677  0.051967620
## 6522          Gabpb2  0.000000000 -0.215927120 -0.193649290  0.064023970
## 6523          Gabra1  0.057881355  0.032500267  0.072363850  0.002852440
## 6524          Gabra2  0.055954933  0.080683710 -0.020926476 -0.049163820
## 6525          Gabra3  0.038231373 -0.083945274  0.000000000  0.012506008
## 6526          Gabra4  0.075915810 -0.048614502 -0.058392048  0.110888960
## 6527          Gabra5  0.046020745  0.041539907  0.073915720 -0.014975310
## 6528          Gabra6  0.008530617 -0.017267704  0.000000000  0.050509453
## 6529          Gabrb1  0.001497269  0.167547230 -0.031182766  0.109694004
## 6530          Gabrb2  0.018465201 -0.064319135  0.020064354  0.211813141
## 6531          Gabrb3 -0.050018310 -0.024013520  0.046726227 -0.097624300
## 6532           Gabrd -0.111915110  0.117280010  0.140929700 -0.073788166
## 6533           Gabre  0.067496780 -0.078910830 -0.001786709 -0.083254340
## 6534          Gabrg1 -0.037752150 -0.041769505  0.092041970  0.093044760
## 6535          Gabrg2  0.006681442 -0.042520046 -0.003421783  0.000000000
## 6536          Gabrg3  0.078995230 -0.006685257 -0.013907909  0.121720314
## 6537           Gabrp  0.015146256 -0.107894420  0.111994740 -0.019594193
## 6538           Gabrq  0.000000000 -0.042182922  0.110209940  0.016149520
## 6539          Gabrr2  0.057839870 -0.029343605  0.011592865  0.000000000
## 6540          Gabrr3 -0.120576860  0.056979656  0.139162060 -0.155582430
## 6541            Gad1  0.086625576  0.088896750  0.131219390  0.058456898
## 6542            Gad2 -0.031741620  0.068397520  0.069862840 -0.047837257
## 6543         Gadd45a  0.648593900  0.778028500  0.597035400 -0.199275020
## 6544         Gadd45b  0.203718190 -0.231783870 -0.085234165 -0.455340860
## 6545         Gadd45g  0.026776790 -0.100312710  0.000000000 -0.009562492
## 6546      Gadd45gip1 -0.083512780  0.120186330 -0.076209070  0.000000000
## 6547           Gadl1 -0.189569470  0.000808000  0.094020840 -0.151642320
## 6548             Gak -0.159542080  0.003717423 -0.427455900 -0.187870980
## 6549             Gal  0.127000810 -0.125035760 -0.258239750  0.219473840
## 6550         Gal3st1  0.077203750  0.015188217 -0.059765340  0.108800410
## 6551         Gal3st2  0.091646195 -0.034929991 -0.045592784  0.105028868
## 6552         Gal3st3  0.060099600  0.007238388  0.101473810  0.006628990
## 6553         Gal3st4 -0.015057564 -0.105004310  0.012910366 -0.282076840
## 6554            Galc -0.311996940 -0.246487140 -0.025386810 -0.049361706
## 6555            Gale -0.024963379  0.041185380 -0.069326400  0.007880211
## 6556           Galk1 -0.045177460 -0.024501324  0.333226200  0.000000000
## 6557           Galk2 -0.123551851 -0.133590695 -0.216150285 -0.070192100
## 6558            Galm -0.033243656 -0.002767563 -0.088240150 -0.102661610
## 6559           Galns -0.019092560  0.100264070 -0.073773384 -0.006348133
## 6560          Galnt1 -0.436973570 -0.722826000 -0.666648860  0.218143460
## 6561         Galnt11 -0.040181160  0.297433135  0.047581143 -0.023076773
## 6562         Galnt12 -0.045857906  0.025900840  0.000000000 -0.125916000
## 6563         Galnt13  0.012074471  0.053202630 -0.012044430 -0.012044430
## 6564         Galnt14  0.034230710 -0.012027264  0.017772198  0.078147410
## 6565         Galnt15  0.689610960  0.269959930  0.809128300  1.260976300
## 6566         Galnt16 -0.112908840  0.023826600 -0.100082874  0.205181600
## 6567         Galnt18  0.000000000  0.112393380  0.305190560  0.906413100
## 6568          Galnt2 -0.174966810  0.092150690  0.104872230  0.289746760
## 6569          Galnt3 -0.224562170 -0.148192880 -0.179543970  0.000000000
## 6570          Galnt4  0.084569454  0.075545790  0.215151310  0.017004967
## 6571          Galnt5  0.000000000  0.002637863 -0.038619995 -0.020771980
## 6572          Galnt6 -0.062318325  0.077149390 -0.035223484 -0.057333946
## 6573          Galnt7 -0.003802300 -0.081775665  0.000000000  0.499597550
## 6574          Galnt9 -0.059988020 -0.045462610  0.066477300  0.046502590
## 6575         Galntl5 -0.005606175 -0.031765460  0.144747730  0.218208310
## 6576         Galntl6 -0.055651981  0.023869515 -0.018175602  0.017367681
## 6577            Galp -0.127349850  0.038627625  0.048063280  0.121340275
## 6578           Galr1  0.061041355  0.000000000  0.023641110  0.137562270
## 6579           Galr2 -0.016507626 -0.025784970 -0.145399100  0.000000000
## 6580           Galr3 -0.010284424  0.148411750  0.326791300  0.107379440
## 6581            Galt  0.270135880  0.000000000 -0.147534370  0.092186930
## 6582            Gamt -0.126590250  0.547212600 -0.453649040  0.000000000
## 6583             Gan -0.024297714 -0.281638620 -0.795418260  0.218732360
## 6584           Ganab -0.264034270  0.041738510  0.015227318  0.013494492
## 6585           Gap43  0.156219960  0.000000000 -0.153223990 -0.092480660
## 6586           Gapdh -0.236364868 -0.251421530  0.047216018 -0.248444372
## 6587          Gapdhs  0.251372335 -0.000394820  0.195439100  0.041292669
## 6588            Gapt -0.083035946 -0.067183970 -0.012260914  0.023090840
## 6589          Gapvd1 -0.024820328  0.022475243  0.216152190  0.078733444
## 6590            Gar1 -0.180187230  0.064428330  0.412490840  0.142264370
## 6591           Garem  0.221562860  0.024813652  0.395643230  0.015491486
## 6592          Gareml -0.003067970  0.037140846  0.057899000 -0.075850960
## 6593          Garnl3 -0.113088610  0.000000000  0.253856180 -0.145019050
## 6594            Gars -0.069112780  0.072376250  0.095328330  0.134758950
## 6595            Gart -0.464150900 -0.152359490 -0.104262830 -0.067459580
## 6596            Gas1 -0.228156090 -0.146099090  0.196805950  0.255753520
## 6597            Gas2 -0.205781460 -0.263193600 -0.488948820  1.385401700
## 6598          Gas2l1  0.055721760  0.234793660  0.448648450  0.073780060
## 6599          Gas2l2  0.045753956  0.103164670 -0.016063213  0.000000000
## 6600          Gas2l3 -0.080780030 -0.287949560 -0.218538280 -0.124236110
## 6601            Gas5 -0.073221900 -0.592617740 -0.680110354  0.071654678
## 6602            Gas6  0.532807350  1.005965200  0.542412760  1.025713000
## 6603            Gas7 -0.158418660 -0.231770040 -0.097990990 -0.210218900
## 6604            Gas8 -0.198582170  0.197103980  0.309195520  0.303489690
## 6605            Gast  0.112805840 -0.007804871  0.066705704  0.000000000
## 6606           Gata1 -0.124684810  0.040298940 -0.154616360 -0.029479027
## 6607           Gata2  0.085347176  0.415884020  0.581503870  0.127489090
## 6608           Gata3 -0.233013150 -0.351525780 -0.245138170  0.396564480
## 6609           Gata4 -0.105751514 -0.022875309  0.001866818 -0.025806427
## 6610           Gata5  0.026010752 -0.000769615  0.051059485 -0.033783175
## 6611           Gata6 -0.382061480 -0.203371520 -0.151457310  0.476470470
## 6612          Gatad1  0.207010270  0.092257500  0.392549500 -0.084445000
## 6613         Gatad2a  0.211146350  0.455523500  0.393301000  0.115263460
## 6614         Gatad2b -0.014039993  0.183294300 -0.013353348  0.094577790
## 6615            Gatc  0.051447870  0.357335100 -0.010282517  0.191366200
## 6616            Gatm  2.413869900  2.397727000  2.221963000 -3.036908100
## 6617          Gatsl2 -0.169987200  0.000000000  0.007737637  0.000000000
## 6618          Gatsl3  0.487411980  0.514545440  0.665557860  0.285808560
## 6619             Gba -0.036985397 -0.513717650  0.108127594 -0.055533410
## 6620            Gba2 -0.139487270  0.155312060 -0.047260284  0.639297960
## 6621            Gbas  0.250731470  0.302369120  0.203881260 -0.140385630
## 6622            Gbe1  1.756520300  1.626082400  1.345942500 -0.346376420
## 6623            Gbf1 -0.022072792  0.163888930  0.188529010  0.205915450
## 6624           Gbgt1 -0.001409054 -0.067836760 -0.123126510 -0.139183520
## 6625           Gbp11 -0.126769540  0.000000000 -0.308571820  0.683083530
## 6626            Gbp2  0.128550530  0.058786392  0.000000000  0.467959400
## 6627           Gbp2b -0.115111830 -0.145256520 -0.063621520  0.000000000
## 6628            Gbp3  0.366712570  0.423444750 -0.095270160  0.640766140
## 6629            Gbp4 -0.272652630 -0.161724090 -0.761897100  0.973670000
## 6630            Gbp5  0.208751680  0.120886800  0.402828220  0.656163200
## 6631            Gbp6 -0.283531200 -0.231953620 -0.804398540  0.885503770
## 6632            Gbp7 -0.363512040 -0.164656640 -0.240127560  0.520455360
## 6633            Gbp8  0.000000000 -0.462070470 -1.069974000  0.235955720
## 6634            Gbp9  0.000000000 -0.034789085 -0.091282845  0.558121700
## 6635            Gbx1 -0.074168205  0.100410940  0.139458660  0.000000000
## 6636            Gbx2 -0.080084800 -0.094116210 -0.031683445  0.000000000
## 6637              Gc -0.128991130 -0.025631905  0.000000000 -0.014485359
## 6638             Gca  1.665312300  0.251722800 -0.564741600 -1.385978700
## 6639            Gcat -0.066611290  0.116221430  0.109393120 -0.125776770
## 6640            Gcc1 -0.089586735 -0.030266762  0.012832642  0.000000000
## 6641            Gcc2  0.494518280  0.219469070  0.180899620  0.298013700
## 6642            Gcdh  0.052817820  0.039012910 -0.082586290 -0.422525880
## 6643           Gcfc2  0.052194120 -0.336998460 -0.399484630  0.547311300
## 6644             Gcg  0.043317795  0.000000000  0.015299320 -0.006500244
## 6645            Gcgr -0.298658850 -0.023394108 -0.034974575  0.049113750
## 6646            Gch1  2.185930300  0.748634340  0.678550700 -0.108372690
## 6647           Gchfr -0.256798270 -0.201862810 -0.283291820 -0.220884320
## 6648             Gck -0.090071680 -0.078933240 -0.170392510 -0.027202606
## 6649            Gckr  0.041738987 -0.063776490  0.065989970  0.106241226
## 6650            Gclc -0.219939230 -0.342536930 -0.439113620 -0.490043640
## 6651            Gclm  0.395241740  0.000000000  0.314955700 -0.101105690
## 6652            Gcm1 -0.134340290  0.185844900  0.166946410  0.108530045
## 6653            Gcm2 -0.078258040  0.051177500 -0.114159110  0.028501987
## 6654          Gcn1l1 -0.029997349  0.022833824  0.127741340 -0.012169361
## 6655           Gcnt1 -0.139642240  0.000000000 -0.141717910  0.060144424
## 6656           Gcnt2  1.412818900  0.516527200  0.716705300 -0.313536640
## 6657           Gcnt3  0.013877392 -0.099183080  0.131324770 -0.194140430
## 6658           Gcnt4  0.022675991 -0.056596756  0.036683560  0.041533947
## 6659           Gcnt7  0.173632620  0.122446540  0.259315000  0.108293060
## 6660           Gcsam -0.081764700  0.096351620 -0.040533066 -0.154161450
## 6661            Gcsh  0.035427570  0.655161860  0.695430300 -0.547011400
## 6662             Gda -0.465944770 -0.830708500 -0.703752040  2.263499700
## 6663           Gdap1  0.000950000 -0.005962849 -0.065463540  0.022252083
## 6664          Gdap10  0.912932400  1.007068600  1.057550400 -0.046411514
## 6665         Gdap1l1  0.029364586 -0.034461020  0.036053658 -0.118513110
## 6666           Gdap2  0.164377210  0.234478950 -0.127955440  0.000000000
## 6667            Gde1  0.997398400  0.320493700  0.070849420 -0.233345510
## 6668            Gdf1  0.013261795  0.019693851  0.141904350  0.000000000
## 6669           Gdf10 -0.165282730  0.070919510  0.000000000 -0.098342896
## 6670           Gdf11  0.042329790  0.185442920 -0.264465800  0.000000000
## 6671           Gdf15 -0.077409270 -0.011911392 -0.081659320  0.056486130
## 6672            Gdf2 -0.023389816  0.039063454  0.000000000 -0.234177590
## 6673            Gdf3 -0.079732895 -0.107797146  0.000000000  0.211614610
## 6674            Gdf5 -0.118022445 -0.005388499  0.050105571  0.060313940
## 6675            Gdf6  0.003052235 -0.018288136  0.178692820  0.000000000
## 6676            Gdf7 -0.064142230  0.069303990  0.000000000 -0.065847870
## 6677            Gdf9 -0.111616135 -0.287702080 -0.029661655  0.072242260
## 6678            Gdi1  0.207815170  0.111114500  0.041027070  0.082117080
## 6679            Gdi2 -0.065541270 -0.161973000  0.000000000  0.005244255
## 6680            Gdnf  0.104342940 -0.085888860  0.121421814 -0.000623000
## 6681           Gdpd1  0.000000000  0.077425480 -0.305694580  0.782714370
## 6682           Gdpd2  0.065702438  0.004441977 -0.028733492 -0.018089772
## 6683           Gdpd3 -0.179438590  0.226941110 -0.720199600 -0.093011380
## 6684           Gdpd4 -0.039633750  0.082713604  0.028055191  0.091124060
## 6685           Gdpd5  0.218117240  0.077705860 -0.081553460  0.211581700
## 6686          Gdpgp1 -0.257639880  0.376957420  0.369388580  0.629739300
## 6687             Gem -0.195525650 -0.822150700 -0.560741900 -0.066503050
## 6688          Gemin2  0.241023060 -0.088946820  0.644338600 -0.477732180
## 6689          Gemin4  0.031412602  0.225261456  0.146788115  0.252073525
## 6690          Gemin5 -0.200932500 -0.081109524 -0.002310276  0.006507397
## 6691          Gemin6 -0.019852400 -0.003668547 -0.107102635 -0.324381121
## 6692          Gemin7 -0.365140440  0.063522816  0.378272530  0.147251600
## 6693          Gemin8 -0.075386764 -0.056384564  0.359241483  0.159909490
## 6694            Gen1 -0.141643520 -0.387023450 -0.287744050 -0.168616300
## 6695            Get4 -0.129996780 -0.058375360 -0.197021960  0.000000000
## 6696            Gfap  0.091602325  0.001591206 -0.085496426 -0.124721050
## 6697            Gfer  0.039636612  0.064038750  0.181758400 -0.439924720
## 6698            Gfi1 -0.045473100  0.051619053  0.130655290  0.107888220
## 6699           Gfi1b -0.288822650  0.114055630 -0.145907880 -0.237287040
## 6700            Gfm1 -0.038491250  0.170104980 -0.429054260  0.000872000
## 6701            Gfm2  0.124812600 -0.157972810 -1.007762900  0.336324210
## 6702           Gfod1  0.181118010 -0.375201700 -0.068963530  0.227117060
## 6703           Gfod2  0.182232860  0.112985610  0.320304870  0.037865640
## 6704           Gfpt1  0.005036354 -0.015121460 -0.768916600 -0.411896700
## 6705           Gfpt2 -0.378824700 -0.278087140 -0.265616420 -0.221304900
## 6706           Gfra1 -0.059856415  0.001744747 -0.006140709 -0.148320670
## 6707           Gfra2 -0.133717060 -0.191466330 -0.132293700 -0.308901300
## 6708           Gfra3 -0.071937560  0.177970890  0.053793907  0.136268620
## 6709           Gfra4  0.095327854  0.073567390  0.067135810  0.000000000
## 6710           Gfral -0.041339874  0.042443275  0.130921840  0.034385680
## 6711            Gga1 -0.015397549 -0.102227210  0.376599800  0.057785988
## 6712            Gga2 -0.276026250  0.156652930  0.065743450 -0.200675490
## 6713            Gga3 -0.007620812 -0.295800200  0.160424230 -0.031953810
## 6714           Ggact  1.654538200  1.690243700  1.749117900 -0.190946100
## 6715            Ggct -0.427496900 -1.304380900  0.000000000  0.445983900
## 6716            Ggcx -0.058052540 -0.203279500  0.399113180 -0.094007970
## 6717             Ggh  0.470465185  0.226957320  0.416462430 -0.002548695
## 6718             Ggn -0.016446590  0.021671295 -0.049464226  0.037488937
## 6719          Ggnbp1 -0.111348630  0.078422550  0.293760780 -0.151041030
## 6720          Ggnbp2 -0.057482720 -0.054702760 -0.213438990  0.000000000
## 6721           Ggps1  0.086631775  0.000000000  0.165744780  0.213200570
## 6722            Ggt1  0.005289555 -0.045686245  0.005813599 -0.092520714
## 6723            Ggt5 -0.003581524 -0.205756190 -0.087969780  0.165212630
## 6724            Ggt6  0.186985970  0.076465610  0.025787354  0.103203300
## 6725            Ggt7  0.013389587 -0.165138720  0.006190300 -0.012328625
## 6726           Ggta1 -0.631680970 -0.526588440 -0.125505450  0.825066570
## 6727              Gh -0.092425820  0.118794440 -0.028832912  0.134683610
## 6728            Ghdc -0.004133225  0.008764267  0.447901730  0.199954510
## 6729           Ghitm -0.116755486 -0.182837490 -0.095952990 -0.320401200
## 6730             Ghr  0.346120830  0.461075780  0.172801020  0.535867700
## 6731            Ghrh -0.248082160  0.000000000  0.024723530  0.114348890
## 6732           Ghrhr  0.019567966 -0.052040100  0.000000000  0.141322140
## 6733            Ghrl  0.000000000 -0.235427860  0.006846905 -0.011828899
## 6734            Ghsr  0.000000000  0.046851635  0.201056000 -0.007164478
## 6735            Gid4 -0.167305950 -0.150072100 -0.235450740  0.427952770
## 6736            Gid8 -0.217702870  0.099350930  0.467567440  0.175786020
## 6737             Gif  0.015326500 -0.094080925  0.021371365  0.024287224
## 6738          Gigyf1 -0.016973495  0.119429590  0.170009140  0.130787370
## 6739          Gigyf2 -0.081173900  0.068776130 -0.192429540  0.328356740
## 6740          Gimap1  0.473887440  0.258068080  0.081771850  0.052019120
## 6741          Gimap3 -0.264124400 -0.311371330  0.021463871 -0.187910560
## 6742          Gimap4 -2.258474300 -2.670996200 -2.200269700  1.050061200
## 6743          Gimap5  0.307452200 -0.296049120  0.592277050  0.000000000
## 6744          Gimap6  0.181667330 -0.567880630  0.029443740  0.344122900
## 6745          Gimap7 -0.272598740 -0.392541900 -0.276453020 -0.164854050
## 6746          Gimap8  0.000000000 -0.277840600 -0.302212720  0.403082850
## 6747          Gimap9 -0.017784119 -0.612156400 -0.495996480  0.516882900
## 6748            Gin1 -0.198740480 -0.109445095 -0.276691440 -0.116500380
## 6749           Ginm1  0.375285387  0.279857398  0.468438145  0.055273055
## 6750           Gins1 -0.198267460  0.765236850 -0.300048830 -0.821120260
## 6751           Gins2 -0.136032580 -0.091450690  0.000000000 -0.103141310
## 6752           Gins3  0.100268364 -0.181864740 -0.312555300 -0.072477820
## 6753           Gins4  0.217284200 -0.031486510 -0.385196700  0.004888535
## 6754             Gip -0.187520980  0.036222458  0.000000000  0.020013332
## 6755           Gipc1 -0.193328380 -0.148525240  0.000000000  0.069820880
## 6756           Gipc2 -0.116578578 -0.002380609  0.076393365  0.451835860
## 6757           Gipc3  0.216386800  0.388866900  0.132021900  0.637623300
## 6758            Gipr  0.022645473 -0.009526253  0.020455837  0.049457550
## 6759            Git1  0.017306328  0.080928800  0.247466090  0.203456880
## 6760            Git2  0.427082060  0.650082600  0.543387400  0.508300800
## 6761            Gja1  0.208132740 -0.474292760  0.194552420  0.660280200
## 6762           Gja10  0.022661686  0.025715828  0.117261410 -0.026839733
## 6763            Gja3 -0.067134860  0.014844894  0.174071310 -0.001213551
## 6764            Gja4 -0.180109500 -0.634162900 -0.794732600  0.032185555
## 6765            Gja5 -1.304277400 -1.170428800 -1.787120300  0.804107670
## 6766            Gja6  0.193489550  0.045321940  0.177647110  0.142287730
## 6767            Gja8  0.104428290 -0.043786050  0.107966900  0.000000000
## 6768            Gjb1  0.050394060  0.009209633 -0.134229180 -0.090182304
## 6769            Gjb2 -0.000054600  0.001596689  0.000000000 -0.097615240
## 6770            Gjb3 -0.191825390 -0.094143390  0.081691265 -0.025638580
## 6771            Gjb4  0.111011505 -0.034174920  0.042517185 -0.092563150
## 6772            Gjb5  0.000000000 -0.028211117  0.111370560  0.064649580
## 6773            Gjb6  0.079180720 -0.024931430  0.085227490  0.000000000
## 6774            Gjc1  1.181804700  1.007967000  0.897339800  0.242163660
## 6775            Gjc2  0.028380394  0.020138264  0.081085680  0.085273740
## 6776            Gjc3  0.065546990  0.000000000  0.088484290  0.027424335
## 6777            Gjd2 -0.054226875  0.000000000  0.276082520  0.044627190
## 6778            Gjd3  0.000000000  0.040827274  0.079494480 -0.079216960
## 6779            Gjd4  0.031363964  0.088209630  0.000000000 -0.048951626
## 6780            Gje1  0.074779030 -0.028887272  0.020227910  0.024306774
## 6781             Gk2 -0.013841629 -0.034778118  0.165396210  0.021967411
## 6782             Gk5  0.397074220  0.815950900  0.233003140 -0.037510872
## 6783           Gkap1  0.348480700  0.321556090  0.347640028 -0.127458575
## 6784            Gkn1 -0.046349050 -0.001919746  0.000000000  0.040141106
## 6785            Gkn2 -0.009622574  0.000000000  0.126732830  0.085068226
## 6786            Gkn3  3.167837600  3.775739200  2.892159000  1.442874000
## 6787             Gla  0.070948600  0.106384280  0.289031500 -0.209311490
## 6788            Glb1  0.237168790  0.081427574  0.586279870 -0.327732100
## 6789           Glb1l -0.200873850 -0.122723580  0.157617570 -0.148532870
## 6790          Glb1l2  0.104566574  0.019547940 -0.012866020 -0.094365600
## 6791          Glb1l3  0.144360540  0.047047615 -0.038711548 -0.033395290
## 6792          Glcci1  1.193462213  0.833310750  0.742188607 -0.172619663
## 6793            Glce  0.324862480  0.208247180  0.009533882  0.611829760
## 6794            Gldc -0.029558659 -0.036116123  0.008018494  0.003943443
## 6795            Gldn  0.030664444  0.000000000  0.110323906  0.013101578
## 6796            Gle1  0.000000000 -0.045637130 -0.469472900  0.555226300
## 6797            Glg1 -0.141103740 -0.142225270 -0.205141070  0.349503520
## 6798            Gli1  0.014857769 -0.117628100  0.058671474 -0.095832825
## 6799            Gli2 -0.003634453 -0.006093025 -0.005851746  0.028669834
## 6800            Gli3 -0.037251472 -0.011981964 -0.115696430 -0.052594660
## 6801          Glipr1  0.027395248 -0.205498220 -0.031411170 -0.213165760
## 6802        Glipr1l1 -0.063102245  0.000000000  0.004153729 -0.074829100
## 6803        Glipr1l2 -0.082764150  0.023732662  0.048140050  0.104721070
## 6804          Glipr2 -0.040385723  0.054656030 -0.061028957  0.092659950
## 6805           Glis1  0.000000000 -0.020013332  0.122854230 -0.012465954
## 6806           Glis2  0.176490780  0.750120160  0.174833300 -0.102569580
## 6807           Glis3 -0.024700642  0.068063260  0.202682970  0.020724773
## 6808            Glmn  0.332990650  0.180809020  0.304472450  0.244080070
## 6809            Glo1  0.388712405 -0.031518460  0.137773037  0.063377858
## 6810           Glod4  0.420959470  0.559479700  0.559555050 -0.227105140
## 6811           Glod5 -0.023177147 -0.061647892 -0.097334860  0.065219880
## 6812           Glp1r -0.130185130 -0.102044580  0.061908245 -0.256046300
## 6813           Glp2r  0.001636028 -0.059298515 -0.031324863 -0.094093320
## 6814           Glra1  0.000000000  0.027313710  0.033330917  0.035163403
## 6815           Glra2 -0.047482967 -0.037791730 -0.009851456  0.000000000
## 6816           Glra3 -0.022050858  0.070321080  0.000000000 -0.016015053
## 6817           Glra4  0.192831040  0.080034730 -0.096880910 -0.090323450
## 6818            Glrb  0.014593601  0.079667090 -0.040651320 -0.042507650
## 6819           Glrp1 -0.168046950 -0.106293680 -0.037494183  0.073323730
## 6820            Glrx  0.246726510  0.000000000 -0.181953900 -0.823302750
## 6821           Glrx2 -0.077116966  0.132297520  0.343417170  0.000000000
## 6822           Glrx3 -0.013717651  0.079739570  0.312735560  0.003456116
## 6823           Glrx5 -0.283034320 -0.100807190  0.245249750  0.070386890
## 6824             Gls  0.282826420 -0.151335720 -0.336358070  0.246082300
## 6825            Gls2 -0.078903200  0.003912449  0.145629400 -0.005506516
## 6826          Glt1d1  0.108368870  0.131471160  0.050881863 -0.070139410
## 6827         Glt25d1 -0.032436370  0.080955030  0.220927715 -0.008400680
## 6828         Glt28d2  0.000000000 -0.412920950 -0.212304120  0.422573100
## 6829          Glt6d1 -0.061790943 -0.096098420 -0.072531220  0.002723217
## 6830          Glt8d1 -0.208644390  0.000000000  0.002379417  0.233650210
## 6831          Glt8d2  0.022601128 -0.068893910  0.275671960 -0.059160710
## 6832            Gltp  0.519977570  0.669625300  0.551515600 -0.285679340
## 6833          Gltpd1 -0.312907220 -0.176900390  0.395977500  0.000000000
## 6834          Gltpd2  0.000000000 -0.012442112  0.099270820  0.276903150
## 6835         Gltscr1  0.022277355 -0.286329750 -0.131139280  0.057533740
## 6836        Gltscr1l  0.141909120  0.331359400  0.000000000  0.264404770
## 6837         Gltscr2 -0.041536330  0.099700930  0.000000000  0.140294080
## 6838           Glud1 -0.164499280 -0.081948280 -0.040465355 -0.240845680
## 6839            Glul  0.959312430  1.061080475  0.777772905 -0.376331325
## 6840           Glyat -0.042716503  0.083560940  0.046811580  0.053698540
## 6841         Glyatl3  0.000000000 -0.034784794  0.022929668  0.054480553
## 6842         Glycam1  0.064622880  0.026848793 -0.073682310 -0.191547400
## 6843          Glyctk  0.035070420  0.005928755  0.034237385  0.050238847
## 6844           Glyr1  0.026219368  0.119557380  0.429174420 -0.066036224
## 6845         Gm10012  0.025497437  0.020134926 -0.084061620 -0.250494960
## 6846         Gm10033  0.595542900  0.318948270  0.257776260  0.601388000
## 6847         Gm10037  0.102324486 -0.097533700 -0.227397920 -0.084981440
## 6848         Gm10046 -0.003127098  0.433797840  0.235707280  0.047345160
## 6849         Gm10048 -0.030103683  0.047475815  0.073138240 -0.024054527
## 6850         Gm10052 -0.230714800 -0.141252520 -0.234335900  0.024158478
## 6851         Gm10058  0.079800802  0.066434839  0.024155050  0.067019094
## 6852         Gm10069 -0.006567001 -0.289305200  0.128191470 -0.161071780
## 6853         Gm10081  0.129748340 -0.108414650 -0.031050682 -0.124372005
## 6854           Gm101 -0.031975746  0.020306110 -0.025187970 -0.033835888
## 6855         Gm10104 -0.031814100  0.027284622 -0.037390710 -0.043931484
## 6856         Gm10125  0.105663780 -0.310025700 -0.293765070 -0.051833153
## 6857         Gm10136  0.015034548  0.159798620 -0.050328732 -0.014082909
## 6858         Gm10190 -0.087502000  0.093478200  0.274431230 -0.006329060
## 6859         Gm10210  0.000000000  0.018335342 -0.175640100  0.067821500
## 6860         Gm10220 -0.043865204 -0.011194229  0.031518936  0.099826336
## 6861         Gm10228  0.074481010 -0.005917549  0.015212536  0.040085316
## 6862         Gm10229 -0.050586224 -0.001791000 -0.005236149  0.255270480
## 6863         Gm10248 -0.083593845 -0.129952910  0.053767204  0.347234250
## 6864         Gm10267  0.015717506  0.003816128  0.057757378 -0.009462357
## 6865         Gm10272  0.165469650 -0.275489330 -0.172041900  0.000000000
## 6866         Gm10280  0.040095806 -0.014255524  0.050659180 -0.009525776
## 6867         Gm10318 -0.006931305 -0.126847270 -0.069330215  0.054705620
## 6868         Gm10319  0.070702076 -0.036503790  0.123527050  0.037199974
## 6869         Gm10324  0.033251165  0.017424583  0.006518245  0.030033587
## 6870         Gm10334 -0.109297750 -0.017300129  0.104795456  0.129741670
## 6871         Gm10375  0.013024648 -0.026786884  0.115489404  0.025312106
## 6872         Gm10389  0.167203430 -0.119867800  0.000000000  0.017959118
## 6873         Gm10400 -0.079146385 -0.053220750  0.050846100  0.106394770
## 6874         Gm10404  0.339870930  0.258344170 -0.183157920  0.856142040
## 6875         Gm10406           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 6876         Gm10421 -0.022123814  0.135099890  0.364505770  0.000000000
## 6877          Gm1045 -0.092609880  0.000000000  0.030453682  0.056937218
## 6878         Gm10466 -0.019288063  0.000000000 -0.003995419 -0.073177814
## 6879         Gm10471 -0.064140558  0.076677085  0.008461476  0.008109808
## 6880         Gm10474  0.002086639  0.000000000 -0.029320240  0.072266580
## 6881         Gm10484  0.201063630 -0.103120804 -0.189047810  0.205437180
## 6882         Gm10494 -0.010670185 -0.045810700  0.088488100  0.092513560
## 6883         Gm10512 -0.012502193  0.066956040 -0.086119650  0.754203800
## 6884         Gm10516 -0.312894340 -0.235919480 -0.311289800 -0.023962498
## 6885         Gm10536  0.134739880  0.000000000  0.115433216  0.006263256
## 6886         Gm10548 -0.047022820 -0.199024200 -0.181963920 -0.085503580
## 6887         Gm10551  0.052326680 -0.163001060 -0.101848600 -0.259061800
## 6888         Gm10584 -0.250758650 -0.073108670 -0.165926930  0.466697700
## 6889         Gm10617  0.000000000  0.140275960 -0.094045160  0.308965680
## 6890         Gm10619 -0.004709721  0.036044598  0.032158850 -0.080754280
## 6891         Gm10620 -0.036336900  0.185006140  0.036810398  0.178630350
## 6892         Gm10636  0.018118382 -0.051784040 -0.030676365 -0.050798416
## 6893         Gm10638 -0.212503910  0.021615505  0.000000000 -0.086407660
## 6894         Gm10639 -0.145562650 -0.098245144  0.037530422  0.143224720
## 6895         Gm10649  0.000000000 -0.009030342  0.060368060  0.107542990
## 6896         Gm10653 -0.306682600 -0.116981510  0.048599243  0.000000000
## 6897         Gm10696  0.041176160  0.033188661  0.010095914  0.049542904
## 6898          Gm1070 -0.091490746 -0.002469063  0.117878914  0.044884680
## 6899         Gm10759  0.434360500 -0.509614470 -0.316782000  0.588118100
## 6900         Gm10767  1.302239000  0.323261260  0.087966920  0.193090440
## 6901         Gm10768  0.000000000 -0.039314747 -0.065118790 -0.080679890
## 6902         Gm10778  0.187233920  0.738776700  0.468665600  0.904696000
## 6903         Gm10789 -0.031754970  0.062767030  0.089502810  0.061539650
## 6904         Gm10790  0.000000000 -0.053940773 -0.005645275  0.077387330
## 6905         Gm10818 -0.297059540 -0.053874493  1.135787500  0.188333990
## 6906         Gm10823  0.047694683  0.022059917  0.250702380 -0.009582043
## 6907         Gm10825  0.488574980  0.022475243  0.788845060  0.086905480
## 6908         Gm10845  0.064691070 -0.194565300 -0.174021720 -0.100810530
## 6909         Gm10850  2.153628300  1.239836700  1.630604700  0.668239600
## 6910         Gm10857 -0.121341705  0.009885311  0.083033085  0.163415430
## 6911         Gm10861  0.006193638 -0.008771896 -0.103503230  0.124204636
## 6912          Gm1110 -0.034886837  0.031581400  0.040510178 -0.071351530
## 6913         Gm11190 -0.000334000 -0.007219315 -0.136145590  0.038790703
## 6914          Gm1123  0.159103400  0.036731243  0.104987144 -0.166267400
## 6915          Gm1141  0.081337450  0.106207850 -0.089317800  0.100646970
## 6916         Gm11412 -0.105258465 -0.066317560  0.002192974  0.154257300
## 6917         Gm11426 -0.157698150  0.047906400  0.012616634 -0.150197980
## 6918         Gm11435 -0.029597760  0.013701916  0.033919334 -0.005431652
## 6919         Gm11437  0.311562540  0.035817146  0.043862820 -0.019646645
## 6920         Gm11487  0.013741493 -0.057629585  0.000000000  0.143866060
## 6921         Gm11517  0.179317950 -0.233566760  0.220010760  0.683705330
## 6922         Gm11529 -0.205418110  0.039604187  0.241349220 -0.106828210
## 6923         Gm11541  0.046201706 -0.085371494  0.092884540 -0.081422806
## 6924         Gm11545 -0.104325770 -0.028066158  0.066616535 -0.323252680
## 6925         Gm11559 -0.044674397 -0.057359695 -0.008578777  0.055160046
## 6926         Gm11563 -0.047010420 -0.127637860 -0.026869774  0.028819084
## 6927         Gm11564  0.010194778 -0.099808690  0.023241043  0.048166275
## 6928         Gm11565  0.028991222 -0.083562850 -0.010803223 -0.011186600
## 6929         Gm11567 -0.110555170  0.000219000  0.045773506  0.120696070
## 6930         Gm11711 -0.241757150 -0.259760860 -0.564051400 -0.375849015
## 6931         Gm11744 -0.016316414  0.000000000 -0.022335052  0.184622760
## 6932         Gm11961  0.032004833  0.058387280  0.028572560 -0.172815800
## 6933         Gm11992  0.088173390 -0.051229477  0.045291900 -0.102139470
## 6934         Gm12060  0.225251670 -0.126739030  0.214838500  0.130575180
## 6935         Gm12070 -0.245351553 -0.260123730  0.048629284 -0.251992463
## 6936         Gm12185 -0.081176760 -0.037653446 -0.237228870  0.630283360
## 6937         Gm12191  0.112361050  0.060404014 -0.006131077 -0.022412491
## 6938         Gm12238  0.801587100  0.041878700 -0.902781000  1.157242800
## 6939         Gm12250 -0.118250850 -0.389903070  1.051043500 -0.108087060
## 6940         Gm12253 -0.021206856  0.052961350  0.113905430  0.070100310
## 6941         Gm12298  0.013313770 -0.077231410 -0.001060963  0.078140260
## 6942         Gm12597 -0.110369680  0.024382591 -0.134213450 -0.159976480
## 6943         Gm12669  0.030308723  0.106037620 -0.041118620 -0.142845630
## 6944         Gm12695  0.002237797  0.000000000  0.040611744 -0.011395454
## 6945         Gm12794 -0.084115505  0.000000000 -0.163708210  0.000000000
## 6946           Gm128  0.082330704  0.341187480 -0.075895790  0.000000000
## 6947         Gm12830 -0.067095280  0.060748100  0.040800095  0.000000000
## 6948         Gm12888 -0.089159966 -0.046230316  0.051384926  0.132828710
## 6949           Gm129  0.407122150  0.399950505 -0.059497835  0.527815350
## 6950         Gm12942  0.069833280  0.043688774  0.437129020 -0.226614480
## 6951         Gm13011 -0.203746320  0.044062614  0.020598888  0.046658993
## 6952         Gm13023  0.024624825 -0.067676544  0.000000000 -0.037818430
## 6953         Gm13033 -0.139616010  0.064477920  0.106095314 -0.048568726
## 6954         Gm13034 -0.053503990  0.000000000 -0.205507760  0.336862100
## 6955         Gm13040  0.064541182  0.001543204 -0.001009898 -0.012521903
## 6956         Gm13051 -0.201066653 -0.419071677  0.024392287  0.147843840
## 6957         Gm13102  0.004783154  0.074329376 -0.088313580  0.229527950
## 6958         Gm13103 -0.017058372 -0.051859856  0.414541720  0.406629100
## 6959         Gm13119  0.041913033  0.047122480 -0.008634090 -0.072888850
## 6960         Gm13125  0.144418720 -0.001207352  0.045588970 -0.046525955
## 6961         Gm13139 -0.083252430 -0.393810750 -0.001062870  0.292876240
## 6962         Gm13154 -0.125878213 -0.197553755 -0.130636215  0.677682398
## 6963         Gm13177  0.043652534  0.000000000 -0.054584980  0.053469180
## 6964         Gm13178  0.026426792  0.078086850 -0.097329620 -0.022848606
## 6965          Gm1322 -0.017530441 -0.056565285  0.000000000  0.011447430
## 6966          Gm1323  0.034245014  0.010441780  0.246038440 -0.154151440
## 6967         Gm13238 -0.075064022 -0.134884834 -0.306857427  0.121101697
## 6968         Gm13242 -0.091785430  0.087860110  0.041287900  0.183921340
## 6969         Gm13251 -0.333000180 -0.419839860  0.000000000  0.172687530
## 6970         Gm13271 -0.017069817  0.138909055 -0.002812767  0.162214946
## 6971         Gm13280  0.038916110  0.000000000  0.194078920 -0.062749386
## 6972         Gm13290 -0.194036000 -0.080543040  0.084604740  0.403532980
## 6973         Gm13306  0.401339530  0.649244550  1.094442350  0.032106877
## 6974         Gm13363  0.005599976 -0.041346550  0.000000000 -0.401813500
## 6975         Gm13375  0.225919250  0.012268543 -0.422273160 -0.140339850
## 6976         Gm13476 -0.109209060 -0.444933900 -0.349784850 -0.254413130
## 6977         Gm13498  0.091010570 -0.047701360  0.058995724 -0.190835950
## 6978           Gm136 -0.017443180 -0.087011814  0.030584812  0.224155430
## 6979         Gm13691  0.198423521  0.024935586  0.480375427  0.366959710
## 6980         Gm13749  0.024645805  0.000000000 -0.085196020  0.169174670
## 6981         Gm13889  0.123989105  0.062247276  0.305502900 -0.123462200
## 6982         Gm13939  0.067805290 -0.307542800  0.833778400  0.132104870
## 6983         Gm14005 -0.419262875 -0.316770315 -0.353018536  0.275134570
## 6984         Gm14047 -0.047492980  0.000000000 -0.010498524  0.088604930
## 6985         Gm14085 -0.150187490 -0.202590940  0.000000000  1.004215700
## 6986         Gm14092 -0.005228043 -0.054802895  0.105881214 -0.064132210
## 6987         Gm14123  0.077950000  0.000000000 -0.062403202 -0.127662660
## 6988         Gm14137 -0.108170510  0.000000000 -0.146298890 -0.173923970
## 6989         Gm14207 -0.151357650  0.648964900 -0.610727300  0.721193300
## 6990         Gm14288  0.328526970  0.453771100  0.182998660  0.191048150
## 6991         Gm14305  0.335213343  0.498781533  0.244250617 -0.050089201
## 6992         Gm14379  0.006920338 -0.200527670 -0.071600440 -0.077471256
## 6993         Gm14391  0.216823100  0.397648335  0.269738675  0.006023884
## 6994         Gm14403  0.877277400  0.573638440  0.000000000  0.002563953
## 6995         Gm14420  0.225914960  0.334838870  0.314089780  0.221683500
## 6996         Gm14430  0.328018323  0.436345373  0.198095866 -0.046170916
## 6997         Gm14432  0.336468700  0.537119870  0.273279200 -0.053426743
## 6998         Gm14461 -0.094347480 -0.074439526  0.128343580 -0.069421290
## 6999         Gm14483  0.033780779  0.064129284 -0.002351423  0.111876829
## 7000         Gm14484  0.053208590  0.056320905  0.027422667  0.042432787
## 7001         Gm14492 -0.011948109  0.000000000  0.042770386 -0.007937431
## 7002         Gm14501  0.054272650  0.010683537 -0.024386883  0.026123524
## 7003         Gm14702  0.118789670 -0.268603320 -0.176223750  0.592572200
## 7004         Gm14743  0.002695084  0.001002312 -0.031896590  0.089737890
## 7005         Gm14744  0.015867950  0.007235289 -0.038778067  0.081892015
## 7006         Gm14812  0.058691500  0.018054962  0.134283540  0.175618650
## 7007         Gm14850 -0.047194004  0.000000000 -0.042094707 -0.008250713
## 7008         Gm14851 -0.063717365 -0.069938180 -0.195692060  0.014398575
## 7009         Gm14920 -0.102432250  0.002853155  0.031440020 -0.094571590
## 7010         Gm15107 -0.042715073  0.035521984  0.032771587  0.042125702
## 7011          Gm1527 -0.041904450 -0.001194954  0.043440342  0.077441690
## 7012         Gm15284 -0.001465797  0.067939280  0.000000000 -0.006807327
## 7013         Gm15315  0.000587000  0.036324500 -0.069095135 -0.108200070
## 7014         Gm15348  0.000000000  0.016629696  0.099725250  0.000000000
## 7015         Gm15427 -0.179612160  0.084108350 -0.083559990  0.083962440
## 7016         Gm15455 -0.404986380 -0.252123830 -0.225400920  0.000000000
## 7017          Gm1549 -0.029968262 -0.023323060 -0.072497370  0.185656070
## 7018          Gm1553  0.054777145  0.042142390  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 7019           Gm156  0.000000000 -0.025589943  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 7020          Gm1564  0.008673191  0.014721394  0.111188410 -0.092932224
## 7021         Gm15698 -0.084167003 -0.081741570  0.004519223  0.047218084
## 7022         Gm15760  0.327758300 -0.120536804  0.085296154  0.275989530
## 7023         Gm15772  0.019843102  0.159219740 -0.125808720  0.000000000
## 7024         Gm15800  0.203255650  0.132651330  0.145620350  0.153774260
## 7025          Gm1587 -0.109718800 -0.017465115 -0.133182050 -0.105938910
## 7026         Gm1604b -0.032844782  0.010218859  0.057023050  0.013098717
## 7027         Gm16287  0.020501137 -0.158177850  0.050899982 -0.141539570
## 7028          Gm1631  0.000000000  0.023507118  0.022383213  0.022790432
## 7029         Gm16378  0.022306920  0.513463000 -0.054599762  0.308127400
## 7030         Gm16381  0.115400790  0.074445250  0.350977900 -0.077163700
## 7031         Gm16386  0.334269050  0.154622080  0.526354300  0.310371880
## 7032         Gm16387  0.065299510 -0.019441605  0.066321370 -0.009931564
## 7033         Gm16432 -0.200150010 -0.042195797 -0.058128834 -0.105915550
## 7034         Gm16484  0.016440868  0.136267660  0.000000000 -0.116173270
## 7035         Gm16486 -0.079282284 -0.156700610  0.060544968  0.039144040
## 7036         Gm16490  0.021122456  0.287817480 -0.019933700  0.062314510
## 7037         Gm16494  0.020253181  0.057179450  0.281972900 -0.823716640
## 7038         Gm16497 -0.087008476 -0.067553520 -0.035849094  0.102081300
## 7039         Gm16498  0.000000000 -0.058052540  0.058817387 -0.019566536
## 7040         Gm16505 -0.040387630 -0.050364017  0.129716400 -0.034368990
## 7041         Gm16509  0.013053894  0.038408756  0.000000000 -0.074032780
## 7042         Gm16515  0.099317074  0.134049420  0.000000000 -0.369733800
## 7043         Gm16516 -0.133213040  0.142720220  0.353578570 -0.088711740
## 7044         Gm16551 -0.157032970  0.030980587  0.004492760 -0.115673540
## 7045          Gm1661  0.003016949 -0.030045986 -0.121004105 -0.043768883
## 7046         Gm16686  0.231464860 -0.041987420 -0.011682510  0.000000000
## 7047          Gm1673  0.000525000 -0.091851234  0.071534160  0.064921856
## 7048         Gm17252  0.004101276  0.066485405 -0.000358000 -0.017087460
## 7049         Gm17296  0.230117320  0.379201400  0.206712720 -0.105676650
## 7050         Gm17359 -0.187205790  0.197910310  0.180543420  0.020319939
## 7051         Gm17384 -0.063732150 -0.064401630  0.012065411 -0.016192436
## 7052          Gm1758 -0.082397460  0.130121230 -0.138439660 -0.019838333
## 7053         Gm17759 -0.009251595 -0.064121720 -0.094519615 -0.033624650
## 7054          Gm1943  0.000000000 -0.524340150  0.175151350  0.199705120
## 7055          Gm1965 -0.050158024 -0.126820090 -0.241419790  0.074862480
## 7056          Gm1968 -0.117467880  0.002671242  0.092261790 -0.094408035
## 7057          Gm1971  0.170163150 -0.135017400 -0.089957240  0.595359300
## 7058         Gm20557  0.014914513  0.004972935  0.142354970  0.150618080
## 7059         Gm20735 -0.136457920  0.123171330 -0.123675820 -0.023489952
## 7060         Gm20736  0.107672533  0.076834041  0.056036791 -0.100794315
## 7061         Gm20738  0.218507525  0.090804815  0.033185006 -0.042234421
## 7062         Gm20747  0.208567620  0.094873905  0.032371998  0.015137672
## 7063         Gm20815  0.233389020  0.094524383  0.005547404 -0.041175127
## 7064         Gm20831  0.006084919  0.207706450 -0.031113148 -0.016342163
## 7065         Gm20867  0.162274840  0.114675045  0.046802044 -0.048958780
## 7066         Gm20871  0.134958028 -0.005869150  0.085044385 -0.173916818
## 7067           Gm216  0.027862549 -0.062788490 -0.088932514 -0.037760258
## 7068          Gm2173  0.473814960  0.257520680  0.444380760  0.042493820
## 7069         Gm21943  0.179493430  0.089629170  0.024076462 -0.004246235
## 7070            Gm22  0.047189713 -0.129581930 -0.065255165 -0.001699925
## 7071          Gm2382  0.771098140  0.066247940  0.093145370 -0.380819800
## 7072          Gm2511 -0.298725600 -0.044026375  0.249338150  0.118830204
## 7073          Gm2524 -0.311946400 -0.282124520  0.339095120  0.017375470
## 7074          Gm2657  0.158067700  0.013291359  0.168483730 -0.052285670
## 7075           Gm266  0.254511830 -0.329018600 -0.121858600 -0.013650417
## 7076          Gm2701 -0.138117790 -0.262249950  0.000000000 -0.016777992
## 7077          Gm2799           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 7078          Gm2837  0.000000000 -0.025404453  0.110784054 -0.043421745
## 7079          Gm2889  0.000000000 -0.099376680 -0.189778330  0.148412700
## 7080          Gm2897 -0.261927850 -0.534189460 -0.218075275  2.253816350
## 7081            Gm2a -0.165685650 -0.394547460  0.115033150 -0.877987400
## 7082          Gm3002           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 7083          Gm3079 -0.008007050  0.099758150  0.063524246 -0.012732506
## 7084          Gm3086  0.256934170 -0.222871300 -0.075402740  0.488897800
## 7085           Gm311  0.005280495 -0.009423256 -0.003258705 -0.011534214
## 7086          Gm3258 -0.039823532 -0.018393517  0.061186790 -0.156147000
## 7087          Gm3315 -0.120336530 -0.178968900  0.267945770  0.087069510
## 7088           Gm340 -0.172430040  0.008130074  0.267072680 -0.068112850
## 7089          Gm3579 -0.605257360 -0.419927600 -0.762672433 -0.104330380
## 7090          Gm3696 -0.885198600 -0.995157250 -0.664117550  2.383093150
## 7091          Gm3771  0.061380386  0.126405720 -0.099337580 -0.229447840
## 7092           Gm382  0.061135770 -0.002413750  0.031268120 -0.133684160
## 7093          Gm3893  0.353575867  0.425448417 -0.128755887 -0.323890210
## 7094          Gm4005  0.636521800 -0.041622640 -0.920366300  0.764653700
## 7095          Gm4085  0.000000000 -0.011563301  0.095178130 -0.065728664
## 7096           Gm410  0.000000000  0.062067030 -0.049435616 -0.129509930
## 7097           Gm428  0.046330452  0.183083534  0.129306889 -0.142061616
## 7098          Gm4302 -0.015095234 -0.004262447  0.040257930  0.152277000
## 7099          Gm4324  0.091465950 -0.190612320  0.183088780  0.029167175
## 7100          Gm4340 -0.053191185  0.045377254 -0.025864601 -0.038532257
## 7101          Gm4371 -0.125048640  0.126407150  0.002800465 -0.260599600
## 7102          Gm4469 -0.071606636  0.000000000  0.004355907  0.103413580
## 7103          Gm4532 -0.022260189  0.286173820 -0.223252300  0.225178240
## 7104          Gm4638  0.811781064  0.157672336 -0.664471898  0.559473856
## 7105          Gm4671  0.812943164  0.156787967 -0.660583450  0.561867051
## 7106          Gm4745 -0.046857834  0.121791360 -0.048488617  0.015043259
## 7107          Gm4759 -0.206204890 -0.142910480 -0.322992800 -0.095400330
## 7108          Gm4763  0.031765938  0.052902700  0.044964314 -0.050900936
## 7109          Gm4787  0.104557752  0.045875800  0.000896215  0.170951368
## 7110          Gm4788  0.185816290  0.121355530  0.238521100  0.349782940
## 7111          Gm4792  0.097066400 -0.018181800 -0.040299892  0.035580635
## 7112          Gm4794 -0.007682324  0.034700394  0.062722680  0.056225777
## 7113          Gm4801  0.137096880  0.274634840  0.407047750  0.255752560
## 7114          Gm4802  0.106496334 -0.036377907 -0.000831000  0.000000000
## 7115          Gm4841 -0.348493100 -0.633165840 -0.329673300  0.142645840
## 7116          Gm4847  0.020251751  0.041696550  0.145988940 -0.011179447
## 7117          Gm4858  0.025255680  0.070078850  0.003245354 -0.073447230
## 7118          Gm4861 -0.047111510  0.037599564  0.054822445 -0.157866950
## 7119          Gm4862  0.060965060  0.198566440  0.270011430  0.015079975
## 7120          Gm4869 -0.076457500  0.014862537  0.071464540 -0.178493980
## 7121          Gm4871  0.184455400 -0.432412150  0.188696380 -0.024402142
## 7122          Gm4881  0.063446520  0.000000000  0.197997570 -0.230428220
## 7123          Gm4884 -0.013432980 -0.022415161 -0.134109970  0.123311040
## 7124          Gm4894  0.163238530  0.010766983  0.087326530 -0.022244453
## 7125          Gm4907 -0.024919510 -0.014273167  0.115757940 -0.081960200
## 7126          Gm4922 -0.064033510 -0.103280070 -0.052127838 -0.233622070
## 7127          Gm4924 -0.148735530  0.010040045  0.526069630  0.268358706
## 7128          Gm4925  0.022675991  0.024878025  0.048574448 -0.104105950
## 7129          Gm4937  0.019884110  0.078058240 -0.007453919  0.091067790
## 7130          Gm4951 -0.863124850 -1.058831200 -0.938780800  0.000000000
## 7131          Gm4952  0.064481260 -0.037972450 -0.010402679  0.098759174
## 7132          Gm4956  0.007651806 -0.047038555  0.014682293  0.000000000
## 7133          Gm4971  0.003462315  0.004745245  0.349971775  0.010351659
## 7134          Gm4981  0.084593770  0.060451508  0.073009970 -0.038247110
## 7135          Gm4983  0.209071160 -0.019947052 -0.118516445  0.194854260
## 7136          Gm4987  0.068640710 -0.132006650 -0.218709470 -0.097774030
## 7137          Gm4988  0.059916973 -0.061193466  0.044187070  0.065267560
## 7138          Gm4990  0.037853718 -0.045328140  0.082551956  0.092045784
## 7139           Gm501 -0.048401833 -0.208426000 -0.068027020  0.000000000
## 7140          Gm5037 -0.033912180  0.058435440  0.117670536 -0.149560930
## 7141          Gm5039 -0.009427547 -0.002252579 -0.017506600  0.050956726
## 7142          Gm5065  0.000000000 -0.130143170 -0.010312080 -0.175101280
## 7143          Gm5069  0.339194770 -0.024337292  0.673740400  0.113514420
## 7144          Gm5072 -0.053447565 -0.021008968 -0.015727838  0.030307134
## 7145          Gm5077  0.000000000 -0.108216760 -0.000072000  0.035968780
## 7146          Gm5082 -0.162504670  0.036990643  0.008141518 -0.000091100
## 7147          Gm5087 -0.059360027 -0.039610386  0.120100975  0.089777950
## 7148          Gm5089  0.031102180  0.171948430 -0.031741620  0.000000000
## 7149          Gm5105  0.197182418 -0.018695594  0.107492208 -0.001003504
## 7150          Gm5111  0.129659180  0.013035297 -0.050818443  0.000000000
## 7151          Gm5113  0.008981228  0.037578106 -0.155155180 -0.205614570
## 7152          Gm5114  0.083791730 -0.487948900 -0.226638320 -0.457492830
## 7153          Gm5115  0.000000000 -0.176305300 -0.234821800  0.044672490
## 7154          Gm5124  0.351762770  0.071792600  0.383515830  0.223680500
## 7155          Gm5127  0.843999400  0.577777860  1.425073600  0.010489464
## 7156          Gm5128  0.005493641 -0.000018400  0.057930470 -0.025007725
## 7157          Gm5129 -0.280921940 -0.330595500  0.024945260 -0.090579030
## 7158          Gm5134 -0.047442436  0.035394190 -0.025645256 -0.120925430
## 7159          Gm5136  0.122961520 -0.026856422  0.040990353 -0.172771930
## 7160          Gm5142 -0.043038845 -0.022493362 -0.199483400  0.057024002
## 7161          Gm5148  0.421708580  0.271345620  0.030611515  0.190171720
## 7162          Gm5150 -0.038428783 -0.262543200 -0.090316770 -0.034460068
## 7163          Gm5168 -0.010305166  0.098613025  0.014373779  0.026477814
## 7164          Gm5169  0.006173611  0.088564870  0.060951710  0.036250114
## 7165          Gm5172  0.069640160  0.287764070  0.000000000  0.208309170
## 7166          Gm5174  0.401218400 -0.208234310 -0.325037480 -0.159287450
## 7167          Gm5176 -0.188441280 -0.287554260  0.171199800  0.165917400
## 7168          Gm5177 -0.278470040 -0.165311810 -0.024045944 -0.506143570
## 7169           Gm525  0.176831720  0.117358210 -0.072738170 -0.239198210
## 7170           Gm527  0.000000000  0.427534580  0.541228800 -0.181412700
## 7171          Gm5294 -0.053287506  0.114711285  0.149920460 -0.193010800
## 7172          Gm5299 -0.079738620 -0.096709250 -0.194714550  0.011047363
## 7173          Gm5334 -0.067042350  0.017197609  0.095773700  0.140267370
## 7174          Gm5346 -0.272310730 -0.075037480  0.285106660 -0.134105680
## 7175          Gm5382  0.030179500  0.086063860  0.054856300  0.080805780
## 7176          Gm5409 -0.100981710 -0.027362823  0.035649300  0.070475100
## 7177          Gm5414  0.068336490 -0.022919178  0.119977474 -0.026281834
## 7178          Gm5415  0.128675225 -0.228824615 -0.417993545  0.386221170
## 7179          Gm5416 -0.050737380  0.123804570 -0.015131474  0.057588100
## 7180          Gm5431 -0.199402810 -0.079203130 -0.218019960 -0.133908270
## 7181          Gm5434  0.035795210  0.017402172  0.000000000  0.069753650
## 7182          Gm5458 -0.305038533 -0.417566137 -0.365566655  2.178693383
## 7183          Gm5460 -0.068037030 -0.154132370 -0.052620410  0.029335976
## 7184          Gm5464  0.061598778  0.232322700  0.000000000  0.097033980
## 7185          Gm5468 -0.028142452  0.074681280  0.019021511  0.072948930
## 7186          Gm5478  0.000000000  0.041632175  0.201017860  0.168479440
## 7187          Gm5488 -0.130654340 -0.262982850 -0.494686600 -0.324787140
## 7188          Gm5512 -0.189071180 -0.197072030 -0.321368700  0.059298515
## 7189          Gm5523 -0.213306430 -0.254524230  0.045758247 -0.219100950
## 7190          Gm5531  0.020555020 -0.024408817 -0.058832645  0.308112140
## 7191          Gm5544 -0.050302982  0.016679287 -0.001788616  0.157147880
## 7192          Gm5577  0.066794870  0.006980419  0.103890896  0.000000000
## 7193          Gm5589 -0.240139480 -0.548516300 -0.490377900  0.600957400
## 7194          Gm5590  0.075254920  0.111719130  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 7195          Gm5591 -0.012059212  0.000000000 -0.094802380 -0.004282951
## 7196          Gm5592 -0.144733900 -0.028858185 -0.087628840 -0.147722720
## 7197          Gm5595  0.968811040  0.620778560  0.832532900  0.396965500
## 7198          Gm5607 -0.087745190 -0.009842873  0.111596110  0.103394985
## 7199           Gm561  0.765835760  0.268906600  0.563570000 -0.505932330
## 7200          Gm5615 -0.089052680 -0.041379930  0.141611100  0.220982070
## 7201          Gm5617 -0.248140810  0.275277600  0.191962240 -0.587325100
## 7202          Gm5622 -0.064560733 -0.072645029  0.067451158  0.069709142
## 7203          Gm5627  0.028178692 -0.190424920  0.149520870 -0.048487663
## 7204          Gm5635  0.000000000 -0.133689400 -0.095289710  0.036017895
## 7205          Gm5643 -0.249840740 -0.142867090 -0.427413000  0.089653015
## 7206          Gm5662 -0.092725515 -0.050873280 -0.014383317 -0.089490175
## 7207          Gm5712  0.015690804 -0.028447628 -0.193389900  0.078308580
## 7208           Gm572  0.143693920  0.016025543  0.000000000 -0.043536186
## 7209          Gm5737 -0.015206337  0.008075714  0.000000000  0.080374720
## 7210          Gm5766 -0.059070587  0.066720010 -0.093399050 -0.117627144
## 7211          Gm5771 -0.007629871  0.031199455 -0.018475056  0.093185900
## 7212          Gm5779 -0.110297680 -0.017823696 -0.138346200 -0.109927654
## 7213          Gm5796 -0.327453600 -0.608229160 -0.402319900  2.851409000
## 7214          Gm5800  0.026881218 -0.080478670  0.152132030  0.165068630
## 7215          Gm5803 -0.256032000 -0.119840620 -0.433517460  0.141085620
## 7216          Gm5820 -0.027813435 -0.183238030  0.000000000  0.079782486
## 7217          Gm5878 -0.040667296 -0.023451567  0.017339470  0.020949841
## 7218          Gm5886  0.023465157  0.020421982  0.044965744  0.078877926
## 7219          Gm5891           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 7220          Gm5919 -0.008460999 -0.173095700  0.000000000 -0.043560505
## 7221          Gm5941  0.072684290 -0.070648190 -0.004045963 -0.075989250
## 7222           Gm597 -0.037267208 -0.079763410 -0.060884476  0.022054195
## 7223          Gm6020  0.100127700  0.068158150  0.171216960 -0.045894623
## 7224          Gm6026 -0.046945333  0.000000000 -0.018658877  0.079170703
## 7225          Gm6034 -0.017838478  0.067828655 -0.141488550 -0.277721880
## 7226           Gm608  0.265680300  0.084963800 -0.011417389  0.719032300
## 7227          Gm6084  0.020390987 -0.063123226  0.132973670 -0.016716480
## 7228          Gm6086  0.096833706  0.096363070 -0.177626610  0.117681500
## 7229           Gm609  3.928187400  3.422681800  4.372550000 -0.047255040
## 7230          Gm6133 -0.077566620  0.051401615 -0.017581940 -0.038945198
## 7231           Gm614 -0.619505900 -1.777410500 -1.833869900  0.433346270
## 7232          Gm6194 -0.030899048 -0.074602130  0.083618640  0.135688780
## 7233          Gm6233  1.465282900  0.839744570  0.488893030  0.054958344
## 7234          Gm6251 -0.044360638  0.035390377 -0.262894150  0.206168650
## 7235           Gm626 -0.015966518  0.020247459 -0.010890926 -0.004143445
## 7236          Gm6377  0.314063070  0.305998330 -0.114492420 -0.244507310
## 7237          Gm6406 -0.111403465 -0.066394330  0.070086956  0.049689770
## 7238          Gm6422  0.023758888  0.158031460  0.001495838 -0.017347813
## 7239          Gm6455  0.042704582  0.008492827 -0.024966955  0.006368756
## 7240           Gm648 -0.089900490  0.004371643  0.145283700  0.021538734
## 7241          Gm6484 -0.110543250  0.010415077 -0.020667076  0.196249960
## 7242          Gm6498  0.276868340  0.121524810 -0.238861560  0.234070780
## 7243          Gm6531  0.035210133 -0.133934020 -0.251890180  0.062869550
## 7244          Gm6548  0.435641300  0.472166060  0.217527390  0.000000000
## 7245          Gm6578  0.086820600  0.009575844 -0.042028427  0.062720300
## 7246          Gm6583 -0.179334640 -0.180487630  0.125146390  0.172002320
## 7247          Gm6588  0.007844448  0.000000000  0.108288765  0.059635162
## 7248          Gm6600  0.113121510  0.041496277 -0.004947662  0.146883490
## 7249          Gm6607 -0.040383340  0.039328100  0.071996210  0.000000000
## 7250          Gm6614  0.000000000 -0.016057968  0.000000000 -0.104722020
## 7251          Gm6623 -0.181414130 -0.084155560  0.000000000  0.288933280
## 7252          Gm6639 -0.028244019  0.029257298  0.006795406  0.069429400
## 7253          Gm6642  0.460785870  0.004709721  0.055656433 -0.144885540
## 7254          Gm6644 -0.444351830 -0.144245147  0.098231953 -0.150386810
## 7255          Gm6653  0.000000000  0.060719967 -0.185541150 -0.052305700
## 7256          Gm6657  0.059235573  0.104790690 -0.032932280 -0.027440548
## 7257          Gm6661 -0.148488040 -0.057455540  0.214229580  0.039976120
## 7258          Gm6682 -0.310611720 -0.400072100 -0.466340070 -0.445226670
## 7259          Gm6696  0.017155170  0.032808304  0.012842178 -0.009519577
## 7260          Gm6710  0.389680860  0.472794530  0.501112000  0.217750550
## 7261          Gm6712  0.367697240 -0.143297200 -0.980423450 -0.098073480
## 7262          Gm6762 -0.109606740 -0.235030650 -0.427581800 -0.207871910
## 7263          Gm6779 -0.043649673  0.119849205 -0.000184000  0.128714080
## 7264          Gm6787 -0.192957400  0.014317513  0.031196594  0.211040500
## 7265          Gm6792  0.091635230  0.262665270 -0.036720753  0.117805480
## 7266          Gm6795  0.001380920 -0.059994698  0.058612823  0.027875900
## 7267          Gm6810 -0.014153004 -0.010928154  0.004491806 -0.042769432
## 7268          Gm6812 -0.043519021 -0.083595038  0.064815283 -0.008925200
## 7269          Gm6815  0.185225490 -0.029888630 -0.122519970 -0.079666615
## 7270          Gm6835  0.037321090  0.229392050  0.035271168 -0.031955720
## 7271          Gm6878  0.138609890 -0.083117960  0.003485680 -0.106289390
## 7272          Gm6927  0.036871910 -0.036789894  0.162348270  0.117385390
## 7273          Gm6937  0.023837090 -0.035787106 -0.126947880 -0.046542645
## 7274           Gm694  1.167607300  1.547266500  2.028802900  0.104889390
## 7275          Gm6981 -0.334741600 -0.149938580  0.000000000 -0.333848950
## 7276          Gm6985  0.175685880 -0.235874650  0.000000000 -0.244638920
## 7277          Gm7030 -0.290023325 -0.281377076 -0.264526846 -0.105637790
## 7278          Gm7092 -0.121938230 -0.017881870 -0.177406310  0.085335255
## 7279          Gm7098 -0.055508614  0.049408913  0.150748250  0.098651886
## 7280          Gm7102  0.088420870  0.044654846  0.295184140 -0.031158447
## 7281           Gm711 -0.076721190 -0.021358013  0.188796520  0.085388180
## 7282          Gm7120 -0.132279400  0.503015500  0.494072440  0.772312160
## 7283          Gm7165  0.000000000 -0.006732941 -0.019306183  0.004627705
## 7284          Gm7168  0.173522000  0.043312073  0.124696730 -0.092805860
## 7285          Gm7173  0.002451897 -0.029603481  0.072282314 -0.004201889
## 7286          Gm7241 -0.146438120 -0.231401920 -0.451045500 -0.473078730
## 7287          Gm7246  0.214385510  0.022912502  0.068114280  0.021559238
## 7288          Gm7247 -0.014252186 -0.041602135 -0.079370500 -0.058573723
## 7289           Gm725 -0.052917957  0.002915859  0.000000000  0.180422300
## 7290          Gm7254 -0.018714428  0.000000000  0.025741577 -0.063830850
## 7291          Gm7257  0.044688700  0.012614727  0.000000000  0.133033750
## 7292          Gm7265  0.000000000 -0.346950050 -0.234176640  0.300215720
## 7293          Gm7298 -0.091899870 -0.092042446 -0.066367150  0.032219887
## 7294           Gm732 -0.060804844 -0.092381954  0.058355330 -0.017757893
## 7295          Gm7325  0.120967390  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 7296          Gm7337  0.075652600 -0.020798206  0.110546590 -0.037531376
## 7297          Gm7367 -0.125200510 -0.153231620  0.193590405  0.142171860
## 7298          Gm7388 -0.080211640  0.058375360  0.280761240  0.108582500
## 7299          Gm7444 -0.096056460  0.072508335  0.117430210 -0.145422940
## 7300          Gm7520 -0.079890730  0.167496200  0.141888140  0.002343178
## 7301          Gm7534 -0.112329480  0.126354220  0.003642559  0.127860070
## 7302           Gm757 -0.203902240  0.020915508  0.082331660  0.048666954
## 7303          Gm7609 -0.435607915 -0.213646410 -0.427020790  2.739268050
## 7304           Gm766 -0.032724380 -0.128951550  0.147641180  0.049413204
## 7305           Gm773  0.007069588  0.010661125  0.022876263  0.032734394
## 7306          Gm7849 -0.067059755 -0.000610590 -0.181319235  0.058875324
## 7307          Gm7957  0.002320290  0.097867010 -0.028083801  0.113473415
## 7308           Gm806  0.010448456 -0.062896730  0.082052710  0.068365100
## 7309          Gm8074 -0.049805164 -0.038905144 -0.090299610 -0.038905144
## 7310          Gm8095  0.034315110  0.119569780 -0.082366470 -0.301050660
## 7311          Gm8096 -0.002277374  0.000000000  0.006936073  0.149600980
## 7312           Gm813  0.000000000  0.029500008  0.008516312 -0.078628060
## 7313          Gm8140  0.199108600 -0.127843860  0.059586525 -0.143417360
## 7314           Gm815  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.237945080  0.048139572
## 7315          Gm8211  0.050373554  0.028183937 -0.037009716  0.034213543
## 7316           Gm826 -0.187664510 -0.231072430 -0.309343340 -0.229298110
## 7317           Gm829  0.013144970 -0.038783550  0.194566250  0.027654648
## 7318          Gm8300 -0.246413070  0.018618425  0.110915820 -0.344920637
## 7319           Gm833 -0.074132440 -0.117476460  0.115280630 -0.119444370
## 7320           Gm839 -0.079274654  0.067201614  0.109023570  0.000000000
## 7321           Gm847 -0.101108550 -0.054873943 -0.022246360 -0.006974220
## 7322          Gm8479  0.118859290 -0.055761814  0.174983020  0.138578410
## 7323           Gm853  0.000000000  0.053515910  0.156986240  0.000000000
## 7324          Gm8560 -0.257920270 -0.003442764 -0.074162480  0.245300300
## 7325          Gm8580 -0.059348106  0.174621580  0.046281815 -0.299588200
## 7326          Gm8615 -0.355633743 -0.241703995 -0.142436742  0.228674410
## 7327          Gm8675  0.080377100  0.069720270  0.124367240 -0.274487020
## 7328          Gm8773  0.159760480 -0.065088750 -0.124874590 -0.075836180
## 7329           Gm884 -0.000616000 -0.096279620  0.000000000 -0.105405330
## 7330          Gm8884  0.013656139 -0.015729904  0.027010918 -0.053074837
## 7331          Gm8912  0.059703031  0.124314627 -0.169586657 -0.154401142
## 7332          Gm8944  0.104994773  0.144918440 -0.201457817 -0.252823197
## 7333          Gm8979  0.119200705 -0.244969370 -0.458201415  0.421674255
## 7334          Gm8985  2.665366600  2.605749600  0.829822540 -0.201007370
## 7335          Gm8994 -0.138651850 -0.011077404 -0.040385246  0.229913710
## 7336          Gm8995 -0.259258270 -0.439487460 -0.653433800  0.361940380
## 7337             Gm9 -0.042745113 -0.023812770  0.236742500  0.000000000
## 7338           Gm904 -0.150759220 -0.021491528 -0.006992340  0.000000000
## 7339           Gm906 -0.114233973 -0.017617941 -0.024900676 -0.042439223
## 7340          Gm9104  0.037507057  0.103631970 -0.037890434  0.063777920
## 7341          Gm9125 -0.007368088  0.156594755  0.267277240 -0.072846413
## 7342          Gm9132 -0.231276040 -0.070930480 -0.085051060  0.070817470
## 7343          Gm9292  0.285740850 -0.109484196  0.100550650  0.089472770
## 7344          Gm9372  0.015559673  0.006756783  0.092704296 -0.189456460
## 7345          Gm9374 -0.087323666  0.154769420 -0.073580265  0.000000000
## 7346            Gm94 -0.108756540  0.041448593 -0.124750140  0.106469154
## 7347          Gm9457  0.172111030  0.067976475  0.080521580  0.043898106
## 7348          Gm9513  0.098461150 -0.048701286 -0.479755400  0.212003710
## 7349          Gm9558  0.104807850  0.035711290 -0.040134430 -0.105692860
## 7350          Gm9573 -0.046289920 -0.063353540 -0.002889156 -0.064801690
## 7351            Gm97  0.002575398  0.017857552 -0.048099995 -0.052982330
## 7352          Gm9705 -0.033227444  0.010636330  0.175315860 -0.076785564
## 7353           Gm973 -0.152915950  0.013259888  0.105273250 -0.099630356
## 7354          Gm9733 -0.047175884 -0.063490390  0.000000000 -0.040252210
## 7355          Gm9767 -0.058650017  0.048516273  0.058838367 -0.013956070
## 7356          Gm9871  0.083281520  0.012345314 -0.035324574  0.045145990
## 7357          Gm9885  0.010849953 -0.139976980  0.061311245  0.000000000
## 7358          Gm9897 -0.511583800  0.638976100 -0.593097200  0.426257600
## 7359          Gm9899 -0.098732950  0.059192180 -0.079839230 -0.106641770
## 7360          Gm9908  0.069738390  0.157343860  0.332334520  0.117307186
## 7361          Gm9911 -0.038823128 -0.062021732  0.053549767  0.065783024
## 7362          Gm9959  0.297421460 -0.070036890  0.297079560  0.589199540
## 7363           Gm996 -0.073529720 -0.104340080  0.052595140  0.194336890
## 7364          Gm9961 -0.055934430  0.066658500 -0.036395550  0.064977170
## 7365          Gm9992  0.031287193 -0.203725810 -0.020371914  0.067011360
## 7366          Gm9999 -0.059063435  0.000000000 -0.141808030 -0.007836819
## 7367           Gmcl1  0.035693170 -0.237573620  0.327847480  0.194581030
## 7368            Gmds  0.462601660  0.922037600 -0.728391200  0.356858730
## 7369           Gmeb1  0.128043170 -0.210596080  0.245428090 -0.171994690
## 7370           Gmeb2 -0.221423150 -0.386774060 -0.142699240  0.179615970
## 7371            Gmfb -0.119237900 -0.097456930 -0.212279320 -0.515983600
## 7372            Gmfg -1.418075328 -1.997422930 -1.861843325 -1.638923405
## 7373            Gmip -0.420712470  0.067604065 -0.315196040  0.033422947
## 7374             Gml -0.083909035  0.140565400 -0.092562675  0.134044170
## 7375            Gmnc -0.057110310 -0.022017479  0.013295651 -0.085204600
## 7376            Gmnn -0.065825460  0.147577290  0.284801000 -0.669065000
## 7377           Gmppa -0.040595530  0.011047840  0.060077190  0.000000000
## 7378           Gmppb -0.108747960  0.112202170  0.012629986 -0.011354923
## 7379            Gmpr -0.127024170 -0.036890030  0.673757100  0.000000000
## 7380           Gmpr2  0.099320410  0.361228000 -0.048600197 -0.000120000
## 7381            Gmps  0.148717880 -0.020938873  0.000000000 -0.286613460
## 7382           Gna11  0.220272060  0.203155520  0.321668620  0.315813060
## 7383           Gna12 -0.154684540  0.068233970 -0.025171757  0.044225216
## 7384           Gna13  0.356335155  0.305968760  0.150586130 -0.118631600
## 7385           Gna14 -0.031631470 -0.111745360 -0.311785220 -0.142737390
## 7386           Gna15 -0.179942130  0.011795044 -0.080210686 -0.156294350
## 7387           Gnai1 -0.250220780  0.393193720 -0.135864260  0.447109700
## 7388           Gnai2  0.257951740  0.317588800  0.429334640  0.116829870
## 7389           Gnai3  0.145673750 -0.077154160  0.062705040 -0.064120290
## 7390            Gnal -0.210331440  0.013598919  0.223253730 -0.055913925
## 7391           Gnao1  0.000945000 -0.056961536  0.542917700 -0.249127390
## 7392            Gnaq  0.238600730  0.035122870  0.013796806 -0.115304950
## 7393            Gnas  0.223749160  0.320969580  0.204627045  0.206690790
## 7394           Gnat1  0.112956524 -0.145434380  0.090288160 -0.043508530
## 7395           Gnat2  0.045020103 -0.074447155 -0.027358055 -0.167698380
## 7396           Gnat3  0.000000000  0.026167393 -0.110822680  0.982880100
## 7397            Gnaz  0.109198090  0.034297466  0.038908480 -0.303852080
## 7398            Gnb1  0.112796780  0.228097920  0.045514107 -0.047987938
## 7399           Gnb1l -0.046278477  0.007393837 -0.031104088  0.000000000
## 7400            Gnb2  0.000000000  0.012951851 -0.194234850 -0.088767050
## 7401          Gnb2l1 -0.293560980 -0.140585900 -0.187848090  0.038828850
## 7402            Gnb3 -0.008110523 -0.003762245 -0.013464928  0.145725250
## 7403            Gnb4  0.141011710  0.922969340  0.217611790  0.295751100
## 7404            Gnb5 -0.132153510  0.131887910 -0.097404000 -0.209440710
## 7405             Gne -0.051081657  0.035597800  0.236670500  0.233437540
## 7406           Gng10 -0.619730950 -0.705185400 -0.335739140 -0.321822170
## 7407           Gng11  0.073241234  0.258518220  0.283323300  0.591949460
## 7408           Gng12 -0.031212568  0.045653820  0.122996573  0.078150990
## 7409           Gng13 -0.120359420 -0.037180424  0.094407080  0.090376854
## 7410            Gng2 -0.419683460 -0.298235420 -0.345526700 -0.355147840
## 7411            Gng3  0.215814110 -0.242399220 -0.155968670  0.108510020
## 7412            Gng4  0.099946976  0.019065380  0.156614300  0.178613660
## 7413            Gng5  0.640805235  0.250460150  0.386530400 -0.042650699
## 7414            Gng7  0.342540740  0.963394170  0.285474780 -0.030911922
## 7415            Gng8  0.065140724 -0.030229568  0.163223270 -0.052889824
## 7416           Gngt1  0.000000000 -0.154739860  0.066427710  0.000000000
## 7417           Gngt2 -1.135401700 -1.715406400 -1.328719100  0.000000000
## 7418            Gnl1 -0.179208280  0.151063920  0.000000000  0.045098305
## 7419            Gnl2  0.112043380 -0.069320680  0.214556700  0.259971620
## 7420            Gnl3 -0.345335960 -0.486613270 -0.334739690 -0.098127365
## 7421           Gnl3l  0.557889460  0.495664120  0.753867600  0.242669100
## 7422            Gnmt  0.008430481  0.091842175  0.027237892 -0.101425650
## 7423           Gnpat -0.017241478  0.058548927  0.000000000 -0.161470410
## 7424          Gnpda2  0.454178800  0.519100200 -0.011550427  0.541865350
## 7425         Gnpnat1 -0.033088923  0.006417275  0.280840870 -0.564767835
## 7426          Gnptab  0.000000000  0.071508410  0.135613440 -0.281977650
## 7427           Gnptg  0.415376660  0.163452150  0.179450990 -0.187380790
## 7428           Gnrh1 -0.085570335  0.458662030 -1.209323400 -0.155947690
## 7429           Gnrhr -0.133121490  0.009603024 -0.012767315 -0.009501457
## 7430             Gns -0.499474530  0.003912449 -0.182041650 -0.132571700
## 7431          Golga1  0.201688290  0.393654350  0.168176170  0.091379640
## 7432          Golga2  0.034727097  0.223505500  0.155755520  0.336058620
## 7433          Golga3  0.146962170  0.053092003  0.287271500  0.098991394
## 7434          Golga4  0.338949200  0.681171400  0.234587670  0.317563060
## 7435          Golga5 -0.024430275  0.244225500  0.457460400  0.099342346
## 7436          Golga7 -0.135883810 -0.104880810  0.355476140 -0.008628130
## 7437         Golga7b -0.138024330  0.021239280  0.058132170  0.080311775
## 7438          Golgb1  0.499310020  0.237719060  0.163416390  0.171328070
## 7439          Golim4  1.700047500  1.647633600  1.444125200  0.407553670
## 7440           Golm1  1.097076900  1.283676600  1.455456300 -0.763462540
## 7441          Golph3  0.155012132 -0.026188375 -0.119237900 -0.008148670
## 7442         Golph3l  0.117484090  0.418987270  0.120306970 -0.376655580
## 7443          Golt1a  0.000000000  0.030509949  0.193489070 -0.007849693
## 7444          Golt1b -0.271928800 -0.234993930 -0.308771130 -0.378789900
## 7445           Gon4l  0.201601980  0.337654100 -0.062554360  0.194619180
## 7446            Gopc -0.074618340 -0.039188385  0.817688470  1.369163050
## 7447           Gorab -0.150525570 -0.308341030  0.607893940  0.346564300
## 7448         Gorasp1 -0.244649890  0.145088670  0.167596340  0.131100180
## 7449         Gorasp2 -0.018945215  0.121285915  0.162367500 -0.177902700
## 7450           Gosr1  0.044051170  0.107735634  0.165424350  0.183080670
## 7451           Gosr2  0.354877470  0.696280500  0.245548250  0.084120750
## 7452            Got1 -0.879997730 -0.720419900 -1.017585300  0.173475740
## 7453          Got1l1 -0.032548904  0.000000000 -0.027227402  0.017117023
## 7454            Got2  0.149274670 -0.071262042  0.683756367 -0.225079857
## 7455           Gp1ba  0.049515247  0.049424650  0.225720880 -0.016595840
## 7456             Gp2  0.010542393 -0.018315792 -0.114220140 -0.199293610
## 7457           Gp49a -0.481159700 -0.422621250 -0.466243270 -0.198578830
## 7458             Gp5 -0.046320915 -0.164157390  0.011512756  0.000000000
## 7459             Gp9  0.000000000  0.017554760 -0.057339670  0.036348343
## 7460           Gpa33 -0.059351920 -0.018023490 -0.193971160  0.005251408
## 7461           Gpaa1  0.069026950 -0.027171612  0.109961990  0.043385030
## 7462         Gpalpp1 -0.240852360  0.272957800  0.352171900  0.019485474
## 7463            Gpam  0.000000000 -0.222824570  0.163620950  0.170701030
## 7464          Gpank1  0.068314871 -0.188229243  0.088436603 -0.109525997
## 7465           Gpat2  0.139842990  0.000000000  0.047148705  0.023300170
## 7466         Gpatch1 -0.148917200  0.292674060 -0.130771640  0.062847614
## 7467        Gpatch11  0.158438680  0.372423170  0.028563500  0.136640550
## 7468         Gpatch2  0.019167900  0.107762340 -0.383869170  0.072263720
## 7469        Gpatch2l  0.165743830  0.250308040  0.154131890 -0.168273930
## 7470         Gpatch3  0.057138443 -0.069709300 -0.204004290  0.096331600
## 7471         Gpatch4 -0.140030380  0.000000000  0.048960210  0.362887860
## 7472         Gpatch8 -0.061186219  0.161489200 -0.387297828 -0.000143813
## 7473          Gpbar1 -0.152191640 -0.063699245 -0.157638070  0.000000000
## 7474           Gpbp1  0.316486360  0.041444780  0.000000000 -0.191038130
## 7475         Gpbp1l1  0.318604470  0.420814500 -0.061759950 -0.314612400
## 7476            Gpc1  0.063328266 -0.036743164  0.224908350 -0.110287670
## 7477            Gpc2 -0.120682720  0.043931960 -0.029077053  0.041340828
## 7478            Gpc3 -0.163685800 -0.228897100  0.193354600 -0.083155155
## 7479            Gpc4 -0.531300540  0.000000000 -0.075606820  0.974431040
## 7480            Gpc5  0.058800220 -0.026987553 -0.062203884  0.171397210
## 7481            Gpc6  0.059685707  0.027290821  0.121595860  0.263391500
## 7482          Gpcpd1  2.720013600  2.530112300  2.495397600 -1.259910100
## 7483            Gpd1 -0.147927760  0.067029476  0.006189346 -0.152914520
## 7484           Gpd1l -0.109363555  0.094202755  0.002831936  0.037653923
## 7485            Gpd2  2.127678000  1.978487000  1.988836300  0.196756360
## 7486           Gper1  0.420344830  0.227821830  0.128733160  0.012560844
## 7487           Gpha2 -0.013439655  0.028553009  0.572617050 -0.100601670
## 7488           Gphb5 -0.065602300  0.008827686  0.066766260 -0.136842250
## 7489            Gphn  0.100981710 -0.121322630 -0.202858920  0.510604860
## 7490            Gpi1 -0.135887625 -0.043790818 -0.032898903 -0.602623940
## 7491         Gpihbp1 -2.918474200 -2.591783500 -2.245475800  1.468086200
## 7492           Gpkow  0.348540300  0.024487495  0.324703220  0.249568940
## 7493           Gpld1  0.211038590  0.109726430  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 7494           Gpm6a  0.158396720  0.354113580  0.000000000 -0.006155014
## 7495           Gpm6b -0.037801743  0.050772190 -0.148854260 -0.410461900
## 7496            Gpn1 -0.016866684  0.018558025  0.415963650  0.189208030
## 7497            Gpn2 -0.027960777  0.300790300  0.085991380  0.044088840
## 7498            Gpn3  0.246388440 -0.273829940  0.084922790  0.000172000
## 7499           Gpnmb -0.061963080 -0.044210434  0.070314884 -0.192187790
## 7500            Gpr1 -0.057970524  0.000000000  0.078609470  0.382323740
## 7501          Gpr101  0.000000000  0.063404080  0.093811035  0.046102524
## 7502          Gpr107 -0.220732690 -0.174520500 -0.014976501  0.000000000
## 7503          Gpr108 -0.005840302  0.071551320  0.057201385 -0.079624176
## 7504          Gpr110  0.000769000  0.018564701  0.057885170  0.013022900
## 7505          Gpr111  0.058903694  0.071047306  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 7506          Gpr112 -0.080023766 -0.075997830  0.086093900 -0.014008045
## 7507          Gpr113 -0.041760445 -0.062730790  0.009778500  0.051444530
## 7508          Gpr114 -0.023384094 -0.034566402  0.000000000  0.203680520
## 7509          Gpr115  0.035374165  0.067666530 -0.003532887  0.060617924
## 7510          Gpr116  0.131716730  0.111422540  0.091223720  0.121796610
## 7511          Gpr119 -0.103570460 -0.011016846  0.000000000 -0.061969280
## 7512           Gpr12  0.070827484 -0.062483788  0.168279170  0.025797367
## 7513          Gpr123  0.255980500  0.170620440 -0.142004010 -0.027405739
## 7514          Gpr124  1.217172100  1.550314400  1.765771400  0.059844970
## 7515          Gpr125  0.828546500  0.460662840  0.865745540  0.200917720
## 7516          Gpr126  1.385630100  1.331763700  1.206076600 -0.346131800
## 7517          Gpr128  0.017986774 -0.042942524  0.225842000 -0.051933765
## 7518          Gpr132 -0.181895260  0.025575161 -0.066805840 -0.120096210
## 7519          Gpr133  0.088623050 -0.070697784  0.125874520 -0.022243977
## 7520          Gpr135  0.105300900 -0.038702965  0.189114100 -0.117795944
## 7521          Gpr137  0.203178880  0.031491756 -0.159816270  0.147079940
## 7522         Gpr137b -0.355448720  0.168618680 -0.164949420 -0.142484190
## 7523      Gpr137b-ps -0.150392530 -0.201004030 -0.510709760  0.034620285
## 7524         Gpr137c  0.072841170 -0.152135370 -0.022994995  0.000000000
## 7525          Gpr139  0.007271767 -0.145867820  0.173580170  0.130151270
## 7526          Gpr141 -0.273464200 -0.015949250 -0.136868480 -0.035474300
## 7527          Gpr142 -0.007004261 -0.094625950  0.013897419  0.054572105
## 7528          Gpr143 -0.036392690 -0.010764599  0.048692703 -0.073364735
## 7529          Gpr146  1.060579800  0.875634700  1.141145200  0.083064556
## 7530          Gpr149  0.046401978  0.000000000  0.038599490  0.060870647
## 7531           Gpr15 -0.103900910  0.100153920  0.072365760 -0.084650520
## 7532          Gpr150  0.000000000 -0.109647274 -0.158558850 -0.119970800
## 7533          Gpr151 -0.035745620  0.036662580  0.004885674 -0.119041440
## 7534          Gpr152 -0.056790352 -0.039284230  0.111835960  0.138664720
## 7535          Gpr153  0.037342070 -0.018782616 -0.068663120  0.020327568
## 7536          Gpr155  0.721506100  1.346957700  1.589358800 -0.268502700
## 7537          Gpr156  0.000000000 -0.039245130  0.074458120  0.237638470
## 7538          Gpr157 -0.011191368 -0.214550970  0.418683050  0.073980810
## 7539          Gpr158  0.179301260 -0.149547100  0.060708046 -0.117026330
## 7540          Gpr160  0.387096400  0.620678400  0.817177800 -0.418330670
## 7541          Gpr161 -0.018876076 -0.023978710  0.311121940  0.172831540
## 7542          Gpr162 -0.023797989  0.187184330 -0.046435356  0.055300713
## 7543          Gpr165 -0.060742380  0.129549980  0.174222950 -0.107808110
## 7544           Gpr17  0.061094284 -0.028087140 -0.122521880  1.122757400
## 7545          Gpr171 -0.128723620 -0.285535340 -0.215292930  0.006938458
## 7546          Gpr173  0.065404415  0.052037716  0.049667835 -0.047591686
## 7547          Gpr174 -0.058164597 -0.028896332 -0.010935783 -0.069673060
## 7548          Gpr176 -0.058010580  0.000000000  0.072963715  0.038918972
## 7549          Gpr179 -0.001702309 -0.202555660  0.105797290  0.000000000
## 7550           Gpr18  0.225976470 -0.302733420  0.009430885  0.026063919
## 7551          Gpr180 -0.233731270  0.000000000 -0.040607930  0.218171120
## 7552          Gpr182 -0.424758900  0.021254540  0.387010570 -0.011304379
## 7553          Gpr183 -0.243814470 -0.523737430 -0.087732315 -0.129785540
## 7554           Gpr19  0.000000000 -0.009031773 -0.101072790  0.167061800
## 7555           Gpr20 -0.127084260 -0.132906910 -0.036759377  0.000000000
## 7556           Gpr21 -0.250970840  0.095921520  0.481403350 -0.170932300
## 7557           Gpr22 -0.056532860 -0.034449100  0.043794155  0.286667350
## 7558           Gpr25  0.205043320  0.000000000  0.258725640 -0.045707703
## 7559           Gpr26 -0.049320698  0.120040890  0.000000000  0.145147800
## 7560           Gpr27 -0.097870350  0.102642060  0.143804070  0.015363216
## 7561            Gpr3 -0.173288350 -0.146487710 -0.200944420  0.077299120
## 7562          Gpr31b -0.068634748 -0.076997760 -0.079909085  0.005174637
## 7563           Gpr33  0.038647650 -0.060973644 -0.112112520  0.004383564
## 7564           Gpr34 -0.003848553  0.030994892 -0.063047410 -0.180728910
## 7565           Gpr35 -0.088594910 -0.035070420 -0.174176220  0.001250744
## 7566           Gpr37  0.064188480 -0.119938370  0.046240330  0.006613731
## 7567         Gpr37l1  0.055479527 -0.053894520 -0.019666195  0.000000000
## 7568           Gpr39  0.118492600  0.163569930  0.370169160  0.041569710
## 7569            Gpr4  0.926667200  1.305677400  1.302220300  1.221798900
## 7570           Gpr44 -0.079200745  0.060805320  0.064547060 -0.072678566
## 7571           Gpr45 -0.019191265  0.147069930  0.132765300 -0.019191265
## 7572           Gpr50  0.056413650 -0.072607994  0.203369620  0.039436817
## 7573           Gpr52 -0.126509190 -0.484295370 -0.134391310 -0.188245300
## 7574           Gpr55 -0.099917890 -0.135775090  0.053212166 -0.160850520
## 7575           Gpr56  0.518673900  0.425391200  0.950882900  0.874992400
## 7576            Gpr6 -0.105212690  0.000000000  0.196684360  0.037676334
## 7577           Gpr61 -0.060210705  0.133481980 -0.049796104  0.012030602
## 7578           Gpr62 -0.199389930 -0.046524048 -0.029633522  0.101543430
## 7579           Gpr63  0.197367670  0.605417700  0.533678050  0.135638240
## 7580           Gpr64 -0.105306150  0.010182381  0.061067580  0.147127630
## 7581           Gpr65 -0.227688790  0.768890400  0.163571360 -0.169225220
## 7582           Gpr68 -0.027827025  0.120891330 -0.006320478 -0.003367901
## 7583           Gpr75 -0.157410140 -0.098763466  0.065692425 -0.144557000
## 7584           Gpr81  0.288002500  0.276501660  0.618021970  0.296325680
## 7585           Gpr82  0.076104640 -0.317668440 -0.079512120  0.896077630
## 7586           Gpr83  0.023684978 -0.115998745  0.150363920 -0.072076800
## 7587           Gpr84 -0.270379070 -0.007326126  0.009368897 -0.136994840
## 7588           Gpr85  0.461072440  0.274008270  0.100431920  0.000000000
## 7589           Gpr87 -0.031900883  0.000000000  0.032703876 -0.003211021
## 7590           Gpr88  0.000000000  0.004458904  0.242729190 -0.317776200
## 7591           Gpr89  0.409624100  0.424907680  0.023784637 -0.473253730
## 7592           Gpr97 -0.490402220 -0.775287600 -0.698244100 -0.316849700
## 7593           Gpr98 -0.045411110  0.006346226 -0.074196340  0.006978989
## 7594         Gprasp1  0.418003080  0.442850100  0.335472100 -0.190753940
## 7595         Gprasp2  0.638841150  0.643565650 -0.075686930 -0.112458230
## 7596          Gprc5a  0.000000000 -0.154820920 -0.060827732 -0.019753933
## 7597          Gprc5b -0.353818420 -0.618717200  0.000000000  0.702714900
## 7598          Gprc5c -0.126106740 -0.322700740 -0.272082805 -0.103303670
## 7599          Gprc5d -0.008450508  0.092529770  0.149129870  0.094904420
## 7600          Gprc6a -0.034198760  0.122989180 -0.105051520  0.000000000
## 7601          Gprin1 -0.235139370 -0.039909363  0.048678398  0.062551020
## 7602          Gprin2  0.040636063  0.001857281  0.084148410 -0.238595010
## 7603          Gprin3 -0.200796600 -0.093385220 -0.202945230 -0.070812225
## 7604            Gps1 -0.005130291  0.110234740  0.375236030  0.732662670
## 7605            Gps2 -0.102690700  0.068743706  0.161367420  0.251747130
## 7606           Gpsm1 -0.067986965 -0.024028301  0.100218770  0.001081944
## 7607           Gpsm2 -0.083465100  0.011552334 -0.078806400 -0.216053960
## 7608           Gpsm3 -0.164368630 -0.023998737  0.033373356 -0.120913980
## 7609             Gpt  0.106229780  0.070130350 -0.094131470 -0.117008210
## 7610            Gpt2  0.143509390  0.111048700 -0.039542675 -0.060787678
## 7611            Gpx1 -0.089066505  0.000000000  0.070890430 -0.549818040
## 7612            Gpx2  0.011004925  0.364665030 -0.346766470  0.128083700
## 7613            Gpx3 -0.798448560 -0.685557370 -0.626311800 -0.544115070
## 7614            Gpx4 -0.202785965  0.090873243  0.178307530 -0.164225580
## 7615            Gpx5  0.000000000 -0.033140660  0.028858662  0.102022170
## 7616            Gpx6 -0.058011530  0.025918960  0.084350110 -0.017578125
## 7617            Gpx7  0.167180060  0.486243250  0.011987686  0.122384070
## 7618            Gpx8 -0.991773100 -0.708927150 -0.201931950  0.035564423
## 7619         Gramd1a -0.000515000  0.005151749  0.256401060  0.000000000
## 7620         Gramd1b -0.557484600 -0.504504200 -0.468071460 -0.586202600
## 7621         Gramd1c -0.168823720 -0.113444805  0.120095250 -0.289448260
## 7622          Gramd2 -0.040581226 -0.066775320 -0.051792620  0.030858040
## 7623          Gramd3  0.013104439 -0.024137974 -0.377591130 -0.235785010
## 7624          Gramd4 -0.266335960 -0.216186050 -0.264983180  0.358641620
## 7625            Grap  0.525280500  0.750607970  0.871951600 -0.248599530
## 7626           Grap2  0.001728058 -0.140098570  0.120491980 -0.180626390
## 7627           Grasp  0.573761940  0.360077860  0.775019650  0.208811760
## 7628           Grb10  0.000000000  0.145096780 -0.010914803  0.634705540
## 7629           Grb14  2.379734500  2.533360000  2.807291500  0.089323520
## 7630            Grb2 -0.161465640  0.063179016 -0.021215439  0.122150420
## 7631            Grb7  1.148024600  1.474708100  0.618668560 -0.128850940
## 7632          Grcc10 -0.125558850  0.567221640  0.201815600 -0.227897640
## 7633           Greb1  0.084656240 -0.028060436  0.088445660 -0.032673360
## 7634          Greb1l -0.082189320 -0.048233509 -0.107215643 -0.000803233
## 7635           Grem1  0.041574955  0.000000000  0.243194580 -0.042356490
## 7636           Grem2 -0.111470700 -0.125350950  0.053892612 -0.199062350
## 7637           Grhl1  0.382614600  0.562662100  0.165242200  0.120225430
## 7638           Grhl2 -0.104140760  0.000000000 -0.088278770  0.082231045
## 7639           Grhl3 -0.012422562  0.053076744  0.148664000  0.312943940
## 7640           Grhpr -0.080672264  0.026173592  0.204850670  0.085789200
## 7641           Gria1  0.236132140  0.187853810  0.176754000 -0.049960613
## 7642           Gria2  0.097634790  0.000000000  0.142128470  0.002806187
## 7643           Gria3 -0.055993557 -0.055673600 -0.104727270 -0.141545300
## 7644           Gria4  0.141252520  0.015427113  0.181005000 -0.050381184
## 7645           Grid1  0.008126259  0.016612053 -0.087474820 -0.167690280
## 7646           Grid2 -0.026858807 -0.016535759  0.240047930  0.111122130
## 7647         Grid2ip -0.040822983  0.093016624  0.160217760 -0.069498060
## 7648          Grifin -0.039649487  0.095105650 -0.086964610  0.000000000
## 7649           Grik1 -0.045362950 -0.065744880  0.069244860  0.080003740
## 7650           Grik2  0.000000000 -0.045063496  0.016438961  0.334509850
## 7651           Grik3 -0.053964615  0.033231260  0.041728497 -0.051664830
## 7652           Grik4  0.009458542 -0.066225530  0.000000000  0.025275230
## 7653           Grik5  0.053250790  0.030033588 -0.029406070 -0.247859950
## 7654           Grin1 -0.099129200 -0.055290222  0.089049340  0.000422000
## 7655          Grin2a -0.107307910 -0.025779724  0.203845980  0.132925030
## 7656          Grin2b  0.091723920  0.071874620  0.130665780  0.018832207
## 7657          Grin2c -0.087330820 -0.006647587 -0.067539690 -0.149571900
## 7658          Grin2d -0.123193740 -0.119604110  0.000000000 -0.078794480
## 7659          Grin3a -0.095070360 -0.037135124  0.058053970 -0.166946890
## 7660          Grin3b -0.034938335  0.132396220 -0.233708860  0.056707860
## 7661           Grina -0.445545200 -0.394911770 -0.275679600 -0.124254230
## 7662           Grip1  0.011118412 -0.122263910  0.066849710  0.086093900
## 7663           Grip2 -0.120371340  0.017396927  0.007483959  0.000000000
## 7664         Gripap1 -0.257545470 -0.000598000  0.125597950 -0.277967450
## 7665            Grk1  0.007107735 -0.016317844 -0.179207800 -0.034847260
## 7666            Grk4  0.633989800  0.772361760  0.378097060 -0.020139217
## 7667            Grk5  0.000000000 -0.035104750  0.464049340  0.896249800
## 7668            Grk6 -0.130791660 -0.224697590 -0.126370900  0.118528840
## 7669           Grlf1  0.337543500  0.537693000  0.362759600  0.218340870
## 7670            Grm1 -0.132122520  0.000654000 -0.089290620 -0.009882450
## 7671            Grm2 -0.068989280 -0.061985016  0.134335520 -0.103759290
## 7672            Grm3  0.080680370  0.299607750  0.099344730 -0.028340816
## 7673            Grm4  0.076186180 -0.014607906  0.064388275 -0.121232510
## 7674            Grm5  0.158182140 -0.039885044  0.070242405 -0.031753063
## 7675            Grm6  0.132461070  0.008004665 -0.082899090 -0.041682243
## 7676            Grm7  0.107833860  0.000000000 -0.103634834  0.000000000
## 7677            Grm8 -0.068192480  0.060641766  0.107216835  0.058873177
## 7678             Grn -0.638646100 -0.378835680 -0.882484440 -0.211055760
## 7679             Grp  0.140706540  0.048398970  0.210223670 -0.045589924
## 7680          Grpel1  0.179075240 -0.138403420  1.055255400  0.064883230
## 7681          Grpel2  0.091725826  0.158592220 -0.112178800 -0.216933250
## 7682            Grpr -0.011726856 -0.019790650  0.066472530 -0.104950905
## 7683           Grrp1  0.106672290  0.479518900  0.095814705  0.244629860
## 7684           Grsf1  0.080704690  0.523432730  0.177874570  0.176640510
## 7685           Grtp1 -0.120020870 -0.221962930  0.066123960 -0.230150700
## 7686           Grwd1 -0.148127080 -0.056667805  0.090235230  0.000000000
## 7687          Grxcr1 -0.003415108  0.006609440  0.086014750 -0.055467130
## 7688          Grxcr2 -0.082149506 -0.003553867  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 7689            Gsap -0.752783300 -0.957665440 -0.563304900  0.278128150
## 7690             Gsc  0.000000000 -0.023273468  0.322585580 -0.120871544
## 7691            Gsc2  0.022941590  0.033027172  0.244730950  0.168288710
## 7692           Gsdma  0.009615898  0.187813280  0.258534430 -0.089443210
## 7693          Gsdma2 -0.069316390  0.056200027  0.106525900 -0.086099150
## 7694          Gsdma3  0.041054250 -0.016580582 -0.061099530  0.042373657
## 7695           Gsdmc -0.078130245 -0.024400234  0.106896880 -0.005253792
## 7696          Gsdmc2 -0.049225807 -0.040809631 -0.042740822  0.010190725
## 7697          Gsdmc4 -0.011699438  0.001712771 -0.069340231  0.030209065
## 7698         Gsdmcl1 -0.101688860 -0.010581255  0.057474614 -0.041697264
## 7699       Gsdmcl-ps -0.079270840 -0.051720142  0.033716680  0.004645348
## 7700           Gsdmd -0.352506160 -0.295835020 -0.379666330  0.073900220
## 7701            Gse1  0.006712437  0.124076605 -0.018851280 -0.005611182
## 7702            Gsg1 -0.012942314 -0.005121708 -0.035283566  0.021796227
## 7703           Gsg1l -0.063957214 -0.119313240 -0.003490925 -0.002543449
## 7704            Gsg2 -0.432049750 -0.717044350 -0.540946500 -0.515537740
## 7705           Gsk3a -0.150344607  0.405684000  0.216670755  0.172119380
## 7706           Gsk3b  0.510547640  0.446468350  0.257704730 -0.063159940
## 7707           Gskip  0.051060677 -0.070107940  0.150537490 -0.473929400
## 7708             Gsn -0.553227900 -0.499267100 -0.436073300 -0.164563660
## 7709           Gspt1 -0.028459549  0.141109470  0.283931730 -0.121406555
## 7710           Gspt2  0.689385400  0.409481050  0.181240560 -0.102408886
## 7711             Gsr -0.138043400 -0.098569870  0.195792200 -0.065038680
## 7712             Gss -0.127644060  0.236672880  0.344208720 -0.088093760
## 7713           Gsta1 -0.124311925 -0.117331980 -0.108566760 -0.187453505
## 7714           Gsta2 -0.098412040 -0.080637455 -0.013746262 -0.120060444
## 7715           Gsta3 -0.312918660 -0.625309940 -0.566764830 -0.196883680
## 7716           Gsta4  3.763213600  4.086434000  3.940853600 -0.220986370
## 7717           Gstcd  0.317151070 -0.141476150 -0.145408630 -0.286705970
## 7718           Gstk1  0.193010330  0.731692300  0.636711100  0.007033825
## 7719           Gstm1  0.390400900  0.445669170 -0.095121380  0.521662700
## 7720           Gstm2 -0.672330400  0.242164610  0.000000000  0.163767810
## 7721           Gstm3  0.144377470  0.071560861  0.066052675  0.170133589
## 7722           Gstm4 -0.106172560  0.449739460 -0.070576670 -0.233616830
## 7723           Gstm5  0.457216260  0.863348960 -0.244888780 -1.953758200
## 7724           Gstm6 -0.023837566  0.099025730  0.105750084 -0.200083260
## 7725           Gstm7  1.127295000  1.510643500  1.409580700  0.000248000
## 7726           Gsto1 -0.097935680 -0.682192300 -0.085502150 -0.256823060
## 7727           Gsto2 -0.127822880 -0.338778020  0.414175500 -0.152216430
## 7728           Gstp1  0.102333070  0.077066420  0.507560730 -0.573671340
## 7729           Gstp2  0.315001960  0.222383975  0.348745825 -0.165722845
## 7730           Gstt1 -0.050643444 -0.062697410  0.308131220  0.415703300
## 7731           Gstt2  0.000000000  0.162652970  0.571485500  0.411366460
## 7732           Gstt3  0.164845940 -0.067410946  0.120357510  0.325887200
## 7733           Gstt4  0.304467680  0.138764380  0.081220630  0.192285060
## 7734           Gstz1 -0.187072280  0.541868700  0.304210660 -0.178833010
## 7735            Gsx1  0.104349140  0.001634121  0.212051870  0.055003166
## 7736            Gsx2  0.085943220  0.066799640  0.007652760 -0.001481056
## 7737           Gtdc1  0.320269100  0.527997500  0.389630800 -0.227821350
## 7738           Gtdc2  0.088168620  0.025069237 -0.171358110  0.214947220
## 7739          Gtf2a1  0.154541020  0.058176040 -0.080873490 -0.075330734
## 7740         Gtf2a1l -0.046749115 -0.026888370 -0.001840115  0.040244102
## 7741          Gtf2a2  0.384091380 -0.051281930  0.054811000  0.301162720
## 7742           Gtf2b -0.042007446  0.012495041  0.189092640 -0.026926994
## 7743          Gtf2e1  0.069482330  0.164728160  0.304523470 -0.201514240
## 7744          Gtf2e2  0.290088650 -0.161745070 -0.042443275 -0.140524860
## 7745          Gtf2f1 -0.254545200  0.063244820 -0.057089806 -0.311949730
## 7746          Gtf2f2 -0.156220440 -0.031860830  0.053529740 -0.197782040
## 7747          Gtf2h1  0.015666008  0.316736220 -0.674862400  0.256781580
## 7748          Gtf2h2  0.217948910  0.039469720  0.017157555 -0.160657880
## 7749          Gtf2h3  0.001933098  0.000000000 -0.081091880  0.020009040
## 7750          Gtf2h4  0.168120380  0.127538200  0.363445760 -0.032412052
## 7751          Gtf2h5  0.000000000 -0.007036209  0.597049700 -0.322524070
## 7752           Gtf2i  0.526686670  0.805928230  0.417373660  0.269954680
## 7753        Gtf2ird1  0.202505110  0.668321600  0.192693230 -0.177183630
## 7754        Gtf2ird2 -0.200220110  0.000000000 -0.157315250 -0.012228966
## 7755          Gtf3c1 -0.003443718  0.127506260  0.104661940  0.136100770
## 7756          Gtf3c2  0.003596306 -0.179500580  0.002161980  0.343764300
## 7757          Gtf3c3  0.078826904  0.001597405  0.227118020 -0.133770470
## 7758          Gtf3c4  0.000243000 -0.058795930 -0.018226624 -0.006421089
## 7759          Gtf3c5  0.085851190  0.396698000  0.614645500 -0.147830010
## 7760          Gtf3c6  0.014017105  0.496947300  0.488707540  0.146970750
## 7761            Gtl3 -0.039383890  0.193029400 -0.096837044  0.822075840
## 7762          Gtpbp1  0.116401196  0.045778275 -0.158802030 -0.157303330
## 7763         Gtpbp10  0.127726557  0.292654990  0.270085335  0.109327792
## 7764          Gtpbp2 -0.088207245 -0.075016020 -0.377630700  0.146953580
## 7765          Gtpbp3 -0.085613250  0.108854294 -0.033829212 -0.008821487
## 7766          Gtpbp6  0.000000000  0.011404514  0.036493300  0.124859330
## 7767          Gtpbp8  0.364200120  0.108740810 -0.081270220  0.371931080
## 7768           Gtse1 -0.008253098  0.018534660 -0.111921790  0.027109146
## 7769           Gtsf1 -0.033947945  0.078018665 -0.073059560 -0.061436653
## 7770          Gtsf1l  0.034615993 -0.063587190  0.062112330  0.018221855
## 7771          Guca1a -0.026615143 -0.032662870  0.027615070 -0.276449200
## 7772          Guca1b  0.179702760  0.013200283  0.097324370 -0.013775826
## 7773          Guca2a  0.017843246  0.000000000 -0.209678650 -0.151839730
## 7774          Guca2b -0.051959990 -0.054618360  0.089870450  0.011365414
## 7775           Gucd1 -0.151382450 -0.030270100  0.457162380  0.017686844
## 7776         Gucy1a2  0.017755508  0.062969210 -0.209240910  0.608108500
## 7777         Gucy1a3 -0.536646840 -0.346690650 -0.160260200  0.611234660
## 7778         Gucy1b2 -0.000259000 -0.003280640  0.021238327 -0.146857260
## 7779         Gucy1b3 -0.348485000 -0.004187584  0.420776370  0.609352600
## 7780          Gucy2c  0.031463146 -0.072690490  0.056769848  0.052344322
## 7781          Gucy2d  0.061937810  0.010673523  0.279152870 -0.023059368
## 7782          Gucy2e -0.077588080 -0.076878070 -0.038799763 -0.073235035
## 7783          Gucy2f -0.025821686  0.005146980 -0.043633460  0.106734750
## 7784          Gucy2g  0.000000000 -0.014784336  0.009123325 -0.131018160
## 7785            Guf1  0.406848900  0.157312400  0.000000000  0.073034290
## 7786            Guk1  0.214570050  0.206077580  0.568390850 -0.171639440
## 7787            Gulo  0.126445770  0.047698498  0.000000000  0.032262325
## 7788           Gulp1  1.025813600  1.284407100  0.604416850  0.535732270
## 7789            Gusb -0.199229240 -0.007512093  0.063058850  0.045465470
## 7790           Gvin1 -0.201045040 -0.415839200 -0.615867140  0.566754340
## 7791          Gxylt1 -0.168431043 -0.198380710  0.221323728  0.207851410
## 7792          Gxylt2 -0.042616844  0.050859450  0.061424732  0.104396820
## 7793             Gyg  0.257860180  0.395382880  0.486771580 -0.315976140
## 7794             Gyk -0.024229527 -0.091053486  0.019728184 -0.141325000
## 7795           Gykl1 -0.003047466  0.047179222  0.147054670  0.148236750
## 7796         Gyltl1b -0.096935750 -0.081254960  0.037394524  0.041321278
## 7797            Gypa  0.036436080  0.000000000  0.056608677  0.024328709
## 7798            Gypc -0.580417630 -0.571661000 -0.570421200  0.405444620
## 7799            Gys1 -0.180732730  0.155085090  0.530447000  0.118259430
## 7800            Gys2 -0.120669365  0.000000000 -0.025921345 -0.034422874
## 7801            Gzf1  0.046178818  0.711771970  0.796476360  0.405272480
## 7802            Gzma  0.210784440 -0.624383900  0.003887177  0.178504940
## 7803            Gzmb  0.000000000 -0.123820305  0.014393330 -0.092554570
## 7804            Gzmc -0.046044350  0.011906147  0.160701270  0.149853230
## 7805            Gzmd -0.002486229  0.000000000 -0.102393150  0.012761116
## 7806            Gzme  0.016711235 -0.009082794  0.000000000 -0.081708910
## 7807            Gzmf -0.135265350 -0.095237730  0.120035650  0.047577858
## 7808            Gzmg -0.033512115  0.073671340 -0.020353317  0.036844730
## 7809            Gzmk -0.027891159 -0.016790867 -0.045008660  0.066495420
## 7810            Gzmm  0.056223870  0.212420940 -0.009954453 -0.061277390
## 7811            Gzmn  0.151586530  0.039032460 -0.009237289  0.020132065
## 7812             H13 -0.292328830 -0.243214130  0.057208060 -0.169082160
## 7813             H19 -0.034470797 -0.057872055 -0.055214165  1.413758025
## 7814            H1f0  0.580015200  0.739032750  0.719232560  0.580742840
## 7815           H1fnt -0.113349440  0.064888000 -0.022650242 -0.114377500
## 7816           H1foo -0.086401940 -0.185420510 -0.099060535  0.154037480
## 7817            H1fx -0.053740500  0.037224770  0.023481846 -0.076144220
## 7818           H2-Aa -2.256433500 -3.387601000 -3.181277800 -2.173248300
## 7819          H2-Ab1 -2.871884300 -3.124431100 -2.668230000 -1.789115400
## 7820          H2afb1 -0.022401810 -0.017437458 -0.055698395  0.032045840
## 7821           H2afj -0.082166670  0.000000000  0.132515900  0.004183769
## 7822           H2afv  0.317732800  0.175387380  0.821564700  0.458847050
## 7823           H2afx -0.156635760 -0.330005170 -0.324734200 -0.124464990
## 7824           H2afy -0.567866800  0.039437294 -0.216040130 -0.112623215
## 7825          H2afy2  1.496773700  0.229494570  0.907336240  0.457134250
## 7826          H2afy3 -0.153561590 -0.116032120 -0.014781952  0.162176130
## 7827           H2afz -0.048453808 -0.148364070  0.004683972 -0.381421090
## 7828           H2bfm  0.074944970  0.137165550  0.000000000 -0.068177700
## 7829           H2-Bl -0.133872030 -0.160664080  0.000000000  0.206482890
## 7830           H2-D1 -0.310493470 -0.485633850 -0.297480580  0.117335320
## 7831          H2-DMa -1.053662800 -0.637318130 -0.580880170 -0.818909650
## 7832         H2-DMb2 -0.752141000 -0.720903400 -0.708272930 -0.632620800
## 7833        H2-Ea-ps -0.172487260 -0.111469270 -0.041503430  0.064975740
## 7834          H2-Eb1 -0.681187600 -1.213646400 -0.955099600 -0.556698800
## 7835          H2-Eb2 -0.058179380 -0.140755650  0.000000000 -0.181646820
## 7836           H2-K1 -0.351705550 -0.508942600 -0.597561840  0.012628555
## 7837           H2-K2  0.035366060 -0.136236670 -0.059337140  0.077519420
## 7838          H2-Ke2 -0.402339940  0.040512085  0.090196610 -0.200843810
## 7839          H2-Ke6  0.145993230  0.454791070  0.317375180 -0.083513260
## 7840           H2-M1 -0.107236385  0.082235340  0.110730650  0.271913050
## 7841        H2-M10.1 -0.038564205  0.055224420  0.102523330  0.021781921
## 7842        H2-M10.2 -0.033753872 -0.057110786 -0.093752384 -0.162917140
## 7843        H2-M10.3  0.068502900  0.145812990  0.103454590 -0.038048267
## 7844        H2-M10.4  0.065874100  0.000000000  0.178587440  0.339183800
## 7845        H2-M10.5  0.000000000  0.082617760  0.032722950 -0.041794777
## 7846        H2-M10.6  0.039459230  0.037178516  0.218559270 -0.003138542
## 7847          H2-M11  0.031942368  0.000000000  0.202308650  0.084581850
## 7848           H2-M2  0.022000790 -0.055353640 -0.063048840  0.120201590
## 7849           H2-M3 -0.206519130 -0.377783780  0.117182730  0.288249020
## 7850           H2-M5 -0.100709915 -0.130767820  0.055838108  0.034973145
## 7851           H2-M9 -0.025652409 -0.094466686  0.120829105  0.187816620
## 7852           H2-Oa -0.027398586 -0.253063200 -0.063251970  0.069622520
## 7853           H2-Q1 -0.128049370 -0.166617400 -0.163174630  0.123947140
## 7854          H2-Q10 -0.038668633 -0.014200211  0.000674000  0.013397694
## 7855           H2-Q2 -0.241179940 -0.211081980  0.094505790  0.175489900
## 7856           H2-Q4 -0.501881100 -0.703893200 -0.606646060  0.335411070
## 7857           H2-Q6 -1.067474400 -1.437569600 -1.255530400  0.549051300
## 7858           H2-Q7 -0.459193230 -0.568051340 -0.601100900  0.239347460
## 7859           H2-Q8 -0.630980000 -0.909806250 -1.055746100  0.428486820
## 7860          H2-T10  0.057273388 -0.339622970 -0.115535736  0.005080223
## 7861          H2-T22 -0.335695270  0.031309128 -0.040164948  0.442156800
## 7862          H2-T23 -0.227804180 -0.149297710 -0.115269660 -0.047845840
## 7863          H2-T24  0.178401950  0.000000000  0.565354350  0.664648060
## 7864           H2-T3  0.152687550  0.190043450  0.001805306  0.075941086
## 7865           H3f3a  0.057979823  0.145959378  0.039060308 -0.308784008
## 7866           H3f3b  0.061182022  0.115066530 -0.009271622 -0.179223060
## 7867            H60b  0.000000000 -0.186193470 -0.086354730  0.080593586
## 7868            H6pd -0.061567307  0.000000000 -0.084738255 -0.016231060
## 7869            Haao -0.222301000 -0.348446850  0.056380750 -0.209286210
## 7870           Habp2 -0.170174120 -0.077853200  0.137785430 -0.228596210
## 7871           Habp4  0.327419280  0.220789910  0.443759920 -0.129259110
## 7872           Hace1  0.323409080 -0.301742080  0.000000000  0.172317500
## 7873           Hacl1  0.277123450  0.031638622  0.109861850 -0.012783527
## 7874            Hadh  0.540644170  0.641505700  0.523396970  0.160509110
## 7875           Hadha  0.067278860  0.117606160  0.345465660 -0.141828540
## 7876           Hadhb  0.000000000  0.102722170  0.123816015  0.028530121
## 7877            Hagh -0.330863950 -0.283330920 -0.167092320 -0.403831480
## 7878           Haghl -0.083438400 -0.104069230  0.255871300  0.042947770
## 7879             Hal  0.000000000 -0.106554985 -0.156950950 -0.094252590
## 7880            Hamp -0.104880330 -0.094720840  0.035755157  0.692379000
## 7881           Hamp2 -0.113774300 -0.326510430  0.001962662  0.342685700
## 7882           Hand1 -0.045531750  0.118796825  0.144895550  0.033981800
## 7883           Hand2  0.019100666  0.000000000  0.068159580 -0.046868324
## 7884            Hao1  0.048454760  0.007135868  0.092590810 -0.040787697
## 7885            Hao2  0.199207780 -0.012183666  0.059634686 -0.080475810
## 7886            Hap1 -0.386667730 -0.350361350  0.068518640 -0.214155200
## 7887          Hapln1 -0.099496840 -0.028563976 -0.062464714  0.157377720
## 7888          Hapln2  0.075056076  0.034453870  0.068010330 -0.000104000
## 7889          Hapln3  0.150253300 -0.000631000  0.197119240 -0.017773628
## 7890          Hapln4  0.066047670  0.016942501  0.217857840  0.068490980
## 7891          Harbi1 -0.435987000  0.149582390  0.191510200  0.517270570
## 7892            Hars  0.084839820  0.043700220  0.409314160 -0.003437996
## 7893           Hars2  0.038162710 -0.108016970  0.261216640  0.164444450
## 7894            Has1  0.007679462 -0.102856636 -0.164488790  0.070290090
## 7895            Has2 -0.039554596  0.000000000  0.043536663 -0.006223202
## 7896            Has3 -0.392270570 -0.203085420  0.000000000 -0.223532200
## 7897            Hat1 -0.219059940 -0.059661865  0.000000000 -0.255638120
## 7898           Haus1  0.096508026  0.478135100  0.732434300 -0.306029320
## 7899           Haus2  0.350746150  0.115397450  0.373898030 -0.133286000
## 7900           Haus3  0.204921720 -0.114512920 -0.182023050 -0.089060310
## 7901           Haus4 -0.217081070 -0.097186090  0.000000000  0.329317100
## 7902           Haus5  0.039340020 -0.129017353  0.057074309  0.010000468
## 7903           Haus6  0.000000000 -0.106032850 -0.264310840 -0.168252470
## 7904           Haus7  0.641342640  0.393950000  0.790358540 -0.094477650
## 7905           Haus8 -0.147214410  0.191291810 -0.139729980 -0.058493614
## 7906          Havcr1 -0.111106870  0.142919540 -0.007118702 -0.095054150
## 7907          Havcr2  0.000000000 -0.091556550 -0.040723800  0.043010235
## 7908            Hax1  0.057650088  0.356740950  0.103059770 -0.453889370
## 7909          Hba-a1 -0.095201490 -1.958269100 -0.870583530  0.595695500
## 7910          Hba-a2 -0.030628204 -1.896963100 -0.817931200  0.659632700
## 7911           Hba-x -0.023306370  0.000000000  0.024625301  0.126928800
## 7912          Hbb-b1  0.013098717 -2.821861300 -0.776119230  0.604606600
## 7913         Hbb-bh1  0.044099808  0.012259960  0.033596992  0.036433697
## 7914         Hbb-bh2  0.102892400 -0.082757470  0.030947685 -0.250412940
## 7915           Hbb-y  0.394586560 -0.115382195  0.081453320 -0.058370590
## 7916           Hbegf  0.726185800  0.930082300  1.099166900 -0.156588550
## 7917            Hbp1  0.420114520  0.216805460 -0.181145670  0.049336433
## 7918           Hbq1a -0.080674650 -0.040102480  0.245425220  0.008917809
## 7919           Hbq1b -0.015077591  0.106023790 -0.211551190 -0.124028680
## 7920           Hbs1l -0.039287090 -0.035800935  0.172424795 -0.036436081
## 7921              Hc -0.047173023  0.021819115 -0.067515370 -0.168781280
## 7922            Hccs  0.199739460 -0.210838800  0.000000000  0.182608600
## 7923           Hcfc1 -0.023398400  0.079879760 -0.001606941 -0.085113525
## 7924         Hcfc1r1  0.345914360 -0.141849040 -0.235076900 -0.243022440
## 7925           Hcfc2 -0.160799980 -0.135154720  0.073425290  0.210536960
## 7926             Hck -0.086815834  0.000000000 -0.185983180  0.017164707
## 7927           Hcls1 -1.630367800 -1.697673800 -0.727635860  0.303476330
## 7928            Hcn1 -0.024412632  0.030555725  0.073065280  0.016129017
## 7929            Hcn2  0.333172320  0.108692646  0.015607357 -0.012201786
## 7930            Hcn3  0.036553383 -0.122758865  0.113620280  0.011528492
## 7931            Hcn4  0.027359962  0.000000000  0.175677780  0.020935059
## 7932            Hcrt -0.107215405  0.068495270  0.009759903 -0.064505100
## 7933          Hcrtr1  0.000000000  0.169077870  0.041446210  0.032107830
## 7934          Hcrtr2  0.015755653 -0.002111435 -0.009288788  0.067410470
## 7935            Hcst -0.244415280 -0.278652200 -0.232306480  0.037544727
## 7936           Hdac1  0.049817562  0.131509780  0.095073702 -0.317819120
## 7937          Hdac10  0.028400898 -0.019218445 -0.039775370  0.173735620
## 7938          Hdac11  0.016736507  0.026263714 -0.053644180  0.000000000
## 7939           Hdac2 -0.058565140  0.076531410  0.085902214  0.227471350
## 7940           Hdac3  0.000000000  0.128698350 -0.159435270  0.131926540
## 7941           Hdac4  0.041347504  0.041319847  0.118519306  0.125907900
## 7942           Hdac5  0.003757000  0.115408420  0.171225070  0.074594020
## 7943           Hdac6  0.000000000  0.115534780  0.190728660 -0.211354260
## 7944           Hdac7 -0.254550460  0.011338234  0.040978430  0.500719100
## 7945           Hdac8  0.108896255 -0.248975750  0.335905080 -0.169228080
## 7946           Hdac9 -0.005204201  0.096716880  0.013569832  1.264510200
## 7947             Hdc -0.270911220 -0.177811620 -0.341358660  0.474290370
## 7948           Hddc2  0.271506300  0.364837650  0.755228040 -0.123423580
## 7949           Hddc3  0.044662952  0.128007890 -0.069573880 -0.100245000
## 7950            Hdgf  0.105202200 -0.023303032  0.000000000 -0.053745270
## 7951          Hdgfl1  0.001422405  0.000347000 -0.021159649  0.000000000
## 7952         Hdgfrp2 -0.133010860  0.559216500  0.188725470  0.268548000
## 7953         Hdgfrp3 -0.014532089  0.253811840  0.143297200  0.484560970
## 7954          Hdhd1a  0.000000000  0.043177605  0.158171180  0.070353985
## 7955           Hdhd2  0.048088074  0.000000000  0.242427830  0.098751070
## 7956           Hdhd3  0.022650242  0.068983080 -0.345296860  0.005888939
## 7957           Hdlbp  0.125410080  0.025057793  0.286848070  0.030440330
## 7958             Hdx -0.056959630 -0.311057100 -0.223090650  0.603367800
## 7959          Heatr1 -0.392655370 -0.503877640 -0.160646440 -0.251840600
## 7960          Heatr2  0.089027880  0.020119190  0.011467457 -0.007109165
## 7961          Heatr3 -0.111824750 -0.000925780  0.191523312  0.117154835
## 7962         Heatr5a  0.533939360  0.308839800  0.196662900  0.000000000
## 7963         Heatr5b  0.183237714  0.535740703  0.143287023  0.376741083
## 7964          Heatr6 -0.443719400 -0.119930270  0.010416508  0.201524260
## 7965           Hebp1 -0.064453600  0.143651490 -0.137479300 -0.114587310
## 7966           Hebp2  0.134053700  0.207935330  0.000000000  0.042551517
## 7967            Heca  0.000000000  0.101958275 -0.702953800  0.079731940
## 7968          Hectd1  0.170518160  0.161938670  0.243055345  0.110626460
## 7969          Hectd2 -0.115137580 -0.200950620  0.002997398  0.341314800
## 7970          Hectd3 -0.175468920  0.158923630 -0.068897724 -0.151363370
## 7971           Hecw1 -0.103905200 -0.071899414  0.140393260 -0.154057980
## 7972           Hecw2 -1.785528200 -1.428115800 -1.691569300  1.333016400
## 7973            Heg1  0.202325820  0.347128400  0.097774980  0.150398730
## 7974            Helb  0.000000000  0.453489300 -0.067494390  0.151026250
## 7975           Hells  0.136812690  0.571046800 -0.454231260 -0.243729110
## 7976            Helq -0.061075687 -0.105436325  0.430248260  0.239266400
## 7977            Helt -0.045765877  0.000305000  0.094630720  0.110644340
## 7978            Helz  0.113209724  0.056175232  0.025074005  0.400286670
## 7979           Helz2  0.117185590 -0.273586270  0.205134390  0.092649460
## 7980           Hemgn -0.061495780  0.078977585  0.113323690 -0.070222855
## 7981           Hemk1 -0.143766880 -0.206040380 -0.223753930  0.308743950
## 7982           Hemt1  0.117631910  0.000000000 -0.075790405 -0.112743380
## 7983          Henmt1 -0.199221370  0.029457809  0.015146730  0.052776574
## 7984         Hepacam -0.026702404  0.135928630 -0.024334908 -0.022620678
## 7985        Hepacam2 -0.040091515  0.016669273  0.010241985  0.010241985
## 7986            Heph -0.142848010 -0.148811820 -0.576595300 -0.000974000
## 7987          Hephl1  0.022272110  0.062316895  0.056609630  0.028551579
## 7988           Herc1  0.000000000 -0.338886260 -0.502682700  0.137118340
## 7989           Herc2  0.199433330  0.096581460  0.150015830  0.046655655
## 7990           Herc3  0.568003200 -0.210721500 -0.555165770 -0.011642456
## 7991           Herc4  0.143928526 -0.042591095 -0.174100401  0.055660010
## 7992           Herc6 -0.142836570 -0.498065950 -0.657459260  0.387823100
## 7993         Herpud1  0.342881200 -0.239986420  0.032956123  0.000000000
## 7994         Herpud2  0.100358960  0.077146530  0.451898570  0.095765114
## 7995            Hes1 -0.411700730  0.000000000 -0.335384370 -0.211337570
## 7996            Hes2  0.007098675  0.104001520  0.053566456 -0.143867020
## 7997            Hes3  0.000000000  0.061737537 -0.009912014  0.164911270
## 7998            Hes5 -0.077095510  0.002994537  0.097087860  0.134912970
## 7999            Hes6 -0.069806576  0.164019580  0.094554424 -0.038331030
## 8000            Hes7 -0.170325280 -0.032332897  0.065840243  0.033026457
## 8001           Hesx1  0.000258000  0.001564026  0.129983900 -0.177207000
## 8002            Hexa -0.009619713  0.000000000 -0.036737442 -0.259720800
## 8003            Hexb -0.045843124 -0.364216330  0.085848810  0.061305046
## 8004           Hexdc  0.112013820  0.053058624  0.066730020  0.050354958
## 8005          Hexim1  0.134178160  0.166912560  0.403996000 -0.006723881
## 8006          Hexim2 -0.100304130 -0.190573690 -0.072196010  0.081658360
## 8007            Hey1  0.138659480  0.103672030  0.215504650  0.487466800
## 8008            Hey2 -0.066021440 -0.151249410 -0.123990536  0.112289906
## 8009            Heyl -0.147121430  0.022550106  0.200740340 -0.019751072
## 8010             Hfe -0.375537400 -0.381595130 -0.029103756  0.020711899
## 8011            Hfe2  0.014234066 -0.080050945 -0.041499615  0.247734070
## 8012            Hfm1 -0.033710241 -0.020974398  0.027347088 -0.019905806
## 8013             Hgd -0.199491980 -0.072791580 -0.139731400 -0.152428630
## 8014             Hgf -0.241261000 -0.184332850 -0.074461940 -0.184487340
## 8015           Hgfac  0.094704630 -0.019381046 -0.134948730  0.107711315
## 8016             Hgs  0.090796470  0.280610560 -0.318537240 -0.067212580
## 8017          Hgsnat -0.013059616  0.314054500 -0.123352050  0.192569730
## 8018            Hhat  0.000000000  0.328235150  0.035697937 -0.095896244
## 8019           Hhatl  0.012111187  0.011304855 -0.097506050 -0.079113480
## 8020            Hhex  0.199493410 -0.050930023  0.382869720 -0.690266600
## 8021            Hhip -0.101027010  0.037727833 -0.035336018  0.123761654
## 8022          Hhipl1 -0.158831600 -0.029470920  0.139140130  0.235446450
## 8023          Hhipl2  0.077623370 -0.097688675  0.000000000 -0.002730370
## 8024           Hhla1 -0.013521194 -0.080433370 -0.126840110  0.023626328
## 8025           Hiat1  0.398809430  0.175600050  0.741560000 -0.068815230
## 8026          Hiatl1  0.434529300 -0.067134860 -0.381146430  0.000000000
## 8027          Hibadh  0.000000000 -0.056582928  0.541413300 -0.120422360
## 8028           Hibch  0.137149330  0.476211070  0.260174270 -0.389347080
## 8029            Hic1 -0.118152140  0.433537480  0.220912930  0.022535324
## 8030            Hic2  0.019270420 -0.110197070  0.126048090  0.044777393
## 8031            Hid1  0.000000000  0.377394680  0.325232500  0.109799385
## 8032           Hif1a  0.095979690  0.003052712  0.886219000  0.000000000
## 8033          Hif1an  0.073709965  0.015043736 -0.127155300  0.446151260
## 8034           Hif3a  0.119401455  0.000000000  0.074929240 -0.016964912
## 8035          Higd1a  0.621757035  0.417754159  0.350182540 -0.363087650
## 8036          Higd1b  0.476422800  0.404610630  0.471771720  1.080860100
## 8037          Higd1c -0.051511765 -0.056668760 -0.134885790  0.004835129
## 8038          Higd2a  0.320862770  0.464327800  0.710566500  0.096847534
## 8039          Hilpda  0.078381060  0.036221980  0.616981500 -0.089241505
## 8040           Hils1 -0.098226070  0.033458233  0.183330060  0.001473427
## 8041           Hinfp  0.000000000 -0.212957860  0.862423900  0.441705700
## 8042           Hint1  0.303923600  0.193831440  0.185898780 -0.144539830
## 8043           Hint2  0.172151570  0.462619780  0.282508850 -0.022168160
## 8044           Hint3  0.344086170  0.579619900 -0.194937700  0.615452300
## 8045            Hip1  0.678659440  0.900795000  0.894331930 -0.014668465
## 8046           Hip1r  0.128144260  0.201724530  0.233870980  0.673681740
## 8047           Hipk1  0.113268850  0.000000000  0.043698310 -0.089347840
## 8048           Hipk2 -0.219017030 -0.170682900 -0.094763756 -0.114111900
## 8049           Hipk3  0.714328770  0.589631100  0.733866700  0.017127037
## 8050           Hipk4 -0.182575700  0.002282143  0.090023520 -0.081488610
## 8051            Hira -0.078934190 -0.065637590  0.159289360  0.084009170
## 8052          Hirip3 -0.423887730 -0.009284973 -0.581838600 -0.147234920
## 8053        Hist1h1a -0.101315500 -0.112810135 -0.209788320  0.092024800
## 8054        Hist1h1b -0.139618870  0.123102190  0.059999943 -0.208567620
## 8055        Hist1h1c  0.854312900  0.844238300  0.869279860  0.487986560
## 8056        Hist1h1d -0.142291550 -0.111066340 -0.022690296 -0.083324910
## 8057        Hist1h1t -0.123183250 -0.018791676 -0.068130970  0.042317867
## 8058       Hist1h2aa -0.247291560 -0.026216507 -0.178961750 -0.107639310
## 8059       Hist1h2ab -0.121111870 -0.045992374 -0.048041820  0.126838680
## 8060       Hist1h2ac  0.466337680 -0.210993290  0.013371944  0.148474700
## 8061       Hist1h2ae  0.045270920  0.000000000  0.005769253  0.083419800
## 8062       Hist1h2af -0.441979400 -0.160099030 -0.025528908  0.000000000
## 8063       Hist1h2ak -0.304335120 -0.105474470  0.000000000  0.048902990
## 8064       Hist1h2an -0.466371540 -0.128000260  0.034456253  0.000000000
## 8065       Hist1h2ao -0.431708497 -0.156225522 -0.000500679 -0.005454540
## 8066       Hist1h2ap -0.383914950 -0.149832730  0.020156860 -0.028943062
## 8067       Hist1h2ba -0.134748940 -0.009171009  0.107837200  0.013131619
## 8068       Hist1h2bb -0.014832497 -0.033169270 -0.040980816  0.000000000
## 8069       Hist1h2bc  0.356848385  0.207721070  0.281294823  0.125363667
## 8070       Hist1h2be -0.325682630 -0.085177900  0.168418410  0.145201680
## 8071       Hist1h2bg  0.244358540  0.000000000 -0.233073230  0.022431374
## 8072       Hist1h2bh -0.264531140 -0.313798900  0.124894140  0.090403560
## 8073       Hist1h2bm  0.037371160  0.027407170  0.000000000  0.013515472
## 8074       Hist1h2bp -0.127851490 -0.065669060 -0.087162970  0.031610966
## 8075       Hist1h2br  0.005154037 -0.023889827  0.195623208  0.340482712
## 8076        Hist1h3a -0.145465850  0.146363260  0.036134243 -0.136002540
## 8077        Hist1h3d -0.104195833 -0.001451495 -0.025427340 -0.005463600
## 8078        Hist1h3f -0.109637260  0.118390720  0.116232395 -0.095094043
## 8079        Hist1h3g -0.128762247  0.136335373  0.087045988 -0.123987993
## 8080        Hist1h4b -0.351144157 -0.648794810 -0.928767197 -0.019871712
## 8081        Hist1h4c  0.096714020 -0.030678272 -0.343786720  0.057601930
## 8082        Hist1h4d -0.566549300 -0.710244200 -0.720101360  0.026697159
## 8083        Hist1h4f -0.557295800 -0.098794460 -0.633418100  0.128519060
## 8084        Hist1h4h  0.612530700  0.064083576 -0.344871040  0.056572914
## 8085        Hist1h4i -0.027657986  0.140333650 -0.175983430  0.246590140
## 8086        Hist1h4m  0.262886520 -0.290315630 -0.135394100  0.556335900
## 8087        Hist1h4n -0.354358670 -0.692623630 -1.008123900  0.027362824
## 8088      Hist2h2aa1 -0.400899694 -0.113684463  0.004243851 -0.166215517
## 8089       Hist2h2ab -0.471583370 -0.200085160  0.000449000 -0.017894268
## 8090       Hist2h2bb -0.392864230 -0.359639170 -0.140800000 -0.074026585
## 8091       Hist2h2be  0.845021250  1.073820100  1.046195000 -0.438643460
## 8092        Hist2h3b -0.151178840  0.180160760  0.129394535 -0.109462260
## 8093       Hist2h3c1 -0.213901040  0.111370560  0.058820248 -0.051086903
## 8094       Hist2h3c2  0.963967800 -0.090599540 -0.370901580  0.463648320
## 8095         Hist2h4 -0.283782960 -0.116787910 -0.352884300  0.000000000
## 8096        Hist3h2a -0.384418500 -0.176033020 -0.312822340  0.000000000
## 8097       Hist3h2ba -0.040158750  0.178850170  0.103038790  0.303311820
## 8098    Hist3h2bb-ps -0.182234290 -0.104052070  0.187329290  0.115047455
## 8099         Hist4h4 -0.207502370 -0.151223660 -0.170376300  0.032928467
## 8100          Hivep1  0.429954530  0.610620500  0.564554200  0.220239640
## 8101          Hivep2  0.300359730  0.459508900  0.392293930  0.268723500
## 8102          Hivep3 -0.095137120 -0.151120900 -0.093364002  0.344352960
## 8103           Hjurp -0.517771700 -0.234407420 -0.299260140 -0.294726370
## 8104             Hk1 -0.190980910  0.074128150 -0.127192500  0.053928375
## 8105             Hk2 -0.095909120 -0.216264720 -0.239016060 -0.130106930
## 8106             Hk3  0.098274710 -0.189298630  0.168762200 -0.090432170
## 8107           Hkdc1 -0.000045800  0.157626630  0.041545390 -0.023879051
## 8108            Hlcs  0.581588750  0.913194200 -0.056879997 -0.207078930
## 8109             Hlf  0.539108750  0.588039900  0.867144100 -0.232449050
## 8110            Hltf  0.303020480 -0.352031700 -0.035742760  0.045084953
## 8111             Hlx -0.189821240 -0.219708440 -0.063103676  0.153718000
## 8112          Hmbox1  0.649189950  1.005541800  0.542356500 -0.037766457
## 8113            Hmbs -0.098414900 -0.343081710  0.000680923 -0.181308985
## 8114           Hmcn1  3.035432797  2.891030739  2.480824714  0.617912160
## 8115          Hmg1l1 -0.130817410 -0.032652855 -0.088504790  0.000000000
## 8116          Hmg20a  0.144104000  0.047858240 -0.090586660  0.527278900
## 8117          Hmg20b  0.011539936  0.097752094 -0.067424774  0.431059360
## 8118           Hmga1 -0.058445932  0.135971545  0.000000000 -0.176314830
## 8119           Hmga2 -0.109050034 -0.084069250  0.010541441  0.068742510
## 8120           Hmgb1 -0.130206764 -0.060983569 -0.071639240 -0.112146244
## 8121      Hmgb1-rs17  0.026089191 -0.029213428  0.000000000 -0.164125440
## 8122           Hmgb2 -0.272297860 -0.136017800 -0.095857142  0.321470503
## 8123           Hmgb3 -0.619929550 -0.641837600 -0.607353215 -0.045019150
## 8124           Hmgb4 -0.023617744  0.144422050  0.044836520 -0.004504681
## 8125           Hmgcl  0.095347404 -0.428828720 -0.212231160  0.000000000
## 8126         Hmgcll1 -0.064812660 -0.024511337  0.048743725  0.000000000
## 8127           Hmgcr  0.323269840 -0.324015620 -0.178883550 -0.034750940
## 8128          Hmgcs1  0.131955150  0.000000000  0.284914970  0.338807100
## 8129          Hmgcs2  2.686421400  3.313531000  2.811048500  0.011882782
## 8130           Hmgn1  0.034612656  0.112421990  0.155535700 -0.000560000
## 8131           Hmgn2 -0.113071681 -0.039719105  0.204428675 -0.889214753
## 8132           Hmgn3  0.032609940  0.013351917 -0.004777432 -0.378066060
## 8133           Hmgn5  0.972603800  0.626740460  0.720324500 -0.210523600
## 8134          Hmgxb4  0.164408680  0.687738400  0.886391640  0.323814400
## 8135           Hmha1 -0.193594930 -0.046787740 -0.089096546 -0.089126590
## 8136            Hmmr -0.248178000 -0.169992920 -0.169204710  0.087978360
## 8137           Hmox1 -0.392403130 -0.509636400  0.000000000  0.040337563
## 8138           Hmox2 -0.503801350 -0.302225100 -0.387498860  0.067913055
## 8139            Hmx1  0.005241394  0.206892970  0.147543900 -0.096951485
## 8140            Hmx2 -0.042905330  0.125913620  0.036783220 -0.110104084
## 8141            Hmx3  0.000000000  0.123595240 -0.047443390 -0.013712883
## 8142             Hn1 -0.955563550 -0.737400530 -0.546594140 -0.494872100
## 8143            Hn1l -0.439135550 -0.265150070 -0.324839120 -0.371541020
## 8144           Hnf1a -0.015744686  0.103689670  0.125813480  0.076004980
## 8145           Hnf1b  0.051953793 -0.143403530  0.100930690 -0.034965040
## 8146           Hnf4a -0.034469604  0.004372597  0.052010060 -0.077638626
## 8147           Hnf4g -0.028916836  0.034050940 -0.054828167  0.057790280
## 8148            Hnmt -0.108529090 -0.104207516  0.054299830 -0.130479340
## 8149         Hnrnpa0  0.000000000  0.123145100  0.079164505 -0.091365814
## 8150         Hnrnpa1 -0.237014775 -0.173732280 -0.255146980  0.024722576
## 8151       Hnrnpa2b1  0.120991710 -0.074034690 -0.117119790 -0.031256676
## 8152         Hnrnpa3 -0.057949065 -0.033666399 -0.165715747  0.052214093
## 8153         Hnrnpab -0.290789600 -0.393325800 -0.320057870 -0.178831100
## 8154          Hnrnpc  0.065811160  0.015696526 -0.573306100 -0.471823700
## 8155          Hnrnpd  0.020958900  0.015619278 -0.072504040 -0.060199738
## 8156         Hnrnpdl -0.169679640 -0.174880030 -0.130215640 -0.083106040
## 8157          Hnrnpf -0.099945449 -0.061967945 -0.043649292  0.093865871
## 8158         Hnrnph1  0.059911728 -0.094071390 -0.229634280  0.082791330
## 8159         Hnrnph2  0.004095555  0.165248870 -0.387424465 -0.046650887
## 8160         Hnrnph3  0.297028540  0.216970440  0.258152960  0.186257360
## 8161          Hnrnpk  0.071894010  0.093901953 -0.034802755 -0.169828093
## 8162          Hnrnpl -0.125818250  0.017218590 -0.006656647 -0.134153370
## 8163         Hnrnpll  0.220169070  0.000000000 -0.251614570 -0.223535540
## 8164          Hnrnpm -0.065161705  0.116014480 -0.127466200  0.047855377
## 8165          Hnrnpr  0.050941467  0.207286830  0.359601970  0.340653420
## 8166          Hnrnpu -0.102779390 -0.126454350 -0.136219980  0.031537056
## 8167        Hnrnpul1 -0.145316120 -0.053345680  0.333493230  0.155948640
## 8168        Hnrnpul2 -0.244360920  0.049889565  0.000000000  0.021847725
## 8169           Hoga1 -0.088153360  0.037128450 -0.096646786 -0.305299280
## 8170          Homer1  0.512753500  0.119778630 -0.021049023 -0.147539140
## 8171          Homer2 -0.061725377 -0.112472295 -0.034196614  0.020804642
## 8172          Homer3  0.078944206 -0.057342052  0.258987900  0.173284050
## 8173           Homez -0.303884500  0.046713830  0.125501160  0.015661716
## 8174           Hook1 -0.069667340  0.011382104  0.037330865 -0.083268168
## 8175           Hook2 -0.051507473 -0.057654858  0.120568750  0.066533566
## 8176           Hook3  0.277899740 -0.025186539  0.035197258  0.114990234
## 8177            Hopx -0.179597380 -0.453950880 -0.113540650  0.309926030
## 8178         Hormad1 -0.054403305 -0.024564371 -0.007289648  0.022722721
## 8179         Hormad2 -0.060307503 -0.041759014  0.058890820 -0.015185356
## 8180           Hoxa1 -0.231005670 -0.053913116 -0.121026516  0.269721500
## 8181          Hoxa10 -0.194978240  0.009882927  0.029284477 -0.218731400
## 8182          Hoxa11 -0.091302870 -0.024971008  0.013025761  0.079640865
## 8183          Hoxa13  0.110735420  0.062329770  0.245315070  0.036580563
## 8184           Hoxa2 -0.430042740 -0.136592390 -0.432792660 -0.119676110
## 8185           Hoxa3 -0.186497450 -0.145548103 -0.096301792 -0.057698726
## 8186           Hoxa4 -0.185562130 -0.283823000 -0.027935028  0.064306260
## 8187           Hoxa5 -1.041663200 -1.148348300 -1.260998700 -0.758553500
## 8188           Hoxa6 -0.183950420 -0.097906110 -0.022379398 -0.207289700
## 8189           Hoxa7 -0.279041300 -0.087275030 -0.059533120 -0.004261971
## 8190           Hoxa9 -0.252208230 -0.078782560  0.004092693 -0.230104450
## 8191           Hoxb1 -0.046040058  0.000000000 -0.024789810 -0.160885810
## 8192          Hoxb13  0.024418830  0.012422562  0.076594350 -0.067249300
## 8193           Hoxb2 -0.405067920 -0.222605230  0.010430813 -0.078163624
## 8194           Hoxb3 -0.280641560 -0.198325630 -0.268354900 -0.227139470
## 8195           Hoxb4 -1.559989900 -1.242553200 -1.390338400 -0.183794980
## 8196           Hoxb5 -1.067257900 -0.975457670 -1.127490000 -1.003505200
## 8197           Hoxb6 -0.563346860 -0.169064040 -0.445476060 -0.006411552
## 8198           Hoxb7 -0.021080970  0.111119750  0.046315193 -0.232378960
## 8199           Hoxb8 -0.347967620 -0.120219710  0.000000000 -0.083190440
## 8200           Hoxb9 -0.223212240 -0.131949420  0.026213646 -0.058217050
## 8201          Hoxc10  0.000000000 -0.097626686  0.191360950 -0.002287388
## 8202          Hoxc11 -0.016122341  0.048425198  0.304994100  0.000000000
## 8203          Hoxc12  0.055817604  0.205898760  0.140276910 -0.057859420
## 8204          Hoxc13  0.043493748 -0.007534027 -0.065096380  0.046432495
## 8205           Hoxc4 -0.041714190  0.000000000  0.004241943  0.005877495
## 8206           Hoxc5 -0.159152030 -0.051767350  0.010270119  0.000000000
## 8207           Hoxc6 -0.134945400 -0.237647530 -0.124657630 -0.198778150
## 8208           Hoxc8 -0.013590336 -0.149653910  0.122915745 -0.107374670
## 8209           Hoxc9 -0.018291950 -0.201727870 -0.017693520 -0.172153470
## 8210           Hoxd1  0.011789799  0.017858982  0.265181060  0.040705204
## 8211          Hoxd10  0.012040138 -0.088303566 -0.020541668 -0.134731770
## 8212          Hoxd11 -0.149054530  0.073082450 -0.051624775  0.040024757
## 8213          Hoxd12 -0.126924040 -0.104584694  0.042793274  0.224426270
## 8214          Hoxd13 -0.046949863 -0.063629150  0.057535170 -0.283399100
## 8215           Hoxd3 -0.012808323 -0.045265675  0.065393925 -0.117753506
## 8216           Hoxd4 -0.334840770 -0.268053050 -0.074502945  0.085463050
## 8217           Hoxd8 -1.123583300 -0.871721740 -0.968869700  0.301140300
## 8218           Hoxd9 -0.248593800 -0.218269820 -0.307290080 -0.122983930
## 8219              Hp -0.105621340 -0.280603900 -0.111549380 -0.190532680
## 8220          Hp1bp3 -0.028588295  0.029528618  0.281398770  0.188486100
## 8221            Hpca  0.000000000  0.008412361 -0.020536423 -0.006467342
## 8222          Hpcal1 -0.101043465 -0.377365840 -0.069932220  0.050422670
## 8223          Hpcal4  0.096398830  0.151261800 -0.034589290 -0.042909145
## 8224             Hpd -0.127199170 -0.166098120 -0.158760070 -0.088811874
## 8225            Hpdl -0.105785850 -0.028064251 -0.030112267  0.000000000
## 8226            Hpgd -1.556582900 -1.473034400 -1.675167600 -1.622528100
## 8227           Hpgds -0.256336700 -0.051438330  0.291615000 -0.051616670
## 8228             Hpn  0.000000000  0.092187405 -0.037889480 -0.417439940
## 8229            Hprt  0.704444900  0.571311950  0.574627900  0.000000000
## 8230            Hps1  0.000000000 -0.081654070  0.097808840 -0.092193130
## 8231            Hps3 -0.096067430  0.077411650  0.000000000 -0.228440280
## 8232            Hps4  0.116897580  0.000000000 -0.084186554 -0.055829050
## 8233            Hps5 -0.010461807  0.022727013 -0.305796620  0.000000000
## 8234            Hps6 -0.105266570  0.004567146  0.088143826 -0.127569200
## 8235            Hpse -0.210815900  0.053411960  0.031663418  0.031300068
## 8236           Hpse2 -0.062160492 -0.027470589  0.016483307 -0.138968470
## 8237         Hpvc-ps  0.094967840 -0.126183510  0.273365970  0.401988980
## 8238             Hpx  0.073669430  0.025609493  0.057938100 -0.003837585
## 8239              Hr  0.027882576  0.005847454  0.065298560 -0.163832190
## 8240           Hras1 -0.352606300  0.058344840  0.098615650  0.387537960
## 8241          Hrasls  0.325715070  0.006932735 -0.023498058 -0.155589580
## 8242         Hrasls5  0.123252390  0.000000000 -0.037642956  0.015148640
## 8243             Hrc  0.020925522  0.010242939 -0.130618100 -0.065611840
## 8244           Hrct1  0.860667700  2.190076400  1.654987800  0.846350200
## 8245             Hrg -0.066789630 -0.005258560  0.101477146  0.000000000
## 8246            Hrh1 -0.004725456  0.000000000 -0.006920338 -0.102296350
## 8247            Hrh2 -0.137523170 -0.158085820  0.047686100  0.334091660
## 8248            Hrh3  0.022185802  0.061230660 -0.033938885 -0.184543610
## 8249            Hrh4 -0.027121067 -0.166956900  0.000000000 -0.103771210
## 8250             Hrk -0.035013676  0.070512770  0.260198120  0.142972950
## 8251            Hrnr  0.000349000 -0.062543870  0.187222000 -0.092309950
## 8252          Hrsp12  0.438214300  0.058284283  1.348258500 -0.121362686
## 8253          Hs1bp3 -0.073559284  0.019575119  0.000000000 -0.062752250
## 8254          Hs2st1  0.090543270 -0.003547192  0.182996270  0.165302750
## 8255          Hs3st1  0.838473800  0.846656300  1.122106600 -0.302924160
## 8256          Hs3st2  0.100883010  0.006224632  0.137622830 -0.063086510
## 8257        Hs3st3a1 -0.054708958  0.453258040 -0.171409130 -0.183855060
## 8258        Hs3st3b1 -0.089499950  0.003633022 -0.124807360 -0.088318825
## 8259          Hs3st5  0.024211407  0.096448900 -0.016718864  0.009249210
## 8260          Hs3st6 -0.081533910  0.037579536 -0.084581850  0.007051468
## 8261          Hs6st1 -0.248557570 -0.238627910 -0.071269510 -0.149131770
## 8262          Hs6st2 -0.128391740 -0.074333670 -0.024810791  0.067137240
## 8263          Hs6st3  0.134501930  0.000000000  0.085699080 -0.019385815
## 8264           Hsbp1  0.279254900  0.078687670  0.435419080 -0.373688700
## 8265            Hscb -0.112515930  0.648238200 -0.335818300  0.285511970
## 8266         Hsd11b1 -0.458567620 -0.350867750 -0.225184440  0.036850452
## 8267         Hsd11b2 -0.139222620 -0.135146140 -0.077893260 -0.008463860
## 8268         Hsd17b1  0.000000000  0.058907986  0.000000000 -0.057692050
## 8269        Hsd17b10  0.071763040 -0.159214970  0.315227500 -0.625765800
## 8270        Hsd17b11  0.318476680  0.635905270  0.468890200  0.000000000
## 8271        Hsd17b12  0.090164185  0.034415245  0.423073770 -0.278593060
## 8272        Hsd17b13  0.018397331  0.000000000  0.080404280  0.009116650
## 8273        Hsd17b14  0.086933610 -0.024158001  0.000000000 -0.037753105
## 8274         Hsd17b2 -0.192836760 -0.053421020 -0.028278350  0.007094860
## 8275         Hsd17b3  0.091727730 -0.064628124  0.050955772 -0.017901897
## 8276         Hsd17b4  0.434257500  0.096892360  0.426174160  0.000000000
## 8277         Hsd17b6  0.041122437  0.000000000  0.010737419 -0.020903587
## 8278         Hsd17b7  0.270710470 -0.055826664  0.448264600 -0.574852470
## 8279          Hsd3b1 -0.069542410  0.022151947  0.064163685  0.000000000
## 8280          Hsd3b2 -0.024157047  0.038476944 -0.028432370  0.055677414
## 8281          Hsd3b3  0.005379200 -0.211004730  0.147855280  0.000000000
## 8282          Hsd3b4  0.078286170 -0.053891897  0.004507781  0.258223060
## 8283          Hsd3b5 -0.191837790 -0.118042470  0.052167892  0.028051376
## 8284          Hsd3b6 -0.065302370  0.066196440  0.102537155 -0.121125220
## 8285          Hsd3b7 -0.041899205  0.173910377  0.088412050  0.101472615
## 8286           Hsdl1 -0.098174095  0.088235855  0.078625680  0.000000000
## 8287           Hsdl2 -0.049411774  0.364790920  0.214115140 -0.075318340
## 8288            Hsf1  0.000000000  0.139201160 -0.112494470  0.023861885
## 8289            Hsf2  0.211185930 -0.185648920 -0.129715920 -0.527884960
## 8290          Hsf2bp  0.081231594  0.004332066  0.027789116  0.038068295
## 8291            Hsf3 -0.008188725  0.000000000  0.029457092  0.040446760
## 8292            Hsf4  0.087277410  0.001539707 -0.046849250  0.116062164
## 8293            Hsf5 -0.109486580 -0.105522156 -0.017775059  0.032886030
## 8294           Hsfy2 -0.051645756 -0.012122154  0.059968470 -0.058878420
## 8295           Hsh2d -0.062955860 -0.145511630  0.050236225  0.086499690
## 8296        Hsp90aa1  0.467410720 -0.564485867 -0.669605897 -0.574620567
## 8297        Hsp90ab1  0.275561330  0.000000000 -0.014470100 -0.106728554
## 8298         Hsp90b1  0.211946490 -0.022676468 -0.064805984 -0.029082298
## 8299         Hspa12a -0.104709625 -0.103466510 -0.118671420 -0.129091260
## 8300         Hspa12b  0.316231730  0.833106040  0.760753630  0.694373130
## 8301          Hspa13 -0.050536633 -0.093244550  0.087685585  0.047680378
## 8302          Hspa14  0.308444020 -0.046752930  0.268938060 -0.358516700
## 8303          Hspa1a  2.423143700 -0.600941497 -0.623359213 -0.398253923
## 8304          Hspa1l -0.022486449  0.665102015 -0.215703964 -0.579839235
## 8305           Hspa2 -0.901775360 -1.136478400 -0.201782230  0.208124160
## 8306           Hspa4  0.190189360 -0.006890297  0.150897980 -0.120606420
## 8307          Hspa4l -0.630312900 -1.266765100 -1.042442300 -1.234236700
## 8308           Hspa5 -0.353465080 -0.524075500 -0.428983700 -0.290081980
## 8309           Hspa8  0.231531147 -0.128500303 -0.449009897 -0.347398120
## 8310           Hspa9  0.000000000 -0.318639760 -0.040589333  0.056498528
## 8311           Hspb1  1.152856983  0.772276096  0.814795153  0.204843681
## 8312          Hspb11  0.809369100 -0.313710200  0.256266600 -0.284898280
## 8313           Hspb2 -0.108985424 -0.217224600 -0.126173970 -0.055246353
## 8314           Hspb3 -0.035524845  0.063165665  0.162170890 -0.006261349
## 8315           Hspb6  0.000000000  0.285444260  0.119462010  0.148300650
## 8316           Hspb7 -0.067895410 -0.017757893  0.088695526  0.254297730
## 8317           Hspb8  2.162406400  1.816741500  2.458437400 -0.128576280
## 8318           Hspb9 -0.082262516 -0.001620293  0.110781670 -0.019597054
## 8319         Hspbap1  0.128892420 -0.147131920  0.083357334  0.045891285
## 8320          Hspbp1 -0.106166840 -0.040725230  0.228156570 -0.078927520
## 8321           Hspd1  0.173952103 -0.154584885 -0.365338325 -0.297927855
## 8322           Hspe1  0.315928935 -0.215612885 -0.230683320 -0.477281110
## 8323           Hspg2 -0.444698330 -0.163597100 -0.397915840  1.366260500
## 8324           Hsph1  1.391862900 -0.491661070 -0.729012500 -0.865671160
## 8325         Htatip2 -0.310926900 -0.156847480 -0.031985283 -0.191629890
## 8326         Htatsf1  0.205380440  0.618847850  0.394717220 -0.025048256
## 8327           Htr1a  0.019394875  0.119634150  0.069734570 -0.176507950
## 8328           Htr1b -0.144598480  0.046944140  0.082412720  0.036132812
## 8329           Htr1d  0.143571380 -0.039752483  0.149243350  0.031985283
## 8330           Htr1f -0.044432640  0.000000000  0.122661114 -0.096026900
## 8331           Htr2a  0.994020000  0.000000000  0.699577800 -0.509911540
## 8332           Htr2b -0.364403720  0.160920140  0.139380460  0.090245720
## 8333           Htr2c  0.027720451  0.047190666  0.046187878 -0.013149738
## 8334           Htr3a -0.038165092  0.108152870 -0.052233696 -0.028458595
## 8335           Htr3b -0.058513165 -0.045402050  0.424500000 -0.113851550
## 8336            Htr4 -0.011993408  0.008350849  0.017668247 -0.095433235
## 8337           Htr5a -0.030583382  0.143345830  0.077567580  0.021692276
## 8338           Htr5b -0.142187120 -0.026651860  0.064476970 -0.084801200
## 8339            Htr6 -0.122183800  0.042913437  0.109927180  0.034183980
## 8340            Htr7  0.029802800  0.202281950 -0.005400658 -0.014235020
## 8341           Htra1  0.684742450  0.726833800  0.394237040  0.000000000
## 8342           Htra2 -0.467791080 -0.498613830 -0.670027260  0.230624200
## 8343           Htra3  0.048758507  0.176908020  0.247447010  0.174761770
## 8344           Htra4 -0.149151800 -0.052565575  0.056791306  0.089110850
## 8345             Htt  0.120231630  0.171958920 -0.116729740  0.173258780
## 8346            Hunk  0.000000000 -0.066885470  0.000000000 -0.047914980
## 8347            Hus1  0.293234830  0.075700760 -0.270834450  0.225992200
## 8348           Hus1b  0.073731420  0.000000000  0.099619865  0.107196810
## 8349           Huwe1  0.142574310  0.165229800  0.055463790  0.178186420
## 8350           Hvcn1  0.028782845  0.069117070 -0.125582220 -0.183358190
## 8351           Hyal1  1.275797800  0.647382740  1.124308600  0.225862500
## 8352           Hyal2 -0.298914900  0.000000000  0.109342575  0.127375600
## 8353           Hyal3 -0.068408010 -0.047210693 -0.193102360 -0.159668920
## 8354           Hyal4 -0.112880710  0.052125930  0.072776794 -0.005272865
## 8355           Hyal5 -0.144122600 -0.007984161 -0.128196720 -0.018630505
## 8356           Hyal6 -0.105995655 -0.090817450  0.048383236 -0.005305290
## 8357           Hydin -0.108323574 -0.074222090 -0.076835630  0.021340370
## 8358             Hyi -0.171135430 -0.079502106 -0.127502440 -0.126899720
## 8359            Hykk  0.141034600  0.285568240  0.311158180 -0.019482613
## 8360           Hyls1 -0.003505707 -0.016546250 -0.124529840 -0.095133305
## 8361           Hyou1  0.007437706  0.023760796 -0.046973230 -0.095872400
## 8362            Hypk  0.000000000  0.091038704  0.082596780 -0.046046257
## 8363   I830012O16Rik  0.636590960  1.188909000  0.294680600  0.532633800
## 8364   I830077J02Rik -0.094075200 -0.162691600  0.031630040 -0.133582590
## 8365            Iah1  0.000000000  0.154827120  0.201411250 -0.282869340
## 8366            Iapp  0.000000000  0.058770180  0.280775070  0.076454160
## 8367            Iars -0.075781347 -0.255198000 -0.204291820  0.049893859
## 8368           Iars2  0.106066704  0.197694780  0.165399550  0.103690150
## 8369           Iba57  0.000000000 -0.303816320  0.116113660  0.094612600
## 8370            Ibsp  0.183475500  0.026041985  0.049884320 -0.056449413
## 8371            Ibtk -0.136836292  0.080689430  0.100382088 -0.045775415
## 8372            Ica1 -0.072589874 -0.058280945  0.109625820  0.607420900
## 8373           Ica1l  0.643407340 -0.011457920  0.223847390 -0.220396040
## 8374           Icam1  1.277537800  0.000000000  0.164957520 -0.051845074
## 8375           Icam2  0.027811050  0.116039276 -0.455844880  0.414955140
## 8376           Icam4  0.000000000 -0.329003800 -0.319022660  0.186864850
## 8377           Icam5  0.020267487 -0.065435890 -0.063311580 -0.062001230
## 8378             Ick  0.611460700  0.714967700  0.852684000  0.416610720
## 8379            Icmt -0.029479027  0.108753204  0.158287050  0.171970370
## 8380            Icos  0.022748470 -0.050947190 -0.184376720  0.136939530
## 8381           Icosl  0.288717750  0.085308075 -0.309951780 -0.238149170
## 8382            Ict1 -0.111015800  0.875598900  0.127992630 -0.040360450
## 8383             Id1  0.401151660  0.795527460  0.814146040  0.650521300
## 8384             Id2 -0.945290100  0.075743675 -0.226654050 -0.292779920
## 8385             Id3 -0.252840040  0.387496000  0.486106870 -0.069257736
## 8386             Id4 -0.062985420  0.028149605 -0.011316299 -0.294176580
## 8387             Ide -0.145679470  0.123583790  0.433879850  0.129407880
## 8388            Idh1 -0.183373450 -0.202781680 -0.593216900 -0.684040070
## 8389            Idh2 -0.726564400 -0.377447130 -0.404543880  0.377805700
## 8390           Idh3a -0.595467570 -0.071627620 -0.309573170 -0.513875960
## 8391           Idh3b -0.140142440  0.392248150 -0.109191895 -0.091755870
## 8392           Idh3g -0.000936000 -0.101882935 -0.055217743 -0.237882610
## 8393            Idi1  0.367511515 -0.084721565  0.261093380 -0.501197815
## 8394            Idi2  0.008432389 -0.053809882  0.027197360  0.072121143
## 8395            Idnk -0.218312260 -0.325759900 -0.167341230  0.192820550
## 8396            Ido1 -0.282985700 -0.229454520 -0.115490910  0.478249550
## 8397            Ido2 -0.067774296  0.000000000  0.154455180 -0.198075300
## 8398             Ids  0.265939700  0.288193700 -0.158561700  0.312541960
## 8399            Idua -0.014007568 -0.362971780 -0.297186370  0.011227608
## 8400            Ier2  0.481790540 -0.177812100 -0.415185450  0.356106760
## 8401            Ier3  0.389120100  0.012166023  0.701849000 -0.818796630
## 8402         Ier3ip1  0.181020740  0.346558570  0.439808850 -0.292528150
## 8403            Ier5 -0.010481834  0.085597040  0.074673650 -0.222920420
## 8404           Ier5l -0.031448364  0.067526340  0.397332670  0.228194240
## 8405           Iffo1 -0.544786000 -0.011833668 -0.158341880 -0.096158504
## 8406           Iffo2 -0.043540478  0.147844310  0.310741420  0.872212400
## 8407         Ifi202b -0.001339436 -0.000347000  0.009879589  0.038767815
## 8408          Ifi203 -1.608609200 -1.847183200 -2.424091300  0.474970820
## 8409          Ifi204 -1.837398500 -1.976184400 -1.883893000  0.058029650
## 8410          Ifi205 -0.075390340 -0.066886425 -0.130620000 -0.055622578
## 8411           Ifi27  0.453370100  0.200962070  0.309786800  0.164824490
## 8412        Ifi27l2a  0.205767630 -0.781760200 -0.359973430 -0.086966040
## 8413        Ifi27l2b  0.049085617  0.201666360 -0.033976078 -0.040290356
## 8414           Ifi30 -0.558146500 -0.476461400 -0.563096050 -0.469316480
## 8415           Ifi35  0.217369080  0.258581160  0.690501200  0.250463500
## 8416           Ifi44  0.477208140  0.247773170  0.438798900  0.767492300
## 8417          Ifi44l -0.045597076 -0.030784607  0.141160960  0.087407110
## 8418           Ifi47  0.040734290 -0.367982860 -0.022449493 -0.206370830
## 8419           Ifih1  0.546954150  0.199552540  0.186451910  0.310363770
## 8420           Ifit1  0.989296900  0.719564440  1.040279400  0.127537730
## 8421           Ifit2 -0.511739730 -0.442109100 -0.382520200  0.877205850
## 8422           Ifit3 -0.078763010  0.369645120  0.226449010  0.211739540
## 8423          Ifitm1 -0.359858280 -0.128042935  2.202342300 -0.327672720
## 8424         Ifitm10 -0.146382330 -0.130266190  0.092515945 -0.046985626
## 8425          Ifitm2 -0.487844147 -0.563649500  0.072031657 -0.167596817
## 8426          Ifitm3 -0.010368347 -0.109968185  0.012379646 -0.086089134
## 8427          Ifitm5 -0.348661900  0.322758200  0.286341200 -0.102031710
## 8428          Ifitm6 -0.101033210 -0.214463710 -0.095318794  0.350834850
## 8429          Ifitm7 -0.164852140  0.000000000  0.017590046 -0.005709648
## 8430          Ifltd1  1.695923300  0.829672800  0.774530400 -0.068985940
## 8431           Ifna1  0.009616852  0.037097454 -0.022588730 -0.010739327
## 8432          Ifna11 -0.040618896 -0.024426460  0.015426636 -0.062687874
## 8433          Ifna12  0.351017000  0.197215560  0.215162280  0.159652230
## 8434          Ifna13 -0.011200428  0.294007780  0.060639860  0.172379020
## 8435          Ifna14 -0.052850246  0.000000000 -0.034837246  0.095439434
## 8436           Ifna2  0.066569330 -0.112588406 -0.053785324 -0.216491700
## 8437           Ifna4  0.078739166  0.022549630  0.157598970  0.060055733
## 8438           Ifna5 -0.133593560 -0.002227783 -0.163470750 -0.002227783
## 8439           Ifna6  0.109798910  0.046310900  0.051738740  0.060082912
## 8440           Ifna7  0.000000000  0.108603954  0.069484710 -0.036832810
## 8441           Ifna9 -0.052754402  0.074110510  0.074598310  0.000000000
## 8442           Ifnab -0.124220370 -0.121839520 -0.203577520 -0.297733780
## 8443          Ifnar1  1.038432100  1.341110200  0.936095240 -0.301692000
## 8444          Ifnar2  0.795671460  0.722249030  0.751526830 -0.063768390
## 8445           Ifnb1 -0.129559040  0.084538460  0.051500320 -0.005698681
## 8446            Ifne  0.015213013  0.023076534 -0.069221020  0.002696514
## 8447            Ifng  0.076842785  0.053452970  0.017486095 -0.172698500
## 8448          Ifngr1 -0.899335860 -0.790859200 -0.810722350  0.111330030
## 8449          Ifngr2 -0.939452200 -1.053549300 -1.005255200 -0.248623850
## 8450            Ifnk  0.105710510  1.242426400  0.641183400  0.243454930
## 8451           Ifnl2 -0.220439430 -0.036888123 -0.132141590 -0.119067670
## 8452           Ifnl3 -0.019279957 -0.120413300  0.154531480 -0.150220400
## 8453          Ifnlr1  0.097265720 -0.101911545  0.115008354  0.058898450
## 8454            Ifnz -0.102651298  0.008985162 -0.005150139  0.359005269
## 8455           Ifrd1  0.219101192 -0.119776249 -0.083936454 -0.252961395
## 8456           Ifrd2 -0.184572700 -0.193993090 -0.193755630  0.096357820
## 8457          Ift122 -0.140845300  0.000000000  0.123158455  0.703863140
## 8458          Ift140 -0.348824980  0.018641472 -0.078331470  0.025322437
## 8459          Ift172  0.098901750  0.271760460  0.252765660  0.000000000
## 8460           Ift20  0.115592000  0.490080830 -0.084878920 -0.099067690
## 8461           Ift27 -0.116210460  0.303795340 -0.200377460 -0.226437570
## 8462           Ift43 -0.278756140 -0.086615560 -0.522930150 -0.070895195
## 8463           Ift46 -0.102416040  0.723620400 -1.250517400  0.196755410
## 8464           Ift52  0.151906010  0.084662440  0.457430840  0.139420510
## 8465           Ift57  0.000000000  0.029410362  0.555957800 -0.562515260
## 8466           Ift74  0.505839800  0.289976600  0.786058400 -0.191557400
## 8467           Ift80 -0.089838030 -0.031916140  0.395758150 -0.337886800
## 8468           Ift81  0.791790960  0.432982920  0.578874100 -0.301045420
## 8469           Ift88  0.075315950  0.013475895  0.205415730 -0.045047760
## 8470           Igbp1  0.047184944  0.060126305 -0.870389000  0.000000000
## 8471          Igbp1b  0.036517143  0.022686958  0.249858860 -0.039065838
## 8472          Igdcc3  0.029067993  0.020420551  0.348949430 -0.034150124
## 8473          Igdcc4 -0.010759354 -0.062641144  0.176654340  0.000000000
## 8474            Igf1 -1.204087700 -1.116333000 -1.043323000 -0.580676100
## 8475           Igf1r  2.661230000  2.635865200  2.491908000  0.040463448
## 8476            Igf2 -0.114657880 -0.322670460 -0.017087936  0.774176100
## 8477         Igf2bp1 -0.000792503 -0.027642489 -0.072417737 -0.018890380
## 8478         Igf2bp2 -0.142929550 -0.132311820 -0.175425530  0.075658320
## 8479         Igf2bp3 -0.103574750 -0.156980510  0.033471584  0.039872170
## 8480          Igf2os  0.018163443  0.008177757 -0.047052385  0.190281630
## 8481           Igf2r -0.474034300 -0.548592100 -0.249596120  1.158940300
## 8482          Igfals  0.032595158 -0.188517570 -0.027612686 -0.025824070
## 8483          Igfbp1  0.122181890 -0.094491960  0.149706360  0.000000000
## 8484          Igfbp2  0.034697056  0.018932343  0.029915333 -0.016491890
## 8485          Igfbp3 -0.209652900 -0.630789760 -1.142371700  0.938590050
## 8486          Igfbp4 -0.696409200 -0.930429460 -0.919112200 -0.321371080
## 8487          Igfbp5 -0.857679840 -0.718665600 -0.778239700  0.000000000
## 8488          Igfbp6 -0.245763780 -0.248383520  0.190662860 -0.277677540
## 8489          Igfbp7  0.183913230  0.027159690  0.566401500  0.217125900
## 8490         Igfbpl1  0.000000000 -0.084560870  0.151659490  0.242885590
## 8491           Igfl3 -0.026590824  0.027129650  0.016167164 -0.015347958
## 8492          Igflr1  0.266351700  0.167502400 -0.254556180  0.313476560
## 8493           Igfn1  0.071304320 -0.013512611  0.006770611  0.021739483
## 8494            Ighg -0.021518708 -0.018581390 -0.022574744  0.022988161
## 8495           Ighg3 -0.081268310  0.026842594  0.076467040 -0.131057740
## 8496            Ighm -0.098697900 -0.110879419  0.009391070  0.024265525
## 8497         Ighmbp2 -0.098260400 -0.195765970  0.012296200 -0.071985720
## 8498        Ighv1-72 -0.121686935 -0.065732000 -0.124836920 -0.024442196
## 8499       Igh-VJ558 -0.015450954 -0.041255156 -0.088472684 -0.031758626
## 8500             Igj -0.007748127 -0.092612740  0.059279440 -0.011671066
## 8501             Igk -0.041539457 -0.048616464 -0.009448418  0.037393252
## 8502       Igkv10-96 -0.129132745 -0.124126432  0.041888475  0.001325131
## 8503       Igkv1-135  0.002787113 -0.023520947 -0.010377407 -0.071026800
## 8504         Igk-V28  0.009882927 -0.122902390  0.054096222  0.039402008
## 8505        Igkv4-59  0.007613182  0.000000000 -0.074918750 -0.136128900
## 8506        Igkv4-68 -0.077351090 -0.116981980 -0.129450800  0.012079239
## 8507        Igkv6-14  0.058316708  0.023519993 -0.071848390 -0.089754105
## 8508        Igkv6-20  0.038092613 -0.003314495 -0.161245350  0.021594048
## 8509          Iglon5 -0.090280056  0.021977425  0.103074550 -0.036816120
## 8510           Iglv1  0.050058365 -0.078253270 -0.174882410  0.035249470
## 8511           Igsf1  0.032588482  0.070354460  0.206661220  0.071403980
## 8512          Igsf10 -0.004848957 -0.106191635 -0.047239938 -0.003698826
## 8513          Igsf11  0.009672642  0.000000000  0.078180310 -0.083122730
## 8514          Igsf21  0.002957344 -0.021115303 -0.103951930 -0.037811756
## 8515          Igsf23  0.078600410 -0.055245400 -0.117461680  0.000000000
## 8516           Igsf3  0.002901554  0.095150950 -0.025459766 -0.016389370
## 8517           Igsf5  1.366788900  1.275539400  1.457036500 -0.019536018
## 8518           Igsf6 -0.626254100 -0.748898000 -1.123422600  0.369132520
## 8519           Igsf8  0.057360650 -0.015305042  0.000993000 -0.182414050
## 8520           Igsf9 -0.107931614 -0.138352400 -0.111658570  0.202868460
## 8521          Igsf9b -0.115398884 -0.106157300 -0.063924310  0.721472260
## 8522             Ihh -0.157701970  0.076347830  0.126461500  0.000000000
## 8523           Iigp1 -0.148846630 -0.552923200 -0.310555460  0.995197300
## 8524              Ik  0.140782360  0.197873120  0.097530365 -0.061353683
## 8525           Ikbip -0.237938400  0.021899700  0.148979190 -0.033411026
## 8526          Ikbkap  0.173785210  0.066314700 -0.228508470  0.012128830
## 8527           Ikbkb  0.250024800  0.426391600  0.129198070 -0.038234710
## 8528           Ikbke  0.071829320  0.048900604 -0.114831450 -0.042325020
## 8529           Ikbkg -0.254915700 -0.122666360 -0.296062000 -0.062757970
## 8530           Ikzf1 -0.119971275 -0.119407180  0.020543575  0.000000000
## 8531           Ikzf2  0.644179800  0.247794630 -0.163621430 -0.130849360
## 8532           Ikzf3  0.048648357 -0.007497788 -0.100817200  0.239399430
## 8533           Ikzf4  0.045893192  0.090880870 -0.039153576  0.098039630
## 8534           Ikzf5  0.209596395  0.092566015  0.192087890 -0.184493783
## 8535            Il10 -0.057477474 -0.103386400  0.129849430  0.141189100
## 8536          Il10ra -0.016557693  0.027887344  0.081522465 -0.116213320
## 8537          Il10rb  0.386780740  0.873887060  0.556111340  0.076311110
## 8538            Il11 -0.029336452  0.187856200  0.003613949 -0.139142510
## 8539         Il11ra1  0.131917950  0.140588760  0.072817326  0.000000000
## 8540         Il11ra2  0.111057758  0.140392305  0.050855160  0.000000000
## 8541           Il12a -0.112294200 -0.010127544  0.316985130  0.006767273
## 8542           Il12b -0.089899540 -0.111362934 -0.056586742 -0.066857340
## 8543         Il12rb2  0.000000000 -0.078047276 -0.087200165  0.078066826
## 8544            Il13  0.000000000 -0.005693913 -0.085220814  0.039637566
## 8545         Il13ra1  0.036633970  0.142652990  0.778137200 -0.460758700
## 8546         Il13ra2  0.002717972 -0.042497635 -0.035631657  0.026895046
## 8547            Il15  0.366328240  0.438595300 -0.033548832  0.276310920
## 8548          Il15ra -0.103096960 -0.150316240 -0.935161600  0.127245900
## 8549            Il16 -0.566114900 -0.650780200 -0.433951850  0.317973600
## 8550           Il17a  0.030574799 -0.171390060 -0.108851910  0.018038273
## 8551           Il17b -0.018127441  0.102120880  0.055045128  0.085293770
## 8552           Il17c -0.125426290 -0.029916763 -0.179302220  0.093284610
## 8553           Il17d  0.031218529  0.000000000 -0.024160385  0.011036873
## 8554           Il17f  0.012410641 -0.011720181  0.013638020  0.041942120
## 8555          Il17ra  0.319281100  0.223552700  1.056296300 -0.193833350
## 8556          Il17rb  0.104213715 -0.134491440 -0.194768430  0.047716140
## 8557          Il17rc  0.092307090  0.017327785  0.000000000  0.114697460
## 8558          Il17rd  1.146422850  1.330119100  1.155334500  0.398679015
## 8559          Il17re -0.006798267 -0.028968811 -0.023494244 -0.043832302
## 8560            Il18  1.252473400  0.404810430  0.851984500 -0.133617400
## 8561          Il18bp -0.248865600 -0.683692000 -0.425676350 -0.023539543
## 8562          Il18r1 -0.226609700 -0.254673960 -0.173806190  0.069324490
## 8563         Il18rap -0.038731100 -0.149186130  0.071109770  0.134579660
## 8564            Il19 -0.046200752 -0.024961472  0.064816475 -0.053055286
## 8565            Il1a -0.091910840  0.000000000 -0.163773540 -0.122638700
## 8566            Il1b -0.370392800  0.297740460 -0.114661690 -0.184298040
## 8567          Il1f10 -0.009999752 -0.143441200  0.056494236  0.067454340
## 8568           Il1f5  0.038364887  0.031345367 -0.059378147 -0.157178880
## 8569           Il1f6 -0.016631126  0.113965510  0.006402493  0.068970200
## 8570           Il1f8  0.042451860  0.016324043  0.013868332  0.000000000
## 8571           Il1f9  0.010338306  0.017846107 -0.062524320 -0.008312702
## 8572           Il1r1  0.865250600  0.157905580  1.348057700  0.306295400
## 8573           Il1r2  0.125925540 -0.130642890  0.119687560 -0.077483180
## 8574          Il1rap  0.136022570  0.155827520  0.241484170 -0.302012440
## 8575        Il1rapl1  0.004271030  0.081490520  0.140085700  0.061568737
## 8576        Il1rapl2  0.005192280  0.047668457 -0.032598495  0.003078461
## 8577          Il1rl1  0.018781662 -0.136689190 -0.056870460 -0.096081260
## 8578          Il1rl2 -0.770125870 -0.418825150 -0.540131570  0.192017080
## 8579           Il1rn -0.048214912  0.046097280 -0.011392117  0.003770351
## 8580             Il2  0.005543709  0.023519040 -0.012749672  0.000000000
## 8581            Il20 -0.013833046  0.009204388  0.029360294  0.031886100
## 8582          Il20ra -0.045100212 -0.046556473 -0.055642128 -0.057965755
## 8583          Il20rb -0.259269073 -0.104055881 -0.162498953  0.498566310
## 8584            Il21 -0.044733524 -0.025114536 -0.059421540 -0.050062656
## 8585           Il21r -0.205779550 -0.260069370 -0.088301660  0.133300300
## 8586            Il22 -0.013156653  0.037457467  0.309135195 -0.099726678
## 8587         Il22ra1  0.042314530 -0.002070427  0.048099518 -0.066882610
## 8588         Il22ra2 -0.151782510 -0.126219750  0.024871350 -0.006519795
## 8589           Il23a  0.108469010 -0.134028430  0.054631233 -0.157550330
## 8590           Il23r  0.000000000  0.089017870  0.047540665  0.162333970
## 8591            Il24 -0.062371254 -0.004340649  0.291085720  0.086061000
## 8592            Il25  0.171577930  0.043348312  0.099328995 -0.015006542
## 8593            Il27  0.108314990  0.000000000 -0.008693695 -0.163591380
## 8594          Il27ra  0.135108000 -0.092218400  0.204368110  0.154479030
## 8595           Il2ra  0.012182713 -0.101446150 -0.041152954 -0.117236614
## 8596           Il2rb  0.101228240 -0.165258880  0.033650875 -0.077777386
## 8597           Il2rg -0.214797970 -0.251142500  0.456187250  0.294205670
## 8598             Il3  0.074287415  0.004623890 -0.074125770 -0.054287910
## 8599            Il31  0.000000000  0.145749090 -0.008675575 -0.103431225
## 8600          Il31ra -0.024132252  0.016216278  0.031292440  0.079014300
## 8601            Il33 -0.038468360 -0.055421352  0.003960133  0.099847320
## 8602            Il34  0.054280758  0.000000000  0.048389435  0.160319800
## 8603           Il3ra -0.058158875 -0.119517330 -0.010769367  0.123282910
## 8604             Il4  0.020875930 -0.053658485 -0.084470750 -0.112521170
## 8605           Il4i1  0.000000000  0.007175922 -0.061600210 -0.023964882
## 8606           Il4ra -0.739690800 -0.612695700  0.392077450  0.254264830
## 8607             Il5  0.055048943 -0.092347145 -0.069068430  0.026896477
## 8608           Il5ra -0.020349980  0.048350810  0.011430264 -0.111537460
## 8609             Il6 -0.121541020 -0.101870540 -0.040775776  0.006563187
## 8610           Il6ra  0.164204600  0.290658950  0.579946500 -0.254354000
## 8611           Il6st  0.122607230  0.238538740  0.340625760 -0.244650840
## 8612             Il7  0.000000000  0.095757960  0.042254448  0.271513460
## 8613            Il7r -0.214457510 -0.194270130 -0.139755730 -0.011824608
## 8614             Il9 -0.010978699  0.001925945  0.058451176  0.140491960
## 8615            Il9r  0.088617325  0.011729240  0.200792790 -0.094622610
## 8616           Ildr1 -0.021930695  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.009301662
## 8617           Ildr2  0.262465000  0.501963385  0.427648295 -0.253065110
## 8618            Ilf2 -0.348028180  0.109251020 -0.274942400  0.152600290
## 8619            Ilf3 -0.286147120  0.006008148 -0.028373718  0.000000000
## 8620             Ilk -0.064370155 -0.001345635  0.276536940  0.557444600
## 8621           Ilkap -0.033501625 -0.068597790  0.214338300  0.230582240
## 8622          Iltifb -0.063269615 -0.142027380  0.050298214  0.211941720
## 8623           Ilvbl  0.050066470 -0.108518120  0.256960870 -0.144105430
## 8624          Immp1l  0.404305450  0.188922881  0.228089814  0.184551719
## 8625          Immp2l  0.000000000 -0.217514990  0.289925580 -0.188027860
## 8626            Immt -0.193578720 -0.387569430 -0.193888660  0.149711610
## 8627            Imp3 -0.018165588  0.064470290  0.355572700 -0.197547910
## 8628            Imp4  0.118634224  0.078816414  0.116773605 -0.011649132
## 8629           Impa1  0.315610900  0.052033424 -0.221977230  0.036036015
## 8630           Impa2 -0.297972200 -0.379061700 -0.090242860 -0.055639744
## 8631          Impact -0.269955640  0.035052300 -0.477029800  0.029502869
## 8632          Impad1 -0.782180300  0.355245100 -0.611541300 -0.010256290
## 8633          Impdh1  0.633300800  1.335663800  0.916119100 -0.050731182
## 8634          Impdh2  0.309578900  0.122017385 -0.170693875 -0.163384443
## 8635           Impg1 -0.002460957 -0.043417454  0.013000488 -0.023341179
## 8636           Impg2 -0.001401424 -0.072830200  0.218739990  0.026178360
## 8637             Ina -0.086602210  0.000000000  0.123701570 -0.005797386
## 8638           Inadl  0.301327700  0.244184500  0.092111110 -0.227415560
## 8639           Inca1  0.003110886  0.032761097  0.249420170 -0.140895840
## 8640          Incenp -0.293229100 -0.223681930  0.283429620  0.260835170
## 8641            Inf2  0.426782130  0.798977400  0.544965270  0.273441800
## 8642            Ing1  0.017697334  0.060359000  0.605833050  0.224863050
## 8643            Ing2  0.850945500  0.348686220  0.391485200 -0.458865170
## 8644            Ing3  0.080663680  0.109996796 -0.310520170  0.388490680
## 8645            Ing4  0.000000000 -0.050418854  0.227544780  0.123966220
## 8646            Ing5  0.386094100  0.081581116 -0.319836140  0.095766070
## 8647            Inha  0.069003580  0.000000000 -0.181572910 -0.030261517
## 8648           Inhba -0.150554660 -0.151367660  0.028238773 -0.150148390
## 8649           Inhbb -0.260750770 -0.117616180  0.000000000 -0.101471424
## 8650           Inhbc -0.104458330  0.036322594  0.142146110  0.084117410
## 8651           Inhbe  0.036159992 -0.014692307  0.168365960  0.048609734
## 8652            Inip -0.168480400  0.000000000  0.014733791 -0.095041275
## 8653            Inmt -0.109265330 -0.333239080 -0.164466860 -0.341882230
## 8654           Ino80 -0.032141686  0.019912958 -0.056651833  0.073636771
## 8655          Ino80b  0.066916940 -0.000417000  0.071118830 -0.139004700
## 8656          Ino80c  0.054576397  0.147173400  0.215282440  0.220251560
## 8657          Ino80d  0.255044940 -0.042451860  0.050178528  0.162155150
## 8658          Ino80e -0.243464000 -0.047259330  0.037443638  0.012364864
## 8659           Inpp1  0.687250140  0.492437360  0.305504800  0.860306740
## 8660          Inpp4a -0.092848300 -0.091901780 -0.506795400  0.017714500
## 8661          Inpp4b -0.899917600 -0.628328800 -0.814790700 -0.237154960
## 8662          Inpp5a -0.489145280 -0.402078630  0.069787025  0.506835000
## 8663          Inpp5b -0.007887840  0.030492783 -0.151483540 -0.169679640
## 8664          Inpp5d -0.469561580 -0.192040440 -0.344470020 -0.558819800
## 8665          Inpp5e  0.020869732  0.157606600  0.248949050  0.590731140
## 8666          Inpp5f  0.924499030  0.834193700  0.749219400 -0.180142880
## 8667          Inpp5j  0.033471584 -0.189229490 -0.005340099  0.166232110
## 8668          Inpp5k  0.486177440  0.444826130  0.745387100 -0.067068100
## 8669          Inppl1  0.335494745 -0.028818130  0.171236275  0.075974705
## 8670            Ins1  0.054591180 -0.007937908  0.001949310 -0.027660847
## 8671            Ins2 -0.053858757  0.156390190  0.154777530  0.014602661
## 8672            Insc  0.100235940  0.017113209  0.113835335 -0.143269540
## 8673          Insig1  0.280478950 -0.042343616 -0.063392160  0.326074120
## 8674          Insig2  0.000573000  0.000000000 -0.568912500  0.357345580
## 8675           Insl5 -0.086162090  0.069680690 -0.064171790  0.199654580
## 8676           Insl6 -0.140412810 -0.074448586 -0.184976100 -0.017020702
## 8677           Insm1 -0.095992565  0.047184944 -0.051078796 -0.000682000
## 8678           Insm2 -0.019275665  0.036026478  0.022243977 -0.034288406
## 8679            Insr  1.284483400  1.103055475  1.269745350 -0.370341780
## 8680           Insrr  0.001280308 -0.153450490  0.081034660 -0.018944263
## 8681           Ints1  0.038398743  0.232256890  0.237493520  0.207951550
## 8682          Ints10 -0.151485440 -0.022850037  0.171796800  0.070585250
## 8683          Ints12  0.022498130 -0.445580480 -0.023925781 -0.208086010
## 8684           Ints2 -0.169632430  0.277341370 -0.565693400  0.069109440
## 8685           Ints3  0.077606200  0.123870850  0.049755096 -0.254617700
## 8686           Ints4  0.342674260  0.282243730  0.122714040 -0.201698300
## 8687           Ints5 -0.157922740 -0.017986774  0.089805126  0.098252770
## 8688           Ints6  0.471951480 -0.267854700 -0.498581900 -0.292222020
## 8689           Ints7 -0.282725330  0.012436867  0.211236000  0.020814896
## 8690           Ints8  0.552337650 -0.043397903 -0.331238750 -0.032468796
## 8691           Ints9  0.532014850  0.751957900  0.769332900 -0.193706510
## 8692            Intu  0.029858112 -0.109909060 -0.010859013  0.000000000
## 8693            Invs  0.200464730  0.243076800 -0.077275750 -0.096864220
## 8694           Ip6k1  0.102488040  0.179771900  0.161893370  0.000000000
## 8695           Ip6k2 -0.400193200 -0.057741165 -0.327358250  0.379067900
## 8696           Ip6k3  0.031465054 -0.001543999  0.054649830  0.107608320
## 8697          Ipcef1 -0.086376670 -0.062822340 -0.185290340 -0.007796288
## 8698            Ipmk  0.723479300  0.183098800  0.231494900  0.259541500
## 8699           Ipo11  0.294491770  0.103903770 -0.049489020  0.090502740
## 8700           Ipo13  0.000000000  0.021345139 -0.150229450  0.022349358
## 8701            Ipo4  0.067001820 -0.174863820  0.090300560 -0.055822850
## 8702            Ipo5 -0.271993640 -0.138271330 -0.144923210 -0.198188780
## 8703            Ipo7  0.117585180 -0.321938500 -0.299628260 -0.027568817
## 8704            Ipo8  0.234814640  0.196948050  0.522740360 -0.110344890
## 8705            Ipo9  0.127477650 -0.178042410 -0.256375300  0.261761670
## 8706             Ipp  0.193468570  0.336522580  1.094115700 -0.177912240
## 8707            Ippk -0.031074524  0.333328250  0.841516500  0.022433281
## 8708            Iqca -0.069943070  0.019085527  0.057767034  0.054885145
## 8709           Iqcb1  0.506010060  0.316521640  0.031541824 -0.085162160
## 8710            Iqcc -0.210253240  0.246460440 -0.023619175 -0.061436176
## 8711            Iqcd -0.138491630 -0.093170640  0.000000000 -0.043510437
## 8712            Iqce  0.066437244  0.213540550  0.240034100  0.053439617
## 8713           Iqcf1 -0.062402725 -0.110510826 -0.031937600 -0.177853110
## 8714           Iqcf3  0.000000000 -0.024157047  0.054994106  0.166878220
## 8715           Iqcf4 -0.077796460 -0.158535000  0.091328144  0.072113040
## 8716           Iqcf5  0.025230408  0.192994120  0.117980480  0.086727140
## 8717            Iqcg -0.077745440 -0.024521828  0.022009850  0.059723377
## 8718            Iqch  0.000000000  0.025568962 -0.079589844 -0.043618680
## 8719            Iqcj -0.018088340  0.006642342  0.231408600 -0.064434050
## 8720            Iqck  0.000000000  0.170311450  0.000670000 -0.012712479
## 8721          Iqgap1  0.251886370  0.330945970  0.425431250 -0.223979950
## 8722          Iqgap2 -0.829900740 -0.816652300 -0.410394200 -0.259633060
## 8723          Iqgap3 -0.148107050 -0.003877163 -0.065176490 -0.148468500
## 8724          Iqsec1  0.019274712  0.006866455 -0.056482315  0.139136310
## 8725          Iqsec2 -0.188800810 -0.391174800 -0.314663900  0.502182000
## 8726          Iqsec3 -0.028013706  0.163572790 -0.043740750  0.000000000
## 8727            Iqub -0.054880142 -0.084799770 -0.016212940  0.025232792
## 8728           Irak1  0.432405470  0.310994150  0.488286020  0.026615143
## 8729        Irak1bp1  0.060720920 -0.187566280 -0.114174366  0.017635822
## 8730           Irak2  0.486291900 -0.138748650 -0.056593418  0.000000000
## 8731           Irak3  0.131580350 -0.092850685  0.060706140  0.326327320
## 8732           Irak4 -0.473052020 -0.155486100  0.496995930 -0.071443560
## 8733           Ireb2 -0.124222755 -0.048545837  0.064438820  0.292941100
## 8734            Irf1 -0.417597290 -1.085843550 -0.430999760  0.083931445
## 8735            Irf2 -0.150558470 -0.221190450 -0.210487370  0.240468980
## 8736         Irf2bp1  0.225332260  0.182904240  0.281151770 -0.042113304
## 8737         Irf2bp2  0.042190075  0.427287100  0.435668000 -0.244026180
## 8738         Irf2bpl  0.159135820  0.316274640  0.348407270 -0.268994330
## 8739            Irf3 -0.183363910  0.089070320  0.016918182  0.142894740
## 8740            Irf4  0.076269150  0.000000000 -0.009263039 -0.145703800
## 8741            Irf5 -0.127625940  0.038946150  0.149842260 -0.120934010
## 8742            Irf6  0.197515490  0.398508550  0.349307060  0.000000000
## 8743            Irf7  0.122600555 -0.058154106  0.428479670 -0.333828450
## 8744            Irf8 -0.495362280 -0.578557500 -0.251770970 -0.245358940
## 8745            Irf9  0.159288400  0.311429020 -0.204250340 -0.078694340
## 8746            Irg1 -0.149988170  0.052581310  0.177650450  0.068752290
## 8747           Irgc1  0.000000000 -0.027027130  0.270210270 -0.124685764
## 8748           Irgm1  0.000000000 -0.002246857  0.000000000  0.603867530
## 8749           Irgm2  0.000000000 -0.028953552 -0.190047260  0.442976000
## 8750            Irgq  0.183521270  0.021805763  0.069990160  0.016612053
## 8751            Irs1 -0.320504200 -0.002056122 -0.007514477 -0.133488180
## 8752            Irs2  0.103560450  0.036689280  0.053426266 -0.045667650
## 8753            Irs3  0.000000000  0.024163246  0.132502080  0.009350300
## 8754            Irs4  0.075696945  0.039653778  0.056767940 -0.009957314
## 8755            Irx1  0.023446083  0.053882122  0.151991840 -0.048696518
## 8756            Irx2  0.085342884 -0.016076088 -0.043561460 -0.060749054
## 8757            Irx3  0.073938850  0.107447149  0.080963135 -0.055610420
## 8758            Irx4 -0.048130990  0.021540642  0.252550600 -0.003972054
## 8759            Irx5  0.000000000 -0.002295971  0.174767020 -0.165943620
## 8760            Irx6 -0.166290280  0.179116730 -0.140495300  0.190574170
## 8761           Isca1 -0.281957865  0.265455485  0.095013379  0.332765345
## 8762           Isca2  0.102992535 -0.159923550  0.582644940  0.018744469
## 8763            Iscu  0.072834492  0.271903515  0.159056187 -0.138075827
## 8764           Isg15  0.424592020  0.730560300  0.509105700  0.000000000
## 8765           Isg20  0.108902454 -0.544473650 -0.090141300  0.539219400
## 8766         Isg20l2  0.345046520 -0.264116760  0.061284065  0.000000000
## 8767            Isl1 -0.114836690  0.186661720  0.089089870  0.078442100
## 8768            Isl2  0.134326930  0.338548660  0.013158798  0.077797410
## 8769            Islr -0.166396140  0.074696064  0.230656620 -0.105945590
## 8770           Islr2  0.075833800  0.262259000  0.883484840  0.061709404
## 8771            Ism1  2.650106400  2.417797000  2.221904800  0.651089670
## 8772           Isoc1  0.094274520  0.000000000 -0.109550950 -0.888679000
## 8773          Isoc2b  0.000000000  0.070488930 -0.279854770 -0.040885450
## 8774            Ispd  0.035778523 -0.019712925 -0.027121307  0.061851505
## 8775            Ist1  0.026982307  0.348746300 -0.440676700  0.022857666
## 8776             Isx  0.029998302  0.046964645 -0.092873570 -0.186274050
## 8777            Isy1  0.006932259  0.006932259  0.597866540  0.291431900
## 8778          Isyna1  1.132307000  1.196300500  1.178108200 -0.160751820
## 8779            Itch  0.061164856  0.080308914  0.105219840  0.000000000
## 8780           Itfg1  0.417984000  0.456698420  0.540223100 -0.077765465
## 8781           Itfg2  0.215843680 -0.036392212  0.787478900  0.057929993
## 8782           Itfg3 -0.022629738  0.147853370  0.211974140  0.108064175
## 8783           Itga1  0.675469400  0.526397700  0.255904200  1.096054100
## 8784          Itga10  0.137821200 -0.020508766 -0.011034489 -0.147364140
## 8785          Itga11  0.024436474  0.131798270 -0.004252911 -0.149294380
## 8786           Itga2 -0.030465603 -0.376483920 -0.265363700  0.427665230
## 8787          Itga2b -0.000279000 -0.039047718  0.002685547  0.192676540
## 8788           Itga3  0.384933470  0.348048700  0.094434260 -0.371054170
## 8789           Itga4  0.260258200  0.228554730  0.788900400  0.000408000
## 8790           Itga5 -0.824033260 -0.968719500 -0.245589730 -0.212085250
## 8791           Itga6  1.042134300  1.110407800  0.922610300  0.899411200
## 8792           Itga7 -0.044245243  0.184542180 -0.077198030  0.000000000
## 8793           Itga8 -0.514093400 -0.481868740 -0.478182320  0.056193830
## 8794           Itga9 -1.047330400 -1.276212700 -1.229555600  0.534067630
## 8795           Itgad -0.172381400  0.092011930  0.189826010  0.023521423
## 8796           Itgae -0.043326378 -0.202959540  0.000143000 -0.187188630
## 8797           Itgal  0.090908050 -0.131954670 -0.106640340 -0.020470142
## 8798           Itgam -0.025197983  0.000000000  0.101586820  0.074829580
## 8799           Itgav  0.000000000 -0.372736450 -0.681278200  0.083399770
## 8800           Itgax -0.188212400 -0.046896935 -0.186091420 -0.132568360
## 8801           Itgb1 -0.189371110 -0.136493920 -0.106423855  0.113790512
## 8802        Itgb1bp1 -0.191510200 -0.427275660  0.248175620 -0.007461548
## 8803        Itgb1bp2 -0.168457030 -0.029058456  0.001866818  0.042939186
## 8804           Itgb2 -0.218795780 -0.263278480  0.000000000  0.046076298
## 8805          Itgb2l  0.072652340  0.202326300  0.113065240 -0.120769500
## 8806           Itgb3 -0.245007510 -0.176944260 -0.352953900  0.032686710
## 8807         Itgb3bp  0.239898200  0.429396630  0.000000000  0.047155857
## 8808           Itgb4 -0.039402725 -0.036857842 -0.188494440  0.025300503
## 8809           Itgb5 -1.595066500 -2.063231000 -2.029072300  0.384179120
## 8810           Itgb6 -0.115611550 -0.172553540 -0.035400867  0.035093307
## 8811           Itgb7 -0.263514040 -0.199291700 -0.061900616  0.058194160
## 8812           Itgb8 -0.076246740 -0.044023990  0.050089360 -0.018218994
## 8813          Itgbl1 -0.224055770 -0.127493860 -0.074733260  0.361769680
## 8814           Itih1  0.000000000  0.022094727  0.110223770  0.135644910
## 8815           Itih2  0.009956837 -0.047896385  0.011824608 -0.075793740
## 8816           Itih3  0.071509360 -0.006028175 -0.066634180 -0.084030630
## 8817           Itih4 -0.018511295  0.026866436  0.107923985  0.055578230
## 8818           Itih5  4.929574000  4.834815000  4.536333000 -0.415996550
## 8819             Itk -0.035299778 -0.139243130 -0.145439620  0.010975838
## 8820           Itln1 -0.035040380 -0.080060960 -0.012697697  0.056793213
## 8821           Itm2a  5.260161000  5.293699700  4.948842500 -0.313475600
## 8822           Itm2b  0.023125648 -0.040100098 -0.124298096  0.000000000
## 8823           Itm2c -0.112544060  0.159505840  0.520084400 -0.347714900
## 8824            Itpa  0.371788740 -0.141484500 -0.052717687  0.554905900
## 8825           Itpk1  0.268892300 -0.187934880  0.190186980 -0.355086800
## 8826           Itpka -0.000401000 -0.071307180  0.096769810  0.000000000
## 8827           Itpkb  0.000000000  0.063067436 -0.050297737  1.409135800
## 8828           Itpkc  0.201898570 -0.016265870 -0.231757160 -0.219134330
## 8829           Itpr1  0.149684910  0.111506465  0.051294805  0.438928140
## 8830           Itpr2  0.089407920  0.039181710 -0.004967690  0.742202760
## 8831           Itpr3  0.592801100  0.905548100  0.663118360  0.188635830
## 8832          Itprip -0.127441880 -0.187376020 -0.105377200 -0.100347996
## 8833        Itpripl1  0.088957790  0.050706863  0.117794990  0.265032770
## 8834        Itpripl2  0.452372315  0.178386450  0.479079245  0.227964160
## 8835           Itsn1  0.388453000  0.589843300  0.190686700 -0.165237430
## 8836           Itsn2  0.323381420  0.191283230  0.145537380  0.396111500
## 8837             Ivd -0.110337260 -0.195873740 -0.310691360  0.049263477
## 8838             Ivl  0.021425247  0.083798885  0.036623955 -0.020960331
## 8839        Ivns1abp  0.606029510  0.178328515  0.594335565 -0.495672225
## 8840            Iws1 -0.003191948  0.102561000 -0.089551926  0.267731670
## 8841             Iyd  0.000000000  0.054582120 -0.093066690 -0.067496300
## 8842          Izumo1  0.106745240 -0.017760754  0.544927600 -0.246149540
## 8843          Izumo2 -0.111460686 -0.004580498  0.036715508 -0.094125270
## 8844          Izumo3  0.019806862 -0.061590195  0.000000000 -0.013064861
## 8845          Izumo4  0.006306171  0.651000000  0.039156914 -0.150888440
## 8846            Jag1  0.612956050  0.773775100  0.279804230  0.132476800
## 8847            Jag2  0.651804900  0.875978470  0.670336700  0.023112774
## 8848           Jagn1 -0.301049230  0.118646145  0.545349100 -0.073430060
## 8849            Jak1 -0.793684960 -0.988483400 -0.740406040  0.060643196
## 8850            Jak2  0.569368360  0.450368880  0.488360400  0.287951470
## 8851            Jak3  0.000000000 -0.038219452  0.435771000  0.343906400
## 8852         Jakmip1  0.041181564  0.000000000  0.025317192 -0.103734970
## 8853         Jakmip2 -0.041209220  0.059957504 -0.025551796  0.040695190
## 8854         Jakmip3 -0.081407070  0.048992634  0.123963356 -0.208207600
## 8855            Jam2  0.766811400  0.638465900  0.659624100  1.197784400
## 8856            Jam3  0.000000000  0.148081300  0.169993880  1.329484500
## 8857          Jarid2  0.165062900 -0.014271736 -0.011064529  0.192650800
## 8858           Jazf1  0.000000000  0.142471790  0.033720493  0.425169000
## 8859            Jdp2 -0.416514400  0.000000000 -0.215627670 -0.206676960
## 8860          Jhdm1d  0.007369042 -0.123245238  0.123815535  0.029040338
## 8861           Jkamp -0.051726340  0.297611240  0.051577568  0.086836815
## 8862          Jmjd1c  0.417724135  0.267776965  0.073907375  0.246228695
## 8863           Jmjd4  0.172676090  0.069041250  0.026592731  0.134470460
## 8864           Jmjd6  0.346845630 -0.109035490  0.255017280 -0.189736370
## 8865           Jmjd8  0.446100230  0.405324940  0.943786600 -0.732181550
## 8866             Jmy  0.934853550  0.653131500  0.748099300  0.290762900
## 8867           Josd1  0.422856810  0.262901785  0.896475775  0.192412380
## 8868           Josd2 -0.155757900  0.070104120  0.035924435 -0.036441803
## 8869            Jph1  0.068363905  0.040575981  0.115971804  0.058207035
## 8870            Jph2  0.005412579  0.103106976 -0.090312960 -0.087271690
## 8871            Jph3  0.082347390  0.013778687 -0.018374443 -0.096478940
## 8872            Jph4 -0.016320705 -0.088653090 -0.020785332 -0.050790787
## 8873             Jrk -0.125896450  0.000000000  0.301605700 -0.027055264
## 8874           Jsrp1  0.166899200  0.169346330  0.120261670 -0.082892895
## 8875             Jtb -0.007678986 -0.044031143  0.245281220 -0.045822144
## 8876             Jun  0.601902960 -0.155874250  0.104586600  0.000000000
## 8877            Junb  0.307814120  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.103260520
## 8878             Jup -0.397924420  0.000000000  0.028068542  0.863885900
## 8879           Kalrn  0.079035760  0.099950790  0.026115417  0.251326080
## 8880           Kank1  0.483117100  0.496306900  0.480935570  0.000000000
## 8881           Kank2  0.354427340  0.409309860  0.365175250  0.139660360
## 8882           Kank3  0.305057530  0.323643680  0.116274830  0.000000000
## 8883           Kank4  0.210544110  0.466436860  0.808305740 -0.201213360
## 8884          Kansl1 -0.010968685  0.177994728 -0.253327370 -0.088747430
## 8885         Kansl1l  0.500699040  0.052664757  0.437349320 -0.036858560
## 8886          Kansl2 -0.095696450 -0.432590245 -0.211514950  0.080299380
## 8887          Kansl3  0.106566430  0.161129000  0.100532530  0.156286240
## 8888             Kap  0.012591362  0.087377550 -0.044626713 -0.039821148
## 8889            Kars  0.010248184  0.238079070  0.153108600 -0.011558533
## 8890           Kat2a  0.029899597  0.453708650  0.214189530  0.152156830
## 8891           Kat2b  0.034068108 -0.037770270 -0.479981900  0.107926370
## 8892            Kat5  0.037570477  0.433270930  0.222797870 -0.224253650
## 8893           Kat6a -0.021870613  0.191720010  0.101072310  0.123632430
## 8894           Kat6b  0.656164170  0.495573040  0.623561860  0.220354080
## 8895            Kat7  0.073772430 -0.042640686  0.209582330 -0.014537811
## 8896            Kat8  0.392424100  0.003253460 -0.318398950  0.000000000
## 8897          Katna1  0.172310830 -0.117607120  0.055924416  0.000000000
## 8898         Katnal1  0.404932020  0.093288420  0.010547161  0.000000000
## 8899         Katnal2 -0.013539791  0.147977830  0.122320175 -0.070611954
## 8900          Katnb1  0.101861954  0.045806408 -0.005974770  0.000000000
## 8901         Katnbl1  0.415581700  0.636282900  0.826360700 -0.002933502
## 8902         Kazald1  0.288764000  0.175436970 -0.308124540  0.183279510
## 8903            Kazn  0.000000000  0.118102550 -0.177114010  0.097873210
## 8904         Kbtbd11  1.300063825  1.557454570  1.707914350 -0.850484600
## 8905         Kbtbd12  0.035952805  0.054249049  0.044707775 -0.086176871
## 8906         Kbtbd13 -0.067539215  0.045370102 -0.004296780  0.026921750
## 8907          Kbtbd2  0.221801760  0.261516570  0.000000000  0.109203340
## 8908          Kbtbd3  0.207044600 -0.002373695  1.134255900  0.603530400
## 8909          Kbtbd4  0.062189580 -0.703953740  0.111003876 -0.379143240
## 8910          Kbtbd7 -0.029335022  0.427708630  0.046389580 -0.363273140
## 8911          Kbtbd8  0.398728370 -0.075298786  0.257574560 -0.073576930
## 8912           Kcmf1  0.022786140 -0.035437584  0.190895080 -0.046151160
## 8913           Kcna1  0.075881004 -0.057608604  0.153649800 -0.032210827
## 8914          Kcna10 -0.128987310 -0.068689350  0.204052450  0.017394066
## 8915           Kcna2 -0.102157590 -0.068178180  0.176376340 -0.014175415
## 8916           Kcna3 -0.099379060  0.000000000 -0.116246220 -0.102169510
## 8917           Kcna4  0.011415958  0.174871920  0.220681190 -0.040769100
## 8918           Kcna5  0.676619050  0.140067580  0.515770440  2.778908300
## 8919           Kcna6 -0.017904758 -0.003362656 -0.053214550 -0.010371685
## 8920           Kcna7 -0.018593311  0.000000000  0.226576330  0.040674686
## 8921          Kcnab1  0.024050713  0.030015945  0.040050507 -0.025842667
## 8922          Kcnab2 -0.020207405 -0.043973446  0.101874350 -0.104753494
## 8923          Kcnab3 -0.015369892  0.211450100 -0.099256040  0.068811890
## 8924           Kcnb1 -0.248106960 -0.166443350 -0.401354300  0.591928000
## 8925           Kcnb2  0.030863762  0.171209810  0.013514996  0.196941380
## 8926           Kcnc1  0.047718525  0.136270050  0.096425060 -0.153136250
## 8927           Kcnc2 -0.119375230 -0.102768900  0.247446060  0.068370820
## 8928           Kcnc3 -0.017497063  0.006926060 -0.011545181  0.129662510
## 8929           Kcnc4 -0.052396774 -0.039083958 -0.041561127  0.088755610
## 8930           Kcnd1  0.110459805 -0.017137050  0.134655480  0.057187557
## 8931           Kcnd2  0.212828160  0.026314735  0.191974640 -0.032212257
## 8932           Kcnd3  0.079094651  0.108470203  0.012562274 -0.015789032
## 8933           Kcne1  0.155081750 -0.098046780  0.002276897 -0.076087475
## 8934          Kcne1l -0.074740890  0.000000000  0.088118080  0.046587944
## 8935           Kcne2 -0.044607162  0.000000000 -0.011713505  0.022686958
## 8936           Kcne3 -0.424617300 -0.304105760 -0.283156400  0.154061320
## 8937           Kcne4  0.022301674 -0.187786100  0.149143700  0.141243460
## 8938           Kcnf1 -0.019919872  0.271938800  0.000317000  0.147632120
## 8939           Kcng1 -0.084947586 -0.091904160 -0.042715073  0.083334446
## 8940           Kcng3  0.082171920 -0.009748936  0.185238360  0.061102390
## 8941           Kcng4 -0.192848200  0.149064060  0.098081590 -0.120026590
## 8942           Kcnh1 -0.061439037  0.007356644 -0.071093080  0.000000000
## 8943           Kcnh2 -0.019606113  0.000000000  0.070138454 -0.126914980
## 8944           Kcnh3  0.055288315 -0.059513570  0.192896840  0.086733820
## 8945           Kcnh4  0.031750202 -0.093036175  0.081985000  0.145719530
## 8946           Kcnh5 -0.053744793  0.000431000  0.000000000  0.051727295
## 8947           Kcnh6  0.000000000 -0.073760990  0.190313820  0.088887215
## 8948           Kcnh7 -0.004720211  0.007096767  0.154116150 -0.007061005
## 8949           Kcnh8  0.137434250 -0.078490975  0.089867830  0.029780388
## 8950          Kcnip1  0.014982224 -0.050806046 -0.007586956  0.158565520
## 8951          Kcnip2  0.057106018 -0.078228470  0.053906918  0.047853947
## 8952          Kcnip3 -0.284759520  0.227448940  0.034725190 -0.013908863
## 8953          Kcnip4  0.016528130  0.245996000 -0.027654171  0.177060600
## 8954           Kcnj1 -0.128849980  0.000000000 -0.239786620  0.033107280
## 8955          Kcnj10  0.000000000 -0.163044450  0.123512745 -0.213314530
## 8956          Kcnj11  0.093430520  0.073439600 -0.061264990 -0.010231018
## 8957          Kcnj12  0.160108570 -0.032156467  0.041855812  0.204667570
## 8958          Kcnj13  0.451896670 -0.126875880 -0.681151400  0.284176830
## 8959          Kcnj14  0.221014980 -0.068944930 -0.291266920  0.250751970
## 8960          Kcnj15 -0.252827640 -0.090956690  0.048069000  0.356908320
## 8961          Kcnj16 -0.080582140 -0.055390835 -0.151149750 -0.080317974
## 8962           Kcnj2  1.019913700  0.543099900  0.666451000 -0.453461650
## 8963           Kcnj3  0.003072739  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.129340170
## 8964           Kcnj4 -0.006839275 -0.047494410  0.123359680  0.000000000
## 8965           Kcnj5  0.031625748 -0.095304490  0.319601540 -0.006217003
## 8966           Kcnj6 -0.011623859 -0.037327290  0.026673317 -0.096397400
## 8967           Kcnj8 -0.228553300 -0.040808678 -0.283002850  0.707236770
## 8968           Kcnj9 -0.111793995 -0.099783420  0.020709515 -0.282095430
## 8969           Kcnk1 -0.042931080 -0.028829098  0.188432700 -0.013170242
## 8970          Kcnk10 -0.095173360  0.013239384 -0.034661293 -0.035573006
## 8971          Kcnk12  0.102755070  0.000000000  0.296472550 -0.000073400
## 8972          Kcnk13 -0.107791424  0.029356480 -0.012444019 -0.086429596
## 8973          Kcnk15  0.008879662  0.073756220  0.242840290 -0.068459510
## 8974          Kcnk16  0.156312940  0.043578625  0.192427160  0.000000000
## 8975          Kcnk18 -0.076512340  0.064634800  0.109841350 -0.029329777
## 8976           Kcnk2 -0.021558285  0.036877155  0.047078610  0.152008530
## 8977           Kcnk3  0.000000000  0.006682873  0.141929630  0.161288740
## 8978           Kcnk4  0.035459520 -0.010383606 -0.079574585  0.034772873
## 8979           Kcnk5 -0.133818150 -0.164670470  0.035507202  0.000000000
## 8980           Kcnk6 -0.272546300 -0.364986420 -0.115127090  0.366728300
## 8981           Kcnk7 -0.263376240  0.009341240 -0.109478950 -0.217013360
## 8982           Kcnk9 -0.004563808  0.082223415 -0.096670630 -0.101495266
## 8983          Kcnma1 -0.009865284  0.007112503 -0.007549763 -0.033009530
## 8984          Kcnmb1 -0.069828030 -0.109012604  0.378017900 -0.030971050
## 8985          Kcnmb2 -0.018132687 -0.018132687  0.000000000  0.144587520
## 8986          Kcnmb4  0.052635865  0.100761175  0.094656228 -0.038086893
## 8987           Kcnn1 -0.114685535 -0.036443233  0.076933860 -0.011127949
## 8988           Kcnn2  0.112088680  0.101469040  0.002526760 -0.108100414
## 8989           Kcnn3 -0.159613130 -0.016583443 -0.113905430  0.002085209
## 8990           Kcnn4 -0.063819885  0.002737999  0.099834920 -0.059761047
## 8991           Kcnq1  0.205697540  0.478935720  0.315905100  0.022356510
## 8992           Kcnq2 -0.013277054 -0.064494610  0.110900880  0.037465572
## 8993           Kcnq3  0.089833260 -0.083690170  0.015626430  0.035367012
## 8994           Kcnq4 -0.119235040  0.069299220  0.085932255 -0.164837360
## 8995           Kcnq5  0.057317257 -0.016216755  0.074035170 -0.021416664
## 8996           Kcnrg  0.114508630  0.006086350 -0.381097800  0.563447950
## 8997           Kcns1  0.050512790 -0.021455288  0.001470566  0.152472970
## 8998           Kcns2 -0.025707245  0.000000000 -0.062948230  0.046157837
## 8999           Kcns3 -0.130714900 -0.041431904 -0.094449520 -0.012038231
## 9000           Kcnt1  0.027684689 -0.088044170  0.049187660  0.222457410
## 9001           Kcnt2  0.066930770  0.149219510  0.115811350  0.215076450
## 9002           Kcnu1 -0.025982857 -0.004900932 -0.171758650  0.043015480
## 9003           Kcnv1  0.056801796 -0.054461956 -0.131445880  0.283013340
## 9004           Kcnv2  0.048829080 -0.073302746 -0.050973892  0.214325900
## 9005             Kcp  0.132928850  0.156986710  0.095819950 -0.075044155
## 9006           Kctd1 -0.094090940 -0.132562160 -0.055856705  0.041671276
## 9007          Kctd10  0.450793740  0.437251100  0.343609330  0.499608520
## 9008          Kctd11  0.010509491 -0.183084010  0.021376133  0.000000000
## 9009          Kctd12  0.060023308 -0.033333780  0.232903480  0.000000000
## 9010         Kctd12b  0.293519970  0.040074350  0.277291300  1.207099900
## 9011          Kctd13  0.286382680 -0.109174250  0.365865230  0.008366108
## 9012          Kctd14 -0.031593323  0.004221439  0.300064560 -0.011882782
## 9013          Kctd16 -0.204274650  0.031250000  0.017323017 -0.361744400
## 9014          Kctd17 -0.090362070  0.179962160 -0.011459827  0.505909900
## 9015          Kctd18  0.232824330  0.314283850 -0.361530300  0.206463810
## 9016          Kctd19 -0.073078630 -0.088130000  0.060552597  0.257087230
## 9017           Kctd2  0.614453300  0.155230050  0.061187267 -0.057691097
## 9018          Kctd20 -0.095814705  0.363858935  0.379788163  0.386027100
## 9019          Kctd21  0.047500134  0.518118860  0.351185320  0.522678850
## 9020           Kctd3  0.049609660  0.145030020 -0.752040400  0.262757300
## 9021           Kctd4 -0.123920920  0.059048176 -0.209600450  0.109023094
## 9022           Kctd5  0.216477400  0.360120770 -0.035639763  0.000000000
## 9023           Kctd6  0.389414800  0.016072273  0.283174500 -0.054673195
## 9024           Kctd7  0.033989430  0.000000000  0.147551060  0.036704063
## 9025           Kctd8  0.054500580  0.011660576  0.031984806  0.000000000
## 9026           Kctd9 -0.331291200  0.245917320 -0.196713450  0.000000000
## 9027          Kdelc1  0.179510120  0.129466060  0.465298180  0.000000000
## 9028          Kdelc2  0.481671800  0.444499500  0.506253700  0.199786660
## 9029          Kdelr1  0.045825005  0.200920100  0.678903600  0.181755070
## 9030          Kdelr3  0.130513670  0.000000000  0.067543980 -0.082193850
## 9031           Kdm1a  0.090263370  0.326699260  0.000000000  0.198330880
## 9032           Kdm1b  0.020161629  0.050213814  0.166449550 -0.036237717
## 9033           Kdm2a  0.000000000 -0.103557590  0.117701530  0.005755425
## 9034           Kdm2b -0.108236310  0.000000000 -0.044373512  0.151280880
## 9035           Kdm3a  0.608760830  0.423085200  0.197482110 -0.172757150
## 9036           Kdm3b -0.161527630 -0.108307840  0.157626150  0.258297920
## 9037           Kdm4a -0.045691013  0.103977200  0.005816937  0.175545690
## 9038           Kdm4b -0.041196346  0.193780900  0.012923718 -0.010564804
## 9039           Kdm4c  0.389531140  0.231034280  0.455884930  0.384737000
## 9040           Kdm4d -0.054039480  0.039377213 -0.028117180  0.076213840
## 9041           Kdm5a -0.021228790 -0.084791180  0.050284386  0.192535400
## 9042           Kdm5b  0.190762520  0.231977460  0.128384590  0.080332756
## 9043           Kdm5c  0.166448120  0.031300068  0.144552710  0.229801650
## 9044           Kdm5d  0.114024160  0.158595090  0.000000000 -0.071225170
## 9045           Kdm6a  0.498302460  0.416076660 -0.123160360 -0.289568900
## 9046           Kdm6b  0.137674570 -0.447597260 -0.165473700  0.206357480
## 9047            Kdm8 -0.126897810  0.063275814 -0.164535050  0.071584225
## 9048             Kdr -0.091683390  0.149644850  0.000000000  0.962996500
## 9049            Kdsr  0.111274720  0.090433120 -0.042340755 -0.051534176
## 9050           Keap1 -0.078928950  0.162322040  0.177711960  0.172072890
## 9051            Keg1 -0.224338050 -0.067814830 -0.256279950  0.017932415
## 9052             Kel -0.015628338 -0.106706620 -0.014292717  0.018918991
## 9053            Kera -0.044611454  0.013548851  0.018401623  0.004874229
## 9054          Khdc1a -0.016227722 -0.075019836  0.018120527  0.219099760
## 9055          Khdc1b -0.085101130 -0.022156239  0.142262460  0.105945590
## 9056           Khdc3 -0.107662200 -0.061286450  0.190259460 -0.158683300
## 9057         Khdrbs1 -0.099262235 -0.299936300 -0.025903225  0.122486592
## 9058         Khdrbs2 -0.035656930  0.047041416  0.094112870 -0.044715405
## 9059         Khdrbs3 -0.254969120 -0.320142270 -0.102957726 -0.122042656
## 9060             Khk -0.022386550  0.450840000  0.663415900 -0.097399710
## 9061           Khnyn  0.232487200  0.330973150  0.118282795  0.174643040
## 9062           Khsrp -0.205913540  0.127931120 -0.375090600  0.132865430
## 9063       Kidins220 -0.129166600 -0.107927320 -0.232782360  0.120424270
## 9064           Kif11 -0.573237400 -0.828855500 -0.656876560  0.101052284
## 9065           Kif12 -0.047885895 -0.029160500  0.000000000  0.131773950
## 9066          Kif13a  0.000894000 -0.183028220  0.061507225  0.728807450
## 9067          Kif13b  0.324017520  0.209434510  0.131721500  0.139928820
## 9068           Kif14 -0.090520382 -0.098533155  0.020695925 -0.025129794
## 9069           Kif15 -0.209352970 -0.217244630 -0.018415928  0.101423740
## 9070          Kif16b  0.213142400  0.310876850  0.128159050 -0.084339620
## 9071           Kif17  0.000000000 -0.150560860  0.008969307 -0.137712000
## 9072          Kif18a  0.081789020  0.067702290 -0.480134960 -0.030556202
## 9073          Kif18b -0.101270675 -0.003121615 -0.035674095 -0.028450487
## 9074          Kif19a -0.150294780 -0.114265440  0.000000000  0.087327480
## 9075           Kif1a -0.022339344 -0.013777256 -0.051703453 -0.015186310
## 9076           Kif1b  0.000000000  0.191929820  0.039056778  0.228125570
## 9077           Kif1c  0.821102140  0.901552200  0.884962075  0.669749250
## 9078          Kif20a -0.070569990  0.071799280 -0.038464546  0.000000000
## 9079          Kif20b -0.777530670 -0.537769800 -0.643252400  0.292646400
## 9080          Kif21a  0.039350986 -0.055892467 -0.258365150 -0.110832690
## 9081          Kif21b  0.066761490 -0.129765990 -0.044116497 -0.216548440
## 9082           Kif22 -0.206695560 -0.190162180 -0.321535600 -0.242661950
## 9083           Kif23  0.666103360  0.000000000 -0.164122580 -0.360472200
## 9084           Kif24 -0.111378190 -0.217347620 -0.294582370  0.066264150
## 9085          Kif26a  0.125891210  0.520706200  0.138726230  0.059746265
## 9086          Kif26b -0.086289883  0.034890891  0.134619710 -0.061851261
## 9087           Kif27 -0.052349090 -0.076583385  0.032246113 -0.007056713
## 9088           Kif2a  0.565931300  0.300121300  0.506974200 -0.107378006
## 9089           Kif2b  0.259184840 -0.007852554  0.196709160 -0.106450560
## 9090           Kif2c -0.076082230 -0.112672330 -0.015675545 -0.022645950
## 9091           Kif3a -0.027720451  0.193871500  0.223535540  0.268435480
## 9092           Kif3b  0.285156250  0.611682900  0.019914627  0.083044050
## 9093           Kif3c -0.057407856  0.179300790 -0.242823600  0.009559631
## 9094            Kif4 -0.899210450 -0.820721600 -0.660120000  0.132951260
## 9095         Kif4-ps -0.077109100  0.039924860 -0.066111089  0.010630370
## 9096           Kif5a  0.126167300  0.094111920 -0.091542244 -0.112338066
## 9097           Kif5b  0.537775040  0.462260250  0.411703100  0.162665370
## 9098           Kif5c  0.010904789 -0.101453304 -0.067727566  0.523963450
## 9099            Kif6 -0.060076475  0.081114055 -0.039833785  0.016140461
## 9100            Kif7  0.051507473  0.040742874  0.048025845 -0.074712990
## 9101            Kif9 -0.168241020 -0.185228820 -0.305395130  0.000000000
## 9102          Kifap3  0.000000000  0.065949920 -0.036657810 -0.004736900
## 9103           Kifc2  0.070352554  0.077632904  0.104822160  0.250607000
## 9104           Kifc3  0.084736350  0.256762500  0.160991670  0.242871760
## 9105          Kifc5b -0.024526120 -0.151465900 -0.094373226 -0.140606880
## 9106       Kifc5c-ps  0.020906448 -0.008502960 -0.006301880  0.153700350
## 9107             Kin  0.180078980  0.051475048 -0.046895980 -0.252616400
## 9108         Kir3dl1  0.009314537 -0.031154156 -0.108347890  0.084219456
## 9109         Kir3dl2  0.032062530 -0.071386814  0.000000000 -0.071386814
## 9110          Kirrel -0.057750225 -0.010616779  0.095934390  0.100255010
## 9111         Kirrel2  0.061829090  0.137164600  0.235352520 -0.165033340
## 9112         Kirrel3 -0.016712666 -0.189032550 -0.410205360  0.146333220
## 9113           Kiss1 -0.032922745 -0.001396179  0.122151850  0.099562170
## 9114          Kiss1r -0.090188030 -0.043814182  0.224993230  0.047060490
## 9115             Kit -1.939004400 -2.025935600 -0.819217700  0.198725700
## 9116            Kitl  0.485647200  0.588444700  0.238267900  0.737606050
## 9117              Kl -0.119667530  0.000000000  0.005918503  0.009450913
## 9118             Klb -0.004106998 -0.011586189  0.180363180  0.156311040
## 9119            Klc1  0.076065060  0.533434870  0.354528430  0.506012900
## 9120            Klc2  0.104572773  0.138732193  0.134749890  0.004263635
## 9121            Klc3  0.012023449 -0.024606228  0.053804398 -0.073194030
## 9122            Klc4 -0.004845142  0.264195920  0.227063660  0.000000000
## 9123            Klf1 -0.017279625  0.028956413 -0.083037380 -0.189936160
## 9124           Klf10 -0.139615060  0.083721160 -0.339590070 -0.002847672
## 9125           Klf11  0.614145300  0.220273020  0.401728630  0.427383420
## 9126           Klf12  1.372895200  0.876422900  1.143311500  0.339790340
## 9127           Klf13  0.015935898  0.043006420 -0.497570500  0.287856100
## 9128           Klf14  0.052108765  0.000000000  0.087461470 -0.196490760
## 9129           Klf15 -0.052127360  0.081779960  0.023755550 -0.058990000
## 9130           Klf16 -0.076498030  0.007785797  0.147362230  0.174651150
## 9131           Klf17 -0.061684610  0.145659920 -0.064925194 -0.002985477
## 9132            Klf2  0.338868140 -0.077569960  0.010725021  0.028821945
## 9133            Klf3  0.116449832 -0.028539895 -0.116805555  0.229593755
## 9134            Klf4  0.820922850  0.189536100  0.126318930  0.000000000
## 9135            Klf5 -0.187839980 -0.052301884 -0.133356570 -0.329559800
## 9136            Klf6  0.886611940  0.186418530  0.000000000  0.269469260
## 9137            Klf7  0.153646470 -0.086922646  0.000000000  0.292197230
## 9138            Klf8 -0.119716644 -0.067278860 -0.088321686  0.071120740
## 9139            Klf9  0.230252025  0.074491980  0.217032435  0.343979595
## 9140          Klhdc1 -0.002749920  0.492228030 -0.264039040 -0.571501260
## 9141         Klhdc10  0.068034170  0.606022830  0.369281770  0.023766518
## 9142          Klhdc2 -0.197102550  0.000000000 -0.049477577 -0.080289840
## 9143          Klhdc3 -0.003808498 -0.052235126 -0.305807600  0.419853700
## 9144          Klhdc4  0.016401768  0.243897440  0.119789600  0.126434330
## 9145         Klhdc7a -0.012121677 -0.117643360  0.125624180  0.000000000
## 9146         Klhdc7b -0.081364630  0.000000000  0.094326970  0.070392130
## 9147         Klhdc8a  0.051251410 -0.017650127  0.017098427  0.075567720
## 9148         Klhdc8b  0.386585240  0.033540726  0.088472370  0.427505970
## 9149          Klhdc9  0.000000000  0.002224445  0.393588070  0.111256600
## 9150           Klhl1  0.120460030  0.120069504  0.215299130  0.029110432
## 9151          Klhl10  0.026214600  0.036692142  0.041758060  0.000000000
## 9152          Klhl11  0.032429695  0.281238560  0.115271090  0.169409750
## 9153          Klhl12  0.000000000  0.043690205 -0.175148010  0.415262220
## 9154          Klhl13  0.300279140  0.293465140  0.161687370  0.041153430
## 9155          Klhl14 -0.021905899 -0.068559407  0.041230677 -0.038469790
## 9156          Klhl15  0.114490030  0.000000000  0.168179510 -0.198243140
## 9157          Klhl18 -0.105124470  0.195082190 -0.469084740  0.034708500
## 9158           Klhl2  1.016737000  0.835346200  0.518304800  0.076163290
## 9159          Klhl20  0.357407570  0.224214550  0.701532360  0.130574230
## 9160          Klhl21 -0.024277450  0.080600022  0.213382728 -0.039326668
## 9161          Klhl22  0.042734146 -0.278996470  0.376076220  0.335483550
## 9162          Klhl23  0.037273884  0.095292570 -0.071057320 -0.205884460
## 9163          Klhl24 -0.054775238  0.000000000 -0.212488170  0.309413900
## 9164          Klhl25 -0.000014800  0.060135365  0.356253150 -0.065692425
## 9165          Klhl26  0.057013510  0.006793499 -0.079164980  0.158257960
## 9166          Klhl28  0.552291870 -0.091878890 -0.386978150  0.204772000
## 9167          Klhl29 -0.050611020  0.101846695  0.000000000 -0.012507916
## 9168          Klhl30 -0.114912990 -0.005272865  0.130758290  0.103868010
## 9169          Klhl31  0.008257628  0.022823810 -0.047040462  0.018083093
## 9170          Klhl32  0.059095860  0.098800660 -0.102066990 -0.013719082
## 9171          Klhl34  0.000000000  0.007222176 -0.119738100  0.081110480
## 9172          Klhl35 -0.132390020  0.008877277 -0.024599552  0.037481785
## 9173          Klhl36 -0.160120010 -0.129618170  0.373295780  0.141506670
## 9174          Klhl38  0.182047370  0.006340504 -0.120050910 -0.058524130
## 9175           Klhl4  1.864471000  1.625402900  1.367144100  1.901655700
## 9176          Klhl40  0.044023514  0.044744490  0.267251500  0.068495270
## 9177          Klhl41  0.004967690 -0.057734490  0.237517830 -0.120822910
## 9178          Klhl42  0.114572524  0.027961016  0.235512975 -0.036644458
## 9179           Klhl5  1.105473500  1.284779500  0.650967600  0.290548320
## 9180           Klhl6 -0.823207860  0.000000000  0.423751830  0.476962100
## 9181           Klhl7  0.155576230  0.356818680 -0.011817455 -0.073125840
## 9182           Klhl8 -0.011716843 -0.025251865  0.000000000  0.498838420
## 9183           Klhl9  0.023664952  0.012707710  0.025057792 -0.182502510
## 9184            Klk1 -0.122750280 -0.109831810 -0.101043224 -0.019335747
## 9185           Klk10  0.020040989  0.032452583  0.137187480  0.253548150
## 9186           Klk11 -0.127882960 -0.032172680  0.234781270  0.274515630
## 9187           Klk12  0.003443718 -0.070269110 -0.091747284  0.144386290
## 9188           Klk13  0.122563840 -0.029006004 -0.071491720 -0.177873610
## 9189           Klk14  0.135440350 -0.134865760 -0.092153550  0.163014410
## 9190           Klk15  0.086711410 -0.049305440  0.072256090  0.000000000
## 9191          Klk1b1 -0.046655655  0.000000000 -0.088406560  0.133014200
## 9192         Klk1b11 -0.107062820  0.204285620  0.141016960  0.009585857
## 9193         Klk1b16 -0.051724910 -0.046972275  0.080634120  0.115037440
## 9194         Klk1b21 -0.188863750 -0.211668010 -0.051662922 -0.108786580
## 9195         Klk1b22 -0.081613540 -0.025510788  0.185153480 -0.119217396
## 9196         Klk1b24 -0.074525360  0.137153150  0.013705730  0.233089450
## 9197         Klk1b26  0.000000000 -0.091080666 -0.008282661 -0.061073303
## 9198         Klk1b27 -0.120872020 -0.045930862 -0.002804756 -0.017308712
## 9199          Klk1b3 -0.085113050 -0.063949110 -0.038786410  0.102844240
## 9200          Klk1b4 -0.158236500 -0.023485184  0.057358265  0.211139680
## 9201          Klk1b5  0.197671410 -0.139598850  0.064720630 -0.089085580
## 9202       Klk1b7-ps  0.186408040  0.211686130 -0.035953045 -0.165275100
## 9203          Klk1b8 -0.012069225  0.019486427  0.014562130  0.145601270
## 9204          Klk1b9  0.053143024  0.025850296  0.193885330  0.000000000
## 9205            Klk4 -0.061284065 -0.085598946  0.234161850  0.057999610
## 9206            Klk5  0.088430880  0.013540745 -0.002925396 -0.102612495
## 9207            Klk6 -0.152481080  0.000000000  0.061307907  0.102842330
## 9208            Klk7  0.057888508  0.001946926 -0.121407510 -0.042006970
## 9209            Klk8  0.053083420  0.045848846 -0.202793120  0.725182060
## 9210            Klk9  0.186865800  0.000000000 -0.127712250  0.266262050
## 9211           Klra1  0.000000000 -0.018170834 -0.005550385  0.000594000
## 9212          Klra10 -0.133765220 -0.167059420 -0.112957954  2.384684600
## 9213          Klra17 -0.033693790  0.002936840 -0.008454323  0.050858974
## 9214           Klra2 -0.039581776 -0.183963780  0.000000000 -0.089649680
## 9215           Klra3 -0.076530930  0.000000000 -0.265701300  0.392580500
## 9216           Klra5 -0.026213170 -0.025154590  0.018363476  0.001576424
## 9217           Klra6  0.078176020  0.000000000 -0.003015995  0.115399840
## 9218           Klra8 -0.135539050  0.028714180 -0.053661823  0.181386950
## 9219           Klra9 -0.036781550 -0.166280745  0.029507878  3.687252900
## 9220           Klrb1  0.007035732 -0.106024740  0.019585133  0.044885635
## 9221          Klrb1a -0.097410680 -0.032726288  0.064406395  0.006561279
## 9222          Klrb1b -0.016225815  0.011266708 -0.039998530  0.042273045
## 9223          Klrb1c -0.042898178  0.179313180 -0.050646305 -0.060325623
## 9224          Klrb1f -0.228166100 -0.074175360 -0.088093280  0.052422047
## 9225       Klrb1-ps1  0.042383670  0.059367180  0.275591850 -0.171579360
## 9226           Klrc1 -0.051744460  0.008322239 -0.028256416 -0.025230885
## 9227           Klrc2 -0.039566994 -0.032797337  0.017956734  0.085276600
## 9228           Klrc3 -0.024762630  0.012109280  0.000000000  0.040147780
## 9229           Klrd1  0.046325684 -0.083284855 -0.014056206  0.344707970
## 9230           Klre1 -0.094772340 -0.050248146  0.055047990  0.046062470
## 9231           Klrg1  0.006778717 -0.129309180  0.023576260 -0.065248010
## 9232           Klrg2  0.002061367 -0.043735504 -0.039902210  0.115269660
## 9233           Klri1 -0.028661251 -0.009015083  0.103405000  0.188867570
## 9234           Klri2 -0.034379005 -0.008666515 -0.006435871  0.029703140
## 9235           Klrk1  0.068959710  0.000000000  0.011893749 -0.061437130
## 9236             Kmo -0.046172142 -0.057277203 -0.128355980 -0.017093658
## 9237           Kmt2a  0.094893456  0.094861030 -0.061386110  0.270679470
## 9238           Kmt2b  0.082880974  0.017802238  0.033015728  0.219801430
## 9239           Kmt2c  0.161318780  0.041323660 -0.220702170  0.304337500
## 9240           Kmt2d -0.033534529  0.007851124 -0.147269250  0.184121608
## 9241           Kmt2e  0.333222400  0.114726070  0.068929670  0.330603600
## 9242            Kncn  0.009604931 -0.029896736 -0.088037014 -0.269090650
## 9243           Kndc1  0.157832150 -0.013244152  0.161035540 -0.020301342
## 9244            Kng1 -0.046034336 -0.008930683  0.014271259 -0.086065290
## 9245            Kng2 -0.051033497 -0.026570320 -0.110153200 -0.116246220
## 9246           Knop1 -0.143794060  0.264212600  0.355142600  0.061251640
## 9247          Knstrn -0.772761800 -0.564600940 -0.512987600  0.118842125
## 9248           Kntc1 -0.333686350 -0.202251430 -0.346054080 -0.183972840
## 9249           Kpna1 -0.039128304  0.069180490  0.096345900 -0.184159280
## 9250           Kpna2 -0.314233457 -0.766131883 -0.193498612 -1.075127300
## 9251           Kpna3  0.259672640  0.085660460 -0.084011555  0.005538464
## 9252           Kpna4  0.077566150 -0.159474370  0.000000000 -0.136927600
## 9253           Kpna6 -0.065521240  0.326604840  0.124356270 -0.359695430
## 9254           Kpna7  0.063086990 -0.122229100  0.032568930  0.000000000
## 9255           Kpnb1 -0.137125970 -0.031879425 -0.156233790 -0.083022120
## 9256            Kprp -0.094351770 -0.011535168  0.005824089  0.011381626
## 9257            Kptn  0.208821300 -0.049876690  0.679417130  0.119393350
## 9258            Kras  0.225914960  0.136199000 -0.034407616  0.336079600
## 9259           Krba1 -0.017005444  0.000000000  0.177360530  0.058744907
## 9260           Krcc1  0.013930321  0.178446770  0.197086330  0.230852130
## 9261         Kremen1  0.053098680 -0.142748830  0.265221600  0.000000000
## 9262         Kremen2  0.000000000  0.069052696 -0.055426120  0.242087360
## 9263            Kri1 -0.208608150 -0.059504032  0.210300450  0.174058910
## 9264           Krit1  0.513114000  0.106446266  0.402972220  0.069028854
## 9265            Krr1  0.468029980  0.341674800  0.007623673  0.000000000
## 9266            Krt1 -0.004659176  0.086551190  0.000000000  0.109379290
## 9267           Krt10 -0.113599300  0.322340500  0.265779970 -0.188423630
## 9268           Krt12  0.004907608  0.014723778 -0.009402275 -0.038486480
## 9269           Krt13  0.182765000 -0.051013470  0.202796940  0.139618870
## 9270           Krt14  0.052379130  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.042390347
## 9271           Krt15  0.027212143  0.037743570  0.084493160 -0.017673970
## 9272           Krt16 -0.199877260 -0.175621510  0.134347440  0.115388390
## 9273           Krt17  0.109470844  0.055505276  0.060276030  0.276370530
## 9274           Krt18 -0.028996944 -0.038503647 -0.056091785 -0.261703970
## 9275           Krt19 -0.110072610  0.010968208  0.183719160  0.049548626
## 9276            Krt2 -0.006262302  0.015219688  0.138036730  0.001223564
## 9277           Krt20  0.000000000 -0.038253307 -0.032795430 -0.076640606
## 9278          Krt222  0.414029120  0.498307230  0.313604830  1.049091300
## 9279           Krt23  0.046649456 -0.054836750  0.025318623  0.009819031
## 9280           Krt24 -0.125407700  0.024767399  0.095137120  0.013466358
## 9281           Krt25 -0.026264190  0.069002630  0.043404580 -0.003450394
## 9282           Krt26  0.040755750  0.019182205 -0.031267166  0.107140540
## 9283           Krt27  0.118422030  0.056727886 -0.072123050 -0.001132965
## 9284           Krt28 -0.044731140 -0.035346985  0.088264465  0.008076668
## 9285           Krt31  0.033199310 -0.109552380 -0.022711277  0.098759174
## 9286           Krt32  0.097621920  0.000000000  0.008981228  0.000000000
## 9287          Krt33a -0.096558570  0.321732040  0.335710530  0.251952170
## 9288          Krt33b -0.033983230 -0.049521446 -0.138581280  0.041976930
## 9289           Krt34 -0.147686960 -0.185731890 -0.168702130 -0.158833500
## 9290           Krt35 -0.026332855 -0.097048280  0.086736680  0.000000000
## 9291           Krt36 -0.038098335  0.143692020 -0.002448082  0.121164800
## 9292           Krt39  0.039496420 -0.174177170 -0.005923748  0.000000000
## 9293            Krt4 -0.018530846  0.029925346  0.048229694 -0.100800040
## 9294           Krt40 -0.038299560  0.017127037  0.000000000  0.072999000
## 9295           Krt42 -0.124855520 -0.118816850 -0.017337800  0.000000000
## 9296            Krt5  0.297132020  0.253423700  0.223536490 -0.005824089
## 9297           Krt6a  0.012053967  0.027616978  0.293530940  0.076860905
## 9298           Krt6b -0.049172880 -0.068353650  0.093309400  0.041386604
## 9299            Krt7 -0.236526490  0.072987080 -0.136231900 -0.254614350
## 9300           Krt71  0.070015430 -0.157365320  0.026328564  0.190054900
## 9301           Krt72 -0.007035255  0.050899506  0.001286507  0.128169060
## 9302           Krt73  0.275578020  0.051736355  0.089512825 -0.044123173
## 9303           Krt74  0.019783020 -0.049122810  0.109938145  0.062272070
## 9304           Krt75 -0.061154366  0.000000000  0.200546260  0.143338200
## 9305           Krt76  0.035557747  0.000000000  0.187090870  0.011515617
## 9306           Krt77  0.002016544  0.000000000  0.164816380  0.000000000
## 9307           Krt78 -0.005630016 -0.092140675 -0.074577330 -0.129806520
## 9308           Krt79 -0.044703484 -0.003372669 -0.033113003 -0.168553350
## 9309            Krt8 -0.155567650 -0.120265960  0.077354430 -0.439093600
## 9310           Krt80 -0.572326200 -0.461503030 -0.417409420 -0.339653970
## 9311           Krt82  0.000000000  0.139559270  0.014341354  0.051929950
## 9312           Krt83 -0.079337120  0.000000000 -0.015611172 -0.005923748
## 9313           Krt84 -0.024399280 -0.088569640  0.121853830  0.029533386
## 9314           Krt86 -0.019670486 -0.043453693 -0.163666250 -0.107140540
## 9315            Krt9 -0.099543570  0.060743810  0.027245522 -0.005829334
## 9316      Krtap10-10 -0.025151253 -0.011025429  0.144873140  0.295967580
## 9317       Krtap10-4 -0.022987366  0.140633100  0.278166770  0.161552900
## 9318       Krtap11-1  0.000000000 -0.018001080  0.000000000 -0.027248860
## 9319       Krtap12-1 -0.032019140 -0.089538100  0.153385160 -0.226045610
## 9320         Krtap13  0.012553215  0.009058476 -0.008288860 -0.085574630
## 9321        Krtap1-3 -0.090923310 -0.101138115 -0.005025387 -0.177448270
## 9322       Krtap13-1  0.026682854 -0.013372421  0.256628040  0.047507763
## 9323         Krtap14  0.065567020  0.000000000 -0.017193317 -0.076900005
## 9324        Krtap1-4  0.000000000 -0.078112600 -0.121092320 -0.032412052
## 9325         Krtap15 -0.058566093  0.050857544 -0.004507065  0.019122600
## 9326        Krtap1-5  0.183131700 -0.006336212  0.068610670  0.014684200
## 9327       Krtap16-1  0.008801460  0.110097885  0.048560143  0.065346720
## 9328       Krtap16-3 -0.006484509  0.036543370 -0.015595913  0.032749653
## 9329       Krtap17-1 -0.096561430 -0.194293020 -0.110873220  0.019026756
## 9330       Krtap19-1 -0.000086800 -0.010321617  0.066627980  0.059076310
## 9331       Krtap19-3  0.018425941  0.014123917  0.187625890 -0.041393757
## 9332       Krtap19-4  0.000000000  0.042253494 -0.002938747 -0.044119835
## 9333       Krtap19-5  0.022132874 -0.011207104  0.009048462  0.065377235
## 9334       Krtap19-7 -0.012749195  0.000774000 -0.017012596 -0.050821304
## 9335      Krtap19-9b -0.007476807 -0.095380306  0.034829140  0.000000000
## 9336       Krtap20-2 -0.097329140  0.064502240 -0.052570820 -0.011071682
## 9337       Krtap21-1  0.000000000 -0.088312626 -0.146978380  0.039430140
## 9338        Krtap2-4 -0.066653967 -0.152655603  0.057961941  0.094304324
## 9339       Krtap24-1 -0.069111824 -0.058342457  0.021149635  0.060365677
## 9340       Krtap26-1  0.022025108  0.000000000 -0.008272648  0.043271540
## 9341        Krtap3-1 -0.025841713  0.094822880 -0.075315475 -0.032082558
## 9342       Krtap31-1  0.120007990  0.008889675 -0.154676440  0.000000000
## 9343       Krtap31-2  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.032390118  0.087650300
## 9344        Krtap3-2 -0.033393860  0.197369580  0.007784843 -0.066572666
## 9345        Krtap3-3  0.017460346  0.122804165  0.228742600  0.060770510
## 9346        Krtap4-1 -0.021497250  0.121508120  0.159828660 -0.082427500
## 9347       Krtap4-13  0.041430711 -0.149394985 -0.065774917  0.056082965
## 9348       Krtap4-16 -0.010580540 -0.035522938 -0.032810210  0.118859290
## 9349        Krtap4-2  0.060130596 -0.055528640 -0.005757332  0.140123370
## 9350        Krtap4-6 -0.010815144  0.037917137  0.105524540  0.000000000
## 9351        Krtap4-7 -0.047455310  0.009071827  0.333357330  0.053313732
## 9352        Krtap5-1 -0.038712025 -0.013418198  0.054208279 -0.009586330
## 9353        Krtap5-2 -0.043106795 -0.020032405 -0.092137812 -0.013099194
## 9354        Krtap5-3 -0.010089874 -0.064862250 -0.060876846  0.028160095
## 9355        Krtap5-4 -0.065148990  0.011126200 -0.166646001 -0.002320607
## 9356        Krtap5-5  0.109465600  0.014436722  0.177801130  0.099187850
## 9357        Krtap6-1 -0.026533604 -0.056427956  0.031768800 -0.051964760
## 9358        Krtap6-2  0.129318710  0.000813000  0.127004620 -0.009312630
## 9359        Krtap6-3  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.017539024  0.159521100
## 9360        Krtap6-5 -0.107517240  0.000000000  0.041345596  0.022537231
## 9361        Krtap7-1  0.079936980  0.133422850  0.136153220 -0.105931760
## 9362        Krtap8-1  0.065654755 -0.010874748  0.082827090 -0.106023790
## 9363        Krtap9-1  0.036892890 -0.073968890 -0.084471700 -0.055398940
## 9364        Krtap9-3  0.012657166 -0.008056641  0.154894830 -0.022156715
## 9365         Krtcap2 -0.192276950  0.288464550  0.429693220  0.000000000
## 9366         Krtcap3  0.261228080  0.186026570 -0.062854290  0.501960300
## 9367          Krtdap -0.107628345  0.000000000  0.087203980  0.038113594
## 9368            Ksr1  0.009826898  0.163145783 -0.050644635  0.165372845
## 9369            Ksr2 -0.074728010 -0.012058258  0.098171710  0.088148594
## 9370           Kti12  0.321308615 -0.096089600  0.067709923  0.134712695
## 9371            Ktn1  0.042613983  0.074200630 -0.159349440  0.475359920
## 9372            Kxd1 -0.260794640  0.389443400  0.794082640 -0.209898000
## 9373              Ky  0.146242140  0.011598587  0.022810460 -0.002945900
## 9374            Kynu -0.142783160 -0.104500770 -0.022272110  0.026104927
## 9375           L1cam  0.059500217 -0.297583580  0.005599022 -0.087156296
## 9376           L1td1 -0.237026210  0.041357517 -0.027851582  0.119226930
## 9377          L2hgdh -0.113554480 -0.046861170 -0.245589260  0.049453260
## 9378         L3hypdh  0.248779770  0.661220100  0.030868530 -0.063833710
## 9379         L3mbtl1  0.015310288  0.000000000 -0.128718380 -0.158773420
## 9380         L3mbtl2  0.188778400  0.606520650  0.000000000 -0.030598164
## 9381         L3mbtl3 -0.131971840 -0.046179295  0.214353080 -0.062676430
## 9382         L3mbtl4 -0.065488339 -0.018588305  0.128208163  0.126864195
## 9383           l7Rn6  0.275132180  0.017376900  0.194042200 -0.536274900
## 9384           Lacc1 -0.079321860 -0.345827100 -0.208166600  0.044063568
## 9385           Lace1  0.121472360  0.227355960  0.210650440  0.351792340
## 9386           Lactb  0.335182200  0.497363570 -0.098554610 -0.147410400
## 9387          Lactb2  0.082810400  0.536744100  0.173542020 -0.266620160
## 9388            Lad1 -0.038470270 -0.038815500  0.047633170 -0.113158226
## 9389            Lag3 -0.167485710  0.019398690 -0.007685661 -0.144673820
## 9390           Lage3  0.000000000  0.113714220  0.107463840 -0.048732758
## 9391           Lair1  0.046601295  0.179951670 -0.088805676  0.279382230
## 9392           Lalba  0.055441380  0.043329716  0.003552437  0.055268764
## 9393           Lama1  0.112698080 -0.047923088  0.097394470 -0.103777410
## 9394           Lama2 -0.038689137 -0.181763170 -0.021825314  0.081384180
## 9395           Lama3  0.434989930  0.000000000 -0.244583130  0.520760540
## 9396           Lama4 -0.399576200  0.000000000  0.142751700  1.267109900
## 9397           Lama5  0.372823240  0.502645970  0.293363100 -0.030745983
## 9398           Lamb1 -0.318861480 -0.238437650 -0.632997040  2.902111500
## 9399           Lamb2  0.437254900  0.602575300  0.671362900  0.111240390
## 9400           Lamb3  0.009725094 -0.029675960  0.115785120  0.000000000
## 9401           Lamc1 -0.203647610  0.097029686 -0.059127808  0.833728800
## 9402           Lamc2 -0.090775010 -0.045565605  0.246435640  0.179750440
## 9403           Lamc3  0.030279160  0.131691930  0.077878475 -0.167721750
## 9404           Lamp1 -0.063825610  0.002478600  0.125302310  0.118164060
## 9405           Lamp2 -0.471949580 -0.649611500 -0.404258730 -0.043684960
## 9406           Lamp3 -0.053312780  0.003029347  0.217356200 -0.031483173
## 9407           Lamp5 -0.033429146  0.131655700  0.145661830 -0.165883060
## 9408         Lamtor1 -0.176515100  0.166482450 -0.220237255  0.127588275
## 9409         Lamtor2 -0.085993770  0.195755960  0.451452260 -0.359788900
## 9410         Lamtor3  0.113792898 -0.281109815  0.398359300 -0.294301985
## 9411         Lamtor4 -0.676823140 -0.253872870 -0.384615900  0.043038370
## 9412         Lamtor5  0.125679020  0.181064600  0.130263330  0.223495480
## 9413          Lancl1  0.289340020  0.062695500  0.018257141 -0.595046500
## 9414          Lancl2  0.261054040  0.154928200  0.200396540 -0.059640884
## 9415          Lancl3  0.449122430  0.054332733  0.579621300  0.064022064
## 9416            Lao1  0.602514270 -0.076897620  0.149221420  0.000000000
## 9417            Lap3  0.084573746 -0.150315280  0.314482700 -0.172834400
## 9418         Laptm4a  0.045314790  0.019657135  0.069648740  0.104961395
## 9419         Laptm4b  0.239562030  0.036653520 -0.120746610  0.173731800
## 9420          Laptm5  0.217104910 -0.424781800 -0.286861900 -0.348681450
## 9421           Large -0.169991970 -0.049035072 -0.087810520  0.131078240
## 9422           Larp1  0.387267590 -0.164793492 -0.333125115 -0.346059333
## 9423          Larp1b  0.066162348  0.026578190 -0.111075640 -0.181339027
## 9424           Larp4  0.108178142 -0.241113980  0.126142183  0.114287377
## 9425          Larp4b  0.000000000  0.066865920 -0.177898400 -0.115543365
## 9426           Larp6  0.117518900  0.025544643  0.186236380 -0.074428560
## 9427           Larp7  0.120474817  0.111080170 -0.078931333 -0.240491865
## 9428            Lars  0.056080820  0.291975020  0.091217040  0.086959840
## 9429           Lars2 -0.022175312 -0.043702602 -0.223139290 -0.007662773
## 9430           Las1l  0.082508090  0.150186540  0.435051920 -0.076717380
## 9431           Lasp1 -0.367486950  0.352738380  0.723838800  0.345779420
## 9432             Lat -0.276422980  0.108758450 -0.135379790 -0.101118090
## 9433            Lat2 -0.274659630 -0.027502060 -0.056080820  0.025614738
## 9434           Lats1  0.183156010  0.171295170 -0.371604920  0.081580160
## 9435           Lats2  0.167127610  0.291965480  0.276433940  0.407602300
## 9436            Lax1 -0.011378765  0.000000000 -0.124393460 -0.076321600
## 9437            Layn  2.451767000  2.294532800  2.327181800  0.360223770
## 9438             Lbh -1.589975800 -2.023004000 -1.410653600  0.007513046
## 9439             Lbp -1.436096700 -1.571146000  0.000000000 -1.035506700
## 9440             Lbr  0.000000000 -0.230786320  0.025121689  0.005261421
## 9441            Lbx1 -0.085432050  0.022022247 -0.033711433 -0.044564247
## 9442            Lbx2 -0.196722510  0.039099216 -0.018871307 -0.145580770
## 9443            Lca5 -0.372255800 -0.200277800 -0.462066170  0.607940200
## 9444           Lca5l  0.061129570 -0.002315521 -0.074763300 -0.134916780
## 9445            Lcat -0.394154070 -0.057870865 -0.028306484 -0.238358020
## 9446          Lce1a1  0.002678394 -0.050327300 -0.095752240  0.024446487
## 9447          Lce1a2 -0.013161182 -0.008473873  0.026287079  0.222553730
## 9448           Lce1b -0.046131134 -0.197939400 -0.230061530  0.014246464
## 9449           Lce1c  0.027043820  0.113810540  0.206484320  0.406747820
## 9450           Lce1d  0.032897472 -0.056877136  0.060684680  0.076491356
## 9451           Lce1e -0.128744130 -0.084585190  0.042303562  0.112556460
## 9452           Lce1f  0.153954030 -0.004601479  0.049121857  0.110466960
## 9453           Lce1g  0.049174310  0.057869910 -0.058655262  0.052069664
## 9454           Lce1h  0.075101850  0.000000000 -0.037114143  0.033884525
## 9455           Lce1i -0.048085213  0.095902920 -0.061820030 -0.171702860
## 9456           Lce1l -0.091613290  0.011532307 -0.119092464 -0.005044460
## 9457           Lce1m -0.125606540 -0.113120556  0.117930410 -0.038566113
## 9458           Lce3a -0.046509743  0.000000000  0.055781364 -0.006129742
## 9459           Lce3b -0.116872310  0.137627120  0.120428560  0.044457436
## 9460           Lce3c  0.077233790 -0.067963838 -0.115879775 -0.128247016
## 9461           Lce3f -0.014591217  0.046326160  0.000000000  0.278653620
## 9462           Lce6a  0.000000000 -0.117964270  0.152317050  0.083143234
## 9463             Lck -0.146083830  0.058478832 -0.043275356 -0.040957450
## 9464          Lclat1  0.002962112 -0.459071160 -0.179996490 -0.678448700
## 9465           Lcmt1  0.198849200  0.689098830  0.433516980 -0.294305800
## 9466           Lcmt2  0.129721640  0.137110230  0.441265100  0.175805090
## 9467           Lcn10 -0.022115230 -0.008947849  0.088644980  0.021844864
## 9468           Lcn11  0.096727850  0.100117680  0.151109220 -0.174078460
## 9469           Lcn12  0.027749538 -0.036967278 -0.032362460  0.153191090
## 9470            Lcn2  1.230121600 -0.260154720  5.142126000 -0.110424995
## 9471            Lcn3 -0.115083220 -0.147192000 -0.034374237  0.044161320
## 9472            Lcn4  0.031597614  0.000000000  0.007434845  0.006356716
## 9473            Lcn5  0.012571812 -0.027783394  0.245264530  0.096266270
## 9474            Lcn6 -0.144979950 -0.057998657  0.102489950  0.038833620
## 9475            Lcn8 -0.090125560  0.000000000  0.017618180  0.037776947
## 9476            Lcn9  0.081488610  0.206748010  0.129905220 -0.164287570
## 9477            Lcor  0.189883230 -0.069121360 -0.084267616 -0.048654556
## 9478           Lcorl  0.573040500  0.094758034  0.357262600  0.254754070
## 9479            Lcp1 -1.401687600 -0.862654700 -1.014989900 -1.653181600
## 9480            Lcp2 -0.655671600 -0.302159800 -0.618779660  0.095362190
## 9481             Lct -0.071611404 -0.027592659  0.000000000 -0.138106820
## 9482            Lctl  0.017009258  0.023324490  0.069685936  0.033210754
## 9483            Ldb1 -0.023694992 -0.178795810 -0.092208860  0.071696280
## 9484            Ldb2 -1.819632500 -2.480260800 -1.633002300  0.509882000
## 9485            Ldb3 -0.033016680 -0.070232390  0.079733370  0.055001260
## 9486            Ldha -0.021610260 -0.407652850  0.087313650 -0.544048300
## 9487         Ldhal6b -0.138602260  0.110709670  0.058070183  0.000000000
## 9488            Ldhb -0.143819810  0.132512329  0.099605320  0.515829080
## 9489            Ldhc -0.209126950 -0.057697296 -0.198027130 -0.141843800
## 9490            Ldhd -0.002727509  0.240176200  0.044424057  0.029175282
## 9491            Ldlr  0.400173660  0.004144669  0.092565060  0.059866430
## 9492         Ldlrad1 -0.227960590 -0.077007290 -0.016252040 -0.106445310
## 9493         Ldlrad2 -0.022616386  0.000000000  0.109270096  0.107905390
## 9494         Ldlrad3  1.881321400  1.966643800  2.502961600  0.674475200
## 9495         Ldlrad4 -0.324500080  0.112761974  0.074684620  0.052826405
## 9496         Ldlrap1  0.008250237  0.166915900 -0.109634876  0.340207100
## 9497           Ldoc1 -0.108488080  0.149722100  0.205399040  0.233668800
## 9498          Ldoc1l  0.053371906  0.254826070 -0.282512200 -0.088807580
## 9499           Leap2  0.303835400  0.079280850 -0.323766230 -0.030591011
## 9500           Lect1 -0.076336384 -0.129612920  0.021873474  0.000000000
## 9501           Lect2  0.014031887 -0.039721490 -0.061837673  0.000000000
## 9502            Lef1  4.106278400  4.001382000  4.010532400 -0.287839900
## 9503          Lefty1 -0.245234970 -0.115478040 -0.180563930 -0.204286100
## 9504          Lefty2 -0.142194750 -0.000597000  0.079317570  0.253156660
## 9505           Lekr1  0.135972025 -0.210083965 -0.058088305 -0.194966553
## 9506           Lelp1 -0.016266346 -0.062378883  0.008523464  0.036051750
## 9507           Lemd1  0.007766247 -0.014092445  0.048582554 -0.016654968
## 9508           Lemd2  0.097177980  0.031492233  0.210306640  0.000000000
## 9509           Lemd3  0.752936360  0.395729060 -0.358109470 -0.106802940
## 9510           Leng1 -0.220868590  0.000000000  0.624841700  0.186671260
## 9511           Leng8  0.108436584  0.127768520  0.203896520  0.399361600
## 9512           Leng9  0.241271020 -0.058915140  0.045592785  0.000000000
## 9513            Leo1 -0.056202887  0.147475723  0.065592526  0.092523340
## 9514             Lep -0.007781982 -0.034580708  0.014294148  0.072194100
## 9515            Lepr  0.753933400  0.623283860  0.430202960 -2.114692200
## 9516          Lepre1 -0.107809070 -0.035690308  0.164459230  0.191655640
## 9517         Leprel1 -0.068708182 -0.250111590 -0.257659913 -0.321857693
## 9518         Leprel2 -0.087840080 -0.123938080  0.013561249 -0.091681960
## 9519         Leprel4  0.117473125  0.230472560 -0.174845220 -0.281462200
## 9520          Leprot  0.093122480  0.264180180  0.263336180 -0.095392230
## 9521        Leprotl1 -0.162912370  0.064343450 -0.110482216  0.057187080
## 9522           Letm1  0.022594452  0.032388687  0.030832290  0.073718070
## 9523           Letm2  0.133119583  0.193124295  0.090130090  0.194843297
## 9524          Letmd1  0.186592580  0.017010689 -0.130670070  0.049601078
## 9525            Lfng -0.543180000  0.388591300  0.000000000 -0.260465620
## 9526          Lgals1 -3.282719100 -3.009031300 -2.991418800 -1.403575900
## 9527         Lgals12  0.184315200  0.092990875  0.040682793  0.073173520
## 9528          Lgals2  0.009881496  0.000000000  0.027215480  0.265327450
## 9529          Lgals3 -0.356261730 -0.184898850 -0.202623370  0.000000000
## 9530        Lgals3bp -0.085501670  0.353055950  0.253244400  0.325065600
## 9531          Lgals4  0.323859200  0.403861520  0.274999140  0.175783630
## 9532          Lgals7  0.139494420  0.316563600  0.734438400 -0.059960365
## 9533          Lgals8 -0.272574420 -0.067757610  0.000000000  0.021751404
## 9534          Lgals9 -0.125691410 -0.306884770  0.021267890  0.000000000
## 9535          Lgalsl  0.395509720 -0.001662254  0.737117770  0.000000000
## 9536            Lgi1  0.097222805  0.005287647  0.180730820 -0.033298016
## 9537            Lgi2  0.000000000  0.137557500  0.144450190 -0.014507771
## 9538            Lgi3 -0.060310840  0.004414558  0.005200863 -0.013830185
## 9539            Lgi4 -0.020138740 -0.047339916  0.442015170 -0.078349110
## 9540            Lgmn -0.973834040 -0.723079700 -0.089667320 -0.810637500
## 9541            Lgr4  0.219445230 -0.006355763 -0.007648945  0.211766720
## 9542            Lgr5 -0.166972160 -0.040528774 -0.077439310 -0.083663940
## 9543            Lgr6 -0.020946026  0.000000000  0.069475174 -0.022559166
## 9544            Lgsn  0.042263508  0.011404753  0.124425412 -0.047152517
## 9545             Lhb -0.045718670 -0.121202946  0.060765743 -0.054526806
## 9546           Lhcgr -0.013039589  0.000000000 -0.003087997 -0.045955180
## 9547            Lhfp -0.227437500 -0.311541080  0.000000000  0.305994500
## 9548          Lhfpl1  0.032551765  0.005817413  0.123325350  0.071997640
## 9549          Lhfpl2  1.012843100  1.782356300  1.301435500 -0.223255630
## 9550          Lhfpl3 -0.055995940 -0.090947630  0.066571710 -0.074536800
## 9551          Lhfpl4 -0.009221077  0.010704517  0.064802650 -0.065687180
## 9552          Lhfpl5  0.075870514 -0.002282143  0.163685800  0.158868790
## 9553            Lhpp -0.009476185  0.271725650 -0.004045010  0.217123030
## 9554            Lhx1 -0.072413920  0.078927520  0.007470131  0.333275320
## 9555            Lhx2 -0.004847050 -0.004149437 -0.002102375 -0.282937530
## 9556            Lhx3 -0.028998375  0.058928490  0.055768967  0.027298450
## 9557            Lhx4 -0.158504010  0.043110370  0.128879070  0.000000000
## 9558            Lhx5  0.006476879  0.000702000  0.132622240  0.002292156
## 9559            Lhx6 -0.088571070  0.122027874  0.079007626  0.172798160
## 9560            Lhx8  0.053456306  0.072310925 -0.055892467  0.239069460
## 9561            Lhx9  0.002578735  0.001176357  0.162524220  0.066373350
## 9562            Lias -0.153560160  0.031208992  0.501315100 -0.073684690
## 9563             Lif -0.147234440  0.214374070  0.142804150  0.093209740
## 9564            Lifr -0.528200150 -0.460896500 -0.889943100 -0.377264980
## 9565            Lig1  0.111181736  0.123094080 -0.160944460  0.357034200
## 9566            Lig3  0.000000000  0.042369366  0.009031296 -0.002079964
## 9567            Lig4 -0.004122734 -0.213839050  0.713412300 -0.441124920
## 9568          Lilra5 -0.218636990 -0.104559900  0.175001140  0.231855390
## 9569          Lilra6 -0.077289104  0.085849760  0.083220480  0.000000000
## 9570          Lilrb4 -0.389661800 -0.479753500 -0.371306420 -0.130887990
## 9571            Lim2  0.000000000  0.099114895  0.071157455  0.024284840
## 9572           Lima1  0.198103900  0.176951410  0.867137900  0.048669815
## 9573          Limch1  0.560112000  0.766036030  0.443570140  0.177945140
## 9574           Limd1 -0.081506250 -0.093560220 -0.404164300  0.340334900
## 9575           Limd2 -0.060017110  0.039705276  0.051303864 -0.076735970
## 9576           Lime1  0.043399810  0.119053840  0.277950760 -0.137449260
## 9577           Limk1  0.363731380  0.368927480  0.344923020 -0.308942800
## 9578           Limk2 -0.018222809  0.291814330  0.052252293  0.122887135
## 9579           Lims1  0.000000000  0.230031010 -0.196228980 -0.016570091
## 9580           Lims2  0.436218260  0.348389630  0.537132260  1.363099100
## 9581          Lin28a  0.041765690  0.014275313  0.198478220 -0.176648855
## 9582          Lin28b  0.190957070  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.013357639
## 9583           Lin37  0.036500930  0.338533880 -0.024192333 -0.493689540
## 9584           Lin52  0.360414980 -0.120257140  0.089913606  0.197374825
## 9585           Lin54 -0.215838430 -0.600338000 -0.379378320  0.624629000
## 9586           Lin7a -0.016617775 -0.080888270  0.116333485  0.289729120
## 9587           Lin7b  0.177080630  0.188663480  0.026560307 -0.159556870
## 9588           Lin7c  0.134853360  0.185006140  0.167025570  0.231474880
## 9589            Lin9  0.000000000 -0.004443169 -0.002240181 -0.149615760
## 9590          Lingo1 -0.001456261 -0.011788368  0.153633120  0.198775770
## 9591          Lingo2  0.035505533 -0.005071402  0.153915880 -0.023255587
## 9592          Lingo3  0.000000000  0.047123432  0.088047030 -0.058200360
## 9593          Lingo4  0.097466470 -0.041008472  0.065209390  0.050156593
## 9594            Lins  0.231001850 -0.294639600 -0.192460540  0.039474964
## 9595            Lipa  0.786591530  0.746724100  1.328909900  0.188844680
## 9596            Lipc  0.063398840 -0.065956116 -0.105113980 -0.052840233
## 9597            Lipe  0.172463415  0.047838688  0.416069510  0.678559300
## 9598            Lipf -0.003351212 -0.020193100  0.067912580  0.072940350
## 9599            Lipg -0.168252470 -0.028585910  0.046814440 -0.238570210
## 9600            Liph  0.045599937 -0.090586660 -0.023684978 -0.041522026
## 9601            Lipi  0.037109375 -0.018057346  0.076805590 -0.035171032
## 9602            Lipk  0.031406403 -0.065935135 -0.033337116  0.071931360
## 9603            Lipm -0.112790110 -0.043625355 -0.046970844 -0.128213400
## 9604            Lipn -0.015547752  0.000000000  0.072635650  0.132435320
## 9605           Lipo1 -0.488307950 -0.646580700 -0.278343680  0.000000000
## 9606           Lipt1  0.235819340  0.177747730 -0.243153100  0.000000000
## 9607           Lipt2  0.000000000  0.048236847 -0.204474930 -0.139506820
## 9608           Litaf  0.201085090 -0.795597550 -0.260452270 -0.069242480
## 9609            Lix1 -0.123857500 -0.009801865 -0.032486440 -0.335655700
## 9610           Lix1l -0.273427000  0.219466210  0.719524400  0.000000000
## 9611           Llgl1  0.016319275  0.319155700  0.205425260  0.047564507
## 9612           Llgl2 -0.060837746  0.000000000  0.083338260 -0.123213290
## 9613            Llph  0.388315200  0.442075730  0.073383966 -0.058846474
## 9614           Lman1  0.000000000  0.205550200  0.052680970 -0.028119087
## 9615          Lman1l  0.049401283  0.026159763  0.157669540 -0.100980760
## 9616           Lman2 -0.302565100 -0.012100697 -0.001651764 -0.206313130
## 9617          Lman2l  0.507752900  0.022280693  0.473546030 -0.119656560
## 9618           Lmbr1  0.366733550  0.022317645  0.383262400  0.528549670
## 9619          Lmbr1l -0.105165960 -0.147559170 -0.151084900  0.066383360
## 9620          Lmbrd1  0.642961500  0.578452100  0.392681120  0.000000000
## 9621          Lmbrd2  0.122491840 -0.022804260  0.040085793 -0.300727840
## 9622           Lmcd1  0.290951250  0.000000000 -0.219341280  0.546388150
## 9623            Lmf1 -0.020838737  0.104284290 -0.055121420  0.065281870
## 9624            Lmf2 -0.060166360  0.000000000  0.035333633 -0.082921980
## 9625            Lmln -0.043366910  0.056921482  0.321877480 -0.195436950
## 9626            Lmna -0.360052100 -0.180807110  0.080509660 -0.045838356
## 9627           Lmnb1 -0.232604980 -0.032444477 -0.513943700  0.262466430
## 9628           Lmnb2  0.152297970 -0.025279999  0.134706970 -0.272192960
## 9629            Lmo1 -0.490624900 -0.138575080  0.332039360  0.091115475
## 9630            Lmo2  0.378577230  0.551255200  0.364596370 -0.775024400
## 9631            Lmo3  0.025488377  0.058645725 -0.038702488  0.046038628
## 9632            Lmo4  0.000000000  0.214735980  0.590895650 -0.439208500
## 9633            Lmo7  0.977733600  0.906344400  0.553745270  1.213056600
## 9634           Lmod1 -0.069825650 -0.063709260  0.074168205 -0.062775610
## 9635           Lmod2 -0.191316130 -0.123777870  0.145691400  0.152037140
## 9636           Lmod3  0.010169029 -0.077512740 -0.016246319  0.158667090
## 9637           Lmtk2 -0.186001780 -0.199186330 -0.420500760  0.004476547
## 9638           Lmtk3 -0.105294704  0.032464980  0.000000000 -0.165684700
## 9639           Lmx1a  0.009066105  0.030195236 -0.120127680  0.068686960
## 9640           Lmx1b  0.010482788  0.151610850  0.148310660  0.146374230
## 9641             Lnp  0.214815620 -0.467745780  0.029469490 -0.022088050
## 9642           Lnpep -0.021305084 -0.016332626  0.000000000  0.026555061
## 9643            Lnx1  0.111529350 -0.107474330 -0.088904380  1.291867300
## 9644            Lnx2  0.372937200  0.758376600  0.847962860  0.346479420
## 9645    LOC100036540 -0.154007910  0.155979630 -0.086258890 -0.005687237
## 9646    LOC100038422  0.008959293 -0.006029129 -0.019619465  0.248382090
## 9647    LOC100043315  0.000000000 -0.026010513  0.149440290 -0.094871044
## 9648    LOC100048345  0.186442850 -0.060957430  0.000614000 -0.109796524
## 9649    LOC100503696 -0.009616852 -0.017031193 -0.018875122  0.043192863
## 9650    LOC100505143  0.217729090 -0.193737030  0.019791603 -0.069474700
## 9651    LOC100505155  0.178574560 -0.205709460  0.029348850 -0.130578520
## 9652    LOC100505199  0.057757378  0.000000000  0.046515465 -0.099103930
## 9653       LOC269472  0.010722637 -0.271761900 -0.052254200 -0.129859450
## 9654       LOC547323 -0.094126940  0.039302588  0.002812148 -0.001154213
## 9655        Loh12cr1  0.041545390  0.133860590  0.134891990  0.000000000
## 9656           Lonp1 -0.067391396  0.159713750  0.470198150  0.225142000
## 9657           Lonp2  0.205283160  0.416159630  0.000000000  0.304944040
## 9658          Lonrf1 -0.091371060 -0.297598840 -0.058210850  0.172910690
## 9659          Lonrf2 -0.105850220  0.064327720  0.139278410  0.124349120
## 9660          Lonrf3  1.169190400  0.688464160  0.939977170 -0.269916530
## 9661             Lor  0.028438568  0.036709310  0.224546910  0.022292137
## 9662             Lox -0.115501880  0.000000000 -0.253833300  0.355822100
## 9663          Loxhd1 -0.011284113 -0.008481979  0.181611535 -0.069426538
## 9664           Loxl1  0.019233227 -0.105397224  0.017668247  0.133446700
## 9665           Loxl2 -0.388211250 -0.118420124 -0.260063170  0.000000000
## 9666           Loxl3 -0.219063280  0.031335354  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 9667           Loxl4  0.028948307 -0.025230648 -0.150487184 -0.136287215
## 9668           Lpar1 -0.177257540  0.000000000 -0.101280690  0.032448290
## 9669           Lpar2  0.015357494 -0.039545536 -0.005321026  0.000000000
## 9670           Lpar3 -0.161142350 -0.050158500  0.000000000 -0.229978080
## 9671           Lpar4  0.346188550  0.822979000  0.798508640  0.790263200
## 9672           Lpar5 -0.234859470 -0.032371998 -0.104398730 -0.117624280
## 9673           Lpar6  0.000000000  0.410799030  0.404195800  0.724225040
## 9674          Lpcat1 -0.371396060 -0.161787030 -0.488237380  0.275514600
## 9675          Lpcat2  0.000000000 -0.160814760 -0.096225740  0.037364960
## 9676         Lpcat2b  0.048886300  0.039692880 -0.067765710  0.034035206
## 9677          Lpcat3  0.564356800  0.401351930  0.736895560 -0.617949500
## 9678          Lpcat4  0.109481335 -0.083770750  0.137852190 -0.191669940
## 9679          Lpgat1 -0.116421220 -0.181860450  0.199177740  0.095904350
## 9680           Lphn1 -0.079531669  0.333826303  0.336015700  0.138166903
## 9681           Lphn2  0.210808948  0.095991439 -0.241257370  0.321488620
## 9682           Lphn3  2.411976300  2.065553200  2.885109400 -0.082195760
## 9683           Lpin1 -0.155563350  0.138616560 -0.368810650 -0.081222060
## 9684           Lpin2 -0.127503400 -0.361255650 -0.355591770 -0.585845000
## 9685           Lpin3 -0.074278830 -0.140727040 -0.123178960  0.205463410
## 9686             Lpl -2.875117800 -2.572442000 -2.497201400  1.710096400
## 9687             Lpo -0.143531800  0.021267890  0.032983303  0.145962240
## 9688             Lpp -0.065340997  0.024651050 -0.225073662  0.132781820
## 9689            Lpxn -0.185474400 -0.068467140 -0.252830980  0.012207508
## 9690            Lrat -0.013805389 -0.248522760 -0.039567947  0.210813050
## 9691            Lrba  0.680138600  0.530321100  0.694348340  0.377797130
## 9692           Lrch1  0.339140653  0.344825755  0.305776840  0.095085145
## 9693           Lrch2 -0.188974860 -0.127668860 -0.163577560  1.190482600
## 9694           Lrch3  0.033231735 -0.205251700  0.000000000  0.131008150
## 9695           Lrch4 -0.155537600 -0.242007730 -0.147710320  0.014328957
## 9696          Lrcol1 -0.130151750 -0.134233000  0.005431652  0.016561985
## 9697            Lrdd -0.054934980 -0.079557420  0.045527935 -0.075940610
## 9698           Lrfn1 -0.043413162 -0.194260600 -0.182604790  0.102027890
## 9699           Lrfn2 -0.009281635  0.008679390 -0.016383648 -0.036770820
## 9700           Lrfn3 -0.090339184  0.099383354 -0.121661660 -0.054738520
## 9701           Lrfn4  0.075119970 -0.031607628 -0.046353340  0.048836708
## 9702           Lrfn5  0.008226872 -0.018014431  0.187078950  0.142639640
## 9703            Lrg1  0.187710290 -0.613163950  0.837093830 -0.767632960
## 9704           Lrguk -0.077693460  0.023866177  0.110228060  0.023616314
## 9705           Lrif1 -0.114588260 -0.136719700 -0.070520880  0.193273070
## 9706           Lrig1  0.030124664  0.145630840  0.231153010 -0.116537570
## 9707           Lrig2  0.092788220  0.598986600  0.145607470  0.434239860
## 9708           Lrig3 -0.034233093  0.224409580 -0.229593750  0.283302300
## 9709           Lrit1  0.079736710  0.064209940  0.089708805 -0.259811880
## 9710           Lrit2  0.056460380  0.000000000  0.154817100 -0.208952900
## 9711           Lrit3  0.000000000 -0.041518690  0.326188560 -0.028752804
## 9712            Lrmp -0.182319160  0.014416218 -0.100497720  0.129960060
## 9713            Lrp1 -0.403948780 -0.528993100 -0.371044160 -0.207884310
## 9714           Lrp10  0.031119823  0.493441100  0.491024500 -0.078392030
## 9715           Lrp11 -0.068682194 -0.031135082 -0.024487019  0.030134201
## 9716           Lrp12 -0.177613260  0.089410780 -0.122703550 -0.096843240
## 9717           Lrp1b  0.049352170 -0.076200010 -0.003021717  0.022195340
## 9718            Lrp2 -0.022047997  0.033174515 -0.047756672 -0.046943665
## 9719          Lrp2bp -0.153525830 -0.230342860 -0.211591720 -0.034689903
## 9720            Lrp3 -0.047927380 -0.075077530 -0.078195095  0.008817196
## 9721            Lrp4  0.018428326  0.035737990 -0.214687350 -0.125562190
## 9722            Lrp5 -0.013537407  0.035420418  0.239243500 -0.014509201
## 9723            Lrp6  0.211806300  0.301762580  0.411672600  0.000000000
## 9724            Lrp8  3.207001200  3.241586200  2.901871200 -0.409634100
## 9725          Lrpap1  0.110506060  0.357028960  0.335167880 -0.118756294
## 9726          Lrpprc -0.059453964 -0.432368280 -0.232747080  0.039210320
## 9727            Lrr1 -0.069984436 -0.019524097 -0.106233600 -0.158842090
## 9728           Lrrc1  0.101124760 -0.140290740 -0.120758060  0.093062880
## 9729          Lrrc10  0.000000000  0.075606346 -0.002792835  0.068109990
## 9730         Lrrc10b -0.156685830  0.002156735  0.069959160 -0.068017006
## 9731          Lrrc14 -0.252697940  0.085556030  0.519373900  0.133797650
## 9732         Lrrc14b  0.000000000  0.448032380 -0.161490920 -0.075464250
## 9733          Lrrc15  0.074854850 -0.076447010  0.146117690 -0.024518013
## 9734         Lrrc16a -0.021686317 -0.128006700 -0.233357665 -0.118980410
## 9735         Lrrc16b  0.056605340  0.077415940  0.153020860  0.001041412
## 9736          Lrrc17 -0.060683250 -0.083912370  0.245368480  0.024044037
## 9737          Lrrc18  0.233769420 -0.240386490  0.133522030  0.123555660
## 9738          Lrrc19 -0.142194270  0.036827087  0.445950980 -0.222230910
## 9739           Lrrc2 -0.029242039 -0.106910706 -0.078711030  0.148732190
## 9740          Lrrc20  0.109774111 -0.071402070  0.309343340  0.092102050
## 9741          Lrrc23  0.105932236  0.036348820  0.034160614  0.000000000
## 9742          Lrrc24  0.117765900  0.152459140  0.088363170  0.024998665
## 9743          Lrrc25 -0.241267680  0.033217430  0.000000000 -0.084584236
## 9744          Lrrc26  0.033524513 -0.064910410  0.021285534  0.103260040
## 9745          Lrrc27 -0.041359900  0.000000000  0.049498558 -0.160184860
## 9746          Lrrc28  0.219400400 -0.324032300  0.847848400 -0.037213326
## 9747          Lrrc29 -0.102530480 -0.030050755 -0.209678650  0.290490630
## 9748           Lrrc3 -0.204371450 -0.003688812  0.000000000 -0.004715443
## 9749          Lrrc30  0.159726620  0.108160970  0.134293080 -0.001242161
## 9750          Lrrc32  0.538373500 -0.207144260 -0.064285755 -0.312813760
## 9751          Lrrc34 -0.098543644 -0.033240320 -0.112715244  0.011885166
## 9752          Lrrc36 -0.268052580 -0.225008960 -0.226103300  0.656094550
## 9753         Lrrc37a  0.046810627 -0.031559467  0.023047447  0.017789840
## 9754          Lrrc38 -0.114587310  0.088850500  0.153315070  0.000000000
## 9755          Lrrc39  0.040749550 -0.038649082 -0.051808357  0.272558200
## 9756          Lrrc3b -0.117497447 -0.179407355 -0.174372438  0.887685515
## 9757           Lrrc4  0.004661083 -0.297514920  0.293010230  0.257474900
## 9758          Lrrc40  0.221277240  0.126169680 -0.595366000 -0.283552650
## 9759          Lrrc41  0.232981200  0.353073600  0.555339340 -0.071662900
## 9760          Lrrc42  0.054563046  0.000000000 -0.013214588 -0.065768240
## 9761          Lrrc43 -0.020354748 -0.016552448 -0.121221066  0.000000000
## 9762          Lrrc45 -0.106341840  0.000000000 -0.303922650  0.334279540
## 9763          Lrrc46 -0.097157955  0.090445520  0.039936543 -0.147724150
## 9764          Lrrc47 -0.063692570  0.096755505  0.069340706  0.260799400
## 9765          Lrrc48  0.051521778 -0.065082070 -0.196086400  0.080416200
## 9766          Lrrc49  1.130036400  1.198062900  0.297110560  0.029707909
## 9767          Lrrc4b  0.089533330  0.256257530  0.111349580 -0.182973380
## 9768          Lrrc4c -0.059381485 -0.005057812  0.000000000  0.142832760
## 9769          Lrrc51  0.264429570  0.451550000 -0.150991920 -0.325799940
## 9770          Lrrc52 -0.009247780 -0.087865350  0.098592760  0.166240690
## 9771          Lrrc55 -0.276006700 -0.285557270 -0.354687200  0.387679100
## 9772          Lrrc56 -0.027409553  0.069664240  0.105411053 -0.013001445
## 9773          Lrrc57  0.419197080  0.379475600  1.243736300 -0.205709460
## 9774          Lrrc58  0.035548210  0.000000000  0.029365540  0.195745470
## 9775          Lrrc59 -0.125658510  0.413506030  0.079380990  0.168327810
## 9776           Lrrc6 -0.099423885 -0.054438114 -0.043438435  0.000000000
## 9777          Lrrc61  0.037859440  0.258428100 -0.207750320  0.014223099
## 9778          Lrrc63 -0.052378654 -0.025323868 -0.003380299  0.028725624
## 9779          Lrrc66  0.010053635  0.000000000 -0.040603638 -0.179149150
## 9780          Lrrc69  0.002277851  0.011468411 -0.015923977 -0.033839703
## 9781           Lrrc7  0.057232857 -0.000799000 -0.117533684  0.126957900
## 9782          Lrrc71  0.074409485  0.063287735 -0.019242764 -0.149705890
## 9783          Lrrc72 -0.085818770 -0.032484530  0.000000000  0.179564950
## 9784          Lrrc73 -0.023929120  0.223795410  0.044345380  0.064251420
## 9785          Lrrc8a  0.238289830 -0.009159088  0.053991318  0.599689500
## 9786          Lrrc8b  0.820732100  0.515246870  0.311793330  0.142795090
## 9787          Lrrc8c -0.146451000 -0.047372818  0.163564680  0.655342100
## 9788          Lrrc8d -0.781002040 -0.583324430 -0.398584840  0.373004900
## 9789          Lrrc8e  0.022324562  0.070440770  0.004725456 -0.027522564
## 9790           Lrrc9  0.051840782  0.000000000 -0.224376680  0.015891552
## 9791          Lrrcc1  0.221177100  0.154137610  0.049011230  0.284357070
## 9792           Lrrd1 -0.063768860 -0.044088840  0.013447285  0.064158440
## 9793         Lrrfip1 -0.203812600  0.022778511 -0.041090965  0.077517510
## 9794         Lrrfip2 -0.091824530  0.218495370 -0.079394340  0.156032560
## 9795          Lrriq1 -0.036708830  0.025655270  0.050421238 -0.003485680
## 9796          Lrriq3  0.023542404 -0.111210820  0.000897000  0.000897000
## 9797          Lrriq4 -0.057562350 -0.016224861  0.100335120  0.028541565
## 9798           Lrrk1  0.156410700  0.173944470  0.213457110  0.153686520
## 9799           Lrrk2 -0.554463160 -0.708576920 -0.394869320  0.356792210
## 9800           Lrrn1 -0.218893530 -0.234913830 -0.075478080  1.243528800
## 9801           Lrrn2  0.055490494  0.000000000  0.359815120 -0.073680880
## 9802           Lrrn3  2.538253800  3.528125800  3.333597200 -0.370169160
## 9803           Lrrn4  0.078531740 -0.021657467  0.199920180  0.052950860
## 9804         Lrrn4cl -0.022778511 -0.111021040  0.000000000  0.015885830
## 9805          Lrrtm1 -0.043643950 -0.030465603  0.044906616 -0.051119328
## 9806          Lrrtm2  0.331939700 -0.316357140 -0.034947395  0.584265700
## 9807          Lrrtm3  0.018802643 -0.217638500 -0.279832360 -0.308980000
## 9808          Lrrtm4  0.085204600  0.052914143 -0.034025192  0.046540260
## 9809          Lrsam1 -0.054708004  0.158349510  0.406072620  0.000000000
## 9810           Lrtm1  0.037852764 -0.049748420 -0.131420610  0.273066040
## 9811           Lrtm2  0.051499844 -0.022886753 -0.050317764  0.000000000
## 9812           Lrwd1 -0.109780790 -0.016746044  0.062191010  0.027050018
## 9813           Lsamp  0.106348990 -0.018302440  0.106352806  0.054793358
## 9814            Lsg1 -0.262156500 -0.153721810 -0.142535210  0.000000000
## 9815            Lsm1 -0.070909980 -0.388943200  0.009668827 -0.040354250
## 9816           Lsm10 -0.430163860  0.000000000  0.121235370  0.100223064
## 9817           Lsm11  0.027740955 -0.011111259 -0.078347206  0.143613820
## 9818           Lsm12 -0.103466990 -0.207695000  0.317604060 -0.234148980
## 9819          Lsm14a  0.118920326  0.227175710  0.244787220  0.028332710
## 9820          Lsm14b -0.017928123  0.033676624 -0.219223500  0.245126720
## 9821            Lsm2  0.127990250 -0.124258995 -0.167599680 -0.022346973
## 9822            Lsm3 -0.513616560 -0.588820460 -0.613909700 -0.500696200
## 9823            Lsm4 -0.032015324  0.247097490  0.242418770 -0.017345905
## 9824            Lsm5 -0.102459747  0.085225422 -0.188036910 -0.017468451
## 9825            Lsm6  0.212101617  0.021599134 -0.185545922 -0.070359550
## 9826            Lsm7  0.049951077  0.260921955 -0.059177398 -0.099215985
## 9827           Lsmd1  0.049926758  0.294106480  0.403137200 -0.190119740
## 9828          Lsmem1 -0.008518696 -0.157989500 -0.119320870  0.117747780
## 9829          Lsmem2  0.108476160 -0.272765160 -0.095748900  0.071507454
## 9830            Lsp1 -0.267107960 -0.538133600 -0.340157500 -0.146853920
## 9831             Lsr  1.726956800  2.315590400  2.071026300  0.019848824
## 9832             Lss  0.359641550  0.221560960  0.074239730  0.069738865
## 9833            Lst1 -0.277357100 -0.332317830 -0.293182370 -0.308042050
## 9834             Lta -0.066181180  0.019921780  0.170969960 -0.057706356
## 9835           Lta4h -0.287643900 -0.246855260 -0.135689740  0.361166480
## 9836             Ltb -0.138594150  0.077534676 -0.037320137 -0.293530000
## 9837          Ltb4r1 -0.075361250 -0.058618070  0.004651070  0.205887320
## 9838          Ltb4r2  0.042446613  0.090590480 -0.034036160 -0.060672760
## 9839           Ltbp1 -1.505127400 -1.515431900 -1.723649500  0.200012200
## 9840           Ltbp2 -0.074278833 -0.136322740  0.065352441 -0.028244258
## 9841           Ltbp3 -0.082149030 -0.093432430  0.072704790  0.000000000
## 9842           Ltbp4  0.484058380  1.055330300  0.599940300  0.740872400
## 9843            Ltbr -0.254734520  0.289330000  0.128741260  0.071454050
## 9844           Ltc4s  0.215434550  0.105815890 -0.003278256 -0.002450466
## 9845             Ltf -0.097029210  0.000000000 -0.089333060  0.091637610
## 9846             Ltk  0.052965164  0.024991035  0.000000000  0.002446175
## 9847            Ltn1  0.078740538 -0.002219468 -0.198001861 -0.132881524
## 9848            Ltv1 -0.175080300  0.003530502  0.025315762 -0.108915806
## 9849           Luc7l -0.093354225  0.000000000  0.320453640  0.201018330
## 9850          Luc7l2  0.016427040  0.000000000  0.012297630  0.109848020
## 9851          Luc7l3  0.140944480  0.047805786 -0.108354570  0.117030144
## 9852             Lum -0.146016120  0.004900932  0.000000000  0.437858100
## 9853          Lurap1  0.761931900  0.505017300  0.330635070  0.000000000
## 9854         Lurap1l  0.174043660 -0.136600020  0.018277168  0.569403200
## 9855           Luzp1  0.336483000  0.309999465  0.442696570  0.296123025
## 9856           Luzp2 -0.026961327 -0.073473450  0.011596203  0.027081013
## 9857           Luzp4 -0.104506490  0.046328068  0.014916897  0.050032616
## 9858             Lxn -0.491587640  0.083911896  0.021219254 -0.031047821
## 9859            Ly6a  0.359228130  0.221618650  0.348939900  0.000000000
## 9860           Ly6c1  0.289059640  0.237905500  0.333119400 -0.085877420
## 9861           Ly6c2  0.260510440  0.114152910  0.200681690 -0.029314041
## 9862            Ly6d  0.007024288 -0.092190266 -0.072083000  0.000000000
## 9863            Ly6e -0.108483315  0.000000000  0.133121490 -0.082709310
## 9864            Ly6f  0.159470560 -0.098592280  0.222579000 -0.074882030
## 9865          Ly6g5b  0.012688637 -0.165535450  0.000000000  0.076986790
## 9866          Ly6g5c -0.016862870  0.157657150  0.029119492  0.074185850
## 9867          Ly6g6c -0.213835720 -0.034334660 -0.084555150 -0.478964330
## 9868          Ly6g6d -0.192275050 -0.285007480  0.105986120  0.000000000
## 9869          Ly6g6e -0.032292843  0.000000000  0.042952060 -0.050335407
## 9870          Ly6g6f  0.000000000 -0.012093067  0.042427540 -0.134548660
## 9871            Ly6h  0.070275780 -0.047455310  0.041562080  0.000000000
## 9872            Ly6i  0.377060400 -0.261151300 -0.408446300 -0.229488850
## 9873            Ly6k -0.058483124  0.573114400  0.150463580 -0.215772150
## 9874            Ly75  2.648635900  2.553395300  2.590059300 -0.096471310
## 9875            Ly86 -0.130196100 -0.087021830 -0.032613277  0.050942898
## 9876             Ly9 -0.138030530 -0.229345800 -0.069312570  0.322018620
## 9877            Ly96 -0.094236850  0.000000000  1.660810500 -0.042208670
## 9878            Lyar  0.179298400  0.507603650  0.756011960  0.025809288
## 9879            Lyg1  0.003234863  0.071574690 -0.006509304  0.013390541
## 9880            Lyg2  0.038624763  0.000000000 -0.016023636 -0.042150020
## 9881            Lyl1 -0.310879230  0.183303360  0.230250360 -0.039267540
## 9882             Lyn -0.635802270 -0.788007740 -0.565785400  0.204857830
## 9883           Lynx1  0.798326000  1.213341200  1.023129000 -0.261767860
## 9884           Lypd1  0.092924120  0.734510900  0.985958100  0.040793420
## 9885           Lypd2 -0.079035760  0.079421520 -0.036882877  0.029814243
## 9886           Lypd3  0.054632187  0.232385640  0.006768704  0.142278200
## 9887           Lypd4  0.035338400 -0.087289330 -0.144586090  0.136774060
## 9888           Lypd5  0.151049610 -0.004174233 -0.171737670  0.227211480
## 9889           Lypd6 -0.107157230  0.052700996 -0.026330948 -0.208040710
## 9890          Lypd6b -0.041097640 -0.057078360  0.053927420  0.038965702
## 9891           Lypd8  0.000000000 -0.025770187  0.150848390 -0.005369186
## 9892          Lypla1 -0.065873146 -0.143764970  0.602820400  0.000000000
## 9893          Lypla2 -0.169981480  0.137020110 -0.183385370 -0.306872840
## 9894         Lyplal1  0.000000000 -0.002254486  0.228419780 -0.118631360
## 9895           Lyrm1  0.299108980  0.930782300 -0.024967670  0.052810670
## 9896           Lyrm2  0.377738950  0.398328780  0.301884650 -0.275351520
## 9897           Lyrm4 -0.118587494 -0.092494010 -0.144538880 -0.091140750
## 9898           Lyrm5  0.266709330  0.532557500  0.232952120 -0.040682793
## 9899           Lyrm7  0.215838430 -0.205418110 -0.196050640  0.007618427
## 9900           Lyrm9  0.023404598  0.000000000  0.221834180 -0.001140595
## 9901          Lysmd1 -0.356472730 -0.009253979  0.178021670  0.001293659
## 9902          Lysmd2  0.216742990  0.228419780  0.253677370  0.000000000
## 9903          Lysmd3  0.219039920 -0.243868350 -0.439930920  0.010879517
## 9904          Lysmd4 -0.023313522  0.208399300  0.332943920  0.196598530
## 9905            Lyst  0.633004200  0.411988260  0.279860500 -0.089880940
## 9906           Lyve1 -0.020943642 -0.109439850  0.000000000 -0.090817450
## 9907            Lyz1 -0.318530560 -0.194547650  0.017755985 -0.455317970
## 9908            Lyz2 -0.530221460 -0.336602700  0.147090910 -0.706286430
## 9909           Lyzl1  0.029584408  0.024693490 -0.058671950 -0.013234615
## 9910           Lyzl4 -0.011694908 -0.011539459  0.000000000 -0.513400550
## 9911           Lyzl6 -0.040884018 -0.001779079 -0.101220610  0.132584100
## 9912            Lzic -0.087392810  0.365044600  0.219004150  0.089413166
## 9913          Lztfl1  0.771745185  0.501642230  0.352233890  0.157783030
## 9914           Lztr1  0.080369470  0.087911606  0.038473606  0.241156100
## 9915           Lzts1  0.305824760  0.379724500  0.000000000  0.214367390
## 9916           Lzts2 -0.146505830  0.214100360 -0.098396780  0.002242088
## 9917           Lzts3 -0.102976800  0.006669521  0.149457930 -0.000894000
## 9918            M1ap -0.105574130 -0.136699200 -0.082466600 -0.224391460
## 9919            M6pr  0.206343650  0.059182167  0.922004700 -0.371533400
## 9920          Maats1  0.000000000 -0.045901775  0.062737465  0.016227245
## 9921         Mab21l1 -0.204944610  0.260946750  0.017861366 -0.104449270
## 9922         Mab21l2  0.197462560  0.019748688 -0.354889400  0.271248340
## 9923         Mab21l3 -0.007931232 -0.046031000  0.011779308  0.102472780
## 9924           Macc1 -0.101437570  0.051809788 -0.020364285  0.011859894
## 9925           Macf1  0.689486500  0.615835200  0.466753960 -0.145382880
## 9926         Macrod1  0.000000000  0.079509735  0.148803710 -0.091968540
## 9927         Macrod2 -0.063543397  0.224336392  0.733730711 -0.053781907
## 9928          Mad1l1 -0.071610930  0.198110100 -0.152178290  0.293099880
## 9929          Mad2l1 -0.443432330 -0.094734670  0.000000000 -0.032553673
## 9930        Mad2l1bp -0.137016300 -0.007199287 -0.259021760  0.344695100
## 9931          Mad2l2  0.444623470  0.349180700  0.612712400 -0.046895027
## 9932         Madcam1  0.002389431 -0.113049030  0.000000000  0.151719100
## 9933            Madd  0.030283451 -0.089120865 -0.198190210 -0.148780350
## 9934            Maea -0.195092680  0.095038890 -0.175531390 -0.108587740
## 9935            Mael  0.061866283  0.024066925  0.011191368 -0.054802895
## 9936             Maf -0.031783580 -0.123532295  0.013943672 -0.099237920
## 9937            Maf1 -0.023746490  0.169857030  0.092680930 -0.020854950
## 9938            Mafa -0.024167060  0.083432200  0.148920060  0.070243835
## 9939            Mafb -0.223782540 -0.301219460 -0.327821730  0.016573430
## 9940            Maff  1.473303300  0.160538670  0.886848900  0.000000000
## 9941            Mafg  0.025149345 -0.114279750  0.008612633 -0.007313728
## 9942            Mafk  0.073843000  0.000000000  0.039310932  0.086107730
## 9943             Mag  0.000000000 -0.025957108 -0.140547750  0.090507510
## 9944          Magea1  0.029995918  0.014427185 -0.001263619  0.044890880
## 9945         Magea10 -0.002005577 -0.079790590  0.076552870  0.216373440
## 9946          Magea2 -0.031221390  0.029497147 -0.006012440  0.063024044
## 9947          Magea3 -0.016152859  0.028620959  0.037692785 -0.005179405
## 9948          Magea4  0.031499863  0.002786636 -0.012857914 -0.022506714
## 9949          Magea5  0.085876465  0.000000000  0.003018379  0.129945760
## 9950          Magea6 -0.156008240 -0.050217150  0.108890530  0.013966084
## 9951       Magea7-ps  0.082700730 -0.060787200  0.056992054  0.035727024
## 9952          Mageb1  0.000000000 -0.153741355 -0.076685905 -0.087793828
## 9953         Mageb16 -0.044220209 -0.068985701 -0.007271767  0.038141251
## 9954         Mageb18  0.006163597 -0.060879707  0.114947796  0.016117573
## 9955          Mageb3 -0.086266994 -0.173866270  0.091052055 -0.033811570
## 9956          Mageb4 -0.040269614  0.167624235  0.007661342  0.011117934
## 9957          Mageb5 -0.033516407  0.012303829  0.028822899  0.022831917
## 9958          Maged1  0.614683150  0.729225160  0.655901900 -0.402817730
## 9959          Maged2  0.008512974  0.031279564 -0.011076927 -0.093679430
## 9960          Magee1  0.307624340  0.282649040  0.095676420  0.058410645
## 9961          Magee2  0.027079582 -0.037768364  0.234410290  0.251760480
## 9962          Magef1 -0.157989980  0.103588104 -0.007215023 -0.003254414
## 9963          Mageh1  0.461135860  0.532959000  1.276643800  0.116514206
## 9964          Magel2  0.090226650  0.060043810  0.101272106 -0.102585316
## 9965           Magi1 -0.197925090  0.137189870  0.068997860  1.263754800
## 9966           Magi2  0.163523200  0.119324210  0.057960510 -0.053617954
## 9967           Magi3  0.805077550  1.028616900  0.702430700 -0.010759354
## 9968           Magix  0.123971460  0.306840420  0.441566000  0.783866900
## 9969           Magoh  0.302694320  0.102231026  0.176649100 -0.385740280
## 9970          Magohb  0.079381466 -0.020663738 -0.623487950 -0.507720950
## 9971           Magt1 -0.240350720 -0.395557400 -0.067385670 -0.269118300
## 9972             Mak  0.032464980 -0.068123340 -0.084228516 -0.024942398
## 9973           Mak16  0.024202347 -0.092703820 -0.009079933  0.000000000
## 9974             Mal  3.144826000  2.553857800  2.653328000 -0.102055550
## 9975            Mal2  0.063223360 -0.048095703 -0.004867077 -0.087772370
## 9976          Malat1  0.175575260  0.037708282 -0.109663010  0.029749870
## 9977            Mall  0.843837740  0.968963600  1.664378200  1.323861100
## 9978          Malsu1  0.062438965 -0.003394127 -0.035842896 -0.156597140
## 9979           Malt1 -0.059935570 -0.194539070  0.059710503  0.131470680
## 9980          Mamdc2 -0.076002600 -0.084517480 -0.137207980  0.119650364
## 9981          Mamdc4  0.022798538  0.032546043  0.074457170 -0.074648860
## 9982           Maml1  0.177952290  0.088609695 -0.001042366  0.258136750
## 9983           Maml2  0.058831930  0.100701810 -0.060950755  0.380207540
## 9984           Maml3 -0.279194360 -0.128292560 -0.084950450  0.109765050
## 9985          Mamld1  0.035753250 -0.049691677  0.272138600  0.053488730
## 9986          Mamstr  0.158725740  0.023806095 -0.032382010  0.473320000
## 9987           Man1a -0.005236626 -0.049217224  0.519097300 -0.087458610
## 9988          Man1a2  0.202835080 -0.017548561 -0.345004080 -0.023843765
## 9989          Man1b1  0.015795230  0.329775330 -0.254528050  0.223227500
## 9990          Man1c1  0.000000000  0.282526500  0.016617775  0.571743970
## 9991          Man2a1 -0.103637695 -0.413655280  0.134869580 -0.004700661
## 9992          Man2a2 -0.108621120 -0.271699900 -0.364272120  0.000000000
## 9993          Man2b1 -0.356284140 -0.470717430 -0.374351500 -0.261529920
## 9994          Man2b2 -0.008155346  0.038108350  0.300859450  0.224547390
## 9995          Man2c1  0.039852142  0.040516376  0.044241430 -0.032523632
## 9996           Manba  0.406183720  0.260733600 -0.293733600  0.273543830
## 9997          Manbal  0.053583622  0.112923145  0.207901480  0.022696018
## 9998           Manea  0.093840600  0.000000000 -0.175092220 -0.067194460
## 9999          Maneal  0.155604360  0.031908990  0.100361824  0.177412030
## 10000           Manf -0.072229385 -0.022427559 -0.031517030 -0.237114900
## 10001         Mansc1 -0.098991870  0.186155320  0.253047470  0.024999142
## 10002         Mansc4  0.345961335 -0.165140150  0.325744630  0.969158170
## 10003           Maoa  2.604334800  2.577005400  2.735285800 -0.457862850
## 10004           Maob  2.527644600  3.460492600  2.804581200 -0.006078720
## 10005          Map10  0.000000000  0.184291840 -0.042580128  0.569167140
## 10006          Map1a  0.117011550 -0.028269768  0.106634620  0.271914960
## 10007          Map1b -0.207639700 -0.585518360 -0.492482200  0.452301030
## 10008       Map1lc3a  0.251357080  0.512132640  0.344402300 -0.239182950
## 10009       Map1lc3b -0.068859575 -0.155200480  0.178719520 -0.054588318
## 10010          Map1s -0.212774280  0.110350130  0.231725220 -0.251160140
## 10011           Map2  0.030270100 -0.054149150 -0.072073940 -0.188133720
## 10012         Map2k1 -0.242533680 -0.280821800 -0.404697420  0.089694980
## 10013         Map2k2 -0.021952630  0.096879960  0.025917053 -0.250001430
## 10014         Map2k3  0.000000000 -0.251963620 -0.264274120 -0.120220660
## 10015         Map2k4  0.274893280 -0.055565834  0.231624130  0.014691830
## 10016         Map2k5  0.024995804 -0.033150673  0.024995804 -0.032859802
## 10017         Map2k6  0.802528400 -0.035780907 -0.100694660  0.000000000
## 10018         Map2k7  0.040637970  0.108866690  0.083562850  0.214684490
## 10019         Map3k1  0.466253280  0.774980550  0.304252620  0.275724400
## 10020        Map3k10  0.099340440  0.057460308  0.217513560 -0.129493710
## 10021        Map3k11  0.138343810  0.000000000  0.067073820  0.017477990
## 10022        Map3k12 -0.151156665 -0.230029105 -0.241436725  0.481738805
## 10023        Map3k13 -0.124876976 -0.186739920  0.210811140  0.008637905
## 10024        Map3k14 -0.245229720 -0.238938330  0.000715000 -0.054925920
## 10025        Map3k15 -0.006408691 -0.116031170 -0.334706780  0.022976875
## 10026        Map3k19  0.000000000 -0.056038857 -0.034165860  0.147411820
## 10027         Map3k2  0.307956700 -0.827126000 -0.079603195 -0.469506260
## 10028         Map3k3  0.134366990  0.405958180  0.054057120  0.044895172
## 10029         Map3k4 -0.072117330  0.224619390  0.134117600  0.230427740
## 10030         Map3k5 -1.744301300 -1.983752700 -2.060160600  0.602523800
## 10031         Map3k6  1.221231900 -0.017920494  0.665001400 -0.175397870
## 10032         Map3k7  0.191655160  0.198508260  0.031140327  0.269339560
## 10033       Map3k7cl -0.016520977 -0.284883500 -0.278941630 -0.062793730
## 10034         Map3k8  0.879447940  0.985514640  0.921525000  0.083408356
## 10035         Map3k9 -0.149900910 -0.199626450 -0.206611160 -0.001177788
## 10036           Map4  0.409559502  0.316567185 -0.009912970  0.546497820
## 10037         Map4k1 -0.161628720  0.006270409 -0.204730030  0.037211420
## 10038         Map4k2  0.765316000  0.865395550  0.929185870  0.109857560
## 10039         Map4k3  0.135111810  0.000000000 -0.250851630  0.471298220
## 10040         Map4k4  0.019899368  0.220662120  0.088387490  0.633848200
## 10041         Map4k5  0.038083076  0.073606490 -0.064913750  0.720351200
## 10042           Map6 -0.021891594  0.217767240 -0.019360542  0.348133560
## 10043         Map6d1  0.000000000 -0.016780853  0.183514120 -0.037118910
## 10044           Map7  0.572080600  0.778298850  0.319149020 -0.396218780
## 10045         Map7d1  0.024348259  0.348534580  0.143128400  0.103743550
## 10046         Map7d2 -0.023520470 -0.141370770 -0.087837220  0.351912980
## 10047           Map9  0.332531450  0.000000000  0.194626330  0.017525673
## 10048          Mapk1  0.225954060  0.046168327 -0.136521340  0.081827160
## 10049         Mapk10  0.033285381 -0.019583464  0.059097051  0.006479505
## 10050         Mapk11  0.061761856 -0.175751690  0.182898040  0.000000000
## 10051         Mapk12 -0.251608850  0.000000000  0.112172130  0.347632400
## 10052         Mapk13  0.015163899 -0.037431717  0.135865690  0.239039420
## 10053         Mapk14 -0.421038630  0.075342180 -0.200315480 -0.350572600
## 10054         Mapk15 -0.032175540  0.054427624  0.010126591  0.000000000
## 10055       Mapk1ip1  0.499637130  0.113926410 -0.143028740  0.037496090
## 10056      Mapk1ip1l  0.123473170  0.017466545 -0.374831200  0.123130800
## 10057          Mapk3  0.267940520  0.434207920  0.583354950  0.383256900
## 10058          Mapk4  0.166008470  0.110358240 -0.064142704 -0.094717980
## 10059          Mapk6  0.086722374  0.104940414 -0.245351790 -0.350730900
## 10060          Mapk7 -0.152573590  0.180205350  0.068641660 -0.033822060
## 10061          Mapk8  0.156930920 -0.379087450  0.221182820 -0.355699540
## 10062       Mapk8ip1 -0.118222240 -0.004854202 -0.034011840  0.166009900
## 10063       Mapk8ip2 -0.173215390  0.228174210  0.202666760 -0.109130860
## 10064       Mapk8ip3  0.111490010  0.304684640  0.361547465  0.149866105
## 10065          Mapk9  0.382178300  0.245066640  0.234539030 -0.258749960
## 10066        Mapkap1  0.477781300  0.396031380  0.379756930 -0.063749310
## 10067       Mapkapk2 -0.545742030 -0.196822170  0.056256294 -0.246386530
## 10068       Mapkapk3  0.331862930  0.369597430  0.204685210 -0.254944320
## 10069       Mapkapk5  0.102869034  0.133906360  0.353945730  0.005259514
## 10070        Mapkbp1  0.109315392  0.167881725  0.240448230  0.156380655
## 10071         Mapre1  0.197578430  0.000000000  0.126319890 -0.132595060
## 10072         Mapre2 -0.314045900  0.038319588 -0.657175060 -0.108832360
## 10073         Mapre3  0.326760770  0.421058180  0.000000000 -0.230327600
## 10074           Mapt -0.087453365  0.031856537 -0.025574207 -0.062913420
## 10075          Marc1 -0.052080630  0.090528010  0.074840546 -0.106752870
## 10076          Marc2  0.155241970  0.196576120  0.219671250 -0.363670350
## 10077         March1 -0.263906480 -0.141241550  0.120812416  0.152533050
## 10078        March10 -0.121390820  0.002070427 -0.101696014  0.017843723
## 10079        March11 -0.040129423  0.007324934  0.004425288 -0.027039290
## 10080         March2 -0.239315990 -0.047918320  0.173503400  0.183163170
## 10081         March3  0.439501760  0.124268530  0.071355820 -0.057958126
## 10082         March4 -0.095187190  0.177508830 -0.153084750 -0.040395260
## 10083         March5 -0.083895680 -0.189140320  0.096311570 -0.408036230
## 10084         March6  0.246554370  0.049440384  0.243803980 -0.233667370
## 10085         March7 -0.312544820  0.012540817  0.060729027  0.194092750
## 10086         March8 -0.046538830  0.344639300  0.008186340  0.190498350
## 10087         March9 -0.026647568  0.008924484  0.043733120  0.043244840
## 10088         Marcks -1.710928000 -1.598595600 -1.448147800  0.207255360
## 10089       Marcksl1 -1.644644300 -1.350920200 -1.390572500 -0.693120960
## 10090          Marco -0.238136770 -0.070219990 -0.217091560 -0.029217243
## 10091          Marf1  0.191008570  0.156833650  0.064371110  0.160369870
## 10092          Mark1  0.201180930  0.153881070  0.202705380 -0.083497524
## 10093          Mark2 -0.042039395 -0.202356340 -0.137837408  0.024351120
## 10094          Mark3  0.422341350  0.202139850 -0.030575752  0.114324570
## 10095          Mark4 -0.071467400  0.000000000 -0.257255080  0.192563530
## 10096           Mars -0.090209010 -0.017646313  0.037924767 -0.128245350
## 10097          Mars2  0.000000000  0.014565945  0.055410385 -0.097586630
## 10098       Marveld1 -0.000692000 -0.001011848 -0.014736176  0.170762060
## 10099       Marveld2  1.662223300  1.275235700  1.028846700 -0.083799360
## 10100       Marveld3 -0.073629856  0.178941250  0.042596817 -0.047431946
## 10101           Mas1 -0.037012100  0.006479263  0.000000000  0.429362300
## 10102          Masp1 -0.072877410 -0.183500770  0.167075630 -0.052676200
## 10103          Masp2  0.184268950  0.040953160 -0.180885310 -0.061403275
## 10104          Mast1 -0.095534325  0.000000000  0.138706200  0.039405346
## 10105          Mast2  0.274296760  0.334837900  0.264224050 -0.012854576
## 10106          Mast3 -0.086047170 -0.180819030  0.064129350 -0.055118560
## 10107          Mast4  0.396312700  0.472026820  0.335328100  0.477699280
## 10108          Mat1a -0.085440160  0.001858711  0.038080215 -0.005174160
## 10109          Mat2a  0.845172900 -0.381281850 -0.017329216 -0.092765810
## 10110          Mat2b  0.073019030 -0.025594711 -0.069723130  0.212294580
## 10111           Matk -0.258893500  0.195130830 -0.050438880  0.015222073
## 10112          Matn1 -0.076004505  0.027407646  0.198226930 -0.136490820
## 10113          Matn2 -0.258202080 -0.258807660 -0.151183600  0.045400620
## 10114          Matn3  0.148943900 -0.047489166  0.130943780  0.030272007
## 10115          Matn4 -0.149744030 -0.042918205  0.078225610  0.079826830
## 10116          Matr3  0.173957820  0.063147545 -0.080105780 -0.092193600
## 10117           Mau2  0.233125690  0.263525000 -0.035800934  0.136796000
## 10118           Mavs -0.337821960  0.066688060 -0.190534110  0.322541700
## 10119            Max  0.562121400  0.488830570  0.343575480 -0.076980590
## 10120            Maz -0.049806118  0.020182610 -0.030982494 -0.042617320
## 10121             Mb  0.029717445  0.000000000 -0.223442550  1.060910700
## 10122         Mb21d1  0.296213150 -0.227279190 -0.055325508  0.092072960
## 10123         Mb21d2 -0.098781110  0.000000000 -0.015406609  0.126441000
## 10124           Mbd1 -0.088111400  0.200495720 -0.037436962  0.056746006
## 10125           Mbd2 -0.352773670 -0.268507960  0.001587868  0.270880700
## 10126           Mbd3  0.138613700  0.160849570  0.247236730 -0.530792240
## 10127         Mbd3l1 -0.004683971  0.050240517 -0.044066430  0.077480790
## 10128         Mbd3l2  0.094406130  0.018575191  0.000000000  0.103870870
## 10129           Mbd4 -0.097558975  0.000000000 -0.839408400 -0.241483210
## 10130           Mbd5  0.382488730  0.139463900 -0.172762870  0.038891792
## 10131           Mbd6  0.085216045  0.550245760  0.484796520 -0.141869540
## 10132           Mbip  0.143217090  0.298123360  0.583045960 -0.104228020
## 10133           Mbl1  0.086392400 -0.101551530  0.130229470  0.136293890
## 10134           Mbl2  0.206517700 -0.027372837  0.089758870  0.012179375
## 10135         Mblac1 -0.391781800  0.455955030  0.338819030 -0.006506443
## 10136         Mblac2  0.710173600  0.329399100  1.013527900 -0.748820300
## 10137          Mbnl1  0.058577538 -0.247976300 -0.362188340 -0.095258710
## 10138          Mbnl2 -0.284511570 -0.390679360 -0.465125080  0.407131200
## 10139          Mbnl3 -0.443653100 -0.424391270 -0.328284740 -0.123270510
## 10140         Mboat1  2.462484800  2.326786500  2.380460300 -0.236495020
## 10141         Mboat2 -0.670140740 -0.601957800 -0.846574800  0.008349419
## 10142         Mboat4 -0.163029670  0.051232338  0.014104843 -0.142332080
## 10143         Mboat7  0.042154312 -0.046087265  0.358615880 -0.281433100
## 10144            Mbp -0.011423111  0.017810345  0.095897675  0.000000000
## 10145          Mbtd1 -0.008468628 -0.393075000 -0.653026600 -0.024912834
## 10146         Mbtps1  0.000000000  0.290022850 -0.235145570  0.048851013
## 10147         Mbtps2 -0.075334550 -0.273826120 -0.232621200  0.064927100
## 10148           Mc1r  0.000000000  0.163383960 -0.060402393 -0.004767418
## 10149           Mc2r  0.101961136 -0.030388355  0.063324930  0.014393806
## 10150           Mc3r  0.014029503 -0.035556316 -0.079055786  0.093856335
## 10151           Mc4r  0.104915140  0.036183834 -0.003182888  0.020566463
## 10152           Mc5r -0.092346670  0.000000000  0.293941500  0.120980740
## 10153           Mcam -1.787456500 -1.346639600 -0.848170300  0.684674260
## 10154           Mcat -0.194733620 -0.197724820  0.067562580  0.050799847
## 10155            Mcc  0.191722870  0.288182260  0.148227690  0.404156680
## 10156          Mccc1 -0.384356020 -0.028056145  0.000000000  0.101563450
## 10157          Mccc2 -0.335162640 -0.019539833  0.515408040  0.195879940
## 10158           Mcee  0.601144800  0.273725500  0.312693600 -0.235254290
## 10159           Mcf2  0.073909280  0.082228184  0.009463310 -0.024261475
## 10160          Mcf2l  0.550718300  0.395202640  0.535187700  0.725047100
## 10161          Mcfd2  0.028382778 -0.154708390  0.217705250 -0.110419750
## 10162          Mchr1  0.037388325 -0.134451870  0.085208416 -0.077901840
## 10163         Mcidas -0.030856610  0.081948760  0.039796830 -0.237756730
## 10164           Mcl1  0.276068700  0.047846794 -0.040455820 -0.038248062
## 10165          Mcm10 -0.042274000 -0.238913060 -0.088188170 -0.151471140
## 10166           Mcm2  0.105797290  0.081682205  0.281562330 -0.008874893
## 10167           Mcm3 -0.381166930 -0.752929700 -0.499053000 -0.143843170
## 10168         Mcm3ap  0.093770504  0.235675810  0.001834393  0.296195030
## 10169           Mcm4 -0.036645412 -0.035292150  0.214098450 -0.025164127
## 10170           Mcm5 -0.052340984 -0.000789000  0.196097370  0.283123970
## 10171           Mcm6 -0.118489265  0.010058403 -0.366315840  0.103632930
## 10172           Mcm7 -0.245920660 -0.069478035 -0.517865660 -0.054523945
## 10173           Mcm8 -0.032115460 -0.239449020 -0.400805470 -0.041739464
## 10174           Mcm9  0.000000000  0.029892445 -0.016581059  0.239945890
## 10175          Mcmbp -0.364683150 -0.216427800 -0.394647600  0.182412150
## 10176         Mcmdc2 -0.141853810 -0.119341370 -0.072638510  0.147688870
## 10177         Mcoln1  0.459546100  0.407575600  0.868430140  0.120322230
## 10178         Mcoln2  0.000000000  0.133475780 -0.090173720 -0.074172500
## 10179         Mcoln3 -0.060219765 -0.059724330 -0.018326283 -0.131884570
## 10180          Mcph1  0.124428750  0.000000000 -0.166040900 -0.114457130
## 10181          Mcpt1  0.001396656 -0.002900124 -0.036688805  0.101705550
## 10182          Mcpt2  0.023749828  0.023863792  0.024222374 -0.036707400
## 10183          Mcpt4 -0.042380333 -0.104515076  0.000000000 -0.100261210
## 10184          Mcpt8  0.115849020 -0.102219580 -0.004412651  0.150532720
## 10185          Mcpt9 -0.042775154 -0.069922924 -0.042932510  0.151571750
## 10186          Mcrs1  0.018961668  0.373571635 -0.066228868  0.070783140
## 10187          Mctp1 -0.495046603 -0.452345359 -0.317114117 -0.137715340
## 10188          Mctp2 -0.019761086  0.006217003 -0.041346073  0.017759323
## 10189          Mcts1  0.196888450  0.104776380 -0.153861520 -0.237679000
## 10190          Mcts2  0.319705000 -0.325416560 -0.576795600 -0.497747420
## 10191            Mcu -0.126072400 -0.243467810 -0.370743750  0.153186800
## 10192          Mcur1  0.189457900  0.526944160 -0.153646470 -0.024932861
## 10193           Mdc1 -0.274393080  0.000000000  0.324937340  0.000000000
## 10194           Mdfi  0.000000000 -0.000964000 -0.049862385  0.020099640
## 10195          Mdfic -0.566494000 -1.055243000 -1.113022300  0.476298330
## 10196          Mdga1  0.000000000 -0.012761116  0.144931320 -0.122552395
## 10197          Mdga2 -0.092427016 -0.017384290 -0.001269818 -0.037312508
## 10198           Mdh1  0.053497314 -0.210370060 -0.072199820 -0.354158400
## 10199          Mdh1b -0.016078949  0.021722794 -0.028041363 -0.038867474
## 10200           Mdh2 -0.152594570 -0.116207120  0.252082820 -0.082007410
## 10201            Mdk  0.004123450  0.292146200 -0.090337275  0.071357490
## 10202           Mdm1  0.067792890 -0.227751730  0.101006030 -0.214770320
## 10203           Mdm2  0.000000000 -0.076198580 -0.331531520 -0.264669420
## 10204           Mdm4 -0.118029594 -0.283029560 -0.332936300  0.242454530
## 10205           Mdn1 -0.086351395 -0.155971530 -0.074922560 -0.030327797
## 10206           Mdp1  0.078976630  0.395330430 -0.201824190  0.179894450
## 10207            Me1 -0.200171470 -0.180142880 -0.334923980 -0.489268780
## 10208            Me2 -0.155074120 -0.450049400 -0.102210045 -0.170118330
## 10209            Me3  0.005088091  0.261614325 -0.000360725 -0.091664078
## 10210           Mea1  0.213951110  0.004861832  0.373241420 -0.193174360
## 10211          Meaf6  0.020053387  0.128127100 -0.022833824  0.399508000
## 10212          Mecom  0.721318700  0.547326550  1.187169100  0.900939950
## 10213          Mecp2 -0.010354996  0.340351100  0.238251690 -0.002826691
## 10214           Mecr  0.003126144  0.824563000  0.214413640 -0.016574383
## 10215           Med1  0.017362595  0.210334780 -0.048377037  0.052485466
## 10216          Med10  0.106871605  0.019557000  0.316328050  0.079394340
## 10217          Med11  0.041909218  0.288304330 -0.446604250  0.000000000
## 10218          Med12  0.232667920  0.084899900  0.173808100 -0.114139560
## 10219         Med12l -0.103385450 -0.012789726 -0.171840670 -0.208446030
## 10220          Med13  0.092511180 -0.081967354 -0.006381035 -0.214848520
## 10221         Med13l  0.057120323 -0.130602840  0.309805870 -0.137555120
## 10222          Med14  0.318030360 -0.230793950  0.096886635  0.055600166
## 10223          Med15 -0.149665830 -0.177380080 -0.074556830  0.231439590
## 10224          Med16  0.080326560 -0.002417088  0.265543940  0.026979923
## 10225          Med17 -0.001300812 -0.124203205  0.208065990  0.182082180
## 10226          Med18  0.017755508  0.022465706 -0.066304210  0.117142200
## 10227          Med19  0.097372055  0.189918520 -0.017587662 -0.060533524
## 10228          Med20  0.094149110  0.021452427 -0.088859080 -0.152027130
## 10229          Med21  0.243439670  0.071749690 -0.109512330 -0.437835700
## 10230          Med22 -0.208586700 -0.015753746  0.504020700  0.151833060
## 10231          Med23  0.100036620 -0.202140330  0.219437120  0.105449200
## 10232          Med24 -0.153087140  0.141195770 -0.319590570  0.209908960
## 10233          Med25  0.135091780  0.226487640  0.153959750  0.218592640
## 10234          Med27  0.237146380 -0.255654340  0.287449840  0.117163660
## 10235          Med28  0.375692370  0.354782100  0.081173900 -0.270299900
## 10236          Med29  0.000000000 -0.044100760 -0.073017120 -0.001211643
## 10237          Med30  0.212667940  0.041728497  0.260556220 -0.435915000
## 10238          Med31  0.307635300  0.000000000  0.585804940  0.224544530
## 10239           Med4  0.086697816 -0.001071453  0.255759950  0.230204345
## 10240           Med6  0.053553580  0.399973870  0.283422470  0.000000000
## 10241           Med7  0.572535500  0.073349950 -0.317894940  0.112586975
## 10242           Med8 -0.126787190 -0.135103230 -0.518765000  0.029001236
## 10243           Med9  0.503123760  0.615042200  0.500908400  0.236520770
## 10244          Medag -0.002086163 -0.083136560  0.025376320  0.071422580
## 10245          Mef2a -0.050999640  0.000000000 -0.288553240  0.012698174
## 10246          Mef2b -0.178795340  0.023798943  0.066888810  0.032607080
## 10247          Mef2c -0.025776863 -0.010215759  0.010370255  0.732259750
## 10248          Mef2d  0.020695686  0.144157410  0.037439346  0.076074600
## 10249           Mefv -0.149833200  0.047097206 -0.015325546 -0.078687190
## 10250           Meg3  0.046701908  0.010479450  0.131404400 -0.029064178
## 10251         Megf10  0.048069477  0.059727670  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 10252         Megf11  0.000000000 -0.015965462  0.081272600  0.014709473
## 10253          Megf6  0.153113581  0.291561817  0.264619775  0.016969333
## 10254          Megf8  0.000418000 -0.047618866 -0.088757990  0.101982590
## 10255          Megf9  0.575990200  0.551397800  0.902545450  0.893378730
## 10256           Mei1  0.148545740 -0.082343580  0.031537533 -0.052956580
## 10257           Mei4  0.017070293  0.092480660  0.072435856 -0.050496100
## 10258          Meig1  0.007697582  0.001416683  0.201907160 -0.012447834
## 10259          Meiob -0.073967460 -0.058997154 -0.047496796  0.021405220
## 10260          Meis1 -1.035582100 -1.541692700 -0.957713100  0.086243630
## 10261          Meis2 -0.757255550 -0.708281500 -0.748992900 -0.068816185
## 10262          Meis3 -0.252802850 -0.101257800 -0.056143284  0.082916260
## 10263           Mela  0.088971375  0.027538063  0.185997250  0.073669671
## 10264           Melk -0.134619710 -0.080076220 -0.208703520  0.110512730
## 10265          Memo1 -0.061734676 -0.431348320 -0.204648500 -0.061194897
## 10266           Men1  0.208725930  0.615730300  0.263891220  0.161838530
## 10267          Meox1 -0.127336980 -0.108271120 -0.406048770  1.466691500
## 10268          Meox2 -0.080273150 -0.029561996 -0.116629600  4.489756000
## 10269          Mep1a -0.034967900 -0.064416410  0.083909990  0.026921272
## 10270          Mep1b -0.088215350  0.108721256  0.075906280 -0.028168201
## 10271          Mepce  0.000000000 -0.268251420  0.331191540 -0.031028270
## 10272           Mepe -0.029727459 -0.002881050  0.107749940  0.171351910
## 10273          Mertk  0.047909737  0.366696360  0.480308530  0.207057000
## 10274         Mesdc1  0.323164460  0.000000000 -0.105554580  0.103362560
## 10275         Mesdc2 -0.054985046 -0.120018960  0.030587196 -0.135736470
## 10276          Mesp1 -0.051369667  0.000000000 -0.011211395 -0.060217380
## 10277          Mesp2 -0.041698933 -0.077351090  0.058227062  0.010197639
## 10278           Mest -0.471687800 -0.506712900 -0.519273760  1.067752800
## 10279            Met -0.031903744 -0.033853054  0.000000000 -0.083367825
## 10280         Metap1  0.146656990 -0.518142700  0.133965490 -0.391394620
## 10281        Metap1d  0.013625145  0.525591850 -0.062538150  0.034231663
## 10282         Metap2 -0.225660320 -0.025229454  0.030138970 -0.034020424
## 10283          Metrn -0.045425415  0.000000000  0.104250430  0.090928080
## 10284         Metrnl -0.103514194  0.000000000 -0.266216750  0.005152226
## 10285         Mettl1 -0.345930100  0.366664400  0.636599060 -0.103295326
## 10286        Mettl10  0.287555220  0.717003350  0.288969520  0.108364105
## 10287       Mettl11b  0.126237390  0.182872770  0.060931683  0.000000000
## 10288        Mettl13 -0.045807360 -0.124933720  0.126775260 -0.044483185
## 10289        Mettl14  0.147722240  0.214626310  0.264534950 -0.095911026
## 10290        Mettl15  0.000000000 -0.087399960  0.434923650  0.025534153
## 10291        Mettl16  0.000000000  0.121696470  0.397429470  0.224502560
## 10292        Mettl17 -0.175495150  0.409171580  0.000000000 -0.019894123
## 10293        Mettl18  0.051884174  0.461850170  0.889271260 -0.108752250
## 10294         Mettl2 -0.055403710 -0.413523200  0.608666400  0.065665245
## 10295        Mettl20 -0.065770388  0.029632565 -0.182404280 -0.272248505
## 10296       Mettl21a -0.077277180 -0.164541240  0.075388910 -0.018839360
## 10297       Mettl21c -0.105970860 -0.274158000 -0.015311718  0.000000000
## 10298       Mettl21d  0.208846090  0.210772510  0.606706600 -0.133307930
## 10299       Mettl21e  0.056879997 -0.049910545  0.028068066 -0.014959335
## 10300        Mettl22 -0.061330320  0.011606693  0.193469050  0.024899960
## 10301        Mettl23  0.156730650 -0.036058426  0.043478012  0.029400826
## 10302        Mettl24 -0.320124150 -0.071819305 -0.169653420 -0.053455830
## 10303        Mettl25  0.295131680 -0.100283146  0.805737500  0.203770640
## 10304         Mettl3  0.090726850 -0.087484360 -1.108459500 -0.066041950
## 10305         Mettl4  0.208700180  0.513117800  0.687842370  0.034776688
## 10306         Mettl5  0.304254530  0.039852142  0.353958130 -0.163862230
## 10307         Mettl6 -0.437726970 -0.031325340 -0.263729100 -0.023583412
## 10308       Mettl7a1 -0.256585120 -0.192390440 -0.055564880 -0.198411940
## 10309       Mettl7a3 -0.342572700 -0.212921140  0.018663883 -0.025439740
## 10310        Mettl7b -0.024501800 -0.146085260 -0.015038967 -0.119276050
## 10311         Mettl8 -0.029637337  0.127074720 -0.039385320  0.092715260
## 10312         Mettl9 -0.079648493  0.070369245  0.039712191  0.154659510
## 10313          Mex3a  0.000000000 -0.161575800  0.265136240 -0.243233680
## 10314          Mex3b -0.252131000  0.332420350 -0.349312300  0.362538340
## 10315          Mex3c  0.159813880  0.000000000  0.326377870  0.016346931
## 10316          Mex3d -0.286143300  0.000000000  0.002368927  0.000951000
## 10317         Mfap1a  0.339611050  0.308272360  0.243109705  0.122539045
## 10318          Mfap2  0.083884240  0.008835793 -0.114683150 -0.051647663
## 10319          Mfap3 -0.056031227 -0.348854060 -0.119735720 -0.000278000
## 10320         Mfap3l -0.141427520 -0.211242680  0.000000000  0.044158936
## 10321          Mfap4 -0.087343690  0.094435690 -0.085114000 -0.002501488
## 10322          Mfap5 -0.222769260 -0.041152954 -0.188426970  0.487905500
## 10323            Mff  0.359597200  0.125291820  0.412077900 -0.222591400
## 10324          Mfge8 -0.639943100 -0.659249300 -0.817573550  0.441539760
## 10325         Mfhas1  0.957105640  0.913431170  0.891100900  0.367536540
## 10326           Mfi2 -0.000060600  0.048211098 -0.106481075  0.027462960
## 10327           Mfn1  0.432363500  0.374252320  0.346910480  0.304911600
## 10328           Mfn2  0.004238129  0.436525340  0.042364120  0.067567825
## 10329           Mfng  0.083430770  0.036390780 -0.470792300  0.127872940
## 10330          Mfsd1 -0.214458470  0.026137352  0.000000000 -0.063381195
## 10331         Mfsd10 -0.052458763  0.164096830  0.012079239 -0.039211273
## 10332         Mfsd11 -0.317669870 -0.561143900 -0.239954950 -0.385456560
## 10333         Mfsd12 -0.048924923 -0.103844166  0.018537998  0.000000000
## 10334         Mfsd2a  4.489720000  4.489263000  4.522867700 -0.032666206
## 10335         Mfsd2b  0.181944370  0.000000000 -0.013024330 -0.126194000
## 10336          Mfsd3 -0.001758575 -0.014676094  0.065616130  0.255346780
## 10337          Mfsd4 -0.246412280 -0.115183350  0.008965969  0.137325760
## 10338          Mfsd5 -0.518913270  0.013837814  0.075660706  0.043528557
## 10339          Mfsd6  0.087054250  0.213436130 -0.041708946  0.859583850
## 10340         Mfsd6l  0.058296680 -0.083045480  0.067923070  0.210604670
## 10341         Mfsd7a  0.000000000  0.027784824 -0.158324240 -0.004446030
## 10342         Mfsd7b  0.242077347 -0.320956392 -0.079754829 -0.251122793
## 10343         Mfsd7c  2.862519300  2.187763200  2.327320000 -0.048634530
## 10344          Mfsd8  0.303877830  0.080036160 -0.336095330 -0.534306500
## 10345          Mfsd9  0.008971691  0.076468945  0.191437240 -0.016708374
## 10346            Mga  0.088121414 -0.056619644 -0.424608230  0.113517760
## 10347           Mgam  0.059825897  0.000000000 -0.132543090 -0.012706757
## 10348          Mgarp  0.000000000  0.162815100  0.215216160 -0.048143864
## 10349          Mgat1 -0.664692400 -0.264901160 -0.496459960 -0.079915050
## 10350          Mgat2  0.000000000 -0.300430300  0.084261894 -0.306367870
## 10351          Mgat3  0.026063919 -0.141273980 -0.128267770  0.124384400
## 10352         Mgat4a  1.030561900  0.269202700  0.150172710  2.076518500
## 10353         Mgat4b  0.038402557  0.444492820  0.222082610  0.077628610
## 10354         Mgat4c  0.088041306 -0.059030056 -0.002297878  0.000000000
## 10355          Mgat5 -0.011532784 -0.348512650 -0.396797660 -0.077784540
## 10356         Mgat5b -0.121098520  0.084035400  0.064647675 -0.062983510
## 10357          Mgea5  0.370406150  0.078367230 -0.093853950  0.187891960
## 10358           Mgl2 -0.188184260 -0.153078560  0.088510990  0.076432230
## 10359           Mgll -0.769458800 -0.803478240 -0.258975030  1.783629400
## 10360          Mgme1  0.009083271  0.167954440 -0.475386620 -0.365044600
## 10361           Mgmt  0.104793070  0.040319443  0.163172250 -0.042365550
## 10362            Mgp  0.174158100  0.134601600  0.649451260  0.481099130
## 10363          Mgrn1 -0.075070380  0.278688430  0.582436560 -0.160897250
## 10364          Mgst1 -0.311771870 -0.382750030 -0.629472730 -0.345074180
## 10365          Mgst2  0.245312210  0.556100370  0.015521526 -1.160306000
## 10366          Mgst3 -0.194086070  0.317521100 -0.428496840  0.000000000
## 10367            Mia  0.002936840  0.004755020  0.002567768  0.085625170
## 10368           Mia2  0.000000000 -0.001690388 -0.045762540 -0.084178925
## 10369           Mia3  0.505706800  0.341377260  0.275555600 -0.014290810
## 10370           Mib1  0.128879550 -0.015969276  0.054021835  0.320386900
## 10371           Mib2  0.082820890  0.063412190  0.216612340  0.112370970
## 10372         Mical1  0.265302660  0.361981400  0.244112970  0.018756390
## 10373         Mical2 -0.223356720 -0.098263260 -0.074605940  0.898737430
## 10374         Mical3  0.138160230  0.239640710 -0.035953995  0.519447565
## 10375        Micalcl -0.084324360 -0.055410862 -0.150364880 -0.057825090
## 10376        Micall1  0.017175198  0.183924435  0.102182390  0.193137885
## 10377        Micall2 -0.249000550  0.022059917  0.107285020  0.081038475
## 10378          Micu1  0.079736710  0.232090950 -0.454272750 -0.251676080
## 10379          Micu2  0.010023117  0.298806200  0.022036552 -0.142570970
## 10380          Micu3  0.265647900 -0.488529200 -0.140781400  0.000000000
## 10381           Mid1  0.068018910  0.535558700  1.022650700 -0.033237457
## 10382        Mid1ip1 -0.672195430 -0.431932450 -0.056108475  0.429133420
## 10383           Mid2 -0.067028046 -0.075281140 -0.898080800  0.563992500
## 10384           Midn  0.060967445 -0.207235340  0.000000000 -0.112270355
## 10385          Mien1  0.023823738  0.198731420 -0.028417587 -0.359870900
## 10386          Mier1  0.405331600  0.316418650  0.000000000  0.127794270
## 10387          Mier2 -0.063996315  0.062975880 -0.022078037 -0.075152874
## 10388          Mier3  0.239673610  0.099162100  0.236002920  0.013568878
## 10389            Mif -0.203349117 -0.376871743  0.289017357 -0.061909677
## 10390         Mif4gd  0.059447290  0.063513756  0.664308550 -0.325708870
## 10391           Miip -0.160273080  0.000000000 -0.281383500  0.013323784
## 10392          Mill1  0.112304690 -0.117361070  0.106091020 -0.063477516
## 10393          Mill2  0.569008350  0.798013200  0.279071330  0.239700320
## 10394          Milr1  0.239751340 -0.170711040 -0.151833060  0.000000000
## 10395           Mina -0.003870964  0.101353645  0.039006233 -0.085208890
## 10396          Mink1  0.327693940  0.603454600  0.516408900  0.052234650
## 10397         Minos1  0.028814316 -0.070547104  0.136889460 -0.602391240
## 10398         Minpp1 -0.004462481 -0.138409855 -0.059763670 -0.050384520
## 10399           Mios -0.697487350  0.012514114 -0.128273960  0.147185330
## 10400           Miox -0.043265343  0.001188755 -0.064851284  0.076740740
## 10401            Mip -0.120408535  0.014475822  0.172386170 -0.212606430
## 10402          Mipep -0.175787930 -0.025008678  0.118620396  0.000000000
## 10403         Mipol1  0.209516050  0.097322464  0.745395200  0.017917156
## 10404         Mir100 -0.007268429 -0.006028652 -0.031013966  0.001640797
## 10405        Mir101a  0.012113571 -0.039395332 -0.099968430  0.054625034
## 10406        Mir101b  0.115721700  0.075025080  0.080673220 -0.082227710
## 10407       Mir103-1  0.192930700 -0.066571710  0.000000000  0.122502804
## 10408       Mir103-2  0.593921660  0.473497400 -0.574263600  0.273154260
## 10409        Mir106a -0.018734932  0.000000000  0.113078594  0.000000000
## 10410        Mir106b -0.131221300  0.064046380 -0.087858200 -0.019698143
## 10411         Mir107  0.168612000  0.042303562 -0.072049620 -0.231408120
## 10412         Mir10a  0.000000000 -0.031412125  0.004663944 -0.049685955
## 10413         Mir10b  0.000000000 -0.049915790  0.011254311 -0.026126385
## 10414        Mir122a  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.245885850  0.100701810
## 10415      Mir124a-1  0.107637405 -0.022970200  0.097267630 -0.014093876
## 10416      Mir124a-2  0.062894820  0.041546345 -0.063215256 -0.108331200
## 10417      Mir124a-3  0.074518204 -0.037067890  0.193495750 -0.055755615
## 10418        Mir125a -0.146818160  0.157762530  0.048496246  0.073958874
## 10419      Mir125b-1 -0.012886524 -0.007478237 -0.055834293  0.148517130
## 10420      Mir125b-2 -0.026395798  0.087110520  0.000000000  0.002455711
## 10421         Mir126  0.086809160  0.059384823 -0.043230057 -0.013657093
## 10422       Mir128-1  0.082276820 -0.461439600 -0.619004700  1.948277000
## 10423       Mir128-2  0.077365400 -0.042922497 -0.010837555  0.315805440
## 10424       Mir129-1  0.024336338 -0.029043674  0.225057130 -0.288548470
## 10425       Mir129-2 -0.013651371  0.016735554  0.173780440  0.128107070
## 10426        Mir130a -0.063955784 -0.058271408  0.101780890  0.063627720
## 10427        Mir130b  0.144275670  0.017164707 -0.175661090 -0.000999000
## 10428         Mir132 -0.043767452  0.094942090  0.042199135  0.046780586
## 10429      Mir133a-1 -0.027155400 -0.092209816 -0.107130530  0.298740860
## 10430      Mir133a-2  0.000000000  0.011998653  0.000000000 -0.009970188
## 10431        Mir133b  0.026171684  0.068430424  0.166699890  0.232512950
## 10432         Mir134 -0.135085580 -0.023181915 -0.048076630 -0.023181915
## 10433      Mir135a-2 -0.006702900 -0.007086754  0.058146954  0.016413689
## 10434        Mir135b  0.000254000 -0.001907349  0.157625200  0.010182381
## 10435         Mir137  0.002123833  0.028170586  0.124497410  0.038647650
## 10436       Mir138-1  0.034036636  0.050934315 -0.006609917  0.095698830
## 10437       Mir138-2  0.173863410  0.050398350 -0.027540684 -0.018077374
## 10438         Mir139 -0.060778618  0.015776634 -0.008601189 -0.123611450
## 10439         Mir140  0.045317650  0.411110880  0.000000000 -0.126552100
## 10440         Mir141 -0.042057990 -0.084114075 -0.081811905 -0.018617153
## 10441         Mir142 -0.055940628 -0.000903000  0.137110710 -0.014509201
## 10442         Mir143 -0.045658590  0.000000000 -0.046143055  0.295920850
## 10443         Mir144  0.015760899  0.008692265  0.000000000  0.026903152
## 10444         Mir145  0.016247750  0.928405760 -0.001184464 -0.112390520
## 10445         Mir146  0.112299440  2.360442600 -0.040247440  0.000342000
## 10446        Mir146b  0.000000000 -0.003969193  0.356004240  0.038468360
## 10447        Mir148a  0.000000000  0.028615475  0.009567738  0.090435980
## 10448        Mir148b  0.013959885  0.051536560 -0.054947853 -0.016805172
## 10449         Mir149  0.110711575 -0.142705920  0.171653750 -0.103807450
## 10450         Mir150 -0.006680012  0.091138840 -0.059993744  0.000000000
## 10451         Mir151  0.170069700 -0.257693300 -0.075537680  0.092264650
## 10452         Mir152  0.016865730  0.091794490  0.000000000 -0.052168846
## 10453         Mir153 -0.017050266 -0.018161297  0.070194720  0.115761760
## 10454         Mir154 -0.021045208  0.004633904  0.008830547  0.026105880
## 10455         Mir155  0.044491290 -0.325235840  0.023968697  0.075683120
## 10456         Mir15a  1.434913200  0.337436680 -0.155592440 -0.237358100
## 10457         Mir15b -0.056630610  0.000000000 -0.025949955  0.003441811
## 10458        Mir16-1 -0.043236732 -0.059272766  0.088792800  0.031773567
## 10459        Mir16-2 -0.002080441  0.025239944 -0.010255337  0.079138280
## 10460          Mir17  0.470090870 -0.105675220  0.000000000 -0.206198690
## 10461        Mir17hg  0.112010480 -0.204119680  0.430820000  0.274383540
## 10462          Mir18  0.700181960 -0.141463760 -0.157744880 -0.155636310
## 10463      Mir181a-1 -0.081687450  0.034958363  0.008949280  0.145660880
## 10464      Mir181a-2  0.377197740  0.000000000 -0.331586360  0.178731920
## 10465      Mir181b-1  0.020969868 -0.058720110  0.035854816 -0.019719600
## 10466      Mir181b-2  0.180763720  0.134860040 -0.295326230 -0.195012100
## 10467        Mir181c -0.177595620  0.000000000 -0.179653640  0.124413010
## 10468        Mir181d -0.009026527  0.021161080 -0.200174330  0.143418310
## 10469         Mir182  0.098800660  0.116649630  0.140156750  0.024919033
## 10470         Mir183 -0.015913486 -0.027143478 -0.112323284  0.005575180
## 10471         Mir184 -0.089468000 -0.130033970  0.000000000  0.120420930
## 10472         Mir185 -0.053522110 -0.021549225  0.088884350  0.105530740
## 10473         Mir186  1.036605800 -0.195925710  0.613261700  0.656363500
## 10474         Mir187 -0.087836266  0.000000000  0.180212970  0.125093460
## 10475         Mir188 -0.097698690 -0.036618233  0.017041206  0.183687690
## 10476         Mir190 -0.010261536  0.028435707 -0.043916702  0.061907770
## 10477        Mir190b  0.057940960  0.020279408 -0.023060799  0.023431778
## 10478         Mir191  0.000000000 -0.049874306  0.018789291 -0.013379097
## 10479         Mir192  0.000000000  0.001638413 -0.096987250 -0.091488360
## 10480         Mir193 -0.115808964 -0.006661415  0.006494045  0.110334400
## 10481       Mir194-1  0.000000000 -0.001720429  0.295712470 -0.194108490
## 10482       Mir194-2 -0.023544788 -0.242030140  0.007195473  0.025522709
## 10483         Mir195 -0.144619940 -0.167318820 -0.053149700  0.136890410
## 10484      Mir196a-1 -0.108006000 -0.091474056  0.086223125  0.114952564
## 10485      Mir196a-2 -0.075159550  0.000000000  0.099623680 -0.014282227
## 10486        Mir196b  0.067886830 -0.104657650  0.250333800  0.006607533
## 10487      Mir199a-1  0.094254020  0.001041889 -0.148148540  0.219960210
## 10488        Mir199b -0.043819427 -0.092726230 -0.024815083  0.024651527
## 10489         Mir19a -0.019380093 -0.045735360  0.032324790 -0.051343440
## 10490       Mir19b-1 -0.043572426 -0.071345330  0.000000000 -0.019056320
## 10491       Mir19b-2  0.028477192 -0.034574986  0.059717655  0.021493435
## 10492        Mir1a-1  0.000000000 -0.027361870 -0.009161949  0.149104600
## 10493        Mir1a-2 -0.273938660 -0.073654175 -0.688128000  0.389758600
## 10494        Mir200a  0.148791790  0.003331661  0.103687760 -0.073036194
## 10495        Mir200b  0.129053120  0.044382095  0.044382095  0.000000000
## 10496        Mir200c  0.096096516 -0.033197880  0.120961190 -0.017799377
## 10497         Mir201  0.047004223  0.010460854  0.016425610  0.013748169
## 10498         Mir202  0.801686760 -0.013283730 -0.059614660 -0.015774727
## 10499         Mir203 -0.046697140 -0.019599915 -0.013905525 -0.006906986
## 10500         Mir204 -0.042208195  0.000000000  0.082445620 -0.017765522
## 10501         Mir205 -0.097814080  0.007882595  0.125267980  0.060110570
## 10502         Mir206  0.009920120 -0.027238846  0.047592163  0.005408287
## 10503        Mir208a -0.030427933 -0.055023193  0.126518250  0.060916900
## 10504         Mir20a  0.114374160 -0.011165142 -0.082640650  0.078589440
## 10505         Mir20b  0.029217243  0.004288197  0.184537410 -0.180077550
## 10506         Mir210 -0.011521339 -0.009494782 -0.024886131 -0.251673220
## 10507         Mir211 -0.113512516 -0.103281020  0.038393497 -0.085259440
## 10508         Mir212  0.043772220  0.000000000  0.007482529 -0.008732796
## 10509         Mir215  0.202240940  0.000000000 -0.162496570  0.604424500
## 10510        Mir216a -0.071072580 -0.050363540  0.000000000  0.070574760
## 10511        Mir216b  0.024612904  0.109828950 -0.019140720  0.035397053
## 10512         Mir217  0.004549027 -0.015500069 -0.027247429  0.170336250
## 10513       Mir218-1  0.000000000  0.034253120 -0.066775320  0.149843220
## 10514       Mir218-2 -0.037308693  0.000000000  0.071119310  0.330464840
## 10515       Mir219-1 -0.024072647  0.000000000  0.360630040 -0.020920277
## 10516       Mir219-2 -0.067163944  0.072490690  0.111422060 -0.035338880
## 10517         Mir221 -0.029447556 -0.062757015  0.000000000 -0.068946840
## 10518         Mir222 -0.118281840 -0.002223969  0.009880066 -0.022882462
## 10519         Mir224  0.029573917 -0.062856674  0.012814522  0.019739151
## 10520        Mir22hg -0.279187680 -0.243867400 -0.261513700  0.323675160
## 10521         Mir23a -0.050840378 -0.115625860  0.118644714  0.390230180
## 10522         Mir23b  0.129952430 -0.016612053 -0.037515640 -0.061780930
## 10523        Mir24-1  0.043266296 -0.014706135  0.111050606 -0.045032978
## 10524        Mir24-2 -0.052143097 -0.001513004  0.050626755  0.045263767
## 10525          Mir25 -0.145950800 -0.087723730  0.000000000  0.533838750
## 10526       Mir26a-1 -0.003355026 -0.053503513 -0.035506250 -0.043644430
## 10527         Mir26b -0.011886120 -0.128257750  0.001373291 -0.050004482
## 10528         Mir27a  0.233088970  0.073531630  0.013613701 -0.239271160
## 10529         Mir27b  0.059937000  0.052366257  0.422260760 -0.105650425
## 10530          Mir28 -0.281396400 -0.292858600 -0.145227910 -0.065405370
## 10531         Mir296  0.251728060  0.072213650  0.196759220  0.200389390
## 10532       Mir297-1  0.027680397 -0.010804653  0.055888653  0.042212486
## 10533        Mir297b -0.126464840 -0.049914360 -0.099324230  0.153290750
## 10534         Mir298  0.079208850 -0.001232624 -0.001232624  0.088508606
## 10535         Mir299  0.005920410  0.019861221 -0.014141083 -0.017756462
## 10536         Mir29a  0.005501747  0.000000000  0.052081108  0.053862570
## 10537       Mir29b-1 -0.009176254  0.022459507 -0.018546581  0.077706340
## 10538       Mir29b-2  0.584602360  2.399356000  0.918357850  0.407126900
## 10539         Mir29c  0.311171530  0.197958950  0.697049140  0.186308860
## 10540         Mir300 -0.000142000 -0.095427510 -0.097528934  0.173061370
## 10541         Mir301 -0.007233620  0.067573070 -0.033884525 -0.043991566
## 10542        Mir301b  0.000000000 -0.126157280  0.074470520 -0.079314710
## 10543        Mir302a  0.332434180  0.113626000 -0.009296894 -0.084337234
## 10544        Mir302b  0.837080960 -0.238041400  0.453496460  0.462900160
## 10545        Mir302c  0.721877100 -0.130783080  0.313766480 -0.194798470
## 10546        Mir302d  0.034415722  0.190558910  0.212333200  0.121499540
## 10547         Mir30a  0.150190350 -0.076609135  0.443757530 -0.081630230
## 10548         Mir30b -0.099715230  0.288360120 -0.062995910 -0.052449226
## 10549       Mir30c-1 -0.122397420 -0.082310680  0.046339990  0.084847450
## 10550       Mir30c-2 -0.004344463  0.031129360  0.135530470  0.037337303
## 10551         Mir30d  0.292875770 -0.090605736  0.030830860 -0.001301289
## 10552         Mir30e -0.146354680  0.008780479  0.390027050  0.147524830
## 10553          Mir31 -0.001469135 -0.030517101 -0.109137060  0.048969270
## 10554          Mir32 -0.521710400 -0.335510250  0.990605350  0.321691500
## 10555         Mir320 -0.033031464 -0.071196556  0.101920130 -0.004635811
## 10556         Mir322 -0.042717457  0.017419338  0.040897370  0.063921930
## 10557         Mir323 -0.026626110  0.084830284  0.084128380  0.046594620
## 10558         Mir325  0.070756435 -0.162822250  0.056463240  0.097446440
## 10559         Mir326  0.028705120 -0.120728016  0.154692650 -0.141779420
## 10560         Mir328 -0.080995560  0.004243851 -0.028188705  0.059715270
## 10561         Mir329  0.040071487  0.020673275  0.079646590  0.057747364
## 10562          Mir33 -0.005353451 -0.003708363  0.019418240  0.024765968
## 10563         Mir330 -0.159814360 -0.158160690 -0.197770120  0.011231899
## 10564         Mir331 -0.065334800 -0.073709010  0.189378260  0.112191200
## 10565         Mir335 -0.126916890 -0.112503530  0.615615370  0.153673650
## 10566         Mir337 -0.019643784  0.134058950  0.168651580  0.258839600
## 10567         Mir338  0.000000000  0.032169820 -0.035381794  0.003216744
## 10568         Mir339  0.135790350 -0.386725900  0.000097800 -0.025344849
## 10569         Mir340 -0.546813500  0.084816930 -0.152960780  0.000000000
## 10570         Mir341 -0.045602800 -0.001788139 -0.254320140  0.064902306
## 10571         Mir342  0.593622200  0.249986650  1.467472600  0.017213345
## 10572         Mir344  0.199745890 -0.055954695 -0.077469588  0.379749065
## 10573         Mir345  0.138667580 -0.003300667  0.883387100  0.124495980
## 10574         Mir346 -0.135841370 -0.145495410 -0.224679000 -0.051056862
## 10575         Mir34a -0.013854027  0.084781170 -0.052522182  0.000000000
## 10576         Mir34b -0.175925250 -0.040133476 -0.098309994  0.049428463
## 10577         Mir34c  0.046485900  0.037750244 -0.132273200 -0.092442036
## 10578         Mir350  0.000000000  0.081962585 -0.830853940  1.169859900
## 10579         Mir351 -0.260035500  0.069244860  0.085960865 -0.110317710
## 10580         Mir361 -0.006396294 -0.013274193  0.063781740  0.115859510
## 10581         Mir362 -0.083145140 -0.174468520  0.085992810  0.102204800
## 10582         Mir363 -0.047321796  0.057460785  0.057968616  0.035887240
## 10583       Mir365-1  0.184064870 -0.198037150 -0.072669506  0.044791700
## 10584       Mir365-2  0.000000000 -0.156153200  0.105102060  0.031254770
## 10585         Mir367  0.081837180  0.349509720  0.147795680  0.017557621
## 10586         Mir369  0.059093000  0.020596981  0.049471855 -0.000828000
## 10587         Mir370  0.000000000  0.003358841  0.092673300 -0.153407100
## 10588         Mir374  0.099350930  0.003006458  0.011103630 -0.062012196
## 10589         Mir375  0.102038860  0.062019825  0.134485240 -0.070804596
## 10590        Mir376a  0.019540787  0.005787849  0.034123898 -0.001008034
## 10591        Mir376b -0.007342339 -0.034122944 -0.032668114  0.073928830
## 10592        Mir376c  0.001646519  0.035875797  0.037401676  0.008817196
## 10593         Mir377  0.008629322 -0.042182922  0.116519930  0.048153400
## 10594         Mir378  0.000000000 -0.187605380 -0.111087800  0.147321700
## 10595         Mir379 -0.045622350  0.008171082 -0.044032574  0.105726240
## 10596         Mir380  0.031178951 -0.065449715  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 10597         Mir381  0.022926807 -0.000833000  0.083013060  0.097347740
## 10598         Mir382  0.000000000 -0.062592030 -0.054854870  0.065080640
## 10599         Mir383  0.332464220  0.219360350  0.000000000 -0.045114517
## 10600         Mir384 -0.006094933  0.006763458  0.005741596 -0.002558708
## 10601         Mir409 -0.069541454 -0.033308030  0.184871670 -0.033805370
## 10602         Mir411  0.068328860 -0.009141922 -0.013335705 -0.018439770
## 10603         Mir412  0.038918972  0.205289840  0.045410633 -0.071067810
## 10604         Mir421  0.157224180  0.141401770 -0.046127320  0.027926445
## 10605         Mir423 -0.084674360 -0.032049656 -0.146163460  0.066048620
## 10606         Mir425 -0.028799534  0.009121418 -0.219770430 -0.027367592
## 10607         Mir429  0.085167885  0.049945830  0.057046413 -0.047025680
## 10608         Mir448  0.154769900 -0.112461570  0.055942535  0.178143020
## 10609        Mir449a  0.301446900  0.244473930  0.009992123 -0.150500770
## 10610        Mir449c -0.043143272  0.000000000 -0.077620510  0.088569164
## 10611       Mir450-1  0.000622000  0.035631657  0.043597220 -0.015079498
## 10612       Mir450-2  0.003931522 -0.025591850  0.022707940  0.011752605
## 10613        Mir450b  0.023781300 -0.009836197  0.003551483  0.000415000
## 10614         Mir451  0.004930019 -0.035200596  0.024533272  0.087280750
## 10615         Mir452 -0.047544003 -0.009315014 -0.045971394  0.007251263
## 10616         Mir455  0.015106678 -0.044845104 -0.103521824  0.070754050
## 10617         Mir463 -0.040088177 -0.015811443  0.048172950 -0.020266056
## 10618         Mir465  0.090601920  0.039366722 -0.192788120 -0.001308441
## 10619      Mir465c-1 -0.014531374 -0.057945252 -0.083333253  0.088733673
## 10620         Mir466  0.022843838 -0.003443718  0.018280030 -0.001986980
## 10621        Mir467b  0.052869478  0.011614535 -0.025342253  0.134827031
## 10622         Mir470 -0.007143498 -0.049116135  0.000000000  0.017130375
## 10623         Mir471  0.087880610 -0.061603070  0.019779205 -0.010605812
## 10624         Mir483 -0.089773655 -0.120529650  0.008963108  0.137331010
## 10625         Mir484 -0.073686600 -0.066738605  0.046614170  0.078430650
## 10626         Mir485  0.000000000 -0.032353878  0.000000000  0.041036606
## 10627         Mir486 -0.060184956 -0.033259390  0.121598720  0.103575710
## 10628        Mir487b  0.070221900 -0.022477627  0.051221848  0.004514217
## 10629         Mir488  0.000000000  0.074878690  0.195026400  0.061184883
## 10630         Mir489 -0.071085930 -0.049825670  0.062150000  0.183291910
## 10631         Mir490 -0.020302296  0.050542830 -0.004715443 -0.025611400
## 10632         Mir491 -0.027430534  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.067380905
## 10633         Mir494  0.038753033 -0.005001068  0.010416508 -0.058579445
## 10634         Mir495  0.071965220 -0.087680820  0.051723480 -0.069819450
## 10635         Mir496  0.066890240  0.011905670  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 10636         Mir497  0.000000000  0.090096000  0.164372920 -0.044366837
## 10637         Mir499  0.211569790  0.019741058 -0.217062000  0.121976376
## 10638         Mir500 -0.023772240 -0.055212975 -0.034876347 -0.215468400
## 10639         Mir501 -0.156496520 -0.036355020 -0.024738789  0.112030980
## 10640         Mir503  0.121506214 -0.211241720 -0.073647020 -0.126074790
## 10641         Mir504  0.000000000 -0.081998825  0.167209630  0.137849330
## 10642         Mir505  0.017945290  1.762549400  0.663561800  1.676549900
## 10643         Mir532  0.026653767 -0.157788280 -0.036135674  0.099137780
## 10644         Mir539 -0.022161007  0.004268169 -0.046134472  0.015707493
## 10645         Mir540  0.119462490  0.031046867  0.069318295 -0.144192700
## 10646         Mir541  0.010217667  0.075770380 -0.058860780 -0.027026176
## 10647         Mir542  0.292130000 -0.154206750 -0.036675453 -0.145580290
## 10648         Mir543  0.025558472  0.046584130  0.146296500  0.014822006
## 10649         Mir547  0.083582880  0.000000000  0.059957027  0.029723644
## 10650        Mir551b -0.031581880  0.132315640  0.014295578  0.145101550
## 10651         Mir568  0.193067550  0.062804220 -0.056809902  0.000000000
## 10652         Mir592 -0.120466230 -0.006452560 -0.054153442  0.070322040
## 10653         Mir598 -0.125282290 -0.184349060 -0.188327790 -0.136197090
## 10654         Mir615 -0.077055930 -0.078904150  0.096099850  0.153587340
## 10655         Mir652  0.063798904 -0.013668537 -0.122188570 -0.091039660
## 10656         Mir653  0.026883602 -0.006306648 -0.081870556  0.088667390
## 10657         Mir665 -0.188616280  0.259153370 -0.061858654 -0.176361080
## 10658         Mir666  0.017055511  0.000000000  0.006142139  0.058069230
## 10659         Mir667 -0.106989860 -0.046175957 -0.033178330  0.013306618
## 10660         Mir668  0.112761020 -0.000808000  0.167279240 -0.088528160
## 10661      Mir669a-2 -0.026895413 -0.013472814  0.000224846  0.014074766
## 10662        Mir669b  0.000000000 -0.102149010  0.087442400  0.031232357
## 10663        Mir669c -0.020164013  0.016264915  0.055042267  0.111814020
## 10664         Mir670 -0.076473236 -0.064134600  0.063969610  0.108833790
## 10665         Mir672  0.212934500 -0.077139854  0.010448933 -0.007669449
## 10666         Mir673 -0.079657555 -0.125414850  0.000000000  0.017014503
## 10667         Mir674 -0.042012215 -0.158239840 -0.143904690  0.000000000
## 10668         Mir676  0.025524616 -0.084706310  0.018485546 -0.000371000
## 10669         Mir677 -0.786279200  0.221957680 -0.515516300 -0.057630062
## 10670         Mir679  0.162317750  0.406111240 -0.108356000  0.002831459
## 10671       Mir680-1 -0.468194000 -0.770204540  0.000829000 -0.098537445
## 10672       Mir680-2 -1.475827200 -0.755175600  0.037015915  0.000000000
## 10673       Mir680-3  0.020078659  0.501467700  0.000000000  0.281879430
## 10674         Mir681 -0.115209100 -0.224257950 -0.108844760  0.062719820
## 10675       Mir683-1  0.080044032 -0.003696919 -0.104495525 -0.149063585
## 10676         Mir687  0.206221100 -0.075013160 -0.047256470  0.149384500
## 10677         Mir688  0.126902100 -0.072694300 -0.090627670 -0.035504818
## 10678         Mir690  0.094804764  0.022260189  0.099157330 -0.004812241
## 10679       Mir692-1 -0.280253400  0.093026160  0.000000000 -0.371689320
## 10680         Mir693 -0.312801360  0.159154890  0.100433350  0.263593670
## 10681         Mir694  0.090150360  0.365485670 -0.152229310 -0.018817425
## 10682         Mir695  0.716714400  0.468887330  0.000000000  0.725674600
## 10683         Mir697  0.171599390 -0.196114540 -0.424664500 -0.462169170
## 10684         Mir701  0.113593580 -0.053432940 -0.018053532  0.118158340
## 10685         Mir703  0.143586160 -0.011368752 -0.188162800 -0.201727870
## 10686         Mir707  0.056152344 -0.126311300 -0.286606300  0.000000000
## 10687         Mir708 -0.013324261  0.000000000 -0.012262821  0.170949940
## 10688         Mir709 -0.067590710  0.042627810 -0.094325540  0.262877000
## 10689         Mir7-1 -0.246044160 -0.272184850 -0.269228460  0.159328460
## 10690         Mir710 -0.011795998 -0.008468628  0.102101326  0.099189280
## 10691         Mir713 -0.029794694  0.245150085  0.277859450 -0.008748770
## 10692         Mir717  0.015287876 -0.045079708  0.045095920  0.000000000
## 10693         Mir7-2  0.035811900 -0.067881110 -0.007054806  0.000000000
## 10694          Mir7b -0.021973610  0.014990807 -0.075685500  0.048943520
## 10695         Mir9-1 -0.051768303 -0.114646435 -0.035560608  0.000000000
## 10696         Mir9-2  0.023851395 -0.000800000  0.090004444 -0.090564250
## 10697        Mir92-1 -0.047489166  0.032435417  0.222915170 -0.074134830
## 10698        Mir92-2  0.007541657  0.088058470  0.098395824  0.061334133
## 10699         Mir92b -0.238947870 -0.009051323  0.009820938  0.110010624
## 10700          Mir93  0.085583690  0.069881440  0.066369060  0.018750190
## 10701         Mir9-3  0.219128610  0.037548065 -0.043454170  0.204207420
## 10702          Mir96  0.005126953  0.021664620 -0.047172070 -0.033765793
## 10703          Mir98 -0.133041380 -0.029716492  0.001912594  0.091020584
## 10704         Mir99a -0.149775030 -0.074307440 -0.044132233 -0.186686040
## 10705         Mir99b -0.057474613  0.156394000 -0.137509820 -0.315699580
## 10706           Mirg -0.000932000 -0.061198235  0.101783750 -0.014744282
## 10707     Mirlet7a-1 -0.029767513 -0.025511742  0.061851980 -0.039505480
## 10708     Mirlet7a-2  0.054113388 -0.050852300  0.069204330  0.023674011
## 10709       Mirlet7b  0.000000000 -0.073647500 -0.024895668  0.126836300
## 10710     Mirlet7c-1 -0.175704480 -0.062897680  0.000000000 -0.124574184
## 10711     Mirlet7c-2 -0.205640320 -0.150050640  0.709824100  0.173014160
## 10712       Mirlet7d -0.139852050 -0.150398730 -0.018911362 -0.074805260
## 10713       Mirlet7e -0.133322240  0.473480700 -0.016573906 -0.008478165
## 10714     Mirlet7f-1  0.000000000  0.072220325 -0.750856900  0.370738980
## 10715     Mirlet7f-2 -0.054024220 -0.125917910  0.069526196  0.189793110
## 10716       Mirlet7g  0.085760120 -0.087769030  0.051591396  0.165703770
## 10717       Mirlet7i -0.007332325 -0.000548000 -0.098203660 -0.074661730
## 10718          Mis12 -0.105227470  0.133712770 -0.298892020  0.000000000
## 10719         Mis18a  0.000000000 -0.593195440  0.409368040 -0.168650150
## 10720       Mis18bp1 -0.079456806 -0.274057400 -0.206403730 -0.075688360
## 10721           Misp  0.085212710 -0.001338482 -0.081878660  0.091691494
## 10722          Mitd1  0.343362800  0.197998050  0.010510445  0.093561170
## 10723           Mitf -0.105440616 -0.168056485 -0.090368747  0.205821275
## 10724          Mixl1 -0.048306465 -0.048306465 -0.121079920  0.132179740
## 10725          Mki67 -0.853404050 -1.070056900 -0.771896360  0.476767540
## 10726        Mki67ip -0.088154790  0.000000000 -0.169833180 -0.403029920
## 10727           Mkks  0.125983240  0.169530870  0.162650110  0.000000000
## 10728           Mkl1 -0.227314000 -0.398963930  0.000000000  0.030054570
## 10729           Mkl2  1.047375667  1.166759833  0.919731467 -0.051705678
## 10730          Mkln1  0.128683090 -0.041826250 -0.024603844  0.402609830
## 10731          Mknk1 -0.352533820  0.056374550  0.381546020  0.000000000
## 10732          Mknk2 -0.231275560  0.013856888  0.439446450  0.000000000
## 10733          Mkrn1  0.222238540  0.462297440 -0.277666100  0.182365420
## 10734      Mkrn1-ps1 -0.049531937  0.078785900 -0.022917747 -0.172142980
## 10735          Mkrn2  0.059298515  0.044351578  0.292468070 -0.046772957
## 10736          Mkrn3 -0.042700768  0.096593860  0.068595886  0.272307870
## 10737           Mks1 -0.123747350 -0.092350960 -0.111887455  0.099858284
## 10738            Mkx  0.228294370  0.103675365  0.234565730 -0.018612862
## 10739          Mlana -0.000752000 -0.053369522 -0.080992220  0.046394825
## 10740           Mlc1  0.074271200 -0.139976020 -0.060026646 -0.152558800
## 10741           Mlec -0.235328195 -0.187894345 -0.462084285  0.445443150
## 10742           Mlf1 -0.018157482 -0.221121790 -0.165152070  0.206074240
## 10743         Mlf1ip -0.171427250 -0.093626020 -0.250270370  0.000000000
## 10744           Mlf2  0.234574320  0.003950119  0.298968320  0.088896750
## 10745           Mlh1  0.286741260  0.222476960 -0.233705040 -0.438902850
## 10746           Mlh3  0.344177250  0.598137860  1.178731900 -0.021393776
## 10747           Mlip  0.030109882  0.009780884  0.016435623 -0.078680040
## 10748           Mlkl -0.707512400 -1.168001200 -1.425341600  0.316062930
## 10749          Mllt1  0.177711490  0.001595974  0.226798060  0.073007580
## 10750         Mllt10  0.103926660 -0.004043579  0.078238490  0.166250230
## 10751         Mllt11  0.663765430  0.211703780  0.019210339  0.084501270
## 10752          Mllt3  1.161154700  1.009029400  1.136381100 -0.456236840
## 10753          Mllt4  0.316167830  0.307579040  0.135128020  0.610522300
## 10754          Mllt6  0.210855480  0.202718730  0.266815200  0.003085136
## 10755           Mlph  0.168539520  0.403207300  0.287810800 -0.206529620
## 10756          Mlst8 -0.094920635 -0.099764826 -0.127789015 -0.012465001
## 10757            Mlx  0.000000000 -0.125410560  0.513143060 -0.050117493
## 10758          Mlxip -2.065865000 -2.013955600 -1.920700600  0.157250400
## 10759         Mlxipl -0.017823696 -0.009016037  0.081963540 -0.000078700
## 10760          Mlycd  0.000000000  0.080531600  1.087586900 -0.432925700
## 10761           Mmaa -0.051236153  0.667652600  0.082869050 -0.070839405
## 10762           Mmab -0.127738480  0.032332420  0.033708572 -0.251465800
## 10763         Mmachc  0.050413610 -0.091347694 -0.345568180 -0.458499430
## 10764         Mmadhc -0.182785990 -0.020670890 -0.143871300 -0.358796120
## 10765            Mmd  0.321093080 -0.239303590 -0.189332960  0.314792160
## 10766           Mmd2 -0.103563786  0.057797910 -0.043377876 -0.129648210
## 10767            Mme  0.049693108 -0.224099160  0.239167690 -0.290838720
## 10768          Mmel1 -0.069939140 -0.102227210 -0.013669968  0.093679430
## 10769          Mmgt1  0.437088000  0.533194540 -0.191660400 -0.400518900
## 10770          Mmgt2  0.000000000  0.312126640  0.746659300  0.142679690
## 10771          Mmp10 -0.009190083  0.094343660 -0.064297200  0.128168580
## 10772          Mmp11 -0.138515470  0.000000000  0.022333622  0.068362236
## 10773          Mmp12  0.175698280  0.007180214 -0.003897190 -0.092579365
## 10774          Mmp13 -0.014985085  0.043935776 -0.053962230  0.000000000
## 10775          Mmp14 -0.721448900 -0.945887570 -0.808626650 -0.525715800
## 10776          Mmp15 -0.226864340  0.418954850 -0.689110300  1.506840700
## 10777          Mmp16 -0.024817467 -0.161167140 -0.015417099 -0.177796360
## 10778          Mmp17 -0.071012020  0.002418995  0.135596750  0.144860740
## 10779          Mmp19 -0.157750600 -0.195294860  0.000000000 -0.066432000
## 10780          Mmp1a  0.027454376 -0.014929295  0.124964240  0.072188854
## 10781          Mmp1b -0.006605148  0.029952526  0.057151318  0.023388386
## 10782           Mmp2 -0.175837520 -0.225126740  0.051090717  0.122749805
## 10783          Mmp20 -0.009945869  0.065359590  0.263189800 -0.001884937
## 10784          Mmp21 -0.010063648 -0.072580814  0.119370460 -0.012725353
## 10785          Mmp23  0.000000000 -0.034244060  0.018145561  0.115587234
## 10786          Mmp24  0.064422132 -0.043882847  0.161494015  0.278229250
## 10787          Mmp25  0.455496300  0.636495600  0.152985100  0.053141594
## 10788          Mmp27  0.001291275 -0.181616780 -0.092442510 -0.030541420
## 10789          Mmp28  0.157212260  1.011556100  0.304313660  0.092505930
## 10790           Mmp3 -0.149605270 -0.049451828  0.013432026  0.088810920
## 10791           Mmp7 -0.037440300 -0.008401394  0.197350030 -0.007968903
## 10792           Mmp8  0.006333351 -0.104759690 -0.091670990 -0.051679610
## 10793           Mmp9 -0.047369003  0.000000000 -0.074662685  0.022420406
## 10794          Mmrn1 -0.046756268 -0.058477400 -0.113362790  0.064986706
## 10795          Mmrn2 -0.231247900 -0.076437950  0.000000000  0.237859730
## 10796          Mms19  0.164888860 -0.083385470 -0.163821700 -0.005833626
## 10797         Mms22l -0.066082954 -0.180564400  0.008187294  0.000000000
## 10798            Mn1  0.074642660  0.000000000  0.071738240  0.310050500
## 10799          Mnat1  0.308816900  0.168385500  0.441442500  0.000000000
## 10800           Mnd1 -0.546983700 -0.870286460 -0.045883656 -0.098787310
## 10801           Mnf1  0.184463500  0.221048360  0.418924330 -0.470495220
## 10802           Mns1 -0.544688200 -0.292222500 -0.507001400  0.148547650
## 10803            Mnt -0.123803616 -0.002441406  0.156608580  0.000819000
## 10804           Mnx1  0.052990913  0.038484573  0.122518540  0.035032272
## 10805          Moap1  0.033316612  0.000000000  0.369925500 -0.085660934
## 10806          Mob1a  0.081419945  0.098886490  0.453662870 -0.146582600
## 10807          Mob1b -0.202920910 -0.000151000 -0.252320300  0.048313140
## 10808           Mob2  0.193081860  1.026656200  0.463391780  0.202919960
## 10809          Mob3a  0.127546790 -0.001243115 -0.104234220 -0.257193100
## 10810          Mob3b  0.637808800  1.161786100  0.506987100 -0.093780520
## 10811          Mob3c -0.209108350 -0.272595400 -0.032751083 -0.023676395
## 10812           Mob4  0.308862700 -0.031864166  0.181164740  0.000000000
## 10813           Mobp  0.000000000  0.149058340  0.086118700  0.219423770
## 10814          Mocos -0.073751930  0.000000000  0.354054450 -0.152863030
## 10815          Mocs1 -0.169083120 -0.126535890 -0.044986725 -0.012365341
## 10816          Mocs2  0.221385000  0.324197770  0.282458300 -0.267512320
## 10817          Mocs3 -0.026589870  0.000000000  0.104610920  0.062759876
## 10818            Mog -0.003715992 -0.031728745  0.066478250  0.092097280
## 10819         Mogat1 -0.048875810 -0.056389810  0.001148224  0.136895180
## 10820         Mogat2 -0.147565840 -0.009346962  0.034662724  0.028266907
## 10821           Mogs -0.197403430 -0.207231520 -0.277780530 -0.111193660
## 10822          Mon1a  0.139098640  0.209926130  0.326501370  0.154948230
## 10823          Mon1b -0.161593910  0.080932140 -0.037726880 -0.176108360
## 10824           Mon2  0.446754460  0.204872130  0.364049900 -0.095302580
## 10825          Morc1  0.000000000 -0.025153160  0.000000000 -0.074306010
## 10826         Morc2a -0.205791470 -0.039181710 -0.314358700 -0.012581825
## 10827         Morc2b -0.035893917  0.023882866 -0.073045730  0.068974020
## 10828          Morc3 -0.207080840  0.037512780 -0.040922165 -0.203434940
## 10829          Morc4  0.276743400  0.042647360  0.010766029  0.049431800
## 10830        Morf4l1 -0.031623602  0.071139097  0.178063390 -0.302378653
## 10831        Morf4l2  0.000000000 -0.405592920 -0.151038170 -0.312629700
## 10832          Morn1  0.074487686 -0.001334667  0.194867610  0.204833510
## 10833          Morn2 -0.307042120  1.019832600  0.189774510  0.218075280
## 10834          Morn3 -0.059824467  0.206127170 -0.060751440 -0.028632640
## 10835          Morn4  0.000000000 -0.070896626  0.022224903 -0.005216122
## 10836          Morn5 -0.048238277  0.016085148 -0.005817890  0.074546814
## 10837            Mos  0.004684448 -0.127639300  0.048084260 -0.041946888
## 10838         Mospd1  1.036103200  1.309215500  1.225256900  0.164766310
## 10839         Mospd2 -0.300723080 -0.402709000 -0.539253230  0.000000000
## 10840         Mospd3 -0.038688660 -0.014438152  0.045996190  0.114817140
## 10841         Mospd4  0.062098026  0.042701244 -0.079051020 -0.017322063
## 10842          Mov10 -0.084309580  0.000000000 -0.185441500  0.003616333
## 10843        Mov10l1 -0.027199268  0.130761620  0.043914795  0.000000000
## 10844          Moxd1 -0.002643108 -0.045677662  0.139217380  0.080595020
## 10845          Moxd2  0.066792965 -0.065702440 -0.067842960  0.069602970
## 10846           Mpc1  0.375193350  0.464078905  0.105013610 -0.189520120
## 10847           Mpc2 -0.398061750 -0.392540930 -0.129707340 -0.780636800
## 10848          Mpdu1  0.325953960 -0.354293350 -0.019283295 -0.248963360
## 10849           Mpdz  0.000000000 -0.296405800 -0.410383220  0.865725500
## 10850          Mpeg1 -0.334426880 -0.187757490  0.522624970  0.000000000
## 10851            Mpg  0.000000000  0.359789850  0.081610680  0.179906370
## 10852      Mphosph10  0.167955400  0.220551490  0.284105300 -0.030887604
## 10853       Mphosph6  0.042210819  0.073327065  0.221303705 -0.067721127
## 10854       Mphosph9  0.034843920 -0.123896120 -0.001633167 -0.025069237
## 10855            Mpi -0.161147600 -0.060140133  0.112246990  0.000000000
## 10856            Mpl -0.016086102  0.092375755  0.032845020 -0.020054817
## 10857         Mplkip  0.131068230  0.050161360 -0.078705790  0.000000000
## 10858           Mpnd  0.278674130  0.252332700  0.381522180 -0.445970060
## 10859            Mpo  0.085330960  0.209865100  0.237485410 -0.053175450
## 10860           Mpp1 -0.341159340 -0.007261276 -0.572504500  0.242336270
## 10861           Mpp2 -0.018406868 -0.127912040 -0.100278854  0.362627030
## 10862           Mpp3 -0.125873570 -0.198011400 -0.028457642  0.314101220
## 10863           Mpp4  0.057810307  0.000000000  0.008217335  0.108773710
## 10864           Mpp5  0.571055400  0.312439920  0.575170500  0.248916630
## 10865           Mpp6 -1.221243400 -1.272368000 -0.834239000 -0.744509700
## 10866           Mpp7  1.173983350  0.695744750  0.208917860 -0.060695648
## 10867          Mppe1 -0.153806210 -0.043683052  0.000000000 -0.027601242
## 10868         Mpped1 -0.173126220  0.147979740  0.103746414  0.074874880
## 10869         Mpped2  0.245064260  0.917878600  0.735340100  1.148336900
## 10870          Mprip  0.351442340  0.344509120  0.751596450  0.486804000
## 10871           Mpst  0.010871410  0.041802883  0.055213450  0.000000000
## 10872          Mptx1  0.021800995 -0.154185300 -0.012322426  0.098992825
## 10873          Mpv17  0.074531555 -0.043109894  0.646546360 -0.063219070
## 10874         Mpv17l  0.038027287  0.064099310 -0.085195540 -0.227947240
## 10875        Mpv17l2 -0.219922070 -0.347102170 -0.030711174  0.050737380
## 10876            Mpz  0.055514812 -0.014467716  0.019844055  0.010849476
## 10877          Mpzl1  1.232288400  1.420464500  1.113282200  0.104592320
## 10878          Mpzl2  0.024238586  0.074354170  0.058368683 -0.018505573
## 10879          Mpzl3  0.045026780  0.264281270 -0.071252346 -0.025736809
## 10880            Mr1  0.496696000  0.099457264 -0.100750920 -0.167640210
## 10881           Mrap  0.041224957 -0.054582596 -0.176932330  0.001215458
## 10882          Mrap2 -0.038850307  0.033152103  0.359940530 -0.386499880
## 10883           Mras  0.278212550  0.337348700  0.209980963 -0.296419860
## 10884           Mrc1 -0.667311200  0.049985410  0.603497500 -0.726562000
## 10885           Mrc2  0.008963108  0.118040085  0.001300335  0.015618801
## 10886         Mre11a -0.080704690 -0.204515460 -0.929829600 -0.257673260
## 10887           Mreg -0.198253630 -0.133847710 -0.046291350 -0.014988422
## 10888         Mrfap1 -0.017631054  0.049838703  0.218437830  0.015980878
## 10889          Mrgbp -0.093655110 -0.129518990 -0.006800652 -0.028446198
## 10890        Mrgpra1 -0.032028200 -0.106363300 -0.051914692  0.078319070
## 10891       Mrgpra2a -0.078417780 -0.051781178  0.059095860 -0.014191151
## 10892       Mrgpra2b -0.154509070 -0.110853195  0.036643982 -0.076997280
## 10893        Mrgpra3 -0.135345940 -0.089151380  0.151240830  0.116575720
## 10894        Mrgpra4 -0.044401170 -0.012234688 -0.050235270  0.002896786
## 10895        Mrgpra6  0.035631180  0.000000000  0.054071426 -0.041133880
## 10896        Mrgpra9 -0.139515400  0.177574160  0.015330792 -0.097301480
## 10897        Mrgprb1 -0.134682660  0.015076637  0.041624070  0.071424010
## 10898       Mrgprb13 -0.050538063  0.096769330  0.049828530 -0.020373344
## 10899        Mrgprb2  0.019723892 -0.017532825  0.099318980  0.004366398
## 10900        Mrgprb3 -0.022586346 -0.144833560 -0.158609390  0.045434950
## 10901        Mrgprb4  0.056530952 -0.027506828 -0.049600124 -0.014667988
## 10902        Mrgprb5  0.083661556 -0.020843029 -0.055884838 -0.050657750
## 10903        Mrgprb8  0.049876690  0.029128075  0.038841248  0.003940105
## 10904         Mrgprd -0.022521973  0.010888100 -0.084832190 -0.009073257
## 10905         Mrgpre  0.139543060  0.105494500  0.328462600  0.364320280
## 10906         Mrgprf -0.104890820  0.019269466  0.022212029  0.206060410
## 10907         Mrgprg  0.004735947 -0.074555400 -0.017891884  0.076918600
## 10908         Mrgprh -0.059406280  0.000000000  0.150988100 -0.006610870
## 10909        Mrgprx1 -0.011140823  0.005841732  0.011041164  0.023176670
## 10910        Mrgprx2  0.039012432 -0.002861977 -0.047842026  0.022147179
## 10911           Mri1  0.089614390 -0.086326600 -0.003862858 -0.018026829
## 10912           Mrm1  0.020478248 -0.078387023 -0.022532463 -0.126691340
## 10913            Mro  0.035589695 -0.010212898 -0.090102196 -0.091573240
## 10914          Mroh1  0.135767460 -0.006333828  0.032500983 -0.128057963
## 10915         Mroh2a -0.178462030 -0.439579960  0.457807540 -0.180470940
## 10916         Mroh2b  0.002414703  0.031621456 -0.041717530  0.019991398
## 10917          Mroh3  0.000000000 -0.062573430 -0.013736725  0.033783913
## 10918          Mroh4 -0.041651250 -0.040193558  0.002283096 -0.091467380
## 10919          Mroh5  0.011878490 -0.003783465 -0.041507959 -0.078436375
## 10920          Mroh7 -0.026484490  0.003691196 -0.149542810  0.021355629
## 10921          Mroh8  0.003820419  0.038572310 -0.122508050  0.000000000
## 10922          Mroh9  0.000000000 -0.005498409  0.008654594  0.104310510
## 10923          Mrp63 -0.088541985 -0.182931420  0.110476494 -0.344425200
## 10924          Mrpl1  0.320383070 -0.093632220  0.516832350  0.434162620
## 10925         Mrpl10 -0.232458110  0.129687310  0.304106700 -0.003355026
## 10926         Mrpl11  0.259552960  0.069941520  0.944614400 -0.041742325
## 10927         Mrpl12 -0.335853580 -0.020597458  0.363297460 -0.095282555
## 10928         Mrpl13  0.372798440  0.596233840  0.712437150 -0.321655270
## 10929         Mrpl14 -0.112131596  0.230162620  0.037668705  0.000073900
## 10930         Mrpl15 -0.023067474  0.106616974  0.539130200  0.344089500
## 10931         Mrpl16  0.309278500 -0.005486488  0.654257800 -0.268603320
## 10932         Mrpl17 -0.006175041 -0.188380240  0.286285400  0.342970850
## 10933         Mrpl18 -0.311441660  0.038749218  0.044785500 -0.501216895
## 10934         Mrpl19 -0.330274100 -0.269258980 -0.273999700  0.000000000
## 10935          Mrpl2 -0.177263260  0.059890747  0.246693610  0.380078320
## 10936         Mrpl20 -0.075682640  0.000000000  0.423413750 -0.448501100
## 10937         Mrpl21  0.005962372 -0.099461555  0.166481970 -0.185363770
## 10938         Mrpl22  0.385056970  0.081903934  0.940192700 -0.790668000
## 10939         Mrpl23 -0.249221810 -0.492703440  0.028483391 -0.537152750
## 10940         Mrpl24  0.018520355 -0.043087006  0.233122830  0.276528360
## 10941         Mrpl27 -0.057423115  0.174047950  0.218566655 -0.095429900
## 10942         Mrpl28  0.142127990  0.104953766  0.096848010  0.004457951
## 10943          Mrpl3  0.083438870 -0.345318320 -0.381825450  0.118004320
## 10944         Mrpl30 -0.036104202  0.047722816  0.410871500  0.039500237
## 10945         Mrpl32  0.374535080  0.469207760  0.241225720 -0.060141087
## 10946         Mrpl33  0.011306763 -0.157828330 -0.161121370  0.015321732
## 10947         Mrpl34 -0.068625930  0.068902970  0.446574200  0.000000000
## 10948         Mrpl35  0.407333370 -0.036802770  0.147464750  0.392689230
## 10949         Mrpl36  0.000000000 -0.175588130  0.208095550 -0.592686200
## 10950         Mrpl37  0.027003288 -0.046704292 -0.407520770 -0.170481680
## 10951         Mrpl38 -0.017350674 -0.061234950  0.181973460 -0.114237310
## 10952         Mrpl39  0.424672130 -0.199597360  0.092866900 -0.070609090
## 10953          Mrpl4 -0.043714046  0.036674500  0.270327100 -0.229469780
## 10954         Mrpl40 -0.081751820  0.099288940 -0.290351400  0.000000000
## 10955         Mrpl41  0.282652855 -0.048676968  0.190454485 -0.344784745
## 10956         Mrpl42  0.349345200  0.348585130  0.230760570 -0.172365190
## 10957         Mrpl43 -0.127830030  0.006884098  0.246509550 -0.133270260
## 10958         Mrpl44 -0.010525703  0.079098700  0.052389145  0.000000000
## 10959         Mrpl45  0.017352104  0.301632880 -0.038506508 -0.093030930
## 10960         Mrpl46  0.076732635  0.272782330 -0.414218900 -0.310105320
## 10961         Mrpl47  0.013274193 -0.021212528 -0.247081040 -0.517171145
## 10962         Mrpl48 -0.192951680  0.283557890  0.116137983  0.240839005
## 10963         Mrpl49 -0.281123160  0.056636810 -0.072011950 -0.333642960
## 10964         Mrpl50  0.027440071  0.249682430  0.596152300 -0.963877700
## 10965         Mrpl51 -0.070503714  0.247089385  0.539432050 -0.080245970
## 10966         Mrpl52  0.034636497 -0.570944300 -0.122168540 -0.331075670
## 10967         Mrpl54 -0.055110930 -0.120683190  0.019401073 -0.010557652
## 10968         Mrpl55 -0.225983620  0.128453250  0.172716140 -0.275529860
## 10969          Mrpl9 -0.030926228 -0.175382140  0.229088780 -0.585635200
## 10970         Mrps10 -0.111553670  0.079566480  0.000000000 -0.377871500
## 10971         Mrps11  0.014003277  0.066555500  0.055722713 -0.219771390
## 10972         Mrps12  0.422147750  0.102131840  0.788218500  0.124344826
## 10973         Mrps14 -0.087152480  0.126217840  0.110995290 -0.192796700
## 10974         Mrps15 -0.150325300 -0.005852222  0.047458650  0.108165740
## 10975         Mrps16  0.103644370  0.014616013 -0.067380905  0.056576730
## 10976         Mrps17  0.170541760  0.000000000  0.366813660 -0.248379230
## 10977        Mrps18a -0.408160200  0.133918760  0.467246060 -0.494324680
## 10978        Mrps18b -0.540666600 -0.484841820 -0.006610394 -0.183532710
## 10979        Mrps18c -0.138999940  0.085983280 -0.075572970 -0.467395780
## 10980          Mrps2 -0.027772903  0.037990570  0.235929490 -0.050318718
## 10981         Mrps21  0.157327650  0.147208210 -0.047536850 -0.290368080
## 10982         Mrps22  0.214364050 -0.052770615  0.497734070 -0.589878100
## 10983         Mrps23 -0.564300540  0.257147800 -0.109063150  0.087224010
## 10984         Mrps24  0.147545810  0.000000000  0.846646300  0.040546417
## 10985         Mrps25  0.620244000 -0.215348240 -0.468960760  0.000000000
## 10986         Mrps26  0.202224730  0.239864350 -0.157427790  0.280014040
## 10987         Mrps27 -0.078803540  0.000000000 -0.089021680  0.092187405
## 10988         Mrps28 -0.038637160 -0.503177640 -0.977065560 -0.133891100
## 10989         Mrps30 -0.064062598  0.029561280  0.274747850 -0.010148049
## 10990         Mrps31  0.217615130  0.121021270  0.550541900 -0.019313335
## 10991         Mrps33  0.347030165  0.212008480  0.539260850 -0.364762780
## 10992         Mrps34 -0.272484780 -0.229308600  0.046661377 -0.066435814
## 10993         Mrps35 -0.103401184  0.156010630  0.324149600  0.000000000
## 10994         Mrps36 -0.195788385 -0.358392720 -0.093280552 -0.146327975
## 10995          Mrps5  0.362453475  0.230446100  0.300490382  0.037475349
## 10996          Mrps6 -0.174747940 -0.018868923  0.229566100 -0.293022630
## 10997          Mrps7  0.016026497  0.077539444 -0.044166565 -0.251995100
## 10998          Mrps9  0.052309036  0.228946690 -0.303958420 -0.038651466
## 10999           Mrrf -0.081765175 -0.485041625 -0.086417915  0.396229265
## 11000           Mrs2 -0.178421500 -0.119531630  0.452103600  0.095166210
## 11001          Mrto4 -0.370204450 -0.395986795  0.311597110 -0.098626134
## 11002          Mrvi1 -0.168619630  0.000000000 -0.046118736  0.105097770
## 11003          Ms4a1 -0.105973240 -0.129704480 -0.281796930  0.508240700
## 11004         Ms4a10  0.089996340  0.041219234  0.367440220  0.031020164
## 11005         Ms4a12 -0.114609240  0.000000000  0.174588680  0.102598190
## 11006         Ms4a13  0.012346745  0.022047520 -0.000004290  0.012346745
## 11007         Ms4a15 -0.029903889  0.118697640  0.178090570  0.009147167
## 11008          Ms4a2  0.020043850 -0.108711240  0.126496320  0.000000000
## 11009          Ms4a3  0.000000000  0.048449516  0.063009740 -0.097137930
## 11010         Ms4a4b -0.054764748 -0.100379944  0.000000000  0.010725975
## 11011         Ms4a4c -0.075813290 -0.179585460  0.030442715 -0.129658220
## 11012         Ms4a4d  0.021066189 -0.233472350 -0.274926200  0.000861000
## 11013          Ms4a5 -0.060600758 -0.032096386 -0.080292225 -0.035065650
## 11014         Ms4a6b  0.265062330 -0.493722920 -0.035117626  0.107749940
## 11015         Ms4a6c -0.039022446 -0.164833070 -0.131731030  0.083906650
## 11016         Ms4a6d -0.166166780 -0.177239900  0.060922146 -0.162535670
## 11017          Ms4a7  0.167589660  0.044906616  0.114322660 -0.020281315
## 11018         Ms4a8a -0.093881610 -0.197801590 -0.015971184  0.044744970
## 11019        Msantd1 -0.107777120 -0.036310196 -0.023431301  0.000000000
## 11020        Msantd2  0.502429960  0.333292960 -0.155970570 -0.040809630
## 11021        Msantd3  0.170683860  0.163654800  0.177619460 -0.034825800
## 11022        Msantd4  0.253759380  0.234690670  0.114686010 -0.006326675
## 11023            Msc -0.081162452  0.037320853  0.070954325  0.000267500
## 11024          Msgn1  0.105921270 -0.006452084 -0.002101421  0.108871460
## 11025           Msh2  0.072566986  0.015324593  0.069723130 -0.004298210
## 11026           Msh3  0.482508180  0.340368750  0.565003400 -0.180572030
## 11027           Msh4 -0.114003660  0.014216900  0.058517933 -0.080764770
## 11028           Msh5 -0.144239430  0.015055180  0.076782700  0.102989200
## 11029           Msh6  0.134619710  0.000000000  0.282829280 -0.405410770
## 11030           Msi1 -0.006957531 -0.056191444 -0.106915950  0.198474880
## 11031           Msi2  1.012152700  1.000946000  1.007375700 -0.518229500
## 11032           Msl1  0.150843860  0.040306092  0.150670770  0.010754108
## 11033           Msl2  0.053323746 -0.132726670  0.139981270 -0.121150970
## 11034           Msl3 -0.100135800  0.203597070 -0.142959600 -0.024191856
## 11035         Msl3l2 -0.013079643 -0.096230030  0.220837600 -0.069097040
## 11036           Msln -0.178818700 -0.096568110  0.133080960 -0.022383213
## 11037          Mslnl -0.040013790  0.084856985  0.240847828  0.008790017
## 11038           Msmb  0.050327778  0.033742428  0.132101540  0.016222000
## 11039           Msmp -0.359958650  0.003219605 -0.232118600  0.670851230
## 11040            Msn -0.249559400 -0.139457700 -0.004335403  0.168868060
## 11041           Msr1 -0.239061830 -0.236215110 -0.068648815 -0.192529680
## 11042           Msra -0.068486210  0.035250187 -0.076611520  0.121585370
## 11043          Msrb1  0.000000000 -0.039008617  0.486142160 -0.361875530
## 11044          Msrb2  0.409095300  0.707843300  0.855250840  0.015270710
## 11045          Msrb3  0.522822860  0.484233380 -0.186663150  0.000000000
## 11046          Mss51 -0.035999298 -0.198576930 -0.537789340  0.394848820
## 11047           Mst1 -0.026556492 -0.209038260 -0.043857574  0.170157910
## 11048          Mst1r  0.001725674  0.107791424  0.063531876 -0.123005870
## 11049           Mstn  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.032593727 -0.159153460
## 11050          Msto1 -0.135810850  0.372411730  0.370619770  0.196328160
## 11051           Msx1 -0.016675950  0.169615750  0.148873800  0.000000000
## 11052           Msx2 -0.027564526 -0.037385464 -0.065115450 -0.099284650
## 11053           Msx3 -0.194824700  0.327202320 -0.040688990 -0.092795850
## 11054            Mt1  2.064363500  1.206037500  0.275897980 -1.348596100
## 11055            Mt2  2.954412500  1.914675700  1.673222500 -0.882501100
## 11056            Mt3  0.030473232 -0.170472620  0.344056130  0.075752260
## 11057            Mt4 -0.050595284  0.000000000 -0.051386833  0.066196920
## 11058           Mta1  0.423963550  0.497112270  0.546360970  0.000000000
## 11059           Mta2 -0.028463125  0.029690743  0.164548158 -0.159312723
## 11060           Mta3 -0.118087770 -0.325037480 -0.349125400  0.063816070
## 11061          Mtag2  0.163948540 -0.145218370 -0.042927265 -0.024487019
## 11062           Mtap  0.548994540  0.501355650  0.308180330 -0.056255340
## 11063        Mtap7d3 -0.176471230 -0.157321930 -0.154896740 -0.166885380
## 11064           Mtbp  0.113213540  0.095361230  0.037697315 -0.306294920
## 11065          Mtch1 -0.171272280 -0.181042670  0.246253970  0.316107750
## 11066          Mtch2  0.023817060 -0.352423180  0.438407420 -0.116636755
## 11067          Mtcp1  0.302798270 -0.080203060 -0.069308280  0.209857460
## 11068           Mtdh -0.183201790 -0.311368000 -0.322824480  0.416251180
## 11069          Mterf -0.466135500  0.544956200 -1.381729100  0.606565500
## 11070        Mterfd1  0.135951040  0.061720848  0.451422700  0.028597832
## 11071        Mterfd2  0.073202130  0.309293750  0.045817852 -0.183069230
## 11072        Mterfd3  0.261646750  0.490724100  0.722012500  0.099431990
## 11073           Mtf1  0.397635460  0.037899017  0.089952470 -0.291542050
## 11074           Mtf2 -0.025652885 -0.009082794  0.337031360 -0.008028030
## 11075          Mtfmt -0.043111800 -0.231095310  0.372972000  0.503719800
## 11076          Mtfp1 -0.026126862 -0.109589580  0.000000000 -0.446757800
## 11077          Mtfr1  0.000000000  0.240492340 -0.668838000 -0.181419850
## 11078         Mtfr1l  0.457987800  0.148373600  0.275661470 -0.514472500
## 11079          Mtfr2  0.135723110  0.000000000 -0.212286470 -0.383173000
## 11080           Mtg1  0.312365060  0.431937220  0.438919540  0.175092220
## 11081           Mtg2 -0.006952763  0.149868970  0.241797920  0.127925400
## 11082         Mthfd1 -0.229795930 -0.257866860 -0.371211530 -0.062041283
## 11083        Mthfd1l  0.136713500 -0.112952710  0.064399240 -0.514719000
## 11084         Mthfd2 -0.344004630 -0.483940600 -0.208929540 -0.013746738
## 11085        Mthfd2l  0.098524330 -0.138189790 -0.211493015  0.654019100
## 11086          Mthfr -0.084146260  0.059551715  0.182992458  0.010210990
## 11087          Mthfs  0.767666800 -0.020493507  0.044311523 -0.354375840
## 11088         Mthfsd  0.054549217  0.096280575 -0.047170162 -0.193453790
## 11089          Mtif2 -0.126115800  0.090582850  0.214721680 -0.148897170
## 11090          Mtif3 -0.185491565  0.250275615  0.458828445  0.097770216
## 11091           Mtl5  0.051416397 -0.012159824  0.132217880 -0.060422420
## 11092           Mtm1 -0.160312650  0.000000000 -0.210601330 -0.256867400
## 11093          Mtmr1  0.406301980 -0.424254420  0.349720000  0.000000000
## 11094         Mtmr10  0.450062750  0.000000000  0.214837070  0.704299000
## 11095         Mtmr11  0.102869510  0.000000000  0.145426270  0.121042730
## 11096         Mtmr12  0.322677600  0.266792300  0.598113060  0.094447136
## 11097         Mtmr14 -0.325022700 -0.238168720 -0.135641100  0.413474080
## 11098          Mtmr2  0.215696330  0.077353480  0.216086390  0.000000000
## 11099          Mtmr3  0.022542000  0.060213090 -0.129912380  0.286333080
## 11100          Mtmr4 -0.520895000 -0.135635380 -0.338286400  0.000000000
## 11101          Mtmr6  0.706978800  0.823473000  0.579886440  0.094201090
## 11102          Mtmr7  0.004284382  0.006576061 -0.234289650  0.000000000
## 11103          Mtmr9 -0.003656387  0.647099000  0.714309700  0.003397465
## 11104         Mtnr1a  0.047947407 -0.075984000  0.002068520 -0.082565784
## 11105         Mtnr1b -0.103851795 -0.023930073  0.119085790  0.094326496
## 11106           Mto1 -0.174098010  0.000000000 -0.031198025 -0.014033794
## 11107           Mtor  0.117089270  0.137778280  0.264101980 -0.038259506
## 11108          Mtpap  0.791695600  0.709815000  1.037589100  0.088682175
## 11109           Mtpn  0.064889910  0.029613495  0.155972480 -0.054617880
## 11110            Mtr  0.004762650  0.403138160  0.000000000 -0.009873867
## 11111          Mtrf1  0.212174420 -0.001406670 -0.210283280 -0.129912850
## 11112         Mtrf1l  0.626502040  0.466440200  0.451678280 -0.267951970
## 11113           Mtrr  0.565799700  0.250276100 -0.534886840  0.022000790
## 11114          Mtss1  0.361004830  0.504854200  0.380910870  0.678801540
## 11115         Mtss1l -0.209344860 -0.179087640 -0.172223090  0.339208130
## 11116           Mttp -0.021988869 -0.015402317 -0.096948150  0.000041000
## 11117          Mtus1  1.063513800  1.120303200  1.090973900  0.000000000
## 11118          Mtus2 -0.006393433  0.085992810  0.024922370  0.198079590
## 11119           Mtx1 -0.499527930 -0.254504680  0.325367930 -0.029401302
## 11120           Mtx2 -0.185102460  0.066497800  0.001971245  0.000000000
## 11121           Mtx3  0.000000000  0.236346720 -0.700876700 -0.361699100
## 11122           Muc1 -0.179998870 -0.026796818 -0.246506690  0.389817240
## 11123          Muc13 -0.098040580  0.005909920 -0.017479897 -0.040053368
## 11124          Muc15  0.000561000  0.103164670 -0.042668820  0.059605120
## 11125          Muc19  0.092547180 -0.135478500 -0.152740080 -0.007885455
## 11126           Muc2  0.048419952 -0.005322933 -0.002100945  0.040600300
## 11127          Muc20  0.047978400 -0.052027702  0.002018929 -0.232431890
## 11128           Muc3  0.000000000 -0.024545670  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 11129           Muc4 -0.038861275 -0.094939230 -0.014105320 -0.043711662
## 11130         Muc5ac  0.070915220 -0.016550540  0.064540860 -0.016550540
## 11131          Muc5b  0.041205883 -0.077948090  0.000987000  0.049654484
## 11132           Muc6 -0.047250270 -0.054482937 -0.084568980  0.021605015
## 11133          Mucl1  0.000000000  0.024276733  0.135099890 -0.038754463
## 11134           Mug1 -0.061690330  0.103102684  0.119949340  0.023724080
## 11135           Mug2  0.066523553 -0.049866916  0.064573290 -0.000991345
## 11136        Mug-ps1  0.050866842  0.048058033  0.002959252 -0.160586125
## 11137           Mul1 -0.044393540  1.172284100  0.007568836 -0.257716180
## 11138           Mum1  0.024140835 -0.017400742  0.294250000 -0.134585380
## 11139         Mum1l1  0.345706460  0.209282880  0.241636280 -0.029756070
## 11140           Mup1 -0.050871850  0.027151108  0.061350346 -0.005958557
## 11141          Mup11 -0.024365902  0.009983063  0.006330490 -0.006115913
## 11142           Mup2 -0.035170555  0.009322564  0.007544120  0.009936533
## 11143          Mup20 -0.094071390 -0.021605015  0.026837349  0.000000000
## 11144          Mup21  0.010334492 -0.026225567  0.012174130  0.000000000
## 11145           Mup3 -0.076818466 -0.033827780 -0.048904420  0.000000000
## 11146           Mup4  0.000469000  0.001278400  0.076337814 -0.089431760
## 11147           Mup5 -0.085689070  0.003766060  0.093056680 -0.038001060
## 11148           Mup7 -0.042633057 -0.010140419 -0.008471012  0.005909920
## 11149           Murc  2.114407000  2.012398200  0.404593940 -0.095843790
## 11150          Mus81  0.000000000  0.208611010 -0.177276130  0.128487590
## 11151           Musk -0.016262531 -0.053657055  0.021477700 -0.181642060
## 11152         Mustn1 -0.646265500 -0.934729600  0.096685410  0.825113300
## 11153            Mut  0.015677452  0.045147896 -0.283307080  0.412624360
## 11154          Mutyh  0.139349460  0.117309570  0.054265500  0.152081490
## 11155         Mvb12a -0.329577450  0.097033500  0.040211200  0.006886005
## 11156         Mvb12b -0.397255900 -0.226809500 -0.460170750  0.180629250
## 11157            Mvd -0.064219475  0.221677300 -0.091875550 -0.273518560
## 11158            Mvk  0.243645190  0.029597760  0.130565170 -0.003482819
## 11159            Mvp -0.224357600 -0.066931725  0.320597650  0.163687700
## 11160            Mx1 -0.057992935 -0.017452240 -0.058266163  0.052739143
## 11161            Mx2  0.371229170 -0.116912840 -0.889396670  0.580740900
## 11162           Mxd1  0.237171650 -0.067898750  0.171038150  0.000000000
## 11163           Mxd3 -0.118785380  0.000000000  0.046044827 -0.093322754
## 11164           Mxd4 -0.098949430  0.128068920  0.391850470  0.454984660
## 11165           Mxi1  0.552196025  0.631345280  0.170042039  0.499851705
## 11166          Mxra7  0.253031730  0.847217560  0.102949140  0.257974620
## 11167          Mxra8 -0.252935650 -0.109140875 -0.042185785 -0.122626780
## 11168          Myadm -0.464036000 -0.453151700 -0.110948560  1.573842000
## 11169        Myadml2  0.090518475  0.017092228  0.204362870  0.022252560
## 11170            Myb  0.015604973  0.024185658 -0.053917408 -0.041403770
## 11171        Mybbp1a -0.096187590  0.080778120  0.308302880 -0.007008553
## 11172          Mybl1  0.295462130  0.000000000  0.011037827  0.693820000
## 11173          Mybl2 -0.001308441  0.000000000  0.257231700 -0.100966930
## 11174         Mybpc1 -0.133085250  0.024796963  0.044673920 -0.064888000
## 11175         Mybpc2  0.038393497 -0.023147583  0.020557880 -0.097355840
## 11176         Mybpc3 -0.201630120 -0.102444650  0.125833510 -0.043855667
## 11177          Mybph -0.216099260 -0.099521640 -0.014073849  0.109700680
## 11178         Mybphl  0.073350431  0.035239935  0.049949649 -0.222595215
## 11179            Myc -0.759639740 -0.617468830 -0.228305820 -0.847685340
## 11180          Mycbp  0.294024940 -0.389857770 -0.042823790 -0.118828300
## 11181         Mycbp2  0.000000000 -0.178336140 -0.216858860  0.126553540
## 11182        Mycbpap  0.114652160  0.028337955 -0.070634365 -0.106151580
## 11183           Mycl  0.174368380  0.208944320  0.341882230 -0.077234745
## 11184           Mycn -0.316905500  0.264375200 -0.302376270  0.291479600
## 11185           Mycs  0.193715100  0.239024640  0.144714360  0.026638031
## 11186          Myct1 -1.643298100 -1.075838600 -0.588190100  0.912767400
## 11187          Myd88 -0.153352740  0.407102580  0.000000000 -0.801370140
## 11188          Myef2  0.083151344 -0.153562313 -0.000690937 -0.091620920
## 11189         Myeov2  0.038044930  0.065544130  0.236490250 -0.253792760
## 11190           Myf5  0.034629345 -0.001890183  0.013127327  0.000000000
## 11191           Myf6 -0.081487656  0.050879955  0.035808563  0.155042650
## 11192           Myg1 -0.241113190  0.152189250 -0.138206000  0.117339134
## 11193           Myh1  0.109986305  0.130474570 -0.101823810  0.020660400
## 11194          Myh10  0.659383800  0.948715200  0.648979200  0.835525500
## 11195          Myh11 -0.561710360 -0.141130450 -0.462625030  0.237032890
## 11196          Myh13 -0.056354046 -0.074910164  0.032316685 -0.037018300
## 11197          Myh14 -0.066790580  0.154837130  0.270029540  0.160490510
## 11198          Myh15 -0.044005394 -0.112416270  0.003796578 -0.017640114
## 11199           Myh2 -0.075839520  0.199510100  0.277428150  0.000000000
## 11200           Myh3  0.086325645  0.032899857 -0.175961020  0.000000000
## 11201           Myh4  0.063135624  0.059439182  0.200730320  0.113637924
## 11202           Myh6 -0.014972210  0.085505486  0.144809250  0.909721400
## 11203           Myh7 -0.020686388 -0.063802958 -0.024186612  0.163691760
## 11204          Myh7b  0.076182840 -0.025812149  0.120228770 -0.266498100
## 11205           Myh8  0.030629158 -0.001281738 -0.255734920  0.068413734
## 11206           Myh9  0.388237956  0.351465700  0.190370570  0.112816810
## 11207           Myl1 -0.033647537 -0.036217690 -0.001382828  0.038955690
## 11208          Myl10  0.052154064  0.178908820  0.107816696 -0.080924510
## 11209         Myl12a  0.214549060  0.192423820  0.165318490 -0.035858154
## 11210         Myl12b  0.175901410  0.251340870  0.212762830  0.002952576
## 11211           Myl2 -0.057555200  0.024672031 -0.004769802  3.478481800
## 11212           Myl3 -0.060799600 -0.166422840  0.069891930  1.395512600
## 11213           Myl4  0.000000000  0.577824600  0.041945934  0.139437680
## 11214           Myl6  0.098129114  0.297284918  0.240405718  0.038142263
## 11215          Myl6b  0.015232563 -0.015673160  0.308948040  0.041376590
## 11216           Myl7  0.031441210 -0.010896206  0.147734170  0.592592700
## 11217           Myl9 -0.597706800 -0.426054000 -0.209446430  0.134755130
## 11218          Mylip -1.147075700 -0.550193800 -0.696870800  0.305130960
## 11219           Mylk -0.348320000 -0.374138830 -0.296587000  0.025508880
## 11220          Mylk2  0.016140461 -0.004064083  0.033449173 -0.010447502
## 11221          Mylk3 -0.074425700  0.005386829  0.078975200  0.224223140
## 11222          Mylk4 -0.008479118 -0.139356610  0.010884285  0.070497990
## 11223          Mylpf  0.854162700  1.583047400  1.131863100  0.349346160
## 11224           Mynn  0.444984440  0.442542080  0.745015140 -0.143781660
## 11225          Myo10  0.894514100  1.134231600  1.061225900  1.784078600
## 11226          Myo15 -0.038441180  0.075283530  0.012801647  0.104149820
## 11227          Myo16 -0.088763714 -0.056797980  0.054335117 -0.228373050
## 11228         Myo18a -0.132180690  0.011096001 -0.001915455  1.057818900
## 11229         Myo18b -0.005235529  0.018554735  0.028853172  0.083092666
## 11230          Myo19 -0.237776760 -0.012462616 -0.023312092 -0.154681200
## 11231          Myo1a -0.116751670  0.105728150  0.113514420  0.000000000
## 11232          Myo1b  0.642225270  0.931848500  1.100717500  1.373615300
## 11233          Myo1c -0.208206180  0.080199240  0.386405940  0.415999400
## 11234          Myo1d  0.578383450  0.762280000  0.617215630  0.691829200
## 11235          Myo1e  0.126501080  0.188213350  0.114802360  0.239240650
## 11236          Myo1f -0.266844270 -0.084215164  0.221724030 -0.083186630
## 11237          Myo1g -0.312485220 -0.111649040 -0.300746920  0.018963337
## 11238          Myo1h  0.012887001  0.101253510  0.012406826 -0.145040510
## 11239          Myo3a -0.051862717  0.013287067  0.024909973  0.006896019
## 11240          Myo3b  0.057955265  0.009083271 -0.016941070 -0.008161545
## 11241          Myo5a -1.194897700 -0.971814630 -0.439865600 -0.735736850
## 11242          Myo5b -0.103137490  0.008789539 -0.211807730 -0.241253850
## 11243          Myo5c -0.013650894 -0.013277054  0.000000000 -0.122589590
## 11244           Myo6  0.000000000  0.019844055  0.066504480  0.508894900
## 11245          Myo7a -0.387310980 -0.550119400 -0.459731580  0.265176770
## 11246          Myo7b  0.048254967  0.029509544  0.086056230  0.101909640
## 11247          Myo9a  0.333624875  0.314701850 -0.578884230 -0.204246928
## 11248          Myo9b -0.158197400  0.000000000 -0.361222740  0.181754110
## 11249           Myoc -0.002032995 -0.079323768  0.001494170 -0.021179199
## 11250          Myocd  0.006373882 -0.060471535 -0.006339073  0.148227690
## 11251          Myod1  0.015810013  0.217844490  0.004896164  0.288747300
## 11252           Myof  1.263984700  1.024202300  1.459007300 -1.269733900
## 11253           Myog -0.015309811  0.054007053  0.102404120  0.014614582
## 11254          Myom1 -0.332573400 -0.278943060 -0.033117294  0.050624847
## 11255          Myom2 -0.097903250  0.000000000  0.320150850 -0.037997723
## 11256          Myom3 -0.072687626  0.002565384 -0.007047653 -0.136974330
## 11257           Myot -0.026515007 -0.013847351  0.216148380 -0.060854435
## 11258          Myoz1 -0.099651340 -0.026757240  0.036207200  0.090442180
## 11259          Myoz2 -0.024212360  0.007605553  0.218392850  0.275382520
## 11260          Myoz3 -0.075869560  0.102961060 -0.032642840 -0.012470722
## 11261           Mypn  0.055694580  0.011584282  0.070493220 -0.017612934
## 11262          Mypop -0.068457366  0.049389125  0.208515645  0.076777700
## 11263           Myrf -0.143868920  0.035386562 -0.056335926  0.000000000
## 11264          Myrfl -0.042587280 -0.023658752 -0.021788120 -0.084093094
## 11265          Myrip  0.388466360  0.855535500  0.462413300 -0.112398150
## 11266          Mysm1  0.162739750  0.439747800 -0.067333220  0.079300880
## 11267           Myt1  0.101938250  0.064066890 -0.034482002 -0.017180920
## 11268          Myt1l  0.002810955 -0.001136303  0.134497640 -0.066778660
## 11269          Myzap -0.324786660 -0.404786100 -0.408314230  2.042042300
## 11270           Mzb1 -0.029744148  0.000000000  0.080058100  0.040468693
## 11271           Mzf1 -0.007482052  0.154317860  0.222506050  0.113455296
## 11272           Mzt1 -0.015586380  0.010998250 -0.047058105  0.032179360
## 11273           Mzt2  0.453590400 -0.412994380  0.104176520 -0.268212320
## 11274         N28178 -0.026123047 -0.001082420 -0.021695614 -0.092946530
## 11275          N4bp1 -0.136467930  0.129887580  0.351121900  0.379053120
## 11276          N4bp2 -0.007314205  0.000000000 -0.077565670 -0.298635000
## 11277        N4bp2l1 -0.056331158  0.151670460 -0.130134580 -0.223724840
## 11278        N4bp2l2  0.292386050  0.094811440  0.187310220  0.037072180
## 11279          N4bp3  0.021481037  0.202608590  0.080303190  0.178506370
## 11280         N6amt1 -0.141231540  0.208972450  0.729437350 -0.167461870
## 11281         N6amt2 -0.317131520 -0.270504000  0.359926220 -0.632566900
## 11282          Naa10 -0.107647420 -0.057541370  0.631538870  0.185292720
## 11283          Naa11 -0.014163017 -0.014172554 -0.121325970  0.088241580
## 11284          Naa15 -0.006775856 -0.292726520 -0.221151350 -0.155427930
## 11285          Naa16  0.563676830 -0.176949980 -0.020781517  0.091603280
## 11286          Naa20  0.079091070 -0.428691630 -0.162457945  0.018885135
## 11287          Naa25 -0.157071590  0.007712364  0.137562750 -0.296600340
## 11288          Naa30  0.241830830  0.380182270  0.140189170  0.065213200
## 11289          Naa35  0.435931200  0.720203400  0.701308250  0.317566870
## 11290          Naa38  0.241656300  0.171055800 -0.195067400 -0.068964005
## 11291          Naa40 -0.158929350  0.000000000  0.019486904 -0.089076040
## 11292          Naa50 -0.112341880  0.091439250  0.266402240 -0.277391430
## 11293          Naa60  0.026045800 -0.241920470  0.539782500  0.497851370
## 11294           Naaa  0.000000000 -0.201253410 -0.429232600 -0.092766760
## 11295        Naalad2  0.327949520  0.317545400  0.097420690  0.696300500
## 11296       Naaladl1  0.001708984  0.060914040 -0.005747318  0.024459362
## 11297       Naaladl2  1.602557700  0.128997800 -0.071642400 -0.178893090
## 11298           Nab1  0.147995000  0.395512580  0.117376330  0.221858980
## 11299           Nab2  0.097028255 -0.060125828 -0.085551740 -0.144702430
## 11300          Nabp1 -0.689421650 -1.021153500 -1.384905800 -1.067528700
## 11301          Nabp2  0.377455700  0.058854103  0.435692800  0.402920720
## 11302           Naca  0.073897838  0.168358800  0.142836092 -0.062426090
## 11303          Nacad -0.114770890  0.033647537  0.113649845  0.132945540
## 11304          Nacc1  0.194646360  0.536190035  0.497097480 -0.430132390
## 11305          Nacc2  0.259433750  0.144981380  0.109606266 -0.308145520
## 11306           Nadk -0.046050070 -0.078824040 -0.081755640 -0.041255950
## 11307          Nadk2 -0.310850620  0.179199220 -0.152588840 -0.496715550
## 11308        Nadsyn1  0.013009548 -0.029561043  0.232167240  0.198967460
## 11309           Nae1  0.000000000  0.003396988 -0.143958090  0.321805000
## 11310           Naf1  0.088700294  0.271610260  0.370593550 -0.446752550
## 11311           Naga -0.336403370 -0.067240715 -0.029459000  0.002257347
## 11312           Nagk -0.304429530  0.000000000  0.989136700 -0.252766600
## 11313          Naglu -0.251160620 -0.029851913  0.248779770  0.000000000
## 11314          Nagpa -0.057921886 -0.109141350  0.050395012 -0.116435530
## 11315           Nags -0.080367090  0.035488605  0.122137550 -0.090200424
## 11316          Naif1 -0.047826767 -0.002453804 -0.197042940 -0.126724240
## 11317          Naip1 -0.096620560 -0.170614720 -0.219370370  0.016747952
## 11318          Naip2 -0.608758000 -0.368277070 -0.409285550 -0.282914160
## 11319          Naip3  0.094683170  0.000000000 -0.072102070  0.191224100
## 11320          Naip5 -0.390395640 -0.544275760 -0.362420080  0.007579327
## 11321          Naip6 -0.095309734 -0.229959960 -0.032309055  0.201763630
## 11322          Nalcn  0.000000000  0.094250200 -0.039967537 -0.083485600
## 11323          Nampt  1.657661400  1.831357000  1.737438200  0.095074650
## 11324          Nanog -0.044747830 -0.094302180  0.106152534  0.044349670
## 11325         Nanos1  0.792395600  1.387461700  1.238864000 -0.226442810
## 11326         Nanos2  0.037286760  0.051251890 -0.133931640 -0.075592520
## 11327         Nanos3  0.005057335 -0.057691574 -0.053419590 -0.085402490
## 11328           Nanp -0.951432700 -0.056714772  0.270409585 -0.441823010
## 11329           Nans -0.571128370 -0.199126240  0.460215100 -0.272643570
## 11330         Nap1l1  0.163627620  0.099809650 -0.035303116 -0.230427740
## 11331         Nap1l2  0.067211630 -0.001270294  0.063758850  0.000000000
## 11332         Nap1l3  1.306085100  1.229597600  1.819736000  0.477011680
## 11333         Nap1l4  0.143314360 -0.318402300 -0.096944810 -0.019329071
## 11334         Nap1l5  0.130058770  0.201123240  0.035666943  0.316605570
## 11335           Napa -0.094186780  0.000000000 -0.296920780 -0.386399270
## 11336           Napb  0.016123772  0.457059860 -0.357389450  0.019208908
## 11337        Napepld  1.656044500  2.170556000  1.537088900 -0.186450480
## 11338           Napg  0.068818090 -0.222802640 -0.076185230  0.324765200
## 11339         Naprt1 -0.072753430  0.164779660  0.541046600  0.247519020
## 11340          Napsa  0.003321171  0.000000000 -0.029873371 -0.052572250
## 11341           Narf -0.200193400  0.064366820  0.021755219  0.075444700
## 11342          Narfl  0.044559956  0.059197903  0.436066150 -0.056030273
## 11343          Narg2  0.475275040  0.404274940  0.277731900  0.000000000
## 11344           Nars -0.039810180 -0.116442680 -0.040226936 -0.149993900
## 11345          Nars2  0.066997530 -0.368054870 -0.483968730  0.454278950
## 11346           Nasp -0.124178412 -0.189259520  0.179936410 -0.464176175
## 11347           Nat1 -0.047614098  0.194803240  0.397295950  0.096890450
## 11348          Nat10 -0.351497170 -0.546435360 -0.310164450  0.138746260
## 11349          Nat14  0.200852400 -0.011844635  0.071107390 -0.085879326
## 11350           Nat2 -0.103363040 -0.003129005  0.083008766 -0.339133260
## 11351           Nat3 -0.038869380  0.016087532  0.063094616  0.024779797
## 11352           Nat6  0.649299600  0.282455920  0.976914900  0.170116420
## 11353           Nat8  0.072202680 -0.069007870 -0.025597572 -0.157762050
## 11354          Nat8l -0.136136530  0.000000000  0.136238570  0.006045818
## 11355           Nat9  0.237191200  0.062643050  0.309815400  0.144934650
## 11356           Nav1  0.145039790  0.175717120  0.211898093  0.715832250
## 11357           Nav2  0.454038140  0.327043530  0.416921620 -0.005811214
## 11358           Nav3 -0.039570810 -0.070454120  0.025687695  3.417910600
## 11359           Nbas  0.141635893  0.195985000  0.104750950  0.208198070
## 11360           Nbea  0.020135880 -0.004896164 -0.597145100  0.462251660
## 11361         Nbeal1  0.620129580  0.392131325  0.169862746  1.021308400
## 11362         Nbeal2  0.144336220  0.194315430  0.078649044  0.279425620
## 11363           Nbl1  0.028116703 -0.046074867 -0.152812000 -0.298655030
## 11364            Nbn -0.036281110 -0.045029875  0.155847310  0.310197590
## 11365           Nbr1  0.019171715  0.198784830 -0.076235770 -0.151623730
## 11366          Ncald -0.311831470 -0.009121895 -0.105855940  0.293608670
## 11367          Ncam1 -0.085444929 -0.292603255 -0.113875390  0.074330567
## 11368          Ncam2  0.066287994  0.020598888  0.136412620 -0.117909430
## 11369           Ncan  0.163145070  0.045864582  0.071579460  0.020187378
## 11370         Ncapd2 -0.280426500  0.192379950 -0.131147860 -0.119339466
## 11371         Ncapd3 -0.033764840 -0.393784050 -0.498736860  0.078818800
## 11372          Ncapg -0.432129380 -0.538249500 -0.607519150 -0.081634045
## 11373         Ncapg2 -0.597317700 -0.653075700 -0.653429500 -0.294195650
## 11374          Ncaph  0.448079600  0.597613330  0.218335150 -0.499212270
## 11375         Ncaph2  0.077595234 -0.016273022  0.043158530  0.119860650
## 11376          Ncbp1 -0.078389170  0.046235085 -0.200959680  0.162432200
## 11377          Ncbp2 -0.259025570  0.117894170  0.000000000 -0.100571630
## 11378         Nccrp1  0.035212040  0.082389355  0.003597260  0.000604000
## 11379           Ncdn -0.111807820  0.087756634  0.216803550 -0.085138800
## 11380          Nceh1  0.330086230  0.000000000  0.404372220 -0.772296400
## 11381           Ncf1 -0.132375720  0.059480667  0.088708880 -0.235141750
## 11382           Ncf2 -0.102613450 -0.159936665 -0.088398455  0.267355920
## 11383           Ncf4 -0.139065740 -0.343630800 -0.110219480  0.046681880
## 11384           Nck1 -0.072458270 -0.069115640 -0.094739914  0.262080200
## 11385           Nck2  0.175016180  0.087351320  0.177098755  0.394081835
## 11386         Nckap1  0.379115100  0.184382440  0.000000000  0.070585250
## 11387        Nckap1l -0.047321796 -0.157664780 -0.168304920  0.000000000
## 11388         Nckap5  0.725882054  0.190867899  0.219459535 -0.038875820
## 11389        Nckap5l  0.071644306  0.020029545 -0.106395720  0.232159140
## 11390        Nckipsd -0.129408360 -0.085413930 -0.153163910 -0.006508827
## 11391            Ncl -0.010773659  0.030657053 -0.231548305 -0.095328570
## 11392           Ncln  0.079715250 -0.018386840 -0.058893204  0.158192160
## 11393          Ncmap  0.051213740  0.091915130  0.114883420  0.079226970
## 11394          Ncoa1  1.059604600  0.709366800  0.525842670 -0.154486180
## 11395          Ncoa2 -0.019092560 -0.058972360  0.008569717  0.089485170
## 11396          Ncoa3 -0.281597140 -0.154870990 -0.704251300  0.000000000
## 11397          Ncoa4  0.541395660  0.709395415  0.430644510 -0.398433685
## 11398          Ncoa5  0.182716370  0.117957115 -0.054130554  0.094077110
## 11399          Ncoa6 -0.005346298 -0.006093025 -0.218664170  0.241488460
## 11400          Ncoa7  0.005925179 -0.348409650 -0.357152940 -0.192322730
## 11401          Ncor1  0.098695755  0.033053398 -0.006613731  0.225042340
## 11402          Ncor2  0.063126564  0.276556020  0.187562940  0.036935806
## 11403           Ncr1  0.113681320 -0.106111530  0.038312912 -0.122137550
## 11404     Ncrna00085  0.213085170 -0.270761970 -0.025874138  0.600483900
## 11405     Ncrna00086 -0.309264660  0.086643220 -0.048653603 -0.180793760
## 11406           Ncs1 -0.116663930  0.108583450  0.056810856 -0.135129450
## 11407          Ncstn  0.019049644  0.161400800  0.097163200 -0.040088654
## 11408           Ndc1  0.052072525 -0.079236510 -0.065331460 -0.087770940
## 11409          Ndc80  0.181883810 -0.438279150 -0.109407900  0.000000000
## 11410           Nde1  0.078112600  0.430097580  0.186063770  0.466831200
## 11411          Ndel1 -0.330085750 -0.617421150 -0.739711760  1.008563000
## 11412         Ndfip1  0.210497860  0.061295510  0.042651176 -0.264684680
## 11413         Ndfip2 -0.081750870  0.071406364 -0.362419130 -0.028094292
## 11414            Ndn -0.022050858  0.510475640 -0.480393400  0.318163870
## 11415           Ndnf  3.506390600  3.365204800  4.020619400 -0.081462380
## 11416          Ndnl2  0.228227140 -0.240568640  0.366051200 -0.084961414
## 11417          Ndor1  0.003973484 -0.013409615 -0.088142870 -0.372483250
## 11418            Ndp  0.006692886 -0.098218920 -0.065200806  0.034508705
## 11419          Ndrg1  1.801506000  1.693206800  1.286315000  0.414869300
## 11420          Ndrg2  0.063479420 -0.694781800 -0.470227240 -0.115560055
## 11421          Ndrg3  0.381348600  0.385377880  0.396006580  0.000000000
## 11422          Ndrg4 -0.116517544  0.022157192  0.024534702 -0.005389214
## 11423          Ndst1  0.023980140 -0.056262016  0.339215280 -0.033319473
## 11424          Ndst2 -0.116736890  0.585335730  0.332612500 -0.015359402
## 11425          Ndst3  0.036252500  0.090888020  0.003901005  0.020760536
## 11426          Ndst4  0.269680980 -0.006957531 -0.125590320  0.189087390
## 11427         Ndufa1 -0.164007190 -0.037843704  0.337720870 -0.667301200
## 11428        Ndufa10  0.000000000 -0.047463417  0.028800010 -0.069533350
## 11429        Ndufa11 -0.099467278  0.214000225  0.273336410 -0.303199765
## 11430        Ndufa12 -0.124121666  0.027194977 -0.583039300 -0.333098400
## 11431        Ndufa13 -0.133380890  0.000000000  0.260768900 -0.002387047
## 11432         Ndufa2 -0.102733610  0.124606130  0.253240600 -0.072052000
## 11433         Ndufa3  0.016359330  0.153976440  0.279153820 -0.037742615
## 11434         Ndufa4  0.000000000  0.122159004  0.031012535 -0.015651703
## 11435       Ndufa4l2 -0.008843899  0.340984340 -0.002270699  0.074001310
## 11436         Ndufa5 -0.001755714  0.140562060 -0.244165420  0.019719124
## 11437         Ndufa6  0.210185050  0.185481070  0.549997300  0.155609130
## 11438         Ndufa7  1.290087200  1.159469100  0.995276900 -0.080959800
## 11439         Ndufa8 -0.033453940  0.992527000  0.289409640  0.159072880
## 11440         Ndufa9 -0.102877620  0.067213060 -0.015297890 -0.435510640
## 11441        Ndufab1 -0.243186475  0.150677680 -0.100873470  0.135368825
## 11442        Ndufaf1  0.000000000  0.710091600  0.051015854  0.027548790
## 11443        Ndufaf2 -0.249158860  0.026246070  0.167222980 -0.247516630
## 11444        Ndufaf3  0.316807750  0.431119920  0.473384860  0.045429230
## 11445        Ndufaf4 -0.006175995  0.146830560  0.300185200 -0.282882700
## 11446        Ndufaf5 -0.118421555 -0.049988747 -0.298040870  0.182784080
## 11447        Ndufaf6  0.185197830  0.605893600  0.270826820  0.344467160
## 11448        Ndufaf7  1.584240900  1.196811700  1.175583800 -0.346231940
## 11449        Ndufb10  0.159759520  0.170530320 -0.354183200  0.101450920
## 11450        Ndufb11  0.039362430  0.202886100  0.097206590  0.016784190
## 11451         Ndufb2  0.450870040  0.001574040 -0.044415950 -0.178017140
## 11452         Ndufb3  0.077481270 -0.015094757  0.406282420 -0.217226500
## 11453         Ndufb4  0.185387615  0.299803250  0.359989165 -0.114858150
## 11454         Ndufb5  0.012376308  0.072163582  0.085108521 -0.118107796
## 11455         Ndufb6  0.108647350 -0.232889180  0.232957840 -0.582338330
## 11456         Ndufb7 -0.164196010  0.193007470  0.043248177 -0.028910637
## 11457         Ndufb8 -0.063729286 -0.019596100 -0.118375780 -0.674079900
## 11458         Ndufb9 -0.284509660 -0.003463745  0.029429436  0.029899597
## 11459         Ndufc1  0.339452265 -0.202698230  0.584695330  0.024529696
## 11460         Ndufc2  0.000000000 -0.216305730  0.247433660 -0.224116330
## 11461         Ndufs1  0.000000000 -0.006966591 -0.912417400 -0.214509960
## 11462         Ndufs2 -0.123081210  0.000000000  0.064751625  0.174814220
## 11463         Ndufs3  0.087471485  0.036188126 -0.173231605  0.103797435
## 11464         Ndufs4  0.002407074 -0.055892944  0.190474510 -0.499654770
## 11465         Ndufs5  0.072643758  0.345111840  0.161163332  0.468572610
## 11466         Ndufs6  0.076526640  0.269128800  0.120963100 -0.184419630
## 11467         Ndufs7  0.281440730  0.177021030  0.164454460  0.197027200
## 11468         Ndufs8 -0.018857002  0.000000000  0.267112730 -0.031861305
## 11469         Ndufv1 -0.203144070  0.339974400  0.527614600 -0.150417330
## 11470         Ndufv2 -0.310167300  0.017419815  0.000000000 -0.136356350
## 11471         Ndufv3 -0.038566590  0.263479230 -0.072555540 -0.146737100
## 11472            Neb  0.031140804 -0.080938816 -0.102169990  0.245825290
## 11473           Nebl  3.605491000  2.993795150  2.772049650  0.861691020
## 11474         Necab1 -0.150044920  0.069832325  0.044114590  0.000000000
## 11475         Necab2  0.039535522  0.149062160  0.016011715  0.051361560
## 11476         Necab3 -0.248569970 -0.195302490 -0.098431110  0.107661250
## 11477         Necap1  0.170298580  0.124569416 -0.379537100 -0.338797570
## 11478         Necap2 -0.066358570  0.559274700  0.248333930 -0.262083050
## 11479          Nedd1  0.262174600 -0.092998030  0.549515700  0.544582370
## 11480          Nedd4  0.011866570 -0.047949790  0.142674450  0.187755580
## 11481         Nedd4l  0.642438400  0.552141670  0.444765570  0.227178100
## 11482          Nedd8 -0.206256870  0.258660320  0.087714195 -0.313897130
## 11483          Nedd9  0.243493080 -0.330406200 -0.067981720  0.483974460
## 11484           Nefh -0.028190613  0.157018180  0.022583485  0.014237881
## 11485           Nefl  0.033587933  0.004213810  0.029527664 -0.062226772
## 11486           Nefm -0.001307011  0.125155930  0.146322250  0.031675340
## 11487          Negr1  0.037750720  0.012170792  0.021432400  0.149236200
## 11488          Neil1 -0.200445180  0.000000000  0.100310326  0.025011540
## 11489          Neil2 -0.096563340 -0.059925080  0.059758663  0.099188805
## 11490          Neil3 -0.140042300 -0.195226670 -0.091947080  0.000000000
## 11491           Nek1  0.578465460  0.316990850 -0.102624890  0.137260440
## 11492          Nek11 -0.063793660  0.057865143  0.089575290 -0.077299595
## 11493           Nek2 -0.239157680 -0.082129955 -0.325870500 -0.091419700
## 11494           Nek3  0.325082300  0.130792140  0.281841280  0.095449924
## 11495           Nek4  0.230675700  0.119025710 -0.014999390 -0.120790960
## 11496           Nek5  0.135866640  0.082898620  0.053620340 -0.091386320
## 11497           Nek6 -0.094288826 -0.621927740  0.353636260  0.334089760
## 11498           Nek7  0.763669000  0.419472700  0.835696200  0.227618220
## 11499           Nek8  0.000000000 -0.192805290  0.244535920  0.409464840
## 11500           Nek9  0.062041283  0.284480100  0.175196650  0.188903810
## 11501          Nelfa  0.004579544  0.163800240  0.228317260  0.098168370
## 11502          Nelfb  0.005905151  0.186600690 -0.051116467 -0.062958720
## 11503         Nelfcd  0.132606980  0.210876940 -0.023842335  0.130727290
## 11504          Nelfe -0.173938750  0.255918030  0.178768160  0.000000000
## 11505          Nell1  0.181187630 -0.006267548  0.023381710  0.008007050
## 11506          Nell2 -0.143673900  0.011367798 -0.017998219  0.023365974
## 11507           Nemf  0.240221980  0.091253280  0.116968155  0.156497960
## 11508           Nenf  0.054053307  0.803330400  0.604962350 -0.057831764
## 11509           Neo1  0.670442600  0.925968170  0.621562960  0.730703350
## 11510           Nepn -0.022414207 -0.084346294 -0.034163475  2.029960600
## 11511            Nes  0.774502750  1.528786700  0.514330860  1.183310500
## 11512           Net1  2.585782500  2.273035500  2.030515200  0.000000000
## 11513          Neto1 -0.062559130  0.036270620  0.294649120 -0.143243310
## 11514          Neto2 -0.055533886 -0.057808876 -0.121298310  0.100749490
## 11515           Neu1 -0.010109901 -0.407780650 -0.116281510 -0.085428715
## 11516           Neu2 -0.196921830 -0.116833210  0.029768467  0.000000000
## 11517           Neu3  0.024330616  0.067863464  0.309939380 -0.062305927
## 11518           Neu4  0.074759960 -0.076063156  0.215714930  0.065735340
## 11519        Neurl1a -0.017723083  0.000000000  0.128124240 -0.050469875
## 11520        Neurl1b -0.305475240 -0.152415750 -0.162549733  0.645708570
## 11521         Neurl2  1.872549000  1.852017400  1.281570400 -0.346779820
## 11522         Neurl3 -0.496140480 -1.666573000 -0.777518300  0.040011406
## 11523         Neurl4 -0.037615300  0.091843130  0.020538330  0.088670730
## 11524        Neurod1  0.054635525 -0.140220640  0.154267790 -0.016973495
## 11525        Neurod2 -0.135031700  0.030003070  0.063952920 -0.009254456
## 11526        Neurod4  0.012117863 -0.072586060  0.000000000 -0.061894894
## 11527        Neurod6  0.033330440  0.014843941  0.040676594  0.000000000
## 11528        Neurog1 -0.004876614 -0.022028923  0.094214916  0.025160313
## 11529        Neurog2  0.049142360  0.114191530  0.156138420  0.139884000
## 11530        Neurog3 -0.127531050 -0.009634495  0.022936344 -0.364328860
## 11531           Nexn -1.642604800 -1.445946200 -1.734386000  1.010507100
## 11532            Nf1 -0.068964005 -0.332994460 -0.368412020  0.356213570
## 11533            Nf2 -0.012659073  0.629056000  0.411077500  0.404375080
## 11534          Nfam1  0.015949726  0.113433840  0.126728530 -0.023256779
## 11535          Nfasc -0.096227646  0.038573265  0.021990300 -0.111763954
## 11536          Nfat5  0.743714330  0.504564300  0.435362820  0.057833670
## 11537         Nfatc1  0.109306335  0.035892010  0.176873200  0.121504780
## 11538         Nfatc2 -0.008948803 -0.050546170 -0.076197150 -0.007583618
## 11539       Nfatc2ip  0.022279263  0.009723187  0.098516464 -0.374095440
## 11540         Nfatc3  0.109217644  0.245882030  0.201354980  0.066665650
## 11541         Nfatc4  0.448763850  0.428823470  0.982151030  0.000000000
## 11542           Nfe2  0.130840300 -0.116180420  0.054718970  0.011634350
## 11543         Nfe2l1  0.229531290  0.309889800  0.421606060  0.408593180
## 11544         Nfe2l2 -0.208919530 -0.288590430 -0.424997330  0.123999596
## 11545         Nfe2l3  0.000000000  0.066036700 -0.085595130 -0.111226560
## 11546           Nfia  0.386280540  0.377200600  0.462745665  0.439314355
## 11547           Nfib -0.096951008 -0.200798515 -0.213046550  0.320570945
## 11548           Nfic  0.042406321  0.374982105  0.361652600  0.173742535
## 11549          Nfil3 -0.089290620 -0.132124900 -1.248130300  0.144187930
## 11550           Nfix  0.019152641  0.035165787 -0.069216730  0.161693570
## 11551          Nfkb1 -0.081085205  0.164674760 -0.006994247  0.051896095
## 11552          Nfkb2  0.056723595 -0.014779568  0.087283134 -0.043910980
## 11553         Nfkbia  1.045805900  0.193369870  0.415164000 -0.437328340
## 11554         Nfkbib -0.084266660  0.076002600  0.056550026 -0.231111050
## 11555         Nfkbid  0.072050095 -0.039616108 -0.024331570  0.042385100
## 11556         Nfkbie -0.021714210  0.000000000 -0.023208141  0.081044674
## 11557        Nfkbil1  0.000000000 -0.135361200 -0.062592030  0.073298454
## 11558         Nfkbiz  0.929767600 -0.441349500 -0.682248100  0.075726510
## 11559          Nfrkb  0.190568920  0.300869940  0.016252518 -0.016376495
## 11560           Nfs1  0.015958786 -0.034976482 -0.022795677  0.032934666
## 11561           Nfu1 -0.023785115 -0.200487139 -0.421970610  0.018664837
## 11562           Nfx1  0.050117493  0.129314420 -0.186305050  0.128451350
## 11563          Nfxl1  0.149369233 -0.115656054 -0.189680102 -0.074803987
## 11564           Nfya -0.125269890 -0.132805820 -0.374298100  0.042291640
## 11565           Nfyb -0.179212570  0.292881000  0.076970100  0.186351780
## 11566           Nfyc  0.191286325 -0.025519371 -0.224408865  0.072046045
## 11567            Ngb  0.016224861 -0.201825140 -0.164954190 -0.086038110
## 11568           Ngdn  0.161461830 -0.093204500  0.112487790 -0.133368490
## 11569           Ngef -0.018340110 -0.039697647  0.156387800  0.025827408
## 11570            Ngf -0.147441390 -0.037132740  0.000800000  0.172852520
## 11571           Ngfr -0.012908459  0.026407719  0.000000000 -0.068715570
## 11572        Ngfrap1  0.544079800  0.353158950  0.470833780 -0.388808250
## 11573          Ngly1  0.092086790  0.000000000  0.055080414 -0.008000374
## 11574            Ngp -0.075666904  0.000000000 -0.056814194  0.055957794
## 11575           Ngrn  0.010929585  0.205994130  0.326095100 -0.058513165
## 11576          Nhej1 -0.339661600  0.100738050 -0.139564990 -0.480042460
## 11577          Nhlh1  0.026272297 -0.009118080  0.199554440  0.227372650
## 11578          Nhlh2 -0.012145996  0.051180363  0.018717289 -0.070156574
## 11579         Nhlrc1 -0.224570270 -0.150657650 -0.117647170 -0.109994890
## 11580         Nhlrc2  0.289148330  0.124319080 -0.152995110  0.211450580
## 11581         Nhlrc3  0.002958298 -0.116641520 -0.144643300  0.090627670
## 11582         Nhlrc4  0.061287403 -0.031000137  0.012620449 -0.166547300
## 11583           Nhp2 -0.302019120  0.000000000  0.201896670 -0.345438960
## 11584         Nhp2l1 -0.369323735 -0.519180300 -0.018697977  0.177997353
## 11585            Nhs  0.077500340  0.056070328  0.111187935  0.359502320
## 11586          Nhsl1  1.843173250  1.905916000  1.955250050 -0.004429100
## 11587         Niacr1 -0.039371014 -0.116917130  0.003288269 -0.401765820
## 11588          Nicn1  0.214454650  0.714061740  0.000000000  0.202620980
## 11589           Nid1 -0.293891900 -0.138177870  0.178842540  1.194361700
## 11590           Nid2  0.357713700  0.265732770  0.000000000  0.281783100
## 11591         Nif3l1  0.000000000 -0.379854200  0.197329520 -0.194423680
## 11592           Nim1 -0.002207756  0.081099510 -0.040641785  0.316092500
## 11593            Nin -0.344974520 -0.309012174 -0.323064325  0.197767967
## 11594          Ninj1  0.121954920  0.117290970 -0.219756130  0.011853218
## 11595          Ninj2 -0.007868767  0.086094380 -0.031849860  0.054497720
## 11596           Ninl -0.183169840 -0.029196740 -0.024296284 -0.043867110
## 11597           Nip7 -0.194832320  0.215635780  0.626840600 -0.164015300
## 11598          Nipa1  0.045013905  0.082277060  0.012250423 -0.116003752
## 11599          Nipa2  0.101812840 -0.469375130  0.194950580  0.000000000
## 11600         Nipal1 -0.046747208 -0.022205353  0.050137043  0.063513280
## 11601         Nipal2  0.611056800  0.450071330  0.284198760  0.062541010
## 11602         Nipal3  0.493544100  0.265172480  0.207547190  0.083143710
## 11603         Nipal4  0.121773240  0.085391520 -0.112189770 -0.098906520
## 11604          Nipbl  0.110861780  0.084226610 -0.023833275  0.157659530
## 11605       Nipsnap1  0.194469450  0.055023193  0.010607243 -0.187752250
## 11606      Nipsnap3a -0.061348915  0.082585810 -0.086863040  0.019789219
## 11607      Nipsnap3b  0.055787086  0.326364520 -0.045559883 -0.192245000
## 11608          Nisch -0.122424126  0.190984730  0.370394700  0.140213970
## 11609           Nit1  0.209609990  0.286796570  0.249706270 -0.198621750
## 11610           Nit2  0.016806126  0.003002644  0.527324200 -0.208219530
## 11611         Nkain2 -0.132368560  0.021189213  0.030447483  0.117996690
## 11612         Nkain3 -0.003696442 -0.129049780  0.002933979  0.102843285
## 11613         Nkain4 -0.144806860  0.196315770  0.000000000 -0.180748460
## 11614           Nkap  0.632375700 -0.011032105  0.476120470  0.915585500
## 11615          Nkapl  0.036412716 -0.051870823  0.649802200  0.148540020
## 11616           Nkd1  3.198804400  3.149392600  3.380838000 -0.215809350
## 11617           Nkd2  0.121609690  0.322850700  0.373036380  0.053502560
## 11618           Nkg7 -0.246458530 -0.080520150  0.041055202 -0.265615940
## 11619        Nkiras1  0.383843900 -0.445150380  0.151110650 -0.002484322
## 11620        Nkiras2 -0.054549694  0.200018880 -0.087080480 -0.228474140
## 11621          Nkpd1 -0.085245610 -0.002313614  0.063608170  0.039114475
## 11622           Nkrf  0.040808200 -0.071187020  0.313867100  0.258732800
## 11623           Nktr -0.049900055 -0.232733730 -0.548450470  0.076807976
## 11624         Nkx1-2  0.079654690  0.174036500  0.062881470  0.122152805
## 11625         Nkx2-1  0.016186237  0.109246730  0.080655575  0.133362770
## 11626         Nkx2-2 -0.050333023 -0.028737545  0.113185880  0.012422562
## 11627         Nkx2-3 -0.017460823  0.055752754 -0.095346930 -0.089635850
## 11628         Nkx2-4 -0.092391970  0.025144577  0.101059910 -0.085526940
## 11629         Nkx2-5 -0.122231960 -0.014373302 -0.001525879 -0.108655930
## 11630         Nkx2-6 -0.007252216 -0.092229840 -0.050117493  0.093107220
## 11631         Nkx2-9  0.011433125 -0.231545930  0.136219020  0.000000000
## 11632         Nkx3-1 -0.074218750  0.088903430  0.057762146  0.000000000
## 11633         Nkx3-2 -0.009343624  0.062026978  0.166331770  0.088891980
## 11634         Nkx6-1  0.121412754  0.135522370  0.280958650  0.244061470
## 11635         Nkx6-2  0.010234833 -0.078098300 -0.150640490  0.279934400
## 11636         Nkx6-3  0.185304640  0.027617931 -0.002567768  0.058867930
## 11637           Nle1 -0.023900509 -0.076518060  0.352675440  0.160473820
## 11638          Nlgn1  0.059222220  0.032028439  0.046389580 -0.068040848
## 11639          Nlgn2 -0.010269642 -0.065644264 -0.079480650  0.257957940
## 11640          Nlgn3  0.015764236  0.180198200  0.279471400 -0.213186740
## 11641            Nlk -0.123685840 -0.375801100 -0.666502950  0.118881226
## 11642            Nln -0.863106700 -0.854354860 -1.298892000  0.101108074
## 11643          Nlrc3 -0.046462536  0.031380177 -0.182178500 -0.030252457
## 11644          Nlrc4 -0.143671040 -0.120599750 -0.058106900 -0.057543755
## 11645          Nlrc5 -0.177734324 -0.333225501 -0.154470319  0.319633127
## 11646         Nlrp10 -0.045201780  0.060322760 -0.132173060  0.000000000
## 11647         Nlrp14  0.008721352  0.038853645  0.000000000  0.004264355
## 11648         Nlrp1a -0.107016090 -0.099250320 -0.299098500  0.129787450
## 11649         Nlrp1b -0.042271614 -0.105522630  0.054473400  0.008108616
## 11650      Nlrp1c-ps -0.015433311  0.024848461 -0.067007065  0.020413876
## 11651          Nlrp2  0.026607990 -0.060637474  0.058629990 -0.022229195
## 11652          Nlrp3 -0.115237236 -0.223855500 -0.072570800  0.030942917
## 11653         Nlrp4a  0.006819725  0.008689404  0.088002680  0.104136944
## 11654         Nlrp4b  0.051658630 -0.029931545  0.055570126  0.014778137
## 11655         Nlrp4c -0.032753944  0.032611847 -0.052900790  0.159436700
## 11656         Nlrp4d -0.033516407  0.000000000  0.071758750  0.075303555
## 11657         Nlrp4e           NA           NA           NA           NA
## 11658         Nlrp4f -0.001338959  0.044886112  0.094773770  0.002766132
## 11659          Nlrp5  0.101735115  0.208605290  0.043428420  0.134010310
## 11660          Nlrp6 -0.187635420  0.006796360  0.000000000 -0.089174270
## 11661         Nlrp9a  0.062159060  0.025405884  0.052713870 -0.053020954
## 11662         Nlrp9b  0.004302025  0.000336000  0.064790726  0.006217480
## 11663         Nlrp9c -0.031957150  0.004879475  0.014507294  0.099032400
## 11664          Nlrx1 -0.102259397  0.078313828  0.003375054  0.122241020
## 11665            Nmb  0.044957160 -0.186972620 -0.300208570 -0.042776585
## 11666           Nmbr  0.027099371  0.000750303 -0.015848947  0.087712525
## 11667           Nmd3 -0.034227370 -0.055187225 -0.027156830 -0.067838670
## 11668           Nme1 -0.203247070 -0.096097946  0.166545870 -0.234761240
## 11669           Nme2 -0.106374497 -0.054199219  0.374476195 -0.047452690
## 11670           Nme3  0.512925150  0.399953840  0.388994220 -0.261425500
## 11671           Nme4 -0.075924400 -0.193554400  0.012422562 -0.101778984
## 11672           Nme5  0.393953320  0.864632100  0.405646800 -0.094459060
## 11673           Nme6  0.032324314 -0.027658940  0.066949370 -0.022102833
## 11674           Nme7  0.301484580 -0.635203840  0.201200010  0.270485880
## 11675           Nme8  0.010972500  0.005927563  0.020888805 -0.014226437
## 11676            Nmi -0.029425621  0.030137062 -0.342206950  0.204476360
## 11677         Nmnat1 -0.005132675  0.000000000 -0.097510815  0.106385710
## 11678         Nmnat2  0.024996280 -0.087731360 -0.070392610  0.017881393
## 11679         Nmnat3 -0.141482830 -0.109708786 -0.149621490 -0.204978470
## 11680         Nmral1 -0.175802710 -0.154665470 -0.190351490  0.099252700
## 11681          Nmrk1  0.207611560  0.083792690  0.349226950  0.184592720
## 11682          Nmrk2 -0.072492600  0.047956944  0.012700558  0.023247719
## 11683            Nms  0.046077730  0.022158146  0.034356594  0.064480305
## 11684           Nmt1  0.180980680  0.097003940  0.402096750 -0.116098404
## 11685           Nmt2  0.061231613  0.420037270 -0.037945747  0.127270700
## 11686            Nmu  0.000000000  0.009162426  0.104789260  0.094898224
## 11687          Nmur1  0.242873190 -0.024223328 -0.138991830  0.024358750
## 11688          Nmur2  0.253551960  0.182537080  0.012826920  0.000000000
## 11689           Nnat  0.274757400 -0.052087307  0.037021160  0.006680012
## 11690           Nnmt -0.173469540  0.000000000 -0.085586070  0.251609800
## 11691            Nnt  0.063142302 -0.017519236 -0.174238205 -0.131888150
## 11692           Noa1 -0.034609795 -0.231688020 -0.263202670 -0.263876910
## 11693           Nob1 -0.091378690  0.183890340  0.569976800 -0.057423115
## 11694          Nobox  0.000000000  0.100889206 -0.143023490  0.144423480
## 11695          Noc3l -0.442643170 -0.407857420  0.427413940 -0.035971640
## 11696          Noc4l -0.234682080  0.168661600  0.011375904 -0.154496200
## 11697           Nod1  0.528142000  0.359342580  0.510943400  0.000000000
## 11698           Nod2  0.240518570 -0.240933900 -0.023958206  0.104066850
## 11699          Nodal -0.188188550  0.019361020  0.070266250  0.004682541
## 11700            Nog -0.239326950  0.131145000  0.179241660  0.025743484
## 11701          Nol10  0.288563250  0.000000000  0.841280940  0.110857960
## 11702          Nol11 -0.306649200 -0.075315475  0.185585980  0.311503900
## 11703          Nol12 -0.200130940  0.014560699  0.499890330  0.029653550
## 11704           Nol3  0.111711500  0.021440030  0.024546623  0.012259483
## 11705           Nol4  0.034354050  0.072202364  0.109819887 -0.073666891
## 11706           Nol6 -0.065814495  0.064693450 -0.008852959  0.138612270
## 11707           Nol7  0.252778050  0.211884500 -0.048927307  0.117397310
## 11708           Nol8  0.094156265  0.122564316  0.522276900 -0.009452820
## 11709           Nol9 -0.404808520 -0.475347520 -0.478784560 -0.016419410
## 11710          Nolc1  0.152900700  0.180863380 -0.179940220 -0.051499367
## 11711           Nom1 -0.137595180  0.041283130  0.126317020 -0.027789593
## 11712          Nomo1  1.059901200  1.497351600  1.633909200 -0.059646606
## 11713           Nono -0.146310800  0.087268830 -0.183221820 -0.117546080
## 11714          Nop10  0.247829440 -0.055624010  0.006649017 -0.874482150
## 11715          Nop14  0.130290030  0.332546230  0.138790130  0.478236200
## 11716          Nop16 -0.500082500 -0.269425400 -0.194517610 -0.059870243
## 11717           Nop2 -0.152500150  0.191836360  0.116488930 -0.056818485
## 11718          Nop56 -0.040283203 -0.447324750 -0.123377800  0.090440750
## 11719          Nop58  0.065086365 -0.004774094 -0.055419922 -0.002649307
## 11720           Nop9 -0.240308280  0.014758110 -0.093090060 -0.244149210
## 11721           Nos1  0.615390300  0.388263700  0.150330540 -0.187710290
## 11722         Nos1ap -0.347599031 -0.142838957 -0.283235324 -0.011873007
## 11723           Nos2  0.453570840  0.432266700  0.056308746  1.192064300
## 11724           Nos3  1.052432100  0.925211900  1.204679500  0.805725100
## 11725          Nosip -0.183459760  0.207892420  0.206241610 -0.158333780
## 11726        Nostrin  1.960983300  1.414911300  1.203884100  0.071584700
## 11727         Notch1  0.381982800  0.375769620  0.348365780  0.253820420
## 11728         Notch2  0.220152380  0.332749370  0.110760690 -0.265221600
## 11729         Notch3 -0.096448900  0.084862710 -0.260821340  0.079192160
## 11730         Notch4  0.037701607  0.192581180 -0.001852036  0.204594610
## 11731           Noto  0.023537636  0.103117940 -0.000595000 -0.005463600
## 11732          Notum  0.899079330  1.350526300  0.954042170  0.003874064
## 11733            Nov  1.047024300  0.225597860 -0.012114048  1.001423800
## 11734          Nova1  0.217069625  0.222017525  0.071022747 -0.242085220
## 11735          Nova2  0.516381260  0.428821560  0.624049200  0.390507700
## 11736           Nox1 -0.031822680 -0.046357630  0.125814910 -0.007955551
## 11737           Nox3  0.053669930  0.040637016  0.071106910 -0.012263775
## 11738           Nox4 -0.140069010 -0.142667770 -0.074143890  0.000000000
## 11739          Noxa1 -0.041850090 -0.159332280 -0.207024100  0.206969740
## 11740          Noxo1 -0.046923160  0.117836000 -0.138359550 -0.100241184
## 11741        Noxred1  0.398424630 -0.351803300 -0.278715130 -0.229096890
## 11742          Npas1 -0.198257450  0.087059020  0.246552940  0.187542440
## 11743          Npas2  0.446037300  0.203631880 -0.038796900  0.000000000
## 11744          Npas3  0.032695532 -0.031217337 -0.007563830 -0.027417423
## 11745          Npas4 -0.025554180  0.087913990 -0.051331520  0.073862076
## 11746           Npat  0.148170000 -0.118361470  0.203492160  0.000000000
## 11747            Npb  0.100800990  0.356933120 -0.067394260 -0.074726105
## 11748         Npbwr1  0.000000000  0.144902230  0.013980389  0.066017630
## 11749           Npc1  0.033049583 -0.147706990  0.228310590 -0.293466570
## 11750         Npc1l1  0.074836730  0.028204441 -0.054141045 -0.032440186
## 11751           Npc2 -0.231171610  0.047147750  0.133439060 -0.228949550
## 11752           Npcd  0.215108870  0.206182960 -0.021588802  0.181746960
## 11753          Npdc1  0.063649654  0.003165245  0.123874664  0.381390100
## 11754         Npepl1  0.107459545  0.200350760 -0.066274640  0.164313320
## 11755         Npepps -0.368370060 -0.329654700 -0.283355700 -0.154763220
## 11756           Npff -0.162034030 -0.534037600 -0.390939700  0.097703930
## 11757         Npffr1  0.175743100  0.012895107  0.170650000  0.083741190
## 11758         Npffr2  0.053129673 -0.000680000  0.050999165  0.105872154
## 11759          Nphp1  0.259789470  0.648947700  0.339879040  0.064511300
## 11760          Nphp3  0.300946700  0.069996834  0.104887960  0.107050896
## 11761          Nphp4 -0.039586067  0.062119007  0.005022526  0.120433330
## 11762          Nphs1 -0.098485471 -0.001359940  0.030565024  0.124553203
## 11763          Nphs2 -0.017816067 -0.081704620  0.148054600  0.051393510
## 11764            Npl -0.176510330 -0.179553990  0.000519000 -0.299043180
## 11765         Nploc4  0.077242850 -0.072739600 -0.177875520 -0.369358540
## 11766           Npm1  0.040729762 -0.009365797 -0.111293555 -0.173573256
## 11767           Npm2 -0.050521374 -0.067555430  0.096663950  0.062611580
## 11768           Npm3 -0.181657310 -0.154953000 -0.184607030 -0.332664000
## 11769       Npm3-ps1 -0.115318775 -0.242033960 -0.032385826 -0.048824787
## 11770           Npn2  1.381901700 -1.015876800 -1.293870400 -0.184572700
## 11771           Npnt  0.139193530 -0.195260520 -0.459637640 -0.694885730
## 11772           Nppa  0.159538750 -0.150018220  0.290181640  0.500502100
## 11773           Nppb  0.000000000  0.149123190  0.038552760 -0.118044850
## 11774           Nppc  0.002386093  0.104314804  0.076036930 -0.181076050
## 11775           Npr1 -0.618450160 -0.550727840 -0.903299800  0.047476770
## 11776           Npr2  0.394166950  0.394992830  0.027257442  2.305227800
## 11777           Npr3 -0.241052630 -0.464133740 -0.387133600  0.348104480
## 11778          Nprl2  0.558669100  0.025329113 -0.101510050 -0.185522560
## 11779          Nprl3 -0.181136130 -0.034047127  0.090045450 -0.068543910
## 11780            Nps  0.023984432  0.012647152 -0.134821890  0.100962640
## 11781          Npsr1  0.072144030 -0.072926044 -0.076184750 -0.092036724
## 11782           Nptn -0.328057300 -0.083105090 -0.309092520  0.065908430
## 11783          Nptx1 -0.057623863 -0.046841620  0.035947800  0.000000000
## 11784          Nptx2 -0.103894230 -0.116373540 -0.188686370 -0.066685200
## 11785           Npvf  0.014709473 -0.023684025  0.000000000  0.020043850
## 11786            Npw  0.000000000  0.057351112 -0.007968903 -0.169044500
## 11787            Npy -0.025018692 -0.043028355  0.150043960  0.110155580
## 11788          Npy1r  0.000000000 -0.074831486  0.026614666 -0.137731550
## 11789          Npy2r -0.076821330 -0.065236570  0.211030960  0.087201595
## 11790          Npy4r  0.077094555  0.012768269  0.000000000 -0.017459393
## 11791          Npy5r  0.061604500  0.000000000 -0.008313656  0.119416710
## 11792          Npy6r  0.030067920 -0.095004080  0.054599762  0.021651745
## 11793           Nqo1  0.012466431 -0.071311950 -0.325764180  0.123162270
## 11794           Nqo2  0.235909460  0.983583900 -0.378020760  0.137265680
## 11795          Nr0b1  0.172901630  0.004718781 -0.060422897  0.197478300
## 11796          Nr0b2 -0.013950348 -0.146557810  0.154489520  0.192617420
## 11797          Nr1d1 -0.201665880  0.056807518  1.391254400  0.019470215
## 11798          Nr1d2  0.027516365 -0.164904600  0.444286350 -0.391478540
## 11799          Nr1h2  0.094915870 -0.043689728  0.384548200 -0.010069847
## 11800          Nr1h3 -0.073126790  0.000000000 -0.009543419 -0.059171677
## 11801          Nr1h4  0.008184433 -0.031980515  0.126957900 -0.050656796
## 11802          Nr1h5  0.037956715 -0.050908566 -0.011204720  0.080366135
## 11803          Nr1i2 -0.073427680 -0.021557331 -0.179900650  0.036165237
## 11804          Nr1i3 -0.050896168 -0.122784140  0.462121960  0.471848000
## 11805          Nr2c1 -0.065694810  0.387903700  0.044623850  0.000000000
## 11806          Nr2c2 -0.304129600  0.007609367 -0.645392400  0.056365013
## 11807        Nr2c2ap  0.005878925  0.049344540  0.787571900 -0.021780014
## 11808          Nr2e1  0.043956757  0.180212500  0.255721570  0.022691727
## 11809          Nr2e3 -0.027880192  0.104282856 -0.096238610 -0.002127171
## 11810          Nr2f1 -0.146467690 -0.322435860  0.085925580  0.093216896
## 11811          Nr2f2  0.545463560  0.268986700  0.322937000 -0.138680460
## 11812          Nr2f6  0.153570180  0.021821499 -0.013744831 -0.004177094
## 11813          Nr3c1  0.047927856  0.090418816  0.352293970 -0.062862396
## 11814          Nr3c2  1.077637200  0.852671150  0.949662700  0.184251790
## 11815          Nr4a1  1.784297000 -0.561102400  0.000000000  0.530164700
## 11816          Nr4a2  2.847391100  0.312724100  0.278245930  0.440957070
## 11817          Nr4a3  0.708103660 -0.203046320 -0.087856290 -0.047386170
## 11818          Nr5a1  0.032714367 -0.215552800  0.068405150 -0.085218910
## 11819          Nr5a2 -0.526600840 -0.517951970 -0.112651350  0.733640200
## 11820          Nr6a1 -0.014964581  0.137811660 -0.175306800 -0.288842680
## 11821          Nradd  0.055724620  0.183194640 -0.002222538 -0.165587900
## 11822           Nrap -0.151260380  0.016772270 -0.149749760  0.016772270
## 11823          Nrarp  0.185633180 -0.133337500 -0.123468400  0.445456500
## 11824           Nras  0.097367290  0.291114800  0.305190100  0.066441536
## 11825          Nrbf2 -0.261232217 -0.196785610 -0.080198288  0.270689327
## 11826          Nrbp1 -0.004149200  0.149039745  0.189027070  0.108567237
## 11827          Nrbp2  0.162762640  0.239659310  0.194815160  0.067937374
## 11828          Nrcam -0.028450489  0.009323597  0.013372421 -0.029108524
## 11829           Nrd1  0.418798450  0.441919330  0.474529270  0.209288600
## 11830          Nrde2 -0.381039140  0.268463130  0.000000000 -0.081047060
## 11831           Nrep  0.141693120  1.036442800 -0.388639450  1.203300500
## 11832           Nrf1 -0.101006030 -0.264295100  0.215866570  0.310050960
## 11833           Nrg1 -0.062478542  0.058637142  0.000000000 -0.048453808
## 11834           Nrg2  0.000000000 -0.014027596  0.090089800  0.034742355
## 11835           Nrg3  0.119621750 -0.066054820  0.000000000 -0.114217760
## 11836           Nrg4 -0.011796951 -0.028241158  0.016425133  0.075556755
## 11837           Nrgn  0.238188270  0.039493560  0.457602020  0.016073704
## 11838          Nrip1  0.000000000  0.202950480 -0.083848000 -0.248155600
## 11839          Nrip2 -0.204072000  0.036797523  0.123820780  0.025896550
## 11840          Nrip3 -0.086771010  0.029508114  0.076976776  0.091673850
## 11841            Nrk  0.029899597 -0.029015064  0.006719112  0.281991000
## 11842            Nrl  0.117704870  0.032880783  0.081254960  0.000924000
## 11843            Nrm -0.186397078 -0.206800220 -0.210146667  0.115281824
## 11844           Nrn1 -0.036798000 -0.013164997  0.008688927  0.129449370
## 11845          Nrn1l -0.100937840 -0.079114440  0.055348396  0.096837520
## 11846           Nrp1 -0.340366360 -0.425846100 -0.257857320  0.752641700
## 11847           Nrp2  0.033069610  0.000000000  0.297842980  1.591066400
## 11848          Nrros -0.642222900 -0.661994000 -0.328706740 -0.061942100
## 11849          Nrsn1  0.000000000  0.008076191  0.251536850  0.061410904
## 11850          Nrsn2 -0.153442380 -0.005117178 -0.029899596  0.023649693
## 11851           Nrtn -0.095510960  0.208361630  0.123167515  0.118829730
## 11852          Nrxn1 -0.026519775  0.039554835  0.105768205 -0.090673685
## 11853          Nrxn2 -0.006335021 -0.133383740 -0.037435280  0.046008590
## 11854          Nrxn3  0.000000000 -0.053360462  0.014364243 -0.029920101
## 11855           Nsa2 -0.106405854 -0.061640144 -0.286462783  0.163602588
## 11856           Nsd1  0.007423401  0.018052101  0.149264340  0.055115700
## 11857          Nsdhl  0.272488120  0.204308990  0.288170340 -0.020942211
## 11858            Nsf  0.321625700  0.256846430  0.546957970  0.127623560
## 11859         Nsfl1c  0.270644660  0.139230250 -0.108685492 -0.165178775
## 11860           Nsg1  0.480643750  0.144499300  0.526347640  0.504642960
## 11861           Nsg2  0.000000000  0.009977818  0.099163055 -0.056743620
## 11862           Nsl1 -0.145462040 -0.267461300 -0.149193760 -0.126055720
## 11863          Nsmaf -0.005663872  0.000000000 -0.236741070  0.060914040
## 11864         Nsmce1  0.000000000  0.414504530  0.804759500 -0.112009050
## 11865         Nsmce2  0.283993720 -0.440258980  0.074329376 -0.052612305
## 11866        Nsmce4a  0.087010380 -0.259061800  0.451462750  0.050178528
## 11867           Nsmf  0.612364300  0.757824400  0.220883850 -0.135149480
## 11868          Nsun2 -0.206551070  0.207551960  0.052350044  0.143405910
## 11869          Nsun3 -0.246263980  0.628157140  0.000000000 -0.167640210
## 11870          Nsun4  0.010573864  0.104215145 -0.486122130 -0.108521460
## 11871          Nsun5  0.140065670  0.331509600  0.266482350  0.130027770
## 11872          Nsun6  0.363319870 -0.146754260  0.030971527  0.426393030
## 11873          Nsun7  0.056128502  0.087804794 -0.073041440 -0.096895220
## 11874           Nt5c -0.438889500 -0.028056145  0.175457950 -0.051979065
## 11875         Nt5c1a  0.000000000  0.001110554  0.131644250  0.127834800
## 11876         Nt5c1b -0.185774330  0.021253586  0.118031500 -0.024706840
## 11877          Nt5c2  1.175329000  1.165821750  0.935907150 -0.406248090
## 11878          Nt5c3 -0.299697880 -0.405961500  0.326961040 -0.342107770
## 11879         Nt5c3b  0.079161644  0.247229580  0.382559780 -0.009572029
## 11880         Nt5dc1  0.114904400  0.087619780  0.010289192  0.313829420
## 11881         Nt5dc2 -0.265389920  0.291953100 -0.271371360 -0.251625060
## 11882         Nt5dc3  0.492582320  0.684126400  0.089763640 -0.101053240
## 11883           Nt5e  0.154522420 -0.245628830 -0.144536020 -0.202064510
## 11884           Nt5m  0.121177670  0.106722830  0.345999240 -0.212677480
## 11885          Ntan1  0.624375800  0.438451300 -0.118254185  0.000000000
## 11886           Ntf3 -0.637926600 -0.296816830 -0.538783100  2.100936400
## 11887           Ntf5 -0.129951480 -0.089945790  0.025812626  0.014615059
## 11888          Nthl1 -0.023352623  0.261199470  0.000000000  0.351121900
## 11889            Ntm  0.103645800  0.041257380 -0.014809608  0.040507793
## 11890          Ntmt1 -0.000937000  0.166057110  0.113703250  0.114210606
## 11891           Ntn1  0.257719520  0.014543057  0.239651680  0.000000000
## 11892           Ntn3 -0.049255371 -0.019529343  0.149862050  0.054499150
## 11893           Ntn4 -0.121265890  0.050571920 -0.016083240 -0.090319160
## 11894           Ntn5 -0.056794167  0.017724037  0.173053260  0.084277630
## 11895          Ntng1 -0.061307430 -0.000797000  0.179947850  0.112987520
## 11896          Ntng2 -0.006452560  0.084176540 -0.008099079  0.254778400
## 11897          Ntpcr  0.000000000  0.030476570  0.192122460 -0.197270400
## 11898          Ntrk1 -0.049027443 -0.036665440  0.142028810  0.262901780
## 11899          Ntrk2  0.038625240  0.013061047  0.017219543  0.000000000
## 11900          Ntrk3  0.113184930 -0.068559650  0.028066158  0.000000000
## 11901            Nts -0.057575226 -0.071400166  0.034255505  0.959261400
## 11902          Ntsr1  0.104815960  0.176768300  0.151256560  0.000000000
## 11903          Ntsr2  0.000000000  0.068801880  0.112126830 -0.010274410
## 11904          Nuak1 -0.467128280 -0.164031030 -0.604431150  0.011200905
## 11905          Nuak2  0.140238760 -0.459359650 -0.440835480 -0.333142760
## 11906           Nub1  0.129997250  0.337628360  0.185865400  0.246105200
## 11907          Nubp1 -0.182796004 -0.076014043 -0.058276655  0.006042005
## 11908          Nubp2 -0.236709120  0.113851550 -0.132009980 -0.313284400
## 11909          Nubpl  0.420845030  0.416903020  0.063500880  0.089889050
## 11910          Nucb1 -0.162940030  0.257131580  0.434030530 -0.022569656
## 11911          Nucb2  0.000000000 -0.048193930  0.161117550  0.073029520
## 11912         Nucks1  0.040480614  0.132011410  0.122047424 -0.139427190
## 11913           Nudc -0.030674934  0.076816082  0.127394678 -0.457759870
## 11914         Nudcd1 -0.092422485 -0.112030030 -0.259404180 -0.470603000
## 11915         Nudcd2  0.228724480 -0.013113976  0.349873540 -0.452919480
## 11916         Nudcd3  0.099566697  0.128854990  0.228237398  0.239274735
## 11917          Nudt1 -0.251486780 -0.470812800 -0.303024770  0.085751530
## 11918         Nudt10  1.395131100 -0.107694150 -0.003289223  0.071694374
## 11919         Nudt11  0.258775230 -0.119555950  0.721643000 -0.278440480
## 11920         Nudt12  0.198478220  0.117678167  0.505390400  0.395948651
## 11921         Nudt13 -0.018413544 -0.063634870 -0.113112450  0.213131900
## 11922         Nudt14  0.103045940  0.355266570 -0.018634796  0.009707928
## 11923         Nudt15 -0.193885803 -0.061884244 -0.143445808  0.088195165
## 11924         Nudt16  0.000000000 -0.001980305  0.301109300  0.360800740
## 11925       Nudt16l1  0.220619680  0.027621746  0.158953190 -0.135118480
## 11926         Nudt17  0.095399860  0.299255850  0.175173280 -0.169744010
## 11927         Nudt18 -0.115140915  0.000000000  0.106918810 -0.191514970
## 11928         Nudt19 -0.140176060 -0.125297550  0.094267368 -0.172595965
## 11929          Nudt2  0.207512380  0.329658500 -0.005783558 -0.269258020
## 11930         Nudt21 -0.210020540 -0.474260805  0.199600220 -0.843313920
## 11931         Nudt22 -0.256605150 -0.081707000  0.069262980 -0.028370857
## 11932          Nudt3 -0.039446830  0.464373600  0.355217930  0.494673730
## 11933          Nudt4 -0.890404700 -1.021060000 -1.307810300  0.126743320
## 11934          Nudt5 -0.113981250 -0.237175460 -0.333784580 -0.081518170
## 11935          Nudt6  0.000000000 -0.024735928  0.110999584  0.717596050
## 11936          Nudt7 -0.286668300 -0.035123350  0.237567420 -0.113910200
## 11937          Nudt8  0.000000000  0.207001690 -0.006458759 -0.025227070
## 11938          Nudt9  0.149378780  0.022132874  0.000000000  0.261346820
## 11939           Nuf2 -0.499385360 -0.629649160 -0.553470600 -0.065890790
## 11940         Nufip1  0.063098910 -0.244900700  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 11941         Nufip2  0.132086750 -0.158500670 -0.145532610 -0.198083880
## 11942          Numa1  0.107925415  0.149620060  0.107624054  0.117717740
## 11943           Numb -0.086744310 -0.243353840 -0.295218470  0.649052600
## 11944          Numbl  0.000000000  0.259336470  0.632766250 -0.024224758
## 11945         Nup107 -0.313330650 -0.174162860 -0.140811920 -0.063663480
## 11946         Nup133  0.088187220  0.133209230 -0.131559370  0.280473700
## 11947         Nup153 -0.051976204 -0.099927900 -0.608358400 -0.182371140
## 11948         Nup155 -0.039518356 -0.038887978 -0.198147770 -0.177819250
## 11949         Nup160  0.333870900  0.305657400  0.431571960 -0.221368790
## 11950         Nup188 -0.144956590 -0.161509040 -0.032365800  0.179319380
## 11951         Nup205  0.021697998 -0.097706795  0.013638973 -0.188948630
## 11952         Nup210 -0.113668440 -0.044847010 -0.022228718  0.045413017
## 11953        Nup210l  0.082493406 -0.119970213 -0.199860361 -0.100132200
## 11954         Nup214  0.074953080 -0.175490380  0.365248680 -0.079408646
## 11955          Nup35 -0.257059810 -0.272909405 -0.029627084 -0.065136194
## 11956          Nup37 -0.118431570 -0.099792960 -0.314417360 -0.137256620
## 11957          Nup43  0.370094300  0.391568180 -0.454069600 -0.085124970
## 11958          Nup50 -0.296045300 -0.368294720  0.051656723 -0.889653700
## 11959          Nup54 -0.124367714  0.051606180  0.046112060 -0.348335270
## 11960          Nup62 -0.394449230 -0.043616295  0.476789470 -0.189708710
## 11961        Nup62cl -0.004086018  0.024445057  0.135180000 -0.005665779
## 11962          Nup85 -0.132552150  0.200506210 -0.178394320 -0.000608000
## 11963          Nup88  0.136553760 -0.001787186 -0.021866798 -0.073141100
## 11964          Nup93  0.037068367 -0.089090350  0.176117900 -0.030327797
## 11965          Nup98 -0.166942600 -0.263722420 -0.502997400 -0.211174960
## 11966          Nupl1  0.276210780  0.023024559  0.083957670 -0.080483440
## 11967          Nupl2  0.536103250 -0.054499150  0.009334087  0.000000000
## 11968          Nupr1 -0.495606420 -0.588381300 -0.302290920 -0.046524048
## 11969         Nupr1l  0.348222730  0.244462010  0.002870560 -0.141373160
## 11970           Nus1 -0.072702410 -0.021681786 -0.011790276  0.929330800
## 11971         Nusap1 -0.344238280 -0.086462500  0.122666360 -0.071536540
## 11972          Nutf2  0.046966791  0.163755298 -0.992935075  0.201478718
## 11973          Nutm1  0.016373634 -0.020669460  0.094870570 -0.017414093
## 11974            Nvl -0.289310460 -0.278441430 -0.757923100  0.052981377
## 11975           Nxf1  0.062085150 -0.073277470 -0.139888760 -0.235601430
## 11976           Nxf2  0.006959438 -0.064746380  0.000000000  0.010727406
## 11977           Nxf3  0.019812584 -0.010164261  0.021920204  0.084964750
## 11978           Nxf7  0.032787800 -0.042556286  0.007271767  0.037545680
## 11979            Nxn  0.535793800  0.761610500  0.367433550  0.318811900
## 11980          Nxnl1 -0.179025650 -0.216304780  0.042768000  0.131919380
## 11981          Nxnl2 -0.035066605 -0.260453700 -0.027616978 -0.070936680
## 11982          Nxpe2  0.116769790  0.373647700 -0.065876010  0.743398670
## 11983          Nxpe3 -0.081943510 -0.286422250  0.160958770  0.015958310
## 11984          Nxpe4  1.291829100  1.305706000  1.086436300  0.681587200
## 11985          Nxpe5 -0.084930900 -0.046501637  0.051860332  0.000000000
## 11986          Nxph1  0.029506683 -0.041170597  0.005365849  0.000000000
## 11987          Nxph2  0.010066509  0.047389030  0.036121845  0.029005527
## 11988          Nxph3 -0.122514725 -0.033432484  0.084946630  0.062202930
## 11989          Nxph4 -0.002201080  0.035165787  0.069798950  0.218029980
## 11990           Nxt1 -0.201334000 -0.058519363 -0.080608370  0.310168270
## 11991           Nxt2  0.125010010 -0.334431170 -0.055931090  0.125010010
## 11992          Nyap1  0.000000000  0.059409140 -0.102201460 -0.087554930
## 11993          Nyap2  0.000000000  0.048190117  0.088755130 -0.042391300
## 11994         Nynrin  0.665364110  1.219091883  1.142569847  0.490014077
## 11995            Nyx  0.000000000  0.160675050 -0.034278870  0.220098020
## 11996          Oacyl -0.039247036  0.126667020  0.062026500  0.000000000
## 11997            Oaf  0.000000000  0.106551650 -0.068228245 -0.008351803
## 11998          Oard1  0.001156807  0.175855640 -0.094487190 -0.136590960
## 11999          Oas1a  0.353484150  0.264661800  0.488963130  0.677852630
## 12000          Oas1b  0.630225660  0.622842800 -0.268000130  0.174245360
## 12001          Oas1c  0.128318790 -0.363533020 -0.218942170 -0.035361767
## 12002          Oas1d  0.163412570  0.000000000 -0.077087880  0.099618910
## 12003          Oas1e -0.006449223  0.108248710  0.148324970  0.280561450
## 12004          Oas1f -0.208652500  0.109955790  0.086243630  0.144410610
## 12005          Oas1g  0.170771120  0.378036980  0.363247870  0.362366680
## 12006          Oas1h  0.010141850 -0.024303913  0.052598953  0.043191433
## 12007           Oas2  0.219006060  0.164418700 -0.077099320  1.325037000
## 12008           Oas3 -0.111619470  0.000000000 -0.089231014 -0.040317535
## 12009          Oasl1  0.035574913 -0.090509890  0.059910297  0.249005800
## 12010          Oasl2  0.452227600  0.252892500  0.645957000 -0.203291900
## 12011            Oat -0.702930000 -1.013719100 -0.865536200 -0.066707610
## 12012           Oaz1 -0.138582705 -0.003130913  0.047383786 -0.218342305
## 12013           Oaz2 -0.728095050 -0.122046470 -0.674814200  0.034572124
## 12014           Oaz3 -0.056381226  0.080533980  0.051352978 -0.026139736
## 12015          Obfc1 -0.207709310  0.208908080  0.224206450 -0.131517890
## 12016          Obox1  0.047425270  0.001390457  0.063665390  0.032648563
## 12017          Obox2  0.019340038  0.027112484  0.079001188  0.039569855
## 12018          Obox3 -0.053719044  0.023477316  0.066962005  0.006614685
## 12019          Obox5 -0.097688675  0.190381050  0.165442940  0.088323120
## 12020          Obox6  0.008873463  0.037702084  0.015272617 -0.004995346
## 12021          Obp1a  0.065026760 -0.079003810  0.009610653  0.012320042
## 12022          Obp2a -0.004523754 -0.002270222  0.012529373  0.029895782
## 12023          Obp2b  0.000000000 -0.074342730  0.012566567 -0.002428532
## 12024          Obscn  0.035825730 -0.037449425 -0.005337954  0.018453835
## 12025          Obsl1 -0.092020035 -0.023269653  0.079835415 -0.066080090
## 12026           Oc90 -0.027544498 -0.096404550 -0.041611195 -0.019625664
## 12027           Oca2 -0.068900110 -0.009277821  0.207273000  0.000000000
## 12028          Ocel1  0.231125830  0.097482680  0.060406685  0.220878120
## 12029         Ociad1 -0.058676720  0.096711160 -0.080235480  0.000000000
## 12030         Ociad2 -0.194455620 -0.257401940 -0.067460540 -0.327335830
## 12031           Ocln  4.671607500  4.766562000  4.581656000  0.191688060
## 12032            Ocm -0.000774000  0.102501390  0.092885494 -0.114736080
## 12033           Ocrl  0.041039944 -0.090583800  0.075173855 -0.057155132
## 12034        Ocstamp  0.000000000  0.112829685  0.026645660 -0.086078170
## 12035           Odam -0.008430958 -0.018217564  0.008279800  0.000000000
## 12036           Odc1 -0.084484578 -0.437630190 -0.274456975 -0.222835540
## 12037           Odf1 -0.035815240  0.001133919 -0.019103050 -0.050716877
## 12038           Odf2  0.000000000 -0.083921430 -0.247810360  0.344180100
## 12039          Odf2l  0.057122707 -0.334221840  0.489967820  0.270032880
## 12040           Odf3 -0.064515590  0.035755157  0.304242130  0.028731346
## 12041          Odf3b  0.743022440  0.240483760  0.527486300 -0.008269787
## 12042         Odf3l1 -0.069116590  0.082105640  0.147514340 -0.017769337
## 12043         Odf3l2 -0.133731840  0.076266766 -0.010123730  0.076400760
## 12044           Odf4 -0.033326150 -0.023976326 -0.152066710  0.113718510
## 12045          Ofcc1 -0.017475605 -0.024191379 -0.074877025  0.030935288
## 12046           Ofd1  0.395336150  0.016275406  0.418451300  0.294123650
## 12047           Ogdh  0.000000000  0.285934450  0.203723910 -0.138697620
## 12048          Ogdhl -0.097434520 -0.002419949  0.072002890  0.083892345
## 12049         Ogfod1  0.244399070  0.088107110  0.007196426 -0.123350140
## 12050         Ogfod2 -0.143913270  0.002388477  0.131342890  0.000000000
## 12051         Ogfod3  0.525337200  0.596931460  0.813575740 -0.153744700
## 12052           Ogfr  0.000357000  0.019799232 -0.038881302 -0.068028930
## 12053         Ogfrl1  0.014127731 -0.050271510 -0.464004520 -0.101367470
## 12054           Ogg1  0.008979321 -0.297965530 -0.297908300  0.217638970
## 12055            Ogn -0.333266260 -0.357758050 -0.466625200 -0.192481520
## 12056            Ogt  0.431339260  0.232891080  0.020958900 -0.341871260
## 12057           Oip5  0.047837257 -0.173092840 -0.079032420 -0.074330810
## 12058           Oit1  0.052085400  0.240273000  0.000000000  0.082378390
## 12059           Oit3 -0.011003017 -0.083314896 -0.050969124 -0.069497110
## 12060           Ola1  0.281074520  0.004651070  0.142214300 -0.139479640
## 12061           Olah -0.051039696  0.043404102  0.231286050  0.044375896
## 12062          Olfm1 -0.478450300 -0.156064030  0.020359993 -0.023615360
## 12063          Olfm2  0.087847710  0.055694580 -0.241796020  0.095080850
## 12064          Olfm3  0.101747990 -0.068515300  0.006041050  0.015284538
## 12065          Olfm4 -0.149048800 -0.073074340  0.154841900  0.050767900
## 12066         Olfml1 -0.092716694 -0.091299060  0.054386140 -0.069720745
## 12067        Olfml2a  0.239687440  0.133452420 -0.256275650 -0.304870130
## 12068        Olfml2b -0.125767710 -0.149649140 -0.266569140 -0.214318750
## 12069         Olfml3 -0.256002430 -0.426184180 -0.105137350 -0.135077000
## 12070          Olfr1 -0.126095300  0.000000000  0.049397470  0.021060944
## 12071         Olfr10 -0.069481850  0.000000000 -0.028898716 -0.084946630
## 12072       Olfr1000 -0.098772526  0.029156208 -0.018388748  0.053243637
## 12073       Olfr1002  0.043354988  0.037463665  0.047980785  0.000000000
## 12074       Olfr1006  0.037256003  0.028294088  0.184586765  0.002621650
## 12075       Olfr1008  0.091104984 -0.082963940  0.040372370 -0.123476030
## 12076       Olfr1009  0.056956768  0.003185749 -0.014449120  0.136277200
## 12077        Olfr101  0.010160923  0.577499870  0.357819080  0.036248207
## 12078       Olfr1010  0.004445076 -0.090974330 -0.031969070 -0.030617714
## 12079       Olfr1012  0.034880160 -0.063498020  0.181264880  0.039448260
## 12080       Olfr1013  0.003921509  0.022244453 -0.009922981 -0.000006680
## 12081       Olfr1014 -0.067483425 -0.050584793 -0.003945828 -0.044577120
## 12082       Olfr1015  0.056766987 -0.014390945  0.168477540  0.074584010
## 12083       Olfr1016  0.141653540 -0.005763054  0.066495420 -0.193591120
## 12084       Olfr1018  0.008027554  0.141699790  0.000000000  0.159209730
## 12085       Olfr1019 -0.041450977 -0.084386826 -0.006077290  0.086389065
## 12086        Olfr102 -0.142844680  0.095767020  0.223203660 -0.008973599
## 12087       Olfr1020 -0.018905163 -0.029014587 -0.018905163  0.070223330
## 12088       Olfr1022 -0.030962467  0.111231330  0.063063620  0.052446365
## 12089       Olfr1023  0.045327187  0.089786050 -0.014116287  0.192349910
## 12090       Olfr1024 -0.127644060 -0.101976870  0.037896156  0.019733429
## 12091       Olfr1026 -0.017552376  0.062293053  0.027001858  0.061681747
## 12092       Olfr1028  0.074168680  0.006564617  0.171225070  0.104039670
## 12093       Olfr1029  0.112972740 -0.152245520  0.000000000 -0.234265800
## 12094        Olfr103  0.133347990 -0.112420080  0.087223050  0.072681904
## 12095       Olfr1030 -0.136037830 -0.041074753  0.012886047  0.009761333
## 12096       Olfr1031 -0.016582012 -0.034124850  0.104463580  0.030416965
## 12097       Olfr1032  0.065855026  0.000000000 -0.169439800  0.088805676
## 12098       Olfr1033 -0.005340576  0.006557941 -0.026864052  0.059628010
## 12099       Olfr1034 -0.144914630  0.375767230 -0.176419730  0.392383100
## 12100       Olfr1036 -0.041778088  0.022223473 -0.034154892  0.067518234
## 12101       Olfr1037 -0.050739290  0.014630795  0.028846264  0.028352737
## 12102    Olfr1038-ps  0.009037018  0.045527460 -0.125080590 -0.000344000
## 12103       Olfr1039  0.028674603 -0.000402000  0.033568382  0.044954777
## 12104       Olfr1040  0.005144119 -0.037758827 -0.150868420  0.011181355
## 12105       Olfr1042  0.173181530 -0.053044320  0.001520157  0.000743000
## 12106       Olfr1043 -0.124197006  0.032739162  0.005893230  0.183553220
## 12107       Olfr1044 -0.078742980  0.044405937  0.101624010  0.062257767
## 12108       Olfr1045 -0.160935400 -0.054529667  0.079419136  0.025135517
## 12109       Olfr1046  0.016538143  0.020708561  0.028167248  0.086565020
## 12110       Olfr1047 -0.012902737  0.006482601  0.098073006 -0.000900000
## 12111       Olfr1048 -0.015856266 -0.015314102  0.009047508  0.155615800
## 12112       Olfr1049  0.118100170  0.053487778  0.000000000  0.119302750
## 12113     Olfr104-ps  0.067595960  0.013788700  0.037398340 -0.055469036
## 12114       Olfr1051 -0.047211170 -0.054963112  0.080300810 -0.006808758
## 12115       Olfr1052  0.032437325  0.034043790  0.015640259 -0.006812573
## 12116       Olfr1053 -0.008739948  0.082323550  0.070230010 -0.017648220
## 12117       Olfr1054  0.000000000 -0.058091164  0.113350390  0.066364765
## 12118       Olfr1055 -0.024120808  0.018209934  0.086510660  0.070931435
## 12119       Olfr1056  0.013567925  0.018482685  0.009475231  0.032602787
## 12120       Olfr1057 -0.009327412 -0.017418861  0.004189968  0.000000000
## 12121       Olfr1058  0.027291775 -0.030934334 -0.019017696  0.033539295
## 12122     Olfr105-ps  0.115353584 -0.132238860  0.197572710 -0.059562206
## 12123       Olfr1061  0.002381325 -0.078385350  0.000000000 -0.004193783
## 12124       Olfr1062  0.031443596 -0.033602238  0.099973200  0.088657856
## 12125       Olfr1065 -0.003183126 -0.020138741  0.036277296  0.045705317
## 12126       Olfr1066  0.029480934  0.000000000  0.055982113  0.006034374
## 12127     Olfr106-ps  0.110310080  0.030708313  0.008450031  0.000000000
## 12128        Olfr107  0.009387970  0.004903317 -0.103089810 -0.088432790
## 12129       Olfr1076 -0.094246390  0.071471214 -0.120374200  0.011344433
## 12130   Olfr1077-ps1  0.116131780 -0.058446407  0.058988094 -0.014461517
## 12131       Olfr1079  0.000000000 -0.029360771  0.129827500 -0.017510414
## 12132        Olfr108 -0.037219048 -0.040788650  0.033773900  0.234428400
## 12133       Olfr1080 -0.001018047 -0.014245510  0.006944180  0.066564080
## 12134       Olfr1082  0.001719475 -0.027832985  0.066917896  0.023622036
## 12135    Olfr1083-ps  0.048567295 -0.048970700  0.104076860  0.000000000
## 12136       Olfr1084  0.009079456  0.005627632  0.021466732  0.053098680
## 12137       Olfr1085  0.030016900 -0.053443910  0.511481300 -0.000798000
## 12138       Olfr1086  0.026825428  0.021625996  0.149231910  0.107786655
## 12139       Olfr1087  0.000000000 -0.036461830  0.007861137 -0.055675030
## 12140       Olfr1089  0.169343950  0.000000000  0.122343540 -0.200149060
## 12141        Olfr109  0.000000000 -0.070538520 -0.135641570 -0.091770650
## 12142       Olfr1090 -0.033675670  0.039243698  0.015229702  0.063280580
## 12143       Olfr1093  0.081231120 -0.024075031 -0.011774063 -0.182627200
## 12144       Olfr1094  0.016806126  0.000000000  0.019230843  0.110074520
## 12145       Olfr1095  0.192069050  0.076234340  0.029143810  0.159211160
## 12146       Olfr1097 -0.044998646 -0.016656876  0.118288520  0.000000000
## 12147       Olfr1098 -0.042416096 -0.051697730  0.063399315  0.127972130
## 12148       Olfr1099 -0.029163360  0.021286964  0.005125523 -0.145652300
## 12149         Olfr11  0.049708366  0.092963696  0.104089260 -0.110731125
## 12150        Olfr110 -0.037749767 -0.013035774  0.195846080  0.085677150
## 12151       Olfr1100  0.000000000  0.013973713  0.005925655  0.040475845
## 12152       Olfr1101  0.137158400  0.116939070  0.046694280  0.261394980
## 12153       Olfr1102 -0.033130646  0.040246487 -0.001117230  0.008768559
## 12154       Olfr1104  0.021818161 -0.039024830  0.010240555  0.000000000
## 12155       Olfr1105  0.011301518 -0.097513200 -0.016439915  0.176775930
## 12156       Olfr1106  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.033933163  0.010455132
## 12157       Olfr1107  0.002194405 -0.051294327  0.113426210  0.009947777
## 12158       Olfr1109  0.031711100  0.024106026 -0.016823292  0.006640434
## 12159        Olfr111 -0.075263980 -0.054933070  0.076699734 -0.013939381
## 12160       Olfr1110 -0.215316300  0.000000000 -0.042500020  0.082584860
## 12161       Olfr1111  0.101425170  0.039513110  0.113016605 -0.071991440
## 12162       Olfr1112  0.000000000 -0.065587520  0.130973340  0.139852520
## 12163       Olfr1113  0.011157990  0.048137665 -0.027307510 -0.015405655
## 12164       Olfr1115  0.113151070  0.090353010  0.126907830  0.052952290
## 12165    Olfr1116-ps -0.069562910 -0.011392117  0.034841537 -0.033731937
## 12166       Olfr1118 -0.041419983  0.000051700 -0.007947207  0.104830743
## 12167        Olfr112  0.026669502 -0.083485130  0.043445110  0.046022892
## 12168       Olfr1120 -0.060152530  0.022414684 -0.057988167 -0.051146507
## 12169       Olfr1121 -0.061727047  0.096588610  0.131803040  0.098322870
## 12170       Olfr1122  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.194947720 -0.024403572
## 12171       Olfr1123 -0.026730060  0.029219150  0.032198906  0.060489178
## 12172       Olfr1124  0.007456303 -0.035177230  0.051448345 -0.041681767
## 12173       Olfr1126 -0.088607790 -0.026118755  0.000000000  0.037196636
## 12174       Olfr1128 -0.007103443 -0.000712000 -0.053343773 -0.042602540
## 12175       Olfr1129 -0.021322250 -0.005677223 -0.032405376 -0.006584168
## 12176        Olfr113  0.013943672  0.000000000 -0.112643240 -0.193758010
## 12177       Olfr1130 -0.030066013  0.002904415 -0.004171848  0.038079740
## 12178       Olfr1131 -0.006123066  0.063810825 -0.083943370  0.012124538
## 12179       Olfr1132  0.103435990  0.016120910  0.173581600 -0.063985350
## 12180       Olfr1133 -0.012731075 -0.046479702 -0.027233124  0.027838707
## 12181       Olfr1134 -0.021734238 -0.018333435  0.012241840 -0.010151863
## 12182       Olfr1135  0.000798000  0.024213314  0.000000000 -0.031013012
## 12183       Olfr1136 -0.069146160 -0.010013104  0.001211166 -0.010013104
## 12184       Olfr1137 -0.020208836 -0.098056320 -0.044592380  0.176287650
## 12185       Olfr1138 -0.030862331  0.002860069 -0.055143356  0.073976520
## 12186        Olfr114 -0.041860104  0.045763493  0.032611370  0.071277620
## 12187       Olfr1140 -0.045356274 -0.072333810  0.041204930  0.016918182
## 12188       Olfr1141  0.000000000  0.052621365  0.052621365  0.065624240
## 12189       Olfr1143 -0.114173410  0.002314568 -0.004925728  0.002314568
## 12190       Olfr1145  0.052911280 -0.078781605  0.044124603  0.002819538
## 12191       Olfr1148 -0.289711000  0.354601380  0.271334170  0.326730250
## 12192        Olfr115  0.002062798 -0.012560844  0.007504940 -0.045311928
## 12193       Olfr1151 -0.033653260  0.045366764  0.045055390 -0.029259205
## 12194       Olfr1152 -0.163066390  0.069264890 -0.447332380  0.196585180
## 12195       Olfr1153  0.041486263 -0.043846607  0.027773857 -0.085775850
## 12196       Olfr1154 -0.084538940 -0.082912920 -0.074346066  0.047308920
## 12197       Olfr1155 -0.044845104 -0.033828260  0.069427010  0.079805850
## 12198       Olfr1156 -0.031075000 -0.062550070  0.075758460 -0.043522835
## 12199       Olfr1157  0.157217500  0.093613625  0.000882000 -0.048911095
## 12200       Olfr1158  0.067046165 -0.175404070  0.000000000  0.078906536
## 12201        Olfr116 -0.035038470 -0.107481000  0.051875114  0.011795998
## 12202       Olfr1160 -0.005945683  0.110630510  0.158362390  0.296590330
## 12203       Olfr1161  0.041008950  0.024888039 -0.049126150  0.013456345
## 12204       Olfr1162  0.055201054  0.003612995  0.028446198  0.043830395
## 12205       Olfr1163  0.056266308  0.063979150 -0.007987022  0.216636180
## 12206       Olfr1164  0.122594830 -0.108758450  0.088479520  0.057384968
## 12207    Olfr1165-ps  0.053092003 -0.024641514 -0.058124065  0.034048557
## 12208       Olfr1166 -0.066681385 -0.075055600  0.019193650  0.372085570
## 12209       Olfr1167  0.021477700  0.065114975 -0.045357227 -0.067326070
## 12210       Olfr1168  0.021591187 -0.093638420 -0.107601640  0.125522610
## 12211        Olfr117 -0.084481716  0.000000000  0.000626000 -0.020181656
## 12212       Olfr1170  0.047928810  0.000000000  0.005667210  0.055259705
## 12213       Olfr1173  0.021464348  0.021785736  0.090353490 -0.000890000
## 12214       Olfr1176 -0.018383980  0.059959890  0.127499580  0.052359104
## 12215       Olfr1178  0.041057587 -0.000432000  0.057767868  0.121984480
## 12216       Olfr1179 -0.021698475 -0.053718090 -0.020172596  0.000000000
## 12217        Olfr118 -0.332061770  0.103536130  0.431575780  0.013486385
## 12218       Olfr1180  0.065198900 -0.065298080  0.087482930 -0.041670800
## 12219       Olfr1181  0.025452137 -0.078305244  0.070059300  0.182152270
## 12220       Olfr1182  0.044532776 -0.101517200  0.146489140  0.402546400
## 12221       Olfr1183  0.092533110  0.000000000  0.053673744  0.024363040
## 12222       Olfr1184 -0.015372753 -0.047841550  0.006338596 -0.037695885
## 12223       Olfr1186 -0.007233620 -0.021608353  0.048029423  0.101157665
## 12224       Olfr1188 -0.080672740 -0.052724840  0.115060806  0.030649662
## 12225       Olfr1189 -0.033770560  0.097903730  0.097903730 -0.010892868
## 12226        Olfr119 -0.031060696 -0.004954815  0.106137750 -0.059453964
## 12227       Olfr1193  0.018051624  0.033861637  0.041409016 -0.012267113
## 12228       Olfr1195  0.010200977 -0.039999010 -0.055947780  0.083743570
## 12229       Olfr1197  0.031897423 -0.013429880  0.071620463  0.051873923
## 12230       Olfr1198  0.028920650 -0.064831730  0.148943420  0.002180576
## 12231       Olfr1199 -0.017946243  0.163251880 -0.013741016  0.067789555
## 12232         Olfr12 -0.019834995 -0.055766582  0.000000000  0.082061770
## 12233        Olfr120 -0.014221191 -0.101665500  0.237525940  0.000000000
## 12234       Olfr1200  0.043040276 -0.072776794 -0.013160229  0.002244949
## 12235       Olfr1201 -0.016096592  0.008667469 -0.101322174  0.022251130
## 12236       Olfr1202  0.049468040 -0.019804478 -0.033748150  0.088999270
## 12237       Olfr1204  0.113558770  0.019329548  0.030645847 -0.054763317
## 12238       Olfr1205  0.054335117 -0.081637860  0.001408100 -0.060261726
## 12239       Olfr1206 -0.032271862 -0.068373200  0.213612080  0.262756820
## 12240       Olfr1208 -0.004725456  0.042300700  0.070399760  0.128586290
## 12241       Olfr1209  0.018509865 -0.069075584  0.062135220  0.045108320
## 12242        Olfr121 -0.184839250  0.061767578  0.043508530 -0.050992012
## 12243       Olfr1211 -0.014955998 -0.053011894  0.034993170  0.016308784
## 12244       Olfr1212  0.023027897  0.005768776  0.032976150 -0.009997845
## 12245       Olfr1213 -0.011881828  0.209505080  0.139220240  0.042986393
## 12246       Olfr1214 -0.034554005  0.073242664 -0.038843630  0.154639240
## 12247       Olfr1215  0.020884514 -0.027371407  0.074478150  0.040594100
## 12248       Olfr1216 -0.018701553 -0.001153946  0.055484295  0.090477470
## 12249       Olfr1217 -0.025795460 -0.039751053 -0.038917540  0.145101070
## 12250       Olfr1218  0.041733265 -0.052716255  0.008556366  0.034866810
## 12251       Olfr1219  0.000000000  0.050445557 -0.020827293  0.067747590
## 12252        Olfr122  0.000000000  0.102456570  0.160068990 -0.189446450
## 12253       Olfr1220 -0.003211498 -0.032675266  0.061196327 -0.061762333
## 12254       Olfr1221  0.000931000  0.000000000  0.007072449  0.032716750
## 12255       Olfr1222 -0.037599564  0.002617836  0.220160480 -0.098478320
## 12256       Olfr1223  0.017569065  0.000000000 -0.033312320  0.017985344
## 12257       Olfr1225 -0.021024704  0.067035675  0.000000000 -0.060913563
## 12258       Olfr1226 -0.073367120  0.001327515  0.181024550 -0.068017960
## 12259       Olfr1228 -0.090098380 -0.066667080  0.004186630  0.102569580
## 12260       Olfr1229  0.047090530 -0.005620480  0.060787200  0.025232792
## 12261        Olfr123  0.021147728 -0.097534660 -0.025497437 -0.002856255
## 12262       Olfr1230 -0.044668674 -0.072016716  0.019576550  0.000000000
## 12263       Olfr1231 -0.112875940 -0.036538600  0.149978160 -0.075387480
## 12264       Olfr1232  0.020277500 -0.019454956 -0.001763344  0.035601616
## 12265       Olfr1233  0.000000000 -0.056295395  0.123503210  0.026487827
## 12266       Olfr1234  0.010310173 -0.030061245 -0.015750408  0.092590810
## 12267       Olfr1238  0.045488358 -0.038441180  0.307058800  0.126616480
## 12268       Olfr1239  0.062905310 -0.104911804  0.026956558  0.000000000
## 12269        Olfr124  0.068278790  0.038910390  0.046257973  0.000000000
## 12270       Olfr1240 -0.008164883  0.018854141  0.002498150  0.184756760
## 12271       Olfr1241  0.011611462  0.100955490  0.032923700  0.026256084
## 12272       Olfr1242 -0.008465290  0.000000000 -0.030478954  0.015776634
## 12273       Olfr1243 -0.045038700  0.065789220  0.056263924  0.169939520
## 12274       Olfr1245  0.125234130  0.008371830 -0.046998024  0.172361850
## 12275       Olfr1246 -0.002414703 -0.032905100 -0.017516136  0.034757614
## 12276       Olfr1247  0.012584209 -0.045956610 -0.029870510 -0.021949291
## 12277       Olfr1248  0.000000000  0.158095360  0.088771340  0.017509937
## 12278       Olfr1249  0.075018406 -0.001268387 -0.125674720 -0.035817623
## 12279        Olfr125 -0.011358738 -0.005480766  0.090447426  0.019932747
## 12280       Olfr1251  0.053472042 -0.018975258  0.029331684  0.004651070
## 12281       Olfr1252 -0.006568432 -0.039206743 -0.041651965  0.155837780
## 12282       Olfr1253 -0.001247406 -0.048310280  0.051693440  0.107234480
## 12283       Olfr1254 -0.015025139 -0.009202957 -0.018604279  0.032424450
## 12284       Olfr1255 -0.035829067  0.044238567  0.076774120 -0.148068430
## 12285       Olfr1256 -0.027902603  0.015181541 -0.101922990  0.302224640
## 12286       Olfr1257  0.181933400 -0.021256924  0.022716045 -0.034965515
## 12287       Olfr1258 -0.055601120  0.000000000  0.091958520  0.213632100
## 12288       Olfr1259 -0.079955100  0.053551197 -0.069899560 -0.019658089
## 12289        Olfr126 -0.010363102  0.010598660 -0.034968376 -0.083168510
## 12290       Olfr1260 -0.130442620 -0.016832352 -0.025248528 -0.071841240
## 12291       Olfr1261 -0.011501312  0.000000000 -0.000998000  0.069149020
## 12292       Olfr1262 -0.057003020 -0.005476952 -0.067037580  0.027609825
## 12293       Olfr1263 -0.064577580  0.000000000 -0.033725260  0.014961720
## 12294       Olfr1264  0.048787594 -0.050525665 -0.046352386  0.007722855
## 12295       Olfr1265  0.036024094 -0.088815210  0.000000000 -0.163303380
## 12296       Olfr1269  0.028748751 -0.025545120  0.043272257 -0.038650990
## 12297        Olfr127  0.035926342 -0.060681343  0.043100357 -0.038063526
## 12298       Olfr1270 -0.037413597  0.016055107  0.080084324  0.008349896
## 12299       Olfr1271 -0.042313576  0.042791843  0.068623540 -0.050196170
## 12300       Olfr1272  0.024669170  0.001310825  0.076150420 -0.004372120
## 12301    Olfr1273-ps  0.052842617 -0.054585934  0.065859795 -0.050361633
## 12302    Olfr1274-ps  0.099937440 -0.164151670 -0.075586320 -0.200503350
## 12303       Olfr1275 -0.018409252  0.163617130  0.069088460  0.250146400
## 12304       Olfr1276 -0.061256410 -0.098240376  0.202022550  0.064686775
## 12305       Olfr1277  0.060334682 -0.026946545  0.046927452  0.120022774
## 12306       Olfr1278 -0.066518780  0.086986540  0.147118570  0.127332210
## 12307       Olfr1279 -0.066551685 -0.128941060  0.025633335 -0.011798859
## 12308        Olfr128  0.035214900  0.024903297 -0.017364502 -0.044008730
## 12309       Olfr1280  0.035200120 -0.035839080  0.029797077 -0.012915134
## 12310       Olfr1281  0.019497395  0.110028270  0.026042461  0.064072130
## 12311       Olfr1282  0.101778510 -0.170693400 -0.183169360 -0.043948650
## 12312       Olfr1283 -0.019984245  0.007708073  0.010066986 -0.061898710
## 12313       Olfr1284  0.006546497 -0.189558980  0.264460560  0.060705185
## 12314       Olfr1286 -0.038969040  0.057418346  0.130834580  0.105153084
## 12315       Olfr1287  0.071313380 -0.076193810  0.049902916  0.045938015
## 12316       Olfr1288 -0.071644306  0.178265570  0.084492680  0.000000000
## 12317       Olfr1289 -0.007182837 -0.044778824 -0.069420578  0.070627452
## 12318        Olfr129  0.000000000 -0.098834040 -0.054064274  0.034727097
## 12319       Olfr1290 -0.138064380 -0.033410072  0.259473320  0.001164436
## 12320       Olfr1294 -0.113972190  0.048035620  0.180598260 -0.026833057
## 12321       Olfr1295  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.056984425  0.030129910
## 12322       Olfr1297  0.027092457 -0.075067040  0.017114640  0.021356583
## 12323       Olfr1298  0.043566704  0.010647774  0.000000000 -0.055915833
## 12324       Olfr1299 -0.005024910 -0.026419163  0.005383015 -0.004827976
## 12325         Olfr13 -0.033191204 -0.019532204  0.071791650  0.060349940
## 12326        Olfr130 -0.057754993  0.050719738 -0.006457329  0.069773674
## 12327   Olfr1300-ps1  0.079830170  0.127548220 -0.002361298  0.080032825
## 12328       Olfr1301 -0.024610520  0.000726000  0.134029870  0.048532963
## 12329       Olfr1302 -0.055573463  0.159358020  0.169711110 -0.018481255
## 12330       Olfr1303 -0.025362492 -0.006900787  0.040965080  0.142065050
## 12331       Olfr1305 -0.008534431  0.000000000 -0.017293453  0.117730140
## 12332       Olfr1306 -0.016572952  0.010925293 -0.005767822  0.074291706
## 12333       Olfr1307  0.018954754 -0.129408360  0.055747032  0.000000000
## 12334       Olfr1308 -0.059402466 -0.045676230  0.000088700  0.047042370
## 12335       Olfr1309  0.027285099 -0.027357101  0.000000000  0.012919426
## 12336        Olfr131 -0.037045956 -0.059216976  0.029318810  0.001320839
## 12337       Olfr1310 -0.000813000 -0.030099392  0.010973930 -0.004069805
## 12338       Olfr1311  0.029628754 -0.091849330  0.060249805 -0.000024300
## 12339       Olfr1312  0.018719196  0.004680157 -0.009564400 -0.014092445
## 12340       Olfr1313 -0.013234615  0.000000000  0.155263420  0.127924440
## 12341       Olfr1314  0.041099550 -0.010757923 -0.055354595  0.151941780
## 12342       Olfr1316  0.049017430 -0.009136200  0.025485993 -0.008573532
## 12343       Olfr1317 -0.019331932 -0.022691250  0.010157585  0.040182590
## 12344       Olfr1318 -0.059130190  0.051020145  0.051906586 -0.042290210
## 12345        Olfr132 -0.058671474 -0.030907154  0.098869324  0.135826110
## 12346       Olfr1320  0.045011520  0.079337600  0.000000000 -0.068403244
## 12347       Olfr1321 -0.065744880 -0.022333622 -0.042697906 -0.143384930
## 12348       Olfr1322  0.000000000  0.043861390  0.219687940 -0.131045820
## 12349       Olfr1323 -0.069467545 -0.081209180  0.019886017  0.139854910
## 12350       Olfr1324 -0.084036350 -0.006679058  0.048932076  0.110175610
## 12351       Olfr1325  0.061349870  0.000000000  0.012147427 -0.019887447
## 12352       Olfr1328  0.056110860  0.001978397 -0.023434639  0.194270610
## 12353       Olfr1329 -0.075848100  0.025606155  0.000000000 -0.026554108
## 12354        Olfr133  0.119911670 -0.088532450 -0.043835640  0.048478127
## 12355       Olfr1330  0.158430580 -0.046430588 -0.033908367  0.036271572
## 12356       Olfr1331  0.012740135 -0.422058580 -0.066772940  0.130290990
## 12357       Olfr1333 -0.017489910  0.053587914  0.107059956 -0.215813160
## 12358       Olfr1335 -0.003952503 -0.118429184  0.028985977  0.034916878
## 12359       Olfr1336 -0.275073050 -0.075210570  0.199468610  0.072151660
## 12360       Olfr1337  0.026412010 -0.020407200  0.117006780 -0.339134700
## 12361       Olfr1338 -0.030504227  0.098598960  0.000000000 -0.078048230
## 12362       Olfr1339 -0.033987045  0.043993950 -0.016340256  0.012829781
## 12363        Olfr134  0.067539690  0.051473140  0.030607224  0.140553000
## 12364       Olfr1340 -0.035519123 -0.221487520  0.016862392  0.038856983
## 12365       Olfr1341 -0.013947010  0.032872677  0.072944640 -0.136515140
## 12366       Olfr1342  0.061657430 -0.093118670  0.021123410  0.000000000
## 12367       Olfr1344  0.018227100 -0.012736797  0.233464720  0.007651806
## 12368       Olfr1346 -0.047038080 -0.066919330  0.333944320  0.403852940
## 12369       Olfr1347  0.000000000 -0.083911896 -0.072312830  0.336735730
## 12370       Olfr1348 -0.054743767  0.035797596 -0.068089960 -0.064847946
## 12371       Olfr1349  0.115417000  0.002320290 -0.045433044 -0.003344536
## 12372        Olfr135  0.007669926  0.011221409  0.018240452  0.088331220
## 12373       Olfr1350  0.127477650 -0.065487385 -0.010170937  0.304785730
## 12374       Olfr1351  0.107550620  0.003970623 -0.035597800 -0.053296566
## 12375       Olfr1352 -0.039083004 -0.008995533 -0.049025536  0.106272700
## 12376       Olfr1353 -0.048727036 -0.120548250 -0.022123337  0.145127770
## 12377       Olfr1355  0.053461550  0.000000000 -0.011055946 -0.016126633
## 12378       Olfr1356 -0.087662700 -0.039356230  0.141966820  0.011344910
## 12379       Olfr1357 -0.063933370 -0.038193226  0.201656820  0.092431070
## 12380       Olfr1359 -0.052162886  0.124685528  0.012809277 -0.000185490
## 12381        Olfr136 -0.029171467  0.060829640  0.000260000  0.003614903
## 12382       Olfr1361  0.031116486 -0.036007880  0.173136230 -0.024432182
## 12383       Olfr1362 -0.054650784 -0.093406680  0.054434300  0.043864250
## 12384       Olfr1364 -0.050585747 -0.150959490  0.095932480  0.098738670
## 12385       Olfr1366  0.836857800 -0.033349037 -0.192112920 -0.141747950
## 12386       Olfr1367 -0.045410633 -0.027572632  0.211622240  0.172274110
## 12387       Olfr1368  0.000000000  0.023143291  0.071011540  0.210325720
## 12388        Olfr137  0.160837650 -0.077093124  0.180885790  0.036489487
## 12389       Olfr1370 -0.034099580  0.010742188  0.226240160  0.014197826
## 12390       Olfr1371  0.016830921  0.009657383  0.000000000 -0.123420715
## 12391   Olfr1372-ps1  1.053131100  0.423791400  1.252780900  0.259488580
## 12392       Olfr1373  0.067390920  0.240389820 -0.005304813 -0.022754670
## 12393       Olfr1377  0.065291880 -0.079364300 -0.020301819 -0.018460750
## 12394       Olfr1378  0.015387058 -0.155246260 -0.022450447  0.050484657
## 12395        Olfr138  0.019274712  0.002257824 -0.001118660  0.008708954
## 12396       Olfr1380 -0.008306026 -0.032085896  0.049846172  0.000000000
## 12397       Olfr1381  0.049799920  0.001704693 -0.029942990 -0.097594260
## 12398       Olfr1382  0.000000000 -0.104879380  0.049978256 -0.047930717
## 12399       Olfr1383  0.145820140  0.219608300  0.000000000  0.145758150
## 12400       Olfr1384  0.123189450  0.000000000 -0.016497612  0.112596035
## 12401       Olfr1385  0.021094323 -0.019961596  0.044091225 -0.055263520
## 12402       Olfr1387 -0.027770996 -0.016993046  0.056698800  0.078028680
## 12403       Olfr1388 -0.039993286  0.053844452 -0.082916740 -0.019013882
## 12404       Olfr1389 -0.077533720 -0.074267390  0.161453250 -0.027480602
## 12405        Olfr139  0.010658741 -0.065844536  0.044345380 -0.043663025
## 12406       Olfr1390  0.000000000 -0.026046753 -0.000201000  0.048533916
## 12407       Olfr1391  0.000000000  0.038238050  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 12408       Olfr1392 -0.176232810  0.044850350  0.176209450  0.284801000
## 12409       Olfr1393 -0.232834820  0.126974100  0.014679909 -0.035712242
## 12410       Olfr1394 -0.006816387 -0.006875515  0.011891365 -0.074421406
## 12411       Olfr1395  0.054404736  0.071837425  0.259730820 -0.083736420
## 12412       Olfr1396 -0.659788600 -0.010181427 -0.327191350  3.031414500
## 12413        Olfr140 -0.052623272 -0.148091800  0.006837368  0.145483970
## 12414       Olfr1402 -0.067970750 -0.100894930  0.178942200 -0.000716000
## 12415       Olfr1404 -0.040911674  0.000000000  0.066818240  0.052649020
## 12416       Olfr1406 -0.004624367  0.003351212  0.090543270 -0.075812820
## 12417       Olfr1408  0.144440170 -0.026744843  0.161162380  0.130254750
## 12418        Olfr141  0.071919920 -0.090959550  0.135415550  0.018306732
## 12419       Olfr1410 -0.032770157 -0.052236557 -0.074885845  0.188257220
## 12420       Olfr1411 -0.076107500  0.161814690  0.117628574 -0.052083970
## 12421       Olfr1412  0.028012276 -0.087120530 -0.091274260  0.104660990
## 12422       Olfr1413  0.021073341 -0.066322800 -0.025374890 -0.108845234
## 12423       Olfr1414 -0.023896217 -0.011188030 -0.151528840  0.160598280
## 12424       Olfr1415 -0.026574135 -0.001754761  0.169871330  0.057766438
## 12425       Olfr1416  0.034413338  0.043174744 -0.152959350  0.098602295
## 12426       Olfr1417  0.057600975 -0.039796352  0.147421360  0.097580910
## 12427       Olfr1418 -0.015138626 -0.091433525 -0.279706000  0.157618050
## 12428       Olfr1419 -0.196767800 -0.025255680  0.177593230  0.239048480
## 12429        Olfr142  0.007104397 -0.066504955  0.016690731  0.014081955
## 12430       Olfr1420  0.170776370 -0.023676872  0.391247750  0.000000000
## 12431       Olfr1423  0.001526833 -0.040140152  0.022740840  0.021484375
## 12432       Olfr1424 -0.019351960  0.015054226  0.051201344  0.015190125
## 12433       Olfr1425 -0.151044370 -0.164697170  0.021555900  0.197363380
## 12434       Olfr1426  0.121854305  0.026160717  0.177496910  0.074866295
## 12435       Olfr1427  0.000000000 -0.027670860  0.000000000  0.016889095
## 12436       Olfr1428  0.000000000 -0.001532078  0.035836220  0.059331894
## 12437        Olfr143  0.030459404  0.004169941  0.178012850  0.132653240
## 12438       Olfr1431 -0.044884680 -0.118937970  0.065028190  0.129932880
## 12439       Olfr1433 -0.050469875 -0.008846283  0.048703670 -0.004041672
## 12440       Olfr1436 -0.024051666  0.058969975 -0.048879147  0.131842610
## 12441       Olfr1437 -0.103334430 -0.028848171  0.109334470  0.002892494
## 12442       Olfr1440 -0.090226650  0.182690620  0.027028084  0.087117195
## 12443       Olfr1441  0.151832580 -0.088603020 -0.028728962 -0.021643162
## 12444       Olfr1442  0.000829000  0.085943220  0.010868549  0.000000000
## 12445       Olfr1443 -0.046907900 -0.058611393 -0.005238533 -0.004144669
## 12446       Olfr1444  0.037582397 -0.163198470 -0.032413006  0.159418100
## 12447       Olfr1445  0.002886772  0.000000000 -0.026946068  0.053687096
## 12448       Olfr1446 -0.034096718 -0.049657820 -0.014867306  0.056268692
## 12449       Olfr1447 -0.073307990  0.038561820  0.282138350  0.060597420
## 12450       Olfr1448  0.017649174 -0.022131920  0.050170900  0.082602500
## 12451       Olfr1449  0.146414760 -0.017805100  0.190229420  0.007133007
## 12452        Olfr145  0.126746180 -0.017033577 -0.249884600 -0.091801170
## 12453       Olfr1450  0.075528145  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.236898420
## 12454       Olfr1451  0.000000000 -0.027547836  0.135406500 -0.050171852
## 12455       Olfr1453  0.059070587 -0.103480340  0.014091492 -0.012024403
## 12456       Olfr1454  0.026089668 -0.008604050  0.002466202 -0.017217636
## 12457       Olfr1457 -0.032515050  0.043957710  0.040935040  0.007796288
## 12458       Olfr1459  0.125987530 -0.133729930  0.295888900  0.087164880
## 12459        Olfr146  0.000000000 -0.031851290 -0.016983032  0.025772095
## 12460       Olfr1461 -0.132190230  0.000000000  0.010245800 -0.010020733
## 12461       Olfr1462 -0.019687653  0.028790474  0.130170350 -0.011664391
## 12462       Olfr1463  0.117052080  0.006002426  0.038042070  0.016298294
## 12463       Olfr1465  0.065181730 -0.061821938 -0.009156227 -0.034229755
## 12464       Olfr1466  0.025297642 -0.002251625  0.050220490 -0.030523300
## 12465       Olfr1467 -0.091877460  0.041518690  0.044756413  0.133504390
## 12466       Olfr1469 -0.016868591 -0.010252953  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 12467        Olfr147 -0.068331240 -0.065670970  0.024866104  0.236319540
## 12468       Olfr1471  0.065451145  0.030074120  0.000779000 -0.049602985
## 12469       Olfr1472 -0.009273529 -0.009273529  0.005096912  0.060423374
## 12470       Olfr1474 -0.011536121  0.064945700  0.004314423 -0.084434030
## 12471       Olfr1475  0.076877594  0.050233364  0.280775070 -0.033195972
## 12472       Olfr1477  0.014067650 -0.009696960 -0.021305084  0.087137220
## 12473        Olfr148  0.007795811 -0.004572868  0.016195297 -0.052953243
## 12474       Olfr1480 -0.005176544 -0.064011100 -0.005176544  0.045228480
## 12475       Olfr1484  0.029089928 -0.004827023  0.060654163  0.007525921
## 12476       Olfr1487  0.000000000  0.041181564 -0.111044410 -0.011047363
## 12477       Olfr1489  0.035027504 -0.017191887 -0.030502796  0.035470486
## 12478        Olfr149  0.000000000 -0.042814730  0.128022670  0.099925040
## 12479       Olfr1490  0.000000000  0.126873500 -0.014325142  0.000000000
## 12480       Olfr1491  0.026859760 -0.070596220  0.061239720  0.171238420
## 12481       Olfr1494  0.034201145 -0.141815660  0.023334980  0.224668500
## 12482       Olfr1495  0.163000100  0.070182800 -0.077054024 -0.079767230
## 12483       Olfr1496  0.001581192 -0.040651800  0.105909350  0.030883312
## 12484       Olfr1497 -0.082158090  0.117651940  0.107562540 -0.363144400
## 12485       Olfr1499  0.136062620  0.003064156 -0.014378548  0.000000000
## 12486         Olfr15  0.102801800  0.037928580  0.129934790  0.000000000
## 12487        Olfr150  0.079333305 -0.129070280  0.192826750  0.127529140
## 12488       Olfr1500 -0.002238274  0.032711983  0.033998490  0.056246758
## 12489       Olfr1501  0.000000000 -0.033977985 -0.068693640  0.003298283
## 12490       Olfr1502  0.022668839 -0.099401000  0.104399204  0.108996390
## 12491       Olfr1504  0.017592907 -0.057133198  0.108018400 -0.075122360
## 12492       Olfr1505  0.158412220 -0.048884868  0.126335140  0.132074355
## 12493       Olfr1506 -0.109319688  0.038816690 -0.105319738 -0.023196697
## 12494       Olfr1507  0.110554695 -0.028635025 -0.006939888  0.044213770
## 12495       Olfr1508  0.134200100 -0.108763220 -0.034834860 -0.056967735
## 12496       Olfr1509 -0.000976000  0.042870520  0.028787136  0.023274422
## 12497        Olfr151 -0.011501312 -0.006779671  0.153344630 -0.017030240
## 12498       Olfr1510  0.069561005  0.016405106  0.007178307  0.129121300
## 12499       Olfr1511 -0.261351600  0.047167778  0.019618034  0.238841060
## 12500       Olfr1512  0.212759970  0.016893864 -0.034517290  0.005281925
## 12501       Olfr1513 -0.009331226  0.148765090  0.079469204  0.037757397
## 12502        Olfr152 -0.041544437  0.044069767  0.067073820  0.083999160
## 12503        Olfr153 -0.073865410 -0.049805164 -0.170602800  0.020979881
## 12504       Olfr1535  0.118354320 -0.048326492  0.000000000 -0.131177430
## 12505       Olfr1537  0.000000000 -0.320547580 -0.155328270  0.205895420
## 12506        Olfr154  0.016533852  0.041431904  0.026712894  0.062346935
## 12507        Olfr155 -0.190597060 -0.132582660  0.117189884 -0.134516240
## 12508        Olfr156  0.017159939  0.122954845  0.024975300  0.099380490
## 12509        Olfr157  0.019057750 -0.040028572  0.082252980 -0.038325310
## 12510        Olfr159 -0.005469322 -0.055559160  0.080341340  0.007375240
## 12511         Olfr16 -0.046757698 -0.047059060 -0.227154250  0.051743030
## 12512        Olfr160 -0.152676580  0.022940159  0.025292397  0.035498620
## 12513        Olfr161  0.003392220  0.010475636  0.005891323 -0.012301922
## 12514        Olfr164 -0.060801983 -0.052179337 -0.082713130  0.012307167
## 12515        Olfr165 -0.052742480 -0.089060780 -0.015398979  0.162301540
## 12516        Olfr166 -0.152093890  0.142449380  0.094705580  0.077547070
## 12517        Olfr167  0.036182404 -0.072772500  0.149852750  0.095598700
## 12518        Olfr168  0.013135910  0.007814407  0.092986580  0.132979870
## 12519        Olfr169 -0.106701374  0.010911465  0.140697960 -0.007221222
## 12520         Olfr17  0.038603783  0.007142544  0.044922830  0.000000000
## 12521        Olfr170  0.136078360 -0.044154644 -0.111257550 -0.002662182
## 12522        Olfr171  0.015974998  0.001744270  0.135847090  0.000000000
## 12523        Olfr172  0.484568600  0.166995530  0.066887856 -0.394785880
## 12524        Olfr173  0.010728359  0.034543990 -0.069972515  0.237265590
## 12525    Olfr175-ps1 -0.012042999  0.072920800  0.138583180  0.012657642
## 12526        Olfr177 -0.091859820 -0.037984848  0.000000000  0.055667877
## 12527        Olfr178 -0.004398823  0.094255924  0.023386478 -0.042434216
## 12528         Olfr18 -0.019986153  0.035734177  0.078627110  0.177073000
## 12529        Olfr180 -0.083984375 -0.233191010  0.000751000  0.026125431
## 12530        Olfr181 -0.039628030  0.002933025  0.079619410  0.040643692
## 12531        Olfr183  0.021631718  0.054005146  0.008084774 -0.007873535
## 12532        Olfr186 -0.040090560  0.001436710  0.032091140  0.020099163
## 12533        Olfr187  0.000609000 -0.024281502  0.165554050  0.000000000
## 12534         Olfr19  0.142101290 -0.093100070 -0.079164030 -0.001494408
## 12535        Olfr190 -0.029588223  0.000000000  0.029079437  0.043962955
## 12536        Olfr191 -0.024106026 -0.021546364  0.136620520  0.095034120
## 12537        Olfr192 -0.026496410 -0.047457220 -0.022090435  0.004992962
## 12538        Olfr193  0.037230490  0.016942501 -0.071645260 -0.107481000
## 12539        Olfr194  0.000000000 -0.040312290  0.050498010  0.003180504
## 12540        Olfr195  0.029637814  0.160736560 -0.075387000  0.095939160
## 12541        Olfr196 -0.002747059 -0.014872074 -0.026329994  0.015950680
## 12542        Olfr197 -0.016051770 -0.019897461  0.020174503  0.070324900
## 12543        Olfr198 -0.030277252 -0.042030334 -0.197469710  0.242093090
## 12544        Olfr199 -0.064331055 -0.030767918 -0.013275623  0.096800804
## 12545          Olfr2 -0.004611015  0.000000000  0.118456360  0.173803800
## 12546         Olfr20 -0.024279118  0.005766869 -0.109233380  0.000000000
## 12547        Olfr201  0.115344050  0.038103104  0.040454865  0.137047770
## 12548        Olfr202 -0.002448082 -0.029162884 -0.025799751 -0.013480663
## 12549        Olfr203  0.103928566 -0.003204346  0.097992420  0.099730015
## 12550        Olfr204  0.104262830  0.000000000  0.047626972  0.045452118
## 12551        Olfr205  0.002612114  0.022258282 -0.005211353  0.031730650
## 12552        Olfr206 -0.031960487  0.000000000  0.073150635  0.019772530
## 12553        Olfr208 -0.047796250 -0.038119793  0.126950260  0.071490290
## 12554        Olfr211  0.000000000 -0.018789768 -0.152863980  0.078556540
## 12555        Olfr212  0.000000000  0.037940980  0.280902400  0.213895800
## 12556        Olfr213 -0.005780697  0.000000000  0.171437260 -0.061314583
## 12557        Olfr214  0.069026950 -0.015421867 -0.246741770 -0.037811280
## 12558        Olfr215 -0.156314370 -0.088307380  0.331503870  0.122332096
## 12559        Olfr218  0.164885040  0.007525444 -0.096810340 -0.149509900
## 12560        Olfr220 -0.028221130 -0.017843723  0.110027310  0.351162430
## 12561        Olfr221 -0.046908380 -0.034865380 -0.043277740  0.000000000
## 12562        Olfr222 -0.021270275 -0.136996750  0.044683933 -0.060181140
## 12563        Olfr223 -0.053245068  0.046105860 -0.029690742 -0.029954910
## 12564        Olfr224 -0.020268440  0.132366180  0.076514244 -0.003034592
## 12565        Olfr225  0.119534970  0.050127983  0.218875410  0.282308580
## 12566        Olfr228  0.063185215  0.000000000 -0.074758050  0.043349266
## 12567        Olfr229 -0.002437115 -0.023315907  0.057603836  0.011374950
## 12568         Olfr23  0.161677840  0.000000000  0.000789000  0.000326000
## 12569        Olfr231 -0.120167255 -0.071177480 -0.093103886  0.017503738
## 12570        Olfr235 -0.062030792  0.040078163  0.037558080 -0.085482600
## 12571    Olfr237-ps1  0.027786255  0.047712326  0.106719494 -0.120252130
## 12572        Olfr239 -0.097614290 -0.141582490 -0.011682510  0.089645386
## 12573         Olfr24 -0.010867119 -0.055175304  0.036557198  0.010462284
## 12574        Olfr242  0.001018524  0.049753666  0.046913147  0.053183556
## 12575        Olfr243 -0.070812700 -0.085292816  0.044397830  0.056770800
## 12576        Olfr247  0.036340872 -0.030069192 -0.074498970  0.144763313
## 12577        Olfr248  0.019414902 -0.009416103 -0.021670818 -0.149768350
## 12578         Olfr25  0.019696712 -0.008391857  0.041652203 -0.035692690
## 12579        Olfr250 -0.070402620  0.002748489  0.026458263  0.011723518
## 12580        Olfr251 -0.074723720 -0.038373947  0.057143690  0.125088210
## 12581        Olfr259 -0.011393070  0.002568245  0.029833794  0.015305519
## 12582         Olfr26 -0.017490387 -0.020894527  0.000569000  0.036016464
## 12583        Olfr262  0.026381016 -0.094630240  0.024716854  0.000000000
## 12584        Olfr263 -0.000413656  0.029399870  0.061967136 -0.004432440
## 12585        Olfr266  0.073319435  0.025844097  0.000000000 -0.046548367
## 12586        Olfr267 -0.045970917 -0.101743220  0.344169140 -0.211244100
## 12587        Olfr270  0.036989690 -0.023790836  0.059727670  0.049945830
## 12588        Olfr272  0.197157380  0.050824165  0.155665400 -0.064160350
## 12589        Olfr273  0.023344040 -0.005268097  0.131752490  0.032128810
## 12590        Olfr275 -0.110359190  0.004769325  0.167058940  0.055369854
## 12591        Olfr279 -0.012711525 -0.122347355  0.248942380  0.024812698
## 12592        Olfr281 -0.021062851  0.046534540  0.075149060 -0.028742313
## 12593        Olfr282 -0.013206959 -0.199598310  0.113237860  0.050147533
## 12594        Olfr283  0.000743000  0.040145397  0.010119438 -0.049401760
## 12595        Olfr284 -0.093828680 -0.002354145  0.015892982  0.149398330
## 12596        Olfr285 -0.088992120  0.000000000  0.175498010 -0.089797020
## 12597        Olfr286 -0.128369810  0.000000000  0.079457280  0.204514500
## 12598        Olfr288 -0.128961560 -0.026714802 -0.033458233  0.254200940
## 12599        Olfr290  0.010938168 -0.044357777  0.049003124  0.062106610
## 12600        Olfr291  0.005250931  0.005250931  0.077122210 -0.069260600
## 12601        Olfr292  0.014151573 -0.104331490 -0.061070442 -0.103474140
## 12602        Olfr293  0.040665627 -0.054944040  0.158310410 -0.063315390
## 12603        Olfr294 -0.102633000 -0.016103745  0.070653440 -0.025804996
## 12604        Olfr295  0.000792000 -0.024682522  0.055585860  0.000335000
## 12605        Olfr297  0.064964770  0.056376457 -0.045165062 -0.009139061
## 12606        Olfr298  0.156122680 -0.050358295  0.050766468 -0.020198822
## 12607        Olfr299  0.021874428 -0.008676529  0.040048122  0.000000000
## 12608     Olfr29-ps1 -0.030948639 -0.033677100 -0.059252740  0.142672060
## 12609          Olfr3  0.000000000  0.026961327  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 12610         Olfr30 -0.000092000 -0.069209576  0.034261703  0.098573210
## 12611        Olfr301  0.073758125  0.008579254  0.032318115  0.000000000
## 12612        Olfr303  0.000000000 -0.065186020 -0.013471127  0.014635086
## 12613        Olfr304 -0.022850513 -0.145055300 -0.067176820  0.075749400
## 12614        Olfr305  0.000000000 -0.034602165  0.000000000  0.122155670
## 12615        Olfr307  0.045522690 -0.048800470  0.072209835  0.000000000
## 12616        Olfr308  0.000000000 -0.009102821  0.085998060 -0.009628773
## 12617        Olfr309  0.008896828 -0.029762745 -0.016965866  0.209779740
## 12618         Olfr31 -0.030068874  0.094020840  0.089453700  0.000000000
## 12619        Olfr310  0.090107440 -0.115256790  0.020513535 -0.041733265
## 12620        Olfr311  0.023518085 -0.189835070  0.115854740 -0.012118340
## 12621        Olfr312  0.001143456 -0.033208370  0.023607254  0.234678750
## 12622        Olfr313 -0.175788880  0.000000000 -0.166611200  0.091955660
## 12623        Olfr314  0.142531400  0.131661420  0.264173500  0.027826786
## 12624        Olfr315 -0.008239269 -0.033064842  0.091980460 -0.037060260
## 12625        Olfr316 -0.009574891  0.012696265  0.058899402 -0.090041398
## 12626        Olfr317  0.202839850  0.009867668  0.344270700 -0.083337310
## 12627        Olfr319 -0.060927868 -0.098402500  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 12628         Olfr32  0.000096800  0.013068199  0.070856094  0.017591000
## 12629        Olfr320  0.312246800  0.016757965  0.292657850 -0.116851330
## 12630        Olfr322  0.197848800  0.118264200  0.141128060 -0.281712060
## 12631        Olfr323  0.059412480  0.036516666 -0.015864850  0.126996520
## 12632        Olfr324  0.081794260 -0.043437958  0.049222470  0.000000000
## 12633        Olfr325  0.044665337 -0.051372050 -0.164040090  0.056165695
## 12634        Olfr328 -0.029130459  0.085576060  0.120727060  0.079373360
## 12635     Olfr329-ps  0.074334620 -0.084238530  0.000000000  0.019891739
## 12636         Olfr33 -0.020044327  0.000000000  0.073387146  0.110249996
## 12637        Olfr330 -0.051339150 -0.026655674  0.082696440 -0.035779953
## 12638        Olfr332  0.025357246  0.111496450  0.024757385 -0.010064602
## 12639        Olfr338  0.038951397  0.003392220 -0.145150180  0.108873370
## 12640        Olfr339 -0.040127754 -0.064430710  0.017109870  0.050227165
## 12641        Olfr340 -0.007365227 -0.043337345  0.052899360  0.002535820
## 12642        Olfr341 -0.059101580 -0.026559830  0.136022570  0.110929966
## 12643        Olfr342 -0.063834670 -0.003526688  0.021352768 -0.037699223
## 12644        Olfr344  0.143955710 -0.037027836  0.353065970  0.012070179
## 12645        Olfr345 -0.012908459 -0.012716770  0.039514540 -0.053510190
## 12646        Olfr346  0.072382930 -0.031295776  0.037721634  0.016514301
## 12647        Olfr347 -0.035535336  0.000000000 -0.033687590 -0.152775290
## 12648        Olfr348  0.024854183 -0.035562992  0.030374527 -0.057731630
## 12649        Olfr350 -0.020644665 -0.035207270 -0.087282180  0.000000000
## 12650        Olfr351 -0.059275627 -0.092267040  0.000763000  0.158984180
## 12651        Olfr352  0.005202293 -0.005598068 -0.074200630  0.007701397
## 12652        Olfr353  0.034406185 -0.035429955  0.070495130  0.046995163
## 12653        Olfr354  0.042820454  0.108628270  0.170175550 -0.128931520
## 12654        Olfr355  0.000000000  0.009044170 -0.029853820  0.037016870
## 12655        Olfr356 -0.008870602 -0.107156750  0.000000000 -0.085423470
## 12656        Olfr357  0.167112350  0.000000000 -0.070264820 -0.064574720
## 12657        Olfr358  0.082692150 -0.033197880 -0.146644120  0.208354000
## 12658        Olfr360 -0.031462431  0.069629195  0.058490515  0.085725068
## 12659        Olfr361 -0.135139470 -0.050050260  0.014018536  0.159255500
## 12660        Olfr362  0.204876420 -0.000074400  0.029266357  0.000000000
## 12661        Olfr365  0.117973565  0.045695780  0.002773285  0.035270453
## 12662        Olfr366  0.092961310  0.014986515 -0.125755310  0.063167570
## 12663     Olfr367-ps  0.130226140 -0.006121635  0.000762000  0.269405840
## 12664        Olfr368 -0.029685020 -0.093824860  0.054971218  0.031245708
## 12665        Olfr370  0.000000000 -0.042891026  0.152178760  0.016479969
## 12666        Olfr371 -0.076093200 -0.071317670  0.154802320  0.242527960
## 12667        Olfr372  0.028734684 -0.075990200  0.000000000 -0.019354343
## 12668        Olfr373 -0.176546570 -0.225538250  0.066282270  0.091141224
## 12669        Olfr374  0.198036670 -0.072373390  0.091160300  0.040959835
## 12670        Olfr376  0.004600048 -0.034528255 -0.019314290 -0.080064300
## 12671        Olfr378  0.000000000 -0.085428240  0.081387040  0.072927000
## 12672         Olfr38 -0.048567295  0.046380520  0.027921200  0.124094010
## 12673        Olfr380 -0.028531075 -0.059985160  0.005408764  0.114767550
## 12674        Olfr381 -0.022565842  0.000000000  0.006344318  0.027850628
## 12675        Olfr382  0.020037651 -0.009542465  0.006734371  0.009268761
## 12676        Olfr384 -0.087388990 -0.001344204  0.062902930 -0.016063213
## 12677        Olfr385 -0.102421760 -0.034100056  0.015484810  0.043120860
## 12678        Olfr389  0.000000000  0.044638634 -0.004310608 -0.012426853
## 12679         Olfr39 -0.013673306 -0.038326263  0.042960644 -0.122523310
## 12680        Olfr390  0.009404659 -0.044651030  0.014146805 -0.033126354
## 12681     Olfr391-ps -0.008515358 -0.058307648  0.005445480  0.090248110
## 12682        Olfr392  0.029822350 -0.050800323 -0.012294292  0.000000000
## 12683        Olfr393 -0.010046959  0.023815632 -0.053689003  0.000000000
## 12684        Olfr394  0.086177350 -0.028158188 -0.089563850  0.000000000
## 12685        Olfr395  0.097210884  0.056215286  0.000000000  0.138014800
## 12686        Olfr397 -0.011618614 -0.062118053  0.014353752 -0.060814857
## 12687        Olfr398  0.120007990 -0.012798786  0.047779560  0.210253240
## 12688        Olfr399 -0.106678486  0.013563633  0.066543580 -0.094240190
## 12689        Olfr401 -0.150988100  0.078065395 -0.048459530 -0.042074203
## 12690        Olfr402 -0.200806620 -0.010325909  0.150108810  0.045530796
## 12691        Olfr403  0.107989310 -0.080612180  0.202253340  0.063659670
## 12692        Olfr406  0.047697544  0.089803696  0.017961979  0.066856384
## 12693        Olfr410 -0.082665920  0.023596287  0.000000000  0.009631157
## 12694        Olfr411  0.008790970  0.000000000 -0.030985832  0.195479870
## 12695        Olfr412 -0.023519040 -0.011502266  0.095916270 -0.027400970
## 12696        Olfr414  0.083017350 -0.065612790 -0.042168140  0.207155230
## 12697        Olfr417  0.039375782  0.035209656  0.097661495  0.010722160
## 12698    Olfr418-ps1 -0.018884182 -0.003781796  0.065390590  0.255308150
## 12699        Olfr419  0.000000000 -0.142073150 -0.137890820 -0.043813705
## 12700        Olfr420  0.000000000  0.019342900 -0.122442245  0.009179592
## 12701    Olfr421-ps1  0.091552734  0.047542572  0.037690163  0.066243650
## 12702        Olfr424  0.000000000 -0.178506370 -0.046793938 -0.059376240
## 12703        Olfr427  0.034948826 -0.001916409 -0.056377888  0.102272990
## 12704        Olfr429  0.076077460 -0.070618150 -0.041243553  0.115491870
## 12705         Olfr43 -0.011217117  0.167377950  0.331359400 -0.147641660
## 12706        Olfr430  0.065065384 -0.071506500 -0.048836230  0.033175470
## 12707        Olfr432 -0.009112358  0.009738922  0.139716630  0.163600920
## 12708        Olfr433 -0.141845700  0.000000000  0.078967570  0.059057236
## 12709        Olfr434  0.008665562  0.006726265  0.095008850 -0.173048970
## 12710        Olfr435  0.041584970  0.037423134  0.205064770  0.026491642
## 12711        Olfr437 -0.017274380 -0.001518726  0.111132620  0.052711487
## 12712         Olfr44 -0.061063766 -0.036361694 -0.093967440 -0.006807804
## 12713        Olfr441  0.030126572 -0.025467873  0.030357838  0.170772080
## 12714        Olfr444  0.000000000  0.200828550  0.032045364  0.413888930
## 12715        Olfr446 -0.005163193 -0.030439139  0.025522471  0.014667273
## 12716        Olfr447  0.112547400  0.000000000  0.012941361 -0.013996601
## 12717        Olfr448  0.000000000  0.061187267  0.028078080 -0.086129190
## 12718        Olfr449  0.149581430  0.000000000  0.019023895 -0.100885870
## 12719         Olfr45  0.115294930 -0.050632000  0.102956295  0.169761180
## 12720        Olfr450 -0.067885400 -0.028667450  0.055058956  0.122760296
## 12721        Olfr452  0.067254070 -0.046709538 -0.087674620 -0.029553413
## 12722        Olfr453 -0.061853886  0.010055542  0.070252420  0.061232090
## 12723        Olfr455  0.022238255 -0.003936291  0.159279350  0.042342663
## 12724        Olfr456 -0.092707871  0.020747185 -0.121819020  0.125597955
## 12725        Olfr458  0.003723621 -0.068739414 -0.067150116  0.059061050
## 12726        Olfr459  0.106088160  0.102597710  0.007990837 -0.017367840
## 12727         Olfr46 -0.036569753  0.066161314 -0.054280440 -0.030727386
## 12728        Olfr460 -0.011329174  0.035224438  0.008821011 -0.042943954
## 12729        Olfr461  0.050828934  0.082131860  0.771176340  0.021096230
## 12730        Olfr462  0.013362408  0.159413340 -0.025893688  0.305016040
## 12731        Olfr463 -0.143975730 -0.054121494  0.058063507  0.007763863
## 12732        Olfr464  0.000000000  0.038011074  0.185674670  0.135630610
## 12733        Olfr466  0.010777950 -0.053699970  0.104721546  0.140256400
## 12734        Olfr467 -0.001915455  0.015576839  0.000000000  0.132181170
## 12735        Olfr469  0.078799725  0.006253719  0.018153190  0.064499855
## 12736         Olfr47  0.042760372 -0.244638440  0.218616010  0.469977380
## 12737        Olfr470 -0.017838478  0.032302856  0.020257950  0.059553623
## 12738        Olfr472  0.023183346  0.007429123  0.030568600 -0.006933689
## 12739        Olfr473  0.016177654  0.030362130  0.040716170  0.131908900
## 12740        Olfr474  0.064274310  0.030708313 -0.016935825 -0.052248955
## 12741        Olfr476 -0.082571510 -0.005064488 -0.024540424  0.296572700
## 12742        Olfr477 -0.020693779 -0.089064600  0.037345410 -0.029050827
## 12743        Olfr478 -0.084695816  0.031991005  0.000995000  0.154024600
## 12744        Olfr479  0.151590820 -0.316906450 -0.328076840 -0.276660440
## 12745         Olfr48  0.037003040 -0.125051980 -0.004105568  0.042574406
## 12746        Olfr480  0.005880833  0.021993160  0.032556057 -0.004678249
## 12747        Olfr481  0.000000000 -0.118800640  0.072002890  0.008817196
## 12748        Olfr482 -0.065202236  0.038608074  0.030401707  0.070198536
## 12749        Olfr483  0.000000000 -0.024291039 -0.045900820  0.159643170
## 12750        Olfr484  0.155053620 -0.018774510 -0.031415462  0.023713112
## 12751        Olfr485 -0.005177498  0.006125927 -0.107528210 -0.009339809
## 12752        Olfr486  0.001418591 -0.012116909  0.007638931  0.100905420
## 12753        Olfr487  0.008055210  0.033901690  0.056574345 -0.112652300
## 12754        Olfr488  0.000000000  0.028320790  0.122074604  0.012196541
## 12755         Olfr49 -0.049397470 -0.023754120  0.003425121  0.083733080
## 12756        Olfr490  0.074285030  0.015740395  0.110308650  0.116726400
## 12757        Olfr491 -0.013864994 -0.069802284 -0.010924816  0.048754692
## 12758        Olfr492  0.006049156  0.026593685  0.014890194 -0.009840488
## 12759        Olfr493  0.028762340  0.013291359  0.000000000 -0.003530979
## 12760        Olfr494  0.000000000  0.006093025  0.027345657 -0.143305300
## 12761        Olfr495  0.127112390  0.005002022  0.110281944  0.115682125
## 12762        Olfr497  0.046318054 -0.123916150 -0.046041490 -0.021523952
## 12763        Olfr498  0.000441000 -0.011861324 -0.033566950  0.049784184
## 12764          Olfr5  0.163119320 -0.053972720  0.195428370  0.021330357
## 12765         Olfr50  0.035718440 -0.080978390 -0.069428444 -0.212417130
## 12766        Olfr502 -0.066954136 -0.090898514  0.000000000 -0.071437836
## 12767        Olfr503 -0.012921810 -0.084267616  0.000000000  0.030971050
## 12768        Olfr504 -0.153549670  0.017796993  0.089180470  0.092861650
## 12769        Olfr506 -0.046504974  0.034328938 -0.114881990  0.036247730
## 12770        Olfr507  0.000000000 -0.008424282 -0.018199444 -0.050372124
## 12771        Olfr508 -0.015843868 -0.000458000  0.091396330  0.087572575
## 12772        Olfr509  0.220116620  0.099688050  0.063270570  0.110027790
## 12773         Olfr51 -0.021521807  0.109900238  0.213832139 -0.000454902
## 12774        Olfr510 -0.012606621  0.088604930  0.178797250 -0.002481461
## 12775        Olfr512  0.025010586 -0.060144424 -0.028860092  0.057719707
## 12776        Olfr513 -0.076281070  0.005213261 -0.022644520  0.063532830
## 12777        Olfr514 -0.001362801  0.134627340  0.054150580 -0.212362770
## 12778        Olfr516 -0.003145218 -0.021945477  0.004742622  0.090163230
## 12779        Olfr517  0.153196330  0.015889645 -0.146567820  0.086182594
## 12780        Olfr518  0.032919407 -0.038248062 -0.195211410  0.112335680
## 12781        Olfr519  0.130019190  0.078554630  0.029847622  0.044111730
## 12782         Olfr52  0.022734165  0.040424347 -0.000750000  0.071193695
## 12783        Olfr520  0.048791885 -0.066794870  0.273843770  0.355477800
## 12784        Olfr521 -0.071428776 -0.022345543 -0.027897835  0.051491260
## 12785        Olfr522 -0.087842940 -0.137977600 -0.092449665  0.016654491
## 12786        Olfr523  0.101059440  0.107246400 -0.085766790 -0.021024227
## 12787        Olfr524  0.000000000  0.004157543  0.089547634 -0.182375910
## 12788        Olfr525  0.075124264 -0.009704113  0.084834100  0.109385970
## 12789        Olfr527 -0.183625700  0.004093170  0.121728420  0.080102920
## 12790         Olfr53 -0.064262390 -0.007198811  0.157182220 -0.057759760
## 12791        Olfr530 -0.063771250  0.040957450  0.107362750 -0.023550987
## 12792        Olfr531 -0.136919020  0.236958980  0.119440556  0.099210740
## 12793        Olfr532  0.039573193 -0.018025875  0.095243454 -0.037864685
## 12794        Olfr533  0.101534370  0.000000000  0.094246864  0.018237590
## 12795        Olfr535 -0.027027130 -0.152484900 -0.014548779 -0.039197920
## 12796        Olfr536  0.071902275 -0.003733635  0.211668010 -0.022945404
## 12797        Olfr538  0.000000000 -0.096649169  0.017272235 -0.103320835
## 12798        Olfr539 -0.145874500  0.209460260  0.371453760  0.250993250
## 12799         Olfr54 -0.027649880 -0.044290543 -0.014801740 -0.070197345
## 12800        Olfr541 -0.006478787 -0.032908440  0.069363594  0.080393790
## 12801        Olfr543  0.309889800 -0.036078930 -0.079333780  1.190371500
## 12802        Olfr544  0.006941795 -0.158972260 -0.059964657  0.010760784
## 12803        Olfr545  0.002002716  0.016645432 -0.044623375 -0.016431808
## 12804        Olfr547 -0.002830029  0.104921820  0.005674362 -0.040400030
## 12805        Olfr549  0.227590080 -0.164242740  0.002781868 -0.070047855
## 12806        Olfr550 -0.086272720  0.029344082  0.041779995  0.086776730
## 12807        Olfr551  0.080992700 -0.089103700  0.039599895 -0.024374008
## 12808        Olfr552  0.010358334  0.111895084  0.072390560  0.000000000
## 12809        Olfr553 -0.002295971  0.053849220  0.015957355  0.087892056
## 12810        Olfr554 -0.005410671 -0.068170550 -0.028803349 -0.085503580
## 12811        Olfr555  0.026819706 -0.028944970 -0.056669712  0.026405811
## 12812        Olfr556 -0.034508705  0.057895660  0.050012590  0.094319340
## 12813        Olfr557 -0.048259260 -0.029540539  0.018784523  0.033392430
## 12814        Olfr558 -0.028913975 -0.100682735  0.000000000  0.746225830
## 12815        Olfr559  0.000000000  0.010705948  0.090294840  0.032879353
## 12816        Olfr561 -0.019518852 -0.006223679  0.039930344  0.027494907
## 12817        Olfr564 -0.075276375  0.019150257  0.042511463 -0.020849228
## 12818        Olfr566  0.129531148  0.004857779  0.021874907 -0.022173166
## 12819        Olfr568  0.021855831 -0.015307903  0.126363280  0.040744305
## 12820        Olfr569  0.033457756 -0.006546974 -0.005600452 -0.019069195
## 12821         Olfr57 -0.054480553 -0.037686348  0.014984608 -0.006599903
## 12822        Olfr570 -0.002431870 -0.021671295  0.073525430  0.122159960
## 12823        Olfr571 -0.053344250 -0.006817818 -0.173501490 -0.139642720
## 12824        Olfr572 -0.003732204 -0.068871975  0.060963630  0.063725950
## 12825        Olfr574  0.137170790 -0.025043964  0.074764730  0.000000000
## 12826        Olfr575  0.050593853  0.081716060 -0.021998882  0.176275730
## 12827        Olfr576  0.287355900 -0.072162150  0.045166016 -0.077161790
## 12828        Olfr577  0.131701470  0.000000000 -0.000711000  0.130207540
## 12829        Olfr578  0.060099125  0.008345604 -0.077066420  0.063577650
## 12830         Olfr58 -0.000029100  0.035943030 -0.001179218  0.079387665
## 12831        Olfr582 -0.143117900 -0.363389970 -0.086215970  0.108967780
## 12832        Olfr584 -0.039810180 -0.021851540  0.053152084  0.081717970
## 12833        Olfr585 -0.025352478 -0.057010174  0.113554955  0.006983757
## 12834        Olfr586  0.056282520  0.012425423 -0.068720340 -0.002662659
## 12835        Olfr589 -0.123530865 -0.072947980  0.002134800  0.267526150
## 12836         Olfr59 -0.255280020 -0.030901432  0.371890070  0.308237080
## 12837        Olfr591 -0.125410560  0.192453860  0.058638096  0.248200420
## 12838        Olfr592 -0.015508175 -0.044378280 -0.085839270  0.120918750
## 12839        Olfr593 -0.095862865 -0.027379036  0.079143524 -0.070935250
## 12840        Olfr594 -0.111814500 -0.062124730 -0.007288933  0.092771530
## 12841        Olfr597  0.000000000  0.004444122 -0.033183575 -0.053886414
## 12842        Olfr598 -0.110611440 -0.047813892 -0.077146050  0.015413761
## 12843        Olfr599  0.033231735  0.162689210  0.000000000 -0.078829290
## 12844          Olfr6 -0.000161000 -0.028567791  0.273703100  0.007819653
## 12845         Olfr60 -0.043910980  0.009368420  0.114885810  0.035267353
## 12846        Olfr600 -0.015091419  0.023846626  0.258832930  0.087885380
## 12847        Olfr601 -0.000486000  0.007759571  0.084323880  0.023969650
## 12848        Olfr603 -0.081571340  0.008540392 -0.013398886  0.092174294
## 12849        Olfr605 -0.273025040 -0.127765660  0.265535830  0.226758480
## 12850        Olfr606 -0.008093357  0.149653910  0.020336151 -0.008093357
## 12851        Olfr608  0.062805176  0.024604797  0.000000000 -0.004744053
## 12852        Olfr609  0.000000000  0.041266440  0.000000000 -0.108298300
## 12853         Olfr61  0.037927150  0.022230625  0.014785767 -0.048417090
## 12854        Olfr610 -0.008751392  0.111491680 -0.040737152 -0.045084000
## 12855        Olfr611 -0.012316942 -0.064946414  0.133521078  0.134991880
## 12856        Olfr613  0.111077785 -0.026161194  0.084505080 -0.002723217
## 12857        Olfr615  0.005978584 -0.049786090 -0.031287670  0.085258960
## 12858        Olfr616  0.000000000  0.045321940 -0.046488285  0.027460575
## 12859        Olfr617 -0.073070290 -0.041177990 -0.030865670 -0.014269829
## 12860        Olfr618  0.059296608 -0.101706980  0.000000000 -0.034109592
## 12861        Olfr619  0.044288160 -0.006920338  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 12862         Olfr62  0.025026798  0.000000000  0.051276207 -0.008995533
## 12863        Olfr620 -0.049882412 -0.069230560  0.031277180  0.015998363
## 12864        Olfr622 -0.030507565 -0.065994740 -0.008252144 -0.048596382
## 12865        Olfr623 -0.131843090 -0.076407910 -0.012411118  0.033572674
## 12866        Olfr624 -0.011086703  0.123044729 -0.003993513  0.024864437
## 12867        Olfr628  0.017913342 -0.019893170 -0.042037964  0.044935703
## 12868        Olfr629  0.072821620  0.000000000  0.143612860 -0.108175280
## 12869         Olfr63  0.061203003 -0.017197609 -0.234028340 -0.050966740
## 12870        Olfr630  0.059976578  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.064486980
## 12871        Olfr631 -0.049339294  0.054350853  0.018521786  0.175001140
## 12872        Olfr632 -0.049734592  0.009573936 -0.037064075  0.000000000
## 12873        Olfr633 -0.070670130  0.041386604  0.155128000  0.018081188
## 12874        Olfr635  0.162580970 -0.028825760 -0.079337120  0.114521980
## 12875        Olfr638  0.097184660 -0.180724620 -0.046823025 -0.118284225
## 12876        Olfr639  0.136946200  0.077898500 -0.065168380  0.080348015
## 12877         Olfr64  0.025105953  0.074997900 -0.079441550  0.080251694
## 12878        Olfr640 -0.021320820  0.063211920 -0.013130665  0.011715412
## 12879        Olfr641  0.006382942 -0.025680542 -0.027399540  0.044909954
## 12880        Olfr642 -0.013645649  0.026643753  0.110296726  0.241788860
## 12881        Olfr643  0.110780716 -0.036831380 -0.024971008 -0.034588337
## 12882        Olfr644  0.147315500  0.036821365  0.080681800  0.000000000
## 12883        Olfr645 -0.054013252  0.000000000  0.070341590  0.031974316
## 12884        Olfr646 -0.094896320 -0.112815380  0.113232610  0.146883490
## 12885        Olfr648 -0.030511380  0.072338580  0.042448997 -0.040916920
## 12886        Olfr649  0.000631000 -0.011911392 -0.028401375  0.123362540
## 12887         Olfr65 -0.047414303 -0.037114143 -0.069820880  0.117967606
## 12888        Olfr651  0.026672840 -0.003511906  0.379503250  0.007662773
## 12889        Olfr652  0.470671650 -0.176702500  0.356008530  0.087260250
## 12890        Olfr653  0.104103090 -0.160136700  0.089774610  0.025302410
## 12891        Olfr654 -0.039629460  0.000000000  0.118611336  0.000000000
## 12892        Olfr655 -0.009458542  0.032248974  0.087895390 -0.112041000
## 12893        Olfr656  0.115539550 -0.067916390  0.033442497  0.000000000
## 12894        Olfr657 -0.177305700 -0.079051495  0.023869991 -0.035215855
## 12895        Olfr658  0.043515205 -0.123512270  0.022324562  0.000000000
## 12896        Olfr659 -0.061381340  0.088140010  0.000000000 -0.080213550
## 12897         Olfr66  0.040771484 -0.113671300 -0.041956425  0.044744970
## 12898        Olfr661  0.062035560 -0.015483856  0.026522636  0.047542095
## 12899        Olfr663  0.089043620 -0.040166378  0.207183360 -0.045286655
## 12900        Olfr665  0.081250190  0.063797950  0.096716880 -0.032922745
## 12901        Olfr666  0.007479668  0.016273022 -0.109335900  0.106875900
## 12902        Olfr667  0.000000000 -0.029350758  0.101812360  0.089015484
## 12903        Olfr668 -0.014686108 -0.116322040 -0.109599590  0.159966950
## 12904        Olfr669  0.110956190 -0.037136555  0.149611470  0.017252922
## 12905         Olfr67  0.001850128 -0.058605194 -0.054676056 -0.021811962
## 12906        Olfr670  0.030938148  0.000000000 -0.043567657 -0.025932789
## 12907        Olfr671 -0.036606310  0.050603390  0.176366330  0.000000000
## 12908        Olfr672 -0.058564186 -0.024562359  0.028868198  0.058429240
## 12909        Olfr675  0.010294914  0.109678745 -0.044031620 -0.005327225
## 12910        Olfr676  0.088876724 -0.038780212 -0.044853210  0.052021503
## 12911        Olfr677 -0.026184082 -0.013369083  0.020675660  0.086682800
## 12912        Olfr678 -0.074633600 -0.015208721  0.027499199 -0.125630380
## 12913        Olfr679 -0.075226784  0.087694170 -0.074245930 -0.017009735
## 12914         Olfr68 -0.094819546 -0.113603115 -0.023800373  0.085710050
## 12915        Olfr681  0.000000000  0.068160060  0.058501244  0.032397747
## 12916        Olfr683  0.038810730 -0.075430390 -0.053278446  0.000000000
## 12917        Olfr684  0.066443920  0.075610160 -0.010182381  0.239154340
## 12918        Olfr685 -0.096630570  0.084808830 -0.057281017  0.000000000
## 12919        Olfr686  0.001471043  0.053370476  0.046134950 -0.127334120
## 12920        Olfr688 -0.005016327 -0.067403554 -0.025421381 -0.065031290
## 12921        Olfr689  0.130282880 -0.002659798  0.070540430  0.077670100
## 12922         Olfr69 -0.010766983 -0.003798485  0.009630680  0.019609451
## 12923        Olfr690 -0.053210735  0.147328850 -0.003329277  0.031549930
## 12924        Olfr691  0.000000000  0.086831570  0.161314010  0.172032360
## 12925        Olfr692 -0.018425465 -0.000555000  0.046020508  0.076087000
## 12926        Olfr693  0.099337580  0.009091377  0.223435400  0.133039950
## 12927        Olfr695 -0.052975178  0.004089832 -0.017503262 -0.121469500
## 12928        Olfr697  0.000000000 -0.119881630 -0.060481550  0.009461403
## 12929        Olfr698 -0.053731920 -0.142712120  0.106906414  0.045888424
## 12930        Olfr699 -0.123960970 -0.047166348  0.155691620  0.057751656
## 12931         Olfr70  0.017827510  0.028796673  0.000000000  0.120581150
## 12932        Olfr700  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.134181020 -0.088068960
## 12933        Olfr701 -0.049003600 -0.116395470  0.000000000  0.071396830
## 12934        Olfr702  0.048333645  0.006761074  0.136872770  0.011880875
## 12935        Olfr703 -0.089183330 -0.088851930  0.048835278  0.053576470
## 12936        Olfr704  0.024779558  0.047762156  0.083411453  0.003013134
## 12937        Olfr705  0.017560959 -0.070731160  0.017933369  0.013925552
## 12938        Olfr706  0.160197730 -0.099988940  0.152843950  0.275081160
## 12939        Olfr707 -0.028256177 -0.030987025 -0.062405348  0.120111225
## 12940         Olfr71 -0.040555954 -0.102589610  0.198875900 -0.026130676
## 12941        Olfr710 -0.124475000 -0.030164719  0.195537570 -0.049407482
## 12942        Olfr711 -0.136659620 -0.012363434  0.084134580  0.000000000
## 12943        Olfr713 -0.012211323  0.164608960 -0.036123753  0.071911810
## 12944        Olfr714 -0.058436394  0.031489372  0.054245472 -0.193858150
## 12945        Olfr715  0.026942730 -0.026031017  0.037155630  0.111830710
## 12946        Olfr716  0.083832264  0.064957140 -0.062160015 -0.066414830
## 12947        Olfr720 -0.074441910 -0.086888310 -0.120908260  0.323996540
## 12948        Olfr722  0.000000000  0.028568268  0.045101643  0.020195007
## 12949        Olfr723  0.026400328 -0.102185250  0.067183017 -0.007972241
## 12950        Olfr725 -0.081894875  0.043663025  0.112325670  0.038299560
## 12951        Olfr726  0.113591194 -0.029254436  0.222925190 -0.146905900
## 12952        Olfr727 -0.013219833 -0.006065369  0.022527218 -0.039465904
## 12953        Olfr728  0.060230732  0.018862724  0.208468440 -0.026937962
## 12954        Olfr729 -0.004468918 -0.020277023  0.075637820  0.014470577
## 12955         Olfr73  0.028312683 -0.019004822 -0.036816120  0.037610530
## 12956        Olfr730 -0.112989900  0.022639751 -0.073105810  0.152616980
## 12957        Olfr731  0.000000000  0.004602909  0.037591934 -0.023622036
## 12958        Olfr732 -0.042820454  0.000917000  0.012844086 -0.059935093
## 12959        Olfr733  0.046236040 -0.030814170  0.018033981  0.043140410
## 12960        Olfr734 -0.006442547 -0.025413990  0.239404200  0.059103966
## 12961        Olfr735 -0.066948414  0.068788050  0.030043602 -0.038509846
## 12962        Olfr736 -0.103368760 -0.071405890 -0.042682170  0.080183506
## 12963        Olfr738 -0.003516674 -0.082428930  0.135235790  0.147846700
## 12964        Olfr739  0.085212710 -0.091265680 -0.008941174  0.104861740
## 12965         Olfr74 -0.099591730  0.092248920  0.050606250  0.057334900
## 12966        Olfr740 -0.052002907  0.002721310  0.189260480  0.127069000
## 12967        Olfr741 -0.013233662 -0.084459305  0.007373810 -0.007271767
## 12968        Olfr742  0.172805310 -0.013420105 -0.034833908  0.016337395
## 12969        Olfr743  0.007867336  0.007662773 -0.145264630 -0.014891624
## 12970        Olfr744  0.059259890 -0.007749081 -0.062278748  0.424490450
## 12971        Olfr745  0.039702415 -0.000249000  0.088397026  0.012095928
## 12972        Olfr746 -0.005624771 -0.006511688 -0.104728220  0.050072670
## 12973        Olfr747 -0.000178000 -0.037905693  0.009008884 -0.026689530
## 12974        Olfr748 -0.089536190  0.038715363 -0.174503800 -0.166073320
## 12975        Olfr749  0.010281563  0.047420025 -0.003526211  0.054397583
## 12976        Olfr750  0.148817060  0.074663640  0.061967850 -0.069292545
## 12977         Olfr76  0.053903103  0.127218250  0.089801790  0.317972180
## 12978        Olfr761 -0.013002396  0.148283480 -0.049518585 -0.024842262
## 12979        Olfr763  0.044146060 -0.115698814  0.058092594  0.132224080
## 12980        Olfr765 -0.180949690  0.035917760  0.005027294  0.035063267
## 12981        Olfr767  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.011262417  0.328468320
## 12982        Olfr768 -0.003414631 -0.004889488 -0.006536007  0.032536983
## 12983        Olfr769 -0.019073486  0.045763970 -0.064640045  0.054595470
## 12984         Olfr77  0.065957070  0.000000000  0.010887623  0.084003925
## 12985        Olfr770 -0.067825320 -0.012755394 -0.052600384  0.160570620
## 12986        Olfr771 -0.022858620 -0.020059586  0.008742809 -0.001328945
## 12987        Olfr772  0.008350849  0.033736706 -0.116533280 -0.088824750
## 12988        Olfr773  0.095821380  0.000000000 -0.011865139 -0.144907470
## 12989        Olfr774 -0.045085430 -0.000790000  0.057889460  0.126092910
## 12990        Olfr775 -0.088191030 -0.065758705  0.016712189  0.009189129
## 12991        Olfr776  0.001748085 -0.021116257 -0.019509315  0.067238330
## 12992        Olfr777  0.032749653 -0.059789658  0.113314630 -0.082520960
## 12993         Olfr78 -0.039692880 -0.038969994  0.011125565  0.117083070
## 12994        Olfr780  0.007125855  0.093888760  0.000000000  0.007125855
## 12995        Olfr781 -0.012639046  0.036120415  0.031636238  0.000000000
## 12996        Olfr782  0.000668288  0.000737288 -0.127310995 -0.032037735
## 12997        Olfr784 -0.078400135  0.000000000  0.005718231  0.095178604
## 12998        Olfr786  0.000000000 -0.015036106  0.044473170 -0.087180140
## 12999        Olfr787 -0.018245695 -0.076913834  0.025795460  0.040091753
## 13000        Olfr788  0.000000000 -0.025307655  0.024893760  0.076183320
## 13001        Olfr790  0.000898000 -0.045381070 -0.058864117  0.022608280
## 13002        Olfr791  0.014678478 -0.025463581  0.149759300  0.135362630
## 13003        Olfr792  0.055305480 -0.048511505 -0.126714230  0.221111770
## 13004        Olfr794 -0.061742783 -0.032098770 -0.012544155  0.064059260
## 13005        Olfr796  0.078485010 -0.090457440  0.164523120 -0.034622192
## 13006        Olfr798  0.002884865 -0.074362280  0.011932850 -0.058799744
## 13007        Olfr799  0.227044580 -0.111724850  0.000000000  0.012797356
## 13008          Olfr8 -0.012429237  0.013694525 -0.039339304  0.073553323
## 13009        Olfr800  0.014377594 -0.079057690  0.095374584 -0.109703540
## 13010        Olfr801  0.079890250  0.045790672  0.047533990 -0.014301777
## 13011        Olfr802  0.014273167  0.000000000  0.003035545  0.015830517
## 13012        Olfr803 -0.059189320 -0.007360458 -0.076148510  0.021255016
## 13013        Olfr804 -0.009468555 -0.030181408  0.027157307  0.031710148
## 13014        Olfr805 -0.034196854 -0.020521640  0.069425580  0.064427376
## 13015        Olfr806 -0.048824787 -0.005945683  0.044735430  0.054234980
## 13016        Olfr807 -0.192391400 -0.162065500  0.217368130  0.000000000
## 13017        Olfr808  0.144108770  0.000000000  0.039587020  0.034692764
## 13018        Olfr809 -0.008061409  0.103717804  0.040762424 -0.011093617
## 13019        Olfr810  0.187480450  0.011271477 -0.001627922  0.005928516
## 13020        Olfr811  0.023806572  0.097410680  0.161894320  0.002769470
## 13021        Olfr812  0.080139160  0.014134884 -0.149265770  0.002431870
## 13022        Olfr813 -0.020963669  0.043429375  0.001356125  0.175313470
## 13023        Olfr814  0.060365677 -0.088502884 -0.005961895  0.063777450
## 13024        Olfr815  0.003016472 -0.040868760  0.061762333  0.069744110
## 13025        Olfr816  0.059117317 -0.107218740  0.103422640 -0.036006450
## 13026        Olfr818 -0.017831802 -0.065629005 -0.136443610  0.112217900
## 13027        Olfr820  0.013175964 -0.035231590 -0.060181618  0.078489780
## 13028        Olfr821  0.064987180  0.176085000  0.000000000  0.050464153
## 13029        Olfr822 -0.015227318  0.000000000  0.053868770 -0.034852980
## 13030        Olfr823 -0.032132150  0.027664185  0.056179047  0.071091175
## 13031        Olfr824 -0.027509212  0.033268450  0.063716890  0.089385510
## 13032        Olfr825  0.071637630 -0.044008255  0.019343376  0.085092070
## 13033        Olfr826  0.058856964  0.057520866 -0.072381500  0.000000000
## 13034        Olfr827  0.077738760 -0.017174720 -0.044589043  0.053891182
## 13035        Olfr828 -0.014990807 -0.091714860 -0.005856514  0.042899610
## 13036        Olfr829  0.059373380 -0.014804840  0.095072750  0.217227940
## 13037        Olfr830  0.159669880  0.000000000  0.238223080  0.100903990
## 13038        Olfr832  0.045179844 -0.000981000  0.000433000  0.069255830
## 13039        Olfr834 -0.010194778 -0.012683392 -0.051830770  0.028564453
## 13040        Olfr835 -0.033749104 -0.131649020 -0.072451115  0.143731120
## 13041        Olfr836 -0.009556294  0.013678551  0.116429330 -0.016757965
## 13042        Olfr837 -0.023853779 -0.017765999  0.010070801  0.018661976
## 13043        Olfr843 -0.074580190 -0.035055160  0.053373814  0.004316330
## 13044        Olfr845 -0.023495197 -0.004024506  0.131635190  0.091116430
## 13045        Olfr846  0.011067867 -0.001023293  0.033736230 -0.068208694
## 13046        Olfr847 -0.004074574  0.082263470  0.000000000  0.035185814
## 13047        Olfr849  0.000000000 -0.020517350 -0.030161380  0.017296791
## 13048        Olfr850  0.041658400 -0.019739628  0.180570130 -0.056001186
## 13049        Olfr851  0.010634899 -0.002759457  0.036480427 -0.026461601
## 13050        Olfr853 -0.005518913 -0.015816212  0.020597458 -0.006619453
## 13051        Olfr854 -0.028898240  0.015506744 -0.023783207  0.048494816
## 13052        Olfr855 -0.016674995 -0.032158375 -0.031354904  0.038175583
## 13053    Olfr856-ps1  0.023422241  0.637039660  0.237044330 -0.182350160
## 13054        Olfr857 -0.030150414  0.121772290 -0.029823303 -0.040931225
## 13055        Olfr859 -0.002915859  0.000000000  0.080772880 -0.003715515
## 13056        Olfr860  0.039382935  0.014672756  0.015254021 -0.040558340
## 13057        Olfr862 -0.079455850 -0.076774600 -0.155478000  0.022309303
## 13058        Olfr866  0.012418747  0.063106060  0.087606910 -0.052002430
## 13059        Olfr867 -0.007606983 -0.095473770 -0.029198170  0.163388730
## 13060        Olfr868 -0.042861460  0.014196396  0.081978320  0.094276430
## 13061        Olfr869  0.063427925  0.011209011  0.150358200  0.145463470
## 13062        Olfr870 -0.031002998  0.071200850  0.108287810  0.031416416
## 13063        Olfr871 -0.013959885  0.010696888 -0.089984420  0.012817383
## 13064        Olfr872  0.056297302  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.005726337
## 13065        Olfr873  0.007527351 -0.074817660  0.073316574  0.138956070
## 13066        Olfr874  0.066552640  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.008965969
## 13067        Olfr875  0.149371150 -0.000914000  0.033363820  0.044666767
## 13068        Olfr876  0.056839943  0.039367200 -0.068893910  0.111598490
## 13069        Olfr877  0.000000000 -0.081370830  0.000000000 -0.033109188
## 13070        Olfr878  0.099429610 -0.128119950  0.000000000 -0.033791065
## 13071        Olfr881 -0.019373894  0.082774640 -0.101314070  0.015959740
## 13072        Olfr883  0.075260640 -0.006259918  0.071398735  0.089517590
## 13073        Olfr884 -0.027091980 -0.000358000  0.019703865  0.045669556
## 13074        Olfr885 -0.025412083  0.000000000  0.007020950  0.020125866
## 13075        Olfr887 -0.081964490  0.071115494  0.017813683 -0.004912853
## 13076        Olfr888  0.006796837 -0.067727566  0.000000000  0.180774210
## 13077        Olfr889  0.009860039  0.036220550  0.017217636  0.082314970
## 13078        Olfr890  0.109060290 -0.042116165  0.001739979  0.001739979
## 13079        Olfr891 -0.018427849  0.084187510  0.061700344  0.089262960
## 13080        Olfr893  0.006445885 -0.071992400  0.030010700 -0.081760410
## 13081        Olfr894 -0.035204887 -0.018764973  0.017914772  0.035320760
## 13082        Olfr895  0.021306038  0.160605430  0.094042780  0.087709900
## 13083        Olfr898  0.101850030 -0.126656060  0.004616737  0.121551040
## 13084          Olfr9 -0.104313370  0.024123669 -0.123000620 -0.026754380
## 13085         Olfr90 -0.167356490 -0.059229850  0.000000000 -0.133570670
## 13086        Olfr901 -0.022257328 -0.081966880  0.424993040  0.191508770
## 13087        Olfr902 -0.039140224 -0.070123670  0.094623566 -0.028857708
## 13088        Olfr904 -0.065639496 -0.084769726  0.069889070 -0.053012848
## 13089        Olfr905 -0.032113075  0.000000000 -0.009591579  0.104140280
## 13090        Olfr906 -0.023476124 -0.033556460  0.024731160  0.000000000
## 13091        Olfr907 -0.157509330 -0.104938030  0.002237320  0.154144760
## 13092        Olfr908  0.121412754 -0.022850990 -0.066117760  0.000000000
## 13093         Olfr91 -0.204683300 -0.110726360  0.026056290 -0.162570480
## 13094        Olfr910 -0.017416954 -0.055140020 -0.071281430  0.062247753
## 13095    Olfr911-ps1  0.168641570  0.033594610 -0.002642155  0.093607900
## 13096        Olfr912 -0.021166801 -0.059007168 -0.029888153  0.052363396
## 13097        Olfr913  0.000000000 -0.016881943  0.018805027  0.060041428
## 13098        Olfr914  0.060728073  0.048510550  0.093383310 -0.008205891
## 13099        Olfr915  0.016912460  0.012260914  0.068376064  0.162638660
## 13100        Olfr916  0.063614845 -0.041503430  0.036599636  0.168730260
## 13101        Olfr917  0.020530700 -0.024354935  0.125092030  0.131381030
## 13102        Olfr918  0.020071030 -0.046645164  0.027472973  0.064199450
## 13103        Olfr919  0.000000000 -0.006207943  0.036532880  0.001365185
## 13104         Olfr92 -0.046056271 -0.083760737 -0.034353017  0.058159590
## 13105        Olfr920 -0.473177430 -0.221514700 -0.277828700 -0.074433800
## 13106        Olfr921 -0.064909935 -0.116086960  0.040431023  0.028630257
## 13107        Olfr922 -0.031170368 -0.102082730 -0.043260574 -0.025731087
## 13108        Olfr923 -0.012617111 -0.058227062  0.037892340  0.006447792
## 13109        Olfr924  0.046488285 -0.025678158  0.006974697 -0.015296459
## 13110        Olfr926  0.042852400 -0.014408588 -0.000579000  0.056596280
## 13111         Olfr93  0.028465748 -0.083998680  0.117898940  0.168809410
## 13112        Olfr930 -0.036988260  0.054686070 -0.041185380  0.110619070
## 13113        Olfr933  0.064916610 -0.053201200  0.094418050 -0.055591583
## 13114        Olfr934 -0.021345139 -0.049660206 -0.038475990  0.000000000
## 13115        Olfr935 -0.042142390 -0.063952446 -0.004786968  0.064339640
## 13116        Olfr937 -0.088749410 -0.080507280  0.000000000 -0.060369490
## 13117        Olfr938  0.000000000  0.044505596  0.055033684 -0.004213333
## 13118         Olfr94  0.263222220  0.046564580  0.066124916 -0.020100594
## 13119        Olfr943  0.054039480  0.092556950  0.051796436 -0.013199329
## 13120        Olfr944  0.037362100 -0.003654957 -0.021790981 -0.064310550
## 13121        Olfr945  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.041962624  0.039403440
## 13122    Olfr947-ps1  0.000000000 -0.026761055  0.026388645  0.093262196
## 13123        Olfr948  0.049858093 -0.006078243  0.037165165 -0.013409138
## 13124         Olfr95 -0.056755066 -0.156722070 -0.081131460  0.134815220
## 13125        Olfr951  0.027823925 -0.060711384  0.000000000 -0.052082540
## 13126        Olfr952  0.026564121 -0.005981445  0.014814854  0.003967285
## 13127        Olfr954  0.178405280  0.000000000 -0.076252940 -0.025907040
## 13128        Olfr955  0.000000000 -0.060821056  0.020980835  0.051715850
## 13129        Olfr957  0.091337680  0.001558781 -0.057208538  0.314627170
## 13130        Olfr958  0.028513908  0.064591410  0.000000000 -0.010837078
## 13131        Olfr959  0.120539190 -0.110130310  0.093469620 -0.040857792
## 13132         Olfr96  0.076000690  0.040309430  0.092583660  0.052565575
## 13133        Olfr960  0.000000000  0.030256271  0.045325280  0.025812149
## 13134        Olfr961 -0.021840572 -0.006060123  0.001404285  0.073361400
## 13135        Olfr963 -0.008473873  0.112010480  0.098455906  0.015050888
## 13136        Olfr965 -0.067419530  0.008791924  0.009379387 -0.058979034
## 13137        Olfr967  0.004318237  0.050469875  0.157387730 -0.009401321
## 13138        Olfr968  0.000000000 -0.033002853  0.001677990  0.009698868
## 13139        Olfr969 -0.041939735 -0.073881150  0.000000000  0.046578884
## 13140         Olfr97 -0.501882550  0.010853767  0.284729000 -0.061892033
## 13141        Olfr970  0.072840690  0.094580650  0.159501550  0.135012630
## 13142        Olfr971 -0.035054207  0.015764713  0.055486202 -0.009965897
## 13143        Olfr972 -0.004425049 -0.058980465  0.090402130  0.016139984
## 13144        Olfr974 -0.007744789  0.000000000 -0.172419070  0.304010400
## 13145        Olfr975  0.022874832  0.056631565 -0.116124150  0.068032740
## 13146        Olfr976  0.008275509 -0.099601746 -0.051032543  0.015552521
## 13147        Olfr978  0.059839725 -0.045113564 -0.003627300  0.144844530
## 13148        Olfr979  0.140046120  0.042598248  0.063578606 -0.043099403
## 13149         Olfr98 -0.183168890 -0.115118030 -0.097510815  0.240693570
## 13150        Olfr980 -0.014115334  0.012930393  0.146423340 -0.037027360
## 13151        Olfr981  0.000000000 -0.188079830  0.000000000 -0.151713850
## 13152        Olfr982 -0.006656170 -0.049270630 -0.197654720  0.091319560
## 13153        Olfr983 -0.026667595  0.000000000 -0.082515240  0.000000000
## 13154        Olfr984 -0.046699524  0.000000000  0.306941500 -0.000586000
## 13155        Olfr985 -0.054950714 -0.000621000  0.135044100 -0.005007744
## 13156        Olfr986 -0.076737880 -0.004023075  0.036184310 -0.149986740
## 13157        Olfr987  0.093078140  0.061873913  0.000289000 -0.037734985
## 13158        Olfr988 -0.101392270 -0.020192146 -0.081385610  0.104944706
## 13159         Olfr99 -0.875977500  0.773072240  0.000000000  0.130037310
## 13160        Olfr992  0.023330688  0.096154210 -0.034864902  0.051703930
## 13161        Olfr993 -0.027496815  0.028659820  0.000000000  0.042150497
## 13162        Olfr994 -0.000842000 -0.076520440  0.012835979  0.153447630
## 13163        Olfr995  0.017444134  0.025481700  0.006309986 -0.044649124
## 13164        Olfr996 -0.046785830  0.000470000  0.074827194  0.038441180
## 13165        Olfr998  0.063904760  0.152133940  0.067531110 -0.013514042
## 13166          Olig1  0.021381855 -0.020059109 -0.032891273 -0.000697000
## 13167          Olig2  0.012919903 -0.001782417  0.135864260  0.081093790
## 13168          Olig3  0.000000000  0.078540325  0.090758800 -0.084027290
## 13169           Olr1 -0.094211580 -0.045042038 -0.062914850 -0.135785580
## 13170           Oma1  0.242315290  0.078747750  0.227765080  0.133108140
## 13171            Omd  0.028686047 -0.049134730 -0.151608470 -0.032885075
## 13172            Omg -0.061079025 -0.217640880 -0.177902700  0.637002940
## 13173            Omp  0.000000000  0.016679287  0.296729560 -0.031744480
## 13174          Omt2a  0.117650986 -0.023121357  0.016562939  0.073812960
## 13175          Omt2b  0.000000000  0.001071930 -0.042324066  0.044518470
## 13176        Onecut1  0.113440510  0.073519230  0.207463260 -0.059330463
## 13177        Onecut2  0.108388424 -0.084964275  0.150976180  0.124601840
## 13178        Onecut3  0.008979797  0.031327248 -0.029655933 -0.091376305
## 13179           Ooep  0.071348670 -0.053606033  0.053659916  0.000000000
## 13180           Oog1  0.104619740  0.035641672  0.000000000  0.041994097
## 13181           Oog2  0.095449210  0.062751531  0.106040715 -0.000225500
## 13182           Oog3  0.185652730 -0.052762030  0.207009320  0.093813420
## 13183           Oog4 -0.068451880  0.020057201  0.091649530  0.045005320
## 13184          Oosp1  0.034446240 -0.044212820  0.011217594 -0.008053303
## 13185           Opa1  0.000000000 -0.135299680  0.051054955  0.058354378
## 13186           Opa3 -0.039944650 -0.436375620  0.033026695  0.000819000
## 13187         Opalin  0.000000000 -0.053048134 -0.025007248  0.025194645
## 13188          Opcml -0.065786840 -0.196818350 -0.002114773  0.007605076
## 13189          Ophn1  0.882883100  0.878632550  0.606706600  0.269538880
## 13190          Oplah  0.039375785  0.202739005  0.248602629 -0.051266672
## 13191         Opn1mw -0.080641270  0.112511635 -0.037415504  0.095448020
## 13192         Opn1sw  0.035728930 -0.044073105 -0.122708320  0.076671120
## 13193           Opn3 -0.108167650 -0.201736930 -0.023028374 -0.262573720
## 13194           Opn4 -0.142294880  0.025946140 -0.169590000 -0.015885353
## 13195           Opn5 -0.021364689  0.123460290 -0.006302357  0.127110960
## 13196          Oprd1  0.108286860 -0.007553577 -0.063690186  0.102629660
## 13197          Oprk1  0.052784920  0.000000000 -0.164685250 -0.016427994
## 13198          Oprl1 -0.044684410  0.028276920  0.069849014  0.031167507
## 13199          Oprm1 -0.062530040  0.036795140 -0.076211930  0.002933502
## 13200           Optc -0.038826942 -0.067401410  0.047159670  0.067582130
## 13201           Optn -0.480758200 -0.378898620 -0.357237820 -0.024577140
## 13202          Orai1 -0.164140220  0.169198040  0.000000000  0.097825050
## 13203          Orai2 -0.105886458 -0.078936338  0.141142370  0.020536423
## 13204          Orai3 -0.123311520 -0.010915279  0.222168450  0.000000000
## 13205         Oraov1  0.234682080 -0.665517800  0.445938100 -0.048582077
## 13206           Orc1  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.136395450  0.000000000
## 13207           Orc2  0.094766620  0.046875000  0.214955330 -0.500057200
## 13208           Orc3 -0.058164597 -0.147864340  0.259088520  0.161840440
## 13209           Orc4  0.444214820 -0.014385223  0.159034730  0.011773109
## 13210           Orc5 -0.172727110 -0.197880740 -0.101876736  0.036923885
## 13211           Orc6 -0.325430870 -0.590302000  0.135991100  0.504483200
## 13212           Orm1 -0.264486300 -0.137061120 -0.022927761  0.046663760
## 13213           Orm2 -0.211708550 -0.244484900 -0.291011800  0.000000000
## 13214           Orm3  0.027102947 -0.204402450 -0.069754120  0.023622036
## 13215         Ormdl1  0.456032750  0.336437700  0.151007650 -0.476869580
## 13216         Ormdl2  0.113641260 -0.008095741  0.462535380  0.074676990
## 13217         Ormdl3 -0.004929543  0.198696140  0.434653280 -0.035201073
## 13218            Os9 -0.413784030  0.058214188 -0.026593208  0.068201065
## 13219           Osbp  0.155565260 -0.073785780  0.042113304  0.179957390
## 13220          Osbp2  0.009197712  0.014344215 -0.045537950 -0.183210850
## 13221        Osbpl10  0.174108980  0.302869320 -0.094374180  0.097642420
## 13222        Osbpl11  0.000000000  0.124917984 -0.009128571 -0.029797554
## 13223        Osbpl1a  1.591454500  1.532648100  1.292243000 -0.005212307
## 13224         Osbpl2  0.313499450  0.188222890  0.605351450 -0.212042810
## 13225         Osbpl3 -0.197283740 -0.131436350 -0.233646870 -0.120846750
## 13226         Osbpl5 -0.207177160 -0.012293339 -0.040682316  0.037744045
## 13227         Osbpl6  0.284009460 -0.028502941  0.014917374  0.000594000
## 13228         Osbpl7 -0.148582460  0.186717510 -0.630115500  0.000000000
## 13229         Osbpl8  0.334105500  0.011727333 -0.001773834 -0.024801254
## 13230         Osbpl9  0.517959600  0.518753050  0.438704500  0.189308170
## 13231          Oscar  0.082729820  0.074295044  0.061402798 -0.049286842
## 13232          Oscp1 -0.013639450 -0.168707370  0.284800050 -0.133593080
## 13233          Oser1  0.316031450  0.285799035  0.055444718 -0.213053705
## 13234          Osgep -0.030253411  0.303518295  0.132137059 -0.192804335
## 13235        Osgepl1  1.287533800  0.374673370  1.003559600  0.401020530
## 13236         Osgin1 -0.038790226 -0.116756916 -0.131742950 -0.045367718
## 13237         Osgin2  0.468847750 -0.187138080 -0.343069550  0.082490920
## 13238            Osm -0.063159940 -0.447022440 -0.146115300  0.003320217
## 13239           Osmr  0.684255600  0.232944490  0.821164130  0.371369360
## 13240           Osr1  0.006842136  0.058216095  0.066328050  0.006842136
## 13241           Osr2 -0.121775150  0.106143475  0.167172430 -0.115006450
## 13242           Ost4 -0.047863960  0.312530520 -0.452966700  0.206293100
## 13243           Ostc -0.061853410  0.084742546  0.448764800 -0.213845250
## 13244          Ostf1  0.102066040  0.325792300  0.505189900  0.123689650
## 13245          Ostm1  0.321570400  0.043502330 -0.065564630  0.119003296
## 13246           Ostn -0.022856236 -0.035888195 -0.021770000 -0.002341747
## 13247            Otc -0.038990974 -0.013998032 -0.028769493  0.271473880
## 13248           Otoa  0.008740425 -0.000740000 -0.094664570 -0.117370605
## 13249           Otof  0.017220020  0.099588394  0.029010773  0.093809605
## 13250           Otog -0.018239021  0.092482570  0.069797990 -0.089997290
## 13251          Otogl  0.025689602 -0.114227295  0.040701868 -0.039990903
## 13252          Otol1 -0.087784290  0.067497730  0.007607937  0.009832382
## 13253          Otop1  0.031140327 -0.075235840  0.081259730 -0.058413030
## 13254          Otop2  0.000000000  0.061370373  0.106732845 -0.092775345
## 13255          Otop3  0.272115700 -0.113755700  0.053008556  0.000000000
## 13256           Otor  0.077169420 -0.023132324  0.011828423  0.128675940
## 13257           Otos -0.033601284  0.002777100  0.127152440 -0.119616030
## 13258            Otp -0.045931340  0.025794506  0.155917170  0.008721352
## 13259            Ott -0.020810604  0.045422342  0.045414024  0.051268789
## 13260          Otub1 -0.082113266  0.128930090 -0.056417465 -0.359947200
## 13261          Otub2 -0.125430580 -0.165882110 -0.081932070  0.082697390
## 13262          Otud1  0.559510700 -0.191440100 -0.710996150 -0.238040450
## 13263          Otud3  0.025758743 -0.155583380  0.271745680  0.000000000
## 13264          Otud4  0.160037040  0.000000000  0.121273994  0.057895660
## 13265          Otud5 -0.110974310 -0.150366780  0.039464950  0.091249466
## 13266         Otud6a -0.110093590  0.040315628  0.012659073 -0.032146454
## 13267         Otud6b  0.000000000  0.000000000 -0.812112800  0.251191140
## 13268         Otud7a -0.045602800 -0.000295000  0.239207270  0.043886185
## 13269         Otud7b  0.351610660  0.470329760  0.774365900  0.041895866
## 13270           Otx1 -0.015521526 -0.046443462  0.016340256  0.134866240
## 13271           Otx2  0.069748880  0.043665886  0.000000000  0.221024510
## 13272          Ovch2 -0.019949913 -0.001341343  0.049911500 -0.008447647
## 13273          Ovgp1 -0.098352910  0.001132011  0.000000000 -0.034891130
## 13274          Ovol1 -0.145154000 -0.040390970 -0.033999443  0.275383000
## 13275          Ovol2 -0.049472332  0.014125347 -0.031660080 -0.000927000
## 13276          Oxa1l -0.353396430 -0.604171020 -0.137808550 -0.053624150
## 13277          Oxct1 -0.678250300 -0.574226860 -0.745611200 -0.022265434
## 13278         Oxct2a -0.188576220 -0.140032770  0.010985851 -0.333668700
## 13279         Oxct2b -0.078387978 -0.111553432  0.011479855  0.084210635
## 13280          Oxgr1  0.000000000  0.015994072  0.037511350 -0.004296780
## 13281          Oxld1 -0.089529990  0.229306700 -0.038816452  0.000000000
## 13282         Oxnad1  0.897307900 -0.328944200 -0.082100870 -0.312951560
## 13283           Oxr1  0.429372800 -0.423392300 -0.187612060  0.255863200
## 13284           Oxsm -0.165991300 -0.466208460  0.087089540 -0.639238830
## 13285          Oxsr1  0.026127338  0.486667160  0.184426780  0.473471160
## 13286            Oxt  0.013614655 -0.036826134 -0.087765690  0.155666350
## 13287           Oxtr  0.168546200  0.053648470  0.099555970  0.062142372
## 13288          P2rx1 -0.152650360 -0.119260310 -0.123250484  0.002057552
## 13289          P2rx2  0.002597332 -0.005769253  0.136325840  0.111932280
## 13290          P2rx3  0.006886005 -0.162668230 -0.180820940  0.042584896
## 13291          P2rx4  0.355350020  0.115924835  0.000000000 -0.963954900
## 13292          P2rx5  0.156671520  0.044318676  0.000000000  0.004074574
## 13293          P2rx6  0.160258770  0.090025900 -0.135786060  0.142076020
## 13294          P2rx7 -0.706703660 -0.237686160 -0.696708200 -0.246838570
## 13295          P2ry1  0.478088380  0.370055200  0.241493230 -0.198792930
## 13296         P2ry10 -0.038417816 -0.075149536  0.026946545  0.075380800
## 13297         P2ry12 -0.093894480  0.057713985 -0.159575460 -0.034416200
## 13298         P2ry13  0.045366764 -0.068398950 -0.285264020 -0.075756550
## 13299         P2ry14 -0.164061550 -0.092182160  0.000000000  0.111419680
## 13300          P2ry2  0.108098510 -0.188508990 -0.268292900  0.531140300
## 13301          P2ry4  0.048299313 -0.173670770  0.041221620  0.000000000
## 13302          P2ry6 -0.433650970 -0.415267940 -0.039137840 -0.215657230
## 13303          P4ha1  0.722070700 -0.441338540  0.000000000 -0.126124380
## 13304          P4ha2  0.083268166  0.252666470 -0.224158290  0.000000000
## 13305          P4ha3  0.153818600  0.020435810 -0.097933290  0.103897570
## 13306           P4hb -0.195434570 -0.081761360 -0.266773220  0.024579048
## 13307          P4htm -0.022510529 -0.046340466  1.271782900  0.267156600
## 13308          Pa2g4 -0.025329590  0.121340750 -0.095029830 -0.486863140
## 13309         Pabpc1 -0.271807670 -0.179218290 -0.236495970 -0.058747290
## 13310        Pabpc1l -0.063200000 -0.027180672 -0.099178790  0.189065930
## 13311         Pabpc2 -0.102759840 -0.134848120  0.077326775 -0.092233660
## 13312         Pabpc4 -0.077161430 -0.038432718 -0.101433040  0.008445578
## 13313        Pabpc4l -0.222490310 -0.270567900  0.139418600  0.268445500
## 13314         Pabpc5  0.013118267  0.149667260 -0.051209450 -0.143407340
## 13315         Pabpc6 -0.028724670 -0.147074220 -0.044751644 -0.018538475
## 13316         Pabpn1 -0.022122383 -0.285809520  0.186406140 -0.090894700
## 13317        Pabpn1l -0.124783040  0.069135666  0.064991000 -0.055103302
## 13318          Pacrg -0.100437164 -0.116483690 -0.022716045 -0.151053900
## 13319         Pacrgl  0.058907510 -0.022939682  0.439760200  0.240922930
## 13320          Pacs1 -0.121014595  0.217037200  0.188518520  0.153508190
## 13321          Pacs2 -0.094241140 -0.159744740 -0.123284340  0.048231125
## 13322        Pacsin1  0.043555260  0.017370700  0.051172733 -0.022939682
## 13323        Pacsin2 -0.057324410 -0.028145790 -0.197473530  0.298849100
## 13324        Pacsin3 -0.085985660  0.123725890 -0.157787800 -0.138289930
## 13325          Padi1  0.000000000  0.013784885  0.206086160 -0.011445999
## 13326          Padi2 -0.031368256  0.055758953 -0.085477350  0.271526340
## 13327          Padi3  0.008326054 -0.176292900 -0.036077023  0.008227825
## 13328          Padi4 -0.084162235  0.097813606  0.108079430 -0.072141170
## 13329          Padi6 -0.017604828 -0.120463850  0.009851933  0.007789135
## 13330           Paf1 -0.096219060  0.005693436  0.225003240  0.135555270
## 13331       Pafah1b1  0.167486190  0.092037200 -0.190732960 -0.068850520
## 13332       Pafah1b2  0.000000000  0.183014870 -0.022172928 -0.299412730
## 13333       Pafah1b3  0.084835530 -0.015963078  0.002168179 -0.053037643
## 13334         Pafah2 -0.032287598  0.016729832  0.026481628  0.035727500
## 13335           Pag1 -0.202418800 -0.129731180 -0.233427050 -0.122962000
## 13336         Pagr1a -0.074977875  0.357977870 -0.206400870  0.214221950
## 13337            Pah -0.195439340 -0.012624741 -0.016296387 -0.071149826
## 13338          Paics  0.021084785 -0.383756640 -0.180540080  0.000000000
## 13339          Paip1  0.102619170  0.090474130 -0.123185160  0.122341156
## 13340          Paip2  0.352514270  0.235105510  0.051479340 -0.246478080
## 13341         Paip2b -0.260266300  0.047766685  0.076944350  0.000000000
## 13342           Pak1  0.132575990  0.153423310  1.031417800 -1.210035800
## 13343        Pak1ip1  0.435308460 -0.019896507  0.185111050 -0.000127000
## 13344           Pak2  0.151921270 -0.132003780 -0.598181700 -0.128104210
## 13345           Pak3 -0.040260790  0.011379242  0.215148450  0.021398067
## 13346           Pak4  0.313363080  0.635533330  0.710687160 -0.252080440
## 13347           Pak6 -0.132262230 -0.091108800  0.191651820 -0.049313070
## 13348           Pak7 -0.063951015  0.015108585  0.010046959 -0.052129745
## 13349          Palb2  0.095499990  0.004926682  0.002263546 -0.061606884
## 13350          Pald1 -0.299588200  0.090505600 -0.342155930  0.387663840
## 13351          Palld -0.128099920 -0.267627240  0.000000000 -0.073842050
## 13352           Palm  0.935724260  1.210018200  1.323979400  0.817788100
## 13353          Palm2 -0.022448540 -0.057195663 -0.062578200  0.000000000
## 13354          Palm3 -0.167304040  0.055687904  0.045822620  0.208794600
## 13355          Palmd  0.905652050  0.641285900  0.602000240  0.767198560
## 13356            Pam  0.114046100  0.484741200 -0.049198150 -0.130461700
## 13357          Pam16  0.000000000  0.305924890 -0.049295903 -0.420987125
## 13358          Pamr1 -0.096345425  0.000000000 -0.212889200  0.055756570
## 13359           Pan2 -0.224204535  0.082116367  0.178295840  0.307521345
## 13360           Pan3  0.224776270  0.064509390 -0.150308610  0.140033720
## 13361          Pank1  0.165042165 -0.161085605  0.471087225 -0.325042490
## 13362          Pank2 -0.033584595  0.321329120  0.070700645 -0.037821770
## 13363          Pank3  0.376988400  0.000000000  0.145672800  0.002688408
## 13364          Pank4 -0.033845425  0.353421700  0.091907500 -0.114378930
## 13365          Panx1 -0.141290190 -0.446414000 -0.116860870  0.114565850
## 13366          Panx2 -0.142597680 -0.136324400  0.078078750  0.136957170
## 13367          Panx3  0.084187510  0.064704420  0.031776905  0.007872582
## 13368           Paox -0.114165305 -0.085465909  0.077809810  0.019247294
## 13369          Papd4 -0.200789930 -0.024733070 -0.124067305 -0.150453092
## 13370          Papd5  0.210896490 -0.094006540  0.190672870  0.109367370
## 13371          Papd7 -0.253451350  0.004970551 -0.127376560 -0.201828000
## 13372           Papl -0.093389510  0.099323270  0.075588230  0.022438526
## 13373          Papln -0.253771300 -0.205587390 -0.057498455  0.920709600
## 13374         Papola  0.152160640 -0.013705254 -0.014353752 -0.002523422
## 13375         Papolb -0.097377300  0.173128130  0.105135920  0.245537280
## 13376         Papolg  0.381195070  0.205652240  0.062476160  0.000000000
## 13377          Pappa  0.054757120 -0.084112644  0.004460335 -0.050899030
## 13378         Pappa2 -0.085740723  0.077833812 -0.002396901  0.065780640
## 13379         Papss1  0.368190770  0.847384900  0.243702890  0.046752453
## 13380         Papss2 -1.189508900 -1.029961600 -0.977629660  2.634022200
## 13381          Paqr3  0.610807400  0.175156120 -0.197659970 -0.053215504
## 13382          Paqr4  0.098817825  0.019836426  0.155437000  0.054685116
## 13383          Paqr5  2.123463200  1.986260900  2.121643500  0.085111140
## 13384          Paqr6  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.107327460  0.208150860
## 13385          Paqr7  0.492128850  0.751176830  0.740753200 -0.108009340
## 13386          Paqr8  0.094735620  0.216149330  0.108821390  0.122731210
## 13387          Paqr9 -0.458033560 -0.175016880 -0.254291530 -0.333231450
## 13388          Pard3  1.863709900  1.992836500  2.036570000  0.274930950
## 13389         Pard3b  0.092302800  0.257979395  0.335889103  0.521640550
## 13390         Pard6a  0.000000000  0.029379368  0.045952797 -0.048464300
## 13391         Pard6b -0.194084640 -0.004872799  0.142284870  0.121974945
## 13392         Pard6g -0.019938946  0.322580340  0.393959050 -0.032581806
## 13393           Parg  0.086096760  0.122705460 -0.035458565 -0.135000230
## 13394          Park2 -0.141171460 -0.155234810 -0.073544025 -0.170005800
## 13395          Park7  0.000000000  0.251142500  0.498262400 -0.420638080
## 13396           Parl -0.264014245  0.170190335  0.206533911 -0.157846455
## 13397          Parm1  0.012838364  0.012838364  0.065896510 -0.027636051
## 13398           Parn  0.000000000  0.398536200 -0.231647970  0.201138020
## 13399          Parp1 -0.103880405  0.241922380  0.057375908 -0.136361120
## 13400         Parp10 -0.299905300  0.000000000 -0.331089970  0.516737460
## 13401         Parp11 -0.605181200 -0.438383100 -0.438003540 -0.119158270
## 13402         Parp12 -0.066143036  0.121787070  0.033036232  0.079880714
## 13403         Parp14 -0.145314220 -0.734224300 -0.373560900  0.357686040
## 13404         Parp16  0.348101140  0.071994305 -0.134303100  0.026648998
## 13405          Parp2  0.153395650  0.283130650  0.175648690 -0.021234512
## 13406          Parp3 -0.225893500 -0.517399300 -0.042444230 -0.142538550
## 13407          Parp4  0.319904330  0.254167560  0.126072880  0.261503220
## 13408          Parp6  0.299065600  0.172202110 -0.367164600  0.129745480
## 13409          Parp8 -2.261373000 -2.489358000 -1.903956900  0.589627740
## 13410          Parp9 -0.122466090  0.316845900 -0.743106370  0.368830680
## 13411         Parpbp -0.155973910 -0.290698530 -0.110929010  0.026694775
## 13412          Pars2 -0.203169350  0.245108130 -0.033949375  0.174732210
## 13413          Parva -0.378896700 -0.218263630 -0.178277020  0.701615330
## 13414          Parvb  1.173165300  1.567749000  1.058687200  0.117799760
## 13415          Parvg -0.012031555 -0.545007200 -0.127554420 -0.311657900
## 13416           Pask -0.096640590 -0.145924090  0.011572838 -0.014058113
## 13417          Pate2 -0.047346592 -0.112547874 -0.132759100 -0.023221493
## 13418          Pate4  0.180923940 -0.061751842 -0.037113667 -0.044152737
## 13419          Patl1 -0.040019990  0.107606890 -0.158268930  0.131168370
## 13420          Patl2  0.020419120 -0.141528600 -0.032473564 -0.015982628
## 13421          Patz1  0.191248181  0.602731700  0.274474865 -0.014734505
## 13422           Pawr -0.748505100 -1.305424700 -0.786017400  0.954547900
## 13423           Pax1 -0.009065628  0.007732391  0.131864070 -0.085698130
## 13424           Pax2  0.012495995 -0.065969470  0.227127080 -0.003099442
## 13425           Pax3 -0.030603409  0.001117230  0.140456680  0.000000000
## 13426           Pax4  0.000331000  0.039038660 -0.018204212 -0.008528233
## 13427           Pax5 -0.052753925 -0.074502470 -0.088154316  0.031031609
## 13428           Pax6  0.000696000  0.070786950  0.000696000  0.007270813
## 13429           Pax7  0.051383495  0.102961060 -0.090087414  0.140871520
## 13430           Pax8 -0.086034300 -0.044523716 -0.048827170 -0.132395740
## 13431           Pax9 -0.189668660 -0.185606480  0.143183230 -0.034122467
## 13432         Paxbp1  0.125819200 -0.114995960 -0.144584660  0.306530000
## 13433         Paxip1 -0.037755966  0.203573230 -0.329660900  0.142635350
## 13434          Pbdc1  0.053892136 -0.263033400  0.100689410  0.136573790
## 13435            Pbk -0.219588280 -0.349865900 -0.284199240 -0.017904758
## 13436          Pbld1  0.312334060  0.163107870  0.059938908  0.191674710
## 13437          Pbld2 -0.143321510  0.000000000 -0.006802082  0.176774500
## 13438           Pbp2  0.040783405 -0.071233270 -0.067511560 -0.028596401
## 13439          Pbrm1  0.191910740  0.069450379  0.081618307  0.074693044
## 13440           Pbsn  0.000449000 -0.001792431 -0.013576031  0.089684490
## 13441           Pbx1 -0.063339230  0.256157880  0.452010150 -0.057687760
## 13442           Pbx2  0.079587940  0.410512920  0.068341255 -0.059447765
## 13443           Pbx3  0.191162590  0.477785100  0.408942220  0.138417240
## 13444           Pbx4 -0.082962510  0.000000000  0.100473880 -0.021579266
## 13445         Pbxip1 -0.336327550 -0.035808563 -0.095527170  0.117582800
## 13446          Pcbd1  0.113465310 -0.184067730 -0.125343320 -0.047236920
## 13447          Pcbd2  0.107051850  0.121877670  0.419698720 -0.049510956
## 13448          Pcbp1  0.131105420 -0.080389020 -0.078257560 -0.593821500
## 13449          Pcbp2  0.126517300  0.187369350  0.152792930 -0.141220100
## 13450          Pcbp3  0.000000000 -0.074800014 -0.137242800  0.033066273
## 13451          Pcbp4  0.000000000  0.382882600 -0.146207330 -0.146309850
## 13452           Pcca  1.587247800  1.441938400  1.306337400  0.154578210
## 13453           Pccb -0.521695140 -0.262409200  0.204971310 -0.070328710
## 13454          Pcdh1  0.106600285  0.366213320  0.296059130  0.182803630
## 13455         Pcdh10  0.144499780  0.218062880  0.134846690 -0.116161350
## 13456        Pcdh11x  0.000000000  0.055736065 -0.103057860 -0.087255955
## 13457         Pcdh12 -0.523936750 -0.367000580 -0.475239750  1.434041000
## 13458         Pcdh15 -0.025970936 -0.111773490  0.041555405  0.073215960
## 13459         Pcdh17 -1.503198100 -1.162924800 -2.106684700  1.028714200
## 13460         Pcdh18  0.354020120 -0.002783299 -0.107939720  0.180347440
## 13461         Pcdh19  2.958335400  2.649265800  2.489382300  2.234967700
## 13462         Pcdh20  0.069828030 -0.063584330 -0.071551320  0.006537437
## 13463          Pcdh7  0.238553050 -0.007956028  0.674627300 -0.156578540
## 13464          Pcdh8  0.000570536  0.032120466 -0.066110030 -0.019797325
## 13465          Pcdh9  0.195688960  0.290169955  0.012344837  0.057634593
## 13466        Pcdha10 -0.040511130  0.018757343  0.112911700  0.018757343
## 13467         Pcdhb1 -0.010078907  0.168818000  0.349787700  0.024916649
## 13468        Pcdhb10  0.119727135  0.000000000 -0.097112180 -0.241647720
## 13469        Pcdhb11 -0.005075455  0.224142070  0.235300060 -0.009864807
## 13470        Pcdhb12 -0.161839490 -0.184180260 -0.333343500  0.383377550
## 13471        Pcdhb13 -0.225143910 -0.063992980  0.000000000  0.472876070
## 13472        Pcdhb14 -0.049913406  0.233297820  0.480226040  0.413297650
## 13473        Pcdhb15  0.089838030 -0.240975380  0.000000000  0.616148950
## 13474        Pcdhb16 -0.052713394  0.000891000 -0.068099500  0.510373100
## 13475        Pcdhb17  0.643046400 -0.076590540  0.602297800  0.543902400
## 13476        Pcdhb18 -0.106885910  0.872135160 -0.114539620  0.191053390
## 13477        Pcdhb19 -0.205706120 -0.081444740  0.353978160  0.615747000
## 13478         Pcdhb2 -0.115789410  0.000000000  0.056506157 -0.165687560
## 13479        Pcdhb20  0.148437980 -0.216426370  0.695271500  0.000701000
## 13480        Pcdhb21  0.059161663 -0.008283138  0.702017300  0.997886200
## 13481        Pcdhb22  0.276130680  0.060327053  0.442780970  0.598742500
## 13482         Pcdhb3  0.187157150 -0.071972370 -0.418445100  0.000000000
## 13483         Pcdhb4 -0.118094444 -0.009177685  0.327959060  0.113672260
## 13484         Pcdhb5  0.041128160 -0.067506790 -0.029239655  0.025913715
## 13485         Pcdhb6 -0.048480034  0.005329132  0.275878430 -0.077916620
## 13486         Pcdhb7  0.553368570  0.106414795  0.105930805 -0.368644700
## 13487         Pcdhb8  0.151863100 -0.234331610 -0.063633920  0.034590720
## 13488         Pcdhb9  0.055961610  0.167419910 -0.130066400 -0.353418830
## 13489       Pcdhga12  0.231433390  0.144154550  0.113572600  0.588264940
## 13490         Pced1a  0.186195850  0.019920350  0.046789170 -0.013877869
## 13491         Pced1b  0.069051266  0.004388809 -0.272148600 -0.104279995
## 13492          Pcf11  0.317205430 -0.138804440 -0.426803600 -0.281033520
## 13493          Pcgf1 -0.352117060  0.183678630  0.313127520 -0.048573494
## 13494          Pcgf2 -0.041362286  0.677773950 -0.076594830 -0.135806080
## 13495          Pcgf3  0.080341340  0.103072170  0.381696700  0.113080980
## 13496          Pcgf5  0.024954083 -0.045302629 -0.442445290 -0.334048020
## 13497          Pcgf6 -0.067234516 -0.448423860 -0.512521270 -0.041541100
## 13498          Pcid2 -0.417594900 -0.008133411  0.304416660  0.191796780
## 13499          Pcif1 -0.097003460 -0.013505459  0.292045595  0.216902970
## 13500           Pck1 -0.152213570 -0.045420647  0.011748791  0.076570990
## 13501           Pck2 -0.113791466 -0.197089670 -0.030699730  0.126292700
## 13502           Pclo  0.010598660  0.020968914 -0.025001049  0.088588715
## 13503           Pcm1  0.163974760  0.069858550  0.000000000  0.257888800
## 13504          Pcmt1  0.014132500  0.402825360  0.149996760 -0.167475700
## 13505         Pcmtd1  0.774213800  0.687736500  0.684958460  0.427833560
## 13506         Pcmtd2  0.231554030  0.107262610 -0.453460700  0.357156750
## 13507           Pcna  0.034898758 -0.305579670 -0.295953755 -0.351064205
## 13508           Pcnp  0.244421485  0.222729205  0.322636130  0.062708378
## 13509           Pcnt  0.048903705  0.020447255 -0.123370648  0.080664395
## 13510           Pcnx  0.480291370  0.240176200  0.331787100  0.187124250
## 13511         Pcnxl2  0.000000000 -0.025758266  0.134973050  0.047770500
## 13512         Pcnxl3  0.012619495 -0.014846802  0.184721950  0.012228012
## 13513         Pcnxl4  0.111508370  0.095101830  0.221658700  0.163798330
## 13514         Pcolce -0.491125100 -0.392054080 -0.299148560  0.903811000
## 13515        Pcolce2 -0.430562970 -0.404870030 -0.482072830 -0.107595920
## 13516           Pcp2 -0.005250931  0.189425950  0.168239600 -0.292927270
## 13517           Pcp4  0.818247800  0.437448020  0.161335470  0.111402035
## 13518         Pcp4l1  2.220376000  2.375558900  2.460299500  0.121126175
## 13519          Pcsk1  0.030179977  0.000000000 -0.108734130  0.097270966
## 13520         Pcsk1n  0.025763988  0.000000000  0.086765290  0.133026120
## 13521          Pcsk2 -0.070080280  0.000000000  0.062668320  0.254625800
## 13522          Pcsk4 -0.157966610 -0.146260740  0.087270740  0.000000000
## 13523          Pcsk5 -0.589324950 -0.550470350 -0.429505350  0.160793300
## 13524          Pcsk6  0.012279511 -0.026820660  0.173023220  0.154944420
## 13525          Pcsk7 -0.059269430 -0.034661770  0.101601600  0.259926320
## 13526          Pcsk9  0.065929890 -0.013339043  0.108171460 -0.122744080
## 13527           Pctp -0.215300560 -0.534310340 -0.653809550 -0.489521500
## 13528            Pcx  0.179102420  0.248238090 -0.064826010  0.177972800
## 13529         Pcyox1  0.258788100  0.360443120  0.782906530 -0.903915900
## 13530        Pcyox1l -0.013172627 -0.036565780  0.061042310  0.049024105
## 13531         Pcyt1a  0.033464430 -0.064044000  0.076011660 -0.334847450
## 13532         Pcyt1b  0.000000000 -0.053530693 -0.056163310 -0.107960224
## 13533          Pcyt2 -0.069022180 -0.221011640  0.045904160 -0.086718560
## 13534          Pdap1  0.036889076  0.254125600  0.309420600  0.179340360
## 13535            Pdc -0.070609090 -0.009643555  0.098174095 -0.031378746
## 13536          Pdcd1  0.016451359  0.088090900  0.231047150 -0.022240639
## 13537         Pdcd10  0.513492110  0.006398201 -0.228149412 -0.226165773
## 13538         Pdcd11 -0.312211030 -0.125086785  0.276045330  0.123313903
## 13539       Pdcd1lg2 -0.019347190 -0.024196625  0.062679290  0.057737827
## 13540          Pdcd2  0.352036480 -0.216408730  0.137548450  0.007774353
## 13541         Pdcd2l -0.188183310  0.149461750  0.077006340 -0.220793250
## 13542          Pdcd4  0.216814040  0.010991097 -0.036777496 -0.441461560
## 13543          Pdcd5  0.127549650  0.814160350  0.216444500 -0.026822090
## 13544          Pdcd6  0.133649830  0.008465767  0.197494500  0.108557700
## 13545        Pdcd6ip -0.082028390 -0.200202940 -0.062385560  0.292350770
## 13546          Pdcd7 -0.016202927  0.066530230  0.009726524  0.374969480
## 13547           Pdcl  0.291987420  0.111151695  0.394488330  0.083120346
## 13548          Pdcl2 -0.037291050  0.003788948  0.045981884  0.019048214
## 13549          Pdcl3  0.236768720  0.317741400  0.238416670  0.027626038
## 13550          Pddc1 -0.020268917  0.002237797 -0.052472590  0.295038700
## 13551         Pde10a  0.015221119 -0.345868100  0.127176280  0.722269060
## 13552         Pde11a  0.092711926 -0.053648470 -0.084219930 -0.076107500
## 13553          Pde12 -0.038381338 -0.093108419  0.076171395  0.017615319
## 13554          Pde1a -0.154578690 -0.128510480 -0.127148630  0.510238200
## 13555          Pde1b  0.086292270  0.022027970 -0.001073360 -0.159206390
## 13556          Pde1c -0.186947820  0.016402245 -0.033832550  0.000000000
## 13557          Pde2a  0.842822100  0.762309100  0.986148830  0.246931080
## 13558          Pde3a -0.271465780 -0.230869770 -0.145203590  0.000000000
## 13559          Pde3b -0.808917500 -0.883726600 -0.612417700 -0.441109180
## 13560          Pde4a -0.130424500 -0.061044693 -0.065809250 -0.008598805
## 13561          Pde4b  0.081276890 -0.441169740 -0.231573100  0.333987700
## 13562          Pde4c -0.065775394 -0.029198170 -0.207520480  0.160774230
## 13563          Pde4d  0.288450240  0.156977650 -0.061420918 -0.243884560
## 13564        Pde4dip  0.016345024 -0.026903152  0.000000000  0.236900330
## 13565          Pde5a  1.097881300  1.030593400  0.286241050 -0.111608505
## 13566          Pde6a  0.036272526  0.087239265 -0.036657810  0.238921170
## 13567          Pde6b  0.038400650 -0.023873330  0.032235146 -0.078221320
## 13568          Pde6c  0.001604080 -0.004905701 -0.002611160 -0.059272766
## 13569          Pde6d  0.009491921  0.349703800 -0.533431530 -0.202067380
## 13570          Pde6g  0.030830383 -0.091711520  0.034731388 -0.073471546
## 13571          Pde6h -0.031692980  0.173114780  0.123224735 -0.247571950
## 13572          Pde7a -0.114287380  0.220212460  0.197938440  0.001969814
## 13573          Pde7b  1.128449400  1.352716400  1.848956100 -0.695490360
## 13574          Pde8a  0.595006940  0.590387340  0.331997870  0.108791350
## 13575          Pde8b -0.107448100  0.139763830  0.262002940  0.000000000
## 13576          Pde9a -0.172379500 -0.420169350 -0.013893604  0.295193200
## 13577          Pdgfa  0.090087890  0.217770580  0.146512030 -0.012311935
## 13578          Pdgfb -0.041313170  0.886839870  0.728053100  0.533141140
## 13579          Pdgfc -0.288169380 -0.304779530  0.439683900 -0.231073860
## 13580          Pdgfd  0.182605740  0.000000000 -0.095652580  0.987127300
## 13581         Pdgfra -0.027116299 -0.110048770  0.030530930  0.687093260
## 13582         Pdgfrb -0.211402420  0.090958595  0.045260430  0.687949660
## 13583         Pdgfrl  0.172730200  0.491764300 -0.205680854 -0.194234137
## 13584          Pdha1 -0.143805500 -0.323289870  0.589958200  0.026688576
## 13585          Pdha2  0.109513760 -0.096135140  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 13586           Pdhb  0.056171417  0.137610440 -0.201784130 -0.201341630
## 13587           Pdhx  0.000000000 -0.020687580  0.185281750  0.028782845
## 13588          Pdia2  0.005484581  0.031455517  0.073270800  0.000000000
## 13589          Pdia3  0.072611810 -0.140832900 -0.214785580 -0.239118580
## 13590          Pdia4 -0.108681680 -0.172488210  0.369488720 -0.210511210
## 13591          Pdia5  0.000000000 -0.205761910 -0.244894980 -0.363762380
## 13592          Pdia6 -0.345845220 -0.604489300 -0.613747600  0.055606842
## 13593         Pdik1l -0.353228100 -0.051532745  0.366809370 -0.092177870
## 13594          Pdilt  0.034741880 -0.068710804 -0.135962490  0.000328000
## 13595           Pdk1 -0.151560780  0.349012370 -0.112356660 -0.339390750
## 13596           Pdk2  0.069237230  0.013288021  0.128124710  0.049129010
## 13597           Pdk3 -0.070320130 -0.210659500  0.591766360 -0.963783740
## 13598           Pdk4  1.249098800  0.551657700  0.631114500  0.759276400
## 13599         Pdlim1 -2.120009150 -2.526715000 -2.295149350  0.959002025
## 13600         Pdlim2 -0.234967230  0.030351162 -0.232848640 -0.312478540
## 13601         Pdlim3 -0.319746970 -0.490185740 -0.351232530  0.429166320
## 13602         Pdlim4 -0.139526840 -0.156199460 -0.133865830 -0.281682000
## 13603         Pdlim5  0.915067700  0.197170260  0.350695600  0.239651680
## 13604         Pdlim7 -0.080631256  0.074395660  0.570223800  0.186935420
## 13605           Pdp1  0.485060700  0.681074140 -0.014562607  0.181358340
## 13606           Pdp2 -0.464574340 -0.577686300 -0.111450670 -0.233978750
## 13607          Pdpk1  0.006837845 -0.214771270 -0.362279900 -0.213647840
## 13608           Pdpn -0.373123170 -0.249155040 -0.183629990 -0.092813015
## 13609           Pdpr -0.061291218  0.014967442  0.314595700  0.103647710
## 13610          Pdrg1 -0.087696075  0.113035200  0.000000000  0.027758598
## 13611          Pds5a  0.045057297 -0.020779610 -0.204199790 -0.114418030
## 13612          Pds5b  0.388205530  0.305160520  0.250008580  0.077238080
## 13613          Pdss1 -0.506306650 -0.324749000 -0.215250490  0.175763130
## 13614          Pdss2  0.091601370  0.017492771 -0.433765900 -0.053600788
## 13615           Pdx1  0.000000000 -0.005082130  0.252319340 -0.009767056
## 13616         Pdxdc1  0.389341350  0.242618560  0.373442650 -0.096295360
## 13617           Pdxk  1.971646300  2.194171000  1.435768100 -0.097533226
## 13618        Pdxk-ps  0.561893460  0.503159050  0.247365470 -0.233144760
## 13619           Pdxp  0.025502682 -0.050788879  0.085745095 -0.070033310
## 13620           Pdyn  0.147262570  0.154956340  0.000000000 -0.013012886
## 13621         Pdzd11  0.386469840  0.562281600  0.788976670  0.192432400
## 13622          Pdzd2  0.017172813  0.359806060  0.242338180  1.147314100
## 13623          Pdzd3  0.007913590 -0.077987670  0.040784360 -0.077931880
## 13624          Pdzd4 -0.082131386 -0.056978226  0.236742020  0.151499270
## 13625          Pdzd8 -0.202049260 -0.481646540  0.397974000  0.021564484
## 13626          Pdzd9  0.000000000 -0.031804085  0.000000000  0.129467960
## 13627          Pdzk1 -0.125835900 -0.070717810  0.064382076 -0.045115948
## 13628       Pdzk1ip1 -0.037598610 -0.127821450 -0.239787100 -0.335953700
## 13629         Pdzrn3 -0.058738710 -0.007082462 -0.041180134 -0.017798424
## 13630         Pdzrn4 -0.011614800  0.069051266  0.100702286  0.038724422
## 13631         Pea15a  0.077507020  0.399713520  0.083321570  0.085109710
## 13632         Pea15b  0.152233120  0.140513900  0.108948710  0.018218040
## 13633          Pear1  0.123037815  0.117752075  0.308921800  0.183502200
## 13634          Pebp1 -0.033809662 -0.067217670  0.146545250 -0.111532847
## 13635          Pebp4 -0.096476080  0.000000000  0.073258400  0.015018940
## 13636         Pecam1  0.000000000  0.045287132 -0.008958817  0.227166180
## 13637           Pecr  0.363806720 -0.042322160  0.108085630 -0.171630380
## 13638           Pef1  0.260260100 -0.088157654  0.378895760 -0.082524300
## 13639          Peg10  0.000000000 -0.160157680 -0.010687351  0.642405500
## 13640          Peg12  0.000000000  0.231707100 -0.059265614 -0.029837608
## 13641           Peg3  0.117371080  0.732450000  0.160494800  0.198088170
## 13642          Peli1  0.601924900  0.385208130  0.000000000 -0.581340800
## 13643          Peli2  0.151459700  0.220158580  0.202905650  0.483693120
## 13644          Peli3 -0.072726250 -0.036395550 -0.287822720 -0.012382031
## 13645           Pelo  0.337322945  0.012071610 -0.045020105  0.461512088
## 13646          Pelp1  0.000000000 -0.032344340 -0.391379830  0.178423400
## 13647           Pemt  0.000000000  0.002860546  0.251674650  0.040204050
## 13648           Penk  0.000000000  0.055498123 -0.533766750 -0.116549490
## 13649           Peo1 -0.242599960 -0.022978306 -0.088585380  0.000000000
## 13650           Pepd  0.467213150 -0.254213800 -0.080201150 -0.293680200
## 13651           Per1  0.558631900 -0.381227020  0.129335400 -0.324243070
## 13652           Per2 -0.111068726 -0.161901470  0.134204390 -0.266093250
## 13653           Per3  0.000000000  0.128279210  0.649495100 -0.134646420
## 13654           Perp -0.083074090  0.096198560 -0.038177013 -0.075757980
## 13655           Pes1  0.154554125 -0.017843246  0.260869500  0.083952905
## 13656         Pet112  0.051014900  0.064409730  0.239648340 -0.039741516
## 13657           Pet2 -0.004926682 -0.014276028 -0.051621437  0.077749250
## 13658           Pex1  0.300350665  0.401031015  0.388791090  0.107688663
## 13659          Pex10 -0.007485390  0.028665543  0.240995880  0.000000000
## 13660         Pex11a -0.018232822  0.527387600  0.204608920 -0.241875650
## 13661         Pex11b  0.141202450  0.255612850  0.780231500 -0.167050840
## 13662         Pex11g -0.224224090  0.073468210 -0.027920723  0.141489500
## 13663          Pex12  0.314966200  0.219983100  0.000000000  0.497355940
## 13664          Pex13 -0.103731155 -0.166912080 -0.196910860  0.122863770
## 13665          Pex14 -0.054081917 -0.022594452 -0.115568640  0.040047646
## 13666          Pex16  0.000000000  0.044597150  0.064233780 -0.011168480
## 13667          Pex19  0.165956500  0.533602700  0.700433730 -0.033556940
## 13668           Pex2 -0.054768562  0.000000000 -0.310852050  0.190032960
## 13669          Pex26  0.014939308  0.000000000  0.048184870 -0.022220135
## 13670           Pex3  0.471058370  0.482682700  0.556181430 -0.205269810
## 13671           Pex5  0.061851500 -0.028460026 -0.045005320 -0.111637590
## 13672          Pex5l  0.127628800 -0.102895260  0.149587630 -0.070341110
## 13673           Pex6  0.007820606  0.064150810  0.158483500  0.205615040
## 13674           Pex7 -0.509655000 -0.378803730 -0.399577620  0.092602730
## 13675            Pf4 -0.174952980  0.183137420 -0.239541530  0.103493210
## 13676           Pfas  0.018857002  0.000000000  0.237441540 -0.128052710
## 13677          Pfdn1  0.473945140  0.893415900 -0.339160440 -0.066692350
## 13678          Pfdn2 -0.314867020  0.180746080  0.000000000 -0.191293720
## 13679          Pfdn4  0.201620100 -0.018749237  0.841575600 -0.368012430
## 13680          Pfdn5 -0.120700836  0.258825300  0.131237030  0.252632140
## 13681         Pfkfb1  0.180797580 -0.233518120 -0.151469230  0.180175780
## 13682         Pfkfb2  0.249142170 -0.054549217 -0.432852270 -0.091192720
## 13683         Pfkfb3 -0.927216530 -1.254055000 -0.706773760  0.422942160
## 13684         Pfkfb4 -0.001544476 -0.227940080  0.000000000  0.058647633
## 13685           Pfkl  0.362261300  0.789835450  0.746969200  0.095252514
## 13686           Pfkm -0.022960663  0.302993300  0.338282100 -0.268132200
## 13687           Pfkp -0.191309930 -0.596591500 -0.818974500  0.255454060
## 13688           Pfn1 -0.337989800 -0.115462300 -0.015954018 -0.324392320
## 13689           Pfn2 -0.074760914  0.596349240  0.025845528  0.000000000
## 13690           Pfn3  0.068144562 -0.046869038 -0.155390025 -0.130574467
## 13691           Pfn4 -0.080572605 -0.000917000 -0.194590570  0.116147040
## 13692           Pfpl -0.054077625 -0.043842316  0.072790146  0.049866676
## 13693           Pga5 -0.139831540  0.079627990  0.004224777 -0.041154860
## 13694          Pgam1  0.056274891 -0.014024734  0.221532507 -0.249258520
## 13695          Pgam2 -0.529465700 -0.835004800 -0.422588830 -0.239058020
## 13696          Pgam5 -0.009210110 -0.109333040  0.155441280 -0.606362800
## 13697          Pgap1 -0.286262040  0.214685920 -1.107650800 -0.160196780
## 13698          Pgap2 -0.518777400 -0.515111900 -0.143064500  0.000000000
## 13699          Pgap3  0.166530610  0.012156963 -0.051561832  0.041811466
## 13700          Pgbd1  0.373063560  0.047210217 -0.098838330  0.101166250
## 13701          Pgbd5  0.037606240  0.188713550  0.099251750  0.160266880
## 13702            Pgc  0.000000000 -0.112076280  0.103514670  0.028108120
## 13703            Pgd  0.033226967 -0.245363240 -0.521948800 -0.022412300
## 13704            Pgf  0.000000000 -0.073586464 -0.063707830  0.356421000
## 13705         Pggt1b -0.039896965  0.061649323  0.235210420  0.616049770
## 13706           Pgk1 -0.266805650 -0.101279893  0.373348870 -0.387314477
## 13707           Pgk2 -0.032868385 -0.112271310 -0.115549564  0.024131298
## 13708           Pgls  0.000000000 -0.306745530  0.405304900  0.062650680
## 13709        Pglyrp1  4.637797400  4.469470000  4.910684600 -0.170615200
## 13710        Pglyrp3 -0.001266956 -0.098499775  0.032220364  0.100302696
## 13711        Pglyrp4  0.040665150 -0.095147610  0.014089108  0.026053429
## 13712           Pgm1  0.172780040  0.004737854  0.350151060  0.000000000
## 13713           Pgm2 -0.098987580 -0.142945770 -0.261189940  0.215508940
## 13714         Pgm2l1  0.000000000  0.130255700 -0.336070060  0.487355230
## 13715           Pgm3 -0.220415120 -0.304327000 -0.092092990  0.100412846
## 13716           Pgm5  2.637122600  2.499705800  1.897415600  0.671938400
## 13717            Pgp -0.107081410 -0.156285760  0.189116000  0.016262054
## 13718         Pgpep1 -0.042996883  0.293039800  0.125757220  0.437554360
## 13719        Pgpep1l  0.279603960 -0.001741409  0.099999905  0.188402180
## 13720            Pgr  0.081716540 -0.117909910 -0.002491474 -0.015298367
## 13721         Pgr15l  0.088944910 -0.022274494  0.018749237  0.018623352
## 13722         Pgrmc1  0.465162280  0.332010270  0.429217340  0.518985750
## 13723         Pgrmc2  0.271614070  0.241073610  0.508909200  0.184355740
## 13724           Pgs1 -0.405995370  0.184071540 -0.183483120 -0.145547870
## 13725        Phactr1  0.720247270  0.717588400  0.890419960  0.480518340
## 13726        Phactr2  0.109073640  0.236860280  0.214185710  0.437766080
## 13727        Phactr3  0.105448246  0.002274513 -0.018886566 -0.057371140
## 13728        Phactr4  0.735650060  1.246624000  0.829916950  0.586804400
## 13729           Phax  0.039102554 -0.031782150  0.271654130  0.045735360
## 13730            Phb -0.542620670 -0.326147085  0.034718990 -0.338256360
## 13731           Phb2 -0.217526440 -0.032318115  0.088979720  0.000000000
## 13732           Phc1  0.752664570  0.563813200  0.346744060 -0.261837960
## 13733           Phc2  0.024863720  0.077056885  0.532560350  0.221832280
## 13734           Phc3  0.334771635  0.320557595 -0.068281653  0.302426815
## 13735           Phex -0.041885853  0.072758200 -0.080622670 -0.081374170
## 13736           Phf1  0.354542260  0.387691970  0.247179510 -0.035378456
## 13737          Phf10  0.312158580  0.349103930  0.500366200 -0.330021860
## 13738         Phf11a -0.323829650 -0.653943540 -0.648794200  0.000000000
## 13739         Phf11c -0.116349700  1.033505400 -0.333513740  0.000000000
## 13740         Phf11d -1.232932100 -1.295040600 -1.173760400  0.403212550
## 13741          Phf12  0.042855263  0.093126300 -0.021842957 -0.172666550
## 13742          Phf13  0.002353668 -0.052454470  0.000000000  0.008909702
## 13743          Phf14  0.181540490  0.230517390 -0.185441020  0.180941580
## 13744          Phf15 -0.006180286  0.041964530  0.234198570 -0.282588000
## 13745          Phf16  0.297112000  0.192011830 -0.091927530 -0.259490500
## 13746          Phf17  0.123932840  0.517472270  0.375756260  0.000000000
## 13747          Phf19 -0.080294130 -0.038764477 -0.044625760 -0.142849920
## 13748           Phf2  0.357135770  0.324541100  0.493124000  0.209389690
## 13749          Phf20  0.109017368  0.347027465  0.142272630  0.114165940
## 13750        Phf20l1  0.068685055 -0.170159340 -0.359719280  0.304102420
## 13751         Phf21a  0.138161660  0.134972570 -0.115512850  0.537626270
## 13752         Phf21b  0.032841206  0.019875526 -0.084989550  0.151054380
## 13753          Phf23  0.358760360 -0.325375080 -0.200724120 -0.175666330
## 13754           Phf3  0.198404310  0.184228900  0.014663696  0.012270927
## 13755          Phf5a -0.551188470  0.000000000 -0.152092930 -0.337342260
## 13756           Phf6  0.089190006  0.000000000 -0.254911420  0.123218060
## 13757           Phf7 -0.233044150 -0.065287110 -0.170386790 -0.251894000
## 13758           Phf8  0.145144460 -0.074549675  0.132815360 -0.006729126
## 13759          Phgdh -0.124656918  0.157795189 -0.040107965  0.170027493
## 13760          Phgr1  0.000000000 -0.007947922  0.007441044 -0.024177551
## 13761           Phip  0.318513870  0.000000000 -0.085760120  0.237683300
## 13762          Phka1  0.298686980  0.206604000  0.161719320  0.136703490
## 13763          Phka2 -0.097598076 -0.015349388 -0.030846596  0.220944400
## 13764           Phkb  0.267071250  0.254426960 -0.013162613  0.077800750
## 13765          Phkg1  0.021488190 -0.093134400  0.017681599 -0.017322540
## 13766          Phkg2 -0.463115200 -0.001735687  0.009745600 -0.121999740
## 13767         Phlda1  0.393853660 -0.942984100  0.001530647 -1.397119500
## 13768         Phlda2  0.092261790 -0.066501140  0.184345250 -0.097010610
## 13769         Phlda3 -0.266054630 -0.149394990 -0.191056250  0.060220240
## 13770         Phldb1  0.117767334  0.297734260  0.007013321  0.478054050
## 13771         Phldb2 -0.368198400 -0.137308120  0.015368462  0.526378630
## 13772         Phldb3 -0.126994293  0.033831597  0.000713189  0.013556004
## 13773         Phlpp1 -0.140160560 -0.342609400 -0.688014030  0.261223800
## 13774         Phlpp2  0.001679897 -0.446291450 -0.048515797  0.079926970
## 13775       Phospho1 -0.892918600 -0.600103400  0.086759090  0.259605880
## 13776       Phospho2 -0.059011460 -0.124324320  0.279146670 -0.605936500
## 13777         Phox2a -0.165072920  0.306488500  0.125162120  0.000000000
## 13778         Phox2b  0.070561410  0.000724000 -0.002624035  0.042812347
## 13779          Phpt1 -0.152781490  0.226489070  0.143847470 -0.843053800
## 13780          Phrf1  0.076604840 -0.131680970  0.130014420  0.075732230
## 13781          Phtf1  0.297517780  0.126123430  0.092545510  0.023372650
## 13782          Phtf2  0.091462135 -0.200195790 -0.128047940 -0.305988800
## 13783          Phxr1 -0.079053880 -0.315344330  0.055840970  0.000000000
## 13784          Phxr2  0.169472700 -0.165141580  0.000000000 -0.165576930
## 13785          Phxr4 -0.263109200 -0.093167780 -0.508819600  0.942330360
## 13786           Phyh  0.428833960  0.444290160  1.117088300 -0.754367350
## 13787         Phyhd1 -0.260490900 -0.642901900 -0.209097860  0.000000000
## 13788         Phyhip  0.084327700 -0.003774643  0.041341780  0.157240390
## 13789        Phyhipl  0.265216830  0.475956920  0.472459320 -0.016070366
## 13790         Phykpl -0.026165009  0.000000000 -0.092031000  0.005488396
## 13791           Pi15  0.019594670 -0.009434700 -0.041791440 -0.030256271
## 13792           Pi16 -0.013362408 -0.049313545 -0.147850040  0.031976700
## 13793         Pi4k2a -0.018296242 -0.064974310  0.011908531 -0.312167640
## 13794         Pi4k2b -0.317624570 -0.480467800 -0.163925650 -0.401344300
## 13795          Pi4ka  0.093467710  0.255167000  0.240214350  0.272387500
## 13796          Pi4kb  0.017474174  0.085181236  0.055915833 -0.082319260
## 13797          Pianp -0.039994240 -0.221982000  0.015584946 -0.123061660
## 13798          Pias1  0.123804090  0.000000000  0.171822550  0.083188060
## 13799          Pias2  0.153374670  0.023828506  0.233523370  0.028921127
## 13800          Pias3 -0.149665360  0.523774150  0.140617850  0.143290520
## 13801          Pias4 -0.119993210  0.262181280  0.014981747  0.000000000
## 13802          Pibf1  0.239209180 -0.115916250 -0.278856750  0.365667340
## 13803         Picalm  0.151205060 -0.137413020 -0.355928420  0.209958080
## 13804          Pick1 -0.425151350  0.599399100  0.217914580  0.072802540
## 13805           Pid1 -0.241187570 -0.196583750  0.124825954  0.029078007
## 13806         Piezo1  0.177367528  0.180271148  0.287058513  0.309204100
## 13807         Piezo2 -0.068858623 -0.003109933 -0.130199909 -0.134398619
## 13808           Pif1  0.082727910 -0.056455612  0.278157230 -0.128334050
## 13809           Pifo -0.040635110 -0.046342850  0.018345356  0.018345356
## 13810           Piga -0.313594340 -0.466821200 -0.480990900 -0.222533700
## 13811           Pigb  0.027787209  0.173254970  0.098775860  0.131604200
## 13812           Pigc  0.128415110 -0.177757260  0.156483650  0.289811130
## 13813           Pigf  0.109905240 -0.244889260  0.321076400 -1.009847200
## 13814           Pigg  0.300282480  0.177784920 -0.045207024  0.088616370
## 13815           Pigh  0.412659650  0.167078500  0.844276900  0.048178196
## 13816           Pigk  0.000000000 -0.029084206 -0.207189560  0.092703820
## 13817           Pigl -0.182991980  0.158974170  0.089131355 -0.173150540
## 13818           Pigm -0.281318660 -0.175928120  0.417389870  0.322167400
## 13819           Pign  0.168045040 -0.421092030 -0.364559170  0.262114520
## 13820           Pigo -0.033336163  0.019844055 -0.163598540  0.062150955
## 13821           Pigp  0.307984120  0.404962065  0.486660715  0.112102985
## 13822           Pigq -0.148116110 -0.011082649  0.034256935  0.167031290
## 13823           Pigr  0.002412319 -0.040391922  0.103144646 -0.005437374
## 13824           Pigs  0.029963493  0.138035300  0.242772580  0.164692400
## 13825           Pigt -0.468748570 -0.189802170 -0.250324250  0.083123210
## 13826           Pigu  0.000000000  0.226697920 -0.111745834 -0.163443570
## 13827           Pigv  0.021893978 -0.092791560 -0.418662070 -0.183246140
## 13828           Pigw -0.192853930 -0.089846610  0.171085360 -0.433177470
## 13829           Pigx -0.217019080 -0.073911670  0.000000000 -0.127967830
## 13830          Pigyl -0.102844240 -0.010956764  1.058943700 -0.444416050
## 13831           Pigz -0.025087357  0.065832140  0.074246880 -0.224846840
## 13832         Pih1d1  0.061043262  0.013572216  0.054932594 -0.347502700
## 13833         Pih1d2  0.069685460  0.309628960  0.148611550 -0.018812656
## 13834         Pih1d3  0.097182274 -0.016613960 -0.037487030  0.043597220
## 13835        Pik3ap1 -0.082932470 -0.035235880  0.058802605 -0.008265495
## 13836        Pik3c2a  0.466223720  0.361949920  0.543665900  0.344121930
## 13837        Pik3c2b -1.358592500 -1.378351200 -0.953523160  1.302868800
## 13838        Pik3c2g  0.084351060 -0.029658794  0.179839610  0.001885414
## 13839         Pik3c3  0.000000000  0.134879110  0.498442650  0.321963300
## 13840         Pik3ca  0.075446130 -0.054462433 -0.127535820  0.324161530
## 13841         Pik3cb  0.048669815  0.053579330  0.000000000  0.523301100
## 13842         Pik3cd -0.334115980 -0.111251354 -0.193655970  0.244686600
## 13843         Pik3cg -0.273624900 -0.136530880 -0.129307270  0.046595097
## 13844        Pik3ip1  0.754611970  0.579519300  0.486839300 -0.044234753
## 13845         Pik3r1 -0.618261340 -0.998984340 -0.630494100 -0.377652170
## 13846         Pik3r2 -0.062284946  0.017770767  0.061226845  0.013804436
## 13847         Pik3r3  0.465134620  0.470771800  0.136197090 -0.067809105
## 13848         Pik3r4 -0.024989605  0.278136730  0.272608760  0.112878800
## 13849         Pik3r5  0.141707420 -0.113861560 -0.091723920 -0.113101960
## 13850         Pik3r6  0.217461590  0.112743380  0.115818980  0.590041160
## 13851        Pikfyve  0.032916070 -0.162353520  0.379870400 -0.160959240
## 13852          Pilra  0.000000000  0.073522090 -0.155063150  0.023133278
## 13853         Pilrb1  0.108280180  0.277044300 -0.147193910 -0.091554640
## 13854         Pilrb2 -0.066594124 -0.090558050  0.021445751 -0.023533344
## 13855           Pim1 -0.156720160 -0.160419940 -0.173358440 -0.168367390
## 13856           Pim2 -0.167312150 -0.058695793  0.282135960 -0.088121890
## 13857           Pim3  0.155160900  0.098701000  0.265381800  0.056141376
## 13858           Pin1  0.002668381 -0.163213250  0.000000000  0.229640000
## 13859        Pin1rt1 -0.038883210 -0.059432507 -0.072699070  0.170774460
## 13860           Pin4 -0.003129959  0.079876900  0.124718188 -0.246531965
## 13861          Pink1  0.231460570  0.324607370  0.262751100  0.167791370
## 13862         Pinlyp -0.005461216  0.004690647 -0.051675320 -0.015467167
## 13863          Pinx1  0.294354440  0.405203820  0.469125750 -0.253756520
## 13864            Pip  0.072977066  0.031983376  0.160308360 -0.007095814
## 13865        Pip4k2a -0.430854800 -0.492773060 -0.158632280 -0.102306366
## 13866        Pip4k2b  0.000000000  0.929033760  0.067138195 -0.283963200
## 13867        Pip4k2c  0.047103880  0.335744380  0.754227640 -0.356891630
## 13868        Pip5k1a -0.056155205 -0.128212450 -0.293442250 -0.210874080
## 13869        Pip5k1b  0.560713300  0.443961620  0.520438700 -0.288653850
## 13870        Pip5k1c -0.012831688  0.117971420  0.210517880  0.353595260
## 13871        Pip5kl1 -0.036547660 -0.051115990  0.045117380  0.171342370
## 13872          Pipox -0.094859120 -0.121651650  0.016056060 -0.110995770
## 13873            Pir  1.883099100  2.262061600  2.151323800 -0.216207500
## 13874          Pira1 -0.109504700 -0.132365700  0.041701317  0.082798004
## 13875         Pira11 -0.151724340 -0.191453460  0.005684376  0.167825220
## 13876           Pirb  0.000000000  0.080160620 -0.011735916 -0.375540730
## 13877           Pirt -0.236957070  0.062304497  0.086647030 -0.077452660
## 13878           Pisd  0.047950268  0.000143000  0.103411674  0.000000000
## 13879       Pisd-ps1 -0.026724815  0.415681840  0.352145200 -0.307462700
## 13880       Pisd-ps2  0.093751430  0.316999440  0.193807600 -0.276167870
## 13881         Pithd1 -0.049719810  0.128997330  0.025581837 -0.076645850
## 13882         Pitpna  0.238677980  0.085363390  0.458946230 -0.240489000
## 13883         Pitpnb  0.182879450  0.184942250  0.400558470  0.060977936
## 13884        Pitpnc1 -0.338204380 -0.338371280 -0.235884670  0.534248350
## 13885        Pitpnm1  0.023861885 -0.185895440 -0.109642030 -0.004767895
## 13886        Pitpnm2 -0.408360960 -0.027930737 -0.131287100  0.238625050
## 13887        Pitpnm3 -0.076101780 -0.202092170 -0.146360870  0.000000000
## 13888         Pitrm1 -0.099997520 -0.201327320 -0.244365690  0.000000000
## 13889          Pitx1  0.001382351  0.018946648  0.256525040 -0.076955795
## 13890          Pitx2  0.017830372 -0.004849911  0.036280155  0.030483723
## 13891          Pitx3 -0.078277110 -0.066136360  0.080351830  0.108137130
## 13892         Piwil1  0.010453701 -0.005577564  0.018228054  0.075492380
## 13893         Piwil2  0.006940842  0.031117440 -0.102231026  0.034318447
## 13894         Piwil4 -0.081177710 -0.002937317  0.154405600  0.046033860
## 13895           Pja1  0.139819150  0.211581230  1.042986900 -0.356172560
## 13896           Pja2  0.368971820  0.209544180  0.300641060  0.409991260
## 13897           Pkd1 -0.075002670  0.071733000  0.193752290  0.071170330
## 13898         Pkd1l2 -0.033658980 -0.082960130  0.077313900 -0.090644360
## 13899         Pkd1l3 -0.082255840 -0.130754000 -0.025812626  0.051451683
## 13900           Pkd2 -0.005129814  0.164349560 -0.033982277  0.848612800
## 13901         Pkd2l1 -0.014497757  0.054409504  0.102659225  0.084623340
## 13902         Pkd2l2 -0.186608315 -0.259919645 -0.160433056 -0.097194195
## 13903          Pkdcc  0.197056300 -0.011820793  0.043102740 -0.131178380
## 13904         Pkdrej -0.073218820  0.009213924  0.020569801 -0.085889820
## 13905          Pkhd1 -0.137013910 -0.061380386  0.142455580 -0.104347230
## 13906        Pkhd1l1 -0.217112540 -0.241732600 -0.327274800  0.518002030
## 13907           Pkia  0.051115036 -0.076381210 -0.129502300  0.300439360
## 13908           Pkib -0.079390526 -0.155227660 -0.072409150  0.003443241
## 13909           Pkig  0.634319800  0.795807360  0.328527450 -0.051929950
## 13910           Pklr  0.000000000 -0.093189720  0.113157270 -0.132143970
## 13911            Pkm  0.264992700  0.372285840  0.572999000 -0.308874130
## 13912         Pkmyt1  0.027845383  0.258550640  0.252030370  0.185311320
## 13913           Pkn1 -0.344165330 -0.028137207  0.094942090  0.053735733
## 13914           Pkn2  0.000000000 -0.166799550  0.144268040  0.349343300
## 13915           Pkn3  0.133808140  0.010548115  0.616282000  0.299949170
## 13916         Pknox1  0.040183544 -0.279893400 -0.215977190 -0.114474770
## 13917         Pknox2  0.263978480  0.234108920  0.186578750  0.031975270
## 13918           Pkp1  0.148229120  0.045093060  0.199396610 -0.101741314
## 13919           Pkp2  0.040838240  0.000000000  0.178642750  0.205768110
## 13920           Pkp3 -0.055081844 -0.119407654 -0.035520554 -0.004854202
## 13921           Pkp4  0.978318200  1.134072300  1.168509500  1.336510700
## 13922          Pla1a -0.247150420 -0.082736970  0.012626648 -0.022174358
## 13923        Pla2g10  0.004924774  0.001358509  0.004924774 -0.092934130
## 13924       Pla2g12a  0.143878940 -0.268012050  0.665346150 -0.203974720
## 13925       Pla2g12b  0.038413525  0.024665833 -0.036983967 -0.152585500
## 13926        Pla2g15 -0.228727340 -0.077751640  0.221336840  0.061905384
## 13927        Pla2g16  0.077126500  0.336167340 -0.063512800  0.209324840
## 13928        Pla2g1b  0.114194870  0.000000000 -0.060928820 -0.116374490
## 13929        Pla2g2a  0.101028920 -0.032925606 -0.009908676 -0.003400803
## 13930        Pla2g2c -0.113363740  0.022348404 -0.100297450  0.090676310
## 13931        Pla2g2d -0.004674435  0.240669250 -0.217737670  0.012900353
## 13932        Pla2g2e  0.021354198 -0.125001900  0.199265960  0.207197670
## 13933        Pla2g2f  0.081692220 -0.022238731 -0.021247864 -0.014780998
## 13934         Pla2g3  0.049880980 -0.001514912  0.194786550  0.016564370
## 13935        Pla2g4a  2.176855000  2.216776000  2.209596600 -0.926149850
## 13936        Pla2g4b  0.042918682  0.310043800  0.232639790  0.035650730
## 13937        Pla2g4c -0.067496780 -0.050005436  0.051748753  0.007423401
## 13938        Pla2g4d -0.015150547  0.000000000  0.132674700  0.000000000
## 13939        Pla2g4e -0.001014233  0.056792736  0.113625530  0.077911380
## 13940        Pla2g4f -0.034529686 -0.035769463 -0.051803590  0.000000000
## 13941         Pla2g5 -0.035417557 -0.065704346  0.018514633  0.180330750
## 13942         Pla2g6  0.154546260  0.254477980  0.065597534  0.000000000
## 13943         Pla2g7 -0.334717270 -0.121684550 -0.308602800 -0.085753440
## 13944         Pla2r1  0.073226930 -0.090265274 -0.155961040  0.015067101
## 13945           Plaa -0.045339584  0.199087140  0.175702100  0.000000000
## 13946          Plac1 -0.009569168  0.046351910  0.000000000  0.344377040
## 13947         Plac1l  0.001198292 -0.058779240  0.073404790 -0.024503231
## 13948          Plac8 -3.163007300 -3.162257700 -2.549196200 -2.214900500
## 13949        Plac8l1  0.005988121 -0.114604000  0.128640650  0.070940495
## 13950         Plac9a -1.176487633 -1.009058633 -0.399016063  0.493572547
## 13951          Plag1  0.298003670  0.798676970  0.000000000  0.490091800
## 13952         Plagl1  0.051896572 -0.146647930 -0.196039680  0.168830870
## 13953         Plagl2 -0.090394500 -0.214367390  0.000000000 -0.040409088
## 13954           Plat  2.802862200  2.069258700  1.506098700  0.432748800
## 13955           Plau -1.293989200 -1.008291700 -0.987698100 -0.333464150
## 13956          Plaur  1.401071100 -0.232341770 -0.305691720 -0.330687520
## 13957           Plb1 -0.010628223  0.068896771  0.129440853 -0.047034808
## 13958          Plbd1 -0.526773450 -0.089533330 -0.295478340 -0.307038780
## 13959          Plbd2  0.046145440  0.618336700  0.034965515  0.134440420
## 13960          Plcb1  0.604625700  0.602960600  0.388231280  0.617378230
## 13961          Plcb2 -0.070461270 -0.444114200 -0.358071330 -0.379089830
## 13962          Plcb3  0.336476330  0.420418740  0.196887970  0.010663986
## 13963          Plcb4  0.377642630  0.095076560  0.122193340  1.017015500
## 13964          Plcd1 -0.320966240 -0.007692814 -0.294630050  0.206295970
## 13965          Plcd3 -0.107396126  0.009663582  0.159421440  0.022504330
## 13966          Plcd4 -0.008943558  0.101606846 -0.113194466 -0.177714350
## 13967          Plce1 -0.106132984 -0.009830952 -0.216263770  0.724555500
## 13968          Plcg1  0.471534730  0.410601620  0.312582020  0.385370250
## 13969          Plcg2 -0.388926030 -0.224486350 -0.014122009 -0.974024800
## 13970          Plch1  0.025280952 -0.013553143  0.085608480 -0.115329740
## 13971          Plch2  0.004015446  0.000000000  0.038314820  0.150569920
## 13972          Plcl1 -0.318756580 -0.314603800 -0.460381500 -0.118679050
## 13973          Plcl2 -0.510717400 -0.470675950 -0.294036400 -0.491976740
## 13974         Plcxd1 -0.066967964  0.063437940 -0.026298523 -0.063184740
## 13975         Plcxd2 -0.034414290  0.101740840  0.295388220  0.061717510
## 13976         Plcxd3 -0.001472473  0.323156360  0.005847454  0.056440353
## 13977          Plcz1 -0.004831791 -0.009619713 -0.007031441 -0.029959679
## 13978           Pld1 -0.310593600 -0.782133100 -0.223901750  0.281642900
## 13979           Pld2  0.061244013  0.068940880 -0.073327780  0.136138200
## 13980           Pld3 -0.082682130 -0.019541740  0.064410210 -0.361678600
## 13981           Pld4 -0.309535030 -0.094464300 -0.039450170 -0.222062590
## 13982           Pld5  0.006633759  0.000000000  0.062686920 -0.002910137
## 13983           Pld6 -0.060559750 -0.085794450 -0.117471695  0.000000000
## 13984           Pldi -0.004682064 -0.122594360  0.403286930  0.084532260
## 13985           Plec  0.119741440  0.064306260  0.247014050 -0.214281560
## 13986           Plek -0.365693570 -0.472301000 -0.586708070  0.131159780
## 13987          Plek2 -0.032136440 -0.053197860 -0.131823060  0.179359440
## 13988        Plekha1  0.169460300  0.103945730  0.000000000  0.152268410
## 13989        Plekha2 -0.280882360 -0.500023370 -0.488305100  0.109371185
## 13990        Plekha3  0.437582970  0.127376560  0.330393800  0.014913559
## 13991        Plekha4  0.066044810 -0.020500183 -0.092278480 -0.216315750
## 13992        Plekha5  0.829808700  0.506852150  0.278610230 -0.065389630
## 13993        Plekha6 -0.006466866  0.084388730  0.012294292  0.174028870
## 13994        Plekha7  0.192692760  0.056014538  0.134008880  0.147102830
## 13995        Plekha8 -0.204760070  0.134233000 -0.086922170 -0.468294620
## 13996        Plekhb1 -0.151028160 -0.140969280 -0.070817470 -0.157138350
## 13997        Plekhb2  0.276058200 -0.189594750 -0.174165730 -0.173164840
## 13998        Plekhd1 -0.084743500 -0.005117416  0.002538204  0.062242985
## 13999        Plekhf1 -0.103276730 -0.196403500 -0.285294060  0.080531600
## 14000        Plekhf2  0.000000000 -0.136748310 -0.298874860 -0.212935450
## 14001        Plekhg1  0.471763600  0.365189550  0.153883930  0.354636200
## 14002        Plekhg2 -0.039101124 -0.383610730  0.152282240  0.388620850
## 14003        Plekhg3 -0.492591380 -0.439057830 -0.429115770  0.000000000
## 14004        Plekhg4  0.000000000 -0.030112743  0.042535305  0.062622550
## 14005        Plekhg5  0.648751740  0.838926800  0.396289350  0.502761360
## 14006        Plekhg6 -0.003401279 -0.089240074  0.059834480  0.021277428
## 14007        Plekhh1  0.196024420  0.155159000  0.000000000  0.042324066
## 14008        Plekhh2  3.273255300  3.334047300  3.032784500  2.390172000
## 14009        Plekhh3  0.062844750  0.086623190  0.149776940  0.120025635
## 14010        Plekhj1 -0.052412033  0.055004597  0.123291016 -0.103775980
## 14011        Plekhm1  0.557268140  0.285815240  0.416701320  0.244277950
## 14012        Plekhm2  0.122433660  0.012476444  0.023934841  0.012476444
## 14013        Plekhm3  0.018723488  0.042450428 -0.213717940 -0.121417046
## 14014        Plekho1 -1.729840300 -1.352121400 -1.641220600  0.316610340
## 14015        Plekho2 -1.839392700 -2.261737800 -1.832549600  0.000000000
## 14016        Plekhs1  0.000000000 -0.005311966 -0.127734660  0.104699135
## 14017            Plg -0.078718185 -0.086109640  0.026140213 -0.008100033
## 14018         Plgrkt -0.246152880 -0.310987470 -0.585156440  0.843313200
## 14019          Plin1  0.066456320 -0.026119709  0.016006470  0.059504986
## 14020          Plin2 -0.335022930 -0.050177574  0.022127151  0.314709660
## 14021          Plin3  0.018620014  0.051500320  0.290854930 -0.136284830
## 14022          Plin4  0.086175440 -0.175157550  0.032315254  0.243801120
## 14023          Plin5 -0.138599870  0.118981360 -0.058940887 -0.087244990
## 14024           Plk1 -0.593871100 -0.562032200 -0.326118950  0.011088848
## 14025         Plk1s1  0.511770250  0.561304100  0.921895000  0.123011590
## 14026           Plk2  0.493770600  0.000000000 -0.023798943  0.543115600
## 14027           Plk3  0.625208850 -0.224728110 -0.469195840  0.000000000
## 14028           Plk4 -0.014854908 -0.279661660  0.413676260 -0.139659880
## 14029           Plk5  0.000659000 -0.046113968  0.217268470 -0.035926342
## 14030           Pllp  2.850240700  2.887369200  2.933531800  0.032171726
## 14031            Pln -0.025460243  0.115714070 -0.279282570  1.674490000
## 14032          Plod1 -0.018229485  0.225611690 -0.275655750  0.847039200
## 14033          Plod2  0.409719470  0.178213120  0.181322100  0.220241550
## 14034          Plod3 -0.093231680 -0.162705420  0.601191500  0.085449220
## 14035           Plp1  0.192414760  0.274763100 -0.059023857  0.101110935
## 14036           Plp2 -0.518873523 -0.116278015 -0.177364666  0.692848850
## 14037          Plrg1 -0.117335320  0.073303220 -0.059687614  0.000000000
## 14038           Pls1 -0.152752880 -0.003411770  0.023861885 -0.204784870
## 14039           Pls3  0.568011300  0.608969700  0.574035640  0.455441470
## 14040         Plscr1 -0.038366795  0.033698082  0.633108620  0.757249825
## 14041         Plscr2  0.000000000  0.458904740  0.408394340  1.497358300
## 14042         Plscr3 -0.208645340 -0.056450367  0.011008263  0.374603750
## 14043         Plscr4  0.329690930  0.361407280  0.024185180  0.736556050
## 14044           Pltp  2.061913500  2.230925600  2.100049000 -0.291623120
## 14045          Plvap -0.030651570 -0.253752700 -0.405460360 -0.302323340
## 14046         Plxdc1 -0.197219370 -0.577149400 -0.361144070  0.197916510
## 14047         Plxdc2 -0.601446150 -0.401047700 -0.187503340 -0.676251900
## 14048         Plxna1  0.018433570  0.031108856 -0.062047005  0.073843000
## 14049         Plxna2  0.624179840  0.980918900  1.106470100  1.360103600
## 14050         Plxna3  0.026181221  0.129794600  0.000000000 -0.034637450
## 14051         Plxna4 -0.648429400 -0.668683050 -0.336706160  0.769802100
## 14052         Plxnb1 -0.013956785  0.158547878  0.115417243 -0.022347928
## 14053         Plxnb2 -0.704443000 -0.463137630  0.090119360 -0.967655200
## 14054         Plxnb3 -0.015951157  0.047399998  0.192543500  0.010213852
## 14055         Plxnc1 -0.080372330 -0.330316070 -0.197693350 -0.287440780
## 14056         Plxnd1 -0.525074000 -0.133368490 -0.432939530  1.105897900
## 14057         Pm20d1 -0.011747837  0.192553040  0.000000000 -0.100631240
## 14058         Pmaip1  0.853779800  0.163113600  0.085917950 -0.363430020
## 14059           Pmch -0.261378300 -0.259259700 -0.260751720 -0.076789380
## 14060           Pmel  0.131148340 -0.093229770 -0.115122795  0.161684990
## 14061         Pmepa1  1.025855100  0.890273100  0.714733100 -0.127019400
## 14062           Pmf1 -0.246388440  0.018640041  0.097758290 -0.194008830
## 14063         Pmfbp1  0.005858421  0.018771648 -0.073627950  0.061916830
## 14064            Pml  0.020679950 -0.034877777 -0.469945900  0.097590920
## 14065           Pmm1 -0.098749160  0.000000000  0.149930950 -0.093591690
## 14066           Pmm2 -0.017115593 -0.120134350 -0.482541560 -0.576220040
## 14067           Pmp2 -0.029397488 -0.089017390 -0.099995610 -0.049800873
## 14068          Pmp22  0.466447830 -0.074213030  0.144929890 -0.256040570
## 14069          Pmpca -0.077188490  0.026550293 -0.208789830 -0.049814224
## 14070          Pmpcb  0.051357270  0.000000000  0.211110120 -0.280394550
## 14071           Pms1  0.400817400  0.009127140  0.078122140  0.022957802
## 14072           Pms2  0.307645800  0.295774460  0.284073830  0.000000000
## 14073           Pmvk  0.200672150  0.431238650  0.323520660  0.016567230
## 14074           Pnck  0.000000000 -0.021003723  0.020136356 -0.065519330
## 14075        Pnet-ps  0.250778200 -0.696320530  0.477917670 -0.591904640
## 14076           Pnkd -0.010032416  0.740484010  0.117766142  0.262243275
## 14077           Pnkp  0.084413050  0.121609690  0.150608540  0.139549260
## 14078         Pnldc1 -0.041414260 -0.059065820 -0.072102550  0.020036697
## 14079          Pnlip  0.017454624 -0.126563550  0.163034920  0.097025870
## 14080       Pnliprp1 -0.027158260 -0.024289608 -0.046251774 -0.023192883
## 14081       Pnliprp2 -0.043096066  0.006460190  0.025572300 -0.248141290
## 14082          Pnma1  0.172380920  0.155945300 -0.020843983 -0.493917940
## 14083          Pnma2  0.017429829  0.020928383  0.063963410  0.019732475
## 14084          Pnma3 -0.081817630 -0.093980310 -0.050943375  0.189790250
## 14085          Pnma5 -0.042286396  0.000000000  0.161540510  0.154976370
## 14086         Pnmal1  0.000000000 -0.081793310  0.026600360  0.000000000
## 14087         Pnmal2 -0.116293910  0.000000000 -0.194013600 -0.046951294
## 14088           Pnmt  0.210572240 -0.056960583  0.043107033 -0.016689777
## 14089            Pnn -0.078914640 -0.069898605  0.007843018  0.291280750
## 14090           Pno1 -0.027343273  0.068154810 -0.001121285 -0.139459130
## 14091           Pnoc -0.167072300  0.003156662  0.175783160  0.046659470
## 14092            Pnp  0.000000000 -0.295864100 -0.033769608 -0.758926400
## 14093           Pnp2 -0.111893654 -0.426694870 -0.072446820 -0.343484880
## 14094         Pnpla1 -0.021868706 -0.046477318  0.104342460 -0.012148857
## 14095         Pnpla2  0.209459300  0.320633900  0.412541400  0.099451065
## 14096         Pnpla3 -0.000238000 -0.236513610 -0.110895630 -0.009504795
## 14097         Pnpla5  0.093311790  0.000000000  0.027467728 -0.051598072
## 14098         Pnpla6  1.137143100  1.330489200  0.424449920  0.133372300
## 14099         Pnpla7 -0.183344360 -0.136869900 -0.232758050 -0.251379000
## 14100         Pnpla8  0.627852440  0.415827750  0.138092040  0.253753660
## 14101           Pnpo  0.000000000 -0.046597480 -0.198734280 -0.257473000
## 14102          Pnpt1  0.146537780 -0.007528305  0.101490974  0.013763428
## 14103          Pnrc1  0.074649810 -0.077451706 -0.222958560  0.264403340
## 14104          Pnrc2  0.000000000 -0.152061460 -0.128942490 -0.101684570
## 14105          Poc1a -0.148023600 -0.172587400 -0.051055430  0.006456852
## 14106          Poc1b -0.279268740  0.228803630  0.764705660 -0.026206017
## 14107           Poc5  0.095064640  0.046554565 -0.117569450  0.268698220
## 14108           Podn -0.121711730 -0.140048980  0.010017395 -0.017957210
## 14109         Podnl1 -0.087676525  0.042295933  0.023873330 -0.005322456
## 14110          Podxl  0.000000000  0.301898960  0.690818800  0.203989030
## 14111         Podxl2 -0.046327115  0.063405513  0.113561155 -0.053311347
## 14112          Pof1b -0.034194470  0.001957417  0.005426884  0.001941204
## 14113         Pofut1 -0.098132610  0.348904130  0.319854260  0.000000000
## 14114         Pofut2  0.146887300  0.060525894  0.180900100 -0.127918720
## 14115           Pogk  0.164660450  0.471852300  0.240462780  0.247407440
## 14116        Poglut1  0.242638590  0.614275930 -0.024464607  0.427889820
## 14117           Pogz  0.259683600  0.435385700  0.330319400  0.086178780
## 14118          Pola1 -0.067788600 -0.295813560 -0.618816850  0.112597466
## 14119          Pola2 -0.751166340 -0.875144000 -0.982193470  0.331986430
## 14120           Polb  0.405704500  0.179902080 -0.405098920 -0.280343060
## 14121          Pold1  0.009050369  0.000552000 -0.025357723  0.008187294
## 14122          Pold2 -0.148689270  0.016476631  0.011550903 -0.107283115
## 14123          Pold3 -0.298678400 -0.126027100  0.000000000 -0.270946500
## 14124          Pold4 -0.053664207  0.051712990 -0.058029650 -0.001511097
## 14125        Poldip2  0.210786820  0.083931920 -0.637352000 -0.365924360
## 14126        Poldip3 -0.035703660 -0.471275330 -0.058169365 -0.082292560
## 14127           Pole -0.075131420 -0.168434140  0.000000000 -0.028839588
## 14128          Pole2 -0.372169020 -0.147732260 -0.681556700 -0.247524740
## 14129          Pole3 -0.078944206  0.667666440  1.211571700 -0.104289055
## 14130          Pole4  0.401089670  0.188315390  0.177301400 -0.364548680
## 14131           Polg -0.158163550  0.012927532  0.164087300  0.099525930
## 14132          Polg2 -0.133352280 -0.254975800 -0.380896570  0.126328950
## 14133           Polh -0.187549590  0.185309890 -0.173074250 -0.540674200
## 14134           Poli -0.517259100 -0.238207820  0.660882950  0.000000000
## 14135           Polk  2.919732000  2.715902300  2.419472700  0.671769140
## 14136           Poll -0.134034160 -0.040322304  0.000354000 -0.257068630
## 14137           Polm -0.021145820 -0.110571860 -0.034357548  0.080049515
## 14138           Polq  0.042692184 -0.096763134  0.005469322 -0.242657180
## 14139         Polr1a -0.112225530  0.101797104  0.199415200 -0.053285122
## 14140         Polr1b -0.134044650 -0.232169150 -0.116889950  0.251000400
## 14141         Polr1c -0.009151459 -0.056412697 -0.062045097  0.086014750
## 14142         Polr1d -0.019020080  0.035382745  0.182615515  0.114905600
## 14143         Polr1e -0.089890480 -0.455305100 -0.263108250 -0.078890800
## 14144         Polr2a  0.113734245 -0.004818916  0.000000000 -0.473933220
## 14145         Polr2b -0.115262985  0.069571495  0.056592940 -0.022335052
## 14146         Polr2c  0.065797569  0.016383648  0.130171061  0.252401110
## 14147         Polr2d  0.125660420  0.401442530  0.226059910 -0.407739160
## 14148         Polr2e  0.155558590  0.419681070 -0.173407080  0.388049600
## 14149         Polr2f  0.274855600  0.220699310 -0.094960210 -0.317268370
## 14150         Polr2g -0.002795219 -0.021658897  0.293321600 -0.675436000
## 14151         Polr2h -0.432312970 -0.348073005 -0.039073706 -0.260638470
## 14152         Polr2i  0.105181220  0.277559760  1.114326000 -0.772009400
## 14153         Polr2j -0.311803820  0.351029400 -0.456131940  0.139567380
## 14154         Polr2k  0.002971410 -0.043595790  0.156126975 -0.263025760
## 14155         Polr2l -0.321481705  0.017856598  0.000000000 -0.568760870
## 14156         Polr2m  0.301617620  0.498931880  0.337884900  0.168081280
## 14157         Polr3a -0.280044560 -0.223870750  0.175108910 -0.011642456
## 14158         Polr3b  0.211632730  0.073770520 -0.020384789  0.538045900
## 14159         Polr3c -0.410588260  0.147299770  0.060341835  0.270442000
## 14160         Polr3d -0.073456764 -0.060286045  0.128080840 -0.106497290
## 14161         Polr3e  0.256757750 -0.107110260 -0.163622620  0.237976550
## 14162         Polr3f  0.000000000  0.068824770  0.240567680 -0.122041225
## 14163         Polr3g  0.183480740  0.070903780 -0.054840565  0.235414030
## 14164        Polr3gl  0.000000000  0.407586100  0.323753360  0.435218800
## 14165         Polr3h -0.087835790  0.026179314  0.029736519 -0.036777496
## 14166         Polr3k -0.274765000 -0.280324940  0.027508736 -0.206199650
## 14167         Polrmt -0.130427360 -0.162714960  0.036637306  0.095013140
## 14168         Pom121 -0.161395550  0.057250977  0.215487960  0.356892100
## 14169       Pom121l2  0.126647950  0.018927574  0.034546375 -0.021996021
## 14170           Pomc  0.225279330  0.453729630  0.389801030  0.216386800
## 14171        Pomgnt1  0.074043750 -0.165464880  0.108666420  0.000000000
## 14172           Pomp  0.517225270  0.505223300  0.584569000 -0.342125900
## 14173          Pomt1 -0.506932740 -0.075613500 -0.522872900 -0.321233750
## 14174          Pomt2 -0.048724174  0.175979140  0.140957830 -0.076896670
## 14175           Pon1 -0.035099506  0.050155163 -0.009156227  0.083157540
## 14176           Pon2  1.205508200  0.632123950  0.206415180  0.000000000
## 14177           Pon3 -0.474528800 -0.951975350  0.150132660 -0.185971740
## 14178           Pop1  0.077947620 -0.116015434  0.007415295  0.423281670
## 14179           Pop4  0.191264150 -0.051942825  0.767947700 -0.397465700
## 14180           Pop5  0.297362800  0.655467500  0.295076850  0.181931500
## 14181           Pop7 -0.016049385  0.253350730  0.444822800  0.000992000
## 14182         Popdc2 -0.042808533 -0.081136230  0.132858280  0.121157646
## 14183         Popdc3 -0.082474230 -0.084544660  0.000000000  0.039032936
## 14184            Por  0.356795300  0.218369480  0.186604020 -0.537306800
## 14185          Porcn  0.210787770  0.462870600 -0.177649020 -0.117606640
## 14186          Postn -0.330593100 -0.317907800 -0.338803770  1.921629000
## 14187          Pot1a  0.897147200  0.847420700  0.968477250  0.502865800
## 14188          Pot1b  0.031934740 -0.446142670  0.116688730 -0.321292400
## 14189          Poteg -0.044396400  0.024592876  0.064487934  0.046077250
## 14190         Pou1f1  0.328971400  0.041840553  0.105970860 -0.024196625
## 14191        Pou2af1  0.239620210  0.204075340  0.201756480  0.045491695
## 14192         Pou2f1  0.292850970  0.233623030 -0.134365560  0.082124710
## 14193         Pou2f2 -0.075386524 -0.067900180  0.046477318 -0.101697445
## 14194         Pou2f3  0.139538760  0.077724460  0.088877200  0.036108017
## 14195         Pou3f1  0.000000000  0.084376810  0.107861040 -0.015215397
## 14196         Pou3f2  0.056110860 -0.055974483  0.000000000  0.121613026
## 14197         Pou3f3  0.000000000  0.196244720  0.472120760 -0.201547620
## 14198         Pou3f4  0.067177296  0.000000000 -0.008863926 -0.028048515
## 14199         Pou4f1 -0.022263050  0.002114773  0.221465590  0.117139820
## 14200         Pou4f2  0.000000000  0.163817880  0.235135560 -0.148875710
## 14201         Pou4f3 -0.055914880  0.099338055  0.343401900  0.000000000
## 14202         Pou5f1  0.010036945  0.000000000  0.229931830 -0.068958280
## 14203         Pou5f2  0.171052460  0.139164450  0.111934660 -0.054037570
## 14204         Pou6f1 -0.182816500  0.119101524 -0.053705215  0.033276080
## 14205         Pou6f2 -0.011075020 -0.031815530  0.087896824 -0.005340576
## 14206          Pp2d1 -0.136013030 -0.050438880  0.063350200  0.055401325
## 14207           Ppa1  0.028779984 -0.137258050  0.000000000  0.161479950
## 14208           Ppa2  0.262847420 -0.492980960  0.179297920 -0.258300300
## 14209           Ppan -0.009005070  0.121885780 -0.106650830  0.006999493
## 14210         Ppap2a -0.536077500 -1.008011800 -0.672672300  0.194275860
## 14211         Ppap2b -1.547475300 -1.486297600 -1.571252800  0.898033140
## 14212         Ppap2c -0.013291836 -0.333390700  0.044495106  0.000000000
## 14213       Ppapdc1a -0.021672726  0.255151270  0.199902530 -0.338185300
## 14214       Ppapdc1b  0.176658630  0.052306175  0.207149500 -0.019592285
## 14215        Ppapdc2  0.997484700  0.398186200  1.232894400  0.153627870
## 14216        Ppapdc3 -0.046881200  0.059298992 -0.139896870 -0.108115670
## 14217          Ppara -0.051947117  0.002116680 -0.014063835 -0.140025620
## 14218          Ppard  0.889830100  0.967999000  0.801339600 -0.050485134
## 14219          Pparg -1.403820500 -1.093039500 -1.304274100  2.400720600
## 14220       Ppargc1a  0.367961170  0.264173033  0.121053220  0.274589302
## 14221       Ppargc1b -0.260625840  0.009384155  0.058890343 -0.293891900
## 14222           Ppat -0.560900700 -0.468684200  0.022482872  0.049368860
## 14223           Ppbp -0.557999600 -0.733854800 -1.086207400  1.669981000
## 14224          Ppcdc  0.325139050 -0.123762610 -0.078379154 -0.423773770
## 14225           Ppcs -0.223041530  0.042124750  0.102419850  0.080530640
## 14226          Ppdpf  0.182054760  0.103523970  0.174068690 -0.261379720
## 14227          Ppef1  0.021990776  0.059704780  0.040133476 -0.046758650
## 14228          Ppef2 -0.011462212  0.131633280 -0.066107750 -0.077093600
## 14229         Ppfia1  0.155995370  0.312113760  0.357810970  0.332746500
## 14230         Ppfia2 -0.051761627  0.000000000 -0.140415670 -0.072996620
## 14231         Ppfia3 -0.124194145 -0.136978150  0.299906730 -0.097003940
## 14232         Ppfia4 -0.184116360  0.162025930  0.000000000 -0.048591137
## 14233        Ppfibp1  0.972255700  0.996785160  1.074365600  0.436926840
## 14234        Ppfibp2 -0.038555622 -0.214372160 -0.099870205 -0.140551090
## 14235         Pphln1  0.156248100  0.254773140  0.350402830 -0.309930800
## 14236           Ppia  0.027945837 -0.063436031  0.110211849 -0.050260544
## 14237           Ppib -0.361631400 -0.058987617  0.000000000 -0.080692290
## 14238           Ppic -0.452755930 -0.543245300 -0.244480130  0.334146500
## 14239           Ppid  0.205267900 -0.111131670  0.088145256 -0.148866650
## 14240           Ppie  0.355499740  0.233427050  0.523768900  0.234895230
## 14241           Ppif  0.037783146 -0.133085730 -0.233870500  0.022220612
## 14242         Ppifos -0.198064800 -0.024559975 -0.042737960 -0.213196750
## 14243           Ppig  0.338564870  0.181252480  0.155556680  0.119549750
## 14244           Ppih -0.504154333 -0.032543183 -0.803287148  0.240473985
## 14245          Ppil1 -0.330448150 -0.144660950 -0.049065590  0.208332060
## 14246          Ppil2 -0.079061510  0.071186066 -0.028012276 -0.533615600
## 14247          Ppil3 -0.232127670  0.421075820  0.456519130 -0.276753900
## 14248          Ppil4 -0.084290504  0.062431335  0.000000000  0.242778780
## 14249          Ppil6  0.000000000  0.040076256  0.154915330 -0.094330310
## 14250        Ppip5k1  0.309653280  0.102282050  0.686655040  0.110830784
## 14251        Ppip5k2 -0.101141930 -0.295118800 -0.215802200  0.229353900
## 14252            Ppl  0.124549390  0.170930860 -0.041802406 -0.080749035
## 14253          Ppm1a -0.086117744  0.046773910 -0.038064957 -0.060153008
## 14254          Ppm1b -0.105826380 -0.106392860 -0.209981920  0.052786827
## 14255          Ppm1d -0.078618052  0.006897688  0.006680250  0.167556523
## 14256          Ppm1e -0.353767400 -0.129722600 -0.095501420  0.145511150
## 14257          Ppm1f  0.154525760  0.327067380  0.336503980  0.000000000
## 14258          Ppm1g -0.482610700 -0.272871970  0.124345780 -0.000166000
## 14259          Ppm1h  0.359176640  0.364856720  0.512992860  0.634318350
## 14260          Ppm1j -0.036659240 -0.114236830 -0.331036570  0.212470050
## 14261          Ppm1k -0.253811360 -0.099800110 -0.560781960 -0.073997500
## 14262          Ppm1l  0.497993000  0.285340300  0.365139960 -0.309402940
## 14263          Ppm1m  0.166169170  0.154266360 -0.089902880  0.097814560
## 14264          Ppm1n  0.000000000 -0.005181313  0.207786080  0.250107300
## 14265          Ppme1  0.521245000  0.525012970  0.412444100 -0.020479202
## 14266           Ppnr  0.142125600 -0.315123080 -0.862086800  0.418974400
## 14267           Ppox -0.087787150  0.283532620 -0.448869230  0.219113350
## 14268         Ppp1ca -0.528614040 -0.291778560 -0.333724980 -0.444845200
## 14269         Ppp1cb  0.138310430  0.204726220  0.142053600 -0.049040794
## 14270         Ppp1cc  0.270573620 -0.190230370 -0.252831935 -0.366329195
## 14271        Ppp1r10  0.064628600 -0.193115230 -0.131745340 -0.350131030
## 14272        Ppp1r11 -0.206546780 -0.503642100  0.036026000  0.000000000
## 14273       Ppp1r12a  0.019499779 -0.026153564 -0.251059530  0.218007090
## 14274       Ppp1r12b  0.016526835  0.169675484 -0.007687365  0.303759171
## 14275       Ppp1r12c -0.102807045 -0.079320430 -0.028453827  0.120421410
## 14276       Ppp1r13b  0.030937195  0.347405430  0.122724530  0.216751100
## 14277       Ppp1r13l  0.084692480  0.110026840  0.066761020  0.000000000
## 14278       Ppp1r14a  0.095501900 -0.298543450 -0.046088696  0.076152800
## 14279       Ppp1r14b -0.506639960 -0.577368735  0.093954562 -0.706683165
## 14280       Ppp1r14c -0.144926070 -0.062537190  0.063268660  0.000000000
## 14281       Ppp1r14d -0.051756382 -0.067249300 -0.056338310  0.153421880
## 14282       Ppp1r15a  0.289093020 -0.539217000 -0.414095880  0.232012750
## 14283       Ppp1r15b  0.126690863 -0.170617345  0.201086285 -0.079027175
## 14284       Ppp1r16a  0.000000000  0.314564700  0.088873860 -0.114939690
## 14285       Ppp1r16b  0.070864680  0.034360886  0.253845200  0.556857100
##            Heart_B      Heart_C
## 1     -0.587008500 -0.651764870
## 2     -0.066177370  0.097651960
## 3     -0.187626840 -0.691507340
## 4     -0.427622800 -0.437242030
## 5     -0.077515600  0.000000000
## 6     -0.187520980  0.011550903
## 7     -0.135352130 -0.304437640
## 8     -0.251797200 -0.268223760
## 9      0.000000000 -0.041187763
## 10    -0.169792650 -0.076529980
## 11     0.105713844  0.042892456
## 12     0.032011986 -0.143305780
## 13     0.000000000 -0.125774380
## 14     0.470924850  0.000000000
## 15    -0.067070010 -0.190176490
## 16     0.065460205  0.085952280
## 17    -0.004425526 -0.792544360
## 18    -0.207456590 -0.272789480
## 19     0.166499610 -0.251205440
## 20    -0.136397840  0.185110090
## 21     0.376376150 -0.411367420
## 22     0.147070410 -0.076342106
## 23    -0.086038590 -0.417790400
## 24    -0.702971460 -0.210291860
## 25    -0.106462000  0.099083900
## 26    -0.064901830 -1.064053000
## 27     0.258606430  0.058688164
## 28    -1.368316150 -0.206794740
## 29    -0.149828910  0.003922463
## 30    -0.982920170  0.000000000
## 31     0.068133114 -0.039341928
## 32    -0.105517390 -0.092576980
## 33     0.170292227 -0.111286320
## 34     0.469303130 -0.071409225
## 35    -0.319723600 -0.400391100
## 36    -0.177995680 -0.323583130
## 37    -0.447579620 -0.731366860
## 38     0.374129300 -0.294560430
## 39    -0.347214220 -0.546240800
## 40     0.053631783  0.000000000
## 41    -0.005204678  0.071149350
## 42     0.529191500  0.449969300
## 43    -0.015707493  0.008131504
## 44     0.017954350  0.109987260
## 45    -0.064333916  0.330966950
## 46     0.199463840  0.063647750
## 47    -0.203599450  0.000000000
## 48     0.153956410 -0.641437050
## 49     0.000000000  0.009117603
## 50    -0.226770400 -0.255190850
## 51    -0.676163200 -0.426354900
## 52    -0.719471000 -0.243394850
## 53     0.070919040  0.089589120
## 54     0.235725400 -0.038381100
## 55    -0.122556690 -0.195448400
## 56    -0.179902080 -0.303689480
## 57    -0.167666910 -0.089464190
## 58     0.022012710  0.140803810
## 59    -0.091150760  0.054252625
## 60    -0.060215473  0.162260530
## 61     0.074986460 -0.034790040
## 62    -0.224192620  0.039510250
## 63     0.202444550  0.000000000
## 64     0.000000000 -0.117341995
## 65    -0.020923376 -0.057671788
## 66     0.162925240  0.410167700
## 67     0.000000000 -0.042705536
## 68     0.012754917 -0.013703346
## 69     0.141902450 -0.066910740
## 70    -0.184753420 -0.247275350
## 71    -0.099916460 -0.084076405
## 72    -0.040985584  0.175870420
## 73    -0.324601650  0.198959350
## 74    -0.136835580 -0.003683090
## 75    -0.121945858 -0.016001463
## 76     0.002577782 -0.044810295
## 77     0.148540500 -0.040194510
## 78     0.051735878 -0.067667960
## 79    -0.099739075 -0.036233902
## 80     0.074954510  0.013505459
## 81    -0.013702869  0.001732826
## 82     0.053539276  0.000000000
## 83     0.057769300  0.006302834
## 84    -0.011643887  0.001951695
## 85    -0.024445534  0.029775620
## 86    -0.084562300  0.204984660
## 87    -0.038007260 -0.081000805
## 88    -0.033724785  0.007606030
## 89     0.060155870  0.049893380
## 90     0.287723540  0.019877434
## 91     0.209938530 -0.021314621
## 92     0.058493137 -0.039370537
## 93    -0.008132935 -0.086536410
## 94    -0.364035600 -0.213032720
## 95    -0.109018800 -0.078544140
## 96    -0.071459290 -0.075970170
## 97    -0.010610580 -0.167559620
## 98    -0.155030250 -0.013724327
## 99    -0.093523500  0.000000000
## 100   -0.054524420 -0.212317470
## 101    0.096792700 -0.141645430
## 102   -0.094773290  0.015126228
## 103    0.000000000 -0.002392292
## 104   -0.263930800  0.193907740
## 105    0.020058155 -0.025061130
## 106   -0.070524216  0.099721430
## 107    0.036917210  0.208880900
## 108    0.000000000  0.039497852
## 109   -0.066716194 -0.098963740
## 110   -0.200518610 -0.016426563
## 111    0.110553265  0.100619316
## 112   -0.036591530  0.029945374
## 113   -0.135833740 -0.071630000
## 114   -0.199488160 -0.025131226
## 115    0.554815770  0.186495300
## 116   -0.008718967  0.022525310
## 117    0.036960125 -0.011858940
## 118    0.064981460  0.046782970
## 119   -0.093044280  0.004326344
## 120   -0.063733100  0.182569980
## 121   -0.024705410  0.056529045
## 122   -0.207713130 -0.325442300
## 123   -0.058400154  0.044461250
## 124    0.011655808  0.083930970
## 125    0.000000000  0.092329980
## 126   -0.136616700  0.000000000
## 127   -0.083900450  0.045552730
## 128   -0.215743060 -0.083331585
## 129    0.158901210  0.035758972
## 130    0.004605770  0.126610760
## 131    0.014357090 -0.009556294
## 132   -0.241643430 -0.251439570
## 133   -0.439244270 -0.436687470
## 134   -0.029059887  0.020287514
## 135   -0.154972080 -0.062652590
## 136   -0.017479897 -0.135404590
## 137    0.232248780 -0.018392563
## 138   -0.044925213 -0.025467873
## 139   -0.121140480 -0.067207340
## 140   -0.060679436 -0.029536247
## 141   -0.087296960  0.074717045
## 142   -0.204503060 -0.151933200
## 143    0.019904137 -0.087538240
## 144    0.065937520  0.092936040
## 145    0.043834686 -0.084907055
## 146    0.008472443  0.101701740
## 147   -0.035916330 -0.061257840
## 148    1.392029050  1.476383650
## 149   -0.016542912 -0.137825490
## 150    0.101122380 -0.244287490
## 151   -0.174562930 -0.072997570
## 152   -0.105882170  0.027399063
## 153   -0.338737000 -0.280956750
## 154    0.070688725 -0.005066395
## 155    0.000000000 -0.060761450
## 156   -0.063098910  0.103947160
## 157    0.057560920  0.128428940
## 158   -0.572780130 -0.320286270
## 159    0.022013187 -0.082013610
## 160   -0.081497670  0.137081150
## 161    0.334243300 -0.072999000
## 162    0.024894714 -0.176000600
## 163    0.032197952  0.001212597
## 164   -0.187491420 -0.023242950
## 165    0.151527880 -0.113970280
## 166    0.115078450 -0.143257140
## 167    0.089397910  0.145026680
## 168   -0.042678833 -0.018109798
## 169    0.158642770 -0.188924310
## 170   -0.024120569  0.137493133
## 171   -0.721026900  0.555796150
## 172   -0.069398400 -0.192798610
## 173   -0.060928345 -0.068091390
## 174    0.388997080  0.214559560
## 175   -0.206606860 -0.014140129
## 176   -0.199303150 -0.246642590
## 177    0.042154312  0.000000000
## 178   -0.182576180 -0.168368340
## 179   -0.297959330 -0.357280730
## 180    0.036801815  0.130719660
## 181   -0.035142420  0.016136170
## 182   -0.252987860  0.300866130
## 183    0.057258606  0.217512130
## 184   -0.361264945  0.049979925
## 185   -0.190693380 -0.267432200
## 186    0.248442170  0.023289204
## 187    0.030341625  0.014929771
## 188    0.042036057 -0.130945680
## 189    0.594297900  0.083318230
## 190    0.000000000  0.204871650
## 191   -0.027305126 -0.137149810
## 192   -0.184825420 -0.032949448
## 193   -0.119868755  0.056306840
## 194    0.053670406  0.003729343
## 195    0.088624000  0.025037766
## 196   -0.121642110  0.007808209
## 197   -0.018504620  0.137858390
## 198    0.000000000 -0.019843102
## 199   -0.048910140 -0.097534180
## 200   -0.082620620  0.142756460
## 201    0.226364610 -0.082952020
## 202   -0.068052770  0.202764990
## 203   -0.116799355  0.052494050
## 204   -0.109701160  0.069120884
## 205   -0.107785700  0.008882523
## 206    0.049156190  0.078372000
## 207    0.101961136 -0.083693504
## 208    0.253827100 -0.002157211
## 209   -0.140882490 -0.035668850
## 210   -0.691168300 -0.711399560
## 211   -0.074262620  0.130453590
## 212   -0.292674540  0.594162460
## 213   -0.008127689 -0.045683860
## 214    0.208641765 -0.162169695
## 215   -0.033245564  0.000000000
## 216    0.028587818 -0.136162280
## 217   -0.118241790 -0.027854920
## 218    0.045934200 -0.023497105
## 219   -0.044306755 -0.077826020
## 220   -0.018342972 -0.032984734
## 221    0.012167931  0.014310837
## 222   -0.358098030 -0.070913315
## 223   -0.092351910  0.055903435
## 224    0.039041520 -0.136409760
## 225   -0.017200470 -0.106833935
## 226   -0.301231860 -0.102261070
## 227    0.004045248  0.070405008
## 228    0.038023950  0.132138250
## 229    0.185454370  0.067810060
## 230   -0.070359710  0.073701380
## 231    0.679954500  0.841263800
## 232   -0.030759811  0.000000000
## 233   -0.081541539 -0.063884735
## 234    0.037435530  0.057254790
## 235   -0.594854830 -0.168326380
## 236    0.140249730  0.023129940
## 237    0.097187040 -0.598858360
## 238    0.000000000 -0.210166930
## 239   -0.018193722 -0.185571200
## 240   -0.075113535  0.112640618
## 241    0.031323910 -0.101969240
## 242   -0.207240100 -0.151305200
## 243   -0.052440643  0.023327350
## 244   -0.065785885  0.095118046
## 245   -0.409068100 -0.636912350
## 246   -0.337853430  0.109918120
## 247   -0.159535410 -0.067185880
## 248    0.017732143 -0.095184326
## 249    0.027639866 -0.019457817
## 250    0.322403430  0.167066570
## 251    0.019180775  0.098723410
## 252    0.000000000 -0.084585190
## 253   -0.014965057 -0.041618347
## 254   -0.606963160 -0.210940840
## 255    0.118360040  0.474032400
## 256   -0.042211533 -0.001036644
## 257   -0.256705280 -0.307075500
## 258    0.022684574  0.084853170
## 259   -0.009518623  0.141428470
## 260   -0.134112830 -0.095042706
## 261    0.115644930  0.472273830
## 262   -0.186828610 -0.054414750
## 263   -0.133038040  0.397888660
## 264    0.061016083  0.012225151
## 265   -0.125368600  0.054622173
## 266    0.170953270 -0.025788784
## 267   -0.722529900 -0.658175470
## 268    0.145207400  0.420031550
## 269   -0.003934383 -0.312150835
## 270    0.000000000 -0.020065784
## 271    0.022596836  0.093629360
## 272   -0.576149000 -0.245716570
## 273    0.019923690 -0.013118506
## 274             NA           NA
## 275    0.034864902  0.165596010
## 276    0.051495075  0.161139010
## 277   -0.191719060  0.085702420
## 278   -0.045449257  0.010255337
## 279    0.081382275 -0.193810460
## 280    0.071486470  0.000000000
## 281   -0.144969460  0.088456154
## 282    0.008915901 -0.004082203
## 283   -0.034762860 -0.023133755
## 284    0.226468090  0.313587670
## 285    0.262517930  0.178201200
## 286    0.002637863 -0.056650160
## 287   -0.075320244 -0.114219190
## 288    0.206764700 -0.009285450
## 289    0.019049168 -0.155287270
## 290    0.032145739  0.093825339
## 291   -0.034967422  0.087639810
## 292   -0.317309380 -0.026036263
## 293    0.203972820  0.072891235
## 294    0.424487100 -0.786854270
## 295    0.237030500  0.176029680
## 296    0.348295200  0.268887520
## 297   -0.172786475 -0.063069105
## 298   -0.001435280  0.048485756
## 299   -0.508401900  0.485070230
## 300    0.011502266  0.072629930
## 301    0.156316760 -0.685227400
## 302   -0.181066040 -0.619371400
## 303    0.176153660 -0.114518166
## 304    0.231219290 -0.129930020
## 305    0.389083860  0.448921200
## 306   -0.152944090  0.313091280
## 307   -0.160854820 -0.014935017
## 308    0.100860277  0.102730593
## 309   -0.298679830 -0.385659210
## 310   -0.250216480  0.128780360
## 311   -0.095443726  0.090184690
## 312   -0.325547220 -0.248535160
## 313   -0.102596123 -0.092412154
## 314    0.035220623  0.101367950
## 315   -0.362442020 -0.169172290
## 316   -0.087231160 -0.254150400
## 317   -0.075381280 -0.072278020
## 318    0.319159980  0.147994040
## 319    0.141880990  0.508799100
## 320    0.093684673  0.101174990
## 321   -0.104044437 -0.577073213
## 322    0.034179210  0.053366660
## 323    0.000000000  0.194088940
## 324    0.327398780 -0.045289993
## 325    0.436170339  0.197086813
## 326   -0.154603000 -0.122602460
## 327    0.053675650  0.119551660
## 328   -0.169209480 -0.138510700
## 329   -0.498972900 -0.422030450
## 330   -0.076268196 -0.157219890
## 331   -0.197291370 -0.220351700
## 332    0.036811193  0.210097630
## 333   -0.251386640 -0.223090170
## 334    0.010363102  0.176265720
## 335    0.494115830  0.105627060
## 336   -0.213586800 -0.202987200
## 337   -0.022543907  0.155883790
## 338   -0.255800720  0.088010310
## 339    0.000000000  0.114477160
## 340    0.459306240 -0.788614750
## 341    0.663194200 -0.232937340
## 342    0.232522960  0.320168500
## 343   -0.087496760  0.047450066
## 344   -0.609487530 -1.055858100
## 345    0.773057000  0.704583640
## 346   -0.033879282  0.008760453
## 347    0.173684120 -0.226532940
## 348   -0.229693410 -1.163801200
## 349   -0.243950370  0.002746105
## 350    0.023726463 -0.008332729
## 351    0.050158500 -0.239526750
## 352    0.138179780  0.243330000
## 353   -0.362340930  0.038914204
## 354   -0.118729590  0.054446220
## 355   -0.121230127 -0.040304185
## 356    0.000000000 -1.006442500
## 357    0.225542070  0.278305530
## 358    0.000000000 -0.065548900
## 359   -0.118338585 -0.780103700
## 360   -0.078792095 -0.569973470
## 361    0.157790180  0.079301834
## 362   -0.040279865 -0.498348700
## 363    0.008652687 -0.011244297
## 364   -0.033703804  0.053781510
## 365    0.090233326  0.139634610
## 366   -0.029220581 -0.005632401
## 367    0.000000000 -0.024126053
## 368    0.052483560  0.108665940
## 369    0.106397865  0.132157088
## 370   -0.061269759  0.034491062
## 371   -0.111336710  0.647373200
## 372    0.224455360 -0.104111195
## 373    0.291660300  0.255550380
## 374    0.159368520  0.015549660
## 375   -0.440532920 -0.025744680
## 376    0.443164830  0.546310400
## 377    0.033879280  0.142773150
## 378   -0.550542830  0.017029762
## 379   -0.081384180  0.000000000
## 380    0.177421100  0.029581070
## 381    0.690314770  0.309071060
## 382    0.034282207  0.248885150
## 383   -0.006577492  0.031941414
## 384    0.022441387  0.068832874
## 385    0.096018078  0.026597023
## 386   -0.053564550 -0.049616337
## 387    0.212505820  0.209735400
## 388   -0.041622640  0.051541805
## 389   -0.076910970 -0.102454660
## 390    0.857090500 -0.418754580
## 391   -0.236269000 -0.201533320
## 392    0.206363837 -0.004531542
## 393   -0.755861760  0.171397210
## 394    0.324370860 -0.246335030
## 395    0.808712000  0.075384140
## 396   -0.006273270  0.086530210
## 397   -0.211954120  0.178816800
## 398   -0.371032240 -0.134965420
## 399    0.026014487  0.169078110
## 400   -0.289818611 -0.365608533
## 401   -0.128405330  0.003606560
## 402   -0.357869135  0.195678475
## 403    0.145015240  0.233706000
## 404   -0.312091350 -0.400408740
## 405    0.075931550  0.045077324
## 406   -0.108410360  0.061104298
## 407   -0.094219210 -0.146080020
## 408   -0.158860200 -0.127216340
## 409   -0.033620834  0.114576820
## 410    0.047315120 -0.031585217
## 411    0.065800670  0.423719400
## 412   -0.340869900 -0.317260740
## 413    0.255095480 -0.032778263
## 414   -0.005770207  0.193950650
## 415    0.031039715  0.079947470
## 416    0.116916660  0.246119980
## 417   -0.155685420 -0.135574820
## 418    0.227558140  0.000000000
## 419   -0.396877300 -0.200379370
## 420    0.437562000  0.317701340
## 421    0.158240320 -0.217923640
## 422   -0.469994070 -0.122571945
## 423   -0.242979530  0.056669712
## 424    0.264325620  0.018300533
## 425    0.266383170  0.204915520
## 426   -0.089828014  0.649446960
## 427    0.137328150  0.022972584
## 428   -0.305040595 -0.225392820
## 429    0.030362130  0.030219078
## 430    0.067173480  0.064187050
## 431   -0.018384933  0.008584023
## 432    0.022142410 -0.046469690
## 433    0.285588260 -0.220089910
## 434   -0.029066563  0.028619290
## 435    0.075362680 -0.056907177
## 436    0.000000000 -0.108540535
## 437    0.000000000 -0.102989200
## 438   -0.204964640  0.053692340
## 439    0.000000000  0.009799480
## 440   -0.054048060 -0.071996690
## 441    0.019472122  0.000000000
## 442   -0.189919470 -0.285149095
## 443   -0.039694310 -0.006640911
## 444   -0.085784435  0.042755604
## 445    0.164329530  0.000000000
## 446    0.288839340  0.266225800
## 447    0.095003605  0.192807200
## 448    0.121948720  0.006354332
## 449    0.347446440  0.091059685
## 450    0.000000000  0.017184734
## 451   -0.043570995  0.008538723
## 452   -0.078427315 -0.151447770
## 453   -0.143579480  0.098626140
## 454    0.452123640  0.717835400
## 455    0.020717620  0.000311000
## 456   -0.200220110 -0.098612785
## 457   -0.062082767 -0.033481835
## 458    0.171510465  0.228401186
## 459    0.008407116  0.000000000
## 460    0.000000000  0.138481620
## 461   -0.020446777  0.046344280
## 462    0.105889800 -0.031180859
## 463    0.491781080 -0.415963967
## 464   -0.177890780  0.068722725
## 465   -0.020746231  0.011756420
## 466   -0.007588863  0.027297020
## 467   -0.089011670  0.026679039
## 468   -0.008833885 -0.066405770
## 469    0.117902280 -0.006727219
## 470   -0.137730600 -0.371216300
## 471    0.164568900  0.008818150
## 472   -0.192554000 -0.061334610
## 473   -0.080004690 -0.228220460
## 474   -0.063520430  0.171454900
## 475    0.188748360  0.194835660
## 476   -0.113220690  0.090732574
## 477   -0.294040200 -0.048470974
## 478    0.158396084 -0.146017553
## 479    0.004489899  0.033381462
## 480    0.292123800 -0.037634373
## 481   -0.245233540 -0.183281420
## 482    0.114277840  0.031606674
## 483    0.133856770 -0.046493530
## 484   -0.119453430  0.361370100
## 485   -0.144081120 -0.046036720
## 486   -0.129887100 -0.449317460
## 487    0.147051330  0.206609250
## 488             NA           NA
## 489    0.215430740 -0.014767647
## 490    0.044869423  0.001638413
## 491   -0.065002440  0.180473800
## 492    0.069244385 -0.027269840
## 493    0.069466590  0.143233780
## 494    0.153535840  0.095806120
## 495    0.057251930  0.141829010
## 496   -0.091210840  0.055144310
## 497    0.710960400  1.014359500
## 498   -0.029734612  0.006368637
## 499    0.000000000  0.018258095
## 500    0.013398648  0.105367185
## 501   -0.009839058 -0.044662000
## 502    0.069729330  0.069448470
## 503    0.083736420  0.593267440
## 504   -0.156920910 -0.072750090
## 505   -0.043460370 -0.094365600
## 506   -0.092592716 -0.036870480
## 507   -0.123356340  0.057166100
## 508   -0.686032300  0.297069070
## 509    0.651023400  1.270698100
## 510   -0.075293064 -0.060160160
## 511   -0.083823680  0.000600000
## 512    0.230212690 -0.023395538
## 513   -0.147628780  0.007797718
## 514    0.023862362  0.079676630
## 515    0.000000000  0.231647970
## 516   -0.000916000  0.028714180
## 517   -0.041517973  0.010383129
## 518   -0.185044290  0.112386700
## 519   -0.187246325 -0.966060170
## 520    0.620279800  1.435684700
## 521    0.044382095 -0.030858994
## 522    0.208973410  0.236001490
## 523   -0.205477240  0.000000000
## 524   -0.003438473  0.029671192
## 525    0.296043400  0.065648080
## 526   -0.013198615 -0.036352397
## 527    0.107419970 -0.089732170
## 528    0.042522907  0.051666260
## 529    0.000000000  0.025076866
## 530    0.013644218  0.088516235
## 531   -0.045361520  0.040496350
## 532   -0.110105990  0.147413730
## 533    0.000000000 -0.073033330
## 534    0.042558193  0.020702839
## 535             NA           NA
## 536    0.084890840  0.029711246
## 537   -0.036269665 -0.075706480
## 538   -0.016181946 -0.012241364
## 539    0.220472810  0.260738370
## 540   -0.109260560  0.213883880
## 541    0.000000000 -0.051005363
## 542   -0.207896230 -0.164968490
## 543    0.109561440  0.023995400
## 544    0.034547806  0.000000000
## 545    0.847342500  0.941145900
## 546   -0.072976590 -0.035167217
## 547    0.040741920 -0.031143665
## 548   -0.055552960  0.018620968
## 549   -0.246233460 -0.008831024
## 550   -0.100327015 -0.031629562
## 551    0.075174810 -0.056828976
## 552   -0.108788970 -0.045735836
## 553    0.053472042  0.040711403
## 554    0.036375046  0.104120255
## 555   -0.098438260  0.012105942
## 556   -0.828585600 -0.344396100
## 557   -0.006346703  0.000000000
## 558    0.000000000  0.041419983
## 559    0.050985336 -0.050364970
## 560    0.139206890  0.000000000
## 561   -0.185393330 -0.138181210
## 562   -0.225284100 -0.278696540
## 563    0.029745102  0.003153324
## 564   -0.115471840 -0.130270000
## 565    0.025541306 -0.032801150
## 566    0.079176426 -0.013468266
## 567   -0.180143597 -0.138438940
## 568    0.032584667 -0.019163132
## 569    0.129127500 -0.418891430
## 570    0.201336380 -0.189006800
## 571    0.009961605 -0.065294266
## 572   -0.038419247  0.064062595
## 573    0.116862774 -0.064326290
## 574   -0.095192908 -0.014946938
## 575    0.040889263 -0.025370598
## 576   -0.034491062 -0.059648990
## 577   -0.118679050  0.096952915
## 578   -0.244949338 -0.008138959
## 579   -0.146131990 -0.102703094
## 580    0.004380703 -0.023167610
## 581    0.000000000  0.135109900
## 582   -0.170825480  0.030271530
## 583   -0.029173851  0.229391100
## 584    0.112779620  0.025334358
## 585    0.159190650  0.030205727
## 586   -0.012491465 -0.025342465
## 587   -0.213270660  0.065401554
## 588    0.039894580 -0.073308470
## 589   -0.030175209  0.021158695
## 590   -0.110755440  0.044404984
## 591    0.017355919  0.069901940
## 592    0.031488895 -0.035178185
## 593    0.242171290 -0.110899450
## 594   -0.030073643  0.190239430
## 595   -0.070593834  0.007043362
## 596    0.235704946 -0.218530514
## 597    0.122021675 -0.151050090
## 598    0.000000000 -0.108523370
## 599    0.196564670 -0.265238760
## 600   -0.071033955  0.027565956
## 601    0.136483670  0.146337990
## 602    0.082973000  0.161411760
## 603    0.091111660  0.043270110
## 604    0.014716147 -0.025856018
## 605   -0.091725350  0.083267690
## 606   -0.075218200  0.122479440
## 607   -0.100275040 -0.026953697
## 608   -0.087859154  0.008375168
## 609   -0.138150690 -0.017205715
## 610   -0.058506966 -0.243069170
## 611   -0.023635864 -0.125586990
## 612   -0.014919281  0.138710020
## 613   -0.050893307  0.161898140
## 614    0.219251630 -0.092509750
## 615   -0.204882147 -0.134080410
## 616    0.000000000 -0.009219170
## 617    0.358063700  0.181097510
## 618   -0.008929253  0.036645890
## 619    0.006716728  0.072566510
## 620   -0.044404745 -0.033213139
## 621   -0.056068897 -0.021497726
## 622   -0.306856630  0.236798290
## 623   -0.428520200  0.300936700
## 624   -0.204327100  0.173294070
## 625    0.027588367  0.037390710
## 626    0.816522600  0.759775160
## 627   -0.018994808  0.138194560
## 628    0.106744290  0.325311660
## 629    1.804570200  1.806098000
## 630    0.024409771 -0.027049541
## 631    0.052149296  0.090139866
## 632    0.017784119 -0.232304100
## 633   -0.143068310 -0.097677710
## 634    0.295133600 -0.092453000
## 635    0.112636090  0.004838467
## 636    0.078028200 -0.174689770
## 637    0.123950960 -1.321482700
## 638    0.000000000 -0.199352740
## 639   -0.070638180  0.078675270
## 640   -0.141087060  0.145973680
## 641    0.147699833  0.050559282
## 642    0.122906210 -0.039883137
## 643   -0.110533240  0.024497986
## 644   -0.004570961  0.028133392
## 645    0.114689350  0.059240340
## 646   -0.109070780  0.000000000
## 647   -0.514467240  0.083044050
## 648   -0.625032900 -0.458511830
## 649    0.181013100 -0.151047230
## 650    0.336368560  0.095183850
## 651   -0.006350040 -0.044196130
## 652   -0.130404000  0.004983425
## 653   -0.073910710  0.032182693
## 654    0.098171710  0.000000000
## 655    0.000000000 -0.262233260
## 656   -0.024887085  0.068610190
## 657    0.076019290  0.044895650
## 658    0.000000000 -0.018545628
## 659   -0.113451004 -0.195003510
## 660    0.513600800 -0.460638050
## 661    0.239151950 -0.479422100
## 662   -0.003309727  0.000000000
## 663   -0.084636690 -0.095480920
## 664    0.259086600 -0.057433130
## 665    0.090713024 -0.111260890
## 666    0.000000000  0.089561940
## 667   -0.103949550 -0.639004700
## 668    0.103760240  0.337652200
## 669    0.006478787 -0.024196148
## 670   -0.101201534  0.000000000
## 671   -0.092873570  0.038389683
## 672   -0.052461624  0.000000000
## 673   -0.399072650 -0.249641420
## 674   -0.411444660 -0.297433850
## 675   -0.000783000 -0.023166180
## 676    0.102190020  0.212465290
## 677    0.073235035  0.035294056
## 678    0.022545815 -0.071697710
## 679    0.184083940  0.000000000
## 680   -0.048289300  0.056417942
## 681   -0.078974724  0.000000000
## 682    0.066428662 -0.216334110
## 683    1.258614500  2.448427200
## 684    0.455600740 -0.103589535
## 685   -0.056286810 -0.125093940
## 686    0.171617980  0.123684880
## 687   -0.251568320  0.285252570
## 688   -0.064403534  0.012306213
## 689   -0.010377407  0.091986656
## 690    0.050101280  0.137779240
## 691   -0.119884490 -0.077570915
## 692    0.095601080 -0.250683300
## 693    0.064189195  0.170757055
## 694    0.003535271  0.156383510
## 695   -0.131052970 -0.268812180
## 696   -0.401775360 -0.243818280
## 697    0.103125570 -0.027951717
## 698    0.012988091  0.016348839
## 699    0.057727337  0.160791870
## 700   -0.045642376  0.085674286
## 701    0.040245533 -0.008806229
## 702   -0.064627170 -0.089721680
## 703    0.016001463  0.106667997
## 704   -0.062114716  0.010571957
## 705    0.150769230  0.236537460
## 706    0.071090220  0.043756010
## 707    0.002366066  0.000000000
## 708    0.247715950  0.059083940
## 709   -0.034984110  0.049992085
## 710    0.007544518  0.028748990
## 711    0.000000000  0.045610428
## 712    0.013206005 -0.023903370
## 713   -0.115612030 -0.014373779
## 714   -0.058954716  0.091060160
## 715   -0.045268059  0.115818025
## 716   -0.216982840 -0.052892685
## 717    0.018514633  0.330711360
## 718    0.785388000  0.326581950
## 719   -0.104762080  0.140423300
## 720   -0.102409360  0.120224950
## 721   -0.272281650  0.180103300
## 722    0.230789660  0.005476952
## 723   -0.084184650  0.042476654
## 724    0.012940884 -0.020011425
## 725    0.265144820 -0.099353310
## 726   -0.047801018  0.100718500
## 727   -0.018914223  0.144126420
## 728    0.137166500  0.467974660
## 729    0.000000000  0.033599854
## 730    0.143738270  0.096413136
## 731   -0.014612198 -0.504117000
## 732    0.037114620 -0.174108030
## 733    0.519446400  0.526444440
## 734    0.026190280 -0.016441345
## 735    0.131531720 -0.033255100
## 736    0.000000000  1.143727300
## 737   -0.187216280  0.051320553
## 738   -0.239391565  0.029549188
## 739    0.088844300 -0.299521920
## 740    0.000000000 -0.012773514
## 741    0.215454340  0.060897587
## 742   -0.099403145  0.001034260
## 743   -0.198997020  0.059359550
## 744    0.440135475 -0.063871383
## 745    0.115522860  0.058125973
## 746    0.221655370  0.122861860
## 747   -0.048365593 -0.520747660
## 748   -0.033924580 -0.057529926
## 749   -0.457473280 -0.369164940
## 750    0.688365000  0.157181740
## 751   -0.075582504 -0.088079930
## 752   -0.053034306  0.122151375
## 753    0.006840706  0.645836830
## 754   -0.161582470 -0.212605000
## 755    0.155167580 -0.025653840
## 756    0.425821300  0.731909750
## 757   -0.049712180  0.000000000
## 758    0.114492890 -0.028871060
## 759    0.183923240 -0.166042800
## 760   -0.140382770  0.756247500
## 761   -0.054576634  0.149606944
## 762    0.017759800 -0.028499126
## 763   -0.140105720 -0.086961270
## 764   -0.134973050 -0.078635216
## 765    0.000000000  0.069630620
## 766   -0.100787640 -0.058291435
## 767    0.089239034 -0.027226492
## 768   -0.092571735  0.100379470
## 769   -0.018791199  0.030459880
## 770   -0.274564740 -0.101411340
## 771   -0.279468060 -0.247254850
## 772    0.032722950  0.000000000
## 773    0.209033010  0.330111500
## 774    0.153684618 -0.079662320
## 775    0.010268808 -0.202821255
## 776    0.040339947  0.112609860
## 777   -0.257824420  0.137658120
## 778    0.041490555  0.000000000
## 779   -0.029952050 -0.027216911
## 780   -0.134583950 -0.095227240
## 781    0.000000000  0.188212400
## 782    0.136704440  0.211349490
## 783   -0.062816140 -0.096301080
## 784    0.493766780 -0.285956380
## 785   -0.028223515  0.000000000
## 786   -0.614566300  0.353165630
## 787   -0.048800470  0.000000000
## 788   -0.012712956  0.077267650
## 789   -0.191632270  0.217732430
## 790    0.107493880  0.000000000
## 791    0.031154156 -0.039189816
## 792    0.003403664  0.042313100
## 793   -0.313675400  0.309332370
## 794    0.097510340 -0.043480396
## 795    0.594357500  0.166274070
## 796   -0.063144210 -0.049523354
## 797    0.242650990 -0.181603910
## 798   -0.053853990  0.103593830
## 799   -0.052088260  0.026844978
## 800   -0.038670540  0.024769068
## 801   -0.139648440 -0.046419620
## 802    0.105560300 -0.108911514
## 803   -0.859905700 -0.488967900
## 804   -0.172794340  0.063779830
## 805    0.361732000 -0.260859970
## 806   -0.262168880 -0.176256180
## 807    0.195601460 -0.203827860
## 808   -0.144576070 -0.012228489
## 809   -0.012271881 -0.050209522
## 810   -0.061269760  0.005748749
## 811   -0.053995132 -0.190389630
## 812    0.037909985 -0.018909931
## 813    0.000000000  0.235996250
## 814   -0.336232660 -0.413627150
## 815    0.288857460  0.210816390
## 816   -0.516576770 -0.207109450
## 817    0.366030700  0.127773280
## 818   -0.180604460 -0.045729160
## 819    0.194010260 -0.282815460
## 820    0.313883780 -0.025367260
## 821    0.032195090  0.065111160
## 822    0.000000000 -0.099737170
## 823    0.000000000  0.174786570
## 824   -0.233330250  0.048542500
## 825   -0.473750100 -0.219657420
## 826   -0.172964100 -0.066007140
## 827   -0.060923576  0.584101700
## 828   -0.013835907  0.061652660
## 829   -0.155912400 -0.092881200
## 830    0.382925030  1.326343500
## 831   -0.406585700  0.276083470
## 832   -0.305273530 -0.078559875
## 833   -0.310142520 -0.354836460
## 834   -0.111737250  0.000000000
## 835    0.085340020 -0.047479630
## 836    0.004128933  0.035428524
## 837    0.084851740 -0.042154312
## 838    0.095395565 -0.009991646
## 839   -0.019435406  0.028063297
## 840   -0.168951030 -0.117764950
## 841   -0.132053850 -0.194488530
## 842   -0.097177030  0.221644400
## 843    0.582310700  0.664301400
## 844    0.182143210  0.160296920
## 845    0.056316853 -0.007845879
## 846    1.485491300  0.291874900
## 847    0.815167900  0.355800150
## 848    0.034792423  0.282862660
## 849    0.018056870  0.194455150
## 850    0.017154694  0.064339160
## 851    0.241378780  0.307054520
## 852    2.139640800  1.882629400
## 853   -0.008975506  0.000000000
## 854    0.042003869 -0.000180500
## 855   -0.361416820 -0.086283210
## 856   -0.216081620 -0.263819700
## 857   -0.249639030 -0.046523094
## 858    0.000000000 -0.132829190
## 859   -0.024282455  0.000000000
## 860   -0.041856290  0.044846058
## 861    0.005089283 -0.167661670
## 862   -0.023306847 -0.017833233
## 863   -0.575392700 -0.051466465
## 864   -0.044426918  0.231984140
## 865    0.782380100  0.362214100
## 866    0.093910220  0.228985310
## 867    0.000000000 -0.056699276
## 868    0.364522691  0.455914975
## 869   -0.327301500 -0.463431360
## 870   -0.126272680 -0.109166145
## 871    0.084177970  0.051320553
## 872    0.054048540  0.000000000
## 873    0.129179950  0.037072180
## 874    0.261793140 -0.064124110
## 875    0.300434100  0.659524900
## 876   -0.179729460 -0.254676340
## 877   -0.080139160  0.000000000
## 878   -1.043371200 -0.285846700
## 879   -0.023937225  0.133220670
## 880   -0.015427589 -0.098279950
## 881   -0.105668545  0.056668280
## 882   -0.125174520  0.144484040
## 883    0.335041050 -0.168187140
## 884    0.018551350 -0.012206078
## 885   -0.102754116 -0.288087370
## 886   -0.138036730 -0.319097520
## 887    0.287096980  0.123437405
## 888    0.415659430  0.174465660
## 889    0.087553265 -0.148523092
## 890    0.133032800  0.176727300
## 891   -0.144227500 -0.151320930
## 892   -0.142761230 -0.012858868
## 893    0.305784230 -0.235530380
## 894   -0.832932500 -0.394756320
## 895    0.056678772 -0.055142403
## 896    0.000000000 -0.376707550
## 897   -0.412980560 -0.191214080
## 898   -0.087223050 -0.168615340
## 899   -0.002518654 -0.252975940
## 900    0.045380116  0.148035050
## 901    0.095730780  0.094109535
## 902    0.376431470  0.254545200
## 903    0.525234200  0.118501660
## 904    0.008656502 -0.120779990
## 905    0.532681470 -0.002238274
## 906   -0.253284930 -0.095180035
## 907    1.343678500  1.118836400
## 908    0.206055160  0.037247180
## 909    3.581805200  4.001260800
## 910    0.149510380 -0.107147220
## 911    0.132549290 -0.026216507
## 912    0.551370600  0.165847300
## 913   -0.206151485 -0.094872715
## 914    0.079863070  0.054221153
## 915    0.867770200 -0.107943060
## 916    0.074577330  0.000000000
## 917   -0.243197920  0.056087017
## 918    0.000000000 -0.142383580
## 919    0.156818390  0.025007248
## 920   -0.030529260 -0.665454850
## 921    0.563162800  0.725291250
## 922    0.080146790  0.353556630
## 923   -0.359002100 -0.299472330
## 924   -0.333580500  0.000009060
## 925   -0.054508686 -0.218375680
## 926   -0.026630878 -0.165647500
## 927   -0.296593670 -0.020403862
## 928    0.343112950 -0.113051414
## 929   -0.009887695 -0.002757072
## 930    0.000000000  0.097584250
## 931    0.132647510 -0.275613780
## 932   -0.072266100 -0.049072266
## 933    0.134960650  0.217695240
## 934   -0.093829155  0.115682600
## 935    0.058775425  0.232924460
## 936   -0.209172730 -0.397237780
## 937   -0.017771244  0.148349290
## 938   -0.083532810  0.407323840
## 939    0.534155850  0.177394870
## 940   -0.012246609  0.228915210
## 941    0.020766258 -0.090271950
## 942   -0.536812800  0.000000000
## 943   -0.045871735  0.104622840
## 944   -0.128586770  0.081390380
## 945    0.174827580 -0.039230347
## 946   -0.035212517  0.114831924
## 947    0.000000000  0.225466730
## 948    0.041682720  0.079728130
## 949   -0.016545296 -0.164114950
## 950    0.247914543  0.448106049
## 951   -0.510614400 -0.407483580
## 952    0.019252300 -0.168191910
## 953    0.365575800  0.324029920
## 954    0.132486340 -0.067676070
## 955    0.000000000  0.811068530
## 956   -0.163455960  0.105514050
## 957    0.409610750  0.136350630
## 958   -0.020221710 -0.111133100
## 959   -0.104598045 -0.342799200
## 960   -0.460301400 -0.384832860
## 961    0.035048485  0.050704480
## 962   -0.080877304  0.323244100
## 963    0.241967200 -0.053116800
## 964   -0.093379500 -0.111444470
## 965    0.255483630  0.206936360
## 966   -0.014593125  0.056501388
## 967   -0.114100930 -0.117544174
## 968    0.141463760 -0.245098110
## 969   -0.329037670 -0.325963500
## 970   -0.074942590 -0.206194400
## 971   -0.023843288 -0.050426960
## 972   -0.013539314 -0.018092632
## 973   -0.089012146 -0.330154420
## 974    0.601281170  0.451871400
## 975    0.131605150 -0.257105830
## 976    0.237923620  0.508827200
## 977    0.001359940 -0.129333020
## 978    0.000000000  0.046047688
## 979    0.001212595 -0.219787120
## 980    0.043285847 -0.062587740
## 981   -0.078614711 -0.560344978
## 982   -0.459298130 -0.912066000
## 983   -0.125207420 -0.155972480
## 984   -0.455944540 -0.251157760
## 985    0.114566800 -0.232532500
## 986   -0.016866207 -0.109938620
## 987    0.274583340 -0.119997025
## 988   -0.100665570 -0.140533920
## 989    0.040572643  0.004450798
## 990    0.012079239 -0.080135820
## 991   -0.096978664  0.058676243
## 992    0.090628862 -0.076518773
## 993    0.337639800  0.317228800
## 994    0.261950500 -0.203395840
## 995   -0.293736460 -0.531292440
## 996   -0.141974450  0.160490040
## 997    0.038754463 -0.034557343
## 998    0.150589470  0.001148224
## 999   -0.217937000 -0.001690865
## 1000  -0.085940840 -0.046371937
## 1001  -0.209469800  0.020666122
## 1002  -0.016045094  0.000000000
## 1003   0.025441170 -0.057611942
## 1004  -0.074126240  0.000000000
## 1005  -0.201458930  0.000000000
## 1006  -0.164269920 -0.023743153
## 1007   0.146225450  0.263938900
## 1008   1.740361700  0.410884860
## 1009   0.055370330  0.003731728
## 1010  -0.035037518 -0.042267800
## 1011   4.256513600  3.586647000
## 1012   0.134207725  0.316375258
## 1013   0.132646080 -0.064480780
## 1014   0.227543350 -0.056484222
## 1015  -0.061422825  0.011136055
## 1016  -0.384785180  0.188446040
## 1017  -0.229619500 -0.002424240
## 1018  -0.052678585 -0.192011360
## 1019   0.035432816 -0.199042560
## 1020   0.120695114 -0.017290592
## 1021   0.118729116  0.019117835
## 1022   1.358710800  0.302429680
## 1023   0.066034320 -0.041659355
## 1024   0.498289100  0.292649270
## 1025  -0.502409000 -0.570292500
## 1026  -0.092294690  0.050436020
## 1027   0.036105156  0.365416050
## 1028   0.026472092 -0.034404755
## 1029  -0.156190870 -0.199290280
## 1030   0.118003845  0.192190650
## 1031  -0.269433500 -0.015555382
## 1032   0.052744865 -0.386549000
## 1033  -0.108325005  0.000000000
## 1034   0.038460730  0.000000000
## 1035  -0.088629246 -0.104364870
## 1036   0.000000000  0.024820328
## 1037   0.272101400  0.383385660
## 1038  -0.196757800 -0.145798680
## 1039   0.007884979  0.021905422
## 1040   0.658338550  0.560391400
## 1041   0.000000000  0.017013073
## 1042   0.528808600  0.538803100
## 1043  -0.104664326 -0.149038310
## 1044  -0.153201100 -0.072545050
## 1045  -0.191689490 -0.383522030
## 1046   0.000000000  0.118781090
## 1047  -0.633439060  0.076399330
## 1048   0.173440460 -0.014904499
## 1049  -0.004026890 -0.063770294
## 1050   0.000000000 -0.147746090
## 1051  -0.034049988 -0.007715225
## 1052   0.210517400  0.091707230
## 1053   0.232516290  0.081788540
## 1054   0.392407425  0.505695345
## 1055   0.608702660  0.537216200
## 1056  -0.030067444 -0.016670704
## 1057   0.606951240 -0.124055386
## 1058  -0.193501000  0.636443140
## 1059  -0.085889340 -0.016059399
## 1060   0.163306240 -0.067178250
## 1061   0.020742416  0.078441620
## 1062  -0.053381920  0.000000000
## 1063   0.321150780  0.246343610
## 1064   0.787253860  0.570561400
## 1065  -0.029811860 -0.069443700
## 1066   0.015171051  0.054127693
## 1067   0.035608290  0.046994210
## 1068  -0.004333973  0.000000000
## 1069   0.018959045 -0.078175070
## 1070   0.000000000 -0.067724705
## 1071   0.019535542  0.011431694
## 1072  -0.033060074  0.026628971
## 1073   0.013247490 -0.018086433
## 1074  -0.017446995  0.042252064
## 1075  -0.029866219 -0.004363775
## 1076   0.040255070  0.085582730
## 1077  -0.129963870 -0.630681040
## 1078   0.020017624 -0.006213188
## 1079   0.017620564  0.002529621
## 1080   0.009873390  0.007652760
## 1081  -0.068173885  0.048570633
## 1082  -0.094863890  0.005179405
## 1083   0.288483620  0.203887940
## 1084  -0.115781784  0.000000000
## 1085   1.171391500  1.724220300
## 1086   0.231016160  0.000000000
## 1087  -0.290080550  0.281609060
## 1088  -0.017396927  0.016119003
## 1089  -0.000230000  0.155393120
## 1090  -0.015858650 -0.033325672
## 1091  -0.048171520  0.040020943
## 1092  -0.002414894  0.003514482
## 1093   0.007996559  0.075465200
## 1094   0.057962894  0.000000000
## 1095   0.172388550  0.209766390
## 1096  -0.082643986  0.041507244
## 1097  -0.031530052 -0.003179073
## 1098   0.022527218  0.035621643
## 1099   0.793386000  1.982571100
## 1100  -0.321823600  0.173937320
## 1101  -0.030630112  0.056046486
## 1102  -0.164104700  0.009321690
## 1103   1.864028450  2.041115267
## 1104  -0.013195515 -0.062206508
## 1105   0.054854870 -0.029991627
## 1106   0.025751114 -0.036511420
## 1107   0.137239930 -0.064142704
## 1108  -0.072073460  0.022799969
## 1109  -0.028487206  0.000000000
## 1110   0.033453940 -0.262289050
## 1111   1.664232300  1.401331900
## 1112   0.137997630  0.051126957
## 1113   0.315759660  0.333205220
## 1114   0.753613950 -0.467708100
## 1115   0.025555610 -0.049999714
## 1116   0.313467500 -0.076452255
## 1117  -0.228358270 -0.275622840
## 1118   0.012532711 -0.020177364
## 1119   0.020056725 -0.187511440
## 1120  -0.028954029 -0.038933516
## 1121   0.015954494  0.115606785
## 1122  -0.009355545 -0.052423000
## 1123   0.158275600 -0.077911854
## 1124  -0.028324604 -0.182957170
## 1125   0.509886740  0.518533700
## 1126   0.000368000 -0.051474570
## 1127   0.784982700  1.023398400
## 1128  -0.179193500  0.003079414
## 1129  -0.018175602 -0.067067620
## 1130   0.122733116  0.000000000
## 1131   0.066682340  0.143185140
## 1132  -0.062696460  0.023931980
## 1133  -0.052925110 -0.184175490
## 1134  -0.139450550  0.102487090
## 1135   0.214192390 -0.072453500
## 1136   1.583936700  1.722330100
## 1137  -0.119915960  0.013670921
## 1138  -0.709314350 -0.286816600
## 1139  -0.002900124  0.005604267
## 1140   0.130635260 -0.007503986
## 1141   0.082743645  0.092482090
## 1142   0.055035114 -0.003532887
## 1143   0.416689400  0.179536820
## 1144  -0.775808330 -0.284388540
## 1145   0.084722520  0.026885033
## 1146   0.015152931  0.111647606
## 1147   0.298577300  0.046899796
## 1148   0.099296570  0.452869420
## 1149  -0.241897580 -0.732566830
## 1150   1.559446800  0.789676670
## 1151   0.056251526  0.220202920
## 1152  -0.094510080  0.000000000
## 1153   0.039325237  0.526293750
## 1154   0.022642136 -0.213206770
## 1155  -0.013162136  0.135834700
## 1156   1.390809000  1.642058400
## 1157  -0.077341560 -0.030551434
## 1158  -0.138550996  0.051199875
## 1159  -0.166841980 -0.369172100
## 1160  -0.100714680 -0.000626000
## 1161   0.224604600  0.361284730
## 1162  -0.041907787  0.198465820
## 1163  -0.509662600  0.035555840
## 1164  -0.155933860 -0.192914960
## 1165   0.074732300 -0.045594692
## 1166  -0.093446255  0.069496630
## 1167   0.142409320 -0.020064354
## 1168   0.059911250 -0.049043655
## 1169   0.038703920  0.014678478
## 1170  -0.071664810 -0.176830770
## 1171   0.113186836 -0.214730260
## 1172   0.022816658 -0.089780810
## 1173   0.000000000  0.085905075
## 1174  -0.337645530 -0.299466600
## 1175   0.130461695  0.110564230
## 1176   0.005054951 -0.210780140
## 1177  -0.368288040 -0.433080670
## 1178  -0.173148630 -0.175734040
## 1179  -0.099929330 -0.066957474
## 1180   0.399740700  0.191909310
## 1181  -0.189510350  0.000000000
## 1182   0.078444480  0.000000000
## 1183   0.587910200  0.280220500
## 1184   0.089532850  0.088483810
## 1185  -0.030780792 -0.053601740
## 1186  -0.046259403  0.078396320
## 1187   0.074612620  0.155651570
## 1188  -0.084689140  0.660386100
## 1189  -0.066299915  0.073359010
## 1190   0.465919970  0.356964100
## 1191   0.746846200  0.985291500
## 1192  -0.016891003 -0.158425330
## 1193  -0.365243433 -0.072903630
## 1194   0.000000000  0.008623123
## 1195   0.009140968 -0.109541890
## 1196   0.311897280  0.380517000
## 1197  -0.791675100 -0.034165860
## 1198  -0.903782840  0.000000000
## 1199   0.056297780  0.007865906
## 1200  -0.082642555 -0.165329930
## 1201   0.090799810  0.043935776
## 1202  -0.698161100 -0.464559560
## 1203   0.035433770  0.256064410
## 1204   0.097753525  0.535993600
## 1205  -0.047413350  0.083437440
## 1206   0.388134960  0.018836021
## 1207   0.011896610  0.010607243
## 1208   0.023542404  0.023068905
## 1209  -0.000989000 -0.104662420
## 1210   0.029645920 -0.135223870
## 1211  -0.187666900 -0.005083561
## 1212  -0.265295030  0.098693850
## 1213  -0.240130420 -0.404622080
## 1214  -0.189907550  0.413186550
## 1215   0.525938030  0.393901820
## 1216   0.580910205 -0.231623413
## 1217  -0.151751520 -0.719524860
## 1218  -0.050428867 -0.103519440
## 1219   0.026320934  0.972896100
## 1220  -0.312636380 -0.389263150
## 1221   0.207826610  0.115902900
## 1222   0.167172430 -0.543370250
## 1223  -0.145615100 -0.152346610
## 1224   0.282825470  0.244240760
## 1225   0.196479800  0.005182266
## 1226   0.000000000  0.204846380
## 1227  -0.146923070 -0.199613570
## 1228  -0.076742170  0.064611435
## 1229  -0.032645226  0.008761406
## 1230   0.408935550  0.244082450
## 1231   0.112304210  0.432456020
## 1232  -0.090684414  0.203763480
## 1233  -0.073598860  0.240698810
## 1234  -0.070847990 -0.142583850
## 1235  -0.028382301 -0.001877785
## 1236  -0.115610600 -0.075657370
## 1237  -0.130274770 -0.351698400
## 1238   0.058986664 -0.059876920
## 1239  -0.055043697 -0.096216680
## 1240   0.010355473  0.171905520
## 1241   0.108780543 -0.287797290
## 1242  -0.302776340 -0.148983960
## 1243  -0.166872020 -0.240355490
## 1244   0.185892100  0.319474220
## 1245  -0.246781350 -0.308344840
## 1246   0.634460450  0.371687900
## 1247   0.389602180  0.202231880
## 1248   0.045947075 -0.447228900
## 1249   0.044039250 -0.067620280
## 1250   0.200165750  1.219546300
## 1251   0.162236690  1.008441920
## 1252   0.014284611  0.667140500
## 1253  -0.010843277  0.058494090
## 1254  -0.163655280  0.069634440
## 1255  -0.084387780  0.222266200
## 1256   1.283891200  0.441556450
## 1257  -0.135468000 -0.086140630
## 1258  -0.065410139  0.012803318
## 1259  -0.086262226 -0.164860730
## 1260  -0.181466100  0.103011610
## 1261   0.175747870 -0.393816470
## 1262   0.113629820  0.000000000
## 1263  -0.298778060 -0.078795430
## 1264   0.027335167  0.837719440
## 1265  -0.045000553  0.008162022
## 1266  -0.744034770  0.023262978
## 1267   0.000000000 -0.182287220
## 1268   0.436851500 -0.407583700
## 1269  -0.003442287  0.181370740
## 1270   0.124617580  0.000000000
## 1271   0.000000000 -0.062301636
## 1272   0.006700516  0.060216904
## 1273  -0.084048750  0.022582531
## 1274  -0.165532590 -0.122016910
## 1275   0.000000000 -0.201739790
## 1276   0.253456120  0.308075900
## 1277  -0.883698460 -0.949557300
## 1278  -0.054310800  0.038311005
## 1279  -0.166085240  0.058729170
## 1280   0.119044780 -0.010308743
## 1281   0.000000000 -0.000288000
## 1282  -0.346179960 -0.217962740
## 1283   0.441483005  0.229876750
## 1284  -0.085914135 -0.149944780
## 1285  -0.891730300 -1.084784000
## 1286   0.123325350 -0.237991330
## 1287  -0.053562164  0.022428036
## 1288   0.116155624  0.428218840
## 1289  -0.009981155 -0.025855064
## 1290  -0.066853520  0.021831036
## 1291   0.899337790  1.405096300
## 1292  -0.010234356 -0.052922250
## 1293   0.035074710  0.332674030
## 1294  -0.200479030  0.304751400
## 1295  -0.015917301  0.243527890
## 1296  -0.459492680 -0.470160480
## 1297   0.061272620 -0.007411003
## 1298  -0.059908153  0.115317350
## 1299   0.000000000  0.135211940
## 1300  -0.077988625  0.000000000
## 1301  -0.162776470 -0.146580700
## 1302  -0.101656440 -0.065140724
## 1303   0.011308193  0.141141890
## 1304   0.059652330  0.064555170
## 1305   0.041677157  0.051998773
## 1306   0.142314910  0.654525760
## 1307   0.290557860  0.260987280
## 1308  -0.030096054  0.097651960
## 1309  -0.058262825 -0.204531670
## 1310   0.799625900  0.727804200
## 1311  -0.022013187 -0.145678040
## 1312  -0.086548330 -0.032469750
## 1313   2.728960500  2.542006000
## 1314   0.615090850  1.222485500
## 1315   0.386702540  0.130314830
## 1316   0.168869020  0.178821560
## 1317  -0.121550560 -0.003815651
## 1318   0.077929500  0.138383870
## 1319  -1.488291300 -1.653600200
## 1320  -0.331390380  0.225344660
## 1321   0.000000000 -0.011828423
## 1322   0.058789730 -0.026787281
## 1323   0.025606155  0.121677400
## 1324  -0.020675660 -0.004966736
## 1325  -0.194011690 -0.254542350
## 1326  -0.369724750 -0.344662200
## 1327  -0.038473130  0.000000000
## 1328  -0.184132580 -0.043923855
## 1329  -0.025542260 -0.075664520
## 1330  -0.007441044 -0.038979530
## 1331  -0.642768860  0.082746980
## 1332   1.725959800  1.245687500
## 1333  -0.041853428  0.015899181
## 1334   3.411463700  3.090626700
## 1335  -0.057374477 -0.005850792
## 1336   0.088062290 -0.007605076
## 1337   0.034754276 -0.024381638
## 1338   0.000000000  0.034221172
## 1339  -0.133293630  0.058301926
## 1340  -0.042772293 -0.400509830
## 1341   0.102931500  0.031996250
## 1342   0.355104450  0.249736790
## 1343   0.080677510 -0.187438960
## 1344  -0.003612042 -0.124524595
## 1345   0.274988170  0.252302170
## 1346   0.000000000 -0.109731674
## 1347  -0.317804800 -0.353604800
## 1348  -0.410375600 -0.787140370
## 1349   0.070050240  0.192739960
## 1350  -0.050133705 -0.070347310
## 1351  -0.709796400 -0.655766500
## 1352  -0.020588398 -0.056744576
## 1353   0.092541220 -0.044130325
## 1354   0.271401880 -0.713965900
## 1355   0.003069878  0.001430035
## 1356  -0.027656555 -0.088438034
## 1357  -0.004625797  0.084963320
## 1358   0.044144154 -0.125916000
## 1359   0.027919770  0.206614500
## 1360   0.000000000  0.074846270
## 1361  -0.989424700 -0.423636900
## 1362   0.210248470 -0.061250687
## 1363   0.157878880  0.003096581
## 1364  -0.329231260 -0.266284000
## 1365   0.026798727 -0.051298142
## 1366  -0.018600940 -0.111205580
## 1367  -0.029181004 -0.290616500
## 1368   0.018142223 -0.223849770
## 1369  -0.252599240  0.000000000
## 1370  -0.252826200 -0.012238026
## 1371  -0.167303090  0.005745888
## 1372   0.205384250 -0.232722280
## 1373  -0.140223030  0.168704030
## 1374  -0.093704700 -0.061527252
## 1375  -0.229926590 -0.103512290
## 1376  -0.186948300 -0.347933770
## 1377   0.040638922 -0.125156164
## 1378  -0.366830350 -0.914589900
## 1379  -0.063835144 -0.225722310
## 1380  -0.087007046  0.017342567
## 1381   0.000000000  0.323390000
## 1382   0.663567540  0.394915580
## 1383  -0.615140900 -0.525554200
## 1384   0.326195240 -0.170702930
## 1385  -0.079575540 -0.063675880
## 1386   0.238568780 -0.968841550
## 1387  -0.051434994  0.152717590
## 1388  -0.189971920  0.013330936
## 1389   0.200953960 -0.081788060
## 1390  -0.221246240 -0.140574460
## 1391   0.212064270  0.111917496
## 1392   0.246374130  0.038183212
## 1393   0.115888120  0.203704360
## 1394  -0.127342220  0.076645374
## 1395   0.165911200 -0.013046742
## 1396   0.481886400 -0.110331535
## 1397  -0.076674460  0.008632660
## 1398  -0.087779045  0.080571175
## 1399  -0.625186287 -0.324349240
## 1400   0.000000000 -0.095781330
## 1401   0.055640697  0.000000000
## 1402  -0.040771484  0.161277770
## 1403  -0.188887120  0.104802130
## 1404  -0.156250480 -0.273978700
## 1405  -0.261346820  0.000000000
## 1406   0.018361092  0.072452545
## 1407   0.021944523 -0.086236954
## 1408   0.005508423 -0.012327194
## 1409  -0.063278356  0.457426077
## 1410   0.140389922 -0.075638295
## 1411  -0.057327747  0.049317360
## 1412   1.096018300  0.593592170
## 1413  -0.016565800 -0.038893223
## 1414   0.210660930  0.054762840
## 1415   0.039971353  0.053874970
## 1416   0.049915314  0.078268530
## 1417  -0.079714300 -0.054717540
## 1418  -0.220679760 -0.101817130
## 1419  -0.123395920  0.096282005
## 1420   0.010913849 -0.077029705
## 1421   0.228353500  0.290658000
## 1422  -0.467018615 -0.207517385
## 1423  -0.021895885 -0.257039550
## 1424   0.049211502  0.029289722
## 1425  -0.056397915  0.027798653
## 1426   0.420959470 -0.106314660
## 1427   0.485969949  0.137881824
## 1428   0.007882118  0.000000000
## 1429  -0.135896680 -0.034281730
## 1430  -0.020937920 -0.014231205
## 1431  -0.195483680 -0.182827000
## 1432  -0.049530747 -0.010219336
## 1433   0.124866010  0.341406350
## 1434   0.054026604 -0.190725325
## 1435   0.059415340 -0.292863850
## 1436  -0.027946472 -0.124921320
## 1437  -0.071187974  0.005167248
## 1438  -0.046109200  0.000000000
## 1439  -0.726284500 -0.280884740
## 1440   0.467869280  0.063597680
## 1441  -0.358689300  0.133230210
## 1442   0.203001980  0.432786940
## 1443  -0.071284770  0.006035328
## 1444   0.092717170 -1.242255200
## 1445   0.249971390  0.485854150
## 1446   1.023491900  0.844045640
## 1447   0.708483200  1.134305500
## 1448  -0.022612572 -0.068217280
## 1449  -0.165332795 -0.165398122
## 1450   0.650006300  0.034958840
## 1451  -0.047670840  0.000000000
## 1452   0.000000000  0.140659810
## 1453  -0.031054497 -0.142980580
## 1454  -0.684895040  0.220858100
## 1455            NA           NA
## 1456  -0.171318050  0.000000000
## 1457   0.000000000  0.283082960
## 1458   0.001701355 -0.156379700
## 1459  -0.264766700 -0.148585320
## 1460   0.301445000 -0.168538100
## 1461  -0.642362600 -0.246413230
## 1462  -0.072071314 -0.227292295
## 1463  -0.188488960  0.074458120
## 1464  -0.279502870  0.014137268
## 1465  -0.380793570 -0.313945770
## 1466   0.087952614 -0.105338100
## 1467  -0.147230150  0.053293230
## 1468   0.650352000 -0.139935020
## 1469   0.069031715  0.128354070
## 1470   0.201930050  0.071000576
## 1471  -0.199528220 -0.149487020
## 1472   0.000000000 -0.410203460
## 1473   0.188745500  0.000000000
## 1474  -0.015489578 -0.023257256
## 1475  -0.300449850 -0.245500560
## 1476   0.721416500  0.462239270
## 1477   0.029216290 -0.031793594
## 1478  -0.339378830 -0.445584770
## 1479   0.823699950  0.276689050
## 1480  -0.074924946 -0.008832932
## 1481   0.108044624  0.044897556
## 1482   0.000000000  0.060702800
## 1483  -0.063357350 -0.297659400
## 1484   0.285908700  0.207450870
## 1485  -0.014279842 -0.055466175
## 1486  -0.112735270 -0.107611180
## 1487   0.167684080  0.078607080
## 1488   0.060670376 -0.020402908
## 1489   0.061054230  0.031047344
## 1490  -0.045294285 -0.020447731
## 1491  -0.048262120  0.035426617
## 1492  -0.006866455  0.004508019
## 1493   0.027487755  0.000000000
## 1494   0.020599365  0.017001152
## 1495  -0.023489952  0.049529076
## 1496   0.080816270 -0.038012980
## 1497   0.124766827 -0.075253248
## 1498  -0.097122670 -0.003939629
## 1499   0.201509480 -0.701402660
## 1500  -0.136013510 -0.081230160
## 1501   2.839848000  0.230628970
## 1502   0.335722450  0.255982880
## 1503   0.569983250  0.501815320
## 1504   0.439939500  0.478129400
## 1505   0.107537270 -0.347263340
## 1506   0.100252150  0.057937145
## 1507   0.259835240  0.403403280
## 1508  -0.234457020 -0.152860640
## 1509  -0.266092780  0.017296791
## 1510   0.130129810  0.214514730
## 1511   0.015231609 -0.098186970
## 1512   0.077592370  0.116225720
## 1513   0.457036500  0.113904000
## 1514  -0.073328970  0.066030025
## 1515  -0.046925545  0.259197700
## 1516   0.014019012 -0.009898186
## 1517  -0.353355400  0.060263634
## 1518   0.039662600 -0.330998655
## 1519  -0.062429428 -0.013027191
## 1520   0.199300447  0.194128195
## 1521   0.253337860  0.182568070
## 1522  -0.041040897  0.039253235
## 1523  -0.217670440 -0.056931973
## 1524  -0.130232330 -0.216344360
## 1525  -0.119096995  0.059856177
## 1526   1.642097500  1.277912100
## 1527  -0.191904540 -0.022183895
## 1528   0.504999160  0.366982460
## 1529  -0.403265950 -0.270120620
## 1530  -0.305282600  0.000000000
## 1531  -0.055916786 -0.066112520
## 1532  -0.061744690  0.018912315
## 1533   0.139737130  0.000000000
## 1534   0.325222020  0.216881750
## 1535  -0.516818050 -0.326857570
## 1536  -0.077173230 -0.040503025
## 1537  -0.122399330 -0.055889130
## 1538  -0.023600578  0.117291930
## 1539   0.012712956 -0.057383060
## 1540  -0.552460700 -0.095248700
## 1541  -0.025663376  0.157805920
## 1542   0.165213580 -0.007148266
## 1543   0.127328870  0.135941500
## 1544  -0.097453594 -0.052477837
## 1545   0.254112720 -0.008628845
## 1546  -0.084823130 -0.001410484
## 1547  -0.059905052 -0.150044440
## 1548   0.029882908  0.329261300
## 1549   0.117315295 -0.092975854
## 1550   0.580389500  0.260682580
## 1551  -0.157833580 -0.011383057
## 1552   0.036521910  0.034863950
## 1553   0.098803045  0.023807764
## 1554  -0.012372017 -0.140666480
## 1555   0.000000000  0.021760464
## 1556  -0.046309710 -0.085350276
## 1557   0.157439710 -0.133668900
## 1558   0.011214256 -0.304156780
## 1559  -0.104725840 -0.051177980
## 1560   0.251611700  0.169419290
## 1561   0.139183040  0.012450218
## 1562  -0.061432840 -0.319609640
## 1563  -0.069555280  0.110976220
## 1564  -0.040434360 -0.168073180
## 1565   0.273836140 -0.513173100
## 1566  -0.219069480 -0.195341590
## 1567  -0.037295820  0.126949310
## 1568   0.865212440 -0.573147300
## 1569  -0.010764122 -0.117444515
## 1570   0.141443970 -0.255932565
## 1571  -0.037398340 -0.082402706
## 1572   0.693237300  0.583998700
## 1573  -0.015823364  0.085993770
## 1574   0.441759100 -0.039984703
## 1575   0.203557010  0.080552100
## 1576   0.265765914 -0.083589554
## 1577   0.000000000  0.475832000
## 1578   1.415647500  0.254742620
## 1579  -0.201396940  0.036166190
## 1580  -0.019356250 -0.085442066
## 1581   0.101907730 -0.052949430
## 1582  -0.062027930  0.306309220
## 1583   0.975424300  0.417143340
## 1584  -0.251785760 -0.049684048
## 1585  -0.007327557 -0.145216940
## 1586   0.067762850  0.060975075
## 1587   0.035432816 -0.004556179
## 1588   0.344323160 -0.031398773
## 1589  -0.438066480 -0.066387650
## 1590   0.275933270  0.228673930
## 1591   0.213646410 -0.078426840
## 1592   0.089250565  0.404255870
## 1593  -0.064061640  0.015020847
## 1594   0.628594400 -0.022970676
## 1595  -0.387352000 -0.302741530
## 1596  -0.094394684 -0.047482490
## 1597  -0.053401947 -0.101674560
## 1598   0.004834414 -0.048651218
## 1599  -0.075781820 -0.267557140
## 1600   0.015780449  0.266902920
## 1601  -0.164419170  0.195973870
## 1602   0.010813713 -0.009403229
## 1603   0.166757100 -0.075270650
## 1604   0.141956330  0.245002750
## 1605  -0.274232390 -0.196330545
## 1606  -0.224116330 -0.234681130
## 1607  -0.021066666 -0.055791857
## 1608   0.195166590 -0.947971340
## 1609  -0.365935800 -0.385432720
## 1610   0.055018425  0.046968460
## 1611  -0.168749330 -0.373038770
## 1612  -0.352804180 -0.400916100
## 1613   0.126975540 -0.024022102
## 1614  -0.640102400 -0.381672860
## 1615   0.246140480 -0.006460667
## 1616  -0.106863020 -0.053995610
## 1617   0.113644600  0.000000000
## 1618   0.911610600  0.127238750
## 1619   0.020524025  0.051925182
## 1620  -0.023091793  0.033562660
## 1621   0.122369766  0.248877530
## 1622  -0.116364956 -0.094788550
## 1623   0.561057100  0.482638360
## 1624  -0.047650814  0.101359370
## 1625   0.230578420  0.267561900
## 1626  -0.086797240  0.071594240
## 1627  -0.337312220 -0.246899600
## 1628  -0.017091274  0.014088154
## 1629  -0.325984950  0.006722927
## 1630  -0.265921120 -0.286440370
## 1631   0.243675710  0.371809960
## 1632  -0.050179006 -0.249621870
## 1633  -0.082555770 -0.291655540
## 1634  -0.250262740 -0.053339960
## 1635  -0.034498215 -0.482381820
## 1636  -0.292842860 -0.240678790
## 1637  -0.297211650 -0.556807040
## 1638   0.022878170  0.000000000
## 1639   0.113059044  0.132824420
## 1640   0.953577040 -0.194104200
## 1641  -0.066014770  0.096296790
## 1642   0.408202170  0.356962200
## 1643  -0.003777504 -0.225590230
## 1644  -0.056697370  0.000000000
## 1645   0.084322930 -0.368705750
## 1646  -0.140561580 -0.283572670
## 1647  -0.115829465  0.036218165
## 1648   0.090507510  0.263862600
## 1649  -0.081349850 -0.077764510
## 1650  -0.032106400 -0.481307980
## 1651   0.851622100  0.859986300
## 1652   0.312569620  0.192757600
## 1653   0.005316734  0.106433390
## 1654   0.000000000  0.085641860
## 1655  -0.175870900  0.032270910
## 1656  -0.136491780 -0.018110275
## 1657  -0.058637620 -0.024653435
## 1658   0.078939915  0.108699320
## 1659   0.103448870  0.195867540
## 1660   0.057508470 -0.085370064
## 1661  -0.004235268 -0.047607900
## 1662  -0.056199550 -0.080814840
## 1663   0.206691740 -0.080690384
## 1664   1.745256400  0.254848960
## 1665   0.139329430 -0.060828210
## 1666   0.171927450 -0.034064293
## 1667  -0.164257050 -0.103395460
## 1668  -0.187214850  0.004543781
## 1669  -0.195350650 -0.298059460
## 1670  -0.062505720 -0.081359390
## 1671  -0.227753640 -0.149913790
## 1672  -0.258646000 -0.154027940
## 1673   0.126478200  0.582776550
## 1674   0.002644062 -0.165609360
## 1675  -0.247322080 -0.163219450
## 1676  -0.498176570 -0.071458820
## 1677  -0.514064060  0.419940470
## 1678   0.270314220 -0.168639660
## 1679   0.297905920  0.277927400
## 1680  -0.199259520  0.085031749
## 1681   0.190170290 -0.007128716
## 1682  -0.084928510  0.137581830
## 1683  -0.052098274 -0.050277710
## 1684  -0.512517000 -0.649533750
## 1685   1.995356600  2.204351400
## 1686  -0.896294100 -0.385654930
## 1687  -0.115943910 -0.156393050
## 1688   0.109553814  0.039858818
## 1689  -0.030886650 -0.082841400
## 1690  -0.062702656 -0.004370213
## 1691   0.222663880  0.020097256
## 1692  -0.146632200  0.001686573
## 1693   4.787367000  4.312171000
## 1694   0.020846367  0.257480140
## 1695   0.056513786 -0.081665040
## 1696   0.280319200 -0.197099690
## 1697   0.078554150  0.624990940
## 1698   0.106941220 -0.118437770
## 1699   0.011583328  0.123538494
## 1700  -0.436578750  0.000000000
## 1701   0.545098300  0.579097750
## 1702   0.015538216  0.495358000
## 1703   0.072701454  0.038862230
## 1704   0.143444540 -0.139937400
## 1705  -0.582428000 -0.795489300
## 1706   0.068732263  0.211698055
## 1707   0.126989360  0.142219540
## 1708   0.173921590 -0.042874336
## 1709   0.000000000  0.136944770
## 1710  -0.145424840  0.065562250
## 1711   0.224823950  0.125563620
## 1712   0.347149850 -0.123748780
## 1713  -0.238751890  0.233515740
## 1714  -0.444983480  0.151999000
## 1715  -0.084303856  0.031610490
## 1716  -0.240177824  0.179581644
## 1717   0.256975650  0.294112680
## 1718   0.114000320  0.321023000
## 1719   0.333183300  0.161528590
## 1720  -0.024600506 -0.023600101
## 1721  -0.081671240  0.089982510
## 1722   0.205983160  0.148325920
## 1723   0.193688400 -0.512883660
## 1724   0.570482730 -0.428272250
## 1725  -0.160004620 -0.433988570
## 1726   0.037203312  0.021415234
## 1727  -0.356535430 -0.096512794
## 1728   1.530913400  1.486612300
## 1729  -0.757226940 -0.816272740
## 1730   0.066714290 -0.119491580
## 1731   0.492881770  0.320549960
## 1732  -0.033300400 -0.010307312
## 1733   0.485657440  0.601144555
## 1734  -0.283602700  0.023283005
## 1735   0.218675140  0.726098540
## 1736   0.238704680 -0.072571754
## 1737   0.282698625  0.427867410
## 1738   1.743224600  1.513015300
## 1739   0.047324180 -0.139019010
## 1740   0.013742447  0.003498077
## 1741   0.489593500  0.431547160
## 1742   0.458292960  0.194971560
## 1743  -0.071079730 -0.045046330
## 1744  -0.094251630  0.119984150
## 1745  -0.150691990 -0.162323000
## 1746  -0.019542694 -0.076488970
## 1747  -0.211060050 -0.129177570
## 1748  -0.110950708 -0.376197575
## 1749  -0.048856500 -0.157423975
## 1750   0.173979280  0.304710870
## 1751  -0.383488660  0.047429085
## 1752   0.000000000  0.419533250
## 1753  -0.234632020 -0.228673930
## 1754   0.216120720  0.027478218
## 1755   0.000000000 -0.099665640
## 1756  -0.302083500 -0.002273560
## 1757   0.014829636  0.081376076
## 1758   0.752997400  0.525611900
## 1759   0.024152279  0.029312610
## 1760  -0.018153190 -0.013509274
## 1761   0.182865150  0.031455040
## 1762   0.991362600  0.876044300
## 1763  -0.001214981  0.022348404
## 1764   0.280584800 -0.019928932
## 1765  -0.046632767  0.144469740
## 1766   0.030230999  0.018736362
## 1767   0.425612450 -0.004842758
## 1768   1.929848700  1.354098300
## 1769   0.632345200  0.721657750
## 1770   0.517812250  0.481695650
## 1771  -0.035953520 -0.086739540
## 1772  -0.097771645  0.063308716
## 1773   0.035168170  0.993049600
## 1774  -0.087329390 -0.267726420
## 1775  -0.207555770  0.160990240
## 1776  -0.283858300 -0.227799890
## 1777   0.401508330 -0.105125430
## 1778  -0.125374795  0.211569310
## 1779   0.473075870 -0.194892880
## 1780   1.195103600  1.114480000
## 1781   0.897524360  0.861796860
## 1782   0.022126198 -0.023429870
## 1783   0.366351130  0.295717240
## 1784  -0.142158510  0.114872930
## 1785  -0.137458800  0.019947052
## 1786  -0.398698330  0.036406994
## 1787  -0.058034897  0.158488750
## 1788  -0.058718680 -0.217528340
## 1789  -0.312262540 -0.045328140
## 1790   0.044097900  0.433699130
## 1791   0.532457350  0.546131130
## 1792  -0.170619960  0.044183730
## 1793  -0.619436266  0.299342157
## 1794   0.000000000 -0.115847590
## 1795   0.859447500  0.162419800
## 1796  -0.123519900 -0.283850670
## 1797   0.107707980 -0.060562610
## 1798   0.540776250  0.604557040
## 1799  -0.011434078  0.019349098
## 1800   0.055157660 -0.347697260
## 1801  -0.045853138 -0.035371780
## 1802  -0.140001300  0.076414110
## 1803  -0.282076840  0.023466110
## 1804   0.212001320 -0.475174430
## 1805   0.029871940 -0.273001670
## 1806   0.175044060  0.003685951
## 1807  -0.199547770  0.992123600
## 1808   0.219772340 -0.239782330
## 1809   0.273918150  0.329592230
## 1810  -0.340268140 -0.277963640
## 1811  -0.220148090  0.843327500
## 1812  -0.088149070  0.208017830
## 1813   0.117506504 -1.338206300
## 1814  -0.102685930 -0.112902640
## 1815   0.490451800 -0.011758804
## 1816  -0.040065765  0.000000000
## 1817   0.144784930  0.000000000
## 1818   0.386956210  0.244483000
## 1819   0.206668850 -0.023042679
## 1820  -0.305889600 -0.637040600
## 1821   0.000000000 -0.032702446
## 1822  -0.120169640 -0.367060180
## 1823   0.000000000 -0.019644737
## 1824  -0.047845125 -0.048511625
## 1825  -0.091841220  0.013798237
## 1826   0.057565212  0.021600485
## 1827  -0.045880318  0.172423360
## 1828  -0.200812340 -0.020287037
## 1829   0.003786564 -0.016571522
## 1830   0.128808020  0.114797590
## 1831  -0.156973840 -0.108943940
## 1832  -0.357170100 -0.416570200
## 1833   0.025828362 -0.613274600
## 1834  -0.126917524  0.106870653
## 1835   0.046618940 -0.067039010
## 1836  -0.084657190 -0.132402900
## 1837  -0.111355780 -0.229910850
## 1838  -0.249274250 -0.209390640
## 1839  -0.391180040 -0.044221878
## 1840   0.207072730  0.283071040
## 1841   0.134017940  0.081328390
## 1842   0.207322600 -0.039386750
## 1843  -0.031744003  0.001837730
## 1844  -0.139825820 -0.163773540
## 1845   0.022989273  0.262353900
## 1846   0.314433100 -0.120448110
## 1847  -0.084816930 -0.092777250
## 1848  -0.047629356  0.000000000
## 1849  -0.095273020 -0.074618820
## 1850   0.179602620  0.059645176
## 1851  -0.258812900 -0.433021070
## 1852   0.000000000 -0.795691000
## 1853  -0.144872670  0.110015390
## 1854  -0.131341930 -0.031415462
## 1855  -0.786181450 -0.922165400
## 1856   0.070814130  0.000000000
## 1857  -0.061711310 -0.026812077
## 1858   0.192080500  0.338402270
## 1859   0.083121299 -0.449844375
## 1860  -0.116972920 -0.176907540
## 1861   0.020767212  0.172091480
## 1862   0.173334600  0.154448510
## 1863   0.177289490 -0.455717560
## 1864  -0.112004760 -0.114957810
## 1865  -0.080554010  0.095726970
## 1866   0.022699833  0.075956820
## 1867   1.629005000  1.681304500
## 1868   0.162408350  0.184019570
## 1869   0.107678890 -0.075446606
## 1870   0.042737007  0.225422380
## 1871   0.418960100 -0.307011600
## 1872  -0.005092621 -0.083248140
## 1873   0.170579430 -0.024301052
## 1874   0.066891190  0.030066967
## 1875   0.242189880  0.200525280
## 1876  -0.744967460 -0.675781250
## 1877   0.311997400 -0.211578370
## 1878   0.874080660  0.988588330
## 1879   0.000558000 -0.103181840
## 1880   1.040640800  0.764461500
## 1881  -0.127106670  0.079835890
## 1882   0.000000000  0.025139809
## 1883  -0.000989000 -0.000989000
## 1884   0.011206150 -0.029122353
## 1885   0.000259000  0.146510120
## 1886   0.284936430 -0.031156063
## 1887   0.273173330  0.011409283
## 1888   0.413291450  0.023849010
## 1889   0.055142403  0.068142890
## 1890  -0.044311523 -0.054394722
## 1891   0.094089030  0.074232580
## 1892   0.127841470 -0.144315720
## 1893   0.285082340  0.000000000
## 1894  -0.029780865  0.298313140
## 1895   0.044153214 -0.017125607
## 1896   0.036499500  0.056766033
## 1897   0.572472335 -0.294618610
## 1898   0.007527351 -0.044298650
## 1899  -0.136074540  0.018420220
## 1900   0.000000000 -0.066854000
## 1901   0.139296530 -0.234096050
## 1902  -0.072643280  0.077701570
## 1903   0.023554325 -0.345728870
## 1904  -0.044260025 -0.004937649
## 1905  -0.011401176  0.000000000
## 1906  -0.018151283  0.065670970
## 1907  -0.223068240 -0.173224450
## 1908  -0.233876700 -0.188263900
## 1909   0.015460014 -0.113667490
## 1910  -0.033913612 -0.026896000
## 1911  -0.171434400 -0.050922394
## 1912  -0.153501510 -0.452380180
## 1913   0.057998657  0.152618410
## 1914   0.102710250  0.039683820
## 1915  -0.208854200  0.180922510
## 1916  -0.034776210  0.065008640
## 1917  -0.058844566 -0.026849747
## 1918  -0.248624320 -0.204190250
## 1919  -0.164912700  0.072927950
## 1920  -0.214843750 -0.171629900
## 1921  -0.752006530 -0.154434200
## 1922   1.441322800  1.025855100
## 1923   0.022281647 -0.010579109
## 1924  -0.053696632  0.070813656
## 1925   0.319705000  0.275093080
## 1926   1.055195800  0.092235565
## 1927   0.362906460 -0.013656139
## 1928  -0.061223030 -0.215861320
## 1929   1.752496700  3.177147400
## 1930   0.051474094  0.124550340
## 1931   0.145871640 -0.305315970
## 1932  -0.497646330 -0.229101180
## 1933   0.000000000 -0.376003745
## 1934  -0.158211710 -0.261849400
## 1935  -0.014249802  0.029819012
## 1936  -0.086145400  0.000000000
## 1937   0.110908510  0.089368820
## 1938  -0.767572400 -0.206027030
## 1939  -0.152312280  0.057448387
## 1940  -0.435517300 -0.154761310
## 1941   0.596121300  1.294284300
## 1942   0.007368565  0.001756668
## 1943   0.000000000 -0.415869700
## 1944   0.234919070  0.422878270
## 1945   0.099073888  0.154602521
## 1946   0.397115700  0.103294850
## 1947  -0.066852570 -0.356545450
## 1948   0.021239758 -0.054834843
## 1949  -0.160205360  0.014643192
## 1950   0.420052530  0.256375300
## 1951  -0.351998330  0.154278760
## 1952   0.039243698 -0.342639920
## 1953  -0.748259540  0.423215400
## 1954  -0.096258160 -0.083501816
## 1955   0.326679230  0.374015800
## 1956   0.230628970  0.019927979
## 1957   0.102871895 -0.088238716
## 1958   0.756270400  0.436552050
## 1959   0.024813652 -0.204139710
## 1960   0.062737228 -0.029875280
## 1961  -0.518518900 -0.641205300
## 1962   0.059582710 -0.436952100
## 1963  -0.214702600 -0.656096940
## 1964   0.311842920  0.000000000
## 1965   0.157426360  0.350727560
## 1966   0.106428150 -0.053551197
## 1967  -0.108680250  0.095107080
## 1968   0.038825035  0.034623145
## 1969  -0.277309420 -0.230225560
## 1970  -0.020684719  0.252167705
## 1971  -0.024940014  0.071694374
## 1972   0.146554000 -0.883347030
## 1973   0.006553650  0.177512650
## 1974   0.202091220 -0.269501200
## 1975  -0.457486150 -0.072967530
## 1976  -0.230137830 -0.039319992
## 1977   0.217858790  0.088275430
## 1978   0.034216404  0.062955380
## 1979   0.444846150 -0.253770830
## 1980   0.270737650  0.188355920
## 1981  -0.092611310  0.596756000
## 1982  -0.145386700 -0.587759000
## 1983  -0.047376633 -0.254167560
## 1984  -0.145599840  0.267166140
## 1985   0.000000000  0.159383300
## 1986  -0.059126854  0.139311310
## 1987   0.073651314 -0.226873870
## 1988   0.276532170  1.090295300
## 1989  -0.263717650 -1.157650000
## 1990  -0.322240350 -0.378026000
## 1991   0.112181660 -0.150856970
## 1992  -0.403520580 -0.605307600
## 1993   0.280563350  0.362013820
## 1994  -0.346569060 -0.151535990
## 1995  -0.143043520  0.105754850
## 1996  -0.006140709  0.015574694
## 1997   0.041340350 -0.030829430
## 1998  -0.087921140 -0.092034340
## 1999   0.236671450 -0.007186890
## 2000  -0.066544056  0.090639590
## 2001  -0.168915750 -0.000664000
## 2002  -0.360973360 -0.461061480
## 2003   0.407442100  0.000000000
## 2004   0.156429290  0.087326050
## 2005  -0.018970013 -0.051391600
## 2006   0.000000000 -0.133370400
## 2007   0.503375530  1.388773000
## 2008  -0.063539030 -0.885026000
## 2009  -0.075801850  0.008788109
## 2010  -0.060079098 -0.104664800
## 2011   0.200506210  0.000000000
## 2012   0.330580230  0.256524100
## 2013   0.031833650  0.063962940
## 2014   0.012059689 -0.086829185
## 2015  -0.058952810  0.000000000
## 2016   0.545664800  0.605544100
## 2017   0.004040718  0.000000000
## 2018   0.097166060  0.071630955
## 2019   0.000000000 -0.078436850
## 2020   0.173533440  0.073065280
## 2021   0.037979126 -0.120958330
## 2022  -0.044668198  0.145928380
## 2023  -0.056313515 -0.102597240
## 2024   0.132016180  0.041029930
## 2025  -0.207269670 -0.380446430
## 2026  -0.152110578 -0.077284335
## 2027   0.001807213 -0.422915460
## 2028  -0.104407310 -0.412347477
## 2029  -0.375512120 -0.247455600
## 2030  -0.235258107 -0.354035377
## 2031   0.201412200  0.165292740
## 2032  -0.084414480  0.005430222
## 2033  -0.297471050 -0.420144080
## 2034  -0.183766208 -0.181246918
## 2035   0.180321700  0.231669430
## 2036  -0.258378500 -0.198168280
## 2037  -0.430270200  0.636899950
## 2038  -0.028943062 -0.216514590
## 2039  -0.014515400  0.004240036
## 2040  -0.397175800 -0.297283650
## 2041   0.014377594  0.057984352
## 2042  -0.155078415 -0.016577722
## 2043   0.002063274 -0.040585995
## 2044   0.020307540 -0.220134740
## 2045   0.298054377 -0.195605597
## 2046  -0.536206700  0.141724590
## 2047   0.013697147  0.027732850
## 2048   0.132308960  0.000000000
## 2049  -0.202666280  0.015786171
## 2050  -0.468410500 -0.201949120
## 2051  -0.095126150 -0.004727840
## 2052  -0.001001358 -0.093991280
## 2053  -0.221268650 -0.472430230
## 2054   0.081084250  0.009300232
## 2055  -0.289460180 -0.253855700
## 2056   0.207248690  0.000000000
## 2057   0.000000000  0.017329693
## 2058  -0.197905540 -0.444330215
## 2059  -0.157427310 -0.326159480
## 2060  -0.161347870 -0.060926437
## 2061   0.030369759 -0.031628610
## 2062  -0.082159040  0.000000000
## 2063  -0.059567450  0.477844240
## 2064   0.000000000  0.017619610
## 2065  -0.496820450 -0.402566900
## 2066  -0.048127174 -0.205355640
## 2067   0.815162200  1.043548100
## 2068   0.462047580  0.394709600
## 2069  -0.073490620  0.000000000
## 2070  -0.117435930 -0.230735300
## 2071   0.975079060  0.000000000
## 2072   1.016262000  1.101773300
## 2073  -0.313116070  0.245424270
## 2074  -0.086732390 -0.274351595
## 2075  -0.186863900 -0.715347300
## 2076  -0.467180250 -0.551363950
## 2077  -0.306408165 -0.011915445
## 2078  -0.191934590 -0.230895040
## 2079   0.075521946 -0.210108280
## 2080   0.379588120  0.360642200
## 2081  -0.184237480  0.016498566
## 2082   0.000000000  0.148658750
## 2083   0.002665043  0.405479900
## 2084  -0.644788740 -1.354278600
## 2085  -0.144345280  0.103785990
## 2086   0.093086240  0.375924100
## 2087   0.022525787 -0.013634682
## 2088  -0.005527496  0.000000000
## 2089   0.006366730  0.406868930
## 2090  -0.386530185 -0.675991775
## 2091  -0.355040070  0.364851000
## 2092  -0.042576790 -0.050552845
## 2093  -0.082286835  0.026555538
## 2094  -0.049530030  0.102987766
## 2095   0.093094826 -0.105116844
## 2096  -0.530670170  0.383441930
## 2097   0.060132027 -0.009703636
## 2098   0.000000000 -0.505670550
## 2099   0.047998905  0.082791805
## 2100   0.000000000  0.019677162
## 2101  -0.027899742 -0.058804512
## 2102  -0.115262985 -0.086700440
## 2103  -0.007408142 -0.013195992
## 2104  -0.189449310 -0.272786620
## 2105  -0.155889510  0.418427470
## 2106   0.000000000 -0.255278600
## 2107  -0.310087200 -0.272171020
## 2108   0.023054123 -0.233545300
## 2109  -0.023850203  0.009954334
## 2110   0.998694900  1.648609600
## 2111  -0.011681795 -0.022853136
## 2112  -0.369492050 -0.579071040
## 2113  -0.048505783  0.021417618
## 2114  -0.197759630 -0.000287000
## 2115  -0.116693970  0.013789177
## 2116   0.116714954 -0.049656868
## 2117  -0.166573520  0.020923615
## 2118   0.000000000  0.070075035
## 2119   0.000000000 -0.068634030
## 2120   0.546852100  0.964910500
## 2121   0.198353770 -0.000578000
## 2122  -0.113353730 -0.031046867
## 2123   0.005450249 -0.482460020
## 2124   0.014213085  0.066719530
## 2125   0.225097660  0.000000000
## 2126   0.000937000 -0.120492935
## 2127  -0.010600090 -0.052010060
## 2128   0.000000000 -0.119577410
## 2129   0.009828568  0.005835533
## 2130  -0.214202880  0.301806930
## 2131  -0.233065130 -0.375124930
## 2132   0.202355860  0.033455370
## 2133   0.179099080  0.000000000
## 2134   0.018435001  0.185001370
## 2135  -0.059546470 -0.021808147
## 2136   0.006752014  0.165325640
## 2137   0.235126020 -0.074234010
## 2138  -0.037185192  0.192055700
## 2139  -0.039041042 -0.287335870
## 2140  -0.025973797  0.000000000
## 2141   0.173542980  0.256291870
## 2142  -0.158376700 -0.130319600
## 2143   0.046122550 -0.074156760
## 2144   0.000000000 -0.116965294
## 2145   0.094047550  0.285778050
## 2146  -0.202655790  0.433293340
## 2147   0.130331040 -0.126107220
## 2148  -0.009274006 -0.015421867
## 2149  -0.306396480 -0.184450150
## 2150  -0.146975520  0.000000000
## 2151   0.371219160 -0.085466860
## 2152  -0.134763240 -0.434450630
## 2153   0.065491680  0.161356930
## 2154   0.594076160 -0.123065950
## 2155  -0.089727880 -0.200477600
## 2156  -0.045066833  0.182125090
## 2157  -0.189991470 -0.094817640
## 2158   0.471797940 -0.178806300
## 2159   0.031111717  0.026095390
## 2160   0.000000000  0.999147400
## 2161   0.027382374 -0.786541000
## 2162   0.158713340  0.031527520
## 2163   0.157616140 -0.083392140
## 2164   0.093034270  0.299526700
## 2165   0.135580540 -0.472613330
## 2166   0.009884834  0.021411896
## 2167   0.073924540 -0.083786964
## 2168  -0.101864340 -0.224017620
## 2169   0.108994960 -0.008879185
## 2170  -0.037438870  0.041721344
## 2171  -0.050578594  0.337521080
## 2172  -0.130163200 -0.357740400
## 2173  -0.370070460 -0.316682820
## 2174   0.367825500  0.733445170
## 2175   0.004853249 -0.012015820
## 2176   0.231479640 -0.014190674
## 2177   0.098076820 -0.170917030
## 2178   0.143190860  0.057693480
## 2179  -0.012040138  0.024653435
## 2180   0.070137980 -0.159948830
## 2181   0.058079243 -0.078896520
## 2182   0.059092045  0.221429820
## 2183   0.695212840  0.115908620
## 2184  -0.098822590 -0.017699718
## 2185  -0.152677060 -0.127384660
## 2186   0.296256540  0.153158185
## 2187   0.014875412  0.076205250
## 2188   0.032036305  0.059098005
## 2189   0.001617909  0.018457890
## 2190  -0.323613170 -0.015885353
## 2191   0.169859410 -0.002713203
## 2192  -0.057118893  0.003808022
## 2193   0.420506950  0.623419300
## 2194  -0.041507720 -0.250462530
## 2195   0.149137020 -0.568304540
## 2196  -0.195853710 -0.039172650
## 2197  -0.739796640 -0.300429340
## 2198  -0.058905600 -0.065421580
## 2199  -0.044677258 -0.060212135
## 2200   0.093092440  0.037479877
## 2201   0.079272750  0.219882490
## 2202   0.078570366 -0.111504080
## 2203  -0.157914160  0.372174260
## 2204  -0.021695137  0.000000000
## 2205   0.284793850 -0.168202400
## 2206   0.045952797  0.000000000
## 2207   0.119151590  0.161023140
## 2208   0.013702393 -0.230098720
## 2209   0.141543390 -0.026863575
## 2210  -0.107394456  0.512098316
## 2211   0.000000000 -0.087813380
## 2212  -0.137497430  0.177446840
## 2213   0.134187220  0.241450790
## 2214  -0.097031590 -0.214567180
## 2215  -0.027867317 -0.290960800
## 2216   0.456760400  1.416037600
## 2217  -0.010338070 -0.120374202
## 2218   0.182880400  0.116686820
## 2219  -0.165672300 -0.011240006
## 2220   0.038445950  0.154420850
## 2221  -0.029944897 -0.012115955
## 2222  -0.001500607  0.057328700
## 2223  -0.009936333  0.138338090
## 2224  -0.000544000  0.000000000
## 2225   0.152183530 -0.291206360
## 2226  -0.026638508  0.284228800
## 2227  -0.003523827 -0.003523827
## 2228  -0.179226880  0.000000000
## 2229   0.312753915  0.120130302
## 2230  -0.045688630 -0.078824040
## 2231  -0.140885830 -0.285729900
## 2232   0.028543472 -0.042335510
## 2233   0.402588370 -0.162264820
## 2234   0.152321820  0.856444360
## 2235   0.006174088 -0.112563130
## 2236  -0.192163148 -0.116843067
## 2237  -0.210630900 -0.024101257
## 2238  -0.127972130 -0.004692078
## 2239  -0.063641070 -0.088066100
## 2240   0.087872030 -0.029963493
## 2241   0.175017360 -0.033929348
## 2242   0.000000000  0.407427800
## 2243  -0.257380000 -0.292784700
## 2244  -0.092695710 -0.026338577
## 2245   0.418715480  0.190945630
## 2246   0.054405212  0.457188600
## 2247   0.192751880  0.024250984
## 2248  -0.251675600  0.092584610
## 2249   0.074160576  0.438682560
## 2250   0.180790900  0.259047030
## 2251   0.076811790  0.036322117
## 2252  -0.001152515  0.056708813
## 2253  -0.018143177  0.000000000
## 2254   0.247909550  0.168506620
## 2255   0.000000000 -0.233992100
## 2256  -0.001196384 -0.154688840
## 2257  -0.022025108 -0.087713240
## 2258  -0.167522430 -0.485687260
## 2259  -0.194069390 -0.261919500
## 2260   0.337077140 -1.081844800
## 2261  -0.425447000 -0.216032030
## 2262  -0.425825600  0.000000000
## 2263  -0.043181420  0.359198570
## 2264   0.258802900 -0.105615140
## 2265  -0.448395730  0.000000000
## 2266  -0.274014950  0.020403862
## 2267  -0.134976390  0.007657051
## 2268  -0.085271835 -0.515694600
## 2269  -0.159322740  0.288162230
## 2270  -0.026448250  0.220643995
## 2271  -0.899462533 -0.469438233
## 2272  -0.065480230 -0.025433540
## 2273   0.171691420  0.054100990
## 2274  -0.130753520  0.200812340
## 2275  -0.021532059  0.040906906
## 2276  -0.014523983 -0.009224415
## 2277  -0.633131000  0.130199910
## 2278   0.045590400 -0.108233930
## 2279   0.074373245  0.031939030
## 2280   0.273837100  0.702228550
## 2281  -0.105000496  0.057067394
## 2282  -0.059314250  0.099959850
## 2283   0.052824020 -0.111209870
## 2284   0.363718030  0.132250790
## 2285  -0.099048615 -0.029868603
## 2286  -0.096137520 -0.149040700
## 2287   0.295691500 -0.018719196
## 2288  -0.052346706 -0.010274410
## 2289  -0.272285460  0.054339886
## 2290   0.000000000  0.124965670
## 2291  -0.099903110 -0.137040140
## 2292   0.056484700 -0.078103540
## 2293  -0.064666270 -1.103659600
## 2294  -0.091620920  0.035136700
## 2295   0.519302370  0.141745570
## 2296  -0.158537860  0.011160851
## 2297  -0.124623300 -0.067894460
## 2298  -0.175716880 -0.083803650
## 2299  -0.223138810  0.504898550
## 2300  -0.026509762  0.085502625
## 2301   0.000000000  0.000000000
## 2302   0.006409168 -0.096267220
## 2303   0.081765650 -0.005210400
## 2304   0.033505440 -0.229802130
## 2305  -0.213531500 -0.571078300
## 2306   0.020655155 -0.176028250
## 2307   0.113357070  0.004085541
## 2308  -0.120512960  0.127437110
## 2309  -0.323660850  0.132256030
## 2310   0.032484530  0.029177666
## 2311  -0.160322670 -0.209456920
## 2312  -0.065155745 -0.185509441
## 2313   0.020065308  0.021644592
## 2314   0.235632420  0.101924896
## 2315  -0.104032990  0.086053850
## 2316  -0.032876970 -0.030617714
## 2317   0.176267150  0.018855572
## 2318  -0.200245860 -0.008027554
## 2319   0.088943005  0.050042152
## 2320  -0.191626550 -0.003314018
## 2321  -0.196502210  0.144916060
## 2322  -0.182625770 -0.216167450
## 2323  -0.019619465  0.074060920
## 2324   0.072847840 -0.102042200
## 2325   0.019156933 -0.014421940
## 2326   0.000000000  0.007586479
## 2327  -0.169243340  0.000000000
## 2328   0.000000000 -0.046829224
## 2329   0.000000000  0.147248740
## 2330  -0.152172570 -0.288430200
## 2331  -0.046976090 -0.120695590
## 2332  -0.187414170 -0.146182540
## 2333  -0.011785984 -0.001711845
## 2334   0.395050050 -0.477920530
## 2335  -0.102569100 -0.176278110
## 2336  -0.090688230  0.253821370
## 2337  -0.013602017  0.225986955
## 2338   0.180202000  0.000000000
## 2339   0.070003510  0.219075680
## 2340   0.003625393 -0.000620000
## 2341  -0.063498020 -0.124124050
## 2342  -0.136202810 -0.163685320
## 2343   0.000000000 -0.051959515
## 2344   0.528034200  0.194546700
## 2345  -0.061060905 -0.027434826
## 2346   0.000000000  0.138646130
## 2347  -0.143783090 -0.227445130
## 2348   0.694452300 -0.198092940
## 2349   0.124164104  0.069354534
## 2350  -0.109350680 -0.187789920
## 2351   0.217645650  0.609238600
## 2352  -0.072742940  0.276582720
## 2353  -1.021742800 -1.116293000
## 2354  -0.296528820 -0.043787003
## 2355   0.252619740  0.206955910
## 2356  -0.002411842  0.395275600
## 2357   0.025282860  0.080990314
## 2358   0.000000000  0.088465690
## 2359   0.072795870  0.008323669
## 2360  -0.074081900 -0.147655960
## 2361  -0.092576504 -0.070003510
## 2362   0.183809280 -0.043561935
## 2363  -0.067380430  0.147019390
## 2364  -0.132911680  0.088624480
## 2365   0.000000000  0.086098194
## 2366  -0.485242840  0.156280520
## 2367  -0.088925840 -0.607843900
## 2368  -0.121820930  0.207095150
## 2369  -0.228858950 -0.001804352
## 2370  -0.078944680 -0.029796124
## 2371   0.348319055  0.660536300
## 2372   0.281331060 -0.426641000
## 2373   0.354595660 -0.364943980
## 2374   0.213084700 -0.005273342
## 2375   0.433242800 -0.421486850
## 2376   0.358330730  0.982172970
## 2377   0.017861843  0.088472370
## 2378  -0.209130760  0.064444540
## 2379   0.024844170 -0.166226860
## 2380  -0.118317130  0.154576780
## 2381  -0.020521164 -0.151223660
## 2382  -0.153308390 -0.043435574
## 2383  -0.007663727 -0.058060170
## 2384  -0.243783950  0.048072338
## 2385  -0.346125130 -0.180918220
## 2386   1.319681200  1.466800700
## 2387   0.000000000 -0.249877930
## 2388   0.194046020  0.243299480
## 2389   0.056646824  0.280054570
## 2390  -0.625474930 -0.679720900
## 2391   0.256793020  0.035994530
## 2392  -0.010431290  0.272772800
## 2393   0.029759884 -0.079051970
## 2394   0.007064819 -0.022521496
## 2395  -0.232043740 -0.062865734
## 2396  -0.182350640  0.098510740
## 2397   0.157336475 -0.052330017
## 2398  -0.091783050 -0.423390400
## 2399  -0.112392900  0.206288340
## 2400  -0.190722940  0.061654568
## 2401   0.000000000  0.014044762
## 2402   0.143943310  0.019298553
## 2403   0.065741060  0.068270210
## 2404   0.317206380  0.523638700
## 2405   0.237113000 -0.066884995
## 2406  -0.260161400  0.050659180
## 2407   0.171680450  0.000000000
## 2408  -0.224617000 -0.088864800
## 2409  -0.099138740 -0.063178540
## 2410   0.301063540  0.101072310
## 2411   0.000923000  0.000000000
## 2412   0.188464160  0.842151170
## 2413  -0.116262436 -0.090215206
## 2414   0.132013800  0.099952220
## 2415   0.159155370 -0.058435440
## 2416  -0.097796440 -0.413617130
## 2417   0.172275540  0.242089270
## 2418   0.131187440 -0.147322180
## 2419  -0.053637028  0.018089294
## 2420  -0.095468283 -0.174103020
## 2421  -0.050427914  0.005710125
## 2422   0.139322760  0.000000000
## 2423  -0.158679490 -0.096015930
## 2424   0.035386562  0.093317986
## 2425  -0.159361840  0.251809120
## 2426  -0.102243900 -0.003919125
## 2427  -0.267363550 -0.148797040
## 2428   0.228429800 -0.495779040
## 2429   0.046323776 -0.028738499
## 2430   0.000000000  0.008952618
## 2431   0.336361400 -0.296890740
## 2432  -0.099384310 -0.154127600
## 2433   0.000000000 -0.009491444
## 2434   0.155351160  1.799748900
## 2435   0.576935770  0.444912900
## 2436  -0.096558253  0.091170946
## 2437  -0.028698444 -0.030350208
## 2438   0.152952910  0.244426015
## 2439   0.314404000  0.216642860
## 2440   0.940718200  0.759599200
## 2441  -0.018783570 -0.095905780
## 2442   0.017314434  0.017429352
## 2443   0.000000000 -0.136153220
## 2444  -0.263961320 -1.494929300
## 2445   0.000000000 -0.030353546
## 2446   0.177122120 -0.347104070
## 2447  -0.081682680 -0.457650660
## 2448   0.118017200  0.158183100
## 2449  -0.127344610 -0.041873455
## 2450   0.246409900 -0.394454000
## 2451   0.000000000  0.145575520
## 2452   0.000000000  0.039772987
## 2453  -0.458283420 -0.483005520
## 2454  -0.149562840  0.037054062
## 2455  -0.155536170 -0.238752840
## 2456  -0.088679790 -0.509421345
## 2457   0.001003743 -0.241549250
## 2458   0.263521200  0.562176200
## 2459  -0.315130700  0.029435158
## 2460  -0.212230680 -0.285300730
## 2461   0.085505010  0.384245400
## 2462   0.225110530 -0.734187100
## 2463  -0.082508090 -0.082960130
## 2464   0.217609400 -0.049117090
## 2465  -0.190383430  0.033792496
## 2466   0.000000000  0.020775795
## 2467   0.150415420  0.338786130
## 2468   0.053615570 -0.012737751
## 2469  -0.012549877 -0.158963200
## 2470   0.053017140 -0.087794780
## 2471  -0.130561830 -0.401404860
## 2472  -0.158882620  0.005327225
## 2473   0.000000000  0.026755333
## 2474  -0.062729836  0.028590202
## 2475   1.918829900  1.894250900
## 2476  -0.048668387  0.103631259
## 2477  -0.150574680  0.008528709
## 2478  -0.108535770 -0.113185406
## 2479  -0.090057370  0.020109177
## 2480   0.266760830 -0.143360140
## 2481   0.056473732 -0.009722710
## 2482   0.101597786  0.019837380
## 2483   0.488759040  0.090979576
## 2484  -0.126034740 -0.511136530
## 2485   0.196637630 -0.303051950
## 2486   0.067599770 -0.171306610
## 2487   0.005394459 -0.242159840
## 2488  -0.610371600 -0.028227806
## 2489   0.083716390  0.160060880
## 2490   1.369974150  1.090564225
## 2491   0.187207700  0.008583546
## 2492  -0.132842060 -0.058411600
## 2493   0.473598480 -0.103905200
## 2494  -0.359168050  0.001212597
## 2495   0.084671974  0.000000000
## 2496   0.107058525  0.196954250
## 2497  -0.107228756 -0.230088710
## 2498   0.292675970 -0.312227250
## 2499  -0.103443620 -0.550198550
## 2500  -0.008161545  0.009405136
## 2501   0.000000000  0.006251812
## 2502  -0.356198800 -0.135128500
## 2503  -0.318720820 -0.744970300
## 2504   0.015553474 -0.334284780
## 2505   0.035862446 -0.090168000
## 2506  -0.168170450  0.066539764
## 2507   0.108254910 -0.061870575
## 2508   0.057209015  0.031428337
## 2509  -0.115057470 -0.003033161
## 2510  -0.013813019  0.034067154
## 2511   0.000000000  0.083107950
## 2512   0.044659615  0.057959557
## 2513   0.000000000  0.007565498
## 2514   0.263511660 -0.051989080
## 2515  -0.111034870  0.008165836
## 2516   0.008888722  0.005187511
## 2517   0.234366900  0.120429040
## 2518   0.221612450 -0.089111805
## 2519  -0.078641890 -0.086299420
## 2520   0.166282650  0.366086960
## 2521   0.345679765  0.328587535
## 2522  -0.241785050  0.184029580
## 2523   0.104960440  0.033160210
## 2524   0.087635040 -0.011865139
## 2525   0.051784040 -0.011329651
## 2526  -0.507609840 -0.314065460
## 2527  -0.124073980 -0.148108480
## 2528   0.515050400  0.304205420
## 2529  -0.302852630  0.036802292
## 2530   0.137681000  0.000000000
## 2531   0.137173650  0.144574170
## 2532  -0.038087845 -0.183206560
## 2533   0.101400375  0.066055300
## 2534  -0.004762650  0.036175728
## 2535   0.008177280 -0.077698710
## 2536  -0.287672040  0.018013000
## 2537  -0.109897375  0.050120350
## 2538  -0.072290420  0.288222800
## 2539  -0.357267860 -0.212812900
## 2540   0.081450940 -0.137637620
## 2541   0.000000000  0.114856240
## 2542  -0.022529602  0.058818340
## 2543   0.274755950 -0.237682340
## 2544  -0.556029300 -0.211626050
## 2545  -0.246735570 -0.182318690
## 2546  -0.043947220  0.062975410
## 2547  -0.292727470  0.122265816
## 2548   0.128247733  0.086988450
## 2549  -0.116993430 -0.022786140
## 2550  -0.094056130 -0.086039540
## 2551  -0.101339340  0.018736840
## 2552  -0.057343960  0.000000000
## 2553   0.063819885 -0.129513260
## 2554   0.241847990  0.274733540
## 2555   0.000000000 -0.021723747
## 2556  -0.341820240 -0.763861200
## 2557   0.310236930  0.273895260
## 2558   0.488188740  0.507428170
## 2559  -0.014735699 -0.042021036
## 2560   0.080922600  0.062518600
## 2561   0.121201040  0.041800500
## 2562   0.162285330 -0.042517185
## 2563  -0.011908054 -0.160845760
## 2564  -0.379753600 -0.244739060
## 2565   0.000000000  0.434123040
## 2566  -0.027024746  0.034857273
## 2567  -0.086501120  0.158549310
## 2568  -0.076439380  0.075660229
## 2569   0.283431530 -0.372603420
## 2570   0.017012120 -0.117998120
## 2571  -0.019771576 -0.086816790
## 2572   0.000000000 -0.084559440
## 2573   0.143125060  0.210972310
## 2574  -0.316608900 -0.154399400
## 2575   0.265521050  0.167764660
## 2576  -0.005231857  0.075839520
## 2577  -0.246620180  0.113770485
## 2578   0.513133050  0.015166283
## 2579   0.249442100 -0.179708960
## 2580  -0.203835960  0.142949580
## 2581  -0.245874882 -0.074776651
## 2582  -0.520915750 -0.622467530
## 2583  -0.815457340 -0.308822630
## 2584   0.111604690  0.507893560
## 2585   0.398120405  0.099792483
## 2586   0.121907234  0.167642120
## 2587   0.140589710 -0.105931280
## 2588  -0.008900166  0.036847590
## 2589  -0.006311894 -0.042741300
## 2590  -0.028464794  0.110780716
## 2591  -0.039887430 -0.035357952
## 2592  -0.246442320 -0.012456417
## 2593  -0.051199436 -0.067595480
## 2594  -0.025892258  0.103724960
## 2595  -0.065868855  0.198658147
## 2596   0.023606777  0.081595420
## 2597   1.471833200  2.000337600
## 2598   0.000000000  0.345829960
## 2599  -0.172666070 -0.501957900
## 2600  -0.121181010 -0.239630220
## 2601  -0.051051140  0.000000000
## 2602   0.238914970  0.090942380
## 2603  -0.105118750  0.232487680
## 2604  -0.071072580  0.000000000
## 2605   0.094264510 -0.539886500
## 2606  -0.034114360  0.004354000
## 2607   0.000000000 -0.261302950
## 2608  -0.099072930 -0.216059680
## 2609   0.009943485  0.008040905
## 2610  -0.174793720 -0.128879070
## 2611  -0.155187600  0.235380170
## 2612   1.432505100  0.015967846
## 2613  -0.005016327 -0.186065200
## 2614   1.086622200  0.535480500
## 2615  -0.173532010  0.019841194
## 2616  -0.108417510 -0.259603980
## 2617  -0.097267630  0.020264149
## 2618  -0.086498260  0.063682556
## 2619  -0.006519795  0.298698900
## 2620   0.030586720  0.118244170
## 2621  -0.055659294  0.000000000
## 2622   0.035417080 -0.018918991
## 2623  -0.439009670 -0.550868500
## 2624  -0.223279000 -0.181159020
## 2625  -0.303255080 -0.170976640
## 2626  -0.127726550 -0.037464140
## 2627   0.000000000 -0.239865780
## 2628   0.006467819 -0.347341540
## 2629  -0.184515950 -0.196015360
## 2630   0.030839443  0.120052814
## 2631  -0.100823880 -0.043133260
## 2632  -0.019580364  0.345097540
## 2633  -0.225439070 -0.031092644
## 2634   1.459199000  1.493770600
## 2635  -0.142103670  0.074877260
## 2636  -0.081905840 -0.012826920
## 2637   0.131932740 -0.106737140
## 2638  -0.000217000  0.194827080
## 2639  -0.055066110  0.066926480
## 2640   0.294744970  0.000000000
## 2641   4.058065400  3.949665000
## 2642  -0.132259370 -0.136437900
## 2643  -0.160429000 -0.222967620
## 2644  -0.100275990 -0.085603240
## 2645   0.783950300  0.480842600
## 2646   0.000000000 -0.002176762
## 2647   0.068834305  0.025272846
## 2648   0.132623670  0.045311928
## 2649  -0.237738130  0.181318280
## 2650   0.434029580  0.412997250
## 2651   0.457252030  0.746179100
## 2652   0.197088240  0.470747950
## 2653   0.010622501 -0.043915270
## 2654   0.072395800 -0.005558491
## 2655   0.013009072  0.104769468
## 2656   0.052142620  0.000000000
## 2657  -0.144870760 -0.406338700
## 2658  -0.118077280  0.021153450
## 2659  -0.447462075 -0.257640170
## 2660  -1.051204200 -1.489181000
## 2661   0.124847410 -0.083914760
## 2662  -0.014673233  0.153307440
## 2663  -0.151546960 -0.435956000
## 2664  -0.689634300 -0.913054470
## 2665  -0.176007750  0.052145004
## 2666  -0.310104370 -0.155776980
## 2667   0.016314983 -0.026576996
## 2668   0.001389504 -0.020080090
## 2669  -0.222617150  0.000000000
## 2670   0.120779992 -0.060376170
## 2671  -0.365579130  0.039477825
## 2672   0.000000000 -0.036828040
## 2673  -0.084680080 -0.112093925
## 2674   0.000000000  0.188514230
## 2675  -0.018431187  0.030990600
## 2676   0.021346569 -0.155255800
## 2677  -0.101370335  0.040443420
## 2678  -0.169183730  0.209416390
## 2679   0.233601570  0.150487420
## 2680            NA           NA
## 2681  -0.523719300 -0.032962322
## 2682   0.281565670  0.194793220
## 2683  -0.068979740  0.124571800
## 2684   0.150085930 -0.148136140
## 2685  -0.012650967  0.000603000
## 2686  -0.180614470 -0.325305460
## 2687   0.000000000 -0.012712956
## 2688  -0.086187360  0.501067640
## 2689   0.215251685  0.061821697
## 2690   0.000000000 -0.302956580
## 2691   0.250431540 -0.170822140
## 2692   1.017666300  1.295359600
## 2693   0.460725780  0.306882380
## 2694   0.744911200  1.436803300
## 2695  -0.094634530  0.165679930
## 2696   0.115672590 -0.063990590
## 2697  -0.061886787 -0.161467550
## 2698  -0.093756676  0.073638916
## 2699  -0.015775204  0.011197090
## 2700  -0.045080185 -0.168987750
## 2701  -0.032380818 -0.303124420
## 2702   0.064142704 -0.192966940
## 2703  -0.093534470 -0.135152340
## 2704   0.077023980 -0.069303036
## 2705  -0.115489480  0.000000000
## 2706  -0.051338673 -0.113501070
## 2707  -0.055673600 -0.134968760
## 2708   0.035624980  0.036339283
## 2709   0.006072998 -0.179711820
## 2710   0.120958805 -0.025215626
## 2711  -0.030452728 -0.086774350
## 2712   0.000000000 -0.050323486
## 2713   0.510056265  0.283884290
## 2714   0.003813267  0.000000000
## 2715   0.012104511 -0.046607494
## 2716  -0.032165527  0.023993492
## 2717  -0.123082640  0.164325710
## 2718   0.008803845  0.016309738
## 2719   0.120065690  0.039186478
## 2720   0.126410010  0.064795020
## 2721  -0.078549860  0.095232010
## 2722   0.000000000 -0.037710667
## 2723  -0.036432266 -0.011733532
## 2724  -0.066502094 -0.004664898
## 2725  -0.048583030  0.006120682
## 2726   0.226282600  0.099533080
## 2727   0.081130980  0.094167230
## 2728  -0.017277240  0.189797400
## 2729  -0.111413000  0.075776100
## 2730   0.117914200  1.441884000
## 2731   0.069599630 -0.015286922
## 2732  -0.715677260 -0.850776700
## 2733  -0.008524418 -0.040955067
## 2734  -0.187053680 -0.011354923
## 2735  -0.090688230 -0.140018940
## 2736  -0.002267838 -0.065969944
## 2737   0.256179330 -0.043509483
## 2738  -0.097567080 -0.021036625
## 2739  -0.010581017 -0.009564400
## 2740   0.000000000  0.036527634
## 2741  -0.029884338 -0.014838219
## 2742   0.001856804  0.084420204
## 2743   0.241420750  0.273119930
## 2744   0.120716811  0.162647725
## 2745  -0.061897755  0.004888535
## 2746   0.059280396 -0.103538510
## 2747   1.124492600  1.059590300
## 2748   0.005396843  0.136687280
## 2749   0.006222248 -0.111234665
## 2750   0.136121750  0.174991610
## 2751   0.078537465  0.109667780
## 2752  -0.032344818  0.202481270
## 2753   0.000000000 -0.096566200
## 2754  -0.130856990 -0.037635326
## 2755  -0.005583763  0.013095856
## 2756  -1.182817000 -0.984711650
## 2757  -0.007684708  0.003113270
## 2758   0.108605385  0.306598660
## 2759  -0.167774680  0.009130001
## 2760  -0.017581940 -0.056357384
## 2761   0.332771300  0.214664460
## 2762   0.061077595 -0.064202785
## 2763   0.168309210  0.114334110
## 2764  -0.127598760 -0.121890070
## 2765  -0.020592213  0.050834656
## 2766   0.001855373 -0.125320430
## 2767  -0.027976990 -0.054893494
## 2768   0.287433620  0.000000000
## 2769   0.202628140  0.550482750
## 2770   0.153077130  0.471861840
## 2771   0.031821250  0.247639180
## 2772  -0.052835464  0.179609780
## 2773   0.042308330 -0.118379590
## 2774   0.085861680 -0.352550500
## 2775  -0.237744810 -0.072134970
## 2776  -0.074686050  0.030376434
## 2777  -0.291618350  0.178729060
## 2778   0.044705868 -0.058861732
## 2779   0.153639800  0.122478485
## 2780   0.080093384 -0.003607750
## 2781  -0.105018140 -0.026415348
## 2782  -0.110128283  0.283761860
## 2783   0.160247800  0.020149231
## 2784   0.376082420 -0.078335760
## 2785  -0.063586235 -0.147230150
## 2786   0.158151150  0.016013145
## 2787  -0.072666170  0.031148910
## 2788   0.000000000 -0.317730900
## 2789   0.432439800  0.324835300
## 2790  -0.308022500 -0.391546250
## 2791   0.160123830 -0.045061590
## 2792  -0.003882409  0.028013945
## 2793  -0.057535170  0.296525480
## 2794   0.310472000  0.173794270
## 2795   0.000403000  0.000000000
## 2796  -0.095008375 -0.052194692
## 2797   0.488677980  0.454266550
## 2798  -0.161702160 -0.149882320
## 2799  -0.067626950 -0.254971980
## 2800  -0.050163270  0.160234930
## 2801  -0.234205250 -0.114823340
## 2802  -0.002890587  0.081776620
## 2803   0.016671180  0.023723602
## 2804   0.050374030  0.339082720
## 2805  -0.000472000 -0.097031120
## 2806  -0.107301710  0.032600403
## 2807   0.059752940 -0.105228424
## 2808  -0.130296230 -0.032469273
## 2809  -0.139881130 -0.240972040
## 2810  -0.003705979 -0.051269055
## 2811  -0.012473106 -0.185789110
## 2812  -0.195923330 -0.062487602
## 2813  -0.168704990 -0.016271591
## 2814  -0.001586437  0.018668175
## 2815  -0.011230469  0.014373779
## 2816   0.071386814 -0.036684513
## 2817   0.049386980 -0.107346535
## 2818  -0.136501310  0.319602000
## 2819  -0.316410060  0.230948450
## 2820  -0.465331080 -0.114222530
## 2821  -1.768056900 -1.014988900
## 2822  -0.136568070 -0.237617970
## 2823   0.030843735  0.143594740
## 2824  -0.018546105 -0.084192993
## 2825  -0.646407100 -0.693851500
## 2826   0.000000000  0.052106857
## 2827   0.608632560  0.110779760
## 2828   2.996334000  3.015792800
## 2829  -0.038712025  0.089272020
## 2830   0.353552820  0.208937170
## 2831  -0.044198036 -0.201617240
## 2832   0.175987720 -0.068941120
## 2833  -0.101696970 -0.472768780
## 2834   0.007572174  0.000000000
## 2835  -0.074157715 -0.015049458
## 2836   0.047317028  0.249960190
## 2837  -0.322031970 -0.201232910
## 2838  -0.007553577  0.110305786
## 2839  -0.072222710  0.337726600
## 2840   0.225292200  0.000000000
## 2841   0.069884780  0.036317825
## 2842   0.036177635 -0.304826740
## 2843   0.397159580  0.217983250
## 2844  -0.541958800 -0.346392630
## 2845   0.041395187 -0.240308760
## 2846   0.297751430 -0.120889660
## 2847   0.125522610  0.011907578
## 2848  -0.193478580 -0.037198544
## 2849   0.583289150  0.290006640
## 2850   0.071072100 -0.217837330
## 2851  -0.116034030 -0.508409500
## 2852   0.016676903 -0.008233547
## 2853   0.375592700 -0.024090290
## 2854   0.000000000 -1.266866700
## 2855  -0.062342644 -0.219748020
## 2856   0.000000000 -0.218524930
## 2857  -0.000818000  0.293721680
## 2858  -0.143759730  0.023259163
## 2859  -0.144269940 -0.385695460
## 2860  -0.235484120 -0.004384041
## 2861   0.036279680  0.342056750
## 2862   2.041710900  0.716087800
## 2863  -0.270230770 -0.145752900
## 2864  -0.041504384 -0.048124788
## 2865   0.252292630  0.186347010
## 2866   0.453261380  0.099435805
## 2867  -0.260363580 -0.518323900
## 2868   0.036155224 -0.037220000
## 2869  -0.081892970  0.345472340
## 2870  -0.044752120  0.043748856
## 2871   0.082503320 -0.007618904
## 2872  -0.043112755  0.055216790
## 2873   0.017240524  0.095879080
## 2874   0.049532890 -0.431982040
## 2875  -0.117068290 -0.186797620
## 2876   1.559572200  1.315225600
## 2877   0.821205140  0.798516300
## 2878   0.000000000 -0.003169537
## 2879   0.243023873 -0.201918365
## 2880   0.062589962  0.089891433
## 2881  -0.110524180  0.435809140
## 2882   0.223114970  0.199379920
## 2883   0.310614600  0.653954500
## 2884  -0.096655370 -0.069208620
## 2885   0.101662160  0.173763750
## 2886  -0.141483300  0.024516106
## 2887   0.069463730 -0.012894630
## 2888   0.129916190  0.157181260
## 2889   0.000669000 -0.031915665
## 2890  -0.297507300 -0.348464000
## 2891   0.000000000 -0.228571890
## 2892  -0.069921020 -0.189293860
## 2893  -0.571596150 -0.717334750
## 2894   0.190851210 -0.003080368
## 2895  -0.173689840  0.000000000
## 2896  -0.017251015  0.226078030
## 2897   0.256540780  0.788387300
## 2898  -0.100424288  0.099546532
## 2899  -0.236340050  0.000000000
## 2900  -0.142833710 -0.296274200
## 2901   0.008147717  0.260229100
## 2902   0.257126330 -0.154196740
## 2903  -0.084946630  0.205120560
## 2904   0.043630600  0.162233350
## 2905   0.081006048 -0.085573913
## 2906   0.187837120  0.332237240
## 2907   0.005948305 -0.012952805
## 2908  -0.055475235 -0.200655940
## 2909   0.021367073 -0.158711430
## 2910   0.003815174 -0.001022339
## 2911  -0.029632092  0.235620500
## 2912  -0.227714540  0.000000000
## 2913   0.222013475  0.470315697
## 2914  -0.109735490 -0.096126080
## 2915  -0.005029202  0.053532600
## 2916  -0.424711230 -0.364887240
## 2917   0.000000000  0.016283989
## 2918  -0.098171234 -0.069077970
## 2919   0.151044370 -0.037678720
## 2920  -0.005743980 -0.053305150
## 2921  -0.464326860  0.000000000
## 2922  -0.151880740  0.110536100
## 2923   0.065588000 -0.088566780
## 2924  -0.174201010 -0.375333300
## 2925  -0.092230320  0.467832570
## 2926  -0.072103500  0.056674480
## 2927  -0.026260853  0.028654575
## 2928   0.001950741  0.020214558
## 2929  -0.125161170  0.188049320
## 2930   0.244402890  1.089605300
## 2931  -0.129095793 -0.237926005
## 2932  -0.153287890  0.010437012
## 2933  -0.067720890  0.114383220
## 2934  -0.018571377  0.104789734
## 2935   0.361966130 -0.075750350
## 2936  -0.292488570 -0.732999800
## 2937  -0.111724850 -0.125573640
## 2938   0.449534420  0.147521970
## 2939   0.014962196  0.112924576
## 2940  -0.033292770 -0.152328970
## 2941   0.065081120 -0.189977170
## 2942  -0.144774440 -0.030207157
## 2943  -0.121664050  0.020971298
## 2944   0.003066063  0.141253470
## 2945   0.712651250  0.622440340
## 2946   0.020565033  0.453419200
## 2947  -0.294297220 -0.098845960
## 2948   0.200735570  0.396506300
## 2949   0.148142340  0.055296898
## 2950   0.071511270  0.157531260
## 2951  -0.012660503 -0.041084766
## 2952   0.000000000  0.082985400
## 2953  -0.012549400 -0.121080875
## 2954   0.196564200 -0.067466260
## 2955   0.011035919  0.000000000
## 2956  -0.001268864  0.033377647
## 2957  -0.358368870  0.034433840
## 2958  -0.043128967  0.000000000
## 2959  -0.130021570 -0.024654865
## 2960  -0.141395090  0.000000000
## 2961  -0.334255220  0.010893822
## 2962  -0.225499150  0.025637627
## 2963   0.000000000  0.005441666
## 2964  -0.090377810 -0.043798923
## 2965  -0.052827835 -0.042747498
## 2966   0.000000000  0.191415790
## 2967  -0.048686504 -0.069834230
## 2968   0.505561800 -0.187594410
## 2969  -0.147813800 -0.123466015
## 2970  -0.183249000 -0.296489720
## 2971  -0.148647310 -0.232822900
## 2972  -0.060812473 -0.081199170
## 2973  -0.172373770 -0.182758810
## 2974   0.124825480  0.220573430
## 2975   0.145184040  0.029107094
## 2976  -0.211836340 -0.067837240
## 2977  -0.064617160  0.017011166
## 2978   0.035642147 -0.032737732
## 2979  -0.094491005 -0.158819680
## 2980   0.352469440 -0.647176270
## 2981   0.001449108  0.000755000
## 2982   0.245007040  0.000000000
## 2983  -0.531679630 -0.091858864
## 2984   0.111338615  0.097671510
## 2985  -0.101862910 -0.019448280
## 2986  -0.292173400 -0.468385220
## 2987   0.052985190 -0.439106000
## 2988   0.081454280  0.009914398
## 2989  -0.014085770  0.075676440
## 2990  -0.060066223 -0.565417770
## 2991  -0.021905422 -0.000293000
## 2992  -0.350247860 -0.304828170
## 2993  -0.030254840 -0.043402670
## 2994   0.078377250 -0.004840374
## 2995   0.005328655  0.004819870
## 2996  -0.049470425 -0.160104270
## 2997   0.004399777  0.037110330
## 2998   0.015098572  0.111828804
## 2999  -0.009777546  0.083388805
## 3000   0.113687515  0.225342750
## 3001   0.039552690  0.248486520
## 3002   0.298665995 -0.014250756
## 3003   0.000000000  0.061895847
## 3004   0.000000000 -0.498886600
## 3005   0.303528300 -0.097558020
## 3006   0.000000000 -0.226312640
## 3007   0.072228430 -0.202984810
## 3008  -0.574218750 -0.449221600
## 3009  -0.435705660 -0.463943000
## 3010   0.000000000  0.240738390
## 3011   0.043651104 -0.194999220
## 3012  -0.079427720 -0.028561115
## 3013  -0.426720620 -0.310249330
## 3014  -0.188320160  0.140162470
## 3015   0.005895138 -0.047074318
## 3016  -0.018048286  0.053255080
## 3017  -0.088894844  0.000000000
## 3018  -0.092622760  0.228968140
## 3019  -0.271068100  0.281875130
## 3020  -0.267937180 -0.151257990
## 3021   0.072663784 -0.168630600
## 3022  -0.001430512  0.049542904
## 3023  -0.041606903  0.024818420
## 3024   0.089239120 -0.046506880
## 3025  -0.039064884 -0.027867317
## 3026   0.057084560  0.047766210
## 3027   0.006526470  0.033881187
## 3028   0.244673250 -0.093565464
## 3029  -0.098265650 -0.062647820
## 3030   0.081419470  0.013933659
## 3031  -0.007314682  0.190321920
## 3032   1.913257600  0.749821660
## 3033   0.000000000  0.031857967
## 3034  -0.076344970 -0.019389153
## 3035  -0.697988500  0.063778400
## 3036   1.132242200  1.391208600
## 3037   0.189050670  0.175952910
## 3038  -0.015236378 -0.008887291
## 3039   0.710946100 -0.153174400
## 3040   0.143884660 -0.005126000
## 3041  -0.342171670 -0.075201035
## 3042   0.000000000 -0.065119270
## 3043   0.238874200  0.328836910
## 3044   0.001983643 -0.027995586
## 3045   0.653141500 -0.115883350
## 3046  -0.839741700 -0.980848300
## 3047   0.138196950 -0.222493170
## 3048   0.135318760  0.106331825
## 3049   0.237319950  0.170872690
## 3050  -0.196655035  0.358428715
## 3051   0.094268320 -0.189402580
## 3052   0.323843480  0.011502266
## 3053   0.051702976 -0.050325394
## 3054  -0.198034760  0.068323135
## 3055  -0.148036960 -0.047822475
## 3056   0.003170013 -0.000915000
## 3057  -0.190182210  0.085281370
## 3058   0.046368122 -0.018839836
## 3059   0.085291860  0.029332161
## 3060   0.159271720  0.072760580
## 3061  -0.112386230 -0.062872410
## 3062   0.045067310 -0.133589270
## 3063  -0.211209108 -0.222659874
## 3064   0.094782830  0.807595250
## 3065   0.000000000 -0.061719894
## 3066   0.288732530  0.259544973
## 3067  -0.087799550  0.070414070
## 3068  -0.096622470  0.012439251
## 3069  -0.346385480  0.067826975
## 3070   0.044275284  0.021800518
## 3071  -0.028393269 -0.024451733
## 3072   0.139332770 -0.056335926
## 3073  -0.350584980 -0.112714290
## 3074   0.051132680 -0.074777130
## 3075   0.327727800  0.000000000
## 3076  -0.089694980 -0.010168076
## 3077   0.366451740  0.146529200
## 3078  -0.050796510  0.055099487
## 3079   0.000000000  0.055712700
## 3080   0.276761050 -0.040058136
## 3081   0.302316670  0.307356830
## 3082   0.027014256 -0.042634010
## 3083  -0.140249730  0.085811140
## 3084   1.064515757 -0.319991117
## 3085  -0.059174060  0.142860410
## 3086   0.000000000 -0.316719530
## 3087   0.040363310 -0.002917767
## 3088  -0.410505300  0.009684563
## 3089   1.389001800  1.364545800
## 3090   0.824060440  0.729688640
## 3091   0.153615000  0.425061700
## 3092  -0.555865760 -0.166576390
## 3093  -0.212469580 -0.320021150
## 3094   0.202801230  0.383295060
## 3095   0.044899940 -0.091536520
## 3096   0.275650980 -0.057838440
## 3097  -0.146444320 -0.195854190
## 3098   0.107407570 -0.399100780
## 3099  -0.073459624 -0.164887905
## 3100  -0.284605030 -0.418007850
## 3101  -0.093628410 -0.058919430
## 3102   0.229409220  0.033443450
## 3103  -0.059371950  0.530682560
## 3104   0.263756750  0.402227870
## 3105  -0.127394680 -0.032919884
## 3106   0.093483925  0.224319460
## 3107  -0.462577820 -0.216423990
## 3108   0.389426230  0.669886600
## 3109   0.707551000  0.489731800
## 3110  -0.434631350 -0.624655250
## 3111  -0.072016716 -0.207036020
## 3112  -0.027304650  0.046103000
## 3113   0.244599820 -0.067883015
## 3114  -0.039344310  0.042034626
## 3115   0.209994800 -0.294837950
## 3116  -0.147080900  0.101413730
## 3117   0.044477463 -0.139728550
## 3118   0.052711010 -0.169012310
## 3119  -0.034296990 -0.025105476
## 3120  -0.228519440  0.000000000
## 3121  -0.074657440 -0.006090641
## 3122  -0.455792900  0.004996777
## 3123  -0.092741966 -0.900521760
## 3124   0.090524670  0.263412000
## 3125   0.454247000 -0.163568020
## 3126   0.008713373 -0.011730905
## 3127  -0.255601400 -0.041295530
## 3128   0.110385895  0.057279587
## 3129  -0.122776985  0.260290150
## 3130   0.048913002  0.484407420
## 3131  -0.173923490  0.382791520
## 3132   0.057575226  0.366832730
## 3133   0.000000000  0.804874400
## 3134  -0.155355930 -0.065957070
## 3135   0.037298203  0.791068100
## 3136  -0.076103210  0.613536830
## 3137   0.170526980  0.687125200
## 3138  -0.164129260  0.034270287
## 3139  -0.033730507 -0.074744700
## 3140   0.865850900  0.385387900
## 3141  -0.051397800 -0.553886400
## 3142   0.407808785  0.228828905
## 3143  -0.148822310  0.018653870
## 3144  -0.143891810 -0.102341650
## 3145  -0.306415080 -0.082235810
## 3146  -0.593602200 -0.528979300
## 3147  -0.215367320 -0.182899480
## 3148   0.093513966  0.045917988
## 3149   0.079595566 -0.001633167
## 3150   0.000000000  0.213218690
## 3151  -0.195699210 -0.451364520
## 3152  -0.081806180 -0.157961850
## 3153   0.018282890 -0.157120700
## 3154  -0.065326690 -0.286345480
## 3155   0.024964333  0.000000000
## 3156   0.024755478  0.064702990
## 3157  -0.024209023 -0.106559280
## 3158   0.007878780 -0.004612446
## 3159  -0.088373184 -0.079677580
## 3160  -0.033718110 -0.001156330
## 3161  -0.006780624  0.070416450
## 3162  -0.076220510  0.080722330
## 3163   0.093347070 -0.082127094
## 3164  -0.139360900  0.166445260
## 3165   0.025405884  0.051185130
## 3166  -0.004418850  0.025224686
## 3167  -0.197370530 -0.053225040
## 3168   0.215680120  0.007744312
## 3169  -0.168593880  0.048252106
## 3170   0.001495838 -0.098845960
## 3171   0.313513280  0.000000000
## 3172  -1.277299900 -0.343317030
## 3173  -0.029251099 -0.161969180
## 3174   0.302125930  0.000000000
## 3175   0.058575631  0.042276144
## 3176   0.012504578 -0.140170570
## 3177  -0.179929730 -0.200375560
## 3178  -0.179194930  0.023504257
## 3179   0.008306503 -0.114234450
## 3180  -0.177576070 -0.200380330
## 3181  -0.007457733 -0.091715810
## 3182   0.009431362  0.099546910
## 3183   0.073266980 -0.218491550
## 3184  -0.099103450  0.031116486
## 3185   1.300435500  1.607802900
## 3186  -0.138360500  0.189750200
## 3187  -0.286660200  0.058067320
## 3188  -0.195006370  0.049578667
## 3189   0.180108070  0.020783424
## 3190   1.645720500  1.743108700
## 3191   0.129436970  0.000000000
## 3192   0.000000000  0.276545520
## 3193  -0.075149060 -0.272175300
## 3194  -0.223118300  0.245132450
## 3195   0.498511300  0.316607480
## 3196  -0.052529335 -0.087418080
## 3197   0.036078930  0.034937860
## 3198   0.047607900 -0.021467209
## 3199  -0.059350490  0.000000000
## 3200  -0.074151990 -0.236788270
## 3201  -0.076308730  0.516608240
## 3202  -0.348847400 -0.221662520
## 3203   0.218721390 -0.182263850
## 3204   0.000000000  0.015061855
## 3205   0.108692646 -0.189031120
## 3206  -0.090623856  0.125509260
## 3207   0.260615830  0.000000000
## 3208   0.392121320 -0.636599060
## 3209   0.084451200 -0.077030180
## 3210  -0.199076180 -0.238558290
## 3211   0.100430965  0.066801550
## 3212   0.110653880 -0.955771450
## 3213  -0.528185840 -0.347566130
## 3214  -0.116793630  0.109537125
## 3215   0.023305416 -0.094688416
## 3216  -0.111598490 -0.137007240
## 3217  -0.349878800 -0.110645770
## 3218  -0.765602600 -1.557525200
## 3219  -0.236002450 -0.169720170
## 3220  -0.169788840  0.000000000
## 3221  -0.037225485  0.023793935
## 3222   0.535824800  0.564999600
## 3223  -0.462146280 -0.267801760
## 3224   0.018525124 -0.184523100
## 3225  -0.017138481  0.084540370
## 3226  -0.002399445 -0.022544384
## 3227  -0.074834820 -0.203729630
## 3228   0.035620690  0.044292450
## 3229  -0.130103110  0.133185390
## 3230   0.446792600  0.277925500
## 3231  -0.013131619  0.000000000
## 3232   0.214507100  0.000000000
## 3233   0.184013370 -0.566399600
## 3234   0.121778010 -0.013057709
## 3235  -0.230127330  0.000000000
## 3236   0.150885105  0.109834670
## 3237  -0.391248700 -0.382718100
## 3238  -1.082805600 -1.356318500
## 3239  -0.678650400 -0.856778600
## 3240   0.000000000 -0.020082474
## 3241   0.124049190 -0.137978080
## 3242   0.119840620 -0.265542980
## 3243  -0.091791150 -0.534497260
## 3244   0.068646670  0.072412020
## 3245   0.019251347 -0.085783480
## 3246  -0.120177270 -0.285778520
## 3247  -0.405402180 -0.702890400
## 3248   0.143695350  0.116775036
## 3249   0.121879580  0.701679200
## 3250  -0.148750300  0.026232720
## 3251  -0.437031750 -0.228680610
## 3252   0.005749703  0.010249138
## 3253   0.283518800  0.401356700
## 3254   0.386807440  0.481398580
## 3255   0.321732520 -0.109511850
## 3256   0.277725700  0.582673550
## 3257   0.758710860  0.321136470
## 3258   0.190237050  1.163675300
## 3259   0.137040140  0.671361900
## 3260  -0.063986300 -0.024093390
## 3261   0.050036430 -0.219767570
## 3262   0.389189720  0.000000000
## 3263  -0.340693000 -0.362072940
## 3264  -0.035264545  0.006393221
## 3265   0.211037640 -0.139556880
## 3266  -0.242696290  0.038627148
## 3267  -0.207063670  0.067638400
## 3268   0.296369550  0.095159530
## 3269   0.026648521 -0.004954338
## 3270  -0.039383410  0.000000000
## 3271   0.039246082 -0.074265960
## 3272   0.000000000  0.099453926
## 3273  -0.795868900 -0.886322500
## 3274   0.000000000 -0.177467820
## 3275   0.024115562 -0.001274586
## 3276   0.077511310  0.042139530
## 3277  -0.297588350 -0.283909800
## 3278   0.025190353 -0.017075539
## 3279   0.201053140  0.488161100
## 3280   0.055664062  0.007924080
## 3281   2.124588500  2.051362500
## 3282   0.191438200 -0.006335735
## 3283  -0.087360860  0.184197430
## 3284   0.062225340 -0.009835243
## 3285   0.022046328  0.002466917
## 3286   0.000000000  0.037284374
## 3287   0.628926300  0.075289250
## 3288  -0.103155136  0.037670612
## 3289  -0.078904150  0.147597790
## 3290   1.028131500  1.230668100
## 3291  -0.186559680 -0.069879533
## 3292  -0.038929940 -0.077479840
## 3293   0.032765390 -0.141193390
## 3294  -0.192406180  0.241453170
## 3295   0.445274350  0.386520400
## 3296   0.046882630 -0.078609940
## 3297  -0.016196250 -0.047094822
## 3298   0.038946630 -0.140378000
## 3299   0.026229858  0.032854080
## 3300  -0.019238949  0.042985916
## 3301   0.033119200 -0.003336906
## 3302   0.050395490  0.067411420
## 3303   0.196645740  0.438199520
## 3304  -0.125003810  0.098960880
## 3305  -0.129855630  0.022557259
## 3306   0.566316600  0.498566630
## 3307   0.133504870 -0.383790020
## 3308   0.460364330  0.186058520
## 3309   0.305197720  0.348977100
## 3310   0.674657607  0.185848000
## 3311  -0.203977580  0.152556420
## 3312   0.561325550  1.241444600
## 3313   0.214366440  0.000000000
## 3314   0.185708050  0.218000410
## 3315   0.203147890  0.422846800
## 3316   0.000000000 -0.077130795
## 3317   0.626348500  0.456102370
## 3318  -0.019027710  0.008955002
## 3319  -0.009630203  0.295764450
## 3320   0.018406868 -0.064624785
## 3321  -0.188659190 -0.240945340
## 3322   0.035684110 -0.094754220
## 3323   0.031883240 -0.065258026
## 3324  -0.214076520 -0.444170950
## 3325   0.000000000 -0.148082260
## 3326   0.094608310 -0.018995285
## 3327   0.052471638 -0.153470040
## 3328  -0.074197290  0.092633724
## 3329  -0.376189230 -0.357867720
## 3330  -0.902821060 -1.031046400
## 3331  -0.693190820  0.052588935
## 3332  -0.131174090  0.019877434
## 3333   0.006529808  0.010907173
## 3334   0.350697040  0.358143330
## 3335   0.138754370  0.028383732
## 3336   0.422565695 -0.080744030
## 3337  -0.181121350 -0.284008500
## 3338  -0.011528969 -0.096508026
## 3339  -0.404411800  0.087665080
## 3340   0.614015600  2.361283300
## 3341  -0.066013335 -0.356698035
## 3342   1.684754400  1.902897800
## 3343  -0.020759583  0.018599510
## 3344  -0.035802843 -0.030957224
## 3345  -0.259830470  0.000000000
## 3346   0.079892635 -0.103927135
## 3347  -0.731073400 -0.890720840
## 3348  -0.061044216 -0.130924220
## 3349  -0.394279960 -0.009720326
## 3350   0.057414530  0.040514470
## 3351  -0.261336330 -0.175905700
## 3352  -0.259229660 -0.340540900
## 3353   0.081892010  0.083749294
## 3354   0.392467980  1.168850900
## 3355  -0.011054993  0.024469376
## 3356  -0.113356110  0.060276510
## 3357  -0.274599550  0.144840240
## 3358   0.322187420  0.272236820
## 3359   0.196645260 -0.142219540
## 3360  -0.113457200 -0.265899660
## 3361  -0.100627425  0.011381148
## 3362   0.072862150  0.000000000
## 3363   0.000000000  0.048689842
## 3364   0.031534670 -0.008113861
## 3365  -0.220458980 -0.134983540
## 3366   0.161242960 -0.396956440
## 3367   0.285606380  0.236890800
## 3368   0.040588380 -0.067400930
## 3369   0.096625330  0.023822784
## 3370   0.023002625  0.010601044
## 3371   0.017150879  0.043859960
## 3372   0.032131195  0.125142100
## 3373   0.000000000 -0.004796028
## 3374   0.154733180 -0.084180355
## 3375  -0.076688770  0.005836487
## 3376   0.015831947 -0.049856663
## 3377   0.616058800 -0.105549335
## 3378  -0.090420246  0.095184326
## 3379   0.130682470 -0.011199474
## 3380   0.000822000 -0.063634870
## 3381   0.000000000 -0.111339570
## 3382  -0.405242440  0.091868400
## 3383  -0.332804680  0.241982940
## 3384  -0.261756900 -0.134875770
## 3385   0.266461370  0.260821340
## 3386   0.053115845 -0.006283760
## 3387   0.841010600  1.479344800
## 3388  -0.066317560  0.147536280
## 3389   0.019287110 -0.157587050
## 3390  -0.046308040  0.004872799
## 3391   0.009511948 -0.031438350
## 3392   0.085798260  0.087447640
## 3393   0.045858383  0.023190022
## 3394   0.073025700  0.126067160
## 3395   0.023248433 -0.165919780
## 3396   0.211610320 -0.238865850
## 3397   0.180222030 -0.124092580
## 3398  -0.020452500  0.089690685
## 3399  -0.008396626  0.026629448
## 3400  -0.018546581 -0.003070831
## 3401  -0.051114560  0.067669870
## 3402  -0.011038780 -0.084984300
## 3403   0.218535420 -0.004593372
## 3404  -0.058798790 -0.067680836
## 3405   0.206387520  0.098374840
## 3406  -0.238482000 -0.622129900
## 3407   0.208137510 -0.643153670
## 3408   0.406196120 -0.270994200
## 3409   0.380701540 -0.488061430
## 3410  -0.113389015 -0.076351640
## 3411   0.150546070 -0.143719670
## 3412   0.233819010 -1.033435800
## 3413  -0.034897804 -0.311410900
## 3414  -0.082664490 -0.092350960
## 3415  -0.323719980 -0.152210240
## 3416  -0.089728590 -0.513665680
## 3417   0.087987420  0.105133060
## 3418  -0.336211680  0.110504630
## 3419   0.142549510  0.037901400
## 3420  -0.116039750 -0.104939940
## 3421  -0.139667030 -0.264025700
## 3422   0.216392040  0.145908360
## 3423  -0.091003420  0.023627281
## 3424   0.183825020  0.446391580
## 3425   0.175596710  0.345974450
## 3426   0.344202520 -0.193982120
## 3427  -0.090257645  0.135249140
## 3428  -0.046655655  0.410598280
## 3429  -0.071694370 -0.070664405
## 3430   0.075967790  0.359469400
## 3431   0.173233990 -0.008996487
## 3432  -0.238317010 -0.339993480
## 3433  -0.679876627 -0.264371708
## 3434   0.244922160  0.005056381
## 3435   0.031332016 -0.047460556
## 3436   0.066012858  0.146108787
## 3437   0.827755000  0.097451690
## 3438  -0.416690350 -1.081527200
## 3439   0.147219660 -0.479403970
## 3440  -0.320224760 -0.585768200
## 3441   0.372807500 -0.371510980
## 3442  -0.046510696 -0.329422000
## 3443  -0.352615360 -0.342891700
## 3444  -0.593836800 -0.464280130
## 3445  -0.264929300  0.000000000
## 3446   0.050531387  0.002418995
## 3447  -0.062313557 -0.801877500
## 3448   0.000000000 -0.310854900
## 3449  -0.069155690  0.182971480
## 3450  -0.314482700 -0.190969470
## 3451   0.068589690 -0.012174130
## 3452   0.033015250  0.101184845
## 3453   0.000000000  0.015782356
## 3454  -0.053253412  0.058721781
## 3455   0.199869630  0.255572320
## 3456   0.167554380 -0.505027800
## 3457  -0.395030980 -0.373642920
## 3458   0.059731007 -0.141942020
## 3459   0.515371300 -0.048605920
## 3460   0.080328940  0.025082588
## 3461   0.000000000  0.038967133
## 3462   0.118108270 -0.153631690
## 3463  -0.009235382 -0.050161840
## 3464  -0.001339436 -0.021164894
## 3465   0.049181460  0.008497238
## 3466  -0.157122140 -0.230980400
## 3467  -0.096759796 -0.054081440
## 3468   0.004228592 -0.041540623
## 3469  -0.017584324 -0.064888000
## 3470  -0.109364508 -0.123806953
## 3471   0.183846950  0.207520010
## 3472   0.022658825 -0.023690224
## 3473  -0.570169000 -0.716276650
## 3474   0.138626580 -0.034179210
## 3475   0.019593716  0.073841095
## 3476  -0.090017796 -0.049049854
## 3477  -0.006607533  0.070133208
## 3478   0.075570110  0.000977000
## 3479  -0.369559300 -0.608760830
## 3480  -0.157021520 -0.068829540
## 3481  -0.143384216 -0.040370227
## 3482  -0.150868420 -0.181789880
## 3483   0.073564050 -0.002330780
## 3484  -0.002585888  0.000000000
## 3485  -0.107228280 -0.000461000
## 3486   1.824475300  1.338442800
## 3487  -0.045429707  0.101100445
## 3488   0.092003820  0.066142080
## 3489  -0.047765255  0.040451050
## 3490   0.037475110 -0.002439976
## 3491   0.285611150  0.225730900
## 3492  -0.084991455 -0.085311890
## 3493   0.174788793  0.503489817
## 3494   0.068639755 -0.103466990
## 3495   0.000000000 -0.059569360
## 3496   0.025227070  0.136177540
## 3497   0.000000000 -0.019689560
## 3498   0.000000000 -0.080387590
## 3499   1.006628000  0.491413120
## 3500  -0.122684956  0.208120350
## 3501   0.070893290 -0.456358900
## 3502   0.141668320  0.276161670
## 3503  -0.366717820 -0.278250700
## 3504  -0.457997320 -0.061386110
## 3505   0.674791800 -0.390786170
## 3506   0.204977040  0.000000000
## 3507   0.266980650 -0.149345870
## 3508  -0.205786230 -0.123547080
## 3509  -0.780227660 -0.501311300
## 3510  -0.074149130  0.096155640
## 3511  -0.215464590  0.335336700
## 3512  -0.089999676 -0.160227300
## 3513  -0.119894028  0.376043000
## 3514   0.010857582 -0.215436940
## 3515   0.160745620 -0.213078500
## 3516   0.580745700 -0.006284950
## 3517  -0.020726680  0.017862797
## 3518  -0.074737550 -0.403698920
## 3519   0.196747780  0.498487470
## 3520   0.000000000  0.241248130
## 3521  -0.000792000  0.021643639
## 3522   0.098819255  0.126347550
## 3523  -0.109513280 -0.293814660
## 3524  -0.041239740  0.086905956
## 3525  -0.055968285  0.000000000
## 3526   0.470817285  0.626795941
## 3527   0.163935660 -0.148071290
## 3528  -0.282246600  0.311251640
## 3529  -0.048491478  0.080972195
## 3530  -0.294695850  0.000000000
## 3531   1.241217600  0.433149340
## 3532   0.038109780  0.350473400
## 3533  -0.291636470 -0.155741690
## 3534  -0.118311405 -0.247341160
## 3535  -0.113123894  0.106213090
## 3536  -0.051019670  0.074644090
## 3537   0.004626751  0.366845600
## 3538  -0.039087296 -0.080080510
## 3539   0.025940895 -0.056617260
## 3540  -0.446804760  0.056271077
## 3541  -0.268502240  0.000000000
## 3542  -0.034184456 -0.056723118
## 3543  -0.102651120 -0.031604767
## 3544  -0.408445360 -0.178190710
## 3545  -0.079644918  0.208206175
## 3546   0.160963060  0.000000000
## 3547   0.006873131 -0.039610863
## 3548   0.266062740  0.481524470
## 3549   0.083896640 -0.151866910
## 3550  -0.036013603 -0.261063580
## 3551   0.070565220  0.168990140
## 3552  -0.157925600  0.000000000
## 3553   0.219751835  0.094125988
## 3554  -0.121998790 -0.141062740
## 3555   0.078533170  0.087997440
## 3556   0.000000000 -0.029189110
## 3557   0.159289360 -0.083185196
## 3558   0.328522200  0.110733510
## 3559   0.052141666  0.304596900
## 3560  -0.599450100 -0.169284820
## 3561   0.096772194  0.031403540
## 3562   0.526274700  1.777437200
## 3563  -0.141606330 -0.019117355
## 3564  -0.187480450 -0.052434920
## 3565  -0.110203266 -0.018885136
## 3566   0.485427380  0.105803010
## 3567  -0.178778650 -0.519891740
## 3568  -0.425945280 -0.042526722
## 3569  -0.187375070  0.082507130
## 3570  -0.036473274 -0.073599815
## 3571   0.169839860  0.115053180
## 3572  -0.049145220 -0.025735855
## 3573  -0.166993620 -0.067558765
## 3574   0.132403370 -0.087104800
## 3575   0.033883095 -0.092449665
## 3576   0.031237602 -0.029011726
## 3577   0.000000000 -0.031828403
## 3578   0.016272545  0.004841328
## 3579  -0.159280780  0.034461500
## 3580  -0.042414190  0.041240692
## 3581   0.136280060 -0.077086926
## 3582   0.000000000 -0.055994510
## 3583   0.042295933  0.091654300
## 3584  -0.002446652  0.048101425
## 3585   0.000000000  0.148441310
## 3586   1.526899800  0.884953000
## 3587  -0.268063070  0.061439037
## 3588  -0.009282112  0.000000000
## 3589   0.000000000  0.077828410
## 3590   0.176653860  0.046308994
## 3591  -0.041570187  0.006243706
## 3592   0.573342300  0.632022860
## 3593  -0.012351990 -0.033198833
## 3594   0.102734090  0.121413710
## 3595  -0.138404850 -0.005993843
## 3596   0.097208020 -0.017569065
## 3597   0.037140846 -0.034700870
## 3598   0.024636269 -0.026048660
## 3599  -0.322608000 -0.432011600
## 3600  -0.111557960  0.028963566
## 3601  -0.030321121  0.003208160
## 3602   0.059010030  0.057240486
## 3603   0.313660140  0.000000000
## 3604   0.000000000 -0.030048370
## 3605   0.054174900  0.004332066
## 3606   0.122068405 -0.139386180
## 3607  -0.033552170 -0.399095060
## 3608   0.058252810 -0.013984680
## 3609   0.216533660 -0.479224200
## 3610  -0.016947746  0.001046181
## 3611  -0.140510560  0.108733180
## 3612  -0.311999320 -0.624990460
## 3613   0.117845535 -0.002204895
## 3614  -0.048138140  0.051024437
## 3615  -0.421140670 -0.604902270
## 3616  -0.279661660 -0.151431560
## 3617   0.012218952  0.095785620
## 3618   0.002102375  0.103366375
## 3619   0.128476140  0.018103600
## 3620  -0.113100530  0.034425735
## 3621   0.000000000 -0.122450830
## 3622   0.055485725 -0.171593670
## 3623  -0.174458030 -0.197544100
## 3624   0.064208984 -0.062401770
## 3625  -0.131516460  0.055629730
## 3626   0.313293460  0.151803970
## 3627   0.400719165 -0.471210970
## 3628  -0.650647160 -0.821665300
## 3629  -0.092606544 -0.265850070
## 3630  -0.563824650 -0.691970800
## 3631   0.168989660 -0.015772343
## 3632  -0.000478000  0.021314144
## 3633   0.007560253 -0.296687600
## 3634  -0.013080597  0.050912380
## 3635  -0.424182420 -0.512437800
## 3636   0.000000000  0.014841080
## 3637  -0.096946720  0.143303870
## 3638  -0.103381634  0.061781406
## 3639   0.163887500 -0.360445980
## 3640  -0.082824710 -0.307783130
## 3641   0.298714640  0.179947850
## 3642  -0.418777470 -0.402809140
## 3643   0.554582600  0.069095610
## 3644  -0.455510620 -0.589403600
## 3645   0.100036620  0.052446843
## 3646  -0.004816055 -0.069493770
## 3647   1.136071200  0.351526740
## 3648  -0.130398750 -0.453363900
## 3649  -0.664085690 -1.512462933
## 3650   0.525164600  0.025372505
## 3651   0.109905240  0.023441315
## 3652   0.200427060  0.051166534
## 3653  -0.097281930 -0.021364212
## 3654   0.117414950 -0.236653330
## 3655  -0.022561073  0.048490524
## 3656  -0.052257060  0.040380000
## 3657  -0.113532540 -0.085921764
## 3658   0.032830238  0.057599070
## 3659  -0.212354660  0.000000000
## 3660   0.000000000 -0.104302410
## 3661  -0.077715400 -0.040791035
## 3662  -0.155183790  0.000000000
## 3663  -0.173751830 -0.172005650
## 3664  -0.222476960  0.148884770
## 3665  -0.016220093 -0.080182076
## 3666   0.464027400 -0.283739100
## 3667  -0.935100560 -0.323477270
## 3668   0.047226430  0.000000000
## 3669  -0.067377570 -0.054461002
## 3670   0.061052800  0.048764230
## 3671  -0.012155295  0.012944460
## 3672   0.114488125  0.164993290
## 3673  -0.106978890  0.015536785
## 3674  -0.196756360 -0.120222090
## 3675  -0.017571450 -0.052962303
## 3676  -0.068606380  0.406998160
## 3677  -0.044899464 -0.023694515
## 3678  -0.147469040 -0.007057667
## 3679   0.000543000  0.053096294
## 3680  -0.142010210  0.068951130
## 3681  -0.119706630 -0.065442560
## 3682  -0.111567974 -0.126357080
## 3683   0.190858360  0.187584880
## 3684   0.043752193  0.055454254
## 3685   0.040973663  0.371368890
## 3686   0.057438850 -0.015880585
## 3687  -0.062515260 -0.170800690
## 3688  -0.066524980 -0.061379910
## 3689  -0.070652960  0.129398350
## 3690   0.000000000  0.025059700
## 3691  -0.128897190  0.000142000
## 3692  -0.040945053  0.040760994
## 3693  -0.088904380 -0.053530216
## 3694  -0.165189270 -0.239950660
## 3695  -0.003428936  0.108570576
## 3696  -0.054594040  0.030671597
## 3697   0.029673100  0.170462130
## 3698   0.027088642 -0.061842920
## 3699   0.537805100  0.330022800
## 3700   0.299967770 -0.259166720
## 3701  -0.078029156  0.163195130
## 3702  -0.080479145 -0.028789997
## 3703   1.516667800  1.277690400
## 3704  -0.298041820  0.259537700
## 3705  -0.115153310 -0.807751660
## 3706  -0.048481464  0.039018154
## 3707  -0.012503147 -0.112003330
## 3708  -0.064596650 -0.198657510
## 3709  -0.078451160 -0.139330390
## 3710  -0.155107020  0.000000000
## 3711   0.245131500  0.160636430
## 3712  -0.110061646  0.237608430
## 3713  -0.036977290 -0.178263660
## 3714  -0.007843494 -0.139823440
## 3715  -0.040047170 -0.073620796
## 3716  -0.007134914  0.007788181
## 3717   0.000000000 -0.157080650
## 3718   0.018212795  0.060163020
## 3719  -0.278562070  0.064668655
## 3720   0.565239400 -0.140823360
## 3721  -0.205562590 -0.090333460
## 3722  -0.226638555 -0.124697447
## 3723  -0.018733501  0.018883228
## 3724  -0.016182900  0.105916500
## 3725  -0.214187620 -0.083992004
## 3726   0.000000000  0.057882310
## 3727   0.003223419 -0.085428240
## 3728   0.006735802  0.051922320
## 3729   0.293505670  0.225651740
## 3730   0.469299320  0.246291640
## 3731   0.201391220  0.326893800
## 3732   0.502978300  0.423336030
## 3733   0.015570164 -0.024406910
## 3734  -0.234591480 -0.173826220
## 3735   0.465543750  0.355819700
## 3736   0.182325360  0.178547380
## 3737  -0.231148720 -0.073179720
## 3738   0.000000000 -0.135036950
## 3739  -0.161587720 -0.044275284
## 3740  -0.332592000  0.241400720
## 3741   0.000000000  0.284093860
## 3742  -0.437952040  0.000000000
## 3743   1.454340900  1.785495800
## 3744   0.000000000 -0.017592430
## 3745  -0.410914900  0.001636505
## 3746   0.031908990 -0.185709000
## 3747  -0.874446400 -0.676844100
## 3748  -0.177202700 -0.329400060
## 3749  -0.095784190  0.046634197
## 3750  -0.364424700  0.215399740
## 3751   0.118177414  0.277313230
## 3752  -0.022254944  0.185248370
## 3753   0.845182400  0.012291431
## 3754   0.049301624 -0.083713530
## 3755   0.156864640  0.068453790
## 3756  -0.048911095 -0.070014950
## 3757   0.086993220 -0.326459880
## 3758  -0.144087790 -0.614518640
## 3759  -0.007449150  0.024037361
## 3760   0.079838750  0.106623170
## 3761   0.088094710  0.087645054
## 3762   0.000663000 -0.133849620
## 3763   0.264175420  0.232901570
## 3764  -0.021210194 -0.127532000
## 3765  -0.030716420  0.150069240
## 3766  -0.286397930  0.040525436
## 3767   0.756911300  0.899109840
## 3768   0.014185905 -0.038567543
## 3769   0.525638600  0.260341640
## 3770  -0.162274600  0.191440820
## 3771  -0.208125110 -0.254533300
## 3772   0.000000000  0.007603645
## 3773   0.259254930  0.053783417
## 3774  -0.071320534 -0.169850830
## 3775  -0.072485450  0.066703800
## 3776   0.136912350  0.208893780
## 3777  -0.411582950 -0.372151370
## 3778   0.172974590 -0.287364960
## 3779  -0.202258590 -0.282454000
## 3780  -0.102794650 -0.031770706
## 3781  -0.865689300 -0.715365400
## 3782   0.198296070 -0.262542250
## 3783  -0.112748146  0.000000000
## 3784  -0.041389465  0.104461670
## 3785  -0.125755790  0.061301230
## 3786  -0.020655212 -0.064067205
## 3787   0.028534890 -0.042531013
## 3788  -0.042463303 -0.159133910
## 3789  -0.016646385  0.036253452
## 3790  -0.852767940 -0.915431500
## 3791   0.184381480  0.010470867
## 3792   0.202078340  0.017207623
## 3793   0.197828300  0.018369675
## 3794   0.189703940  0.203031060
## 3795  -0.139110090 -0.001581669
## 3796  -0.040167810 -0.270573620
## 3797  -0.270316840  0.279462335
## 3798   0.603769300  0.607403760
## 3799  -0.217044830  0.000000000
## 3800   0.000000000 -0.362944600
## 3801   0.442820065 -0.001180411
## 3802  -0.192142960 -0.102290150
## 3803   0.231862070 -0.070585250
## 3804   0.045913220 -0.019571781
## 3805  -0.471235750 -0.125774860
## 3806  -0.249366760  0.237108230
## 3807   0.000000000  0.135434630
## 3808   0.053254128 -0.113493440
## 3809   0.000000000 -0.116425990
## 3810   0.161484720  0.005774498
## 3811   0.000962000  0.031441210
## 3812  -0.206588510 -0.044505836
## 3813  -0.000314000  0.009118080
## 3814  -0.240955350 -0.324889180
## 3815  -0.334031580  0.045062065
## 3816  -0.070439340 -0.062548160
## 3817  -0.398253440 -0.089317320
## 3818   0.000000000  0.070819380
## 3819   0.145303730  0.008802414
## 3820  -0.005513668 -0.364333630
## 3821   1.081780400  0.000000000
## 3822   0.307837960  0.309396270
## 3823   0.644461625  0.834894670
## 3824  -0.253253460 -0.058125020
## 3825  -0.152904033 -0.728323700
## 3826   0.291850100 -0.273290160
## 3827  -0.037959576  0.126840590
## 3828   0.043863458 -0.189814252
## 3829   0.180534360  0.023546219
## 3830  -0.160963060 -0.352307800
## 3831  -0.056922674 -0.120084050
## 3832   0.074718475  0.000000000
## 3833   0.119809150  0.086777690
## 3834   0.038321495  0.215518000
## 3835   0.422369960 -0.200080870
## 3836   0.046281815 -0.075706480
## 3837  -0.190122605  0.047215937
## 3838   0.154963500 -0.509640700
## 3839   0.136790280 -0.263270380
## 3840  -0.062960625 -0.061265470
## 3841  -0.278518680 -0.510640140
## 3842   0.160211560 -0.021050453
## 3843  -0.186701770 -0.046323776
## 3844  -0.113253120  0.140861990
## 3845  -0.205499650 -0.599949840
## 3846   0.245116710  0.586255550
## 3847   0.279150960  0.320515160
## 3848  -0.213413240 -0.191047670
## 3849  -0.079284670  0.152067660
## 3850   0.407805920  0.306247230
## 3851   0.000000000 -0.056933880
## 3852   0.000000000  0.016048431
## 3853  -0.062123775  0.047135830
## 3854  -0.032620430 -0.023669720
## 3855   0.060084820  0.010442257
## 3856  -0.071342945  0.048961640
## 3857   0.218817230  0.000000000
## 3858   0.040457726  0.042204380
## 3859  -0.005331756 -0.013680219
## 3860  -0.129454140  0.186632160
## 3861   0.000000000  0.027439117
## 3862   0.026759624  0.049616814
## 3863  -0.217710255 -0.045690775
## 3864   0.042353630 -0.173410890
## 3865  -0.109136580 -0.086493490
## 3866  -0.147232530 -0.018513203
## 3867  -0.368585600 -0.397933960
## 3868   0.259857650  0.000000000
## 3869   0.102853300 -0.219736100
## 3870   0.391256800  0.119203090
## 3871   0.224718100  0.171030040
## 3872  -0.254900930 -0.105796814
## 3873  -0.009100914  0.053699970
## 3874  -0.036846638  0.023302555
## 3875   0.114733460  0.034289124
## 3876   0.178622250  0.017885208
## 3877  -0.282536980  0.290167800
## 3878   0.055799484  0.030664444
## 3879   0.475103860  0.088811400
## 3880   0.414765350  0.135721447
## 3881  -0.258125300 -0.186293130
## 3882  -0.198120600  0.035510063
## 3883   0.083970070 -0.032958030
## 3884  -0.003894329  0.000000000
## 3885  -0.061309338 -0.171226020
## 3886  -0.216692450  0.006307602
## 3887   0.232742790 -0.062472343
## 3888   0.670611860  0.644684300
## 3889  -0.128140450  0.038784027
## 3890  -0.020739079  0.014648914
## 3891   0.167266370  0.001053333
## 3892   0.005061626 -0.024800300
## 3893  -0.038323402  0.018357754
## 3894   0.224388600 -0.030608654
## 3895   0.014998198  0.197685955
## 3896   0.048303604  0.000000000
## 3897  -0.132943150  0.020895481
## 3898  -0.059173107 -0.119775770
## 3899  -0.068713665 -0.028284550
## 3900  -0.061766148  0.007185459
## 3901  -0.017486572 -0.039762020
## 3902   0.132263660  0.015789032
## 3903  -0.034744740  0.025683403
## 3904  -0.072426796  0.027585983
## 3905   1.258315100  1.351452800
## 3906   1.215447000  1.143199400
## 3907  -0.125001900 -0.110297200
## 3908   0.000997000 -0.015349388
## 3909  -0.025949955  0.038379670
## 3910  -0.168304920  0.023569107
## 3911  -0.128297330  0.064356804
## 3912  -0.018415690  0.156284570
## 3913   0.009966373  0.052070618
## 3914   0.157950880  0.060934067
## 3915   0.373624800 -0.043275833
## 3916   0.450687900  0.279331680
## 3917   0.343321320  0.147898670
## 3918   0.155869480  0.063467980
## 3919  -0.142452238  0.037443875
## 3920  -0.012498141 -0.052249433
## 3921  -0.052847862  0.037590504
## 3922   0.967185000  0.683293800
## 3923  -0.086697580 -0.096962930
## 3924   0.077314380  0.000000000
## 3925  -0.146668910 -0.066544530
## 3926  -0.113625050 -0.114186764
## 3927  -0.025529861  0.046924590
## 3928   0.395366670  0.216380120
## 3929   0.721876140  0.449691300
## 3930  -0.241078850  0.008789539
## 3931  -0.040713787 -0.014536858
## 3932   0.088394165 -0.349864000
## 3933  -0.165600780 -0.075648310
## 3934   0.260608200 -0.201414110
## 3935  -0.140642170 -0.231321330
## 3936   0.124097824 -0.312218200
## 3937   0.602022650 -0.310421940
## 3938  -0.166749950 -0.122031210
## 3939   0.168601040 -0.105681896
## 3940  -0.387466900  0.087363240
## 3941   0.036521910  0.291019440
## 3942  -0.024170876  0.029887200
## 3943   0.000000000 -0.347222800
## 3944  -0.043500423  0.065597060
## 3945  -0.003111839 -0.173549650
## 3946  -0.242218970  0.045130730
## 3947  -0.079972270 -0.019013405
## 3948   0.259166720 -0.119205475
## 3949  -0.010088921 -0.255007740
## 3950  -0.194520000 -0.222550390
## 3951  -1.189295800 -0.316036220
## 3952  -0.299809460 -0.404895780
## 3953  -0.520098670 -0.641332850
## 3954  -1.208127000 -0.977512360
## 3955  -0.255816460 -0.776802060
## 3956  -0.225471500 -0.302645680
## 3957   0.155739780 -0.043745995
## 3958   0.644228000 -0.085794450
## 3959   0.822855000  0.000000000
## 3960  -0.632092500 -0.144165040
## 3961   0.085114480  0.672693250
## 3962   0.062270401 -0.158880235
## 3963  -0.327300314  0.263689042
## 3964  -0.372403140 -0.277415750
## 3965  -0.099743366  0.005567074
## 3966   0.175957680 -0.084414005
## 3967  -0.329074860  0.391036030
## 3968   0.029090881 -0.093560220
## 3969  -0.041451930 -0.546003340
## 3970  -0.254541400  0.000000000
## 3971   0.395538800  0.115733150
## 3972   0.037571907  0.009609699
## 3973   0.278771400 -0.039387703
## 3974   0.463964460  0.382734300
## 3975  -0.552672400 -0.225848200
## 3976   0.325604920  0.224177840
## 3977   2.231685200  1.450420900
## 3978   0.000000000  0.057872772
## 3979  -0.197092060  0.008814335
## 3980  -0.286266800  0.000000000
## 3981  -0.151457790  0.024374962
## 3982  -0.306920050 -0.065357210
## 3983  -0.217935560  0.007451057
## 3984  -0.120962620 -0.242089750
## 3985  -0.073968890 -0.265663150
## 3986  -0.215871810 -0.456855770
## 3987   0.036867620  0.254113670
## 3988   0.303433420 -0.186009880
## 3989  -0.185998920  0.059935090
## 3990   0.045332910 -0.401008600
## 3991   0.281859400  0.211453910
## 3992  -0.773798000 -0.521015170
## 3993   0.011029720 -0.111690045
## 3994   0.092758180 -0.034524918
## 3995   0.459491250  1.057923300
## 3996  -0.165067670 -0.244446750
## 3997   0.156554220 -0.280643000
## 3998  -0.049845695 -0.074477675
## 3999   1.733905800  1.361646700
## 4000  -0.224870680 -0.222499850
## 4001   0.012073040  0.050529003
## 4002  -0.279913900 -0.102462767
## 4003  -0.043133260  0.011878967
## 4004  -0.089184285 -0.104356288
## 4005  -0.044453620  0.167890550
## 4006   1.661545300  1.497190000
## 4007   0.095038414  0.025690079
## 4008   0.414808270  0.000000000
## 4009  -0.141822340  0.029910564
## 4010  -0.056879520  0.169018750
## 4011   0.005750179  0.006229401
## 4012  -0.026381970  0.131680970
## 4013  -0.081276890 -0.009851456
## 4014  -0.044450760 -0.017994880
## 4015   0.105069160  0.129446500
## 4016   0.080522540  0.085594654
## 4017   0.072148320 -0.143978120
## 4018   1.440722000  0.547572600
## 4019   0.005442143 -0.076018330
## 4020  -0.158650400 -0.090659140
## 4021  -0.177751060 -0.224824900
## 4022  -0.309713360 -0.305006980
## 4023   2.071214700  2.657786400
## 4024   0.043993156 -0.001158873
## 4025  -0.015716553 -0.072546480
## 4026   0.357212070  0.244395260
## 4027  -0.012595177  0.050087452
## 4028   0.022856712  0.200394630
## 4029   0.477525230  0.822372900
## 4030   0.079592705 -0.147849080
## 4031   0.027971268  0.070362570
## 4032   0.000000000  0.054691315
## 4033  -0.348861700 -0.348950400
## 4034  -0.544551850 -0.465951920
## 4035   0.213089940 -0.006031990
## 4036   0.037514687  0.044517040
## 4037  -0.026667595 -0.112576485
## 4038   0.027565480 -0.050946236
## 4039  -0.092578890  0.007893562
## 4040   0.032466890  0.020831108
## 4041  -0.672578330 -0.549094700
## 4042   0.357719900  0.017274857
## 4043   0.360986700 -0.319444660
## 4044  -0.042955400 -0.068193436
## 4045   0.020326138  0.183420180
## 4046  -0.344735150 -0.017900467
## 4047  -0.238203050 -0.160225870
## 4048   0.076000690  0.110645294
## 4049  -0.241881370 -0.030043125
## 4050   0.109148980  0.059064865
## 4051   0.115587234  0.000000000
## 4052   0.042114258  0.074404720
## 4053  -0.123815540 -0.605677600
## 4054   0.000000000  0.042130470
## 4055   0.000000000 -0.221893310
## 4056  -0.077867510 -0.489384170
## 4057  -0.009268761  0.027689457
## 4058   0.029430390 -0.037904740
## 4059  -0.006983757 -0.110563280
## 4060  -0.148993490  0.000000000
## 4061   0.010032177 -0.057987213
## 4062   0.000000000  0.119600296
## 4063  -0.038980960 -0.242068770
## 4064   0.021945477 -0.013054371
## 4065   0.091007710  0.000000000
## 4066   0.105950830 -0.223820210
## 4067   0.327551360  0.245932100
## 4068  -0.156236650 -0.126832010
## 4069   0.048992634  0.040564537
## 4070   0.083142760  0.064159870
## 4071  -0.057456493  0.221651080
## 4072  -0.018829346  0.020278930
## 4073  -0.373763080  0.240637780
## 4074  -0.021549225 -0.013434410
## 4075   0.075361250 -0.014815331
## 4076   0.492332460 -0.057109833
## 4077   0.290269370  0.483597760
## 4078   0.051156044 -0.467190270
## 4079   0.002189159  0.061191082
## 4080  -0.015459061 -0.089800835
## 4081   1.459377800  1.321584200
## 4082   0.229732510  0.218444820
## 4083   0.276105880  0.016766548
## 4084   0.065745350 -0.029084206
## 4085   0.319835660  0.326693530
## 4086  -0.793725970 -0.501899700
## 4087   0.049216747  0.097796440
## 4088   0.148769860  0.212217810
## 4089   0.242703440  0.119709970
## 4090   0.096085550  0.293705940
## 4091   0.000047700 -0.007677078
## 4092  -0.019986153  0.035456657
## 4093  -0.011424542 -0.009141922
## 4094  -0.096235275  0.029728413
## 4095   0.405381200  0.590373040
## 4096   0.298947330  0.295844080
## 4097   0.733682630  0.356989860
## 4098  -0.065724850  0.000000000
## 4099  -0.087035180  0.167558670
## 4100   0.087592125  0.069616795
## 4101  -0.009041786  0.077363014
## 4102   0.046928406  0.015118122
## 4103  -0.027883530  0.112799644
## 4104   0.350997920 -0.107498170
## 4105   0.000000000  0.285006050
## 4106  -0.054695130  0.421624180
## 4107   0.314040180  0.074634550
## 4108   0.136224270  0.000000000
## 4109   0.051756382 -0.043124676
## 4110   0.445687300 -0.015582085
## 4111   0.000000000 -0.316757680
## 4112   0.018402576  0.063561920
## 4113  -0.047484398  0.005618095
## 4114  -0.019562244 -0.036744595
## 4115  -0.113498210 -0.025794030
## 4116   0.275472640 -0.295455930
## 4117  -0.033058643 -0.057775974
## 4118   0.024637700 -0.002875805
## 4119  -0.021122456 -0.026448727
## 4120   0.541907300 -0.028895855
## 4121  -0.227067950  0.088398930
## 4122  -0.041529655  0.588098500
## 4123  -0.307654380 -0.065479280
## 4124   0.048614980 -0.043350220
## 4125  -0.020638466 -0.073798180
## 4126   0.000000000  0.392911900
## 4127   0.298810960  0.319645400
## 4128  -0.163418300  0.037803173
## 4129   0.935202600  0.223851680
## 4130  -0.507683750  0.187298300
## 4131  -0.031983376 -0.051409720
## 4132  -0.393569950 -0.221909050
## 4133  -0.020940780  0.091160300
## 4134  -0.127031330  0.004293442
## 4135   0.067296505  0.300817970
## 4136   0.358932500 -0.021572113
## 4137   0.165914060  0.072154520
## 4138   0.041148186  0.181557660
## 4139  -0.006264210 -0.082873344
## 4140   0.086130140  0.030941963
## 4141  -0.165820120 -0.008157253
## 4142   0.044592380  0.186175350
## 4143   0.235662940  0.193388940
## 4144   0.023066998 -0.121726510
## 4145  -0.159775260 -0.016024590
## 4146   0.000000000  0.167313100
## 4147  -0.393702030 -0.156599040
## 4148  -0.100431440 -0.232929230
## 4149  -0.327759740  0.028002739
## 4150  -0.065244675 -0.226416110
## 4151   0.136170390 -0.236865040
## 4152   0.039110184  0.031516075
## 4153  -0.249182700 -0.459176060
## 4154   0.297269820  0.022809982
## 4155  -0.036832333 -0.308678630
## 4156   0.060529710 -0.011036396
## 4157  -0.280370240  0.013422966
## 4158  -0.553434400 -0.596454140
## 4159   0.000000000 -0.306303500
## 4160   0.125457290  0.142116070
## 4161  -0.022705555  0.018233300
## 4162  -0.313738820  0.529413700
## 4163  -0.218868260 -0.173029900
## 4164   0.188543320 -0.037908077
## 4165  -0.343366150 -0.264119150
## 4166  -0.001590729 -0.052294730
## 4167   0.009616170  0.052493163
## 4168  -0.003751278  0.026423454
## 4169   0.049245358 -0.041247368
## 4170  -0.017437458  0.012934685
## 4171   0.017266750  0.095456600
## 4172  -0.006366253  0.047900200
## 4173   0.124810220  0.164196010
## 4174   0.025619507  0.197015760
## 4175   0.496576300  0.887956600
## 4176  -0.491809840 -0.439289100
## 4177   0.000000000  0.038351060
## 4178   0.145294190  0.298121450
## 4179   0.000000000  0.138067245
## 4180   0.085377690 -0.002029419
## 4181  -0.093774796 -0.256393430
## 4182   0.037201880 -0.029784680
## 4183  -0.017444610  0.057194233
## 4184   0.024017334 -0.096454140
## 4185   0.013329025 -0.281135377
## 4186   0.672380930  1.001950577
## 4187  -0.328969000  0.834289550
## 4188   0.340108870  0.148879050
## 4189   0.190276620  0.000000000
## 4190   0.430594440  0.271637920
## 4191   0.392039300  0.006843567
## 4192  -0.307345400 -0.256690980
## 4193   1.516580600  0.656185600
## 4194   0.204500200  0.041655540
## 4195   0.036664963  0.010531902
## 4196  -0.027103900 -0.002741337
## 4197   0.073989390 -0.005314350
## 4198   0.073514940  0.044939995
## 4199  -0.079698086  0.018474579
## 4200   0.091150760 -0.270262720
## 4201  -0.153926850  0.002769470
## 4202   0.004636765 -0.044785500
## 4203   0.350202560 -0.030711650
## 4204  -0.237488750 -0.143859860
## 4205  -0.198543070 -0.844811440
## 4206  -0.612035300  0.128105160
## 4207   0.036668777  0.422208800
## 4208   0.190203670 -0.172425750
## 4209  -0.394856680  0.203670264
## 4210   0.162477500  0.094615940
## 4211   0.093599800  0.077044010
## 4212  -0.227823260 -0.166601180
## 4213  -0.155249600  0.343327520
## 4214   0.011879921  0.085319520
## 4215   0.000000000  0.512634750
## 4216   0.013979435 -0.019347190
## 4217  -0.065288540  0.092708590
## 4218  -0.071433070  0.038573742
## 4219   0.069586593 -0.036625067
## 4220  -0.051044464  0.463345050
## 4221   0.119071960  0.070436480
## 4222   0.338972105  0.143076900
## 4223  -0.064870360 -0.001106739
## 4224   0.121437790  0.015439273
## 4225  -0.118739605  0.014391422
## 4226   0.121729374  0.000448000
## 4227   0.053999424  0.000000000
## 4228  -0.054232597  0.186633590
## 4229  -0.110498430 -0.250201230
## 4230   0.432076930  0.684888360
## 4231  -0.130142210  0.161946300
## 4232  -0.613324170  0.218628880
## 4233   0.038311005 -0.121476650
## 4234   0.391575800  0.200153350
## 4235   0.002886295 -0.044940470
## 4236   0.395399570  0.070477960
## 4237  -0.185262680  0.043358803
## 4238   0.448327060  0.316752430
## 4239   1.210029600  1.330172500
## 4240  -0.043872833  0.672088600
## 4241   0.140863420  0.158517840
## 4242  -0.000350000 -0.072865960
## 4243   0.126964570  0.569785100
## 4244   0.134397500  0.313212870
## 4245  -0.477612500 -0.791731830
## 4246  -0.518069270 -0.169200420
## 4247   0.228851320  0.025659084
## 4248  -0.197971340  0.197721960
## 4249  -0.198498250  0.273014070
## 4250  -0.023789406 -0.087642670
## 4251   0.054287434  0.012762547
## 4252   0.068557260  0.030269146
## 4253   0.000000000  0.061525820
## 4254  -0.390931130 -0.668221500
## 4255   0.215590480  0.279635430
## 4256  -3.603090300 -3.502045200
## 4257  -0.222954750 -0.135418890
## 4258   0.041718960  0.079441070
## 4259  -0.040536880 -0.180901050
## 4260  -0.075256824  0.098838330
## 4261  -0.582860000 -0.973342900
## 4262  -0.047374725 -0.056590557
## 4263  -0.413739680 -0.303014760
## 4264   0.030521393  0.211729050
## 4265  -0.001065254 -0.191968440
## 4266  -0.054076910 -0.134977335
## 4267   0.137813570  0.000000000
## 4268  -0.004985333  0.006431580
## 4269   0.007924080  0.005650520
## 4270  -0.406046400 -0.920756800
## 4271   0.000000000  0.000000000
## 4272  -0.183815960  0.120782850
## 4273   0.225984570 -0.026404380
## 4274   0.000000000 -0.122410774
## 4275   0.137755400  0.611490250
## 4276  -0.045606136  0.114754680
## 4277  -0.133497240  0.153264050
## 4278  -0.127754210  0.221998210
## 4279  -0.015952110 -0.054059505
## 4280  -0.016601086  0.064905170
## 4281  -0.067907330 -0.100892070
## 4282   0.371662140  0.175309180
## 4283  -0.287893300 -0.085340980
## 4284  -0.060035706  0.125075340
## 4285  -0.313071250  0.020399094
## 4286  -0.151924130  0.000000000
## 4287   0.036749840 -0.249496940
## 4288  -0.238260270 -0.144393920
## 4289  -0.658772470 -0.471172330
## 4290  -0.044594765 -0.031718254
## 4291   0.051620960  0.005625725
## 4292  -0.232473370 -0.466102600
## 4293  -0.056189060 -0.420945640
## 4294  -0.194435120  0.000000000
## 4295  -0.005631924  0.157759670
## 4296   0.050349712  0.168626310
## 4297  -0.284247400 -0.509130500
## 4298   0.076533320 -0.437724100
## 4299   0.040746453 -0.158929345
## 4300   0.018668175 -0.309432980
## 4301   0.020800114 -0.189589500
## 4302   0.010484695 -0.056955338
## 4303   0.101261616  0.000000000
## 4304   0.230355260  0.126772400
## 4305  -0.009653568 -0.232179160
## 4306   0.140805720  0.164660450
## 4307   0.161467550  0.168039320
## 4308  -0.285556320 -0.602943400
## 4309   0.105250360 -0.109779360
## 4310   0.855265600  0.638963700
## 4311  -0.190343860 -0.052806377
## 4312  -0.057175160 -0.135234360
## 4313   0.000000000 -0.097378254
## 4314   0.164086340  0.506436800
## 4315  -0.115255356  0.310711860
## 4316  -0.211344720 -0.016485691
## 4317   0.114737034 -0.064312935
## 4318  -0.001419544  0.077867030
## 4319   2.043860000  1.960551700
## 4320   0.048479080  0.039080620
## 4321  -0.125369070  0.000000000
## 4322  -0.080391884 -0.144856930
## 4323   0.104682920 -0.590307240
## 4324   0.048295498  0.040331364
## 4325  -0.047314644 -0.361742020
## 4326   0.395498755  0.296146870
## 4327   0.244114880  0.105966570
## 4328   0.596748350  0.354678150
## 4329   0.401618480  0.207548620
## 4330   0.345746040 -0.031729700
## 4331  -0.202396400  0.000000000
## 4332   0.000000000  0.552441100
## 4333   0.141885760 -0.734076500
## 4334  -0.002301693 -0.185481550
## 4335  -0.002007961  0.054744244
## 4336  -0.253408430 -0.282701500
## 4337   0.291589735  0.637514585
## 4338   0.342401500 -0.042918682
## 4339   0.702867500  0.264495370
## 4340   0.203362460 -0.048003197
## 4341   0.719554900  0.651963230
## 4342  -0.146638872 -0.413733480
## 4343  -0.067337036 -0.131795400
## 4344   0.000000000  0.151009560
## 4345  -0.285727980 -0.385643000
## 4346   0.041221620 -0.168752670
## 4347  -0.110978130  0.042474747
## 4348  -0.444439413 -0.067177296
## 4349  -0.022965431 -0.079329490
## 4350   0.064552310  0.143222810
## 4351  -0.074505330 -0.045749664
## 4352   0.425349700  0.495542050
## 4353  -0.096714020 -0.012854099
## 4354  -0.002594948  0.091412544
## 4355  -0.007794380  0.066946980
## 4356  -0.301365850 -0.130483630
## 4357  -0.058109760 -0.093628410
## 4358   0.042664050 -0.210062030
## 4359   0.032075405  0.000668000
## 4360   0.113381860 -0.069535730
## 4361  -0.170836930 -0.149623400
## 4362  -0.008624077 -0.018029213
## 4363   1.131511200  1.593078100
## 4364   0.000000000 -0.048292160
## 4365  -0.285272595 -0.089993720
## 4366   0.167013170 -0.419617180
## 4367  -0.004121304 -0.056543827
## 4368   0.023309708  0.112896440
## 4369   0.011716366  0.059602260
## 4370   0.056750298  0.136818410
## 4371   0.013534546 -0.088119980
## 4372  -0.193972110 -0.123239520
## 4373   0.116656300  0.011631966
## 4374   0.048336030 -0.245757100
## 4375  -0.005262375 -0.025079250
## 4376  -0.099244120 -0.002929211
## 4377  -0.257304670 -0.450303080
## 4378   0.140658380 -0.024716377
## 4379  -0.145210270 -0.018776894
## 4380   0.037186146  0.092648506
## 4381  -0.006844044  0.082446100
## 4382  -0.029758453  0.050829410
## 4383   0.080195430 -0.037778378
## 4384   0.017852306  0.020653248
## 4385   0.027088642  0.136123660
## 4386  -0.035635470 -0.076598644
## 4387   0.086858270  0.018490791
## 4388   0.030080318  0.074102400
## 4389  -0.077017310 -0.097783566
## 4390   0.080863476  0.003289700
## 4391  -0.066754820  0.068364140
## 4392   0.000000000  0.030659199
## 4393  -0.014845848  0.034103394
## 4394   0.090852260 -0.118779180
## 4395   0.063195230  0.033362865
## 4396   0.071000576  0.013610363
## 4397  -0.042232990 -0.000714000
## 4398  -0.111457825  0.206044670
## 4399   0.118979930  0.083095550
## 4400   0.058596134  0.000000000
## 4401   0.204164500 -0.042401314
## 4402   0.195464130  0.280003550
## 4403  -0.176787850  0.065716270
## 4404   0.077097890  0.024446487
## 4405  -0.126575950 -0.063658240
## 4406  -0.105891705  0.231234070
## 4407   0.027410984 -0.132213120
## 4408  -0.091379640 -0.202051160
## 4409   0.126433370 -0.007671356
## 4410   0.030089855  0.144210820
## 4411   0.185059550 -0.055194855
## 4412  -0.027817250  0.113492966
## 4413  -0.009695053  0.171814920
## 4414  -0.121829030 -0.147205350
## 4415   0.505651500  0.657897950
## 4416  -0.045617580  0.810062900
## 4417   0.109444140 -0.178836820
## 4418  -0.183451650 -0.047663690
## 4419  -0.005515575  0.456617830
## 4420   0.110312460 -0.021920204
## 4421   0.077045440  0.023612500
## 4422  -0.492246630 -0.806521400
## 4423  -0.123584750  0.073169230
## 4424   0.034781456 -0.069762710
## 4425   0.078184130  0.036845207
## 4426  -0.014361859 -0.077320335
## 4427  -0.014925003  0.000000000
## 4428  -0.003438473  0.000000000
## 4429   0.049551964  0.384169580
## 4430  -0.119154930  0.054705620
## 4431  -0.028387070  0.102337360
## 4432  -0.096986294  0.178471570
## 4433   0.060810566 -0.054419994
## 4434  -0.103943825  0.016203880
## 4435  -0.065745830 -0.089856625
## 4436  -0.111863140  0.109768390
## 4437   0.105061530  0.007596493
## 4438   0.759926800  1.120057100
## 4439  -0.002217293  0.403821000
## 4440  -0.054761887 -0.021268368
## 4441   0.029508590 -0.074931145
## 4442  -0.339419840 -0.422380450
## 4443  -0.195365900  0.232611660
## 4444  -0.020414352  0.048280240
## 4445  -0.070281980  0.000000000
## 4446   0.224048140 -0.076622960
## 4447   0.002738476 -0.288028240
## 4448  -0.003145695 -0.085859776
## 4449  -0.710342900 -0.593719000
## 4450  -0.019357204  0.233201030
## 4451   0.050818443  0.024605751
## 4452  -0.040989400  0.027907372
## 4453  -0.054862500  0.013522625
## 4454   0.083072186  0.007251263
## 4455  -0.222013950  0.250958440
## 4456  -0.056944847 -0.120836260
## 4457   0.010508537 -0.026871204
## 4458   1.510912900  1.823723800
## 4459  -0.027974606  0.464135170
## 4460  -0.068634990 -0.024879932
## 4461  -0.740897660 -0.931818500
## 4462   0.070684430 -0.003050804
## 4463   0.669777870  1.213616400
## 4464  -0.178830620 -0.179080010
## 4465  -0.104762080 -0.323260300
## 4466  -0.345692160 -0.551318170
## 4467   0.077833176 -0.221413140
## 4468   0.893416400  0.056910515
## 4469   0.639617900  0.478307720
## 4470  -0.031897545  0.000000000
## 4471   0.000000000 -0.119500640
## 4472  -0.018845081  0.042541504
## 4473   0.004267216 -0.121998310
## 4474  -0.667141440 -0.784836770
## 4475   0.000000000  0.111063480
## 4476  -0.240003590  0.170154100
## 4477  -0.430541040 -0.218112950
## 4478  -0.017783165 -0.327784540
## 4479   0.087485790  0.177851680
## 4480  -0.067036630 -0.161822320
## 4481  -0.016200542  0.025057316
## 4482   0.523742200  0.774074550
## 4483   0.011611939 -0.007512093
## 4484  -0.098872660  0.387918000
## 4485   0.168367390  0.232886310
## 4486  -0.254809380 -0.171584130
## 4487  -0.176935200 -0.030173302
## 4488  -0.085761550 -0.112790585
## 4489   0.000000000 -0.344045640
## 4490   0.264228820  0.282480240
## 4491   0.333895680  0.285463330
## 4492  -0.328221320 -0.262277600
## 4493  -0.080382825 -0.147587060
## 4494  -0.000410000 -0.537719250
## 4495   0.089768890  0.203496930
## 4496  -0.678486800 -0.122848510
## 4497   0.061962128 -1.027266500
## 4498  -0.206538680 -0.417255400
## 4499  -0.285553930  0.291905880
## 4500  -0.255344400 -0.568956615
## 4501  -0.053765297 -0.038820744
## 4502  -0.091788770  0.031275750
## 4503   0.250058650 -0.358330250
## 4504  -0.040816785 -0.030086041
## 4505   0.133750370  0.101583072
## 4506  -0.057804108 -0.029601097
## 4507            NA           NA
## 4508   0.068370820  0.286551950
## 4509  -0.147719380 -0.036595820
## 4510   0.046641827  0.199255940
## 4511   0.126248360  0.006547928
## 4512   0.988523000 -0.007471085
## 4513   0.115172386 -0.014515400
## 4514   0.041789055 -0.028978348
## 4515  -0.171498780  0.000000000
## 4516   0.000000000 -0.020837784
## 4517  -0.028821945 -0.179315570
## 4518   0.037694454 -0.026110172
## 4519  -0.207688569  0.458666325
## 4520   0.024117470  0.014582634
## 4521  -0.042808533  0.154447080
## 4522  -0.102565765 -0.042956830
## 4523   2.268456967  2.452868600
## 4524  -0.040334225 -0.050859928
## 4525   0.242106440  0.297781940
## 4526   1.575933000  1.102476600
## 4527  -0.560312750  0.001595020
## 4528  -0.464360240  0.028778076
## 4529   0.146636960  0.035234928
## 4530   0.228343490  0.132502080
## 4531   0.463641170  0.502353670
## 4532   0.003548145  0.045032978
## 4533   0.009316444  0.000000000
## 4534   0.467243200  0.172123910
## 4535   0.729835500  0.611513140
## 4536   1.279272100  1.437362700
## 4537   0.092982770  0.034302710
## 4538  -0.084165570  0.151446820
## 4539   0.005410671 -0.042830944
## 4540  -0.218398100  0.007589340
## 4541   0.005750656  0.070204260
## 4542   0.493387220 -0.199336530
## 4543  -0.159583570  0.076141360
## 4544   0.023810863 -0.011507034
## 4545  -0.191992760 -0.061797620
## 4546  -0.317321780  0.033809662
## 4547  -0.218719960 -0.087923050
## 4548  -0.129810810 -0.034169197
## 4549   0.000000000 -0.340687750
## 4550   0.022705078  0.061417580
## 4551  -0.091031550 -0.436308860
## 4552   0.121445180  0.211914540
## 4553   0.087115765  0.000000000
## 4554  -0.094251630  0.096347330
## 4555  -0.347725400 -0.015135765
## 4556  -0.029729843 -0.052201748
## 4557   0.023986816 -0.000764000
## 4558  -0.276802540 -0.314295770
## 4559  -0.026948452 -0.048528194
## 4560   0.019489288  0.158336160
## 4561  -0.008936882  0.282095900
## 4562  -0.023514748 -0.040519714
## 4563   0.047582626 -0.019041538
## 4564  -1.382798700  0.002598286
## 4565   0.006013393  0.033108710
## 4566  -0.294293400 -0.418900500
## 4567   0.204435350  0.000000000
## 4568   0.193776610  0.142530440
## 4569  -0.022069454  0.059661390
## 4570  -0.095684770  0.312906740
## 4571   0.120732310  0.031240463
## 4572   0.401782040  0.402089600
## 4573   0.064661980 -0.013839245
## 4574  -0.236023430  0.001865387
## 4575  -0.400697700 -0.175717350
## 4576   0.057129383 -0.160261150
## 4577  -0.031122208 -0.025977135
## 4578   0.083571910  0.446291920
## 4579  -0.170823580 -0.408675195
## 4580  -0.461009980  0.185724260
## 4581   0.007524967 -0.121907710
## 4582   0.000000000  0.032854557
## 4583   0.016081810 -0.076648710
## 4584  -0.061201096 -0.043337822
## 4585  -0.236731530  0.035447598
## 4586  -0.300503250 -0.254233360
## 4587   0.115439890 -0.089601990
## 4588  -0.024093628 -0.213956830
## 4589   0.389683720 -0.286513330
## 4590   0.000000000 -0.440313340
## 4591   0.088227270  0.045584915
## 4592   0.896659850  1.773397400
## 4593   0.000000000  0.042793274
## 4594   0.122138500  0.084647655
## 4595  -0.167715070 -0.146553040
## 4596  -0.015882492 -0.014787197
## 4597  -0.147254940 -0.015894413
## 4598   0.990627300  0.858984000
## 4599   0.179863450 -0.506797800
## 4600  -0.146189215 -0.076341151
## 4601   0.410038950  0.761213800
## 4602  -0.226445670 -0.122627260
## 4603   0.042269230 -0.353076930
## 4604  -0.657101150  0.303443430
## 4605  -0.291320800 -0.665519700
## 4606   1.824805300  0.878968240
## 4607  -0.178950310 -0.171847340
## 4608   0.464526180 -0.315300940
## 4609  -0.276420600 -0.173298840
## 4610  -0.419321540  0.003287792
## 4611   0.070930960  0.169382570
## 4612   0.090433120  0.397050380
## 4613   0.206604960 -0.232138160
## 4614   0.218800790 -0.017815830
## 4615  -0.119256500 -0.109358790
## 4616  -0.038639545  0.003458977
## 4617  -0.148363110  0.037560940
## 4618   0.023465633 -0.108695984
## 4619   0.348957060  0.120801926
## 4620   0.116713524  0.039550780
## 4621  -0.072488785 -0.021394730
## 4622   0.000000000 -0.174862860
## 4623  -0.205075260 -0.249472620
## 4624   0.102041245 -0.227905270
## 4625  -0.473127840  0.357660300
## 4626  -0.259126182 -0.004786730
## 4627   0.142975330 -0.122945786
## 4628   0.372594360 -0.106128216
## 4629   0.000000000 -0.547834400
## 4630  -0.104816440  0.348996160
## 4631  -0.003237248  0.043293953
## 4632  -0.079629900  0.023173809
## 4633   0.386169430  0.097602844
## 4634   0.035293580  0.077778816
## 4635   0.820179940  0.554412840
## 4636  -0.090360640 -0.127966880
## 4637  -0.693398000 -0.583953860
## 4638  -0.079368590 -0.116560936
## 4639  -0.401102070  0.191020010
## 4640   0.279909130 -0.295715330
## 4641   0.965104100  1.099332300
## 4642   0.028780937 -0.092630390
## 4643   0.106907845  0.673270200
## 4644  -0.218640800  0.632230300
## 4645   0.060464382 -0.062985900
## 4646   0.000000000  0.126337050
## 4647   0.174849030 -0.006544590
## 4648  -0.048294067 -0.121137620
## 4649   0.083757400  0.107134820
## 4650   0.353852270  0.138578410
## 4651   0.456973080 -0.091316220
## 4652   0.121918680 -0.162009240
## 4653  -0.319308280 -0.357512470
## 4654  -0.073402405 -0.003457069
## 4655   0.090881350 -0.199352740
## 4656   0.318929670  0.102281570
## 4657  -0.148711205  0.113272665
## 4658  -0.187342640 -0.260119440
## 4659  -0.032995224 -0.201682090
## 4660   0.020996094 -0.368476870
## 4661   0.112882614  0.228151320
## 4662   0.299453740  0.241523740
## 4663  -0.188411710  0.231494900
## 4664  -0.098623276 -0.005230904
## 4665   0.210457800  0.367129330
## 4666   0.000000000  0.241446500
## 4667   0.303155900  0.042584420
## 4668  -0.130281930 -0.069840910
## 4669   0.003626823 -0.097029686
## 4670  -0.076512340  0.190201760
## 4671   0.116896630 -0.046596525
## 4672  -0.093651770  0.307528500
## 4673  -0.114217280  0.152360440
## 4674  -0.080198765  0.190718650
## 4675   0.068448070  0.088177680
## 4676   0.090316770  0.104340550
## 4677   0.000000000 -0.076094630
## 4678  -0.035237312 -0.240683560
## 4679  -0.018903732  0.069014550
## 4680  -0.260294900  0.247884750
## 4681   0.012656689  0.060097218
## 4682   0.156636240 -0.138163570
## 4683   0.030377150  0.174725770
## 4684   0.331657400  0.096529484
## 4685  -0.179538730 -0.200730800
## 4686   0.106687546 -0.041218758
## 4687  -0.281352520  0.059723377
## 4688  -0.111309050  0.342819200
## 4689  -0.075153350 -0.407419200
## 4690  -0.024810314 -0.061159134
## 4691   0.206667420 -0.040275574
## 4692  -0.430226330 -0.730124500
## 4693  -0.161751750 -1.036295900
## 4694  -0.685094360 -0.368573200
## 4695   0.286485670 -0.037104607
## 4696  -0.171480180  0.232242100
## 4697   0.072966100 -0.084299564
## 4698  -0.202718730  0.231095790
## 4699  -0.018737555  0.014030457
## 4700  -0.005046368  0.175103665
## 4701   0.040628433  0.123906610
## 4702   0.012427330  0.120069980
## 4703   0.004328251  0.124106170
## 4704  -0.031196594  0.027480602
## 4705  -0.001746813  0.043710868
## 4706   0.000000000  0.197777270
## 4707  -0.036045074  0.021984100
## 4708   0.000000000  0.065464500
## 4709  -0.057492256  0.148849490
## 4710  -0.038654327  0.101075650
## 4711   0.034106730 -0.013873577
## 4712  -0.021933556  0.036805630
## 4713   0.028462410  0.252484320
## 4714  -0.027401924 -0.028895855
## 4715   0.024434566  0.000000000
## 4716  -0.059150220  0.000000000
## 4717   0.007820606  0.131119730
## 4718   0.140411380  0.210497380
## 4719  -0.077103615  0.115395070
## 4720   0.078680040  0.083977700
## 4721  -0.083621500  0.066500664
## 4722   0.000000000 -0.048714160
## 4723  -0.041341305  0.004010201
## 4724  -0.076019290  0.076445580
## 4725  -0.017164707 -0.077941420
## 4726  -0.094321250 -0.033823490
## 4727  -0.203090190  0.007078648
## 4728   0.033383846  0.098103520
## 4729  -0.119433400  0.055672170
## 4730   0.075777054  0.000000000
## 4731   0.035444260  0.050223350
## 4732   0.071479320  0.143198010
## 4733   0.095368385  0.123105050
## 4734   0.014364719 -0.008392811
## 4735   0.037717342  0.017820835
## 4736  -0.108945850 -0.027343273
## 4737  -0.030574322 -0.117162704
## 4738   0.104763510  0.000000000
## 4739  -0.021070957  0.064965725
## 4740  -0.050450325 -0.058924675
## 4741   0.000000000 -0.080182076
## 4742   0.040863514  0.030053616
## 4743   0.008926392 -0.016107082
## 4744   0.190033440  0.419565680
## 4745   0.000000000  0.138433930
## 4746   0.071323395  0.272440900
## 4747  -0.033202170  0.024052143
## 4748  -0.046276093  0.070584300
## 4749  -0.023936272  0.078953740
## 4750  -0.009471417  0.000000000
## 4751   0.000000000  0.141851430
## 4752   0.000000000 -0.063848495
## 4753   0.189263340  0.000000000
## 4754   0.953052500  0.294797900
## 4755  -0.137081150 -0.275819780
## 4756   0.033798695 -0.367078300
## 4757  -0.419457440  0.175057410
## 4758   0.065642830 -0.074292660
## 4759  -0.135744570  0.000000000
## 4760   0.109770300  0.003830433
## 4761  -0.054734705  0.030342579
## 4762   0.279905320  0.427727700
## 4763  -0.204599067 -0.557311220
## 4764  -0.189651490 -0.093447685
## 4765   0.192832950  0.000000000
## 4766   0.329796800  0.236997600
## 4767   0.986039150  1.205567350
## 4768  -0.156780960  0.192381140
## 4769   0.020869732  0.168600080
## 4770  -0.220068930 -0.771590230
## 4771   0.014356613 -0.108741525
## 4772  -0.137187000  0.019577980
## 4773  -0.004169941  0.072577950
## 4774  -0.294389250  0.003099442
## 4775   0.031634808  0.244189260
## 4776  -0.043545246 -0.084320070
## 4777  -0.476019860 -0.334634780
## 4778  -0.397155760 -0.769166470
## 4779   0.181628700  0.036773205
## 4780   0.186969280  0.756694300
## 4781  -0.287006380 -0.241118430
## 4782   0.095154045  0.075111390
## 4783  -0.019323349  0.228613850
## 4784  -0.309683320  0.047620296
## 4785  -0.181659220 -0.054856300
## 4786   0.441904540  0.304962160
## 4787  -0.086852551  0.195612427
## 4788  -0.004567146  0.030246735
## 4789  -0.260365000  0.410285000
## 4790  -0.004187107 -0.036739350
## 4791  -0.074992180  0.137145040
## 4792   0.184109210 -0.219636440
## 4793   0.203180790 -0.158319470
## 4794  -0.004113197 -0.083698270
## 4795   0.247428900  0.272543900
## 4796   0.422200200  0.492157940
## 4797   0.408222680 -0.056300163
## 4798   0.865190500  1.018358200
## 4799   0.382737160  0.389142040
## 4800  -0.029211044 -0.060786247
## 4801   0.911400800  0.916093800
## 4802   0.019158840  0.022232056
## 4803   0.008824825  0.086434364
## 4804   0.000000000  0.043554306
## 4805  -0.051825047 -0.043038845
## 4806  -0.255272870 -0.230633740
## 4807  -0.013377190 -0.622226700
## 4808  -0.254699230 -0.389920700
## 4809  -0.697185040 -0.138038640
## 4810  -0.200771330 -0.134012220
## 4811  -0.314714900 -0.316704750
## 4812   0.000000000 -0.009555817
## 4813   0.128613000 -0.152020450
## 4814  -0.027797699 -0.328534130
## 4815  -1.320829400 -0.715625760
## 4816   0.301945700 -0.115326880
## 4817   0.002288340  0.020433665
## 4818  -0.019839764 -0.053785800
## 4819   0.504089360  0.515828130
## 4820  -0.525308600 -0.597620500
## 4821  -0.101314545 -0.991031650
## 4822  -0.235884670 -0.229161260
## 4823   0.388638020  0.570994400
## 4824   0.078414440  0.008793354
## 4825  -0.143589500  0.065092090
## 4826  -0.010917187 -0.127258780
## 4827  -0.037659645  0.137898450
## 4828   0.045909880  0.255054470
## 4829   0.160083770  0.229009630
## 4830   0.066010475  0.253597260
## 4831   0.351083760  0.273014070
## 4832  -0.098303320  0.801544200
## 4833  -0.073111060 -0.067441460
## 4834  -0.167178150  0.186365130
## 4835   0.191391470 -0.287288200
## 4836   0.386610980  0.370767600
## 4837  -0.570627200 -0.528745650
## 4838   0.174923900  0.274958600
## 4839  -0.482217300 -0.071356300
## 4840   0.063016890 -0.263787270
## 4841   0.061794280  0.015851020
## 4842   0.000000000  0.214834210
## 4843  -0.143161770  0.081971170
## 4844  -0.104540350  0.031969547
## 4845  -0.271643640  0.459160800
## 4846   0.180839540  0.265166280
## 4847   0.118023870 -0.119434360
## 4848   0.588109500 -0.123873234
## 4849   0.020640850  0.057503700
## 4850  -0.045516968 -0.205432890
## 4851   0.096395490  0.068756580
## 4852   0.239124300  0.273868560
## 4853   0.343017580  0.055716515
## 4854   0.089813412 -0.038998223
## 4855  -0.159900190 -0.022232533
## 4856  -0.126968380 -0.164989000
## 4857   0.208900450  0.096905710
## 4858   0.531857000  0.313539980
## 4859   0.175196650 -0.153385640
## 4860  -0.002194405 -0.159850120
## 4861   0.172867770  0.149642470
## 4862   1.363995300  1.027424100
## 4863  -0.085352900  0.033905506
## 4864   0.093864440 -0.072232720
## 4865  -0.300990100 -0.479483130
## 4866  -0.197764870  0.000000000
## 4867   0.045703888  0.006551266
## 4868  -0.048217297  0.080743790
## 4869  -0.185435770  0.020813465
## 4870  -0.076080320 -0.024762154
## 4871   0.057868004 -0.343387130
## 4872   0.988108850  0.891095400
## 4873  -0.155248640 -0.041895866
## 4874  -0.018516540 -0.077306270
## 4875   0.000000000  0.006228447
## 4876  -0.056982040 -0.177909850
## 4877   0.109737396  0.328984260
## 4878   0.724386700  0.767930030
## 4879   0.078280926  0.286362650
## 4880  -0.120102880 -0.082005980
## 4881   0.361998080 -0.006109715
## 4882  -0.034077168  0.083689690
## 4883   0.206458090  0.000000000
## 4884  -0.115322110  0.100415710
## 4885   0.208810330  0.041686535
## 4886  -0.046968937  0.128980640
## 4887  -0.065924170  0.152429100
## 4888  -0.062848090  0.313167570
## 4889   0.329912200  0.694924830
## 4890  -0.003597736  0.037717820
## 4891   0.273981100  0.647704100
## 4892   0.139799120  0.026938438
## 4893   0.098025320  0.078317640
## 4894  -0.116030690 -0.070413590
## 4895   0.179477690  0.030224323
## 4896   0.020961761 -0.098424910
## 4897  -0.018611431 -0.031430244
## 4898   0.013664722 -0.046947002
## 4899   0.057447433  0.076863290
## 4900  -0.121149540 -0.102503780
## 4901   0.045856476  0.023655891
## 4902   0.098799706 -0.024577618
## 4903  -0.052948950 -0.096872810
## 4904   1.007336600  0.247666360
## 4905   0.091288570 -0.052760124
## 4906  -0.123461720 -0.156130790
## 4907  -0.048336506  0.088869570
## 4908  -0.005258560  0.315560340
## 4909   0.010188580 -0.047548294
## 4910  -0.352151400 -0.053937912
## 4911   0.012609005  0.032660960
## 4912  -0.087901115 -0.000773000
## 4913  -0.202541830 -0.139110090
## 4914   0.032040120  0.102283955
## 4915   0.028673172  0.121937275
## 4916   0.105831146  0.008059025
## 4917   0.076492310  0.150103805
## 4918   0.007887840 -0.031388760
## 4919   0.120129585  0.564081200
## 4920  -0.011146545  0.132282730
## 4921  -0.214777000  0.301613800
## 4922   0.006249428  0.160193440
## 4923   0.133517982  0.161310910
## 4924   0.002174377 -0.044477463
## 4925  -0.035334587  0.046041012
## 4926  -0.284484400  0.058871746
## 4927  -0.037362100 -0.000357000
## 4928  -0.033347130 -0.052320480
## 4929   0.060957815 -0.003457833
## 4930   0.010062218  0.005349159
## 4931   0.031561375  0.198775290
## 4932  -0.046244383  0.024385690
## 4933  -0.073869705  0.148289200
## 4934   0.112281799  0.250631333
## 4935  -0.024942875 -0.057261944
## 4936  -0.015695730 -0.046788056
## 4937  -0.026444435 -0.007011572
## 4938  -0.122308255 -0.038775922
## 4939  -0.041481495  0.052094460
## 4940  -0.085764885  0.027951717
## 4941  -0.093320850 -0.017115593
## 4942   0.024112065  0.705564500
## 4943   0.209409710  0.206685070
## 4944   0.038749695  0.189534190
## 4945   0.226042270  1.467817300
## 4946  -0.227322580  0.753029800
## 4947  -0.025315285 -0.043616295
## 4948  -0.084259990  0.232313160
## 4949  -0.198083880 -0.126969340
## 4950  -0.094635960 -0.540101050
## 4951   0.007414341  0.572241300
## 4952  -0.054538250 -0.063209060
## 4953   0.027069092  0.362380030
## 4954   0.287519930  0.323735700
## 4955  -0.080184554 -0.000366403
## 4956   1.045629000  0.541280750
## 4957  -0.076331141  0.140513657
## 4958  -0.495743750 -0.853546600
## 4959   0.040471077  0.248405460
## 4960   0.082902910 -0.081157684
## 4961   0.048865795  0.223554610
## 4962  -0.312233920 -0.174628730
## 4963  -0.037320996 -0.040888944
## 4964  -0.127344130  0.006493568
## 4965  -0.957293500 -1.161052200
## 4966   0.005945683 -0.137066360
## 4967   0.194757460 -0.316588880
## 4968  -1.270094400 -0.308794020
## 4969  -0.178795335 -0.390135765
## 4970   0.043017387 -0.326072700
## 4971  -0.089310646  0.046216965
## 4972  -0.355176930 -0.123065950
## 4973   0.313811300 -0.464743600
## 4974  -0.193439960  0.026078701
## 4975  -0.204629420 -0.138426780
## 4976  -0.154990200  0.024581910
## 4977  -0.036233902  0.000000000
## 4978   0.219731330 -0.251946930
## 4979  -0.562119000 -0.223327640
## 4980   0.305423740  0.093901634
## 4981  -0.180443760 -0.191675660
## 4982  -0.061050415  0.022153378
## 4983  -0.104979515  0.003657341
## 4984  -0.183428760 -0.253434180
## 4985  -0.041021347 -0.290248870
## 4986  -0.302720070 -0.216662400
## 4987   0.263909340 -0.040054320
## 4988  -0.182950500 -0.217826370
## 4989  -0.114975930 -0.162652020
## 4990   0.105856420 -0.020475388
## 4991  -0.085464954 -0.011225700
## 4992  -0.444457530  0.393228050
## 4993   0.037904263  0.027270794
## 4994   0.000000000 -0.018444061
## 4995   0.207959180 -0.001200199
## 4996   0.029920578  0.060172558
## 4997  -0.063325405 -0.133591180
## 4998  -0.288654330  0.128377910
## 4999  -0.072115420  0.213014130
## 5000   0.000000000  0.019479752
## 5001   0.116292000  0.018610954
## 5002  -0.127059935  0.015910864
## 5003   0.660630920  0.318881510
## 5004  -0.097547054  0.098001960
## 5005   0.089927670 -0.036247253
## 5006  -0.365782740 -0.117400170
## 5007  -0.006639957  0.009000778
## 5008   0.061423780 -0.196823120
## 5009   0.185047150  0.135711200
## 5010  -0.077012060 -0.160443300
## 5011  -0.129644400  0.064343450
## 5012  -0.169896130 -0.024502754
## 5013   0.052797318  0.077186584
## 5014  -0.107582570  0.134665490
## 5015   0.000000000 -0.076781750
## 5016  -0.100388050  0.000000000
## 5017   0.303322800  0.599788670
## 5018   0.128234860 -0.003645420
## 5019  -0.043660164  0.022609234
## 5020   0.000000000  0.125763900
## 5021   0.187388420  0.032590390
## 5022   0.022465706  0.235144620
## 5023  -0.234442230 -0.108718870
## 5024   0.265116595  0.149195799
## 5025  -0.089623930  0.000000000
## 5026  -0.808763500 -0.780591500
## 5027   1.002036100  1.037835100
## 5028   0.062582016  0.103221890
## 5029   0.022564411 -0.133458610
## 5030  -0.273899080 -0.061777115
## 5031   0.036312103  0.034815310
## 5032   0.727263000  0.672629830
## 5033   0.062403680 -0.035734653
## 5034   0.425931930  0.016931057
## 5035   0.099436280 -0.052345276
## 5036  -0.186083320 -0.120885850
## 5037  -0.195659160  0.020292282
## 5038   0.045958042  0.301671500
## 5039  -0.107650760  0.009624958
## 5040  -0.003961563  0.000000000
## 5041   0.107994560 -0.098868370
## 5042   0.027343750  0.259625430
## 5043  -0.013536453 -0.076298240
## 5044   0.468291280 -0.076209070
## 5045   0.287747380 -0.624000550
## 5046   0.142515180  0.076222420
## 5047   0.577467900 -0.110318660
## 5048  -0.065831899  0.177888868
## 5049   0.052082540  0.036708355
## 5050   0.222279070  0.290662770
## 5051  -0.233302120  0.304447170
## 5052  -0.488094800  0.163937570
## 5053  -0.141990180 -0.162076000
## 5054  -0.011744976  0.255595200
## 5055  -0.392965320  0.023763657
## 5056  -0.088230610  0.190439700
## 5057  -0.186772350 -0.245923520
## 5058  -0.346040730  0.096123695
## 5059  -0.467961300 -0.297717100
## 5060  -0.072506905  0.048725130
## 5061  -0.238194470 -0.221385000
## 5062  -0.028814793  0.064718008
## 5063  -0.108938462 -0.216967584
## 5064  -2.334166000 -2.916897800
## 5065   0.146750928  0.178555725
## 5066   0.000000000  0.063774586
## 5067   0.186709400  0.026442528
## 5068   0.241332530  0.356863500
## 5069   0.010547161  0.023757458
## 5070  -0.098133883  0.089410307
## 5071  -0.015478134 -0.014061451
## 5072  -0.006292822  0.038653851
## 5073   0.034330368 -0.018339634
## 5074   1.920607600  2.144165000
## 5075  -0.344537260 -0.749860300
## 5076  -0.012056351  0.000000000
## 5077  -0.045519352  0.082638740
## 5078  -0.149044040 -0.528547300
## 5079  -0.145466800 -0.674271600
## 5080  -0.083396910 -0.024663925
## 5081  -0.134239200 -0.008590221
## 5082   0.680148100  0.073275566
## 5083   0.916445730  0.153779030
## 5084  -0.017931938  0.215733050
## 5085   0.013160706 -0.221689220
## 5086  -0.090889930  0.102517130
## 5087   0.011125565  0.150132180
## 5088  -0.211795800  0.000000000
## 5089  -0.472641940 -0.437026020
## 5090   0.000000000  0.235871320
## 5091   0.115086555  0.070228100
## 5092   0.012288570 -0.089369774
## 5093  -0.176435950 -0.161233430
## 5094   0.081702230  0.182999130
## 5095  -0.051350594 -0.110784054
## 5096   0.002676010 -0.069334030
## 5097   0.216152190 -0.051183700
## 5098  -0.614207270 -0.178668020
## 5099  -0.171061520 -0.514799100
## 5100   0.266345980  0.423762320
## 5101   0.082641125  0.110605720
## 5102   0.079008100  0.156438830
## 5103   0.013225079  0.054718970
## 5104   0.032788754  0.000000000
## 5105  -0.033233643  0.000000000
## 5106   0.041634560 -0.049096584
## 5107  -0.354661000 -0.321374900
## 5108  -0.495285500 -0.035575867
## 5109  -0.104608060  0.066853050
## 5110   0.063451290  0.002936840
## 5111   0.017067910 -0.062409400
## 5112   0.027946949 -0.019883633
## 5113  -0.069091320  0.066291810
## 5114   0.275405400  0.191881660
## 5115   0.037011147  0.084115030
## 5116  -0.026791573  0.101714134
## 5117  -0.410602100 -0.382178780
## 5118   0.555098300  0.154662370
## 5119   0.000755000  0.000000000
## 5120   1.333436000  1.383167300
## 5121  -0.282009120 -0.276737200
## 5122   0.086106300  0.046501160
## 5123  -0.309156420 -0.404609680
## 5124   0.020138740 -0.324154850
## 5125  -0.291014670 -0.072484970
## 5126  -0.083934310  0.051753998
## 5127  -0.040611267  0.000000000
## 5128  -0.066813946 -0.166709420
## 5129  -0.549885300 -0.195084570
## 5130  -0.264614580  0.135651110
## 5131   0.205215930  0.007718086
## 5132   0.159045700  0.018266678
## 5133   0.489020820  0.120861530
## 5134   0.256723400  0.041910170
## 5135  -0.113506320 -0.171291830
## 5136  -0.388362400  0.042034626
## 5137  -0.120115280  0.015338421
## 5138   0.003816605 -0.113256930
## 5139   0.194983480  0.140791420
## 5140   0.168268680  0.162059780
## 5141   0.122323990  0.000000000
## 5142  -0.710417750 -0.401062970
## 5143  -0.324239250 -0.482028000
## 5144  -0.237759110 -0.278680800
## 5145   0.508359430  0.561972140
## 5146   0.219439500  0.793916700
## 5147  -0.132829670 -0.184643270
## 5148   0.116870880  0.177206040
## 5149  -0.001288410 -0.190970180
## 5150   0.038081646 -0.049886703
## 5151   0.192754750 -0.010084152
## 5152  -0.066129210 -0.020208359
## 5153   0.532030100  1.095486600
## 5154   0.000000000  0.001793861
## 5155   0.280350200 -0.139706130
## 5156   0.157238000  0.231290340
## 5157   0.010141373  0.032167910
## 5158   1.022154800  0.017104149
## 5159  -0.371490960  0.431266300
## 5160  -0.028999805 -0.236752030
## 5161   0.147377970 -0.037961960
## 5162  -0.044317722  0.054361820
## 5163   0.660839100  0.617493600
## 5164   0.063655850 -0.045644760
## 5165  -0.055778980  0.000000000
## 5166   0.201687810  0.758057600
## 5167   0.409480100  0.043498993
## 5168  -0.235335830  0.074639800
## 5169  -0.042626858 -0.677212700
## 5170   0.028002262 -0.087197065
## 5171   0.296985623  0.025269190
## 5172   0.298730850  0.095413685
## 5173  -0.119210240  0.057700157
## 5174   0.004644394  0.054172516
## 5175   0.052615643  0.013575554
## 5176   0.120366100  0.054833412
## 5177  -0.034465313  0.053884983
## 5178   0.454301830  0.089425090
## 5179   0.381340980  0.428132060
## 5180  -0.009787560  0.047766685
## 5181   0.083547590  0.222199440
## 5182   0.408927920  0.041396140
## 5183   0.409916875  0.174394851
## 5184  -0.228008270 -0.292328830
## 5185   0.014178753 -0.153832910
## 5186   0.033731460  0.198341370
## 5187   0.133281710 -0.073867800
## 5188   0.053322792 -0.161275860
## 5189   0.035989760  0.115593430
## 5190  -0.542554860 -0.177646640
## 5191  -0.539469700 -0.129245760
## 5192  -0.149312970  0.000000000
## 5193  -0.060668469  0.134425878
## 5194   0.312837600  0.018742085
## 5195  -0.421294925 -0.604564650
## 5196  -0.022459030  0.113753320
## 5197  -0.206115720  0.008062363
## 5198   1.343203500  1.142979600
## 5199   0.126332760  0.000000000
## 5200  -0.012809277  0.000000000
## 5201  -0.132523540 -0.014927864
## 5202   0.095884801  0.008653879
## 5203   0.002922058 -0.011831760
## 5204  -0.555581100 -0.504237650
## 5205   0.009409905  0.050616264
## 5206   0.076958180  0.706017000
## 5207   0.001809597 -0.098965170
## 5208  -0.019716263  0.120328430
## 5209   0.019194126  0.152146340
## 5210  -0.051714420  0.026529312
## 5211   0.059464455 -0.032002450
## 5212  -0.047420500 -0.016840458
## 5213  -0.024618149 -0.002769470
## 5214   0.101099493  0.038655280
## 5215  -0.074946400 -0.128057000
## 5216  -0.188644410  0.069948200
## 5217  -0.359863280 -0.296644200
## 5218  -0.125051020  0.009066582
## 5219  -0.005691653 -0.004349038
## 5220   0.035219670  0.022766113
## 5221  -0.130961420  0.004391670
## 5222   0.142026900 -0.057549000
## 5223   0.000000000  0.041918278
## 5224  -0.197900770 -0.008000135
## 5225   0.397630700  0.071847916
## 5226   0.000000000  0.323830130
## 5227   0.241952420  0.004758358
## 5228   0.447469230  0.690812100
## 5229   0.029970646 -0.346560000
## 5230   0.004213810 -0.042614460
## 5231   0.000000000  0.104741570
## 5232   0.043097496  0.119418144
## 5233   0.058502292 -0.000137595
## 5234   0.089739800  0.046406746
## 5235   0.039219380 -0.001028538
## 5236  -0.019514084 -0.033168793
## 5237   0.005476475  0.025127888
## 5238  -0.077313900  0.426462170
## 5239  -0.185854430  0.299689300
## 5240   0.093039510 -0.140087130
## 5241   0.129989150  0.035783290
## 5242   0.468654630 -0.004626274
## 5243  -0.191140170 -0.076251980
## 5244   0.000000000 -0.263287540
## 5245  -0.031692505 -0.127407550
## 5246  -0.037302731 -0.131294490
## 5247   0.025128841 -0.054386140
## 5248   0.130458350  0.122280120
## 5249  -0.227787970 -0.081987380
## 5250   0.008119583  0.053539753
## 5251  -0.035393238  0.075756550
## 5252   0.008085728  0.728169440
## 5253  -0.155593870  0.142752650
## 5254   0.346361160  0.428380000
## 5255  -0.005985023  0.193062543
## 5256   2.240394000  1.687411800
## 5257   0.067573070  0.060806750
## 5258   0.013609886  0.036041737
## 5259   0.007652283 -0.202585220
## 5260  -0.042517185 -0.288415900
## 5261  -0.376832000 -0.907412050
## 5262  -0.049359320 -0.229034420
## 5263   0.146990780  0.104003906
## 5264   0.183748238  0.092251060
## 5265  -0.116913795 -0.074307920
## 5266  -0.099030495  0.000000000
## 5267  -0.379169940 -0.037092686
## 5268   0.151617530  0.057464600
## 5269   0.137252330  0.000000000
## 5270   0.000000000 -0.192731380
## 5271   0.010508060 -0.161649700
## 5272   0.047724724 -0.107467650
## 5273   0.549608230  0.206320760
## 5274   0.991501800  1.252053300
## 5275   0.548990250  0.265645980
## 5276   0.406294350 -0.725755200
## 5277   0.386351100 -0.193144800
## 5278  -0.025914669  0.042178154
## 5279   0.815507400  0.543699740
## 5280   0.013290882  0.102301600
## 5281   0.047845840  0.000000000
## 5282   1.014514900  0.455533980
## 5283   0.108434200 -0.159035680
## 5284  -0.001020432  0.158466340
## 5285  -0.209085460 -0.072947500
## 5286  -0.256905080 -0.606906900
## 5287  -0.478122700 -0.165418620
## 5288   0.222904200  0.192953110
## 5289  -0.042141914  0.233851430
## 5290  -0.021198750 -0.221179490
## 5291   0.011645794  0.000000000
## 5292   0.256666660 -0.033392906
## 5293   0.069909096  0.025769234
## 5294   0.644135500  0.584885600
## 5295   0.267217640  0.352729800
## 5296  -0.199876068  0.122861148
## 5297   0.000000000  0.028022766
## 5298   0.558804040  0.712468600
## 5299   0.009825707  0.000000000
## 5300  -0.024438858 -0.000913000
## 5301  -1.047464800  0.264112470
## 5302  -0.202530860 -0.157235150
## 5303   0.308703420  0.236404420
## 5304   0.142081740 -0.047141552
## 5305  -0.026066780  0.194286820
## 5306   1.535899200  1.872032200
## 5307   0.011624813  0.002239227
## 5308  -0.029057026  0.008595943
## 5309  -0.120172500 -0.031306744
## 5310  -0.055679798 -0.143851760
## 5311   0.116263390  0.325919150
## 5312  -1.427489300 -0.164173130
## 5313   0.013882160  0.000977000
## 5314   0.088227750  0.052275658
## 5315  -0.300393100  0.192313200
## 5316  -0.192059520  0.075644970
## 5317  -0.014278889  0.077325344
## 5318   0.115033630 -0.093040940
## 5319   0.009633541  0.266129020
## 5320  -0.015967370 -0.121615410
## 5321   0.202468400 -0.226183890
## 5322   0.192576410  0.023358345
## 5323   0.000000000  0.014782906
## 5324  -0.199477200 -0.281728270
## 5325  -0.095610140  0.157552240
## 5326  -0.032660960 -0.020916939
## 5327   0.108374120  0.000000000
## 5328  -0.026452065 -0.082217220
## 5329  -0.061851025  0.000000000
## 5330  -0.040867331  0.008403540
## 5331  -0.051115990 -0.020013332
## 5332   1.459428800  0.000000000
## 5333   1.082713100  1.190576600
## 5334   0.396009450  0.242687230
## 5335   0.000000000  0.030679226
## 5336  -0.131293300  0.094390870
## 5337   1.213302600  0.995669360
## 5338   0.238657950  0.000000000
## 5339  -0.298660280 -0.312276840
## 5340   0.009675026 -0.140631680
## 5341  -0.179757120 -0.113755700
## 5342   0.053304195  0.079688550
## 5343   0.018597603  0.050794125
## 5344   0.347899440  0.117355350
## 5345  -0.136336330 -0.290729520
## 5346  -0.137884620  0.000873000
## 5347   0.000000000 -0.137991430
## 5348   1.028483400  0.958579060
## 5349   0.160966870  0.082917210
## 5350   0.733293060  0.581998800
## 5351   1.174809900  0.853978630
## 5352  -0.412633900 -0.341085430
## 5353  -0.089794160  0.000000000
## 5354   0.183074470  0.127658370
## 5355  -0.045453550 -0.407564640
## 5356   0.000000000  0.108324050
## 5357   0.633844400  0.787250500
## 5358   1.475666000  1.425882300
## 5359   0.125507830  0.196829320
## 5360  -0.993501660 -0.778207800
## 5361  -0.040075780  0.019230366
## 5362  -0.314649580 -0.292611120
## 5363   0.244894500 -0.015537739
## 5364   0.094819546  0.206621650
## 5365   0.389636040 -0.393724440
## 5366  -0.093293190 -0.517697330
## 5367  -0.077670574 -0.114334110
## 5368  -0.531707760 -0.491298200
## 5369  -2.002645500 -0.579208400
## 5370  -0.175818123  0.096864700
## 5371   0.315398220  0.158023830
## 5372   0.199507710  0.038326263
## 5373  -0.542033200 -0.345795630
## 5374  -0.175940510 -0.034211160
## 5375  -0.234469410 -0.468507770
## 5376  -0.558025840 -0.435349940
## 5377  -0.004001617  0.217639920
## 5378   0.195868490 -0.480898860
## 5379  -0.157897950  0.375912670
## 5380   0.813436030  0.041161060
## 5381   0.237654690  1.843452500
## 5382  -0.175042630 -0.535604000
## 5383   0.127463820 -0.111045360
## 5384   0.000000000  0.101844790
## 5385   0.061501026 -0.045884610
## 5386  -0.538108800  0.140933040
## 5387   0.000816822  0.083545210
## 5388   0.090788840 -0.324526800
## 5389   0.242397310 -0.119617460
## 5390   0.141295430  0.178953170
## 5391   0.049387930  0.117117880
## 5392   0.004387141  0.113700630
## 5393   0.469495770  0.251157760
## 5394   0.196146970  0.004245758
## 5395  -0.239763260 -0.069717410
## 5396   0.230967520  0.011636734
## 5397   0.061743261 -0.021940708
## 5398  -0.189100270 -0.267562870
## 5399  -0.239519120  0.011821632
## 5400  -0.297757150 -0.011274338
## 5401  -0.356102940 -0.067649840
## 5402  -0.238858230  0.026762963
## 5403  -0.039868991  0.167976060
## 5404  -0.022258759  0.223668100
## 5405  -0.115527470 -0.195753100
## 5406   0.266612050 -0.048000336
## 5407  -0.727636350 -0.100278855
## 5408  -0.088017941  0.043651581
## 5409   0.298247340  0.048753740
## 5410   0.565761570 -0.151597980
## 5411  -0.053946495  0.191894530
## 5412   0.538251900  0.114211080
## 5413  -0.008265495 -0.344861500
## 5414  -0.046589850  0.131999020
## 5415   0.236688610  0.341334340
## 5416   0.062953950  0.051965714
## 5417   0.000000000  0.063525200
## 5418  -0.315368650 -0.005134583
## 5419  -0.338866230  0.176008220
## 5420  -0.055498125 -0.450623510
## 5421   0.068800450 -0.142811780
## 5422   0.000000000  0.085483550
## 5423  -0.044843197  0.164586540
## 5424   0.498722550 -0.430954930
## 5425   0.108540535  0.092872620
## 5426   0.000000000  0.028238297
## 5427  -0.402573600 -0.083805084
## 5428   0.130395410  0.147109990
## 5429  -0.007611752  0.000114000
## 5430  -0.244984630 -0.064888000
## 5431   0.022812130 -0.073221920
## 5432  -0.132681370 -0.015121937
## 5433   0.365951540  0.428669690
## 5434   0.056146145  0.067169190
## 5435   0.167106630 -0.151599880
## 5436  -0.093844652  0.041969536
## 5437  -0.392950530 -0.294174670
## 5438   0.499807360  0.205662730
## 5439   0.274959560  0.484278680
## 5440   0.115924835  0.011765957
## 5441  -0.100694660 -0.210220340
## 5442   0.090989590 -0.117687700
## 5443  -0.111512184  0.108954430
## 5444  -0.379126070 -0.394314300
## 5445  -0.252496240 -0.031741142
## 5446  -0.004197598  0.086093900
## 5447   0.272831920 -0.087491990
## 5448  -0.012312889 -0.015294075
## 5449   0.400089740  0.451362600
## 5450   0.052304268  0.217933650
## 5451  -0.186440470 -0.224335670
## 5452   0.016234398  0.132572170
## 5453  -0.036106110  0.036140442
## 5454   0.077826020 -0.039467810
## 5455   0.053948880  0.033311367
## 5456   0.029082298  0.875297550
## 5457   0.246587750 -0.555018400
## 5458  -1.496501900 -1.913963300
## 5459   0.061162470  0.109006405
## 5460   0.575547200 -0.126642230
## 5461   0.210973735 -0.314339400
## 5462  -0.190935130  0.498190880
## 5463  -0.137671000 -0.092712400
## 5464  -0.002549171  0.000000000
## 5465  -0.129012350 -0.165939095
## 5466  -0.104668620 -0.003314495
## 5467   0.444352150  0.072169304
## 5468  -0.439541820 -0.021955490
## 5469   0.048336983 -0.026003838
## 5470   0.478631500 -0.312181470
## 5471  -0.322489740 -0.268280030
## 5472   0.139052870 -0.050281048
## 5473  -0.123189450 -0.548221100
## 5474   0.356466300  0.422241200
## 5475   0.195124630 -0.323689940
## 5476  -0.200140950 -0.033434868
## 5477   0.000000000  0.055760860
## 5478   0.000000000  0.047346115
## 5479   0.000000000  0.010035515
## 5480   0.540871140  0.284352780
## 5481   0.125240330  0.023097992
## 5482  -0.088563440  0.000000000
## 5483   0.464896200  0.253500940
## 5484   0.058508396 -0.012177944
## 5485  -0.028288364 -0.006298542
## 5486   0.015398979  0.000000000
## 5487  -0.150620460  0.008259058
## 5488   0.077502730 -0.328023900
## 5489   0.000000000  1.992189900
## 5490   1.557847000  1.370935400
## 5491  -0.379789350 -0.236529350
## 5492  -0.149945260  0.041098595
## 5493  -0.149360180 -0.090125084
## 5494   0.000000000 -0.134006500
## 5495  -0.046901226 -0.068933964
## 5496  -0.095438000  0.283842560
## 5497  -0.133315560  0.073232174
## 5498   1.402114900  1.176637600
## 5499   0.050050735  0.013398647
## 5500   0.053091526  0.998248600
## 5501   0.183364870  0.286050800
## 5502  -0.142482280  0.000000000
## 5503   0.420760150  0.595209100
## 5504   0.170426850  0.132375240
## 5505   0.434548380  0.562506700
## 5506  -0.135110143  0.109529015
## 5507  -0.133064270 -0.058178425
## 5508  -0.146571160 -0.174323560
## 5509   0.580795300 -0.049278260
## 5510  -0.302917480 -0.142189661
## 5511   0.015117645  0.089177610
## 5512  -0.204251290  0.172088620
## 5513  -0.013279438  0.101706505
## 5514   0.021806717 -0.060544490
## 5515  -0.008826494  0.114125489
## 5516  -0.066972730  0.385985850
## 5517   0.000000000  0.186281200
## 5518  -0.108594420 -0.192213060
## 5519  -0.329634670 -1.008222100
## 5520   2.394719100  2.115412700
## 5521  -0.069149970  0.166407590
## 5522  -0.562123300 -0.197658540
## 5523   0.322961800 -0.099173070
## 5524  -0.176063060  0.072040560
## 5525  -0.118218420  0.343454360
## 5526  -0.064738270 -0.132073880
## 5527   0.040961742  0.198562150
## 5528  -0.720694540 -0.744812970
## 5529   0.051551342 -0.109120370
## 5530   0.179142000  0.105111120
## 5531  -0.054770470 -0.520815850
## 5532  -0.024909973  0.120024680
## 5533  -0.285844800 -0.286880020
## 5534  -0.045239450 -0.022516250
## 5535   0.047406673 -0.056716920
## 5536  -0.221540450 -0.405267720
## 5537  -0.130024910 -0.009211540
## 5538   0.000000000 -0.121073720
## 5539  -0.071737290  0.106307980
## 5540   0.104475020  0.127884860
## 5541   0.372712140  0.139651300
## 5542   0.444711700  0.677867900
## 5543  -0.249610420  0.254706380
## 5544   0.269919400  0.424675000
## 5545   0.202898500 -0.094214916
## 5546   0.570983900  1.220035100
## 5547   0.066040990 -0.006642819
## 5548   0.210431100  0.102077960
## 5549   0.027884483  0.049357890
## 5550  -0.053301810  0.225109100
## 5551   0.167133330  0.079588890
## 5552   0.000000000 -0.029410362
## 5553   0.000000000 -0.241326810
## 5554  -0.016813755 -0.275275230
## 5555   0.099807740 -0.076817510
## 5556   0.251408580  0.633729460
## 5557  -0.123886585 -0.013336182
## 5558   0.729268550  0.939183700
## 5559  -0.022856712 -0.035294056
## 5560   0.878208160  0.260592460
## 5561  -0.022071838  0.015853882
## 5562   0.045930386  0.078750130
## 5563   0.211753370 -0.067580700
## 5564  -0.181703090 -0.011242390
## 5565   0.544668200  0.228378050
## 5566   0.006515503  0.083258630
## 5567  -0.120267870 -0.116518020
## 5568   0.794103600  0.602077500
## 5569   0.015703678  0.004624367
## 5570   0.000000000  0.551796900
## 5571   0.191982270 -0.024585724
## 5572   0.086118220  0.066256520
## 5573   0.240503310  0.022634030
## 5574   0.000000000 -0.156596180
## 5575  -0.164671900  0.200626370
## 5576   0.036159515  0.217537880
## 5577   0.232748990 -0.243130680
## 5578  -0.115727900 -0.054546833
## 5579   0.002933502  0.005735874
## 5580  -0.153859620 -0.280533800
## 5581   0.059936047  0.084008690
## 5582  -0.048577310 -0.053681374
## 5583  -0.107443810 -0.100140570
## 5584  -0.338713650 -0.163499830
## 5585   0.197544100  0.348385800
## 5586   0.137418270  0.103849410
## 5587   0.430325500  0.720872400
## 5588   0.163690570  0.169753070
## 5589  -0.013101101 -0.150897265
## 5590  -0.311652180 -0.134686000
## 5591   0.000471000 -0.191917420
## 5592   0.150593280  0.082923410
## 5593  -0.095421790 -0.020038605
## 5594  -0.079762936  0.021873951
## 5595   0.008535862 -0.436352730
## 5596  -0.006003380  0.000000000
## 5597  -0.119947430  0.262230870
## 5598   0.048754215  0.035409450
## 5599   0.000000000  0.110346794
## 5600  -0.084096430 -0.286017900
## 5601   0.173775200 -0.102511880
## 5602  -0.036009153  0.149651367
## 5603  -0.102489950  0.006259441
## 5604   1.443877700  1.671542600
## 5605  -0.024276733  0.314817900
## 5606  -0.072323800  0.141884800
## 5607  -0.270676600  0.108026030
## 5608  -0.203228000 -0.013937950
## 5609   0.317719460  0.361678120
## 5610   0.000000000  0.030758858
## 5611   0.047978165 -0.177138090
## 5612   0.540653200  0.078215600
## 5613   0.175330160 -0.064964294
## 5614   0.388500200  0.233648300
## 5615   0.293416980  0.225143430
## 5616   0.881142600  0.026484490
## 5617  -0.442849160  0.089395520
## 5618  -0.171670910  0.234423640
## 5619  -0.634034167 -0.742918003
## 5620  -0.393253330  0.190230370
## 5621  -0.653924470 -0.624402500
## 5622   0.038941383 -0.721249600
## 5623   0.251071930  0.257563600
## 5624   0.007035255 -0.006841183
## 5625  -0.247676850  0.000000000
## 5626  -0.107759476  0.553115840
## 5627   0.216401100 -0.364614500
## 5628  -0.036677837  0.059976578
## 5629  -0.013562679  0.000000000
## 5630  -0.037251472 -0.099080086
## 5631  -0.243807320 -0.315997120
## 5632  -0.137705330 -0.029139042
## 5633  -0.023366928 -0.221982960
## 5634  -0.710784900  0.008052349
## 5635   0.424413200 -0.109316826
## 5636   0.000000000 -0.042658330
## 5637  -0.254795070 -0.091597560
## 5638   0.025474548  0.303883550
## 5639   0.079337120 -0.057951450
## 5640   0.154521940  0.913973800
## 5641  -0.174069880  0.232897995
## 5642   0.771120550 -0.385563850
## 5643  -0.223174095 -0.319360735
## 5644  -0.190434460 -0.037946700
## 5645   0.496919630 -0.231953620
## 5646  -0.157258030  0.040096760
## 5647   0.145216460  0.000000000
## 5648  -0.089942930 -0.101560590
## 5649  -0.099099160  0.079478740
## 5650  -0.337817670  0.071535110
## 5651   0.054944992 -0.005107880
## 5652  -0.288415430 -0.120203495
## 5653  -0.210759160  0.107752320
## 5654  -0.038204193  0.010840416
## 5655  -0.157968520  0.012766838
## 5656   0.141263960 -0.123635770
## 5657   0.033847810 -0.131784440
## 5658  -0.057423590  0.000000000
## 5659   0.480970860 -0.197757240
## 5660  -0.079145910  0.000000000
## 5661  -0.171363350  0.040408610
## 5662   0.029568672  0.240155220
## 5663  -0.376365660 -0.196709630
## 5664  -0.199517250 -0.267085080
## 5665  -0.101638794  0.105482100
## 5666  -0.849995140 -0.137274270
## 5667   1.501968400  1.702436400
## 5668  -0.321336750 -0.023249626
## 5669  -0.086642740 -0.119905950
## 5670  -0.059195040  0.026133537
## 5671   0.154839520 -0.296485900
## 5672   0.020196438 -0.040431976
## 5673   0.732776640  0.244301800
## 5674   0.519400600  0.238707540
## 5675  -0.030792713 -0.437708385
## 5676   0.003690243 -0.065927505
## 5677   0.000000000  0.661620140
## 5678  -0.265367980  0.109737870
## 5679   0.044447422  0.074801445
## 5680   0.331465010  0.336955785
## 5681   0.245870590  0.182172780
## 5682   0.064723970  0.451663020
## 5683   0.088538650  0.053371906
## 5684  -0.030090809  0.000000000
## 5685  -0.132104400  0.028630257
## 5686   0.000000000  0.027360440
## 5687  -0.489680770  0.369706630
## 5688  -0.028772354 -0.044626236
## 5689   0.015311718  0.000000000
## 5690   0.275192260  0.312769900
## 5691   0.057015420 -0.047830580
## 5692  -0.156929020  0.009475231
## 5693   0.000000000 -0.013328552
## 5694   0.166069985 -0.098234973
## 5695   0.025062561  0.304203500
## 5696   0.184260850  0.234966280
## 5697  -0.243632800  0.000000000
## 5698   0.051085472 -0.077374460
## 5699   0.113499640 -0.086503030
## 5700  -0.280945780 -0.019042015
## 5701   0.065289500 -0.027428627
## 5702   0.377487660  0.331468100
## 5703  -0.069442988 -0.080230715
## 5704   0.126102450  0.166315080
## 5705   0.000000000  0.345709800
## 5706   0.181330680  0.225278850
## 5707  -0.015433311  0.152104380
## 5708  -0.168120860 -0.211362840
## 5709   0.303400520  0.194369800
## 5710   0.541130540  0.089147090
## 5711  -0.116120340  0.263602730
## 5712   0.184415820  0.064283370
## 5713  -0.122910020 -0.141135700
## 5714  -0.319510700 -0.502068300
## 5715  -0.051320553 -0.036120890
## 5716   0.053066730  0.054411888
## 5717   0.076195720 -0.840794100
## 5718  -0.245885850 -0.384548200
## 5719   0.179278370 -0.603672500
## 5720  -0.146982670  0.111921790
## 5721   0.873203300  1.116348300
## 5722   0.223885540  0.078983310
## 5723  -0.016385555 -0.000665000
## 5724  -0.505461700 -0.940904600
## 5725  -0.124835970 -0.163060670
## 5726  -0.124353886 -0.010753632
## 5727  -0.137328150  0.086520195
## 5728  -0.243146900  0.282894130
## 5729  -0.072161674 -0.051923750
## 5730   0.393278120  0.146022800
## 5731  -0.288546560 -0.363480570
## 5732  -0.215104100 -0.536220550
## 5733  -0.134288310  0.025986671
## 5734  -0.071982860 -0.066421986
## 5735   0.291467670  0.414185520
## 5736   0.004186630  0.106122970
## 5737  -0.014873505 -0.144237040
## 5738   0.021842957  0.054936410
## 5739  -0.010644913  0.000000000
## 5740   0.886304860  0.621216800
## 5741   0.923423770  0.383718000
## 5742  -0.016161919 -0.271334170
## 5743  -0.123838900  0.000000000
## 5744  -0.041193962  0.215897080
## 5745   0.054950714 -0.187292580
## 5746  -0.017589570 -0.097532750
## 5747  -0.022010803  0.088144300
## 5748  -0.166181560 -0.020324707
## 5749  -0.043339730 -0.013576508
## 5750  -0.024950504  0.000000000
## 5751  -0.273185730 -0.113301280
## 5752   0.000000000  0.019536018
## 5753   0.432479380  0.280672550
## 5754  -0.282867430 -0.364249230
## 5755   0.307766440  0.041759490
## 5756   0.422739500  0.172988890
## 5757   0.035781860  0.318419460
## 5758  -0.171993730 -0.011379719
## 5759   0.071239470  0.000000000
## 5760  -0.323254100  0.389895920
## 5761   0.000000000  0.136575220
## 5762   0.024098873 -0.105418205
## 5763   0.000000000  0.042449950
## 5764   0.000000000  0.020463467
## 5765   0.034354210 -0.094037056
## 5766  -0.055689335 -0.071163654
## 5767  -0.075439930 -0.009777546
## 5768   0.136825080  0.063099860
## 5769   0.029598236  0.033118248
## 5770   1.477578400  1.960266350
## 5771   2.500672300  2.556229600
## 5772   2.245499150  2.096711100
## 5773   0.000000000  0.057275772
## 5774   0.741561400  0.278828620
## 5775  -0.151330470  0.733592030
## 5776  -0.190220360 -0.658561700
## 5777  -0.562116600 -0.717422500
## 5778  -0.124446870  0.227383610
## 5779   1.072102500  1.388661400
## 5780  -0.125829220  0.015889168
## 5781   0.208216670  0.320413600
## 5782   0.354845050 -0.313900470
## 5783   0.151856900  0.551691530
## 5784  -0.787402150 -0.503920560
## 5785  -0.347353940 -0.367269520
## 5786  -0.205752370 -0.198741910
## 5787   0.178891660  0.066296580
## 5788  -0.153051380 -0.059793472
## 5789   0.043542862 -0.037255287
## 5790   0.863541600  1.354075400
## 5791   1.390957800  1.361382500
## 5792   1.223033900  1.249310500
## 5793   0.063951017  0.048694612
## 5794  -0.322727200  0.021232605
## 5795  -0.148689750 -0.119965550
## 5796   0.347486500 -0.062090874
## 5797   0.531500800  0.700122830
## 5798  -0.320220000 -0.303853500
## 5799  -0.022945404  0.112775800
## 5800  -0.052897453  0.007817268
## 5801  -0.316450600 -0.114853860
## 5802  -0.132713800 -0.066199780
## 5803  -0.042118550 -0.137622830
## 5804  -0.060280800  0.523939130
## 5805   0.149655340  0.363739970
## 5806  -0.494131100  0.235562320
## 5807  -0.007822990 -0.034833908
## 5808   0.000000000  0.226266380
## 5809   0.097441200 -0.012857437
## 5810  -0.052558900  0.027316093
## 5811   0.093099594  0.913874600
## 5812   0.203487870 -0.090476036
## 5813  -0.401114000  0.000000000
## 5814   0.084335330  0.219416620
## 5815  -0.096549034 -0.045764923
## 5816  -0.005460739  0.236888890
## 5817   0.360634090  0.064956426
## 5818  -0.235002755 -0.137885093
## 5819   0.342973230 -0.269339560
## 5820   0.041967392  0.006181717
## 5821   0.229106900  0.000000000
## 5822   0.247294430  0.259337430
## 5823   0.000000000 -0.260585300
## 5824   0.263646600  0.051375866
## 5825  -0.053788662 -0.040691853
## 5826   0.125019070  0.069834710
## 5827  -0.091872690 -0.111968994
## 5828   0.279668800 -0.028522491
## 5829   0.071501730 -0.199484350
## 5830  -0.084217550  0.165631770
## 5831  -0.381141660 -0.046868324
## 5832  -0.021489620 -0.000072500
## 5833  -0.095074180 -0.227316380
## 5834  -0.279780860 -0.619572640
## 5835   0.002943039 -0.241833690
## 5836   0.038502979  0.020087433
## 5837  -0.901881200 -0.869984600
## 5838  -0.818730350 -0.801401600
## 5839   0.160661220 -0.381155500
## 5840   0.315008640 -0.156550880
## 5841   0.324403760 -0.123425010
## 5842   0.044636250 -0.000374000
## 5843   0.042479992 -0.008663654
## 5844   0.259263040  0.000617000
## 5845   0.006672859  0.098366260
## 5846   0.018387318  0.077713010
## 5847  -0.021674157  0.081694366
## 5848  -0.097993374 -0.080536366
## 5849  -0.072079660 -0.070102215
## 5850   0.255896100  0.094436646
## 5851  -0.102288246 -0.247205730
## 5852  -0.112697600 -0.039864540
## 5853   0.038513900  0.099920035
## 5854  -0.096862316 -0.039312840
## 5855  -0.010571957  0.303936960
## 5856  -0.013496399 -0.352783200
## 5857  -0.074797150  0.029788971
## 5858   0.053664684 -0.022034168
## 5859   0.091331005 -0.097686770
## 5860   0.457936760  0.000000000
## 5861   0.057704450  0.231645100
## 5862   0.079041480 -0.152885440
## 5863  -0.765321250 -0.518222800
## 5864   0.196458340  0.388396740
## 5865   0.090996740  0.300826070
## 5866  -0.084388730 -0.059265614
## 5867  -0.009871960 -0.014753819
## 5868  -0.067923070  0.059989930
## 5869   0.004779816  0.077288630
## 5870   0.599219300 -0.034832000
## 5871   0.157852650  0.114872930
## 5872   0.009823322 -0.018692017
## 5873  -0.405715000  0.268655780
## 5874  -0.364019400 -0.448486330
## 5875  -0.227787020  0.158086300
## 5876  -0.280301100 -0.451478960
## 5877  -0.151173115 -0.054273845
## 5878   0.244531630 -0.171735760
## 5879   0.074408530 -0.025558472
## 5880   0.444076310  0.073964355
## 5881  -0.054735185 -0.007035255
## 5882  -0.019067765  0.070310592
## 5883  -0.006334782  0.022586823
## 5884  -0.015357971  0.227945330
## 5885  -0.088902470  0.020575523
## 5886   0.067238805  0.064840079
## 5887  -0.150468350  0.217955110
## 5888  -0.028853893 -0.110285280
## 5889   0.157586100  0.046282290
## 5890  -0.553408600 -0.666293140
## 5891  -0.034449577  0.139161590
## 5892  -0.068970200  0.000458000
## 5893  -0.603568100 -0.321732520
## 5894  -0.129404540  0.572555540
## 5895  -0.127024650  0.020480156
## 5896   0.315114970  0.221147060
## 5897   0.110362050  0.180920600
## 5898  -0.232737540 -0.184279440
## 5899   0.214102750  0.198361400
## 5900   0.267784120  0.104389190
## 5901   0.045255660 -0.015110970
## 5902  -0.020045757  0.191394800
## 5903  -0.158312800  0.380399700
## 5904   0.405958180 -0.124366760
## 5905   0.000000000 -0.190493100
## 5906  -0.053012848  0.130332950
## 5907   1.039012000  0.980627060
## 5908  -0.072330950 -0.227835180
## 5909   0.161437990  0.024727345
## 5910   0.000000000 -0.061983585
## 5911   0.144828320  0.050600052
## 5912  -0.080140590  0.027896404
## 5913   0.004901886  0.023813725
## 5914   0.016683102 -0.144003870
## 5915  -0.127077100  0.001235485
## 5916  -0.274193300  0.007521153
## 5917  -0.330114840  0.261394980
## 5918  -0.144407270  0.096567154
## 5919  -0.124899390  0.000000000
## 5920   0.072257040 -0.136838910
## 5921  -0.525448800  0.129574780
## 5922   0.158955570 -0.183008200
## 5923   0.207316880  0.124084950
## 5924   0.000000000  0.009644508
## 5925   0.758546800  0.777031900
## 5926   0.389848700  0.988796230
## 5927  -1.207828500 -1.124928000
## 5928   0.287917600 -0.819805600
## 5929  -0.607508200 -0.568273070
## 5930  -0.395069120  0.000000000
## 5931   0.224637990  0.377222060
## 5932   0.010815620 -0.068952080
## 5933   0.145742420 -0.243990420
## 5934   0.853378300  0.308293340
## 5935   0.024758816  0.242125990
## 5936   0.149747850  0.039713860
## 5937  -0.008144061  0.086369673
## 5938   0.082905290 -0.000515000
## 5939   0.037430763  0.141474720
## 5940   0.011140347  0.043730736
## 5941   0.586290360  0.335960400
## 5942  -0.096958160  0.113939285
## 5943  -0.030467510 -0.139763830
## 5944   0.056881428 -0.028611660
## 5945   0.483052250 -0.363591200
## 5946  -0.071864605  0.214821820
## 5947  -0.081639290  0.000000000
## 5948   0.016103745  0.170054440
## 5949   0.129235270  0.000000000
## 5950  -0.065373900 -0.033124924
## 5951   0.117485050 -0.259210600
## 5952  -0.048376083  0.000000000
## 5953   0.178738120  0.398244380
## 5954   0.000000000 -0.063651560
## 5955   0.418682100  0.025914192
## 5956   1.226680800  0.625666600
## 5957   0.141121390 -0.098056320
## 5958  -0.680337900  0.082445145
## 5959   0.280812025 -0.246896505
## 5960   0.003209114 -0.228183270
## 5961   0.000000000  0.127729420
## 5962   0.179410460 -0.102295400
## 5963  -0.123899940 -0.020538330
## 5964  -0.138121600  0.004912853
## 5965  -1.423031800 -1.771618800
## 5966  -0.236171720 -0.028354645
## 5967   0.094373700  0.260208130
## 5968  -0.040311337  0.126762390
## 5969   0.009100914 -0.029166222
## 5970   0.914192700  0.568906300
## 5971   0.048453330  0.546628950
## 5972   0.476201530 -0.109732630
## 5973   0.657372000  0.125135900
## 5974   0.096049310  0.075455666
## 5975   0.046423912  0.046809196
## 5976   0.086915015 -0.401000970
## 5977   0.066869736 -0.119173050
## 5978  -0.142522654 -0.002043088
## 5979  -0.116762160 -0.005805016
## 5980   0.450009350  0.383954050
## 5981  -0.280893800 -0.206377030
## 5982   0.050486565 -0.046358110
## 5983  -1.519302400 -0.893051150
## 5984  -0.057652950 -0.025526047
## 5985   0.101635456  0.044006348
## 5986  -0.141895770 -0.121623516
## 5987   0.021595478 -0.123257160
## 5988   0.041115760  0.135290150
## 5989  -0.010821343 -0.073690414
## 5990  -0.010982037  0.075721264
## 5991   0.000000000  0.044704437
## 5992  -0.038363457 -0.246666430
## 5993  -0.362158300 -0.223872660
## 5994  -0.278942100 -0.380162720
## 5995  -0.031044006  0.151071070
## 5996   0.807002540  0.546699050
## 5997  -0.025919914  0.008358955
## 5998  -0.142860890 -0.485719200
## 5999   1.272491500  1.808627100
## 6000  -0.005522251  0.259149070
## 6001  -0.086152550  0.021539211
## 6002  -0.057364940  0.066633700
## 6003   0.000000000  0.093792915
## 6004  -0.009170055 -0.340256200
## 6005  -0.042681694 -0.050638200
## 6006   0.094968320 -0.143120770
## 6007  -0.080677510  0.113089560
## 6008  -0.095206260  0.003731251
## 6009  -0.093892574  0.011155129
## 6010   0.622037900 -0.328267100
## 6011  -0.006935120  0.278300760
## 6012  -0.204084870 -0.127755170
## 6013   0.000000000 -0.381848340
## 6014   0.055580140 -0.107291700
## 6015  -0.588324550 -0.807201400
## 6016   0.073216440  0.381001470
## 6017  -0.609075070  0.558925600
## 6018   0.000000000 -0.347218500
## 6019  -0.020506859 -0.170962810
## 6020  -0.051913740 -0.147143360
## 6021   0.854190350  0.745399500
## 6022   0.004989147  0.112516880
## 6023  -0.116754055 -0.158055780
## 6024  -0.021409512 -0.007817745
## 6025  -0.025012016  0.235280990
## 6026   0.025542736  0.295362950
## 6027  -0.141861440 -0.026219845
## 6028  -0.084135056  0.034110070
## 6029  -0.225181105 -0.607598080
## 6030  -0.114228250 -0.537238100
## 6031  -0.189497000  0.000000000
## 6032   0.474981780  0.093741894
## 6033  -0.451900480 -0.208906170
## 6034  -0.085143566  0.000000000
## 6035   0.000000000  0.235040660
## 6036  -0.240531920 -0.098009590
## 6037  -0.016609669  0.170908450
## 6038  -0.114721775  0.377234460
## 6039  -0.034147263  0.081578255
## 6040  -0.467488300  1.101731300
## 6041  -0.025436878  0.000000000
## 6042  -0.293758870 -0.068488120
## 6043   0.249753480 -0.105384830
## 6044  -0.817746640  0.169858930
## 6045  -0.436285020 -0.080646040
## 6046   0.074777600 -0.068180084
## 6047   0.024937630 -0.291878220
## 6048   0.153156280  0.000000000
## 6049   0.000298000 -0.000014800
## 6050   0.013146400 -0.040279783
## 6051   0.438282000  0.267603870
## 6052   0.085801125  0.087628365
## 6053   0.227816585  0.054484844
## 6054   0.085882664 -0.061408997
## 6055   0.085100650 -0.060163975
## 6056   0.173964740 -0.101112841
## 6057   0.059045315  0.084718230
## 6058  -0.146735190 -0.080989360
## 6059   0.263498780  0.050774097
## 6060   2.208072700  1.897728900
## 6061   1.495960200  1.508085300
## 6062   0.062333584  0.057570457
## 6063   0.946851960  0.943236597
## 6064   0.122373104  0.116769790
## 6065  -0.081834316  0.000000000
## 6066   0.161657810  0.030948639
## 6067  -0.066859245  0.086119650
## 6068   0.180545330  0.204539063
## 6069   0.000000000  0.142768380
## 6070   0.011866093 -0.087553500
## 6071  -0.202131270  0.037283897
## 6072  -0.072374344  0.069908620
## 6073  -0.094032764 -0.109728810
## 6074   0.728959100  0.607263570
## 6075   0.051879883 -0.134460930
## 6076  -0.094235900 -0.120902060
## 6077  -0.126798630 -0.163532260
## 6078   0.414192200 -0.017715454
## 6079   0.001577377  0.029859066
## 6080  -0.162951950 -0.043543816
## 6081   0.736916540  0.181066510
## 6082  -0.309812550 -0.162831300
## 6083  -0.740680200 -0.308581350
## 6084  -0.102480890 -0.119168760
## 6085   0.524979350  1.013516200
## 6086  -0.142427920 -0.025104046
## 6087  -0.089073180 -0.054195880
## 6088   0.000000000  0.223300930
## 6089   0.013983727  0.010575771
## 6090  -0.044973373  0.051365852
## 6091  -0.032907010 -0.168560030
## 6092   0.060168266  0.035848618
## 6093   0.011985302 -0.112787250
## 6094   0.119109630 -0.469055180
## 6095   0.998488400  0.338965420
## 6096  -0.287576200  0.016858578
## 6097   0.078040120  0.000000000
## 6098  -0.057184220 -0.187129970
## 6099  -0.270692830 -0.017764091
## 6100  -0.238260505  0.097620010
## 6101  -0.564816500  0.232187270
## 6102   0.228520870 -0.193974500
## 6103   0.041007042 -0.227709770
## 6104  -0.141839500 -0.242020130
## 6105   0.072602270  0.042136192
## 6106   0.160143380 -0.202143190
## 6107  -0.197693820  0.304170600
## 6108  -0.212183480  0.131690500
## 6109   0.106707096 -0.002351761
## 6110  -0.171423910  0.108553890
## 6111   0.014891624 -0.046319485
## 6112  -0.135817530  0.008507729
## 6113   0.000000000  0.064316750
## 6114   0.043757440 -0.135160920
## 6115   0.110031130 -0.239567760
## 6116  -0.275686260  0.106375694
## 6117   0.086494446 -0.157792570
## 6118  -0.016940594  0.006869793
## 6119   0.160887720 -0.847539900
## 6120  -0.153057100  0.085093975
## 6121   0.061351060  0.096291195
## 6122   0.167726518  0.056343315
## 6123   0.114337920  0.061433792
## 6124   0.070264820 -0.039104460
## 6125   0.139022830  0.131360050
## 6126  -0.015537739  0.011020184
## 6127   0.025758266  0.077708720
## 6128   0.000792000  0.000000000
## 6129  -0.082779884 -0.078223230
## 6130  -0.006110191  0.014181137
## 6131   0.049088478 -0.030054570
## 6132   0.056000710 -0.032650948
## 6133   0.122395515  0.048299313
## 6134   0.135602950  0.266422270
## 6135   0.114574910 -0.029178143
## 6136   0.021557331  0.082680225
## 6137   0.046195030 -0.130509380
## 6138   0.072499275  0.536292550
## 6139  -0.042587757  0.000000000
## 6140   0.267488950  0.246000765
## 6141   0.104916095 -0.063285112
## 6142   0.157638550  0.022144318
## 6143  -0.083109380 -0.003842831
## 6144  -0.056776524  0.000000000
## 6145  -0.084092140 -0.031334400
## 6146   0.158667090  0.042148590
## 6147  -0.053751945 -0.456191060
## 6148   0.335779670 -0.209394930
## 6149  -0.586473460 -0.143147470
## 6150  -0.047743320 -0.068100450
## 6151  -0.029092312 -0.113202095
## 6152   0.346339230  0.311597820
## 6153  -0.112500190  0.222928050
## 6154   0.041114807 -0.051934242
## 6155  -0.119184020 -0.123788360
## 6156  -0.061987877 -0.039976120
## 6157  -0.057310819  0.062339546
## 6158  -0.010302067 -0.342523100
## 6159   0.077631000 -0.052179337
## 6160  -0.035709380 -0.097812176
## 6161  -0.038689613  0.027291775
## 6162  -0.017209053  0.000000000
## 6163   0.146625040 -0.000077700
## 6164  -0.135352610 -0.154542920
## 6165  -0.173208952 -0.068893195
## 6166  -0.571105000 -0.391389370
## 6167  -0.144787790 -0.395958900
## 6168   0.228440280  0.000000000
## 6169  -0.432764050 -0.166131020
## 6170  -0.015823841 -0.142749310
## 6171  -0.193878170 -0.811713200
## 6172   0.056757927  0.111299515
## 6173   0.000000000  0.290551200
## 6174  -0.387066840 -0.228013990
## 6175  -0.293884515 -0.241421220
## 6176   0.004095555  0.083938835
## 6177  -0.142982000 -0.056154728
## 6178   0.000782000  0.007455826
## 6179   0.337932600  0.312392230
## 6180  -0.136194700 -0.139222620
## 6181   0.000000000  0.309599880
## 6182   0.064081190  0.223645210
## 6183   0.015114784  0.032780647
## 6184   0.188660140  0.052426815
## 6185   1.122936700  1.528039500
## 6186   0.912291500  0.703445430
## 6187   0.058533190  0.047642708
## 6188   0.034784317  0.002287388
## 6189  -0.053122520  0.089997770
## 6190  -0.215340140 -0.200438500
## 6191  -0.117822170 -0.008737087
## 6192   0.021260262  0.000000000
## 6193  -0.046308755  0.052630425
## 6194  -0.040297510  0.048798560
## 6195  -0.216740610  0.134486200
## 6196  -0.112627980  0.043737890
## 6197  -0.082395550 -0.055005074
## 6198  -0.237627980 -0.089403150
## 6199   0.494771960  0.187544820
## 6200  -0.065748215 -0.073816300
## 6201   0.036298750 -0.090554240
## 6202  -0.035695076 -0.036008835
## 6203   0.814030650  0.038752556
## 6204   0.037358760  0.000000000
## 6205   0.116558550  0.071219920
## 6206   0.123894215 -0.144200800
## 6207   0.034741400 -0.013430595
## 6208   0.000000000  0.008680820
## 6209  -0.030129433  0.026735306
## 6210  -0.138991830  0.113360405
## 6211   0.543340700  0.388365270
## 6212  -0.057800770 -0.070596695
## 6213  -0.063434124 -0.024570465
## 6214  -0.036400320  0.082308290
## 6215   0.183213710  0.012550354
## 6216  -0.189819810 -0.009728432
## 6217  -0.049057007  0.002541065
## 6218  -0.010949135  0.137837890
## 6219   0.078100204  0.042280674
## 6220   0.334296700 -0.155961990
## 6221   0.014187813 -0.054027557
## 6222  -0.158141610 -0.089998245
## 6223  -0.009973049 -0.166820530
## 6224   0.064026356 -0.148095610
## 6225   0.236062050  0.409914500
## 6226  -0.089675430 -0.437487130
## 6227  -0.009973526  0.058849335
## 6228  -0.088137630 -0.165057180
## 6229   0.218142510  0.264434800
## 6230  -0.181540970 -0.027380943
## 6231  -0.169415470 -0.033968925
## 6232   0.080779076 -0.021194458
## 6233  -0.380649469 -0.116317175
## 6234   0.071508410  0.000000000
## 6235   0.000000000 -0.098797320
## 6236  -0.204247950 -0.315296170
## 6237  -0.006889343 -0.218872070
## 6238  -0.023029803  0.009218217
## 6239  -0.284825330 -0.094874860
## 6240  -0.183991910  0.051050186
## 6241   0.473182680  0.297267900
## 6242   0.384410860  0.320763600
## 6243   0.716703900  0.035519600
## 6244  -0.059679985  0.039711952
## 6245   0.015427589 -0.016965866
## 6246   0.025087357  0.106530670
## 6247   0.185384270  0.090987206
## 6248  -0.049503803 -0.022054672
## 6249  -0.087419510  0.000000000
## 6250   0.020602226 -0.385717400
## 6251   0.000000000 -0.015135765
## 6252   0.192461010  0.114218710
## 6253  -0.680011300 -0.463417530
## 6254  -0.214218620  0.080697540
## 6255   0.000000000 -0.148840430
## 6256   0.026314259 -0.543970600
## 6257   0.292762280  0.032727240
## 6258   1.322096800  0.801794050
## 6259   0.146146774  0.395593405
## 6260   0.082266810  0.409920700
## 6261  -0.072906494 -0.084976200
## 6262   0.161679270  0.054995537
## 6263  -0.029081345  0.122871400
## 6264   0.221205710  0.139949800
## 6265   0.050530910  0.035138607
## 6266  -0.271411420 -0.109122280
## 6267  -0.062854290 -0.138090610
## 6268   0.004341126  0.864618300
## 6269  -0.178088190 -0.171203610
## 6270   0.411867140  0.495901100
## 6271  -0.378353600  0.547008040
## 6272  -0.190976140 -0.730857850
## 6273   0.211465840  0.185582160
## 6274   0.473026280  0.918538100
## 6275   0.244660850  0.908293250
## 6276   0.000000000 -0.193707470
## 6277   0.118494990  0.000000000
## 6278   0.175921440 -0.116979600
## 6279   0.749014850  0.312809000
## 6280  -0.108119490 -0.195666790
## 6281  -0.011860371  0.000000000
## 6282   0.133440020  0.165346620
## 6283   0.036240578 -0.092488290
## 6284  -0.110496520 -0.036020756
## 6285  -0.072552680  0.093946934
## 6286   0.621924400  0.448602680
## 6287   0.269672400  0.130141260
## 6288   0.306561470  0.174044610
## 6289   0.806878100  0.750746700
## 6290   0.117533684  0.173098090
## 6291  -0.401835920 -0.390628800
## 6292  -0.193127630  0.036554337
## 6293  -0.266697880  0.013373375
## 6294  -0.212151530  0.000000000
## 6295  -0.018759727 -0.096828940
## 6296   0.439093600  0.538611400
## 6297   0.042060375 -0.088804245
## 6298   0.194569110 -0.161414150
## 6299   0.206905360  0.643670100
## 6300  -0.073203560  0.040169716
## 6301   0.055753230 -0.090887070
## 6302  -0.061472893 -0.033185005
## 6303  -0.000162000  0.009119511
## 6304   0.573730950  1.415895000
## 6305  -0.405489920  0.000000000
## 6306   0.108359340 -0.118398670
## 6307   1.077056900  1.218623200
## 6308   0.879206660  0.943361300
## 6309   0.005602837 -0.022627830
## 6310   0.589294430  0.407021050
## 6311  -0.228612900 -0.182854650
## 6312   0.168608190  0.136444570
## 6313  -0.152115350  0.079609870
## 6314   0.006413460  0.000000000
## 6315  -0.004726410  0.221714970
## 6316   1.310163500  0.985075000
## 6317   0.008443832 -0.060062885
## 6318  -0.430996900 -0.663558500
## 6319  -0.455403330 -0.506537440
## 6320   0.254406930  0.349450100
## 6321  -0.202113150  0.013284683
## 6322  -0.082887650  0.212788100
## 6323   0.239553450  0.091323850
## 6324   0.020117760 -0.034789085
## 6325   0.081986430  0.119781494
## 6326   0.131630420 -0.093727590
## 6327  -0.169740680  0.083743095
## 6328   0.417479520  0.229064940
## 6329  -0.068191530  0.062561990
## 6330  -0.129536630 -0.113716600
## 6331  -0.146570680 -0.089373590
## 6332   0.004676819  0.212028500
## 6333  -0.101471424  0.269970900
## 6334  -0.092497826 -0.343085300
## 6335   0.178088670  0.159118180
## 6336  -0.274787430  0.010452271
## 6337   0.029142857  0.023895264
## 6338   0.021795273 -0.149677750
## 6339   0.006080627 -0.085078240
## 6340   0.050677300 -0.010088444
## 6341  -0.566587000 -0.720647800
## 6342  -0.114480495  0.000000000
## 6343  -0.431009300  0.000000000
## 6344   0.028401375  0.507611300
## 6345   0.149436950  0.269447330
## 6346   0.013738155 -0.059591770
## 6347   0.096388340  0.141489030
## 6348  -0.102869510 -0.102063180
## 6349   0.028527737 -0.025449753
## 6350  -0.017399788  0.163434980
## 6351   0.446843150  0.194069860
## 6352   0.758478160  0.504827000
## 6353  -0.113132000  0.007419109
## 6354  -0.034093380  0.076100350
## 6355   0.133006570 -0.038369180
## 6356   0.009748459  0.106096270
## 6357   0.063177586  0.016378403
## 6358  -0.042955400  0.213221550
## 6359   0.051445484 -0.055559160
## 6360   0.012776375 -0.024597645
## 6361   0.045192240  0.185643200
## 6362  -0.024680614 -0.015726090
## 6363  -0.092179300  0.105691430
## 6364   0.000000000 -0.020565033
## 6365  -0.235178000 -0.089216230
## 6366  -0.102581980 -0.066840650
## 6367   0.303799630  0.177615170
## 6368  -0.170689580 -0.347069740
## 6369   0.164502145 -0.225240228
## 6370   0.164860730  0.371279720
## 6371   0.008310795 -0.019154549
## 6372   0.041689873  0.064520360
## 6373  -0.069999220 -0.090429780
## 6374  -0.378388880 -0.641522400
## 6375   0.052656650  0.077816010
## 6376   0.207130430  0.107219696
## 6377  -0.140278814  0.048214910
## 6378   0.104453090 -0.172200680
## 6379  -0.032499313 -0.091680530
## 6380   0.283859250  0.196150300
## 6381  -0.094685555  0.201059820
## 6382  -0.141199110 -0.133579250
## 6383   0.253528600  0.040220737
## 6384  -0.172876830 -0.101309780
## 6385   0.014812470 -0.161857600
## 6386  -0.145309453 -0.138018370
## 6387   0.112172600  0.000000000
## 6388   0.020026684  0.017034530
## 6389   0.467165470 -0.419064040
## 6390  -0.367704400 -0.231981280
## 6391   0.000000000  0.066441060
## 6392   0.071898940  0.455529700
## 6393   0.298036100  0.226098540
## 6394   0.065163136 -0.064534664
## 6395  -0.044371128 -0.056069850
## 6396   0.006080627  0.137999060
## 6397   0.000000000  0.000000000
## 6398   0.014067173  0.178026200
## 6399  -0.330405240 -0.233107570
## 6400   0.000000000 -0.023720264
## 6401  -0.201431270  0.151597020
## 6402   0.191798210 -0.027693748
## 6403  -0.209602830  0.000077700
## 6404  -0.148025990 -0.049357890
## 6405  -0.115013120 -0.100658890
## 6406  -0.054519653  0.030453682
## 6407   0.151674270  0.676195140
## 6408  -0.053077698 -0.069721700
## 6409   0.214599610  0.515894900
## 6410   0.227187160  0.093850136
## 6411   0.094513420 -0.078343390
## 6412   0.125984670  0.134842400
## 6413   0.080614090  0.092943670
## 6414  -0.005869627  0.122649190
## 6415  -0.013799667 -0.053657055
## 6416  -0.032527447 -0.097491740
## 6417  -0.008103371 -0.019559860
## 6418  -0.652344200 -0.783117800
## 6419   0.157059200 -0.020985603
## 6420   0.120726585 -0.467948900
## 6421  -0.051033497  0.182155130
## 6422   1.206539200  1.335984200
## 6423  -0.341905115 -0.197861670
## 6424  -0.151343350  0.005638599
## 6425   0.020891190 -0.025245190
## 6426   2.010666800  1.983465200
## 6427   0.150618550  0.154118540
## 6428  -0.063269615 -0.092402935
## 6429  -0.028758049  0.067028046
## 6430   0.336097240  1.068267300
## 6431   0.329047200  0.087237835
## 6432   0.174946780  0.015446663
## 6433  -0.050674440 -0.005827904
## 6434  -0.060118200  0.066754820
## 6435   0.047425270  0.067261696
## 6436  -0.063660620 -0.067645070
## 6437   0.474057200  0.650054450
## 6438   0.107440470  0.013103962
## 6439   0.262146950 -0.009858608
## 6440  -0.002137184 -0.029497623
## 6441  -0.041097640  0.020454407
## 6442  -0.193687440 -0.172464370
## 6443  -0.113801598 -0.102671863
## 6444   0.123088837  0.091400783
## 6445   0.033035914 -0.055443765
## 6446   0.122031690 -0.040856360
## 6447  -0.003139496 -0.284920700
## 6448  -0.758808140  0.257069100
## 6449  -0.131186490  0.216699120
## 6450   0.252956400  0.546040530
## 6451   0.105450630  0.428063400
## 6452   0.476704600  0.197241780
## 6453  -0.083782196 -0.477162360
## 6454  -0.941759100 -0.793570500
## 6455   0.109846115 -0.064703940
## 6456  -0.852522850 -0.005067825
## 6457   0.116954800 -0.059693336
## 6458   0.124990940  0.208811280
## 6459   0.446014400  0.000000000
## 6460   0.000122000 -0.197577480
## 6461   0.041693687 -0.010539532
## 6462   0.588240150 -0.639980300
## 6463  -0.522475490  0.322536220
## 6464  -0.447831150  0.237092500
## 6465  -0.259368420  0.050756930
## 6466   0.115791800 -0.013671398
## 6467   0.267733570 -0.105958940
## 6468  -0.069399830  0.051687717
## 6469   0.290294397 -0.125716685
## 6470  -1.055271600 -0.393316750
## 6471   0.010461330  0.069355490
## 6472   0.080529210  0.521503450
## 6473   0.489891050  0.286928180
## 6474   0.715340600 -0.115812300
## 6475  -0.178420540 -0.111645700
## 6476   0.109994410 -0.065054420
## 6477  -0.256587980 -0.174067020
## 6478   0.007747650 -0.301303860
## 6479   1.250498300  0.697241300
## 6480  -0.041284084  0.086613655
## 6481  -0.234851360  0.052002430
## 6482   0.258839600  0.000000000
## 6483   1.023820900  1.055204400
## 6484  -0.137177470 -0.444703100
## 6485   0.261099340  0.115286350
## 6486  -0.024986744 -0.083294870
## 6487  -0.025733948 -0.018433094
## 6488  -0.170399670 -1.020448200
## 6489   0.386055950  0.591320040
## 6490  -0.153261660 -0.048573017
## 6491   0.154670720 -0.311140060
## 6492   0.416471960 -0.107817170
## 6493  -0.051682950  0.012170792
## 6494  -0.150937560  0.033614160
## 6495  -0.167759420 -0.319317340
## 6496   0.000000000  0.246213910
## 6497  -0.250478740 -0.072112080
## 6498   0.036583900  0.066769600
## 6499   0.131657600 -0.063385010
## 6500   0.864183900  0.229316230
## 6501   0.112871170 -0.125323300
## 6502  -0.150440700  0.027700901
## 6503  -0.054967403  0.040743350
## 6504  -0.060608387 -0.060247420
## 6505   0.003714562 -0.043404580
## 6506  -0.172492980 -0.033304214
## 6507  -0.390179630 -0.676521300
## 6508  -0.576108930 -0.865319250
## 6509   0.888237500 -0.082702640
## 6510  -0.009480476  0.290869240
## 6511   0.000000000  0.031111717
## 6512   0.293133740 -0.624051100
## 6513   0.432739260  0.676142700
## 6514   0.347922330 -0.097776890
## 6515  -0.061683655 -0.216418270
## 6516   0.016122818  0.104876520
## 6517  -0.034717560  0.450395580
## 6518   0.047594070  0.450040820
## 6519  -0.010838032  0.015322208
## 6520   0.146323200  0.235849380
## 6521   0.504839900 -0.206570150
## 6522  -0.007380486 -0.438370700
## 6523  -0.066636560  0.043543340
## 6524   0.072282314  0.022244453
## 6525  -0.030258179  0.127928730
## 6526   0.008765698 -0.089367390
## 6527  -0.010312080  0.042820693
## 6528   0.132003780 -0.032834530
## 6529   0.005143166  0.021094322
## 6530   0.238832633  0.364553607
## 6531   0.086479190 -0.114753250
## 6532  -0.119649410 -0.034390926
## 6533   0.064323900  0.085984230
## 6534  -0.028027058 -0.034423828
## 6535   0.008267880  0.029145240
## 6536  -0.020874500  0.074373720
## 6537  -0.055969240 -0.091352460
## 6538   0.082370760  0.053996563
## 6539   0.036118984  0.262551300
## 6540  -0.043579100 -0.161435600
## 6541   0.000000000 -0.011402130
## 6542  -0.017191410  0.044905663
## 6543  -0.620080950 -0.779349800
## 6544  -0.232284550 -0.810168270
## 6545   0.307454100  0.418873300
## 6546  -0.041029453  0.000000000
## 6547   0.023072720  0.124504566
## 6548  -0.081570625 -0.026538849
## 6549  -0.008726597 -0.090505120
## 6550  -0.177137850 -0.067971230
## 6551   0.053142548  0.037544251
## 6552  -0.002912045  0.107279300
## 6553   0.000000000  0.041939260
## 6554  -0.416308880  0.564981000
## 6555   0.006124973  0.000000000
## 6556   0.104663850  0.081191060
## 6557  -0.056784393  0.031162977
## 6558  -0.204832550 -0.015167713
## 6559  -0.458011630 -0.077262880
## 6560   0.227885250  0.000000000
## 6561  -0.019837849 -0.260696418
## 6562   0.088700294 -0.151109220
## 6563  -0.008324146  0.000928000
## 6564  -0.072013380 -0.136972900
## 6565   0.803039100  0.666676040
## 6566  -0.101719380 -0.137848850
## 6567   0.997777940  0.846827030
## 6568   0.080606940  0.256540300
## 6569  -0.109895230 -0.147666450
## 6570   0.120544910 -0.008127213
## 6571  -0.048868180 -0.114425660
## 6572   0.034938812 -0.008603573
## 6573   0.478226660  0.249466900
## 6574   0.057404518 -0.010512352
## 6575   0.031740190  0.047039510
## 6576  -0.008037249  0.025323232
## 6577  -0.051362990  0.042355060
## 6578  -0.008768082 -0.000701000
## 6579  -0.178278450  0.009343624
## 6580   0.104626180  0.185719970
## 6581  -0.355030540 -0.120267870
## 6582   0.499798770 -0.017792225
## 6583   0.362437730  0.072710040
## 6584  -0.121411320 -0.290436740
## 6585  -0.027719020 -0.273547170
## 6586  -0.014811029 -0.008282131
## 6587  -0.218114615 -0.091575625
## 6588  -0.032125950 -0.025719166
## 6589  -0.024587631 -0.206550600
## 6590   0.150197980  0.013247490
## 6591   0.022184372 -0.009960651
## 6592  -0.044496536  0.066175940
## 6593   0.057140350  0.194410800
## 6594   0.121323586  0.191555020
## 6595   0.000000000 -0.411554800
## 6596   0.256323800  0.015692234
## 6597   1.096303900  0.934244160
## 6598   0.342894550  0.116941450
## 6599   0.079342365 -0.015206814
## 6600   0.153944020 -0.338117600
## 6601  -0.035783773 -0.043932438
## 6602   1.131576500  1.249319100
## 6603  -0.170515060 -0.100071910
## 6604   0.074564460 -0.044972420
## 6605  -0.058734417  0.089406010
## 6606   0.025527954 -0.066258430
## 6607   0.063818930  0.422670360
## 6608   0.000000000 -0.109398365
## 6609   0.627212500  0.146016120
## 6610   0.083018063  0.085436345
## 6611   0.631020070  0.759913440
## 6612   0.080793380 -0.187052730
## 6613   0.610940930  0.683315300
## 6614   0.000000000 -0.165358540
## 6615  -0.008384228  0.042253494
## 6616  -2.702249500 -3.099430600
## 6617  -0.076985836 -0.146460530
## 6618   0.590431200  0.722141740
## 6619   0.397716520 -0.582012200
## 6620   0.856476300  0.219072820
## 6621   0.000000000 -0.564472700
## 6622  -0.523628230 -0.098289490
## 6623   0.422551160 -0.257082940
## 6624  -0.172848220 -0.076844690
## 6625  -0.002439976 -0.133682250
## 6626  -0.122384070 -0.457140920
## 6627  -0.032290460 -0.166612150
## 6628   0.141848560 -0.642015460
## 6629   0.277196880 -0.496831900
## 6630   0.066989900 -0.620400900
## 6631   0.304711340 -0.196992870
## 6632   0.345569600 -0.454137800
## 6633  -0.047890663 -0.022425652
## 6634   0.546540260 -0.059075356
## 6635  -0.083153725 -0.149500370
## 6636   0.060697080  0.103167060
## 6637  -0.194891450 -0.008862019
## 6638  -1.351412800 -1.050349700
## 6639   0.000000000  0.141020770
## 6640  -0.120471000  0.000199000
## 6641  -0.116884230 -0.114908220
## 6642   0.115148544 -0.496638770
## 6643   0.305616860 -0.284671780
## 6644  -0.018608093  0.009773254
## 6645   0.000000000  0.109330654
## 6646  -0.659942600  1.084410700
## 6647  -0.459842680 -0.058676243
## 6648   0.000000000  0.030610085
## 6649   0.037993908 -0.057700634
## 6650  -0.355476380  0.010157585
## 6651  -0.230838300 -0.759138600
## 6652  -0.091873170 -0.011690617
## 6653  -0.008915424  0.132109170
## 6654  -0.228116990  0.082287790
## 6655  -0.087394240 -0.432524200
## 6656  -0.246661190  0.228949550
## 6657  -0.156220910  0.027646065
## 6658  -0.138888840 -0.002324581
## 6659   0.129097460 -0.179873470
## 6660   0.000000000  0.021399975
## 6661   0.358080400 -0.635594840
## 6662   2.107581600  2.222007300
## 6663   0.077506540  0.049794197
## 6664  -0.266290660 -0.907380100
## 6665  -0.014240742 -0.124642850
## 6666   0.080256460  0.133459090
## 6667  -0.060626030 -0.754831300
## 6668  -0.150059220 -0.012217522
## 6669   0.378030300  0.132563590
## 6670   0.042329790  0.230982300
## 6671   0.020807266  0.012416840
## 6672   0.133479120  0.074502470
## 6673   0.041325570  0.285653600
## 6674  -0.074270248 -0.103013992
## 6675  -0.027706146 -0.092227936
## 6676   0.190599920  0.000000000
## 6677   0.000000000 -0.326730730
## 6678   0.119288445  0.116953850
## 6679  -0.085219380  0.018855095
## 6680  -0.115979195 -0.134140490
## 6681  -0.194326400  0.375792980
## 6682  -0.069998028  0.095610857
## 6683  -0.454795840  0.013813496
## 6684   0.025318146 -0.058468340
## 6685  -0.010016441  0.098160740
## 6686  -0.189516540 -0.201748370
## 6687  -0.106460570  0.058135033
## 6688   0.189960960 -0.238512520
## 6689   0.001921415 -0.141664982
## 6690   0.133391380  0.000721000
## 6691  -0.382570265 -0.425376175
## 6692  -0.044153690 -0.065678120
## 6693   0.066997050 -0.184356451
## 6694  -0.233761790  0.000000000
## 6695  -0.066082000 -0.101867676
## 6696  -0.014312744 -0.086691380
## 6697   0.005298615  0.033789158
## 6698  -0.130583760 -0.046337128
## 6699  -0.046266080 -0.113618374
## 6700  -0.474433900  0.009757996
## 6701   0.376012330 -0.172425750
## 6702  -0.023031235  0.221749300
## 6703  -0.170756820 -0.060848713
## 6704  -0.390699400 -0.399680140
## 6705   1.330302700  0.662094600
## 6706   0.056169987 -0.105311870
## 6707  -0.130303860 -0.087537766
## 6708   0.106336590 -0.031519890
## 6709   0.024978160 -0.100774290
## 6710   0.120619774 -0.026887417
## 6711  -0.017572880  0.103736400
## 6712   0.032596588 -0.063098910
## 6713  -0.002520561 -0.283790600
## 6714  -0.267480850 -0.403343680
## 6715   0.009647369  0.691752430
## 6716   0.191975600 -0.097748760
## 6717  -0.295377010  0.112080573
## 6718  -0.017760277  0.031040668
## 6719  -0.014729500  0.003596306
## 6720  -0.108388900  0.084326744
## 6721   0.050332070  0.253098500
## 6722  -0.020835400 -0.011298656
## 6723  -0.095888140 -0.029251099
## 6724  -0.135643480  0.187624930
## 6725   0.037694930  0.025634289
## 6726   0.892631530  0.443103800
## 6727   0.039197445  0.124110220
## 6728  -0.105062485  0.003182411
## 6729  -0.100847244 -0.190972330
## 6730   0.073227880 -0.003684998
## 6731  -0.091571810  0.000000000
## 6732  -0.102026460  0.035490036
## 6733  -0.114600180 -0.223235600
## 6734  -0.140329360  0.065828320
## 6735  -0.407762530  0.473835000
## 6736  -0.287151340 -0.186137200
## 6737  -0.187241550  0.248895170
## 6738   0.006373406 -0.059070110
## 6739   0.273827550  0.198132510
## 6740  -0.505498900 -0.347965240
## 6741   0.000000000 -0.093575480
## 6742   0.969567300  0.944760300
## 6743  -0.178641320  0.459799770
## 6744   0.000000000  0.438567160
## 6745  -0.220286850 -0.118327140
## 6746   0.308521270  0.573983200
## 6747   0.230723380  0.000000000
## 6748  -0.121812820 -0.777428600
## 6749  -0.040324210  0.343378530
## 6750  -0.197123530  0.672316100
## 6751   0.025016785 -0.467257500
## 6752   0.062570570  0.183014870
## 6753   0.112567900 -0.469075200
## 6754   0.074928760  0.105266094
## 6755  -0.083246710 -0.167046070
## 6756   0.196555849  0.146778105
## 6757   0.169408800  0.671293740
## 6758  -0.153352260 -0.187291150
## 6759   0.102547646  0.369978900
## 6760   0.247711180  0.366899500
## 6761   0.891173360  0.830782900
## 6762  -0.059304714  0.008860588
## 6763   0.052612305 -0.016592026
## 6764   0.463127140 -0.068730354
## 6765   1.061855300  1.234960600
## 6766   0.000000000 -0.023070335
## 6767  -0.128060340  0.033955574
## 6768  -0.093017580  0.066355705
## 6769  -0.152876855 -0.007681610
## 6770   0.050054550  0.154301640
## 6771  -0.031501770  0.054336070
## 6772   0.211393360 -0.040892600
## 6773  -0.014094353  0.085930824
## 6774   0.065138820  0.078891754
## 6775  -0.005015850  0.012419224
## 6776  -0.066763880 -0.136269570
## 6777   0.013331413  0.154634950
## 6778  -0.035561560  0.015964031
## 6779   0.000000000  0.080047610
## 6780   0.119308950  0.000000000
## 6781  -0.029024124 -0.065338135
## 6782   0.177798270 -0.106666565
## 6783  -0.200949671 -0.204630850
## 6784  -0.152766700 -0.022078037
## 6785  -0.039645195  0.160298820
## 6786   0.043128967  0.202736380
## 6787  -0.599009040 -0.566372400
## 6788  -0.460526000 -0.722490300
## 6789  -0.291536800 -0.472431180
## 6790  -0.196513180 -0.037856580
## 6791   0.489543440  0.052160263
## 6792  -0.429131509 -0.710969917
## 6793   0.076281550 -0.107829094
## 6794   0.023189545 -0.060550690
## 6795   0.028129578  0.046701430
## 6796  -0.090329170  0.095832825
## 6797  -0.043045044  0.000000000
## 6798  -0.238947870  0.046713830
## 6799   0.000000000 -0.051424980
## 6800   0.123138905 -0.054192066
## 6801  -0.252538680 -0.328269480
## 6802   0.061911583  0.161950590
## 6803  -0.021062851  0.000000000
## 6804  -0.085879326 -0.135188580
## 6805  -0.137710570  0.085621360
## 6806  -0.115728855 -0.025233269
## 6807  -0.021154404 -0.080258370
## 6808  -0.113666060 -0.213466170
## 6809   0.255882265 -0.084402320
## 6810  -0.121024130 -0.363448140
## 6811   0.015109539  0.090304850
## 6812   0.005426407  0.042240620
## 6813  -0.150708200  0.134596350
## 6814   0.000000000  0.025285244
## 6815   0.024872780  0.007559776
## 6816   0.001700401  0.103982925
## 6817   0.013918877  0.151641850
## 6818   0.147306920 -0.115093710
## 6819  -0.154528140 -0.089056015
## 6820  -1.208438900 -0.747790800
## 6821  -0.532108300 -0.478606220
## 6822  -0.132769580  0.541071900
## 6823  -0.673837200 -0.359510420
## 6824   0.301701550 -0.032678604
## 6825   0.032453537 -0.018867493
## 6826   0.072050095  0.016854286
## 6827   0.209234950 -0.127651930
## 6828   0.060920715  1.479019200
## 6829  -0.089992050  0.191348550
## 6830   0.473862650 -0.333223820
## 6831  -0.075201510  0.000000000
## 6832  -0.304039960 -0.300900460
## 6833  -0.579515460 -0.478959080
## 6834   0.155688760  0.026098728
## 6835  -0.137662410  0.056195260
## 6836   0.331260200 -0.529760840
## 6837   0.021813393  0.231966970
## 6838   0.314321520 -0.002773285
## 6839  -0.533509260 -0.952721585
## 6840  -0.122056960 -0.005077839
## 6841   0.017716408 -0.008416653
## 6842  -0.002124786  0.037460804
## 6843  -0.053839445  0.023033619
## 6844   0.175412180  0.010145187
## 6845  -0.058079720 -0.089162830
## 6846   0.179541590 -0.265645500
## 6847   0.015950203  0.008595467
## 6848  -0.212838170  0.000000000
## 6849  -0.156066900  0.048945427
## 6850  -0.099618910 -0.026086807
## 6851  -0.009169253  0.048982078
## 6852   0.023027420  0.243018630
## 6853   0.038877964  0.135418420
## 6854  -0.050261974 -0.005015373
## 6855  -0.027501583  0.096419334
## 6856   0.154909610  0.370231630
## 6857  -0.066177369 -0.012298584
## 6858   0.136852740  0.099593160
## 6859  -0.008450985  0.108088490
## 6860  -0.063885690 -0.005238533
## 6861  -0.076593876  0.000000000
## 6862   0.110049250 -0.074553490
## 6863   0.048353195 -0.007346153
## 6864   0.000755000 -0.039902210
## 6865   0.363903520  0.346145630
## 6866   0.008436203 -0.020125866
## 6867   0.009163857  0.060050964
## 6868   0.111774920 -0.044961452
## 6869   0.026766658 -0.008776784
## 6870  -0.003514767  0.238483430
## 6871  -0.011809429  0.075705130
## 6872  -0.137292390  0.180309770
## 6873  -0.096490860  0.931203840
## 6874   1.087084300  0.320785520
## 6875            NA           NA
## 6876  -0.033434868  0.194438930
## 6877   0.221560000  0.150512700
## 6878   0.082653520  0.105238914
## 6879  -0.057714224  0.093731644
## 6880   0.082740780  0.013968468
## 6881   0.092717170  0.024134160
## 6882   0.042530060  0.104233265
## 6883  -0.070239544  0.153970720
## 6884  -0.258269300 -0.035058500
## 6885  -0.058167934 -0.078168870
## 6886   0.529653550  0.169296260
## 6887   0.009495258 -0.023222923
## 6888   0.223352910 -0.032423496
## 6889   0.033305645 -0.052730560
## 6890   0.000000000  0.076049805
## 6891   0.009167194  0.072591305
## 6892  -0.047378540  0.067393780
## 6893   0.321519370 -0.066920280
## 6894   0.219951630  0.036869050
## 6895   0.016592503  0.007833958
## 6896   0.085043910  0.044308662
## 6897  -0.002938408  0.018698056
## 6898  -0.015935421 -0.039560795
## 6899   0.636707800  0.653766630
## 6900  -0.766576300 -0.442750930
## 6901   0.128985400  0.102066520
## 6902   0.397559640 -0.288090230
## 6903   0.076207160 -0.119731426
## 6904   0.070484160  0.008174896
## 6905   0.073921680  0.009386063
## 6906   0.000000000  0.066253185
## 6907   0.103253365 -0.359769340
## 6908  -0.238148690  0.002042294
## 6909   0.278970720  1.027061500
## 6910   0.083798885  0.044384956
## 6911   0.006946564 -0.009746552
## 6912   0.052632330  0.049373627
## 6913   0.000000000 -0.078939440
## 6914  -0.060447216 -0.021888733
## 6915  -0.207045560 -0.086008070
## 6916   0.057765960  0.152337070
## 6917   0.006734848  0.204342370
## 6918  -0.117178440  0.011503220
## 6919  -0.002784729 -0.060830116
## 6920   0.013556957  0.274209020
## 6921  -0.491462230 -0.271142960
## 6922   0.000000000 -0.089674470
## 6923  -0.074298380  0.000475000
## 6924  -0.151001930 -0.210046770
## 6925   0.083857060 -0.078002450
## 6926  -0.006304741 -0.027441978
## 6927  -0.091933250  0.140248300
## 6928   0.000000000  0.151740070
## 6929   0.049885750  0.364202980
## 6930  -0.336426975 -0.056798697
## 6931  -0.156465050  0.079951290
## 6932  -0.077439785  0.000000000
## 6933  -0.033017635  0.166401390
## 6934  -0.325157640  0.151618960
## 6935  -0.006072521 -0.041541100
## 6936  -0.147661210 -0.332379340
## 6937  -0.112110996 -0.109442329
## 6938   2.332147600  0.306484220
## 6939  -0.379076000 -0.367218020
## 6940   0.000000000 -0.030134678
## 6941   0.008406162  0.034798622
## 6942   0.000000000 -0.021434307
## 6943   0.055868150  0.036614895
## 6944  -0.029527664 -0.010446548
## 6945  -0.020174026 -0.144955640
## 6946  -0.334446430 -0.033930780
## 6947   0.049428463  0.006744862
## 6948   0.057438374 -0.004938126
## 6949   0.908579565 -0.061728240
## 6950  -0.344712260 -0.211842540
## 6951   0.000000000  0.182645800
## 6952   0.112488270  0.093341350
## 6953   0.264990330  0.008494854
## 6954  -0.194244860  0.250325680
## 6955   0.004197597  0.004673481
## 6956   0.045495803 -0.253452620
## 6957  -0.094642640 -0.040562630
## 6958   0.287007330 -0.107022760
## 6959  -0.006864548  0.005630970
## 6960  -0.035150528  0.130559920
## 6961  -0.800855160 -0.082414150
## 6962   0.414516453  0.089348553
## 6963   0.006007671 -0.078997135
## 6964   0.000000000  0.247095110
## 6965  -0.083841800 -0.129431250
## 6966  -0.052077293  0.000675000
## 6967  -0.103611310  0.063387870
## 6968   0.028459549 -0.024362087
## 6969  -0.106164930 -0.170521740
## 6970   0.018505430  0.005877399
## 6971   0.150738240 -0.252260680
## 6972  -0.079672340 -0.014739990
## 6973  -0.128552200  0.037067175
## 6974  -0.159510610 -0.420129780
## 6975  -0.571209900 -0.563774100
## 6976   0.059235573  0.065352920
## 6977   0.046769142  0.179737090
## 6978   0.000000000  0.023876190
## 6979  -0.012313843  0.505778586
## 6980   0.015478134  0.107362270
## 6981   0.248495580 -0.037757874
## 6982  -0.115975380 -0.256188400
## 6983  -0.264578820 -0.214680425
## 6984  -0.025626183  0.225049970
## 6985   0.681652070  1.012681500
## 6986   0.018687248  0.004653931
## 6987  -0.215726850 -0.098232746
## 6988  -0.061128140  0.006324768
## 6989   0.504679700  0.506999970
## 6990   0.127024170  0.065060140
## 6991  -0.014097532  0.000000000
## 6992  -0.146827700  0.097614765
## 6993  -0.012064934 -0.091042520
## 6994   0.244725230 -0.408990380
## 6995   0.240499500  0.072548866
## 6996  -0.019539561  0.000000000
## 6997  -0.011344910  0.000000000
## 6998   0.055607796 -0.025563240
## 6999  -0.059470722 -0.097323283
## 7000  -0.061297654 -0.100195407
## 7001   0.059143543  0.040258884
## 7002   0.012284279  0.000000000
## 7003   0.330192570  0.543044100
## 7004   0.017846584  0.077709675
## 7005  -0.006379843  0.029676199
## 7006   0.100169660  0.040387154
## 7007  -0.033503056  0.074225900
## 7008  -0.006186485  0.211261270
## 7009   0.000000000  0.041558027
## 7010  -0.009596348 -0.043894768
## 7011   0.050493240  0.101999280
## 7012  -0.048125267  0.058922290
## 7013  -0.064002514  0.001844406
## 7014  -0.002349854 -0.026244164
## 7015   0.166884420  0.087850570
## 7016  -0.027314186 -0.157843590
## 7017   0.072432040  0.097992420
## 7018   0.119316580  0.000000000
## 7019   0.063663006  0.000000000
## 7020  -0.085021970 -0.078999040
## 7021   0.006042719  0.008386612
## 7022  -0.103531840  0.070396900
## 7023  -0.106036186 -0.017436981
## 7024   0.099720000  0.023086548
## 7025   0.060226917 -0.098337170
## 7026  -0.043341160 -0.047170640
## 7027  -0.264129160 -0.127552510
## 7028  -0.037977220 -0.009246826
## 7029  -0.126548290 -0.022440434
## 7030  -0.075634480 -0.187329290
## 7031  -0.057650090  0.339386460
## 7032   0.058066845  0.120885370
## 7033  -0.130639080 -0.296068200
## 7034   0.000000000 -0.039380550
## 7035  -0.123084545 -0.138574600
## 7036  -0.114679340 -0.108191970
## 7037  -0.419108870 -1.084929500
## 7038   0.000000000  0.001729488
## 7039   0.268270500  0.057298660
## 7040  -0.061397552 -0.123748300
## 7041   0.110870360 -0.028253555
## 7042  -0.022853374 -0.362444880
## 7043  -0.257493970  0.014922619
## 7044   0.051894665  0.010362148
## 7045   0.122554780  0.035532950
## 7046  -0.150554660 -0.038234710
## 7047  -0.091578960  0.214820860
## 7048  -0.018981457 -0.098285675
## 7049  -0.199720860 -0.021868229
## 7050  -0.105468750 -0.163741590
## 7051   0.000000000  0.089345930
## 7052  -0.052263737  0.020071507
## 7053   0.036555290  0.088438990
## 7054   0.801469800 -0.079736710
## 7055   0.000000000  0.080099580
## 7056  -0.010832310 -0.099957466
## 7057   0.135428430  0.116113186
## 7058   0.000000000  0.043822290
## 7059  -0.123356820 -0.414114000
## 7060   0.002161185  0.019635518
## 7061  -0.068731070 -0.039238930
## 7062  -0.042630672  0.032371998
## 7063  -0.030031204  0.025819182
## 7064   0.090955260 -0.030812740
## 7065  -0.065526960 -0.008578777
## 7066   0.007457733  0.081987619
## 7067  -0.176435950 -0.087867740
## 7068   0.058004380  0.016763687
## 7069  -0.045959950  0.016534328
## 7070   0.060038567  0.081544400
## 7071  -1.456830000 -0.180369380
## 7072   0.069686410 -0.002470970
## 7073  -0.162412170  0.323936940
## 7074  -0.069575310  0.146531100
## 7075  -0.233242030 -0.051578045
## 7076   0.040458680 -0.730248450
## 7077            NA           NA
## 7078   0.000000000 -0.015597343
## 7079   0.124217510  0.110657215
## 7080   2.272924150  2.158494700
## 7081  -0.303177830 -0.898918600
## 7082            NA           NA
## 7083   0.041079044  0.027626991
## 7084   0.039198400 -0.165478700
## 7085   0.024033546  0.016471863
## 7086  -0.322299000 -0.437592500
## 7087   0.035971640 -0.296654700
## 7088  -0.037686825  0.276131630
## 7089  -0.058711846  0.069725037
## 7090   2.309606800  2.394907500
## 7091  -0.188045500 -0.249472140
## 7092  -0.133415220  0.101566315
## 7093   0.359768547 -0.172762393
## 7094   0.879045960 -0.045082092
## 7095   0.046196460  0.170475000
## 7096  -0.120949270 -0.142417910
## 7097  -0.118553447  0.067051507
## 7098  -0.063869950 -0.076052190
## 7099  -0.057686806  0.149199490
## 7100   0.082345960  0.357922550
## 7101  -0.090069294 -0.077853680
## 7102  -0.019788265  0.032071114
## 7103  -0.292762760  0.163576600
## 7104   0.196603945  0.755370281
## 7105   0.197482443  0.758101461
## 7106  -0.092653750  0.035941124
## 7107  -0.139239310 -0.052365780
## 7108  -0.020467758  0.130939960
## 7109  -0.203970910 -0.029685257
## 7110   0.211711400  0.371864320
## 7111  -0.112653730  0.030835152
## 7112  -0.024641514  0.070964810
## 7113  -0.028228760  0.188219070
## 7114  -0.099778650  0.069676400
## 7115  -0.544379230 -0.569250100
## 7116   0.083604810 -0.011805058
## 7117  -0.025989532 -0.121664524
## 7118   0.174644950 -0.071341515
## 7119  -0.182952400 -0.003500938
## 7120   0.000000000 -0.008664608
## 7121  -0.224434850  0.191034800
## 7122   0.132733820  0.000000000
## 7123   0.000000000 -0.197726730
## 7124  -0.030672550 -0.038830757
## 7125   0.147876740 -0.028754234
## 7126  -0.131367200 -0.186136720
## 7127  -0.206114768  0.009808302
## 7128  -0.055629253  0.164813520
## 7129  -0.007453919  0.042196750
## 7130  -0.932446500 -1.659510100
## 7131   0.000000000  0.035356045
## 7132   0.009292603 -0.004876137
## 7133  -0.024673702  0.017189265
## 7134   0.100044250 -0.036720753
## 7135  -0.110562800  0.000590000
## 7136  -0.018651009 -0.077335835
## 7137  -0.076533320  0.010377407
## 7138   0.114613530 -0.015715122
## 7139   0.136768820 -0.002064705
## 7140   0.358377460  0.164365770
## 7141   0.152792450  0.026964664
## 7142   0.022129536 -0.096944810
## 7143  -0.018761635 -0.213682650
## 7144   0.009929975  0.009684880
## 7145   0.125795360  0.273501400
## 7146   0.013509750 -0.099218845
## 7147   0.034890175 -0.016085148
## 7148  -0.037890434  0.000000000
## 7149   0.108165740  0.015864350
## 7150   0.012378216 -0.039917946
## 7151  -0.371768470 -0.256474970
## 7152  -0.028902054 -0.209118840
## 7153  -0.138818260  0.345767500
## 7154  -0.018019200 -0.009931088
## 7155  -0.045822144  0.006443977
## 7156   0.069266560 -0.007625819
## 7157   0.063961506  0.000000000
## 7158   0.000000000 -0.089566230
## 7159  -0.091007710 -0.067734240
## 7160   0.184873100  0.164552690
## 7161  -0.180010800 -0.080068110
## 7162  -0.357410900  0.045040130
## 7163  -0.025348187  0.015530348
## 7164  -0.043313503  0.015159607
## 7165   0.146103860  0.073793890
## 7166  -0.281994820  0.544931400
## 7167   0.431355950  0.224584100
## 7168  -0.100400925  0.175262450
## 7169  -0.120656970  0.050049780
## 7170  -0.966029640  0.199149610
## 7171   0.077856540 -0.023542881
## 7172   0.015474319 -0.069573400
## 7173   0.037560463  0.078864574
## 7174   0.113489150 -0.270021440
## 7175  -0.094195366 -0.087979320
## 7176   0.023039818  0.057599068
## 7177   0.075353146 -0.014360428
## 7178  -0.039091824 -0.193366530
## 7179  -0.060176373 -0.037764550
## 7180   0.030129433 -0.127984050
## 7181  -0.036832810  0.310065750
## 7182   2.028149750  1.902666900
## 7183  -0.008804798  0.258319380
## 7184  -0.217473500  0.000000000
## 7185  -0.050353050 -0.115086080
## 7186   0.152114870  0.109309670
## 7187   0.000000000 -0.379313000
## 7188  -0.113035680 -0.257611750
## 7189   0.023021698 -0.010404587
## 7190  -0.067360400 -0.147165780
## 7191  -0.143929960 -0.069848060
## 7192  -0.192510130 -0.019107819
## 7193  -0.184585570  0.000785000
## 7194   0.000000000 -0.243562700
## 7195  -0.017529488  0.011929035
## 7196   0.145116800 -0.026468277
## 7197  -0.127733230 -0.271215920
## 7198  -0.074088570 -0.185650830
## 7199   0.000000000 -1.069821400
## 7200   0.000000000  0.152364730
## 7201  -0.602273000 -0.557343000
## 7202   0.003974756  0.068924745
## 7203   0.000000000 -0.117135525
## 7204  -0.195073130  0.153587820
## 7205  -0.040082930  0.100724220
## 7206   0.041041135  0.084120751
## 7207   0.167722230  0.191671850
## 7208  -0.041447640 -0.049102783
## 7209   0.223932740  0.302431580
## 7210  -0.129406930 -0.164260860
## 7211  -0.045206547  0.415136340
## 7212  -0.068920135  0.016416073
## 7213   2.669804600  2.740429000
## 7214  -0.034492016 -0.013481140
## 7215  -0.148272510  0.130470280
## 7216  -0.013282299  0.110533714
## 7217  -0.153537275  0.012384415
## 7218   0.000000000  0.035128593
## 7219            NA           NA
## 7220   0.264111040  0.006509304
## 7221  -0.093734264  0.049499510
## 7222   0.011259079 -0.068768980
## 7223   0.013137817 -0.020389080
## 7224  -0.033411265  0.041582823
## 7225   0.167383670 -0.307148460
## 7226   0.126605030  0.404712680
## 7227   0.260428430  0.043773174
## 7228  -0.290361880  0.103255750
## 7229  -0.048883915 -0.075993540
## 7230  -0.019361496  0.024739265
## 7231  -0.412423600  0.425875200
## 7232  -0.354820250 -0.176372530
## 7233  -0.068311214 -0.135650630
## 7234  -0.092943190  0.000000000
## 7235  -0.006048918 -0.015397515
## 7236  -0.025238514  0.168270590
## 7237  -0.071651460 -0.024137974
## 7238  -0.147506710  0.000000000
## 7239   0.012566090 -0.051249863
## 7240   0.042257310  0.024910450
## 7241   0.404187200  0.147648330
## 7242   0.233240600  0.400578500
## 7243   0.410038950  0.026902676
## 7244  -0.032247543  0.053963184
## 7245  -0.040060997  0.002029896
## 7246  -0.105678560 -0.137964730
## 7247  -0.098547935 -0.013185501
## 7248   0.024168491 -0.017127990
## 7249  -0.049172400 -0.044050217
## 7250  -0.002619267 -0.023532390
## 7251   0.000000000  0.280169000
## 7252   0.027778625  0.082543370
## 7253   0.000000000 -0.314878460
## 7254  -0.066992125 -0.009121577
## 7255  -0.061592102 -0.035005093
## 7256   0.000000000  0.125690460
## 7257   0.205806730 -0.169552800
## 7258  -0.342221260 -0.277613640
## 7259  -0.031808376  0.049173832
## 7260   0.149586680 -0.044207573
## 7261   0.161951540 -0.196592330
## 7262   0.280101300  0.167546270
## 7263  -0.024553299  0.376473430
## 7264  -0.053814410 -0.115288734
## 7265   0.000000000  0.127899650
## 7266  -0.186414720  0.000000000
## 7267  -0.187239170  0.038125515
## 7268   0.081447840  0.011828423
## 7269   0.023179054  0.292452800
## 7270  -0.084582806  0.024905205
## 7271  -0.003422260  0.000945000
## 7272   0.153687480 -0.130494120
## 7273   0.509969700  0.086386204
## 7274  -0.000583000  0.291716100
## 7275  -0.099553110 -0.111602780
## 7276   0.082841870  0.058688640
## 7277  -0.038464068  0.219788788
## 7278  -0.149699210 -0.116116524
## 7279  -0.013567925 -0.009347439
## 7280   0.122792720 -0.067340850
## 7281   0.001268387 -0.070271015
## 7282  -0.890852450  0.352172850
## 7283   0.005456448  0.062646866
## 7284  -0.151673320  0.014365673
## 7285   0.038684368 -0.049350260
## 7286  -0.110663890 -0.038919926
## 7287  -0.166580680 -0.032776833
## 7288   0.090261936  0.101362230
## 7289   0.170573230  0.326485160
## 7290   0.033208847 -0.038554190
## 7291  -0.139667030  0.025023937
## 7292   0.148933410  0.767188550
## 7293   0.037112713  0.078314780
## 7294   0.124745846  0.094142440
## 7295  -0.129248140  0.007528782
## 7296  -0.189856530  0.000000000
## 7297   0.341502910  0.211758135
## 7298  -0.226056100  0.000000000
## 7299  -0.174702170  0.033280373
## 7300  -0.124710560  0.121947765
## 7301  -0.010848522  0.023113250
## 7302  -0.050046920  0.000000000
## 7303   0.445272200  1.415784350
## 7304   0.076258180  0.111002920
## 7305   0.001893520 -0.018929958
## 7306   0.000000000  0.165888785
## 7307   0.117568970  0.000000000
## 7308   0.040765285 -0.039577007
## 7309   0.022119999  0.093851090
## 7310  -0.397546770 -0.348990440
## 7311  -0.100373745 -0.173686030
## 7312  -0.056180000  0.038717270
## 7313  -0.017535686 -0.086053850
## 7314  -0.111185550  0.000000000
## 7315  -0.007066727 -0.057451725
## 7316   0.111470700 -0.044848920
## 7317   0.016987324 -0.012566567
## 7318   0.273507117  0.012237549
## 7319   0.053832054 -0.033416748
## 7320  -0.091822624  0.183144570
## 7321   0.048833370 -0.073949814
## 7322  -0.074190620 -0.085304260
## 7323  -0.007065296 -0.069686890
## 7324   0.104455950 -0.094982150
## 7325  -0.050743103 -0.338225360
## 7326  -0.084411858 -0.009190320
## 7327  -0.019964695  0.011453152
## 7328   0.293882850 -0.121958730
## 7329   0.153007500  0.010557175
## 7330   0.131049160  0.000569000
## 7331  -0.027164300  0.186853247
## 7332  -0.008556684  0.142353373
## 7333   0.215618610  0.304297450
## 7334   0.091443540 -0.261945720
## 7335  -0.031333923  0.036145687
## 7336   0.513509750  0.661168100
## 7337  -0.052376270  0.036766530
## 7338   0.034847736  0.050468445
## 7339   0.001852981 -0.043239354
## 7340   0.023879051  0.082864760
## 7341  -0.080338478  0.000000000
## 7342  -0.019344807 -0.099094390
## 7343   0.084486960  0.169263360
## 7344  -0.079253200 -0.108823776
## 7345  -0.111672400 -0.197630880
## 7346  -0.018045902  0.039023400
## 7347  -0.005328655  0.117628574
## 7348  -0.219906800  0.348468780
## 7349  -0.102250576  0.067320820
## 7350  -0.023034096 -0.124215600
## 7351   0.051190376  0.059208870
## 7352   0.000000000  0.031609060
## 7353  -0.227137090  0.048460484
## 7354  -0.025539398  0.063815590
## 7355   0.038835050  0.315047740
## 7356  -0.034511566  0.023456573
## 7357   0.090547560  0.009516239
## 7358  -0.784385200  0.000000000
## 7359   0.086586950  0.313573360
## 7360   0.088093760 -0.020865917
## 7361   0.097710130  0.077887060
## 7362  -0.336383340  0.074954990
## 7363   0.039893627 -0.082110880
## 7364  -0.137140270 -0.092339040
## 7365  -0.103886604  0.033169746
## 7366   0.016746998  0.102364060
## 7367  -0.061228752  0.000000000
## 7368  -0.037772655  0.407583240
## 7369   0.290810590 -0.054875374
## 7370   0.053029060 -0.126647000
## 7371   0.120147705  0.000000000
## 7372  -1.546570530 -1.391984220
## 7373   0.456431400 -0.343624110
## 7374  -0.500113000  0.079162600
## 7375   0.078897476  0.210581780
## 7376  -0.103474620 -0.057058334
## 7377  -0.138211250  0.077290535
## 7378   0.051723003 -0.019301891
## 7379   0.151766780  0.169778820
## 7380  -0.000320000 -0.065194130
## 7381  -0.194389340 -0.249946600
## 7382   0.361736300  0.389028550
## 7383   0.000000000 -0.250002380
## 7384  -0.087282180 -0.094676018
## 7385  -0.145525460 -0.020586967
## 7386   0.004758835  0.012465000
## 7387   1.004624800  0.128642560
## 7388   0.326030730  0.240168570
## 7389  -0.051122665  0.081695560
## 7390  -0.169874190 -0.277239320
## 7391   0.452757360 -0.151501660
## 7392   0.026002884 -0.016654968
## 7393   0.246149540  0.290304660
## 7394  -0.029229164  0.000000000
## 7395  -0.281647200 -0.064239025
## 7396   0.650577070  0.377738480
## 7397   0.164850230  0.279191970
## 7398   0.103568080  0.141090400
## 7399   0.000000000  0.000000000
## 7400   0.260850900  0.143115040
## 7401   0.000000000  0.022104263
## 7402   0.141096590  0.134364130
## 7403   0.109344960 -0.119777680
## 7404   0.160484310  0.149722580
## 7405   0.006796837  0.241226200
## 7406  -0.093287470  0.013687134
## 7407   0.621518140  0.671310400
## 7408  -0.034189224  0.232609515
## 7409   0.084227085  0.073029995
## 7410  -0.394665240 -0.209432600
## 7411  -0.029478550 -0.167515280
## 7412  -0.017623425  0.000000000
## 7413  -0.130908968 -0.077722550
## 7414   0.108124730 -0.162346840
## 7415   0.131454940 -0.040424824
## 7416   0.008087158 -0.061424255
## 7417  -0.028039932  0.166699410
## 7418  -0.269066800 -0.178928850
## 7419   0.227278710  0.324188230
## 7420   0.000000000  0.187241550
## 7421   0.109919070 -0.019974709
## 7422  -0.181511400  0.000000000
## 7423   0.183857920  0.138903620
## 7424   0.126461980  0.167088510
## 7425   0.307283875 -0.087787150
## 7426  -0.433573720 -0.497996800
## 7427  -0.244267940 -0.152771950
## 7428   0.456365600  0.677585600
## 7429   0.036934853 -0.010449410
## 7430  -0.253932950 -0.075141910
## 7431   0.356068130  0.041221140
## 7432   0.090837480 -0.067500114
## 7433   0.000000000  0.398921970
## 7434   0.199072840  0.356390950
## 7435   0.020328522  0.103940010
## 7436   0.249255659 -0.664197445
## 7437   0.064821240  0.025234222
## 7438   0.000000000  0.315031530
## 7439   0.230050090  0.080687520
## 7440  -0.813302040 -1.427087300
## 7441  -0.007621765  0.089872835
## 7442  -0.006380081 -0.757934600
## 7443   0.087604046  0.073524000
## 7444  -0.000974000  0.482781400
## 7445  -0.205718040  0.310797700
## 7446   1.187891000  1.582270100
## 7447   0.019667625 -0.260137560
## 7448  -0.050712110  0.338124280
## 7449  -0.157568925 -0.018659353
## 7450  -0.093020440 -0.233047490
## 7451  -0.039087296 -0.290812500
## 7452  -0.947647100  0.057321550
## 7453   0.014955998 -0.064538000
## 7454   0.379515173  0.041391692
## 7455   0.399801730  0.068417550
## 7456   0.057087420  0.045403480
## 7457  -0.410250200  0.150757790
## 7458  -0.167409900 -0.027415752
## 7459  -0.136627670 -0.100809574
## 7460  -0.030679703  0.070341110
## 7461  -0.133716100  0.033493042
## 7462   0.351108550 -0.236885070
## 7463  -0.366318230 -0.255181300
## 7464   0.028266271 -0.101133665
## 7465   0.070809840  0.019249440
## 7466   0.294422150 -0.206045150
## 7467  -0.121870040 -0.331476200
## 7468   0.210762020  0.297655100
## 7469   0.241936680  0.105367660
## 7470  -0.096768380 -0.325677400
## 7471   0.572270900  0.594425200
## 7472   0.090390781  0.220161723
## 7473  -0.060560226  0.025255203
## 7474  -0.101695060  0.366098400
## 7475  -0.213428500 -0.645890240
## 7476  -0.080986500 -0.029823780
## 7477  -0.019063950 -0.233975890
## 7478  -0.011132240 -0.006029129
## 7479   0.701556700  0.757419100
## 7480   0.001708031  0.161034580
## 7481   0.090876100 -0.034746170
## 7482  -1.144548900 -1.013727200
## 7483  -0.230656150 -0.335198400
## 7484  -0.169288160 -0.018081903
## 7485  -0.105796814  0.433666230
## 7486   0.022336960  0.214475630
## 7487   0.085807800  0.234169000
## 7488  -0.072711470  0.249076370
## 7489   0.282141700  0.058075905
## 7490  -0.045796395 -0.083822729
## 7491   1.486628500  1.682834600
## 7492   0.048008920  0.096973420
## 7493   0.000000000 -0.093588830
## 7494   1.759995500 -0.466315270
## 7495   0.024010181 -0.416713240
## 7496  -0.115447044 -0.050328730
## 7497   0.014885426 -0.192049500
## 7498  -0.534530160 -0.154010300
## 7499  -0.068346020 -0.177330020
## 7500   0.231493470  0.126244540
## 7501   0.013173580 -0.031208038
## 7502  -0.720572950 -0.196499820
## 7503   0.119692800 -0.282674800
## 7504  -0.074135780  0.041065216
## 7505  -0.030538559  0.044339180
## 7506  -0.020254612  0.000000000
## 7507   0.097192290 -0.094148636
## 7508  -0.043102264 -0.011437416
## 7509   0.000000000  0.125194070
## 7510   0.088632580  0.133936880
## 7511   0.029300213 -0.024431705
## 7512  -0.001818180 -0.033333300
## 7513  -0.039071083  0.298284050
## 7514   0.035384180  0.754583840
## 7515   0.058423520  0.882303240
## 7516   0.000000000 -0.138406750
## 7517  -0.139114380  0.003575325
## 7518   0.012780666 -0.067141056
## 7519   0.113788605 -0.009659767
## 7520  -0.190110680  0.030279160
## 7521  -0.113440040 -0.063659190
## 7522   0.000000000 -0.354494100
## 7523   0.512273800  0.091589930
## 7524   0.167744640  0.062404633
## 7525  -0.018236160 -0.034077644
## 7526   0.041492462 -0.042730330
## 7527   0.088859560  0.084639550
## 7528   0.000000000  0.092231270
## 7529   0.354997160  0.468750480
## 7530  -0.078443530 -0.000324000
## 7531  -0.096328260 -0.194128040
## 7532   0.055821420  0.038101673
## 7533   0.152691360 -0.046879770
## 7534  -0.084681990 -0.028496742
## 7535  -0.074608326 -0.050321580
## 7536  -0.257806780 -0.418210500
## 7537  -0.091047764  0.040201664
## 7538   0.000000000  0.222765920
## 7539   0.101294520 -0.097356320
## 7540  -0.104962350 -0.020681381
## 7541   0.209195610 -0.050611973
## 7542  -0.088750840 -0.022566319
## 7543   0.008464336  0.062842846
## 7544   1.401094000  1.388313800
## 7545   0.041822910  0.000000000
## 7546  -0.008538723 -0.057515620
## 7547   0.029595375 -0.073502540
## 7548   0.168478970  0.045722960
## 7549   0.111057280  0.137418750
## 7550  -0.414937020 -0.080995560
## 7551   0.042410374 -0.227438930
## 7552   0.275457860  0.083962920
## 7553  -0.621777060  0.181308270
## 7554  -0.114906310  0.017321587
## 7555   0.140238760  0.086779120
## 7556   0.000000000 -0.509160500
## 7557   0.032054424  0.017012120
## 7558  -0.007996082  0.275912280
## 7559  -0.088674070 -0.059953690
## 7560   0.184363370 -0.036093235
## 7561   0.051621437  0.123746395
## 7562  -0.058308125 -0.010552168
## 7563   0.023536205  0.083960530
## 7564  -0.032051086 -0.136887550
## 7565   0.012013435 -0.030627250
## 7566  -0.235613820 -0.020295620
## 7567  -0.010919571  0.119843006
## 7568   0.082590100 -0.326286320
## 7569   1.186885800  1.487412500
## 7570  -0.000723000  0.016093254
## 7571   0.000000000 -0.018293380
## 7572   0.000000000  0.159579750
## 7573   0.155293460  0.185322280
## 7574   0.036053658 -0.001130581
## 7575   1.130472200  1.607476200
## 7576  -0.021732807 -0.083909510
## 7577  -0.033060550  0.000000000
## 7578  -0.106338980  0.000000000
## 7579   0.037689210  0.081219200
## 7580   0.320739750 -0.052321910
## 7581  -0.547065730 -0.296138300
## 7582  -0.071729660 -0.042629958
## 7583   0.076140880  0.016410828
## 7584   0.000000000 -0.087262630
## 7585   0.034921646  0.432437900
## 7586   0.245477200 -0.027247429
## 7587  -0.212877750 -0.162344460
## 7588  -0.037658690 -0.071245190
## 7589  -0.030089855  0.030489445
## 7590  -0.016896248 -0.041283130
## 7591   0.261261000 -0.512496000
## 7592   0.000000000 -0.206204410
## 7593  -0.107684610 -0.019678593
## 7594   0.242923740  0.347171780
## 7595  -0.115860940 -0.109767914
## 7596   0.596020700  0.926211830
## 7597   0.776209830  0.597422600
## 7598  -0.129576685 -0.047127247
## 7599   0.128231530  0.011458874
## 7600  -0.034198760  0.098884580
## 7601   0.082705500  0.159321310
## 7602   0.001688957  0.180248740
## 7603  -0.198192120 -0.142719750
## 7604  -0.076731683 -0.302163850
## 7605   0.494977000 -0.472538000
## 7606   0.124869350  0.083308220
## 7607  -0.140587330  0.029161453
## 7608  -0.275115500 -0.108232020
## 7609   0.160460470  0.000000000
## 7610  -0.093587875 -0.134417530
## 7611  -0.338944440 -0.332654000
## 7612   0.057687760  0.095916750
## 7613  -0.240809920 -0.421682830
## 7614   0.183298590  0.128290655
## 7615   0.065639970  0.031504630
## 7616  -0.003111363  0.021809101
## 7617  -0.020985603  0.017422676
## 7618   0.267819400  0.150589940
## 7619   0.052438736  0.113288880
## 7620  -0.261419770 -0.433979030
## 7621  -0.506085400  0.180740360
## 7622   0.109972954 -0.017887592
## 7623  -0.194235800 -0.336539270
## 7624   0.089920044  0.553711900
## 7625   0.059715748 -0.253441330
## 7626  -0.194032190  0.018356323
## 7627   0.343297960 -0.127414230
## 7628   0.537781700  0.683482170
## 7629  -0.011842251 -0.024423122
## 7630   0.335170750 -0.080815790
## 7631   0.005303860 -0.046457290
## 7632  -0.152223590 -0.398827550
## 7633  -0.151155950  0.006567001
## 7634  -0.033704996  0.094218135
## 7635  -0.073684690  0.055673122
## 7636  -0.015110970  0.000000000
## 7637   0.035206318 -0.127367500
## 7638   0.000201000  0.118603710
## 7639   0.058681965  0.150065420
## 7640  -0.262187000 -0.004477501
## 7641  -0.031169415  0.002145290
## 7642   0.006052017 -0.005508423
## 7643   0.260941030 -0.141687400
## 7644  -0.001543999  0.021744728
## 7645  -0.136006830  0.094478130
## 7646  -0.047174930 -0.017477512
## 7647  -0.056829930  0.000000000
## 7648   0.063207630  0.127054690
## 7649   0.069510460  0.014737606
## 7650  -0.002635479  0.446500780
## 7651   0.081994060 -0.020179749
## 7652  -0.109789370  0.103783130
## 7653  -0.127490520 -0.055582047
## 7654   0.082033160  0.124022960
## 7655   0.090913770  0.130365370
## 7656   0.264400960  0.097379684
## 7657  -0.120253086  0.033529280
## 7658  -0.132887840  0.004731655
## 7659  -0.138976100  0.022731304
## 7660   0.143285270 -0.011501789
## 7661  -0.109826090 -0.492598530
## 7662  -0.134559630  0.000000000
## 7663   0.000575000  0.049374104
## 7664   0.315129280  0.114435196
## 7665  -0.016317844  0.056596280
## 7666   0.374487400 -0.358798500
## 7667   0.929039000  0.733840000
## 7668   0.481361870  0.000000000
## 7669   0.490865700  0.249916080
## 7670  -0.028142452  0.104894640
## 7671   0.075061800 -0.015430927
## 7672  -0.003145218  0.172205450
## 7673   0.102696420  0.144351480
## 7674  -0.179864880 -0.026841164
## 7675   0.006471634  0.030184269
## 7676   0.150990490  0.008618832
## 7677   0.045983790 -0.078372480
## 7678  -0.013880730 -0.108966830
## 7679  -0.232731820  0.000000000
## 7680   0.000000000  0.045368195
## 7681  -0.621071800 -0.032186985
## 7682  -0.048075676 -0.042194843
## 7683   0.380054470 -0.025595665
## 7684  -0.115344050 -0.233654020
## 7685  -0.319855200 -0.063215256
## 7686   0.161162850  0.005782127
## 7687  -0.031748770  0.000000000
## 7688   0.035234928 -0.046938896
## 7689   0.147646430  0.169852260
## 7690  -0.012485504  0.108438970
## 7691   0.074464320  0.079741480
## 7692   0.096027374 -0.128077030
## 7693   0.021316051 -0.018828392
## 7694  -0.079739094  0.002309799
## 7695   0.003098965  0.082102300
## 7696   0.012494326  0.018898725
## 7697  -0.035787344  0.001228571
## 7698  -0.116811038  0.079316615
## 7699  -0.129483700  0.116889000
## 7700   0.252109050  0.012657642
## 7701   0.124332905  0.016284943
## 7702  -0.060798645  0.000000000
## 7703   0.038316727 -0.065301895
## 7704  -0.108088970 -0.587016100
## 7705   0.037656310  0.025746584
## 7706  -0.111470220  0.000000000
## 7707  -0.166162970  0.000000000
## 7708   0.317470070  0.012024879
## 7709  -0.005649567  0.265954020
## 7710  -0.393199440 -0.179749970
## 7711  -0.007740021 -0.019536972
## 7712   0.000000000  0.058971405
## 7713   0.383768325  0.052574872
## 7714   0.206567760  0.057703495
## 7715  -0.758069500 -0.118951800
## 7716   1.723878400 -0.570451740
## 7717   0.038407803 -0.085205080
## 7718  -0.694336900 -0.612276100
## 7719   0.494557380  0.284544000
## 7720   0.419610020  0.167725560
## 7721   0.223474502  0.112919810
## 7722  -0.264332300 -0.354767800
## 7723  -0.431890000 -1.465621000
## 7724   0.093309880 -0.044634342
## 7725   0.240478040 -0.128576280
## 7726  -0.439583300 -0.282132630
## 7727  -0.026302338 -0.281634330
## 7728  -0.765877700 -0.107665060
## 7729  -0.162505625 -0.205844880
## 7730   0.268444540  0.152967450
## 7731   0.599993700  0.158836360
## 7732   0.209568980 -0.015257359
## 7733   0.275273320  0.108868600
## 7734  -0.199319840  0.140640740
## 7735   0.000000000  0.105083466
## 7736   0.112326620  0.024569988
## 7737  -0.397812370  0.000000000
## 7738   0.110694885  0.070481300
## 7739  -0.213123320 -0.137353900
## 7740   0.074344160 -0.050252914
## 7741   0.086094856  0.276901250
## 7742  -0.422934530 -0.538723000
## 7743  -0.796848800 -0.567430000
## 7744  -0.403636930  0.140401840
## 7745  -0.065753940 -0.029916763
## 7746  -0.461264600 -0.301426400
## 7747   0.114079475  0.282136920
## 7748  -0.622320650  0.104941370
## 7749  -0.220156670 -0.229617600
## 7750   0.115098950  0.291303160
## 7751  -0.196477890 -0.493565560
## 7752   0.061005592 -0.070607185
## 7753  -0.032166958  0.000000000
## 7754   0.035529137 -0.112575530
## 7755   0.002974510 -0.160688880
## 7756   0.018109322 -0.029191970
## 7757  -0.148067000 -0.507894500
## 7758   0.197560310 -0.185482030
## 7759  -0.361637600  0.000000000
## 7760   0.141899110 -0.492666240
## 7761   0.000000000  0.075307846
## 7762  -0.135249610 -0.367095470
## 7763  -0.253073215 -1.376527050
## 7764   0.258642200  0.118588450
## 7765  -0.043124676 -0.054024696
## 7766   0.163317680  0.267341140
## 7767   0.141289710 -0.407326700
## 7768   0.016161442  0.000000000
## 7769   0.032407760 -0.087511540
## 7770   0.113148210 -0.061937810
## 7771  -0.124347690 -0.033315660
## 7772  -0.116447926  0.070526600
## 7773  -0.190346240  0.110118390
## 7774  -0.191816330  0.010551453
## 7775   0.000000000 -0.028988838
## 7776   0.368245600  0.568931100
## 7777   0.554703240  0.258746150
## 7778  -0.020712852 -0.175210480
## 7779   0.982719900  0.668227700
## 7780  -0.066123486  0.015679836
## 7781  -0.027503490  0.181435590
## 7782   0.045325756  0.025492668
## 7783  -0.020154953  0.013503075
## 7784  -0.057756900  0.030413150
## 7785  -0.026344300 -0.290297500
## 7786  -0.199075700 -0.701985360
## 7787  -0.095236300 -0.046676636
## 7788   0.334630500  0.882624150
## 7789  -0.076976776 -0.367958070
## 7790   0.000000000  0.286679270
## 7791  -0.039728170  0.072816850
## 7792  -0.167574400 -0.168953900
## 7793   0.136027340 -0.360101700
## 7794  -0.143548970  0.029010296
## 7795  -0.023340225 -0.005420208
## 7796  -0.077655790  0.094390870
## 7797  -0.025075436  0.054265022
## 7798   0.000000000  0.310764800
## 7799   0.000000000 -0.268939970
## 7800  -0.026943684 -0.042958260
## 7801  -0.112508774  0.091685295
## 7802   0.178634640 -0.214053150
## 7803  -0.026372433 -0.026429653
## 7804   0.000000000 -0.031940937
## 7805  -0.005200386  0.025715351
## 7806  -0.138813020  0.046301840
## 7807  -0.015666485  0.101943970
## 7808   0.000000000  0.079231740
## 7809  -0.061594486  0.042237760
## 7810   0.087396620  0.084764004
## 7811  -0.026673794  0.073636530
## 7812   0.120750904 -0.282081600
## 7813   0.975183705  1.924481150
## 7814   0.014704704  0.086086270
## 7815  -0.048314095  0.036067010
## 7816  -0.023716450 -0.047061443
## 7817  -0.132249830  0.014600277
## 7818  -2.556412700 -2.505504600
## 7819  -2.440849300 -2.373416000
## 7820   0.162225250 -0.086998940
## 7821  -0.177982330 -0.497875200
## 7822  -0.080666540 -0.471906660
## 7823   0.003712177  0.299933430
## 7824  -0.169402120 -0.409793380
## 7825   0.222126960  0.247472760
## 7826   0.129253860  0.075653550
## 7827  -0.299583435 -0.452735900
## 7828   0.230084420  0.140656470
## 7829  -0.027443886 -0.078625200
## 7830   0.188976290  0.119839670
## 7831  -1.112746700 -0.944458960
## 7832  -0.728852750 -0.710209850
## 7833   0.083555220  0.049680233
## 7834  -0.462815760 -0.611060600
## 7835  -0.118415830  0.222087860
## 7836  -0.030481339  0.055276870
## 7837   0.000000000 -0.108518600
## 7838  -0.096718790 -0.001247406
## 7839  -0.450849530 -0.301653860
## 7840   0.094363690  0.203747750
## 7841  -0.030978203  0.066431046
## 7842   0.119861126  0.045306206
## 7843  -0.028026104  0.288309100
## 7844   0.084313390 -0.136055000
## 7845   0.022769928  0.035531998
## 7846  -0.016066551  0.015612125
## 7847  -0.008158207  0.193704600
## 7848   0.132398130  0.024173737
## 7849   0.410730360 -0.358012200
## 7850  -0.014231682  0.005290985
## 7851  -0.080617430  0.044599533
## 7852  -0.114392280 -0.156110760
## 7853   0.008066654 -0.016689300
## 7854   0.000000000 -0.099949360
## 7855   0.000000000  0.133871560
## 7856   0.380010130  0.020253181
## 7857   0.203825950  0.054632187
## 7858   0.143123630 -0.019951820
## 7859   0.191933630  0.000000000
## 7860  -0.100490090 -0.132554530
## 7861   0.141687400  0.101920130
## 7862  -0.201051710 -0.199764250
## 7863   0.048018456 -0.102303505
## 7864  -0.057487010  0.000000000
## 7865  -0.233608720 -0.412969593
## 7866   0.039707184 -0.157283780
## 7867   0.110594750 -0.057800770
## 7868  -0.193889140 -0.085149290
## 7869  -0.148083210 -0.183336260
## 7870   0.030442715 -0.149232860
## 7871  -0.256129260  0.000000000
## 7872   0.188756940  0.182342530
## 7873  -0.284488680 -0.208034040
## 7874  -0.052621365 -0.691602230
## 7875   0.058623314  0.000000000
## 7876   0.016117096 -0.011116028
## 7877  -0.050750732 -0.665623200
## 7878  -0.063277245  0.010342598
## 7879   0.116435530  0.063577650
## 7880   0.000000000  0.020978450
## 7881   0.094213486  0.153616900
## 7882   0.088921550  0.000000000
## 7883  -0.243212220  0.219139100
## 7884  -0.098751070 -0.051223278
## 7885  -0.102399826  0.132268900
## 7886  -0.191695690 -0.265697000
## 7887   0.055028440  0.224981780
## 7888  -0.035196304  0.032716274
## 7889  -0.018607140  0.166067600
## 7890   0.060831070  0.100182060
## 7891   1.124122600 -0.235211850
## 7892  -0.164948460  0.000000000
## 7893   0.065311910  0.000000000
## 7894   0.049402714  0.080200670
## 7895   0.052198887  0.002142906
## 7896   0.018121243  0.087800500
## 7897   0.162278180 -0.239270210
## 7898  -1.397537200 -0.666683200
## 7899   0.098668575 -0.571710100
## 7900  -0.056347370  0.207194330
## 7901  -0.199051860 -0.413016800
## 7902  -0.041622161  0.150816680
## 7903  -0.285823820  0.452852730
## 7904  -0.374674320  0.610399700
## 7905   0.387974260 -0.041250706
## 7906   0.045516014  0.016646862
## 7907  -0.123221400 -0.021711350
## 7908  -0.566192635 -0.171030520
## 7909   0.612223600  0.518515600
## 7910   0.692284600  0.620581600
## 7911   0.042176247  0.027688980
## 7912   0.351737980  0.433640480
## 7913   0.034664154  0.012071610
## 7914   0.028264046  0.004409313
## 7915   0.020901680  0.093364716
## 7916  -0.422998430 -0.075407980
## 7917   0.000000000 -0.240989690
## 7918   0.070184710  0.119628906
## 7919  -0.184203620 -0.154968260
## 7920  -0.261810785  0.369175910
## 7921  -0.007622242 -0.041148663
## 7922  -0.365740780 -0.188581940
## 7923   0.105089190 -0.019025803
## 7924  -0.039875030 -0.554802900
## 7925  -0.284374700  0.035431862
## 7926   0.123712060 -0.135367400
## 7927   0.158580780  0.600410460
## 7928  -0.054148674  0.038137913
## 7929   0.094841480 -0.078737736
## 7930  -0.075770380 -0.147130490
## 7931   0.232528210 -0.064037320
## 7932   0.096662520  0.209259510
## 7933  -0.010477543 -0.145049100
## 7934  -0.062516690 -0.181089880
## 7935  -0.278341300 -0.071229460
## 7936  -0.503680235 -0.576900970
## 7937   0.323734760  0.019801617
## 7938  -0.084626200 -0.096123220
## 7939  -0.011593819  0.194052700
## 7940   0.075860980 -0.150563720
## 7941  -0.176205160  0.050836563
## 7942   0.504239560  0.086600300
## 7943  -0.221424100 -0.020550251
## 7944   0.465877530  0.330804820
## 7945   0.616591000 -0.103206160
## 7946   1.059871700  1.126776700
## 7947   0.139621730  0.275327680
## 7948  -0.202028750 -0.365363120
## 7949  -0.217250820  0.010737896
## 7950  -0.340452200 -0.137398240
## 7951  -0.098333836 -0.052057743
## 7952   0.037177086  0.198575020
## 7953   0.363780980  0.565377240
## 7954  -0.120044230  0.035904408
## 7955  -0.199470040 -0.028761864
## 7956   0.025043488 -0.000377000
## 7957   0.103394510 -0.009428978
## 7958   0.330271240  0.550198100
## 7959  -0.212265010  0.000000000
## 7960  -0.026649952  0.078463080
## 7961  -0.070323228 -0.222592120
## 7962   0.106438640  0.281766900
## 7963  -0.110956033 -0.266147137
## 7964   0.000000000 -0.386724470
## 7965  -0.082833770 -0.245114330
## 7966   0.122807500  0.063805580
## 7967  -0.237541200 -0.072271350
## 7968   0.041152478  0.019846440
## 7969   0.040306570  0.444573400
## 7970   0.276998520  0.094416620
## 7971  -0.051199436 -0.132709030
## 7972   1.615490900  2.211975000
## 7973   0.357260705  0.272426130
## 7974  -0.132414820 -0.470002170
## 7975  -0.484179970 -0.670961400
## 7976   0.055547237 -0.016907692
## 7977  -0.032209396 -0.070903780
## 7978   0.575880050  0.081135750
## 7979   0.009571075  0.000000000
## 7980  -0.089600086 -0.075483800
## 7981   0.014274597 -0.087054250
## 7982   0.145033840  0.024529457
## 7983   0.004081965  0.021406888
## 7984  -0.194363120  0.101093770
## 7985  -0.029139996 -0.016456604
## 7986   0.225731850  0.415531160
## 7987  -0.003783226  0.134782790
## 7988  -0.075089455  0.368805900
## 7989   0.222369200  0.186909680
## 7990   0.100196840  0.060903550
## 7991  -0.053559065  0.041932823
## 7992  -0.271558760  0.172518730
## 7993   0.134410860  0.326877600
## 7994  -0.168832780  0.124855040
## 7995   0.036797047  0.475350860
## 7996   0.160883900  0.092907906
## 7997  -0.024656773 -0.021117687
## 7998   0.000000000 -0.092151640
## 7999  -0.157593250  0.100564960
## 8000   0.026024820  0.055426360
## 8001   0.009045124 -0.107994560
## 8002   0.592370030 -0.300713540
## 8003  -0.498451230 -0.022786140
## 8004  -0.044971943 -0.048923492
## 8005  -0.312974450 -0.274489880
## 8006   0.250455860  0.041919710
## 8007   0.942949300  0.849635100
## 8008   0.020858765 -0.150829790
## 8009   0.018173218  0.356625080
## 8010   0.211026190  0.082020280
## 8011   0.037899970  0.044487000
## 8012  -0.003582239  0.021732092
## 8013  -0.195463660 -0.168389800
## 8014   0.106395245 -0.151944640
## 8015  -0.039888860  0.071423054
## 8016   0.063117980  0.390894400
## 8017  -0.162710190 -0.247029300
## 8018  -0.143880840  0.010335922
## 8019  -0.032168865  0.000000000
## 8020  -0.739180560 -0.522326470
## 8021  -0.095557210  0.000000000
## 8022   0.337782860  0.270489220
## 8023   0.060767650  0.036464690
## 8024   0.088387966  0.110937120
## 8025  -0.172196390  0.093718530
## 8026  -0.390319820 -0.187928680
## 8027   0.019612312  0.250395770
## 8028  -0.020134449 -0.363548280
## 8029   0.772240640  0.560106750
## 8030  -0.109124660 -0.138799190
## 8031  -0.176724430 -0.163498400
## 8032   0.003052712 -0.298288350
## 8033  -0.068664074  0.546492100
## 8034  -0.096077920  0.064108850
## 8035  -0.310013773 -0.404259690
## 8036   0.822093960  1.131675200
## 8037   0.005283833 -0.041262627
## 8038  -0.195998190 -0.615043640
## 8039   0.135586740 -0.129053120
## 8040  -0.028400898  0.000000000
## 8041   0.044952870  0.300558570
## 8042  -0.113245010 -0.192186360
## 8043   0.000000000 -0.466908930
## 8044   0.245805260  0.242075920
## 8045   0.013328552 -0.039682390
## 8046   0.339680200  0.375305650
## 8047   0.023880959  0.315489770
## 8048  -0.464757920 -0.461678030
## 8049   0.425561900  0.332422260
## 8050  -0.141050820 -0.092327120
## 8051  -0.081781864  0.205550200
## 8052  -0.060453890  0.000000000
## 8053  -0.065979480 -0.205848700
## 8054  -0.249262810 -0.236995700
## 8055  -0.179514880 -0.360621450
## 8056   0.014254093  0.107658860
## 8057   0.000000000 -0.039973260
## 8058   0.179945470  0.036458970
## 8059   0.114663124  0.118632790
## 8060  -0.444281100 -0.266026500
## 8061   0.081792355  0.032470226
## 8062   0.478364000  0.002507210
## 8063   0.767191900  0.160584450
## 8064   0.494418140 -0.058778763
## 8065   0.474902470  0.004114469
## 8066   0.471808430  0.004907608
## 8067   0.033959866 -0.108991620
## 8068   0.202411170  0.013809204
## 8069   0.582753173  0.144073963
## 8070   0.640588510 -0.160360815
## 8071   0.062837600  0.073127750
## 8072   0.117008210 -0.308598520
## 8073   0.291861060  0.095500946
## 8074   0.334713460 -0.194418430
## 8075   1.051334196 -0.003097248
## 8076   0.333713530 -0.069756030
## 8077   0.075922250 -0.079764845
## 8078   0.285297396 -0.028141816
## 8079   0.415840783 -0.031397819
## 8080   0.820673623  0.758009590
## 8081   0.655287740  0.378212930
## 8082   0.881452560  0.814828900
## 8083   0.923891070  0.567624100
## 8084  -0.021788120  0.108318330
## 8085   0.352502820  0.177673820
## 8086   0.317552570  0.368331900
## 8087   0.834886080  0.872622000
## 8088   0.240196420 -0.055573463
## 8089   0.262078760 -0.050431250
## 8090  -0.119697570  0.000000000
## 8091  -1.329625100 -1.196479800
## 8092   0.411635400 -0.028579950
## 8093   0.255211350  0.000000000
## 8094   0.414481640  0.082551000
## 8095   0.541829100  0.415920260
## 8096   0.150730130 -0.434165000
## 8097  -0.088407990 -0.101341724
## 8098  -0.092356680 -0.008166790
## 8099   0.585961340  0.351149560
## 8100  -0.187103270  0.000000000
## 8101   0.096037865  0.011520386
## 8102  -0.049490690  0.017919540
## 8103   0.004112244 -0.033049583
## 8104  -0.062216760 -0.109677315
## 8105   0.131618980  0.035597800
## 8106  -0.053776264 -0.100477220
## 8107   0.140262600 -0.234974380
## 8108  -0.286867620  0.153057580
## 8109   0.920043470 -0.178241730
## 8110   0.158446310  0.133448600
## 8111   0.093947410 -0.242704390
## 8112   0.171147350 -0.022418976
## 8113  -0.254887590 -0.066426517
## 8114   0.402688794  0.753347473
## 8115  -0.011671066 -0.051341057
## 8116   0.270457270  0.015673637
## 8117   0.271965980  0.299307350
## 8118  -0.099641800 -0.039536953
## 8119   0.061297417 -0.009541004
## 8120  -0.019389898 -0.077324093
## 8121   0.048239230 -0.161468980
## 8122   0.055619479 -0.385960100
## 8123   0.068296909 -0.174832820
## 8124   0.140412330  0.156885620
## 8125  -0.031250000  0.051565647
## 8126  -0.044013023  0.054950714
## 8127  -0.053661346  0.523372650
## 8128  -0.612391500 -0.336890220
## 8129  -0.013244152 -0.045013428
## 8130  -0.036953926 -0.040537357
## 8131  -0.319284918 -1.411302075
## 8132  -0.386884700 -0.210406300
## 8133  -0.870503400 -0.092211720
## 8134   0.620662700  0.459098820
## 8135   0.165662290 -0.013032436
## 8136   0.205892090 -0.047657967
## 8137  -0.374285700 -0.087654590
## 8138   0.068675995  0.069285390
## 8139  -0.111347675 -0.028915882
## 8140  -0.021395206  0.019768715
## 8141   0.171483520  0.246183400
## 8142   0.020320892 -0.272285940
## 8143  -0.220244880  0.013509750
## 8144   0.000000000 -0.087782380
## 8145   0.016133785 -0.074651720
## 8146  -0.095456120 -0.028137207
## 8147  -0.002956867  0.009739399
## 8148   0.041295050  0.000000000
## 8149  -0.053913116 -0.161072730
## 8150  -0.111178875 -0.023387432
## 8151   0.013642311  0.191827770
## 8152   0.164135616  0.063887702
## 8153  -0.136343000  0.006980896
## 8154  -0.277217860  0.066123960
## 8155  -0.054282190  0.000000000
## 8156  -0.057886124 -0.142397880
## 8157   0.083962536  0.328454878
## 8158   0.144260400  0.088457110
## 8159  -0.412474150 -0.008800983
## 8160   0.231783870  0.133587840
## 8161   0.003043493 -0.010217412
## 8162   0.008234024  0.082479480
## 8163   0.127278330  0.137473100
## 8164   0.149392130  0.113137245
## 8165   0.004658699  0.151697160
## 8166   0.104296684  0.057248116
## 8167   0.023990631 -0.063398360
## 8168   0.046941757 -0.136998180
## 8169  -0.258833900  0.003915787
## 8170  -0.200251580  0.388525000
## 8171  -0.022582532  0.425351370
## 8172   0.156813620  0.183538440
## 8173  -0.089293480 -0.104696274
## 8174  -0.158581495 -0.092649223
## 8175   0.000000000 -0.069767950
## 8176   0.172081000  0.222145080
## 8177   0.020567417  0.277373300
## 8178  -0.110435248  0.013767958
## 8179  -0.008968353  0.119622710
## 8180   0.067847250  0.024960995
## 8181   0.011485100 -0.087942120
## 8182   0.053993225 -0.070688725
## 8183   0.073750970  0.000000000
## 8184  -0.087406635 -0.115421770
## 8185  -0.064043287  0.144476175
## 8186   0.126447680  0.000000000
## 8187  -0.205336100  0.032072544
## 8188  -0.291552540 -0.042256832
## 8189   0.070930960 -0.012007237
## 8190  -0.422455800 -0.096893310
## 8191   0.062724590 -0.057378292
## 8192   0.000000000  0.205189230
## 8193   0.192263600  0.177550800
## 8194  -0.052893640  0.089239120
## 8195  -0.069050310 -0.430870060
## 8196  -0.822873600 -1.414959000
## 8197  -0.056426525 -0.735622400
## 8198  -0.082699300 -0.241010670
## 8199  -0.287571430 -0.190625190
## 8200  -0.055799007 -0.062455177
## 8201  -0.021242619 -0.058450222
## 8202  -0.027573586  0.069917200
## 8203   0.028910160  0.028415203
## 8204  -0.008123398  0.000000000
## 8205   0.097986220  0.012214184
## 8206   0.149294380  0.040155888
## 8207  -0.114186290  0.101731300
## 8208   0.000000000  0.052199364
## 8209  -0.000894000  0.010691166
## 8210   0.009211063  0.000000000
## 8211   0.034048080  0.057763100
## 8212  -0.015319347 -0.021149635
## 8213  -0.165476320  0.156821250
## 8214   0.012120247 -0.139143470
## 8215   0.118511200 -0.028775215
## 8216   0.000000000 -0.254087450
## 8217   0.161913870 -0.186692710
## 8218  -0.101240635 -0.176311020
## 8219  -0.117747310 -0.144498350
## 8220   0.054150580 -0.260851860
## 8221   0.043603420 -0.061136723
## 8222   0.102383377  0.120311020
## 8223   0.120878220 -0.045974730
## 8224   0.002351761 -0.280775070
## 8225  -0.043912888  0.010812759
## 8226  -0.428761480 -1.390551600
## 8227  -0.184465410 -0.035021305
## 8228  -0.299712180 -0.169424530
## 8229  -0.328591350  0.296198840
## 8230  -0.063984394  0.064984800
## 8231  -0.076704025  0.041656494
## 8232  -0.074467660  0.055751324
## 8233  -0.134220600 -0.411050800
## 8234   0.216438300 -0.216746800
## 8235  -0.028152466 -0.136845590
## 8236  -0.066648010 -0.069805620
## 8237   0.250309940  0.412117960
## 8238  -0.050707340  0.002189636
## 8239  -0.146022320 -0.117163660
## 8240   0.159911160  0.196017270
## 8241   0.021178246 -0.150348190
## 8242  -0.057306767  0.280773160
## 8243   1.089263400  0.848351960
## 8244   2.011075500  2.098566500
## 8245   0.110191345 -0.086028100
## 8246   0.052517890 -0.130220410
## 8247   0.317388530  0.176436900
## 8248   0.075428960  0.078025340
## 8249   0.128134250  0.210192200
## 8250   0.038542747  0.000000000
## 8251  -0.004275322  0.008120537
## 8252  -1.133728500 -1.345238200
## 8253  -0.059216976  0.000000000
## 8254  -0.194457050 -0.047594547
## 8255  -0.016125202  0.035362720
## 8256   0.085622310 -0.052938940
## 8257   0.043410300  0.102602960
## 8258   0.041647434  0.107759000
## 8259   0.194476130 -0.006552696
## 8260   0.035240173 -0.088713170
## 8261   0.343258860 -0.488638880
## 8262   0.245604520  0.098715780
## 8263   0.031386852  0.157500270
## 8264  -0.490335460 -0.278249740
## 8265  -0.212249280 -0.399632450
## 8266  -0.049018860 -0.027569294
## 8267   0.037895680  0.117018700
## 8268  -0.048912050 -0.188543320
## 8269  -0.014629364 -0.550218600
## 8270   0.162578580 -0.317365650
## 8271   0.000000000  0.258230200
## 8272  -0.036061287 -0.060434820
## 8273  -0.017539024 -0.119103430
## 8274  -0.057912827 -0.073938850
## 8275  -0.068653110  0.057507515
## 8276  -0.557803150  0.000000000
## 8277  -0.051708700  0.140450480
## 8278  -0.106093410 -0.343340400
## 8279  -0.006357193  0.041660786
## 8280  -0.002908230 -0.045469284
## 8281  -0.082715510 -0.336670880
## 8282   0.009113074 -0.116061450
## 8283  -0.102613450 -0.002068996
## 8284   0.075388430 -0.083839890
## 8285  -0.114101885  0.164693593
## 8286   0.080194470  0.430683140
## 8287  -0.429880140 -0.430367470
## 8288   0.379043580  0.496328350
## 8289  -0.381625180 -0.270548340
## 8290   0.030098438 -0.070781230
## 8291   0.035173416 -0.051152230
## 8292   0.064533710 -0.102261540
## 8293  -0.109440800 -0.076495170
## 8294  -0.043734074  0.086647990
## 8295  -0.004198551 -0.007832050
## 8296  -0.014273326  1.096111630
## 8297   0.222115520  0.661105160
## 8298   0.067254070  0.222709660
## 8299  -0.035876274  0.000000000
## 8300   1.126896900  0.847761150
## 8301  -0.657376300 -0.058557987
## 8302  -0.289793970 -0.034381866
## 8303   0.066713651  3.150791500
## 8304  -0.313501357  0.363097669
## 8305   0.926413540  0.748316760
## 8306  -0.025206566  0.522534400
## 8307   0.030657768  0.911895750
## 8308   0.038212776  0.134632110
## 8309   0.029243469  0.406779610
## 8310   0.403082850  0.454566000
## 8311   0.525011543  1.265822717
## 8312  -0.576167600 -0.283068660
## 8313  -0.027818203  0.000000000
## 8314   0.173551560  0.057737827
## 8315   0.371924400  0.309984200
## 8316   0.385955800  0.374138360
## 8317   0.002673149 -0.140751360
## 8318   0.590917100  0.059836388
## 8319   0.266573900 -0.418029300
## 8320   0.074226380  0.043028355
## 8321   0.140977855  0.892448425
## 8322  -0.100790022  0.771606430
## 8323   1.775032000  1.413562800
## 8324   0.651330000  3.190528900
## 8325  -0.099754810 -0.240290160
## 8326   0.011049271  0.128218650
## 8327   0.187604430  0.247807500
## 8328  -0.014172077  0.000000000
## 8329  -0.001611710  0.115621090
## 8330   0.071835520  0.123010635
## 8331  -0.258973600 -0.004448414
## 8332  -0.436639800 -0.071665764
## 8333  -0.061336040 -0.007359982
## 8334  -0.111352440  0.205968380
## 8335   0.000000000  0.020629883
## 8336   0.304594040 -0.026800156
## 8337   0.032695770 -0.046635628
## 8338  -0.146429540 -0.120172024
## 8339   0.126847740 -0.043635845
## 8340   0.000000000  0.202488420
## 8341   0.374857430  0.225641730
## 8342  -0.090956210 -0.481733320
## 8343   0.013100147  0.094095710
## 8344  -0.042884350  0.083043575
## 8345  -0.013004303 -0.105613710
## 8346   0.100002290  0.136627670
## 8347   0.201094630  0.154711720
## 8348  -0.038243294 -0.000947000
## 8349   0.056591034  0.078941345
## 8350  -0.281431670  0.017873287
## 8351   0.768583300  0.620320300
## 8352   0.259627340  0.112812040
## 8353  -0.094362260  0.341363430
## 8354  -0.022653580  0.184062480
## 8355   0.027324677 -0.022173405
## 8356  -0.022491932  0.076000690
## 8357  -0.049653530 -0.016981125
## 8358  -0.193304060 -0.283279900
## 8359  -0.216996670 -0.304106700
## 8360  -0.472703930 -0.145327570
## 8361   0.101712230  0.173609730
## 8362  -0.218336100  0.012074471
## 8363  -0.415137770 -0.952484600
## 8364  -0.164986610  0.000000000
## 8365   0.187800400 -0.313684460
## 8366  -0.203241350 -0.025696278
## 8367   0.154841899  0.374618055
## 8368   0.005820274 -0.092425350
## 8369  -0.010416508  0.133510590
## 8370   0.084451200  0.000000000
## 8371  -0.023617030 -0.138704300
## 8372   0.224321370  0.719293600
## 8373  -0.107588290  0.088464740
## 8374  -0.098220350 -0.020004272
## 8375   0.537334440  0.258749960
## 8376  -0.149837500 -0.013889790
## 8377  -0.021742344 -0.040892124
## 8378   0.195673940  0.155986790
## 8379   0.171121600  0.344068530
## 8380  -0.088199140 -0.081578730
## 8381  -0.229496960  0.026544570
## 8382  -0.209630010 -0.416428100
## 8383   1.148141900  0.890981700
## 8384  -0.502334600 -0.792480000
## 8385   0.349185940  0.056252480
## 8386  -0.442029480 -0.106967450
## 8387   0.254954340 -0.539449700
## 8388  -0.922254560 -0.749144550
## 8389   0.162631030 -0.079809190
## 8390   0.082018850  0.142475130
## 8391  -0.233914380  0.316604600
## 8392  -0.125358580 -0.289093970
## 8393  -0.086866380 -0.402844185
## 8394   0.025192976  0.363178490
## 8395  -0.207175250  0.028888702
## 8396   0.304114820  0.250323770
## 8397   0.129272940  0.000000000
## 8398   0.431401250  0.262757300
## 8399   0.131233690 -0.045754910
## 8400   0.242871280  0.331746100
## 8401  -0.368931770 -0.320785520
## 8402   0.260978700 -0.431102750
## 8403   0.029930115  0.003123283
## 8404  -0.255113120  0.162434580
## 8405  -0.051574230 -0.279117580
## 8406   0.495984080  0.880426400
## 8407  -0.084299564  0.063469410
## 8408   0.292457580  0.326688770
## 8409   0.055972100 -0.077650070
## 8410  -0.110525130  0.046750546
## 8411   0.265945430  0.411884300
## 8412  -0.979104040 -0.638583200
## 8413   0.034339428  0.072398186
## 8414   0.320362100 -0.364714620
## 8415  -0.063544270 -0.019362450
## 8416  -0.036480904 -0.015840530
## 8417  -0.030620098  0.065511230
## 8418  -0.348812580 -0.598266600
## 8419  -0.135895730  0.000000000
## 8420   0.000000000  0.008057594
## 8421   0.334855080  0.395946500
## 8422  -0.660945900 -0.625079150
## 8423   0.093890190  0.029770137
## 8424   0.042598724 -0.055324554
## 8425   0.289308550  0.079737980
## 8426   0.000000000  0.053914070
## 8427  -0.302463050  0.444728370
## 8428   0.005035877  0.056968690
## 8429   0.052419186  0.182458400
## 8430  -0.005494595  0.000000000
## 8431  -0.091142180 -0.100768566
## 8432   0.024500847  0.049593450
## 8433   0.352664950 -0.005653858
## 8434  -0.156030180 -0.178744800
## 8435  -0.100975510  0.042840480
## 8436   0.028886795 -0.279823300
## 8437  -0.032302856 -0.046524525
## 8438  -0.161745070  0.015978336
## 8439  -0.086319450 -0.051194668
## 8440  -0.004096508 -0.020778180
## 8441   0.087049960  0.202253340
## 8442  -0.144624710  0.215882780
## 8443   0.059308052 -0.650544170
## 8444  -0.457790370 -0.271690370
## 8445  -0.035928250  0.039701940
## 8446   0.012450695 -0.039153576
## 8447  -0.234946250 -0.146111970
## 8448   0.351333620  0.227768900
## 8449  -0.073198320 -0.359707830
## 8450   0.059057236 -0.052794933
## 8451   0.202049260  0.082114220
## 8452   0.199584000  0.089389324
## 8453   0.037671090  0.235020640
## 8454   0.023705423  0.031967342
## 8455  -0.132170914 -0.063914776
## 8456   0.337562080  0.012100697
## 8457   0.580106740  0.226212500
## 8458   0.245619300  0.327334880
## 8459   0.180789470 -0.067661285
## 8460   0.200263980  0.008060455
## 8461   0.130142210 -0.026659012
## 8462   0.054661750  0.027349472
## 8463  -0.259585380 -0.810349940
## 8464  -0.070639610 -0.657259940
## 8465  -0.319821360 -0.294569020
## 8466  -0.412300600  0.000000000
## 8467   0.232361800 -0.350549220
## 8468  -0.693758500 -0.044131280
## 8469  -0.226075170 -0.059570312
## 8470   0.161358830 -0.160542490
## 8471  -0.115602490 -0.127383710
## 8472  -0.060671330 -0.040031433
## 8473  -0.060138226  0.011152744
## 8474  -1.078398700 -0.665028600
## 8475   0.120916370  0.269305230
## 8476   0.933877470  1.091025800
## 8477   0.032877922 -0.025682925
## 8478  -0.011262894  0.104725360
## 8479   0.208012100  0.083961010
## 8480  -0.029920101  0.013957260
## 8481   1.287632000  1.217521700
## 8482  -0.053621292  0.173287870
## 8483   0.140148640  0.045422554
## 8484  -0.210102560  0.015443802
## 8485   0.605920800  1.088994000
## 8486  -0.297940730 -0.448868270
## 8487   1.203891300  0.601552960
## 8488   0.709712000  0.000000000
## 8489   0.153419500  0.200202940
## 8490  -0.007866383  0.173587320
## 8491   0.011816025 -0.032407284
## 8492   0.078590390 -0.021403313
## 8493   0.125976090 -0.098287106
## 8494  -0.027939480  0.000994047
## 8495   0.240527630  0.304138180
## 8496  -0.085027455 -0.024827241
## 8497   0.068272114  0.202579020
## 8498  -0.061522484 -0.105336190
## 8499   0.014752070 -0.036393323
## 8500   0.041433810  0.100509640
## 8501  -0.051417139  0.058347702
## 8502   0.016027928  0.193918240
## 8503  -0.015018463 -0.014094830
## 8504   0.000000000  0.014863968
## 8505  -0.046097280  0.101657390
## 8506   0.019308090  0.018735886
## 8507  -0.098480225  0.022305489
## 8508   0.170660970  0.000000000
## 8509  -0.087154865 -0.029516220
## 8510   0.000171662 -0.021492005
## 8511   0.000000000  0.155568600
## 8512  -0.066124916  0.102212110
## 8513   0.134758470  0.066924570
## 8514   0.008808613  0.064234260
## 8515  -0.007324696  0.073048590
## 8516  -0.217245100 -0.055858135
## 8517   0.013826847 -0.012660980
## 8518   0.192996980 -0.273681160
## 8519   0.077372074  0.190382480
## 8520  -0.061120510  0.095388410
## 8521   0.283844000  0.432650100
## 8522   0.330585000  0.138492580
## 8523   0.264526370 -0.882632260
## 8524  -0.246140480  0.026023865
## 8525  -0.358684540 -0.258139600
## 8526   0.148814680 -0.215091230
## 8527   0.031263350  0.443737980
## 8528  -0.067451954 -0.127699850
## 8529  -0.357876780 -0.305101400
## 8530   0.226617340 -0.154855250
## 8531   0.301177500 -0.050269127
## 8532  -0.045957565 -0.097399710
## 8533  -0.091710090  0.136010650
## 8534  -0.124705315  0.310715200
## 8535  -0.067348960  0.037434578
## 8536  -0.293170450 -0.172439580
## 8537  -0.470772740 -0.755457900
## 8538  -0.070323944  0.082165720
## 8539  -0.067696570 -0.047055244
## 8540  -0.046963930  0.000000000
## 8541   0.167464260  0.004856110
## 8542  -0.033206463  0.083672050
## 8543   0.049461365 -0.007914066
## 8544  -0.130863670 -0.143419270
## 8545  -0.073538300 -0.310815800
## 8546   0.089490890  0.073642730
## 8547  -0.127858160 -0.897042750
## 8548   0.153738980 -0.375270840
## 8549   0.169848920 -0.207396980
## 8550  -0.036674023  0.032183170
## 8551  -0.019463540 -0.079892635
## 8552   0.142746450  0.100968840
## 8553   0.102828026 -0.019137860
## 8554  -0.032494545  0.017460823
## 8555   0.064863680 -0.386709200
## 8556   0.029234410  0.400664330
## 8557  -0.043891430  0.003077030
## 8558   0.309484960  0.452831030
## 8559  -0.141895770  0.103185650
## 8560   0.047169685 -0.067415714
## 8561   0.036209106 -0.118599890
## 8562   0.273681640 -0.124209880
## 8563   0.305516720 -0.107554436
## 8564   0.030046940  0.009318829
## 8565  -0.125910280  0.066137314
## 8566  -0.087870600 -0.086265090
## 8567  -0.123403070  0.032208443
## 8568  -0.066859245 -0.032859325
## 8569   0.030479431 -0.097051620
## 8570   0.110020160 -0.056844234
## 8571   0.000000000 -0.088490960
## 8572   0.246606830  0.403222080
## 8573   0.462296960 -0.218352320
## 8574  -0.388955120 -0.069721700
## 8575   0.000000000 -0.002240181
## 8576  -0.007192135 -0.017422200
## 8577   0.075348380  0.011782169
## 8578  -0.341300000 -0.003256798
## 8579  -0.179342750 -0.027247429
## 8580   0.157736300 -0.040649414
## 8581   0.000000000 -0.152994160
## 8582   0.049300194  0.073314670
## 8583   0.811486877 -0.024360657
## 8584  -0.048520565 -0.017589092
## 8585  -0.025103569  0.069837090
## 8586  -0.295588260 -0.020446539
## 8587   0.410174850 -0.002405167
## 8588   0.194640640 -0.018640518
## 8589  -0.132538800 -0.123519420
## 8590   0.057469368  0.000000000
## 8591  -0.168037890  0.048602104
## 8592   0.000000000  0.009434700
## 8593  -0.101418495 -0.017608166
## 8594   0.037764550 -0.051776886
## 8595   0.232562070  0.026143550
## 8596  -0.049425125  0.000000000
## 8597   0.741457940  0.521195400
## 8598   0.015161514  0.096984860
## 8599  -0.049350260 -0.104553700
## 8600  -0.056904793  0.034516810
## 8601  -0.052064896  0.027750015
## 8602  -0.082048416 -0.174429420
## 8603   0.104873180  0.109550476
## 8604  -0.043664932  0.000000000
## 8605  -0.430769920 -0.095761300
## 8606   0.415184970  0.806646350
## 8607   0.020294190 -0.150001530
## 8608   0.037013054  0.000000000
## 8609   0.000000000 -0.053757668
## 8610   0.019209385 -0.182222840
## 8611  -0.139966960 -0.383431430
## 8612   0.068439960 -0.174503330
## 8613   0.459756370  0.052045822
## 8614  -0.001569748  0.096746445
## 8615  -0.224223140 -0.279957300
## 8616  -0.052433490 -0.125897410
## 8617  -0.104929685 -0.064549210
## 8618   0.085058210 -0.635494700
## 8619   0.061240196 -0.013132095
## 8620   0.820491800  0.775862700
## 8621   0.383017540  0.295815470
## 8622   0.315989500 -0.033324240
## 8623   0.001852036  0.000000000
## 8624   0.021459100 -0.268977165
## 8625  -0.093940735  0.138878820
## 8626  -0.039874077  0.134681700
## 8627  -0.136817930 -0.540565500
## 8628  -0.087835310 -0.111671450
## 8629  -0.496573450 -0.008502007
## 8630  -0.209577560 -0.248758320
## 8631  -0.646291730 -0.629199000
## 8632  -0.462640760 -0.124217030
## 8633   0.444253440  0.376292700
## 8634   0.022201300 -0.216823100
## 8635   0.006583214  0.066090110
## 8636   0.000000000 -0.012044430
## 8637  -0.010357380  0.258914950
## 8638  -0.040424824 -0.128690240
## 8639  -0.022193909  0.223402500
## 8640  -0.163131710 -0.492567060
## 8641   0.812639700  0.523946300
## 8642   0.011899948 -0.141378400
## 8643  -0.848053930 -0.397271160
## 8644  -0.142305370 -0.033080100
## 8645   0.083515170  0.110288620
## 8646  -0.347340580  0.602264400
## 8647   0.026741505 -0.009615898
## 8648   0.749686700  0.822810200
## 8649  -0.373669620  0.413600920
## 8650   0.000000000 -0.000165000
## 8651   0.000000000  0.088113785
## 8652  -0.035708427 -0.458372600
## 8653   0.087779520 -0.123441696
## 8654  -0.023594380 -0.114198921
## 8655   0.296961780 -0.185609340
## 8656   0.000000000 -0.433199400
## 8657   0.388220800  0.343819620
## 8658   0.166506770 -0.362696650
## 8659   0.774974800  0.359734540
## 8660   0.060845375  0.517733600
## 8661  -0.754596700 -0.385539050
## 8662   0.378086100  0.979832650
## 8663  -0.431529050 -0.349640850
## 8664  -0.224883080 -0.841841700
## 8665   0.000000000  0.000000000
## 8666   0.228240970  0.029403687
## 8667  -0.134017470 -0.000250000
## 8668  -0.172457700 -0.309288980
## 8669   0.413297415  0.316311595
## 8670   0.171982770  0.226579190
## 8671   0.148691180  0.080928800
## 8672  -0.008038044  0.014319420
## 8673  -0.353786950 -0.432584760
## 8674  -0.031583786 -0.421352400
## 8675  -0.093419075 -0.098865510
## 8676  -0.176587100 -0.098041534
## 8677   0.015468121  0.239271160
## 8678  -0.102550980  0.074589250
## 8679  -0.480163565 -0.518456930
## 8680  -0.007273674  0.094169620
## 8681   0.000000000  0.093266010
## 8682  -0.131495000 -0.109714985
## 8683   0.031082153  0.000000000
## 8684  -0.058137417 -0.088329315
## 8685  -0.034173965 -0.142560000
## 8686  -0.563942430 -0.236448290
## 8687   0.266485700  0.116515640
## 8688  -0.133018500  0.245300300
## 8689  -0.379126550 -0.207908150
## 8690   0.235902790  0.293056500
## 8691  -0.330459600 -0.064910890
## 8692  -0.307489400 -0.102582930
## 8693  -0.021152496  0.162148000
## 8694  -0.331895350 -0.261830330
## 8695   0.000000000 -0.268562320
## 8696   0.000523000  0.020454884
## 8697  -0.024017810  0.022374153
## 8698  -0.022005081  0.403080000
## 8699   0.073096275  0.000000000
## 8700  -0.221522330  0.076915740
## 8701   0.255679600  0.266344070
## 8702   0.334011080  0.273986820
## 8703   0.015373230  0.344206800
## 8704   0.136003500 -0.081814766
## 8705   0.329767230  0.284331320
## 8706  -0.593946930 -1.122185700
## 8707   0.324430940  0.819357400
## 8708  -0.040593504 -0.036988378
## 8709   0.102638720  0.086519720
## 8710   0.116066456 -0.079216480
## 8711   0.045693398 -0.175447940
## 8712  -0.074757100 -0.215624330
## 8713   0.262762550 -0.005862713
## 8714   0.072052000 -0.139082430
## 8715  -0.014807224 -0.082983494
## 8716   0.040332317 -0.023518562
## 8717  -0.027639866  0.079430580
## 8718  -0.025123120 -0.029227257
## 8719  -0.048708440  0.070216180
## 8720   0.025087833  0.154288290
## 8721  -0.319926260 -0.237170220
## 8722  -0.493622300 -0.783082960
## 8723  -0.030672073  0.049364567
## 8724   0.568728450  0.073287964
## 8725   0.000000000 -0.167497160
## 8726  -0.182329180  0.067946434
## 8727  -0.025685787  0.052970886
## 8728   0.316233630  0.000000000
## 8729   0.115246296  0.000000000
## 8730   0.284744740  1.000347600
## 8731  -0.199043270 -0.103885650
## 8732  -0.170507430  0.053731920
## 8733   0.009944916  0.034924507
## 8734  -0.319007400 -0.033007144
## 8735   0.258837700 -0.113304140
## 8736  -0.235865120  0.000000000
## 8737   0.098964214  0.264298440
## 8738  -0.123418810  0.033221245
## 8739   0.535800930  0.216284750
## 8740  -0.188261510 -0.111159800
## 8741  -0.010187626  0.083401200
## 8742   0.329545970  0.000000000
## 8743  -0.109941006 -0.177050590
## 8744   0.024969101  0.000000000
## 8745  -0.194432260  0.231838230
## 8746  -0.193303590 -0.013656616
## 8747   0.013661861 -0.103778840
## 8748   0.016095161 -0.532470700
## 8749  -0.363275530 -0.262866020
## 8750   0.056946278  0.130820270
## 8751   0.070005890  0.095752240
## 8752  -0.109462260  0.000000000
## 8753   0.004011631 -0.006611824
## 8754   0.148465630 -0.052110195
## 8755   0.000000000  0.094108105
## 8756  -0.059436320  0.013421059
## 8757  -0.027859688  0.062227250
## 8758  -0.118449690 -0.150989530
## 8759  -0.100246910 -0.062474728
## 8760  -0.123406890 -0.022484303
## 8761  -0.005463602 -0.169381860
## 8762   0.390819070 -0.027986050
## 8763  -0.661155210 -0.603633400
## 8764   0.072643280 -0.369554520
## 8765   0.271517280  0.396239760
## 8766  -0.217521670 -0.147022720
## 8767  -0.052773952  0.012210369
## 8768  -0.005219936 -0.058655740
## 8769   0.251005170 -0.046458720
## 8770  -0.101294994  0.011393547
## 8771   0.276861670  0.717944150
## 8772  -0.331574920 -0.283463950
## 8773  -0.096641060 -0.098476890
## 8774   0.025882005 -0.155786269
## 8775   0.291067120 -0.093362810
## 8776  -0.000364000  0.076298710
## 8777  -0.081157210  0.393408300
## 8778  -0.306481360 -0.313421250
## 8779  -0.046282770  0.078509330
## 8780   0.000000000 -0.220412250
## 8781   0.491318230  0.318440900
## 8782   0.153522010 -0.108433250
## 8783   0.885157600  0.948928830
## 8784   0.077594280  0.155428890
## 8785  -0.046380997 -0.019285679
## 8786   0.118643284  0.587214000
## 8787   0.000000000  0.174861430
## 8788  -0.346306800 -0.432419300
## 8789  -0.357939240 -0.601941600
## 8790   0.349578860  0.290002820
## 8791   1.052974700  1.022419000
## 8792   0.044769764  0.046569347
## 8793   0.094045640 -0.145068650
## 8794   0.676704900  0.616303900
## 8795  -0.119898320  0.066699505
## 8796  -0.003822804 -0.022301674
## 8797   0.236718180 -0.061161040
## 8798   0.140148640 -0.033195972
## 8799   0.184634210 -0.073450090
## 8800  -0.138902660 -0.079381466
## 8801   0.215165615  0.201297760
## 8802   0.264887800  0.113573074
## 8803   0.091733930  0.093438625
## 8804  -0.226903440  0.041406630
## 8805  -0.108325960 -0.024632930
## 8806   0.022882462  0.371576800
## 8807  -0.179392810 -0.328997600
## 8808  -0.006198406 -0.078067303
## 8809   0.025997162  0.101840020
## 8810  -0.056028843 -0.022785664
## 8811  -0.210867880  0.005343914
## 8812   0.728954800 -0.098093990
## 8813   0.285502430  0.283006670
## 8814   0.079314710  0.108945370
## 8815   0.001738548  0.078815940
## 8816  -0.041972637  0.000000000
## 8817   0.072536945 -0.009544373
## 8818  -0.419268600 -0.235193250
## 8819  -0.088680270  0.035227776
## 8820  -0.028501987 -0.010970593
## 8821   0.340877530  0.000000000
## 8822  -0.050889970  0.016773224
## 8823   0.043745995 -0.154429440
## 8824  -0.310203790  0.099601985
## 8825  -0.328557500 -0.106430530
## 8826   0.074406624 -0.128815650
## 8827   1.648663500  1.567607900
## 8828   0.000000000 -0.026501179
## 8829   0.442422390  0.577820300
## 8830   0.368088720  0.573556900
## 8831   0.172186850  0.148635860
## 8832   0.000000000  0.000000000
## 8833   0.347283360  0.500118260
## 8834   0.697235820 -0.291780700
## 8835  -0.014804363 -0.027687550
## 8836   0.379118920  0.602531430
## 8837   0.125028130 -0.307899000
## 8838  -0.153214930  0.082201960
## 8839  -0.359722620 -0.146673442
## 8840   0.000000000  0.149986270
## 8841  -0.069210050  0.003768444
## 8842   0.017009258  0.423020840
## 8843   0.016648293 -0.099089146
## 8844   0.067882060  0.019806862
## 8845   0.333891870 -0.300945280
## 8846   0.270010950  0.047572136
## 8847   0.749971400  0.747384100
## 8848  -0.616781230 -0.703380600
## 8849  -0.065091130  0.115680695
## 8850   0.176919940  0.236458780
## 8851   0.706617360  0.522640200
## 8852  -0.014680386 -0.116080760
## 8853  -0.110927105  0.000000000
## 8854  -0.001225472  0.055068970
## 8855   0.951042200  1.150697700
## 8856   1.736800700  1.304464800
## 8857   0.193936350  0.059036255
## 8858   0.198111060  0.138192180
## 8859   0.422541140  1.038912300
## 8860  -0.286647320  0.033820629
## 8861   0.138448240  0.620056150
## 8862  -0.145073415  0.129946230
## 8863  -0.261534700  0.068616390
## 8864   0.237571720  0.879827500
## 8865  -0.151804920 -0.959533700
## 8866  -0.118039130 -0.307212830
## 8867  -0.166092410  0.432426915
## 8868   0.016510963  0.814722540
## 8869  -0.050360680  0.051760198
## 8870  -0.012892246 -0.132707600
## 8871  -0.074478150 -0.036058426
## 8872  -0.051621437  0.008111477
## 8873   0.112338066 -0.097126484
## 8874  -0.071485040 -0.012936592
## 8875  -0.116898540 -0.442485800
## 8876   0.034358025  0.539323800
## 8877   0.000000000 -0.002059460
## 8878   1.101001700  0.820175200
## 8879  -0.027643680  0.357527730
## 8880   0.240635870 -0.064735890
## 8881   0.140841000 -0.019877434
## 8882   0.176784520  0.008971214
## 8883  -0.901043400 -0.463424200
## 8884  -0.685952170 -0.105337615
## 8885  -0.044969560 -0.034028053
## 8886  -0.105253695  0.144882200
## 8887   0.005904198 -0.024498940
## 8888   0.014663696  0.041285038
## 8889   0.120945930 -0.012639999
## 8890  -0.247946260  0.263792040
## 8891   0.069817540 -0.478203770
## 8892  -0.406330100 -0.106236935
## 8893   0.188452720  0.153396600
## 8894  -0.076792720 -0.245107650
## 8895  -0.352169040 -0.160288810
## 8896  -0.225445270 -0.068673134
## 8897  -0.585457800  0.087224010
## 8898   0.210835930  0.293434620
## 8899   0.000000000  0.004124641
## 8900  -0.119297504 -0.198780060
## 8901   0.444616320  0.220779420
## 8902   0.310538300  0.387636660
## 8903   0.009736061 -0.177532200
## 8904  -0.822159750 -0.632898550
## 8905   0.137280224  0.047285555
## 8906  -0.218621250  0.051051617
## 8907   0.106921196  0.156868930
## 8908  -0.372060780 -0.351576330
## 8909  -0.579556940  0.278187270
## 8910   1.463106200 -0.098463060
## 8911  -0.093586920 -0.024951935
## 8912  -0.228404050  0.103224754
## 8913   0.103127000 -0.177442070
## 8914  -0.096302030  0.056201935
## 8915  -0.071672440  0.011558056
## 8916   0.000000000  0.021556377
## 8917   0.000000000  0.043036460
## 8918   3.249275700  4.037483700
## 8919   0.043177605  0.106559280
## 8920   0.326375000  0.398069860
## 8921  -0.293407440  0.052865982
## 8922   0.038713455 -0.208130840
## 8923  -0.001881599 -0.025107384
## 8924   1.143451700  0.704957000
## 8925   0.010900497  0.153748990
## 8926  -0.132667540 -0.123081210
## 8927   0.018835545 -0.084023000
## 8928  -0.058651924 -0.000581000
## 8929   0.134588240  0.032425404
## 8930   0.205624580  0.127804280
## 8931   0.130921840  0.069541930
## 8932   0.051027296 -0.127762320
## 8933   0.240828040  0.160916800
## 8934  -0.027050972 -0.026328087
## 8935  -0.044812202  0.074389935
## 8936   0.133319380 -0.232468130
## 8937   0.255616660  0.213748460
## 8938   0.021318913 -0.037778378
## 8939   0.040636063  0.000000000
## 8940   0.022694110 -0.111453530
## 8941  -0.018732548 -0.001262665
## 8942  -0.200967790  0.042094230
## 8943   0.092240330  0.154133320
## 8944  -0.265794280  0.072942260
## 8945   0.046672820 -0.020239353
## 8946   0.063274380  0.052718163
## 8947   0.048774720 -0.015186787
## 8948  -0.005443096 -0.001633167
## 8949  -0.061928987  0.069021700
## 8950  -0.049921513 -0.006518841
## 8951  -0.060121060  0.157785890
## 8952  -0.036127090 -0.001097679
## 8953   0.000000000 -0.039919376
## 8954  -0.139974120  0.004533291
## 8955  -0.141444200 -0.354799750
## 8956  -0.024906635  0.027972698
## 8957   0.000000000 -0.036065100
## 8958  -0.077646255  0.088641170
## 8959  -0.243936540  0.101650715
## 8960   0.219275950  0.104612830
## 8961  -0.057200430  0.087139610
## 8962   0.025956630 -0.193820950
## 8963   0.295076370 -0.036441326
## 8964   0.004180908  0.001930714
## 8965  -0.051203728 -0.041837692
## 8966  -0.088237760  0.000000000
## 8967   0.501793400  0.293802260
## 8968   0.041992664 -0.114208220
## 8969   0.053451060 -0.164873600
## 8970   0.113111020  0.011415005
## 8971   0.124462605 -0.056529522
## 8972  -0.102685450  0.047344208
## 8973  -0.008924007 -0.000830000
## 8974  -0.074831486  0.107863900
## 8975   0.194255830  0.000000000
## 8976  -0.042421818 -0.000558000
## 8977  -0.015408993 -0.018604279
## 8978  -0.021232605  0.053664684
## 8979  -0.177347180  0.022962570
## 8980   0.070812225  0.110197544
## 8981   0.217537880  0.034504890
## 8982   0.015442848  0.122768880
## 8983   0.067996500 -0.041674137
## 8984   0.166245460 -0.001361370
## 8985  -0.068051815 -0.131316660
## 8986  -0.013565539  0.018700361
## 8987  -0.103995800  0.037271976
## 8988  -0.046877860  0.034867764
## 8989   0.312479500  0.000000000
## 8990   0.191477300  0.101194860
## 8991   0.012355328  0.114422320
## 8992   0.039193630  0.027026176
## 8993  -0.115839480 -0.030463219
## 8994   0.243824480 -0.083849910
## 8995  -0.132563590 -0.156097410
## 8996   0.000000000  0.469834330
## 8997  -0.101240160 -0.014307022
## 8998   0.104243755  0.023543835
## 8999   0.000000000  0.126411440
## 9000   0.092408660  0.000000000
## 9001   0.297224520  0.126305100
## 9002  -0.104631900  0.221776490
## 9003  -0.341151700  0.235047340
## 9004  -0.035504818  0.140879630
## 9005   0.000000000 -0.065765380
## 9006   0.028142930 -0.048643590
## 9007   0.669016840  0.649412160
## 9008   0.251995100  0.131624220
## 9009   0.004941940 -0.036616325
## 9010   1.299981100  0.695439340
## 9011  -0.063650130 -0.069344044
## 9012   0.025829315 -0.142685410
## 9013  -0.078885080  0.000000000
## 9014   0.109333990  0.222047800
## 9015   0.934504030  0.734194300
## 9016   0.059433460  0.140558240
## 9017   0.000000000  0.095693110
## 9018   0.470696435  0.110536338
## 9019  -0.063589570 -0.000088200
## 9020  -0.007033348  0.424310200
## 9021  -0.092349050  0.112071514
## 9022  -0.139898780  0.035643578
## 9023  -0.160938260 -0.111841200
## 9024  -0.008355618 -0.062578680
## 9025   0.000000000  0.000000000
## 9026   0.577987700 -0.152323720
## 9027  -0.064790726 -0.353184220
## 9028   0.069747925 -0.383481500
## 9029  -0.088253975  0.086878780
## 9030  -0.087455270  0.058357240
## 9031   0.235351560  0.249274250
## 9032  -0.186220170 -0.095641136
## 9033   0.132148740  0.089559555
## 9034   0.004889011 -0.137821670
## 9035  -0.497595800 -0.114286420
## 9036   0.027003288 -0.203980450
## 9037  -0.088829994 -0.178999900
## 9038   0.049219130 -0.019597054
## 9039  -0.022211075 -0.306280140
## 9040  -0.077410220 -0.070462230
## 9041   0.087077140  0.000000000
## 9042  -0.261666300 -0.286781300
## 9043   0.002306461  0.113969800
## 9044  -0.099134445  0.222966200
## 9045  -0.194787030 -0.325654030
## 9046   0.351903438  0.447676180
## 9047   0.099659920  0.094589710
## 9048   0.817961700  0.694355960
## 9049   0.630529400  0.573095300
## 9050   0.060282707  0.012423992
## 9051  -0.129647730  0.079881190
## 9052   0.006208420 -0.000393000
## 9053  -0.048037052  0.069590090
## 9054   0.170396805 -0.000806570
## 9055  -0.051855087 -0.145714280
## 9056   0.294099330 -0.056176186
## 9057   0.243436810  0.030121802
## 9058  -0.023668290 -0.024119377
## 9059   0.000000000 -0.159911630
## 9060  -0.136478420 -0.683440200
## 9061   0.000000000  0.004419327
## 9062   0.266264920  0.000000000
## 9063   0.000000000 -0.179566380
## 9064   0.077970030 -0.274819370
## 9065   0.037148952 -0.041855335
## 9066   0.925113700  0.791421900
## 9067   0.037739754 -0.172446250
## 9068  -0.055148602 -0.036450386
## 9069  -0.010347843 -0.269739150
## 9070   0.006495476  0.316674700
## 9071   0.028398514  0.050860880
## 9072   0.309890750 -0.085392475
## 9073  -0.107326510 -0.146019700
## 9074   0.207528110  0.029388428
## 9075  -0.027713776  0.144939420
## 9076   0.158706670  0.187417030
## 9077   0.593941220  0.651333350
## 9078  -0.100778100 -0.093790054
## 9079  -0.232945440 -0.647403240
## 9080   0.018079758  0.087852955
## 9081  -0.116328720 -0.101226330
## 9082   0.338079450  0.102763650
## 9083  -0.161566730 -0.082852360
## 9084  -0.247758390  0.037928580
## 9085   0.249331470 -0.144069200
## 9086   0.110541345  0.027086495
## 9087   0.000000000 -0.058069230
## 9088  -0.213273050  0.098764420
## 9089   0.000000000  0.028306961
## 9090  -0.120038510 -0.139276030
## 9091   0.146973610 -0.432490350
## 9092  -0.308455470 -0.223350050
## 9093   0.153304580  0.061379433
## 9094  -0.159523010 -0.293735980
## 9095   0.015744688 -0.159385205
## 9096  -0.054868698 -0.072001934
## 9097   0.036357880  0.168069840
## 9098   0.125213150  0.109879490
## 9099   0.050625801  0.100680828
## 9100   0.094999075 -0.083627700
## 9101  -0.334153180  0.049263477
## 9102   0.049498080 -0.224911210
## 9103  -0.158437730 -0.060525417
## 9104   0.289464000  0.279026030
## 9105   0.100763320 -0.116576195
## 9106  -0.001078606  0.103185650
## 9107   0.250182630  0.169755940
## 9108  -0.054723740 -0.030132770
## 9109  -0.042701720  0.061765194
## 9110  -0.069543360  0.012758732
## 9111  -0.097525120 -0.011927128
## 9112  -0.169519420  0.043206215
## 9113   0.093953130  0.039807796
## 9114  -0.254001140  0.020391464
## 9115   0.366567600  0.034411430
## 9116   0.542503360  0.620869640
## 9117  -0.035114765 -0.024011612
## 9118  -0.118790150  0.037010670
## 9119   0.561818100  0.460414900
## 9120   0.360063075  0.168780565
## 9121   0.061179638 -0.004026413
## 9122  -0.076028350  0.077092650
## 9123   0.032239914  0.006855965
## 9124   0.462490560  0.210219860
## 9125   0.144309040  0.149802210
## 9126   0.360821720  0.658597950
## 9127   0.047052383  0.088686466
## 9128  -0.009872913  0.025041580
## 9129  -0.031910896  0.146792890
## 9130   0.062276363  0.127328870
## 9131  -0.022415161 -0.000988000
## 9132   0.040025710  0.309855460
## 9133   0.289763690  0.377309330
## 9134   0.526822100  1.071222300
## 9135   0.075825214 -0.182594300
## 9136   0.550511360  1.062244400
## 9137   0.176697730  0.449789050
## 9138  -0.140623100  0.014961243
## 9139   0.629513265  1.049867150
## 9140   0.066724300  0.261451240
## 9141  -0.018383026 -0.852460400
## 9142   0.023812294 -0.416490550
## 9143  -0.312971120 -0.327228070
## 9144   0.201087000  0.274595260
## 9145  -0.010035038 -0.155255800
## 9146  -0.088827130 -0.004519463
## 9147  -0.014243126 -0.024380207
## 9148  -0.057353497 -0.045090675
## 9149   0.085246560  0.000000000
## 9150   0.006507397  0.098536015
## 9151  -0.237779620 -0.005654335
## 9152  -0.006054401  0.134236340
## 9153   0.081531050 -0.595452300
## 9154  -0.471988680 -0.246219160
## 9155  -0.009399653  0.029417517
## 9156  -0.159293170 -0.068326470
## 9157  -0.010774136 -0.396040920
## 9158   0.297134400  0.603806500
## 9159   0.236376760 -0.153450970
## 9160  -0.014231920 -0.089625120
## 9161  -0.351288320  0.000000000
## 9162   0.066727640 -0.101349354
## 9163   0.352753640 -0.122820854
## 9164  -0.037313940  0.000000000
## 9165   0.005981445  0.166776180
## 9166   0.283156400 -0.016024590
## 9167   0.010107040 -0.029792786
## 9168  -0.103962900 -0.152184010
## 9169   0.125500440  0.082643748
## 9170  -0.084270000  0.023501873
## 9171  -0.064338684  0.026955128
## 9172  -0.137701510  0.024296284
## 9173   0.143533230 -0.043387413
## 9174   0.000000000  0.076385975
## 9175   1.939772100  1.860282400
## 9176  -0.157250400 -0.170461650
## 9177   0.423694600  0.678853500
## 9178   0.073210955  0.038427830
## 9179   0.000000000  0.554590200
## 9180   0.085399630 -0.857342700
## 9181   0.137213230 -0.062376022
## 9182   0.306250100  0.608743200
## 9183  -0.079539299 -0.051706312
## 9184  -0.120160100  0.072216034
## 9185   0.490630150  0.483138560
## 9186   0.049225807  0.091058730
## 9187   0.003443718  0.027053833
## 9188   0.130814080  0.000000000
## 9189   0.039383890  0.122780320
## 9190  -0.082244396  0.106349945
## 9191   0.239563940  0.050434590
## 9192   0.153468610  0.169836040
## 9193  -0.104403970 -0.056874275
## 9194  -0.141014100  0.003799439
## 9195  -0.176582340  0.048828600
## 9196   0.043765068 -0.031589030
## 9197  -0.008664608  0.198737620
## 9198   0.000000000  0.422297950
## 9199  -0.161874300  0.037129402
## 9200   0.055926800  0.121790886
## 9201   0.103697300 -0.013848782
## 9202  -0.130921840 -0.023489952
## 9203  -0.019883156 -0.113110540
## 9204  -0.093922140 -0.091557026
## 9205  -0.142406940 -0.000140000
## 9206  -0.082242010  0.037995815
## 9207  -0.123952866 -0.161457540
## 9208  -0.026998520  0.033349514
## 9209   0.913383000  0.932755500
## 9210  -0.039278984  0.205358980
## 9211   0.022172451  0.000525000
## 9212   1.562864800  2.403238300
## 9213  -0.040244580 -0.037169933
## 9214   0.204553600 -0.052722454
## 9215   1.274004000  0.249525070
## 9216  -0.096545220  0.001308441
## 9217   0.226486200  0.118881226
## 9218  -0.002229691  0.177937980
## 9219   3.257771050  3.595903400
## 9220  -0.018414020  0.016634941
## 9221  -0.005713463  0.006754875
## 9222  -0.059815884 -0.102270130
## 9223   0.019433022  0.004827976
## 9224   0.122960090  0.146621700
## 9225   0.018698692 -0.002080917
## 9226  -0.027679920 -0.000298000
## 9227   0.043587208 -0.012413025
## 9228   0.006768227  0.055990696
## 9229   0.118680480  0.005566120
## 9230   0.012007237  0.000000000
## 9231   0.076208115 -0.037716390
## 9232   0.175848000  0.125281810
## 9233  -0.068737510  0.036471844
## 9234   0.304480550 -0.018759250
## 9235   0.080658436  0.048657894
## 9236  -0.169516090  0.015112877
## 9237   0.155930520  0.287546160
## 9238   0.061501980 -0.176526070
## 9239   0.087561610  0.008975983
## 9240   0.313410285  0.275933745
## 9241   0.099860190  0.225592610
## 9242  -0.130772590 -0.102240086
## 9243  -0.009663582  0.055624485
## 9244  -0.056506634  0.064380170
## 9245  -0.037528990 -0.035217285
## 9246   0.566936500 -0.327638630
## 9247   0.000000000 -0.666404700
## 9248   0.096842290 -0.251832500
## 9249  -0.370544900 -0.129542350
## 9250  -0.619651480 -0.402135217
## 9251  -0.468678470 -0.041325092
## 9252   0.130992890  0.129697800
## 9253  -0.229225160 -0.147720340
## 9254   0.123534200 -0.177796840
## 9255   0.008790016 -0.364452360
## 9256   0.083971500  0.111619470
## 9257   0.474015240  0.023267270
## 9258   0.345447540  0.490173340
## 9259  -0.092678550  0.075629234
## 9260   0.023957253 -0.099050520
## 9261  -0.302050100  0.122636795
## 9262  -0.103616714 -0.006004810
## 9263   0.693111900  0.441247460
## 9264   0.093561170 -0.070574760
## 9265  -0.474999430  0.007623673
## 9266   0.090409756  0.080635550
## 9267  -0.001941204 -0.106894490
## 9268   0.054215908 -0.056483270
## 9269  -0.011743069 -0.101538180
## 9270   0.058723927  0.046217920
## 9271   0.015601158 -0.064071655
## 9272  -0.187348370 -0.127582550
## 9273   0.000000000 -0.033743380
## 9274   0.016788960 -0.206793310
## 9275   0.416437150 -0.036082268
## 9276   0.151007650  0.073277000
## 9277   0.029284000  0.175045490
## 9278   1.075942000  0.427081100
## 9279  -0.067506790  0.095456600
## 9280  -0.106705190 -0.007236958
## 9281   0.000000000 -0.005685329
## 9282   0.096833706  0.042259216
## 9283   0.108159065  0.004062653
## 9284  -0.036670208 -0.003333092
## 9285  -0.056623936  0.011314392
## 9286  -0.071047780 -0.040345192
## 9287   0.012327194 -0.165981770
## 9288   0.116765020 -0.000743000
## 9289   0.036440372  0.088460920
## 9290   0.013646126  0.269883630
## 9291   0.006588936  0.022632122
## 9292  -0.130578520  0.048596382
## 9293  -0.144719120  0.106138706
## 9294   0.096903324  0.078507900
## 9295   0.025645256  0.049756050
## 9296  -0.054602146 -0.107669830
## 9297  -0.108646870  0.040039062
## 9298  -0.008149624 -0.055005550
## 9299   0.254770280 -0.224366660
## 9300  -0.031230450  0.036927700
## 9301  -0.040316105  0.048503400
## 9302  -0.074148655 -0.172604560
## 9303   0.140683170 -0.005003929
## 9304   0.081794260  0.171411040
## 9305  -0.080688480  0.014626503
## 9306   0.009790897 -0.152793400
## 9307  -0.002322674  0.036341667
## 9308   0.025035381 -0.087042330
## 9309   0.358736520 -0.003368378
## 9310  -0.108414170  0.241145130
## 9311  -0.027485370 -0.028647423
## 9312   0.024071693 -0.180229660
## 9313  -0.001903057  0.124196050
## 9314  -0.163817400 -0.074347970
## 9315   0.043461323 -0.045781612
## 9316   0.093070984  0.141358850
## 9317   0.490895270  0.278748040
## 9318  -0.105257990  0.097428320
## 9319   0.011725903  0.193431850
## 9320   0.047778606  0.019284248
## 9321   0.016923428  0.010299683
## 9322  -0.008707523  0.000000000
## 9323   0.017801285 -0.084134100
## 9324   0.029807568 -0.020922660
## 9325   0.127137660  0.040684700
## 9326   0.125435350  0.006352425
## 9327   0.077500820 -0.015700817
## 9328   0.030203342 -0.024996758
## 9329   0.000000000 -0.024152756
## 9330   0.065566060  0.118466380
## 9331  -0.000301000  0.090833190
## 9332  -0.135296820 -0.144701960
## 9333   0.040091038  0.005220890
## 9334  -0.125442500  0.040825844
## 9335   0.131998540  0.063371180
## 9336   0.046267986 -0.081121445
## 9337   0.226884370  0.011065006
## 9338   0.145655633  0.002312422
## 9339   0.058182240 -0.074213980
## 9340   0.115790844  0.009646893
## 9341  -0.014733315  0.183465000
## 9342  -0.180321220  0.000000000
## 9343   0.023006916  0.073305610
## 9344   0.087521076  0.046518326
## 9345   0.032304764  0.014847279
## 9346   0.109325886  0.067423820
## 9347  -0.093923805 -0.035659552
## 9348   0.081736090  0.015313625
## 9349   0.025940418  0.128488060
## 9350   0.018590450  0.070397380
## 9351  -0.141993520 -0.004956722
## 9352   0.102489470  0.032506705
## 9353  -0.185864925  0.041481018
## 9354  -0.022470474  0.093030930
## 9355  -0.030360539 -0.027716318
## 9356  -0.009060383  0.048121452
## 9357   0.084412100  0.048030376
## 9358  -0.054138184 -0.025574684
## 9359   0.072959900  0.031509400
## 9360   0.075138090 -0.089263916
## 9361   0.012045860 -0.022121906
## 9362  -0.040392400 -0.050306797
## 9363   0.106543540  0.082540510
## 9364  -0.137611390 -0.076969150
## 9365  -0.083685875  0.073337555
## 9366  -0.041170120 -0.101656914
## 9367  -0.036753654  0.119711400
## 9368  -0.073712350  0.262690783
## 9369  -0.040019512 -0.030993462
## 9370   0.199993613  0.455053800
## 9371   0.229720120  0.290650370
## 9372  -0.009093285 -0.337764740
## 9373   0.019552708  0.027639389
## 9374  -0.092962740 -0.028437614
## 9375   0.546143050  0.000000000
## 9376  -0.060975075  0.076096535
## 9377   0.056989670 -0.200843810
## 9378  -0.146678450  0.103097440
## 9379   0.046982290 -0.130542280
## 9380  -0.098996160 -0.060504436
## 9381   0.000000000 -0.215810300
## 9382  -0.132387640  0.066040278
## 9383  -0.156537060  0.338494300
## 9384   0.131147860 -0.254537580
## 9385   0.080856800  0.235736850
## 9386  -0.133232120  0.045610428
## 9387  -0.264441970 -0.433856500
## 9388   0.004318714  0.019486904
## 9389  -0.150136000  0.013217926
## 9390  -0.200082780 -0.053028107
## 9391  -0.167696950 -0.111269950
## 9392   0.026671886  0.072856426
## 9393   0.039451122  0.013871670
## 9394   0.453431130  0.492198470
## 9395   0.359070780  0.518523200
## 9396   1.216714900  1.113354700
## 9397   0.054963112  0.065135480
## 9398   2.919221400  2.811863400
## 9399   0.531420700  0.407640460
## 9400  -0.012672424 -0.005016327
## 9401   0.930016500  0.810096740
## 9402   0.150224210 -0.088038445
## 9403  -0.067301750 -0.032111645
## 9404  -0.055415154  0.256932260
## 9405  -0.116618160  0.000000000
## 9406  -0.041270256 -0.030262470
## 9407  -0.008025169  0.027671814
## 9408   0.305939200 -0.492788315
## 9409  -0.088582040 -0.174084660
## 9410  -0.071199895 -0.010886193
## 9411   0.234263420 -0.545622350
## 9412  -0.085957530 -0.275251400
## 9413  -0.324816230 -0.428521630
## 9414  -0.193399430 -0.247735980
## 9415   0.210398670  0.835464000
## 9416  -0.046977520  0.376907830
## 9417  -0.065365790 -0.759671200
## 9418  -0.137203220 -0.096854210
## 9419   0.499176980  0.000000000
## 9420   0.144645690 -0.310465800
## 9421  -0.035961628  0.173751830
## 9422  -0.091383932  0.436996467
## 9423  -0.076120615  0.185661792
## 9424  -0.020524661  0.242850307
## 9425  -0.282678600 -0.266260150
## 9426   0.062539580  0.018614769
## 9427  -0.060813900 -0.061749460
## 9428   0.245596890 -0.056309700
## 9429  -0.116263390 -0.232178690
## 9430   0.009736061 -0.366004940
## 9431   0.457840920  0.460718150
## 9432  -0.117090225 -0.151538370
## 9433  -0.063785550 -0.138713360
## 9434  -0.059540750  0.070093155
## 9435   0.482791900  0.785868640
## 9436   0.051122190 -0.102207660
## 9437  -0.205025670  0.000000000
## 9438  -0.064613340 -0.528073300
## 9439  -0.552912700 -1.339528100
## 9440   0.375121120  0.005614281
## 9441  -0.140081880  0.009098530
## 9442   0.090185640  0.033114910
## 9443   0.217757700  0.184742450
## 9444  -0.113084316  0.000000000
## 9445   0.004013062  1.271230700
## 9446   0.006239414  0.015239239
## 9447   0.051443577  0.161917690
## 9448   0.173985000 -0.007117271
## 9449   0.000000000  0.521333700
## 9450  -0.008040905  0.046493530
## 9451   0.014148235  0.133554460
## 9452   0.122293470  0.262937070
## 9453   0.054815292  0.110284805
## 9454  -0.022353650 -0.022353650
## 9455   0.065027240 -0.122321130
## 9456   0.190538400 -0.045572758
## 9457   0.097281456  0.172602180
## 9458  -0.116531370 -0.006129742
## 9459  -0.059760094 -0.065741540
## 9460  -0.097023010  0.086831095
## 9461   0.053322315  0.010179997
## 9462  -0.006895542  0.108215810
## 9463   0.112293240 -0.177470680
## 9464   0.296340000 -0.358512880
## 9465   0.010964870 -0.449020400
## 9466   0.174862860  0.092160225
## 9467  -0.054119110  0.078889370
## 9468  -0.113836290  0.103410244
## 9469   0.191964630  0.174638750
## 9470  -0.225293160  0.196439270
## 9471  -0.080113890  0.124147415
## 9472   0.072050570  0.000000000
## 9473   0.059124470  0.022425175
## 9474   0.035703660 -0.086790560
## 9475   0.002326489 -0.003315449
## 9476   0.061617850 -0.036425114
## 9477   0.052761078  0.009499550
## 9478   0.084827420  0.000000000
## 9479  -1.497174300 -1.532058700
## 9480  -0.625183600  0.177684300
## 9481  -0.126190660  0.069118500
## 9482   0.038941860 -0.081824780
## 9483   0.437149050 -0.159237860
## 9484   0.587353700  0.638148300
## 9485   0.185300350  0.000000000
## 9486   0.036158560  0.054835320
## 9487  -0.188738820 -0.186543460
## 9488   0.758763785  0.216409205
## 9489   0.080316070 -0.059244633
## 9490  -0.075972080  0.032601833
## 9491  -0.294048800 -0.583757400
## 9492   0.000000000 -0.016252040
## 9493   0.256107330  0.329284200
## 9494   0.030013561  0.934608000
## 9495   0.021326065  0.082189080
## 9496   0.118847370  0.233266830
## 9497   1.274108400  0.083114624
## 9498  -0.176514630  0.033071995
## 9499  -0.017531395  0.111206055
## 9500  -0.129218580 -0.065891266
## 9501   0.015633583  0.000000000
## 9502  -0.232671260 -0.055124760
## 9503  -0.033955574 -0.023367405
## 9504   0.094027040 -0.027186394
## 9505   0.198536873 -0.130182743
## 9506  -0.172876830  0.022035122
## 9507  -0.042441845  0.000000000
## 9508   0.276876930  0.091714380
## 9509  -0.216236110  0.013678551
## 9510   0.162983900  0.039885998
## 9511   0.437490460  0.306530950
## 9512   0.106264114 -0.236074920
## 9513  -0.165462495 -0.011574747
## 9514   0.071148396 -0.004017353
## 9515  -2.105287600 -1.934536500
## 9516  -0.151954170  0.038715363
## 9517  -0.006728650  0.031420230
## 9518   0.000000000 -0.139184470
## 9519  -0.002815723  0.325040820
## 9520   0.000000000 -0.434374800
## 9521  -0.633210200 -0.209547040
## 9522  -0.081103800  0.090199470
## 9523   0.104373220 -0.124892233
## 9524   0.345257760 -0.178561690
## 9525   0.000000000 -0.323139200
## 9526  -0.370460500 -0.766745570
## 9527  -0.143437390 -0.053586483
## 9528  -0.067953110  0.084898470
## 9529  -0.158540250 -0.126694680
## 9530   0.163770680 -0.156207080
## 9531   0.265088080  0.169744490
## 9532   0.381584640  0.114731310
## 9533  -0.007525444 -0.167909620
## 9534   0.815997100  0.065730095
## 9535  -0.020452500  0.402670860
## 9536  -0.042456150 -0.040941240
## 9537  -0.110866070  0.139750960
## 9538  -0.153406620  0.049130440
## 9539   0.211010930  0.078866480
## 9540  -1.836924100 -0.446587560
## 9541   0.014946461  0.022494793
## 9542  -0.073951244 -0.014589310
## 9543  -0.028457642 -0.002743244
## 9544  -0.099114892  0.019454240
## 9545   0.031556606 -0.018882275
## 9546   0.027922153  0.021586418
## 9547   0.322467800  0.026583672
## 9548   0.009845734  0.059556007
## 9549  -0.347370150  0.013131142
## 9550  -0.162042620 -0.060924530
## 9551  -0.135459900 -0.047647000
## 9552  -0.113809586  0.166555880
## 9553   0.068924430 -0.030404090
## 9554  -0.061628340  0.067838190
## 9555  -0.004847050 -0.091049670
## 9556  -0.187921520 -0.008371830
## 9557  -0.001583576 -0.041743755
## 9558   0.000000000  0.143167500
## 9559  -0.009931088 -0.028303623
## 9560  -0.027801037 -0.000599000
## 9561  -0.035053730 -0.005279541
## 9562  -0.419497500 -0.451356900
## 9563  -0.258614540 -0.025988102
## 9564  -0.632579800 -0.724620800
## 9565  -0.166985030 -0.232141500
## 9566  -0.296392440 -0.236468320
## 9567   0.152853010 -0.010829926
## 9568  -0.178154950 -0.069322110
## 9569  -0.014924049 -0.040133953
## 9570  -0.241385460  0.122762680
## 9571   0.000000000 -0.156169890
## 9572   0.157795900 -0.190767290
## 9573   0.137410160  0.124789240
## 9574   0.046778202 -0.288109780
## 9575  -0.158424850 -0.235939030
## 9576  -0.231163020  0.439528000
## 9577  -0.025178910 -0.079443455
## 9578  -0.073259830 -0.036630154
## 9579   0.144774440  0.217719080
## 9580   1.427289000  1.039349600
## 9581  -0.145409105 -0.099773883
## 9582   0.093666550 -0.000659000
## 9583  -0.048188686 -0.024672985
## 9584   0.014697075  0.230822085
## 9585  -0.061415672  0.047513008
## 9586  -0.030642986  0.364185800
## 9587   0.000000000 -0.096108440
## 9588   0.037919044  0.236969950
## 9589   0.178758140 -0.190620420
## 9590   0.239175800  0.146135330
## 9591  -0.029288769  0.004777670
## 9592   0.029123783  0.020320892
## 9593  -0.068149570  0.090323925
## 9594   0.051851750  0.129189490
## 9595   0.279186250  0.604054450
## 9596   0.013112545 -0.088922980
## 9597   1.010141350  0.979410150
## 9598   0.004357815  0.130931380
## 9599   0.000000000 -0.211134910
## 9600  -0.002114773 -0.033510685
## 9601   0.018615246 -0.008093834
## 9602   0.080725670 -0.022929192
## 9603   0.133344650  0.195171830
## 9604  -0.016278267 -0.020319462
## 9605   0.381253240  0.376174930
## 9606   0.010556221 -0.098768234
## 9607   0.290535930 -0.106195930
## 9608   0.324511530  0.571424500
## 9609  -0.139193060  0.000000000
## 9610   0.095216750  0.250165940
## 9611  -0.011576653  0.093764780
## 9612   0.030954361 -0.155790800
## 9613  -0.044562657  0.059345563
## 9614   0.010906220  0.024374008
## 9615   0.046694280  0.000817000
## 9616   0.179512500  0.052078247
## 9617  -0.022797585  0.877362250
## 9618   0.336323020  0.118275163
## 9619  -0.233015060  0.197224140
## 9620  -0.039085390 -0.153198240
## 9621  -0.078184130  0.092995640
## 9622   0.457018380  0.615428900
## 9623  -0.047733784  0.143475060
## 9624   0.227046970  0.323647500
## 9625  -0.155910490  0.008037090
## 9626   0.320464600  0.254223820
## 9627   0.157618050 -0.641647800
## 9628   0.009998322  0.152739520
## 9629   0.442044260  0.381897930
## 9630  -0.591998100 -0.703966140
## 9631  -0.049477100 -0.094546320
## 9632  -0.096089840 -0.780072700
## 9633   1.991879500  1.463735600
## 9634   0.030719757 -0.041279793
## 9635   0.253992560  0.526464460
## 9636   0.029497147  0.049434185
## 9637   0.036924362 -0.113796234
## 9638  -0.042751312  0.037268160
## 9639  -0.091792110  0.000000000
## 9640   0.227363590 -0.201338770
## 9641  -0.277349950 -0.069354060
## 9642   0.041390420 -0.057354927
## 9643   1.456708000  2.465678200
## 9644   0.280913830  0.190113070
## 9645  -0.480322360  0.320971000
## 9646   0.096695420  0.022895813
## 9647  -0.016615868 -0.021511078
## 9648   0.012878895 -0.012358666
## 9649   0.047482490  0.000377000
## 9650  -0.416394230 -0.028054714
## 9651   0.049800396  0.020448208
## 9652  -0.114479540 -0.008456230
## 9653   0.004355431  0.183982850
## 9654   0.062087538 -0.003953696
## 9655  -0.003466606  0.202622410
## 9656   0.114610670  0.054049492
## 9657   0.289300920 -0.107163430
## 9658   0.160327430 -0.306714060
## 9659  -0.052872180 -0.016576767
## 9660  -0.502258800 -0.750791100
## 9661  -0.071029660  0.009015083
## 9662   0.280872820  0.234819410
## 9663   0.025367975 -0.044993639
## 9664  -0.025869370  0.138123990
## 9665   0.021080494  0.154360300
## 9666  -0.051346302 -0.202463630
## 9667  -0.082027195  0.000000000
## 9668   0.148910050  0.010782719
## 9669  -0.113832474 -0.016630650
## 9670  -0.021100044 -0.025413990
## 9671   0.695531850 -0.570079300
## 9672  -0.087525845 -0.098055360
## 9673   0.509110450 -0.120444300
## 9674   0.526053400  0.326531400
## 9675  -0.275926100 -0.138247970
## 9676   0.019436836 -0.108484270
## 9677  -0.822453000 -0.931271100
## 9678   0.113242150  0.131107800
## 9679  -0.119873520  0.172429080
## 9680   0.367218725 -0.337665315
## 9681   0.332763555  0.264428257
## 9682   0.024320602 -0.078989506
## 9683  -0.179454330 -0.234566690
## 9684  -0.443539620  0.034232140
## 9685   0.328305720  0.433411600
## 9686   2.306179000  2.329165500
## 9687   0.032830240 -0.250288500
## 9688  -0.002985163  0.328957553
## 9689   0.037705420 -0.047122480
## 9690   0.009973049 -0.105907440
## 9691   0.056143760  0.003044128
## 9692   0.095704315  0.219918490
## 9693   1.021736100  0.969362740
## 9694   0.020896912  0.033741950
## 9695   0.000000000  0.042971610
## 9696   0.036186695  0.175653930
## 9697  -0.050343513 -0.058769226
## 9698   0.101647380  0.049479008
## 9699   0.000000000 -0.086844444
## 9700  -0.045555590  0.000000000
## 9701   0.133233070 -0.093536380
## 9702   0.071706295  0.035045624
## 9703  -0.723150730 -0.102143764
## 9704  -0.036620617 -0.064906600
## 9705  -0.069678780  0.079926014
## 9706   0.180995460  0.000000000
## 9707  -0.309943680 -0.236107350
## 9708   0.159940240  0.000000000
## 9709   0.047316074 -0.059769154
## 9710  -0.005573750 -0.085346700
## 9711   0.171062470  0.048945427
## 9712   0.000000000  0.021945953
## 9713   0.463613030 -0.183521270
## 9714   0.000148000  0.005243778
## 9715  -0.344662670  0.058037280
## 9716  -0.116830826  0.049776554
## 9717   0.000000000  0.034904480
## 9718  -0.032815933 -0.004897118
## 9719  -0.249729160  0.192262650
## 9720   0.000000000  0.026468754
## 9721  -0.272150040 -0.131024360
## 9722   0.222087860  0.329628000
## 9723  -0.034815790  0.147774700
## 9724  -0.195798870 -0.113304615
## 9725  -0.050170900 -0.221781730
## 9726  -0.017592430 -0.357031820
## 9727  -0.093491080 -0.058612823
## 9728  -0.243778230 -0.395818230
## 9729   0.291573520  0.182085990
## 9730  -0.083314896  0.001896381
## 9731   0.743762000 -0.175914760
## 9732  -0.236688140  0.301041130
## 9733   0.055063248  0.000000000
## 9734  -0.174517632 -0.103827474
## 9735  -0.077203750 -0.037336826
## 9736   0.174027920 -0.089325905
## 9737  -0.367205620 -0.450255400
## 9738  -0.028605461 -0.084649560
## 9739   0.186784270  0.368271830
## 9740   0.149511579 -0.175716395
## 9741   0.048638344  0.101533890
## 9742  -0.220946310 -0.123693466
## 9743  -0.160388470 -0.208158020
## 9744  -0.038115500  0.024256706
## 9745  -0.200810910 -0.272229200
## 9746  -0.119028570 -0.010326386
## 9747   0.034735680  0.106242660
## 9748   0.081448080  0.098433020
## 9749  -0.028582096 -0.058094980
## 9750  -0.185677530  0.665455800
## 9751  -0.018013477  0.093634605
## 9752   0.175833700  0.312475200
## 9753   0.037580013 -0.016257286
## 9754   0.090376380 -0.018564701
## 9755   0.305455680  0.131287570
## 9756   0.211526394  0.388113273
## 9757  -0.038890840  0.047662735
## 9758  -0.577995300 -0.625607000
## 9759  -0.021325111  0.273670670
## 9760  -0.043388367 -0.343942640
## 9761  -0.131023400  0.062123300
## 9762   0.221810340 -0.007357121
## 9763   0.010081291 -0.148384100
## 9764  -0.052218437  0.070761204
## 9765   0.151900290 -0.120731354
## 9766   0.116837500 -0.539609430
## 9767  -0.058002950 -0.043175697
## 9768   0.105607030 -0.055890560
## 9769  -0.117423060  0.000000000
## 9770  -0.084397316 -0.099092960
## 9771   0.170499320  0.026852608
## 9772  -0.087884189 -0.077119110
## 9773   0.115665436 -0.247448920
## 9774   0.140588760  0.126862530
## 9775   0.120315550 -0.182547090
## 9776   0.081337450 -0.031440258
## 9777  -0.526083950 -0.193196770
## 9778   0.024626732 -0.028977871
## 9779  -0.119893074  0.054591180
## 9780  -0.058654785 -0.042539120
## 9781  -0.028865337  0.018345356
## 9782  -0.012413502  0.080687046
## 9783  -0.002377510  0.139627460
## 9784   0.168492320  0.153498650
## 9785   0.633324600  1.139250800
## 9786  -0.057391644 -0.358762740
## 9787   0.668819400  0.672497750
## 9788   0.114286420 -0.390501500
## 9789   0.218882560 -0.110550880
## 9790   0.040501118  0.062609670
## 9791  -0.114744190 -0.441030500
## 9792   0.108882430 -0.017516613
## 9793   0.035990715  0.084002495
## 9794   0.151968960  0.105137825
## 9795  -0.022029877  0.011763573
## 9796  -0.069490910 -0.004271030
## 9797   0.052926540 -0.009941578
## 9798   0.175993440  0.314692500
## 9799  -0.128121375  0.331080195
## 9800   0.762156000  0.474564080
## 9801  -0.102249620  0.121542930
## 9802  -0.079324720 -0.153437140
## 9803   0.126723290 -0.023064613
## 9804   0.150254250  0.044478893
## 9805  -0.088770870  0.103572845
## 9806   0.732328400  1.317459100
## 9807   0.080252650 -0.097809790
## 9808  -0.034270763  0.071549890
## 9809  -0.074603560 -0.066740036
## 9810   0.334125520  0.091455940
## 9811   0.137381080  0.102319240
## 9812  -0.083932400  0.121348380
## 9813   0.514331340  0.315493100
## 9814   0.086315155 -0.258399960
## 9815   0.193130020 -0.482539650
## 9816   0.528774740 -0.824674600
## 9817  -0.231187340  0.506350040
## 9818  -0.063143730  0.016759872
## 9819   0.344541550  0.188856120
## 9820   0.019916534 -0.032482624
## 9821   0.000000000  0.288351540
## 9822  -0.180624010 -0.709865570
## 9823   0.163587570 -0.374422550
## 9824  -0.147541680 -0.768346310
## 9825  -0.073404948 -0.047208468
## 9826  -0.018569947 -0.207404135
## 9827  -0.429978370 -0.274304400
## 9828  -0.225049020  0.050784588
## 9829   0.005314350  0.103498936
## 9830   0.000000000  0.221782680
## 9831  -0.005020142 -0.073274136
## 9832   0.060780050 -0.233374600
## 9833  -0.095788956  0.180535320
## 9834  -0.085419655 -0.044389725
## 9835   0.000000000 -0.044355870
## 9836  -0.258373740  0.000000000
## 9837  -0.200703140  0.086293220
## 9838   0.076848030  0.048741817
## 9839   0.314904200  0.127958300
## 9840   0.015513897 -0.051856757
## 9841  -0.012037277  0.090070724
## 9842   1.218177800  0.910388000
## 9843   0.172512530  0.389582160
## 9844   0.059144974  0.052439690
## 9845  -0.128334520 -0.149363040
## 9846   0.264269830  0.068991184
## 9847  -0.194261401  0.349167433
## 9848  -0.303751000 -0.418594840
## 9849   0.513603200  0.294323920
## 9850   0.066456795 -0.148824690
## 9851   0.000000000  0.137886050
## 9852   0.518178000  0.485036370
## 9853   0.041846275 -0.149175640
## 9854  -0.037529470  0.239041330
## 9855   0.207739355  0.555505280
## 9856  -0.005410671 -0.016985893
## 9857   0.000000000 -0.039083004
## 9858   0.238031390  0.226098060
## 9859  -0.018498420  0.100412370
## 9860   0.105890274  0.165706630
## 9861   0.144862170  0.202343940
## 9862   0.011975288  0.041495800
## 9863   0.281047820  0.072994230
## 9864  -0.084287170  0.167531490
## 9865  -0.114423750 -0.122853280
## 9866  -0.006011009 -0.091735360
## 9867  -0.330926420 -0.039923668
## 9868   0.373176570 -0.093503475
## 9869   0.071906570 -0.067728040
## 9870  -0.048448563 -0.048466682
## 9871  -0.028617382  0.039088250
## 9872  -0.041310310  0.150507450
## 9873  -0.003815174  0.103810790
## 9874  -0.233123780 -0.328867900
## 9875   0.000000000 -0.307654380
## 9876   0.000000000 -0.029252530
## 9877   0.025264740 -1.093796700
## 9878  -0.324468600  0.413698200
## 9879   0.053750990  0.033047200
## 9880   0.321713920  0.145964150
## 9881   0.000000000  0.241117000
## 9882  -0.072003365  0.062744140
## 9883   0.545404900 -0.268857960
## 9884  -0.239278320 -0.081276890
## 9885  -0.133758540 -0.093142510
## 9886   0.120337960  0.000000000
## 9887   0.011202812 -0.157400130
## 9888   0.000000000  0.067834854
## 9889  -0.105437756 -0.049360752
## 9890  -0.012759686  0.019215584
## 9891   0.044290066  0.114953520
## 9892   0.280070300 -0.200543400
## 9893   0.433084500 -0.041153908
## 9894  -0.137547500 -0.164727210
## 9895  -0.501473900 -0.256753440
## 9896  -0.364740850 -0.289164070
## 9897   0.161919600 -0.070158960
## 9898  -0.417211060 -0.401583670
## 9899  -0.233975890 -0.189072610
## 9900  -0.313697810 -0.421852100
## 9901   0.382140870 -0.310529470
## 9902   0.203728200  0.426824570
## 9903  -0.215858940  0.257571220
## 9904   0.006659031 -0.076375010
## 9905  -0.395563130  0.000000000
## 9906   0.133935930  0.059484005
## 9907  -0.206733230 -0.093021390
## 9908  -0.365038400 -0.008036137
## 9909  -0.016512394  0.089713100
## 9910  -0.062487602  0.045599937
## 9911  -0.076963425  0.030516148
## 9912   0.349525930  0.353916170
## 9913   0.398396966 -0.365567205
## 9914  -0.212328430  0.147693630
## 9915  -0.117292880 -0.045385838
## 9916   0.219529150  0.120150566
## 9917  -0.087246895  0.065158370
## 9918  -0.119030000 -0.104026794
## 9919  -0.359068870 -0.291197780
## 9920   0.069215775 -0.124127865
## 9921   0.031001568  0.133365630
## 9922   0.308432580  0.924739360
## 9923   0.004757404 -0.062641144
## 9924   0.000000000  0.120281220
## 9925  -0.138201710  0.000000000
## 9926   0.105393890 -0.100541115
## 9927   0.463703228 -0.026326598
## 9928  -0.011677742  0.267038820
## 9929   0.073385240 -2.067413300
## 9930  -0.452372550 -0.116676810
## 9931  -0.168152330 -0.202247620
## 9932   0.000000000  0.000000000
## 9933  -0.275448320 -0.509367470
## 9934   0.095859050 -0.294363500
## 9935   0.001129150 -0.025330544
## 9936  -0.062973020 -0.093083860
## 9937  -0.047734260 -0.003354073
## 9938   0.066351414 -0.207540510
## 9939  -0.336960800 -0.240229130
## 9940   0.733150000  1.327425500
## 9941   0.142148970  0.266998300
## 9942   0.096179485  0.491638180
## 9943   0.041822910  0.150014400
## 9944   0.028336048  0.012237549
## 9945   0.025979519  0.109250070
## 9946   0.063681126  0.079859730
## 9947   0.064131260  0.034768344
## 9948   0.011334419  0.013165474
## 9949   0.019133568  0.051372528
## 9950  -0.005273342  0.104794500
## 9951   0.025670528  0.275328160
## 9952   0.028569460  0.032964945
## 9953   0.036630629  0.000521660
## 9954   0.000026200  0.000000000
## 9955   0.008405685  0.123887540
## 9956   0.000043900  0.047196626
## 9957   0.000000000  0.010315895
## 9958   0.093415260 -0.482148170
## 9959  -0.207977770 -0.269855980
## 9960  -0.208573820 -0.208454130
## 9961  -0.022207260  0.125854020
## 9962   0.047735690  0.066877840
## 9963  -0.261939050 -0.686532500
## 9964   0.029169560 -0.053122044
## 9965   1.125299500  1.283375700
## 9966   0.000000000  0.153030870
## 9967   0.301979060  0.509428000
## 9968   0.194958690  0.119230270
## 9969  -0.330037120 -0.411298750
## 9970  -0.659865400 -0.584190370
## 9971  -0.342002870 -0.586321830
## 9972  -0.014503479  0.004877091
## 9973   0.206206800  0.634653570
## 9974   0.128464220 -0.024249554
## 9975   0.035052300 -0.026271343
## 9976   0.000000000 -0.023656845
## 9977   1.790620800  1.203196500
## 9978  -0.329057700 -0.222031600
## 9979  -0.005914688 -0.143836020
## 9980   0.030845165  0.229277130
## 9981   0.098928450  0.099172115
## 9982   0.242671490  0.128439430
## 9983   0.029203892  0.214835165
## 9984  -0.149057390 -0.205771450
## 9985  -0.085448265 -0.017266273
## 9986   0.291346550  0.216528420
## 9987  -0.175522800  0.072991370
## 9988   0.050982475  0.399408340
## 9989   0.465641980  0.370131500
## 9990   0.621642100 -0.006721497
## 9991   0.132968900  0.135297780
## 9992  -0.292679800  0.133917330
## 9993  -0.036523820  0.022040367
## 9994   0.000000000 -0.009738922
## 9995   0.135729790  0.000000000
## 9996   0.221472740 -0.726920600
## 9997  -0.145378110 -0.264415740
## 9998  -0.264313700 -0.466596130
## 9999   0.428876880 -0.117543700
## 10000 -0.048248290  0.228978160
## 10001  0.000000000  0.431878100
## 10002 -0.231547833 -0.308068995
## 10003 -0.473242760 -0.444773670
## 10004 -0.121931076  0.031064987
## 10005  0.343453880  0.219625470
## 10006  0.326632020  0.164642330
## 10007  1.391792300  1.002968800
## 10008 -0.082155230  0.015612602
## 10009  0.006118774  0.000000000
## 10010 -0.033955574 -0.223055360
## 10011 -0.047011375 -0.078612804
## 10012  0.269824030  0.101067540
## 10013 -0.267169480 -0.017632484
## 10014 -0.111145500  0.438385000
## 10015  0.085867405 -0.092205524
## 10016 -0.130138870  0.332839000
## 10017 -0.435653700 -1.067099600
## 10018  0.016826630 -0.001723290
## 10019  0.232617380 -0.200264930
## 10020  0.124303820  0.028694630
## 10021  0.360902800  0.122569084
## 10022  0.407780890  0.093239307
## 10023  0.109492300  0.233409400
## 10024  0.061868190  0.014780045
## 10025 -0.274356840  0.006292820
## 10026 -0.065610410  0.107763290
## 10027  0.000000000  0.061978340
## 10028  0.033243180  0.096289635
## 10029  0.108388424 -0.173507690
## 10030  0.617865560  0.738410950
## 10031  0.109913826  1.240114700
## 10032  0.133118630 -0.111897470
## 10033  0.330270300  0.762380100
## 10034 -0.460910320 -0.328200340
## 10035 -0.135331630 -0.171430110
## 10036  0.450651175  0.631584180
## 10037 -0.292206760 -0.081646440
## 10038  0.617139800  0.420688630
## 10039  0.365606300  0.551961900
## 10040  0.758201600  0.600998900
## 10041  0.141489030  0.428380970
## 10042  0.462457180  0.615780350
## 10043  0.064598560 -0.117092130
## 10044 -0.373627200 -0.369052400
## 10045  0.488017080  0.273732200
## 10046  0.040438652  0.000000000
## 10047  0.177141190 -0.117677210
## 10048 -0.044023514  0.397652630
## 10049  0.013375045 -0.073438406
## 10050  0.290060040  0.022796630
## 10051  0.272071840  0.258879660
## 10052 -0.018575668  0.097425940
## 10053 -0.306627270 -0.303764340
## 10054  0.071620464  0.048168182
## 10055  0.151952270  0.259442800
## 10056 -0.008259773 -0.032988550
## 10057  0.482915880  0.177664760
## 10058  0.244953160  0.059090137
## 10059 -0.649169900 -0.264643670
## 10060  0.211513520  0.040158270
## 10061 -0.259851460  0.000000000
## 10062  0.061219692  0.045415880
## 10063  0.096503735  0.000000000
## 10064  0.099485158  0.503985885
## 10065 -0.322700500 -0.613417600
## 10066  0.109227180 -0.373964300
## 10067  0.380945200  0.203398700
## 10068 -0.060136320  0.086207390
## 10069  0.161873820  0.101521490
## 10070 -0.224097735 -0.057564735
## 10071  0.029524803  0.068971634
## 10072  0.310562130  0.022778511
## 10073 -0.285836220 -0.597888470
## 10074  0.181824680  0.105409145
## 10075  0.011054993  0.113925460
## 10076 -0.760130900  0.009605408
## 10077 -0.191252710 -0.041489124
## 10078  0.005615711  0.065864086
## 10079  0.079539775  0.000144959
## 10080  0.028807163  0.081909660
## 10081 -0.050205708  0.043210506
## 10082  0.037333010  0.000897000
## 10083 -0.285613060 -0.376252170
## 10084 -0.144401550  0.092488290
## 10085  0.205647470 -0.094573975
## 10086 -0.303942200  0.460982800
## 10087 -0.009058476 -0.059813976
## 10088  0.000000000 -0.065992355
## 10089 -0.129734040 -0.463166240
## 10090 -0.227793700  0.033302784
## 10091  0.035330772  0.000000000
## 10092 -0.026985168  0.041643143
## 10093  0.181192400  0.007019043
## 10094  0.132913590  0.332422260
## 10095 -0.048027515 -0.009308815
## 10096 -0.145157340 -0.022423267
## 10097 -0.068057060  0.076189995
## 10098  0.000000000  0.148858070
## 10099 -0.033874990  0.311841960
## 10100 -0.150166990 -0.140537260
## 10101  0.029371262 -0.056352615
## 10102  0.000000000  0.183281900
## 10103  0.081013200  0.200488570
## 10104 -0.131715770 -0.048465730
## 10105 -0.120570180  0.000000000
## 10106 -0.004189491 -0.026247978
## 10107  0.392395970  0.463707920
## 10108 -0.009557724 -0.066668990
## 10109  0.084095955  1.207685500
## 10110  0.000000000  0.214302060
## 10111 -0.185833450  0.000000000
## 10112  0.157979490  0.071735380
## 10113 -0.137182710  0.481949330
## 10114  0.146469600 -0.104227540
## 10115 -0.082392216 -0.164031030
## 10116 -0.186120030 -0.030643463
## 10117  0.168164250 -0.203251840
## 10118 -0.079550266  0.006246567
## 10119  0.047542572  0.243561740
## 10120  0.172412870 -0.023296833
## 10121  2.396479600  1.500255600
## 10122  0.239229680  0.130584720
## 10123  0.039735794 -0.088002205
## 10124 -0.035309315  0.539507870
## 10125  0.143658640  0.171471600
## 10126  0.356674670 -0.023762703
## 10127  0.006828308  0.049769880
## 10128  0.024782658  0.008135319
## 10129 -0.425728800 -0.113483906
## 10130 -0.372427000 -0.280992030
## 10131  0.376694680  0.110491276
## 10132 -0.253717420 -0.015068054
## 10133 -0.004108429 -0.007547855
## 10134 -0.058473587  0.200464730
## 10135 -0.330102440  0.078359130
## 10136 -0.916082400 -0.642331100
## 10137  0.098740580 -0.165770530
## 10138  0.245626450  0.471776000
## 10139 -0.228232860 -0.235045910
## 10140 -0.617972850 -0.402433870
## 10141 -0.100261690 -0.029095650
## 10142 -0.154377940 -0.009415627
## 10143  0.163392070 -0.041745663
## 10144 -0.105746746 -0.067974570
## 10145 -0.237246510 -0.020173073
## 10146  0.315558430 -0.240231510
## 10147  0.054013252 -0.416602600
## 10148  0.017604828 -0.095104220
## 10149  0.000000000 -0.021090984
## 10150 -0.087120056  0.215893750
## 10151 -0.045264244  0.090613365
## 10152 -0.158589360  0.269365300
## 10153  0.855698600  1.131109200
## 10154 -0.117594720  0.076114655
## 10155  0.287161830  0.228917120
## 10156  0.308492180 -0.459718700
## 10157  0.170574670 -0.398165230
## 10158 -0.552506450 -1.522336500
## 10159 -0.104178905 -0.046797752
## 10160  1.004376400  1.310309400
## 10161  0.000000000 -0.055188656
## 10162 -0.201503280  0.000000000
## 10163  0.073358536 -0.022402763
## 10164  0.000000000  0.455324170
## 10165 -0.215750220 -0.010974407
## 10166 -0.013100624 -0.049381733
## 10167  0.155568120  0.181447500
## 10168 -0.335840700  0.020545006
## 10169  0.000000000 -0.236613750
## 10170 -0.135202410 -0.080531120
## 10171  0.303603170 -0.008198738
## 10172 -0.114792824  0.045701980
## 10173 -0.286767960 -0.059218407
## 10174 -0.354565620 -0.426377300
## 10175  0.365041730  0.400367740
## 10176 -0.196919920  0.077327730
## 10177 -0.236941340  0.211343770
## 10178 -0.030193806 -0.021802425
## 10179  0.024914742 -0.095239640
## 10180  0.174775120 -0.183123110
## 10181  0.034556390  0.114209175
## 10182 -0.048149110  0.012924194
## 10183  0.043225290  0.096030235
## 10184 -0.283226970  0.250533580
## 10185  0.141911030  0.171504500
## 10186 -0.029087155  0.317997460
## 10187 -0.001951218 -0.023237705
## 10188 -0.018149853 -0.010505676
## 10189 -0.165573600 -0.223616600
## 10190  0.000000000  0.638115900
## 10191  0.405618200  0.063245300
## 10192  0.020590782 -0.501368050
## 10193  0.235744950  0.143450740
## 10194 -0.065044880 -0.001928330
## 10195  0.154150960  0.000000000
## 10196 -0.221011160 -0.077624320
## 10197  0.072724580  0.174079902
## 10198 -0.311044700 -0.198821070
## 10199 -0.033938408  0.109804150
## 10200  0.321060180 -0.078828810
## 10201  0.013011220 -0.118009091
## 10202 -0.106599330 -0.313886640
## 10203 -0.026450157  0.231964110
## 10204  0.184459690  0.401913640
## 10205  0.055052757  0.042596817
## 10206 -0.417052750 -0.086369514
## 10207 -0.225819585  0.012981892
## 10208  0.106026650  0.029301643
## 10209 -0.003256798 -0.153832195
## 10210  0.065513610  0.225004200
## 10211 -0.093175890 -0.160693170
## 10212  0.342780100  0.474596505
## 10213  0.184759140  0.315814020
## 10214 -0.072129730  0.108012200
## 10215  0.080625534 -0.232305530
## 10216  0.000000000 -0.266764640
## 10217 -0.378550530  0.163645740
## 10218  0.104240420  0.047947884
## 10219  0.086483480 -0.082787990
## 10220 -0.049813270  0.002175331
## 10221  0.204446800  0.178575520
## 10222 -0.091938970  0.362543100
## 10223  0.324184420  0.000000000
## 10224 -0.070020676 -0.025299072
## 10225 -0.910272600 -0.617746830
## 10226  0.321906100  0.115734580
## 10227  0.302290920 -0.164088250
## 10228  0.105526924  0.073937416
## 10229  0.270152100  0.473183630
## 10230  0.036422253  0.212192060
## 10231 -0.236987590 -0.131033900
## 10232 -0.030066013  0.114438534
## 10233  0.228806500 -0.058867455
## 10234  0.855011000 -0.307731630
## 10235  0.233474730  0.079030990
## 10236 -0.336793900  0.098249910
## 10237 -0.018799305 -0.206959250
## 10238  0.052744865 -0.391836170
## 10239 -0.207527630  0.105438950
## 10240  0.014942169  0.332568170
## 10241 -0.508678440 -0.048177720
## 10242 -0.190176010 -0.388836860
## 10243  0.396502020  0.129720210
## 10244  0.330051900  0.156828400
## 10245  0.112411500  0.132237430
## 10246  0.000000000 -0.069628240
## 10247  0.704407700  0.210840230
## 10248  0.369625100  0.409031870
## 10249  0.033433437 -0.092484474
## 10250  0.078244210  0.000000000
## 10251  0.109200954  0.112061980
## 10252  0.094560150  0.064004900
## 10253 -0.001389132 -0.030564414
## 10254  0.277287960  0.055967330
## 10255  0.975881100  0.264089100
## 10256 -0.041679382  0.079628944
## 10257 -0.129078390  0.132248400
## 10258 -0.151006700  0.163575170
## 10259 -0.034491062  0.000000000
## 10260  0.037405490 -0.134695530
## 10261  0.325164320  0.214901450
## 10262 -0.037543774  0.000188000
## 10263  0.040474891  0.081604480
## 10264  0.224008080 -0.033383846
## 10265  0.000000000  0.031220913
## 10266  0.312796600  0.431261060
## 10267  2.270948000  2.124085000
## 10268  4.464769000  4.452911000
## 10269 -0.027526855 -0.092378140
## 10270  0.153300290  0.063841820
## 10271 -0.031534670 -0.484758380
## 10272  0.037063600 -0.074951650
## 10273 -0.221630100 -0.140441900
## 10274  0.590913800  0.362720500
## 10275 -0.180828100  0.192883490
## 10276 -0.031566620  0.000000000
## 10277 -0.021672726  0.277000430
## 10278  1.361796400  0.712367060
## 10279 -0.047467710 -0.062433720
## 10280 -0.088809970  0.242965700
## 10281  0.297641750  0.348639500
## 10282 -0.155938150 -0.153083800
## 10283 -0.124526024 -0.093537330
## 10284 -0.104889390  0.000000000
## 10285 -0.144995210 -0.052330970
## 10286  0.000000000  0.058306217
## 10287 -0.141530040 -0.019623756
## 10288  0.150607110  0.003871441
## 10289  0.109157560 -0.452308650
## 10290 -0.303861140  0.415588380
## 10291 -0.505197050  0.001173973
## 10292 -0.021452904  0.106777190
## 10293 -0.791057100 -0.331288340
## 10294  0.049857616  0.133576400
## 10295 -0.073963645 -0.220902202
## 10296 -0.141479020  0.006787300
## 10297 -0.362346170  0.691769100
## 10298 -0.046317577  0.000000000
## 10299  0.000000000 -0.035241127
## 10300  0.037187576 -0.001054287
## 10301 -0.093154910 -0.152128220
## 10302  0.055361270 -0.083508490
## 10303 -0.409478200  0.316271780
## 10304 -0.408886900 -0.424619670
## 10305 -0.184172150 -0.459085000
## 10306 -0.730366700 -0.172525400
## 10307 -0.161369320 -0.149046900
## 10308 -0.179240230 -0.537155600
## 10309 -0.135046480 -0.128502370
## 10310 -0.022967339 -0.193231580
## 10311 -0.244398120 -0.026122093
## 10312  0.049578188 -0.090291261
## 10313  0.176836010 -0.023244381
## 10314  0.181525230  0.135005950
## 10315  0.122435570  0.091433525
## 10316 -0.118662834  0.028672218
## 10317  0.129870413 -0.304243080
## 10318  0.118364810 -0.056032180
## 10319 -0.164839740 -0.299654000
## 10320  0.000000000  0.174626350
## 10321  0.313819400 -0.290348050
## 10322  1.194605800  0.495833870
## 10323  0.055608750 -0.049902916
## 10324  0.961742400  0.848809240
## 10325  0.527023300  0.339153300
## 10326  0.007368565  0.107582090
## 10327  0.004487991 -0.120832440
## 10328  0.043900490 -0.133214000
## 10329 -0.174966340  0.488097670
## 10330  0.149052620 -0.203363420
## 10331 -0.120271680  0.089972496
## 10332 -0.087288380 -0.394551280
## 10333 -0.039682865  0.013985634
## 10334 -0.083718780  0.096961975
## 10335 -0.039224148  0.272907260
## 10336 -0.122305870 -0.216857910
## 10337  0.033361435  0.000000000
## 10338  0.131926540 -0.093343735
## 10339  0.657691960  0.462374700
## 10340  0.512247560  0.206278800
## 10341 -0.107012270  0.121011260
## 10342 -0.463970500 -0.106013933
## 10343  0.000000000 -0.074490550
## 10344  0.000000000 -0.179050450
## 10345  0.025932789 -0.020559788
## 10346  0.000582000  0.153264050
## 10347 -0.117321490 -0.087418080
## 10348 -0.037083150  0.000000000
## 10349  0.157300950 -0.019026756
## 10350 -0.819053200  0.107445720
## 10351 -0.069268230  0.046778680
## 10352  2.297649900  2.659511000
## 10353  0.148284910  0.539572700
## 10354  0.028206825 -0.027899742
## 10355  0.231710430  0.090988160
## 10356  0.000000000 -0.017268658
## 10357  0.028122902 -0.065687180
## 10358 -0.029761791 -0.200207230
## 10359  2.158716200  2.243406300
## 10360 -0.297634600  0.067310810
## 10361  0.286133770  0.609702600
## 10362  0.461904530  0.000000000
## 10363 -0.176341060  0.406766900
## 10364 -0.855996600 -1.246828100
## 10365 -1.329631300 -1.166414300
## 10366 -0.566443900 -0.234471320
## 10367 -0.126580720  0.103604320
## 10368 -0.043014050 -0.017984867
## 10369  0.065703390  0.308291440
## 10370  0.303521160  0.412933350
## 10371  0.024158955 -0.006276131
## 10372 -0.167901040 -0.025289536
## 10373  1.217248000  1.028644100
## 10374  0.464192390  0.320141555
## 10375  0.127682690  0.132936950
## 10376  0.175938130  0.124583480
## 10377  0.177335740  0.385032180
## 10378  0.164675710  0.016260624
## 10379  0.151260380 -0.438084130
## 10380 -0.192436220 -0.050409317
## 10381 -0.138631820 -0.257133480
## 10382 -0.047248840 -0.116598130
## 10383  0.015425682  0.689237600
## 10384  0.205961230  0.540516850
## 10385 -0.399569500 -0.397628780
## 10386  0.039238930  0.144786830
## 10387 -0.274460800  0.002810955
## 10388 -0.076954840 -0.089725494
## 10389 -0.075679945 -0.038588524
## 10390 -0.331145300  0.081640720
## 10391 -0.305799960 -0.203197960
## 10392  0.138439660  0.210417270
## 10393  0.421314240  0.289616100
## 10394 -0.156518460 -0.128594880
## 10395  0.000000000  0.029607773
## 10396  0.246042250  0.317020420
## 10397 -0.516654970 -0.399926200
## 10398 -0.163372515 -0.429211380
## 10399  0.229675300  0.025633812
## 10400  0.013388157  0.000000000
## 10401 -0.238339900 -0.235818860
## 10402 -0.194387910 -0.356521600
## 10403  0.056907654  0.188234330
## 10404  0.043874740  0.025411606
## 10405  0.075058460 -0.011590481
## 10406  0.122466090  0.000000000
## 10407  0.054496290  0.099271774
## 10408 -0.106599810  1.573855400
## 10409  0.185924050  0.027586937
## 10410  0.165963170  0.041851044
## 10411 -0.113651276  0.000000000
## 10412  0.024152279  0.062424660
## 10413  0.029154778  0.055883408
## 10414  0.069828030  0.085287570
## 10415  0.035585880  0.015168190
## 10416 -0.037318230  0.163884160
## 10417 -0.071812150  0.009912491
## 10418 -0.001152992  0.416893000
## 10419  0.140940190  0.053154945
## 10420  0.040773870 -0.009375572
## 10421  0.099026680  0.000000000
## 10422 -0.147394660 -0.718885900
## 10423 -0.008116245  0.164063450
## 10424 -0.018218040  0.012648106
## 10425  0.077412130  0.000000000
## 10426  0.101649284  0.069427490
## 10427 -0.142375470  0.158204080
## 10428  0.000000000  0.009010792
## 10429  0.474830630 -0.161095140
## 10430  0.000000000 -0.015908718
## 10431 -0.001168728 -0.080898760
## 10432 -0.119283676  0.190889360
## 10433 -0.005797863  0.041453360
## 10434  0.110890390 -0.080991745
## 10435  0.078691006 -0.022640705
## 10436  0.004047871  0.000000000
## 10437  0.000000000 -0.148039340
## 10438  0.000000000 -0.156365400
## 10439 -0.003986836  0.060166360
## 10440  0.154035570  0.003641129
## 10441 -0.211421010 -0.053687572
## 10442  0.058393955  0.126189230
## 10443 -0.019613266 -0.001758099
## 10444  0.161691670  0.010462284
## 10445  0.031414032  0.006021500
## 10446 -0.009286404  0.016897678
## 10447 -0.004472733 -0.039885998
## 10448  0.001804829  0.068419930
## 10449 -0.026994228 -0.061000824
## 10450 -0.200406550  0.004788399
## 10451  0.078196526  0.179475780
## 10452 -0.016308784  0.056213380
## 10453  0.250033860  0.076583385
## 10454  0.000000000  0.065947056
## 10455 -0.326657770  0.264875900
## 10456  0.610347750  0.000000000
## 10457  0.029057026  0.000000000
## 10458 -0.091666220 -0.005769730
## 10459  0.185347080 -0.052173615
## 10460 -0.001194000 -0.049975872
## 10461  0.533014800  0.141927240
## 10462  0.029439926  0.115496635
## 10463  0.063014030 -0.001176834
## 10464 -0.208872320  0.295804980
## 10465 -0.034158707 -0.121196270
## 10466 -0.355767250 -0.005083561
## 10467 -0.052399160  0.054367065
## 10468 -0.043169975  0.178441050
## 10469  0.000000000 -0.079788685
## 10470 -0.109120846  0.000000000
## 10471  0.067589760  0.205250260
## 10472 -0.081178665 -0.009519577
## 10473  0.371669300 -0.019137383
## 10474  0.108325960  0.165386200
## 10475  0.191903590  0.000000000
## 10476  0.026452065 -0.002056599
## 10477  0.036273956  0.154086590
## 10478 -0.381614690 -0.061546326
## 10479  0.024625778 -0.048030376
## 10480 -0.209811690  0.000000000
## 10481 -0.168426040 -0.091915130
## 10482 -0.041193485 -0.048630238
## 10483 -0.073359010  0.015552521
## 10484  0.000936000  0.049121857
## 10485  0.076931950  0.284454820
## 10486 -0.059881210  0.000000000
## 10487 -0.336600780 -0.280295370
## 10488  0.009887219  0.064115524
## 10489 -0.010605812  0.057469368
## 10490 -0.074310780 -0.018225670
## 10491  0.045833588  0.000000000
## 10492  0.039283752  0.004530907
## 10493  0.147753720  0.000000000
## 10494 -0.009031773 -0.049501896
## 10495 -0.023205757  0.056965350
## 10496 -0.215533260  0.076572895
## 10497  0.020209790  0.045953750
## 10498  1.486475500 -0.038099766
## 10499  0.093090060  0.023579120
## 10500 -0.075569150 -0.045233250
## 10501  0.313093660  0.072092056
## 10502  0.017328740  0.057057858
## 10503  0.134261610  0.018912792
## 10504 -0.097199440  0.069202420
## 10505 -0.131189820 -0.183583260
## 10506 -0.051311493 -0.084197044
## 10507  0.013362408  0.013773918
## 10508  0.003504753  0.243705750
## 10509  0.288546560  1.190644300
## 10510  0.024402142  0.165853980
## 10511  0.145225050 -0.170034890
## 10512  0.125453000  0.059835434
## 10513 -0.081373215 -0.026493550
## 10514 -0.068058490 -0.019672394
## 10515  0.139784810 -0.036061764
## 10516  0.146536830  0.055353165
## 10517 -0.079331400  0.022918224
## 10518  0.090349674  0.073804380
## 10519  0.108699800  0.018475533
## 10520  0.000000000  0.223916530
## 10521 -0.296896930 -0.027538300
## 10522  1.043404600 -0.089732170
## 10523 -0.072977066 -0.025121212
## 10524  0.142906670 -0.074821470
## 10525 -0.359395500 -0.234309200
## 10526 -0.059608936  0.030202389
## 10527  0.000000000  0.144945140
## 10528  0.060881138 -0.233851430
## 10529 -0.165918350  0.077372074
## 10530  1.153254500  0.278371800
## 10531  0.052496910  0.103724960
## 10532 -0.003296375  0.024947166
## 10533  0.180120940  0.028059483
## 10534 -0.038362980  0.000000000
## 10535 -0.132019520  0.019956112
## 10536 -0.054252625  0.031969547
## 10537  0.023537636  0.025955200
## 10538  0.466416360 -0.053695680
## 10539 -0.828219900  0.453066830
## 10540 -0.016273975  0.013313770
## 10541 -0.151645180  0.000000000
## 10542  0.043165207 -0.112441060
## 10543 -0.106196400  0.115233900
## 10544 -0.230046270  0.121623040
## 10545 -0.268394000  0.424761770
## 10546 -0.243526460  0.000000000
## 10547 -0.161507600 -0.097943306
## 10548  0.005230904  0.005682945
## 10549  0.100243090  0.013593197
## 10550 -0.026067257  0.068920135
## 10551  0.000000000 -0.069813730
## 10552 -0.134146210  0.029227257
## 10553  0.022186756  0.073984620
## 10554 -0.192583080  0.255556580
## 10555  0.054104805  0.000000000
## 10556  0.026660442  0.039849760
## 10557 -0.036242010  0.003456116
## 10558  0.059710026 -0.208211420
## 10559  0.061705590  0.000000000
## 10560  0.000000000  0.097000120
## 10561  0.026468754 -0.033535957
## 10562  0.000000000  0.112090110
## 10563  0.205519200 -0.031088352
## 10564  0.080019474  0.111035350
## 10565  0.000000000 -0.057871340
## 10566  0.137820240  0.164583200
## 10567 -0.061275482  0.041026592
## 10568 -0.021544456  0.035333633
## 10569  0.346014500  1.263298000
## 10570  0.217772480  0.231534000
## 10571  1.276917900 -0.111917020
## 10572 -0.060314655  0.269080165
## 10573  0.067704680  0.102182865
## 10574  0.090572360  0.283958440
## 10575  0.140326980  0.245891100
## 10576  0.150277140  0.000000000
## 10577  0.075352190  0.000000000
## 10578 -0.333156600  1.010206700
## 10579 -0.173313620 -0.179122450
## 10580  0.087598800  0.047493935
## 10581  0.235171800 -0.209601880
## 10582  0.037831306  0.031498432
## 10583  0.000000000  0.146115780
## 10584 -0.045045376  0.009043694
## 10585 -0.173466200  0.882863040
## 10586 -0.006793976 -0.035982610
## 10587  0.040543556  0.212761880
## 10588 -0.057432175  0.035161495
## 10589  0.026954650  0.138547420
## 10590 -0.015120029  0.050570010
## 10591 -0.009402275  0.138923650
## 10592  0.022607803 -0.013893127
## 10593  0.063614845  0.011217594
## 10594  0.125802040  0.121761800
## 10595  0.017481327  0.021093369
## 10596  0.000000000  0.019536018
## 10597  0.069363594  0.033118725
## 10598 -0.038414000  0.119280340
## 10599  0.325704570 -0.045321465
## 10600  0.079409600 -0.008173466
## 10601  0.019123077  0.302447800
## 10602  0.096585750  0.000000000
## 10603  0.035515785  0.123344900
## 10604 -0.002042294  0.001118183
## 10605  0.048159600  0.323984620
## 10606 -0.213708400  0.000000000
## 10607  0.027128696  0.072927475
## 10608  0.105071070  0.111844540
## 10609 -0.282234670 -0.017853260
## 10610  0.061940670 -0.013571739
## 10611 -0.002124786  0.032441140
## 10612 -0.004559994  0.016783714
## 10613  0.021433830 -0.008356571
## 10614  0.033316135  0.048868180
## 10615 -0.010043144  0.062776566
## 10616 -0.004591942  0.270862580
## 10617  0.080324170  0.045268060
## 10618 -0.018390656  0.258387570
## 10619  0.055840254  0.012526989
## 10620  0.056995390  0.069642544
## 10621 -0.063892894  0.134458437
## 10622  0.055831432  0.000000000
## 10623  0.082285404  0.029986382
## 10624 -0.034344673  0.045516490
## 10625  0.132443900  0.057728767
## 10626  0.107833860  0.124515530
## 10627  0.050385475 -0.139993190
## 10628 -0.061264515 -0.035620690
## 10629  0.004246235  0.065720080
## 10630  0.055896760 -0.043574810
## 10631 -0.040975570 -0.068448070
## 10632 -0.092772010  0.000000000
## 10633  0.036856650  0.000000000
## 10634 -0.022819042  0.069142820
## 10635  0.013137817  0.010046482
## 10636  0.028743267  0.039110660
## 10637  0.179007530  0.059447290
## 10638  0.006615639  0.035923480
## 10639  0.024752140  0.131470200
## 10640 -0.088229656  0.011284828
## 10641 -0.141984460 -0.028172970
## 10642 -0.538743000  1.552856400
## 10643  0.215722080  0.030257225
## 10644  0.036635876  0.086878780
## 10645 -0.044370174 -0.113391876
## 10646  0.086228850 -0.035187720
## 10647  0.014823437 -0.195660590
## 10648  0.120100020  0.021414757
## 10649  0.000000000 -0.010046005
## 10650 -0.058577538  0.134971620
## 10651  0.075960636  0.201009270
## 10652 -0.081139565  0.060618400
## 10653  0.000000000 -0.084290504
## 10654  0.093246460  0.052336693
## 10655 -0.043584347 -0.084458350
## 10656  0.056423187  0.004890919
## 10657  0.053715230  0.041602610
## 10658  0.189014430 -0.006433487
## 10659  0.084478380 -0.023036957
## 10660  0.020075321 -0.012984753
## 10661  0.045826105 -0.000168075
## 10662 -0.002625942 -0.009498596
## 10663  0.000000000  0.097594740
## 10664  0.000000000  0.078373910
## 10665  0.000000000 -0.049015045
## 10666  0.032869340 -0.279390340
## 10667  0.038184166  0.432637200
## 10668  0.136131760 -0.034992695
## 10669 -0.858240100  0.258766170
## 10670  0.084967140 -0.108851430
## 10671 -0.117542740 -0.008165836
## 10672 -0.879125600 -0.479792600
## 10673 -0.145581250 -0.198970800
## 10674 -0.121528150  0.051848410
## 10675  0.021310807 -0.045885324
## 10676 -0.122133730 -0.030176640
## 10677  0.065035820  0.069045070
## 10678  0.130695820  0.000000000
## 10679 -0.038614273 -0.011047363
## 10680 -0.067049500  0.098283290
## 10681  0.164760590  0.063151360
## 10682 -0.168182370  1.017657800
## 10683 -0.127019400 -0.403563500
## 10684  1.128565800  0.309506900
## 10685 -0.095239640  0.011177063
## 10686  0.166035650 -0.129107950
## 10687  0.013007641  0.136779310
## 10688 -0.013886452  0.103414060
## 10689 -0.307357800 -0.117691520
## 10690  0.000000000  0.076744560
## 10691  0.025233507 -0.122307541
## 10692  0.149969580  0.032170773
## 10693  0.023048400  0.136705400
## 10694 -0.029350280 -0.066192630
## 10695 -0.017866135  0.028771400
## 10696  0.048080444  0.000000000
## 10697 -0.009984493 -0.052505493
## 10698  0.000000000  0.019882202
## 10699 -0.008414269  0.088249680
## 10700  0.054658890 -0.015269756
## 10701  0.274842740  0.173183920
## 10702 -0.039890290  0.061124325
## 10703  0.030211449  0.040575027
## 10704 -0.132579800 -0.216103080
## 10705  0.395051960  0.057674885
## 10706 -0.001783848  0.000000000
## 10707 -0.025686264  0.045469284
## 10708 -0.042394160  0.056347370
## 10709  0.010959148  0.227701190
## 10710  0.082442760 -0.073913574
## 10711  0.031140804 -0.029403210
## 10712 -0.083657740 -0.095186230
## 10713  0.027923584  0.074585440
## 10714  0.101652620  0.801529900
## 10715  0.114182470  0.115056515
## 10716  0.030128956  0.050720215
## 10717 -0.042441845  0.129429820
## 10718  0.462122920  0.604659100
## 10719  0.240483280  0.012429714
## 10720 -0.121964930 -0.089386460
## 10721  0.018256187  0.085573670
## 10722  0.000000000  0.378297800
## 10723 -0.102220060  0.138123512
## 10724  0.009781837  0.132132050
## 10725  0.237251760 -0.598992800
## 10726 -0.641740300 -0.065069200
## 10727  0.037020206 -0.115484240
## 10728  0.091974260 -0.047074795
## 10729 -0.164670944 -0.211084047
## 10730 -0.004671097  0.248909950
## 10731 -0.175813670 -0.301454540
## 10732 -0.053341866 -0.162946700
## 10733 -0.238450530 -0.327059750
## 10734 -0.132927900 -0.083320140
## 10735 -0.073678020  0.246210100
## 10736 -0.141728400 -0.213118080
## 10737 -0.100765705 -0.146868230
## 10738 -0.017102718 -0.008133888
## 10739  0.395526400  0.058799267
## 10740  0.000000000 -0.023782253
## 10741  0.389620300  0.504799365
## 10742  0.264783860  0.358419420
## 10743 -0.087342260 -0.382532120
## 10744  0.443246840  0.502515800
## 10745 -0.103466990 -1.180895800
## 10746 -0.482309340 -0.606246950
## 10747  0.027541637  0.085449220
## 10748  0.468353270  0.450595860
## 10749  0.116017340  0.000000000
## 10750 -0.019395828  0.198704720
## 10751 -0.226080900 -0.541647900
## 10752 -0.099889755 -0.434423450
## 10753  0.382072450  0.401058200
## 10754  0.363363270  0.392618180
## 10755 -0.038115980  0.013375759
## 10756 -0.210782290  0.065221547
## 10757 -0.570417400 -0.420749200
## 10758  0.228996280  0.252894400
## 10759  0.024364471 -0.039521217
## 10760 -0.068818570 -0.031648160
## 10761  0.422300820  0.269824500
## 10762 -0.192474840  0.031375885
## 10763 -0.136006830 -0.340979100
## 10764 -0.169507030 -0.315608020
## 10765  0.170415400  0.664546000
## 10766  0.018819332 -0.079186440
## 10767 -0.024514198 -0.170903680
## 10768 -0.078869340  0.069334510
## 10769  0.000000000 -0.629269100
## 10770 -0.316146850 -0.702091200
## 10771  0.332402700 -0.062385560
## 10772 -0.186791900 -0.206496240
## 10773  0.000000000 -0.143483160
## 10774  0.014942646  0.076228140
## 10775  0.113516810 -0.941955100
## 10776  1.305129000  1.086861600
## 10777 -0.236730100  0.169378760
## 10778  0.113174915 -0.060087204
## 10779 -0.299841400  0.282002450
## 10780  0.008934975  0.009169102
## 10781  0.003906250  0.128433230
## 10782  0.511941430  0.689085500
## 10783 -0.013134003  0.156172280
## 10784 -0.095404150  0.175835130
## 10785 -0.165673730  0.204792020
## 10786  0.058939455  0.028760910
## 10787 -0.082280636  0.074257374
## 10788 -0.118351940  0.025219917
## 10789 -0.140642640 -0.266461370
## 10790  0.112610340  0.222818850
## 10791  0.153183460 -0.023985386
## 10792  0.014900684  0.132294180
## 10793 -0.129163740  0.106804370
## 10794  0.012176514 -0.084278110
## 10795  0.682616230  0.287605300
## 10796  0.512813100  0.105923650
## 10797  0.138429160 -0.388357160
## 10798  0.293267730  0.213548180
## 10799 -0.224683760  0.389995570
## 10800 -0.383984100  0.117006780
## 10801 -0.363565440 -0.806818960
## 10802  0.090283870 -0.234970100
## 10803  0.144764900  0.079921720
## 10804  0.059051037 -0.032067300
## 10805 -0.086402890 -0.076195720
## 10806 -0.402153020 -0.229267120
## 10807 -0.018382072  0.084135056
## 10808  0.123823640  0.524756430
## 10809 -0.335472580  0.023380280
## 10810 -0.264930730  0.067647934
## 10811  0.318686000 -0.058034420
## 10812 -0.243525500  0.558300000
## 10813 -0.030233860 -0.002210140
## 10814  0.296010970 -0.022949696
## 10815 -0.484375480  0.220861430
## 10816 -0.593527800 -0.264276500
## 10817  0.094438076  0.237946990
## 10818  0.110700610 -0.003715992
## 10819  0.148106580  0.020368576
## 10820 -0.117447850 -0.032473087
## 10821 -0.041232110 -0.320609100
## 10822 -0.151601310  0.177897450
## 10823 -0.026430607  0.057579040
## 10824 -0.161639210  0.073414800
## 10825  0.023748398  0.058122158
## 10826  0.054658890  0.053494453
## 10827  0.000143000  0.012532711
## 10828 -0.223453520 -0.198864940
## 10829 -0.523613900  0.146671300
## 10830 -0.290613655 -0.191535711
## 10831  0.060213090 -0.123824120
## 10832 -0.095463750 -0.040381430
## 10833 -0.499513630 -0.241923810
## 10834 -0.107350350 -0.184620860
## 10835 -0.137802120 -0.321078780
## 10836  0.131837840 -0.103419304
## 10837 -0.018266678 -0.047794342
## 10838 -0.594949700 -0.364632600
## 10839 -0.010106087  0.070119860
## 10840 -0.254022600  0.040760517
## 10841  0.117922306 -0.142362120
## 10842  0.083595276 -0.024718285
## 10843  0.068106650  0.205454350
## 10844  0.139700890  0.201058390
## 10845 -0.012741566  0.107785700
## 10846 -0.108574392 -0.455792425
## 10847 -0.857740400 -0.582298300
## 10848 -0.478353980  0.144447330
## 10849  0.819413200  1.423719400
## 10850 -0.236037250 -0.224620340
## 10851 -0.265543940 -0.194175240
## 10852 -0.348304750  0.040946007
## 10853  0.022281885 -0.003450632
## 10854 -0.091685295  0.061303616
## 10855 -0.169124130 -0.258769040
## 10856  0.000000000  0.026993275
## 10857  0.232321740  0.000000000
## 10858 -0.060567380 -0.147232060
## 10859 -0.121003630 -0.131122110
## 10860 -0.183293340 -0.011151314
## 10861  0.240075110  0.169198990
## 10862  0.212412830  0.308416840
## 10863  0.067375660 -0.005080700
## 10864  0.030961990  0.025081635
## 10865 -1.072888400 -0.723579400
## 10866  0.026370765 -0.518122195
## 10867 -0.077796936 -0.086030010
## 10868  0.195403580  0.088923930
## 10869 -0.046360970  0.000000000
## 10870  0.583736400  0.624425900
## 10871  0.193510060 -0.049428463
## 10872 -0.114715100  0.048154830
## 10873  0.371033670 -0.226326940
## 10874 -0.068436146 -0.004366875
## 10875 -0.484921460  0.307515140
## 10876 -0.064651010 -0.032332420
## 10877  0.140193940 -0.419465070
## 10878 -0.131929870 -0.047753810
## 10879 -0.113874435  0.000000000
## 10880 -1.028108100 -1.168343500
## 10881 -0.163841250 -0.025701046
## 10882  0.025356293  0.022743225
## 10883  0.089710950 -0.549914600
## 10884 -0.707083200 -0.670519800
## 10885 -0.060385227  0.102371690
## 10886  0.000617000 -0.010207653
## 10887  0.291547300 -0.149805070
## 10888 -0.010593257  0.194391090
## 10889 -0.335734370  0.109201430
## 10890 -0.020476341  0.110910890
## 10891 -0.087419030 -0.060236454
## 10892 -0.045321465  0.000000000
## 10893  0.042316437  0.020305157
## 10894  0.111671925  0.124796870
## 10895 -0.005092144  0.117422580
## 10896  0.011652470 -0.282037260
## 10897  0.000000000 -0.046360970
## 10898 -0.187738420  0.000000000
## 10899  0.138131620  0.041881560
## 10900  0.008498669  0.151754860
## 10901  0.005446434 -0.042966366
## 10902  0.113289356  0.224328040
## 10903 -0.020349503 -0.047739983
## 10904  0.000000000  0.136573310
## 10905  0.327336300  0.015261650
## 10906 -0.045342922 -0.118154050
## 10907  0.000000000  0.043026447
## 10908  0.127001760  0.240486620
## 10909  0.000000000  0.259960650
## 10910  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 10911  0.015450001 -0.083556175
## 10912  0.084767818 -0.098978519
## 10913  0.055996895  0.147368430
## 10914 -0.035992385  0.058550120
## 10915  0.346545700 -0.039666653
## 10916 -0.149483200 -0.062784195
## 10917  0.064323425 -0.021082401
## 10918 -0.071148396 -0.006486416
## 10919  0.041983129  0.040209295
## 10920  0.003691196  0.067932606
## 10921 -0.111352920  0.039027214
## 10922  0.143769740 -0.024509907
## 10923 -0.164729120 -0.110361576
## 10924  0.394725320  0.617260000
## 10925 -0.007798195  0.048955917
## 10926 -0.319748880 -0.607936860
## 10927 -0.190184600  0.136966700
## 10928 -0.518878460  0.051117420
## 10929 -0.245385170 -0.049130917
## 10930 -0.615770800 -0.155361180
## 10931 -0.274004940 -0.172015190
## 10932  0.709402100  0.556025500
## 10933 -0.481755495 -0.905308700
## 10934 -0.155666350 -0.234714030
## 10935  0.096144676 -0.304953100
## 10936 -0.408969880  0.000000000
## 10937  0.000000000 -0.255323400
## 10938 -0.625028600 -1.201017900
## 10939  0.041600705 -0.337323665
## 10940 -0.087734220 -0.066139220
## 10941 -0.949373000  0.188139910
## 10942 -0.054452420 -0.262772560
## 10943 -0.102027890 -0.052594185
## 10944  0.138055800 -0.223808290
## 10945  0.279903900 -0.219822880
## 10946  0.090670586 -0.366644860
## 10947  0.154267310 -0.235364440
## 10948  0.112300396 -0.131023400
## 10949  0.061243057 -0.242110250
## 10950  0.432381630  0.227524760
## 10951  0.039878370  0.157265660
## 10952 -0.315398220 -0.625932700
## 10953  0.091856480  0.224042420
## 10954 -0.486926560 -0.532333400
## 10955 -0.559363125 -0.667922730
## 10956 -0.296002400 -0.190649990
## 10957  0.352597240 -0.385870930
## 10958 -0.413984780 -0.021098137
## 10959  0.000000000  0.465337750
## 10960 -0.007959366  0.000000000
## 10961 -0.174958945 -0.666827910
## 10962 -0.172913550  0.090576175
## 10963 -0.485780720  0.000000000
## 10964 -0.520875930 -0.181399350
## 10965 -0.253246775 -0.759500280
## 10966 -0.370962140 -0.340602870
## 10967 -0.101844790 -0.255721570
## 10968 -0.419979100 -0.243954660
## 10969 -0.005105019  0.303748130
## 10970 -0.176955220  0.226887230
## 10971 -0.325155260  0.010420799
## 10972 -0.008082390 -1.095448000
## 10973 -0.107272150 -0.008548737
## 10974 -0.009875298 -0.082680225
## 10975 -0.029126167 -0.435357100
## 10976  0.151092530 -0.246442800
## 10977  0.374279980  0.046425820
## 10978  0.189049720  0.376058580
## 10979 -0.252277370 -0.136877060
## 10980  0.019698143  0.044329166
## 10981 -0.175477030 -0.514145850
## 10982 -0.581104300 -0.134391780
## 10983 -1.103027300 -0.295623780
## 10984 -0.355124470 -0.211889270
## 10985  0.027571678 -0.328131200
## 10986 -0.468641760 -0.157142640
## 10987 -0.008645058  0.501055240
## 10988  0.048942566 -0.183430670
## 10989 -0.038655998 -0.067163468
## 10990  0.077064514 -0.072028160
## 10991 -0.522395610 -0.488879680
## 10992 -0.109923360 -0.103836540
## 10993 -0.253998760 -0.447766300
## 10994 -0.459713455 -0.274430510
## 10995  0.178000925  0.001755713
## 10996 -0.156558510  0.595302600
## 10997  0.352526660  0.000000000
## 10998 -0.473935600  0.043868065
## 10999  0.279156683 -0.040563820
## 11000  0.071910860  0.012298584
## 11001  0.164653540  0.332703350
## 11002  0.022674084  0.073242664
## 11003 -0.130812640 -0.067501070
## 11004 -0.066322800 -0.071864605
## 11005 -0.088899610  0.137918950
## 11006 -0.040651320  0.019560337
## 11007  0.000000000  0.228001600
## 11008 -0.081298350  0.077977660
## 11009 -0.075365540 -0.008060932
## 11010  0.006290436  0.081547740
## 11011  0.000000000 -0.053660870
## 11012 -0.071977140 -0.112959385
## 11013  0.170834060  0.051383972
## 11014  0.376746650 -0.351796630
## 11015 -0.144054890  0.000000000
## 11016 -0.044285297 -0.175122740
## 11017 -0.073654175 -0.029918194
## 11018 -0.044360160 -0.260425100
## 11019 -0.062191010  0.042068960
## 11020  0.087913510  0.575417500
## 11021 -0.260551450 -0.260922430
## 11022 -0.013311386  0.087992670
## 11023 -0.053670882 -0.035476445
## 11024 -0.094600680 -0.007151127
## 11025 -0.116688730  0.000000000
## 11026 -0.083822730 -0.452795030
## 11027 -0.002275467  0.048666000
## 11028 -0.194759370  0.000000000
## 11029 -0.412389760 -0.171678540
## 11030  0.000000000 -0.010213375
## 11031 -0.315309520 -0.047069550
## 11032  0.331560850  0.168805840
## 11033 -0.224891660 -0.020889282
## 11034  0.499477400 -0.094944000
## 11035 -0.156045440 -0.294100760
## 11036  0.373873230 -0.000718000
## 11037 -0.081465005  0.055432080
## 11038 -0.028853416  0.072597500
## 11039  1.136223300  0.540714740
## 11040  0.202173230  0.241831780
## 11041 -0.193400860 -0.217163090
## 11042 -0.163908480 -0.109698296
## 11043 -0.602100850 -0.036642075
## 11044 -0.125968930 -0.227634900
## 11045  0.599809170  0.438464640
## 11046  0.077132700  0.443522450
## 11047 -0.014986515 -0.092614650
## 11048  0.113772870  0.000955000
## 11049  0.021893978  0.067255500
## 11050 -0.328765400  0.128808020
## 11051  0.300584320  0.100230220
## 11052  0.132338050 -0.127821450
## 11053  0.142986770  0.104241850
## 11054 -0.793930530 -0.964787500
## 11055 -1.570566200 -1.031232800
## 11056  0.215629100 -0.019813060
## 11057  0.078576090 -0.044379234
## 11058  0.395915030  0.153727530
## 11059  0.009222985  0.143826965
## 11060 -0.512577060  0.432303900
## 11061  0.022405148 -0.035349846
## 11062 -0.026663303  0.000000000
## 11063 -0.189172270 -0.143733500
## 11064  0.195205690 -0.875623200
## 11065  0.518516540  0.694689750
## 11066 -0.689978600 -0.359186165
## 11067  0.104721546 -0.364242550
## 11068  0.230485920 -0.079809190
## 11069 -0.551030160 -0.094802860
## 11070 -0.156492230  0.524854660
## 11071  0.071726800 -0.084927080
## 11072 -0.384696480 -0.483373170
## 11073 -0.036530495  0.322047230
## 11074 -0.076524734 -0.243262290
## 11075 -0.196341510 -0.182341580
## 11076 -0.004819870 -0.032913208
## 11077 -0.894494530 -0.641530500
## 11078 -0.460518360 -0.654954900
## 11079 -0.299017900 -0.237265590
## 11080 -0.485902800 -0.173217300
## 11081  0.006952763 -0.053911210
## 11082  0.005567074 -0.106657030
## 11083 -0.165073870  0.025372982
## 11084 -0.283885480  0.051230907
## 11085 -0.106910210  0.896079770
## 11086 -0.040326355 -0.174643995
## 11087 -1.325185300 -0.213828090
## 11088 -0.232711790 -0.065976140
## 11089  0.154502870 -0.189527510
## 11090  0.084651710  0.092711925
## 11091 -0.046497820 -0.087380410
## 11092 -0.795394400 -0.295037270
## 11093 -0.451382160  0.033191204
## 11094  0.652277950  0.977641100
## 11095 -0.055645466  0.028950214
## 11096  0.366333000  0.212142940
## 11097 -0.206873900 -0.029810905
## 11098  0.011518478 -0.206965920
## 11099 -0.152612690 -0.029716492
## 11100  0.045890808  0.346941950
## 11101  0.216877940 -0.191618920
## 11102 -0.093211174  0.112162110
## 11103  0.427962780  0.000000000
## 11104  0.000000000  0.090921880
## 11105 -0.002926827 -0.002926827
## 11106  0.210068230 -0.260095600
## 11107  0.050960540 -0.190028190
## 11108 -0.307256700  0.000000000
## 11109 -0.086400986 -0.040343285
## 11110 -0.123458860  0.267046930
## 11111 -0.271615500 -0.188292500
## 11112  0.091039660  0.206728940
## 11113  0.018453598 -0.283024300
## 11114  0.796501160  0.516814230
## 11115  0.599643230  0.603377800
## 11116  0.040903570 -0.211081500
## 11117  0.111799240 -0.174152370
## 11118 -0.056351660  0.104203700
## 11119  0.012485027 -0.092514990
## 11120 -0.061432840 -0.168581010
## 11121 -0.131438260 -0.561745170
## 11122 -0.136717320 -0.075861454
## 11123  0.027359962 -0.090349674
## 11124  0.039283276  0.181195740
## 11125  0.004530430 -0.015140534
## 11126 -0.155123230  0.000000000
## 11127 -0.216443060 -0.023583889
## 11128 -0.141540050 -0.007091045
## 11129 -0.011441708 -0.008208275
## 11130 -0.026220798 -0.016550540
## 11131 -0.161660200 -0.225420480
## 11132 -0.131792550  0.263987060
## 11133 -0.008103848  0.094873905
## 11134  0.013898373 -0.003735542
## 11135 -0.060122725  0.010882378
## 11136  0.038673878 -0.031083584
## 11137  0.318219660  0.001290798
## 11138 -0.095218660 -0.089232920
## 11139 -0.057878970  0.022987843
## 11140  0.056026460 -0.022715569
## 11141  0.019557953  0.009667873
## 11142  0.000916402  0.023496857
## 11143 -0.075088024  0.003283978
## 11144  0.020618916 -0.013598919
## 11145  0.013657093  0.046371937
## 11146 -0.026046753 -0.158230300
## 11147 -0.021741390  0.049191950
## 11148  0.008321285  0.014285564
## 11149 -0.055580616 -0.120928764
## 11150  0.202773570  0.419264320
## 11151 -0.014688015  0.024749756
## 11152  0.455558780  1.171696700
## 11153  0.000000000 -0.151319500
## 11154 -0.126411910 -0.131497860
## 11155 -0.006092548  0.110095980
## 11156 -0.270406250 -0.592879300
## 11157  0.024556637 -0.232365610
## 11158 -0.016499520  0.000000000
## 11159  0.029870033  0.000000000
## 11160 -0.010570526 -0.009722710
## 11161  0.717399600  0.601673600
## 11162  0.002485275 -0.065584180
## 11163  0.032840730 -0.066120150
## 11164  0.354572300  0.618726730
## 11165  0.454285145 -0.054663180
## 11166  0.313451770  0.075412750
## 11167 -0.175954820 -0.039037945
## 11168  1.933804500  1.791834800
## 11169  0.000000000  0.090804100
## 11170  0.000000000  0.076292990
## 11171  0.262975700 -0.137853620
## 11172 -0.065233710 -0.185902120
## 11173  0.255351540 -0.335906030
## 11174 -0.190292840  0.016743660
## 11175  0.030521393  0.036556720
## 11176  0.483882430  0.341743950
## 11177 -0.091740610  0.129783630
## 11178  0.000189543 -0.039228202
## 11179 -0.587368970  0.072079180
## 11180 -0.225056650  0.000000000
## 11181  0.430221560  0.142491340
## 11182  0.002713203 -0.015023708
## 11183  0.060945034  0.154226300
## 11184  0.732758050  0.242256640
## 11185 -0.056947708 -0.009442806
## 11186  0.919310570  0.000000000
## 11187  0.158842090  0.239809040
## 11188 -0.102134228 -0.096043113
## 11189 -0.180324550 -0.556126600
## 11190  0.058313847  0.025475025
## 11191  0.094156740  0.158598420
## 11192  0.596396450 -0.057361126
## 11193 -0.113662720 -0.217566010
## 11194  0.805625900  0.863878250
## 11195  1.286282100  0.455617430
## 11196  0.061599730 -0.018819332
## 11197 -0.092195034  0.000885000
## 11198 -0.032868385  0.012230873
## 11199  0.061626910  0.031976223
## 11200  0.087969300  0.060603140
## 11201  0.000183000  0.036861420
## 11202  2.659854000  1.471870400
## 11203  0.722328410  0.410574675
## 11204  0.108010290  0.073774340
## 11205 -0.007878304  0.141527650
## 11206  0.026868350  0.749847880
## 11207  0.148858550 -0.092179775
## 11208 -0.028382778  0.017338753
## 11209  0.131744380  0.070176125
## 11210  0.041402817 -0.027443886
## 11211  4.821808300  5.016636400
## 11212  2.315059700  2.257437700
## 11213  1.044247600 -0.734345900
## 11214  0.210122585  0.120033105
## 11215  0.034401894  0.062946320
## 11216  0.740345500 -0.006191731
## 11217  1.474271300  0.000000000
## 11218 -0.172601700  0.279196740
## 11219  0.227439400  0.040024280
## 11220 -0.192122940  0.018790722
## 11221  0.144786830 -0.091310024
## 11222  0.022656918 -0.010627270
## 11223  0.000000000  0.034673214
## 11224  0.265017500 -0.050563812
## 11225  1.669286700  1.705236400
## 11226 -0.088012695  0.125352380
## 11227  0.000000000  0.133301730
## 11228  0.886253830  0.892898100
## 11229  0.292930173  0.107567710
## 11230  0.000000000  0.021095276
## 11231 -0.113827705  0.095354080
## 11232  1.190719600  1.189514200
## 11233  0.645928400  0.623164200
## 11234  0.773627280  0.498818385
## 11235  0.261601450  0.183459280
## 11236  0.258740430 -0.291599270
## 11237 -0.036278725  0.157699580
## 11238 -0.192376610 -0.009216309
## 11239 -0.014896393 -0.021698952
## 11240  0.030241490  0.068584920
## 11241 -0.510077000 -0.955420000
## 11242 -0.008022785  0.163784030
## 11243  0.014328003 -0.043629646
## 11244  0.268571850 -0.052705765
## 11245 -0.044908047  0.354148400
## 11246  0.072388170 -0.007239819
## 11247 -0.321970644 -0.346453739
## 11248  0.266972540  0.404837600
## 11249 -0.035710097  0.099262478
## 11250  0.270324700  0.369332800
## 11251  0.000013800  0.009561539
## 11252 -0.301507470 -0.743172170
## 11253 -0.008166313  0.080900190
## 11254  1.217967500  0.434808250
## 11255  0.217171670  0.280818000
## 11256 -0.212180610  0.109574795
## 11257  0.177188870  0.357470500
## 11258 -0.071853640  0.065365314
## 11259  1.753254400  0.641005500
## 11260  0.000000000 -0.130441190
## 11261 -0.007863998  0.138400550
## 11262  0.018487215 -0.015319109
## 11263  0.140933040 -0.040673733
## 11264  0.068374160  0.033553600
## 11265 -0.217515470 -0.168705460
## 11266  0.148329730 -0.138014800
## 11267 -0.085953710 -0.029706955
## 11268 -0.066431520  0.031616688
## 11269  1.243990900  1.452431200
## 11270 -0.150157930 -0.194715500
## 11271 -0.070827484  0.021549702
## 11272  0.188069820 -0.357643370
## 11273  0.146699900 -0.126616480
## 11274  0.000000000  0.041917800
## 11275 -0.102718350  0.076857570
## 11276 -0.419219500 -0.766408440
## 11277 -0.338460450  0.027266026
## 11278 -0.028743744  0.166348460
## 11279  0.175486560  0.510675900
## 11280 -0.164013860 -0.080349920
## 11281 -0.529830000 -0.995313170
## 11282 -0.297564980 -0.343541620
## 11283 -0.067914010  0.008733273
## 11284  0.084563255 -0.007349968
## 11285  0.504164700  1.304650300
## 11286  0.257821085 -0.382946250
## 11287 -0.023558140  0.366280080
## 11288  0.089027405 -0.358820920
## 11289 -0.101554870 -0.153732300
## 11290  0.085647580 -0.175974850
## 11291 -0.012306690 -0.122474670
## 11292  0.312122340  0.298438070
## 11293 -0.270417200 -0.266718860
## 11294 -0.510609600 -0.093601230
## 11295  0.155686380  0.743729100
## 11296 -0.011901379  0.058370590
## 11297 -0.046018124  0.000000000
## 11298  0.254506100  0.344923020
## 11299 -0.333130360  0.323265080
## 11300 -1.261842300 -1.214016000
## 11301  0.000000000  0.284325600
## 11302 -0.139174940 -0.006513596
## 11303  0.006981373 -0.255329130
## 11304 -0.010483740 -0.343819615
## 11305 -0.019790650  0.024049282
## 11306  0.184342380  0.137217520
## 11307 -0.302383420 -1.215703000
## 11308  0.000000000  0.016928196
## 11309  0.200722700  0.155180930
## 11310  0.000000000  0.150396820
## 11311 -0.409229760 -0.304002290
## 11312 -0.305011750 -0.297229770
## 11313 -0.023116589 -0.401765350
## 11314  0.194433210  0.139907840
## 11315 -0.085723400  0.112915990
## 11316  0.573941230 -0.047327995
## 11317 -0.101491450  0.210278510
## 11318 -0.400630470 -0.289374830
## 11319  0.166697980  0.012269974
## 11320 -0.425643920  0.906312000
## 11321  0.093766210  0.155020710
## 11322  0.002295971 -0.055446148
## 11323 -0.151812550 -0.064223290
## 11324 -0.055594444 -0.131079670
## 11325 -0.574641700 -0.124392510
## 11326  0.004180908 -0.203123570
## 11327 -0.165637500 -0.102483750
## 11328 -0.159885885 -1.060221700
## 11329  0.558142200 -0.590290550
## 11330 -0.087282180 -0.183104520
## 11331  0.019859314  0.118034360
## 11332 -0.136295320  0.000000000
## 11333  0.138056760  0.058595657
## 11334 -0.159912590  0.224366190
## 11335  0.151091100  0.292467120
## 11336 -0.205170150  0.042478085
## 11337 -0.019522667 -0.278504850
## 11338 -0.206609250 -0.062230110
## 11339 -0.020725250  0.000083400
## 11340 -0.185576440 -0.075433730
## 11341  0.313047900 -0.253474240
## 11342  0.000000000 -0.036184788
## 11343 -0.555840500 -0.018413544
## 11344  0.102549550  0.154617310
## 11345 -0.064219000 -0.164790630
## 11346 -0.500365485 -0.172639605
## 11347  0.001000000  0.047325134
## 11348  0.004661560  0.162682060
## 11349 -0.011844635 -0.025321960
## 11350 -0.460318100 -0.172508240
## 11351  0.080819130  0.057503223
## 11352  0.573559760 -0.313094620
## 11353  0.015346527 -0.016211033
## 11354 -0.015390873  0.239034180
## 11355 -0.323769570  0.243236540
## 11356  0.451998235  0.512532710
## 11357 -0.132361410 -0.115646840
## 11358  2.731611300  2.842188000
## 11359  0.149405957  0.134329160
## 11360  0.375272750  0.450568200
## 11361  0.972671000  0.903930175
## 11362  0.106377600  0.112418175
## 11363  0.097944260 -0.048297405
## 11364  0.044291497  0.104109050
## 11365  0.000000000 -0.133534430
## 11366  0.253243450  0.000000000
## 11367 -0.038000822  0.027778865
## 11368  0.022634983  0.026586533
## 11369  0.021829605 -0.008032322
## 11370 -0.309155460  0.004839420
## 11371 -0.414711950 -0.381912230
## 11372 -0.162457470 -0.551750200
## 11373  0.164624210 -0.347840800
## 11374 -0.422235970 -0.245203500
## 11375  0.140971180  0.439074520
## 11376 -0.061218740  0.353891850
## 11377 -0.485418320  0.332353600
## 11378 -0.061795235  0.156441690
## 11379  0.401047230  0.015122891
## 11380 -0.822107300 -0.752548700
## 11381 -0.129049780 -0.050559520
## 11382 -0.193757540  0.155893325
## 11383  0.116784096  0.031470300
## 11384  0.437305450  0.328095440
## 11385  1.001571875  0.343705890
## 11386  0.014297485  0.044485092
## 11387 -0.178668500  0.016984463
## 11388 -0.048372030  0.411953695
## 11389  0.067070484  0.346832750
## 11390 -0.165247920  0.048428535
## 11391 -0.084909915  0.000690698
## 11392 -0.025932312 -0.080296520
## 11393 -0.136291030  0.158020500
## 11394 -0.497931000 -0.025123596
## 11395 -0.120615005  0.109145164
## 11396  0.328450200  0.252560620
## 11397 -0.531219960 -0.382101540
## 11398  0.190234180 -0.335892200
## 11399  0.130017280  0.034056664
## 11400 -0.362732900 -0.469024180
## 11401  0.193662640  0.072813990
## 11402  0.319303500 -0.014655113
## 11403  0.139842030 -0.026839733
## 11404  0.909282700  1.258491500
## 11405  0.124242306  0.067206380
## 11406  0.007951260 -0.115349290
## 11407 -0.283819200 -0.192296980
## 11408 -0.193238740  0.213708400
## 11409  0.264412400 -0.407795900
## 11410  0.196632390  0.162986760
## 11411  0.935481100  0.740388900
## 11412 -0.334232330 -0.292688370
## 11413 -0.027010918  0.024072647
## 11414  0.751922130 -0.072530270
## 11415 -0.009265423 -0.151634700
## 11416 -0.060325146 -0.318974020
## 11417 -0.033350468 -0.203668600
## 11418  0.016557217  0.017786980
## 11419  0.798618300  0.446093560
## 11420  0.241926200  0.975129100
## 11421  0.014790535 -0.360751150
## 11422 -0.054308414 -0.053547860
## 11423 -0.485293870 -0.472412600
## 11424 -0.011263847  0.223488330
## 11425  0.121427536 -0.016625881
## 11426 -0.004690170  0.059354305
## 11427  0.063273430 -0.460609440
## 11428 -0.165382390 -0.156222340
## 11429 -0.422598840 -0.256230355
## 11430 -0.292480470 -0.311429020
## 11431  0.169539450 -0.243418700
## 11432  0.138848300 -0.147833820
## 11433 -0.315209400  0.056550980
## 11434 -0.031262398 -0.131635670
## 11435  0.955595970  0.485884200
## 11436 -0.033705710 -0.105612755
## 11437 -0.135252000  0.054511070
## 11438  0.056401730 -0.079069614
## 11439  0.164179800 -0.017040253
## 11440 -0.488540650 -0.383506770
## 11441 -0.056193353 -0.212594990
## 11442 -0.449828150  0.351511000
## 11443 -0.106912610 -0.161444660
## 11444 -0.350112920 -0.089324950
## 11445 -0.104720116 -0.045827866
## 11446 -0.175558090 -0.237981320
## 11447  0.023941994 -0.098146440
## 11448  0.061038017 -0.472471240
## 11449 -0.207360270 -0.101136210
## 11450  0.090624808 -0.082367180
## 11451  0.108246330 -0.334799300
## 11452 -0.636028770 -0.328012470
## 11453  0.065973758 -0.217928405
## 11454 -0.076696158 -0.079779625
## 11455 -0.319877620 -0.613701800
## 11456  0.014135361 -0.247454640
## 11457 -0.419123650 -0.402507780
## 11458  0.221140860  0.096163750
## 11459 -0.002057314 -0.226959230
## 11460  0.053233147  0.105111120
## 11461  0.108118060 -0.165691380
## 11462 -0.049558640 -0.068953514
## 11463 -0.043528080 -0.130246640
## 11464 -0.527237900 -0.620291700
## 11465 -0.334994800 -0.251786720
## 11466 -0.262809750 -0.655025500
## 11467 -0.154015060  0.070622444
## 11468  0.317495350 -0.315652850
## 11469  0.253760340  0.495950700
## 11470 -0.028875351 -0.341279980
## 11471 -0.166306500 -0.371578220
## 11472  0.000000000  0.094475746
## 11473  0.963784200  1.368072520
## 11474  0.000000000  0.022872925
## 11475  0.000000000 -0.014024735
## 11476  0.024555206 -0.006573200
## 11477  0.185129640 -0.147913460
## 11478 -0.400589470 -0.311575900
## 11479  0.333528520 -0.496243950
## 11480  0.156693460  0.183383940
## 11481  0.301154600  0.592836860
## 11482 -0.234702110 -0.124090195
## 11483  0.672447200  0.678362850
## 11484  0.000000000 -0.176624770
## 11485 -0.026456833  0.084459780
## 11486 -0.043700220 -0.013070583
## 11487 -0.020834923 -0.048688890
## 11488 -0.069666860 -0.231348990
## 11489  0.043280125 -0.085851670
## 11490  0.113711360 -0.203596590
## 11491 -0.348251340  0.129180910
## 11492  0.101021290 -0.042371273
## 11493 -0.049474716  0.008630276
## 11494  0.251839160 -0.197407720
## 11495  0.016704560 -0.181849480
## 11496 -0.086740494  0.000653000
## 11497  0.616665840  0.912849900
## 11498  0.230908400  0.137053490
## 11499  0.005247116 -0.009220600
## 11500  0.109716415 -0.069399830
## 11501 -0.024687767  0.233092310
## 11502  0.120958805  0.152929300
## 11503 -0.062451840 -0.272546300
## 11504  0.169533730 -0.009455681
## 11505  0.126240250  0.058403492
## 11506 -0.010615826 -0.062838554
## 11507  0.120365140  0.159113880
## 11508 -0.040148735  0.000000000
## 11509  0.014081955  0.534233100
## 11510  1.023106100  2.326203300
## 11511  1.316926000  1.650501300
## 11512  0.538450700 -0.050387383
## 11513 -0.089717865 -0.088731766
## 11514 -0.069824696  0.107827660
## 11515 -0.016374111  0.076263905
## 11516 -0.018903255  0.028321743
## 11517 -0.078374860  0.361799720
## 11518 -0.061326027  0.124525070
## 11519 -0.084856030  0.038236618
## 11520  0.274824383  0.174406050
## 11521  0.456522000 -0.707233900
## 11522 -0.310855870 -0.705225940
## 11523 -0.092346190  0.230009080
## 11524  0.017894268 -0.110264300
## 11525  0.048164845  0.062645910
## 11526  0.015397072  0.053730965
## 11527 -0.040299416  0.000000000
## 11528 -0.111878870  0.078651905
## 11529  0.018495083  0.034515380
## 11530  0.173882010  0.012196541
## 11531  1.215205700  1.143613300
## 11532  0.285999300  0.690975200
## 11533  0.422710420  0.294116970
## 11534  0.018044472  0.000000000
## 11535 -0.107788086 -0.009765625
## 11536  0.016833305  0.000000000
## 11537  0.091452600  0.142194750
## 11538  0.277922630  0.033838750
## 11539  0.031219960 -0.640879150
## 11540 -0.396996500 -0.118916510
## 11541  0.221184730 -0.099689010
## 11542 -0.083354950 -0.229385380
## 11543  0.522096630  0.420983300
## 11544  0.246987340  0.069133760
## 11545  0.037971973  0.284806250
## 11546  0.391536725  0.364017500
## 11547  0.267787935  0.276221755
## 11548  0.094384195 -0.038914443
## 11549 -0.804071900 -0.307306770
## 11550  0.540141100  0.347738270
## 11551  0.241702080 -0.001889229
## 11552  0.079717160  0.220824240
## 11553 -0.486297600  0.900555600
## 11554 -0.324619770  0.110187050
## 11555 -0.181651590 -0.074048996
## 11556 -0.334151270  0.035195350
## 11557  0.194392200  0.000000000
## 11558 -0.090814590  0.282058720
## 11559  0.110497475 -0.248167040
## 11560 -0.162488940 -0.452692030
## 11561  0.114846228 -0.509897475
## 11562  0.079342840 -0.002490997
## 11563 -0.158574423  0.024102210
## 11564 -0.095469475  0.192291260
## 11565 -0.376360900  0.108134270
## 11566 -0.341546770  0.224030495
## 11567 -0.101828100 -0.052277565
## 11568 -0.046998024  0.339530940
## 11569 -0.008173466 -0.154831890
## 11570  0.000000000  0.396669860
## 11571  0.085079670 -0.110661980
## 11572 -0.227668760 -0.540899300
## 11573 -0.369910240 -0.090529440
## 11574 -0.154300690  0.115770820
## 11575 -0.330471520 -0.064370630
## 11576  0.209391120  0.086420060
## 11577  0.000000000  0.090434550
## 11578 -0.053599834  0.098897460
## 11579  0.106031420  0.095438000
## 11580  0.372752200 -0.167047980
## 11581 -0.003767014  0.000000000
## 11582 -0.074268820  0.152967930
## 11583  0.132029060  0.200810430
## 11584  0.041539459  0.027201415
## 11585  0.072172640 -0.093288420
## 11586  0.040815115 -0.029778004
## 11587  0.091722965 -0.150352000
## 11588  0.623202300 -0.200057980
## 11589  1.356747600  1.316082000
## 11590  0.864034650  0.571377750
## 11591 -0.162426000 -0.217225070
## 11592 -0.002205372  0.276270870
## 11593 -0.030224800 -0.170361520
## 11594  0.510028360  0.000000000
## 11595  0.033876420  0.120532990
## 11596  0.008677959  0.043245792
## 11597 -0.112046240  0.519668600
## 11598 -0.001052857 -0.093262198
## 11599 -0.038272380 -0.082053660
## 11600  0.000033400  0.000000000
## 11601 -0.017465115  0.041787148
## 11602 -0.070273400  0.235553740
## 11603 -0.251275060 -0.056048393
## 11604 -0.050778390  0.088206290
## 11605 -0.158102510 -0.266573430
## 11606  0.000000000 -0.032215595
## 11607 -0.180302140  0.000000000
## 11608  0.301343920  0.295682900
## 11609  0.000000000 -0.002507210
## 11610 -0.645662800 -0.387746330
## 11611  0.033114910 -0.044404507
## 11612  0.073894024 -0.023224830
## 11613  0.322323320 -0.050518513
## 11614  0.527577400 -0.155612470
## 11615 -0.068099976  0.148456100
## 11616  0.085132120 -0.108794210
## 11617 -0.260319230 -0.169967650
## 11618  0.000000000 -0.194624420
## 11619 -0.234808440  0.165422440
## 11620 -0.236257550  0.000000000
## 11621  0.000000000 -0.031800270
## 11622 -0.553702830 -0.345890050
## 11623 -0.064668655  0.068961140
## 11624 -0.001659870 -0.096456050
## 11625 -0.057920456  0.000000000
## 11626 -0.059900760  0.093076230
## 11627 -0.155085090  0.139850140
## 11628  0.178952700  0.075544360
## 11629  0.102668760 -0.072860720
## 11630  0.000000000 -0.044197083
## 11631 -0.038711548 -0.013542175
## 11632  0.054254530  0.205004220
## 11633  0.066402435  0.116658210
## 11634 -0.103286740  0.153216840
## 11635  0.185928820  0.235484120
## 11636 -0.121181010 -0.141659260
## 11637 -0.195864200 -0.076328280
## 11638  0.055157900  0.094846725
## 11639  0.568233970  0.162201400
## 11640  0.023919582  0.079366210
## 11641  0.633337000  0.158045770
## 11642 -0.105818750 -0.082063200
## 11643  0.052803516  0.002767086
## 11644 -0.093342304 -0.044611454
## 11645  0.008098277 -0.029890263
## 11646  0.015364647 -0.021271706
## 11647  0.098502636  0.047849180
## 11648  0.032848835 -0.152285100
## 11649  0.008108616 -0.140122410
## 11650 -0.035351753  0.021726608
## 11651 -0.062847614 -0.005236626
## 11652  0.059926033  0.138213160
## 11653  0.077726840  0.017519950
## 11654  0.054886340 -0.027080536
## 11655  0.000000000  0.213795190
## 11656  0.027324200  0.113089560
## 11657           NA           NA
## 11658  0.003912926 -0.017142773
## 11659  0.054641724  0.312713620
## 11660  0.032989025  0.000000000
## 11661  0.000000000 -0.024578094
## 11662  0.071176530  0.001525879
## 11663  0.096055030  0.035351276
## 11664  0.033183338 -0.035615920
## 11665  0.547335150 -0.105893135
## 11666 -0.062929152  0.000346895
## 11667 -0.167560580 -0.099174500
## 11668  0.114406586 -0.034981728
## 11669  0.034219265  0.010783196
## 11670  0.058962345 -0.190384390
## 11671 -0.312650200  0.101128580
## 11672 -0.182151320 -0.216980460
## 11673 -0.247817520 -0.464669230
## 11674 -0.273033140 -0.619122500
## 11675 -0.014822483 -0.051714420
## 11676  0.256595600  0.142170900
## 11677  0.167657380 -0.050668240
## 11678  0.000000000 -0.103002550
## 11679 -0.229622360  0.043285370
## 11680  0.000000000  0.260764120
## 11681  0.261559500  0.331311230
## 11682 -0.028468132  0.034011840
## 11683  0.019939900 -0.085657600
## 11684  0.073334694 -0.444795600
## 11685  0.341001500  0.299959180
## 11686  0.067945000 -0.052176476
## 11687 -0.004386902  0.037997246
## 11688  0.339427950  0.109027386
## 11689  0.169283390 -0.214628220
## 11690  0.114820960 -0.164136410
## 11691 -0.246605157 -0.080089810
## 11692 -0.854086900 -0.137185570
## 11693  0.000000000  0.295355800
## 11694  0.108650684 -0.019169330
## 11695  0.185378070  0.255629540
## 11696  0.041618347 -0.050237656
## 11697  0.413459780 -0.010947228
## 11698  0.130219940  0.193587300
## 11699  0.037068367  0.000000000
## 11700  0.061218260  0.057902336
## 11701 -1.150068800  0.115396980
## 11702  0.110115530 -0.150646210
## 11703  0.100342750 -0.172266000
## 11704 -0.262236600 -0.189754010
## 11705 -0.049823762 -0.033660411
## 11706  0.000000000  0.106336120
## 11707 -0.083594320 -0.005064011
## 11708  0.107916830 -0.073975560
## 11709 -0.410449500 -0.020725250
## 11710 -0.234650610 -0.100054740
## 11711  0.129300600 -0.060002804
## 11712  0.317243580  0.386281970
## 11713  0.033298492  0.068632126
## 11714 -0.126863480 -0.832757000
## 11715  0.339496600  0.342926030
## 11716  0.413344380  0.890868200
## 11717  0.257736680  0.234237200
## 11718 -0.016196250  0.428384780
## 11719 -0.267119400  0.144563670
## 11720 -0.070762634  0.183359620
## 11721  0.000000000 -0.148160460
## 11722  0.024770498 -0.134235143
## 11723  0.849490640  1.050831800
## 11724  0.407254220  0.903237340
## 11725  0.483829500  0.238504890
## 11726  0.107589720  0.788738250
## 11727  0.466983800  0.511135100
## 11728 -0.062105180 -0.078372000
## 11729 -0.058589935  0.149826530
## 11730  0.490514760  0.430541040
## 11731  0.034301758  0.104575634
## 11732  0.114389895 -0.040662052
## 11733  0.936131000  0.752819540
## 11734  0.034033775 -0.229457615
## 11735  0.355607030  0.340868000
## 11736 -0.083094120 -0.064959526
## 11737  0.045420647  0.056879520
## 11738  0.025285244 -0.075068950
## 11739  0.104672910  0.006829739
## 11740 -0.094101430  0.027982235
## 11741  0.026090622  0.207411290
## 11742 -0.001175404  0.003263474
## 11743  0.001939297  0.008738995
## 11744 -0.040743351  0.051573277
## 11745 -0.108212950 -0.065903190
## 11746  0.145233150 -0.017466545
## 11747 -0.040653706 -0.114205840
## 11748  0.089539530  0.150459770
## 11749 -0.397460460 -0.312683100
## 11750  0.281372550  0.092133045
## 11751  0.401320460 -0.328900340
## 11752  0.356678000  0.155826570
## 11753  0.586068630  0.507237430
## 11754  0.121694090 -0.118440630
## 11755  0.086306570  0.000000000
## 11756  0.052423477  0.318388940
## 11757  0.004431725  0.102449420
## 11758  0.022577763  0.034338474
## 11759 -0.279908660 -0.118442535
## 11760  0.347629070 -0.143105980
## 11761 -0.088582516 -0.109678745
## 11762 -0.052660704  0.056905984
## 11763 -0.074387070  0.164251800
## 11764 -0.156669620 -0.156340120
## 11765  0.239528660 -0.222008700
## 11766 -0.020288467 -0.018715382
## 11767 -0.226092340 -0.031461716
## 11768  0.187431340 -0.428562160
## 11769  0.508397600 -0.256365780
## 11770  3.422167300  0.108124730
## 11771  0.006430626 -0.690437800
## 11772  0.513555050  0.216436860
## 11773 -0.103050710  0.090849880
## 11774 -0.096455100  0.160225870
## 11775  0.237982750  0.321457860
## 11776  2.428967000  2.313101300
## 11777  0.818745600 -0.055142880
## 11778 -0.135128020  0.383277900
## 11779 -0.108321670 -0.004823685
## 11780  0.024271011  0.031913757
## 11781  0.119830130 -0.061894417
## 11782  0.152986530  0.461298940
## 11783  0.088252544 -0.069064620
## 11784 -0.017013073  0.022787094
## 11785  0.059285640  0.118077755
## 11786 -0.032537460 -0.437259670
## 11787  0.066905975 -0.108610150
## 11788 -0.003439426  0.085334300
## 11789  0.087163925 -0.020779610
## 11790  0.011211872 -0.073629380
## 11791  0.000000000 -0.127801420
## 11792  0.016125202  0.013501167
## 11793  0.083126070 -0.080965996
## 11794 -0.018850803 -1.135111800
## 11795 -0.049940110  0.000000000
## 11796  0.023276806  0.192392830
## 11797  1.774646800  1.382989900
## 11798  0.333338740  0.472914700
## 11799  0.058851242  0.255143170
## 11800 -0.200577260 -0.121403220
## 11801 -0.099334240 -0.155925270
## 11802  0.041664124  0.064720154
## 11803  0.164203170 -0.012651920
## 11804 -0.106017110  0.165499690
## 11805  0.438461780 -0.021893501
## 11806  0.000000000 -0.195417400
## 11807 -0.134881970 -0.169270040
## 11808  0.047729970 -0.041562557
## 11809  0.011037827  0.141324520
## 11810  0.073929790  0.000000000
## 11811 -0.187072280 -0.150885580
## 11812  0.056282997 -0.004177094
## 11813 -0.144904140 -0.433734900
## 11814  0.145299910 -0.023146152
## 11815 -0.604325300  0.785176300
## 11816 -0.017578125 -0.063591960
## 11817  0.000000000  0.347577100
## 11818 -0.118396280  0.000000000
## 11819  0.307269570  0.000000000
## 11820 -0.160956380 -0.028277874
## 11821  0.042804240 -0.052964687
## 11822  0.468606000  0.194361690
## 11823  0.524887100  0.676959040
## 11824  0.325162900  0.118617060
## 11825 -0.078849157  0.379989307
## 11826 -0.040216445  0.130539415
## 11827  0.023501396  0.000000000
## 11828  0.028273106 -0.133262160
## 11829 -0.175636290  0.097041130
## 11830  0.094618320  0.061375140
## 11831  1.040393800  0.190952300
## 11832  0.315371040  0.335883620
## 11833 -0.133615500  0.036199093
## 11834  0.210213660 -0.093791960
## 11835  0.051855087 -0.029595852
## 11836 -0.015051365  0.000000000
## 11837  0.005116940  0.350429060
## 11838 -0.352999200 -0.816788200
## 11839 -0.027928352  0.210944180
## 11840  0.041637420  0.055295944
## 11841  1.194387000  0.440649500
## 11842  0.010195255  0.085352420
## 11843  0.386130800  0.483700755
## 11844  0.065383434 -0.028777122
## 11845  0.021846294  0.066416260
## 11846  0.793032650  0.853950500
## 11847  1.593194000  1.692604100
## 11848 -0.294257160  0.000000000
## 11849  0.172868730  0.091423035
## 11850 -0.109922885 -0.072171690
## 11851  0.085721970 -0.008445263
## 11852  0.138562205  0.074106696
## 11853 -0.061144830  0.033089160
## 11854  0.290451050 -0.023163319
## 11855  0.057145834  0.181333303
## 11856  0.137550350  0.122429850
## 11857 -0.397097600 -0.304033280
## 11858 -0.053523064 -0.318340300
## 11859  0.048088551  0.338385575
## 11860  0.725681800  0.832449440
## 11861 -0.051782130  0.037538050
## 11862  0.141048430 -0.271101950
## 11863  0.221034050  0.044699670
## 11864 -0.175394060 -0.096120360
## 11865 -0.963914900 -0.495612140
## 11866  0.084031105 -0.330735200
## 11867  0.000000000 -0.014756203
## 11868 -0.192753790 -0.213671200
## 11869 -0.229386330 -0.821486950
## 11870  0.092913630 -0.133486750
## 11871  0.272550100  0.130244730
## 11872 -0.259199140  0.326641560
## 11873 -0.067797660  0.120905400
## 11874 -0.850528700 -0.043056488
## 11875 -0.001911163  0.052511215
## 11876 -0.111827370  0.183839800
## 11877 -1.103905900 -0.365216015
## 11878  0.000000000 -0.702054000
## 11879  0.407006260 -0.044730186
## 11880  0.082208630 -0.448534500
## 11881  0.000000000 -0.262629030
## 11882 -0.119662285 -0.048616410
## 11883 -0.163335800  0.108062744
## 11884  0.091416360  0.320896150
## 11885 -0.475859170  0.055272580
## 11886  1.626553000  2.068888200
## 11887  0.016629219 -0.027099133
## 11888  0.141354560  0.299549100
## 11889  0.095099450 -0.028941154
## 11890  0.100280285  0.345874300
## 11891  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 11892  0.014868498 -0.027151108
## 11893 -0.404475700 -0.308430200
## 11894 -0.025263310  0.000000000
## 11895 -0.026026726  0.023799420
## 11896  0.066523075 -0.031904697
## 11897 -0.412662030 -0.113928795
## 11898  0.064276695  0.007522583
## 11899 -0.026217460  0.002411366
## 11900  0.091002464 -0.000530000
## 11901  1.971227600  0.963072800
## 11902  0.170516010  0.201402660
## 11903  0.063169000  0.000000000
## 11904 -0.419618600 -1.110179900
## 11905 -0.226106170  0.793561000
## 11906  0.060180664 -0.219801900
## 11907 -0.039245607 -0.203199628
## 11908 -0.325492860 -0.375754830
## 11909 -0.139041900 -0.185422420
## 11910  0.247161870 -0.064686775
## 11911  0.066861150  0.169948580
## 11912 -0.210916520 -0.222682950
## 11913  0.150484560  0.542737000
## 11914  0.037937164 -0.315827370
## 11915 -0.194202420 -0.350129130
## 11916  0.152052165  0.170160530
## 11917  0.602216700 -0.489622600
## 11918  0.999855500  0.595847130
## 11919  1.085771600  0.161976810
## 11920  0.150275707  0.188306805
## 11921  0.227948190  0.061817170
## 11922  0.025531769 -0.046015740
## 11923 -0.041854383  0.450598390
## 11924  0.054323196 -0.400264260
## 11925 -0.048472880 -0.349932200
## 11926  0.123713020  0.117831230
## 11927 -0.152410980  0.035708427
## 11928 -0.140337227 -0.359524740
## 11929 -0.315734860 -0.075770855
## 11930 -0.448974600 -1.457477350
## 11931  0.046924114 -0.183144570
## 11932  0.794274330  0.420769700
## 11933  0.326589580  0.142515180
## 11934  0.024437428  0.264497760
## 11935  1.145802500 -0.061223507
## 11936  0.009685040 -0.333270070
## 11937  0.208814620 -0.102036950
## 11938  0.033859253 -0.197834970
## 11939 -0.448522570 -0.707970600
## 11940 -0.096915245  0.236793520
## 11941 -0.011548042  0.267789840
## 11942  0.416704180 -0.040238380
## 11943  0.545473100  0.797770500
## 11944  0.095772740 -0.152916430
## 11945  0.233342170 -0.403341770
## 11946 -0.318778500 -0.532476400
## 11947  0.071640015 -0.123664856
## 11948 -0.008955002 -0.280624400
## 11949 -0.197529800 -0.499279020
## 11950  0.261228560 -0.204165460
## 11951 -0.035895348 -0.335737700
## 11952 -0.256297100 -0.080402850
## 11953 -0.085513007 -0.098022037
## 11954 -0.003272057  0.081122400
## 11955  0.086051940 -0.422007090
## 11956 -0.147201060 -0.442460060
## 11957  0.004457951 -0.236962320
## 11958  0.303523060 -0.094013214
## 11959 -0.219052310 -0.052947044
## 11960 -0.519724850 -0.258216860
## 11961 -0.080276490  0.000000000
## 11962 -0.374867440  0.063507080
## 11963 -0.296556470 -0.045874596
## 11964  0.315909400 -0.534918800
## 11965 -0.326053620  0.006652832
## 11966 -0.037867546  0.280365940
## 11967 -0.016211510 -0.050339700
## 11968 -0.063616276 -0.167902470
## 11969  0.336448670 -0.176240440
## 11970  0.950411800  1.257825900
## 11971 -0.249042990 -0.510099900
## 11972 -0.164880515 -0.326400638
## 11973 -0.214903830  0.034338950
## 11974 -0.023696900 -0.226382260
## 11975  0.000000000  0.203074460
## 11976  0.014019489 -0.041963577
## 11977  0.016429424 -0.029611110
## 11978 -0.043941975  0.080190180
## 11979  0.132411000  0.461081030
## 11980 -0.185603140 -0.207017900
## 11981  0.204418180  0.156085490
## 11982  0.530404100  0.014364243
## 11983 -0.542288800  0.000000000
## 11984  0.335320470  0.287920950
## 11985  0.065727710 -0.235169410
## 11986 -0.163930420 -0.052350998
## 11987 -0.017262936 -0.004136562
## 11988  0.000000000 -0.013279438
## 11989 -0.160963060  0.000000000
## 11990  0.052955627 -0.319087980
## 11991 -0.415334220  0.266522880
## 11992 -0.071960926  0.178043370
## 11993  0.051777840  0.076485160
## 11994  0.206642470 -0.260435880
## 11995 -0.190297130  0.109282490
## 11996 -0.032290936  0.147773740
## 11997 -0.139058590  0.000000000
## 11998 -0.400556560 -0.187422750
## 11999 -0.207242490  0.586509700
## 12000  0.188774110  0.397311700
## 12001 -0.168464660 -0.093663690
## 12002  0.058744430  0.113162994
## 12003 -0.017682076  0.065851690
## 12004  0.077048780  0.080014706
## 12005  0.053501606  0.365077020
## 12006 -0.011674881 -0.055303097
## 12007  0.876357100  1.148534800
## 12008  0.057493687  0.140083310
## 12009  0.286413670 -0.111729145
## 12010 -0.937276840 -0.912155150
## 12011  0.186635020  0.234745980
## 12012 -0.229309085 -0.252033715
## 12013  0.000000000  0.016838074
## 12014 -0.091189860 -0.061476230
## 12015  0.225383280  0.209206100
## 12016  0.009393692  0.051251410
## 12017  0.082828520  0.068749190
## 12018 -0.081215862  0.112060785
## 12019 -0.038295270 -0.064867020
## 12020 -0.056078434 -0.051082610
## 12021  0.071425915 -0.046713352
## 12022  0.001682282  0.086545470
## 12023  0.047900677 -0.053873062
## 12024  0.065667152  0.187025310
## 12025 -0.134469990 -0.034102917
## 12026 -0.226779460  0.090199470
## 12027 -0.052625180  0.013838291
## 12028  0.423825260  0.000000000
## 12029  0.137002940  0.180658340
## 12030  0.010476112  0.060228348
## 12031 -0.252650740 -0.016411304
## 12032  0.000000000 -0.138771530
## 12033 -0.280427460 -0.130155090
## 12034  0.195034980  0.065214634
## 12035  0.034613610  0.008066654
## 12036 -0.195857525  0.137594225
## 12037  0.019626617  0.024086475
## 12038  0.394988060  0.379674900
## 12039  0.530818000  0.393383030
## 12040  0.000000000  0.050705910
## 12041  0.008345127  0.028944016
## 12042 -0.060719013  0.005155087
## 12043  0.065281870  0.000000000
## 12044 -0.021514416  0.191323760
## 12045  0.047508003  0.082035065
## 12046  0.012763023 -0.282518860
## 12047 -0.110310555 -0.090214730
## 12048  0.016896248 -0.017836570
## 12049  0.289136900  0.065879820
## 12050 -0.127267840 -0.199920180
## 12051 -0.168523790  0.070878506
## 12052 -0.038881302  0.296230320
## 12053 -0.181875230 -0.261366840
## 12054 -0.046308040  0.168467040
## 12055  0.145870690  0.188294410
## 12056 -0.327057840 -0.434045800
## 12057 -0.075795650 -0.130035400
## 12058 -0.005140781 -0.109251020
## 12059 -0.000793000  0.044412613
## 12060 -0.059825897 -0.077719210
## 12061  0.000000000  0.080769060
## 12062  0.000000000 -0.047915936
## 12063 -0.002787590  0.094943050
## 12064  0.000000000 -0.032181740
## 12065  0.086620810  0.215032100
## 12066 -0.073347570  0.085002420
## 12067 -0.142663000  0.050232410
## 12068  0.142947670 -0.318537240
## 12069 -0.405749800  0.234210970
## 12070  0.000000000  0.119101050
## 12071  0.003913403 -0.125285630
## 12072  0.188968660  0.089089390
## 12073  0.067314150  0.000000000
## 12074  0.047457458 -0.045423031
## 12075  0.056270600  0.000000000
## 12076  0.147693160  0.144288540
## 12077  0.000000000 -0.150358680
## 12078  0.004445076 -0.012249947
## 12079  0.219983100  0.009249210
## 12080  0.000000000  0.027596474
## 12081 -0.021233559  0.060765743
## 12082 -0.044006348  0.129073620
## 12083  0.065441130  0.048697950
## 12084  0.035787106  0.169492240
## 12085  0.019496918 -0.124494550
## 12086  0.524504660 -0.026669980
## 12087  0.044488907 -0.061950684
## 12088 -0.052627563  0.012669086
## 12089  0.005457401  0.000000000
## 12090  0.112518310  0.012366295
## 12091  0.122262955 -0.010046005
## 12092  0.074069500 -0.062531470
## 12093  0.132723330  0.037595750
## 12094 -0.026478290 -0.042935370
## 12095 -0.007183552  0.207937240
## 12096  0.004471779  0.068712234
## 12097 -0.035663128  0.000000000
## 12098  0.116977690  0.227247710
## 12099 -0.132427690  0.571054000
## 12100  0.023576736 -0.035800934
## 12101 -0.033118248  0.025646210
## 12102  0.000000000  0.010272503
## 12103  0.032412052  0.008680820
## 12104  0.063508034  0.000000000
## 12105 -0.161685940  0.105316640
## 12106 -0.073433876  0.289410600
## 12107  0.106064800  0.017377853
## 12108  0.013734818  0.000000000
## 12109  0.015834332  0.151512620
## 12110 -0.000354000  0.015321255
## 12111  0.091226580 -0.088400364
## 12112  0.014009476 -0.020215511
## 12113 -0.042950630  0.021664143
## 12114  0.019402504  0.023516655
## 12115 -0.017987728 -0.013266087
## 12116  0.078890800 -0.005603790
## 12117  0.076667786  0.028030396
## 12118 -0.079804420  0.024031640
## 12119  0.049815655 -0.013787746
## 12120 -0.010324001  0.035310270
## 12121 -0.024423122  0.179465770
## 12122  0.017411232  0.011138439
## 12123  0.000000000 -0.027238846
## 12124  0.214876170  0.003327847
## 12125  0.045604706  0.000255585
## 12126  0.028898240  0.116430760
## 12127 -0.097385880 -0.075743200
## 12128  0.021677494  0.069841385
## 12129 -0.068971160 -0.129706380
## 12130  0.047652245 -0.195824150
## 12131 -0.012276650 -0.008478165
## 12132  0.083699700  0.026881218
## 12133  0.186378960  0.000000000
## 12134  0.076649190  0.003137112
## 12135  0.068629740  0.086529730
## 12136  0.053117752  0.025186539
## 12137  0.412659170  0.170689100
## 12138  0.000000000 -0.071427820
## 12139  0.000000000  0.161879540
## 12140 -0.138095860 -0.045323850
## 12141  0.002688885  0.118051530
## 12142 -0.020449162 -0.032505512
## 12143  0.072340490  0.000000000
## 12144  0.119340900 -0.034566880
## 12145  0.027825356  0.149512290
## 12146  0.087532520  0.091196540
## 12147  0.024117947  0.020875930
## 12148 -0.024959564  0.015143395
## 12149  0.087108610 -0.141176220
## 12150  0.069429400 -0.004269123
## 12151  0.083177090 -0.061027527
## 12152  0.044007300  0.228438380
## 12153  0.042339800 -0.082744120
## 12154 -0.053469658  0.000000000
## 12155  0.147917270  0.245825770
## 12156  0.122223854  0.027824402
## 12157  0.073511120  0.022176743
## 12158  0.093522070  0.057673454
## 12159 -0.036597252  0.032155990
## 12160  0.046180725 -0.097309110
## 12161 -0.080800060  0.000000000
## 12162 -0.036837578 -0.026425838
## 12163  0.076405050  0.029338837
## 12164  0.063562390  0.214796070
## 12165  0.030879020  0.049861908
## 12166  0.023257017  0.088956593
## 12167  0.039156914  0.075472830
## 12168  0.024197578  0.020208836
## 12169  0.045482160  0.054973602
## 12170  0.029986382  0.044508934
## 12171 -0.018216610  0.038024902
## 12172 -0.021961212  0.000000000
## 12173  0.000000000  0.066608430
## 12174 -0.021449089  0.090877056
## 12175  0.090744495  0.000000000
## 12176  0.170551300  0.073905945
## 12177  0.026059150  0.022311687
## 12178 -0.010747910  0.020436764
## 12179  0.012723923  0.039742470
## 12180  0.181486130  0.020515442
## 12181 -0.018299580 -0.003234863
## 12182  0.088755130 -0.041027546
## 12183  0.072903160  0.036448480
## 12184  0.196641920 -0.076282980
## 12185  0.141056540 -0.073961260
## 12186 -0.038173676 -0.016254902
## 12187 -0.037356377  0.097807410
## 12188 -0.039360046  0.000000000
## 12189 -0.055125713  0.008763313
## 12190  0.015329361 -0.008551598
## 12191 -0.218006610  0.134025100
## 12192 -0.005346775  0.109255790
## 12193 -0.066707610 -0.036322594
## 12194  0.313093200  0.383536340
## 12195  0.000000000 -0.054827213
## 12196  0.000000000  0.260458950
## 12197  0.029175282 -0.004152298
## 12198  0.083385944  0.052480220
## 12199  0.006458283 -0.056171894
## 12200  0.089154240  0.123198986
## 12201  0.038811684  0.044321537
## 12202  0.000000000  0.034920216
## 12203  0.050272465 -0.017752647
## 12204  0.055889130 -0.037730217
## 12205  0.059738160  0.008978367
## 12206  0.076095104 -0.056155205
## 12207  0.048758030  0.000000000
## 12208  0.116465090  0.096901890
## 12209 -0.072378635  0.101776600
## 12210  0.119332310  0.000000000
## 12211  0.022491932  0.063860420
## 12212  0.045735360 -0.013514996
## 12213  0.031530857  0.040013790
## 12214  0.004049778  0.058191300
## 12215  0.041785717  0.102534770
## 12216 -0.055300236  0.022567272
## 12217 -0.320009230  0.298014640
## 12218 -0.002353191  0.125964640
## 12219  0.039794445  0.162128450
## 12220  0.077943800  0.099397180
## 12221 -0.035550594  0.115222930
## 12222 -0.051518440  0.028190613
## 12223  0.063363075 -0.008812904
## 12224  0.088956356 -0.082194805
## 12225  0.066073420  0.000688000
## 12226  0.149192330  0.222589020
## 12227 -0.021466255 -0.013145447
## 12228  0.051742554  0.042749405
## 12229  0.148648740  0.026704789
## 12230 -0.084850790  0.028933525
## 12231  0.067658424 -0.010571003
## 12232 -0.184668060  0.018150330
## 12233  0.062451840  0.135578160
## 12234 -0.005524159  0.108786106
## 12235  0.102964880  0.007488728
## 12236  0.009903431  0.057455540
## 12237  0.150382520 -0.069339750
## 12238  0.073225975  0.101597310
## 12239  0.113539696  0.000000000
## 12240 -0.113600254  0.059222220
## 12241 -0.042021275  0.041336536
## 12242  0.085721016  0.119693280
## 12243 -0.050798893  0.000000000
## 12244  0.013826370  0.057266712
## 12245  0.089939120 -0.048940660
## 12246  0.005121708 -0.041635990
## 12247  0.040037632  0.004875183
## 12248  0.006173134  0.000000000
## 12249  0.025945663  0.144809720
## 12250  0.107739925  0.099240780
## 12251 -0.031038284  0.103950500
## 12252  0.167821400  0.231897350
## 12253  0.055539608  0.040729523
## 12254  0.078880310  0.032382490
## 12255 -0.101252080  0.266337400
## 12256  0.000000000  0.110450270
## 12257  0.032183647 -0.052870274
## 12258  0.000000000  0.196789260
## 12259 -0.093021390 -0.021399021
## 12260  0.083068370 -0.005327225
## 12261  0.093165874  0.120871544
## 12262 -0.090910910 -0.015590668
## 12263  0.042160034  0.052156450
## 12264  0.010530949  0.028807163
## 12265 -0.180778030 -0.028023243
## 12266 -0.020061016  0.099813460
## 12267 -0.105860710 -0.051343440
## 12268  0.080941200  0.031597614
## 12269  0.017043114  0.078035830
## 12270  0.037241460 -0.112152580
## 12271 -0.066754340 -0.010771751
## 12272  0.025416374  0.122217655
## 12273  0.000000000  0.000501000
## 12274  0.018788338  0.011056423
## 12275  0.069106580  0.082304480
## 12276  0.019706250  0.066212654
## 12277  0.060221195 -0.098732950
## 12278  0.012236595  0.229664800
## 12279 -0.029219150  0.078810215
## 12280  0.027022839  0.057553290
## 12281  0.052890777  0.037148237
## 12282 -0.178113460  0.000000000
## 12283  0.053699970  0.019090652
## 12284 -0.007769108 -0.036580563
## 12285  0.063490390 -0.044869423
## 12286 -0.035762310  0.002039909
## 12287  0.032643320 -0.077381134
## 12288  0.001802445  0.203270440
## 12289 -0.008682251 -0.080721380
## 12290 -0.123589990  0.065121174
## 12291  0.091697690  0.090900900
## 12292  0.066047670  0.006808758
## 12293  0.052910805 -0.060271740
## 12294 -0.009446621 -0.042646408
## 12295  0.045626163  0.069637300
## 12296 -0.029664518  0.039064885
## 12297  0.049913883  0.086565495
## 12298 -0.034137726  0.091599940
## 12299 -0.026509762  0.008647919
## 12300  0.090610030  0.143385410
## 12301  0.033205986  0.096812725
## 12302 -0.072605130  0.000000000
## 12303  0.027272224  0.066571710
## 12304  0.060165882  0.199662690
## 12305  0.077809334 -0.092437270
## 12306  0.050028324  0.000000000
## 12307  0.043154240 -0.098217964
## 12308 -0.034858227  0.013807297
## 12309  0.036232950 -0.017013550
## 12310  0.165601730  0.051541330
## 12311  0.065597534 -0.014160633
## 12312 -0.011836529 -0.035216810
## 12313 -0.071263790 -0.086401940
## 12314  0.182826520 -0.078958990
## 12315 -0.018239975 -0.070910454
## 12316  0.050124170 -0.016650200
## 12317  0.048740862  0.035896778
## 12318  0.130699630  0.037792683
## 12319 -0.035046577  0.006673813
## 12320  0.158936980  0.056759357
## 12321 -0.045632362  0.022403240
## 12322  0.089239600  0.023252010
## 12323  0.014043331 -0.045067310
## 12324  0.082149980  0.030972480
## 12325  0.131263260 -0.082370280
## 12326  0.034184933  0.053579807
## 12327 -0.029753685 -0.007927418
## 12328  0.007259846  0.098780630
## 12329  0.060112000 -0.056452274
## 12330 -0.003162384  0.024184704
## 12331  0.074154380  0.003413677
## 12332  0.005133629  0.043219566
## 12333 -0.095558640 -0.055822850
## 12334 -0.092085360  0.060560703
## 12335 -0.004226208 -0.043545723
## 12336 -0.168811800  0.017926693
## 12337  0.064940450  0.186739920
## 12338  0.004102707  0.042412758
## 12339  0.029798985 -0.018188000
## 12340  0.028745174 -0.008270741
## 12341 -0.103493210  0.153582100
## 12342 -0.046051263 -0.000486000
## 12343  0.313485620  0.134314060
## 12344  0.078490260 -0.003322125
## 12345  0.195601940 -0.046044350
## 12346  0.089511395  0.087129116
## 12347  0.055964470  0.024915218
## 12348 -0.197274210  0.018465519
## 12349 -0.080402850 -0.041186333
## 12350 -0.040931225  0.044144630
## 12351 -0.030039787  0.022976875
## 12352  0.180702210  0.058713913
## 12353 -0.025052547  0.166804790
## 12354  0.023342133  0.000000000
## 12355  0.003501892  0.000000000
## 12356 -0.357672700  0.213789940
## 12357  0.340401170  0.030188560
## 12358  0.009107590  0.159283640
## 12359 -0.032700540  0.084668160
## 12360  0.162269120  0.052552223
## 12361 -0.025049686  0.000000000
## 12362 -0.009817600  0.047532080
## 12363  0.024311543  0.138678070
## 12364  0.131112580  0.000000000
## 12365  0.011117935 -0.046086790
## 12366  0.155956270  0.047590733
## 12367  0.000000000  0.050083637
## 12368  0.215302940  0.000000000
## 12369  0.171052930  0.230620380
## 12370 -0.056569576  0.126800060
## 12371  0.225462440  0.177992340
## 12372  0.002073288  0.082606316
## 12373  0.036603928 -0.052895546
## 12374  0.003970623 -0.125143530
## 12375  0.000000000  0.031855583
## 12376  0.032260418  0.029914856
## 12377  0.102742670 -0.054559230
## 12378  0.151221750  0.043274880
## 12379  0.168108940  0.116436005
## 12380 -0.015987873  0.000501156
## 12381 -0.036171913 -0.122305870
## 12382  0.095446110 -0.077159880
## 12383  0.026688099 -0.079608440
## 12384 -0.016607285 -0.122747420
## 12385 -0.067159176 -0.046622276
## 12386 -0.033269405 -0.072654724
## 12387  0.000000000 -0.078577995
## 12388 -0.040362358  0.058131695
## 12389 -0.076633930  0.056666374
## 12390  0.128741740 -0.089011190
## 12391  1.131877000  0.544131760
## 12392  0.012920380 -0.032788754
## 12393 -0.040318012  0.040216923
## 12394  0.033745290 -0.151135440
## 12395  0.036817074 -0.003222466
## 12396 -0.014159679 -0.068908690
## 12397  0.042480470  0.000000000
## 12398 -0.078352930 -0.218158720
## 12399  0.176664350  0.000951000
## 12400  0.135527130  0.000000000
## 12401 -0.004614115 -0.085024120
## 12402  0.147007940 -0.038506508
## 12403  0.060184480 -0.148777960
## 12404  0.040687084 -0.132954120
## 12405 -0.021296978 -0.056770800
## 12406 -0.014105320  0.004820347
## 12407  0.017957687 -0.018327236
## 12408  0.060179710  0.279489040
## 12409  0.203356740  0.056627274
## 12410  0.110667706  0.022407055
## 12411 -0.070131780  0.000000000
## 12412  3.055586300  3.065377700
## 12413  0.018596650  0.127466680
## 12414  0.037439823 -0.026347160
## 12415 -0.019523144 -0.030743122
## 12416  0.002452850  0.165366170
## 12417  0.017293930  0.216415880
## 12418  0.038868904  0.072490215
## 12419  0.000000000  0.014858723
## 12420  0.039914608 -0.117013454
## 12421 -0.156174660  0.139844420
## 12422 -0.048208714  0.291671280
## 12423  0.075814250  0.110651016
## 12424  0.104510310 -0.001754761
## 12425  0.008416653  0.041292190
## 12426 -0.188610080  0.052500248
## 12427  0.139906880  0.173553940
## 12428 -0.118819710 -0.139877800
## 12429 -0.013002396 -0.037819386
## 12430  0.059442043  0.394894120
## 12431 -0.029092312 -0.067242146
## 12432  0.058032990  0.012525559
## 12433  0.145963670  0.037662030
## 12434  0.013287544 -0.109038830
## 12435 -0.049401760 -0.021580220
## 12436 -0.010337830  0.064394950
## 12437 -0.061542510  0.126725670
## 12438  0.069799900  0.112267494
## 12439  0.060056210  0.010646343
## 12440  0.088441370  0.048926830
## 12441  0.110764030 -0.107776165
## 12442 -0.032838345  0.000000000
## 12443  0.068398476 -0.014706612
## 12444 -0.008973599  0.000000000
## 12445  0.011816025  0.029088497
## 12446  0.061464787 -0.005442143
## 12447 -0.207057000  0.092356205
## 12448  0.049046516  0.000000000
## 12449  0.050125600  0.003187656
## 12450  0.092853546 -0.005260944
## 12451  0.144338130  0.142245770
## 12452 -0.069690230  0.088777540
## 12453  0.004086494  0.077113630
## 12454  0.027830600 -0.034492970
## 12455  0.077565190  0.000000000
## 12456  0.019040108 -0.026235104
## 12457  0.036877155  0.109788895
## 12458 -0.095920560 -0.027046680
## 12459 -0.072346690  0.136894230
## 12460  0.096820830  0.096038820
## 12461  0.106601715  0.008029938
## 12462 -0.261173250 -0.267908570
## 12463  0.131816860 -0.092110634
## 12464  0.050792694  0.128749370
## 12465 -0.023221970  0.000000000
## 12466  0.000000000  0.043197630
## 12467  0.161123280  0.054111480
## 12468 -0.058245660  0.024300098
## 12469 -0.009273529 -0.072312830
## 12470  0.049241066 -0.077464580
## 12471 -0.010213852  0.064486980
## 12472  0.102036950 -0.013066769
## 12473 -0.027144432  0.009776115
## 12474 -0.014785290  0.061503410
## 12475 -0.012486935  0.000000000
## 12476 -0.003982067  0.073532580
## 12477 -0.075181484  0.099737644
## 12478 -0.021747112 -0.158470150
## 12479  0.098076340  0.107726574
## 12480  0.323711400  0.177292350
## 12481  0.118552685  0.006482124
## 12482 -0.018685818  0.114495754
## 12483  0.125071530  0.075543400
## 12484 -0.015927792  0.036113740
## 12485 -0.069998264 -0.077844620
## 12486  0.055034160 -0.082669260
## 12487  0.106426240  0.045158386
## 12488  0.101971630  0.094491960
## 12489  0.083600044 -0.019721508
## 12490 -0.111085890 -0.091960430
## 12491 -0.053091526  0.044754505
## 12492  0.160933020 -0.025036097
## 12493  0.001921654 -0.046991587
## 12494 -0.015784740  0.189754960
## 12495  0.035110474  0.048997880
## 12496  0.021041870  0.039315224
## 12497 -0.042756080  0.026272297
## 12498  0.000000000 -0.082768920
## 12499  0.069089890  0.023650646
## 12500  0.102454660 -0.011943817
## 12501 -0.051748753 -0.087498190
## 12502  0.014614582 -0.007083416
## 12503 -0.015014172  0.120211124
## 12504 -0.039915560  0.038604260
## 12505 -0.100628850  0.236227040
## 12506  0.000000000 -0.063523290
## 12507  0.078980920  0.048649788
## 12508 -0.021134377  0.102355000
## 12509  0.074605940  0.078959940
## 12510  0.004806519  0.058388710
## 12511  0.000000000  0.096901420
## 12512  0.032648087 -0.149059770
## 12513  0.026036740  0.135232450
## 12514  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 12515  0.172398570 -0.001106262
## 12516 -0.060497760  0.132854460
## 12517  0.129914280  0.126950260
## 12518 -0.053943634  0.012304783
## 12519 -0.035628320  0.010911465
## 12520 -0.013674259  0.039819240
## 12521  0.029327870  0.057411670
## 12522  0.089861390 -0.012961388
## 12523 -0.423748500  0.048608780
## 12524 -0.003109455 -0.009037972
## 12525  0.063043594 -0.023206710
## 12526  0.046075820 -0.018295288
## 12527  0.194205280 -0.027204514
## 12528  0.039171220  0.064295290
## 12529  0.052029610  0.014292717
## 12530  0.047379494  0.030602932
## 12531  0.000000000  0.019835949
## 12532  0.059676647  0.034256935
## 12533  0.004298687 -0.018791199
## 12534  0.000000000  0.046719550
## 12535 -0.011617661  0.025349617
## 12536  0.029813290 -0.024727345
## 12537  0.026689530  0.180211070
## 12538 -0.073569775  0.009809494
## 12539  0.029337883  0.025702477
## 12540  0.052215576  0.017195225
## 12541  0.016257763  0.004380703
## 12542 -0.014001370  0.051532745
## 12543  0.363201140 -0.031141758
## 12544  0.022633553  0.029931545
## 12545  0.025304794 -0.011787891
## 12546  0.029565334  0.034725190
## 12547 -0.014566898  0.024808407
## 12548  0.054022312  0.012916565
## 12549  0.034038544 -0.009250164
## 12550  0.012283325 -0.018248081
## 12551  0.051347733  0.125454900
## 12552  0.008931637  0.054299830
## 12553  0.085721490 -0.074277400
## 12554  0.105445860 -0.007001400
## 12555 -0.014408112 -0.154802800
## 12556  0.000000000  0.092572210
## 12557 -0.004838944  0.133452420
## 12558  0.103322980  0.121458050
## 12559 -0.039439680  0.163712980
## 12560  0.000000000 -0.087552550
## 12561  0.210634710 -0.007695198
## 12562 -0.153321740  0.017308235
## 12563 -0.007362843 -0.189930440
## 12564 -0.017243862  0.147972580
## 12565  0.116005900  0.119547844
## 12566  0.013342857 -0.025692463
## 12567  0.018003464 -0.007971287
## 12568  0.120334150 -0.052371502
## 12569  0.165467740  0.054528713
## 12570  0.085331920 -0.004079342
## 12571  0.010351181 -0.037619114
## 12572  0.195541380  0.000000000
## 12573  0.000000000  0.053903103
## 12574  0.132459160 -0.017846584
## 12575  0.124007700 -0.054942130
## 12576  0.093840282  0.112615266
## 12577 -0.071349144  0.064324380
## 12578  0.012932777  0.069798470
## 12579  0.000000000 -0.004797936
## 12580  0.012009144  0.040096760
## 12581  0.000000000  0.013232231
## 12582  0.083018300 -0.077726840
## 12583 -0.037320614  0.088459015
## 12584  0.004480601  0.003030062
## 12585  0.167609210 -0.000709000
## 12586 -0.060977936  0.112601280
## 12587 -0.061326980 -0.056797980
## 12588 -0.009388924 -0.009388924
## 12589  0.000000000  0.078790190
## 12590 -0.020114899  0.094223976
## 12591 -0.040318012  0.076578140
## 12592 -0.090297220  0.044713497
## 12593 -0.102130890  0.023226738
## 12594 -0.046457767  0.009897709
## 12595 -0.112671375  0.063870910
## 12596  0.463694100  0.103089330
## 12597  0.104258540  0.035662174
## 12598 -0.020821571  0.151518340
## 12599 -0.025189877  0.066189766
## 12600  0.002376080 -0.011668682
## 12601  0.048346043 -0.022387981
## 12602  0.156943800  0.080444810
## 12603  0.011490822 -0.177129750
## 12604  0.047369480 -0.095399380
## 12605  0.072498320 -0.006493092
## 12606 -0.029447556 -0.016314983
## 12607  0.000832000  0.019563198
## 12608  0.099595070 -0.047370434
## 12609 -0.068813324  0.057490350
## 12610 -0.089022640  0.024179459
## 12611  0.090649130  0.083323480
## 12612 -0.013803959  0.229748250
## 12613  0.021995068  0.030322552
## 12614  0.000000000 -0.034065723
## 12615 -0.029988289 -0.113919260
## 12616 -0.002713203  0.000000000
## 12617 -0.135785100  0.180417060
## 12618  0.034552574  0.075911520
## 12619  0.070339680  0.038202286
## 12620  0.055375576  0.172191140
## 12621 -0.052789688  0.171109200
## 12622  0.130171300  0.092917920
## 12623 -0.089078900 -0.094619274
## 12624  0.152201650  0.000000000
## 12625  0.031301260 -0.046374799
## 12626 -0.248387810 -0.065716740
## 12627  0.000000000  0.018352985
## 12628 -0.056093693  0.002310276
## 12629  0.186404230  0.622281550
## 12630 -0.224118230 -0.211547850
## 12631 -0.044139385  0.202908520
## 12632 -0.034961224  0.258643630
## 12633  0.026078701  0.020661830
## 12634  0.196444030  0.166049480
## 12635 -0.010054112  0.090360640
## 12636  0.020038128  0.131671430
## 12637 -0.045888900  0.000000000
## 12638 -0.018014908  0.054016113
## 12639  0.065130710  0.017979145
## 12640 -0.008896351  0.046384810
## 12641 -0.016332150  0.014629841
## 12642 -0.000444000  0.028395653
## 12643  0.040345670 -0.063166140
## 12644  0.045689583 -0.012406349
## 12645  0.070354940  0.104365350
## 12646  0.020965576  0.009997845
## 12647  0.009078980  0.025286674
## 12648  0.016194820  0.003277302
## 12649  0.024231910  0.094442370
## 12650  0.106544495 -0.015709400
## 12651  0.054139614  0.086400986
## 12652  0.043137074  0.000000000
## 12653  0.122862816  0.003176689
## 12654 -0.059966564  0.017161846
## 12655  0.054407597  0.055044650
## 12656  0.000000000  0.012959003
## 12657 -0.002413750  0.117478370
## 12658  0.018350838 -0.002158165
## 12659  0.113736630  0.041395664
## 12660 -0.002992153  0.009195328
## 12661 -0.026041986  0.048871994
## 12662  0.021865845  0.091253280
## 12663 -0.035790443  0.189160820
## 12664  0.366127500  0.003290176
## 12665 -0.038698196 -0.005213261
## 12666  0.029627800 -0.002048969
## 12667 -0.139800550  0.305675030
## 12668 -0.130990500  0.118623730
## 12669 -0.075415134  0.220282550
## 12670 -0.022134304  0.003472805
## 12671  0.027741432  0.021475792
## 12672 -0.064499380  0.156671520
## 12673 -0.016898155  0.069665430
## 12674  0.000000000  0.005224705
## 12675  0.137927060  0.188601970
## 12676  0.035376072 -0.004707336
## 12677  0.042769432 -0.003888130
## 12678  0.000000000 -0.082746980
## 12679  0.050106525  0.169475560
## 12680  0.000000000  0.046494960
## 12681  0.062590600  0.011300564
## 12682 -0.020449638  0.004357338
## 12683  0.000000000  0.026988506
## 12684 -0.099783900 -0.105669020
## 12685  0.211964130  0.000000000
## 12686 -0.044637680  0.000007150
## 12687 -0.199704170  0.117950440
## 12688 -0.038662910 -0.126591200
## 12689 -0.068481445  0.207701680
## 12690 -0.051569940  0.181617260
## 12691 -0.067528250  0.127376080
## 12692 -0.086865900 -0.061331272
## 12693  0.231983180 -0.059583664
## 12694  0.037554264  0.058073997
## 12695 -0.040729523 -0.023162365
## 12696  0.112460610 -0.055438520
## 12697  0.189132690  0.041695118
## 12698  0.134925840  0.141017440
## 12699  0.029095650  0.034471990
## 12700 -0.004227638  0.055482864
## 12701 -0.041394234 -0.039997100
## 12702  0.007565022  0.180908680
## 12703  0.046462060 -0.043797970
## 12704  0.232165340  0.145890710
## 12705 -0.020819187 -0.282378670
## 12706 -0.073913100 -0.039349080
## 12707  0.000000000 -0.094320774
## 12708 -0.023236275  0.000000000
## 12709  0.000000000 -0.019610882
## 12710  0.130887030 -0.084446910
## 12711 -0.027704239 -0.006218910
## 12712 -0.002308369  0.086168290
## 12713  0.000000000  0.048539160
## 12714  0.061858177 -0.016319752
## 12715 -0.007430078 -0.023119450
## 12716  0.222051620  0.051359653
## 12717 -0.009242058 -0.096005440
## 12718  0.141139030  0.016783237
## 12719  0.020173550  0.117402080
## 12720 -0.015751362  0.051380157
## 12721  0.119704250  0.085869310
## 12722  0.012775421  0.068330290
## 12723 -0.016317368  0.000000000
## 12724  0.234205005  0.367922305
## 12725 -0.065383910  0.003723621
## 12726 -0.070226670  0.106906890
## 12727  0.013016065  0.010105292
## 12728 -0.111241820  0.001444340
## 12729 -0.213954930  0.049069405
## 12730  0.164621830 -0.000987000
## 12731 -0.044840813 -0.165617470
## 12732  0.214313030  0.135747910
## 12733 -0.001821041 -0.091581820
## 12734 -0.038578987  0.037694454
## 12735  0.232416150  0.029071331
## 12736 -0.006976605 -0.260500900
## 12737 -0.005173683  0.093539240
## 12738  0.047520160  0.010723591
## 12739  0.106719020 -0.007462025
## 12740  0.089367390  0.041354656
## 12741 -0.041625977 -0.083087920
## 12742  0.082993510 -0.039515020
## 12743  0.014095783  0.073533060
## 12744  0.453073020 -0.019145012
## 12745 -0.079099180 -0.045098780
## 12746  0.069600105 -0.090422630
## 12747  0.009628296  0.000000000
## 12748 -0.001953125  0.000000000
## 12749  0.093298435  0.061148167
## 12750  0.054743767  0.172440530
## 12751  0.216501710  0.425328730
## 12752  0.072749615  0.052339554
## 12753 -0.090672016 -0.079761030
## 12754  0.084962370  0.205074790
## 12755  0.003425121 -0.037281990
## 12756  0.002212048 -0.023052692
## 12757  0.022264004  0.029731750
## 12758  0.058684826 -0.021328926
## 12759 -0.047190666 -0.027656078
## 12760  0.056017876  0.003003597
## 12761  0.129799840  0.000000000
## 12762 -0.086485860 -0.035417080
## 12763  0.042859554  0.000441000
## 12764  0.034954548  0.000000000
## 12765  0.000826000 -0.038845062
## 12766 -0.030084133 -0.068636894
## 12767 -0.070169926  0.000000000
## 12768  0.082395080  0.109139440
## 12769  0.134776590  0.042706966
## 12770  0.034733772  0.011300564
## 12771  0.039200306 -0.000458000
## 12772 -0.015263081 -0.026422500
## 12773 -0.019036055 -0.028347253
## 12774 -0.021402359  0.111851215
## 12775  0.052535057  0.033061028
## 12776  0.279027000  0.164060120
## 12777  0.240898130  0.138844010
## 12778  0.039649963  0.059876442
## 12779 -0.213674070 -0.072258470
## 12780 -0.097687244 -0.139122010
## 12781 -0.001609325 -0.012003422
## 12782  0.001096249  0.107138634
## 12783  0.063173294  0.068025590
## 12784 -0.033550740  0.086073400
## 12785  0.062130928  0.020921230
## 12786  0.083453180 -0.068419930
## 12787 -0.024641990  0.007660866
## 12788  0.000000000 -0.014919758
## 12789 -0.152074340 -0.082860950
## 12790  0.150193690  0.206872460
## 12791  0.064575670  0.010537624
## 12792 -0.025089264  0.013033390
## 12793  0.055929184  0.023147583
## 12794 -0.005007744  0.111656666
## 12795 -0.029226303  0.174610140
## 12796 -0.114151955  0.001560688
## 12797 -0.045484543  0.049340010
## 12798 -0.186506750  0.012338162
## 12799  0.013193608  0.047816755
## 12800  0.028758049  0.035231113
## 12801 -0.376269820  0.371903420
## 12802 -0.201593880 -0.234577660
## 12803  0.068044660 -0.004568577
## 12804  0.066779140  0.012306690
## 12805 -0.069157120  0.069267750
## 12806 -0.023233890  0.113414764
## 12807 -0.001602173  0.000000000
## 12808 -0.039341450 -0.068102360
## 12809  0.256516930  0.018085003
## 12810  0.000000000  0.317117200
## 12811  0.069974420  0.029628754
## 12812  0.009905338  0.099121570
## 12813  0.081702710  0.011940956
## 12814  1.382316600  0.414568900
## 12815  0.277475830 -0.059128760
## 12816  0.028882504 -0.122508050
## 12817  0.072851660  0.044171333
## 12818  0.091038940 -0.001351118
## 12819 -0.131308080 -0.031501770
## 12820 -0.049748420 -0.077852726
## 12821  0.197010520 -0.015955925
## 12822  0.088631150  0.104406830
## 12823  0.086654660  0.081448080
## 12824 -0.025532722  0.010325432
## 12825  0.025311947 -0.123652935
## 12826  0.088545320  0.019599915
## 12827 -0.032935620  0.102592470
## 12828 -0.034423828  0.252551560
## 12829  0.029120445  0.101450440
## 12830 -0.058522224  0.022645473
## 12831  0.043896675  0.061534405
## 12832  0.026975632  0.048804760
## 12833 -0.000674000  0.112560270
## 12834  0.058103085  0.028439522
## 12835  0.086460110  0.006919861
## 12836  0.004162788  0.000000000
## 12837  0.119056225  0.342797760
## 12838  0.061235905  0.087580204
## 12839  0.089275840  0.014876843
## 12840  0.015766620  0.119540690
## 12841  0.235847000 -0.051167010
## 12842  0.111765860  0.047397614
## 12843 -0.056803226 -0.096250060
## 12844  0.001825810  0.077691080
## 12845 -0.022897720  0.259164800
## 12846  0.028599740 -0.023517609
## 12847 -0.130182740 -0.048710823
## 12848  0.072084188  0.057659625
## 12849  0.131918430  0.106333730
## 12850 -0.036930084 -0.008093357
## 12851  0.000278000 -0.078818800
## 12852  0.211192130  0.029006481
## 12853  0.049249172 -0.012638092
## 12854 -0.109670640 -0.053268433
## 12855  0.014748812  0.018695355
## 12856  0.007690907  0.000000000
## 12857  0.100051880 -0.002816677
## 12858  0.000000000  0.132125380
## 12859  0.017714978  0.061616181
## 12860  0.000000000  0.011063099
## 12861 -0.012244701  0.259725100
## 12862 -0.006509304 -0.005638123
## 12863  0.070638180  0.047435284
## 12864  0.178605080  0.142160890
## 12865 -0.006668568  0.044020653
## 12866  0.125065803  0.159373759
## 12867  0.027281761  0.053053380
## 12868 -0.011396408 -0.086462500
## 12869 -0.213443760  0.180160520
## 12870 -0.017377853  0.110444546
## 12871  0.004201412  0.003793716
## 12872 -0.050872326  0.154862880
## 12873 -0.126475330 -0.014324665
## 12874  0.062184810 -0.001269341
## 12875 -0.042510986 -0.035935880
## 12876  0.017502308  0.023589611
## 12877  0.040331840  0.098191740
## 12878 -0.003652096  0.046196460
## 12879  0.051793100  0.051379204
## 12880 -0.018451690  0.113009930
## 12881  0.188184740  0.085881710
## 12882  0.080630780  0.156088350
## 12883  0.021797180 -0.014458180
## 12884  0.072557926  0.286396980
## 12885  0.034630775  0.080673220
## 12886  0.000000000  0.033126354
## 12887  0.103449820 -0.006128311
## 12888 -0.022769928  0.022416592
## 12889  0.065182686  0.149298190
## 12890  0.000000000  0.013749599
## 12891  0.099947930  0.005074501
## 12892 -0.020323753 -0.040675163
## 12893 -0.100804330  0.081294060
## 12894  0.205376630  0.067297460
## 12895  0.078052520 -0.033060074
## 12896  0.032130240  0.081624510
## 12897  0.033479690  0.012188435
## 12898 -0.005501270  0.083292960
## 12899  0.208879000  0.150293830
## 12900  0.028156757  0.039716720
## 12901 -0.037176132 -0.062854290
## 12902  0.108925340  0.132316590
## 12903  0.042111874 -0.003183842
## 12904  0.242136000  0.177071570
## 12905  0.063744545  0.000000000
## 12906  0.294093600  0.000000000
## 12907 -0.019272804  0.091449260
## 12908 -0.024602890  0.134858610
## 12909 -0.066650870  0.024779797
## 12910  0.000000000  0.007589340
## 12911  0.008088112  0.026871204
## 12912  0.050455093  0.059747696
## 12913  0.003422737  0.125438210
## 12914  0.266114230  0.016192436
## 12915  0.021696568  0.149861340
## 12916  0.029824257  0.000493000
## 12917  0.196841720  0.031372547
## 12918 -0.118198870  0.150720600
## 12919 -0.003274918  0.125996590
## 12920  0.092725275  0.239224195
## 12921  0.035399914  0.098005295
## 12922  0.026408672  0.159637450
## 12923  0.020712376  0.073716160
## 12924  0.179527760  0.000000000
## 12925 -0.076292040  0.170547010
## 12926  0.047390460  0.136945250
## 12927  0.022853851  0.162646770
## 12928 -0.005950451  0.065085410
## 12929 -0.082708360  0.167450900
## 12930  0.115520954  0.118426320
## 12931  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 12932 -0.051773070 -0.139596460
## 12933  0.007145882 -0.036461353
## 12934  0.071862220  0.028013230
## 12935 -0.020790100  0.284124370
## 12936  0.132577182 -0.006143570
## 12937  0.077478410  0.034625530
## 12938  0.156099320 -0.089447500
## 12939  0.063579798 -0.007089615
## 12940 -0.058362960  0.052733420
## 12941  0.110010150 -0.018104076
## 12942  0.044753075  0.076587680
## 12943 -0.036350250  0.144083020
## 12944 -0.144565580  0.327256200
## 12945  0.076473236  0.062166214
## 12946 -0.081629280 -0.012928486
## 12947  0.231886390 -0.142835140
## 12948 -0.035227300  0.002494335
## 12949 -0.139417888  0.066313027
## 12950  0.306721200  0.048442840
## 12951  0.065584180  0.125738140
## 12952  0.020895958  0.036671640
## 12953  0.111429214 -0.040361404
## 12954 -0.004972458  0.068633560
## 12955  0.000000000 -0.079387665
## 12956 -0.063549040  0.211265090
## 12957  0.052512646 -0.026832580
## 12958  0.106060505 -0.076627254
## 12959  0.000000000 -0.051227570
## 12960  0.093696594  0.005908012
## 12961 -0.108551025  0.054243565
## 12962  0.137352470  0.032697200
## 12963  0.176192280  0.000000000
## 12964  0.030599594  0.095413210
## 12965  0.046981810  0.020247460
## 12966  0.088833810  0.112452510
## 12967  0.043355465 -0.021138668
## 12968 -0.011023045  0.038909912
## 12969  0.014424324 -0.000261000
## 12970  0.002324104  0.000000000
## 12971 -0.082254410  0.150918000
## 12972 -0.096840860  0.122116566
## 12973  0.039487362  0.059683323
## 12974  0.146708490 -0.031153679
## 12975 -0.043513775  0.012621880
## 12976 -0.227093700  0.051505090
## 12977 -0.013481617  0.128198620
## 12978 -0.041088104  0.012203217
## 12979  0.002669811  0.000000000
## 12980 -0.255071160 -0.072573185
## 12981  0.000000000  0.052449226
## 12982 -0.013844013 -0.018775940
## 12983  0.119046690 -0.009195328
## 12984 -0.007021904  0.105605125
## 12985 -0.075272560  0.016073227
## 12986  0.103394510  0.000000000
## 12987 -0.050705910  0.081372740
## 12988 -0.125161650  0.000000000
## 12989  0.109647750  0.024313927
## 12990  0.043886185  0.208271030
## 12991 -0.102664950 -0.012620926
## 12992  0.004671097 -0.053458690
## 12993  0.052857876  0.225071430
## 12994  0.096516610  0.061718464
## 12995 -0.013394833  0.090331554
## 12996  0.050736666  0.074593782
## 12997  0.023048400  0.248425480
## 12998 -0.027890205  0.136463640
## 12999  0.027726174  0.006103516
## 13000 -0.053249360  0.175558090
## 13001  0.000898000 -0.051714897
## 13002  0.056280136  0.000000000
## 13003  0.042313576  0.024652958
## 13004 -0.001403809  0.015435219
## 13005  0.301880840  0.143521310
## 13006  0.124238014  0.015614033
## 13007  0.099280834  0.031668186
## 13008  0.045200110 -0.005357504
## 13009  0.000000000 -0.010536671
## 13010  0.124752045  0.029533386
## 13011  0.055765630  0.000000000
## 13012  0.052814007  0.076580050
## 13013  0.034677030  0.038219452
## 13014 -0.026507378  0.156661510
## 13015 -0.001384258  0.028537273
## 13016  0.015628338 -0.106511590
## 13017 -0.038593292  0.186009880
## 13018  0.002584457  0.075192450
## 13019  0.010265350 -0.110109330
## 13020 -0.022611618  0.001746655
## 13021  0.017356873  0.023814201
## 13022  0.070630070  0.046504020
## 13023 -0.008534431  0.040859700
## 13024 -0.035991192  0.057585716
## 13025 -0.025308609  0.067968845
## 13026  0.056784153 -0.049975395
## 13027 -0.004801750  0.020348072
## 13028  0.091787340 -0.012663841
## 13029  0.077317240 -0.011039734
## 13030  0.037806510 -0.005285740
## 13031  0.045748234  0.000000000
## 13032 -0.169987680  0.072909355
## 13033  0.008728504 -0.015150547
## 13034  0.011484146  0.044360160
## 13035 -0.089169500  0.075472355
## 13036  0.202680590  0.000000000
## 13037 -0.081933500  0.000000000
## 13038  0.035808563  0.066039560
## 13039  0.000000000  0.043936253
## 13040 -0.046390533  0.171430590
## 13041  0.068386080  0.024616718
## 13042  0.166706090  0.051136494
## 13043  0.072831630  0.074468136
## 13044 -0.064189434  0.084090230
## 13045  0.020629406 -0.004002094
## 13046  0.215032100  0.038513184
## 13047  0.036694527  0.000000000
## 13048  0.077313900 -0.039265633
## 13049  0.025648594  0.000000000
## 13050  0.082963940 -0.045527935
## 13051  0.011130333 -0.055908203
## 13052  0.065496920 -0.038699627
## 13053 -0.313167100  0.229932790
## 13054  0.033643246  0.159872530
## 13055 -0.024880410  0.098280430
## 13056  0.089909550 -0.017394066
## 13057  0.077573776  0.031033516
## 13058  0.012418747  0.143839360
## 13059  0.087852480  0.144967560
## 13060  0.029706955  0.046469210
## 13061  0.095602510  0.076670170
## 13062 -0.072621346  0.000000000
## 13063  0.057332040  0.002808571
## 13064 -0.044259070  0.000000000
## 13065  0.008291245  0.048555850
## 13066 -0.003958702  0.259024140
## 13067  0.023871899  0.146613600
## 13068 -0.081119060  0.078991410
## 13069  0.122138980  0.093208310
## 13070 -0.089500904  0.149796960
## 13071  0.067337510  0.036622524
## 13072  0.223743920  0.136958600
## 13073 -0.000610000  0.091474056
## 13074  0.125374320  0.062347890
## 13075 -0.065103054  0.101913450
## 13076  0.018515587  0.113885400
## 13077 -0.007503986  0.032551290
## 13078 -0.009550571 -0.066373350
## 13079  0.064189434 -0.010573387
## 13080  0.069231030  0.052256584
## 13081  0.126716610  0.047275543
## 13082 -0.017603874 -0.042923927
## 13083 -0.022337914  0.214092730
## 13084  0.252536300  0.023870945
## 13085  0.182372100  0.000000000
## 13086  0.009971619  0.100049020
## 13087  0.059291840  0.098979470
## 13088  0.065322876  0.016194344
## 13089  0.096528530  0.147219660
## 13090  0.000000000  0.060194492
## 13091  0.063382150  0.051439762
## 13092  0.107970240 -0.040712357
## 13093  0.049208164 -0.011928082
## 13094  0.002558708  0.031340600
## 13095  0.017942905  0.011706352
## 13096  0.074451920  0.137554650
## 13097 -0.035982610  0.175641060
## 13098 -0.072684290 -0.029917240
## 13099  0.085398200  0.000000000
## 13100  0.000000000  0.049119473
## 13101 -0.009089470  0.094485280
## 13102  0.032723427 -0.013088226
## 13103  0.035984993  0.008059025
## 13104  0.210826635  0.046847343
## 13105 -0.128304960 -0.352936270
## 13106  0.013278961  0.142423630
## 13107 -0.094747070  0.105628970
## 13108 -0.000144000  0.019794941
## 13109  0.023754597  0.010890007
## 13110  0.005931854 -0.006416798
## 13111 -0.067706585  0.011025429
## 13112  0.003131867  0.067145824
## 13113  0.101569176 -0.019514560
## 13114 -0.010365963  0.041280746
## 13115  0.040044308  0.133440500
## 13116  0.097630500  0.034734726
## 13117 -0.056610584 -0.016221523
## 13118 -0.048495770  0.174234870
## 13119  0.057250977  0.043470860
## 13120  0.053017140  0.076038360
## 13121  0.014429569 -0.010865212
## 13122 -0.013477802  0.084009170
## 13123 -0.041385174  0.000000000
## 13124  0.027171135  0.096327780
## 13125 -0.003990173  0.227473260
## 13126 -0.047179700  0.031295776
## 13127 -0.151491640  0.193087580
## 13128 -0.016070366  0.002931595
## 13129  0.047749996  0.043884754
## 13130 -0.008297920  0.000000000
## 13131 -0.020421982  0.090624330
## 13132 -0.003796101  0.104422090
## 13133 -0.097328186 -0.087084290
## 13134  0.097577570  0.164824010
## 13135  0.045603275  0.140594480
## 13136  0.059497833 -0.030011654
## 13137  0.000000000  0.112234590
## 13138 -0.073455810  0.138484950
## 13139  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 13140 -0.241541390  0.048992634
## 13141 -0.030614376  0.070868970
## 13142  0.056602478  0.113256454
## 13143  0.012175083  0.016635895
## 13144  0.000000000  0.057503223
## 13145 -0.024477959  0.018861770
## 13146  0.046128750  0.000000000
## 13147 -0.007426739 -0.011633396
## 13148 -0.002130508  0.000000000
## 13149  0.007460117 -0.186427120
## 13150 -0.112817764  0.141337400
## 13151  0.000000000  0.000000000
## 13152  0.025967598  0.001115799
## 13153  0.151845460  0.095550540
## 13154 -0.086109640  0.000000000
## 13155  0.000000000  0.040994644
## 13156 -0.004023075  0.116412160
## 13157 -0.024088383 -0.007049561
## 13158  0.167901520  0.030515194
## 13159 -0.798584460 -0.184751510
## 13160 -0.080889225 -0.015553951
## 13161 -0.118271350 -0.091133595
## 13162  0.058857440  0.071575640
## 13163  0.000000000  0.011959553
## 13164 -0.063578606  0.023918629
## 13165  0.000000000  0.148195740
## 13166  0.267138000  0.000000000
## 13167  0.059220790 -0.038891792
## 13168  0.033185482  0.000000000
## 13169  0.000231000 -0.012098789
## 13170  0.298563960 -0.065217495
## 13171 -0.015694141 -0.015362263
## 13172 -0.141368390  0.113853455
## 13173 -0.397681240 -0.033517838
## 13174  0.008639336  0.005677223
## 13175 -0.002700329  0.072298050
## 13176  0.041966440  0.140033720
## 13177  0.081727980  0.000000000
## 13178  0.000000000  0.066885950
## 13179 -0.000385000  0.247543810
## 13180 -0.048721791  0.050882579
## 13181  0.040167094 -0.020662546
## 13182 -0.063752650  0.000000000
## 13183  0.154589180  0.084006310
## 13184 -0.088176730  0.071125030
## 13185 -0.013065338 -0.151980400
## 13186 -0.062057020  0.108544830
## 13187  0.070907116  0.007339478
## 13188  0.013482094  0.008424282
## 13189  0.200526240  0.481204030
## 13190 -0.098386530 -0.275849100
## 13191  0.000000000 -0.179192540
## 13192 -0.054516792 -0.150893210
## 13193  0.111666200  0.200729850
## 13194  0.027561665  0.220004560
## 13195  0.071559906  0.018444538
## 13196  0.026378632  0.067698480
## 13197  0.039988040 -0.079855920
## 13198 -0.000616000  0.038632870
## 13199  0.000000000  0.018192291
## 13200 -0.076300620  0.106772900
## 13201  0.276442530  0.472587600
## 13202  0.110150814 -0.145121100
## 13203  0.020331385 -0.045500517
## 13204  0.069965840  0.179011820
## 13205  0.174296380 -0.236115460
## 13206 -0.023988247 -0.096716404
## 13207 -0.133626940 -0.203496460
## 13208 -0.042620660 -0.181546210
## 13209  0.000000000  0.346131320
## 13210  0.365976800  0.392033580
## 13211 -0.100371360 -0.275533680
## 13212  0.074476720  0.267423630
## 13213 -0.145746230  0.043559074
## 13214 -0.113799570 -0.042479515
## 13215 -0.367965220 -0.878202900
## 13216  0.000000000  0.244668960
## 13217  0.168531420  0.107167244
## 13218  0.412445070  0.071435930
## 13219  0.008234024  0.302995680
## 13220 -0.126774310  0.000023400
## 13221  0.224077700  0.198670390
## 13222 -0.112684250  0.084124565
## 13223 -0.191041000 -0.048872948
## 13224 -0.170148850 -0.538166050
## 13225  0.236341950  0.090484140
## 13226  0.070168970  0.070239070
## 13227  0.127614020  0.148239140
## 13228  0.059603214  0.277274600
## 13229 -0.594190600  0.000000000
## 13230 -0.088363650 -0.088193890
## 13231 -0.052809715  0.169202800
## 13232 -0.088439465 -0.130008220
## 13233 -0.554258350 -0.428426745
## 13234 -0.398451565  0.137261870
## 13235 -0.409756660  0.185715680
## 13236 -0.267705440 -0.133370400
## 13237  0.464314940 -0.353755950
## 13238  0.000000000 -0.052052020
## 13239  0.113485340  0.566231700
## 13240 -0.058161260 -0.016064167
## 13241 -0.042481422  0.159934520
## 13242  0.294121740 -0.023581505
## 13243 -0.372479440 -0.240916250
## 13244  0.028379440 -0.021886826
## 13245 -0.724782000 -0.394593240
## 13246 -0.040647984 -0.073984146
## 13247 -0.011988163  0.000000000
## 13248  0.093591210  0.081565860
## 13249  0.033379078 -0.034125805
## 13250  0.000000000 -0.193044660
## 13251  0.063325884 -0.008045440
## 13252  0.095082760  0.263015750
## 13253 -0.061057568  0.083303450
## 13254  0.061813354 -0.069333080
## 13255 -0.003400326 -0.128819940
## 13256  0.151281360  0.036023617
## 13257 -0.037141800  0.046713830
## 13258  0.033082962  0.048820972
## 13259 -0.002525658 -0.033424483
## 13260 -0.837513900 -0.132438660
## 13261 -0.241269590 -0.335821630
## 13262  0.000000000  0.021497726
## 13263  0.083963870  0.036335470
## 13264  0.143969540  0.029318810
## 13265 -0.139991760  0.235304830
## 13266  0.074919700  0.081699850
## 13267  0.336578370  0.089735030
## 13268  0.066932200 -0.197499280
## 13269 -0.165202620 -0.021741867
## 13270  0.000000000  0.098830700
## 13271  0.063162330  0.258852960
## 13272 -0.029559612  0.050176144
## 13273  0.178445340 -0.132869240
## 13274 -0.317448140 -0.163001540
## 13275  0.000000000 -0.058679104
## 13276 -0.261497500 -0.190702200
## 13277 -0.137594220 -0.055564880
## 13278  0.203736780 -0.156935690
## 13279  0.004012823 -0.000223400
## 13280 -0.092267510 -0.000745000
## 13281 -0.243361470 -0.058943750
## 13282 -0.098649025 -0.215413100
## 13283 -0.010283470  0.082943920
## 13284 -0.094417095 -0.307245250
## 13285  0.880823600  0.440238480
## 13286 -0.078209880  0.006695747
## 13287 -0.084999084  0.204200270
## 13288 -0.130898950 -0.227583890
## 13289  0.000000000  0.045921326
## 13290  0.019897938  0.009397030
## 13291 -0.158487800 -0.667075630
## 13292 -0.000378000  0.153899670
## 13293 -0.009388924  0.056878567
## 13294 -0.112331870 -0.451549530
## 13295 -0.117269040 -0.308008200
## 13296 -0.057381153 -0.013013363
## 13297  0.036740303 -0.018901825
## 13298  0.000000000 -0.201183800
## 13299 -0.208491800  0.088921070
## 13300  1.210744400  1.778770900
## 13301  0.090629580  0.047021390
## 13302  0.343757150 -0.225008960
## 13303  0.794882800  2.321761100
## 13304  1.087328900  2.071495000
## 13305  0.090409756 -0.172397610
## 13306  0.024210930  0.000000000
## 13307 -0.095610620  0.145208360
## 13308  0.287850380  0.184436800
## 13309  0.000000000  0.010732651
## 13310  0.041256428  0.025770664
## 13311 -0.109454630 -0.116294860
## 13312  0.189257025 -0.131175162
## 13313  0.016768456 -0.165278910
## 13314  0.000000000 -0.036577225
## 13315  0.012490749  0.256958000
## 13316 -0.171220780 -0.487977980
## 13317  0.075137615 -0.008955479
## 13318 -0.157000060  0.119921210
## 13319  0.162564280  0.202875140
## 13320 -0.035503387  0.284651760
## 13321  0.502924900  0.000000000
## 13322 -0.151968960 -0.065721510
## 13323  0.374173160  0.306554800
## 13324  0.085465910  0.047330380
## 13325  0.024415493  0.010470390
## 13326 -0.017163277  0.128885750
## 13327 -0.164962770  0.056798458
## 13328  0.076127050  0.074732300
## 13329 -0.106868270  0.112509730
## 13330 -0.138809200  0.261047360
## 13331  0.085526470  0.314507480
## 13332  0.364596370  0.099138260
## 13333 -0.101653100  0.009674072
## 13334 -0.059455870 -0.095804214
## 13335 -0.231637950  0.052624702
## 13336  0.595576300  0.000000000
## 13337  0.010984421 -0.058769703
## 13338  0.188973430  0.000000000
## 13339 -0.160882000  0.000000000
## 13340 -0.142880440  0.022943497
## 13341 -0.043621063  0.073624610
## 13342 -0.805589200 -0.855589870
## 13343 -0.056779860  0.351958270
## 13344  0.151767730  0.129169460
## 13345 -0.037634850 -0.006671906
## 13346 -0.094591140  0.061341286
## 13347 -0.041548252 -0.051239967
## 13348 -0.002600193  0.015731812
## 13349 -0.069692610 -0.168545250
## 13350  0.512566100  0.406860830
## 13351 -0.107313156  0.170684340
## 13352  1.265318900  0.871299740
## 13353  0.457656860  0.100774290
## 13354  0.009553432  0.103246690
## 13355  0.583972000  0.134807590
## 13356  0.405246730 -0.150995250
## 13357  0.172371385 -0.261162520
## 13358  0.390820500 -0.130898480
## 13359  0.079971315  0.433639990
## 13360 -0.188803670  0.177234650
## 13361 -0.585131875 -0.325522190
## 13362  0.165467260 -0.005606651
## 13363 -0.077072140  0.078514100
## 13364 -0.290286540  0.242043020
## 13365 -0.047076702  0.102598670
## 13366 -0.031240940  0.218434330
## 13367 -0.070392130 -0.228780750
## 13368 -0.266868360 -0.079679253
## 13369  0.131367210 -0.354375365
## 13370  0.000000000  0.330436700
## 13371  0.280894280 -0.187759400
## 13372  0.038905620 -0.043942930
## 13373  0.817777630  0.664583200
## 13374  0.000914000  0.165273670
## 13375  0.119055750 -0.050439358
## 13376  0.359301570  0.241653440
## 13377 -0.045288086  0.113661766
## 13378 -0.015185355  0.055522600
## 13379 -0.057301520 -0.339389320
## 13380  2.590711000  2.296620800
## 13381 -0.086904050 -0.366825580
## 13382  0.349843030  0.344694140
## 13383 -0.155562400 -0.000803000
## 13384 -0.045125008 -0.010179043
## 13385 -0.134004120 -0.440182700
## 13386  0.061007500  0.257662770
## 13387 -0.523879500 -0.574836730
## 13388  0.057518005  0.450106140
## 13389  0.405861390  0.548879145
## 13390 -0.044191360 -0.142740730
## 13391 -0.075455190 -0.032609463
## 13392  0.088072780  0.306460860
## 13393 -0.005225182 -0.245980260
## 13394 -0.205819130 -0.073505400
## 13395  0.060987473 -0.737318040
## 13396 -0.358418940 -1.120288400
## 13397 -0.007378101  0.000000000
## 13398  0.621286870 -0.109317780
## 13399 -0.109611034 -0.169134620
## 13400  0.095541480  0.218579770
## 13401  0.000000000  0.381481170
## 13402 -0.511485100  0.000000000
## 13403  0.222087860  0.000000000
## 13404 -0.118525980 -0.283998970
## 13405  0.084210396  0.000000000
## 13406  0.125339980  0.123612880
## 13407  0.367918970  0.116488460
## 13408  0.047784805  0.013250351
## 13409 -0.158681870  0.000000000
## 13410  0.244930270 -0.260340700
## 13411  0.009024620 -0.234346390
## 13412  0.019081593  0.029037952
## 13413  0.434476850  0.351549150
## 13414  0.183686260  0.191013340
## 13415 -0.154027460 -0.152607440
## 13416 -0.023596287 -0.034617424
## 13417 -0.155198570 -0.082847595
## 13418 -0.005629540 -0.020596027
## 13419  0.400489800  0.184923170
## 13420 -0.045413494 -0.060880184
## 13421  0.459830750 -0.322158100
## 13422  0.000000000  0.232679370
## 13423 -0.016366482 -0.094702720
## 13424  0.038984776 -0.015279293
## 13425 -0.013757229  0.047553062
## 13426  0.106219770 -0.003317356
## 13427  0.159220220 -0.122710230
## 13428 -0.130242350  0.003932953
## 13429  0.012738228 -0.073338985
## 13430  0.050526142  0.000000000
## 13431  0.181283000  0.075192930
## 13432 -0.005027771  0.193048480
## 13433  0.191779140  0.000000000
## 13434 -0.133654120 -0.029010773
## 13435 -0.171078680 -0.171239380
## 13436  0.191350460 -0.038425922
## 13437 -0.251650800 -0.342119700
## 13438  0.103872776 -0.044714450
## 13439 -0.000531830 -0.200736046
## 13440 -0.002542496  0.074497700
## 13441  0.119024280  0.000000000
## 13442  0.145081520 -0.159409050
## 13443  0.121627330  0.227195740
## 13444 -0.094275475 -0.137888910
## 13445  0.097736360 -0.028070450
## 13446 -0.226636890 -0.111720560
## 13447 -0.051373480 -0.921647100
## 13448  0.214723590 -0.026254654
## 13449 -0.113410950 -0.302285200
## 13450  0.043094160  0.093889240
## 13451  0.718046200 -0.090651035
## 13452  0.000000000 -0.039969444
## 13453 -0.779020800 -0.381262780
## 13454  0.654825700  0.426448350
## 13455 -0.015897750 -0.104763030
## 13456 -0.011461258  0.047361850
## 13457  1.159760500  0.524355900
## 13458  0.096469400 -0.003445625
## 13459  0.000000000  0.472758300
## 13460 -0.011050701  0.025750637
## 13461  2.992534200  2.353005000
## 13462 -0.027581215  0.165995600
## 13463  0.350555420 -0.066780090
## 13464 -0.029741764  0.002784491
## 13465 -0.107679608 -0.075639010
## 13466 -0.047623158  0.046157360
## 13467 -0.117845060  0.114345550
## 13468 -0.173674100 -0.284985070
## 13469 -0.178144450 -0.108966350
## 13470  0.348655220 -0.844453800
## 13471 -0.001760960  0.083144665
## 13472  0.727877600  0.784467200
## 13473  0.017190456 -0.099033830
## 13474  0.222562310  0.836278440
## 13475 -0.247255330  0.916813850
## 13476  0.940267100  0.247597220
## 13477  0.653974530  0.017273426
## 13478  0.000000000 -0.007303715
## 13479  0.201338770  0.535741800
## 13480 -0.002784729  1.162588100
## 13481  0.313611980 -0.021670341
## 13482  0.225620750  0.563552860
## 13483 -0.334146020 -0.111753940
## 13484 -0.023355007  0.000000000
## 13485 -0.161205770  0.085874080
## 13486 -0.572900300  0.123353004
## 13487 -0.023540020  0.115418910
## 13488 -0.240065100 -0.522933500
## 13489  0.307039740  0.450936320
## 13490 -0.205218790 -0.031810760
## 13491  0.162397860  0.208943840
## 13492 -0.431578640  0.046413420
## 13493 -0.748331550 -0.400376800
## 13494  0.099479200  0.615010260
## 13495 -0.187623980  0.102190970
## 13496 -0.371737475 -0.293533085
## 13497 -0.401290420 -0.418693540
## 13498 -0.312460900 -0.031065940
## 13499  0.206285710  0.114378453
## 13500  0.045903683  0.034164906
## 13501 -0.141904350  0.050529957
## 13502 -0.040575027  0.115209580
## 13503  0.022994995  0.174704550
## 13504 -0.226205830  0.059052467
## 13505  0.032888412  0.089467050
## 13506  0.193495750 -0.138236050
## 13507 -0.299282550 -0.059063912
## 13508 -0.029223918  0.238843440
## 13509 -0.086504218  0.072319985
## 13510  0.232686040  0.154662130
## 13511  0.117893220 -0.033621310
## 13512 -0.167916770 -0.181998730
## 13513  0.149689200  0.000000000
## 13514  1.162431200  0.724713800
## 13515  0.283487320 -0.051109790
## 13516  0.110677720  0.104721070
## 13517  0.166556840 -0.118183136
## 13518  0.000000000  0.061420440
## 13519 -0.150618080 -0.145038130
## 13520 -0.011566162 -0.006480694
## 13521 -0.009710312 -0.020071507
## 13522 -0.023169518 -0.046400070
## 13523  0.401046750  0.622737900
## 13524  0.309345720  0.477121830
## 13525 -0.006252289  0.162614820
## 13526 -0.105432510  0.016967773
## 13527  0.242768760 -0.293535230
## 13528  0.042085170 -0.115735054
## 13529 -0.578919400 -0.628171900
## 13530  0.015877247 -0.066835880
## 13531  0.455224040  0.232702260
## 13532 -0.037568092  0.037877083
## 13533 -0.181235790 -0.165059570
## 13534  0.183658600 -0.050342560
## 13535  0.060454845  0.016006947
## 13536  0.181419850  0.005080223
## 13537 -0.166366098  0.113007068
## 13538  0.311345105  0.114768982
## 13539  0.244682310  0.012956619
## 13540 -0.072374344  0.088386536
## 13541 -0.293181420 -0.596512800
## 13542 -0.203283310 -0.885066030
## 13543 -0.223500730 -0.229609965
## 13544  0.023641586 -0.005869865
## 13545  0.248906140  0.247979160
## 13546 -0.268159870  0.264091500
## 13547 -0.449492450 -0.094327930
## 13548 -0.033424377 -0.035712242
## 13549 -0.020583153  0.129371640
## 13550 -0.159432890 -0.090082170
## 13551  0.110932350  0.900010100
## 13552  0.003947258  0.052919388
## 13553 -0.192741395  0.080627919
## 13554  0.000000000 -0.172254090
## 13555 -0.052306175 -0.071507930
## 13556 -0.157356740 -0.012689114
## 13557  0.502068500  0.309599880
## 13558  0.882042400  0.153487680
## 13559  0.581979300  0.035290240
## 13560  0.028540134 -0.083033085
## 13561  0.129111290  0.137695310
## 13562  0.000000000  0.209796430
## 13563 -0.054594517 -0.031979084
## 13564  0.394734860  0.061098576
## 13565 -0.122033596 -0.042441368
## 13566 -0.028617859 -0.077157500
## 13567  0.008313179 -0.043872356
## 13568 -0.009021282  0.005169392
## 13569  0.796941760 -0.340436940
## 13570 -0.120265484 -0.034959316
## 13571 -0.020843029 -0.003343582
## 13572 -0.167562480  0.000000000
## 13573  0.000000000 -0.820513250
## 13574 -0.149570470 -0.265962600
## 13575 -0.059603214 -0.027008533
## 13576  0.392463680  0.098011020
## 13577 -0.061090470  0.159905910
## 13578  0.705690400  0.789763450
## 13579 -0.306610580 -0.383640770
## 13580  0.648119000  1.122510000
## 13581  0.514355200  0.300537100
## 13582  0.513745800  0.635064600
## 13583 -0.434886927  0.354227783
## 13584 -0.125274660 -0.153000830
## 13585  0.046772480  0.000000000
## 13586 -0.509448050 -0.085013390
## 13587  0.028782845 -0.228657720
## 13588 -0.074137690  0.033699990
## 13589  0.011091232  0.028398514
## 13590 -0.061978340 -0.193545340
## 13591 -0.596642500 -0.686414700
## 13592  0.257923130  0.380744930
## 13593  0.270275120 -0.288141250
## 13594  0.052621840 -0.067068100
## 13595 -0.246655460 -0.082807064
## 13596 -0.021659374 -0.082564354
## 13597 -0.508579250 -0.192792420
## 13598  0.246100900  0.126061920
## 13599  1.404983050  1.952662450
## 13600 -0.207548620 -0.288602350
## 13601  0.578783040  0.493967060
## 13602  0.426613330 -0.125744820
## 13603  0.341491700  1.151974700
## 13604  0.206138130  0.492966650
## 13605  0.025035858  0.000707000
## 13606  0.121758460  0.048779964
## 13607  0.132363320  0.049548150
## 13608  0.478131770 -0.073662280
## 13609 -0.253079900  0.220764640
## 13610  0.160241130  0.718640300
## 13611 -0.316805840  0.000000000
## 13612 -0.014698982  0.282190320
## 13613 -0.371198650  0.338343140
## 13614 -0.143617150  0.327795030
## 13615 -0.011126518  0.023245811
## 13616  0.330695150  0.047902107
## 13617 -0.203990460  0.079190254
## 13618  0.189083580  0.081418040
## 13619 -0.021642685 -0.060146332
## 13620  0.078139305  0.016014576
## 13621 -0.089359280 -0.446755900
## 13622  0.946502700  0.890968300
## 13623 -0.071558950  0.003471375
## 13624  0.073761940 -0.139023300
## 13625 -0.336858750  0.067929270
## 13626  0.088048460 -0.009102345
## 13627 -0.135910510 -0.148752210
## 13628 -0.359607220 -0.121064660
## 13629  0.018975258  0.074753284
## 13630  0.060429573 -0.042392730
## 13631  0.532171250  0.519732500
## 13632 -0.012171268  0.188972470
## 13633  0.289813040 -0.022405624
## 13634 -0.180351733 -0.238642533
## 13635 -0.120149136  0.037356377
## 13636  0.143764500  0.151679040
## 13637 -0.139051910 -0.083463670
## 13638  0.065162180  0.254863740
## 13639  0.228085520  0.254670620
## 13640  0.000084400  0.122137550
## 13641  0.000000000  0.686621200
## 13642 -0.603047400 -0.403865800
## 13643  0.467208860  0.521601700
## 13644  0.000000000  0.162868020
## 13645  0.432209970  0.200946090
## 13646  0.152388570 -0.158752920
## 13647 -0.069973946 -0.020464897
## 13648  0.552183150 -0.536117100
## 13649  0.233215330  0.053833485
## 13650 -0.871024600  0.007230282
## 13651  0.119196890  1.015873900
## 13652  0.239163880  0.777359960
## 13653  0.382752900  0.380094050
## 13654  0.488328930  0.023256779
## 13655 -0.146874903 -0.239926100
## 13656  0.108977795  0.014913082
## 13657 -0.070868015 -0.083315370
## 13658  0.037845610 -0.398832080
## 13659  0.009020329  0.152366160
## 13660 -0.043242455 -0.214576720
## 13661 -0.123571396  0.023545742
## 13662 -0.143592830 -0.141479020
## 13663  0.098691940 -0.079048160
## 13664 -0.375688550 -0.268873200
## 13665  0.198966030  0.204293730
## 13666  0.016167164 -0.158216950
## 13667  0.032289505 -0.257257460
## 13668 -0.178992750 -0.317826270
## 13669 -0.119437695  0.058501720
## 13670 -0.762834550 -0.710803030
## 13671 -0.089529514  0.086848736
## 13672  0.069248680  0.090173244
## 13673 -0.004737854  0.110925200
## 13674 -0.501617900 -0.380648140
## 13675 -0.272639270  0.040511608
## 13676 -0.276955600 -0.409271720
## 13677 -0.212833880 -0.184886460
## 13678  0.158915520 -0.046880722
## 13679 -0.442295070 -0.413631920
## 13680 -0.026498795 -0.013537407
## 13681 -0.154984000 -0.163599010
## 13682 -0.140761380 -0.268294800
## 13683 -0.112004280  0.041040420
## 13684  0.256092550 -0.029211998
## 13685  0.414824000 -0.049990177
## 13686 -0.301632400 -0.454439640
## 13687  0.413681030  0.552233700
## 13688  0.155194280 -0.110669136
## 13689 -0.296459670  0.124094486
## 13690 -0.006889582 -0.045792345
## 13691 -0.056571960 -0.139873500
## 13692  0.009718418 -0.011304855
## 13693 -0.058784485 -0.054727077
## 13694  0.000576496 -0.036005974
## 13695  0.995451000  0.789099700
## 13696 -0.096776960 -0.099147320
## 13697 -0.528645040 -1.139202600
## 13698 -0.150763510 -0.349144460
## 13699 -0.094645020 -0.225273130
## 13700 -0.011009693  0.235358240
## 13701 -0.026506900  0.011864662
## 13702 -0.001628399  0.050601482
## 13703 -0.027770042 -0.153413770
## 13704  0.049696445  0.348602300
## 13705  0.266030300 -0.169062610
## 13706 -0.020052274 -0.194618223
## 13707 -0.111645220  0.055531500
## 13708 -0.092251300 -0.409545900
## 13709 -0.107835290  0.043628216
## 13710 -0.006706715  0.081939220
## 13711 -0.027949333  0.073890210
## 13712 -0.003849983 -0.046622276
## 13713  0.008697033 -0.390262130
## 13714  0.279133800  0.525939000
## 13715  0.000000000  0.214356420
## 13716  0.249979500  0.342950820
## 13717 -0.000450000 -0.015978813
## 13718 -0.323023320  0.240484240
## 13719  0.084557060  0.085371494
## 13720 -0.079550266 -0.050100803
## 13721  0.142465590  0.220418450
## 13722 -0.030211449  0.208603860
## 13723  0.319228170  0.151263240
## 13724 -0.285031800  0.148333550
## 13725 -0.022942543 -0.043806553
## 13726  0.338311200  0.408909800
## 13727 -0.066424850 -0.221879480
## 13728  0.859833700  1.025264700
## 13729 -0.061817170  0.295832630
## 13730 -0.106682775  0.070297718
## 13731 -0.044920920 -0.093569756
## 13732 -0.122514250 -0.294285770
## 13733  0.128986360  0.071756360
## 13734  0.096434595  0.201078885
## 13735  0.022987366  0.078961370
## 13736  0.178950790  0.176529410
## 13737 -0.598012900 -0.096179010
## 13738 -0.017334938 -0.291550640
## 13739  0.273071300 -0.088520530
## 13740  0.791065200  0.303671840
## 13741 -0.072991370 -0.187070850
## 13742 -0.030872345 -0.052050114
## 13743  0.000000000  0.091788290
## 13744 -0.146530150  0.016974450
## 13745 -0.263143060  0.602767470
## 13746 -0.018442154  0.148098950
## 13747 -0.016110897  0.042860508
## 13748  0.073427200 -0.146454810
## 13749 -0.089107670 -0.066263836
## 13750  0.214588650  0.421869760
## 13751  0.051084520  0.413593300
## 13752  0.196371080  0.142112730
## 13753  0.210654740 -0.073971270
## 13754  0.037571907  0.001975060
## 13755 -0.178462030 -0.057659150
## 13756 -0.188989160  0.390412330
## 13757 -0.519893650  0.000000000
## 13758 -0.213055610 -0.027197838
## 13759  0.125047445 -0.153015375
## 13760  0.051906110  0.082345010
## 13761  0.116590500  0.145346640
## 13762 -0.386808870 -0.172019480
## 13763 -0.235750200 -0.446623800
## 13764 -0.329002860 -0.072603226
## 13765  0.091177460  0.047544956
## 13766 -0.142521380 -0.022017718
## 13767 -0.230384350 -0.122788430
## 13768 -0.150617120  0.063212870
## 13769  0.080408570  0.543623900
## 13770  0.470840450  0.673215870
## 13771  0.358310700  0.080846790
## 13772 -0.000600815 -0.014260293
## 13773  0.341004370  0.474340440
## 13774 -0.058784960  0.018820286
## 13775  0.000000000 -0.055139065
## 13776 -0.428229800  0.332566260
## 13777 -0.060144900  0.194975380
## 13778  0.091284275 -0.206699370
## 13779 -0.766714100 -1.253230100
## 13780  0.449226380  0.246787070
## 13781 -0.004428864  0.196745870
## 13782  0.000000000 -0.597987650
## 13783 -0.068231580 -0.050932884
## 13784  0.001629829  0.151424410
## 13785  1.072043400  0.884833340
## 13786 -0.517308240 -0.127389910
## 13787  0.127729900  0.660611600
## 13788 -0.043842793  0.136633400
## 13789 -0.185546400  0.000000000
## 13790 -0.215100770 -0.137439730
## 13791 -0.027847767  0.019723415
## 13792  0.144122600  0.194043640
## 13793 -0.186167240 -0.718977000
## 13794 -0.583038800  0.020693779
## 13795  0.087943080  0.029071808
## 13796 -0.289327620 -0.025226593
## 13797 -0.045769215 -0.044102670
## 13798  0.083188060 -0.007432938
## 13799 -0.240957260 -0.029384613
## 13800  0.230734830  0.117413520
## 13801  0.027864456  0.162202360
## 13802  0.000000000  0.241927150
## 13803  0.417077060  0.659073800
## 13804 -0.325049880  0.321126460
## 13805 -0.047972202 -0.249495980
## 13806  0.324740887  0.562902777
## 13807 -0.253721083 -0.020394325
## 13808 -0.154467100  0.046424390
## 13809  0.041410923 -0.034856320
## 13810 -0.361089230 -0.266683100
## 13811 -0.032023430 -0.242034440
## 13812 -0.068795680 -0.228498940
## 13813 -0.233446600 -0.463336940
## 13814  0.005517006  0.058290480
## 13815  0.157950400  0.131966590
## 13816  0.324007030  0.317962650
## 13817  0.452221870  0.333100800
## 13818 -0.187636380  0.069397930
## 13819 -0.013312340 -0.093664170
## 13820  0.240969660 -0.219443800
## 13821  0.290784595 -0.984837040
## 13822  0.116407394  0.044129370
## 13823 -0.314567100 -0.028081417
## 13824 -0.232738970  0.043745995
## 13825  0.012921333 -0.119141580
## 13826 -0.747350700 -0.681265830
## 13827  0.075290680 -0.087175846
## 13828 -0.171563630  0.077760220
## 13829 -0.411551480 -0.312102320
## 13830  0.287438400 -0.750786800
## 13831 -0.122925760  0.083734035
## 13832 -0.466727730 -0.282154560
## 13833 -0.158513550 -0.363396640
## 13834  0.049522877 -0.075474260
## 13835 -0.140453340 -0.215424060
## 13836  0.399088860  0.630693440
## 13837  1.303522100  1.108280200
## 13838 -0.041968822 -0.002660751
## 13839 -0.111742020 -0.499088300
## 13840 -0.007694244  0.073561670
## 13841  0.219711300 -0.003719330
## 13842 -0.304028030 -0.433789730
## 13843 -0.051307200  0.051011086
## 13844  0.335307120  0.226905820
## 13845 -0.309377670 -0.456529620
## 13846  0.242468830  0.025377274
## 13847  0.015152931  0.000000000
## 13848  0.078684810 -0.072580814
## 13849 -0.125532150 -0.101079940
## 13850  0.225181580  0.905738830
## 13851 -0.216287610 -0.077476500
## 13852  0.144420150 -0.112863064
## 13853 -0.173897740  0.137645240
## 13854 -0.197674750 -0.162688730
## 13855  0.117043970  0.006574631
## 13856  0.066923140 -0.223138330
## 13857  0.094326970  0.105856420
## 13858 -0.209231380  0.220263000
## 13859  0.112524986 -0.124393460
## 13860 -0.588915835 -0.152599335
## 13861  0.239645480  0.071854115
## 13862  0.036249638  0.056535244
## 13863  0.500524500  0.282208440
## 13864 -0.018742561  0.134984970
## 13865  0.000000000 -0.277794840
## 13866 -0.222157960 -0.304287900
## 13867 -0.313867570  0.066993710
## 13868  0.122941970 -0.158339500
## 13869 -0.236444950  0.000000000
## 13870  0.570384500  0.291813370
## 13871 -0.018224240  0.107195380
## 13872 -0.159229760  0.048348427
## 13873 -0.067586420 -0.532000540
## 13874 -0.160517220 -0.027244568
## 13875 -0.262746800 -0.115032196
## 13876  0.097343445  0.027307510
## 13877 -0.104189396 -0.089854240
## 13878  0.165080550  0.024855614
## 13879 -0.321102140 -0.084805490
## 13880  0.034112930 -0.005306244
## 13881 -0.270992760 -0.197117800
## 13882 -0.472993850 -0.000230000
## 13883  0.399955750  0.285533900
## 13884  0.000000000  0.529236800
## 13885  0.061800957 -0.025039673
## 13886  0.152997500  0.151711940
## 13887  0.056149483 -0.166015620
## 13888 -0.051482200  0.438425060
## 13889 -0.133377080 -0.108182910
## 13890  0.127903940  0.095345500
## 13891  0.000000000  0.178275590
## 13892  0.086345196 -0.082205770
## 13893 -0.027596950 -0.038525105
## 13894  0.002357960  0.002805710
## 13895  0.204074860  0.000000000
## 13896 -0.039931297 -0.479356770
## 13897  0.158072470  0.290141100
## 13898 -0.069635870  0.000000000
## 13899 -0.223390100  0.000000000
## 13900  0.975819600  0.355376240
## 13901  0.062582970  0.018650055
## 13902 -0.032243490 -0.079031945
## 13903 -0.088047030  0.047071457
## 13904  0.000000000 -0.052367210
## 13905 -0.008922100 -0.042795180
## 13906  1.493272300  0.523277760
## 13907  0.194035530  0.405590530
## 13908 -0.012848854  0.016664505
## 13909 -0.081071850  0.107379440
## 13910 -0.164939400  0.123944760
## 13911  0.000000000 -0.020112991
## 13912  0.206778530  0.160759930
## 13913  0.273581500 -0.055283546
## 13914  0.150586130  0.095595360
## 13915  0.278607850  0.333209500
## 13916 -0.306719300  0.514214040
## 13917  0.049369335 -0.191943650
## 13918 -0.001475334 -0.024709225
## 13919  0.563760300  0.238642220
## 13920 -0.066130640 -0.027468204
## 13921  1.481735200  1.502718000
## 13922 -0.086934570  0.360542770
## 13923  0.114828110  0.012861252
## 13924 -0.280600550  0.009063721
## 13925 -0.229699130  0.093031410
## 13926 -0.338986400 -0.017945766
## 13927  0.049566270 -0.105113030
## 13928 -0.036578180  0.116424560
## 13929  0.227718350  0.060370445
## 13930  0.061985970 -0.081182000
## 13931 -0.123299600 -0.151116370
## 13932 -0.154602530  0.096774100
## 13933 -0.078360080  0.115274430
## 13934  0.181741710 -0.079300880
## 13935 -0.994429100 -0.631677600
## 13936 -0.279545300 -0.100577830
## 13937 -0.051312923  0.000000000
## 13938  0.000000000 -0.007282734
## 13939  0.043791770  0.033521652
## 13940  0.066970825  0.000000000
## 13941 -0.162569050  0.058036327
## 13942  0.310957900  0.308822150
## 13943 -0.218643670  0.249315740
## 13944 -0.179820540  0.021295070
## 13945 -0.096886635 -0.417381300
## 13946  0.086203575  0.069398880
## 13947 -0.035136223  0.040006160
## 13948 -2.305237800 -2.581104800
## 13949  0.036788940 -0.029868126
## 13950  1.092944767  0.368879003
## 13951 -0.329659000  0.043601036
## 13952  0.313275340  0.302803520
## 13953 -0.533384800 -0.001729965
## 13954  0.696525600  0.364451400
## 13955 -0.123135090 -0.916527300
## 13956 -0.167268280  1.048315500
## 13957  0.005151817 -0.090854100
## 13958 -0.153601650 -0.241192820
## 13959  0.185880660 -0.216921330
## 13960  0.364401820  0.329682350
## 13961 -0.087852955 -0.490713120
## 13962 -0.014060020  0.181022640
## 13963  0.885066030  1.102791800
## 13964  0.278939720  0.533935550
## 13965 -0.083041190  0.251777170
## 13966  0.054267406 -0.107038975
## 13967  0.247823720  0.447008600
## 13968  0.183628080  0.363883970
## 13969 -0.555741300 -0.694181900
## 13970 -0.061895370  0.026253223
## 13971 -0.067491530 -0.117393490
## 13972 -0.402536400  0.000000000
## 13973  0.000000000 -0.113115790
## 13974  0.000000000 -0.035997390
## 13975  0.068666460 -0.051711082
## 13976 -0.226537230 -0.055349827
## 13977  0.138600830  0.049170494
## 13978 -0.234910960  0.592577000
## 13979  0.184070110  0.119257690
## 13980  0.064868450  0.083908560
## 13981 -0.128209590  0.109820366
## 13982  0.007709980 -0.009140015
## 13983  0.173819070  0.004190922
## 13984  0.193376060  0.017530918
## 13985  0.053990364 -0.056011200
## 13986 -0.137299540 -0.114282130
## 13987  0.274693970  0.027933598
## 13988  0.113919260  0.214411740
## 13989  0.204994680  0.336070060
## 13990  0.094931600  0.400868420
## 13991  0.254812720 -0.040744305
## 13992 -0.003621101  0.195008750
## 13993 -0.007772923  0.070670130
## 13994  0.095399380  0.000000000
## 13995  0.000000000 -0.306028840
## 13996  0.009016037  0.000000000
## 13997  0.312446120 -0.018509865
## 13998  0.063772680  0.025273800
## 13999  0.266913900  0.035216330
## 14000 -0.196950910 -0.264247900
## 14001  0.497814180  0.588136700
## 14002  0.395596980  0.776122570
## 14003  0.050526620  0.596927640
## 14004 -0.010549545  0.044771194
## 14005  0.825851900  0.900779250
## 14006  0.075807570 -0.089479450
## 14007  0.020638943  0.097842220
## 14008  1.749885600  1.091453100
## 14009  0.180239200  0.000000000
## 14010  0.246673100  0.018493652
## 14011 -0.494357600  0.098382950
## 14012  0.086852550 -0.094696045
## 14013 -0.146511080 -0.104084490
## 14014  0.292140960  0.231476780
## 14015  0.602597240  0.673763300
## 14016  0.084882260  0.059077263
## 14017  0.029809952 -0.151351930
## 14018  0.313118930  0.352138520
## 14019  0.000000000 -0.078601840
## 14020  0.619600300  0.523084640
## 14021  0.006517887  0.097811220
## 14022  0.096603870  0.234671600
## 14023  0.000000000 -0.025384903
## 14024 -0.124290470 -0.087430954
## 14025  0.072311400 -0.707491400
## 14026  0.209469800 -0.077670100
## 14027  0.538851260  0.926845100
## 14028 -0.013504505 -0.341753000
## 14029  0.236118320 -0.084710600
## 14030 -0.162547590 -0.127074240
## 14031  2.354337700  2.002351800
## 14032  1.390214000  1.515025100
## 14033  0.815675740  2.216506000
## 14034  0.540817260  0.286165240
## 14035 -0.079075340  0.010237217
## 14036  0.936909690  1.013224913
## 14037 -0.159916880 -0.106037140
## 14038 -0.167072300 -0.256244660
## 14039  0.574904440  0.674629200
## 14040  0.489162435  0.133464098
## 14041  0.611102100  0.658705700
## 14042  0.775946140  0.087371826
## 14043  0.379155160  0.185465810
## 14044 -0.378960600 -0.660355570
## 14045 -0.631968000 -0.430534360
## 14046  0.498232360 -0.084073070
## 14047  0.245881560 -0.507225040
## 14048  0.249184610  0.061150550
## 14049  1.433981900  1.876715700
## 14050  0.135659220  0.157110690
## 14051  0.829654700  0.693307900
## 14052  0.032062531 -0.021079540
## 14053 -0.373729700 -0.686695100
## 14054 -0.061050415  0.030552387
## 14055 -0.315639500 -0.320520400
## 14056  1.305375100  0.946858400
## 14057 -0.078019140  0.008503914
## 14058 -0.407798770 -0.190544600
## 14059 -0.053343296 -0.423194400
## 14060 -0.080049990 -0.027939796
## 14061  0.312029840  0.406895640
## 14062 -0.110783580 -0.250274180
## 14063  0.024940490  0.087909700
## 14064 -0.335063460 -0.343587400
## 14065  0.179142950 -0.241494180
## 14066 -0.235491750 -0.458117490
## 14067  0.245830060  0.012022495
## 14068 -0.016340256  0.583503700
## 14069  0.107994080  0.191680910
## 14070 -0.300262450 -0.431171420
## 14071 -0.342308040 -0.158022400
## 14072  0.215182300 -0.427182200
## 14073 -0.685356600 -0.264730930
## 14074  0.103557110  0.006551743
## 14075 -0.704320900  0.244396210
## 14076  0.062392950  0.334764480
## 14077 -0.172744270 -0.060155870
## 14078  0.171294690  0.013150692
## 14079  0.096878530 -0.042379856
## 14080  0.003155708  0.081651210
## 14081 -0.107934950 -0.048616886
## 14082 -0.234361170  0.000000000
## 14083 -0.169737340 -0.021337032
## 14084  0.000000000  0.131434920
## 14085 -0.018400192 -0.118808750
## 14086 -0.073650360 -0.069372180
## 14087  0.081999300  0.047507763
## 14088  0.005884171  0.098469734
## 14089  0.036465645  0.378512380
## 14090  0.033191442  0.121248486
## 14091  0.033036232  0.144885060
## 14092 -0.653168700  0.584214200
## 14093 -0.210513110  0.636971500
## 14094 -0.002539158  0.099838730
## 14095  0.211764340 -0.020368576
## 14096  0.000000000  0.023504734
## 14097 -0.027237892 -0.074664590
## 14098 -0.076799390  0.163457870
## 14099  0.057272910 -0.087497234
## 14100 -0.257640360 -0.013511658
## 14101 -0.119610310  0.190429690
## 14102 -0.814364430 -0.022603035
## 14103  0.112849236 -0.060674667
## 14104 -0.312544820  0.043104170
## 14105  0.099962234 -0.423774720
## 14106 -0.288603780  0.253760340
## 14107  0.000000000  0.172530170
## 14108  0.061877250 -0.164685250
## 14109 -0.071466920  0.065864560
## 14110  0.402471540  0.042603493
## 14111  0.046979427  0.022055388
## 14112  0.095095634  0.005261898
## 14113  0.154125210 -0.068456170
## 14114  0.065316680  0.036557674
## 14115  0.283483980 -0.004154682
## 14116 -0.787409300 -0.097521780
## 14117 -0.095071790  0.053774834
## 14118  0.081325054  0.131144520
## 14119  0.355686200  0.110158440
## 14120  0.008598328 -0.088993070
## 14121  0.000000000 -0.086700440
## 14122  0.211316110  0.153362750
## 14123 -0.405584340  0.191085820
## 14124  0.463070870 -0.292421820
## 14125  0.111657140 -0.179790020
## 14126  0.200365070  0.000000000
## 14127 -0.090223790 -0.245725630
## 14128  0.081664085 -0.141085620
## 14129  0.548771860 -0.422782900
## 14130 -0.266489980 -0.141022680
## 14131  0.046058655  0.144923690
## 14132 -0.550696400 -0.712488200
## 14133 -0.550290600 -0.589521900
## 14134 -0.343924520 -0.106311320
## 14135  0.027757645  0.245903020
## 14136 -0.153207780  0.068891525
## 14137 -0.143693450 -0.111476420
## 14138 -0.173681260 -0.205119130
## 14139  0.017916203 -0.263278480
## 14140 -0.019968510 -0.389481070
## 14141  0.336279870  0.236034400
## 14142  0.647146225  0.125291825
## 14143 -0.139232160 -0.202738290
## 14144 -0.399415020 -0.650071140
## 14145  0.058610916  0.074971200
## 14146  0.281873225  0.137370350
## 14147 -0.261655800 -0.282031540
## 14148  0.028624058  0.176305770
## 14149  0.375700000  0.315552700
## 14150 -0.965229030 -0.264346120
## 14151 -0.003705264  0.157554865
## 14152 -0.488904000 -0.322732930
## 14153 -0.099842070  0.102043150
## 14154 -0.758324375 -0.043772221
## 14155  0.020112991 -0.144010070
## 14156  0.035043716  0.270335200
## 14157 -0.180244450 -0.263367650
## 14158 -0.000299000 -0.267458920
## 14159 -0.638249400 -1.051774500
## 14160  0.287220000  0.168050290
## 14161 -0.330876345  0.153654825
## 14162  0.273870000  0.302555560
## 14163 -0.570696830  0.364238260
## 14164  0.212941170  0.347783100
## 14165  0.227572920  0.062146187
## 14166 -0.375573160 -0.204263690
## 14167 -0.023000240  0.061968327
## 14168  0.385734080  0.452346320
## 14169 -0.042514800  0.018927574
## 14170  0.486029150 -0.195309640
## 14171 -0.106030464  0.730149750
## 14172 -0.524868000 -0.440796850
## 14173 -0.505050200 -0.606793400
## 14174 -0.071103096  0.020828724
## 14175  0.036516190  0.044517040
## 14176 -0.445179940 -0.317644120
## 14177 -0.176694400 -0.691329500
## 14178  0.534868240  0.031869890
## 14179 -0.533485900  0.014044762
## 14180  0.380159380  0.000000000
## 14181 -0.037316322 -0.290593620
## 14182  0.231579780  0.063640120
## 14183 -0.020917892  0.113461970
## 14184 -0.485688700  0.046203136
## 14185  0.004729748 -0.017701626
## 14186  1.424390800  1.606970300
## 14187 -0.156123160 -0.171462060
## 14188 -0.197359090 -0.112245560
## 14189 -0.017995358  0.067242146
## 14190  0.024907112  0.046089172
## 14191  0.014246464 -0.115153310
## 14192 -0.116829395 -0.089344500
## 14193 -0.084116936 -0.005688191
## 14194  0.078239440  0.288706300
## 14195 -0.137773990  0.000000000
## 14196  0.214220520 -0.105535030
## 14197 -0.036659718  0.125046730
## 14198 -0.003496170 -0.062501910
## 14199  0.009515286  0.112487790
## 14200  0.012252808 -0.010689735
## 14201 -0.015279770 -0.068348885
## 14202  0.082548140 -0.106417180
## 14203  0.519606600 -0.029685497
## 14204 -0.079376700  0.155892850
## 14205 -0.025848389 -0.013606072
## 14206  0.058538914 -0.095361710
## 14207 -0.312174320  0.324903500
## 14208 -0.456981660 -1.229879900
## 14209 -0.102341650 -0.168274400
## 14210  0.330606460  0.610191350
## 14211  1.029484700  1.035924000
## 14212  0.061129093  0.000000000
## 14213 -0.063483715 -0.030080318
## 14214  0.238595010 -0.081401825
## 14215  0.362112520 -0.077558520
## 14216  0.021758080 -0.024668694
## 14217 -0.093685150  0.037784576
## 14218  0.240764140  0.411203380
## 14219  2.405473700  2.420781100
## 14220 -0.011814356  0.094897748
## 14221 -0.013093472 -0.052057743
## 14222 -0.024198532  0.107041360
## 14223  1.077304800  0.556288240
## 14224 -0.229316710 -0.320712570
## 14225 -0.003304005 -0.610724000
## 14226  0.071981668 -0.240531215
## 14227 -0.018693447 -0.049421310
## 14228  0.000000000 -0.015889168
## 14229  0.029624939  0.367241860
## 14230 -0.288033500  0.028649807
## 14231 -0.131648540 -0.014722347
## 14232 -0.062699320 -0.096940040
## 14233  0.756014800  0.543337800
## 14234  0.000000000 -0.024456501
## 14235 -0.361549380 -0.303561200
## 14236 -0.054085645 -0.033636570
## 14237  0.121174810  0.021757126
## 14238  0.251541140  0.000000000
## 14239  0.348681450  0.851768500
## 14240 -0.183365820  0.290216450
## 14241  0.364146230 -0.032716274
## 14242  0.275023460  0.003614426
## 14243 -0.135392190  0.068090440
## 14244 -0.726240638 -0.283476353
## 14245 -0.142168520 -0.238205910
## 14246 -0.679674600 -0.372961040
## 14247 -0.616310600 -0.794639600
## 14248  0.222958560  0.010750771
## 14249 -0.115209100 -0.082104680
## 14250  0.113766190  0.142720220
## 14251 -0.225105760 -0.131757740
## 14252  0.290939800  0.023837090
## 14253  0.000000000  0.100496290
## 14254 -0.367338180  0.131254200
## 14255  0.174244882 -0.216934203
## 14256  0.217194080  0.165391450
## 14257  0.509634000  0.472547530
## 14258  0.181617740  0.129529950
## 14259  0.512750600  0.201067920
## 14260  0.735300540  1.016792800
## 14261 -0.547410500 -0.689849400
## 14262 -0.407589900 -0.114673140
## 14263 -0.014054775  0.392726900
## 14264  0.101189140 -0.026857376
## 14265  0.515672700  0.385948180
## 14266  0.007530689  0.000000000
## 14267 -0.297144400 -0.333105100
## 14268 -0.228874200 -0.452441220
## 14269  0.000000000  0.103513720
## 14270  0.045110702  0.000000000
## 14271  0.000000000 -0.030729294
## 14272 -0.426000600 -0.197549820
## 14273  0.024253845  0.103368760
## 14274 -0.058772360  0.313072270
## 14275  0.211612700  0.358424200
## 14276  0.590359700  0.534730900
## 14277  0.467874530  0.561994100
## 14278  0.000000000  0.047984123
## 14279 -1.323158050 -0.764463900
## 14280  0.262323380  0.187610630
## 14281 -0.066015720  0.178007130
## 14282 -0.503791800 -0.148703580
## 14283  0.052707434  0.280279875
## 14284 -0.256280900  0.000000000
## 14285  0.298748970 -0.102867130
##  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 6359 rows ]
##                 ID      logFC      AveExpr          t      P.Value    adj.P.Val
## 1          Slco1a4  6.6453875  1.216866981  88.655150 1.320000e-18 2.730000e-14
## 2          Slc19a3  6.2815246  1.160046816  69.950939 2.410000e-17 2.490000e-13
## 3              Ddc  4.4833378  0.836523085  65.578357 5.310000e-17 3.650000e-13
## 4          Slco1c1  6.4693845  1.355886518  59.876126 1.620000e-16 8.340000e-13
## 5           Sema3c  5.5156298  2.325211686  58.531408 2.140000e-16 8.810000e-13
## 6          Slc38a3  4.7617553  0.921867043  54.115586 5.580000e-16 1.760000e-12
## 7           Mfsd2a  4.5070912  0.871022008  53.450089 6.490000e-16 1.760000e-12
## 8          Slc22a8  4.6198271  0.809349023  53.222462 6.830000e-16 1.760000e-12
## 9             Cd36 -7.1283219 -0.387248661 -51.959278 9.170000e-16 1.930000e-12
## 10           Itih5  5.1237268  0.722748623  51.862722 9.380000e-16 1.930000e-12
## 11         Slc35f2  4.4019232  0.798657007  46.146034 3.910000e-15 7.320000e-12
## 12           Timp4 -5.2487548  0.874921753 -45.131898 5.120000e-15 8.660000e-12
## 13           Foxf2  3.1222777  0.597831278  44.898139 5.460000e-15 8.660000e-12
## 14            Ocln  4.6990665  1.459293019  40.191083 2.110000e-14 3.100000e-11
## 15           Meox2 -4.5446336  0.863712636 -38.239158 3.860000e-14 5.310000e-11
## 16            Lef1  4.2312762  0.621713456  36.892308 5.980000e-14 7.710000e-11
## 17             Ptn  5.5709268  0.940028909  35.928476 8.250000e-14 1.000000e-10
## 18           Pparg -3.6760365 -0.058328605 -35.545464 9.400000e-14 1.080000e-10
## 19            Lrp8  3.3563987  0.531316184  34.336995 1.430000e-13 1.550000e-10
## 20          Apcdd1  4.5514573  0.776596408  32.830533 2.470000e-13 2.550000e-10
## 21            Pllp  2.9761973  0.937255576  32.345071 2.960000e-13 2.910000e-10
## 22          Spock2  4.7286338  0.953835917  31.285424 4.430000e-13 4.160000e-10
## 23            Far2  4.3342270  0.820277233  30.589882 5.820000e-13 5.220000e-10
## 24          Gm3696 -3.2106936 -0.068879312 -30.044472 7.240000e-13 6.230000e-10
## 25            Zic3  3.9539621  0.767585418  28.961406 1.130000e-12 9.320000e-10
## 26          Papss2 -3.5728181  0.090698900 -28.766264 1.230000e-12 9.730000e-10
## 27          Gm2897 -2.5664759  0.150852326 -28.085470 1.640000e-12 1.250000e-09
## 28            Bche  4.3059984  0.853488659  27.766636 1.880000e-12 1.390000e-09
## 29           Lamb1 -3.2744975  0.270908767 -27.452728 2.160000e-12 1.530000e-09
## 30         Slc16a1  3.7340748  0.504434034  27.383263 2.230000e-12 1.530000e-09
## 31            Aqp7 -4.9741103  0.735269080 -27.081001 2.550000e-12 1.690000e-09
## 32         Ccdc141  4.9058137  1.002965041  26.837158 2.840000e-12 1.830000e-09
## 33          Atp10a  4.1988042  0.517382337  26.749243 2.950000e-12 1.850000e-09
## 34           Stra6  2.1917987  0.366034091  26.666882 3.070000e-12 1.860000e-09
## 35          Ablim3 -3.8146925  0.641169521 -26.400143 3.460000e-12 2.010000e-09
## 36            Vav3 -3.2720604 -0.294915295 -26.367638 3.520000e-12 2.010000e-09
## 37            Ndnf  3.7115258  0.713847225  26.087199 4.000000e-12 2.220000e-09
## 38           Fabp5 -4.3074287 -0.291946237 -26.038130 4.090000e-12 2.220000e-09
## 39          Elovl7  5.1848686 -0.023614717  25.970760 4.220000e-12 2.230000e-09
## 40          Dixdc1  1.7223422  0.280241777  25.284497 5.830000e-12 3.010000e-09
## 41          Tbc1d4  2.5263297  0.299241129  25.199135 6.070000e-12 3.060000e-09
## 42          Gm5458 -2.3992271  0.177744829 -25.075955 6.440000e-12 3.120000e-09
## 43          Gm5796 -3.1998818  0.273203384 -25.055908 6.510000e-12 3.120000e-09
## 44         Slc16a4  2.8046263  0.171279238  24.926696 6.920000e-12 3.250000e-09
## 45         Gpihbp1 -4.1310943 -0.185207951 -24.661935 7.880000e-12 3.610000e-09
## 46           Efhc2  2.6656200  0.469595504  24.374189 9.070000e-12 4.070000e-09
## 47           Gm609  3.9651839  0.745445824  24.021697 1.080000e-11 4.740000e-09
## 48   D830030K20Rik -2.5777046  0.329180411 -23.755481 1.240000e-11 5.310000e-09
## 49         Shroom1  1.6359607  0.292400679  23.494613 1.410000e-11 5.940000e-09
## 50            Rbp7 -4.0117093  0.378666515 -23.172003 1.670000e-11 6.880000e-09
## 51            Ly75  2.8168512  0.392506893  23.084822 1.740000e-11 7.030000e-09
## 52            Nav3 -3.0253490  0.536848494 -23.054462 1.770000e-11 7.030000e-09
## 53           Paqr5  2.1008740  0.331440735  22.441284 2.450000e-11 9.530000e-09
## 54           Frmd5  2.6674511  0.487552168  22.100202 2.940000e-11 1.120000e-08
## 55           Prom1  2.2468888 -0.080104450  21.912355 3.260000e-11 1.220000e-08
## 56           Ggact  1.9852235  0.289630576  21.766547 3.530000e-11 1.290000e-08
## 57          Hmgcs2  2.9524586  0.563747855  21.749825 3.570000e-11 1.290000e-08
## 58           Mlxip -2.2132208 -0.386365733 -21.559113 3.960000e-11 1.410000e-08
## 59          Tspan7 -4.5991791  0.639628895 -21.273195 4.650000e-11 1.630000e-08
## 60            Gatm  5.2907160 -0.228414869  21.219575 4.790000e-11 1.650000e-08
## 61           Sgpp2  3.0386158  0.453172136  21.182744 4.890000e-11 1.650000e-08
## 62         Slc39a8  3.1251710  0.784908446  20.753277 6.250000e-11 2.080000e-08
## 63            Aqp1 -5.2258497  0.091248475 -20.671169 6.550000e-11 2.120000e-08
## 64           Grb14  2.5557760  0.755925209  20.669202 6.560000e-11 2.120000e-08
## 65         Pglyrp1  4.7509248  1.273263800  20.534235 7.100000e-11 2.250000e-08
## 66            Nkd1  3.3228355  1.311651321  20.507582 7.210000e-11 2.250000e-08
## 67           Klra9 -3.5714939  0.738975902 -20.355188 7.880000e-11 2.430000e-08
## 68             Lpl -4.7634007  0.125378300 -20.308180 8.100000e-11 2.460000e-08
## 69           Igf2r -1.6454388  0.144494504 -20.212372 8.570000e-11 2.560000e-08
## 70          Gimap4 -3.3647097 -0.172374631 -20.073746 9.310000e-11 2.740000e-08
## 71        Slc39a10  2.4866533  0.271300060  20.005655 9.690000e-11 2.820000e-08
## 72         Akr1c19 -3.5557527  0.647555126 -19.771254 1.120000e-10 3.200000e-08
## 73            Maoa  3.0975018  0.251396903  19.456627 1.350000e-10 3.820000e-08
## 74            Vil1  1.3599698  0.212562812  19.389132 1.410000e-10 3.920000e-08
## 75            Ctsc  3.8618182  0.016656460  19.288695 1.500000e-10 4.120000e-08
## 76            Pxdn -3.3473042  0.222118760 -18.893212 1.920000e-10 5.200000e-08
## 77          Mfsd7c  2.5002425  0.337773288  18.786308 2.050000e-10 5.430000e-08
## 78        Tmem255b -2.1824573  0.344358308 -18.782310 2.050000e-10 5.430000e-08
## 79           Nhsl1  1.8992438  0.190508955  18.723685 2.130000e-10 5.570000e-08
## 80          Slc2a1  4.7325928  0.583850912  18.700862 2.160000e-10 5.580000e-08
## 81         Slc28a2 -3.5721393  0.266913421 -18.586245 2.330000e-10 5.930000e-08
## 82            Tfrc  4.4032544  1.324785813  18.527198 2.420000e-10 6.080000e-08
## 83           Robo2 -1.6686921  0.268073436 -18.353796 2.700000e-10 6.680000e-08
## 84           Igsf5  1.3725783  0.247253612  18.345187 2.720000e-10 6.680000e-08
## 85           Cxcl9 -3.0769195  0.436450641 -18.211761 2.960000e-10 7.170000e-08
## 86          Ppap2b -2.5228225 -0.370457042 -18.198846 2.990000e-10 7.170000e-08
## 87           Fabp4 -6.0063746 -0.587121155 -18.047207 3.300000e-10 7.830000e-08
## 88           Nampt  1.7824726  0.874676674  17.978239 3.450000e-10 8.100000e-08
## 89            Art3 -3.4235409 -0.555300301 -17.868880 3.710000e-10 8.550000e-08
## 90          Cyp4b1 -2.4019783  0.104337979 -17.861380 3.730000e-10 8.550000e-08
## 91            Reck  3.6926860  0.651344362  17.677472 4.220000e-10 9.560000e-08
## 92         Slc43a3 -2.8698091 -0.166081172 -17.647407 4.310000e-10 9.650000e-08
## 93          Rad54b  2.6843510  0.288265865  17.614560 4.400000e-10 9.760000e-08
## 94          Sez6l2 -1.0876576  0.138743416 -17.553841 4.580000e-10 1.010000e-07
## 95          Isyna1  1.4291234  0.087467474  17.524135 4.680000e-10 1.020000e-07
## 96           Trpm6  1.6483257  0.273198695  17.335455 5.320000e-10 1.140000e-07
## 97          Tmeff1  4.2412082  1.395477988  17.323845 5.360000e-10 1.140000e-07
## 98         Pla2g4a  3.0518281  0.856105710  17.130233 6.120000e-10 1.290000e-07
## 99       Rab11fip1  2.9845256  0.770540708  16.954282 6.910000e-10 1.440000e-07
## 100        Slc38a5  4.2740287  0.839739940  16.811587 7.640000e-10 1.580000e-07
## 101        Slc16a2  1.8015782  0.387037187  16.781674 7.800000e-10 1.590000e-07
## 102          Sgms2  3.3169163  0.242439853  16.763705 7.900000e-10 1.600000e-07
## 103           Maob  2.9632211  0.823499744  16.542542 9.240000e-10 1.850000e-07
## 104            Mal  2.7832842  0.492583155  16.428499 1.000000e-09 1.990000e-07
## 105          Usp53  3.2314293  0.326307746  16.351510 1.060000e-09 2.080000e-07
## 106         Map3k5 -2.5823383 -0.377794074 -16.318633 1.080000e-09 2.110000e-07
## 107        Fam102a -1.8604444 -0.084924192 -16.282261 1.110000e-09 2.140000e-07
## 108           Npr2 -2.0769596  0.159062768 -16.271352 1.120000e-09 2.140000e-07
## 109           Faim  1.6789999  0.361522991  16.134578 1.240000e-09 2.350000e-07
## 110          Tcf15 -1.8189971  0.251542003 -16.064902 1.300000e-09 2.450000e-07
## 111          Cdh23 -1.1805802  0.171422106 -16.006693 1.360000e-09 2.530000e-07
## 112         Pdlim1 -3.7528403  0.165702555 -15.870335 1.510000e-09 2.770000e-07
## 113           Lmo2  1.1218058 -0.025583904  15.807862 1.580000e-09 2.880000e-07
## 114          Lrrn3  3.3343026  0.680041158  15.795794 1.590000e-09 2.880000e-07
## 115        Slc40a1  4.5186054  1.580537889  15.717326 1.690000e-09 3.030000e-07
## 116          Ccnd1 -1.6451473  0.211894987 -15.695686 1.710000e-09 3.050000e-07
## 117           Eogt  1.5488062  0.125935240  15.683580 1.730000e-09 3.050000e-07
## 118        Pik3c2b -2.4683793 -0.204779564 -15.656956 1.760000e-09 3.080000e-07
## 119          Esyt2  1.5058597  0.189325585  15.638016 1.790000e-09 3.100000e-07
## 120          Btnl9 -2.0229381  0.278401401 -15.612424 1.820000e-09 3.140000e-07
## 121        C1qtnf9 -4.0939648  0.686407834 -15.390785 2.160000e-09 3.680000e-07
## 122       Olfr1396 -3.3831800  0.542569123 -15.227025 2.450000e-09 4.130000e-07
## 123            Lsr  2.0573397  0.340983101  15.126467 2.640000e-09 4.430000e-07
## 124           Myl2 -4.4515265  0.890572614 -15.046336 2.810000e-09 4.680000e-07
## 125          Igf1r  2.4527727  0.153320501  15.009007 2.890000e-09 4.760000e-07
## 126          Akap5 -3.0204086  0.670615928 -15.003792 2.910000e-09 4.760000e-07
## 127        Tmem182 -3.0081428  0.516310722 -14.964764 3.000000e-09 4.870000e-07
## 128       Slc39a14 -0.8730863 -0.050925829 -14.828514 3.330000e-09 5.370000e-07
## 129          Myadm -2.1092059  0.337944660 -14.784059 3.450000e-09 5.520000e-07
## 130          Coro6 -2.2267916  0.303712276 -14.578658 4.060000e-09 6.450000e-07
## 131          Degs2  3.0108475  0.728905349  14.559142 4.130000e-09 6.500000e-07
## 132          Hecw2 -3.3552319  0.284902794 -14.456101 4.480000e-09 7.000000e-07
## 133         Slc7a1  2.4589141  0.514925066  14.447008 4.520000e-09 7.000000e-07
## 134          Lrch2 -1.2206009  0.154086077 -14.432077 4.570000e-09 7.040000e-07
## 135        Plekho1 -1.8544701 -0.142165916 -14.376991 4.780000e-09 7.300000e-07
## 136          Itga9 -1.7933917  0.454456681 -14.362668 4.840000e-09 7.330000e-07
## 137          Golm1  2.2800206  0.144200773  14.353503 4.870000e-09 7.330000e-07
## 138          Dnah3  1.4508289  0.296782130  14.215672 5.450000e-09 8.150000e-07
## 139        Rnf144b  1.7338390  0.326731359  14.082861 6.080000e-09 9.020000e-07
## 140         Cyp2e1  2.4913518  0.632518195  14.065807 6.160000e-09 9.080000e-07
## 141         Sncaip -1.9828294  0.002447547 -14.008341 6.460000e-09 9.450000e-07
## 142           Apod  3.6821107  0.723132522  13.957098 6.740000e-09 9.800000e-07
## 143          Trpm3 -1.5307664  0.104472833 -13.905051 7.040000e-09 1.020000e-06
## 144           Prnd -2.6433152 -0.002252030 -13.791833 7.740000e-09 1.110000e-06
## 145  1700025G04Rik -2.6171402 -0.189050872 -13.725251 8.190000e-09 1.160000e-06
## 146           Tmc7  3.3352400  0.668004243  13.637094 8.820000e-09 1.250000e-06
## 147           Ctsh  3.4721567  1.216442555  13.518389 9.760000e-09 1.370000e-06
## 148          Hspb8  2.2347466  0.486109122  13.503245 9.890000e-09 1.380000e-06
## 149         Zdhhc2 -1.3864795  0.226585223 -13.482343 1.010000e-08 1.390000e-06
## 150           Ism1  1.8813042  0.539935171  13.446223 1.040000e-08 1.430000e-06
## 151            F2r -2.1268269  0.057363702 -13.416278 1.070000e-08 1.460000e-06
## 152          Fyco1  1.4595369  0.373329576  13.350957 1.130000e-08 1.530000e-06
## 153            Pir  2.3707597  0.444195239  13.344444 1.130000e-08 1.530000e-06
## 154           Ebf3 -2.3783256  0.215333107 -13.142387 1.350000e-08 1.810000e-06
## 155           Ntf3 -2.4233014  0.194875579 -13.128625 1.370000e-08 1.820000e-06
## 156          Alas1  2.7287605  0.723194400  13.114049 1.390000e-08 1.830000e-06
## 157           Pltp  2.5746091  0.644287434  13.042719 1.480000e-08 1.940000e-06
## 158          Thrsp -2.3798555 -0.372691323 -13.032542 1.490000e-08 1.940000e-06
## 159        Kbtbd11  2.2903252  0.021684426  13.025970 1.500000e-08 1.940000e-06
## 160          Tnnt2 -4.2969393  0.945585086 -13.017631 1.510000e-08 1.940000e-06
## 161            Gda -2.8644980  0.522775847 -12.963206 1.580000e-08 2.030000e-06
## 162         Slc9a2  1.6521110  0.259307320  12.857156 1.740000e-08 2.210000e-06
## 163          Acsl3  2.4464795  0.475571316  12.848992 1.750000e-08 2.220000e-06
## 164         Zfp827 -1.5508698 -0.073983221 -12.824289 1.790000e-08 2.250000e-06
## 165         Cobll1  2.0100168 -0.094521043  12.791046 1.850000e-08 2.310000e-06
## 166         Cthrc1  1.5593096  0.231211787  12.715314 1.980000e-08 2.440000e-06
## 167           Msi2  1.3003610  0.195970786  12.714220 1.980000e-08 2.440000e-06
## 168            Ak4  1.8084827  0.341234240  12.709780 1.990000e-08 2.440000e-06
## 169          Hspg2 -1.8536889 -0.220275882 -12.538540 2.320000e-08 2.830000e-06
## 170          Agfg1  1.3809748  0.257302417  12.515340 2.370000e-08 2.870000e-06
## 171        Adora2a -1.6248646  0.133919110 -12.415641 2.600000e-08 3.130000e-06
## 172          Enpp3 -2.5999655  0.383091285 -12.384875 2.670000e-08 3.200000e-06
## 173          Hmcn1  2.2111133  1.085951948  12.371593 2.700000e-08 3.220000e-06
## 174          Lphn3  2.4998345  1.576444852  12.356657 2.740000e-08 3.220000e-06
## 175          Cadm1  1.8215955  0.792327194  12.355924 2.740000e-08 3.220000e-06
## 176           Mest -1.5465302  0.102039146 -12.355246 2.740000e-08 3.220000e-06
## 177        C1qtnf1 -1.9824114  0.102494087 -12.277591 2.950000e-08 3.440000e-06
## 178           Gpd2  1.8567918  0.393435801  12.224250 3.100000e-08 3.590000e-06
## 179           Car8 -3.6993459  0.555902255 -12.183333 3.220000e-08 3.710000e-06
## 180         Gpcpd1  3.7212366  0.214856659  12.163708 3.280000e-08 3.760000e-06
## 181          Cped1 -3.8961042 -0.191010314 -12.147755 3.330000e-08 3.790000e-06
## 182          Creb5 -1.7745914  0.354638227 -12.142280 3.350000e-08 3.790000e-06
## 183         Ifi203 -2.3246670 -0.295699623 -11.982850 3.890000e-08 4.390000e-06
## 184        Plekho2 -2.4033469 -0.033751395 -11.963341 3.960000e-08 4.440000e-06
## 185        Tpd52l1  1.9464362  0.277188174  11.949800 4.010000e-08 4.480000e-06
## 186        Tbc1d14  1.7027601  0.249682813  11.907561 4.180000e-08 4.630000e-06
## 187        Foxl2os  1.4199985  0.239619067  11.890445 4.250000e-08 4.690000e-06
## 188           Numb -0.8725376  0.322143233 -11.804624 4.610000e-08 5.060000e-06
## 189        Slc16a9  1.7302349  0.932704470  11.721778 5.000000e-08 5.430000e-06
## 190          Papln -0.9733092  0.081895891 -11.721083 5.000000e-08 5.430000e-06
## 191       Baiap2l1  1.4627688  0.326115286  11.690799 5.150000e-08 5.560000e-06
## 192        Proser2  1.0614716  0.144373989  11.661800 5.300000e-08 5.670000e-06
## 193          Car5a  0.8574456  0.165881398  11.660697 5.300000e-08 5.670000e-06
## 194         Sema6d -1.6918631  0.121519988 -11.651080 5.350000e-08 5.690000e-06
## 195          Extl3  1.8057934  0.302662559  11.603677 5.600000e-08 5.930000e-06
## 196          Znrf3  1.4896919  0.173522919  11.573636 5.770000e-08 6.060000e-06
## 197         Prl2c3 -1.7891221  0.353214999 -11.571360 5.780000e-08 6.060000e-06
## 198          Foxc1  2.0229256  0.376049733  11.532927 6.010000e-08 6.260000e-06
## 199         Adhfe1 -1.3859644 -0.236731307 -11.512130 6.130000e-08 6.350000e-06
## 200        Slc12a2 -1.4221903  0.204278569 -11.483372 6.300000e-08 6.500000e-06
## 201           Igf2 -1.0844985  0.113726486 -11.468979 6.390000e-08 6.560000e-06
## 202        Osbpl1a  1.5538240  0.210300226  11.448060 6.530000e-08 6.650000e-06
## 203          Itm2a  5.1584338  0.589081889  11.440538 6.580000e-08 6.650000e-06
## 204         Slc7a5  3.9292045  0.735224224  11.440401 6.580000e-08 6.650000e-06
## 205           Myl3 -2.0417802  0.351352155 -11.397067 6.870000e-08 6.910000e-06
## 206           Ldb2 -2.5560932 -0.066699405 -11.367149 7.070000e-08 7.080000e-06
## 207           Synm  1.8265187  0.692674823  11.335756 7.300000e-08 7.270000e-06
## 208          Fscn1 -2.4907292  0.037785467 -11.317028 7.430000e-08 7.370000e-06
## 209          Gstm7  1.3117898  0.246104021  11.255671 7.900000e-08 7.800000e-06
## 210            Bsg  1.7787647  0.479839318  11.175517 8.570000e-08 8.410000e-06
## 211          Pard3  1.7035204  0.587474183  11.158111 8.720000e-08 8.520000e-06
## 212         Clec1a -1.9723944  0.742669990 -11.144701 8.840000e-08 8.600000e-06
## 213          Tmtc2  1.3235321  0.442199137  11.118845 9.070000e-08 8.780000e-06
## 214           Tdrp  1.5084370  0.200418053  11.100853 9.240000e-08 8.890000e-06
## 215          Abcc4  1.9315770  0.068456674  11.097807 9.260000e-08 8.890000e-06
## 216             Cp  3.0784531  0.835554090  11.077043 9.460000e-08 9.040000e-06
## 217       Arhgap28 -2.0397448  0.475179920 -11.061975 9.610000e-08 9.130000e-06
## 218           Gas2 -1.4579579 -0.017133557 -11.030447 9.920000e-08 9.390000e-06
## 219        St3gal6  1.3473005  0.406922408  11.019428 1.000000e-07 9.450000e-06
## 220           Mgll -2.6725547  0.091192626 -10.940244 1.090000e-07 1.020000e-05
## 221          Itgb5 -2.0664620 -0.105014576 -10.931690 1.100000e-07 1.020000e-05
## 222        Afap1l2  3.0037885  0.662341093  10.887376 1.150000e-07 1.070000e-05
## 223           Ehd1 -1.2720353  0.132237085 -10.872473 1.170000e-07 1.070000e-05
## 224          Txnip -1.0032635 -0.111230341 -10.872071 1.170000e-07 1.070000e-05
## 225           Fbn1 -1.3404195  0.288730274 -10.863674 1.180000e-07 1.080000e-05
## 226          Nt5c2  1.7174760  0.089939962  10.831227 1.220000e-07 1.110000e-05
## 227         Pcp4l1  2.2912293  0.037098911  10.819273 1.230000e-07 1.120000e-05
## 228         Slc3a2  2.0731455  0.371302358  10.785371 1.280000e-07 1.150000e-05
## 229         Tmem47 -2.0868167 -0.250675418 -10.773437 1.290000e-07 1.160000e-05
## 230           Polk  2.3698924  0.297324298  10.745521 1.330000e-07 1.190000e-05
## 231           Insr  1.6754155  0.165240445  10.745002 1.330000e-07 1.190000e-05
## 232         Col4a1 -1.3143412  0.005203182 -10.742996 1.330000e-07 1.190000e-05
## 233           Cmip -1.9426739 -0.335219105 -10.670754 1.440000e-07 1.270000e-05
## 234         Ndufa7  1.1828203  0.174813806  10.655805 1.460000e-07 1.290000e-05
## 235          Wdr19  1.1113677 -0.012814966  10.609476 1.530000e-07 1.340000e-05
## 236           Layn  2.3060945  0.271914679  10.608609 1.530000e-07 1.340000e-05
## 237           Pomp  0.9716028  0.139339131  10.608313 1.540000e-07 1.340000e-05
## 238          Ecscr -1.1219161 -0.217034212 -10.588233 1.570000e-07 1.360000e-05
## 239           Pdxk  1.9413063  0.582435892  10.582812 1.580000e-07 1.360000e-05
## 240        Slc30a1  1.4627024  0.328081766  10.572291 1.590000e-07 1.370000e-05
## 241         Tmem98  1.4750336  0.318319378  10.566992 1.600000e-07 1.370000e-05
## 242          Cdipt -0.7031981  0.018193977 -10.504142 1.710000e-07 1.460000e-05
## 243         Marcks -1.6329781 -0.285013900 -10.500345 1.720000e-07 1.460000e-05
## 244          Itpkb -1.5375458  0.164207493 -10.463764 1.790000e-07 1.510000e-05
## 245          Meox1 -2.1677938 -0.025079849 -10.452883 1.810000e-07 1.520000e-05
## 246         Mboat1  2.8088778  0.428378422  10.424197 1.870000e-07 1.560000e-05
## 247          Actc1 -3.4079863  0.679439545 -10.400264 1.910000e-07 1.600000e-05
## 248         Pcolce -1.3244279  0.034408314 -10.372697 1.970000e-07 1.640000e-05
## 249        Napepld  1.9493891  0.308142406  10.352200 2.010000e-07 1.670000e-05
## 250         Arl2bp  1.5949739 -0.080808833  10.307225 2.110000e-07 1.740000e-05
## 251            Wt1 -2.4578951  0.427336021 -10.293523 2.150000e-07 1.760000e-05
## 252          Tnnc1 -3.5213602  0.611618076 -10.281020 2.180000e-07 1.780000e-05
## 253           Aspa -2.0908172  0.409558592 -10.278158 2.180000e-07 1.780000e-05
## 254          Prr5l  2.1493198  0.458541705  10.267729 2.210000e-07 1.790000e-05
## 255       Arhgap18 -1.6397762  0.065240795 -10.250820 2.250000e-07 1.820000e-05
## 256         Slc1a1  2.2439416  0.330648149  10.198036 2.380000e-07 1.910000e-05
## 257          Cyb5b  1.0679666  0.104372182  10.196668 2.380000e-07 1.910000e-05
## 258        Prkar2b  2.3890438  0.357269033  10.190462 2.400000e-07 1.920000e-05
## 259          Asap2 -1.5758740 -0.041937289 -10.138704 2.540000e-07 2.020000e-05
## 260          Abhd2  2.7030245  0.542453036  10.115957 2.600000e-07 2.060000e-05
## 261          Fcgrt  1.0807321  0.358140255  10.068653 2.740000e-07 2.170000e-05
## 262           Glul  1.5535760  0.161579513  10.047624 2.800000e-07 2.210000e-05
## 263      D8Ertd82e -1.2649786  0.168155770 -10.043756 2.820000e-07 2.210000e-05
## 264         Ssx2ip  1.8684610  0.153449281  10.039072 2.830000e-07 2.210000e-05
## 265         Col4a2 -1.1833210  0.037402503 -10.034024 2.850000e-07 2.220000e-05
## 266         Phf11d -1.7332276 -0.045289836 -10.024866 2.880000e-07 2.230000e-05
## 267          Notum  1.0420153  0.186508299  10.015137 2.910000e-07 2.250000e-05
## 268           Mcam -2.2179162 -0.000298051  -9.997023 2.960000e-07 2.280000e-05
## 269          Atp9a -1.4010882  0.094903788  -9.971495 3.050000e-07 2.340000e-05
## 270         Fam13a  2.2341232  0.166691173   9.964524 3.070000e-07 2.340000e-05
## 271          Parp8 -2.3618779 -0.076186090  -9.960801 3.090000e-07 2.340000e-05
## 272        Cd300lg -2.2784085  0.140774666  -9.960724 3.090000e-07 2.340000e-05
## 273         Ifngr1 -1.0637833  0.069386933  -9.938811 3.160000e-07 2.390000e-05
## 274           Ext1 -1.6926573  0.016248288  -9.917258 3.240000e-07 2.440000e-05
## 275  C130074G19Rik  1.0400480 -0.104768851   9.880846 3.370000e-07 2.520000e-05
## 276           Etl4 -2.0147985 -0.159677733  -9.880838 3.370000e-07 2.520000e-05
## 277         Akr1a1  0.7097397  0.168499822   9.878081 3.380000e-07 2.520000e-05
## 278           Rcn1 -1.3482131  0.084199112  -9.857500 3.460000e-07 2.570000e-05
## 279           Pcca  1.4069716  0.363794357   9.828293 3.580000e-07 2.640000e-05
## 280        Filip1l -0.8187744 -0.032469478  -9.807670 3.660000e-07 2.700000e-05
## 281         Lgals1 -2.2474624 -1.326433304  -9.736650 3.960000e-07 2.910000e-05
## 282  4930402H24Rik -1.0274725 -0.161863137  -9.723135 4.020000e-07 2.940000e-05
## 283           Tbx4  1.3234618  0.202793565   9.719202 4.040000e-07 2.950000e-05
## 284         Ccdc80 -2.4799752  0.499165022  -9.697373 4.140000e-07 3.010000e-05
## 285           Edn3  1.7639457  0.347741279   9.682512 4.210000e-07 3.050000e-05
## 286          Ttyh2  1.3580564  0.299847255   9.675165 4.250000e-07 3.060000e-05
## 287        Rhobtb1  1.1043716 -0.087088866   9.657734 4.330000e-07 3.110000e-05
## 288          Gngt2 -1.4393956 -0.100648237  -9.647279 4.380000e-07 3.140000e-05
## 289          Foxq1  0.9149401  0.122425845   9.645018 4.400000e-07 3.140000e-05
## 290          Usp54  2.5403114  0.396163728   9.640374 4.420000e-07 3.140000e-05
## 291        Slc44a2 -1.1286980 -0.156054561  -9.632040 4.460000e-07 3.160000e-05
## 292          Zap70  0.9691435  0.181616685   9.629785 4.470000e-07 3.160000e-05
## 293       Tnfrsf19  1.8945235  0.312643876   9.607161 4.590000e-07 3.230000e-05
## 294           Vwa1  1.3735867  0.367028146   9.539280 4.960000e-07 3.480000e-05
## 295        Rapgef1 -0.8695919  0.105816300  -9.529606 5.010000e-07 3.500000e-05
## 296         Sorbs2  2.3169082  0.092988459   9.528150 5.020000e-07 3.500000e-05
## 297        Slc25a1  1.2580665  0.215103401   9.503235 5.170000e-07 3.590000e-05
## 298          Kcna5 -2.9110702  0.629073623  -9.494196 5.220000e-07 3.610000e-05
## 299          Cetn2  0.8485781  0.037660090   9.482321 5.290000e-07 3.650000e-05
## 300       Col4a3bp  1.3971175  0.066737257   9.448851 5.500000e-07 3.780000e-05
## 301           Airn -2.1767326 -0.189020340  -9.362397 6.080000e-07 4.170000e-05
## 302          Aqp11  3.5743475  0.418368146   9.357199 6.120000e-07 4.180000e-05
## 303           Dlc1 -0.9707875  0.137446592  -9.322465 6.370000e-07 4.340000e-05
## 304            Fry  1.0779473  0.571433918   9.302224 6.520000e-07 4.420000e-05
## 305           Cdh2  1.2832653  0.296076173   9.299924 6.540000e-07 4.420000e-05
## 306           Elf4 -1.1520835  0.020725240  -9.290884 6.610000e-07 4.450000e-05
## 307            Lbh -1.4794866 -0.084328994  -9.289389 6.620000e-07 4.450000e-05
## 308          Cox8b -1.2985198  0.187279164  -9.280513 6.690000e-07 4.480000e-05
## 309         Abcb1a  1.6552951 -0.357516607   9.263629 6.820000e-07 4.550000e-05
## 310           Tcap -0.7520534  0.097184374  -9.241366 7.000000e-07 4.650000e-05
## 311           Clmn -1.3734763 -0.016044333  -9.240593 7.010000e-07 4.650000e-05
## 312          Axin2  2.2609655  0.323566553   9.234922 7.050000e-07 4.650000e-05
## 313           Dlg2 -0.8407200 -0.017845854  -9.232361 7.080000e-07 4.650000e-05
## 314         Golim4  1.3578383  0.294923597   9.231923 7.080000e-07 4.650000e-05
## 315         Clec9a -1.9760177  0.449445786  -9.218748 7.190000e-07 4.710000e-05
## 316        Dcun1d3  1.1295599  0.236995766   9.203516 7.320000e-07 4.770000e-05
## 317           Myof  2.0205359  0.705772123   9.202081 7.330000e-07 4.770000e-05
## 318          Myzap -1.9587838  1.182035122  -9.167025 7.640000e-07 4.960000e-05
## 319           Tbx1  1.5705826  0.284414674   9.159963 7.710000e-07 4.970000e-05
## 320          Abcg2  1.4057210 -0.358753706   9.159808 7.710000e-07 4.970000e-05
## 321          Fxyd5  1.2383232  0.302130579   9.150721 7.790000e-07 5.000000e-05
## 322           Sybu -0.7915352  0.019748942  -9.149638 7.800000e-07 5.000000e-05
## 323           Dpp4  3.0311147  0.171293067   9.120067 8.080000e-07 5.160000e-05
## 324           Pygm -1.1990651  0.248344838  -9.113938 8.140000e-07 5.180000e-05
## 325        Slc31a1  3.3399076  0.305409340   9.075799 8.510000e-07 5.400000e-05
## 326       Trp53i11 -3.0759050 -0.102154575  -9.062832 8.650000e-07 5.470000e-05
## 327          Tmtc4  1.3646593  0.237418427   9.047081 8.810000e-07 5.560000e-05
## 328         Fam53b -1.2920960 -0.042786850  -9.040386 8.880000e-07 5.580000e-05
## 329          Ltbp1 -1.7956945 -0.452275148  -9.036762 8.920000e-07 5.590000e-05
## 330       Ralgapa2 -0.9383071  0.526822149  -9.024938 9.040000e-07 5.650000e-05
## 331           Bmp6 -2.3351671  1.017794826  -9.016582 9.140000e-07 5.690000e-05
## 332           Lepr  2.6539788  0.127865532   8.964874 9.720000e-07 6.040000e-05
## 333          Prdm5  1.3695664 -0.176558969   8.952764 9.860000e-07 6.090000e-05
## 334          Nudt4 -1.2717077 -0.619947622  -8.952391 9.870000e-07 6.090000e-05
## 335       Tnfrsf21 -0.6507715  0.058358577  -8.940955 1.000000e-06 6.160000e-05
## 336           Bmp1 -0.5384685 -0.071781000  -8.915994 1.030000e-06 6.330000e-05
## 337          Gata6 -0.8680981  0.281325528  -8.898231 1.050000e-06 6.450000e-05
## 338           Dysf -1.6785928  0.034244948  -8.878199 1.080000e-06 6.580000e-05
## 339         Plxna4 -1.3155278  0.188357421  -8.869651 1.090000e-06 6.630000e-05
## 340          Abcc9 -0.5831183  0.006476480  -8.859079 1.100000e-06 6.700000e-05
## 341         Adarb1 -1.9644016  0.013880921  -8.856188 1.110000e-06 6.700000e-05
## 342         Timm8b  0.7434149  0.019460043   8.845032 1.120000e-06 6.770000e-05
## 343         Mrps33  0.8247792  0.035116545   8.842159 1.130000e-06 6.780000e-05
## 344          Eepd1 -2.0759101  0.092496976  -8.830651 1.140000e-06 6.850000e-05
## 345         Hs3st1  1.0303078  0.323761788   8.822271 1.150000e-06 6.900000e-05
## 346        Col15a1 -0.8785426 -0.001440046  -8.808410 1.170000e-06 7.000000e-05
## 347           Sgk1 -1.4770505 -0.075530626  -8.783739 1.210000e-06 7.190000e-05
## 348        Tbl1xr1  1.5220827 -0.068851341   8.766605 1.240000e-06 7.320000e-05
## 349          Tgfb2  2.3031748  0.892730751   8.764088 1.240000e-06 7.320000e-05
## 350         Atp8a1  1.3527361  0.447770309   8.757738 1.250000e-06 7.360000e-05
## 351          Cd109 -1.0547504 -0.196404967  -8.752959 1.260000e-06 7.380000e-05
## 352         Lpcat3  1.3580926  0.009243965   8.721368 1.310000e-06 7.650000e-05
## 353           Gbe1  1.8989464  0.139219666   8.717791 1.310000e-06 7.660000e-05
## 354          Abcc5 -0.8480902  0.200760585  -8.706581 1.330000e-06 7.750000e-05
## 355          Magi1 -1.2213891  0.007252057  -8.691951 1.350000e-06 7.870000e-05
## 356         Tspan5  3.4815118  0.269483769   8.687078 1.360000e-06 7.890000e-05
## 357          Gpr17 -1.3338933  0.064269037  -8.644649 1.430000e-06 8.290000e-05
## 358         Tgfbr2  0.9984773  0.155614532   8.640581 1.440000e-06 8.310000e-05
## 359           Gltp  0.8772461  0.368666113   8.624869 1.470000e-06 8.450000e-05
## 360         Dnajb9  1.2479717  0.075685654   8.590344 1.530000e-06 8.790000e-05
## 361         Gpr155  1.5341142  0.250163906   8.588458 1.540000e-06 8.790000e-05
## 362        Ndufaf7  1.5714339  0.203104875   8.563487 1.590000e-06 9.040000e-05
## 363         Lhfpl2  1.5513765  0.231314503   8.557959 1.600000e-06 9.080000e-05
## 364          Gm694  1.4492181  0.297351152   8.502998 1.710000e-06 9.690000e-05
## 365         B3gnt2  0.8552599  0.050396982   8.439645 1.850000e-06 1.046560e-04
## 366          Timp2 -1.4731891  0.310412273  -8.421107 1.900000e-06 1.068290e-04
## 367        Adamts9 -2.5714289 -0.058652925  -8.404255 1.940000e-06 1.088210e-04
## 368           Pgm5  1.9231251  0.342751117   8.375699 2.010000e-06 1.125030e-04
## 369            H19 -1.4869933  0.277311211  -8.370928 2.020000e-06 1.128760e-04
## 370        St6gal1  1.0753817  0.207447496   8.359911 2.050000e-06 1.141490e-04
## 371        S100a10 -1.7768971 -0.328369715  -8.356955 2.060000e-06 1.142670e-04
## 372       Marveld2  1.2573794  0.185611818   8.354828 2.060000e-06 1.142670e-04
## 373         Gm8995 -0.9629326 -0.193304572  -8.329369 2.130000e-06 1.176940e-04
## 374          Casp1 -2.3244689 -0.240903207  -8.327083 2.130000e-06 1.177200e-04
## 375          Psma8  2.2176225  0.587771976   8.316928 2.160000e-06 1.189270e-04
## 376           Jak1 -0.8779357 -0.055479556  -8.314717 2.170000e-06 1.189440e-04
## 377         Trim59 -1.1938190 -0.236411951  -8.312322 2.170000e-06 1.189900e-04
## 378        Slco2b1  1.6637848  0.451253926   8.301438 2.210000e-06 1.203270e-04
## 379         Nanos1  1.4480661  0.085071984   8.293748 2.230000e-06 1.210180e-04
## 380         Ifnar1  1.4028552  0.064663250   8.291053 2.230000e-06 1.210180e-04
## 381        Ceacam2  2.2038350  0.480475618   8.290708 2.240000e-06 1.210180e-04
## 382          Cox5a  0.7745209 -0.007838323   8.288464 2.240000e-06 1.210470e-04
## 383        Spats2l -1.2732458  0.002116872  -8.283992 2.250000e-06 1.214190e-04
## 384         S100a6 -3.0633758 -1.172210563  -8.269457 2.300000e-06 1.229650e-04
## 385          H2-Q6 -1.5226946 -0.254390593  -8.269343 2.300000e-06 1.229650e-04
## 386          Ncoa4  0.9977303  0.298703987   8.267930 2.300000e-06 1.229650e-04
## 387         Bhlhb9  1.8718673  0.231656328   8.248983 2.360000e-06 1.255150e-04
## 388  1190002N15Rik -0.9644863  0.028432117  -8.247777 2.360000e-06 1.255150e-04
## 389           Ehd2 -1.5730829  0.000441929  -8.239350 2.390000e-06 1.265470e-04
## 390          Mfge8 -1.4562858 -0.253451436  -8.231684 2.410000e-06 1.274650e-04
## 391          Dhrs3 -1.5466216 -0.188133550  -8.170171 2.610000e-06 1.375670e-04
## 392           Gkn3  2.7156655  0.735604352   8.164092 2.630000e-06 1.382930e-04
## 393           Net1  2.1337566  0.181114576   8.159727 2.640000e-06 1.387170e-04
## 394        Gadd45a  1.2074545 -0.154315219   8.157571 2.650000e-06 1.387490e-04
## 395            Ang  1.7859395  0.752733266   8.148148 2.680000e-06 1.400870e-04
## 396         Pcdh12 -1.4947782  0.142940303  -8.131574 2.740000e-06 1.427490e-04
## 397            Jup -1.0516396  0.046023499  -8.129004 2.750000e-06 1.428620e-04
## 398         Nap1l3  1.3382341  0.277317144   8.120786 2.780000e-06 1.440220e-04
## 399         Acvrl1  0.5096903  0.680994042   8.100250 2.850000e-06 1.475230e-04
## 400          Paqr7  0.8887517  0.228130183   8.088848 2.900000e-06 1.493410e-04
## 401         Cdc14a  1.5141344 -0.224542205   8.082848 2.920000e-06 1.497680e-04
## 402          Exoc2  0.9043843  0.168437577   8.082789 2.920000e-06 1.497680e-04
## 403          Frem2  0.8510785  0.125636896   8.076389 2.940000e-06 1.506400e-04
## 404           Gypc -0.8129031 -0.088746099  -8.066729 2.980000e-06 1.521600e-04
## 405         Atp11b  0.8076871  0.139598977   8.055531 3.020000e-06 1.540050e-04
## 406            Ret  1.1952974  0.249527672   8.047153 3.060000e-06 1.553070e-04
## 407  2610001J05Rik  0.7435888  0.013228353   8.038049 3.090000e-06 1.567690e-04
## 408         Abcb1b -1.9325711  0.490582159  -8.029323 3.130000e-06 1.581690e-04
## 409          Mtus1  1.1123813  0.307009895   8.023967 3.150000e-06 1.588860e-04
## 410          Cxcr4 -2.5647537 -0.437166179  -8.020461 3.160000e-06 1.592230e-04
## 411          Ccnd2 -1.3528372 -0.037689209  -8.012083 3.200000e-06 1.602970e-04
## 412          H2-D1 -0.5065864  0.045422872  -8.011566 3.200000e-06 1.602970e-04
## 413          Chek2 -1.7097425 -0.138659026  -8.003818 3.230000e-06 1.615320e-04
## 414           Dgkd -1.1848871 -0.023945431  -7.985750 3.310000e-06 1.649860e-04
## 415          Casc4  1.3673708  0.697595723   7.979557 3.340000e-06 1.659250e-04
## 416        Tmem45a  0.9937816  0.219157953   7.961680 3.420000e-06 1.694420e-04
## 417          Fmnl1 -1.7516041  0.126180399  -7.956401 3.440000e-06 1.702080e-04
## 418           Nepn -1.8400647  0.344820749  -7.950365 3.470000e-06 1.711480e-04
## 419           Abi3 -1.6544555  0.077710407  -7.927968 3.570000e-06 1.758290e-04
## 420       AI467606  1.3015235  0.197269308   7.915162 3.630000e-06 1.783850e-04
## 421           Sgce -1.5005806  0.497397095  -7.909697 3.660000e-06 1.790300e-04
## 422          Hdac9 -1.1153587  0.452841827  -7.908801 3.660000e-06 1.790300e-04
## 423          Ptprj  2.0703827  0.799509162   7.903721 3.690000e-06 1.794580e-04
## 424          Plod1 -1.2735173  0.114113650  -7.903393 3.690000e-06 1.794580e-04
## 425           Lnx1 -1.7663676  0.300689480  -7.898556 3.710000e-06 1.801790e-04
## 426          Stk10 -1.6727581 -0.419294995  -7.887253 3.770000e-06 1.824510e-04
## 427         Slc7a3  1.2186534  0.245322131   7.867995 3.860000e-06 1.867040e-04
## 428          Scrn3  1.1925548  0.120548220   7.864261 3.880000e-06 1.871880e-04
## 429           Nrp2 -1.5153173 -0.323840843  -7.861164 3.900000e-06 1.875170e-04
## 430          Wnt5a  1.2678499  0.185605111   7.848185 3.970000e-06 1.903170e-04
## 431           Nid1 -1.3734728  0.155198697  -7.834423 4.040000e-06 1.933630e-04
## 432          Srp14  0.6751343  0.085111043   7.830325 4.060000e-06 1.939650e-04
## 433          Ckap4 -0.5637148 -0.040675513  -7.814822 4.150000e-06 1.975330e-04
## 434          Fstl1 -1.4887532 -0.125919026  -7.806176 4.190000e-06 1.993510e-04
## 435          Apaf1 -0.7626912 -0.048990122  -7.766608 4.420000e-06 2.092700e-04
## 436          Nomo1  1.1824277  0.236888305   7.766181 4.420000e-06 2.092700e-04
## 437          Trim2 -0.8255637 -0.106446265  -7.754135 4.490000e-06 2.121690e-04
## 438        Txndc17  0.6646379  0.035120076   7.742284 4.570000e-06 2.150570e-04
## 439            Adk  1.7241557  0.485443019   7.725567 4.670000e-06 2.192830e-04
## 440            Fyn -1.6589775  0.024389146  -7.724302 4.680000e-06 2.192830e-04
## 441         Tmem88 -0.9230277 -0.049842103  -7.718526 4.710000e-06 2.204810e-04
## 442         Mgat4a -1.8612474  0.396244777  -7.695209 4.860000e-06 2.269570e-04
## 443           Vat1  1.2598953  0.260827884   7.672843 5.010000e-06 2.330490e-04
## 444      Hist2h2be  1.9765949 -0.025495721   7.672095 5.020000e-06 2.330490e-04
## 445          Cdh13 -2.2703880  0.627611032  -7.651085 5.160000e-06 2.391690e-04
## 446         Ogfod3  0.7290781  0.122155697   7.649464 5.170000e-06 2.391690e-04
## 447         Ifnar2  1.0208988  0.275581742   7.644490 5.210000e-06 2.401350e-04
## 448           Tppp -1.6191163  0.341014795  -7.643146 5.220000e-06 2.401350e-04
## 449           Tcf7  1.4753181  0.298643873   7.587591 5.620000e-06 2.582540e-04
## 450          Nceh1  1.0271370  0.178321617   7.583918 5.650000e-06 2.589630e-04
## 451  1810037I17Rik  0.6381829  0.095185040   7.572456 5.740000e-06 2.624310e-04
## 452         Scn2a1  0.3935116  0.083775712   7.559132 5.840000e-06 2.666220e-04
## 453          Mllt3  1.4323717  0.193281544   7.552911 5.890000e-06 2.675530e-04
## 454         Cyp1a1 -1.5564060  0.702741237  -7.552666 5.890000e-06 2.675530e-04
## 455        Ccdc88c -0.8672074 -0.133144777  -7.551687 5.900000e-06 2.675530e-04
## 456           Ddi1 -1.2950381 -0.057743421  -7.532074 6.060000e-06 2.741750e-04
## 457            Cfh  1.9358053  1.661581173   7.529762 6.080000e-06 2.744360e-04
## 458         Lonrf3  1.4401994  0.139920995   7.508069 6.260000e-06 2.820430e-04
## 459          Ednrb -3.1025597 -0.341160613  -7.477836 6.530000e-06 2.931450e-04
## 460          Akap6 -0.9952386  0.139532690  -7.476580 6.540000e-06 2.931450e-04
## 461          Aftph  0.8780263  0.047040179   7.464214 6.650000e-06 2.974960e-04
## 462          Asah2 -1.4975050  0.275194733  -7.457630 6.710000e-06 2.995380e-04
## 463          Kcnb1 -1.0854138  0.073819415  -7.433939 6.930000e-06 3.083350e-04
## 464          Csrp2  1.7212702  0.486508047   7.433287 6.940000e-06 3.083350e-04
## 465        Specc1l  0.7463900  0.127560551   7.431783 6.950000e-06 3.083350e-04
## 466           Stx2 -1.4672858 -0.074416098  -7.412448 7.140000e-06 3.159500e-04
## 467        Rps6ka2 -1.6764208 -0.186095114  -7.397461 7.290000e-06 3.214800e-04
## 468          Fads3 -1.5897039  0.250612512  -7.396716 7.290000e-06 3.214800e-04
## 469           Jam3 -1.3508916  0.126381209  -7.392065 7.340000e-06 3.226690e-04
## 470          Akip1  1.8858382 -0.020689840   7.388720 7.370000e-06 3.226690e-04
## 471         Arrdc4 -2.1346808 -0.204732990  -7.388425 7.380000e-06 3.226690e-04
## 472          Rpl38  0.4046326  0.094110346   7.387853 7.380000e-06 3.226690e-04
## 473          Asxl3 -1.2067262  0.164614480  -7.386054 7.400000e-06 3.227860e-04
## 474          Gsta4  3.6193536  0.578297744   7.379074 7.470000e-06 3.252180e-04
## 475           Chd7 -0.8202826  0.103809900  -7.360043 7.670000e-06 3.331660e-04
## 476          Ap4s1  0.7031558  0.094139799   7.358473 7.690000e-06 3.331870e-04
## 477          Adtrp  0.8764051  0.080822249   7.354628 7.730000e-06 3.342590e-04
## 478          Aplnr -2.7692518 -1.480860291  -7.350792 7.770000e-06 3.353330e-04
## 479        Gm14085 -1.0171092  0.174303946  -7.330683 7.990000e-06 3.435980e-04
## 480         Dpysl3 -1.6870292 -0.225605394  -7.330167 8.000000e-06 3.435980e-04
## 481        Gpatch4 -0.5402180  0.193655619  -7.305637 8.270000e-06 3.547410e-04
## 482          Disp1 -1.1380568  0.049323324  -7.302364 8.310000e-06 3.556170e-04
## 483         A4galt  1.9493143  0.529485577   7.292721 8.420000e-06 3.596640e-04
## 484        Fam198b -1.9666209 -0.074589314  -7.288399 8.470000e-06 3.610820e-04
## 485           Chn2  1.9067284 -0.003376099   7.281355 8.560000e-06 3.638830e-04
## 486            Mt2  3.3422036  0.245555885   7.264737 8.760000e-06 3.716300e-04
## 487           Nus1 -1.0812477  0.203576662  -7.261701 8.790000e-06 3.724380e-04
## 488         Sptssa  0.6402772 -0.029036523   7.239539 9.070000e-06 3.833390e-04
## 489         Ahcyl1  0.9356601  0.187447167   7.235613 9.120000e-06 3.846570e-04
## 490           Tob1  1.1827590 -0.122518098   7.225606 9.250000e-06 3.892760e-04
## 491          Dach1 -1.2180942 -0.016428148  -7.222059 9.290000e-06 3.904140e-04
## 492        Rnf144a -2.1981773 -0.506652131  -7.218047 9.350000e-06 3.915990e-04
## 493           Nebl  2.0592627  1.313288138   7.216984 9.360000e-06 3.915990e-04
## 494         Kif13a -0.8553233  0.197460014  -7.210916 9.440000e-06 3.941380e-04
## 495         Tgfbr3  1.2105366  0.011311942   7.204730 9.520000e-06 3.967620e-04
## 496          Endou -0.8826928 -0.200842127  -7.194831 9.650000e-06 4.014900e-04
## 497          Cald1 -1.5895592  0.074251994  -7.179490 9.860000e-06 4.093960e-04
## 498          Fbln2 -1.9822873  0.400616111  -7.176601 9.900000e-06 4.102340e-04
## 499       Cdc42ep2 -1.3816811 -0.263124943  -7.169391 1.000000e-05 4.132480e-04
## 500        Adamts5 -1.9192924 -0.123492776  -7.167664 1.000000e-05 4.132480e-04
## 501        Slc52a3  1.4810049  0.269735436   7.166427 1.000000e-05 4.132480e-04
## 502             Mb -1.7171237  0.263729063  -7.165690 1.010000e-05 4.132480e-04
## 503         Cnrip1 -1.2396846 -0.143027971  -7.154651 1.020000e-05 4.188770e-04
## 504          Asap3  0.8332254  0.108752281   7.151775 1.030000e-05 4.197400e-04
## 505           Zhx1  0.5367889  0.002616690   7.140218 1.040000e-05 4.256520e-04
## 506         Tspan8 -2.0395716  0.518762405  -7.138228 1.050000e-05 4.256520e-04
## 507          Ncaph  0.8102266  0.280515481   7.137623 1.050000e-05 4.256520e-04
## 508           Cd55 -1.2585362  0.441857713  -7.130721 1.060000e-05 4.289660e-04
## 509         Zfp442  0.6289164  0.138697781   7.128632 1.060000e-05 4.293860e-04
## 510          Skap2 -0.9585752 -0.021902269  -7.121382 1.070000e-05 4.329480e-04
## 511          Hoxb4 -1.1697221 -0.191510323  -7.118472 1.070000e-05 4.338780e-04
## 512         Minos1  0.5380430 -0.092939060   7.101598 1.100000e-05 4.434720e-04
## 513          Spry4 -1.3402904  0.351839129  -7.095089 1.110000e-05 4.466990e-04
## 514         Mical2 -1.1802852  0.619290613  -7.092680 1.110000e-05 4.473510e-04
## 515          Tecrl  1.4409456  0.279454136   7.078398 1.140000e-05 4.555990e-04
## 516         Ifi204 -1.9112759  0.024886691  -7.074021 1.140000e-05 4.575440e-04
## 517           Tpbg  1.0005957  0.238568082   7.071521 1.150000e-05 4.582790e-04
## 518          Myo7a -0.6571930  0.143323708  -7.064769 1.160000e-05 4.617930e-04
## 519         Fam63a  1.1403996  0.173941734   7.062752 1.160000e-05 4.622230e-04
## 520         Scamp5 -0.5922270  0.372168136  -7.060974 1.170000e-05 4.624990e-04
## 521           Hhex  0.8277356 -0.053844514   7.050762 1.180000e-05 4.683490e-04
## 522           Grb7  1.1371352  0.141292480   7.041839 1.200000e-05 4.734040e-04
## 523          Fbln5 -1.8087355  0.489957908  -7.040506 1.200000e-05 4.734040e-04
## 524         Inpp5k  0.7417352  0.263699595   7.036516 1.210000e-05 4.751880e-04
## 525          Tpst1 -0.9295854  0.024512641  -7.024073 1.230000e-05 4.827500e-04
## 526          Daam1 -0.5469234  0.490068046  -7.014847 1.240000e-05 4.882030e-04
## 527  A430072C10Rik  1.3647695  0.252620442   7.007780 1.260000e-05 4.914580e-04
## 528         Efemp2  0.7866735  0.233441796   7.007519 1.260000e-05 4.914580e-04
## 529          Oasl2  1.1346003 -0.125654030   6.997483 1.280000e-05 4.975990e-04
## 530         Myo18a -0.9866570  0.181174153  -6.993185 1.280000e-05 4.997150e-04
## 531          Tnni3 -1.5804001  0.391590938  -6.990768 1.290000e-05 5.004970e-04
## 532          Phxr4 -1.2547679  0.114597545  -6.984168 1.300000e-05 5.042870e-04
## 533          Chst1 -0.9916166  0.376529684  -6.972687 1.320000e-05 5.116660e-04
## 534          Fabp3 -1.6505610  0.190042562  -6.962084 1.340000e-05 5.185130e-04
## 535          Syne2 -0.8645887 -0.145832556  -6.954147 1.360000e-05 5.230020e-04
## 536         Glcci1  1.3605609  0.077862699   6.953450 1.360000e-05 5.230020e-04
## 537         Zswim1  1.4144438  0.153936864   6.952039 1.360000e-05 5.230840e-04
## 538           Pfkp -0.9427482 -0.021125446  -6.937993 1.390000e-05 5.327300e-04
## 539          Cisd1  1.1941109  0.010877738   6.929367 1.410000e-05 5.383630e-04
## 540          Tiam1  0.8203766 -0.066367594   6.927081 1.410000e-05 5.391330e-04
## 541           Figf  2.5392280  0.582660993   6.925395 1.410000e-05 5.392480e-04
## 542          Postn -1.9800983  0.585428338  -6.923715 1.420000e-05 5.392480e-04
## 543           Gpc4 -1.0134381 -0.106068961  -6.923074 1.420000e-05 5.392480e-04
## 544  D030056L22Rik  0.8080389 -0.090973760   6.897397 1.470000e-05 5.584990e-04
## 545         Tmem60  0.7535888 -0.152867411   6.878417 1.510000e-05 5.729280e-04
## 546       Ivns1abp  0.7935873 -0.004269821   6.872028 1.530000e-05 5.769100e-04
## 547           Fgf2 -0.5859693  0.111056171  -6.871076 1.530000e-05 5.769100e-04
## 548           Stom  0.6593231  0.019422342   6.860157 1.550000e-05 5.850050e-04
## 549            Dcn -3.4268267 -0.268142555  -6.855600 1.560000e-05 5.877970e-04
## 550          Stmn1  0.8169131  0.213389556   6.851549 1.570000e-05 5.901730e-04
## 551           Prnp  1.0410868 -0.252253395   6.844039 1.590000e-05 5.947210e-04
## 552         Plxnd1 -1.4831711 -0.102217865  -6.843602 1.590000e-05 5.947210e-04
## 553           Tlr4 -1.4289149  0.339421716  -6.842478 1.590000e-05 5.947210e-04
## 554         Sccpdh  0.7978072  0.080976551   6.835118 1.610000e-05 6.000040e-04
## 555       Snord35b  2.7104006  0.346872610   6.828945 1.630000e-05 6.043000e-04
## 556          Eda2r -0.7244124  0.078088886  -6.804948 1.680000e-05 6.245720e-04
## 557         Atp2b4 -1.8662842 -0.550707957  -6.797911 1.700000e-05 6.298540e-04
## 558           Asph -1.0012558 -0.253823735  -6.795067 1.710000e-05 6.313270e-04
## 559         Nup160  0.6630926  0.158754097   6.787796 1.730000e-05 6.358260e-04
## 560           Asb4  2.5238895  0.642003219   6.787719 1.730000e-05 6.358260e-04
## 561            C1s -0.9271280  0.201032543  -6.785366 1.730000e-05 6.368680e-04
## 562            Mt1  2.2178710  0.052251523   6.776844 1.750000e-05 6.432500e-04
## 563          Ggta1 -1.1481923  0.204420627  -6.774862 1.760000e-05 6.432500e-04
## 564          Ttc12  0.7899755  0.064150655   6.774846 1.760000e-05 6.432500e-04
## 565       Cdc42se1  0.6811924  0.188438733   6.773398 1.760000e-05 6.434670e-04
## 566          Cldn6  0.5868790  0.040529881   6.771206 1.770000e-05 6.438540e-04
## 567           Mlkl -1.5119558  0.015172417  -6.770557 1.770000e-05 6.438540e-04
## 568        Sult1a1 -1.4959982  0.091180603  -6.739475 1.850000e-05 6.722380e-04
## 569          Ap2b1  0.8121430  0.011610225   6.738557 1.850000e-05 6.722380e-04
## 570           Hip1  0.8382696  0.117094486   6.729437 1.880000e-05 6.800590e-04
## 571        Slc46a3  1.6100377  0.244822698   6.717066 1.910000e-05 6.912600e-04
## 572          Itpr3  0.5506697  0.159030722   6.706606 1.940000e-05 7.006980e-04
## 573         Fam13c  1.5049345 -0.033776540   6.702766 1.950000e-05 7.034220e-04
## 574         Galnt1 -0.7574924  0.049972659  -6.699565 1.960000e-05 7.054970e-04
## 575        Fam102b -1.7629199  0.455610434  -6.692444 1.980000e-05 7.116610e-04
## 576          Car14  1.3789976  0.580246707   6.689624 1.990000e-05 7.133690e-04
## 577           Agrn  0.9924072  0.119818147   6.680717 2.020000e-05 7.215010e-04
## 578          Meis1 -1.1746472  0.554501179  -6.678441 2.030000e-05 7.226630e-04
## 579          Cpt1a  0.9598796  0.102105461   6.673235 2.040000e-05 7.247750e-04
## 580           Fut8  1.2998120  0.363817785   6.672843 2.040000e-05 7.247750e-04
## 581          Macf1  0.6852201  0.142854883   6.672107 2.040000e-05 7.247750e-04
## 582          Bend5  0.6819579  0.083760106   6.671759 2.040000e-05 7.247750e-04
## 583         Pcdh17 -2.0914267 -0.051873013  -6.663338 2.070000e-05 7.325410e-04
## 584         Unc45b -0.5065688 -0.076935357  -6.653558 2.100000e-05 7.418830e-04
## 585         Trim16  1.0265202  0.234615895   6.649285 2.110000e-05 7.452880e-04
## 586         Cachd1  1.0923425  0.042211979   6.639810 2.140000e-05 7.544700e-04
## 587         Iqgap1  0.5964467  0.091198348   6.629149 2.180000e-05 7.644260e-04
## 588           Fhl1 -0.7671229  0.056752269  -6.627842 2.180000e-05 7.644260e-04
## 589          Casp6  0.9474683  0.162332217   6.627454 2.180000e-05 7.644260e-04
## 590          Trps1  0.9810747  0.163402654   6.622567 2.200000e-05 7.686530e-04
## 591          Efna3  0.9885437  0.269536112   6.620270 2.210000e-05 7.699570e-04
## 592        Rps6kl1 -0.5315611  0.079564827  -6.605672 2.250000e-05 7.854090e-04
## 593           Cav1 -0.9567264  0.177867827  -6.603610 2.260000e-05 7.857120e-04
## 594       Tbc1d22a -0.8307036 -0.028053729  -6.603130 2.260000e-05 7.857120e-04
## 595          Ppil2  0.5167878  0.007684963   6.598472 2.280000e-05 7.897890e-04
## 596          Ildr2  0.5382069  0.058114592   6.597356 2.280000e-05 7.897890e-04
## 597         Gdap10  1.3992112  0.495302326   6.592581 2.300000e-05 7.940550e-04
## 598        Fam134b  0.9401348  0.100515238   6.580700 2.340000e-05 8.067940e-04
## 599          Abca5  0.6077066  0.150511465   6.575201 2.360000e-05 8.116800e-04
## 600        Dennd4c  0.8315719  0.151755268   6.574372 2.360000e-05 8.116800e-04
## 601          Cldn5  1.5291096 -0.018112946   6.567543 2.390000e-05 8.185750e-04
## 602          Tprkb  1.7521804  0.099110670   6.558130 2.420000e-05 8.287090e-04
## 603         Prss23  2.4124670  0.505961457   6.555995 2.430000e-05 8.299610e-04
## 604        Arhgef7 -0.9810444  0.319581153  -6.553809 2.430000e-05 8.312810e-04
## 605          Sesn1  1.0578489  0.305888237   6.535806 2.500000e-05 8.524090e-04
## 606          Mbnl2 -0.7549499  0.045468775  -6.529915 2.520000e-05 8.584930e-04
## 607         Ccdc91  1.0940146  0.029359723   6.521227 2.550000e-05 8.682370e-04
## 608        Gucy1a2 -0.5579338  0.070765558  -6.510633 2.600000e-05 8.805990e-04
## 609          Fuca2  1.2946119 -0.030095887   6.495364 2.660000e-05 8.994070e-04
## 610         Rnf141  0.8182445  0.500186283   6.485181 2.700000e-05 9.116920e-04
## 611         Sec11c  0.7575280  0.062908363   6.475193 2.740000e-05 9.238920e-04
## 612          Parvb  1.1023674  0.423343403   6.468026 2.770000e-05 9.323250e-04
## 613          Kcnj8 -0.6850658 -0.155027895  -6.460527 2.800000e-05 9.400360e-04
## 614          Wfdc1  1.1382556  0.295883748   6.460343 2.800000e-05 9.400360e-04
## 615         Osbpl9  0.4875555  0.046064187   6.453547 2.830000e-05 9.481110e-04
## 616          Fbxl2  0.4556850  0.032824517   6.446566 2.860000e-05 9.565280e-04
## 617         Gpr124  1.2278150  0.413095377   6.444723 2.860000e-05 9.576220e-04
## 618           Cd38 -1.4982516 -0.076378700  -6.439303 2.890000e-05 9.638750e-04
## 619          Cwc15  0.5460259  0.026006315   6.437577 2.900000e-05 9.648140e-04
## 620         Zdhhc9  0.9178260  0.221006148   6.427149 2.940000e-05 9.784570e-04
## 621           Pak1  1.3962107  0.503392587   6.413582 3.000000e-05 9.970030e-04
## 622          Zadh2  0.4537001  0.094854100   6.407989 3.030000e-05 1.003810e-03
## 623          Atp5h  0.4540141 -0.015173977   6.395774 3.080000e-05 1.020798e-03
## 624          Ap3m1  0.6700862  0.134073274   6.393933 3.090000e-05 1.021993e-03
## 625       Hist1h4d -1.2399578  0.358088303  -6.390771 3.110000e-05 1.024591e-03
## 626          Trim3 -0.5148792  0.110762469  -6.390124 3.110000e-05 1.024591e-03
## 627          Bcl6b -1.3846537  0.012227949  -6.381233 3.150000e-05 1.036760e-03
## 628          Prrg3 -1.2160902  0.119191328  -6.374026 3.190000e-05 1.045752e-03
## 629         Dcbld1 -2.8613815 -0.162059119  -6.373398 3.190000e-05 1.045752e-03
## 630          Ptgs2  3.0743014  0.945192779   6.367455 3.220000e-05 1.053502e-03
## 631          Ptges  1.1106779  0.127472527   6.366015 3.220000e-05 1.054122e-03
## 632        Runx1t1 -1.0305069  0.285626668  -6.363144 3.240000e-05 1.057028e-03
## 633          Msrb2  0.7701742  0.042641069   6.358279 3.260000e-05 1.063145e-03
## 634          Dapk1  1.6371754  1.003910754   6.352240 3.290000e-05 1.071204e-03
## 635           Amot  1.0877881  0.269076001   6.349746 3.300000e-05 1.073558e-03
## 636          Prps2 -1.5910835 -0.311243600  -6.341253 3.350000e-05 1.085732e-03
## 637          Hbegf  1.1368100  0.397043226   6.336160 3.370000e-05 1.091263e-03
## 638           Mtap  0.4804831  0.058426127   6.335824 3.380000e-05 1.091263e-03
## 639       Tmem255a -0.8937613 -0.139389101  -6.325982 3.430000e-05 1.105922e-03
## 640          Atox1  1.2381989 -0.075702730   6.322698 3.440000e-05 1.109706e-03
## 641         Cox7a1 -1.2094582  0.120765627  -6.320960 3.450000e-05 1.110899e-03
## 642          Ssbp1  0.5605893 -0.010533300   6.319153 3.460000e-05 1.112212e-03
## 643           Tab3  0.7712466  0.015265370   6.316835 3.470000e-05 1.114394e-03
## 644           Prg4 -3.1630155  0.838834952  -6.314229 3.490000e-05 1.117071e-03
## 645          Nfat5  0.5363248 -0.018774352   6.309379 3.510000e-05 1.123579e-03
## 646          Rbbp7  0.6899454  0.068879444   6.298420 3.570000e-05 1.140667e-03
## 647        Tmem252  2.6077569  0.249366465   6.296215 3.580000e-05 1.142728e-03
## 648          Ncoa1  0.9907849  0.108300238   6.292098 3.610000e-05 1.148126e-03
## 649          Phpt1  1.0268510 -0.100607871   6.288879 3.620000e-05 1.151843e-03
## 650       Tmem120b -1.5551920  0.022633621  -6.287946 3.630000e-05 1.151843e-03
## 651           Nexn -2.7307544 -0.021327562  -6.283760 3.650000e-05 1.157421e-03
## 652         Ccp110  1.4062260 -0.021805288   6.274961 3.700000e-05 1.171227e-03
## 653         Gm5127  0.9585799  0.127676454   6.260577 3.780000e-05 1.195347e-03
## 654         Cxcl16 -0.8723887  0.493821566  -6.258806 3.790000e-05 1.196746e-03
## 655         Tceal1  1.4908482  0.199246823   6.252625 3.830000e-05 1.206239e-03
## 656          Cyp51  1.1453600 -0.019912275   6.246052 3.870000e-05 1.216543e-03
## 657          Ppard  0.6858954  0.239619285   6.236105 3.930000e-05 1.233286e-03
## 658          Ndel1 -1.4572172 -0.024036600  -6.229708 3.970000e-05 1.243513e-03
## 659         Cdkn2b  0.9001352  0.232791804   6.220756 4.020000e-05 1.258743e-03
## 660           Flna -0.6730172  0.068394090  -6.218469 4.040000e-05 1.261241e-03
## 661           Scoc  0.7573948  0.083478486   6.215426 4.050000e-05 1.265212e-03
## 662           Sdc3 -0.4918216  0.353560381  -6.214005 4.060000e-05 1.266052e-03
## 663           Scd2  1.4493419 -0.120673750   6.211486 4.080000e-05 1.267389e-03
## 664         Ppp3cc  0.7898093  0.014609001   6.211346 4.080000e-05 1.267389e-03
## 665       Prickle3 -0.4561361  0.006671173  -6.201189 4.140000e-05 1.285331e-03
## 666          Gnat3 -0.6986170  0.128211148  -6.185915 4.240000e-05 1.313824e-03
## 667          Samd4 -0.7848970  0.057809923  -6.183565 4.260000e-05 1.316595e-03
## 668          Cops5  0.7501437 -0.075418790   6.163023 4.390000e-05 1.355003e-03
## 669        Rarres1 -1.0559772  0.163502277  -6.162905 4.390000e-05 1.355003e-03
## 670         Gpr126  1.4693363  1.090862909   6.159432 4.420000e-05 1.357340e-03
## 671        Aldh9a1  0.9152142  0.235835744   6.159041 4.420000e-05 1.357340e-03
## 672     St6galnac4 -0.8250348  0.026660856  -6.158877 4.420000e-05 1.357340e-03
## 673         Map3k8  1.1640633  0.498312022   6.157671 4.430000e-05 1.357839e-03
## 674       Atp6v0a1  0.9847533  0.230549752   6.153192 4.460000e-05 1.365203e-03
## 675          Bmpr2  0.6590347  0.239426296   6.142426 4.540000e-05 1.385973e-03
## 676        Fam111a -1.1791217  0.182807915  -6.138870 4.560000e-05 1.391530e-03
## 677         Mtfr1l  0.8373229  0.033811950   6.123348 4.670000e-05 1.423144e-03
## 678          H2-K1 -0.4985447 -0.056575393  -6.120718 4.690000e-05 1.426826e-03
## 679          H2-Q7 -0.6636216 -0.024386913  -6.116927 4.720000e-05 1.432049e-03
## 680          Esyt1  0.6931181  0.011988894   6.116444 4.720000e-05 1.432049e-03
## 681          Sepp1  0.6959823  0.056723156   6.112076 4.750000e-05 1.439628e-03
## 682          Mmp15 -1.4652837 -0.068293388  -6.104853 4.810000e-05 1.453657e-03
## 683          Mob3b  0.8658818  0.096449694   6.098301 4.860000e-05 1.464238e-03
## 684           Nav2  0.4839409 -0.014347745   6.098270 4.860000e-05 1.464238e-03
## 685         Fam69a  1.7693024  0.042927672   6.097216 4.860000e-05 1.464487e-03
## 686          Oxct1 -0.5942213  0.103209301  -6.092489 4.900000e-05 1.473087e-03
## 687          Pcsk5 -0.9179595  0.101789255  -6.083141 4.970000e-05 1.492392e-03
## 688          Acot7 -0.7312229 -0.018970456  -6.080493 4.990000e-05 1.496348e-03
## 689          Mdfic -1.1217362 -0.174684015  -6.070059 5.070000e-05 1.518542e-03
## 690           Cd44 -1.0396956  0.448831465  -6.067994 5.090000e-05 1.521206e-03
## 691         Lpcat1 -0.7165066  0.009614878  -6.065734 5.110000e-05 1.524340e-03
## 692          Enpp2  1.6751688  0.737330407   6.054192 5.200000e-05 1.549655e-03
## 693        Plekhh2  1.4695255  0.604838628   6.052804 5.210000e-05 1.550466e-03
## 694        Slc52a2  0.9235606  0.202259924   6.051994 5.220000e-05 1.550466e-03
## 695        Fam101b -1.0666501 -0.118405086  -6.051070 5.220000e-05 1.550466e-03
## 696          Psma6  0.7346223 -0.080067953   6.045081 5.270000e-05 1.562441e-03
## 697            Tnc -0.4306758 -0.044656943  -6.044271 5.280000e-05 1.562441e-03
## 698         Sh3bp5 -0.7996248 -0.091845830  -6.038961 5.320000e-05 1.573137e-03
## 699        Fam174a  0.7832896  0.133256719   6.035428 5.350000e-05 1.579544e-03
## 700       Ankrd34c  0.4000904  0.017384878   6.028359 5.410000e-05 1.593889e-03
## 701         Ushbp1 -0.8272864 -0.168928749  -6.027783 5.420000e-05 1.593889e-03
## 702            Vwf  1.7620703  0.402418902   6.013965 5.530000e-05 1.626250e-03
## 703         Klra10 -2.2548568  0.508954052  -6.006345 5.600000e-05 1.643346e-03
## 704          H2-Q4 -0.8493649 -0.054082107  -6.003629 5.620000e-05 1.647981e-03
## 705            Nln -0.9765266  0.065859738  -5.998029 5.670000e-05 1.658157e-03
## 706        Slco3a1 -1.2113420  0.003318793  -5.997866 5.680000e-05 1.658157e-03
## 707          Ints9  0.8807942  0.178533428   5.995862 5.690000e-05 1.658612e-03
## 708          Phf10  0.7286142  0.102599843   5.995177 5.700000e-05 1.658612e-03
## 709            Dpt -3.2040615  0.727579584  -5.994975 5.700000e-05 1.658612e-03
## 710           Cd63 -1.9954863 -0.636871407  -5.993447 5.710000e-05 1.660230e-03
## 711           Nrp1 -1.1412315  0.080462585  -5.990170 5.740000e-05 1.666403e-03
## 712        Tbc1d13  1.3111621  0.242171191   5.985509 5.790000e-05 1.676226e-03
## 713          Vwa3a -1.7097236 -0.341441314  -5.971559 5.910000e-05 1.710790e-03
## 714         Cox6a2 -0.7310096  0.107924204  -5.969241 5.940000e-05 1.711592e-03
## 715          Foxc2 -0.8402120  0.049020924  -5.968263 5.940000e-05 1.711592e-03
## 716         Exoc3l -0.9601766 -0.025839077  -5.967996 5.950000e-05 1.711592e-03
## 717  3110035E14Rik -0.9805220  0.058899050  -5.967684 5.950000e-05 1.711592e-03
## 718        Ankrd46  0.5581465  0.157663124   5.962186 6.000000e-05 1.723983e-03
## 719          Pde7b  1.9487085  0.122496781   5.960450 6.020000e-05 1.726273e-03
## 720          Foxp1  0.9040130  0.235514423   5.957997 6.040000e-05 1.730512e-03
## 721         Pcyox1  1.1710483  0.218349870   5.956096 6.060000e-05 1.733266e-03
## 722         Adam22 -0.5795833  0.237829590  -5.953454 6.080000e-05 1.738047e-03
## 723          Cd2ap  0.8355163  0.125036749   5.949714 6.120000e-05 1.744808e-03
## 724           Eps8  1.1645216  0.146768799   5.949212 6.120000e-05 1.744808e-03
## 725          Lama4 -1.2846680 -0.854584853  -5.946980 6.150000e-05 1.748509e-03
## 726           Gja5 -2.4542500  0.057006938  -5.935388 6.260000e-05 1.778147e-03
## 727          Slfn5 -0.5983464 -0.135254732  -5.924972 6.360000e-05 1.804223e-03
## 728          Fxyd6 -0.9839913  0.071833864  -5.924366 6.370000e-05 1.804223e-03
## 729          H2-Q8 -1.0723176 -0.025143559  -5.923325 6.380000e-05 1.804700e-03
## 730          Magoh  0.5695502 -0.021606890   5.921361 6.400000e-05 1.806291e-03
## 731          Mcmbp -0.6411934  0.069289398  -5.921021 6.400000e-05 1.806291e-03
## 732        Tmsb15l  1.0292136  0.137506930   5.912948 6.480000e-05 1.826864e-03
## 733          Lyrm2  0.6690696  0.104807536   5.910109 6.510000e-05 1.832538e-03
## 734       Hist1h4n -1.2633257  0.303546652  -5.909025 6.520000e-05 1.833165e-03
## 735          Pola2 -1.1354450 -0.214074103  -5.906546 6.550000e-05 1.837827e-03
## 736          Pcbp2  0.3411986 -0.002633795   5.899245 6.620000e-05 1.856543e-03
## 737         Ccl27a  0.8755148  0.128594432   5.896282 6.660000e-05 1.862698e-03
## 738          Cgnl1  1.4352262  0.230760559   5.882662 6.800000e-05 1.900537e-03
## 739           Bcl2 -0.8192378 -0.060482438  -5.879717 6.830000e-05 1.906186e-03
## 740     St6galnac2  1.2494377 -0.111677104   5.879065 6.840000e-05 1.906186e-03
## 741         Tbc1d9 -0.5675936  0.212624190  -5.872286 6.910000e-05 1.924087e-03
## 742           Phyh  1.1297593  0.217402008   5.864073 7.000000e-05 1.946574e-03
## 743          Csprs -1.4138035  0.349475683  -5.858454 7.060000e-05 1.960208e-03
## 744          Efnb2 -1.0007095 -0.294522796  -5.857952 7.070000e-05 1.960208e-03
## 745          Hspa2 -1.3742968 -0.322479400  -5.855928 7.090000e-05 1.963850e-03
## 746         Zfp941  0.8538734  0.075861739   5.850400 7.160000e-05 1.978437e-03
## 747           Nme5  0.7192744  0.059024127   5.845817 7.210000e-05 1.987649e-03
## 748            Zyx -1.0582733  0.117244845  -5.845459 7.210000e-05 1.987649e-03
## 749           Pex3  1.0629433 -0.213444266   5.844926 7.220000e-05 1.987649e-03
## 750          Hdac7 -0.4998784 -0.045727694  -5.839930 7.270000e-05 1.998672e-03
## 751  1810062O18Rik  1.8948035  0.167103357   5.839747 7.280000e-05 1.998672e-03
## 752         Fam96a  0.5924200  0.119326843   5.838179 7.290000e-05 1.999686e-03
## 753         Cdkn1c -0.6908404  0.467410974  -5.837747 7.300000e-05 1.999686e-03
## 754         Neurl2  1.8678762  0.310761511   5.835415 7.330000e-05 2.004422e-03
## 755         Ifngr2 -0.7722422  0.106396673  -5.832256 7.360000e-05 2.011808e-03
## 756  C230081A13Rik -0.8663054 -0.152548029  -5.829724 7.390000e-05 2.017222e-03
## 757         Polr2a  0.5441116  0.001407814   5.825494 7.440000e-05 2.028108e-03
## 758         Acvr2a -0.6891467 -0.102891740  -5.823064 7.470000e-05 2.033248e-03
## 759         Smtnl2 -0.4340615 -0.015515994  -5.822162 7.480000e-05 2.033477e-03
## 760        Tspan18 -1.5852356  0.480325027  -5.815618 7.560000e-05 2.049726e-03
## 761         Ube2v2  1.0958309  0.011246425   5.815484 7.560000e-05 2.049726e-03
## 762          Nr3c2  0.8578552  0.045267044   5.813878 7.580000e-05 2.052261e-03
## 763          Ptpre -1.3376215  0.044468913  -5.811048 7.620000e-05 2.058796e-03
## 764         Armc10  0.6325014  0.009298875   5.808847 7.640000e-05 2.063296e-03
## 765            Pln -2.0734027  0.327128291  -5.805940 7.680000e-05 2.070132e-03
## 766         Deptor -0.5321655 -0.083875340  -5.804886 7.690000e-05 2.070890e-03
## 767        Sec61a1  0.6563832  0.087677130   5.802472 7.720000e-05 2.076137e-03
## 768          Rragb  0.4252396  0.042460888   5.791377 7.860000e-05 2.110312e-03
## 769         Igsf9b -0.5744823  0.049873862  -5.777080 8.040000e-05 2.155969e-03
## 770           Mlec -0.7417232  0.081759390  -5.775973 8.050000e-05 2.155969e-03
## 771          Pald1 -0.6194431  0.066612658  -5.775473 8.060000e-05 2.155969e-03
## 772          Soga1 -0.7483888  0.186822956  -5.773257 8.090000e-05 2.160788e-03
## 773         Ifltd1  1.1248690  0.311564251   5.769498 8.140000e-05 2.170950e-03
## 774            Lum -0.5273959  0.097385693  -5.768265 8.150000e-05 2.172408e-03
## 775           Ech1  0.6439660  0.032444320   5.753505 8.350000e-05 2.221258e-03
## 776          Mapk9  0.6855507  0.296048988   5.751015 8.380000e-05 2.227224e-03
## 777            Erh  0.6509457  0.045944555   5.749327 8.400000e-05 2.230357e-03
## 778          Ddah1  2.2459707  0.623673717   5.744006 8.470000e-05 2.246491e-03
## 779         Rnf103  0.9922934  0.192639223   5.737410 8.560000e-05 2.267364e-03
## 780          Prdx2  0.4945418  0.080207730   5.731565 8.640000e-05 2.285629e-03
## 781           Map7  0.9361423 -0.007680610   5.730784 8.650000e-05 2.285629e-03
## 782        Ccdc85a -1.1136802 -0.386772732  -5.721106 8.790000e-05 2.318306e-03
## 783        Rarres2 -1.0791127  0.121908190  -5.719993 8.800000e-05 2.319471e-03
## 784        Ldlrad3  1.5706100  0.310338682   5.717204 8.840000e-05 2.322443e-03
## 785           Apoe  0.8698346  0.374427099   5.716938 8.850000e-05 2.322443e-03
## 786            Ak3  0.6024714  0.102864078   5.716803 8.850000e-05 2.322443e-03
## 787           Fzd6  1.3453589 -0.229432224   5.715755 8.860000e-05 2.323385e-03
## 788        Cysltr1  0.8857311  0.760506351   5.711743 8.920000e-05 2.333407e-03
## 789        Dnajc5b  0.3218869 -0.006744989   5.711481 8.930000e-05 2.333407e-03
## 790           Dtd1  0.7582957  0.010919890   5.710081 8.950000e-05 2.335684e-03
## 791       Arhgef25 -1.5597110  0.328386693  -5.707809 8.980000e-05 2.341231e-03
## 792          Rell1 -0.3754120 -0.079508148  -5.698770 9.110000e-05 2.372386e-03
## 793         Prkaa2 -0.4506602  0.454971152  -5.696658 9.140000e-05 2.377430e-03
## 794        Dpy19l4  0.7346104  0.337821319   5.694167 9.180000e-05 2.383939e-03
## 795         Chst15 -0.8654661 -0.206705667  -5.689674 9.240000e-05 2.398157e-03
## 796         Zfp937  1.2472734  0.145173103   5.686752 9.290000e-05 2.406400e-03
## 797          Anks1  0.5079486  0.205081779   5.684702 9.320000e-05 2.410700e-03
## 798      Serpinb6b  2.2372837  0.894912464   5.683987 9.330000e-05 2.410700e-03
## 799          Fgf13  0.4341191  0.075904241   5.683295 9.340000e-05 2.410700e-03
## 800        Fam212b -0.7734059  0.050837549  -5.677814 9.420000e-05 2.428968e-03
## 801        Prorsd1  0.9945998  0.090974171   5.662361 9.660000e-05 2.485725e-03
## 802         Shank3 -0.9320666 -0.116955056  -5.660734 9.680000e-05 2.485725e-03
## 803          Baz1a -1.1593510 -0.004398793  -5.660659 9.680000e-05 2.485725e-03
## 804        Cacna1a  0.7432564  0.182957586   5.660337 9.690000e-05 2.485725e-03
## 805        Gm16494  0.8957202  0.236361945   5.655369 9.770000e-05 2.502557e-03
## 806         Mum1l1  0.2870909  0.026291593   5.652641 9.810000e-05 2.510445e-03
## 807          Sort1  1.1173178 -0.334459936   5.648697 9.870000e-05 2.520400e-03
## 808           Ubl3  0.4242004  0.016997846   5.648643 9.870000e-05 2.520400e-03
## 809           Oas2 -1.0145345  0.449103173  -5.647285 9.890000e-05 2.521004e-03
## 810          Prkg1  1.1116695  0.176208877   5.646958 9.900000e-05 2.521004e-03
## 811          Rcan2  1.1425555  0.173565067   5.642128 9.980000e-05 2.536563e-03
## 812           Fis1  0.4282894  0.124819757   5.641027 9.990000e-05 2.536563e-03
## 813         Dhrs7c -0.4201368  0.055033844  -5.640843 1.000000e-04 2.536563e-03
## 814         Zfp943  0.7533935  0.096298439   5.639727 1.001570e-04 2.538005e-03
## 815           Car2  1.6099806 -0.334698934   5.634279 1.010400e-04 2.555564e-03
## 816  1700018A04Rik  1.0721709  0.204433472   5.633926 1.010980e-04 2.555564e-03
## 817        Smarca2  0.6933511  0.253259346   5.630862 1.015980e-04 2.562510e-03
## 818     Ncrna00085 -0.9506030 -0.144769953  -5.630724 1.016210e-04 2.562510e-03
## 819          Aldoc  0.6762533  0.035723017   5.626730 1.022770e-04 2.574959e-03
## 820         Amotl2 -0.8098481  0.102324329  -5.626174 1.023690e-04 2.574959e-03
## 821           Tmc8 -0.7732169  0.053988105  -5.625449 1.024890e-04 2.574959e-03
## 822        Zfp354a  1.2591820  0.155594190   5.622189 1.030300e-04 2.585390e-03
## 823       Hist1h4b -1.1625059  0.280799654  -5.614075 1.043880e-04 2.616291e-03
## 824           Dgkh -0.9312461 -0.234814075  -5.609579 1.051490e-04 2.632159e-03
## 825        Tspan15 -1.4570306 -0.061259200  -5.603359 1.062110e-04 2.655521e-03
## 826            Rfk  0.4079293  0.152987785   5.599220 1.069240e-04 2.668611e-03
## 827           Tle1  0.8663189  0.252976731   5.598146 1.071090e-04 2.668611e-03
## 828        Ccdc90b  1.2111316  0.096024197   5.598072 1.071220e-04 2.668611e-03
## 829          Vash1 -0.6599811  0.161878962  -5.594055 1.078200e-04 2.682766e-03
## 830          Meis2 -0.8952598  0.957991920  -5.586201 1.091990e-04 2.713804e-03
## 831  4930506M07Rik -1.2674566  0.928595031  -5.581243 1.100800e-04 2.732385e-03
## 832           Cygb -0.4656836  0.007181357  -5.580354 1.102380e-04 2.733028e-03
## 833          Jmjd8  1.2129106  0.010490099   5.578965 1.104860e-04 2.735899e-03
## 834         Pfkfb3 -1.0800079 -0.187375324  -5.572388 1.116700e-04 2.761889e-03
## 835           Bbs4  0.7917331 -0.081912739   5.560529 1.138380e-04 2.810815e-03
## 836          Tacc2 -0.7724021 -0.036127282  -5.560081 1.139210e-04 2.810815e-03
## 837        Rasgrf2 -2.0588121  0.275631136  -5.551268 1.155620e-04 2.847902e-03
## 838         Col8a1 -1.2164318 -0.027462137  -5.550513 1.157040e-04 2.847993e-03
## 839          Zfp53 -0.5802603 -0.028795877  -5.547596 1.162530e-04 2.855425e-03
## 840          Zfp51  0.5428319 -0.097728730   5.547440 1.162820e-04 2.855425e-03
## 841          Pde5a  0.8969331  0.276155054   5.536874 1.182960e-04 2.900874e-03
## 842         Mrpl22  1.3412894 -0.059530069   5.536107 1.184440e-04 2.900874e-03
## 843          Gstp2  0.4734017  0.423893830   5.535528 1.185550e-04 2.900874e-03
## 844        Pip5k1b  0.6834041  0.053845886   5.531891 1.192580e-04 2.914624e-03
## 845         Tmeff2 -0.6343365  0.575512219  -5.531138 1.194040e-04 2.914739e-03
## 846          Mgst2  1.4910952  0.054035974   5.526122 1.203830e-04 2.935149e-03
## 847           Atrn -0.5207126  0.006253100  -5.523118 1.209730e-04 2.946050e-03
## 848          Ckap5  0.4651871  0.001471075   5.521307 1.213300e-04 2.951259e-03
## 849            Dbi  0.5591923 -0.000237974   5.518904 1.218050e-04 2.959340e-03
## 850         Tarsl2  0.9328483 -0.034704817   5.517863 1.220120e-04 2.960871e-03
## 851           Fdps  0.7298226 -0.048866715   5.516828 1.222180e-04 2.962382e-03
## 852          Hcls1 -1.7060483  0.214330218  -5.512318 1.231190e-04 2.980719e-03
## 853         Thsd7a -0.8995369  0.123767474  -5.509661 1.236530e-04 2.990142e-03
## 854          Plcd1 -0.5474868 -0.040412520  -5.508623 1.238620e-04 2.991696e-03
## 855       Ctnnbip1 -0.9748535  0.182941184  -5.503127 1.249770e-04 3.015084e-03
## 856           Cobl -0.4528756 -0.039054394  -5.500431 1.255270e-04 3.024828e-03
## 857           Tifa  0.8288202  0.095237474   5.493136 1.270300e-04 3.057468e-03
## 858          Tpd52  1.5709770  0.682349914   5.484761 1.287790e-04 3.093254e-03
## 859        Pkhd1l1 -1.1068907  0.268333885  -5.484579 1.288170e-04 3.093254e-03
## 860       Tctex1d2  0.9773865 -0.316564212   5.481410 1.294850e-04 3.105691e-03
## 861          Acin1 -0.4455255  0.074833107  -5.480181 1.297450e-04 3.108313e-03
## 862        Plekhg3 -0.6694064 -0.080037241  -5.473529 1.311630e-04 3.138642e-03
## 863       Arhgef15 -1.0022907 -0.066171545  -5.471495 1.316000e-04 3.145441e-03
## 864         Vangl2  0.5220569  0.049641227   5.467208 1.325260e-04 3.162046e-03
## 865         Maged1  0.9304536 -0.184311994   5.466351 1.327120e-04 3.162046e-03
## 866          Rai14  1.0156126 -0.245961312   5.466153 1.327550e-04 3.162046e-03
## 867          Vps28  0.4834162  0.090883127   5.454715 1.352630e-04 3.218069e-03
## 868           Sub1  0.3367653 -0.072933134   5.450251 1.362550e-04 3.236903e-03
## 869           Chml -0.9730627 -0.071535204  -5.449744 1.363680e-04 3.236903e-03
## 870            Kit -1.7946208  0.539536930  -5.445075 1.374150e-04 3.258005e-03
## 871        Shroom2  0.6032635  0.135975740   5.439175 1.387510e-04 3.285886e-03
## 872       Map1lc3a  0.4712059  0.040747195   5.433011 1.401600e-04 3.315460e-03
## 873          Egfl8  0.7083324  0.082099853   5.425677 1.418570e-04 3.351751e-03
## 874            Cpm -0.8186774 -0.050500585  -5.423685 1.423210e-04 3.357620e-03
## 875         Map4k4 -0.5546999  0.011034011  -5.423217 1.424310e-04 3.357620e-03
## 876           Rgs4 -0.6927333  0.168986478  -5.420349 1.431030e-04 3.369614e-03
## 877          Pdia6 -0.7527857  0.029348692  -5.419557 1.432890e-04 3.370151e-03
## 878  2610305D13Rik -0.8090952  0.040722019  -5.418635 1.435060e-04 3.371416e-03
## 879           Dcp2  0.4280109  0.017330106   5.417034 1.438840e-04 3.376447e-03
## 880        Colec11 -0.4511480 -0.012071387  -5.413387 1.447490e-04 3.392875e-03
## 881          Mpzl1  1.3135713  0.052286530   5.411197 1.452700e-04 3.401240e-03
## 882         Fam78b -1.3773640  0.555852103  -5.405648 1.466010e-04 3.428190e-03
## 883         Abca8b -0.6333920  0.087354247  -5.405015 1.467540e-04 3.428190e-03
## 884           Tpm2 -1.4312286  0.221147660  -5.393575 1.495420e-04 3.487951e-03
## 885          Cd320  0.8299829 -0.000915050   5.393134 1.496500e-04 3.487951e-03
## 886         Pdlim3 -0.8876939  0.107522269  -5.389524 1.505420e-04 3.504773e-03
## 887       Slc26a10 -1.4746977  0.584220597  -5.378906 1.531980e-04 3.562215e-03
## 888         Slc1a5 -0.9490795 -0.061403495  -5.378285 1.533550e-04 3.562215e-03
## 889  1810011O10Rik -1.8751701 -0.179433755  -5.377571 1.535350e-04 3.562398e-03
## 890           Ctsb -0.4946410  0.475412183  -5.373115 1.546670e-04 3.584629e-03
## 891          Hsbp1  0.6452119 -0.004020691   5.371668 1.550360e-04 3.589154e-03
## 892          Cep44  1.0523829 -0.062346202   5.368135 1.559420e-04 3.606079e-03
## 893          Efnb1 -1.2760004  0.341161735  -5.363584 1.571180e-04 3.629186e-03
## 894         B3gnt1  0.8024260  0.067671459   5.362098 1.575030e-04 3.634021e-03
## 895       Arhgap20  1.5078686  0.717777664   5.359929 1.580680e-04 3.642982e-03
## 896          Hoxd8 -1.0801787 -0.438159522  -5.352789 1.599420e-04 3.682059e-03
## 897            Ilk -0.6476593  0.125659373  -5.350376 1.605810e-04 3.692644e-03
## 898           Gopc -1.1451475  0.161895368  -5.348808 1.609970e-04 3.698097e-03
## 899         Acnat1  0.7319233 -0.023769155   5.336524 1.642990e-04 3.769749e-03
## 900          Prrg4 -1.7520030  0.322598681  -5.331347 1.657120e-04 3.793770e-03
## 901          Crtap  0.9706400  0.159119190   5.331340 1.657140e-04 3.793770e-03
## 902          Ints4  0.5832403 -0.045057583   5.328674 1.664470e-04 3.806319e-03
## 903           Aff1  0.6101781  0.022035662   5.322875 1.680520e-04 3.832765e-03
## 904          Ampd3 -1.1400626 -0.066616470  -5.322575 1.681360e-04 3.832765e-03
## 905          Trpt1  0.6981845  0.060823565   5.322485 1.681610e-04 3.832765e-03
## 906          Cxxc4 -0.4424631  0.028212356  -5.318356 1.693150e-04 3.854802e-03
## 907         Sema3f -0.9614271  0.130689494  -5.314767 1.703240e-04 3.873512e-03
## 908          Kcnj2  0.9502635  0.183697068   5.312031 1.710980e-04 3.886824e-03
## 909           Wars -1.1502333  0.166727768  -5.309400 1.718450e-04 3.899513e-03
## 910           Fez2 -0.9216639  0.063362645  -5.308045 1.722320e-04 3.903990e-03
## 911          Ppm1j -0.8154987 -0.021654191  -5.302268 1.738900e-04 3.937236e-03
## 912           Myh6 -1.6087011  0.302728467  -5.299649 1.746470e-04 3.950042e-03
## 913          Flot2 -0.5226118 -0.075972080  -5.295292 1.759140e-04 3.974343e-03
## 914        Fam126a -0.4086994 -0.080176354  -5.292390 1.767630e-04 3.989159e-03
## 915         Sft2d2  0.5931816 -0.161448033   5.290027 1.774580e-04 4.000462e-03
## 916         Akr1e1  0.7668371  0.275945350   5.287093 1.783240e-04 4.014859e-03
## 917        Trim30d -0.8738353 -0.071380651  -5.286548 1.784860e-04 4.014859e-03
## 918          Ifit2 -0.9814588 -0.135620279  -5.284096 1.792140e-04 4.026854e-03
## 919          Arap1 -0.3623889  0.241371505  -5.278819 1.807920e-04 4.057807e-03
## 920          As3mt  1.0911878 -0.076127088   5.278177 1.809850e-04 4.057807e-03
## 921          Plin2 -0.6068227  0.274075249  -5.277301 1.812490e-04 4.059309e-03
## 922         Sbspon  0.6217103  0.100282158   5.273795 1.823080e-04 4.078606e-03
## 923           Hprt  0.6275924  0.175647735   5.262831 1.856630e-04 4.149161e-03
## 924           Snx5  0.7463156  0.295930797   5.261909 1.859480e-04 4.151031e-03
## 925          Kdm3a  0.6713225 -0.006543861   5.260243 1.864640e-04 4.155508e-03
## 926         Tspan2 -1.6359717  0.314246018  -5.259962 1.865520e-04 4.155508e-03
## 927          Cerkl  0.8624001  0.096475630   5.257491 1.873210e-04 4.168141e-03
## 928            Fes -0.3553155  0.090226872  -5.253656 1.885210e-04 4.190316e-03
## 929          Ift81  0.9475277 -0.057060402   5.251938 1.890610e-04 4.197797e-03
## 930          Foxo1  0.5687106 -0.016441476   5.249130 1.899470e-04 4.211483e-03
## 931  1110012L19Rik  1.5538569  0.098542137   5.248122 1.902660e-04 4.211483e-03
## 932         Fahd2a  0.6383133 -0.028115145   5.248049 1.902900e-04 4.211483e-03
## 933            Frk -0.6758771  0.045959249  -5.245295 1.911650e-04 4.226313e-03
## 934          Dchs1 -0.9529726 -0.022889769  -5.239606 1.929860e-04 4.262015e-03
## 935            Hdx -0.6916482  0.322030163  -5.236237 1.940730e-04 4.277825e-03
## 936         Zfp715 -1.0408712  0.140451976  -5.236103 1.941170e-04 4.277825e-03
## 937         Ptger4 -1.0537890 -0.237352787  -5.234469 1.946460e-04 4.284919e-03
## 938         Mrpl41  0.6655003 -0.006762694   5.229588 1.962380e-04 4.315349e-03
## 939         Nipal2  0.4194879  0.474239578   5.223826 1.981340e-04 4.347846e-03
## 940          Rgs12  0.8108842  0.477967395   5.223816 1.981370e-04 4.347846e-03
## 941       Prickle2 -0.4355170  0.271300327  -5.219187 1.996750e-04 4.376928e-03
## 942        Stard10  1.0971643  0.021671899   5.207561 2.035910e-04 4.458042e-03
## 943         Pdgfra -0.5362066  0.081792578  -5.205004 2.044640e-04 4.472396e-03
## 944          Vti1b  0.4488297  0.111263021   5.201476 2.056730e-04 4.494095e-03
## 945         Mfhas1  0.5093082  0.259516144   5.194206 2.081900e-04 4.539583e-03
## 946         Atp8b1 -2.1074006 -0.009378303  -5.194000 2.082620e-04 4.539583e-03
## 947         Hmbox1  0.6953754  0.351664356   5.193560 2.084150e-04 4.539583e-03
## 948           Klk8 -0.8917271  0.072145686  -5.190993 2.093130e-04 4.554322e-03
## 949          Ephb1 -0.9398894 -0.054783202  -5.188969 2.100230e-04 4.561257e-03
## 950          Cyth3  0.7799272  0.382853124   5.188825 2.100740e-04 4.561257e-03
## 951         Cyp2j6 -0.9309146 -0.059226731  -5.176509 2.144530e-04 4.651435e-03
## 952          Aldh2  0.6431422  0.144413758   5.174969 2.150070e-04 4.656870e-03
## 953         Eps8l3  0.5024523  0.053148268   5.174559 2.151550e-04 4.656870e-03
## 954          Thsd1  0.9300763  0.027199428   5.172568 2.158740e-04 4.667541e-03
## 955        Neurl1b -0.5717932 -0.063204240  -5.166100 2.182280e-04 4.713504e-03
## 956          Fkbp2  0.6384026  0.101823999   5.162154 2.196780e-04 4.735055e-03
## 957           Pkig  0.5947590  0.088958964   5.161826 2.197990e-04 4.735055e-03
## 958         Itgbl1 -0.4521872  0.006801986  -5.161512 2.199150e-04 4.735055e-03
## 959         Igfbp5 -1.3866765 -0.220825510  -5.160328 2.203520e-04 4.739526e-03
## 960          H2afz  0.3138688  0.084870370   5.155737 2.220570e-04 4.771212e-03
## 961        Dennd5b -1.0321340 -0.121624698  -5.154173 2.226400e-04 4.778776e-03
## 962  1110058L19Rik  0.8611056  0.017336082   5.151472 2.236530e-04 4.790587e-03
## 963        Phyhipl  0.4717499 -0.124505870   5.151026 2.238200e-04 4.790587e-03
## 964            Ick  0.4702803 -0.082862951   5.150847 2.238870e-04 4.790587e-03
## 965         Eif4e3 -1.0691226 -0.165771548  -5.149845 2.242650e-04 4.793686e-03
## 966       Arhgef26 -0.6498906  0.639143459  -5.145804 2.257930e-04 4.821348e-03
## 967           Mlh3  1.0769990  0.036873501   5.143589 2.266340e-04 4.834317e-03
## 968          Sfxn1 -0.8271473 -0.124896489  -5.135923 2.295740e-04 4.891964e-03
## 969  0610007P14Rik  1.0188243 -0.043852680   5.133785 2.304010e-04 4.904514e-03
## 970       Tmem176a  0.6404734  0.460044800   5.122284 2.349030e-04 4.995199e-03
## 971           Mpp3 -0.3957578  0.020115249  -5.117873 2.366540e-04 5.027259e-03
## 972          Mast2  0.3355945 -0.027634844   5.115126 2.377520e-04 5.045375e-03
## 973           Lca5 -0.6816800 -0.174816385  -5.113752 2.383030e-04 5.048238e-03
## 974         Gabrb2 -0.2803297  0.048712800  -5.113569 2.383760e-04 5.048238e-03
## 975          Arl4a  1.5342576  0.320631278   5.106348 2.412940e-04 5.102992e-03
## 976         Inpp5a -0.8953969  0.108589683  -5.105950 2.414560e-04 5.102992e-03
## 977            Oat -0.9789529 -0.187497331  -5.103747 2.423550e-04 5.116738e-03
## 978          Tmed4  0.8893716  0.111787924   5.098720 2.444180e-04 5.155023e-03
## 979         Slc5a6  0.6014417  0.060680803   5.096724 2.452430e-04 5.167130e-03
## 980         Tcf7l1 -0.8029698  0.029028862  -5.093641 2.465220e-04 5.187257e-03
## 981          Zfp69 -1.1257086 -0.115158079  -5.093139 2.467310e-04 5.187257e-03
## 982         Fam63b  0.5491709  0.028716518   5.092606 2.469520e-04 5.187257e-03
## 983         Gm6233  0.9809747  0.136102800   5.090863 2.476800e-04 5.189456e-03
## 984          Prkcb  2.0486665  0.561758997   5.090760 2.477230e-04 5.189456e-03
## 985         Zfp710 -0.6097582  0.170234742  -5.090548 2.478120e-04 5.189456e-03
## 986         Agpat1  0.7000593  0.073343759   5.086296 2.495970e-04 5.221534e-03
## 987           Mpnd  0.5220995  0.068378767   5.080786 2.519300e-04 5.265014e-03
## 988           Tbce  0.6418041 -0.048009046   5.071819 2.557770e-04 5.339984e-03
## 989         Snapc5  0.6548818  0.041658148   5.056450 2.625130e-04 5.475086e-03
## 990        Slc15a3 -0.5291812  0.701505204  -5.049620 2.655660e-04 5.529771e-03
## 991          Npdc1 -0.4280022  0.065690008  -5.049387 2.656710e-04 5.529771e-03
## 992        Gm13306  0.7348015  0.043357244   5.048122 2.662410e-04 5.534705e-03
## 993           Trdn -0.2894548  0.030974063  -5.047670 2.664450e-04 5.534705e-03
## 994          Skp1a  0.5760787  0.046487808   5.046417 2.670110e-04 5.540877e-03
## 995           Eci2  0.7986704  0.101007302   5.045457 2.674460e-04 5.544322e-03
## 996          Clcn7  0.9289438  0.167784024   5.042926 2.685950e-04 5.556731e-03
## 997         Rcbtb1  0.7856827  0.087873366   5.042389 2.688390e-04 5.556731e-03
## 998          Chst2  0.6863279 -0.029921218   5.042360 2.688520e-04 5.556731e-03
## 999          Dmap1  0.3890519  0.053828462   5.033667 2.728440e-04 5.632905e-03
## 1000         Foxf1  0.4227870  0.608883954   5.033147 2.730840e-04 5.632905e-03
## 1001         Ap3s1  0.6441039  0.001109040   5.028995 2.750140e-04 5.665717e-03
## 1002         Cd164  0.4820687  0.039958125   5.028545 2.752240e-04 5.665717e-03
## 1003         Cep70  0.8939648 -0.023854254   5.023056 2.777990e-04 5.713030e-03
## 1004        Zfp286  0.4025596 -0.041101201   5.019148 2.796480e-04 5.745325e-03
## 1005        Ppap2a -1.1172784  0.022382034  -5.015053 2.815990e-04 5.779650e-03
## 1006          Rny1 -1.1756032  0.189231360  -5.008848 2.845830e-04 5.835084e-03
## 1007        Ndufa9  0.4188652  0.055316478   5.006036 2.859460e-04 5.857211e-03
## 1008        Armcx5  0.5362614  0.141914877   4.999929 2.889300e-04 5.912461e-03
## 1009       Atp13a5  0.3757767  0.035560528   4.998287 2.897380e-04 5.923115e-03
## 1010        Plac9a -1.5133195 -0.102655760  -4.995292 2.912180e-04 5.947470e-03
## 1011         Acox1  0.7434649  0.047284793   4.991343 2.931810e-04 5.969057e-03
## 1012 2610301B20Rik  0.7862089 -0.194226739   4.990869 2.934170e-04 5.969057e-03
## 1013         Efr3b  0.7402992  0.050895909   4.990845 2.934290e-04 5.969057e-03
## 1014       Rapgef3 -0.7736624 -0.069945342  -4.990839 2.934320e-04 5.969057e-03
## 1015          Mkl2  1.1871092  0.000712997   4.988312 2.946970e-04 5.985067e-03
## 1016       Anapc13  0.7504336 -0.029823431   4.987647 2.950300e-04 5.985067e-03
## 1017       Arhgef6 -0.8665290  0.074690118  -4.987529 2.950900e-04 5.985067e-03
## 1018         Limk1  0.4970490  0.129741986   4.985080 2.963220e-04 6.000744e-03
## 1019       Fam115a  0.7116467  0.029743987   4.984838 2.964440e-04 6.000744e-03
## 1020         Lamc1 -0.9131959 -0.335664976  -4.979864 2.989660e-04 6.045850e-03
## 1021        Cox6b1  0.3304005 -0.005243874   4.977412 3.002170e-04 6.062453e-03
## 1022        Schip1 -0.9067536 -0.032818124  -4.977104 3.003750e-04 6.062453e-03
## 1023          Msmp -0.9788823 -0.102662566  -4.976044 3.009170e-04 6.067469e-03
## 1024          Tet1  0.9962682 -0.135257316   4.971879 3.030600e-04 6.103879e-03
## 1025         Hmgb3 -0.5725218 -0.016990884  -4.971386 3.033150e-04 6.103879e-03
## 1026           Tec  0.8492222 -0.061841080   4.967936 3.051040e-04 6.133898e-03
## 1027      Slc25a20  1.1405578  0.007602153   4.965093 3.065860e-04 6.157696e-03
## 1028        Adam23 -1.0844037  0.931714281  -4.962754 3.078110e-04 6.176291e-03
## 1029         Rbm20  0.4503695  0.016616852   4.961012 3.087270e-04 6.188645e-03
## 1030          Ern1  0.7331847  0.413045159   4.958776 3.099070e-04 6.206266e-03
## 1031         Tceb1  0.4089266  0.007327588   4.953630 3.126400e-04 6.254930e-03
## 1032          Hrh2 -0.3586133  0.017470582  -4.950553 3.142860e-04 6.281766e-03
## 1033        Zfp423  1.0518942 -0.036650656   4.949716 3.147360e-04 6.284661e-03
## 1034          Il18  0.8877106  0.897204755   4.948150 3.155780e-04 6.295390e-03
## 1035        Gm8985  2.1574828  0.406371496   4.944862 3.173550e-04 6.324715e-03
## 1036        Lmbrd1  0.6021261  0.163847283   4.940801 3.195640e-04 6.362593e-03
## 1037         Cetn3  0.3482974  0.043524170   4.934285 3.231420e-04 6.424861e-03
## 1038          Dph6  0.7683107  0.277291392   4.933660 3.234880e-04 6.424861e-03
## 1039        Gpr146  0.7235158  0.396948023   4.933410 3.236260e-04 6.424861e-03
## 1040        Rictor  0.4855976  0.082200558   4.930214 3.253990e-04 6.453853e-03
## 1041        Tnfsf9 -0.6839906  0.219681105  -4.925629 3.279600e-04 6.498398e-03
## 1042           Dst -0.9919195  0.477826311  -4.923785 3.289970e-04 6.512678e-03
## 1043          Utrn  0.6515582 -0.002950665   4.916038 3.333870e-04 6.593261e-03
## 1044         Ppm1l  0.6600464 -0.117061329   4.915210 3.338590e-04 6.596280e-03
## 1045 4930522L14Rik  0.9599787  0.046325937   4.912060 3.356650e-04 6.625603e-03
## 1046        Adam19 -1.2154123 -0.149198784  -4.899395 3.430270e-04 6.764457e-03
## 1047        Ube2e1  0.6603882  0.083752156   4.896504 3.447320e-04 6.791574e-03
## 1048          Mdm4 -0.5209411  0.038329569  -4.892907 3.468640e-04 6.827065e-03
## 1049         Cnnm2  0.9386960 -0.033921100   4.892261 3.472480e-04 6.828116e-03
## 1050          Etv5 -0.7250459  0.272994048  -4.887347 3.501880e-04 6.879357e-03
## 1051         Tgfb3 -1.6543120  0.388340504  -4.886565 3.506580e-04 6.880748e-03
## 1052          Rybp  0.7918656  0.144874351   4.886120 3.509260e-04 6.880748e-03
## 1053        Zfp551  0.6004542  0.035971195   4.881504 3.537160e-04 6.925905e-03
## 1054         Ercc5  0.7445968  0.005094396   4.881201 3.539000e-04 6.925905e-03
## 1055         Egln1 -0.5128686  0.155464363  -4.879689 3.548200e-04 6.937316e-03
## 1056         Lsmd1  0.5471910 -0.075644430   4.874909 3.577440e-04 6.987869e-03
## 1057        Bcap29  1.1954921 -0.043749555   4.873712 3.584800e-04 6.995618e-03
## 1058        Abca8a -1.0566883  0.226944355  -4.872072 3.594910e-04 7.008723e-03
## 1059 2010015L04Rik -0.7692916  0.035101158  -4.870118 3.607000e-04 7.021118e-03
## 1060         Ptgs1 -1.0167608  0.135222474  -4.869944 3.608080e-04 7.021118e-03
## 1061       Trappc5  0.4068362  0.018246969   4.868833 3.614970e-04 7.025050e-03
## 1062          Cbr1  0.5566335  0.124629434   4.868521 3.616910e-04 7.025050e-03
## 1063       Slc20a1 -1.0815778  0.024454275  -4.863922 3.645600e-04 7.074119e-03
## 1064          Sobp  0.7320054  0.131920021   4.859901 3.670900e-04 7.116501e-03
## 1065         Cmtm3 -1.0451446  0.194615140  -4.857781 3.684300e-04 7.135779e-03
## 1066          Fryl  0.7302791 -0.194351326   4.856392 3.693110e-04 7.146131e-03
## 1067          Plat  1.6281646  0.158962535   4.840810 3.793470e-04 7.325758e-03
## 1068 3830403N18Rik  0.9606525  0.686762014   4.840799 3.793550e-04 7.325758e-03
## 1069         Rgs10 -0.8708354  0.348360415  -4.839795 3.800110e-04 7.325758e-03
## 1070        Mettl4  0.6727136  0.004858240   4.839789 3.800150e-04 7.325758e-03
## 1071       Fam214a  0.7360164 -0.073162589   4.834283 3.836360e-04 7.388656e-03
## 1072          Syn2 -0.5658542 -0.042969957  -4.831117 3.857340e-04 7.419509e-03
## 1073       Tmem173 -1.3784149  0.011470231  -4.830782 3.859570e-04 7.419509e-03
## 1074 A630001G21Rik -0.7984341  0.214389227  -4.828709 3.873380e-04 7.439119e-03
## 1075       Olfr322  0.3915397 -0.025327968   4.823197 3.910360e-04 7.503158e-03
## 1076        Mad2l2  0.6079372  0.030568188   4.820336 3.929690e-04 7.533253e-03
## 1077       Atp6v1a  0.6504485  0.153822141   4.817680 3.947740e-04 7.557542e-03
## 1078          Lipe -0.6772464 -0.015591989  -4.817393 3.949690e-04 7.557542e-03
## 1079          Nos1  0.4966184  0.039163493   4.807181 4.019910e-04 7.683347e-03
## 1080          Nos2 -0.7167468  0.085885050  -4.806752 4.022890e-04 7.683347e-03
## 1081          Etfa  0.6383257  0.033560370   4.805740 4.029920e-04 7.684983e-03
## 1082         Eid2b  0.8636460  0.056988401   4.805557 4.031200e-04 7.684983e-03
## 1083        Strip1  0.7897655  0.127084192   4.800249 4.068320e-04 7.745711e-03
## 1084       Gm13154 -0.5452052  0.022948041  -4.799930 4.070560e-04 7.745711e-03
## 1085        Ube2g1  0.5678616  0.079800287   4.798006 4.084110e-04 7.764332e-03
## 1086          Cma2 -0.2279916  0.015821267  -4.792269 4.124800e-04 7.834469e-03
## 1087        Stxbp6  0.8496854  0.327336794   4.790065 4.140540e-04 7.857131e-03
## 1088         Edem3  0.4424082 -0.004381244   4.788600 4.151040e-04 7.869812e-03
## 1089         Zfp52  1.2539740  0.242772364   4.787699 4.157520e-04 7.874850e-03
## 1090        Eps8l2  0.6975885  0.119274241   4.784943 4.177380e-04 7.905205e-03
## 1091          E2f7 -0.5010296  0.027264626  -4.784150 4.183110e-04 7.908795e-03
## 1092       Creb3l1 -0.4889833  0.104393990  -4.782225 4.197060e-04 7.927904e-03
## 1093         Wipi1  0.7034265  0.010869248   4.780161 4.212070e-04 7.948982e-03
## 1094        Cdc14b  0.6517828 -0.060933367   4.777710 4.229970e-04 7.975466e-03
## 1095        Cuedc2  0.3183462  0.027455551   4.776029 4.242290e-04 7.991386e-03
## 1096        Amotl1 -0.7736098  0.064551388  -4.772375 4.269200e-04 8.033337e-03
## 1097        Mical1  0.3486104  0.037827239   4.771949 4.272350e-04 8.033337e-03
## 1098         Prkd1 -1.5052004 -0.293175545  -4.768982 4.294350e-04 8.067355e-03
## 1099         Fbxl6  0.5215595  0.075599732   4.767466 4.305640e-04 8.081202e-03
## 1100         Saal1 -0.3553033 -0.046610483  -4.764368 4.328800e-04 8.117293e-03
## 1101         Mtpap  0.9192247  0.091078059   4.759554 4.365050e-04 8.173453e-03
## 1102         Pdzd2 -0.7884893 -0.280040925  -4.759339 4.366680e-04 8.173453e-03
## 1103      Marcksl1 -1.0333719 -0.119484744  -4.758454 4.373380e-04 8.178572e-03
## 1104        Pnpla6  0.8906838  0.107159010   4.753488 4.411180e-04 8.241791e-03
## 1105        Lrrc36 -0.6211894 -0.055800407  -4.747743 4.455340e-04 8.314650e-03
## 1106        Yae1d1  0.5597754  0.212159815   4.747368 4.458240e-04 8.314650e-03
## 1107          Murc  1.6012508  0.674461394   4.744204 4.482770e-04 8.352852e-03
## 1108        Ptp4a3 -0.6424650 -0.057626343  -4.739047 4.523060e-04 8.420318e-03
## 1109           Nrm -0.5294858  0.084603643  -4.737875 4.532270e-04 8.427770e-03
## 1110         Abhd6  0.7244898 -0.087649507   4.737498 4.535230e-04 8.427770e-03
## 1111         Lcmt1  0.6846088  0.040813476   4.730739 4.588760e-04 8.519567e-03
## 1112        Gm7609 -1.8921999  0.644948339  -4.725460 4.631020e-04 8.590299e-03
## 1113         Itga3  0.6590656  0.254897413   4.723021 4.650690e-04 8.619034e-03
## 1114           Bgn -1.5797421 -0.326601125  -4.720782 4.668820e-04 8.644862e-03
## 1115        Tspan6 -1.4451890 -0.117514931  -4.719892 4.676050e-04 8.650483e-03
## 1116          Tab2  0.5390739  0.108636032   4.718120 4.690470e-04 8.663937e-03
## 1117         Cmtm6  0.4356000 -0.044939107   4.717966 4.691720e-04 8.663937e-03
## 1118          Dnm2  0.3509938  0.047277705   4.714010 4.724100e-04 8.715920e-03
## 1119        Atp1a1  0.6178691  0.255326206   4.712554 4.736080e-04 8.730210e-03
## 1120       Fam217a  1.0490904  0.074420989   4.710068 4.756590e-04 8.760195e-03
## 1121          Enah -0.8317531 -0.212266805  -4.708383 4.770550e-04 8.778068e-03
## 1122         Flrt2  2.2089913  0.387176829   4.706124 4.789340e-04 8.804788e-03
## 1123          Tcf4 -0.6364978 -0.283046593  -4.703722 4.809390e-04 8.833778e-03
## 1124         Prr13 -1.0070279  0.079157548  -4.699689 4.843270e-04 8.888083e-03
## 1125         Gna13  0.3711599  0.183792081   4.697663 4.860370e-04 8.911549e-03
## 1126         Ift74  0.7285776 -0.111132306   4.696628 4.869140e-04 8.916887e-03
## 1127           Lyn -0.7283980  0.109701351  -4.696299 4.871930e-04 8.916887e-03
## 1128         Scmh1  0.5816759  0.029808776   4.693573 4.895110e-04 8.951360e-03
## 1129        Lurap1  0.5683045  0.091787149   4.687611 4.946200e-04 9.036787e-03
## 1130          Car4  0.6921409 -1.507849822   4.682375 4.991530e-04 9.111535e-03
## 1131          Rgp1 -0.9459502  0.168403945  -4.680658 5.006490e-04 9.121830e-03
## 1132         Hmgn5  1.1643025  0.137913004   4.680404 5.008710e-04 9.121830e-03
## 1133       Msantd3  0.3560859 -0.213171226   4.679706 5.014810e-04 9.121830e-03
## 1134       Zfp354b  0.7227799  0.171734683   4.679700 5.014860e-04 9.121830e-03
## 1135 4930550C14Rik  1.0414410  0.065666360   4.676259 5.045040e-04 9.168633e-03
## 1136          Sra1  0.5567935 -0.026987415   4.675576 5.051050e-04 9.171471e-03
## 1137 4921524J17Rik  0.4487516  0.009889254   4.671884 5.083670e-04 9.222590e-03
## 1138        Eef1a2 -0.4876466  0.086315980  -4.668807 5.111040e-04 9.264089e-03
## 1139          Lrba  0.4892743 -0.128656257   4.666833 5.128670e-04 9.287888e-03
## 1140         Sulf1 -1.8682084  0.029905511  -4.665098 5.144220e-04 9.307871e-03
## 1141           Nf1 -0.7011862  0.134384602  -4.662982 5.163250e-04 9.334122e-03
## 1142          Ctsf  0.5596382  0.324941638   4.660558 5.185140e-04 9.365484e-03
## 1143          Dbn1 -0.3198132  0.010985819  -4.658878 5.200370e-04 9.384780e-03
## 1144         H3f3a  0.3994539 -0.014366312   4.657257 5.215100e-04 9.403144e-03
## 1145          Mlph  0.3636092  0.014795462   4.649896 5.282580e-04 9.516487e-03
## 1146        Gnptab  0.4735567 -0.024597645   4.648525 5.295250e-04 9.530991e-03
## 1147         Psmb4  0.4425427  0.024948501   4.644456 5.333040e-04 9.590634e-03
## 1148          Zic1  0.2437727  0.018079408   4.643882 5.338380e-04 9.591884e-03
## 1149          Pawr -1.3423915 -0.065196575  -4.641441 5.361210e-04 9.624516e-03
## 1150        Eftud2  0.6226301  0.143442981   4.639998 5.374750e-04 9.640435e-03
## 1151         Atad2 -0.6929998  0.140988983  -4.637984 5.393710e-04 9.666042e-03
## 1152      Sh3pxd2a -0.7520401  0.277663360  -4.635987 5.412580e-04 9.684906e-03
## 1153         Rab6b -0.6097520  0.160757257  -4.635876 5.413630e-04 9.684906e-03
## 1154         Arap2  1.0662260  0.344190637   4.634175 5.429760e-04 9.705349e-03
## 1155          Chka  1.4240635 -0.036035153   4.632667 5.444100e-04 9.722546e-03
## 1156         Gm614 -1.5591947 -0.150198137  -4.631973 5.450710e-04 9.725938e-03
## 1157        Pphln1  0.5788218  0.275068536   4.631459 5.455620e-04 9.726272e-03
## 1158         Mylpf  1.0616846  0.092417368   4.628792 5.481140e-04 9.763334e-03
## 1159       Fam217b -0.8127143 -0.010356872  -4.627478 5.493750e-04 9.777354e-03
## 1160          Alg2  0.8842899 -0.047392272   4.624261 5.524770e-04 9.824082e-03
## 1161         G6pd2  0.4299474  0.072973727   4.622989 5.537080e-04 9.837505e-03
## 1162         Ddah2 -0.8367764  0.193129125  -4.621419 5.552320e-04 9.856082e-03
## 1163        Sec61g -0.5924765 -0.073497310  -4.619809 5.567990e-04 9.875408e-03
## 1164        Osbpl2  0.6758105  0.180680659   4.612113 5.643550e-04 1.000082e-02
## 1165         Top2a -0.5110453  0.047066444  -4.610109 5.663400e-04 1.002738e-02
## 1166       Arl6ip5  0.8256966  0.147219973   4.601732 5.747150e-04 1.016694e-02
## 1167         Mob1a  0.4706573  0.110482405   4.599326 5.771450e-04 1.019642e-02
## 1168          Odf2 -0.4835250 -0.076998776  -4.598914 5.775630e-04 1.019642e-02
## 1169         Ephb4 -0.8022917  0.046949576  -4.598616 5.778650e-04 1.019642e-02
## 1170         Lynx1  1.0066724  0.064406997   4.593930 5.826330e-04 1.027177e-02
## 1171           Dek  0.3607880  0.058735656   4.586634 5.901400e-04 1.039524e-02
## 1172        Il17rd  0.8236271  0.307008678   4.585457 5.913600e-04 1.040274e-02
## 1173       Prpf38b -0.3762948  0.044386545  -4.585250 5.915750e-04 1.040274e-02
## 1174         Calm2 -0.2896489 -0.025039291  -4.583478 5.934180e-04 1.042627e-02
## 1175        Pih1d1  0.4086444 -0.040824415   4.582049 5.949090e-04 1.044356e-02
## 1176          Sox7 -0.8235981  0.260327535  -4.579709 5.973580e-04 1.047697e-02
## 1177         Snx25 -0.9206327  0.162979919  -4.579210 5.978820e-04 1.047697e-02
## 1178         Ctps2  0.5610990 -0.006821124   4.578777 5.983360e-04 1.047697e-02
## 1179        Gpr160  0.7896423  0.019100664   4.577432 5.997510e-04 1.049134e-02
## 1180         Megf6  0.2414265  0.052529047   4.577031 6.001740e-04 1.049134e-02
## 1181 4430402I18Rik  1.0723607 -0.059971618   4.575044 6.022720e-04 1.051911e-02
## 1182       Tmem218  1.5450686 -0.231169985   4.568392 6.093520e-04 1.063376e-02
## 1183         Lpin3 -0.4351219 -0.038076368  -4.564484 6.135530e-04 1.069801e-02
## 1184         Hdac1  0.5582671 -0.025471593   4.563137 6.150070e-04 1.070499e-02
## 1185          Tma7  0.4519242 -0.017687321   4.562684 6.154970e-04 1.070499e-02
## 1186           Grn -0.5220210  0.273672170  -4.562605 6.155820e-04 1.070499e-02
## 1187           Cat  0.6619803  0.155073612   4.562193 6.160280e-04 1.070499e-02
## 1188      Slc25a11  0.8191396  0.039013223   4.558570 6.199650e-04 1.076433e-02
## 1189          Sos1  0.6901445  0.065958595   4.556680 6.220300e-04 1.079109e-02
## 1190         Mfap5 -0.8768981  0.087928708  -4.553584 6.254270e-04 1.084091e-02
## 1191         Auts2 -0.7827738  0.281459775  -4.552281 6.268620e-04 1.085667e-02
## 1192         Ptpn9 -0.4899595 -0.012200769  -4.549761 6.296480e-04 1.089576e-02
## 1193          Capg  0.7958338  0.026397738   4.546528 6.332410e-04 1.094876e-02
## 1194         Usp11  0.5262775  0.103255304   4.544574 6.354230e-04 1.096680e-02
## 1195           Cd9 -0.7653465  0.000982381  -4.544553 6.354460e-04 1.096680e-02
## 1196        Fam43a -0.9264766  0.113877519  -4.544165 6.358800e-04 1.096680e-02
## 1197           Jmy  0.8235245  0.206382911   4.543175 6.369900e-04 1.096829e-02
## 1198          Phc1  0.7806199 -0.024660395   4.543139 6.370300e-04 1.096829e-02
## 1199         Lims2 -0.8359992  0.008033945  -4.542347 6.379190e-04 1.097445e-02
## 1200        Exosc3  0.3593362 -0.035015902   4.540816 6.396410e-04 1.099490e-02
## 1201 1700019G17Rik  0.5730945  0.074575742   4.540315 6.402060e-04 1.099544e-02
## 1202         Odf3b  0.4939910 -0.004428326   4.539445 6.411870e-04 1.100313e-02
## 1203        Snapc1  0.7847686  0.095874880   4.538710 6.420180e-04 1.100823e-02
## 1204       Tbc1d30  0.4040445  0.250438405   4.537928 6.429030e-04 1.101425e-02
## 1205 C030046E11Rik -0.9215059  0.089976758  -4.535912 6.451900e-04 1.104425e-02
## 1206         Sass6  0.7649492  0.204811891   4.531817 6.498610e-04 1.111499e-02
## 1207          Zic2  1.5903616  0.328085343   4.530736 6.511000e-04 1.111984e-02
## 1208        Anp32e  0.5734011  0.246099089   4.530629 6.512230e-04 1.111984e-02
## 1209         Vamp8  0.4360635  0.128623325   4.529418 6.526150e-04 1.113439e-02
## 1210        Atp10d  0.7066596 -0.048138683   4.525129 6.575660e-04 1.120960e-02
## 1211       Olfr558 -0.8909027  0.159532104  -4.522153 6.610260e-04 1.125590e-02
## 1212        Frmd4a -0.8101589  0.297069837  -4.521855 6.613730e-04 1.125590e-02
## 1213       Gm14702 -0.5972821  0.096432654  -4.516589 6.675440e-04 1.134244e-02
## 1214         Smad3  0.8885396 -0.186044280   4.516577 6.675580e-04 1.134244e-02
## 1215         Tmem9  0.4749819  0.040488435   4.512771 6.720560e-04 1.140946e-02
## 1216        Lrrc3b -0.6528675  0.020116232  -4.510926 6.742470e-04 1.143724e-02
## 1217         Dmgdh  0.3642489  0.092264779   4.510423 6.748460e-04 1.143799e-02
## 1218          Smg1 -0.3758097 -0.037895647  -4.498661 6.890060e-04 1.166460e-02
## 1219        Egflam  0.8570897  0.298514266   4.498294 6.894520e-04 1.166460e-02
## 1220          Adh5  0.5465136 -0.028468831   4.497917 6.899120e-04 1.166460e-02
## 1221       Olfr456 -0.3071683 -0.004704793  -4.497357 6.905940e-04 1.166657e-02
## 1222         Cabp1 -1.1372441  0.167695172  -4.492255 6.968470e-04 1.176258e-02
## 1223        Sfswap -0.4578075  0.005524415  -4.491044 6.983400e-04 1.176567e-02
## 1224          Ier3  0.8705497 -0.021532944   4.490735 6.987220e-04 1.176567e-02
## 1225        H2-Ke6  0.5847254  0.033065796   4.490400 6.991350e-04 1.176567e-02
## 1226         Casq2 -1.1641037  0.193663726  -4.490257 6.993120e-04 1.176567e-02
## 1227        Igfbp3 -1.5387731 -0.727644929  -4.486760 7.036480e-04 1.182896e-02
## 1228        Zbtb46 -0.5294186  0.000945376  -4.485190 7.056040e-04 1.185219e-02
## 1229        Ndufs6  0.5229578 -0.069803239   4.484515 7.064460e-04 1.185669e-02
## 1230         Pttg1  0.4036713 -0.067770499   4.481926 7.096870e-04 1.190139e-02
## 1231       Morf4l1  0.3340356 -0.017961996   4.479764 7.124060e-04 1.193729e-02
## 1232           Xlr  2.0194888  1.137712864   4.478769 7.136610e-04 1.194860e-02
## 1233 2610203C20Rik  0.9978374  0.259473231   4.477533 7.152220e-04 1.196503e-02
## 1234          Npr1 -0.8931317 -0.100765739  -4.475405 7.179190e-04 1.200042e-02
## 1235            Ar -1.1537604 -0.301913138  -4.473888 7.198480e-04 1.202292e-02
## 1236          Ido1 -0.5535398  0.070198185  -4.472084 7.221500e-04 1.205161e-02
## 1237        Polr2d  0.5681965  0.058728441   4.468926 7.261970e-04 1.210902e-02
## 1238          Ing2  1.0984357 -0.125643191   4.468485 7.267640e-04 1.210902e-02
## 1239        Otud7b  0.5804516  0.050845303   4.466470 7.293620e-04 1.214249e-02
## 1240        Ndufs4  0.5947243 -0.120334373   4.463604 7.330710e-04 1.219441e-02
## 1241       Dpy19l1  0.7590305  0.114807348   4.462525 7.344730e-04 1.220536e-02
## 1242         Sytl2  0.7820970  0.004937049   4.462186 7.349140e-04 1.220536e-02
## 1243        Hivep1  0.5239976  0.145755005   4.460174 7.375370e-04 1.222959e-02
## 1244       Fam213a  1.1945175 -0.072119965   4.460158 7.375580e-04 1.222959e-02
## 1245         Hint1  0.3778750  0.003135362   4.456149 7.428140e-04 1.230685e-02
## 1246          Denr  0.7553457  0.037338703   4.454672 7.447590e-04 1.232918e-02
## 1247          Adh1 -1.4011037 -0.404607646  -4.448770 7.525900e-04 1.243903e-02
## 1248        Actr10  0.4502580 -0.129902718   4.448761 7.526020e-04 1.243903e-02
## 1249         Taok3 -0.6618190  0.264738230  -4.447708 7.540080e-04 1.245230e-02
## 1250         Tmem2 -1.0318738  0.764538741  -4.446674 7.553920e-04 1.246517e-02
## 1251        Spred1 -1.0401939  0.065529476  -4.444551 7.582390e-04 1.247670e-02
## 1252         Mcpt9 -0.2068726  0.010091400  -4.444061 7.588980e-04 1.247670e-02
## 1253         Bend3  0.3846458  0.025410303   4.443694 7.593920e-04 1.247670e-02
## 1254         Kmt2d -0.3154728  0.041400815  -4.443668 7.594270e-04 1.247670e-02
## 1255        Zfp418  0.8768379  0.000918132   4.443518 7.596290e-04 1.247670e-02
## 1256          Pak4  0.6483046  0.341225878   4.443451 7.597200e-04 1.247670e-02
## 1257         Cpne2  0.6862497 -0.114728426   4.442980 7.603540e-04 1.247718e-02
## 1258         Crim1 -0.7086248  0.036955390  -4.442290 7.612850e-04 1.248254e-02
## 1259       Pdcd6ip -0.3779510  0.009766452  -4.439767 7.646990e-04 1.252855e-02
## 1260          Dok4 -0.7964436  0.005250268  -4.438107 7.669540e-04 1.255552e-02
## 1261          Xpo6  0.4829049 -0.017000935   4.436002 7.698220e-04 1.258637e-02
## 1262         Farp1  0.4665632  0.000325075   4.435829 7.700590e-04 1.258637e-02
## 1263         Ap2a2  0.3464030  0.144705502   4.433403 7.733800e-04 1.261280e-02
## 1264          Pon2  0.9356238  0.134261194   4.433312 7.735050e-04 1.261280e-02
## 1265         Ndrg1  1.0404822 -0.333666903   4.433308 7.735100e-04 1.261280e-02
## 1266          Rhod  0.6047675  0.005067796   4.431866 7.754920e-04 1.263514e-02
## 1267       Gucy1b3 -0.7307321  0.267089499  -4.430914 7.768030e-04 1.264650e-02
## 1268         Raph1 -1.1784293  0.082698154  -4.425355 7.845060e-04 1.275726e-02
## 1269        Zfp952  0.6070814 -0.159205693   4.425112 7.848430e-04 1.275726e-02
## 1270          Myh7 -0.4684236  0.051167932  -4.424603 7.855540e-04 1.275876e-02
## 1271         Myo9b -0.4576615  0.209409303  -4.420635 7.911070e-04 1.283884e-02
## 1272       Plekhg2 -0.6102567  0.029430420  -4.419675 7.924580e-04 1.285065e-02
## 1273         Ttpal  0.7471328 -0.088399601   4.418259 7.944520e-04 1.286880e-02
## 1274          Eml2  0.3442534  0.002649688   4.417579 7.954120e-04 1.286880e-02
## 1275 4930523C07Rik -0.9029120 -0.008294422  -4.417554 7.954480e-04 1.286880e-02
## 1276        Ranbp9  0.4417617  0.012939772   4.416423 7.970480e-04 1.288457e-02
## 1277         Gvin1 -0.6953950 -0.031231404  -4.414342 8.000000e-04 1.292217e-02
## 1278         Crip1 -0.6938451  0.014952594  -4.412661 8.023920e-04 1.294224e-02
## 1279 9530091C08Rik -1.4213874 -0.223760861  -4.412587 8.024980e-04 1.294224e-02
## 1280 0610010K14Rik  0.5126301  0.077725411   4.408244 8.087150e-04 1.303232e-02
## 1281          Urod  0.6962671  0.052853105   4.404779 8.137110e-04 1.310259e-02
## 1282          Tecr  0.8028654  0.001967812   4.399521 8.213550e-04 1.321456e-02
## 1283 4933409K07Rik  0.7831108  0.263219474   4.399116 8.219460e-04 1.321456e-02
## 1284          Mnf1  0.8217719 -0.182493909   4.397589 8.241820e-04 1.324019e-02
## 1285       Ankrd11 -0.4816916  0.102026589  -4.397028 8.250040e-04 1.324308e-02
## 1286         Focad  0.5712018  0.095125134   4.395198 8.276950e-04 1.327594e-02
## 1287         Acss1 -0.8440275 -0.279608129  -4.391619 8.329820e-04 1.335037e-02
## 1288        Crebzf -0.3224878  0.106313578  -4.386416 8.407300e-04 1.345673e-02
## 1289           Nts -1.3294272  0.354759024  -4.386287 8.409230e-04 1.345673e-02
## 1290       Tmem41b  0.8147246 -0.123054917   4.384037 8.442980e-04 1.350026e-02
## 1291         Ccl19  1.0373509  0.233910675   4.379641 8.509330e-04 1.358926e-02
## 1292       Trappc1  1.4105906  0.034933629   4.379476 8.511820e-04 1.358926e-02
## 1293        Baiap2  0.5918840  0.087274871   4.379014 8.518830e-04 1.358993e-02
## 1294         Wasf3  0.2794549  0.009028243   4.377665 8.539330e-04 1.360281e-02
## 1295           Por  0.5795204  0.027790607   4.377151 8.547140e-04 1.360281e-02
## 1296         Vdac2  0.4882763  0.053185780   4.377054 8.548620e-04 1.360281e-02
## 1297          Rtn1 -1.5251881  0.362075359  -4.376748 8.553280e-04 1.360281e-02
## 1298          Mib1 -0.2899698 -0.038963635  -4.375597 8.570830e-04 1.362022e-02
## 1299         Mocs2  0.6511192  0.037296550   4.373993 8.595360e-04 1.364869e-02
## 1300         Socs2 -0.5147131 -0.087828002  -4.369803 8.659770e-04 1.374039e-02
## 1301          Abl2  0.5324753  0.123648613   4.366535 8.710350e-04 1.380430e-02
## 1302         P2ry2 -1.2897863  0.314058974  -4.366336 8.713430e-04 1.380430e-02
## 1303         Prune  1.2060202  0.178888043   4.362448 8.774040e-04 1.388965e-02
## 1304          Iscu  0.6355529 -0.102173296   4.360406 8.806040e-04 1.392961e-02
## 1305         Cox17  0.3636993  0.051689912   4.359155 8.825700e-04 1.395001e-02
## 1306          Sox9  0.4360159  0.037475905   4.357982 8.844190e-04 1.396546e-02
## 1307         Acot1  0.3447297  0.034902572   4.357667 8.849150e-04 1.396546e-02
## 1308        Sc4mol  0.8632766 -0.064853636   4.357247 8.855790e-04 1.396546e-02
## 1309 1110034G24Rik  0.8824180  0.310320758   4.354174 8.904450e-04 1.403149e-02
## 1310 D930016D06Rik  0.6301204 -0.053401565   4.350759 8.958880e-04 1.409636e-02
## 1311        Tmem51  0.5998692  0.357648530   4.350656 8.960510e-04 1.409636e-02
## 1312       Ccdc181  0.9395490  0.049673364   4.350305 8.966130e-04 1.409636e-02
## 1313         Myct1 -1.7131349 -0.258848605  -4.349245 8.983100e-04 1.411229e-02
## 1314        Col6a3 -0.3943146 -0.035244083  -4.343047 9.083020e-04 1.424697e-02
## 1315         Gnptg  0.4475668  0.076082166   4.342810 9.086860e-04 1.424697e-02
## 1316        Atp1b2 -1.1594880  0.303450142  -4.342645 9.089550e-04 1.424697e-02
## 1317           Wls  0.5146605  0.291391691   4.341682 9.105190e-04 1.426065e-02
## 1318         Fancb -1.0099918  0.047627327  -4.340184 9.129580e-04 1.428800e-02
## 1319          Mcee  1.1658870 -0.028809136   4.339077 9.147640e-04 1.430541e-02
## 1320     Epb4.1l4a -0.9781978  0.006697408  -4.337356 9.175800e-04 1.433857e-02
## 1321        Zfp946 -0.4660848  0.080215263  -4.333964 9.231550e-04 1.441477e-02
## 1322       Pcdhb16 -0.5630452 -0.215107549  -4.333043 9.246740e-04 1.442757e-02
## 1323          Rbl2  0.7309508 -0.071371778   4.328096 9.328830e-04 1.454466e-02
## 1324         Nedd9 -0.6632265  0.031552314  -4.327221 9.343430e-04 1.455641e-02
## 1325        Rhbdl2  0.3986605 -0.096193474   4.325501 9.372200e-04 1.459022e-02
## 1326 2700081O15Rik -0.4407988 -0.010624185  -4.324897 9.382320e-04 1.459495e-02
## 1327         Tcam1  0.2929374 -0.000612863   4.322441 9.423590e-04 1.464810e-02
## 1328        Tom1l2  0.5015383 -0.018637908   4.313486 9.575700e-04 1.485468e-02
## 1329         Cops4  0.8269860 -0.167173638   4.313391 9.577340e-04 1.485468e-02
## 1330          Sacs -0.3482688  0.012925721  -4.313347 9.578090e-04 1.485468e-02
## 1331          Gja1 -0.8179480 -0.862659494  -4.312435 9.593720e-04 1.486774e-02
## 1332        Lrrc55 -0.5004274 -0.095084063  -4.308590 9.659940e-04 1.495913e-02
## 1333           Ipp  1.1727172 -0.094388331   4.308103 9.668360e-04 1.496094e-02
## 1334         Arap3 -0.5313069  0.006505649  -4.307179 9.684360e-04 1.497446e-02
## 1335          Tbcb  0.4394109  0.088588908   4.305434 9.714650e-04 1.501005e-02
## 1336         Kif2a  0.5316378  0.018502550   4.303435 9.749470e-04 1.505257e-02
## 1337        Parp10 -0.4872847 -0.044006252  -4.299332 9.821320e-04 1.515217e-02
## 1338          Cpt2  0.5981488  0.101911291   4.295610 9.887010e-04 1.523545e-02
## 1339        Mrpl16  0.5575578  0.047982155   4.295436 9.890080e-04 1.523545e-02
## 1340        Myeov2  0.4434411  0.019208529   4.293888 9.917540e-04 1.526635e-02
## 1341         Plcb4 -0.8033203 -0.397076281  -4.293006 9.933220e-04 1.527908e-02
## 1342            F5  1.0342927  0.279741319   4.289165 1.000179e-03 1.537309e-02
## 1343         Ptprd  1.1541986  0.262567678   4.287758 1.002704e-03 1.540042e-02
## 1344           Bmx  1.3892504 -0.044988468   4.285700 1.006408e-03 1.544581e-02
## 1345          Nrd1  0.4015179  0.048337556   4.284759 1.008106e-03 1.546038e-02
## 1346 9430020K01Rik  1.0244262 -0.024638690   4.283203 1.010921e-03 1.549203e-02
## 1347           Gyg  0.5600217  0.027721023   4.282474 1.012242e-03 1.550076e-02
## 1348       Tbc1d31 -0.5837716  0.327292918  -4.281614 1.013804e-03 1.551315e-02
## 1349       Ccdc173  0.4787718  0.020065212   4.280302 1.016191e-03 1.553816e-02
## 1350 F730043M19Rik -0.4019430  0.170617961  -4.277708 1.020927e-03 1.559901e-02
## 1351       Pacsin2 -0.4208403 -0.011829885  -4.276229 1.023638e-03 1.562636e-02
## 1352          Rdm1  0.5862900  0.094251408   4.275564 1.024860e-03 1.562636e-02
## 1353         Sap18  0.3810091 -0.094971944   4.275289 1.025364e-03 1.562636e-02
## 1354         Inadl  0.3447180 -0.011018784   4.275081 1.025747e-03 1.562636e-02
## 1355         Cyth1 -1.1177472  0.096201613  -4.274366 1.027064e-03 1.563487e-02
## 1356          Smox  0.7183760  0.057333691   4.267824 1.039186e-03 1.580773e-02
## 1357          Kif4 -0.6865814  0.143924077  -4.267391 1.039992e-03 1.580834e-02
## 1358          Cblb -1.0784070  0.031115883  -4.265472 1.043579e-03 1.585118e-02
## 1359          Snx3  0.3965680  0.040863545   4.264877 1.044694e-03 1.585645e-02
## 1360          Edn1  1.3813006  0.707354409   4.253650 1.065959e-03 1.616731e-02
## 1361         Sumo2  0.2752829 -0.003068777   4.251993 1.069136e-03 1.620358e-02
## 1362        Clec2d  0.7821061  0.314988901   4.251310 1.070447e-03 1.621154e-02
## 1363          Fgd6  0.8087772  0.404859546   4.250416 1.072169e-03 1.621818e-02
## 1364         Ptpra -0.4583124  0.002037191  -4.250265 1.072458e-03 1.621818e-02
## 1365         Fbxl7 -1.0835740 -0.073162588  -4.244949 1.082749e-03 1.636181e-02
## 1366         Txlnb -0.7369407  0.151551283  -4.241143 1.090178e-03 1.646200e-02
## 1367        Mrpl42  0.5292362  0.259027545   4.240222 1.091985e-03 1.647465e-02
## 1368         Prkd2 -0.7877410 -0.088401090  -4.239902 1.092613e-03 1.647465e-02
## 1369      AI607873 -1.4098827  0.557315528  -4.238247 1.095868e-03 1.651018e-02
## 1370        Cep170 -0.4643790  0.148752849  -4.237890 1.096570e-03 1.651018e-02
## 1371        Lrrc8b  0.6403772  0.314280964   4.231899 1.108444e-03 1.667678e-02
## 1372          Mpdz -1.2718824 -0.114475637  -4.230319 1.111597e-03 1.671203e-02
## 1373          Fmo1 -1.3051784  0.123334832  -4.228787 1.114664e-03 1.674595e-02
## 1374         Lamp2 -0.4551722  0.253721233  -4.224101 1.124099e-03 1.687539e-02
## 1375         Cdk12 -0.6747588  0.008720575  -4.220648 1.131104e-03 1.696820e-02
## 1376          Rora  0.7023584 -0.075791138   4.219092 1.134275e-03 1.700340e-02
## 1377         Mylip -0.9352888 -0.112386839  -4.216650 1.139271e-03 1.706590e-02
## 1378        Wdyhv1  1.1420104  0.113609950   4.214630 1.143420e-03 1.711562e-02
## 1379         Ercc1 -1.0738176  0.258257866  -4.213957 1.144806e-03 1.711656e-02
## 1380         Stk38  0.7217430  0.074412789   4.213633 1.145474e-03 1.711656e-02
## 1381        Ahnak2 -0.4504352 -0.042629846  -4.213392 1.145972e-03 1.711656e-02
## 1382        Frmd4b  0.7903496  0.566161484   4.212065 1.148712e-03 1.712990e-02
## 1383         Kcnk6 -0.4334660  0.196171315  -4.211833 1.149192e-03 1.712990e-02
## 1384        Ndufb3  0.5499789 -0.011635495   4.211753 1.149357e-03 1.712990e-02
## 1385          Il16 -0.6437575 -0.125993061  -4.210990 1.150937e-03 1.714107e-02
## 1386        Dusp18  0.5473194  0.049695970   4.210583 1.151781e-03 1.714127e-02
## 1387       Tmem138  0.4484067  0.039147090   4.209926 1.153144e-03 1.714917e-02
## 1388          Gab1  0.8795894 -0.168366343   4.209410 1.154216e-03 1.715275e-02
## 1389        Sh3bgr -0.7642668  0.074640562  -4.206219 1.160868e-03 1.723919e-02
## 1390         Casz1 -0.4007014  0.184623575  -4.205790 1.161766e-03 1.724011e-02
## 1391          Hax1  0.5695211 -0.028486475   4.204819 1.163798e-03 1.724769e-02
## 1392      Serpine2  1.0849144 -0.101102669   4.204391 1.164697e-03 1.724769e-02
## 1393        Zfp462 -1.1211281  0.068567463  -4.204348 1.164786e-03 1.724769e-02
## 1394         Tirap  1.1891548  0.088247613   4.203105 1.167396e-03 1.727384e-02
## 1395         Cryab -0.9114836 -0.064196649  -4.202711 1.168226e-03 1.727384e-02
## 1396         Fgfr3 -0.4419298  0.116403325  -4.202147 1.169414e-03 1.727901e-02
## 1397         Klhl8 -0.4836001  0.009621271  -4.193390 1.188012e-03 1.753446e-02
## 1398        Ormdl1  0.8888386  0.123675887   4.192811 1.189253e-03 1.753446e-02
## 1399           Pkm  0.5130882  0.038946025   4.192705 1.189479e-03 1.753446e-02
## 1400          Ctr9  0.6572865  0.030785529   4.192414 1.190103e-03 1.753446e-02
## 1401          Idh2 -0.6563943  0.032733342  -4.190562 1.194084e-03 1.758056e-02
## 1402      Olfr1105 -0.2243902  0.007993094  -4.189680 1.195984e-03 1.759021e-02
## 1403        Cldn15 -0.6738799 -0.252071256  -4.189466 1.196445e-03 1.759021e-02
## 1404       Tmem147  0.7627762  0.055640507   4.188169 1.199245e-03 1.761882e-02
## 1405         Itsn1  0.4589041  0.592838480   4.186353 1.203179e-03 1.766403e-02
## 1406         Itga5 -0.8219463 -0.183430673  -4.184831 1.206486e-03 1.769999e-02
## 1407        Hectd2 -0.3797619  0.000835483  -4.180444 1.216070e-03 1.781979e-02
## 1408          Ppbp -1.8938786  0.500722915  -4.180303 1.216380e-03 1.781979e-02
## 1409           Ank  0.4773445  0.038807456   4.179133 1.218948e-03 1.784475e-02
## 1410         Nrarp -0.5728251  0.069673921  -4.175948 1.225972e-03 1.793484e-02
## 1411         Bicc1 -0.3048561 -0.044484821  -4.174703 1.228730e-03 1.795674e-02
## 1412        Trim24 -0.4260120 -0.118639247  -4.174487 1.229210e-03 1.795674e-02
## 1413          Mlf1 -0.4112363  0.007859708  -4.172101 1.234514e-03 1.802146e-02
## 1414          Cdh5 -0.5147797  0.083257041  -4.170659 1.237730e-03 1.805563e-02
## 1415         Dnah6  0.2740784  0.029212276   4.169879 1.239473e-03 1.806828e-02
## 1416       Ankrd10 -0.4648148 -0.005563322  -4.169160 1.241084e-03 1.807867e-02
## 1417        Clstn1  0.4104121  0.047086650   4.168779 1.241939e-03 1.807867e-02
## 1418          Mtdh -0.4614407 -0.023469863  -4.168201 1.243235e-03 1.808477e-02
## 1419          Npc1  0.3724211  0.207050990   4.167624 1.244530e-03 1.809085e-02
## 1420           Slk -0.2902740  0.026614127  -4.163674 1.253437e-03 1.820750e-02
## 1421          Bst2 -0.6709576 -0.090659267  -4.163134 1.254659e-03 1.821242e-02
## 1422        Map4k3 -0.5015354 -0.097237203  -4.152673 1.278593e-03 1.853640e-02
## 1423       Phactr1  0.6381621  0.329382990   4.152594 1.278775e-03 1.853640e-02
## 1424         Mtch1 -0.5451250  0.065816468  -4.151427 1.281474e-03 1.855337e-02
## 1425        Ublcp1  0.7745760 -0.092599582   4.151310 1.281745e-03 1.855337e-02
## 1426        Plxdc1 -0.5825295  0.034867921  -4.150775 1.282986e-03 1.855831e-02
## 1427          Rgcc -1.0791999 -0.044291387  -4.146714 1.292437e-03 1.868191e-02
## 1428        Sec61b  0.5897874  0.109832105   4.145942 1.294242e-03 1.868238e-02
## 1429 2700097O09Rik  0.9381766  0.162325285   4.145925 1.294280e-03 1.868238e-02
## 1430         Aebp1 -0.5444574 -0.029894670  -4.141743 1.304102e-03 1.880282e-02
## 1431          Cdr2 -1.1353764  0.074625047  -4.141597 1.304447e-03 1.880282e-02
## 1432          Mcm3 -0.6087740  0.078545667  -4.137936 1.313112e-03 1.891449e-02
## 1433         Bicd2 -0.6843096  0.255367598  -4.136758 1.315912e-03 1.894160e-02
## 1434          Guk1  0.6872463  0.048560967   4.134565 1.321141e-03 1.900361e-02
## 1435         Dapk2 -0.7563133 -0.268435059  -4.133516 1.323652e-03 1.902646e-02
## 1436          Pfkm  0.5475063 -0.117451605   4.130569 1.330727e-03 1.911484e-02
## 1437        Zfp600 -0.2955049  0.042709129  -4.128763 1.335081e-03 1.916404e-02
## 1438        Pcdh10  0.2447438  0.011117024   4.126695 1.340088e-03 1.922252e-02
## 1439         Creb3 -0.5832281 -0.092141661  -4.126000 1.341775e-03 1.923335e-02
## 1440          Yaf2  0.6726330 -0.058405652   4.124617 1.345136e-03 1.926814e-02
## 1441         Pmpcb  0.4247653 -0.047102609   4.123624 1.347558e-03 1.928943e-02
## 1442          Mbd2 -0.4019016 -0.083970451  -4.120279 1.355741e-03 1.939312e-02
## 1443          Ptrf -0.8990656  0.091908611  -4.119422 1.357847e-03 1.940978e-02
## 1444         Hmgn2  0.8904799  0.197018191   4.118125 1.361039e-03 1.944194e-02
## 1445        Prpf31  0.5390399  0.135149190   4.117640 1.362234e-03 1.944554e-02
## 1446        Ctla2a  0.5102393 -0.161580915   4.114491 1.370023e-03 1.952720e-02
## 1447       Phf20l1 -0.4672515 -0.097081915  -4.113936 1.371402e-03 1.952720e-02
## 1448        Lrrtm2 -0.8844727  0.193410045  -4.113891 1.371513e-03 1.952720e-02
## 1449      AU021092  1.0590115  0.001542824   4.113447 1.372616e-03 1.952720e-02
## 1450         Rhno1  0.6823177 -0.078555170   4.113418 1.372688e-03 1.952720e-02
## 1451         Sesn3  0.9088251 -0.082060497   4.112217 1.375679e-03 1.955626e-02
## 1452           Tnf -0.5241138  0.635669806  -4.111814 1.376683e-03 1.955705e-02
## 1453        Mustn1 -1.3122262  0.098105556  -4.110474 1.380029e-03 1.959109e-02
## 1454         Stk33  0.3537277  0.053283658   4.108902 1.383965e-03 1.963346e-02
## 1455         Atp5e  0.3125334 -0.068675042   4.107601 1.387229e-03 1.966045e-02
## 1456      Arhgap39  0.6348861  0.250569247   4.107295 1.387998e-03 1.966045e-02
## 1457         Csrp3 -0.9135559  0.209497328  -4.107005 1.388727e-03 1.966045e-02
## 1458      BC026585 -0.4919124 -0.001432927  -4.104832 1.394208e-03 1.972207e-02
## 1459       Tgfb1i1 -0.9829797  0.311822401  -4.104521 1.394992e-03 1.972207e-02
## 1460 B230118H07Rik  0.7601837 -0.006113817   4.100033 1.406385e-03 1.986952e-02
## 1461         G6pdx  0.7531315  0.630958999   4.097896 1.411843e-03 1.993298e-02
## 1462        Ankrd6  0.5165618  0.090998584   4.094723 1.419990e-03 2.003429e-02
## 1463          Pkd2 -0.6848571  0.027074496  -4.093713 1.422591e-03 2.005007e-02
## 1464         Cnpy2  0.6324566  0.104429273   4.093534 1.423053e-03 2.005007e-02
## 1465         Adam9 -0.4837100  0.272818439  -4.090452 1.431029e-03 2.014869e-02
## 1466         Clic1 -0.5963828  0.103300161  -4.089017 1.434759e-03 2.018742e-02
## 1467          Aim1 -0.4349798  0.045912393  -4.085380 1.444256e-03 2.029533e-02
## 1468         Tpst2 -0.4424919  0.087457562  -4.085326 1.444395e-03 2.029533e-02
## 1469       Fam118b  0.4839333  0.028472964   4.084355 1.446943e-03 2.031697e-02
## 1470         Cdc23  0.5358292  0.056027284   4.083988 1.447906e-03 2.031697e-02
## 1471         Vamp1  0.5729027  0.014272913   4.078053 1.463585e-03 2.052302e-02
## 1472       Dnajc10  0.5611397  0.194895810   4.076942 1.466538e-03 2.055046e-02
## 1473          Tmc6 -0.5222824  0.026373832  -4.075650 1.469980e-03 2.058471e-02
## 1474         Nr5a2 -0.7327046 -0.196694181  -4.074748 1.472389e-03 2.060445e-02
## 1475      Traf3ip2 -0.6247948 -0.134497834  -4.073135 1.476707e-03 2.065088e-02
## 1476          Fnta  0.5613546  0.070213127   4.071090 1.482199e-03 2.069926e-02
## 1477         Peli1  0.8584623 -0.045242757   4.070747 1.483123e-03 2.069926e-02
## 1478         Gsk3b  0.4631170  0.032047972   4.070727 1.483178e-03 2.069926e-02
## 1479          Tril  0.5625394 -0.120960425   4.068984 1.487878e-03 2.075081e-02
## 1480        Eif1ax  0.4414802 -0.106144868   4.067652 1.491483e-03 2.078703e-02
## 1481        Fn3krp  0.4701605 -0.121895443   4.060379 1.511316e-03 2.104082e-02
## 1482        Impdh1  0.7050896  0.464551636   4.060227 1.511732e-03 2.104082e-02
## 1483         Lypd1  0.6977183  0.111707720   4.059610 1.513429e-03 2.105024e-02
## 1484        Zfp930  0.6711591  0.180295437   4.058625 1.516140e-03 2.107373e-02
## 1485          Rgs5 -1.1907978  0.566930521  -4.057111 1.520317e-03 2.111756e-02
## 1486       Ccdc104  0.6392860 -0.052882858   4.053545 1.530200e-03 2.124054e-02
## 1487      Tnks1bp1 -0.5656800  0.037582556  -4.052647 1.532699e-03 2.126092e-02
## 1488          Nsmf  0.5803261  0.055771668   4.048969 1.542979e-03 2.138914e-02
## 1489         Plce1 -0.5838718  0.178033095  -4.047607 1.546805e-03 2.142310e-02
## 1490        Nfatc4  0.5794142  0.223908803   4.047358 1.547506e-03 2.142310e-02
## 1491        Camk2g -0.8168753 -0.084781678  -4.046155 1.550894e-03 2.145560e-02
## 1492         Cstad  0.9423049  0.148780569   4.045625 1.552389e-03 2.146188e-02
## 1493          Brk1  0.3653456  0.053692753   4.042027 1.562580e-03 2.156269e-02
## 1494       Kirrel2  0.2362773 -0.015844980   4.041775 1.563295e-03 2.156269e-02
## 1495        Vps33b  0.4778649 -0.000939719   4.041680 1.563565e-03 2.156269e-02
## 1496         Pgam2 -1.1108507 -0.234012794  -4.041343 1.564525e-03 2.156269e-02
## 1497         Bcl7a -0.6956085 -0.207226148  -4.041209 1.564907e-03 2.156269e-02
## 1498         Parva -0.7543596 -0.205372303  -4.033501 1.587002e-03 2.184698e-02
## 1499         Gpr85  0.3148055  0.036550712   4.033012 1.588415e-03 2.184698e-02
## 1500       Ndufaf3  0.5384404 -0.037754600   4.032908 1.588717e-03 2.184698e-02
## 1501        Cystm1  0.3498645  0.040262762   4.031555 1.592633e-03 2.188623e-02
## 1502         Dnal4  0.2605918 -0.033201567   4.030018 1.597093e-03 2.193291e-02
## 1503        Lrrc8c -0.6756395  0.023053803  -4.029463 1.598706e-03 2.194046e-02
## 1504          Tpi1  0.8076741 -0.338045510   4.028780 1.600695e-03 2.195315e-02
## 1505           Fap -0.7062575 -0.002189288  -4.025782 1.609455e-03 2.205862e-02
## 1506          Ttc9 -0.5229839  0.039981747  -4.024510 1.613185e-03 2.209507e-02
## 1507       Ngfrap1  0.8418163  0.094375611   4.022511 1.619068e-03 2.216092e-02
## 1508        Thnsl1  0.4834016 -0.004766116   4.017844 1.632884e-03 2.233521e-02
## 1509         Psma3  0.4132637  0.096018494   4.015543 1.639741e-03 2.241414e-02
## 1510           Dap  0.4913546  0.099969864   4.015070 1.641154e-03 2.241860e-02
## 1511        Gramd4 -0.5832596  0.013752969  -4.014651 1.642407e-03 2.242086e-02
## 1512          M6pr  0.7364435  0.179336547   4.013554 1.645691e-03 2.245084e-02
## 1513 C330007P06Rik  0.4751816  0.018205912   4.010519 1.654816e-03 2.253575e-02
## 1514          Cbx5  0.4205195 -0.137995980   4.010379 1.655237e-03 2.253575e-02
## 1515        Gprc5b -1.0162943 -0.442009645  -4.010173 1.655859e-03 2.253575e-02
## 1516         Ctbp2  0.4262190  0.153581461   4.010032 1.656285e-03 2.253575e-02
## 1517          Klf3 -0.3085208  0.083902883  -4.007859 1.662856e-03 2.261024e-02
## 1518       Aspscr1  0.4158936  0.078209623   4.007274 1.664630e-03 2.261945e-02
## 1519         Safb2 -0.4365692  0.064837838  -4.006108 1.668171e-03 2.264008e-02
## 1520        Rnu3b1 -0.6847283  0.192937917  -4.005952 1.668643e-03 2.264008e-02
## 1521          Cln5  0.4207280 -0.128169694   4.005690 1.669441e-03 2.264008e-02
## 1522          Nav1 -0.3825694  0.104326362  -4.005291 1.670656e-03 2.264167e-02
## 1523         Cep68  0.5854855  0.021955554   3.999828 1.687372e-03 2.284277e-02
## 1524          Eml6  0.4184888 -0.012929375   3.999719 1.687709e-03 2.284277e-02
## 1525       Nostrin  1.2039553  0.217325330   3.998507 1.691440e-03 2.287825e-02
## 1526          Brd1 -0.3637327  0.049967129  -3.995310 1.701328e-03 2.299691e-02
## 1527       Clec12b -1.3592017  0.574406394  -3.994307 1.704444e-03 2.302394e-02
## 1528        Ptpn12 -0.3639878  0.032246943  -3.992074 1.711400e-03 2.310277e-02
## 1529         Thoc7  0.4687748 -0.018676821   3.990776 1.715454e-03 2.314237e-02
## 1530         Myo10 -0.6895434  0.466086453  -3.988673 1.722046e-03 2.321610e-02
## 1531       Elmsan1 -0.4353075  0.030330244  -3.987966 1.724269e-03 2.323090e-02
## 1532         Gsdmd -0.4555581  0.188337832  -3.987414 1.726007e-03 2.323913e-02
## 1533       Rps6ka1  0.5728985 -0.004969724   3.985638 1.731608e-03 2.329933e-02
## 1534          Hadh  0.7630871 -0.046351147   3.983874 1.737188e-03 2.335918e-02
## 1535        Hhipl1 -0.2976270  0.011060588  -3.983406 1.738673e-03 2.336391e-02
## 1536       Tbc1d12  0.5555830  0.129730259   3.981781 1.743835e-03 2.341803e-02
## 1537          Msh3  0.7016900 -0.018459672   3.980330 1.748460e-03 2.346486e-02
## 1538     Tnfrsf11a  0.3568252  0.019867800   3.979950 1.749672e-03 2.346586e-02
## 1539         Dhx58  0.6225685  0.291103970   3.978575 1.754069e-03 2.350954e-02
## 1540        Inpp5f  0.8101368  0.050242838   3.978050 1.755751e-03 2.351680e-02
## 1541         Znfx1 -0.4673611 -0.023914399  -3.976895 1.759453e-03 2.354861e-02
## 1542        Gm6548  0.3678730  0.160228314   3.976598 1.760409e-03 2.354861e-02
## 1543          Def6  0.5867378  0.029799556   3.975827 1.762886e-03 2.355850e-02
## 1544          Zxdb  0.2640934  0.035848713   3.975412 1.764224e-03 2.355850e-02
## 1545     Tnfaip8l1 -0.4907227  0.077399699  -3.975303 1.764575e-03 2.355850e-02
## 1546          Fzd3  1.6364110  0.073960494   3.969236 1.784227e-03 2.380547e-02
## 1547        Il10rb  0.9888996 -0.169362827   3.967650 1.789403e-03 2.385160e-02
## 1548         Pfdn4  0.7494620  0.001409434   3.967468 1.789998e-03 2.385160e-02
## 1549 2210016F16Rik -0.5756748 -0.089460816  -3.965348 1.796942e-03 2.392868e-02
## 1550        Slc9b2  0.5545553  0.038783328   3.964674 1.799156e-03 2.394270e-02
## 1551          Tns3 -0.3539310  0.190646047  -3.964302 1.800376e-03 2.394349e-02
## 1552          Glb1  0.8052082  0.274328802   3.963511 1.802981e-03 2.395722e-02
## 1553       Tmem101  0.4418850  0.086325232   3.963283 1.803731e-03 2.395722e-02
## 1554           Nsf  0.4565566  0.107778612   3.961943 1.808151e-03 2.400047e-02
## 1555        Unc13c  0.5117994  0.084746978   3.960601 1.812589e-03 2.404391e-02
## 1556         Abcc6  0.3571941  0.059682591   3.951950 1.841469e-03 2.440257e-02
## 1557         Lama2 -0.4230971  0.015763633  -3.951794 1.841994e-03 2.440257e-02
## 1558          Aatf -0.5714165  0.137151975  -3.949851 1.848549e-03 2.445911e-02
## 1559         Slfn8 -0.8898568  0.347477094  -3.949826 1.848633e-03 2.445911e-02
## 1560        Higd1a  0.8223516 -0.001490595   3.948354 1.853612e-03 2.449508e-02
## 1561         Capn7  0.3514986  0.038909594   3.948124 1.854394e-03 2.449508e-02
## 1562           F8a  0.2875352  0.015908146   3.947970 1.854914e-03 2.449508e-02
## 1563         Clcn3  0.4268344  0.072289881   3.946779 1.858957e-03 2.453211e-02
## 1564 9330020H09Rik -0.2406154  0.041300742  -3.946253 1.860745e-03 2.453211e-02
## 1565         Hoxa5 -0.8397310  0.223398436  -3.946094 1.861286e-03 2.453211e-02
## 1566            C3 -0.9411637  0.628029963  -3.944905 1.865338e-03 2.454996e-02
## 1567       Cyp39a1  1.0527763 -0.324623806   3.944893 1.865378e-03 2.454996e-02
## 1568          Fzr1  0.3331537 -0.031575076   3.944649 1.866211e-03 2.454996e-02
## 1569          Mpc1  0.5660576  0.025672134   3.943304 1.870806e-03 2.459472e-02
## 1570           Fn1  1.8449363  0.634291127   3.940321 1.881038e-03 2.471349e-02
## 1571        Tspyl1  0.4512196  0.042772359   3.939002 1.885581e-03 2.475740e-02
## 1572         Rpl32 -0.3769321 -0.031592812  -3.936745 1.893381e-03 2.483724e-02
## 1573          Zic5  0.5712473  0.062784943   3.936546 1.894070e-03 2.483724e-02
## 1574          Tln1 -0.3368527  0.085080084  -3.936121 1.895542e-03 2.484075e-02
## 1575         Pdcd4  0.5736128 -0.211667566   3.935156 1.898891e-03 2.486884e-02
## 1576          Xpr1  0.4871346  0.025047874   3.929974 1.916979e-03 2.508980e-02
## 1577        Txndc5 -0.7142266  0.143777559  -3.928817 1.921044e-03 2.512705e-02
## 1578      Hist1h4f -0.9698475  0.469950668  -3.927420 1.925959e-03 2.517538e-02
## 1579         Gstp1  0.7113914  0.216622925   3.925587 1.932432e-03 2.524400e-02
## 1580         Bend7 -0.6001032 -0.131941029  -3.924535 1.936154e-03 2.527662e-02
## 1581         Kank4  1.0169892  0.054452481   3.924022 1.937974e-03 2.528437e-02
## 1582     Serpinb1a -0.9182118 -0.200604277  -3.920078 1.952016e-03 2.545148e-02
## 1583        Fgfbp1  0.2823305  0.021415615   3.917726 1.960440e-03 2.554516e-02
## 1584       Aldh4a1  0.3012145  0.021523029   3.916622 1.964406e-03 2.557835e-02
## 1585        Wdsub1 -0.5440866 -0.012504865  -3.916327 1.965467e-03 2.557835e-02
## 1586         Dgcr6  0.2536472  0.031810602   3.912841 1.978055e-03 2.572594e-02
## 1587          Aox1  0.4180435 -0.011239402   3.912464 1.979423e-03 2.572751e-02
## 1588        Prl2c5 -0.3866043 -0.002812257  -3.910384 1.986976e-03 2.580942e-02
## 1589          Rnf7  0.3447189 -0.075789516   3.908856 1.992546e-03 2.586548e-02
## 1590          Rbp1  0.7264322  0.008148448   3.908185 1.994997e-03 2.588101e-02
## 1591       Adprhl1 -0.2389547  0.031414159  -3.906805 2.000045e-03 2.593019e-02
## 1592         Gng10 -0.4197443  0.139280604  -3.903671 2.011562e-03 2.606312e-02
## 1593         Scn7a -0.5989936  1.304237782  -3.902329 2.016515e-03 2.611090e-02
## 1594         Ttyh3 -0.5635840  0.104063738  -3.897486 2.034494e-03 2.632716e-02
## 1595        Ccdc12  0.4854596  0.179118777   3.896649 2.037616e-03 2.634202e-02
## 1596          Acy1  0.2835209 -0.012172444   3.896494 2.038196e-03 2.634202e-02
## 1597          Vbp1  0.5468429  0.109684247   3.895342 2.042503e-03 2.638116e-02
## 1598        Mageh1  1.0342320 -0.016359296   3.894466 2.045785e-03 2.640662e-02
## 1599        Ndufb6  0.5415446 -0.028182409   3.894133 2.047035e-03 2.640662e-02
## 1600        Ubap2l -0.2819236  0.026250395  -3.893341 2.050009e-03 2.642845e-02
## 1601        Hba-a1 -1.5501629 -0.701744356  -3.892942 2.051507e-03 2.643125e-02
## 1602         Gstm5  1.6423152 -0.119003712   3.892045 2.054886e-03 2.645826e-02
## 1603          Nptn -0.4668163  0.110354870  -3.890941 2.059047e-03 2.649272e-02
## 1604        Hba-a2 -1.5726738 -0.654124549  -3.890446 2.060917e-03 2.649272e-02
## 1605          Xiap -0.5849276  0.001974742  -3.890157 2.062009e-03 2.649272e-02
## 1606      Slc9a3r1  0.6445308  0.124563502   3.889975 2.062700e-03 2.649272e-02
## 1607      Arhgap21 -0.4753129  0.119814619  -3.889470 2.064608e-03 2.650073e-02
## 1608        Zfp141  0.7297651  0.067824522   3.889000 2.066388e-03 2.650708e-02
## 1609         Klk10 -0.3458786  0.026985200  -3.887920 2.070484e-03 2.653650e-02
## 1610        Vsig10 -0.4261041 -0.054018100  -3.887717 2.071255e-03 2.653650e-02
## 1611         Brms1 -0.4254526 -0.025444987  -3.887169 2.073338e-03 2.654670e-02
## 1612         Adcy6 -0.7557491 -0.016857912  -3.885875 2.078264e-03 2.658290e-02
## 1613       Ankrd23 -0.3758442 -0.036640072  -3.885750 2.078742e-03 2.658290e-02
## 1614         Procr  0.5365810 -0.246323425   3.884865 2.082119e-03 2.658999e-02
## 1615          Egr1 -0.9804991  0.371499821  -3.884702 2.082742e-03 2.658999e-02
## 1616 2410015M20Rik  0.6431488  0.130770364   3.884591 2.083164e-03 2.658999e-02
## 1617      Ppp1r12c -0.3003465  0.052799894  -3.882118 2.092634e-03 2.669435e-02
## 1618          Optn -0.6471159 -0.057299939  -3.880505 2.098835e-03 2.675691e-02
## 1619       Rasgrp4  0.4342518  0.062680217   3.879269 2.103600e-03 2.680108e-02
## 1620       Mapkap1  0.5273520  0.057554627   3.876809 2.113114e-03 2.689832e-02
## 1621          Krt5  0.3140628  0.030473902   3.876622 2.113840e-03 2.689832e-02
## 1622          Etfb  0.4427964  0.027375856   3.874699 2.121313e-03 2.697677e-02
## 1623         Mmp25  0.3999529  0.048592852   3.872755 2.128891e-03 2.705646e-02
## 1624         Dhx40  0.8499657  0.107124839   3.870814 2.136489e-03 2.713630e-02
## 1625       Zc3h12c -1.0646099 -0.139942158  -3.870251 2.138696e-03 2.714126e-02
## 1626        Cct8l1 -0.4672705 -0.072165807  -3.870044 2.139511e-03 2.714126e-02
## 1627         Narg2  0.5771786  0.072823969   3.869318 2.142362e-03 2.716072e-02
## 1628 0610009D07Rik  0.5595552  0.093668333   3.868590 2.145228e-03 2.718036e-02
## 1629         Reep1  0.3199860  0.014787516   3.866813 2.152238e-03 2.725244e-02
## 1630         Pde9a -0.4640368  0.533004466  -3.865106 2.158992e-03 2.732119e-02
## 1631        Lrrc49  1.0060913 -0.245177616   3.860902 2.175721e-03 2.751600e-02
## 1632          Ipo9 -0.3942668  0.090915745  -3.859530 2.181207e-03 2.756553e-02
## 1633       Trappc4  0.6653407  0.065510305   3.859255 2.182310e-03 2.756553e-02
## 1634          Srms  0.3448742 -0.087539322   3.858793 2.184161e-03 2.757203e-02
## 1635 0610031J06Rik  0.3612191  0.156748961   3.856766 2.192307e-03 2.763753e-02
## 1636        Vstm2b  0.6997728  0.092010881   3.856716 2.192510e-03 2.763753e-02
## 1637           Ogt  0.5960547 -0.013703792   3.856502 2.193370e-03 2.763753e-02
## 1638          Fth1  0.2544095  0.019569779   3.856164 2.194736e-03 2.763786e-02
## 1639         Haus1  1.2257757 -0.123381612   3.854308 2.202228e-03 2.771528e-02
## 1640         Ch25h  2.6691050  0.455172695   3.849706 2.220925e-03 2.793096e-02
## 1641         Lrfn1 -0.2244776  0.025913778  -3.849425 2.222073e-03 2.793096e-02
## 1642         Mfsd6 -0.5736230 -0.123687017  -3.846827 2.232702e-03 2.803821e-02
## 1643         Nop16 -0.7361226  0.053139020  -3.846676 2.233325e-03 2.803821e-02
## 1644       Pik3ip1  0.4343308 -0.034934961   3.846306 2.234840e-03 2.804018e-02
## 1645         Gria1  0.2265749  0.027508545   3.844859 2.240794e-03 2.808435e-02
## 1646       Pdxk-ps  0.4250204  0.082049147   3.844788 2.241084e-03 2.808435e-02
## 1647          Ctsl -0.6333647 -0.090939138  -3.842292 2.251389e-03 2.819636e-02
## 1648        Gimap8 -0.6218802 -0.056559435  -3.841427 2.254971e-03 2.822408e-02
## 1649        Slc6a6  0.8810377 -0.013655157   3.838306 2.267943e-03 2.836923e-02
## 1650         Rep15  0.7347978  0.016744996   3.835231 2.280798e-03 2.850779e-02
## 1651          Pmvk  0.6296506  0.018686770   3.834760 2.282777e-03 2.850779e-02
## 1652       Cttnbp2  0.4650256  0.005724241   3.834558 2.283622e-03 2.850779e-02
## 1653          Rheb  0.5187213  0.101542343   3.834338 2.284548e-03 2.850779e-02
## 1654          Nme3  0.5649069  0.108202712   3.832980 2.290259e-03 2.856177e-02
## 1655        Hmg20b -0.3201551 -0.008600363  -3.832295 2.293144e-03 2.858047e-02
## 1656           Gla  0.6136858  0.213493182   3.831676 2.295756e-03 2.859575e-02
## 1657      Ankrd13a  0.5727043 -0.009041786   3.831085 2.298254e-03 2.859684e-02
## 1658        Atp2c1  0.5672868  0.084489185   3.830999 2.298616e-03 2.859684e-02
## 1659        Entpd1  0.8515158 -0.059506862   3.829543 2.304779e-03 2.864393e-02
## 1660          Shpk  0.6092769  0.044380695   3.829449 2.305179e-03 2.864393e-02
## 1661       Gpbp1l1  0.6171967 -0.009767789   3.828093 2.310935e-03 2.869817e-02
## 1662          Map6 -0.4166187  0.017235377  -3.827653 2.312802e-03 2.870408e-02
## 1663         Rabl2 -0.6173035 -0.086419266  -3.826978 2.315678e-03 2.872248e-02
## 1664        Rnf168  0.4875635  0.000492859   3.825330 2.322709e-03 2.878007e-02
## 1665      Hist1h1c  0.8733269  0.150045079   3.825235 2.323111e-03 2.878007e-02
## 1666       Sh3glb2 -0.3550037 -0.007078011  -3.823088 2.332304e-03 2.887661e-02
## 1667        Acad11  0.3769849 -0.028718313   3.819777 2.346557e-03 2.903565e-02
## 1668         Slfn9 -0.7358762  0.032747202  -3.818954 2.350113e-03 2.905244e-02
## 1669         Egln3 -0.7357847 -0.056234012  -3.818811 2.350731e-03 2.905244e-02
## 1670        Lrrc8d -0.6199004  0.002359454  -3.817489 2.356457e-03 2.910577e-02
## 1671         Naa35  0.5983877  0.088175137   3.812261 2.379234e-03 2.936952e-02
## 1672        Sema4c -0.5716982 -0.081747663  -3.811536 2.382415e-03 2.939119e-02
## 1673        Hexim1  0.4330916  0.084113915   3.809861 2.389770e-03 2.946430e-02
## 1674         Itgb1 -0.3208476  0.004356940  -3.806472 2.404724e-03 2.963097e-02
## 1675         Bmp15  0.2973752 -0.005797544   3.805929 2.407132e-03 2.964293e-02
## 1676      Arhgap44  0.2400393  0.028578344   3.803554 2.417677e-03 2.975503e-02
## 1677       Zbtb8os  0.8157129 -0.040866947   3.802253 2.423480e-03 2.980865e-02
## 1678       Adipor2  0.7574469  0.235908064   3.801514 2.426777e-03 2.982855e-02
## 1679        Cdkal1 -0.6108402  0.018327331  -3.800941 2.429340e-03 2.982855e-02
## 1680         Pdcd5  0.5460291  0.025515653   3.800920 2.429435e-03 2.982855e-02
## 1681        Clec2h  0.2441908  0.039526176   3.800482 2.431393e-03 2.983482e-02
## 1682        Ctnnd1 -0.4345541  0.027275723  -3.799907 2.433971e-03 2.984023e-02
## 1683         Alms1  0.5198716 -0.018841003   3.799738 2.434726e-03 2.984023e-02
## 1684        Il18bp -0.4174345  0.395537491  -3.797994 2.442558e-03 2.991844e-02
## 1685       Fam212a -0.8475401 -0.102856762  -3.796467 2.449440e-03 2.998492e-02
## 1686       Pitpnc1 -0.6586485  0.115593269  -3.795501 2.453801e-03 3.002049e-02
## 1687          Glrx  0.9481017  0.056971810   3.794927 2.456399e-03 3.003447e-02
## 1688          Sdpr -0.9836461  0.574009320  -3.793131 2.464540e-03 3.011615e-02
## 1689        Samd12  0.3354152 -0.367817782   3.792137 2.469056e-03 3.015347e-02
## 1690          Ets2 -0.7831828 -0.120908998  -3.791662 2.471218e-03 3.016202e-02
## 1691          Grk5 -0.7100614  0.239283501  -3.787206 2.491587e-03 3.038174e-02
## 1692        Cldn25  0.6347004  0.160434719   3.786840 2.493271e-03 3.038174e-02
## 1693       Pramef8 -0.5780209  0.023377610  -3.786760 2.493639e-03 3.038174e-02
## 1694       Tmem154 -0.8756625  0.038598549  -3.786149 2.496446e-03 3.039799e-02
## 1695         Nr3c1  0.3773807 -0.125568071   3.782389 2.513803e-03 3.058313e-02
## 1696         Znrd1  0.2680855 -0.007429187   3.782214 2.514616e-03 3.058313e-02
## 1697        Atp11a  0.5015364  0.310272284   3.781791 2.516576e-03 3.058892e-02
## 1698        Tm9sf3 -0.2903744  0.060358558  -3.780674 2.521764e-03 3.063393e-02
## 1699        Atp5g3  0.3349511 -0.052859053   3.777795 2.535184e-03 3.077884e-02
## 1700         Spin4 -0.4618001 -0.034233891  -3.776156 2.542853e-03 3.085379e-02
## 1701           Zak  0.7323961  0.141340607   3.775287 2.546931e-03 3.088509e-02
## 1702       Slc22a5  0.5032908  0.035967986   3.773535 2.555172e-03 3.096682e-02
## 1703          Sgtb  0.9978846  0.198904868   3.772709 2.559067e-03 3.099581e-02
## 1704        Lrpap1  0.3978039  0.111545625   3.772114 2.561875e-03 3.101162e-02
## 1705      BC106179  0.5404407  0.027856606   3.769708 2.573265e-03 3.112926e-02
## 1706       Map3k12 -0.5351272 -0.146856783  -3.769425 2.574612e-03 3.112926e-02
## 1707         Uhrf2 -0.5309022  0.037300744  -3.764459 2.598300e-03 3.139727e-02
## 1708        Ctla2b  0.8751184  0.192460350   3.763173 2.604471e-03 3.145341e-02
## 1709        Trafd1 -0.6052974  0.027933311  -3.762531 2.607557e-03 3.145732e-02
## 1710         Tmod3 -0.4007371  0.131529490  -3.762471 2.607845e-03 3.145732e-02
## 1711       Gm17296  0.3810991  0.047479565   3.760601 2.616858e-03 3.154759e-02
## 1712         Aif1l  1.0643010  0.314292879   3.756902 2.634780e-03 3.173527e-02
## 1713       Abhd17c  0.5855335  0.154014907   3.756548 2.636501e-03 3.173527e-02
## 1714         Rexo1 -0.2349734  0.006331734  -3.756264 2.637883e-03 3.173527e-02
## 1715         Itfg1  0.5710277  0.266455397   3.756120 2.638580e-03 3.173527e-02
## 1716       Fam162a  0.3858430  0.035245261   3.750087 2.668123e-03 3.204328e-02
## 1717          Ttc8  0.5018888  0.055600102   3.749990 2.668604e-03 3.204328e-02
## 1718          Ugp2  0.6012525  0.079830106   3.749940 2.668849e-03 3.204328e-02
## 1719          Wbp5  0.9073451  0.031122081   3.748323 2.676824e-03 3.212032e-02
## 1720          Tnk1 -0.2801580  0.065450542  -3.747361 2.681584e-03 3.215874e-02
## 1721          Pth2 -0.2315507 -0.059613672  -3.745658 2.690025e-03 3.224122e-02
## 1722        Chst11  0.4878666 -0.138983661   3.744742 2.694578e-03 3.227704e-02
## 1723          Cml1  0.5772010  0.039167529   3.744375 2.696405e-03 3.228018e-02
## 1724      Vmn1r208 -0.1800596  0.003976090  -3.742895 2.703786e-03 3.234976e-02
## 1725      Slc25a37 -0.8458242 -0.120079419  -3.741696 2.709775e-03 3.240262e-02
## 1726         Tpcn1  0.5257384  0.152365369   3.740866 2.713931e-03 3.243351e-02
## 1727         Ftsj1  0.7861153  0.094807717   3.739677 2.719900e-03 3.248539e-02
## 1728          Arl3  0.4874493 -0.004879378   3.738946 2.723570e-03 3.248539e-02
## 1729         Acsl6  0.3600899  0.031455326   3.738875 2.723928e-03 3.248539e-02
## 1730         Gnl3l  0.4916026  0.210409098   3.738621 2.725206e-03 3.248539e-02
## 1731       Ppapdc2  0.7301278  0.082773654   3.738434 2.726146e-03 3.248539e-02
## 1732         Fahd1  0.5462883 -0.061032423   3.737896 2.728859e-03 3.249895e-02
## 1733        Prkab1  0.6792390  0.044224105   3.736877 2.733998e-03 3.251361e-02
## 1734         Acsl5 -0.3634335  0.106235440  -3.736772 2.734530e-03 3.251361e-02
## 1735       Galnt18 -0.7778114  0.559927147  -3.736714 2.734819e-03 3.251361e-02
## 1736         Mgat1 -0.4948042 -0.054876327  -3.735319 2.741877e-03 3.256383e-02
## 1737        Plgrkt -0.8836225  0.077787518  -3.735255 2.742201e-03 3.256383e-02
## 1738          Enc1  1.1255786  0.168354862   3.734673 2.745152e-03 3.258012e-02
## 1739 1110001A16Rik  1.0301625  0.252513697   3.734276 2.747166e-03 3.258528e-02
## 1740       Rapgef5 -0.9085571  0.027718769  -3.733114 2.753066e-03 3.263650e-02
## 1741         Myrip  0.7350114  0.102365523   3.732716 2.755091e-03 3.264173e-02
## 1742        Cyb5d2 -0.4634441 -0.037361781  -3.732134 2.758054e-03 3.265809e-02
## 1743      Slc25a51  0.4013831  0.023187764   3.731794 2.759787e-03 3.265985e-02
## 1744      Rnaset2a  0.3572400  0.141815185   3.731120 2.763226e-03 3.268180e-02
## 1745         Surf2 -0.4457410  0.003422131  -3.730620 2.765779e-03 3.268586e-02
## 1746         Cabyr  0.7507259  0.187073613   3.730432 2.766738e-03 3.268586e-02
## 1747         Ift57  0.5874246  0.037287203   3.728953 2.774307e-03 3.275651e-02
## 1748         Gstk1  0.9536643 -0.044703553   3.728353 2.777387e-03 3.277412e-02
## 1749        Spryd3 -0.4751819 -0.048157151  -3.727283 2.782881e-03 3.280168e-02
## 1750         Psg23 -0.2487706 -0.037179088  -3.727156 2.783537e-03 3.280168e-02
## 1751        Sh3d21 -0.4712707 -0.099875576  -3.726970 2.784493e-03 3.280168e-02
## 1752           Fah -0.5426567  0.076449650  -3.726437 2.787235e-03 3.280577e-02
## 1753          Avl9  0.6662731  0.070235764   3.726284 2.788022e-03 3.280577e-02
## 1754         Fancl  0.5075722 -0.045261622   3.724224 2.798659e-03 3.291216e-02
## 1755        Adam10  0.4370403  0.223424852   3.723045 2.804760e-03 3.295810e-02
## 1756        Mospd1  1.4551305 -0.468487076   3.722852 2.805760e-03 3.295810e-02
## 1757        Picalm -0.5427484  0.081805545  -3.720808 2.816379e-03 3.306400e-02
## 1758         Fnip1 -0.5821651  0.168478015  -3.719386 2.823790e-03 3.313215e-02
## 1759          Wdr7  0.3798243  0.023333994   3.718666 2.827552e-03 3.315742e-02
## 1760       Apol10b -1.4571547  0.073794135  -3.716408 2.839379e-03 3.327720e-02
## 1761        Lrrc57  0.7933006  0.054143179   3.715196 2.845748e-03 3.332620e-02
## 1762       Tsc22d1  0.6850071 -0.116022519   3.714997 2.846792e-03 3.332620e-02
## 1763         Eif4e  0.5113664 -0.040909515   3.714378 2.850051e-03 3.334543e-02
## 1764       Zcchc24 -0.6847723  0.015499371  -3.713620 2.854047e-03 3.337326e-02
## 1765         Ncoa3 -0.5739101  0.054109447  -3.712784 2.858461e-03 3.340593e-02
## 1766         Nphp1  0.5274854 -0.028057894   3.710429 2.870935e-03 3.353272e-02
## 1767          Plp2 -1.1518332 -0.275501039  -3.709535 2.875687e-03 3.356921e-02
## 1768         Mien1  0.4504023  0.021386082   3.709009 2.878486e-03 3.358288e-02
## 1769         Rpl31  0.2522227  0.026749396   3.706710 2.890744e-03 3.370683e-02
## 1770           Ttn -0.6633600  0.163584105  -3.706249 2.893211e-03 3.371654e-02
## 1771           Ucn  0.2700755  0.005362067   3.700040 2.926627e-03 3.408669e-02
## 1772         Ifit1  0.8711818 -0.286028962   3.699544 2.929314e-03 3.409428e-02
## 1773          Epn1 -0.3218495  0.062120563  -3.699240 2.930961e-03 3.409428e-02
## 1774        Snapin  0.7468065 -0.044724084   3.698970 2.932425e-03 3.409428e-02
## 1775        Steap4 -1.0645719  0.101150418  -3.698700 2.933890e-03 3.409428e-02
## 1776        Coro1c -0.6524356  0.035006585  -3.697855 2.938481e-03 3.412841e-02
## 1777         Reep5  0.4331427  0.064113554   3.696662 2.944973e-03 3.417245e-02
## 1778       Mettl18  0.8780344  0.056090133   3.696549 2.945586e-03 3.417245e-02
## 1779        Lrrc8a -0.6963809  0.077171775  -3.694133 2.958786e-03 3.430628e-02
## 1780         Stab1 -0.4562437 -0.026680216  -3.692960 2.965212e-03 3.436147e-02
## 1781        Mtrf1l  0.5049346  0.058957037   3.690011 2.981437e-03 3.453010e-02
## 1782         Ube4b  0.2789332  0.059702746   3.689676 2.983288e-03 3.453215e-02
## 1783      Tnfrsf23 -0.7347568 -0.052108190  -3.687261 2.996647e-03 3.466044e-02
## 1784          Cd81 -0.5231352 -0.224007100  -3.687066 2.997733e-03 3.466044e-02
## 1785        Zfp677  0.6833924 -0.189612802   3.685814 3.004682e-03 3.472134e-02
## 1786         Cd24a  0.8402202  0.070057417   3.682737 3.021844e-03 3.490010e-02
## 1787          Bin3  0.9776872  0.164271670   3.679990 3.037255e-03 3.505846e-02
## 1788       Trmt10c  0.6531746  0.028405284   3.672545 3.079409e-03 3.551894e-02
## 1789         Acap2 -0.3690319  0.126575660  -3.672338 3.080593e-03 3.551894e-02
## 1790         Rbm28 -0.4133827  0.077897738  -3.671334 3.086324e-03 3.556515e-02
## 1791         Dmxl2  0.4025114  0.017315006   3.669871 3.094698e-03 3.564172e-02
## 1792         Ptprk -0.5188427 -0.040964700  -3.668317 3.103616e-03 3.569594e-02
## 1793      Tgfbrap1  0.8988051  0.152984140   3.668252 3.103994e-03 3.569594e-02
## 1794       Ankdd1b  0.5135285  0.072147403   3.668002 3.105426e-03 3.569594e-02
## 1795          Tpp1  0.2900076  0.334191514   3.667720 3.107052e-03 3.569594e-02
## 1796          Fmo4 -0.5052994  0.417772421  -3.667413 3.108818e-03 3.569594e-02
## 1797       Serinc5  0.5369720  0.026878708   3.667245 3.109788e-03 3.569594e-02
## 1798       Fam19a3 -0.2456336 -0.023069636  -3.666302 3.115221e-03 3.572431e-02
## 1799       Plekha2 -0.6398823  0.394910584  -3.666215 3.115724e-03 3.572431e-02
## 1800       Zfp874a  0.4465121  0.014232411   3.664713 3.124403e-03 3.579795e-02
## 1801           Nin -0.3247442 -0.014221589  -3.664303 3.126777e-03 3.579795e-02
## 1802        Sestd1  0.8363577  0.351422592   3.664204 3.127353e-03 3.579795e-02
## 1803        Cdc123  0.3541517  0.070373597   3.662513 3.137164e-03 3.588486e-02
## 1804        Tmem37  0.5319626  0.396812986   3.662290 3.138460e-03 3.588486e-02
## 1805        Swsap1  0.5569921  0.041748494   3.661826 3.141160e-03 3.588486e-02
## 1806          Gng5  0.5096927  0.029958756   3.661562 3.142699e-03 3.588486e-02
## 1807 9130019P16Rik  0.5126270 -0.055153625   3.661399 3.143644e-03 3.588486e-02
## 1808        Lancl2  0.3723850 -0.181347150   3.660369 3.149649e-03 3.593352e-02
## 1809          Gng7  0.5588479  0.120493317   3.659970 3.151979e-03 3.594023e-02
## 1810         Gm561  1.0580220 -0.084327833   3.659315 3.155810e-03 3.596403e-02
## 1811        Mapre3  0.6206237 -0.003683886   3.658723 3.159270e-03 3.596847e-02
## 1812         Uchl5  0.5446876  0.071022417   3.658652 3.159688e-03 3.596847e-02
## 1813         Dock7 -0.4475992  0.556215191  -3.657715 3.165176e-03 3.599519e-02
## 1814         Ramp3 -0.6834943 -0.004370813  -3.657451 3.166725e-03 3.599519e-02
## 1815         Zmym4  0.4661236 -0.093753750   3.657358 3.167270e-03 3.599519e-02
## 1816         Fbxw8  0.2606359  0.069306978   3.650522 3.207654e-03 3.642196e-02
## 1817        Il1rap  0.4313412  0.036545720   3.649973 3.210918e-03 3.642196e-02
## 1818        Pitpna  0.4989001  0.124802199   3.649833 3.211751e-03 3.642196e-02
## 1819        Kcnj15 -0.3255041 -0.020121452  -3.649811 3.211885e-03 3.642196e-02
## 1820         S100b  0.3014963 -0.003177389   3.647859 3.223526e-03 3.651493e-02
## 1821         Mcf2l -0.5195414  0.004036863  -3.647711 3.224407e-03 3.651493e-02
## 1822        Stxbp5 -0.6296915 -0.062458672  -3.647534 3.225464e-03 3.651493e-02
## 1823         Map1b -1.3775675 -0.332080393  -3.647250 3.227164e-03 3.651493e-02
## 1824         Mki67 -0.9367946  0.507396592  -3.646700 3.230460e-03 3.653218e-02
## 1825         Abhd5  0.3971589 -0.105155182   3.644919 3.241141e-03 3.663288e-02
## 1826           Khk  0.6697292  0.203758307   3.644484 3.243754e-03 3.664234e-02
## 1827          Eea1 -0.3566612  0.056833905  -3.643999 3.246670e-03 3.665521e-02
## 1828 4933436C20Rik -0.3693927 -0.047913678  -3.643190 3.251545e-03 3.669016e-02
## 1829       Hsd17b4  0.5050424  0.247169048   3.642584 3.255200e-03 3.671132e-02
## 1830          Far1 -0.2800716 -0.070336534  -3.641605 3.261118e-03 3.675796e-02
## 1831          Smtn -0.5571369 -0.490518347  -3.637543 3.285771e-03 3.701562e-02
## 1832           Hdc -0.5597738  0.449882406  -3.636679 3.291039e-03 3.705473e-02
## 1833 2410127L17Rik  0.6780939  0.092140459   3.636266 3.293564e-03 3.706292e-02
## 1834           Nrk -0.6364746  0.111678825  -3.634863 3.302140e-03 3.712952e-02
## 1835      Aurkaip1  0.3278596 -0.059405707   3.634710 3.303082e-03 3.712952e-02
## 1836       Gm10759 -0.7568762  0.022135957  -3.634300 3.305590e-03 3.713748e-02
## 1837        Gm8979 -0.5085201 -0.007795429  -3.631697 3.321588e-03 3.728272e-02
## 1838         Hmox2 -0.4664666  0.045463241  -3.631609 3.322133e-03 3.728272e-02
## 1839          Arsb  0.5514100 -0.022438623   3.629601 3.334531e-03 3.740151e-02
## 1840        Rbfox1 -0.2130226  0.026606910  -3.628803 3.339470e-03 3.743655e-02
## 1841         Rps18 -0.2332670  0.005384145  -3.627699 3.346313e-03 3.749289e-02
## 1842       Ppp2r1a  0.3678080  0.027802595   3.625266 3.361452e-03 3.762331e-02
## 1843         Prodh  0.4696541  0.129163674   3.625075 3.362646e-03 3.762331e-02
## 1844           Msn -0.3354085  0.072362392  -3.624950 3.363426e-03 3.762331e-02
## 1845           Hn1 -0.4975737 -0.005263743  -3.624140 3.368484e-03 3.765947e-02
## 1846       Kctd12b -0.8638782 -0.157295549  -3.623679 3.371364e-03 3.767125e-02
## 1847       Zcchc17  0.4590762  0.052412669   3.620099 3.393834e-03 3.790179e-02
## 1848          Eno1  0.6613974 -0.108268058   3.618922 3.401254e-03 3.796410e-02
## 1849           Ssb  0.3007234  0.034435590   3.618545 3.403636e-03 3.797014e-02
## 1850          Msh6  0.4689760  0.051833342   3.617107 3.412733e-03 3.805105e-02
## 1851          Grap  0.8633884  0.190871368   3.616050 3.419431e-03 3.810513e-02
## 1852         Cnpy1  0.2183935 -0.007499346   3.614226 3.431030e-03 3.821375e-02
## 1853        Nbeal1 -0.5719286  0.053256000  -3.612602 3.441383e-03 3.830837e-02
## 1854          Nsa2 -0.2855302  0.022348475  -3.611991 3.445291e-03 3.832110e-02
## 1855       Tnfaip1 -0.6981907 -0.030893835  -3.611842 3.446242e-03 3.832110e-02
## 1856        Dhcr24  0.7846587  0.035949987   3.611474 3.448601e-03 3.832667e-02
## 1857          Gclm  0.6004267  0.060932476   3.611060 3.451247e-03 3.833541e-02
## 1858         Kat6b  0.6256151 -0.016191610   3.610503 3.454822e-03 3.835448e-02
## 1859      Tmem184b  0.5108557  0.095577686   3.609386 3.461988e-03 3.841336e-02
## 1860        Trim28 -0.2401768 -0.016402180  -3.608248 3.469310e-03 3.847391e-02
## 1861          Fgf3  0.1964655 -0.017810345   3.606684 3.479400e-03 3.856507e-02
## 1862       Commd10  0.5044231  0.109347157   3.604766 3.491811e-03 3.866285e-02
## 1863       Slc44a5  0.3233995  0.101789221   3.604511 3.493465e-03 3.866285e-02
## 1864        Limch1  0.4431912 -0.747213457   3.604453 3.493845e-03 3.866285e-02
## 1865        Rnf157 -0.5555226  0.075558474  -3.603781 3.498204e-03 3.868855e-02
## 1866      AU040096  0.3477233  0.036285530   3.603517 3.499919e-03 3.868855e-02
## 1867          Ugcg -0.8262644  0.161570103  -3.603046 3.502979e-03 3.870163e-02
## 1868          Rxra -0.3709072  0.319532621  -3.602608 3.505832e-03 3.871242e-02
## 1869        Btf3l4  0.4087352 -0.087423405   3.601613 3.512317e-03 3.876328e-02
## 1870        Ndfip1  0.4020166  0.090567397   3.598670 3.531564e-03 3.895485e-02
## 1871         Kank1  0.4281532  0.143805917   3.596056 3.548751e-03 3.912351e-02
## 1872       Aldh1l1 -0.4681341  0.023809305  -3.595356 3.553367e-03 3.915348e-02
## 1873      Cacna2d1 -0.4306334  0.021270689  -3.593433 3.566079e-03 3.926401e-02
## 1874         Glod4  0.7505239  0.201232655   3.593263 3.567206e-03 3.926401e-02
## 1875          Gab3 -0.6430751  0.016242567  -3.591757 3.577203e-03 3.935304e-02
## 1876           Gca  1.7133449 -0.087130610   3.589633 3.591345e-03 3.948757e-02
## 1877        Pde10a -0.6455607 -0.075512885  -3.588808 3.596851e-03 3.952704e-02
## 1878          Uba7 -0.4355246 -0.026750914  -3.585614 3.618257e-03 3.974110e-02
## 1879         Tcte2  0.4425538 -0.027943104   3.585207 3.620996e-03 3.975002e-02
## 1880        D2hgdh  0.4210243  0.044797662   3.583682 3.631275e-03 3.984165e-02
## 1881         Cpsf2 -0.3649381 -0.010662588  -3.580403 3.653462e-03 4.006378e-02
## 1882           Max  0.3934679  0.034023094   3.579360 3.660555e-03 4.008702e-02
## 1883         Cecr2 -0.5780897 -0.314467210  -3.579324 3.660797e-03 4.008702e-02
## 1884         Socs6  0.4834925  0.061690523   3.579234 3.661412e-03 4.008702e-02
## 1885        Map4k2  0.4707371 -0.033691317   3.578555 3.666033e-03 4.011632e-02
## 1886         Fhod1 -0.5541577  0.000244109  -3.577724 3.671701e-03 4.015704e-02
## 1887        Saysd1  0.4885532 -0.097294651   3.577257 3.674888e-03 4.016770e-02
## 1888         Abcg3  0.9457426  0.956139666   3.576623 3.679223e-03 4.016770e-02
## 1889         Tfpi2 -0.2639063 -0.000832688  -3.576442 3.680460e-03 4.016770e-02
## 1890           Xdh -0.5822439 -0.008065506  -3.576441 3.680465e-03 4.016770e-02
## 1891        Fam69c -0.2065183  0.015972099  -3.574916 3.690911e-03 4.026040e-02
## 1892         Smap1  0.6551348 -0.070874786   3.574013 3.697117e-03 4.030678e-02
## 1893           Wrb  0.8661448 -0.003189662   3.573480 3.700775e-03 4.031518e-02
## 1894      Adamtsl2  0.3110116  0.040712611   3.573332 3.701796e-03 4.031518e-02
## 1895         Paip2  0.3351714 -0.017983564   3.570701 3.719943e-03 4.049143e-02
## 1896         Dctn4  0.3679949  0.079920768   3.570001 3.724787e-03 4.051155e-02
## 1897         Tcea3  0.5083359  0.104608532   3.569584 3.727679e-03 4.051155e-02
## 1898          Cdon  0.5243444 -0.245126409   3.569347 3.729320e-03 4.051155e-02
## 1899          Ubl7  0.7339862  0.008152458   3.569154 3.730660e-03 4.051155e-02
## 1900         Epha7  0.4314310  0.057827567   3.568821 3.732969e-03 4.051155e-02
## 1901         Cmss1  0.4881684 -0.107197697   3.568734 3.733575e-03 4.051155e-02
## 1902        Ndufb8  0.4313367 -0.018004290   3.567872 3.739560e-03 4.055516e-02
## 1903         Shfm1  0.3229561 -0.022756323   3.566763 3.747280e-03 4.059884e-02
## 1904        Abhd12  0.3303738  0.438561731   3.566465 3.749356e-03 4.059884e-02
## 1905      Ankrd13d  0.2975607  0.116134772   3.566445 3.749493e-03 4.059884e-02
## 1906         Kdm6a  0.5337429  0.053150177   3.565851 3.753637e-03 4.061076e-02
## 1907      Olfr1089  0.2250854  0.003444227   3.565723 3.754531e-03 4.061076e-02
## 1908          Naca  0.1977358  0.072738551   3.562040 3.780331e-03 4.086839e-02
## 1909        Necab3 -0.2226489 -0.055724367  -3.559715 3.796716e-03 4.102212e-02
## 1910         Vwc2l  0.2023803 -0.012537416   3.559458 3.798528e-03 4.102212e-02
## 1911          Mylk -0.4373395  0.000483034  -3.557822 3.810102e-03 4.110743e-02
## 1912           Ogn -0.4331110  0.022961774  -3.557778 3.810414e-03 4.110743e-02
## 1913         Zwint -0.7127474 -0.035063808  -3.557076 3.815392e-03 4.112271e-02
## 1914       Arhgdib  0.2980086  0.550133827   3.556900 3.816643e-03 4.112271e-02
## 1915          Coa5  0.3943183  0.232023618   3.556582 3.818900e-03 4.112271e-02
## 1916          Ptk2 -0.6527904 -0.024361357  -3.556455 3.819805e-03 4.112271e-02
## 1917         Cmya5 -0.3490607 -0.032643667  -3.554521 3.833569e-03 4.122959e-02
## 1918         Smpd1  1.0195861 -0.014906280   3.554498 3.833730e-03 4.122959e-02
## 1919          Emp1 -1.5612036  0.452779555  -3.553717 3.839305e-03 4.126802e-02
## 1920         Isg15  0.6537231 -0.061075560   3.552257 3.849748e-03 4.135873e-02
## 1921        Plk1s1  0.8357126 -0.061597570   3.551764 3.853278e-03 4.137510e-02
## 1922         Decr1  0.9319658 -0.026661554   3.550543 3.862037e-03 4.143754e-02
## 1923         Sp110 -0.7249044  0.032984525  -3.550394 3.863111e-03 4.143754e-02
## 1924          Grk4  0.5962996 -0.014756216   3.547969 3.880576e-03 4.160325e-02
## 1925         Prdm1 -1.0592437 -0.198222284  -3.546625 3.890296e-03 4.168579e-02
## 1926            F8 -0.5775755  0.774169643  -3.545399 3.899181e-03 4.175930e-02
## 1927         Ndrg3  0.5028979  0.018803343   3.537927 3.953772e-03 4.232198e-02
## 1928          Lmo7 -0.7436161  0.098423199  -3.536411 3.964944e-03 4.241956e-02
## 1929        Camk2d -0.4617771  0.203239378  -3.535748 3.969837e-03 4.242791e-02
## 1930        Gtf3c5  0.5355541 -0.075584634   3.535748 3.969839e-03 4.242791e-02
## 1931           Ggh  0.4332434  0.216794970   3.534159 3.981594e-03 4.253150e-02
## 1932         Gspt2  0.6518218  0.052083268   3.533644 3.985415e-03 4.255029e-02
## 1933        Rassf8  0.5685584  0.071158378   3.533130 3.989228e-03 4.256896e-02
## 1934         Lrtm1 -0.2806546  0.028282324  -3.531190 4.003663e-03 4.270091e-02
## 1935          Ifng  0.2338462  0.008823332   3.530749 4.006952e-03 4.271390e-02
## 1936          Rffl -0.3729210 -0.088198725  -3.530156 4.011376e-03 4.272765e-02
## 1937          Sfpq -0.2370202 -0.010272789  -3.530021 4.012385e-03 4.272765e-02
## 1938           Mx2 -0.8449648  0.115003070  -3.527746 4.029410e-03 4.288681e-02
## 1939          Dpf1 -0.2116084 -0.012007363  -3.527364 4.032280e-03 4.289523e-02
## 1940         Htr2a  0.8223105 -0.113873353   3.526162 4.041316e-03 4.296919e-02
## 1941         Cpne3  0.4759086 -0.066938719   3.524575 4.053270e-03 4.305622e-02
## 1942         Kank2  0.2894295  0.103695963   3.524521 4.053676e-03 4.305622e-02
## 1943        Snrpd2  0.4543908  0.018432006   3.522279 4.070639e-03 4.321414e-02
## 1944          Cnn3 -0.6783180  0.082720091  -3.521874 4.073704e-03 4.322443e-02
## 1945        Mir20b  0.2376312 -0.014155865   3.520795 4.081898e-03 4.328910e-02
## 1946         Igsf6 -0.9290077  1.090566680  -3.518460 4.099691e-03 4.345546e-02
## 1947        Nkx6-2 -0.3066171  0.002822812  -3.517618 4.106125e-03 4.350131e-02
## 1948        Myl12b  0.2076979  0.050799496   3.516542 4.114357e-03 4.356614e-02
## 1949       Htatsf1  0.3682419  0.071480433   3.515974 4.118709e-03 4.356785e-02
## 1950 0610011F06Rik  0.4164119 -0.069604841   3.515970 4.118743e-03 4.356785e-02
## 1951          Prm3  0.2878057 -0.053896204   3.515145 4.125074e-03 4.361246e-02
## 1952          Tsc2  0.4849051  0.058466689   3.512324 4.146805e-03 4.381975e-02
## 1953         Spag5 -0.5861875  0.021937341  -3.511302 4.154711e-03 4.388081e-02
## 1954 9330151L19Rik -0.3355885 -0.028503799  -3.510242 4.162923e-03 4.392436e-02
## 1955         Hoxa1 -0.2561583 -0.012470087  -3.510220 4.163093e-03 4.392436e-02
## 1956          Ulk1  0.4108861  0.043053309   3.508963 4.172848e-03 4.400478e-02
## 1957         Vgll4 -0.8115085  0.097531670  -3.508045 4.179995e-03 4.405762e-02
## 1958        Zfp449  0.3627340  0.001876356   3.507210 4.186502e-03 4.406967e-02
## 1959         Ptpla -0.6633635 -0.176490355  -3.507186 4.186687e-03 4.406967e-02
## 1960        Gm5595  0.8080354  0.237828887   3.507076 4.187548e-03 4.406967e-02
## 1961       Gm12942  0.4446068  0.171844225   3.502716 4.221701e-03 4.440644e-02
## 1962        Zc3h7b  0.3977877 -0.037473010   3.501466 4.231543e-03 4.448728e-02
## 1963        Map2k1 -0.4628798 -0.034230328  -3.500341 4.240424e-03 4.455793e-02
## 1964          Pin4  0.3965041 -0.043415611   3.499369 4.248108e-03 4.461595e-02
## 1965       Olfr317  0.3181400 -0.005630716   3.498830 4.252378e-03 4.463807e-02
## 1966 B930041F14Rik  0.4689145  0.100125853   3.497771 4.260776e-03 4.470347e-02
## 1967          Thy1 -0.5538562  0.022492284  -3.497443 4.263383e-03 4.470809e-02
## 1968         Cdk19  0.4481980  0.564684674   3.496888 4.267798e-03 4.473164e-02
## 1969          Aspn -2.7099863  0.563411861  -3.490496 4.318940e-03 4.524468e-02
## 1970         Jsrp1  0.2079406 -0.004030323   3.487486 4.343244e-03 4.545635e-02
## 1971         Wdfy2 -0.6174388  0.167706009  -3.487447 4.343553e-03 4.545635e-02
## 1972         Etnk1  0.6799596  0.078111331   3.484919 4.364070e-03 4.564791e-02
## 1973         Rab28  0.6242857 -0.107333661   3.482439 4.384301e-03 4.583628e-02
## 1974      Tnfrsf26 -1.1202669  0.306480537  -3.481078 4.395440e-03 4.592945e-02
## 1975         Dido1 -0.3183708 -0.012311173  -3.479551 4.407964e-03 4.603700e-02
## 1976        Phldb1 -0.3998652  0.086244108  -3.477663 4.423517e-03 4.617605e-02
## 1977         Flad1 -0.2378469  0.012429650  -3.477347 4.426117e-03 4.617982e-02
## 1978        Tmed10  0.2524694  0.148883216   3.476746 4.431084e-03 4.620827e-02
## 1979           Pgf -0.2973380 -0.006354936  -3.474648 4.448451e-03 4.636594e-02
## 1980          Ubl5  0.4790370  0.065534719   3.473930 4.454411e-03 4.640461e-02
## 1981          Tymp  0.3321900 -0.024010275   3.472737 4.464337e-03 4.645300e-02
## 1982        Mtss1l -0.7009616  0.010286837  -3.472645 4.465100e-03 4.645300e-02
## 1983         Dagla  0.2561199  0.107702128   3.472551 4.465879e-03 4.645300e-02
## 1984         Wdr61  0.6004880  0.090077020   3.472289 4.468063e-03 4.645300e-02
## 1985       Mterfd3  0.7476737 -0.202507658   3.468100 4.503106e-03 4.679374e-02
## 1986     Gabarapl1  0.7144159  0.004685374   3.467167 4.510956e-03 4.685170e-02
## 1987          Sgcb -1.2201619 -0.053943227  -3.466323 4.518057e-03 4.689993e-02
## 1988         Hint2  0.4687858  0.028961691   3.466075 4.520147e-03 4.689993e-02
## 1989      BC031361  0.8560658  0.179283083   3.465209 4.527454e-03 4.695214e-02
## 1990         Psmd2  0.3666967 -0.015431913   3.464078 4.537021e-03 4.702770e-02
## 1991        Ccdc93 -0.3448014  0.172482873  -3.463649 4.540649e-03 4.704167e-02
## 1992        Spata7  0.5859919 -0.038302580   3.462130 4.553531e-03 4.715145e-02
## 1993          Kat5  0.4768200  0.016939450   3.459353 4.577184e-03 4.737259e-02
## 1994       Dync1i1  0.2480470  0.029435635   3.457678 4.591510e-03 4.749703e-02
## 1995         Rplp0 -0.3219193  0.091132132  -3.456962 4.597650e-03 4.753670e-02
## 1996          Apln -0.3585094  0.055499998  -3.456372 4.602713e-03 4.756521e-02
## 1997       Tmem251  0.4888752  0.036064115   3.455493 4.610270e-03 4.761945e-02
## 1998         Cplx2 -0.3166626  0.001613364  -3.452996 4.631802e-03 4.779186e-02
## 1999       St8sia4  0.5367664  0.134215413   3.452968 4.632044e-03 4.779186e-02
## 2000         Rpp21  0.3854423  0.039186668   3.452751 4.633913e-03 4.779186e-02
## 2001       Sdccag3 -0.2292684 -0.006290817  -3.451993 4.640471e-03 4.783558e-02
## 2002         Eva1a -0.4003744  0.015105502  -3.450807 4.650755e-03 4.790592e-02
## 2003         Edem2  0.5054874  0.129253099   3.450671 4.651940e-03 4.790592e-02
## 2004         Rftn2  0.5881949 -0.086582216   3.449766 4.659803e-03 4.796295e-02
## 2005        Mblac2  1.4534448  0.093871851   3.449166 4.665018e-03 4.799268e-02
## 2006        Nudcd2  0.5209117  0.063874943   3.448516 4.670683e-03 4.802701e-02
## 2007         Rab24  0.5639919 -0.019624137   3.447247 4.681754e-03 4.811686e-02
## 2008         Pole4  0.5129226 -0.140131697   3.445175 4.699894e-03 4.827924e-02
## 2009        Pgm2l1 -0.4994141  0.141223080  -3.443777 4.712176e-03 4.837079e-02
## 2010        Atxn10  0.5881564 -0.194912468   3.443627 4.713496e-03 4.837079e-02
## 2011        Hexim2 -0.2457026  0.007178815  -3.442209 4.725984e-03 4.845929e-02
## 2012         Mtmr6  0.6636260  0.066115063   3.441833 4.729300e-03 4.845929e-02
## 2013        Papss1  0.6030723  0.026231861   3.441613 4.731248e-03 4.845929e-02
## 2014          Rad1  0.4396281  0.135355092   3.441341 4.733650e-03 4.845929e-02
## 2015       Emilin1 -0.4076632  0.020238178  -3.441316 4.733867e-03 4.845929e-02
## 2016         Arl4c -0.4551789  0.172743321  -3.440854 4.737956e-03 4.847709e-02
## 2017         Sycp2 -0.1684633 -0.092913716  -3.438311 4.760501e-03 4.868362e-02
## 2018         Sec62  0.2119928  0.080006728   3.437765 4.765350e-03 4.870906e-02
## 2019        Tmem62  0.5789385  0.068028419   3.437134 4.770966e-03 4.874230e-02
## 2020         Hipk3  0.4209051  0.124525136   3.436083 4.780342e-03 4.881392e-02
## 2021          Mpp2 -0.3394996 -0.005331039  -3.435489 4.785640e-03 4.883429e-02
## 2022          Clpx  0.5433126 -0.032824102   3.435329 4.787072e-03 4.883429e-02
## 2023          Mpp7  0.8770310  0.089742993   3.432921 4.808641e-03 4.900691e-02
## 2024         Park7  0.6154578  0.076492309   3.432909 4.808745e-03 4.900691e-02
## 2025        Grcc10  0.4741424 -0.013728906   3.432240 4.814756e-03 4.904394e-02
## 2026          Dars -0.6545804  0.105178698  -3.430573 4.829767e-03 4.917256e-02
## 2027         Snai2 -0.8955507  0.132275107  -3.429089 4.843169e-03 4.927497e-02
## 2028          Rny3 -1.2945978  0.226623282  -3.428930 4.844604e-03 4.927497e-02
## 2029      Atp6v0e2  0.4783848  0.172463545   3.428188 4.851320e-03 4.931896e-02
## 2030          Gbas  0.4872801 -0.100364753   3.427572 4.856903e-03 4.935140e-02
## 2031        Mapk12 -0.3393402 -0.127643777  -3.427100 4.861189e-03 4.937063e-02
## 2032        Sfrs18 -0.2598664  0.025979996  -3.426481 4.866810e-03 4.940269e-02
## 2033        Parp14 -0.6109578  0.000234735  -3.426225 4.869136e-03 4.940269e-02
## 2034       Slc10a6 -0.9724572  0.077171260  -3.424719 4.882853e-03 4.951751e-02
## 2035         Ppil3  0.7777238  0.086388620   3.421620 4.911188e-03 4.974511e-02
## 2036         Spag7  0.5054412  0.027799100   3.421475 4.912524e-03 4.974511e-02
## 2037          Mycn -0.5404670 -0.030678431  -3.421376 4.913434e-03 4.974511e-02
## 2038        Ythdc2  0.4861750  0.030071116   3.421211 4.914944e-03 4.974511e-02
## 2039          Sord  0.5704929 -0.121315957   3.419536 4.930343e-03 4.987650e-02
##                 B
## 1    29.027152530
## 2    27.629168240
## 3    27.184757410
## 4    26.512420750
## 5    26.336261030
## 6    25.703081610
## 7    25.599745600
## 8    25.563890470
## 9    25.360052200
## 10   25.344124430
## 11   24.304119740
## 12   24.097655130
## 13   24.049027590
## 14   22.979191250
## 15   22.479054350
## 16   22.111996490
## 17   21.837495260
## 18   21.725542610
## 19   21.361118610
## 20   20.881644700
## 21   20.720816080
## 22   20.358434940
## 23   20.111747100
## 24   19.913186560
## 25   19.504903660
## 26   19.429287560
## 27   19.160370970
## 28   19.031625600
## 29   18.903071880
## 30   18.874379720
## 31   18.748481900
## 32   18.645657300
## 33   18.608305540
## 34   18.573177500
## 35   18.458499020
## 36   18.444428460
## 37   18.322155420
## 38   18.300597990
## 39   18.270920700
## 40   17.963257580
## 41   17.924292530
## 42   17.867787920
## 43   17.858560770
## 44   17.798877530
## 45   17.675434470
## 46   17.539492790
## 47   17.370377210
## 48   17.240724770
## 49   17.112031690
## 50   16.950577010
## 51   16.906501710
## 52   16.891108150
## 53   16.575146540
## 54   16.395112590
## 55   16.294615090
## 56   16.215937040
## 57   16.206876520
## 58   16.102981000
## 59   15.945279150
## 60   15.915441310
## 61   15.894897320
## 62   15.652379160
## 63   15.605381310
## 64   15.604253080
## 65   15.526542630
## 66   15.511130070
## 67   15.422581820
## 68   15.395121340
## 69   15.338936930
## 70   15.257125870
## 71   15.216716070
## 72   15.076452220
## 73   14.885322590
## 74   14.843886000
## 75   14.781937620
## 76   14.534597490
## 77   14.466787600
## 78   14.464243680
## 79   14.426874630
## 80   14.412293040
## 81   14.338776720
## 82   14.300715230
## 83   14.188195000
## 84   14.182579050
## 85   14.095188650
## 86   14.086693690
## 87   13.986476850
## 88   13.940603520
## 89   13.867485130
## 90   13.862453370
## 91   13.738374470
## 92   13.717962210
## 93   13.695620250
## 94   13.654204380
## 95   13.633888520
## 96   13.504008230
## 97   13.495968470
## 98   13.361069600
## 99   13.237106050
## 100  13.135597810
## 101  13.114206490
## 102  13.101337980
## 103  12.941788320
## 104  12.858665420
## 105  12.802218020
## 106  12.778030610
## 107  12.751214550
## 108  12.743159670
## 109  12.641706080
## 110  12.589688230
## 111  12.546057510
## 112  12.443220910
## 113  12.395809300
## 114  12.386629180
## 115  12.326766450
## 116  12.310205360
## 117  12.300929940
## 118  12.280507260
## 119  12.265957620
## 120  12.246269170
## 121  12.074406690
## 122  11.945838990
## 123  11.866211980
## 124  11.802385000
## 125  11.772537700
## 126  11.768362140
## 127  11.737066540
## 128  11.627181310
## 129  11.591114320
## 130  11.423083320
## 131  11.406998550
## 132  11.321723810
## 133  11.314169820
## 134  11.301757300
## 135  11.255852130
## 136  11.243889210
## 137  11.236227690
## 138  11.120437480
## 139  11.007836680
## 140  10.993304530
## 141  10.944209420
## 142  10.900268130
## 143  10.855479530
## 144  10.757494660
## 145  10.699512390
## 146  10.622330240
## 147  10.517651430
## 148  10.504234350
## 149  10.485692660
## 150  10.453587670
## 151  10.426909170
## 152  10.368519290
## 153  10.362682050
## 154  10.180266830
## 155  10.167747520
## 156  10.154473910
## 157  10.089319680
## 158  10.079996310
## 159  10.073972120
## 160  10.066324700
## 161  10.016297770
## 162   9.918255639
## 163   9.910677599
## 164   9.887718933
## 165   9.856758163
## 166   9.785948016
## 167   9.784922276
## 168   9.780758390
## 169   9.619140505
## 170   9.597088387
## 171   9.501895026
## 172   9.472378048
## 173   9.459614934
## 174   9.445247416
## 175   9.444541710
## 176   9.443889805
## 177   9.368926310
## 178   9.317184644
## 179   9.277355118
## 180   9.258209290
## 181   9.242624507
## 182   9.237272048
## 183   9.080438788
## 184   9.061118490
## 185   9.047692662
## 186   9.005722718
## 187   8.988677589
## 188   8.902881361
## 189   8.819529957
## 190   8.818828061
## 191   8.788226869
## 192   8.758857734
## 193   8.757739427
## 194   8.747984113
## 195   8.699796617
## 196   8.669169307
## 197   8.666845216
## 198   8.627551291
## 199   8.606240188
## 200   8.576716144
## 201   8.561914837
## 202   8.540372867
## 203   8.532618711
## 204   8.532477855
## 205   8.487716957
## 206   8.456727273
## 207   8.424132232
## 208   8.404649519
## 209   8.340621276
## 210   8.256518700
## 211   8.238185449
## 212   8.224044824
## 213   8.196736794
## 214   8.177702420
## 215   8.174477573
## 216   8.152471787
## 217   8.136480511
## 218   8.102958608
## 219   8.091223579
## 220   8.006594239
## 221   7.997420109
## 222   7.949795822
## 223   7.933742601
## 224   7.933308632
## 225   7.924255025
## 226   7.889212839
## 227   7.876280598
## 228   7.839536630
## 229   7.826578114
## 230   7.796219205
## 231   7.795653772
## 232   7.793470237
## 233   7.714576253
## 234   7.698193741
## 235   7.647299310
## 236   7.646344650
## 237   7.646018870
## 238   7.623899380
## 239   7.617921901
## 240   7.606312687
## 241   7.600461857
## 242   7.530880408
## 243   7.526664878
## 244   7.485991072
## 245   7.473870026
## 246   7.441863279
## 247   7.415102859
## 248   7.384214791
## 249   7.361203754
## 250   7.310579189
## 251   7.295119341
## 252   7.280997087
## 253   7.277762334
## 254   7.265969949
## 255   7.246827778
## 256   7.186903705
## 257   7.185347334
## 258   7.178284544
## 259   7.119238337
## 260   7.093209566
## 261   7.038925909
## 262   7.014725789
## 263   7.010270795
## 264   7.004873523
## 265   6.999054122
## 266   6.988490032
## 267   6.977259162
## 268   6.956325122
## 269   6.926770014
## 270   6.918689070
## 271   6.914371178
## 272   6.914280877
## 273   6.888839360
## 274   6.863770611
## 275   6.821317970
## 276   6.821308471
## 277   6.818088611
## 278   6.794032056
## 279   6.759821495
## 280   6.735614878
## 281   6.651940109
## 282   6.635960642
## 283   6.631307359
## 284   6.605451903
## 285   6.587823155
## 286   6.579099308
## 287   6.558380803
## 288   6.545939829
## 289   6.543248694
## 290   6.537717538
## 291   6.527787482
## 292   6.525099020
## 293   6.498100711
## 294   6.416788903
## 295   6.405163667
## 296   6.403413507
## 297   6.373424219
## 298   6.362528761
## 299   6.348203812
## 300   6.307747749
## 301   6.202722995
## 302   6.196384041
## 303   6.153955075
## 304   6.129171598
## 305   6.126352951
## 306   6.115269145
## 307   6.113435468
## 308   6.102541902
## 309   6.081798752
## 310   6.054402667
## 311   6.053449757
## 312   6.046462369
## 313   6.043305673
## 314   6.042766166
## 315   6.026515533
## 316   6.007704949
## 317   6.005931700
## 318   5.962542727
## 319   5.953786830
## 320   5.953594377
## 321   5.942319134
## 322   5.940975264
## 323   5.904220122
## 324   5.896591562
## 325   5.849024886
## 326   5.832817523
## 327   5.813106784
## 328   5.804721007
## 329   5.800178419
## 330   5.785351238
## 331   5.774864836
## 332   5.709799797
## 333   5.694520256
## 334   5.694050159
## 335   5.679605861
## 336   5.648029697
## 337   5.625517594
## 338   5.600089229
## 339   5.589226114
## 340   5.575778809
## 341   5.572099285
## 342   5.557891483
## 343   5.554231240
## 344   5.539557172
## 345   5.528863346
## 346   5.511158622
## 347   5.479592788
## 348   5.457630709
## 349   5.454401289
## 350   5.446251604
## 351   5.440116070
## 352   5.399490159
## 353   5.394883412
## 354   5.380437146
## 355   5.361561003
## 356   5.355269122
## 357   5.300369332
## 358   5.295094943
## 359   5.274706703
## 360   5.229809386
## 361   5.227352878
## 362   5.194789264
## 363   5.187571669
## 364   5.115618927
## 365   5.032250750
## 366   5.007770395
## 367   4.985480269
## 368   4.947637010
## 369   4.941304959
## 370   4.926673421
## 371   4.922744689
## 372   4.919917022
## 373   4.886036523
## 374   4.882991416
## 375   4.869452334
## 376   4.866503098
## 377   4.863308871
## 378   4.848779891
## 379   4.838505344
## 380   4.834903383
## 381   4.834443015
## 382   4.831442431
## 383   4.825461483
## 384   4.806007900
## 385   4.805855454
## 386   4.803962707
## 387   4.778563481
## 388   4.776945624
## 389   4.765633543
## 390   4.755336199
## 391   4.672459135
## 392   4.664244301
## 393   4.658342285
## 394   4.655427649
## 395   4.642678131
## 396   4.620227912
## 397   4.616742876
## 398   4.605597292
## 399   4.577709148
## 400   4.562203099
## 401   4.554036030
## 402   4.553955992
## 403   4.545241506
## 404   4.532077584
## 405   4.516804454
## 406   4.505367551
## 407   4.492929579
## 408   4.481000186
## 409   4.473671537
## 410   4.468873829
## 411   4.457401108
## 412   4.456693239
## 413   4.446075397
## 414   4.421288842
## 415   4.412783633
## 416   4.388204549
## 417   4.380940047
## 418   4.372628370
## 419   4.341750893
## 420   4.324068833
## 421   4.316517678
## 422   4.315278079
## 423   4.308254426
## 424   4.307801246
## 425   4.301109750
## 426   4.285463969
## 427   4.258769971
## 428   4.253588424
## 429   4.249289812
## 430   4.231262625
## 431   4.212125238
## 432   4.206422272
## 433   4.184828618
## 434   4.172773525
## 435   4.117483604
## 436   4.116886340
## 437   4.100014942
## 438   4.083399136
## 439   4.059931035
## 440   4.058153482
## 441   4.050036478
## 442   4.017225845
## 443   3.985688486
## 444   3.984632633
## 445   3.954948916
## 446   3.952657144
## 447   3.945620507
## 448   3.943718629
## 449   3.864907609
## 450   3.859683817
## 451   3.843369869
## 452   3.824385192
## 453   3.815513792
## 454   3.815163931
## 455   3.813767007
## 456   3.785762487
## 457   3.782457558
## 458   3.751420207
## 459   3.708063866
## 460   3.706260479
## 461   3.688491401
## 462   3.679023196
## 463   3.644906300
## 464   3.643966362
## 465   3.641798602
## 466   3.613896000
## 467   3.592235270
## 468   3.591158548
## 469   3.584428894
## 470   3.579588810
## 471   3.579161433
## 472   3.578333893
## 473   3.575730162
## 474   3.565621043
## 475   3.538030654
## 476   3.535752420
## 477   3.530171372
## 478   3.524600419
## 479   3.495371661
## 480   3.494620967
## 481   3.458893619
## 482   3.454121336
## 483   3.440050745
## 484   3.433741672
## 485   3.423451979
## 486   3.399151532
## 487   3.394708449
## 488   3.362236940
## 489   3.356478362
## 490   3.341789721
## 491   3.336580428
## 492   3.330686739
## 493   3.329124825
## 494   3.320204807
## 495   3.311106443
## 496   3.296537885
## 497   3.273933613
## 498   3.269673235
## 499   3.259036991
## 500   3.256487357
## 501   3.254662464
## 502   3.253574146
## 503   3.237269727
## 504   3.233019046
## 505   3.215928819
## 506   3.212983904
## 507   3.212088393
## 508   3.201871832
## 509   3.198777404
## 510   3.188035720
## 511   3.183722636
## 512   3.158689646
## 513   3.149023312
## 514   3.145443936
## 515   3.124210718
## 516   3.117697368
## 517   3.113976552
## 518   3.103922572
## 519   3.100918477
## 520   3.098269356
## 521   3.083046310
## 522   3.069734037
## 523   3.067744450
## 524   3.061787213
## 525   3.043197256
## 526   3.029400072
## 527   3.018824339
## 528   3.018434075
## 529   3.003401675
## 530   2.996960969
## 531   2.993338312
## 532   2.983439333
## 533   2.966207411
## 534   2.950278197
## 535   2.938344689
## 536   2.937296081
## 537   2.935173541
## 538   2.914029164
## 539   2.901031709
## 540   2.897584393
## 541   2.895042033
## 542   2.892509872
## 543   2.891542063
## 544   2.852770681
## 545   2.824054812
## 546   2.814377605
## 547   2.812935754
## 548   2.796384133
## 549   2.789470511
## 550   2.783323093
## 551   2.771920444
## 552   2.771256535
## 553   2.769549554
## 554   2.758366451
## 555   2.748980755
## 556   2.712446221
## 557   2.701717880
## 558   2.697381308
## 559   2.686286293
## 560   2.686169126
## 561   2.682576409
## 562   2.669560745
## 563   2.666533495
## 564   2.666509158
## 565   2.664295024
## 566   2.660945148
## 567   2.659953559
## 568   2.612373424
## 569   2.610966329
## 570   2.596980854
## 571   2.577990579
## 572   2.561918395
## 573   2.556013323
## 574   2.551090619
## 575   2.540132417
## 576   2.535791926
## 577   2.522073906
## 578   2.518566189
## 579   2.510540983
## 580   2.509937688
## 581   2.508802952
## 582   2.508265056
## 583   2.495275912
## 584   2.480176738
## 585   2.473575946
## 586   2.458931489
## 587   2.442437779
## 588   2.440415663
## 589   2.439813977
## 590   2.432247046
## 591   2.428689864
## 592   2.406063768
## 593   2.402865120
## 594   2.402120339
## 595   2.394893936
## 596   2.393161214
## 597   2.385749041
## 598   2.367291456
## 599   2.358741313
## 600   2.357452130
## 601   2.346829041
## 602   2.332174523
## 603   2.328849081
## 604   2.325443022
## 605   2.297373303
## 606   2.288178374
## 607   2.274607604
## 608   2.258047857
## 609   2.234153757
## 610   2.218199902
## 611   2.202538024
## 612   2.191291199
## 613   2.179516305
## 614   2.179228154
## 615   2.168549985
## 616   2.157575020
## 617   2.154674880
## 618   2.146148779
## 619   2.143431926
## 620   2.127011948
## 621   2.105628385
## 622   2.096804700
## 623   2.077519659
## 624   2.074611622
## 625   2.069615261
## 626   2.068593037
## 627   2.054537164
## 628   2.043134768
## 629   2.042141788
## 630   2.032733356
## 631   2.030453230
## 632   2.025905947
## 633   2.018197422
## 634   2.008624500
## 635   2.004670106
## 636   1.991196288
## 637   1.983111364
## 638   1.982577214
## 639   1.966944354
## 640   1.961724148
## 641   1.958960800
## 642   1.956088013
## 643   1.952401058
## 644   1.948256255
## 645   1.940539393
## 646   1.923091216
## 647   1.919577901
## 648   1.913018235
## 649   1.907886432
## 650   1.906399234
## 651   1.899723515
## 652   1.885684905
## 653   1.862710136
## 654   1.859880682
## 655   1.849997382
## 656   1.839483357
## 657   1.823559884
## 658   1.813311275
## 659   1.798961455
## 660   1.795294673
## 661   1.790413231
## 662   1.788133519
## 663   1.784090598
## 664   1.783866438
## 665   1.767557566
## 666   1.743006873
## 667   1.739226784
## 668   1.706150551
## 669   1.705959994
## 670   1.700362434
## 671   1.699732923
## 672   1.699467000
## 673   1.697523860
## 674   1.690301100
## 675   1.672928257
## 676   1.667185672
## 677   1.642102676
## 678   1.637849466
## 679   1.631717037
## 680   1.630935860
## 681   1.623867319
## 682   1.612171812
## 683   1.601558668
## 684   1.601507599
## 685   1.599799242
## 686   1.592138087
## 687   1.576975159
## 688   1.572678822
## 689   1.555736885
## 690   1.552382253
## 691   1.548710422
## 692   1.529945818
## 693   1.527687480
## 694   1.526369970
## 695   1.524867698
## 696   1.515119687
## 697   1.513801163
## 698   1.505155729
## 699   1.499400566
## 700   1.487881191
## 701   1.486941559
## 702   1.464402200
## 703   1.451962237
## 704   1.447525443
## 705   1.438375598
## 706   1.438110077
## 707   1.434833604
## 708   1.433713896
## 709   1.433383350
## 710   1.430886660
## 711   1.425527836
## 712   1.417903031
## 713   1.395066980
## 714   1.391271095
## 715   1.389667821
## 716   1.389230215
## 717   1.388719907
## 718   1.379709779
## 719   1.376863088
## 720   1.372841350
## 721   1.369723894
## 722   1.365389494
## 723   1.359253461
## 724   1.358430054
## 725   1.354767372
## 726   1.335731749
## 727   1.318610882
## 728   1.317615459
## 729   1.315902045
## 730   1.312672725
## 731   1.312112557
## 732   1.298829653
## 733   1.294155788
## 734   1.292370985
## 735   1.288288088
## 736   1.276261842
## 737   1.271377891
## 738   1.248914969
## 739   1.244054936
## 740   1.242978164
## 741   1.231784690
## 742   1.218216566
## 743   1.208926617
## 744   1.208097721
## 745   1.204750874
## 746   1.195605344
## 747   1.188020215
## 748   1.187429054
## 749   1.186546458
## 750   1.178274562
## 751   1.177971212
## 752   1.175374736
## 753   1.174658514
## 754   1.170795455
## 755   1.165561514
## 756   1.161365776
## 757   1.154352861
## 758   1.150324357
## 759   1.148827493
## 760   1.137970903
## 761   1.137749889
## 762   1.135083635
## 763   1.130386391
## 764   1.126732854
## 765   1.121904956
## 766   1.120155836
## 767   1.116144942
## 768   1.097706231
## 769   1.073919780
## 770   1.072077721
## 771   1.071244590
## 772   1.067554518
## 773   1.061294443
## 774   1.059240330
## 775   1.034637590
## 776   1.030484542
## 777   1.027668218
## 778   1.018787628
## 779   1.007775046
## 780   0.998011690
## 781   0.996705740
## 782   0.980527920
## 783   0.978666645
## 784   0.974001605
## 785   0.973556683
## 786   0.973330240
## 787   0.971577066
## 788   0.964862602
## 789   0.964424663
## 790   0.962081007
## 791   0.958278696
## 792   0.943140037
## 793   0.939601299
## 794   0.935426247
## 795   0.927895421
## 796   0.922995153
## 797   0.919557851
## 798   0.918357904
## 799   0.917197472
## 800   0.908000202
## 801   0.882050713
## 802   0.879316330
## 803   0.879190407
## 804   0.878648648
## 805   0.870297612
## 806   0.865711713
## 807   0.859077815
## 808   0.858986213
## 809   0.856702522
## 810   0.856152663
## 811   0.848024818
## 812   0.846171856
## 813   0.845860675
## 814   0.843982669
## 815   0.834809182
## 816   0.834214440
## 817   0.829053934
## 818   0.828820996
## 819   0.822091960
## 820   0.821154900
## 821   0.819932511
## 822   0.814437200
## 823   0.800754048
## 824   0.793168701
## 825   0.782670542
## 826   0.775679927
## 827   0.773866643
## 828   0.773742292
## 829   0.766955433
## 830   0.753680679
## 831   0.745295902
## 832   0.743793796
## 833   0.741442538
## 834   0.730314545
## 835   0.710233176
## 836   0.709474226
## 837   0.694537086
## 838   0.693257053
## 839   0.688310966
## 840   0.688045968
## 841   0.670119459
## 842   0.668817376
## 843   0.667834305
## 844   0.661658919
## 845   0.660381308
## 846   0.651860553
## 847   0.646756564
## 848   0.643680247
## 849   0.639595099
## 850   0.637826249
## 851   0.636065874
## 852   0.628397318
## 853   0.623877777
## 854   0.622112155
## 855   0.612760802
## 856   0.608172578
## 857   0.595749883
## 858   0.581480491
## 859   0.581170427
## 860   0.575767921
## 861   0.573673984
## 862   0.562327798
## 863   0.558859261
## 864   0.551542456
## 865   0.550079783
## 866   0.549742382
## 867   0.530210226
## 868   0.522581906
## 869   0.521716062
## 870   0.513735350
## 871   0.503644950
## 872   0.493098529
## 873   0.480544061
## 874   0.477133282
## 875   0.476331303
## 876   0.471419614
## 877   0.470063018
## 878   0.468482592
## 879   0.465739232
## 880   0.459489529
## 881   0.455735792
## 882   0.446221297
## 883   0.445136901
## 884   0.425507392
## 885   0.424749674
## 886   0.418553128
## 887   0.400312676
## 888   0.399245429
## 889   0.398018177
## 890   0.390357334
## 891   0.387870575
## 892   0.381794627
## 893   0.373964983
## 894   0.371409289
## 895   0.367675177
## 896   0.355384783
## 897   0.351228456
## 898   0.348527993
## 899   0.327358478
## 900   0.318431061
## 901   0.318419133
## 902   0.313819779
## 903   0.303813803
## 904   0.303295471
## 905   0.303139899
## 906   0.296011770
## 907   0.289814448
## 908   0.285089290
## 909   0.280544544
## 910   0.278202154
## 911   0.268218469
## 912   0.263690122
## 913   0.256155342
## 914   0.251136095
## 915   0.247047576
## 916   0.241970586
## 917   0.241027969
## 918   0.236783044
## 919   0.227646771
## 920   0.226534957
## 921   0.225017178
## 922   0.218944005
## 923   0.199942614
## 924   0.198344932
## 925   0.195455588
## 926   0.194968607
## 927   0.190681388
## 928   0.184029333
## 929   0.181048872
## 930   0.176175502
## 931   0.174425778
## 932   0.174298477
## 933   0.169518821
## 934   0.159639021
## 935   0.153786570
## 936   0.153553307
## 937   0.150714835
## 938   0.142231864
## 939   0.132214427
## 940   0.132198039
## 941   0.124146598
## 942   0.103914687
## 943   0.099461617
## 944   0.093317024
## 945   0.080651315
## 946   0.080291990
## 947   0.079524982
## 948   0.075050301
## 949   0.071523305
## 950   0.071271213
## 951   0.049790117
## 952   0.047101203
## 953   0.046386721
## 954   0.042911739
## 955   0.031618438
## 956   0.024726415
## 957   0.024152903
## 958   0.023603927
## 959   0.021535223
## 960   0.013513614
## 961   0.010780646
## 962   0.006058141
## 963   0.005278860
## 964   0.004966345
## 965   0.003213846
## 966  -0.003853843
## 967  -0.007727074
## 968  -0.021141483
## 969  -0.024882847
## 970  -0.045024457
## 971  -0.052754708
## 972  -0.057569064
## 973  -0.059977942
## 974  -0.060298541
## 975  -0.072960183
## 976  -0.073658559
## 977  -0.077523361
## 978  -0.086344205
## 979  -0.089848137
## 980  -0.095259897
## 981  -0.096141550
## 982  -0.097076370
## 983  -0.100136663
## 984  -0.100317966
## 985  -0.100691079
## 986  -0.108157754
## 987  -0.117839342
## 988  -0.133600783
## 989  -0.160641205
## 990  -0.172667854
## 991  -0.173078414
## 992  -0.175306073
## 993  -0.176102580
## 994  -0.178308476
## 995  -0.180000637
## 996  -0.184460017
## 997  -0.185405185
## 998  -0.185456226
## 999  -0.200780380
## 1000 -0.201696256
## 1001 -0.209018972
## 1002 -0.209812971
## 1003 -0.219496855
## 1004 -0.226393522
## 1005 -0.233621432
## 1006 -0.244578847
## 1007 -0.249546406
## 1008 -0.260337724
## 1009 -0.263239731
## 1010 -0.268534720
## 1011 -0.275517501
## 1012 -0.276355796
## 1013 -0.276398787
## 1014 -0.276408766
## 1015 -0.280878772
## 1016 -0.282054253
## 1017 -0.282263432
## 1018 -0.286596107
## 1019 -0.287024072
## 1020 -0.295826414
## 1021 -0.300166300
## 1022 -0.300712150
## 1023 -0.302587973
## 1024 -0.309962600
## 1025 -0.310835194
## 1026 -0.316946610
## 1027 -0.321982681
## 1028 -0.326127035
## 1029 -0.329213571
## 1030 -0.333177207
## 1031 -0.342300692
## 1032 -0.347756018
## 1033 -0.349240951
## 1034 -0.352018385
## 1035 -0.357850791
## 1036 -0.365057126
## 1037 -0.376623923
## 1038 -0.377734013
## 1039 -0.378177756
## 1040 -0.383853897
## 1041 -0.391996638
## 1042 -0.395274002
## 1043 -0.409042481
## 1044 -0.410513088
## 1045 -0.416114005
## 1046 -0.438645520
## 1047 -0.443791893
## 1048 -0.450195109
## 1049 -0.451345306
## 1050 -0.460097118
## 1051 -0.461488773
## 1052 -0.462282744
## 1053 -0.470505061
## 1054 -0.471046032
## 1055 -0.473739647
## 1056 -0.482260701
## 1057 -0.484393891
## 1058 -0.487318379
## 1059 -0.490802334
## 1060 -0.491113037
## 1061 -0.493093433
## 1062 -0.493650904
## 1063 -0.501853059
## 1064 -0.509029042
## 1065 -0.512811960
## 1066 -0.515290642
## 1067 -0.543118271
## 1068 -0.543137849
## 1069 -0.544930699
## 1070 -0.544941519
## 1071 -0.554782226
## 1072 -0.560441666
## 1073 -0.561041880
## 1074 -0.564747089
## 1075 -0.574606084
## 1076 -0.579723874
## 1077 -0.584477014
## 1078 -0.584990010
## 1079 -0.603270972
## 1080 -0.604039285
## 1081 -0.605851534
## 1082 -0.606179260
## 1083 -0.615687943
## 1084 -0.616259144
## 1085 -0.619706207
## 1086 -0.629988615
## 1087 -0.633938796
## 1088 -0.636564934
## 1089 -0.638181433
## 1090 -0.643123217
## 1091 -0.644545014
## 1092 -0.647997775
## 1093 -0.651700442
## 1094 -0.656097903
## 1095 -0.659113164
## 1096 -0.665670000
## 1097 -0.666434466
## 1098 -0.671760644
## 1099 -0.674482740
## 1100 -0.680045819
## 1101 -0.688692048
## 1102 -0.689077383
## 1103 -0.690666915
## 1104 -0.699589039
## 1105 -0.709914674
## 1106 -0.710589039
## 1107 -0.716277426
## 1108 -0.725551673
## 1109 -0.727659404
## 1110 -0.728337786
## 1111 -0.740499016
## 1112 -0.749999952
## 1113 -0.754392076
## 1114 -0.758423387
## 1115 -0.760026818
## 1116 -0.763217684
## 1117 -0.763494270
## 1118 -0.770619932
## 1119 -0.773243835
## 1120 -0.777721924
## 1121 -0.780758442
## 1122 -0.784831206
## 1123 -0.789159906
## 1124 -0.796431298
## 1125 -0.800084140
## 1126 -0.801951614
## 1127 -0.802544545
## 1128 -0.807460507
## 1129 -0.818217315
## 1130 -0.827666737
## 1131 -0.830766276
## 1132 -0.831225873
## 1133 -0.832485294
## 1134 -0.832496256
## 1135 -0.838709557
## 1136 -0.839942251
## 1137 -0.846609845
## 1138 -0.852169758
## 1139 -0.855736265
## 1140 -0.858870677
## 1141 -0.862694928
## 1142 -0.867075383
## 1143 -0.870112978
## 1144 -0.873042630
## 1145 -0.886352903
## 1146 -0.888833391
## 1147 -0.896194828
## 1148 -0.897232019
## 1149 -0.901649345
## 1150 -0.904260693
## 1151 -0.907906475
## 1152 -0.911520618
## 1153 -0.911721838
## 1154 -0.914801950
## 1155 -0.917530993
## 1156 -0.918787942
## 1157 -0.919718503
## 1158 -0.924549283
## 1159 -0.926927971
## 1160 -0.932755401
## 1161 -0.935060413
## 1162 -0.937904036
## 1163 -0.940821667
## 1164 -0.954770567
## 1165 -0.958403514
## 1166 -0.973594116
## 1167 -0.977959415
## 1168 -0.978707483
## 1169 -0.979248245
## 1170 -0.987750359
## 1171 -1.000994915
## 1172 -1.003130642
## 1173 -1.003506901
## 1174 -1.006725218
## 1175 -1.009320191
## 1176 -1.013570514
## 1177 -1.014476752
## 1178 -1.015261859
## 1179 -1.017705638
## 1180 -1.018433807
## 1181 -1.022044416
## 1182 -1.034131191
## 1183 -1.041236139
## 1184 -1.043684503
## 1185 -1.044507807
## 1186 -1.044651052
## 1187 -1.045400443
## 1188 -1.051988318
## 1189 -1.055425561
## 1190 -1.061057760
## 1191 -1.063428449
## 1192 -1.068012223
## 1193 -1.073896344
## 1194 -1.077452623
## 1195 -1.077490400
## 1196 -1.078195787
## 1197 -1.079998201
## 1198 -1.080063644
## 1199 -1.081506098
## 1200 -1.084292784
## 1201 -1.085204803
## 1202 -1.086788177
## 1203 -1.088127355
## 1204 -1.089551419
## 1205 -1.093221538
## 1206 -1.100679091
## 1207 -1.102648342
## 1208 -1.102842512
## 1209 -1.105049822
## 1210 -1.112862264
## 1211 -1.118285951
## 1212 -1.118829505
## 1213 -1.128427602
## 1214 -1.128449796
## 1215 -1.135389191
## 1216 -1.138752328
## 1217 -1.139669764
## 1218 -1.161126728
## 1219 -1.161795737
## 1220 -1.162484663
## 1221 -1.163506095
## 1222 -1.172818891
## 1223 -1.175029992
## 1224 -1.175594112
## 1225 -1.176204525
## 1226 -1.176466895
## 1227 -1.182851457
## 1228 -1.185719210
## 1229 -1.186951952
## 1230 -1.191679410
## 1231 -1.195629797
## 1232 -1.197447443
## 1233 -1.199704326
## 1234 -1.203591979
## 1235 -1.206364002
## 1236 -1.209661409
## 1237 -1.215432910
## 1238 -1.216239284
## 1239 -1.219923692
## 1240 -1.225162933
## 1241 -1.227134901
## 1242 -1.227754781
## 1243 -1.231435190
## 1244 -1.231463851
## 1245 -1.238796731
## 1246 -1.241497136
## 1247 -1.252296832
## 1248 -1.252312323
## 1249 -1.254239675
## 1250 -1.256132625
## 1251 -1.260017113
## 1252 -1.260913598
## 1253 -1.261585905
## 1254 -1.261632988
## 1255 -1.261907446
## 1256 -1.262030776
## 1257 -1.262892076
## 1258 -1.264156422
## 1259 -1.268775212
## 1260 -1.271814176
## 1261 -1.275667998
## 1262 -1.275985166
## 1263 -1.280427473
## 1264 -1.280594877
## 1265 -1.280601257
## 1266 -1.283243109
## 1267 -1.284985786
## 1268 -1.295170832
## 1269 -1.295614462
## 1270 -1.296548252
## 1271 -1.303818702
## 1272 -1.305578838
## 1273 -1.308173046
## 1274 -1.309419341
## 1275 -1.309466137
## 1276 -1.311539790
## 1277 -1.315354687
## 1278 -1.318434964
## 1279 -1.318571712
## 1280 -1.326534704
## 1281 -1.332889132
## 1282 -1.342536011
## 1283 -1.343278348
## 1284 -1.346080858
## 1285 -1.347109319
## 1286 -1.350468259
## 1287 -1.357037405
## 1288 -1.366588079
## 1289 -1.366824403
## 1290 -1.370955779
## 1291 -1.379029447
## 1292 -1.379330998
## 1293 -1.380180000
## 1294 -1.382658856
## 1295 -1.383601535
## 1296 -1.383780524
## 1297 -1.384342446
## 1298 -1.386456508
## 1299 -1.389404103
## 1300 -1.397102755
## 1301 -1.403108389
## 1302 -1.403473401
## 1303 -1.410620470
## 1304 -1.414374080
## 1305 -1.416673057
## 1306 -1.418830995
## 1307 -1.419409479
## 1308 -1.420182100
## 1309 -1.425832662
## 1310 -1.432114257
## 1311 -1.432302314
## 1312 -1.432948230
## 1313 -1.434898011
## 1314 -1.446301132
## 1315 -1.446736678
## 1316 -1.447041012
## 1317 -1.448813627
## 1318 -1.451570750
## 1319 -1.453607915
## 1320 -1.456775328
## 1321 -1.463018333
## 1322 -1.464713500
## 1323 -1.473822264
## 1324 -1.475433123
## 1325 -1.478602143
## 1326 -1.479713660
## 1327 -1.484236466
## 1328 -1.500735397
## 1329 -1.500911355
## 1330 -1.500992611
## 1331 -1.502671938
## 1332 -1.509759483
## 1333 -1.510656971
## 1334 -1.512360123
## 1335 -1.515577387
## 1336 -1.519262907
## 1337 -1.526826768
## 1338 -1.533692400
## 1339 -1.534012140
## 1340 -1.536868232
## 1341 -1.538494988
## 1342 -1.545579922
## 1343 -1.548176739
## 1344 -1.551973998
## 1345 -1.553710684
## 1346 -1.556582281
## 1347 -1.557926678
## 1348 -1.559514187
## 1349 -1.561936295
## 1350 -1.566723602
## 1351 -1.569454202
## 1352 -1.570682732
## 1353 -1.571189288
## 1354 -1.571573615
## 1355 -1.572894779
## 1356 -1.584974957
## 1357 -1.585773612
## 1358 -1.589317723
## 1359 -1.590417539
## 1360 -1.611160017
## 1361 -1.614222654
## 1362 -1.615484299
## 1363 -1.617138064
## 1364 -1.617415959
## 1365 -1.627244157
## 1366 -1.634280183
## 1367 -1.635984433
## 1368 -1.636576299
## 1369 -1.639637260
## 1370 -1.640296417
## 1371 -1.651377807
## 1372 -1.654300365
## 1373 -1.657135531
## 1374 -1.665806468
## 1375 -1.672197023
## 1376 -1.675076495
## 1377 -1.679597874
## 1378 -1.683336894
## 1379 -1.684582837
## 1380 -1.685182560
## 1381 -1.685629780
## 1382 -1.688086202
## 1383 -1.688516041
## 1384 -1.688663323
## 1385 -1.690076365
## 1386 -1.690830612
## 1387 -1.692046493
## 1388 -1.693002368
## 1389 -1.698912700
## 1390 -1.699707703
## 1391 -1.701505125
## 1392 -1.702298640
## 1393 -1.702377154
## 1394 -1.704679517
## 1395 -1.705410396
## 1396 -1.706455137
## 1397 -1.722679596
## 1398 -1.723752964
## 1399 -1.723948772
## 1400 -1.724487425
## 1401 -1.727921013
## 1402 -1.729556034
## 1403 -1.729951753
## 1404 -1.732355138
## 1405 -1.735722014
## 1406 -1.738544197
## 1407 -1.746677779
## 1408 -1.746939297
## 1409 -1.749107921
## 1410 -1.755013810
## 1411 -1.757322896
## 1412 -1.757725000
## 1413 -1.762150433
## 1414 -1.764824492
## 1415 -1.766270648
## 1416 -1.767605186
## 1417 -1.768312757
## 1418 -1.769384754
## 1419 -1.770454503
## 1420 -1.777783876
## 1421 -1.778784739
## 1422 -1.798201118
## 1423 -1.798347660
## 1424 -1.800513737
## 1425 -1.800731282
## 1426 -1.801725144
## 1427 -1.809265150
## 1428 -1.810699050
## 1429 -1.810729513
## 1430 -1.818495798
## 1431 -1.818767487
## 1432 -1.825567701
## 1433 -1.827755774
## 1434 -1.831829287
## 1435 -1.833779184
## 1436 -1.839254252
## 1437 -1.842609040
## 1438 -1.846452790
## 1439 -1.847745171
## 1440 -1.850313931
## 1441 -1.852161046
## 1442 -1.858378110
## 1443 -1.859971848
## 1444 -1.862382899
## 1445 -1.863284098
## 1446 -1.869137656
## 1447 -1.870170186
## 1448 -1.870253269
## 1449 -1.871079251
## 1450 -1.871132826
## 1451 -1.873367641
## 1452 -1.874116492
## 1453 -1.876608573
## 1454 -1.879532443
## 1455 -1.881950964
## 1456 -1.882519632
## 1457 -1.883058861
## 1458 -1.887102076
## 1459 -1.887679044
## 1460 -1.896028140
## 1461 -1.900003668
## 1462 -1.905908957
## 1463 -1.907787044
## 1464 -1.908120340
## 1465 -1.913856444
## 1466 -1.916527567
## 1467 -1.923297865
## 1468 -1.923396762
## 1469 -1.925205122
## 1470 -1.925887669
## 1471 -1.936938743
## 1472 -1.939006931
## 1473 -1.941411824
## 1474 -1.943091595
## 1475 -1.946096199
## 1476 -1.949904128
## 1477 -1.950543422
## 1478 -1.950581405
## 1479 -1.953826746
## 1480 -1.956309111
## 1481 -1.969858905
## 1482 -1.970140765
## 1483 -1.971291793
## 1484 -1.973126915
## 1485 -1.975948546
## 1486 -1.982594100
## 1487 -1.984267410
## 1488 -1.991122074
## 1489 -1.993661422
## 1490 -1.994126089
## 1491 -1.996368348
## 1492 -1.997355852
## 1493 -2.004064826
## 1494 -2.004533843
## 1495 -2.004711039
## 1496 -2.005340016
## 1497 -2.005590834
## 1498 -2.019963771
## 1499 -2.020875891
## 1500 -2.021070696
## 1501 -2.023594060
## 1502 -2.026460456
## 1503 -2.027495469
## 1504 -2.028769812
## 1505 -2.034363793
## 1506 -2.036736303
## 1507 -2.040466752
## 1508 -2.049174724
## 1509 -2.053469127
## 1510 -2.054351529
## 1511 -2.055133384
## 1512 -2.057180623
## 1513 -2.062846457
## 1514 -2.063106817
## 1515 -2.063491871
## 1516 -2.063755504
## 1517 -2.067812015
## 1518 -2.068904416
## 1519 -2.071081576
## 1520 -2.071371228
## 1521 -2.071861492
## 1522 -2.072606734
## 1523 -2.082805607
## 1524 -2.083010367
## 1525 -2.085272421
## 1526 -2.091243045
## 1527 -2.093117115
## 1528 -2.097288525
## 1529 -2.099712355
## 1530 -2.103639898
## 1531 -2.104961486
## 1532 -2.105993239
## 1533 -2.109310771
## 1534 -2.112605776
## 1535 -2.113480579
## 1536 -2.116516601
## 1537 -2.119228785
## 1538 -2.119938383
## 1539 -2.122508309
## 1540 -2.123489507
## 1541 -2.125646149
## 1542 -2.126202175
## 1543 -2.127642056
## 1544 -2.128419017
## 1545 -2.128622455
## 1546 -2.139961503
## 1547 -2.142926649
## 1548 -2.143267019
## 1549 -2.147230810
## 1550 -2.148491064
## 1551 -2.149184837
## 1552 -2.150665114
## 1553 -2.151090740
## 1554 -2.153595786
## 1555 -2.156105361
## 1556 -2.172283469
## 1557 -2.172574723
## 1558 -2.176210173
## 1559 -2.176256506
## 1560 -2.179008997
## 1561 -2.179440496
## 1562 -2.179727468
## 1563 -2.181955427
## 1564 -2.182939259
## 1565 -2.183236607
## 1566 -2.185461689
## 1567 -2.185483811
## 1568 -2.185940619
## 1569 -2.188456695
## 1570 -2.194037306
## 1571 -2.196505206
## 1572 -2.200728631
## 1573 -2.201100719
## 1574 -2.201895494
## 1575 -2.203701402
## 1576 -2.213399251
## 1577 -2.215565617
## 1578 -2.218179414
## 1579 -2.221611219
## 1580 -2.223579465
## 1581 -2.224540309
## 1582 -2.231923677
## 1583 -2.236327222
## 1584 -2.238394259
## 1585 -2.238946248
## 1586 -2.245474160
## 1587 -2.246181115
## 1588 -2.250075322
## 1589 -2.252937136
## 1590 -2.254194297
## 1591 -2.256777851
## 1592 -2.262647816
## 1593 -2.265161958
## 1594 -2.274235064
## 1595 -2.275802507
## 1596 -2.276093270
## 1597 -2.278251194
## 1598 -2.279892162
## 1599 -2.280516432
## 1600 -2.281999983
## 1601 -2.282746724
## 1602 -2.284428775
## 1603 -2.286496384
## 1604 -2.287424175
## 1605 -2.287965278
## 1606 -2.288307752
## 1607 -2.289252851
## 1608 -2.290133517
## 1609 -2.292157017
## 1610 -2.292537266
## 1611 -2.293564458
## 1612 -2.295989643
## 1613 -2.296224964
## 1614 -2.297883570
## 1615 -2.298189262
## 1616 -2.298396170
## 1617 -2.303031054
## 1618 -2.306054398
## 1619 -2.308371113
## 1620 -2.312981872
## 1621 -2.313332794
## 1622 -2.316937961
## 1623 -2.320581049
## 1624 -2.324220512
## 1625 -2.325275511
## 1626 -2.325664500
## 1627 -2.327024735
## 1628 -2.328390613
## 1629 -2.331722969
## 1630 -2.334923401
## 1631 -2.342806509
## 1632 -2.345378636
## 1633 -2.345894844
## 1634 -2.346761007
## 1635 -2.350562621
## 1636 -2.350656947
## 1637 -2.351057439
## 1638 -2.351693155
## 1639 -2.355173214
## 1640 -2.363805788
## 1641 -2.364333622
## 1642 -2.369205818
## 1643 -2.369490539
## 1644 -2.370183130
## 1645 -2.372899307
## 1646 -2.373031372
## 1647 -2.377715331
## 1648 -2.379337930
## 1649 -2.385193657
## 1650 -2.390963163
## 1651 -2.391848404
## 1652 -2.392226237
## 1653 -2.392639779
## 1654 -2.395188118
## 1655 -2.396472974
## 1656 -2.397634877
## 1657 -2.398744999
## 1658 -2.398905609
## 1659 -2.401638426
## 1660 -2.401815360
## 1661 -2.404360625
## 1662 -2.405184914
## 1663 -2.406452922
## 1664 -2.409546554
## 1665 -2.409723562
## 1666 -2.413753495
## 1667 -2.419970073
## 1668 -2.421515213
## 1669 -2.421783335
## 1670 -2.424265629
## 1671 -2.434079859
## 1672 -2.435442769
## 1673 -2.438587004
## 1674 -2.444950491
## 1675 -2.445971226
## 1676 -2.450429975
## 1677 -2.452874757
## 1678 -2.454261639
## 1679 -2.455338135
## 1680 -2.455377992
## 1681 -2.456199450
## 1682 -2.457280520
## 1683 -2.457596868
## 1684 -2.460872136
## 1685 -2.463741171
## 1686 -2.465555181
## 1687 -2.466634451
## 1688 -2.470008188
## 1689 -2.471875149
## 1690 -2.472767511
## 1691 -2.481137378
## 1692 -2.481826014
## 1693 -2.481976619
## 1694 -2.483123711
## 1695 -2.490187383
## 1696 -2.490517053
## 1697 -2.491310992
## 1698 -2.493410369
## 1699 -2.498820852
## 1700 -2.501899731
## 1701 -2.503532750
## 1702 -2.506825497
## 1703 -2.508377790
## 1704 -2.509495819
## 1705 -2.514016503
## 1706 -2.514549878
## 1707 -2.523883009
## 1708 -2.526300316
## 1709 -2.527506910
## 1710 -2.527619530
## 1711 -2.531134706
## 1712 -2.538088822
## 1713 -2.538754233
## 1714 -2.539287812
## 1715 -2.539557201
## 1716 -2.550899731
## 1717 -2.551083189
## 1718 -2.551176956
## 1719 -2.554215943
## 1720 -2.556025770
## 1721 -2.559226902
## 1722 -2.560949356
## 1723 -2.561639681
## 1724 -2.564423569
## 1725 -2.566676909
## 1726 -2.568237663
## 1727 -2.570475045
## 1728 -2.571848330
## 1729 -2.571982361
## 1730 -2.572459887
## 1731 -2.572811062
## 1732 -2.573824155
## 1733 -2.575739753
## 1734 -2.575937934
## 1735 -2.576045699
## 1736 -2.578670042
## 1737 -2.578790493
## 1738 -2.579885571
## 1739 -2.580632553
## 1740 -2.582817070
## 1741 -2.583565417
## 1742 -2.584660086
## 1743 -2.585299439
## 1744 -2.586567463
## 1745 -2.587507703
## 1746 -2.587860715
## 1747 -2.590642205
## 1748 -2.591771836
## 1749 -2.593783797
## 1750 -2.594023526
## 1751 -2.594373270
## 1752 -2.595375103
## 1753 -2.595662481
## 1754 -2.599539004
## 1755 -2.601756015
## 1756 -2.602118928
## 1757 -2.605964066
## 1758 -2.608638870
## 1759 -2.609993931
## 1760 -2.614242219
## 1761 -2.616522559
## 1762 -2.616895903
## 1763 -2.618060441
## 1764 -2.619486473
## 1765 -2.621058981
## 1766 -2.625490353
## 1767 -2.627173209
## 1768 -2.628163146
## 1769 -2.632487352
## 1770 -2.633355361
## 1771 -2.645038890
## 1772 -2.645972559
## 1773 -2.646544352
## 1774 -2.647052534
## 1775 -2.647560489
## 1776 -2.649151426
## 1777 -2.651396315
## 1778 -2.651608082
## 1779 -2.656156293
## 1780 -2.658362931
## 1781 -2.663913320
## 1782 -2.664544675
## 1783 -2.669088633
## 1784 -2.669457040
## 1785 -2.671812084
## 1786 -2.677603942
## 1787 -2.682776592
## 1788 -2.696790562
## 1789 -2.697181241
## 1790 -2.699070948
## 1791 -2.701825172
## 1792 -2.704750570
## 1793 -2.704874115
## 1794 -2.705343162
## 1795 -2.705875177
## 1796 -2.706452736
## 1797 -2.706769969
## 1798 -2.708544176
## 1799 -2.708708303
## 1800 -2.711535582
## 1801 -2.712307668
## 1802 -2.712494758
## 1803 -2.715678585
## 1804 -2.716098084
## 1805 -2.716972155
## 1806 -2.717469900
## 1807 -2.717775510
## 1808 -2.719715039
## 1809 -2.720466601
## 1810 -2.721701171
## 1811 -2.722814642
## 1812 -2.722949009
## 1813 -2.724712840
## 1814 -2.725209981
## 1815 -2.725384621
## 1816 -2.738258829
## 1817 -2.739292107
## 1818 -2.739555723
## 1819 -2.739597991
## 1820 -2.743273860
## 1821 -2.743551320
## 1822 -2.743884446
## 1823 -2.744419766
## 1824 -2.745456680
## 1825 -2.748810149
## 1826 -2.749628803
## 1827 -2.750541700
## 1828 -2.752065742
## 1829 -2.753206935
## 1830 -2.755052024
## 1831 -2.762701884
## 1832 -2.764328878
## 1833 -2.765107740
## 1834 -2.767749053
## 1835 -2.768038718
## 1836 -2.768809586
## 1837 -2.773712599
## 1838 -2.773879120
## 1839 -2.777661971
## 1840 -2.779164765
## 1841 -2.781243516
## 1842 -2.785826762
## 1843 -2.786187169
## 1844 -2.786422720
## 1845 -2.787948537
## 1846 -2.788816210
## 1847 -2.795560192
## 1848 -2.797777320
## 1849 -2.798487997
## 1850 -2.801197618
## 1851 -2.803187967
## 1852 -2.806625432
## 1853 -2.809683427
## 1854 -2.810835492
## 1855 -2.811115610
## 1856 -2.811810021
## 1857 -2.812588363
## 1858 -2.813639334
## 1859 -2.815742371
## 1860 -2.817886552
## 1861 -2.820833759
## 1862 -2.824447092
## 1863 -2.824927626
## 1864 -2.825038018
## 1865 -2.826303289
## 1866 -2.826800614
## 1867 -2.827687355
## 1868 -2.828513445
## 1869 -2.830388732
## 1870 -2.835933420
## 1871 -2.840859114
## 1872 -2.842177924
## 1873 -2.845800653
## 1874 -2.846121180
## 1875 -2.848959957
## 1876 -2.852962420
## 1877 -2.854516391
## 1878 -2.860534534
## 1879 -2.861302176
## 1880 -2.864177106
## 1881 -2.870354562
## 1882 -2.872321464
## 1883 -2.872388524
## 1884 -2.872558776
## 1885 -2.873837626
## 1886 -2.875404158
## 1887 -2.876284139
## 1888 -2.877479524
## 1889 -2.877820236
## 1890 -2.877821603
## 1891 -2.880695380
## 1892 -2.882398683
## 1893 -2.883401361
## 1894 -2.883681246
## 1895 -2.888638928
## 1896 -2.889958378
## 1897 -2.890745022
## 1898 -2.891191274
## 1899 -2.891555498
## 1900 -2.892182628
## 1901 -2.892347302
## 1902 -2.893971106
## 1903 -2.896061716
## 1904 -2.896622946
## 1905 -2.896660028
## 1906 -2.897779794
## 1907 -2.898021168
## 1908 -2.904962566
## 1909 -2.909345990
## 1910 -2.909829514
## 1911 -2.912912669
## 1912 -2.912995765
## 1913 -2.914318706
## 1914 -2.914651131
## 1915 -2.915250119
## 1916 -2.915490248
## 1917 -2.919135278
## 1918 -2.919177705
## 1919 -2.920650106
## 1920 -2.923402771
## 1921 -2.924331313
## 1922 -2.926631950
## 1923 -2.926913567
## 1924 -2.931483941
## 1925 -2.934018477
## 1926 -2.936329498
## 1927 -2.950413292
## 1928 -2.953271074
## 1929 -2.954520147
## 1930 -2.954520581
## 1931 -2.957514958
## 1932 -2.958486556
## 1933 -2.959454779
## 1934 -2.963112681
## 1935 -2.963944234
## 1936 -2.965061541
## 1937 -2.965316228
## 1938 -2.969603592
## 1939 -2.970324681
## 1940 -2.972591003
## 1941 -2.975581534
## 1942 -2.975682927
## 1943 -2.979910555
## 1944 -2.980672601
## 1945 -2.982706800
## 1946 -2.987109757
## 1947 -2.988697354
## 1948 -2.990724534
## 1949 -2.991794694
## 1950 -2.991802950
## 1951 -2.993357640
## 1952 -2.998675648
## 1953 -3.000603210
## 1954 -3.002601576
## 1955 -3.002643001
## 1956 -3.005011579
## 1957 -3.006743387
## 1958 -3.008317319
## 1959 -3.008362082
## 1960 -3.008570217
## 1961 -3.016789316
## 1962 -3.019145259
## 1963 -3.021266463
## 1964 -3.023098073
## 1965 -3.024114587
## 1966 -3.026110453
## 1967 -3.026729251
## 1968 -3.027776330
## 1969 -3.039825536
## 1970 -3.045501000
## 1971 -3.045572835
## 1972 -3.050338608
## 1973 -3.055015390
## 1974 -3.057581100
## 1975 -3.060458087
## 1976 -3.064019154
## 1977 -3.064613240
## 1978 -3.065747145
## 1979 -3.069701870
## 1980 -3.071055273
## 1981 -3.073305388
## 1982 -3.073478268
## 1983 -3.073654464
## 1984 -3.074148887
## 1985 -3.082045529
## 1986 -3.083805854
## 1987 -3.085395611
## 1988 -3.085863081
## 1989 -3.087495666
## 1990 -3.089628778
## 1991 -3.090436627
## 1992 -3.093299720
## 1993 -3.098535036
## 1994 -3.101692724
## 1995 -3.103042891
## 1996 -3.104154935
## 1997 -3.105812513
## 1998 -3.110519976
## 1999 -3.110572686
## 2000 -3.110980359
## 2001 -3.112408971
## 2002 -3.114645399
## 2003 -3.114902660
## 2004 -3.116608703
## 2005 -3.117738504
## 2006 -3.118964600
## 2007 -3.121355870
## 2008 -3.125261989
## 2009 -3.127897761
## 2010 -3.128180750
## 2011 -3.130853010
## 2012 -3.131561188
## 2013 -3.131977155
## 2014 -3.132489738
## 2015 -3.132536035
## 2016 -3.133407984
## 2017 -3.138201793
## 2018 -3.139229919
## 2019 -3.140419047
## 2020 -3.142401648
## 2021 -3.143520104
## 2022 -3.143822021
## 2023 -3.148361171
## 2024 -3.148383020
## 2025 -3.149644261
## 2026 -3.152786792
## 2027 -3.155584338
## 2028 -3.155883249
## 2029 -3.157281828
## 2030 -3.158442887
## 2031 -3.159333331
## 2032 -3.160499823
## 2033 -3.160981999
## 2034 -3.163821778
## 2035 -3.169661662
## 2036 -3.169936271
## 2037 -3.170123160
## 2038 -3.170433238
## 2039 -3.173590362
##     Category         ID
## 1         BP GO:0007507
## 2         BP GO:0001944
## 3         BP GO:0001568
## 4         BP GO:0048729
## 5         BP GO:0048514
## 6         BP GO:0051336
## 7         BP GO:0042325
## 8         BP GO:0016310
## 9         BP GO:0006468
## 10        BP GO:0006163
## 11        BP GO:0006793
## 12        BP GO:0006796
## 13        BP GO:0046578
## 14        BP GO:0048738
## 15        BP GO:0019220
## 16        BP GO:0051174
## 17        BP GO:0051056
## 18        BP GO:0002009
## 19        BP GO:0008283
## 20        BP GO:0042127
## 21        BP GO:0051338
## 22        BP GO:0043549
## 23        BP GO:0008015
## 24        BP GO:0003013
## 25        BP GO:0007167
## 26        BP GO:0007243
## 27        BP GO:0045859
## 28        BP GO:0007155
## 29        BP GO:0009165
## 30        BP GO:0022610
## 31        BP GO:0014706
## 32        BP GO:0060429
## 33        BP GO:0035295
## 34        BP GO:0043009
## 35        BP GO:0060537
## 36        BP GO:0035239
## 37        BP GO:0006164
## 38        BP GO:0034654
## 39        BP GO:0034404
## 40        BP GO:0060485
## 41        BP GO:0009792
## 42        BP GO:0031032
## 43        BP GO:0007517
## 44        BP GO:0043062
## 45        BP GO:0014031
## 46        BP GO:0008285
## 47        BP GO:0007242
## 48        BP GO:0016477
## 49        BP GO:0044271
## 50        BP GO:0048762
## 51        BP GO:0030029
## 52        BP GO:0014033
## 53        BP GO:0014032
## 54        BP GO:0044093
## 55        BP GO:0006631
## 56        BP GO:0043087
## 57        BP GO:0006979
## 58        BP GO:0030239
## 59        BP GO:0000165
## 60        BP GO:0055114
## 61        BP GO:0060562
## 62        BP GO:0055082
## 63        BP GO:0001525
## 64        BP GO:0010035
## 65        BP GO:0046777
## 66        BP GO:0009144
## 67        BP GO:0034329
## 68        BP GO:0051347
## 69        BP GO:0001932
## 70        BP GO:0030036
## 71        BP GO:0003007
## 72        BP GO:0009145
## 73        BP GO:0009205
## 74        BP GO:0034330
## 75        BP GO:0033674
## 76        BP GO:0030003
## 77        BP GO:0009142
## 78        BP GO:0009199
## 79        BP GO:0033002
## 80        BP GO:0045860
## 81        BP GO:0043085
## 82        BP GO:0006873
## 83        BP GO:0042692
## 84        BP GO:0032989
## 85        BP GO:0009259
## 86        BP GO:0046034
## 87        BP GO:0006469
## 88        BP GO:0033673
## 89        BP GO:0009260
## 90        BP GO:0043405
## 91        BP GO:0009150
## 92        BP GO:0007044
## 93        BP GO:0048878
## 94        BP GO:0051348
## 95        BP GO:0016337
## 96        BP GO:0009152
## 97        BP GO:0009206
## 98        BP GO:0009201
## 99        CC GO:0005886
## 100       CC GO:0016323
## 101       CC GO:0005912
## 102       CC GO:0030054
## 103       CC GO:0031988
## 104       CC GO:0030055
## 105       CC GO:0005604
## 106       CC GO:0016023
## 107       CC GO:0044459
## 108       CC GO:0031012
## 109       CC GO:0031982
## 110       CC GO:0005578
## 111       CC GO:0031410
## 112       CC GO:0005924
## 113       CC GO:0070161
## 114       CC GO:0044420
## 115       CC GO:0005829
## 116       CC GO:0000267
## 117       CC GO:0005925
## 118       CC GO:0030016
## 119       CC GO:0044421
## 120       CC GO:0042470
## 121       CC GO:0048770
## 122       CC GO:0009986
## 123       CC GO:0031252
## 124       CC GO:0005783
## 125       CC GO:0030017
## 126       CC GO:0005764
## 127       CC GO:0005605
## 128       CC GO:0000323
## 129       CC GO:0019898
## 130       CC GO:0043292
## 131       CC GO:0005856
## 132       CC GO:0005923
## 133       CC GO:0070160
## 134       CC GO:0005624
## 135       CC GO:0005626
## 136       CC GO:0005794
## 137       CC GO:0044449
## 138       CC GO:0005773
## 139       CC GO:0016327
## 140       CC GO:0031967
## 141       CC GO:0014069
## 142       CC GO:0031975
## 143       CC GO:0005911
## 144       CC GO:0045121
## 145       CC GO:0005792
## 146       MF GO:0005083
## 147       MF GO:0008092
## 148       MF GO:0060589
## 149       MF GO:0030695
## 150       MF GO:0008047
## 151       MF GO:0001882
## 152       MF GO:0030554
## 153       MF GO:0001883
## 154       MF GO:0004672
## 155       MF GO:0004715
## 156       MF GO:0003779
## 157       MF GO:0032559
## 158       MF GO:0043167
## 159       MF GO:0000287
## 160       MF GO:0005524
## 161       MF GO:0043169
## 162       MF GO:0001871
## 163       MF GO:0030247
## 164       MF GO:0015405
## 165       MF GO:0015399
## 166       MF GO:0046872
## 167       MF GO:0017076
## 168       MF GO:0005096
## 169       MF GO:0019904
## 170       MF GO:0042626
## 171       MF GO:0043492
## 172       MF GO:0016820
## 173       MF GO:0008289
## 174       MF GO:0004713
##                                                                                               Term
## 1                                                                                heart development
## 2                                                                          vasculature development
## 3                                                                         blood vessel development
## 4                                                                             tissue morphogenesis
## 5                                                                       blood vessel morphogenesis
## 6                                                                 regulation of hydrolase activity
## 7                                                                    regulation of phosphorylation
## 8                                                                                  phosphorylation
## 9                                                               protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 10                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 11                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 12                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 13                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 14                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 15                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 16                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 17                                         regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 18                                                                  morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 19                                                                              cell proliferation
## 20                                                                regulation of cell proliferation
## 21                                                              regulation of transferase activity
## 22                                                                   regulation of kinase activity
## 23                                                                               blood circulation
## 24                                                                      circulatory system process
## 25                                                enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 26                                                                          protein kinase cascade
## 27                                                           regulation of protein kinase activity
## 28                                                                                   cell adhesion
## 29                                                                 nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 30                                                                             biological adhesion
## 31                                                              striated muscle tissue development
## 32                                                                          epithelium development
## 33                                                                                tube development
## 34                                                                  chordate embryonic development
## 35                                                                       muscle tissue development
## 36                                                                              tube morphogenesis
## 37                                                          purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 38                        nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 39                                      nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 40                                                                          mesenchyme development
## 41                                           embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 42                                                               actomyosin structure organization
## 43                                                                        muscle organ development
## 44                                                            extracellular structure organization
## 45                                                                    mesenchymal cell development
## 46                                                       negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 47                                                                 intracellular signaling cascade
## 48                                                                                  cell migration
## 49                                                          nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 50                                                                mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 51                                                                    actin filament-based process
## 52                                                               neural crest cell differentiation
## 53                                                                   neural crest cell development
## 54                                                       positive regulation of molecular function
## 55                                                                    fatty acid metabolic process
## 56                                                                   regulation of GTPase activity
## 57                                                                    response to oxidative stress
## 58                                                                              myofibril assembly
## 59                                                                                  MAPKKK cascade
## 60                                                                             oxidation reduction
## 61                                                                   epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 62                                                                   cellular chemical homeostasis
## 63                                                                                    angiogenesis
## 64                                                                 response to inorganic substance
## 65                                                          protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 66                                                purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 67                                                                          cell junction assembly
## 68                                                     positive regulation of transferase activity
## 69                                                regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 70                                                                 actin cytoskeleton organization
## 71                                                                             heart morphogenesis
## 72                                             purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 73                                            purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 74                                                                      cell junction organization
## 75                                                          positive regulation of kinase activity
## 76                                                                     cellular cation homeostasis
## 77                                                    nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 78                                                   ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 79                                                                       muscle cell proliferation
## 80                                                  positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 81                                                       positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 82                                                                        cellular ion homeostasis
## 83                                                                     muscle cell differentiation
## 84                                                                cellular component morphogenesis
## 85                                                                ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 86                                                                           ATP metabolic process
## 87                                                  negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 88                                                          negative regulation of kinase activity
## 89                                                             ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 90                                                               regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 91                                                         purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 92                                                                cell-substrate junction assembly
## 93                                                                            chemical homeostasis
## 94                                                     negative regulation of transferase activity
## 95                                                                              cell-cell adhesion
## 96                                                      purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 97                                         purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 98                                                ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 99                                                                                 plasma membrane
## 100                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 101                                                                              adherens junction
## 102                                                                                  cell junction
## 103                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 104                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 105                                                                              basement membrane
## 106                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 107                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 108                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 109                                                                                        vesicle
## 110                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 111                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 112                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 113                                                                             anchoring junction
## 114                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 115                                                                                        cytosol
## 116                                                                                  cell fraction
## 117                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 118                                                                                      myofibril
## 119                                                                      extracellular region part
## 120                                                                                     melanosome
## 121                                                                                pigment granule
## 122                                                                                   cell surface
## 123                                                                              cell leading edge
## 124                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 125                                                                                      sarcomere
## 126                                                                                       lysosome
## 127                                                                                   basal lamina
## 128                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 129                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 130                                                                              contractile fiber
## 131                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 132                                                                                 tight junction
## 133                                                                             occluding junction
## 134                                                                              membrane fraction
## 135                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 136                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 137                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 138                                                                                        vacuole
## 139                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 140                                                                             organelle envelope
## 141                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 142                                                                                       envelope
## 143                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 144                                                                                  membrane raft
## 145                                                                                      microsome
## 146                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 147                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 148                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 149                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 150                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 151                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 152                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 153                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 154                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 155                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 156                                                                                  actin binding
## 157                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 158                                                                                    ion binding
## 159                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 160                                                                                    ATP binding
## 161                                                                                 cation binding
## 162                                                                                pattern binding
## 163                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 164                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 165                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 166                                                                              metal ion binding
## 167                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 168                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 169                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 170                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 171                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 172 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 173                                                                                  lipid binding
## 174                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Genes
## 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DLC1, NRP2, NRP1, EDN1, PDLIM3, GJA1, TTN, GJA5, ZIC3, TGFB2, CERKL, GATA6, COL4A3BP, GAB1, SEMA3C, MKL2, SLC22A5, MB, PTPRJ, RXRA, VANGL2, MYH6, TNNT2, HHEX, MURC, MIB1, FOXC2, FOXC1, ADAM19, MYL2, TCAP, EGLN1, SOX9, ITGB1, CHD7, HEXIM1, PKD2, NFATC4, PCSK5, ACTC1, TGFBR2, NF1, HSPG2, SMAD3, TBX1, TNNI3, CSRP3, FOXP1, KCNJ8, PLN, TSC2, ATP6V0A1, TGFBR3, HDAC9
## 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GNA13, ACVRL1, NRP1, PGF, IL18, LEPR, EDN1, GJA1, FOXO1, GJA5, TGFB2, WARS, CERKL, APOE, CXCR4, ANG, SEMA3C, NOS2, MKL2, FGF2, RAPGEF1, PTPRJ, RECK, EFNB2, VASH1, PNPLA6, THY1, MIB1, NUS1, FOXC2, FOXC1, CAV1, CDH2, MEIS1, WT1, CDH5, PTK2, FBXW8, CHD7, PLCD1, PLXND1, FIGF, PPAP2B, MAP2K1, TBX4, TGFBR2, NF1, TBX1, TNNI3, LAMA4, MEOX2, ECSCR, HBEGF, AMOT, TGFBR3, HDAC7
## 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GNA13, ACVRL1, NRP1, PGF, IL18, LEPR, EDN1, GJA1, FOXO1, GJA5, TGFB2, WARS, CERKL, APOE, CXCR4, ANG, SEMA3C, NOS2, MKL2, FGF2, RAPGEF1, PTPRJ, RECK, VASH1, PNPLA6, THY1, MIB1, NUS1, FOXC2, FOXC1, CAV1, CDH2, MEIS1, WT1, CDH5, PTK2, FBXW8, CHD7, PLCD1, PLXND1, FIGF, PPAP2B, MAP2K1, TBX4, TGFBR2, NF1, TBX1, TNNI3, LAMA4, MEOX2, ECSCR, HBEGF, AMOT, TGFBR3, HDAC7
## 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DLC1, ENAH, NRP1, PGF, ZIC2, TGFB2, CD44, ILK, SEMA3C, RET, AR, RXRA, VANGL2, LEF1, TNNT2, HHEX, MIB1, NCOA3, FOXC2, FOXC1, TGFB1I1, WNT5A, COBL, BBS4, FGFR3, TNC, BMPR2, CTNND1, EGLN1, NR3C1, SOX9, TCF7L1, IGF1R, FOXQ1, MACF1, HOXA5, BCL2, PLXND1, CAR2, ACTC1, TBX4, SMAD3, FZD3, SHANK3, FZD6, HOXB4, FREM2, TSC2, ZIC5, TGFBR3, APAF1
## 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GNA13, CAV1, ACVRL1, NRP1, PGF, IL18, LEPR, EDN1, GJA1, CDH2, MEIS1, WT1, TGFB2, WARS, PTK2, CERKL, APOE, CXCR4, ANG, SEMA3C, PLCD1, NOS2, MKL2, PLXND1, FIGF, FGF2, PTPRJ, TGFBR2, TBX4, NF1, TBX1, TNNI3, PNPLA6, VASH1, THY1, NUS1, MEOX2, ECSCR, AMOT, HBEGF, FOXC2, FOXC1, HDAC7
## 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CAV1, XIAP, AGFG1, ADORA2A, TNNC1, TBC1D9, LEPR, ABHD5, EDN1, ASAP2, ASAP3, SMAP1, TBC1D12, ANG, TBC1D14, MTCH1, TBC1D13, TBC1D4, TBC1D30, DHCR24, HIP1, VAV3, NOS1, NF1, MYH6, RICTOR, TBC1D22A, THY1, PLCE1, RNF7, NDEL1, CHML, IFT57, ACAP2, TSC2, ERN1, APAF1, ARAP3, ARAP2, ARAP1, HTR2A, F2R
## 7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EDN1, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRDX2, TLR4, PDCD4, SPRY4, PRKAR2B, MAP3K5, NDUFS4, CERKL, MDFIC, IFNG, GAB1, SPRED1, RAPGEF3, CEACAM2, FGF2, LYN, CCDC88C, PKIG, THY1, ACVR2A, PLCE1, HIPK3, CD81, ERN1, NRK, GADD45A, CAV1, TNF, FGFR3, ADORA2A, BMPR2, KIT, CD24A, INPP5K, HEXIM1, DGKD, BCL2, VAV3, MAP2K1, HCLS1, TGFBR2, NF1, DGKH, RICTOR, CDKN1C, SH3BP5, TSC2, FABP4, LRP8, IGFBP3, HTR2A, F2R
## 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             STK33, STK38, TIRAP, TGFB3, PRKG1, TTN, C230081A13RIK, TGFB2, CTTNBP2, PRKAR2B, MAP3K5, MDFIC, MAP3K8, IFNG, ILK, GAB1, MLKL, INSR, RET, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, PLCE1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, WNT5A, FGFR3, STK10, BMPR2, MAP4K2, CHEK2, EPHB4, EPHB1, PTK2, ZAP70, TEC, MAP2K1, TAOK3, TGFBR2, BMX, RPS6KL1, EPHA7, ATP6V0E2, ULK1, TGFBR3, GRK4, TNK1, GRK5, ABL2, MYLK, SRMS, CDK19, ATP5E, ACVRL1, PRDX2, FES, D8ERTD82E, SLK, PAK4, CDK12, PAK1, FGF2, ATP5H, TRPM6, SGK1, ADAM10, LYN, LIMK1, PIK3C2B, DAPK2, PRKCB, DAPK1, PRKD1, ACVR2A, PRKD2, ATP6V1A, CCND1, MAST2, HIPK3, CD81, ERN1, NRK, MAP3K12, FRK, NDUFB8, CAMK2G, KIT, ATP5G3, IGF1R, GNPTAB, BCL2, CAMK2D, PRKAA2, PTPRE, PTPRA, NDUFA7, TRIM28, NPR1, NPR2, TRIM24, ICK, MAPK12, RPS6KA1, RPS6KA2, FYN, GSK3B, JAK1, ATP6V0A1, IGFBP3, F2R
## 9                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 STK33, STK38, TIRAP, TGFB3, TTN, PRKG1, C230081A13RIK, TGFB2, PRKAR2B, CTTNBP2, MAP3K5, MDFIC, MAP3K8, ILK, IFNG, GAB1, MLKL, INSR, RET, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, PLCE1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, WNT5A, FGFR3, STK10, BMPR2, MAP4K2, CHEK2, EPHB4, EPHB1, PTK2, ZAP70, TEC, MAP2K1, TAOK3, TGFBR2, BMX, RPS6KL1, EPHA7, ULK1, TGFBR3, GRK4, TNK1, GRK5, ABL2, MYLK, SRMS, CDK19, ACVRL1, PRDX2, FES, D8ERTD82E, SLK, PAK4, CDK12, PAK1, FGF2, TRPM6, SGK1, ADAM10, LYN, LIMK1, DAPK2, PRKCB, DAPK1, PRKD1, ACVR2A, PRKD2, CCND1, MAST2, HIPK3, CD81, ERN1, NRK, MAP3K12, FRK, CAMK2G, KIT, IGF1R, BCL2, CAMK2D, PRKAA2, PTPRE, TRIM28, PTPRA, NPR1, NPR2, TRIM24, ICK, MAPK12, RPS6KA1, RPS6KA2, FYN, GSK3B, JAK1, IGFBP3, F2R
## 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ATP5E, HPRT, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ADCY6, PTH2, ATP10D, RORA, ATP5G3, ATP2B4, GUCY1A2, ATP8B1, PAPSS1, ENTPD1, IMPDH1, ATP5H, ATP11B, NPR1, ATP11A, MYH7, ATP1A1, NPR2, AMPD3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, NME3, ATP6V0E2, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ADK, PDE5A, ATP6V0A1, GUCY1B3, GUK1, ATP8A1
## 11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               STK33, STK38, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRKG1, TTN, C230081A13RIK, TGFB2, CTTNBP2, PRKAR2B, MAP3K5, MDFIC, MAP3K8, IFNG, ILK, GAB1, MLKL, INSR, PTPRJ, PTPRK, RET, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, PLCE1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, WNT5A, FGFR3, STK10, BMPR2, MAP4K2, CHEK2, EPHB4, EPHB1, DUSP18, PTK2, PTPLA, ZAP70, TEC, GPD2, PTPN9, MAP2K1, TAOK3, TGFBR2, BMX, PTPN12, RPS6KL1, EPHA7, ATP6V0E2, ULK1, TGFBR3, GRK4, TNK1, GRK5, ABL2, MYLK, SRMS, CDK19, ATP5E, ACVRL1, CDC14A, CDC14B, PRDX2, FES, D8ERTD82E, SLK, PAK4, CDK12, PAK1, ATP5H, FGF2, TRPM6, SGK1, ADAM10, LYN, LIMK1, PIK3C2B, DAPK2, PRKCB, DAPK1, PRKD1, PRKD2, ATP6V1A, ACVR2A, CCND1, MAST2, PPM1J, HIPK3, CD81, ERN1, PPM1L, NRK, MAP3K12, FRK, NDUFB8, CAMK2G, KIT, ATP5G3, IGF1R, GNPTAB, BCL2, CAMK2D, PRKAA2, MTMR6, PPAP2A, INPP5A, PTPRD, NCEH1, PTPRE, PTPRA, TRIM28, NDUFA7, NPR1, NPR2, TRIM24, ICK, MAPK12, PTP4A3, RPS6KA1, FYN, RPS6KA2, GSK3B, ATP6V0A1, JAK1, IGFBP3, F2R
## 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               STK33, STK38, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRKG1, TTN, C230081A13RIK, TGFB2, CTTNBP2, PRKAR2B, MAP3K5, MDFIC, MAP3K8, IFNG, ILK, GAB1, MLKL, INSR, PTPRJ, PTPRK, RET, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, PLCE1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, WNT5A, FGFR3, STK10, BMPR2, MAP4K2, CHEK2, EPHB4, EPHB1, DUSP18, PTK2, PTPLA, ZAP70, TEC, GPD2, PTPN9, MAP2K1, TAOK3, TGFBR2, BMX, PTPN12, RPS6KL1, EPHA7, ATP6V0E2, ULK1, TGFBR3, GRK4, TNK1, GRK5, ABL2, MYLK, SRMS, CDK19, ATP5E, ACVRL1, CDC14A, CDC14B, PRDX2, FES, D8ERTD82E, SLK, PAK4, CDK12, PAK1, ATP5H, FGF2, TRPM6, SGK1, ADAM10, LYN, LIMK1, PIK3C2B, DAPK2, PRKCB, DAPK1, PRKD1, PRKD2, ATP6V1A, ACVR2A, CCND1, MAST2, PPM1J, HIPK3, CD81, ERN1, PPM1L, NRK, MAP3K12, FRK, NDUFB8, CAMK2G, KIT, ATP5G3, IGF1R, GNPTAB, BCL2, CAMK2D, PRKAA2, MTMR6, PPAP2A, INPP5A, PTPRD, NCEH1, PTPRE, PTPRA, TRIM28, NDUFA7, NPR1, NPR2, TRIM24, ICK, MAPK12, PTP4A3, RPS6KA1, FYN, RPS6KA2, GSK3B, ATP6V0A1, JAK1, IGFBP3, F2R
## 13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         AGFG1, TBC1D9, CYTH1, ASAP2, ITPKB, CYTH3, ASAP3, ITSN1, TTN, MCF2L, PLEKHG3, PLEKHG2, SMAP1, TBC1D12, TIAM1, RASGRP4, SOS1, TBC1D14, TBC1D13, TBC1D4, TBC1D30, FGD6, NET1, VAV3, ARHGEF7, ARHGEF6, NF1, ARHGEF15, RICTOR, TBC1D22A, FARP1, PLCE1, NDEL1, RASGRF2, ACAP2, TNK1, ARAP3, ARAP2, ARAP1
## 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ACTC1, MYL2, RXRA, HSPG2, EGLN1, MYH6, TTN, ITGB1, CSRP3, FOXP1, TGFB2, TNNT2, MURC, GATA6, PLN, FOXC2, TGFBR3, FOXC1, MKL2
## 15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 EDN1, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRDX2, TLR4, PDCD4, SPRY4, PRKAR2B, MAP3K5, NDUFS4, CERKL, MDFIC, IFNG, GAB1, SPRED1, RAPGEF3, CEACAM2, FGF2, LYN, CCDC88C, PKIG, THY1, ACVR2A, PLCE1, HIPK3, CD81, ERN1, NRK, GADD45A, CAV1, TNF, FGFR3, ADORA2A, BMPR2, KIT, CD24A, INPP5K, HEXIM1, DGKD, BCL2, VAV3, MAP2K1, HCLS1, TGFBR2, NF1, DGKH, RICTOR, CDKN1C, SH3BP5, TSC2, FABP4, LRP8, IGFBP3, HTR2A, F2R
## 16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 EDN1, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRDX2, TLR4, PDCD4, SPRY4, PRKAR2B, MAP3K5, NDUFS4, CERKL, MDFIC, IFNG, GAB1, SPRED1, RAPGEF3, CEACAM2, FGF2, LYN, CCDC88C, PKIG, THY1, ACVR2A, PLCE1, HIPK3, CD81, ERN1, NRK, GADD45A, CAV1, TNF, FGFR3, ADORA2A, BMPR2, KIT, CD24A, INPP5K, HEXIM1, DGKD, BCL2, VAV3, MAP2K1, HCLS1, TGFBR2, NF1, DGKH, RICTOR, CDKN1C, SH3BP5, TSC2, FABP4, LRP8, IGFBP3, HTR2A, F2R
## 17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      AGFG1, TBC1D9, CYTH1, ASAP2, ITPKB, CYTH3, ASAP3, ITSN1, TTN, IQGAP1, MCF2L, PLEKHG3, PLEKHG2, SMAP1, TBC1D12, TIAM1, RASGRP4, SOS1, TBC1D14, TBC1D13, RAPGEF5, TBC1D4, RAPGEF3, TBC1D30, FGD6, RAPGEF1, NET1, VAV3, ARHGEF7, ARHGEF6, NF1, ARHGEF15, RICTOR, TBC1D22A, FARP1, RALGAPA2, PLCE1, NDEL1, RASGRF2, ACAP2, TSC2, TNK1, ARAP3, ARAP2, ARAP1
## 18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DLC1, WNT5A, COBL, BBS4, ENAH, NRP1, FGFR3, PGF, TNC, CTNND1, NR3C1, SOX9, ZIC2, IGF1R, CD44, HOXA5, BCL2, ILK, SEMA3C, PLXND1, CAR2, RET, AR, VANGL2, TBX4, FZD3, SHANK3, FZD6, HOXB4, MIB1, HHEX, NCOA3, FREM2, ZIC5, TSC2, APAF1, TGFB1I1
## 19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MORF4L1, WNT5A, PPARD, TNF, HPRT, PGF, ELF4, PRDX2, KIT, SOX9, NAA35, TGFB2, ASAH2, PRKAR2B, RASGRP4, CXCR4, COL4A3BP, BCL2, NUMB, COL8A1, FIGF, IMPDH1, ERCC1, ACSL6, KLK8, MKI67, MAP2K1, IFLTD1, RXRA, SRA1, ALMS1, TBX1, PARK7, TACC2, HOXB4, ACVR2A, HHEX, IFNAR2, CCND1, NDEL1, UHRF2, FYN, GSK3B, TGFBR3, FOXC2, FOXC1, MDM4
## 20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DLC1, EDN3, PPARD, PTGS2, MARCKSL1, E2F7, IL18, PTGS1, PPARG, EDN1, TGFB3, FOXO1, TLR4, PAWR, SKAP2, TGFB2, H19, FANCL, CTTNBP2, CDKN2B, PTGES, ANG, CHST11, ILK, IFNG, NOS2, ASPH, FGF2, FGF3, AGPAT1, AR, LYN, EFNB1, MBD2, VASH1, MYCN, TNS3, CD38, HHEX, CCND2, GRN, CD81, MDM4, SMARCA2, WNT5A, CAV1, FGFR3, TNF, ADORA2A, KIT, TIMP2, SOX9, ITGB1, CD24A, FTH1, CDH5, PRL2C3, CD9, BCL2, ZAP70, PLCD1, AXIN2, FIGF, FGFBP1, DPT, TCF7, HCLS1, NF1, TGFBR2, NDFIP1, SMAD3, TRIM24, IDO1, FOXP1, CBLB, PLA2G4A, TSC2, TGFBR3, FABP4, HBEGF, NR5A2, IGFBP3, F2R, HTR2A
## 21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CAV1, ADORA2A, EDN1, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRDX2, TLR4, KIT, PDCD4, CD24A, SPRY4, MAP3K5, SERINC5, CERKL, DGKD, MDFIC, HEXIM1, GAB1, SPRED1, FGF2, CEACAM2, VAV3, MAP2K1, PKIG, NF1, TGFBR2, DGKH, THY1, SH3BP5, PLCE1, HIPK3, CD81, TSC2, ERN1, FABP4, NRK, LRP8, GADD45A, F2R, HTR2A
## 22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CAV1, ADORA2A, EDN1, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRDX2, TLR4, KIT, PDCD4, CD24A, SPRY4, MAP3K5, CERKL, DGKD, MDFIC, HEXIM1, GAB1, SPRED1, FGF2, CEACAM2, VAV3, MAP2K1, PKIG, NF1, TGFBR2, DGKH, THY1, SH3BP5, PLCE1, HIPK3, CD81, TSC2, ERN1, FABP4, NRK, LRP8, GADD45A, F2R, HTR2A
## 23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EDN3, CAV1, PTGS2, MYL2, ADORA2A, PTGS1, EDN1, G6PDX, ADH5, BMPR2, GCLM, EDNRB, CTTNBP2, CHD7, APOE, CAMK2D, NOS1, NPR1, ATP1A1, MYH6, TNNI3, F5, NTS, KCNJ8, PDE5A, FOXC2, FOXC1
## 24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EDN3, CAV1, PTGS2, MYL2, ADORA2A, PTGS1, EDN1, G6PDX, ADH5, BMPR2, GCLM, EDNRB, CTTNBP2, CHD7, APOE, CAMK2D, NOS1, NPR1, ATP1A1, MYH6, TNNI3, F5, NTS, KCNJ8, PDE5A, FOXC2, FOXC1
## 25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SCHIP1, ACVRL1, NRP1, LTBP1, TGFB3, FOXO1, TGFB2, TIAM1, GAB1, PAK1, INSR, RAPGEF1, FGF2, FGF3, ADAM9, GNG7, RET, FLNA, ACVR2A, DOK4, PDGFRA, FOXC2, PPM1L, FOXC1, FGFR3, FUT8, BMPR2, KIT, EPHB4, EPHB1, IGF1R, PTK2, SOS1, AGRN, FIGF, TXNIP, PLAT, PTPRE, TGFBR2, PTPRA, SMAD3, EPHA7, TSC2, JAK1, HBEGF, TGFBR3, CACNA1A, ARAP1, BMP6, TOB1
## 26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               GNA13, WNT5A, CAV1, TNF, FGFR3, STK38, EDN1, TGFB3, TIRAP, MAP4K2, FGF13, TLR4, ITPKB, PRDX2, KIT, MAP3K5, MDFIC, IFNG, GAB1, PKD2, SPRED1, FGF2, AGPAT1, RET, MAP2K1, PIK3C2B, NF1, TIFA, DAPK2, SHANK3, DAPK1, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, ICK, PLCE1, DOK4, RPS6KA1, RPS6KA2, TSC2, CD81, MAPK9, JAK1, NRK, PPM1L, F2R
## 27                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CAV1, ADORA2A, EDN1, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRDX2, TLR4, KIT, PDCD4, CD24A, SPRY4, MAP3K5, CERKL, DGKD, MDFIC, HEXIM1, GAB1, SPRED1, FGF2, CEACAM2, MAP2K1, PKIG, NF1, TGFBR2, DGKH, THY1, SH3BP5, PLCE1, HIPK3, CD81, TSC2, ERN1, FABP4, NRK, LRP8, GADD45A, F2R, HTR2A
## 28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NRP2, DLC1, PPARD, AEBP1, TLN1, NRP1, CADM1, ATP1B2, CLDN6, CLSTN1, CLDN5, LMO7, POSTN, CD2AP, TGFB2, CERKL, CD44, ROBO2, ZYX, RAPGEF1, CDH23, RET, MPDZ, FLOT2, F8, LEF1, MFGE8, CD164, THY1, JUP, IGSF5, CD36, PGM5, F5, ATP2C1, NPTN, LAMC1, DST, JAM3, PARVB, PARVA, PARD3, TNC, ITGB5, NEDD9, CTNND1, CDH2, SOX9, CD24A, ITGB1, CDH5, DCHS1, CLDN15, ITGBL1, CD9, KLRA9, PCDHB16, BCL2, AATF, SSX2IP, COL8A1, FN1, DPT, ADAM23, LGALS1, PCDH10, COL15A1, HSPG2, PCDH12, NID1, ITGA3, PCDH17, MCAM, EMILIN1, LAMA2, VWF, ITGA9, CDH13, LAMA4, STAB1, ITGA5, FREM2, CDON, FBLN5, TCAM1, ABL2
## 29                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ATP5E, NAMPT, HPRT, ATP1B2, G6PDX, ATP10A, ADCY6, PTH2, CTPS2, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP2B4, GUCY1A2, ATP8B1, PAPSS1, IMPDH1, ATP5H, ATP11B, NPR1, ATP11A, NPR2, ATP1A1, AMPD3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, NME3, ATP6V0E2, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ADK, ATP6V0A1, GUCY1B3, FLAD1, PRPS2, ATP8A1
## 30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NRP2, DLC1, PPARD, AEBP1, TLN1, NRP1, CADM1, ATP1B2, CLDN6, CLSTN1, CLDN5, LMO7, POSTN, CD2AP, TGFB2, CERKL, CD44, ROBO2, ZYX, RAPGEF1, CDH23, RET, MPDZ, FLOT2, F8, LEF1, MFGE8, CD164, THY1, JUP, IGSF5, CD36, PGM5, F5, ATP2C1, NPTN, LAMC1, DST, JAM3, PARVB, PARVA, PARD3, TNC, ITGB5, NEDD9, CTNND1, CDH2, SOX9, CD24A, ITGB1, CDH5, DCHS1, CLDN15, ITGBL1, CD9, KLRA9, PCDHB16, BCL2, AATF, SSX2IP, COL8A1, FN1, DPT, ADAM23, LGALS1, PCDH10, COL15A1, HSPG2, PCDH12, NID1, ITGA3, PCDH17, MCAM, EMILIN1, LAMA2, VWF, ITGA9, CDH13, LAMA4, STAB1, ITGA5, FREM2, CDON, FBLN5, TCAM1, ABL2
## 31                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CAV1, MYL2, TNC, UTRN, PDLIM3, EGLN1, TTN, ITGB1, TGFB2, GATA6, AGRN, MKL2, PAK1, ACTC1, RXRA, NF1, HSPG2, MYLPF, MYH6, CSRP3, FOXP1, TNNT2, MURC, MEOX2, PLN, FOXC2, TGFBR3, FOXC1, F2R
## 32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DLC1, ENAH, NRP1, PTGS2, PGF, PPARG, PTGS1, GJA1, ZIC2, CD44, GATA6, ILK, SEMA3C, FGF2, RET, AR, STX2, RXRA, VANGL2, HHEX, MIB1, NCOA3, TGFB1I1, WNT5A, COBL, BBS4, FGFR3, TNC, CTNND1, NR3C1, SOX9, WT1, IGF1R, HOXA5, BCL2, PLXND1, CAR2, MAP2K1, PPHLN1, TBX4, SMAD3, FZD3, SHANK3, FZD6, HOXB4, FREM2, TSC2, ZIC5, APAF1
## 33                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      DLC1, WNT5A, GNA13, BBS4, COBL, ENAH, NRP1, PGF, EDN1, TGFB3, BMPR2, GJA1, NR3C1, GJA5, ZIC3, ZIC2, CTTNBP2, CD44, HOXA5, GATA6, CXCR4, BCL2, ILK, ROBO2, PLXND1, PCSK5, FGF2, RET, AR, VANGL2, TGFBR2, TBX4, SMAD3, FZD3, SHANK3, FOXP1, FZD6, MYCN, TNS3, MIB1, HHEX, NCOA3, ZIC5, TSC2, PDGFRA, FOXC2, FOXC1, APAF1
## 34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DLC1, GNA13, ENAH, ACVRL1, EDN1, TGFB3, GJA1, TTN, ZIC2, CERKL, GATA6, COL4A3BP, CHST11, GAB1, ANKRD11, ETL4, MKL2, AR, ADAM10, VANGL2, LEF1, MYH6, ACVR2A, MIB1, NDEL1, GRN, PDGFRA, FOXC2, FOXC1, EGFL8, PRDM1, COBL, BBS4, TCAP, EGLN1, ITGB1, CHD7, FBXW8, INPP5K, HOXA5, SLC30A1, PKD2, PLCD1, AXIN2, PCSK5, ENO1, TCF7, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, NF1, HSPG2, PCDH12, SMAD3, FZD3, TBX1, FZD6, HBA-A1, HOXB4, HBA-A2, MEOX2, MEOX1, ZIC5, TSC2, TGFBR3, ATP6V0A1, HBEGF, AMOT, APAF1, TCF15
## 35                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SCHIP1, CAV1, MYL2, TNC, UTRN, PDLIM3, EGLN1, TTN, ITGB1, TGFB2, GATA6, AGRN, MKL2, PAK1, ACTC1, RXRA, NF1, HSPG2, MYLPF, MYH6, CSRP3, FOXP1, TNNT2, MURC, MEOX2, PLN, FOXC2, TGFBR3, FOXC1, F2R
## 36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DLC1, GNA13, WNT5A, COBL, BBS4, ENAH, NRP1, PGF, EDN1, GJA1, NR3C1, ZIC3, ZIC2, CD44, HOXA5, CXCR4, BCL2, ILK, PLXND1, RET, AR, VANGL2, TGFBR2, SMAD3, FZD3, SHANK3, FZD6, MYCN, MIB1, HHEX, NCOA3, ZIC5, TSC2, FOXC2, APAF1
## 37                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ATP5E, HPRT, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ADCY6, PTH2, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP2B4, ATP8B1, GUCY1A2, IMPDH1, ATP5H, ATP11B, NPR1, ATP11A, ATP1A1, NPR2, AMPD3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ADK, ATP6V0A1, GUCY1B3, ATP8A1
## 38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ATP5E, NAMPT, HPRT, ATP1B2, G6PDX, ATP10A, ADCY6, PTH2, CTPS2, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP2B4, GUCY1A2, ATP8B1, PAPSS1, IMPDH1, ATP5H, ATP11B, NPR1, ATP11A, NPR2, ATP1A1, AMPD3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, NME3, ATP6V0E2, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ADK, ATP6V0A1, GUCY1B3, FLAD1, PRPS2, ATP8A1
## 39                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ATP5E, NAMPT, HPRT, ATP1B2, G6PDX, ATP10A, ADCY6, PTH2, CTPS2, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP2B4, GUCY1A2, ATP8B1, PAPSS1, IMPDH1, ATP5H, ATP11B, NPR1, ATP11A, NPR2, ATP1A1, AMPD3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, NME3, ATP6V0E2, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ADK, ATP6V0A1, GUCY1B3, FLAD1, PRPS2, ATP8A1
## 40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NRP2, EDN3, RET, EFNB1, EDN1, TRIM28, LEF1, TBX1, SOX9, EDNRB, HOXA5, SEMA3F, BCL2, FOXC2, SEMA3C, FOXC1
## 41                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DLC1, GNA13, ENAH, ACVRL1, EDN1, TGFB3, GJA1, TTN, ZIC2, CERKL, GATA6, COL4A3BP, CHST11, GAB1, ANKRD11, ETL4, MKL2, AR, ADAM10, VANGL2, LEF1, MYH6, ACVR2A, MIB1, NDEL1, GRN, PDGFRA, FOXC2, FOXC1, EGFL8, PRDM1, COBL, BBS4, TCAP, EGLN1, ITGB1, CHD7, FBXW8, INPP5K, HOXA5, SLC30A1, PKD2, PLCD1, AXIN2, PCSK5, ENO1, TCF7, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, NF1, HSPG2, PCDH12, SMAD3, FZD3, TBX1, FZD6, HBA-A1, HOXB4, HBA-A2, MEOX2, MEOX1, ZIC5, TSC2, TGFBR3, ATP6V0A1, HBEGF, AMOT, APAF1, TCF15
## 42                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TNNT2, MURC, ACTC1, MYL2, CNN3, TCAP, LIMCH1, MYH6, TTN, NEURL2, ITGB1
## 43                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SCHIP1, CAV1, MYL2, TNC, UTRN, PDLIM3, EGLN1, TTN, ITGB1, TGFB2, GATA6, MKL2, PAK1, AGRN, UNC45B, ACTC1, CRYAB, RXRA, NF1, HSPG2, MYLPF, TBX1, MYH6, CD164, CSRP3, FOXP1, TNNT2, MURC, MEOX2, PLN, TGFBR3, FOXC2, FOXC1, TCF15, F2R
## 44                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NEPN, TNF, CADM1, SPOCK2, TNC, UTRN, POSTN, CDH2, TGFB2, PTK2, PCDHB16, FOXF2, AGRN, PAK1, VWA1, DPT, RECK, KLK8, NF1, CCDC80, HSPG2, NID1, EMILIN1, EGFLAM, FBLN5, PDGFRA, FOXC2, FOXC1, LAMC1, CACNA1A, F2R
## 45                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NRP2, EDN3, RET, EFNB1, EDN1, TRIM28, LEF1, TBX1, SOX9, EDNRB, SEMA3F, BCL2, FOXC2, SEMA3C, FOXC1
## 46                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              WNT5A, DLC1, PPARD, CAV1, FGFR3, TNF, PTGS2, ADORA2A, E2F7, PPARG, TGFB3, PAWR, TIMP2, SKAP2, CD24A, FTH1, CDH5, H19, TGFB2, CTTNBP2, CD9, CDKN2B, PTGES, ANG, BCL2, ASPH, AXIN2, FGF2, DPT, AR, NF1, TGFBR2, NDFIP1, TRIM24, IDO1, VASH1, CBLB, TSC2, TGFBR3, IGFBP3, SMARCA2
## 47                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GNA13, STK38, EDN1, ADCY6, TIRAP, TGFB3, TLR4, ITPKB, FGF13, ITSN1, IQGAP1, MAP3K5, RAB28, MDFIC, TIAM1, IFNG, GAB1, RAPGEF5, RAB24, RAPGEF3, SPRED1, RAPGEF1, NET1, RET, SOCS2, RXRA, BAIAP2, SOCS6, MAP4K3, TNS3, MAP4K4, PLCE1, RASGRF2, CAR8, MAPK9, STMN1, NEURL2, UNC13C, ASB4, EPS8L2, WNT5A, CAV1, FGFR3, ADORA2A, MAP4K2, CDC42SE1, MYO9B, CHEK2, ZAP70, RHOBTB1, TEC, GPR155, VAV3, MAP2K1, BMX, ALMS1, KAT5, SHANK3, CBLB, ULK1, TSC2, RHEB, PRDX2, MCF2L, PLCB4, MT2, GUCY1A2, MT1, RAB6B, RHOD, NOS2, FGF2, AGPAT1, AR, LYN, PTGER4, ARHGEF7, ARHGEF6, PIK3C2B, ADIPOR2, TIFA, SLC9A3R1, DAPK2, FLNA, ARL3, PRKCB, DAPK1, PRKD1, PRKD2, MURC, CCND1, DOK4, CD81, PPM1L, GUCY1B3, NRK, ARL4C, ARL4A, TNF, NR3C1, KIT, PLEKHG3, PLEKHG2, DGKD, RASGRP4, SOS1, PKD2, PLCD1, MSH6, NF1, NPR1, DGKH, NPR2, RCAN2, SH3BP5, ICK, RPS6KA1, RPS6KA2, GSK3B, JAK1, CHN2, F2R, HTR2A, IFI204
## 48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NRP2, EDN3, SCHIP1, PPARD, SHROOM2, TNF, NRP1, IL16, FUT8, GJA1, CDH2, KIT, PRKG1, CD2AP, CD24A, ITGB1, TGFB2, CTTNBP2, EDNRB, PTK2, CERKL, CXCR4, SEMA3F, IFNG, SEMA3C, FMNL1, PLAT, RET, VAV3, EFNB1, ITGA3, TBX1, TNS3, NDEL1, SYNE2, NAV1, ULK1, FYN, HBEGF, AMOT, FOXC1, LRP8, LAMC1
## 49                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ATP5E, NAMPT, HPRT, ATP1B2, ADCY6, G6PDX, ATP10A, ATP10D, RORA, TGFB2, ALAS1, ATP2B4, HDC, GUCY1A2, ATP8B1, NOS2, DDAH1, ATP5H, IMPDH1, DDC, ATP6V1A, NME5, GLUL, NME3, RFK, ATP2C1, ADK, ATP9A, GUCY1B3, UROD, FLAD1, PRPS2, PRODH, PTH2, CTPS2, ATP5G3, ALDH4A1, PAPSS1, MOCS2, NOS1, ATP11B, ATP11A, NPR1, NPR2, ATP1A1, AMPD3, ATP13A5, ATP6V0E2, ATP6V0A1, THNSL1, ATP8A1
## 50                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NRP2, EDN3, RET, EFNB1, EDN1, TRIM28, LEF1, TBX1, SOX9, EDNRB, SEMA3F, BCL2, FOXC2, SEMA3C, FOXC1
## 51                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DLC1, SHROOM1, TLN1, ENAH, MYL2, CNN3, TCAP, PDLIM3, MYO9B, DAAM1, TTN, ITGB1, CTTNBP2, ANG, BCL2, EHD2, FMNL1, ACTC1, NF1, RICTOR, MYH6, FLNA, CORO1C, TNNT2, MURC, MYRIP, EPS8, ATP2C1, LIMCH1, ACAP2, NEURL2, ABL2, DBN1, FHOD1
## 52                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NRP2, EDNRB, EDN3, RET, EFNB1, SEMA3F, EDN1, SEMA3C, FOXC2, FOXC1, TBX1, SOX9
## 53                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NRP2, EDNRB, EDN3, RET, EFNB1, SEMA3F, EDN1, SEMA3C, FOXC2, FOXC1, TBX1, SOX9
## 54                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                EDN1, ADCY6, TGFB3, TIRAP, PRDX2, TLR4, MAP3K5, CERKL, MDFIC, ANG, GAB1, CAT, CEACAM2, FGF2, PTGER4, THY1, JMY, PLCE1, NDEL1, HIPK3, CD81, ERN1, NRK, CAV1, MTDH, TNF, ADORA2A, ABHD5, KIT, CD24A, GCLM, SERINC5, DGKD, BCL2, MTCH1, HIP1, VAV3, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, NF1, EDA2R, DGKH, RNF7, IFT57, TSC2, TGFBR3, LRP8, APAF1, CALM2, HTR2A, F2R
## 55                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ACOX1, PPARD, CPT2, ECH1, PTGS2, ABHD5, PTGS1, ACOT1, SC4MOL, FAR1, PRKAR2B, FAR2, ACOT7, TPI1, PTGES, CH25H, ELOVL7, PRKAA2, HSD17B4, HADH, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, SCD2, ACNAT1, PRKAB1, FADS3, ADIPOR2, PHYH, CPT1A, ANKRD23, FABP4, H2-KE6, DEGS2, MGST2
## 56                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            VAV3, AGFG1, TBC1D9, NF1, ASAP2, ASAP3, RICTOR, TBC1D22A, THY1, SMAP1, NDEL1, TBC1D12, CHML, TBC1D14, TSC2, TBC1D13, ACAP2, TBC1D4, TBC1D30, ARAP3, ARAP2, ARAP1
## 57                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TXNIP, PXDN, MAP2K1, GATM, PTGS2, ATOX1, PTGS1, PRND, G6PDX, PRDX2, MYH7, GCLM, PARK7, NME5, APOE, BCL2, GAB1, CYGB, CAT, PRNP, DHCR24
## 58                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TNNT2, MURC, ACTC1, MYL2, TCAP, MYH6, TTN, NEURL2, ITGB1
## 59                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WNT5A, CAV1, FGFR3, TNF, TIRAP, TGFB3, PRDX2, ITPKB, FGF13, MAP3K5, MDFIC, GAB1, SPRED1, FGF2, RET, MAP2K1, NF1, SHANK3, PLCE1, DOK4, CD81, MAPK9, PPM1L, NRK, F2R
## 60                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ACOX1, STEAP4, D2HGDH, PXDN, KDM6A, ALDH1L1, PTGS2, CYP2J6, G6PDX, PTGS1, PRDX2, SC4MOL, BC026585, FAR1, FAR2, NDUFS6, HMOX2, NDUFS4, CYP39A1, PLOD1, TECRL, CH25H, MICAL1, SMOX, NOS2, ASPH, CAT, HADH, IMPDH1, DHCR24, CTBP2, CYP1A1, MICAL2, F8, DECR1, CYP2E1, CYB5B, DHRS7C, TECR, POR, VAT1, SCCPDH, DHRS3, F5, H2-KE6, PCYOX1, ZADH2, DEGS2, G6PD2, ALDH9A1, PRODH, XDH, CYP51, NDUFB3, NDUFB6, SORD, ADHFE1, NDUFB8, EGLN3, ADH5, EGLN1, GCLM, FTH1, FMO4, CBR1, FMO1, ADH1, IDH2, DMGDH, ALDH4A1, KDM3A, HSD17B4, ETFB, GLRX, ETFA, GPD2, SCD2, NOS1, NDUFA9, MAOA, AKR1E1, MAOB, NDUFA7, FADS3, IDO1, PHYH, TET1, MSRB2, CYP4B1, AKR1C19, AOX1, ALDH2, CP, ACAD11
## 61                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WNT5A, DLC1, BBS4, COBL, AR, ENAH, RET, PGF, VANGL2, FZD3, NR3C1, SHANK3, FZD6, ZIC2, HHEX, MIB1, CD44, NCOA3, HOXA5, BCL2, ZIC5, ILK, TSC2, APAF1
## 62                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PPARD, CAV1, ADORA2A, ATOX1, CLSTN1, EDN1, PRND, NR3C2, KCNA5, GCLM, CD24A, FTH1, CD9, SERINC5, APOE, SLC30A1, AQP11, BCL2, NKX6-2, MT2, PKD2, MT1, SGK1, SCD2, NTF3, NF1, SOCS6, ALMS1, TNNI3, SLC9A3R1, CSRP3, TECR, PARK7, PRKCB, 4930506M07RIK, PYGM, S100B, TFRC, ATP2C1, FYN, PLN, PRNP, CACNA1A, CLN5, F2R
## 63                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GNA13, NRP1, ACVRL1, PGF, IL18, LEPR, EDN1, MEIS1, WARS, PTK2, CXCR4, ANG, PLCD1, PLXND1, FIGF, FGF2, TBX4, TGFBR2, TBX1, PNPLA6, VASH1, THY1, NUS1, MEOX2, ECSCR, HBEGF, FOXC2
## 64                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         XDH, CAV1, D2HGDH, PXDN, GATM, PRND, PRDX2, MYH7, PARK7, NME5, CCND1, NPC1, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, BCL2, AS3MT, MT2, MT1, MAPK9, CAT, PRNP
## 65                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LYN, CAMK2G, TRIM28, KIT, TRIM24, IGF1R, CTTNBP2, PTK2, ULK1, FYN, CDK12, ZAP70, ERN1, CAMK2D, TNK1, INSR, MAP3K12
## 66                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, MYH7, ATP5G3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, ATP2B4, NME3, ATP6V0E2, ATP2C1, ADK, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ENTPD1, ATP5H, ATP8A1
## 67                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DLC1, CD9, TLN1, ITGA5, BCL2, LAMC1, HDAC7, FN1, THY1
## 68                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ADORA2A, EDN1, TIRAP, TGFB3, PRDX2, TLR4, KIT, CD24A, MAP3K5, SERINC5, CERKL, MDFIC, DGKD, GAB1, CEACAM2, FGF2, VAV3, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, DGKH, PLCE1, CD81, ERN1, NRK, LRP8, F2R, HTR2A
## 69                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CAV1, FGFR3, TNF, TIRAP, BMPR2, TGFB3, CD24A, PDCD4, PRKAR2B, NDUFS4, INPP5K, MDFIC, BCL2, GAB1, IFNG, RAPGEF3, FGF2, LYN, CCDC88C, HCLS1, RICTOR, ACVR2A, HIPK3, CD81, IGFBP3
## 70                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DLC1, SHROOM1, TLN1, ENAH, MYL2, CNN3, TCAP, PDLIM3, TTN, DAAM1, ITGB1, CTTNBP2, ANG, BCL2, EHD2, FMNL1, ACTC1, NF1, RICTOR, MYH6, FLNA, CORO1C, TNNT2, MURC, EPS8, ATP2C1, LIMCH1, NEURL2, ABL2, DBN1, FHOD1
## 71                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DLC1, ACTC1, RXRA, VANGL2, GJA1, SMAD3, EGLN1, TBX1, TTN, ZIC3, TNNT2, MIB1, CHD7, COL4A3BP, FOXC2, TGFBR3, FOXC1, MKL2
## 72                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, NME5, ATP2B4, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2C1, ADK, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ATP5H, ATP8A1
## 73                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, MYH7, ATP5G3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, ATP2B4, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ENTPD1, ATP5H, ATP8A1
## 74                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DLC1, CD9, SHROOM2, TLN1, ITGA5, BCL2, NUMB, LAMC1, HDAC7, FN1, THY1
## 75                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ADORA2A, EDN1, TIRAP, TGFB3, PRDX2, TLR4, KIT, CD24A, MAP3K5, CERKL, MDFIC, DGKD, GAB1, CEACAM2, FGF2, VAV3, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, DGKH, PLCE1, CD81, ERN1, NRK, LRP8, F2R, HTR2A
## 76                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CAV1, ATOX1, CLSTN1, EDN1, PRND, NR3C2, CD24A, FTH1, APOE, AQP11, SLC30A1, BCL2, MT2, PKD2, MT1, SGK1, TNNI3, TECR, CSRP3, PRKCB, PYGM, S100B, TFRC, ATP2C1, PLN, PRNP, CLN5, CACNA1A, F2R
## 77                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, NME5, ATP2B4, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2C1, ADK, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ATP5H, ATP8A1
## 78                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, MYH7, ATP5G3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, ATP2B4, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ENTPD1, ATP5H, ATP8A1
## 79                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RXRA, TGFBR3, FOXC2, FOXC1, NAA35, TGFB2
## 80                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ADORA2A, EDN1, TIRAP, TGFB3, PRDX2, TLR4, KIT, CD24A, MAP3K5, CERKL, MDFIC, DGKD, GAB1, CEACAM2, FGF2, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, DGKH, PLCE1, CD81, ERN1, LRP8, NRK, F2R, HTR2A
## 81                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CAV1, ADORA2A, ADCY6, ABHD5, EDN1, TGFB3, TIRAP, TLR4, PRDX2, KIT, GCLM, CD24A, MAP3K5, SERINC5, CERKL, DGKD, ANG, MDFIC, BCL2, MTCH1, GAB1, FGF2, CEACAM2, HIP1, VAV3, PTGER4, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, NF1, DGKH, THY1, PLCE1, NDEL1, RNF7, IFT57, TSC2, CD81, ERN1, NRK, LRP8, APAF1, HTR2A, F2R
## 82                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PPARD, CAV1, ADORA2A, ATOX1, CLSTN1, EDN1, PRND, NR3C2, KCNA5, GCLM, CD24A, FTH1, CD9, SERINC5, APOE, SLC30A1, AQP11, BCL2, NKX6-2, MT2, PKD2, MT1, SGK1, SCD2, NTF3, NF1, TNNI3, SLC9A3R1, CSRP3, TECR, PARK7, PRKCB, 4930506M07RIK, PYGM, S100B, TFRC, ATP2C1, FYN, PLN, PRNP, CACNA1A, CLN5, F2R
## 83                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ACTC1, MYL2, TCAP, NTF3, LGALS1, TNC, RXRA, UTRN, MYH6, CSRP2, TTN, ITGB1, FOXP1, TNNT2, MURC, GATA6, CDON, SEMA4C, SORT1, AGRN, PAK1, MKL2, NEURL2, F2R
## 84                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ENAH, NRP1, HPRT, MYO7A, TTN, TGFB2, CXCR4, COL4A3BP, ILK, ROBO2, CDH23, SSBP1, EFNB1, VANGL2, TBCE, LEF1, MYH6, TNNT2, 4930506M07RIK, MURC, NDEL1, BIN3, STMN1, NEURL2, DST, BBS4, SHROOM1, SHROOM2, PARD3, MYL2, TCAP, AGFG1, ADORA2A, SOX9, ITGB1, EPHB1, HOXA1, CD9, FIS1, PTK2, MACF1, BCL2, NUMB, B3GNT2, KLK8, ACTC1, NTF3, TRIM28, ALMS1, EPHA7, SYNE2, ULK1, PRICKLE2, CACNA1A
## 85                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP2B4, ATP8B1, ENTPD1, ATP5H, IMPDH1, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, MYH7, AMPD3, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, NME5, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP6V0A1, PRPS2, ATP8A1
## 86                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, MYH7, ATP5G3, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, ATP6V0E2, ATP2B4, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ENTPD1, ATP5H, ATP8A1
## 87                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CAV1, ADORA2A, NF1, PKIG, PDCD4, SPRY4, THY1, SH3BP5, HEXIM1, HIPK3, TSC2, FABP4, SPRED1, GADD45A
## 88                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CAV1, ADORA2A, NF1, PKIG, PDCD4, SPRY4, THY1, SH3BP5, HEXIM1, HIPK3, TSC2, FABP4, SPRED1, GADD45A
## 89                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP5G3, AMPD3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, ATP2B4, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ATP5H, IMPDH1, PRPS2, ATP8A1
## 90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CAV1, MAP2K1, NF1, TIRAP, TGFB3, PRDX2, KIT, CD24A, PDCD4, SPRY4, MAP3K5, PLCE1, MDFIC, HIPK3, CD81, GAB1, SPRED1, CEACAM2, HTR2A
## 91                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, MYH7, ATP5G3, AMPD3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, ATP2B4, NME3, ATP6V0E2, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ENTPD1, ATP5H, IMPDH1, ATP8A1
## 92                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DLC1, TLN1, ITGA5, BCL2, LAMC1, FN1, THY1
## 93                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PPARD, ATOX1, SLC9A2, EDN1, CLSTN1, EDNRB, AQP11, APOE, NKX6-2, COL4A3BP, MT2, MT1, SGK1, SOCS6, PFKM, SLC9A3R1, TECR, PRKCB, 4930506M07RIK, NPC1, ATP2C1, PRNP, CLN5, CAV1, ADORA2A, PRND, NR3C2, KCNA5, GCLM, CD24A, FTH1, CD9, SERINC5, INPP5K, SLC30A1, BCL2, PKD2, ASPSCR1, SCD2, NTF3, NF1, ALMS1, TRIM24, TNNI3, CSRP3, PARK7, PYGM, S100B, TFRC, FYN, PLN, FABP4, NR5A2, CACNA1A, F2R
## 94                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CAV1, ADORA2A, NF1, PKIG, PDCD4, SPRY4, THY1, SH3BP5, HEXIM1, HIPK3, TSC2, FABP4, SPRED1, GADD45A
## 95                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PARD3, CADM1, CLDN6, CLSTN1, CLDN5, CTNND1, LMO7, CDH2, SOX9, CD2AP, CD24A, DCHS1, CDH5, CLDN15, TGFB2, CERKL, BCL2, PCDHB16, ROBO2, RAPGEF1, CDH23, RET, LGALS1, PCDH10, PCDH12, LEF1, PCDH17, CD164, MCAM, THY1, JUP, IGSF5, CDH13, ATP2C1, ITGA5, FREM2, CDON, NPTN, TCAM1
## 96                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP5G3, AMPD3, ATP13A5, NME5, ATP6V1A, ATP2B4, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ATP5H, IMPDH1, ATP8A1
## 97                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, NME5, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2B4, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ATP5H, ATP8A1
## 98                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ATP5E, ATP1B2, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP5G3, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, NME5, ATP6V0E2, NME3, ATP2B4, ATP2C1, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ATP6V0A1, ATP5H, ATP8A1
## 99                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LYPD1, CDIPT, GPR126, SGMS2, CADM1, GPR124, EFNA3, ADCY6, UTRN, AQP7, AMOTL1, ITSN1, VPS33B, AQP1, AMOTL2, MAGED1, CTTNBP2, LPHN3, ATP2B4, HMCN1, PICALM, CD44, AQP11, RAB28, APOE, ILK, KLRA10, GNG5, ADAM9, GNG7, CDH23, RECK, TMEFF1, BSG, MAGI1, MPDZ, CRYAB, SCN2A1, VANGL2, EFNB2, THY1, JUP, NPC1, EGFLAM, CD36, PGM5, PTRF, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, PDGFRA, NPTN, TRAPPC4, TGFB1I1, UNC13C, GPR146, CLCN3, ENPP2, ASAP2, FCGRT, EPHB4, EPHB1, ITGBL1, DAGLA, ZAP70, SLC28A2, NPHP1, ASPSCR1, NTF3, MAOA, PCDH10, TGFBR2, MAOB, SMAD3, PCDH12, CD63, PCDH17, MCAM, GNAT3, ABCG2, LAMA2, EPHA7, GNGT2, CD55, EPS8, KCNJ8, TGFBR3, RHEB, SYTL2, NRP2, GYPC, STEAP4, GPR85, NRP1, GPR160, MYO7A, H2-D1, GJA1, AP3S1, GJA5, MMP25, MCF2L, ASAH2, ART3, EDNRB, AP2B1, CERKL, SMAP1, IL1RAP, STRA6, SLC22A5, GPIHBP1, CEACAM2, DPP4, AGPAT1, CTBP2, ADAM10, LYN, STX2, FLOT2, SLC22A8, SLC3A2, RFTN2, MMP15, CLIC1, CD164, FLNA, LRPAP1, BGN, MAST2, PRUNE, XPR1, PLXDC1, SORT1, KCTD12B, SGCE, PARVB, MAP3K12, SGCB, PARVA, SLC39A14, NKD1, SHROOM2, PARD3, MTDH, LIMS2, EEA1, SLC19A3, KIT, CLDN15, PLIN2, DGKD, MFSD7C, LANCL2, SOS1, COL6A3, CLEC2D, PKD2, SLCO3A1, CLEC2H, LY75, NOS1, NPR2, ATP1A1, SAMD4, FZD6, PROM1, CDH13, SLC16A2, ABCC9, AP2A2, PTP4A3, TFRC, GRIA1, STAB1, LAYN, FYN, GNG10, CDON, SLC16A9, HBEGF, ABCC4, AMOT, LRP8, CP, DNM2, HTR2A, GNA13, ENAH, OCLN, PLXNA4, GABRB2, TGFB3, LMO7, SLC7A5, IL17RD, IQGAP1, SEZ6L2, SLC16A1, DMXL2, DYSF, TIAM1, SLC2A1, ROBO2, SPRED1, INSR, MTUS1, SCAMP5, INADL, BST2, MFGE8, PNPLA6, TNS3, IGSF5, MIB1, PLCE1, LYNX1, RASGRF2, CLEC12B, CD300LG, NEURL2, VAMP1, CAR4, DST, SLC40A1, TNFAIP1, SLC38A5, BBS4, CGNL1, CAV1, SLC38A3, FGFR3, CYSLTR1, ADORA2A, MAP4K2, LRBA, PAQR7, ITGB5, CDC42SE1, NOSTRIN, TTC8, KCNA5, ITGB1, TTYH3, PTK2, SLC30A1, P2RY2, TTYH2, NUMB, LRFN1, SSX2IP, PLXND1, FN1, LPL, DIXDC1, PHACTR1, CACNA2D1, VAV3, ADAM23, KCNB1, ITGA3, SNAPIN, SLCO2B1, H2-Q6, H2-Q7, SHANK3, H2-Q8, ITGA9, LAMP2, SLC7A3, ITGA5, FREM2, PRICKLE2, ECSCR, PDZD2, PLEKHA2, CACNA1A, IER3, TLN1, CLDN6, LEPR, CLSTN1, CLDN5, PEX3, SKAP2, LSR, VMN1R208, ARHGAP21, GPC4, ANK, TMEM173, CXCR4, MAPKAP1, SDPR, GOPC, MSN, RHOD, PAK1, ZYX, SCN7A, KIRREL2, DLG2, H2-K1, TRPM6, PTGER4, LIMK1, MPP7, SLC9A3R1, NEXN, ARL3, STOM, ATP6V1A, NRM, STXBP5, DEF6, CD81, H2-KE6, CTSB, GPR17, PRNP, JAM3, EPN1, CPM, TNFRSF23, TNF, PRND, CD109, CTNND1, CDH2, CYTH3, ESYT2, GPRC5B, CD24A, CDH5, IGF1R, APLNR, CD9, KLRA9, RASGRP4, HRH2, MARVELD2, SYN2, CAMK2D, TNFRSF19, EHD1, PPAP2A, FGFBP1, EHD2, MYOF, ENO1, TMEM45A, CNNM2, PLP2, SLC12A2, ABCA8B, ABCA8A, MAL, UBL3, GM614, VWF, TMEM47, SLC6A6, TCAM1, SYNM, VPS28, ARAP3, LIPE, ARAP1, F2R
## 100                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ENAH, TLN1, CAV1, LIMS2, CADM1, AQP1, CTTNBP2, PTK2, CD44, SLC2A1, ILK, NUMB, MSN, ZYX, SLCO3A1, PAK1, AGPAT1, DIXDC1, STX2, SLC12A2, LIMK1, ATP1A1, ITGA3, NEXN, SLCO2B1, TNS3, PRUNE, PGM5, LAYN, TGFB1I1, NEURL2, DST, PARVB, PARVA
## 101                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TLN1, ENAH, SHROOM2, PARD3, LIMS2, LMO7, CDH2, CTTNBP2, PTK2, ILK, ZYX, PAK1, SSX2IP, NPHP1, DIXDC1, LIMK1, MPP7, NEXN, JUP, TNS3, PRUNE, PGM5, LAYN, SYNM, TGFB1I1, NEURL2, PARVB, PARVA
## 102                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TLN1, ENAH, OCLN, CADM1, GABRB2, CLDN6, UTRN, CLDN5, CLSTN1, LMO7, GJA1, ITSN1, AMOTL1, GJA5, AMOTL2, ARHGAP21, CTTNBP2, HMCN1, DMXL2, ILK, GOPC, PAK1, ZYX, DLG2, DPP4, SCAMP5, INADL, CTBP2, MAGI1, LIMK1, MPDZ, SCN2A1, MPP7, NEXN, JUP, IGSF5, TNS3, EGFLAM, MAST2, PGM5, PRUNE, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, TRAPPC4, TGFB1I1, NEURL2, UNC13C, VAMP1, DST, PARVB, PARVA, CGNL1, PARD3, SHROOM2, MTDH, LIMS2, CDH2, CDH5, CLDN15, PTK2, MARVELD2, SYN2, LRFN1, SSX2IP, NPHP1, DIXDC1, PHACTR1, PCDH12, SNAPIN, SAMD4, SHANK3, TMEM47, LAYN, GRIA1, AMOT, SYNM, PDZD2, DNM2
## 103                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GNA13, CADM1, MLPH, MYO7A, TGFB3, PDIA6, ITSN1, CD2AP, SLC1A5, CTTNBP2, DMXL2, PICALM, TPP1, PACSIN2, MAPKAP1, SLC2A1, GOPC, SCAMP5, BSG, ADAM10, PIK3C2B, ANP32E, SLC3A2, STOM, MYRIP, F5, IGF2R, SEMA4C, SORT1, TRAPPC4, CTSB, PDCD6IP, RAB11FIP1, SLC40A1, DST, IFT74, CLCN3, TNF, AGFG1, LRBA, TIMP4, NOSTRIN, CXXC4, RFFL, ITGB1, DGKD, SYN2, TMED10, EHD1, PCSK5, HIP1, ASPSCR1, PLAT, NOS1, NTF3, GGH, EXOC3L, WIPI1, VWF, PLA2G4A, AP2A2, LAMP2, NTS, TFRC, ULK1, CAPG, ABCC4, AMOT, ATP6V0A1, SYTL2, ABL2
## 104                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DIXDC1, TLN1, ENAH, LIMS2, LIMK1, NEXN, CTTNBP2, TNS3, PTK2, PGM5, PRUNE, LAYN, ILK, TGFB1I1, PAK1, ZYX, NEURL2, DST, PARVB, PARVA
## 105                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           COL4A2, COL4A1, TNC, COL15A1, HSPG2, CCDC80, PAPLN, NID1, TIMP2, LAMA2, LAMA4, EGFLAM, HMCN1, ANG, FREM2, AGRN, LAMC1, ENTPD1, VWA1, COL8A1, FN1
## 106                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GNA13, CADM1, MLPH, MYO7A, TGFB3, PDIA6, ITSN1, CD2AP, SLC1A5, CTTNBP2, DMXL2, PICALM, TPP1, PACSIN2, MAPKAP1, SLC2A1, GOPC, SCAMP5, BSG, ADAM10, PIK3C2B, ANP32E, SLC3A2, STOM, MYRIP, F5, IGF2R, SEMA4C, SORT1, TRAPPC4, CTSB, PDCD6IP, RAB11FIP1, SLC40A1, DST, IFT74, TNF, AGFG1, LRBA, TIMP4, NOSTRIN, CXXC4, RFFL, ITGB1, DGKD, SYN2, TMED10, EHD1, PCSK5, HIP1, PLAT, NOS1, NTF3, GGH, EXOC3L, WIPI1, VWF, PLA2G4A, AP2A2, LAMP2, NTS, TFRC, ULK1, CAPG, ABCC4, ATP6V0A1, AMOT, SYTL2, ABL2
## 107                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CADM1, SGMS2, UTRN, AQP7, VPS33B, ITSN1, AQP1, AMOTL1, AMOTL2, CTTNBP2, ATP2B4, HMCN1, CD44, APOE, RAB28, ILK, GNG5, GNG7, ADAM9, MAGI1, MPDZ, VANGL2, SCN2A1, THY1, JUP, NPC1, EGFLAM, PGM5, PTRF, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, PDGFRA, TRAPPC4, TGFB1I1, UNC13C, CLCN3, ENPP2, FCGRT, EPHB4, EPHB1, ITGBL1, ZAP70, SLC28A2, NPHP1, ASPSCR1, MAOA, TGFBR2, PCDH10, MAOB, PCDH12, GNAT3, EPHA7, CD55, GNGT2, EPS8, KCNJ8, RHEB, SYTL2, STEAP4, GPR85, MYO7A, H2-D1, AP3S1, GJA1, GJA5, MCF2L, AP2B1, CERKL, SMAP1, SLC22A5, GPIHBP1, DPP4, AGPAT1, CTBP2, STX2, FLOT2, MMP15, PRUNE, MAST2, KCTD12B, SORT1, SGCE, PARVB, SGCB, PARVA, PARD3, SHROOM2, LIMS2, MTDH, SLC19A3, EEA1, KIT, CLDN15, CLEC2D, SLCO3A1, CLEC2H, LY75, ATP1A1, SAMD4, FZD6, PROM1, CDH13, AP2A2, LAYN, STAB1, GRIA1, CDON, GNG10, AMOT, HBEGF, CP, DNM2, GNA13, ENAH, OCLN, GABRB2, TGFB3, LMO7, DMXL2, DYSF, SLC2A1, ROBO2, SCAMP5, INADL, MFGE8, PNPLA6, TNS3, IGSF5, NEURL2, VAMP1, DST, TNFAIP1, CGNL1, BBS4, SLC38A3, CAV1, FGFR3, CYSLTR1, ADORA2A, ITGB5, KCNA5, TTC8, ITGB1, PTK2, NUMB, LRFN1, SSX2IP, FN1, PHACTR1, DIXDC1, CACNA2D1, KCNB1, SNAPIN, ITGA3, H2-Q6, SLCO2B1, H2-Q7, H2-Q8, SHANK3, ITGA9, SLC7A3, FREM2, ITGA5, PRICKLE2, PDZD2, CACNA1A, IER3, TLN1, CLDN6, LEPR, CLDN5, CLSTN1, PEX3, VMN1R208, ARHGAP21, GPC4, ANK, SDPR, GOPC, ZYX, PAK1, SCN7A, MSN, DLG2, H2-K1, TRPM6, LIMK1, MPP7, SLC9A3R1, NEXN, ARL3, STOM, NRM, STXBP5, CD81, CTSB, TNF, CDH2, CD24A, CDH5, MARVELD2, SYN2, CAMK2D, PPAP2A, EHD1, EHD2, TMEM45A, SLC12A2, GM614, VWF, TMEM47, SLC6A6, TCAM1, SYNM, LIPE
## 108                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ASPN, CTHRC1, LTBP1, NEPN, TGFB3, POSTN, MMP25, GPC4, OGN, HMCN1, ANG, VWA1, ADAM10, CRTAP, MMP15, ADAMTS9, BGN, EGFLAM, NAV2, ADAM19, LAMC1, MFAP5, ADAMTS5, WNT5A, ADAMTSL2, SPOCK2, TNC, LUM, TIMP4, DCN, TIMP2, COL6A3, PTN, AGRN, COL8A1, ENTPD1, DPT, FN1, COL4A2, COL4A1, LGALS1, EFEMP2, FBN1, COL15A1, CCDC80, HSPG2, PAPLN, NID1, EMILIN1, LAMA2, VWF, LAMA4, FBLN2, FREM2, TGFBR3
## 109                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      GNA13, CADM1, MLPH, MYO7A, TGFB3, AP3S1, PDIA6, ITSN1, CD2AP, ARHGAP21, SLC1A5, CTTNBP2, DMXL2, DYSF, PICALM, MAP1LC3A, TPP1, PACSIN2, MAPKAP1, SLC2A1, GOPC, RAB6B, IFNGR1, SCAMP5, BSG, ADAM10, PIK3C2B, ANP32E, SLC3A2, STOM, MIB1, MYRIP, F5, IGF2R, SEMA4C, SORT1, TRAPPC4, PDCD6IP, CTSB, VAMP1, RAB11FIP1, SLC40A1, DST, IFT74, CLCN3, TNF, AGFG1, LRBA, TIMP4, NOSTRIN, CXXC4, RFFL, ITGB1, DGKD, SYN2, TMED10, EHD1, MYOF, PCSK5, HIP1, PLAT, ASPSCR1, NOS1, NTF3, GGH, EXOC3L, SNAPIN, WIPI1, VWF, PLA2G4A, AP2A2, LAMP2, TFRC, NTS, ULK1, CAPG, ABCC4, AMOT, ATP6V0A1, SYTL2, ABL2, ATP8A1
## 110                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ASPN, CTHRC1, LTBP1, NEPN, POSTN, MMP25, GPC4, OGN, HMCN1, ANG, VWA1, ADAM10, CRTAP, MMP15, ADAMTS9, BGN, EGFLAM, NAV2, ADAM19, LAMC1, MFAP5, ADAMTS5, WNT5A, ADAMTSL2, SPOCK2, TNC, LUM, TIMP4, DCN, TIMP2, PTN, AGRN, COL8A1, ENTPD1, DPT, FN1, COL4A2, COL4A1, LGALS1, EFEMP2, FBN1, COL15A1, CCDC80, HSPG2, PAPLN, NID1, EMILIN1, LAMA2, VWF, LAMA4, FBLN2, FREM2, TGFBR3
## 111                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       GNA13, CADM1, MLPH, MYO7A, TGFB3, AP3S1, PDIA6, ITSN1, CD2AP, ARHGAP21, SLC1A5, CTTNBP2, DMXL2, DYSF, PICALM, MAP1LC3A, TPP1, PACSIN2, MAPKAP1, SLC2A1, GOPC, RAB6B, SCAMP5, BSG, ADAM10, PIK3C2B, ANP32E, SLC3A2, STOM, MIB1, MYRIP, F5, IGF2R, SEMA4C, SORT1, TRAPPC4, PDCD6IP, CTSB, VAMP1, RAB11FIP1, SLC40A1, DST, IFT74, CLCN3, TNF, AGFG1, LRBA, TIMP4, NOSTRIN, CXXC4, RFFL, ITGB1, DGKD, SYN2, TMED10, EHD1, MYOF, PCSK5, HIP1, PLAT, NOS1, NTF3, GGH, EXOC3L, SNAPIN, WIPI1, VWF, PLA2G4A, AP2A2, LAMP2, TFRC, NTS, ULK1, CAPG, ABCC4, AMOT, ATP6V0A1, SYTL2, ABL2, ATP8A1
## 112                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DIXDC1, TLN1, ENAH, LIMS2, LIMK1, NEXN, CTTNBP2, TNS3, PTK2, PRUNE, LAYN, ILK, PAK1, ZYX, TGFB1I1, NEURL2, PARVB, PARVA
## 113                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TLN1, ENAH, SHROOM2, PARD3, LIMS2, LMO7, CDH2, CTTNBP2, PTK2, ILK, ZYX, PAK1, SSX2IP, NPHP1, DIXDC1, LIMK1, MPP7, NEXN, JUP, TNS3, PRUNE, PGM5, LAYN, SYNM, TGFB1I1, NEURL2, PARVB, PARVA
## 114                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COL4A2, COL4A1, TNC, FBN1, COL15A1, HSPG2, CCDC80, PAPLN, NID1, TIMP2, LAMA2, LAMA4, EGFLAM, HMCN1, ANG, FREM2, AGRN, LAMC1, ENTPD1, VWA1, COL8A1, MFAP5, FN1
## 115                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              OCLN, MYO7A, PPARG, VBP1, GJA1, FES, PDCD4, SLC7A5, MAGED1, CTTNBP2, ACOT7, PACSIN2, COL4A3BP, SDPR, RAB24, MT1, NGFRAP1, NOS2, DDAH2, INSR, FMNL1, PPP2R1A, PIK3C2B, PFKP, PFKM, CLIC1, ZCCHC17, THY1, JUP, ATP6V1A, PLCE1, CCND1, PTRF, ADK, PFDN4, AS3MT, PSMA3, MAPK9, PDCD6IP, UROD, FHOD1, MAP3K12, ALDH9A1, XDH, CPLX2, CAV1, ABHD5, EEA1, NR3C1, WDYHV1, GM8995, PTK2, INPP5K, RPL32, BCL2, LANCL2, ZAP70, PLCD1, AATF, CAR2, ENO1, ASPSCR1, MOCS2, NOS1, MAP2K1, SRA1, TGFBR2, SNAPIN, TAB2, PTPN12, HBA-A1, HBA-A2, ICK, GVIN1, FYN, GSK3B, POMP, FABP4, CPNE3, TNK1, APAF1, VPS28, GRB7, LIPE, GCA
## 116                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GNPTG, HPRT, PTGS2, CYP2J6, PTGS1, ITSN1, ARL2BP, ASAH2, HMOX2, CTTNBP2, CYP39A1, PLCB4, PTGES, TPP1, GOPC, RECK, STX2, CYP1A1, CRYAB, CCDC88C, MPDZ, FLOT2, PKIG, SCN2A1, PFKM, CYP2E1, CLIC1, CYB5B, POR, PNPLA6, CD38, PLCE1, LYNX1, PTRF, TPPP, IGF2R, AS3MT, SORT1, H2-KE6, CTSB, VAMP1, CYP51, CAV1, SORD, ADORA2A, CALD1, CTNND1, CD24A, ITGB1, GCLM, FMO4, SLCO1A4, INPP5K, FMO1, RASGRP4, BCL2, TMED10, PPAP2A, ACSL3, EHD2, INPP5A, ACSL6, ACSL5, ASPSCR1, NCEH1, ACY1, A4GALT, SEC11C, SLC12A2, ATP1A1, SNAPIN, ITGA3, ITPR3, SAMD4, CPT1A, CYP4B1, LAMP2, EPS8, ITGA5, KCNJ8, GRIA1, ULK1, ABCC4, CHN2, SYTL2, SYNM, APAF1, ABCC5
## 117                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DIXDC1, TLN1, ENAH, LIMS2, LIMK1, TNS3, CTTNBP2, PTK2, PRUNE, LAYN, ILK, PAK1, ZYX, TGFB1I1, PARVB, PARVA
## 118                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ACTC1, MYL2, TCAP, CRYAB, PDLIM3, MYH7, MYH6, TNNI3, TPM2, TTN, CSRP3, JUP, TNNT2, MURC, ABCC9, PGM5, SYNE2, ANKRD23, PYGM, KCNJ8, SYNM
## 119                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ASPN, CTHRC1, LTBP1, IL16, IL18, EDN1, TGFB3, PGLYRP1, POSTN, BMP15, TGFB2, OGN, HMCN1, SERPINE2, APOE, IFNG, ADAM9, CRTAP, F8, MFGE8, ADAMTS9, EGFLAM, F5, NAV2, LAMC1, MFAP5, ADAMTS5, WNT5A, ADAMTSL2, TIMP4, TIMP2, AGRN, ENTPD1, FN1, PLAT, LPL, BMP1, EFEMP2, LGALS1, GGH, CCDC80, EMILIN1, LAMA2, LAMA4, FREM2, CXCL16, CCL27A, TGFBR3, BMP6, NEPN, LEPR, LSR, MMP25, GPC4, ANG, SEMA3C, SEPP1, VWA1, FGF2, GPIHBP1, AGPAT1, ADAM10, MMP15, IFNAR2, BGN, GM13306, GRN, ADAM19, TNF, C3, SPOCK2, TNC, LUM, CD109, CXCL9, DCN, PRL2C3, PRL2C5, C1QTNF1, COL6A3, PTN, COL8A1, FIGF, PCSK5, FGFBP1, DPT, KLK8, COL4A2, COL4A1, FBN1, COL15A1, HSPG2, CCL19, IGF2, PAPLN, NID1, TNFSF9, PROM1, VWF, FBLN2, SULF1, HBEGF, LRP8, CP, IGFBP3, CMTM3, CMTM6, IGFBP5
## 120                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GNA13, BSG, MLPH, MYO7A, GGH, SLC3A2, PDIA6, ITGB1, STOM, SLC1A5, MYRIP, TFRC, TPP1, SLC2A1, CAPG, TMED10, ATP6V0A1, SYTL2, PDCD6IP, CTSB
## 121                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GNA13, BSG, MLPH, MYO7A, GGH, SLC3A2, PDIA6, ITGB1, STOM, SLC1A5, MYRIP, TFRC, TPP1, SLC2A1, CAPG, TMED10, ATP6V0A1, SYTL2, PDCD6IP, CTSB
## 122                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GPR126, ACVRL1, H2-D1, MMP25, GPC4, CERKL, CD44, APOE, ROBO2, CEACAM2, GPIHBP1, ADAM9, H2-K1, ADAM10, MFGE8, MMP15, THY1, LRPAP1, CD38, IGSF5, BGN, CD36, SORT1, CTSB, JAM3, TNF, BMPR2, KIT, TIMP2, CD24A, CLEC2D, AGRN, SLCO3A1, FGFBP1, LY75, CKAP4, TGFBR2, H2-Q6, H2-Q7, H2-Q8, GM614, PROM1, CDH13, VWF, CD55, FREM2, LAYN, ITGA5, CDON, SULF1, AMOT, TGFBR3
## 123                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TLN1, ENAH, ADORA2A, BAIAP2, SRA1, ABI3, CTNND1, CDH2, CYTH3, ITSN1, CD2AP, MCF2L, IQGAP1, PTK2, NDEL1, INPP5K, LAYN, ACAP2, AMOT, TMOD3, ROBO2, ARAP3, EPS8L2, PARVA
## 124                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CDIPT, PTGS2, PTGS1, TPD52, SEZ6L2, JSRP1, PLOD1, AQP11, COL4A3BP, CH25H, CREB3L1, ELOVL7, ASPH, CYP1A1, UGCG, CYP2E1, LPCAT3, TECR, POR, PNPLA6, NPC1, SEC61B, PTRF, RASGRF2, TXNDC5, MLEC, TRAPPC5, AKAP6, TRAPPC4, TRAPPC1, EXT1, SEC61G, EXTL3, CAV1, HAX1, LRBA, SERINC5, LPCAT1, BCHE, ZDHHC9, ARL6IP5, SEC61A1, CML1, CACNA2D1, GABARAPL1, SCD2, NTF3, SEC11C, CKAP4, TPBG, CYP4B1, TGFBR3, AHCYL1, 0610007P14RIK, ORMDL1, SGPP2, CLSTN1, CYP2J6, DNAJC10, PDIA6, RTN1, SC4MOL, FAR2, HMOX2, TMEM173, CYP39A1, PLCB4, FGF3, IFNGR1, DHCR24, SGK1, CNPY2, LRPAP1, TRDN, ERN1, SORT1, PRNP, CLN5, DEGS2, CASQ2, FKBP2, CYP51, MTDH, PRND, NR3C2, EDEM3, SEC62, NECAB3, FMO4, TMED4, INPP5K, FMO1, BCL2, PKD2, BCAP29, PPAP2B, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, TMC6, NCEH1, TMC8, CREB3, GIMAP8, ARMC10, FADS3, ITPR3, VWF, PYGM, GRIA1, PLN, SULF1, MBOAT1, RCN1
## 125                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ACTC1, TCAP, CRYAB, PDLIM3, MYH7, MYH6, TNNI3, TPM2, TTN, CSRP3, JUP, TNNT2, MURC, ABCC9, PGM5, SYNE2, ANKRD23, PYGM, SYNM
## 126                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ARSB, FGFR3, MYO7A, LRBA, VPS33B, ABCA5, GLB1, TPP1, MT1, KIF2A, NOS1, TMEM9, GGH, 0610031J06RIK, LMBRD1, CD164, CD63, M6PR, CTSL, NPC1, LAMP2, GLA, IGF2R, SMPD1, SORT1, CTSC, PCYOX1, CTSB, CLCN7, CTSH, SLC15A3, CLN5, CTSF
## 127                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LAMA2, LAMA4, ANG, HSPG2, LAMC1, AGRN, ENTPD1
## 128                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ARSB, FGFR3, MYO7A, LRBA, VPS33B, ABCA5, GLB1, TPP1, MT1, KIF2A, NOS1, TMEM9, GGH, 0610031J06RIK, LMBRD1, CD164, CD63, M6PR, CTSL, NPC1, LAMP2, GLA, IGF2R, SMPD1, SORT1, CTSC, PCYOX1, CTSB, CLCN7, CTSH, SLC15A3, CLN5, CTSF
## 129                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GNA13, PTGS2, PTGS1, CYP2J6, MYLIP, SPRY4, MAGED1, ARHGAP21, FRMD5, DMXL2, CYP39A1, APOE, MAPKAP1, GOPC, SPRED1, MSN, RAPGEF3, GNG5, GNG7, INADL, MAGI1, CYP1A1, BAIAP2, FLOT2, MFGE8, MPP7, CYP2E1, SLC9A3R1, POR, FARP1, PRKCB, JUP, RASGRF2, STXBP6, STXBP5, UNC13C, MAP3K12, EPN1, GRB14, FKBP2, ASAP2, NR3C2, MAP4K2, EEA1, CCDC91, RFFL, DUSP18, CDC42EP2, PLIN2, NUMB, EHD1, FGFBP1, EHD2, ASPSCR1, NOS1, GAS2, GNAT3, CYP4B1, GNGT2, GNG10, TSC2, EPB4.1L4A, JAK1, CHN2, PON2, SYTL2, VPS28, ARAP3, ARAP1, PLEKHA2
## 130                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ACTC1, MYL2, TCAP, CRYAB, PDLIM3, MYH7, MYH6, TNNI3, TPM2, TTN, CSRP3, JUP, TNNT2, MURC, ABCC9, PGM5, SYNE2, ANKRD23, PYGM, KCNJ8, SYNM
## 131                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ENAH, UTRN, PDLIM3, PDLIM1, MYLIP, TTN, CD2AP, CEP70, KIF13A, CTTNBP2, CDH23, MPDZ, ENC1, RAI14, MYH7, MYH6, PLK1S1, DCTN4, BICD2, FARP1, TACC2, TNNT2, JUP, NDEL1, NAV1, LCA5, SPAG5, BIN3, PDCD6IP, STMN1, TGFB1I1, MYO18A, DST, DBN1, BBS4, CGNL1, MYL2, MYL3, ADORA2A, NEDD9, CDC42SE1, MYO9B, TTC8, PIN4, CDC42EP2, PTK2, PROCR, MACF1, CEP170, ARL6IP5, FGD6, GABARAPL1, NIN, CKAP5, MYLPF, ALMS1, GAS2, MYL12B, CSRP3, SHANK3, CORO1C, MYO10, EPS8, TMOD3, EPB4.1L4A, MARCKS, ABL2, GYPC, TLN1, CDC14A, WASF3, MLPH, MYO7A, ARL2BP, ARHGAP21, FRMD5, PLCB4, MAP1LC3A, GOPC, MICAL1, ZYX, NOS2, MSN, DLG2, IFNGR1, KIF2A, DYNC1I1, SH3PXD2A, ADAM10, IFLTD1, MICAL2, VIL1, TBCE, NEXN, EML6, FLNA, ARL3, EML2, STOM, MYRIP, SASS6, MAST2, SMTN, TBCB, PLEKHH2, FRMD4A, FRMD4B, SEMA4C, SGCE, MAPRE3, PARVB, FHOD1, SGCB, PARVA, SHROOM1, PARD3, SHROOM2, CALD1, HAUS1, CETN3, CETN2, IVNS1ABP, TPM2, KRT5, SOS1, KIF4, PKD2, ODF2, IPP, ACTC1, NOS1, LRRC49, CABYR, RPS6KA1, GRIA1, RPS6KA2, IFT57, CEP68, JAK1, AMOT, SYNM, ARAP3, CALM2, ACTR10, DNM2
## 132                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CGNL1, INADL, SHROOM2, PARD3, MTDH, OCLN, MAGI1, MPDZ, CLDN6, CLDN5, MPP7, AMOTL1, AMOTL2, CDH5, CLDN15, IGSF5, MARVELD2, AMOT
## 133                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CGNL1, INADL, SHROOM2, PARD3, MTDH, OCLN, MAGI1, MPDZ, CLDN6, CLDN5, MPP7, AMOTL1, AMOTL2, CDH5, CLDN15, IGSF5, MARVELD2, AMOT
## 134                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GNPTG, PTGS2, CYP2J6, PTGS1, ITSN1, ASAH2, HMOX2, CTTNBP2, CYP39A1, PLCB4, PTGES, GOPC, RECK, STX2, CYP1A1, MPDZ, FLOT2, SCN2A1, CYP2E1, CLIC1, CYB5B, POR, PNPLA6, CD38, PLCE1, LYNX1, PTRF, IGF2R, SORT1, H2-KE6, VAMP1, CYP51, CAV1, ADORA2A, CALD1, CTNND1, ITGB1, CD24A, FMO4, SLCO1A4, INPP5K, FMO1, RASGRP4, BCL2, TMED10, PPAP2A, ACSL3, EHD2, INPP5A, ACSL6, ACSL5, ASPSCR1, NCEH1, A4GALT, SEC11C, SLC12A2, ATP1A1, SNAPIN, ITGA3, ITPR3, SAMD4, CPT1A, CYP4B1, LAMP2, EPS8, ITGA5, KCNJ8, GRIA1, ULK1, ABCC4, CHN2, SYNM, SYTL2, ABCC5
## 135                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GNPTG, PTGS2, CYP2J6, PTGS1, ITSN1, ASAH2, HMOX2, CTTNBP2, CYP39A1, PLCB4, PTGES, GOPC, RECK, STX2, CYP1A1, CRYAB, CCDC88C, MPDZ, FLOT2, SCN2A1, CYP2E1, CLIC1, CYB5B, POR, PNPLA6, CD38, PLCE1, LYNX1, PTRF, IGF2R, SORT1, H2-KE6, VAMP1, CYP51, CAV1, ADORA2A, CALD1, CTNND1, CD24A, ITGB1, FMO4, SLCO1A4, INPP5K, FMO1, RASGRP4, BCL2, TMED10, PPAP2A, ACSL3, EHD2, INPP5A, ACSL6, ACSL5, ASPSCR1, NCEH1, A4GALT, SEC11C, SLC12A2, ATP1A1, SNAPIN, ITGA3, ITPR3, SAMD4, CPT1A, CYP4B1, LAMP2, EPS8, ITGA5, KCNJ8, GRIA1, ULK1, ABCC4, CHN2, SYNM, SYTL2, ABCC5
## 136                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                GNPTG, STEAP4, CDIPT, SGMS2, CLSTN1, AP3S1, IL17RD, ARHGAP21, ST6GALNAC4, PICALM, APOE, PACSIN2, COL4A3BP, CHST11, ST3GAL6, GOPC, RAB6B, CHST15, MTUS1, FGF3, GGTA1, GOLM1, DHCR24, SCAMP5, ADAM10, LYN, BST2, BEND5, CHST2, VTI1B, OPTN, BICD2, FLNA, ST6GALNAC2, CHST1, ARL3, MGAT1, PLCE1, CD36, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, ATP2C1, IGF2R, TRAPPC5, SORT1, TRAPPC4, PRNP, TRAPPC1, EXT1, CLN5, GRB14, TPST1, TPST2, CLCN3, GALNT1, CAV1, FUT8, HS3ST1, PRND, ASAP2, LRBA, MAP4K2, CCDC91, NECAB3, ABCA5, SERINC5, GNPTAB, LPCAT1, AP3M1, ZDHHC9, B3GNT1, TMED10, B3GNT2, PCSK5, HIP1, CML1, MGAT4A, GABARAPL1, ST6GAL1, A4GALT, MAP2K1, GIMAP8, GOLIM4, NDFIP1, SCOC, MAL, AP4S1, WIPI1, FAM198B, GLA, IFT57, ST8SIA4, SULF1, ARAP1
## 137                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ACTC1, TCAP, CRYAB, PDLIM3, MYH7, MYH6, TNNI3, TPM2, TTN, CSRP3, JUP, TNNT2, MURC, ABCC9, PGM5, SYNE2, ANKRD23, PYGM, SYNM
## 138                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ARSB, FGFR3, MYO7A, LRBA, VPS33B, GLB1, ABCA5, MAP1LC3A, TPP1, MT1, KIF2A, GABARAPL1, NOS1, TMEM9, GGH, 0610031J06RIK, LMBRD1, CD164, CD63, M6PR, CTSL, NPC1, LAMP2, GLA, IGF2R, SMPD1, SORT1, CTSC, PCYOX1, CTSB, CLCN7, CTSH, SLC15A3, CLN5, CTSF
## 139                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CGNL1, INADL, SHROOM2, PARD3, MTDH, OCLN, MAGI1, MPDZ, CLDN6, CLDN5, MPP7, AMOTL1, AMOTL2, CDH5, FZD6, CLDN15, JUP, IGSF5, MARVELD2, PRICKLE2, AMOT
## 140                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ATP5E, CPT2, XPO6, COX5A, ARL2BP, NDUFAF3, FANCL, FAHD1, SLC25A20, NDUFS6, TMEM173, CISD1, NDUFS4, PTGES, SLC25A1, HADH, ATP5H, COX17, GATM, IFLTD1, IPO9, CLIC1, NAV3, CYB5B, CLPX, TIMM8B, NPC1, NDEL1, NRM, IGF2R, ERN1, AKAP6, SLC25A37, H2-KE6, PMPCB, PRODH, NDUFB3, NDUFB6, HAX1, NUP160, NDUFB8, SFXN1, RPL38, FIS1, DUSP18, BCHE, GSTK1, BCL2, MTCH1, IDH2, COX6B1, MLXIP, MTMR6, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, GPD2, CML1, NOS1, COX7A1, COX8B, NDUFA9, MAOA, ABCA8B, MAOB, NDUFA7, VDAC2, CPT1A, SLC25A11, SYNE2, HMGCS2, PRICKLE2, COX6A2, NLN, CSTAD
## 141                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ADAM10, ADORA2A, MPDZ, SHANK3, PLCB4, EPS8, GRIA1, SOS1, GOPC, SEMA4C, DLG2, IFNGR1, DNM2
## 142                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ATP5E, CPT2, XPO6, COX5A, ARL2BP, NDUFAF3, FANCL, FAHD1, SLC25A20, NDUFS6, TMEM173, CISD1, NDUFS4, PTGES, SLC25A1, HADH, ATP5H, COX17, GATM, IFLTD1, IPO9, CLIC1, NAV3, CYB5B, CLPX, TIMM8B, NPC1, NDEL1, NRM, IGF2R, ERN1, AKAP6, SLC25A37, H2-KE6, PMPCB, PRODH, NDUFB3, NDUFB6, HAX1, NUP160, NDUFB8, SFXN1, RPL38, FIS1, DUSP18, BCHE, GSTK1, BCL2, MTCH1, IDH2, COX6B1, MLXIP, MTMR6, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, GPD2, CML1, NOS1, COX7A1, COX8B, NDUFA9, MAOA, ABCA8B, MAOB, NDUFA7, VDAC2, CPT1A, SLC25A11, SYNE2, HMGCS2, PRICKLE2, COX6A2, NLN, CSTAD
## 143                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CGNL1, SHROOM2, PARD3, MTDH, OCLN, CADM1, CLDN6, CLDN5, GJA1, LMO7, AMOTL1, AMOTL2, GJA5, CDH5, CLDN15, MARVELD2, ZYX, DPP4, INADL, MAGI1, MPDZ, SCN2A1, PCDH12, MPP7, JUP, IGSF5, PGM5, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, AMOT
## 144                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          IER3, CAV1, TNF, EFNB1, FLOT2, PRND, TGFBR2, CD24A, EPHB1, THY1, STOM, CTTNBP2, CD36, NRM, PTRF, SDPR, PRNP, LIPE
## 145                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      GNPTG, CYP51, PTGS2, CYP2J6, PTGS1, FMO4, HMOX2, CYP39A1, PLCB4, PTGES, FMO1, BCL2, TMED10, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, ASPSCR1, NCEH1, SEC11C, CYP1A1, ATP1A1, CYP2E1, CYB5B, ITPR3, POR, CPT1A, CYP4B1, PTRF, KCNJ8, SORT1
## 146                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DLC1, MLPH, TTN, ITSN1, MCF2L, IQGAP1, ARL2BP, SMAP1, DMXL2, TBC1D12, TIAM1, TBC1D14, TBC1D13, GOPC, RAPGEF5, NET1, ARHGEF7, ARHGEF6, ARHGEF15, TBC1D22A, FARP1, THY1, MAP4K3, MURC, MAP4K4, MYRIP, RASGRF2, ACAP2, NRK, AGFG1, TBC1D9, CYTH1, ASAP2, MAP4K2, MYO9B, ASAP3, CYTH3, PLEKHG3, PLEKHG2, RASGRP4, SOS1, TBC1D4, TBC1D30, FGD6, ARHGDIB, VAV3, SYTL2, ARAP3, ARAP2, ARAP1
## 147                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ENAH, TLN1, WASF3, TNNC1, MLPH, MYO7A, UTRN, PDLIM3, LMO7, MYLIP, MTSS1L, SDC3, CTTNBP2, FRMD5, TRIM2, MAP1LC3A, PACSIN2, ANG, AIF1L, MSN, MKL2, FMNL1, DYNC1I1, CLMN, BAIAP2, VIL1, ENC1, MYH7, MYH6, NEXN, FLNA, FARP1, JMY, MYRIP, NDEL1, MAST2, SPAG5, TPPP, LIMCH1, STMN1, DBN1, EPS8L2, DST, MAPRE3, PARVB, FHOD1, PARVA, SHROOM1, SHROOM2, CNN3, ADORA2A, ABLIM3, CALD1, MYO9B, DAAM1, TPM2, MACF1, HIP1, DIXDC1, PHACTR1, IPP, GABARAPL1, BAIAP2L1, CKAP5, FSCN1, NF1, TNNI3, CORO1C, SYNE2, S100B, FYN, CAPG, EPB4.1L4A, TMOD3, MARCKS, SYNM, MYLK
## 148                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DLC1, MLPH, ARHGAP18, ITSN1, TTN, ARL2BP, MCF2L, IQGAP1, ARHGAP21, DMXL2, ARHGAP20, SMAP1, TBC1D12, TIAM1, TBC1D14, GOPC, TBC1D13, RAPGEF5, RAPGEF3, RAPGEF1, NET1, ARHGEF7, ARHGEF6, ARHGAP28, ARHGEF15, TBC1D22A, FARP1, THY1, MAP4K3, MURC, MAP4K4, RALGAPA2, PLCE1, MYRIP, RASGRF2, ACAP2, NRK, AGFG1, CYTH1, TBC1D9, ASAP2, MAP4K2, MYO9B, CYTH3, ASAP3, PLEKHG3, PLEKHG2, RGS12, RASGRP4, SOS1, TBC1D4, TBC1D30, FGD6, ARHGDIB, VAV3, NF1, DOCK7, RICTOR, CHML, PLN, RGS4, TSC2, RGS5, CHN2, SYTL2, ARAP3, ARAP2, ARAP1
## 149                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DLC1, MLPH, ARHGAP18, ITSN1, TTN, ARL2BP, MCF2L, IQGAP1, ARHGAP21, DMXL2, ARHGAP20, SMAP1, TBC1D12, TIAM1, TBC1D14, GOPC, TBC1D13, RAPGEF5, RAPGEF3, RAPGEF1, NET1, ARHGEF7, ARHGEF6, ARHGAP28, ARHGEF15, TBC1D22A, FARP1, THY1, MAP4K3, MURC, MAP4K4, RALGAPA2, PLCE1, MYRIP, RASGRF2, ACAP2, NRK, AGFG1, CYTH1, TBC1D9, ASAP2, MAP4K2, MYO9B, CYTH3, ASAP3, PLEKHG3, PLEKHG2, RGS12, RASGRP4, SOS1, TBC1D4, TBC1D30, FGD6, ARHGDIB, VAV3, NF1, DOCK7, RICTOR, CHML, RGS4, TSC2, RGS5, CHN2, SYTL2, ARAP3, ARAP2, ARAP1
## 150                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DLC1, PPARD, ARHGAP18, FGF13, ITSN1, MMP25, IQGAP1, ARHGAP21, MAP3K5, ARHGAP20, SMAP1, TBC1D12, APOE, TBC1D14, TBC1D13, COX17, ARHGAP28, ARHGEF15, CYB5B, TBC1D22A, THY1, RALGAPA2, MURC, ACAP2, CAV1, AGFG1, TBC1D9, ASAP2, MYO9B, ASAP3, TIMP2, CD24A, RGS12, TBC1D4, TBC1D30, FN1, ARHGDIB, NF1, CHML, RGS4, RGS5, TSC2, CHN2, APAF1, ARAP3, ARAP2, IGFBP3, ARAP1, MGST2
## 151                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ADCY6, PRKG1, C230081A13RIK, KIF13A, MAP3K5, ATP2B4, OASL2, ILK, MAP3K8, RAPGEF3, MAGI1, MTPAP, MYH7, MYH6, NME5, GLUL, NME3, NAV1, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, ATP2C1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, MYO18A, CHKA, CLCN3, PFKFB3, UBA7, MYO9B, OAS2, CHEK2, EPHB4, EPHB1, ZAP70, SLC28A2, DHX58, MAP2K1, TAOK3, TGFBR2, ATP11B, ATP11A, YTHDC2, ABCG3, ATP13A5, RPS6KL1, ABCG2, EPHA7, KCNJ8, RAD54B, TNK1, GRK4, DHX40, GRK5, ACAD11, CLCN7, SRMS, STEAP4, ACVRL1, MYO7A, UBE2G1, ATP10A, ATP10D, MLH3, PMVK, CHST15, NOS2, SLC22A5, TARSL2, TOP2A, DHCR24, LYN, PDE10A, MAST2, ADK, MAP3K12, KIT, FMO4, FMO1, PRKAA2, PAPSS1, PAPSS2, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, ETFA, ACTC1, NOS1, NPR1, ATP1A1, NPR2, KHK, ABCC9, RPS6KA1, MAPK12, FYN, RPS6KA2, GSK3B, AOX1, ABCC4, ABCC5, ABCC6, STK33, STK38, TTN, PRKAR2B, ACSS1, MLKL, INSR, RET, PDXK, DARS, CLPX, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, RFK, ATP9A, PDE5A, FLAD1, SMARCA2, PCCA, PRPS2, XDH, FGFR3, STK10, GM14085, BMPR2, MAP4K2, TIMP4, CTPS2, ABCA5, PTK2, ENTPD1, TEC, BMX, AK3, SACS, SMG1, ATAD2, MYO10, ULK1, THNSL1, GUK1, ABL2, MYLK, UBE2E1, CDK19, ACOX1, D2HGDH, SLFN9, PIP5K1B, SLFN8, SLFN5, FES, D8ERTD82E, WARS, SLK, PAK4, CCT8L1, CDK12, ATP8B1, PAK1, NSF, KIF2A, TRPM6, SGK1, LIMK1, PFKP, PFKM, DAPK2, MCM3, DAPK1, PRKCB, PRKD1, ATP6V1A, PRKD2, ACVR2A, HIPK3, ERN1, NRK, FRK, CAMK2G, SHPK, IGF1R, CHD7, HSPA2, KIF4, SYN2, CAMK2D, ETNK1, DMGDH, EHD1, EHD2, MSH6, MSH3, ABCA8B, ABCA8A, ICK, JAK1, APAF1, ATP8A1
## 152                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ADCY6, PRKG1, C230081A13RIK, KIF13A, MAP3K5, ATP2B4, OASL2, ILK, MAP3K8, RAPGEF3, MAGI1, MTPAP, MYH7, MYH6, NME5, GLUL, NME3, NAV1, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, ATP2C1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, MYO18A, CHKA, CLCN3, PFKFB3, UBA7, MYO9B, OAS2, CHEK2, EPHB4, EPHB1, ZAP70, DHX58, MAP2K1, TAOK3, TGFBR2, ATP11B, ATP11A, YTHDC2, ABCG3, ATP13A5, RPS6KL1, ABCG2, EPHA7, KCNJ8, RAD54B, TNK1, GRK4, DHX40, GRK5, ACAD11, CLCN7, SRMS, STEAP4, ACVRL1, MYO7A, UBE2G1, ATP10A, ATP10D, MLH3, PMVK, CHST15, NOS2, SLC22A5, TARSL2, TOP2A, DHCR24, LYN, PDE10A, MAST2, ADK, MAP3K12, KIT, FMO4, FMO1, PRKAA2, PAPSS1, PAPSS2, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, ETFA, ACTC1, NOS1, NPR1, ATP1A1, NPR2, KHK, ABCC9, RPS6KA1, MAPK12, RPS6KA2, FYN, GSK3B, AOX1, ABCC4, ABCC5, ABCC6, STK33, STK38, TTN, PRKAR2B, ACSS1, MLKL, INSR, RET, PDXK, DARS, CLPX, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, RFK, ATP9A, FLAD1, SMARCA2, PCCA, PRPS2, XDH, FGFR3, STK10, BMPR2, MAP4K2, TIMP4, CTPS2, ABCA5, PTK2, ENTPD1, TEC, BMX, AK3, SACS, SMG1, ATAD2, MYO10, ULK1, THNSL1, GUK1, ABL2, MYLK, UBE2E1, CDK19, ACOX1, D2HGDH, SLFN9, PIP5K1B, SLFN8, SLFN5, FES, D8ERTD82E, WARS, SLK, PAK4, CCT8L1, CDK12, ATP8B1, PAK1, NSF, KIF2A, TRPM6, SGK1, LIMK1, PFKP, PFKM, DAPK2, MCM3, DAPK1, PRKCB, PRKD1, ATP6V1A, PRKD2, ACVR2A, HIPK3, ERN1, NRK, FRK, CAMK2G, SHPK, IGF1R, CHD7, HSPA2, KIF4, SYN2, CAMK2D, ETNK1, DMGDH, EHD1, EHD2, MSH6, MSH3, ABCA8B, ABCA8A, ICK, JAK1, APAF1, ATP8A1
## 153                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ADCY6, PRKG1, C230081A13RIK, KIF13A, MAP3K5, ATP2B4, OASL2, ILK, MAP3K8, RAPGEF3, MAGI1, MTPAP, MYH7, MYH6, NME5, GLUL, NME3, NAV1, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, ATP2C1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, MYO18A, CHKA, CLCN3, PFKFB3, UBA7, MYO9B, OAS2, CHEK2, EPHB4, EPHB1, ZAP70, DHX58, MAP2K1, TAOK3, TGFBR2, ATP11B, ATP11A, YTHDC2, ABCG3, ATP13A5, RPS6KL1, ABCG2, EPHA7, KCNJ8, RAD54B, TNK1, GRK4, DHX40, GRK5, ACAD11, CLCN7, SRMS, STEAP4, ACVRL1, MYO7A, UBE2G1, ATP10A, ATP10D, MLH3, PMVK, CHST15, NOS2, SLC22A5, TARSL2, TOP2A, DHCR24, LYN, PDE10A, MAST2, ADK, MAP3K12, KIT, FMO4, FMO1, PRKAA2, PAPSS1, PAPSS2, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, ETFA, ACTC1, NOS1, NPR1, ATP1A1, NPR2, KHK, ABCC9, RPS6KA1, MAPK12, RPS6KA2, FYN, GSK3B, AOX1, ABCC4, ABCC5, ABCC6, STK33, STK38, TTN, PRKAR2B, ACSS1, MLKL, INSR, RET, PDXK, DARS, CLPX, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, RFK, ATP9A, PDE5A, FLAD1, SMARCA2, PCCA, PRPS2, XDH, FGFR3, STK10, BMPR2, MAP4K2, TIMP4, CTPS2, ABCA5, PTK2, ENTPD1, TEC, BMX, AK3, SACS, SMG1, ATAD2, MYO10, ULK1, THNSL1, GUK1, ABL2, MYLK, UBE2E1, CDK19, ACOX1, D2HGDH, SLFN9, PIP5K1B, SLFN8, SLFN5, FES, D8ERTD82E, WARS, SLK, PAK4, CCT8L1, CDK12, ATP8B1, PAK1, NSF, KIF2A, TRPM6, SGK1, LIMK1, PFKP, PFKM, DAPK2, MCM3, DAPK1, PRKCB, PRKD1, ATP6V1A, PRKD2, ACVR2A, HIPK3, ERN1, NRK, FRK, CAMK2G, SHPK, IGF1R, CHD7, HSPA2, KIF4, SYN2, CAMK2D, ETNK1, DMGDH, EHD1, EHD2, MSH6, MSH3, ABCA8B, ABCA8A, ICK, JAK1, APAF1, ATP8A1
## 154                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CDK19, STK33, NRP1, ACVRL1, STK38, PRKG1, TTN, FES, C230081A13RIK, D8ERTD82E, CTTNBP2, MAP3K5, SLK, PAK4, MAP3K8, ILK, CDK12, MLKL, PAK1, INSR, TRPM6, SGK1, RET, LYN, LIMK1, PRKAB1, DAPK2, DAPK1, PRKCB, PRKD1, MAP4K3, ACVR2A, PRKD2, MAP4K4, CCND1, MAST2, HIPK3, ERN1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, NRK, MAP3K12, FRK, FGFR3, STK10, CAMK2G, BMPR2, MAP4K2, CHEK2, KIT, POLR2D, EPHB4, EPHB1, POLR2A, IGF1R, PTK2, ZAP70, CAMK2D, PRKAA2, TEC, MAP2K1, TRIM28, TGFBR2, TAOK3, BMX, NPR1, SMG1, NPR2, TRIM24, RPS6KL1, ICK, EPHA7, RPS6KA1, MAPK12, FYN, RPS6KA2, ULK1, GSK3B, TGFBR3, JAK1, GRK4, CPNE3, TNK1, GRK5, ABL2, SRMS, MYLK
## 155                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FRK, LYN, BMX, FES, C230081A13RIK, D8ERTD82E, PTK2, FYN, ZAP70, JAK1, TNK1, ABL2, SRMS, TEC
## 156                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ENAH, TLN1, WASF3, MLPH, TNNC1, MYO7A, UTRN, MTSS1L, ANG, AIF1L, MKL2, FMNL1, CLMN, ENC1, VIL1, MYH7, MYH6, NEXN, FLNA, JMY, MYRIP, LIMCH1, EPS8L2, DST, DBN1, PARVB, FHOD1, PARVA, SHROOM1, SHROOM2, CNN3, ABLIM3, CALD1, MYO9B, TPM2, DAAM1, MACF1, HIP1, PHACTR1, IPP, DIXDC1, BAIAP2L1, FSCN1, TNNI3, CORO1C, SYNE2, CAPG, TMOD3, MARCKS, MYLK
## 157                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    STK33, STK38, ADCY6, PRKG1, TTN, C230081A13RIK, KIF13A, PRKAR2B, ACSS1, MAP3K5, ATP2B4, OASL2, ILK, MAP3K8, MLKL, RAPGEF3, INSR, RET, PDXK, MAGI1, DARS, MTPAP, MYH7, MYH6, CLPX, MAP4K3, NME5, MAP4K4, GLUL, NME3, ABCB1A, NAV1, RFK, ATP2C1, ABCB1B, ATP9A, PDGFRA, MAPK9, FLAD1, MYO18A, SMARCA2, PCCA, PRPS2, CHKA, CLCN3, FGFR3, PFKFB3, STK10, MAP4K2, UBA7, BMPR2, CTPS2, TIMP4, MYO9B, CHEK2, OAS2, EPHB4, EPHB1, ABCA5, PTK2, ZAP70, ENTPD1, DHX58, TEC, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, TAOK3, SACS, BMX, AK3, ATP11B, SMG1, ATAD2, ATP11A, YTHDC2, ABCG3, ATP13A5, RPS6KL1, ABCG2, EPHA7, MYO10, KCNJ8, ULK1, TNK1, RAD54B, GRK4, DHX40, THNSL1, GRK5, ABL2, CLCN7, GUK1, SRMS, MYLK, UBE2E1, CDK19, ACVRL1, SLFN9, MYO7A, UBE2G1, ATP10A, PIP5K1B, SLFN8, ATP10D, SLFN5, MLH3, FES, PMVK, D8ERTD82E, WARS, SLK, PAK4, CCT8L1, CDK12, ATP8B1, SLC22A5, PAK1, TOP2A, TARSL2, NSF, KIF2A, TRPM6, SGK1, LYN, LIMK1, PFKP, PDE10A, PFKM, MCM3, DAPK2, DAPK1, PRKCB, PRKD1, ATP6V1A, PRKD2, ACVR2A, MAST2, HIPK3, ADK, ERN1, NRK, MAP3K12, FRK, CAMK2G, SHPK, KIT, IGF1R, CHD7, HSPA2, KIF4, SYN2, CAMK2D, ETNK1, PRKAA2, EHD1, PAPSS1, PAPSS2, EHD2, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, MSH6, ACTC1, MSH3, ABCA8B, ABCA8A, NPR1, ATP1A1, NPR2, KHK, ABCC9, ICK, MAPK12, RPS6KA1, FYN, RPS6KA2, GSK3B, JAK1, ABCC4, APAF1, ABCC5, ATP8A1, ABCC6
## 159                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ACVRL1, STK38, HPRT, ADCY6, ATP10A, ATP10D, TTN, FAH, FAHD1, MAP3K5, NT5C2, MAP3K8, ATP8B1, NSF, POLK, NUDT4, PFKP, PDE10A, PFKM, ARL3, PGM2L1, PRKD1, ACVR2A, PRKD2, MAST2, NME3, PGM5, RFK, ATP2C1, ADK, ATP9A, PDE5A, ERN1, PPM1L, MAP3K12, PRPS2, BMPR2, CHEK2, POLR2A, ADPRHL1, ERCC5, IDH2, PRKAA2, ENTPD1, ACSL3, FAHD2A, ACSL6, ENO1, ACSL5, ZC3H12C, TGFBR2, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP13A5, ICK, RPS6KA1, MAPK12, RPS6KA2, RHEB, ABL2, MYLK, ATP8A1
## 160                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              STK33, STK38, ADCY6, PRKG1, TTN, C230081A13RIK, KIF13A, ACSS1, MAP3K5, ATP2B4, OASL2, ILK, MAP3K8, MLKL, INSR, RET, PDXK, MAGI1, DARS, MTPAP, MYH7, MYH6, CLPX, MAP4K3, NME5, MAP4K4, GLUL, NME3, ABCB1A, NAV1, RFK, ATP2C1, ABCB1B, ATP9A, PDGFRA, MAPK9, FLAD1, MYO18A, SMARCA2, PCCA, PRPS2, CHKA, CLCN3, FGFR3, PFKFB3, STK10, MAP4K2, UBA7, BMPR2, CTPS2, TIMP4, MYO9B, CHEK2, OAS2, EPHB4, EPHB1, ABCA5, PTK2, ZAP70, ENTPD1, DHX58, TEC, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, TAOK3, SACS, BMX, AK3, ATP11B, SMG1, ATAD2, ATP11A, YTHDC2, ABCG3, ATP13A5, RPS6KL1, ABCG2, EPHA7, MYO10, KCNJ8, ULK1, TNK1, RAD54B, GRK4, DHX40, THNSL1, GRK5, ABL2, CLCN7, GUK1, SRMS, MYLK, UBE2E1, CDK19, ACVRL1, SLFN9, MYO7A, UBE2G1, ATP10A, PIP5K1B, SLFN8, ATP10D, SLFN5, MLH3, FES, PMVK, D8ERTD82E, WARS, SLK, PAK4, CCT8L1, CDK12, ATP8B1, SLC22A5, PAK1, TOP2A, TARSL2, NSF, KIF2A, TRPM6, SGK1, LYN, LIMK1, PFKP, PFKM, MCM3, DAPK2, DAPK1, PRKCB, PRKD1, ATP6V1A, PRKD2, ACVR2A, MAST2, HIPK3, ADK, ERN1, NRK, MAP3K12, FRK, CAMK2G, SHPK, KIT, IGF1R, CHD7, HSPA2, KIF4, SYN2, CAMK2D, ETNK1, PRKAA2, EHD1, PAPSS1, PAPSS2, ACSL3, EHD2, ACSL6, ACSL5, MSH6, ACTC1, MSH3, ABCA8B, ABCA8A, NPR1, ATP1A1, NPR2, KHK, ABCC9, ICK, MAPK12, RPS6KA1, FYN, RPS6KA2, GSK3B, JAK1, ABCC4, APAF1, ABCC5, ATP8A1, ABCC6
## 162                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ENPP2, SPOCK2, PGLYRP1, FSTL1, POSTN, DCN, CD44, SERPINE2, ANG, APOE, CFH, PTN, FGF2, FN1, LPL, PRG4, FBN1, CCDC80, LRPAP1, BGN, EGFLAM, NAV2, LAYN, STAB1, HBEGF, TGFBR3
## 163                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ENPP2, SPOCK2, PGLYRP1, FSTL1, POSTN, DCN, CD44, SERPINE2, ANG, APOE, CFH, PTN, FGF2, FN1, LPL, PRG4, FBN1, CCDC80, LRPAP1, BGN, EGFLAM, NAV2, LAYN, STAB1, HBEGF, TGFBR3
## 164                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ATP5E, ATP1B2, ABCA8B, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, ABCC9, ATP2B4, ABCB1A, ATP2C1, ABCB1B, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ABCC4, SEC61A1, ABCC5, SEC61G, ATP8A1, ABCC6
## 165                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ATP5E, ATP1B2, ABCA8B, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, ABCC9, ATP2B4, ABCB1A, ATP2C1, ABCB1B, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ABCC4, SEC61A1, ABCC5, SEC61G, ATP8A1, ABCC6
## 167                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ADCY6, PRKG1, C230081A13RIK, KIF13A, MAP3K5, ATP2B4, RAB28, OASL2, ILK, MAP3K8, RAB24, RAPGEF3, MAGI1, MTPAP, MYH7, MYH6, NME5, GLUL, NME3, NAV1, ABCB1A, ABCB1B, ATP2C1, PDGFRA, MAPK9, MYO18A, CHKA, CLCN3, PFKFB3, UBA7, MYO9B, CHEK2, OAS2, EPHB4, EPHB1, ZAP70, DHX58, MAP2K1, TGFBR2, TAOK3, ATP11B, ATP11A, YTHDC2, ABCG3, ATP13A5, GNAT3, RPS6KL1, ABCG2, EPHA7, KCNJ8, RHEB, RAD54B, TNK1, GRK4, DHX40, GRK5, ACAD11, CLCN7, SRMS, STEAP4, ACVRL1, MYO7A, UBE2G1, ATP10A, GNL3L, ATP10D, MLH3, PMVK, RAB6B, SLC22A5, CHST15, NOS2, TARSL2, TOP2A, DHCR24, LYN, PDE10A, MAST2, ADK, GUCY1B3, ARL4C, MAP3K12, ARL4A, KIT, FMO4, GM8995, FMO1, PRKAA2, PAPSS1, PAPSS2, ACSL3, ACSL6, ACSL5, ETFA, ACTC1, NOS1, NPR1, ATP1A1, NPR2, KHK, ABCC9, GM6548, RPS6KA1, MAPK12, FYN, RPS6KA2, GSK3B, AOX1, ABCC4, ABCC5, DNM2, ABCC6, GNA13, STK33, STK38, TTN, PRKAR2B, ACSS1, MLKL, MX2, INSR, RET, PDXK, DARS, EFTUD2, CLPX, MAP4K3, MAP4K4, RFK, ATP9A, PDE5A, FLAD1, SMARCA2, PCCA, PRPS2, XDH, FGFR3, STK10, BMPR2, MAP4K2, TIMP4, CTPS2, RRAGB, ABCA5, PTK2, RHOBTB1, ENTPD1, TEC, NIN, EEF1A2, SACS, BMX, AK3, SMG1, ATAD2, DOCK7, MYO10, GVIN1, ULK1, THNSL1, GUK1, ABL2, MYLK, UBE2E1, CDK19, ACOX1, D2HGDH, SLFN9, PIP5K1B, SLFN8, SLFN5, FES, D8ERTD82E, WARS, SLK, PAK4, CCT8L1, CDK12, ATP8B1, PAK1, RHOD, NSF, KIF2A, SGK1, TRPM6, LIMK1, PFKP, PFKM, MCM3, DAPK2, DAPK1, PRKCB, ARL3, PRKD1, ACVR2A, ATP6V1A, PRKD2, HIPK3, ERN1, NRK, FRK, CAMK2G, SHPK, IGF1R, CHD7, HSPA2, KIF4, SYN2, CAMK2D, ETNK1, DMGDH, EHD1, EHD2, MSH6, GIMAP4, MSH3, ABCA8B, GIMAP8, ABCA8A, ICK, GSPT2, JAK1, APAF1, ATP8A1
## 168                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DLC1, AGFG1, TBC1D9, ASAP2, ARHGAP18, MYO9B, ASAP3, IQGAP1, ARHGAP21, RGS12, SMAP1, ARHGAP20, TBC1D12, TBC1D14, TBC1D13, TBC1D4, TBC1D30, ARHGDIB, NF1, ARHGAP28, ARHGEF15, TBC1D22A, THY1, RALGAPA2, MURC, CHML, RGS4, RGS5, ACAP2, TSC2, CHN2, ARAP3, ARAP2, ARAP1
## 169                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ENAH, CLCN3, SHROOM2, FUT8, CADM1, MYO7A, ZXDB, MTSS1L, PTTG1, CD2AP, LNX1, PICALM, WBP5, SOS1, SH3BGR, MICAL1, INSR, EHD2, ADAM9, ADAM10, LYN, BAIAP2L1, CCDC88C, BAIAP2, HCLS1, NDFIP1, USHBP1, LDB2, TACC2, CTR9, SH3BP5, IGSF5, TGFBR3, ADAM19
## 170                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ATP5E, ATP1B2, ABCA8B, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, ABCC9, ATP2B4, ABCB1A, ATP2C1, ABCB1B, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ABCC4, ABCC5, ATP8A1, ABCC6
## 171                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ATP5E, ATP1B2, ABCA8B, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, ABCC9, ATP2B4, ABCB1A, ATP2C1, ABCB1B, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ABCC4, ABCC5, ATP8A1, ABCC6
## 172                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ATP5E, ATP1B2, ABCA8B, ATP10A, ATP11B, ATP11A, ATP1A1, ATP10D, ATP13A5, ATP6V1A, ABCC9, ATP2B4, ABCB1A, ATP2C1, ABCB1B, ATP9A, ATP8B1, ABCC4, ABCC5, ATP8A1, ABCC6
## 173                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PPARD, PTGS2, PITPNA, PPARG, PTGS1, MCF2L, PICALM, APOD, TIAM1, APOE, SDPR, PITPNC1, GPIHBP1, AR, SH3PXD2A, RXRA, MFGE8, GLTP, PRKCB, THY1, PRKD1, PRKD2, CD36, APOL10B, UNC13C, EPN1, RBP7, RBP1, SNX5, NR3C2, PAQR7, EEA1, MYO9B, NR3C1, SNX3, CYTH3, ATP5G3, PAQR5, RASGRP4, PLTP, HIP1, LPL, VAV3, SNX25, ITPR3, DBI, AP2A2, FABP3, FABP4, CHN2, NR5A2, FABP5, PLEKHA2
## 174                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FRK, NRP1, FGFR3, KIT, FES, C230081A13RIK, EPHB4, EPHB1, D8ERTD82E, IGF1R, CTTNBP2, PTK2, ILK, ZAP70, MLKL, INSR, TEC, RET, LYN, MAP2K1, LIMK1, BMX, EPHA7, FYN, PDGFRA, JAK1, TNK1, ABL2, MAP3K12, SRMS
##        adj_pval
## 1   0.000002170
## 2   0.000010400
## 3   0.000007620
## 4   0.000119000
## 5   0.000720000
## 6   0.001171166
## 7   0.001218401
## 8   0.001260554
## 9   0.001494412
## 10  0.001353085
## 11  0.001270203
## 12  0.001270203
## 13  0.001252343
## 14  0.001203526
## 15  0.001913479
## 16  0.001913479
## 17  0.001866874
## 18  0.002050367
## 19  0.002729180
## 20  0.003188633
## 21  0.003275992
## 22  0.003148504
## 23  0.003110982
## 24  0.003110982
## 25  0.003126833
## 26  0.002998019
## 27  0.002993049
## 28  0.003576524
## 29  0.003579722
## 30  0.003570881
## 31  0.003738387
## 32  0.004086705
## 33  0.004159706
## 34  0.004546102
## 35  0.004579589
## 36  0.004681002
## 37  0.004965218
## 38  0.004932658
## 39  0.004932658
## 40  0.005273461
## 41  0.005136731
## 42  0.005811078
## 43  0.007240790
## 44  0.008341777
## 45  0.008873190
## 46  0.010267311
## 47  0.010650644
## 48  0.010706509
## 49  0.010758397
## 50  0.012946656
## 51  0.013669994
## 52  0.013674338
## 53  0.013674338
## 54  0.013790461
## 55  0.013826216
## 56  0.013640615
## 57  0.014560576
## 58  0.014981248
## 59  0.014730332
## 60  0.020607718
## 61  0.024083566
## 62  0.024891477
## 63  0.026243553
## 64  0.027914524
## 65  0.027739009
## 66  0.028550973
## 67  0.028654589
## 68  0.030607730
## 69  0.031100868
## 70  0.032207796
## 71  0.033163225
## 72  0.032848454
## 73  0.033088817
## 74  0.032959827
## 75  0.035558866
## 76  0.035602917
## 77  0.035188527
## 78  0.035270934
## 79  0.036714793
## 80  0.038129883
## 81  0.037637965
## 82  0.037637965
## 83  0.037786377
## 84  0.039489574
## 85  0.040686695
## 86  0.040902205
## 87  0.040790395
## 88  0.040790395
## 89  0.040580485
## 90  0.044161823
## 91  0.043976558
## 92  0.051671921
## 93  0.051350047
## 94  0.055390213
## 95  0.054935299
## 96  0.054521867
## 97  0.054511551
## 98  0.054511551
## 99  0.000318000
## 100 0.000789000
## 101 0.000756000
## 102 0.001517372
## 103 0.001695798
## 104 0.001502363
## 105 0.001745146
## 106 0.002262406
## 107 0.002181399
## 108 0.002094924
## 109 0.001995376
## 110 0.002285088
## 111 0.002342273
## 112 0.002762168
## 113 0.002661132
## 114 0.002964743
## 115 0.005295418
## 116 0.007069382
## 117 0.010478729
## 118 0.015748575
## 119 0.015072204
## 120 0.015545763
## 121 0.015545763
## 122 0.015392772
## 123 0.014825713
## 124 0.014911017
## 125 0.016585966
## 126 0.016335956
## 127 0.017098666
## 128 0.016765759
## 129 0.017116189
## 130 0.017983190
## 131 0.019155060
## 132 0.019243626
## 133 0.019243626
## 134 0.019614601
## 135 0.020506322
## 136 0.021291836
## 137 0.027808844
## 138 0.030911839
## 139 0.039114740
## 140 0.048308718
## 141 0.048967297
## 142 0.049704488
## 143 0.049922947
## 144 0.049826126
## 145 0.060813803
## 146 0.000048900
## 147 0.000024700
## 148 0.000129000
## 149 0.000112000
## 150 0.000764000
## 151 0.005091843
## 152 0.005093852
## 153 0.005215053
## 154 0.008146775
## 155 0.007788746
## 156 0.008627812
## 157 0.021966666
## 158 0.024783874
## 159 0.025467219
## 160 0.025200809
## 161 0.039857348
## 162 0.038320323
## 163 0.038320323
## 164 0.036665139
## 165 0.039612308
## 166 0.044065502
## 167 0.043093568
## 168 0.048187201
## 169 0.048187201
## 170 0.047878416
## 171 0.047878416
## 172 0.047878416
## 173 0.049284169
## 174 0.053181210
circ  =  circle_dat(EC$david, EC$genelist)
##      category         ID
## 1          BP GO:0007507
## 2          BP GO:0007507
## 3          BP GO:0007507
## 4          BP GO:0007507
## 5          BP GO:0007507
## 6          BP GO:0007507
## 7          BP GO:0007507
## 8          BP GO:0007507
## 9          BP GO:0007507
## 10         BP GO:0007507
## 11         BP GO:0007507
## 12         BP GO:0007507
## 13         BP GO:0007507
## 14         BP GO:0007507
## 15         BP GO:0007507
## 16         BP GO:0007507
## 17         BP GO:0007507
## 18         BP GO:0007507
## 19         BP GO:0007507
## 20         BP GO:0007507
## 21         BP GO:0007507
## 22         BP GO:0007507
## 23         BP GO:0007507
## 24         BP GO:0007507
## 25         BP GO:0007507
## 26         BP GO:0007507
## 27         BP GO:0007507
## 28         BP GO:0007507
## 29         BP GO:0007507
## 30         BP GO:0007507
## 31         BP GO:0007507
## 32         BP GO:0007507
## 33         BP GO:0007507
## 34         BP GO:0007507
## 35         BP GO:0007507
## 36         BP GO:0007507
## 37         BP GO:0007507
## 38         BP GO:0007507
## 39         BP GO:0007507
## 40         BP GO:0007507
## 41         BP GO:0007507
## 42         BP GO:0007507
## 43         BP GO:0007507
## 44         BP GO:0007507
## 45         BP GO:0007507
## 46         BP GO:0007507
## 47         BP GO:0007507
## 48         BP GO:0007507
## 49         BP GO:0007507
## 50         BP GO:0007507
## 51         BP GO:0007507
## 52         BP GO:0007507
## 53         BP GO:0007507
## 54         BP GO:0007507
## 55         BP GO:0001944
## 56         BP GO:0001944
## 57         BP GO:0001944
## 58         BP GO:0001944
## 59         BP GO:0001944
## 60         BP GO:0001944
## 61         BP GO:0001944
## 62         BP GO:0001944
## 63         BP GO:0001944
## 64         BP GO:0001944
## 65         BP GO:0001944
## 66         BP GO:0001944
## 67         BP GO:0001944
## 68         BP GO:0001944
## 69         BP GO:0001944
## 70         BP GO:0001944
## 71         BP GO:0001944
## 72         BP GO:0001944
## 73         BP GO:0001944
## 74         BP GO:0001944
## 75         BP GO:0001944
## 76         BP GO:0001944
## 77         BP GO:0001944
## 78         BP GO:0001944
## 79         BP GO:0001944
## 80         BP GO:0001944
## 81         BP GO:0001944
## 82         BP GO:0001944
## 83         BP GO:0001944
## 84         BP GO:0001944
## 85         BP GO:0001944
## 86         BP GO:0001944
## 87         BP GO:0001944
## 88         BP GO:0001944
## 89         BP GO:0001944
## 90         BP GO:0001944
## 91         BP GO:0001944
## 92         BP GO:0001944
## 93         BP GO:0001944
## 94         BP GO:0001944
## 95         BP GO:0001944
## 96         BP GO:0001944
## 97         BP GO:0001944
## 98         BP GO:0001944
## 99         BP GO:0001944
## 100        BP GO:0001944
## 101        BP GO:0001944
## 102        BP GO:0001944
## 103        BP GO:0001944
## 104        BP GO:0001944
## 105        BP GO:0001944
## 106        BP GO:0001944
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## 109        BP GO:0001944
## 110        BP GO:0001944
## 111        BP GO:0001568
## 112        BP GO:0001568
## 113        BP GO:0001568
## 114        BP GO:0001568
## 115        BP GO:0001568
## 116        BP GO:0001568
## 117        BP GO:0001568
## 118        BP GO:0001568
## 119        BP GO:0001568
## 120        BP GO:0001568
## 121        BP GO:0001568
## 122        BP GO:0001568
## 123        BP GO:0001568
## 124        BP GO:0001568
## 125        BP GO:0001568
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## 130        BP GO:0001568
## 131        BP GO:0001568
## 132        BP GO:0001568
## 133        BP GO:0001568
## 134        BP GO:0001568
## 135        BP GO:0001568
## 136        BP GO:0001568
## 137        BP GO:0001568
## 138        BP GO:0001568
## 139        BP GO:0001568
## 140        BP GO:0001568
## 141        BP GO:0001568
## 142        BP GO:0001568
## 143        BP GO:0001568
## 144        BP GO:0001568
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## 149        BP GO:0001568
## 150        BP GO:0001568
## 151        BP GO:0001568
## 152        BP GO:0001568
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## 166        BP GO:0048729
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## 170        BP GO:0048729
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## 174        BP GO:0048729
## 175        BP GO:0048729
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## 177        BP GO:0048729
## 178        BP GO:0048729
## 179        BP GO:0048729
## 180        BP GO:0048729
## 181        BP GO:0048729
## 182        BP GO:0048729
## 183        BP GO:0048729
## 184        BP GO:0048729
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## 188        BP GO:0048729
## 189        BP GO:0048729
## 190        BP GO:0048729
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## 194        BP GO:0048729
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## 199        BP GO:0048729
## 200        BP GO:0048729
## 201        BP GO:0048729
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## 203        BP GO:0048729
## 204        BP GO:0048729
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## 216        BP GO:0048729
## 217        BP GO:0048514
## 218        BP GO:0048514
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## 220        BP GO:0048514
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## 222        BP GO:0048514
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## 224        BP GO:0048514
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## 229        BP GO:0048514
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## 232        BP GO:0048514
## 233        BP GO:0048514
## 234        BP GO:0048514
## 235        BP GO:0048514
## 236        BP GO:0048514
## 237        BP GO:0048514
## 238        BP GO:0048514
## 239        BP GO:0048514
## 240        BP GO:0048514
## 241        BP GO:0048514
## 242        BP GO:0048514
## 243        BP GO:0048514
## 244        BP GO:0048514
## 245        BP GO:0048514
## 246        BP GO:0048514
## 247        BP GO:0048514
## 248        BP GO:0048514
## 249        BP GO:0048514
## 250        BP GO:0048514
## 251        BP GO:0048514
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## 254        BP GO:0048514
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## 260        BP GO:0051336
## 261        BP GO:0051336
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## 289        BP GO:0051336
## 290        BP GO:0051336
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## 300        BP GO:0051336
## 301        BP GO:0051336
## 302        BP GO:0042325
## 303        BP GO:0042325
## 304        BP GO:0042325
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## 310        BP GO:0042325
## 311        BP GO:0042325
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## 334        BP GO:0042325
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## 339        BP GO:0042325
## 340        BP GO:0042325
## 341        BP GO:0042325
## 342        BP GO:0042325
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## 349        BP GO:0042325
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## 357        BP GO:0016310
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## 380        BP GO:0016310
## 381        BP GO:0016310
## 382        BP GO:0016310
## 383        BP GO:0016310
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## 394        BP GO:0016310
## 395        BP GO:0016310
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## 399        BP GO:0016310
## 400        BP GO:0016310
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## 558        BP GO:0006468
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## 563        BP GO:0006468
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## 565        BP GO:0006163
## 566        BP GO:0006163
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## 571        BP GO:0006163
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## 578        BP GO:0006163
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## 581        BP GO:0006163
## 582        BP GO:0006163
## 583        BP GO:0006163
## 584        BP GO:0006163
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## 588        BP GO:0006163
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## 591        BP GO:0006163
## 592        BP GO:0006163
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## 596        BP GO:0006163
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## 601        BP GO:0006793
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## 603        BP GO:0006793
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## 720        BP GO:0006793
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## 727        BP GO:0006796
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## 748        BP GO:0006796
## 749        BP GO:0006796
## 750        BP GO:0006796
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## 800        BP GO:0006796
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## 900        BP GO:0048738
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## 911        BP GO:0019220
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## 1000       BP GO:0051174
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## 1066       BP GO:0002009
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## 1454       BP GO:0007243
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## 1500       BP GO:0007155
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## 1933       BP GO:0035239
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## 1968       BP GO:0006164
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## 1979       BP GO:0006164
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## 1981       BP GO:0006164
## 1982       BP GO:0006164
## 1983       BP GO:0006164
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## 1986       BP GO:0006164
## 1987       BP GO:0006164
## 1988       BP GO:0006164
## 1989       BP GO:0006164
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## 1991       BP GO:0006164
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## 1998       BP GO:0034654
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## 2185       BP GO:0007517
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## 2288       BP GO:0007242
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## 2355       BP GO:0007242
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## 2687       BP GO:0006979
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## 2899       BP GO:0055082
## 2900       BP GO:0055082
## 2901       BP GO:0055082
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## 2953       BP GO:0046777
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## 2995       BP GO:0034329
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## 3000       BP GO:0034329
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## 3260       BP GO:0033002
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## 3262       BP GO:0045860
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## 3605       BP GO:0048878
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## 6461       CC GO:0005792
## 6462       CC GO:0005792
## 6463       CC GO:0005792
## 6464       CC GO:0005792
## 6465       CC GO:0005792
## 6466       CC GO:0005792
## 6467       CC GO:0005792
## 6468       CC GO:0005792
## 6469       CC GO:0005792
## 6470       CC GO:0005792
## 6471       CC GO:0005792
## 6472       CC GO:0005792
## 6473       CC GO:0005792
## 6474       CC GO:0005792
## 6475       CC GO:0005792
## 6476       CC GO:0005792
## 6477       CC GO:0005792
## 6478       CC GO:0005792
## 6479       CC GO:0005792
## 6480       CC GO:0005792
## 6481       MF GO:0005083
## 6482       MF GO:0005083
## 6483       MF GO:0005083
## 6484       MF GO:0005083
## 6485       MF GO:0005083
## 6486       MF GO:0005083
## 6487       MF GO:0005083
## 6488       MF GO:0005083
## 6489       MF GO:0005083
## 6490       MF GO:0005083
## 6491       MF GO:0005083
## 6492       MF GO:0005083
## 6493       MF GO:0005083
## 6494       MF GO:0005083
## 6495       MF GO:0005083
## 6496       MF GO:0005083
## 6497       MF GO:0005083
## 6498       MF GO:0005083
## 6499       MF GO:0005083
## 6500       MF GO:0005083
## 6501       MF GO:0005083
## 6502       MF GO:0005083
## 6503       MF GO:0005083
## 6504       MF GO:0005083
## 6505       MF GO:0005083
## 6506       MF GO:0005083
## 6507       MF GO:0005083
## 6508       MF GO:0005083
## 6509       MF GO:0005083
## 6510       MF GO:0005083
## 6511       MF GO:0005083
## 6512       MF GO:0005083
## 6513       MF GO:0005083
## 6514       MF GO:0005083
## 6515       MF GO:0005083
## 6516       MF GO:0005083
## 6517       MF GO:0005083
## 6518       MF GO:0005083
## 6519       MF GO:0005083
## 6520       MF GO:0005083
## 6521       MF GO:0005083
## 6522       MF GO:0005083
## 6523       MF GO:0005083
## 6524       MF GO:0005083
## 6525       MF GO:0005083
## 6526       MF GO:0005083
## 6527       MF GO:0005083
## 6528       MF GO:0005083
## 6529       MF GO:0005083
## 6530       MF GO:0005083
## 6531       MF GO:0008092
## 6532       MF GO:0008092
## 6533       MF GO:0008092
## 6534       MF GO:0008092
## 6535       MF GO:0008092
## 6536       MF GO:0008092
## 6537       MF GO:0008092
## 6538       MF GO:0008092
## 6539       MF GO:0008092
## 6540       MF GO:0008092
## 6541       MF GO:0008092
## 6542       MF GO:0008092
## 6543       MF GO:0008092
## 6544       MF GO:0008092
## 6545       MF GO:0008092
## 6546       MF GO:0008092
## 6547       MF GO:0008092
## 6548       MF GO:0008092
## 6549       MF GO:0008092
## 6550       MF GO:0008092
## 6551       MF GO:0008092
## 6552       MF GO:0008092
## 6553       MF GO:0008092
## 6554       MF GO:0008092
## 6555       MF GO:0008092
## 6556       MF GO:0008092
## 6557       MF GO:0008092
## 6558       MF GO:0008092
## 6559       MF GO:0008092
## 6560       MF GO:0008092
## 6561       MF GO:0008092
## 6562       MF GO:0008092
## 6563       MF GO:0008092
## 6564       MF GO:0008092
## 6565       MF GO:0008092
## 6566       MF GO:0008092
## 6567       MF GO:0008092
## 6568       MF GO:0008092
## 6569       MF GO:0008092
## 6570       MF GO:0008092
## 6571       MF GO:0008092
## 6572       MF GO:0008092
## 6573       MF GO:0008092
## 6574       MF GO:0008092
## 6575       MF GO:0008092
## 6576       MF GO:0008092
## 6577       MF GO:0008092
## 6578       MF GO:0008092
## 6579       MF GO:0008092
## 6580       MF GO:0008092
## 6581       MF GO:0008092
## 6582       MF GO:0008092
## 6583       MF GO:0008092
## 6584       MF GO:0008092
## 6585       MF GO:0008092
## 6586       MF GO:0008092
## 6587       MF GO:0008092
## 6588       MF GO:0008092
## 6589       MF GO:0008092
## 6590       MF GO:0008092
## 6591       MF GO:0008092
## 6592       MF GO:0008092
## 6593       MF GO:0008092
## 6594       MF GO:0008092
## 6595       MF GO:0008092
## 6596       MF GO:0008092
## 6597       MF GO:0008092
## 6598       MF GO:0008092
## 6599       MF GO:0008092
## 6600       MF GO:0008092
## 6601       MF GO:0008092
## 6602       MF GO:0008092
## 6603       MF GO:0008092
## 6604       MF GO:0008092
## 6605       MF GO:0008092
## 6606       MF GO:0008092
## 6607       MF GO:0008092
## 6608       MF GO:0060589
## 6609       MF GO:0060589
## 6610       MF GO:0060589
## 6611       MF GO:0060589
## 6612       MF GO:0060589
## 6613       MF GO:0060589
## 6614       MF GO:0060589
## 6615       MF GO:0060589
## 6616       MF GO:0060589
## 6617       MF GO:0060589
## 6618       MF GO:0060589
## 6619       MF GO:0060589
## 6620       MF GO:0060589
## 6621       MF GO:0060589
## 6622       MF GO:0060589
## 6623       MF GO:0060589
## 6624       MF GO:0060589
## 6625       MF GO:0060589
## 6626       MF GO:0060589
## 6627       MF GO:0060589
## 6628       MF GO:0060589
## 6629       MF GO:0060589
## 6630       MF GO:0060589
## 6631       MF GO:0060589
## 6632       MF GO:0060589
## 6633       MF GO:0060589
## 6634       MF GO:0060589
## 6635       MF GO:0060589
## 6636       MF GO:0060589
## 6637       MF GO:0060589
## 6638       MF GO:0060589
## 6639       MF GO:0060589
## 6640       MF GO:0060589
## 6641       MF GO:0060589
## 6642       MF GO:0060589
## 6643       MF GO:0060589
## 6644       MF GO:0060589
## 6645       MF GO:0060589
## 6646       MF GO:0060589
## 6647       MF GO:0060589
## 6648       MF GO:0060589
## 6649       MF GO:0060589
## 6650       MF GO:0060589
## 6651       MF GO:0060589
## 6652       MF GO:0060589
## 6653       MF GO:0060589
## 6654       MF GO:0060589
## 6655       MF GO:0060589
## 6656       MF GO:0060589
## 6657       MF GO:0060589
## 6658       MF GO:0060589
## 6659       MF GO:0060589
## 6660       MF GO:0060589
## 6661       MF GO:0060589
## 6662       MF GO:0060589
## 6663       MF GO:0060589
## 6664       MF GO:0060589
## 6665       MF GO:0060589
## 6666       MF GO:0060589
## 6667       MF GO:0060589
## 6668       MF GO:0060589
## 6669       MF GO:0060589
## 6670       MF GO:0060589
## 6671       MF GO:0060589
## 6672       MF GO:0060589
## 6673       MF GO:0060589
## 6674       MF GO:0060589
## 6675       MF GO:0060589
## 6676       MF GO:0030695
## 6677       MF GO:0030695
## 6678       MF GO:0030695
## 6679       MF GO:0030695
## 6680       MF GO:0030695
## 6681       MF GO:0030695
## 6682       MF GO:0030695
## 6683       MF GO:0030695
## 6684       MF GO:0030695
## 6685       MF GO:0030695
## 6686       MF GO:0030695
## 6687       MF GO:0030695
## 6688       MF GO:0030695
## 6689       MF GO:0030695
## 6690       MF GO:0030695
## 6691       MF GO:0030695
## 6692       MF GO:0030695
## 6693       MF GO:0030695
## 6694       MF GO:0030695
## 6695       MF GO:0030695
## 6696       MF GO:0030695
## 6697       MF GO:0030695
## 6698       MF GO:0030695
## 6699       MF GO:0030695
## 6700       MF GO:0030695
## 6701       MF GO:0030695
## 6702       MF GO:0030695
## 6703       MF GO:0030695
## 6704       MF GO:0030695
## 6705       MF GO:0030695
## 6706       MF GO:0030695
## 6707       MF GO:0030695
## 6708       MF GO:0030695
## 6709       MF GO:0030695
## 6710       MF GO:0030695
## 6711       MF GO:0030695
## 6712       MF GO:0030695
## 6713       MF GO:0030695
## 6714       MF GO:0030695
## 6715       MF GO:0030695
## 6716       MF GO:0030695
## 6717       MF GO:0030695
## 6718       MF GO:0030695
## 6719       MF GO:0030695
## 6720       MF GO:0030695
## 6721       MF GO:0030695
## 6722       MF GO:0030695
## 6723       MF GO:0030695
## 6724       MF GO:0030695
## 6725       MF GO:0030695
## 6726       MF GO:0030695
## 6727       MF GO:0030695
## 6728       MF GO:0030695
## 6729       MF GO:0030695
## 6730       MF GO:0030695
## 6731       MF GO:0030695
## 6732       MF GO:0030695
## 6733       MF GO:0030695
## 6734       MF GO:0030695
## 6735       MF GO:0030695
## 6736       MF GO:0030695
## 6737       MF GO:0030695
## 6738       MF GO:0030695
## 6739       MF GO:0030695
## 6740       MF GO:0030695
## 6741       MF GO:0030695
## 6742       MF GO:0030695
## 6743       MF GO:0008047
## 6744       MF GO:0008047
## 6745       MF GO:0008047
## 6746       MF GO:0008047
## 6747       MF GO:0008047
## 6748       MF GO:0008047
## 6749       MF GO:0008047
## 6750       MF GO:0008047
## 6751       MF GO:0008047
## 6752       MF GO:0008047
## 6753       MF GO:0008047
## 6754       MF GO:0008047
## 6755       MF GO:0008047
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## 6759       MF GO:0008047
## 6760       MF GO:0008047
## 6761       MF GO:0008047
## 6762       MF GO:0008047
## 6763       MF GO:0008047
## 6764       MF GO:0008047
## 6765       MF GO:0008047
## 6766       MF GO:0008047
## 6767       MF GO:0008047
## 6768       MF GO:0008047
## 6769       MF GO:0008047
## 6770       MF GO:0008047
## 6771       MF GO:0008047
## 6772       MF GO:0008047
## 6773       MF GO:0008047
## 6774       MF GO:0008047
## 6775       MF GO:0008047
## 6776       MF GO:0008047
## 6777       MF GO:0008047
## 6778       MF GO:0008047
## 6779       MF GO:0008047
## 6780       MF GO:0008047
## 6781       MF GO:0008047
## 6782       MF GO:0008047
## 6783       MF GO:0008047
## 6784       MF GO:0008047
## 6785       MF GO:0008047
## 6786       MF GO:0008047
## 6787       MF GO:0008047
## 6788       MF GO:0008047
## 6789       MF GO:0008047
## 6790       MF GO:0008047
## 6791       MF GO:0008047
## 6792       MF GO:0001882
## 6793       MF GO:0001882
## 6794       MF GO:0001882
## 6795       MF GO:0001882
## 6796       MF GO:0001882
## 6797       MF GO:0001882
## 6798       MF GO:0001882
## 6799       MF GO:0001882
## 6800       MF GO:0001882
## 6801       MF GO:0001882
## 6802       MF GO:0001882
## 6803       MF GO:0001882
## 6804       MF GO:0001882
## 6805       MF GO:0001882
## 6806       MF GO:0001882
## 6807       MF GO:0001882
## 6808       MF GO:0001882
## 6809       MF GO:0001882
## 6810       MF GO:0001882
## 6811       MF GO:0001882
## 6812       MF GO:0001882
## 6813       MF GO:0001882
## 6814       MF GO:0001882
## 6815       MF GO:0001882
## 6816       MF GO:0001882
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## 6819       MF GO:0001882
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## 6821       MF GO:0001882
## 6822       MF GO:0001882
## 6823       MF GO:0001882
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## 6825       MF GO:0001882
## 6826       MF GO:0001882
## 6827       MF GO:0001882
## 6828       MF GO:0001882
## 6829       MF GO:0001882
## 6830       MF GO:0001882
## 6831       MF GO:0001882
## 6832       MF GO:0001882
## 6833       MF GO:0001882
## 6834       MF GO:0001882
## 6835       MF GO:0001882
## 6836       MF GO:0001882
## 6837       MF GO:0001882
## 6838       MF GO:0001882
## 6839       MF GO:0001882
## 6840       MF GO:0001882
## 6841       MF GO:0001882
## 6842       MF GO:0001882
## 6843       MF GO:0001882
## 6844       MF GO:0001882
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## 6846       MF GO:0001882
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## 6850       MF GO:0001882
## 6851       MF GO:0001882
## 6852       MF GO:0001882
## 6853       MF GO:0001882
## 6854       MF GO:0001882
## 6855       MF GO:0001882
## 6856       MF GO:0001882
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## 6859       MF GO:0001882
## 6860       MF GO:0001882
## 6861       MF GO:0001882
## 6862       MF GO:0001882
## 6863       MF GO:0001882
## 6864       MF GO:0001882
## 6865       MF GO:0001882
## 6866       MF GO:0001882
## 6867       MF GO:0001882
## 6868       MF GO:0001882
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## 6870       MF GO:0001882
## 6871       MF GO:0001882
## 6872       MF GO:0001882
## 6873       MF GO:0001882
## 6874       MF GO:0001882
## 6875       MF GO:0001882
## 6876       MF GO:0001882
## 6877       MF GO:0001882
## 6878       MF GO:0001882
## 6879       MF GO:0001882
## 6880       MF GO:0001882
## 6881       MF GO:0001882
## 6882       MF GO:0001882
## 6883       MF GO:0001882
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## 6899       MF GO:0001882
## 6900       MF GO:0001882
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## 6906       MF GO:0001882
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## 6951       MF GO:0001882
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## 6960       MF GO:0001882
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## 6989       MF GO:0001882
## 6990       MF GO:0001882
## 6991       MF GO:0001882
## 6992       MF GO:0030554
## 6993       MF GO:0030554
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## 7000       MF GO:0030554
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## 7112       MF GO:0030554
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## 7181       MF GO:0030554
## 7182       MF GO:0030554
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## 9256       MF GO:0046872
## 9257       MF GO:0046872
## 9258       MF GO:0046872
## 9259       MF GO:0046872
## 9260       MF GO:0046872
## 9261       MF GO:0046872
## 9262       MF GO:0046872
## 9263       MF GO:0046872
## 9264       MF GO:0046872
## 9265       MF GO:0046872
## 9266       MF GO:0046872
## 9267       MF GO:0046872
## 9268       MF GO:0046872
## 9269       MF GO:0046872
## 9270       MF GO:0046872
## 9271       MF GO:0046872
## 9272       MF GO:0046872
## 9273       MF GO:0046872
## 9274       MF GO:0046872
## 9275       MF GO:0046872
## 9276       MF GO:0046872
## 9277       MF GO:0046872
## 9278       MF GO:0046872
## 9279       MF GO:0046872
## 9280       MF GO:0046872
## 9281       MF GO:0046872
## 9282       MF GO:0046872
## 9283       MF GO:0046872
## 9284       MF GO:0046872
## 9285       MF GO:0046872
## 9286       MF GO:0046872
## 9287       MF GO:0046872
## 9288       MF GO:0046872
## 9289       MF GO:0046872
## 9290       MF GO:0046872
## 9291       MF GO:0046872
## 9292       MF GO:0046872
## 9293       MF GO:0046872
## 9294       MF GO:0046872
## 9295       MF GO:0046872
## 9296       MF GO:0046872
## 9297       MF GO:0046872
## 9298       MF GO:0046872
## 9299       MF GO:0046872
## 9300       MF GO:0046872
## 9301       MF GO:0046872
## 9302       MF GO:0046872
## 9303       MF GO:0046872
## 9304       MF GO:0046872
## 9305       MF GO:0046872
## 9306       MF GO:0046872
## 9307       MF GO:0046872
## 9308       MF GO:0046872
## 9309       MF GO:0046872
## 9310       MF GO:0046872
## 9311       MF GO:0046872
## 9312       MF GO:0046872
## 9313       MF GO:0046872
## 9314       MF GO:0046872
## 9315       MF GO:0046872
## 9316       MF GO:0046872
## 9317       MF GO:0046872
## 9318       MF GO:0046872
## 9319       MF GO:0046872
## 9320       MF GO:0046872
## 9321       MF GO:0046872
## 9322       MF GO:0046872
## 9323       MF GO:0046872
## 9324       MF GO:0046872
## 9325       MF GO:0046872
## 9326       MF GO:0046872
## 9327       MF GO:0046872
## 9328       MF GO:0046872
## 9329       MF GO:0046872
## 9330       MF GO:0046872
## 9331       MF GO:0046872
## 9332       MF GO:0046872
## 9333       MF GO:0046872
## 9334       MF GO:0046872
## 9335       MF GO:0046872
## 9336       MF GO:0046872
## 9337       MF GO:0046872
## 9338       MF GO:0046872
## 9339       MF GO:0046872
## 9340       MF GO:0046872
## 9341       MF GO:0046872
## 9342       MF GO:0046872
## 9343       MF GO:0046872
## 9344       MF GO:0046872
## 9345       MF GO:0046872
## 9346       MF GO:0046872
## 9347       MF GO:0046872
## 9348       MF GO:0046872
## 9349       MF GO:0046872
## 9350       MF GO:0046872
## 9351       MF GO:0046872
## 9352       MF GO:0046872
## 9353       MF GO:0046872
## 9354       MF GO:0046872
## 9355       MF GO:0046872
## 9356       MF GO:0046872
## 9357       MF GO:0046872
## 9358       MF GO:0046872
## 9359       MF GO:0046872
## 9360       MF GO:0046872
## 9361       MF GO:0046872
## 9362       MF GO:0046872
## 9363       MF GO:0046872
## 9364       MF GO:0046872
## 9365       MF GO:0046872
## 9366       MF GO:0046872
## 9367       MF GO:0017076
## 9368       MF GO:0017076
## 9369       MF GO:0017076
## 9370       MF GO:0017076
## 9371       MF GO:0017076
## 9372       MF GO:0017076
## 9373       MF GO:0017076
## 9374       MF GO:0017076
## 9375       MF GO:0017076
## 9376       MF GO:0017076
## 9377       MF GO:0017076
## 9378       MF GO:0017076
## 9379       MF GO:0017076
## 9380       MF GO:0017076
## 9381       MF GO:0017076
## 9382       MF GO:0017076
## 9383       MF GO:0017076
## 9384       MF GO:0017076
## 9385       MF GO:0017076
## 9386       MF GO:0017076
## 9387       MF GO:0017076
## 9388       MF GO:0017076
## 9389       MF GO:0017076
## 9390       MF GO:0017076
## 9391       MF GO:0017076
## 9392       MF GO:0017076
## 9393       MF GO:0017076
## 9394       MF GO:0017076
## 9395       MF GO:0017076
## 9396       MF GO:0017076
## 9397       MF GO:0017076
## 9398       MF GO:0017076
## 9399       MF GO:0017076
## 9400       MF GO:0017076
## 9401       MF GO:0017076
## 9402       MF GO:0017076
## 9403       MF GO:0017076
## 9404       MF GO:0017076
## 9405       MF GO:0017076
## 9406       MF GO:0017076
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## 9408       MF GO:0017076
## 9409       MF GO:0017076
## 9410       MF GO:0017076
## 9411       MF GO:0017076
## 9412       MF GO:0017076
## 9413       MF GO:0017076
## 9414       MF GO:0017076
## 9415       MF GO:0017076
## 9416       MF GO:0017076
## 9417       MF GO:0017076
## 9418       MF GO:0017076
## 9419       MF GO:0017076
## 9420       MF GO:0017076
## 9421       MF GO:0017076
## 9422       MF GO:0017076
## 9423       MF GO:0017076
## 9424       MF GO:0017076
## 9425       MF GO:0017076
## 9426       MF GO:0017076
## 9427       MF GO:0017076
## 9428       MF GO:0017076
## 9429       MF GO:0017076
## 9430       MF GO:0017076
## 9431       MF GO:0017076
## 9432       MF GO:0017076
## 9433       MF GO:0017076
## 9434       MF GO:0017076
## 9435       MF GO:0017076
## 9436       MF GO:0017076
## 9437       MF GO:0017076
## 9438       MF GO:0017076
## 9439       MF GO:0017076
## 9440       MF GO:0017076
## 9441       MF GO:0017076
## 9442       MF GO:0017076
## 9443       MF GO:0017076
## 9444       MF GO:0017076
## 9445       MF GO:0017076
## 9446       MF GO:0017076
## 9447       MF GO:0017076
## 9448       MF GO:0017076
## 9449       MF GO:0017076
## 9450       MF GO:0017076
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## 9459       MF GO:0017076
## 9460       MF GO:0017076
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## 9470       MF GO:0017076
## 9471       MF GO:0017076
## 9472       MF GO:0017076
## 9473       MF GO:0017076
## 9474       MF GO:0017076
## 9475       MF GO:0017076
## 9476       MF GO:0017076
## 9477       MF GO:0017076
## 9478       MF GO:0017076
## 9479       MF GO:0017076
## 9480       MF GO:0017076
## 9481       MF GO:0017076
## 9482       MF GO:0017076
## 9483       MF GO:0017076
## 9484       MF GO:0017076
## 9485       MF GO:0017076
## 9486       MF GO:0017076
## 9487       MF GO:0017076
## 9488       MF GO:0017076
## 9489       MF GO:0017076
## 9490       MF GO:0017076
## 9491       MF GO:0017076
## 9492       MF GO:0017076
## 9493       MF GO:0017076
## 9494       MF GO:0017076
## 9495       MF GO:0017076
## 9496       MF GO:0017076
## 9497       MF GO:0017076
## 9498       MF GO:0017076
## 9499       MF GO:0017076
## 9500       MF GO:0017076
## 9501       MF GO:0017076
## 9502       MF GO:0017076
## 9503       MF GO:0017076
## 9504       MF GO:0017076
## 9505       MF GO:0017076
## 9506       MF GO:0017076
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## 9509       MF GO:0017076
## 9510       MF GO:0017076
## 9511       MF GO:0017076
## 9512       MF GO:0017076
## 9513       MF GO:0017076
## 9514       MF GO:0017076
## 9515       MF GO:0017076
## 9516       MF GO:0017076
## 9517       MF GO:0017076
## 9518       MF GO:0017076
## 9519       MF GO:0017076
## 9520       MF GO:0017076
## 9521       MF GO:0017076
## 9522       MF GO:0017076
## 9523       MF GO:0017076
## 9524       MF GO:0017076
## 9525       MF GO:0017076
## 9526       MF GO:0017076
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## 9529       MF GO:0017076
## 9530       MF GO:0017076
## 9531       MF GO:0017076
## 9532       MF GO:0017076
## 9533       MF GO:0017076
## 9534       MF GO:0017076
## 9535       MF GO:0017076
## 9536       MF GO:0017076
## 9537       MF GO:0017076
## 9538       MF GO:0017076
## 9539       MF GO:0017076
## 9540       MF GO:0017076
## 9541       MF GO:0017076
## 9542       MF GO:0017076
## 9543       MF GO:0017076
## 9544       MF GO:0017076
## 9545       MF GO:0017076
## 9546       MF GO:0017076
## 9547       MF GO:0017076
## 9548       MF GO:0017076
## 9549       MF GO:0017076
## 9550       MF GO:0017076
## 9551       MF GO:0017076
## 9552       MF GO:0017076
## 9553       MF GO:0017076
## 9554       MF GO:0017076
## 9555       MF GO:0017076
## 9556       MF GO:0017076
## 9557       MF GO:0017076
## 9558       MF GO:0017076
## 9559       MF GO:0017076
## 9560       MF GO:0017076
## 9561       MF GO:0017076
## 9562       MF GO:0017076
## 9563       MF GO:0017076
## 9564       MF GO:0017076
## 9565       MF GO:0017076
## 9566       MF GO:0017076
## 9567       MF GO:0017076
## 9568       MF GO:0017076
## 9569       MF GO:0017076
## 9570       MF GO:0017076
## 9571       MF GO:0017076
## 9572       MF GO:0017076
## 9573       MF GO:0017076
## 9574       MF GO:0017076
## 9575       MF GO:0017076
## 9576       MF GO:0017076
## 9577       MF GO:0017076
## 9578       MF GO:0017076
## 9579       MF GO:0017076
## 9580       MF GO:0017076
## 9581       MF GO:0017076
## 9582       MF GO:0017076
## 9583       MF GO:0017076
## 9584       MF GO:0017076
## 9585       MF GO:0017076
## 9586       MF GO:0017076
## 9587       MF GO:0017076
## 9588       MF GO:0017076
## 9589       MF GO:0017076
## 9590       MF GO:0017076
## 9591       MF GO:0005096
## 9592       MF GO:0005096
## 9593       MF GO:0005096
## 9594       MF GO:0005096
## 9595       MF GO:0005096
## 9596       MF GO:0005096
## 9597       MF GO:0005096
## 9598       MF GO:0005096
## 9599       MF GO:0005096
## 9600       MF GO:0005096
## 9601       MF GO:0005096
## 9602       MF GO:0005096
## 9603       MF GO:0005096
## 9604       MF GO:0005096
## 9605       MF GO:0005096
## 9606       MF GO:0005096
## 9607       MF GO:0005096
## 9608       MF GO:0005096
## 9609       MF GO:0005096
## 9610       MF GO:0005096
## 9611       MF GO:0005096
## 9612       MF GO:0005096
## 9613       MF GO:0005096
## 9614       MF GO:0005096
## 9615       MF GO:0005096
## 9616       MF GO:0005096
## 9617       MF GO:0005096
## 9618       MF GO:0005096
## 9619       MF GO:0005096
## 9620       MF GO:0005096
## 9621       MF GO:0005096
## 9622       MF GO:0005096
## 9623       MF GO:0005096
## 9624       MF GO:0005096
## 9625       MF GO:0019904
## 9626       MF GO:0019904
## 9627       MF GO:0019904
## 9628       MF GO:0019904
## 9629       MF GO:0019904
## 9630       MF GO:0019904
## 9631       MF GO:0019904
## 9632       MF GO:0019904
## 9633       MF GO:0019904
## 9634       MF GO:0019904
## 9635       MF GO:0019904
## 9636       MF GO:0019904
## 9637       MF GO:0019904
## 9638       MF GO:0019904
## 9639       MF GO:0019904
## 9640       MF GO:0019904
## 9641       MF GO:0019904
## 9642       MF GO:0019904
## 9643       MF GO:0019904
## 9644       MF GO:0019904
## 9645       MF GO:0019904
## 9646       MF GO:0019904
## 9647       MF GO:0019904
## 9648       MF GO:0019904
## 9649       MF GO:0019904
## 9650       MF GO:0019904
## 9651       MF GO:0019904
## 9652       MF GO:0019904
## 9653       MF GO:0019904
## 9654       MF GO:0019904
## 9655       MF GO:0019904
## 9656       MF GO:0019904
## 9657       MF GO:0019904
## 9658       MF GO:0019904
## 9659       MF GO:0042626
## 9660       MF GO:0042626
## 9661       MF GO:0042626
## 9662       MF GO:0042626
## 9663       MF GO:0042626
## 9664       MF GO:0042626
## 9665       MF GO:0042626
## 9666       MF GO:0042626
## 9667       MF GO:0042626
## 9668       MF GO:0042626
## 9669       MF GO:0042626
## 9670       MF GO:0042626
## 9671       MF GO:0042626
## 9672       MF GO:0042626
## 9673       MF GO:0042626
## 9674       MF GO:0042626
## 9675       MF GO:0042626
## 9676       MF GO:0042626
## 9677       MF GO:0042626
## 9678       MF GO:0042626
## 9679       MF GO:0042626
## 9680       MF GO:0043492
## 9681       MF GO:0043492
## 9682       MF GO:0043492
## 9683       MF GO:0043492
## 9684       MF GO:0043492
## 9685       MF GO:0043492
## 9686       MF GO:0043492
## 9687       MF GO:0043492
## 9688       MF GO:0043492
## 9689       MF GO:0043492
## 9690       MF GO:0043492
## 9691       MF GO:0043492
## 9692       MF GO:0043492
## 9693       MF GO:0043492
## 9694       MF GO:0043492
## 9695       MF GO:0043492
## 9696       MF GO:0043492
## 9697       MF GO:0043492
## 9698       MF GO:0043492
## 9699       MF GO:0043492
## 9700       MF GO:0043492
## 9701       MF GO:0016820
## 9702       MF GO:0016820
## 9703       MF GO:0016820
## 9704       MF GO:0016820
## 9705       MF GO:0016820
## 9706       MF GO:0016820
## 9707       MF GO:0016820
## 9708       MF GO:0016820
## 9709       MF GO:0016820
## 9710       MF GO:0016820
## 9711       MF GO:0016820
## 9712       MF GO:0016820
## 9713       MF GO:0016820
## 9714       MF GO:0016820
## 9715       MF GO:0016820
## 9716       MF GO:0016820
## 9717       MF GO:0016820
## 9718       MF GO:0016820
## 9719       MF GO:0016820
## 9720       MF GO:0016820
## 9721       MF GO:0016820
## 9722       MF GO:0008289
## 9723       MF GO:0008289
## 9724       MF GO:0008289
## 9725       MF GO:0008289
## 9726       MF GO:0008289
## 9727       MF GO:0008289
## 9728       MF GO:0008289
## 9729       MF GO:0008289
## 9730       MF GO:0008289
## 9731       MF GO:0008289
## 9732       MF GO:0008289
## 9733       MF GO:0008289
## 9734       MF GO:0008289
## 9735       MF GO:0008289
## 9736       MF GO:0008289
## 9737       MF GO:0008289
## 9738       MF GO:0008289
## 9739       MF GO:0008289
## 9740       MF GO:0008289
## 9741       MF GO:0008289
## 9742       MF GO:0008289
## 9743       MF GO:0008289
## 9744       MF GO:0008289
## 9745       MF GO:0008289
## 9746       MF GO:0008289
## 9747       MF GO:0008289
## 9748       MF GO:0008289
## 9749       MF GO:0008289
## 9750       MF GO:0008289
## 9751       MF GO:0008289
## 9752       MF GO:0008289
## 9753       MF GO:0008289
## 9754       MF GO:0008289
## 9755       MF GO:0008289
## 9756       MF GO:0008289
## 9757       MF GO:0008289
## 9758       MF GO:0008289
## 9759       MF GO:0008289
## 9760       MF GO:0008289
## 9761       MF GO:0008289
## 9762       MF GO:0008289
## 9763       MF GO:0008289
## 9764       MF GO:0008289
## 9765       MF GO:0008289
## 9766       MF GO:0008289
## 9767       MF GO:0008289
## 9768       MF GO:0008289
## 9769       MF GO:0008289
## 9770       MF GO:0008289
## 9771       MF GO:0008289
## 9772       MF GO:0008289
## 9773       MF GO:0008289
## 9774       MF GO:0008289
## 9775       MF GO:0004713
## 9776       MF GO:0004713
## 9777       MF GO:0004713
## 9778       MF GO:0004713
## 9779       MF GO:0004713
## 9780       MF GO:0004713
## 9781       MF GO:0004713
## 9782       MF GO:0004713
## 9783       MF GO:0004713
## 9784       MF GO:0004713
## 9785       MF GO:0004713
## 9786       MF GO:0004713
## 9787       MF GO:0004713
## 9788       MF GO:0004713
## 9789       MF GO:0004713
## 9790       MF GO:0004713
## 9791       MF GO:0004713
## 9792       MF GO:0004713
## 9793       MF GO:0004713
## 9794       MF GO:0004713
## 9795       MF GO:0004713
## 9796       MF GO:0004713
## 9797       MF GO:0004713
## 9798       MF GO:0004713
## 9799       MF GO:0004713
## 9800       MF GO:0004713
## 9801       MF GO:0004713
## 9802       MF GO:0004713
## 9803       MF GO:0004713
## 9804       MF GO:0004713
##                                                                                                term
## 1                                                                                 heart development
## 2                                                                                 heart development
## 3                                                                                 heart development
## 4                                                                                 heart development
## 5                                                                                 heart development
## 6                                                                                 heart development
## 7                                                                                 heart development
## 8                                                                                 heart development
## 9                                                                                 heart development
## 10                                                                                heart development
## 11                                                                                heart development
## 12                                                                                heart development
## 13                                                                                heart development
## 14                                                                                heart development
## 15                                                                                heart development
## 16                                                                                heart development
## 17                                                                                heart development
## 18                                                                                heart development
## 19                                                                                heart development
## 20                                                                                heart development
## 21                                                                                heart development
## 22                                                                                heart development
## 23                                                                                heart development
## 24                                                                                heart development
## 25                                                                                heart development
## 26                                                                                heart development
## 27                                                                                heart development
## 28                                                                                heart development
## 29                                                                                heart development
## 30                                                                                heart development
## 31                                                                                heart development
## 32                                                                                heart development
## 33                                                                                heart development
## 34                                                                                heart development
## 35                                                                                heart development
## 36                                                                                heart development
## 37                                                                                heart development
## 38                                                                                heart development
## 39                                                                                heart development
## 40                                                                                heart development
## 41                                                                                heart development
## 42                                                                                heart development
## 43                                                                                heart development
## 44                                                                                heart development
## 45                                                                                heart development
## 46                                                                                heart development
## 47                                                                                heart development
## 48                                                                                heart development
## 49                                                                                heart development
## 50                                                                                heart development
## 51                                                                                heart development
## 52                                                                                heart development
## 53                                                                                heart development
## 54                                                                                heart development
## 55                                                                          vasculature development
## 56                                                                          vasculature development
## 57                                                                          vasculature development
## 58                                                                          vasculature development
## 59                                                                          vasculature development
## 60                                                                          vasculature development
## 61                                                                          vasculature development
## 62                                                                          vasculature development
## 63                                                                          vasculature development
## 64                                                                          vasculature development
## 65                                                                          vasculature development
## 66                                                                          vasculature development
## 67                                                                          vasculature development
## 68                                                                          vasculature development
## 69                                                                          vasculature development
## 70                                                                          vasculature development
## 71                                                                          vasculature development
## 72                                                                          vasculature development
## 73                                                                          vasculature development
## 74                                                                          vasculature development
## 75                                                                          vasculature development
## 76                                                                          vasculature development
## 77                                                                          vasculature development
## 78                                                                          vasculature development
## 79                                                                          vasculature development
## 80                                                                          vasculature development
## 81                                                                          vasculature development
## 82                                                                          vasculature development
## 83                                                                          vasculature development
## 84                                                                          vasculature development
## 85                                                                          vasculature development
## 86                                                                          vasculature development
## 87                                                                          vasculature development
## 88                                                                          vasculature development
## 89                                                                          vasculature development
## 90                                                                          vasculature development
## 91                                                                          vasculature development
## 92                                                                          vasculature development
## 93                                                                          vasculature development
## 94                                                                          vasculature development
## 95                                                                          vasculature development
## 96                                                                          vasculature development
## 97                                                                          vasculature development
## 98                                                                          vasculature development
## 99                                                                          vasculature development
## 100                                                                         vasculature development
## 101                                                                         vasculature development
## 102                                                                         vasculature development
## 103                                                                         vasculature development
## 104                                                                         vasculature development
## 105                                                                         vasculature development
## 106                                                                         vasculature development
## 107                                                                         vasculature development
## 108                                                                         vasculature development
## 109                                                                         vasculature development
## 110                                                                         vasculature development
## 111                                                                        blood vessel development
## 112                                                                        blood vessel development
## 113                                                                        blood vessel development
## 114                                                                        blood vessel development
## 115                                                                        blood vessel development
## 116                                                                        blood vessel development
## 117                                                                        blood vessel development
## 118                                                                        blood vessel development
## 119                                                                        blood vessel development
## 120                                                                        blood vessel development
## 121                                                                        blood vessel development
## 122                                                                        blood vessel development
## 123                                                                        blood vessel development
## 124                                                                        blood vessel development
## 125                                                                        blood vessel development
## 126                                                                        blood vessel development
## 127                                                                        blood vessel development
## 128                                                                        blood vessel development
## 129                                                                        blood vessel development
## 130                                                                        blood vessel development
## 131                                                                        blood vessel development
## 132                                                                        blood vessel development
## 133                                                                        blood vessel development
## 134                                                                        blood vessel development
## 135                                                                        blood vessel development
## 136                                                                        blood vessel development
## 137                                                                        blood vessel development
## 138                                                                        blood vessel development
## 139                                                                        blood vessel development
## 140                                                                        blood vessel development
## 141                                                                        blood vessel development
## 142                                                                        blood vessel development
## 143                                                                        blood vessel development
## 144                                                                        blood vessel development
## 145                                                                        blood vessel development
## 146                                                                        blood vessel development
## 147                                                                        blood vessel development
## 148                                                                        blood vessel development
## 149                                                                        blood vessel development
## 150                                                                        blood vessel development
## 151                                                                        blood vessel development
## 152                                                                        blood vessel development
## 153                                                                        blood vessel development
## 154                                                                        blood vessel development
## 155                                                                        blood vessel development
## 156                                                                        blood vessel development
## 157                                                                        blood vessel development
## 158                                                                        blood vessel development
## 159                                                                        blood vessel development
## 160                                                                        blood vessel development
## 161                                                                        blood vessel development
## 162                                                                        blood vessel development
## 163                                                                        blood vessel development
## 164                                                                        blood vessel development
## 165                                                                        blood vessel development
## 166                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 167                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 168                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 169                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 170                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 171                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 172                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 173                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 174                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 175                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 176                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 177                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 178                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 179                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 180                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 181                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 182                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 183                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 184                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 185                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 186                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 187                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 188                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 189                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 190                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 191                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 192                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 193                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 194                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 195                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 196                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 197                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 198                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 199                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 200                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 201                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 202                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 203                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 204                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 205                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 206                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 207                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 208                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 209                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 210                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 211                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 212                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 213                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 214                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 215                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 216                                                                            tissue morphogenesis
## 217                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 218                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 219                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 220                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 221                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 222                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 223                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 224                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 225                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 226                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 227                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 228                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 229                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 230                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 231                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 232                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 233                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 234                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 235                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 236                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 237                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 238                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 239                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 240                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 241                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 242                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 243                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 244                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 245                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 246                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 247                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 248                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 249                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 250                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 251                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 252                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 253                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 254                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 255                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 256                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 257                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 258                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 259                                                                      blood vessel morphogenesis
## 260                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 261                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 262                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 263                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 264                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 265                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 266                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 267                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 268                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 269                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 270                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 271                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 272                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 273                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 274                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 275                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 276                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 277                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 278                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 279                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 280                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 281                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 282                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 283                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 284                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 285                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 286                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 287                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 288                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 289                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 290                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 291                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 292                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 293                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 294                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 295                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 296                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 297                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 298                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 299                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 300                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 301                                                                regulation of hydrolase activity
## 302                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 303                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 304                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 305                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 306                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 307                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 308                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 309                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 310                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 311                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 312                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 313                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 314                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 315                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 316                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 317                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 318                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 319                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 320                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 321                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 322                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 323                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 324                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 325                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 326                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 327                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 328                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 329                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 330                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 331                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 332                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 333                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 334                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 335                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 336                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 337                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 338                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 339                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 340                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 341                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 342                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 343                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 344                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 345                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 346                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 347                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 348                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 349                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 350                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 351                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 352                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 353                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 354                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 355                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 356                                                                   regulation of phosphorylation
## 357                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 358                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 359                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 360                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 361                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 362                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 363                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 364                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 365                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 366                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 367                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 368                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 369                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 370                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 371                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 372                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 373                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 374                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 375                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 376                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 377                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 378                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 379                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 380                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 381                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 382                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 383                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 384                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 385                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 386                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 387                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 388                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 389                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 390                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 391                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 392                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 393                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 394                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 395                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 396                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 397                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 398                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 399                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 400                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 401                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 402                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 403                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 404                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 405                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 406                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 407                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 408                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 409                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 410                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 411                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 412                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 413                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 414                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 415                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 416                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 417                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 418                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 419                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 420                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 421                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 422                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 423                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 424                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 425                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 426                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 427                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 428                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 429                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 430                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 431                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 432                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 433                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 434                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 435                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 436                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 437                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 438                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 439                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 440                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 441                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 442                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 443                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 444                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 445                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 446                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 447                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 448                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 449                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 450                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 451                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 452                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 453                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 454                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 455                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 456                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 457                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 458                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 459                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 460                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 461                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 462                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 463                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 464                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 465                                                                                 phosphorylation
## 466                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 467                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 468                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 469                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 470                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 471                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 472                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 473                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 474                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 475                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 476                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 477                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 478                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 479                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 480                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 481                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 482                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 483                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 484                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 485                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 486                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 487                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 488                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 489                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 490                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 491                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 492                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 493                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 494                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 495                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 496                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 497                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 498                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 499                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 500                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 501                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 502                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 503                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 504                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 505                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 506                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 507                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 508                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 509                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 510                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 511                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 512                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 513                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 514                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 515                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 516                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 517                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 518                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 519                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 520                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 521                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 522                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 523                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 524                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 525                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 526                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 527                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 528                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 529                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 530                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 531                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 532                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 533                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 534                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 535                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 536                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 537                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 538                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 539                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 540                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 541                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 542                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 543                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 544                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 545                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 546                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 547                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 548                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 549                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 550                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 551                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 552                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 553                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 554                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 555                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 556                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 557                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 558                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 559                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 560                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 561                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 562                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 563                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 564                                                              protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 565                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 566                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 567                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 568                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 569                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 570                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 571                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 572                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 573                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 574                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 575                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 576                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 577                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 578                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 579                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 580                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 581                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 582                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 583                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 584                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 585                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 586                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 587                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 588                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 589                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 590                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 591                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 592                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 593                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 594                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 595                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 596                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 597                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 598                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 599                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 600                                                             purine nucleotide metabolic process
## 601                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 602                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 603                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 604                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 605                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 606                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 607                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 608                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 609                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 610                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 611                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 612                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 613                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 614                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 615                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 616                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 617                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 618                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 619                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 620                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 621                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 622                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 623                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 624                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 625                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 626                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 627                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 628                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 629                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 630                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 631                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 632                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 633                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 634                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 635                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 636                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 637                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 638                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 639                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 640                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 641                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 642                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 643                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 644                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 645                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 646                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 647                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 648                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 649                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 650                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 651                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 652                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 653                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 654                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 655                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 656                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 657                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 658                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 659                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 660                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 661                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 662                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 663                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 664                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 665                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 666                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 667                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 668                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 669                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 670                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 671                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 672                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 673                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 674                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 675                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 676                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 677                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 678                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 679                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 680                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 681                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 682                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 683                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 684                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 685                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 686                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 687                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 688                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 689                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 690                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 691                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 692                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 693                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 694                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 695                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 696                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 697                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 698                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 699                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 700                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 701                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 702                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 703                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 704                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 705                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 706                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 707                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 708                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 709                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 710                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 711                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 712                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 713                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 714                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 715                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 716                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 717                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 718                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 719                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 720                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 721                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 722                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 723                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 724                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 725                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 726                                                                    phosphorus metabolic process
## 727                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 728                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 729                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 730                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 731                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 732                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 733                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 734                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 735                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 736                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 737                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 738                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 739                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 740                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 741                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 742                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 743                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 744                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 745                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 746                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 747                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 748                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 749                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 750                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 751                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 752                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 753                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 754                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 755                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 756                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 757                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 758                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 759                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 760                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 761                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 762                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 763                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 764                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 765                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 766                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 767                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 768                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 769                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 770                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 771                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 772                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 773                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 774                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 775                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 776                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 777                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 778                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 779                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 780                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 781                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 782                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 783                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 784                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 785                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 786                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 787                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 788                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 789                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 790                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 791                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 792                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 793                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 794                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 795                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 796                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 797                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 798                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 799                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 800                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 801                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 802                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 803                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 804                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 805                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 806                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 807                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 808                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 809                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 810                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 811                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 812                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 813                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 814                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 815                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 816                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 817                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 818                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 819                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 820                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 821                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 822                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 823                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 824                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 825                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 826                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 827                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 828                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 829                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 830                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 831                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 832                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 833                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 834                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 835                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 836                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 837                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 838                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 839                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 840                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 841                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 842                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 843                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 844                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 845                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 846                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 847                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 848                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 849                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 850                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 851                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 852                                                                     phosphate metabolic process
## 853                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 854                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 855                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 856                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 857                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 858                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 859                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 860                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 861                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 862                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 863                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 864                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 865                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 866                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 867                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 868                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 869                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 870                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 871                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 872                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 873                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 874                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 875                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 876                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 877                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 878                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 879                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 880                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 881                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 882                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 883                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 884                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 885                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 886                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 887                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 888                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 889                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 890                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 891                                                   regulation of Ras protein signal transduction
## 892                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 893                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 894                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 895                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 896                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 897                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 898                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 899                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 900                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 901                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 902                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 903                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 904                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 905                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 906                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 907                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 908                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 909                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 910                                                               cardiac muscle tissue development
## 911                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 912                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 913                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 914                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 915                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 916                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 917                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 918                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 919                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 920                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 921                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 922                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 923                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 924                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 925                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 926                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 927                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 928                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 929                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 930                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 931                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 932                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 933                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 934                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 935                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 936                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 937                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 938                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 939                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 940                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 941                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 942                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 943                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 944                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 945                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 946                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 947                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 948                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 949                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 950                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 951                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 952                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 953                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 954                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 955                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 956                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 957                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 958                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 959                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 960                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 961                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 962                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 963                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 964                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 965                                                       regulation of phosphate metabolic process
## 966                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 967                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 968                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 969                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 970                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 971                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 972                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 973                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 974                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 975                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 976                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 977                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 978                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 979                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 980                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 981                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 982                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 983                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 984                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 985                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 986                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 987                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 988                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 989                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 990                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 991                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 992                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 993                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 994                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 995                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 996                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 997                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 998                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 999                                                      regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1000                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1001                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1002                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1003                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1004                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1005                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1006                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1007                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1008                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1009                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1010                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1011                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1012                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1013                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1014                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1015                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1016                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1017                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1018                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1019                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1020                                                     regulation of phosphorus metabolic process
## 1021                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1022                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1023                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1024                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1025                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1026                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1027                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1028                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1029                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1030                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1031                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1032                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1033                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1034                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1035                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1036                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1037                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1038                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1039                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1040                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1041                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1042                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1043                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1044                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1045                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1046                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1047                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1048                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1049                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1050                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1051                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1052                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1053                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1054                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1055                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1056                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1057                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1058                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1059                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1060                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1061                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1062                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1063                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1064                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1065                                        regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
## 1066                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1067                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1068                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1069                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1070                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1071                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1072                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1073                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1074                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1075                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1076                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1077                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1078                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1079                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1080                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1081                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1082                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1083                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1084                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1085                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1086                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1087                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1088                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1089                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1090                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1091                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1092                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1093                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1094                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1095                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1096                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1097                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1098                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1099                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1100                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1101                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1102                                                                 morphogenesis of an epithelium
## 1103                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1104                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1105                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1106                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1107                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1108                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1109                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1110                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1111                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1112                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1113                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1114                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1115                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1116                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1117                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1118                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1119                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1120                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1121                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1122                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1123                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1124                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1125                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1126                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1127                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1128                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1129                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1130                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1131                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1132                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1133                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1134                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1135                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1136                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1137                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1138                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1139                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1140                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1141                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1142                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1143                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1144                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1145                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1146                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1147                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1148                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1149                                                                             cell proliferation
## 1150                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1151                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1152                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1153                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1154                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1155                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1156                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1157                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1158                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1159                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1160                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1161                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1162                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1163                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1164                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1165                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1166                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1167                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1168                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1169                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1170                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1171                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1172                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1173                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1174                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1175                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1176                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1177                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1178                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1179                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1180                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1181                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1182                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1183                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1184                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1185                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1186                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1187                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1188                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1189                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1190                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1191                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1192                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1193                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1194                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1195                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1196                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1197                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1198                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1199                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1200                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1201                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1202                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1203                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1204                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1205                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1206                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1207                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1208                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1209                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1210                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1211                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1212                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1213                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1214                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1215                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1216                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1217                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1218                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1219                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1220                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1221                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1222                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1223                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1224                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1225                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1226                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1227                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1228                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1229                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1230                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1231                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1232                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1233                                                               regulation of cell proliferation
## 1234                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1235                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1236                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1237                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1238                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1239                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1240                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1241                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1242                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1243                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1244                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1245                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1246                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1247                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1248                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1249                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1250                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1251                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1252                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1253                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1254                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1255                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1256                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1257                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1258                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1259                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1260                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1261                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1262                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1263                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1264                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1265                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1266                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1267                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1268                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1269                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1270                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1271                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1272                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1273                                                             regulation of transferase activity
## 1274                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1275                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1276                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1277                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1278                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1279                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1280                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1281                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1282                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1283                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1284                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1285                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1286                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1287                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1288                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1289                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1290                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1291                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1292                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1293                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1294                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1295                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1296                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1297                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1298                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1299                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1300                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1301                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1302                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1303                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1304                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1305                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1306                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1307                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1308                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1309                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1310                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1311                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1312                                                                  regulation of kinase activity
## 1313                                                                              blood circulation
## 1314                                                                              blood circulation
## 1315                                                                              blood circulation
## 1316                                                                              blood circulation
## 1317                                                                              blood circulation
## 1318                                                                              blood circulation
## 1319                                                                              blood circulation
## 1320                                                                              blood circulation
## 1321                                                                              blood circulation
## 1322                                                                              blood circulation
## 1323                                                                              blood circulation
## 1324                                                                              blood circulation
## 1325                                                                              blood circulation
## 1326                                                                              blood circulation
## 1327                                                                              blood circulation
## 1328                                                                              blood circulation
## 1329                                                                              blood circulation
## 1330                                                                              blood circulation
## 1331                                                                              blood circulation
## 1332                                                                              blood circulation
## 1333                                                                              blood circulation
## 1334                                                                              blood circulation
## 1335                                                                              blood circulation
## 1336                                                                              blood circulation
## 1337                                                                              blood circulation
## 1338                                                                              blood circulation
## 1339                                                                              blood circulation
## 1340                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1341                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1342                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1343                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1344                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1345                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1346                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1347                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1348                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1349                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1350                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1351                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1352                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1353                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1354                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1355                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1356                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1357                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1358                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1359                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1360                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1361                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1362                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1363                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1364                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1365                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1366                                                                     circulatory system process
## 1367                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1368                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1369                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1370                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1371                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1372                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1373                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1374                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1375                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1376                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1377                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1378                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1379                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1380                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1381                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1382                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1383                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1384                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1385                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1386                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1387                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1388                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1389                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1390                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1391                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1392                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1393                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1394                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1395                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1396                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1397                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1398                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1399                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1400                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1401                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1402                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1403                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1404                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1405                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1406                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1407                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1408                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1409                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1410                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1411                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1412                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1413                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1414                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1415                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1416                                               enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
## 1417                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1418                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1419                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1420                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1421                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1422                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1423                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1424                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1425                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1426                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1427                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1428                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1429                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1430                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1431                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1432                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1433                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1434                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1435                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1436                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1437                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1438                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1439                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1440                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1441                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1442                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1443                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1444                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1445                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1446                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1447                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1448                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1449                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1450                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1451                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1452                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1453                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1454                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1455                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1456                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1457                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1458                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1459                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1460                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1461                                                                         protein kinase cascade
## 1462                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1463                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1464                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1465                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1466                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1467                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1468                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1469                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1470                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1471                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1472                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1473                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1474                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1475                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1476                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1477                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1478                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1479                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1480                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1481                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1482                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1483                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1484                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1485                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1486                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1487                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1488                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1489                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1490                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1491                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1492                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1493                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1494                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1495                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1496                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1497                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1498                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1499                                                          regulation of protein kinase activity
## 1500                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1501                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1502                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1503                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1504                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1505                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1506                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1507                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1508                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1509                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1510                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1511                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1512                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1513                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1514                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1515                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1516                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1517                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1518                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1519                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1520                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1521                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1522                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1523                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1524                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1525                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1526                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1527                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1528                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1529                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1530                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1531                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1532                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1533                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1534                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1535                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1536                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1537                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1538                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1539                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1540                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1541                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1542                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1543                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1544                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1545                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1546                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1547                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1548                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1549                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1550                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1551                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1552                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1553                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1554                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1555                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1556                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1557                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1558                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1559                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1560                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1561                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1562                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1563                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1564                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1565                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1566                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1567                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1568                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1569                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1570                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1571                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1572                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1573                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1574                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1575                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1576                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1577                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1578                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1579                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1580                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1581                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1582                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1583                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1584                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1585                                                                                  cell adhesion
## 1586                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1587                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1588                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1589                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1590                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1591                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1592                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1593                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1594                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1595                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1596                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1597                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1598                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1599                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1600                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1601                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1602                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1603                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1604                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1605                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1606                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1607                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1608                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1609                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1610                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1611                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1612                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1613                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1614                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1615                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1616                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1617                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1618                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1619                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1620                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1621                                                                nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1622                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1623                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1624                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1625                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1626                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1627                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1628                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1629                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1630                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1631                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1632                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1633                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1634                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1635                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1636                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1637                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1638                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1639                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1640                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1641                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1642                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1643                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1644                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1645                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1646                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1647                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1648                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1649                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1650                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1651                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1652                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1653                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1654                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1655                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1656                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1657                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1658                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1659                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1660                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1661                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1662                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1663                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1664                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1665                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1666                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1667                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1668                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1669                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1670                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1671                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1672                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1673                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1674                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1675                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1676                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1677                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1678                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1679                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1680                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1681                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1682                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1683                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1684                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1685                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1686                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1687                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1688                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1689                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1690                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1691                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1692                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1693                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1694                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1695                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1696                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1697                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1698                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1699                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1700                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1701                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1702                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1703                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1704                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1705                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1706                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1707                                                                            biological adhesion
## 1708                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1709                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1710                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1711                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1712                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1713                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1714                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1715                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1716                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1717                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1718                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1719                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1720                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1721                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1722                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1723                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1724                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1725                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1726                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1727                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1728                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1729                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1730                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1731                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1732                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1733                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1734                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1735                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1736                                                             striated muscle tissue development
## 1737                                                                         epithelium development
## 1738                                                                         epithelium development
## 1739                                                                         epithelium development
## 1740                                                                         epithelium development
## 1741                                                                         epithelium development
## 1742                                                                         epithelium development
## 1743                                                                         epithelium development
## 1744                                                                         epithelium development
## 1745                                                                         epithelium development
## 1746                                                                         epithelium development
## 1747                                                                         epithelium development
## 1748                                                                         epithelium development
## 1749                                                                         epithelium development
## 1750                                                                         epithelium development
## 1751                                                                         epithelium development
## 1752                                                                         epithelium development
## 1753                                                                         epithelium development
## 1754                                                                         epithelium development
## 1755                                                                         epithelium development
## 1756                                                                         epithelium development
## 1757                                                                         epithelium development
## 1758                                                                         epithelium development
## 1759                                                                         epithelium development
## 1760                                                                         epithelium development
## 1761                                                                         epithelium development
## 1762                                                                         epithelium development
## 1763                                                                         epithelium development
## 1764                                                                         epithelium development
## 1765                                                                         epithelium development
## 1766                                                                         epithelium development
## 1767                                                                         epithelium development
## 1768                                                                         epithelium development
## 1769                                                                         epithelium development
## 1770                                                                         epithelium development
## 1771                                                                         epithelium development
## 1772                                                                         epithelium development
## 1773                                                                         epithelium development
## 1774                                                                         epithelium development
## 1775                                                                         epithelium development
## 1776                                                                         epithelium development
## 1777                                                                         epithelium development
## 1778                                                                         epithelium development
## 1779                                                                         epithelium development
## 1780                                                                         epithelium development
## 1781                                                                         epithelium development
## 1782                                                                         epithelium development
## 1783                                                                         epithelium development
## 1784                                                                         epithelium development
## 1785                                                                         epithelium development
## 1786                                                                               tube development
## 1787                                                                               tube development
## 1788                                                                               tube development
## 1789                                                                               tube development
## 1790                                                                               tube development
## 1791                                                                               tube development
## 1792                                                                               tube development
## 1793                                                                               tube development
## 1794                                                                               tube development
## 1795                                                                               tube development
## 1796                                                                               tube development
## 1797                                                                               tube development
## 1798                                                                               tube development
## 1799                                                                               tube development
## 1800                                                                               tube development
## 1801                                                                               tube development
## 1802                                                                               tube development
## 1803                                                                               tube development
## 1804                                                                               tube development
## 1805                                                                               tube development
## 1806                                                                               tube development
## 1807                                                                               tube development
## 1808                                                                               tube development
## 1809                                                                               tube development
## 1810                                                                               tube development
## 1811                                                                               tube development
## 1812                                                                               tube development
## 1813                                                                               tube development
## 1814                                                                               tube development
## 1815                                                                               tube development
## 1816                                                                               tube development
## 1817                                                                               tube development
## 1818                                                                               tube development
## 1819                                                                               tube development
## 1820                                                                               tube development
## 1821                                                                               tube development
## 1822                                                                               tube development
## 1823                                                                               tube development
## 1824                                                                               tube development
## 1825                                                                               tube development
## 1826                                                                               tube development
## 1827                                                                               tube development
## 1828                                                                               tube development
## 1829                                                                               tube development
## 1830                                                                               tube development
## 1831                                                                               tube development
## 1832                                                                               tube development
## 1833                                                                               tube development
## 1834                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1835                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1836                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1837                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1838                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1839                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1840                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1841                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1842                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1843                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1844                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1845                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1846                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1847                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1848                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1849                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1850                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1851                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1852                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1853                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1854                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1855                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1856                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1857                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1858                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1859                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1860                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1861                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1862                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1863                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1864                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1865                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1866                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1867                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1868                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1869                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1870                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1871                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1872                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1873                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1874                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1875                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1876                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1877                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1878                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1879                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1880                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1881                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1882                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1883                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1884                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1885                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1886                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1887                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1888                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1889                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1890                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1891                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1892                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1893                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1894                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1895                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1896                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1897                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1898                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1899                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1900                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1901                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1902                                                                 chordate embryonic development
## 1903                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1904                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1905                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1906                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1907                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1908                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1909                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1910                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1911                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1912                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1913                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1914                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1915                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1916                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1917                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1918                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1919                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1920                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1921                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1922                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1923                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1924                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1925                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1926                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1927                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1928                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1929                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1930                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1931                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1932                                                                      muscle tissue development
## 1933                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1934                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1935                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1936                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1937                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1938                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1939                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1940                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1941                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1942                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1943                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1944                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1945                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1946                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1947                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1948                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1949                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1950                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1951                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1952                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1953                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1954                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1955                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1956                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1957                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1958                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1959                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1960                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1961                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1962                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1963                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1964                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1965                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1966                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1967                                                                             tube morphogenesis
## 1968                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1969                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1970                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1971                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1972                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1973                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1974                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1975                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1976                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1977                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1978                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1979                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1980                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1981                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1982                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1983                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1984                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1985                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1986                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1987                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1988                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1989                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1990                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1991                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1992                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1993                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1994                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1995                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1996                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1997                                                         purine nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 1998                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 1999                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2000                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2001                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2002                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2003                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2004                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2005                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2006                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2007                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2008                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2009                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2010                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2011                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2012                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2013                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2014                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2015                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2016                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2017                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2018                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2019                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2020                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2021                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2022                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2023                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2024                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2025                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2026                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2027                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2028                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2029                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2030                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2031                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2032                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2033                       nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process
## 2034                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2035                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2036                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2037                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2038                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2039                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2040                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2041                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2042                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2043                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2044                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2045                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2046                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2047                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2048                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2049                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2050                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2051                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2052                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2053                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2054                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2055                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2056                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2057                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2058                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2059                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2060                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2061                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2062                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2063                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2064                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2065                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2066                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2067                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2068                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2069                                     nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthetic process
## 2070                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2071                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2072                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2073                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2074                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2075                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2076                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2077                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2078                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2079                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2080                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2081                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2082                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2083                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2084                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2085                                                                         mesenchyme development
## 2086                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2087                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2088                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2089                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2090                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2091                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2092                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2093                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2094                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2095                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2096                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2097                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2098                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2099                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2100                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2101                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2102                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2103                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2104                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2105                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2106                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2107                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2108                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2109                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2110                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2111                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2112                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2113                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2114                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2115                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2116                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2117                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2118                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2119                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2120                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2121                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2122                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2123                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2124                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2125                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2126                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2127                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2128                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2129                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2130                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2131                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2132                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2133                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2134                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2135                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2136                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2137                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2138                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2139                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2140                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2141                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2142                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2143                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2144                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2145                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2146                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2147                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2148                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2149                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2150                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2151                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2152                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2153                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2154                                          embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
## 2155                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2156                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2157                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2158                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2159                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2160                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2161                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2162                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2163                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2164                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2165                                                              actomyosin structure organization
## 2166                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2167                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2168                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2169                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2170                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2171                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2172                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2173                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2174                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2175                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2176                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2177                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2178                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2179                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2180                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2181                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2182                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2183                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2184                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2185                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2186                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2187                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2188                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2189                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2190                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2191                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2192                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2193                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2194                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2195                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2196                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2197                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2198                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2199                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2200                                                                       muscle organ development
## 2201                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2202                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2203                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2204                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2205                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2206                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2207                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2208                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2209                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2210                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2211                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2212                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2213                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2214                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2215                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2216                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2217                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2218                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2219                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2220                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2221                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2222                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2223                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2224                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2225                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2226                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2227                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2228                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2229                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2230                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2231                                                           extracellular structure organization
## 2232                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2233                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2234                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2235                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2236                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2237                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2238                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2239                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2240                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2241                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2242                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2243                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2244                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2245                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2246                                                                   mesenchymal cell development
## 2247                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2248                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2249                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2250                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2251                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2252                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2253                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2254                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2255                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2256                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2257                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2258                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2259                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2260                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2261                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2262                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2263                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2264                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2265                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2266                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2267                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2268                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2269                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2270                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2271                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2272                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2273                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2274                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2275                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2276                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2277                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2278                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2279                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2280                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2281                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2282                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2283                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2284                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2285                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2286                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2287                                                      negative regulation of cell proliferation
## 2288                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2289                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2290                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2291                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2292                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2293                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2294                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2295                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2296                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2297                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2298                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2299                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2300                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2301                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2302                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2303                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2304                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2305                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2306                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2307                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2308                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2309                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2310                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2311                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2312                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2313                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2314                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2315                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2316                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2317                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2318                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2319                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2320                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2321                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2322                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2323                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2324                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2325                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2326                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2327                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2328                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2329                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2330                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2331                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2332                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2333                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2334                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2335                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2336                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2337                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2338                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2339                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2340                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2341                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2342                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2343                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2344                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2345                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2346                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2347                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2348                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2349                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2350                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2351                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2352                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2353                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2354                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2355                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2356                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2357                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2358                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2359                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2360                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2361                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2362                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2363                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2364                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2365                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2366                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2367                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2368                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2369                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2370                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2371                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2372                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2373                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2374                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2375                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2376                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2377                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2378                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2379                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2380                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2381                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2382                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2383                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2384                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2385                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2386                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2387                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2388                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2389                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2390                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2391                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2392                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2393                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2394                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2395                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2396                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2397                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2398                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2399                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2400                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2401                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2402                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2403                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2404                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2405                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2406                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2407                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2408                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2409                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2410                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2411                                                                intracellular signaling cascade
## 2412                                                                                 cell migration
## 2413                                                                                 cell migration
## 2414                                                                                 cell migration
## 2415                                                                                 cell migration
## 2416                                                                                 cell migration
## 2417                                                                                 cell migration
## 2418                                                                                 cell migration
## 2419                                                                                 cell migration
## 2420                                                                                 cell migration
## 2421                                                                                 cell migration
## 2422                                                                                 cell migration
## 2423                                                                                 cell migration
## 2424                                                                                 cell migration
## 2425                                                                                 cell migration
## 2426                                                                                 cell migration
## 2427                                                                                 cell migration
## 2428                                                                                 cell migration
## 2429                                                                                 cell migration
## 2430                                                                                 cell migration
## 2431                                                                                 cell migration
## 2432                                                                                 cell migration
## 2433                                                                                 cell migration
## 2434                                                                                 cell migration
## 2435                                                                                 cell migration
## 2436                                                                                 cell migration
## 2437                                                                                 cell migration
## 2438                                                                                 cell migration
## 2439                                                                                 cell migration
## 2440                                                                                 cell migration
## 2441                                                                                 cell migration
## 2442                                                                                 cell migration
## 2443                                                                                 cell migration
## 2444                                                                                 cell migration
## 2445                                                                                 cell migration
## 2446                                                                                 cell migration
## 2447                                                                                 cell migration
## 2448                                                                                 cell migration
## 2449                                                                                 cell migration
## 2450                                                                                 cell migration
## 2451                                                                                 cell migration
## 2452                                                                                 cell migration
## 2453                                                                                 cell migration
## 2454                                                                                 cell migration
## 2455                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2456                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2457                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2458                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2459                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2460                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2461                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2462                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2463                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2464                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2465                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2466                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2467                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2468                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2469                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2470                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2471                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2472                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2473                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2474                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2475                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2476                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2477                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2478                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2479                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2480                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2481                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2482                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2483                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2484                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2485                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2486                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2487                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2488                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2489                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2490                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2491                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2492                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2493                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2494                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2495                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2496                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2497                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2498                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2499                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2500                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2501                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2502                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2503                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2504                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2505                                                         nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
## 2506                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2507                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2508                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2509                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2510                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2511                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2512                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2513                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2514                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2515                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2516                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2517                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2518                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2519                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2520                                                               mesenchymal cell differentiation
## 2521                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2522                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2523                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2524                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2525                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2526                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2527                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2528                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2529                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2530                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2531                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2532                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2533                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2534                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2535                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2536                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2537                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2538                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2539                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2540                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2541                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2542                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2543                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2544                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2545                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2546                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2547                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2548                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2549                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2550                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2551                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2552                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2553                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2554                                                                   actin filament-based process
## 2555                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2556                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2557                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2558                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2559                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2560                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2561                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2562                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2563                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2564                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2565                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2566                                                              neural crest cell differentiation
## 2567                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2568                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2569                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2570                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2571                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2572                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2573                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2574                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2575                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2576                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2577                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2578                                                                  neural crest cell development
## 2579                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2580                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2581                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2582                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2583                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2584                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2585                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2586                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2587                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2588                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2589                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2590                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2591                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2592                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2593                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2594                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2595                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2596                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2597                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2598                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2599                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2600                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2601                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2602                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2603                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2604                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2605                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2606                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2607                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2608                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2609                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2610                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2611                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2612                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2613                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2614                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2615                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2616                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2617                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2618                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2619                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2620                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2621                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2622                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2623                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2624                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2625                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2626                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2627                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2628                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2629                                                      positive regulation of molecular function
## 2630                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2631                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2632                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2633                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2634                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2635                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2636                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2637                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2638                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2639                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2640                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2641                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2642                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2643                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2644                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2645                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2646                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2647                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2648                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2649                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2650                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2651                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2652                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2653                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2654                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2655                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2656                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2657                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2658                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2659                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2660                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2661                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2662                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2663                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2664                                                                   fatty acid metabolic process
## 2665                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2666                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2667                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2668                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2669                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2670                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2671                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2672                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2673                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2674                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2675                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2676                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2677                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2678                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2679                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2680                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2681                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2682                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2683                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2684                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2685                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2686                                                                  regulation of GTPase activity
## 2687                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2688                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2689                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2690                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2691                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2692                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2693                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2694                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2695                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2696                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2697                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2698                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2699                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2700                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2701                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2702                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2703                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2704                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2705                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2706                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2707                                                                   response to oxidative stress
## 2708                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2709                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2710                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2711                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2712                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2713                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2714                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2715                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2716                                                                             myofibril assembly
## 2717                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2718                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2719                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2720                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2721                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2722                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2723                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2724                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2725                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2726                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2727                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2728                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2729                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2730                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2731                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2732                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2733                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2734                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2735                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2736                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2737                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2738                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2739                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2740                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2741                                                                                 MAPKKK cascade
## 2742                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2743                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2744                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2745                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2746                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2747                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2748                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2749                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2750                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2751                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2752                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2753                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2754                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2755                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2756                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2757                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2758                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2759                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2760                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2761                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2762                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2763                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2764                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2765                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2766                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2767                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2768                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2769                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2770                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2771                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2772                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2773                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2774                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2775                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2776                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2777                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2778                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2779                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2780                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2781                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2782                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2783                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2784                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2785                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2786                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2787                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2788                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2789                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2790                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2791                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2792                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2793                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2794                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2795                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2796                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2797                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2798                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2799                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2800                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2801                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2802                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2803                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2804                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2805                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2806                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2807                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2808                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2809                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2810                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2811                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2812                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2813                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2814                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2815                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2816                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2817                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2818                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2819                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2820                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2821                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2822                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2823                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2824                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2825                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2826                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2827                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2828                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2829                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2830                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2831                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2832                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2833                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2834                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2835                                                                            oxidation reduction
## 2836                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2837                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2838                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2839                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2840                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2841                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2842                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2843                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2844                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2845                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2846                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2847                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2848                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2849                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2850                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2851                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2852                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2853                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2854                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2855                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2856                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2857                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2858                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2859                                                                  epithelial tube morphogenesis
## 2860                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2861                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2862                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2863                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2864                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2865                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2866                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2867                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2868                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2869                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2870                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2871                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2872                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2873                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2874                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2875                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2876                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2877                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2878                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2879                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2880                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2881                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2882                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2883                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2884                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2885                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2886                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2887                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2888                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2889                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2890                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2891                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2892                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2893                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2894                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2895                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2896                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2897                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2898                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2899                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2900                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2901                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2902                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2903                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2904                                                                  cellular chemical homeostasis
## 2905                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2906                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2907                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2908                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2909                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2910                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2911                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2912                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2913                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2914                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2915                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2916                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2917                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2918                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2919                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2920                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2921                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2922                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2923                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2924                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2925                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2926                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2927                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2928                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2929                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2930                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2931                                                                                   angiogenesis
## 2932                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2933                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2934                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2935                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2936                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2937                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2938                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2939                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2940                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2941                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2942                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2943                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2944                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2945                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2946                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2947                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2948                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2949                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2950                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2951                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2952                                                                response to inorganic substance
## 2953                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2954                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2955                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2956                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2957                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2958                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2959                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2960                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2961                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2962                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2963                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2964                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2965                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2966                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2967                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2968                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2969                                                         protein amino acid autophosphorylation
## 2970                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2971                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2972                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2973                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2974                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2975                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2976                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2977                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2978                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2979                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2980                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2981                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2982                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2983                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2984                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2985                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2986                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2987                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2988                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2989                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2990                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2991                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2992                                               purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 2993                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 2994                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 2995                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 2996                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 2997                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 2998                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 2999                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 3000                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 3001                                                                         cell junction assembly
## 3002                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3003                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3004                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3005                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3006                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3007                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3008                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3009                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3010                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3011                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3012                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3013                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3014                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3015                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3016                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3017                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3018                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3019                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3020                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3021                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3022                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3023                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3024                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3025                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3026                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3027                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3028                                                    positive regulation of transferase activity
## 3029                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3030                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3031                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3032                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3033                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3034                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3035                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3036                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3037                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3038                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3039                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3040                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3041                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3042                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3043                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3044                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3045                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3046                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3047                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3048                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3049                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3050                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3051                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3052                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3053                                               regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation
## 3054                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3055                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3056                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3057                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3058                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3059                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3060                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3061                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3062                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3063                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3064                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3065                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3066                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3067                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3068                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3069                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3070                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3071                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3072                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3073                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3074                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3075                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3076                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3077                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3078                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3079                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3080                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3081                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3082                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3083                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3084                                                                actin cytoskeleton organization
## 3085                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3086                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3087                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3088                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3089                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3090                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3091                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3092                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3093                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3094                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3095                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3096                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3097                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3098                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3099                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3100                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3101                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3102                                                                            heart morphogenesis
## 3103                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3104                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3105                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3106                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3107                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3108                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3109                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3110                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3111                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3112                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3113                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3114                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3115                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3116                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3117                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3118                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3119                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3120                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3121                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3122                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3123                                            purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3124                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3125                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3126                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3127                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3128                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3129                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3130                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3131                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3132                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3133                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3134                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3135                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3136                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3137                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3138                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3139                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3140                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3141                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3142                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3143                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3144                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3145                                           purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3146                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3147                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3148                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3149                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3150                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3151                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3152                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3153                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3154                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3155                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3156                                                                     cell junction organization
## 3157                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3158                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3159                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3160                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3161                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3162                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3163                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3164                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3165                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3166                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3167                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3168                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3169                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3170                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3171                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3172                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3173                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3174                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3175                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3176                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3177                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3178                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3179                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3180                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3181                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3182                                                         positive regulation of kinase activity
## 3183                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3184                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3185                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3186                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3187                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3188                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3189                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3190                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3191                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3192                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3193                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3194                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3195                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3196                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3197                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3198                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3199                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3200                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3201                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3202                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3203                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3204                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3205                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3206                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3207                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3208                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3209                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3210                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3211                                                                    cellular cation homeostasis
## 3212                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3213                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3214                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3215                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3216                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3217                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3218                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3219                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3220                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3221                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3222                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3223                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3224                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3225                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3226                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3227                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3228                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3229                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3230                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3231                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3232                                                   nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3233                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3234                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3235                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3236                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3237                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3238                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3239                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3240                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3241                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3242                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3243                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3244                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3245                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3246                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3247                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3248                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3249                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3250                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3251                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3252                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3253                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3254                                                  ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process
## 3255                                                                      muscle cell proliferation
## 3256                                                                      muscle cell proliferation
## 3257                                                                      muscle cell proliferation
## 3258                                                                      muscle cell proliferation
## 3259                                                                      muscle cell proliferation
## 3260                                                                      muscle cell proliferation
## 3261                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3262                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3263                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3264                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3265                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3266                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3267                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3268                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3269                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3270                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3271                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3272                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3273                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3274                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3275                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3276                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3277                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3278                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3279                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3280                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3281                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3282                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3283                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3284                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3285                                                 positive regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3286                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3287                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3288                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3289                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3290                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3291                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3292                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3293                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3294                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3295                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3296                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3297                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3298                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3299                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3300                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3301                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3302                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3303                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3304                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3305                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3306                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3307                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3308                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3309                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3310                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3311                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3312                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3313                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3314                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3315                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3316                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3317                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3318                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3319                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3320                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3321                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3322                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3323                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3324                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3325                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3326                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3327                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3328                                                      positive regulation of catalytic activity
## 3329                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3330                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3331                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3332                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3333                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3334                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3335                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3336                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3337                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3338                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3339                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3340                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3341                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3342                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3343                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3344                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3345                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3346                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3347                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3348                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3349                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3350                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3351                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3352                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3353                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3354                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3355                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3356                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3357                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3358                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3359                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3360                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3361                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3362                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3363                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3364                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3365                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3366                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3367                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3368                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3369                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3370                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3371                                                                       cellular ion homeostasis
## 3372                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3373                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3374                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3375                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3376                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3377                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3378                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3379                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3380                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3381                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3382                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3383                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3384                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3385                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3386                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3387                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3388                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3389                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3390                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3391                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3392                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3393                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3394                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3395                                                                    muscle cell differentiation
## 3396                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3397                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3398                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3399                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3400                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3401                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3402                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3403                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3404                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3405                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3406                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3407                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3408                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3409                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3410                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3411                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3412                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3413                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3414                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3415                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3416                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3417                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3418                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3419                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3420                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3421                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3422                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3423                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3424                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3425                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3426                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3427                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3428                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3429                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3430                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3431                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3432                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3433                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3434                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3435                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3436                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3437                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3438                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3439                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3440                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3441                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3442                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3443                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3444                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3445                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3446                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3447                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3448                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3449                                                               cellular component morphogenesis
## 3450                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3451                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3452                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3453                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3454                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3455                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3456                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3457                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3458                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3459                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3460                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3461                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3462                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3463                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3464                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3465                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3466                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3467                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3468                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3469                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3470                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3471                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3472                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3473                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3474                                                               ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3475                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3476                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3477                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3478                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3479                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3480                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3481                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3482                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3483                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3484                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3485                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3486                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3487                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3488                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3489                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3490                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3491                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3492                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3493                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3494                                                                          ATP metabolic process
## 3495                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3496                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3497                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3498                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3499                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3500                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3501                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3502                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3503                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3504                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3505                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3506                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3507                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3508                                                 negative regulation of protein kinase activity
## 3509                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3510                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3511                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3512                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3513                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3514                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3515                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3516                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3517                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3518                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3519                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3520                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3521                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3522                                                         negative regulation of kinase activity
## 3523                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3524                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3525                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3526                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3527                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3528                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3529                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3530                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3531                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3532                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3533                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3534                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3535                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3536                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3537                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3538                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3539                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3540                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3541                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3542                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3543                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3544                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3545                                                            ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3546                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3547                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3548                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3549                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3550                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3551                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3552                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3553                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3554                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3555                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3556                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3557                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3558                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3559                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3560                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3561                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3562                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3563                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3564                                                              regulation of MAP kinase activity
## 3565                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3566                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3567                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3568                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3569                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3570                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3571                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3572                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3573                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3574                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3575                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3576                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3577                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3578                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3579                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3580                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3581                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3582                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3583                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3584                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3585                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3586                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3587                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3588                                                        purine ribonucleotide metabolic process
## 3589                                                               cell-substrate junction assembly
## 3590                                                               cell-substrate junction assembly
## 3591                                                               cell-substrate junction assembly
## 3592                                                               cell-substrate junction assembly
## 3593                                                               cell-substrate junction assembly
## 3594                                                               cell-substrate junction assembly
## 3595                                                               cell-substrate junction assembly
## 3596                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3597                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3598                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3599                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3600                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3601                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3602                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3603                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3604                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3605                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3606                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3607                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3608                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3609                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3610                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3611                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3612                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3613                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3614                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3615                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3616                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3617                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3618                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3619                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3620                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3621                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3622                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3623                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3624                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3625                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3626                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3627                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3628                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3629                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3630                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3631                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3632                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3633                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3634                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3635                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3636                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3637                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3638                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3639                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3640                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3641                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3642                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3643                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3644                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3645                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3646                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3647                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3648                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3649                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3650                                                                           chemical homeostasis
## 3651                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3652                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3653                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3654                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3655                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3656                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3657                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3658                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3659                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3660                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3661                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3662                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3663                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3664                                                    negative regulation of transferase activity
## 3665                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3666                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3667                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3668                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3669                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3670                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3671                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3672                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3673                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3674                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3675                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3676                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3677                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3678                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3679                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3680                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3681                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3682                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3683                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3684                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3685                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3686                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3687                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3688                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3689                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3690                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3691                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3692                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3693                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3694                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3695                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3696                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3697                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3698                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3699                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3700                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3701                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3702                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3703                                                                             cell-cell adhesion
## 3704                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3705                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3706                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3707                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3708                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3709                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3710                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3711                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3712                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3713                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3714                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3715                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3716                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3717                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3718                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3719                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3720                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3721                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3722                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3723                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3724                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3725                                                     purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process
## 3726                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3727                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3728                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3729                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3730                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3731                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3732                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3733                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3734                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3735                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3736                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3737                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3738                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3739                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3740                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3741                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3742                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3743                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3744                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3745                                        purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3746                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3747                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3748                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3749                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3750                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3751                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3752                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3753                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3754                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3755                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3756                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3757                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3758                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3759                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3760                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3761                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3762                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3763                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3764                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3765                                               ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process
## 3766                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3767                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3768                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3769                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3770                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3771                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3772                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3773                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3774                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3775                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3776                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3777                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3778                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3779                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3780                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3781                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3782                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3783                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3784                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3785                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3786                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3787                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3788                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3789                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3790                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3791                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3792                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3793                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3794                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3795                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3796                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3797                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3798                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3799                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3800                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3801                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3802                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3803                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3804                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3805                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3806                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3807                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3808                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3809                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3810                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3811                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3812                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3813                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3814                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3815                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3816                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3817                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3818                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3819                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3820                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3821                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3822                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3823                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3824                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3825                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3826                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3827                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3828                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3829                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3830                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3831                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3832                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3833                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3834                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3835                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3836                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3837                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3838                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3839                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3840                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3841                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3842                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3843                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3844                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3845                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3846                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3847                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3848                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3849                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3850                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3851                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3852                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3853                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3854                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3855                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3856                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3857                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3858                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3859                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3860                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3861                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3862                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3863                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3864                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3865                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3866                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3867                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3868                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3869                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3870                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3871                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3872                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3873                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3874                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3875                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3876                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3877                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3878                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3879                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3880                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3881                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3882                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3883                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3884                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3885                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3886                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3887                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3888                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3889                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3890                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3891                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3892                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3893                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3894                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3895                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3896                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3897                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3898                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3899                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3900                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3901                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3902                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3903                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3904                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3905                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3906                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3907                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3908                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3909                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3910                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3911                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3912                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3913                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3914                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3915                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3916                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3917                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3918                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3919                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3920                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3921                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3922                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3923                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3924                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3925                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3926                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3927                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3928                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3929                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3930                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3931                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3932                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3933                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3934                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3935                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3936                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3937                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3938                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3939                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3940                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3941                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3942                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3943                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3944                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3945                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3946                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3947                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3948                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3949                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3950                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3951                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3952                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3953                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3954                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3955                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3956                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3957                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3958                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3959                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3960                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3961                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3962                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3963                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3964                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3965                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3966                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3967                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3968                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3969                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3970                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3971                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3972                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3973                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3974                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3975                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3976                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3977                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3978                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3979                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3980                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3981                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3982                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3983                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3984                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3985                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3986                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3987                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3988                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3989                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3990                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3991                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3992                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3993                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3994                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3995                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3996                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3997                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3998                                                                                plasma membrane
## 3999                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4000                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4001                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4002                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4003                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4004                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4005                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4006                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4007                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4008                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4009                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4010                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4011                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4012                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4013                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4014                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4015                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4016                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4017                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4018                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4019                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4020                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4021                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4022                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4023                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4024                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4025                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4026                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4027                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4028                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4029                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4030                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4031                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4032                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4033                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4034                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4035                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4036                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4037                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4038                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4039                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4040                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4041                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4042                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4043                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4044                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4045                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4046                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4047                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4048                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4049                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4050                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4051                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4052                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4053                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4054                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4055                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4056                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4057                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4058                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4059                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4060                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4061                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4062                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4063                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4064                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4065                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4066                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4067                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4068                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4069                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4070                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4071                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4072                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4073                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4074                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4075                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4076                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4077                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4078                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4079                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4080                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4081                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4082                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4083                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4084                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4085                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4086                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4087                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4088                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4089                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4090                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4091                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4092                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4093                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4094                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4095                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4096                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4097                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4098                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4099                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4100                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4101                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4102                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4103                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4104                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4105                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4106                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4107                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4108                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4109                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4110                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4111                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4112                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4113                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4114                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4115                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4116                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4117                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4118                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4119                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4120                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4121                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4122                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4123                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4124                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4125                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4126                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4127                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4128                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4129                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4130                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4131                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4132                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4133                                                                                plasma membrane
## 4134                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4135                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4136                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4137                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4138                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4139                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4140                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4141                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4142                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4143                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4144                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4145                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4146                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4147                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4148                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4149                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4150                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4151                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4152                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4153                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4154                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4155                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4156                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4157                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4158                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4159                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4160                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4161                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4162                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4163                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4164                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4165                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4166                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4167                                                                    basolateral plasma membrane
## 4168                                                                              adherens junction
## 4169                                                                              adherens junction
## 4170                                                                              adherens junction
## 4171                                                                              adherens junction
## 4172                                                                              adherens junction
## 4173                                                                              adherens junction
## 4174                                                                              adherens junction
## 4175                                                                              adherens junction
## 4176                                                                              adherens junction
## 4177                                                                              adherens junction
## 4178                                                                              adherens junction
## 4179                                                                              adherens junction
## 4180                                                                              adherens junction
## 4181                                                                              adherens junction
## 4182                                                                              adherens junction
## 4183                                                                              adherens junction
## 4184                                                                              adherens junction
## 4185                                                                              adherens junction
## 4186                                                                              adherens junction
## 4187                                                                              adherens junction
## 4188                                                                              adherens junction
## 4189                                                                              adherens junction
## 4190                                                                              adherens junction
## 4191                                                                              adherens junction
## 4192                                                                              adherens junction
## 4193                                                                              adherens junction
## 4194                                                                              adherens junction
## 4195                                                                              adherens junction
## 4196                                                                                  cell junction
## 4197                                                                                  cell junction
## 4198                                                                                  cell junction
## 4199                                                                                  cell junction
## 4200                                                                                  cell junction
## 4201                                                                                  cell junction
## 4202                                                                                  cell junction
## 4203                                                                                  cell junction
## 4204                                                                                  cell junction
## 4205                                                                                  cell junction
## 4206                                                                                  cell junction
## 4207                                                                                  cell junction
## 4208                                                                                  cell junction
## 4209                                                                                  cell junction
## 4210                                                                                  cell junction
## 4211                                                                                  cell junction
## 4212                                                                                  cell junction
## 4213                                                                                  cell junction
## 4214                                                                                  cell junction
## 4215                                                                                  cell junction
## 4216                                                                                  cell junction
## 4217                                                                                  cell junction
## 4218                                                                                  cell junction
## 4219                                                                                  cell junction
## 4220                                                                                  cell junction
## 4221                                                                                  cell junction
## 4222                                                                                  cell junction
## 4223                                                                                  cell junction
## 4224                                                                                  cell junction
## 4225                                                                                  cell junction
## 4226                                                                                  cell junction
## 4227                                                                                  cell junction
## 4228                                                                                  cell junction
## 4229                                                                                  cell junction
## 4230                                                                                  cell junction
## 4231                                                                                  cell junction
## 4232                                                                                  cell junction
## 4233                                                                                  cell junction
## 4234                                                                                  cell junction
## 4235                                                                                  cell junction
## 4236                                                                                  cell junction
## 4237                                                                                  cell junction
## 4238                                                                                  cell junction
## 4239                                                                                  cell junction
## 4240                                                                                  cell junction
## 4241                                                                                  cell junction
## 4242                                                                                  cell junction
## 4243                                                                                  cell junction
## 4244                                                                                  cell junction
## 4245                                                                                  cell junction
## 4246                                                                                  cell junction
## 4247                                                                                  cell junction
## 4248                                                                                  cell junction
## 4249                                                                                  cell junction
## 4250                                                                                  cell junction
## 4251                                                                                  cell junction
## 4252                                                                                  cell junction
## 4253                                                                                  cell junction
## 4254                                                                                  cell junction
## 4255                                                                                  cell junction
## 4256                                                                                  cell junction
## 4257                                                                                  cell junction
## 4258                                                                                  cell junction
## 4259                                                                                  cell junction
## 4260                                                                                  cell junction
## 4261                                                                                  cell junction
## 4262                                                                                  cell junction
## 4263                                                                                  cell junction
## 4264                                                                                  cell junction
## 4265                                                                                  cell junction
## 4266                                                                                  cell junction
## 4267                                                                                  cell junction
## 4268                                                                                  cell junction
## 4269                                                                                  cell junction
## 4270                                                                                  cell junction
## 4271                                                                                  cell junction
## 4272                                                                                  cell junction
## 4273                                                                                  cell junction
## 4274                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4275                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4276                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4277                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4278                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4279                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4280                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4281                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4282                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4283                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4284                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4285                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4286                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4287                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4288                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4289                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4290                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4291                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4292                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4293                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4294                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4295                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4296                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4297                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4298                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4299                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4300                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4301                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4302                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4303                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4304                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4305                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4306                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4307                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4308                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4309                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4310                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4311                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4312                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4313                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4314                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4315                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4316                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4317                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4318                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4319                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4320                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4321                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4322                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4323                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4324                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4325                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4326                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4327                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4328                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4329                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4330                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4331                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4332                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4333                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4334                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4335                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4336                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4337                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4338                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4339                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4340                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4341                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4342                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4343                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4344                                                                       membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4345                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4346                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4347                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4348                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4349                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4350                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4351                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4352                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4353                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4354                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4355                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4356                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4357                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4358                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4359                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4360                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4361                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4362                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4363                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4364                                                                        cell-substrate junction
## 4365                                                                              basement membrane
## 4366                                                                              basement membrane
## 4367                                                                              basement membrane
## 4368                                                                              basement membrane
## 4369                                                                              basement membrane
## 4370                                                                              basement membrane
## 4371                                                                              basement membrane
## 4372                                                                              basement membrane
## 4373                                                                              basement membrane
## 4374                                                                              basement membrane
## 4375                                                                              basement membrane
## 4376                                                                              basement membrane
## 4377                                                                              basement membrane
## 4378                                                                              basement membrane
## 4379                                                                              basement membrane
## 4380                                                                              basement membrane
## 4381                                                                              basement membrane
## 4382                                                                              basement membrane
## 4383                                                                              basement membrane
## 4384                                                                              basement membrane
## 4385                                                                              basement membrane
## 4386                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4387                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4388                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4389                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4390                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4391                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4392                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4393                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4394                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4395                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4396                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4397                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4398                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4399                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4400                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4401                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4402                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4403                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4404                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4405                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4406                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4407                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4408                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4409                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4410                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4411                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4412                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4413                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4414                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4415                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4416                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4417                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4418                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4419                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4420                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4421                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4422                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4423                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4424                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4425                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4426                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4427                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4428                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4429                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4430                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4431                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4432                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4433                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4434                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4435                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4436                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4437                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4438                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4439                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4440                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4441                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4442                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4443                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4444                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4445                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4446                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4447                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4448                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4449                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4450                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4451                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4452                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4453                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4454                                                           cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle
## 4455                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4456                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4457                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4458                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4459                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4460                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4461                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4462                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4463                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4464                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4465                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4466                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4467                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4468                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4469                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4470                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4471                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4472                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4473                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4474                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4475                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4476                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4477                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4478                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4479                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4480                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4481                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4482                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4483                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4484                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4485                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4486                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4487                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4488                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4489                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4490                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4491                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4492                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4493                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4494                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4495                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4496                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4497                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4498                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4499                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4500                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4501                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4502                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4503                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4504                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4505                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4506                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4507                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4508                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4509                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4510                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4511                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4512                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4513                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4514                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4515                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4516                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4517                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4518                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4519                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4520                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4521                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4522                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4523                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4524                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4525                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4526                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4527                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4528                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4529                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4530                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4531                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4532                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4533                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4534                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4535                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4536                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4537                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4538                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4539                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4540                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4541                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4542                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4543                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4544                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4545                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4546                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4547                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4548                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4549                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4550                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4551                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4552                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4553                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4554                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4555                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4556                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4557                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4558                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4559                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4560                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4561                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4562                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4563                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4564                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4565                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4566                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4567                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4568                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4569                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4570                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4571                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4572                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4573                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4574                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4575                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4576                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4577                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4578                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4579                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4580                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4581                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4582                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4583                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4584                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4585                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4586                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4587                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4588                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4589                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4590                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4591                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4592                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4593                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4594                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4595                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4596                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4597                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4598                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4599                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4600                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4601                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4602                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4603                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4604                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4605                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4606                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4607                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4608                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4609                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4610                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4611                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4612                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4613                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4614                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4615                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4616                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4617                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4618                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4619                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4620                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4621                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4622                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4623                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4624                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4625                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4626                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4627                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4628                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4629                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4630                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4631                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4632                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4633                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4634                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4635                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4636                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4637                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4638                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4639                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4640                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4641                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4642                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4643                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4644                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4645                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4646                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4647                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4648                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4649                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4650                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4651                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4652                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4653                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4654                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4655                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4656                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4657                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4658                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4659                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4660                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4661                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4662                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4663                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4664                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4665                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4666                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4667                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4668                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4669                                                                           plasma membrane part
## 4670                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4671                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4672                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4673                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4674                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4675                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4676                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4677                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4678                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4679                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4680                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4681                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4682                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4683                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4684                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4685                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4686                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4687                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4688                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4689                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4690                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4691                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4692                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4693                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4694                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4695                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4696                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4697                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4698                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4699                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4700                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4701                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4702                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4703                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4704                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4705                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4706                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4707                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4708                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4709                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4710                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4711                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4712                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4713                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4714                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4715                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4716                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4717                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4718                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4719                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4720                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4721                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4722                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4723                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4724                                                                           extracellular matrix
## 4725                                                                                        vesicle
## 4726                                                                                        vesicle
## 4727                                                                                        vesicle
## 4728                                                                                        vesicle
## 4729                                                                                        vesicle
## 4730                                                                                        vesicle
## 4731                                                                                        vesicle
## 4732                                                                                        vesicle
## 4733                                                                                        vesicle
## 4734                                                                                        vesicle
## 4735                                                                                        vesicle
## 4736                                                                                        vesicle
## 4737                                                                                        vesicle
## 4738                                                                                        vesicle
## 4739                                                                                        vesicle
## 4740                                                                                        vesicle
## 4741                                                                                        vesicle
## 4742                                                                                        vesicle
## 4743                                                                                        vesicle
## 4744                                                                                        vesicle
## 4745                                                                                        vesicle
## 4746                                                                                        vesicle
## 4747                                                                                        vesicle
## 4748                                                                                        vesicle
## 4749                                                                                        vesicle
## 4750                                                                                        vesicle
## 4751                                                                                        vesicle
## 4752                                                                                        vesicle
## 4753                                                                                        vesicle
## 4754                                                                                        vesicle
## 4755                                                                                        vesicle
## 4756                                                                                        vesicle
## 4757                                                                                        vesicle
## 4758                                                                                        vesicle
## 4759                                                                                        vesicle
## 4760                                                                                        vesicle
## 4761                                                                                        vesicle
## 4762                                                                                        vesicle
## 4763                                                                                        vesicle
## 4764                                                                                        vesicle
## 4765                                                                                        vesicle
## 4766                                                                                        vesicle
## 4767                                                                                        vesicle
## 4768                                                                                        vesicle
## 4769                                                                                        vesicle
## 4770                                                                                        vesicle
## 4771                                                                                        vesicle
## 4772                                                                                        vesicle
## 4773                                                                                        vesicle
## 4774                                                                                        vesicle
## 4775                                                                                        vesicle
## 4776                                                                                        vesicle
## 4777                                                                                        vesicle
## 4778                                                                                        vesicle
## 4779                                                                                        vesicle
## 4780                                                                                        vesicle
## 4781                                                                                        vesicle
## 4782                                                                                        vesicle
## 4783                                                                                        vesicle
## 4784                                                                                        vesicle
## 4785                                                                                        vesicle
## 4786                                                                                        vesicle
## 4787                                                                                        vesicle
## 4788                                                                                        vesicle
## 4789                                                                                        vesicle
## 4790                                                                                        vesicle
## 4791                                                                                        vesicle
## 4792                                                                                        vesicle
## 4793                                                                                        vesicle
## 4794                                                                                        vesicle
## 4795                                                                                        vesicle
## 4796                                                                                        vesicle
## 4797                                                                                        vesicle
## 4798                                                                                        vesicle
## 4799                                                                                        vesicle
## 4800                                                                                        vesicle
## 4801                                                                                        vesicle
## 4802                                                                                        vesicle
## 4803                                                                                        vesicle
## 4804                                                                                        vesicle
## 4805                                                                                        vesicle
## 4806                                                                                        vesicle
## 4807                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4808                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4809                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4810                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4811                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4812                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4813                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4814                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4815                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4816                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4817                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4818                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4819                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4820                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4821                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4822                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4823                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4824                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4825                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4826                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4827                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4828                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4829                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4830                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4831                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4832                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4833                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4834                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4835                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4836                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4837                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4838                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4839                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4840                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4841                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4842                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4843                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4844                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4845                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4846                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4847                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4848                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4849                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4850                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4851                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4852                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4853                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4854                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4855                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4856                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4857                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4858                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4859                                                             proteinaceous extracellular matrix
## 4860                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4861                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4862                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4863                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4864                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4865                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4866                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4867                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4868                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4869                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4870                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4871                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4872                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4873                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4874                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4875                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4876                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4877                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4878                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4879                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4880                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4881                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4882                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4883                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4884                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4885                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4886                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4887                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4888                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4889                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4890                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4891                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4892                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4893                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4894                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4895                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4896                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4897                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4898                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4899                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4900                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4901                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4902                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4903                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4904                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4905                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4906                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4907                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4908                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4909                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4910                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4911                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4912                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4913                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4914                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4915                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4916                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4917                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4918                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4919                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4920                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4921                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4922                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4923                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4924                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4925                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4926                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4927                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4928                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4929                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4930                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4931                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4932                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4933                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4934                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4935                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4936                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4937                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4938                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4939                                                                            cytoplasmic vesicle
## 4940                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4941                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4942                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4943                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4944                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4945                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4946                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4947                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4948                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4949                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4950                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4951                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4952                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4953                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4954                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4955                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4956                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4957                                                               cell-substrate adherens junction
## 4958                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4959                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4960                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4961                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4962                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4963                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4964                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4965                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4966                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4967                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4968                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4969                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4970                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4971                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4972                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4973                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4974                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4975                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4976                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4977                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4978                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4979                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4980                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4981                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4982                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4983                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4984                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4985                                                                             anchoring junction
## 4986                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4987                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4988                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4989                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4990                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4991                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4992                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4993                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4994                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4995                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4996                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4997                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4998                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 4999                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5000                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5001                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5002                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5003                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5004                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5005                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5006                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5007                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5008                                                                      extracellular matrix part
## 5009                                                                                        cytosol
## 5010                                                                                        cytosol
## 5011                                                                                        cytosol
## 5012                                                                                        cytosol
## 5013                                                                                        cytosol
## 5014                                                                                        cytosol
## 5015                                                                                        cytosol
## 5016                                                                                        cytosol
## 5017                                                                                        cytosol
## 5018                                                                                        cytosol
## 5019                                                                                        cytosol
## 5020                                                                                        cytosol
## 5021                                                                                        cytosol
## 5022                                                                                        cytosol
## 5023                                                                                        cytosol
## 5024                                                                                        cytosol
## 5025                                                                                        cytosol
## 5026                                                                                        cytosol
## 5027                                                                                        cytosol
## 5028                                                                                        cytosol
## 5029                                                                                        cytosol
## 5030                                                                                        cytosol
## 5031                                                                                        cytosol
## 5032                                                                                        cytosol
## 5033                                                                                        cytosol
## 5034                                                                                        cytosol
## 5035                                                                                        cytosol
## 5036                                                                                        cytosol
## 5037                                                                                        cytosol
## 5038                                                                                        cytosol
## 5039                                                                                        cytosol
## 5040                                                                                        cytosol
## 5041                                                                                        cytosol
## 5042                                                                                        cytosol
## 5043                                                                                        cytosol
## 5044                                                                                        cytosol
## 5045                                                                                        cytosol
## 5046                                                                                        cytosol
## 5047                                                                                        cytosol
## 5048                                                                                        cytosol
## 5049                                                                                        cytosol
## 5050                                                                                        cytosol
## 5051                                                                                        cytosol
## 5052                                                                                        cytosol
## 5053                                                                                        cytosol
## 5054                                                                                        cytosol
## 5055                                                                                        cytosol
## 5056                                                                                        cytosol
## 5057                                                                                        cytosol
## 5058                                                                                        cytosol
## 5059                                                                                        cytosol
## 5060                                                                                        cytosol
## 5061                                                                                        cytosol
## 5062                                                                                        cytosol
## 5063                                                                                        cytosol
## 5064                                                                                        cytosol
## 5065                                                                                        cytosol
## 5066                                                                                        cytosol
## 5067                                                                                        cytosol
## 5068                                                                                        cytosol
## 5069                                                                                        cytosol
## 5070                                                                                        cytosol
## 5071                                                                                        cytosol
## 5072                                                                                        cytosol
## 5073                                                                                        cytosol
## 5074                                                                                        cytosol
## 5075                                                                                        cytosol
## 5076                                                                                        cytosol
## 5077                                                                                        cytosol
## 5078                                                                                        cytosol
## 5079                                                                                        cytosol
## 5080                                                                                        cytosol
## 5081                                                                                        cytosol
## 5082                                                                                        cytosol
## 5083                                                                                        cytosol
## 5084                                                                                        cytosol
## 5085                                                                                        cytosol
## 5086                                                                                        cytosol
## 5087                                                                                        cytosol
## 5088                                                                                        cytosol
## 5089                                                                                        cytosol
## 5090                                                                                        cytosol
## 5091                                                                                        cytosol
## 5092                                                                                        cytosol
## 5093                                                                                        cytosol
## 5094                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5095                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5096                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5097                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5098                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5099                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5100                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5101                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5102                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5103                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5104                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5105                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5106                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5107                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5108                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5109                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5110                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5111                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5112                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5113                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5114                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5115                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5116                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5117                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5118                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5119                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5120                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5121                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5122                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5123                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5124                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5125                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5126                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5127                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5128                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5129                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5130                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5131                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5132                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5133                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5134                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5135                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5136                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5137                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5138                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5139                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5140                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5141                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5142                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5143                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5144                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5145                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5146                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5147                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5148                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5149                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5150                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5151                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5152                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5153                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5154                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5155                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5156                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5157                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5158                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5159                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5160                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5161                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5162                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5163                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5164                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5165                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5166                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5167                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5168                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5169                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5170                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5171                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5172                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5173                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5174                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5175                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5176                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5177                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5178                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5179                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5180                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5181                                                                                  cell fraction
## 5182                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5183                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5184                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5185                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5186                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5187                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5188                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5189                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5190                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5191                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5192                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5193                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5194                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5195                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5196                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5197                                                                                 focal adhesion
## 5198                                                                                      myofibril
## 5199                                                                                      myofibril
## 5200                                                                                      myofibril
## 5201                                                                                      myofibril
## 5202                                                                                      myofibril
## 5203                                                                                      myofibril
## 5204                                                                                      myofibril
## 5205                                                                                      myofibril
## 5206                                                                                      myofibril
## 5207                                                                                      myofibril
## 5208                                                                                      myofibril
## 5209                                                                                      myofibril
## 5210                                                                                      myofibril
## 5211                                                                                      myofibril
## 5212                                                                                      myofibril
## 5213                                                                                      myofibril
## 5214                                                                                      myofibril
## 5215                                                                                      myofibril
## 5216                                                                                      myofibril
## 5217                                                                                      myofibril
## 5218                                                                                      myofibril
## 5219                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5220                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5221                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5222                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5223                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5224                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5225                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5226                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5227                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5228                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5229                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5230                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5231                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5232                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5233                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5234                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5235                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5236                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5237                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5238                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5239                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5240                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5241                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5242                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5243                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5244                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5245                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5246                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5247                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5248                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5249                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5250                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5251                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5252                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5253                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5254                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5255                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5256                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5257                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5258                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5259                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5260                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5261                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5262                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5263                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5264                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5265                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5266                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5267                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5268                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5269                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5270                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5271                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5272                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5273                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5274                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5275                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5276                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5277                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5278                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5279                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5280                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5281                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5282                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5283                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5284                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5285                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5286                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5287                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5288                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5289                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5290                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5291                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5292                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5293                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5294                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5295                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5296                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5297                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5298                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5299                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5300                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5301                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5302                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5303                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5304                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5305                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5306                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5307                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5308                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5309                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5310                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5311                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5312                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5313                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5314                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5315                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5316                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5317                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5318                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5319                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5320                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5321                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5322                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5323                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5324                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5325                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5326                                                                      extracellular region part
## 5327                                                                                     melanosome
## 5328                                                                                     melanosome
## 5329                                                                                     melanosome
## 5330                                                                                     melanosome
## 5331                                                                                     melanosome
## 5332                                                                                     melanosome
## 5333                                                                                     melanosome
## 5334                                                                                     melanosome
## 5335                                                                                     melanosome
## 5336                                                                                     melanosome
## 5337                                                                                     melanosome
## 5338                                                                                     melanosome
## 5339                                                                                     melanosome
## 5340                                                                                     melanosome
## 5341                                                                                     melanosome
## 5342                                                                                     melanosome
## 5343                                                                                     melanosome
## 5344                                                                                     melanosome
## 5345                                                                                     melanosome
## 5346                                                                                     melanosome
## 5347                                                                                pigment granule
## 5348                                                                                pigment granule
## 5349                                                                                pigment granule
## 5350                                                                                pigment granule
## 5351                                                                                pigment granule
## 5352                                                                                pigment granule
## 5353                                                                                pigment granule
## 5354                                                                                pigment granule
## 5355                                                                                pigment granule
## 5356                                                                                pigment granule
## 5357                                                                                pigment granule
## 5358                                                                                pigment granule
## 5359                                                                                pigment granule
## 5360                                                                                pigment granule
## 5361                                                                                pigment granule
## 5362                                                                                pigment granule
## 5363                                                                                pigment granule
## 5364                                                                                pigment granule
## 5365                                                                                pigment granule
## 5366                                                                                pigment granule
## 5367                                                                                   cell surface
## 5368                                                                                   cell surface
## 5369                                                                                   cell surface
## 5370                                                                                   cell surface
## 5371                                                                                   cell surface
## 5372                                                                                   cell surface
## 5373                                                                                   cell surface
## 5374                                                                                   cell surface
## 5375                                                                                   cell surface
## 5376                                                                                   cell surface
## 5377                                                                                   cell surface
## 5378                                                                                   cell surface
## 5379                                                                                   cell surface
## 5380                                                                                   cell surface
## 5381                                                                                   cell surface
## 5382                                                                                   cell surface
## 5383                                                                                   cell surface
## 5384                                                                                   cell surface
## 5385                                                                                   cell surface
## 5386                                                                                   cell surface
## 5387                                                                                   cell surface
## 5388                                                                                   cell surface
## 5389                                                                                   cell surface
## 5390                                                                                   cell surface
## 5391                                                                                   cell surface
## 5392                                                                                   cell surface
## 5393                                                                                   cell surface
## 5394                                                                                   cell surface
## 5395                                                                                   cell surface
## 5396                                                                                   cell surface
## 5397                                                                                   cell surface
## 5398                                                                                   cell surface
## 5399                                                                                   cell surface
## 5400                                                                                   cell surface
## 5401                                                                                   cell surface
## 5402                                                                                   cell surface
## 5403                                                                                   cell surface
## 5404                                                                                   cell surface
## 5405                                                                                   cell surface
## 5406                                                                                   cell surface
## 5407                                                                                   cell surface
## 5408                                                                                   cell surface
## 5409                                                                                   cell surface
## 5410                                                                                   cell surface
## 5411                                                                                   cell surface
## 5412                                                                                   cell surface
## 5413                                                                                   cell surface
## 5414                                                                                   cell surface
## 5415                                                                                   cell surface
## 5416                                                                                   cell surface
## 5417                                                                                   cell surface
## 5418                                                                                   cell surface
## 5419                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5420                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5421                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5422                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5423                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5424                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5425                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5426                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5427                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5428                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5429                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5430                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5431                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5432                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5433                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5434                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5435                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5436                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5437                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5438                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5439                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5440                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5441                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5442                                                                              cell leading edge
## 5443                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5444                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5445                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5446                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5447                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5448                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5449                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5450                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5451                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5452                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5453                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5454                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5455                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5456                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5457                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5458                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5459                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5460                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5461                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5462                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5463                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5464                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5465                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5466                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5467                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5468                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5469                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5470                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5471                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5472                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5473                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5474                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5475                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5476                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5477                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5478                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5479                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5480                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5481                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5482                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5483                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5484                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5485                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5486                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5487                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5488                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5489                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5490                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5491                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5492                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5493                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5494                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5495                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5496                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5497                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5498                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5499                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5500                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5501                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5502                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5503                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5504                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5505                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5506                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5507                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5508                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5509                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5510                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5511                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5512                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5513                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5514                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5515                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5516                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5517                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5518                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5519                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5520                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5521                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5522                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5523                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5524                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5525                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5526                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5527                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5528                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5529                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5530                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5531                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5532                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5533                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5534                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5535                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5536                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5537                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5538                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5539                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5540                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5541                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5542                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5543                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5544                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5545                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5546                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5547                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5548                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5549                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5550                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5551                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5552                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5553                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5554                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5555                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5556                                                                          endoplasmic reticulum
## 5557                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5558                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5559                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5560                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5561                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5562                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5563                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5564                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5565                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5566                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5567                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5568                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5569                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5570                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5571                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5572                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5573                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5574                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5575                                                                                      sarcomere
## 5576                                                                                       lysosome
## 5577                                                                                       lysosome
## 5578                                                                                       lysosome
## 5579                                                                                       lysosome
## 5580                                                                                       lysosome
## 5581                                                                                       lysosome
## 5582                                                                                       lysosome
## 5583                                                                                       lysosome
## 5584                                                                                       lysosome
## 5585                                                                                       lysosome
## 5586                                                                                       lysosome
## 5587                                                                                       lysosome
## 5588                                                                                       lysosome
## 5589                                                                                       lysosome
## 5590                                                                                       lysosome
## 5591                                                                                       lysosome
## 5592                                                                                       lysosome
## 5593                                                                                       lysosome
## 5594                                                                                       lysosome
## 5595                                                                                       lysosome
## 5596                                                                                       lysosome
## 5597                                                                                       lysosome
## 5598                                                                                       lysosome
## 5599                                                                                       lysosome
## 5600                                                                                       lysosome
## 5601                                                                                       lysosome
## 5602                                                                                       lysosome
## 5603                                                                                       lysosome
## 5604                                                                                       lysosome
## 5605                                                                                       lysosome
## 5606                                                                                       lysosome
## 5607                                                                                       lysosome
## 5608                                                                                       lysosome
## 5609                                                                                   basal lamina
## 5610                                                                                   basal lamina
## 5611                                                                                   basal lamina
## 5612                                                                                   basal lamina
## 5613                                                                                   basal lamina
## 5614                                                                                   basal lamina
## 5615                                                                                   basal lamina
## 5616                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5617                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5618                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5619                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5620                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5621                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5622                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5623                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5624                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5625                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5626                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5627                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5628                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5629                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5630                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5631                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5632                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5633                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5634                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5635                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5636                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5637                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5638                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5639                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5640                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5641                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5642                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5643                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5644                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5645                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5646                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5647                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5648                                                                                  lytic vacuole
## 5649                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5650                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5651                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5652                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5653                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5654                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5655                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5656                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5657                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5658                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5659                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5660                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5661                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5662                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5663                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5664                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5665                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5666                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5667                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5668                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5669                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5670                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5671                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5672                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5673                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5674                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5675                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5676                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5677                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5678                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5679                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5680                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5681                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5682                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5683                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5684                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5685                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5686                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5687                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5688                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5689                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5690                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5691                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5692                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5693                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5694                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5695                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5696                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5697                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5698                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5699                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5700                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5701                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5702                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5703                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5704                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5705                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5706                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5707                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5708                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5709                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5710                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5711                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5712                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5713                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5714                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5715                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5716                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5717                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5718                                                                          extrinsic to membrane
## 5719                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5720                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5721                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5722                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5723                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5724                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5725                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5726                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5727                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5728                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5729                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5730                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5731                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5732                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5733                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5734                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5735                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5736                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5737                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5738                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5739                                                                              contractile fiber
## 5740                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5741                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5742                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5743                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5744                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5745                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5746                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5747                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5748                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5749                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5750                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5751                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5752                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5753                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5754                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5755                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5756                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5757                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5758                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5759                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5760                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5761                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5762                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5763                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5764                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5765                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5766                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5767                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5768                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5769                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5770                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5771                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5772                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5773                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5774                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5775                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5776                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5777                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5778                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5779                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5780                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5781                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5782                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5783                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5784                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5785                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5786                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5787                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5788                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5789                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5790                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5791                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5792                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5793                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5794                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5795                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5796                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5797                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5798                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5799                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5800                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5801                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5802                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5803                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5804                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5805                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5806                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5807                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5808                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5809                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5810                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5811                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5812                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5813                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5814                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5815                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5816                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5817                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5818                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5819                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5820                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5821                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5822                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5823                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5824                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5825                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5826                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5827                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5828                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5829                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5830                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5831                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5832                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5833                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5834                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5835                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5836                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5837                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5838                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5839                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5840                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5841                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5842                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5843                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5844                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5845                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5846                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5847                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5848                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5849                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5850                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5851                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5852                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5853                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5854                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5855                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5856                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5857                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5858                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5859                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5860                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5861                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5862                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5863                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5864                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5865                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5866                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5867                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5868                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5869                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5870                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5871                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5872                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5873                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5874                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5875                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5876                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5877                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5878                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5879                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5880                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5881                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5882                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5883                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5884                                                                                   cytoskeleton
## 5885                                                                                 tight junction
## 5886                                                                                 tight junction
## 5887                                                                                 tight junction
## 5888                                                                                 tight junction
## 5889                                                                                 tight junction
## 5890                                                                                 tight junction
## 5891                                                                                 tight junction
## 5892                                                                                 tight junction
## 5893                                                                                 tight junction
## 5894                                                                                 tight junction
## 5895                                                                                 tight junction
## 5896                                                                                 tight junction
## 5897                                                                                 tight junction
## 5898                                                                                 tight junction
## 5899                                                                                 tight junction
## 5900                                                                                 tight junction
## 5901                                                                                 tight junction
## 5902                                                                                 tight junction
## 5903                                                                             occluding junction
## 5904                                                                             occluding junction
## 5905                                                                             occluding junction
## 5906                                                                             occluding junction
## 5907                                                                             occluding junction
## 5908                                                                             occluding junction
## 5909                                                                             occluding junction
## 5910                                                                             occluding junction
## 5911                                                                             occluding junction
## 5912                                                                             occluding junction
## 5913                                                                             occluding junction
## 5914                                                                             occluding junction
## 5915                                                                             occluding junction
## 5916                                                                             occluding junction
## 5917                                                                             occluding junction
## 5918                                                                             occluding junction
## 5919                                                                             occluding junction
## 5920                                                                             occluding junction
## 5921                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5922                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5923                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5924                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5925                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5926                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5927                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5928                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5929                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5930                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5931                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5932                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5933                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5934                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5935                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5936                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5937                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5938                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5939                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5940                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5941                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5942                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5943                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5944                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5945                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5946                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5947                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5948                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5949                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5950                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5951                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5952                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5953                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5954                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5955                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5956                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5957                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5958                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5959                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5960                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5961                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5962                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5963                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5964                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5965                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5966                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5967                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5968                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5969                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5970                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5971                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5972                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5973                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5974                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5975                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5976                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5977                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5978                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5979                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5980                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5981                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5982                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5983                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5984                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5985                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5986                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5987                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5988                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5989                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5990                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5991                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5992                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5993                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5994                                                                              membrane fraction
## 5995                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 5996                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 5997                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 5998                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 5999                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6000                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6001                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6002                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6003                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6004                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6005                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6006                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6007                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6008                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6009                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6010                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6011                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6012                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6013                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6014                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6015                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6016                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6017                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6018                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6019                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6020                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6021                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6022                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6023                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6024                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6025                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6026                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6027                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6028                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6029                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6030                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6031                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6032                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6033                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6034                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6035                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6036                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6037                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6038                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6039                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6040                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6041                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6042                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6043                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6044                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6045                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6046                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6047                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6048                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6049                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6050                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6051                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6052                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6053                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6054                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6055                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6056                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6057                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6058                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6059                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6060                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6061                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6062                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6063                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6064                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6065                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6066                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6067                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6068                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6069                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6070                                                                             insoluble fraction
## 6071                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6072                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6073                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6074                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6075                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6076                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6077                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6078                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6079                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6080                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6081                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6082                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6083                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6084                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6085                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6086                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6087                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6088                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6089                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6090                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6091                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6092                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6093                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6094                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6095                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6096                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6097                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6098                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6099                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6100                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6101                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6102                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6103                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6104                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6105                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6106                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6107                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6108                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6109                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6110                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6111                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6112                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6113                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6114                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6115                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6116                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6117                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6118                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6119                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6120                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6121                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6122                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6123                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6124                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6125                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6126                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6127                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6128                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6129                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6130                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6131                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6132                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6133                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6134                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6135                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6136                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6137                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6138                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6139                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6140                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6141                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6142                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6143                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6144                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6145                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6146                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6147                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6148                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6149                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6150                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6151                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6152                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6153                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6154                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6155                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6156                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6157                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6158                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6159                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6160                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6161                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6162                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6163                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6164                                                                                Golgi apparatus
## 6165                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6166                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6167                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6168                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6169                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6170                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6171                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6172                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6173                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6174                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6175                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6176                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6177                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6178                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6179                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6180                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6181                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6182                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6183                                                                         contractile fiber part
## 6184                                                                                        vacuole
## 6185                                                                                        vacuole
## 6186                                                                                        vacuole
## 6187                                                                                        vacuole
## 6188                                                                                        vacuole
## 6189                                                                                        vacuole
## 6190                                                                                        vacuole
## 6191                                                                                        vacuole
## 6192                                                                                        vacuole
## 6193                                                                                        vacuole
## 6194                                                                                        vacuole
## 6195                                                                                        vacuole
## 6196                                                                                        vacuole
## 6197                                                                                        vacuole
## 6198                                                                                        vacuole
## 6199                                                                                        vacuole
## 6200                                                                                        vacuole
## 6201                                                                                        vacuole
## 6202                                                                                        vacuole
## 6203                                                                                        vacuole
## 6204                                                                                        vacuole
## 6205                                                                                        vacuole
## 6206                                                                                        vacuole
## 6207                                                                                        vacuole
## 6208                                                                                        vacuole
## 6209                                                                                        vacuole
## 6210                                                                                        vacuole
## 6211                                                                                        vacuole
## 6212                                                                                        vacuole
## 6213                                                                                        vacuole
## 6214                                                                                        vacuole
## 6215                                                                                        vacuole
## 6216                                                                                        vacuole
## 6217                                                                                        vacuole
## 6218                                                                                        vacuole
## 6219                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6220                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6221                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6222                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6223                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6224                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6225                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6226                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6227                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6228                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6229                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6230                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6231                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6232                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6233                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6234                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6235                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6236                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6237                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6238                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6239                                                                   apicolateral plasma membrane
## 6240                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6241                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6242                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6243                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6244                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6245                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6246                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6247                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6248                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6249                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6250                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6251                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6252                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6253                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6254                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6255                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6256                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6257                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6258                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6259                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6260                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6261                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6262                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6263                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6264                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6265                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6266                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6267                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6268                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6269                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6270                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6271                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6272                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6273                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6274                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6275                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6276                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6277                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6278                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6279                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6280                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6281                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6282                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6283                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6284                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6285                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6286                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6287                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6288                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6289                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6290                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6291                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6292                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6293                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6294                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6295                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6296                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6297                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6298                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6299                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6300                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6301                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6302                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6303                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6304                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6305                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6306                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6307                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6308                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6309                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6310                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6311                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6312                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6313                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6314                                                                             organelle envelope
## 6315                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6316                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6317                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6318                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6319                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6320                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6321                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6322                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6323                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6324                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6325                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6326                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6327                                                                           postsynaptic density
## 6328                                                                                       envelope
## 6329                                                                                       envelope
## 6330                                                                                       envelope
## 6331                                                                                       envelope
## 6332                                                                                       envelope
## 6333                                                                                       envelope
## 6334                                                                                       envelope
## 6335                                                                                       envelope
## 6336                                                                                       envelope
## 6337                                                                                       envelope
## 6338                                                                                       envelope
## 6339                                                                                       envelope
## 6340                                                                                       envelope
## 6341                                                                                       envelope
## 6342                                                                                       envelope
## 6343                                                                                       envelope
## 6344                                                                                       envelope
## 6345                                                                                       envelope
## 6346                                                                                       envelope
## 6347                                                                                       envelope
## 6348                                                                                       envelope
## 6349                                                                                       envelope
## 6350                                                                                       envelope
## 6351                                                                                       envelope
## 6352                                                                                       envelope
## 6353                                                                                       envelope
## 6354                                                                                       envelope
## 6355                                                                                       envelope
## 6356                                                                                       envelope
## 6357                                                                                       envelope
## 6358                                                                                       envelope
## 6359                                                                                       envelope
## 6360                                                                                       envelope
## 6361                                                                                       envelope
## 6362                                                                                       envelope
## 6363                                                                                       envelope
## 6364                                                                                       envelope
## 6365                                                                                       envelope
## 6366                                                                                       envelope
## 6367                                                                                       envelope
## 6368                                                                                       envelope
## 6369                                                                                       envelope
## 6370                                                                                       envelope
## 6371                                                                                       envelope
## 6372                                                                                       envelope
## 6373                                                                                       envelope
## 6374                                                                                       envelope
## 6375                                                                                       envelope
## 6376                                                                                       envelope
## 6377                                                                                       envelope
## 6378                                                                                       envelope
## 6379                                                                                       envelope
## 6380                                                                                       envelope
## 6381                                                                                       envelope
## 6382                                                                                       envelope
## 6383                                                                                       envelope
## 6384                                                                                       envelope
## 6385                                                                                       envelope
## 6386                                                                                       envelope
## 6387                                                                                       envelope
## 6388                                                                                       envelope
## 6389                                                                                       envelope
## 6390                                                                                       envelope
## 6391                                                                                       envelope
## 6392                                                                                       envelope
## 6393                                                                                       envelope
## 6394                                                                                       envelope
## 6395                                                                                       envelope
## 6396                                                                                       envelope
## 6397                                                                                       envelope
## 6398                                                                                       envelope
## 6399                                                                                       envelope
## 6400                                                                                       envelope
## 6401                                                                                       envelope
## 6402                                                                                       envelope
## 6403                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6404                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6405                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6406                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6407                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6408                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6409                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6410                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6411                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6412                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6413                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6414                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6415                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6416                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6417                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6418                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6419                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6420                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6421                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6422                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6423                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6424                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6425                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6426                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6427                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6428                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6429                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6430                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6431                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6432                                                                             cell-cell junction
## 6433                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6434                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6435                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6436                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6437                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6438                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6439                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6440                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6441                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6442                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6443                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6444                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6445                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6446                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6447                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6448                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6449                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6450                                                                                  membrane raft
## 6451                                                                                      microsome
## 6452                                                                                      microsome
## 6453                                                                                      microsome
## 6454                                                                                      microsome
## 6455                                                                                      microsome
## 6456                                                                                      microsome
## 6457                                                                                      microsome
## 6458                                                                                      microsome
## 6459                                                                                      microsome
## 6460                                                                                      microsome
## 6461                                                                                      microsome
## 6462                                                                                      microsome
## 6463                                                                                      microsome
## 6464                                                                                      microsome
## 6465                                                                                      microsome
## 6466                                                                                      microsome
## 6467                                                                                      microsome
## 6468                                                                                      microsome
## 6469                                                                                      microsome
## 6470                                                                                      microsome
## 6471                                                                                      microsome
## 6472                                                                                      microsome
## 6473                                                                                      microsome
## 6474                                                                                      microsome
## 6475                                                                                      microsome
## 6476                                                                                      microsome
## 6477                                                                                      microsome
## 6478                                                                                      microsome
## 6479                                                                                      microsome
## 6480                                                                                      microsome
## 6481                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6482                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6483                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6484                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6485                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6486                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6487                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6488                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6489                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6490                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6491                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6492                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6493                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6494                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6495                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6496                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6497                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6498                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6499                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6500                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6501                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6502                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6503                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6504                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6505                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6506                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6507                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6508                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6509                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6510                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6511                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6512                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6513                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6514                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6515                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6516                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6517                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6518                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6519                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6520                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6521                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6522                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6523                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6524                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6525                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6526                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6527                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6528                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6529                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6530                                                                small GTPase regulator activity
## 6531                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6532                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6533                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6534                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6535                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6536                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6537                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6538                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6539                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6540                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6541                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6542                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6543                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6544                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6545                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6546                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6547                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6548                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6549                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6550                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6551                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6552                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6553                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6554                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6555                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6556                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6557                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6558                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6559                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6560                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6561                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6562                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6563                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6564                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6565                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6566                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6567                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6568                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6569                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6570                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6571                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6572                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6573                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6574                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6575                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6576                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6577                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6578                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6579                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6580                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6581                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6582                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6583                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6584                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6585                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6586                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6587                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6588                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6589                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6590                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6591                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6592                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6593                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6594                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6595                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6596                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6597                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6598                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6599                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6600                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6601                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6602                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6603                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6604                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6605                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6606                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6607                                                                   cytoskeletal protein binding
## 6608                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6609                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6610                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6611                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6612                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6613                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6614                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6615                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6616                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6617                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6618                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6619                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6620                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6621                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6622                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6623                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6624                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6625                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6626                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6627                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6628                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6629                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6630                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6631                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6632                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6633                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6634                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6635                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6636                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6637                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6638                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6639                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6640                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6641                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6642                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6643                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6644                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6645                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6646                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6647                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6648                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6649                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6650                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6651                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6652                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6653                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6654                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6655                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6656                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6657                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6658                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6659                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6660                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6661                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6662                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6663                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6664                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6665                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6666                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6667                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6668                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6669                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6670                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6671                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6672                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6673                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6674                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6675                                                   nucleoside-triphosphatase regulator activity
## 6676                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6677                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6678                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6679                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6680                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6681                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6682                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6683                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6684                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6685                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6686                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6687                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6688                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6689                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6690                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6691                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6692                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6693                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6694                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6695                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6696                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6697                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6698                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6699                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6700                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6701                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6702                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6703                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6704                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6705                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6706                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6707                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6708                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6709                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6710                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6711                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6712                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6713                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6714                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6715                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6716                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6717                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6718                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6719                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6720                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6721                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6722                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6723                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6724                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6725                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6726                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6727                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6728                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6729                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6730                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6731                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6732                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6733                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6734                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6735                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6736                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6737                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6738                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6739                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6740                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6741                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6742                                                                      GTPase regulator activity
## 6743                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6744                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6745                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6746                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6747                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6748                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6749                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6750                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6751                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6752                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6753                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6754                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6755                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6756                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6757                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6758                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6759                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6760                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6761                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6762                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6763                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6764                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6765                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6766                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6767                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6768                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6769                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6770                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6771                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6772                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6773                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6774                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6775                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6776                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6777                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6778                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6779                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6780                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6781                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6782                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6783                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6784                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6785                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6786                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6787                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6788                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6789                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6790                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6791                                                                      enzyme activator activity
## 6792                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6793                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6794                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6795                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6796                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6797                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6798                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6799                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6800                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6801                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6802                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6803                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6804                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6805                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6806                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6807                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6808                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6809                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6810                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6811                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6812                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6813                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6814                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6815                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6816                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6817                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6818                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6819                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6820                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6821                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6822                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6823                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6824                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6825                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6826                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6827                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6828                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6829                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6830                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6831                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6832                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6833                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6834                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6835                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6836                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6837                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6838                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6839                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6840                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6841                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6842                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6843                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6844                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6845                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6846                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6847                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6848                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6849                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6850                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6851                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6852                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6853                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6854                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6855                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6856                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6857                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6858                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6859                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6860                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6861                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6862                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6863                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6864                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6865                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6866                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6867                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6868                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6869                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6870                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6871                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6872                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6873                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6874                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6875                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6876                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6877                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6878                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6879                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6880                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6881                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6882                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6883                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6884                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6885                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6886                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6887                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6888                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6889                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6890                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6891                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6892                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6893                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6894                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6895                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6896                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6897                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6898                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6899                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6900                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6901                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6902                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6903                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6904                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6905                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6906                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6907                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6908                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6909                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6910                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6911                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6912                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6913                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6914                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6915                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6916                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6917                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6918                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6919                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6920                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6921                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6922                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6923                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6924                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6925                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6926                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6927                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6928                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6929                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6930                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6931                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6932                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6933                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6934                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6935                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6936                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6937                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6938                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6939                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6940                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6941                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6942                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6943                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6944                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6945                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6946                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6947                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6948                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6949                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6950                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6951                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6952                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6953                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6954                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6955                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6956                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6957                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6958                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6959                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6960                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6961                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6962                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6963                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6964                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6965                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6966                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6967                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6968                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6969                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6970                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6971                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6972                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6973                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6974                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6975                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6976                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6977                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6978                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6979                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6980                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6981                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6982                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6983                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6984                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6985                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6986                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6987                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6988                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6989                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6990                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6991                                                                             nucleoside binding
## 6992                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 6993                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 6994                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 6995                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 6996                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 6997                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 6998                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 6999                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7000                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7001                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7002                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7003                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7004                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7005                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7006                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7007                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7008                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7009                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7010                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7011                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7012                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7013                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7014                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7015                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7016                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7017                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7018                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7019                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7020                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7021                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7022                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7023                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7024                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7025                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7026                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7027                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7028                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7029                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7030                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7031                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7032                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7033                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7034                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7035                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7036                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7037                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7038                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7039                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7040                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7041                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7042                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7043                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7044                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7045                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7046                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7047                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7048                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7049                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7050                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7051                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7052                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7053                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7054                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7055                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7056                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7057                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7058                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7059                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7060                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7061                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7062                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7063                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7064                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7065                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7066                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7067                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7068                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7069                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7070                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7071                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7072                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7073                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7074                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7075                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7076                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7077                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7078                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7079                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7080                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7081                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7082                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7083                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7084                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7085                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7086                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7087                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7088                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7089                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7090                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7091                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7092                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7093                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7094                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7095                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7096                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7097                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7098                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7099                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7100                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7101                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7102                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7103                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7104                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7105                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7106                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7107                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7108                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7109                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7110                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7111                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7112                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7113                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7114                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7115                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7116                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7117                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7118                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7119                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7120                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7121                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7122                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7123                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7124                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7125                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7126                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7127                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7128                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7129                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7130                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7131                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7132                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7133                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7134                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7135                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7136                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7137                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7138                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7139                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7140                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7141                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7142                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7143                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7144                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7145                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7146                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7147                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7148                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7149                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7150                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7151                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7152                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7153                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7154                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7155                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7156                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7157                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7158                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7159                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7160                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7161                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7162                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7163                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7164                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7165                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7166                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7167                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7168                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7169                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7170                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7171                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7172                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7173                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7174                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7175                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7176                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7177                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7178                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7179                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7180                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7181                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7182                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7183                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7184                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7185                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7186                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7187                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7188                                                                      adenyl nucleotide binding
## 7189                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7190                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7191                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7192                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7193                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7194                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7195                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7196                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7197                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7198                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7199                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7200                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7201                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7202                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7203                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7204                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7205                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7206                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7207                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7208                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7209                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7210                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7211                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7212                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7213                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7214                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7215                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7216                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7217                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7218                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7219                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7220                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7221                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7222                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7223                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7224                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7225                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7226                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7227                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7228                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7229                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7230                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7231                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7232                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7233                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7234                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7235                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7236                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7237                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7238                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7239                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7240                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7241                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7242                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7243                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7244                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7245                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7246                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7247                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7248                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7249                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7250                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7251                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7252                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7253                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7254                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7255                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7256                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7257                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7258                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7259                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7260                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7261                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7262                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7263                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7264                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7265                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7266                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7267                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7268                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7269                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7270                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7271                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7272                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7273                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7274                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7275                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7276                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7277                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7278                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7279                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7280                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7281                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7282                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7283                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7284                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7285                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7286                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7287                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7288                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7289                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7290                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7291                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7292                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7293                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7294                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7295                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7296                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7297                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7298                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7299                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7300                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7301                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7302                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7303                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7304                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7305                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7306                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7307                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7308                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7309                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7310                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7311                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7312                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7313                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7314                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7315                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7316                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7317                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7318                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7319                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7320                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7321                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7322                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7323                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7324                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7325                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7326                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7327                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7328                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7329                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7330                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7331                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7332                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7333                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7334                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7335                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7336                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7337                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7338                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7339                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7340                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7341                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7342                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7343                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7344                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7345                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7346                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7347                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7348                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7349                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7350                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7351                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7352                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7353                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7354                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7355                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7356                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7357                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7358                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7359                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7360                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7361                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7362                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7363                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7364                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7365                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7366                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7367                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7368                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7369                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7370                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7371                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7372                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7373                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7374                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7375                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7376                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7377                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7378                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7379                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7380                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7381                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7382                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7383                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7384                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7385                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7386                                                                      purine nucleoside binding
## 7387                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7388                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7389                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7390                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7391                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7392                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7393                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7394                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7395                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7396                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7397                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7398                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7399                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7400                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7401                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7402                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7403                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7404                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7405                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7406                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7407                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7408                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7409                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7410                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7411                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7412                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7413                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7414                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7415                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7416                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7417                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7418                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7419                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7420                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7421                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7422                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7423                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7424                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7425                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7426                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7427                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7428                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7429                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7430                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7431                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7432                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7433                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7434                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7435                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7436                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7437                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7438                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7439                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7440                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7441                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7442                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7443                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7444                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7445                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7446                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7447                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7448                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7449                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7450                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7451                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7452                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7453                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7454                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7455                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7456                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7457                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7458                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7459                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7460                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7461                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7462                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7463                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7464                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7465                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7466                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7467                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7468                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7469                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7470                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7471                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7472                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7473                                                                        protein kinase activity
## 7474                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7475                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7476                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7477                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7478                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7479                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7480                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7481                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7482                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7483                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7484                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7485                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7486                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7487                                         non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 7488                                                                                  actin binding
## 7489                                                                                  actin binding
## 7490                                                                                  actin binding
## 7491                                                                                  actin binding
## 7492                                                                                  actin binding
## 7493                                                                                  actin binding
## 7494                                                                                  actin binding
## 7495                                                                                  actin binding
## 7496                                                                                  actin binding
## 7497                                                                                  actin binding
## 7498                                                                                  actin binding
## 7499                                                                                  actin binding
## 7500                                                                                  actin binding
## 7501                                                                                  actin binding
## 7502                                                                                  actin binding
## 7503                                                                                  actin binding
## 7504                                                                                  actin binding
## 7505                                                                                  actin binding
## 7506                                                                                  actin binding
## 7507                                                                                  actin binding
## 7508                                                                                  actin binding
## 7509                                                                                  actin binding
## 7510                                                                                  actin binding
## 7511                                                                                  actin binding
## 7512                                                                                  actin binding
## 7513                                                                                  actin binding
## 7514                                                                                  actin binding
## 7515                                                                                  actin binding
## 7516                                                                                  actin binding
## 7517                                                                                  actin binding
## 7518                                                                                  actin binding
## 7519                                                                                  actin binding
## 7520                                                                                  actin binding
## 7521                                                                                  actin binding
## 7522                                                                                  actin binding
## 7523                                                                                  actin binding
## 7524                                                                                  actin binding
## 7525                                                                                  actin binding
## 7526                                                                                  actin binding
## 7527                                                                                  actin binding
## 7528                                                                                  actin binding
## 7529                                                                                  actin binding
## 7530                                                                                  actin binding
## 7531                                                                                  actin binding
## 7532                                                                                  actin binding
## 7533                                                                                  actin binding
## 7534                                                                                  actin binding
## 7535                                                                                  actin binding
## 7536                                                                                  actin binding
## 7537                                                                                  actin binding
## 7538                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7539                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7540                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7541                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7542                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7543                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7544                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7545                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7546                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7547                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7548                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7549                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7550                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7551                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7552                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7553                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7554                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7555                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7556                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7557                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7558                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7559                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7560                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7561                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7562                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7563                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7564                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7565                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7566                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7567                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7568                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7569                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7570                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7571                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7572                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7573                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7574                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7575                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7576                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7577                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7578                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7579                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7580                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7581                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7582                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7583                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7584                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7585                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7586                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7587                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7588                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7589                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7590                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7591                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7592                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7593                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7594                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7595                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7596                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7597                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7598                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7599                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7600                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7601                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7602                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7603                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7604                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7605                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7606                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7607                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7608                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7609                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7610                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7611                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7612                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7613                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7614                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7615                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7616                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7617                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7618                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7619                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7620                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7621                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7622                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7623                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7624                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7625                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7626                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7627                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7628                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7629                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7630                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7631                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7632                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7633                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7634                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7635                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7636                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7637                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7638                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7639                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7640                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7641                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7642                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7643                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7644                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7645                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7646                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7647                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7648                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7649                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7650                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7651                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7652                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7653                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7654                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7655                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7656                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7657                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7658                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7659                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7660                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7661                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7662                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7663                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7664                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7665                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7666                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7667                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7668                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7669                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7670                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7671                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7672                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7673                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7674                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7675                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7676                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7677                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7678                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7679                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7680                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7681                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7682                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7683                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7684                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7685                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7686                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7687                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7688                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7689                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7690                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7691                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7692                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7693                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7694                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7695                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7696                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7697                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7698                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7699                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7700                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7701                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7702                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7703                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7704                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7705                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7706                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7707                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7708                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7709                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7710                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7711                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7712                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7713                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7714                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7715                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7716                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7717                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7718                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7719                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7720                                                                  adenyl ribonucleotide binding
## 7721                                                                                    ion binding
## 7722                                                                                    ion binding
## 7723                                                                                    ion binding
## 7724                                                                                    ion binding
## 7725                                                                                    ion binding
## 7726                                                                                    ion binding
## 7727                                                                                    ion binding
## 7728                                                                                    ion binding
## 7729                                                                                    ion binding
## 7730                                                                                    ion binding
## 7731                                                                                    ion binding
## 7732                                                                                    ion binding
## 7733                                                                                    ion binding
## 7734                                                                                    ion binding
## 7735                                                                                    ion binding
## 7736                                                                                    ion binding
## 7737                                                                                    ion binding
## 7738                                                                                    ion binding
## 7739                                                                                    ion binding
## 7740                                                                                    ion binding
## 7741                                                                                    ion binding
## 7742                                                                                    ion binding
## 7743                                                                                    ion binding
## 7744                                                                                    ion binding
## 7745                                                                                    ion binding
## 7746                                                                                    ion binding
## 7747                                                                                    ion binding
## 7748                                                                                    ion binding
## 7749                                                                                    ion binding
## 7750                                                                                    ion binding
## 7751                                                                                    ion binding
## 7752                                                                                    ion binding
## 7753                                                                                    ion binding
## 7754                                                                                    ion binding
## 7755                                                                                    ion binding
## 7756                                                                                    ion binding
## 7757                                                                                    ion binding
## 7758                                                                                    ion binding
## 7759                                                                                    ion binding
## 7760                                                                                    ion binding
## 7761                                                                                    ion binding
## 7762                                                                                    ion binding
## 7763                                                                                    ion binding
## 7764                                                                                    ion binding
## 7765                                                                                    ion binding
## 7766                                                                                    ion binding
## 7767                                                                                    ion binding
## 7768                                                                                    ion binding
## 7769                                                                                    ion binding
## 7770                                                                                    ion binding
## 7771                                                                                    ion binding
## 7772                                                                                    ion binding
## 7773                                                                                    ion binding
## 7774                                                                                    ion binding
## 7775                                                                                    ion binding
## 7776                                                                                    ion binding
## 7777                                                                                    ion binding
## 7778                                                                                    ion binding
## 7779                                                                                    ion binding
## 7780                                                                                    ion binding
## 7781                                                                                    ion binding
## 7782                                                                                    ion binding
## 7783                                                                                    ion binding
## 7784                                                                                    ion binding
## 7785                                                                                    ion binding
## 7786                                                                                    ion binding
## 7787                                                                                    ion binding
## 7788                                                                                    ion binding
## 7789                                                                                    ion binding
## 7790                                                                                    ion binding
## 7791                                                                                    ion binding
## 7792                                                                                    ion binding
## 7793                                                                                    ion binding
## 7794                                                                                    ion binding
## 7795                                                                                    ion binding
## 7796                                                                                    ion binding
## 7797                                                                                    ion binding
## 7798                                                                                    ion binding
## 7799                                                                                    ion binding
## 7800                                                                                    ion binding
## 7801                                                                                    ion binding
## 7802                                                                                    ion binding
## 7803                                                                                    ion binding
## 7804                                                                                    ion binding
## 7805                                                                                    ion binding
## 7806                                                                                    ion binding
## 7807                                                                                    ion binding
## 7808                                                                                    ion binding
## 7809                                                                                    ion binding
## 7810                                                                                    ion binding
## 7811                                                                                    ion binding
## 7812                                                                                    ion binding
## 7813                                                                                    ion binding
## 7814                                                                                    ion binding
## 7815                                                                                    ion binding
## 7816                                                                                    ion binding
## 7817                                                                                    ion binding
## 7818                                                                                    ion binding
## 7819                                                                                    ion binding
## 7820                                                                                    ion binding
## 7821                                                                                    ion binding
## 7822                                                                                    ion binding
## 7823                                                                                    ion binding
## 7824                                                                                    ion binding
## 7825                                                                                    ion binding
## 7826                                                                                    ion binding
## 7827                                                                                    ion binding
## 7828                                                                                    ion binding
## 7829                                                                                    ion binding
## 7830                                                                                    ion binding
## 7831                                                                                    ion binding
## 7832                                                                                    ion binding
## 7833                                                                                    ion binding
## 7834                                                                                    ion binding
## 7835                                                                                    ion binding
## 7836                                                                                    ion binding
## 7837                                                                                    ion binding
## 7838                                                                                    ion binding
## 7839                                                                                    ion binding
## 7840                                                                                    ion binding
## 7841                                                                                    ion binding
## 7842                                                                                    ion binding
## 7843                                                                                    ion binding
## 7844                                                                                    ion binding
## 7845                                                                                    ion binding
## 7846                                                                                    ion binding
## 7847                                                                                    ion binding
## 7848                                                                                    ion binding
## 7849                                                                                    ion binding
## 7850                                                                                    ion binding
## 7851                                                                                    ion binding
## 7852                                                                                    ion binding
## 7853                                                                                    ion binding
## 7854                                                                                    ion binding
## 7855                                                                                    ion binding
## 7856                                                                                    ion binding
## 7857                                                                                    ion binding
## 7858                                                                                    ion binding
## 7859                                                                                    ion binding
## 7860                                                                                    ion binding
## 7861                                                                                    ion binding
## 7862                                                                                    ion binding
## 7863                                                                                    ion binding
## 7864                                                                                    ion binding
## 7865                                                                                    ion binding
## 7866                                                                                    ion binding
## 7867                                                                                    ion binding
## 7868                                                                                    ion binding
## 7869                                                                                    ion binding
## 7870                                                                                    ion binding
## 7871                                                                                    ion binding
## 7872                                                                                    ion binding
## 7873                                                                                    ion binding
## 7874                                                                                    ion binding
## 7875                                                                                    ion binding
## 7876                                                                                    ion binding
## 7877                                                                                    ion binding
## 7878                                                                                    ion binding
## 7879                                                                                    ion binding
## 7880                                                                                    ion binding
## 7881                                                                                    ion binding
## 7882                                                                                    ion binding
## 7883                                                                                    ion binding
## 7884                                                                                    ion binding
## 7885                                                                                    ion binding
## 7886                                                                                    ion binding
## 7887                                                                                    ion binding
## 7888                                                                                    ion binding
## 7889                                                                                    ion binding
## 7890                                                                                    ion binding
## 7891                                                                                    ion binding
## 7892                                                                                    ion binding
## 7893                                                                                    ion binding
## 7894                                                                                    ion binding
## 7895                                                                                    ion binding
## 7896                                                                                    ion binding
## 7897                                                                                    ion binding
## 7898                                                                                    ion binding
## 7899                                                                                    ion binding
## 7900                                                                                    ion binding
## 7901                                                                                    ion binding
## 7902                                                                                    ion binding
## 7903                                                                                    ion binding
## 7904                                                                                    ion binding
## 7905                                                                                    ion binding
## 7906                                                                                    ion binding
## 7907                                                                                    ion binding
## 7908                                                                                    ion binding
## 7909                                                                                    ion binding
## 7910                                                                                    ion binding
## 7911                                                                                    ion binding
## 7912                                                                                    ion binding
## 7913                                                                                    ion binding
## 7914                                                                                    ion binding
## 7915                                                                                    ion binding
## 7916                                                                                    ion binding
## 7917                                                                                    ion binding
## 7918                                                                                    ion binding
## 7919                                                                                    ion binding
## 7920                                                                                    ion binding
## 7921                                                                                    ion binding
## 7922                                                                                    ion binding
## 7923                                                                                    ion binding
## 7924                                                                                    ion binding
## 7925                                                                                    ion binding
## 7926                                                                                    ion binding
## 7927                                                                                    ion binding
## 7928                                                                                    ion binding
## 7929                                                                                    ion binding
## 7930                                                                                    ion binding
## 7931                                                                                    ion binding
## 7932                                                                                    ion binding
## 7933                                                                                    ion binding
## 7934                                                                                    ion binding
## 7935                                                                                    ion binding
## 7936                                                                                    ion binding
## 7937                                                                                    ion binding
## 7938                                                                                    ion binding
## 7939                                                                                    ion binding
## 7940                                                                                    ion binding
## 7941                                                                                    ion binding
## 7942                                                                                    ion binding
## 7943                                                                                    ion binding
## 7944                                                                                    ion binding
## 7945                                                                                    ion binding
## 7946                                                                                    ion binding
## 7947                                                                                    ion binding
## 7948                                                                                    ion binding
## 7949                                                                                    ion binding
## 7950                                                                                    ion binding
## 7951                                                                                    ion binding
## 7952                                                                                    ion binding
## 7953                                                                                    ion binding
## 7954                                                                                    ion binding
## 7955                                                                                    ion binding
## 7956                                                                                    ion binding
## 7957                                                                                    ion binding
## 7958                                                                                    ion binding
## 7959                                                                                    ion binding
## 7960                                                                                    ion binding
## 7961                                                                                    ion binding
## 7962                                                                                    ion binding
## 7963                                                                                    ion binding
## 7964                                                                                    ion binding
## 7965                                                                                    ion binding
## 7966                                                                                    ion binding
## 7967                                                                                    ion binding
## 7968                                                                                    ion binding
## 7969                                                                                    ion binding
## 7970                                                                                    ion binding
## 7971                                                                                    ion binding
## 7972                                                                                    ion binding
## 7973                                                                                    ion binding
## 7974                                                                                    ion binding
## 7975                                                                                    ion binding
## 7976                                                                                    ion binding
## 7977                                                                                    ion binding
## 7978                                                                                    ion binding
## 7979                                                                                    ion binding
## 7980                                                                                    ion binding
## 7981                                                                                    ion binding
## 7982                                                                                    ion binding
## 7983                                                                                    ion binding
## 7984                                                                                    ion binding
## 7985                                                                                    ion binding
## 7986                                                                                    ion binding
## 7987                                                                                    ion binding
## 7988                                                                                    ion binding
## 7989                                                                                    ion binding
## 7990                                                                                    ion binding
## 7991                                                                                    ion binding
## 7992                                                                                    ion binding
## 7993                                                                                    ion binding
## 7994                                                                                    ion binding
## 7995                                                                                    ion binding
## 7996                                                                                    ion binding
## 7997                                                                                    ion binding
## 7998                                                                                    ion binding
## 7999                                                                                    ion binding
## 8000                                                                                    ion binding
## 8001                                                                                    ion binding
## 8002                                                                                    ion binding
## 8003                                                                                    ion binding
## 8004                                                                                    ion binding
## 8005                                                                                    ion binding
## 8006                                                                                    ion binding
## 8007                                                                                    ion binding
## 8008                                                                                    ion binding
## 8009                                                                                    ion binding
## 8010                                                                                    ion binding
## 8011                                                                                    ion binding
## 8012                                                                                    ion binding
## 8013                                                                                    ion binding
## 8014                                                                                    ion binding
## 8015                                                                                    ion binding
## 8016                                                                                    ion binding
## 8017                                                                                    ion binding
## 8018                                                                                    ion binding
## 8019                                                                                    ion binding
## 8020                                                                                    ion binding
## 8021                                                                                    ion binding
## 8022                                                                                    ion binding
## 8023                                                                                    ion binding
## 8024                                                                                    ion binding
## 8025                                                                                    ion binding
## 8026                                                                                    ion binding
## 8027                                                                                    ion binding
## 8028                                                                                    ion binding
## 8029                                                                                    ion binding
## 8030                                                                                    ion binding
## 8031                                                                                    ion binding
## 8032                                                                                    ion binding
## 8033                                                                                    ion binding
## 8034                                                                                    ion binding
## 8035                                                                                    ion binding
## 8036                                                                                    ion binding
## 8037                                                                                    ion binding
## 8038                                                                                    ion binding
## 8039                                                                                    ion binding
## 8040                                                                                    ion binding
## 8041                                                                                    ion binding
## 8042                                                                                    ion binding
## 8043                                                                                    ion binding
## 8044                                                                                    ion binding
## 8045                                                                                    ion binding
## 8046                                                                                    ion binding
## 8047                                                                                    ion binding
## 8048                                                                                    ion binding
## 8049                                                                                    ion binding
## 8050                                                                                    ion binding
## 8051                                                                                    ion binding
## 8052                                                                                    ion binding
## 8053                                                                                    ion binding
## 8054                                                                                    ion binding
## 8055                                                                                    ion binding
## 8056                                                                                    ion binding
## 8057                                                                                    ion binding
## 8058                                                                                    ion binding
## 8059                                                                                    ion binding
## 8060                                                                                    ion binding
## 8061                                                                                    ion binding
## 8062                                                                                    ion binding
## 8063                                                                                    ion binding
## 8064                                                                                    ion binding
## 8065                                                                                    ion binding
## 8066                                                                                    ion binding
## 8067                                                                                    ion binding
## 8068                                                                                    ion binding
## 8069                                                                                    ion binding
## 8070                                                                                    ion binding
## 8071                                                                                    ion binding
## 8072                                                                                    ion binding
## 8073                                                                                    ion binding
## 8074                                                                                    ion binding
## 8075                                                                                    ion binding
## 8076                                                                                    ion binding
## 8077                                                                                    ion binding
## 8078                                                                                    ion binding
## 8079                                                                                    ion binding
## 8080                                                                                    ion binding
## 8081                                                                                    ion binding
## 8082                                                                                    ion binding
## 8083                                                                                    ion binding
## 8084                                                                                    ion binding
## 8085                                                                                    ion binding
## 8086                                                                                    ion binding
## 8087                                                                                    ion binding
## 8088                                                                                    ion binding
## 8089                                                                                    ion binding
## 8090                                                                                    ion binding
## 8091                                                                                    ion binding
## 8092                                                                                    ion binding
## 8093                                                                                    ion binding
## 8094                                                                                    ion binding
## 8095                                                                                    ion binding
## 8096                                                                                    ion binding
## 8097                                                                                    ion binding
## 8098                                                                                    ion binding
## 8099                                                                                    ion binding
## 8100                                                                                    ion binding
## 8101                                                                                    ion binding
## 8102                                                                                    ion binding
## 8103                                                                                    ion binding
## 8104                                                                                    ion binding
## 8105                                                                                    ion binding
## 8106                                                                                    ion binding
## 8107                                                                                    ion binding
## 8108                                                                                    ion binding
## 8109                                                                                    ion binding
## 8110                                                                                    ion binding
## 8111                                                                                    ion binding
## 8112                                                                                    ion binding
## 8113                                                                                    ion binding
## 8114                                                                                    ion binding
## 8115                                                                                    ion binding
## 8116                                                                                    ion binding
## 8117                                                                                    ion binding
## 8118                                                                                    ion binding
## 8119                                                                                    ion binding
## 8120                                                                                    ion binding
## 8121                                                                                    ion binding
## 8122                                                                                    ion binding
## 8123                                                                                    ion binding
## 8124                                                                                    ion binding
## 8125                                                                                    ion binding
## 8126                                                                                    ion binding
## 8127                                                                                    ion binding
## 8128                                                                                    ion binding
## 8129                                                                                    ion binding
## 8130                                                                                    ion binding
## 8131                                                                                    ion binding
## 8132                                                                                    ion binding
## 8133                                                                                    ion binding
## 8134                                                                                    ion binding
## 8135                                                                                    ion binding
## 8136                                                                                    ion binding
## 8137                                                                                    ion binding
## 8138                                                                                    ion binding
## 8139                                                                                    ion binding
## 8140                                                                                    ion binding
## 8141                                                                                    ion binding
## 8142                                                                                    ion binding
## 8143                                                                                    ion binding
## 8144                                                                                    ion binding
## 8145                                                                                    ion binding
## 8146                                                                                    ion binding
## 8147                                                                                    ion binding
## 8148                                                                                    ion binding
## 8149                                                                                    ion binding
## 8150                                                                                    ion binding
## 8151                                                                                    ion binding
## 8152                                                                                    ion binding
## 8153                                                                                    ion binding
## 8154                                                                                    ion binding
## 8155                                                                                    ion binding
## 8156                                                                                    ion binding
## 8157                                                                                    ion binding
## 8158                                                                                    ion binding
## 8159                                                                                    ion binding
## 8160                                                                                    ion binding
## 8161                                                                                    ion binding
## 8162                                                                                    ion binding
## 8163                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8164                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8165                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8166                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8167                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8168                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8169                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8170                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8171                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8172                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8173                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8174                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8175                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8176                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8177                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8178                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8179                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8180                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8181                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8182                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8183                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8184                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8185                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8186                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8187                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8188                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8189                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8190                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8191                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8192                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8193                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8194                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8195                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8196                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8197                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8198                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8199                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8200                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8201                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8202                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8203                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8204                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8205                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8206                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8207                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8208                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8209                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8210                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8211                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8212                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8213                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8214                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8215                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8216                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8217                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8218                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8219                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8220                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8221                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8222                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8223                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8224                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8225                                                                          magnesium ion binding
## 8226                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8227                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8228                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8229                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8230                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8231                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8232                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8233                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8234                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8235                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8236                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8237                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8238                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8239                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8240                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8241                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8242                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8243                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8244                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8245                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8246                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8247                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8248                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8249                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8250                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8251                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8252                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8253                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8254                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8255                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8256                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8257                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8258                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8259                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8260                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8261                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8262                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8263                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8264                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8265                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8266                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8267                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8268                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8269                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8270                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8271                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8272                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8273                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8274                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8275                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8276                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8277                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8278                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8279                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8280                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8281                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8282                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8283                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8284                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8285                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8286                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8287                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8288                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8289                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8290                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8291                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8292                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8293                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8294                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8295                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8296                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8297                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8298                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8299                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8300                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8301                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8302                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8303                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8304                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8305                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8306                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8307                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8308                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8309                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8310                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8311                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8312                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8313                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8314                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8315                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8316                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8317                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8318                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8319                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8320                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8321                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8322                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8323                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8324                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8325                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8326                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8327                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8328                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8329                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8330                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8331                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8332                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8333                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8334                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8335                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8336                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8337                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8338                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8339                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8340                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8341                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8342                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8343                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8344                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8345                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8346                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8347                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8348                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8349                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8350                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8351                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8352                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8353                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8354                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8355                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8356                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8357                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8358                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8359                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8360                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8361                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8362                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8363                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8364                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8365                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8366                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8367                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8368                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8369                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8370                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8371                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8372                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8373                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8374                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8375                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8376                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8377                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8378                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8379                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8380                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8381                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8382                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8383                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8384                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8385                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8386                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8387                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8388                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8389                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8390                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8391                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8392                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8393                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8394                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8395                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8396                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8397                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8398                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8399                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8400                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8401                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8402                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8403                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8404                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8405                                                                                    ATP binding
## 8406                                                                                 cation binding
## 8407                                                                                 cation binding
## 8408                                                                                 cation binding
## 8409                                                                                 cation binding
## 8410                                                                                 cation binding
## 8411                                                                                 cation binding
## 8412                                                                                 cation binding
## 8413                                                                                 cation binding
## 8414                                                                                 cation binding
## 8415                                                                                 cation binding
## 8416                                                                                 cation binding
## 8417                                                                                 cation binding
## 8418                                                                                 cation binding
## 8419                                                                                 cation binding
## 8420                                                                                 cation binding
## 8421                                                                                 cation binding
## 8422                                                                                 cation binding
## 8423                                                                                 cation binding
## 8424                                                                                 cation binding
## 8425                                                                                 cation binding
## 8426                                                                                 cation binding
## 8427                                                                                 cation binding
## 8428                                                                                 cation binding
## 8429                                                                                 cation binding
## 8430                                                                                 cation binding
## 8431                                                                                 cation binding
## 8432                                                                                 cation binding
## 8433                                                                                 cation binding
## 8434                                                                                 cation binding
## 8435                                                                                 cation binding
## 8436                                                                                 cation binding
## 8437                                                                                 cation binding
## 8438                                                                                 cation binding
## 8439                                                                                 cation binding
## 8440                                                                                 cation binding
## 8441                                                                                 cation binding
## 8442                                                                                 cation binding
## 8443                                                                                 cation binding
## 8444                                                                                 cation binding
## 8445                                                                                 cation binding
## 8446                                                                                 cation binding
## 8447                                                                                 cation binding
## 8448                                                                                 cation binding
## 8449                                                                                 cation binding
## 8450                                                                                 cation binding
## 8451                                                                                 cation binding
## 8452                                                                                 cation binding
## 8453                                                                                 cation binding
## 8454                                                                                 cation binding
## 8455                                                                                 cation binding
## 8456                                                                                 cation binding
## 8457                                                                                 cation binding
## 8458                                                                                 cation binding
## 8459                                                                                 cation binding
## 8460                                                                                 cation binding
## 8461                                                                                 cation binding
## 8462                                                                                 cation binding
## 8463                                                                                 cation binding
## 8464                                                                                 cation binding
## 8465                                                                                 cation binding
## 8466                                                                                 cation binding
## 8467                                                                                 cation binding
## 8468                                                                                 cation binding
## 8469                                                                                 cation binding
## 8470                                                                                 cation binding
## 8471                                                                                 cation binding
## 8472                                                                                 cation binding
## 8473                                                                                 cation binding
## 8474                                                                                 cation binding
## 8475                                                                                 cation binding
## 8476                                                                                 cation binding
## 8477                                                                                 cation binding
## 8478                                                                                 cation binding
## 8479                                                                                 cation binding
## 8480                                                                                 cation binding
## 8481                                                                                 cation binding
## 8482                                                                                 cation binding
## 8483                                                                                 cation binding
## 8484                                                                                 cation binding
## 8485                                                                                 cation binding
## 8486                                                                                 cation binding
## 8487                                                                                 cation binding
## 8488                                                                                 cation binding
## 8489                                                                                 cation binding
## 8490                                                                                 cation binding
## 8491                                                                                 cation binding
## 8492                                                                                 cation binding
## 8493                                                                                 cation binding
## 8494                                                                                 cation binding
## 8495                                                                                 cation binding
## 8496                                                                                 cation binding
## 8497                                                                                 cation binding
## 8498                                                                                 cation binding
## 8499                                                                                 cation binding
## 8500                                                                                 cation binding
## 8501                                                                                 cation binding
## 8502                                                                                 cation binding
## 8503                                                                                 cation binding
## 8504                                                                                 cation binding
## 8505                                                                                 cation binding
## 8506                                                                                 cation binding
## 8507                                                                                 cation binding
## 8508                                                                                 cation binding
## 8509                                                                                 cation binding
## 8510                                                                                 cation binding
## 8511                                                                                 cation binding
## 8512                                                                                 cation binding
## 8513                                                                                 cation binding
## 8514                                                                                 cation binding
## 8515                                                                                 cation binding
## 8516                                                                                 cation binding
## 8517                                                                                 cation binding
## 8518                                                                                 cation binding
## 8519                                                                                 cation binding
## 8520                                                                                 cation binding
## 8521                                                                                 cation binding
## 8522                                                                                 cation binding
## 8523                                                                                 cation binding
## 8524                                                                                 cation binding
## 8525                                                                                 cation binding
## 8526                                                                                 cation binding
## 8527                                                                                 cation binding
## 8528                                                                                 cation binding
## 8529                                                                                 cation binding
## 8530                                                                                 cation binding
## 8531                                                                                 cation binding
## 8532                                                                                 cation binding
## 8533                                                                                 cation binding
## 8534                                                                                 cation binding
## 8535                                                                                 cation binding
## 8536                                                                                 cation binding
## 8537                                                                                 cation binding
## 8538                                                                                 cation binding
## 8539                                                                                 cation binding
## 8540                                                                                 cation binding
## 8541                                                                                 cation binding
## 8542                                                                                 cation binding
## 8543                                                                                 cation binding
## 8544                                                                                 cation binding
## 8545                                                                                 cation binding
## 8546                                                                                 cation binding
## 8547                                                                                 cation binding
## 8548                                                                                 cation binding
## 8549                                                                                 cation binding
## 8550                                                                                 cation binding
## 8551                                                                                 cation binding
## 8552                                                                                 cation binding
## 8553                                                                                 cation binding
## 8554                                                                                 cation binding
## 8555                                                                                 cation binding
## 8556                                                                                 cation binding
## 8557                                                                                 cation binding
## 8558                                                                                 cation binding
## 8559                                                                                 cation binding
## 8560                                                                                 cation binding
## 8561                                                                                 cation binding
## 8562                                                                                 cation binding
## 8563                                                                                 cation binding
## 8564                                                                                 cation binding
## 8565                                                                                 cation binding
## 8566                                                                                 cation binding
## 8567                                                                                 cation binding
## 8568                                                                                 cation binding
## 8569                                                                                 cation binding
## 8570                                                                                 cation binding
## 8571                                                                                 cation binding
## 8572                                                                                 cation binding
## 8573                                                                                 cation binding
## 8574                                                                                 cation binding
## 8575                                                                                 cation binding
## 8576                                                                                 cation binding
## 8577                                                                                 cation binding
## 8578                                                                                 cation binding
## 8579                                                                                 cation binding
## 8580                                                                                 cation binding
## 8581                                                                                 cation binding
## 8582                                                                                 cation binding
## 8583                                                                                 cation binding
## 8584                                                                                 cation binding
## 8585                                                                                 cation binding
## 8586                                                                                 cation binding
## 8587                                                                                 cation binding
## 8588                                                                                 cation binding
## 8589                                                                                 cation binding
## 8590                                                                                 cation binding
## 8591                                                                                 cation binding
## 8592                                                                                 cation binding
## 8593                                                                                 cation binding
## 8594                                                                                 cation binding
## 8595                                                                                 cation binding
## 8596                                                                                 cation binding
## 8597                                                                                 cation binding
## 8598                                                                                 cation binding
## 8599                                                                                 cation binding
## 8600                                                                                 cation binding
## 8601                                                                                 cation binding
## 8602                                                                                 cation binding
## 8603                                                                                 cation binding
## 8604                                                                                 cation binding
## 8605                                                                                 cation binding
## 8606                                                                                 cation binding
## 8607                                                                                 cation binding
## 8608                                                                                 cation binding
## 8609                                                                                 cation binding
## 8610                                                                                 cation binding
## 8611                                                                                 cation binding
## 8612                                                                                 cation binding
## 8613                                                                                 cation binding
## 8614                                                                                 cation binding
## 8615                                                                                 cation binding
## 8616                                                                                 cation binding
## 8617                                                                                 cation binding
## 8618                                                                                 cation binding
## 8619                                                                                 cation binding
## 8620                                                                                 cation binding
## 8621                                                                                 cation binding
## 8622                                                                                 cation binding
## 8623                                                                                 cation binding
## 8624                                                                                 cation binding
## 8625                                                                                 cation binding
## 8626                                                                                 cation binding
## 8627                                                                                 cation binding
## 8628                                                                                 cation binding
## 8629                                                                                 cation binding
## 8630                                                                                 cation binding
## 8631                                                                                 cation binding
## 8632                                                                                 cation binding
## 8633                                                                                 cation binding
## 8634                                                                                 cation binding
## 8635                                                                                 cation binding
## 8636                                                                                 cation binding
## 8637                                                                                 cation binding
## 8638                                                                                 cation binding
## 8639                                                                                 cation binding
## 8640                                                                                 cation binding
## 8641                                                                                 cation binding
## 8642                                                                                 cation binding
## 8643                                                                                 cation binding
## 8644                                                                                 cation binding
## 8645                                                                                 cation binding
## 8646                                                                                 cation binding
## 8647                                                                                 cation binding
## 8648                                                                                 cation binding
## 8649                                                                                 cation binding
## 8650                                                                                 cation binding
## 8651                                                                                 cation binding
## 8652                                                                                 cation binding
## 8653                                                                                 cation binding
## 8654                                                                                 cation binding
## 8655                                                                                 cation binding
## 8656                                                                                 cation binding
## 8657                                                                                 cation binding
## 8658                                                                                 cation binding
## 8659                                                                                 cation binding
## 8660                                                                                 cation binding
## 8661                                                                                 cation binding
## 8662                                                                                 cation binding
## 8663                                                                                 cation binding
## 8664                                                                                 cation binding
## 8665                                                                                 cation binding
## 8666                                                                                 cation binding
## 8667                                                                                 cation binding
## 8668                                                                                 cation binding
## 8669                                                                                 cation binding
## 8670                                                                                 cation binding
## 8671                                                                                 cation binding
## 8672                                                                                 cation binding
## 8673                                                                                 cation binding
## 8674                                                                                 cation binding
## 8675                                                                                 cation binding
## 8676                                                                                 cation binding
## 8677                                                                                 cation binding
## 8678                                                                                 cation binding
## 8679                                                                                 cation binding
## 8680                                                                                 cation binding
## 8681                                                                                 cation binding
## 8682                                                                                 cation binding
## 8683                                                                                 cation binding
## 8684                                                                                 cation binding
## 8685                                                                                 cation binding
## 8686                                                                                 cation binding
## 8687                                                                                 cation binding
## 8688                                                                                 cation binding
## 8689                                                                                 cation binding
## 8690                                                                                 cation binding
## 8691                                                                                 cation binding
## 8692                                                                                 cation binding
## 8693                                                                                 cation binding
## 8694                                                                                 cation binding
## 8695                                                                                 cation binding
## 8696                                                                                 cation binding
## 8697                                                                                 cation binding
## 8698                                                                                 cation binding
## 8699                                                                                 cation binding
## 8700                                                                                 cation binding
## 8701                                                                                 cation binding
## 8702                                                                                 cation binding
## 8703                                                                                 cation binding
## 8704                                                                                 cation binding
## 8705                                                                                 cation binding
## 8706                                                                                 cation binding
## 8707                                                                                 cation binding
## 8708                                                                                 cation binding
## 8709                                                                                 cation binding
## 8710                                                                                 cation binding
## 8711                                                                                 cation binding
## 8712                                                                                 cation binding
## 8713                                                                                 cation binding
## 8714                                                                                 cation binding
## 8715                                                                                 cation binding
## 8716                                                                                 cation binding
## 8717                                                                                 cation binding
## 8718                                                                                 cation binding
## 8719                                                                                 cation binding
## 8720                                                                                 cation binding
## 8721                                                                                 cation binding
## 8722                                                                                 cation binding
## 8723                                                                                 cation binding
## 8724                                                                                 cation binding
## 8725                                                                                 cation binding
## 8726                                                                                 cation binding
## 8727                                                                                 cation binding
## 8728                                                                                 cation binding
## 8729                                                                                 cation binding
## 8730                                                                                 cation binding
## 8731                                                                                 cation binding
## 8732                                                                                 cation binding
## 8733                                                                                 cation binding
## 8734                                                                                 cation binding
## 8735                                                                                 cation binding
## 8736                                                                                 cation binding
## 8737                                                                                 cation binding
## 8738                                                                                 cation binding
## 8739                                                                                 cation binding
## 8740                                                                                 cation binding
## 8741                                                                                 cation binding
## 8742                                                                                 cation binding
## 8743                                                                                 cation binding
## 8744                                                                                 cation binding
## 8745                                                                                 cation binding
## 8746                                                                                 cation binding
## 8747                                                                                 cation binding
## 8748                                                                                 cation binding
## 8749                                                                                 cation binding
## 8750                                                                                 cation binding
## 8751                                                                                 cation binding
## 8752                                                                                 cation binding
## 8753                                                                                 cation binding
## 8754                                                                                 cation binding
## 8755                                                                                 cation binding
## 8756                                                                                 cation binding
## 8757                                                                                 cation binding
## 8758                                                                                 cation binding
## 8759                                                                                 cation binding
## 8760                                                                                 cation binding
## 8761                                                                                 cation binding
## 8762                                                                                 cation binding
## 8763                                                                                 cation binding
## 8764                                                                                 cation binding
## 8765                                                                                 cation binding
## 8766                                                                                 cation binding
## 8767                                                                                 cation binding
## 8768                                                                                 cation binding
## 8769                                                                                 cation binding
## 8770                                                                                 cation binding
## 8771                                                                                 cation binding
## 8772                                                                                 cation binding
## 8773                                                                                 cation binding
## 8774                                                                                 cation binding
## 8775                                                                                 cation binding
## 8776                                                                                 cation binding
## 8777                                                                                 cation binding
## 8778                                                                                 cation binding
## 8779                                                                                 cation binding
## 8780                                                                                 cation binding
## 8781                                                                                 cation binding
## 8782                                                                                 cation binding
## 8783                                                                                 cation binding
## 8784                                                                                 cation binding
## 8785                                                                                 cation binding
## 8786                                                                                 cation binding
## 8787                                                                                 cation binding
## 8788                                                                                 cation binding
## 8789                                                                                 cation binding
## 8790                                                                                 cation binding
## 8791                                                                                 cation binding
## 8792                                                                                 cation binding
## 8793                                                                                 cation binding
## 8794                                                                                 cation binding
## 8795                                                                                 cation binding
## 8796                                                                                 cation binding
## 8797                                                                                 cation binding
## 8798                                                                                 cation binding
## 8799                                                                                 cation binding
## 8800                                                                                 cation binding
## 8801                                                                                 cation binding
## 8802                                                                                 cation binding
## 8803                                                                                 cation binding
## 8804                                                                                 cation binding
## 8805                                                                                 cation binding
## 8806                                                                                 cation binding
## 8807                                                                                 cation binding
## 8808                                                                                 cation binding
## 8809                                                                                 cation binding
## 8810                                                                                 cation binding
## 8811                                                                                 cation binding
## 8812                                                                                 cation binding
## 8813                                                                                 cation binding
## 8814                                                                                 cation binding
## 8815                                                                                 cation binding
## 8816                                                                                 cation binding
## 8817                                                                                 cation binding
## 8818                                                                                 cation binding
## 8819                                                                                 cation binding
## 8820                                                                                 cation binding
## 8821                                                                                 cation binding
## 8822                                                                                 cation binding
## 8823                                                                                 cation binding
## 8824                                                                                 cation binding
## 8825                                                                                 cation binding
## 8826                                                                                 cation binding
## 8827                                                                                 cation binding
## 8828                                                                                 cation binding
## 8829                                                                                 cation binding
## 8830                                                                                 cation binding
## 8831                                                                                 cation binding
## 8832                                                                                 cation binding
## 8833                                                                                 cation binding
## 8834                                                                                 cation binding
## 8835                                                                                 cation binding
## 8836                                                                                 cation binding
## 8837                                                                                 cation binding
## 8838                                                                                 cation binding
## 8839                                                                                 cation binding
## 8840                                                                                pattern binding
## 8841                                                                                pattern binding
## 8842                                                                                pattern binding
## 8843                                                                                pattern binding
## 8844                                                                                pattern binding
## 8845                                                                                pattern binding
## 8846                                                                                pattern binding
## 8847                                                                                pattern binding
## 8848                                                                                pattern binding
## 8849                                                                                pattern binding
## 8850                                                                                pattern binding
## 8851                                                                                pattern binding
## 8852                                                                                pattern binding
## 8853                                                                                pattern binding
## 8854                                                                                pattern binding
## 8855                                                                                pattern binding
## 8856                                                                                pattern binding
## 8857                                                                                pattern binding
## 8858                                                                                pattern binding
## 8859                                                                                pattern binding
## 8860                                                                                pattern binding
## 8861                                                                                pattern binding
## 8862                                                                                pattern binding
## 8863                                                                                pattern binding
## 8864                                                                                pattern binding
## 8865                                                                                pattern binding
## 8866                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8867                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8868                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8869                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8870                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8871                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8872                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8873                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8874                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8875                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8876                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8877                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8878                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8879                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8880                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8881                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8882                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8883                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8884                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8885                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8886                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8887                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8888                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8889                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8890                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8891                                                                         polysaccharide binding
## 8892                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8893                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8894                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8895                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8896                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8897                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8898                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8899                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8900                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8901                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8902                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8903                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8904                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8905                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8906                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8907                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8908                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8909                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8910                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8911                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8912                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8913                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8914                                  P-P-bond-hydrolysis-driven transmembrane transporter activity
## 8915                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8916                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8917                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8918                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8919                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8920                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8921                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8922                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8923                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8924                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8925                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8926                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8927                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8928                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8929                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8930                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8931                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8932                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8933                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8934                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8935                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8936                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8937                                              primary active transmembrane transporter activity
## 8938                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8939                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8940                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8941                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8942                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8943                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8944                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8945                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8946                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8947                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8948                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8949                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8950                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8951                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8952                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8953                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8954                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8955                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8956                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8957                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8958                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8959                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8960                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8961                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8962                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8963                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8964                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8965                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8966                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8967                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8968                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8969                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8970                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8971                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8972                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8973                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8974                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8975                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8976                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8977                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8978                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8979                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8980                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8981                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8982                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8983                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8984                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8985                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8986                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8987                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8988                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8989                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8990                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8991                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8992                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8993                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8994                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8995                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8996                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8997                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8998                                                                              metal ion binding
## 8999                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9000                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9001                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9002                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9003                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9004                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9005                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9006                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9007                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9008                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9009                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9010                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9011                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9012                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9013                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9014                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9015                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9016                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9017                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9018                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9019                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9020                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9021                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9022                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9023                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9024                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9025                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9026                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9027                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9028                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9029                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9030                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9031                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9032                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9033                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9034                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9035                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9036                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9037                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9038                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9039                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9040                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9041                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9042                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9043                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9044                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9045                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9046                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9047                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9048                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9049                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9050                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9051                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9052                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9053                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9054                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9055                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9056                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9057                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9058                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9059                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9060                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9061                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9062                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9063                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9064                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9065                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9066                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9067                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9068                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9069                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9070                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9071                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9072                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9073                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9074                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9075                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9076                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9077                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9078                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9079                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9080                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9081                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9082                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9083                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9084                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9085                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9086                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9087                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9088                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9089                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9090                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9091                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9092                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9093                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9094                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9095                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9096                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9097                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9098                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9099                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9100                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9101                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9102                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9103                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9104                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9105                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9106                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9107                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9108                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9109                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9110                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9111                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9112                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9113                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9114                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9115                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9116                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9117                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9118                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9119                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9120                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9121                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9122                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9123                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9124                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9125                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9126                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9127                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9128                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9129                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9130                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9131                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9132                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9133                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9134                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9135                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9136                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9137                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9138                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9139                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9140                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9141                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9142                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9143                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9144                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9145                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9146                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9147                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9148                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9149                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9150                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9151                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9152                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9153                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9154                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9155                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9156                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9157                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9158                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9159                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9160                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9161                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9162                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9163                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9164                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9165                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9166                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9167                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9168                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9169                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9170                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9171                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9172                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9173                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9174                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9175                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9176                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9177                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9178                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9179                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9180                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9181                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9182                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9183                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9184                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9185                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9186                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9187                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9188                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9189                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9190                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9191                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9192                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9193                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9194                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9195                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9196                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9197                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9198                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9199                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9200                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9201                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9202                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9203                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9204                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9205                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9206                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9207                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9208                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9209                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9210                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9211                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9212                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9213                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9214                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9215                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9216                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9217                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9218                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9219                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9220                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9221                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9222                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9223                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9224                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9225                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9226                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9227                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9228                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9229                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9230                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9231                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9232                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9233                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9234                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9235                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9236                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9237                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9238                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9239                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9240                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9241                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9242                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9243                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9244                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9245                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9246                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9247                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9248                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9249                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9250                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9251                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9252                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9253                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9254                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9255                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9256                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9257                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9258                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9259                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9260                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9261                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9262                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9263                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9264                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9265                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9266                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9267                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9268                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9269                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9270                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9271                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9272                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9273                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9274                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9275                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9276                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9277                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9278                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9279                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9280                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9281                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9282                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9283                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9284                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9285                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9286                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9287                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9288                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9289                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9290                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9291                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9292                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9293                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9294                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9295                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9296                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9297                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9298                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9299                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9300                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9301                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9302                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9303                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9304                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9305                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9306                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9307                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9308                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9309                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9310                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9311                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9312                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9313                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9314                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9315                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9316                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9317                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9318                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9319                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9320                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9321                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9322                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9323                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9324                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9325                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9326                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9327                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9328                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9329                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9330                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9331                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9332                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9333                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9334                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9335                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9336                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9337                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9338                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9339                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9340                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9341                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9342                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9343                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9344                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9345                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9346                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9347                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9348                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9349                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9350                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9351                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9352                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9353                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9354                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9355                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9356                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9357                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9358                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9359                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9360                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9361                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9362                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9363                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9364                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9365                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9366                                                                              metal ion binding
## 9367                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9368                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9369                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9370                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9371                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9372                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9373                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9374                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9375                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9376                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9377                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9378                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9379                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9380                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9381                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9382                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9383                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9384                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9385                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9386                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9387                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9388                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9389                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9390                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9391                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9392                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9393                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9394                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9395                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9396                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9397                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9398                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9399                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9400                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9401                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9402                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9403                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9404                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9405                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9406                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9407                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9408                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9409                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9410                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9411                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9412                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9413                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9414                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9415                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9416                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9417                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9418                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9419                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9420                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9421                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9422                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9423                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9424                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9425                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9426                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9427                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9428                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9429                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9430                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9431                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9432                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9433                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9434                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9435                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9436                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9437                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9438                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9439                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9440                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9441                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9442                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9443                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9444                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9445                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9446                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9447                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9448                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9449                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9450                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9451                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9452                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9453                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9454                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9455                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9456                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9457                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9458                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9459                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9460                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9461                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9462                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9463                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9464                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9465                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9466                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9467                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9468                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9469                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9470                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9471                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9472                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9473                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9474                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9475                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9476                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9477                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9478                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9479                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9480                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9481                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9482                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9483                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9484                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9485                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9486                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9487                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9488                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9489                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9490                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9491                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9492                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9493                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9494                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9495                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9496                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9497                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9498                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9499                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9500                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9501                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9502                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9503                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9504                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9505                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9506                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9507                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9508                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9509                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9510                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9511                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9512                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9513                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9514                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9515                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9516                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9517                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9518                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9519                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9520                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9521                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9522                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9523                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9524                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9525                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9526                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9527                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9528                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9529                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9530                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9531                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9532                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9533                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9534                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9535                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9536                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9537                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9538                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9539                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9540                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9541                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9542                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9543                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9544                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9545                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9546                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9547                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9548                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9549                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9550                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9551                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9552                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9553                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9554                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9555                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9556                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9557                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9558                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9559                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9560                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9561                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9562                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9563                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9564                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9565                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9566                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9567                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9568                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9569                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9570                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9571                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9572                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9573                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9574                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9575                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9576                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9577                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9578                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9579                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9580                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9581                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9582                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9583                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9584                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9585                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9586                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9587                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9588                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9589                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9590                                                                      purine nucleotide binding
## 9591                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9592                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9593                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9594                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9595                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9596                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9597                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9598                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9599                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9600                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9601                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9602                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9603                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9604                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9605                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9606                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9607                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9608                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9609                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9610                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9611                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9612                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9613                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9614                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9615                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9616                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9617                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9618                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9619                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9620                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9621                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9622                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9623                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9624                                                                      GTPase activator activity
## 9625                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9626                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9627                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9628                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9629                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9630                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9631                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9632                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9633                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9634                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9635                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9636                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9637                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9638                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9639                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9640                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9641                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9642                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9643                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9644                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9645                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9646                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9647                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9648                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9649                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9650                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9651                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9652                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9653                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9654                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9655                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9656                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9657                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9658                                                                protein domain specific binding
## 9659                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9660                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9661                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9662                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9663                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9664                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9665                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9666                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9667                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9668                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9669                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9670                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9671                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9672                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9673                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9674                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9675                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9676                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9677                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9678                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9679                               ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances
## 9680                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9681                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9682                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9683                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9684                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9685                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9686                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9687                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9688                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9689                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9690                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9691                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9692                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9693                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9694                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9695                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9696                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9697                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9698                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9699                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9700                                             ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances
## 9701 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9702 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9703 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9704 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9705 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9706 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9707 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9708 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9709 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9710 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9711 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9712 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9713 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9714 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9715 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9716 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9717 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9718 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9719 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9720 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9721 hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances
## 9722                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9723                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9724                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9725                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9726                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9727                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9728                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9729                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9730                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9731                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9732                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9733                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9734                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9735                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9736                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9737                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9738                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9739                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9740                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9741                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9742                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9743                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9744                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9745                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9746                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9747                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9748                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9749                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9750                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9751                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9752                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9753                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9754                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9755                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9756                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9757                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9758                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9759                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9760                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9761                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9762                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9763                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9764                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9765                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9766                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9767                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9768                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9769                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9770                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9771                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9772                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9773                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9774                                                                                  lipid binding
## 9775                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9776                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9777                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9778                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9779                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9780                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9781                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9782                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9783                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9784                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9785                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9786                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9787                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9788                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9789                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9790                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9791                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9792                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9793                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9794                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9795                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9796                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9797                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9798                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9799                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9800                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9801                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9802                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9803                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
## 9804                                                               protein tyrosine kinase activity
##      count         genes      logFC    adj_pval      zscore
## 1       54          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 2       54          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 3       54          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 4       54          EDN1  1.3813006 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 5       54        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 6       54          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 7       54           TTN -0.6633600 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 8       54          GJA5 -2.4542500 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 9       54          ZIC3  3.9539621 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 10      54         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 11      54         CERKL  0.8624001 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 12      54         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 13      54      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 14      54          GAB1  0.8795894 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 15      54        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 16      54          MKL2  1.1871092 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 17      54       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 18      54            MB -1.7171237 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 19      54         PTPRJ  2.0703827 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 20      54          RXRA -0.3709072 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 21      54        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 22      54          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 23      54         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 24      54          HHEX  0.8277356 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 25      54          MURC  1.6012508 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 26      54          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 27      54         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 28      54         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 29      54        ADAM19 -1.2154123 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 30      54          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 31      54          TCAP -0.7520534 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 32      54         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 33      54          SOX9  0.4360159 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 34      54         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 35      54          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 36      54        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 37      54          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 38      54        NFATC4  0.5794142 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 39      54         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 40      54         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 41      54        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 42      54           NF1 -0.7011862 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 43      54         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 44      54         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 45      54          TBX1  1.5705826 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 46      54         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 47      54         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 48      54         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 49      54         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 50      54           PLN -2.0734027 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 51      54          TSC2  0.4849051 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 52      54      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 53      54        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 54      54         HDAC9 -1.1153587 0.000002170 -0.81649658
## 55      56         GNA13  0.3711599 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 56      56        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 57      56          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 58      56           PGF -0.2973380 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 59      56          IL18  0.8877106 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 60      56          LEPR  2.6539788 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 61      56          EDN1  1.3813006 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 62      56          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 63      56         FOXO1  0.5687106 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 64      56          GJA5 -2.4542500 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 65      56         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 66      56          WARS -1.1502333 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 67      56         CERKL  0.8624001 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 68      56          APOE  0.8698346 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 69      56         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 70      56           ANG  1.7859395 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 71      56        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 72      56          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 73      56          MKL2  1.1871092 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 74      56          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 75      56       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 76      56         PTPRJ  2.0703827 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 77      56          RECK  3.6926860 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 78      56         EFNB2 -1.0007095 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 79      56         VASH1 -0.6599811 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 80      56        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 81      56          THY1 -0.5538562 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 82      56          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 83      56          NUS1 -1.0812477 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 84      56         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 85      56         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 86      56          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 87      56          CDH2  1.2832653 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 88      56         MEIS1 -1.1746472 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 89      56           WT1 -2.4578951 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 90      56          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 91      56          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 92      56         FBXW8  0.2606359 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 93      56          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 94      56         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 95      56        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 96      56          FIGF  2.5392280 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 97      56        PPAP2B -2.5228225 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 98      56        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 99      56          TBX4  1.3234618 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 100     56        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 101     56           NF1 -0.7011862 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 102     56          TBX1  1.5705826 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 103     56         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 104     56         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 105     56         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 106     56         ECSCR -1.1219161 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 107     56         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 108     56          AMOT  1.0877881 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 109     56        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 110     56         HDAC7 -0.4998784 0.000010400 -0.80178373
## 111     55         GNA13  0.3711599 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 112     55        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 113     55          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 114     55           PGF -0.2973380 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 115     55          IL18  0.8877106 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 116     55          LEPR  2.6539788 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 117     55          EDN1  1.3813006 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 118     55          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 119     55         FOXO1  0.5687106 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 120     55          GJA5 -2.4542500 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 121     55         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 122     55          WARS -1.1502333 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 123     55         CERKL  0.8624001 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 124     55          APOE  0.8698346 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 125     55         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 126     55           ANG  1.7859395 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 127     55        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 128     55          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 129     55          MKL2  1.1871092 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 130     55          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 131     55       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 132     55         PTPRJ  2.0703827 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 133     55          RECK  3.6926860 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 134     55         VASH1 -0.6599811 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 135     55        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 136     55          THY1 -0.5538562 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 137     55          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 138     55          NUS1 -1.0812477 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 139     55         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 140     55         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 141     55          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 142     55          CDH2  1.2832653 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 143     55         MEIS1 -1.1746472 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 144     55           WT1 -2.4578951 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 145     55          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 146     55          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 147     55         FBXW8  0.2606359 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 148     55          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 149     55         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 150     55        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 151     55          FIGF  2.5392280 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 152     55        PPAP2B -2.5228225 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 153     55        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 154     55          TBX4  1.3234618 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 155     55        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 156     55           NF1 -0.7011862 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 157     55          TBX1  1.5705826 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 158     55         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 159     55         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 160     55         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 161     55         ECSCR -1.1219161 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 162     55         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 163     55          AMOT  1.0877881 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 164     55        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 165     55         HDAC7 -0.4998784 0.000007620 -0.67419986
## 166     51          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 167     51          ENAH -0.8317531 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 168     51          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 169     51           PGF -0.2973380 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 170     51          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 171     51         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 172     51          CD44 -1.0396956 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 173     51           ILK -0.6476593 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 174     51        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 175     51           RET  1.1952974 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 176     51            AR -1.1537604 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 177     51          RXRA -0.3709072 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 178     51        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 179     51          LEF1  4.2312762 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 180     51         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 181     51          HHEX  0.8277356 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 182     51          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 183     51         NCOA3 -0.5739101 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 184     51         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 185     51         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 186     51       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 187     51         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 188     51          COBL -0.4528756 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 189     51          BBS4  0.7917331 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 190     51         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 191     51           TNC -0.4306758 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 192     51         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 193     51        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 194     51         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 195     51         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 196     51          SOX9  0.4360159 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 197     51        TCF7L1 -0.8029698 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 198     51         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 199     51         FOXQ1  0.9149401 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 200     51         MACF1  0.6852201 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 201     51         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 202     51          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 203     51        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 204     51          CAR2  1.6099806 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 205     51         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 206     51          TBX4  1.3234618 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 207     51         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 208     51          FZD3  1.6364110 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 209     51        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 210     51          FZD6  1.3453589 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 211     51         HOXB4 -1.1697221 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 212     51         FREM2  0.8510785 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 213     51          TSC2  0.4849051 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 214     51          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 215     51        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 216     51         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.000119000 -0.14002801
## 217     43         GNA13  0.3711599 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 218     43          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 219     43        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 220     43          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 221     43           PGF -0.2973380 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 222     43          IL18  0.8877106 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 223     43          LEPR  2.6539788 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 224     43          EDN1  1.3813006 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 225     43          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 226     43          CDH2  1.2832653 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 227     43         MEIS1 -1.1746472 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 228     43           WT1 -2.4578951 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 229     43         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 230     43          WARS -1.1502333 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 231     43          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 232     43         CERKL  0.8624001 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 233     43          APOE  0.8698346 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 234     43         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 235     43           ANG  1.7859395 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 236     43        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 237     43         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 238     43          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 239     43          MKL2  1.1871092 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 240     43        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 241     43          FIGF  2.5392280 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 242     43          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 243     43         PTPRJ  2.0703827 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 244     43        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 245     43          TBX4  1.3234618 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 246     43           NF1 -0.7011862 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 247     43          TBX1  1.5705826 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 248     43         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 249     43        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 250     43         VASH1 -0.6599811 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 251     43          THY1 -0.5538562 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 252     43          NUS1 -1.0812477 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 253     43         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 254     43         ECSCR -1.1219161 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 255     43          AMOT  1.0877881 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 256     43         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 257     43         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 258     43         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 259     43         HDAC7 -0.4998784 0.000720000 -0.15249857
## 260     42          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 261     42          XIAP -0.5849276 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 262     42         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 263     42       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 264     42         TNNC1 -3.5213602 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 265     42        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 266     42          LEPR  2.6539788 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 267     42         ABHD5  0.3971589 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 268     42          EDN1  1.3813006 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 269     42         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 270     42         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 271     42         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 272     42       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 273     42           ANG  1.7859395 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 274     42       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 275     42         MTCH1 -0.5451250 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 276     42       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 277     42        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 278     42       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 279     42        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 280     42          HIP1  0.8382696 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 281     42          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 282     42          NOS1  0.4966184 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 283     42           NF1 -0.7011862 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 284     42          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 285     42        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 286     42      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 287     42          THY1 -0.5538562 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 288     42         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 289     42          RNF7  0.3447189 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 290     42         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 291     42          CHML -0.9730627 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 292     42         IFT57  0.5874246 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 293     42         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 294     42          TSC2  0.4849051 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 295     42          ERN1  0.7331847 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 296     42         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 297     42         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 298     42         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 299     42         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 300     42         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 301     42           F2R -2.1268269 0.001171166  0.30860670
## 302     55          EDN1  1.3813006 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 303     55         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 304     55         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 305     55         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 306     55          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 307     55         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 308     55         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 309     55       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 310     55        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 311     55        NDUFS4  0.5947243 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 312     55         CERKL  0.8624001 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 313     55         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 314     55          IFNG  0.2338462 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 315     55          GAB1  0.8795894 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 316     55        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 317     55       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 318     55       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 319     55          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 320     55           LYN -0.7283980 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 321     55       CCDC88C -0.8672074 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 322     55          PKIG  0.5947590 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 323     55          THY1 -0.5538562 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 324     55        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 325     55         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 326     55         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 327     55          CD81 -0.5231352 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 328     55          ERN1  0.7331847 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 329     55           NRK -0.6364746 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 330     55       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 331     55          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 332     55           TNF -0.5241138 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 333     55         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 334     55       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 335     55         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 336     55           KIT -1.7946208 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 337     55         CD24A  0.8402202 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 338     55        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 339     55        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 340     55          DGKD -1.1848871 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 341     55          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 342     55          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 343     55        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 344     55         HCLS1 -1.7060483 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 345     55        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 346     55           NF1 -0.7011862 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 347     55          DGKH -0.9312461 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 348     55        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 349     55        CDKN1C -0.6908404 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 350     55        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 351     55          TSC2  0.4849051 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 352     55         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 353     55          LRP8  3.3563987 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 354     55        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 355     55         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 356     55           F2R -2.1268269 0.001218401 -1.21355975
## 357    109         STK33  0.3537277 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 358    109         STK38  0.7217430 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 359    109         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 360    109         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 361    109         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 362    109           TTN -0.6633600 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 363    109 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 364    109         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 365    109       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 366    109       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 367    109        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 368    109         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 369    109        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 370    109          IFNG  0.2338462 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 371    109           ILK -0.6476593 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 372    109          GAB1  0.8795894 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 373    109          MLKL -1.5119558 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 374    109          INSR  1.6754155 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 375    109           RET  1.1952974 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 376    109        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 377    109        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 378    109         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 379    109        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 380    109         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 381    109         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 382    109         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 383    109         STK10 -1.6727581 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 384    109         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 385    109        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 386    109         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 387    109         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 388    109         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 389    109          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 390    109         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 391    109           TEC  0.8492222 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 392    109        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 393    109         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 394    109        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 395    109           BMX  1.3892504 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 396    109       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 397    109         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 398    109      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 399    109          ULK1  0.4108861 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 400    109        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 401    109          GRK4  0.5962996 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 402    109          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 403    109          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 404    109          ABL2  0.5324753 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 405    109          MYLK -0.4373395 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 406    109          SRMS  0.3448742 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 407    109         CDK19  0.4481980 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 408    109         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 409    109        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 410    109         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 411    109           FES -0.3553155 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 412    109     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 413    109           SLK -0.2902740 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 414    109          PAK4  0.6483046 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 415    109         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 416    109          PAK1  1.3962107 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 417    109          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 418    109         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 419    109         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 420    109          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 421    109        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 422    109           LYN -0.7283980 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 423    109         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 424    109       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 425    109         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 426    109         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 427    109         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 428    109         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 429    109        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 430    109         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 431    109       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 432    109         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 433    109         MAST2  0.3355945 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 434    109         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 435    109          CD81 -0.5231352 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 436    109          ERN1  0.7331847 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 437    109           NRK -0.6364746 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 438    109       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 439    109           FRK -0.6758771 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 440    109        NDUFB8  0.4313367 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 441    109        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 442    109           KIT -1.7946208 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 443    109        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 444    109         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 445    109        GNPTAB  0.4735567 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 446    109          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 447    109        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 448    109        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 449    109         PTPRE -1.3376215 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 450    109         PTPRA -0.4583124 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 451    109        NDUFA7  1.1828203 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 452    109        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 453    109          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 454    109          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 455    109        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 456    109           ICK  0.4702803 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 457    109        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 458    109       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 459    109       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 460    109           FYN -1.6589775 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 461    109         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 462    109          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 463    109      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 464    109        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 465    109           F2R -2.1268269 0.001260554 -0.47891314
## 466     99         STK33  0.3537277 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 467     99         STK38  0.7217430 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 468     99         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 469     99         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 470     99           TTN -0.6633600 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 471     99         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 472     99 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 473     99         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 474     99       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 475     99       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 476     99        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 477     99         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 478     99        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 479     99           ILK -0.6476593 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 480     99          IFNG  0.2338462 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 481     99          GAB1  0.8795894 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 482     99          MLKL -1.5119558 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 483     99          INSR  1.6754155 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 484     99           RET  1.1952974 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 485     99        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 486     99        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 487     99         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 488     99        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 489     99         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 490     99         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 491     99         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 492     99         STK10 -1.6727581 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 493     99         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 494     99        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 495     99         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 496     99         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 497     99         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 498     99          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 499     99         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 500     99           TEC  0.8492222 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 501     99        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 502     99         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 503     99        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 504     99           BMX  1.3892504 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 505     99       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 506     99         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 507     99          ULK1  0.4108861 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 508     99        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 509     99          GRK4  0.5962996 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 510     99          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 511     99          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 512     99          ABL2  0.5324753 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 513     99          MYLK -0.4373395 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 514     99          SRMS  0.3448742 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 515     99         CDK19  0.4481980 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 516     99        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 517     99         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 518     99           FES -0.3553155 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 519     99     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 520     99           SLK -0.2902740 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 521     99          PAK4  0.6483046 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 522     99         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 523     99          PAK1  1.3962107 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 524     99          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 525     99         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 526     99          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 527     99        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 528     99           LYN -0.7283980 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 529     99         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 530     99         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 531     99         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 532     99         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 533     99         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 534     99        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 535     99         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 536     99         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 537     99         MAST2  0.3355945 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 538     99         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 539     99          CD81 -0.5231352 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 540     99          ERN1  0.7331847 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 541     99           NRK -0.6364746 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 542     99       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 543     99           FRK -0.6758771 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 544     99        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 545     99           KIT -1.7946208 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 546     99         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 547     99          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 548     99        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 549     99        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 550     99         PTPRE -1.3376215 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 551     99        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 552     99         PTPRA -0.4583124 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 553     99          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 554     99          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 555     99        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 556     99           ICK  0.4702803 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 557     99        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 558     99       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 559     99       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 560     99           FYN -1.6589775 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 561     99         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 562     99          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 563     99        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 564     99           F2R -2.1268269 0.001494412 -1.30654916
## 565     36         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 566     36          HPRT  0.6275924 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 567     36        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 568     36        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 569     36         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 570     36          PTH2 -0.2315507 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 571     36        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 572     36          RORA  0.7023584 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 573     36        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 574     36        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 575     36       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 576     36        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 577     36        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 578     36        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 579     36        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 580     36         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 581     36        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 582     36          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 583     36        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 584     36          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 585     36        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 586     36          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 587     36         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 588     36       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 589     36          NME5  0.7192744 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 590     36       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 591     36          NME3  0.5649069 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 592     36      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 593     36        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 594     36         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 595     36           ADK  1.7241557 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 596     36         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 597     36      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 598     36       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 599     36          GUK1  0.6872463 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 600     36        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.001353085  2.00000000
## 601    126         STK33  0.3537277 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 602    126         STK38  0.7217430 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 603    126         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 604    126         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 605    126         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 606    126           TTN -0.6633600 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 607    126 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 608    126         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 609    126       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 610    126       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 611    126        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 612    126         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 613    126        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 614    126          IFNG  0.2338462 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 615    126           ILK -0.6476593 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 616    126          GAB1  0.8795894 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 617    126          MLKL -1.5119558 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 618    126          INSR  1.6754155 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 619    126         PTPRJ  2.0703827 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 620    126         PTPRK -0.5188427 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 621    126           RET  1.1952974 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 622    126        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 623    126        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 624    126         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 625    126        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 626    126         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 627    126         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 628    126         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 629    126         STK10 -1.6727581 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 630    126         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 631    126        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 632    126         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 633    126         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 634    126         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 635    126        DUSP18  0.5473194 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 636    126          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 637    126         PTPLA -0.6633635 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 638    126         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 639    126           TEC  0.8492222 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 640    126          GPD2  1.8567918 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 641    126         PTPN9 -0.4899595 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 642    126        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 643    126         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 644    126        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 645    126           BMX  1.3892504 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 646    126        PTPN12 -0.3639878 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 647    126       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 648    126         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 649    126      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 650    126          ULK1  0.4108861 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 651    126        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 652    126          GRK4  0.5962996 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 653    126          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 654    126          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 655    126          ABL2  0.5324753 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 656    126          MYLK -0.4373395 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 657    126          SRMS  0.3448742 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 658    126         CDK19  0.4481980 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 659    126         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 660    126        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 661    126        CDC14A  1.5141344 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 662    126        CDC14B  0.6517828 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 663    126         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 664    126           FES -0.3553155 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 665    126     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 666    126           SLK -0.2902740 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 667    126          PAK4  0.6483046 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 668    126         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 669    126          PAK1  1.3962107 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 670    126         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 671    126          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 672    126         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 673    126          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 674    126        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 675    126           LYN -0.7283980 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 676    126         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 677    126       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 678    126         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 679    126         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 680    126         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 681    126         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 682    126         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 683    126       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 684    126        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 685    126         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 686    126         MAST2  0.3355945 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 687    126         PPM1J -0.8154987 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 688    126         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 689    126          CD81 -0.5231352 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 690    126          ERN1  0.7331847 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 691    126         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 692    126           NRK -0.6364746 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 693    126       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 694    126           FRK -0.6758771 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 695    126        NDUFB8  0.4313367 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 696    126        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 697    126           KIT -1.7946208 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 698    126        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 699    126         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 700    126        GNPTAB  0.4735567 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 701    126          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 702    126        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 703    126        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 704    126         MTMR6  0.6636260 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 705    126        PPAP2A -1.1172784 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 706    126        INPP5A -0.8953969 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 707    126         PTPRD  1.1541986 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 708    126         NCEH1  1.0271370 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 709    126         PTPRE -1.3376215 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 710    126         PTPRA -0.4583124 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 711    126        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 712    126        NDUFA7  1.1828203 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 713    126          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 714    126          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 715    126        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 716    126           ICK  0.4702803 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 717    126        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 718    126        PTP4A3 -0.6424650 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 719    126       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 720    126           FYN -1.6589775 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 721    126       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 722    126         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 723    126      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 724    126          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 725    126        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 726    126           F2R -2.1268269 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 727    126         STK33  0.3537277 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 728    126         STK38  0.7217430 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 729    126         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 730    126         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 731    126         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 732    126           TTN -0.6633600 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 733    126 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 734    126         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 735    126       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 736    126       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 737    126        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 738    126         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 739    126        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 740    126          IFNG  0.2338462 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 741    126           ILK -0.6476593 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 742    126          GAB1  0.8795894 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 743    126          MLKL -1.5119558 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 744    126          INSR  1.6754155 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 745    126         PTPRJ  2.0703827 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 746    126         PTPRK -0.5188427 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 747    126           RET  1.1952974 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 748    126        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 749    126        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 750    126         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 751    126        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 752    126         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 753    126         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 754    126         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 755    126         STK10 -1.6727581 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 756    126         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 757    126        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 758    126         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 759    126         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 760    126         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 761    126        DUSP18  0.5473194 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 762    126          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 763    126         PTPLA -0.6633635 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 764    126         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 765    126           TEC  0.8492222 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 766    126          GPD2  1.8567918 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 767    126         PTPN9 -0.4899595 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 768    126        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 769    126         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 770    126        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 771    126           BMX  1.3892504 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 772    126        PTPN12 -0.3639878 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 773    126       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 774    126         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 775    126      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 776    126          ULK1  0.4108861 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 777    126        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 778    126          GRK4  0.5962996 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 779    126          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 780    126          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 781    126          ABL2  0.5324753 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 782    126          MYLK -0.4373395 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 783    126          SRMS  0.3448742 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 784    126         CDK19  0.4481980 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 785    126         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 786    126        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 787    126        CDC14A  1.5141344 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 788    126        CDC14B  0.6517828 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 789    126         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 790    126           FES -0.3553155 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 791    126     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 792    126           SLK -0.2902740 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 793    126          PAK4  0.6483046 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 794    126         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 795    126          PAK1  1.3962107 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 796    126         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 797    126          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 798    126         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 799    126          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 800    126        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 801    126           LYN -0.7283980 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 802    126         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 803    126       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 804    126         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 805    126         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 806    126         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 807    126         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 808    126         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 809    126       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 810    126        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 811    126         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 812    126         MAST2  0.3355945 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 813    126         PPM1J -0.8154987 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 814    126         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 815    126          CD81 -0.5231352 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 816    126          ERN1  0.7331847 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 817    126         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 818    126           NRK -0.6364746 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 819    126       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 820    126           FRK -0.6758771 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 821    126        NDUFB8  0.4313367 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 822    126        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 823    126           KIT -1.7946208 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 824    126        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 825    126         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 826    126        GNPTAB  0.4735567 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 827    126          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 828    126        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 829    126        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 830    126         MTMR6  0.6636260 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 831    126        PPAP2A -1.1172784 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 832    126        INPP5A -0.8953969 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 833    126         PTPRD  1.1541986 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 834    126         NCEH1  1.0271370 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 835    126         PTPRE -1.3376215 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 836    126         PTPRA -0.4583124 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 837    126        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 838    126        NDUFA7  1.1828203 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 839    126          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 840    126          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 841    126        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 842    126           ICK  0.4702803 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 843    126        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 844    126        PTP4A3 -0.6424650 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 845    126       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 846    126           FYN -1.6589775 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 847    126       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 848    126         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 849    126      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 850    126          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 851    126        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 852    126           F2R -2.1268269 0.001270203 -0.35634832
## 853     39         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 854     39        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 855     39         CYTH1 -1.1177472 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 856     39         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 857     39         ITPKB -1.5375458 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 858     39         CYTH3  0.7799272 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 859     39         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 860     39         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 861     39           TTN -0.6633600 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 862     39         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 863     39       PLEKHG3 -0.6694064 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 864     39       PLEKHG2 -0.6102567 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 865     39         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 866     39       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 867     39         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 868     39       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 869     39          SOS1  0.6901445 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 870     39       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 871     39       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 872     39        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 873     39       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 874     39          FGD6  0.8087772 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 875     39          NET1  2.1337566 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 876     39          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 877     39       ARHGEF7 -0.9810444 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 878     39       ARHGEF6 -0.8665290 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 879     39           NF1 -0.7011862 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 880     39      ARHGEF15 -1.0022907 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 881     39        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 882     39      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 883     39         FARP1  0.4665632 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 884     39         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 885     39         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 886     39       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 887     39         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 888     39          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 889     39         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 890     39         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 891     39         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.001252343 -0.48038446
## 892     19         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 893     19          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 894     19          RXRA -0.3709072 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 895     19         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 896     19         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 897     19          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 898     19           TTN -0.6633600 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 899     19         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 900     19         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 901     19         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 902     19         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 903     19         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 904     19          MURC  1.6012508 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 905     19         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 906     19           PLN -2.0734027 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 907     19         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 908     19        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 909     19         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 910     19          MKL2  1.1871092 0.001203526 -1.60591014
## 911     55          EDN1  1.3813006 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 912     55         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 913     55         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 914     55         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 915     55          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 916     55         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 917     55         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 918     55       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 919     55        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 920     55        NDUFS4  0.5947243 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 921     55         CERKL  0.8624001 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 922     55         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 923     55          IFNG  0.2338462 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 924     55          GAB1  0.8795894 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 925     55        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 926     55       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 927     55       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 928     55          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 929     55           LYN -0.7283980 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 930     55       CCDC88C -0.8672074 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 931     55          PKIG  0.5947590 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 932     55          THY1 -0.5538562 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 933     55        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 934     55         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 935     55         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 936     55          CD81 -0.5231352 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 937     55          ERN1  0.7331847 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 938     55           NRK -0.6364746 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 939     55       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 940     55          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 941     55           TNF -0.5241138 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 942     55         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 943     55       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 944     55         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 945     55           KIT -1.7946208 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 946     55         CD24A  0.8402202 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 947     55        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 948     55        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 949     55          DGKD -1.1848871 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 950     55          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 951     55          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 952     55        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 953     55         HCLS1 -1.7060483 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 954     55        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 955     55           NF1 -0.7011862 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 956     55          DGKH -0.9312461 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 957     55        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 958     55        CDKN1C -0.6908404 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 959     55        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 960     55          TSC2  0.4849051 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 961     55         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 962     55          LRP8  3.3563987 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 963     55        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 964     55         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 965     55           F2R -2.1268269 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 966     55          EDN1  1.3813006 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 967     55         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 968     55         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 969     55         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 970     55          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 971     55         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 972     55         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 973     55       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 974     55        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 975     55        NDUFS4  0.5947243 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 976     55         CERKL  0.8624001 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 977     55         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 978     55          IFNG  0.2338462 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 979     55          GAB1  0.8795894 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 980     55        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 981     55       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 982     55       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 983     55          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 984     55           LYN -0.7283980 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 985     55       CCDC88C -0.8672074 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 986     55          PKIG  0.5947590 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 987     55          THY1 -0.5538562 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 988     55        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 989     55         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 990     55         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 991     55          CD81 -0.5231352 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 992     55          ERN1  0.7331847 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 993     55           NRK -0.6364746 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 994     55       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 995     55          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 996     55           TNF -0.5241138 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 997     55         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 998     55       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 999     55         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1000    55           KIT -1.7946208 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1001    55         CD24A  0.8402202 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1002    55        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1003    55        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1004    55          DGKD -1.1848871 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1005    55          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1006    55          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1007    55        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1008    55         HCLS1 -1.7060483 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1009    55        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1010    55           NF1 -0.7011862 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1011    55          DGKH -0.9312461 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1012    55        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1013    55        CDKN1C -0.6908404 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1014    55        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1015    55          TSC2  0.4849051 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1016    55         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1017    55          LRP8  3.3563987 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1018    55        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1019    55         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1020    55           F2R -2.1268269 0.001913479 -1.21355975
## 1021    45         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1022    45        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1023    45         CYTH1 -1.1177472 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1024    45         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1025    45         ITPKB -1.5375458 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1026    45         CYTH3  0.7799272 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1027    45         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1028    45         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1029    45           TTN -0.6633600 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1030    45        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1031    45         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1032    45       PLEKHG3 -0.6694064 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1033    45       PLEKHG2 -0.6102567 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1034    45         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1035    45       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1036    45         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1037    45       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1038    45          SOS1  0.6901445 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1039    45       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1040    45       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1041    45       RAPGEF5 -0.9085571 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1042    45        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1043    45       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1044    45       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1045    45          FGD6  0.8087772 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1046    45       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1047    45          NET1  2.1337566 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1048    45          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1049    45       ARHGEF7 -0.9810444 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1050    45       ARHGEF6 -0.8665290 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1051    45           NF1 -0.7011862 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1052    45      ARHGEF15 -1.0022907 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1053    45        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1054    45      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1055    45         FARP1  0.4665632 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1056    45      RALGAPA2 -0.9383071 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1057    45         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1058    45         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1059    45       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1060    45         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1061    45          TSC2  0.4849051 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1062    45          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1063    45         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1064    45         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1065    45         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.001866874 -0.74535599
## 1066    37          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1067    37         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1068    37          COBL -0.4528756 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1069    37          BBS4  0.7917331 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1070    37          ENAH -0.8317531 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1071    37          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1072    37         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1073    37           PGF -0.2973380 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1074    37           TNC -0.4306758 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1075    37        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1076    37         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1077    37          SOX9  0.4360159 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1078    37          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1079    37         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1080    37          CD44 -1.0396956 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1081    37         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1082    37          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1083    37           ILK -0.6476593 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1084    37        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1085    37        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1086    37          CAR2  1.6099806 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1087    37           RET  1.1952974 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1088    37            AR -1.1537604 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1089    37        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1090    37          TBX4  1.3234618 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1091    37          FZD3  1.6364110 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1092    37        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1093    37          FZD6  1.3453589 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1094    37         HOXB4 -1.1697221 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1095    37          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1096    37          HHEX  0.8277356 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1097    37         NCOA3 -0.5739101 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1098    37         FREM2  0.8510785 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1099    37          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1100    37          TSC2  0.4849051 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1101    37         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1102    37       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.002050367 -0.49319696
## 1103    47       MORF4L1  0.3340356 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1104    47         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1105    47         PPARD  0.6858954 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1106    47           TNF -0.5241138 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1107    47          HPRT  0.6275924 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1108    47           PGF -0.2973380 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1109    47          ELF4 -1.1520835 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1110    47         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1111    47           KIT -1.7946208 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1112    47          SOX9  0.4360159 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1113    47         NAA35  0.5983877 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1114    47         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1115    47         ASAH2 -1.4975050 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1116    47       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1117    47       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1118    47         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1119    47      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1120    47          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1121    47          NUMB -0.8725376 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1122    47        COL8A1 -1.2164318 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1123    47          FIGF  2.5392280 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1124    47        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1125    47         ERCC1 -1.0738176 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1126    47         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1127    47          KLK8 -0.8917271 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1128    47         MKI67 -0.9367946 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1129    47        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1130    47        IFLTD1  1.1248690 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1131    47          RXRA -0.3709072 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1132    47          SRA1  0.5567935 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1133    47         ALMS1  0.5198716 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1134    47          TBX1  1.5705826 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1135    47         PARK7  0.6154578 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1136    47         TACC2 -0.7724021 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1137    47         HOXB4 -1.1697221 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1138    47        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1139    47          HHEX  0.8277356 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1140    47        IFNAR2  1.0208988 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1141    47         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1142    47         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1143    47         UHRF2 -0.5309022 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1144    47           FYN -1.6589775 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1145    47         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1146    47        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1147    47         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1148    47         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1149    47          MDM4 -0.5209411 0.002729180  0.14586499
## 1150    84          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1151    84          EDN3  1.7639457 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1152    84         PPARD  0.6858954 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1153    84         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1154    84      MARCKSL1 -1.0333719 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1155    84          E2F7 -0.5010296 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1156    84          IL18  0.8877106 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1157    84         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1158    84         PPARG -3.6760365 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1159    84          EDN1  1.3813006 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1160    84         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1161    84         FOXO1  0.5687106 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1162    84          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1163    84          PAWR -1.3423915 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1164    84         SKAP2 -0.9585752 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1165    84         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1166    84           H19 -1.4869933 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1167    84         FANCL  0.5075722 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1168    84       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1169    84        CDKN2B  0.9001352 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1170    84         PTGES  1.1106779 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1171    84           ANG  1.7859395 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1172    84        CHST11  0.4878666 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1173    84           ILK -0.6476593 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1174    84          IFNG  0.2338462 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1175    84          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1176    84          ASPH -1.0012558 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1177    84          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1178    84          FGF3  0.1964655 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1179    84        AGPAT1  0.7000593 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1180    84            AR -1.1537604 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1181    84           LYN -0.7283980 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1182    84         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1183    84          MBD2 -0.4019016 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1184    84         VASH1 -0.6599811 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1185    84          MYCN -0.5404670 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1186    84          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1187    84          CD38 -1.4982516 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1188    84          HHEX  0.8277356 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1189    84         CCND2 -1.3528372 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1190    84           GRN -0.5220210 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1191    84          CD81 -0.5231352 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1192    84          MDM4 -0.5209411 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1193    84       SMARCA2  0.6933511 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1194    84         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1195    84          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1196    84         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1197    84           TNF -0.5241138 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1198    84       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1199    84           KIT -1.7946208 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1200    84         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1201    84          SOX9  0.4360159 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1202    84         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1203    84         CD24A  0.8402202 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1204    84          FTH1  0.2544095 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1205    84          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1206    84        PRL2C3 -1.7891221 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1207    84           CD9 -0.7653465 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1208    84          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1209    84         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1210    84         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1211    84         AXIN2  2.2609655 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1212    84          FIGF  2.5392280 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1213    84        FGFBP1  0.2823305 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1214    84           DPT -3.2040615 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1215    84          TCF7  1.4753181 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1216    84         HCLS1 -1.7060483 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1217    84           NF1 -0.7011862 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1218    84        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1219    84        NDFIP1  0.4020166 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1220    84         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1221    84        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1222    84          IDO1 -0.5535398 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1223    84         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1224    84          CBLB -1.0784070 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1225    84       PLA2G4A  3.0518281 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1226    84          TSC2  0.4849051 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1227    84        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1228    84         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1229    84         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1230    84         NR5A2 -0.7327046 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1231    84        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1232    84           F2R -2.1268269 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1233    84         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.003188633 -1.30930734
## 1234    40          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1235    40       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1236    40          EDN1  1.3813006 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1237    40         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1238    40         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1239    40         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1240    40          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1241    40           KIT -1.7946208 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1242    40         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1243    40         CD24A  0.8402202 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1244    40         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1245    40        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1246    40       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1247    40         CERKL  0.8624001 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1248    40          DGKD -1.1848871 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1249    40         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1250    40        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1251    40          GAB1  0.8795894 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1252    40        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1253    40          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1254    40       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1255    40          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1256    40        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1257    40          PKIG  0.5947590 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1258    40           NF1 -0.7011862 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1259    40        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1260    40          DGKH -0.9312461 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1261    40          THY1 -0.5538562 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1262    40        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1263    40         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1264    40         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1265    40          CD81 -0.5231352 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1266    40          TSC2  0.4849051 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1267    40          ERN1  0.7331847 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1268    40         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1269    40           NRK -0.6364746 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1270    40          LRP8  3.3563987 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1271    40       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1272    40           F2R -2.1268269 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1273    40         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.003275992 -0.63245553
## 1274    39          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1275    39       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1276    39          EDN1  1.3813006 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1277    39         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1278    39         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1279    39         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1280    39          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1281    39           KIT -1.7946208 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1282    39         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1283    39         CD24A  0.8402202 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1284    39         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1285    39        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1286    39         CERKL  0.8624001 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1287    39          DGKD -1.1848871 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1288    39         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1289    39        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1290    39          GAB1  0.8795894 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1291    39        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1292    39          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1293    39       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1294    39          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1295    39        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1296    39          PKIG  0.5947590 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1297    39           NF1 -0.7011862 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1298    39        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1299    39          DGKH -0.9312461 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1300    39          THY1 -0.5538562 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1301    39        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1302    39         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1303    39         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1304    39          CD81 -0.5231352 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1305    39          TSC2  0.4849051 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1306    39          ERN1  0.7331847 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1307    39         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1308    39           NRK -0.6364746 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1309    39          LRP8  3.3563987 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1310    39       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1311    39           F2R -2.1268269 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1312    39         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.003148504 -0.80064077
## 1313    27          EDN3  1.7639457 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1314    27          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1315    27         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1316    27          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1317    27       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1318    27         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1319    27          EDN1  1.3813006 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1320    27         G6PDX  0.7531315 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1321    27          ADH5  0.5465136 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1322    27         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1323    27          GCLM  0.6004267 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1324    27         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1325    27       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1326    27          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1327    27          APOE  0.8698346 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1328    27        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1329    27          NOS1  0.4966184 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1330    27          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1331    27        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1332    27          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1333    27         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1334    27            F5  1.0342927 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1335    27           NTS -1.3294272 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1336    27         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1337    27         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1338    27         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1339    27         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1340    27          EDN3  1.7639457 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1341    27          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1342    27         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1343    27          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1344    27       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1345    27         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1346    27          EDN1  1.3813006 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1347    27         G6PDX  0.7531315 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1348    27          ADH5  0.5465136 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1349    27         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1350    27          GCLM  0.6004267 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1351    27         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1352    27       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1353    27          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1354    27          APOE  0.8698346 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1355    27        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1356    27          NOS1  0.4966184 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1357    27          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1358    27        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1359    27          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1360    27         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1361    27            F5  1.0342927 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1362    27           NTS -1.3294272 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1363    27         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1364    27         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1365    27         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1366    27         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.003110982  0.19245009
## 1367    50        SCHIP1 -0.9067536 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1368    50        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1369    50          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1370    50         LTBP1 -1.7956945 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1371    50         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1372    50         FOXO1  0.5687106 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1373    50         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1374    50         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1375    50          GAB1  0.8795894 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1376    50          PAK1  1.3962107 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1377    50          INSR  1.6754155 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1378    50       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1379    50          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1380    50          FGF3  0.1964655 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1381    50         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1382    50          GNG7  0.5588479 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1383    50           RET  1.1952974 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1384    50          FLNA -0.6730172 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1385    50        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1386    50          DOK4 -0.7964436 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1387    50        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1388    50         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1389    50         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1390    50         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1391    50         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1392    50          FUT8  1.2998120 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1393    50         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1394    50           KIT -1.7946208 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1395    50         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1396    50         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1397    50         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1398    50          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1399    50          SOS1  0.6901445 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1400    50          AGRN  0.9924072 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1401    50          FIGF  2.5392280 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1402    50         TXNIP -1.0032635 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1403    50          PLAT  1.6281646 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1404    50         PTPRE -1.3376215 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1405    50        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1406    50         PTPRA -0.4583124 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1407    50         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1408    50         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1409    50          TSC2  0.4849051 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1410    50          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1411    50         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1412    50        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1413    50       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1414    50         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1415    50          BMP6 -2.3351671 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1416    50          TOB1  1.1827590 0.003126833  0.56568542
## 1417    45         GNA13  0.3711599 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1418    45         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1419    45          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1420    45           TNF -0.5241138 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1421    45         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1422    45         STK38  0.7217430 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1423    45          EDN1  1.3813006 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1424    45         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1425    45         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1426    45        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1427    45         FGF13  0.4341191 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1428    45          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1429    45         ITPKB -1.5375458 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1430    45         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1431    45           KIT -1.7946208 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1432    45        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1433    45         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1434    45          IFNG  0.2338462 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1435    45          GAB1  0.8795894 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1436    45          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1437    45        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1438    45          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1439    45        AGPAT1  0.7000593 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1440    45           RET  1.1952974 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1441    45        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1442    45       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1443    45           NF1 -0.7011862 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1444    45          TIFA  0.8288202 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1445    45         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1446    45        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1447    45         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1448    45        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1449    45        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1450    45           ICK  0.4702803 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1451    45         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1452    45          DOK4 -0.7964436 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1453    45       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1454    45       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1455    45          TSC2  0.4849051 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1456    45          CD81 -0.5231352 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1457    45         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1458    45          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1459    45           NRK -0.6364746 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1460    45         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1461    45           F2R -2.1268269 0.002998019 -1.04349839
## 1462    38          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1463    38       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1464    38          EDN1  1.3813006 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1465    38         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1466    38         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1467    38         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1468    38          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1469    38           KIT -1.7946208 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1470    38         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1471    38         CD24A  0.8402202 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1472    38         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1473    38        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1474    38         CERKL  0.8624001 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1475    38          DGKD -1.1848871 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1476    38         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1477    38        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1478    38          GAB1  0.8795894 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1479    38        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1480    38          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1481    38       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1482    38        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1483    38          PKIG  0.5947590 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1484    38           NF1 -0.7011862 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1485    38        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1486    38          DGKH -0.9312461 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1487    38          THY1 -0.5538562 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1488    38        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1489    38         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1490    38         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1491    38          CD81 -0.5231352 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1492    38          TSC2  0.4849051 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1493    38          ERN1  0.7331847 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1494    38         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1495    38           NRK -0.6364746 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1496    38          LRP8  3.3563987 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1497    38       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1498    38           F2R -2.1268269 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1499    38         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.002993049 -0.64888568
## 1500    86          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1501    86          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1502    86         PPARD  0.6858954 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1503    86         AEBP1 -0.5444574 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1504    86          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1505    86          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1506    86         CADM1  1.8215955 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1507    86        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1508    86         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1509    86        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1510    86         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1511    86          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1512    86         POSTN -1.9800983 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1513    86         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1514    86         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1515    86         CERKL  0.8624001 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1516    86          CD44 -1.0396956 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1517    86         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1518    86           ZYX -1.0582733 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1519    86       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1520    86         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1521    86           RET  1.1952974 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1522    86          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1523    86         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1524    86            F8 -0.5775755 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1525    86          LEF1  4.2312762 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1526    86         MFGE8 -1.4562858 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1527    86         CD164  0.4820687 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1528    86          THY1 -0.5538562 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1529    86           JUP -1.0516396 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1530    86         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1531    86          CD36 -7.1283219 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1532    86          PGM5  1.9231251 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1533    86            F5  1.0342927 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1534    86        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1535    86          NPTN -0.4668163 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1536    86         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1537    86           DST -0.9919195 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1538    86          JAM3 -1.3508916 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1539    86         PARVB  1.1023674 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1540    86         PARVA -0.7543596 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1541    86         PARD3  1.7035204 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1542    86           TNC -0.4306758 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1543    86         ITGB5 -2.0664620 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1544    86         NEDD9 -0.6632265 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1545    86        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1546    86          CDH2  1.2832653 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1547    86          SOX9  0.4360159 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1548    86         CD24A  0.8402202 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1549    86         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1550    86          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1551    86         DCHS1 -0.9529726 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1552    86        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1553    86        ITGBL1 -0.4521872 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1554    86           CD9 -0.7653465 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1555    86         KLRA9 -3.5714939 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1556    86       PCDHB16 -0.5630452 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1557    86          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1558    86          AATF -0.5714165 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1559    86        SSX2IP  1.8684610 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1560    86        COL8A1 -1.2164318 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1561    86           FN1  1.8449363 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1562    86           DPT -3.2040615 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1563    86        ADAM23 -1.0844037 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1564    86        LGALS1 -2.2474624 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1565    86        PCDH10  0.2447438 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1566    86       COL15A1 -0.8785426 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1567    86         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1568    86        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1569    86          NID1 -1.3734728 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1570    86         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1571    86        PCDH17 -2.0914267 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1572    86          MCAM -2.2179162 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1573    86       EMILIN1 -0.4076632 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1574    86         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1575    86           VWF  1.7620703 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1576    86         ITGA9 -1.7933917 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1577    86         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1578    86         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1579    86         STAB1 -0.4562437 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1580    86         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1581    86         FREM2  0.8510785 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1582    86          CDON  0.5243444 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1583    86         FBLN5 -1.8087355 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1584    86         TCAM1  0.2929374 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1585    86          ABL2  0.5324753 0.003576524 -3.01931765
## 1586    36         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1587    36         NAMPT  1.7824726 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1588    36          HPRT  0.6275924 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1589    36        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1590    36         G6PDX  0.7531315 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1591    36        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1592    36         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1593    36          PTH2 -0.2315507 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1594    36         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1595    36        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1596    36        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1597    36        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1598    36       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1599    36        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1600    36        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1601    36        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1602    36         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1603    36        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1604    36          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1605    36        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1606    36          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1607    36        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1608    36         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1609    36       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1610    36          NME5  0.7192744 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1611    36       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1612    36          NME3  0.5649069 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1613    36      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1614    36        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1615    36         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1616    36           ADK  1.7241557 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1617    36      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1618    36       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1619    36         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1620    36         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1621    36        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.003579722  1.66666667
## 1622    86          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1623    86          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1624    86         PPARD  0.6858954 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1625    86         AEBP1 -0.5444574 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1626    86          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1627    86          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1628    86         CADM1  1.8215955 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1629    86        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1630    86         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1631    86        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1632    86         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1633    86          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1634    86         POSTN -1.9800983 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1635    86         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1636    86         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1637    86         CERKL  0.8624001 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1638    86          CD44 -1.0396956 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1639    86         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1640    86           ZYX -1.0582733 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1641    86       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1642    86         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1643    86           RET  1.1952974 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1644    86          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1645    86         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1646    86            F8 -0.5775755 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1647    86          LEF1  4.2312762 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1648    86         MFGE8 -1.4562858 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1649    86         CD164  0.4820687 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1650    86          THY1 -0.5538562 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1651    86           JUP -1.0516396 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1652    86         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1653    86          CD36 -7.1283219 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1654    86          PGM5  1.9231251 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1655    86            F5  1.0342927 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1656    86        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1657    86          NPTN -0.4668163 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1658    86         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1659    86           DST -0.9919195 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1660    86          JAM3 -1.3508916 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1661    86         PARVB  1.1023674 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1662    86         PARVA -0.7543596 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1663    86         PARD3  1.7035204 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1664    86           TNC -0.4306758 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1665    86         ITGB5 -2.0664620 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1666    86         NEDD9 -0.6632265 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1667    86        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1668    86          CDH2  1.2832653 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1669    86          SOX9  0.4360159 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1670    86         CD24A  0.8402202 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1671    86         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1672    86          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1673    86         DCHS1 -0.9529726 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1674    86        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1675    86        ITGBL1 -0.4521872 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1676    86           CD9 -0.7653465 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1677    86         KLRA9 -3.5714939 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1678    86       PCDHB16 -0.5630452 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1679    86          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1680    86          AATF -0.5714165 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1681    86        SSX2IP  1.8684610 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1682    86        COL8A1 -1.2164318 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1683    86           FN1  1.8449363 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1684    86           DPT -3.2040615 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1685    86        ADAM23 -1.0844037 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1686    86        LGALS1 -2.2474624 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1687    86        PCDH10  0.2447438 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1688    86       COL15A1 -0.8785426 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1689    86         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1690    86        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1691    86          NID1 -1.3734728 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1692    86         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1693    86        PCDH17 -2.0914267 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1694    86          MCAM -2.2179162 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1695    86       EMILIN1 -0.4076632 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1696    86         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1697    86           VWF  1.7620703 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1698    86         ITGA9 -1.7933917 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1699    86         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1700    86         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1701    86         STAB1 -0.4562437 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1702    86         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1703    86         FREM2  0.8510785 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1704    86          CDON  0.5243444 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1705    86         FBLN5 -1.8087355 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1706    86         TCAM1  0.2929374 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1707    86          ABL2  0.5324753 0.003570881 -3.01931765
## 1708    29          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1709    29          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1710    29           TNC -0.4306758 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1711    29          UTRN  0.6515582 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1712    29        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1713    29         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1714    29           TTN -0.6633600 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1715    29         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1716    29         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1717    29         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1718    29          AGRN  0.9924072 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1719    29          MKL2  1.1871092 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1720    29          PAK1  1.3962107 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1721    29         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1722    29          RXRA -0.3709072 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1723    29           NF1 -0.7011862 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1724    29         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1725    29         MYLPF  1.0616846 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1726    29          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1727    29         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1728    29         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1729    29         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1730    29          MURC  1.6012508 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1731    29         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1732    29           PLN -2.0734027 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1733    29         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1734    29        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1735    29         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1736    29           F2R -2.1268269 0.003738387 -1.67125804
## 1737    49          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1738    49          ENAH -0.8317531 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1739    49          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1740    49         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1741    49           PGF -0.2973380 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1742    49         PPARG -3.6760365 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1743    49         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1744    49          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1745    49          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1746    49          CD44 -1.0396956 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1747    49         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1748    49           ILK -0.6476593 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1749    49        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1750    49          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1751    49           RET  1.1952974 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1752    49            AR -1.1537604 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1753    49          STX2 -1.4672858 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1754    49          RXRA -0.3709072 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1755    49        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1756    49          HHEX  0.8277356 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1757    49          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1758    49         NCOA3 -0.5739101 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1759    49       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1760    49         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1761    49          COBL -0.4528756 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1762    49          BBS4  0.7917331 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1763    49         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1764    49           TNC -0.4306758 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1765    49        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1766    49         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1767    49          SOX9  0.4360159 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1768    49           WT1 -2.4578951 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1769    49         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1770    49         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1771    49          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1772    49        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1773    49          CAR2  1.6099806 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1774    49        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1775    49        PPHLN1  0.5788218 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1776    49          TBX4  1.3234618 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1777    49         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1778    49          FZD3  1.6364110 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1779    49        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1780    49          FZD6  1.3453589 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1781    49         HOXB4 -1.1697221 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1782    49         FREM2  0.8510785 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1783    49          TSC2  0.4849051 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1784    49          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1785    49         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.004086705 -1.28571429
## 1786    48          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1787    48         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1788    48         GNA13  0.3711599 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1789    48          BBS4  0.7917331 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1790    48          COBL -0.4528756 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1791    48          ENAH -0.8317531 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1792    48          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1793    48           PGF -0.2973380 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1794    48          EDN1  1.3813006 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1795    48         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1796    48         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1797    48          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1798    48         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1799    48          GJA5 -2.4542500 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1800    48          ZIC3  3.9539621 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1801    48          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1802    48       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1803    48          CD44 -1.0396956 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1804    48         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1805    48         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1806    48         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1807    48          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1808    48           ILK -0.6476593 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1809    48         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1810    48        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1811    48         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1812    48          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1813    48           RET  1.1952974 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1814    48            AR -1.1537604 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1815    48        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1816    48        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1817    48          TBX4  1.3234618 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1818    48         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1819    48          FZD3  1.6364110 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1820    48        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1821    48         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1822    48          FZD6  1.3453589 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1823    48          MYCN -0.5404670 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1824    48          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1825    48          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1826    48          HHEX  0.8277356 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1827    48         NCOA3 -0.5739101 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1828    48          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1829    48          TSC2  0.4849051 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1830    48        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1831    48         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1832    48         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1833    48         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.004159706 -0.86602540
## 1834    69          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1835    69         GNA13  0.3711599 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1836    69          ENAH -0.8317531 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1837    69        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1838    69          EDN1  1.3813006 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1839    69         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1840    69          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1841    69           TTN -0.6633600 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1842    69          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1843    69         CERKL  0.8624001 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1844    69         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1845    69      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1846    69        CHST11  0.4878666 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1847    69          GAB1  0.8795894 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1848    69       ANKRD11 -0.4816916 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1849    69          ETL4 -2.0147985 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1850    69          MKL2  1.1871092 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1851    69            AR -1.1537604 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1852    69        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1853    69        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1854    69          LEF1  4.2312762 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1855    69          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1856    69        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1857    69          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1858    69         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1859    69           GRN -0.5220210 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1860    69        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1861    69         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1862    69         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1863    69         EGFL8  0.7083324 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1864    69         PRDM1 -1.0592437 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1865    69          COBL -0.4528756 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1866    69          BBS4  0.7917331 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1867    69          TCAP -0.7520534 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1868    69         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1869    69         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1870    69          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1871    69         FBXW8  0.2606359 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1872    69        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1873    69         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1874    69       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1875    69          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1876    69         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1877    69         AXIN2  2.2609655 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1878    69         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1879    69          ENO1  0.6613974 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1880    69          TCF7  1.4753181 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1881    69        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1882    69        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1883    69           NF1 -0.7011862 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1884    69         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1885    69        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1886    69         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1887    69          FZD3  1.6364110 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1888    69          TBX1  1.5705826 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1889    69          FZD6  1.3453589 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1890    69        HBA-A1 -1.5501629 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1891    69         HOXB4 -1.1697221 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1892    69        HBA-A2 -1.5726738 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1893    69         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1894    69         MEOX1 -2.1677938 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1895    69          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1896    69          TSC2  0.4849051 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1897    69        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1898    69      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1899    69         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1900    69          AMOT  1.0877881 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1901    69         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1902    69         TCF15 -1.8189971 0.004546102 -0.60192927
## 1903    30        SCHIP1 -0.9067536 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1904    30          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1905    30          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1906    30           TNC -0.4306758 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1907    30          UTRN  0.6515582 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1908    30        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1909    30         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1910    30           TTN -0.6633600 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1911    30         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1912    30         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1913    30         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1914    30          AGRN  0.9924072 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1915    30          MKL2  1.1871092 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1916    30          PAK1  1.3962107 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1917    30         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1918    30          RXRA -0.3709072 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1919    30           NF1 -0.7011862 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1920    30         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1921    30         MYLPF  1.0616846 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1922    30          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1923    30         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1924    30         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1925    30         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1926    30          MURC  1.6012508 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1927    30         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1928    30           PLN -2.0734027 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1929    30         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1930    30        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1931    30         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1932    30           F2R -2.1268269 0.004579589 -1.82574186
## 1933    35          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1934    35         GNA13  0.3711599 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1935    35         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1936    35          COBL -0.4528756 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1937    35          BBS4  0.7917331 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1938    35          ENAH -0.8317531 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1939    35          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1940    35           PGF -0.2973380 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1941    35          EDN1  1.3813006 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1942    35          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1943    35         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1944    35          ZIC3  3.9539621 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1945    35          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1946    35          CD44 -1.0396956 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1947    35         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1948    35         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1949    35          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1950    35           ILK -0.6476593 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1951    35        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1952    35           RET  1.1952974 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1953    35            AR -1.1537604 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1954    35        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1955    35        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1956    35         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1957    35          FZD3  1.6364110 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1958    35        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1959    35          FZD6  1.3453589 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1960    35          MYCN -0.5404670 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1961    35          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1962    35          HHEX  0.8277356 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1963    35         NCOA3 -0.5739101 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1964    35          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1965    35          TSC2  0.4849051 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1966    35         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1967    35         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.004681002 -0.50709255
## 1968    30         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1969    30          HPRT  0.6275924 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1970    30        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1971    30        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1972    30         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1973    30          PTH2 -0.2315507 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1974    30        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1975    30        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1976    30        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1977    30        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1978    30       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1979    30        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1980    30         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1981    30        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1982    30          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1983    30        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1984    30        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1985    30          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1986    30         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1987    30       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1988    30          NME5  0.7192744 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1989    30       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1990    30      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1991    30          NME3  0.5649069 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1992    30        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1993    30         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1994    30           ADK  1.7241557 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1995    30      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1996    30       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1997    30        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.004965218  1.46059349
## 1998    36         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 1999    36         NAMPT  1.7824726 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2000    36          HPRT  0.6275924 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2001    36        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2002    36         G6PDX  0.7531315 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2003    36        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2004    36         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2005    36          PTH2 -0.2315507 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2006    36         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2007    36        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2008    36        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2009    36        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2010    36       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2011    36        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2012    36        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2013    36        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2014    36         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2015    36        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2016    36          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2017    36        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2018    36          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2019    36        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2020    36         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2021    36       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2022    36          NME5  0.7192744 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2023    36       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2024    36          NME3  0.5649069 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2025    36      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2026    36        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2027    36         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2028    36           ADK  1.7241557 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2029    36      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2030    36       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2031    36         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2032    36         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2033    36        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2034    36         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2035    36         NAMPT  1.7824726 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2036    36          HPRT  0.6275924 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2037    36        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2038    36         G6PDX  0.7531315 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2039    36        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2040    36         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2041    36          PTH2 -0.2315507 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2042    36         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2043    36        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2044    36        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2045    36        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2046    36       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2047    36        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2048    36        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2049    36        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2050    36         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2051    36        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2052    36          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2053    36        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2054    36          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2055    36        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2056    36         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2057    36       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2058    36          NME5  0.7192744 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2059    36       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2060    36          NME3  0.5649069 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2061    36      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2062    36        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2063    36         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2064    36           ADK  1.7241557 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2065    36      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2066    36       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2067    36         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2068    36         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2069    36        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.004932658  1.66666667
## 2070    16          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2071    16          EDN3  1.7639457 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2072    16           RET  1.1952974 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2073    16         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2074    16          EDN1  1.3813006 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2075    16        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2076    16          LEF1  4.2312762 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2077    16          TBX1  1.5705826 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2078    16          SOX9  0.4360159 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2079    16         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2080    16         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2081    16        SEMA3F -0.9614271 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2082    16          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2083    16         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2084    16        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2085    16         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.005273461  0.00000000
## 2086    69          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2087    69         GNA13  0.3711599 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2088    69          ENAH -0.8317531 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2089    69        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2090    69          EDN1  1.3813006 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2091    69         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2092    69          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2093    69           TTN -0.6633600 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2094    69          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2095    69         CERKL  0.8624001 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2096    69         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2097    69      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2098    69        CHST11  0.4878666 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2099    69          GAB1  0.8795894 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2100    69       ANKRD11 -0.4816916 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2101    69          ETL4 -2.0147985 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2102    69          MKL2  1.1871092 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2103    69            AR -1.1537604 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2104    69        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2105    69        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2106    69          LEF1  4.2312762 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2107    69          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2108    69        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2109    69          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2110    69         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2111    69           GRN -0.5220210 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2112    69        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2113    69         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2114    69         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2115    69         EGFL8  0.7083324 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2116    69         PRDM1 -1.0592437 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2117    69          COBL -0.4528756 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2118    69          BBS4  0.7917331 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2119    69          TCAP -0.7520534 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2120    69         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2121    69         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2122    69          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2123    69         FBXW8  0.2606359 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2124    69        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2125    69         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2126    69       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2127    69          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2128    69         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2129    69         AXIN2  2.2609655 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2130    69         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2131    69          ENO1  0.6613974 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2132    69          TCF7  1.4753181 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2133    69        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2134    69        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2135    69           NF1 -0.7011862 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2136    69         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2137    69        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2138    69         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2139    69          FZD3  1.6364110 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2140    69          TBX1  1.5705826 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2141    69          FZD6  1.3453589 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2142    69        HBA-A1 -1.5501629 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2143    69         HOXB4 -1.1697221 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2144    69        HBA-A2 -1.5726738 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2145    69         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2146    69         MEOX1 -2.1677938 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2147    69          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2148    69          TSC2  0.4849051 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2149    69        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2150    69      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2151    69         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2152    69          AMOT  1.0877881 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2153    69         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2154    69         TCF15 -1.8189971 0.005136731 -0.60192927
## 2155    11         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2156    11          MURC  1.6012508 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2157    11         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2158    11          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2159    11          CNN3 -0.6783180 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2160    11          TCAP -0.7520534 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2161    11        LIMCH1  0.4431912 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2162    11          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2163    11           TTN -0.6633600 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2164    11        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2165    11         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.005811078 -1.50755672
## 2166    35        SCHIP1 -0.9067536 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2167    35          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2168    35          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2169    35           TNC -0.4306758 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2170    35          UTRN  0.6515582 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2171    35        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2172    35         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2173    35           TTN -0.6633600 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2174    35         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2175    35         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2176    35         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2177    35          MKL2  1.1871092 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2178    35          PAK1  1.3962107 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2179    35          AGRN  0.9924072 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2180    35        UNC45B -0.5065688 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2181    35         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2182    35         CRYAB -0.9114836 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2183    35          RXRA -0.3709072 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2184    35           NF1 -0.7011862 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2185    35         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2186    35         MYLPF  1.0616846 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2187    35          TBX1  1.5705826 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2188    35          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2189    35         CD164  0.4820687 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2190    35         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2191    35         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2192    35         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2193    35          MURC  1.6012508 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2194    35         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2195    35           PLN -2.0734027 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2196    35        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2197    35         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2198    35         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2199    35         TCF15 -1.8189971 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2200    35           F2R -2.1268269 0.007240790 -1.85933936
## 2201    31          NEPN -1.8400647 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2202    31           TNF -0.5241138 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2203    31         CADM1  1.8215955 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2204    31        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2205    31           TNC -0.4306758 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2206    31          UTRN  0.6515582 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2207    31         POSTN -1.9800983 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2208    31          CDH2  1.2832653 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2209    31         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2210    31          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2211    31       PCDHB16 -0.5630452 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2212    31         FOXF2  3.1222777 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2213    31          AGRN  0.9924072 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2214    31          PAK1  1.3962107 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2215    31          VWA1  1.3735867 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2216    31           DPT -3.2040615 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2217    31          RECK  3.6926860 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2218    31          KLK8 -0.8917271 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2219    31           NF1 -0.7011862 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2220    31        CCDC80 -2.4799752 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2221    31         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2222    31          NID1 -1.3734728 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2223    31       EMILIN1 -0.4076632 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2224    31        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2225    31         FBLN5 -1.8087355 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2226    31        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2227    31         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2228    31         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2229    31         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2230    31       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2231    31           F2R -2.1268269 0.008341777 -0.89802651
## 2232    15          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2233    15          EDN3  1.7639457 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2234    15           RET  1.1952974 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2235    15         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2236    15          EDN1  1.3813006 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2237    15        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2238    15          LEF1  4.2312762 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2239    15          TBX1  1.5705826 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2240    15          SOX9  0.4360159 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2241    15         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2242    15        SEMA3F -0.9614271 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2243    15          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2244    15         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2245    15        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2246    15         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.008873190  0.25819889
## 2247    41         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2248    41          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2249    41         PPARD  0.6858954 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2250    41          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2251    41         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2252    41           TNF -0.5241138 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2253    41         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2254    41       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2255    41          E2F7 -0.5010296 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2256    41         PPARG -3.6760365 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2257    41         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2258    41          PAWR -1.3423915 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2259    41         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2260    41         SKAP2 -0.9585752 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2261    41         CD24A  0.8402202 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2262    41          FTH1  0.2544095 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2263    41          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2264    41           H19 -1.4869933 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2265    41         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2266    41       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2267    41           CD9 -0.7653465 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2268    41        CDKN2B  0.9001352 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2269    41         PTGES  1.1106779 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2270    41           ANG  1.7859395 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2271    41          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2272    41          ASPH -1.0012558 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2273    41         AXIN2  2.2609655 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2274    41          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2275    41           DPT -3.2040615 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2276    41            AR -1.1537604 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2277    41           NF1 -0.7011862 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2278    41        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2279    41        NDFIP1  0.4020166 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2280    41        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2281    41          IDO1 -0.5535398 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2282    41         VASH1 -0.6599811 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2283    41          CBLB -1.0784070 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2284    41          TSC2  0.4849051 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2285    41        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2286    41        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2287    41       SMARCA2  0.6933511 0.010267311 -1.40556386
## 2288   124         GNA13  0.3711599 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2289   124         STK38  0.7217430 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2290   124          EDN1  1.3813006 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2291   124         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2292   124         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2293   124         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2294   124          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2295   124         ITPKB -1.5375458 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2296   124         FGF13  0.4341191 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2297   124         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2298   124        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2299   124        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2300   124         RAB28  0.6242857 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2301   124         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2302   124         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2303   124          IFNG  0.2338462 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2304   124          GAB1  0.8795894 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2305   124       RAPGEF5 -0.9085571 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2306   124         RAB24  0.5639919 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2307   124       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2308   124        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2309   124       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2310   124          NET1  2.1337566 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2311   124           RET  1.1952974 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2312   124         SOCS2 -0.5147131 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2313   124          RXRA -0.3709072 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2314   124        BAIAP2  0.5918840 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2315   124         SOCS6  0.4834925 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2316   124        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2317   124          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2318   124        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2319   124         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2320   124       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2321   124          CAR8 -3.6993459 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2322   124         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2323   124         STMN1  0.8169131 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2324   124        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2325   124        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2326   124          ASB4  2.5238895 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2327   124        EPS8L2  0.6975885 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2328   124         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2329   124          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2330   124         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2331   124       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2332   124        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2333   124      CDC42SE1  0.6811924 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2334   124         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2335   124         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2336   124         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2337   124       RHOBTB1  1.1043716 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2338   124           TEC  0.8492222 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2339   124        GPR155  1.5341142 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2340   124          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2341   124        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2342   124           BMX  1.3892504 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2343   124         ALMS1  0.5198716 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2344   124          KAT5  0.4768200 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2345   124        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2346   124          CBLB -1.0784070 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2347   124          ULK1  0.4108861 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2348   124          TSC2  0.4849051 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2349   124          RHEB  0.5187213 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2350   124         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2351   124         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2352   124         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2353   124           MT2  3.3422036 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2354   124       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2355   124           MT1  2.2178710 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2356   124         RAB6B -0.6097520 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2357   124          RHOD  0.6047675 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2358   124          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2359   124          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2360   124        AGPAT1  0.7000593 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2361   124            AR -1.1537604 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2362   124           LYN -0.7283980 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2363   124        PTGER4 -1.0537890 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2364   124       ARHGEF7 -0.9810444 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2365   124       ARHGEF6 -0.8665290 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2366   124       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2367   124       ADIPOR2  0.7574469 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2368   124          TIFA  0.8288202 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2369   124      SLC9A3R1  0.6445308 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2370   124         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2371   124          FLNA -0.6730172 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2372   124          ARL3  0.4874493 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2373   124         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2374   124         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2375   124         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2376   124         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2377   124          MURC  1.6012508 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2378   124         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2379   124          DOK4 -0.7964436 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2380   124          CD81 -0.5231352 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2381   124         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2382   124       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2383   124           NRK -0.6364746 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2384   124         ARL4C -0.4551789 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2385   124         ARL4A  1.5342576 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2386   124           TNF -0.5241138 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2387   124         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2388   124           KIT -1.7946208 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2389   124       PLEKHG3 -0.6694064 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2390   124       PLEKHG2 -0.6102567 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2391   124          DGKD -1.1848871 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2392   124       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2393   124          SOS1  0.6901445 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2394   124          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2395   124         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2396   124          MSH6  0.4689760 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2397   124           NF1 -0.7011862 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2398   124          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2399   124          DGKH -0.9312461 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2400   124          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2401   124         RCAN2  1.1425555 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2402   124        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2403   124           ICK  0.4702803 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2404   124       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2405   124       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2406   124         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2407   124          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2408   124          CHN2  1.9067284 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2409   124           F2R -2.1268269 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2410   124         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2411   124        IFI204 -1.9112759 0.010650644 -0.53881591
## 2412    43          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2413    43          EDN3  1.7639457 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2414    43        SCHIP1 -0.9067536 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2415    43         PPARD  0.6858954 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2416    43       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2417    43           TNF -0.5241138 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2418    43          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2419    43          IL16 -0.6437575 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2420    43          FUT8  1.2998120 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2421    43          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2422    43          CDH2  1.2832653 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2423    43           KIT -1.7946208 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2424    43         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2425    43         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2426    43         CD24A  0.8402202 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2427    43         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2428    43         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2429    43       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2430    43         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2431    43          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2432    43         CERKL  0.8624001 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2433    43         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2434    43        SEMA3F -0.9614271 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2435    43          IFNG  0.2338462 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2436    43        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2437    43         FMNL1 -1.7516041 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2438    43          PLAT  1.6281646 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2439    43           RET  1.1952974 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2440    43          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2441    43         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2442    43         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2443    43          TBX1  1.5705826 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2444    43          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2445    43         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2446    43         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2447    43          NAV1 -0.3825694 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2448    43          ULK1  0.4108861 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2449    43           FYN -1.6589775 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2450    43         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2451    43          AMOT  1.0877881 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2452    43         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2453    43          LRP8  3.3563987 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2454    43         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.010706509  0.15249857
## 2455    51         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2456    51         NAMPT  1.7824726 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2457    51          HPRT  0.6275924 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2458    51        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2459    51         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2460    51         G6PDX  0.7531315 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2461    51        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2462    51        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2463    51          RORA  0.7023584 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2464    51         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2465    51         ALAS1  2.7287605 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2466    51        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2467    51           HDC -0.5597738 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2468    51       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2469    51        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2470    51          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2471    51         DDAH1  2.2459707 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2472    51         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2473    51        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2474    51           DDC  4.4833378 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2475    51       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2476    51          NME5  0.7192744 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2477    51          GLUL  1.5535760 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2478    51          NME3  0.5649069 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2479    51           RFK  0.4079293 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2480    51        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2481    51           ADK  1.7241557 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2482    51         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2483    51       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2484    51          UROD  0.6962671 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2485    51         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2486    51         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2487    51         PRODH  0.4696541 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2488    51          PTH2 -0.2315507 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2489    51         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2490    51        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2491    51       ALDH4A1  0.3012145 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2492    51        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2493    51         MOCS2  0.6511192 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2494    51          NOS1  0.4966184 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2495    51        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2496    51        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2497    51          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2498    51          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2499    51        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2500    51         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2501    51       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2502    51      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2503    51      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2504    51        THNSL1  0.4834016 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2505    51        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.010758397  2.94058818
## 2506    15          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2507    15          EDN3  1.7639457 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2508    15           RET  1.1952974 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2509    15         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2510    15          EDN1  1.3813006 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2511    15        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2512    15          LEF1  4.2312762 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2513    15          TBX1  1.5705826 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2514    15          SOX9  0.4360159 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2515    15         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2516    15        SEMA3F -0.9614271 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2517    15          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2518    15         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2519    15        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2520    15         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.012946656  0.25819889
## 2521    34          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2522    34       SHROOM1  1.6359607 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2523    34          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2524    34          ENAH -0.8317531 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2525    34          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2526    34          CNN3 -0.6783180 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2527    34          TCAP -0.7520534 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2528    34        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2529    34         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2530    34         DAAM1 -0.5469234 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2531    34           TTN -0.6633600 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2532    34         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2533    34       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2534    34           ANG  1.7859395 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2535    34          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2536    34          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2537    34         FMNL1 -1.7516041 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2538    34         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2539    34           NF1 -0.7011862 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2540    34        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2541    34          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2542    34          FLNA -0.6730172 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2543    34        CORO1C -0.6524356 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2544    34         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2545    34          MURC  1.6012508 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2546    34         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2547    34          EPS8  1.1645216 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2548    34        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2549    34        LIMCH1  0.4431912 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2550    34         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2551    34        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2552    34          ABL2  0.5324753 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2553    34          DBN1 -0.3198132 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2554    34         FHOD1 -0.5541577 0.013669994 -2.05798302
## 2555    12          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2556    12         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2557    12          EDN3  1.7639457 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2558    12           RET  1.1952974 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2559    12         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2560    12        SEMA3F -0.9614271 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2561    12          EDN1  1.3813006 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2562    12        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2563    12         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2564    12         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2565    12          TBX1  1.5705826 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2566    12          SOX9  0.4360159 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2567    12          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2568    12         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2569    12          EDN3  1.7639457 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2570    12           RET  1.1952974 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2571    12         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2572    12        SEMA3F -0.9614271 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2573    12          EDN1  1.3813006 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2574    12        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2575    12         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2576    12         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2577    12          TBX1  1.5705826 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2578    12          SOX9  0.4360159 0.013674338  0.57735027
## 2579    51          EDN1  1.3813006 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2580    51         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2581    51         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2582    51         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2583    51         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2584    51          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2585    51        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2586    51         CERKL  0.8624001 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2587    51         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2588    51           ANG  1.7859395 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2589    51          GAB1  0.8795894 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2590    51           CAT  0.6619803 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2591    51       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2592    51          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2593    51        PTGER4 -1.0537890 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2594    51          THY1 -0.5538562 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2595    51           JMY  0.8235245 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2596    51         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2597    51         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2598    51         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2599    51          CD81 -0.5231352 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2600    51          ERN1  0.7331847 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2601    51           NRK -0.6364746 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2602    51          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2603    51          MTDH -0.4614407 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2604    51           TNF -0.5241138 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2605    51       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2606    51         ABHD5  0.3971589 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2607    51           KIT -1.7946208 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2608    51         CD24A  0.8402202 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2609    51          GCLM  0.6004267 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2610    51       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2611    51          DGKD -1.1848871 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2612    51          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2613    51         MTCH1 -0.5451250 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2614    51          HIP1  0.8382696 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2615    51          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2616    51        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2617    51        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2618    51           NF1 -0.7011862 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2619    51         EDA2R -0.7244124 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2620    51          DGKH -0.9312461 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2621    51          RNF7  0.3447189 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2622    51         IFT57  0.5874246 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2623    51          TSC2  0.4849051 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2624    51        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2625    51          LRP8  3.3563987 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2626    51         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2627    51         CALM2 -0.2896489 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2628    51         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2629    51           F2R -2.1268269 0.013790461 -0.70014004
## 2630    35         ACOX1  0.7434649 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2631    35         PPARD  0.6858954 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2632    35          CPT2  0.5981488 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2633    35          ECH1  0.6439660 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2634    35         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2635    35         ABHD5  0.3971589 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2636    35         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2637    35         ACOT1  0.3447297 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2638    35        SC4MOL  0.8632766 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2639    35          FAR1 -0.2800716 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2640    35       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2641    35          FAR2  4.3342270 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2642    35         ACOT7 -0.7312229 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2643    35          TPI1  0.8076741 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2644    35         PTGES  1.1106779 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2645    35         CH25H  2.6691050 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2646    35        ELOVL7  5.1848686 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2647    35        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2648    35       HSD17B4  0.5050424 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2649    35          HADH  0.7630871 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2650    35         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2651    35         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2652    35         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2653    35          SCD2  1.4493419 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2654    35        ACNAT1  0.7319233 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2655    35        PRKAB1  0.6792390 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2656    35         FADS3 -1.5897039 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2657    35       ADIPOR2  0.7574469 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2658    35          PHYH  1.1297593 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2659    35         CPT1A  0.9598796 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2660    35       ANKRD23 -0.3758442 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2661    35         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2662    35        H2-KE6  0.5847254 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2663    35         DEGS2  3.0108475 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2664    35         MGST2  1.4910952 0.013826216  3.21158617
## 2665    22          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2666    22         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2667    22        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2668    22           NF1 -0.7011862 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2669    22         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2670    22         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2671    22        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2672    22      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2673    22          THY1 -0.5538562 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2674    22         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2675    22         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2676    22       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2677    22          CHML -0.9730627 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2678    22       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2679    22          TSC2  0.4849051 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2680    22       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2681    22         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2682    22        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2683    22       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2684    22         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2685    22         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2686    22         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.013640615  0.00000000
## 2687    21         TXNIP -1.0032635 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2688    21          PXDN -3.3473042 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2689    21        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2690    21          GATM  5.2907160 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2691    21         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2692    21         ATOX1  1.2381989 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2693    21         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2694    21          PRND -2.6433152 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2695    21         G6PDX  0.7531315 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2696    21         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2697    21          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2698    21          GCLM  0.6004267 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2699    21         PARK7  0.6154578 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2700    21          NME5  0.7192744 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2701    21          APOE  0.8698346 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2702    21          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2703    21          GAB1  0.8795894 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2704    21          CYGB -0.4656836 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2705    21           CAT  0.6619803 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2706    21          PRNP  1.0410868 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2707    21        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.014560576  1.09108945
## 2708     9         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2709     9          MURC  1.6012508 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2710     9         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2711     9          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2712     9          TCAP -0.7520534 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2713     9          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2714     9           TTN -0.6633600 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2715     9        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2716     9         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.014981248 -1.66666667
## 2717    25         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2718    25          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2719    25         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2720    25           TNF -0.5241138 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2721    25         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2722    25         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2723    25         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2724    25         ITPKB -1.5375458 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2725    25         FGF13  0.4341191 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2726    25        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2727    25         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2728    25          GAB1  0.8795894 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2729    25        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2730    25          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2731    25           RET  1.1952974 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2732    25        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2733    25           NF1 -0.7011862 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2734    25        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2735    25         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2736    25          DOK4 -0.7964436 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2737    25          CD81 -0.5231352 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2738    25         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2739    25         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2740    25           NRK -0.6364746 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2741    25           F2R -2.1268269 0.014730332 -1.80000000
## 2742    94         ACOX1  0.7434649 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2743    94        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2744    94        D2HGDH  0.4210243 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2745    94          PXDN -3.3473042 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2746    94         KDM6A  0.5337429 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2747    94       ALDH1L1 -0.4681341 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2748    94         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2749    94        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2750    94         G6PDX  0.7531315 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2751    94         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2752    94         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2753    94        SC4MOL  0.8632766 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2754    94      BC026585 -0.4919124 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2755    94          FAR1 -0.2800716 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2756    94          FAR2  4.3342270 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2757    94        NDUFS6  0.5229578 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2758    94         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2759    94        NDUFS4  0.5947243 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2760    94       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2761    94         PLOD1 -1.2735173 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2762    94         TECRL  1.4409456 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2763    94         CH25H  2.6691050 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2764    94        MICAL1  0.3486104 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2765    94          SMOX  0.7183760 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2766    94          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2767    94          ASPH -1.0012558 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2768    94           CAT  0.6619803 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2769    94          HADH  0.7630871 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2770    94        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2771    94        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2772    94         CTBP2  0.4262190 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2773    94        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2774    94        MICAL2 -1.1802852 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2775    94            F8 -0.5775755 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2776    94         DECR1  0.9319658 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2777    94        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2778    94         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2779    94        DHRS7C -0.4201368 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2780    94          TECR  0.8028654 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2781    94           POR  0.5795204 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2782    94          VAT1  1.2598953 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2783    94        SCCPDH  0.7978072 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2784    94         DHRS3 -1.5466216 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2785    94            F5  1.0342927 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2786    94        H2-KE6  0.5847254 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2787    94        PCYOX1  1.1710483 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2788    94         ZADH2  0.4537001 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2789    94         DEGS2  3.0108475 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2790    94         G6PD2  0.4299474 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2791    94       ALDH9A1  0.9152142 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2792    94         PRODH  0.4696541 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2793    94           XDH -0.5822439 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2794    94         CYP51  1.1453600 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2795    94        NDUFB3  0.5499789 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2796    94        NDUFB6  0.5415446 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2797    94          SORD  0.5704929 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2798    94        ADHFE1 -1.3859644 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2799    94        NDUFB8  0.4313367 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2800    94         EGLN3 -0.7357847 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2801    94          ADH5  0.5465136 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2802    94         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2803    94          GCLM  0.6004267 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2804    94          FTH1  0.2544095 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2805    94          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2806    94          CBR1  0.5566335 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2807    94          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2808    94          ADH1 -1.4011037 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2809    94          IDH2 -0.6563943 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2810    94         DMGDH  0.3642489 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2811    94       ALDH4A1  0.3012145 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2812    94         KDM3A  0.6713225 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2813    94       HSD17B4  0.5050424 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2814    94          ETFB  0.4427964 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2815    94          GLRX  0.9481017 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2816    94          ETFA  0.6383257 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2817    94          GPD2  1.8567918 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2818    94          SCD2  1.4493419 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2819    94          NOS1  0.4966184 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2820    94        NDUFA9  0.4188652 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2821    94          MAOA  3.0975018 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2822    94        AKR1E1  0.7668371 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2823    94          MAOB  2.9632211 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2824    94        NDUFA7  1.1828203 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2825    94         FADS3 -1.5897039 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2826    94          IDO1 -0.5535398 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2827    94          PHYH  1.1297593 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2828    94          TET1  0.9962682 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2829    94         MSRB2  0.7701742 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2830    94        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2831    94       AKR1C19 -3.5557527 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2832    94          AOX1  0.4180435 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2833    94         ALDH2  0.6431422 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2834    94            CP  3.0784531 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2835    94        ACAD11  0.3769849 0.020607718  3.91940074
## 2836    24         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2837    24          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2838    24          BBS4  0.7917331 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2839    24          COBL -0.4528756 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2840    24            AR -1.1537604 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2841    24          ENAH -0.8317531 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2842    24           RET  1.1952974 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2843    24           PGF -0.2973380 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2844    24        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2845    24          FZD3  1.6364110 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2846    24         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2847    24        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2848    24          FZD6  1.3453589 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2849    24          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2850    24          HHEX  0.8277356 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2851    24          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2852    24          CD44 -1.0396956 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2853    24         NCOA3 -0.5739101 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2854    24         HOXA5 -0.8397310 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2855    24          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2856    24          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2857    24           ILK -0.6476593 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2858    24          TSC2  0.4849051 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2859    24         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.024083566 -0.40824829
## 2860    45         PPARD  0.6858954 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2861    45          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2862    45       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2863    45         ATOX1  1.2381989 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2864    45        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2865    45          EDN1  1.3813006 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2866    45          PRND -2.6433152 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2867    45         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2868    45         KCNA5 -2.9110702 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2869    45          GCLM  0.6004267 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2870    45         CD24A  0.8402202 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2871    45          FTH1  0.2544095 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2872    45           CD9 -0.7653465 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2873    45       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2874    45          APOE  0.8698346 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2875    45       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2876    45         AQP11  3.5743475 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2877    45          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2878    45        NKX6-2 -0.3066171 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2879    45           MT2  3.3422036 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2880    45          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2881    45           MT1  2.2178710 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2882    45          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2883    45          SCD2  1.4493419 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2884    45          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2885    45           NF1 -0.7011862 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2886    45         SOCS6  0.4834925 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2887    45         ALMS1  0.5198716 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2888    45         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2889    45      SLC9A3R1  0.6445308 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2890    45         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2891    45          TECR  0.8028654 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2892    45         PARK7  0.6154578 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2893    45         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2894    45 4930506M07RIK -1.2674566 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2895    45          PYGM -1.1990651 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2896    45         S100B  0.3014963 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2897    45          TFRC  4.4032544 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2898    45        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2899    45           FYN -1.6589775 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2900    45           PLN -2.0734027 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2901    45          PRNP  1.0410868 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2902    45       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2903    45          CLN5  0.4207280 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2904    45           F2R -2.1268269 0.024891477  1.34164079
## 2905    27         GNA13  0.3711599 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2906    27          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2907    27        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2908    27           PGF -0.2973380 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2909    27          IL18  0.8877106 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2910    27          LEPR  2.6539788 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2911    27          EDN1  1.3813006 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2912    27         MEIS1 -1.1746472 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2913    27          WARS -1.1502333 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2914    27          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2915    27         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2916    27           ANG  1.7859395 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2917    27         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2918    27        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2919    27          FIGF  2.5392280 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2920    27          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2921    27          TBX4  1.3234618 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2922    27        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2923    27          TBX1  1.5705826 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2924    27        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2925    27         VASH1 -0.6599811 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2926    27          THY1 -0.5538562 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2927    27          NUS1 -1.0812477 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2928    27         MEOX2 -4.5446336 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2929    27         ECSCR -1.1219161 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2930    27         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2931    27         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.026243553 -0.57735027
## 2932    21           XDH -0.5822439 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2933    21          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2934    21        D2HGDH  0.4210243 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2935    21          PXDN -3.3473042 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2936    21          GATM  5.2907160 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2937    21          PRND -2.6433152 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2938    21         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2939    21          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2940    21         PARK7  0.6154578 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2941    21          NME5  0.7192744 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2942    21         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2943    21          NPC1  0.3724211 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2944    21        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2945    21        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2946    21          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2947    21         AS3MT  1.0911878 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2948    21           MT2  3.3422036 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2949    21           MT1  2.2178710 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2950    21         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2951    21           CAT  0.6619803 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2952    21          PRNP  1.0410868 0.027914524  1.09108945
## 2953    17           LYN -0.7283980 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2954    17        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2955    17        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2956    17           KIT -1.7946208 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2957    17        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2958    17         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2959    17       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2960    17          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2961    17          ULK1  0.4108861 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2962    17           FYN -1.6589775 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2963    17         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2964    17         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2965    17          ERN1  0.7331847 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2966    17        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2967    17          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2968    17          INSR  1.6754155 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2969    17       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.027739009 -1.21267813
## 2970    23         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2971    23        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2972    23        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2973    23        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2974    23        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2975    23        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2976    23        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2977    23          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2978    23        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2979    23       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2980    23          NME5  0.7192744 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2981    23       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2982    23        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2983    23          NME3  0.5649069 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2984    23      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2985    23        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2986    23           ADK  1.7241557 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2987    23         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2988    23        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2989    23      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2990    23        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2991    23         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2992    23        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.028550973  2.71068738
## 2993     9          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 2994     9           CD9 -0.7653465 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 2995     9          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 2996     9         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 2997     9          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 2998     9         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 2999     9         HDAC7 -0.4998784 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 3000     9           FN1  1.8449363 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 3001     9          THY1 -0.5538562 0.028654589 -2.33333333
## 3002    27       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3003    27          EDN1  1.3813006 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3004    27         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3005    27         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3006    27         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3007    27          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3008    27           KIT -1.7946208 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3009    27         CD24A  0.8402202 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3010    27        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3011    27       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3012    27         CERKL  0.8624001 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3013    27         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3014    27          DGKD -1.1848871 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3015    27          GAB1  0.8795894 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3016    27       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3017    27          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3018    27          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3019    27        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3020    27        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3021    27          DGKH -0.9312461 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3022    27         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3023    27          CD81 -0.5231352 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3024    27          ERN1  0.7331847 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3025    27           NRK -0.6364746 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3026    27          LRP8  3.3563987 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3027    27           F2R -2.1268269 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3028    27         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.030607730 -0.57735027
## 3029    25          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3030    25         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3031    25           TNF -0.5241138 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3032    25         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3033    25         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3034    25         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3035    25         CD24A  0.8402202 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3036    25         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3037    25       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3038    25        NDUFS4  0.5947243 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3039    25        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3040    25         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3041    25          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3042    25          GAB1  0.8795894 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3043    25          IFNG  0.2338462 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3044    25       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3045    25          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3046    25           LYN -0.7283980 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3047    25       CCDC88C -0.8672074 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3048    25         HCLS1 -1.7060483 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3049    25        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3050    25        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3051    25         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3052    25          CD81 -0.5231352 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3053    25        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.031100868 -0.60000000
## 3054    31          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3055    31       SHROOM1  1.6359607 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3056    31          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3057    31          ENAH -0.8317531 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3058    31          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3059    31          CNN3 -0.6783180 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3060    31          TCAP -0.7520534 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3061    31        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3062    31           TTN -0.6633600 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3063    31         DAAM1 -0.5469234 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3064    31         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3065    31       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3066    31           ANG  1.7859395 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3067    31          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3068    31          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3069    31         FMNL1 -1.7516041 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3070    31         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3071    31           NF1 -0.7011862 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3072    31        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3073    31          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3074    31          FLNA -0.6730172 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3075    31        CORO1C -0.6524356 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3076    31         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3077    31          MURC  1.6012508 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3078    31          EPS8  1.1645216 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3079    31        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3080    31        LIMCH1  0.4431912 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3081    31        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3082    31          ABL2  0.5324753 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3083    31          DBN1 -0.3198132 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3084    31         FHOD1 -0.5541577 0.032207796 -1.97565832
## 3085    18          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3086    18         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3087    18          RXRA -0.3709072 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3088    18        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3089    18          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3090    18         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3091    18         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3092    18          TBX1  1.5705826 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3093    18           TTN -0.6633600 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3094    18          ZIC3  3.9539621 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3095    18         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3096    18          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3097    18          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3098    18      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3099    18         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3100    18        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3101    18         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3102    18          MKL2  1.1871092 0.033163225 -0.47140452
## 3103    21         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3104    21        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3105    21        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3106    21        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3107    21        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3108    21        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3109    21        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3110    21        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3111    21       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3112    21       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3113    21          NME5  0.7192744 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3114    21        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3115    21      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3116    21          NME3  0.5649069 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3117    21        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3118    21           ADK  1.7241557 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3119    21         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3120    21        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3121    21      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3122    21         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3123    21        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.032848454  2.83683257
## 3124    22         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3125    22        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3126    22        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3127    22        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3128    22        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3129    22        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3130    22        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3131    22          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3132    22        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3133    22       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3134    22          NME5  0.7192744 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3135    22       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3136    22        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3137    22      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3138    22          NME3  0.5649069 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3139    22        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3140    22         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3141    22        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3142    22      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3143    22        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3144    22         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3145    22        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.033088817  2.55840860
## 3146    11          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3147    11           CD9 -0.7653465 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3148    11       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3149    11          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3150    11         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3151    11          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3152    11          NUMB -0.8725376 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3153    11         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3154    11         HDAC7 -0.4998784 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3155    11           FN1  1.8449363 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3156    11          THY1 -0.5538562 0.032959827 -2.11057941
## 3157    26       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3158    26          EDN1  1.3813006 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3159    26         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3160    26         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3161    26         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3162    26          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3163    26           KIT -1.7946208 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3164    26         CD24A  0.8402202 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3165    26        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3166    26         CERKL  0.8624001 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3167    26         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3168    26          DGKD -1.1848871 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3169    26          GAB1  0.8795894 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3170    26       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3171    26          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3172    26          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3173    26        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3174    26        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3175    26          DGKH -0.9312461 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3176    26         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3177    26          CD81 -0.5231352 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3178    26          ERN1  0.7331847 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3179    26           NRK -0.6364746 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3180    26          LRP8  3.3563987 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3181    26           F2R -2.1268269 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3182    26         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.035558866 -0.78446454
## 3183    29          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3184    29         ATOX1  1.2381989 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3185    29        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3186    29          EDN1  1.3813006 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3187    29          PRND -2.6433152 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3188    29         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3189    29         CD24A  0.8402202 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3190    29          FTH1  0.2544095 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3191    29          APOE  0.8698346 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3192    29         AQP11  3.5743475 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3193    29       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3194    29          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3195    29           MT2  3.3422036 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3196    29          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3197    29           MT1  2.2178710 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3198    29          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3199    29         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3200    29          TECR  0.8028654 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3201    29         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3202    29         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3203    29          PYGM -1.1990651 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3204    29         S100B  0.3014963 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3205    29          TFRC  4.4032544 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3206    29        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3207    29           PLN -2.0734027 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3208    29          PRNP  1.0410868 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3209    29          CLN5  0.4207280 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3210    29       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3211    29           F2R -2.1268269 0.035602917  1.67125804
## 3212    21         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3213    21        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3214    21        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3215    21        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3216    21        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3217    21        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3218    21        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3219    21        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3220    21       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3221    21       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3222    21          NME5  0.7192744 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3223    21        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3224    21      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3225    21          NME3  0.5649069 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3226    21        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3227    21           ADK  1.7241557 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3228    21         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3229    21        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3230    21      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3231    21         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3232    21        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.035188527  2.83683257
## 3233    22         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3234    22        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3235    22        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3236    22        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3237    22        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3238    22        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3239    22        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3240    22          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3241    22        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3242    22       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3243    22          NME5  0.7192744 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3244    22       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3245    22        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3246    22      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3247    22          NME3  0.5649069 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3248    22        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3249    22         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3250    22        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3251    22      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3252    22        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3253    22         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3254    22        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.035270934  2.55840860
## 3255     6          RXRA -0.3709072 0.036714793  0.81649658
## 3256     6        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.036714793  0.81649658
## 3257     6         FOXC2 -0.8402120 0.036714793  0.81649658
## 3258     6         FOXC1  2.0229256 0.036714793  0.81649658
## 3259     6         NAA35  0.5983877 0.036714793  0.81649658
## 3260     6         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.036714793  0.81649658
## 3261    25       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3262    25          EDN1  1.3813006 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3263    25         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3264    25         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3265    25         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3266    25          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3267    25           KIT -1.7946208 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3268    25         CD24A  0.8402202 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3269    25        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3270    25         CERKL  0.8624001 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3271    25         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3272    25          DGKD -1.1848871 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3273    25          GAB1  0.8795894 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3274    25       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3275    25          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3276    25        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3277    25        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3278    25          DGKH -0.9312461 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3279    25         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3280    25          CD81 -0.5231352 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3281    25          ERN1  0.7331847 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3282    25          LRP8  3.3563987 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3283    25           NRK -0.6364746 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3284    25           F2R -2.1268269 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3285    25         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.038129883 -0.60000000
## 3286    43          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3287    43       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3288    43         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3289    43         ABHD5  0.3971589 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3290    43          EDN1  1.3813006 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3291    43         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3292    43         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3293    43          TLR4 -1.4289149 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3294    43         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3295    43           KIT -1.7946208 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3296    43          GCLM  0.6004267 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3297    43         CD24A  0.8402202 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3298    43        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3299    43       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3300    43         CERKL  0.8624001 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3301    43          DGKD -1.1848871 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3302    43           ANG  1.7859395 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3303    43         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3304    43          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3305    43         MTCH1 -0.5451250 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3306    43          GAB1  0.8795894 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3307    43          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3308    43       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3309    43          HIP1  0.8382696 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3310    43          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3311    43        PTGER4 -1.0537890 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3312    43        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3313    43        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3314    43           NF1 -0.7011862 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3315    43          DGKH -0.9312461 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3316    43          THY1 -0.5538562 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3317    43         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3318    43         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3319    43          RNF7  0.3447189 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3320    43         IFT57  0.5874246 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3321    43          TSC2  0.4849051 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3322    43          CD81 -0.5231352 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3323    43          ERN1  0.7331847 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3324    43           NRK -0.6364746 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3325    43          LRP8  3.3563987 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3326    43         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3327    43         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3328    43           F2R -2.1268269 0.037637965 -0.76249285
## 3329    43         PPARD  0.6858954 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3330    43          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3331    43       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3332    43         ATOX1  1.2381989 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3333    43        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3334    43          EDN1  1.3813006 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3335    43          PRND -2.6433152 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3336    43         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3337    43         KCNA5 -2.9110702 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3338    43          GCLM  0.6004267 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3339    43         CD24A  0.8402202 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3340    43          FTH1  0.2544095 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3341    43           CD9 -0.7653465 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3342    43       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3343    43          APOE  0.8698346 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3344    43       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3345    43         AQP11  3.5743475 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3346    43          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3347    43        NKX6-2 -0.3066171 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3348    43           MT2  3.3422036 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3349    43          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3350    43           MT1  2.2178710 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3351    43          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3352    43          SCD2  1.4493419 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3353    43          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3354    43           NF1 -0.7011862 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3355    43         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3356    43      SLC9A3R1  0.6445308 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3357    43         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3358    43          TECR  0.8028654 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3359    43         PARK7  0.6154578 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3360    43         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3361    43 4930506M07RIK -1.2674566 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3362    43          PYGM -1.1990651 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3363    43         S100B  0.3014963 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3364    43          TFRC  4.4032544 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3365    43        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3366    43           FYN -1.6589775 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3367    43           PLN -2.0734027 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3368    43          PRNP  1.0410868 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3369    43       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3370    43          CLN5  0.4207280 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3371    43           F2R -2.1268269 0.037637965  1.06748999
## 3372    24         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3373    24          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3374    24          TCAP -0.7520534 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3375    24          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3376    24        LGALS1 -2.2474624 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3377    24           TNC -0.4306758 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3378    24          RXRA -0.3709072 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3379    24          UTRN  0.6515582 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3380    24          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3381    24         CSRP2  1.7212702 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3382    24           TTN -0.6633600 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3383    24         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3384    24         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3385    24         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3386    24          MURC  1.6012508 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3387    24         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3388    24          CDON  0.5243444 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3389    24        SEMA4C -0.5716982 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3390    24         SORT1  1.1173178 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3391    24          AGRN  0.9924072 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3392    24          PAK1  1.3962107 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3393    24          MKL2  1.1871092 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3394    24        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3395    24           F2R -2.1268269 0.037786377 -0.81649658
## 3396    54          ENAH -0.8317531 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3397    54          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3398    54          HPRT  0.6275924 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3399    54         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3400    54           TTN -0.6633600 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3401    54         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3402    54         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3403    54      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3404    54           ILK -0.6476593 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3405    54         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3406    54         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3407    54         SSBP1  0.5605893 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3408    54         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3409    54        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3410    54          TBCE  0.6418041 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3411    54          LEF1  4.2312762 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3412    54          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3413    54         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3414    54 4930506M07RIK -1.2674566 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3415    54          MURC  1.6012508 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3416    54         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3417    54          BIN3  0.9776872 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3418    54         STMN1  0.8169131 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3419    54        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3420    54           DST -0.9919195 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3421    54          BBS4  0.7917331 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3422    54       SHROOM1  1.6359607 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3423    54       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3424    54         PARD3  1.7035204 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3425    54          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3426    54          TCAP -0.7520534 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3427    54         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3428    54       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3429    54          SOX9  0.4360159 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3430    54         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3431    54         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3432    54         HOXA1 -0.2561583 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3433    54           CD9 -0.7653465 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3434    54          FIS1  0.4282894 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3435    54          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3436    54         MACF1  0.6852201 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3437    54          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3438    54          NUMB -0.8725376 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3439    54        B3GNT2  0.8552599 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3440    54          KLK8 -0.8917271 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3441    54         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3442    54          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3443    54        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3444    54         ALMS1  0.5198716 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3445    54         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3446    54         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3447    54          ULK1  0.4108861 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3448    54      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3449    54       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.039489574 -0.81649658
## 3450    25         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3451    25        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3452    25        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3453    25        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3454    25        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3455    25        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3456    25        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3457    25        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3458    25         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3459    25        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3460    25        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3461    25        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3462    25        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3463    25          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3464    25         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3465    25       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3466    25       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3467    25          NME5  0.7192744 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3468    25      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3469    25          NME3  0.5649069 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3470    25        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3471    25         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3472    25      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3473    25         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3474    25        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.040686695  2.20000000
## 3475    20         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3476    20        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3477    20        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3478    20        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3479    20        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3480    20        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3481    20        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3482    20          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3483    20        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3484    20       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3485    20       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3486    20      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3487    20        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3488    20        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3489    20         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3490    20        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3491    20      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3492    20        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3493    20         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3494    20        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.040902205  2.23606798
## 3495    14          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3496    14       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3497    14           NF1 -0.7011862 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3498    14          PKIG  0.5947590 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3499    14         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3500    14         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3501    14          THY1 -0.5538562 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3502    14        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3503    14        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3504    14         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3505    14          TSC2  0.4849051 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3506    14         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3507    14        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3508    14       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3509    14          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3510    14       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3511    14           NF1 -0.7011862 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3512    14          PKIG  0.5947590 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3513    14         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3514    14         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3515    14          THY1 -0.5538562 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3516    14        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3517    14        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3518    14         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3519    14          TSC2  0.4849051 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3520    14         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3521    14        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3522    14       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.040790395 -0.53452248
## 3523    23         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3524    23        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3525    23        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3526    23        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3527    23        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3528    23        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3529    23        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3530    23        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3531    23         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3532    23       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3533    23          NME5  0.7192744 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3534    23       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3535    23        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3536    23      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3537    23          NME3  0.5649069 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3538    23        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3539    23         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3540    23        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3541    23      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3542    23         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3543    23        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3544    23         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3545    23        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.040580485  2.29365855
## 3546    19          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3547    19        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3548    19           NF1 -0.7011862 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3549    19         TIRAP  1.1891548 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3550    19         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3551    19         PRDX2  0.4945418 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3552    19           KIT -1.7946208 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3553    19         CD24A  0.8402202 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3554    19         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3555    19         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3556    19        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3557    19         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3558    19         MDFIC -1.1217362 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3559    19         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3560    19          CD81 -0.5231352 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3561    19          GAB1  0.8795894 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3562    19        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3563    19       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3564    19         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.044161823 -0.68824720
## 3565    24         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3566    24        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3567    24        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3568    24        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3569    24        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3570    24        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3571    24        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3572    24          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3573    24        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3574    24         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3575    24       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3576    24          NME5  0.7192744 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3577    24       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3578    24        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3579    24          NME3  0.5649069 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3580    24      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3581    24        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3582    24         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3583    24        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3584    24      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3585    24        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3586    24         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3587    24        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3588    24        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.043976558  2.44948974
## 3589     7          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.051671921 -1.88982237
## 3590     7          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.051671921 -1.88982237
## 3591     7         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.051671921 -1.88982237
## 3592     7          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.051671921 -1.88982237
## 3593     7         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.051671921 -1.88982237
## 3594     7           FN1  1.8449363 0.051671921 -1.88982237
## 3595     7          THY1 -0.5538562 0.051671921 -1.88982237
## 3596    55         PPARD  0.6858954 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3597    55         ATOX1  1.2381989 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3598    55        SLC9A2  1.6521110 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3599    55          EDN1  1.3813006 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3600    55        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3601    55         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3602    55         AQP11  3.5743475 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3603    55          APOE  0.8698346 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3604    55        NKX6-2 -0.3066171 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3605    55      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3606    55           MT2  3.3422036 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3607    55           MT1  2.2178710 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3608    55          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3609    55         SOCS6  0.4834925 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3610    55          PFKM  0.5475063 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3611    55      SLC9A3R1  0.6445308 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3612    55          TECR  0.8028654 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3613    55         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3614    55 4930506M07RIK -1.2674566 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3615    55          NPC1  0.3724211 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3616    55        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3617    55          PRNP  1.0410868 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3618    55          CLN5  0.4207280 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3619    55          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3620    55       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3621    55          PRND -2.6433152 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3622    55         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3623    55         KCNA5 -2.9110702 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3624    55          GCLM  0.6004267 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3625    55         CD24A  0.8402202 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3626    55          FTH1  0.2544095 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3627    55           CD9 -0.7653465 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3628    55       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3629    55        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3630    55       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3631    55          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3632    55          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3633    55       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3634    55          SCD2  1.4493419 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3635    55          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3636    55           NF1 -0.7011862 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3637    55         ALMS1  0.5198716 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3638    55        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3639    55         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3640    55         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3641    55         PARK7  0.6154578 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3642    55          PYGM -1.1990651 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3643    55         S100B  0.3014963 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3644    55          TFRC  4.4032544 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3645    55           FYN -1.6589775 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3646    55           PLN -2.0734027 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3647    55         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3648    55         NR5A2 -0.7327046 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3649    55       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3650    55           F2R -2.1268269 0.051350047  1.48323970
## 3651    14          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3652    14       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3653    14           NF1 -0.7011862 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3654    14          PKIG  0.5947590 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3655    14         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3656    14         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3657    14          THY1 -0.5538562 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3658    14        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3659    14        HEXIM1  0.4330916 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3660    14         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3661    14          TSC2  0.4849051 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3662    14         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3663    14        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3664    14       GADD45A  1.2074545 0.055390213 -0.53452248
## 3665    39         PARD3  1.7035204 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3666    39         CADM1  1.8215955 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3667    39         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3668    39        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3669    39         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3670    39        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3671    39          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3672    39          CDH2  1.2832653 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3673    39          SOX9  0.4360159 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3674    39         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3675    39         CD24A  0.8402202 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3676    39         DCHS1 -0.9529726 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3677    39          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3678    39        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3679    39         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3680    39         CERKL  0.8624001 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3681    39          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3682    39       PCDHB16 -0.5630452 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3683    39         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3684    39       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3685    39         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3686    39           RET  1.1952974 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3687    39        LGALS1 -2.2474624 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3688    39        PCDH10  0.2447438 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3689    39        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3690    39          LEF1  4.2312762 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3691    39        PCDH17 -2.0914267 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3692    39         CD164  0.4820687 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3693    39          MCAM -2.2179162 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3694    39          THY1 -0.5538562 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3695    39           JUP -1.0516396 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3696    39         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3697    39         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3698    39        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3699    39         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3700    39         FREM2  0.8510785 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3701    39          CDON  0.5243444 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3702    39          NPTN -0.4668163 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3703    39         TCAM1  0.2929374 0.054935299  0.16012815
## 3704    22         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3705    22        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3706    22        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3707    22        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3708    22        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3709    22        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3710    22        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3711    22        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3712    22         AMPD3 -1.1400626 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3713    22       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3714    22          NME5  0.7192744 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3715    22       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3716    22        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3717    22      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3718    22          NME3  0.5649069 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3719    22        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3720    22         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3721    22        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3722    22      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3723    22         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3724    22        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3725    22        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.054521867  2.55840860
## 3726    20         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3727    20        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3728    20        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3729    20        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3730    20        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3731    20        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3732    20        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3733    20        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3734    20       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3735    20       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3736    20          NME5  0.7192744 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3737    20      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3738    20          NME3  0.5649069 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3739    20        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3740    20        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3741    20         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3742    20        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3743    20      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3744    20         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3745    20        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3746    20         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3747    20        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3748    20        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3749    20        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3750    20        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3751    20        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3752    20        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3753    20        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3754    20       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3755    20       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3756    20          NME5  0.7192744 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3757    20      ATP6V0E2  0.4783848 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3758    20          NME3  0.5649069 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3759    20        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3760    20        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3761    20         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3762    20        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3763    20      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3764    20         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3765    20        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.054511551  2.68328157
## 3766   368         LYPD1  0.6977183 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3767   368         CDIPT -0.7031981 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3768   368        GPR126  1.4693363 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3769   368         SGMS2  3.3169163 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3770   368         CADM1  1.8215955 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3771   368        GPR124  1.2278150 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3772   368         EFNA3  0.9885437 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3773   368         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3774   368          UTRN  0.6515582 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3775   368          AQP7 -4.9741103 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3776   368        AMOTL1 -0.7736098 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3777   368         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3778   368        VPS33B  0.4778649 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3779   368          AQP1 -5.2258497 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3780   368        AMOTL2 -0.8098481 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3781   368        MAGED1  0.9304536 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3782   368       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3783   368         LPHN3  2.4998345 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3784   368        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3785   368         HMCN1  2.2111133 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3786   368        PICALM -0.5427484 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3787   368          CD44 -1.0396956 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3788   368         AQP11  3.5743475 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3789   368         RAB28  0.6242857 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3790   368          APOE  0.8698346 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3791   368           ILK -0.6476593 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3792   368        KLRA10 -2.2548568 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3793   368          GNG5  0.5096927 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3794   368         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3795   368          GNG7  0.5588479 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3796   368         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3797   368          RECK  3.6926860 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3798   368        TMEFF1  4.2412082 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3799   368           BSG  1.7787647 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3800   368         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3801   368          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3802   368         CRYAB -0.9114836 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3803   368        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3804   368        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3805   368         EFNB2 -1.0007095 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3806   368          THY1 -0.5538562 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3807   368           JUP -1.0516396 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3808   368          NPC1  0.3724211 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3809   368        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3810   368          CD36 -7.1283219 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3811   368          PGM5  1.9231251 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3812   368          PTRF -0.8990656 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3813   368        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3814   368        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3815   368        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3816   368          NPTN -0.4668163 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3817   368       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3818   368       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3819   368        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3820   368        GPR146  0.7235158 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3821   368         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3822   368         ENPP2  1.6751688 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3823   368         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3824   368         FCGRT  1.0807321 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3825   368         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3826   368         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3827   368        ITGBL1 -0.4521872 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3828   368         DAGLA  0.2561199 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3829   368         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3830   368       SLC28A2 -3.5721393 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3831   368         NPHP1  0.5274854 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3832   368       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3833   368          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3834   368          MAOA  3.0975018 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3835   368        PCDH10  0.2447438 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3836   368        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3837   368          MAOB  2.9632211 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3838   368         SMAD3  0.8885396 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3839   368        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3840   368          CD63 -1.9954863 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3841   368        PCDH17 -2.0914267 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3842   368          MCAM -2.2179162 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3843   368         GNAT3 -0.6986170 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3844   368         ABCG2  1.4057210 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3845   368         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3846   368         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3847   368         GNGT2 -1.4393956 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3848   368          CD55 -1.2585362 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3849   368          EPS8  1.1645216 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3850   368         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3851   368        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3852   368          RHEB  0.5187213 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3853   368         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3854   368          NRP2 -1.5153173 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3855   368          GYPC -0.8129031 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3856   368        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3857   368         GPR85  0.3148055 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3858   368          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3859   368        GPR160  0.7896423 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3860   368         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3861   368         H2-D1 -0.5065864 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3862   368          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3863   368         AP3S1  0.6441039 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3864   368          GJA5 -2.4542500 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3865   368         MMP25  0.3999529 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3866   368         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3867   368         ASAH2 -1.4975050 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3868   368          ART3 -3.4235409 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3869   368         EDNRB -3.1025597 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3870   368         AP2B1  0.8121430 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3871   368         CERKL  0.8624001 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3872   368         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3873   368        IL1RAP  0.4313412 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3874   368         STRA6  2.1917987 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3875   368       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3876   368       GPIHBP1 -4.1310943 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3877   368       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3878   368          DPP4  3.0311147 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3879   368        AGPAT1  0.7000593 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3880   368         CTBP2  0.4262190 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3881   368        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3882   368           LYN -0.7283980 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3883   368          STX2 -1.4672858 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3884   368         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3885   368       SLC22A8  4.6198271 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3886   368        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3887   368         RFTN2  0.5881949 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3888   368         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3889   368         CLIC1 -0.5963828 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3890   368         CD164  0.4820687 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3891   368          FLNA -0.6730172 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3892   368        LRPAP1  0.3978039 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3893   368           BGN -1.5797421 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3894   368         MAST2  0.3355945 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3895   368         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3896   368          XPR1  0.4871346 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3897   368        PLXDC1 -0.5825295 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3898   368         SORT1  1.1173178 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3899   368       KCTD12B -0.8638782 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3900   368          SGCE -1.5005806 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3901   368         PARVB  1.1023674 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3902   368       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3903   368          SGCB -1.2201619 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3904   368         PARVA -0.7543596 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3905   368      SLC39A14 -0.8730863 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3906   368          NKD1  3.3228355 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3907   368       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3908   368         PARD3  1.7035204 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3909   368          MTDH -0.4614407 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3910   368         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3911   368          EEA1 -0.3566612 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3912   368       SLC19A3  6.2815246 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3913   368           KIT -1.7946208 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3914   368        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3915   368         PLIN2 -0.6068227 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3916   368          DGKD -1.1848871 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3917   368        MFSD7C  2.5002425 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3918   368        LANCL2  0.3723850 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3919   368          SOS1  0.6901445 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3920   368        COL6A3 -0.3943146 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3921   368        CLEC2D  0.7821061 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3922   368          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3923   368       SLCO3A1 -1.2113420 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3924   368        CLEC2H  0.2441908 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3925   368          LY75  2.8168512 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3926   368          NOS1  0.4966184 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3927   368          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3928   368        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3929   368         SAMD4 -0.7848970 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3930   368          FZD6  1.3453589 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3931   368         PROM1  2.2468888 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3932   368         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3933   368       SLC16A2  1.8015782 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3934   368         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3935   368         AP2A2  0.3464030 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3936   368        PTP4A3 -0.6424650 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3937   368          TFRC  4.4032544 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3938   368         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3939   368         STAB1 -0.4562437 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3940   368          LAYN  2.3060945 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3941   368           FYN -1.6589775 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3942   368         GNG10 -0.4197443 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3943   368          CDON  0.5243444 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3944   368       SLC16A9  1.7302349 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3945   368         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3946   368         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3947   368          AMOT  1.0877881 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3948   368          LRP8  3.3563987 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3949   368            CP  3.0784531 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3950   368          DNM2  0.3509938 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3951   368         HTR2A  0.8223105 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3952   368         GNA13  0.3711599 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3953   368          ENAH -0.8317531 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3954   368          OCLN  4.6990665 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3955   368        PLXNA4 -1.3155278 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3956   368        GABRB2 -0.2803297 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3957   368         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3958   368          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3959   368        SLC7A5  3.9292045 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3960   368        IL17RD  0.8236271 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3961   368        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3962   368        SEZ6L2 -1.0876576 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3963   368       SLC16A1  3.7340748 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3964   368         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3965   368          DYSF -1.6785928 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3966   368         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3967   368        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3968   368         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3969   368        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3970   368          INSR  1.6754155 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3971   368         MTUS1  1.1123813 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3972   368        SCAMP5 -0.5922270 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3973   368         INADL  0.3447180 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3974   368          BST2 -0.6709576 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3975   368         MFGE8 -1.4562858 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3976   368        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3977   368          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3978   368         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3979   368          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3980   368         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3981   368         LYNX1  1.0066724 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3982   368       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3983   368       CLEC12B -1.3592017 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3984   368       CD300LG -2.2784085 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3985   368        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3986   368         VAMP1  0.5729027 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3987   368          CAR4  0.6921409 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3988   368           DST -0.9919195 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3989   368       SLC40A1  4.5186054 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3990   368       TNFAIP1 -0.6981907 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3991   368       SLC38A5  4.2740287 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3992   368          BBS4  0.7917331 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3993   368         CGNL1  1.4352262 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3994   368          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3995   368       SLC38A3  4.7617553 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3996   368         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3997   368       CYSLTR1  0.8857311 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3998   368       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 3999   368        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4000   368          LRBA  0.4892743 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4001   368         PAQR7  0.8887517 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4002   368         ITGB5 -2.0664620 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4003   368      CDC42SE1  0.6811924 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4004   368       NOSTRIN  1.2039553 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4005   368          TTC8  0.5018888 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4006   368         KCNA5 -2.9110702 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4007   368         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4008   368         TTYH3 -0.5635840 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4009   368          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4010   368       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4011   368         P2RY2 -1.2897863 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4012   368         TTYH2  1.3580564 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4013   368          NUMB -0.8725376 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4014   368         LRFN1 -0.2244776 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4015   368        SSX2IP  1.8684610 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4016   368        PLXND1 -1.4831711 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4017   368           FN1  1.8449363 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4018   368           LPL -4.7634007 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4019   368        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4020   368       PHACTR1  0.6381621 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4021   368      CACNA2D1 -0.4306334 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4022   368          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4023   368        ADAM23 -1.0844037 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4024   368         KCNB1 -1.0854138 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4025   368         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4026   368        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4027   368       SLCO2B1  1.6637848 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4028   368         H2-Q6 -1.5226946 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4029   368         H2-Q7 -0.6636216 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4030   368        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4031   368         H2-Q8 -1.0723176 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4032   368         ITGA9 -1.7933917 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4033   368         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4034   368        SLC7A3  1.2186534 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4035   368         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4036   368         FREM2  0.8510785 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4037   368      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4038   368         ECSCR -1.1219161 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4039   368         PDZD2 -0.7884893 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4040   368       PLEKHA2 -0.6398823 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4041   368       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4042   368          IER3  0.8705497 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4043   368          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4044   368         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4045   368          LEPR  2.6539788 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4046   368        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4047   368         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4048   368          PEX3  1.0629433 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4049   368         SKAP2 -0.9585752 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4050   368           LSR  2.0573397 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4051   368      VMN1R208 -0.1800596 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4052   368      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4053   368          GPC4 -1.0134381 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4054   368           ANK  0.4773445 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4055   368       TMEM173 -1.3784149 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4056   368         CXCR4 -2.5647537 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4057   368       MAPKAP1  0.5273520 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4058   368          SDPR -0.9836461 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4059   368          GOPC -1.1451475 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4060   368           MSN -0.3354085 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4061   368          RHOD  0.6047675 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4062   368          PAK1  1.3962107 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4063   368           ZYX -1.0582733 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4064   368         SCN7A -0.5989936 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4065   368       KIRREL2  0.2362773 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4066   368          DLG2 -0.8407200 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4067   368         H2-K1 -0.4985447 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4068   368         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4069   368        PTGER4 -1.0537890 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4070   368         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4071   368          MPP7  0.8770310 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4072   368      SLC9A3R1  0.6445308 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4073   368          NEXN -2.7307544 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4074   368          ARL3  0.4874493 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4075   368          STOM  0.6593231 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4076   368       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4077   368           NRM -0.5294858 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4078   368        STXBP5 -0.6296915 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4079   368          DEF6  0.5867378 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4080   368          CD81 -0.5231352 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4081   368        H2-KE6  0.5847254 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4082   368          CTSB -0.4946410 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4083   368         GPR17 -1.3338933 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4084   368          PRNP  1.0410868 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4085   368          JAM3 -1.3508916 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4086   368          EPN1 -0.3218495 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4087   368           CPM -0.8186774 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4088   368      TNFRSF23 -0.7347568 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4089   368           TNF -0.5241138 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4090   368          PRND -2.6433152 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4091   368         CD109 -1.0547504 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4092   368        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4093   368          CDH2  1.2832653 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4094   368         CYTH3  0.7799272 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4095   368         ESYT2  1.5058597 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4096   368        GPRC5B -1.0162943 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4097   368         CD24A  0.8402202 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4098   368          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4099   368         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4100   368         APLNR -2.7692518 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4101   368           CD9 -0.7653465 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4102   368         KLRA9 -3.5714939 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4103   368       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4104   368          HRH2 -0.3586133 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4105   368      MARVELD2  1.2573794 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4106   368          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4107   368        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4108   368      TNFRSF19  1.8945235 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4109   368          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4110   368        PPAP2A -1.1172784 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4111   368        FGFBP1  0.2823305 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4112   368          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4113   368          MYOF  2.0205359 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4114   368          ENO1  0.6613974 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4115   368       TMEM45A  0.9937816 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4116   368         CNNM2  0.9386960 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4117   368          PLP2 -1.1518332 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4118   368       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4119   368        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4120   368        ABCA8A -1.0566883 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4121   368           MAL  2.7832842 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4122   368          UBL3  0.4242004 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4123   368         GM614 -1.5591947 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4124   368           VWF  1.7620703 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4125   368        TMEM47 -2.0868167 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4126   368        SLC6A6  0.8810377 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4127   368         TCAM1  0.2929374 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4128   368          SYNM  1.8265187 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4129   368         VPS28  0.4834162 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4130   368         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4131   368          LIPE -0.6772464 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4132   368         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4133   368           F2R -2.1268269 0.000318000  0.10425721
## 4134    34          ENAH -0.8317531 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4135    34          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4136    34          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4137    34         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4138    34         CADM1  1.8215955 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4139    34          AQP1 -5.2258497 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4140    34       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4141    34          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4142    34          CD44 -1.0396956 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4143    34        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4144    34           ILK -0.6476593 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4145    34          NUMB -0.8725376 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4146    34           MSN -0.3354085 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4147    34           ZYX -1.0582733 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4148    34       SLCO3A1 -1.2113420 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4149    34          PAK1  1.3962107 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4150    34        AGPAT1  0.7000593 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4151    34        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4152    34          STX2 -1.4672858 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4153    34       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4154    34         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4155    34        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4156    34         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4157    34          NEXN -2.7307544 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4158    34       SLCO2B1  1.6637848 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4159    34          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4160    34         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4161    34          PGM5  1.9231251 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4162    34          LAYN  2.3060945 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4163    34       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4164    34        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4165    34           DST -0.9919195 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4166    34         PARVB  1.1023674 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4167    34         PARVA -0.7543596 0.000789000 -0.68599434
## 4168    28          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4169    28          ENAH -0.8317531 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4170    28       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4171    28         PARD3  1.7035204 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4172    28         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4173    28          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4174    28          CDH2  1.2832653 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4175    28       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4176    28          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4177    28           ILK -0.6476593 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4178    28           ZYX -1.0582733 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4179    28          PAK1  1.3962107 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4180    28        SSX2IP  1.8684610 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4181    28         NPHP1  0.5274854 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4182    28        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4183    28         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4184    28          MPP7  0.8770310 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4185    28          NEXN -2.7307544 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4186    28           JUP -1.0516396 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4187    28          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4188    28         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4189    28          PGM5  1.9231251 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4190    28          LAYN  2.3060945 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4191    28          SYNM  1.8265187 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4192    28       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4193    28        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4194    28         PARVB  1.1023674 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4195    28         PARVA -0.7543596 0.000756000  0.75592895
## 4196    78          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4197    78          ENAH -0.8317531 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4198    78          OCLN  4.6990665 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4199    78         CADM1  1.8215955 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4200    78        GABRB2 -0.2803297 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4201    78         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4202    78          UTRN  0.6515582 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4203    78         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4204    78        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4205    78          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4206    78          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4207    78         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4208    78        AMOTL1 -0.7736098 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4209    78          GJA5 -2.4542500 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4210    78        AMOTL2 -0.8098481 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4211    78      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4212    78       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4213    78         HMCN1  2.2111133 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4214    78         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4215    78           ILK -0.6476593 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4216    78          GOPC -1.1451475 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4217    78          PAK1  1.3962107 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4218    78           ZYX -1.0582733 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4219    78          DLG2 -0.8407200 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4220    78          DPP4  3.0311147 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4221    78        SCAMP5 -0.5922270 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4222    78         INADL  0.3447180 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4223    78         CTBP2  0.4262190 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4224    78         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4225    78         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4226    78          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4227    78        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4228    78          MPP7  0.8770310 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4229    78          NEXN -2.7307544 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4230    78           JUP -1.0516396 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4231    78         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4232    78          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4233    78        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4234    78         MAST2  0.3355945 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4235    78          PGM5  1.9231251 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4236    78         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4237    78        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4238    78        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4239    78       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4240    78       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4241    78        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4242    78        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4243    78         VAMP1  0.5729027 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4244    78           DST -0.9919195 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4245    78         PARVB  1.1023674 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4246    78         PARVA -0.7543596 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4247    78         CGNL1  1.4352262 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4248    78         PARD3  1.7035204 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4249    78       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4250    78          MTDH -0.4614407 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4251    78         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4252    78          CDH2  1.2832653 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4253    78          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4254    78        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4255    78          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4256    78      MARVELD2  1.2573794 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4257    78          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4258    78         LRFN1 -0.2244776 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4259    78        SSX2IP  1.8684610 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4260    78         NPHP1  0.5274854 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4261    78        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4262    78       PHACTR1  0.6381621 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4263    78        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4264    78        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4265    78         SAMD4 -0.7848970 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4266    78        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4267    78        TMEM47 -2.0868167 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4268    78          LAYN  2.3060945 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4269    78         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4270    78          AMOT  1.0877881 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4271    78          SYNM  1.8265187 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4272    78         PDZD2 -0.7884893 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4273    78          DNM2  0.3509938 0.001517372  0.90582163
## 4274    71         GNA13  0.3711599 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4275    71         CADM1  1.8215955 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4276    71          MLPH  0.3636092 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4277    71         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4278    71         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4279    71         PDIA6 -0.7527857 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4280    71         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4281    71         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4282    71        SLC1A5 -0.9490795 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4283    71       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4284    71         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4285    71        PICALM -0.5427484 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4286    71          TPP1  0.2900076 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4287    71       PACSIN2 -0.4208403 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4288    71       MAPKAP1  0.5273520 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4289    71        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4290    71          GOPC -1.1451475 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4291    71        SCAMP5 -0.5922270 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4292    71           BSG  1.7787647 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4293    71        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4294    71       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4295    71        ANP32E  0.5734011 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4296    71        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4297    71          STOM  0.6593231 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4298    71         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4299    71            F5  1.0342927 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4300    71         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4301    71        SEMA4C -0.5716982 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4302    71         SORT1  1.1173178 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4303    71       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4304    71          CTSB -0.4946410 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4305    71       PDCD6IP -0.3779510 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4306    71     RAB11FIP1  2.9845256 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4307    71       SLC40A1  4.5186054 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4308    71           DST -0.9919195 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4309    71         IFT74  0.7285776 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4310    71         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4311    71           TNF -0.5241138 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4312    71         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4313    71          LRBA  0.4892743 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4314    71         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4315    71       NOSTRIN  1.2039553 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4316    71         CXXC4 -0.4424631 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4317    71          RFFL -0.3729210 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4318    71         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4319    71          DGKD -1.1848871 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4320    71          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4321    71        TMED10  0.2524694 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4322    71          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4323    71         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4324    71          HIP1  0.8382696 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4325    71       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4326    71          PLAT  1.6281646 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4327    71          NOS1  0.4966184 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4328    71          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4329    71           GGH  0.4332434 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4330    71        EXOC3L -0.9601766 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4331    71         WIPI1  0.7034265 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4332    71           VWF  1.7620703 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4333    71       PLA2G4A  3.0518281 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4334    71         AP2A2  0.3464030 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4335    71         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4336    71           NTS -1.3294272 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4337    71          TFRC  4.4032544 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4338    71          ULK1  0.4108861 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4339    71          CAPG  0.7958338 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4340    71         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4341    71          AMOT  1.0877881 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4342    71      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4343    71         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4344    71          ABL2  0.5324753 0.001695798  2.01752882
## 4345    20        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4346    20          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4347    20          ENAH -0.8317531 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4348    20         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4349    20         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4350    20          NEXN -2.7307544 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4351    20       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4352    20          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4353    20          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4354    20          PGM5  1.9231251 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4355    20         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4356    20          LAYN  2.3060945 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4357    20           ILK -0.6476593 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4358    20       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4359    20          PAK1  1.3962107 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4360    20           ZYX -1.0582733 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4361    20        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4362    20           DST -0.9919195 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4363    20         PARVB  1.1023674 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4364    20         PARVA -0.7543596 0.001502363 -0.44721360
## 4365    21        COL4A2 -1.1833210 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4366    21        COL4A1 -1.3143412 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4367    21           TNC -0.4306758 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4368    21       COL15A1 -0.8785426 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4369    21         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4370    21        CCDC80 -2.4799752 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4371    21         PAPLN -0.9733092 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4372    21          NID1 -1.3734728 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4373    21         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4374    21         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4375    21         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4376    21        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4377    21         HMCN1  2.2111133 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4378    21           ANG  1.7859395 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4379    21         FREM2  0.8510785 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4380    21          AGRN  0.9924072 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4381    21         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4382    21        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4383    21          VWA1  1.3735867 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4384    21        COL8A1 -1.2164318 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4385    21           FN1  1.8449363 0.001745146 -1.09108945
## 4386    69         GNA13  0.3711599 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4387    69         CADM1  1.8215955 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4388    69          MLPH  0.3636092 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4389    69         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4390    69         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4391    69         PDIA6 -0.7527857 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4392    69         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4393    69         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4394    69        SLC1A5 -0.9490795 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4395    69       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4396    69         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4397    69        PICALM -0.5427484 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4398    69          TPP1  0.2900076 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4399    69       PACSIN2 -0.4208403 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4400    69       MAPKAP1  0.5273520 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4401    69        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4402    69          GOPC -1.1451475 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4403    69        SCAMP5 -0.5922270 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4404    69           BSG  1.7787647 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4405    69        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4406    69       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4407    69        ANP32E  0.5734011 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4408    69        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4409    69          STOM  0.6593231 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4410    69         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4411    69            F5  1.0342927 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4412    69         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4413    69        SEMA4C -0.5716982 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4414    69         SORT1  1.1173178 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4415    69       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4416    69          CTSB -0.4946410 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4417    69       PDCD6IP -0.3779510 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4418    69     RAB11FIP1  2.9845256 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4419    69       SLC40A1  4.5186054 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4420    69           DST -0.9919195 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4421    69         IFT74  0.7285776 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4422    69           TNF -0.5241138 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4423    69         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4424    69          LRBA  0.4892743 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4425    69         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4426    69       NOSTRIN  1.2039553 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4427    69         CXXC4 -0.4424631 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4428    69          RFFL -0.3729210 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4429    69         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4430    69          DGKD -1.1848871 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4431    69          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4432    69        TMED10  0.2524694 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4433    69          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4434    69         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4435    69          HIP1  0.8382696 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4436    69          PLAT  1.6281646 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4437    69          NOS1  0.4966184 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4438    69          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4439    69           GGH  0.4332434 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4440    69        EXOC3L -0.9601766 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4441    69         WIPI1  0.7034265 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4442    69           VWF  1.7620703 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4443    69       PLA2G4A  3.0518281 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4444    69         AP2A2  0.3464030 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4445    69         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4446    69           NTS -1.3294272 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4447    69          TFRC  4.4032544 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4448    69          ULK1  0.4108861 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4449    69          CAPG  0.7958338 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4450    69         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4451    69      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4452    69          AMOT  1.0877881 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4453    69         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4454    69          ABL2  0.5324753 0.002262406  1.80578780
## 4455   215         CADM1  1.8215955 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4456   215         SGMS2  3.3169163 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4457   215          UTRN  0.6515582 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4458   215          AQP7 -4.9741103 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4459   215        VPS33B  0.4778649 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4460   215         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4461   215          AQP1 -5.2258497 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4462   215        AMOTL1 -0.7736098 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4463   215        AMOTL2 -0.8098481 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4464   215       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4465   215        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4466   215         HMCN1  2.2111133 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4467   215          CD44 -1.0396956 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4468   215          APOE  0.8698346 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4469   215         RAB28  0.6242857 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4470   215           ILK -0.6476593 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4471   215          GNG5  0.5096927 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4472   215          GNG7  0.5588479 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4473   215         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4474   215         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4475   215          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4476   215        VANGL2  0.5220569 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4477   215        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4478   215          THY1 -0.5538562 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4479   215           JUP -1.0516396 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4480   215          NPC1  0.3724211 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4481   215        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4482   215          PGM5  1.9231251 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4483   215          PTRF -0.8990656 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4484   215        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4485   215        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4486   215        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4487   215       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4488   215       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4489   215        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4490   215         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4491   215         ENPP2  1.6751688 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4492   215         FCGRT  1.0807321 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4493   215         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4494   215         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4495   215        ITGBL1 -0.4521872 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4496   215         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4497   215       SLC28A2 -3.5721393 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4498   215         NPHP1  0.5274854 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4499   215       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4500   215          MAOA  3.0975018 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4501   215        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4502   215        PCDH10  0.2447438 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4503   215          MAOB  2.9632211 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4504   215        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4505   215         GNAT3 -0.6986170 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4506   215         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4507   215          CD55 -1.2585362 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4508   215         GNGT2 -1.4393956 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4509   215          EPS8  1.1645216 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4510   215         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4511   215          RHEB  0.5187213 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4512   215         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4513   215        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4514   215         GPR85  0.3148055 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4515   215         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4516   215         H2-D1 -0.5065864 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4517   215         AP3S1  0.6441039 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4518   215          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4519   215          GJA5 -2.4542500 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4520   215         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4521   215         AP2B1  0.8121430 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4522   215         CERKL  0.8624001 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4523   215         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4524   215       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4525   215       GPIHBP1 -4.1310943 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4526   215          DPP4  3.0311147 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4527   215        AGPAT1  0.7000593 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4528   215         CTBP2  0.4262190 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4529   215          STX2 -1.4672858 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4530   215         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4531   215         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4532   215         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4533   215         MAST2  0.3355945 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4534   215       KCTD12B -0.8638782 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4535   215         SORT1  1.1173178 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4536   215          SGCE -1.5005806 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4537   215         PARVB  1.1023674 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4538   215          SGCB -1.2201619 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4539   215         PARVA -0.7543596 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4540   215         PARD3  1.7035204 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4541   215       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4542   215         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4543   215          MTDH -0.4614407 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4544   215       SLC19A3  6.2815246 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4545   215          EEA1 -0.3566612 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4546   215           KIT -1.7946208 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4547   215        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4548   215        CLEC2D  0.7821061 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4549   215       SLCO3A1 -1.2113420 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4550   215        CLEC2H  0.2441908 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4551   215          LY75  2.8168512 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4552   215        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4553   215         SAMD4 -0.7848970 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4554   215          FZD6  1.3453589 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4555   215         PROM1  2.2468888 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4556   215         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4557   215         AP2A2  0.3464030 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4558   215          LAYN  2.3060945 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4559   215         STAB1 -0.4562437 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4560   215         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4561   215          CDON  0.5243444 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4562   215         GNG10 -0.4197443 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4563   215          AMOT  1.0877881 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4564   215         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4565   215            CP  3.0784531 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4566   215          DNM2  0.3509938 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4567   215         GNA13  0.3711599 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4568   215          ENAH -0.8317531 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4569   215          OCLN  4.6990665 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4570   215        GABRB2 -0.2803297 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4571   215         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4572   215          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4573   215         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4574   215          DYSF -1.6785928 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4575   215        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4576   215         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4577   215        SCAMP5 -0.5922270 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4578   215         INADL  0.3447180 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4579   215         MFGE8 -1.4562858 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4580   215        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4581   215          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4582   215         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4583   215        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4584   215         VAMP1  0.5729027 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4585   215           DST -0.9919195 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4586   215       TNFAIP1 -0.6981907 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4587   215         CGNL1  1.4352262 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4588   215          BBS4  0.7917331 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4589   215       SLC38A3  4.7617553 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4590   215          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4591   215         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4592   215       CYSLTR1  0.8857311 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4593   215       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4594   215         ITGB5 -2.0664620 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4595   215         KCNA5 -2.9110702 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4596   215          TTC8  0.5018888 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4597   215         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4598   215          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4599   215          NUMB -0.8725376 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4600   215         LRFN1 -0.2244776 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4601   215        SSX2IP  1.8684610 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4602   215           FN1  1.8449363 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4603   215       PHACTR1  0.6381621 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4604   215        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4605   215      CACNA2D1 -0.4306334 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4606   215         KCNB1 -1.0854138 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4607   215        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4608   215         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4609   215         H2-Q6 -1.5226946 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4610   215       SLCO2B1  1.6637848 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4611   215         H2-Q7 -0.6636216 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4612   215         H2-Q8 -1.0723176 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4613   215        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4614   215         ITGA9 -1.7933917 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4615   215        SLC7A3  1.2186534 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4616   215         FREM2  0.8510785 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4617   215         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4618   215      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4619   215         PDZD2 -0.7884893 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4620   215       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4621   215          IER3  0.8705497 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4622   215          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4623   215         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4624   215          LEPR  2.6539788 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4625   215         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4626   215        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4627   215          PEX3  1.0629433 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4628   215      VMN1R208 -0.1800596 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4629   215      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4630   215          GPC4 -1.0134381 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4631   215           ANK  0.4773445 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4632   215          SDPR -0.9836461 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4633   215          GOPC -1.1451475 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4634   215           ZYX -1.0582733 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4635   215          PAK1  1.3962107 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4636   215         SCN7A -0.5989936 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4637   215           MSN -0.3354085 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4638   215          DLG2 -0.8407200 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4639   215         H2-K1 -0.4985447 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4640   215         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4641   215         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4642   215          MPP7  0.8770310 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4643   215      SLC9A3R1  0.6445308 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4644   215          NEXN -2.7307544 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4645   215          ARL3  0.4874493 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4646   215          STOM  0.6593231 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4647   215           NRM -0.5294858 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4648   215        STXBP5 -0.6296915 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4649   215          CD81 -0.5231352 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4650   215          CTSB -0.4946410 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4651   215           TNF -0.5241138 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4652   215          CDH2  1.2832653 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4653   215         CD24A  0.8402202 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4654   215          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4655   215      MARVELD2  1.2573794 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4656   215          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4657   215        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4658   215        PPAP2A -1.1172784 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4659   215          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4660   215          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4661   215       TMEM45A  0.9937816 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4662   215       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4663   215         GM614 -1.5591947 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4664   215           VWF  1.7620703 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4665   215        TMEM47 -2.0868167 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4666   215        SLC6A6  0.8810377 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4667   215         TCAM1  0.2929374 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4668   215          SYNM  1.8265187 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4669   215          LIPE -0.6772464 0.002181399  0.20459830
## 4670    55          ASPN -2.7099863 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4671    55        CTHRC1  1.5593096 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4672    55         LTBP1 -1.7956945 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4673    55          NEPN -1.8400647 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4674    55         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4675    55         POSTN -1.9800983 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4676    55         MMP25  0.3999529 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4677    55          GPC4 -1.0134381 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4678    55           OGN -0.4331110 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4679    55         HMCN1  2.2111133 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4680    55           ANG  1.7859395 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4681    55          VWA1  1.3735867 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4682    55        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4683    55         CRTAP  0.9706400 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4684    55         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4685    55       ADAMTS9 -2.5714289 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4686    55           BGN -1.5797421 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4687    55        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4688    55          NAV2  0.4839409 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4689    55        ADAM19 -1.2154123 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4690    55         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4691    55         MFAP5 -0.8768981 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4692    55       ADAMTS5 -1.9192924 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4693    55         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4694    55      ADAMTSL2  0.3110116 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4695    55        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4696    55           TNC -0.4306758 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4697    55           LUM -0.5273959 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4698    55         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4699    55           DCN -3.4268267 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4700    55         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4701    55        COL6A3 -0.3943146 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4702    55           PTN  5.5709268 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4703    55          AGRN  0.9924072 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4704    55        COL8A1 -1.2164318 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4705    55        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4706    55           DPT -3.2040615 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4707    55           FN1  1.8449363 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4708    55        COL4A2 -1.1833210 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4709    55        COL4A1 -1.3143412 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4710    55        LGALS1 -2.2474624 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4711    55        EFEMP2  0.7866735 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4712    55          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4713    55       COL15A1 -0.8785426 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4714    55        CCDC80 -2.4799752 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4715    55         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4716    55         PAPLN -0.9733092 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4717    55          NID1 -1.3734728 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4718    55       EMILIN1 -0.4076632 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4719    55         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4720    55           VWF  1.7620703 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4721    55         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4722    55         FBLN2 -1.9822873 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4723    55         FREM2  0.8510785 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4724    55        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.002094924 -2.02259959
## 4725    82         GNA13  0.3711599 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4726    82         CADM1  1.8215955 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4727    82          MLPH  0.3636092 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4728    82         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4729    82         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4730    82         AP3S1  0.6441039 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4731    82         PDIA6 -0.7527857 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4732    82         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4733    82         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4734    82      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4735    82        SLC1A5 -0.9490795 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4736    82       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4737    82         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4738    82          DYSF -1.6785928 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4739    82        PICALM -0.5427484 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4740    82      MAP1LC3A  0.4712059 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4741    82          TPP1  0.2900076 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4742    82       PACSIN2 -0.4208403 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4743    82       MAPKAP1  0.5273520 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4744    82        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4745    82          GOPC -1.1451475 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4746    82         RAB6B -0.6097520 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4747    82        IFNGR1 -1.0637833 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4748    82        SCAMP5 -0.5922270 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4749    82           BSG  1.7787647 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4750    82        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4751    82       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4752    82        ANP32E  0.5734011 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4753    82        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4754    82          STOM  0.6593231 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4755    82          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4756    82         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4757    82            F5  1.0342927 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4758    82         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4759    82        SEMA4C -0.5716982 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4760    82         SORT1  1.1173178 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4761    82       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4762    82       PDCD6IP -0.3779510 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4763    82          CTSB -0.4946410 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4764    82         VAMP1  0.5729027 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4765    82     RAB11FIP1  2.9845256 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4766    82       SLC40A1  4.5186054 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4767    82           DST -0.9919195 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4768    82         IFT74  0.7285776 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4769    82         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4770    82           TNF -0.5241138 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4771    82         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4772    82          LRBA  0.4892743 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4773    82         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4774    82       NOSTRIN  1.2039553 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4775    82         CXXC4 -0.4424631 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4776    82          RFFL -0.3729210 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4777    82         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4778    82          DGKD -1.1848871 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4779    82          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4780    82        TMED10  0.2524694 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4781    82          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4782    82          MYOF  2.0205359 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4783    82         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4784    82          HIP1  0.8382696 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4785    82          PLAT  1.6281646 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4786    82       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4787    82          NOS1  0.4966184 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4788    82          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4789    82           GGH  0.4332434 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4790    82        EXOC3L -0.9601766 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4791    82        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4792    82         WIPI1  0.7034265 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4793    82           VWF  1.7620703 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4794    82       PLA2G4A  3.0518281 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4795    82         AP2A2  0.3464030 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4796    82         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4797    82          TFRC  4.4032544 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4798    82           NTS -1.3294272 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4799    82          ULK1  0.4108861 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4800    82          CAPG  0.7958338 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4801    82         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4802    82          AMOT  1.0877881 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4803    82      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4804    82         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4805    82          ABL2  0.5324753 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4806    82        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.001995376  1.98776747
## 4807    53          ASPN -2.7099863 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4808    53        CTHRC1  1.5593096 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4809    53         LTBP1 -1.7956945 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4810    53          NEPN -1.8400647 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4811    53         POSTN -1.9800983 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4812    53         MMP25  0.3999529 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4813    53          GPC4 -1.0134381 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4814    53           OGN -0.4331110 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4815    53         HMCN1  2.2111133 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4816    53           ANG  1.7859395 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4817    53          VWA1  1.3735867 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4818    53        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4819    53         CRTAP  0.9706400 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4820    53         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4821    53       ADAMTS9 -2.5714289 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4822    53           BGN -1.5797421 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4823    53        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4824    53          NAV2  0.4839409 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4825    53        ADAM19 -1.2154123 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4826    53         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4827    53         MFAP5 -0.8768981 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4828    53       ADAMTS5 -1.9192924 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4829    53         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4830    53      ADAMTSL2  0.3110116 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4831    53        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4832    53           TNC -0.4306758 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4833    53           LUM -0.5273959 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4834    53         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4835    53           DCN -3.4268267 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4836    53         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4837    53           PTN  5.5709268 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4838    53          AGRN  0.9924072 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4839    53        COL8A1 -1.2164318 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4840    53        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4841    53           DPT -3.2040615 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4842    53           FN1  1.8449363 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4843    53        COL4A2 -1.1833210 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4844    53        COL4A1 -1.3143412 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4845    53        LGALS1 -2.2474624 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4846    53        EFEMP2  0.7866735 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4847    53          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4848    53       COL15A1 -0.8785426 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4849    53        CCDC80 -2.4799752 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4850    53         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4851    53         PAPLN -0.9733092 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4852    53          NID1 -1.3734728 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4853    53       EMILIN1 -0.4076632 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4854    53         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4855    53           VWF  1.7620703 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4856    53         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4857    53         FBLN2 -1.9822873 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4858    53         FREM2  0.8510785 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4859    53        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.002285088 -1.78568733
## 4860    80         GNA13  0.3711599 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4861    80         CADM1  1.8215955 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4862    80          MLPH  0.3636092 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4863    80         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4864    80         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4865    80         AP3S1  0.6441039 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4866    80         PDIA6 -0.7527857 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4867    80         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4868    80         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4869    80      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4870    80        SLC1A5 -0.9490795 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4871    80       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4872    80         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4873    80          DYSF -1.6785928 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4874    80        PICALM -0.5427484 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4875    80      MAP1LC3A  0.4712059 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4876    80          TPP1  0.2900076 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4877    80       PACSIN2 -0.4208403 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4878    80       MAPKAP1  0.5273520 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4879    80        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4880    80          GOPC -1.1451475 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4881    80         RAB6B -0.6097520 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4882    80        SCAMP5 -0.5922270 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4883    80           BSG  1.7787647 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4884    80        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4885    80       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4886    80        ANP32E  0.5734011 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4887    80        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4888    80          STOM  0.6593231 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4889    80          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4890    80         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4891    80            F5  1.0342927 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4892    80         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4893    80        SEMA4C -0.5716982 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4894    80         SORT1  1.1173178 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4895    80       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4896    80       PDCD6IP -0.3779510 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4897    80          CTSB -0.4946410 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4898    80         VAMP1  0.5729027 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4899    80     RAB11FIP1  2.9845256 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4900    80       SLC40A1  4.5186054 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4901    80           DST -0.9919195 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4902    80         IFT74  0.7285776 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4903    80         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4904    80           TNF -0.5241138 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4905    80         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4906    80          LRBA  0.4892743 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4907    80         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4908    80       NOSTRIN  1.2039553 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4909    80         CXXC4 -0.4424631 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4910    80          RFFL -0.3729210 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4911    80         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4912    80          DGKD -1.1848871 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4913    80          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4914    80        TMED10  0.2524694 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4915    80          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4916    80          MYOF  2.0205359 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4917    80         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4918    80          HIP1  0.8382696 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4919    80          PLAT  1.6281646 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4920    80          NOS1  0.4966184 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4921    80          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4922    80           GGH  0.4332434 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4923    80        EXOC3L -0.9601766 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4924    80        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4925    80         WIPI1  0.7034265 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4926    80           VWF  1.7620703 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4927    80       PLA2G4A  3.0518281 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4928    80         AP2A2  0.3464030 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4929    80         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4930    80          TFRC  4.4032544 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4931    80           NTS -1.3294272 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4932    80          ULK1  0.4108861 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4933    80          CAPG  0.7958338 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4934    80         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4935    80          AMOT  1.0877881 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4936    80      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4937    80         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4938    80          ABL2  0.5324753 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4939    80        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.002342273  2.01246118
## 4940    18        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4941    18          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4942    18          ENAH -0.8317531 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4943    18         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4944    18         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4945    18          NEXN -2.7307544 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4946    18       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4947    18          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4948    18          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4949    18         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4950    18          LAYN  2.3060945 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4951    18           ILK -0.6476593 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4952    18          PAK1  1.3962107 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4953    18           ZYX -1.0582733 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4954    18       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4955    18        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4956    18         PARVB  1.1023674 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4957    18         PARVA -0.7543596 0.002762168 -0.47140452
## 4958    28          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4959    28          ENAH -0.8317531 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4960    28       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4961    28         PARD3  1.7035204 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4962    28         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4963    28          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4964    28          CDH2  1.2832653 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4965    28       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4966    28          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4967    28           ILK -0.6476593 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4968    28           ZYX -1.0582733 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4969    28          PAK1  1.3962107 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4970    28        SSX2IP  1.8684610 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4971    28         NPHP1  0.5274854 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4972    28        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4973    28         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4974    28          MPP7  0.8770310 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4975    28          NEXN -2.7307544 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4976    28           JUP -1.0516396 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4977    28          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4978    28         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4979    28          PGM5  1.9231251 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4980    28          LAYN  2.3060945 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4981    28          SYNM  1.8265187 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4982    28       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4983    28        NEURL2  1.8678762 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4984    28         PARVB  1.1023674 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4985    28         PARVA -0.7543596 0.002661132  0.75592895
## 4986    23        COL4A2 -1.1833210 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4987    23        COL4A1 -1.3143412 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4988    23           TNC -0.4306758 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4989    23          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4990    23       COL15A1 -0.8785426 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4991    23         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4992    23        CCDC80 -2.4799752 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4993    23         PAPLN -0.9733092 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4994    23          NID1 -1.3734728 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4995    23         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4996    23         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4997    23         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4998    23        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 4999    23         HMCN1  2.2111133 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5000    23           ANG  1.7859395 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5001    23         FREM2  0.8510785 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5002    23          AGRN  0.9924072 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5003    23         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5004    23        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5005    23          VWA1  1.3735867 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5006    23        COL8A1 -1.2164318 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5007    23         MFAP5 -0.8768981 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5008    23           FN1  1.8449363 0.002964743 -1.45960090
## 5009    85          OCLN  4.6990665 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5010    85         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5011    85         PPARG -3.6760365 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5012    85          VBP1  0.5468429 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5013    85          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5014    85           FES -0.3553155 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5015    85         PDCD4  0.5736128 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5016    85        SLC7A5  3.9292045 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5017    85        MAGED1  0.9304536 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5018    85       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5019    85         ACOT7 -0.7312229 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5020    85       PACSIN2 -0.4208403 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5021    85      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5022    85          SDPR -0.9836461 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5023    85         RAB24  0.5639919 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5024    85           MT1  2.2178710 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5025    85       NGFRAP1  0.8418163 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5026    85          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5027    85         DDAH2 -0.8367764 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5028    85          INSR  1.6754155 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5029    85         FMNL1 -1.7516041 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5030    85       PPP2R1A  0.3678080 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5031    85       PIK3C2B -2.4683793 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5032    85          PFKP -0.9427482 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5033    85          PFKM  0.5475063 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5034    85         CLIC1 -0.5963828 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5035    85       ZCCHC17  0.4590762 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5036    85          THY1 -0.5538562 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5037    85           JUP -1.0516396 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5038    85       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5039    85         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5040    85         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5041    85          PTRF -0.8990656 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5042    85           ADK  1.7241557 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5043    85         PFDN4  0.7494620 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5044    85         AS3MT  1.0911878 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5045    85         PSMA3  0.4132637 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5046    85         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5047    85       PDCD6IP -0.3779510 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5048    85          UROD  0.6962671 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5049    85         FHOD1 -0.5541577 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5050    85       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5051    85       ALDH9A1  0.9152142 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5052    85           XDH -0.5822439 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5053    85         CPLX2 -0.3166626 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5054    85          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5055    85         ABHD5  0.3971589 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5056    85          EEA1 -0.3566612 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5057    85         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5058    85        WDYHV1  1.1420104 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5059    85        GM8995 -0.9629326 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5060    85          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5061    85        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5062    85         RPL32 -0.3769321 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5063    85          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5064    85        LANCL2  0.3723850 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5065    85         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5066    85         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5067    85          AATF -0.5714165 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5068    85          CAR2  1.6099806 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5069    85          ENO1  0.6613974 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5070    85       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5071    85         MOCS2  0.6511192 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5072    85          NOS1  0.4966184 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5073    85        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5074    85          SRA1  0.5567935 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5075    85        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5076    85        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5077    85          TAB2  0.5390739 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5078    85        PTPN12 -0.3639878 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5079    85        HBA-A1 -1.5501629 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5080    85        HBA-A2 -1.5726738 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5081    85           ICK  0.4702803 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5082    85         GVIN1 -0.6953950 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5083    85           FYN -1.6589775 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5084    85         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5085    85          POMP  0.9716028 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5086    85         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5087    85         CPNE3  0.4759086 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5088    85          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5089    85         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5090    85         VPS28  0.4834162 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5091    85          GRB7  1.1371352 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5092    85          LIPE -0.6772464 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5093    85           GCA  1.7133449 0.005295418  0.32539569
## 5094    88         GNPTG  0.4475668 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5095    88          HPRT  0.6275924 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5096    88         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5097    88        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5098    88         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5099    88         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5100    88        ARL2BP  1.5949739 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5101    88         ASAH2 -1.4975050 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5102    88         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5103    88       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5104    88       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5105    88         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5106    88         PTGES  1.1106779 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5107    88          TPP1  0.2900076 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5108    88          GOPC -1.1451475 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5109    88          RECK  3.6926860 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5110    88          STX2 -1.4672858 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5111    88        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5112    88         CRYAB -0.9114836 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5113    88       CCDC88C -0.8672074 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5114    88          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5115    88         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5116    88          PKIG  0.5947590 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5117    88        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5118    88          PFKM  0.5475063 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5119    88        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5120    88         CLIC1 -0.5963828 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5121    88         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5122    88           POR  0.5795204 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5123    88        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5124    88          CD38 -1.4982516 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5125    88         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5126    88         LYNX1  1.0066724 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5127    88          PTRF -0.8990656 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5128    88          TPPP -1.6191163 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5129    88         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5130    88         AS3MT  1.0911878 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5131    88         SORT1  1.1173178 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5132    88        H2-KE6  0.5847254 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5133    88          CTSB -0.4946410 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5134    88         VAMP1  0.5729027 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5135    88         CYP51  1.1453600 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5136    88          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5137    88          SORD  0.5704929 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5138    88       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5139    88         CALD1 -1.5895592 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5140    88        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5141    88         CD24A  0.8402202 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5142    88         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5143    88          GCLM  0.6004267 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5144    88          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5145    88       SLCO1A4  6.6453875 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5146    88        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5147    88          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5148    88       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5149    88          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5150    88        TMED10  0.2524694 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5151    88        PPAP2A -1.1172784 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5152    88         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5153    88          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5154    88        INPP5A -0.8953969 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5155    88         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5156    88         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5157    88       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5158    88         NCEH1  1.0271370 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5159    88          ACY1  0.2835209 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5160    88        A4GALT  1.9493143 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5161    88        SEC11C  0.7575280 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5162    88       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5163    88        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5164    88        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5165    88         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5166    88         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5167    88         SAMD4 -0.7848970 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5168    88         CPT1A  0.9598796 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5169    88        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5170    88         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5171    88          EPS8  1.1645216 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5172    88         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5173    88         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5174    88         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5175    88          ULK1  0.4108861 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5176    88         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5177    88          CHN2  1.9067284 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5178    88         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5179    88          SYNM  1.8265187 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5180    88         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5181    88         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.007069382  1.06600358
## 5182    16        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5183    16          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5184    16          ENAH -0.8317531 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5185    16         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5186    16         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5187    16          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5188    16       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5189    16          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5190    16         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5191    16          LAYN  2.3060945 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5192    16           ILK -0.6476593 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5193    16          PAK1  1.3962107 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5194    16           ZYX -1.0582733 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5195    16       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5196    16         PARVB  1.1023674 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5197    16         PARVA -0.7543596 0.010478729 -0.50000000
## 5198    21         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5199    21          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5200    21          TCAP -0.7520534 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5201    21         CRYAB -0.9114836 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5202    21        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5203    21          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5204    21          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5205    21         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5206    21          TPM2 -1.4312286 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5207    21           TTN -0.6633600 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5208    21         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5209    21           JUP -1.0516396 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5210    21         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5211    21          MURC  1.6012508 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5212    21         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5213    21          PGM5  1.9231251 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5214    21         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5215    21       ANKRD23 -0.3758442 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5216    21          PYGM -1.1990651 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5217    21         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5218    21          SYNM  1.8265187 0.015748575 -3.27326835
## 5219   108          ASPN -2.7099863 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5220   108        CTHRC1  1.5593096 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5221   108         LTBP1 -1.7956945 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5222   108          IL16 -0.6437575 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5223   108          IL18  0.8877106 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5224   108          EDN1  1.3813006 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5225   108         TGFB3 -1.6543120 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5226   108       PGLYRP1  4.7509248 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5227   108         POSTN -1.9800983 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5228   108         BMP15  0.2973752 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5229   108         TGFB2  2.3031748 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5230   108           OGN -0.4331110 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5231   108         HMCN1  2.2111133 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5232   108      SERPINE2  1.0849144 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5233   108          APOE  0.8698346 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5234   108          IFNG  0.2338462 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5235   108         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5236   108         CRTAP  0.9706400 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5237   108            F8 -0.5775755 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5238   108         MFGE8 -1.4562858 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5239   108       ADAMTS9 -2.5714289 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5240   108        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5241   108            F5  1.0342927 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5242   108          NAV2  0.4839409 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5243   108         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5244   108         MFAP5 -0.8768981 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5245   108       ADAMTS5 -1.9192924 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5246   108         WNT5A  1.2678499 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5247   108      ADAMTSL2  0.3110116 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5248   108         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5249   108         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5250   108          AGRN  0.9924072 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5251   108        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5252   108           FN1  1.8449363 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5253   108          PLAT  1.6281646 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5254   108           LPL -4.7634007 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5255   108          BMP1 -0.5384685 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5256   108        EFEMP2  0.7866735 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5257   108        LGALS1 -2.2474624 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5258   108           GGH  0.4332434 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5259   108        CCDC80 -2.4799752 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5260   108       EMILIN1 -0.4076632 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5261   108         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5262   108         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5263   108         FREM2  0.8510785 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5264   108        CXCL16 -0.8723887 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5265   108        CCL27A  0.8755148 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5266   108        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5267   108          BMP6 -2.3351671 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5268   108          NEPN -1.8400647 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5269   108          LEPR  2.6539788 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5270   108           LSR  2.0573397 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5271   108         MMP25  0.3999529 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5272   108          GPC4 -1.0134381 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5273   108           ANG  1.7859395 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5274   108        SEMA3C  5.5156298 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5275   108         SEPP1  0.6959823 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5276   108          VWA1  1.3735867 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5277   108          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5278   108       GPIHBP1 -4.1310943 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5279   108        AGPAT1  0.7000593 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5280   108        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5281   108         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5282   108        IFNAR2  1.0208988 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5283   108           BGN -1.5797421 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5284   108       GM13306  0.7348015 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5285   108           GRN -0.5220210 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5286   108        ADAM19 -1.2154123 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5287   108           TNF -0.5241138 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5288   108            C3 -0.9411637 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5289   108        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5290   108           TNC -0.4306758 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5291   108           LUM -0.5273959 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5292   108         CD109 -1.0547504 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5293   108         CXCL9 -3.0769195 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5294   108           DCN -3.4268267 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5295   108        PRL2C3 -1.7891221 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5296   108        PRL2C5 -0.3866043 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5297   108       C1QTNF1 -1.9824114 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5298   108        COL6A3 -0.3943146 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5299   108           PTN  5.5709268 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5300   108        COL8A1 -1.2164318 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5301   108          FIGF  2.5392280 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5302   108         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5303   108        FGFBP1  0.2823305 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5304   108           DPT -3.2040615 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5305   108          KLK8 -0.8917271 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5306   108        COL4A2 -1.1833210 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5307   108        COL4A1 -1.3143412 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5308   108          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5309   108       COL15A1 -0.8785426 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5310   108         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5311   108         CCL19  1.0373509 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5312   108          IGF2 -1.0844985 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5313   108         PAPLN -0.9733092 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5314   108          NID1 -1.3734728 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5315   108        TNFSF9 -0.6839906 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5316   108         PROM1  2.2468888 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5317   108           VWF  1.7620703 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5318   108         FBLN2 -1.9822873 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5319   108         SULF1 -1.8682084 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5320   108         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5321   108          LRP8  3.3563987 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5322   108            CP  3.0784531 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5323   108        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5324   108         CMTM3 -1.0451446 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5325   108         CMTM6  0.4356000 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5326   108        IGFBP5 -1.3866765 0.015072204 -1.34715063
## 5327    20         GNA13  0.3711599 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5328    20           BSG  1.7787647 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5329    20          MLPH  0.3636092 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5330    20         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5331    20           GGH  0.4332434 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5332    20        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5333    20         PDIA6 -0.7527857 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5334    20         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5335    20          STOM  0.6593231 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5336    20        SLC1A5 -0.9490795 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5337    20         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5338    20          TFRC  4.4032544 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5339    20          TPP1  0.2900076 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5340    20        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5341    20          CAPG  0.7958338 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5342    20        TMED10  0.2524694 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5343    20      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5344    20         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5345    20       PDCD6IP -0.3779510 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5346    20          CTSB -0.4946410 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5347    20         GNA13  0.3711599 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5348    20           BSG  1.7787647 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5349    20          MLPH  0.3636092 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5350    20         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5351    20           GGH  0.4332434 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5352    20        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5353    20         PDIA6 -0.7527857 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5354    20         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5355    20          STOM  0.6593231 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5356    20        SLC1A5 -0.9490795 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5357    20         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5358    20          TFRC  4.4032544 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5359    20          TPP1  0.2900076 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5360    20        SLC2A1  4.7325928 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5361    20          CAPG  0.7958338 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5362    20        TMED10  0.2524694 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5363    20      ATP6V0A1  0.9847533 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5364    20         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5365    20       PDCD6IP -0.3779510 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5366    20          CTSB -0.4946410 0.015545763  1.78885438
## 5367    52        GPR126  1.4693363 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5368    52        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5369    52         H2-D1 -0.5065864 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5370    52         MMP25  0.3999529 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5371    52          GPC4 -1.0134381 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5372    52         CERKL  0.8624001 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5373    52          CD44 -1.0396956 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5374    52          APOE  0.8698346 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5375    52         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5376    52       CEACAM2  2.2038350 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5377    52       GPIHBP1 -4.1310943 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5378    52         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5379    52         H2-K1 -0.4985447 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5380    52        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5381    52         MFGE8 -1.4562858 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5382    52         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5383    52          THY1 -0.5538562 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5384    52        LRPAP1  0.3978039 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5385    52          CD38 -1.4982516 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5386    52         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5387    52           BGN -1.5797421 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5388    52          CD36 -7.1283219 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5389    52         SORT1  1.1173178 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5390    52          CTSB -0.4946410 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5391    52          JAM3 -1.3508916 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5392    52           TNF -0.5241138 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5393    52         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5394    52           KIT -1.7946208 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5395    52         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5396    52         CD24A  0.8402202 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5397    52        CLEC2D  0.7821061 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5398    52          AGRN  0.9924072 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5399    52       SLCO3A1 -1.2113420 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5400    52        FGFBP1  0.2823305 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5401    52          LY75  2.8168512 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5402    52         CKAP4 -0.5637148 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5403    52        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5404    52         H2-Q6 -1.5226946 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5405    52         H2-Q7 -0.6636216 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5406    52         H2-Q8 -1.0723176 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5407    52         GM614 -1.5591947 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5408    52         PROM1  2.2468888 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5409    52         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5410    52           VWF  1.7620703 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5411    52          CD55 -1.2585362 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5412    52         FREM2  0.8510785 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5413    52          LAYN  2.3060945 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5414    52         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5415    52          CDON  0.5243444 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5416    52         SULF1 -1.8682084 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5417    52          AMOT  1.0877881 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5418    52        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.015392772 -0.55470020
## 5419    24          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5420    24          ENAH -0.8317531 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5421    24       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5422    24        BAIAP2  0.5918840 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5423    24          SRA1  0.5567935 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5424    24          ABI3 -1.6544555 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5425    24        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5426    24          CDH2  1.2832653 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5427    24         CYTH3  0.7799272 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5428    24         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5429    24         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5430    24         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5431    24        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5432    24          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5433    24         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5434    24        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5435    24          LAYN  2.3060945 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5436    24         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5437    24          AMOT  1.0877881 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5438    24         TMOD3 -0.4007371 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5439    24         ROBO2 -1.6686921 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5440    24         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5441    24        EPS8L2  0.6975885 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5442    24         PARVA -0.7543596 0.014825713 -0.40824829
## 5443   114         CDIPT -0.7031981 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5444   114         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5445   114         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5446   114         TPD52  1.5709770 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5447   114        SEZ6L2 -1.0876576 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5448   114         JSRP1  0.2079406 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5449   114         PLOD1 -1.2735173 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5450   114         AQP11  3.5743475 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5451   114      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5452   114         CH25H  2.6691050 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5453   114       CREB3L1 -0.4889833 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5454   114        ELOVL7  5.1848686 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5455   114          ASPH -1.0012558 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5456   114        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5457   114          UGCG -0.8262644 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5458   114        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5459   114        LPCAT3  1.3580926 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5460   114          TECR  0.8028654 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5461   114           POR  0.5795204 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5462   114        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5463   114          NPC1  0.3724211 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5464   114        SEC61B  0.5897874 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5465   114          PTRF -0.8990656 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5466   114       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5467   114        TXNDC5 -0.7142266 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5468   114          MLEC -0.7417232 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5469   114       TRAPPC5  0.4068362 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5470   114         AKAP6 -0.9952386 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5471   114       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5472   114       TRAPPC1  1.4105906 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5473   114          EXT1 -1.6926573 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5474   114        SEC61G -0.5924765 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5475   114         EXTL3  1.8057934 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5476   114          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5477   114          HAX1  0.5695211 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5478   114          LRBA  0.4892743 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5479   114       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5480   114        LPCAT1 -0.7165066 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5481   114          BCHE  4.3059984 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5482   114        ZDHHC9  0.9178260 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5483   114       ARL6IP5  0.8256966 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5484   114       SEC61A1  0.6563832 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5485   114          CML1  0.5772010 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5486   114      CACNA2D1 -0.4306334 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5487   114     GABARAPL1  0.7144159 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5488   114          SCD2  1.4493419 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5489   114          NTF3 -2.4233014 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5490   114        SEC11C  0.7575280 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5491   114         CKAP4 -0.5637148 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5492   114          TPBG  1.0005957 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5493   114        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5494   114        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5495   114        AHCYL1  0.9356601 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5496   114 0610007P14RIK  1.0188243 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5497   114        ORMDL1  0.8888386 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5498   114         SGPP2  3.0386158 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5499   114        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5500   114        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5501   114       DNAJC10  0.5611397 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5502   114         PDIA6 -0.7527857 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5503   114          RTN1 -1.5251881 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5504   114        SC4MOL  0.8632766 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5505   114          FAR2  4.3342270 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5506   114         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5507   114       TMEM173 -1.3784149 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5508   114       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5509   114         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5510   114          FGF3  0.1964655 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5511   114        IFNGR1 -1.0637833 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5512   114        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5513   114          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5514   114         CNPY2  0.6324566 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5515   114        LRPAP1  0.3978039 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5516   114          TRDN -0.2894548 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5517   114          ERN1  0.7331847 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5518   114         SORT1  1.1173178 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5519   114          PRNP  1.0410868 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5520   114          CLN5  0.4207280 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5521   114         DEGS2  3.0108475 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5522   114         CASQ2 -1.1641037 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5523   114         FKBP2  0.6384026 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5524   114         CYP51  1.1453600 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5525   114          MTDH -0.4614407 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5526   114          PRND -2.6433152 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5527   114         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5528   114         EDEM3  0.4424082 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5529   114         SEC62  0.2119928 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5530   114        NECAB3 -0.2226489 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5531   114          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5532   114         TMED4  0.8893716 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5533   114        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5534   114          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5535   114          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5536   114          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5537   114        BCAP29  1.1954921 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5538   114        PPAP2B -2.5228225 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5539   114         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5540   114         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5541   114         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5542   114          TMC6 -0.5222824 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5543   114         NCEH1  1.0271370 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5544   114          TMC8 -0.7732169 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5545   114         CREB3 -0.5832281 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5546   114        GIMAP8 -0.6218802 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5547   114        ARMC10  0.6325014 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5548   114         FADS3 -1.5897039 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5549   114         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5550   114           VWF  1.7620703 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5551   114          PYGM -1.1990651 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5552   114         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5553   114           PLN -2.0734027 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5554   114         SULF1 -1.8682084 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5555   114        MBOAT1  2.8088778 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5556   114          RCN1 -1.3482131 0.014911017  1.49853730
## 5557    19         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5558    19          TCAP -0.7520534 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5559    19         CRYAB -0.9114836 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5560    19        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5561    19          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5562    19          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5563    19         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5564    19          TPM2 -1.4312286 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5565    19           TTN -0.6633600 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5566    19         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5567    19           JUP -1.0516396 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5568    19         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5569    19          MURC  1.6012508 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5570    19         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5571    19          PGM5  1.9231251 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5572    19         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5573    19       ANKRD23 -0.3758442 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5574    19          PYGM -1.1990651 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5575    19          SYNM  1.8265187 0.016585966 -2.98240454
## 5576    33          ARSB  0.5514100 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5577    33         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5578    33         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5579    33          LRBA  0.4892743 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5580    33        VPS33B  0.4778649 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5581    33         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5582    33          GLB1  0.8052082 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5583    33          TPP1  0.2900076 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5584    33           MT1  2.2178710 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5585    33         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5586    33          NOS1  0.4966184 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5587    33         TMEM9  0.4749819 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5588    33           GGH  0.4332434 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5589    33 0610031J06RIK  0.3612191 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5590    33        LMBRD1  0.6021261 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5591    33         CD164  0.4820687 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5592    33          CD63 -1.9954863 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5593    33          M6PR  0.7364435 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5594    33          CTSL -0.6333647 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5595    33          NPC1  0.3724211 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5596    33         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5597    33           GLA  0.6136858 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5598    33         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5599    33         SMPD1  1.0195861 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5600    33         SORT1  1.1173178 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5601    33          CTSC  3.8618182 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5602    33        PCYOX1  1.1710483 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5603    33          CTSB -0.4946410 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5604    33         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5605    33          CTSH  3.4721567 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5606    33       SLC15A3 -0.5291812 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5607    33          CLN5  0.4207280 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5608    33          CTSF  0.5596382 0.016335956  2.95932015
## 5609     7         LAMA2 -0.4230971 0.017098666 -0.37796447
## 5610     7         LAMA4 -1.2846680 0.017098666 -0.37796447
## 5611     7           ANG  1.7859395 0.017098666 -0.37796447
## 5612     7         HSPG2 -1.8536889 0.017098666 -0.37796447
## 5613     7         LAMC1 -0.9131959 0.017098666 -0.37796447
## 5614     7          AGRN  0.9924072 0.017098666 -0.37796447
## 5615     7        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.017098666 -0.37796447
## 5616    33          ARSB  0.5514100 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5617    33         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5618    33         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5619    33          LRBA  0.4892743 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5620    33        VPS33B  0.4778649 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5621    33         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5622    33          GLB1  0.8052082 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5623    33          TPP1  0.2900076 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5624    33           MT1  2.2178710 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5625    33         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5626    33          NOS1  0.4966184 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5627    33         TMEM9  0.4749819 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5628    33           GGH  0.4332434 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5629    33 0610031J06RIK  0.3612191 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5630    33        LMBRD1  0.6021261 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5631    33         CD164  0.4820687 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5632    33          CD63 -1.9954863 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5633    33          M6PR  0.7364435 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5634    33          CTSL -0.6333647 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5635    33          NPC1  0.3724211 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5636    33         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5637    33           GLA  0.6136858 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5638    33         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5639    33         SMPD1  1.0195861 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5640    33         SORT1  1.1173178 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5641    33          CTSC  3.8618182 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5642    33        PCYOX1  1.1710483 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5643    33          CTSB -0.4946410 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5644    33         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5645    33          CTSH  3.4721567 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5646    33       SLC15A3 -0.5291812 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5647    33          CLN5  0.4207280 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5648    33          CTSF  0.5596382 0.016765759  2.95932015
## 5649    70         GNA13  0.3711599 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5650    70         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5651    70         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5652    70        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5653    70         MYLIP -0.9352888 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5654    70         SPRY4 -1.3402904 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5655    70        MAGED1  0.9304536 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5656    70      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5657    70         FRMD5  2.6674511 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5658    70         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5659    70       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5660    70          APOE  0.8698346 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5661    70       MAPKAP1  0.5273520 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5662    70          GOPC -1.1451475 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5663    70        SPRED1 -1.0401939 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5664    70           MSN -0.3354085 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5665    70       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5666    70          GNG5  0.5096927 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5667    70          GNG7  0.5588479 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5668    70         INADL  0.3447180 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5669    70         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5670    70        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5671    70        BAIAP2  0.5918840 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5672    70         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5673    70         MFGE8 -1.4562858 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5674    70          MPP7  0.8770310 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5675    70        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5676    70      SLC9A3R1  0.6445308 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5677    70           POR  0.5795204 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5678    70         FARP1  0.4665632 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5679    70         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5680    70           JUP -1.0516396 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5681    70       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5682    70        STXBP6  0.8496854 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5683    70        STXBP5 -0.6296915 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5684    70        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5685    70       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5686    70          EPN1 -0.3218495 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5687    70         GRB14  2.5557760 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5688    70         FKBP2  0.6384026 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5689    70         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5690    70         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5691    70        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5692    70          EEA1 -0.3566612 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5693    70        CCDC91  1.0940146 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5694    70          RFFL -0.3729210 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5695    70        DUSP18  0.5473194 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5696    70      CDC42EP2 -1.3816811 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5697    70         PLIN2 -0.6068227 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5698    70          NUMB -0.8725376 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5699    70          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5700    70        FGFBP1  0.2823305 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5701    70          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5702    70       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5703    70          NOS1  0.4966184 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5704    70          GAS2 -1.4579579 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5705    70         GNAT3 -0.6986170 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5706    70        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5707    70         GNGT2 -1.4393956 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5708    70         GNG10 -0.4197443 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5709    70          TSC2  0.4849051 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5710    70     EPB4.1L4A -0.9781978 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5711    70          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5712    70          CHN2  1.9067284 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5713    70          PON2  0.9356238 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5714    70         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5715    70         VPS28  0.4834162 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5716    70         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5717    70         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5718    70       PLEKHA2 -0.6398823 0.017116189 -0.23904572
## 5719    21         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5720    21          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5721    21          TCAP -0.7520534 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5722    21         CRYAB -0.9114836 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5723    21        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5724    21          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5725    21          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5726    21         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5727    21          TPM2 -1.4312286 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5728    21           TTN -0.6633600 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5729    21         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5730    21           JUP -1.0516396 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5731    21         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5732    21          MURC  1.6012508 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5733    21         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5734    21          PGM5  1.9231251 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5735    21         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5736    21       ANKRD23 -0.3758442 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5737    21          PYGM -1.1990651 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5738    21         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5739    21          SYNM  1.8265187 0.017983190 -3.27326835
## 5740   145          ENAH -0.8317531 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5741   145          UTRN  0.6515582 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5742   145        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5743   145        PDLIM1 -3.7528403 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5744   145         MYLIP -0.9352888 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5745   145           TTN -0.6633600 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5746   145         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5747   145         CEP70  0.8939648 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5748   145        KIF13A -0.8553233 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5749   145       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5750   145         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5751   145          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5752   145          ENC1  1.1255786 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5753   145         RAI14  1.0156126 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5754   145          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5755   145          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5756   145        PLK1S1  0.8357126 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5757   145         DCTN4  0.3679949 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5758   145         BICD2 -0.6843096 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5759   145         FARP1  0.4665632 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5760   145         TACC2 -0.7724021 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5761   145         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5762   145           JUP -1.0516396 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5763   145         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5764   145          NAV1 -0.3825694 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5765   145          LCA5 -0.6816800 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5766   145         SPAG5 -0.5861875 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5767   145          BIN3  0.9776872 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5768   145       PDCD6IP -0.3779510 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5769   145         STMN1  0.8169131 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5770   145       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5771   145        MYO18A -0.9866570 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5772   145           DST -0.9919195 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5773   145          DBN1 -0.3198132 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5774   145          BBS4  0.7917331 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5775   145         CGNL1  1.4352262 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5776   145          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5777   145          MYL3 -2.0417802 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5778   145       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5779   145         NEDD9 -0.6632265 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5780   145      CDC42SE1  0.6811924 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5781   145         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5782   145          TTC8  0.5018888 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5783   145          PIN4  0.3965041 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5784   145      CDC42EP2 -1.3816811 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5785   145          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5786   145         PROCR  0.5365810 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5787   145         MACF1  0.6852201 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5788   145        CEP170 -0.4643790 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5789   145       ARL6IP5  0.8256966 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5790   145          FGD6  0.8087772 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5791   145     GABARAPL1  0.7144159 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5792   145           NIN -0.3247442 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5793   145         CKAP5  0.4651871 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5794   145         MYLPF  1.0616846 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5795   145         ALMS1  0.5198716 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5796   145          GAS2 -1.4579579 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5797   145        MYL12B  0.2076979 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5798   145         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5799   145        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5800   145        CORO1C -0.6524356 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5801   145         MYO10 -0.6895434 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5802   145          EPS8  1.1645216 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5803   145         TMOD3 -0.4007371 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5804   145     EPB4.1L4A -0.9781978 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5805   145        MARCKS -1.6329781 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5806   145          ABL2  0.5324753 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5807   145          GYPC -0.8129031 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5808   145          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5809   145        CDC14A  1.5141344 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5810   145         WASF3  0.2794549 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5811   145          MLPH  0.3636092 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5812   145         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5813   145        ARL2BP  1.5949739 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5814   145      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5815   145         FRMD5  2.6674511 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5816   145         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5817   145      MAP1LC3A  0.4712059 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5818   145          GOPC -1.1451475 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5819   145        MICAL1  0.3486104 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5820   145           ZYX -1.0582733 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5821   145          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5822   145           MSN -0.3354085 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5823   145          DLG2 -0.8407200 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5824   145        IFNGR1 -1.0637833 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5825   145         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5826   145       DYNC1I1  0.2480470 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5827   145      SH3PXD2A -0.7520401 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5828   145        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5829   145        IFLTD1  1.1248690 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5830   145        MICAL2 -1.1802852 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5831   145          VIL1  1.3599698 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5832   145          TBCE  0.6418041 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5833   145          NEXN -2.7307544 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5834   145          EML6  0.4184888 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5835   145          FLNA -0.6730172 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5836   145          ARL3  0.4874493 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5837   145          EML2  0.3442534 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5838   145          STOM  0.6593231 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5839   145         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5840   145         SASS6  0.7649492 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5841   145         MAST2  0.3355945 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5842   145          SMTN -0.5571369 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5843   145          TBCB  0.4394109 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5844   145       PLEKHH2  1.4695255 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5845   145        FRMD4A -0.8101589 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5846   145        FRMD4B  0.7903496 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5847   145        SEMA4C -0.5716982 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5848   145          SGCE -1.5005806 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5849   145        MAPRE3  0.6206237 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5850   145         PARVB  1.1023674 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5851   145         FHOD1 -0.5541577 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5852   145          SGCB -1.2201619 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5853   145         PARVA -0.7543596 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5854   145       SHROOM1  1.6359607 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5855   145         PARD3  1.7035204 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5856   145       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5857   145         CALD1 -1.5895592 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5858   145         HAUS1  1.2257757 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5859   145         CETN3  0.3482974 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5860   145         CETN2  0.8485781 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5861   145      IVNS1ABP  0.7935873 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5862   145          TPM2 -1.4312286 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5863   145          KRT5  0.3140628 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5864   145          SOS1  0.6901445 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5865   145          KIF4 -0.6865814 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5866   145          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5867   145          ODF2 -0.4835250 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5868   145           IPP  1.1727172 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5869   145         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5870   145          NOS1  0.4966184 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5871   145        LRRC49  1.0060913 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5872   145         CABYR  0.7507259 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5873   145       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5874   145         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5875   145       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5876   145         IFT57  0.5874246 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5877   145         CEP68  0.5854855 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5878   145          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5879   145          AMOT  1.0877881 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5880   145          SYNM  1.8265187 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5881   145         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5882   145         CALM2 -0.2896489 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5883   145        ACTR10  0.4502580 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5884   145          DNM2  0.3509938 0.019155060  0.08304548
## 5885    18         CGNL1  1.4352262 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5886    18         INADL  0.3447180 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5887    18       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5888    18         PARD3  1.7035204 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5889    18          MTDH -0.4614407 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5890    18          OCLN  4.6990665 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5891    18         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5892    18          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5893    18         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5894    18         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5895    18          MPP7  0.8770310 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5896    18        AMOTL1 -0.7736098 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5897    18        AMOTL2 -0.8098481 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5898    18          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5899    18        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5900    18         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5901    18      MARVELD2  1.2573794 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5902    18          AMOT  1.0877881 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5903    18         CGNL1  1.4352262 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5904    18         INADL  0.3447180 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5905    18       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5906    18         PARD3  1.7035204 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5907    18          MTDH -0.4614407 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5908    18          OCLN  4.6990665 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5909    18         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5910    18          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5911    18         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5912    18         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5913    18          MPP7  0.8770310 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5914    18        AMOTL1 -0.7736098 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5915    18        AMOTL2 -0.8098481 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5916    18          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5917    18        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5918    18         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5919    18      MARVELD2  1.2573794 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5920    18          AMOT  1.0877881 0.019243626  0.94280904
## 5921    74         GNPTG  0.4475668 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5922    74         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5923    74        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5924    74         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5925    74         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5926    74         ASAH2 -1.4975050 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5927    74         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5928    74       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5929    74       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5930    74         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5931    74         PTGES  1.1106779 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5932    74          GOPC -1.1451475 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5933    74          RECK  3.6926860 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5934    74          STX2 -1.4672858 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5935    74        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5936    74          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5937    74         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5938    74        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5939    74        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5940    74         CLIC1 -0.5963828 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5941    74         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5942    74           POR  0.5795204 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5943    74        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5944    74          CD38 -1.4982516 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5945    74         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5946    74         LYNX1  1.0066724 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5947    74          PTRF -0.8990656 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5948    74         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5949    74         SORT1  1.1173178 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5950    74        H2-KE6  0.5847254 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5951    74         VAMP1  0.5729027 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5952    74         CYP51  1.1453600 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5953    74          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5954    74       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5955    74         CALD1 -1.5895592 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5956    74        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5957    74         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5958    74         CD24A  0.8402202 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5959    74          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5960    74       SLCO1A4  6.6453875 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5961    74        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5962    74          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5963    74       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5964    74          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5965    74        TMED10  0.2524694 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5966    74        PPAP2A -1.1172784 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5967    74         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5968    74          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5969    74        INPP5A -0.8953969 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5970    74         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5971    74         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5972    74       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5973    74         NCEH1  1.0271370 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5974    74        A4GALT  1.9493143 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5975    74        SEC11C  0.7575280 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5976    74       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5977    74        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5978    74        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5979    74         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5980    74         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5981    74         SAMD4 -0.7848970 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5982    74         CPT1A  0.9598796 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5983    74        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5984    74         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5985    74          EPS8  1.1645216 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5986    74         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5987    74         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5988    74         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5989    74          ULK1  0.4108861 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5990    74         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5991    74          CHN2  1.9067284 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5992    74          SYNM  1.8265187 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5993    74         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5994    74         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.019614601  0.69748583
## 5995    76         GNPTG  0.4475668 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 5996    76         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 5997    76        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 5998    76         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 5999    76         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6000    76         ASAH2 -1.4975050 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6001    76         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6002    76       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6003    76       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6004    76         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6005    76         PTGES  1.1106779 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6006    76          GOPC -1.1451475 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6007    76          RECK  3.6926860 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6008    76          STX2 -1.4672858 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6009    76        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6010    76         CRYAB -0.9114836 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6011    76       CCDC88C -0.8672074 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6012    76          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6013    76         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6014    76        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6015    76        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6016    76         CLIC1 -0.5963828 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6017    76         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6018    76           POR  0.5795204 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6019    76        PNPLA6  0.8906838 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6020    76          CD38 -1.4982516 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6021    76         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6022    76         LYNX1  1.0066724 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6023    76          PTRF -0.8990656 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6024    76         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6025    76         SORT1  1.1173178 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6026    76        H2-KE6  0.5847254 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6027    76         VAMP1  0.5729027 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6028    76         CYP51  1.1453600 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6029    76          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6030    76       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6031    76         CALD1 -1.5895592 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6032    76        CTNND1 -0.4345541 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6033    76         CD24A  0.8402202 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6034    76         ITGB1 -0.3208476 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6035    76          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6036    76       SLCO1A4  6.6453875 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6037    76        INPP5K  0.7417352 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6038    76          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6039    76       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6040    76          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6041    76        TMED10  0.2524694 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6042    76        PPAP2A -1.1172784 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6043    76         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6044    76          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6045    76        INPP5A -0.8953969 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6046    76         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6047    76         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6048    76       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6049    76         NCEH1  1.0271370 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6050    76        A4GALT  1.9493143 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6051    76        SEC11C  0.7575280 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6052    76       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6053    76        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6054    76        SNAPIN  0.7468065 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6055    76         ITGA3  0.6590656 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6056    76         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6057    76         SAMD4 -0.7848970 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6058    76         CPT1A  0.9598796 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6059    76        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6060    76         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6061    76          EPS8  1.1645216 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6062    76         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6063    76         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6064    76         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6065    76          ULK1  0.4108861 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6066    76         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6067    76          CHN2  1.9067284 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6068    76          SYNM  1.8265187 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6069    76         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6070    76         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.020506322  0.45883147
## 6071    94         GNPTG  0.4475668 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6072    94        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6073    94         CDIPT -0.7031981 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6074    94         SGMS2  3.3169163 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6075    94        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6076    94         AP3S1  0.6441039 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6077    94        IL17RD  0.8236271 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6078    94      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6079    94    ST6GALNAC4 -0.8250348 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6080    94        PICALM -0.5427484 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6081    94          APOE  0.8698346 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6082    94       PACSIN2 -0.4208403 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6083    94      COL4A3BP  1.3971175 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6084    94        CHST11  0.4878666 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6085    94       ST3GAL6  1.3473005 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6086    94          GOPC -1.1451475 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6087    94         RAB6B -0.6097520 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6088    94        CHST15 -0.8654661 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6089    94         MTUS1  1.1123813 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6090    94          FGF3  0.1964655 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6091    94         GGTA1 -1.1481923 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6092    94         GOLM1  2.2800206 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6093    94        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6094    94        SCAMP5 -0.5922270 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6095    94        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6096    94           LYN -0.7283980 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6097    94          BST2 -0.6709576 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6098    94         BEND5  0.6819579 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6099    94         CHST2  0.6863279 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6100    94         VTI1B  0.4488297 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6101    94          OPTN -0.6471159 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6102    94         BICD2 -0.6843096 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6103    94          FLNA -0.6730172 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6104    94    ST6GALNAC2  1.2494377 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6105    94         CHST1 -0.9916166 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6106    94          ARL3  0.4874493 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6107    94         MGAT1 -0.4948042 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6108    94         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6109    94          CD36 -7.1283219 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6110    94        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6111    94        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6112    94        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6113    94         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6114    94       TRAPPC5  0.4068362 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6115    94         SORT1  1.1173178 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6116    94       TRAPPC4  0.6653407 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6117    94          PRNP  1.0410868 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6118    94       TRAPPC1  1.4105906 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6119    94          EXT1 -1.6926573 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6120    94          CLN5  0.4207280 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6121    94         GRB14  2.5557760 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6122    94         TPST1 -0.9295854 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6123    94         TPST2 -0.4424919 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6124    94         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6125    94        GALNT1 -0.7574924 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6126    94          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6127    94          FUT8  1.2998120 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6128    94        HS3ST1  1.0303078 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6129    94          PRND -2.6433152 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6130    94         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6131    94          LRBA  0.4892743 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6132    94        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6133    94        CCDC91  1.0940146 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6134    94        NECAB3 -0.2226489 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6135    94         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6136    94       SERINC5  0.5369720 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6137    94        GNPTAB  0.4735567 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6138    94        LPCAT1 -0.7165066 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6139    94         AP3M1  0.6700862 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6140    94        ZDHHC9  0.9178260 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6141    94        B3GNT1  0.8024260 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6142    94        TMED10  0.2524694 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6143    94        B3GNT2  0.8552599 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6144    94         PCSK5 -0.9179595 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6145    94          HIP1  0.8382696 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6146    94          CML1  0.5772010 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6147    94        MGAT4A -1.8612474 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6148    94     GABARAPL1  0.7144159 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6149    94       ST6GAL1  1.0753817 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6150    94        A4GALT  1.9493143 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6151    94        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6152    94        GIMAP8 -0.6218802 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6153    94        GOLIM4  1.3578383 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6154    94        NDFIP1  0.4020166 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6155    94          SCOC  0.7573948 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6156    94           MAL  2.7832842 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6157    94         AP4S1  0.7031558 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6158    94         WIPI1  0.7034265 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6159    94       FAM198B -1.9666209 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6160    94           GLA  0.6136858 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6161    94         IFT57  0.5874246 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6162    94       ST8SIA4  0.5367664 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6163    94         SULF1 -1.8682084 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6164    94         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.021291836  1.85655824
## 6165    19         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6166    19          TCAP -0.7520534 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6167    19         CRYAB -0.9114836 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6168    19        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6169    19          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6170    19          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6171    19         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6172    19          TPM2 -1.4312286 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6173    19           TTN -0.6633600 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6174    19         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6175    19           JUP -1.0516396 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6176    19         TNNT2 -4.2969393 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6177    19          MURC  1.6012508 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6178    19         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6179    19          PGM5  1.9231251 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6180    19         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6181    19       ANKRD23 -0.3758442 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6182    19          PYGM -1.1990651 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6183    19          SYNM  1.8265187 0.027808844 -2.98240454
## 6184    35          ARSB  0.5514100 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6185    35         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6186    35         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6187    35          LRBA  0.4892743 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6188    35        VPS33B  0.4778649 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6189    35          GLB1  0.8052082 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6190    35         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6191    35      MAP1LC3A  0.4712059 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6192    35          TPP1  0.2900076 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6193    35           MT1  2.2178710 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6194    35         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6195    35     GABARAPL1  0.7144159 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6196    35          NOS1  0.4966184 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6197    35         TMEM9  0.4749819 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6198    35           GGH  0.4332434 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6199    35 0610031J06RIK  0.3612191 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6200    35        LMBRD1  0.6021261 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6201    35         CD164  0.4820687 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6202    35          CD63 -1.9954863 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6203    35          M6PR  0.7364435 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6204    35          CTSL -0.6333647 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6205    35          NPC1  0.3724211 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6206    35         LAMP2 -0.4551722 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6207    35           GLA  0.6136858 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6208    35         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6209    35         SMPD1  1.0195861 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6210    35         SORT1  1.1173178 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6211    35          CTSC  3.8618182 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6212    35        PCYOX1  1.1710483 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6213    35          CTSB -0.4946410 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6214    35         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6215    35          CTSH  3.4721567 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6216    35       SLC15A3 -0.5291812 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6217    35          CLN5  0.4207280 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6218    35          CTSF  0.5596382 0.030911839  3.21158617
## 6219    21         CGNL1  1.4352262 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6220    21         INADL  0.3447180 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6221    21       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6222    21         PARD3  1.7035204 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6223    21          MTDH -0.4614407 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6224    21          OCLN  4.6990665 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6225    21         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6226    21          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6227    21         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6228    21         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6229    21          MPP7  0.8770310 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6230    21        AMOTL1 -0.7736098 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6231    21        AMOTL2 -0.8098481 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6232    21          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6233    21          FZD6  1.3453589 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6234    21        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6235    21           JUP -1.0516396 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6236    21         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6237    21      MARVELD2  1.2573794 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6238    21      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6239    21          AMOT  1.0877881 0.039114740  0.65465367
## 6240    75         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6241    75          CPT2  0.5981488 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6242    75          XPO6  0.4829049 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6243    75         COX5A  0.7745209 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6244    75        ARL2BP  1.5949739 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6245    75       NDUFAF3  0.5384404 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6246    75         FANCL  0.5075722 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6247    75         FAHD1  0.5462883 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6248    75      SLC25A20  1.1405578 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6249    75        NDUFS6  0.5229578 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6250    75       TMEM173 -1.3784149 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6251    75         CISD1  1.1941109 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6252    75        NDUFS4  0.5947243 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6253    75         PTGES  1.1106779 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6254    75       SLC25A1  1.2580665 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6255    75          HADH  0.7630871 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6256    75         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6257    75         COX17  0.3636993 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6258    75          GATM  5.2907160 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6259    75        IFLTD1  1.1248690 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6260    75          IPO9 -0.3942668 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6261    75         CLIC1 -0.5963828 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6262    75          NAV3 -3.0253490 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6263    75         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6264    75          CLPX  0.5433126 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6265    75        TIMM8B  0.7434149 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6266    75          NPC1  0.3724211 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6267    75         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6268    75           NRM -0.5294858 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6269    75         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6270    75          ERN1  0.7331847 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6271    75         AKAP6 -0.9952386 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6272    75      SLC25A37 -0.8458242 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6273    75        H2-KE6  0.5847254 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6274    75         PMPCB  0.4247653 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6275    75         PRODH  0.4696541 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6276    75        NDUFB3  0.5499789 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6277    75        NDUFB6  0.5415446 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6278    75          HAX1  0.5695211 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6279    75        NUP160  0.6630926 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6280    75        NDUFB8  0.4313367 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6281    75         SFXN1 -0.8271473 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6282    75         RPL38  0.4046326 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6283    75          FIS1  0.4282894 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6284    75        DUSP18  0.5473194 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6285    75          BCHE  4.3059984 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6286    75         GSTK1  0.9536643 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6287    75          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6288    75         MTCH1 -0.5451250 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6289    75          IDH2 -0.6563943 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6290    75        COX6B1  0.3304005 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6291    75         MLXIP -2.2132208 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6292    75         MTMR6  0.6636260 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6293    75         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6294    75         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6295    75         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6296    75          GPD2  1.8567918 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6297    75          CML1  0.5772010 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6298    75          NOS1  0.4966184 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6299    75        COX7A1 -1.2094582 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6300    75         COX8B -1.2985198 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6301    75        NDUFA9  0.4188652 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6302    75          MAOA  3.0975018 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6303    75        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6304    75          MAOB  2.9632211 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6305    75        NDUFA7  1.1828203 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6306    75         VDAC2  0.4882763 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6307    75         CPT1A  0.9598796 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6308    75      SLC25A11  0.8191396 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6309    75         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6310    75        HMGCS2  2.9524586 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6311    75      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6312    75        COX6A2 -0.7310096 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6313    75           NLN -0.9765266 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6314    75         CSTAD  0.9423049 0.048308718  3.57957167
## 6315    13        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6316    13       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6317    13          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6318    13        SHANK3 -0.9320666 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6319    13         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6320    13          EPS8  1.1645216 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6321    13         GRIA1  0.2265749 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6322    13          SOS1  0.6901445 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6323    13          GOPC -1.1451475 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6324    13        SEMA4C -0.5716982 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6325    13          DLG2 -0.8407200 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6326    13        IFNGR1 -1.0637833 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6327    13          DNM2  0.3509938 0.048967297 -0.83205029
## 6328    75         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6329    75          CPT2  0.5981488 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6330    75          XPO6  0.4829049 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6331    75         COX5A  0.7745209 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6332    75        ARL2BP  1.5949739 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6333    75       NDUFAF3  0.5384404 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6334    75         FANCL  0.5075722 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6335    75         FAHD1  0.5462883 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6336    75      SLC25A20  1.1405578 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6337    75        NDUFS6  0.5229578 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6338    75       TMEM173 -1.3784149 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6339    75         CISD1  1.1941109 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6340    75        NDUFS4  0.5947243 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6341    75         PTGES  1.1106779 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6342    75       SLC25A1  1.2580665 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6343    75          HADH  0.7630871 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6344    75         ATP5H  0.4540141 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6345    75         COX17  0.3636993 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6346    75          GATM  5.2907160 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6347    75        IFLTD1  1.1248690 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6348    75          IPO9 -0.3942668 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6349    75         CLIC1 -0.5963828 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6350    75          NAV3 -3.0253490 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6351    75         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6352    75          CLPX  0.5433126 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6353    75        TIMM8B  0.7434149 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6354    75          NPC1  0.3724211 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6355    75         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6356    75           NRM -0.5294858 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6357    75         IGF2R -1.6454388 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6358    75          ERN1  0.7331847 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6359    75         AKAP6 -0.9952386 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6360    75      SLC25A37 -0.8458242 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6361    75        H2-KE6  0.5847254 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6362    75         PMPCB  0.4247653 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6363    75         PRODH  0.4696541 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6364    75        NDUFB3  0.5499789 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6365    75        NDUFB6  0.5415446 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6366    75          HAX1  0.5695211 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6367    75        NUP160  0.6630926 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6368    75        NDUFB8  0.4313367 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6369    75         SFXN1 -0.8271473 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6370    75         RPL38  0.4046326 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6371    75          FIS1  0.4282894 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6372    75        DUSP18  0.5473194 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6373    75          BCHE  4.3059984 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6374    75         GSTK1  0.9536643 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6375    75          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6376    75         MTCH1 -0.5451250 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6377    75          IDH2 -0.6563943 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6378    75        COX6B1  0.3304005 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6379    75         MLXIP -2.2132208 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6380    75         MTMR6  0.6636260 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6381    75         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6382    75         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6383    75         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6384    75          GPD2  1.8567918 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6385    75          CML1  0.5772010 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6386    75          NOS1  0.4966184 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6387    75        COX7A1 -1.2094582 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6388    75         COX8B -1.2985198 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6389    75        NDUFA9  0.4188652 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6390    75          MAOA  3.0975018 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6391    75        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6392    75          MAOB  2.9632211 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6393    75        NDUFA7  1.1828203 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6394    75         VDAC2  0.4882763 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6395    75         CPT1A  0.9598796 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6396    75      SLC25A11  0.8191396 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6397    75         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6398    75        HMGCS2  2.9524586 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6399    75      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6400    75        COX6A2 -0.7310096 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6401    75           NLN -0.9765266 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6402    75         CSTAD  0.9423049 0.049704488  3.57957167
## 6403    30         CGNL1  1.4352262 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6404    30       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6405    30         PARD3  1.7035204 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6406    30          MTDH -0.4614407 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6407    30          OCLN  4.6990665 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6408    30         CADM1  1.8215955 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6409    30         CLDN6  0.5868790 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6410    30         CLDN5  1.5291096 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6411    30          GJA1 -0.8179480 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6412    30          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6413    30        AMOTL1 -0.7736098 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6414    30        AMOTL2 -0.8098481 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6415    30          GJA5 -2.4542500 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6416    30          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6417    30        CLDN15 -0.6738799 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6418    30      MARVELD2  1.2573794 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6419    30           ZYX -1.0582733 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6420    30          DPP4  3.0311147 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6421    30         INADL  0.3447180 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6422    30         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6423    30          MPDZ -1.2718824 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6424    30        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6425    30        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6426    30          MPP7  0.8770310 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6427    30           JUP -1.0516396 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6428    30         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6429    30          PGM5  1.9231251 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6430    30        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6431    30        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6432    30          AMOT  1.0877881 0.049922947  0.36514837
## 6433    18          IER3  0.8705497 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6434    18          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6435    18           TNF -0.5241138 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6436    18         EFNB1 -1.2760004 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6437    18         FLOT2 -0.5226118 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6438    18          PRND -2.6433152 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6439    18        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6440    18         CD24A  0.8402202 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6441    18         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6442    18          THY1 -0.5538562 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6443    18          STOM  0.6593231 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6444    18       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6445    18          CD36 -7.1283219 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6446    18           NRM -0.5294858 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6447    18          PTRF -0.8990656 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6448    18          SDPR -0.9836461 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6449    18          PRNP  1.0410868 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6450    18          LIPE -0.6772464 0.049826126 -1.41421356
## 6451    30         GNPTG  0.4475668 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6452    30         CYP51  1.1453600 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6453    30         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6454    30        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6455    30         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6456    30          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6457    30         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6458    30       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6459    30         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6460    30         PTGES  1.1106779 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6461    30          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6462    30          BCL2 -0.8192378 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6463    30        TMED10  0.2524694 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6464    30         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6465    30         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6466    30         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6467    30       ASPSCR1  0.4158936 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6468    30         NCEH1  1.0271370 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6469    30        SEC11C  0.7575280 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6470    30        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6471    30        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6472    30        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6473    30         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6474    30         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6475    30           POR  0.5795204 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6476    30         CPT1A  0.9598796 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6477    30        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6478    30          PTRF -0.8990656 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6479    30         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6480    30         SORT1  1.1173178 0.060813803  1.09544512
## 6481    50          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6482    50          MLPH  0.3636092 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6483    50           TTN -0.6633600 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6484    50         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6485    50         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6486    50        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6487    50        ARL2BP  1.5949739 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6488    50         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6489    50         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6490    50       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6491    50         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6492    50       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6493    50       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6494    50          GOPC -1.1451475 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6495    50       RAPGEF5 -0.9085571 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6496    50          NET1  2.1337566 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6497    50       ARHGEF7 -0.9810444 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6498    50       ARHGEF6 -0.8665290 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6499    50      ARHGEF15 -1.0022907 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6500    50      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6501    50         FARP1  0.4665632 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6502    50          THY1 -0.5538562 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6503    50        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6504    50          MURC  1.6012508 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6505    50        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6506    50         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6507    50       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6508    50         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6509    50           NRK -0.6364746 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6510    50         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6511    50        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6512    50         CYTH1 -1.1177472 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6513    50         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6514    50        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6515    50         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6516    50         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6517    50         CYTH3  0.7799272 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6518    50       PLEKHG3 -0.6694064 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6519    50       PLEKHG2 -0.6102567 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6520    50       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6521    50          SOS1  0.6901445 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6522    50        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6523    50       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6524    50          FGD6  0.8087772 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6525    50       ARHGDIB  0.2980086 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6526    50          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6527    50         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6528    50         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6529    50         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6530    50         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.000048900  0.28284271
## 6531    77          ENAH -0.8317531 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6532    77          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6533    77         WASF3  0.2794549 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6534    77         TNNC1 -3.5213602 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6535    77          MLPH  0.3636092 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6536    77         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6537    77          UTRN  0.6515582 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6538    77        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6539    77          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6540    77         MYLIP -0.9352888 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6541    77        MTSS1L -0.7009616 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6542    77          SDC3 -0.4918216 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6543    77       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6544    77         FRMD5  2.6674511 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6545    77         TRIM2 -0.8255637 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6546    77      MAP1LC3A  0.4712059 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6547    77       PACSIN2 -0.4208403 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6548    77           ANG  1.7859395 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6549    77         AIF1L  1.0643010 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6550    77           MSN -0.3354085 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6551    77          MKL2  1.1871092 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6552    77         FMNL1 -1.7516041 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6553    77       DYNC1I1  0.2480470 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6554    77          CLMN -1.3734763 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6555    77        BAIAP2  0.5918840 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6556    77          VIL1  1.3599698 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6557    77          ENC1  1.1255786 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6558    77          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6559    77          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6560    77          NEXN -2.7307544 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6561    77          FLNA -0.6730172 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6562    77         FARP1  0.4665632 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6563    77           JMY  0.8235245 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6564    77         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6565    77         NDEL1 -1.4572172 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6566    77         MAST2  0.3355945 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6567    77         SPAG5 -0.5861875 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6568    77          TPPP -1.6191163 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6569    77        LIMCH1  0.4431912 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6570    77         STMN1  0.8169131 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6571    77          DBN1 -0.3198132 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6572    77        EPS8L2  0.6975885 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6573    77           DST -0.9919195 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6574    77        MAPRE3  0.6206237 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6575    77         PARVB  1.1023674 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6576    77         FHOD1 -0.5541577 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6577    77         PARVA -0.7543596 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6578    77       SHROOM1  1.6359607 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6579    77       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6580    77          CNN3 -0.6783180 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6581    77       ADORA2A -1.6248646 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6582    77        ABLIM3 -3.8146925 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6583    77         CALD1 -1.5895592 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6584    77         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6585    77         DAAM1 -0.5469234 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6586    77          TPM2 -1.4312286 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6587    77         MACF1  0.6852201 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6588    77          HIP1  0.8382696 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6589    77        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6590    77       PHACTR1  0.6381621 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6591    77           IPP  1.1727172 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6592    77     GABARAPL1  0.7144159 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6593    77      BAIAP2L1  1.4627688 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6594    77         CKAP5  0.4651871 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6595    77         FSCN1 -2.4907292 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6596    77           NF1 -0.7011862 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6597    77         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6598    77        CORO1C -0.6524356 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6599    77         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6600    77         S100B  0.3014963 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6601    77           FYN -1.6589775 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6602    77          CAPG  0.7958338 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6603    77     EPB4.1L4A -0.9781978 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6604    77         TMOD3 -0.4007371 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6605    77        MARCKS -1.6329781 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6606    77          SYNM  1.8265187 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6607    77          MYLK -0.4373395 0.000024700 -0.79772404
## 6608    68          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6609    68          MLPH  0.3636092 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6610    68      ARHGAP18 -1.6397762 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6611    68         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6612    68           TTN -0.6633600 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6613    68        ARL2BP  1.5949739 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6614    68         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6615    68        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6616    68      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6617    68         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6618    68      ARHGAP20  1.5078686 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6619    68         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6620    68       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6621    68         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6622    68       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6623    68          GOPC -1.1451475 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6624    68       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6625    68       RAPGEF5 -0.9085571 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6626    68       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6627    68       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6628    68          NET1  2.1337566 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6629    68       ARHGEF7 -0.9810444 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6630    68       ARHGEF6 -0.8665290 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6631    68      ARHGAP28 -2.0397448 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6632    68      ARHGEF15 -1.0022907 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6633    68      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6634    68         FARP1  0.4665632 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6635    68          THY1 -0.5538562 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6636    68        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6637    68          MURC  1.6012508 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6638    68        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6639    68      RALGAPA2 -0.9383071 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6640    68         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6641    68         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6642    68       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6643    68         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6644    68           NRK -0.6364746 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6645    68         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6646    68         CYTH1 -1.1177472 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6647    68        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6648    68         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6649    68        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6650    68         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6651    68         CYTH3  0.7799272 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6652    68         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6653    68       PLEKHG3 -0.6694064 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6654    68       PLEKHG2 -0.6102567 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6655    68         RGS12  0.8108842 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6656    68       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6657    68          SOS1  0.6901445 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6658    68        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6659    68       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6660    68          FGD6  0.8087772 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6661    68       ARHGDIB  0.2980086 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6662    68          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6663    68           NF1 -0.7011862 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6664    68         DOCK7 -0.4475992 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6665    68        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6666    68          CHML -0.9730627 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6667    68           PLN -2.0734027 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6668    68          RGS4 -0.6927333 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6669    68          TSC2  0.4849051 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6670    68          RGS5 -1.1907978 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6671    68          CHN2  1.9067284 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6672    68         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6673    68         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6674    68         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6675    68         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.000129000 -0.72760688
## 6676    67          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6677    67          MLPH  0.3636092 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6678    67      ARHGAP18 -1.6397762 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6679    67         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6680    67           TTN -0.6633600 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6681    67        ARL2BP  1.5949739 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6682    67         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6683    67        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6684    67      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6685    67         DMXL2  0.4025114 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6686    67      ARHGAP20  1.5078686 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6687    67         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6688    67       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6689    67         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6690    67       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6691    67          GOPC -1.1451475 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6692    67       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6693    67       RAPGEF5 -0.9085571 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6694    67       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6695    67       RAPGEF1 -0.8695919 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6696    67          NET1  2.1337566 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6697    67       ARHGEF7 -0.9810444 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6698    67       ARHGEF6 -0.8665290 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6699    67      ARHGAP28 -2.0397448 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6700    67      ARHGEF15 -1.0022907 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6701    67      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6702    67         FARP1  0.4665632 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6703    67          THY1 -0.5538562 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6704    67        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6705    67          MURC  1.6012508 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6706    67        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6707    67      RALGAPA2 -0.9383071 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6708    67         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6709    67         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6710    67       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6711    67         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6712    67           NRK -0.6364746 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6713    67         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6714    67         CYTH1 -1.1177472 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6715    67        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6716    67         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6717    67        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6718    67         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6719    67         CYTH3  0.7799272 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6720    67         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6721    67       PLEKHG3 -0.6694064 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6722    67       PLEKHG2 -0.6102567 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6723    67         RGS12  0.8108842 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6724    67       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6725    67          SOS1  0.6901445 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6726    67        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6727    67       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6728    67          FGD6  0.8087772 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6729    67       ARHGDIB  0.2980086 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6730    67          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6731    67           NF1 -0.7011862 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6732    67         DOCK7 -0.4475992 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6733    67        RICTOR  0.4855976 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6734    67          CHML -0.9730627 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6735    67          RGS4 -0.6927333 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6736    67          TSC2  0.4849051 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6737    67          RGS5 -1.1907978 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6738    67          CHN2  1.9067284 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6739    67         SYTL2  0.7820970 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6740    67         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6741    67         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6742    67         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.000112000 -0.61084722
## 6743    49          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6744    49         PPARD  0.6858954 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6745    49      ARHGAP18 -1.6397762 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6746    49         FGF13  0.4341191 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6747    49         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6748    49         MMP25  0.3999529 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6749    49        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6750    49      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6751    49        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6752    49      ARHGAP20  1.5078686 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6753    49         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6754    49       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6755    49          APOE  0.8698346 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6756    49       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6757    49       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6758    49         COX17  0.3636993 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6759    49      ARHGAP28 -2.0397448 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6760    49      ARHGEF15 -1.0022907 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6761    49         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6762    49      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6763    49          THY1 -0.5538562 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6764    49      RALGAPA2 -0.9383071 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6765    49          MURC  1.6012508 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6766    49         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6767    49          CAV1 -0.9567264 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6768    49         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6769    49        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6770    49         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6771    49         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6772    49         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6773    49         TIMP2 -1.4731891 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6774    49         CD24A  0.8402202 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6775    49         RGS12  0.8108842 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6776    49        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6777    49       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6778    49           FN1  1.8449363 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6779    49       ARHGDIB  0.2980086 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6780    49           NF1 -0.7011862 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6781    49          CHML -0.9730627 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6782    49          RGS4 -0.6927333 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6783    49          RGS5 -1.1907978 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6784    49          TSC2  0.4849051 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6785    49          CHN2  1.9067284 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6786    49         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6787    49         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6788    49         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6789    49        IGFBP3 -1.5387731 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6790    49         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6791    49         MGST2  1.4910952 0.000764000  0.42857143
## 6792   200         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6793   200         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6794   200 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6795   200        KIF13A -0.8553233 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6796   200        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6797   200        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6798   200         OASL2  1.1346003 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6799   200           ILK -0.6476593 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6800   200        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6801   200       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6802   200         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6803   200         MTPAP  0.9192247 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6804   200          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6805   200          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6806   200          NME5  0.7192744 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6807   200          GLUL  1.5535760 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6808   200          NME3  0.5649069 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6809   200          NAV1 -0.3825694 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6810   200        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6811   200        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6812   200        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6813   200        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6814   200         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6815   200        MYO18A -0.9866570 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6816   200          CHKA  1.4240635 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6817   200         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6818   200        PFKFB3 -1.0800079 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6819   200          UBA7 -0.4355246 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6820   200         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6821   200          OAS2 -1.0145345 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6822   200         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6823   200         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6824   200         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6825   200         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6826   200       SLC28A2 -3.5721393 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6827   200         DHX58  0.6225685 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6828   200        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6829   200         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6830   200        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6831   200        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6832   200        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6833   200        YTHDC2  0.4861750 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6834   200         ABCG3  0.9457426 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6835   200       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6836   200       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6837   200         ABCG2  1.4057210 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6838   200         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6839   200         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6840   200        RAD54B  2.6843510 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6841   200          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6842   200          GRK4  0.5962996 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6843   200         DHX40  0.8499657 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6844   200          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6845   200        ACAD11  0.3769849 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6846   200         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6847   200          SRMS  0.3448742 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6848   200        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6849   200        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6850   200         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6851   200        UBE2G1  0.5678616 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6852   200        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6853   200        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6854   200          MLH3  1.0769990 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6855   200          PMVK  0.6296506 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6856   200        CHST15 -0.8654661 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6857   200          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6858   200       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6859   200        TARSL2  0.9328483 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6860   200         TOP2A -0.5110453 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6861   200        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6862   200           LYN -0.7283980 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6863   200        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6864   200         MAST2  0.3355945 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6865   200           ADK  1.7241557 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6866   200       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6867   200           KIT -1.7946208 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6868   200          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6869   200          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6870   200        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6871   200        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6872   200        PAPSS2 -3.5728181 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6873   200         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6874   200         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6875   200         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6876   200          ETFA  0.6383257 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6877   200         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6878   200          NOS1  0.4966184 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6879   200          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6880   200        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6881   200          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6882   200           KHK  0.6697292 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6883   200         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6884   200       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6885   200        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6886   200           FYN -1.6589775 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6887   200       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6888   200         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6889   200          AOX1  0.4180435 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6890   200         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6891   200         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6892   200         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6893   200         STK33  0.3537277 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6894   200         STK38  0.7217430 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6895   200           TTN -0.6633600 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6896   200       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6897   200         ACSS1 -0.8440275 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6898   200          MLKL -1.5119558 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6899   200          INSR  1.6754155 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6900   200           RET  1.1952974 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6901   200          PDXK  1.9413063 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6902   200          DARS -0.6545804 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6903   200          CLPX  0.5433126 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6904   200        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6905   200        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6906   200           RFK  0.4079293 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6907   200         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6908   200         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6909   200         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6910   200       SMARCA2  0.6933511 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6911   200          PCCA  1.4069716 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6912   200         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6913   200           XDH -0.5822439 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6914   200         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6915   200         STK10 -1.6727581 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6916   200       GM14085 -1.0171092 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6917   200         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6918   200        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6919   200         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6920   200         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6921   200         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6922   200          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6923   200        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6924   200           TEC  0.8492222 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6925   200           BMX  1.3892504 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6926   200           AK3  0.6024714 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6927   200          SACS -0.3482688 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6928   200          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6929   200         ATAD2 -0.6929998 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6930   200         MYO10 -0.6895434 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6931   200          ULK1  0.4108861 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6932   200        THNSL1  0.4834016 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6933   200          GUK1  0.6872463 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6934   200          ABL2  0.5324753 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6935   200          MYLK -0.4373395 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6936   200        UBE2E1  0.6603882 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6937   200         CDK19  0.4481980 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6938   200         ACOX1  0.7434649 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6939   200        D2HGDH  0.4210243 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6940   200         SLFN9 -0.7358762 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6941   200       PIP5K1B  0.6834041 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6942   200         SLFN8 -0.8898568 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6943   200         SLFN5 -0.5983464 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6944   200           FES -0.3553155 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6945   200     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6946   200          WARS -1.1502333 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6947   200           SLK -0.2902740 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6948   200          PAK4  0.6483046 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6949   200        CCT8L1 -0.4672705 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6950   200         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6951   200        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6952   200          PAK1  1.3962107 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6953   200           NSF  0.4565566 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6954   200         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6955   200         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6956   200          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6957   200         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6958   200          PFKP -0.9427482 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6959   200          PFKM  0.5475063 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6960   200         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6961   200          MCM3 -0.6087740 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6962   200         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6963   200         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6964   200         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6965   200       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6966   200         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6967   200        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6968   200         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6969   200          ERN1  0.7331847 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6970   200           NRK -0.6364746 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6971   200           FRK -0.6758771 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6972   200        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6973   200          SHPK  0.6092769 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6974   200         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6975   200          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6976   200         HSPA2 -1.3742968 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6977   200          KIF4 -0.6865814 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6978   200          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6979   200        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6980   200         ETNK1  0.6799596 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6981   200         DMGDH  0.3642489 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6982   200          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6983   200          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6984   200          MSH6  0.4689760 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6985   200          MSH3  0.7016900 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6986   200        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6987   200        ABCA8A -1.0566883 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6988   200           ICK  0.4702803 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6989   200          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6990   200         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6991   200        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.005091843 -0.14142136
## 6992   197         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 6993   197         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 6994   197 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 6995   197        KIF13A -0.8553233 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 6996   197        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 6997   197        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 6998   197         OASL2  1.1346003 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 6999   197           ILK -0.6476593 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7000   197        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7001   197       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7002   197         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7003   197         MTPAP  0.9192247 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7004   197          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7005   197          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7006   197          NME5  0.7192744 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7007   197          GLUL  1.5535760 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7008   197          NME3  0.5649069 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7009   197          NAV1 -0.3825694 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7010   197        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7011   197        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7012   197        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7013   197        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7014   197         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7015   197        MYO18A -0.9866570 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7016   197          CHKA  1.4240635 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7017   197         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7018   197        PFKFB3 -1.0800079 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7019   197          UBA7 -0.4355246 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7020   197         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7021   197          OAS2 -1.0145345 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7022   197         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7023   197         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7024   197         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7025   197         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7026   197         DHX58  0.6225685 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7027   197        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7028   197         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7029   197        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7030   197        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7031   197        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7032   197        YTHDC2  0.4861750 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7033   197         ABCG3  0.9457426 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7034   197       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7035   197       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7036   197         ABCG2  1.4057210 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7037   197         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7038   197         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7039   197        RAD54B  2.6843510 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7040   197          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7041   197          GRK4  0.5962996 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7042   197         DHX40  0.8499657 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7043   197          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7044   197        ACAD11  0.3769849 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7045   197         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7046   197          SRMS  0.3448742 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7047   197        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7048   197        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7049   197         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7050   197        UBE2G1  0.5678616 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7051   197        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7052   197        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7053   197          MLH3  1.0769990 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7054   197          PMVK  0.6296506 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7055   197        CHST15 -0.8654661 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7056   197          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7057   197       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7058   197        TARSL2  0.9328483 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7059   197         TOP2A -0.5110453 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7060   197        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7061   197           LYN -0.7283980 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7062   197        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7063   197         MAST2  0.3355945 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7064   197           ADK  1.7241557 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7065   197       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7066   197           KIT -1.7946208 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7067   197          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7068   197          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7069   197        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7070   197        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7071   197        PAPSS2 -3.5728181 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7072   197         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7073   197         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7074   197         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7075   197          ETFA  0.6383257 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7076   197         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7077   197          NOS1  0.4966184 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7078   197          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7079   197        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7080   197          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7081   197           KHK  0.6697292 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7082   197         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7083   197       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7084   197        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7085   197       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7086   197           FYN -1.6589775 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7087   197         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7088   197          AOX1  0.4180435 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7089   197         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7090   197         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7091   197         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7092   197         STK33  0.3537277 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7093   197         STK38  0.7217430 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7094   197           TTN -0.6633600 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7095   197       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7096   197         ACSS1 -0.8440275 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7097   197          MLKL -1.5119558 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7098   197          INSR  1.6754155 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7099   197           RET  1.1952974 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7100   197          PDXK  1.9413063 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7101   197          DARS -0.6545804 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7102   197          CLPX  0.5433126 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7103   197        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7104   197        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7105   197           RFK  0.4079293 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7106   197         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7107   197         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7108   197       SMARCA2  0.6933511 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7109   197          PCCA  1.4069716 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7110   197         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7111   197           XDH -0.5822439 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7112   197         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7113   197         STK10 -1.6727581 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7114   197         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7115   197        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7116   197         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7117   197         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7118   197         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7119   197          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7120   197        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7121   197           TEC  0.8492222 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7122   197           BMX  1.3892504 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7123   197           AK3  0.6024714 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7124   197          SACS -0.3482688 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7125   197          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7126   197         ATAD2 -0.6929998 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7127   197         MYO10 -0.6895434 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7128   197          ULK1  0.4108861 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7129   197        THNSL1  0.4834016 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7130   197          GUK1  0.6872463 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7131   197          ABL2  0.5324753 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7132   197          MYLK -0.4373395 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7133   197        UBE2E1  0.6603882 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7134   197         CDK19  0.4481980 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7135   197         ACOX1  0.7434649 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7136   197        D2HGDH  0.4210243 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7137   197         SLFN9 -0.7358762 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7138   197       PIP5K1B  0.6834041 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7139   197         SLFN8 -0.8898568 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7140   197         SLFN5 -0.5983464 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7141   197           FES -0.3553155 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7142   197     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7143   197          WARS -1.1502333 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7144   197           SLK -0.2902740 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7145   197          PAK4  0.6483046 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7146   197        CCT8L1 -0.4672705 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7147   197         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7148   197        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7149   197          PAK1  1.3962107 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7150   197           NSF  0.4565566 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7151   197         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7152   197         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7153   197          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7154   197         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7155   197          PFKP -0.9427482 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7156   197          PFKM  0.5475063 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7157   197         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7158   197          MCM3 -0.6087740 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7159   197         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7160   197         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7161   197         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7162   197       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7163   197         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7164   197        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7165   197         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7166   197          ERN1  0.7331847 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7167   197           NRK -0.6364746 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7168   197           FRK -0.6758771 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7169   197        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7170   197          SHPK  0.6092769 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7171   197         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7172   197          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7173   197         HSPA2 -1.3742968 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7174   197          KIF4 -0.6865814 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7175   197          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7176   197        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7177   197         ETNK1  0.6799596 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7178   197         DMGDH  0.3642489 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7179   197          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7180   197          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7181   197          MSH6  0.4689760 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7182   197          MSH3  0.7016900 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7183   197        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7184   197        ABCA8A -1.0566883 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7185   197           ICK  0.4702803 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7186   197          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7187   197         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7188   197        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.005093852 -0.07124705
## 7189   198         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7190   198         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7191   198 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7192   198        KIF13A -0.8553233 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7193   198        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7194   198        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7195   198         OASL2  1.1346003 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7196   198           ILK -0.6476593 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7197   198        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7198   198       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7199   198         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7200   198         MTPAP  0.9192247 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7201   198          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7202   198          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7203   198          NME5  0.7192744 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7204   198          GLUL  1.5535760 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7205   198          NME3  0.5649069 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7206   198          NAV1 -0.3825694 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7207   198        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7208   198        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7209   198        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7210   198        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7211   198         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7212   198        MYO18A -0.9866570 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7213   198          CHKA  1.4240635 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7214   198         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7215   198        PFKFB3 -1.0800079 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7216   198          UBA7 -0.4355246 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7217   198         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7218   198          OAS2 -1.0145345 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7219   198         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7220   198         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7221   198         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7222   198         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7223   198         DHX58  0.6225685 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7224   198        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7225   198         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7226   198        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7227   198        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7228   198        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7229   198        YTHDC2  0.4861750 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7230   198         ABCG3  0.9457426 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7231   198       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7232   198       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7233   198         ABCG2  1.4057210 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7234   198         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7235   198         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7236   198        RAD54B  2.6843510 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7237   198          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7238   198          GRK4  0.5962996 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7239   198         DHX40  0.8499657 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7240   198          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7241   198        ACAD11  0.3769849 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7242   198         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7243   198          SRMS  0.3448742 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7244   198        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7245   198        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7246   198         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7247   198        UBE2G1  0.5678616 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7248   198        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7249   198        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7250   198          MLH3  1.0769990 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7251   198          PMVK  0.6296506 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7252   198        CHST15 -0.8654661 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7253   198          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7254   198       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7255   198        TARSL2  0.9328483 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7256   198         TOP2A -0.5110453 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7257   198        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7258   198           LYN -0.7283980 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7259   198        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7260   198         MAST2  0.3355945 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7261   198           ADK  1.7241557 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7262   198       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7263   198           KIT -1.7946208 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7264   198          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7265   198          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7266   198        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7267   198        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7268   198        PAPSS2 -3.5728181 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7269   198         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7270   198         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7271   198         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7272   198          ETFA  0.6383257 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7273   198         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7274   198          NOS1  0.4966184 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7275   198          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7276   198        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7277   198          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7278   198           KHK  0.6697292 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7279   198         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7280   198       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7281   198        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7282   198       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7283   198           FYN -1.6589775 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7284   198         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7285   198          AOX1  0.4180435 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7286   198         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7287   198         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7288   198         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7289   198         STK33  0.3537277 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7290   198         STK38  0.7217430 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7291   198           TTN -0.6633600 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7292   198       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7293   198         ACSS1 -0.8440275 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7294   198          MLKL -1.5119558 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7295   198          INSR  1.6754155 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7296   198           RET  1.1952974 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7297   198          PDXK  1.9413063 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7298   198          DARS -0.6545804 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7299   198          CLPX  0.5433126 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7300   198        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7301   198        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7302   198           RFK  0.4079293 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7303   198         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7304   198         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7305   198         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7306   198       SMARCA2  0.6933511 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7307   198          PCCA  1.4069716 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7308   198         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7309   198           XDH -0.5822439 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7310   198         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7311   198         STK10 -1.6727581 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7312   198         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7313   198        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7314   198         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7315   198         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7316   198         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7317   198          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7318   198        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7319   198           TEC  0.8492222 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7320   198           BMX  1.3892504 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7321   198           AK3  0.6024714 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7322   198          SACS -0.3482688 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7323   198          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7324   198         ATAD2 -0.6929998 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7325   198         MYO10 -0.6895434 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7326   198          ULK1  0.4108861 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7327   198        THNSL1  0.4834016 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7328   198          GUK1  0.6872463 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7329   198          ABL2  0.5324753 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7330   198          MYLK -0.4373395 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7331   198        UBE2E1  0.6603882 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7332   198         CDK19  0.4481980 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7333   198         ACOX1  0.7434649 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7334   198        D2HGDH  0.4210243 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7335   198         SLFN9 -0.7358762 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7336   198       PIP5K1B  0.6834041 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7337   198         SLFN8 -0.8898568 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7338   198         SLFN5 -0.5983464 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7339   198           FES -0.3553155 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7340   198     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7341   198          WARS -1.1502333 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7342   198           SLK -0.2902740 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7343   198          PAK4  0.6483046 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7344   198        CCT8L1 -0.4672705 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7345   198         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7346   198        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7347   198          PAK1  1.3962107 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7348   198           NSF  0.4565566 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7349   198         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7350   198         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7351   198          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7352   198         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7353   198          PFKP -0.9427482 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7354   198          PFKM  0.5475063 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7355   198         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7356   198          MCM3 -0.6087740 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7357   198         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7358   198         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7359   198         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7360   198       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7361   198         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7362   198        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7363   198         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7364   198          ERN1  0.7331847 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7365   198           NRK -0.6364746 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7366   198           FRK -0.6758771 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7367   198        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7368   198          SHPK  0.6092769 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7369   198         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7370   198          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7371   198         HSPA2 -1.3742968 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7372   198          KIF4 -0.6865814 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7373   198          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7374   198        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7375   198         ETNK1  0.6799596 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7376   198         DMGDH  0.3642489 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7377   198          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7378   198          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7379   198          MSH6  0.4689760 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7380   198          MSH3  0.7016900 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7381   198        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7382   198        ABCA8A -1.0566883 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7383   198           ICK  0.4702803 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7384   198          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7385   198         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7386   198        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.005215053  0.00000000
## 7387    87         CDK19  0.4481980 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7388    87         STK33  0.3537277 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7389    87          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7390    87        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7391    87         STK38  0.7217430 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7392    87         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7393    87           TTN -0.6633600 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7394    87           FES -0.3553155 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7395    87 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7396    87     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7397    87       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7398    87        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7399    87           SLK -0.2902740 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7400    87          PAK4  0.6483046 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7401    87        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7402    87           ILK -0.6476593 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7403    87         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7404    87          MLKL -1.5119558 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7405    87          PAK1  1.3962107 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7406    87          INSR  1.6754155 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7407    87         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7408    87          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7409    87           RET  1.1952974 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7410    87           LYN -0.7283980 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7411    87         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7412    87        PRKAB1  0.6792390 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7413    87         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7414    87         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7415    87         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7416    87         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7417    87        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7418    87        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7419    87         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7420    87        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7421    87         CCND1 -1.6451473 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7422    87         MAST2  0.3355945 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7423    87         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7424    87          ERN1  0.7331847 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7425    87        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7426    87         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7427    87           NRK -0.6364746 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7428    87       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7429    87           FRK -0.6758771 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7430    87         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7431    87         STK10 -1.6727581 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7432    87        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7433    87         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7434    87        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7435    87         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7436    87           KIT -1.7946208 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7437    87        POLR2D  0.5681965 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7438    87         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7439    87         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7440    87        POLR2A  0.5441116 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7441    87         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7442    87          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7443    87         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7444    87        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7445    87        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7446    87           TEC  0.8492222 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7447    87        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7448    87        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7449    87        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7450    87         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7451    87           BMX  1.3892504 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7452    87          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7453    87          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7454    87          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7455    87        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7456    87       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7457    87           ICK  0.4702803 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7458    87         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7459    87       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7460    87        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7461    87           FYN -1.6589775 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7462    87       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7463    87          ULK1  0.4108861 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7464    87         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7465    87        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7466    87          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7467    87          GRK4  0.5962996 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7468    87         CPNE3  0.4759086 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7469    87          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7470    87          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7471    87          ABL2  0.5324753 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7472    87          SRMS  0.3448742 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7473    87          MYLK -0.4373395 0.008146775 -0.96490128
## 7474    14           FRK -0.6758771 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7475    14           LYN -0.7283980 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7476    14           BMX  1.3892504 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7477    14           FES -0.3553155 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7478    14 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7479    14     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7480    14          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7481    14           FYN -1.6589775 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7482    14         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7483    14          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7484    14          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7485    14          ABL2  0.5324753 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7486    14          SRMS  0.3448742 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7487    14           TEC  0.8492222 0.007788746 -1.06904497
## 7488    50          ENAH -0.8317531 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7489    50          TLN1 -0.3368527 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7490    50         WASF3  0.2794549 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7491    50          MLPH  0.3636092 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7492    50         TNNC1 -3.5213602 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7493    50         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7494    50          UTRN  0.6515582 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7495    50        MTSS1L -0.7009616 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7496    50           ANG  1.7859395 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7497    50         AIF1L  1.0643010 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7498    50          MKL2  1.1871092 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7499    50         FMNL1 -1.7516041 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7500    50          CLMN -1.3734763 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7501    50          ENC1  1.1255786 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7502    50          VIL1  1.3599698 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7503    50          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7504    50          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7505    50          NEXN -2.7307544 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7506    50          FLNA -0.6730172 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7507    50           JMY  0.8235245 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7508    50         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7509    50        LIMCH1  0.4431912 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7510    50        EPS8L2  0.6975885 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7511    50           DST -0.9919195 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7512    50          DBN1 -0.3198132 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7513    50         PARVB  1.1023674 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7514    50         FHOD1 -0.5541577 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7515    50         PARVA -0.7543596 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7516    50       SHROOM1  1.6359607 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7517    50       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7518    50          CNN3 -0.6783180 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7519    50        ABLIM3 -3.8146925 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7520    50         CALD1 -1.5895592 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7521    50         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7522    50          TPM2 -1.4312286 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7523    50         DAAM1 -0.5469234 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7524    50         MACF1  0.6852201 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7525    50          HIP1  0.8382696 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7526    50       PHACTR1  0.6381621 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7527    50           IPP  1.1727172 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7528    50        DIXDC1  1.7223422 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7529    50      BAIAP2L1  1.4627688 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7530    50         FSCN1 -2.4907292 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7531    50         TNNI3 -1.5804001 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7532    50        CORO1C -0.6524356 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7533    50         SYNE2 -0.8645887 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7534    50          CAPG  0.7958338 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7535    50         TMOD3 -0.4007371 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7536    50        MARCKS -1.6329781 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7537    50          MYLK -0.4373395 0.008627812 -0.84852814
## 7538   183         STK33  0.3537277 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7539   183         STK38  0.7217430 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7540   183         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7541   183         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7542   183           TTN -0.6633600 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7543   183 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7544   183        KIF13A -0.8553233 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7545   183       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7546   183         ACSS1 -0.8440275 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7547   183        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7548   183        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7549   183         OASL2  1.1346003 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7550   183           ILK -0.6476593 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7551   183        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7552   183          MLKL -1.5119558 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7553   183       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7554   183          INSR  1.6754155 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7555   183           RET  1.1952974 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7556   183          PDXK  1.9413063 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7557   183         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7558   183          DARS -0.6545804 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7559   183         MTPAP  0.9192247 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7560   183          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7561   183          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7562   183          CLPX  0.5433126 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7563   183        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7564   183          NME5  0.7192744 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7565   183        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7566   183          GLUL  1.5535760 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7567   183          NME3  0.5649069 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7568   183        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7569   183          NAV1 -0.3825694 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7570   183           RFK  0.4079293 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7571   183        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7572   183        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7573   183         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7574   183        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7575   183         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7576   183         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7577   183        MYO18A -0.9866570 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7578   183       SMARCA2  0.6933511 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7579   183          PCCA  1.4069716 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7580   183         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7581   183          CHKA  1.4240635 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7582   183         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7583   183         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7584   183        PFKFB3 -1.0800079 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7585   183         STK10 -1.6727581 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7586   183        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7587   183          UBA7 -0.4355246 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7588   183         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7589   183         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7590   183         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7591   183         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7592   183         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7593   183          OAS2 -1.0145345 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7594   183         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7595   183         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7596   183         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7597   183          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7598   183         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7599   183        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7600   183         DHX58  0.6225685 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7601   183           TEC  0.8492222 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7602   183        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7603   183        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7604   183         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7605   183          SACS -0.3482688 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7606   183           BMX  1.3892504 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7607   183           AK3  0.6024714 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7608   183        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7609   183          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7610   183         ATAD2 -0.6929998 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7611   183        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7612   183        YTHDC2  0.4861750 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7613   183         ABCG3  0.9457426 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7614   183       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7615   183       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7616   183         ABCG2  1.4057210 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7617   183         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7618   183         MYO10 -0.6895434 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7619   183         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7620   183          ULK1  0.4108861 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7621   183          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7622   183        RAD54B  2.6843510 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7623   183          GRK4  0.5962996 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7624   183         DHX40  0.8499657 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7625   183        THNSL1  0.4834016 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7626   183          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7627   183          ABL2  0.5324753 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7628   183         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7629   183          GUK1  0.6872463 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7630   183          SRMS  0.3448742 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7631   183          MYLK -0.4373395 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7632   183        UBE2E1  0.6603882 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7633   183         CDK19  0.4481980 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7634   183        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7635   183         SLFN9 -0.7358762 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7636   183         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7637   183        UBE2G1  0.5678616 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7638   183        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7639   183       PIP5K1B  0.6834041 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7640   183         SLFN8 -0.8898568 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7641   183        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7642   183         SLFN5 -0.5983464 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7643   183          MLH3  1.0769990 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7644   183           FES -0.3553155 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7645   183          PMVK  0.6296506 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7646   183     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7647   183          WARS -1.1502333 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7648   183           SLK -0.2902740 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7649   183          PAK4  0.6483046 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7650   183        CCT8L1 -0.4672705 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7651   183         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7652   183        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7653   183       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7654   183          PAK1  1.3962107 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7655   183         TOP2A -0.5110453 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7656   183        TARSL2  0.9328483 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7657   183           NSF  0.4565566 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7658   183         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7659   183         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7660   183          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7661   183           LYN -0.7283980 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7662   183         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7663   183          PFKP -0.9427482 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7664   183        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7665   183          PFKM  0.5475063 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7666   183          MCM3 -0.6087740 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7667   183         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7668   183         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7669   183         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7670   183         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7671   183       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7672   183         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7673   183        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7674   183         MAST2  0.3355945 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7675   183         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7676   183           ADK  1.7241557 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7677   183          ERN1  0.7331847 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7678   183           NRK -0.6364746 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7679   183       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7680   183           FRK -0.6758771 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7681   183        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7682   183          SHPK  0.6092769 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7683   183           KIT -1.7946208 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7684   183         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7685   183          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7686   183         HSPA2 -1.3742968 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7687   183          KIF4 -0.6865814 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7688   183          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7689   183        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7690   183         ETNK1  0.6799596 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7691   183        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7692   183          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7693   183        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7694   183        PAPSS2 -3.5728181 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7695   183          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7696   183         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7697   183         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7698   183         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7699   183          MSH6  0.4689760 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7700   183         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7701   183          MSH3  0.7016900 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7702   183        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7703   183        ABCA8A -1.0566883 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7704   183          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7705   183        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7706   183          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7707   183           KHK  0.6697292 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7708   183         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7709   183           ICK  0.4702803 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7710   183        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7711   183       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7712   183           FYN -1.6589775 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7713   183       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7714   183         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7715   183          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7716   183         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7717   183         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7718   183         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7719   183        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7720   183         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.021966666 -0.22176638
## 7721   442           GDA -2.8644980 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7722   442         CDIPT -0.7031981 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7723   442         LTBP1 -1.7956945 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7724   442         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7725   442         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7726   442         FSTL1 -1.4887532 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7727   442         MYLIP -0.9352888 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7728   442          RORA  0.7023584 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7729   442         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7730   442           FAH -0.5426567 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7731   442        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7732   442         CH25H  2.6691050 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7733   442        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7734   442         AIF1L  1.0643010 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7735   442         DDAH1  2.2459707 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7736   442         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7737   442         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7738   442        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7739   442          RXRA -0.3709072 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7740   442          ZHX1  0.5367889 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7741   442            F8 -0.5775755 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7742   442       COLEC11 -0.4511480 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7743   442        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7744   442       ADAMTS9 -2.5714289 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7745   442          NME3  0.5649069 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7746   442       NAPEPLD  1.9493891 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7747   442            F5  1.0342927 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7748   442        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7749   442       ADAMTS5 -1.9192924 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7750   442         KCNJ2  0.9502635 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7751   442         DIDO1 -0.3183708 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7752   442         DAGLA  0.2561199 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7753   442        LPCAT1 -0.7165066 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7754   442           PIR  2.3707597 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7755   442        ZDHHC9  0.9178260 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7756   442         CASZ1 -0.4007014 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7757   442        FAHD2A  0.6383133 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7758   442         DHX58  0.6225685 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7759   442          GPD2  1.8567918 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7760   442         ASXL3 -1.2067262 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7761   442        MGAT4A -1.8612474 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7762   442        PCDH10  0.2447438 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7763   442        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7764   442        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7765   442        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7766   442        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7767   442        PCDH17 -2.0914267 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7768   442         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7769   442         TRPS1  0.9810747 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7770   442        TRAFD1 -0.6052974 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7771   442        CACHD1  1.0923425 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7772   442         ZNFX1 -0.4673611 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7773   442        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7774   442        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7775   442        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7776   442         MMP25  0.3999529 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7777   442         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7778   442       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7779   442       ZFP354A  1.2591820 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7780   442        MICAL1  0.3486104 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7781   442       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7782   442       ZFP354B  0.7227799 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7783   442        MBLAC2  1.4534448 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7784   442        ZDHHC2 -1.3864795 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7785   442            AR -1.1537604 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7786   442         CAR14  1.3789976 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7787   442        MICAL2 -1.1802852 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7788   442        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7789   442        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7790   442         CLIC1 -0.5963828 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7791   442         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7792   442        ZSWIM1  1.4144438 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7793   442         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7794   442         MAST2  0.3355945 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7795   442       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7796   442         EGFL8  0.7083324 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7797   442          NKD1  3.3228355 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7798   442          SORD  0.5704929 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7799   442        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7800   442          FHL1 -0.7671229 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7801   442        TRIM16  1.0265202 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7802   442          EEA1 -0.3566612 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7803   442        NECAB3 -0.2226489 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7804   442         TCEA3  0.5083359 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7805   442       PCDHB16 -0.5630452 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7806   442          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7807   442        PPP3CC  0.7898093 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7808   442         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7809   442         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7810   442         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7811   442          BRD1 -0.3637327 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7812   442        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7813   442         FADS3 -1.5897039 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7814   442         PHF10  0.7286142 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7815   442          NID1 -1.3734728 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7816   442        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7817   442          PHYH  1.1297593 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7818   442         CABYR  0.7507259 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7819   442         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7820   442       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7821   442           GLA  0.6136858 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7822   442       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7823   442          AOX1  0.4180435 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7824   442          LRP8  3.3563987 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7825   442            CP  3.0784531 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7826   442         NR5A2 -0.7327046 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7827   442         MEGF6  0.2414265 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7828   442         STK38  0.7217430 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7829   442          LMO2  1.1218058 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7830   442         TNNC1 -3.5213602 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7831   442         ATOX1  1.2381989 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7832   442          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7833   442          ZXDB  0.2640934 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7834   442         CAR5A  0.8574456 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7835   442          ZIC1  0.2437727 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7836   442        IL17RD  0.8236271 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7837   442          ZIC3  3.9539621 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7838   442          LNX1 -1.7663676 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7839   442          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7840   442          ASPA -2.0908172 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7841   442        RNF141  0.8182445 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7842   442          CYGB -0.4656836 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7843   442        LONRF3  1.4401994 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7844   442          ASPH -1.0012558 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7845   442            MB -1.7171237 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7846   442           RET  1.1952974 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7847   442          PDXK  1.9413063 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7848   442         NUDT4 -1.2717077 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7849   442          NRD1  0.4015179 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7850   442          TECR  0.8028654 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7851   442          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7852   442       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7853   442           RFK  0.4079293 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7854   442         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7855   442         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7856   442       SLC40A1  4.5186054 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7857   442           XDH -0.5822439 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7858   442         EXTL3  1.8057934 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7859   442        ADHFE1 -1.3859644 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7860   442      ADAMTSL2  0.3110116 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7861   442         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7862   442         CXXC4 -0.4424631 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7863   442         KCNA5 -2.9110702 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7864   442         TTYH3 -0.5635840 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7865   442         TTYH2  1.3580564 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7866   442        OTUD7B  0.5804516 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7867   442        RNF168  0.4875635 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7868   442          FGD6  0.8087772 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7869   442           TEC  0.8492222 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7870   442      CACNA2D1 -0.4306334 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7871   442          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7872   442        ADAM23 -1.0844037 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7873   442        EFEMP2  0.7866735 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7874   442         KCNB1 -1.0854138 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7875   442          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7876   442        MYL12B  0.2076979 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7877   442         S100B  0.3014963 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7878   442          EBF3 -2.3783256 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7879   442         FREM2  0.8510785 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7880   442          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7881   442        RNF157 -0.5555226 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7882   442        HIVEP1  0.5239976 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7883   442        ADAM22 -0.5795833 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7884   442          ABL2  0.5324753 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7885   442       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7886   442         KDM6A  0.5337429 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7887   442        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7888   442        SC4MOL  0.8632766 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7889   442          GLB1  0.8052082 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7890   442         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7891   442         TRIM2 -0.8255637 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7892   442         TRIM3 -0.5148792 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7893   442        RNF103  0.9922934 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7894   442           CAT  0.6619803 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7895   442        GM5595  0.8080354 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7896   442        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7897   442        ZFP551  0.6004542 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7898   442         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7899   442         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7900   442         MBNL2 -0.7549499 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7901   442          VAT1  1.2598953 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7902   442        PGM2L1 -0.4994141 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7903   442          ARL3  0.4874493 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7904   442 2700081O15RIK -0.4407988 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7905   442        LIMCH1  0.4431912 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7906   442          ERN1  0.7331847 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7907   442         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7908   442         PDE9A -0.4640368 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7909   442         CASQ2 -1.1641037 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7910   442        GALNT1 -0.7574924 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7911   442        ABLIM3 -3.8146925 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7912   442         CABP1 -1.1372441 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7913   442         EGLN3 -0.7357847 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7914   442          ADH5  0.5465136 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7915   442         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7916   442         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7917   442         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7918   442          CDH2  1.2832653 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7919   442        CDKAL1 -0.6108402 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7920   442          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7921   442          DPF1 -0.2116084 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7922   442       ADPRHL1 -0.2389547 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7923   442         PRRG3 -1.2160902 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7924   442         PRRG4 -1.7520030 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7925   442          ADH1 -1.4011037 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7926   442         KDM3A  0.6713225 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7927   442          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7928   442          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7929   442       RNF144A -2.1981773 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7930   442       RNF144B  1.7338390 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7931   442         WDFY2 -0.6174388 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7932   442        ADARB1 -1.9644016 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7933   442       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7934   442          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7935   442         CREB5 -1.7745914 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7936   442          IDO1 -0.5535398 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7937   442         FUCA2  1.2946119 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7938   442          TAB2  0.5390739 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7939   442          TAB3  0.7712466 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7940   442           ICK  0.4702803 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7941   442        ZFP677  0.6833924 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7942   442          RCN1 -1.3482131 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7943   442           GCA  1.7133449 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7944   442        S100A6 -3.0633758 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7945   442        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7946   442         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7947   442          UTRN  0.6515582 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7948   442        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7949   442        PDLIM1 -3.7528403 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7950   442      SLC26A10 -1.4746977 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7951   442         TPD52  1.5709770 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7952   442         ZNRF3  1.4896919 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7953   442      BC026585 -0.4919124 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7954   442         PLOD1 -1.2735173 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7955   442         NT5C2  1.7174760 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7956   442       NGFRAP1  0.8418163 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7957   442         GGTA1 -1.1481923 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7958   442          POLK  2.3698924 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7959   442        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7960   442        ZFP827 -1.5508698 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7961   442          PGM5  1.9231251 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7962   442         UHRF2 -0.5309022 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7963   442         BAZ1A -1.1593510 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7964   442        ZFP462 -1.1211281 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7965   442        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7966   442         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7967   442         PRDM5  1.3695664 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7968   442         PRDM1 -1.0592437 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7969   442       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7970   442         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7971   442         ENPP2  1.6751688 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7972   442         ENPP3 -2.5999655 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7973   442         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7974   442         SFXN1 -0.8271473 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7975   442         ZNRD1  0.2680855 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7976   442         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7977   442          RFFL -0.3729210 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7978   442         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7979   442         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7980   442         MACF1  0.6852201 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7981   442          IDH2 -0.6563943 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7982   442       SLC31A1  3.3399076 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7983   442         CRIP1 -0.6938451 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7984   442        ZBTB46 -0.5294186 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7985   442          SCD2  1.4493419 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7986   442          BMP1 -0.5384685 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7987   442        ZFP600 -0.2955049 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7988   442        ZFP449  0.3627340 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7989   442          RYBP  0.7918656 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7990   442       S100A10 -1.7768971 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7991   442         CSRP2  1.7212702 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7992   442         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7993   442       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7994   442        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7995   442          CBLB -1.0784070 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7996   442       PLA2G4A  3.0518281 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7997   442        ZFP442  0.6289164 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7998   442          RNF7  0.3447189 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 7999   442          GBE1  1.8989464 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8000   442          DCP2  0.4280109 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8001   442         BCL6B -1.3846537 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8002   442          RHEB  0.5187213 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8003   442         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8004   442          KLF3 -0.3085208 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8005   442          ARSB  0.5514100 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8006   442        KCNJ15 -0.3255041 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8007   442        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8008   442         PPARD  0.6858954 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8009   442          PXDN -3.3473042 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8010   442       ZCCHC24 -0.6847723 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8011   442        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8012   442         COPS5  0.7501437 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8013   442         PPARG -3.6760365 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8014   442          SOBP  0.7320054 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8015   442         FANCL  0.5075722 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8016   442       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8017   442       NEURL1B -0.5717932 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8018   442          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8019   442         COX17  0.3636993 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8020   442        ZFP423  1.0518942 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8021   442        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8022   442          VIL1  1.3599698 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8023   442         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8024   442       ZCCHC17  0.4590762 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8025   442         EFHC2  2.6656200 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8026   442         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8027   442           ADK  1.7241557 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8028   442          SGCE -1.5005806 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8029   442        ADAM19 -1.2154123 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8030   442         PMPCB  0.4247653 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8031   442       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8032   442      SLC39A14 -0.8730863 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8033   442        ZFP418  0.8768379 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8034   442        ZFP710 -0.6097582 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8035   442         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8036   442        ZFP715 -1.0408712 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8037   442      SLC39A10  2.4866533 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8038   442         ZFP69 -1.1257086 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8039   442         CETN3  0.3482974 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8040   442         CETN2  0.8485781 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8041   442         EDEM3  0.4424082 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8042   442         EDEM2  0.5054874 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8043   442         DCHS1 -0.9529726 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8044   442         TPCN1  0.5257384 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8045   442        POLR2A  0.5441116 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8046   442        GNPTAB  0.4735567 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8047   442        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8048   442         FYCO1  1.4595369 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8049   442          CAR2  1.6099806 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8050   442         ZFP53 -0.5802603 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8051   442         ZFP52  1.2539740 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8052   442         ZFP51  0.5428319 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8053   442          NOS1  0.4966184 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8054   442         RBM20  0.4503695 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8055   442          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8056   442        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8057   442         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8058   442         SNAI2 -0.8955507 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8059   442         MSRB2  0.7701742 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8060   442        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8061   442          YAF2  0.6726330 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8062   442           FYN -1.6589775 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8063   442         FBLN2 -1.9822873 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8064   442         FBLN5 -1.8087355 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8065   442          CHN2  1.9067284 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8066   442           NLN -0.9765266 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8067   442         CALM2 -0.2896489 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8068   442        GABRB2 -0.2803297 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8069   442         COX5A  0.7745209 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8070   442           TTN -0.6633600 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8071   442         FAHD1  0.5462883 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8072   442         CISD1  1.1941109 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8073   442         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8074   442        TIMM8B  0.7434149 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8075   442           POR  0.5795204 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8076   442          CLPX  0.5433126 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8077   442          NEBL  2.0592627 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8078   442          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8079   442          ISCU  0.6355529 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8080   442         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8081   442         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8082   442          CAR8 -3.6993459 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8083   442      SLC25A37 -0.8458242 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8084   442          CAR4  0.6921409 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8085   442           DST -0.9919195 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8086   442         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8087   442       SLC38A3  4.7617553 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8088   442          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8089   442         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8090   442          MYL3 -2.0417802 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8091   442           WT1 -2.4578951 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8092   442          FTH1  0.2544095 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8093   442       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8094   442        B3GNT2  0.8552599 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8095   442        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8096   442          ACY1  0.2835209 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8097   442         ZMYM4  0.4661236 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8098   442           BMX  1.3892504 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8099   442         MYLPF  1.0616846 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8100   442          KAT5  0.4768200 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8101   442          TET1  0.9962682 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8102   442         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8103   442        TRIM59 -1.1938190 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8104   442         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8105   442      PRICKLE3 -0.4561361 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8106   442      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8107   442          MYLK -0.4373395 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8108   442         AEBP1 -0.5444574 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8109   442          HPRT  0.6275924 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8110   442          MLPH  0.3636092 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8111   442         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8112   442           ANG  1.7859395 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8113   442        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8114   442           MT2  3.3422036 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8115   442           MT1  2.2178710 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8116   442           ZYX -1.0582733 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8117   442           NSF  0.4565566 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8118   442          PHC1  0.7806199 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8119   442          EGR1 -0.9804991 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8120   442          PFKP -0.9427482 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8121   442       RUNX1T1 -1.0305069 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8122   442          PFKM  0.5475063 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8123   442        LMBRD1  0.6021261 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8124   442         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8125   442         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8126   442        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8127   442         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8128   442          CTSC  3.8618182 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8129   442         ZADH2  0.4537001 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8130   442          MDM4 -0.5209411 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8131   442          PRNP  1.0410868 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8132   442       GM13154 -0.5452052 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8133   442         CYP51  1.1453600 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8134   442           CPM -0.8186774 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8135   442          ING2  1.0984357 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8136   442          XIAP -0.5849276 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8137   442        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8138   442          PRND -2.6433152 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8139   442        NANOS1  1.4480661 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8140   442           C1S -0.9271280 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8141   442        TMEM37  0.5319626 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8142   442         ERCC5  0.7445968 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8143   442       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8144   442       SLC39A8  3.1251710 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8145   442         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8146   442       PHF20L1 -0.4672515 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8147   442          ENO1  0.6613974 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8148   442       ZC3H12C -1.0646099 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8149   442         NCEH1  1.0271370 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8150   442       SLC10A6 -0.9724572 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8151   442         PAPLN -0.9733092 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8152   442        HBA-A1 -1.5501629 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8153   442        HBA-A2 -1.5726738 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8154   442        ZFP286  0.4025596 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8155   442         SULF1 -1.8682084 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8156   442        SLC5A6  0.6014417 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8157   442 2610305D13RIK -0.8090952 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8158   442        CYB5D2 -0.4634441 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8159   442         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8160   442         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8161   442         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8162   442        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.024783874  1.23669388
## 8163    63        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8164    63         STK38  0.7217430 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8165    63          HPRT  0.6275924 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8166    63         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8167    63        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8168    63        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8169    63           TTN -0.6633600 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8170    63           FAH -0.5426567 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8171    63         FAHD1  0.5462883 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8172    63        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8173    63         NT5C2  1.7174760 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8174    63        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8175    63        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8176    63           NSF  0.4565566 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8177    63          POLK  2.3698924 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8178    63         NUDT4 -1.2717077 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8179    63          PFKP -0.9427482 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8180    63        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8181    63          PFKM  0.5475063 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8182    63          ARL3  0.4874493 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8183    63        PGM2L1 -0.4994141 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8184    63         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8185    63        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8186    63         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8187    63         MAST2  0.3355945 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8188    63          NME3  0.5649069 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8189    63          PGM5  1.9231251 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8190    63           RFK  0.4079293 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8191    63        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8192    63           ADK  1.7241557 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8193    63         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8194    63         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8195    63          ERN1  0.7331847 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8196    63         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8197    63       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8198    63         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8199    63         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8200    63         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8201    63        POLR2A  0.5441116 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8202    63       ADPRHL1 -0.2389547 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8203    63         ERCC5  0.7445968 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8204    63          IDH2 -0.6563943 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8205    63        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8206    63        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8207    63         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8208    63        FAHD2A  0.6383133 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8209    63         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8210    63          ENO1  0.6613974 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8211    63         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8212    63       ZC3H12C -1.0646099 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8213    63        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8214    63        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8215    63        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8216    63        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8217    63       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8218    63           ICK  0.4702803 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8219    63       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8220    63        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8221    63       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8222    63          RHEB  0.5187213 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8223    63          ABL2  0.5324753 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8224    63          MYLK -0.4373395 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8225    63        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.025467219  1.88982237
## 8226   180         STK33  0.3537277 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8227   180         STK38  0.7217430 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8228   180         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8229   180         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8230   180           TTN -0.6633600 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8231   180 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8232   180        KIF13A -0.8553233 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8233   180         ACSS1 -0.8440275 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8234   180        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8235   180        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8236   180         OASL2  1.1346003 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8237   180           ILK -0.6476593 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8238   180        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8239   180          MLKL -1.5119558 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8240   180          INSR  1.6754155 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8241   180           RET  1.1952974 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8242   180          PDXK  1.9413063 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8243   180         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8244   180          DARS -0.6545804 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8245   180         MTPAP  0.9192247 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8246   180          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8247   180          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8248   180          CLPX  0.5433126 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8249   180        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8250   180          NME5  0.7192744 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8251   180        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8252   180          GLUL  1.5535760 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8253   180          NME3  0.5649069 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8254   180        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8255   180          NAV1 -0.3825694 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8256   180           RFK  0.4079293 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8257   180        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8258   180        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8259   180         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8260   180        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8261   180         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8262   180         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8263   180        MYO18A -0.9866570 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8264   180       SMARCA2  0.6933511 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8265   180          PCCA  1.4069716 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8266   180         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8267   180          CHKA  1.4240635 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8268   180         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8269   180         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8270   180        PFKFB3 -1.0800079 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8271   180         STK10 -1.6727581 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8272   180        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8273   180          UBA7 -0.4355246 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8274   180         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8275   180         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8276   180         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8277   180         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8278   180         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8279   180          OAS2 -1.0145345 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8280   180         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8281   180         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8282   180         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8283   180          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8284   180         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8285   180        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8286   180         DHX58  0.6225685 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8287   180           TEC  0.8492222 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8288   180        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8289   180        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8290   180         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8291   180          SACS -0.3482688 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8292   180           BMX  1.3892504 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8293   180           AK3  0.6024714 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8294   180        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8295   180          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8296   180         ATAD2 -0.6929998 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8297   180        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8298   180        YTHDC2  0.4861750 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8299   180         ABCG3  0.9457426 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8300   180       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8301   180       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8302   180         ABCG2  1.4057210 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8303   180         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8304   180         MYO10 -0.6895434 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8305   180         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8306   180          ULK1  0.4108861 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8307   180          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8308   180        RAD54B  2.6843510 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8309   180          GRK4  0.5962996 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8310   180         DHX40  0.8499657 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8311   180        THNSL1  0.4834016 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8312   180          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8313   180          ABL2  0.5324753 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8314   180         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8315   180          GUK1  0.6872463 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8316   180          SRMS  0.3448742 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8317   180          MYLK -0.4373395 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8318   180        UBE2E1  0.6603882 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8319   180         CDK19  0.4481980 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8320   180        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8321   180         SLFN9 -0.7358762 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8322   180         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8323   180        UBE2G1  0.5678616 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8324   180        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8325   180       PIP5K1B  0.6834041 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8326   180         SLFN8 -0.8898568 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8327   180        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8328   180         SLFN5 -0.5983464 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8329   180          MLH3  1.0769990 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8330   180           FES -0.3553155 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8331   180          PMVK  0.6296506 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8332   180     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8333   180          WARS -1.1502333 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8334   180           SLK -0.2902740 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8335   180          PAK4  0.6483046 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8336   180        CCT8L1 -0.4672705 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8337   180         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8338   180        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8339   180       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8340   180          PAK1  1.3962107 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8341   180         TOP2A -0.5110453 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8342   180        TARSL2  0.9328483 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8343   180           NSF  0.4565566 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8344   180         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8345   180         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8346   180          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8347   180           LYN -0.7283980 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8348   180         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8349   180          PFKP -0.9427482 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8350   180          PFKM  0.5475063 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8351   180          MCM3 -0.6087740 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8352   180         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8353   180         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8354   180         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8355   180         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8356   180       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8357   180         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8358   180        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8359   180         MAST2  0.3355945 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8360   180         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8361   180           ADK  1.7241557 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8362   180          ERN1  0.7331847 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8363   180           NRK -0.6364746 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8364   180       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8365   180           FRK -0.6758771 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8366   180        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8367   180          SHPK  0.6092769 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8368   180           KIT -1.7946208 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8369   180         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8370   180          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8371   180         HSPA2 -1.3742968 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8372   180          KIF4 -0.6865814 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8373   180          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8374   180        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8375   180         ETNK1  0.6799596 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8376   180        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8377   180          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8378   180        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8379   180        PAPSS2 -3.5728181 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8380   180         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8381   180          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8382   180         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8383   180         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8384   180          MSH6  0.4689760 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8385   180         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8386   180          MSH3  0.7016900 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8387   180        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8388   180        ABCA8A -1.0566883 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8389   180          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8390   180        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8391   180          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8392   180           KHK  0.6697292 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8393   180         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8394   180           ICK  0.4702803 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8395   180        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8396   180       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8397   180           FYN -1.6589775 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8398   180       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8399   180         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8400   180          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8401   180         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8402   180         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8403   180         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8404   180        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8405   180         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.025200809 -0.14907120
## 8406   434           GDA -2.8644980 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8407   434         CDIPT -0.7031981 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8408   434         LTBP1 -1.7956945 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8409   434         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8410   434         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8411   434         FSTL1 -1.4887532 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8412   434         MYLIP -0.9352888 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8413   434          RORA  0.7023584 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8414   434         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8415   434           FAH -0.5426567 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8416   434        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8417   434         CH25H  2.6691050 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8418   434        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8419   434         AIF1L  1.0643010 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8420   434         DDAH1  2.2459707 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8421   434         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8422   434         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8423   434        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8424   434          RXRA -0.3709072 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8425   434          ZHX1  0.5367889 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8426   434            F8 -0.5775755 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8427   434       COLEC11 -0.4511480 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8428   434        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8429   434       ADAMTS9 -2.5714289 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8430   434          NME3  0.5649069 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8431   434       NAPEPLD  1.9493891 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8432   434            F5  1.0342927 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8433   434        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8434   434       ADAMTS5 -1.9192924 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8435   434         KCNJ2  0.9502635 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8436   434         DIDO1 -0.3183708 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8437   434         DAGLA  0.2561199 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8438   434        LPCAT1 -0.7165066 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8439   434           PIR  2.3707597 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8440   434        ZDHHC9  0.9178260 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8441   434         CASZ1 -0.4007014 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8442   434        FAHD2A  0.6383133 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8443   434         DHX58  0.6225685 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8444   434          GPD2  1.8567918 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8445   434         ASXL3 -1.2067262 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8446   434        MGAT4A -1.8612474 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8447   434        PCDH10  0.2447438 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8448   434        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8449   434        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8450   434        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8451   434        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8452   434        PCDH17 -2.0914267 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8453   434         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8454   434         TRPS1  0.9810747 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8455   434        TRAFD1 -0.6052974 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8456   434        CACHD1  1.0923425 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8457   434         ZNFX1 -0.4673611 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8458   434        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8459   434        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8460   434        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8461   434         MMP25  0.3999529 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8462   434         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8463   434       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8464   434       ZFP354A  1.2591820 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8465   434        MICAL1  0.3486104 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8466   434       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8467   434       ZFP354B  0.7227799 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8468   434        MBLAC2  1.4534448 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8469   434        ZDHHC2 -1.3864795 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8470   434            AR -1.1537604 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8471   434         CAR14  1.3789976 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8472   434        MICAL2 -1.1802852 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8473   434        SLC3A2  2.0731455 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8474   434        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8475   434         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8476   434        ZSWIM1  1.4144438 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8477   434         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8478   434         MAST2  0.3355945 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8479   434       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8480   434         EGFL8  0.7083324 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8481   434          NKD1  3.3228355 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8482   434          SORD  0.5704929 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8483   434        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8484   434          FHL1 -0.7671229 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8485   434        TRIM16  1.0265202 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8486   434          EEA1 -0.3566612 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8487   434        NECAB3 -0.2226489 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8488   434         TCEA3  0.5083359 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8489   434       PCDHB16 -0.5630452 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8490   434          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8491   434        PPP3CC  0.7898093 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8492   434         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8493   434         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8494   434         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8495   434          BRD1 -0.3637327 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8496   434        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8497   434         FADS3 -1.5897039 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8498   434         PHF10  0.7286142 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8499   434          NID1 -1.3734728 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8500   434        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8501   434          PHYH  1.1297593 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8502   434         CABYR  0.7507259 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8503   434         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8504   434       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8505   434           GLA  0.6136858 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8506   434       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8507   434          AOX1  0.4180435 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8508   434          LRP8  3.3563987 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8509   434            CP  3.0784531 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8510   434         NR5A2 -0.7327046 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8511   434         MEGF6  0.2414265 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8512   434         STK38  0.7217430 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8513   434          LMO2  1.1218058 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8514   434         TNNC1 -3.5213602 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8515   434         ATOX1  1.2381989 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8516   434          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8517   434          ZXDB  0.2640934 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8518   434         CAR5A  0.8574456 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8519   434          ZIC1  0.2437727 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8520   434        IL17RD  0.8236271 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8521   434          ZIC3  3.9539621 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8522   434          LNX1 -1.7663676 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8523   434          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8524   434          ASPA -2.0908172 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8525   434        RNF141  0.8182445 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8526   434          CYGB -0.4656836 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8527   434        LONRF3  1.4401994 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8528   434          ASPH -1.0012558 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8529   434            MB -1.7171237 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8530   434           RET  1.1952974 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8531   434          PDXK  1.9413063 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8532   434         NUDT4 -1.2717077 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8533   434          NRD1  0.4015179 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8534   434          TECR  0.8028654 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8535   434          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8536   434       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8537   434           RFK  0.4079293 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8538   434         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8539   434         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8540   434       SLC40A1  4.5186054 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8541   434           XDH -0.5822439 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8542   434         EXTL3  1.8057934 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8543   434        ADHFE1 -1.3859644 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8544   434      ADAMTSL2  0.3110116 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8545   434         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8546   434         CXXC4 -0.4424631 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8547   434         KCNA5 -2.9110702 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8548   434         TTYH3 -0.5635840 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8549   434         TTYH2  1.3580564 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8550   434        OTUD7B  0.5804516 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8551   434        RNF168  0.4875635 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8552   434          FGD6  0.8087772 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8553   434           TEC  0.8492222 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8554   434      CACNA2D1 -0.4306334 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8555   434          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8556   434        ADAM23 -1.0844037 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8557   434        EFEMP2  0.7866735 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8558   434         KCNB1 -1.0854138 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8559   434          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8560   434        MYL12B  0.2076979 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8561   434         S100B  0.3014963 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8562   434          EBF3 -2.3783256 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8563   434         FREM2  0.8510785 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8564   434          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8565   434        RNF157 -0.5555226 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8566   434        HIVEP1  0.5239976 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8567   434        ADAM22 -0.5795833 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8568   434          ABL2  0.5324753 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8569   434       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8570   434         KDM6A  0.5337429 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8571   434        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8572   434        SC4MOL  0.8632766 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8573   434          GLB1  0.8052082 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8574   434         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8575   434         TRIM2 -0.8255637 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8576   434         TRIM3 -0.5148792 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8577   434        RNF103  0.9922934 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8578   434           CAT  0.6619803 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8579   434        GM5595  0.8080354 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8580   434        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8581   434        ZFP551  0.6004542 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8582   434         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8583   434         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8584   434         MBNL2 -0.7549499 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8585   434          VAT1  1.2598953 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8586   434        PGM2L1 -0.4994141 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8587   434          ARL3  0.4874493 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8588   434 2700081O15RIK -0.4407988 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8589   434        LIMCH1  0.4431912 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8590   434          ERN1  0.7331847 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8591   434         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8592   434         PDE9A -0.4640368 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8593   434         CASQ2 -1.1641037 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8594   434        GALNT1 -0.7574924 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8595   434        ABLIM3 -3.8146925 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8596   434         CABP1 -1.1372441 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8597   434         EGLN3 -0.7357847 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8598   434          ADH5  0.5465136 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8599   434         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8600   434         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8601   434         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8602   434          CDH2  1.2832653 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8603   434        CDKAL1 -0.6108402 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8604   434          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8605   434          DPF1 -0.2116084 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8606   434       ADPRHL1 -0.2389547 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8607   434         PRRG3 -1.2160902 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8608   434         PRRG4 -1.7520030 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8609   434          ADH1 -1.4011037 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8610   434         KDM3A  0.6713225 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8611   434          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8612   434          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8613   434       RNF144A -2.1981773 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8614   434       RNF144B  1.7338390 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8615   434         WDFY2 -0.6174388 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8616   434        ADARB1 -1.9644016 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8617   434       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8618   434          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8619   434         CREB5 -1.7745914 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8620   434          IDO1 -0.5535398 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8621   434         FUCA2  1.2946119 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8622   434          TAB2  0.5390739 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8623   434          TAB3  0.7712466 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8624   434           ICK  0.4702803 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8625   434        ZFP677  0.6833924 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8626   434          RCN1 -1.3482131 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8627   434           GCA  1.7133449 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8628   434        S100A6 -3.0633758 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8629   434        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8630   434         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8631   434          UTRN  0.6515582 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8632   434        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8633   434        PDLIM1 -3.7528403 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8634   434         TPD52  1.5709770 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8635   434         ZNRF3  1.4896919 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8636   434      BC026585 -0.4919124 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8637   434         PLOD1 -1.2735173 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8638   434         NT5C2  1.7174760 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8639   434       NGFRAP1  0.8418163 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8640   434         GGTA1 -1.1481923 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8641   434          POLK  2.3698924 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8642   434        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8643   434        ZFP827 -1.5508698 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8644   434          PGM5  1.9231251 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8645   434         UHRF2 -0.5309022 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8646   434         BAZ1A -1.1593510 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8647   434        ZFP462 -1.1211281 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8648   434        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8649   434         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8650   434         PRDM5  1.3695664 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8651   434         PRDM1 -1.0592437 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8652   434       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8653   434         ENPP2  1.6751688 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8654   434         ENPP3 -2.5999655 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8655   434         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8656   434         SFXN1 -0.8271473 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8657   434         ZNRD1  0.2680855 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8658   434         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8659   434          RFFL -0.3729210 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8660   434         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8661   434         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8662   434         MACF1  0.6852201 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8663   434          IDH2 -0.6563943 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8664   434       SLC31A1  3.3399076 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8665   434         CRIP1 -0.6938451 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8666   434        ZBTB46 -0.5294186 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8667   434          SCD2  1.4493419 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8668   434          BMP1 -0.5384685 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8669   434        ZFP600 -0.2955049 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8670   434        ZFP449  0.3627340 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8671   434          RYBP  0.7918656 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8672   434       S100A10 -1.7768971 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8673   434         CSRP2  1.7212702 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8674   434         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8675   434       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8676   434        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8677   434          CBLB -1.0784070 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8678   434       PLA2G4A  3.0518281 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8679   434        ZFP442  0.6289164 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8680   434          RNF7  0.3447189 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8681   434          GBE1  1.8989464 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8682   434          DCP2  0.4280109 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8683   434         BCL6B -1.3846537 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8684   434          RHEB  0.5187213 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8685   434          KLF3 -0.3085208 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8686   434          ARSB  0.5514100 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8687   434        KCNJ15 -0.3255041 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8688   434        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8689   434         PPARD  0.6858954 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8690   434          PXDN -3.3473042 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8691   434       ZCCHC24 -0.6847723 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8692   434        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8693   434         COPS5  0.7501437 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8694   434         PPARG -3.6760365 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8695   434          SOBP  0.7320054 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8696   434         FANCL  0.5075722 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8697   434       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8698   434       NEURL1B -0.5717932 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8699   434          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8700   434         COX17  0.3636993 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8701   434        ZFP423  1.0518942 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8702   434        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8703   434          VIL1  1.3599698 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8704   434         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8705   434       ZCCHC17  0.4590762 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8706   434         EFHC2  2.6656200 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8707   434         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8708   434           ADK  1.7241557 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8709   434          SGCE -1.5005806 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8710   434        ADAM19 -1.2154123 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8711   434         PMPCB  0.4247653 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8712   434       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8713   434      SLC39A14 -0.8730863 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8714   434        ZFP418  0.8768379 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8715   434        ZFP710 -0.6097582 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8716   434         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8717   434        ZFP715 -1.0408712 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8718   434      SLC39A10  2.4866533 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8719   434         ZFP69 -1.1257086 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8720   434         CETN3  0.3482974 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8721   434         CETN2  0.8485781 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8722   434         EDEM3  0.4424082 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8723   434         EDEM2  0.5054874 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8724   434         DCHS1 -0.9529726 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8725   434         TPCN1  0.5257384 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8726   434        POLR2A  0.5441116 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8727   434        GNPTAB  0.4735567 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8728   434        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8729   434         FYCO1  1.4595369 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8730   434          CAR2  1.6099806 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8731   434         ZFP53 -0.5802603 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8732   434         ZFP52  1.2539740 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8733   434         ZFP51  0.5428319 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8734   434          NOS1  0.4966184 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8735   434         RBM20  0.4503695 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8736   434        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8737   434         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8738   434         SNAI2 -0.8955507 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8739   434         MSRB2  0.7701742 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8740   434        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8741   434          YAF2  0.6726330 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8742   434           FYN -1.6589775 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8743   434         FBLN2 -1.9822873 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8744   434         FBLN5 -1.8087355 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8745   434          CHN2  1.9067284 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8746   434           NLN -0.9765266 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8747   434         CALM2 -0.2896489 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8748   434         COX5A  0.7745209 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8749   434           TTN -0.6633600 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8750   434         FAHD1  0.5462883 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8751   434         CISD1  1.1941109 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8752   434         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8753   434        TIMM8B  0.7434149 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8754   434           POR  0.5795204 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8755   434          CLPX  0.5433126 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8756   434          NEBL  2.0592627 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8757   434          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8758   434          ISCU  0.6355529 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8759   434         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8760   434         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8761   434          CAR8 -3.6993459 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8762   434      SLC25A37 -0.8458242 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8763   434          CAR4  0.6921409 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8764   434           DST -0.9919195 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8765   434         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8766   434       SLC38A3  4.7617553 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8767   434          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8768   434         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8769   434          MYL3 -2.0417802 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8770   434           WT1 -2.4578951 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8771   434          FTH1  0.2544095 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8772   434       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8773   434        B3GNT2  0.8552599 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8774   434        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8775   434          ACY1  0.2835209 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8776   434         ZMYM4  0.4661236 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8777   434           BMX  1.3892504 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8778   434         MYLPF  1.0616846 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8779   434          KAT5  0.4768200 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8780   434          TET1  0.9962682 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8781   434         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8782   434        TRIM59 -1.1938190 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8783   434         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8784   434      PRICKLE3 -0.4561361 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8785   434      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8786   434          MYLK -0.4373395 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8787   434         AEBP1 -0.5444574 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8788   434          HPRT  0.6275924 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8789   434          MLPH  0.3636092 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8790   434         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8791   434           ANG  1.7859395 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8792   434        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8793   434           MT2  3.3422036 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8794   434           MT1  2.2178710 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8795   434           ZYX -1.0582733 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8796   434           NSF  0.4565566 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8797   434          PHC1  0.7806199 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8798   434          EGR1 -0.9804991 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8799   434          PFKP -0.9427482 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8800   434       RUNX1T1 -1.0305069 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8801   434          PFKM  0.5475063 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8802   434        LMBRD1  0.6021261 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8803   434         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8804   434         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8805   434        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8806   434         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8807   434         ZADH2  0.4537001 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8808   434          MDM4 -0.5209411 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8809   434          PRNP  1.0410868 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8810   434       GM13154 -0.5452052 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8811   434         CYP51  1.1453600 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8812   434           CPM -0.8186774 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8813   434          ING2  1.0984357 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8814   434          XIAP -0.5849276 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8815   434        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8816   434          PRND -2.6433152 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8817   434        NANOS1  1.4480661 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8818   434           C1S -0.9271280 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8819   434        TMEM37  0.5319626 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8820   434         ERCC5  0.7445968 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8821   434       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8822   434       SLC39A8  3.1251710 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8823   434         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8824   434       PHF20L1 -0.4672515 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8825   434          ENO1  0.6613974 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8826   434       ZC3H12C -1.0646099 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8827   434       SLC10A6 -0.9724572 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8828   434         PAPLN -0.9733092 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8829   434        HBA-A1 -1.5501629 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8830   434        HBA-A2 -1.5726738 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8831   434        ZFP286  0.4025596 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8832   434         SULF1 -1.8682084 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8833   434        SLC5A6  0.6014417 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8834   434 2610305D13RIK -0.8090952 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8835   434        CYB5D2 -0.4634441 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8836   434         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8837   434         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8838   434         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8839   434        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.039857348  1.24803994
## 8840    26         ENPP2  1.6751688 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8841    26        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8842    26       PGLYRP1  4.7509248 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8843    26         FSTL1 -1.4887532 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8844    26         POSTN -1.9800983 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8845    26           DCN -3.4268267 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8846    26          CD44 -1.0396956 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8847    26      SERPINE2  1.0849144 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8848    26           ANG  1.7859395 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8849    26          APOE  0.8698346 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8850    26           CFH  1.9358053 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8851    26           PTN  5.5709268 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8852    26          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8853    26           FN1  1.8449363 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8854    26           LPL -4.7634007 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8855    26          PRG4 -3.1630155 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8856    26          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8857    26        CCDC80 -2.4799752 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8858    26        LRPAP1  0.3978039 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8859    26           BGN -1.5797421 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8860    26        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8861    26          NAV2  0.4839409 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8862    26          LAYN  2.3060945 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8863    26         STAB1 -0.4562437 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8864    26         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8865    26        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8866    26         ENPP2  1.6751688 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8867    26        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8868    26       PGLYRP1  4.7509248 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8869    26         FSTL1 -1.4887532 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8870    26         POSTN -1.9800983 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8871    26           DCN -3.4268267 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8872    26          CD44 -1.0396956 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8873    26      SERPINE2  1.0849144 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8874    26           ANG  1.7859395 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8875    26          APOE  0.8698346 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8876    26           CFH  1.9358053 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8877    26           PTN  5.5709268 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8878    26          FGF2 -0.5859693 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8879    26           FN1  1.8449363 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8880    26           LPL -4.7634007 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8881    26          PRG4 -3.1630155 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8882    26          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8883    26        CCDC80 -2.4799752 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8884    26        LRPAP1  0.3978039 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8885    26           BGN -1.5797421 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8886    26        EGFLAM  0.8570897 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8887    26          NAV2  0.4839409 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8888    26          LAYN  2.3060945 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8889    26         STAB1 -0.4562437 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8890    26         HBEGF  1.1368100 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8891    26        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.038320323  0.78446454
## 8892    23         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8893    23        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8894    23        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8895    23        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8896    23        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8897    23        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8898    23        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8899    23        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8900    23       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8901    23       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8902    23         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8903    23        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8904    23        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8905    23        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8906    23        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8907    23         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8908    23        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8909    23         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8910    23       SEC61A1  0.6563832 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8911    23         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8912    23        SEC61G -0.5924765 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8913    23        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8914    23         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.036665139  1.04257207
## 8915    23         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8916    23        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8917    23        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8918    23        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8919    23        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8920    23        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8921    23        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8922    23        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8923    23       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8924    23       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8925    23         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8926    23        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8927    23        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8928    23        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8929    23        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8930    23         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8931    23        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8932    23         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8933    23       SEC61A1  0.6563832 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8934    23         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8935    23        SEC61G -0.5924765 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8936    23        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8937    23         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.039612308  1.04257207
## 8938   429           GDA -2.8644980 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8939   429         CDIPT -0.7031981 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8940   429         LTBP1 -1.7956945 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8941   429         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8942   429         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8943   429         FSTL1 -1.4887532 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8944   429         MYLIP -0.9352888 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8945   429          RORA  0.7023584 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8946   429         ITSN1  0.4589041 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8947   429           FAH -0.5426567 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8948   429        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8949   429         CH25H  2.6691050 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8950   429        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8951   429         AIF1L  1.0643010 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8952   429         DDAH1  2.2459707 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8953   429         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8954   429         CDH23 -1.1805802 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8955   429        CYP1A1 -1.5564060 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8956   429          RXRA -0.3709072 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8957   429          ZHX1  0.5367889 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8958   429            F8 -0.5775755 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8959   429       COLEC11 -0.4511480 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8960   429        CYP2E1  2.4913518 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8961   429       ADAMTS9 -2.5714289 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8962   429          NME3  0.5649069 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8963   429       NAPEPLD  1.9493891 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8964   429            F5  1.0342927 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8965   429        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8966   429       ADAMTS5 -1.9192924 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8967   429         KCNJ2  0.9502635 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8968   429         DIDO1 -0.3183708 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8969   429         DAGLA  0.2561199 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8970   429        LPCAT1 -0.7165066 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8971   429           PIR  2.3707597 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8972   429        ZDHHC9  0.9178260 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8973   429         CASZ1 -0.4007014 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8974   429        FAHD2A  0.6383133 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8975   429         DHX58  0.6225685 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8976   429          GPD2  1.8567918 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8977   429         ASXL3 -1.2067262 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8978   429        MGAT4A -1.8612474 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8979   429        PCDH10  0.2447438 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8980   429        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8981   429        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8982   429        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8983   429        PCDH12 -1.4947782 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8984   429        PCDH17 -2.0914267 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8985   429         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8986   429         TRPS1  0.9810747 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8987   429        TRAFD1 -0.6052974 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8988   429        CACHD1  1.0923425 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8989   429         ZNFX1 -0.4673611 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8990   429        CYP2J6 -0.9309146 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8991   429        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8992   429        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8993   429         MMP25  0.3999529 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8994   429         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8995   429       GUCY1A2 -0.5579338 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8996   429       ZFP354A  1.2591820 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8997   429        MICAL1  0.3486104 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8998   429       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 8999   429       ZFP354B  0.7227799 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9000   429        MBLAC2  1.4534448 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9001   429        ZDHHC2 -1.3864795 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9002   429            AR -1.1537604 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9003   429         CAR14  1.3789976 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9004   429        MICAL2 -1.1802852 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9005   429        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9006   429         MMP15 -1.4652837 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9007   429        ZSWIM1  1.4144438 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9008   429         MYRIP  0.7350114 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9009   429         MAST2  0.3355945 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9010   429       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9011   429         EGFL8  0.7083324 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9012   429          NKD1  3.3228355 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9013   429          SORD  0.5704929 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9014   429        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9015   429          FHL1 -0.7671229 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9016   429        TRIM16  1.0265202 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9017   429          EEA1 -0.3566612 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9018   429        NECAB3 -0.2226489 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9019   429         TCEA3  0.5083359 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9020   429       PCDHB16 -0.5630452 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9021   429          PKD2 -0.6848571 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9022   429        PPP3CC  0.7898093 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9023   429         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9024   429         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9025   429         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9026   429          BRD1 -0.3637327 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9027   429        TRIM28 -0.2401768 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9028   429         FADS3 -1.5897039 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9029   429         PHF10  0.7286142 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9030   429          NID1 -1.3734728 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9031   429        TRIM24 -0.4260120 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9032   429          PHYH  1.1297593 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9033   429         CABYR  0.7507259 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9034   429         CDH13 -2.2703880 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9035   429       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9036   429       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9037   429          AOX1  0.4180435 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9038   429          LRP8  3.3563987 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9039   429            CP  3.0784531 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9040   429         NR5A2 -0.7327046 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9041   429         MEGF6  0.2414265 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9042   429         STK38  0.7217430 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9043   429          LMO2  1.1218058 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9044   429         TNNC1 -3.5213602 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9045   429         ATOX1  1.2381989 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9046   429          LMO7 -0.7436161 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9047   429          ZXDB  0.2640934 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9048   429         CAR5A  0.8574456 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9049   429          ZIC1  0.2437727 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9050   429        IL17RD  0.8236271 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9051   429          ZIC3  3.9539621 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9052   429          LNX1 -1.7663676 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9053   429          ZIC2  1.5903616 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9054   429          ASPA -2.0908172 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9055   429        RNF141  0.8182445 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9056   429          CYGB -0.4656836 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9057   429        LONRF3  1.4401994 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9058   429          ASPH -1.0012558 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9059   429            MB -1.7171237 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9060   429           RET  1.1952974 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9061   429          PDXK  1.9413063 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9062   429         NUDT4 -1.2717077 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9063   429          NRD1  0.4015179 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9064   429          TECR  0.8028654 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9065   429          MIB1 -0.2899698 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9066   429       RASGRF2 -2.0588121 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9067   429           RFK  0.4079293 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9068   429         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9069   429         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9070   429       SLC40A1  4.5186054 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9071   429           XDH -0.5822439 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9072   429         EXTL3  1.8057934 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9073   429        ADHFE1 -1.3859644 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9074   429      ADAMTSL2  0.3110116 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9075   429         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9076   429         CXXC4 -0.4424631 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9077   429         KCNA5 -2.9110702 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9078   429         TTYH3 -0.5635840 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9079   429         TTYH2  1.3580564 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9080   429        OTUD7B  0.5804516 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9081   429        RNF168  0.4875635 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9082   429          FGD6  0.8087772 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9083   429           TEC  0.8492222 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9084   429      CACNA2D1 -0.4306334 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9085   429          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9086   429        ADAM23 -1.0844037 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9087   429        EFEMP2  0.7866735 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9088   429         KCNB1 -1.0854138 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9089   429          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9090   429        MYL12B  0.2076979 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9091   429         S100B  0.3014963 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9092   429          EBF3 -2.3783256 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9093   429         FREM2  0.8510785 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9094   429          ZIC5  0.5712473 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9095   429        RNF157 -0.5555226 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9096   429        HIVEP1  0.5239976 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9097   429        ADAM22 -0.5795833 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9098   429          ABL2  0.5324753 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9099   429       CACNA1A  0.7432564 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9100   429         KDM6A  0.5337429 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9101   429        CLSTN1  0.4104121 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9102   429        SC4MOL  0.8632766 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9103   429         HMOX2 -0.4664666 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9104   429         TRIM2 -0.8255637 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9105   429         TRIM3 -0.5148792 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9106   429        RNF103  0.9922934 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9107   429           CAT  0.6619803 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9108   429        GM5595  0.8080354 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9109   429        IMPDH1  0.7050896 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9110   429        ZFP551  0.6004542 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9111   429         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9112   429         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9113   429         MBNL2 -0.7549499 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9114   429          VAT1  1.2598953 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9115   429        PGM2L1 -0.4994141 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9116   429          ARL3  0.4874493 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9117   429 2700081O15RIK -0.4407988 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9118   429        LIMCH1  0.4431912 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9119   429          ERN1  0.7331847 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9120   429         PPM1L  0.6600464 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9121   429         PDE9A -0.4640368 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9122   429         CASQ2 -1.1641037 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9123   429        GALNT1 -0.7574924 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9124   429        ABLIM3 -3.8146925 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9125   429         CABP1 -1.1372441 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9126   429         EGLN3 -0.7357847 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9127   429          ADH5  0.5465136 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9128   429         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9129   429         EGLN1 -0.5128686 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9130   429         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9131   429          CDH2  1.2832653 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9132   429        CDKAL1 -0.6108402 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9133   429          CDH5 -0.5147797 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9134   429          DPF1 -0.2116084 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9135   429       ADPRHL1 -0.2389547 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9136   429         PRRG3 -1.2160902 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9137   429         PRRG4 -1.7520030 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9138   429          ADH1 -1.4011037 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9139   429         KDM3A  0.6713225 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9140   429          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9141   429          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9142   429       RNF144A -2.1981773 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9143   429       RNF144B  1.7338390 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9144   429         WDFY2 -0.6174388 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9145   429        ADARB1 -1.9644016 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9146   429       SLC12A2 -1.4221903 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9147   429          FBN1 -1.3404195 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9148   429         CREB5 -1.7745914 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9149   429          IDO1 -0.5535398 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9150   429          TAB2  0.5390739 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9151   429          TAB3  0.7712466 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9152   429           ICK  0.4702803 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9153   429        ZFP677  0.6833924 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9154   429          RCN1 -1.3482131 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9155   429           GCA  1.7133449 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9156   429        S100A6 -3.0633758 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9157   429        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9158   429         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9159   429          UTRN  0.6515582 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9160   429        PDLIM3 -0.8876939 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9161   429        PDLIM1 -3.7528403 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9162   429         TPD52  1.5709770 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9163   429         ZNRF3  1.4896919 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9164   429      BC026585 -0.4919124 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9165   429         PLOD1 -1.2735173 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9166   429         NT5C2  1.7174760 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9167   429       NGFRAP1  0.8418163 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9168   429         GGTA1 -1.1481923 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9169   429          POLK  2.3698924 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9170   429        SCN2A1  0.3935116 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9171   429        ZFP827 -1.5508698 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9172   429          PGM5  1.9231251 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9173   429         UHRF2 -0.5309022 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9174   429         BAZ1A -1.1593510 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9175   429        ZFP462 -1.1211281 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9176   429        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9177   429         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9178   429         PRDM5  1.3695664 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9179   429         PRDM1 -1.0592437 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9180   429       TGFB1I1 -0.9829797 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9181   429         ENPP2  1.6751688 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9182   429         ENPP3 -2.5999655 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9183   429         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9184   429         SFXN1 -0.8271473 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9185   429         ZNRD1  0.2680855 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9186   429         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9187   429          RFFL -0.3729210 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9188   429         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9189   429         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9190   429         MACF1  0.6852201 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9191   429          IDH2 -0.6563943 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9192   429       SLC31A1  3.3399076 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9193   429         CRIP1 -0.6938451 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9194   429        ZBTB46 -0.5294186 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9195   429          SCD2  1.4493419 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9196   429          BMP1 -0.5384685 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9197   429        ZFP600 -0.2955049 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9198   429        ZFP449  0.3627340 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9199   429          RYBP  0.7918656 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9200   429       S100A10 -1.7768971 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9201   429         CSRP2  1.7212702 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9202   429         CSRP3 -0.9135559 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9203   429       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9204   429        CYP4B1 -2.4019783 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9205   429          CBLB -1.0784070 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9206   429       PLA2G4A  3.0518281 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9207   429        ZFP442  0.6289164 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9208   429          RNF7  0.3447189 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9209   429          DCP2  0.4280109 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9210   429         BCL6B -1.3846537 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9211   429          RHEB  0.5187213 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9212   429          KLF3 -0.3085208 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9213   429          ARSB  0.5514100 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9214   429        KCNJ15 -0.3255041 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9215   429        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9216   429         PPARD  0.6858954 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9217   429          PXDN -3.3473042 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9218   429       ZCCHC24 -0.6847723 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9219   429        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9220   429         COPS5  0.7501437 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9221   429         PPARG -3.6760365 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9222   429          SOBP  0.7320054 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9223   429         FANCL  0.5075722 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9224   429       CYP39A1  1.0527763 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9225   429       NEURL1B -0.5717932 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9226   429          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9227   429         COX17  0.3636993 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9228   429        ZFP423  1.0518942 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9229   429        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9230   429          VIL1  1.3599698 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9231   429         CYB5B  1.0679666 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9232   429       ZCCHC17  0.4590762 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9233   429         EFHC2  2.6656200 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9234   429         PRUNE  1.2060202 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9235   429           ADK  1.7241557 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9236   429          SGCE -1.5005806 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9237   429        ADAM19 -1.2154123 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9238   429         PMPCB  0.4247653 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9239   429       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9240   429      SLC39A14 -0.8730863 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9241   429        ZFP418  0.8768379 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9242   429        ZFP710 -0.6097582 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9243   429         LIMS2 -0.8359992 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9244   429        ZFP715 -1.0408712 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9245   429      SLC39A10  2.4866533 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9246   429         ZFP69 -1.1257086 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9247   429         CETN3  0.3482974 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9248   429         CETN2  0.8485781 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9249   429         EDEM3  0.4424082 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9250   429         EDEM2  0.5054874 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9251   429         DCHS1 -0.9529726 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9252   429         TPCN1  0.5257384 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9253   429        POLR2A  0.5441116 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9254   429        GNPTAB  0.4735567 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9255   429        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9256   429         FYCO1  1.4595369 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9257   429          CAR2  1.6099806 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9258   429         ZFP53 -0.5802603 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9259   429         ZFP52  1.2539740 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9260   429         ZFP51  0.5428319 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9261   429          NOS1  0.4966184 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9262   429         RBM20  0.4503695 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9263   429        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9264   429         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9265   429         SNAI2 -0.8955507 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9266   429         MSRB2  0.7701742 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9267   429        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9268   429          YAF2  0.6726330 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9269   429           FYN -1.6589775 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9270   429         FBLN2 -1.9822873 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9271   429         FBLN5 -1.8087355 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9272   429          CHN2  1.9067284 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9273   429           NLN -0.9765266 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9274   429         CALM2 -0.2896489 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9275   429         COX5A  0.7745209 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9276   429           TTN -0.6633600 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9277   429         FAHD1  0.5462883 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9278   429         CISD1  1.1941109 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9279   429         GATA6 -0.8680981 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9280   429        TIMM8B  0.7434149 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9281   429           POR  0.5795204 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9282   429          CLPX  0.5433126 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9283   429          NEBL  2.0592627 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9284   429          TNS3 -0.3539310 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9285   429          ISCU  0.6355529 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9286   429         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9287   429         PLCE1 -0.5838718 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9288   429          CAR8 -3.6993459 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9289   429      SLC25A37 -0.8458242 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9290   429          CAR4  0.6921409 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9291   429           DST -0.9919195 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9292   429         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9293   429       SLC38A3  4.7617553 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9294   429          MYL2 -4.4515265 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9295   429         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9296   429          MYL3 -2.0417802 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9297   429           WT1 -2.4578951 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9298   429          FTH1  0.2544095 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9299   429       SLC30A1  1.4627024 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9300   429        B3GNT2  0.8552599 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9301   429        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9302   429          ACY1  0.2835209 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9303   429         ZMYM4  0.4661236 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9304   429           BMX  1.3892504 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9305   429         MYLPF  1.0616846 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9306   429          KAT5  0.4768200 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9307   429          TET1  0.9962682 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9308   429         FOXP1  0.9040130 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9309   429        TRIM59 -1.1938190 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9310   429         ITGA5 -0.8219463 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9311   429      PRICKLE3 -0.4561361 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9312   429      PRICKLE2 -0.4355170 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9313   429          MYLK -0.4373395 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9314   429         AEBP1 -0.5444574 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9315   429          HPRT  0.6275924 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9316   429          MLPH  0.3636092 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9317   429         PLCB4 -0.8033203 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9318   429           ANG  1.7859395 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9319   429           MT2  3.3422036 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9320   429        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9321   429           MT1  2.2178710 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9322   429           ZYX -1.0582733 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9323   429           NSF  0.4565566 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9324   429          PHC1  0.7806199 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9325   429          EGR1 -0.9804991 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9326   429          PFKP -0.9427482 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9327   429       RUNX1T1 -1.0305069 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9328   429          PFKM  0.5475063 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9329   429        LMBRD1  0.6021261 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9330   429         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9331   429         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9332   429        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9333   429         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9334   429         ZADH2  0.4537001 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9335   429          MDM4 -0.5209411 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9336   429          PRNP  1.0410868 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9337   429       GM13154 -0.5452052 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9338   429         CYP51  1.1453600 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9339   429           CPM -0.8186774 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9340   429          ING2  1.0984357 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9341   429          XIAP -0.5849276 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9342   429        SPOCK2  4.7286338 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9343   429          PRND -2.6433152 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9344   429        NANOS1  1.4480661 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9345   429           C1S -0.9271280 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9346   429        TMEM37  0.5319626 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9347   429         ERCC5  0.7445968 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9348   429       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9349   429       SLC39A8  3.1251710 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9350   429         PLCD1 -0.5474868 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9351   429       PHF20L1 -0.4672515 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9352   429          ENO1  0.6613974 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9353   429       ZC3H12C -1.0646099 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9354   429       SLC10A6 -0.9724572 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9355   429         PAPLN -0.9733092 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9356   429        HBA-A1 -1.5501629 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9357   429        HBA-A2 -1.5726738 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9358   429        ZFP286  0.4025596 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9359   429         SULF1 -1.8682084 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9360   429        SLC5A6  0.6014417 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9361   429 2610305D13RIK -0.8090952 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9362   429        CYB5D2 -0.4634441 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9363   429         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9364   429         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9365   429         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9366   429        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.044065502  1.01388955
## 9367   224         ADCY6 -0.7557491 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9368   224         PRKG1  1.1116695 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9369   224 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9370   224        KIF13A -0.8553233 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9371   224        MAP3K5 -2.5823383 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9372   224        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9373   224         RAB28  0.6242857 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9374   224         OASL2  1.1346003 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9375   224           ILK -0.6476593 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9376   224        MAP3K8  1.1640633 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9377   224         RAB24  0.5639919 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9378   224       RAPGEF3 -0.7736624 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9379   224         MAGI1 -1.2213891 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9380   224         MTPAP  0.9192247 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9381   224          MYH7 -0.4684236 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9382   224          MYH6 -1.6087011 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9383   224          NME5  0.7192744 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9384   224          GLUL  1.5535760 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9385   224          NME3  0.5649069 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9386   224          NAV1 -0.3825694 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9387   224        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9388   224        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9389   224        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9390   224        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9391   224         MAPK9  0.6855507 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9392   224        MYO18A -0.9866570 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9393   224          CHKA  1.4240635 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9394   224         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9395   224        PFKFB3 -1.0800079 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9396   224          UBA7 -0.4355246 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9397   224         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9398   224         CHEK2 -1.7097425 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9399   224          OAS2 -1.0145345 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9400   224         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9401   224         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9402   224         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9403   224         DHX58  0.6225685 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9404   224        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9405   224        TGFBR2  0.9984773 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9406   224         TAOK3 -0.6618190 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9407   224        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9408   224        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9409   224        YTHDC2  0.4861750 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9410   224         ABCG3  0.9457426 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9411   224       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9412   224         GNAT3 -0.6986170 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9413   224       RPS6KL1 -0.5315611 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9414   224         ABCG2  1.4057210 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9415   224         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9416   224         KCNJ8 -0.6850658 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9417   224          RHEB  0.5187213 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9418   224        RAD54B  2.6843510 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9419   224          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9420   224          GRK4  0.5962996 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9421   224         DHX40  0.8499657 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9422   224          GRK5 -0.7100614 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9423   224        ACAD11  0.3769849 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9424   224         CLCN7  0.9289438 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9425   224          SRMS  0.3448742 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9426   224        STEAP4 -1.0645719 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9427   224        ACVRL1  0.5096903 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9428   224         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9429   224        UBE2G1  0.5678616 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9430   224        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9431   224         GNL3L  0.4916026 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9432   224        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9433   224          MLH3  1.0769990 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9434   224          PMVK  0.6296506 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9435   224         RAB6B -0.6097520 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9436   224       SLC22A5  0.5032908 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9437   224        CHST15 -0.8654661 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9438   224          NOS2 -0.7167468 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9439   224        TARSL2  0.9328483 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9440   224         TOP2A -0.5110453 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9441   224        DHCR24  0.7846587 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9442   224           LYN -0.7283980 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9443   224        PDE10A -0.6455607 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9444   224         MAST2  0.3355945 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9445   224           ADK  1.7241557 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9446   224       GUCY1B3 -0.7307321 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9447   224         ARL4C -0.4551789 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9448   224       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9449   224         ARL4A  1.5342576 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9450   224           KIT -1.7946208 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9451   224          FMO4 -0.5052994 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9452   224        GM8995 -0.9629326 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9453   224          FMO1 -1.3051784 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9454   224        PRKAA2 -0.4506602 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9455   224        PAPSS1  0.6030723 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9456   224        PAPSS2 -3.5728181 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9457   224         ACSL3  2.4464795 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9458   224         ACSL6  0.3600899 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9459   224         ACSL5 -0.3634335 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9460   224          ETFA  0.6383257 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9461   224         ACTC1 -3.4079863 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9462   224          NOS1  0.4966184 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9463   224          NPR1 -0.8931317 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9464   224        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9465   224          NPR2 -2.0769596 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9466   224           KHK  0.6697292 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9467   224         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9468   224        GM6548  0.3678730 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9469   224       RPS6KA1  0.5728985 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9470   224        MAPK12 -0.3393402 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9471   224           FYN -1.6589775 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9472   224       RPS6KA2 -1.6764208 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9473   224         GSK3B  0.4631170 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9474   224          AOX1  0.4180435 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9475   224         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9476   224         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9477   224          DNM2  0.3509938 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9478   224         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9479   224         GNA13  0.3711599 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9480   224         STK33  0.3537277 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9481   224         STK38  0.7217430 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9482   224           TTN -0.6633600 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9483   224       PRKAR2B  2.3890438 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9484   224         ACSS1 -0.8440275 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9485   224          MLKL -1.5119558 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9486   224           MX2 -0.8449648 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9487   224          INSR  1.6754155 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9488   224           RET  1.1952974 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9489   224          PDXK  1.9413063 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9490   224          DARS -0.6545804 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9491   224        EFTUD2  0.6226301 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9492   224          CLPX  0.5433126 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9493   224        MAP4K3 -0.5015354 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9494   224        MAP4K4 -0.5546999 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9495   224           RFK  0.4079293 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9496   224         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9497   224         PDE5A  0.8969331 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9498   224         FLAD1 -0.2378469 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9499   224       SMARCA2  0.6933511 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9500   224          PCCA  1.4069716 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9501   224         PRPS2 -1.5910835 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9502   224           XDH -0.5822439 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9503   224         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9504   224         STK10 -1.6727581 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9505   224         BMPR2  0.6590347 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9506   224        MAP4K2  0.4707371 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9507   224         TIMP4 -5.2487548 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9508   224         CTPS2  0.5610990 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9509   224         RRAGB  0.4252396 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9510   224         ABCA5  0.6077066 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9511   224          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9512   224       RHOBTB1  1.1043716 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9513   224        ENTPD1  0.8515158 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9514   224           TEC  0.8492222 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9515   224           NIN -0.3247442 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9516   224        EEF1A2 -0.4876466 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9517   224          SACS -0.3482688 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9518   224           BMX  1.3892504 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9519   224           AK3  0.6024714 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9520   224          SMG1 -0.3758097 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9521   224         ATAD2 -0.6929998 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9522   224         DOCK7 -0.4475992 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9523   224         MYO10 -0.6895434 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9524   224         GVIN1 -0.6953950 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9525   224          ULK1  0.4108861 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9526   224        THNSL1  0.4834016 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9527   224          GUK1  0.6872463 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9528   224          ABL2  0.5324753 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9529   224          MYLK -0.4373395 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9530   224        UBE2E1  0.6603882 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9531   224         CDK19  0.4481980 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9532   224         ACOX1  0.7434649 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9533   224        D2HGDH  0.4210243 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9534   224         SLFN9 -0.7358762 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9535   224       PIP5K1B  0.6834041 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9536   224         SLFN8 -0.8898568 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9537   224         SLFN5 -0.5983464 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9538   224           FES -0.3553155 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9539   224     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9540   224          WARS -1.1502333 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9541   224           SLK -0.2902740 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9542   224          PAK4  0.6483046 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9543   224        CCT8L1 -0.4672705 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9544   224         CDK12 -0.6747588 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9545   224        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9546   224          PAK1  1.3962107 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9547   224          RHOD  0.6047675 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9548   224           NSF  0.4565566 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9549   224         KIF2A  0.5316378 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9550   224          SGK1 -1.4770505 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9551   224         TRPM6  1.6483257 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9552   224         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9553   224          PFKP -0.9427482 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9554   224          PFKM  0.5475063 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9555   224          MCM3 -0.6087740 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9556   224         DAPK2 -0.7563133 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9557   224         DAPK1  1.6371754 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9558   224         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9559   224          ARL3  0.4874493 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9560   224         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9561   224        ACVR2A -0.6891467 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9562   224       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9563   224         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9564   224         HIPK3  0.4209051 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9565   224          ERN1  0.7331847 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9566   224           NRK -0.6364746 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9567   224           FRK -0.6758771 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9568   224        CAMK2G -0.8168753 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9569   224          SHPK  0.6092769 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9570   224         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9571   224          CHD7 -0.8202826 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9572   224         HSPA2 -1.3742968 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9573   224          KIF4 -0.6865814 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9574   224          SYN2 -0.5658542 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9575   224        CAMK2D -0.4617771 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9576   224         ETNK1  0.6799596 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9577   224         DMGDH  0.3642489 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9578   224          EHD1 -1.2720353 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9579   224          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9580   224          MSH6  0.4689760 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9581   224        GIMAP4 -3.3647097 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9582   224          MSH3  0.7016900 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9583   224        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9584   224        GIMAP8 -0.6218802 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9585   224        ABCA8A -1.0566883 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9586   224           ICK  0.4702803 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9587   224         GSPT2  0.6518218 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9588   224          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9589   224         APAF1 -0.7626912 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9590   224        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.043093568  0.13363062
## 9591    34          DLC1 -0.9707875 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9592    34         AGFG1  1.3809748 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9593    34        TBC1D9 -0.5675936 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9594    34         ASAP2 -1.5758740 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9595    34      ARHGAP18 -1.6397762 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9596    34         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9597    34         ASAP3  0.8332254 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9598    34        IQGAP1  0.5964467 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9599    34      ARHGAP21 -0.4753129 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9600    34         RGS12  0.8108842 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9601    34         SMAP1  0.6551348 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9602    34      ARHGAP20  1.5078686 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9603    34       TBC1D12  0.5555830 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9604    34       TBC1D14  1.7027601 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9605    34       TBC1D13  1.3111621 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9606    34        TBC1D4  2.5263297 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9607    34       TBC1D30  0.4040445 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9608    34       ARHGDIB  0.2980086 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9609    34           NF1 -0.7011862 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9610    34      ARHGAP28 -2.0397448 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9611    34      ARHGEF15 -1.0022907 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9612    34      TBC1D22A -0.8307036 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9613    34          THY1 -0.5538562 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9614    34      RALGAPA2 -0.9383071 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9615    34          MURC  1.6012508 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9616    34          CHML -0.9730627 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9617    34          RGS4 -0.6927333 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9618    34          RGS5 -1.1907978 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9619    34         ACAP2 -0.3690319 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9620    34          TSC2  0.4849051 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9621    34          CHN2  1.9067284 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9622    34         ARAP3 -0.5313069 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9623    34         ARAP2  1.0662260 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9624    34         ARAP1 -0.3623889 0.048187201 -0.34299717
## 9625    34          ENAH -0.8317531 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9626    34         CLCN3  0.4268344 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9627    34       SHROOM2  0.6032635 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9628    34          FUT8  1.2998120 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9629    34         CADM1  1.8215955 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9630    34         MYO7A -0.6571930 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9631    34          ZXDB  0.2640934 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9632    34        MTSS1L -0.7009616 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9633    34         PTTG1  0.4036713 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9634    34         CD2AP  0.8355163 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9635    34          LNX1 -1.7663676 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9636    34        PICALM -0.5427484 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9637    34          WBP5  0.9073451 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9638    34          SOS1  0.6901445 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9639    34        SH3BGR -0.7642668 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9640    34        MICAL1  0.3486104 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9641    34          INSR  1.6754155 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9642    34          EHD2 -1.5730829 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9643    34         ADAM9 -0.4837100 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9644    34        ADAM10  0.4370403 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9645    34           LYN -0.7283980 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9646    34      BAIAP2L1  1.4627688 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9647    34       CCDC88C -0.8672074 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9648    34        BAIAP2  0.5918840 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9649    34         HCLS1 -1.7060483 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9650    34        NDFIP1  0.4020166 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9651    34        USHBP1 -0.8272864 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9652    34          LDB2 -2.5560932 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9653    34         TACC2 -0.7724021 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9654    34          CTR9  0.6572865 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9655    34        SH3BP5 -0.7996248 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9656    34         IGSF5  1.3725783 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9657    34        TGFBR3  1.2105366 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9658    34        ADAM19 -1.2154123 0.048187201  0.34299717
## 9659    21         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9660    21        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9661    21        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9662    21        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9663    21        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9664    21        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9665    21        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9666    21        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9667    21       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9668    21       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9669    21         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9670    21        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9671    21        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9672    21        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9673    21        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9674    21         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9675    21        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9676    21         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9677    21         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9678    21        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9679    21         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9680    21         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9681    21        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9682    21        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9683    21        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9684    21        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9685    21        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9686    21        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9687    21        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9688    21       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9689    21       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9690    21         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9691    21        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9692    21        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9693    21        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9694    21        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9695    21         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9696    21        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9697    21         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9698    21         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9699    21        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9700    21         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9701    21         ATP5E  0.3125334 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9702    21        ATP1B2 -1.1594880 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9703    21        ABCA8B -0.6333920 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9704    21        ATP10A  4.1988042 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9705    21        ATP11B  0.8076871 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9706    21        ATP11A  0.5015364 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9707    21        ATP1A1  0.6178691 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9708    21        ATP10D  0.7066596 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9709    21       ATP13A5  0.3757767 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9710    21       ATP6V1A  0.6504485 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9711    21         ABCC9 -0.5831183 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9712    21        ATP2B4 -1.8662842 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9713    21        ABCB1A  1.6552951 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9714    21        ATP2C1  0.5672868 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9715    21        ABCB1B -1.9325711 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9716    21         ATP9A -1.4010882 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9717    21        ATP8B1 -2.1074006 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9718    21         ABCC4  1.9315770 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9719    21         ABCC5 -0.8480902 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9720    21        ATP8A1  1.3527361 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9721    21         ABCC6  0.3571941 0.047878416  1.09108945
## 9722    53         PPARD  0.6858954 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9723    53         PTGS2  3.0743014 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9724    53        PITPNA  0.4989001 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9725    53         PPARG -3.6760365 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9726    53         PTGS1 -1.0167608 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9727    53         MCF2L -0.5195414 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9728    53        PICALM -0.5427484 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9729    53          APOD  3.6821107 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9730    53         TIAM1  0.8203766 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9731    53          APOE  0.8698346 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9732    53          SDPR -0.9836461 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9733    53       PITPNC1 -0.6586485 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9734    53       GPIHBP1 -4.1310943 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9735    53            AR -1.1537604 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9736    53      SH3PXD2A -0.7520401 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9737    53          RXRA -0.3709072 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9738    53         MFGE8 -1.4562858 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9739    53          GLTP  0.8772461 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9740    53         PRKCB  2.0486665 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9741    53          THY1 -0.5538562 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9742    53         PRKD1 -1.5052004 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9743    53         PRKD2 -0.7877410 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9744    53          CD36 -7.1283219 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9745    53       APOL10B -1.4571547 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9746    53        UNC13C  0.5117994 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9747    53          EPN1 -0.3218495 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9748    53          RBP7 -4.0117093 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9749    53          RBP1  0.7264322 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9750    53          SNX5  0.7463156 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9751    53         NR3C2  0.8578552 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9752    53         PAQR7  0.8887517 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9753    53          EEA1 -0.3566612 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9754    53         MYO9B -0.4576615 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9755    53         NR3C1  0.3773807 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9756    53          SNX3  0.3965680 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9757    53         CYTH3  0.7799272 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9758    53        ATP5G3  0.3349511 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9759    53         PAQR5  2.1008740 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9760    53       RASGRP4  0.4342518 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9761    53          PLTP  2.5746091 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9762    53          HIP1  0.8382696 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9763    53           LPL -4.7634007 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9764    53          VAV3 -3.2720604 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9765    53         SNX25 -0.9206327 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9766    53         ITPR3  0.5506697 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9767    53           DBI  0.5591923 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9768    53         AP2A2  0.3464030 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9769    53         FABP3 -1.6505610 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9770    53         FABP4 -6.0063746 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9771    53          CHN2  1.9067284 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9772    53         NR5A2 -0.7327046 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9773    53         FABP5 -4.3074287 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9774    53       PLEKHA2 -0.6398823 0.049284169 -0.41208169
## 9775    30           FRK -0.6758771 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9776    30          NRP1 -1.1412315 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9777    30         FGFR3 -0.4419298 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9778    30           KIT -1.7946208 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9779    30           FES -0.3553155 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9780    30 C230081A13RIK -0.8663054 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9781    30         EPHB4 -0.8022917 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9782    30         EPHB1 -0.9398894 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9783    30     D8ERTD82E -1.2649786 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9784    30         IGF1R  2.4527727 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9785    30       CTTNBP2  0.4650256 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9786    30          PTK2 -0.6527904 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9787    30           ILK -0.6476593 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9788    30         ZAP70  0.9691435 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9789    30          MLKL -1.5119558 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9790    30          INSR  1.6754155 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9791    30           TEC  0.8492222 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9792    30           RET  1.1952974 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9793    30           LYN -0.7283980 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9794    30        MAP2K1 -0.4628798 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9795    30         LIMK1  0.4970490 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9796    30           BMX  1.3892504 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9797    30         EPHA7  0.4314310 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9798    30           FYN -1.6589775 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9799    30        PDGFRA -0.5362066 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9800    30          JAK1 -0.8779357 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9801    30          TNK1 -0.2801580 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9802    30          ABL2  0.5324753 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9803    30       MAP3K12 -0.5351272 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## 9804    30          SRMS  0.3448742 0.053181210 -1.46059349
## [1] "heart development"        "phosphorylation"         
## [3] "vasculature development"  "blood vessel development"
## [5] "tissue morphogenesis"     "cell adhesion"           
## [7] "plasma membrane"
##          ID      logFC
## 1      PTK2 -0.6527904
## 2     GNA13  0.3711599
## 3      LEPR  2.6539788
## 4      APOE  0.8698346
## 5     CXCR4 -2.5647537
## 6      RECK  3.6926860
## 7     EFNB2 -1.0007095
## 8    PNPLA6  0.8906838
## 9      THY1 -0.5538562
## 10     CAV1 -0.9567264
## 11     CDH2  1.2832653
## 12     CDH5 -0.5147797
## 13   PLXND1 -1.4831711
## 14    ECSCR -1.1219161
## 15    HBEGF  1.1368100
## 16     AMOT  1.0877881
## 17   ACVRL1  0.5096903
## 18     FGF2 -0.5859693
## 19   MAP2K1 -0.4628798
## 20     NRP1 -1.1412315
## 21     GJA1 -0.8179480
## 22     GJA5 -2.4542500
## 23    CERKL  0.8624001
## 24     MIB1 -0.2899698
## 25   TGFBR2  0.9984773
## 26   TGFBR3  1.2105366
## 27    TGFB2  2.3031748
## 28      TTN -0.6633600
## 29     GAB1  0.8795894
## 30 ATP6V0A1  0.9847533
## 31     NRP2 -1.5153173
## 32  SLC22A5  0.5032908
## 33   VANGL2  0.5220569
## 34    ITGB1 -0.3208476
## 35     PKD2 -0.6848571
## 36    SMAD3  0.8885396
## 37    KCNJ8 -0.6850658
chord =  chord_dat(circ, EC$genes, EC$process)
##          heart development phosphorylation vasculature development
## PTK2                     0               1                       1
## GNA13                    0               0                       1
## LEPR                     0               0                       1
## APOE                     0               0                       1
## CXCR4                    0               0                       1
## RECK                     0               0                       1
## EFNB2                    0               0                       1
## PNPLA6                   0               0                       1
## THY1                     0               0                       1
## CAV1                     0               0                       1
## CDH2                     0               0                       1
## CDH5                     0               0                       1
## PLXND1                   0               0                       1
## ECSCR                    0               0                       1
## HBEGF                    0               0                       1
## AMOT                     0               0                       1
## ACVRL1                   0               1                       1
## FGF2                     0               1                       1
## MAP2K1                   0               1                       1
## NRP1                     1               0                       1
## GJA1                     1               0                       1
## GJA5                     1               0                       1
## CERKL                    1               0                       1
## MIB1                     1               0                       1
## TGFBR2                   1               1                       1
## TGFBR3                   1               1                       1
## TGFB2                    1               1                       1
## TTN                      1               1                       0
## GAB1                     1               1                       0
## ATP6V0A1                 1               1                       0
## NRP2                     1               0                       0
## SLC22A5                  1               0                       0
## VANGL2                   1               0                       0
## ITGB1                    1               0                       0
## PKD2                     1               0                       0
## SMAD3                    1               0                       0
## KCNJ8                    1               0                       0
##          blood vessel development tissue morphogenesis cell adhesion
## PTK2                            1                    0             0
## GNA13                           1                    0             0
## LEPR                            1                    0             0
## APOE                            1                    0             0
## CXCR4                           1                    0             0
## RECK                            1                    0             0
## EFNB2                           0                    0             0
## PNPLA6                          1                    0             0
## THY1                            1                    0             1
## CAV1                            1                    0             0
## CDH2                            1                    0             1
## CDH5                            1                    0             1
## PLXND1                          1                    1             0
## ECSCR                           1                    0             0
## HBEGF                           1                    0             0
## AMOT                            1                    0             0
## ACVRL1                          1                    0             0
## FGF2                            1                    0             0
## MAP2K1                          1                    0             0
## NRP1                            1                    1             1
## GJA1                            1                    0             0
## GJA5                            1                    0             0
## CERKL                           1                    0             1
## MIB1                            1                    1             0
## TGFBR2                          1                    0             0
## TGFBR3                          1                    1             0
## TGFB2                           1                    1             1
## TTN                             0                    0             0
## GAB1                            0                    0             0
## ATP6V0A1                        0                    0             0
## NRP2                            0                    0             1
## SLC22A5                         0                    0             0
## VANGL2                          0                    1             0
## ITGB1                           0                    0             1
## PKD2                            0                    0             0
## SMAD3                           0                    1             0
## KCNJ8                           0                    0             0
##          plasma membrane      logFC
## PTK2                   1 -0.6527904
## GNA13                  1  0.3711599
## LEPR                   1  2.6539788
## APOE                   1  0.8698346
## CXCR4                  1 -2.5647537
## RECK                   1  3.6926860
## EFNB2                  1 -1.0007095
## PNPLA6                 1  0.8906838
## THY1                   1 -0.5538562
## CAV1                   1 -0.9567264
## CDH2                   1  1.2832653
## CDH5                   1 -0.5147797
## PLXND1                 1 -1.4831711
## ECSCR                  1 -1.1219161
## HBEGF                  1  1.1368100
## AMOT                   1  1.0877881
## ACVRL1                 0  0.5096903
## FGF2                   0 -0.5859693
## MAP2K1                 0 -0.4628798
## NRP1                   1 -1.1412315
## GJA1                   1 -0.8179480
## GJA5                   1 -2.4542500
## CERKL                  1  0.8624001
## MIB1                   1 -0.2899698
## TGFBR2                 1  0.9984773
## TGFBR3                 1  1.2105366
## TGFB2                  0  2.3031748
## TTN                    0 -0.6633600
## GAB1                   0  0.8795894
## ATP6V0A1               0  0.9847533
## NRP2                   1 -1.5153173
## SLC22A5                1  0.5032908
## VANGL2                 1  0.5220569
## ITGB1                  1 -0.3208476
## PKD2                   1 -0.6848571
## SMAD3                  1  0.8885396
## KCNJ8                  1 -0.6850658
GOChord(chord, limit = c(0, 5))
## Warning: Using size for a discrete variable is not advised.
## Warning: Removed 7 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: RBGL
## Attaching package: 'RBGL'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:igraph':
##     bfs, dfs, transitivity
## A graphNEL graph with undirected edges
## Number of Nodes = 9386 
## Number of Edges = 36504
pval = dataLym$t.pval
names(pval)  =  dataLym$label
subnet = subNetwork(dataLym$label, interactome)
subnet = rmSelfLoops(subnet)
## A graphNEL graph with undirected edges
## Number of Nodes = 2559 
## Number of Edges = 7788
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Function to qqplot the output from fitBumModel
ggplotqqbu = function(x) {
  n = length(x$pvalues)
  probs = (rank(sort(x$pvalues)) - 0.5)/n
  quantiles = unlist(sapply(probs, uniroot, f = BioNet:::.pbum.solve,
        interval = c(0, 1), lambda = x$lambda, a = x$a)[1, ])
  df = data.frame(fitted = quantiles, observed = sort(x$pvalues))
  ggplot(df, aes(x = fitted, y = observed)) +
      xlab("Theoretical quantiles") + ylab("Observed quantiles") +
      geom_point(size = 0.3, alpha = 0.3, color = "red")+
      geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = 1, yend= 1 ), color = "blue") +
      coord_fixed(ratio = 1)

hist1.bum = function(x, breaks = 50){
  n = length(x$pvalues)
  bumdata = seq(from = 0.006, to = 1, length=n)
  ys = x$lambda + (1 - x$lambda) * x$a * bumdata^(x$a -1)
  dat = data.frame(pvalues = x$pvalues, xxs = bumdata, y = ys)
  y0 = BioNet:::piUpper(x)
  ggplot(dat, aes(x = pvalues)) +
    geom_histogram(aes( y= after_stat(density)), binwidth = .02, fill = "orange", alpha = 0.75)+
    geom_hline(yintercept = y0, color = "blue3", alpha = 0.5, size = 1.2)+
    geom_line(aes(x = xxs, y = y), col = "red3", size = 1.3, alpha = 0.5)+
    xlab("p-values") +
    annotate("text", x = -0.03, y = y0 + 0.5, label = "pi[0]", parse = TRUE, size = 8)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ## Original analysis as done by the authors using both p-values.
## library(BioNet)
## library(DLBCL)
## data("dataLym")
## data("interactome")
## interactome
## pvals  =  cbind(t = dataLym$t.pval, s = dataLym$s.pval)
## rownames(pvals)  =  dataLym$label
## pval  =  aggrPvals(pvals, order = 2, plot = FALSE)
## subnet  =  subNetwork(dataLym$label, interactome)
## subnet  =  rmSelfLoops(subnet)
## subnet

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
fb = fitBumModel(pval, plot = FALSE)
## Beta-Uniform-Mixture (BUM) model
## 3583 pvalues fitted
## Mixture parameter (lambda):  0.482
## shape parameter (a):         0.180
## log-likelihood:          4471.8
scores=scoreNodes(subnet, fb, fdr = 0.001)
## [1] 2559
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hotSub  =  runFastHeinz(subnet, scores)
## A graphNEL graph with undirected edges
## Number of Nodes = 153 
## Number of Edges = 243
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
plotModule(hotSub, layout = layout.davidson.harel, scores = scores,
                  diff.expr = logFC)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
knitr::kable(col.names = c("",""), align = "lr", data.frame(
  "$Q = \\begin{array}{lcccc} & A & T & C & G \\\\ 
  A & -3\\alpha & \\alpha & \\alpha & \\alpha \\\\ 
  T & \\alpha & -3\\alpha & \\alpha & \\alpha \\\\ 
  C & \\alpha & \\alpha & -3\\alpha & \\alpha \\\\ 
  G & \\alpha & \\alpha & \\alpha & -3\\alpha \\\\ \\end{array}$", 
  "$Q = \\begin{array}{lcccc} & A & T & C & G \\\\
  A & -\\alpha-2 \\beta & \\beta & \\beta & \\alpha \\\\ 
  T & \\beta & -\\alpha-2 \\beta & \\alpha & \\beta \\\\
  C & \\beta & \\alpha & -\\alpha-2 \\beta & \\beta \\\\
  G & \\alpha & \\beta & \\beta & -\\alpha-2 \\beta \\\\ \\end{array}$"))
\(Q = \begin{array}{lcccc} & A & T & C & G \\ A & -3\alpha & \alpha & \alpha & \alpha \\ T & \alpha & -3\alpha & \alpha & \alpha \\ C & \alpha & \alpha & -3\alpha & \alpha \\ G & \alpha & \alpha & \alpha & -3\alpha \\ \end{array}\) \(Q = \begin{array}{lcccc} & A & T & C & G \\ A & -\alpha-2 \beta & \beta & \beta & \alpha \\ T & \beta & -\alpha-2 \beta & \alpha & \beta \\ C & \beta & \alpha & -\alpha-2 \beta & \beta \\ G & \alpha & \beta & \beta & -\alpha-2 \beta \\ \end{array}\)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: ape
## Attaching package: 'ape'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:graph':
##     complement, degree, edges
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     where
## The following objects are masked from 'package:igraph':
##     degree, edges, mst, ring
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     rotate
## Attaching package: 'phangorn'
## The following object is masked from 'package:igraph':
##     diversity

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggtree(tree1, lwd = 2, color = "darkgreen", alpha = 0.8, right = TRUE) +
  geom_tiplab(size = 7, angle = 90, offset = 0.05) +
  geom_point(aes(shape = isTip, color = isTip), size = 5, alpha = 0.6)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
seqs6 = simSeq(tree1, l = 60, type = "DNA", bf = c(1, 1, 3, 3)/8, rate = 0.1)
## 6 sequences with 60 character and 27 different site patterns.
## The states are a c g t
mat6df = data.frame(as.character(seqs6))
p = ggtree(tree1, lwd = 1.2) + geom_tiplab(aes(x = branch), size = 5, vjust = 2)
gheatmap(p, mat6df[, 1:60], offset = 0.01, colnames = FALSE)
## Scale for y is already present.
## Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
plot(g1, vertex.size=20, edge.width=5, vertex.color="coral",

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tree.nj = nj(dist.ml(seqs6, "JC69"))
ggtree(tree.nj) + geom_tiplab(size = 7) 
## Warning: The tree contained negative edge length. If you want to ignore the edge, you
## can set 'options(ignore.negative.edge=TRUE)', then re-run ggtree.

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
fit = pml(tree1, seqs6, k = 4)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: Rcpp
seqtab = readRDS("../data/seqtab.rds")
seqs = getSequences(seqtab)
names(seqs) = seqs
## [1] 268
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## fastaRef = "../tmp/rdp_train_set_16.fa.gz"
## taxtab = assignTaxonomy(seqtab, refFasta = fastaRef)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
taxtab = readRDS(file= "../data/taxtab16.rds")
## [1] 268   6
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
head(taxtab) |> `rownames<-`(NULL)
##      Kingdom    Phylum          Class         Order          
## [1,] "Bacteria" "Bacteroidetes" "Bacteroidia" "Bacteroidales"
## [2,] "Bacteria" "Bacteroidetes" "Bacteroidia" "Bacteroidales"
## [3,] "Bacteria" "Bacteroidetes" "Bacteroidia" "Bacteroidales"
## [4,] "Bacteria" "Bacteroidetes" "Bacteroidia" "Bacteroidales"
## [5,] "Bacteria" "Bacteroidetes" "Bacteroidia" "Bacteroidales"
## [6,] "Bacteria" "Bacteroidetes" "Bacteroidia" "Bacteroidales"
##      Family               Genus        
## [1,] "Porphyromonadaceae" NA           
## [2,] "Porphyromonadaceae" NA           
## [3,] "Porphyromonadaceae" NA           
## [4,] "Porphyromonadaceae" "Barnesiella"
## [5,] "Bacteroidaceae"     "Bacteroides"
## [6,] "Porphyromonadaceae" NA
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
readLines("../data/mal2.dna.txt") |> head(12) |> cat(sep="\n")
##     11   1620
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: Biostrings
## Loading required package: XVector
## Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
## Attaching package: 'Biostrings'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ape':
##     complement
## The following object is masked from 'package:graph':
##     complement
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     strsplit
## Loading required package: RSQLite
## Loading required package: parallel
alignment = AlignSeqs(DNAStringSet(seqs), anchor = NA, verbose = FALSE)
## DNAStringSet object of length 268:
##       width seq                                             names               
##   ...   ... ...
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
phangAlign = phangorn::phyDat(as(alignment, "matrix"), type = "DNA")
dm = phangorn::dist.ml(phangAlign)
treeNJ = phangorn::NJ(dm)   # Note: tip order != sequence order
fit = phangorn::pml(treeNJ, data = phangAlign)
fitGTR = update(fit, k = 4, inv = 0.2)
fitGTR = phangorn::optim.pml(fitGTR, model = "GTR", optInv = TRUE,
         optGamma = TRUE,  rearrangement = "stochastic",
         control = phangorn::pml.control(trace = 0))
## model: GTR+G(4)+I 
## loglikelihood: -12757.74 
## unconstrained loglikelihood: -1114.238 
## Proportion of invariant sites: 0.2791515 
## Discrete gamma model
## Number of rate categories: 4 
## Shape parameter: 0.4700432 
## Rate matrix:
##           a         c         g        t
## a 0.0000000 0.8496958 3.7836879 1.403917
## c 0.8496958 0.0000000 0.9722916 4.856766
## g 3.7836879 0.9722916 0.0000000 1.000000
## t 1.4039171 4.8567660 1.0000000 0.000000
## Base frequencies:  
##         a         c         g         t 
## 0.2535580 0.1993056 0.2885984 0.2585381
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
samples = read.csv(file.path("..", "data", "MIMARKS_Data_combined.csv"), header = TRUE)
samples$SampleID = paste0(gsub("00", "", samples$host_subject_id), 
                          "D", samples$age-21) 
samples = samples[!duplicated(samples$SampleID), ] 
stopifnot(all(rownames(seqtab) %in% samples$SampleID))
rownames(samples) = samples$SampleID 
keepCols = c("collection_date", "biome", "target_gene", "target_subfragment", 
  "host_common_name", "host_subject_id", "age", "sex", "body_product", "tot_mass",
  "diet", "family_relationship", "genotype", "SampleID") 
samples = samples[rownames(seqtab), keepCols] 
##        collection_date      biome target_gene target_subfragment
## F3D0        1904-01-22 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D1        1904-01-23 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D141      1904-06-11 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D142      1904-06-12 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D143      1904-06-13 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D144      1904-06-14 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D145      1904-06-15 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D146      1904-06-16 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D147      1904-06-17 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D148      1904-06-18 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D149      1904-06-19 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D150      1904-06-20 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D2        1904-01-24 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D3        1904-01-25 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D5        1904-01-27 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D6        1904-01-28 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D7        1904-01-29 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D8        1904-01-30 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
## F3D9        1904-01-31 laboratory    16S rRNA                V53
##        host_common_name host_subject_id age sex body_product tot_mass
## F3D0              mouse            F003  21   F        feces      8.3
## F3D1              mouse            F003  22   F        feces      9.1
## F3D141            mouse            F003 162   F        feces     20.2
## F3D142            mouse            F003 163   F        feces     20.7
## F3D143            mouse            F003 164   F        feces     21.0
## F3D144            mouse            F003 165   F        feces     20.5
## F3D145            mouse            F003 166   F        feces     20.8
## F3D146            mouse            F003 167   F        feces     19.9
## F3D147            mouse            F003 168   F        feces     20.5
## F3D148            mouse            F003 169   F        feces     20.6
## F3D149            mouse            F003 170   F        feces     20.9
## F3D150            mouse            F003 171   F        feces     20.4
## F3D2              mouse            F003  23   F        feces     10.0
## F3D3              mouse            F003  24   F        feces     10.5
## F3D5              mouse            F003  26   F        feces     10.8
## F3D6              mouse            F003  27   F        feces     11.8
## F3D7              mouse            F003  28   F        feces     11.9
## F3D8              mouse            F003  29   F        feces     12.8
## F3D9              mouse            F003  30   F        feces     13.3
##                            diet family_relationship   genotype SampleID
## F3D0   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D0
## F3D1   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D1
## F3D141 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D141
## F3D142 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D142
## F3D143 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D143
## F3D144 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D144
## F3D145 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D145
## F3D146 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D146
## F3D147 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D147
## F3D148 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D148
## F3D149 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D149
## F3D150 Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT   F3D150
## F3D2   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D2
## F3D3   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D3
## F3D5   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D5
## F3D6   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D6
## F3D7   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D7
## F3D8   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D8
## F3D9   Irradiated Lab Diet 5053            Litter 1 C57BL/6 WT     F3D9
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For 'sex', samples_2 has oddly the values 'FALSE' 
samples_2 = read.csv(file.path("..", "data", "MIMARKS_Data_clean.csv"), header = TRUE)
for (k in setdiff(keepCols, "sex")) stopifnot(identical(samples[[k]], samples_2[[k]]))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'phyloseq'
## The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
##     distance
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     sampleNames
pso = phyloseq(tax_table(taxtab), 
               otu_table(seqtab, taxa_are_rows = FALSE), 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
prune_samples(rowSums(otu_table(pso)) > 5000, pso)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 268 taxa and 10 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 10 samples by 14 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 268 taxa by 6 taxonomic ranks ]
## phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 268 tips and 266 internal nodes ]
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
prevalence = apply(X = otu_table(pso),
                   MARGIN = ifelse(taxa_are_rows(pso), yes = 1, no = 2),
                   FUN = function(x) {sum(x > 0)})
prevdf = data.frame(Prevalence = prevalence,
                    TotalAbundance = taxa_sums(pso),
tab = table(prevdf$Phylum)
keepPhyla = names(tab)[tab>5]
prevdf1   = subset(prevdf,   Phylum %in% keepPhyla)
ps2v      = subset_taxa(pso, Phylum %in% keepPhyla)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# warning: !expr c("DESeqDataSet.se, design = design, ignoreRank.: some variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors")
## Loading required package: GenomicRanges
## Loading required package: SummarizedExperiment
## Loading required package: MatrixGenerics
## Loading required package: matrixStats
## Attaching package: 'matrixStats'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     anyMissing, rowMedians
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     count
## Attaching package: 'MatrixGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':
##     colAlls, colAnyNAs, colAnys, colAvgsPerRowSet, colCollapse,
##     colCounts, colCummaxs, colCummins, colCumprods, colCumsums,
##     colDiffs, colIQRDiffs, colIQRs, colLogSumExps, colMadDiffs,
##     colMads, colMaxs, colMeans2, colMedians, colMins, colOrderStats,
##     colProds, colQuantiles, colRanges, colRanks, colSdDiffs, colSds,
##     colSums2, colTabulates, colVarDiffs, colVars, colWeightedMads,
##     colWeightedMeans, colWeightedMedians, colWeightedSds,
##     colWeightedVars, rowAlls, rowAnyNAs, rowAnys, rowAvgsPerColSet,
##     rowCollapse, rowCounts, rowCummaxs, rowCummins, rowCumprods,
##     rowCumsums, rowDiffs, rowIQRDiffs, rowIQRs, rowLogSumExps,
##     rowMadDiffs, rowMads, rowMaxs, rowMeans2, rowMedians, rowMins,
##     rowOrderStats, rowProds, rowQuantiles, rowRanges, rowRanks,
##     rowSdDiffs, rowSds, rowSums2, rowTabulates, rowVarDiffs, rowVars,
##     rowWeightedMads, rowWeightedMeans, rowWeightedMedians,
##     rowWeightedSds, rowWeightedVars
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     rowMedians
ps1 = readRDS("../data/ps1.rds")
ps_dds = phyloseq_to_deseq2(ps1, design = ~ ageBin + family_relationship)
## converting counts to integer mode
## Warning in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank): some variables in
## design formula are characters, converting to factors
geometricmean = function(x)
   if (all(x == 0)) { 0 } else { exp(mean(log(x[x != 0]))) }
geoMeans = apply(counts(ps_dds), 1, geometricmean)
ps_dds = estimateSizeFactors(ps_dds, geoMeans = geoMeans)
ps_dds = estimateDispersions(ps_dds)
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
abund = getVarianceStabilizedData(ps_dds)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rownames(abund) = substr(rownames(abund), 1, 5) |> make.names(unique = TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
el = phy_tree(ps1)$edge
el0 = el
el0 = el0[rev(seq_len(nrow(el))), ]
el_names = c(rownames(abund), seq_len(phy_tree(ps1)$Nnode))
el[, 1] = el_names[el0[, 1]]
el[, 2] = el_names[el0[, 2]]
unadj_p = treePValues(el, abund, sample_data(ps1)$ageBin)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hfdr_res = hFDR.adjust(unadj_p, el, 0.75)
## Number of hypotheses: 776 
## Number of tree discoveries: 587 
## Estimated tree FDR: 1 
## Number of tip discoveries: 284 
## Estimated tips FDR: 1 
##  hFDR adjusted p-values: 
##                 unadjp         adjp adj.significance
## GCAAG.96  2.147750e-82 4.295499e-82              ***
## GCAAG.71  1.300571e-75 2.601142e-75              ***
## GCAAG.190 4.000715e-59 8.001430e-59              ***
## GCAAG.254 3.834463e-50 7.668927e-50              ***
## GCAAG.150 1.205288e-49 2.410577e-49              ***
## GCAAG.30  8.627127e-49 1.725425e-48              ***
## GCGAG.78  9.319249e-47 1.863850e-46              ***
## GCAAG.170 5.896089e-43 1.179218e-42              ***
## 98        8.697907e-40 1.739581e-39              ***
## GCAAG.65  2.341078e-36 4.682156e-36              ***
## [only 10 most significant hypotheses shown] 
## --- 
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.015 '**' 0.15 '*' 0.75 '.' 1.5 '-' 1
#plot(hfdr_res, height = 5000) # not run: opens in a browser
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
options(digits = 3)
tax = tax_table(ps1)[, c("Family", "Genus")] |> data.frame()
tax$seq = rownames(abund)
hfdr_res@p.vals$seq = rownames(hfdr_res@p.vals)
left_join(tax, hfdr_res@p.vals[,-3]) |>
  arrange(adjp) |> head(9) |> dplyr::select(1,2,4,5)
## Joining with `by = join_by(seq)`
##            Family            Genus   unadjp     adjp
## 1 Lachnospiraceae             <NA> 2.15e-82 4.30e-82
## 2 Lachnospiraceae        Roseburia 1.30e-75 2.60e-75
## 3 Lachnospiraceae Clostridium_XlVa 4.00e-59 8.00e-59
## 4 Lachnospiraceae             <NA> 3.83e-50 7.67e-50
## 5 Lachnospiraceae Clostridium_XlVa 1.21e-49 2.41e-49
## 6 Lachnospiraceae             <NA> 8.63e-49 1.73e-48
## 7 Ruminococcaceae     Ruminococcus 9.32e-47 1.86e-46
## 8 Lachnospiraceae Clostridium_XlVa 5.90e-43 1.18e-42
## 9 Lachnospiraceae        Roseburia 2.34e-36 4.68e-36
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pts = structure(c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1.5, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5),
                .Dim = c(6L, 2L))
matxy = pts
distxy = stats::dist(matxy)
g = graph.adjacency(as.matrix(distxy), weighted = TRUE)
mst1 = igraph::mst(g)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
gred = igraph::make_ring(6) - igraph::edges(6)
ggred = ggnetwork(gred, arrow.gap = 0, layout = matxy)
ggplot(ggred, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
  geom_edges(size = 1.5, color = "red", alpha = 0.8) +
  geom_nodes(size = 6) + theme_blank()

ggmst1 = ggnetwork(mst1, arrow.gap = 0, layout = matxy)
ggplot(ggmst1, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
  geom_edges(size = 1.5, color = "steelblue", alpha = 0.8) +
  geom_nodes(size = 6) + theme_blank()

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
country09 = attr(dist2009c, "Label")
mstree2009 = ape::mst(dist2009c)
gr09 = graph.adjacency(mstree2009, mode = "undirected")
gg = ggnetwork(gr09, arrow.gap = 0, layout = layout_with_fr(gr09))
ggplot(gg, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
  geom_edges(color = "black", alpha = 0.5, curvature = 0.1) +
  geom_nodes(aes(color = name), size = 2) + theme_blank() +
  geom_nodetext(aes(label = name), color = "black", size = 2.5) +
  guides(color = guide_legend(keyheight = 0.09, keywidth = 0.09,
    title = "Countries")) + 
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 7))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## # these options were previously (<=2022-01-07) also there but did not seem to make it better
## theme(
##     legend.position = c(0, 0.14),
##     legend.background = element_blank(),
##     plot.margin = unit(c(0, 1, 1, 6), "cm"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(gg, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
  geom_edges(color = "black", alpha = 0.5, curvature = 0.1) +
  geom_nodes(aes(color = name), size = 2) + theme_blank() +
  geom_nodetext_repel(aes(label = name), color = "black", 
                      size = 2, max.overlaps = 18) +
  theme_blank() +
  guides(color = guide_legend(keyheight = 0.09, keywidth = 0.09,
         title = "Countries")) + 
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 7))
## Warning: ggrepel: 417 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: sp
## Attaching package: 'sp'
## The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
##     %over%
## ### Welcome to rworldmap ###
## For a short introduction type :   vignette('rworldmap')
mat = match(country09, countriesLow$NAME)
coords2009 = data.frame(
  lat = countriesLow$LAT[mat],
  lon = countriesLow$LON[mat],
  country = country09)
layoutCoordinates = cbind(
  x = jitter(coords2009$lon, amount = 15),
  y = jitter(coords2009$lat, amount = 8))
labc = names(table(country09)[which(table(country09) > 1)])
matc = match(labc, countriesLow$NAME)
dfc = data.frame(
  latc = countriesLow$LAT[matc],
  lonc = countriesLow$LON[matc],
dfctrans = dfc
dfctrans[, 1] = (dfc[,1] + 31) / 93
dfctrans[, 2] = (dfc[,2] + 105) / 238
ggeo09 = ggnetwork(gr09, arrow.gap = 0, layout = layoutCoordinates)
ggplot(ggeo09, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
  geom_nodes(aes(color = name), size = 2) +
  geom_edges(aes(xend = xend, yend = yend), color = "black", alpha = 0.5, curvature = 0.1) +
  geom_label(data = dfctrans, aes(x = lonc, y = latc, 
       label = labc, fill = labc), colour = "white", alpha = 0.5, size = 3) +
   theme(legend.position = "none") + theme_blank()

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(dfbr,aes(x=measure,group=group,y=0)) + ylim(-0.25,+0.25) +
  theme_bw() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_blank() ,
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank() )+ coord_fixed()

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ps1  = readRDS("../data/ps1.rds")
sampledata = data.frame( sample_data(ps1))
d1 = as.matrix(phyloseq::distance(ps1, method="jaccard"))
## Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
## Also defined by 'spam'
## Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
## Also defined by 'spam'
gr = graph.adjacency(d1,  mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)
net = igraph::mst(gr)
V(net)$id = sampledata[names(V(net)), "host_subject_id"]
V(net)$litter = sampledata[names(V(net)), "family_relationship"]

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(gnet, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend))+
  geom_edges(color = "darkgray") +
  geom_nodes(aes(color = id, shape = litter)) + theme_blank()+

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt = graph_perm_test(ps1, "host_subject_id", distance="jaccard",
                     type="mst",  nperm=1000)
## [1] 0.000999
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
net = make_network(ps1, max.dist = 0.35)
sampledata = data.frame(sample_data(ps1))
V(net)$id = sampledata[names(V(net)), "host_subject_id"]
V(net)$litter = sampledata[names(V(net)), "family_relationship"]
netg = ggnetwork(net)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(netg, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)) +
  geom_edges(color = "darkgray") +
  geom_nodes(aes(color = id, shape = litter)) + theme_blank()+
    theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0, 5, 2, 0), "cm"))+
    theme(legend.position = c(1.4, 0.3),legend.background = element_blank(),
          legend.margin=margin(0, 3, 0, 0, "cm"))+

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt = graph_perm_test(ps1, "family_relationship",
        grouping = "host_subject_id",
        distance = "jaccard", type = "mst", nperm= 1000)
## [1] 0.003
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
gtnn1 = graph_perm_test(ps1, "family_relationship",
                      grouping = "host_subject_id",
                      distance = "jaccard", type = "knn", knn = 1)
## [1] 0.004
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## NA

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## NA

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## library("markovchain")
## # Make Markov chain object
## mcPreg  =  new("markovchain", states = CSTs,
##               transitionMatrix = trans, name="PregCST")
## mcPreg
## # Set up igraph of the markov chain
## netMC  =  markovchain:::.getNet(mcPreg, round = TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## wts  =  E(netMC)$weight/100
## edgel  =  get.edgelist(netMC)
## elcat  =  paste(edgel[,1], edgel[,2])
## elrev  =  paste(edgel[,2], edgel[,1])
## edge.curved  =  sapply(elcat, function(x) x %in% elrev)
## samples_def  =  data.frame(sample_data(ps))
## samples_def  =  samples_def[samples$Preterm | samples$Term,] # Only those definitely assigned, i.e. not marginal
## premat  =  table(samples_def$CST, samples_def$Preterm)
## rownames(premat)  =  markovchain::states(mcPreg)
## colnames(premat)  =  c("Term", "Preterm")
## premat
## premat  =  premat/rowSums(premat)
## vert.CSTclrs  =  CSTColors

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## default.par  =  par(no.readonly = TRUE)
## # Define color scale
## # Plotting function for markov chain
## plotMC  =  function(object, ...) {
##     netMC  =  markovchain:::.getNet(object, round = TRUE)
##     plot.igraph(x = netMC, ...)
## }
## # Color bar for the markov chain visualization, gradient in strength of preterm association
## color.bar  =  function(lut, min, max=-min, nticks=11, ticks=seq(min, max, len=nticks), title=NULL) {
##     scale = (length(lut)-1)/(max-min)
##     cur.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
##     par(mar = c(0, 4, 1, 4) + 0.1, oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0) + 0.1)
##     par(ps = 10, cex = 0.8)
##     par(tcl=-0.2, cex.axis=0.8, cex.lab = 0.8)
##     plot(c(min,max), c(0,10), type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', xlab=", yaxt='n', ylab=", main=title)
##     axis(1, c(0, 0.5, 1))
##     for (i in 1:(length(lut)-1)) {
##       x = (i-1)/scale + min
##       rect(x,0,x+1/scale,10, col=lut[i], border=NA)
##     }
## }
## pal  =  colorRampPalette(c("grey50", "maroon", "magenta2"))(101)
## vert.clrs  =  sapply(states(mcPreg), function(x) pal[1+round(100*premat[x,"Preterm"])])
## vert.sz  =  4 + 2*sapply(states(mcPreg),
##               function(x) nrow(unique(sample_data(ps)[sample_data(ps)$CST==x,"SubjectID"])))
## vert.sz  =  vert.sz * 0.85
## vert.font.clrs  =  c("white", "white", "white", "white", "white")
## # E(netMC) to see edge list, have to define loop angles individually by the # in edge list, not vertex
## edge.loop.angle = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 3.14, 3.14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)-0.45
## layout  =  matrix(c(0.6,0.95, 0.43,1, 0.3,0.66, 0.55,0.3, 0.75,0.65), nrow = 5, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
## # Color by association with preterm birth
## layout(matrix(c(1,1,2,2), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE), heights=c(1,10))
## color.bar(pal, min=0, max=1, nticks=6, title="Fraction preterm")
## par(mar=c(0,1,1,1)+0.1)
## edge.arrow.size=0.8
## edge.arrow.width=1.4
## edge.width = (15*wts + 0.1)*0.6
## edge.labels  =  as.character(E(netMC)$weight/100)
## edge.labels[edge.labels<0.4]  =  NA  # labels only for self-loops
## plotMC(mcPreg, edge.arrow.size=edge.arrow.size, edge.arrow.width = edge.arrow.width,
##        edge.width=edge.width, edge.curved=edge.curved,
##        vertex.color=vert.clrs, vertex.size=(vert.sz),
##        vertex.label.font = 2, vertex.label.cex = 1,
##        vertex.label.color = vert.font.clrs, vertex.frame.color = NA,
##        layout=layout, edge.loop.angle = edge.loop.angle)
## par(default.par)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat = read.table("../data/ccnb1datsmall.txt", header = TRUE, comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
v = levels(unlist(dat[,1:2]))        # vertex names
n = length(v)                        # number of vertices
e = matrix(match(as.character(unlist(dat[,1:2])), v),ncol=2) # edge list
w = dat$coexpression                 # edge weights

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
M = matrix(0, n, n)
M[e] = w
M = M + t(M)
dimnames(M) = list(v, v)
A = 1*(M > 0)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## library(igraph)
## net = network(e, directed=FALSE)
## par(mar=rep(0,4))
## plot(net, label=v)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
breaks  =  c(0, seq(0.9, 1, length=11))
cols  =  grey(1-c(0,seq(0.5,1,length=10)))
ccnb1ind  =  which(v == "CCNB1")
vcols  =  rep("white",n)
vcols[ccnb1ind]  =  "blue"
vcols[which(M[,ccnb1ind]>0 | M[ccnb1ind,])]  =  "red"
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
heatmap(M, symm = TRUE, ColSideColors = vcols, RowSideColors = vcols,
        col = cols, breaks = breaks,  frame = TRUE)
legend("topleft", c("Neighbors(CCNB1)", "CCNB1"),
       fill = c("red","blue"),
       bty = "n", inset = 0, xpd = TRUE,  border = FALSE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## library("ape")
## library("phangorn")
## GAG=read.dna("../data/DNA_GAG_20.txt")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt = graph_perm_test(ps1, "family_relationship", distance = "bray", 
                     grouping = "host_subject_id", type = "knn", knn = 2)
## [1] 0.002
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

permdf = data.frame(perm=gt$perm)
obs = gt$observed
ymax = max(gt$perm)
ggplot(permdf, aes(x = perm)) + geom_histogram(bins = 20) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = obs, y = 0, xend = obs, yend = ymax/10), color = "red") +
  geom_point(aes(x = obs, y = ymax/10), color = "red") + xlab("Number of pure edges")

11 Image data

## ----data1, fig.cap=""--------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'EBImage'
## The following object is masked from 'package:SummarizedExperiment':
##     resize
## The following objects are masked from 'package:GenomicRanges':
##     resize, tile
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biostrings':
##     translate
## The following object is masked from 'package:ape':
##     rotate
## The following objects are masked from 'package:IRanges':
##     resize, tile
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     channel
## The following objects are masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     flip, rotate
imagefile = system.file("images", "mosquito.png",
                        package = "MSMB")
mosq = readImage(imagefile)
## ----vis1, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------

## ----mosquito, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Mosquito discovered deceased in the suburbs of Decatur, Georgia (credit: CDC / Janice Haney Carr).", dev = "png", dpi = 300, fig.width=dim(mosq)[1]/300, fig.height=dim(mosq)[2]/300----
display(mosq, method = "raster")
text(x = 85, y = 800, label = "A mosquito",
     adj = 0, col = "orange", cex = 1.5)

display(1-mosq, method = "raster")

## ----vis3a, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
imagefile = system.file("images", "hiv.png",
                        package = "MSMB")
hivc = readImage(imagefile)

## ----vis3b, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE-----------------------------------------
imagefile = system.file("images", "hiv.png",
                        package = "MSMB")
hivc = readImage(imagefile)

## ---- hiv, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, fig.show = 'hold', fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Scanning electron micrograph of HIV-1 virions budding from a cultured lymphocyte (credit: CDC / C. Goldsmith, P. Feorino, E.L. Palmer, W.R. McManus)."----
knitr::include_graphics(c('../images/hiv.png'), dpi = NA)

## ----image-oneminus, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Tiled display of four images of cell nuclei from the **[EBImage](https://bioconductor.org/packages/EBImage/)** package.", fig.margin = FALSE, dev = "png"----
nuc = readImage(system.file("images", "nuclei.tif",
                            package = "EBImage"))

## Image 
##   colorMode    : Grayscale 
##   storage.mode : double 
##   dim          : 510 510 4 
##   frames.total : 4 
##   frames.render: 4 
## imageData(object)[1:5,1:6,1]
##        [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]
## [1,] 0.0627 0.0745 0.0706 0.0824 0.1059 0.0980
## [2,] 0.0627 0.0588 0.0784 0.0902 0.0902 0.1059
## [3,] 0.0667 0.0667 0.0824 0.0784 0.0941 0.0941
## [4,] 0.0667 0.0667 0.0706 0.0863 0.0863 0.0980
## [5,] 0.0588 0.0667 0.0706 0.0824 0.0941 0.1059
## [1] 510 510   4
display(1 - nuc, method = "raster", all = TRUE)

display( nuc, method = "raster", all = TRUE)

## ----nucleitiledoneframe, dev = "png"-----------------------------------------
display(1 - nuc, method = "raster", frame = 2)

## ----how1---------------------------------------------------------------------
## [1] "Image"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "EBImage"
## Image 
##   colorMode    : Grayscale 
##   storage.mode : double 
##   dim          : 3 3 
##   frames.total : 1 
##   frames.render: 1 
## imageData(object)[1:3,1:3]
##       [,1]  [,2]  [,3]
## [1,] 0.196 0.196 0.196
## [2,] 0.196 0.196 0.196
## [3,] 0.196 0.196 0.200
## ----how2, echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------
## Class "Image" [package "EBImage"]
## Slots:
## Name:      .Data colormode
## Class:     array   integer
## Extends: 
## Class "array", from data part
## Class "structure", by class "array", distance 2
## Class "vector", by class "array", distance 3, with explicit coerce
## ----dim----------------------------------------------------------------------
## [1] 1400  952
## ----mosqhist, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Histogram of the pixel intensities in `mosq`. Note that the range is between 0 and 1.", fig.width = .h$width, fig.height = .h$height----

## ----check, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(all(mosq>=0 & mosq<=1), isTRUE(all.equal(max(mosq), 1)), isTRUE(all.equal(min(mosq), 0)))

## ----how3---------------------------------------------------------------------
## [1] 1400  952
imageData(mosq)[1:3, 1:6]
##       [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]  [,6]
## [1,] 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196
## [2,] 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196
## [3,] 0.196 0.196 0.200 0.204 0.200 0.196
## ----show1--------------------------------------------------------------------
## Image 
##   colorMode    : Grayscale 
##   storage.mode : double 
##   dim          : 1400 952 
##   frames.total : 1 
##   frames.render: 1 
## imageData(object)[1:5,1:6]
##       [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]  [,6]
## [1,] 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196
## [2,] 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196
## [3,] 0.196 0.196 0.200 0.204 0.200 0.196
## [4,] 0.196 0.196 0.204 0.208 0.200 0.196
## [5,] 0.196 0.200 0.212 0.216 0.200 0.192
## ----show2--------------------------------------------------------------------
## Image 
##   colorMode    : Color 
##   storage.mode : double 
##   dim          : 1400 930 3 
##   frames.total : 3 
##   frames.render: 1 
## imageData(object)[1:5,1:6,1]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,]    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [2,]    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0    0
## ----show3, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(colorMode(mosq)==Grayscale, colorMode(hivc)==Color, dim(nuc)[3]==4)

## ----how6, results = "hide"---------------------------------------------------
## Image 
##   colorMode    : Grayscale 
##   storage.mode : double 
##   dim          : 510 510 4 
##   frames.total : 4 
##   frames.render: 4 
## imageData(object)[1:5,1:6,1]
##        [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]
## [1,] 0.0627 0.0745 0.0706 0.0824 0.1059 0.0980
## [2,] 0.0627 0.0588 0.0784 0.0902 0.0902 0.1059
## [3,] 0.0667 0.0667 0.0824 0.0784 0.0941 0.0941
## [4,] 0.0667 0.0667 0.0706 0.0863 0.0863 0.0980
## [5,] 0.0588 0.0667 0.0706 0.0824 0.0941 0.1059
## [1] 510 510   4
## ----checkassertion, echo = FALSE---------------------------------------------
stopifnot(all(c("  frames.total : 4 ", "  frames.render: 4 ") %in%

## ----write1-------------------------------------------------------------------
writeImage(hivc, "hivc.jpeg", quality = 85)
## [1] 1400  930    3
## ----objectsize---------------------------------------------------------------
object.size(hivc) |> format(units = "Mb")
## [1] "29.8 Mb"
object.size(hivc) |> format(units = "Kb")
## [1] "30516.4 Kb"
(object.size(hivc) / prod(dim(hivc))) |> format() |> paste("per pixel")
## [1] "8 bytes per pixel"
## [1] 294904
16 * 3 * 8 #three color, 16 Megapixel image
## [1] 384
## ---- mosqcrop, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, fig.show = 'hold', fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Cropping: `mosqcrop`"----
knitr::include_graphics(c('../images/mosquito.png'), dpi = NA)

## ----manip1a------------------------------------------------------------------
mosqinv = normalize(-mosq)

## ----manip3a------------------------------------------------------------------
mosqcont = mosq * 3
mosqexp = mosq ^ (1/3)
display(mosqcont, method = "raster")

display(mosqexp, method = "raster")

display(mosq+0.4, method = "raster")

display(transpose(mosq), method = "raster")

mosq[100:438, 112:550]
## Image 
##   colorMode    : Grayscale 
##   storage.mode : double 
##   dim          : 339 439 
##   frames.total : 1 
##   frames.render: 1 
## imageData(object)[1:5,1:6]
##       [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]  [,6]
## [1,] 0.188 0.188 0.192 0.188 0.188 0.188
## [2,] 0.192 0.192 0.192 0.196 0.200 0.192
## [3,] 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.208 0.208 0.196
## [4,] 0.196 0.188 0.184 0.196 0.204 0.204
## [5,] 0.196 0.180 0.176 0.188 0.200 0.208
## ----manip4a------------------------------------------------------------------
mosqcrop   = mosq[100:438, 112:550]
mosqthresh = mosq > 0.5
mosqtransp = transpose(mosq)
display(mosqcrop, method = "raster")

display(mosqthresh, method = "raster")

display(mosqtransp, method = "raster")

## ----checkassertionont, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------
stopifnot(identical(t(mosq), transpose(mosq)))
## ----spattrans1---------------------------------------------------------------
mosqrot   = EBImage::rotate(mosq, angle = 30)
mosqshift = translate(mosq, v = c(40, 70))
mosqflip  = flip(mosq)
mosqflop  = flop(mosq)

display(mosqrot, method = "raster")

display(mosqshift, method = "raster")

display(mosqflip, method = "raster")

display(mosqflop, method = "raster")

## ----MSMB, results="hide"-----------------------------------------------------
imagefiles = system.file("images", c("image-DAPI.tif",
  "image-FITC.tif", "image-Cy3.tif"), package="MSMB")
cells = readImage(imagefiles)
## Only the first frame of the image stack is displayed.
## To display all frames use 'all = TRUE'.

## ----checkdim, echo=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------

## ----range--------------------------------------------------------------------
apply(cells, 3, range)
##      image-DAPI image-FITC image-Cy3
## [1,]    0.00159     0.0029   0.00166
## [2,]    0.03120     0.0625   0.05571
## ----fixrange-----------------------------------------------------------------
cells[,,1]   = 32 * cells[,,1]
cells[,,2:3] = 16 * cells[,,2:3]
apply(cells, 3, range)
##      image-DAPI image-FITC image-Cy3
## [1,]     0.0508     0.0464    0.0266
## [2,]     0.9986     0.9998    0.8914
getFrame(cells, 1)
## Image 
##   colorMode    : Grayscale 
##   storage.mode : double 
##   dim          : 340 490 
##   frames.total : 1 
##   frames.render: 1 
## imageData(object)[1:5,1:6]
##        [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]
## [1,] 0.0552 0.0542 0.0557 0.0537 0.0552 0.0532
## [2,] 0.0557 0.0552 0.0542 0.0542 0.0557 0.0547
## [3,] 0.0537 0.0562 0.0552 0.0552 0.0537 0.0532
## [4,] 0.0552 0.0547 0.0542 0.0557 0.0542 0.0527
## [5,] 0.0557 0.0547 0.0566 0.0537 0.0552 0.0537
## ----defw---------------------------------------------------------------------
w = makeBrush(size = 51, shape = "gaussian", sigma = 7)
nucSmooth = filter2(getFrame(cells, 1), w)
## [1] 51 51
## ----image-filter2, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "The middle row of the weight matrix, `w[` (ref:image-filter2-1) `, ]`", fig.width = 3, fig.height = 2.6, dev = "png"----
tibble(w = w[(nrow(w)+1)/2, ]) |>
  ggplot(aes(y = w, x = seq(along = w))) + geom_point()

## ----smooth-------------------------------------------------------------------
cellsSmooth = Image(dim = dim(cells))
sigma = c(1, 3, 3)
for(i in seq_along(sigma))
  cellsSmooth[,,i] = filter2( cells[,,i],
         filter = makeBrush(size = 51, shape = "gaussian",
                            sigma = sigma[i]) )
## ----illuminationartifact1----------------------------------------------------
py = seq(-1, +1, length.out = dim(cellsSmooth)[1])
px = seq(-1, +1, length.out = dim(cellsSmooth)[2])
illuminationGradient = Image(
     outer(py, px, function(x, y) exp(-(x^2+y^2))))
nucBadlyIlluminated = cellsSmooth[,,1] * illuminationGradient
## ----illuminationartifact2----------------------------------------------------
disc = makeBrush(21, "disc")
disc = disc / sum(disc)
localBackground = filter2(nucBadlyIlluminated, disc)
offset = 0.02
nucBadThresh = (nucBadlyIlluminated - localBackground > offset)
## ----adathresh----------------------------------------------------------------
nucThresh =
  (cellsSmooth[,,1] - filter2(cellsSmooth[,,1], disc) > offset)

## ----morphopen1---------------------------------------------------------------
nucOpened = EBImage::opening(nucThresh,
                  kern = makeBrush(5, shape = "disc"))
## ----imageProcessing14--------------------------------------------------------
nucSeed = bwlabel(nucOpened)
## nucSeed
##      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10 
## 155408    511    330    120    468    222    121    125    159    116    520 
##     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21 
##    115    184    179    116    183    187    303    226    164    309    194 
##     22     23     24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31     32 
##    148    345    287    203    379    371    208    222    320    443    409 
##     33     34     35     36     37     38     39     40     41     42     43 
##    493    256    169    225    376    214    228    341    269    119    315
## ----imageProcessing17, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------
## display(colorLabels(nucSeed))

## ----imageProcessing15a-------------------------------------------------------
nucMask = cellsSmooth[,,1] - filter2(cellsSmooth[,,1], disc) > 0

## ----imageProcessing15b-------------------------------------------------------
nucMask = fillHull(nucMask)

## ----imageProcessing16--------------------------------------------------------
nuclei = propagate(cellsSmooth[,,1], nucSeed, mask = nucMask)
## ----voronoiExample-----------------------------------------------------------
zeros        = Image(dim = dim(nuclei))
voronoiExamp = propagate(seeds = nuclei, x = zeros, lambda = 100)
voronoiPaint = paintObjects(voronoiExamp, 1 - nucOpened)

## ----voronoiEx----------------------------------------------------------------
## voronoiExamp
##    1    2    3    4    5    6 
## 5645 4735  370 5964 3333 1377
ind = which(voronoiExamp == 13, arr.ind = TRUE)
head(ind, 3)
##      row col
## [1,] 112 100
## [2,] 113 100
## [3,] 114 100
## ----histcellbody-1, fig.width = .h$width, fig.height = .h$height, fig.keep="high", eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, fig.cap = "Histogram of the actin channel in `cellsSmooth`, after taking the logarithm."----
hist(log(cellsSmooth[,,3]) )

## ----histcellbody-2, fig.width = .h$width, fig.height = .h$height, fig.keep="high", eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, fig.cap = "Zoom into Figure \\@ref(fig:histcellbody-1)."----
hist(log(cellsSmooth[,,3]), xlim = -c(3.6, 3.1), breaks = 300)

## ----histcellbody, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE----------------------------------
## hist(log(cellsSmooth[,,3]) )
## hist(log(cellsSmooth[,,3]), xlim = -c(3.6, 3.1), breaks = 300)

## ----checkhistcellsSmooth, echo=FALSE-----------------------------------------
stopifnot(mean(cellsSmooth[,,3]>=exp(-3.6) & cellsSmooth[,,3]<=exp(-3.1)) > 0.68)

## ----musigmaEstimator, message=FALSE------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'genefilter'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:MatrixGenerics':
##     rowSds, rowVars
## The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':
##     rowSds, rowVars
bgPars = function(x) {
  x    = log(x)
  loc  = half.range.mode( x )
  left = (x - loc)[ x < loc ]
  wid  = sqrt( mean(left^2) )
  c(loc = loc, wid = wid, thr = loc + 6*wid)
cellBg = apply(cellsSmooth, MARGIN = 3, FUN = bgPars)
##         [,1]    [,2]    [,3]
## loc -2.90177 -2.9443 -3.5219
## wid  0.00635  0.0112  0.0153
## thr -2.86365 -2.8770 -3.4302
## ----histcellbody-3, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "As in Figure \\@ref(fig:histcellbody-2), but with `loc` and `thr` shown by vertical lines.", fig.width = .h$width, fig.height = .h$height----
hist(log(cellsSmooth[,,3]), xlim = -c(3.6, 3.1), breaks = 300)
abline(v = cellBg[c("loc", "thr"), 3], col = c("brown", "red"))

## ----cytoplasmMask------------------------------------------------------------
cytoplasmMask = (cellsSmooth[,,2] > exp(cellBg["thr", 2])) |
       nuclei | (cellsSmooth[,,3] > exp(cellBg["thr", 3]))

## ----imageProcessing22--------------------------------------------------------
cellbodies = propagate(x = cellsSmooth[,,3], seeds = nuclei,
                       lambda = 1.0e-2, mask = cytoplasmMask)
## ----imageProcessing25--------------------------------------------------------
cellsColor = rgbImage(red   = cells[,,3],
                      green = cells[,,2],
                      blue  = cells[,,1])

nucSegOnNuc  = paintObjects(nuclei, tgt = toRGB(cells[,,1]),
                            col = "#ffff00")
nucSegOnAll  = paintObjects(nuclei, tgt = cellsColor,
                            col = "#ffff00")
cellSegOnAll = paintObjects(cellbodies, tgt = nucSegOnAll,
                            col = "#ff0080")
## ----baserfeats---------------------------------------------------------------
meanNucInt       = tapply(cells[,,1], nuclei, mean)
meanActIntInNuc  = tapply(cells[,,3], nuclei, mean)
meanActIntInCell = tapply(cells[,,3], cellbodies, mean)

## ----pairsint, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Pairwise scatterplots of per-cell intensity descriptors. \\label{pairsint}", fig.margin = FALSE, fig.width = 5.3, fig.height = 5.3----
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
##   method from   
##   +.gg   ggplot2
ggpairs(tibble(meanNucInt, meanActIntInNuc, meanActIntInCell))

## ----imageProcessing27--------------------------------------------------------
F1 = computeFeatures(nuclei,     cells[,,1], xname = "nuc",
                                             refnames = "nuc")
F2 = computeFeatures(cellbodies, cells[,,2], xname = "cell",
                                             refnames = "tub")
F3 = computeFeatures(cellbodies, cells[,,3], xname = "cell",
                                             refnames = "act")
## [1] 43 89
## ----showF1-------------------------------------------------------------------
 F1[1:3, 1:5]
##   nuc.0.m.cx nuc.0.m.cy nuc.0.m.majoraxis nuc.0.m.eccentricity nuc.0.m.theta
## 1        120       17.5              44.9                0.837         -1.31
## 2        143       15.8              26.2                0.663         -1.21
## 3        337       11.5              19.0                0.856          1.47
## ----readlymphnodedata--------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'readr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:genefilter':
##     spec
cellclasses = c("T_cells", "Tumor", "DCs", "other_cells")
brcalymphnode = lapply(cellclasses, function(k) {
    read_csv(file.path("..", "data",
             sprintf("99_4525D-%s.txt", k))) |>
    transmute(x = globalX,
              y = globalY,
              class = k)
}) |> bind_rows() |> mutate(class = factor(class))
## Rows: 103681 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (1): filename
## dbl (4): locX, locY, globalX, globalY
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## Rows: 27822 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (1): filename
## dbl (4): locX, locY, globalX, globalY
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## Rows: 878 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (1): filename
## dbl (4): locX, locY, globalX, globalY
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## Rows: 77081 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (1): filename
## dbl (4): locX, locY, globalX, globalY
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## # A tibble: 209,462 × 3
##        x     y class  
##    <dbl> <dbl> <fct>  
##  1  6355 10382 T_cells
##  2  6356 10850 T_cells
##  3  6357 11070 T_cells
##  4  6357 11082 T_cells
##  5  6358 10600 T_cells
##  6  6361 10301 T_cells
##  7  6369 10309 T_cells
##  8  6374 10395 T_cells
##  9  6377 10448 T_cells
## 10  6379 10279 T_cells
## # ℹ 209,452 more rows
##         DCs other_cells     T_cells       Tumor 
##         878       77081      103681       27822
## ----checkcellnumber, echo = FALSE--------------------------------------------
tabtab = table(brcalymphnode$class)
within = function(x, a, b) (x>a & x<b)
stopifnot(all(within(tabtab[c("T_cells", "Tumor", "DCs")], c(100000, 27000, 800), c(110000, 28000, 1000))))

## ----brcalntcells, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Scatterplot of the $x$ and $y$ positions of the T- and tumor cells in `brcalymphnode`. The locations were obtained by a segmentation algorithm from a high resolution version of Figure \\@ref(fig:stainedlymphnode). Some rectangular areas in the T-cells plot are suspiciously empty, this could be because the corresponding image tiles within the overall composite image went missing, or were not analyzed.", fig.margin = FALSE, dev = "png", dpi = 300, fig.width=9, fig.height=4.5, pointsize=24----
## ----spatstat1, results = "hide"----------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: spatstat.data
## Attaching package: 'spatstat.data'
## The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
##     cells
## Loading required package: spatstat.geom
## spatstat.geom 3.0-3
## Attaching package: 'spatstat.geom'
## The following object is masked from 'package:genefilter':
##     area
## The following objects are masked from 'package:EBImage':
##     affine, closing, distmap, opening, rotate
## The following object is masked from 'package:SummarizedExperiment':
##     shift
## The following object is masked from 'package:GenomicRanges':
##     shift
## The following objects are masked from 'package:phangorn':
##     compatible, coords
## The following objects are masked from 'package:ape':
##     edges, rotate
## The following object is masked from 'package:graph':
##     edges
## The following objects are masked from 'package:IRanges':
##     reflect, shift
## The following objects are masked from 'package:igraph':
##     diameter, edges, is.connected, vertices
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     rotate
## Loading required package: spatstat.random
## spatstat.random 3.0-1
## Loading required package: spatstat.core
## Loading required package: nlme
## Attaching package: 'nlme'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biostrings':
##     collapse
## The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
##     collapse
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     collapse
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     collapse
## Loading required package: rpart
## spatstat.core 2.4-0
## Loading required package: spatstat.linnet
## spatstat.linnet 2.3-2
## spatstat 2.3-3       (nickname: 'That's not important right now') 
## For an introduction to spatstat, type 'beginner'
## ----spatstat2----------------------------------------------------------------
ln = with(brcalymphnode,
  ppp(x = x, y = y, marks = class, xrange = range(x), yrange = range(y)))
## Marked planar point pattern: 209462 points
## Multitype, with levels = DCs, other_cells, T_cells, Tumor 
## window: rectangle = [3839, 17276] x [6713, 23006] units
## ----checkclassln, echo = FALSE-----------------------------------------------
stopifnot(identical(class(ln), "ppp"))
## ----spatstat3----------------------------------------------------------------
ln = with(brcalymphnode, ppp(x = x, y = y, marks = class, 
                             xrange = range(x), yrange = range(y)))
## Marked planar point pattern: 209462 points
## Multitype, with levels = DCs, other_cells, T_cells, Tumor 
## window: rectangle = [3839, 17276] x [6713, 23006] units
## ----densityppz1--------------------------------------------------------------
d = density(subset(ln, marks == "Tumor"), edge=TRUE, diggle=TRUE)

## ----densityppp1, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Intensity estimate for the cells marked `Tumor` in `ppp`. The support of the estimate is the polygon that we specified earlier on (Figure \\@ref(fig:convhull)).", fig.width = 3.75, fig.height = 3.5, echo = FALSE----
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0.2, 0.7))

## ----densityppz0--------------------------------------------------------------
d0 = density(subset(ln, marks == "Tumor"), edge = FALSE)

## ----densityppp0, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "As Figure \\@ref(fig:densityppp1), but without edge correction \\label{densityppp0}", fig.width = 3.75, fig.height = 3.5, echo = FALSE----
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0.2, 0.7))

## ----relrisk-calc-------------------------------------------------------------
rr = relrisk(ln, sigma = 250)

## ----relrisk, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Estimates of the spatially varying probability of each of the cell claases, conditional on there being cells.", fig.margin = FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=7----

## ----checkConditional, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------
m = rr[[1]]$v
for(i in 2:length(rr)) m = m + rr[[i]]$v
#stopifnot(all(is.na(m) | abs(m-1)<1e-6))

## ----Gestshow-----------------------------------------------------------------
gln = Gest(ln)
## Function value object (class 'fv')
## for the function r -> G(r)
## .....................................................................
##         Math.label      Description                                  
## r       r               distance argument r                          
## theo    G[pois](r)      theoretical Poisson G(r)                     
## han     hat(G)[han](r)  Hanisch estimate of G(r)                     
## rs      hat(G)[bord](r) border corrected estimate of G(r)            
## km      hat(G)[km](r)   Kaplan-Meier estimate of G(r)                
## hazard  hat(h)[km](r)   Kaplan-Meier estimate of hazard function h(r)
## theohaz h[pois](r)      theoretical Poisson hazard function h(r)     
## .....................................................................
## Default plot formula:  .~r
## where "." stands for 'km', 'rs', 'han', 'theo'
## Recommended range of argument r: [0, 21.033]
## Available range of argument r: [0, 61.89]
## ----Gest, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Estimates of $G$, using three different edge effect corrections --which here happen to essentially lie on top of each other-- and the theoretical distribution for a homogenous Poisson process. \\label{Gest}", fig.width = 4.25, fig.height = 4.25, results="hide"----
plot(gln, xlim = c(0, 10), lty = 1, col = brewer.pal(4, "Set1"))

## ----Linhom-------------------------------------------------------------------
Lln = Linhom(subset(ln, marks == "T_cells"))
## number of data points exceeds 1000 - computing border correction estimate only
## Function value object (class 'fv')
## for the function r -> L[inhom](r)
## ................................................................................
##            Math.label                
## r          r                         
## theo       L[pois](r)                
## border     {hat(L)[inhom]^{bord}}(r) 
## bord.modif {hat(L)[inhom]^{bordm}}(r)
##            Description                                      
## r          distance argument r                              
## theo       theoretical Poisson L[inhom](r)                  
## border     border-corrected estimate of L[inhom](r)         
## bord.modif modified border-corrected estimate of L[inhom](r)
## ................................................................................
## Default plot formula:  .~.x
## where "." stands for 'bord.modif', 'border', 'theo'
## Recommended range of argument r: [0, 819.84]
## Available range of argument r: [0, 819.84]
## ----Images-Lln, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Estimate of $L_{\\scriptsize \\mbox{inhom}}$, Equations \\@ref(eq:kinhom) and \\@ref(eq:Lest), of the T cell pattern. \\label{Images-Lln}", fig.width = 4, fig.height = 5.9, results = "hide"----
plot(Lln, lty = 1, col = brewer.pal(3, "Set1"))

## ----pcfdo--------------------------------------------------------------------
pcfln = pcf(Kinhom(subset(ln, marks == "T_cells")))
## number of data points exceeds 1000 - computing border correction estimate only
## ----Images-pcf, fig.keep = 'high', fig.show = "hold", fig.cap = "Estimate of the pair correlation function, Equation \\@ref(eq:pcf), of the T cell pattern. \\label{Images-pcf}", fig.width=5, fig.height=5, results="hide"----
plot(pcfln, lty = 1)

plot(pcfln, lty = 1, xlim = c(0, 10))

## ----samplingpcf, fig.keep = 'high', fig.cap = "Answer to Question \\@ref(ques:Image-ques-samplingpcf): as in the bottom panel of Figure \\@ref(fig:Images-pcf), but with denser sampling.", fig.width=5, fig.height=5----
pcfln2 = pcf(Kinhom(subset(ln, marks == "T_cells"), r = seq(0, 10, by = 0.2)))
## number of data points exceeds 1000 - computing border correction estimate only
plot(pcfln2, lty = 1)

12 Supervised Learning

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ov = tibble(
  x = seq(0, 30, by = 1),
  y = 2 + 0.01 * x^2 + 0.1 * x + 2 * rnorm(length(x)))
ggplot(ov, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(span = 0.2, col = "dodgerblue3", se = FALSE) +
  geom_smooth(span = 0.8, col = "darkorange1", se = FALSE)
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data("diabetes", package = "rrcov")
##     rw fpg glucose insulin sspg  group
## 1 0.81  80     356     124   55 normal
## 2 0.95  97     289     117   76 normal
## 3 0.94 105     319     143  105 normal
## 4 1.04  90     356     199  108 normal
## 5 1.00  90     323     240  143 normal
## 6 0.76  86     381     157  165 normal
## [1] 145   6
## Attaching package: 'reshape2'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:reshape':
##     colsplit, melt, recast
melt(diabetes, id.vars = "group")
##        group variable   value
## 1     normal       rw    0.81
## 2     normal       rw    0.95
## 3     normal       rw    0.94
## 4     normal       rw    1.04
## 5     normal       rw    1.00
## 6     normal       rw    0.76
## 7     normal       rw    0.91
## 8     normal       rw    1.10
## 9     normal       rw    0.99
## 10    normal       rw    0.78
## 11    normal       rw    0.90
## 12    normal       rw    0.73
## 13    normal       rw    0.96
## 14    normal       rw    0.84
## 15    normal       rw    0.74
## 16    normal       rw    0.98
## 17    normal       rw    1.10
## 18    normal       rw    0.85
## 19    normal       rw    0.83
## 20    normal       rw    0.93
## 21    normal       rw    0.95
## 22    normal       rw    0.74
## 23    normal       rw    0.95
## 24    normal       rw    0.97
## 25    normal       rw    0.72
## 26    normal       rw    1.11
## 27    normal       rw    1.20
## 28    normal       rw    1.13
## 29    normal       rw    1.00
## 30    normal       rw    0.78
## 31    normal       rw    1.00
## 32    normal       rw    1.00
## 33    normal       rw    0.71
## 34    normal       rw    0.76
## 35    normal       rw    0.89
## 36    normal       rw    0.88
## 37    normal       rw    1.17
## 38    normal       rw    0.85
## 39    normal       rw    0.97
## 40    normal       rw    1.00
## 41    normal       rw    1.00
## 42    normal       rw    0.89
## 43    normal       rw    0.98
## 44    normal       rw    0.78
## 45    normal       rw    0.74
## 46    normal       rw    0.91
## 47    normal       rw    0.95
## 48    normal       rw    0.95
## 49    normal       rw    1.03
## 50    normal       rw    0.87
## 51    normal       rw    0.87
## 52    normal       rw    1.17
## 53    normal       rw    0.83
## 54    normal       rw    0.82
## 55    normal       rw    0.86
## 56    normal       rw    1.01
## 57    normal       rw    0.88
## 58    normal       rw    0.75
## 59  chemical       rw    0.99
## 60    normal       rw    1.12
## 61    normal       rw    1.09
## 62  chemical       rw    1.02
## 63  chemical       rw    1.19
## 64    normal       rw    1.06
## 65  chemical       rw    1.20
## 66  chemical       rw    1.05
## 67    normal       rw    1.18
## 68    normal       rw    1.01
## 69    normal       rw    0.91
## 70    normal       rw    0.81
## 71  chemical       rw    1.10
## 72    normal       rw    1.03
## 73    normal       rw    0.97
## 74    normal       rw    0.96
## 75    normal       rw    1.10
## 76    normal       rw    1.07
## 77  chemical       rw    1.08
## 78    normal       rw    0.95
## 79    normal       rw    0.74
## 80    normal       rw    0.84
## 81    normal       rw    0.89
## 82    normal       rw    1.11
## 83  chemical       rw    1.19
## 84    normal       rw    1.18
## 85  chemical       rw    1.06
## 86  chemical       rw    0.95
## 87  chemical       rw    1.06
## 88  chemical       rw    0.98
## 89  chemical       rw    1.16
## 90  chemical       rw    1.18
## 91  chemical       rw    1.20
## 92  chemical       rw    1.08
## 93  chemical       rw    0.91
## 94  chemical       rw    1.03
## 95  chemical       rw    1.09
## 96  chemical       rw    1.05
## 97  chemical       rw    1.20
## 98  chemical       rw    1.05
## 99  chemical       rw    1.10
## 100 chemical       rw    1.12
## 101 chemical       rw    0.96
## 102 chemical       rw    1.13
## 103 chemical       rw    1.07
## 104 chemical       rw    1.10
## 105 chemical       rw    0.94
## 106 chemical       rw    1.12
## 107 chemical       rw    0.88
## 108 chemical       rw    0.93
## 109 chemical       rw    1.16
## 110 chemical       rw    0.94
## 111 chemical       rw    0.91
## 112 chemical       rw    0.83
## 113    overt       rw    0.92
## 114    overt       rw    0.86
## 115    overt       rw    0.85
## 116    overt       rw    0.83
## 117    overt       rw    0.85
## 118    overt       rw    1.06
## 119    overt       rw    1.06
## 120    overt       rw    0.92
## 121    overt       rw    1.20
## 122    overt       rw    1.04
## 123    overt       rw    1.16
## 124    overt       rw    1.08
## 125    overt       rw    0.95
## 126    overt       rw    0.86
## 127    overt       rw    0.90
## 128    overt       rw    0.97
## 129    overt       rw    1.16
## 130    overt       rw    1.12
## 131    overt       rw    1.07
## 132    overt       rw    0.93
## 133    overt       rw    0.85
## 134    overt       rw    0.81
## 135    overt       rw    0.98
## 136    overt       rw    1.01
## 137    overt       rw    1.19
## 138    overt       rw    1.04
## 139    overt       rw    1.06
## 140    overt       rw    1.03
## 141    overt       rw    1.05
## 142    overt       rw    0.91
## 143    overt       rw    0.90
## 144    overt       rw    1.11
## 145    overt       rw    0.74
## 146   normal      fpg   80.00
## 147   normal      fpg   97.00
## 148   normal      fpg  105.00
## 149   normal      fpg   90.00
## 150   normal      fpg   90.00
## 151   normal      fpg   86.00
## 152   normal      fpg  100.00
## 153   normal      fpg   85.00
## 154   normal      fpg   97.00
## 155   normal      fpg   97.00
## 156   normal      fpg   91.00
## 157   normal      fpg   87.00
## 158   normal      fpg   78.00
## 159   normal      fpg   90.00
## 160   normal      fpg   86.00
## 161   normal      fpg   80.00
## 162   normal      fpg   90.00
## 163   normal      fpg   99.00
## 164   normal      fpg   85.00
## 165   normal      fpg   90.00
## 166   normal      fpg   90.00
## 167   normal      fpg   88.00
## 168   normal      fpg   95.00
## 169   normal      fpg   90.00
## 170   normal      fpg   92.00
## 171   normal      fpg   74.00
## 172   normal      fpg   98.00
## 173   normal      fpg  100.00
## 174   normal      fpg   86.00
## 175   normal      fpg   98.00
## 176   normal      fpg   70.00
## 177   normal      fpg   99.00
## 178   normal      fpg   75.00
## 179   normal      fpg   90.00
## 180   normal      fpg   85.00
## 181   normal      fpg   99.00
## 182   normal      fpg  100.00
## 183   normal      fpg   78.00
## 184   normal      fpg  106.00
## 185   normal      fpg   98.00
## 186   normal      fpg  102.00
## 187   normal      fpg   90.00
## 188   normal      fpg   94.00
## 189   normal      fpg   80.00
## 190   normal      fpg   93.00
## 191   normal      fpg   86.00
## 192   normal      fpg   85.00
## 193   normal      fpg   96.00
## 194   normal      fpg   88.00
## 195   normal      fpg   87.00
## 196   normal      fpg   94.00
## 197   normal      fpg   93.00
## 198   normal      fpg   86.00
## 199   normal      fpg   86.00
## 200   normal      fpg   96.00
## 201   normal      fpg   86.00
## 202   normal      fpg   89.00
## 203   normal      fpg   83.00
## 204 chemical      fpg   98.00
## 205   normal      fpg  100.00
## 206   normal      fpg  110.00
## 207 chemical      fpg   88.00
## 208 chemical      fpg  100.00
## 209   normal      fpg   80.00
## 210 chemical      fpg   89.00
## 211 chemical      fpg   91.00
## 212   normal      fpg   96.00
## 213   normal      fpg   95.00
## 214   normal      fpg   82.00
## 215   normal      fpg   84.00
## 216 chemical      fpg   90.00
## 217   normal      fpg  100.00
## 218   normal      fpg   86.00
## 219   normal      fpg   93.00
## 220   normal      fpg  107.00
## 221   normal      fpg  112.00
## 222 chemical      fpg   94.00
## 223   normal      fpg   93.00
## 224   normal      fpg   93.00
## 225   normal      fpg   90.00
## 226   normal      fpg   99.00
## 227   normal      fpg   93.00
## 228 chemical      fpg   85.00
## 229   normal      fpg   89.00
## 230 chemical      fpg   96.00
## 231 chemical      fpg  111.00
## 232 chemical      fpg  107.00
## 233 chemical      fpg  114.00
## 234 chemical      fpg  101.00
## 235 chemical      fpg  108.00
## 236 chemical      fpg  112.00
## 237 chemical      fpg  105.00
## 238 chemical      fpg  103.00
## 239 chemical      fpg   99.00
## 240 chemical      fpg  102.00
## 241 chemical      fpg  110.00
## 242 chemical      fpg  102.00
## 243 chemical      fpg   96.00
## 244 chemical      fpg   95.00
## 245 chemical      fpg  112.00
## 246 chemical      fpg  110.00
## 247 chemical      fpg   92.00
## 248 chemical      fpg  104.00
## 249 chemical      fpg   75.00
## 250 chemical      fpg   92.00
## 251 chemical      fpg   92.00
## 252 chemical      fpg   92.00
## 253 chemical      fpg   93.00
## 254 chemical      fpg  112.00
## 255 chemical      fpg   88.00
## 256 chemical      fpg  114.00
## 257 chemical      fpg  103.00
## 258    overt      fpg  300.00
## 259    overt      fpg  303.00
## 260    overt      fpg  125.00
## 261    overt      fpg  280.00
## 262    overt      fpg  216.00
## 263    overt      fpg  190.00
## 264    overt      fpg  151.00
## 265    overt      fpg  303.00
## 266    overt      fpg  173.00
## 267    overt      fpg  203.00
## 268    overt      fpg  195.00
## 269    overt      fpg  140.00
## 270    overt      fpg  151.00
## 271    overt      fpg  275.00
## 272    overt      fpg  260.00
## 273    overt      fpg  149.00
## 274    overt      fpg  233.00
## 275    overt      fpg  146.00
## 276    overt      fpg  124.00
## 277    overt      fpg  213.00
## 278    overt      fpg  330.00
## 279    overt      fpg  123.00
## 280    overt      fpg  130.00
## 281    overt      fpg  120.00
## 282    overt      fpg  138.00
## 283    overt      fpg  188.00
## 284    overt      fpg  339.00
## 285    overt      fpg  265.00
## 286    overt      fpg  353.00
## 287    overt      fpg  180.00
## 288    overt      fpg  213.00
## 289    overt      fpg  328.00
## 290    overt      fpg  346.00
## 291   normal  glucose  356.00
## 292   normal  glucose  289.00
## 293   normal  glucose  319.00
## 294   normal  glucose  356.00
## 295   normal  glucose  323.00
## 296   normal  glucose  381.00
## 297   normal  glucose  350.00
## 298   normal  glucose  301.00
## 299   normal  glucose  379.00
## 300   normal  glucose  296.00
## 301   normal  glucose  353.00
## 302   normal  glucose  306.00
## 303   normal  glucose  290.00
## 304   normal  glucose  371.00
## 305   normal  glucose  312.00
## 306   normal  glucose  393.00
## 307   normal  glucose  364.00
## 308   normal  glucose  359.00
## 309   normal  glucose  296.00
## 310   normal  glucose  345.00
## 311   normal  glucose  378.00
## 312   normal  glucose  304.00
## 313   normal  glucose  347.00
## 314   normal  glucose  327.00
## 315   normal  glucose  386.00
## 316   normal  glucose  365.00
## 317   normal  glucose  365.00
## 318   normal  glucose  352.00
## 319   normal  glucose  325.00
## 320   normal  glucose  321.00
## 321   normal  glucose  360.00
## 322   normal  glucose  336.00
## 323   normal  glucose  352.00
## 324   normal  glucose  353.00
## 325   normal  glucose  373.00
## 326   normal  glucose  376.00
## 327   normal  glucose  367.00
## 328   normal  glucose  335.00
## 329   normal  glucose  396.00
## 330   normal  glucose  277.00
## 331   normal  glucose  378.00
## 332   normal  glucose  360.00
## 333   normal  glucose  291.00
## 334   normal  glucose  269.00
## 335   normal  glucose  318.00
## 336   normal  glucose  328.00
## 337   normal  glucose  334.00
## 338   normal  glucose  356.00
## 339   normal  glucose  291.00
## 340   normal  glucose  360.00
## 341   normal  glucose  313.00
## 342   normal  glucose  306.00
## 343   normal  glucose  319.00
## 344   normal  glucose  349.00
## 345   normal  glucose  332.00
## 346   normal  glucose  323.00
## 347   normal  glucose  323.00
## 348   normal  glucose  351.00
## 349 chemical  glucose  478.00
## 350   normal  glucose  398.00
## 351   normal  glucose  426.00
## 352 chemical  glucose  439.00
## 353 chemical  glucose  429.00
## 354   normal  glucose  333.00
## 355 chemical  glucose  472.00
## 356 chemical  glucose  436.00
## 357   normal  glucose  418.00
## 358   normal  glucose  391.00
## 359   normal  glucose  390.00
## 360   normal  glucose  416.00
## 361 chemical  glucose  413.00
## 362   normal  glucose  385.00
## 363   normal  glucose  393.00
## 364   normal  glucose  376.00
## 365   normal  glucose  403.00
## 366   normal  glucose  414.00
## 367 chemical  glucose  426.00
## 368   normal  glucose  364.00
## 369   normal  glucose  391.00
## 370   normal  glucose  356.00
## 371   normal  glucose  398.00
## 372   normal  glucose  393.00
## 373 chemical  glucose  425.00
## 374   normal  glucose  318.00
## 375 chemical  glucose  465.00
## 376 chemical  glucose  558.00
## 377 chemical  glucose  503.00
## 378 chemical  glucose  540.00
## 379 chemical  glucose  469.00
## 380 chemical  glucose  486.00
## 381 chemical  glucose  568.00
## 382 chemical  glucose  527.00
## 383 chemical  glucose  537.00
## 384 chemical  glucose  466.00
## 385 chemical  glucose  599.00
## 386 chemical  glucose  477.00
## 387 chemical  glucose  472.00
## 388 chemical  glucose  456.00
## 389 chemical  glucose  517.00
## 390 chemical  glucose  503.00
## 391 chemical  glucose  522.00
## 392 chemical  glucose  476.00
## 393 chemical  glucose  472.00
## 394 chemical  glucose  455.00
## 395 chemical  glucose  442.00
## 396 chemical  glucose  541.00
## 397 chemical  glucose  580.00
## 398 chemical  glucose  472.00
## 399 chemical  glucose  562.00
## 400 chemical  glucose  423.00
## 401 chemical  glucose  643.00
## 402 chemical  glucose  533.00
## 403    overt  glucose 1468.00
## 404    overt  glucose 1487.00
## 405    overt  glucose  714.00
## 406    overt  glucose 1470.00
## 407    overt  glucose 1113.00
## 408    overt  glucose  972.00
## 409    overt  glucose  854.00
## 410    overt  glucose 1364.00
## 411    overt  glucose  832.00
## 412    overt  glucose  967.00
## 413    overt  glucose  920.00
## 414    overt  glucose  613.00
## 415    overt  glucose  857.00
## 416    overt  glucose 1373.00
## 417    overt  glucose 1133.00
## 418    overt  glucose  849.00
## 419    overt  glucose 1183.00
## 420    overt  glucose  847.00
## 421    overt  glucose  538.00
## 422    overt  glucose 1001.00
## 423    overt  glucose 1520.00
## 424    overt  glucose  557.00
## 425    overt  glucose  670.00
## 426    overt  glucose  636.00
## 427    overt  glucose  741.00
## 428    overt  glucose  958.00
## 429    overt  glucose 1354.00
## 430    overt  glucose 1263.00
## 431    overt  glucose 1428.00
## 432    overt  glucose  923.00
## 433    overt  glucose 1025.00
## 434    overt  glucose 1246.00
## 435    overt  glucose 1568.00
## 436   normal  insulin  124.00
## 437   normal  insulin  117.00
## 438   normal  insulin  143.00
## 439   normal  insulin  199.00
## 440   normal  insulin  240.00
## 441   normal  insulin  157.00
## 442   normal  insulin  221.00
## 443   normal  insulin  186.00
## 444   normal  insulin  142.00
## 445   normal  insulin  131.00
## 446   normal  insulin  221.00
## 447   normal  insulin  178.00
## 448   normal  insulin  136.00
## 449   normal  insulin  200.00
## 450   normal  insulin  208.00
## 451   normal  insulin  202.00
## 452   normal  insulin  152.00
## 453   normal  insulin  185.00
## 454   normal  insulin  116.00
## 455   normal  insulin  123.00
## 456   normal  insulin  136.00
## 457   normal  insulin  134.00
## 458   normal  insulin  184.00
## 459   normal  insulin  192.00
## 460   normal  insulin  279.00
## 461   normal  insulin  228.00
## 462   normal  insulin  145.00
## 463   normal  insulin  172.00
## 464   normal  insulin  179.00
## 465   normal  insulin  222.00
## 466   normal  insulin  134.00
## 467   normal  insulin  143.00
## 468   normal  insulin  169.00
## 469   normal  insulin  263.00
## 470   normal  insulin  174.00
## 471   normal  insulin  134.00
## 472   normal  insulin  182.00
## 473   normal  insulin  241.00
## 474   normal  insulin  128.00
## 475   normal  insulin  222.00
## 476   normal  insulin  165.00
## 477   normal  insulin  282.00
## 478   normal  insulin   94.00
## 479   normal  insulin  121.00
## 480   normal  insulin   73.00
## 481   normal  insulin  106.00
## 482   normal  insulin  118.00
## 483   normal  insulin  112.00
## 484   normal  insulin  157.00
## 485   normal  insulin  292.00
## 486   normal  insulin  200.00
## 487   normal  insulin  220.00
## 488   normal  insulin  144.00
## 489   normal  insulin  109.00
## 490   normal  insulin  151.00
## 491   normal  insulin  158.00
## 492   normal  insulin   73.00
## 493   normal  insulin   81.00
## 494 chemical  insulin  151.00
## 495   normal  insulin  122.00
## 496   normal  insulin  117.00
## 497 chemical  insulin  208.00
## 498 chemical  insulin  201.00
## 499   normal  insulin  131.00
## 500 chemical  insulin  162.00
## 501 chemical  insulin  148.00
## 502   normal  insulin  130.00
## 503   normal  insulin  137.00
## 504   normal  insulin  375.00
## 505   normal  insulin  146.00
## 506 chemical  insulin  344.00
## 507   normal  insulin  192.00
## 508   normal  insulin  115.00
## 509   normal  insulin  195.00
## 510   normal  insulin  267.00
## 511   normal  insulin  281.00
## 512 chemical  insulin  213.00
## 513   normal  insulin  156.00
## 514   normal  insulin  221.00
## 515   normal  insulin  199.00
## 516   normal  insulin   76.00
## 517   normal  insulin  490.00
## 518 chemical  insulin  143.00
## 519   normal  insulin   73.00
## 520 chemical  insulin  237.00
## 521 chemical  insulin  748.00
## 522 chemical  insulin  320.00
## 523 chemical  insulin  188.00
## 524 chemical  insulin  607.00
## 525 chemical  insulin  297.00
## 526 chemical  insulin  232.00
## 527 chemical  insulin  480.00
## 528 chemical  insulin  622.00
## 529 chemical  insulin  287.00
## 530 chemical  insulin  266.00
## 531 chemical  insulin  124.00
## 532 chemical  insulin  297.00
## 533 chemical  insulin  326.00
## 534 chemical  insulin  564.00
## 535 chemical  insulin  408.00
## 536 chemical  insulin  325.00
## 537 chemical  insulin  433.00
## 538 chemical  insulin  180.00
## 539 chemical  insulin  392.00
## 540 chemical  insulin  109.00
## 541 chemical  insulin  313.00
## 542 chemical  insulin  132.00
## 543 chemical  insulin  285.00
## 544 chemical  insulin  139.00
## 545 chemical  insulin  212.00
## 546 chemical  insulin  155.00
## 547 chemical  insulin  120.00
## 548    overt  insulin   28.00
## 549    overt  insulin   23.00
## 550    overt  insulin  232.00
## 551    overt  insulin   54.00
## 552    overt  insulin   81.00
## 553    overt  insulin   87.00
## 554    overt  insulin   76.00
## 555    overt  insulin   42.00
## 556    overt  insulin  102.00
## 557    overt  insulin  138.00
## 558    overt  insulin  160.00
## 559    overt  insulin  131.00
## 560    overt  insulin  145.00
## 561    overt  insulin   45.00
## 562    overt  insulin  118.00
## 563    overt  insulin  159.00
## 564    overt  insulin   73.00
## 565    overt  insulin  103.00
## 566    overt  insulin  460.00
## 567    overt  insulin   42.00
## 568    overt  insulin   13.00
## 569    overt  insulin  130.00
## 570    overt  insulin   44.00
## 571    overt  insulin  314.00
## 572    overt  insulin  219.00
## 573    overt  insulin  100.00
## 574    overt  insulin   10.00
## 575    overt  insulin   83.00
## 576    overt  insulin   41.00
## 577    overt  insulin   77.00
## 578    overt  insulin   29.00
## 579    overt  insulin  124.00
## 580    overt  insulin   15.00
## 581   normal     sspg   55.00
## 582   normal     sspg   76.00
## 583   normal     sspg  105.00
## 584   normal     sspg  108.00
## 585   normal     sspg  143.00
## 586   normal     sspg  165.00
## 587   normal     sspg  119.00
## 588   normal     sspg  105.00
## 589   normal     sspg   98.00
## 590   normal     sspg   94.00
## 591   normal     sspg   53.00
## 592   normal     sspg   66.00
## 593   normal     sspg  142.00
## 594   normal     sspg   93.00
## 595   normal     sspg   68.00
## 596   normal     sspg  102.00
## 597   normal     sspg   76.00
## 598   normal     sspg   37.00
## 599   normal     sspg   60.00
## 600   normal     sspg   50.00
## 601   normal     sspg   47.00
## 602   normal     sspg   50.00
## 603   normal     sspg   91.00
## 604   normal     sspg  124.00
## 605   normal     sspg   74.00
## 606   normal     sspg  235.00
## 607   normal     sspg  158.00
## 608   normal     sspg  140.00
## 609   normal     sspg  145.00
## 610   normal     sspg   99.00
## 611   normal     sspg   90.00
## 612   normal     sspg  105.00
## 613   normal     sspg   32.00
## 614   normal     sspg  165.00
## 615   normal     sspg   78.00
## 616   normal     sspg   80.00
## 617   normal     sspg   54.00
## 618   normal     sspg  175.00
## 619   normal     sspg   80.00
## 620   normal     sspg  186.00
## 621   normal     sspg  117.00
## 622   normal     sspg  160.00
## 623   normal     sspg   71.00
## 624   normal     sspg   29.00
## 625   normal     sspg   42.00
## 626   normal     sspg   56.00
## 627   normal     sspg  122.00
## 628   normal     sspg   73.00
## 629   normal     sspg  122.00
## 630   normal     sspg  128.00
## 631   normal     sspg  233.00
## 632   normal     sspg  132.00
## 633   normal     sspg  138.00
## 634   normal     sspg   83.00
## 635   normal     sspg  109.00
## 636   normal     sspg   96.00
## 637   normal     sspg   52.00
## 638   normal     sspg   42.00
## 639 chemical     sspg  122.00
## 640   normal     sspg  176.00
## 641   normal     sspg  118.00
## 642 chemical     sspg  244.00
## 643 chemical     sspg  194.00
## 644   normal     sspg  136.00
## 645 chemical     sspg  257.00
## 646 chemical     sspg  167.00
## 647   normal     sspg  153.00
## 648   normal     sspg  248.00
## 649   normal     sspg  273.00
## 650   normal     sspg   80.00
## 651 chemical     sspg  270.00
## 652   normal     sspg  180.00
## 653   normal     sspg   85.00
## 654   normal     sspg  106.00
## 655   normal     sspg  254.00
## 656   normal     sspg  119.00
## 657 chemical     sspg  177.00
## 658   normal     sspg  159.00
## 659   normal     sspg  103.00
## 660   normal     sspg   59.00
## 661   normal     sspg  108.00
## 662   normal     sspg  259.00
## 663 chemical     sspg  204.00
## 664   normal     sspg  220.00
## 665 chemical     sspg  111.00
## 666 chemical     sspg  122.00
## 667 chemical     sspg  253.00
## 668 chemical     sspg  211.00
## 669 chemical     sspg  271.00
## 670 chemical     sspg  220.00
## 671 chemical     sspg  276.00
## 672 chemical     sspg  233.00
## 673 chemical     sspg  264.00
## 674 chemical     sspg  231.00
## 675 chemical     sspg  268.00
## 676 chemical     sspg   60.00
## 677 chemical     sspg  272.00
## 678 chemical     sspg  235.00
## 679 chemical     sspg  206.00
## 680 chemical     sspg  300.00
## 681 chemical     sspg  286.00
## 682 chemical     sspg  226.00
## 683 chemical     sspg  239.00
## 684 chemical     sspg  242.00
## 685 chemical     sspg  157.00
## 686 chemical     sspg  267.00
## 687 chemical     sspg  155.00
## 688 chemical     sspg  194.00
## 689 chemical     sspg  198.00
## 690 chemical     sspg  156.00
## 691 chemical     sspg  100.00
## 692 chemical     sspg  135.00
## 693    overt     sspg  455.00
## 694    overt     sspg  327.00
## 695    overt     sspg  279.00
## 696    overt     sspg  382.00
## 697    overt     sspg  378.00
## 698    overt     sspg  374.00
## 699    overt     sspg  260.00
## 700    overt     sspg  346.00
## 701    overt     sspg  319.00
## 702    overt     sspg  351.00
## 703    overt     sspg  357.00
## 704    overt     sspg  248.00
## 705    overt     sspg  324.00
## 706    overt     sspg  300.00
## 707    overt     sspg  300.00
## 708    overt     sspg  310.00
## 709    overt     sspg  458.00
## 710    overt     sspg  339.00
## 711    overt     sspg  320.00
## 712    overt     sspg  297.00
## 713    overt     sspg  303.00
## 714    overt     sspg  152.00
## 715    overt     sspg  167.00
## 716    overt     sspg  220.00
## 717    overt     sspg  209.00
## 718    overt     sspg  351.00
## 719    overt     sspg  450.00
## 720    overt     sspg  413.00
## 721    overt     sspg  480.00
## 722    overt     sspg  150.00
## 723    overt     sspg  209.00
## 724    overt     sspg  442.00
## 725    overt     sspg  253.00
dim(melt(diabetes, id.vars = "group"))
## [1] 725   3
table(diabetes$group, diabetes$rw)
##            0.71 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.78 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86
##   normal      1    1    1    4    1    2    3    2    1    2    2    2    1
##   chemical    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0
##   overt       0    0    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    0    3    2
##            0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1
##   normal      2    2    3   1    3    0    1    1    6    2    3    2    1 6
##   chemical    0    1    0   0    2    0    1    2    1    1    0    1    1 0
##   overt       0    0    0   2    1    2    1    0    1    0    1    1    0 0
##            1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.16
##   normal      2    0    2    1    0    1    1    0    1   3    2    1    1    0
##   chemical    0    1    1    0    3    2    1    2    1   3    0    2    1    2
##   overt       1    0    1    2    1    3    1    1    0   0    1    1    0    2
##            1.17 1.18 1.19 1.2
##   normal      2    2    0   1
##   chemical    0    1    2   3
##   overt       0    0    1   1
## [1] 5
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(melt(diabetes, id.vars = "group"), aes(x = value, col = group)) +
 geom_density() + facet_wrap( ~variable, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
 theme(legend.position = "bottom")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggdb = ggplot(mapping = aes(x = sspg, y = glucose)) +
  geom_point(aes(colour = group), data = diabetes)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'MASS'
## The following object is masked from 'package:spatstat.geom':
##     area
## The following object is masked from 'package:genefilter':
##     area
## The following object is masked from 'package:AnnotationDbi':
##     select
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     select
diabetes_lda = lda(group ~ sspg + glucose, data = diabetes)
## Call:
## lda(group ~ sspg + glucose, data = diabetes)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##   normal chemical    overt 
##    0.524    0.248    0.228 
## Group means:
##          sspg glucose
## normal    114     350
## chemical  209     494
## overt     319    1044
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##             LD1      LD2
## sspg    0.00504 -0.01539
## glucose 0.00546  0.00449
## Proportion of trace:
##    LD1    LD2 
## 0.9683 0.0317
ghat = predict(diabetes_lda)$class
table(ghat, diabetes$group)
## ghat       normal chemical overt
##   normal       69       12     1
##   chemical      7       24     6
##   overt         0        0    26
mean(ghat != diabetes$group)
## [1] 0.179
## [1] 480
## [1] 29
## [1]  29 480
grDevices::extendrange(diabetes$sspg) #Extends a numerical range by a small percentage, i.e., fraction, on both sides.
## [1]   6.45 502.55
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
make1Dgrid = function(x) {
  rg = grDevices::extendrange(x)
  seq(from = rg[1], to = rg[2], length.out = 100)

##   [1]   6.45  11.46  16.47  21.48  26.49  31.51  36.52  41.53  46.54  51.55
##  [11]  56.56  61.57  66.58  71.59  76.61  81.62  86.63  91.64  96.65 101.66
##  [21] 106.67 111.68 116.69 121.71 126.72 131.73 136.74 141.75 146.76 151.77
##  [31] 156.78 161.79 166.81 171.82 176.83 181.84 186.85 191.86 196.87 201.88
##  [41] 206.89 211.91 216.92 221.93 226.94 231.95 236.96 241.97 246.98 251.99
##  [51] 257.01 262.02 267.03 272.04 277.05 282.06 287.07 292.08 297.09 302.11
##  [61] 307.12 312.13 317.14 322.15 327.16 332.17 337.18 342.19 347.21 352.22
##  [71] 357.23 362.24 367.25 372.26 377.27 382.28 387.29 392.31 397.32 402.33
##  [81] 407.34 412.35 417.36 422.37 427.38 432.39 437.41 442.42 447.43 452.44
##  [91] 457.45 462.46 467.47 472.48 477.49 482.51 487.52 492.53 497.54 502.55
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diabetes_grid = with(diabetes,
  expand.grid(sspg = make1Dgrid(sspg),
              glucose = make1Dgrid(glucose)))

##         sspg glucose
## 1       6.45     204
## 2      11.46     204
## 3      16.47     204
## 4      21.48     204
## 5      26.49     204
## 6      31.51     204
## 7      36.52     204
## 8      41.53     204
## 9      46.54     204
## 10     51.55     204
## 11     56.56     204
## 12     61.57     204
## 13     66.58     204
## 14     71.59     204
## 15     76.61     204
## 16     81.62     204
## 17     86.63     204
## 18     91.64     204
## 19     96.65     204
## 20    101.66     204
## 21    106.67     204
## 22    111.68     204
## 23    116.69     204
## 24    121.71     204
## 25    126.72     204
## 26    131.73     204
## 27    136.74     204
## 28    141.75     204
## 29    146.76     204
## 30    151.77     204
## 31    156.78     204
## 32    161.79     204
## 33    166.81     204
## 34    171.82     204
## 35    176.83     204
## 36    181.84     204
## 37    186.85     204
## 38    191.86     204
## 39    196.87     204
## 40    201.88     204
## 41    206.89     204
## 42    211.91     204
## 43    216.92     204
## 44    221.93     204
## 45    226.94     204
## 46    231.95     204
## 47    236.96     204
## 48    241.97     204
## 49    246.98     204
## 50    251.99     204
## 51    257.01     204
## 52    262.02     204
## 53    267.03     204
## 54    272.04     204
## 55    277.05     204
## 56    282.06     204
## 57    287.07     204
## 58    292.08     204
## 59    297.09     204
## 60    302.11     204
## 61    307.12     204
## 62    312.13     204
## 63    317.14     204
## 64    322.15     204
## 65    327.16     204
## 66    332.17     204
## 67    337.18     204
## 68    342.19     204
## 69    347.21     204
## 70    352.22     204
## 71    357.23     204
## 72    362.24     204
## 73    367.25     204
## 74    372.26     204
## 75    377.27     204
## 76    382.28     204
## 77    387.29     204
## 78    392.31     204
## 79    397.32     204
## 80    402.33     204
## 81    407.34     204
## 82    412.35     204
## 83    417.36     204
## 84    422.37     204
## 85    427.38     204
## 86    432.39     204
## 87    437.41     204
## 88    442.42     204
## 89    447.43     204
## 90    452.44     204
## 91    457.45     204
## 92    462.46     204
## 93    467.47     204
## 94    472.48     204
## 95    477.49     204
## 96    482.51     204
## 97    487.52     204
## 98    492.53     204
## 99    497.54     204
## 100   502.55     204
## 101     6.45     218
## 102    11.46     218
## 103    16.47     218
## 104    21.48     218
## 105    26.49     218
## 106    31.51     218
## 107    36.52     218
## 108    41.53     218
## 109    46.54     218
## 110    51.55     218
## 111    56.56     218
## 112    61.57     218
## 113    66.58     218
## 114    71.59     218
## 115    76.61     218
## 116    81.62     218
## 117    86.63     218
## 118    91.64     218
## 119    96.65     218
## 120   101.66     218
## 121   106.67     218
## 122   111.68     218
## 123   116.69     218
## 124   121.71     218
## 125   126.72     218
## 126   131.73     218
## 127   136.74     218
## 128   141.75     218
## 129   146.76     218
## 130   151.77     218
## 131   156.78     218
## 132   161.79     218
## 133   166.81     218
## 134   171.82     218
## 135   176.83     218
## 136   181.84     218
## 137   186.85     218
## 138   191.86     218
## 139   196.87     218
## 140   201.88     218
## 141   206.89     218
## 142   211.91     218
## 143   216.92     218
## 144   221.93     218
## 145   226.94     218
## 146   231.95     218
## 147   236.96     218
## 148   241.97     218
## 149   246.98     218
## 150   251.99     218
## 151   257.01     218
## 152   262.02     218
## 153   267.03     218
## 154   272.04     218
## 155   277.05     218
## 156   282.06     218
## 157   287.07     218
## 158   292.08     218
## 159   297.09     218
## 160   302.11     218
## 161   307.12     218
## 162   312.13     218
## 163   317.14     218
## 164   322.15     218
## 165   327.16     218
## 166   332.17     218
## 167   337.18     218
## 168   342.19     218
## 169   347.21     218
## 170   352.22     218
## 171   357.23     218
## 172   362.24     218
## 173   367.25     218
## 174   372.26     218
## 175   377.27     218
## 176   382.28     218
## 177   387.29     218
## 178   392.31     218
## 179   397.32     218
## 180   402.33     218
## 181   407.34     218
## 182   412.35     218
## 183   417.36     218
## 184   422.37     218
## 185   427.38     218
## 186   432.39     218
## 187   437.41     218
## 188   442.42     218
## 189   447.43     218
## 190   452.44     218
## 191   457.45     218
## 192   462.46     218
## 193   467.47     218
## 194   472.48     218
## 195   477.49     218
## 196   482.51     218
## 197   487.52     218
## 198   492.53     218
## 199   497.54     218
## 200   502.55     218
## 201     6.45     233
## 202    11.46     233
## 203    16.47     233
## 204    21.48     233
## 205    26.49     233
## 206    31.51     233
## 207    36.52     233
## 208    41.53     233
## 209    46.54     233
## 210    51.55     233
## 211    56.56     233
## 212    61.57     233
## 213    66.58     233
## 214    71.59     233
## 215    76.61     233
## 216    81.62     233
## 217    86.63     233
## 218    91.64     233
## 219    96.65     233
## 220   101.66     233
## 221   106.67     233
## 222   111.68     233
## 223   116.69     233
## 224   121.71     233
## 225   126.72     233
## 226   131.73     233
## 227   136.74     233
## 228   141.75     233
## 229   146.76     233
## 230   151.77     233
## 231   156.78     233
## 232   161.79     233
## 233   166.81     233
## 234   171.82     233
## 235   176.83     233
## 236   181.84     233
## 237   186.85     233
## 238   191.86     233
## 239   196.87     233
## 240   201.88     233
## 241   206.89     233
## 242   211.91     233
## 243   216.92     233
## 244   221.93     233
## 245   226.94     233
## 246   231.95     233
## 247   236.96     233
## 248   241.97     233
## 249   246.98     233
## 250   251.99     233
## 251   257.01     233
## 252   262.02     233
## 253   267.03     233
## 254   272.04     233
## 255   277.05     233
## 256   282.06     233
## 257   287.07     233
## 258   292.08     233
## 259   297.09     233
## 260   302.11     233
## 261   307.12     233
## 262   312.13     233
## 263   317.14     233
## 264   322.15     233
## 265   327.16     233
## 266   332.17     233
## 267   337.18     233
## 268   342.19     233
## 269   347.21     233
## 270   352.22     233
## 271   357.23     233
## 272   362.24     233
## 273   367.25     233
## 274   372.26     233
## 275   377.27     233
## 276   382.28     233
## 277   387.29     233
## 278   392.31     233
## 279   397.32     233
## 280   402.33     233
## 281   407.34     233
## 282   412.35     233
## 283   417.36     233
## 284   422.37     233
## 285   427.38     233
## 286   432.39     233
## 287   437.41     233
## 288   442.42     233
## 289   447.43     233
## 290   452.44     233
## 291   457.45     233
## 292   462.46     233
## 293   467.47     233
## 294   472.48     233
## 295   477.49     233
## 296   482.51     233
## 297   487.52     233
## 298   492.53     233
## 299   497.54     233
## 300   502.55     233
## 301     6.45     247
## 302    11.46     247
## 303    16.47     247
## 304    21.48     247
## 305    26.49     247
## 306    31.51     247
## 307    36.52     247
## 308    41.53     247
## 309    46.54     247
## 310    51.55     247
## 311    56.56     247
## 312    61.57     247
## 313    66.58     247
## 314    71.59     247
## 315    76.61     247
## 316    81.62     247
## 317    86.63     247
## 318    91.64     247
## 319    96.65     247
## 320   101.66     247
## 321   106.67     247
## 322   111.68     247
## 323   116.69     247
## 324   121.71     247
## 325   126.72     247
## 326   131.73     247
## 327   136.74     247
## 328   141.75     247
## 329   146.76     247
## 330   151.77     247
## 331   156.78     247
## 332   161.79     247
## 333   166.81     247
## 334   171.82     247
## 335   176.83     247
## 336   181.84     247
## 337   186.85     247
## 338   191.86     247
## 339   196.87     247
## 340   201.88     247
## 341   206.89     247
## 342   211.91     247
## 343   216.92     247
## 344   221.93     247
## 345   226.94     247
## 346   231.95     247
## 347   236.96     247
## 348   241.97     247
## 349   246.98     247
## 350   251.99     247
## 351   257.01     247
## 352   262.02     247
## 353   267.03     247
## 354   272.04     247
## 355   277.05     247
## 356   282.06     247
## 357   287.07     247
## 358   292.08     247
## 359   297.09     247
## 360   302.11     247
## 361   307.12     247
## 362   312.13     247
## 363   317.14     247
## 364   322.15     247
## 365   327.16     247
## 366   332.17     247
## 367   337.18     247
## 368   342.19     247
## 369   347.21     247
## 370   352.22     247
## 371   357.23     247
## 372   362.24     247
## 373   367.25     247
## 374   372.26     247
## 375   377.27     247
## 376   382.28     247
## 377   387.29     247
## 378   392.31     247
## 379   397.32     247
## 380   402.33     247
## 381   407.34     247
## 382   412.35     247
## 383   417.36     247
## 384   422.37     247
## 385   427.38     247
## 386   432.39     247
## 387   437.41     247
## 388   442.42     247
## 389   447.43     247
## 390   452.44     247
## 391   457.45     247
## 392   462.46     247
## 393   467.47     247
## 394   472.48     247
## 395   477.49     247
## 396   482.51     247
## 397   487.52     247
## 398   492.53     247
## 399   497.54     247
## 400   502.55     247
## 401     6.45     262
## 402    11.46     262
## 403    16.47     262
## 404    21.48     262
## 405    26.49     262
## 406    31.51     262
## 407    36.52     262
## 408    41.53     262
## 409    46.54     262
## 410    51.55     262
## 411    56.56     262
## 412    61.57     262
## 413    66.58     262
## 414    71.59     262
## 415    76.61     262
## 416    81.62     262
## 417    86.63     262
## 418    91.64     262
## 419    96.65     262
## 420   101.66     262
## 421   106.67     262
## 422   111.68     262
## 423   116.69     262
## 424   121.71     262
## 425   126.72     262
## 426   131.73     262
## 427   136.74     262
## 428   141.75     262
## 429   146.76     262
## 430   151.77     262
## 431   156.78     262
## 432   161.79     262
## 433   166.81     262
## 434   171.82     262
## 435   176.83     262
## 436   181.84     262
## 437   186.85     262
## 438   191.86     262
## 439   196.87     262
## 440   201.88     262
## 441   206.89     262
## 442   211.91     262
## 443   216.92     262
## 444   221.93     262
## 445   226.94     262
## 446   231.95     262
## 447   236.96     262
## 448   241.97     262
## 449   246.98     262
## 450   251.99     262
## 451   257.01     262
## 452   262.02     262
## 453   267.03     262
## 454   272.04     262
## 455   277.05     262
## 456   282.06     262
## 457   287.07     262
## 458   292.08     262
## 459   297.09     262
## 460   302.11     262
## 461   307.12     262
## 462   312.13     262
## 463   317.14     262
## 464   322.15     262
## 465   327.16     262
## 466   332.17     262
## 467   337.18     262
## 468   342.19     262
## 469   347.21     262
## 470   352.22     262
## 471   357.23     262
## 472   362.24     262
## 473   367.25     262
## 474   372.26     262
## 475   377.27     262
## 476   382.28     262
## 477   387.29     262
## 478   392.31     262
## 479   397.32     262
## 480   402.33     262
## 481   407.34     262
## 482   412.35     262
## 483   417.36     262
## 484   422.37     262
## 485   427.38     262
## 486   432.39     262
## 487   437.41     262
## 488   442.42     262
## 489   447.43     262
## 490   452.44     262
## 491   457.45     262
## 492   462.46     262
## 493   467.47     262
## 494   472.48     262
## 495   477.49     262
## 496   482.51     262
## 497   487.52     262
## 498   492.53     262
## 499   497.54     262
## 500   502.55     262
## 501     6.45     276
## 502    11.46     276
## 503    16.47     276
## 504    21.48     276
## 505    26.49     276
## 506    31.51     276
## 507    36.52     276
## 508    41.53     276
## 509    46.54     276
## 510    51.55     276
## 511    56.56     276
## 512    61.57     276
## 513    66.58     276
## 514    71.59     276
## 515    76.61     276
## 516    81.62     276
## 517    86.63     276
## 518    91.64     276
## 519    96.65     276
## 520   101.66     276
## 521   106.67     276
## 522   111.68     276
## 523   116.69     276
## 524   121.71     276
## 525   126.72     276
## 526   131.73     276
## 527   136.74     276
## 528   141.75     276
## 529   146.76     276
## 530   151.77     276
## 531   156.78     276
## 532   161.79     276
## 533   166.81     276
## 534   171.82     276
## 535   176.83     276
## 536   181.84     276
## 537   186.85     276
## 538   191.86     276
## 539   196.87     276
## 540   201.88     276
## 541   206.89     276
## 542   211.91     276
## 543   216.92     276
## 544   221.93     276
## 545   226.94     276
## 546   231.95     276
## 547   236.96     276
## 548   241.97     276
## 549   246.98     276
## 550   251.99     276
## 551   257.01     276
## 552   262.02     276
## 553   267.03     276
## 554   272.04     276
## 555   277.05     276
## 556   282.06     276
## 557   287.07     276
## 558   292.08     276
## 559   297.09     276
## 560   302.11     276
## 561   307.12     276
## 562   312.13     276
## 563   317.14     276
## 564   322.15     276
## 565   327.16     276
## 566   332.17     276
## 567   337.18     276
## 568   342.19     276
## 569   347.21     276
## 570   352.22     276
## 571   357.23     276
## 572   362.24     276
## 573   367.25     276
## 574   372.26     276
## 575   377.27     276
## 576   382.28     276
## 577   387.29     276
## 578   392.31     276
## 579   397.32     276
## 580   402.33     276
## 581   407.34     276
## 582   412.35     276
## 583   417.36     276
## 584   422.37     276
## 585   427.38     276
## 586   432.39     276
## 587   437.41     276
## 588   442.42     276
## 589   447.43     276
## 590   452.44     276
## 591   457.45     276
## 592   462.46     276
## 593   467.47     276
## 594   472.48     276
## 595   477.49     276
## 596   482.51     276
## 597   487.52     276
## 598   492.53     276
## 599   497.54     276
## 600   502.55     276
## 601     6.45     291
## 602    11.46     291
## 603    16.47     291
## 604    21.48     291
## 605    26.49     291
## 606    31.51     291
## 607    36.52     291
## 608    41.53     291
## 609    46.54     291
## 610    51.55     291
## 611    56.56     291
## 612    61.57     291
## 613    66.58     291
## 614    71.59     291
## 615    76.61     291
## 616    81.62     291
## 617    86.63     291
## 618    91.64     291
## 619    96.65     291
## 620   101.66     291
## 621   106.67     291
## 622   111.68     291
## 623   116.69     291
## 624   121.71     291
## 625   126.72     291
## 626   131.73     291
## 627   136.74     291
## 628   141.75     291
## 629   146.76     291
## 630   151.77     291
## 631   156.78     291
## 632   161.79     291
## 633   166.81     291
## 634   171.82     291
## 635   176.83     291
## 636   181.84     291
## 637   186.85     291
## 638   191.86     291
## 639   196.87     291
## 640   201.88     291
## 641   206.89     291
## 642   211.91     291
## 643   216.92     291
## 644   221.93     291
## 645   226.94     291
## 646   231.95     291
## 647   236.96     291
## 648   241.97     291
## 649   246.98     291
## 650   251.99     291
## 651   257.01     291
## 652   262.02     291
## 653   267.03     291
## 654   272.04     291
## 655   277.05     291
## 656   282.06     291
## 657   287.07     291
## 658   292.08     291
## 659   297.09     291
## 660   302.11     291
## 661   307.12     291
## 662   312.13     291
## 663   317.14     291
## 664   322.15     291
## 665   327.16     291
## 666   332.17     291
## 667   337.18     291
## 668   342.19     291
## 669   347.21     291
## 670   352.22     291
## 671   357.23     291
## 672   362.24     291
## 673   367.25     291
## 674   372.26     291
## 675   377.27     291
## 676   382.28     291
## 677   387.29     291
## 678   392.31     291
## 679   397.32     291
## 680   402.33     291
## 681   407.34     291
## 682   412.35     291
## 683   417.36     291
## 684   422.37     291
## 685   427.38     291
## 686   432.39     291
## 687   437.41     291
## 688   442.42     291
## 689   447.43     291
## 690   452.44     291
## 691   457.45     291
## 692   462.46     291
## 693   467.47     291
## 694   472.48     291
## 695   477.49     291
## 696   482.51     291
## 697   487.52     291
## 698   492.53     291
## 699   497.54     291
## 700   502.55     291
## 701     6.45     305
## 702    11.46     305
## 703    16.47     305
## 704    21.48     305
## 705    26.49     305
## 706    31.51     305
## 707    36.52     305
## 708    41.53     305
## 709    46.54     305
## 710    51.55     305
## 711    56.56     305
## 712    61.57     305
## 713    66.58     305
## 714    71.59     305
## 715    76.61     305
## 716    81.62     305
## 717    86.63     305
## 718    91.64     305
## 719    96.65     305
## 720   101.66     305
## 721   106.67     305
## 722   111.68     305
## 723   116.69     305
## 724   121.71     305
## 725   126.72     305
## 726   131.73     305
## 727   136.74     305
## 728   141.75     305
## 729   146.76     305
## 730   151.77     305
## 731   156.78     305
## 732   161.79     305
## 733   166.81     305
## 734   171.82     305
## 735   176.83     305
## 736   181.84     305
## 737   186.85     305
## 738   191.86     305
## 739   196.87     305
## 740   201.88     305
## 741   206.89     305
## 742   211.91     305
## 743   216.92     305
## 744   221.93     305
## 745   226.94     305
## 746   231.95     305
## 747   236.96     305
## 748   241.97     305
## 749   246.98     305
## 750   251.99     305
## 751   257.01     305
## 752   262.02     305
## 753   267.03     305
## 754   272.04     305
## 755   277.05     305
## 756   282.06     305
## 757   287.07     305
## 758   292.08     305
## 759   297.09     305
## 760   302.11     305
## 761   307.12     305
## 762   312.13     305
## 763   317.14     305
## 764   322.15     305
## 765   327.16     305
## 766   332.17     305
## 767   337.18     305
## 768   342.19     305
## 769   347.21     305
## 770   352.22     305
## 771   357.23     305
## 772   362.24     305
## 773   367.25     305
## 774   372.26     305
## 775   377.27     305
## 776   382.28     305
## 777   387.29     305
## 778   392.31     305
## 779   397.32     305
## 780   402.33     305
## 781   407.34     305
## 782   412.35     305
## 783   417.36     305
## 784   422.37     305
## 785   427.38     305
## 786   432.39     305
## 787   437.41     305
## 788   442.42     305
## 789   447.43     305
## 790   452.44     305
## 791   457.45     305
## 792   462.46     305
## 793   467.47     305
## 794   472.48     305
## 795   477.49     305
## 796   482.51     305
## 797   487.52     305
## 798   492.53     305
## 799   497.54     305
## 800   502.55     305
## 801     6.45     320
## 802    11.46     320
## 803    16.47     320
## 804    21.48     320
## 805    26.49     320
## 806    31.51     320
## 807    36.52     320
## 808    41.53     320
## 809    46.54     320
## 810    51.55     320
## 811    56.56     320
## 812    61.57     320
## 813    66.58     320
## 814    71.59     320
## 815    76.61     320
## 816    81.62     320
## 817    86.63     320
## 818    91.64     320
## 819    96.65     320
## 820   101.66     320
## 821   106.67     320
## 822   111.68     320
## 823   116.69     320
## 824   121.71     320
## 825   126.72     320
## 826   131.73     320
## 827   136.74     320
## 828   141.75     320
## 829   146.76     320
## 830   151.77     320
## 831   156.78     320
## 832   161.79     320
## 833   166.81     320
## 834   171.82     320
## 835   176.83     320
## 836   181.84     320
## 837   186.85     320
## 838   191.86     320
## 839   196.87     320
## 840   201.88     320
## 841   206.89     320
## 842   211.91     320
## 843   216.92     320
## 844   221.93     320
## 845   226.94     320
## 846   231.95     320
## 847   236.96     320
## 848   241.97     320
## 849   246.98     320
## 850   251.99     320
## 851   257.01     320
## 852   262.02     320
## 853   267.03     320
## 854   272.04     320
## 855   277.05     320
## 856   282.06     320
## 857   287.07     320
## 858   292.08     320
## 859   297.09     320
## 860   302.11     320
## 861   307.12     320
## 862   312.13     320
## 863   317.14     320
## 864   322.15     320
## 865   327.16     320
## 866   332.17     320
## 867   337.18     320
## 868   342.19     320
## 869   347.21     320
## 870   352.22     320
## 871   357.23     320
## 872   362.24     320
## 873   367.25     320
## 874   372.26     320
## 875   377.27     320
## 876   382.28     320
## 877   387.29     320
## 878   392.31     320
## 879   397.32     320
## 880   402.33     320
## 881   407.34     320
## 882   412.35     320
## 883   417.36     320
## 884   422.37     320
## 885   427.38     320
## 886   432.39     320
## 887   437.41     320
## 888   442.42     320
## 889   447.43     320
## 890   452.44     320
## 891   457.45     320
## 892   462.46     320
## 893   467.47     320
## 894   472.48     320
## 895   477.49     320
## 896   482.51     320
## 897   487.52     320
## 898   492.53     320
## 899   497.54     320
## 900   502.55     320
## 901     6.45     334
## 902    11.46     334
## 903    16.47     334
## 904    21.48     334
## 905    26.49     334
## 906    31.51     334
## 907    36.52     334
## 908    41.53     334
## 909    46.54     334
## 910    51.55     334
## 911    56.56     334
## 912    61.57     334
## 913    66.58     334
## 914    71.59     334
## 915    76.61     334
## 916    81.62     334
## 917    86.63     334
## 918    91.64     334
## 919    96.65     334
## 920   101.66     334
## 921   106.67     334
## 922   111.68     334
## 923   116.69     334
## 924   121.71     334
## 925   126.72     334
## 926   131.73     334
## 927   136.74     334
## 928   141.75     334
## 929   146.76     334
## 930   151.77     334
## 931   156.78     334
## 932   161.79     334
## 933   166.81     334
## 934   171.82     334
## 935   176.83     334
## 936   181.84     334
## 937   186.85     334
## 938   191.86     334
## 939   196.87     334
## 940   201.88     334
## 941   206.89     334
## 942   211.91     334
## 943   216.92     334
## 944   221.93     334
## 945   226.94     334
## 946   231.95     334
## 947   236.96     334
## 948   241.97     334
## 949   246.98     334
## 950   251.99     334
## 951   257.01     334
## 952   262.02     334
## 953   267.03     334
## 954   272.04     334
## 955   277.05     334
## 956   282.06     334
## 957   287.07     334
## 958   292.08     334
## 959   297.09     334
## 960   302.11     334
## 961   307.12     334
## 962   312.13     334
## 963   317.14     334
## 964   322.15     334
## 965   327.16     334
## 966   332.17     334
## 967   337.18     334
## 968   342.19     334
## 969   347.21     334
## 970   352.22     334
## 971   357.23     334
## 972   362.24     334
## 973   367.25     334
## 974   372.26     334
## 975   377.27     334
## 976   382.28     334
## 977   387.29     334
## 978   392.31     334
## 979   397.32     334
## 980   402.33     334
## 981   407.34     334
## 982   412.35     334
## 983   417.36     334
## 984   422.37     334
## 985   427.38     334
## 986   432.39     334
## 987   437.41     334
## 988   442.42     334
## 989   447.43     334
## 990   452.44     334
## 991   457.45     334
## 992   462.46     334
## 993   467.47     334
## 994   472.48     334
## 995   477.49     334
## 996   482.51     334
## 997   487.52     334
## 998   492.53     334
## 999   497.54     334
## 1000  502.55     334
## 1001    6.45     348
## 1002   11.46     348
## 1003   16.47     348
## 1004   21.48     348
## 1005   26.49     348
## 1006   31.51     348
## 1007   36.52     348
## 1008   41.53     348
## 1009   46.54     348
## 1010   51.55     348
## 1011   56.56     348
## 1012   61.57     348
## 1013   66.58     348
## 1014   71.59     348
## 1015   76.61     348
## 1016   81.62     348
## 1017   86.63     348
## 1018   91.64     348
## 1019   96.65     348
## 1020  101.66     348
## 1021  106.67     348
## 1022  111.68     348
## 1023  116.69     348
## 1024  121.71     348
## 1025  126.72     348
## 1026  131.73     348
## 1027  136.74     348
## 1028  141.75     348
## 1029  146.76     348
## 1030  151.77     348
## 1031  156.78     348
## 1032  161.79     348
## 1033  166.81     348
## 1034  171.82     348
## 1035  176.83     348
## 1036  181.84     348
## 1037  186.85     348
## 1038  191.86     348
## 1039  196.87     348
## 1040  201.88     348
## 1041  206.89     348
## 1042  211.91     348
## 1043  216.92     348
## 1044  221.93     348
## 1045  226.94     348
## 1046  231.95     348
## 1047  236.96     348
## 1048  241.97     348
## 1049  246.98     348
## 1050  251.99     348
## 1051  257.01     348
## 1052  262.02     348
## 1053  267.03     348
## 1054  272.04     348
## 1055  277.05     348
## 1056  282.06     348
## 1057  287.07     348
## 1058  292.08     348
## 1059  297.09     348
## 1060  302.11     348
## 1061  307.12     348
## 1062  312.13     348
## 1063  317.14     348
## 1064  322.15     348
## 1065  327.16     348
## 1066  332.17     348
## 1067  337.18     348
## 1068  342.19     348
## 1069  347.21     348
## 1070  352.22     348
## 1071  357.23     348
## 1072  362.24     348
## 1073  367.25     348
## 1074  372.26     348
## 1075  377.27     348
## 1076  382.28     348
## 1077  387.29     348
## 1078  392.31     348
## 1079  397.32     348
## 1080  402.33     348
## 1081  407.34     348
## 1082  412.35     348
## 1083  417.36     348
## 1084  422.37     348
## 1085  427.38     348
## 1086  432.39     348
## 1087  437.41     348
## 1088  442.42     348
## 1089  447.43     348
## 1090  452.44     348
## 1091  457.45     348
## 1092  462.46     348
## 1093  467.47     348
## 1094  472.48     348
## 1095  477.49     348
## 1096  482.51     348
## 1097  487.52     348
## 1098  492.53     348
## 1099  497.54     348
## 1100  502.55     348
## 1101    6.45     363
## 1102   11.46     363
## 1103   16.47     363
## 1104   21.48     363
## 1105   26.49     363
## 1106   31.51     363
## 1107   36.52     363
## 1108   41.53     363
## 1109   46.54     363
## 1110   51.55     363
## 1111   56.56     363
## 1112   61.57     363
## 1113   66.58     363
## 1114   71.59     363
## 1115   76.61     363
## 1116   81.62     363
## 1117   86.63     363
## 1118   91.64     363
## 1119   96.65     363
## 1120  101.66     363
## 1121  106.67     363
## 1122  111.68     363
## 1123  116.69     363
## 1124  121.71     363
## 1125  126.72     363
## 1126  131.73     363
## 1127  136.74     363
## 1128  141.75     363
## 1129  146.76     363
## 1130  151.77     363
## 1131  156.78     363
## 1132  161.79     363
## 1133  166.81     363
## 1134  171.82     363
## 1135  176.83     363
## 1136  181.84     363
## 1137  186.85     363
## 1138  191.86     363
## 1139  196.87     363
## 1140  201.88     363
## 1141  206.89     363
## 1142  211.91     363
## 1143  216.92     363
## 1144  221.93     363
## 1145  226.94     363
## 1146  231.95     363
## 1147  236.96     363
## 1148  241.97     363
## 1149  246.98     363
## 1150  251.99     363
## 1151  257.01     363
## 1152  262.02     363
## 1153  267.03     363
## 1154  272.04     363
## 1155  277.05     363
## 1156  282.06     363
## 1157  287.07     363
## 1158  292.08     363
## 1159  297.09     363
## 1160  302.11     363
## 1161  307.12     363
## 1162  312.13     363
## 1163  317.14     363
## 1164  322.15     363
## 1165  327.16     363
## 1166  332.17     363
## 1167  337.18     363
## 1168  342.19     363
## 1169  347.21     363
## 1170  352.22     363
## 1171  357.23     363
## 1172  362.24     363
## 1173  367.25     363
## 1174  372.26     363
## 1175  377.27     363
## 1176  382.28     363
## 1177  387.29     363
## 1178  392.31     363
## 1179  397.32     363
## 1180  402.33     363
## 1181  407.34     363
## 1182  412.35     363
## 1183  417.36     363
## 1184  422.37     363
## 1185  427.38     363
## 1186  432.39     363
## 1187  437.41     363
## 1188  442.42     363
## 1189  447.43     363
## 1190  452.44     363
## 1191  457.45     363
## 1192  462.46     363
## 1193  467.47     363
## 1194  472.48     363
## 1195  477.49     363
## 1196  482.51     363
## 1197  487.52     363
## 1198  492.53     363
## 1199  497.54     363
## 1200  502.55     363
## 1201    6.45     377
## 1202   11.46     377
## 1203   16.47     377
## 1204   21.48     377
## 1205   26.49     377
## 1206   31.51     377
## 1207   36.52     377
## 1208   41.53     377
## 1209   46.54     377
## 1210   51.55     377
## 1211   56.56     377
## 1212   61.57     377
## 1213   66.58     377
## 1214   71.59     377
## 1215   76.61     377
## 1216   81.62     377
## 1217   86.63     377
## 1218   91.64     377
## 1219   96.65     377
## 1220  101.66     377
## 1221  106.67     377
## 1222  111.68     377
## 1223  116.69     377
## 1224  121.71     377
## 1225  126.72     377
## 1226  131.73     377
## 1227  136.74     377
## 1228  141.75     377
## 1229  146.76     377
## 1230  151.77     377
## 1231  156.78     377
## 1232  161.79     377
## 1233  166.81     377
## 1234  171.82     377
## 1235  176.83     377
## 1236  181.84     377
## 1237  186.85     377
## 1238  191.86     377
## 1239  196.87     377
## 1240  201.88     377
## 1241  206.89     377
## 1242  211.91     377
## 1243  216.92     377
## 1244  221.93     377
## 1245  226.94     377
## 1246  231.95     377
## 1247  236.96     377
## 1248  241.97     377
## 1249  246.98     377
## 1250  251.99     377
## 1251  257.01     377
## 1252  262.02     377
## 1253  267.03     377
## 1254  272.04     377
## 1255  277.05     377
## 1256  282.06     377
## 1257  287.07     377
## 1258  292.08     377
## 1259  297.09     377
## 1260  302.11     377
## 1261  307.12     377
## 1262  312.13     377
## 1263  317.14     377
## 1264  322.15     377
## 1265  327.16     377
## 1266  332.17     377
## 1267  337.18     377
## 1268  342.19     377
## 1269  347.21     377
## 1270  352.22     377
## 1271  357.23     377
## 1272  362.24     377
## 1273  367.25     377
## 1274  372.26     377
## 1275  377.27     377
## 1276  382.28     377
## 1277  387.29     377
## 1278  392.31     377
## 1279  397.32     377
## 1280  402.33     377
## 1281  407.34     377
## 1282  412.35     377
## 1283  417.36     377
## 1284  422.37     377
## 1285  427.38     377
## 1286  432.39     377
## 1287  437.41     377
## 1288  442.42     377
## 1289  447.43     377
## 1290  452.44     377
## 1291  457.45     377
## 1292  462.46     377
## 1293  467.47     377
## 1294  472.48     377
## 1295  477.49     377
## 1296  482.51     377
## 1297  487.52     377
## 1298  492.53     377
## 1299  497.54     377
## 1300  502.55     377
## 1301    6.45     392
## 1302   11.46     392
## 1303   16.47     392
## 1304   21.48     392
## 1305   26.49     392
## 1306   31.51     392
## 1307   36.52     392
## 1308   41.53     392
## 1309   46.54     392
## 1310   51.55     392
## 1311   56.56     392
## 1312   61.57     392
## 1313   66.58     392
## 1314   71.59     392
## 1315   76.61     392
## 1316   81.62     392
## 1317   86.63     392
## 1318   91.64     392
## 1319   96.65     392
## 1320  101.66     392
## 1321  106.67     392
## 1322  111.68     392
## 1323  116.69     392
## 1324  121.71     392
## 1325  126.72     392
## 1326  131.73     392
## 1327  136.74     392
## 1328  141.75     392
## 1329  146.76     392
## 1330  151.77     392
## 1331  156.78     392
## 1332  161.79     392
## 1333  166.81     392
## 1334  171.82     392
## 1335  176.83     392
## 1336  181.84     392
## 1337  186.85     392
## 1338  191.86     392
## 1339  196.87     392
## 1340  201.88     392
## 1341  206.89     392
## 1342  211.91     392
## 1343  216.92     392
## 1344  221.93     392
## 1345  226.94     392
## 1346  231.95     392
## 1347  236.96     392
## 1348  241.97     392
## 1349  246.98     392
## 1350  251.99     392
## 1351  257.01     392
## 1352  262.02     392
## 1353  267.03     392
## 1354  272.04     392
## 1355  277.05     392
## 1356  282.06     392
## 1357  287.07     392
## 1358  292.08     392
## 1359  297.09     392
## 1360  302.11     392
## 1361  307.12     392
## 1362  312.13     392
## 1363  317.14     392
## 1364  322.15     392
## 1365  327.16     392
## 1366  332.17     392
## 1367  337.18     392
## 1368  342.19     392
## 1369  347.21     392
## 1370  352.22     392
## 1371  357.23     392
## 1372  362.24     392
## 1373  367.25     392
## 1374  372.26     392
## 1375  377.27     392
## 1376  382.28     392
## 1377  387.29     392
## 1378  392.31     392
## 1379  397.32     392
## 1380  402.33     392
## 1381  407.34     392
## 1382  412.35     392
## 1383  417.36     392
## 1384  422.37     392
## 1385  427.38     392
## 1386  432.39     392
## 1387  437.41     392
## 1388  442.42     392
## 1389  447.43     392
## 1390  452.44     392
## 1391  457.45     392
## 1392  462.46     392
## 1393  467.47     392
## 1394  472.48     392
## 1395  477.49     392
## 1396  482.51     392
## 1397  487.52     392
## 1398  492.53     392
## 1399  497.54     392
## 1400  502.55     392
## 1401    6.45     406
## 1402   11.46     406
## 1403   16.47     406
## 1404   21.48     406
## 1405   26.49     406
## 1406   31.51     406
## 1407   36.52     406
## 1408   41.53     406
## 1409   46.54     406
## 1410   51.55     406
## 1411   56.56     406
## 1412   61.57     406
## 1413   66.58     406
## 1414   71.59     406
## 1415   76.61     406
## 1416   81.62     406
## 1417   86.63     406
## 1418   91.64     406
## 1419   96.65     406
## 1420  101.66     406
## 1421  106.67     406
## 1422  111.68     406
## 1423  116.69     406
## 1424  121.71     406
## 1425  126.72     406
## 1426  131.73     406
## 1427  136.74     406
## 1428  141.75     406
## 1429  146.76     406
## 1430  151.77     406
## 1431  156.78     406
## 1432  161.79     406
## 1433  166.81     406
## 1434  171.82     406
## 1435  176.83     406
## 1436  181.84     406
## 1437  186.85     406
## 1438  191.86     406
## 1439  196.87     406
## 1440  201.88     406
## 1441  206.89     406
## 1442  211.91     406
## 1443  216.92     406
## 1444  221.93     406
## 1445  226.94     406
## 1446  231.95     406
## 1447  236.96     406
## 1448  241.97     406
## 1449  246.98     406
## 1450  251.99     406
## 1451  257.01     406
## 1452  262.02     406
## 1453  267.03     406
## 1454  272.04     406
## 1455  277.05     406
## 1456  282.06     406
## 1457  287.07     406
## 1458  292.08     406
## 1459  297.09     406
## 1460  302.11     406
## 1461  307.12     406
## 1462  312.13     406
## 1463  317.14     406
## 1464  322.15     406
## 1465  327.16     406
## 1466  332.17     406
## 1467  337.18     406
## 1468  342.19     406
## 1469  347.21     406
## 1470  352.22     406
## 1471  357.23     406
## 1472  362.24     406
## 1473  367.25     406
## 1474  372.26     406
## 1475  377.27     406
## 1476  382.28     406
## 1477  387.29     406
## 1478  392.31     406
## 1479  397.32     406
## 1480  402.33     406
## 1481  407.34     406
## 1482  412.35     406
## 1483  417.36     406
## 1484  422.37     406
## 1485  427.38     406
## 1486  432.39     406
## 1487  437.41     406
## 1488  442.42     406
## 1489  447.43     406
## 1490  452.44     406
## 1491  457.45     406
## 1492  462.46     406
## 1493  467.47     406
## 1494  472.48     406
## 1495  477.49     406
## 1496  482.51     406
## 1497  487.52     406
## 1498  492.53     406
## 1499  497.54     406
## 1500  502.55     406
## 1501    6.45     421
## 1502   11.46     421
## 1503   16.47     421
## 1504   21.48     421
## 1505   26.49     421
## 1506   31.51     421
## 1507   36.52     421
## 1508   41.53     421
## 1509   46.54     421
## 1510   51.55     421
## 1511   56.56     421
## 1512   61.57     421
## 1513   66.58     421
## 1514   71.59     421
## 1515   76.61     421
## 1516   81.62     421
## 1517   86.63     421
## 1518   91.64     421
## 1519   96.65     421
## 1520  101.66     421
## 1521  106.67     421
## 1522  111.68     421
## 1523  116.69     421
## 1524  121.71     421
## 1525  126.72     421
## 1526  131.73     421
## 1527  136.74     421
## 1528  141.75     421
## 1529  146.76     421
## 1530  151.77     421
## 1531  156.78     421
## 1532  161.79     421
## 1533  166.81     421
## 1534  171.82     421
## 1535  176.83     421
## 1536  181.84     421
## 1537  186.85     421
## 1538  191.86     421
## 1539  196.87     421
## 1540  201.88     421
## 1541  206.89     421
## 1542  211.91     421
## 1543  216.92     421
## 1544  221.93     421
## 1545  226.94     421
## 1546  231.95     421
## 1547  236.96     421
## 1548  241.97     421
## 1549  246.98     421
## 1550  251.99     421
## 1551  257.01     421
## 1552  262.02     421
## 1553  267.03     421
## 1554  272.04     421
## 1555  277.05     421
## 1556  282.06     421
## 1557  287.07     421
## 1558  292.08     421
## 1559  297.09     421
## 1560  302.11     421
## 1561  307.12     421
## 1562  312.13     421
## 1563  317.14     421
## 1564  322.15     421
## 1565  327.16     421
## 1566  332.17     421
## 1567  337.18     421
## 1568  342.19     421
## 1569  347.21     421
## 1570  352.22     421
## 1571  357.23     421
## 1572  362.24     421
## 1573  367.25     421
## 1574  372.26     421
## 1575  377.27     421
## 1576  382.28     421
## 1577  387.29     421
## 1578  392.31     421
## 1579  397.32     421
## 1580  402.33     421
## 1581  407.34     421
## 1582  412.35     421
## 1583  417.36     421
## 1584  422.37     421
## 1585  427.38     421
## 1586  432.39     421
## 1587  437.41     421
## 1588  442.42     421
## 1589  447.43     421
## 1590  452.44     421
## 1591  457.45     421
## 1592  462.46     421
## 1593  467.47     421
## 1594  472.48     421
## 1595  477.49     421
## 1596  482.51     421
## 1597  487.52     421
## 1598  492.53     421
## 1599  497.54     421
## 1600  502.55     421
## 1601    6.45     435
## 1602   11.46     435
## 1603   16.47     435
## 1604   21.48     435
## 1605   26.49     435
## 1606   31.51     435
## 1607   36.52     435
## 1608   41.53     435
## 1609   46.54     435
## 1610   51.55     435
## 1611   56.56     435
## 1612   61.57     435
## 1613   66.58     435
## 1614   71.59     435
## 1615   76.61     435
## 1616   81.62     435
## 1617   86.63     435
## 1618   91.64     435
## 1619   96.65     435
## 1620  101.66     435
## 1621  106.67     435
## 1622  111.68     435
## 1623  116.69     435
## 1624  121.71     435
## 1625  126.72     435
## 1626  131.73     435
## 1627  136.74     435
## 1628  141.75     435
## 1629  146.76     435
## 1630  151.77     435
## 1631  156.78     435
## 1632  161.79     435
## 1633  166.81     435
## 1634  171.82     435
## 1635  176.83     435
## 1636  181.84     435
## 1637  186.85     435
## 1638  191.86     435
## 1639  196.87     435
## 1640  201.88     435
## 1641  206.89     435
## 1642  211.91     435
## 1643  216.92     435
## 1644  221.93     435
## 1645  226.94     435
## 1646  231.95     435
## 1647  236.96     435
## 1648  241.97     435
## 1649  246.98     435
## 1650  251.99     435
## 1651  257.01     435
## 1652  262.02     435
## 1653  267.03     435
## 1654  272.04     435
## 1655  277.05     435
## 1656  282.06     435
## 1657  287.07     435
## 1658  292.08     435
## 1659  297.09     435
## 1660  302.11     435
## 1661  307.12     435
## 1662  312.13     435
## 1663  317.14     435
## 1664  322.15     435
## 1665  327.16     435
## 1666  332.17     435
## 1667  337.18     435
## 1668  342.19     435
## 1669  347.21     435
## 1670  352.22     435
## 1671  357.23     435
## 1672  362.24     435
## 1673  367.25     435
## 1674  372.26     435
## 1675  377.27     435
## 1676  382.28     435
## 1677  387.29     435
## 1678  392.31     435
## 1679  397.32     435
## 1680  402.33     435
## 1681  407.34     435
## 1682  412.35     435
## 1683  417.36     435
## 1684  422.37     435
## 1685  427.38     435
## 1686  432.39     435
## 1687  437.41     435
## 1688  442.42     435
## 1689  447.43     435
## 1690  452.44     435
## 1691  457.45     435
## 1692  462.46     435
## 1693  467.47     435
## 1694  472.48     435
## 1695  477.49     435
## 1696  482.51     435
## 1697  487.52     435
## 1698  492.53     435
## 1699  497.54     435
## 1700  502.55     435
## 1701    6.45     449
## 1702   11.46     449
## 1703   16.47     449
## 1704   21.48     449
## 1705   26.49     449
## 1706   31.51     449
## 1707   36.52     449
## 1708   41.53     449
## 1709   46.54     449
## 1710   51.55     449
## 1711   56.56     449
## 1712   61.57     449
## 1713   66.58     449
## 1714   71.59     449
## 1715   76.61     449
## 1716   81.62     449
## 1717   86.63     449
## 1718   91.64     449
## 1719   96.65     449
## 1720  101.66     449
## 1721  106.67     449
## 1722  111.68     449
## 1723  116.69     449
## 1724  121.71     449
## 1725  126.72     449
## 1726  131.73     449
## 1727  136.74     449
## 1728  141.75     449
## 1729  146.76     449
## 1730  151.77     449
## 1731  156.78     449
## 1732  161.79     449
## 1733  166.81     449
## 1734  171.82     449
## 1735  176.83     449
## 1736  181.84     449
## 1737  186.85     449
## 1738  191.86     449
## 1739  196.87     449
## 1740  201.88     449
## 1741  206.89     449
## 1742  211.91     449
## 1743  216.92     449
## 1744  221.93     449
## 1745  226.94     449
## 1746  231.95     449
## 1747  236.96     449
## 1748  241.97     449
## 1749  246.98     449
## 1750  251.99     449
## 1751  257.01     449
## 1752  262.02     449
## 1753  267.03     449
## 1754  272.04     449
## 1755  277.05     449
## 1756  282.06     449
## 1757  287.07     449
## 1758  292.08     449
## 1759  297.09     449
## 1760  302.11     449
## 1761  307.12     449
## 1762  312.13     449
## 1763  317.14     449
## 1764  322.15     449
## 1765  327.16     449
## 1766  332.17     449
## 1767  337.18     449
## 1768  342.19     449
## 1769  347.21     449
## 1770  352.22     449
## 1771  357.23     449
## 1772  362.24     449
## 1773  367.25     449
## 1774  372.26     449
## 1775  377.27     449
## 1776  382.28     449
## 1777  387.29     449
## 1778  392.31     449
## 1779  397.32     449
## 1780  402.33     449
## 1781  407.34     449
## 1782  412.35     449
## 1783  417.36     449
## 1784  422.37     449
## 1785  427.38     449
## 1786  432.39     449
## 1787  437.41     449
## 1788  442.42     449
## 1789  447.43     449
## 1790  452.44     449
## 1791  457.45     449
## 1792  462.46     449
## 1793  467.47     449
## 1794  472.48     449
## 1795  477.49     449
## 1796  482.51     449
## 1797  487.52     449
## 1798  492.53     449
## 1799  497.54     449
## 1800  502.55     449
## 1801    6.45     464
## 1802   11.46     464
## 1803   16.47     464
## 1804   21.48     464
## 1805   26.49     464
## 1806   31.51     464
## 1807   36.52     464
## 1808   41.53     464
## 1809   46.54     464
## 1810   51.55     464
## 1811   56.56     464
## 1812   61.57     464
## 1813   66.58     464
## 1814   71.59     464
## 1815   76.61     464
## 1816   81.62     464
## 1817   86.63     464
## 1818   91.64     464
## 1819   96.65     464
## 1820  101.66     464
## 1821  106.67     464
## 1822  111.68     464
## 1823  116.69     464
## 1824  121.71     464
## 1825  126.72     464
## 1826  131.73     464
## 1827  136.74     464
## 1828  141.75     464
## 1829  146.76     464
## 1830  151.77     464
## 1831  156.78     464
## 1832  161.79     464
## 1833  166.81     464
## 1834  171.82     464
## 1835  176.83     464
## 1836  181.84     464
## 1837  186.85     464
## 1838  191.86     464
## 1839  196.87     464
## 1840  201.88     464
## 1841  206.89     464
## 1842  211.91     464
## 1843  216.92     464
## 1844  221.93     464
## 1845  226.94     464
## 1846  231.95     464
## 1847  236.96     464
## 1848  241.97     464
## 1849  246.98     464
## 1850  251.99     464
## 1851  257.01     464
## 1852  262.02     464
## 1853  267.03     464
## 1854  272.04     464
## 1855  277.05     464
## 1856  282.06     464
## 1857  287.07     464
## 1858  292.08     464
## 1859  297.09     464
## 1860  302.11     464
## 1861  307.12     464
## 1862  312.13     464
## 1863  317.14     464
## 1864  322.15     464
## 1865  327.16     464
## 1866  332.17     464
## 1867  337.18     464
## 1868  342.19     464
## 1869  347.21     464
## 1870  352.22     464
## 1871  357.23     464
## 1872  362.24     464
## 1873  367.25     464
## 1874  372.26     464
## 1875  377.27     464
## 1876  382.28     464
## 1877  387.29     464
## 1878  392.31     464
## 1879  397.32     464
## 1880  402.33     464
## 1881  407.34     464
## 1882  412.35     464
## 1883  417.36     464
## 1884  422.37     464
## 1885  427.38     464
## 1886  432.39     464
## 1887  437.41     464
## 1888  442.42     464
## 1889  447.43     464
## 1890  452.44     464
## 1891  457.45     464
## 1892  462.46     464
## 1893  467.47     464
## 1894  472.48     464
## 1895  477.49     464
## 1896  482.51     464
## 1897  487.52     464
## 1898  492.53     464
## 1899  497.54     464
## 1900  502.55     464
## 1901    6.45     478
## 1902   11.46     478
## 1903   16.47     478
## 1904   21.48     478
## 1905   26.49     478
## 1906   31.51     478
## 1907   36.52     478
## 1908   41.53     478
## 1909   46.54     478
## 1910   51.55     478
## 1911   56.56     478
## 1912   61.57     478
## 1913   66.58     478
## 1914   71.59     478
## 1915   76.61     478
## 1916   81.62     478
## 1917   86.63     478
## 1918   91.64     478
## 1919   96.65     478
## 1920  101.66     478
## 1921  106.67     478
## 1922  111.68     478
## 1923  116.69     478
## 1924  121.71     478
## 1925  126.72     478
## 1926  131.73     478
## 1927  136.74     478
## 1928  141.75     478
## 1929  146.76     478
## 1930  151.77     478
## 1931  156.78     478
## 1932  161.79     478
## 1933  166.81     478
## 1934  171.82     478
## 1935  176.83     478
## 1936  181.84     478
## 1937  186.85     478
## 1938  191.86     478
## 1939  196.87     478
## 1940  201.88     478
## 1941  206.89     478
## 1942  211.91     478
## 1943  216.92     478
## 1944  221.93     478
## 1945  226.94     478
## 1946  231.95     478
## 1947  236.96     478
## 1948  241.97     478
## 1949  246.98     478
## 1950  251.99     478
## 1951  257.01     478
## 1952  262.02     478
## 1953  267.03     478
## 1954  272.04     478
## 1955  277.05     478
## 1956  282.06     478
## 1957  287.07     478
## 1958  292.08     478
## 1959  297.09     478
## 1960  302.11     478
## 1961  307.12     478
## 1962  312.13     478
## 1963  317.14     478
## 1964  322.15     478
## 1965  327.16     478
## 1966  332.17     478
## 1967  337.18     478
## 1968  342.19     478
## 1969  347.21     478
## 1970  352.22     478
## 1971  357.23     478
## 1972  362.24     478
## 1973  367.25     478
## 1974  372.26     478
## 1975  377.27     478
## 1976  382.28     478
## 1977  387.29     478
## 1978  392.31     478
## 1979  397.32     478
## 1980  402.33     478
## 1981  407.34     478
## 1982  412.35     478
## 1983  417.36     478
## 1984  422.37     478
## 1985  427.38     478
## 1986  432.39     478
## 1987  437.41     478
## 1988  442.42     478
## 1989  447.43     478
## 1990  452.44     478
## 1991  457.45     478
## 1992  462.46     478
## 1993  467.47     478
## 1994  472.48     478
## 1995  477.49     478
## 1996  482.51     478
## 1997  487.52     478
## 1998  492.53     478
## 1999  497.54     478
## 2000  502.55     478
## 2001    6.45     493
## 2002   11.46     493
## 2003   16.47     493
## 2004   21.48     493
## 2005   26.49     493
## 2006   31.51     493
## 2007   36.52     493
## 2008   41.53     493
## 2009   46.54     493
## 2010   51.55     493
## 2011   56.56     493
## 2012   61.57     493
## 2013   66.58     493
## 2014   71.59     493
## 2015   76.61     493
## 2016   81.62     493
## 2017   86.63     493
## 2018   91.64     493
## 2019   96.65     493
## 2020  101.66     493
## 2021  106.67     493
## 2022  111.68     493
## 2023  116.69     493
## 2024  121.71     493
## 2025  126.72     493
## 2026  131.73     493
## 2027  136.74     493
## 2028  141.75     493
## 2029  146.76     493
## 2030  151.77     493
## 2031  156.78     493
## 2032  161.79     493
## 2033  166.81     493
## 2034  171.82     493
## 2035  176.83     493
## 2036  181.84     493
## 2037  186.85     493
## 2038  191.86     493
## 2039  196.87     493
## 2040  201.88     493
## 2041  206.89     493
## 2042  211.91     493
## 2043  216.92     493
## 2044  221.93     493
## 2045  226.94     493
## 2046  231.95     493
## 2047  236.96     493
## 2048  241.97     493
## 2049  246.98     493
## 2050  251.99     493
## 2051  257.01     493
## 2052  262.02     493
## 2053  267.03     493
## 2054  272.04     493
## 2055  277.05     493
## 2056  282.06     493
## 2057  287.07     493
## 2058  292.08     493
## 2059  297.09     493
## 2060  302.11     493
## 2061  307.12     493
## 2062  312.13     493
## 2063  317.14     493
## 2064  322.15     493
## 2065  327.16     493
## 2066  332.17     493
## 2067  337.18     493
## 2068  342.19     493
## 2069  347.21     493
## 2070  352.22     493
## 2071  357.23     493
## 2072  362.24     493
## 2073  367.25     493
## 2074  372.26     493
## 2075  377.27     493
## 2076  382.28     493
## 2077  387.29     493
## 2078  392.31     493
## 2079  397.32     493
## 2080  402.33     493
## 2081  407.34     493
## 2082  412.35     493
## 2083  417.36     493
## 2084  422.37     493
## 2085  427.38     493
## 2086  432.39     493
## 2087  437.41     493
## 2088  442.42     493
## 2089  447.43     493
## 2090  452.44     493
## 2091  457.45     493
## 2092  462.46     493
## 2093  467.47     493
## 2094  472.48     493
## 2095  477.49     493
## 2096  482.51     493
## 2097  487.52     493
## 2098  492.53     493
## 2099  497.54     493
## 2100  502.55     493
## 2101    6.45     507
## 2102   11.46     507
## 2103   16.47     507
## 2104   21.48     507
## 2105   26.49     507
## 2106   31.51     507
## 2107   36.52     507
## 2108   41.53     507
## 2109   46.54     507
## 2110   51.55     507
## 2111   56.56     507
## 2112   61.57     507
## 2113   66.58     507
## 2114   71.59     507
## 2115   76.61     507
## 2116   81.62     507
## 2117   86.63     507
## 2118   91.64     507
## 2119   96.65     507
## 2120  101.66     507
## 2121  106.67     507
## 2122  111.68     507
## 2123  116.69     507
## 2124  121.71     507
## 2125  126.72     507
## 2126  131.73     507
## 2127  136.74     507
## 2128  141.75     507
## 2129  146.76     507
## 2130  151.77     507
## 2131  156.78     507
## 2132  161.79     507
## 2133  166.81     507
## 2134  171.82     507
## 2135  176.83     507
## 2136  181.84     507
## 2137  186.85     507
## 2138  191.86     507
## 2139  196.87     507
## 2140  201.88     507
## 2141  206.89     507
## 2142  211.91     507
## 2143  216.92     507
## 2144  221.93     507
## 2145  226.94     507
## 2146  231.95     507
## 2147  236.96     507
## 2148  241.97     507
## 2149  246.98     507
## 2150  251.99     507
## 2151  257.01     507
## 2152  262.02     507
## 2153  267.03     507
## 2154  272.04     507
## 2155  277.05     507
## 2156  282.06     507
## 2157  287.07     507
## 2158  292.08     507
## 2159  297.09     507
## 2160  302.11     507
## 2161  307.12     507
## 2162  312.13     507
## 2163  317.14     507
## 2164  322.15     507
## 2165  327.16     507
## 2166  332.17     507
## 2167  337.18     507
## 2168  342.19     507
## 2169  347.21     507
## 2170  352.22     507
## 2171  357.23     507
## 2172  362.24     507
## 2173  367.25     507
## 2174  372.26     507
## 2175  377.27     507
## 2176  382.28     507
## 2177  387.29     507
## 2178  392.31     507
## 2179  397.32     507
## 2180  402.33     507
## 2181  407.34     507
## 2182  412.35     507
## 2183  417.36     507
## 2184  422.37     507
## 2185  427.38     507
## 2186  432.39     507
## 2187  437.41     507
## 2188  442.42     507
## 2189  447.43     507
## 2190  452.44     507
## 2191  457.45     507
## 2192  462.46     507
## 2193  467.47     507
## 2194  472.48     507
## 2195  477.49     507
## 2196  482.51     507
## 2197  487.52     507
## 2198  492.53     507
## 2199  497.54     507
## 2200  502.55     507
## 2201    6.45     522
## 2202   11.46     522
## 2203   16.47     522
## 2204   21.48     522
## 2205   26.49     522
## 2206   31.51     522
## 2207   36.52     522
## 2208   41.53     522
## 2209   46.54     522
## 2210   51.55     522
## 2211   56.56     522
## 2212   61.57     522
## 2213   66.58     522
## 2214   71.59     522
## 2215   76.61     522
## 2216   81.62     522
## 2217   86.63     522
## 2218   91.64     522
## 2219   96.65     522
## 2220  101.66     522
## 2221  106.67     522
## 2222  111.68     522
## 2223  116.69     522
## 2224  121.71     522
## 2225  126.72     522
## 2226  131.73     522
## 2227  136.74     522
## 2228  141.75     522
## 2229  146.76     522
## 2230  151.77     522
## 2231  156.78     522
## 2232  161.79     522
## 2233  166.81     522
## 2234  171.82     522
## 2235  176.83     522
## 2236  181.84     522
## 2237  186.85     522
## 2238  191.86     522
## 2239  196.87     522
## 2240  201.88     522
## 2241  206.89     522
## 2242  211.91     522
## 2243  216.92     522
## 2244  221.93     522
## 2245  226.94     522
## 2246  231.95     522
## 2247  236.96     522
## 2248  241.97     522
## 2249  246.98     522
## 2250  251.99     522
## 2251  257.01     522
## 2252  262.02     522
## 2253  267.03     522
## 2254  272.04     522
## 2255  277.05     522
## 2256  282.06     522
## 2257  287.07     522
## 2258  292.08     522
## 2259  297.09     522
## 2260  302.11     522
## 2261  307.12     522
## 2262  312.13     522
## 2263  317.14     522
## 2264  322.15     522
## 2265  327.16     522
## 2266  332.17     522
## 2267  337.18     522
## 2268  342.19     522
## 2269  347.21     522
## 2270  352.22     522
## 2271  357.23     522
## 2272  362.24     522
## 2273  367.25     522
## 2274  372.26     522
## 2275  377.27     522
## 2276  382.28     522
## 2277  387.29     522
## 2278  392.31     522
## 2279  397.32     522
## 2280  402.33     522
## 2281  407.34     522
## 2282  412.35     522
## 2283  417.36     522
## 2284  422.37     522
## 2285  427.38     522
## 2286  432.39     522
## 2287  437.41     522
## 2288  442.42     522
## 2289  447.43     522
## 2290  452.44     522
## 2291  457.45     522
## 2292  462.46     522
## 2293  467.47     522
## 2294  472.48     522
## 2295  477.49     522
## 2296  482.51     522
## 2297  487.52     522
## 2298  492.53     522
## 2299  497.54     522
## 2300  502.55     522
## 2301    6.45     536
## 2302   11.46     536
## 2303   16.47     536
## 2304   21.48     536
## 2305   26.49     536
## 2306   31.51     536
## 2307   36.52     536
## 2308   41.53     536
## 2309   46.54     536
## 2310   51.55     536
## 2311   56.56     536
## 2312   61.57     536
## 2313   66.58     536
## 2314   71.59     536
## 2315   76.61     536
## 2316   81.62     536
## 2317   86.63     536
## 2318   91.64     536
## 2319   96.65     536
## 2320  101.66     536
## 2321  106.67     536
## 2322  111.68     536
## 2323  116.69     536
## 2324  121.71     536
## 2325  126.72     536
## 2326  131.73     536
## 2327  136.74     536
## 2328  141.75     536
## 2329  146.76     536
## 2330  151.77     536
## 2331  156.78     536
## 2332  161.79     536
## 2333  166.81     536
## 2334  171.82     536
## 2335  176.83     536
## 2336  181.84     536
## 2337  186.85     536
## 2338  191.86     536
## 2339  196.87     536
## 2340  201.88     536
## 2341  206.89     536
## 2342  211.91     536
## 2343  216.92     536
## 2344  221.93     536
## 2345  226.94     536
## 2346  231.95     536
## 2347  236.96     536
## 2348  241.97     536
## 2349  246.98     536
## 2350  251.99     536
## 2351  257.01     536
## 2352  262.02     536
## 2353  267.03     536
## 2354  272.04     536
## 2355  277.05     536
## 2356  282.06     536
## 2357  287.07     536
## 2358  292.08     536
## 2359  297.09     536
## 2360  302.11     536
## 2361  307.12     536
## 2362  312.13     536
## 2363  317.14     536
## 2364  322.15     536
## 2365  327.16     536
## 2366  332.17     536
## 2367  337.18     536
## 2368  342.19     536
## 2369  347.21     536
## 2370  352.22     536
## 2371  357.23     536
## 2372  362.24     536
## 2373  367.25     536
## 2374  372.26     536
## 2375  377.27     536
## 2376  382.28     536
## 2377  387.29     536
## 2378  392.31     536
## 2379  397.32     536
## 2380  402.33     536
## 2381  407.34     536
## 2382  412.35     536
## 2383  417.36     536
## 2384  422.37     536
## 2385  427.38     536
## 2386  432.39     536
## 2387  437.41     536
## 2388  442.42     536
## 2389  447.43     536
## 2390  452.44     536
## 2391  457.45     536
## 2392  462.46     536
## 2393  467.47     536
## 2394  472.48     536
## 2395  477.49     536
## 2396  482.51     536
## 2397  487.52     536
## 2398  492.53     536
## 2399  497.54     536
## 2400  502.55     536
## 2401    6.45     550
## 2402   11.46     550
## 2403   16.47     550
## 2404   21.48     550
## 2405   26.49     550
## 2406   31.51     550
## 2407   36.52     550
## 2408   41.53     550
## 2409   46.54     550
## 2410   51.55     550
## 2411   56.56     550
## 2412   61.57     550
## 2413   66.58     550
## 2414   71.59     550
## 2415   76.61     550
## 2416   81.62     550
## 2417   86.63     550
## 2418   91.64     550
## 2419   96.65     550
## 2420  101.66     550
## 2421  106.67     550
## 2422  111.68     550
## 2423  116.69     550
## 2424  121.71     550
## 2425  126.72     550
## 2426  131.73     550
## 2427  136.74     550
## 2428  141.75     550
## 2429  146.76     550
## 2430  151.77     550
## 2431  156.78     550
## 2432  161.79     550
## 2433  166.81     550
## 2434  171.82     550
## 2435  176.83     550
## 2436  181.84     550
## 2437  186.85     550
## 2438  191.86     550
## 2439  196.87     550
## 2440  201.88     550
## 2441  206.89     550
## 2442  211.91     550
## 2443  216.92     550
## 2444  221.93     550
## 2445  226.94     550
## 2446  231.95     550
## 2447  236.96     550
## 2448  241.97     550
## 2449  246.98     550
## 2450  251.99     550
## 2451  257.01     550
## 2452  262.02     550
## 2453  267.03     550
## 2454  272.04     550
## 2455  277.05     550
## 2456  282.06     550
## 2457  287.07     550
## 2458  292.08     550
## 2459  297.09     550
## 2460  302.11     550
## 2461  307.12     550
## 2462  312.13     550
## 2463  317.14     550
## 2464  322.15     550
## 2465  327.16     550
## 2466  332.17     550
## 2467  337.18     550
## 2468  342.19     550
## 2469  347.21     550
## 2470  352.22     550
## 2471  357.23     550
## 2472  362.24     550
## 2473  367.25     550
## 2474  372.26     550
## 2475  377.27     550
## 2476  382.28     550
## 2477  387.29     550
## 2478  392.31     550
## 2479  397.32     550
## 2480  402.33     550
## 2481  407.34     550
## 2482  412.35     550
## 2483  417.36     550
## 2484  422.37     550
## 2485  427.38     550
## 2486  432.39     550
## 2487  437.41     550
## 2488  442.42     550
## 2489  447.43     550
## 2490  452.44     550
## 2491  457.45     550
## 2492  462.46     550
## 2493  467.47     550
## 2494  472.48     550
## 2495  477.49     550
## 2496  482.51     550
## 2497  487.52     550
## 2498  492.53     550
## 2499  497.54     550
## 2500  502.55     550
## 2501    6.45     565
## 2502   11.46     565
## 2503   16.47     565
## 2504   21.48     565
## 2505   26.49     565
## 2506   31.51     565
## 2507   36.52     565
## 2508   41.53     565
## 2509   46.54     565
## 2510   51.55     565
## 2511   56.56     565
## 2512   61.57     565
## 2513   66.58     565
## 2514   71.59     565
## 2515   76.61     565
## 2516   81.62     565
## 2517   86.63     565
## 2518   91.64     565
## 2519   96.65     565
## 2520  101.66     565
## 2521  106.67     565
## 2522  111.68     565
## 2523  116.69     565
## 2524  121.71     565
## 2525  126.72     565
## 2526  131.73     565
## 2527  136.74     565
## 2528  141.75     565
## 2529  146.76     565
## 2530  151.77     565
## 2531  156.78     565
## 2532  161.79     565
## 2533  166.81     565
## 2534  171.82     565
## 2535  176.83     565
## 2536  181.84     565
## 2537  186.85     565
## 2538  191.86     565
## 2539  196.87     565
## 2540  201.88     565
## 2541  206.89     565
## 2542  211.91     565
## 2543  216.92     565
## 2544  221.93     565
## 2545  226.94     565
## 2546  231.95     565
## 2547  236.96     565
## 2548  241.97     565
## 2549  246.98     565
## 2550  251.99     565
## 2551  257.01     565
## 2552  262.02     565
## 2553  267.03     565
## 2554  272.04     565
## 2555  277.05     565
## 2556  282.06     565
## 2557  287.07     565
## 2558  292.08     565
## 2559  297.09     565
## 2560  302.11     565
## 2561  307.12     565
## 2562  312.13     565
## 2563  317.14     565
## 2564  322.15     565
## 2565  327.16     565
## 2566  332.17     565
## 2567  337.18     565
## 2568  342.19     565
## 2569  347.21     565
## 2570  352.22     565
## 2571  357.23     565
## 2572  362.24     565
## 2573  367.25     565
## 2574  372.26     565
## 2575  377.27     565
## 2576  382.28     565
## 2577  387.29     565
## 2578  392.31     565
## 2579  397.32     565
## 2580  402.33     565
## 2581  407.34     565
## 2582  412.35     565
## 2583  417.36     565
## 2584  422.37     565
## 2585  427.38     565
## 2586  432.39     565
## 2587  437.41     565
## 2588  442.42     565
## 2589  447.43     565
## 2590  452.44     565
## 2591  457.45     565
## 2592  462.46     565
## 2593  467.47     565
## 2594  472.48     565
## 2595  477.49     565
## 2596  482.51     565
## 2597  487.52     565
## 2598  492.53     565
## 2599  497.54     565
## 2600  502.55     565
## 2601    6.45     579
## 2602   11.46     579
## 2603   16.47     579
## 2604   21.48     579
## 2605   26.49     579
## 2606   31.51     579
## 2607   36.52     579
## 2608   41.53     579
## 2609   46.54     579
## 2610   51.55     579
## 2611   56.56     579
## 2612   61.57     579
## 2613   66.58     579
## 2614   71.59     579
## 2615   76.61     579
## 2616   81.62     579
## 2617   86.63     579
## 2618   91.64     579
## 2619   96.65     579
## 2620  101.66     579
## 2621  106.67     579
## 2622  111.68     579
## 2623  116.69     579
## 2624  121.71     579
## 2625  126.72     579
## 2626  131.73     579
## 2627  136.74     579
## 2628  141.75     579
## 2629  146.76     579
## 2630  151.77     579
## 2631  156.78     579
## 2632  161.79     579
## 2633  166.81     579
## 2634  171.82     579
## 2635  176.83     579
## 2636  181.84     579
## 2637  186.85     579
## 2638  191.86     579
## 2639  196.87     579
## 2640  201.88     579
## 2641  206.89     579
## 2642  211.91     579
## 2643  216.92     579
## 2644  221.93     579
## 2645  226.94     579
## 2646  231.95     579
## 2647  236.96     579
## 2648  241.97     579
## 2649  246.98     579
## 2650  251.99     579
## 2651  257.01     579
## 2652  262.02     579
## 2653  267.03     579
## 2654  272.04     579
## 2655  277.05     579
## 2656  282.06     579
## 2657  287.07     579
## 2658  292.08     579
## 2659  297.09     579
## 2660  302.11     579
## 2661  307.12     579
## 2662  312.13     579
## 2663  317.14     579
## 2664  322.15     579
## 2665  327.16     579
## 2666  332.17     579
## 2667  337.18     579
## 2668  342.19     579
## 2669  347.21     579
## 2670  352.22     579
## 2671  357.23     579
## 2672  362.24     579
## 2673  367.25     579
## 2674  372.26     579
## 2675  377.27     579
## 2676  382.28     579
## 2677  387.29     579
## 2678  392.31     579
## 2679  397.32     579
## 2680  402.33     579
## 2681  407.34     579
## 2682  412.35     579
## 2683  417.36     579
## 2684  422.37     579
## 2685  427.38     579
## 2686  432.39     579
## 2687  437.41     579
## 2688  442.42     579
## 2689  447.43     579
## 2690  452.44     579
## 2691  457.45     579
## 2692  462.46     579
## 2693  467.47     579
## 2694  472.48     579
## 2695  477.49     579
## 2696  482.51     579
## 2697  487.52     579
## 2698  492.53     579
## 2699  497.54     579
## 2700  502.55     579
## 2701    6.45     594
## 2702   11.46     594
## 2703   16.47     594
## 2704   21.48     594
## 2705   26.49     594
## 2706   31.51     594
## 2707   36.52     594
## 2708   41.53     594
## 2709   46.54     594
## 2710   51.55     594
## 2711   56.56     594
## 2712   61.57     594
## 2713   66.58     594
## 2714   71.59     594
## 2715   76.61     594
## 2716   81.62     594
## 2717   86.63     594
## 2718   91.64     594
## 2719   96.65     594
## 2720  101.66     594
## 2721  106.67     594
## 2722  111.68     594
## 2723  116.69     594
## 2724  121.71     594
## 2725  126.72     594
## 2726  131.73     594
## 2727  136.74     594
## 2728  141.75     594
## 2729  146.76     594
## 2730  151.77     594
## 2731  156.78     594
## 2732  161.79     594
## 2733  166.81     594
## 2734  171.82     594
## 2735  176.83     594
## 2736  181.84     594
## 2737  186.85     594
## 2738  191.86     594
## 2739  196.87     594
## 2740  201.88     594
## 2741  206.89     594
## 2742  211.91     594
## 2743  216.92     594
## 2744  221.93     594
## 2745  226.94     594
## 2746  231.95     594
## 2747  236.96     594
## 2748  241.97     594
## 2749  246.98     594
## 2750  251.99     594
## 2751  257.01     594
## 2752  262.02     594
## 2753  267.03     594
## 2754  272.04     594
## 2755  277.05     594
## 2756  282.06     594
## 2757  287.07     594
## 2758  292.08     594
## 2759  297.09     594
## 2760  302.11     594
## 2761  307.12     594
## 2762  312.13     594
## 2763  317.14     594
## 2764  322.15     594
## 2765  327.16     594
## 2766  332.17     594
## 2767  337.18     594
## 2768  342.19     594
## 2769  347.21     594
## 2770  352.22     594
## 2771  357.23     594
## 2772  362.24     594
## 2773  367.25     594
## 2774  372.26     594
## 2775  377.27     594
## 2776  382.28     594
## 2777  387.29     594
## 2778  392.31     594
## 2779  397.32     594
## 2780  402.33     594
## 2781  407.34     594
## 2782  412.35     594
## 2783  417.36     594
## 2784  422.37     594
## 2785  427.38     594
## 2786  432.39     594
## 2787  437.41     594
## 2788  442.42     594
## 2789  447.43     594
## 2790  452.44     594
## 2791  457.45     594
## 2792  462.46     594
## 2793  467.47     594
## 2794  472.48     594
## 2795  477.49     594
## 2796  482.51     594
## 2797  487.52     594
## 2798  492.53     594
## 2799  497.54     594
## 2800  502.55     594
## 2801    6.45     608
## 2802   11.46     608
## 2803   16.47     608
## 2804   21.48     608
## 2805   26.49     608
## 2806   31.51     608
## 2807   36.52     608
## 2808   41.53     608
## 2809   46.54     608
## 2810   51.55     608
## 2811   56.56     608
## 2812   61.57     608
## 2813   66.58     608
## 2814   71.59     608
## 2815   76.61     608
## 2816   81.62     608
## 2817   86.63     608
## 2818   91.64     608
## 2819   96.65     608
## 2820  101.66     608
## 2821  106.67     608
## 2822  111.68     608
## 2823  116.69     608
## 2824  121.71     608
## 2825  126.72     608
## 2826  131.73     608
## 2827  136.74     608
## 2828  141.75     608
## 2829  146.76     608
## 2830  151.77     608
## 2831  156.78     608
## 2832  161.79     608
## 2833  166.81     608
## 2834  171.82     608
## 2835  176.83     608
## 2836  181.84     608
## 2837  186.85     608
## 2838  191.86     608
## 2839  196.87     608
## 2840  201.88     608
## 2841  206.89     608
## 2842  211.91     608
## 2843  216.92     608
## 2844  221.93     608
## 2845  226.94     608
## 2846  231.95     608
## 2847  236.96     608
## 2848  241.97     608
## 2849  246.98     608
## 2850  251.99     608
## 2851  257.01     608
## 2852  262.02     608
## 2853  267.03     608
## 2854  272.04     608
## 2855  277.05     608
## 2856  282.06     608
## 2857  287.07     608
## 2858  292.08     608
## 2859  297.09     608
## 2860  302.11     608
## 2861  307.12     608
## 2862  312.13     608
## 2863  317.14     608
## 2864  322.15     608
## 2865  327.16     608
## 2866  332.17     608
## 2867  337.18     608
## 2868  342.19     608
## 2869  347.21     608
## 2870  352.22     608
## 2871  357.23     608
## 2872  362.24     608
## 2873  367.25     608
## 2874  372.26     608
## 2875  377.27     608
## 2876  382.28     608
## 2877  387.29     608
## 2878  392.31     608
## 2879  397.32     608
## 2880  402.33     608
## 2881  407.34     608
## 2882  412.35     608
## 2883  417.36     608
## 2884  422.37     608
## 2885  427.38     608
## 2886  432.39     608
## 2887  437.41     608
## 2888  442.42     608
## 2889  447.43     608
## 2890  452.44     608
## 2891  457.45     608
## 2892  462.46     608
## 2893  467.47     608
## 2894  472.48     608
## 2895  477.49     608
## 2896  482.51     608
## 2897  487.52     608
## 2898  492.53     608
## 2899  497.54     608
## 2900  502.55     608
## 2901    6.45     623
## 2902   11.46     623
## 2903   16.47     623
## 2904   21.48     623
## 2905   26.49     623
## 2906   31.51     623
## 2907   36.52     623
## 2908   41.53     623
## 2909   46.54     623
## 2910   51.55     623
## 2911   56.56     623
## 2912   61.57     623
## 2913   66.58     623
## 2914   71.59     623
## 2915   76.61     623
## 2916   81.62     623
## 2917   86.63     623
## 2918   91.64     623
## 2919   96.65     623
## 2920  101.66     623
## 2921  106.67     623
## 2922  111.68     623
## 2923  116.69     623
## 2924  121.71     623
## 2925  126.72     623
## 2926  131.73     623
## 2927  136.74     623
## 2928  141.75     623
## 2929  146.76     623
## 2930  151.77     623
## 2931  156.78     623
## 2932  161.79     623
## 2933  166.81     623
## 2934  171.82     623
## 2935  176.83     623
## 2936  181.84     623
## 2937  186.85     623
## 2938  191.86     623
## 2939  196.87     623
## 2940  201.88     623
## 2941  206.89     623
## 2942  211.91     623
## 2943  216.92     623
## 2944  221.93     623
## 2945  226.94     623
## 2946  231.95     623
## 2947  236.96     623
## 2948  241.97     623
## 2949  246.98     623
## 2950  251.99     623
## 2951  257.01     623
## 2952  262.02     623
## 2953  267.03     623
## 2954  272.04     623
## 2955  277.05     623
## 2956  282.06     623
## 2957  287.07     623
## 2958  292.08     623
## 2959  297.09     623
## 2960  302.11     623
## 2961  307.12     623
## 2962  312.13     623
## 2963  317.14     623
## 2964  322.15     623
## 2965  327.16     623
## 2966  332.17     623
## 2967  337.18     623
## 2968  342.19     623
## 2969  347.21     623
## 2970  352.22     623
## 2971  357.23     623
## 2972  362.24     623
## 2973  367.25     623
## 2974  372.26     623
## 2975  377.27     623
## 2976  382.28     623
## 2977  387.29     623
## 2978  392.31     623
## 2979  397.32     623
## 2980  402.33     623
## 2981  407.34     623
## 2982  412.35     623
## 2983  417.36     623
## 2984  422.37     623
## 2985  427.38     623
## 2986  432.39     623
## 2987  437.41     623
## 2988  442.42     623
## 2989  447.43     623
## 2990  452.44     623
## 2991  457.45     623
## 2992  462.46     623
## 2993  467.47     623
## 2994  472.48     623
## 2995  477.49     623
## 2996  482.51     623
## 2997  487.52     623
## 2998  492.53     623
## 2999  497.54     623
## 3000  502.55     623
## 3001    6.45     637
## 3002   11.46     637
## 3003   16.47     637
## 3004   21.48     637
## 3005   26.49     637
## 3006   31.51     637
## 3007   36.52     637
## 3008   41.53     637
## 3009   46.54     637
## 3010   51.55     637
## 3011   56.56     637
## 3012   61.57     637
## 3013   66.58     637
## 3014   71.59     637
## 3015   76.61     637
## 3016   81.62     637
## 3017   86.63     637
## 3018   91.64     637
## 3019   96.65     637
## 3020  101.66     637
## 3021  106.67     637
## 3022  111.68     637
## 3023  116.69     637
## 3024  121.71     637
## 3025  126.72     637
## 3026  131.73     637
## 3027  136.74     637
## 3028  141.75     637
## 3029  146.76     637
## 3030  151.77     637
## 3031  156.78     637
## 3032  161.79     637
## 3033  166.81     637
## 3034  171.82     637
## 3035  176.83     637
## 3036  181.84     637
## 3037  186.85     637
## 3038  191.86     637
## 3039  196.87     637
## 3040  201.88     637
## 3041  206.89     637
## 3042  211.91     637
## 3043  216.92     637
## 3044  221.93     637
## 3045  226.94     637
## 3046  231.95     637
## 3047  236.96     637
## 3048  241.97     637
## 3049  246.98     637
## 3050  251.99     637
## 3051  257.01     637
## 3052  262.02     637
## 3053  267.03     637
## 3054  272.04     637
## 3055  277.05     637
## 3056  282.06     637
## 3057  287.07     637
## 3058  292.08     637
## 3059  297.09     637
## 3060  302.11     637
## 3061  307.12     637
## 3062  312.13     637
## 3063  317.14     637
## 3064  322.15     637
## 3065  327.16     637
## 3066  332.17     637
## 3067  337.18     637
## 3068  342.19     637
## 3069  347.21     637
## 3070  352.22     637
## 3071  357.23     637
## 3072  362.24     637
## 3073  367.25     637
## 3074  372.26     637
## 3075  377.27     637
## 3076  382.28     637
## 3077  387.29     637
## 3078  392.31     637
## 3079  397.32     637
## 3080  402.33     637
## 3081  407.34     637
## 3082  412.35     637
## 3083  417.36     637
## 3084  422.37     637
## 3085  427.38     637
## 3086  432.39     637
## 3087  437.41     637
## 3088  442.42     637
## 3089  447.43     637
## 3090  452.44     637
## 3091  457.45     637
## 3092  462.46     637
## 3093  467.47     637
## 3094  472.48     637
## 3095  477.49     637
## 3096  482.51     637
## 3097  487.52     637
## 3098  492.53     637
## 3099  497.54     637
## 3100  502.55     637
## 3101    6.45     651
## 3102   11.46     651
## 3103   16.47     651
## 3104   21.48     651
## 3105   26.49     651
## 3106   31.51     651
## 3107   36.52     651
## 3108   41.53     651
## 3109   46.54     651
## 3110   51.55     651
## 3111   56.56     651
## 3112   61.57     651
## 3113   66.58     651
## 3114   71.59     651
## 3115   76.61     651
## 3116   81.62     651
## 3117   86.63     651
## 3118   91.64     651
## 3119   96.65     651
## 3120  101.66     651
## 3121  106.67     651
## 3122  111.68     651
## 3123  116.69     651
## 3124  121.71     651
## 3125  126.72     651
## 3126  131.73     651
## 3127  136.74     651
## 3128  141.75     651
## 3129  146.76     651
## 3130  151.77     651
## 3131  156.78     651
## 3132  161.79     651
## 3133  166.81     651
## 3134  171.82     651
## 3135  176.83     651
## 3136  181.84     651
## 3137  186.85     651
## 3138  191.86     651
## 3139  196.87     651
## 3140  201.88     651
## 3141  206.89     651
## 3142  211.91     651
## 3143  216.92     651
## 3144  221.93     651
## 3145  226.94     651
## 3146  231.95     651
## 3147  236.96     651
## 3148  241.97     651
## 3149  246.98     651
## 3150  251.99     651
## 3151  257.01     651
## 3152  262.02     651
## 3153  267.03     651
## 3154  272.04     651
## 3155  277.05     651
## 3156  282.06     651
## 3157  287.07     651
## 3158  292.08     651
## 3159  297.09     651
## 3160  302.11     651
## 3161  307.12     651
## 3162  312.13     651
## 3163  317.14     651
## 3164  322.15     651
## 3165  327.16     651
## 3166  332.17     651
## 3167  337.18     651
## 3168  342.19     651
## 3169  347.21     651
## 3170  352.22     651
## 3171  357.23     651
## 3172  362.24     651
## 3173  367.25     651
## 3174  372.26     651
## 3175  377.27     651
## 3176  382.28     651
## 3177  387.29     651
## 3178  392.31     651
## 3179  397.32     651
## 3180  402.33     651
## 3181  407.34     651
## 3182  412.35     651
## 3183  417.36     651
## 3184  422.37     651
## 3185  427.38     651
## 3186  432.39     651
## 3187  437.41     651
## 3188  442.42     651
## 3189  447.43     651
## 3190  452.44     651
## 3191  457.45     651
## 3192  462.46     651
## 3193  467.47     651
## 3194  472.48     651
## 3195  477.49     651
## 3196  482.51     651
## 3197  487.52     651
## 3198  492.53     651
## 3199  497.54     651
## 3200  502.55     651
## 3201    6.45     666
## 3202   11.46     666
## 3203   16.47     666
## 3204   21.48     666
## 3205   26.49     666
## 3206   31.51     666
## 3207   36.52     666
## 3208   41.53     666
## 3209   46.54     666
## 3210   51.55     666
## 3211   56.56     666
## 3212   61.57     666
## 3213   66.58     666
## 3214   71.59     666
## 3215   76.61     666
## 3216   81.62     666
## 3217   86.63     666
## 3218   91.64     666
## 3219   96.65     666
## 3220  101.66     666
## 3221  106.67     666
## 3222  111.68     666
## 3223  116.69     666
## 3224  121.71     666
## 3225  126.72     666
## 3226  131.73     666
## 3227  136.74     666
## 3228  141.75     666
## 3229  146.76     666
## 3230  151.77     666
## 3231  156.78     666
## 3232  161.79     666
## 3233  166.81     666
## 3234  171.82     666
## 3235  176.83     666
## 3236  181.84     666
## 3237  186.85     666
## 3238  191.86     666
## 3239  196.87     666
## 3240  201.88     666
## 3241  206.89     666
## 3242  211.91     666
## 3243  216.92     666
## 3244  221.93     666
## 3245  226.94     666
## 3246  231.95     666
## 3247  236.96     666
## 3248  241.97     666
## 3249  246.98     666
## 3250  251.99     666
## 3251  257.01     666
## 3252  262.02     666
## 3253  267.03     666
## 3254  272.04     666
## 3255  277.05     666
## 3256  282.06     666
## 3257  287.07     666
## 3258  292.08     666
## 3259  297.09     666
## 3260  302.11     666
## 3261  307.12     666
## 3262  312.13     666
## 3263  317.14     666
## 3264  322.15     666
## 3265  327.16     666
## 3266  332.17     666
## 3267  337.18     666
## 3268  342.19     666
## 3269  347.21     666
## 3270  352.22     666
## 3271  357.23     666
## 3272  362.24     666
## 3273  367.25     666
## 3274  372.26     666
## 3275  377.27     666
## 3276  382.28     666
## 3277  387.29     666
## 3278  392.31     666
## 3279  397.32     666
## 3280  402.33     666
## 3281  407.34     666
## 3282  412.35     666
## 3283  417.36     666
## 3284  422.37     666
## 3285  427.38     666
## 3286  432.39     666
## 3287  437.41     666
## 3288  442.42     666
## 3289  447.43     666
## 3290  452.44     666
## 3291  457.45     666
## 3292  462.46     666
## 3293  467.47     666
## 3294  472.48     666
## 3295  477.49     666
## 3296  482.51     666
## 3297  487.52     666
## 3298  492.53     666
## 3299  497.54     666
## 3300  502.55     666
## 3301    6.45     680
## 3302   11.46     680
## 3303   16.47     680
## 3304   21.48     680
## 3305   26.49     680
## 3306   31.51     680
## 3307   36.52     680
## 3308   41.53     680
## 3309   46.54     680
## 3310   51.55     680
## 3311   56.56     680
## 3312   61.57     680
## 3313   66.58     680
## 3314   71.59     680
## 3315   76.61     680
## 3316   81.62     680
## 3317   86.63     680
## 3318   91.64     680
## 3319   96.65     680
## 3320  101.66     680
## 3321  106.67     680
## 3322  111.68     680
## 3323  116.69     680
## 3324  121.71     680
## 3325  126.72     680
## 3326  131.73     680
## 3327  136.74     680
## 3328  141.75     680
## 3329  146.76     680
## 3330  151.77     680
## 3331  156.78     680
## 3332  161.79     680
## 3333  166.81     680
## 3334  171.82     680
## 3335  176.83     680
## 3336  181.84     680
## 3337  186.85     680
## 3338  191.86     680
## 3339  196.87     680
## 3340  201.88     680
## 3341  206.89     680
## 3342  211.91     680
## 3343  216.92     680
## 3344  221.93     680
## 3345  226.94     680
## 3346  231.95     680
## 3347  236.96     680
## 3348  241.97     680
## 3349  246.98     680
## 3350  251.99     680
## 3351  257.01     680
## 3352  262.02     680
## 3353  267.03     680
## 3354  272.04     680
## 3355  277.05     680
## 3356  282.06     680
## 3357  287.07     680
## 3358  292.08     680
## 3359  297.09     680
## 3360  302.11     680
## 3361  307.12     680
## 3362  312.13     680
## 3363  317.14     680
## 3364  322.15     680
## 3365  327.16     680
## 3366  332.17     680
## 3367  337.18     680
## 3368  342.19     680
## 3369  347.21     680
## 3370  352.22     680
## 3371  357.23     680
## 3372  362.24     680
## 3373  367.25     680
## 3374  372.26     680
## 3375  377.27     680
## 3376  382.28     680
## 3377  387.29     680
## 3378  392.31     680
## 3379  397.32     680
## 3380  402.33     680
## 3381  407.34     680
## 3382  412.35     680
## 3383  417.36     680
## 3384  422.37     680
## 3385  427.38     680
## 3386  432.39     680
## 3387  437.41     680
## 3388  442.42     680
## 3389  447.43     680
## 3390  452.44     680
## 3391  457.45     680
## 3392  462.46     680
## 3393  467.47     680
## 3394  472.48     680
## 3395  477.49     680
## 3396  482.51     680
## 3397  487.52     680
## 3398  492.53     680
## 3399  497.54     680
## 3400  502.55     680
## 3401    6.45     695
## 3402   11.46     695
## 3403   16.47     695
## 3404   21.48     695
## 3405   26.49     695
## 3406   31.51     695
## 3407   36.52     695
## 3408   41.53     695
## 3409   46.54     695
## 3410   51.55     695
## 3411   56.56     695
## 3412   61.57     695
## 3413   66.58     695
## 3414   71.59     695
## 3415   76.61     695
## 3416   81.62     695
## 3417   86.63     695
## 3418   91.64     695
## 3419   96.65     695
## 3420  101.66     695
## 3421  106.67     695
## 3422  111.68     695
## 3423  116.69     695
## 3424  121.71     695
## 3425  126.72     695
## 3426  131.73     695
## 3427  136.74     695
## 3428  141.75     695
## 3429  146.76     695
## 3430  151.77     695
## 3431  156.78     695
## 3432  161.79     695
## 3433  166.81     695
## 3434  171.82     695
## 3435  176.83     695
## 3436  181.84     695
## 3437  186.85     695
## 3438  191.86     695
## 3439  196.87     695
## 3440  201.88     695
## 3441  206.89     695
## 3442  211.91     695
## 3443  216.92     695
## 3444  221.93     695
## 3445  226.94     695
## 3446  231.95     695
## 3447  236.96     695
## 3448  241.97     695
## 3449  246.98     695
## 3450  251.99     695
## 3451  257.01     695
## 3452  262.02     695
## 3453  267.03     695
## 3454  272.04     695
## 3455  277.05     695
## 3456  282.06     695
## 3457  287.07     695
## 3458  292.08     695
## 3459  297.09     695
## 3460  302.11     695
## 3461  307.12     695
## 3462  312.13     695
## 3463  317.14     695
## 3464  322.15     695
## 3465  327.16     695
## 3466  332.17     695
## 3467  337.18     695
## 3468  342.19     695
## 3469  347.21     695
## 3470  352.22     695
## 3471  357.23     695
## 3472  362.24     695
## 3473  367.25     695
## 3474  372.26     695
## 3475  377.27     695
## 3476  382.28     695
## 3477  387.29     695
## 3478  392.31     695
## 3479  397.32     695
## 3480  402.33     695
## 3481  407.34     695
## 3482  412.35     695
## 3483  417.36     695
## 3484  422.37     695
## 3485  427.38     695
## 3486  432.39     695
## 3487  437.41     695
## 3488  442.42     695
## 3489  447.43     695
## 3490  452.44     695
## 3491  457.45     695
## 3492  462.46     695
## 3493  467.47     695
## 3494  472.48     695
## 3495  477.49     695
## 3496  482.51     695
## 3497  487.52     695
## 3498  492.53     695
## 3499  497.54     695
## 3500  502.55     695
## 3501    6.45     709
## 3502   11.46     709
## 3503   16.47     709
## 3504   21.48     709
## 3505   26.49     709
## 3506   31.51     709
## 3507   36.52     709
## 3508   41.53     709
## 3509   46.54     709
## 3510   51.55     709
## 3511   56.56     709
## 3512   61.57     709
## 3513   66.58     709
## 3514   71.59     709
## 3515   76.61     709
## 3516   81.62     709
## 3517   86.63     709
## 3518   91.64     709
## 3519   96.65     709
## 3520  101.66     709
## 3521  106.67     709
## 3522  111.68     709
## 3523  116.69     709
## 3524  121.71     709
## 3525  126.72     709
## 3526  131.73     709
## 3527  136.74     709
## 3528  141.75     709
## 3529  146.76     709
## 3530  151.77     709
## 3531  156.78     709
## 3532  161.79     709
## 3533  166.81     709
## 3534  171.82     709
## 3535  176.83     709
## 3536  181.84     709
## 3537  186.85     709
## 3538  191.86     709
## 3539  196.87     709
## 3540  201.88     709
## 3541  206.89     709
## 3542  211.91     709
## 3543  216.92     709
## 3544  221.93     709
## 3545  226.94     709
## 3546  231.95     709
## 3547  236.96     709
## 3548  241.97     709
## 3549  246.98     709
## 3550  251.99     709
## 3551  257.01     709
## 3552  262.02     709
## 3553  267.03     709
## 3554  272.04     709
## 3555  277.05     709
## 3556  282.06     709
## 3557  287.07     709
## 3558  292.08     709
## 3559  297.09     709
## 3560  302.11     709
## 3561  307.12     709
## 3562  312.13     709
## 3563  317.14     709
## 3564  322.15     709
## 3565  327.16     709
## 3566  332.17     709
## 3567  337.18     709
## 3568  342.19     709
## 3569  347.21     709
## 3570  352.22     709
## 3571  357.23     709
## 3572  362.24     709
## 3573  367.25     709
## 3574  372.26     709
## 3575  377.27     709
## 3576  382.28     709
## 3577  387.29     709
## 3578  392.31     709
## 3579  397.32     709
## 3580  402.33     709
## 3581  407.34     709
## 3582  412.35     709
## 3583  417.36     709
## 3584  422.37     709
## 3585  427.38     709
## 3586  432.39     709
## 3587  437.41     709
## 3588  442.42     709
## 3589  447.43     709
## 3590  452.44     709
## 3591  457.45     709
## 3592  462.46     709
## 3593  467.47     709
## 3594  472.48     709
## 3595  477.49     709
## 3596  482.51     709
## 3597  487.52     709
## 3598  492.53     709
## 3599  497.54     709
## 3600  502.55     709
## 3601    6.45     724
## 3602   11.46     724
## 3603   16.47     724
## 3604   21.48     724
## 3605   26.49     724
## 3606   31.51     724
## 3607   36.52     724
## 3608   41.53     724
## 3609   46.54     724
## 3610   51.55     724
## 3611   56.56     724
## 3612   61.57     724
## 3613   66.58     724
## 3614   71.59     724
## 3615   76.61     724
## 3616   81.62     724
## 3617   86.63     724
## 3618   91.64     724
## 3619   96.65     724
## 3620  101.66     724
## 3621  106.67     724
## 3622  111.68     724
## 3623  116.69     724
## 3624  121.71     724
## 3625  126.72     724
## 3626  131.73     724
## 3627  136.74     724
## 3628  141.75     724
## 3629  146.76     724
## 3630  151.77     724
## 3631  156.78     724
## 3632  161.79     724
## 3633  166.81     724
## 3634  171.82     724
## 3635  176.83     724
## 3636  181.84     724
## 3637  186.85     724
## 3638  191.86     724
## 3639  196.87     724
## 3640  201.88     724
## 3641  206.89     724
## 3642  211.91     724
## 3643  216.92     724
## 3644  221.93     724
## 3645  226.94     724
## 3646  231.95     724
## 3647  236.96     724
## 3648  241.97     724
## 3649  246.98     724
## 3650  251.99     724
## 3651  257.01     724
## 3652  262.02     724
## 3653  267.03     724
## 3654  272.04     724
## 3655  277.05     724
## 3656  282.06     724
## 3657  287.07     724
## 3658  292.08     724
## 3659  297.09     724
## 3660  302.11     724
## 3661  307.12     724
## 3662  312.13     724
## 3663  317.14     724
## 3664  322.15     724
## 3665  327.16     724
## 3666  332.17     724
## 3667  337.18     724
## 3668  342.19     724
## 3669  347.21     724
## 3670  352.22     724
## 3671  357.23     724
## 3672  362.24     724
## 3673  367.25     724
## 3674  372.26     724
## 3675  377.27     724
## 3676  382.28     724
## 3677  387.29     724
## 3678  392.31     724
## 3679  397.32     724
## 3680  402.33     724
## 3681  407.34     724
## 3682  412.35     724
## 3683  417.36     724
## 3684  422.37     724
## 3685  427.38     724
## 3686  432.39     724
## 3687  437.41     724
## 3688  442.42     724
## 3689  447.43     724
## 3690  452.44     724
## 3691  457.45     724
## 3692  462.46     724
## 3693  467.47     724
## 3694  472.48     724
## 3695  477.49     724
## 3696  482.51     724
## 3697  487.52     724
## 3698  492.53     724
## 3699  497.54     724
## 3700  502.55     724
## 3701    6.45     738
## 3702   11.46     738
## 3703   16.47     738
## 3704   21.48     738
## 3705   26.49     738
## 3706   31.51     738
## 3707   36.52     738
## 3708   41.53     738
## 3709   46.54     738
## 3710   51.55     738
## 3711   56.56     738
## 3712   61.57     738
## 3713   66.58     738
## 3714   71.59     738
## 3715   76.61     738
## 3716   81.62     738
## 3717   86.63     738
## 3718   91.64     738
## 3719   96.65     738
## 3720  101.66     738
## 3721  106.67     738
## 3722  111.68     738
## 3723  116.69     738
## 3724  121.71     738
## 3725  126.72     738
## 3726  131.73     738
## 3727  136.74     738
## 3728  141.75     738
## 3729  146.76     738
## 3730  151.77     738
## 3731  156.78     738
## 3732  161.79     738
## 3733  166.81     738
## 3734  171.82     738
## 3735  176.83     738
## 3736  181.84     738
## 3737  186.85     738
## 3738  191.86     738
## 3739  196.87     738
## 3740  201.88     738
## 3741  206.89     738
## 3742  211.91     738
## 3743  216.92     738
## 3744  221.93     738
## 3745  226.94     738
## 3746  231.95     738
## 3747  236.96     738
## 3748  241.97     738
## 3749  246.98     738
## 3750  251.99     738
## 3751  257.01     738
## 3752  262.02     738
## 3753  267.03     738
## 3754  272.04     738
## 3755  277.05     738
## 3756  282.06     738
## 3757  287.07     738
## 3758  292.08     738
## 3759  297.09     738
## 3760  302.11     738
## 3761  307.12     738
## 3762  312.13     738
## 3763  317.14     738
## 3764  322.15     738
## 3765  327.16     738
## 3766  332.17     738
## 3767  337.18     738
## 3768  342.19     738
## 3769  347.21     738
## 3770  352.22     738
## 3771  357.23     738
## 3772  362.24     738
## 3773  367.25     738
## 3774  372.26     738
## 3775  377.27     738
## 3776  382.28     738
## 3777  387.29     738
## 3778  392.31     738
## 3779  397.32     738
## 3780  402.33     738
## 3781  407.34     738
## 3782  412.35     738
## 3783  417.36     738
## 3784  422.37     738
## 3785  427.38     738
## 3786  432.39     738
## 3787  437.41     738
## 3788  442.42     738
## 3789  447.43     738
## 3790  452.44     738
## 3791  457.45     738
## 3792  462.46     738
## 3793  467.47     738
## 3794  472.48     738
## 3795  477.49     738
## 3796  482.51     738
## 3797  487.52     738
## 3798  492.53     738
## 3799  497.54     738
## 3800  502.55     738
## 3801    6.45     753
## 3802   11.46     753
## 3803   16.47     753
## 3804   21.48     753
## 3805   26.49     753
## 3806   31.51     753
## 3807   36.52     753
## 3808   41.53     753
## 3809   46.54     753
## 3810   51.55     753
## 3811   56.56     753
## 3812   61.57     753
## 3813   66.58     753
## 3814   71.59     753
## 3815   76.61     753
## 3816   81.62     753
## 3817   86.63     753
## 3818   91.64     753
## 3819   96.65     753
## 3820  101.66     753
## 3821  106.67     753
## 3822  111.68     753
## 3823  116.69     753
## 3824  121.71     753
## 3825  126.72     753
## 3826  131.73     753
## 3827  136.74     753
## 3828  141.75     753
## 3829  146.76     753
## 3830  151.77     753
## 3831  156.78     753
## 3832  161.79     753
## 3833  166.81     753
## 3834  171.82     753
## 3835  176.83     753
## 3836  181.84     753
## 3837  186.85     753
## 3838  191.86     753
## 3839  196.87     753
## 3840  201.88     753
## 3841  206.89     753
## 3842  211.91     753
## 3843  216.92     753
## 3844  221.93     753
## 3845  226.94     753
## 3846  231.95     753
## 3847  236.96     753
## 3848  241.97     753
## 3849  246.98     753
## 3850  251.99     753
## 3851  257.01     753
## 3852  262.02     753
## 3853  267.03     753
## 3854  272.04     753
## 3855  277.05     753
## 3856  282.06     753
## 3857  287.07     753
## 3858  292.08     753
## 3859  297.09     753
## 3860  302.11     753
## 3861  307.12     753
## 3862  312.13     753
## 3863  317.14     753
## 3864  322.15     753
## 3865  327.16     753
## 3866  332.17     753
## 3867  337.18     753
## 3868  342.19     753
## 3869  347.21     753
## 3870  352.22     753
## 3871  357.23     753
## 3872  362.24     753
## 3873  367.25     753
## 3874  372.26     753
## 3875  377.27     753
## 3876  382.28     753
## 3877  387.29     753
## 3878  392.31     753
## 3879  397.32     753
## 3880  402.33     753
## 3881  407.34     753
## 3882  412.35     753
## 3883  417.36     753
## 3884  422.37     753
## 3885  427.38     753
## 3886  432.39     753
## 3887  437.41     753
## 3888  442.42     753
## 3889  447.43     753
## 3890  452.44     753
## 3891  457.45     753
## 3892  462.46     753
## 3893  467.47     753
## 3894  472.48     753
## 3895  477.49     753
## 3896  482.51     753
## 3897  487.52     753
## 3898  492.53     753
## 3899  497.54     753
## 3900  502.55     753
## 3901    6.45     767
## 3902   11.46     767
## 3903   16.47     767
## 3904   21.48     767
## 3905   26.49     767
## 3906   31.51     767
## 3907   36.52     767
## 3908   41.53     767
## 3909   46.54     767
## 3910   51.55     767
## 3911   56.56     767
## 3912   61.57     767
## 3913   66.58     767
## 3914   71.59     767
## 3915   76.61     767
## 3916   81.62     767
## 3917   86.63     767
## 3918   91.64     767
## 3919   96.65     767
## 3920  101.66     767
## 3921  106.67     767
## 3922  111.68     767
## 3923  116.69     767
## 3924  121.71     767
## 3925  126.72     767
## 3926  131.73     767
## 3927  136.74     767
## 3928  141.75     767
## 3929  146.76     767
## 3930  151.77     767
## 3931  156.78     767
## 3932  161.79     767
## 3933  166.81     767
## 3934  171.82     767
## 3935  176.83     767
## 3936  181.84     767
## 3937  186.85     767
## 3938  191.86     767
## 3939  196.87     767
## 3940  201.88     767
## 3941  206.89     767
## 3942  211.91     767
## 3943  216.92     767
## 3944  221.93     767
## 3945  226.94     767
## 3946  231.95     767
## 3947  236.96     767
## 3948  241.97     767
## 3949  246.98     767
## 3950  251.99     767
## 3951  257.01     767
## 3952  262.02     767
## 3953  267.03     767
## 3954  272.04     767
## 3955  277.05     767
## 3956  282.06     767
## 3957  287.07     767
## 3958  292.08     767
## 3959  297.09     767
## 3960  302.11     767
## 3961  307.12     767
## 3962  312.13     767
## 3963  317.14     767
## 3964  322.15     767
## 3965  327.16     767
## 3966  332.17     767
## 3967  337.18     767
## 3968  342.19     767
## 3969  347.21     767
## 3970  352.22     767
## 3971  357.23     767
## 3972  362.24     767
## 3973  367.25     767
## 3974  372.26     767
## 3975  377.27     767
## 3976  382.28     767
## 3977  387.29     767
## 3978  392.31     767
## 3979  397.32     767
## 3980  402.33     767
## 3981  407.34     767
## 3982  412.35     767
## 3983  417.36     767
## 3984  422.37     767
## 3985  427.38     767
## 3986  432.39     767
## 3987  437.41     767
## 3988  442.42     767
## 3989  447.43     767
## 3990  452.44     767
## 3991  457.45     767
## 3992  462.46     767
## 3993  467.47     767
## 3994  472.48     767
## 3995  477.49     767
## 3996  482.51     767
## 3997  487.52     767
## 3998  492.53     767
## 3999  497.54     767
## 4000  502.55     767
## 4001    6.45     781
## 4002   11.46     781
## 4003   16.47     781
## 4004   21.48     781
## 4005   26.49     781
## 4006   31.51     781
## 4007   36.52     781
## 4008   41.53     781
## 4009   46.54     781
## 4010   51.55     781
## 4011   56.56     781
## 4012   61.57     781
## 4013   66.58     781
## 4014   71.59     781
## 4015   76.61     781
## 4016   81.62     781
## 4017   86.63     781
## 4018   91.64     781
## 4019   96.65     781
## 4020  101.66     781
## 4021  106.67     781
## 4022  111.68     781
## 4023  116.69     781
## 4024  121.71     781
## 4025  126.72     781
## 4026  131.73     781
## 4027  136.74     781
## 4028  141.75     781
## 4029  146.76     781
## 4030  151.77     781
## 4031  156.78     781
## 4032  161.79     781
## 4033  166.81     781
## 4034  171.82     781
## 4035  176.83     781
## 4036  181.84     781
## 4037  186.85     781
## 4038  191.86     781
## 4039  196.87     781
## 4040  201.88     781
## 4041  206.89     781
## 4042  211.91     781
## 4043  216.92     781
## 4044  221.93     781
## 4045  226.94     781
## 4046  231.95     781
## 4047  236.96     781
## 4048  241.97     781
## 4049  246.98     781
## 4050  251.99     781
## 4051  257.01     781
## 4052  262.02     781
## 4053  267.03     781
## 4054  272.04     781
## 4055  277.05     781
## 4056  282.06     781
## 4057  287.07     781
## 4058  292.08     781
## 4059  297.09     781
## 4060  302.11     781
## 4061  307.12     781
## 4062  312.13     781
## 4063  317.14     781
## 4064  322.15     781
## 4065  327.16     781
## 4066  332.17     781
## 4067  337.18     781
## 4068  342.19     781
## 4069  347.21     781
## 4070  352.22     781
## 4071  357.23     781
## 4072  362.24     781
## 4073  367.25     781
## 4074  372.26     781
## 4075  377.27     781
## 4076  382.28     781
## 4077  387.29     781
## 4078  392.31     781
## 4079  397.32     781
## 4080  402.33     781
## 4081  407.34     781
## 4082  412.35     781
## 4083  417.36     781
## 4084  422.37     781
## 4085  427.38     781
## 4086  432.39     781
## 4087  437.41     781
## 4088  442.42     781
## 4089  447.43     781
## 4090  452.44     781
## 4091  457.45     781
## 4092  462.46     781
## 4093  467.47     781
## 4094  472.48     781
## 4095  477.49     781
## 4096  482.51     781
## 4097  487.52     781
## 4098  492.53     781
## 4099  497.54     781
## 4100  502.55     781
## 4101    6.45     796
## 4102   11.46     796
## 4103   16.47     796
## 4104   21.48     796
## 4105   26.49     796
## 4106   31.51     796
## 4107   36.52     796
## 4108   41.53     796
## 4109   46.54     796
## 4110   51.55     796
## 4111   56.56     796
## 4112   61.57     796
## 4113   66.58     796
## 4114   71.59     796
## 4115   76.61     796
## 4116   81.62     796
## 4117   86.63     796
## 4118   91.64     796
## 4119   96.65     796
## 4120  101.66     796
## 4121  106.67     796
## 4122  111.68     796
## 4123  116.69     796
## 4124  121.71     796
## 4125  126.72     796
## 4126  131.73     796
## 4127  136.74     796
## 4128  141.75     796
## 4129  146.76     796
## 4130  151.77     796
## 4131  156.78     796
## 4132  161.79     796
## 4133  166.81     796
## 4134  171.82     796
## 4135  176.83     796
## 4136  181.84     796
## 4137  186.85     796
## 4138  191.86     796
## 4139  196.87     796
## 4140  201.88     796
## 4141  206.89     796
## 4142  211.91     796
## 4143  216.92     796
## 4144  221.93     796
## 4145  226.94     796
## 4146  231.95     796
## 4147  236.96     796
## 4148  241.97     796
## 4149  246.98     796
## 4150  251.99     796
## 4151  257.01     796
## 4152  262.02     796
## 4153  267.03     796
## 4154  272.04     796
## 4155  277.05     796
## 4156  282.06     796
## 4157  287.07     796
## 4158  292.08     796
## 4159  297.09     796
## 4160  302.11     796
## 4161  307.12     796
## 4162  312.13     796
## 4163  317.14     796
## 4164  322.15     796
## 4165  327.16     796
## 4166  332.17     796
## 4167  337.18     796
## 4168  342.19     796
## 4169  347.21     796
## 4170  352.22     796
## 4171  357.23     796
## 4172  362.24     796
## 4173  367.25     796
## 4174  372.26     796
## 4175  377.27     796
## 4176  382.28     796
## 4177  387.29     796
## 4178  392.31     796
## 4179  397.32     796
## 4180  402.33     796
## 4181  407.34     796
## 4182  412.35     796
## 4183  417.36     796
## 4184  422.37     796
## 4185  427.38     796
## 4186  432.39     796
## 4187  437.41     796
## 4188  442.42     796
## 4189  447.43     796
## 4190  452.44     796
## 4191  457.45     796
## 4192  462.46     796
## 4193  467.47     796
## 4194  472.48     796
## 4195  477.49     796
## 4196  482.51     796
## 4197  487.52     796
## 4198  492.53     796
## 4199  497.54     796
## 4200  502.55     796
## 4201    6.45     810
## 4202   11.46     810
## 4203   16.47     810
## 4204   21.48     810
## 4205   26.49     810
## 4206   31.51     810
## 4207   36.52     810
## 4208   41.53     810
## 4209   46.54     810
## 4210   51.55     810
## 4211   56.56     810
## 4212   61.57     810
## 4213   66.58     810
## 4214   71.59     810
## 4215   76.61     810
## 4216   81.62     810
## 4217   86.63     810
## 4218   91.64     810
## 4219   96.65     810
## 4220  101.66     810
## 4221  106.67     810
## 4222  111.68     810
## 4223  116.69     810
## 4224  121.71     810
## 4225  126.72     810
## 4226  131.73     810
## 4227  136.74     810
## 4228  141.75     810
## 4229  146.76     810
## 4230  151.77     810
## 4231  156.78     810
## 4232  161.79     810
## 4233  166.81     810
## 4234  171.82     810
## 4235  176.83     810
## 4236  181.84     810
## 4237  186.85     810
## 4238  191.86     810
## 4239  196.87     810
## 4240  201.88     810
## 4241  206.89     810
## 4242  211.91     810
## 4243  216.92     810
## 4244  221.93     810
## 4245  226.94     810
## 4246  231.95     810
## 4247  236.96     810
## 4248  241.97     810
## 4249  246.98     810
## 4250  251.99     810
## 4251  257.01     810
## 4252  262.02     810
## 4253  267.03     810
## 4254  272.04     810
## 4255  277.05     810
## 4256  282.06     810
## 4257  287.07     810
## 4258  292.08     810
## 4259  297.09     810
## 4260  302.11     810
## 4261  307.12     810
## 4262  312.13     810
## 4263  317.14     810
## 4264  322.15     810
## 4265  327.16     810
## 4266  332.17     810
## 4267  337.18     810
## 4268  342.19     810
## 4269  347.21     810
## 4270  352.22     810
## 4271  357.23     810
## 4272  362.24     810
## 4273  367.25     810
## 4274  372.26     810
## 4275  377.27     810
## 4276  382.28     810
## 4277  387.29     810
## 4278  392.31     810
## 4279  397.32     810
## 4280  402.33     810
## 4281  407.34     810
## 4282  412.35     810
## 4283  417.36     810
## 4284  422.37     810
## 4285  427.38     810
## 4286  432.39     810
## 4287  437.41     810
## 4288  442.42     810
## 4289  447.43     810
## 4290  452.44     810
## 4291  457.45     810
## 4292  462.46     810
## 4293  467.47     810
## 4294  472.48     810
## 4295  477.49     810
## 4296  482.51     810
## 4297  487.52     810
## 4298  492.53     810
## 4299  497.54     810
## 4300  502.55     810
## 4301    6.45     825
## 4302   11.46     825
## 4303   16.47     825
## 4304   21.48     825
## 4305   26.49     825
## 4306   31.51     825
## 4307   36.52     825
## 4308   41.53     825
## 4309   46.54     825
## 4310   51.55     825
## 4311   56.56     825
## 4312   61.57     825
## 4313   66.58     825
## 4314   71.59     825
## 4315   76.61     825
## 4316   81.62     825
## 4317   86.63     825
## 4318   91.64     825
## 4319   96.65     825
## 4320  101.66     825
## 4321  106.67     825
## 4322  111.68     825
## 4323  116.69     825
## 4324  121.71     825
## 4325  126.72     825
## 4326  131.73     825
## 4327  136.74     825
## 4328  141.75     825
## 4329  146.76     825
## 4330  151.77     825
## 4331  156.78     825
## 4332  161.79     825
## 4333  166.81     825
## 4334  171.82     825
## 4335  176.83     825
## 4336  181.84     825
## 4337  186.85     825
## 4338  191.86     825
## 4339  196.87     825
## 4340  201.88     825
## 4341  206.89     825
## 4342  211.91     825
## 4343  216.92     825
## 4344  221.93     825
## 4345  226.94     825
## 4346  231.95     825
## 4347  236.96     825
## 4348  241.97     825
## 4349  246.98     825
## 4350  251.99     825
## 4351  257.01     825
## 4352  262.02     825
## 4353  267.03     825
## 4354  272.04     825
## 4355  277.05     825
## 4356  282.06     825
## 4357  287.07     825
## 4358  292.08     825
## 4359  297.09     825
## 4360  302.11     825
## 4361  307.12     825
## 4362  312.13     825
## 4363  317.14     825
## 4364  322.15     825
## 4365  327.16     825
## 4366  332.17     825
## 4367  337.18     825
## 4368  342.19     825
## 4369  347.21     825
## 4370  352.22     825
## 4371  357.23     825
## 4372  362.24     825
## 4373  367.25     825
## 4374  372.26     825
## 4375  377.27     825
## 4376  382.28     825
## 4377  387.29     825
## 4378  392.31     825
## 4379  397.32     825
## 4380  402.33     825
## 4381  407.34     825
## 4382  412.35     825
## 4383  417.36     825
## 4384  422.37     825
## 4385  427.38     825
## 4386  432.39     825
## 4387  437.41     825
## 4388  442.42     825
## 4389  447.43     825
## 4390  452.44     825
## 4391  457.45     825
## 4392  462.46     825
## 4393  467.47     825
## 4394  472.48     825
## 4395  477.49     825
## 4396  482.51     825
## 4397  487.52     825
## 4398  492.53     825
## 4399  497.54     825
## 4400  502.55     825
## 4401    6.45     839
## 4402   11.46     839
## 4403   16.47     839
## 4404   21.48     839
## 4405   26.49     839
## 4406   31.51     839
## 4407   36.52     839
## 4408   41.53     839
## 4409   46.54     839
## 4410   51.55     839
## 4411   56.56     839
## 4412   61.57     839
## 4413   66.58     839
## 4414   71.59     839
## 4415   76.61     839
## 4416   81.62     839
## 4417   86.63     839
## 4418   91.64     839
## 4419   96.65     839
## 4420  101.66     839
## 4421  106.67     839
## 4422  111.68     839
## 4423  116.69     839
## 4424  121.71     839
## 4425  126.72     839
## 4426  131.73     839
## 4427  136.74     839
## 4428  141.75     839
## 4429  146.76     839
## 4430  151.77     839
## 4431  156.78     839
## 4432  161.79     839
## 4433  166.81     839
## 4434  171.82     839
## 4435  176.83     839
## 4436  181.84     839
## 4437  186.85     839
## 4438  191.86     839
## 4439  196.87     839
## 4440  201.88     839
## 4441  206.89     839
## 4442  211.91     839
## 4443  216.92     839
## 4444  221.93     839
## 4445  226.94     839
## 4446  231.95     839
## 4447  236.96     839
## 4448  241.97     839
## 4449  246.98     839
## 4450  251.99     839
## 4451  257.01     839
## 4452  262.02     839
## 4453  267.03     839
## 4454  272.04     839
## 4455  277.05     839
## 4456  282.06     839
## 4457  287.07     839
## 4458  292.08     839
## 4459  297.09     839
## 4460  302.11     839
## 4461  307.12     839
## 4462  312.13     839
## 4463  317.14     839
## 4464  322.15     839
## 4465  327.16     839
## 4466  332.17     839
## 4467  337.18     839
## 4468  342.19     839
## 4469  347.21     839
## 4470  352.22     839
## 4471  357.23     839
## 4472  362.24     839
## 4473  367.25     839
## 4474  372.26     839
## 4475  377.27     839
## 4476  382.28     839
## 4477  387.29     839
## 4478  392.31     839
## 4479  397.32     839
## 4480  402.33     839
## 4481  407.34     839
## 4482  412.35     839
## 4483  417.36     839
## 4484  422.37     839
## 4485  427.38     839
## 4486  432.39     839
## 4487  437.41     839
## 4488  442.42     839
## 4489  447.43     839
## 4490  452.44     839
## 4491  457.45     839
## 4492  462.46     839
## 4493  467.47     839
## 4494  472.48     839
## 4495  477.49     839
## 4496  482.51     839
## 4497  487.52     839
## 4498  492.53     839
## 4499  497.54     839
## 4500  502.55     839
## 4501    6.45     854
## 4502   11.46     854
## 4503   16.47     854
## 4504   21.48     854
## 4505   26.49     854
## 4506   31.51     854
## 4507   36.52     854
## 4508   41.53     854
## 4509   46.54     854
## 4510   51.55     854
## 4511   56.56     854
## 4512   61.57     854
## 4513   66.58     854
## 4514   71.59     854
## 4515   76.61     854
## 4516   81.62     854
## 4517   86.63     854
## 4518   91.64     854
## 4519   96.65     854
## 4520  101.66     854
## 4521  106.67     854
## 4522  111.68     854
## 4523  116.69     854
## 4524  121.71     854
## 4525  126.72     854
## 4526  131.73     854
## 4527  136.74     854
## 4528  141.75     854
## 4529  146.76     854
## 4530  151.77     854
## 4531  156.78     854
## 4532  161.79     854
## 4533  166.81     854
## 4534  171.82     854
## 4535  176.83     854
## 4536  181.84     854
## 4537  186.85     854
## 4538  191.86     854
## 4539  196.87     854
## 4540  201.88     854
## 4541  206.89     854
## 4542  211.91     854
## 4543  216.92     854
## 4544  221.93     854
## 4545  226.94     854
## 4546  231.95     854
## 4547  236.96     854
## 4548  241.97     854
## 4549  246.98     854
## 4550  251.99     854
## 4551  257.01     854
## 4552  262.02     854
## 4553  267.03     854
## 4554  272.04     854
## 4555  277.05     854
## 4556  282.06     854
## 4557  287.07     854
## 4558  292.08     854
## 4559  297.09     854
## 4560  302.11     854
## 4561  307.12     854
## 4562  312.13     854
## 4563  317.14     854
## 4564  322.15     854
## 4565  327.16     854
## 4566  332.17     854
## 4567  337.18     854
## 4568  342.19     854
## 4569  347.21     854
## 4570  352.22     854
## 4571  357.23     854
## 4572  362.24     854
## 4573  367.25     854
## 4574  372.26     854
## 4575  377.27     854
## 4576  382.28     854
## 4577  387.29     854
## 4578  392.31     854
## 4579  397.32     854
## 4580  402.33     854
## 4581  407.34     854
## 4582  412.35     854
## 4583  417.36     854
## 4584  422.37     854
## 4585  427.38     854
## 4586  432.39     854
## 4587  437.41     854
## 4588  442.42     854
## 4589  447.43     854
## 4590  452.44     854
## 4591  457.45     854
## 4592  462.46     854
## 4593  467.47     854
## 4594  472.48     854
## 4595  477.49     854
## 4596  482.51     854
## 4597  487.52     854
## 4598  492.53     854
## 4599  497.54     854
## 4600  502.55     854
## 4601    6.45     868
## 4602   11.46     868
## 4603   16.47     868
## 4604   21.48     868
## 4605   26.49     868
## 4606   31.51     868
## 4607   36.52     868
## 4608   41.53     868
## 4609   46.54     868
## 4610   51.55     868
## 4611   56.56     868
## 4612   61.57     868
## 4613   66.58     868
## 4614   71.59     868
## 4615   76.61     868
## 4616   81.62     868
## 4617   86.63     868
## 4618   91.64     868
## 4619   96.65     868
## 4620  101.66     868
## 4621  106.67     868
## 4622  111.68     868
## 4623  116.69     868
## 4624  121.71     868
## 4625  126.72     868
## 4626  131.73     868
## 4627  136.74     868
## 4628  141.75     868
## 4629  146.76     868
## 4630  151.77     868
## 4631  156.78     868
## 4632  161.79     868
## 4633  166.81     868
## 4634  171.82     868
## 4635  176.83     868
## 4636  181.84     868
## 4637  186.85     868
## 4638  191.86     868
## 4639  196.87     868
## 4640  201.88     868
## 4641  206.89     868
## 4642  211.91     868
## 4643  216.92     868
## 4644  221.93     868
## 4645  226.94     868
## 4646  231.95     868
## 4647  236.96     868
## 4648  241.97     868
## 4649  246.98     868
## 4650  251.99     868
## 4651  257.01     868
## 4652  262.02     868
## 4653  267.03     868
## 4654  272.04     868
## 4655  277.05     868
## 4656  282.06     868
## 4657  287.07     868
## 4658  292.08     868
## 4659  297.09     868
## 4660  302.11     868
## 4661  307.12     868
## 4662  312.13     868
## 4663  317.14     868
## 4664  322.15     868
## 4665  327.16     868
## 4666  332.17     868
## 4667  337.18     868
## 4668  342.19     868
## 4669  347.21     868
## 4670  352.22     868
## 4671  357.23     868
## 4672  362.24     868
## 4673  367.25     868
## 4674  372.26     868
## 4675  377.27     868
## 4676  382.28     868
## 4677  387.29     868
## 4678  392.31     868
## 4679  397.32     868
## 4680  402.33     868
## 4681  407.34     868
## 4682  412.35     868
## 4683  417.36     868
## 4684  422.37     868
## 4685  427.38     868
## 4686  432.39     868
## 4687  437.41     868
## 4688  442.42     868
## 4689  447.43     868
## 4690  452.44     868
## 4691  457.45     868
## 4692  462.46     868
## 4693  467.47     868
## 4694  472.48     868
## 4695  477.49     868
## 4696  482.51     868
## 4697  487.52     868
## 4698  492.53     868
## 4699  497.54     868
## 4700  502.55     868
## 4701    6.45     882
## 4702   11.46     882
## 4703   16.47     882
## 4704   21.48     882
## 4705   26.49     882
## 4706   31.51     882
## 4707   36.52     882
## 4708   41.53     882
## 4709   46.54     882
## 4710   51.55     882
## 4711   56.56     882
## 4712   61.57     882
## 4713   66.58     882
## 4714   71.59     882
## 4715   76.61     882
## 4716   81.62     882
## 4717   86.63     882
## 4718   91.64     882
## 4719   96.65     882
## 4720  101.66     882
## 4721  106.67     882
## 4722  111.68     882
## 4723  116.69     882
## 4724  121.71     882
## 4725  126.72     882
## 4726  131.73     882
## 4727  136.74     882
## 4728  141.75     882
## 4729  146.76     882
## 4730  151.77     882
## 4731  156.78     882
## 4732  161.79     882
## 4733  166.81     882
## 4734  171.82     882
## 4735  176.83     882
## 4736  181.84     882
## 4737  186.85     882
## 4738  191.86     882
## 4739  196.87     882
## 4740  201.88     882
## 4741  206.89     882
## 4742  211.91     882
## 4743  216.92     882
## 4744  221.93     882
## 4745  226.94     882
## 4746  231.95     882
## 4747  236.96     882
## 4748  241.97     882
## 4749  246.98     882
## 4750  251.99     882
## 4751  257.01     882
## 4752  262.02     882
## 4753  267.03     882
## 4754  272.04     882
## 4755  277.05     882
## 4756  282.06     882
## 4757  287.07     882
## 4758  292.08     882
## 4759  297.09     882
## 4760  302.11     882
## 4761  307.12     882
## 4762  312.13     882
## 4763  317.14     882
## 4764  322.15     882
## 4765  327.16     882
## 4766  332.17     882
## 4767  337.18     882
## 4768  342.19     882
## 4769  347.21     882
## 4770  352.22     882
## 4771  357.23     882
## 4772  362.24     882
## 4773  367.25     882
## 4774  372.26     882
## 4775  377.27     882
## 4776  382.28     882
## 4777  387.29     882
## 4778  392.31     882
## 4779  397.32     882
## 4780  402.33     882
## 4781  407.34     882
## 4782  412.35     882
## 4783  417.36     882
## 4784  422.37     882
## 4785  427.38     882
## 4786  432.39     882
## 4787  437.41     882
## 4788  442.42     882
## 4789  447.43     882
## 4790  452.44     882
## 4791  457.45     882
## 4792  462.46     882
## 4793  467.47     882
## 4794  472.48     882
## 4795  477.49     882
## 4796  482.51     882
## 4797  487.52     882
## 4798  492.53     882
## 4799  497.54     882
## 4800  502.55     882
## 4801    6.45     897
## 4802   11.46     897
## 4803   16.47     897
## 4804   21.48     897
## 4805   26.49     897
## 4806   31.51     897
## 4807   36.52     897
## 4808   41.53     897
## 4809   46.54     897
## 4810   51.55     897
## 4811   56.56     897
## 4812   61.57     897
## 4813   66.58     897
## 4814   71.59     897
## 4815   76.61     897
## 4816   81.62     897
## 4817   86.63     897
## 4818   91.64     897
## 4819   96.65     897
## 4820  101.66     897
## 4821  106.67     897
## 4822  111.68     897
## 4823  116.69     897
## 4824  121.71     897
## 4825  126.72     897
## 4826  131.73     897
## 4827  136.74     897
## 4828  141.75     897
## 4829  146.76     897
## 4830  151.77     897
## 4831  156.78     897
## 4832  161.79     897
## 4833  166.81     897
## 4834  171.82     897
## 4835  176.83     897
## 4836  181.84     897
## 4837  186.85     897
## 4838  191.86     897
## 4839  196.87     897
## 4840  201.88     897
## 4841  206.89     897
## 4842  211.91     897
## 4843  216.92     897
## 4844  221.93     897
## 4845  226.94     897
## 4846  231.95     897
## 4847  236.96     897
## 4848  241.97     897
## 4849  246.98     897
## 4850  251.99     897
## 4851  257.01     897
## 4852  262.02     897
## 4853  267.03     897
## 4854  272.04     897
## 4855  277.05     897
## 4856  282.06     897
## 4857  287.07     897
## 4858  292.08     897
## 4859  297.09     897
## 4860  302.11     897
## 4861  307.12     897
## 4862  312.13     897
## 4863  317.14     897
## 4864  322.15     897
## 4865  327.16     897
## 4866  332.17     897
## 4867  337.18     897
## 4868  342.19     897
## 4869  347.21     897
## 4870  352.22     897
## 4871  357.23     897
## 4872  362.24     897
## 4873  367.25     897
## 4874  372.26     897
## 4875  377.27     897
## 4876  382.28     897
## 4877  387.29     897
## 4878  392.31     897
## 4879  397.32     897
## 4880  402.33     897
## 4881  407.34     897
## 4882  412.35     897
## 4883  417.36     897
## 4884  422.37     897
## 4885  427.38     897
## 4886  432.39     897
## 4887  437.41     897
## 4888  442.42     897
## 4889  447.43     897
## 4890  452.44     897
## 4891  457.45     897
## 4892  462.46     897
## 4893  467.47     897
## 4894  472.48     897
## 4895  477.49     897
## 4896  482.51     897
## 4897  487.52     897
## 4898  492.53     897
## 4899  497.54     897
## 4900  502.55     897
## 4901    6.45     911
## 4902   11.46     911
## 4903   16.47     911
## 4904   21.48     911
## 4905   26.49     911
## 4906   31.51     911
## 4907   36.52     911
## 4908   41.53     911
## 4909   46.54     911
## 4910   51.55     911
## 4911   56.56     911
## 4912   61.57     911
## 4913   66.58     911
## 4914   71.59     911
## 4915   76.61     911
## 4916   81.62     911
## 4917   86.63     911
## 4918   91.64     911
## 4919   96.65     911
## 4920  101.66     911
## 4921  106.67     911
## 4922  111.68     911
## 4923  116.69     911
## 4924  121.71     911
## 4925  126.72     911
## 4926  131.73     911
## 4927  136.74     911
## 4928  141.75     911
## 4929  146.76     911
## 4930  151.77     911
## 4931  156.78     911
## 4932  161.79     911
## 4933  166.81     911
## 4934  171.82     911
## 4935  176.83     911
## 4936  181.84     911
## 4937  186.85     911
## 4938  191.86     911
## 4939  196.87     911
## 4940  201.88     911
## 4941  206.89     911
## 4942  211.91     911
## 4943  216.92     911
## 4944  221.93     911
## 4945  226.94     911
## 4946  231.95     911
## 4947  236.96     911
## 4948  241.97     911
## 4949  246.98     911
## 4950  251.99     911
## 4951  257.01     911
## 4952  262.02     911
## 4953  267.03     911
## 4954  272.04     911
## 4955  277.05     911
## 4956  282.06     911
## 4957  287.07     911
## 4958  292.08     911
## 4959  297.09     911
## 4960  302.11     911
## 4961  307.12     911
## 4962  312.13     911
## 4963  317.14     911
## 4964  322.15     911
## 4965  327.16     911
## 4966  332.17     911
## 4967  337.18     911
## 4968  342.19     911
## 4969  347.21     911
## 4970  352.22     911
## 4971  357.23     911
## 4972  362.24     911
## 4973  367.25     911
## 4974  372.26     911
## 4975  377.27     911
## 4976  382.28     911
## 4977  387.29     911
## 4978  392.31     911
## 4979  397.32     911
## 4980  402.33     911
## 4981  407.34     911
## 4982  412.35     911
## 4983  417.36     911
## 4984  422.37     911
## 4985  427.38     911
## 4986  432.39     911
## 4987  437.41     911
## 4988  442.42     911
## 4989  447.43     911
## 4990  452.44     911
## 4991  457.45     911
## 4992  462.46     911
## 4993  467.47     911
## 4994  472.48     911
## 4995  477.49     911
## 4996  482.51     911
## 4997  487.52     911
## 4998  492.53     911
## 4999  497.54     911
## 5000  502.55     911
## 5001    6.45     926
## 5002   11.46     926
## 5003   16.47     926
## 5004   21.48     926
## 5005   26.49     926
## 5006   31.51     926
## 5007   36.52     926
## 5008   41.53     926
## 5009   46.54     926
## 5010   51.55     926
## 5011   56.56     926
## 5012   61.57     926
## 5013   66.58     926
## 5014   71.59     926
## 5015   76.61     926
## 5016   81.62     926
## 5017   86.63     926
## 5018   91.64     926
## 5019   96.65     926
## 5020  101.66     926
## 5021  106.67     926
## 5022  111.68     926
## 5023  116.69     926
## 5024  121.71     926
## 5025  126.72     926
## 5026  131.73     926
## 5027  136.74     926
## 5028  141.75     926
## 5029  146.76     926
## 5030  151.77     926
## 5031  156.78     926
## 5032  161.79     926
## 5033  166.81     926
## 5034  171.82     926
## 5035  176.83     926
## 5036  181.84     926
## 5037  186.85     926
## 5038  191.86     926
## 5039  196.87     926
## 5040  201.88     926
## 5041  206.89     926
## 5042  211.91     926
## 5043  216.92     926
## 5044  221.93     926
## 5045  226.94     926
## 5046  231.95     926
## 5047  236.96     926
## 5048  241.97     926
## 5049  246.98     926
## 5050  251.99     926
## 5051  257.01     926
## 5052  262.02     926
## 5053  267.03     926
## 5054  272.04     926
## 5055  277.05     926
## 5056  282.06     926
## 5057  287.07     926
## 5058  292.08     926
## 5059  297.09     926
## 5060  302.11     926
## 5061  307.12     926
## 5062  312.13     926
## 5063  317.14     926
## 5064  322.15     926
## 5065  327.16     926
## 5066  332.17     926
## 5067  337.18     926
## 5068  342.19     926
## 5069  347.21     926
## 5070  352.22     926
## 5071  357.23     926
## 5072  362.24     926
## 5073  367.25     926
## 5074  372.26     926
## 5075  377.27     926
## 5076  382.28     926
## 5077  387.29     926
## 5078  392.31     926
## 5079  397.32     926
## 5080  402.33     926
## 5081  407.34     926
## 5082  412.35     926
## 5083  417.36     926
## 5084  422.37     926
## 5085  427.38     926
## 5086  432.39     926
## 5087  437.41     926
## 5088  442.42     926
## 5089  447.43     926
## 5090  452.44     926
## 5091  457.45     926
## 5092  462.46     926
## 5093  467.47     926
## 5094  472.48     926
## 5095  477.49     926
## 5096  482.51     926
## 5097  487.52     926
## 5098  492.53     926
## 5099  497.54     926
## 5100  502.55     926
## 5101    6.45     940
## 5102   11.46     940
## 5103   16.47     940
## 5104   21.48     940
## 5105   26.49     940
## 5106   31.51     940
## 5107   36.52     940
## 5108   41.53     940
## 5109   46.54     940
## 5110   51.55     940
## 5111   56.56     940
## 5112   61.57     940
## 5113   66.58     940
## 5114   71.59     940
## 5115   76.61     940
## 5116   81.62     940
## 5117   86.63     940
## 5118   91.64     940
## 5119   96.65     940
## 5120  101.66     940
## 5121  106.67     940
## 5122  111.68     940
## 5123  116.69     940
## 5124  121.71     940
## 5125  126.72     940
## 5126  131.73     940
## 5127  136.74     940
## 5128  141.75     940
## 5129  146.76     940
## 5130  151.77     940
## 5131  156.78     940
## 5132  161.79     940
## 5133  166.81     940
## 5134  171.82     940
## 5135  176.83     940
## 5136  181.84     940
## 5137  186.85     940
## 5138  191.86     940
## 5139  196.87     940
## 5140  201.88     940
## 5141  206.89     940
## 5142  211.91     940
## 5143  216.92     940
## 5144  221.93     940
## 5145  226.94     940
## 5146  231.95     940
## 5147  236.96     940
## 5148  241.97     940
## 5149  246.98     940
## 5150  251.99     940
## 5151  257.01     940
## 5152  262.02     940
## 5153  267.03     940
## 5154  272.04     940
## 5155  277.05     940
## 5156  282.06     940
## 5157  287.07     940
## 5158  292.08     940
## 5159  297.09     940
## 5160  302.11     940
## 5161  307.12     940
## 5162  312.13     940
## 5163  317.14     940
## 5164  322.15     940
## 5165  327.16     940
## 5166  332.17     940
## 5167  337.18     940
## 5168  342.19     940
## 5169  347.21     940
## 5170  352.22     940
## 5171  357.23     940
## 5172  362.24     940
## 5173  367.25     940
## 5174  372.26     940
## 5175  377.27     940
## 5176  382.28     940
## 5177  387.29     940
## 5178  392.31     940
## 5179  397.32     940
## 5180  402.33     940
## 5181  407.34     940
## 5182  412.35     940
## 5183  417.36     940
## 5184  422.37     940
## 5185  427.38     940
## 5186  432.39     940
## 5187  437.41     940
## 5188  442.42     940
## 5189  447.43     940
## 5190  452.44     940
## 5191  457.45     940
## 5192  462.46     940
## 5193  467.47     940
## 5194  472.48     940
## 5195  477.49     940
## 5196  482.51     940
## 5197  487.52     940
## 5198  492.53     940
## 5199  497.54     940
## 5200  502.55     940
## 5201    6.45     955
## 5202   11.46     955
## 5203   16.47     955
## 5204   21.48     955
## 5205   26.49     955
## 5206   31.51     955
## 5207   36.52     955
## 5208   41.53     955
## 5209   46.54     955
## 5210   51.55     955
## 5211   56.56     955
## 5212   61.57     955
## 5213   66.58     955
## 5214   71.59     955
## 5215   76.61     955
## 5216   81.62     955
## 5217   86.63     955
## 5218   91.64     955
## 5219   96.65     955
## 5220  101.66     955
## 5221  106.67     955
## 5222  111.68     955
## 5223  116.69     955
## 5224  121.71     955
## 5225  126.72     955
## 5226  131.73     955
## 5227  136.74     955
## 5228  141.75     955
## 5229  146.76     955
## 5230  151.77     955
## 5231  156.78     955
## 5232  161.79     955
## 5233  166.81     955
## 5234  171.82     955
## 5235  176.83     955
## 5236  181.84     955
## 5237  186.85     955
## 5238  191.86     955
## 5239  196.87     955
## 5240  201.88     955
## 5241  206.89     955
## 5242  211.91     955
## 5243  216.92     955
## 5244  221.93     955
## 5245  226.94     955
## 5246  231.95     955
## 5247  236.96     955
## 5248  241.97     955
## 5249  246.98     955
## 5250  251.99     955
## 5251  257.01     955
## 5252  262.02     955
## 5253  267.03     955
## 5254  272.04     955
## 5255  277.05     955
## 5256  282.06     955
## 5257  287.07     955
## 5258  292.08     955
## 5259  297.09     955
## 5260  302.11     955
## 5261  307.12     955
## 5262  312.13     955
## 5263  317.14     955
## 5264  322.15     955
## 5265  327.16     955
## 5266  332.17     955
## 5267  337.18     955
## 5268  342.19     955
## 5269  347.21     955
## 5270  352.22     955
## 5271  357.23     955
## 5272  362.24     955
## 5273  367.25     955
## 5274  372.26     955
## 5275  377.27     955
## 5276  382.28     955
## 5277  387.29     955
## 5278  392.31     955
## 5279  397.32     955
## 5280  402.33     955
## 5281  407.34     955
## 5282  412.35     955
## 5283  417.36     955
## 5284  422.37     955
## 5285  427.38     955
## 5286  432.39     955
## 5287  437.41     955
## 5288  442.42     955
## 5289  447.43     955
## 5290  452.44     955
## 5291  457.45     955
## 5292  462.46     955
## 5293  467.47     955
## 5294  472.48     955
## 5295  477.49     955
## 5296  482.51     955
## 5297  487.52     955
## 5298  492.53     955
## 5299  497.54     955
## 5300  502.55     955
## 5301    6.45     969
## 5302   11.46     969
## 5303   16.47     969
## 5304   21.48     969
## 5305   26.49     969
## 5306   31.51     969
## 5307   36.52     969
## 5308   41.53     969
## 5309   46.54     969
## 5310   51.55     969
## 5311   56.56     969
## 5312   61.57     969
## 5313   66.58     969
## 5314   71.59     969
## 5315   76.61     969
## 5316   81.62     969
## 5317   86.63     969
## 5318   91.64     969
## 5319   96.65     969
## 5320  101.66     969
## 5321  106.67     969
## 5322  111.68     969
## 5323  116.69     969
## 5324  121.71     969
## 5325  126.72     969
## 5326  131.73     969
## 5327  136.74     969
## 5328  141.75     969
## 5329  146.76     969
## 5330  151.77     969
## 5331  156.78     969
## 5332  161.79     969
## 5333  166.81     969
## 5334  171.82     969
## 5335  176.83     969
## 5336  181.84     969
## 5337  186.85     969
## 5338  191.86     969
## 5339  196.87     969
## 5340  201.88     969
## 5341  206.89     969
## 5342  211.91     969
## 5343  216.92     969
## 5344  221.93     969
## 5345  226.94     969
## 5346  231.95     969
## 5347  236.96     969
## 5348  241.97     969
## 5349  246.98     969
## 5350  251.99     969
## 5351  257.01     969
## 5352  262.02     969
## 5353  267.03     969
## 5354  272.04     969
## 5355  277.05     969
## 5356  282.06     969
## 5357  287.07     969
## 5358  292.08     969
## 5359  297.09     969
## 5360  302.11     969
## 5361  307.12     969
## 5362  312.13     969
## 5363  317.14     969
## 5364  322.15     969
## 5365  327.16     969
## 5366  332.17     969
## 5367  337.18     969
## 5368  342.19     969
## 5369  347.21     969
## 5370  352.22     969
## 5371  357.23     969
## 5372  362.24     969
## 5373  367.25     969
## 5374  372.26     969
## 5375  377.27     969
## 5376  382.28     969
## 5377  387.29     969
## 5378  392.31     969
## 5379  397.32     969
## 5380  402.33     969
## 5381  407.34     969
## 5382  412.35     969
## 5383  417.36     969
## 5384  422.37     969
## 5385  427.38     969
## 5386  432.39     969
## 5387  437.41     969
## 5388  442.42     969
## 5389  447.43     969
## 5390  452.44     969
## 5391  457.45     969
## 5392  462.46     969
## 5393  467.47     969
## 5394  472.48     969
## 5395  477.49     969
## 5396  482.51     969
## 5397  487.52     969
## 5398  492.53     969
## 5399  497.54     969
## 5400  502.55     969
## 5401    6.45     983
## 5402   11.46     983
## 5403   16.47     983
## 5404   21.48     983
## 5405   26.49     983
## 5406   31.51     983
## 5407   36.52     983
## 5408   41.53     983
## 5409   46.54     983
## 5410   51.55     983
## 5411   56.56     983
## 5412   61.57     983
## 5413   66.58     983
## 5414   71.59     983
## 5415   76.61     983
## 5416   81.62     983
## 5417   86.63     983
## 5418   91.64     983
## 5419   96.65     983
## 5420  101.66     983
## 5421  106.67     983
## 5422  111.68     983
## 5423  116.69     983
## 5424  121.71     983
## 5425  126.72     983
## 5426  131.73     983
## 5427  136.74     983
## 5428  141.75     983
## 5429  146.76     983
## 5430  151.77     983
## 5431  156.78     983
## 5432  161.79     983
## 5433  166.81     983
## 5434  171.82     983
## 5435  176.83     983
## 5436  181.84     983
## 5437  186.85     983
## 5438  191.86     983
## 5439  196.87     983
## 5440  201.88     983
## 5441  206.89     983
## 5442  211.91     983
## 5443  216.92     983
## 5444  221.93     983
## 5445  226.94     983
## 5446  231.95     983
## 5447  236.96     983
## 5448  241.97     983
## 5449  246.98     983
## 5450  251.99     983
## 5451  257.01     983
## 5452  262.02     983
## 5453  267.03     983
## 5454  272.04     983
## 5455  277.05     983
## 5456  282.06     983
## 5457  287.07     983
## 5458  292.08     983
## 5459  297.09     983
## 5460  302.11     983
## 5461  307.12     983
## 5462  312.13     983
## 5463  317.14     983
## 5464  322.15     983
## 5465  327.16     983
## 5466  332.17     983
## 5467  337.18     983
## 5468  342.19     983
## 5469  347.21     983
## 5470  352.22     983
## 5471  357.23     983
## 5472  362.24     983
## 5473  367.25     983
## 5474  372.26     983
## 5475  377.27     983
## 5476  382.28     983
## 5477  387.29     983
## 5478  392.31     983
## 5479  397.32     983
## 5480  402.33     983
## 5481  407.34     983
## 5482  412.35     983
## 5483  417.36     983
## 5484  422.37     983
## 5485  427.38     983
## 5486  432.39     983
## 5487  437.41     983
## 5488  442.42     983
## 5489  447.43     983
## 5490  452.44     983
## 5491  457.45     983
## 5492  462.46     983
## 5493  467.47     983
## 5494  472.48     983
## 5495  477.49     983
## 5496  482.51     983
## 5497  487.52     983
## 5498  492.53     983
## 5499  497.54     983
## 5500  502.55     983
## 5501    6.45     998
## 5502   11.46     998
## 5503   16.47     998
## 5504   21.48     998
## 5505   26.49     998
## 5506   31.51     998
## 5507   36.52     998
## 5508   41.53     998
## 5509   46.54     998
## 5510   51.55     998
## 5511   56.56     998
## 5512   61.57     998
## 5513   66.58     998
## 5514   71.59     998
## 5515   76.61     998
## 5516   81.62     998
## 5517   86.63     998
## 5518   91.64     998
## 5519   96.65     998
## 5520  101.66     998
## 5521  106.67     998
## 5522  111.68     998
## 5523  116.69     998
## 5524  121.71     998
## 5525  126.72     998
## 5526  131.73     998
## 5527  136.74     998
## 5528  141.75     998
## 5529  146.76     998
## 5530  151.77     998
## 5531  156.78     998
## 5532  161.79     998
## 5533  166.81     998
## 5534  171.82     998
## 5535  176.83     998
## 5536  181.84     998
## 5537  186.85     998
## 5538  191.86     998
## 5539  196.87     998
## 5540  201.88     998
## 5541  206.89     998
## 5542  211.91     998
## 5543  216.92     998
## 5544  221.93     998
## 5545  226.94     998
## 5546  231.95     998
## 5547  236.96     998
## 5548  241.97     998
## 5549  246.98     998
## 5550  251.99     998
## 5551  257.01     998
## 5552  262.02     998
## 5553  267.03     998
## 5554  272.04     998
## 5555  277.05     998
## 5556  282.06     998
## 5557  287.07     998
## 5558  292.08     998
## 5559  297.09     998
## 5560  302.11     998
## 5561  307.12     998
## 5562  312.13     998
## 5563  317.14     998
## 5564  322.15     998
## 5565  327.16     998
## 5566  332.17     998
## 5567  337.18     998
## 5568  342.19     998
## 5569  347.21     998
## 5570  352.22     998
## 5571  357.23     998
## 5572  362.24     998
## 5573  367.25     998
## 5574  372.26     998
## 5575  377.27     998
## 5576  382.28     998
## 5577  387.29     998
## 5578  392.31     998
## 5579  397.32     998
## 5580  402.33     998
## 5581  407.34     998
## 5582  412.35     998
## 5583  417.36     998
## 5584  422.37     998
## 5585  427.38     998
## 5586  432.39     998
## 5587  437.41     998
## 5588  442.42     998
## 5589  447.43     998
## 5590  452.44     998
## 5591  457.45     998
## 5592  462.46     998
## 5593  467.47     998
## 5594  472.48     998
## 5595  477.49     998
## 5596  482.51     998
## 5597  487.52     998
## 5598  492.53     998
## 5599  497.54     998
## 5600  502.55     998
## 5601    6.45    1012
## 5602   11.46    1012
## 5603   16.47    1012
## 5604   21.48    1012
## 5605   26.49    1012
## 5606   31.51    1012
## 5607   36.52    1012
## 5608   41.53    1012
## 5609   46.54    1012
## 5610   51.55    1012
## 5611   56.56    1012
## 5612   61.57    1012
## 5613   66.58    1012
## 5614   71.59    1012
## 5615   76.61    1012
## 5616   81.62    1012
## 5617   86.63    1012
## 5618   91.64    1012
## 5619   96.65    1012
## 5620  101.66    1012
## 5621  106.67    1012
## 5622  111.68    1012
## 5623  116.69    1012
## 5624  121.71    1012
## 5625  126.72    1012
## 5626  131.73    1012
## 5627  136.74    1012
## 5628  141.75    1012
## 5629  146.76    1012
## 5630  151.77    1012
## 5631  156.78    1012
## 5632  161.79    1012
## 5633  166.81    1012
## 5634  171.82    1012
## 5635  176.83    1012
## 5636  181.84    1012
## 5637  186.85    1012
## 5638  191.86    1012
## 5639  196.87    1012
## 5640  201.88    1012
## 5641  206.89    1012
## 5642  211.91    1012
## 5643  216.92    1012
## 5644  221.93    1012
## 5645  226.94    1012
## 5646  231.95    1012
## 5647  236.96    1012
## 5648  241.97    1012
## 5649  246.98    1012
## 5650  251.99    1012
## 5651  257.01    1012
## 5652  262.02    1012
## 5653  267.03    1012
## 5654  272.04    1012
## 5655  277.05    1012
## 5656  282.06    1012
## 5657  287.07    1012
## 5658  292.08    1012
## 5659  297.09    1012
## 5660  302.11    1012
## 5661  307.12    1012
## 5662  312.13    1012
## 5663  317.14    1012
## 5664  322.15    1012
## 5665  327.16    1012
## 5666  332.17    1012
## 5667  337.18    1012
## 5668  342.19    1012
## 5669  347.21    1012
## 5670  352.22    1012
## 5671  357.23    1012
## 5672  362.24    1012
## 5673  367.25    1012
## 5674  372.26    1012
## 5675  377.27    1012
## 5676  382.28    1012
## 5677  387.29    1012
## 5678  392.31    1012
## 5679  397.32    1012
## 5680  402.33    1012
## 5681  407.34    1012
## 5682  412.35    1012
## 5683  417.36    1012
## 5684  422.37    1012
## 5685  427.38    1012
## 5686  432.39    1012
## 5687  437.41    1012
## 5688  442.42    1012
## 5689  447.43    1012
## 5690  452.44    1012
## 5691  457.45    1012
## 5692  462.46    1012
## 5693  467.47    1012
## 5694  472.48    1012
## 5695  477.49    1012
## 5696  482.51    1012
## 5697  487.52    1012
## 5698  492.53    1012
## 5699  497.54    1012
## 5700  502.55    1012
## 5701    6.45    1027
## 5702   11.46    1027
## 5703   16.47    1027
## 5704   21.48    1027
## 5705   26.49    1027
## 5706   31.51    1027
## 5707   36.52    1027
## 5708   41.53    1027
## 5709   46.54    1027
## 5710   51.55    1027
## 5711   56.56    1027
## 5712   61.57    1027
## 5713   66.58    1027
## 5714   71.59    1027
## 5715   76.61    1027
## 5716   81.62    1027
## 5717   86.63    1027
## 5718   91.64    1027
## 5719   96.65    1027
## 5720  101.66    1027
## 5721  106.67    1027
## 5722  111.68    1027
## 5723  116.69    1027
## 5724  121.71    1027
## 5725  126.72    1027
## 5726  131.73    1027
## 5727  136.74    1027
## 5728  141.75    1027
## 5729  146.76    1027
## 5730  151.77    1027
## 5731  156.78    1027
## 5732  161.79    1027
## 5733  166.81    1027
## 5734  171.82    1027
## 5735  176.83    1027
## 5736  181.84    1027
## 5737  186.85    1027
## 5738  191.86    1027
## 5739  196.87    1027
## 5740  201.88    1027
## 5741  206.89    1027
## 5742  211.91    1027
## 5743  216.92    1027
## 5744  221.93    1027
## 5745  226.94    1027
## 5746  231.95    1027
## 5747  236.96    1027
## 5748  241.97    1027
## 5749  246.98    1027
## 5750  251.99    1027
## 5751  257.01    1027
## 5752  262.02    1027
## 5753  267.03    1027
## 5754  272.04    1027
## 5755  277.05    1027
## 5756  282.06    1027
## 5757  287.07    1027
## 5758  292.08    1027
## 5759  297.09    1027
## 5760  302.11    1027
## 5761  307.12    1027
## 5762  312.13    1027
## 5763  317.14    1027
## 5764  322.15    1027
## 5765  327.16    1027
## 5766  332.17    1027
## 5767  337.18    1027
## 5768  342.19    1027
## 5769  347.21    1027
## 5770  352.22    1027
## 5771  357.23    1027
## 5772  362.24    1027
## 5773  367.25    1027
## 5774  372.26    1027
## 5775  377.27    1027
## 5776  382.28    1027
## 5777  387.29    1027
## 5778  392.31    1027
## 5779  397.32    1027
## 5780  402.33    1027
## 5781  407.34    1027
## 5782  412.35    1027
## 5783  417.36    1027
## 5784  422.37    1027
## 5785  427.38    1027
## 5786  432.39    1027
## 5787  437.41    1027
## 5788  442.42    1027
## 5789  447.43    1027
## 5790  452.44    1027
## 5791  457.45    1027
## 5792  462.46    1027
## 5793  467.47    1027
## 5794  472.48    1027
## 5795  477.49    1027
## 5796  482.51    1027
## 5797  487.52    1027
## 5798  492.53    1027
## 5799  497.54    1027
## 5800  502.55    1027
## 5801    6.45    1041
## 5802   11.46    1041
## 5803   16.47    1041
## 5804   21.48    1041
## 5805   26.49    1041
## 5806   31.51    1041
## 5807   36.52    1041
## 5808   41.53    1041
## 5809   46.54    1041
## 5810   51.55    1041
## 5811   56.56    1041
## 5812   61.57    1041
## 5813   66.58    1041
## 5814   71.59    1041
## 5815   76.61    1041
## 5816   81.62    1041
## 5817   86.63    1041
## 5818   91.64    1041
## 5819   96.65    1041
## 5820  101.66    1041
## 5821  106.67    1041
## 5822  111.68    1041
## 5823  116.69    1041
## 5824  121.71    1041
## 5825  126.72    1041
## 5826  131.73    1041
## 5827  136.74    1041
## 5828  141.75    1041
## 5829  146.76    1041
## 5830  151.77    1041
## 5831  156.78    1041
## 5832  161.79    1041
## 5833  166.81    1041
## 5834  171.82    1041
## 5835  176.83    1041
## 5836  181.84    1041
## 5837  186.85    1041
## 5838  191.86    1041
## 5839  196.87    1041
## 5840  201.88    1041
## 5841  206.89    1041
## 5842  211.91    1041
## 5843  216.92    1041
## 5844  221.93    1041
## 5845  226.94    1041
## 5846  231.95    1041
## 5847  236.96    1041
## 5848  241.97    1041
## 5849  246.98    1041
## 5850  251.99    1041
## 5851  257.01    1041
## 5852  262.02    1041
## 5853  267.03    1041
## 5854  272.04    1041
## 5855  277.05    1041
## 5856  282.06    1041
## 5857  287.07    1041
## 5858  292.08    1041
## 5859  297.09    1041
## 5860  302.11    1041
## 5861  307.12    1041
## 5862  312.13    1041
## 5863  317.14    1041
## 5864  322.15    1041
## 5865  327.16    1041
## 5866  332.17    1041
## 5867  337.18    1041
## 5868  342.19    1041
## 5869  347.21    1041
## 5870  352.22    1041
## 5871  357.23    1041
## 5872  362.24    1041
## 5873  367.25    1041
## 5874  372.26    1041
## 5875  377.27    1041
## 5876  382.28    1041
## 5877  387.29    1041
## 5878  392.31    1041
## 5879  397.32    1041
## 5880  402.33    1041
## 5881  407.34    1041
## 5882  412.35    1041
## 5883  417.36    1041
## 5884  422.37    1041
## 5885  427.38    1041
## 5886  432.39    1041
## 5887  437.41    1041
## 5888  442.42    1041
## 5889  447.43    1041
## 5890  452.44    1041
## 5891  457.45    1041
## 5892  462.46    1041
## 5893  467.47    1041
## 5894  472.48    1041
## 5895  477.49    1041
## 5896  482.51    1041
## 5897  487.52    1041
## 5898  492.53    1041
## 5899  497.54    1041
## 5900  502.55    1041
## 5901    6.45    1056
## 5902   11.46    1056
## 5903   16.47    1056
## 5904   21.48    1056
## 5905   26.49    1056
## 5906   31.51    1056
## 5907   36.52    1056
## 5908   41.53    1056
## 5909   46.54    1056
## 5910   51.55    1056
## 5911   56.56    1056
## 5912   61.57    1056
## 5913   66.58    1056
## 5914   71.59    1056
## 5915   76.61    1056
## 5916   81.62    1056
## 5917   86.63    1056
## 5918   91.64    1056
## 5919   96.65    1056
## 5920  101.66    1056
## 5921  106.67    1056
## 5922  111.68    1056
## 5923  116.69    1056
## 5924  121.71    1056
## 5925  126.72    1056
## 5926  131.73    1056
## 5927  136.74    1056
## 5928  141.75    1056
## 5929  146.76    1056
## 5930  151.77    1056
## 5931  156.78    1056
## 5932  161.79    1056
## 5933  166.81    1056
## 5934  171.82    1056
## 5935  176.83    1056
## 5936  181.84    1056
## 5937  186.85    1056
## 5938  191.86    1056
## 5939  196.87    1056
## 5940  201.88    1056
## 5941  206.89    1056
## 5942  211.91    1056
## 5943  216.92    1056
## 5944  221.93    1056
## 5945  226.94    1056
## 5946  231.95    1056
## 5947  236.96    1056
## 5948  241.97    1056
## 5949  246.98    1056
## 5950  251.99    1056
## 5951  257.01    1056
## 5952  262.02    1056
## 5953  267.03    1056
## 5954  272.04    1056
## 5955  277.05    1056
## 5956  282.06    1056
## 5957  287.07    1056
## 5958  292.08    1056
## 5959  297.09    1056
## 5960  302.11    1056
## 5961  307.12    1056
## 5962  312.13    1056
## 5963  317.14    1056
## 5964  322.15    1056
## 5965  327.16    1056
## 5966  332.17    1056
## 5967  337.18    1056
## 5968  342.19    1056
## 5969  347.21    1056
## 5970  352.22    1056
## 5971  357.23    1056
## 5972  362.24    1056
## 5973  367.25    1056
## 5974  372.26    1056
## 5975  377.27    1056
## 5976  382.28    1056
## 5977  387.29    1056
## 5978  392.31    1056
## 5979  397.32    1056
## 5980  402.33    1056
## 5981  407.34    1056
## 5982  412.35    1056
## 5983  417.36    1056
## 5984  422.37    1056
## 5985  427.38    1056
## 5986  432.39    1056
## 5987  437.41    1056
## 5988  442.42    1056
## 5989  447.43    1056
## 5990  452.44    1056
## 5991  457.45    1056
## 5992  462.46    1056
## 5993  467.47    1056
## 5994  472.48    1056
## 5995  477.49    1056
## 5996  482.51    1056
## 5997  487.52    1056
## 5998  492.53    1056
## 5999  497.54    1056
## 6000  502.55    1056
## 6001    6.45    1070
## 6002   11.46    1070
## 6003   16.47    1070
## 6004   21.48    1070
## 6005   26.49    1070
## 6006   31.51    1070
## 6007   36.52    1070
## 6008   41.53    1070
## 6009   46.54    1070
## 6010   51.55    1070
## 6011   56.56    1070
## 6012   61.57    1070
## 6013   66.58    1070
## 6014   71.59    1070
## 6015   76.61    1070
## 6016   81.62    1070
## 6017   86.63    1070
## 6018   91.64    1070
## 6019   96.65    1070
## 6020  101.66    1070
## 6021  106.67    1070
## 6022  111.68    1070
## 6023  116.69    1070
## 6024  121.71    1070
## 6025  126.72    1070
## 6026  131.73    1070
## 6027  136.74    1070
## 6028  141.75    1070
## 6029  146.76    1070
## 6030  151.77    1070
## 6031  156.78    1070
## 6032  161.79    1070
## 6033  166.81    1070
## 6034  171.82    1070
## 6035  176.83    1070
## 6036  181.84    1070
## 6037  186.85    1070
## 6038  191.86    1070
## 6039  196.87    1070
## 6040  201.88    1070
## 6041  206.89    1070
## 6042  211.91    1070
## 6043  216.92    1070
## 6044  221.93    1070
## 6045  226.94    1070
## 6046  231.95    1070
## 6047  236.96    1070
## 6048  241.97    1070
## 6049  246.98    1070
## 6050  251.99    1070
## 6051  257.01    1070
## 6052  262.02    1070
## 6053  267.03    1070
## 6054  272.04    1070
## 6055  277.05    1070
## 6056  282.06    1070
## 6057  287.07    1070
## 6058  292.08    1070
## 6059  297.09    1070
## 6060  302.11    1070
## 6061  307.12    1070
## 6062  312.13    1070
## 6063  317.14    1070
## 6064  322.15    1070
## 6065  327.16    1070
## 6066  332.17    1070
## 6067  337.18    1070
## 6068  342.19    1070
## 6069  347.21    1070
## 6070  352.22    1070
## 6071  357.23    1070
## 6072  362.24    1070
## 6073  367.25    1070
## 6074  372.26    1070
## 6075  377.27    1070
## 6076  382.28    1070
## 6077  387.29    1070
## 6078  392.31    1070
## 6079  397.32    1070
## 6080  402.33    1070
## 6081  407.34    1070
## 6082  412.35    1070
## 6083  417.36    1070
## 6084  422.37    1070
## 6085  427.38    1070
## 6086  432.39    1070
## 6087  437.41    1070
## 6088  442.42    1070
## 6089  447.43    1070
## 6090  452.44    1070
## 6091  457.45    1070
## 6092  462.46    1070
## 6093  467.47    1070
## 6094  472.48    1070
## 6095  477.49    1070
## 6096  482.51    1070
## 6097  487.52    1070
## 6098  492.53    1070
## 6099  497.54    1070
## 6100  502.55    1070
## 6101    6.45    1084
## 6102   11.46    1084
## 6103   16.47    1084
## 6104   21.48    1084
## 6105   26.49    1084
## 6106   31.51    1084
## 6107   36.52    1084
## 6108   41.53    1084
## 6109   46.54    1084
## 6110   51.55    1084
## 6111   56.56    1084
## 6112   61.57    1084
## 6113   66.58    1084
## 6114   71.59    1084
## 6115   76.61    1084
## 6116   81.62    1084
## 6117   86.63    1084
## 6118   91.64    1084
## 6119   96.65    1084
## 6120  101.66    1084
## 6121  106.67    1084
## 6122  111.68    1084
## 6123  116.69    1084
## 6124  121.71    1084
## 6125  126.72    1084
## 6126  131.73    1084
## 6127  136.74    1084
## 6128  141.75    1084
## 6129  146.76    1084
## 6130  151.77    1084
## 6131  156.78    1084
## 6132  161.79    1084
## 6133  166.81    1084
## 6134  171.82    1084
## 6135  176.83    1084
## 6136  181.84    1084
## 6137  186.85    1084
## 6138  191.86    1084
## 6139  196.87    1084
## 6140  201.88    1084
## 6141  206.89    1084
## 6142  211.91    1084
## 6143  216.92    1084
## 6144  221.93    1084
## 6145  226.94    1084
## 6146  231.95    1084
## 6147  236.96    1084
## 6148  241.97    1084
## 6149  246.98    1084
## 6150  251.99    1084
## 6151  257.01    1084
## 6152  262.02    1084
## 6153  267.03    1084
## 6154  272.04    1084
## 6155  277.05    1084
## 6156  282.06    1084
## 6157  287.07    1084
## 6158  292.08    1084
## 6159  297.09    1084
## 6160  302.11    1084
## 6161  307.12    1084
## 6162  312.13    1084
## 6163  317.14    1084
## 6164  322.15    1084
## 6165  327.16    1084
## 6166  332.17    1084
## 6167  337.18    1084
## 6168  342.19    1084
## 6169  347.21    1084
## 6170  352.22    1084
## 6171  357.23    1084
## 6172  362.24    1084
## 6173  367.25    1084
## 6174  372.26    1084
## 6175  377.27    1084
## 6176  382.28    1084
## 6177  387.29    1084
## 6178  392.31    1084
## 6179  397.32    1084
## 6180  402.33    1084
## 6181  407.34    1084
## 6182  412.35    1084
## 6183  417.36    1084
## 6184  422.37    1084
## 6185  427.38    1084
## 6186  432.39    1084
## 6187  437.41    1084
## 6188  442.42    1084
## 6189  447.43    1084
## 6190  452.44    1084
## 6191  457.45    1084
## 6192  462.46    1084
## 6193  467.47    1084
## 6194  472.48    1084
## 6195  477.49    1084
## 6196  482.51    1084
## 6197  487.52    1084
## 6198  492.53    1084
## 6199  497.54    1084
## 6200  502.55    1084
## 6201    6.45    1099
## 6202   11.46    1099
## 6203   16.47    1099
## 6204   21.48    1099
## 6205   26.49    1099
## 6206   31.51    1099
## 6207   36.52    1099
## 6208   41.53    1099
## 6209   46.54    1099
## 6210   51.55    1099
## 6211   56.56    1099
## 6212   61.57    1099
## 6213   66.58    1099
## 6214   71.59    1099
## 6215   76.61    1099
## 6216   81.62    1099
## 6217   86.63    1099
## 6218   91.64    1099
## 6219   96.65    1099
## 6220  101.66    1099
## 6221  106.67    1099
## 6222  111.68    1099
## 6223  116.69    1099
## 6224  121.71    1099
## 6225  126.72    1099
## 6226  131.73    1099
## 6227  136.74    1099
## 6228  141.75    1099
## 6229  146.76    1099
## 6230  151.77    1099
## 6231  156.78    1099
## 6232  161.79    1099
## 6233  166.81    1099
## 6234  171.82    1099
## 6235  176.83    1099
## 6236  181.84    1099
## 6237  186.85    1099
## 6238  191.86    1099
## 6239  196.87    1099
## 6240  201.88    1099
## 6241  206.89    1099
## 6242  211.91    1099
## 6243  216.92    1099
## 6244  221.93    1099
## 6245  226.94    1099
## 6246  231.95    1099
## 6247  236.96    1099
## 6248  241.97    1099
## 6249  246.98    1099
## 6250  251.99    1099
## 6251  257.01    1099
## 6252  262.02    1099
## 6253  267.03    1099
## 6254  272.04    1099
## 6255  277.05    1099
## 6256  282.06    1099
## 6257  287.07    1099
## 6258  292.08    1099
## 6259  297.09    1099
## 6260  302.11    1099
## 6261  307.12    1099
## 6262  312.13    1099
## 6263  317.14    1099
## 6264  322.15    1099
## 6265  327.16    1099
## 6266  332.17    1099
## 6267  337.18    1099
## 6268  342.19    1099
## 6269  347.21    1099
## 6270  352.22    1099
## 6271  357.23    1099
## 6272  362.24    1099
## 6273  367.25    1099
## 6274  372.26    1099
## 6275  377.27    1099
## 6276  382.28    1099
## 6277  387.29    1099
## 6278  392.31    1099
## 6279  397.32    1099
## 6280  402.33    1099
## 6281  407.34    1099
## 6282  412.35    1099
## 6283  417.36    1099
## 6284  422.37    1099
## 6285  427.38    1099
## 6286  432.39    1099
## 6287  437.41    1099
## 6288  442.42    1099
## 6289  447.43    1099
## 6290  452.44    1099
## 6291  457.45    1099
## 6292  462.46    1099
## 6293  467.47    1099
## 6294  472.48    1099
## 6295  477.49    1099
## 6296  482.51    1099
## 6297  487.52    1099
## 6298  492.53    1099
## 6299  497.54    1099
## 6300  502.55    1099
## 6301    6.45    1113
## 6302   11.46    1113
## 6303   16.47    1113
## 6304   21.48    1113
## 6305   26.49    1113
## 6306   31.51    1113
## 6307   36.52    1113
## 6308   41.53    1113
## 6309   46.54    1113
## 6310   51.55    1113
## 6311   56.56    1113
## 6312   61.57    1113
## 6313   66.58    1113
## 6314   71.59    1113
## 6315   76.61    1113
## 6316   81.62    1113
## 6317   86.63    1113
## 6318   91.64    1113
## 6319   96.65    1113
## 6320  101.66    1113
## 6321  106.67    1113
## 6322  111.68    1113
## 6323  116.69    1113
## 6324  121.71    1113
## 6325  126.72    1113
## 6326  131.73    1113
## 6327  136.74    1113
## 6328  141.75    1113
## 6329  146.76    1113
## 6330  151.77    1113
## 6331  156.78    1113
## 6332  161.79    1113
## 6333  166.81    1113
## 6334  171.82    1113
## 6335  176.83    1113
## 6336  181.84    1113
## 6337  186.85    1113
## 6338  191.86    1113
## 6339  196.87    1113
## 6340  201.88    1113
## 6341  206.89    1113
## 6342  211.91    1113
## 6343  216.92    1113
## 6344  221.93    1113
## 6345  226.94    1113
## 6346  231.95    1113
## 6347  236.96    1113
## 6348  241.97    1113
## 6349  246.98    1113
## 6350  251.99    1113
## 6351  257.01    1113
## 6352  262.02    1113
## 6353  267.03    1113
## 6354  272.04    1113
## 6355  277.05    1113
## 6356  282.06    1113
## 6357  287.07    1113
## 6358  292.08    1113
## 6359  297.09    1113
## 6360  302.11    1113
## 6361  307.12    1113
## 6362  312.13    1113
## 6363  317.14    1113
## 6364  322.15    1113
## 6365  327.16    1113
## 6366  332.17    1113
## 6367  337.18    1113
## 6368  342.19    1113
## 6369  347.21    1113
## 6370  352.22    1113
## 6371  357.23    1113
## 6372  362.24    1113
## 6373  367.25    1113
## 6374  372.26    1113
## 6375  377.27    1113
## 6376  382.28    1113
## 6377  387.29    1113
## 6378  392.31    1113
## 6379  397.32    1113
## 6380  402.33    1113
## 6381  407.34    1113
## 6382  412.35    1113
## 6383  417.36    1113
## 6384  422.37    1113
## 6385  427.38    1113
## 6386  432.39    1113
## 6387  437.41    1113
## 6388  442.42    1113
## 6389  447.43    1113
## 6390  452.44    1113
## 6391  457.45    1113
## 6392  462.46    1113
## 6393  467.47    1113
## 6394  472.48    1113
## 6395  477.49    1113
## 6396  482.51    1113
## 6397  487.52    1113
## 6398  492.53    1113
## 6399  497.54    1113
## 6400  502.55    1113
## 6401    6.45    1128
## 6402   11.46    1128
## 6403   16.47    1128
## 6404   21.48    1128
## 6405   26.49    1128
## 6406   31.51    1128
## 6407   36.52    1128
## 6408   41.53    1128
## 6409   46.54    1128
## 6410   51.55    1128
## 6411   56.56    1128
## 6412   61.57    1128
## 6413   66.58    1128
## 6414   71.59    1128
## 6415   76.61    1128
## 6416   81.62    1128
## 6417   86.63    1128
## 6418   91.64    1128
## 6419   96.65    1128
## 6420  101.66    1128
## 6421  106.67    1128
## 6422  111.68    1128
## 6423  116.69    1128
## 6424  121.71    1128
## 6425  126.72    1128
## 6426  131.73    1128
## 6427  136.74    1128
## 6428  141.75    1128
## 6429  146.76    1128
## 6430  151.77    1128
## 6431  156.78    1128
## 6432  161.79    1128
## 6433  166.81    1128
## 6434  171.82    1128
## 6435  176.83    1128
## 6436  181.84    1128
## 6437  186.85    1128
## 6438  191.86    1128
## 6439  196.87    1128
## 6440  201.88    1128
## 6441  206.89    1128
## 6442  211.91    1128
## 6443  216.92    1128
## 6444  221.93    1128
## 6445  226.94    1128
## 6446  231.95    1128
## 6447  236.96    1128
## 6448  241.97    1128
## 6449  246.98    1128
## 6450  251.99    1128
## 6451  257.01    1128
## 6452  262.02    1128
## 6453  267.03    1128
## 6454  272.04    1128
## 6455  277.05    1128
## 6456  282.06    1128
## 6457  287.07    1128
## 6458  292.08    1128
## 6459  297.09    1128
## 6460  302.11    1128
## 6461  307.12    1128
## 6462  312.13    1128
## 6463  317.14    1128
## 6464  322.15    1128
## 6465  327.16    1128
## 6466  332.17    1128
## 6467  337.18    1128
## 6468  342.19    1128
## 6469  347.21    1128
## 6470  352.22    1128
## 6471  357.23    1128
## 6472  362.24    1128
## 6473  367.25    1128
## 6474  372.26    1128
## 6475  377.27    1128
## 6476  382.28    1128
## 6477  387.29    1128
## 6478  392.31    1128
## 6479  397.32    1128
## 6480  402.33    1128
## 6481  407.34    1128
## 6482  412.35    1128
## 6483  417.36    1128
## 6484  422.37    1128
## 6485  427.38    1128
## 6486  432.39    1128
## 6487  437.41    1128
## 6488  442.42    1128
## 6489  447.43    1128
## 6490  452.44    1128
## 6491  457.45    1128
## 6492  462.46    1128
## 6493  467.47    1128
## 6494  472.48    1128
## 6495  477.49    1128
## 6496  482.51    1128
## 6497  487.52    1128
## 6498  492.53    1128
## 6499  497.54    1128
## 6500  502.55    1128
## 6501    6.45    1142
## 6502   11.46    1142
## 6503   16.47    1142
## 6504   21.48    1142
## 6505   26.49    1142
## 6506   31.51    1142
## 6507   36.52    1142
## 6508   41.53    1142
## 6509   46.54    1142
## 6510   51.55    1142
## 6511   56.56    1142
## 6512   61.57    1142
## 6513   66.58    1142
## 6514   71.59    1142
## 6515   76.61    1142
## 6516   81.62    1142
## 6517   86.63    1142
## 6518   91.64    1142
## 6519   96.65    1142
## 6520  101.66    1142
## 6521  106.67    1142
## 6522  111.68    1142
## 6523  116.69    1142
## 6524  121.71    1142
## 6525  126.72    1142
## 6526  131.73    1142
## 6527  136.74    1142
## 6528  141.75    1142
## 6529  146.76    1142
## 6530  151.77    1142
## 6531  156.78    1142
## 6532  161.79    1142
## 6533  166.81    1142
## 6534  171.82    1142
## 6535  176.83    1142
## 6536  181.84    1142
## 6537  186.85    1142
## 6538  191.86    1142
## 6539  196.87    1142
## 6540  201.88    1142
## 6541  206.89    1142
## 6542  211.91    1142
## 6543  216.92    1142
## 6544  221.93    1142
## 6545  226.94    1142
## 6546  231.95    1142
## 6547  236.96    1142
## 6548  241.97    1142
## 6549  246.98    1142
## 6550  251.99    1142
## 6551  257.01    1142
## 6552  262.02    1142
## 6553  267.03    1142
## 6554  272.04    1142
## 6555  277.05    1142
## 6556  282.06    1142
## 6557  287.07    1142
## 6558  292.08    1142
## 6559  297.09    1142
## 6560  302.11    1142
## 6561  307.12    1142
## 6562  312.13    1142
## 6563  317.14    1142
## 6564  322.15    1142
## 6565  327.16    1142
## 6566  332.17    1142
## 6567  337.18    1142
## 6568  342.19    1142
## 6569  347.21    1142
## 6570  352.22    1142
## 6571  357.23    1142
## 6572  362.24    1142
## 6573  367.25    1142
## 6574  372.26    1142
## 6575  377.27    1142
## 6576  382.28    1142
## 6577  387.29    1142
## 6578  392.31    1142
## 6579  397.32    1142
## 6580  402.33    1142
## 6581  407.34    1142
## 6582  412.35    1142
## 6583  417.36    1142
## 6584  422.37    1142
## 6585  427.38    1142
## 6586  432.39    1142
## 6587  437.41    1142
## 6588  442.42    1142
## 6589  447.43    1142
## 6590  452.44    1142
## 6591  457.45    1142
## 6592  462.46    1142
## 6593  467.47    1142
## 6594  472.48    1142
## 6595  477.49    1142
## 6596  482.51    1142
## 6597  487.52    1142
## 6598  492.53    1142
## 6599  497.54    1142
## 6600  502.55    1142
## 6601    6.45    1157
## 6602   11.46    1157
## 6603   16.47    1157
## 6604   21.48    1157
## 6605   26.49    1157
## 6606   31.51    1157
## 6607   36.52    1157
## 6608   41.53    1157
## 6609   46.54    1157
## 6610   51.55    1157
## 6611   56.56    1157
## 6612   61.57    1157
## 6613   66.58    1157
## 6614   71.59    1157
## 6615   76.61    1157
## 6616   81.62    1157
## 6617   86.63    1157
## 6618   91.64    1157
## 6619   96.65    1157
## 6620  101.66    1157
## 6621  106.67    1157
## 6622  111.68    1157
## 6623  116.69    1157
## 6624  121.71    1157
## 6625  126.72    1157
## 6626  131.73    1157
## 6627  136.74    1157
## 6628  141.75    1157
## 6629  146.76    1157
## 6630  151.77    1157
## 6631  156.78    1157
## 6632  161.79    1157
## 6633  166.81    1157
## 6634  171.82    1157
## 6635  176.83    1157
## 6636  181.84    1157
## 6637  186.85    1157
## 6638  191.86    1157
## 6639  196.87    1157
## 6640  201.88    1157
## 6641  206.89    1157
## 6642  211.91    1157
## 6643  216.92    1157
## 6644  221.93    1157
## 6645  226.94    1157
## 6646  231.95    1157
## 6647  236.96    1157
## 6648  241.97    1157
## 6649  246.98    1157
## 6650  251.99    1157
## 6651  257.01    1157
## 6652  262.02    1157
## 6653  267.03    1157
## 6654  272.04    1157
## 6655  277.05    1157
## 6656  282.06    1157
## 6657  287.07    1157
## 6658  292.08    1157
## 6659  297.09    1157
## 6660  302.11    1157
## 6661  307.12    1157
## 6662  312.13    1157
## 6663  317.14    1157
## 6664  322.15    1157
## 6665  327.16    1157
## 6666  332.17    1157
## 6667  337.18    1157
## 6668  342.19    1157
## 6669  347.21    1157
## 6670  352.22    1157
## 6671  357.23    1157
## 6672  362.24    1157
## 6673  367.25    1157
## 6674  372.26    1157
## 6675  377.27    1157
## 6676  382.28    1157
## 6677  387.29    1157
## 6678  392.31    1157
## 6679  397.32    1157
## 6680  402.33    1157
## 6681  407.34    1157
## 6682  412.35    1157
## 6683  417.36    1157
## 6684  422.37    1157
## 6685  427.38    1157
## 6686  432.39    1157
## 6687  437.41    1157
## 6688  442.42    1157
## 6689  447.43    1157
## 6690  452.44    1157
## 6691  457.45    1157
## 6692  462.46    1157
## 6693  467.47    1157
## 6694  472.48    1157
## 6695  477.49    1157
## 6696  482.51    1157
## 6697  487.52    1157
## 6698  492.53    1157
## 6699  497.54    1157
## 6700  502.55    1157
## 6701    6.45    1171
## 6702   11.46    1171
## 6703   16.47    1171
## 6704   21.48    1171
## 6705   26.49    1171
## 6706   31.51    1171
## 6707   36.52    1171
## 6708   41.53    1171
## 6709   46.54    1171
## 6710   51.55    1171
## 6711   56.56    1171
## 6712   61.57    1171
## 6713   66.58    1171
## 6714   71.59    1171
## 6715   76.61    1171
## 6716   81.62    1171
## 6717   86.63    1171
## 6718   91.64    1171
## 6719   96.65    1171
## 6720  101.66    1171
## 6721  106.67    1171
## 6722  111.68    1171
## 6723  116.69    1171
## 6724  121.71    1171
## 6725  126.72    1171
## 6726  131.73    1171
## 6727  136.74    1171
## 6728  141.75    1171
## 6729  146.76    1171
## 6730  151.77    1171
## 6731  156.78    1171
## 6732  161.79    1171
## 6733  166.81    1171
## 6734  171.82    1171
## 6735  176.83    1171
## 6736  181.84    1171
## 6737  186.85    1171
## 6738  191.86    1171
## 6739  196.87    1171
## 6740  201.88    1171
## 6741  206.89    1171
## 6742  211.91    1171
## 6743  216.92    1171
## 6744  221.93    1171
## 6745  226.94    1171
## 6746  231.95    1171
## 6747  236.96    1171
## 6748  241.97    1171
## 6749  246.98    1171
## 6750  251.99    1171
## 6751  257.01    1171
## 6752  262.02    1171
## 6753  267.03    1171
## 6754  272.04    1171
## 6755  277.05    1171
## 6756  282.06    1171
## 6757  287.07    1171
## 6758  292.08    1171
## 6759  297.09    1171
## 6760  302.11    1171
## 6761  307.12    1171
## 6762  312.13    1171
## 6763  317.14    1171
## 6764  322.15    1171
## 6765  327.16    1171
## 6766  332.17    1171
## 6767  337.18    1171
## 6768  342.19    1171
## 6769  347.21    1171
## 6770  352.22    1171
## 6771  357.23    1171
## 6772  362.24    1171
## 6773  367.25    1171
## 6774  372.26    1171
## 6775  377.27    1171
## 6776  382.28    1171
## 6777  387.29    1171
## 6778  392.31    1171
## 6779  397.32    1171
## 6780  402.33    1171
## 6781  407.34    1171
## 6782  412.35    1171
## 6783  417.36    1171
## 6784  422.37    1171
## 6785  427.38    1171
## 6786  432.39    1171
## 6787  437.41    1171
## 6788  442.42    1171
## 6789  447.43    1171
## 6790  452.44    1171
## 6791  457.45    1171
## 6792  462.46    1171
## 6793  467.47    1171
## 6794  472.48    1171
## 6795  477.49    1171
## 6796  482.51    1171
## 6797  487.52    1171
## 6798  492.53    1171
## 6799  497.54    1171
## 6800  502.55    1171
## 6801    6.45    1186
## 6802   11.46    1186
## 6803   16.47    1186
## 6804   21.48    1186
## 6805   26.49    1186
## 6806   31.51    1186
## 6807   36.52    1186
## 6808   41.53    1186
## 6809   46.54    1186
## 6810   51.55    1186
## 6811   56.56    1186
## 6812   61.57    1186
## 6813   66.58    1186
## 6814   71.59    1186
## 6815   76.61    1186
## 6816   81.62    1186
## 6817   86.63    1186
## 6818   91.64    1186
## 6819   96.65    1186
## 6820  101.66    1186
## 6821  106.67    1186
## 6822  111.68    1186
## 6823  116.69    1186
## 6824  121.71    1186
## 6825  126.72    1186
## 6826  131.73    1186
## 6827  136.74    1186
## 6828  141.75    1186
## 6829  146.76    1186
## 6830  151.77    1186
## 6831  156.78    1186
## 6832  161.79    1186
## 6833  166.81    1186
## 6834  171.82    1186
## 6835  176.83    1186
## 6836  181.84    1186
## 6837  186.85    1186
## 6838  191.86    1186
## 6839  196.87    1186
## 6840  201.88    1186
## 6841  206.89    1186
## 6842  211.91    1186
## 6843  216.92    1186
## 6844  221.93    1186
## 6845  226.94    1186
## 6846  231.95    1186
## 6847  236.96    1186
## 6848  241.97    1186
## 6849  246.98    1186
## 6850  251.99    1186
## 6851  257.01    1186
## 6852  262.02    1186
## 6853  267.03    1186
## 6854  272.04    1186
## 6855  277.05    1186
## 6856  282.06    1186
## 6857  287.07    1186
## 6858  292.08    1186
## 6859  297.09    1186
## 6860  302.11    1186
## 6861  307.12    1186
## 6862  312.13    1186
## 6863  317.14    1186
## 6864  322.15    1186
## 6865  327.16    1186
## 6866  332.17    1186
## 6867  337.18    1186
## 6868  342.19    1186
## 6869  347.21    1186
## 6870  352.22    1186
## 6871  357.23    1186
## 6872  362.24    1186
## 6873  367.25    1186
## 6874  372.26    1186
## 6875  377.27    1186
## 6876  382.28    1186
## 6877  387.29    1186
## 6878  392.31    1186
## 6879  397.32    1186
## 6880  402.33    1186
## 6881  407.34    1186
## 6882  412.35    1186
## 6883  417.36    1186
## 6884  422.37    1186
## 6885  427.38    1186
## 6886  432.39    1186
## 6887  437.41    1186
## 6888  442.42    1186
## 6889  447.43    1186
## 6890  452.44    1186
## 6891  457.45    1186
## 6892  462.46    1186
## 6893  467.47    1186
## 6894  472.48    1186
## 6895  477.49    1186
## 6896  482.51    1186
## 6897  487.52    1186
## 6898  492.53    1186
## 6899  497.54    1186
## 6900  502.55    1186
## 6901    6.45    1200
## 6902   11.46    1200
## 6903   16.47    1200
## 6904   21.48    1200
## 6905   26.49    1200
## 6906   31.51    1200
## 6907   36.52    1200
## 6908   41.53    1200
## 6909   46.54    1200
## 6910   51.55    1200
## 6911   56.56    1200
## 6912   61.57    1200
## 6913   66.58    1200
## 6914   71.59    1200
## 6915   76.61    1200
## 6916   81.62    1200
## 6917   86.63    1200
## 6918   91.64    1200
## 6919   96.65    1200
## 6920  101.66    1200
## 6921  106.67    1200
## 6922  111.68    1200
## 6923  116.69    1200
## 6924  121.71    1200
## 6925  126.72    1200
## 6926  131.73    1200
## 6927  136.74    1200
## 6928  141.75    1200
## 6929  146.76    1200
## 6930  151.77    1200
## 6931  156.78    1200
## 6932  161.79    1200
## 6933  166.81    1200
## 6934  171.82    1200
## 6935  176.83    1200
## 6936  181.84    1200
## 6937  186.85    1200
## 6938  191.86    1200
## 6939  196.87    1200
## 6940  201.88    1200
## 6941  206.89    1200
## 6942  211.91    1200
## 6943  216.92    1200
## 6944  221.93    1200
## 6945  226.94    1200
## 6946  231.95    1200
## 6947  236.96    1200
## 6948  241.97    1200
## 6949  246.98    1200
## 6950  251.99    1200
## 6951  257.01    1200
## 6952  262.02    1200
## 6953  267.03    1200
## 6954  272.04    1200
## 6955  277.05    1200
## 6956  282.06    1200
## 6957  287.07    1200
## 6958  292.08    1200
## 6959  297.09    1200
## 6960  302.11    1200
## 6961  307.12    1200
## 6962  312.13    1200
## 6963  317.14    1200
## 6964  322.15    1200
## 6965  327.16    1200
## 6966  332.17    1200
## 6967  337.18    1200
## 6968  342.19    1200
## 6969  347.21    1200
## 6970  352.22    1200
## 6971  357.23    1200
## 6972  362.24    1200
## 6973  367.25    1200
## 6974  372.26    1200
## 6975  377.27    1200
## 6976  382.28    1200
## 6977  387.29    1200
## 6978  392.31    1200
## 6979  397.32    1200
## 6980  402.33    1200
## 6981  407.34    1200
## 6982  412.35    1200
## 6983  417.36    1200
## 6984  422.37    1200
## 6985  427.38    1200
## 6986  432.39    1200
## 6987  437.41    1200
## 6988  442.42    1200
## 6989  447.43    1200
## 6990  452.44    1200
## 6991  457.45    1200
## 6992  462.46    1200
## 6993  467.47    1200
## 6994  472.48    1200
## 6995  477.49    1200
## 6996  482.51    1200
## 6997  487.52    1200
## 6998  492.53    1200
## 6999  497.54    1200
## 7000  502.55    1200
## 7001    6.45    1214
## 7002   11.46    1214
## 7003   16.47    1214
## 7004   21.48    1214
## 7005   26.49    1214
## 7006   31.51    1214
## 7007   36.52    1214
## 7008   41.53    1214
## 7009   46.54    1214
## 7010   51.55    1214
## 7011   56.56    1214
## 7012   61.57    1214
## 7013   66.58    1214
## 7014   71.59    1214
## 7015   76.61    1214
## 7016   81.62    1214
## 7017   86.63    1214
## 7018   91.64    1214
## 7019   96.65    1214
## 7020  101.66    1214
## 7021  106.67    1214
## 7022  111.68    1214
## 7023  116.69    1214
## 7024  121.71    1214
## 7025  126.72    1214
## 7026  131.73    1214
## 7027  136.74    1214
## 7028  141.75    1214
## 7029  146.76    1214
## 7030  151.77    1214
## 7031  156.78    1214
## 7032  161.79    1214
## 7033  166.81    1214
## 7034  171.82    1214
## 7035  176.83    1214
## 7036  181.84    1214
## 7037  186.85    1214
## 7038  191.86    1214
## 7039  196.87    1214
## 7040  201.88    1214
## 7041  206.89    1214
## 7042  211.91    1214
## 7043  216.92    1214
## 7044  221.93    1214
## 7045  226.94    1214
## 7046  231.95    1214
## 7047  236.96    1214
## 7048  241.97    1214
## 7049  246.98    1214
## 7050  251.99    1214
## 7051  257.01    1214
## 7052  262.02    1214
## 7053  267.03    1214
## 7054  272.04    1214
## 7055  277.05    1214
## 7056  282.06    1214
## 7057  287.07    1214
## 7058  292.08    1214
## 7059  297.09    1214
## 7060  302.11    1214
## 7061  307.12    1214
## 7062  312.13    1214
## 7063  317.14    1214
## 7064  322.15    1214
## 7065  327.16    1214
## 7066  332.17    1214
## 7067  337.18    1214
## 7068  342.19    1214
## 7069  347.21    1214
## 7070  352.22    1214
## 7071  357.23    1214
## 7072  362.24    1214
## 7073  367.25    1214
## 7074  372.26    1214
## 7075  377.27    1214
## 7076  382.28    1214
## 7077  387.29    1214
## 7078  392.31    1214
## 7079  397.32    1214
## 7080  402.33    1214
## 7081  407.34    1214
## 7082  412.35    1214
## 7083  417.36    1214
## 7084  422.37    1214
## 7085  427.38    1214
## 7086  432.39    1214
## 7087  437.41    1214
## 7088  442.42    1214
## 7089  447.43    1214
## 7090  452.44    1214
## 7091  457.45    1214
## 7092  462.46    1214
## 7093  467.47    1214
## 7094  472.48    1214
## 7095  477.49    1214
## 7096  482.51    1214
## 7097  487.52    1214
## 7098  492.53    1214
## 7099  497.54    1214
## 7100  502.55    1214
## 7101    6.45    1229
## 7102   11.46    1229
## 7103   16.47    1229
## 7104   21.48    1229
## 7105   26.49    1229
## 7106   31.51    1229
## 7107   36.52    1229
## 7108   41.53    1229
## 7109   46.54    1229
## 7110   51.55    1229
## 7111   56.56    1229
## 7112   61.57    1229
## 7113   66.58    1229
## 7114   71.59    1229
## 7115   76.61    1229
## 7116   81.62    1229
## 7117   86.63    1229
## 7118   91.64    1229
## 7119   96.65    1229
## 7120  101.66    1229
## 7121  106.67    1229
## 7122  111.68    1229
## 7123  116.69    1229
## 7124  121.71    1229
## 7125  126.72    1229
## 7126  131.73    1229
## 7127  136.74    1229
## 7128  141.75    1229
## 7129  146.76    1229
## 7130  151.77    1229
## 7131  156.78    1229
## 7132  161.79    1229
## 7133  166.81    1229
## 7134  171.82    1229
## 7135  176.83    1229
## 7136  181.84    1229
## 7137  186.85    1229
## 7138  191.86    1229
## 7139  196.87    1229
## 7140  201.88    1229
## 7141  206.89    1229
## 7142  211.91    1229
## 7143  216.92    1229
## 7144  221.93    1229
## 7145  226.94    1229
## 7146  231.95    1229
## 7147  236.96    1229
## 7148  241.97    1229
## 7149  246.98    1229
## 7150  251.99    1229
## 7151  257.01    1229
## 7152  262.02    1229
## 7153  267.03    1229
## 7154  272.04    1229
## 7155  277.05    1229
## 7156  282.06    1229
## 7157  287.07    1229
## 7158  292.08    1229
## 7159  297.09    1229
## 7160  302.11    1229
## 7161  307.12    1229
## 7162  312.13    1229
## 7163  317.14    1229
## 7164  322.15    1229
## 7165  327.16    1229
## 7166  332.17    1229
## 7167  337.18    1229
## 7168  342.19    1229
## 7169  347.21    1229
## 7170  352.22    1229
## 7171  357.23    1229
## 7172  362.24    1229
## 7173  367.25    1229
## 7174  372.26    1229
## 7175  377.27    1229
## 7176  382.28    1229
## 7177  387.29    1229
## 7178  392.31    1229
## 7179  397.32    1229
## 7180  402.33    1229
## 7181  407.34    1229
## 7182  412.35    1229
## 7183  417.36    1229
## 7184  422.37    1229
## 7185  427.38    1229
## 7186  432.39    1229
## 7187  437.41    1229
## 7188  442.42    1229
## 7189  447.43    1229
## 7190  452.44    1229
## 7191  457.45    1229
## 7192  462.46    1229
## 7193  467.47    1229
## 7194  472.48    1229
## 7195  477.49    1229
## 7196  482.51    1229
## 7197  487.52    1229
## 7198  492.53    1229
## 7199  497.54    1229
## 7200  502.55    1229
## 7201    6.45    1243
## 7202   11.46    1243
## 7203   16.47    1243
## 7204   21.48    1243
## 7205   26.49    1243
## 7206   31.51    1243
## 7207   36.52    1243
## 7208   41.53    1243
## 7209   46.54    1243
## 7210   51.55    1243
## 7211   56.56    1243
## 7212   61.57    1243
## 7213   66.58    1243
## 7214   71.59    1243
## 7215   76.61    1243
## 7216   81.62    1243
## 7217   86.63    1243
## 7218   91.64    1243
## 7219   96.65    1243
## 7220  101.66    1243
## 7221  106.67    1243
## 7222  111.68    1243
## 7223  116.69    1243
## 7224  121.71    1243
## 7225  126.72    1243
## 7226  131.73    1243
## 7227  136.74    1243
## 7228  141.75    1243
## 7229  146.76    1243
## 7230  151.77    1243
## 7231  156.78    1243
## 7232  161.79    1243
## 7233  166.81    1243
## 7234  171.82    1243
## 7235  176.83    1243
## 7236  181.84    1243
## 7237  186.85    1243
## 7238  191.86    1243
## 7239  196.87    1243
## 7240  201.88    1243
## 7241  206.89    1243
## 7242  211.91    1243
## 7243  216.92    1243
## 7244  221.93    1243
## 7245  226.94    1243
## 7246  231.95    1243
## 7247  236.96    1243
## 7248  241.97    1243
## 7249  246.98    1243
## 7250  251.99    1243
## 7251  257.01    1243
## 7252  262.02    1243
## 7253  267.03    1243
## 7254  272.04    1243
## 7255  277.05    1243
## 7256  282.06    1243
## 7257  287.07    1243
## 7258  292.08    1243
## 7259  297.09    1243
## 7260  302.11    1243
## 7261  307.12    1243
## 7262  312.13    1243
## 7263  317.14    1243
## 7264  322.15    1243
## 7265  327.16    1243
## 7266  332.17    1243
## 7267  337.18    1243
## 7268  342.19    1243
## 7269  347.21    1243
## 7270  352.22    1243
## 7271  357.23    1243
## 7272  362.24    1243
## 7273  367.25    1243
## 7274  372.26    1243
## 7275  377.27    1243
## 7276  382.28    1243
## 7277  387.29    1243
## 7278  392.31    1243
## 7279  397.32    1243
## 7280  402.33    1243
## 7281  407.34    1243
## 7282  412.35    1243
## 7283  417.36    1243
## 7284  422.37    1243
## 7285  427.38    1243
## 7286  432.39    1243
## 7287  437.41    1243
## 7288  442.42    1243
## 7289  447.43    1243
## 7290  452.44    1243
## 7291  457.45    1243
## 7292  462.46    1243
## 7293  467.47    1243
## 7294  472.48    1243
## 7295  477.49    1243
## 7296  482.51    1243
## 7297  487.52    1243
## 7298  492.53    1243
## 7299  497.54    1243
## 7300  502.55    1243
## 7301    6.45    1258
## 7302   11.46    1258
## 7303   16.47    1258
## 7304   21.48    1258
## 7305   26.49    1258
## 7306   31.51    1258
## 7307   36.52    1258
## 7308   41.53    1258
## 7309   46.54    1258
## 7310   51.55    1258
## 7311   56.56    1258
## 7312   61.57    1258
## 7313   66.58    1258
## 7314   71.59    1258
## 7315   76.61    1258
## 7316   81.62    1258
## 7317   86.63    1258
## 7318   91.64    1258
## 7319   96.65    1258
## 7320  101.66    1258
## 7321  106.67    1258
## 7322  111.68    1258
## 7323  116.69    1258
## 7324  121.71    1258
## 7325  126.72    1258
## 7326  131.73    1258
## 7327  136.74    1258
## 7328  141.75    1258
## 7329  146.76    1258
## 7330  151.77    1258
## 7331  156.78    1258
## 7332  161.79    1258
## 7333  166.81    1258
## 7334  171.82    1258
## 7335  176.83    1258
## 7336  181.84    1258
## 7337  186.85    1258
## 7338  191.86    1258
## 7339  196.87    1258
## 7340  201.88    1258
## 7341  206.89    1258
## 7342  211.91    1258
## 7343  216.92    1258
## 7344  221.93    1258
## 7345  226.94    1258
## 7346  231.95    1258
## 7347  236.96    1258
## 7348  241.97    1258
## 7349  246.98    1258
## 7350  251.99    1258
## 7351  257.01    1258
## 7352  262.02    1258
## 7353  267.03    1258
## 7354  272.04    1258
## 7355  277.05    1258
## 7356  282.06    1258
## 7357  287.07    1258
## 7358  292.08    1258
## 7359  297.09    1258
## 7360  302.11    1258
## 7361  307.12    1258
## 7362  312.13    1258
## 7363  317.14    1258
## 7364  322.15    1258
## 7365  327.16    1258
## 7366  332.17    1258
## 7367  337.18    1258
## 7368  342.19    1258
## 7369  347.21    1258
## 7370  352.22    1258
## 7371  357.23    1258
## 7372  362.24    1258
## 7373  367.25    1258
## 7374  372.26    1258
## 7375  377.27    1258
## 7376  382.28    1258
## 7377  387.29    1258
## 7378  392.31    1258
## 7379  397.32    1258
## 7380  402.33    1258
## 7381  407.34    1258
## 7382  412.35    1258
## 7383  417.36    1258
## 7384  422.37    1258
## 7385  427.38    1258
## 7386  432.39    1258
## 7387  437.41    1258
## 7388  442.42    1258
## 7389  447.43    1258
## 7390  452.44    1258
## 7391  457.45    1258
## 7392  462.46    1258
## 7393  467.47    1258
## 7394  472.48    1258
## 7395  477.49    1258
## 7396  482.51    1258
## 7397  487.52    1258
## 7398  492.53    1258
## 7399  497.54    1258
## 7400  502.55    1258
## 7401    6.45    1272
## 7402   11.46    1272
## 7403   16.47    1272
## 7404   21.48    1272
## 7405   26.49    1272
## 7406   31.51    1272
## 7407   36.52    1272
## 7408   41.53    1272
## 7409   46.54    1272
## 7410   51.55    1272
## 7411   56.56    1272
## 7412   61.57    1272
## 7413   66.58    1272
## 7414   71.59    1272
## 7415   76.61    1272
## 7416   81.62    1272
## 7417   86.63    1272
## 7418   91.64    1272
## 7419   96.65    1272
## 7420  101.66    1272
## 7421  106.67    1272
## 7422  111.68    1272
## 7423  116.69    1272
## 7424  121.71    1272
## 7425  126.72    1272
## 7426  131.73    1272
## 7427  136.74    1272
## 7428  141.75    1272
## 7429  146.76    1272
## 7430  151.77    1272
## 7431  156.78    1272
## 7432  161.79    1272
## 7433  166.81    1272
## 7434  171.82    1272
## 7435  176.83    1272
## 7436  181.84    1272
## 7437  186.85    1272
## 7438  191.86    1272
## 7439  196.87    1272
## 7440  201.88    1272
## 7441  206.89    1272
## 7442  211.91    1272
## 7443  216.92    1272
## 7444  221.93    1272
## 7445  226.94    1272
## 7446  231.95    1272
## 7447  236.96    1272
## 7448  241.97    1272
## 7449  246.98    1272
## 7450  251.99    1272
## 7451  257.01    1272
## 7452  262.02    1272
## 7453  267.03    1272
## 7454  272.04    1272
## 7455  277.05    1272
## 7456  282.06    1272
## 7457  287.07    1272
## 7458  292.08    1272
## 7459  297.09    1272
## 7460  302.11    1272
## 7461  307.12    1272
## 7462  312.13    1272
## 7463  317.14    1272
## 7464  322.15    1272
## 7465  327.16    1272
## 7466  332.17    1272
## 7467  337.18    1272
## 7468  342.19    1272
## 7469  347.21    1272
## 7470  352.22    1272
## 7471  357.23    1272
## 7472  362.24    1272
## 7473  367.25    1272
## 7474  372.26    1272
## 7475  377.27    1272
## 7476  382.28    1272
## 7477  387.29    1272
## 7478  392.31    1272
## 7479  397.32    1272
## 7480  402.33    1272
## 7481  407.34    1272
## 7482  412.35    1272
## 7483  417.36    1272
## 7484  422.37    1272
## 7485  427.38    1272
## 7486  432.39    1272
## 7487  437.41    1272
## 7488  442.42    1272
## 7489  447.43    1272
## 7490  452.44    1272
## 7491  457.45    1272
## 7492  462.46    1272
## 7493  467.47    1272
## 7494  472.48    1272
## 7495  477.49    1272
## 7496  482.51    1272
## 7497  487.52    1272
## 7498  492.53    1272
## 7499  497.54    1272
## 7500  502.55    1272
## 7501    6.45    1287
## 7502   11.46    1287
## 7503   16.47    1287
## 7504   21.48    1287
## 7505   26.49    1287
## 7506   31.51    1287
## 7507   36.52    1287
## 7508   41.53    1287
## 7509   46.54    1287
## 7510   51.55    1287
## 7511   56.56    1287
## 7512   61.57    1287
## 7513   66.58    1287
## 7514   71.59    1287
## 7515   76.61    1287
## 7516   81.62    1287
## 7517   86.63    1287
## 7518   91.64    1287
## 7519   96.65    1287
## 7520  101.66    1287
## 7521  106.67    1287
## 7522  111.68    1287
## 7523  116.69    1287
## 7524  121.71    1287
## 7525  126.72    1287
## 7526  131.73    1287
## 7527  136.74    1287
## 7528  141.75    1287
## 7529  146.76    1287
## 7530  151.77    1287
## 7531  156.78    1287
## 7532  161.79    1287
## 7533  166.81    1287
## 7534  171.82    1287
## 7535  176.83    1287
## 7536  181.84    1287
## 7537  186.85    1287
## 7538  191.86    1287
## 7539  196.87    1287
## 7540  201.88    1287
## 7541  206.89    1287
## 7542  211.91    1287
## 7543  216.92    1287
## 7544  221.93    1287
## 7545  226.94    1287
## 7546  231.95    1287
## 7547  236.96    1287
## 7548  241.97    1287
## 7549  246.98    1287
## 7550  251.99    1287
## 7551  257.01    1287
## 7552  262.02    1287
## 7553  267.03    1287
## 7554  272.04    1287
## 7555  277.05    1287
## 7556  282.06    1287
## 7557  287.07    1287
## 7558  292.08    1287
## 7559  297.09    1287
## 7560  302.11    1287
## 7561  307.12    1287
## 7562  312.13    1287
## 7563  317.14    1287
## 7564  322.15    1287
## 7565  327.16    1287
## 7566  332.17    1287
## 7567  337.18    1287
## 7568  342.19    1287
## 7569  347.21    1287
## 7570  352.22    1287
## 7571  357.23    1287
## 7572  362.24    1287
## 7573  367.25    1287
## 7574  372.26    1287
## 7575  377.27    1287
## 7576  382.28    1287
## 7577  387.29    1287
## 7578  392.31    1287
## 7579  397.32    1287
## 7580  402.33    1287
## 7581  407.34    1287
## 7582  412.35    1287
## 7583  417.36    1287
## 7584  422.37    1287
## 7585  427.38    1287
## 7586  432.39    1287
## 7587  437.41    1287
## 7588  442.42    1287
## 7589  447.43    1287
## 7590  452.44    1287
## 7591  457.45    1287
## 7592  462.46    1287
## 7593  467.47    1287
## 7594  472.48    1287
## 7595  477.49    1287
## 7596  482.51    1287
## 7597  487.52    1287
## 7598  492.53    1287
## 7599  497.54    1287
## 7600  502.55    1287
## 7601    6.45    1301
## 7602   11.46    1301
## 7603   16.47    1301
## 7604   21.48    1301
## 7605   26.49    1301
## 7606   31.51    1301
## 7607   36.52    1301
## 7608   41.53    1301
## 7609   46.54    1301
## 7610   51.55    1301
## 7611   56.56    1301
## 7612   61.57    1301
## 7613   66.58    1301
## 7614   71.59    1301
## 7615   76.61    1301
## 7616   81.62    1301
## 7617   86.63    1301
## 7618   91.64    1301
## 7619   96.65    1301
## 7620  101.66    1301
## 7621  106.67    1301
## 7622  111.68    1301
## 7623  116.69    1301
## 7624  121.71    1301
## 7625  126.72    1301
## 7626  131.73    1301
## 7627  136.74    1301
## 7628  141.75    1301
## 7629  146.76    1301
## 7630  151.77    1301
## 7631  156.78    1301
## 7632  161.79    1301
## 7633  166.81    1301
## 7634  171.82    1301
## 7635  176.83    1301
## 7636  181.84    1301
## 7637  186.85    1301
## 7638  191.86    1301
## 7639  196.87    1301
## 7640  201.88    1301
## 7641  206.89    1301
## 7642  211.91    1301
## 7643  216.92    1301
## 7644  221.93    1301
## 7645  226.94    1301
## 7646  231.95    1301
## 7647  236.96    1301
## 7648  241.97    1301
## 7649  246.98    1301
## 7650  251.99    1301
## 7651  257.01    1301
## 7652  262.02    1301
## 7653  267.03    1301
## 7654  272.04    1301
## 7655  277.05    1301
## 7656  282.06    1301
## 7657  287.07    1301
## 7658  292.08    1301
## 7659  297.09    1301
## 7660  302.11    1301
## 7661  307.12    1301
## 7662  312.13    1301
## 7663  317.14    1301
## 7664  322.15    1301
## 7665  327.16    1301
## 7666  332.17    1301
## 7667  337.18    1301
## 7668  342.19    1301
## 7669  347.21    1301
## 7670  352.22    1301
## 7671  357.23    1301
## 7672  362.24    1301
## 7673  367.25    1301
## 7674  372.26    1301
## 7675  377.27    1301
## 7676  382.28    1301
## 7677  387.29    1301
## 7678  392.31    1301
## 7679  397.32    1301
## 7680  402.33    1301
## 7681  407.34    1301
## 7682  412.35    1301
## 7683  417.36    1301
## 7684  422.37    1301
## 7685  427.38    1301
## 7686  432.39    1301
## 7687  437.41    1301
## 7688  442.42    1301
## 7689  447.43    1301
## 7690  452.44    1301
## 7691  457.45    1301
## 7692  462.46    1301
## 7693  467.47    1301
## 7694  472.48    1301
## 7695  477.49    1301
## 7696  482.51    1301
## 7697  487.52    1301
## 7698  492.53    1301
## 7699  497.54    1301
## 7700  502.55    1301
## 7701    6.45    1315
## 7702   11.46    1315
## 7703   16.47    1315
## 7704   21.48    1315
## 7705   26.49    1315
## 7706   31.51    1315
## 7707   36.52    1315
## 7708   41.53    1315
## 7709   46.54    1315
## 7710   51.55    1315
## 7711   56.56    1315
## 7712   61.57    1315
## 7713   66.58    1315
## 7714   71.59    1315
## 7715   76.61    1315
## 7716   81.62    1315
## 7717   86.63    1315
## 7718   91.64    1315
## 7719   96.65    1315
## 7720  101.66    1315
## 7721  106.67    1315
## 7722  111.68    1315
## 7723  116.69    1315
## 7724  121.71    1315
## 7725  126.72    1315
## 7726  131.73    1315
## 7727  136.74    1315
## 7728  141.75    1315
## 7729  146.76    1315
## 7730  151.77    1315
## 7731  156.78    1315
## 7732  161.79    1315
## 7733  166.81    1315
## 7734  171.82    1315
## 7735  176.83    1315
## 7736  181.84    1315
## 7737  186.85    1315
## 7738  191.86    1315
## 7739  196.87    1315
## 7740  201.88    1315
## 7741  206.89    1315
## 7742  211.91    1315
## 7743  216.92    1315
## 7744  221.93    1315
## 7745  226.94    1315
## 7746  231.95    1315
## 7747  236.96    1315
## 7748  241.97    1315
## 7749  246.98    1315
## 7750  251.99    1315
## 7751  257.01    1315
## 7752  262.02    1315
## 7753  267.03    1315
## 7754  272.04    1315
## 7755  277.05    1315
## 7756  282.06    1315
## 7757  287.07    1315
## 7758  292.08    1315
## 7759  297.09    1315
## 7760  302.11    1315
## 7761  307.12    1315
## 7762  312.13    1315
## 7763  317.14    1315
## 7764  322.15    1315
## 7765  327.16    1315
## 7766  332.17    1315
## 7767  337.18    1315
## 7768  342.19    1315
## 7769  347.21    1315
## 7770  352.22    1315
## 7771  357.23    1315
## 7772  362.24    1315
## 7773  367.25    1315
## 7774  372.26    1315
## 7775  377.27    1315
## 7776  382.28    1315
## 7777  387.29    1315
## 7778  392.31    1315
## 7779  397.32    1315
## 7780  402.33    1315
## 7781  407.34    1315
## 7782  412.35    1315
## 7783  417.36    1315
## 7784  422.37    1315
## 7785  427.38    1315
## 7786  432.39    1315
## 7787  437.41    1315
## 7788  442.42    1315
## 7789  447.43    1315
## 7790  452.44    1315
## 7791  457.45    1315
## 7792  462.46    1315
## 7793  467.47    1315
## 7794  472.48    1315
## 7795  477.49    1315
## 7796  482.51    1315
## 7797  487.52    1315
## 7798  492.53    1315
## 7799  497.54    1315
## 7800  502.55    1315
## 7801    6.45    1330
## 7802   11.46    1330
## 7803   16.47    1330
## 7804   21.48    1330
## 7805   26.49    1330
## 7806   31.51    1330
## 7807   36.52    1330
## 7808   41.53    1330
## 7809   46.54    1330
## 7810   51.55    1330
## 7811   56.56    1330
## 7812   61.57    1330
## 7813   66.58    1330
## 7814   71.59    1330
## 7815   76.61    1330
## 7816   81.62    1330
## 7817   86.63    1330
## 7818   91.64    1330
## 7819   96.65    1330
## 7820  101.66    1330
## 7821  106.67    1330
## 7822  111.68    1330
## 7823  116.69    1330
## 7824  121.71    1330
## 7825  126.72    1330
## 7826  131.73    1330
## 7827  136.74    1330
## 7828  141.75    1330
## 7829  146.76    1330
## 7830  151.77    1330
## 7831  156.78    1330
## 7832  161.79    1330
## 7833  166.81    1330
## 7834  171.82    1330
## 7835  176.83    1330
## 7836  181.84    1330
## 7837  186.85    1330
## 7838  191.86    1330
## 7839  196.87    1330
## 7840  201.88    1330
## 7841  206.89    1330
## 7842  211.91    1330
## 7843  216.92    1330
## 7844  221.93    1330
## 7845  226.94    1330
## 7846  231.95    1330
## 7847  236.96    1330
## 7848  241.97    1330
## 7849  246.98    1330
## 7850  251.99    1330
## 7851  257.01    1330
## 7852  262.02    1330
## 7853  267.03    1330
## 7854  272.04    1330
## 7855  277.05    1330
## 7856  282.06    1330
## 7857  287.07    1330
## 7858  292.08    1330
## 7859  297.09    1330
## 7860  302.11    1330
## 7861  307.12    1330
## 7862  312.13    1330
## 7863  317.14    1330
## 7864  322.15    1330
## 7865  327.16    1330
## 7866  332.17    1330
## 7867  337.18    1330
## 7868  342.19    1330
## 7869  347.21    1330
## 7870  352.22    1330
## 7871  357.23    1330
## 7872  362.24    1330
## 7873  367.25    1330
## 7874  372.26    1330
## 7875  377.27    1330
## 7876  382.28    1330
## 7877  387.29    1330
## 7878  392.31    1330
## 7879  397.32    1330
## 7880  402.33    1330
## 7881  407.34    1330
## 7882  412.35    1330
## 7883  417.36    1330
## 7884  422.37    1330
## 7885  427.38    1330
## 7886  432.39    1330
## 7887  437.41    1330
## 7888  442.42    1330
## 7889  447.43    1330
## 7890  452.44    1330
## 7891  457.45    1330
## 7892  462.46    1330
## 7893  467.47    1330
## 7894  472.48    1330
## 7895  477.49    1330
## 7896  482.51    1330
## 7897  487.52    1330
## 7898  492.53    1330
## 7899  497.54    1330
## 7900  502.55    1330
## 7901    6.45    1344
## 7902   11.46    1344
## 7903   16.47    1344
## 7904   21.48    1344
## 7905   26.49    1344
## 7906   31.51    1344
## 7907   36.52    1344
## 7908   41.53    1344
## 7909   46.54    1344
## 7910   51.55    1344
## 7911   56.56    1344
## 7912   61.57    1344
## 7913   66.58    1344
## 7914   71.59    1344
## 7915   76.61    1344
## 7916   81.62    1344
## 7917   86.63    1344
## 7918   91.64    1344
## 7919   96.65    1344
## 7920  101.66    1344
## 7921  106.67    1344
## 7922  111.68    1344
## 7923  116.69    1344
## 7924  121.71    1344
## 7925  126.72    1344
## 7926  131.73    1344
## 7927  136.74    1344
## 7928  141.75    1344
## 7929  146.76    1344
## 7930  151.77    1344
## 7931  156.78    1344
## 7932  161.79    1344
## 7933  166.81    1344
## 7934  171.82    1344
## 7935  176.83    1344
## 7936  181.84    1344
## 7937  186.85    1344
## 7938  191.86    1344
## 7939  196.87    1344
## 7940  201.88    1344
## 7941  206.89    1344
## 7942  211.91    1344
## 7943  216.92    1344
## 7944  221.93    1344
## 7945  226.94    1344
## 7946  231.95    1344
## 7947  236.96    1344
## 7948  241.97    1344
## 7949  246.98    1344
## 7950  251.99    1344
## 7951  257.01    1344
## 7952  262.02    1344
## 7953  267.03    1344
## 7954  272.04    1344
## 7955  277.05    1344
## 7956  282.06    1344
## 7957  287.07    1344
## 7958  292.08    1344
## 7959  297.09    1344
## 7960  302.11    1344
## 7961  307.12    1344
## 7962  312.13    1344
## 7963  317.14    1344
## 7964  322.15    1344
## 7965  327.16    1344
## 7966  332.17    1344
## 7967  337.18    1344
## 7968  342.19    1344
## 7969  347.21    1344
## 7970  352.22    1344
## 7971  357.23    1344
## 7972  362.24    1344
## 7973  367.25    1344
## 7974  372.26    1344
## 7975  377.27    1344
## 7976  382.28    1344
## 7977  387.29    1344
## 7978  392.31    1344
## 7979  397.32    1344
## 7980  402.33    1344
## 7981  407.34    1344
## 7982  412.35    1344
## 7983  417.36    1344
## 7984  422.37    1344
## 7985  427.38    1344
## 7986  432.39    1344
## 7987  437.41    1344
## 7988  442.42    1344
## 7989  447.43    1344
## 7990  452.44    1344
## 7991  457.45    1344
## 7992  462.46    1344
## 7993  467.47    1344
## 7994  472.48    1344
## 7995  477.49    1344
## 7996  482.51    1344
## 7997  487.52    1344
## 7998  492.53    1344
## 7999  497.54    1344
## 8000  502.55    1344
## 8001    6.45    1359
## 8002   11.46    1359
## 8003   16.47    1359
## 8004   21.48    1359
## 8005   26.49    1359
## 8006   31.51    1359
## 8007   36.52    1359
## 8008   41.53    1359
## 8009   46.54    1359
## 8010   51.55    1359
## 8011   56.56    1359
## 8012   61.57    1359
## 8013   66.58    1359
## 8014   71.59    1359
## 8015   76.61    1359
## 8016   81.62    1359
## 8017   86.63    1359
## 8018   91.64    1359
## 8019   96.65    1359
## 8020  101.66    1359
## 8021  106.67    1359
## 8022  111.68    1359
## 8023  116.69    1359
## 8024  121.71    1359
## 8025  126.72    1359
## 8026  131.73    1359
## 8027  136.74    1359
## 8028  141.75    1359
## 8029  146.76    1359
## 8030  151.77    1359
## 8031  156.78    1359
## 8032  161.79    1359
## 8033  166.81    1359
## 8034  171.82    1359
## 8035  176.83    1359
## 8036  181.84    1359
## 8037  186.85    1359
## 8038  191.86    1359
## 8039  196.87    1359
## 8040  201.88    1359
## 8041  206.89    1359
## 8042  211.91    1359
## 8043  216.92    1359
## 8044  221.93    1359
## 8045  226.94    1359
## 8046  231.95    1359
## 8047  236.96    1359
## 8048  241.97    1359
## 8049  246.98    1359
## 8050  251.99    1359
## 8051  257.01    1359
## 8052  262.02    1359
## 8053  267.03    1359
## 8054  272.04    1359
## 8055  277.05    1359
## 8056  282.06    1359
## 8057  287.07    1359
## 8058  292.08    1359
## 8059  297.09    1359
## 8060  302.11    1359
## 8061  307.12    1359
## 8062  312.13    1359
## 8063  317.14    1359
## 8064  322.15    1359
## 8065  327.16    1359
## 8066  332.17    1359
## 8067  337.18    1359
## 8068  342.19    1359
## 8069  347.21    1359
## 8070  352.22    1359
## 8071  357.23    1359
## 8072  362.24    1359
## 8073  367.25    1359
## 8074  372.26    1359
## 8075  377.27    1359
## 8076  382.28    1359
## 8077  387.29    1359
## 8078  392.31    1359
## 8079  397.32    1359
## 8080  402.33    1359
## 8081  407.34    1359
## 8082  412.35    1359
## 8083  417.36    1359
## 8084  422.37    1359
## 8085  427.38    1359
## 8086  432.39    1359
## 8087  437.41    1359
## 8088  442.42    1359
## 8089  447.43    1359
## 8090  452.44    1359
## 8091  457.45    1359
## 8092  462.46    1359
## 8093  467.47    1359
## 8094  472.48    1359
## 8095  477.49    1359
## 8096  482.51    1359
## 8097  487.52    1359
## 8098  492.53    1359
## 8099  497.54    1359
## 8100  502.55    1359
## 8101    6.45    1373
## 8102   11.46    1373
## 8103   16.47    1373
## 8104   21.48    1373
## 8105   26.49    1373
## 8106   31.51    1373
## 8107   36.52    1373
## 8108   41.53    1373
## 8109   46.54    1373
## 8110   51.55    1373
## 8111   56.56    1373
## 8112   61.57    1373
## 8113   66.58    1373
## 8114   71.59    1373
## 8115   76.61    1373
## 8116   81.62    1373
## 8117   86.63    1373
## 8118   91.64    1373
## 8119   96.65    1373
## 8120  101.66    1373
## 8121  106.67    1373
## 8122  111.68    1373
## 8123  116.69    1373
## 8124  121.71    1373
## 8125  126.72    1373
## 8126  131.73    1373
## 8127  136.74    1373
## 8128  141.75    1373
## 8129  146.76    1373
## 8130  151.77    1373
## 8131  156.78    1373
## 8132  161.79    1373
## 8133  166.81    1373
## 8134  171.82    1373
## 8135  176.83    1373
## 8136  181.84    1373
## 8137  186.85    1373
## 8138  191.86    1373
## 8139  196.87    1373
## 8140  201.88    1373
## 8141  206.89    1373
## 8142  211.91    1373
## 8143  216.92    1373
## 8144  221.93    1373
## 8145  226.94    1373
## 8146  231.95    1373
## 8147  236.96    1373
## 8148  241.97    1373
## 8149  246.98    1373
## 8150  251.99    1373
## 8151  257.01    1373
## 8152  262.02    1373
## 8153  267.03    1373
## 8154  272.04    1373
## 8155  277.05    1373
## 8156  282.06    1373
## 8157  287.07    1373
## 8158  292.08    1373
## 8159  297.09    1373
## 8160  302.11    1373
## 8161  307.12    1373
## 8162  312.13    1373
## 8163  317.14    1373
## 8164  322.15    1373
## 8165  327.16    1373
## 8166  332.17    1373
## 8167  337.18    1373
## 8168  342.19    1373
## 8169  347.21    1373
## 8170  352.22    1373
## 8171  357.23    1373
## 8172  362.24    1373
## 8173  367.25    1373
## 8174  372.26    1373
## 8175  377.27    1373
## 8176  382.28    1373
## 8177  387.29    1373
## 8178  392.31    1373
## 8179  397.32    1373
## 8180  402.33    1373
## 8181  407.34    1373
## 8182  412.35    1373
## 8183  417.36    1373
## 8184  422.37    1373
## 8185  427.38    1373
## 8186  432.39    1373
## 8187  437.41    1373
## 8188  442.42    1373
## 8189  447.43    1373
## 8190  452.44    1373
## 8191  457.45    1373
## 8192  462.46    1373
## 8193  467.47    1373
## 8194  472.48    1373
## 8195  477.49    1373
## 8196  482.51    1373
## 8197  487.52    1373
## 8198  492.53    1373
## 8199  497.54    1373
## 8200  502.55    1373
## 8201    6.45    1388
## 8202   11.46    1388
## 8203   16.47    1388
## 8204   21.48    1388
## 8205   26.49    1388
## 8206   31.51    1388
## 8207   36.52    1388
## 8208   41.53    1388
## 8209   46.54    1388
## 8210   51.55    1388
## 8211   56.56    1388
## 8212   61.57    1388
## 8213   66.58    1388
## 8214   71.59    1388
## 8215   76.61    1388
## 8216   81.62    1388
## 8217   86.63    1388
## 8218   91.64    1388
## 8219   96.65    1388
## 8220  101.66    1388
## 8221  106.67    1388
## 8222  111.68    1388
## 8223  116.69    1388
## 8224  121.71    1388
## 8225  126.72    1388
## 8226  131.73    1388
## 8227  136.74    1388
## 8228  141.75    1388
## 8229  146.76    1388
## 8230  151.77    1388
## 8231  156.78    1388
## 8232  161.79    1388
## 8233  166.81    1388
## 8234  171.82    1388
## 8235  176.83    1388
## 8236  181.84    1388
## 8237  186.85    1388
## 8238  191.86    1388
## 8239  196.87    1388
## 8240  201.88    1388
## 8241  206.89    1388
## 8242  211.91    1388
## 8243  216.92    1388
## 8244  221.93    1388
## 8245  226.94    1388
## 8246  231.95    1388
## 8247  236.96    1388
## 8248  241.97    1388
## 8249  246.98    1388
## 8250  251.99    1388
## 8251  257.01    1388
## 8252  262.02    1388
## 8253  267.03    1388
## 8254  272.04    1388
## 8255  277.05    1388
## 8256  282.06    1388
## 8257  287.07    1388
## 8258  292.08    1388
## 8259  297.09    1388
## 8260  302.11    1388
## 8261  307.12    1388
## 8262  312.13    1388
## 8263  317.14    1388
## 8264  322.15    1388
## 8265  327.16    1388
## 8266  332.17    1388
## 8267  337.18    1388
## 8268  342.19    1388
## 8269  347.21    1388
## 8270  352.22    1388
## 8271  357.23    1388
## 8272  362.24    1388
## 8273  367.25    1388
## 8274  372.26    1388
## 8275  377.27    1388
## 8276  382.28    1388
## 8277  387.29    1388
## 8278  392.31    1388
## 8279  397.32    1388
## 8280  402.33    1388
## 8281  407.34    1388
## 8282  412.35    1388
## 8283  417.36    1388
## 8284  422.37    1388
## 8285  427.38    1388
## 8286  432.39    1388
## 8287  437.41    1388
## 8288  442.42    1388
## 8289  447.43    1388
## 8290  452.44    1388
## 8291  457.45    1388
## 8292  462.46    1388
## 8293  467.47    1388
## 8294  472.48    1388
## 8295  477.49    1388
## 8296  482.51    1388
## 8297  487.52    1388
## 8298  492.53    1388
## 8299  497.54    1388
## 8300  502.55    1388
## 8301    6.45    1402
## 8302   11.46    1402
## 8303   16.47    1402
## 8304   21.48    1402
## 8305   26.49    1402
## 8306   31.51    1402
## 8307   36.52    1402
## 8308   41.53    1402
## 8309   46.54    1402
## 8310   51.55    1402
## 8311   56.56    1402
## 8312   61.57    1402
## 8313   66.58    1402
## 8314   71.59    1402
## 8315   76.61    1402
## 8316   81.62    1402
## 8317   86.63    1402
## 8318   91.64    1402
## 8319   96.65    1402
## 8320  101.66    1402
## 8321  106.67    1402
## 8322  111.68    1402
## 8323  116.69    1402
## 8324  121.71    1402
## 8325  126.72    1402
## 8326  131.73    1402
## 8327  136.74    1402
## 8328  141.75    1402
## 8329  146.76    1402
## 8330  151.77    1402
## 8331  156.78    1402
## 8332  161.79    1402
## 8333  166.81    1402
## 8334  171.82    1402
## 8335  176.83    1402
## 8336  181.84    1402
## 8337  186.85    1402
## 8338  191.86    1402
## 8339  196.87    1402
## 8340  201.88    1402
## 8341  206.89    1402
## 8342  211.91    1402
## 8343  216.92    1402
## 8344  221.93    1402
## 8345  226.94    1402
## 8346  231.95    1402
## 8347  236.96    1402
## 8348  241.97    1402
## 8349  246.98    1402
## 8350  251.99    1402
## 8351  257.01    1402
## 8352  262.02    1402
## 8353  267.03    1402
## 8354  272.04    1402
## 8355  277.05    1402
## 8356  282.06    1402
## 8357  287.07    1402
## 8358  292.08    1402
## 8359  297.09    1402
## 8360  302.11    1402
## 8361  307.12    1402
## 8362  312.13    1402
## 8363  317.14    1402
## 8364  322.15    1402
## 8365  327.16    1402
## 8366  332.17    1402
## 8367  337.18    1402
## 8368  342.19    1402
## 8369  347.21    1402
## 8370  352.22    1402
## 8371  357.23    1402
## 8372  362.24    1402
## 8373  367.25    1402
## 8374  372.26    1402
## 8375  377.27    1402
## 8376  382.28    1402
## 8377  387.29    1402
## 8378  392.31    1402
## 8379  397.32    1402
## 8380  402.33    1402
## 8381  407.34    1402
## 8382  412.35    1402
## 8383  417.36    1402
## 8384  422.37    1402
## 8385  427.38    1402
## 8386  432.39    1402
## 8387  437.41    1402
## 8388  442.42    1402
## 8389  447.43    1402
## 8390  452.44    1402
## 8391  457.45    1402
## 8392  462.46    1402
## 8393  467.47    1402
## 8394  472.48    1402
## 8395  477.49    1402
## 8396  482.51    1402
## 8397  487.52    1402
## 8398  492.53    1402
## 8399  497.54    1402
## 8400  502.55    1402
## 8401    6.45    1416
## 8402   11.46    1416
## 8403   16.47    1416
## 8404   21.48    1416
## 8405   26.49    1416
## 8406   31.51    1416
## 8407   36.52    1416
## 8408   41.53    1416
## 8409   46.54    1416
## 8410   51.55    1416
## 8411   56.56    1416
## 8412   61.57    1416
## 8413   66.58    1416
## 8414   71.59    1416
## 8415   76.61    1416
## 8416   81.62    1416
## 8417   86.63    1416
## 8418   91.64    1416
## 8419   96.65    1416
## 8420  101.66    1416
## 8421  106.67    1416
## 8422  111.68    1416
## 8423  116.69    1416
## 8424  121.71    1416
## 8425  126.72    1416
## 8426  131.73    1416
## 8427  136.74    1416
## 8428  141.75    1416
## 8429  146.76    1416
## 8430  151.77    1416
## 8431  156.78    1416
## 8432  161.79    1416
## 8433  166.81    1416
## 8434  171.82    1416
## 8435  176.83    1416
## 8436  181.84    1416
## 8437  186.85    1416
## 8438  191.86    1416
## 8439  196.87    1416
## 8440  201.88    1416
## 8441  206.89    1416
## 8442  211.91    1416
## 8443  216.92    1416
## 8444  221.93    1416
## 8445  226.94    1416
## 8446  231.95    1416
## 8447  236.96    1416
## 8448  241.97    1416
## 8449  246.98    1416
## 8450  251.99    1416
## 8451  257.01    1416
## 8452  262.02    1416
## 8453  267.03    1416
## 8454  272.04    1416
## 8455  277.05    1416
## 8456  282.06    1416
## 8457  287.07    1416
## 8458  292.08    1416
## 8459  297.09    1416
## 8460  302.11    1416
## 8461  307.12    1416
## 8462  312.13    1416
## 8463  317.14    1416
## 8464  322.15    1416
## 8465  327.16    1416
## 8466  332.17    1416
## 8467  337.18    1416
## 8468  342.19    1416
## 8469  347.21    1416
## 8470  352.22    1416
## 8471  357.23    1416
## 8472  362.24    1416
## 8473  367.25    1416
## 8474  372.26    1416
## 8475  377.27    1416
## 8476  382.28    1416
## 8477  387.29    1416
## 8478  392.31    1416
## 8479  397.32    1416
## 8480  402.33    1416
## 8481  407.34    1416
## 8482  412.35    1416
## 8483  417.36    1416
## 8484  422.37    1416
## 8485  427.38    1416
## 8486  432.39    1416
## 8487  437.41    1416
## 8488  442.42    1416
## 8489  447.43    1416
## 8490  452.44    1416
## 8491  457.45    1416
## 8492  462.46    1416
## 8493  467.47    1416
## 8494  472.48    1416
## 8495  477.49    1416
## 8496  482.51    1416
## 8497  487.52    1416
## 8498  492.53    1416
## 8499  497.54    1416
## 8500  502.55    1416
## 8501    6.45    1431
## 8502   11.46    1431
## 8503   16.47    1431
## 8504   21.48    1431
## 8505   26.49    1431
## 8506   31.51    1431
## 8507   36.52    1431
## 8508   41.53    1431
## 8509   46.54    1431
## 8510   51.55    1431
## 8511   56.56    1431
## 8512   61.57    1431
## 8513   66.58    1431
## 8514   71.59    1431
## 8515   76.61    1431
## 8516   81.62    1431
## 8517   86.63    1431
## 8518   91.64    1431
## 8519   96.65    1431
## 8520  101.66    1431
## 8521  106.67    1431
## 8522  111.68    1431
## 8523  116.69    1431
## 8524  121.71    1431
## 8525  126.72    1431
## 8526  131.73    1431
## 8527  136.74    1431
## 8528  141.75    1431
## 8529  146.76    1431
## 8530  151.77    1431
## 8531  156.78    1431
## 8532  161.79    1431
## 8533  166.81    1431
## 8534  171.82    1431
## 8535  176.83    1431
## 8536  181.84    1431
## 8537  186.85    1431
## 8538  191.86    1431
## 8539  196.87    1431
## 8540  201.88    1431
## 8541  206.89    1431
## 8542  211.91    1431
## 8543  216.92    1431
## 8544  221.93    1431
## 8545  226.94    1431
## 8546  231.95    1431
## 8547  236.96    1431
## 8548  241.97    1431
## 8549  246.98    1431
## 8550  251.99    1431
## 8551  257.01    1431
## 8552  262.02    1431
## 8553  267.03    1431
## 8554  272.04    1431
## 8555  277.05    1431
## 8556  282.06    1431
## 8557  287.07    1431
## 8558  292.08    1431
## 8559  297.09    1431
## 8560  302.11    1431
## 8561  307.12    1431
## 8562  312.13    1431
## 8563  317.14    1431
## 8564  322.15    1431
## 8565  327.16    1431
## 8566  332.17    1431
## 8567  337.18    1431
## 8568  342.19    1431
## 8569  347.21    1431
## 8570  352.22    1431
## 8571  357.23    1431
## 8572  362.24    1431
## 8573  367.25    1431
## 8574  372.26    1431
## 8575  377.27    1431
## 8576  382.28    1431
## 8577  387.29    1431
## 8578  392.31    1431
## 8579  397.32    1431
## 8580  402.33    1431
## 8581  407.34    1431
## 8582  412.35    1431
## 8583  417.36    1431
## 8584  422.37    1431
## 8585  427.38    1431
## 8586  432.39    1431
## 8587  437.41    1431
## 8588  442.42    1431
## 8589  447.43    1431
## 8590  452.44    1431
## 8591  457.45    1431
## 8592  462.46    1431
## 8593  467.47    1431
## 8594  472.48    1431
## 8595  477.49    1431
## 8596  482.51    1431
## 8597  487.52    1431
## 8598  492.53    1431
## 8599  497.54    1431
## 8600  502.55    1431
## 8601    6.45    1445
## 8602   11.46    1445
## 8603   16.47    1445
## 8604   21.48    1445
## 8605   26.49    1445
## 8606   31.51    1445
## 8607   36.52    1445
## 8608   41.53    1445
## 8609   46.54    1445
## 8610   51.55    1445
## 8611   56.56    1445
## 8612   61.57    1445
## 8613   66.58    1445
## 8614   71.59    1445
## 8615   76.61    1445
## 8616   81.62    1445
## 8617   86.63    1445
## 8618   91.64    1445
## 8619   96.65    1445
## 8620  101.66    1445
## 8621  106.67    1445
## 8622  111.68    1445
## 8623  116.69    1445
## 8624  121.71    1445
## 8625  126.72    1445
## 8626  131.73    1445
## 8627  136.74    1445
## 8628  141.75    1445
## 8629  146.76    1445
## 8630  151.77    1445
## 8631  156.78    1445
## 8632  161.79    1445
## 8633  166.81    1445
## 8634  171.82    1445
## 8635  176.83    1445
## 8636  181.84    1445
## 8637  186.85    1445
## 8638  191.86    1445
## 8639  196.87    1445
## 8640  201.88    1445
## 8641  206.89    1445
## 8642  211.91    1445
## 8643  216.92    1445
## 8644  221.93    1445
## 8645  226.94    1445
## 8646  231.95    1445
## 8647  236.96    1445
## 8648  241.97    1445
## 8649  246.98    1445
## 8650  251.99    1445
## 8651  257.01    1445
## 8652  262.02    1445
## 8653  267.03    1445
## 8654  272.04    1445
## 8655  277.05    1445
## 8656  282.06    1445
## 8657  287.07    1445
## 8658  292.08    1445
## 8659  297.09    1445
## 8660  302.11    1445
## 8661  307.12    1445
## 8662  312.13    1445
## 8663  317.14    1445
## 8664  322.15    1445
## 8665  327.16    1445
## 8666  332.17    1445
## 8667  337.18    1445
## 8668  342.19    1445
## 8669  347.21    1445
## 8670  352.22    1445
## 8671  357.23    1445
## 8672  362.24    1445
## 8673  367.25    1445
## 8674  372.26    1445
## 8675  377.27    1445
## 8676  382.28    1445
## 8677  387.29    1445
## 8678  392.31    1445
## 8679  397.32    1445
## 8680  402.33    1445
## 8681  407.34    1445
## 8682  412.35    1445
## 8683  417.36    1445
## 8684  422.37    1445
## 8685  427.38    1445
## 8686  432.39    1445
## 8687  437.41    1445
## 8688  442.42    1445
## 8689  447.43    1445
## 8690  452.44    1445
## 8691  457.45    1445
## 8692  462.46    1445
## 8693  467.47    1445
## 8694  472.48    1445
## 8695  477.49    1445
## 8696  482.51    1445
## 8697  487.52    1445
## 8698  492.53    1445
## 8699  497.54    1445
## 8700  502.55    1445
## 8701    6.45    1460
## 8702   11.46    1460
## 8703   16.47    1460
## 8704   21.48    1460
## 8705   26.49    1460
## 8706   31.51    1460
## 8707   36.52    1460
## 8708   41.53    1460
## 8709   46.54    1460
## 8710   51.55    1460
## 8711   56.56    1460
## 8712   61.57    1460
## 8713   66.58    1460
## 8714   71.59    1460
## 8715   76.61    1460
## 8716   81.62    1460
## 8717   86.63    1460
## 8718   91.64    1460
## 8719   96.65    1460
## 8720  101.66    1460
## 8721  106.67    1460
## 8722  111.68    1460
## 8723  116.69    1460
## 8724  121.71    1460
## 8725  126.72    1460
## 8726  131.73    1460
## 8727  136.74    1460
## 8728  141.75    1460
## 8729  146.76    1460
## 8730  151.77    1460
## 8731  156.78    1460
## 8732  161.79    1460
## 8733  166.81    1460
## 8734  171.82    1460
## 8735  176.83    1460
## 8736  181.84    1460
## 8737  186.85    1460
## 8738  191.86    1460
## 8739  196.87    1460
## 8740  201.88    1460
## 8741  206.89    1460
## 8742  211.91    1460
## 8743  216.92    1460
## 8744  221.93    1460
## 8745  226.94    1460
## 8746  231.95    1460
## 8747  236.96    1460
## 8748  241.97    1460
## 8749  246.98    1460
## 8750  251.99    1460
## 8751  257.01    1460
## 8752  262.02    1460
## 8753  267.03    1460
## 8754  272.04    1460
## 8755  277.05    1460
## 8756  282.06    1460
## 8757  287.07    1460
## 8758  292.08    1460
## 8759  297.09    1460
## 8760  302.11    1460
## 8761  307.12    1460
## 8762  312.13    1460
## 8763  317.14    1460
## 8764  322.15    1460
## 8765  327.16    1460
## 8766  332.17    1460
## 8767  337.18    1460
## 8768  342.19    1460
## 8769  347.21    1460
## 8770  352.22    1460
## 8771  357.23    1460
## 8772  362.24    1460
## 8773  367.25    1460
## 8774  372.26    1460
## 8775  377.27    1460
## 8776  382.28    1460
## 8777  387.29    1460
## 8778  392.31    1460
## 8779  397.32    1460
## 8780  402.33    1460
## 8781  407.34    1460
## 8782  412.35    1460
## 8783  417.36    1460
## 8784  422.37    1460
## 8785  427.38    1460
## 8786  432.39    1460
## 8787  437.41    1460
## 8788  442.42    1460
## 8789  447.43    1460
## 8790  452.44    1460
## 8791  457.45    1460
## 8792  462.46    1460
## 8793  467.47    1460
## 8794  472.48    1460
## 8795  477.49    1460
## 8796  482.51    1460
## 8797  487.52    1460
## 8798  492.53    1460
## 8799  497.54    1460
## 8800  502.55    1460
## 8801    6.45    1474
## 8802   11.46    1474
## 8803   16.47    1474
## 8804   21.48    1474
## 8805   26.49    1474
## 8806   31.51    1474
## 8807   36.52    1474
## 8808   41.53    1474
## 8809   46.54    1474
## 8810   51.55    1474
## 8811   56.56    1474
## 8812   61.57    1474
## 8813   66.58    1474
## 8814   71.59    1474
## 8815   76.61    1474
## 8816   81.62    1474
## 8817   86.63    1474
## 8818   91.64    1474
## 8819   96.65    1474
## 8820  101.66    1474
## 8821  106.67    1474
## 8822  111.68    1474
## 8823  116.69    1474
## 8824  121.71    1474
## 8825  126.72    1474
## 8826  131.73    1474
## 8827  136.74    1474
## 8828  141.75    1474
## 8829  146.76    1474
## 8830  151.77    1474
## 8831  156.78    1474
## 8832  161.79    1474
## 8833  166.81    1474
## 8834  171.82    1474
## 8835  176.83    1474
## 8836  181.84    1474
## 8837  186.85    1474
## 8838  191.86    1474
## 8839  196.87    1474
## 8840  201.88    1474
## 8841  206.89    1474
## 8842  211.91    1474
## 8843  216.92    1474
## 8844  221.93    1474
## 8845  226.94    1474
## 8846  231.95    1474
## 8847  236.96    1474
## 8848  241.97    1474
## 8849  246.98    1474
## 8850  251.99    1474
## 8851  257.01    1474
## 8852  262.02    1474
## 8853  267.03    1474
## 8854  272.04    1474
## 8855  277.05    1474
## 8856  282.06    1474
## 8857  287.07    1474
## 8858  292.08    1474
## 8859  297.09    1474
## 8860  302.11    1474
## 8861  307.12    1474
## 8862  312.13    1474
## 8863  317.14    1474
## 8864  322.15    1474
## 8865  327.16    1474
## 8866  332.17    1474
## 8867  337.18    1474
## 8868  342.19    1474
## 8869  347.21    1474
## 8870  352.22    1474
## 8871  357.23    1474
## 8872  362.24    1474
## 8873  367.25    1474
## 8874  372.26    1474
## 8875  377.27    1474
## 8876  382.28    1474
## 8877  387.29    1474
## 8878  392.31    1474
## 8879  397.32    1474
## 8880  402.33    1474
## 8881  407.34    1474
## 8882  412.35    1474
## 8883  417.36    1474
## 8884  422.37    1474
## 8885  427.38    1474
## 8886  432.39    1474
## 8887  437.41    1474
## 8888  442.42    1474
## 8889  447.43    1474
## 8890  452.44    1474
## 8891  457.45    1474
## 8892  462.46    1474
## 8893  467.47    1474
## 8894  472.48    1474
## 8895  477.49    1474
## 8896  482.51    1474
## 8897  487.52    1474
## 8898  492.53    1474
## 8899  497.54    1474
## 8900  502.55    1474
## 8901    6.45    1489
## 8902   11.46    1489
## 8903   16.47    1489
## 8904   21.48    1489
## 8905   26.49    1489
## 8906   31.51    1489
## 8907   36.52    1489
## 8908   41.53    1489
## 8909   46.54    1489
## 8910   51.55    1489
## 8911   56.56    1489
## 8912   61.57    1489
## 8913   66.58    1489
## 8914   71.59    1489
## 8915   76.61    1489
## 8916   81.62    1489
## 8917   86.63    1489
## 8918   91.64    1489
## 8919   96.65    1489
## 8920  101.66    1489
## 8921  106.67    1489
## 8922  111.68    1489
## 8923  116.69    1489
## 8924  121.71    1489
## 8925  126.72    1489
## 8926  131.73    1489
## 8927  136.74    1489
## 8928  141.75    1489
## 8929  146.76    1489
## 8930  151.77    1489
## 8931  156.78    1489
## 8932  161.79    1489
## 8933  166.81    1489
## 8934  171.82    1489
## 8935  176.83    1489
## 8936  181.84    1489
## 8937  186.85    1489
## 8938  191.86    1489
## 8939  196.87    1489
## 8940  201.88    1489
## 8941  206.89    1489
## 8942  211.91    1489
## 8943  216.92    1489
## 8944  221.93    1489
## 8945  226.94    1489
## 8946  231.95    1489
## 8947  236.96    1489
## 8948  241.97    1489
## 8949  246.98    1489
## 8950  251.99    1489
## 8951  257.01    1489
## 8952  262.02    1489
## 8953  267.03    1489
## 8954  272.04    1489
## 8955  277.05    1489
## 8956  282.06    1489
## 8957  287.07    1489
## 8958  292.08    1489
## 8959  297.09    1489
## 8960  302.11    1489
## 8961  307.12    1489
## 8962  312.13    1489
## 8963  317.14    1489
## 8964  322.15    1489
## 8965  327.16    1489
## 8966  332.17    1489
## 8967  337.18    1489
## 8968  342.19    1489
## 8969  347.21    1489
## 8970  352.22    1489
## 8971  357.23    1489
## 8972  362.24    1489
## 8973  367.25    1489
## 8974  372.26    1489
## 8975  377.27    1489
## 8976  382.28    1489
## 8977  387.29    1489
## 8978  392.31    1489
## 8979  397.32    1489
## 8980  402.33    1489
## 8981  407.34    1489
## 8982  412.35    1489
## 8983  417.36    1489
## 8984  422.37    1489
## 8985  427.38    1489
## 8986  432.39    1489
## 8987  437.41    1489
## 8988  442.42    1489
## 8989  447.43    1489
## 8990  452.44    1489
## 8991  457.45    1489
## 8992  462.46    1489
## 8993  467.47    1489
## 8994  472.48    1489
## 8995  477.49    1489
## 8996  482.51    1489
## 8997  487.52    1489
## 8998  492.53    1489
## 8999  497.54    1489
## 9000  502.55    1489
## 9001    6.45    1503
## 9002   11.46    1503
## 9003   16.47    1503
## 9004   21.48    1503
## 9005   26.49    1503
## 9006   31.51    1503
## 9007   36.52    1503
## 9008   41.53    1503
## 9009   46.54    1503
## 9010   51.55    1503
## 9011   56.56    1503
## 9012   61.57    1503
## 9013   66.58    1503
## 9014   71.59    1503
## 9015   76.61    1503
## 9016   81.62    1503
## 9017   86.63    1503
## 9018   91.64    1503
## 9019   96.65    1503
## 9020  101.66    1503
## 9021  106.67    1503
## 9022  111.68    1503
## 9023  116.69    1503
## 9024  121.71    1503
## 9025  126.72    1503
## 9026  131.73    1503
## 9027  136.74    1503
## 9028  141.75    1503
## 9029  146.76    1503
## 9030  151.77    1503
## 9031  156.78    1503
## 9032  161.79    1503
## 9033  166.81    1503
## 9034  171.82    1503
## 9035  176.83    1503
## 9036  181.84    1503
## 9037  186.85    1503
## 9038  191.86    1503
## 9039  196.87    1503
## 9040  201.88    1503
## 9041  206.89    1503
## 9042  211.91    1503
## 9043  216.92    1503
## 9044  221.93    1503
## 9045  226.94    1503
## 9046  231.95    1503
## 9047  236.96    1503
## 9048  241.97    1503
## 9049  246.98    1503
## 9050  251.99    1503
## 9051  257.01    1503
## 9052  262.02    1503
## 9053  267.03    1503
## 9054  272.04    1503
## 9055  277.05    1503
## 9056  282.06    1503
## 9057  287.07    1503
## 9058  292.08    1503
## 9059  297.09    1503
## 9060  302.11    1503
## 9061  307.12    1503
## 9062  312.13    1503
## 9063  317.14    1503
## 9064  322.15    1503
## 9065  327.16    1503
## 9066  332.17    1503
## 9067  337.18    1503
## 9068  342.19    1503
## 9069  347.21    1503
## 9070  352.22    1503
## 9071  357.23    1503
## 9072  362.24    1503
## 9073  367.25    1503
## 9074  372.26    1503
## 9075  377.27    1503
## 9076  382.28    1503
## 9077  387.29    1503
## 9078  392.31    1503
## 9079  397.32    1503
## 9080  402.33    1503
## 9081  407.34    1503
## 9082  412.35    1503
## 9083  417.36    1503
## 9084  422.37    1503
## 9085  427.38    1503
## 9086  432.39    1503
## 9087  437.41    1503
## 9088  442.42    1503
## 9089  447.43    1503
## 9090  452.44    1503
## 9091  457.45    1503
## 9092  462.46    1503
## 9093  467.47    1503
## 9094  472.48    1503
## 9095  477.49    1503
## 9096  482.51    1503
## 9097  487.52    1503
## 9098  492.53    1503
## 9099  497.54    1503
## 9100  502.55    1503
## 9101    6.45    1517
## 9102   11.46    1517
## 9103   16.47    1517
## 9104   21.48    1517
## 9105   26.49    1517
## 9106   31.51    1517
## 9107   36.52    1517
## 9108   41.53    1517
## 9109   46.54    1517
## 9110   51.55    1517
## 9111   56.56    1517
## 9112   61.57    1517
## 9113   66.58    1517
## 9114   71.59    1517
## 9115   76.61    1517
## 9116   81.62    1517
## 9117   86.63    1517
## 9118   91.64    1517
## 9119   96.65    1517
## 9120  101.66    1517
## 9121  106.67    1517
## 9122  111.68    1517
## 9123  116.69    1517
## 9124  121.71    1517
## 9125  126.72    1517
## 9126  131.73    1517
## 9127  136.74    1517
## 9128  141.75    1517
## 9129  146.76    1517
## 9130  151.77    1517
## 9131  156.78    1517
## 9132  161.79    1517
## 9133  166.81    1517
## 9134  171.82    1517
## 9135  176.83    1517
## 9136  181.84    1517
## 9137  186.85    1517
## 9138  191.86    1517
## 9139  196.87    1517
## 9140  201.88    1517
## 9141  206.89    1517
## 9142  211.91    1517
## 9143  216.92    1517
## 9144  221.93    1517
## 9145  226.94    1517
## 9146  231.95    1517
## 9147  236.96    1517
## 9148  241.97    1517
## 9149  246.98    1517
## 9150  251.99    1517
## 9151  257.01    1517
## 9152  262.02    1517
## 9153  267.03    1517
## 9154  272.04    1517
## 9155  277.05    1517
## 9156  282.06    1517
## 9157  287.07    1517
## 9158  292.08    1517
## 9159  297.09    1517
## 9160  302.11    1517
## 9161  307.12    1517
## 9162  312.13    1517
## 9163  317.14    1517
## 9164  322.15    1517
## 9165  327.16    1517
## 9166  332.17    1517
## 9167  337.18    1517
## 9168  342.19    1517
## 9169  347.21    1517
## 9170  352.22    1517
## 9171  357.23    1517
## 9172  362.24    1517
## 9173  367.25    1517
## 9174  372.26    1517
## 9175  377.27    1517
## 9176  382.28    1517
## 9177  387.29    1517
## 9178  392.31    1517
## 9179  397.32    1517
## 9180  402.33    1517
## 9181  407.34    1517
## 9182  412.35    1517
## 9183  417.36    1517
## 9184  422.37    1517
## 9185  427.38    1517
## 9186  432.39    1517
## 9187  437.41    1517
## 9188  442.42    1517
## 9189  447.43    1517
## 9190  452.44    1517
## 9191  457.45    1517
## 9192  462.46    1517
## 9193  467.47    1517
## 9194  472.48    1517
## 9195  477.49    1517
## 9196  482.51    1517
## 9197  487.52    1517
## 9198  492.53    1517
## 9199  497.54    1517
## 9200  502.55    1517
## 9201    6.45    1532
## 9202   11.46    1532
## 9203   16.47    1532
## 9204   21.48    1532
## 9205   26.49    1532
## 9206   31.51    1532
## 9207   36.52    1532
## 9208   41.53    1532
## 9209   46.54    1532
## 9210   51.55    1532
## 9211   56.56    1532
## 9212   61.57    1532
## 9213   66.58    1532
## 9214   71.59    1532
## 9215   76.61    1532
## 9216   81.62    1532
## 9217   86.63    1532
## 9218   91.64    1532
## 9219   96.65    1532
## 9220  101.66    1532
## 9221  106.67    1532
## 9222  111.68    1532
## 9223  116.69    1532
## 9224  121.71    1532
## 9225  126.72    1532
## 9226  131.73    1532
## 9227  136.74    1532
## 9228  141.75    1532
## 9229  146.76    1532
## 9230  151.77    1532
## 9231  156.78    1532
## 9232  161.79    1532
## 9233  166.81    1532
## 9234  171.82    1532
## 9235  176.83    1532
## 9236  181.84    1532
## 9237  186.85    1532
## 9238  191.86    1532
## 9239  196.87    1532
## 9240  201.88    1532
## 9241  206.89    1532
## 9242  211.91    1532
## 9243  216.92    1532
## 9244  221.93    1532
## 9245  226.94    1532
## 9246  231.95    1532
## 9247  236.96    1532
## 9248  241.97    1532
## 9249  246.98    1532
## 9250  251.99    1532
## 9251  257.01    1532
## 9252  262.02    1532
## 9253  267.03    1532
## 9254  272.04    1532
## 9255  277.05    1532
## 9256  282.06    1532
## 9257  287.07    1532
## 9258  292.08    1532
## 9259  297.09    1532
## 9260  302.11    1532
## 9261  307.12    1532
## 9262  312.13    1532
## 9263  317.14    1532
## 9264  322.15    1532
## 9265  327.16    1532
## 9266  332.17    1532
## 9267  337.18    1532
## 9268  342.19    1532
## 9269  347.21    1532
## 9270  352.22    1532
## 9271  357.23    1532
## 9272  362.24    1532
## 9273  367.25    1532
## 9274  372.26    1532
## 9275  377.27    1532
## 9276  382.28    1532
## 9277  387.29    1532
## 9278  392.31    1532
## 9279  397.32    1532
## 9280  402.33    1532
## 9281  407.34    1532
## 9282  412.35    1532
## 9283  417.36    1532
## 9284  422.37    1532
## 9285  427.38    1532
## 9286  432.39    1532
## 9287  437.41    1532
## 9288  442.42    1532
## 9289  447.43    1532
## 9290  452.44    1532
## 9291  457.45    1532
## 9292  462.46    1532
## 9293  467.47    1532
## 9294  472.48    1532
## 9295  477.49    1532
## 9296  482.51    1532
## 9297  487.52    1532
## 9298  492.53    1532
## 9299  497.54    1532
## 9300  502.55    1532
## 9301    6.45    1546
## 9302   11.46    1546
## 9303   16.47    1546
## 9304   21.48    1546
## 9305   26.49    1546
## 9306   31.51    1546
## 9307   36.52    1546
## 9308   41.53    1546
## 9309   46.54    1546
## 9310   51.55    1546
## 9311   56.56    1546
## 9312   61.57    1546
## 9313   66.58    1546
## 9314   71.59    1546
## 9315   76.61    1546
## 9316   81.62    1546
## 9317   86.63    1546
## 9318   91.64    1546
## 9319   96.65    1546
## 9320  101.66    1546
## 9321  106.67    1546
## 9322  111.68    1546
## 9323  116.69    1546
## 9324  121.71    1546
## 9325  126.72    1546
## 9326  131.73    1546
## 9327  136.74    1546
## 9328  141.75    1546
## 9329  146.76    1546
## 9330  151.77    1546
## 9331  156.78    1546
## 9332  161.79    1546
## 9333  166.81    1546
## 9334  171.82    1546
## 9335  176.83    1546
## 9336  181.84    1546
## 9337  186.85    1546
## 9338  191.86    1546
## 9339  196.87    1546
## 9340  201.88    1546
## 9341  206.89    1546
## 9342  211.91    1546
## 9343  216.92    1546
## 9344  221.93    1546
## 9345  226.94    1546
## 9346  231.95    1546
## 9347  236.96    1546
## 9348  241.97    1546
## 9349  246.98    1546
## 9350  251.99    1546
## 9351  257.01    1546
## 9352  262.02    1546
## 9353  267.03    1546
## 9354  272.04    1546
## 9355  277.05    1546
## 9356  282.06    1546
## 9357  287.07    1546
## 9358  292.08    1546
## 9359  297.09    1546
## 9360  302.11    1546
## 9361  307.12    1546
## 9362  312.13    1546
## 9363  317.14    1546
## 9364  322.15    1546
## 9365  327.16    1546
## 9366  332.17    1546
## 9367  337.18    1546
## 9368  342.19    1546
## 9369  347.21    1546
## 9370  352.22    1546
## 9371  357.23    1546
## 9372  362.24    1546
## 9373  367.25    1546
## 9374  372.26    1546
## 9375  377.27    1546
## 9376  382.28    1546
## 9377  387.29    1546
## 9378  392.31    1546
## 9379  397.32    1546
## 9380  402.33    1546
## 9381  407.34    1546
## 9382  412.35    1546
## 9383  417.36    1546
## 9384  422.37    1546
## 9385  427.38    1546
## 9386  432.39    1546
## 9387  437.41    1546
## 9388  442.42    1546
## 9389  447.43    1546
## 9390  452.44    1546
## 9391  457.45    1546
## 9392  462.46    1546
## 9393  467.47    1546
## 9394  472.48    1546
## 9395  477.49    1546
## 9396  482.51    1546
## 9397  487.52    1546
## 9398  492.53    1546
## 9399  497.54    1546
## 9400  502.55    1546
## 9401    6.45    1561
## 9402   11.46    1561
## 9403   16.47    1561
## 9404   21.48    1561
## 9405   26.49    1561
## 9406   31.51    1561
## 9407   36.52    1561
## 9408   41.53    1561
## 9409   46.54    1561
## 9410   51.55    1561
## 9411   56.56    1561
## 9412   61.57    1561
## 9413   66.58    1561
## 9414   71.59    1561
## 9415   76.61    1561
## 9416   81.62    1561
## 9417   86.63    1561
## 9418   91.64    1561
## 9419   96.65    1561
## 9420  101.66    1561
## 9421  106.67    1561
## 9422  111.68    1561
## 9423  116.69    1561
## 9424  121.71    1561
## 9425  126.72    1561
## 9426  131.73    1561
## 9427  136.74    1561
## 9428  141.75    1561
## 9429  146.76    1561
## 9430  151.77    1561
## 9431  156.78    1561
## 9432  161.79    1561
## 9433  166.81    1561
## 9434  171.82    1561
## 9435  176.83    1561
## 9436  181.84    1561
## 9437  186.85    1561
## 9438  191.86    1561
## 9439  196.87    1561
## 9440  201.88    1561
## 9441  206.89    1561
## 9442  211.91    1561
## 9443  216.92    1561
## 9444  221.93    1561
## 9445  226.94    1561
## 9446  231.95    1561
## 9447  236.96    1561
## 9448  241.97    1561
## 9449  246.98    1561
## 9450  251.99    1561
## 9451  257.01    1561
## 9452  262.02    1561
## 9453  267.03    1561
## 9454  272.04    1561
## 9455  277.05    1561
## 9456  282.06    1561
## 9457  287.07    1561
## 9458  292.08    1561
## 9459  297.09    1561
## 9460  302.11    1561
## 9461  307.12    1561
## 9462  312.13    1561
## 9463  317.14    1561
## 9464  322.15    1561
## 9465  327.16    1561
## 9466  332.17    1561
## 9467  337.18    1561
## 9468  342.19    1561
## 9469  347.21    1561
## 9470  352.22    1561
## 9471  357.23    1561
## 9472  362.24    1561
## 9473  367.25    1561
## 9474  372.26    1561
## 9475  377.27    1561
## 9476  382.28    1561
## 9477  387.29    1561
## 9478  392.31    1561
## 9479  397.32    1561
## 9480  402.33    1561
## 9481  407.34    1561
## 9482  412.35    1561
## 9483  417.36    1561
## 9484  422.37    1561
## 9485  427.38    1561
## 9486  432.39    1561
## 9487  437.41    1561
## 9488  442.42    1561
## 9489  447.43    1561
## 9490  452.44    1561
## 9491  457.45    1561
## 9492  462.46    1561
## 9493  467.47    1561
## 9494  472.48    1561
## 9495  477.49    1561
## 9496  482.51    1561
## 9497  487.52    1561
## 9498  492.53    1561
## 9499  497.54    1561
## 9500  502.55    1561
## 9501    6.45    1575
## 9502   11.46    1575
## 9503   16.47    1575
## 9504   21.48    1575
## 9505   26.49    1575
## 9506   31.51    1575
## 9507   36.52    1575
## 9508   41.53    1575
## 9509   46.54    1575
## 9510   51.55    1575
## 9511   56.56    1575
## 9512   61.57    1575
## 9513   66.58    1575
## 9514   71.59    1575
## 9515   76.61    1575
## 9516   81.62    1575
## 9517   86.63    1575
## 9518   91.64    1575
## 9519   96.65    1575
## 9520  101.66    1575
## 9521  106.67    1575
## 9522  111.68    1575
## 9523  116.69    1575
## 9524  121.71    1575
## 9525  126.72    1575
## 9526  131.73    1575
## 9527  136.74    1575
## 9528  141.75    1575
## 9529  146.76    1575
## 9530  151.77    1575
## 9531  156.78    1575
## 9532  161.79    1575
## 9533  166.81    1575
## 9534  171.82    1575
## 9535  176.83    1575
## 9536  181.84    1575
## 9537  186.85    1575
## 9538  191.86    1575
## 9539  196.87    1575
## 9540  201.88    1575
## 9541  206.89    1575
## 9542  211.91    1575
## 9543  216.92    1575
## 9544  221.93    1575
## 9545  226.94    1575
## 9546  231.95    1575
## 9547  236.96    1575
## 9548  241.97    1575
## 9549  246.98    1575
## 9550  251.99    1575
## 9551  257.01    1575
## 9552  262.02    1575
## 9553  267.03    1575
## 9554  272.04    1575
## 9555  277.05    1575
## 9556  282.06    1575
## 9557  287.07    1575
## 9558  292.08    1575
## 9559  297.09    1575
## 9560  302.11    1575
## 9561  307.12    1575
## 9562  312.13    1575
## 9563  317.14    1575
## 9564  322.15    1575
## 9565  327.16    1575
## 9566  332.17    1575
## 9567  337.18    1575
## 9568  342.19    1575
## 9569  347.21    1575
## 9570  352.22    1575
## 9571  357.23    1575
## 9572  362.24    1575
## 9573  367.25    1575
## 9574  372.26    1575
## 9575  377.27    1575
## 9576  382.28    1575
## 9577  387.29    1575
## 9578  392.31    1575
## 9579  397.32    1575
## 9580  402.33    1575
## 9581  407.34    1575
## 9582  412.35    1575
## 9583  417.36    1575
## 9584  422.37    1575
## 9585  427.38    1575
## 9586  432.39    1575
## 9587  437.41    1575
## 9588  442.42    1575
## 9589  447.43    1575
## 9590  452.44    1575
## 9591  457.45    1575
## 9592  462.46    1575
## 9593  467.47    1575
## 9594  472.48    1575
## 9595  477.49    1575
## 9596  482.51    1575
## 9597  487.52    1575
## 9598  492.53    1575
## 9599  497.54    1575
## 9600  502.55    1575
## 9601    6.45    1590
## 9602   11.46    1590
## 9603   16.47    1590
## 9604   21.48    1590
## 9605   26.49    1590
## 9606   31.51    1590
## 9607   36.52    1590
## 9608   41.53    1590
## 9609   46.54    1590
## 9610   51.55    1590
## 9611   56.56    1590
## 9612   61.57    1590
## 9613   66.58    1590
## 9614   71.59    1590
## 9615   76.61    1590
## 9616   81.62    1590
## 9617   86.63    1590
## 9618   91.64    1590
## 9619   96.65    1590
## 9620  101.66    1590
## 9621  106.67    1590
## 9622  111.68    1590
## 9623  116.69    1590
## 9624  121.71    1590
## 9625  126.72    1590
## 9626  131.73    1590
## 9627  136.74    1590
## 9628  141.75    1590
## 9629  146.76    1590
## 9630  151.77    1590
## 9631  156.78    1590
## 9632  161.79    1590
## 9633  166.81    1590
## 9634  171.82    1590
## 9635  176.83    1590
## 9636  181.84    1590
## 9637  186.85    1590
## 9638  191.86    1590
## 9639  196.87    1590
## 9640  201.88    1590
## 9641  206.89    1590
## 9642  211.91    1590
## 9643  216.92    1590
## 9644  221.93    1590
## 9645  226.94    1590
## 9646  231.95    1590
## 9647  236.96    1590
## 9648  241.97    1590
## 9649  246.98    1590
## 9650  251.99    1590
## 9651  257.01    1590
## 9652  262.02    1590
## 9653  267.03    1590
## 9654  272.04    1590
## 9655  277.05    1590
## 9656  282.06    1590
## 9657  287.07    1590
## 9658  292.08    1590
## 9659  297.09    1590
## 9660  302.11    1590
## 9661  307.12    1590
## 9662  312.13    1590
## 9663  317.14    1590
## 9664  322.15    1590
## 9665  327.16    1590
## 9666  332.17    1590
## 9667  337.18    1590
## 9668  342.19    1590
## 9669  347.21    1590
## 9670  352.22    1590
## 9671  357.23    1590
## 9672  362.24    1590
## 9673  367.25    1590
## 9674  372.26    1590
## 9675  377.27    1590
## 9676  382.28    1590
## 9677  387.29    1590
## 9678  392.31    1590
## 9679  397.32    1590
## 9680  402.33    1590
## 9681  407.34    1590
## 9682  412.35    1590
## 9683  417.36    1590
## 9684  422.37    1590
## 9685  427.38    1590
## 9686  432.39    1590
## 9687  437.41    1590
## 9688  442.42    1590
## 9689  447.43    1590
## 9690  452.44    1590
## 9691  457.45    1590
## 9692  462.46    1590
## 9693  467.47    1590
## 9694  472.48    1590
## 9695  477.49    1590
## 9696  482.51    1590
## 9697  487.52    1590
## 9698  492.53    1590
## 9699  497.54    1590
## 9700  502.55    1590
## 9701    6.45    1604
## 9702   11.46    1604
## 9703   16.47    1604
## 9704   21.48    1604
## 9705   26.49    1604
## 9706   31.51    1604
## 9707   36.52    1604
## 9708   41.53    1604
## 9709   46.54    1604
## 9710   51.55    1604
## 9711   56.56    1604
## 9712   61.57    1604
## 9713   66.58    1604
## 9714   71.59    1604
## 9715   76.61    1604
## 9716   81.62    1604
## 9717   86.63    1604
## 9718   91.64    1604
## 9719   96.65    1604
## 9720  101.66    1604
## 9721  106.67    1604
## 9722  111.68    1604
## 9723  116.69    1604
## 9724  121.71    1604
## 9725  126.72    1604
## 9726  131.73    1604
## 9727  136.74    1604
## 9728  141.75    1604
## 9729  146.76    1604
## 9730  151.77    1604
## 9731  156.78    1604
## 9732  161.79    1604
## 9733  166.81    1604
## 9734  171.82    1604
## 9735  176.83    1604
## 9736  181.84    1604
## 9737  186.85    1604
## 9738  191.86    1604
## 9739  196.87    1604
## 9740  201.88    1604
## 9741  206.89    1604
## 9742  211.91    1604
## 9743  216.92    1604
## 9744  221.93    1604
## 9745  226.94    1604
## 9746  231.95    1604
## 9747  236.96    1604
## 9748  241.97    1604
## 9749  246.98    1604
## 9750  251.99    1604
## 9751  257.01    1604
## 9752  262.02    1604
## 9753  267.03    1604
## 9754  272.04    1604
## 9755  277.05    1604
## 9756  282.06    1604
## 9757  287.07    1604
## 9758  292.08    1604
## 9759  297.09    1604
## 9760  302.11    1604
## 9761  307.12    1604
## 9762  312.13    1604
## 9763  317.14    1604
## 9764  322.15    1604
## 9765  327.16    1604
## 9766  332.17    1604
## 9767  337.18    1604
## 9768  342.19    1604
## 9769  347.21    1604
## 9770  352.22    1604
## 9771  357.23    1604
## 9772  362.24    1604
## 9773  367.25    1604
## 9774  372.26    1604
## 9775  377.27    1604
## 9776  382.28    1604
## 9777  387.29    1604
## 9778  392.31    1604
## 9779  397.32    1604
## 9780  402.33    1604
## 9781  407.34    1604
## 9782  412.35    1604
## 9783  417.36    1604
## 9784  422.37    1604
## 9785  427.38    1604
## 9786  432.39    1604
## 9787  437.41    1604
## 9788  442.42    1604
## 9789  447.43    1604
## 9790  452.44    1604
## 9791  457.45    1604
## 9792  462.46    1604
## 9793  467.47    1604
## 9794  472.48    1604
## 9795  477.49    1604
## 9796  482.51    1604
## 9797  487.52    1604
## 9798  492.53    1604
## 9799  497.54    1604
## 9800  502.55    1604
## 9801    6.45    1619
## 9802   11.46    1619
## 9803   16.47    1619
## 9804   21.48    1619
## 9805   26.49    1619
## 9806   31.51    1619
## 9807   36.52    1619
## 9808   41.53    1619
## 9809   46.54    1619
## 9810   51.55    1619
## 9811   56.56    1619
## 9812   61.57    1619
## 9813   66.58    1619
## 9814   71.59    1619
## 9815   76.61    1619
## 9816   81.62    1619
## 9817   86.63    1619
## 9818   91.64    1619
## 9819   96.65    1619
## 9820  101.66    1619
## 9821  106.67    1619
## 9822  111.68    1619
## 9823  116.69    1619
## 9824  121.71    1619
## 9825  126.72    1619
## 9826  131.73    1619
## 9827  136.74    1619
## 9828  141.75    1619
## 9829  146.76    1619
## 9830  151.77    1619
## 9831  156.78    1619
## 9832  161.79    1619
## 9833  166.81    1619
## 9834  171.82    1619
## 9835  176.83    1619
## 9836  181.84    1619
## 9837  186.85    1619
## 9838  191.86    1619
## 9839  196.87    1619
## 9840  201.88    1619
## 9841  206.89    1619
## 9842  211.91    1619
## 9843  216.92    1619
## 9844  221.93    1619
## 9845  226.94    1619
## 9846  231.95    1619
## 9847  236.96    1619
## 9848  241.97    1619
## 9849  246.98    1619
## 9850  251.99    1619
## 9851  257.01    1619
## 9852  262.02    1619
## 9853  267.03    1619
## 9854  272.04    1619
## 9855  277.05    1619
## 9856  282.06    1619
## 9857  287.07    1619
## 9858  292.08    1619
## 9859  297.09    1619
## 9860  302.11    1619
## 9861  307.12    1619
## 9862  312.13    1619
## 9863  317.14    1619
## 9864  322.15    1619
## 9865  327.16    1619
## 9866  332.17    1619
## 9867  337.18    1619
## 9868  342.19    1619
## 9869  347.21    1619
## 9870  352.22    1619
## 9871  357.23    1619
## 9872  362.24    1619
## 9873  367.25    1619
## 9874  372.26    1619
## 9875  377.27    1619
## 9876  382.28    1619
## 9877  387.29    1619
## 9878  392.31    1619
## 9879  397.32    1619
## 9880  402.33    1619
## 9881  407.34    1619
## 9882  412.35    1619
## 9883  417.36    1619
## 9884  422.37    1619
## 9885  427.38    1619
## 9886  432.39    1619
## 9887  437.41    1619
## 9888  442.42    1619
## 9889  447.43    1619
## 9890  452.44    1619
## 9891  457.45    1619
## 9892  462.46    1619
## 9893  467.47    1619
## 9894  472.48    1619
## 9895  477.49    1619
## 9896  482.51    1619
## 9897  487.52    1619
## 9898  492.53    1619
## 9899  497.54    1619
## 9900  502.55    1619
## 9901    6.45    1633
## 9902   11.46    1633
## 9903   16.47    1633
## 9904   21.48    1633
## 9905   26.49    1633
## 9906   31.51    1633
## 9907   36.52    1633
## 9908   41.53    1633
## 9909   46.54    1633
## 9910   51.55    1633
## 9911   56.56    1633
## 9912   61.57    1633
## 9913   66.58    1633
## 9914   71.59    1633
## 9915   76.61    1633
## 9916   81.62    1633
## 9917   86.63    1633
## 9918   91.64    1633
## 9919   96.65    1633
## 9920  101.66    1633
## 9921  106.67    1633
## 9922  111.68    1633
## 9923  116.69    1633
## 9924  121.71    1633
## 9925  126.72    1633
## 9926  131.73    1633
## 9927  136.74    1633
## 9928  141.75    1633
## 9929  146.76    1633
## 9930  151.77    1633
## 9931  156.78    1633
## 9932  161.79    1633
## 9933  166.81    1633
## 9934  171.82    1633
## 9935  176.83    1633
## 9936  181.84    1633
## 9937  186.85    1633
## 9938  191.86    1633
## 9939  196.87    1633
## 9940  201.88    1633
## 9941  206.89    1633
## 9942  211.91    1633
## 9943  216.92    1633
## 9944  221.93    1633
## 9945  226.94    1633
## 9946  231.95    1633
## 9947  236.96    1633
## 9948  241.97    1633
## 9949  246.98    1633
## 9950  251.99    1633
## 9951  257.01    1633
## 9952  262.02    1633
## 9953  267.03    1633
## 9954  272.04    1633
## 9955  277.05    1633
## 9956  282.06    1633
## 9957  287.07    1633
## 9958  292.08    1633
## 9959  297.09    1633
## 9960  302.11    1633
## 9961  307.12    1633
## 9962  312.13    1633
## 9963  317.14    1633
## 9964  322.15    1633
## 9965  327.16    1633
## 9966  332.17    1633
## 9967  337.18    1633
## 9968  342.19    1633
## 9969  347.21    1633
## 9970  352.22    1633
## 9971  357.23    1633
## 9972  362.24    1633
## 9973  367.25    1633
## 9974  372.26    1633
## 9975  377.27    1633
## 9976  382.28    1633
## 9977  387.29    1633
## 9978  392.31    1633
## 9979  397.32    1633
## 9980  402.33    1633
## 9981  407.34    1633
## 9982  412.35    1633
## 9983  417.36    1633
## 9984  422.37    1633
## 9985  427.38    1633
## 9986  432.39    1633
## 9987  437.41    1633
## 9988  442.42    1633
## 9989  447.43    1633
## 9990  452.44    1633
## 9991  457.45    1633
## 9992  462.46    1633
## 9993  467.47    1633
## 9994  472.48    1633
## 9995  477.49    1633
## 9996  482.51    1633
## 9997  487.52    1633
## 9998  492.53    1633
## 9999  497.54    1633
## 10000 502.55    1633
predict(diabetes_lda, newdata = diabetes_grid)$class[1:10]
##  [1] normal normal normal normal normal normal normal normal normal normal
## Levels: normal chemical overt
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diabetes_grid$ghat =
  predict(diabetes_lda, newdata = diabetes_grid)$class

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
centers = diabetes_lda$means
##          sspg glucose
## normal    114     350
## chemical  209     494
## overt     319    1044
exp(1i * seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 360))[1:10]
##  [1] 1.000+0.000i 1.000+0.018i 0.999+0.035i 0.999+0.052i 0.998+0.070i
##  [6] 0.996+0.087i 0.994+0.105i 0.993+0.122i 0.990+0.140i 0.988+0.157i
exp(1i * seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 360))[350:360]
##  [1] 0.985-0.174i 0.988-0.157i 0.990-0.140i 0.993-0.122i 0.994-0.105i
##  [6] 0.996-0.087i 0.998-0.070i 0.999-0.052i 0.999-0.035i 1.000-0.018i
## [11] 1.000-0.000i
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
unitcircle = exp(1i * seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 360)) |>
          (\(z) cbind(Re(z), Im(z)))() 

##        [,1]   [,2]
##  [1,] 1.000 0.0000
##  [2,] 1.000 0.0175
##  [3,] 0.999 0.0350
##  [4,] 0.999 0.0525
##  [5,] 0.998 0.0700
##  [6,] 0.996 0.0874
##  [7,] 0.994 0.1048
##  [8,] 0.993 0.1222
##  [9,] 0.990 0.1396
## [10,] 0.988 0.1569
diabetes_lda$scaling  # the fitted covariance matrix
##             LD1      LD2
## sspg    0.00504 -0.01539
## glucose 0.00546  0.00449
solve(diabetes_lda$scaling) %*% diabetes_lda$scaling
##     LD1 LD2
## LD1   1   0
## LD2   0   1
diabetes_lda$scaling %*% solve(diabetes_lda$scaling)
##              sspg glucose
## sspg     1.00e+00       0
## glucose -2.78e-17       1
solve(diabetes_lda$scaling) # get the inverse matrix
##      sspg glucose
## LD1  42.1   144.3
## LD2 -51.2    47.2
#solve : Methods for generic function solve, for solving linear systems of equations. 

ellipse = unitcircle %*% solve(diabetes_lda$scaling) |> as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 360 × 2
##     sspg glucose
##    <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1  42.1    144.
##  2  41.2    145.
##  3  40.3    146.
##  4  39.3    147.
##  5  38.4    147.
##  6  37.5    148.
##  7  36.5    148.
##  8  35.5    149.
##  9  34.5    149.
## 10  33.5    150.
## # ℹ 350 more rows
## [1] "normal"   "chemical" "overt"
##          sspg glucose
## normal    114     350
## chemical  209     494
## overt     319    1044
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ellipses = lapply(rownames(centers), function(gr) {
     sspg    = sspg    + centers[gr, "sspg"],
     glucose = glucose + centers[gr, "glucose"],
     group   = gr)
}) |> bind_rows()
## # A tibble: 1,080 × 3
##     sspg glucose group 
##    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> 
##  1  156.    494. normal
##  2  155.    495. normal
##  3  154.    496. normal
##  4  153.    497. normal
##  5  152.    497. normal
##  6  151.    498. normal
##  7  150.    498. normal
##  8  150.    499. normal
##  9  149.    499. normal
## 10  148.    500. normal
## # ℹ 1,070 more rows
ggdb = ggplot(mapping = aes(x = sspg, y = glucose)) +
  geom_point(aes(colour = group), data = diabetes)

##       rw fpg glucose insulin sspg    group
## 1   0.81  80     356     124   55   normal
## 2   0.95  97     289     117   76   normal
## 3   0.94 105     319     143  105   normal
## 4   1.04  90     356     199  108   normal
## 5   1.00  90     323     240  143   normal
## 6   0.76  86     381     157  165   normal
## 7   0.91 100     350     221  119   normal
## 8   1.10  85     301     186  105   normal
## 9   0.99  97     379     142   98   normal
## 10  0.78  97     296     131   94   normal
## 11  0.90  91     353     221   53   normal
## 12  0.73  87     306     178   66   normal
## 13  0.96  78     290     136  142   normal
## 14  0.84  90     371     200   93   normal
## 15  0.74  86     312     208   68   normal
## 16  0.98  80     393     202  102   normal
## 17  1.10  90     364     152   76   normal
## 18  0.85  99     359     185   37   normal
## 19  0.83  85     296     116   60   normal
## 20  0.93  90     345     123   50   normal
## 21  0.95  90     378     136   47   normal
## 22  0.74  88     304     134   50   normal
## 23  0.95  95     347     184   91   normal
## 24  0.97  90     327     192  124   normal
## 25  0.72  92     386     279   74   normal
## 26  1.11  74     365     228  235   normal
## 27  1.20  98     365     145  158   normal
## 28  1.13 100     352     172  140   normal
## 29  1.00  86     325     179  145   normal
## 30  0.78  98     321     222   99   normal
## 31  1.00  70     360     134   90   normal
## 32  1.00  99     336     143  105   normal
## 33  0.71  75     352     169   32   normal
## 34  0.76  90     353     263  165   normal
## 35  0.89  85     373     174   78   normal
## 36  0.88  99     376     134   80   normal
## 37  1.17 100     367     182   54   normal
## 38  0.85  78     335     241  175   normal
## 39  0.97 106     396     128   80   normal
## 40  1.00  98     277     222  186   normal
## 41  1.00 102     378     165  117   normal
## 42  0.89  90     360     282  160   normal
## 43  0.98  94     291      94   71   normal
## 44  0.78  80     269     121   29   normal
## 45  0.74  93     318      73   42   normal
## 46  0.91  86     328     106   56   normal
## 47  0.95  85     334     118  122   normal
## 48  0.95  96     356     112   73   normal
## 49  1.03  88     291     157  122   normal
## 50  0.87  87     360     292  128   normal
## 51  0.87  94     313     200  233   normal
## 52  1.17  93     306     220  132   normal
## 53  0.83  86     319     144  138   normal
## 54  0.82  86     349     109   83   normal
## 55  0.86  96     332     151  109   normal
## 56  1.01  86     323     158   96   normal
## 57  0.88  89     323      73   52   normal
## 58  0.75  83     351      81   42   normal
## 59  0.99  98     478     151  122 chemical
## 60  1.12 100     398     122  176   normal
## 61  1.09 110     426     117  118   normal
## 62  1.02  88     439     208  244 chemical
## 63  1.19 100     429     201  194 chemical
## 64  1.06  80     333     131  136   normal
## 65  1.20  89     472     162  257 chemical
## 66  1.05  91     436     148  167 chemical
## 67  1.18  96     418     130  153   normal
## 68  1.01  95     391     137  248   normal
## 69  0.91  82     390     375  273   normal
## 70  0.81  84     416     146   80   normal
## 71  1.10  90     413     344  270 chemical
## 72  1.03 100     385     192  180   normal
## 73  0.97  86     393     115   85   normal
## 74  0.96  93     376     195  106   normal
## 75  1.10 107     403     267  254   normal
## 76  1.07 112     414     281  119   normal
## 77  1.08  94     426     213  177 chemical
## 78  0.95  93     364     156  159   normal
## 79  0.74  93     391     221  103   normal
## 80  0.84  90     356     199   59   normal
## 81  0.89  99     398      76  108   normal
## 82  1.11  93     393     490  259   normal
## 83  1.19  85     425     143  204 chemical
## 84  1.18  89     318      73  220   normal
## 85  1.06  96     465     237  111 chemical
## 86  0.95 111     558     748  122 chemical
## 87  1.06 107     503     320  253 chemical
## 88  0.98 114     540     188  211 chemical
## 89  1.16 101     469     607  271 chemical
## 90  1.18 108     486     297  220 chemical
## 91  1.20 112     568     232  276 chemical
## 92  1.08 105     527     480  233 chemical
## 93  0.91 103     537     622  264 chemical
## 94  1.03  99     466     287  231 chemical
## 95  1.09 102     599     266  268 chemical
## 96  1.05 110     477     124   60 chemical
## 97  1.20 102     472     297  272 chemical
## 98  1.05  96     456     326  235 chemical
## 99  1.10  95     517     564  206 chemical
## 100 1.12 112     503     408  300 chemical
## 101 0.96 110     522     325  286 chemical
## 102 1.13  92     476     433  226 chemical
## 103 1.07 104     472     180  239 chemical
## 104 1.10  75     455     392  242 chemical
## 105 0.94  92     442     109  157 chemical
## 106 1.12  92     541     313  267 chemical
## 107 0.88  92     580     132  155 chemical
## 108 0.93  93     472     285  194 chemical
## 109 1.16 112     562     139  198 chemical
## 110 0.94  88     423     212  156 chemical
## 111 0.91 114     643     155  100 chemical
## 112 0.83 103     533     120  135 chemical
## 113 0.92 300    1468      28  455    overt
## 114 0.86 303    1487      23  327    overt
## 115 0.85 125     714     232  279    overt
## 116 0.83 280    1470      54  382    overt
## 117 0.85 216    1113      81  378    overt
## 118 1.06 190     972      87  374    overt
## 119 1.06 151     854      76  260    overt
## 120 0.92 303    1364      42  346    overt
## 121 1.20 173     832     102  319    overt
## 122 1.04 203     967     138  351    overt
## 123 1.16 195     920     160  357    overt
## 124 1.08 140     613     131  248    overt
## 125 0.95 151     857     145  324    overt
## 126 0.86 275    1373      45  300    overt
## 127 0.90 260    1133     118  300    overt
## 128 0.97 149     849     159  310    overt
## 129 1.16 233    1183      73  458    overt
## 130 1.12 146     847     103  339    overt
## 131 1.07 124     538     460  320    overt
## 132 0.93 213    1001      42  297    overt
## 133 0.85 330    1520      13  303    overt
## 134 0.81 123     557     130  152    overt
## 135 0.98 130     670      44  167    overt
## 136 1.01 120     636     314  220    overt
## 137 1.19 138     741     219  209    overt
## 138 1.04 188     958     100  351    overt
## 139 1.06 339    1354      10  450    overt
## 140 1.03 265    1263      83  413    overt
## 141 1.05 353    1428      41  480    overt
## 142 0.91 180     923      77  150    overt
## 143 0.90 213    1025      29  209    overt
## 144 1.11 328    1246     124  442    overt
## 145 0.74 346    1568      15  253    overt
##         sspg glucose     ghat
## 1       6.45     204   normal
## 2      11.46     204   normal
## 3      16.47     204   normal
## 4      21.48     204   normal
## 5      26.49     204   normal
## 6      31.51     204   normal
## 7      36.52     204   normal
## 8      41.53     204   normal
## 9      46.54     204   normal
## 10     51.55     204   normal
## 11     56.56     204   normal
## 12     61.57     204   normal
## 13     66.58     204   normal
## 14     71.59     204   normal
## 15     76.61     204   normal
## 16     81.62     204   normal
## 17     86.63     204   normal
## 18     91.64     204   normal
## 19     96.65     204   normal
## 20    101.66     204   normal
## 21    106.67     204   normal
## 22    111.68     204   normal
## 23    116.69     204   normal
## 24    121.71     204   normal
## 25    126.72     204   normal
## 26    131.73     204   normal
## 27    136.74     204   normal
## 28    141.75     204   normal
## 29    146.76     204   normal
## 30    151.77     204   normal
## 31    156.78     204   normal
## 32    161.79     204   normal
## 33    166.81     204   normal
## 34    171.82     204   normal
## 35    176.83     204   normal
## 36    181.84     204   normal
## 37    186.85     204   normal
## 38    191.86     204   normal
## 39    196.87     204   normal
## 40    201.88     204   normal
## 41    206.89     204   normal
## 42    211.91     204   normal
## 43    216.92     204   normal
## 44    221.93     204   normal
## 45    226.94     204   normal
## 46    231.95     204   normal
## 47    236.96     204   normal
## 48    241.97     204 chemical
## 49    246.98     204 chemical
## 50    251.99     204 chemical
## 51    257.01     204 chemical
## 52    262.02     204 chemical
## 53    267.03     204 chemical
## 54    272.04     204 chemical
## 55    277.05     204 chemical
## 56    282.06     204 chemical
## 57    287.07     204 chemical
## 58    292.08     204 chemical
## 59    297.09     204 chemical
## 60    302.11     204 chemical
## 61    307.12     204 chemical
## 62    312.13     204 chemical
## 63    317.14     204 chemical
## 64    322.15     204 chemical
## 65    327.16     204 chemical
## 66    332.17     204 chemical
## 67    337.18     204 chemical
## 68    342.19     204 chemical
## 69    347.21     204 chemical
## 70    352.22     204 chemical
## 71    357.23     204 chemical
## 72    362.24     204 chemical
## 73    367.25     204 chemical
## 74    372.26     204 chemical
## 75    377.27     204 chemical
## 76    382.28     204 chemical
## 77    387.29     204 chemical
## 78    392.31     204 chemical
## 79    397.32     204 chemical
## 80    402.33     204 chemical
## 81    407.34     204 chemical
## 82    412.35     204 chemical
## 83    417.36     204 chemical
## 84    422.37     204 chemical
## 85    427.38     204 chemical
## 86    432.39     204 chemical
## 87    437.41     204 chemical
## 88    442.42     204 chemical
## 89    447.43     204 chemical
## 90    452.44     204 chemical
## 91    457.45     204 chemical
## 92    462.46     204 chemical
## 93    467.47     204 chemical
## 94    472.48     204 chemical
## 95    477.49     204 chemical
## 96    482.51     204 chemical
## 97    487.52     204 chemical
## 98    492.53     204 chemical
## 99    497.54     204 chemical
## 100   502.55     204 chemical
## 101     6.45     218   normal
## 102    11.46     218   normal
## 103    16.47     218   normal
## 104    21.48     218   normal
## 105    26.49     218   normal
## 106    31.51     218   normal
## 107    36.52     218   normal
## 108    41.53     218   normal
## 109    46.54     218   normal
## 110    51.55     218   normal
## 111    56.56     218   normal
## 112    61.57     218   normal
## 113    66.58     218   normal
## 114    71.59     218   normal
## 115    76.61     218   normal
## 116    81.62     218   normal
## 117    86.63     218   normal
## 118    91.64     218   normal
## 119    96.65     218   normal
## 120   101.66     218   normal
## 121   106.67     218   normal
## 122   111.68     218   normal
## 123   116.69     218   normal
## 124   121.71     218   normal
## 125   126.72     218   normal
## 126   131.73     218   normal
## 127   136.74     218   normal
## 128   141.75     218   normal
## 129   146.76     218   normal
## 130   151.77     218   normal
## 131   156.78     218   normal
## 132   161.79     218   normal
## 133   166.81     218   normal
## 134   171.82     218   normal
## 135   176.83     218   normal
## 136   181.84     218   normal
## 137   186.85     218   normal
## 138   191.86     218   normal
## 139   196.87     218   normal
## 140   201.88     218   normal
## 141   206.89     218   normal
## 142   211.91     218   normal
## 143   216.92     218   normal
## 144   221.93     218   normal
## 145   226.94     218   normal
## 146   231.95     218   normal
## 147   236.96     218 chemical
## 148   241.97     218 chemical
## 149   246.98     218 chemical
## 150   251.99     218 chemical
## 151   257.01     218 chemical
## 152   262.02     218 chemical
## 153   267.03     218 chemical
## 154   272.04     218 chemical
## 155   277.05     218 chemical
## 156   282.06     218 chemical
## 157   287.07     218 chemical
## 158   292.08     218 chemical
## 159   297.09     218 chemical
## 160   302.11     218 chemical
## 161   307.12     218 chemical
## 162   312.13     218 chemical
## 163   317.14     218 chemical
## 164   322.15     218 chemical
## 165   327.16     218 chemical
## 166   332.17     218 chemical
## 167   337.18     218 chemical
## 168   342.19     218 chemical
## 169   347.21     218 chemical
## 170   352.22     218 chemical
## 171   357.23     218 chemical
## 172   362.24     218 chemical
## 173   367.25     218 chemical
## 174   372.26     218 chemical
## 175   377.27     218 chemical
## 176   382.28     218 chemical
## 177   387.29     218 chemical
## 178   392.31     218 chemical
## 179   397.32     218 chemical
## 180   402.33     218 chemical
## 181   407.34     218 chemical
## 182   412.35     218 chemical
## 183   417.36     218 chemical
## 184   422.37     218 chemical
## 185   427.38     218 chemical
## 186   432.39     218 chemical
## 187   437.41     218 chemical
## 188   442.42     218 chemical
## 189   447.43     218 chemical
## 190   452.44     218 chemical
## 191   457.45     218 chemical
## 192   462.46     218 chemical
## 193   467.47     218 chemical
## 194   472.48     218 chemical
## 195   477.49     218 chemical
## 196   482.51     218 chemical
## 197   487.52     218 chemical
## 198   492.53     218 chemical
## 199   497.54     218 chemical
## 200   502.55     218 chemical
## 201     6.45     233   normal
## 202    11.46     233   normal
## 203    16.47     233   normal
## 204    21.48     233   normal
## 205    26.49     233   normal
## 206    31.51     233   normal
## 207    36.52     233   normal
## 208    41.53     233   normal
## 209    46.54     233   normal
## 210    51.55     233   normal
## 211    56.56     233   normal
## 212    61.57     233   normal
## 213    66.58     233   normal
## 214    71.59     233   normal
## 215    76.61     233   normal
## 216    81.62     233   normal
## 217    86.63     233   normal
## 218    91.64     233   normal
## 219    96.65     233   normal
## 220   101.66     233   normal
## 221   106.67     233   normal
## 222   111.68     233   normal
## 223   116.69     233   normal
## 224   121.71     233   normal
## 225   126.72     233   normal
## 226   131.73     233   normal
## 227   136.74     233   normal
## 228   141.75     233   normal
## 229   146.76     233   normal
## 230   151.77     233   normal
## 231   156.78     233   normal
## 232   161.79     233   normal
## 233   166.81     233   normal
## 234   171.82     233   normal
## 235   176.83     233   normal
## 236   181.84     233   normal
## 237   186.85     233   normal
## 238   191.86     233   normal
## 239   196.87     233   normal
## 240   201.88     233   normal
## 241   206.89     233   normal
## 242   211.91     233   normal
## 243   216.92     233   normal
## 244   221.93     233   normal
## 245   226.94     233   normal
## 246   231.95     233   normal
## 247   236.96     233 chemical
## 248   241.97     233 chemical
## 249   246.98     233 chemical
## 250   251.99     233 chemical
## 251   257.01     233 chemical
## 252   262.02     233 chemical
## 253   267.03     233 chemical
## 254   272.04     233 chemical
## 255   277.05     233 chemical
## 256   282.06     233 chemical
## 257   287.07     233 chemical
## 258   292.08     233 chemical
## 259   297.09     233 chemical
## 260   302.11     233 chemical
## 261   307.12     233 chemical
## 262   312.13     233 chemical
## 263   317.14     233 chemical
## 264   322.15     233 chemical
## 265   327.16     233 chemical
## 266   332.17     233 chemical
## 267   337.18     233 chemical
## 268   342.19     233 chemical
## 269   347.21     233 chemical
## 270   352.22     233 chemical
## 271   357.23     233 chemical
## 272   362.24     233 chemical
## 273   367.25     233 chemical
## 274   372.26     233 chemical
## 275   377.27     233 chemical
## 276   382.28     233 chemical
## 277   387.29     233 chemical
## 278   392.31     233 chemical
## 279   397.32     233 chemical
## 280   402.33     233 chemical
## 281   407.34     233 chemical
## 282   412.35     233 chemical
## 283   417.36     233 chemical
## 284   422.37     233 chemical
## 285   427.38     233 chemical
## 286   432.39     233 chemical
## 287   437.41     233 chemical
## 288   442.42     233 chemical
## 289   447.43     233 chemical
## 290   452.44     233 chemical
## 291   457.45     233 chemical
## 292   462.46     233 chemical
## 293   467.47     233 chemical
## 294   472.48     233 chemical
## 295   477.49     233 chemical
## 296   482.51     233 chemical
## 297   487.52     233 chemical
## 298   492.53     233 chemical
## 299   497.54     233 chemical
## 300   502.55     233 chemical
## 301     6.45     247   normal
## 302    11.46     247   normal
## 303    16.47     247   normal
## 304    21.48     247   normal
## 305    26.49     247   normal
## 306    31.51     247   normal
## 307    36.52     247   normal
## 308    41.53     247   normal
## 309    46.54     247   normal
## 310    51.55     247   normal
## 311    56.56     247   normal
## 312    61.57     247   normal
## 313    66.58     247   normal
## 314    71.59     247   normal
## 315    76.61     247   normal
## 316    81.62     247   normal
## 317    86.63     247   normal
## 318    91.64     247   normal
## 319    96.65     247   normal
## 320   101.66     247   normal
## 321   106.67     247   normal
## 322   111.68     247   normal
## 323   116.69     247   normal
## 324   121.71     247   normal
## 325   126.72     247   normal
## 326   131.73     247   normal
## 327   136.74     247   normal
## 328   141.75     247   normal
## 329   146.76     247   normal
## 330   151.77     247   normal
## 331   156.78     247   normal
## 332   161.79     247   normal
## 333   166.81     247   normal
## 334   171.82     247   normal
## 335   176.83     247   normal
## 336   181.84     247   normal
## 337   186.85     247   normal
## 338   191.86     247   normal
## 339   196.87     247   normal
## 340   201.88     247   normal
## 341   206.89     247   normal
## 342   211.91     247   normal
## 343   216.92     247   normal
## 344   221.93     247   normal
## 345   226.94     247   normal
## 346   231.95     247 chemical
## 347   236.96     247 chemical
## 348   241.97     247 chemical
## 349   246.98     247 chemical
## 350   251.99     247 chemical
## 351   257.01     247 chemical
## 352   262.02     247 chemical
## 353   267.03     247 chemical
## 354   272.04     247 chemical
## 355   277.05     247 chemical
## 356   282.06     247 chemical
## 357   287.07     247 chemical
## 358   292.08     247 chemical
## 359   297.09     247 chemical
## 360   302.11     247 chemical
## 361   307.12     247 chemical
## 362   312.13     247 chemical
## 363   317.14     247 chemical
## 364   322.15     247 chemical
## 365   327.16     247 chemical
## 366   332.17     247 chemical
## 367   337.18     247 chemical
## 368   342.19     247 chemical
## 369   347.21     247 chemical
## 370   352.22     247 chemical
## 371   357.23     247 chemical
## 372   362.24     247 chemical
## 373   367.25     247 chemical
## 374   372.26     247 chemical
## 375   377.27     247 chemical
## 376   382.28     247 chemical
## 377   387.29     247 chemical
## 378   392.31     247 chemical
## 379   397.32     247 chemical
## 380   402.33     247 chemical
## 381   407.34     247 chemical
## 382   412.35     247 chemical
## 383   417.36     247 chemical
## 384   422.37     247 chemical
## 385   427.38     247 chemical
## 386   432.39     247 chemical
## 387   437.41     247 chemical
## 388   442.42     247 chemical
## 389   447.43     247 chemical
## 390   452.44     247 chemical
## 391   457.45     247 chemical
## 392   462.46     247 chemical
## 393   467.47     247 chemical
## 394   472.48     247 chemical
## 395   477.49     247 chemical
## 396   482.51     247 chemical
## 397   487.52     247 chemical
## 398   492.53     247 chemical
## 399   497.54     247 chemical
## 400   502.55     247 chemical
## 401     6.45     262   normal
## 402    11.46     262   normal
## 403    16.47     262   normal
## 404    21.48     262   normal
## 405    26.49     262   normal
## 406    31.51     262   normal
## 407    36.52     262   normal
## 408    41.53     262   normal
## 409    46.54     262   normal
## 410    51.55     262   normal
## 411    56.56     262   normal
## 412    61.57     262   normal
## 413    66.58     262   normal
## 414    71.59     262   normal
## 415    76.61     262   normal
## 416    81.62     262   normal
## 417    86.63     262   normal
## 418    91.64     262   normal
## 419    96.65     262   normal
## 420   101.66     262   normal
## 421   106.67     262   normal
## 422   111.68     262   normal
## 423   116.69     262   normal
## 424   121.71     262   normal
## 425   126.72     262   normal
## 426   131.73     262   normal
## 427   136.74     262   normal
## 428   141.75     262   normal
## 429   146.76     262   normal
## 430   151.77     262   normal
## 431   156.78     262   normal
## 432   161.79     262   normal
## 433   166.81     262   normal
## 434   171.82     262   normal
## 435   176.83     262   normal
## 436   181.84     262   normal
## 437   186.85     262   normal
## 438   191.86     262   normal
## 439   196.87     262   normal
## 440   201.88     262   normal
## 441   206.89     262   normal
## 442   211.91     262   normal
## 443   216.92     262   normal
## 444   221.93     262   normal
## 445   226.94     262   normal
## 446   231.95     262 chemical
## 447   236.96     262 chemical
## 448   241.97     262 chemical
## 449   246.98     262 chemical
## 450   251.99     262 chemical
## 451   257.01     262 chemical
## 452   262.02     262 chemical
## 453   267.03     262 chemical
## 454   272.04     262 chemical
## 455   277.05     262 chemical
## 456   282.06     262 chemical
## 457   287.07     262 chemical
## 458   292.08     262 chemical
## 459   297.09     262 chemical
## 460   302.11     262 chemical
## 461   307.12     262 chemical
## 462   312.13     262 chemical
## 463   317.14     262 chemical
## 464   322.15     262 chemical
## 465   327.16     262 chemical
## 466   332.17     262 chemical
## 467   337.18     262 chemical
## 468   342.19     262 chemical
## 469   347.21     262 chemical
## 470   352.22     262 chemical
## 471   357.23     262 chemical
## 472   362.24     262 chemical
## 473   367.25     262 chemical
## 474   372.26     262 chemical
## 475   377.27     262 chemical
## 476   382.28     262 chemical
## 477   387.29     262 chemical
## 478   392.31     262 chemical
## 479   397.32     262 chemical
## 480   402.33     262 chemical
## 481   407.34     262 chemical
## 482   412.35     262 chemical
## 483   417.36     262 chemical
## 484   422.37     262 chemical
## 485   427.38     262 chemical
## 486   432.39     262 chemical
## 487   437.41     262 chemical
## 488   442.42     262 chemical
## 489   447.43     262 chemical
## 490   452.44     262 chemical
## 491   457.45     262 chemical
## 492   462.46     262 chemical
## 493   467.47     262 chemical
## 494   472.48     262 chemical
## 495   477.49     262 chemical
## 496   482.51     262 chemical
## 497   487.52     262 chemical
## 498   492.53     262 chemical
## 499   497.54     262 chemical
## 500   502.55     262 chemical
## 501     6.45     276   normal
## 502    11.46     276   normal
## 503    16.47     276   normal
## 504    21.48     276   normal
## 505    26.49     276   normal
## 506    31.51     276   normal
## 507    36.52     276   normal
## 508    41.53     276   normal
## 509    46.54     276   normal
## 510    51.55     276   normal
## 511    56.56     276   normal
## 512    61.57     276   normal
## 513    66.58     276   normal
## 514    71.59     276   normal
## 515    76.61     276   normal
## 516    81.62     276   normal
## 517    86.63     276   normal
## 518    91.64     276   normal
## 519    96.65     276   normal
## 520   101.66     276   normal
## 521   106.67     276   normal
## 522   111.68     276   normal
## 523   116.69     276   normal
## 524   121.71     276   normal
## 525   126.72     276   normal
## 526   131.73     276   normal
## 527   136.74     276   normal
## 528   141.75     276   normal
## 529   146.76     276   normal
## 530   151.77     276   normal
## 531   156.78     276   normal
## 532   161.79     276   normal
## 533   166.81     276   normal
## 534   171.82     276   normal
## 535   176.83     276   normal
## 536   181.84     276   normal
## 537   186.85     276   normal
## 538   191.86     276   normal
## 539   196.87     276   normal
## 540   201.88     276   normal
## 541   206.89     276   normal
## 542   211.91     276   normal
## 543   216.92     276   normal
## 544   221.93     276   normal
## 545   226.94     276 chemical
## 546   231.95     276 chemical
## 547   236.96     276 chemical
## 548   241.97     276 chemical
## 549   246.98     276 chemical
## 550   251.99     276 chemical
## 551   257.01     276 chemical
## 552   262.02     276 chemical
## 553   267.03     276 chemical
## 554   272.04     276 chemical
## 555   277.05     276 chemical
## 556   282.06     276 chemical
## 557   287.07     276 chemical
## 558   292.08     276 chemical
## 559   297.09     276 chemical
## 560   302.11     276 chemical
## 561   307.12     276 chemical
## 562   312.13     276 chemical
## 563   317.14     276 chemical
## 564   322.15     276 chemical
## 565   327.16     276 chemical
## 566   332.17     276 chemical
## 567   337.18     276 chemical
## 568   342.19     276 chemical
## 569   347.21     276 chemical
## 570   352.22     276 chemical
## 571   357.23     276 chemical
## 572   362.24     276 chemical
## 573   367.25     276 chemical
## 574   372.26     276 chemical
## 575   377.27     276 chemical
## 576   382.28     276 chemical
## 577   387.29     276 chemical
## 578   392.31     276 chemical
## 579   397.32     276 chemical
## 580   402.33     276 chemical
## 581   407.34     276 chemical
## 582   412.35     276 chemical
## 583   417.36     276 chemical
## 584   422.37     276 chemical
## 585   427.38     276 chemical
## 586   432.39     276 chemical
## 587   437.41     276 chemical
## 588   442.42     276 chemical
## 589   447.43     276 chemical
## 590   452.44     276 chemical
## 591   457.45     276 chemical
## 592   462.46     276 chemical
## 593   467.47     276 chemical
## 594   472.48     276 chemical
## 595   477.49     276 chemical
## 596   482.51     276 chemical
## 597   487.52     276 chemical
## 598   492.53     276 chemical
## 599   497.54     276 chemical
## 600   502.55     276 chemical
## 601     6.45     291   normal
## 602    11.46     291   normal
## 603    16.47     291   normal
## 604    21.48     291   normal
## 605    26.49     291   normal
## 606    31.51     291   normal
## 607    36.52     291   normal
## 608    41.53     291   normal
## 609    46.54     291   normal
## 610    51.55     291   normal
## 611    56.56     291   normal
## 612    61.57     291   normal
## 613    66.58     291   normal
## 614    71.59     291   normal
## 615    76.61     291   normal
## 616    81.62     291   normal
## 617    86.63     291   normal
## 618    91.64     291   normal
## 619    96.65     291   normal
## 620   101.66     291   normal
## 621   106.67     291   normal
## 622   111.68     291   normal
## 623   116.69     291   normal
## 624   121.71     291   normal
## 625   126.72     291   normal
## 626   131.73     291   normal
## 627   136.74     291   normal
## 628   141.75     291   normal
## 629   146.76     291   normal
## 630   151.77     291   normal
## 631   156.78     291   normal
## 632   161.79     291   normal
## 633   166.81     291   normal
## 634   171.82     291   normal
## 635   176.83     291   normal
## 636   181.84     291   normal
## 637   186.85     291   normal
## 638   191.86     291   normal
## 639   196.87     291   normal
## 640   201.88     291   normal
## 641   206.89     291   normal
## 642   211.91     291   normal
## 643   216.92     291   normal
## 644   221.93     291   normal
## 645   226.94     291 chemical
## 646   231.95     291 chemical
## 647   236.96     291 chemical
## 648   241.97     291 chemical
## 649   246.98     291 chemical
## 650   251.99     291 chemical
## 651   257.01     291 chemical
## 652   262.02     291 chemical
## 653   267.03     291 chemical
## 654   272.04     291 chemical
## 655   277.05     291 chemical
## 656   282.06     291 chemical
## 657   287.07     291 chemical
## 658   292.08     291 chemical
## 659   297.09     291 chemical
## 660   302.11     291 chemical
## 661   307.12     291 chemical
## 662   312.13     291 chemical
## 663   317.14     291 chemical
## 664   322.15     291 chemical
## 665   327.16     291 chemical
## 666   332.17     291 chemical
## 667   337.18     291 chemical
## 668   342.19     291 chemical
## 669   347.21     291 chemical
## 670   352.22     291 chemical
## 671   357.23     291 chemical
## 672   362.24     291 chemical
## 673   367.25     291 chemical
## 674   372.26     291 chemical
## 675   377.27     291 chemical
## 676   382.28     291 chemical
## 677   387.29     291 chemical
## 678   392.31     291 chemical
## 679   397.32     291 chemical
## 680   402.33     291 chemical
## 681   407.34     291 chemical
## 682   412.35     291 chemical
## 683   417.36     291 chemical
## 684   422.37     291 chemical
## 685   427.38     291 chemical
## 686   432.39     291 chemical
## 687   437.41     291 chemical
## 688   442.42     291 chemical
## 689   447.43     291 chemical
## 690   452.44     291 chemical
## 691   457.45     291 chemical
## 692   462.46     291 chemical
## 693   467.47     291 chemical
## 694   472.48     291 chemical
## 695   477.49     291 chemical
## 696   482.51     291 chemical
## 697   487.52     291 chemical
## 698   492.53     291 chemical
## 699   497.54     291 chemical
## 700   502.55     291 chemical
## 701     6.45     305   normal
## 702    11.46     305   normal
## 703    16.47     305   normal
## 704    21.48     305   normal
## 705    26.49     305   normal
## 706    31.51     305   normal
## 707    36.52     305   normal
## 708    41.53     305   normal
## 709    46.54     305   normal
## 710    51.55     305   normal
## 711    56.56     305   normal
## 712    61.57     305   normal
## 713    66.58     305   normal
## 714    71.59     305   normal
## 715    76.61     305   normal
## 716    81.62     305   normal
## 717    86.63     305   normal
## 718    91.64     305   normal
## 719    96.65     305   normal
## 720   101.66     305   normal
## 721   106.67     305   normal
## 722   111.68     305   normal
## 723   116.69     305   normal
## 724   121.71     305   normal
## 725   126.72     305   normal
## 726   131.73     305   normal
## 727   136.74     305   normal
## 728   141.75     305   normal
## 729   146.76     305   normal
## 730   151.77     305   normal
## 731   156.78     305   normal
## 732   161.79     305   normal
## 733   166.81     305   normal
## 734   171.82     305   normal
## 735   176.83     305   normal
## 736   181.84     305   normal
## 737   186.85     305   normal
## 738   191.86     305   normal
## 739   196.87     305   normal
## 740   201.88     305   normal
## 741   206.89     305   normal
## 742   211.91     305   normal
## 743   216.92     305   normal
## 744   221.93     305 chemical
## 745   226.94     305 chemical
## 746   231.95     305 chemical
## 747   236.96     305 chemical
## 748   241.97     305 chemical
## 749   246.98     305 chemical
## 750   251.99     305 chemical
## 751   257.01     305 chemical
## 752   262.02     305 chemical
## 753   267.03     305 chemical
## 754   272.04     305 chemical
## 755   277.05     305 chemical
## 756   282.06     305 chemical
## 757   287.07     305 chemical
## 758   292.08     305 chemical
## 759   297.09     305 chemical
## 760   302.11     305 chemical
## 761   307.12     305 chemical
## 762   312.13     305 chemical
## 763   317.14     305 chemical
## 764   322.15     305 chemical
## 765   327.16     305 chemical
## 766   332.17     305 chemical
## 767   337.18     305 chemical
## 768   342.19     305 chemical
## 769   347.21     305 chemical
## 770   352.22     305 chemical
## 771   357.23     305 chemical
## 772   362.24     305 chemical
## 773   367.25     305 chemical
## 774   372.26     305 chemical
## 775   377.27     305 chemical
## 776   382.28     305 chemical
## 777   387.29     305 chemical
## 778   392.31     305 chemical
## 779   397.32     305 chemical
## 780   402.33     305 chemical
## 781   407.34     305 chemical
## 782   412.35     305 chemical
## 783   417.36     305 chemical
## 784   422.37     305 chemical
## 785   427.38     305 chemical
## 786   432.39     305 chemical
## 787   437.41     305 chemical
## 788   442.42     305 chemical
## 789   447.43     305 chemical
## 790   452.44     305 chemical
## 791   457.45     305 chemical
## 792   462.46     305 chemical
## 793   467.47     305 chemical
## 794   472.48     305 chemical
## 795   477.49     305 chemical
## 796   482.51     305 chemical
## 797   487.52     305 chemical
## 798   492.53     305 chemical
## 799   497.54     305 chemical
## 800   502.55     305 chemical
## 801     6.45     320   normal
## 802    11.46     320   normal
## 803    16.47     320   normal
## 804    21.48     320   normal
## 805    26.49     320   normal
## 806    31.51     320   normal
## 807    36.52     320   normal
## 808    41.53     320   normal
## 809    46.54     320   normal
## 810    51.55     320   normal
## 811    56.56     320   normal
## 812    61.57     320   normal
## 813    66.58     320   normal
## 814    71.59     320   normal
## 815    76.61     320   normal
## 816    81.62     320   normal
## 817    86.63     320   normal
## 818    91.64     320   normal
## 819    96.65     320   normal
## 820   101.66     320   normal
## 821   106.67     320   normal
## 822   111.68     320   normal
## 823   116.69     320   normal
## 824   121.71     320   normal
## 825   126.72     320   normal
## 826   131.73     320   normal
## 827   136.74     320   normal
## 828   141.75     320   normal
## 829   146.76     320   normal
## 830   151.77     320   normal
## 831   156.78     320   normal
## 832   161.79     320   normal
## 833   166.81     320   normal
## 834   171.82     320   normal
## 835   176.83     320   normal
## 836   181.84     320   normal
## 837   186.85     320   normal
## 838   191.86     320   normal
## 839   196.87     320   normal
## 840   201.88     320   normal
## 841   206.89     320   normal
## 842   211.91     320   normal
## 843   216.92     320   normal
## 844   221.93     320 chemical
## 845   226.94     320 chemical
## 846   231.95     320 chemical
## 847   236.96     320 chemical
## 848   241.97     320 chemical
## 849   246.98     320 chemical
## 850   251.99     320 chemical
## 851   257.01     320 chemical
## 852   262.02     320 chemical
## 853   267.03     320 chemical
## 854   272.04     320 chemical
## 855   277.05     320 chemical
## 856   282.06     320 chemical
## 857   287.07     320 chemical
## 858   292.08     320 chemical
## 859   297.09     320 chemical
## 860   302.11     320 chemical
## 861   307.12     320 chemical
## 862   312.13     320 chemical
## 863   317.14     320 chemical
## 864   322.15     320 chemical
## 865   327.16     320 chemical
## 866   332.17     320 chemical
## 867   337.18     320 chemical
## 868   342.19     320 chemical
## 869   347.21     320 chemical
## 870   352.22     320 chemical
## 871   357.23     320 chemical
## 872   362.24     320 chemical
## 873   367.25     320 chemical
## 874   372.26     320 chemical
## 875   377.27     320 chemical
## 876   382.28     320 chemical
## 877   387.29     320 chemical
## 878   392.31     320 chemical
## 879   397.32     320 chemical
## 880   402.33     320 chemical
## 881   407.34     320 chemical
## 882   412.35     320 chemical
## 883   417.36     320 chemical
## 884   422.37     320 chemical
## 885   427.38     320 chemical
## 886   432.39     320 chemical
## 887   437.41     320 chemical
## 888   442.42     320 chemical
## 889   447.43     320 chemical
## 890   452.44     320 chemical
## 891   457.45     320 chemical
## 892   462.46     320 chemical
## 893   467.47     320 chemical
## 894   472.48     320 chemical
## 895   477.49     320 chemical
## 896   482.51     320 chemical
## 897   487.52     320 chemical
## 898   492.53     320 chemical
## 899   497.54     320 chemical
## 900   502.55     320 chemical
## 901     6.45     334   normal
## 902    11.46     334   normal
## 903    16.47     334   normal
## 904    21.48     334   normal
## 905    26.49     334   normal
## 906    31.51     334   normal
## 907    36.52     334   normal
## 908    41.53     334   normal
## 909    46.54     334   normal
## 910    51.55     334   normal
## 911    56.56     334   normal
## 912    61.57     334   normal
## 913    66.58     334   normal
## 914    71.59     334   normal
## 915    76.61     334   normal
## 916    81.62     334   normal
## 917    86.63     334   normal
## 918    91.64     334   normal
## 919    96.65     334   normal
## 920   101.66     334   normal
## 921   106.67     334   normal
## 922   111.68     334   normal
## 923   116.69     334   normal
## 924   121.71     334   normal
## 925   126.72     334   normal
## 926   131.73     334   normal
## 927   136.74     334   normal
## 928   141.75     334   normal
## 929   146.76     334   normal
## 930   151.77     334   normal
## 931   156.78     334   normal
## 932   161.79     334   normal
## 933   166.81     334   normal
## 934   171.82     334   normal
## 935   176.83     334   normal
## 936   181.84     334   normal
## 937   186.85     334   normal
## 938   191.86     334   normal
## 939   196.87     334   normal
## 940   201.88     334   normal
## 941   206.89     334   normal
## 942   211.91     334   normal
## 943   216.92     334 chemical
## 944   221.93     334 chemical
## 945   226.94     334 chemical
## 946   231.95     334 chemical
## 947   236.96     334 chemical
## 948   241.97     334 chemical
## 949   246.98     334 chemical
## 950   251.99     334 chemical
## 951   257.01     334 chemical
## 952   262.02     334 chemical
## 953   267.03     334 chemical
## 954   272.04     334 chemical
## 955   277.05     334 chemical
## 956   282.06     334 chemical
## 957   287.07     334 chemical
## 958   292.08     334 chemical
## 959   297.09     334 chemical
## 960   302.11     334 chemical
## 961   307.12     334 chemical
## 962   312.13     334 chemical
## 963   317.14     334 chemical
## 964   322.15     334 chemical
## 965   327.16     334 chemical
## 966   332.17     334 chemical
## 967   337.18     334 chemical
## 968   342.19     334 chemical
## 969   347.21     334 chemical
## 970   352.22     334 chemical
## 971   357.23     334 chemical
## 972   362.24     334 chemical
## 973   367.25     334 chemical
## 974   372.26     334 chemical
## 975   377.27     334 chemical
## 976   382.28     334 chemical
## 977   387.29     334 chemical
## 978   392.31     334 chemical
## 979   397.32     334 chemical
## 980   402.33     334 chemical
## 981   407.34     334 chemical
## 982   412.35     334 chemical
## 983   417.36     334 chemical
## 984   422.37     334 chemical
## 985   427.38     334 chemical
## 986   432.39     334 chemical
## 987   437.41     334 chemical
## 988   442.42     334 chemical
## 989   447.43     334 chemical
## 990   452.44     334 chemical
## 991   457.45     334 chemical
## 992   462.46     334 chemical
## 993   467.47     334 chemical
## 994   472.48     334 chemical
## 995   477.49     334 chemical
## 996   482.51     334 chemical
## 997   487.52     334 chemical
## 998   492.53     334 chemical
## 999   497.54     334 chemical
## 1000  502.55     334 chemical
## 1001    6.45     348   normal
## 1002   11.46     348   normal
## 1003   16.47     348   normal
## 1004   21.48     348   normal
## 1005   26.49     348   normal
## 1006   31.51     348   normal
## 1007   36.52     348   normal
## 1008   41.53     348   normal
## 1009   46.54     348   normal
## 1010   51.55     348   normal
## 1011   56.56     348   normal
## 1012   61.57     348   normal
## 1013   66.58     348   normal
## 1014   71.59     348   normal
## 1015   76.61     348   normal
## 1016   81.62     348   normal
## 1017   86.63     348   normal
## 1018   91.64     348   normal
## 1019   96.65     348   normal
## 1020  101.66     348   normal
## 1021  106.67     348   normal
## 1022  111.68     348   normal
## 1023  116.69     348   normal
## 1024  121.71     348   normal
## 1025  126.72     348   normal
## 1026  131.73     348   normal
## 1027  136.74     348   normal
## 1028  141.75     348   normal
## 1029  146.76     348   normal
## 1030  151.77     348   normal
## 1031  156.78     348   normal
## 1032  161.79     348   normal
## 1033  166.81     348   normal
## 1034  171.82     348   normal
## 1035  176.83     348   normal
## 1036  181.84     348   normal
## 1037  186.85     348   normal
## 1038  191.86     348   normal
## 1039  196.87     348   normal
## 1040  201.88     348   normal
## 1041  206.89     348   normal
## 1042  211.91     348   normal
## 1043  216.92     348 chemical
## 1044  221.93     348 chemical
## 1045  226.94     348 chemical
## 1046  231.95     348 chemical
## 1047  236.96     348 chemical
## 1048  241.97     348 chemical
## 1049  246.98     348 chemical
## 1050  251.99     348 chemical
## 1051  257.01     348 chemical
## 1052  262.02     348 chemical
## 1053  267.03     348 chemical
## 1054  272.04     348 chemical
## 1055  277.05     348 chemical
## 1056  282.06     348 chemical
## 1057  287.07     348 chemical
## 1058  292.08     348 chemical
## 1059  297.09     348 chemical
## 1060  302.11     348 chemical
## 1061  307.12     348 chemical
## 1062  312.13     348 chemical
## 1063  317.14     348 chemical
## 1064  322.15     348 chemical
## 1065  327.16     348 chemical
## 1066  332.17     348 chemical
## 1067  337.18     348 chemical
## 1068  342.19     348 chemical
## 1069  347.21     348 chemical
## 1070  352.22     348 chemical
## 1071  357.23     348 chemical
## 1072  362.24     348 chemical
## 1073  367.25     348 chemical
## 1074  372.26     348 chemical
## 1075  377.27     348 chemical
## 1076  382.28     348 chemical
## 1077  387.29     348 chemical
## 1078  392.31     348 chemical
## 1079  397.32     348 chemical
## 1080  402.33     348 chemical
## 1081  407.34     348 chemical
## 1082  412.35     348 chemical
## 1083  417.36     348 chemical
## 1084  422.37     348 chemical
## 1085  427.38     348 chemical
## 1086  432.39     348 chemical
## 1087  437.41     348 chemical
## 1088  442.42     348 chemical
## 1089  447.43     348 chemical
## 1090  452.44     348 chemical
## 1091  457.45     348 chemical
## 1092  462.46     348 chemical
## 1093  467.47     348 chemical
## 1094  472.48     348 chemical
## 1095  477.49     348 chemical
## 1096  482.51     348 chemical
## 1097  487.52     348 chemical
## 1098  492.53     348 chemical
## 1099  497.54     348 chemical
## 1100  502.55     348 chemical
## 1101    6.45     363   normal
## 1102   11.46     363   normal
## 1103   16.47     363   normal
## 1104   21.48     363   normal
## 1105   26.49     363   normal
## 1106   31.51     363   normal
## 1107   36.52     363   normal
## 1108   41.53     363   normal
## 1109   46.54     363   normal
## 1110   51.55     363   normal
## 1111   56.56     363   normal
## 1112   61.57     363   normal
## 1113   66.58     363   normal
## 1114   71.59     363   normal
## 1115   76.61     363   normal
## 1116   81.62     363   normal
## 1117   86.63     363   normal
## 1118   91.64     363   normal
## 1119   96.65     363   normal
## 1120  101.66     363   normal
## 1121  106.67     363   normal
## 1122  111.68     363   normal
## 1123  116.69     363   normal
## 1124  121.71     363   normal
## 1125  126.72     363   normal
## 1126  131.73     363   normal
## 1127  136.74     363   normal
## 1128  141.75     363   normal
## 1129  146.76     363   normal
## 1130  151.77     363   normal
## 1131  156.78     363   normal
## 1132  161.79     363   normal
## 1133  166.81     363   normal
## 1134  171.82     363   normal
## 1135  176.83     363   normal
## 1136  181.84     363   normal
## 1137  186.85     363   normal
## 1138  191.86     363   normal
## 1139  196.87     363   normal
## 1140  201.88     363   normal
## 1141  206.89     363   normal
## 1142  211.91     363 chemical
## 1143  216.92     363 chemical
## 1144  221.93     363 chemical
## 1145  226.94     363 chemical
## 1146  231.95     363 chemical
## 1147  236.96     363 chemical
## 1148  241.97     363 chemical
## 1149  246.98     363 chemical
## 1150  251.99     363 chemical
## 1151  257.01     363 chemical
## 1152  262.02     363 chemical
## 1153  267.03     363 chemical
## 1154  272.04     363 chemical
## 1155  277.05     363 chemical
## 1156  282.06     363 chemical
## 1157  287.07     363 chemical
## 1158  292.08     363 chemical
## 1159  297.09     363 chemical
## 1160  302.11     363 chemical
## 1161  307.12     363 chemical
## 1162  312.13     363 chemical
## 1163  317.14     363 chemical
## 1164  322.15     363 chemical
## 1165  327.16     363 chemical
## 1166  332.17     363 chemical
## 1167  337.18     363 chemical
## 1168  342.19     363 chemical
## 1169  347.21     363 chemical
## 1170  352.22     363 chemical
## 1171  357.23     363 chemical
## 1172  362.24     363 chemical
## 1173  367.25     363 chemical
## 1174  372.26     363 chemical
## 1175  377.27     363 chemical
## 1176  382.28     363 chemical
## 1177  387.29     363 chemical
## 1178  392.31     363 chemical
## 1179  397.32     363 chemical
## 1180  402.33     363 chemical
## 1181  407.34     363 chemical
## 1182  412.35     363 chemical
## 1183  417.36     363 chemical
## 1184  422.37     363 chemical
## 1185  427.38     363 chemical
## 1186  432.39     363 chemical
## 1187  437.41     363 chemical
## 1188  442.42     363 chemical
## 1189  447.43     363 chemical
## 1190  452.44     363 chemical
## 1191  457.45     363 chemical
## 1192  462.46     363 chemical
## 1193  467.47     363 chemical
## 1194  472.48     363 chemical
## 1195  477.49     363 chemical
## 1196  482.51     363 chemical
## 1197  487.52     363 chemical
## 1198  492.53     363 chemical
## 1199  497.54     363 chemical
## 1200  502.55     363 chemical
## 1201    6.45     377   normal
## 1202   11.46     377   normal
## 1203   16.47     377   normal
## 1204   21.48     377   normal
## 1205   26.49     377   normal
## 1206   31.51     377   normal
## 1207   36.52     377   normal
## 1208   41.53     377   normal
## 1209   46.54     377   normal
## 1210   51.55     377   normal
## 1211   56.56     377   normal
## 1212   61.57     377   normal
## 1213   66.58     377   normal
## 1214   71.59     377   normal
## 1215   76.61     377   normal
## 1216   81.62     377   normal
## 1217   86.63     377   normal
## 1218   91.64     377   normal
## 1219   96.65     377   normal
## 1220  101.66     377   normal
## 1221  106.67     377   normal
## 1222  111.68     377   normal
## 1223  116.69     377   normal
## 1224  121.71     377   normal
## 1225  126.72     377   normal
## 1226  131.73     377   normal
## 1227  136.74     377   normal
## 1228  141.75     377   normal
## 1229  146.76     377   normal
## 1230  151.77     377   normal
## 1231  156.78     377   normal
## 1232  161.79     377   normal
## 1233  166.81     377   normal
## 1234  171.82     377   normal
## 1235  176.83     377   normal
## 1236  181.84     377   normal
## 1237  186.85     377   normal
## 1238  191.86     377   normal
## 1239  196.87     377   normal
## 1240  201.88     377   normal
## 1241  206.89     377   normal
## 1242  211.91     377 chemical
## 1243  216.92     377 chemical
## 1244  221.93     377 chemical
## 1245  226.94     377 chemical
## 1246  231.95     377 chemical
## 1247  236.96     377 chemical
## 1248  241.97     377 chemical
## 1249  246.98     377 chemical
## 1250  251.99     377 chemical
## 1251  257.01     377 chemical
## 1252  262.02     377 chemical
## 1253  267.03     377 chemical
## 1254  272.04     377 chemical
## 1255  277.05     377 chemical
## 1256  282.06     377 chemical
## 1257  287.07     377 chemical
## 1258  292.08     377 chemical
## 1259  297.09     377 chemical
## 1260  302.11     377 chemical
## 1261  307.12     377 chemical
## 1262  312.13     377 chemical
## 1263  317.14     377 chemical
## 1264  322.15     377 chemical
## 1265  327.16     377 chemical
## 1266  332.17     377 chemical
## 1267  337.18     377 chemical
## 1268  342.19     377 chemical
## 1269  347.21     377 chemical
## 1270  352.22     377 chemical
## 1271  357.23     377 chemical
## 1272  362.24     377 chemical
## 1273  367.25     377 chemical
## 1274  372.26     377 chemical
## 1275  377.27     377 chemical
## 1276  382.28     377 chemical
## 1277  387.29     377 chemical
## 1278  392.31     377 chemical
## 1279  397.32     377 chemical
## 1280  402.33     377 chemical
## 1281  407.34     377 chemical
## 1282  412.35     377 chemical
## 1283  417.36     377 chemical
## 1284  422.37     377 chemical
## 1285  427.38     377 chemical
## 1286  432.39     377 chemical
## 1287  437.41     377 chemical
## 1288  442.42     377 chemical
## 1289  447.43     377 chemical
## 1290  452.44     377 chemical
## 1291  457.45     377 chemical
## 1292  462.46     377 chemical
## 1293  467.47     377 chemical
## 1294  472.48     377 chemical
## 1295  477.49     377 chemical
## 1296  482.51     377 chemical
## 1297  487.52     377 chemical
## 1298  492.53     377 chemical
## 1299  497.54     377 chemical
## 1300  502.55     377 chemical
## 1301    6.45     392   normal
## 1302   11.46     392   normal
## 1303   16.47     392   normal
## 1304   21.48     392   normal
## 1305   26.49     392   normal
## 1306   31.51     392   normal
## 1307   36.52     392   normal
## 1308   41.53     392   normal
## 1309   46.54     392   normal
## 1310   51.55     392   normal
## 1311   56.56     392   normal
## 1312   61.57     392   normal
## 1313   66.58     392   normal
## 1314   71.59     392   normal
## 1315   76.61     392   normal
## 1316   81.62     392   normal
## 1317   86.63     392   normal
## 1318   91.64     392   normal
## 1319   96.65     392   normal
## 1320  101.66     392   normal
## 1321  106.67     392   normal
## 1322  111.68     392   normal
## 1323  116.69     392   normal
## 1324  121.71     392   normal
## 1325  126.72     392   normal
## 1326  131.73     392   normal
## 1327  136.74     392   normal
## 1328  141.75     392   normal
## 1329  146.76     392   normal
## 1330  151.77     392   normal
## 1331  156.78     392   normal
## 1332  161.79     392   normal
## 1333  166.81     392   normal
## 1334  171.82     392   normal
## 1335  176.83     392   normal
## 1336  181.84     392   normal
## 1337  186.85     392   normal
## 1338  191.86     392   normal
## 1339  196.87     392   normal
## 1340  201.88     392   normal
## 1341  206.89     392 chemical
## 1342  211.91     392 chemical
## 1343  216.92     392 chemical
## 1344  221.93     392 chemical
## 1345  226.94     392 chemical
## 1346  231.95     392 chemical
## 1347  236.96     392 chemical
## 1348  241.97     392 chemical
## 1349  246.98     392 chemical
## 1350  251.99     392 chemical
## 1351  257.01     392 chemical
## 1352  262.02     392 chemical
## 1353  267.03     392 chemical
## 1354  272.04     392 chemical
## 1355  277.05     392 chemical
## 1356  282.06     392 chemical
## 1357  287.07     392 chemical
## 1358  292.08     392 chemical
## 1359  297.09     392 chemical
## 1360  302.11     392 chemical
## 1361  307.12     392 chemical
## 1362  312.13     392 chemical
## 1363  317.14     392 chemical
## 1364  322.15     392 chemical
## 1365  327.16     392 chemical
## 1366  332.17     392 chemical
## 1367  337.18     392 chemical
## 1368  342.19     392 chemical
## 1369  347.21     392 chemical
## 1370  352.22     392 chemical
## 1371  357.23     392 chemical
## 1372  362.24     392 chemical
## 1373  367.25     392 chemical
## 1374  372.26     392 chemical
## 1375  377.27     392 chemical
## 1376  382.28     392 chemical
## 1377  387.29     392 chemical
## 1378  392.31     392 chemical
## 1379  397.32     392 chemical
## 1380  402.33     392 chemical
## 1381  407.34     392 chemical
## 1382  412.35     392 chemical
## 1383  417.36     392 chemical
## 1384  422.37     392 chemical
## 1385  427.38     392 chemical
## 1386  432.39     392 chemical
## 1387  437.41     392 chemical
## 1388  442.42     392 chemical
## 1389  447.43     392 chemical
## 1390  452.44     392 chemical
## 1391  457.45     392 chemical
## 1392  462.46     392 chemical
## 1393  467.47     392 chemical
## 1394  472.48     392 chemical
## 1395  477.49     392 chemical
## 1396  482.51     392 chemical
## 1397  487.52     392 chemical
## 1398  492.53     392 chemical
## 1399  497.54     392 chemical
## 1400  502.55     392 chemical
## 1401    6.45     406   normal
## 1402   11.46     406   normal
## 1403   16.47     406   normal
## 1404   21.48     406   normal
## 1405   26.49     406   normal
## 1406   31.51     406   normal
## 1407   36.52     406   normal
## 1408   41.53     406   normal
## 1409   46.54     406   normal
## 1410   51.55     406   normal
## 1411   56.56     406   normal
## 1412   61.57     406   normal
## 1413   66.58     406   normal
## 1414   71.59     406   normal
## 1415   76.61     406   normal
## 1416   81.62     406   normal
## 1417   86.63     406   normal
## 1418   91.64     406   normal
## 1419   96.65     406   normal
## 1420  101.66     406   normal
## 1421  106.67     406   normal
## 1422  111.68     406   normal
## 1423  116.69     406   normal
## 1424  121.71     406   normal
## 1425  126.72     406   normal
## 1426  131.73     406   normal
## 1427  136.74     406   normal
## 1428  141.75     406   normal
## 1429  146.76     406   normal
## 1430  151.77     406   normal
## 1431  156.78     406   normal
## 1432  161.79     406   normal
## 1433  166.81     406   normal
## 1434  171.82     406   normal
## 1435  176.83     406   normal
## 1436  181.84     406   normal
## 1437  186.85     406   normal
## 1438  191.86     406   normal
## 1439  196.87     406   normal
## 1440  201.88     406   normal
## 1441  206.89     406 chemical
## 1442  211.91     406 chemical
## 1443  216.92     406 chemical
## 1444  221.93     406 chemical
## 1445  226.94     406 chemical
## 1446  231.95     406 chemical
## 1447  236.96     406 chemical
## 1448  241.97     406 chemical
## 1449  246.98     406 chemical
## 1450  251.99     406 chemical
## 1451  257.01     406 chemical
## 1452  262.02     406 chemical
## 1453  267.03     406 chemical
## 1454  272.04     406 chemical
## 1455  277.05     406 chemical
## 1456  282.06     406 chemical
## 1457  287.07     406 chemical
## 1458  292.08     406 chemical
## 1459  297.09     406 chemical
## 1460  302.11     406 chemical
## 1461  307.12     406 chemical
## 1462  312.13     406 chemical
## 1463  317.14     406 chemical
## 1464  322.15     406 chemical
## 1465  327.16     406 chemical
## 1466  332.17     406 chemical
## 1467  337.18     406 chemical
## 1468  342.19     406 chemical
## 1469  347.21     406 chemical
## 1470  352.22     406 chemical
## 1471  357.23     406 chemical
## 1472  362.24     406 chemical
## 1473  367.25     406 chemical
## 1474  372.26     406 chemical
## 1475  377.27     406 chemical
## 1476  382.28     406 chemical
## 1477  387.29     406 chemical
## 1478  392.31     406 chemical
## 1479  397.32     406 chemical
## 1480  402.33     406 chemical
## 1481  407.34     406 chemical
## 1482  412.35     406 chemical
## 1483  417.36     406 chemical
## 1484  422.37     406 chemical
## 1485  427.38     406 chemical
## 1486  432.39     406 chemical
## 1487  437.41     406 chemical
## 1488  442.42     406 chemical
## 1489  447.43     406 chemical
## 1490  452.44     406 chemical
## 1491  457.45     406 chemical
## 1492  462.46     406 chemical
## 1493  467.47     406 chemical
## 1494  472.48     406 chemical
## 1495  477.49     406 chemical
## 1496  482.51     406 chemical
## 1497  487.52     406 chemical
## 1498  492.53     406 chemical
## 1499  497.54     406 chemical
## 1500  502.55     406 chemical
## 1501    6.45     421   normal
## 1502   11.46     421   normal
## 1503   16.47     421   normal
## 1504   21.48     421   normal
## 1505   26.49     421   normal
## 1506   31.51     421   normal
## 1507   36.52     421   normal
## 1508   41.53     421   normal
## 1509   46.54     421   normal
## 1510   51.55     421   normal
## 1511   56.56     421   normal
## 1512   61.57     421   normal
## 1513   66.58     421   normal
## 1514   71.59     421   normal
## 1515   76.61     421   normal
## 1516   81.62     421   normal
## 1517   86.63     421   normal
## 1518   91.64     421   normal
## 1519   96.65     421   normal
## 1520  101.66     421   normal
## 1521  106.67     421   normal
## 1522  111.68     421   normal
## 1523  116.69     421   normal
## 1524  121.71     421   normal
## 1525  126.72     421   normal
## 1526  131.73     421   normal
## 1527  136.74     421   normal
## 1528  141.75     421   normal
## 1529  146.76     421   normal
## 1530  151.77     421   normal
## 1531  156.78     421   normal
## 1532  161.79     421   normal
## 1533  166.81     421   normal
## 1534  171.82     421   normal
## 1535  176.83     421   normal
## 1536  181.84     421   normal
## 1537  186.85     421   normal
## 1538  191.86     421   normal
## 1539  196.87     421   normal
## 1540  201.88     421 chemical
## 1541  206.89     421 chemical
## 1542  211.91     421 chemical
## 1543  216.92     421 chemical
## 1544  221.93     421 chemical
## 1545  226.94     421 chemical
## 1546  231.95     421 chemical
## 1547  236.96     421 chemical
## 1548  241.97     421 chemical
## 1549  246.98     421 chemical
## 1550  251.99     421 chemical
## 1551  257.01     421 chemical
## 1552  262.02     421 chemical
## 1553  267.03     421 chemical
## 1554  272.04     421 chemical
## 1555  277.05     421 chemical
## 1556  282.06     421 chemical
## 1557  287.07     421 chemical
## 1558  292.08     421 chemical
## 1559  297.09     421 chemical
## 1560  302.11     421 chemical
## 1561  307.12     421 chemical
## 1562  312.13     421 chemical
## 1563  317.14     421 chemical
## 1564  322.15     421 chemical
## 1565  327.16     421 chemical
## 1566  332.17     421 chemical
## 1567  337.18     421 chemical
## 1568  342.19     421 chemical
## 1569  347.21     421 chemical
## 1570  352.22     421 chemical
## 1571  357.23     421 chemical
## 1572  362.24     421 chemical
## 1573  367.25     421 chemical
## 1574  372.26     421 chemical
## 1575  377.27     421 chemical
## 1576  382.28     421 chemical
## 1577  387.29     421 chemical
## 1578  392.31     421 chemical
## 1579  397.32     421 chemical
## 1580  402.33     421 chemical
## 1581  407.34     421 chemical
## 1582  412.35     421 chemical
## 1583  417.36     421 chemical
## 1584  422.37     421 chemical
## 1585  427.38     421 chemical
## 1586  432.39     421 chemical
## 1587  437.41     421 chemical
## 1588  442.42     421 chemical
## 1589  447.43     421 chemical
## 1590  452.44     421 chemical
## 1591  457.45     421 chemical
## 1592  462.46     421 chemical
## 1593  467.47     421 chemical
## 1594  472.48     421 chemical
## 1595  477.49     421 chemical
## 1596  482.51     421 chemical
## 1597  487.52     421 chemical
## 1598  492.53     421 chemical
## 1599  497.54     421 chemical
## 1600  502.55     421 chemical
## 1601    6.45     435   normal
## 1602   11.46     435   normal
## 1603   16.47     435   normal
## 1604   21.48     435   normal
## 1605   26.49     435   normal
## 1606   31.51     435   normal
## 1607   36.52     435   normal
## 1608   41.53     435   normal
## 1609   46.54     435   normal
## 1610   51.55     435   normal
## 1611   56.56     435   normal
## 1612   61.57     435   normal
## 1613   66.58     435   normal
## 1614   71.59     435   normal
## 1615   76.61     435   normal
## 1616   81.62     435   normal
## 1617   86.63     435   normal
## 1618   91.64     435   normal
## 1619   96.65     435   normal
## 1620  101.66     435   normal
## 1621  106.67     435   normal
## 1622  111.68     435   normal
## 1623  116.69     435   normal
## 1624  121.71     435   normal
## 1625  126.72     435   normal
## 1626  131.73     435   normal
## 1627  136.74     435   normal
## 1628  141.75     435   normal
## 1629  146.76     435   normal
## 1630  151.77     435   normal
## 1631  156.78     435   normal
## 1632  161.79     435   normal
## 1633  166.81     435   normal
## 1634  171.82     435   normal
## 1635  176.83     435   normal
## 1636  181.84     435   normal
## 1637  186.85     435   normal
## 1638  191.86     435   normal
## 1639  196.87     435   normal
## 1640  201.88     435 chemical
## 1641  206.89     435 chemical
## 1642  211.91     435 chemical
## 1643  216.92     435 chemical
## 1644  221.93     435 chemical
## 1645  226.94     435 chemical
## 1646  231.95     435 chemical
## 1647  236.96     435 chemical
## 1648  241.97     435 chemical
## 1649  246.98     435 chemical
## 1650  251.99     435 chemical
## 1651  257.01     435 chemical
## 1652  262.02     435 chemical
## 1653  267.03     435 chemical
## 1654  272.04     435 chemical
## 1655  277.05     435 chemical
## 1656  282.06     435 chemical
## 1657  287.07     435 chemical
## 1658  292.08     435 chemical
## 1659  297.09     435 chemical
## 1660  302.11     435 chemical
## 1661  307.12     435 chemical
## 1662  312.13     435 chemical
## 1663  317.14     435 chemical
## 1664  322.15     435 chemical
## 1665  327.16     435 chemical
## 1666  332.17     435 chemical
## 1667  337.18     435 chemical
## 1668  342.19     435 chemical
## 1669  347.21     435 chemical
## 1670  352.22     435 chemical
## 1671  357.23     435 chemical
## 1672  362.24     435 chemical
## 1673  367.25     435 chemical
## 1674  372.26     435 chemical
## 1675  377.27     435 chemical
## 1676  382.28     435 chemical
## 1677  387.29     435 chemical
## 1678  392.31     435 chemical
## 1679  397.32     435 chemical
## 1680  402.33     435 chemical
## 1681  407.34     435 chemical
## 1682  412.35     435 chemical
## 1683  417.36     435 chemical
## 1684  422.37     435 chemical
## 1685  427.38     435 chemical
## 1686  432.39     435 chemical
## 1687  437.41     435 chemical
## 1688  442.42     435 chemical
## 1689  447.43     435 chemical
## 1690  452.44     435 chemical
## 1691  457.45     435 chemical
## 1692  462.46     435 chemical
## 1693  467.47     435 chemical
## 1694  472.48     435 chemical
## 1695  477.49     435 chemical
## 1696  482.51     435 chemical
## 1697  487.52     435 chemical
## 1698  492.53     435 chemical
## 1699  497.54     435 chemical
## 1700  502.55     435 chemical
## 1701    6.45     449   normal
## 1702   11.46     449   normal
## 1703   16.47     449   normal
## 1704   21.48     449   normal
## 1705   26.49     449   normal
## 1706   31.51     449   normal
## 1707   36.52     449   normal
## 1708   41.53     449   normal
## 1709   46.54     449   normal
## 1710   51.55     449   normal
## 1711   56.56     449   normal
## 1712   61.57     449   normal
## 1713   66.58     449   normal
## 1714   71.59     449   normal
## 1715   76.61     449   normal
## 1716   81.62     449   normal
## 1717   86.63     449   normal
## 1718   91.64     449   normal
## 1719   96.65     449   normal
## 1720  101.66     449   normal
## 1721  106.67     449   normal
## 1722  111.68     449   normal
## 1723  116.69     449   normal
## 1724  121.71     449   normal
## 1725  126.72     449   normal
## 1726  131.73     449   normal
## 1727  136.74     449   normal
## 1728  141.75     449   normal
## 1729  146.76     449   normal
## 1730  151.77     449   normal
## 1731  156.78     449   normal
## 1732  161.79     449   normal
## 1733  166.81     449   normal
## 1734  171.82     449   normal
## 1735  176.83     449   normal
## 1736  181.84     449   normal
## 1737  186.85     449   normal
## 1738  191.86     449   normal
## 1739  196.87     449 chemical
## 1740  201.88     449 chemical
## 1741  206.89     449 chemical
## 1742  211.91     449 chemical
## 1743  216.92     449 chemical
## 1744  221.93     449 chemical
## 1745  226.94     449 chemical
## 1746  231.95     449 chemical
## 1747  236.96     449 chemical
## 1748  241.97     449 chemical
## 1749  246.98     449 chemical
## 1750  251.99     449 chemical
## 1751  257.01     449 chemical
## 1752  262.02     449 chemical
## 1753  267.03     449 chemical
## 1754  272.04     449 chemical
## 1755  277.05     449 chemical
## 1756  282.06     449 chemical
## 1757  287.07     449 chemical
## 1758  292.08     449 chemical
## 1759  297.09     449 chemical
## 1760  302.11     449 chemical
## 1761  307.12     449 chemical
## 1762  312.13     449 chemical
## 1763  317.14     449 chemical
## 1764  322.15     449 chemical
## 1765  327.16     449 chemical
## 1766  332.17     449 chemical
## 1767  337.18     449 chemical
## 1768  342.19     449 chemical
## 1769  347.21     449 chemical
## 1770  352.22     449 chemical
## 1771  357.23     449 chemical
## 1772  362.24     449 chemical
## 1773  367.25     449 chemical
## 1774  372.26     449 chemical
## 1775  377.27     449 chemical
## 1776  382.28     449 chemical
## 1777  387.29     449 chemical
## 1778  392.31     449 chemical
## 1779  397.32     449 chemical
## 1780  402.33     449 chemical
## 1781  407.34     449 chemical
## 1782  412.35     449 chemical
## 1783  417.36     449 chemical
## 1784  422.37     449 chemical
## 1785  427.38     449 chemical
## 1786  432.39     449 chemical
## 1787  437.41     449 chemical
## 1788  442.42     449 chemical
## 1789  447.43     449 chemical
## 1790  452.44     449 chemical
## 1791  457.45     449 chemical
## 1792  462.46     449 chemical
## 1793  467.47     449 chemical
## 1794  472.48     449 chemical
## 1795  477.49     449 chemical
## 1796  482.51     449 chemical
## 1797  487.52     449 chemical
## 1798  492.53     449 chemical
## 1799  497.54     449 chemical
## 1800  502.55     449 chemical
## 1801    6.45     464   normal
## 1802   11.46     464   normal
## 1803   16.47     464   normal
## 1804   21.48     464   normal
## 1805   26.49     464   normal
## 1806   31.51     464   normal
## 1807   36.52     464   normal
## 1808   41.53     464   normal
## 1809   46.54     464   normal
## 1810   51.55     464   normal
## 1811   56.56     464   normal
## 1812   61.57     464   normal
## 1813   66.58     464   normal
## 1814   71.59     464   normal
## 1815   76.61     464   normal
## 1816   81.62     464   normal
## 1817   86.63     464   normal
## 1818   91.64     464   normal
## 1819   96.65     464   normal
## 1820  101.66     464   normal
## 1821  106.67     464   normal
## 1822  111.68     464   normal
## 1823  116.69     464   normal
## 1824  121.71     464   normal
## 1825  126.72     464   normal
## 1826  131.73     464   normal
## 1827  136.74     464   normal
## 1828  141.75     464   normal
## 1829  146.76     464   normal
## 1830  151.77     464   normal
## 1831  156.78     464   normal
## 1832  161.79     464   normal
## 1833  166.81     464   normal
## 1834  171.82     464   normal
## 1835  176.83     464   normal
## 1836  181.84     464   normal
## 1837  186.85     464   normal
## 1838  191.86     464   normal
## 1839  196.87     464 chemical
## 1840  201.88     464 chemical
## 1841  206.89     464 chemical
## 1842  211.91     464 chemical
## 1843  216.92     464 chemical
## 1844  221.93     464 chemical
## 1845  226.94     464 chemical
## 1846  231.95     464 chemical
## 1847  236.96     464 chemical
## 1848  241.97     464 chemical
## 1849  246.98     464 chemical
## 1850  251.99     464 chemical
## 1851  257.01     464 chemical
## 1852  262.02     464 chemical
## 1853  267.03     464 chemical
## 1854  272.04     464 chemical
## 1855  277.05     464 chemical
## 1856  282.06     464 chemical
## 1857  287.07     464 chemical
## 1858  292.08     464 chemical
## 1859  297.09     464 chemical
## 1860  302.11     464 chemical
## 1861  307.12     464 chemical
## 1862  312.13     464 chemical
## 1863  317.14     464 chemical
## 1864  322.15     464 chemical
## 1865  327.16     464 chemical
## 1866  332.17     464 chemical
## 1867  337.18     464 chemical
## 1868  342.19     464 chemical
## 1869  347.21     464 chemical
## 1870  352.22     464 chemical
## 1871  357.23     464 chemical
## 1872  362.24     464 chemical
## 1873  367.25     464 chemical
## 1874  372.26     464 chemical
## 1875  377.27     464 chemical
## 1876  382.28     464 chemical
## 1877  387.29     464 chemical
## 1878  392.31     464 chemical
## 1879  397.32     464 chemical
## 1880  402.33     464 chemical
## 1881  407.34     464 chemical
## 1882  412.35     464 chemical
## 1883  417.36     464 chemical
## 1884  422.37     464 chemical
## 1885  427.38     464 chemical
## 1886  432.39     464 chemical
## 1887  437.41     464 chemical
## 1888  442.42     464 chemical
## 1889  447.43     464 chemical
## 1890  452.44     464 chemical
## 1891  457.45     464 chemical
## 1892  462.46     464 chemical
## 1893  467.47     464 chemical
## 1894  472.48     464 chemical
## 1895  477.49     464 chemical
## 1896  482.51     464 chemical
## 1897  487.52     464 chemical
## 1898  492.53     464 chemical
## 1899  497.54     464 chemical
## 1900  502.55     464 chemical
## 1901    6.45     478   normal
## 1902   11.46     478   normal
## 1903   16.47     478   normal
## 1904   21.48     478   normal
## 1905   26.49     478   normal
## 1906   31.51     478   normal
## 1907   36.52     478   normal
## 1908   41.53     478   normal
## 1909   46.54     478   normal
## 1910   51.55     478   normal
## 1911   56.56     478   normal
## 1912   61.57     478   normal
## 1913   66.58     478   normal
## 1914   71.59     478   normal
## 1915   76.61     478   normal
## 1916   81.62     478   normal
## 1917   86.63     478   normal
## 1918   91.64     478   normal
## 1919   96.65     478   normal
## 1920  101.66     478   normal
## 1921  106.67     478   normal
## 1922  111.68     478   normal
## 1923  116.69     478   normal
## 1924  121.71     478   normal
## 1925  126.72     478   normal
## 1926  131.73     478   normal
## 1927  136.74     478   normal
## 1928  141.75     478   normal
## 1929  146.76     478   normal
## 1930  151.77     478   normal
## 1931  156.78     478   normal
## 1932  161.79     478   normal
## 1933  166.81     478   normal
## 1934  171.82     478   normal
## 1935  176.83     478   normal
## 1936  181.84     478   normal
## 1937  186.85     478   normal
## 1938  191.86     478 chemical
## 1939  196.87     478 chemical
## 1940  201.88     478 chemical
## 1941  206.89     478 chemical
## 1942  211.91     478 chemical
## 1943  216.92     478 chemical
## 1944  221.93     478 chemical
## 1945  226.94     478 chemical
## 1946  231.95     478 chemical
## 1947  236.96     478 chemical
## 1948  241.97     478 chemical
## 1949  246.98     478 chemical
## 1950  251.99     478 chemical
## 1951  257.01     478 chemical
## 1952  262.02     478 chemical
## 1953  267.03     478 chemical
## 1954  272.04     478 chemical
## 1955  277.05     478 chemical
## 1956  282.06     478 chemical
## 1957  287.07     478 chemical
## 1958  292.08     478 chemical
## 1959  297.09     478 chemical
## 1960  302.11     478 chemical
## 1961  307.12     478 chemical
## 1962  312.13     478 chemical
## 1963  317.14     478 chemical
## 1964  322.15     478 chemical
## 1965  327.16     478 chemical
## 1966  332.17     478 chemical
## 1967  337.18     478 chemical
## 1968  342.19     478 chemical
## 1969  347.21     478 chemical
## 1970  352.22     478 chemical
## 1971  357.23     478 chemical
## 1972  362.24     478 chemical
## 1973  367.25     478 chemical
## 1974  372.26     478 chemical
## 1975  377.27     478 chemical
## 1976  382.28     478 chemical
## 1977  387.29     478 chemical
## 1978  392.31     478 chemical
## 1979  397.32     478 chemical
## 1980  402.33     478 chemical
## 1981  407.34     478 chemical
## 1982  412.35     478 chemical
## 1983  417.36     478 chemical
## 1984  422.37     478 chemical
## 1985  427.38     478 chemical
## 1986  432.39     478 chemical
## 1987  437.41     478 chemical
## 1988  442.42     478 chemical
## 1989  447.43     478 chemical
## 1990  452.44     478 chemical
## 1991  457.45     478 chemical
## 1992  462.46     478 chemical
## 1993  467.47     478 chemical
## 1994  472.48     478 chemical
## 1995  477.49     478 chemical
## 1996  482.51     478 chemical
## 1997  487.52     478 chemical
## 1998  492.53     478 chemical
## 1999  497.54     478 chemical
## 2000  502.55     478 chemical
## 2001    6.45     493   normal
## 2002   11.46     493   normal
## 2003   16.47     493   normal
## 2004   21.48     493   normal
## 2005   26.49     493   normal
## 2006   31.51     493   normal
## 2007   36.52     493   normal
## 2008   41.53     493   normal
## 2009   46.54     493   normal
## 2010   51.55     493   normal
## 2011   56.56     493   normal
## 2012   61.57     493   normal
## 2013   66.58     493   normal
## 2014   71.59     493   normal
## 2015   76.61     493   normal
## 2016   81.62     493   normal
## 2017   86.63     493   normal
## 2018   91.64     493   normal
## 2019   96.65     493   normal
## 2020  101.66     493   normal
## 2021  106.67     493   normal
## 2022  111.68     493   normal
## 2023  116.69     493   normal
## 2024  121.71     493   normal
## 2025  126.72     493   normal
## 2026  131.73     493   normal
## 2027  136.74     493   normal
## 2028  141.75     493   normal
## 2029  146.76     493   normal
## 2030  151.77     493   normal
## 2031  156.78     493   normal
## 2032  161.79     493   normal
## 2033  166.81     493   normal
## 2034  171.82     493   normal
## 2035  176.83     493   normal
## 2036  181.84     493   normal
## 2037  186.85     493   normal
## 2038  191.86     493 chemical
## 2039  196.87     493 chemical
## 2040  201.88     493 chemical
## 2041  206.89     493 chemical
## 2042  211.91     493 chemical
## 2043  216.92     493 chemical
## 2044  221.93     493 chemical
## 2045  226.94     493 chemical
## 2046  231.95     493 chemical
## 2047  236.96     493 chemical
## 2048  241.97     493 chemical
## 2049  246.98     493 chemical
## 2050  251.99     493 chemical
## 2051  257.01     493 chemical
## 2052  262.02     493 chemical
## 2053  267.03     493 chemical
## 2054  272.04     493 chemical
## 2055  277.05     493 chemical
## 2056  282.06     493 chemical
## 2057  287.07     493 chemical
## 2058  292.08     493 chemical
## 2059  297.09     493 chemical
## 2060  302.11     493 chemical
## 2061  307.12     493 chemical
## 2062  312.13     493 chemical
## 2063  317.14     493 chemical
## 2064  322.15     493 chemical
## 2065  327.16     493 chemical
## 2066  332.17     493 chemical
## 2067  337.18     493 chemical
## 2068  342.19     493 chemical
## 2069  347.21     493 chemical
## 2070  352.22     493 chemical
## 2071  357.23     493 chemical
## 2072  362.24     493 chemical
## 2073  367.25     493 chemical
## 2074  372.26     493 chemical
## 2075  377.27     493 chemical
## 2076  382.28     493 chemical
## 2077  387.29     493 chemical
## 2078  392.31     493 chemical
## 2079  397.32     493 chemical
## 2080  402.33     493 chemical
## 2081  407.34     493 chemical
## 2082  412.35     493 chemical
## 2083  417.36     493 chemical
## 2084  422.37     493 chemical
## 2085  427.38     493 chemical
## 2086  432.39     493 chemical
## 2087  437.41     493 chemical
## 2088  442.42     493 chemical
## 2089  447.43     493 chemical
## 2090  452.44     493 chemical
## 2091  457.45     493 chemical
## 2092  462.46     493 chemical
## 2093  467.47     493 chemical
## 2094  472.48     493 chemical
## 2095  477.49     493 chemical
## 2096  482.51     493 chemical
## 2097  487.52     493 chemical
## 2098  492.53     493 chemical
## 2099  497.54     493 chemical
## 2100  502.55     493 chemical
## 2101    6.45     507   normal
## 2102   11.46     507   normal
## 2103   16.47     507   normal
## 2104   21.48     507   normal
## 2105   26.49     507   normal
## 2106   31.51     507   normal
## 2107   36.52     507   normal
## 2108   41.53     507   normal
## 2109   46.54     507   normal
## 2110   51.55     507   normal
## 2111   56.56     507   normal
## 2112   61.57     507   normal
## 2113   66.58     507   normal
## 2114   71.59     507   normal
## 2115   76.61     507   normal
## 2116   81.62     507   normal
## 2117   86.63     507   normal
## 2118   91.64     507   normal
## 2119   96.65     507   normal
## 2120  101.66     507   normal
## 2121  106.67     507   normal
## 2122  111.68     507   normal
## 2123  116.69     507   normal
## 2124  121.71     507   normal
## 2125  126.72     507   normal
## 2126  131.73     507   normal
## 2127  136.74     507   normal
## 2128  141.75     507   normal
## 2129  146.76     507   normal
## 2130  151.77     507   normal
## 2131  156.78     507   normal
## 2132  161.79     507   normal
## 2133  166.81     507   normal
## 2134  171.82     507   normal
## 2135  176.83     507   normal
## 2136  181.84     507   normal
## 2137  186.85     507 chemical
## 2138  191.86     507 chemical
## 2139  196.87     507 chemical
## 2140  201.88     507 chemical
## 2141  206.89     507 chemical
## 2142  211.91     507 chemical
## 2143  216.92     507 chemical
## 2144  221.93     507 chemical
## 2145  226.94     507 chemical
## 2146  231.95     507 chemical
## 2147  236.96     507 chemical
## 2148  241.97     507 chemical
## 2149  246.98     507 chemical
## 2150  251.99     507 chemical
## 2151  257.01     507 chemical
## 2152  262.02     507 chemical
## 2153  267.03     507 chemical
## 2154  272.04     507 chemical
## 2155  277.05     507 chemical
## 2156  282.06     507 chemical
## 2157  287.07     507 chemical
## 2158  292.08     507 chemical
## 2159  297.09     507 chemical
## 2160  302.11     507 chemical
## 2161  307.12     507 chemical
## 2162  312.13     507 chemical
## 2163  317.14     507 chemical
## 2164  322.15     507 chemical
## 2165  327.16     507 chemical
## 2166  332.17     507 chemical
## 2167  337.18     507 chemical
## 2168  342.19     507 chemical
## 2169  347.21     507 chemical
## 2170  352.22     507 chemical
## 2171  357.23     507 chemical
## 2172  362.24     507 chemical
## 2173  367.25     507 chemical
## 2174  372.26     507 chemical
## 2175  377.27     507 chemical
## 2176  382.28     507 chemical
## 2177  387.29     507 chemical
## 2178  392.31     507 chemical
## 2179  397.32     507 chemical
## 2180  402.33     507 chemical
## 2181  407.34     507 chemical
## 2182  412.35     507 chemical
## 2183  417.36     507 chemical
## 2184  422.37     507 chemical
## 2185  427.38     507 chemical
## 2186  432.39     507 chemical
## 2187  437.41     507 chemical
## 2188  442.42     507 chemical
## 2189  447.43     507 chemical
## 2190  452.44     507 chemical
## 2191  457.45     507 chemical
## 2192  462.46     507 chemical
## 2193  467.47     507 chemical
## 2194  472.48     507 chemical
## 2195  477.49     507 chemical
## 2196  482.51     507 chemical
## 2197  487.52     507 chemical
## 2198  492.53     507 chemical
## 2199  497.54     507 chemical
## 2200  502.55     507 chemical
## 2201    6.45     522   normal
## 2202   11.46     522   normal
## 2203   16.47     522   normal
## 2204   21.48     522   normal
## 2205   26.49     522   normal
## 2206   31.51     522   normal
## 2207   36.52     522   normal
## 2208   41.53     522   normal
## 2209   46.54     522   normal
## 2210   51.55     522   normal
## 2211   56.56     522   normal
## 2212   61.57     522   normal
## 2213   66.58     522   normal
## 2214   71.59     522   normal
## 2215   76.61     522   normal
## 2216   81.62     522   normal
## 2217   86.63     522   normal
## 2218   91.64     522   normal
## 2219   96.65     522   normal
## 2220  101.66     522   normal
## 2221  106.67     522   normal
## 2222  111.68     522   normal
## 2223  116.69     522   normal
## 2224  121.71     522   normal
## 2225  126.72     522   normal
## 2226  131.73     522   normal
## 2227  136.74     522   normal
## 2228  141.75     522   normal
## 2229  146.76     522   normal
## 2230  151.77     522   normal
## 2231  156.78     522   normal
## 2232  161.79     522   normal
## 2233  166.81     522   normal
## 2234  171.82     522   normal
## 2235  176.83     522   normal
## 2236  181.84     522   normal
## 2237  186.85     522 chemical
## 2238  191.86     522 chemical
## 2239  196.87     522 chemical
## 2240  201.88     522 chemical
## 2241  206.89     522 chemical
## 2242  211.91     522 chemical
## 2243  216.92     522 chemical
## 2244  221.93     522 chemical
## 2245  226.94     522 chemical
## 2246  231.95     522 chemical
## 2247  236.96     522 chemical
## 2248  241.97     522 chemical
## 2249  246.98     522 chemical
## 2250  251.99     522 chemical
## 2251  257.01     522 chemical
## 2252  262.02     522 chemical
## 2253  267.03     522 chemical
## 2254  272.04     522 chemical
## 2255  277.05     522 chemical
## 2256  282.06     522 chemical
## 2257  287.07     522 chemical
## 2258  292.08     522 chemical
## 2259  297.09     522 chemical
## 2260  302.11     522 chemical
## 2261  307.12     522 chemical
## 2262  312.13     522 chemical
## 2263  317.14     522 chemical
## 2264  322.15     522 chemical
## 2265  327.16     522 chemical
## 2266  332.17     522 chemical
## 2267  337.18     522 chemical
## 2268  342.19     522 chemical
## 2269  347.21     522 chemical
## 2270  352.22     522 chemical
## 2271  357.23     522 chemical
## 2272  362.24     522 chemical
## 2273  367.25     522 chemical
## 2274  372.26     522 chemical
## 2275  377.27     522 chemical
## 2276  382.28     522 chemical
## 2277  387.29     522 chemical
## 2278  392.31     522 chemical
## 2279  397.32     522 chemical
## 2280  402.33     522 chemical
## 2281  407.34     522 chemical
## 2282  412.35     522 chemical
## 2283  417.36     522 chemical
## 2284  422.37     522 chemical
## 2285  427.38     522 chemical
## 2286  432.39     522 chemical
## 2287  437.41     522 chemical
## 2288  442.42     522 chemical
## 2289  447.43     522 chemical
## 2290  452.44     522 chemical
## 2291  457.45     522 chemical
## 2292  462.46     522 chemical
## 2293  467.47     522 chemical
## 2294  472.48     522 chemical
## 2295  477.49     522 chemical
## 2296  482.51     522 chemical
## 2297  487.52     522 chemical
## 2298  492.53     522 chemical
## 2299  497.54     522 chemical
## 2300  502.55     522 chemical
## 2301    6.45     536   normal
## 2302   11.46     536   normal
## 2303   16.47     536   normal
## 2304   21.48     536   normal
## 2305   26.49     536   normal
## 2306   31.51     536   normal
## 2307   36.52     536   normal
## 2308   41.53     536   normal
## 2309   46.54     536   normal
## 2310   51.55     536   normal
## 2311   56.56     536   normal
## 2312   61.57     536   normal
## 2313   66.58     536   normal
## 2314   71.59     536   normal
## 2315   76.61     536   normal
## 2316   81.62     536   normal
## 2317   86.63     536   normal
## 2318   91.64     536   normal
## 2319   96.65     536   normal
## 2320  101.66     536   normal
## 2321  106.67     536   normal
## 2322  111.68     536   normal
## 2323  116.69     536   normal
## 2324  121.71     536   normal
## 2325  126.72     536   normal
## 2326  131.73     536   normal
## 2327  136.74     536   normal
## 2328  141.75     536   normal
## 2329  146.76     536   normal
## 2330  151.77     536   normal
## 2331  156.78     536   normal
## 2332  161.79     536   normal
## 2333  166.81     536   normal
## 2334  171.82     536   normal
## 2335  176.83     536   normal
## 2336  181.84     536 chemical
## 2337  186.85     536 chemical
## 2338  191.86     536 chemical
## 2339  196.87     536 chemical
## 2340  201.88     536 chemical
## 2341  206.89     536 chemical
## 2342  211.91     536 chemical
## 2343  216.92     536 chemical
## 2344  221.93     536 chemical
## 2345  226.94     536 chemical
## 2346  231.95     536 chemical
## 2347  236.96     536 chemical
## 2348  241.97     536 chemical
## 2349  246.98     536 chemical
## 2350  251.99     536 chemical
## 2351  257.01     536 chemical
## 2352  262.02     536 chemical
## 2353  267.03     536 chemical
## 2354  272.04     536 chemical
## 2355  277.05     536 chemical
## 2356  282.06     536 chemical
## 2357  287.07     536 chemical
## 2358  292.08     536 chemical
## 2359  297.09     536 chemical
## 2360  302.11     536 chemical
## 2361  307.12     536 chemical
## 2362  312.13     536 chemical
## 2363  317.14     536 chemical
## 2364  322.15     536 chemical
## 2365  327.16     536 chemical
## 2366  332.17     536 chemical
## 2367  337.18     536 chemical
## 2368  342.19     536 chemical
## 2369  347.21     536 chemical
## 2370  352.22     536 chemical
## 2371  357.23     536 chemical
## 2372  362.24     536 chemical
## 2373  367.25     536 chemical
## 2374  372.26     536 chemical
## 2375  377.27     536 chemical
## 2376  382.28     536 chemical
## 2377  387.29     536 chemical
## 2378  392.31     536 chemical
## 2379  397.32     536 chemical
## 2380  402.33     536 chemical
## 2381  407.34     536 chemical
## 2382  412.35     536 chemical
## 2383  417.36     536 chemical
## 2384  422.37     536 chemical
## 2385  427.38     536 chemical
## 2386  432.39     536 chemical
## 2387  437.41     536 chemical
## 2388  442.42     536 chemical
## 2389  447.43     536 chemical
## 2390  452.44     536 chemical
## 2391  457.45     536 chemical
## 2392  462.46     536 chemical
## 2393  467.47     536 chemical
## 2394  472.48     536 chemical
## 2395  477.49     536 chemical
## 2396  482.51     536 chemical
## 2397  487.52     536 chemical
## 2398  492.53     536 chemical
## 2399  497.54     536 chemical
## 2400  502.55     536 chemical
## 2401    6.45     550   normal
## 2402   11.46     550   normal
## 2403   16.47     550   normal
## 2404   21.48     550   normal
## 2405   26.49     550   normal
## 2406   31.51     550   normal
## 2407   36.52     550   normal
## 2408   41.53     550   normal
## 2409   46.54     550   normal
## 2410   51.55     550   normal
## 2411   56.56     550   normal
## 2412   61.57     550   normal
## 2413   66.58     550   normal
## 2414   71.59     550   normal
## 2415   76.61     550   normal
## 2416   81.62     550   normal
## 2417   86.63     550   normal
## 2418   91.64     550   normal
## 2419   96.65     550   normal
## 2420  101.66     550   normal
## 2421  106.67     550   normal
## 2422  111.68     550   normal
## 2423  116.69     550   normal
## 2424  121.71     550   normal
## 2425  126.72     550   normal
## 2426  131.73     550   normal
## 2427  136.74     550   normal
## 2428  141.75     550   normal
## 2429  146.76     550   normal
## 2430  151.77     550   normal
## 2431  156.78     550   normal
## 2432  161.79     550   normal
## 2433  166.81     550   normal
## 2434  171.82     550   normal
## 2435  176.83     550   normal
## 2436  181.84     550 chemical
## 2437  186.85     550 chemical
## 2438  191.86     550 chemical
## 2439  196.87     550 chemical
## 2440  201.88     550 chemical
## 2441  206.89     550 chemical
## 2442  211.91     550 chemical
## 2443  216.92     550 chemical
## 2444  221.93     550 chemical
## 2445  226.94     550 chemical
## 2446  231.95     550 chemical
## 2447  236.96     550 chemical
## 2448  241.97     550 chemical
## 2449  246.98     550 chemical
## 2450  251.99     550 chemical
## 2451  257.01     550 chemical
## 2452  262.02     550 chemical
## 2453  267.03     550 chemical
## 2454  272.04     550 chemical
## 2455  277.05     550 chemical
## 2456  282.06     550 chemical
## 2457  287.07     550 chemical
## 2458  292.08     550 chemical
## 2459  297.09     550 chemical
## 2460  302.11     550 chemical
## 2461  307.12     550 chemical
## 2462  312.13     550 chemical
## 2463  317.14     550 chemical
## 2464  322.15     550 chemical
## 2465  327.16     550 chemical
## 2466  332.17     550 chemical
## 2467  337.18     550 chemical
## 2468  342.19     550 chemical
## 2469  347.21     550 chemical
## 2470  352.22     550 chemical
## 2471  357.23     550 chemical
## 2472  362.24     550 chemical
## 2473  367.25     550 chemical
## 2474  372.26     550 chemical
## 2475  377.27     550 chemical
## 2476  382.28     550 chemical
## 2477  387.29     550 chemical
## 2478  392.31     550 chemical
## 2479  397.32     550 chemical
## 2480  402.33     550 chemical
## 2481  407.34     550 chemical
## 2482  412.35     550 chemical
## 2483  417.36     550 chemical
## 2484  422.37     550 chemical
## 2485  427.38     550 chemical
## 2486  432.39     550 chemical
## 2487  437.41     550 chemical
## 2488  442.42     550 chemical
## 2489  447.43     550 chemical
## 2490  452.44     550 chemical
## 2491  457.45     550 chemical
## 2492  462.46     550 chemical
## 2493  467.47     550 chemical
## 2494  472.48     550 chemical
## 2495  477.49     550 chemical
## 2496  482.51     550 chemical
## 2497  487.52     550 chemical
## 2498  492.53     550 chemical
## 2499  497.54     550 chemical
## 2500  502.55     550 chemical
## 2501    6.45     565   normal
## 2502   11.46     565   normal
## 2503   16.47     565   normal
## 2504   21.48     565   normal
## 2505   26.49     565   normal
## 2506   31.51     565   normal
## 2507   36.52     565   normal
## 2508   41.53     565   normal
## 2509   46.54     565   normal
## 2510   51.55     565   normal
## 2511   56.56     565   normal
## 2512   61.57     565   normal
## 2513   66.58     565   normal
## 2514   71.59     565   normal
## 2515   76.61     565   normal
## 2516   81.62     565   normal
## 2517   86.63     565   normal
## 2518   91.64     565   normal
## 2519   96.65     565   normal
## 2520  101.66     565   normal
## 2521  106.67     565   normal
## 2522  111.68     565   normal
## 2523  116.69     565   normal
## 2524  121.71     565   normal
## 2525  126.72     565   normal
## 2526  131.73     565   normal
## 2527  136.74     565   normal
## 2528  141.75     565   normal
## 2529  146.76     565   normal
## 2530  151.77     565   normal
## 2531  156.78     565   normal
## 2532  161.79     565   normal
## 2533  166.81     565   normal
## 2534  171.82     565   normal
## 2535  176.83     565 chemical
## 2536  181.84     565 chemical
## 2537  186.85     565 chemical
## 2538  191.86     565 chemical
## 2539  196.87     565 chemical
## 2540  201.88     565 chemical
## 2541  206.89     565 chemical
## 2542  211.91     565 chemical
## 2543  216.92     565 chemical
## 2544  221.93     565 chemical
## 2545  226.94     565 chemical
## 2546  231.95     565 chemical
## 2547  236.96     565 chemical
## 2548  241.97     565 chemical
## 2549  246.98     565 chemical
## 2550  251.99     565 chemical
## 2551  257.01     565 chemical
## 2552  262.02     565 chemical
## 2553  267.03     565 chemical
## 2554  272.04     565 chemical
## 2555  277.05     565 chemical
## 2556  282.06     565 chemical
## 2557  287.07     565 chemical
## 2558  292.08     565 chemical
## 2559  297.09     565 chemical
## 2560  302.11     565 chemical
## 2561  307.12     565 chemical
## 2562  312.13     565 chemical
## 2563  317.14     565 chemical
## 2564  322.15     565 chemical
## 2565  327.16     565 chemical
## 2566  332.17     565 chemical
## 2567  337.18     565 chemical
## 2568  342.19     565 chemical
## 2569  347.21     565 chemical
## 2570  352.22     565 chemical
## 2571  357.23     565 chemical
## 2572  362.24     565 chemical
## 2573  367.25     565 chemical
## 2574  372.26     565 chemical
## 2575  377.27     565 chemical
## 2576  382.28     565 chemical
## 2577  387.29     565 chemical
## 2578  392.31     565 chemical
## 2579  397.32     565 chemical
## 2580  402.33     565 chemical
## 2581  407.34     565 chemical
## 2582  412.35     565 chemical
## 2583  417.36     565 chemical
## 2584  422.37     565 chemical
## 2585  427.38     565 chemical
## 2586  432.39     565 chemical
## 2587  437.41     565 chemical
## 2588  442.42     565 chemical
## 2589  447.43     565 chemical
## 2590  452.44     565 chemical
## 2591  457.45     565 chemical
## 2592  462.46     565 chemical
## 2593  467.47     565 chemical
## 2594  472.48     565 chemical
## 2595  477.49     565 chemical
## 2596  482.51     565 chemical
## 2597  487.52     565 chemical
## 2598  492.53     565 chemical
## 2599  497.54     565 chemical
## 2600  502.55     565 chemical
## 2601    6.45     579   normal
## 2602   11.46     579   normal
## 2603   16.47     579   normal
## 2604   21.48     579   normal
## 2605   26.49     579   normal
## 2606   31.51     579   normal
## 2607   36.52     579   normal
## 2608   41.53     579   normal
## 2609   46.54     579   normal
## 2610   51.55     579   normal
## 2611   56.56     579   normal
## 2612   61.57     579   normal
## 2613   66.58     579   normal
## 2614   71.59     579   normal
## 2615   76.61     579   normal
## 2616   81.62     579   normal
## 2617   86.63     579   normal
## 2618   91.64     579   normal
## 2619   96.65     579   normal
## 2620  101.66     579   normal
## 2621  106.67     579   normal
## 2622  111.68     579   normal
## 2623  116.69     579   normal
## 2624  121.71     579   normal
## 2625  126.72     579   normal
## 2626  131.73     579   normal
## 2627  136.74     579   normal
## 2628  141.75     579   normal
## 2629  146.76     579   normal
## 2630  151.77     579   normal
## 2631  156.78     579   normal
## 2632  161.79     579   normal
## 2633  166.81     579   normal
## 2634  171.82     579   normal
## 2635  176.83     579 chemical
## 2636  181.84     579 chemical
## 2637  186.85     579 chemical
## 2638  191.86     579 chemical
## 2639  196.87     579 chemical
## 2640  201.88     579 chemical
## 2641  206.89     579 chemical
## 2642  211.91     579 chemical
## 2643  216.92     579 chemical
## 2644  221.93     579 chemical
## 2645  226.94     579 chemical
## 2646  231.95     579 chemical
## 2647  236.96     579 chemical
## 2648  241.97     579 chemical
## 2649  246.98     579 chemical
## 2650  251.99     579 chemical
## 2651  257.01     579 chemical
## 2652  262.02     579 chemical
## 2653  267.03     579 chemical
## 2654  272.04     579 chemical
## 2655  277.05     579 chemical
## 2656  282.06     579 chemical
## 2657  287.07     579 chemical
## 2658  292.08     579 chemical
## 2659  297.09     579 chemical
## 2660  302.11     579 chemical
## 2661  307.12     579 chemical
## 2662  312.13     579 chemical
## 2663  317.14     579 chemical
## 2664  322.15     579 chemical
## 2665  327.16     579 chemical
## 2666  332.17     579 chemical
## 2667  337.18     579 chemical
## 2668  342.19     579 chemical
## 2669  347.21     579 chemical
## 2670  352.22     579 chemical
## 2671  357.23     579 chemical
## 2672  362.24     579 chemical
## 2673  367.25     579 chemical
## 2674  372.26     579 chemical
## 2675  377.27     579 chemical
## 2676  382.28     579 chemical
## 2677  387.29     579 chemical
## 2678  392.31     579 chemical
## 2679  397.32     579 chemical
## 2680  402.33     579 chemical
## 2681  407.34     579 chemical
## 2682  412.35     579 chemical
## 2683  417.36     579 chemical
## 2684  422.37     579 chemical
## 2685  427.38     579 chemical
## 2686  432.39     579 chemical
## 2687  437.41     579 chemical
## 2688  442.42     579 chemical
## 2689  447.43     579 chemical
## 2690  452.44     579 chemical
## 2691  457.45     579 chemical
## 2692  462.46     579 chemical
## 2693  467.47     579 chemical
## 2694  472.48     579 chemical
## 2695  477.49     579 chemical
## 2696  482.51     579 chemical
## 2697  487.52     579 chemical
## 2698  492.53     579 chemical
## 2699  497.54     579 chemical
## 2700  502.55     579 chemical
## 2701    6.45     594   normal
## 2702   11.46     594   normal
## 2703   16.47     594   normal
## 2704   21.48     594   normal
## 2705   26.49     594   normal
## 2706   31.51     594   normal
## 2707   36.52     594   normal
## 2708   41.53     594   normal
## 2709   46.54     594   normal
## 2710   51.55     594   normal
## 2711   56.56     594   normal
## 2712   61.57     594   normal
## 2713   66.58     594   normal
## 2714   71.59     594   normal
## 2715   76.61     594   normal
## 2716   81.62     594   normal
## 2717   86.63     594   normal
## 2718   91.64     594   normal
## 2719   96.65     594   normal
## 2720  101.66     594   normal
## 2721  106.67     594   normal
## 2722  111.68     594   normal
## 2723  116.69     594   normal
## 2724  121.71     594   normal
## 2725  126.72     594   normal
## 2726  131.73     594   normal
## 2727  136.74     594   normal
## 2728  141.75     594   normal
## 2729  146.76     594   normal
## 2730  151.77     594   normal
## 2731  156.78     594   normal
## 2732  161.79     594   normal
## 2733  166.81     594   normal
## 2734  171.82     594 chemical
## 2735  176.83     594 chemical
## 2736  181.84     594 chemical
## 2737  186.85     594 chemical
## 2738  191.86     594 chemical
## 2739  196.87     594 chemical
## 2740  201.88     594 chemical
## 2741  206.89     594 chemical
## 2742  211.91     594 chemical
## 2743  216.92     594 chemical
## 2744  221.93     594 chemical
## 2745  226.94     594 chemical
## 2746  231.95     594 chemical
## 2747  236.96     594 chemical
## 2748  241.97     594 chemical
## 2749  246.98     594 chemical
## 2750  251.99     594 chemical
## 2751  257.01     594 chemical
## 2752  262.02     594 chemical
## 2753  267.03     594 chemical
## 2754  272.04     594 chemical
## 2755  277.05     594 chemical
## 2756  282.06     594 chemical
## 2757  287.07     594 chemical
## 2758  292.08     594 chemical
## 2759  297.09     594 chemical
## 2760  302.11     594 chemical
## 2761  307.12     594 chemical
## 2762  312.13     594 chemical
## 2763  317.14     594 chemical
## 2764  322.15     594 chemical
## 2765  327.16     594 chemical
## 2766  332.17     594 chemical
## 2767  337.18     594 chemical
## 2768  342.19     594 chemical
## 2769  347.21     594 chemical
## 2770  352.22     594 chemical
## 2771  357.23     594 chemical
## 2772  362.24     594 chemical
## 2773  367.25     594 chemical
## 2774  372.26     594 chemical
## 2775  377.27     594 chemical
## 2776  382.28     594 chemical
## 2777  387.29     594 chemical
## 2778  392.31     594 chemical
## 2779  397.32     594 chemical
## 2780  402.33     594 chemical
## 2781  407.34     594 chemical
## 2782  412.35     594 chemical
## 2783  417.36     594 chemical
## 2784  422.37     594 chemical
## 2785  427.38     594 chemical
## 2786  432.39     594 chemical
## 2787  437.41     594 chemical
## 2788  442.42     594 chemical
## 2789  447.43     594 chemical
## 2790  452.44     594 chemical
## 2791  457.45     594 chemical
## 2792  462.46     594 chemical
## 2793  467.47     594 chemical
## 2794  472.48     594 chemical
## 2795  477.49     594 chemical
## 2796  482.51     594 chemical
## 2797  487.52     594 chemical
## 2798  492.53     594 chemical
## 2799  497.54     594 chemical
## 2800  502.55     594 chemical
## 2801    6.45     608   normal
## 2802   11.46     608   normal
## 2803   16.47     608   normal
## 2804   21.48     608   normal
## 2805   26.49     608   normal
## 2806   31.51     608   normal
## 2807   36.52     608   normal
## 2808   41.53     608   normal
## 2809   46.54     608   normal
## 2810   51.55     608   normal
## 2811   56.56     608   normal
## 2812   61.57     608   normal
## 2813   66.58     608   normal
## 2814   71.59     608   normal
## 2815   76.61     608   normal
## 2816   81.62     608   normal
## 2817   86.63     608   normal
## 2818   91.64     608   normal
## 2819   96.65     608   normal
## 2820  101.66     608   normal
## 2821  106.67     608   normal
## 2822  111.68     608   normal
## 2823  116.69     608   normal
## 2824  121.71     608   normal
## 2825  126.72     608   normal
## 2826  131.73     608   normal
## 2827  136.74     608   normal
## 2828  141.75     608   normal
## 2829  146.76     608   normal
## 2830  151.77     608   normal
## 2831  156.78     608   normal
## 2832  161.79     608   normal
## 2833  166.81     608   normal
## 2834  171.82     608 chemical
## 2835  176.83     608 chemical
## 2836  181.84     608 chemical
## 2837  186.85     608 chemical
## 2838  191.86     608 chemical
## 2839  196.87     608 chemical
## 2840  201.88     608 chemical
## 2841  206.89     608 chemical
## 2842  211.91     608 chemical
## 2843  216.92     608 chemical
## 2844  221.93     608 chemical
## 2845  226.94     608 chemical
## 2846  231.95     608 chemical
## 2847  236.96     608 chemical
## 2848  241.97     608 chemical
## 2849  246.98     608 chemical
## 2850  251.99     608 chemical
## 2851  257.01     608 chemical
## 2852  262.02     608 chemical
## 2853  267.03     608 chemical
## 2854  272.04     608 chemical
## 2855  277.05     608 chemical
## 2856  282.06     608 chemical
## 2857  287.07     608 chemical
## 2858  292.08     608 chemical
## 2859  297.09     608 chemical
## 2860  302.11     608 chemical
## 2861  307.12     608 chemical
## 2862  312.13     608 chemical
## 2863  317.14     608 chemical
## 2864  322.15     608 chemical
## 2865  327.16     608 chemical
## 2866  332.17     608 chemical
## 2867  337.18     608 chemical
## 2868  342.19     608 chemical
## 2869  347.21     608 chemical
## 2870  352.22     608 chemical
## 2871  357.23     608 chemical
## 2872  362.24     608 chemical
## 2873  367.25     608 chemical
## 2874  372.26     608 chemical
## 2875  377.27     608 chemical
## 2876  382.28     608 chemical
## 2877  387.29     608 chemical
## 2878  392.31     608 chemical
## 2879  397.32     608 chemical
## 2880  402.33     608 chemical
## 2881  407.34     608 chemical
## 2882  412.35     608 chemical
## 2883  417.36     608 chemical
## 2884  422.37     608 chemical
## 2885  427.38     608 chemical
## 2886  432.39     608 chemical
## 2887  437.41     608 chemical
## 2888  442.42     608 chemical
## 2889  447.43     608 chemical
## 2890  452.44     608 chemical
## 2891  457.45     608 chemical
## 2892  462.46     608 chemical
## 2893  467.47     608 chemical
## 2894  472.48     608 chemical
## 2895  477.49     608 chemical
## 2896  482.51     608 chemical
## 2897  487.52     608 chemical
## 2898  492.53     608 chemical
## 2899  497.54     608 chemical
## 2900  502.55     608 chemical
## 2901    6.45     623   normal
## 2902   11.46     623   normal
## 2903   16.47     623   normal
## 2904   21.48     623   normal
## 2905   26.49     623   normal
## 2906   31.51     623   normal
## 2907   36.52     623   normal
## 2908   41.53     623   normal
## 2909   46.54     623   normal
## 2910   51.55     623   normal
## 2911   56.56     623   normal
## 2912   61.57     623   normal
## 2913   66.58     623   normal
## 2914   71.59     623   normal
## 2915   76.61     623   normal
## 2916   81.62     623   normal
## 2917   86.63     623   normal
## 2918   91.64     623   normal
## 2919   96.65     623   normal
## 2920  101.66     623   normal
## 2921  106.67     623   normal
## 2922  111.68     623   normal
## 2923  116.69     623   normal
## 2924  121.71     623   normal
## 2925  126.72     623   normal
## 2926  131.73     623   normal
## 2927  136.74     623   normal
## 2928  141.75     623   normal
## 2929  146.76     623   normal
## 2930  151.77     623   normal
## 2931  156.78     623   normal
## 2932  161.79     623   normal
## 2933  166.81     623 chemical
## 2934  171.82     623 chemical
## 2935  176.83     623 chemical
## 2936  181.84     623 chemical
## 2937  186.85     623 chemical
## 2938  191.86     623 chemical
## 2939  196.87     623 chemical
## 2940  201.88     623 chemical
## 2941  206.89     623 chemical
## 2942  211.91     623 chemical
## 2943  216.92     623 chemical
## 2944  221.93     623 chemical
## 2945  226.94     623 chemical
## 2946  231.95     623 chemical
## 2947  236.96     623 chemical
## 2948  241.97     623 chemical
## 2949  246.98     623 chemical
## 2950  251.99     623 chemical
## 2951  257.01     623 chemical
## 2952  262.02     623 chemical
## 2953  267.03     623 chemical
## 2954  272.04     623 chemical
## 2955  277.05     623 chemical
## 2956  282.06     623 chemical
## 2957  287.07     623 chemical
## 2958  292.08     623 chemical
## 2959  297.09     623 chemical
## 2960  302.11     623 chemical
## 2961  307.12     623 chemical
## 2962  312.13     623 chemical
## 2963  317.14     623 chemical
## 2964  322.15     623 chemical
## 2965  327.16     623 chemical
## 2966  332.17     623 chemical
## 2967  337.18     623 chemical
## 2968  342.19     623 chemical
## 2969  347.21     623 chemical
## 2970  352.22     623 chemical
## 2971  357.23     623 chemical
## 2972  362.24     623 chemical
## 2973  367.25     623 chemical
## 2974  372.26     623 chemical
## 2975  377.27     623 chemical
## 2976  382.28     623 chemical
## 2977  387.29     623 chemical
## 2978  392.31     623 chemical
## 2979  397.32     623 chemical
## 2980  402.33     623 chemical
## 2981  407.34     623 chemical
## 2982  412.35     623 chemical
## 2983  417.36     623 chemical
## 2984  422.37     623 chemical
## 2985  427.38     623 chemical
## 2986  432.39     623 chemical
## 2987  437.41     623 chemical
## 2988  442.42     623 chemical
## 2989  447.43     623 chemical
## 2990  452.44     623 chemical
## 2991  457.45     623 chemical
## 2992  462.46     623 chemical
## 2993  467.47     623 chemical
## 2994  472.48     623 chemical
## 2995  477.49     623 chemical
## 2996  482.51     623 chemical
## 2997  487.52     623 chemical
## 2998  492.53     623 chemical
## 2999  497.54     623 chemical
## 3000  502.55     623 chemical
## 3001    6.45     637   normal
## 3002   11.46     637   normal
## 3003   16.47     637   normal
## 3004   21.48     637   normal
## 3005   26.49     637   normal
## 3006   31.51     637   normal
## 3007   36.52     637   normal
## 3008   41.53     637   normal
## 3009   46.54     637   normal
## 3010   51.55     637   normal
## 3011   56.56     637   normal
## 3012   61.57     637   normal
## 3013   66.58     637   normal
## 3014   71.59     637   normal
## 3015   76.61     637   normal
## 3016   81.62     637   normal
## 3017   86.63     637   normal
## 3018   91.64     637   normal
## 3019   96.65     637   normal
## 3020  101.66     637   normal
## 3021  106.67     637   normal
## 3022  111.68     637   normal
## 3023  116.69     637   normal
## 3024  121.71     637   normal
## 3025  126.72     637   normal
## 3026  131.73     637   normal
## 3027  136.74     637   normal
## 3028  141.75     637   normal
## 3029  146.76     637   normal
## 3030  151.77     637   normal
## 3031  156.78     637   normal
## 3032  161.79     637   normal
## 3033  166.81     637 chemical
## 3034  171.82     637 chemical
## 3035  176.83     637 chemical
## 3036  181.84     637 chemical
## 3037  186.85     637 chemical
## 3038  191.86     637 chemical
## 3039  196.87     637 chemical
## 3040  201.88     637 chemical
## 3041  206.89     637 chemical
## 3042  211.91     637 chemical
## 3043  216.92     637 chemical
## 3044  221.93     637 chemical
## 3045  226.94     637 chemical
## 3046  231.95     637 chemical
## 3047  236.96     637 chemical
## 3048  241.97     637 chemical
## 3049  246.98     637 chemical
## 3050  251.99     637 chemical
## 3051  257.01     637 chemical
## 3052  262.02     637 chemical
## 3053  267.03     637 chemical
## 3054  272.04     637 chemical
## 3055  277.05     637 chemical
## 3056  282.06     637 chemical
## 3057  287.07     637 chemical
## 3058  292.08     637 chemical
## 3059  297.09     637 chemical
## 3060  302.11     637 chemical
## 3061  307.12     637 chemical
## 3062  312.13     637 chemical
## 3063  317.14     637 chemical
## 3064  322.15     637 chemical
## 3065  327.16     637 chemical
## 3066  332.17     637 chemical
## 3067  337.18     637 chemical
## 3068  342.19     637 chemical
## 3069  347.21     637 chemical
## 3070  352.22     637 chemical
## 3071  357.23     637 chemical
## 3072  362.24     637 chemical
## 3073  367.25     637 chemical
## 3074  372.26     637 chemical
## 3075  377.27     637 chemical
## 3076  382.28     637 chemical
## 3077  387.29     637 chemical
## 3078  392.31     637 chemical
## 3079  397.32     637 chemical
## 3080  402.33     637 chemical
## 3081  407.34     637 chemical
## 3082  412.35     637 chemical
## 3083  417.36     637 chemical
## 3084  422.37     637 chemical
## 3085  427.38     637 chemical
## 3086  432.39     637 chemical
## 3087  437.41     637 chemical
## 3088  442.42     637 chemical
## 3089  447.43     637 chemical
## 3090  452.44     637 chemical
## 3091  457.45     637 chemical
## 3092  462.46     637 chemical
## 3093  467.47     637 chemical
## 3094  472.48     637 chemical
## 3095  477.49     637 chemical
## 3096  482.51     637 chemical
## 3097  487.52     637 chemical
## 3098  492.53     637 chemical
## 3099  497.54     637 chemical
## 3100  502.55     637 chemical
## 3101    6.45     651   normal
## 3102   11.46     651   normal
## 3103   16.47     651   normal
## 3104   21.48     651   normal
## 3105   26.49     651   normal
## 3106   31.51     651   normal
## 3107   36.52     651   normal
## 3108   41.53     651   normal
## 3109   46.54     651   normal
## 3110   51.55     651   normal
## 3111   56.56     651   normal
## 3112   61.57     651   normal
## 3113   66.58     651   normal
## 3114   71.59     651   normal
## 3115   76.61     651   normal
## 3116   81.62     651   normal
## 3117   86.63     651   normal
## 3118   91.64     651   normal
## 3119   96.65     651   normal
## 3120  101.66     651   normal
## 3121  106.67     651   normal
## 3122  111.68     651   normal
## 3123  116.69     651   normal
## 3124  121.71     651   normal
## 3125  126.72     651   normal
## 3126  131.73     651   normal
## 3127  136.74     651   normal
## 3128  141.75     651   normal
## 3129  146.76     651   normal
## 3130  151.77     651   normal
## 3131  156.78     651   normal
## 3132  161.79     651 chemical
## 3133  166.81     651 chemical
## 3134  171.82     651 chemical
## 3135  176.83     651 chemical
## 3136  181.84     651 chemical
## 3137  186.85     651 chemical
## 3138  191.86     651 chemical
## 3139  196.87     651 chemical
## 3140  201.88     651 chemical
## 3141  206.89     651 chemical
## 3142  211.91     651 chemical
## 3143  216.92     651 chemical
## 3144  221.93     651 chemical
## 3145  226.94     651 chemical
## 3146  231.95     651 chemical
## 3147  236.96     651 chemical
## 3148  241.97     651 chemical
## 3149  246.98     651 chemical
## 3150  251.99     651 chemical
## 3151  257.01     651 chemical
## 3152  262.02     651 chemical
## 3153  267.03     651 chemical
## 3154  272.04     651 chemical
## 3155  277.05     651 chemical
## 3156  282.06     651 chemical
## 3157  287.07     651 chemical
## 3158  292.08     651 chemical
## 3159  297.09     651 chemical
## 3160  302.11     651 chemical
## 3161  307.12     651 chemical
## 3162  312.13     651 chemical
## 3163  317.14     651 chemical
## 3164  322.15     651 chemical
## 3165  327.16     651 chemical
## 3166  332.17     651 chemical
## 3167  337.18     651 chemical
## 3168  342.19     651 chemical
## 3169  347.21     651 chemical
## 3170  352.22     651 chemical
## 3171  357.23     651 chemical
## 3172  362.24     651 chemical
## 3173  367.25     651 chemical
## 3174  372.26     651 chemical
## 3175  377.27     651 chemical
## 3176  382.28     651 chemical
## 3177  387.29     651 chemical
## 3178  392.31     651 chemical
## 3179  397.32     651 chemical
## 3180  402.33     651 chemical
## 3181  407.34     651 chemical
## 3182  412.35     651 chemical
## 3183  417.36     651 chemical
## 3184  422.37     651 chemical
## 3185  427.38     651 chemical
## 3186  432.39     651 chemical
## 3187  437.41     651 chemical
## 3188  442.42     651 chemical
## 3189  447.43     651 chemical
## 3190  452.44     651 chemical
## 3191  457.45     651 chemical
## 3192  462.46     651 chemical
## 3193  467.47     651 chemical
## 3194  472.48     651 chemical
## 3195  477.49     651 chemical
## 3196  482.51     651 chemical
## 3197  487.52     651 chemical
## 3198  492.53     651 chemical
## 3199  497.54     651 chemical
## 3200  502.55     651 chemical
## 3201    6.45     666   normal
## 3202   11.46     666   normal
## 3203   16.47     666   normal
## 3204   21.48     666   normal
## 3205   26.49     666   normal
## 3206   31.51     666   normal
## 3207   36.52     666   normal
## 3208   41.53     666   normal
## 3209   46.54     666   normal
## 3210   51.55     666   normal
## 3211   56.56     666   normal
## 3212   61.57     666   normal
## 3213   66.58     666   normal
## 3214   71.59     666   normal
## 3215   76.61     666   normal
## 3216   81.62     666   normal
## 3217   86.63     666   normal
## 3218   91.64     666   normal
## 3219   96.65     666   normal
## 3220  101.66     666   normal
## 3221  106.67     666   normal
## 3222  111.68     666   normal
## 3223  116.69     666   normal
## 3224  121.71     666   normal
## 3225  126.72     666   normal
## 3226  131.73     666   normal
## 3227  136.74     666   normal
## 3228  141.75     666   normal
## 3229  146.76     666   normal
## 3230  151.77     666   normal
## 3231  156.78     666   normal
## 3232  161.79     666 chemical
## 3233  166.81     666 chemical
## 3234  171.82     666 chemical
## 3235  176.83     666 chemical
## 3236  181.84     666 chemical
## 3237  186.85     666 chemical
## 3238  191.86     666 chemical
## 3239  196.87     666 chemical
## 3240  201.88     666 chemical
## 3241  206.89     666 chemical
## 3242  211.91     666 chemical
## 3243  216.92     666 chemical
## 3244  221.93     666 chemical
## 3245  226.94     666 chemical
## 3246  231.95     666 chemical
## 3247  236.96     666 chemical
## 3248  241.97     666 chemical
## 3249  246.98     666 chemical
## 3250  251.99     666 chemical
## 3251  257.01     666 chemical
## 3252  262.02     666 chemical
## 3253  267.03     666 chemical
## 3254  272.04     666 chemical
## 3255  277.05     666 chemical
## 3256  282.06     666 chemical
## 3257  287.07     666 chemical
## 3258  292.08     666 chemical
## 3259  297.09     666 chemical
## 3260  302.11     666 chemical
## 3261  307.12     666 chemical
## 3262  312.13     666 chemical
## 3263  317.14     666 chemical
## 3264  322.15     666 chemical
## 3265  327.16     666 chemical
## 3266  332.17     666 chemical
## 3267  337.18     666 chemical
## 3268  342.19     666 chemical
## 3269  347.21     666 chemical
## 3270  352.22     666 chemical
## 3271  357.23     666 chemical
## 3272  362.24     666 chemical
## 3273  367.25     666 chemical
## 3274  372.26     666 chemical
## 3275  377.27     666 chemical
## 3276  382.28     666 chemical
## 3277  387.29     666 chemical
## 3278  392.31     666 chemical
## 3279  397.32     666 chemical
## 3280  402.33     666 chemical
## 3281  407.34     666 chemical
## 3282  412.35     666 chemical
## 3283  417.36     666 chemical
## 3284  422.37     666 chemical
## 3285  427.38     666 chemical
## 3286  432.39     666 chemical
## 3287  437.41     666 chemical
## 3288  442.42     666 chemical
## 3289  447.43     666 chemical
## 3290  452.44     666 chemical
## 3291  457.45     666 chemical
## 3292  462.46     666 chemical
## 3293  467.47     666 chemical
## 3294  472.48     666 chemical
## 3295  477.49     666 chemical
## 3296  482.51     666 chemical
## 3297  487.52     666 chemical
## 3298  492.53     666 chemical
## 3299  497.54     666 chemical
## 3300  502.55     666 chemical
## 3301    6.45     680   normal
## 3302   11.46     680   normal
## 3303   16.47     680   normal
## 3304   21.48     680   normal
## 3305   26.49     680   normal
## 3306   31.51     680   normal
## 3307   36.52     680   normal
## 3308   41.53     680   normal
## 3309   46.54     680   normal
## 3310   51.55     680   normal
## 3311   56.56     680   normal
## 3312   61.57     680   normal
## 3313   66.58     680   normal
## 3314   71.59     680   normal
## 3315   76.61     680   normal
## 3316   81.62     680   normal
## 3317   86.63     680   normal
## 3318   91.64     680   normal
## 3319   96.65     680   normal
## 3320  101.66     680   normal
## 3321  106.67     680   normal
## 3322  111.68     680   normal
## 3323  116.69     680   normal
## 3324  121.71     680   normal
## 3325  126.72     680   normal
## 3326  131.73     680   normal
## 3327  136.74     680   normal
## 3328  141.75     680   normal
## 3329  146.76     680   normal
## 3330  151.77     680   normal
## 3331  156.78     680 chemical
## 3332  161.79     680 chemical
## 3333  166.81     680 chemical
## 3334  171.82     680 chemical
## 3335  176.83     680 chemical
## 3336  181.84     680 chemical
## 3337  186.85     680 chemical
## 3338  191.86     680 chemical
## 3339  196.87     680 chemical
## 3340  201.88     680 chemical
## 3341  206.89     680 chemical
## 3342  211.91     680 chemical
## 3343  216.92     680 chemical
## 3344  221.93     680 chemical
## 3345  226.94     680 chemical
## 3346  231.95     680 chemical
## 3347  236.96     680 chemical
## 3348  241.97     680 chemical
## 3349  246.98     680 chemical
## 3350  251.99     680 chemical
## 3351  257.01     680 chemical
## 3352  262.02     680 chemical
## 3353  267.03     680 chemical
## 3354  272.04     680 chemical
## 3355  277.05     680 chemical
## 3356  282.06     680 chemical
## 3357  287.07     680 chemical
## 3358  292.08     680 chemical
## 3359  297.09     680 chemical
## 3360  302.11     680 chemical
## 3361  307.12     680 chemical
## 3362  312.13     680 chemical
## 3363  317.14     680 chemical
## 3364  322.15     680 chemical
## 3365  327.16     680 chemical
## 3366  332.17     680 chemical
## 3367  337.18     680 chemical
## 3368  342.19     680 chemical
## 3369  347.21     680 chemical
## 3370  352.22     680 chemical
## 3371  357.23     680 chemical
## 3372  362.24     680 chemical
## 3373  367.25     680 chemical
## 3374  372.26     680 chemical
## 3375  377.27     680 chemical
## 3376  382.28     680 chemical
## 3377  387.29     680 chemical
## 3378  392.31     680 chemical
## 3379  397.32     680 chemical
## 3380  402.33     680 chemical
## 3381  407.34     680 chemical
## 3382  412.35     680 chemical
## 3383  417.36     680 chemical
## 3384  422.37     680 chemical
## 3385  427.38     680 chemical
## 3386  432.39     680 chemical
## 3387  437.41     680 chemical
## 3388  442.42     680 chemical
## 3389  447.43     680 chemical
## 3390  452.44     680 chemical
## 3391  457.45     680 chemical
## 3392  462.46     680 chemical
## 3393  467.47     680 chemical
## 3394  472.48     680 chemical
## 3395  477.49     680 chemical
## 3396  482.51     680 chemical
## 3397  487.52     680 chemical
## 3398  492.53     680 chemical
## 3399  497.54     680 chemical
## 3400  502.55     680 chemical
## 3401    6.45     695   normal
## 3402   11.46     695   normal
## 3403   16.47     695   normal
## 3404   21.48     695   normal
## 3405   26.49     695   normal
## 3406   31.51     695   normal
## 3407   36.52     695   normal
## 3408   41.53     695   normal
## 3409   46.54     695   normal
## 3410   51.55     695   normal
## 3411   56.56     695   normal
## 3412   61.57     695   normal
## 3413   66.58     695   normal
## 3414   71.59     695   normal
## 3415   76.61     695   normal
## 3416   81.62     695   normal
## 3417   86.63     695   normal
## 3418   91.64     695   normal
## 3419   96.65     695   normal
## 3420  101.66     695   normal
## 3421  106.67     695   normal
## 3422  111.68     695   normal
## 3423  116.69     695   normal
## 3424  121.71     695   normal
## 3425  126.72     695   normal
## 3426  131.73     695   normal
## 3427  136.74     695   normal
## 3428  141.75     695   normal
## 3429  146.76     695   normal
## 3430  151.77     695   normal
## 3431  156.78     695 chemical
## 3432  161.79     695 chemical
## 3433  166.81     695 chemical
## 3434  171.82     695 chemical
## 3435  176.83     695 chemical
## 3436  181.84     695 chemical
## 3437  186.85     695 chemical
## 3438  191.86     695 chemical
## 3439  196.87     695 chemical
## 3440  201.88     695 chemical
## 3441  206.89     695 chemical
## 3442  211.91     695 chemical
## 3443  216.92     695 chemical
## 3444  221.93     695 chemical
## 3445  226.94     695 chemical
## 3446  231.95     695 chemical
## 3447  236.96     695 chemical
## 3448  241.97     695 chemical
## 3449  246.98     695 chemical
## 3450  251.99     695 chemical
## 3451  257.01     695 chemical
## 3452  262.02     695 chemical
## 3453  267.03     695 chemical
## 3454  272.04     695 chemical
## 3455  277.05     695 chemical
## 3456  282.06     695 chemical
## 3457  287.07     695 chemical
## 3458  292.08     695 chemical
## 3459  297.09     695 chemical
## 3460  302.11     695 chemical
## 3461  307.12     695 chemical
## 3462  312.13     695 chemical
## 3463  317.14     695 chemical
## 3464  322.15     695 chemical
## 3465  327.16     695 chemical
## 3466  332.17     695 chemical
## 3467  337.18     695 chemical
## 3468  342.19     695 chemical
## 3469  347.21     695 chemical
## 3470  352.22     695 chemical
## 3471  357.23     695 chemical
## 3472  362.24     695 chemical
## 3473  367.25     695 chemical
## 3474  372.26     695 chemical
## 3475  377.27     695 chemical
## 3476  382.28     695 chemical
## 3477  387.29     695 chemical
## 3478  392.31     695 chemical
## 3479  397.32     695 chemical
## 3480  402.33     695 chemical
## 3481  407.34     695 chemical
## 3482  412.35     695 chemical
## 3483  417.36     695 chemical
## 3484  422.37     695 chemical
## 3485  427.38     695 chemical
## 3486  432.39     695 chemical
## 3487  437.41     695 chemical
## 3488  442.42     695 chemical
## 3489  447.43     695 chemical
## 3490  452.44     695 chemical
## 3491  457.45     695 chemical
## 3492  462.46     695 chemical
## 3493  467.47     695 chemical
## 3494  472.48     695 chemical
## 3495  477.49     695 chemical
## 3496  482.51     695 chemical
## 3497  487.52     695 chemical
## 3498  492.53     695 chemical
## 3499  497.54     695 chemical
## 3500  502.55     695 chemical
## 3501    6.45     709   normal
## 3502   11.46     709   normal
## 3503   16.47     709   normal
## 3504   21.48     709   normal
## 3505   26.49     709   normal
## 3506   31.51     709   normal
## 3507   36.52     709   normal
## 3508   41.53     709   normal
## 3509   46.54     709   normal
## 3510   51.55     709   normal
## 3511   56.56     709   normal
## 3512   61.57     709   normal
## 3513   66.58     709   normal
## 3514   71.59     709   normal
## 3515   76.61     709   normal
## 3516   81.62     709   normal
## 3517   86.63     709   normal
## 3518   91.64     709   normal
## 3519   96.65     709   normal
## 3520  101.66     709   normal
## 3521  106.67     709   normal
## 3522  111.68     709   normal
## 3523  116.69     709   normal
## 3524  121.71     709   normal
## 3525  126.72     709   normal
## 3526  131.73     709   normal
## 3527  136.74     709   normal
## 3528  141.75     709   normal
## 3529  146.76     709   normal
## 3530  151.77     709 chemical
## 3531  156.78     709 chemical
## 3532  161.79     709 chemical
## 3533  166.81     709 chemical
## 3534  171.82     709 chemical
## 3535  176.83     709 chemical
## 3536  181.84     709 chemical
## 3537  186.85     709 chemical
## 3538  191.86     709 chemical
## 3539  196.87     709 chemical
## 3540  201.88     709 chemical
## 3541  206.89     709 chemical
## 3542  211.91     709 chemical
## 3543  216.92     709 chemical
## 3544  221.93     709 chemical
## 3545  226.94     709 chemical
## 3546  231.95     709 chemical
## 3547  236.96     709 chemical
## 3548  241.97     709 chemical
## 3549  246.98     709 chemical
## 3550  251.99     709 chemical
## 3551  257.01     709 chemical
## 3552  262.02     709 chemical
## 3553  267.03     709 chemical
## 3554  272.04     709 chemical
## 3555  277.05     709 chemical
## 3556  282.06     709 chemical
## 3557  287.07     709 chemical
## 3558  292.08     709 chemical
## 3559  297.09     709 chemical
## 3560  302.11     709 chemical
## 3561  307.12     709 chemical
## 3562  312.13     709 chemical
## 3563  317.14     709 chemical
## 3564  322.15     709 chemical
## 3565  327.16     709 chemical
## 3566  332.17     709 chemical
## 3567  337.18     709 chemical
## 3568  342.19     709 chemical
## 3569  347.21     709 chemical
## 3570  352.22     709 chemical
## 3571  357.23     709 chemical
## 3572  362.24     709 chemical
## 3573  367.25     709 chemical
## 3574  372.26     709 chemical
## 3575  377.27     709 chemical
## 3576  382.28     709 chemical
## 3577  387.29     709 chemical
## 3578  392.31     709 chemical
## 3579  397.32     709 chemical
## 3580  402.33     709 chemical
## 3581  407.34     709 chemical
## 3582  412.35     709 chemical
## 3583  417.36     709 chemical
## 3584  422.37     709 chemical
## 3585  427.38     709 chemical
## 3586  432.39     709 chemical
## 3587  437.41     709 chemical
## 3588  442.42     709 chemical
## 3589  447.43     709 chemical
## 3590  452.44     709 chemical
## 3591  457.45     709 chemical
## 3592  462.46     709 chemical
## 3593  467.47     709 chemical
## 3594  472.48     709 chemical
## 3595  477.49     709 chemical
## 3596  482.51     709 chemical
## 3597  487.52     709 chemical
## 3598  492.53     709 chemical
## 3599  497.54     709 chemical
## 3600  502.55     709 chemical
## 3601    6.45     724   normal
## 3602   11.46     724   normal
## 3603   16.47     724   normal
## 3604   21.48     724   normal
## 3605   26.49     724   normal
## 3606   31.51     724   normal
## 3607   36.52     724   normal
## 3608   41.53     724   normal
## 3609   46.54     724   normal
## 3610   51.55     724   normal
## 3611   56.56     724   normal
## 3612   61.57     724   normal
## 3613   66.58     724   normal
## 3614   71.59     724   normal
## 3615   76.61     724   normal
## 3616   81.62     724   normal
## 3617   86.63     724   normal
## 3618   91.64     724   normal
## 3619   96.65     724   normal
## 3620  101.66     724   normal
## 3621  106.67     724   normal
## 3622  111.68     724   normal
## 3623  116.69     724   normal
## 3624  121.71     724   normal
## 3625  126.72     724   normal
## 3626  131.73     724   normal
## 3627  136.74     724   normal
## 3628  141.75     724   normal
## 3629  146.76     724   normal
## 3630  151.77     724 chemical
## 3631  156.78     724 chemical
## 3632  161.79     724 chemical
## 3633  166.81     724 chemical
## 3634  171.82     724 chemical
## 3635  176.83     724 chemical
## 3636  181.84     724 chemical
## 3637  186.85     724 chemical
## 3638  191.86     724 chemical
## 3639  196.87     724 chemical
## 3640  201.88     724 chemical
## 3641  206.89     724 chemical
## 3642  211.91     724 chemical
## 3643  216.92     724 chemical
## 3644  221.93     724 chemical
## 3645  226.94     724 chemical
## 3646  231.95     724 chemical
## 3647  236.96     724 chemical
## 3648  241.97     724 chemical
## 3649  246.98     724 chemical
## 3650  251.99     724 chemical
## 3651  257.01     724 chemical
## 3652  262.02     724 chemical
## 3653  267.03     724 chemical
## 3654  272.04     724 chemical
## 3655  277.05     724 chemical
## 3656  282.06     724 chemical
## 3657  287.07     724 chemical
## 3658  292.08     724 chemical
## 3659  297.09     724 chemical
## 3660  302.11     724 chemical
## 3661  307.12     724 chemical
## 3662  312.13     724 chemical
## 3663  317.14     724 chemical
## 3664  322.15     724 chemical
## 3665  327.16     724 chemical
## 3666  332.17     724 chemical
## 3667  337.18     724 chemical
## 3668  342.19     724 chemical
## 3669  347.21     724 chemical
## 3670  352.22     724 chemical
## 3671  357.23     724 chemical
## 3672  362.24     724 chemical
## 3673  367.25     724 chemical
## 3674  372.26     724 chemical
## 3675  377.27     724 chemical
## 3676  382.28     724 chemical
## 3677  387.29     724 chemical
## 3678  392.31     724 chemical
## 3679  397.32     724 chemical
## 3680  402.33     724 chemical
## 3681  407.34     724 chemical
## 3682  412.35     724 chemical
## 3683  417.36     724 chemical
## 3684  422.37     724 chemical
## 3685  427.38     724 chemical
## 3686  432.39     724 chemical
## 3687  437.41     724 chemical
## 3688  442.42     724 chemical
## 3689  447.43     724 chemical
## 3690  452.44     724 chemical
## 3691  457.45     724    overt
## 3692  462.46     724    overt
## 3693  467.47     724    overt
## 3694  472.48     724    overt
## 3695  477.49     724    overt
## 3696  482.51     724    overt
## 3697  487.52     724    overt
## 3698  492.53     724    overt
## 3699  497.54     724    overt
## 3700  502.55     724    overt
## 3701    6.45     738   normal
## 3702   11.46     738   normal
## 3703   16.47     738   normal
## 3704   21.48     738   normal
## 3705   26.49     738   normal
## 3706   31.51     738   normal
## 3707   36.52     738   normal
## 3708   41.53     738   normal
## 3709   46.54     738   normal
## 3710   51.55     738   normal
## 3711   56.56     738   normal
## 3712   61.57     738   normal
## 3713   66.58     738   normal
## 3714   71.59     738   normal
## 3715   76.61     738   normal
## 3716   81.62     738   normal
## 3717   86.63     738   normal
## 3718   91.64     738   normal
## 3719   96.65     738   normal
## 3720  101.66     738   normal
## 3721  106.67     738   normal
## 3722  111.68     738   normal
## 3723  116.69     738   normal
## 3724  121.71     738   normal
## 3725  126.72     738   normal
## 3726  131.73     738   normal
## 3727  136.74     738   normal
## 3728  141.75     738   normal
## 3729  146.76     738 chemical
## 3730  151.77     738 chemical
## 3731  156.78     738 chemical
## 3732  161.79     738 chemical
## 3733  166.81     738 chemical
## 3734  171.82     738 chemical
## 3735  176.83     738 chemical
## 3736  181.84     738 chemical
## 3737  186.85     738 chemical
## 3738  191.86     738 chemical
## 3739  196.87     738 chemical
## 3740  201.88     738 chemical
## 3741  206.89     738 chemical
## 3742  211.91     738 chemical
## 3743  216.92     738 chemical
## 3744  221.93     738 chemical
## 3745  226.94     738 chemical
## 3746  231.95     738 chemical
## 3747  236.96     738 chemical
## 3748  241.97     738 chemical
## 3749  246.98     738 chemical
## 3750  251.99     738 chemical
## 3751  257.01     738 chemical
## 3752  262.02     738 chemical
## 3753  267.03     738 chemical
## 3754  272.04     738 chemical
## 3755  277.05     738 chemical
## 3756  282.06     738 chemical
## 3757  287.07     738 chemical
## 3758  292.08     738 chemical
## 3759  297.09     738 chemical
## 3760  302.11     738 chemical
## 3761  307.12     738 chemical
## 3762  312.13     738 chemical
## 3763  317.14     738 chemical
## 3764  322.15     738 chemical
## 3765  327.16     738 chemical
## 3766  332.17     738 chemical
## 3767  337.18     738 chemical
## 3768  342.19     738 chemical
## 3769  347.21     738 chemical
## 3770  352.22     738 chemical
## 3771  357.23     738 chemical
## 3772  362.24     738 chemical
## 3773  367.25     738 chemical
## 3774  372.26     738 chemical
## 3775  377.27     738 chemical
## 3776  382.28     738 chemical
## 3777  387.29     738 chemical
## 3778  392.31     738 chemical
## 3779  397.32     738    overt
## 3780  402.33     738    overt
## 3781  407.34     738    overt
## 3782  412.35     738    overt
## 3783  417.36     738    overt
## 3784  422.37     738    overt
## 3785  427.38     738    overt
## 3786  432.39     738    overt
## 3787  437.41     738    overt
## 3788  442.42     738    overt
## 3789  447.43     738    overt
## 3790  452.44     738    overt
## 3791  457.45     738    overt
## 3792  462.46     738    overt
## 3793  467.47     738    overt
## 3794  472.48     738    overt
## 3795  477.49     738    overt
## 3796  482.51     738    overt
## 3797  487.52     738    overt
## 3798  492.53     738    overt
## 3799  497.54     738    overt
## 3800  502.55     738    overt
## 3801    6.45     753   normal
## 3802   11.46     753   normal
## 3803   16.47     753   normal
## 3804   21.48     753   normal
## 3805   26.49     753   normal
## 3806   31.51     753   normal
## 3807   36.52     753   normal
## 3808   41.53     753   normal
## 3809   46.54     753   normal
## 3810   51.55     753   normal
## 3811   56.56     753   normal
## 3812   61.57     753   normal
## 3813   66.58     753   normal
## 3814   71.59     753   normal
## 3815   76.61     753   normal
## 3816   81.62     753   normal
## 3817   86.63     753   normal
## 3818   91.64     753   normal
## 3819   96.65     753   normal
## 3820  101.66     753   normal
## 3821  106.67     753   normal
## 3822  111.68     753   normal
## 3823  116.69     753   normal
## 3824  121.71     753   normal
## 3825  126.72     753   normal
## 3826  131.73     753   normal
## 3827  136.74     753   normal
## 3828  141.75     753   normal
## 3829  146.76     753 chemical
## 3830  151.77     753 chemical
## 3831  156.78     753 chemical
## 3832  161.79     753 chemical
## 3833  166.81     753 chemical
## 3834  171.82     753 chemical
## 3835  176.83     753 chemical
## 3836  181.84     753 chemical
## 3837  186.85     753 chemical
## 3838  191.86     753 chemical
## 3839  196.87     753 chemical
## 3840  201.88     753 chemical
## 3841  206.89     753 chemical
## 3842  211.91     753 chemical
## 3843  216.92     753 chemical
## 3844  221.93     753 chemical
## 3845  226.94     753 chemical
## 3846  231.95     753 chemical
## 3847  236.96     753 chemical
## 3848  241.97     753 chemical
## 3849  246.98     753 chemical
## 3850  251.99     753 chemical
## 3851  257.01     753 chemical
## 3852  262.02     753 chemical
## 3853  267.03     753 chemical
## 3854  272.04     753 chemical
## 3855  277.05     753 chemical
## 3856  282.06     753 chemical
## 3857  287.07     753 chemical
## 3858  292.08     753 chemical
## 3859  297.09     753 chemical
## 3860  302.11     753 chemical
## 3861  307.12     753 chemical
## 3862  312.13     753 chemical
## 3863  317.14     753 chemical
## 3864  322.15     753 chemical
## 3865  327.16     753 chemical
## 3866  332.17     753 chemical
## 3867  337.18     753 chemical
## 3868  342.19     753    overt
## 3869  347.21     753    overt
## 3870  352.22     753    overt
## 3871  357.23     753    overt
## 3872  362.24     753    overt
## 3873  367.25     753    overt
## 3874  372.26     753    overt
## 3875  377.27     753    overt
## 3876  382.28     753    overt
## 3877  387.29     753    overt
## 3878  392.31     753    overt
## 3879  397.32     753    overt
## 3880  402.33     753    overt
## 3881  407.34     753    overt
## 3882  412.35     753    overt
## 3883  417.36     753    overt
## 3884  422.37     753    overt
## 3885  427.38     753    overt
## 3886  432.39     753    overt
## 3887  437.41     753    overt
## 3888  442.42     753    overt
## 3889  447.43     753    overt
## 3890  452.44     753    overt
## 3891  457.45     753    overt
## 3892  462.46     753    overt
## 3893  467.47     753    overt
## 3894  472.48     753    overt
## 3895  477.49     753    overt
## 3896  482.51     753    overt
## 3897  487.52     753    overt
## 3898  492.53     753    overt
## 3899  497.54     753    overt
## 3900  502.55     753    overt
## 3901    6.45     767   normal
## 3902   11.46     767   normal
## 3903   16.47     767   normal
## 3904   21.48     767   normal
## 3905   26.49     767   normal
## 3906   31.51     767   normal
## 3907   36.52     767   normal
## 3908   41.53     767   normal
## 3909   46.54     767   normal
## 3910   51.55     767   normal
## 3911   56.56     767   normal
## 3912   61.57     767   normal
## 3913   66.58     767   normal
## 3914   71.59     767   normal
## 3915   76.61     767   normal
## 3916   81.62     767   normal
## 3917   86.63     767   normal
## 3918   91.64     767   normal
## 3919   96.65     767   normal
## 3920  101.66     767   normal
## 3921  106.67     767   normal
## 3922  111.68     767   normal
## 3923  116.69     767   normal
## 3924  121.71     767   normal
## 3925  126.72     767   normal
## 3926  131.73     767   normal
## 3927  136.74     767   normal
## 3928  141.75     767   normal
## 3929  146.76     767 chemical
## 3930  151.77     767 chemical
## 3931  156.78     767 chemical
## 3932  161.79     767 chemical
## 3933  166.81     767 chemical
## 3934  171.82     767 chemical
## 3935  176.83     767 chemical
## 3936  181.84     767 chemical
## 3937  186.85     767 chemical
## 3938  191.86     767 chemical
## 3939  196.87     767 chemical
## 3940  201.88     767 chemical
## 3941  206.89     767 chemical
## 3942  211.91     767 chemical
## 3943  216.92     767 chemical
## 3944  221.93     767 chemical
## 3945  226.94     767 chemical
## 3946  231.95     767 chemical
## 3947  236.96     767 chemical
## 3948  241.97     767 chemical
## 3949  246.98     767 chemical
## 3950  251.99     767 chemical
## 3951  257.01     767 chemical
## 3952  262.02     767 chemical
## 3953  267.03     767 chemical
## 3954  272.04     767 chemical
## 3955  277.05     767 chemical
## 3956  282.06     767 chemical
## 3957  287.07     767    overt
## 3958  292.08     767    overt
## 3959  297.09     767    overt
## 3960  302.11     767    overt
## 3961  307.12     767    overt
## 3962  312.13     767    overt
## 3963  317.14     767    overt
## 3964  322.15     767    overt
## 3965  327.16     767    overt
## 3966  332.17     767    overt
## 3967  337.18     767    overt
## 3968  342.19     767    overt
## 3969  347.21     767    overt
## 3970  352.22     767    overt
## 3971  357.23     767    overt
## 3972  362.24     767    overt
## 3973  367.25     767    overt
## 3974  372.26     767    overt
## 3975  377.27     767    overt
## 3976  382.28     767    overt
## 3977  387.29     767    overt
## 3978  392.31     767    overt
## 3979  397.32     767    overt
## 3980  402.33     767    overt
## 3981  407.34     767    overt
## 3982  412.35     767    overt
## 3983  417.36     767    overt
## 3984  422.37     767    overt
## 3985  427.38     767    overt
## 3986  432.39     767    overt
## 3987  437.41     767    overt
## 3988  442.42     767    overt
## 3989  447.43     767    overt
## 3990  452.44     767    overt
## 3991  457.45     767    overt
## 3992  462.46     767    overt
## 3993  467.47     767    overt
## 3994  472.48     767    overt
## 3995  477.49     767    overt
## 3996  482.51     767    overt
## 3997  487.52     767    overt
## 3998  492.53     767    overt
## 3999  497.54     767    overt
## 4000  502.55     767    overt
## 4001    6.45     781   normal
## 4002   11.46     781   normal
## 4003   16.47     781   normal
## 4004   21.48     781   normal
## 4005   26.49     781   normal
## 4006   31.51     781   normal
## 4007   36.52     781   normal
## 4008   41.53     781   normal
## 4009   46.54     781   normal
## 4010   51.55     781   normal
## 4011   56.56     781   normal
## 4012   61.57     781   normal
## 4013   66.58     781   normal
## 4014   71.59     781   normal
## 4015   76.61     781   normal
## 4016   81.62     781   normal
## 4017   86.63     781   normal
## 4018   91.64     781   normal
## 4019   96.65     781   normal
## 4020  101.66     781   normal
## 4021  106.67     781   normal
## 4022  111.68     781   normal
## 4023  116.69     781   normal
## 4024  121.71     781   normal
## 4025  126.72     781   normal
## 4026  131.73     781   normal
## 4027  136.74     781   normal
## 4028  141.75     781 chemical
## 4029  146.76     781 chemical
## 4030  151.77     781 chemical
## 4031  156.78     781 chemical
## 4032  161.79     781 chemical
## 4033  166.81     781 chemical
## 4034  171.82     781 chemical
## 4035  176.83     781 chemical
## 4036  181.84     781 chemical
## 4037  186.85     781 chemical
## 4038  191.86     781 chemical
## 4039  196.87     781 chemical
## 4040  201.88     781 chemical
## 4041  206.89     781 chemical
## 4042  211.91     781 chemical
## 4043  216.92     781 chemical
## 4044  221.93     781 chemical
## 4045  226.94     781 chemical
## 4046  231.95     781    overt
## 4047  236.96     781    overt
## 4048  241.97     781    overt
## 4049  246.98     781    overt
## 4050  251.99     781    overt
## 4051  257.01     781    overt
## 4052  262.02     781    overt
## 4053  267.03     781    overt
## 4054  272.04     781    overt
## 4055  277.05     781    overt
## 4056  282.06     781    overt
## 4057  287.07     781    overt
## 4058  292.08     781    overt
## 4059  297.09     781    overt
## 4060  302.11     781    overt
## 4061  307.12     781    overt
## 4062  312.13     781    overt
## 4063  317.14     781    overt
## 4064  322.15     781    overt
## 4065  327.16     781    overt
## 4066  332.17     781    overt
## 4067  337.18     781    overt
## 4068  342.19     781    overt
## 4069  347.21     781    overt
## 4070  352.22     781    overt
## 4071  357.23     781    overt
## 4072  362.24     781    overt
## 4073  367.25     781    overt
## 4074  372.26     781    overt
## 4075  377.27     781    overt
## 4076  382.28     781    overt
## 4077  387.29     781    overt
## 4078  392.31     781    overt
## 4079  397.32     781    overt
## 4080  402.33     781    overt
## 4081  407.34     781    overt
## 4082  412.35     781    overt
## 4083  417.36     781    overt
## 4084  422.37     781    overt
## 4085  427.38     781    overt
## 4086  432.39     781    overt
## 4087  437.41     781    overt
## 4088  442.42     781    overt
## 4089  447.43     781    overt
## 4090  452.44     781    overt
## 4091  457.45     781    overt
## 4092  462.46     781    overt
## 4093  467.47     781    overt
## 4094  472.48     781    overt
## 4095  477.49     781    overt
## 4096  482.51     781    overt
## 4097  487.52     781    overt
## 4098  492.53     781    overt
## 4099  497.54     781    overt
## 4100  502.55     781    overt
## 4101    6.45     796   normal
## 4102   11.46     796   normal
## 4103   16.47     796   normal
## 4104   21.48     796   normal
## 4105   26.49     796   normal
## 4106   31.51     796   normal
## 4107   36.52     796   normal
## 4108   41.53     796   normal
## 4109   46.54     796   normal
## 4110   51.55     796   normal
## 4111   56.56     796   normal
## 4112   61.57     796   normal
## 4113   66.58     796   normal
## 4114   71.59     796   normal
## 4115   76.61     796   normal
## 4116   81.62     796   normal
## 4117   86.63     796   normal
## 4118   91.64     796   normal
## 4119   96.65     796   normal
## 4120  101.66     796   normal
## 4121  106.67     796   normal
## 4122  111.68     796   normal
## 4123  116.69     796   normal
## 4124  121.71     796   normal
## 4125  126.72     796   normal
## 4126  131.73     796   normal
## 4127  136.74     796   normal
## 4128  141.75     796 chemical
## 4129  146.76     796 chemical
## 4130  151.77     796 chemical
## 4131  156.78     796 chemical
## 4132  161.79     796 chemical
## 4133  166.81     796 chemical
## 4134  171.82     796 chemical
## 4135  176.83     796    overt
## 4136  181.84     796    overt
## 4137  186.85     796    overt
## 4138  191.86     796    overt
## 4139  196.87     796    overt
## 4140  201.88     796    overt
## 4141  206.89     796    overt
## 4142  211.91     796    overt
## 4143  216.92     796    overt
## 4144  221.93     796    overt
## 4145  226.94     796    overt
## 4146  231.95     796    overt
## 4147  236.96     796    overt
## 4148  241.97     796    overt
## 4149  246.98     796    overt
## 4150  251.99     796    overt
## 4151  257.01     796    overt
## 4152  262.02     796    overt
## 4153  267.03     796    overt
## 4154  272.04     796    overt
## 4155  277.05     796    overt
## 4156  282.06     796    overt
## 4157  287.07     796    overt
## 4158  292.08     796    overt
## 4159  297.09     796    overt
## 4160  302.11     796    overt
## 4161  307.12     796    overt
## 4162  312.13     796    overt
## 4163  317.14     796    overt
## 4164  322.15     796    overt
## 4165  327.16     796    overt
## 4166  332.17     796    overt
## 4167  337.18     796    overt
## 4168  342.19     796    overt
## 4169  347.21     796    overt
## 4170  352.22     796    overt
## 4171  357.23     796    overt
## 4172  362.24     796    overt
## 4173  367.25     796    overt
## 4174  372.26     796    overt
## 4175  377.27     796    overt
## 4176  382.28     796    overt
## 4177  387.29     796    overt
## 4178  392.31     796    overt
## 4179  397.32     796    overt
## 4180  402.33     796    overt
## 4181  407.34     796    overt
## 4182  412.35     796    overt
## 4183  417.36     796    overt
## 4184  422.37     796    overt
## 4185  427.38     796    overt
## 4186  432.39     796    overt
## 4187  437.41     796    overt
## 4188  442.42     796    overt
## 4189  447.43     796    overt
## 4190  452.44     796    overt
## 4191  457.45     796    overt
## 4192  462.46     796    overt
## 4193  467.47     796    overt
## 4194  472.48     796    overt
## 4195  477.49     796    overt
## 4196  482.51     796    overt
## 4197  487.52     796    overt
## 4198  492.53     796    overt
## 4199  497.54     796    overt
## 4200  502.55     796    overt
## 4201    6.45     810   normal
## 4202   11.46     810   normal
## 4203   16.47     810   normal
## 4204   21.48     810   normal
## 4205   26.49     810   normal
## 4206   31.51     810   normal
## 4207   36.52     810   normal
## 4208   41.53     810   normal
## 4209   46.54     810   normal
## 4210   51.55     810   normal
## 4211   56.56     810   normal
## 4212   61.57     810   normal
## 4213   66.58     810   normal
## 4214   71.59     810   normal
## 4215   76.61     810   normal
## 4216   81.62     810   normal
## 4217   86.63     810   normal
## 4218   91.64     810   normal
## 4219   96.65     810   normal
## 4220  101.66     810   normal
## 4221  106.67     810   normal
## 4222  111.68     810   normal
## 4223  116.69     810   normal
## 4224  121.71     810   normal
## 4225  126.72     810   normal
## 4226  131.73     810    overt
## 4227  136.74     810    overt
## 4228  141.75     810    overt
## 4229  146.76     810    overt
## 4230  151.77     810    overt
## 4231  156.78     810    overt
## 4232  161.79     810    overt
## 4233  166.81     810    overt
## 4234  171.82     810    overt
## 4235  176.83     810    overt
## 4236  181.84     810    overt
## 4237  186.85     810    overt
## 4238  191.86     810    overt
## 4239  196.87     810    overt
## 4240  201.88     810    overt
## 4241  206.89     810    overt
## 4242  211.91     810    overt
## 4243  216.92     810    overt
## 4244  221.93     810    overt
## 4245  226.94     810    overt
## 4246  231.95     810    overt
## 4247  236.96     810    overt
## 4248  241.97     810    overt
## 4249  246.98     810    overt
## 4250  251.99     810    overt
## 4251  257.01     810    overt
## 4252  262.02     810    overt
## 4253  267.03     810    overt
## 4254  272.04     810    overt
## 4255  277.05     810    overt
## 4256  282.06     810    overt
## 4257  287.07     810    overt
## 4258  292.08     810    overt
## 4259  297.09     810    overt
## 4260  302.11     810    overt
## 4261  307.12     810    overt
## 4262  312.13     810    overt
## 4263  317.14     810    overt
## 4264  322.15     810    overt
## 4265  327.16     810    overt
## 4266  332.17     810    overt
## 4267  337.18     810    overt
## 4268  342.19     810    overt
## 4269  347.21     810    overt
## 4270  352.22     810    overt
## 4271  357.23     810    overt
## 4272  362.24     810    overt
## 4273  367.25     810    overt
## 4274  372.26     810    overt
## 4275  377.27     810    overt
## 4276  382.28     810    overt
## 4277  387.29     810    overt
## 4278  392.31     810    overt
## 4279  397.32     810    overt
## 4280  402.33     810    overt
## 4281  407.34     810    overt
## 4282  412.35     810    overt
## 4283  417.36     810    overt
## 4284  422.37     810    overt
## 4285  427.38     810    overt
## 4286  432.39     810    overt
## 4287  437.41     810    overt
## 4288  442.42     810    overt
## 4289  447.43     810    overt
## 4290  452.44     810    overt
## 4291  457.45     810    overt
## 4292  462.46     810    overt
## 4293  467.47     810    overt
## 4294  472.48     810    overt
## 4295  477.49     810    overt
## 4296  482.51     810    overt
## 4297  487.52     810    overt
## 4298  492.53     810    overt
## 4299  497.54     810    overt
## 4300  502.55     810    overt
## 4301    6.45     825   normal
## 4302   11.46     825   normal
## 4303   16.47     825   normal
## 4304   21.48     825   normal
## 4305   26.49     825   normal
## 4306   31.51     825   normal
## 4307   36.52     825   normal
## 4308   41.53     825   normal
## 4309   46.54     825   normal
## 4310   51.55     825   normal
## 4311   56.56     825   normal
## 4312   61.57     825   normal
## 4313   66.58     825   normal
## 4314   71.59     825   normal
## 4315   76.61     825   normal
## 4316   81.62     825   normal
## 4317   86.63     825   normal
## 4318   91.64     825   normal
## 4319   96.65     825   normal
## 4320  101.66     825   normal
## 4321  106.67     825   normal
## 4322  111.68     825   normal
## 4323  116.69     825    overt
## 4324  121.71     825    overt
## 4325  126.72     825    overt
## 4326  131.73     825    overt
## 4327  136.74     825    overt
## 4328  141.75     825    overt
## 4329  146.76     825    overt
## 4330  151.77     825    overt
## 4331  156.78     825    overt
## 4332  161.79     825    overt
## 4333  166.81     825    overt
## 4334  171.82     825    overt
## 4335  176.83     825    overt
## 4336  181.84     825    overt
## 4337  186.85     825    overt
## 4338  191.86     825    overt
## 4339  196.87     825    overt
## 4340  201.88     825    overt
## 4341  206.89     825    overt
## 4342  211.91     825    overt
## 4343  216.92     825    overt
## 4344  221.93     825    overt
## 4345  226.94     825    overt
## 4346  231.95     825    overt
## 4347  236.96     825    overt
## 4348  241.97     825    overt
## 4349  246.98     825    overt
## 4350  251.99     825    overt
## 4351  257.01     825    overt
## 4352  262.02     825    overt
## 4353  267.03     825    overt
## 4354  272.04     825    overt
## 4355  277.05     825    overt
## 4356  282.06     825    overt
## 4357  287.07     825    overt
## 4358  292.08     825    overt
## 4359  297.09     825    overt
## 4360  302.11     825    overt
## 4361  307.12     825    overt
## 4362  312.13     825    overt
## 4363  317.14     825    overt
## 4364  322.15     825    overt
## 4365  327.16     825    overt
## 4366  332.17     825    overt
## 4367  337.18     825    overt
## 4368  342.19     825    overt
## 4369  347.21     825    overt
## 4370  352.22     825    overt
## 4371  357.23     825    overt
## 4372  362.24     825    overt
## 4373  367.25     825    overt
## 4374  372.26     825    overt
## 4375  377.27     825    overt
## 4376  382.28     825    overt
## 4377  387.29     825    overt
## 4378  392.31     825    overt
## 4379  397.32     825    overt
## 4380  402.33     825    overt
## 4381  407.34     825    overt
## 4382  412.35     825    overt
## 4383  417.36     825    overt
## 4384  422.37     825    overt
## 4385  427.38     825    overt
## 4386  432.39     825    overt
## 4387  437.41     825    overt
## 4388  442.42     825    overt
## 4389  447.43     825    overt
## 4390  452.44     825    overt
## 4391  457.45     825    overt
## 4392  462.46     825    overt
## 4393  467.47     825    overt
## 4394  472.48     825    overt
## 4395  477.49     825    overt
## 4396  482.51     825    overt
## 4397  487.52     825    overt
## 4398  492.53     825    overt
## 4399  497.54     825    overt
## 4400  502.55     825    overt
## 4401    6.45     839   normal
## 4402   11.46     839   normal
## 4403   16.47     839   normal
## 4404   21.48     839   normal
## 4405   26.49     839   normal
## 4406   31.51     839   normal
## 4407   36.52     839   normal
## 4408   41.53     839   normal
## 4409   46.54     839   normal
## 4410   51.55     839   normal
## 4411   56.56     839   normal
## 4412   61.57     839   normal
## 4413   66.58     839   normal
## 4414   71.59     839   normal
## 4415   76.61     839   normal
## 4416   81.62     839   normal
## 4417   86.63     839   normal
## 4418   91.64     839   normal
## 4419   96.65     839   normal
## 4420  101.66     839    overt
## 4421  106.67     839    overt
## 4422  111.68     839    overt
## 4423  116.69     839    overt
## 4424  121.71     839    overt
## 4425  126.72     839    overt
## 4426  131.73     839    overt
## 4427  136.74     839    overt
## 4428  141.75     839    overt
## 4429  146.76     839    overt
## 4430  151.77     839    overt
## 4431  156.78     839    overt
## 4432  161.79     839    overt
## 4433  166.81     839    overt
## 4434  171.82     839    overt
## 4435  176.83     839    overt
## 4436  181.84     839    overt
## 4437  186.85     839    overt
## 4438  191.86     839    overt
## 4439  196.87     839    overt
## 4440  201.88     839    overt
## 4441  206.89     839    overt
## 4442  211.91     839    overt
## 4443  216.92     839    overt
## 4444  221.93     839    overt
## 4445  226.94     839    overt
## 4446  231.95     839    overt
## 4447  236.96     839    overt
## 4448  241.97     839    overt
## 4449  246.98     839    overt
## 4450  251.99     839    overt
## 4451  257.01     839    overt
## 4452  262.02     839    overt
## 4453  267.03     839    overt
## 4454  272.04     839    overt
## 4455  277.05     839    overt
## 4456  282.06     839    overt
## 4457  287.07     839    overt
## 4458  292.08     839    overt
## 4459  297.09     839    overt
## 4460  302.11     839    overt
## 4461  307.12     839    overt
## 4462  312.13     839    overt
## 4463  317.14     839    overt
## 4464  322.15     839    overt
## 4465  327.16     839    overt
## 4466  332.17     839    overt
## 4467  337.18     839    overt
## 4468  342.19     839    overt
## 4469  347.21     839    overt
## 4470  352.22     839    overt
## 4471  357.23     839    overt
## 4472  362.24     839    overt
## 4473  367.25     839    overt
## 4474  372.26     839    overt
## 4475  377.27     839    overt
## 4476  382.28     839    overt
## 4477  387.29     839    overt
## 4478  392.31     839    overt
## 4479  397.32     839    overt
## 4480  402.33     839    overt
## 4481  407.34     839    overt
## 4482  412.35     839    overt
## 4483  417.36     839    overt
## 4484  422.37     839    overt
## 4485  427.38     839    overt
## 4486  432.39     839    overt
## 4487  437.41     839    overt
## 4488  442.42     839    overt
## 4489  447.43     839    overt
## 4490  452.44     839    overt
## 4491  457.45     839    overt
## 4492  462.46     839    overt
## 4493  467.47     839    overt
## 4494  472.48     839    overt
## 4495  477.49     839    overt
## 4496  482.51     839    overt
## 4497  487.52     839    overt
## 4498  492.53     839    overt
## 4499  497.54     839    overt
## 4500  502.55     839    overt
## 4501    6.45     854   normal
## 4502   11.46     854   normal
## 4503   16.47     854   normal
## 4504   21.48     854   normal
## 4505   26.49     854   normal
## 4506   31.51     854   normal
## 4507   36.52     854   normal
## 4508   41.53     854   normal
## 4509   46.54     854   normal
## 4510   51.55     854   normal
## 4511   56.56     854   normal
## 4512   61.57     854   normal
## 4513   66.58     854   normal
## 4514   71.59     854   normal
## 4515   76.61     854   normal
## 4516   81.62     854   normal
## 4517   86.63     854    overt
## 4518   91.64     854    overt
## 4519   96.65     854    overt
## 4520  101.66     854    overt
## 4521  106.67     854    overt
## 4522  111.68     854    overt
## 4523  116.69     854    overt
## 4524  121.71     854    overt
## 4525  126.72     854    overt
## 4526  131.73     854    overt
## 4527  136.74     854    overt
## 4528  141.75     854    overt
## 4529  146.76     854    overt
## 4530  151.77     854    overt
## 4531  156.78     854    overt
## 4532  161.79     854    overt
## 4533  166.81     854    overt
## 4534  171.82     854    overt
## 4535  176.83     854    overt
## 4536  181.84     854    overt
## 4537  186.85     854    overt
## 4538  191.86     854    overt
## 4539  196.87     854    overt
## 4540  201.88     854    overt
## 4541  206.89     854    overt
## 4542  211.91     854    overt
## 4543  216.92     854    overt
## 4544  221.93     854    overt
## 4545  226.94     854    overt
## 4546  231.95     854    overt
## 4547  236.96     854    overt
## 4548  241.97     854    overt
## 4549  246.98     854    overt
## 4550  251.99     854    overt
## 4551  257.01     854    overt
## 4552  262.02     854    overt
## 4553  267.03     854    overt
## 4554  272.04     854    overt
## 4555  277.05     854    overt
## 4556  282.06     854    overt
## 4557  287.07     854    overt
## 4558  292.08     854    overt
## 4559  297.09     854    overt
## 4560  302.11     854    overt
## 4561  307.12     854    overt
## 4562  312.13     854    overt
## 4563  317.14     854    overt
## 4564  322.15     854    overt
## 4565  327.16     854    overt
## 4566  332.17     854    overt
## 4567  337.18     854    overt
## 4568  342.19     854    overt
## 4569  347.21     854    overt
## 4570  352.22     854    overt
## 4571  357.23     854    overt
## 4572  362.24     854    overt
## 4573  367.25     854    overt
## 4574  372.26     854    overt
## 4575  377.27     854    overt
## 4576  382.28     854    overt
## 4577  387.29     854    overt
## 4578  392.31     854    overt
## 4579  397.32     854    overt
## 4580  402.33     854    overt
## 4581  407.34     854    overt
## 4582  412.35     854    overt
## 4583  417.36     854    overt
## 4584  422.37     854    overt
## 4585  427.38     854    overt
## 4586  432.39     854    overt
## 4587  437.41     854    overt
## 4588  442.42     854    overt
## 4589  447.43     854    overt
## 4590  452.44     854    overt
## 4591  457.45     854    overt
## 4592  462.46     854    overt
## 4593  467.47     854    overt
## 4594  472.48     854    overt
## 4595  477.49     854    overt
## 4596  482.51     854    overt
## 4597  487.52     854    overt
## 4598  492.53     854    overt
## 4599  497.54     854    overt
## 4600  502.55     854    overt
## 4601    6.45     868   normal
## 4602   11.46     868   normal
## 4603   16.47     868   normal
## 4604   21.48     868   normal
## 4605   26.49     868   normal
## 4606   31.51     868   normal
## 4607   36.52     868   normal
## 4608   41.53     868   normal
## 4609   46.54     868   normal
## 4610   51.55     868   normal
## 4611   56.56     868   normal
## 4612   61.57     868   normal
## 4613   66.58     868   normal
## 4614   71.59     868    overt
## 4615   76.61     868    overt
## 4616   81.62     868    overt
## 4617   86.63     868    overt
## 4618   91.64     868    overt
## 4619   96.65     868    overt
## 4620  101.66     868    overt
## 4621  106.67     868    overt
## 4622  111.68     868    overt
## 4623  116.69     868    overt
## 4624  121.71     868    overt
## 4625  126.72     868    overt
## 4626  131.73     868    overt
## 4627  136.74     868    overt
## 4628  141.75     868    overt
## 4629  146.76     868    overt
## 4630  151.77     868    overt
## 4631  156.78     868    overt
## 4632  161.79     868    overt
## 4633  166.81     868    overt
## 4634  171.82     868    overt
## 4635  176.83     868    overt
## 4636  181.84     868    overt
## 4637  186.85     868    overt
## 4638  191.86     868    overt
## 4639  196.87     868    overt
## 4640  201.88     868    overt
## 4641  206.89     868    overt
## 4642  211.91     868    overt
## 4643  216.92     868    overt
## 4644  221.93     868    overt
## 4645  226.94     868    overt
## 4646  231.95     868    overt
## 4647  236.96     868    overt
## 4648  241.97     868    overt
## 4649  246.98     868    overt
## 4650  251.99     868    overt
## 4651  257.01     868    overt
## 4652  262.02     868    overt
## 4653  267.03     868    overt
## 4654  272.04     868    overt
## 4655  277.05     868    overt
## 4656  282.06     868    overt
## 4657  287.07     868    overt
## 4658  292.08     868    overt
## 4659  297.09     868    overt
## 4660  302.11     868    overt
## 4661  307.12     868    overt
## 4662  312.13     868    overt
## 4663  317.14     868    overt
## 4664  322.15     868    overt
## 4665  327.16     868    overt
## 4666  332.17     868    overt
## 4667  337.18     868    overt
## 4668  342.19     868    overt
## 4669  347.21     868    overt
## 4670  352.22     868    overt
## 4671  357.23     868    overt
## 4672  362.24     868    overt
## 4673  367.25     868    overt
## 4674  372.26     868    overt
## 4675  377.27     868    overt
## 4676  382.28     868    overt
## 4677  387.29     868    overt
## 4678  392.31     868    overt
## 4679  397.32     868    overt
## 4680  402.33     868    overt
## 4681  407.34     868    overt
## 4682  412.35     868    overt
## 4683  417.36     868    overt
## 4684  422.37     868    overt
## 4685  427.38     868    overt
## 4686  432.39     868    overt
## 4687  437.41     868    overt
## 4688  442.42     868    overt
## 4689  447.43     868    overt
## 4690  452.44     868    overt
## 4691  457.45     868    overt
## 4692  462.46     868    overt
## 4693  467.47     868    overt
## 4694  472.48     868    overt
## 4695  477.49     868    overt
## 4696  482.51     868    overt
## 4697  487.52     868    overt
## 4698  492.53     868    overt
## 4699  497.54     868    overt
## 4700  502.55     868    overt
## 4701    6.45     882   normal
## 4702   11.46     882   normal
## 4703   16.47     882   normal
## 4704   21.48     882   normal
## 4705   26.49     882   normal
## 4706   31.51     882   normal
## 4707   36.52     882   normal
## 4708   41.53     882   normal
## 4709   46.54     882   normal
## 4710   51.55     882   normal
## 4711   56.56     882    overt
## 4712   61.57     882    overt
## 4713   66.58     882    overt
## 4714   71.59     882    overt
## 4715   76.61     882    overt
## 4716   81.62     882    overt
## 4717   86.63     882    overt
## 4718   91.64     882    overt
## 4719   96.65     882    overt
## 4720  101.66     882    overt
## 4721  106.67     882    overt
## 4722  111.68     882    overt
## 4723  116.69     882    overt
## 4724  121.71     882    overt
## 4725  126.72     882    overt
## 4726  131.73     882    overt
## 4727  136.74     882    overt
## 4728  141.75     882    overt
## 4729  146.76     882    overt
## 4730  151.77     882    overt
## 4731  156.78     882    overt
## 4732  161.79     882    overt
## 4733  166.81     882    overt
## 4734  171.82     882    overt
## 4735  176.83     882    overt
## 4736  181.84     882    overt
## 4737  186.85     882    overt
## 4738  191.86     882    overt
## 4739  196.87     882    overt
## 4740  201.88     882    overt
## 4741  206.89     882    overt
## 4742  211.91     882    overt
## 4743  216.92     882    overt
## 4744  221.93     882    overt
## 4745  226.94     882    overt
## 4746  231.95     882    overt
## 4747  236.96     882    overt
## 4748  241.97     882    overt
## 4749  246.98     882    overt
## 4750  251.99     882    overt
## 4751  257.01     882    overt
## 4752  262.02     882    overt
## 4753  267.03     882    overt
## 4754  272.04     882    overt
## 4755  277.05     882    overt
## 4756  282.06     882    overt
## 4757  287.07     882    overt
## 4758  292.08     882    overt
## 4759  297.09     882    overt
## 4760  302.11     882    overt
## 4761  307.12     882    overt
## 4762  312.13     882    overt
## 4763  317.14     882    overt
## 4764  322.15     882    overt
## 4765  327.16     882    overt
## 4766  332.17     882    overt
## 4767  337.18     882    overt
## 4768  342.19     882    overt
## 4769  347.21     882    overt
## 4770  352.22     882    overt
## 4771  357.23     882    overt
## 4772  362.24     882    overt
## 4773  367.25     882    overt
## 4774  372.26     882    overt
## 4775  377.27     882    overt
## 4776  382.28     882    overt
## 4777  387.29     882    overt
## 4778  392.31     882    overt
## 4779  397.32     882    overt
## 4780  402.33     882    overt
## 4781  407.34     882    overt
## 4782  412.35     882    overt
## 4783  417.36     882    overt
## 4784  422.37     882    overt
## 4785  427.38     882    overt
## 4786  432.39     882    overt
## 4787  437.41     882    overt
## 4788  442.42     882    overt
## 4789  447.43     882    overt
## 4790  452.44     882    overt
## 4791  457.45     882    overt
## 4792  462.46     882    overt
## 4793  467.47     882    overt
## 4794  472.48     882    overt
## 4795  477.49     882    overt
## 4796  482.51     882    overt
## 4797  487.52     882    overt
## 4798  492.53     882    overt
## 4799  497.54     882    overt
## 4800  502.55     882    overt
## 4801    6.45     897   normal
## 4802   11.46     897   normal
## 4803   16.47     897   normal
## 4804   21.48     897   normal
## 4805   26.49     897   normal
## 4806   31.51     897   normal
## 4807   36.52     897   normal
## 4808   41.53     897    overt
## 4809   46.54     897    overt
## 4810   51.55     897    overt
## 4811   56.56     897    overt
## 4812   61.57     897    overt
## 4813   66.58     897    overt
## 4814   71.59     897    overt
## 4815   76.61     897    overt
## 4816   81.62     897    overt
## 4817   86.63     897    overt
## 4818   91.64     897    overt
## 4819   96.65     897    overt
## 4820  101.66     897    overt
## 4821  106.67     897    overt
## 4822  111.68     897    overt
## 4823  116.69     897    overt
## 4824  121.71     897    overt
## 4825  126.72     897    overt
## 4826  131.73     897    overt
## 4827  136.74     897    overt
## 4828  141.75     897    overt
## 4829  146.76     897    overt
## 4830  151.77     897    overt
## 4831  156.78     897    overt
## 4832  161.79     897    overt
## 4833  166.81     897    overt
## 4834  171.82     897    overt
## 4835  176.83     897    overt
## 4836  181.84     897    overt
## 4837  186.85     897    overt
## 4838  191.86     897    overt
## 4839  196.87     897    overt
## 4840  201.88     897    overt
## 4841  206.89     897    overt
## 4842  211.91     897    overt
## 4843  216.92     897    overt
## 4844  221.93     897    overt
## 4845  226.94     897    overt
## 4846  231.95     897    overt
## 4847  236.96     897    overt
## 4848  241.97     897    overt
## 4849  246.98     897    overt
## 4850  251.99     897    overt
## 4851  257.01     897    overt
## 4852  262.02     897    overt
## 4853  267.03     897    overt
## 4854  272.04     897    overt
## 4855  277.05     897    overt
## 4856  282.06     897    overt
## 4857  287.07     897    overt
## 4858  292.08     897    overt
## 4859  297.09     897    overt
## 4860  302.11     897    overt
## 4861  307.12     897    overt
## 4862  312.13     897    overt
## 4863  317.14     897    overt
## 4864  322.15     897    overt
## 4865  327.16     897    overt
## 4866  332.17     897    overt
## 4867  337.18     897    overt
## 4868  342.19     897    overt
## 4869  347.21     897    overt
## 4870  352.22     897    overt
## 4871  357.23     897    overt
## 4872  362.24     897    overt
## 4873  367.25     897    overt
## 4874  372.26     897    overt
## 4875  377.27     897    overt
## 4876  382.28     897    overt
## 4877  387.29     897    overt
## 4878  392.31     897    overt
## 4879  397.32     897    overt
## 4880  402.33     897    overt
## 4881  407.34     897    overt
## 4882  412.35     897    overt
## 4883  417.36     897    overt
## 4884  422.37     897    overt
## 4885  427.38     897    overt
## 4886  432.39     897    overt
## 4887  437.41     897    overt
## 4888  442.42     897    overt
## 4889  447.43     897    overt
## 4890  452.44     897    overt
## 4891  457.45     897    overt
## 4892  462.46     897    overt
## 4893  467.47     897    overt
## 4894  472.48     897    overt
## 4895  477.49     897    overt
## 4896  482.51     897    overt
## 4897  487.52     897    overt
## 4898  492.53     897    overt
## 4899  497.54     897    overt
## 4900  502.55     897    overt
## 4901    6.45     911   normal
## 4902   11.46     911   normal
## 4903   16.47     911   normal
## 4904   21.48     911   normal
## 4905   26.49     911    overt
## 4906   31.51     911    overt
## 4907   36.52     911    overt
## 4908   41.53     911    overt
## 4909   46.54     911    overt
## 4910   51.55     911    overt
## 4911   56.56     911    overt
## 4912   61.57     911    overt
## 4913   66.58     911    overt
## 4914   71.59     911    overt
## 4915   76.61     911    overt
## 4916   81.62     911    overt
## 4917   86.63     911    overt
## 4918   91.64     911    overt
## 4919   96.65     911    overt
## 4920  101.66     911    overt
## 4921  106.67     911    overt
## 4922  111.68     911    overt
## 4923  116.69     911    overt
## 4924  121.71     911    overt
## 4925  126.72     911    overt
## 4926  131.73     911    overt
## 4927  136.74     911    overt
## 4928  141.75     911    overt
## 4929  146.76     911    overt
## 4930  151.77     911    overt
## 4931  156.78     911    overt
## 4932  161.79     911    overt
## 4933  166.81     911    overt
## 4934  171.82     911    overt
## 4935  176.83     911    overt
## 4936  181.84     911    overt
## 4937  186.85     911    overt
## 4938  191.86     911    overt
## 4939  196.87     911    overt
## 4940  201.88     911    overt
## 4941  206.89     911    overt
## 4942  211.91     911    overt
## 4943  216.92     911    overt
## 4944  221.93     911    overt
## 4945  226.94     911    overt
## 4946  231.95     911    overt
## 4947  236.96     911    overt
## 4948  241.97     911    overt
## 4949  246.98     911    overt
## 4950  251.99     911    overt
## 4951  257.01     911    overt
## 4952  262.02     911    overt
## 4953  267.03     911    overt
## 4954  272.04     911    overt
## 4955  277.05     911    overt
## 4956  282.06     911    overt
## 4957  287.07     911    overt
## 4958  292.08     911    overt
## 4959  297.09     911    overt
## 4960  302.11     911    overt
## 4961  307.12     911    overt
## 4962  312.13     911    overt
## 4963  317.14     911    overt
## 4964  322.15     911    overt
## 4965  327.16     911    overt
## 4966  332.17     911    overt
## 4967  337.18     911    overt
## 4968  342.19     911    overt
## 4969  347.21     911    overt
## 4970  352.22     911    overt
## 4971  357.23     911    overt
## 4972  362.24     911    overt
## 4973  367.25     911    overt
## 4974  372.26     911    overt
## 4975  377.27     911    overt
## 4976  382.28     911    overt
## 4977  387.29     911    overt
## 4978  392.31     911    overt
## 4979  397.32     911    overt
## 4980  402.33     911    overt
## 4981  407.34     911    overt
## 4982  412.35     911    overt
## 4983  417.36     911    overt
## 4984  422.37     911    overt
## 4985  427.38     911    overt
## 4986  432.39     911    overt
## 4987  437.41     911    overt
## 4988  442.42     911    overt
## 4989  447.43     911    overt
## 4990  452.44     911    overt
## 4991  457.45     911    overt
## 4992  462.46     911    overt
## 4993  467.47     911    overt
## 4994  472.48     911    overt
## 4995  477.49     911    overt
## 4996  482.51     911    overt
## 4997  487.52     911    overt
## 4998  492.53     911    overt
## 4999  497.54     911    overt
## 5000  502.55     911    overt
## 5001    6.45     926   normal
## 5002   11.46     926    overt
## 5003   16.47     926    overt
## 5004   21.48     926    overt
## 5005   26.49     926    overt
## 5006   31.51     926    overt
## 5007   36.52     926    overt
## 5008   41.53     926    overt
## 5009   46.54     926    overt
## 5010   51.55     926    overt
## 5011   56.56     926    overt
## 5012   61.57     926    overt
## 5013   66.58     926    overt
## 5014   71.59     926    overt
## 5015   76.61     926    overt
## 5016   81.62     926    overt
## 5017   86.63     926    overt
## 5018   91.64     926    overt
## 5019   96.65     926    overt
## 5020  101.66     926    overt
## 5021  106.67     926    overt
## 5022  111.68     926    overt
## 5023  116.69     926    overt
## 5024  121.71     926    overt
## 5025  126.72     926    overt
## 5026  131.73     926    overt
## 5027  136.74     926    overt
## 5028  141.75     926    overt
## 5029  146.76     926    overt
## 5030  151.77     926    overt
## 5031  156.78     926    overt
## 5032  161.79     926    overt
## 5033  166.81     926    overt
## 5034  171.82     926    overt
## 5035  176.83     926    overt
## 5036  181.84     926    overt
## 5037  186.85     926    overt
## 5038  191.86     926    overt
## 5039  196.87     926    overt
## 5040  201.88     926    overt
## 5041  206.89     926    overt
## 5042  211.91     926    overt
## 5043  216.92     926    overt
## 5044  221.93     926    overt
## 5045  226.94     926    overt
## 5046  231.95     926    overt
## 5047  236.96     926    overt
## 5048  241.97     926    overt
## 5049  246.98     926    overt
## 5050  251.99     926    overt
## 5051  257.01     926    overt
## 5052  262.02     926    overt
## 5053  267.03     926    overt
## 5054  272.04     926    overt
## 5055  277.05     926    overt
## 5056  282.06     926    overt
## 5057  287.07     926    overt
## 5058  292.08     926    overt
## 5059  297.09     926    overt
## 5060  302.11     926    overt
## 5061  307.12     926    overt
## 5062  312.13     926    overt
## 5063  317.14     926    overt
## 5064  322.15     926    overt
## 5065  327.16     926    overt
## 5066  332.17     926    overt
## 5067  337.18     926    overt
## 5068  342.19     926    overt
## 5069  347.21     926    overt
## 5070  352.22     926    overt
## 5071  357.23     926    overt
## 5072  362.24     926    overt
## 5073  367.25     926    overt
## 5074  372.26     926    overt
## 5075  377.27     926    overt
## 5076  382.28     926    overt
## 5077  387.29     926    overt
## 5078  392.31     926    overt
## 5079  397.32     926    overt
## 5080  402.33     926    overt
## 5081  407.34     926    overt
## 5082  412.35     926    overt
## 5083  417.36     926    overt
## 5084  422.37     926    overt
## 5085  427.38     926    overt
## 5086  432.39     926    overt
## 5087  437.41     926    overt
## 5088  442.42     926    overt
## 5089  447.43     926    overt
## 5090  452.44     926    overt
## 5091  457.45     926    overt
## 5092  462.46     926    overt
## 5093  467.47     926    overt
## 5094  472.48     926    overt
## 5095  477.49     926    overt
## 5096  482.51     926    overt
## 5097  487.52     926    overt
## 5098  492.53     926    overt
## 5099  497.54     926    overt
## 5100  502.55     926    overt
## 5101    6.45     940    overt
## 5102   11.46     940    overt
## 5103   16.47     940    overt
## 5104   21.48     940    overt
## 5105   26.49     940    overt
## 5106   31.51     940    overt
## 5107   36.52     940    overt
## 5108   41.53     940    overt
## 5109   46.54     940    overt
## 5110   51.55     940    overt
## 5111   56.56     940    overt
## 5112   61.57     940    overt
## 5113   66.58     940    overt
## 5114   71.59     940    overt
## 5115   76.61     940    overt
## 5116   81.62     940    overt
## 5117   86.63     940    overt
## 5118   91.64     940    overt
## 5119   96.65     940    overt
## 5120  101.66     940    overt
## 5121  106.67     940    overt
## 5122  111.68     940    overt
## 5123  116.69     940    overt
## 5124  121.71     940    overt
## 5125  126.72     940    overt
## 5126  131.73     940    overt
## 5127  136.74     940    overt
## 5128  141.75     940    overt
## 5129  146.76     940    overt
## 5130  151.77     940    overt
## 5131  156.78     940    overt
## 5132  161.79     940    overt
## 5133  166.81     940    overt
## 5134  171.82     940    overt
## 5135  176.83     940    overt
## 5136  181.84     940    overt
## 5137  186.85     940    overt
## 5138  191.86     940    overt
## 5139  196.87     940    overt
## 5140  201.88     940    overt
## 5141  206.89     940    overt
## 5142  211.91     940    overt
## 5143  216.92     940    overt
## 5144  221.93     940    overt
## 5145  226.94     940    overt
## 5146  231.95     940    overt
## 5147  236.96     940    overt
## 5148  241.97     940    overt
## 5149  246.98     940    overt
## 5150  251.99     940    overt
## 5151  257.01     940    overt
## 5152  262.02     940    overt
## 5153  267.03     940    overt
## 5154  272.04     940    overt
## 5155  277.05     940    overt
## 5156  282.06     940    overt
## 5157  287.07     940    overt
## 5158  292.08     940    overt
## 5159  297.09     940    overt
## 5160  302.11     940    overt
## 5161  307.12     940    overt
## 5162  312.13     940    overt
## 5163  317.14     940    overt
## 5164  322.15     940    overt
## 5165  327.16     940    overt
## 5166  332.17     940    overt
## 5167  337.18     940    overt
## 5168  342.19     940    overt
## 5169  347.21     940    overt
## 5170  352.22     940    overt
## 5171  357.23     940    overt
## 5172  362.24     940    overt
## 5173  367.25     940    overt
## 5174  372.26     940    overt
## 5175  377.27     940    overt
## 5176  382.28     940    overt
## 5177  387.29     940    overt
## 5178  392.31     940    overt
## 5179  397.32     940    overt
## 5180  402.33     940    overt
## 5181  407.34     940    overt
## 5182  412.35     940    overt
## 5183  417.36     940    overt
## 5184  422.37     940    overt
## 5185  427.38     940    overt
## 5186  432.39     940    overt
## 5187  437.41     940    overt
## 5188  442.42     940    overt
## 5189  447.43     940    overt
## 5190  452.44     940    overt
## 5191  457.45     940    overt
## 5192  462.46     940    overt
## 5193  467.47     940    overt
## 5194  472.48     940    overt
## 5195  477.49     940    overt
## 5196  482.51     940    overt
## 5197  487.52     940    overt
## 5198  492.53     940    overt
## 5199  497.54     940    overt
## 5200  502.55     940    overt
## 5201    6.45     955    overt
## 5202   11.46     955    overt
## 5203   16.47     955    overt
## 5204   21.48     955    overt
## 5205   26.49     955    overt
## 5206   31.51     955    overt
## 5207   36.52     955    overt
## 5208   41.53     955    overt
## 5209   46.54     955    overt
## 5210   51.55     955    overt
## 5211   56.56     955    overt
## 5212   61.57     955    overt
## 5213   66.58     955    overt
## 5214   71.59     955    overt
## 5215   76.61     955    overt
## 5216   81.62     955    overt
## 5217   86.63     955    overt
## 5218   91.64     955    overt
## 5219   96.65     955    overt
## 5220  101.66     955    overt
## 5221  106.67     955    overt
## 5222  111.68     955    overt
## 5223  116.69     955    overt
## 5224  121.71     955    overt
## 5225  126.72     955    overt
## 5226  131.73     955    overt
## 5227  136.74     955    overt
## 5228  141.75     955    overt
## 5229  146.76     955    overt
## 5230  151.77     955    overt
## 5231  156.78     955    overt
## 5232  161.79     955    overt
## 5233  166.81     955    overt
## 5234  171.82     955    overt
## 5235  176.83     955    overt
## 5236  181.84     955    overt
## 5237  186.85     955    overt
## 5238  191.86     955    overt
## 5239  196.87     955    overt
## 5240  201.88     955    overt
## 5241  206.89     955    overt
## 5242  211.91     955    overt
## 5243  216.92     955    overt
## 5244  221.93     955    overt
## 5245  226.94     955    overt
## 5246  231.95     955    overt
## 5247  236.96     955    overt
## 5248  241.97     955    overt
## 5249  246.98     955    overt
## 5250  251.99     955    overt
## 5251  257.01     955    overt
## 5252  262.02     955    overt
## 5253  267.03     955    overt
## 5254  272.04     955    overt
## 5255  277.05     955    overt
## 5256  282.06     955    overt
## 5257  287.07     955    overt
## 5258  292.08     955    overt
## 5259  297.09     955    overt
## 5260  302.11     955    overt
## 5261  307.12     955    overt
## 5262  312.13     955    overt
## 5263  317.14     955    overt
## 5264  322.15     955    overt
## 5265  327.16     955    overt
## 5266  332.17     955    overt
## 5267  337.18     955    overt
## 5268  342.19     955    overt
## 5269  347.21     955    overt
## 5270  352.22     955    overt
## 5271  357.23     955    overt
## 5272  362.24     955    overt
## 5273  367.25     955    overt
## 5274  372.26     955    overt
## 5275  377.27     955    overt
## 5276  382.28     955    overt
## 5277  387.29     955    overt
## 5278  392.31     955    overt
## 5279  397.32     955    overt
## 5280  402.33     955    overt
## 5281  407.34     955    overt
## 5282  412.35     955    overt
## 5283  417.36     955    overt
## 5284  422.37     955    overt
## 5285  427.38     955    overt
## 5286  432.39     955    overt
## 5287  437.41     955    overt
## 5288  442.42     955    overt
## 5289  447.43     955    overt
## 5290  452.44     955    overt
## 5291  457.45     955    overt
## 5292  462.46     955    overt
## 5293  467.47     955    overt
## 5294  472.48     955    overt
## 5295  477.49     955    overt
## 5296  482.51     955    overt
## 5297  487.52     955    overt
## 5298  492.53     955    overt
## 5299  497.54     955    overt
## 5300  502.55     955    overt
## 5301    6.45     969    overt
## 5302   11.46     969    overt
## 5303   16.47     969    overt
## 5304   21.48     969    overt
## 5305   26.49     969    overt
## 5306   31.51     969    overt
## 5307   36.52     969    overt
## 5308   41.53     969    overt
## 5309   46.54     969    overt
## 5310   51.55     969    overt
## 5311   56.56     969    overt
## 5312   61.57     969    overt
## 5313   66.58     969    overt
## 5314   71.59     969    overt
## 5315   76.61     969    overt
## 5316   81.62     969    overt
## 5317   86.63     969    overt
## 5318   91.64     969    overt
## 5319   96.65     969    overt
## 5320  101.66     969    overt
## 5321  106.67     969    overt
## 5322  111.68     969    overt
## 5323  116.69     969    overt
## 5324  121.71     969    overt
## 5325  126.72     969    overt
## 5326  131.73     969    overt
## 5327  136.74     969    overt
## 5328  141.75     969    overt
## 5329  146.76     969    overt
## 5330  151.77     969    overt
## 5331  156.78     969    overt
## 5332  161.79     969    overt
## 5333  166.81     969    overt
## 5334  171.82     969    overt
## 5335  176.83     969    overt
## 5336  181.84     969    overt
## 5337  186.85     969    overt
## 5338  191.86     969    overt
## 5339  196.87     969    overt
## 5340  201.88     969    overt
## 5341  206.89     969    overt
## 5342  211.91     969    overt
## 5343  216.92     969    overt
## 5344  221.93     969    overt
## 5345  226.94     969    overt
## 5346  231.95     969    overt
## 5347  236.96     969    overt
## 5348  241.97     969    overt
## 5349  246.98     969    overt
## 5350  251.99     969    overt
## 5351  257.01     969    overt
## 5352  262.02     969    overt
## 5353  267.03     969    overt
## 5354  272.04     969    overt
## 5355  277.05     969    overt
## 5356  282.06     969    overt
## 5357  287.07     969    overt
## 5358  292.08     969    overt
## 5359  297.09     969    overt
## 5360  302.11     969    overt
## 5361  307.12     969    overt
## 5362  312.13     969    overt
## 5363  317.14     969    overt
## 5364  322.15     969    overt
## 5365  327.16     969    overt
## 5366  332.17     969    overt
## 5367  337.18     969    overt
## 5368  342.19     969    overt
## 5369  347.21     969    overt
## 5370  352.22     969    overt
## 5371  357.23     969    overt
## 5372  362.24     969    overt
## 5373  367.25     969    overt
## 5374  372.26     969    overt
## 5375  377.27     969    overt
## 5376  382.28     969    overt
## 5377  387.29     969    overt
## 5378  392.31     969    overt
## 5379  397.32     969    overt
## 5380  402.33     969    overt
## 5381  407.34     969    overt
## 5382  412.35     969    overt
## 5383  417.36     969    overt
## 5384  422.37     969    overt
## 5385  427.38     969    overt
## 5386  432.39     969    overt
## 5387  437.41     969    overt
## 5388  442.42     969    overt
## 5389  447.43     969    overt
## 5390  452.44     969    overt
## 5391  457.45     969    overt
## 5392  462.46     969    overt
## 5393  467.47     969    overt
## 5394  472.48     969    overt
## 5395  477.49     969    overt
## 5396  482.51     969    overt
## 5397  487.52     969    overt
## 5398  492.53     969    overt
## 5399  497.54     969    overt
## 5400  502.55     969    overt
## 5401    6.45     983    overt
## 5402   11.46     983    overt
## 5403   16.47     983    overt
## 5404   21.48     983    overt
## 5405   26.49     983    overt
## 5406   31.51     983    overt
## 5407   36.52     983    overt
## 5408   41.53     983    overt
## 5409   46.54     983    overt
## 5410   51.55     983    overt
## 5411   56.56     983    overt
## 5412   61.57     983    overt
## 5413   66.58     983    overt
## 5414   71.59     983    overt
## 5415   76.61     983    overt
## 5416   81.62     983    overt
## 5417   86.63     983    overt
## 5418   91.64     983    overt
## 5419   96.65     983    overt
## 5420  101.66     983    overt
## 5421  106.67     983    overt
## 5422  111.68     983    overt
## 5423  116.69     983    overt
## 5424  121.71     983    overt
## 5425  126.72     983    overt
## 5426  131.73     983    overt
## 5427  136.74     983    overt
## 5428  141.75     983    overt
## 5429  146.76     983    overt
## 5430  151.77     983    overt
## 5431  156.78     983    overt
## 5432  161.79     983    overt
## 5433  166.81     983    overt
## 5434  171.82     983    overt
## 5435  176.83     983    overt
## 5436  181.84     983    overt
## 5437  186.85     983    overt
## 5438  191.86     983    overt
## 5439  196.87     983    overt
## 5440  201.88     983    overt
## 5441  206.89     983    overt
## 5442  211.91     983    overt
## 5443  216.92     983    overt
## 5444  221.93     983    overt
## 5445  226.94     983    overt
## 5446  231.95     983    overt
## 5447  236.96     983    overt
## 5448  241.97     983    overt
## 5449  246.98     983    overt
## 5450  251.99     983    overt
## 5451  257.01     983    overt
## 5452  262.02     983    overt
## 5453  267.03     983    overt
## 5454  272.04     983    overt
## 5455  277.05     983    overt
## 5456  282.06     983    overt
## 5457  287.07     983    overt
## 5458  292.08     983    overt
## 5459  297.09     983    overt
## 5460  302.11     983    overt
## 5461  307.12     983    overt
## 5462  312.13     983    overt
## 5463  317.14     983    overt
## 5464  322.15     983    overt
## 5465  327.16     983    overt
## 5466  332.17     983    overt
## 5467  337.18     983    overt
## 5468  342.19     983    overt
## 5469  347.21     983    overt
## 5470  352.22     983    overt
## 5471  357.23     983    overt
## 5472  362.24     983    overt
## 5473  367.25     983    overt
## 5474  372.26     983    overt
## 5475  377.27     983    overt
## 5476  382.28     983    overt
## 5477  387.29     983    overt
## 5478  392.31     983    overt
## 5479  397.32     983    overt
## 5480  402.33     983    overt
## 5481  407.34     983    overt
## 5482  412.35     983    overt
## 5483  417.36     983    overt
## 5484  422.37     983    overt
## 5485  427.38     983    overt
## 5486  432.39     983    overt
## 5487  437.41     983    overt
## 5488  442.42     983    overt
## 5489  447.43     983    overt
## 5490  452.44     983    overt
## 5491  457.45     983    overt
## 5492  462.46     983    overt
## 5493  467.47     983    overt
## 5494  472.48     983    overt
## 5495  477.49     983    overt
## 5496  482.51     983    overt
## 5497  487.52     983    overt
## 5498  492.53     983    overt
## 5499  497.54     983    overt
## 5500  502.55     983    overt
## 5501    6.45     998    overt
## 5502   11.46     998    overt
## 5503   16.47     998    overt
## 5504   21.48     998    overt
## 5505   26.49     998    overt
## 5506   31.51     998    overt
## 5507   36.52     998    overt
## 5508   41.53     998    overt
## 5509   46.54     998    overt
## 5510   51.55     998    overt
## 5511   56.56     998    overt
## 5512   61.57     998    overt
## 5513   66.58     998    overt
## 5514   71.59     998    overt
## 5515   76.61     998    overt
## 5516   81.62     998    overt
## 5517   86.63     998    overt
## 5518   91.64     998    overt
## 5519   96.65     998    overt
## 5520  101.66     998    overt
## 5521  106.67     998    overt
## 5522  111.68     998    overt
## 5523  116.69     998    overt
## 5524  121.71     998    overt
## 5525  126.72     998    overt
## 5526  131.73     998    overt
## 5527  136.74     998    overt
## 5528  141.75     998    overt
## 5529  146.76     998    overt
## 5530  151.77     998    overt
## 5531  156.78     998    overt
## 5532  161.79     998    overt
## 5533  166.81     998    overt
## 5534  171.82     998    overt
## 5535  176.83     998    overt
## 5536  181.84     998    overt
## 5537  186.85     998    overt
## 5538  191.86     998    overt
## 5539  196.87     998    overt
## 5540  201.88     998    overt
## 5541  206.89     998    overt
## 5542  211.91     998    overt
## 5543  216.92     998    overt
## 5544  221.93     998    overt
## 5545  226.94     998    overt
## 5546  231.95     998    overt
## 5547  236.96     998    overt
## 5548  241.97     998    overt
## 5549  246.98     998    overt
## 5550  251.99     998    overt
## 5551  257.01     998    overt
## 5552  262.02     998    overt
## 5553  267.03     998    overt
## 5554  272.04     998    overt
## 5555  277.05     998    overt
## 5556  282.06     998    overt
## 5557  287.07     998    overt
## 5558  292.08     998    overt
## 5559  297.09     998    overt
## 5560  302.11     998    overt
## 5561  307.12     998    overt
## 5562  312.13     998    overt
## 5563  317.14     998    overt
## 5564  322.15     998    overt
## 5565  327.16     998    overt
## 5566  332.17     998    overt
## 5567  337.18     998    overt
## 5568  342.19     998    overt
## 5569  347.21     998    overt
## 5570  352.22     998    overt
## 5571  357.23     998    overt
## 5572  362.24     998    overt
## 5573  367.25     998    overt
## 5574  372.26     998    overt
## 5575  377.27     998    overt
## 5576  382.28     998    overt
## 5577  387.29     998    overt
## 5578  392.31     998    overt
## 5579  397.32     998    overt
## 5580  402.33     998    overt
## 5581  407.34     998    overt
## 5582  412.35     998    overt
## 5583  417.36     998    overt
## 5584  422.37     998    overt
## 5585  427.38     998    overt
## 5586  432.39     998    overt
## 5587  437.41     998    overt
## 5588  442.42     998    overt
## 5589  447.43     998    overt
## 5590  452.44     998    overt
## 5591  457.45     998    overt
## 5592  462.46     998    overt
## 5593  467.47     998    overt
## 5594  472.48     998    overt
## 5595  477.49     998    overt
## 5596  482.51     998    overt
## 5597  487.52     998    overt
## 5598  492.53     998    overt
## 5599  497.54     998    overt
## 5600  502.55     998    overt
## 5601    6.45    1012    overt
## 5602   11.46    1012    overt
## 5603   16.47    1012    overt
## 5604   21.48    1012    overt
## 5605   26.49    1012    overt
## 5606   31.51    1012    overt
## 5607   36.52    1012    overt
## 5608   41.53    1012    overt
## 5609   46.54    1012    overt
## 5610   51.55    1012    overt
## 5611   56.56    1012    overt
## 5612   61.57    1012    overt
## 5613   66.58    1012    overt
## 5614   71.59    1012    overt
## 5615   76.61    1012    overt
## 5616   81.62    1012    overt
## 5617   86.63    1012    overt
## 5618   91.64    1012    overt
## 5619   96.65    1012    overt
## 5620  101.66    1012    overt
## 5621  106.67    1012    overt
## 5622  111.68    1012    overt
## 5623  116.69    1012    overt
## 5624  121.71    1012    overt
## 5625  126.72    1012    overt
## 5626  131.73    1012    overt
## 5627  136.74    1012    overt
## 5628  141.75    1012    overt
## 5629  146.76    1012    overt
## 5630  151.77    1012    overt
## 5631  156.78    1012    overt
## 5632  161.79    1012    overt
## 5633  166.81    1012    overt
## 5634  171.82    1012    overt
## 5635  176.83    1012    overt
## 5636  181.84    1012    overt
## 5637  186.85    1012    overt
## 5638  191.86    1012    overt
## 5639  196.87    1012    overt
## 5640  201.88    1012    overt
## 5641  206.89    1012    overt
## 5642  211.91    1012    overt
## 5643  216.92    1012    overt
## 5644  221.93    1012    overt
## 5645  226.94    1012    overt
## 5646  231.95    1012    overt
## 5647  236.96    1012    overt
## 5648  241.97    1012    overt
## 5649  246.98    1012    overt
## 5650  251.99    1012    overt
## 5651  257.01    1012    overt
## 5652  262.02    1012    overt
## 5653  267.03    1012    overt
## 5654  272.04    1012    overt
## 5655  277.05    1012    overt
## 5656  282.06    1012    overt
## 5657  287.07    1012    overt
## 5658  292.08    1012    overt
## 5659  297.09    1012    overt
## 5660  302.11    1012    overt
## 5661  307.12    1012    overt
## 5662  312.13    1012    overt
## 5663  317.14    1012    overt
## 5664  322.15    1012    overt
## 5665  327.16    1012    overt
## 5666  332.17    1012    overt
## 5667  337.18    1012    overt
## 5668  342.19    1012    overt
## 5669  347.21    1012    overt
## 5670  352.22    1012    overt
## 5671  357.23    1012    overt
## 5672  362.24    1012    overt
## 5673  367.25    1012    overt
## 5674  372.26    1012    overt
## 5675  377.27    1012    overt
## 5676  382.28    1012    overt
## 5677  387.29    1012    overt
## 5678  392.31    1012    overt
## 5679  397.32    1012    overt
## 5680  402.33    1012    overt
## 5681  407.34    1012    overt
## 5682  412.35    1012    overt
## 5683  417.36    1012    overt
## 5684  422.37    1012    overt
## 5685  427.38    1012    overt
## 5686  432.39    1012    overt
## 5687  437.41    1012    overt
## 5688  442.42    1012    overt
## 5689  447.43    1012    overt
## 5690  452.44    1012    overt
## 5691  457.45    1012    overt
## 5692  462.46    1012    overt
## 5693  467.47    1012    overt
## 5694  472.48    1012    overt
## 5695  477.49    1012    overt
## 5696  482.51    1012    overt
## 5697  487.52    1012    overt
## 5698  492.53    1012    overt
## 5699  497.54    1012    overt
## 5700  502.55    1012    overt
## 5701    6.45    1027    overt
## 5702   11.46    1027    overt
## 5703   16.47    1027    overt
## 5704   21.48    1027    overt
## 5705   26.49    1027    overt
## 5706   31.51    1027    overt
## 5707   36.52    1027    overt
## 5708   41.53    1027    overt
## 5709   46.54    1027    overt
## 5710   51.55    1027    overt
## 5711   56.56    1027    overt
## 5712   61.57    1027    overt
## 5713   66.58    1027    overt
## 5714   71.59    1027    overt
## 5715   76.61    1027    overt
## 5716   81.62    1027    overt
## 5717   86.63    1027    overt
## 5718   91.64    1027    overt
## 5719   96.65    1027    overt
## 5720  101.66    1027    overt
## 5721  106.67    1027    overt
## 5722  111.68    1027    overt
## 5723  116.69    1027    overt
## 5724  121.71    1027    overt
## 5725  126.72    1027    overt
## 5726  131.73    1027    overt
## 5727  136.74    1027    overt
## 5728  141.75    1027    overt
## 5729  146.76    1027    overt
## 5730  151.77    1027    overt
## 5731  156.78    1027    overt
## 5732  161.79    1027    overt
## 5733  166.81    1027    overt
## 5734  171.82    1027    overt
## 5735  176.83    1027    overt
## 5736  181.84    1027    overt
## 5737  186.85    1027    overt
## 5738  191.86    1027    overt
## 5739  196.87    1027    overt
## 5740  201.88    1027    overt
## 5741  206.89    1027    overt
## 5742  211.91    1027    overt
## 5743  216.92    1027    overt
## 5744  221.93    1027    overt
## 5745  226.94    1027    overt
## 5746  231.95    1027    overt
## 5747  236.96    1027    overt
## 5748  241.97    1027    overt
## 5749  246.98    1027    overt
## 5750  251.99    1027    overt
## 5751  257.01    1027    overt
## 5752  262.02    1027    overt
## 5753  267.03    1027    overt
## 5754  272.04    1027    overt
## 5755  277.05    1027    overt
## 5756  282.06    1027    overt
## 5757  287.07    1027    overt
## 5758  292.08    1027    overt
## 5759  297.09    1027    overt
## 5760  302.11    1027    overt
## 5761  307.12    1027    overt
## 5762  312.13    1027    overt
## 5763  317.14    1027    overt
## 5764  322.15    1027    overt
## 5765  327.16    1027    overt
## 5766  332.17    1027    overt
## 5767  337.18    1027    overt
## 5768  342.19    1027    overt
## 5769  347.21    1027    overt
## 5770  352.22    1027    overt
## 5771  357.23    1027    overt
## 5772  362.24    1027    overt
## 5773  367.25    1027    overt
## 5774  372.26    1027    overt
## 5775  377.27    1027    overt
## 5776  382.28    1027    overt
## 5777  387.29    1027    overt
## 5778  392.31    1027    overt
## 5779  397.32    1027    overt
## 5780  402.33    1027    overt
## 5781  407.34    1027    overt
## 5782  412.35    1027    overt
## 5783  417.36    1027    overt
## 5784  422.37    1027    overt
## 5785  427.38    1027    overt
## 5786  432.39    1027    overt
## 5787  437.41    1027    overt
## 5788  442.42    1027    overt
## 5789  447.43    1027    overt
## 5790  452.44    1027    overt
## 5791  457.45    1027    overt
## 5792  462.46    1027    overt
## 5793  467.47    1027    overt
## 5794  472.48    1027    overt
## 5795  477.49    1027    overt
## 5796  482.51    1027    overt
## 5797  487.52    1027    overt
## 5798  492.53    1027    overt
## 5799  497.54    1027    overt
## 5800  502.55    1027    overt
## 5801    6.45    1041    overt
## 5802   11.46    1041    overt
## 5803   16.47    1041    overt
## 5804   21.48    1041    overt
## 5805   26.49    1041    overt
## 5806   31.51    1041    overt
## 5807   36.52    1041    overt
## 5808   41.53    1041    overt
## 5809   46.54    1041    overt
## 5810   51.55    1041    overt
## 5811   56.56    1041    overt
## 5812   61.57    1041    overt
## 5813   66.58    1041    overt
## 5814   71.59    1041    overt
## 5815   76.61    1041    overt
## 5816   81.62    1041    overt
## 5817   86.63    1041    overt
## 5818   91.64    1041    overt
## 5819   96.65    1041    overt
## 5820  101.66    1041    overt
## 5821  106.67    1041    overt
## 5822  111.68    1041    overt
## 5823  116.69    1041    overt
## 5824  121.71    1041    overt
## 5825  126.72    1041    overt
## 5826  131.73    1041    overt
## 5827  136.74    1041    overt
## 5828  141.75    1041    overt
## 5829  146.76    1041    overt
## 5830  151.77    1041    overt
## 5831  156.78    1041    overt
## 5832  161.79    1041    overt
## 5833  166.81    1041    overt
## 5834  171.82    1041    overt
## 5835  176.83    1041    overt
## 5836  181.84    1041    overt
## 5837  186.85    1041    overt
## 5838  191.86    1041    overt
## 5839  196.87    1041    overt
## 5840  201.88    1041    overt
## 5841  206.89    1041    overt
## 5842  211.91    1041    overt
## 5843  216.92    1041    overt
## 5844  221.93    1041    overt
## 5845  226.94    1041    overt
## 5846  231.95    1041    overt
## 5847  236.96    1041    overt
## 5848  241.97    1041    overt
## 5849  246.98    1041    overt
## 5850  251.99    1041    overt
## 5851  257.01    1041    overt
## 5852  262.02    1041    overt
## 5853  267.03    1041    overt
## 5854  272.04    1041    overt
## 5855  277.05    1041    overt
## 5856  282.06    1041    overt
## 5857  287.07    1041    overt
## 5858  292.08    1041    overt
## 5859  297.09    1041    overt
## 5860  302.11    1041    overt
## 5861  307.12    1041    overt
## 5862  312.13    1041    overt
## 5863  317.14    1041    overt
## 5864  322.15    1041    overt
## 5865  327.16    1041    overt
## 5866  332.17    1041    overt
## 5867  337.18    1041    overt
## 5868  342.19    1041    overt
## 5869  347.21    1041    overt
## 5870  352.22    1041    overt
## 5871  357.23    1041    overt
## 5872  362.24    1041    overt
## 5873  367.25    1041    overt
## 5874  372.26    1041    overt
## 5875  377.27    1041    overt
## 5876  382.28    1041    overt
## 5877  387.29    1041    overt
## 5878  392.31    1041    overt
## 5879  397.32    1041    overt
## 5880  402.33    1041    overt
## 5881  407.34    1041    overt
## 5882  412.35    1041    overt
## 5883  417.36    1041    overt
## 5884  422.37    1041    overt
## 5885  427.38    1041    overt
## 5886  432.39    1041    overt
## 5887  437.41    1041    overt
## 5888  442.42    1041    overt
## 5889  447.43    1041    overt
## 5890  452.44    1041    overt
## 5891  457.45    1041    overt
## 5892  462.46    1041    overt
## 5893  467.47    1041    overt
## 5894  472.48    1041    overt
## 5895  477.49    1041    overt
## 5896  482.51    1041    overt
## 5897  487.52    1041    overt
## 5898  492.53    1041    overt
## 5899  497.54    1041    overt
## 5900  502.55    1041    overt
## 5901    6.45    1056    overt
## 5902   11.46    1056    overt
## 5903   16.47    1056    overt
## 5904   21.48    1056    overt
## 5905   26.49    1056    overt
## 5906   31.51    1056    overt
## 5907   36.52    1056    overt
## 5908   41.53    1056    overt
## 5909   46.54    1056    overt
## 5910   51.55    1056    overt
## 5911   56.56    1056    overt
## 5912   61.57    1056    overt
## 5913   66.58    1056    overt
## 5914   71.59    1056    overt
## 5915   76.61    1056    overt
## 5916   81.62    1056    overt
## 5917   86.63    1056    overt
## 5918   91.64    1056    overt
## 5919   96.65    1056    overt
## 5920  101.66    1056    overt
## 5921  106.67    1056    overt
## 5922  111.68    1056    overt
## 5923  116.69    1056    overt
## 5924  121.71    1056    overt
## 5925  126.72    1056    overt
## 5926  131.73    1056    overt
## 5927  136.74    1056    overt
## 5928  141.75    1056    overt
## 5929  146.76    1056    overt
## 5930  151.77    1056    overt
## 5931  156.78    1056    overt
## 5932  161.79    1056    overt
## 5933  166.81    1056    overt
## 5934  171.82    1056    overt
## 5935  176.83    1056    overt
## 5936  181.84    1056    overt
## 5937  186.85    1056    overt
## 5938  191.86    1056    overt
## 5939  196.87    1056    overt
## 5940  201.88    1056    overt
## 5941  206.89    1056    overt
## 5942  211.91    1056    overt
## 5943  216.92    1056    overt
## 5944  221.93    1056    overt
## 5945  226.94    1056    overt
## 5946  231.95    1056    overt
## 5947  236.96    1056    overt
## 5948  241.97    1056    overt
## 5949  246.98    1056    overt
## 5950  251.99    1056    overt
## 5951  257.01    1056    overt
## 5952  262.02    1056    overt
## 5953  267.03    1056    overt
## 5954  272.04    1056    overt
## 5955  277.05    1056    overt
## 5956  282.06    1056    overt
## 5957  287.07    1056    overt
## 5958  292.08    1056    overt
## 5959  297.09    1056    overt
## 5960  302.11    1056    overt
## 5961  307.12    1056    overt
## 5962  312.13    1056    overt
## 5963  317.14    1056    overt
## 5964  322.15    1056    overt
## 5965  327.16    1056    overt
## 5966  332.17    1056    overt
## 5967  337.18    1056    overt
## 5968  342.19    1056    overt
## 5969  347.21    1056    overt
## 5970  352.22    1056    overt
## 5971  357.23    1056    overt
## 5972  362.24    1056    overt
## 5973  367.25    1056    overt
## 5974  372.26    1056    overt
## 5975  377.27    1056    overt
## 5976  382.28    1056    overt
## 5977  387.29    1056    overt
## 5978  392.31    1056    overt
## 5979  397.32    1056    overt
## 5980  402.33    1056    overt
## 5981  407.34    1056    overt
## 5982  412.35    1056    overt
## 5983  417.36    1056    overt
## 5984  422.37    1056    overt
## 5985  427.38    1056    overt
## 5986  432.39    1056    overt
## 5987  437.41    1056    overt
## 5988  442.42    1056    overt
## 5989  447.43    1056    overt
## 5990  452.44    1056    overt
## 5991  457.45    1056    overt
## 5992  462.46    1056    overt
## 5993  467.47    1056    overt
## 5994  472.48    1056    overt
## 5995  477.49    1056    overt
## 5996  482.51    1056    overt
## 5997  487.52    1056    overt
## 5998  492.53    1056    overt
## 5999  497.54    1056    overt
## 6000  502.55    1056    overt
## 6001    6.45    1070    overt
## 6002   11.46    1070    overt
## 6003   16.47    1070    overt
## 6004   21.48    1070    overt
## 6005   26.49    1070    overt
## 6006   31.51    1070    overt
## 6007   36.52    1070    overt
## 6008   41.53    1070    overt
## 6009   46.54    1070    overt
## 6010   51.55    1070    overt
## 6011   56.56    1070    overt
## 6012   61.57    1070    overt
## 6013   66.58    1070    overt
## 6014   71.59    1070    overt
## 6015   76.61    1070    overt
## 6016   81.62    1070    overt
## 6017   86.63    1070    overt
## 6018   91.64    1070    overt
## 6019   96.65    1070    overt
## 6020  101.66    1070    overt
## 6021  106.67    1070    overt
## 6022  111.68    1070    overt
## 6023  116.69    1070    overt
## 6024  121.71    1070    overt
## 6025  126.72    1070    overt
## 6026  131.73    1070    overt
## 6027  136.74    1070    overt
## 6028  141.75    1070    overt
## 6029  146.76    1070    overt
## 6030  151.77    1070    overt
## 6031  156.78    1070    overt
## 6032  161.79    1070    overt
## 6033  166.81    1070    overt
## 6034  171.82    1070    overt
## 6035  176.83    1070    overt
## 6036  181.84    1070    overt
## 6037  186.85    1070    overt
## 6038  191.86    1070    overt
## 6039  196.87    1070    overt
## 6040  201.88    1070    overt
## 6041  206.89    1070    overt
## 6042  211.91    1070    overt
## 6043  216.92    1070    overt
## 6044  221.93    1070    overt
## 6045  226.94    1070    overt
## 6046  231.95    1070    overt
## 6047  236.96    1070    overt
## 6048  241.97    1070    overt
## 6049  246.98    1070    overt
## 6050  251.99    1070    overt
## 6051  257.01    1070    overt
## 6052  262.02    1070    overt
## 6053  267.03    1070    overt
## 6054  272.04    1070    overt
## 6055  277.05    1070    overt
## 6056  282.06    1070    overt
## 6057  287.07    1070    overt
## 6058  292.08    1070    overt
## 6059  297.09    1070    overt
## 6060  302.11    1070    overt
## 6061  307.12    1070    overt
## 6062  312.13    1070    overt
## 6063  317.14    1070    overt
## 6064  322.15    1070    overt
## 6065  327.16    1070    overt
## 6066  332.17    1070    overt
## 6067  337.18    1070    overt
## 6068  342.19    1070    overt
## 6069  347.21    1070    overt
## 6070  352.22    1070    overt
## 6071  357.23    1070    overt
## 6072  362.24    1070    overt
## 6073  367.25    1070    overt
## 6074  372.26    1070    overt
## 6075  377.27    1070    overt
## 6076  382.28    1070    overt
## 6077  387.29    1070    overt
## 6078  392.31    1070    overt
## 6079  397.32    1070    overt
## 6080  402.33    1070    overt
## 6081  407.34    1070    overt
## 6082  412.35    1070    overt
## 6083  417.36    1070    overt
## 6084  422.37    1070    overt
## 6085  427.38    1070    overt
## 6086  432.39    1070    overt
## 6087  437.41    1070    overt
## 6088  442.42    1070    overt
## 6089  447.43    1070    overt
## 6090  452.44    1070    overt
## 6091  457.45    1070    overt
## 6092  462.46    1070    overt
## 6093  467.47    1070    overt
## 6094  472.48    1070    overt
## 6095  477.49    1070    overt
## 6096  482.51    1070    overt
## 6097  487.52    1070    overt
## 6098  492.53    1070    overt
## 6099  497.54    1070    overt
## 6100  502.55    1070    overt
## 6101    6.45    1084    overt
## 6102   11.46    1084    overt
## 6103   16.47    1084    overt
## 6104   21.48    1084    overt
## 6105   26.49    1084    overt
## 6106   31.51    1084    overt
## 6107   36.52    1084    overt
## 6108   41.53    1084    overt
## 6109   46.54    1084    overt
## 6110   51.55    1084    overt
## 6111   56.56    1084    overt
## 6112   61.57    1084    overt
## 6113   66.58    1084    overt
## 6114   71.59    1084    overt
## 6115   76.61    1084    overt
## 6116   81.62    1084    overt
## 6117   86.63    1084    overt
## 6118   91.64    1084    overt
## 6119   96.65    1084    overt
## 6120  101.66    1084    overt
## 6121  106.67    1084    overt
## 6122  111.68    1084    overt
## 6123  116.69    1084    overt
## 6124  121.71    1084    overt
## 6125  126.72    1084    overt
## 6126  131.73    1084    overt
## 6127  136.74    1084    overt
## 6128  141.75    1084    overt
## 6129  146.76    1084    overt
## 6130  151.77    1084    overt
## 6131  156.78    1084    overt
## 6132  161.79    1084    overt
## 6133  166.81    1084    overt
## 6134  171.82    1084    overt
## 6135  176.83    1084    overt
## 6136  181.84    1084    overt
## 6137  186.85    1084    overt
## 6138  191.86    1084    overt
## 6139  196.87    1084    overt
## 6140  201.88    1084    overt
## 6141  206.89    1084    overt
## 6142  211.91    1084    overt
## 6143  216.92    1084    overt
## 6144  221.93    1084    overt
## 6145  226.94    1084    overt
## 6146  231.95    1084    overt
## 6147  236.96    1084    overt
## 6148  241.97    1084    overt
## 6149  246.98    1084    overt
## 6150  251.99    1084    overt
## 6151  257.01    1084    overt
## 6152  262.02    1084    overt
## 6153  267.03    1084    overt
## 6154  272.04    1084    overt
## 6155  277.05    1084    overt
## 6156  282.06    1084    overt
## 6157  287.07    1084    overt
## 6158  292.08    1084    overt
## 6159  297.09    1084    overt
## 6160  302.11    1084    overt
## 6161  307.12    1084    overt
## 6162  312.13    1084    overt
## 6163  317.14    1084    overt
## 6164  322.15    1084    overt
## 6165  327.16    1084    overt
## 6166  332.17    1084    overt
## 6167  337.18    1084    overt
## 6168  342.19    1084    overt
## 6169  347.21    1084    overt
## 6170  352.22    1084    overt
## 6171  357.23    1084    overt
## 6172  362.24    1084    overt
## 6173  367.25    1084    overt
## 6174  372.26    1084    overt
## 6175  377.27    1084    overt
## 6176  382.28    1084    overt
## 6177  387.29    1084    overt
## 6178  392.31    1084    overt
## 6179  397.32    1084    overt
## 6180  402.33    1084    overt
## 6181  407.34    1084    overt
## 6182  412.35    1084    overt
## 6183  417.36    1084    overt
## 6184  422.37    1084    overt
## 6185  427.38    1084    overt
## 6186  432.39    1084    overt
## 6187  437.41    1084    overt
## 6188  442.42    1084    overt
## 6189  447.43    1084    overt
## 6190  452.44    1084    overt
## 6191  457.45    1084    overt
## 6192  462.46    1084    overt
## 6193  467.47    1084    overt
## 6194  472.48    1084    overt
## 6195  477.49    1084    overt
## 6196  482.51    1084    overt
## 6197  487.52    1084    overt
## 6198  492.53    1084    overt
## 6199  497.54    1084    overt
## 6200  502.55    1084    overt
## 6201    6.45    1099    overt
## 6202   11.46    1099    overt
## 6203   16.47    1099    overt
## 6204   21.48    1099    overt
## 6205   26.49    1099    overt
## 6206   31.51    1099    overt
## 6207   36.52    1099    overt
## 6208   41.53    1099    overt
## 6209   46.54    1099    overt
## 6210   51.55    1099    overt
## 6211   56.56    1099    overt
## 6212   61.57    1099    overt
## 6213   66.58    1099    overt
## 6214   71.59    1099    overt
## 6215   76.61    1099    overt
## 6216   81.62    1099    overt
## 6217   86.63    1099    overt
## 6218   91.64    1099    overt
## 6219   96.65    1099    overt
## 6220  101.66    1099    overt
## 6221  106.67    1099    overt
## 6222  111.68    1099    overt
## 6223  116.69    1099    overt
## 6224  121.71    1099    overt
## 6225  126.72    1099    overt
## 6226  131.73    1099    overt
## 6227  136.74    1099    overt
## 6228  141.75    1099    overt
## 6229  146.76    1099    overt
## 6230  151.77    1099    overt
## 6231  156.78    1099    overt
## 6232  161.79    1099    overt
## 6233  166.81    1099    overt
## 6234  171.82    1099    overt
## 6235  176.83    1099    overt
## 6236  181.84    1099    overt
## 6237  186.85    1099    overt
## 6238  191.86    1099    overt
## 6239  196.87    1099    overt
## 6240  201.88    1099    overt
## 6241  206.89    1099    overt
## 6242  211.91    1099    overt
## 6243  216.92    1099    overt
## 6244  221.93    1099    overt
## 6245  226.94    1099    overt
## 6246  231.95    1099    overt
## 6247  236.96    1099    overt
## 6248  241.97    1099    overt
## 6249  246.98    1099    overt
## 6250  251.99    1099    overt
## 6251  257.01    1099    overt
## 6252  262.02    1099    overt
## 6253  267.03    1099    overt
## 6254  272.04    1099    overt
## 6255  277.05    1099    overt
## 6256  282.06    1099    overt
## 6257  287.07    1099    overt
## 6258  292.08    1099    overt
## 6259  297.09    1099    overt
## 6260  302.11    1099    overt
## 6261  307.12    1099    overt
## 6262  312.13    1099    overt
## 6263  317.14    1099    overt
## 6264  322.15    1099    overt
## 6265  327.16    1099    overt
## 6266  332.17    1099    overt
## 6267  337.18    1099    overt
## 6268  342.19    1099    overt
## 6269  347.21    1099    overt
## 6270  352.22    1099    overt
## 6271  357.23    1099    overt
## 6272  362.24    1099    overt
## 6273  367.25    1099    overt
## 6274  372.26    1099    overt
## 6275  377.27    1099    overt
## 6276  382.28    1099    overt
## 6277  387.29    1099    overt
## 6278  392.31    1099    overt
## 6279  397.32    1099    overt
## 6280  402.33    1099    overt
## 6281  407.34    1099    overt
## 6282  412.35    1099    overt
## 6283  417.36    1099    overt
## 6284  422.37    1099    overt
## 6285  427.38    1099    overt
## 6286  432.39    1099    overt
## 6287  437.41    1099    overt
## 6288  442.42    1099    overt
## 6289  447.43    1099    overt
## 6290  452.44    1099    overt
## 6291  457.45    1099    overt
## 6292  462.46    1099    overt
## 6293  467.47    1099    overt
## 6294  472.48    1099    overt
## 6295  477.49    1099    overt
## 6296  482.51    1099    overt
## 6297  487.52    1099    overt
## 6298  492.53    1099    overt
## 6299  497.54    1099    overt
## 6300  502.55    1099    overt
## 6301    6.45    1113    overt
## 6302   11.46    1113    overt
## 6303   16.47    1113    overt
## 6304   21.48    1113    overt
## 6305   26.49    1113    overt
## 6306   31.51    1113    overt
## 6307   36.52    1113    overt
## 6308   41.53    1113    overt
## 6309   46.54    1113    overt
## 6310   51.55    1113    overt
## 6311   56.56    1113    overt
## 6312   61.57    1113    overt
## 6313   66.58    1113    overt
## 6314   71.59    1113    overt
## 6315   76.61    1113    overt
## 6316   81.62    1113    overt
## 6317   86.63    1113    overt
## 6318   91.64    1113    overt
## 6319   96.65    1113    overt
## 6320  101.66    1113    overt
## 6321  106.67    1113    overt
## 6322  111.68    1113    overt
## 6323  116.69    1113    overt
## 6324  121.71    1113    overt
## 6325  126.72    1113    overt
## 6326  131.73    1113    overt
## 6327  136.74    1113    overt
## 6328  141.75    1113    overt
## 6329  146.76    1113    overt
## 6330  151.77    1113    overt
## 6331  156.78    1113    overt
## 6332  161.79    1113    overt
## 6333  166.81    1113    overt
## 6334  171.82    1113    overt
## 6335  176.83    1113    overt
## 6336  181.84    1113    overt
## 6337  186.85    1113    overt
## 6338  191.86    1113    overt
## 6339  196.87    1113    overt
## 6340  201.88    1113    overt
## 6341  206.89    1113    overt
## 6342  211.91    1113    overt
## 6343  216.92    1113    overt
## 6344  221.93    1113    overt
## 6345  226.94    1113    overt
## 6346  231.95    1113    overt
## 6347  236.96    1113    overt
## 6348  241.97    1113    overt
## 6349  246.98    1113    overt
## 6350  251.99    1113    overt
## 6351  257.01    1113    overt
## 6352  262.02    1113    overt
## 6353  267.03    1113    overt
## 6354  272.04    1113    overt
## 6355  277.05    1113    overt
## 6356  282.06    1113    overt
## 6357  287.07    1113    overt
## 6358  292.08    1113    overt
## 6359  297.09    1113    overt
## 6360  302.11    1113    overt
## 6361  307.12    1113    overt
## 6362  312.13    1113    overt
## 6363  317.14    1113    overt
## 6364  322.15    1113    overt
## 6365  327.16    1113    overt
## 6366  332.17    1113    overt
## 6367  337.18    1113    overt
## 6368  342.19    1113    overt
## 6369  347.21    1113    overt
## 6370  352.22    1113    overt
## 6371  357.23    1113    overt
## 6372  362.24    1113    overt
## 6373  367.25    1113    overt
## 6374  372.26    1113    overt
## 6375  377.27    1113    overt
## 6376  382.28    1113    overt
## 6377  387.29    1113    overt
## 6378  392.31    1113    overt
## 6379  397.32    1113    overt
## 6380  402.33    1113    overt
## 6381  407.34    1113    overt
## 6382  412.35    1113    overt
## 6383  417.36    1113    overt
## 6384  422.37    1113    overt
## 6385  427.38    1113    overt
## 6386  432.39    1113    overt
## 6387  437.41    1113    overt
## 6388  442.42    1113    overt
## 6389  447.43    1113    overt
## 6390  452.44    1113    overt
## 6391  457.45    1113    overt
## 6392  462.46    1113    overt
## 6393  467.47    1113    overt
## 6394  472.48    1113    overt
## 6395  477.49    1113    overt
## 6396  482.51    1113    overt
## 6397  487.52    1113    overt
## 6398  492.53    1113    overt
## 6399  497.54    1113    overt
## 6400  502.55    1113    overt
## 6401    6.45    1128    overt
## 6402   11.46    1128    overt
## 6403   16.47    1128    overt
## 6404   21.48    1128    overt
## 6405   26.49    1128    overt
## 6406   31.51    1128    overt
## 6407   36.52    1128    overt
## 6408   41.53    1128    overt
## 6409   46.54    1128    overt
## 6410   51.55    1128    overt
## 6411   56.56    1128    overt
## 6412   61.57    1128    overt
## 6413   66.58    1128    overt
## 6414   71.59    1128    overt
## 6415   76.61    1128    overt
## 6416   81.62    1128    overt
## 6417   86.63    1128    overt
## 6418   91.64    1128    overt
## 6419   96.65    1128    overt
## 6420  101.66    1128    overt
## 6421  106.67    1128    overt
## 6422  111.68    1128    overt
## 6423  116.69    1128    overt
## 6424  121.71    1128    overt
## 6425  126.72    1128    overt
## 6426  131.73    1128    overt
## 6427  136.74    1128    overt
## 6428  141.75    1128    overt
## 6429  146.76    1128    overt
## 6430  151.77    1128    overt
## 6431  156.78    1128    overt
## 6432  161.79    1128    overt
## 6433  166.81    1128    overt
## 6434  171.82    1128    overt
## 6435  176.83    1128    overt
## 6436  181.84    1128    overt
## 6437  186.85    1128    overt
## 6438  191.86    1128    overt
## 6439  196.87    1128    overt
## 6440  201.88    1128    overt
## 6441  206.89    1128    overt
## 6442  211.91    1128    overt
## 6443  216.92    1128    overt
## 6444  221.93    1128    overt
## 6445  226.94    1128    overt
## 6446  231.95    1128    overt
## 6447  236.96    1128    overt
## 6448  241.97    1128    overt
## 6449  246.98    1128    overt
## 6450  251.99    1128    overt
## 6451  257.01    1128    overt
## 6452  262.02    1128    overt
## 6453  267.03    1128    overt
## 6454  272.04    1128    overt
## 6455  277.05    1128    overt
## 6456  282.06    1128    overt
## 6457  287.07    1128    overt
## 6458  292.08    1128    overt
## 6459  297.09    1128    overt
## 6460  302.11    1128    overt
## 6461  307.12    1128    overt
## 6462  312.13    1128    overt
## 6463  317.14    1128    overt
## 6464  322.15    1128    overt
## 6465  327.16    1128    overt
## 6466  332.17    1128    overt
## 6467  337.18    1128    overt
## 6468  342.19    1128    overt
## 6469  347.21    1128    overt
## 6470  352.22    1128    overt
## 6471  357.23    1128    overt
## 6472  362.24    1128    overt
## 6473  367.25    1128    overt
## 6474  372.26    1128    overt
## 6475  377.27    1128    overt
## 6476  382.28    1128    overt
## 6477  387.29    1128    overt
## 6478  392.31    1128    overt
## 6479  397.32    1128    overt
## 6480  402.33    1128    overt
## 6481  407.34    1128    overt
## 6482  412.35    1128    overt
## 6483  417.36    1128    overt
## 6484  422.37    1128    overt
## 6485  427.38    1128    overt
## 6486  432.39    1128    overt
## 6487  437.41    1128    overt
## 6488  442.42    1128    overt
## 6489  447.43    1128    overt
## 6490  452.44    1128    overt
## 6491  457.45    1128    overt
## 6492  462.46    1128    overt
## 6493  467.47    1128    overt
## 6494  472.48    1128    overt
## 6495  477.49    1128    overt
## 6496  482.51    1128    overt
## 6497  487.52    1128    overt
## 6498  492.53    1128    overt
## 6499  497.54    1128    overt
## 6500  502.55    1128    overt
## 6501    6.45    1142    overt
## 6502   11.46    1142    overt
## 6503   16.47    1142    overt
## 6504   21.48    1142    overt
## 6505   26.49    1142    overt
## 6506   31.51    1142    overt
## 6507   36.52    1142    overt
## 6508   41.53    1142    overt
## 6509   46.54    1142    overt
## 6510   51.55    1142    overt
## 6511   56.56    1142    overt
## 6512   61.57    1142    overt
## 6513   66.58    1142    overt
## 6514   71.59    1142    overt
## 6515   76.61    1142    overt
## 6516   81.62    1142    overt
## 6517   86.63    1142    overt
## 6518   91.64    1142    overt
## 6519   96.65    1142    overt
## 6520  101.66    1142    overt
## 6521  106.67    1142    overt
## 6522  111.68    1142    overt
## 6523  116.69    1142    overt
## 6524  121.71    1142    overt
## 6525  126.72    1142    overt
## 6526  131.73    1142    overt
## 6527  136.74    1142    overt
## 6528  141.75    1142    overt
## 6529  146.76    1142    overt
## 6530  151.77    1142    overt
## 6531  156.78    1142    overt
## 6532  161.79    1142    overt
## 6533  166.81    1142    overt
## 6534  171.82    1142    overt
## 6535  176.83    1142    overt
## 6536  181.84    1142    overt
## 6537  186.85    1142    overt
## 6538  191.86    1142    overt
## 6539  196.87    1142    overt
## 6540  201.88    1142    overt
## 6541  206.89    1142    overt
## 6542  211.91    1142    overt
## 6543  216.92    1142    overt
## 6544  221.93    1142    overt
## 6545  226.94    1142    overt
## 6546  231.95    1142    overt
## 6547  236.96    1142    overt
## 6548  241.97    1142    overt
## 6549  246.98    1142    overt
## 6550  251.99    1142    overt
## 6551  257.01    1142    overt
## 6552  262.02    1142    overt
## 6553  267.03    1142    overt
## 6554  272.04    1142    overt
## 6555  277.05    1142    overt
## 6556  282.06    1142    overt
## 6557  287.07    1142    overt
## 6558  292.08    1142    overt
## 6559  297.09    1142    overt
## 6560  302.11    1142    overt
## 6561  307.12    1142    overt
## 6562  312.13    1142    overt
## 6563  317.14    1142    overt
## 6564  322.15    1142    overt
## 6565  327.16    1142    overt
## 6566  332.17    1142    overt
## 6567  337.18    1142    overt
## 6568  342.19    1142    overt
## 6569  347.21    1142    overt
## 6570  352.22    1142    overt
## 6571  357.23    1142    overt
## 6572  362.24    1142    overt
## 6573  367.25    1142    overt
## 6574  372.26    1142    overt
## 6575  377.27    1142    overt
## 6576  382.28    1142    overt
## 6577  387.29    1142    overt
## 6578  392.31    1142    overt
## 6579  397.32    1142    overt
## 6580  402.33    1142    overt
## 6581  407.34    1142    overt
## 6582  412.35    1142    overt
## 6583  417.36    1142    overt
## 6584  422.37    1142    overt
## 6585  427.38    1142    overt
## 6586  432.39    1142    overt
## 6587  437.41    1142    overt
## 6588  442.42    1142    overt
## 6589  447.43    1142    overt
## 6590  452.44    1142    overt
## 6591  457.45    1142    overt
## 6592  462.46    1142    overt
## 6593  467.47    1142    overt
## 6594  472.48    1142    overt
## 6595  477.49    1142    overt
## 6596  482.51    1142    overt
## 6597  487.52    1142    overt
## 6598  492.53    1142    overt
## 6599  497.54    1142    overt
## 6600  502.55    1142    overt
## 6601    6.45    1157    overt
## 6602   11.46    1157    overt
## 6603   16.47    1157    overt
## 6604   21.48    1157    overt
## 6605   26.49    1157    overt
## 6606   31.51    1157    overt
## 6607   36.52    1157    overt
## 6608   41.53    1157    overt
## 6609   46.54    1157    overt
## 6610   51.55    1157    overt
## 6611   56.56    1157    overt
## 6612   61.57    1157    overt
## 6613   66.58    1157    overt
## 6614   71.59    1157    overt
## 6615   76.61    1157    overt
## 6616   81.62    1157    overt
## 6617   86.63    1157    overt
## 6618   91.64    1157    overt
## 6619   96.65    1157    overt
## 6620  101.66    1157    overt
## 6621  106.67    1157    overt
## 6622  111.68    1157    overt
## 6623  116.69    1157    overt
## 6624  121.71    1157    overt
## 6625  126.72    1157    overt
## 6626  131.73    1157    overt
## 6627  136.74    1157    overt
## 6628  141.75    1157    overt
## 6629  146.76    1157    overt
## 6630  151.77    1157    overt
## 6631  156.78    1157    overt
## 6632  161.79    1157    overt
## 6633  166.81    1157    overt
## 6634  171.82    1157    overt
## 6635  176.83    1157    overt
## 6636  181.84    1157    overt
## 6637  186.85    1157    overt
## 6638  191.86    1157    overt
## 6639  196.87    1157    overt
## 6640  201.88    1157    overt
## 6641  206.89    1157    overt
## 6642  211.91    1157    overt
## 6643  216.92    1157    overt
## 6644  221.93    1157    overt
## 6645  226.94    1157    overt
## 6646  231.95    1157    overt
## 6647  236.96    1157    overt
## 6648  241.97    1157    overt
## 6649  246.98    1157    overt
## 6650  251.99    1157    overt
## 6651  257.01    1157    overt
## 6652  262.02    1157    overt
## 6653  267.03    1157    overt
## 6654  272.04    1157    overt
## 6655  277.05    1157    overt
## 6656  282.06    1157    overt
## 6657  287.07    1157    overt
## 6658  292.08    1157    overt
## 6659  297.09    1157    overt
## 6660  302.11    1157    overt
## 6661  307.12    1157    overt
## 6662  312.13    1157    overt
## 6663  317.14    1157    overt
## 6664  322.15    1157    overt
## 6665  327.16    1157    overt
## 6666  332.17    1157    overt
## 6667  337.18    1157    overt
## 6668  342.19    1157    overt
## 6669  347.21    1157    overt
## 6670  352.22    1157    overt
## 6671  357.23    1157    overt
## 6672  362.24    1157    overt
## 6673  367.25    1157    overt
## 6674  372.26    1157    overt
## 6675  377.27    1157    overt
## 6676  382.28    1157    overt
## 6677  387.29    1157    overt
## 6678  392.31    1157    overt
## 6679  397.32    1157    overt
## 6680  402.33    1157    overt
## 6681  407.34    1157    overt
## 6682  412.35    1157    overt
## 6683  417.36    1157    overt
## 6684  422.37    1157    overt
## 6685  427.38    1157    overt
## 6686  432.39    1157    overt
## 6687  437.41    1157    overt
## 6688  442.42    1157    overt
## 6689  447.43    1157    overt
## 6690  452.44    1157    overt
## 6691  457.45    1157    overt
## 6692  462.46    1157    overt
## 6693  467.47    1157    overt
## 6694  472.48    1157    overt
## 6695  477.49    1157    overt
## 6696  482.51    1157    overt
## 6697  487.52    1157    overt
## 6698  492.53    1157    overt
## 6699  497.54    1157    overt
## 6700  502.55    1157    overt
## 6701    6.45    1171    overt
## 6702   11.46    1171    overt
## 6703   16.47    1171    overt
## 6704   21.48    1171    overt
## 6705   26.49    1171    overt
## 6706   31.51    1171    overt
## 6707   36.52    1171    overt
## 6708   41.53    1171    overt
## 6709   46.54    1171    overt
## 6710   51.55    1171    overt
## 6711   56.56    1171    overt
## 6712   61.57    1171    overt
## 6713   66.58    1171    overt
## 6714   71.59    1171    overt
## 6715   76.61    1171    overt
## 6716   81.62    1171    overt
## 6717   86.63    1171    overt
## 6718   91.64    1171    overt
## 6719   96.65    1171    overt
## 6720  101.66    1171    overt
## 6721  106.67    1171    overt
## 6722  111.68    1171    overt
## 6723  116.69    1171    overt
## 6724  121.71    1171    overt
## 6725  126.72    1171    overt
## 6726  131.73    1171    overt
## 6727  136.74    1171    overt
## 6728  141.75    1171    overt
## 6729  146.76    1171    overt
## 6730  151.77    1171    overt
## 6731  156.78    1171    overt
## 6732  161.79    1171    overt
## 6733  166.81    1171    overt
## 6734  171.82    1171    overt
## 6735  176.83    1171    overt
## 6736  181.84    1171    overt
## 6737  186.85    1171    overt
## 6738  191.86    1171    overt
## 6739  196.87    1171    overt
## 6740  201.88    1171    overt
## 6741  206.89    1171    overt
## 6742  211.91    1171    overt
## 6743  216.92    1171    overt
## 6744  221.93    1171    overt
## 6745  226.94    1171    overt
## 6746  231.95    1171    overt
## 6747  236.96    1171    overt
## 6748  241.97    1171    overt
## 6749  246.98    1171    overt
## 6750  251.99    1171    overt
## 6751  257.01    1171    overt
## 6752  262.02    1171    overt
## 6753  267.03    1171    overt
## 6754  272.04    1171    overt
## 6755  277.05    1171    overt
## 6756  282.06    1171    overt
## 6757  287.07    1171    overt
## 6758  292.08    1171    overt
## 6759  297.09    1171    overt
## 6760  302.11    1171    overt
## 6761  307.12    1171    overt
## 6762  312.13    1171    overt
## 6763  317.14    1171    overt
## 6764  322.15    1171    overt
## 6765  327.16    1171    overt
## 6766  332.17    1171    overt
## 6767  337.18    1171    overt
## 6768  342.19    1171    overt
## 6769  347.21    1171    overt
## 6770  352.22    1171    overt
## 6771  357.23    1171    overt
## 6772  362.24    1171    overt
## 6773  367.25    1171    overt
## 6774  372.26    1171    overt
## 6775  377.27    1171    overt
## 6776  382.28    1171    overt
## 6777  387.29    1171    overt
## 6778  392.31    1171    overt
## 6779  397.32    1171    overt
## 6780  402.33    1171    overt
## 6781  407.34    1171    overt
## 6782  412.35    1171    overt
## 6783  417.36    1171    overt
## 6784  422.37    1171    overt
## 6785  427.38    1171    overt
## 6786  432.39    1171    overt
## 6787  437.41    1171    overt
## 6788  442.42    1171    overt
## 6789  447.43    1171    overt
## 6790  452.44    1171    overt
## 6791  457.45    1171    overt
## 6792  462.46    1171    overt
## 6793  467.47    1171    overt
## 6794  472.48    1171    overt
## 6795  477.49    1171    overt
## 6796  482.51    1171    overt
## 6797  487.52    1171    overt
## 6798  492.53    1171    overt
## 6799  497.54    1171    overt
## 6800  502.55    1171    overt
## 6801    6.45    1186    overt
## 6802   11.46    1186    overt
## 6803   16.47    1186    overt
## 6804   21.48    1186    overt
## 6805   26.49    1186    overt
## 6806   31.51    1186    overt
## 6807   36.52    1186    overt
## 6808   41.53    1186    overt
## 6809   46.54    1186    overt
## 6810   51.55    1186    overt
## 6811   56.56    1186    overt
## 6812   61.57    1186    overt
## 6813   66.58    1186    overt
## 6814   71.59    1186    overt
## 6815   76.61    1186    overt
## 6816   81.62    1186    overt
## 6817   86.63    1186    overt
## 6818   91.64    1186    overt
## 6819   96.65    1186    overt
## 6820  101.66    1186    overt
## 6821  106.67    1186    overt
## 6822  111.68    1186    overt
## 6823  116.69    1186    overt
## 6824  121.71    1186    overt
## 6825  126.72    1186    overt
## 6826  131.73    1186    overt
## 6827  136.74    1186    overt
## 6828  141.75    1186    overt
## 6829  146.76    1186    overt
## 6830  151.77    1186    overt
## 6831  156.78    1186    overt
## 6832  161.79    1186    overt
## 6833  166.81    1186    overt
## 6834  171.82    1186    overt
## 6835  176.83    1186    overt
## 6836  181.84    1186    overt
## 6837  186.85    1186    overt
## 6838  191.86    1186    overt
## 6839  196.87    1186    overt
## 6840  201.88    1186    overt
## 6841  206.89    1186    overt
## 6842  211.91    1186    overt
## 6843  216.92    1186    overt
## 6844  221.93    1186    overt
## 6845  226.94    1186    overt
## 6846  231.95    1186    overt
## 6847  236.96    1186    overt
## 6848  241.97    1186    overt
## 6849  246.98    1186    overt
## 6850  251.99    1186    overt
## 6851  257.01    1186    overt
## 6852  262.02    1186    overt
## 6853  267.03    1186    overt
## 6854  272.04    1186    overt
## 6855  277.05    1186    overt
## 6856  282.06    1186    overt
## 6857  287.07    1186    overt
## 6858  292.08    1186    overt
## 6859  297.09    1186    overt
## 6860  302.11    1186    overt
## 6861  307.12    1186    overt
## 6862  312.13    1186    overt
## 6863  317.14    1186    overt
## 6864  322.15    1186    overt
## 6865  327.16    1186    overt
## 6866  332.17    1186    overt
## 6867  337.18    1186    overt
## 6868  342.19    1186    overt
## 6869  347.21    1186    overt
## 6870  352.22    1186    overt
## 6871  357.23    1186    overt
## 6872  362.24    1186    overt
## 6873  367.25    1186    overt
## 6874  372.26    1186    overt
## 6875  377.27    1186    overt
## 6876  382.28    1186    overt
## 6877  387.29    1186    overt
## 6878  392.31    1186    overt
## 6879  397.32    1186    overt
## 6880  402.33    1186    overt
## 6881  407.34    1186    overt
## 6882  412.35    1186    overt
## 6883  417.36    1186    overt
## 6884  422.37    1186    overt
## 6885  427.38    1186    overt
## 6886  432.39    1186    overt
## 6887  437.41    1186    overt
## 6888  442.42    1186    overt
## 6889  447.43    1186    overt
## 6890  452.44    1186    overt
## 6891  457.45    1186    overt
## 6892  462.46    1186    overt
## 6893  467.47    1186    overt
## 6894  472.48    1186    overt
## 6895  477.49    1186    overt
## 6896  482.51    1186    overt
## 6897  487.52    1186    overt
## 6898  492.53    1186    overt
## 6899  497.54    1186    overt
## 6900  502.55    1186    overt
## 6901    6.45    1200    overt
## 6902   11.46    1200    overt
## 6903   16.47    1200    overt
## 6904   21.48    1200    overt
## 6905   26.49    1200    overt
## 6906   31.51    1200    overt
## 6907   36.52    1200    overt
## 6908   41.53    1200    overt
## 6909   46.54    1200    overt
## 6910   51.55    1200    overt
## 6911   56.56    1200    overt
## 6912   61.57    1200    overt
## 6913   66.58    1200    overt
## 6914   71.59    1200    overt
## 6915   76.61    1200    overt
## 6916   81.62    1200    overt
## 6917   86.63    1200    overt
## 6918   91.64    1200    overt
## 6919   96.65    1200    overt
## 6920  101.66    1200    overt
## 6921  106.67    1200    overt
## 6922  111.68    1200    overt
## 6923  116.69    1200    overt
## 6924  121.71    1200    overt
## 6925  126.72    1200    overt
## 6926  131.73    1200    overt
## 6927  136.74    1200    overt
## 6928  141.75    1200    overt
## 6929  146.76    1200    overt
## 6930  151.77    1200    overt
## 6931  156.78    1200    overt
## 6932  161.79    1200    overt
## 6933  166.81    1200    overt
## 6934  171.82    1200    overt
## 6935  176.83    1200    overt
## 6936  181.84    1200    overt
## 6937  186.85    1200    overt
## 6938  191.86    1200    overt
## 6939  196.87    1200    overt
## 6940  201.88    1200    overt
## 6941  206.89    1200    overt
## 6942  211.91    1200    overt
## 6943  216.92    1200    overt
## 6944  221.93    1200    overt
## 6945  226.94    1200    overt
## 6946  231.95    1200    overt
## 6947  236.96    1200    overt
## 6948  241.97    1200    overt
## 6949  246.98    1200    overt
## 6950  251.99    1200    overt
## 6951  257.01    1200    overt
## 6952  262.02    1200    overt
## 6953  267.03    1200    overt
## 6954  272.04    1200    overt
## 6955  277.05    1200    overt
## 6956  282.06    1200    overt
## 6957  287.07    1200    overt
## 6958  292.08    1200    overt
## 6959  297.09    1200    overt
## 6960  302.11    1200    overt
## 6961  307.12    1200    overt
## 6962  312.13    1200    overt
## 6963  317.14    1200    overt
## 6964  322.15    1200    overt
## 6965  327.16    1200    overt
## 6966  332.17    1200    overt
## 6967  337.18    1200    overt
## 6968  342.19    1200    overt
## 6969  347.21    1200    overt
## 6970  352.22    1200    overt
## 6971  357.23    1200    overt
## 6972  362.24    1200    overt
## 6973  367.25    1200    overt
## 6974  372.26    1200    overt
## 6975  377.27    1200    overt
## 6976  382.28    1200    overt
## 6977  387.29    1200    overt
## 6978  392.31    1200    overt
## 6979  397.32    1200    overt
## 6980  402.33    1200    overt
## 6981  407.34    1200    overt
## 6982  412.35    1200    overt
## 6983  417.36    1200    overt
## 6984  422.37    1200    overt
## 6985  427.38    1200    overt
## 6986  432.39    1200    overt
## 6987  437.41    1200    overt
## 6988  442.42    1200    overt
## 6989  447.43    1200    overt
## 6990  452.44    1200    overt
## 6991  457.45    1200    overt
## 6992  462.46    1200    overt
## 6993  467.47    1200    overt
## 6994  472.48    1200    overt
## 6995  477.49    1200    overt
## 6996  482.51    1200    overt
## 6997  487.52    1200    overt
## 6998  492.53    1200    overt
## 6999  497.54    1200    overt
## 7000  502.55    1200    overt
## 7001    6.45    1214    overt
## 7002   11.46    1214    overt
## 7003   16.47    1214    overt
## 7004   21.48    1214    overt
## 7005   26.49    1214    overt
## 7006   31.51    1214    overt
## 7007   36.52    1214    overt
## 7008   41.53    1214    overt
## 7009   46.54    1214    overt
## 7010   51.55    1214    overt
## 7011   56.56    1214    overt
## 7012   61.57    1214    overt
## 7013   66.58    1214    overt
## 7014   71.59    1214    overt
## 7015   76.61    1214    overt
## 7016   81.62    1214    overt
## 7017   86.63    1214    overt
## 7018   91.64    1214    overt
## 7019   96.65    1214    overt
## 7020  101.66    1214    overt
## 7021  106.67    1214    overt
## 7022  111.68    1214    overt
## 7023  116.69    1214    overt
## 7024  121.71    1214    overt
## 7025  126.72    1214    overt
## 7026  131.73    1214    overt
## 7027  136.74    1214    overt
## 7028  141.75    1214    overt
## 7029  146.76    1214    overt
## 7030  151.77    1214    overt
## 7031  156.78    1214    overt
## 7032  161.79    1214    overt
## 7033  166.81    1214    overt
## 7034  171.82    1214    overt
## 7035  176.83    1214    overt
## 7036  181.84    1214    overt
## 7037  186.85    1214    overt
## 7038  191.86    1214    overt
## 7039  196.87    1214    overt
## 7040  201.88    1214    overt
## 7041  206.89    1214    overt
## 7042  211.91    1214    overt
## 7043  216.92    1214    overt
## 7044  221.93    1214    overt
## 7045  226.94    1214    overt
## 7046  231.95    1214    overt
## 7047  236.96    1214    overt
## 7048  241.97    1214    overt
## 7049  246.98    1214    overt
## 7050  251.99    1214    overt
## 7051  257.01    1214    overt
## 7052  262.02    1214    overt
## 7053  267.03    1214    overt
## 7054  272.04    1214    overt
## 7055  277.05    1214    overt
## 7056  282.06    1214    overt
## 7057  287.07    1214    overt
## 7058  292.08    1214    overt
## 7059  297.09    1214    overt
## 7060  302.11    1214    overt
## 7061  307.12    1214    overt
## 7062  312.13    1214    overt
## 7063  317.14    1214    overt
## 7064  322.15    1214    overt
## 7065  327.16    1214    overt
## 7066  332.17    1214    overt
## 7067  337.18    1214    overt
## 7068  342.19    1214    overt
## 7069  347.21    1214    overt
## 7070  352.22    1214    overt
## 7071  357.23    1214    overt
## 7072  362.24    1214    overt
## 7073  367.25    1214    overt
## 7074  372.26    1214    overt
## 7075  377.27    1214    overt
## 7076  382.28    1214    overt
## 7077  387.29    1214    overt
## 7078  392.31    1214    overt
## 7079  397.32    1214    overt
## 7080  402.33    1214    overt
## 7081  407.34    1214    overt
## 7082  412.35    1214    overt
## 7083  417.36    1214    overt
## 7084  422.37    1214    overt
## 7085  427.38    1214    overt
## 7086  432.39    1214    overt
## 7087  437.41    1214    overt
## 7088  442.42    1214    overt
## 7089  447.43    1214    overt
## 7090  452.44    1214    overt
## 7091  457.45    1214    overt
## 7092  462.46    1214    overt
## 7093  467.47    1214    overt
## 7094  472.48    1214    overt
## 7095  477.49    1214    overt
## 7096  482.51    1214    overt
## 7097  487.52    1214    overt
## 7098  492.53    1214    overt
## 7099  497.54    1214    overt
## 7100  502.55    1214    overt
## 7101    6.45    1229    overt
## 7102   11.46    1229    overt
## 7103   16.47    1229    overt
## 7104   21.48    1229    overt
## 7105   26.49    1229    overt
## 7106   31.51    1229    overt
## 7107   36.52    1229    overt
## 7108   41.53    1229    overt
## 7109   46.54    1229    overt
## 7110   51.55    1229    overt
## 7111   56.56    1229    overt
## 7112   61.57    1229    overt
## 7113   66.58    1229    overt
## 7114   71.59    1229    overt
## 7115   76.61    1229    overt
## 7116   81.62    1229    overt
## 7117   86.63    1229    overt
## 7118   91.64    1229    overt
## 7119   96.65    1229    overt
## 7120  101.66    1229    overt
## 7121  106.67    1229    overt
## 7122  111.68    1229    overt
## 7123  116.69    1229    overt
## 7124  121.71    1229    overt
## 7125  126.72    1229    overt
## 7126  131.73    1229    overt
## 7127  136.74    1229    overt
## 7128  141.75    1229    overt
## 7129  146.76    1229    overt
## 7130  151.77    1229    overt
## 7131  156.78    1229    overt
## 7132  161.79    1229    overt
## 7133  166.81    1229    overt
## 7134  171.82    1229    overt
## 7135  176.83    1229    overt
## 7136  181.84    1229    overt
## 7137  186.85    1229    overt
## 7138  191.86    1229    overt
## 7139  196.87    1229    overt
## 7140  201.88    1229    overt
## 7141  206.89    1229    overt
## 7142  211.91    1229    overt
## 7143  216.92    1229    overt
## 7144  221.93    1229    overt
## 7145  226.94    1229    overt
## 7146  231.95    1229    overt
## 7147  236.96    1229    overt
## 7148  241.97    1229    overt
## 7149  246.98    1229    overt
## 7150  251.99    1229    overt
## 7151  257.01    1229    overt
## 7152  262.02    1229    overt
## 7153  267.03    1229    overt
## 7154  272.04    1229    overt
## 7155  277.05    1229    overt
## 7156  282.06    1229    overt
## 7157  287.07    1229    overt
## 7158  292.08    1229    overt
## 7159  297.09    1229    overt
## 7160  302.11    1229    overt
## 7161  307.12    1229    overt
## 7162  312.13    1229    overt
## 7163  317.14    1229    overt
## 7164  322.15    1229    overt
## 7165  327.16    1229    overt
## 7166  332.17    1229    overt
## 7167  337.18    1229    overt
## 7168  342.19    1229    overt
## 7169  347.21    1229    overt
## 7170  352.22    1229    overt
## 7171  357.23    1229    overt
## 7172  362.24    1229    overt
## 7173  367.25    1229    overt
## 7174  372.26    1229    overt
## 7175  377.27    1229    overt
## 7176  382.28    1229    overt
## 7177  387.29    1229    overt
## 7178  392.31    1229    overt
## 7179  397.32    1229    overt
## 7180  402.33    1229    overt
## 7181  407.34    1229    overt
## 7182  412.35    1229    overt
## 7183  417.36    1229    overt
## 7184  422.37    1229    overt
## 7185  427.38    1229    overt
## 7186  432.39    1229    overt
## 7187  437.41    1229    overt
## 7188  442.42    1229    overt
## 7189  447.43    1229    overt
## 7190  452.44    1229    overt
## 7191  457.45    1229    overt
## 7192  462.46    1229    overt
## 7193  467.47    1229    overt
## 7194  472.48    1229    overt
## 7195  477.49    1229    overt
## 7196  482.51    1229    overt
## 7197  487.52    1229    overt
## 7198  492.53    1229    overt
## 7199  497.54    1229    overt
## 7200  502.55    1229    overt
## 7201    6.45    1243    overt
## 7202   11.46    1243    overt
## 7203   16.47    1243    overt
## 7204   21.48    1243    overt
## 7205   26.49    1243    overt
## 7206   31.51    1243    overt
## 7207   36.52    1243    overt
## 7208   41.53    1243    overt
## 7209   46.54    1243    overt
## 7210   51.55    1243    overt
## 7211   56.56    1243    overt
## 7212   61.57    1243    overt
## 7213   66.58    1243    overt
## 7214   71.59    1243    overt
## 7215   76.61    1243    overt
## 7216   81.62    1243    overt
## 7217   86.63    1243    overt
## 7218   91.64    1243    overt
## 7219   96.65    1243    overt
## 7220  101.66    1243    overt
## 7221  106.67    1243    overt
## 7222  111.68    1243    overt
## 7223  116.69    1243    overt
## 7224  121.71    1243    overt
## 7225  126.72    1243    overt
## 7226  131.73    1243    overt
## 7227  136.74    1243    overt
## 7228  141.75    1243    overt
## 7229  146.76    1243    overt
## 7230  151.77    1243    overt
## 7231  156.78    1243    overt
## 7232  161.79    1243    overt
## 7233  166.81    1243    overt
## 7234  171.82    1243    overt
## 7235  176.83    1243    overt
## 7236  181.84    1243    overt
## 7237  186.85    1243    overt
## 7238  191.86    1243    overt
## 7239  196.87    1243    overt
## 7240  201.88    1243    overt
## 7241  206.89    1243    overt
## 7242  211.91    1243    overt
## 7243  216.92    1243    overt
## 7244  221.93    1243    overt
## 7245  226.94    1243    overt
## 7246  231.95    1243    overt
## 7247  236.96    1243    overt
## 7248  241.97    1243    overt
## 7249  246.98    1243    overt
## 7250  251.99    1243    overt
## 7251  257.01    1243    overt
## 7252  262.02    1243    overt
## 7253  267.03    1243    overt
## 7254  272.04    1243    overt
## 7255  277.05    1243    overt
## 7256  282.06    1243    overt
## 7257  287.07    1243    overt
## 7258  292.08    1243    overt
## 7259  297.09    1243    overt
## 7260  302.11    1243    overt
## 7261  307.12    1243    overt
## 7262  312.13    1243    overt
## 7263  317.14    1243    overt
## 7264  322.15    1243    overt
## 7265  327.16    1243    overt
## 7266  332.17    1243    overt
## 7267  337.18    1243    overt
## 7268  342.19    1243    overt
## 7269  347.21    1243    overt
## 7270  352.22    1243    overt
## 7271  357.23    1243    overt
## 7272  362.24    1243    overt
## 7273  367.25    1243    overt
## 7274  372.26    1243    overt
## 7275  377.27    1243    overt
## 7276  382.28    1243    overt
## 7277  387.29    1243    overt
## 7278  392.31    1243    overt
## 7279  397.32    1243    overt
## 7280  402.33    1243    overt
## 7281  407.34    1243    overt
## 7282  412.35    1243    overt
## 7283  417.36    1243    overt
## 7284  422.37    1243    overt
## 7285  427.38    1243    overt
## 7286  432.39    1243    overt
## 7287  437.41    1243    overt
## 7288  442.42    1243    overt
## 7289  447.43    1243    overt
## 7290  452.44    1243    overt
## 7291  457.45    1243    overt
## 7292  462.46    1243    overt
## 7293  467.47    1243    overt
## 7294  472.48    1243    overt
## 7295  477.49    1243    overt
## 7296  482.51    1243    overt
## 7297  487.52    1243    overt
## 7298  492.53    1243    overt
## 7299  497.54    1243    overt
## 7300  502.55    1243    overt
## 7301    6.45    1258    overt
## 7302   11.46    1258    overt
## 7303   16.47    1258    overt
## 7304   21.48    1258    overt
## 7305   26.49    1258    overt
## 7306   31.51    1258    overt
## 7307   36.52    1258    overt
## 7308   41.53    1258    overt
## 7309   46.54    1258    overt
## 7310   51.55    1258    overt
## 7311   56.56    1258    overt
## 7312   61.57    1258    overt
## 7313   66.58    1258    overt
## 7314   71.59    1258    overt
## 7315   76.61    1258    overt
## 7316   81.62    1258    overt
## 7317   86.63    1258    overt
## 7318   91.64    1258    overt
## 7319   96.65    1258    overt
## 7320  101.66    1258    overt
## 7321  106.67    1258    overt
## 7322  111.68    1258    overt
## 7323  116.69    1258    overt
## 7324  121.71    1258    overt
## 7325  126.72    1258    overt
## 7326  131.73    1258    overt
## 7327  136.74    1258    overt
## 7328  141.75    1258    overt
## 7329  146.76    1258    overt
## 7330  151.77    1258    overt
## 7331  156.78    1258    overt
## 7332  161.79    1258    overt
## 7333  166.81    1258    overt
## 7334  171.82    1258    overt
## 7335  176.83    1258    overt
## 7336  181.84    1258    overt
## 7337  186.85    1258    overt
## 7338  191.86    1258    overt
## 7339  196.87    1258    overt
## 7340  201.88    1258    overt
## 7341  206.89    1258    overt
## 7342  211.91    1258    overt
## 7343  216.92    1258    overt
## 7344  221.93    1258    overt
## 7345  226.94    1258    overt
## 7346  231.95    1258    overt
## 7347  236.96    1258    overt
## 7348  241.97    1258    overt
## 7349  246.98    1258    overt
## 7350  251.99    1258    overt
## 7351  257.01    1258    overt
## 7352  262.02    1258    overt
## 7353  267.03    1258    overt
## 7354  272.04    1258    overt
## 7355  277.05    1258    overt
## 7356  282.06    1258    overt
## 7357  287.07    1258    overt
## 7358  292.08    1258    overt
## 7359  297.09    1258    overt
## 7360  302.11    1258    overt
## 7361  307.12    1258    overt
## 7362  312.13    1258    overt
## 7363  317.14    1258    overt
## 7364  322.15    1258    overt
## 7365  327.16    1258    overt
## 7366  332.17    1258    overt
## 7367  337.18    1258    overt
## 7368  342.19    1258    overt
## 7369  347.21    1258    overt
## 7370  352.22    1258    overt
## 7371  357.23    1258    overt
## 7372  362.24    1258    overt
## 7373  367.25    1258    overt
## 7374  372.26    1258    overt
## 7375  377.27    1258    overt
## 7376  382.28    1258    overt
## 7377  387.29    1258    overt
## 7378  392.31    1258    overt
## 7379  397.32    1258    overt
## 7380  402.33    1258    overt
## 7381  407.34    1258    overt
## 7382  412.35    1258    overt
## 7383  417.36    1258    overt
## 7384  422.37    1258    overt
## 7385  427.38    1258    overt
## 7386  432.39    1258    overt
## 7387  437.41    1258    overt
## 7388  442.42    1258    overt
## 7389  447.43    1258    overt
## 7390  452.44    1258    overt
## 7391  457.45    1258    overt
## 7392  462.46    1258    overt
## 7393  467.47    1258    overt
## 7394  472.48    1258    overt
## 7395  477.49    1258    overt
## 7396  482.51    1258    overt
## 7397  487.52    1258    overt
## 7398  492.53    1258    overt
## 7399  497.54    1258    overt
## 7400  502.55    1258    overt
## 7401    6.45    1272    overt
## 7402   11.46    1272    overt
## 7403   16.47    1272    overt
## 7404   21.48    1272    overt
## 7405   26.49    1272    overt
## 7406   31.51    1272    overt
## 7407   36.52    1272    overt
## 7408   41.53    1272    overt
## 7409   46.54    1272    overt
## 7410   51.55    1272    overt
## 7411   56.56    1272    overt
## 7412   61.57    1272    overt
## 7413   66.58    1272    overt
## 7414   71.59    1272    overt
## 7415   76.61    1272    overt
## 7416   81.62    1272    overt
## 7417   86.63    1272    overt
## 7418   91.64    1272    overt
## 7419   96.65    1272    overt
## 7420  101.66    1272    overt
## 7421  106.67    1272    overt
## 7422  111.68    1272    overt
## 7423  116.69    1272    overt
## 7424  121.71    1272    overt
## 7425  126.72    1272    overt
## 7426  131.73    1272    overt
## 7427  136.74    1272    overt
## 7428  141.75    1272    overt
## 7429  146.76    1272    overt
## 7430  151.77    1272    overt
## 7431  156.78    1272    overt
## 7432  161.79    1272    overt
## 7433  166.81    1272    overt
## 7434  171.82    1272    overt
## 7435  176.83    1272    overt
## 7436  181.84    1272    overt
## 7437  186.85    1272    overt
## 7438  191.86    1272    overt
## 7439  196.87    1272    overt
## 7440  201.88    1272    overt
## 7441  206.89    1272    overt
## 7442  211.91    1272    overt
## 7443  216.92    1272    overt
## 7444  221.93    1272    overt
## 7445  226.94    1272    overt
## 7446  231.95    1272    overt
## 7447  236.96    1272    overt
## 7448  241.97    1272    overt
## 7449  246.98    1272    overt
## 7450  251.99    1272    overt
## 7451  257.01    1272    overt
## 7452  262.02    1272    overt
## 7453  267.03    1272    overt
## 7454  272.04    1272    overt
## 7455  277.05    1272    overt
## 7456  282.06    1272    overt
## 7457  287.07    1272    overt
## 7458  292.08    1272    overt
## 7459  297.09    1272    overt
## 7460  302.11    1272    overt
## 7461  307.12    1272    overt
## 7462  312.13    1272    overt
## 7463  317.14    1272    overt
## 7464  322.15    1272    overt
## 7465  327.16    1272    overt
## 7466  332.17    1272    overt
## 7467  337.18    1272    overt
## 7468  342.19    1272    overt
## 7469  347.21    1272    overt
## 7470  352.22    1272    overt
## 7471  357.23    1272    overt
## 7472  362.24    1272    overt
## 7473  367.25    1272    overt
## 7474  372.26    1272    overt
## 7475  377.27    1272    overt
## 7476  382.28    1272    overt
## 7477  387.29    1272    overt
## 7478  392.31    1272    overt
## 7479  397.32    1272    overt
## 7480  402.33    1272    overt
## 7481  407.34    1272    overt
## 7482  412.35    1272    overt
## 7483  417.36    1272    overt
## 7484  422.37    1272    overt
## 7485  427.38    1272    overt
## 7486  432.39    1272    overt
## 7487  437.41    1272    overt
## 7488  442.42    1272    overt
## 7489  447.43    1272    overt
## 7490  452.44    1272    overt
## 7491  457.45    1272    overt
## 7492  462.46    1272    overt
## 7493  467.47    1272    overt
## 7494  472.48    1272    overt
## 7495  477.49    1272    overt
## 7496  482.51    1272    overt
## 7497  487.52    1272    overt
## 7498  492.53    1272    overt
## 7499  497.54    1272    overt
## 7500  502.55    1272    overt
## 7501    6.45    1287    overt
## 7502   11.46    1287    overt
## 7503   16.47    1287    overt
## 7504   21.48    1287    overt
## 7505   26.49    1287    overt
## 7506   31.51    1287    overt
## 7507   36.52    1287    overt
## 7508   41.53    1287    overt
## 7509   46.54    1287    overt
## 7510   51.55    1287    overt
## 7511   56.56    1287    overt
## 7512   61.57    1287    overt
## 7513   66.58    1287    overt
## 7514   71.59    1287    overt
## 7515   76.61    1287    overt
## 7516   81.62    1287    overt
## 7517   86.63    1287    overt
## 7518   91.64    1287    overt
## 7519   96.65    1287    overt
## 7520  101.66    1287    overt
## 7521  106.67    1287    overt
## 7522  111.68    1287    overt
## 7523  116.69    1287    overt
## 7524  121.71    1287    overt
## 7525  126.72    1287    overt
## 7526  131.73    1287    overt
## 7527  136.74    1287    overt
## 7528  141.75    1287    overt
## 7529  146.76    1287    overt
## 7530  151.77    1287    overt
## 7531  156.78    1287    overt
## 7532  161.79    1287    overt
## 7533  166.81    1287    overt
## 7534  171.82    1287    overt
## 7535  176.83    1287    overt
## 7536  181.84    1287    overt
## 7537  186.85    1287    overt
## 7538  191.86    1287    overt
## 7539  196.87    1287    overt
## 7540  201.88    1287    overt
## 7541  206.89    1287    overt
## 7542  211.91    1287    overt
## 7543  216.92    1287    overt
## 7544  221.93    1287    overt
## 7545  226.94    1287    overt
## 7546  231.95    1287    overt
## 7547  236.96    1287    overt
## 7548  241.97    1287    overt
## 7549  246.98    1287    overt
## 7550  251.99    1287    overt
## 7551  257.01    1287    overt
## 7552  262.02    1287    overt
## 7553  267.03    1287    overt
## 7554  272.04    1287    overt
## 7555  277.05    1287    overt
## 7556  282.06    1287    overt
## 7557  287.07    1287    overt
## 7558  292.08    1287    overt
## 7559  297.09    1287    overt
## 7560  302.11    1287    overt
## 7561  307.12    1287    overt
## 7562  312.13    1287    overt
## 7563  317.14    1287    overt
## 7564  322.15    1287    overt
## 7565  327.16    1287    overt
## 7566  332.17    1287    overt
## 7567  337.18    1287    overt
## 7568  342.19    1287    overt
## 7569  347.21    1287    overt
## 7570  352.22    1287    overt
## 7571  357.23    1287    overt
## 7572  362.24    1287    overt
## 7573  367.25    1287    overt
## 7574  372.26    1287    overt
## 7575  377.27    1287    overt
## 7576  382.28    1287    overt
## 7577  387.29    1287    overt
## 7578  392.31    1287    overt
## 7579  397.32    1287    overt
## 7580  402.33    1287    overt
## 7581  407.34    1287    overt
## 7582  412.35    1287    overt
## 7583  417.36    1287    overt
## 7584  422.37    1287    overt
## 7585  427.38    1287    overt
## 7586  432.39    1287    overt
## 7587  437.41    1287    overt
## 7588  442.42    1287    overt
## 7589  447.43    1287    overt
## 7590  452.44    1287    overt
## 7591  457.45    1287    overt
## 7592  462.46    1287    overt
## 7593  467.47    1287    overt
## 7594  472.48    1287    overt
## 7595  477.49    1287    overt
## 7596  482.51    1287    overt
## 7597  487.52    1287    overt
## 7598  492.53    1287    overt
## 7599  497.54    1287    overt
## 7600  502.55    1287    overt
## 7601    6.45    1301    overt
## 7602   11.46    1301    overt
## 7603   16.47    1301    overt
## 7604   21.48    1301    overt
## 7605   26.49    1301    overt
## 7606   31.51    1301    overt
## 7607   36.52    1301    overt
## 7608   41.53    1301    overt
## 7609   46.54    1301    overt
## 7610   51.55    1301    overt
## 7611   56.56    1301    overt
## 7612   61.57    1301    overt
## 7613   66.58    1301    overt
## 7614   71.59    1301    overt
## 7615   76.61    1301    overt
## 7616   81.62    1301    overt
## 7617   86.63    1301    overt
## 7618   91.64    1301    overt
## 7619   96.65    1301    overt
## 7620  101.66    1301    overt
## 7621  106.67    1301    overt
## 7622  111.68    1301    overt
## 7623  116.69    1301    overt
## 7624  121.71    1301    overt
## 7625  126.72    1301    overt
## 7626  131.73    1301    overt
## 7627  136.74    1301    overt
## 7628  141.75    1301    overt
## 7629  146.76    1301    overt
## 7630  151.77    1301    overt
## 7631  156.78    1301    overt
## 7632  161.79    1301    overt
## 7633  166.81    1301    overt
## 7634  171.82    1301    overt
## 7635  176.83    1301    overt
## 7636  181.84    1301    overt
## 7637  186.85    1301    overt
## 7638  191.86    1301    overt
## 7639  196.87    1301    overt
## 7640  201.88    1301    overt
## 7641  206.89    1301    overt
## 7642  211.91    1301    overt
## 7643  216.92    1301    overt
## 7644  221.93    1301    overt
## 7645  226.94    1301    overt
## 7646  231.95    1301    overt
## 7647  236.96    1301    overt
## 7648  241.97    1301    overt
## 7649  246.98    1301    overt
## 7650  251.99    1301    overt
## 7651  257.01    1301    overt
## 7652  262.02    1301    overt
## 7653  267.03    1301    overt
## 7654  272.04    1301    overt
## 7655  277.05    1301    overt
## 7656  282.06    1301    overt
## 7657  287.07    1301    overt
## 7658  292.08    1301    overt
## 7659  297.09    1301    overt
## 7660  302.11    1301    overt
## 7661  307.12    1301    overt
## 7662  312.13    1301    overt
## 7663  317.14    1301    overt
## 7664  322.15    1301    overt
## 7665  327.16    1301    overt
## 7666  332.17    1301    overt
## 7667  337.18    1301    overt
## 7668  342.19    1301    overt
## 7669  347.21    1301    overt
## 7670  352.22    1301    overt
## 7671  357.23    1301    overt
## 7672  362.24    1301    overt
## 7673  367.25    1301    overt
## 7674  372.26    1301    overt
## 7675  377.27    1301    overt
## 7676  382.28    1301    overt
## 7677  387.29    1301    overt
## 7678  392.31    1301    overt
## 7679  397.32    1301    overt
## 7680  402.33    1301    overt
## 7681  407.34    1301    overt
## 7682  412.35    1301    overt
## 7683  417.36    1301    overt
## 7684  422.37    1301    overt
## 7685  427.38    1301    overt
## 7686  432.39    1301    overt
## 7687  437.41    1301    overt
## 7688  442.42    1301    overt
## 7689  447.43    1301    overt
## 7690  452.44    1301    overt
## 7691  457.45    1301    overt
## 7692  462.46    1301    overt
## 7693  467.47    1301    overt
## 7694  472.48    1301    overt
## 7695  477.49    1301    overt
## 7696  482.51    1301    overt
## 7697  487.52    1301    overt
## 7698  492.53    1301    overt
## 7699  497.54    1301    overt
## 7700  502.55    1301    overt
## 7701    6.45    1315    overt
## 7702   11.46    1315    overt
## 7703   16.47    1315    overt
## 7704   21.48    1315    overt
## 7705   26.49    1315    overt
## 7706   31.51    1315    overt
## 7707   36.52    1315    overt
## 7708   41.53    1315    overt
## 7709   46.54    1315    overt
## 7710   51.55    1315    overt
## 7711   56.56    1315    overt
## 7712   61.57    1315    overt
## 7713   66.58    1315    overt
## 7714   71.59    1315    overt
## 7715   76.61    1315    overt
## 7716   81.62    1315    overt
## 7717   86.63    1315    overt
## 7718   91.64    1315    overt
## 7719   96.65    1315    overt
## 7720  101.66    1315    overt
## 7721  106.67    1315    overt
## 7722  111.68    1315    overt
## 7723  116.69    1315    overt
## 7724  121.71    1315    overt
## 7725  126.72    1315    overt
## 7726  131.73    1315    overt
## 7727  136.74    1315    overt
## 7728  141.75    1315    overt
## 7729  146.76    1315    overt
## 7730  151.77    1315    overt
## 7731  156.78    1315    overt
## 7732  161.79    1315    overt
## 7733  166.81    1315    overt
## 7734  171.82    1315    overt
## 7735  176.83    1315    overt
## 7736  181.84    1315    overt
## 7737  186.85    1315    overt
## 7738  191.86    1315    overt
## 7739  196.87    1315    overt
## 7740  201.88    1315    overt
## 7741  206.89    1315    overt
## 7742  211.91    1315    overt
## 7743  216.92    1315    overt
## 7744  221.93    1315    overt
## 7745  226.94    1315    overt
## 7746  231.95    1315    overt
## 7747  236.96    1315    overt
## 7748  241.97    1315    overt
## 7749  246.98    1315    overt
## 7750  251.99    1315    overt
## 7751  257.01    1315    overt
## 7752  262.02    1315    overt
## 7753  267.03    1315    overt
## 7754  272.04    1315    overt
## 7755  277.05    1315    overt
## 7756  282.06    1315    overt
## 7757  287.07    1315    overt
## 7758  292.08    1315    overt
## 7759  297.09    1315    overt
## 7760  302.11    1315    overt
## 7761  307.12    1315    overt
## 7762  312.13    1315    overt
## 7763  317.14    1315    overt
## 7764  322.15    1315    overt
## 7765  327.16    1315    overt
## 7766  332.17    1315    overt
## 7767  337.18    1315    overt
## 7768  342.19    1315    overt
## 7769  347.21    1315    overt
## 7770  352.22    1315    overt
## 7771  357.23    1315    overt
## 7772  362.24    1315    overt
## 7773  367.25    1315    overt
## 7774  372.26    1315    overt
## 7775  377.27    1315    overt
## 7776  382.28    1315    overt
## 7777  387.29    1315    overt
## 7778  392.31    1315    overt
## 7779  397.32    1315    overt
## 7780  402.33    1315    overt
## 7781  407.34    1315    overt
## 7782  412.35    1315    overt
## 7783  417.36    1315    overt
## 7784  422.37    1315    overt
## 7785  427.38    1315    overt
## 7786  432.39    1315    overt
## 7787  437.41    1315    overt
## 7788  442.42    1315    overt
## 7789  447.43    1315    overt
## 7790  452.44    1315    overt
## 7791  457.45    1315    overt
## 7792  462.46    1315    overt
## 7793  467.47    1315    overt
## 7794  472.48    1315    overt
## 7795  477.49    1315    overt
## 7796  482.51    1315    overt
## 7797  487.52    1315    overt
## 7798  492.53    1315    overt
## 7799  497.54    1315    overt
## 7800  502.55    1315    overt
## 7801    6.45    1330    overt
## 7802   11.46    1330    overt
## 7803   16.47    1330    overt
## 7804   21.48    1330    overt
## 7805   26.49    1330    overt
## 7806   31.51    1330    overt
## 7807   36.52    1330    overt
## 7808   41.53    1330    overt
## 7809   46.54    1330    overt
## 7810   51.55    1330    overt
## 7811   56.56    1330    overt
## 7812   61.57    1330    overt
## 7813   66.58    1330    overt
## 7814   71.59    1330    overt
## 7815   76.61    1330    overt
## 7816   81.62    1330    overt
## 7817   86.63    1330    overt
## 7818   91.64    1330    overt
## 7819   96.65    1330    overt
## 7820  101.66    1330    overt
## 7821  106.67    1330    overt
## 7822  111.68    1330    overt
## 7823  116.69    1330    overt
## 7824  121.71    1330    overt
## 7825  126.72    1330    overt
## 7826  131.73    1330    overt
## 7827  136.74    1330    overt
## 7828  141.75    1330    overt
## 7829  146.76    1330    overt
## 7830  151.77    1330    overt
## 7831  156.78    1330    overt
## 7832  161.79    1330    overt
## 7833  166.81    1330    overt
## 7834  171.82    1330    overt
## 7835  176.83    1330    overt
## 7836  181.84    1330    overt
## 7837  186.85    1330    overt
## 7838  191.86    1330    overt
## 7839  196.87    1330    overt
## 7840  201.88    1330    overt
## 7841  206.89    1330    overt
## 7842  211.91    1330    overt
## 7843  216.92    1330    overt
## 7844  221.93    1330    overt
## 7845  226.94    1330    overt
## 7846  231.95    1330    overt
## 7847  236.96    1330    overt
## 7848  241.97    1330    overt
## 7849  246.98    1330    overt
## 7850  251.99    1330    overt
## 7851  257.01    1330    overt
## 7852  262.02    1330    overt
## 7853  267.03    1330    overt
## 7854  272.04    1330    overt
## 7855  277.05    1330    overt
## 7856  282.06    1330    overt
## 7857  287.07    1330    overt
## 7858  292.08    1330    overt
## 7859  297.09    1330    overt
## 7860  302.11    1330    overt
## 7861  307.12    1330    overt
## 7862  312.13    1330    overt
## 7863  317.14    1330    overt
## 7864  322.15    1330    overt
## 7865  327.16    1330    overt
## 7866  332.17    1330    overt
## 7867  337.18    1330    overt
## 7868  342.19    1330    overt
## 7869  347.21    1330    overt
## 7870  352.22    1330    overt
## 7871  357.23    1330    overt
## 7872  362.24    1330    overt
## 7873  367.25    1330    overt
## 7874  372.26    1330    overt
## 7875  377.27    1330    overt
## 7876  382.28    1330    overt
## 7877  387.29    1330    overt
## 7878  392.31    1330    overt
## 7879  397.32    1330    overt
## 7880  402.33    1330    overt
## 7881  407.34    1330    overt
## 7882  412.35    1330    overt
## 7883  417.36    1330    overt
## 7884  422.37    1330    overt
## 7885  427.38    1330    overt
## 7886  432.39    1330    overt
## 7887  437.41    1330    overt
## 7888  442.42    1330    overt
## 7889  447.43    1330    overt
## 7890  452.44    1330    overt
## 7891  457.45    1330    overt
## 7892  462.46    1330    overt
## 7893  467.47    1330    overt
## 7894  472.48    1330    overt
## 7895  477.49    1330    overt
## 7896  482.51    1330    overt
## 7897  487.52    1330    overt
## 7898  492.53    1330    overt
## 7899  497.54    1330    overt
## 7900  502.55    1330    overt
## 7901    6.45    1344    overt
## 7902   11.46    1344    overt
## 7903   16.47    1344    overt
## 7904   21.48    1344    overt
## 7905   26.49    1344    overt
## 7906   31.51    1344    overt
## 7907   36.52    1344    overt
## 7908   41.53    1344    overt
## 7909   46.54    1344    overt
## 7910   51.55    1344    overt
## 7911   56.56    1344    overt
## 7912   61.57    1344    overt
## 7913   66.58    1344    overt
## 7914   71.59    1344    overt
## 7915   76.61    1344    overt
## 7916   81.62    1344    overt
## 7917   86.63    1344    overt
## 7918   91.64    1344    overt
## 7919   96.65    1344    overt
## 7920  101.66    1344    overt
## 7921  106.67    1344    overt
## 7922  111.68    1344    overt
## 7923  116.69    1344    overt
## 7924  121.71    1344    overt
## 7925  126.72    1344    overt
## 7926  131.73    1344    overt
## 7927  136.74    1344    overt
## 7928  141.75    1344    overt
## 7929  146.76    1344    overt
## 7930  151.77    1344    overt
## 7931  156.78    1344    overt
## 7932  161.79    1344    overt
## 7933  166.81    1344    overt
## 7934  171.82    1344    overt
## 7935  176.83    1344    overt
## 7936  181.84    1344    overt
## 7937  186.85    1344    overt
## 7938  191.86    1344    overt
## 7939  196.87    1344    overt
## 7940  201.88    1344    overt
## 7941  206.89    1344    overt
## 7942  211.91    1344    overt
## 7943  216.92    1344    overt
## 7944  221.93    1344    overt
## 7945  226.94    1344    overt
## 7946  231.95    1344    overt
## 7947  236.96    1344    overt
## 7948  241.97    1344    overt
## 7949  246.98    1344    overt
## 7950  251.99    1344    overt
## 7951  257.01    1344    overt
## 7952  262.02    1344    overt
## 7953  267.03    1344    overt
## 7954  272.04    1344    overt
## 7955  277.05    1344    overt
## 7956  282.06    1344    overt
## 7957  287.07    1344    overt
## 7958  292.08    1344    overt
## 7959  297.09    1344    overt
## 7960  302.11    1344    overt
## 7961  307.12    1344    overt
## 7962  312.13    1344    overt
## 7963  317.14    1344    overt
## 7964  322.15    1344    overt
## 7965  327.16    1344    overt
## 7966  332.17    1344    overt
## 7967  337.18    1344    overt
## 7968  342.19    1344    overt
## 7969  347.21    1344    overt
## 7970  352.22    1344    overt
## 7971  357.23    1344    overt
## 7972  362.24    1344    overt
## 7973  367.25    1344    overt
## 7974  372.26    1344    overt
## 7975  377.27    1344    overt
## 7976  382.28    1344    overt
## 7977  387.29    1344    overt
## 7978  392.31    1344    overt
## 7979  397.32    1344    overt
## 7980  402.33    1344    overt
## 7981  407.34    1344    overt
## 7982  412.35    1344    overt
## 7983  417.36    1344    overt
## 7984  422.37    1344    overt
## 7985  427.38    1344    overt
## 7986  432.39    1344    overt
## 7987  437.41    1344    overt
## 7988  442.42    1344    overt
## 7989  447.43    1344    overt
## 7990  452.44    1344    overt
## 7991  457.45    1344    overt
## 7992  462.46    1344    overt
## 7993  467.47    1344    overt
## 7994  472.48    1344    overt
## 7995  477.49    1344    overt
## 7996  482.51    1344    overt
## 7997  487.52    1344    overt
## 7998  492.53    1344    overt
## 7999  497.54    1344    overt
## 8000  502.55    1344    overt
## 8001    6.45    1359    overt
## 8002   11.46    1359    overt
## 8003   16.47    1359    overt
## 8004   21.48    1359    overt
## 8005   26.49    1359    overt
## 8006   31.51    1359    overt
## 8007   36.52    1359    overt
## 8008   41.53    1359    overt
## 8009   46.54    1359    overt
## 8010   51.55    1359    overt
## 8011   56.56    1359    overt
## 8012   61.57    1359    overt
## 8013   66.58    1359    overt
## 8014   71.59    1359    overt
## 8015   76.61    1359    overt
## 8016   81.62    1359    overt
## 8017   86.63    1359    overt
## 8018   91.64    1359    overt
## 8019   96.65    1359    overt
## 8020  101.66    1359    overt
## 8021  106.67    1359    overt
## 8022  111.68    1359    overt
## 8023  116.69    1359    overt
## 8024  121.71    1359    overt
## 8025  126.72    1359    overt
## 8026  131.73    1359    overt
## 8027  136.74    1359    overt
## 8028  141.75    1359    overt
## 8029  146.76    1359    overt
## 8030  151.77    1359    overt
## 8031  156.78    1359    overt
## 8032  161.79    1359    overt
## 8033  166.81    1359    overt
## 8034  171.82    1359    overt
## 8035  176.83    1359    overt
## 8036  181.84    1359    overt
## 8037  186.85    1359    overt
## 8038  191.86    1359    overt
## 8039  196.87    1359    overt
## 8040  201.88    1359    overt
## 8041  206.89    1359    overt
## 8042  211.91    1359    overt
## 8043  216.92    1359    overt
## 8044  221.93    1359    overt
## 8045  226.94    1359    overt
## 8046  231.95    1359    overt
## 8047  236.96    1359    overt
## 8048  241.97    1359    overt
## 8049  246.98    1359    overt
## 8050  251.99    1359    overt
## 8051  257.01    1359    overt
## 8052  262.02    1359    overt
## 8053  267.03    1359    overt
## 8054  272.04    1359    overt
## 8055  277.05    1359    overt
## 8056  282.06    1359    overt
## 8057  287.07    1359    overt
## 8058  292.08    1359    overt
## 8059  297.09    1359    overt
## 8060  302.11    1359    overt
## 8061  307.12    1359    overt
## 8062  312.13    1359    overt
## 8063  317.14    1359    overt
## 8064  322.15    1359    overt
## 8065  327.16    1359    overt
## 8066  332.17    1359    overt
## 8067  337.18    1359    overt
## 8068  342.19    1359    overt
## 8069  347.21    1359    overt
## 8070  352.22    1359    overt
## 8071  357.23    1359    overt
## 8072  362.24    1359    overt
## 8073  367.25    1359    overt
## 8074  372.26    1359    overt
## 8075  377.27    1359    overt
## 8076  382.28    1359    overt
## 8077  387.29    1359    overt
## 8078  392.31    1359    overt
## 8079  397.32    1359    overt
## 8080  402.33    1359    overt
## 8081  407.34    1359    overt
## 8082  412.35    1359    overt
## 8083  417.36    1359    overt
## 8084  422.37    1359    overt
## 8085  427.38    1359    overt
## 8086  432.39    1359    overt
## 8087  437.41    1359    overt
## 8088  442.42    1359    overt
## 8089  447.43    1359    overt
## 8090  452.44    1359    overt
## 8091  457.45    1359    overt
## 8092  462.46    1359    overt
## 8093  467.47    1359    overt
## 8094  472.48    1359    overt
## 8095  477.49    1359    overt
## 8096  482.51    1359    overt
## 8097  487.52    1359    overt
## 8098  492.53    1359    overt
## 8099  497.54    1359    overt
## 8100  502.55    1359    overt
## 8101    6.45    1373    overt
## 8102   11.46    1373    overt
## 8103   16.47    1373    overt
## 8104   21.48    1373    overt
## 8105   26.49    1373    overt
## 8106   31.51    1373    overt
## 8107   36.52    1373    overt
## 8108   41.53    1373    overt
## 8109   46.54    1373    overt
## 8110   51.55    1373    overt
## 8111   56.56    1373    overt
## 8112   61.57    1373    overt
## 8113   66.58    1373    overt
## 8114   71.59    1373    overt
## 8115   76.61    1373    overt
## 8116   81.62    1373    overt
## 8117   86.63    1373    overt
## 8118   91.64    1373    overt
## 8119   96.65    1373    overt
## 8120  101.66    1373    overt
## 8121  106.67    1373    overt
## 8122  111.68    1373    overt
## 8123  116.69    1373    overt
## 8124  121.71    1373    overt
## 8125  126.72    1373    overt
## 8126  131.73    1373    overt
## 8127  136.74    1373    overt
## 8128  141.75    1373    overt
## 8129  146.76    1373    overt
## 8130  151.77    1373    overt
## 8131  156.78    1373    overt
## 8132  161.79    1373    overt
## 8133  166.81    1373    overt
## 8134  171.82    1373    overt
## 8135  176.83    1373    overt
## 8136  181.84    1373    overt
## 8137  186.85    1373    overt
## 8138  191.86    1373    overt
## 8139  196.87    1373    overt
## 8140  201.88    1373    overt
## 8141  206.89    1373    overt
## 8142  211.91    1373    overt
## 8143  216.92    1373    overt
## 8144  221.93    1373    overt
## 8145  226.94    1373    overt
## 8146  231.95    1373    overt
## 8147  236.96    1373    overt
## 8148  241.97    1373    overt
## 8149  246.98    1373    overt
## 8150  251.99    1373    overt
## 8151  257.01    1373    overt
## 8152  262.02    1373    overt
## 8153  267.03    1373    overt
## 8154  272.04    1373    overt
## 8155  277.05    1373    overt
## 8156  282.06    1373    overt
## 8157  287.07    1373    overt
## 8158  292.08    1373    overt
## 8159  297.09    1373    overt
## 8160  302.11    1373    overt
## 8161  307.12    1373    overt
## 8162  312.13    1373    overt
## 8163  317.14    1373    overt
## 8164  322.15    1373    overt
## 8165  327.16    1373    overt
## 8166  332.17    1373    overt
## 8167  337.18    1373    overt
## 8168  342.19    1373    overt
## 8169  347.21    1373    overt
## 8170  352.22    1373    overt
## 8171  357.23    1373    overt
## 8172  362.24    1373    overt
## 8173  367.25    1373    overt
## 8174  372.26    1373    overt
## 8175  377.27    1373    overt
## 8176  382.28    1373    overt
## 8177  387.29    1373    overt
## 8178  392.31    1373    overt
## 8179  397.32    1373    overt
## 8180  402.33    1373    overt
## 8181  407.34    1373    overt
## 8182  412.35    1373    overt
## 8183  417.36    1373    overt
## 8184  422.37    1373    overt
## 8185  427.38    1373    overt
## 8186  432.39    1373    overt
## 8187  437.41    1373    overt
## 8188  442.42    1373    overt
## 8189  447.43    1373    overt
## 8190  452.44    1373    overt
## 8191  457.45    1373    overt
## 8192  462.46    1373    overt
## 8193  467.47    1373    overt
## 8194  472.48    1373    overt
## 8195  477.49    1373    overt
## 8196  482.51    1373    overt
## 8197  487.52    1373    overt
## 8198  492.53    1373    overt
## 8199  497.54    1373    overt
## 8200  502.55    1373    overt
## 8201    6.45    1388    overt
## 8202   11.46    1388    overt
## 8203   16.47    1388    overt
## 8204   21.48    1388    overt
## 8205   26.49    1388    overt
## 8206   31.51    1388    overt
## 8207   36.52    1388    overt
## 8208   41.53    1388    overt
## 8209   46.54    1388    overt
## 8210   51.55    1388    overt
## 8211   56.56    1388    overt
## 8212   61.57    1388    overt
## 8213   66.58    1388    overt
## 8214   71.59    1388    overt
## 8215   76.61    1388    overt
## 8216   81.62    1388    overt
## 8217   86.63    1388    overt
## 8218   91.64    1388    overt
## 8219   96.65    1388    overt
## 8220  101.66    1388    overt
## 8221  106.67    1388    overt
## 8222  111.68    1388    overt
## 8223  116.69    1388    overt
## 8224  121.71    1388    overt
## 8225  126.72    1388    overt
## 8226  131.73    1388    overt
## 8227  136.74    1388    overt
## 8228  141.75    1388    overt
## 8229  146.76    1388    overt
## 8230  151.77    1388    overt
## 8231  156.78    1388    overt
## 8232  161.79    1388    overt
## 8233  166.81    1388    overt
## 8234  171.82    1388    overt
## 8235  176.83    1388    overt
## 8236  181.84    1388    overt
## 8237  186.85    1388    overt
## 8238  191.86    1388    overt
## 8239  196.87    1388    overt
## 8240  201.88    1388    overt
## 8241  206.89    1388    overt
## 8242  211.91    1388    overt
## 8243  216.92    1388    overt
## 8244  221.93    1388    overt
## 8245  226.94    1388    overt
## 8246  231.95    1388    overt
## 8247  236.96    1388    overt
## 8248  241.97    1388    overt
## 8249  246.98    1388    overt
## 8250  251.99    1388    overt
## 8251  257.01    1388    overt
## 8252  262.02    1388    overt
## 8253  267.03    1388    overt
## 8254  272.04    1388    overt
## 8255  277.05    1388    overt
## 8256  282.06    1388    overt
## 8257  287.07    1388    overt
## 8258  292.08    1388    overt
## 8259  297.09    1388    overt
## 8260  302.11    1388    overt
## 8261  307.12    1388    overt
## 8262  312.13    1388    overt
## 8263  317.14    1388    overt
## 8264  322.15    1388    overt
## 8265  327.16    1388    overt
## 8266  332.17    1388    overt
## 8267  337.18    1388    overt
## 8268  342.19    1388    overt
## 8269  347.21    1388    overt
## 8270  352.22    1388    overt
## 8271  357.23    1388    overt
## 8272  362.24    1388    overt
## 8273  367.25    1388    overt
## 8274  372.26    1388    overt
## 8275  377.27    1388    overt
## 8276  382.28    1388    overt
## 8277  387.29    1388    overt
## 8278  392.31    1388    overt
## 8279  397.32    1388    overt
## 8280  402.33    1388    overt
## 8281  407.34    1388    overt
## 8282  412.35    1388    overt
## 8283  417.36    1388    overt
## 8284  422.37    1388    overt
## 8285  427.38    1388    overt
## 8286  432.39    1388    overt
## 8287  437.41    1388    overt
## 8288  442.42    1388    overt
## 8289  447.43    1388    overt
## 8290  452.44    1388    overt
## 8291  457.45    1388    overt
## 8292  462.46    1388    overt
## 8293  467.47    1388    overt
## 8294  472.48    1388    overt
## 8295  477.49    1388    overt
## 8296  482.51    1388    overt
## 8297  487.52    1388    overt
## 8298  492.53    1388    overt
## 8299  497.54    1388    overt
## 8300  502.55    1388    overt
## 8301    6.45    1402    overt
## 8302   11.46    1402    overt
## 8303   16.47    1402    overt
## 8304   21.48    1402    overt
## 8305   26.49    1402    overt
## 8306   31.51    1402    overt
## 8307   36.52    1402    overt
## 8308   41.53    1402    overt
## 8309   46.54    1402    overt
## 8310   51.55    1402    overt
## 8311   56.56    1402    overt
## 8312   61.57    1402    overt
## 8313   66.58    1402    overt
## 8314   71.59    1402    overt
## 8315   76.61    1402    overt
## 8316   81.62    1402    overt
## 8317   86.63    1402    overt
## 8318   91.64    1402    overt
## 8319   96.65    1402    overt
## 8320  101.66    1402    overt
## 8321  106.67    1402    overt
## 8322  111.68    1402    overt
## 8323  116.69    1402    overt
## 8324  121.71    1402    overt
## 8325  126.72    1402    overt
## 8326  131.73    1402    overt
## 8327  136.74    1402    overt
## 8328  141.75    1402    overt
## 8329  146.76    1402    overt
## 8330  151.77    1402    overt
## 8331  156.78    1402    overt
## 8332  161.79    1402    overt
## 8333  166.81    1402    overt
## 8334  171.82    1402    overt
## 8335  176.83    1402    overt
## 8336  181.84    1402    overt
## 8337  186.85    1402    overt
## 8338  191.86    1402    overt
## 8339  196.87    1402    overt
## 8340  201.88    1402    overt
## 8341  206.89    1402    overt
## 8342  211.91    1402    overt
## 8343  216.92    1402    overt
## 8344  221.93    1402    overt
## 8345  226.94    1402    overt
## 8346  231.95    1402    overt
## 8347  236.96    1402    overt
## 8348  241.97    1402    overt
## 8349  246.98    1402    overt
## 8350  251.99    1402    overt
## 8351  257.01    1402    overt
## 8352  262.02    1402    overt
## 8353  267.03    1402    overt
## 8354  272.04    1402    overt
## 8355  277.05    1402    overt
## 8356  282.06    1402    overt
## 8357  287.07    1402    overt
## 8358  292.08    1402    overt
## 8359  297.09    1402    overt
## 8360  302.11    1402    overt
## 8361  307.12    1402    overt
## 8362  312.13    1402    overt
## 8363  317.14    1402    overt
## 8364  322.15    1402    overt
## 8365  327.16    1402    overt
## 8366  332.17    1402    overt
## 8367  337.18    1402    overt
## 8368  342.19    1402    overt
## 8369  347.21    1402    overt
## 8370  352.22    1402    overt
## 8371  357.23    1402    overt
## 8372  362.24    1402    overt
## 8373  367.25    1402    overt
## 8374  372.26    1402    overt
## 8375  377.27    1402    overt
## 8376  382.28    1402    overt
## 8377  387.29    1402    overt
## 8378  392.31    1402    overt
## 8379  397.32    1402    overt
## 8380  402.33    1402    overt
## 8381  407.34    1402    overt
## 8382  412.35    1402    overt
## 8383  417.36    1402    overt
## 8384  422.37    1402    overt
## 8385  427.38    1402    overt
## 8386  432.39    1402    overt
## 8387  437.41    1402    overt
## 8388  442.42    1402    overt
## 8389  447.43    1402    overt
## 8390  452.44    1402    overt
## 8391  457.45    1402    overt
## 8392  462.46    1402    overt
## 8393  467.47    1402    overt
## 8394  472.48    1402    overt
## 8395  477.49    1402    overt
## 8396  482.51    1402    overt
## 8397  487.52    1402    overt
## 8398  492.53    1402    overt
## 8399  497.54    1402    overt
## 8400  502.55    1402    overt
## 8401    6.45    1416    overt
## 8402   11.46    1416    overt
## 8403   16.47    1416    overt
## 8404   21.48    1416    overt
## 8405   26.49    1416    overt
## 8406   31.51    1416    overt
## 8407   36.52    1416    overt
## 8408   41.53    1416    overt
## 8409   46.54    1416    overt
## 8410   51.55    1416    overt
## 8411   56.56    1416    overt
## 8412   61.57    1416    overt
## 8413   66.58    1416    overt
## 8414   71.59    1416    overt
## 8415   76.61    1416    overt
## 8416   81.62    1416    overt
## 8417   86.63    1416    overt
## 8418   91.64    1416    overt
## 8419   96.65    1416    overt
## 8420  101.66    1416    overt
## 8421  106.67    1416    overt
## 8422  111.68    1416    overt
## 8423  116.69    1416    overt
## 8424  121.71    1416    overt
## 8425  126.72    1416    overt
## 8426  131.73    1416    overt
## 8427  136.74    1416    overt
## 8428  141.75    1416    overt
## 8429  146.76    1416    overt
## 8430  151.77    1416    overt
## 8431  156.78    1416    overt
## 8432  161.79    1416    overt
## 8433  166.81    1416    overt
## 8434  171.82    1416    overt
## 8435  176.83    1416    overt
## 8436  181.84    1416    overt
## 8437  186.85    1416    overt
## 8438  191.86    1416    overt
## 8439  196.87    1416    overt
## 8440  201.88    1416    overt
## 8441  206.89    1416    overt
## 8442  211.91    1416    overt
## 8443  216.92    1416    overt
## 8444  221.93    1416    overt
## 8445  226.94    1416    overt
## 8446  231.95    1416    overt
## 8447  236.96    1416    overt
## 8448  241.97    1416    overt
## 8449  246.98    1416    overt
## 8450  251.99    1416    overt
## 8451  257.01    1416    overt
## 8452  262.02    1416    overt
## 8453  267.03    1416    overt
## 8454  272.04    1416    overt
## 8455  277.05    1416    overt
## 8456  282.06    1416    overt
## 8457  287.07    1416    overt
## 8458  292.08    1416    overt
## 8459  297.09    1416    overt
## 8460  302.11    1416    overt
## 8461  307.12    1416    overt
## 8462  312.13    1416    overt
## 8463  317.14    1416    overt
## 8464  322.15    1416    overt
## 8465  327.16    1416    overt
## 8466  332.17    1416    overt
## 8467  337.18    1416    overt
## 8468  342.19    1416    overt
## 8469  347.21    1416    overt
## 8470  352.22    1416    overt
## 8471  357.23    1416    overt
## 8472  362.24    1416    overt
## 8473  367.25    1416    overt
## 8474  372.26    1416    overt
## 8475  377.27    1416    overt
## 8476  382.28    1416    overt
## 8477  387.29    1416    overt
## 8478  392.31    1416    overt
## 8479  397.32    1416    overt
## 8480  402.33    1416    overt
## 8481  407.34    1416    overt
## 8482  412.35    1416    overt
## 8483  417.36    1416    overt
## 8484  422.37    1416    overt
## 8485  427.38    1416    overt
## 8486  432.39    1416    overt
## 8487  437.41    1416    overt
## 8488  442.42    1416    overt
## 8489  447.43    1416    overt
## 8490  452.44    1416    overt
## 8491  457.45    1416    overt
## 8492  462.46    1416    overt
## 8493  467.47    1416    overt
## 8494  472.48    1416    overt
## 8495  477.49    1416    overt
## 8496  482.51    1416    overt
## 8497  487.52    1416    overt
## 8498  492.53    1416    overt
## 8499  497.54    1416    overt
## 8500  502.55    1416    overt
## 8501    6.45    1431    overt
## 8502   11.46    1431    overt
## 8503   16.47    1431    overt
## 8504   21.48    1431    overt
## 8505   26.49    1431    overt
## 8506   31.51    1431    overt
## 8507   36.52    1431    overt
## 8508   41.53    1431    overt
## 8509   46.54    1431    overt
## 8510   51.55    1431    overt
## 8511   56.56    1431    overt
## 8512   61.57    1431    overt
## 8513   66.58    1431    overt
## 8514   71.59    1431    overt
## 8515   76.61    1431    overt
## 8516   81.62    1431    overt
## 8517   86.63    1431    overt
## 8518   91.64    1431    overt
## 8519   96.65    1431    overt
## 8520  101.66    1431    overt
## 8521  106.67    1431    overt
## 8522  111.68    1431    overt
## 8523  116.69    1431    overt
## 8524  121.71    1431    overt
## 8525  126.72    1431    overt
## 8526  131.73    1431    overt
## 8527  136.74    1431    overt
## 8528  141.75    1431    overt
## 8529  146.76    1431    overt
## 8530  151.77    1431    overt
## 8531  156.78    1431    overt
## 8532  161.79    1431    overt
## 8533  166.81    1431    overt
## 8534  171.82    1431    overt
## 8535  176.83    1431    overt
## 8536  181.84    1431    overt
## 8537  186.85    1431    overt
## 8538  191.86    1431    overt
## 8539  196.87    1431    overt
## 8540  201.88    1431    overt
## 8541  206.89    1431    overt
## 8542  211.91    1431    overt
## 8543  216.92    1431    overt
## 8544  221.93    1431    overt
## 8545  226.94    1431    overt
## 8546  231.95    1431    overt
## 8547  236.96    1431    overt
## 8548  241.97    1431    overt
## 8549  246.98    1431    overt
## 8550  251.99    1431    overt
## 8551  257.01    1431    overt
## 8552  262.02    1431    overt
## 8553  267.03    1431    overt
## 8554  272.04    1431    overt
## 8555  277.05    1431    overt
## 8556  282.06    1431    overt
## 8557  287.07    1431    overt
## 8558  292.08    1431    overt
## 8559  297.09    1431    overt
## 8560  302.11    1431    overt
## 8561  307.12    1431    overt
## 8562  312.13    1431    overt
## 8563  317.14    1431    overt
## 8564  322.15    1431    overt
## 8565  327.16    1431    overt
## 8566  332.17    1431    overt
## 8567  337.18    1431    overt
## 8568  342.19    1431    overt
## 8569  347.21    1431    overt
## 8570  352.22    1431    overt
## 8571  357.23    1431    overt
## 8572  362.24    1431    overt
## 8573  367.25    1431    overt
## 8574  372.26    1431    overt
## 8575  377.27    1431    overt
## 8576  382.28    1431    overt
## 8577  387.29    1431    overt
## 8578  392.31    1431    overt
## 8579  397.32    1431    overt
## 8580  402.33    1431    overt
## 8581  407.34    1431    overt
## 8582  412.35    1431    overt
## 8583  417.36    1431    overt
## 8584  422.37    1431    overt
## 8585  427.38    1431    overt
## 8586  432.39    1431    overt
## 8587  437.41    1431    overt
## 8588  442.42    1431    overt
## 8589  447.43    1431    overt
## 8590  452.44    1431    overt
## 8591  457.45    1431    overt
## 8592  462.46    1431    overt
## 8593  467.47    1431    overt
## 8594  472.48    1431    overt
## 8595  477.49    1431    overt
## 8596  482.51    1431    overt
## 8597  487.52    1431    overt
## 8598  492.53    1431    overt
## 8599  497.54    1431    overt
## 8600  502.55    1431    overt
## 8601    6.45    1445    overt
## 8602   11.46    1445    overt
## 8603   16.47    1445    overt
## 8604   21.48    1445    overt
## 8605   26.49    1445    overt
## 8606   31.51    1445    overt
## 8607   36.52    1445    overt
## 8608   41.53    1445    overt
## 8609   46.54    1445    overt
## 8610   51.55    1445    overt
## 8611   56.56    1445    overt
## 8612   61.57    1445    overt
## 8613   66.58    1445    overt
## 8614   71.59    1445    overt
## 8615   76.61    1445    overt
## 8616   81.62    1445    overt
## 8617   86.63    1445    overt
## 8618   91.64    1445    overt
## 8619   96.65    1445    overt
## 8620  101.66    1445    overt
## 8621  106.67    1445    overt
## 8622  111.68    1445    overt
## 8623  116.69    1445    overt
## 8624  121.71    1445    overt
## 8625  126.72    1445    overt
## 8626  131.73    1445    overt
## 8627  136.74    1445    overt
## 8628  141.75    1445    overt
## 8629  146.76    1445    overt
## 8630  151.77    1445    overt
## 8631  156.78    1445    overt
## 8632  161.79    1445    overt
## 8633  166.81    1445    overt
## 8634  171.82    1445    overt
## 8635  176.83    1445    overt
## 8636  181.84    1445    overt
## 8637  186.85    1445    overt
## 8638  191.86    1445    overt
## 8639  196.87    1445    overt
## 8640  201.88    1445    overt
## 8641  206.89    1445    overt
## 8642  211.91    1445    overt
## 8643  216.92    1445    overt
## 8644  221.93    1445    overt
## 8645  226.94    1445    overt
## 8646  231.95    1445    overt
## 8647  236.96    1445    overt
## 8648  241.97    1445    overt
## 8649  246.98    1445    overt
## 8650  251.99    1445    overt
## 8651  257.01    1445    overt
## 8652  262.02    1445    overt
## 8653  267.03    1445    overt
## 8654  272.04    1445    overt
## 8655  277.05    1445    overt
## 8656  282.06    1445    overt
## 8657  287.07    1445    overt
## 8658  292.08    1445    overt
## 8659  297.09    1445    overt
## 8660  302.11    1445    overt
## 8661  307.12    1445    overt
## 8662  312.13    1445    overt
## 8663  317.14    1445    overt
## 8664  322.15    1445    overt
## 8665  327.16    1445    overt
## 8666  332.17    1445    overt
## 8667  337.18    1445    overt
## 8668  342.19    1445    overt
## 8669  347.21    1445    overt
## 8670  352.22    1445    overt
## 8671  357.23    1445    overt
## 8672  362.24    1445    overt
## 8673  367.25    1445    overt
## 8674  372.26    1445    overt
## 8675  377.27    1445    overt
## 8676  382.28    1445    overt
## 8677  387.29    1445    overt
## 8678  392.31    1445    overt
## 8679  397.32    1445    overt
## 8680  402.33    1445    overt
## 8681  407.34    1445    overt
## 8682  412.35    1445    overt
## 8683  417.36    1445    overt
## 8684  422.37    1445    overt
## 8685  427.38    1445    overt
## 8686  432.39    1445    overt
## 8687  437.41    1445    overt
## 8688  442.42    1445    overt
## 8689  447.43    1445    overt
## 8690  452.44    1445    overt
## 8691  457.45    1445    overt
## 8692  462.46    1445    overt
## 8693  467.47    1445    overt
## 8694  472.48    1445    overt
## 8695  477.49    1445    overt
## 8696  482.51    1445    overt
## 8697  487.52    1445    overt
## 8698  492.53    1445    overt
## 8699  497.54    1445    overt
## 8700  502.55    1445    overt
## 8701    6.45    1460    overt
## 8702   11.46    1460    overt
## 8703   16.47    1460    overt
## 8704   21.48    1460    overt
## 8705   26.49    1460    overt
## 8706   31.51    1460    overt
## 8707   36.52    1460    overt
## 8708   41.53    1460    overt
## 8709   46.54    1460    overt
## 8710   51.55    1460    overt
## 8711   56.56    1460    overt
## 8712   61.57    1460    overt
## 8713   66.58    1460    overt
## 8714   71.59    1460    overt
## 8715   76.61    1460    overt
## 8716   81.62    1460    overt
## 8717   86.63    1460    overt
## 8718   91.64    1460    overt
## 8719   96.65    1460    overt
## 8720  101.66    1460    overt
## 8721  106.67    1460    overt
## 8722  111.68    1460    overt
## 8723  116.69    1460    overt
## 8724  121.71    1460    overt
## 8725  126.72    1460    overt
## 8726  131.73    1460    overt
## 8727  136.74    1460    overt
## 8728  141.75    1460    overt
## 8729  146.76    1460    overt
## 8730  151.77    1460    overt
## 8731  156.78    1460    overt
## 8732  161.79    1460    overt
## 8733  166.81    1460    overt
## 8734  171.82    1460    overt
## 8735  176.83    1460    overt
## 8736  181.84    1460    overt
## 8737  186.85    1460    overt
## 8738  191.86    1460    overt
## 8739  196.87    1460    overt
## 8740  201.88    1460    overt
## 8741  206.89    1460    overt
## 8742  211.91    1460    overt
## 8743  216.92    1460    overt
## 8744  221.93    1460    overt
## 8745  226.94    1460    overt
## 8746  231.95    1460    overt
## 8747  236.96    1460    overt
## 8748  241.97    1460    overt
## 8749  246.98    1460    overt
## 8750  251.99    1460    overt
## 8751  257.01    1460    overt
## 8752  262.02    1460    overt
## 8753  267.03    1460    overt
## 8754  272.04    1460    overt
## 8755  277.05    1460    overt
## 8756  282.06    1460    overt
## 8757  287.07    1460    overt
## 8758  292.08    1460    overt
## 8759  297.09    1460    overt
## 8760  302.11    1460    overt
## 8761  307.12    1460    overt
## 8762  312.13    1460    overt
## 8763  317.14    1460    overt
## 8764  322.15    1460    overt
## 8765  327.16    1460    overt
## 8766  332.17    1460    overt
## 8767  337.18    1460    overt
## 8768  342.19    1460    overt
## 8769  347.21    1460    overt
## 8770  352.22    1460    overt
## 8771  357.23    1460    overt
## 8772  362.24    1460    overt
## 8773  367.25    1460    overt
## 8774  372.26    1460    overt
## 8775  377.27    1460    overt
## 8776  382.28    1460    overt
## 8777  387.29    1460    overt
## 8778  392.31    1460    overt
## 8779  397.32    1460    overt
## 8780  402.33    1460    overt
## 8781  407.34    1460    overt
## 8782  412.35    1460    overt
## 8783  417.36    1460    overt
## 8784  422.37    1460    overt
## 8785  427.38    1460    overt
## 8786  432.39    1460    overt
## 8787  437.41    1460    overt
## 8788  442.42    1460    overt
## 8789  447.43    1460    overt
## 8790  452.44    1460    overt
## 8791  457.45    1460    overt
## 8792  462.46    1460    overt
## 8793  467.47    1460    overt
## 8794  472.48    1460    overt
## 8795  477.49    1460    overt
## 8796  482.51    1460    overt
## 8797  487.52    1460    overt
## 8798  492.53    1460    overt
## 8799  497.54    1460    overt
## 8800  502.55    1460    overt
## 8801    6.45    1474    overt
## 8802   11.46    1474    overt
## 8803   16.47    1474    overt
## 8804   21.48    1474    overt
## 8805   26.49    1474    overt
## 8806   31.51    1474    overt
## 8807   36.52    1474    overt
## 8808   41.53    1474    overt
## 8809   46.54    1474    overt
## 8810   51.55    1474    overt
## 8811   56.56    1474    overt
## 8812   61.57    1474    overt
## 8813   66.58    1474    overt
## 8814   71.59    1474    overt
## 8815   76.61    1474    overt
## 8816   81.62    1474    overt
## 8817   86.63    1474    overt
## 8818   91.64    1474    overt
## 8819   96.65    1474    overt
## 8820  101.66    1474    overt
## 8821  106.67    1474    overt
## 8822  111.68    1474    overt
## 8823  116.69    1474    overt
## 8824  121.71    1474    overt
## 8825  126.72    1474    overt
## 8826  131.73    1474    overt
## 8827  136.74    1474    overt
## 8828  141.75    1474    overt
## 8829  146.76    1474    overt
## 8830  151.77    1474    overt
## 8831  156.78    1474    overt
## 8832  161.79    1474    overt
## 8833  166.81    1474    overt
## 8834  171.82    1474    overt
## 8835  176.83    1474    overt
## 8836  181.84    1474    overt
## 8837  186.85    1474    overt
## 8838  191.86    1474    overt
## 8839  196.87    1474    overt
## 8840  201.88    1474    overt
## 8841  206.89    1474    overt
## 8842  211.91    1474    overt
## 8843  216.92    1474    overt
## 8844  221.93    1474    overt
## 8845  226.94    1474    overt
## 8846  231.95    1474    overt
## 8847  236.96    1474    overt
## 8848  241.97    1474    overt
## 8849  246.98    1474    overt
## 8850  251.99    1474    overt
## 8851  257.01    1474    overt
## 8852  262.02    1474    overt
## 8853  267.03    1474    overt
## 8854  272.04    1474    overt
## 8855  277.05    1474    overt
## 8856  282.06    1474    overt
## 8857  287.07    1474    overt
## 8858  292.08    1474    overt
## 8859  297.09    1474    overt
## 8860  302.11    1474    overt
## 8861  307.12    1474    overt
## 8862  312.13    1474    overt
## 8863  317.14    1474    overt
## 8864  322.15    1474    overt
## 8865  327.16    1474    overt
## 8866  332.17    1474    overt
## 8867  337.18    1474    overt
## 8868  342.19    1474    overt
## 8869  347.21    1474    overt
## 8870  352.22    1474    overt
## 8871  357.23    1474    overt
## 8872  362.24    1474    overt
## 8873  367.25    1474    overt
## 8874  372.26    1474    overt
## 8875  377.27    1474    overt
## 8876  382.28    1474    overt
## 8877  387.29    1474    overt
## 8878  392.31    1474    overt
## 8879  397.32    1474    overt
## 8880  402.33    1474    overt
## 8881  407.34    1474    overt
## 8882  412.35    1474    overt
## 8883  417.36    1474    overt
## 8884  422.37    1474    overt
## 8885  427.38    1474    overt
## 8886  432.39    1474    overt
## 8887  437.41    1474    overt
## 8888  442.42    1474    overt
## 8889  447.43    1474    overt
## 8890  452.44    1474    overt
## 8891  457.45    1474    overt
## 8892  462.46    1474    overt
## 8893  467.47    1474    overt
## 8894  472.48    1474    overt
## 8895  477.49    1474    overt
## 8896  482.51    1474    overt
## 8897  487.52    1474    overt
## 8898  492.53    1474    overt
## 8899  497.54    1474    overt
## 8900  502.55    1474    overt
## 8901    6.45    1489    overt
## 8902   11.46    1489    overt
## 8903   16.47    1489    overt
## 8904   21.48    1489    overt
## 8905   26.49    1489    overt
## 8906   31.51    1489    overt
## 8907   36.52    1489    overt
## 8908   41.53    1489    overt
## 8909   46.54    1489    overt
## 8910   51.55    1489    overt
## 8911   56.56    1489    overt
## 8912   61.57    1489    overt
## 8913   66.58    1489    overt
## 8914   71.59    1489    overt
## 8915   76.61    1489    overt
## 8916   81.62    1489    overt
## 8917   86.63    1489    overt
## 8918   91.64    1489    overt
## 8919   96.65    1489    overt
## 8920  101.66    1489    overt
## 8921  106.67    1489    overt
## 8922  111.68    1489    overt
## 8923  116.69    1489    overt
## 8924  121.71    1489    overt
## 8925  126.72    1489    overt
## 8926  131.73    1489    overt
## 8927  136.74    1489    overt
## 8928  141.75    1489    overt
## 8929  146.76    1489    overt
## 8930  151.77    1489    overt
## 8931  156.78    1489    overt
## 8932  161.79    1489    overt
## 8933  166.81    1489    overt
## 8934  171.82    1489    overt
## 8935  176.83    1489    overt
## 8936  181.84    1489    overt
## 8937  186.85    1489    overt
## 8938  191.86    1489    overt
## 8939  196.87    1489    overt
## 8940  201.88    1489    overt
## 8941  206.89    1489    overt
## 8942  211.91    1489    overt
## 8943  216.92    1489    overt
## 8944  221.93    1489    overt
## 8945  226.94    1489    overt
## 8946  231.95    1489    overt
## 8947  236.96    1489    overt
## 8948  241.97    1489    overt
## 8949  246.98    1489    overt
## 8950  251.99    1489    overt
## 8951  257.01    1489    overt
## 8952  262.02    1489    overt
## 8953  267.03    1489    overt
## 8954  272.04    1489    overt
## 8955  277.05    1489    overt
## 8956  282.06    1489    overt
## 8957  287.07    1489    overt
## 8958  292.08    1489    overt
## 8959  297.09    1489    overt
## 8960  302.11    1489    overt
## 8961  307.12    1489    overt
## 8962  312.13    1489    overt
## 8963  317.14    1489    overt
## 8964  322.15    1489    overt
## 8965  327.16    1489    overt
## 8966  332.17    1489    overt
## 8967  337.18    1489    overt
## 8968  342.19    1489    overt
## 8969  347.21    1489    overt
## 8970  352.22    1489    overt
## 8971  357.23    1489    overt
## 8972  362.24    1489    overt
## 8973  367.25    1489    overt
## 8974  372.26    1489    overt
## 8975  377.27    1489    overt
## 8976  382.28    1489    overt
## 8977  387.29    1489    overt
## 8978  392.31    1489    overt
## 8979  397.32    1489    overt
## 8980  402.33    1489    overt
## 8981  407.34    1489    overt
## 8982  412.35    1489    overt
## 8983  417.36    1489    overt
## 8984  422.37    1489    overt
## 8985  427.38    1489    overt
## 8986  432.39    1489    overt
## 8987  437.41    1489    overt
## 8988  442.42    1489    overt
## 8989  447.43    1489    overt
## 8990  452.44    1489    overt
## 8991  457.45    1489    overt
## 8992  462.46    1489    overt
## 8993  467.47    1489    overt
## 8994  472.48    1489    overt
## 8995  477.49    1489    overt
## 8996  482.51    1489    overt
## 8997  487.52    1489    overt
## 8998  492.53    1489    overt
## 8999  497.54    1489    overt
## 9000  502.55    1489    overt
## 9001    6.45    1503    overt
## 9002   11.46    1503    overt
## 9003   16.47    1503    overt
## 9004   21.48    1503    overt
## 9005   26.49    1503    overt
## 9006   31.51    1503    overt
## 9007   36.52    1503    overt
## 9008   41.53    1503    overt
## 9009   46.54    1503    overt
## 9010   51.55    1503    overt
## 9011   56.56    1503    overt
## 9012   61.57    1503    overt
## 9013   66.58    1503    overt
## 9014   71.59    1503    overt
## 9015   76.61    1503    overt
## 9016   81.62    1503    overt
## 9017   86.63    1503    overt
## 9018   91.64    1503    overt
## 9019   96.65    1503    overt
## 9020  101.66    1503    overt
## 9021  106.67    1503    overt
## 9022  111.68    1503    overt
## 9023  116.69    1503    overt
## 9024  121.71    1503    overt
## 9025  126.72    1503    overt
## 9026  131.73    1503    overt
## 9027  136.74    1503    overt
## 9028  141.75    1503    overt
## 9029  146.76    1503    overt
## 9030  151.77    1503    overt
## 9031  156.78    1503    overt
## 9032  161.79    1503    overt
## 9033  166.81    1503    overt
## 9034  171.82    1503    overt
## 9035  176.83    1503    overt
## 9036  181.84    1503    overt
## 9037  186.85    1503    overt
## 9038  191.86    1503    overt
## 9039  196.87    1503    overt
## 9040  201.88    1503    overt
## 9041  206.89    1503    overt
## 9042  211.91    1503    overt
## 9043  216.92    1503    overt
## 9044  221.93    1503    overt
## 9045  226.94    1503    overt
## 9046  231.95    1503    overt
## 9047  236.96    1503    overt
## 9048  241.97    1503    overt
## 9049  246.98    1503    overt
## 9050  251.99    1503    overt
## 9051  257.01    1503    overt
## 9052  262.02    1503    overt
## 9053  267.03    1503    overt
## 9054  272.04    1503    overt
## 9055  277.05    1503    overt
## 9056  282.06    1503    overt
## 9057  287.07    1503    overt
## 9058  292.08    1503    overt
## 9059  297.09    1503    overt
## 9060  302.11    1503    overt
## 9061  307.12    1503    overt
## 9062  312.13    1503    overt
## 9063  317.14    1503    overt
## 9064  322.15    1503    overt
## 9065  327.16    1503    overt
## 9066  332.17    1503    overt
## 9067  337.18    1503    overt
## 9068  342.19    1503    overt
## 9069  347.21    1503    overt
## 9070  352.22    1503    overt
## 9071  357.23    1503    overt
## 9072  362.24    1503    overt
## 9073  367.25    1503    overt
## 9074  372.26    1503    overt
## 9075  377.27    1503    overt
## 9076  382.28    1503    overt
## 9077  387.29    1503    overt
## 9078  392.31    1503    overt
## 9079  397.32    1503    overt
## 9080  402.33    1503    overt
## 9081  407.34    1503    overt
## 9082  412.35    1503    overt
## 9083  417.36    1503    overt
## 9084  422.37    1503    overt
## 9085  427.38    1503    overt
## 9086  432.39    1503    overt
## 9087  437.41    1503    overt
## 9088  442.42    1503    overt
## 9089  447.43    1503    overt
## 9090  452.44    1503    overt
## 9091  457.45    1503    overt
## 9092  462.46    1503    overt
## 9093  467.47    1503    overt
## 9094  472.48    1503    overt
## 9095  477.49    1503    overt
## 9096  482.51    1503    overt
## 9097  487.52    1503    overt
## 9098  492.53    1503    overt
## 9099  497.54    1503    overt
## 9100  502.55    1503    overt
## 9101    6.45    1517    overt
## 9102   11.46    1517    overt
## 9103   16.47    1517    overt
## 9104   21.48    1517    overt
## 9105   26.49    1517    overt
## 9106   31.51    1517    overt
## 9107   36.52    1517    overt
## 9108   41.53    1517    overt
## 9109   46.54    1517    overt
## 9110   51.55    1517    overt
## 9111   56.56    1517    overt
## 9112   61.57    1517    overt
## 9113   66.58    1517    overt
## 9114   71.59    1517    overt
## 9115   76.61    1517    overt
## 9116   81.62    1517    overt
## 9117   86.63    1517    overt
## 9118   91.64    1517    overt
## 9119   96.65    1517    overt
## 9120  101.66    1517    overt
## 9121  106.67    1517    overt
## 9122  111.68    1517    overt
## 9123  116.69    1517    overt
## 9124  121.71    1517    overt
## 9125  126.72    1517    overt
## 9126  131.73    1517    overt
## 9127  136.74    1517    overt
## 9128  141.75    1517    overt
## 9129  146.76    1517    overt
## 9130  151.77    1517    overt
## 9131  156.78    1517    overt
## 9132  161.79    1517    overt
## 9133  166.81    1517    overt
## 9134  171.82    1517    overt
## 9135  176.83    1517    overt
## 9136  181.84    1517    overt
## 9137  186.85    1517    overt
## 9138  191.86    1517    overt
## 9139  196.87    1517    overt
## 9140  201.88    1517    overt
## 9141  206.89    1517    overt
## 9142  211.91    1517    overt
## 9143  216.92    1517    overt
## 9144  221.93    1517    overt
## 9145  226.94    1517    overt
## 9146  231.95    1517    overt
## 9147  236.96    1517    overt
## 9148  241.97    1517    overt
## 9149  246.98    1517    overt
## 9150  251.99    1517    overt
## 9151  257.01    1517    overt
## 9152  262.02    1517    overt
## 9153  267.03    1517    overt
## 9154  272.04    1517    overt
## 9155  277.05    1517    overt
## 9156  282.06    1517    overt
## 9157  287.07    1517    overt
## 9158  292.08    1517    overt
## 9159  297.09    1517    overt
## 9160  302.11    1517    overt
## 9161  307.12    1517    overt
## 9162  312.13    1517    overt
## 9163  317.14    1517    overt
## 9164  322.15    1517    overt
## 9165  327.16    1517    overt
## 9166  332.17    1517    overt
## 9167  337.18    1517    overt
## 9168  342.19    1517    overt
## 9169  347.21    1517    overt
## 9170  352.22    1517    overt
## 9171  357.23    1517    overt
## 9172  362.24    1517    overt
## 9173  367.25    1517    overt
## 9174  372.26    1517    overt
## 9175  377.27    1517    overt
## 9176  382.28    1517    overt
## 9177  387.29    1517    overt
## 9178  392.31    1517    overt
## 9179  397.32    1517    overt
## 9180  402.33    1517    overt
## 9181  407.34    1517    overt
## 9182  412.35    1517    overt
## 9183  417.36    1517    overt
## 9184  422.37    1517    overt
## 9185  427.38    1517    overt
## 9186  432.39    1517    overt
## 9187  437.41    1517    overt
## 9188  442.42    1517    overt
## 9189  447.43    1517    overt
## 9190  452.44    1517    overt
## 9191  457.45    1517    overt
## 9192  462.46    1517    overt
## 9193  467.47    1517    overt
## 9194  472.48    1517    overt
## 9195  477.49    1517    overt
## 9196  482.51    1517    overt
## 9197  487.52    1517    overt
## 9198  492.53    1517    overt
## 9199  497.54    1517    overt
## 9200  502.55    1517    overt
## 9201    6.45    1532    overt
## 9202   11.46    1532    overt
## 9203   16.47    1532    overt
## 9204   21.48    1532    overt
## 9205   26.49    1532    overt
## 9206   31.51    1532    overt
## 9207   36.52    1532    overt
## 9208   41.53    1532    overt
## 9209   46.54    1532    overt
## 9210   51.55    1532    overt
## 9211   56.56    1532    overt
## 9212   61.57    1532    overt
## 9213   66.58    1532    overt
## 9214   71.59    1532    overt
## 9215   76.61    1532    overt
## 9216   81.62    1532    overt
## 9217   86.63    1532    overt
## 9218   91.64    1532    overt
## 9219   96.65    1532    overt
## 9220  101.66    1532    overt
## 9221  106.67    1532    overt
## 9222  111.68    1532    overt
## 9223  116.69    1532    overt
## 9224  121.71    1532    overt
## 9225  126.72    1532    overt
## 9226  131.73    1532    overt
## 9227  136.74    1532    overt
## 9228  141.75    1532    overt
## 9229  146.76    1532    overt
## 9230  151.77    1532    overt
## 9231  156.78    1532    overt
## 9232  161.79    1532    overt
## 9233  166.81    1532    overt
## 9234  171.82    1532    overt
## 9235  176.83    1532    overt
## 9236  181.84    1532    overt
## 9237  186.85    1532    overt
## 9238  191.86    1532    overt
## 9239  196.87    1532    overt
## 9240  201.88    1532    overt
## 9241  206.89    1532    overt
## 9242  211.91    1532    overt
## 9243  216.92    1532    overt
## 9244  221.93    1532    overt
## 9245  226.94    1532    overt
## 9246  231.95    1532    overt
## 9247  236.96    1532    overt
## 9248  241.97    1532    overt
## 9249  246.98    1532    overt
## 9250  251.99    1532    overt
## 9251  257.01    1532    overt
## 9252  262.02    1532    overt
## 9253  267.03    1532    overt
## 9254  272.04    1532    overt
## 9255  277.05    1532    overt
## 9256  282.06    1532    overt
## 9257  287.07    1532    overt
## 9258  292.08    1532    overt
## 9259  297.09    1532    overt
## 9260  302.11    1532    overt
## 9261  307.12    1532    overt
## 9262  312.13    1532    overt
## 9263  317.14    1532    overt
## 9264  322.15    1532    overt
## 9265  327.16    1532    overt
## 9266  332.17    1532    overt
## 9267  337.18    1532    overt
## 9268  342.19    1532    overt
## 9269  347.21    1532    overt
## 9270  352.22    1532    overt
## 9271  357.23    1532    overt
## 9272  362.24    1532    overt
## 9273  367.25    1532    overt
## 9274  372.26    1532    overt
## 9275  377.27    1532    overt
## 9276  382.28    1532    overt
## 9277  387.29    1532    overt
## 9278  392.31    1532    overt
## 9279  397.32    1532    overt
## 9280  402.33    1532    overt
## 9281  407.34    1532    overt
## 9282  412.35    1532    overt
## 9283  417.36    1532    overt
## 9284  422.37    1532    overt
## 9285  427.38    1532    overt
## 9286  432.39    1532    overt
## 9287  437.41    1532    overt
## 9288  442.42    1532    overt
## 9289  447.43    1532    overt
## 9290  452.44    1532    overt
## 9291  457.45    1532    overt
## 9292  462.46    1532    overt
## 9293  467.47    1532    overt
## 9294  472.48    1532    overt
## 9295  477.49    1532    overt
## 9296  482.51    1532    overt
## 9297  487.52    1532    overt
## 9298  492.53    1532    overt
## 9299  497.54    1532    overt
## 9300  502.55    1532    overt
## 9301    6.45    1546    overt
## 9302   11.46    1546    overt
## 9303   16.47    1546    overt
## 9304   21.48    1546    overt
## 9305   26.49    1546    overt
## 9306   31.51    1546    overt
## 9307   36.52    1546    overt
## 9308   41.53    1546    overt
## 9309   46.54    1546    overt
## 9310   51.55    1546    overt
## 9311   56.56    1546    overt
## 9312   61.57    1546    overt
## 9313   66.58    1546    overt
## 9314   71.59    1546    overt
## 9315   76.61    1546    overt
## 9316   81.62    1546    overt
## 9317   86.63    1546    overt
## 9318   91.64    1546    overt
## 9319   96.65    1546    overt
## 9320  101.66    1546    overt
## 9321  106.67    1546    overt
## 9322  111.68    1546    overt
## 9323  116.69    1546    overt
## 9324  121.71    1546    overt
## 9325  126.72    1546    overt
## 9326  131.73    1546    overt
## 9327  136.74    1546    overt
## 9328  141.75    1546    overt
## 9329  146.76    1546    overt
## 9330  151.77    1546    overt
## 9331  156.78    1546    overt
## 9332  161.79    1546    overt
## 9333  166.81    1546    overt
## 9334  171.82    1546    overt
## 9335  176.83    1546    overt
## 9336  181.84    1546    overt
## 9337  186.85    1546    overt
## 9338  191.86    1546    overt
## 9339  196.87    1546    overt
## 9340  201.88    1546    overt
## 9341  206.89    1546    overt
## 9342  211.91    1546    overt
## 9343  216.92    1546    overt
## 9344  221.93    1546    overt
## 9345  226.94    1546    overt
## 9346  231.95    1546    overt
## 9347  236.96    1546    overt
## 9348  241.97    1546    overt
## 9349  246.98    1546    overt
## 9350  251.99    1546    overt
## 9351  257.01    1546    overt
## 9352  262.02    1546    overt
## 9353  267.03    1546    overt
## 9354  272.04    1546    overt
## 9355  277.05    1546    overt
## 9356  282.06    1546    overt
## 9357  287.07    1546    overt
## 9358  292.08    1546    overt
## 9359  297.09    1546    overt
## 9360  302.11    1546    overt
## 9361  307.12    1546    overt
## 9362  312.13    1546    overt
## 9363  317.14    1546    overt
## 9364  322.15    1546    overt
## 9365  327.16    1546    overt
## 9366  332.17    1546    overt
## 9367  337.18    1546    overt
## 9368  342.19    1546    overt
## 9369  347.21    1546    overt
## 9370  352.22    1546    overt
## 9371  357.23    1546    overt
## 9372  362.24    1546    overt
## 9373  367.25    1546    overt
## 9374  372.26    1546    overt
## 9375  377.27    1546    overt
## 9376  382.28    1546    overt
## 9377  387.29    1546    overt
## 9378  392.31    1546    overt
## 9379  397.32    1546    overt
## 9380  402.33    1546    overt
## 9381  407.34    1546    overt
## 9382  412.35    1546    overt
## 9383  417.36    1546    overt
## 9384  422.37    1546    overt
## 9385  427.38    1546    overt
## 9386  432.39    1546    overt
## 9387  437.41    1546    overt
## 9388  442.42    1546    overt
## 9389  447.43    1546    overt
## 9390  452.44    1546    overt
## 9391  457.45    1546    overt
## 9392  462.46    1546    overt
## 9393  467.47    1546    overt
## 9394  472.48    1546    overt
## 9395  477.49    1546    overt
## 9396  482.51    1546    overt
## 9397  487.52    1546    overt
## 9398  492.53    1546    overt
## 9399  497.54    1546    overt
## 9400  502.55    1546    overt
## 9401    6.45    1561    overt
## 9402   11.46    1561    overt
## 9403   16.47    1561    overt
## 9404   21.48    1561    overt
## 9405   26.49    1561    overt
## 9406   31.51    1561    overt
## 9407   36.52    1561    overt
## 9408   41.53    1561    overt
## 9409   46.54    1561    overt
## 9410   51.55    1561    overt
## 9411   56.56    1561    overt
## 9412   61.57    1561    overt
## 9413   66.58    1561    overt
## 9414   71.59    1561    overt
## 9415   76.61    1561    overt
## 9416   81.62    1561    overt
## 9417   86.63    1561    overt
## 9418   91.64    1561    overt
## 9419   96.65    1561    overt
## 9420  101.66    1561    overt
## 9421  106.67    1561    overt
## 9422  111.68    1561    overt
## 9423  116.69    1561    overt
## 9424  121.71    1561    overt
## 9425  126.72    1561    overt
## 9426  131.73    1561    overt
## 9427  136.74    1561    overt
## 9428  141.75    1561    overt
## 9429  146.76    1561    overt
## 9430  151.77    1561    overt
## 9431  156.78    1561    overt
## 9432  161.79    1561    overt
## 9433  166.81    1561    overt
## 9434  171.82    1561    overt
## 9435  176.83    1561    overt
## 9436  181.84    1561    overt
## 9437  186.85    1561    overt
## 9438  191.86    1561    overt
## 9439  196.87    1561    overt
## 9440  201.88    1561    overt
## 9441  206.89    1561    overt
## 9442  211.91    1561    overt
## 9443  216.92    1561    overt
## 9444  221.93    1561    overt
## 9445  226.94    1561    overt
## 9446  231.95    1561    overt
## 9447  236.96    1561    overt
## 9448  241.97    1561    overt
## 9449  246.98    1561    overt
## 9450  251.99    1561    overt
## 9451  257.01    1561    overt
## 9452  262.02    1561    overt
## 9453  267.03    1561    overt
## 9454  272.04    1561    overt
## 9455  277.05    1561    overt
## 9456  282.06    1561    overt
## 9457  287.07    1561    overt
## 9458  292.08    1561    overt
## 9459  297.09    1561    overt
## 9460  302.11    1561    overt
## 9461  307.12    1561    overt
## 9462  312.13    1561    overt
## 9463  317.14    1561    overt
## 9464  322.15    1561    overt
## 9465  327.16    1561    overt
## 9466  332.17    1561    overt
## 9467  337.18    1561    overt
## 9468  342.19    1561    overt
## 9469  347.21    1561    overt
## 9470  352.22    1561    overt
## 9471  357.23    1561    overt
## 9472  362.24    1561    overt
## 9473  367.25    1561    overt
## 9474  372.26    1561    overt
## 9475  377.27    1561    overt
## 9476  382.28    1561    overt
## 9477  387.29    1561    overt
## 9478  392.31    1561    overt
## 9479  397.32    1561    overt
## 9480  402.33    1561    overt
## 9481  407.34    1561    overt
## 9482  412.35    1561    overt
## 9483  417.36    1561    overt
## 9484  422.37    1561    overt
## 9485  427.38    1561    overt
## 9486  432.39    1561    overt
## 9487  437.41    1561    overt
## 9488  442.42    1561    overt
## 9489  447.43    1561    overt
## 9490  452.44    1561    overt
## 9491  457.45    1561    overt
## 9492  462.46    1561    overt
## 9493  467.47    1561    overt
## 9494  472.48    1561    overt
## 9495  477.49    1561    overt
## 9496  482.51    1561    overt
## 9497  487.52    1561    overt
## 9498  492.53    1561    overt
## 9499  497.54    1561    overt
## 9500  502.55    1561    overt
## 9501    6.45    1575    overt
## 9502   11.46    1575    overt
## 9503   16.47    1575    overt
## 9504   21.48    1575    overt
## 9505   26.49    1575    overt
## 9506   31.51    1575    overt
## 9507   36.52    1575    overt
## 9508   41.53    1575    overt
## 9509   46.54    1575    overt
## 9510   51.55    1575    overt
## 9511   56.56    1575    overt
## 9512   61.57    1575    overt
## 9513   66.58    1575    overt
## 9514   71.59    1575    overt
## 9515   76.61    1575    overt
## 9516   81.62    1575    overt
## 9517   86.63    1575    overt
## 9518   91.64    1575    overt
## 9519   96.65    1575    overt
## 9520  101.66    1575    overt
## 9521  106.67    1575    overt
## 9522  111.68    1575    overt
## 9523  116.69    1575    overt
## 9524  121.71    1575    overt
## 9525  126.72    1575    overt
## 9526  131.73    1575    overt
## 9527  136.74    1575    overt
## 9528  141.75    1575    overt
## 9529  146.76    1575    overt
## 9530  151.77    1575    overt
## 9531  156.78    1575    overt
## 9532  161.79    1575    overt
## 9533  166.81    1575    overt
## 9534  171.82    1575    overt
## 9535  176.83    1575    overt
## 9536  181.84    1575    overt
## 9537  186.85    1575    overt
## 9538  191.86    1575    overt
## 9539  196.87    1575    overt
## 9540  201.88    1575    overt
## 9541  206.89    1575    overt
## 9542  211.91    1575    overt
## 9543  216.92    1575    overt
## 9544  221.93    1575    overt
## 9545  226.94    1575    overt
## 9546  231.95    1575    overt
## 9547  236.96    1575    overt
## 9548  241.97    1575    overt
## 9549  246.98    1575    overt
## 9550  251.99    1575    overt
## 9551  257.01    1575    overt
## 9552  262.02    1575    overt
## 9553  267.03    1575    overt
## 9554  272.04    1575    overt
## 9555  277.05    1575    overt
## 9556  282.06    1575    overt
## 9557  287.07    1575    overt
## 9558  292.08    1575    overt
## 9559  297.09    1575    overt
## 9560  302.11    1575    overt
## 9561  307.12    1575    overt
## 9562  312.13    1575    overt
## 9563  317.14    1575    overt
## 9564  322.15    1575    overt
## 9565  327.16    1575    overt
## 9566  332.17    1575    overt
## 9567  337.18    1575    overt
## 9568  342.19    1575    overt
## 9569  347.21    1575    overt
## 9570  352.22    1575    overt
## 9571  357.23    1575    overt
## 9572  362.24    1575    overt
## 9573  367.25    1575    overt
## 9574  372.26    1575    overt
## 9575  377.27    1575    overt
## 9576  382.28    1575    overt
## 9577  387.29    1575    overt
## 9578  392.31    1575    overt
## 9579  397.32    1575    overt
## 9580  402.33    1575    overt
## 9581  407.34    1575    overt
## 9582  412.35    1575    overt
## 9583  417.36    1575    overt
## 9584  422.37    1575    overt
## 9585  427.38    1575    overt
## 9586  432.39    1575    overt
## 9587  437.41    1575    overt
## 9588  442.42    1575    overt
## 9589  447.43    1575    overt
## 9590  452.44    1575    overt
## 9591  457.45    1575    overt
## 9592  462.46    1575    overt
## 9593  467.47    1575    overt
## 9594  472.48    1575    overt
## 9595  477.49    1575    overt
## 9596  482.51    1575    overt
## 9597  487.52    1575    overt
## 9598  492.53    1575    overt
## 9599  497.54    1575    overt
## 9600  502.55    1575    overt
## 9601    6.45    1590    overt
## 9602   11.46    1590    overt
## 9603   16.47    1590    overt
## 9604   21.48    1590    overt
## 9605   26.49    1590    overt
## 9606   31.51    1590    overt
## 9607   36.52    1590    overt
## 9608   41.53    1590    overt
## 9609   46.54    1590    overt
## 9610   51.55    1590    overt
## 9611   56.56    1590    overt
## 9612   61.57    1590    overt
## 9613   66.58    1590    overt
## 9614   71.59    1590    overt
## 9615   76.61    1590    overt
## 9616   81.62    1590    overt
## 9617   86.63    1590    overt
## 9618   91.64    1590    overt
## 9619   96.65    1590    overt
## 9620  101.66    1590    overt
## 9621  106.67    1590    overt
## 9622  111.68    1590    overt
## 9623  116.69    1590    overt
## 9624  121.71    1590    overt
## 9625  126.72    1590    overt
## 9626  131.73    1590    overt
## 9627  136.74    1590    overt
## 9628  141.75    1590    overt
## 9629  146.76    1590    overt
## 9630  151.77    1590    overt
## 9631  156.78    1590    overt
## 9632  161.79    1590    overt
## 9633  166.81    1590    overt
## 9634  171.82    1590    overt
## 9635  176.83    1590    overt
## 9636  181.84    1590    overt
## 9637  186.85    1590    overt
## 9638  191.86    1590    overt
## 9639  196.87    1590    overt
## 9640  201.88    1590    overt
## 9641  206.89    1590    overt
## 9642  211.91    1590    overt
## 9643  216.92    1590    overt
## 9644  221.93    1590    overt
## 9645  226.94    1590    overt
## 9646  231.95    1590    overt
## 9647  236.96    1590    overt
## 9648  241.97    1590    overt
## 9649  246.98    1590    overt
## 9650  251.99    1590    overt
## 9651  257.01    1590    overt
## 9652  262.02    1590    overt
## 9653  267.03    1590    overt
## 9654  272.04    1590    overt
## 9655  277.05    1590    overt
## 9656  282.06    1590    overt
## 9657  287.07    1590    overt
## 9658  292.08    1590    overt
## 9659  297.09    1590    overt
## 9660  302.11    1590    overt
## 9661  307.12    1590    overt
## 9662  312.13    1590    overt
## 9663  317.14    1590    overt
## 9664  322.15    1590    overt
## 9665  327.16    1590    overt
## 9666  332.17    1590    overt
## 9667  337.18    1590    overt
## 9668  342.19    1590    overt
## 9669  347.21    1590    overt
## 9670  352.22    1590    overt
## 9671  357.23    1590    overt
## 9672  362.24    1590    overt
## 9673  367.25    1590    overt
## 9674  372.26    1590    overt
## 9675  377.27    1590    overt
## 9676  382.28    1590    overt
## 9677  387.29    1590    overt
## 9678  392.31    1590    overt
## 9679  397.32    1590    overt
## 9680  402.33    1590    overt
## 9681  407.34    1590    overt
## 9682  412.35    1590    overt
## 9683  417.36    1590    overt
## 9684  422.37    1590    overt
## 9685  427.38    1590    overt
## 9686  432.39    1590    overt
## 9687  437.41    1590    overt
## 9688  442.42    1590    overt
## 9689  447.43    1590    overt
## 9690  452.44    1590    overt
## 9691  457.45    1590    overt
## 9692  462.46    1590    overt
## 9693  467.47    1590    overt
## 9694  472.48    1590    overt
## 9695  477.49    1590    overt
## 9696  482.51    1590    overt
## 9697  487.52    1590    overt
## 9698  492.53    1590    overt
## 9699  497.54    1590    overt
## 9700  502.55    1590    overt
## 9701    6.45    1604    overt
## 9702   11.46    1604    overt
## 9703   16.47    1604    overt
## 9704   21.48    1604    overt
## 9705   26.49    1604    overt
## 9706   31.51    1604    overt
## 9707   36.52    1604    overt
## 9708   41.53    1604    overt
## 9709   46.54    1604    overt
## 9710   51.55    1604    overt
## 9711   56.56    1604    overt
## 9712   61.57    1604    overt
## 9713   66.58    1604    overt
## 9714   71.59    1604    overt
## 9715   76.61    1604    overt
## 9716   81.62    1604    overt
## 9717   86.63    1604    overt
## 9718   91.64    1604    overt
## 9719   96.65    1604    overt
## 9720  101.66    1604    overt
## 9721  106.67    1604    overt
## 9722  111.68    1604    overt
## 9723  116.69    1604    overt
## 9724  121.71    1604    overt
## 9725  126.72    1604    overt
## 9726  131.73    1604    overt
## 9727  136.74    1604    overt
## 9728  141.75    1604    overt
## 9729  146.76    1604    overt
## 9730  151.77    1604    overt
## 9731  156.78    1604    overt
## 9732  161.79    1604    overt
## 9733  166.81    1604    overt
## 9734  171.82    1604    overt
## 9735  176.83    1604    overt
## 9736  181.84    1604    overt
## 9737  186.85    1604    overt
## 9738  191.86    1604    overt
## 9739  196.87    1604    overt
## 9740  201.88    1604    overt
## 9741  206.89    1604    overt
## 9742  211.91    1604    overt
## 9743  216.92    1604    overt
## 9744  221.93    1604    overt
## 9745  226.94    1604    overt
## 9746  231.95    1604    overt
## 9747  236.96    1604    overt
## 9748  241.97    1604    overt
## 9749  246.98    1604    overt
## 9750  251.99    1604    overt
## 9751  257.01    1604    overt
## 9752  262.02    1604    overt
## 9753  267.03    1604    overt
## 9754  272.04    1604    overt
## 9755  277.05    1604    overt
## 9756  282.06    1604    overt
## 9757  287.07    1604    overt
## 9758  292.08    1604    overt
## 9759  297.09    1604    overt
## 9760  302.11    1604    overt
## 9761  307.12    1604    overt
## 9762  312.13    1604    overt
## 9763  317.14    1604    overt
## 9764  322.15    1604    overt
## 9765  327.16    1604    overt
## 9766  332.17    1604    overt
## 9767  337.18    1604    overt
## 9768  342.19    1604    overt
## 9769  347.21    1604    overt
## 9770  352.22    1604    overt
## 9771  357.23    1604    overt
## 9772  362.24    1604    overt
## 9773  367.25    1604    overt
## 9774  372.26    1604    overt
## 9775  377.27    1604    overt
## 9776  382.28    1604    overt
## 9777  387.29    1604    overt
## 9778  392.31    1604    overt
## 9779  397.32    1604    overt
## 9780  402.33    1604    overt
## 9781  407.34    1604    overt
## 9782  412.35    1604    overt
## 9783  417.36    1604    overt
## 9784  422.37    1604    overt
## 9785  427.38    1604    overt
## 9786  432.39    1604    overt
## 9787  437.41    1604    overt
## 9788  442.42    1604    overt
## 9789  447.43    1604    overt
## 9790  452.44    1604    overt
## 9791  457.45    1604    overt
## 9792  462.46    1604    overt
## 9793  467.47    1604    overt
## 9794  472.48    1604    overt
## 9795  477.49    1604    overt
## 9796  482.51    1604    overt
## 9797  487.52    1604    overt
## 9798  492.53    1604    overt
## 9799  497.54    1604    overt
## 9800  502.55    1604    overt
## 9801    6.45    1619    overt
## 9802   11.46    1619    overt
## 9803   16.47    1619    overt
## 9804   21.48    1619    overt
## 9805   26.49    1619    overt
## 9806   31.51    1619    overt
## 9807   36.52    1619    overt
## 9808   41.53    1619    overt
## 9809   46.54    1619    overt
## 9810   51.55    1619    overt
## 9811   56.56    1619    overt
## 9812   61.57    1619    overt
## 9813   66.58    1619    overt
## 9814   71.59    1619    overt
## 9815   76.61    1619    overt
## 9816   81.62    1619    overt
## 9817   86.63    1619    overt
## 9818   91.64    1619    overt
## 9819   96.65    1619    overt
## 9820  101.66    1619    overt
## 9821  106.67    1619    overt
## 9822  111.68    1619    overt
## 9823  116.69    1619    overt
## 9824  121.71    1619    overt
## 9825  126.72    1619    overt
## 9826  131.73    1619    overt
## 9827  136.74    1619    overt
## 9828  141.75    1619    overt
## 9829  146.76    1619    overt
## 9830  151.77    1619    overt
## 9831  156.78    1619    overt
## 9832  161.79    1619    overt
## 9833  166.81    1619    overt
## 9834  171.82    1619    overt
## 9835  176.83    1619    overt
## 9836  181.84    1619    overt
## 9837  186.85    1619    overt
## 9838  191.86    1619    overt
## 9839  196.87    1619    overt
## 9840  201.88    1619    overt
## 9841  206.89    1619    overt
## 9842  211.91    1619    overt
## 9843  216.92    1619    overt
## 9844  221.93    1619    overt
## 9845  226.94    1619    overt
## 9846  231.95    1619    overt
## 9847  236.96    1619    overt
## 9848  241.97    1619    overt
## 9849  246.98    1619    overt
## 9850  251.99    1619    overt
## 9851  257.01    1619    overt
## 9852  262.02    1619    overt
## 9853  267.03    1619    overt
## 9854  272.04    1619    overt
## 9855  277.05    1619    overt
## 9856  282.06    1619    overt
## 9857  287.07    1619    overt
## 9858  292.08    1619    overt
## 9859  297.09    1619    overt
## 9860  302.11    1619    overt
## 9861  307.12    1619    overt
## 9862  312.13    1619    overt
## 9863  317.14    1619    overt
## 9864  322.15    1619    overt
## 9865  327.16    1619    overt
## 9866  332.17    1619    overt
## 9867  337.18    1619    overt
## 9868  342.19    1619    overt
## 9869  347.21    1619    overt
## 9870  352.22    1619    overt
## 9871  357.23    1619    overt
## 9872  362.24    1619    overt
## 9873  367.25    1619    overt
## 9874  372.26    1619    overt
## 9875  377.27    1619    overt
## 9876  382.28    1619    overt
## 9877  387.29    1619    overt
## 9878  392.31    1619    overt
## 9879  397.32    1619    overt
## 9880  402.33    1619    overt
## 9881  407.34    1619    overt
## 9882  412.35    1619    overt
## 9883  417.36    1619    overt
## 9884  422.37    1619    overt
## 9885  427.38    1619    overt
## 9886  432.39    1619    overt
## 9887  437.41    1619    overt
## 9888  442.42    1619    overt
## 9889  447.43    1619    overt
## 9890  452.44    1619    overt
## 9891  457.45    1619    overt
## 9892  462.46    1619    overt
## 9893  467.47    1619    overt
## 9894  472.48    1619    overt
## 9895  477.49    1619    overt
## 9896  482.51    1619    overt
## 9897  487.52    1619    overt
## 9898  492.53    1619    overt
## 9899  497.54    1619    overt
## 9900  502.55    1619    overt
## 9901    6.45    1633    overt
## 9902   11.46    1633    overt
## 9903   16.47    1633    overt
## 9904   21.48    1633    overt
## 9905   26.49    1633    overt
## 9906   31.51    1633    overt
## 9907   36.52    1633    overt
## 9908   41.53    1633    overt
## 9909   46.54    1633    overt
## 9910   51.55    1633    overt
## 9911   56.56    1633    overt
## 9912   61.57    1633    overt
## 9913   66.58    1633    overt
## 9914   71.59    1633    overt
## 9915   76.61    1633    overt
## 9916   81.62    1633    overt
## 9917   86.63    1633    overt
## 9918   91.64    1633    overt
## 9919   96.65    1633    overt
## 9920  101.66    1633    overt
## 9921  106.67    1633    overt
## 9922  111.68    1633    overt
## 9923  116.69    1633    overt
## 9924  121.71    1633    overt
## 9925  126.72    1633    overt
## 9926  131.73    1633    overt
## 9927  136.74    1633    overt
## 9928  141.75    1633    overt
## 9929  146.76    1633    overt
## 9930  151.77    1633    overt
## 9931  156.78    1633    overt
## 9932  161.79    1633    overt
## 9933  166.81    1633    overt
## 9934  171.82    1633    overt
## 9935  176.83    1633    overt
## 9936  181.84    1633    overt
## 9937  186.85    1633    overt
## 9938  191.86    1633    overt
## 9939  196.87    1633    overt
## 9940  201.88    1633    overt
## 9941  206.89    1633    overt
## 9942  211.91    1633    overt
## 9943  216.92    1633    overt
## 9944  221.93    1633    overt
## 9945  226.94    1633    overt
## 9946  231.95    1633    overt
## 9947  236.96    1633    overt
## 9948  241.97    1633    overt
## 9949  246.98    1633    overt
## 9950  251.99    1633    overt
## 9951  257.01    1633    overt
## 9952  262.02    1633    overt
## 9953  267.03    1633    overt
## 9954  272.04    1633    overt
## 9955  277.05    1633    overt
## 9956  282.06    1633    overt
## 9957  287.07    1633    overt
## 9958  292.08    1633    overt
## 9959  297.09    1633    overt
## 9960  302.11    1633    overt
## 9961  307.12    1633    overt
## 9962  312.13    1633    overt
## 9963  317.14    1633    overt
## 9964  322.15    1633    overt
## 9965  327.16    1633    overt
## 9966  332.17    1633    overt
## 9967  337.18    1633    overt
## 9968  342.19    1633    overt
## 9969  347.21    1633    overt
## 9970  352.22    1633    overt
## 9971  357.23    1633    overt
## 9972  362.24    1633    overt
## 9973  367.25    1633    overt
## 9974  372.26    1633    overt
## 9975  377.27    1633    overt
## 9976  382.28    1633    overt
## 9977  387.29    1633    overt
## 9978  392.31    1633    overt
## 9979  397.32    1633    overt
## 9980  402.33    1633    overt
## 9981  407.34    1633    overt
## 9982  412.35    1633    overt
## 9983  417.36    1633    overt
## 9984  422.37    1633    overt
## 9985  427.38    1633    overt
## 9986  432.39    1633    overt
## 9987  437.41    1633    overt
## 9988  442.42    1633    overt
## 9989  447.43    1633    overt
## 9990  452.44    1633    overt
## 9991  457.45    1633    overt
## 9992  462.46    1633    overt
## 9993  467.47    1633    overt
## 9994  472.48    1633    overt
## 9995  477.49    1633    overt
## 9996  482.51    1633    overt
## 9997  487.52    1633    overt
## 9998  492.53    1633    overt
## 9999  497.54    1633    overt
## 10000 502.55    1633    overt
ggdb + geom_raster(aes(fill = ghat),
            data = diabetes_grid, alpha = 0.25, interpolate = TRUE) +
    geom_point(data = as_tibble(centers), pch = "+", size = 8) 

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggdb + geom_raster(aes(fill = ghat),
            data = diabetes_grid, alpha = 0.25, interpolate = TRUE) +
    geom_point(data = as_tibble(centers), pch = "+", size = 8) +
    geom_path(aes(colour = group), data = ellipses) +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diabetes_up = lda(group ~ sspg + glucose, data = diabetes,
  prior = (\(n) rep(1/n, n)) (nlevels(diabetes$group)))

diabetes_grid$ghat_up =
  predict(diabetes_up, newdata = diabetes_grid)$class

stopifnot(all.equal(diabetes_up$means, diabetes_lda$means))

ellipse_up  = unitcircle %*% solve(diabetes_up$scaling) |> as_tibble()
ellipses_up = lapply(rownames(centers), function(gr) {
     sspg    = sspg    + centers[gr, "sspg"],
     glucose = glucose + centers[gr, "glucose"],
     group   = gr)
}) |> bind_rows()

ggdb + geom_raster(aes(fill = ghat_up),
            data = diabetes_grid, alpha = 0.4, interpolate = TRUE) +
    geom_point(data = data.frame(centers), pch = "+", size = 8) +
    geom_path(aes(colour = group), data = ellipses_up) +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diabetes_lda5 = lda(group ~ rw + fpg + glucose + sspg + insulin, data = diabetes)
## Call:
## lda(group ~ rw + fpg + glucose + sspg + insulin, data = diabetes)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##   normal chemical    overt 
##    0.524    0.248    0.228 
## Group means:
##             rw   fpg glucose sspg insulin
## normal   0.937  91.2     350  114     173
## chemical 1.056  99.3     494  209     288
## overt    0.984 217.7    1044  319     106
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##               LD1      LD2
## rw       1.362436 -3.78414
## fpg     -0.033649  0.03663
## glucose  0.012576 -0.00709
## sspg     0.004243  0.00113
## insulin -0.000102 -0.00617
## Proportion of trace:
##   LD1   LD2 
## 0.881 0.119
ghat5 = predict(diabetes_lda5)$class
table(ghat5, diabetes$group)
## ghat5      normal chemical overt
##   normal       73        5     1
##   chemical      3       31     5
##   overt         0        0    27
mean(ghat5 != diabetes$group)
## [1] 0.0966
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: affy
## Attaching package: 'affy'
## The following object is masked from 'package:spatstat.geom':
##     intensity
## Loading required package: boot
## Attaching package: 'boot'
## The following object is masked from 'package:spatstat.core':
##     envelope
## Loading required package: clue
## Loading required package: cluster
## Attaching package: 'cluster'
## The following object is masked from 'package:spatstat.geom':
##     volume
## Loading required package: geneplotter
## Loading required package: lattice
## Attaching package: 'lattice'
## The following object is masked from 'package:boot':
##     melanoma
## The following object is masked from 'package:spatstat.core':
##     panel.histogram
## Loading required package: gplots
## Attaching package: 'gplots'
## The following object is masked from 'package:spatstat.geom':
##     col2hex
## The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
##     space
## The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
##     space
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     lowess
## Loading required package: gtools
## Attaching package: 'gtools'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:boot':
##     inv.logit, logit
## The following object is masked from 'package:igraph':
##     permute
## Loading required package: KEGGREST
## Loading required package: mouse4302.db
## Loading required package: org.Mm.eg.db
## Loading required package: xtable
## Attaching package: 'xtable'
## The following object is masked from 'package:EBImage':
##     display
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggdendro':
##     label
probes = c("1426642_at", "1418765_at", "1418864_at", "1416564_at")
embryoCells = t(Biobase::exprs(x)[probes, ]) |> as_tibble() |>
  mutate(Embryonic.day = x$Embryonic.day) |>
  dplyr::filter(x$genotype == "WT")

## # A tibble: 66 × 5
##    `1426642_at` `1418765_at` `1418864_at` `1416564_at` Embryonic.day
##           <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl> <fct>        
##  1         6.61        12.0          3.16         3.49 E3.25        
##  2         7.39         9.23         3.52         3.47 E3.25        
##  3         5.68        11.2          3.47         3.84 E3.25        
##  4         6.39        10.8          3.62         3.77 E3.25        
##  5         7.87        10.1          3.60         3.58 E3.25        
##  6         6.10        10.4          3.33         3.44 E3.25        
##  7         5.53        10.8          3.69         3.70 E3.25        
##  8         5.80         9.12         3.67         6.82 E3.25        
##  9         7.62        10.5          3.47         3.85 E3.25        
## 10         8.51        11.0          3.67         4.09 E3.25        
## # ℹ 56 more rows
## [1] "mouse4302"
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

anno = AnnotationDbi::select(mouse4302.db, keys = probes,
                             columns = c("SYMBOL", "GENENAME"))
## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
##      PROBEID SYMBOL                                            GENENAME
## 1 1426642_at    Fn1                                       fibronectin 1
## 2 1418765_at  Timd2 T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing 2
## 3 1418864_at  Gata4                              GATA binding protein 4
## 4 1416564_at   Sox7                SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 7
mt = match(anno$PROBEID, colnames(embryoCells))
colnames(embryoCells)[mt] = anno$SYMBOL
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggpairs(embryoCells, mapping = aes(col = Embryonic.day),
  columns = anno$SYMBOL, upper = list(continuous = "points"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ec_lda = lda(Embryonic.day ~ Fn1 + Timd2 + Gata4 + Sox7,
             data = embryoCells)
round(ec_lda$scaling, 1)
##        LD1  LD2
## Fn1   -0.2 -0.4
## Timd2  0.5  0.0
## Gata4 -0.1 -0.6
## Sox7  -0.7  0.5
##       LD1    LD2
## 1   2.574  0.972
## 2   0.973  0.437
## 3   2.123  1.292
## 4   1.787  0.896
## 5   1.240  0.265
## 6   1.881  1.007
## 7   1.974  1.128
## 8  -1.005  2.727
## 9   1.317  0.594
## 10  1.210  0.268
## 11  1.744  0.652
## 12  1.416 -0.101
## 13  1.121  1.642
## 14 -0.782 -0.127
## 15  1.080  0.473
## 16  0.842  0.116
## 17  1.427  0.354
## 18  1.554  0.749
## 19  1.653 -0.250
## 20 -0.313 -0.562
## 21  0.651 -0.412
## 22  1.842  0.503
## 23  0.809 -0.856
## 24  1.198 -0.363
## 25  0.844 -0.886
## 26  2.075  1.105
## 27  1.135 -0.613
## 28  1.651 -0.362
## 29  0.790 -0.185
## 30  0.648  0.285
## 31  0.986 -0.724
## 32  0.788 -0.754
## 33  2.360  0.901
## 34  1.112 -0.469
## 35 -0.301 -1.120
## 36  0.707 -0.518
## 37  0.400 -0.330
## 38  0.322 -0.551
## 39 -2.309 -0.996
## 40 -2.693 -0.938
## 41  0.476 -0.391
## 42 -0.114 -1.066
## 43 -0.407 -1.213
## 44 -0.284 -0.842
## 45 -1.278 -0.484
## 46 -3.089  1.154
## 47 -1.876 -1.216
## 48 -1.100 -1.064
## 49 -0.392 -0.855
## 50 -0.113 -1.139
## 51  0.470 -0.962
## 52 -0.217 -0.706
## 53 -0.499 -1.025
## 54 -0.508 -0.680
## 55  1.760  1.449
## 56 -2.209 -0.992
## 57 -2.253 -0.924
## 58 -1.931 -1.804
## 59 -4.032  3.213
## 60 -2.069 -0.597
## 61 -2.146  2.953
## 62 -1.888 -0.831
## 63 -2.444 -0.853
## 64 -2.202 -1.278
## 65 -4.015  2.938
## 66 -4.467  1.968
##  [1] E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E4.5  E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25
## [13] E3.25 E3.5  E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.5  E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25
## [25] E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.5  E3.25
## [37] E3.25 E3.25 E3.5  E3.5  E3.25 E3.5  E3.5  E3.5  E3.5  E4.5  E3.5  E3.5 
## [49] E3.5  E3.5  E3.25 E3.5  E3.5  E3.5  E3.25 E3.5  E3.5  E3.5  E4.5  E3.5 
## [61] E4.5  E3.5  E3.5  E3.5  E4.5  E4.5 
## Levels: E3.25 E3.5 E4.5
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ec_rot = predict(ec_lda)$x |> as_tibble() |>
           mutate(ed = embryoCells$Embryonic.day)
## # A tibble: 66 × 3
##       LD1   LD2 ed   
##     <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
##  1  2.57  0.972 E3.25
##  2  0.973 0.437 E3.25
##  3  2.12  1.29  E3.25
##  4  1.79  0.896 E3.25
##  5  1.24  0.265 E3.25
##  6  1.88  1.01  E3.25
##  7  1.97  1.13  E3.25
##  8 -1.01  2.73  E3.25
##  9  1.32  0.594 E3.25
## 10  1.21  0.268 E3.25
## # ℹ 56 more rows
ec_lda2 = lda(ec_rot[, 1:2], predict(ec_lda)$class)
## Call:
## lda(ec_rot[, 1:2], predict(ec_lda)$class)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
##  E3.25   E3.5   E4.5 
## 0.5606 0.3485 0.0909 
## Group means:
##         LD1    LD2
## E3.25  1.27  0.172
## E3.5  -1.23 -0.927
## E4.5  -3.13  2.492
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##       LD1   LD2
## LD1 -1.28 0.509
## LD2  1.24 1.224
## Proportion of trace:
##   LD1   LD2 
## 0.774 0.226
ec_grid = with(ec_rot, expand.grid(
  LD1 = make1Dgrid(LD1),
  LD2 = make1Dgrid(LD2)))

##           LD1      LD2
## 1     -4.8186 -2.05528
## 2     -4.7404 -2.05528
## 3     -4.6622 -2.05528
## 4     -4.5839 -2.05528
## 5     -4.5057 -2.05528
## 6     -4.4275 -2.05528
## 7     -4.3492 -2.05528
## 8     -4.2710 -2.05528
## 9     -4.1928 -2.05528
## 10    -4.1145 -2.05528
## 11    -4.0363 -2.05528
## 12    -3.9581 -2.05528
## 13    -3.8798 -2.05528
## 14    -3.8016 -2.05528
## 15    -3.7234 -2.05528
## 16    -3.6451 -2.05528
## 17    -3.5669 -2.05528
## 18    -3.4887 -2.05528
## 19    -3.4104 -2.05528
## 20    -3.3322 -2.05528
## 21    -3.2540 -2.05528
## 22    -3.1757 -2.05528
## 23    -3.0975 -2.05528
## 24    -3.0193 -2.05528
## 25    -2.9410 -2.05528
## 26    -2.8628 -2.05528
## 27    -2.7846 -2.05528
## 28    -2.7063 -2.05528
## 29    -2.6281 -2.05528
## 30    -2.5499 -2.05528
## 31    -2.4716 -2.05528
## 32    -2.3934 -2.05528
## 33    -2.3152 -2.05528
## 34    -2.2369 -2.05528
## 35    -2.1587 -2.05528
## 36    -2.0805 -2.05528
## 37    -2.0022 -2.05528
## 38    -1.9240 -2.05528
## 39    -1.8458 -2.05528
## 40    -1.7676 -2.05528
## 41    -1.6893 -2.05528
## 42    -1.6111 -2.05528
## 43    -1.5329 -2.05528
## 44    -1.4546 -2.05528
## 45    -1.3764 -2.05528
## 46    -1.2982 -2.05528
## 47    -1.2199 -2.05528
## 48    -1.1417 -2.05528
## 49    -1.0635 -2.05528
## 50    -0.9852 -2.05528
## 51    -0.9070 -2.05528
## 52    -0.8288 -2.05528
## 53    -0.7505 -2.05528
## 54    -0.6723 -2.05528
## 55    -0.5941 -2.05528
## 56    -0.5158 -2.05528
## 57    -0.4376 -2.05528
## 58    -0.3594 -2.05528
## 59    -0.2811 -2.05528
## 60    -0.2029 -2.05528
## 61    -0.1247 -2.05528
## 62    -0.0464 -2.05528
## 63     0.0318 -2.05528
## 64     0.1100 -2.05528
## 65     0.1883 -2.05528
## 66     0.2665 -2.05528
## 67     0.3447 -2.05528
## 68     0.4230 -2.05528
## 69     0.5012 -2.05528
## 70     0.5794 -2.05528
## 71     0.6577 -2.05528
## 72     0.7359 -2.05528
## 73     0.8141 -2.05528
## 74     0.8923 -2.05528
## 75     0.9706 -2.05528
## 76     1.0488 -2.05528
## 77     1.1270 -2.05528
## 78     1.2053 -2.05528
## 79     1.2835 -2.05528
## 80     1.3617 -2.05528
## 81     1.4400 -2.05528
## 82     1.5182 -2.05528
## 83     1.5964 -2.05528
## 84     1.6747 -2.05528
## 85     1.7529 -2.05528
## 86     1.8311 -2.05528
## 87     1.9094 -2.05528
## 88     1.9876 -2.05528
## 89     2.0658 -2.05528
## 90     2.1441 -2.05528
## 91     2.2223 -2.05528
## 92     2.3005 -2.05528
## 93     2.3788 -2.05528
## 94     2.4570 -2.05528
## 95     2.5352 -2.05528
## 96     2.6135 -2.05528
## 97     2.6917 -2.05528
## 98     2.7699 -2.05528
## 99     2.8482 -2.05528
## 100    2.9264 -2.05528
## 101   -4.8186 -1.99954
## 102   -4.7404 -1.99954
## 103   -4.6622 -1.99954
## 104   -4.5839 -1.99954
## 105   -4.5057 -1.99954
## 106   -4.4275 -1.99954
## 107   -4.3492 -1.99954
## 108   -4.2710 -1.99954
## 109   -4.1928 -1.99954
## 110   -4.1145 -1.99954
## 111   -4.0363 -1.99954
## 112   -3.9581 -1.99954
## 113   -3.8798 -1.99954
## 114   -3.8016 -1.99954
## 115   -3.7234 -1.99954
## 116   -3.6451 -1.99954
## 117   -3.5669 -1.99954
## 118   -3.4887 -1.99954
## 119   -3.4104 -1.99954
## 120   -3.3322 -1.99954
## 121   -3.2540 -1.99954
## 122   -3.1757 -1.99954
## 123   -3.0975 -1.99954
## 124   -3.0193 -1.99954
## 125   -2.9410 -1.99954
## 126   -2.8628 -1.99954
## 127   -2.7846 -1.99954
## 128   -2.7063 -1.99954
## 129   -2.6281 -1.99954
## 130   -2.5499 -1.99954
## 131   -2.4716 -1.99954
## 132   -2.3934 -1.99954
## 133   -2.3152 -1.99954
## 134   -2.2369 -1.99954
## 135   -2.1587 -1.99954
## 136   -2.0805 -1.99954
## 137   -2.0022 -1.99954
## 138   -1.9240 -1.99954
## 139   -1.8458 -1.99954
## 140   -1.7676 -1.99954
## 141   -1.6893 -1.99954
## 142   -1.6111 -1.99954
## 143   -1.5329 -1.99954
## 144   -1.4546 -1.99954
## 145   -1.3764 -1.99954
## 146   -1.2982 -1.99954
## 147   -1.2199 -1.99954
## 148   -1.1417 -1.99954
## 149   -1.0635 -1.99954
## 150   -0.9852 -1.99954
## 151   -0.9070 -1.99954
## 152   -0.8288 -1.99954
## 153   -0.7505 -1.99954
## 154   -0.6723 -1.99954
## 155   -0.5941 -1.99954
## 156   -0.5158 -1.99954
## 157   -0.4376 -1.99954
## 158   -0.3594 -1.99954
## 159   -0.2811 -1.99954
## 160   -0.2029 -1.99954
## 161   -0.1247 -1.99954
## 162   -0.0464 -1.99954
## 163    0.0318 -1.99954
## 164    0.1100 -1.99954
## 165    0.1883 -1.99954
## 166    0.2665 -1.99954
## 167    0.3447 -1.99954
## 168    0.4230 -1.99954
## 169    0.5012 -1.99954
## 170    0.5794 -1.99954
## 171    0.6577 -1.99954
## 172    0.7359 -1.99954
## 173    0.8141 -1.99954
## 174    0.8923 -1.99954
## 175    0.9706 -1.99954
## 176    1.0488 -1.99954
## 177    1.1270 -1.99954
## 178    1.2053 -1.99954
## 179    1.2835 -1.99954
## 180    1.3617 -1.99954
## 181    1.4400 -1.99954
## 182    1.5182 -1.99954
## 183    1.5964 -1.99954
## 184    1.6747 -1.99954
## 185    1.7529 -1.99954
## 186    1.8311 -1.99954
## 187    1.9094 -1.99954
## 188    1.9876 -1.99954
## 189    2.0658 -1.99954
## 190    2.1441 -1.99954
## 191    2.2223 -1.99954
## 192    2.3005 -1.99954
## 193    2.3788 -1.99954
## 194    2.4570 -1.99954
## 195    2.5352 -1.99954
## 196    2.6135 -1.99954
## 197    2.6917 -1.99954
## 198    2.7699 -1.99954
## 199    2.8482 -1.99954
## 200    2.9264 -1.99954
## 201   -4.8186 -1.94379
## 202   -4.7404 -1.94379
## 203   -4.6622 -1.94379
## 204   -4.5839 -1.94379
## 205   -4.5057 -1.94379
## 206   -4.4275 -1.94379
## 207   -4.3492 -1.94379
## 208   -4.2710 -1.94379
## 209   -4.1928 -1.94379
## 210   -4.1145 -1.94379
## 211   -4.0363 -1.94379
## 212   -3.9581 -1.94379
## 213   -3.8798 -1.94379
## 214   -3.8016 -1.94379
## 215   -3.7234 -1.94379
## 216   -3.6451 -1.94379
## 217   -3.5669 -1.94379
## 218   -3.4887 -1.94379
## 219   -3.4104 -1.94379
## 220   -3.3322 -1.94379
## 221   -3.2540 -1.94379
## 222   -3.1757 -1.94379
## 223   -3.0975 -1.94379
## 224   -3.0193 -1.94379
## 225   -2.9410 -1.94379
## 226   -2.8628 -1.94379
## 227   -2.7846 -1.94379
## 228   -2.7063 -1.94379
## 229   -2.6281 -1.94379
## 230   -2.5499 -1.94379
## 231   -2.4716 -1.94379
## 232   -2.3934 -1.94379
## 233   -2.3152 -1.94379
## 234   -2.2369 -1.94379
## 235   -2.1587 -1.94379
## 236   -2.0805 -1.94379
## 237   -2.0022 -1.94379
## 238   -1.9240 -1.94379
## 239   -1.8458 -1.94379
## 240   -1.7676 -1.94379
## 241   -1.6893 -1.94379
## 242   -1.6111 -1.94379
## 243   -1.5329 -1.94379
## 244   -1.4546 -1.94379
## 245   -1.3764 -1.94379
## 246   -1.2982 -1.94379
## 247   -1.2199 -1.94379
## 248   -1.1417 -1.94379
## 249   -1.0635 -1.94379
## 250   -0.9852 -1.94379
## 251   -0.9070 -1.94379
## 252   -0.8288 -1.94379
## 253   -0.7505 -1.94379
## 254   -0.6723 -1.94379
## 255   -0.5941 -1.94379
## 256   -0.5158 -1.94379
## 257   -0.4376 -1.94379
## 258   -0.3594 -1.94379
## 259   -0.2811 -1.94379
## 260   -0.2029 -1.94379
## 261   -0.1247 -1.94379
## 262   -0.0464 -1.94379
## 263    0.0318 -1.94379
## 264    0.1100 -1.94379
## 265    0.1883 -1.94379
## 266    0.2665 -1.94379
## 267    0.3447 -1.94379
## 268    0.4230 -1.94379
## 269    0.5012 -1.94379
## 270    0.5794 -1.94379
## 271    0.6577 -1.94379
## 272    0.7359 -1.94379
## 273    0.8141 -1.94379
## 274    0.8923 -1.94379
## 275    0.9706 -1.94379
## 276    1.0488 -1.94379
## 277    1.1270 -1.94379
## 278    1.2053 -1.94379
## 279    1.2835 -1.94379
## 280    1.3617 -1.94379
## 281    1.4400 -1.94379
## 282    1.5182 -1.94379
## 283    1.5964 -1.94379
## 284    1.6747 -1.94379
## 285    1.7529 -1.94379
## 286    1.8311 -1.94379
## 287    1.9094 -1.94379
## 288    1.9876 -1.94379
## 289    2.0658 -1.94379
## 290    2.1441 -1.94379
## 291    2.2223 -1.94379
## 292    2.3005 -1.94379
## 293    2.3788 -1.94379
## 294    2.4570 -1.94379
## 295    2.5352 -1.94379
## 296    2.6135 -1.94379
## 297    2.6917 -1.94379
## 298    2.7699 -1.94379
## 299    2.8482 -1.94379
## 300    2.9264 -1.94379
## 301   -4.8186 -1.88805
## 302   -4.7404 -1.88805
## 303   -4.6622 -1.88805
## 304   -4.5839 -1.88805
## 305   -4.5057 -1.88805
## 306   -4.4275 -1.88805
## 307   -4.3492 -1.88805
## 308   -4.2710 -1.88805
## 309   -4.1928 -1.88805
## 310   -4.1145 -1.88805
## 311   -4.0363 -1.88805
## 312   -3.9581 -1.88805
## 313   -3.8798 -1.88805
## 314   -3.8016 -1.88805
## 315   -3.7234 -1.88805
## 316   -3.6451 -1.88805
## 317   -3.5669 -1.88805
## 318   -3.4887 -1.88805
## 319   -3.4104 -1.88805
## 320   -3.3322 -1.88805
## 321   -3.2540 -1.88805
## 322   -3.1757 -1.88805
## 323   -3.0975 -1.88805
## 324   -3.0193 -1.88805
## 325   -2.9410 -1.88805
## 326   -2.8628 -1.88805
## 327   -2.7846 -1.88805
## 328   -2.7063 -1.88805
## 329   -2.6281 -1.88805
## 330   -2.5499 -1.88805
## 331   -2.4716 -1.88805
## 332   -2.3934 -1.88805
## 333   -2.3152 -1.88805
## 334   -2.2369 -1.88805
## 335   -2.1587 -1.88805
## 336   -2.0805 -1.88805
## 337   -2.0022 -1.88805
## 338   -1.9240 -1.88805
## 339   -1.8458 -1.88805
## 340   -1.7676 -1.88805
## 341   -1.6893 -1.88805
## 342   -1.6111 -1.88805
## 343   -1.5329 -1.88805
## 344   -1.4546 -1.88805
## 345   -1.3764 -1.88805
## 346   -1.2982 -1.88805
## 347   -1.2199 -1.88805
## 348   -1.1417 -1.88805
## 349   -1.0635 -1.88805
## 350   -0.9852 -1.88805
## 351   -0.9070 -1.88805
## 352   -0.8288 -1.88805
## 353   -0.7505 -1.88805
## 354   -0.6723 -1.88805
## 355   -0.5941 -1.88805
## 356   -0.5158 -1.88805
## 357   -0.4376 -1.88805
## 358   -0.3594 -1.88805
## 359   -0.2811 -1.88805
## 360   -0.2029 -1.88805
## 361   -0.1247 -1.88805
## 362   -0.0464 -1.88805
## 363    0.0318 -1.88805
## 364    0.1100 -1.88805
## 365    0.1883 -1.88805
## 366    0.2665 -1.88805
## 367    0.3447 -1.88805
## 368    0.4230 -1.88805
## 369    0.5012 -1.88805
## 370    0.5794 -1.88805
## 371    0.6577 -1.88805
## 372    0.7359 -1.88805
## 373    0.8141 -1.88805
## 374    0.8923 -1.88805
## 375    0.9706 -1.88805
## 376    1.0488 -1.88805
## 377    1.1270 -1.88805
## 378    1.2053 -1.88805
## 379    1.2835 -1.88805
## 380    1.3617 -1.88805
## 381    1.4400 -1.88805
## 382    1.5182 -1.88805
## 383    1.5964 -1.88805
## 384    1.6747 -1.88805
## 385    1.7529 -1.88805
## 386    1.8311 -1.88805
## 387    1.9094 -1.88805
## 388    1.9876 -1.88805
## 389    2.0658 -1.88805
## 390    2.1441 -1.88805
## 391    2.2223 -1.88805
## 392    2.3005 -1.88805
## 393    2.3788 -1.88805
## 394    2.4570 -1.88805
## 395    2.5352 -1.88805
## 396    2.6135 -1.88805
## 397    2.6917 -1.88805
## 398    2.7699 -1.88805
## 399    2.8482 -1.88805
## 400    2.9264 -1.88805
## 401   -4.8186 -1.83230
## 402   -4.7404 -1.83230
## 403   -4.6622 -1.83230
## 404   -4.5839 -1.83230
## 405   -4.5057 -1.83230
## 406   -4.4275 -1.83230
## 407   -4.3492 -1.83230
## 408   -4.2710 -1.83230
## 409   -4.1928 -1.83230
## 410   -4.1145 -1.83230
## 411   -4.0363 -1.83230
## 412   -3.9581 -1.83230
## 413   -3.8798 -1.83230
## 414   -3.8016 -1.83230
## 415   -3.7234 -1.83230
## 416   -3.6451 -1.83230
## 417   -3.5669 -1.83230
## 418   -3.4887 -1.83230
## 419   -3.4104 -1.83230
## 420   -3.3322 -1.83230
## 421   -3.2540 -1.83230
## 422   -3.1757 -1.83230
## 423   -3.0975 -1.83230
## 424   -3.0193 -1.83230
## 425   -2.9410 -1.83230
## 426   -2.8628 -1.83230
## 427   -2.7846 -1.83230
## 428   -2.7063 -1.83230
## 429   -2.6281 -1.83230
## 430   -2.5499 -1.83230
## 431   -2.4716 -1.83230
## 432   -2.3934 -1.83230
## 433   -2.3152 -1.83230
## 434   -2.2369 -1.83230
## 435   -2.1587 -1.83230
## 436   -2.0805 -1.83230
## 437   -2.0022 -1.83230
## 438   -1.9240 -1.83230
## 439   -1.8458 -1.83230
## 440   -1.7676 -1.83230
## 441   -1.6893 -1.83230
## 442   -1.6111 -1.83230
## 443   -1.5329 -1.83230
## 444   -1.4546 -1.83230
## 445   -1.3764 -1.83230
## 446   -1.2982 -1.83230
## 447   -1.2199 -1.83230
## 448   -1.1417 -1.83230
## 449   -1.0635 -1.83230
## 450   -0.9852 -1.83230
## 451   -0.9070 -1.83230
## 452   -0.8288 -1.83230
## 453   -0.7505 -1.83230
## 454   -0.6723 -1.83230
## 455   -0.5941 -1.83230
## 456   -0.5158 -1.83230
## 457   -0.4376 -1.83230
## 458   -0.3594 -1.83230
## 459   -0.2811 -1.83230
## 460   -0.2029 -1.83230
## 461   -0.1247 -1.83230
## 462   -0.0464 -1.83230
## 463    0.0318 -1.83230
## 464    0.1100 -1.83230
## 465    0.1883 -1.83230
## 466    0.2665 -1.83230
## 467    0.3447 -1.83230
## 468    0.4230 -1.83230
## 469    0.5012 -1.83230
## 470    0.5794 -1.83230
## 471    0.6577 -1.83230
## 472    0.7359 -1.83230
## 473    0.8141 -1.83230
## 474    0.8923 -1.83230
## 475    0.9706 -1.83230
## 476    1.0488 -1.83230
## 477    1.1270 -1.83230
## 478    1.2053 -1.83230
## 479    1.2835 -1.83230
## 480    1.3617 -1.83230
## 481    1.4400 -1.83230
## 482    1.5182 -1.83230
## 483    1.5964 -1.83230
## 484    1.6747 -1.83230
## 485    1.7529 -1.83230
## 486    1.8311 -1.83230
## 487    1.9094 -1.83230
## 488    1.9876 -1.83230
## 489    2.0658 -1.83230
## 490    2.1441 -1.83230
## 491    2.2223 -1.83230
## 492    2.3005 -1.83230
## 493    2.3788 -1.83230
## 494    2.4570 -1.83230
## 495    2.5352 -1.83230
## 496    2.6135 -1.83230
## 497    2.6917 -1.83230
## 498    2.7699 -1.83230
## 499    2.8482 -1.83230
## 500    2.9264 -1.83230
## 501   -4.8186 -1.77656
## 502   -4.7404 -1.77656
## 503   -4.6622 -1.77656
## 504   -4.5839 -1.77656
## 505   -4.5057 -1.77656
## 506   -4.4275 -1.77656
## 507   -4.3492 -1.77656
## 508   -4.2710 -1.77656
## 509   -4.1928 -1.77656
## 510   -4.1145 -1.77656
## 511   -4.0363 -1.77656
## 512   -3.9581 -1.77656
## 513   -3.8798 -1.77656
## 514   -3.8016 -1.77656
## 515   -3.7234 -1.77656
## 516   -3.6451 -1.77656
## 517   -3.5669 -1.77656
## 518   -3.4887 -1.77656
## 519   -3.4104 -1.77656
## 520   -3.3322 -1.77656
## 521   -3.2540 -1.77656
## 522   -3.1757 -1.77656
## 523   -3.0975 -1.77656
## 524   -3.0193 -1.77656
## 525   -2.9410 -1.77656
## 526   -2.8628 -1.77656
## 527   -2.7846 -1.77656
## 528   -2.7063 -1.77656
## 529   -2.6281 -1.77656
## 530   -2.5499 -1.77656
## 531   -2.4716 -1.77656
## 532   -2.3934 -1.77656
## 533   -2.3152 -1.77656
## 534   -2.2369 -1.77656
## 535   -2.1587 -1.77656
## 536   -2.0805 -1.77656
## 537   -2.0022 -1.77656
## 538   -1.9240 -1.77656
## 539   -1.8458 -1.77656
## 540   -1.7676 -1.77656
## 541   -1.6893 -1.77656
## 542   -1.6111 -1.77656
## 543   -1.5329 -1.77656
## 544   -1.4546 -1.77656
## 545   -1.3764 -1.77656
## 546   -1.2982 -1.77656
## 547   -1.2199 -1.77656
## 548   -1.1417 -1.77656
## 549   -1.0635 -1.77656
## 550   -0.9852 -1.77656
## 551   -0.9070 -1.77656
## 552   -0.8288 -1.77656
## 553   -0.7505 -1.77656
## 554   -0.6723 -1.77656
## 555   -0.5941 -1.77656
## 556   -0.5158 -1.77656
## 557   -0.4376 -1.77656
## 558   -0.3594 -1.77656
## 559   -0.2811 -1.77656
## 560   -0.2029 -1.77656
## 561   -0.1247 -1.77656
## 562   -0.0464 -1.77656
## 563    0.0318 -1.77656
## 564    0.1100 -1.77656
## 565    0.1883 -1.77656
## 566    0.2665 -1.77656
## 567    0.3447 -1.77656
## 568    0.4230 -1.77656
## 569    0.5012 -1.77656
## 570    0.5794 -1.77656
## 571    0.6577 -1.77656
## 572    0.7359 -1.77656
## 573    0.8141 -1.77656
## 574    0.8923 -1.77656
## 575    0.9706 -1.77656
## 576    1.0488 -1.77656
## 577    1.1270 -1.77656
## 578    1.2053 -1.77656
## 579    1.2835 -1.77656
## 580    1.3617 -1.77656
## 581    1.4400 -1.77656
## 582    1.5182 -1.77656
## 583    1.5964 -1.77656
## 584    1.6747 -1.77656
## 585    1.7529 -1.77656
## 586    1.8311 -1.77656
## 587    1.9094 -1.77656
## 588    1.9876 -1.77656
## 589    2.0658 -1.77656
## 590    2.1441 -1.77656
## 591    2.2223 -1.77656
## 592    2.3005 -1.77656
## 593    2.3788 -1.77656
## 594    2.4570 -1.77656
## 595    2.5352 -1.77656
## 596    2.6135 -1.77656
## 597    2.6917 -1.77656
## 598    2.7699 -1.77656
## 599    2.8482 -1.77656
## 600    2.9264 -1.77656
## 601   -4.8186 -1.72081
## 602   -4.7404 -1.72081
## 603   -4.6622 -1.72081
## 604   -4.5839 -1.72081
## 605   -4.5057 -1.72081
## 606   -4.4275 -1.72081
## 607   -4.3492 -1.72081
## 608   -4.2710 -1.72081
## 609   -4.1928 -1.72081
## 610   -4.1145 -1.72081
## 611   -4.0363 -1.72081
## 612   -3.9581 -1.72081
## 613   -3.8798 -1.72081
## 614   -3.8016 -1.72081
## 615   -3.7234 -1.72081
## 616   -3.6451 -1.72081
## 617   -3.5669 -1.72081
## 618   -3.4887 -1.72081
## 619   -3.4104 -1.72081
## 620   -3.3322 -1.72081
## 621   -3.2540 -1.72081
## 622   -3.1757 -1.72081
## 623   -3.0975 -1.72081
## 624   -3.0193 -1.72081
## 625   -2.9410 -1.72081
## 626   -2.8628 -1.72081
## 627   -2.7846 -1.72081
## 628   -2.7063 -1.72081
## 629   -2.6281 -1.72081
## 630   -2.5499 -1.72081
## 631   -2.4716 -1.72081
## 632   -2.3934 -1.72081
## 633   -2.3152 -1.72081
## 634   -2.2369 -1.72081
## 635   -2.1587 -1.72081
## 636   -2.0805 -1.72081
## 637   -2.0022 -1.72081
## 638   -1.9240 -1.72081
## 639   -1.8458 -1.72081
## 640   -1.7676 -1.72081
## 641   -1.6893 -1.72081
## 642   -1.6111 -1.72081
## 643   -1.5329 -1.72081
## 644   -1.4546 -1.72081
## 645   -1.3764 -1.72081
## 646   -1.2982 -1.72081
## 647   -1.2199 -1.72081
## 648   -1.1417 -1.72081
## 649   -1.0635 -1.72081
## 650   -0.9852 -1.72081
## 651   -0.9070 -1.72081
## 652   -0.8288 -1.72081
## 653   -0.7505 -1.72081
## 654   -0.6723 -1.72081
## 655   -0.5941 -1.72081
## 656   -0.5158 -1.72081
## 657   -0.4376 -1.72081
## 658   -0.3594 -1.72081
## 659   -0.2811 -1.72081
## 660   -0.2029 -1.72081
## 661   -0.1247 -1.72081
## 662   -0.0464 -1.72081
## 663    0.0318 -1.72081
## 664    0.1100 -1.72081
## 665    0.1883 -1.72081
## 666    0.2665 -1.72081
## 667    0.3447 -1.72081
## 668    0.4230 -1.72081
## 669    0.5012 -1.72081
## 670    0.5794 -1.72081
## 671    0.6577 -1.72081
## 672    0.7359 -1.72081
## 673    0.8141 -1.72081
## 674    0.8923 -1.72081
## 675    0.9706 -1.72081
## 676    1.0488 -1.72081
## 677    1.1270 -1.72081
## 678    1.2053 -1.72081
## 679    1.2835 -1.72081
## 680    1.3617 -1.72081
## 681    1.4400 -1.72081
## 682    1.5182 -1.72081
## 683    1.5964 -1.72081
## 684    1.6747 -1.72081
## 685    1.7529 -1.72081
## 686    1.8311 -1.72081
## 687    1.9094 -1.72081
## 688    1.9876 -1.72081
## 689    2.0658 -1.72081
## 690    2.1441 -1.72081
## 691    2.2223 -1.72081
## 692    2.3005 -1.72081
## 693    2.3788 -1.72081
## 694    2.4570 -1.72081
## 695    2.5352 -1.72081
## 696    2.6135 -1.72081
## 697    2.6917 -1.72081
## 698    2.7699 -1.72081
## 699    2.8482 -1.72081
## 700    2.9264 -1.72081
## 701   -4.8186 -1.66507
## 702   -4.7404 -1.66507
## 703   -4.6622 -1.66507
## 704   -4.5839 -1.66507
## 705   -4.5057 -1.66507
## 706   -4.4275 -1.66507
## 707   -4.3492 -1.66507
## 708   -4.2710 -1.66507
## 709   -4.1928 -1.66507
## 710   -4.1145 -1.66507
## 711   -4.0363 -1.66507
## 712   -3.9581 -1.66507
## 713   -3.8798 -1.66507
## 714   -3.8016 -1.66507
## 715   -3.7234 -1.66507
## 716   -3.6451 -1.66507
## 717   -3.5669 -1.66507
## 718   -3.4887 -1.66507
## 719   -3.4104 -1.66507
## 720   -3.3322 -1.66507
## 721   -3.2540 -1.66507
## 722   -3.1757 -1.66507
## 723   -3.0975 -1.66507
## 724   -3.0193 -1.66507
## 725   -2.9410 -1.66507
## 726   -2.8628 -1.66507
## 727   -2.7846 -1.66507
## 728   -2.7063 -1.66507
## 729   -2.6281 -1.66507
## 730   -2.5499 -1.66507
## 731   -2.4716 -1.66507
## 732   -2.3934 -1.66507
## 733   -2.3152 -1.66507
## 734   -2.2369 -1.66507
## 735   -2.1587 -1.66507
## 736   -2.0805 -1.66507
## 737   -2.0022 -1.66507
## 738   -1.9240 -1.66507
## 739   -1.8458 -1.66507
## 740   -1.7676 -1.66507
## 741   -1.6893 -1.66507
## 742   -1.6111 -1.66507
## 743   -1.5329 -1.66507
## 744   -1.4546 -1.66507
## 745   -1.3764 -1.66507
## 746   -1.2982 -1.66507
## 747   -1.2199 -1.66507
## 748   -1.1417 -1.66507
## 749   -1.0635 -1.66507
## 750   -0.9852 -1.66507
## 751   -0.9070 -1.66507
## 752   -0.8288 -1.66507
## 753   -0.7505 -1.66507
## 754   -0.6723 -1.66507
## 755   -0.5941 -1.66507
## 756   -0.5158 -1.66507
## 757   -0.4376 -1.66507
## 758   -0.3594 -1.66507
## 759   -0.2811 -1.66507
## 760   -0.2029 -1.66507
## 761   -0.1247 -1.66507
## 762   -0.0464 -1.66507
## 763    0.0318 -1.66507
## 764    0.1100 -1.66507
## 765    0.1883 -1.66507
## 766    0.2665 -1.66507
## 767    0.3447 -1.66507
## 768    0.4230 -1.66507
## 769    0.5012 -1.66507
## 770    0.5794 -1.66507
## 771    0.6577 -1.66507
## 772    0.7359 -1.66507
## 773    0.8141 -1.66507
## 774    0.8923 -1.66507
## 775    0.9706 -1.66507
## 776    1.0488 -1.66507
## 777    1.1270 -1.66507
## 778    1.2053 -1.66507
## 779    1.2835 -1.66507
## 780    1.3617 -1.66507
## 781    1.4400 -1.66507
## 782    1.5182 -1.66507
## 783    1.5964 -1.66507
## 784    1.6747 -1.66507
## 785    1.7529 -1.66507
## 786    1.8311 -1.66507
## 787    1.9094 -1.66507
## 788    1.9876 -1.66507
## 789    2.0658 -1.66507
## 790    2.1441 -1.66507
## 791    2.2223 -1.66507
## 792    2.3005 -1.66507
## 793    2.3788 -1.66507
## 794    2.4570 -1.66507
## 795    2.5352 -1.66507
## 796    2.6135 -1.66507
## 797    2.6917 -1.66507
## 798    2.7699 -1.66507
## 799    2.8482 -1.66507
## 800    2.9264 -1.66507
## 801   -4.8186 -1.60932
## 802   -4.7404 -1.60932
## 803   -4.6622 -1.60932
## 804   -4.5839 -1.60932
## 805   -4.5057 -1.60932
## 806   -4.4275 -1.60932
## 807   -4.3492 -1.60932
## 808   -4.2710 -1.60932
## 809   -4.1928 -1.60932
## 810   -4.1145 -1.60932
## 811   -4.0363 -1.60932
## 812   -3.9581 -1.60932
## 813   -3.8798 -1.60932
## 814   -3.8016 -1.60932
## 815   -3.7234 -1.60932
## 816   -3.6451 -1.60932
## 817   -3.5669 -1.60932
## 818   -3.4887 -1.60932
## 819   -3.4104 -1.60932
## 820   -3.3322 -1.60932
## 821   -3.2540 -1.60932
## 822   -3.1757 -1.60932
## 823   -3.0975 -1.60932
## 824   -3.0193 -1.60932
## 825   -2.9410 -1.60932
## 826   -2.8628 -1.60932
## 827   -2.7846 -1.60932
## 828   -2.7063 -1.60932
## 829   -2.6281 -1.60932
## 830   -2.5499 -1.60932
## 831   -2.4716 -1.60932
## 832   -2.3934 -1.60932
## 833   -2.3152 -1.60932
## 834   -2.2369 -1.60932
## 835   -2.1587 -1.60932
## 836   -2.0805 -1.60932
## 837   -2.0022 -1.60932
## 838   -1.9240 -1.60932
## 839   -1.8458 -1.60932
## 840   -1.7676 -1.60932
## 841   -1.6893 -1.60932
## 842   -1.6111 -1.60932
## 843   -1.5329 -1.60932
## 844   -1.4546 -1.60932
## 845   -1.3764 -1.60932
## 846   -1.2982 -1.60932
## 847   -1.2199 -1.60932
## 848   -1.1417 -1.60932
## 849   -1.0635 -1.60932
## 850   -0.9852 -1.60932
## 851   -0.9070 -1.60932
## 852   -0.8288 -1.60932
## 853   -0.7505 -1.60932
## 854   -0.6723 -1.60932
## 855   -0.5941 -1.60932
## 856   -0.5158 -1.60932
## 857   -0.4376 -1.60932
## 858   -0.3594 -1.60932
## 859   -0.2811 -1.60932
## 860   -0.2029 -1.60932
## 861   -0.1247 -1.60932
## 862   -0.0464 -1.60932
## 863    0.0318 -1.60932
## 864    0.1100 -1.60932
## 865    0.1883 -1.60932
## 866    0.2665 -1.60932
## 867    0.3447 -1.60932
## 868    0.4230 -1.60932
## 869    0.5012 -1.60932
## 870    0.5794 -1.60932
## 871    0.6577 -1.60932
## 872    0.7359 -1.60932
## 873    0.8141 -1.60932
## 874    0.8923 -1.60932
## 875    0.9706 -1.60932
## 876    1.0488 -1.60932
## 877    1.1270 -1.60932
## 878    1.2053 -1.60932
## 879    1.2835 -1.60932
## 880    1.3617 -1.60932
## 881    1.4400 -1.60932
## 882    1.5182 -1.60932
## 883    1.5964 -1.60932
## 884    1.6747 -1.60932
## 885    1.7529 -1.60932
## 886    1.8311 -1.60932
## 887    1.9094 -1.60932
## 888    1.9876 -1.60932
## 889    2.0658 -1.60932
## 890    2.1441 -1.60932
## 891    2.2223 -1.60932
## 892    2.3005 -1.60932
## 893    2.3788 -1.60932
## 894    2.4570 -1.60932
## 895    2.5352 -1.60932
## 896    2.6135 -1.60932
## 897    2.6917 -1.60932
## 898    2.7699 -1.60932
## 899    2.8482 -1.60932
## 900    2.9264 -1.60932
## 901   -4.8186 -1.55358
## 902   -4.7404 -1.55358
## 903   -4.6622 -1.55358
## 904   -4.5839 -1.55358
## 905   -4.5057 -1.55358
## 906   -4.4275 -1.55358
## 907   -4.3492 -1.55358
## 908   -4.2710 -1.55358
## 909   -4.1928 -1.55358
## 910   -4.1145 -1.55358
## 911   -4.0363 -1.55358
## 912   -3.9581 -1.55358
## 913   -3.8798 -1.55358
## 914   -3.8016 -1.55358
## 915   -3.7234 -1.55358
## 916   -3.6451 -1.55358
## 917   -3.5669 -1.55358
## 918   -3.4887 -1.55358
## 919   -3.4104 -1.55358
## 920   -3.3322 -1.55358
## 921   -3.2540 -1.55358
## 922   -3.1757 -1.55358
## 923   -3.0975 -1.55358
## 924   -3.0193 -1.55358
## 925   -2.9410 -1.55358
## 926   -2.8628 -1.55358
## 927   -2.7846 -1.55358
## 928   -2.7063 -1.55358
## 929   -2.6281 -1.55358
## 930   -2.5499 -1.55358
## 931   -2.4716 -1.55358
## 932   -2.3934 -1.55358
## 933   -2.3152 -1.55358
## 934   -2.2369 -1.55358
## 935   -2.1587 -1.55358
## 936   -2.0805 -1.55358
## 937   -2.0022 -1.55358
## 938   -1.9240 -1.55358
## 939   -1.8458 -1.55358
## 940   -1.7676 -1.55358
## 941   -1.6893 -1.55358
## 942   -1.6111 -1.55358
## 943   -1.5329 -1.55358
## 944   -1.4546 -1.55358
## 945   -1.3764 -1.55358
## 946   -1.2982 -1.55358
## 947   -1.2199 -1.55358
## 948   -1.1417 -1.55358
## 949   -1.0635 -1.55358
## 950   -0.9852 -1.55358
## 951   -0.9070 -1.55358
## 952   -0.8288 -1.55358
## 953   -0.7505 -1.55358
## 954   -0.6723 -1.55358
## 955   -0.5941 -1.55358
## 956   -0.5158 -1.55358
## 957   -0.4376 -1.55358
## 958   -0.3594 -1.55358
## 959   -0.2811 -1.55358
## 960   -0.2029 -1.55358
## 961   -0.1247 -1.55358
## 962   -0.0464 -1.55358
## 963    0.0318 -1.55358
## 964    0.1100 -1.55358
## 965    0.1883 -1.55358
## 966    0.2665 -1.55358
## 967    0.3447 -1.55358
## 968    0.4230 -1.55358
## 969    0.5012 -1.55358
## 970    0.5794 -1.55358
## 971    0.6577 -1.55358
## 972    0.7359 -1.55358
## 973    0.8141 -1.55358
## 974    0.8923 -1.55358
## 975    0.9706 -1.55358
## 976    1.0488 -1.55358
## 977    1.1270 -1.55358
## 978    1.2053 -1.55358
## 979    1.2835 -1.55358
## 980    1.3617 -1.55358
## 981    1.4400 -1.55358
## 982    1.5182 -1.55358
## 983    1.5964 -1.55358
## 984    1.6747 -1.55358
## 985    1.7529 -1.55358
## 986    1.8311 -1.55358
## 987    1.9094 -1.55358
## 988    1.9876 -1.55358
## 989    2.0658 -1.55358
## 990    2.1441 -1.55358
## 991    2.2223 -1.55358
## 992    2.3005 -1.55358
## 993    2.3788 -1.55358
## 994    2.4570 -1.55358
## 995    2.5352 -1.55358
## 996    2.6135 -1.55358
## 997    2.6917 -1.55358
## 998    2.7699 -1.55358
## 999    2.8482 -1.55358
## 1000   2.9264 -1.55358
## 1001  -4.8186 -1.49783
## 1002  -4.7404 -1.49783
## 1003  -4.6622 -1.49783
## 1004  -4.5839 -1.49783
## 1005  -4.5057 -1.49783
## 1006  -4.4275 -1.49783
## 1007  -4.3492 -1.49783
## 1008  -4.2710 -1.49783
## 1009  -4.1928 -1.49783
## 1010  -4.1145 -1.49783
## 1011  -4.0363 -1.49783
## 1012  -3.9581 -1.49783
## 1013  -3.8798 -1.49783
## 1014  -3.8016 -1.49783
## 1015  -3.7234 -1.49783
## 1016  -3.6451 -1.49783
## 1017  -3.5669 -1.49783
## 1018  -3.4887 -1.49783
## 1019  -3.4104 -1.49783
## 1020  -3.3322 -1.49783
## 1021  -3.2540 -1.49783
## 1022  -3.1757 -1.49783
## 1023  -3.0975 -1.49783
## 1024  -3.0193 -1.49783
## 1025  -2.9410 -1.49783
## 1026  -2.8628 -1.49783
## 1027  -2.7846 -1.49783
## 1028  -2.7063 -1.49783
## 1029  -2.6281 -1.49783
## 1030  -2.5499 -1.49783
## 1031  -2.4716 -1.49783
## 1032  -2.3934 -1.49783
## 1033  -2.3152 -1.49783
## 1034  -2.2369 -1.49783
## 1035  -2.1587 -1.49783
## 1036  -2.0805 -1.49783
## 1037  -2.0022 -1.49783
## 1038  -1.9240 -1.49783
## 1039  -1.8458 -1.49783
## 1040  -1.7676 -1.49783
## 1041  -1.6893 -1.49783
## 1042  -1.6111 -1.49783
## 1043  -1.5329 -1.49783
## 1044  -1.4546 -1.49783
## 1045  -1.3764 -1.49783
## 1046  -1.2982 -1.49783
## 1047  -1.2199 -1.49783
## 1048  -1.1417 -1.49783
## 1049  -1.0635 -1.49783
## 1050  -0.9852 -1.49783
## 1051  -0.9070 -1.49783
## 1052  -0.8288 -1.49783
## 1053  -0.7505 -1.49783
## 1054  -0.6723 -1.49783
## 1055  -0.5941 -1.49783
## 1056  -0.5158 -1.49783
## 1057  -0.4376 -1.49783
## 1058  -0.3594 -1.49783
## 1059  -0.2811 -1.49783
## 1060  -0.2029 -1.49783
## 1061  -0.1247 -1.49783
## 1062  -0.0464 -1.49783
## 1063   0.0318 -1.49783
## 1064   0.1100 -1.49783
## 1065   0.1883 -1.49783
## 1066   0.2665 -1.49783
## 1067   0.3447 -1.49783
## 1068   0.4230 -1.49783
## 1069   0.5012 -1.49783
## 1070   0.5794 -1.49783
## 1071   0.6577 -1.49783
## 1072   0.7359 -1.49783
## 1073   0.8141 -1.49783
## 1074   0.8923 -1.49783
## 1075   0.9706 -1.49783
## 1076   1.0488 -1.49783
## 1077   1.1270 -1.49783
## 1078   1.2053 -1.49783
## 1079   1.2835 -1.49783
## 1080   1.3617 -1.49783
## 1081   1.4400 -1.49783
## 1082   1.5182 -1.49783
## 1083   1.5964 -1.49783
## 1084   1.6747 -1.49783
## 1085   1.7529 -1.49783
## 1086   1.8311 -1.49783
## 1087   1.9094 -1.49783
## 1088   1.9876 -1.49783
## 1089   2.0658 -1.49783
## 1090   2.1441 -1.49783
## 1091   2.2223 -1.49783
## 1092   2.3005 -1.49783
## 1093   2.3788 -1.49783
## 1094   2.4570 -1.49783
## 1095   2.5352 -1.49783
## 1096   2.6135 -1.49783
## 1097   2.6917 -1.49783
## 1098   2.7699 -1.49783
## 1099   2.8482 -1.49783
## 1100   2.9264 -1.49783
## 1101  -4.8186 -1.44209
## 1102  -4.7404 -1.44209
## 1103  -4.6622 -1.44209
## 1104  -4.5839 -1.44209
## 1105  -4.5057 -1.44209
## 1106  -4.4275 -1.44209
## 1107  -4.3492 -1.44209
## 1108  -4.2710 -1.44209
## 1109  -4.1928 -1.44209
## 1110  -4.1145 -1.44209
## 1111  -4.0363 -1.44209
## 1112  -3.9581 -1.44209
## 1113  -3.8798 -1.44209
## 1114  -3.8016 -1.44209
## 1115  -3.7234 -1.44209
## 1116  -3.6451 -1.44209
## 1117  -3.5669 -1.44209
## 1118  -3.4887 -1.44209
## 1119  -3.4104 -1.44209
## 1120  -3.3322 -1.44209
## 1121  -3.2540 -1.44209
## 1122  -3.1757 -1.44209
## 1123  -3.0975 -1.44209
## 1124  -3.0193 -1.44209
## 1125  -2.9410 -1.44209
## 1126  -2.8628 -1.44209
## 1127  -2.7846 -1.44209
## 1128  -2.7063 -1.44209
## 1129  -2.6281 -1.44209
## 1130  -2.5499 -1.44209
## 1131  -2.4716 -1.44209
## 1132  -2.3934 -1.44209
## 1133  -2.3152 -1.44209
## 1134  -2.2369 -1.44209
## 1135  -2.1587 -1.44209
## 1136  -2.0805 -1.44209
## 1137  -2.0022 -1.44209
## 1138  -1.9240 -1.44209
## 1139  -1.8458 -1.44209
## 1140  -1.7676 -1.44209
## 1141  -1.6893 -1.44209
## 1142  -1.6111 -1.44209
## 1143  -1.5329 -1.44209
## 1144  -1.4546 -1.44209
## 1145  -1.3764 -1.44209
## 1146  -1.2982 -1.44209
## 1147  -1.2199 -1.44209
## 1148  -1.1417 -1.44209
## 1149  -1.0635 -1.44209
## 1150  -0.9852 -1.44209
## 1151  -0.9070 -1.44209
## 1152  -0.8288 -1.44209
## 1153  -0.7505 -1.44209
## 1154  -0.6723 -1.44209
## 1155  -0.5941 -1.44209
## 1156  -0.5158 -1.44209
## 1157  -0.4376 -1.44209
## 1158  -0.3594 -1.44209
## 1159  -0.2811 -1.44209
## 1160  -0.2029 -1.44209
## 1161  -0.1247 -1.44209
## 1162  -0.0464 -1.44209
## 1163   0.0318 -1.44209
## 1164   0.1100 -1.44209
## 1165   0.1883 -1.44209
## 1166   0.2665 -1.44209
## 1167   0.3447 -1.44209
## 1168   0.4230 -1.44209
## 1169   0.5012 -1.44209
## 1170   0.5794 -1.44209
## 1171   0.6577 -1.44209
## 1172   0.7359 -1.44209
## 1173   0.8141 -1.44209
## 1174   0.8923 -1.44209
## 1175   0.9706 -1.44209
## 1176   1.0488 -1.44209
## 1177   1.1270 -1.44209
## 1178   1.2053 -1.44209
## 1179   1.2835 -1.44209
## 1180   1.3617 -1.44209
## 1181   1.4400 -1.44209
## 1182   1.5182 -1.44209
## 1183   1.5964 -1.44209
## 1184   1.6747 -1.44209
## 1185   1.7529 -1.44209
## 1186   1.8311 -1.44209
## 1187   1.9094 -1.44209
## 1188   1.9876 -1.44209
## 1189   2.0658 -1.44209
## 1190   2.1441 -1.44209
## 1191   2.2223 -1.44209
## 1192   2.3005 -1.44209
## 1193   2.3788 -1.44209
## 1194   2.4570 -1.44209
## 1195   2.5352 -1.44209
## 1196   2.6135 -1.44209
## 1197   2.6917 -1.44209
## 1198   2.7699 -1.44209
## 1199   2.8482 -1.44209
## 1200   2.9264 -1.44209
## 1201  -4.8186 -1.38634
## 1202  -4.7404 -1.38634
## 1203  -4.6622 -1.38634
## 1204  -4.5839 -1.38634
## 1205  -4.5057 -1.38634
## 1206  -4.4275 -1.38634
## 1207  -4.3492 -1.38634
## 1208  -4.2710 -1.38634
## 1209  -4.1928 -1.38634
## 1210  -4.1145 -1.38634
## 1211  -4.0363 -1.38634
## 1212  -3.9581 -1.38634
## 1213  -3.8798 -1.38634
## 1214  -3.8016 -1.38634
## 1215  -3.7234 -1.38634
## 1216  -3.6451 -1.38634
## 1217  -3.5669 -1.38634
## 1218  -3.4887 -1.38634
## 1219  -3.4104 -1.38634
## 1220  -3.3322 -1.38634
## 1221  -3.2540 -1.38634
## 1222  -3.1757 -1.38634
## 1223  -3.0975 -1.38634
## 1224  -3.0193 -1.38634
## 1225  -2.9410 -1.38634
## 1226  -2.8628 -1.38634
## 1227  -2.7846 -1.38634
## 1228  -2.7063 -1.38634
## 1229  -2.6281 -1.38634
## 1230  -2.5499 -1.38634
## 1231  -2.4716 -1.38634
## 1232  -2.3934 -1.38634
## 1233  -2.3152 -1.38634
## 1234  -2.2369 -1.38634
## 1235  -2.1587 -1.38634
## 1236  -2.0805 -1.38634
## 1237  -2.0022 -1.38634
## 1238  -1.9240 -1.38634
## 1239  -1.8458 -1.38634
## 1240  -1.7676 -1.38634
## 1241  -1.6893 -1.38634
## 1242  -1.6111 -1.38634
## 1243  -1.5329 -1.38634
## 1244  -1.4546 -1.38634
## 1245  -1.3764 -1.38634
## 1246  -1.2982 -1.38634
## 1247  -1.2199 -1.38634
## 1248  -1.1417 -1.38634
## 1249  -1.0635 -1.38634
## 1250  -0.9852 -1.38634
## 1251  -0.9070 -1.38634
## 1252  -0.8288 -1.38634
## 1253  -0.7505 -1.38634
## 1254  -0.6723 -1.38634
## 1255  -0.5941 -1.38634
## 1256  -0.5158 -1.38634
## 1257  -0.4376 -1.38634
## 1258  -0.3594 -1.38634
## 1259  -0.2811 -1.38634
## 1260  -0.2029 -1.38634
## 1261  -0.1247 -1.38634
## 1262  -0.0464 -1.38634
## 1263   0.0318 -1.38634
## 1264   0.1100 -1.38634
## 1265   0.1883 -1.38634
## 1266   0.2665 -1.38634
## 1267   0.3447 -1.38634
## 1268   0.4230 -1.38634
## 1269   0.5012 -1.38634
## 1270   0.5794 -1.38634
## 1271   0.6577 -1.38634
## 1272   0.7359 -1.38634
## 1273   0.8141 -1.38634
## 1274   0.8923 -1.38634
## 1275   0.9706 -1.38634
## 1276   1.0488 -1.38634
## 1277   1.1270 -1.38634
## 1278   1.2053 -1.38634
## 1279   1.2835 -1.38634
## 1280   1.3617 -1.38634
## 1281   1.4400 -1.38634
## 1282   1.5182 -1.38634
## 1283   1.5964 -1.38634
## 1284   1.6747 -1.38634
## 1285   1.7529 -1.38634
## 1286   1.8311 -1.38634
## 1287   1.9094 -1.38634
## 1288   1.9876 -1.38634
## 1289   2.0658 -1.38634
## 1290   2.1441 -1.38634
## 1291   2.2223 -1.38634
## 1292   2.3005 -1.38634
## 1293   2.3788 -1.38634
## 1294   2.4570 -1.38634
## 1295   2.5352 -1.38634
## 1296   2.6135 -1.38634
## 1297   2.6917 -1.38634
## 1298   2.7699 -1.38634
## 1299   2.8482 -1.38634
## 1300   2.9264 -1.38634
## 1301  -4.8186 -1.33060
## 1302  -4.7404 -1.33060
## 1303  -4.6622 -1.33060
## 1304  -4.5839 -1.33060
## 1305  -4.5057 -1.33060
## 1306  -4.4275 -1.33060
## 1307  -4.3492 -1.33060
## 1308  -4.2710 -1.33060
## 1309  -4.1928 -1.33060
## 1310  -4.1145 -1.33060
## 1311  -4.0363 -1.33060
## 1312  -3.9581 -1.33060
## 1313  -3.8798 -1.33060
## 1314  -3.8016 -1.33060
## 1315  -3.7234 -1.33060
## 1316  -3.6451 -1.33060
## 1317  -3.5669 -1.33060
## 1318  -3.4887 -1.33060
## 1319  -3.4104 -1.33060
## 1320  -3.3322 -1.33060
## 1321  -3.2540 -1.33060
## 1322  -3.1757 -1.33060
## 1323  -3.0975 -1.33060
## 1324  -3.0193 -1.33060
## 1325  -2.9410 -1.33060
## 1326  -2.8628 -1.33060
## 1327  -2.7846 -1.33060
## 1328  -2.7063 -1.33060
## 1329  -2.6281 -1.33060
## 1330  -2.5499 -1.33060
## 1331  -2.4716 -1.33060
## 1332  -2.3934 -1.33060
## 1333  -2.3152 -1.33060
## 1334  -2.2369 -1.33060
## 1335  -2.1587 -1.33060
## 1336  -2.0805 -1.33060
## 1337  -2.0022 -1.33060
## 1338  -1.9240 -1.33060
## 1339  -1.8458 -1.33060
## 1340  -1.7676 -1.33060
## 1341  -1.6893 -1.33060
## 1342  -1.6111 -1.33060
## 1343  -1.5329 -1.33060
## 1344  -1.4546 -1.33060
## 1345  -1.3764 -1.33060
## 1346  -1.2982 -1.33060
## 1347  -1.2199 -1.33060
## 1348  -1.1417 -1.33060
## 1349  -1.0635 -1.33060
## 1350  -0.9852 -1.33060
## 1351  -0.9070 -1.33060
## 1352  -0.8288 -1.33060
## 1353  -0.7505 -1.33060
## 1354  -0.6723 -1.33060
## 1355  -0.5941 -1.33060
## 1356  -0.5158 -1.33060
## 1357  -0.4376 -1.33060
## 1358  -0.3594 -1.33060
## 1359  -0.2811 -1.33060
## 1360  -0.2029 -1.33060
## 1361  -0.1247 -1.33060
## 1362  -0.0464 -1.33060
## 1363   0.0318 -1.33060
## 1364   0.1100 -1.33060
## 1365   0.1883 -1.33060
## 1366   0.2665 -1.33060
## 1367   0.3447 -1.33060
## 1368   0.4230 -1.33060
## 1369   0.5012 -1.33060
## 1370   0.5794 -1.33060
## 1371   0.6577 -1.33060
## 1372   0.7359 -1.33060
## 1373   0.8141 -1.33060
## 1374   0.8923 -1.33060
## 1375   0.9706 -1.33060
## 1376   1.0488 -1.33060
## 1377   1.1270 -1.33060
## 1378   1.2053 -1.33060
## 1379   1.2835 -1.33060
## 1380   1.3617 -1.33060
## 1381   1.4400 -1.33060
## 1382   1.5182 -1.33060
## 1383   1.5964 -1.33060
## 1384   1.6747 -1.33060
## 1385   1.7529 -1.33060
## 1386   1.8311 -1.33060
## 1387   1.9094 -1.33060
## 1388   1.9876 -1.33060
## 1389   2.0658 -1.33060
## 1390   2.1441 -1.33060
## 1391   2.2223 -1.33060
## 1392   2.3005 -1.33060
## 1393   2.3788 -1.33060
## 1394   2.4570 -1.33060
## 1395   2.5352 -1.33060
## 1396   2.6135 -1.33060
## 1397   2.6917 -1.33060
## 1398   2.7699 -1.33060
## 1399   2.8482 -1.33060
## 1400   2.9264 -1.33060
## 1401  -4.8186 -1.27485
## 1402  -4.7404 -1.27485
## 1403  -4.6622 -1.27485
## 1404  -4.5839 -1.27485
## 1405  -4.5057 -1.27485
## 1406  -4.4275 -1.27485
## 1407  -4.3492 -1.27485
## 1408  -4.2710 -1.27485
## 1409  -4.1928 -1.27485
## 1410  -4.1145 -1.27485
## 1411  -4.0363 -1.27485
## 1412  -3.9581 -1.27485
## 1413  -3.8798 -1.27485
## 1414  -3.8016 -1.27485
## 1415  -3.7234 -1.27485
## 1416  -3.6451 -1.27485
## 1417  -3.5669 -1.27485
## 1418  -3.4887 -1.27485
## 1419  -3.4104 -1.27485
## 1420  -3.3322 -1.27485
## 1421  -3.2540 -1.27485
## 1422  -3.1757 -1.27485
## 1423  -3.0975 -1.27485
## 1424  -3.0193 -1.27485
## 1425  -2.9410 -1.27485
## 1426  -2.8628 -1.27485
## 1427  -2.7846 -1.27485
## 1428  -2.7063 -1.27485
## 1429  -2.6281 -1.27485
## 1430  -2.5499 -1.27485
## 1431  -2.4716 -1.27485
## 1432  -2.3934 -1.27485
## 1433  -2.3152 -1.27485
## 1434  -2.2369 -1.27485
## 1435  -2.1587 -1.27485
## 1436  -2.0805 -1.27485
## 1437  -2.0022 -1.27485
## 1438  -1.9240 -1.27485
## 1439  -1.8458 -1.27485
## 1440  -1.7676 -1.27485
## 1441  -1.6893 -1.27485
## 1442  -1.6111 -1.27485
## 1443  -1.5329 -1.27485
## 1444  -1.4546 -1.27485
## 1445  -1.3764 -1.27485
## 1446  -1.2982 -1.27485
## 1447  -1.2199 -1.27485
## 1448  -1.1417 -1.27485
## 1449  -1.0635 -1.27485
## 1450  -0.9852 -1.27485
## 1451  -0.9070 -1.27485
## 1452  -0.8288 -1.27485
## 1453  -0.7505 -1.27485
## 1454  -0.6723 -1.27485
## 1455  -0.5941 -1.27485
## 1456  -0.5158 -1.27485
## 1457  -0.4376 -1.27485
## 1458  -0.3594 -1.27485
## 1459  -0.2811 -1.27485
## 1460  -0.2029 -1.27485
## 1461  -0.1247 -1.27485
## 1462  -0.0464 -1.27485
## 1463   0.0318 -1.27485
## 1464   0.1100 -1.27485
## 1465   0.1883 -1.27485
## 1466   0.2665 -1.27485
## 1467   0.3447 -1.27485
## 1468   0.4230 -1.27485
## 1469   0.5012 -1.27485
## 1470   0.5794 -1.27485
## 1471   0.6577 -1.27485
## 1472   0.7359 -1.27485
## 1473   0.8141 -1.27485
## 1474   0.8923 -1.27485
## 1475   0.9706 -1.27485
## 1476   1.0488 -1.27485
## 1477   1.1270 -1.27485
## 1478   1.2053 -1.27485
## 1479   1.2835 -1.27485
## 1480   1.3617 -1.27485
## 1481   1.4400 -1.27485
## 1482   1.5182 -1.27485
## 1483   1.5964 -1.27485
## 1484   1.6747 -1.27485
## 1485   1.7529 -1.27485
## 1486   1.8311 -1.27485
## 1487   1.9094 -1.27485
## 1488   1.9876 -1.27485
## 1489   2.0658 -1.27485
## 1490   2.1441 -1.27485
## 1491   2.2223 -1.27485
## 1492   2.3005 -1.27485
## 1493   2.3788 -1.27485
## 1494   2.4570 -1.27485
## 1495   2.5352 -1.27485
## 1496   2.6135 -1.27485
## 1497   2.6917 -1.27485
## 1498   2.7699 -1.27485
## 1499   2.8482 -1.27485
## 1500   2.9264 -1.27485
## 1501  -4.8186 -1.21911
## 1502  -4.7404 -1.21911
## 1503  -4.6622 -1.21911
## 1504  -4.5839 -1.21911
## 1505  -4.5057 -1.21911
## 1506  -4.4275 -1.21911
## 1507  -4.3492 -1.21911
## 1508  -4.2710 -1.21911
## 1509  -4.1928 -1.21911
## 1510  -4.1145 -1.21911
## 1511  -4.0363 -1.21911
## 1512  -3.9581 -1.21911
## 1513  -3.8798 -1.21911
## 1514  -3.8016 -1.21911
## 1515  -3.7234 -1.21911
## 1516  -3.6451 -1.21911
## 1517  -3.5669 -1.21911
## 1518  -3.4887 -1.21911
## 1519  -3.4104 -1.21911
## 1520  -3.3322 -1.21911
## 1521  -3.2540 -1.21911
## 1522  -3.1757 -1.21911
## 1523  -3.0975 -1.21911
## 1524  -3.0193 -1.21911
## 1525  -2.9410 -1.21911
## 1526  -2.8628 -1.21911
## 1527  -2.7846 -1.21911
## 1528  -2.7063 -1.21911
## 1529  -2.6281 -1.21911
## 1530  -2.5499 -1.21911
## 1531  -2.4716 -1.21911
## 1532  -2.3934 -1.21911
## 1533  -2.3152 -1.21911
## 1534  -2.2369 -1.21911
## 1535  -2.1587 -1.21911
## 1536  -2.0805 -1.21911
## 1537  -2.0022 -1.21911
## 1538  -1.9240 -1.21911
## 1539  -1.8458 -1.21911
## 1540  -1.7676 -1.21911
## 1541  -1.6893 -1.21911
## 1542  -1.6111 -1.21911
## 1543  -1.5329 -1.21911
## 1544  -1.4546 -1.21911
## 1545  -1.3764 -1.21911
## 1546  -1.2982 -1.21911
## 1547  -1.2199 -1.21911
## 1548  -1.1417 -1.21911
## 1549  -1.0635 -1.21911
## 1550  -0.9852 -1.21911
## 1551  -0.9070 -1.21911
## 1552  -0.8288 -1.21911
## 1553  -0.7505 -1.21911
## 1554  -0.6723 -1.21911
## 1555  -0.5941 -1.21911
## 1556  -0.5158 -1.21911
## 1557  -0.4376 -1.21911
## 1558  -0.3594 -1.21911
## 1559  -0.2811 -1.21911
## 1560  -0.2029 -1.21911
## 1561  -0.1247 -1.21911
## 1562  -0.0464 -1.21911
## 1563   0.0318 -1.21911
## 1564   0.1100 -1.21911
## 1565   0.1883 -1.21911
## 1566   0.2665 -1.21911
## 1567   0.3447 -1.21911
## 1568   0.4230 -1.21911
## 1569   0.5012 -1.21911
## 1570   0.5794 -1.21911
## 1571   0.6577 -1.21911
## 1572   0.7359 -1.21911
## 1573   0.8141 -1.21911
## 1574   0.8923 -1.21911
## 1575   0.9706 -1.21911
## 1576   1.0488 -1.21911
## 1577   1.1270 -1.21911
## 1578   1.2053 -1.21911
## 1579   1.2835 -1.21911
## 1580   1.3617 -1.21911
## 1581   1.4400 -1.21911
## 1582   1.5182 -1.21911
## 1583   1.5964 -1.21911
## 1584   1.6747 -1.21911
## 1585   1.7529 -1.21911
## 1586   1.8311 -1.21911
## 1587   1.9094 -1.21911
## 1588   1.9876 -1.21911
## 1589   2.0658 -1.21911
## 1590   2.1441 -1.21911
## 1591   2.2223 -1.21911
## 1592   2.3005 -1.21911
## 1593   2.3788 -1.21911
## 1594   2.4570 -1.21911
## 1595   2.5352 -1.21911
## 1596   2.6135 -1.21911
## 1597   2.6917 -1.21911
## 1598   2.7699 -1.21911
## 1599   2.8482 -1.21911
## 1600   2.9264 -1.21911
## 1601  -4.8186 -1.16336
## 1602  -4.7404 -1.16336
## 1603  -4.6622 -1.16336
## 1604  -4.5839 -1.16336
## 1605  -4.5057 -1.16336
## 1606  -4.4275 -1.16336
## 1607  -4.3492 -1.16336
## 1608  -4.2710 -1.16336
## 1609  -4.1928 -1.16336
## 1610  -4.1145 -1.16336
## 1611  -4.0363 -1.16336
## 1612  -3.9581 -1.16336
## 1613  -3.8798 -1.16336
## 1614  -3.8016 -1.16336
## 1615  -3.7234 -1.16336
## 1616  -3.6451 -1.16336
## 1617  -3.5669 -1.16336
## 1618  -3.4887 -1.16336
## 1619  -3.4104 -1.16336
## 1620  -3.3322 -1.16336
## 1621  -3.2540 -1.16336
## 1622  -3.1757 -1.16336
## 1623  -3.0975 -1.16336
## 1624  -3.0193 -1.16336
## 1625  -2.9410 -1.16336
## 1626  -2.8628 -1.16336
## 1627  -2.7846 -1.16336
## 1628  -2.7063 -1.16336
## 1629  -2.6281 -1.16336
## 1630  -2.5499 -1.16336
## 1631  -2.4716 -1.16336
## 1632  -2.3934 -1.16336
## 1633  -2.3152 -1.16336
## 1634  -2.2369 -1.16336
## 1635  -2.1587 -1.16336
## 1636  -2.0805 -1.16336
## 1637  -2.0022 -1.16336
## 1638  -1.9240 -1.16336
## 1639  -1.8458 -1.16336
## 1640  -1.7676 -1.16336
## 1641  -1.6893 -1.16336
## 1642  -1.6111 -1.16336
## 1643  -1.5329 -1.16336
## 1644  -1.4546 -1.16336
## 1645  -1.3764 -1.16336
## 1646  -1.2982 -1.16336
## 1647  -1.2199 -1.16336
## 1648  -1.1417 -1.16336
## 1649  -1.0635 -1.16336
## 1650  -0.9852 -1.16336
## 1651  -0.9070 -1.16336
## 1652  -0.8288 -1.16336
## 1653  -0.7505 -1.16336
## 1654  -0.6723 -1.16336
## 1655  -0.5941 -1.16336
## 1656  -0.5158 -1.16336
## 1657  -0.4376 -1.16336
## 1658  -0.3594 -1.16336
## 1659  -0.2811 -1.16336
## 1660  -0.2029 -1.16336
## 1661  -0.1247 -1.16336
## 1662  -0.0464 -1.16336
## 1663   0.0318 -1.16336
## 1664   0.1100 -1.16336
## 1665   0.1883 -1.16336
## 1666   0.2665 -1.16336
## 1667   0.3447 -1.16336
## 1668   0.4230 -1.16336
## 1669   0.5012 -1.16336
## 1670   0.5794 -1.16336
## 1671   0.6577 -1.16336
## 1672   0.7359 -1.16336
## 1673   0.8141 -1.16336
## 1674   0.8923 -1.16336
## 1675   0.9706 -1.16336
## 1676   1.0488 -1.16336
## 1677   1.1270 -1.16336
## 1678   1.2053 -1.16336
## 1679   1.2835 -1.16336
## 1680   1.3617 -1.16336
## 1681   1.4400 -1.16336
## 1682   1.5182 -1.16336
## 1683   1.5964 -1.16336
## 1684   1.6747 -1.16336
## 1685   1.7529 -1.16336
## 1686   1.8311 -1.16336
## 1687   1.9094 -1.16336
## 1688   1.9876 -1.16336
## 1689   2.0658 -1.16336
## 1690   2.1441 -1.16336
## 1691   2.2223 -1.16336
## 1692   2.3005 -1.16336
## 1693   2.3788 -1.16336
## 1694   2.4570 -1.16336
## 1695   2.5352 -1.16336
## 1696   2.6135 -1.16336
## 1697   2.6917 -1.16336
## 1698   2.7699 -1.16336
## 1699   2.8482 -1.16336
## 1700   2.9264 -1.16336
## 1701  -4.8186 -1.10762
## 1702  -4.7404 -1.10762
## 1703  -4.6622 -1.10762
## 1704  -4.5839 -1.10762
## 1705  -4.5057 -1.10762
## 1706  -4.4275 -1.10762
## 1707  -4.3492 -1.10762
## 1708  -4.2710 -1.10762
## 1709  -4.1928 -1.10762
## 1710  -4.1145 -1.10762
## 1711  -4.0363 -1.10762
## 1712  -3.9581 -1.10762
## 1713  -3.8798 -1.10762
## 1714  -3.8016 -1.10762
## 1715  -3.7234 -1.10762
## 1716  -3.6451 -1.10762
## 1717  -3.5669 -1.10762
## 1718  -3.4887 -1.10762
## 1719  -3.4104 -1.10762
## 1720  -3.3322 -1.10762
## 1721  -3.2540 -1.10762
## 1722  -3.1757 -1.10762
## 1723  -3.0975 -1.10762
## 1724  -3.0193 -1.10762
## 1725  -2.9410 -1.10762
## 1726  -2.8628 -1.10762
## 1727  -2.7846 -1.10762
## 1728  -2.7063 -1.10762
## 1729  -2.6281 -1.10762
## 1730  -2.5499 -1.10762
## 1731  -2.4716 -1.10762
## 1732  -2.3934 -1.10762
## 1733  -2.3152 -1.10762
## 1734  -2.2369 -1.10762
## 1735  -2.1587 -1.10762
## 1736  -2.0805 -1.10762
## 1737  -2.0022 -1.10762
## 1738  -1.9240 -1.10762
## 1739  -1.8458 -1.10762
## 1740  -1.7676 -1.10762
## 1741  -1.6893 -1.10762
## 1742  -1.6111 -1.10762
## 1743  -1.5329 -1.10762
## 1744  -1.4546 -1.10762
## 1745  -1.3764 -1.10762
## 1746  -1.2982 -1.10762
## 1747  -1.2199 -1.10762
## 1748  -1.1417 -1.10762
## 1749  -1.0635 -1.10762
## 1750  -0.9852 -1.10762
## 1751  -0.9070 -1.10762
## 1752  -0.8288 -1.10762
## 1753  -0.7505 -1.10762
## 1754  -0.6723 -1.10762
## 1755  -0.5941 -1.10762
## 1756  -0.5158 -1.10762
## 1757  -0.4376 -1.10762
## 1758  -0.3594 -1.10762
## 1759  -0.2811 -1.10762
## 1760  -0.2029 -1.10762
## 1761  -0.1247 -1.10762
## 1762  -0.0464 -1.10762
## 1763   0.0318 -1.10762
## 1764   0.1100 -1.10762
## 1765   0.1883 -1.10762
## 1766   0.2665 -1.10762
## 1767   0.3447 -1.10762
## 1768   0.4230 -1.10762
## 1769   0.5012 -1.10762
## 1770   0.5794 -1.10762
## 1771   0.6577 -1.10762
## 1772   0.7359 -1.10762
## 1773   0.8141 -1.10762
## 1774   0.8923 -1.10762
## 1775   0.9706 -1.10762
## 1776   1.0488 -1.10762
## 1777   1.1270 -1.10762
## 1778   1.2053 -1.10762
## 1779   1.2835 -1.10762
## 1780   1.3617 -1.10762
## 1781   1.4400 -1.10762
## 1782   1.5182 -1.10762
## 1783   1.5964 -1.10762
## 1784   1.6747 -1.10762
## 1785   1.7529 -1.10762
## 1786   1.8311 -1.10762
## 1787   1.9094 -1.10762
## 1788   1.9876 -1.10762
## 1789   2.0658 -1.10762
## 1790   2.1441 -1.10762
## 1791   2.2223 -1.10762
## 1792   2.3005 -1.10762
## 1793   2.3788 -1.10762
## 1794   2.4570 -1.10762
## 1795   2.5352 -1.10762
## 1796   2.6135 -1.10762
## 1797   2.6917 -1.10762
## 1798   2.7699 -1.10762
## 1799   2.8482 -1.10762
## 1800   2.9264 -1.10762
## 1801  -4.8186 -1.05187
## 1802  -4.7404 -1.05187
## 1803  -4.6622 -1.05187
## 1804  -4.5839 -1.05187
## 1805  -4.5057 -1.05187
## 1806  -4.4275 -1.05187
## 1807  -4.3492 -1.05187
## 1808  -4.2710 -1.05187
## 1809  -4.1928 -1.05187
## 1810  -4.1145 -1.05187
## 1811  -4.0363 -1.05187
## 1812  -3.9581 -1.05187
## 1813  -3.8798 -1.05187
## 1814  -3.8016 -1.05187
## 1815  -3.7234 -1.05187
## 1816  -3.6451 -1.05187
## 1817  -3.5669 -1.05187
## 1818  -3.4887 -1.05187
## 1819  -3.4104 -1.05187
## 1820  -3.3322 -1.05187
## 1821  -3.2540 -1.05187
## 1822  -3.1757 -1.05187
## 1823  -3.0975 -1.05187
## 1824  -3.0193 -1.05187
## 1825  -2.9410 -1.05187
## 1826  -2.8628 -1.05187
## 1827  -2.7846 -1.05187
## 1828  -2.7063 -1.05187
## 1829  -2.6281 -1.05187
## 1830  -2.5499 -1.05187
## 1831  -2.4716 -1.05187
## 1832  -2.3934 -1.05187
## 1833  -2.3152 -1.05187
## 1834  -2.2369 -1.05187
## 1835  -2.1587 -1.05187
## 1836  -2.0805 -1.05187
## 1837  -2.0022 -1.05187
## 1838  -1.9240 -1.05187
## 1839  -1.8458 -1.05187
## 1840  -1.7676 -1.05187
## 1841  -1.6893 -1.05187
## 1842  -1.6111 -1.05187
## 1843  -1.5329 -1.05187
## 1844  -1.4546 -1.05187
## 1845  -1.3764 -1.05187
## 1846  -1.2982 -1.05187
## 1847  -1.2199 -1.05187
## 1848  -1.1417 -1.05187
## 1849  -1.0635 -1.05187
## 1850  -0.9852 -1.05187
## 1851  -0.9070 -1.05187
## 1852  -0.8288 -1.05187
## 1853  -0.7505 -1.05187
## 1854  -0.6723 -1.05187
## 1855  -0.5941 -1.05187
## 1856  -0.5158 -1.05187
## 1857  -0.4376 -1.05187
## 1858  -0.3594 -1.05187
## 1859  -0.2811 -1.05187
## 1860  -0.2029 -1.05187
## 1861  -0.1247 -1.05187
## 1862  -0.0464 -1.05187
## 1863   0.0318 -1.05187
## 1864   0.1100 -1.05187
## 1865   0.1883 -1.05187
## 1866   0.2665 -1.05187
## 1867   0.3447 -1.05187
## 1868   0.4230 -1.05187
## 1869   0.5012 -1.05187
## 1870   0.5794 -1.05187
## 1871   0.6577 -1.05187
## 1872   0.7359 -1.05187
## 1873   0.8141 -1.05187
## 1874   0.8923 -1.05187
## 1875   0.9706 -1.05187
## 1876   1.0488 -1.05187
## 1877   1.1270 -1.05187
## 1878   1.2053 -1.05187
## 1879   1.2835 -1.05187
## 1880   1.3617 -1.05187
## 1881   1.4400 -1.05187
## 1882   1.5182 -1.05187
## 1883   1.5964 -1.05187
## 1884   1.6747 -1.05187
## 1885   1.7529 -1.05187
## 1886   1.8311 -1.05187
## 1887   1.9094 -1.05187
## 1888   1.9876 -1.05187
## 1889   2.0658 -1.05187
## 1890   2.1441 -1.05187
## 1891   2.2223 -1.05187
## 1892   2.3005 -1.05187
## 1893   2.3788 -1.05187
## 1894   2.4570 -1.05187
## 1895   2.5352 -1.05187
## 1896   2.6135 -1.05187
## 1897   2.6917 -1.05187
## 1898   2.7699 -1.05187
## 1899   2.8482 -1.05187
## 1900   2.9264 -1.05187
## 1901  -4.8186 -0.99613
## 1902  -4.7404 -0.99613
## 1903  -4.6622 -0.99613
## 1904  -4.5839 -0.99613
## 1905  -4.5057 -0.99613
## 1906  -4.4275 -0.99613
## 1907  -4.3492 -0.99613
## 1908  -4.2710 -0.99613
## 1909  -4.1928 -0.99613
## 1910  -4.1145 -0.99613
## 1911  -4.0363 -0.99613
## 1912  -3.9581 -0.99613
## 1913  -3.8798 -0.99613
## 1914  -3.8016 -0.99613
## 1915  -3.7234 -0.99613
## 1916  -3.6451 -0.99613
## 1917  -3.5669 -0.99613
## 1918  -3.4887 -0.99613
## 1919  -3.4104 -0.99613
## 1920  -3.3322 -0.99613
## 1921  -3.2540 -0.99613
## 1922  -3.1757 -0.99613
## 1923  -3.0975 -0.99613
## 1924  -3.0193 -0.99613
## 1925  -2.9410 -0.99613
## 1926  -2.8628 -0.99613
## 1927  -2.7846 -0.99613
## 1928  -2.7063 -0.99613
## 1929  -2.6281 -0.99613
## 1930  -2.5499 -0.99613
## 1931  -2.4716 -0.99613
## 1932  -2.3934 -0.99613
## 1933  -2.3152 -0.99613
## 1934  -2.2369 -0.99613
## 1935  -2.1587 -0.99613
## 1936  -2.0805 -0.99613
## 1937  -2.0022 -0.99613
## 1938  -1.9240 -0.99613
## 1939  -1.8458 -0.99613
## 1940  -1.7676 -0.99613
## 1941  -1.6893 -0.99613
## 1942  -1.6111 -0.99613
## 1943  -1.5329 -0.99613
## 1944  -1.4546 -0.99613
## 1945  -1.3764 -0.99613
## 1946  -1.2982 -0.99613
## 1947  -1.2199 -0.99613
## 1948  -1.1417 -0.99613
## 1949  -1.0635 -0.99613
## 1950  -0.9852 -0.99613
## 1951  -0.9070 -0.99613
## 1952  -0.8288 -0.99613
## 1953  -0.7505 -0.99613
## 1954  -0.6723 -0.99613
## 1955  -0.5941 -0.99613
## 1956  -0.5158 -0.99613
## 1957  -0.4376 -0.99613
## 1958  -0.3594 -0.99613
## 1959  -0.2811 -0.99613
## 1960  -0.2029 -0.99613
## 1961  -0.1247 -0.99613
## 1962  -0.0464 -0.99613
## 1963   0.0318 -0.99613
## 1964   0.1100 -0.99613
## 1965   0.1883 -0.99613
## 1966   0.2665 -0.99613
## 1967   0.3447 -0.99613
## 1968   0.4230 -0.99613
## 1969   0.5012 -0.99613
## 1970   0.5794 -0.99613
## 1971   0.6577 -0.99613
## 1972   0.7359 -0.99613
## 1973   0.8141 -0.99613
## 1974   0.8923 -0.99613
## 1975   0.9706 -0.99613
## 1976   1.0488 -0.99613
## 1977   1.1270 -0.99613
## 1978   1.2053 -0.99613
## 1979   1.2835 -0.99613
## 1980   1.3617 -0.99613
## 1981   1.4400 -0.99613
## 1982   1.5182 -0.99613
## 1983   1.5964 -0.99613
## 1984   1.6747 -0.99613
## 1985   1.7529 -0.99613
## 1986   1.8311 -0.99613
## 1987   1.9094 -0.99613
## 1988   1.9876 -0.99613
## 1989   2.0658 -0.99613
## 1990   2.1441 -0.99613
## 1991   2.2223 -0.99613
## 1992   2.3005 -0.99613
## 1993   2.3788 -0.99613
## 1994   2.4570 -0.99613
## 1995   2.5352 -0.99613
## 1996   2.6135 -0.99613
## 1997   2.6917 -0.99613
## 1998   2.7699 -0.99613
## 1999   2.8482 -0.99613
## 2000   2.9264 -0.99613
## 2001  -4.8186 -0.94038
## 2002  -4.7404 -0.94038
## 2003  -4.6622 -0.94038
## 2004  -4.5839 -0.94038
## 2005  -4.5057 -0.94038
## 2006  -4.4275 -0.94038
## 2007  -4.3492 -0.94038
## 2008  -4.2710 -0.94038
## 2009  -4.1928 -0.94038
## 2010  -4.1145 -0.94038
## 2011  -4.0363 -0.94038
## 2012  -3.9581 -0.94038
## 2013  -3.8798 -0.94038
## 2014  -3.8016 -0.94038
## 2015  -3.7234 -0.94038
## 2016  -3.6451 -0.94038
## 2017  -3.5669 -0.94038
## 2018  -3.4887 -0.94038
## 2019  -3.4104 -0.94038
## 2020  -3.3322 -0.94038
## 2021  -3.2540 -0.94038
## 2022  -3.1757 -0.94038
## 2023  -3.0975 -0.94038
## 2024  -3.0193 -0.94038
## 2025  -2.9410 -0.94038
## 2026  -2.8628 -0.94038
## 2027  -2.7846 -0.94038
## 2028  -2.7063 -0.94038
## 2029  -2.6281 -0.94038
## 2030  -2.5499 -0.94038
## 2031  -2.4716 -0.94038
## 2032  -2.3934 -0.94038
## 2033  -2.3152 -0.94038
## 2034  -2.2369 -0.94038
## 2035  -2.1587 -0.94038
## 2036  -2.0805 -0.94038
## 2037  -2.0022 -0.94038
## 2038  -1.9240 -0.94038
## 2039  -1.8458 -0.94038
## 2040  -1.7676 -0.94038
## 2041  -1.6893 -0.94038
## 2042  -1.6111 -0.94038
## 2043  -1.5329 -0.94038
## 2044  -1.4546 -0.94038
## 2045  -1.3764 -0.94038
## 2046  -1.2982 -0.94038
## 2047  -1.2199 -0.94038
## 2048  -1.1417 -0.94038
## 2049  -1.0635 -0.94038
## 2050  -0.9852 -0.94038
## 2051  -0.9070 -0.94038
## 2052  -0.8288 -0.94038
## 2053  -0.7505 -0.94038
## 2054  -0.6723 -0.94038
## 2055  -0.5941 -0.94038
## 2056  -0.5158 -0.94038
## 2057  -0.4376 -0.94038
## 2058  -0.3594 -0.94038
## 2059  -0.2811 -0.94038
## 2060  -0.2029 -0.94038
## 2061  -0.1247 -0.94038
## 2062  -0.0464 -0.94038
## 2063   0.0318 -0.94038
## 2064   0.1100 -0.94038
## 2065   0.1883 -0.94038
## 2066   0.2665 -0.94038
## 2067   0.3447 -0.94038
## 2068   0.4230 -0.94038
## 2069   0.5012 -0.94038
## 2070   0.5794 -0.94038
## 2071   0.6577 -0.94038
## 2072   0.7359 -0.94038
## 2073   0.8141 -0.94038
## 2074   0.8923 -0.94038
## 2075   0.9706 -0.94038
## 2076   1.0488 -0.94038
## 2077   1.1270 -0.94038
## 2078   1.2053 -0.94038
## 2079   1.2835 -0.94038
## 2080   1.3617 -0.94038
## 2081   1.4400 -0.94038
## 2082   1.5182 -0.94038
## 2083   1.5964 -0.94038
## 2084   1.6747 -0.94038
## 2085   1.7529 -0.94038
## 2086   1.8311 -0.94038
## 2087   1.9094 -0.94038
## 2088   1.9876 -0.94038
## 2089   2.0658 -0.94038
## 2090   2.1441 -0.94038
## 2091   2.2223 -0.94038
## 2092   2.3005 -0.94038
## 2093   2.3788 -0.94038
## 2094   2.4570 -0.94038
## 2095   2.5352 -0.94038
## 2096   2.6135 -0.94038
## 2097   2.6917 -0.94038
## 2098   2.7699 -0.94038
## 2099   2.8482 -0.94038
## 2100   2.9264 -0.94038
## 2101  -4.8186 -0.88464
## 2102  -4.7404 -0.88464
## 2103  -4.6622 -0.88464
## 2104  -4.5839 -0.88464
## 2105  -4.5057 -0.88464
## 2106  -4.4275 -0.88464
## 2107  -4.3492 -0.88464
## 2108  -4.2710 -0.88464
## 2109  -4.1928 -0.88464
## 2110  -4.1145 -0.88464
## 2111  -4.0363 -0.88464
## 2112  -3.9581 -0.88464
## 2113  -3.8798 -0.88464
## 2114  -3.8016 -0.88464
## 2115  -3.7234 -0.88464
## 2116  -3.6451 -0.88464
## 2117  -3.5669 -0.88464
## 2118  -3.4887 -0.88464
## 2119  -3.4104 -0.88464
## 2120  -3.3322 -0.88464
## 2121  -3.2540 -0.88464
## 2122  -3.1757 -0.88464
## 2123  -3.0975 -0.88464
## 2124  -3.0193 -0.88464
## 2125  -2.9410 -0.88464
## 2126  -2.8628 -0.88464
## 2127  -2.7846 -0.88464
## 2128  -2.7063 -0.88464
## 2129  -2.6281 -0.88464
## 2130  -2.5499 -0.88464
## 2131  -2.4716 -0.88464
## 2132  -2.3934 -0.88464
## 2133  -2.3152 -0.88464
## 2134  -2.2369 -0.88464
## 2135  -2.1587 -0.88464
## 2136  -2.0805 -0.88464
## 2137  -2.0022 -0.88464
## 2138  -1.9240 -0.88464
## 2139  -1.8458 -0.88464
## 2140  -1.7676 -0.88464
## 2141  -1.6893 -0.88464
## 2142  -1.6111 -0.88464
## 2143  -1.5329 -0.88464
## 2144  -1.4546 -0.88464
## 2145  -1.3764 -0.88464
## 2146  -1.2982 -0.88464
## 2147  -1.2199 -0.88464
## 2148  -1.1417 -0.88464
## 2149  -1.0635 -0.88464
## 2150  -0.9852 -0.88464
## 2151  -0.9070 -0.88464
## 2152  -0.8288 -0.88464
## 2153  -0.7505 -0.88464
## 2154  -0.6723 -0.88464
## 2155  -0.5941 -0.88464
## 2156  -0.5158 -0.88464
## 2157  -0.4376 -0.88464
## 2158  -0.3594 -0.88464
## 2159  -0.2811 -0.88464
## 2160  -0.2029 -0.88464
## 2161  -0.1247 -0.88464
## 2162  -0.0464 -0.88464
## 2163   0.0318 -0.88464
## 2164   0.1100 -0.88464
## 2165   0.1883 -0.88464
## 2166   0.2665 -0.88464
## 2167   0.3447 -0.88464
## 2168   0.4230 -0.88464
## 2169   0.5012 -0.88464
## 2170   0.5794 -0.88464
## 2171   0.6577 -0.88464
## 2172   0.7359 -0.88464
## 2173   0.8141 -0.88464
## 2174   0.8923 -0.88464
## 2175   0.9706 -0.88464
## 2176   1.0488 -0.88464
## 2177   1.1270 -0.88464
## 2178   1.2053 -0.88464
## 2179   1.2835 -0.88464
## 2180   1.3617 -0.88464
## 2181   1.4400 -0.88464
## 2182   1.5182 -0.88464
## 2183   1.5964 -0.88464
## 2184   1.6747 -0.88464
## 2185   1.7529 -0.88464
## 2186   1.8311 -0.88464
## 2187   1.9094 -0.88464
## 2188   1.9876 -0.88464
## 2189   2.0658 -0.88464
## 2190   2.1441 -0.88464
## 2191   2.2223 -0.88464
## 2192   2.3005 -0.88464
## 2193   2.3788 -0.88464
## 2194   2.4570 -0.88464
## 2195   2.5352 -0.88464
## 2196   2.6135 -0.88464
## 2197   2.6917 -0.88464
## 2198   2.7699 -0.88464
## 2199   2.8482 -0.88464
## 2200   2.9264 -0.88464
## 2201  -4.8186 -0.82889
## 2202  -4.7404 -0.82889
## 2203  -4.6622 -0.82889
## 2204  -4.5839 -0.82889
## 2205  -4.5057 -0.82889
## 2206  -4.4275 -0.82889
## 2207  -4.3492 -0.82889
## 2208  -4.2710 -0.82889
## 2209  -4.1928 -0.82889
## 2210  -4.1145 -0.82889
## 2211  -4.0363 -0.82889
## 2212  -3.9581 -0.82889
## 2213  -3.8798 -0.82889
## 2214  -3.8016 -0.82889
## 2215  -3.7234 -0.82889
## 2216  -3.6451 -0.82889
## 2217  -3.5669 -0.82889
## 2218  -3.4887 -0.82889
## 2219  -3.4104 -0.82889
## 2220  -3.3322 -0.82889
## 2221  -3.2540 -0.82889
## 2222  -3.1757 -0.82889
## 2223  -3.0975 -0.82889
## 2224  -3.0193 -0.82889
## 2225  -2.9410 -0.82889
## 2226  -2.8628 -0.82889
## 2227  -2.7846 -0.82889
## 2228  -2.7063 -0.82889
## 2229  -2.6281 -0.82889
## 2230  -2.5499 -0.82889
## 2231  -2.4716 -0.82889
## 2232  -2.3934 -0.82889
## 2233  -2.3152 -0.82889
## 2234  -2.2369 -0.82889
## 2235  -2.1587 -0.82889
## 2236  -2.0805 -0.82889
## 2237  -2.0022 -0.82889
## 2238  -1.9240 -0.82889
## 2239  -1.8458 -0.82889
## 2240  -1.7676 -0.82889
## 2241  -1.6893 -0.82889
## 2242  -1.6111 -0.82889
## 2243  -1.5329 -0.82889
## 2244  -1.4546 -0.82889
## 2245  -1.3764 -0.82889
## 2246  -1.2982 -0.82889
## 2247  -1.2199 -0.82889
## 2248  -1.1417 -0.82889
## 2249  -1.0635 -0.82889
## 2250  -0.9852 -0.82889
## 2251  -0.9070 -0.82889
## 2252  -0.8288 -0.82889
## 2253  -0.7505 -0.82889
## 2254  -0.6723 -0.82889
## 2255  -0.5941 -0.82889
## 2256  -0.5158 -0.82889
## 2257  -0.4376 -0.82889
## 2258  -0.3594 -0.82889
## 2259  -0.2811 -0.82889
## 2260  -0.2029 -0.82889
## 2261  -0.1247 -0.82889
## 2262  -0.0464 -0.82889
## 2263   0.0318 -0.82889
## 2264   0.1100 -0.82889
## 2265   0.1883 -0.82889
## 2266   0.2665 -0.82889
## 2267   0.3447 -0.82889
## 2268   0.4230 -0.82889
## 2269   0.5012 -0.82889
## 2270   0.5794 -0.82889
## 2271   0.6577 -0.82889
## 2272   0.7359 -0.82889
## 2273   0.8141 -0.82889
## 2274   0.8923 -0.82889
## 2275   0.9706 -0.82889
## 2276   1.0488 -0.82889
## 2277   1.1270 -0.82889
## 2278   1.2053 -0.82889
## 2279   1.2835 -0.82889
## 2280   1.3617 -0.82889
## 2281   1.4400 -0.82889
## 2282   1.5182 -0.82889
## 2283   1.5964 -0.82889
## 2284   1.6747 -0.82889
## 2285   1.7529 -0.82889
## 2286   1.8311 -0.82889
## 2287   1.9094 -0.82889
## 2288   1.9876 -0.82889
## 2289   2.0658 -0.82889
## 2290   2.1441 -0.82889
## 2291   2.2223 -0.82889
## 2292   2.3005 -0.82889
## 2293   2.3788 -0.82889
## 2294   2.4570 -0.82889
## 2295   2.5352 -0.82889
## 2296   2.6135 -0.82889
## 2297   2.6917 -0.82889
## 2298   2.7699 -0.82889
## 2299   2.8482 -0.82889
## 2300   2.9264 -0.82889
## 2301  -4.8186 -0.77315
## 2302  -4.7404 -0.77315
## 2303  -4.6622 -0.77315
## 2304  -4.5839 -0.77315
## 2305  -4.5057 -0.77315
## 2306  -4.4275 -0.77315
## 2307  -4.3492 -0.77315
## 2308  -4.2710 -0.77315
## 2309  -4.1928 -0.77315
## 2310  -4.1145 -0.77315
## 2311  -4.0363 -0.77315
## 2312  -3.9581 -0.77315
## 2313  -3.8798 -0.77315
## 2314  -3.8016 -0.77315
## 2315  -3.7234 -0.77315
## 2316  -3.6451 -0.77315
## 2317  -3.5669 -0.77315
## 2318  -3.4887 -0.77315
## 2319  -3.4104 -0.77315
## 2320  -3.3322 -0.77315
## 2321  -3.2540 -0.77315
## 2322  -3.1757 -0.77315
## 2323  -3.0975 -0.77315
## 2324  -3.0193 -0.77315
## 2325  -2.9410 -0.77315
## 2326  -2.8628 -0.77315
## 2327  -2.7846 -0.77315
## 2328  -2.7063 -0.77315
## 2329  -2.6281 -0.77315
## 2330  -2.5499 -0.77315
## 2331  -2.4716 -0.77315
## 2332  -2.3934 -0.77315
## 2333  -2.3152 -0.77315
## 2334  -2.2369 -0.77315
## 2335  -2.1587 -0.77315
## 2336  -2.0805 -0.77315
## 2337  -2.0022 -0.77315
## 2338  -1.9240 -0.77315
## 2339  -1.8458 -0.77315
## 2340  -1.7676 -0.77315
## 2341  -1.6893 -0.77315
## 2342  -1.6111 -0.77315
## 2343  -1.5329 -0.77315
## 2344  -1.4546 -0.77315
## 2345  -1.3764 -0.77315
## 2346  -1.2982 -0.77315
## 2347  -1.2199 -0.77315
## 2348  -1.1417 -0.77315
## 2349  -1.0635 -0.77315
## 2350  -0.9852 -0.77315
## 2351  -0.9070 -0.77315
## 2352  -0.8288 -0.77315
## 2353  -0.7505 -0.77315
## 2354  -0.6723 -0.77315
## 2355  -0.5941 -0.77315
## 2356  -0.5158 -0.77315
## 2357  -0.4376 -0.77315
## 2358  -0.3594 -0.77315
## 2359  -0.2811 -0.77315
## 2360  -0.2029 -0.77315
## 2361  -0.1247 -0.77315
## 2362  -0.0464 -0.77315
## 2363   0.0318 -0.77315
## 2364   0.1100 -0.77315
## 2365   0.1883 -0.77315
## 2366   0.2665 -0.77315
## 2367   0.3447 -0.77315
## 2368   0.4230 -0.77315
## 2369   0.5012 -0.77315
## 2370   0.5794 -0.77315
## 2371   0.6577 -0.77315
## 2372   0.7359 -0.77315
## 2373   0.8141 -0.77315
## 2374   0.8923 -0.77315
## 2375   0.9706 -0.77315
## 2376   1.0488 -0.77315
## 2377   1.1270 -0.77315
## 2378   1.2053 -0.77315
## 2379   1.2835 -0.77315
## 2380   1.3617 -0.77315
## 2381   1.4400 -0.77315
## 2382   1.5182 -0.77315
## 2383   1.5964 -0.77315
## 2384   1.6747 -0.77315
## 2385   1.7529 -0.77315
## 2386   1.8311 -0.77315
## 2387   1.9094 -0.77315
## 2388   1.9876 -0.77315
## 2389   2.0658 -0.77315
## 2390   2.1441 -0.77315
## 2391   2.2223 -0.77315
## 2392   2.3005 -0.77315
## 2393   2.3788 -0.77315
## 2394   2.4570 -0.77315
## 2395   2.5352 -0.77315
## 2396   2.6135 -0.77315
## 2397   2.6917 -0.77315
## 2398   2.7699 -0.77315
## 2399   2.8482 -0.77315
## 2400   2.9264 -0.77315
## 2401  -4.8186 -0.71740
## 2402  -4.7404 -0.71740
## 2403  -4.6622 -0.71740
## 2404  -4.5839 -0.71740
## 2405  -4.5057 -0.71740
## 2406  -4.4275 -0.71740
## 2407  -4.3492 -0.71740
## 2408  -4.2710 -0.71740
## 2409  -4.1928 -0.71740
## 2410  -4.1145 -0.71740
## 2411  -4.0363 -0.71740
## 2412  -3.9581 -0.71740
## 2413  -3.8798 -0.71740
## 2414  -3.8016 -0.71740
## 2415  -3.7234 -0.71740
## 2416  -3.6451 -0.71740
## 2417  -3.5669 -0.71740
## 2418  -3.4887 -0.71740
## 2419  -3.4104 -0.71740
## 2420  -3.3322 -0.71740
## 2421  -3.2540 -0.71740
## 2422  -3.1757 -0.71740
## 2423  -3.0975 -0.71740
## 2424  -3.0193 -0.71740
## 2425  -2.9410 -0.71740
## 2426  -2.8628 -0.71740
## 2427  -2.7846 -0.71740
## 2428  -2.7063 -0.71740
## 2429  -2.6281 -0.71740
## 2430  -2.5499 -0.71740
## 2431  -2.4716 -0.71740
## 2432  -2.3934 -0.71740
## 2433  -2.3152 -0.71740
## 2434  -2.2369 -0.71740
## 2435  -2.1587 -0.71740
## 2436  -2.0805 -0.71740
## 2437  -2.0022 -0.71740
## 2438  -1.9240 -0.71740
## 2439  -1.8458 -0.71740
## 2440  -1.7676 -0.71740
## 2441  -1.6893 -0.71740
## 2442  -1.6111 -0.71740
## 2443  -1.5329 -0.71740
## 2444  -1.4546 -0.71740
## 2445  -1.3764 -0.71740
## 2446  -1.2982 -0.71740
## 2447  -1.2199 -0.71740
## 2448  -1.1417 -0.71740
## 2449  -1.0635 -0.71740
## 2450  -0.9852 -0.71740
## 2451  -0.9070 -0.71740
## 2452  -0.8288 -0.71740
## 2453  -0.7505 -0.71740
## 2454  -0.6723 -0.71740
## 2455  -0.5941 -0.71740
## 2456  -0.5158 -0.71740
## 2457  -0.4376 -0.71740
## 2458  -0.3594 -0.71740
## 2459  -0.2811 -0.71740
## 2460  -0.2029 -0.71740
## 2461  -0.1247 -0.71740
## 2462  -0.0464 -0.71740
## 2463   0.0318 -0.71740
## 2464   0.1100 -0.71740
## 2465   0.1883 -0.71740
## 2466   0.2665 -0.71740
## 2467   0.3447 -0.71740
## 2468   0.4230 -0.71740
## 2469   0.5012 -0.71740
## 2470   0.5794 -0.71740
## 2471   0.6577 -0.71740
## 2472   0.7359 -0.71740
## 2473   0.8141 -0.71740
## 2474   0.8923 -0.71740
## 2475   0.9706 -0.71740
## 2476   1.0488 -0.71740
## 2477   1.1270 -0.71740
## 2478   1.2053 -0.71740
## 2479   1.2835 -0.71740
## 2480   1.3617 -0.71740
## 2481   1.4400 -0.71740
## 2482   1.5182 -0.71740
## 2483   1.5964 -0.71740
## 2484   1.6747 -0.71740
## 2485   1.7529 -0.71740
## 2486   1.8311 -0.71740
## 2487   1.9094 -0.71740
## 2488   1.9876 -0.71740
## 2489   2.0658 -0.71740
## 2490   2.1441 -0.71740
## 2491   2.2223 -0.71740
## 2492   2.3005 -0.71740
## 2493   2.3788 -0.71740
## 2494   2.4570 -0.71740
## 2495   2.5352 -0.71740
## 2496   2.6135 -0.71740
## 2497   2.6917 -0.71740
## 2498   2.7699 -0.71740
## 2499   2.8482 -0.71740
## 2500   2.9264 -0.71740
## 2501  -4.8186 -0.66166
## 2502  -4.7404 -0.66166
## 2503  -4.6622 -0.66166
## 2504  -4.5839 -0.66166
## 2505  -4.5057 -0.66166
## 2506  -4.4275 -0.66166
## 2507  -4.3492 -0.66166
## 2508  -4.2710 -0.66166
## 2509  -4.1928 -0.66166
## 2510  -4.1145 -0.66166
## 2511  -4.0363 -0.66166
## 2512  -3.9581 -0.66166
## 2513  -3.8798 -0.66166
## 2514  -3.8016 -0.66166
## 2515  -3.7234 -0.66166
## 2516  -3.6451 -0.66166
## 2517  -3.5669 -0.66166
## 2518  -3.4887 -0.66166
## 2519  -3.4104 -0.66166
## 2520  -3.3322 -0.66166
## 2521  -3.2540 -0.66166
## 2522  -3.1757 -0.66166
## 2523  -3.0975 -0.66166
## 2524  -3.0193 -0.66166
## 2525  -2.9410 -0.66166
## 2526  -2.8628 -0.66166
## 2527  -2.7846 -0.66166
## 2528  -2.7063 -0.66166
## 2529  -2.6281 -0.66166
## 2530  -2.5499 -0.66166
## 2531  -2.4716 -0.66166
## 2532  -2.3934 -0.66166
## 2533  -2.3152 -0.66166
## 2534  -2.2369 -0.66166
## 2535  -2.1587 -0.66166
## 2536  -2.0805 -0.66166
## 2537  -2.0022 -0.66166
## 2538  -1.9240 -0.66166
## 2539  -1.8458 -0.66166
## 2540  -1.7676 -0.66166
## 2541  -1.6893 -0.66166
## 2542  -1.6111 -0.66166
## 2543  -1.5329 -0.66166
## 2544  -1.4546 -0.66166
## 2545  -1.3764 -0.66166
## 2546  -1.2982 -0.66166
## 2547  -1.2199 -0.66166
## 2548  -1.1417 -0.66166
## 2549  -1.0635 -0.66166
## 2550  -0.9852 -0.66166
## 2551  -0.9070 -0.66166
## 2552  -0.8288 -0.66166
## 2553  -0.7505 -0.66166
## 2554  -0.6723 -0.66166
## 2555  -0.5941 -0.66166
## 2556  -0.5158 -0.66166
## 2557  -0.4376 -0.66166
## 2558  -0.3594 -0.66166
## 2559  -0.2811 -0.66166
## 2560  -0.2029 -0.66166
## 2561  -0.1247 -0.66166
## 2562  -0.0464 -0.66166
## 2563   0.0318 -0.66166
## 2564   0.1100 -0.66166
## 2565   0.1883 -0.66166
## 2566   0.2665 -0.66166
## 2567   0.3447 -0.66166
## 2568   0.4230 -0.66166
## 2569   0.5012 -0.66166
## 2570   0.5794 -0.66166
## 2571   0.6577 -0.66166
## 2572   0.7359 -0.66166
## 2573   0.8141 -0.66166
## 2574   0.8923 -0.66166
## 2575   0.9706 -0.66166
## 2576   1.0488 -0.66166
## 2577   1.1270 -0.66166
## 2578   1.2053 -0.66166
## 2579   1.2835 -0.66166
## 2580   1.3617 -0.66166
## 2581   1.4400 -0.66166
## 2582   1.5182 -0.66166
## 2583   1.5964 -0.66166
## 2584   1.6747 -0.66166
## 2585   1.7529 -0.66166
## 2586   1.8311 -0.66166
## 2587   1.9094 -0.66166
## 2588   1.9876 -0.66166
## 2589   2.0658 -0.66166
## 2590   2.1441 -0.66166
## 2591   2.2223 -0.66166
## 2592   2.3005 -0.66166
## 2593   2.3788 -0.66166
## 2594   2.4570 -0.66166
## 2595   2.5352 -0.66166
## 2596   2.6135 -0.66166
## 2597   2.6917 -0.66166
## 2598   2.7699 -0.66166
## 2599   2.8482 -0.66166
## 2600   2.9264 -0.66166
## 2601  -4.8186 -0.60591
## 2602  -4.7404 -0.60591
## 2603  -4.6622 -0.60591
## 2604  -4.5839 -0.60591
## 2605  -4.5057 -0.60591
## 2606  -4.4275 -0.60591
## 2607  -4.3492 -0.60591
## 2608  -4.2710 -0.60591
## 2609  -4.1928 -0.60591
## 2610  -4.1145 -0.60591
## 2611  -4.0363 -0.60591
## 2612  -3.9581 -0.60591
## 2613  -3.8798 -0.60591
## 2614  -3.8016 -0.60591
## 2615  -3.7234 -0.60591
## 2616  -3.6451 -0.60591
## 2617  -3.5669 -0.60591
## 2618  -3.4887 -0.60591
## 2619  -3.4104 -0.60591
## 2620  -3.3322 -0.60591
## 2621  -3.2540 -0.60591
## 2622  -3.1757 -0.60591
## 2623  -3.0975 -0.60591
## 2624  -3.0193 -0.60591
## 2625  -2.9410 -0.60591
## 2626  -2.8628 -0.60591
## 2627  -2.7846 -0.60591
## 2628  -2.7063 -0.60591
## 2629  -2.6281 -0.60591
## 2630  -2.5499 -0.60591
## 2631  -2.4716 -0.60591
## 2632  -2.3934 -0.60591
## 2633  -2.3152 -0.60591
## 2634  -2.2369 -0.60591
## 2635  -2.1587 -0.60591
## 2636  -2.0805 -0.60591
## 2637  -2.0022 -0.60591
## 2638  -1.9240 -0.60591
## 2639  -1.8458 -0.60591
## 2640  -1.7676 -0.60591
## 2641  -1.6893 -0.60591
## 2642  -1.6111 -0.60591
## 2643  -1.5329 -0.60591
## 2644  -1.4546 -0.60591
## 2645  -1.3764 -0.60591
## 2646  -1.2982 -0.60591
## 2647  -1.2199 -0.60591
## 2648  -1.1417 -0.60591
## 2649  -1.0635 -0.60591
## 2650  -0.9852 -0.60591
## 2651  -0.9070 -0.60591
## 2652  -0.8288 -0.60591
## 2653  -0.7505 -0.60591
## 2654  -0.6723 -0.60591
## 2655  -0.5941 -0.60591
## 2656  -0.5158 -0.60591
## 2657  -0.4376 -0.60591
## 2658  -0.3594 -0.60591
## 2659  -0.2811 -0.60591
## 2660  -0.2029 -0.60591
## 2661  -0.1247 -0.60591
## 2662  -0.0464 -0.60591
## 2663   0.0318 -0.60591
## 2664   0.1100 -0.60591
## 2665   0.1883 -0.60591
## 2666   0.2665 -0.60591
## 2667   0.3447 -0.60591
## 2668   0.4230 -0.60591
## 2669   0.5012 -0.60591
## 2670   0.5794 -0.60591
## 2671   0.6577 -0.60591
## 2672   0.7359 -0.60591
## 2673   0.8141 -0.60591
## 2674   0.8923 -0.60591
## 2675   0.9706 -0.60591
## 2676   1.0488 -0.60591
## 2677   1.1270 -0.60591
## 2678   1.2053 -0.60591
## 2679   1.2835 -0.60591
## 2680   1.3617 -0.60591
## 2681   1.4400 -0.60591
## 2682   1.5182 -0.60591
## 2683   1.5964 -0.60591
## 2684   1.6747 -0.60591
## 2685   1.7529 -0.60591
## 2686   1.8311 -0.60591
## 2687   1.9094 -0.60591
## 2688   1.9876 -0.60591
## 2689   2.0658 -0.60591
## 2690   2.1441 -0.60591
## 2691   2.2223 -0.60591
## 2692   2.3005 -0.60591
## 2693   2.3788 -0.60591
## 2694   2.4570 -0.60591
## 2695   2.5352 -0.60591
## 2696   2.6135 -0.60591
## 2697   2.6917 -0.60591
## 2698   2.7699 -0.60591
## 2699   2.8482 -0.60591
## 2700   2.9264 -0.60591
## 2701  -4.8186 -0.55017
## 2702  -4.7404 -0.55017
## 2703  -4.6622 -0.55017
## 2704  -4.5839 -0.55017
## 2705  -4.5057 -0.55017
## 2706  -4.4275 -0.55017
## 2707  -4.3492 -0.55017
## 2708  -4.2710 -0.55017
## 2709  -4.1928 -0.55017
## 2710  -4.1145 -0.55017
## 2711  -4.0363 -0.55017
## 2712  -3.9581 -0.55017
## 2713  -3.8798 -0.55017
## 2714  -3.8016 -0.55017
## 2715  -3.7234 -0.55017
## 2716  -3.6451 -0.55017
## 2717  -3.5669 -0.55017
## 2718  -3.4887 -0.55017
## 2719  -3.4104 -0.55017
## 2720  -3.3322 -0.55017
## 2721  -3.2540 -0.55017
## 2722  -3.1757 -0.55017
## 2723  -3.0975 -0.55017
## 2724  -3.0193 -0.55017
## 2725  -2.9410 -0.55017
## 2726  -2.8628 -0.55017
## 2727  -2.7846 -0.55017
## 2728  -2.7063 -0.55017
## 2729  -2.6281 -0.55017
## 2730  -2.5499 -0.55017
## 2731  -2.4716 -0.55017
## 2732  -2.3934 -0.55017
## 2733  -2.3152 -0.55017
## 2734  -2.2369 -0.55017
## 2735  -2.1587 -0.55017
## 2736  -2.0805 -0.55017
## 2737  -2.0022 -0.55017
## 2738  -1.9240 -0.55017
## 2739  -1.8458 -0.55017
## 2740  -1.7676 -0.55017
## 2741  -1.6893 -0.55017
## 2742  -1.6111 -0.55017
## 2743  -1.5329 -0.55017
## 2744  -1.4546 -0.55017
## 2745  -1.3764 -0.55017
## 2746  -1.2982 -0.55017
## 2747  -1.2199 -0.55017
## 2748  -1.1417 -0.55017
## 2749  -1.0635 -0.55017
## 2750  -0.9852 -0.55017
## 2751  -0.9070 -0.55017
## 2752  -0.8288 -0.55017
## 2753  -0.7505 -0.55017
## 2754  -0.6723 -0.55017
## 2755  -0.5941 -0.55017
## 2756  -0.5158 -0.55017
## 2757  -0.4376 -0.55017
## 2758  -0.3594 -0.55017
## 2759  -0.2811 -0.55017
## 2760  -0.2029 -0.55017
## 2761  -0.1247 -0.55017
## 2762  -0.0464 -0.55017
## 2763   0.0318 -0.55017
## 2764   0.1100 -0.55017
## 2765   0.1883 -0.55017
## 2766   0.2665 -0.55017
## 2767   0.3447 -0.55017
## 2768   0.4230 -0.55017
## 2769   0.5012 -0.55017
## 2770   0.5794 -0.55017
## 2771   0.6577 -0.55017
## 2772   0.7359 -0.55017
## 2773   0.8141 -0.55017
## 2774   0.8923 -0.55017
## 2775   0.9706 -0.55017
## 2776   1.0488 -0.55017
## 2777   1.1270 -0.55017
## 2778   1.2053 -0.55017
## 2779   1.2835 -0.55017
## 2780   1.3617 -0.55017
## 2781   1.4400 -0.55017
## 2782   1.5182 -0.55017
## 2783   1.5964 -0.55017
## 2784   1.6747 -0.55017
## 2785   1.7529 -0.55017
## 2786   1.8311 -0.55017
## 2787   1.9094 -0.55017
## 2788   1.9876 -0.55017
## 2789   2.0658 -0.55017
## 2790   2.1441 -0.55017
## 2791   2.2223 -0.55017
## 2792   2.3005 -0.55017
## 2793   2.3788 -0.55017
## 2794   2.4570 -0.55017
## 2795   2.5352 -0.55017
## 2796   2.6135 -0.55017
## 2797   2.6917 -0.55017
## 2798   2.7699 -0.55017
## 2799   2.8482 -0.55017
## 2800   2.9264 -0.55017
## 2801  -4.8186 -0.49442
## 2802  -4.7404 -0.49442
## 2803  -4.6622 -0.49442
## 2804  -4.5839 -0.49442
## 2805  -4.5057 -0.49442
## 2806  -4.4275 -0.49442
## 2807  -4.3492 -0.49442
## 2808  -4.2710 -0.49442
## 2809  -4.1928 -0.49442
## 2810  -4.1145 -0.49442
## 2811  -4.0363 -0.49442
## 2812  -3.9581 -0.49442
## 2813  -3.8798 -0.49442
## 2814  -3.8016 -0.49442
## 2815  -3.7234 -0.49442
## 2816  -3.6451 -0.49442
## 2817  -3.5669 -0.49442
## 2818  -3.4887 -0.49442
## 2819  -3.4104 -0.49442
## 2820  -3.3322 -0.49442
## 2821  -3.2540 -0.49442
## 2822  -3.1757 -0.49442
## 2823  -3.0975 -0.49442
## 2824  -3.0193 -0.49442
## 2825  -2.9410 -0.49442
## 2826  -2.8628 -0.49442
## 2827  -2.7846 -0.49442
## 2828  -2.7063 -0.49442
## 2829  -2.6281 -0.49442
## 2830  -2.5499 -0.49442
## 2831  -2.4716 -0.49442
## 2832  -2.3934 -0.49442
## 2833  -2.3152 -0.49442
## 2834  -2.2369 -0.49442
## 2835  -2.1587 -0.49442
## 2836  -2.0805 -0.49442
## 2837  -2.0022 -0.49442
## 2838  -1.9240 -0.49442
## 2839  -1.8458 -0.49442
## 2840  -1.7676 -0.49442
## 2841  -1.6893 -0.49442
## 2842  -1.6111 -0.49442
## 2843  -1.5329 -0.49442
## 2844  -1.4546 -0.49442
## 2845  -1.3764 -0.49442
## 2846  -1.2982 -0.49442
## 2847  -1.2199 -0.49442
## 2848  -1.1417 -0.49442
## 2849  -1.0635 -0.49442
## 2850  -0.9852 -0.49442
## 2851  -0.9070 -0.49442
## 2852  -0.8288 -0.49442
## 2853  -0.7505 -0.49442
## 2854  -0.6723 -0.49442
## 2855  -0.5941 -0.49442
## 2856  -0.5158 -0.49442
## 2857  -0.4376 -0.49442
## 2858  -0.3594 -0.49442
## 2859  -0.2811 -0.49442
## 2860  -0.2029 -0.49442
## 2861  -0.1247 -0.49442
## 2862  -0.0464 -0.49442
## 2863   0.0318 -0.49442
## 2864   0.1100 -0.49442
## 2865   0.1883 -0.49442
## 2866   0.2665 -0.49442
## 2867   0.3447 -0.49442
## 2868   0.4230 -0.49442
## 2869   0.5012 -0.49442
## 2870   0.5794 -0.49442
## 2871   0.6577 -0.49442
## 2872   0.7359 -0.49442
## 2873   0.8141 -0.49442
## 2874   0.8923 -0.49442
## 2875   0.9706 -0.49442
## 2876   1.0488 -0.49442
## 2877   1.1270 -0.49442
## 2878   1.2053 -0.49442
## 2879   1.2835 -0.49442
## 2880   1.3617 -0.49442
## 2881   1.4400 -0.49442
## 2882   1.5182 -0.49442
## 2883   1.5964 -0.49442
## 2884   1.6747 -0.49442
## 2885   1.7529 -0.49442
## 2886   1.8311 -0.49442
## 2887   1.9094 -0.49442
## 2888   1.9876 -0.49442
## 2889   2.0658 -0.49442
## 2890   2.1441 -0.49442
## 2891   2.2223 -0.49442
## 2892   2.3005 -0.49442
## 2893   2.3788 -0.49442
## 2894   2.4570 -0.49442
## 2895   2.5352 -0.49442
## 2896   2.6135 -0.49442
## 2897   2.6917 -0.49442
## 2898   2.7699 -0.49442
## 2899   2.8482 -0.49442
## 2900   2.9264 -0.49442
## 2901  -4.8186 -0.43868
## 2902  -4.7404 -0.43868
## 2903  -4.6622 -0.43868
## 2904  -4.5839 -0.43868
## 2905  -4.5057 -0.43868
## 2906  -4.4275 -0.43868
## 2907  -4.3492 -0.43868
## 2908  -4.2710 -0.43868
## 2909  -4.1928 -0.43868
## 2910  -4.1145 -0.43868
## 2911  -4.0363 -0.43868
## 2912  -3.9581 -0.43868
## 2913  -3.8798 -0.43868
## 2914  -3.8016 -0.43868
## 2915  -3.7234 -0.43868
## 2916  -3.6451 -0.43868
## 2917  -3.5669 -0.43868
## 2918  -3.4887 -0.43868
## 2919  -3.4104 -0.43868
## 2920  -3.3322 -0.43868
## 2921  -3.2540 -0.43868
## 2922  -3.1757 -0.43868
## 2923  -3.0975 -0.43868
## 2924  -3.0193 -0.43868
## 2925  -2.9410 -0.43868
## 2926  -2.8628 -0.43868
## 2927  -2.7846 -0.43868
## 2928  -2.7063 -0.43868
## 2929  -2.6281 -0.43868
## 2930  -2.5499 -0.43868
## 2931  -2.4716 -0.43868
## 2932  -2.3934 -0.43868
## 2933  -2.3152 -0.43868
## 2934  -2.2369 -0.43868
## 2935  -2.1587 -0.43868
## 2936  -2.0805 -0.43868
## 2937  -2.0022 -0.43868
## 2938  -1.9240 -0.43868
## 2939  -1.8458 -0.43868
## 2940  -1.7676 -0.43868
## 2941  -1.6893 -0.43868
## 2942  -1.6111 -0.43868
## 2943  -1.5329 -0.43868
## 2944  -1.4546 -0.43868
## 2945  -1.3764 -0.43868
## 2946  -1.2982 -0.43868
## 2947  -1.2199 -0.43868
## 2948  -1.1417 -0.43868
## 2949  -1.0635 -0.43868
## 2950  -0.9852 -0.43868
## 2951  -0.9070 -0.43868
## 2952  -0.8288 -0.43868
## 2953  -0.7505 -0.43868
## 2954  -0.6723 -0.43868
## 2955  -0.5941 -0.43868
## 2956  -0.5158 -0.43868
## 2957  -0.4376 -0.43868
## 2958  -0.3594 -0.43868
## 2959  -0.2811 -0.43868
## 2960  -0.2029 -0.43868
## 2961  -0.1247 -0.43868
## 2962  -0.0464 -0.43868
## 2963   0.0318 -0.43868
## 2964   0.1100 -0.43868
## 2965   0.1883 -0.43868
## 2966   0.2665 -0.43868
## 2967   0.3447 -0.43868
## 2968   0.4230 -0.43868
## 2969   0.5012 -0.43868
## 2970   0.5794 -0.43868
## 2971   0.6577 -0.43868
## 2972   0.7359 -0.43868
## 2973   0.8141 -0.43868
## 2974   0.8923 -0.43868
## 2975   0.9706 -0.43868
## 2976   1.0488 -0.43868
## 2977   1.1270 -0.43868
## 2978   1.2053 -0.43868
## 2979   1.2835 -0.43868
## 2980   1.3617 -0.43868
## 2981   1.4400 -0.43868
## 2982   1.5182 -0.43868
## 2983   1.5964 -0.43868
## 2984   1.6747 -0.43868
## 2985   1.7529 -0.43868
## 2986   1.8311 -0.43868
## 2987   1.9094 -0.43868
## 2988   1.9876 -0.43868
## 2989   2.0658 -0.43868
## 2990   2.1441 -0.43868
## 2991   2.2223 -0.43868
## 2992   2.3005 -0.43868
## 2993   2.3788 -0.43868
## 2994   2.4570 -0.43868
## 2995   2.5352 -0.43868
## 2996   2.6135 -0.43868
## 2997   2.6917 -0.43868
## 2998   2.7699 -0.43868
## 2999   2.8482 -0.43868
## 3000   2.9264 -0.43868
## 3001  -4.8186 -0.38293
## 3002  -4.7404 -0.38293
## 3003  -4.6622 -0.38293
## 3004  -4.5839 -0.38293
## 3005  -4.5057 -0.38293
## 3006  -4.4275 -0.38293
## 3007  -4.3492 -0.38293
## 3008  -4.2710 -0.38293
## 3009  -4.1928 -0.38293
## 3010  -4.1145 -0.38293
## 3011  -4.0363 -0.38293
## 3012  -3.9581 -0.38293
## 3013  -3.8798 -0.38293
## 3014  -3.8016 -0.38293
## 3015  -3.7234 -0.38293
## 3016  -3.6451 -0.38293
## 3017  -3.5669 -0.38293
## 3018  -3.4887 -0.38293
## 3019  -3.4104 -0.38293
## 3020  -3.3322 -0.38293
## 3021  -3.2540 -0.38293
## 3022  -3.1757 -0.38293
## 3023  -3.0975 -0.38293
## 3024  -3.0193 -0.38293
## 3025  -2.9410 -0.38293
## 3026  -2.8628 -0.38293
## 3027  -2.7846 -0.38293
## 3028  -2.7063 -0.38293
## 3029  -2.6281 -0.38293
## 3030  -2.5499 -0.38293
## 3031  -2.4716 -0.38293
## 3032  -2.3934 -0.38293
## 3033  -2.3152 -0.38293
## 3034  -2.2369 -0.38293
## 3035  -2.1587 -0.38293
## 3036  -2.0805 -0.38293
## 3037  -2.0022 -0.38293
## 3038  -1.9240 -0.38293
## 3039  -1.8458 -0.38293
## 3040  -1.7676 -0.38293
## 3041  -1.6893 -0.38293
## 3042  -1.6111 -0.38293
## 3043  -1.5329 -0.38293
## 3044  -1.4546 -0.38293
## 3045  -1.3764 -0.38293
## 3046  -1.2982 -0.38293
## 3047  -1.2199 -0.38293
## 3048  -1.1417 -0.38293
## 3049  -1.0635 -0.38293
## 3050  -0.9852 -0.38293
## 3051  -0.9070 -0.38293
## 3052  -0.8288 -0.38293
## 3053  -0.7505 -0.38293
## 3054  -0.6723 -0.38293
## 3055  -0.5941 -0.38293
## 3056  -0.5158 -0.38293
## 3057  -0.4376 -0.38293
## 3058  -0.3594 -0.38293
## 3059  -0.2811 -0.38293
## 3060  -0.2029 -0.38293
## 3061  -0.1247 -0.38293
## 3062  -0.0464 -0.38293
## 3063   0.0318 -0.38293
## 3064   0.1100 -0.38293
## 3065   0.1883 -0.38293
## 3066   0.2665 -0.38293
## 3067   0.3447 -0.38293
## 3068   0.4230 -0.38293
## 3069   0.5012 -0.38293
## 3070   0.5794 -0.38293
## 3071   0.6577 -0.38293
## 3072   0.7359 -0.38293
## 3073   0.8141 -0.38293
## 3074   0.8923 -0.38293
## 3075   0.9706 -0.38293
## 3076   1.0488 -0.38293
## 3077   1.1270 -0.38293
## 3078   1.2053 -0.38293
## 3079   1.2835 -0.38293
## 3080   1.3617 -0.38293
## 3081   1.4400 -0.38293
## 3082   1.5182 -0.38293
## 3083   1.5964 -0.38293
## 3084   1.6747 -0.38293
## 3085   1.7529 -0.38293
## 3086   1.8311 -0.38293
## 3087   1.9094 -0.38293
## 3088   1.9876 -0.38293
## 3089   2.0658 -0.38293
## 3090   2.1441 -0.38293
## 3091   2.2223 -0.38293
## 3092   2.3005 -0.38293
## 3093   2.3788 -0.38293
## 3094   2.4570 -0.38293
## 3095   2.5352 -0.38293
## 3096   2.6135 -0.38293
## 3097   2.6917 -0.38293
## 3098   2.7699 -0.38293
## 3099   2.8482 -0.38293
## 3100   2.9264 -0.38293
## 3101  -4.8186 -0.32719
## 3102  -4.7404 -0.32719
## 3103  -4.6622 -0.32719
## 3104  -4.5839 -0.32719
## 3105  -4.5057 -0.32719
## 3106  -4.4275 -0.32719
## 3107  -4.3492 -0.32719
## 3108  -4.2710 -0.32719
## 3109  -4.1928 -0.32719
## 3110  -4.1145 -0.32719
## 3111  -4.0363 -0.32719
## 3112  -3.9581 -0.32719
## 3113  -3.8798 -0.32719
## 3114  -3.8016 -0.32719
## 3115  -3.7234 -0.32719
## 3116  -3.6451 -0.32719
## 3117  -3.5669 -0.32719
## 3118  -3.4887 -0.32719
## 3119  -3.4104 -0.32719
## 3120  -3.3322 -0.32719
## 3121  -3.2540 -0.32719
## 3122  -3.1757 -0.32719
## 3123  -3.0975 -0.32719
## 3124  -3.0193 -0.32719
## 3125  -2.9410 -0.32719
## 3126  -2.8628 -0.32719
## 3127  -2.7846 -0.32719
## 3128  -2.7063 -0.32719
## 3129  -2.6281 -0.32719
## 3130  -2.5499 -0.32719
## 3131  -2.4716 -0.32719
## 3132  -2.3934 -0.32719
## 3133  -2.3152 -0.32719
## 3134  -2.2369 -0.32719
## 3135  -2.1587 -0.32719
## 3136  -2.0805 -0.32719
## 3137  -2.0022 -0.32719
## 3138  -1.9240 -0.32719
## 3139  -1.8458 -0.32719
## 3140  -1.7676 -0.32719
## 3141  -1.6893 -0.32719
## 3142  -1.6111 -0.32719
## 3143  -1.5329 -0.32719
## 3144  -1.4546 -0.32719
## 3145  -1.3764 -0.32719
## 3146  -1.2982 -0.32719
## 3147  -1.2199 -0.32719
## 3148  -1.1417 -0.32719
## 3149  -1.0635 -0.32719
## 3150  -0.9852 -0.32719
## 3151  -0.9070 -0.32719
## 3152  -0.8288 -0.32719
## 3153  -0.7505 -0.32719
## 3154  -0.6723 -0.32719
## 3155  -0.5941 -0.32719
## 3156  -0.5158 -0.32719
## 3157  -0.4376 -0.32719
## 3158  -0.3594 -0.32719
## 3159  -0.2811 -0.32719
## 3160  -0.2029 -0.32719
## 3161  -0.1247 -0.32719
## 3162  -0.0464 -0.32719
## 3163   0.0318 -0.32719
## 3164   0.1100 -0.32719
## 3165   0.1883 -0.32719
## 3166   0.2665 -0.32719
## 3167   0.3447 -0.32719
## 3168   0.4230 -0.32719
## 3169   0.5012 -0.32719
## 3170   0.5794 -0.32719
## 3171   0.6577 -0.32719
## 3172   0.7359 -0.32719
## 3173   0.8141 -0.32719
## 3174   0.8923 -0.32719
## 3175   0.9706 -0.32719
## 3176   1.0488 -0.32719
## 3177   1.1270 -0.32719
## 3178   1.2053 -0.32719
## 3179   1.2835 -0.32719
## 3180   1.3617 -0.32719
## 3181   1.4400 -0.32719
## 3182   1.5182 -0.32719
## 3183   1.5964 -0.32719
## 3184   1.6747 -0.32719
## 3185   1.7529 -0.32719
## 3186   1.8311 -0.32719
## 3187   1.9094 -0.32719
## 3188   1.9876 -0.32719
## 3189   2.0658 -0.32719
## 3190   2.1441 -0.32719
## 3191   2.2223 -0.32719
## 3192   2.3005 -0.32719
## 3193   2.3788 -0.32719
## 3194   2.4570 -0.32719
## 3195   2.5352 -0.32719
## 3196   2.6135 -0.32719
## 3197   2.6917 -0.32719
## 3198   2.7699 -0.32719
## 3199   2.8482 -0.32719
## 3200   2.9264 -0.32719
## 3201  -4.8186 -0.27144
## 3202  -4.7404 -0.27144
## 3203  -4.6622 -0.27144
## 3204  -4.5839 -0.27144
## 3205  -4.5057 -0.27144
## 3206  -4.4275 -0.27144
## 3207  -4.3492 -0.27144
## 3208  -4.2710 -0.27144
## 3209  -4.1928 -0.27144
## 3210  -4.1145 -0.27144
## 3211  -4.0363 -0.27144
## 3212  -3.9581 -0.27144
## 3213  -3.8798 -0.27144
## 3214  -3.8016 -0.27144
## 3215  -3.7234 -0.27144
## 3216  -3.6451 -0.27144
## 3217  -3.5669 -0.27144
## 3218  -3.4887 -0.27144
## 3219  -3.4104 -0.27144
## 3220  -3.3322 -0.27144
## 3221  -3.2540 -0.27144
## 3222  -3.1757 -0.27144
## 3223  -3.0975 -0.27144
## 3224  -3.0193 -0.27144
## 3225  -2.9410 -0.27144
## 3226  -2.8628 -0.27144
## 3227  -2.7846 -0.27144
## 3228  -2.7063 -0.27144
## 3229  -2.6281 -0.27144
## 3230  -2.5499 -0.27144
## 3231  -2.4716 -0.27144
## 3232  -2.3934 -0.27144
## 3233  -2.3152 -0.27144
## 3234  -2.2369 -0.27144
## 3235  -2.1587 -0.27144
## 3236  -2.0805 -0.27144
## 3237  -2.0022 -0.27144
## 3238  -1.9240 -0.27144
## 3239  -1.8458 -0.27144
## 3240  -1.7676 -0.27144
## 3241  -1.6893 -0.27144
## 3242  -1.6111 -0.27144
## 3243  -1.5329 -0.27144
## 3244  -1.4546 -0.27144
## 3245  -1.3764 -0.27144
## 3246  -1.2982 -0.27144
## 3247  -1.2199 -0.27144
## 3248  -1.1417 -0.27144
## 3249  -1.0635 -0.27144
## 3250  -0.9852 -0.27144
## 3251  -0.9070 -0.27144
## 3252  -0.8288 -0.27144
## 3253  -0.7505 -0.27144
## 3254  -0.6723 -0.27144
## 3255  -0.5941 -0.27144
## 3256  -0.5158 -0.27144
## 3257  -0.4376 -0.27144
## 3258  -0.3594 -0.27144
## 3259  -0.2811 -0.27144
## 3260  -0.2029 -0.27144
## 3261  -0.1247 -0.27144
## 3262  -0.0464 -0.27144
## 3263   0.0318 -0.27144
## 3264   0.1100 -0.27144
## 3265   0.1883 -0.27144
## 3266   0.2665 -0.27144
## 3267   0.3447 -0.27144
## 3268   0.4230 -0.27144
## 3269   0.5012 -0.27144
## 3270   0.5794 -0.27144
## 3271   0.6577 -0.27144
## 3272   0.7359 -0.27144
## 3273   0.8141 -0.27144
## 3274   0.8923 -0.27144
## 3275   0.9706 -0.27144
## 3276   1.0488 -0.27144
## 3277   1.1270 -0.27144
## 3278   1.2053 -0.27144
## 3279   1.2835 -0.27144
## 3280   1.3617 -0.27144
## 3281   1.4400 -0.27144
## 3282   1.5182 -0.27144
## 3283   1.5964 -0.27144
## 3284   1.6747 -0.27144
## 3285   1.7529 -0.27144
## 3286   1.8311 -0.27144
## 3287   1.9094 -0.27144
## 3288   1.9876 -0.27144
## 3289   2.0658 -0.27144
## 3290   2.1441 -0.27144
## 3291   2.2223 -0.27144
## 3292   2.3005 -0.27144
## 3293   2.3788 -0.27144
## 3294   2.4570 -0.27144
## 3295   2.5352 -0.27144
## 3296   2.6135 -0.27144
## 3297   2.6917 -0.27144
## 3298   2.7699 -0.27144
## 3299   2.8482 -0.27144
## 3300   2.9264 -0.27144
## 3301  -4.8186 -0.21570
## 3302  -4.7404 -0.21570
## 3303  -4.6622 -0.21570
## 3304  -4.5839 -0.21570
## 3305  -4.5057 -0.21570
## 3306  -4.4275 -0.21570
## 3307  -4.3492 -0.21570
## 3308  -4.2710 -0.21570
## 3309  -4.1928 -0.21570
## 3310  -4.1145 -0.21570
## 3311  -4.0363 -0.21570
## 3312  -3.9581 -0.21570
## 3313  -3.8798 -0.21570
## 3314  -3.8016 -0.21570
## 3315  -3.7234 -0.21570
## 3316  -3.6451 -0.21570
## 3317  -3.5669 -0.21570
## 3318  -3.4887 -0.21570
## 3319  -3.4104 -0.21570
## 3320  -3.3322 -0.21570
## 3321  -3.2540 -0.21570
## 3322  -3.1757 -0.21570
## 3323  -3.0975 -0.21570
## 3324  -3.0193 -0.21570
## 3325  -2.9410 -0.21570
## 3326  -2.8628 -0.21570
## 3327  -2.7846 -0.21570
## 3328  -2.7063 -0.21570
## 3329  -2.6281 -0.21570
## 3330  -2.5499 -0.21570
## 3331  -2.4716 -0.21570
## 3332  -2.3934 -0.21570
## 3333  -2.3152 -0.21570
## 3334  -2.2369 -0.21570
## 3335  -2.1587 -0.21570
## 3336  -2.0805 -0.21570
## 3337  -2.0022 -0.21570
## 3338  -1.9240 -0.21570
## 3339  -1.8458 -0.21570
## 3340  -1.7676 -0.21570
## 3341  -1.6893 -0.21570
## 3342  -1.6111 -0.21570
## 3343  -1.5329 -0.21570
## 3344  -1.4546 -0.21570
## 3345  -1.3764 -0.21570
## 3346  -1.2982 -0.21570
## 3347  -1.2199 -0.21570
## 3348  -1.1417 -0.21570
## 3349  -1.0635 -0.21570
## 3350  -0.9852 -0.21570
## 3351  -0.9070 -0.21570
## 3352  -0.8288 -0.21570
## 3353  -0.7505 -0.21570
## 3354  -0.6723 -0.21570
## 3355  -0.5941 -0.21570
## 3356  -0.5158 -0.21570
## 3357  -0.4376 -0.21570
## 3358  -0.3594 -0.21570
## 3359  -0.2811 -0.21570
## 3360  -0.2029 -0.21570
## 3361  -0.1247 -0.21570
## 3362  -0.0464 -0.21570
## 3363   0.0318 -0.21570
## 3364   0.1100 -0.21570
## 3365   0.1883 -0.21570
## 3366   0.2665 -0.21570
## 3367   0.3447 -0.21570
## 3368   0.4230 -0.21570
## 3369   0.5012 -0.21570
## 3370   0.5794 -0.21570
## 3371   0.6577 -0.21570
## 3372   0.7359 -0.21570
## 3373   0.8141 -0.21570
## 3374   0.8923 -0.21570
## 3375   0.9706 -0.21570
## 3376   1.0488 -0.21570
## 3377   1.1270 -0.21570
## 3378   1.2053 -0.21570
## 3379   1.2835 -0.21570
## 3380   1.3617 -0.21570
## 3381   1.4400 -0.21570
## 3382   1.5182 -0.21570
## 3383   1.5964 -0.21570
## 3384   1.6747 -0.21570
## 3385   1.7529 -0.21570
## 3386   1.8311 -0.21570
## 3387   1.9094 -0.21570
## 3388   1.9876 -0.21570
## 3389   2.0658 -0.21570
## 3390   2.1441 -0.21570
## 3391   2.2223 -0.21570
## 3392   2.3005 -0.21570
## 3393   2.3788 -0.21570
## 3394   2.4570 -0.21570
## 3395   2.5352 -0.21570
## 3396   2.6135 -0.21570
## 3397   2.6917 -0.21570
## 3398   2.7699 -0.21570
## 3399   2.8482 -0.21570
## 3400   2.9264 -0.21570
## 3401  -4.8186 -0.15995
## 3402  -4.7404 -0.15995
## 3403  -4.6622 -0.15995
## 3404  -4.5839 -0.15995
## 3405  -4.5057 -0.15995
## 3406  -4.4275 -0.15995
## 3407  -4.3492 -0.15995
## 3408  -4.2710 -0.15995
## 3409  -4.1928 -0.15995
## 3410  -4.1145 -0.15995
## 3411  -4.0363 -0.15995
## 3412  -3.9581 -0.15995
## 3413  -3.8798 -0.15995
## 3414  -3.8016 -0.15995
## 3415  -3.7234 -0.15995
## 3416  -3.6451 -0.15995
## 3417  -3.5669 -0.15995
## 3418  -3.4887 -0.15995
## 3419  -3.4104 -0.15995
## 3420  -3.3322 -0.15995
## 3421  -3.2540 -0.15995
## 3422  -3.1757 -0.15995
## 3423  -3.0975 -0.15995
## 3424  -3.0193 -0.15995
## 3425  -2.9410 -0.15995
## 3426  -2.8628 -0.15995
## 3427  -2.7846 -0.15995
## 3428  -2.7063 -0.15995
## 3429  -2.6281 -0.15995
## 3430  -2.5499 -0.15995
## 3431  -2.4716 -0.15995
## 3432  -2.3934 -0.15995
## 3433  -2.3152 -0.15995
## 3434  -2.2369 -0.15995
## 3435  -2.1587 -0.15995
## 3436  -2.0805 -0.15995
## 3437  -2.0022 -0.15995
## 3438  -1.9240 -0.15995
## 3439  -1.8458 -0.15995
## 3440  -1.7676 -0.15995
## 3441  -1.6893 -0.15995
## 3442  -1.6111 -0.15995
## 3443  -1.5329 -0.15995
## 3444  -1.4546 -0.15995
## 3445  -1.3764 -0.15995
## 3446  -1.2982 -0.15995
## 3447  -1.2199 -0.15995
## 3448  -1.1417 -0.15995
## 3449  -1.0635 -0.15995
## 3450  -0.9852 -0.15995
## 3451  -0.9070 -0.15995
## 3452  -0.8288 -0.15995
## 3453  -0.7505 -0.15995
## 3454  -0.6723 -0.15995
## 3455  -0.5941 -0.15995
## 3456  -0.5158 -0.15995
## 3457  -0.4376 -0.15995
## 3458  -0.3594 -0.15995
## 3459  -0.2811 -0.15995
## 3460  -0.2029 -0.15995
## 3461  -0.1247 -0.15995
## 3462  -0.0464 -0.15995
## 3463   0.0318 -0.15995
## 3464   0.1100 -0.15995
## 3465   0.1883 -0.15995
## 3466   0.2665 -0.15995
## 3467   0.3447 -0.15995
## 3468   0.4230 -0.15995
## 3469   0.5012 -0.15995
## 3470   0.5794 -0.15995
## 3471   0.6577 -0.15995
## 3472   0.7359 -0.15995
## 3473   0.8141 -0.15995
## 3474   0.8923 -0.15995
## 3475   0.9706 -0.15995
## 3476   1.0488 -0.15995
## 3477   1.1270 -0.15995
## 3478   1.2053 -0.15995
## 3479   1.2835 -0.15995
## 3480   1.3617 -0.15995
## 3481   1.4400 -0.15995
## 3482   1.5182 -0.15995
## 3483   1.5964 -0.15995
## 3484   1.6747 -0.15995
## 3485   1.7529 -0.15995
## 3486   1.8311 -0.15995
## 3487   1.9094 -0.15995
## 3488   1.9876 -0.15995
## 3489   2.0658 -0.15995
## 3490   2.1441 -0.15995
## 3491   2.2223 -0.15995
## 3492   2.3005 -0.15995
## 3493   2.3788 -0.15995
## 3494   2.4570 -0.15995
## 3495   2.5352 -0.15995
## 3496   2.6135 -0.15995
## 3497   2.6917 -0.15995
## 3498   2.7699 -0.15995
## 3499   2.8482 -0.15995
## 3500   2.9264 -0.15995
## 3501  -4.8186 -0.10421
## 3502  -4.7404 -0.10421
## 3503  -4.6622 -0.10421
## 3504  -4.5839 -0.10421
## 3505  -4.5057 -0.10421
## 3506  -4.4275 -0.10421
## 3507  -4.3492 -0.10421
## 3508  -4.2710 -0.10421
## 3509  -4.1928 -0.10421
## 3510  -4.1145 -0.10421
## 3511  -4.0363 -0.10421
## 3512  -3.9581 -0.10421
## 3513  -3.8798 -0.10421
## 3514  -3.8016 -0.10421
## 3515  -3.7234 -0.10421
## 3516  -3.6451 -0.10421
## 3517  -3.5669 -0.10421
## 3518  -3.4887 -0.10421
## 3519  -3.4104 -0.10421
## 3520  -3.3322 -0.10421
## 3521  -3.2540 -0.10421
## 3522  -3.1757 -0.10421
## 3523  -3.0975 -0.10421
## 3524  -3.0193 -0.10421
## 3525  -2.9410 -0.10421
## 3526  -2.8628 -0.10421
## 3527  -2.7846 -0.10421
## 3528  -2.7063 -0.10421
## 3529  -2.6281 -0.10421
## 3530  -2.5499 -0.10421
## 3531  -2.4716 -0.10421
## 3532  -2.3934 -0.10421
## 3533  -2.3152 -0.10421
## 3534  -2.2369 -0.10421
## 3535  -2.1587 -0.10421
## 3536  -2.0805 -0.10421
## 3537  -2.0022 -0.10421
## 3538  -1.9240 -0.10421
## 3539  -1.8458 -0.10421
## 3540  -1.7676 -0.10421
## 3541  -1.6893 -0.10421
## 3542  -1.6111 -0.10421
## 3543  -1.5329 -0.10421
## 3544  -1.4546 -0.10421
## 3545  -1.3764 -0.10421
## 3546  -1.2982 -0.10421
## 3547  -1.2199 -0.10421
## 3548  -1.1417 -0.10421
## 3549  -1.0635 -0.10421
## 3550  -0.9852 -0.10421
## 3551  -0.9070 -0.10421
## 3552  -0.8288 -0.10421
## 3553  -0.7505 -0.10421
## 3554  -0.6723 -0.10421
## 3555  -0.5941 -0.10421
## 3556  -0.5158 -0.10421
## 3557  -0.4376 -0.10421
## 3558  -0.3594 -0.10421
## 3559  -0.2811 -0.10421
## 3560  -0.2029 -0.10421
## 3561  -0.1247 -0.10421
## 3562  -0.0464 -0.10421
## 3563   0.0318 -0.10421
## 3564   0.1100 -0.10421
## 3565   0.1883 -0.10421
## 3566   0.2665 -0.10421
## 3567   0.3447 -0.10421
## 3568   0.4230 -0.10421
## 3569   0.5012 -0.10421
## 3570   0.5794 -0.10421
## 3571   0.6577 -0.10421
## 3572   0.7359 -0.10421
## 3573   0.8141 -0.10421
## 3574   0.8923 -0.10421
## 3575   0.9706 -0.10421
## 3576   1.0488 -0.10421
## 3577   1.1270 -0.10421
## 3578   1.2053 -0.10421
## 3579   1.2835 -0.10421
## 3580   1.3617 -0.10421
## 3581   1.4400 -0.10421
## 3582   1.5182 -0.10421
## 3583   1.5964 -0.10421
## 3584   1.6747 -0.10421
## 3585   1.7529 -0.10421
## 3586   1.8311 -0.10421
## 3587   1.9094 -0.10421
## 3588   1.9876 -0.10421
## 3589   2.0658 -0.10421
## 3590   2.1441 -0.10421
## 3591   2.2223 -0.10421
## 3592   2.3005 -0.10421
## 3593   2.3788 -0.10421
## 3594   2.4570 -0.10421
## 3595   2.5352 -0.10421
## 3596   2.6135 -0.10421
## 3597   2.6917 -0.10421
## 3598   2.7699 -0.10421
## 3599   2.8482 -0.10421
## 3600   2.9264 -0.10421
## 3601  -4.8186 -0.04846
## 3602  -4.7404 -0.04846
## 3603  -4.6622 -0.04846
## 3604  -4.5839 -0.04846
## 3605  -4.5057 -0.04846
## 3606  -4.4275 -0.04846
## 3607  -4.3492 -0.04846
## 3608  -4.2710 -0.04846
## 3609  -4.1928 -0.04846
## 3610  -4.1145 -0.04846
## 3611  -4.0363 -0.04846
## 3612  -3.9581 -0.04846
## 3613  -3.8798 -0.04846
## 3614  -3.8016 -0.04846
## 3615  -3.7234 -0.04846
## 3616  -3.6451 -0.04846
## 3617  -3.5669 -0.04846
## 3618  -3.4887 -0.04846
## 3619  -3.4104 -0.04846
## 3620  -3.3322 -0.04846
## 3621  -3.2540 -0.04846
## 3622  -3.1757 -0.04846
## 3623  -3.0975 -0.04846
## 3624  -3.0193 -0.04846
## 3625  -2.9410 -0.04846
## 3626  -2.8628 -0.04846
## 3627  -2.7846 -0.04846
## 3628  -2.7063 -0.04846
## 3629  -2.6281 -0.04846
## 3630  -2.5499 -0.04846
## 3631  -2.4716 -0.04846
## 3632  -2.3934 -0.04846
## 3633  -2.3152 -0.04846
## 3634  -2.2369 -0.04846
## 3635  -2.1587 -0.04846
## 3636  -2.0805 -0.04846
## 3637  -2.0022 -0.04846
## 3638  -1.9240 -0.04846
## 3639  -1.8458 -0.04846
## 3640  -1.7676 -0.04846
## 3641  -1.6893 -0.04846
## 3642  -1.6111 -0.04846
## 3643  -1.5329 -0.04846
## 3644  -1.4546 -0.04846
## 3645  -1.3764 -0.04846
## 3646  -1.2982 -0.04846
## 3647  -1.2199 -0.04846
## 3648  -1.1417 -0.04846
## 3649  -1.0635 -0.04846
## 3650  -0.9852 -0.04846
## 3651  -0.9070 -0.04846
## 3652  -0.8288 -0.04846
## 3653  -0.7505 -0.04846
## 3654  -0.6723 -0.04846
## 3655  -0.5941 -0.04846
## 3656  -0.5158 -0.04846
## 3657  -0.4376 -0.04846
## 3658  -0.3594 -0.04846
## 3659  -0.2811 -0.04846
## 3660  -0.2029 -0.04846
## 3661  -0.1247 -0.04846
## 3662  -0.0464 -0.04846
## 3663   0.0318 -0.04846
## 3664   0.1100 -0.04846
## 3665   0.1883 -0.04846
## 3666   0.2665 -0.04846
## 3667   0.3447 -0.04846
## 3668   0.4230 -0.04846
## 3669   0.5012 -0.04846
## 3670   0.5794 -0.04846
## 3671   0.6577 -0.04846
## 3672   0.7359 -0.04846
## 3673   0.8141 -0.04846
## 3674   0.8923 -0.04846
## 3675   0.9706 -0.04846
## 3676   1.0488 -0.04846
## 3677   1.1270 -0.04846
## 3678   1.2053 -0.04846
## 3679   1.2835 -0.04846
## 3680   1.3617 -0.04846
## 3681   1.4400 -0.04846
## 3682   1.5182 -0.04846
## 3683   1.5964 -0.04846
## 3684   1.6747 -0.04846
## 3685   1.7529 -0.04846
## 3686   1.8311 -0.04846
## 3687   1.9094 -0.04846
## 3688   1.9876 -0.04846
## 3689   2.0658 -0.04846
## 3690   2.1441 -0.04846
## 3691   2.2223 -0.04846
## 3692   2.3005 -0.04846
## 3693   2.3788 -0.04846
## 3694   2.4570 -0.04846
## 3695   2.5352 -0.04846
## 3696   2.6135 -0.04846
## 3697   2.6917 -0.04846
## 3698   2.7699 -0.04846
## 3699   2.8482 -0.04846
## 3700   2.9264 -0.04846
## 3701  -4.8186  0.00728
## 3702  -4.7404  0.00728
## 3703  -4.6622  0.00728
## 3704  -4.5839  0.00728
## 3705  -4.5057  0.00728
## 3706  -4.4275  0.00728
## 3707  -4.3492  0.00728
## 3708  -4.2710  0.00728
## 3709  -4.1928  0.00728
## 3710  -4.1145  0.00728
## 3711  -4.0363  0.00728
## 3712  -3.9581  0.00728
## 3713  -3.8798  0.00728
## 3714  -3.8016  0.00728
## 3715  -3.7234  0.00728
## 3716  -3.6451  0.00728
## 3717  -3.5669  0.00728
## 3718  -3.4887  0.00728
## 3719  -3.4104  0.00728
## 3720  -3.3322  0.00728
## 3721  -3.2540  0.00728
## 3722  -3.1757  0.00728
## 3723  -3.0975  0.00728
## 3724  -3.0193  0.00728
## 3725  -2.9410  0.00728
## 3726  -2.8628  0.00728
## 3727  -2.7846  0.00728
## 3728  -2.7063  0.00728
## 3729  -2.6281  0.00728
## 3730  -2.5499  0.00728
## 3731  -2.4716  0.00728
## 3732  -2.3934  0.00728
## 3733  -2.3152  0.00728
## 3734  -2.2369  0.00728
## 3735  -2.1587  0.00728
## 3736  -2.0805  0.00728
## 3737  -2.0022  0.00728
## 3738  -1.9240  0.00728
## 3739  -1.8458  0.00728
## 3740  -1.7676  0.00728
## 3741  -1.6893  0.00728
## 3742  -1.6111  0.00728
## 3743  -1.5329  0.00728
## 3744  -1.4546  0.00728
## 3745  -1.3764  0.00728
## 3746  -1.2982  0.00728
## 3747  -1.2199  0.00728
## 3748  -1.1417  0.00728
## 3749  -1.0635  0.00728
## 3750  -0.9852  0.00728
## 3751  -0.9070  0.00728
## 3752  -0.8288  0.00728
## 3753  -0.7505  0.00728
## 3754  -0.6723  0.00728
## 3755  -0.5941  0.00728
## 3756  -0.5158  0.00728
## 3757  -0.4376  0.00728
## 3758  -0.3594  0.00728
## 3759  -0.2811  0.00728
## 3760  -0.2029  0.00728
## 3761  -0.1247  0.00728
## 3762  -0.0464  0.00728
## 3763   0.0318  0.00728
## 3764   0.1100  0.00728
## 3765   0.1883  0.00728
## 3766   0.2665  0.00728
## 3767   0.3447  0.00728
## 3768   0.4230  0.00728
## 3769   0.5012  0.00728
## 3770   0.5794  0.00728
## 3771   0.6577  0.00728
## 3772   0.7359  0.00728
## 3773   0.8141  0.00728
## 3774   0.8923  0.00728
## 3775   0.9706  0.00728
## 3776   1.0488  0.00728
## 3777   1.1270  0.00728
## 3778   1.2053  0.00728
## 3779   1.2835  0.00728
## 3780   1.3617  0.00728
## 3781   1.4400  0.00728
## 3782   1.5182  0.00728
## 3783   1.5964  0.00728
## 3784   1.6747  0.00728
## 3785   1.7529  0.00728
## 3786   1.8311  0.00728
## 3787   1.9094  0.00728
## 3788   1.9876  0.00728
## 3789   2.0658  0.00728
## 3790   2.1441  0.00728
## 3791   2.2223  0.00728
## 3792   2.3005  0.00728
## 3793   2.3788  0.00728
## 3794   2.4570  0.00728
## 3795   2.5352  0.00728
## 3796   2.6135  0.00728
## 3797   2.6917  0.00728
## 3798   2.7699  0.00728
## 3799   2.8482  0.00728
## 3800   2.9264  0.00728
## 3801  -4.8186  0.06303
## 3802  -4.7404  0.06303
## 3803  -4.6622  0.06303
## 3804  -4.5839  0.06303
## 3805  -4.5057  0.06303
## 3806  -4.4275  0.06303
## 3807  -4.3492  0.06303
## 3808  -4.2710  0.06303
## 3809  -4.1928  0.06303
## 3810  -4.1145  0.06303
## 3811  -4.0363  0.06303
## 3812  -3.9581  0.06303
## 3813  -3.8798  0.06303
## 3814  -3.8016  0.06303
## 3815  -3.7234  0.06303
## 3816  -3.6451  0.06303
## 3817  -3.5669  0.06303
## 3818  -3.4887  0.06303
## 3819  -3.4104  0.06303
## 3820  -3.3322  0.06303
## 3821  -3.2540  0.06303
## 3822  -3.1757  0.06303
## 3823  -3.0975  0.06303
## 3824  -3.0193  0.06303
## 3825  -2.9410  0.06303
## 3826  -2.8628  0.06303
## 3827  -2.7846  0.06303
## 3828  -2.7063  0.06303
## 3829  -2.6281  0.06303
## 3830  -2.5499  0.06303
## 3831  -2.4716  0.06303
## 3832  -2.3934  0.06303
## 3833  -2.3152  0.06303
## 3834  -2.2369  0.06303
## 3835  -2.1587  0.06303
## 3836  -2.0805  0.06303
## 3837  -2.0022  0.06303
## 3838  -1.9240  0.06303
## 3839  -1.8458  0.06303
## 3840  -1.7676  0.06303
## 3841  -1.6893  0.06303
## 3842  -1.6111  0.06303
## 3843  -1.5329  0.06303
## 3844  -1.4546  0.06303
## 3845  -1.3764  0.06303
## 3846  -1.2982  0.06303
## 3847  -1.2199  0.06303
## 3848  -1.1417  0.06303
## 3849  -1.0635  0.06303
## 3850  -0.9852  0.06303
## 3851  -0.9070  0.06303
## 3852  -0.8288  0.06303
## 3853  -0.7505  0.06303
## 3854  -0.6723  0.06303
## 3855  -0.5941  0.06303
## 3856  -0.5158  0.06303
## 3857  -0.4376  0.06303
## 3858  -0.3594  0.06303
## 3859  -0.2811  0.06303
## 3860  -0.2029  0.06303
## 3861  -0.1247  0.06303
## 3862  -0.0464  0.06303
## 3863   0.0318  0.06303
## 3864   0.1100  0.06303
## 3865   0.1883  0.06303
## 3866   0.2665  0.06303
## 3867   0.3447  0.06303
## 3868   0.4230  0.06303
## 3869   0.5012  0.06303
## 3870   0.5794  0.06303
## 3871   0.6577  0.06303
## 3872   0.7359  0.06303
## 3873   0.8141  0.06303
## 3874   0.8923  0.06303
## 3875   0.9706  0.06303
## 3876   1.0488  0.06303
## 3877   1.1270  0.06303
## 3878   1.2053  0.06303
## 3879   1.2835  0.06303
## 3880   1.3617  0.06303
## 3881   1.4400  0.06303
## 3882   1.5182  0.06303
## 3883   1.5964  0.06303
## 3884   1.6747  0.06303
## 3885   1.7529  0.06303
## 3886   1.8311  0.06303
## 3887   1.9094  0.06303
## 3888   1.9876  0.06303
## 3889   2.0658  0.06303
## 3890   2.1441  0.06303
## 3891   2.2223  0.06303
## 3892   2.3005  0.06303
## 3893   2.3788  0.06303
## 3894   2.4570  0.06303
## 3895   2.5352  0.06303
## 3896   2.6135  0.06303
## 3897   2.6917  0.06303
## 3898   2.7699  0.06303
## 3899   2.8482  0.06303
## 3900   2.9264  0.06303
## 3901  -4.8186  0.11877
## 3902  -4.7404  0.11877
## 3903  -4.6622  0.11877
## 3904  -4.5839  0.11877
## 3905  -4.5057  0.11877
## 3906  -4.4275  0.11877
## 3907  -4.3492  0.11877
## 3908  -4.2710  0.11877
## 3909  -4.1928  0.11877
## 3910  -4.1145  0.11877
## 3911  -4.0363  0.11877
## 3912  -3.9581  0.11877
## 3913  -3.8798  0.11877
## 3914  -3.8016  0.11877
## 3915  -3.7234  0.11877
## 3916  -3.6451  0.11877
## 3917  -3.5669  0.11877
## 3918  -3.4887  0.11877
## 3919  -3.4104  0.11877
## 3920  -3.3322  0.11877
## 3921  -3.2540  0.11877
## 3922  -3.1757  0.11877
## 3923  -3.0975  0.11877
## 3924  -3.0193  0.11877
## 3925  -2.9410  0.11877
## 3926  -2.8628  0.11877
## 3927  -2.7846  0.11877
## 3928  -2.7063  0.11877
## 3929  -2.6281  0.11877
## 3930  -2.5499  0.11877
## 3931  -2.4716  0.11877
## 3932  -2.3934  0.11877
## 3933  -2.3152  0.11877
## 3934  -2.2369  0.11877
## 3935  -2.1587  0.11877
## 3936  -2.0805  0.11877
## 3937  -2.0022  0.11877
## 3938  -1.9240  0.11877
## 3939  -1.8458  0.11877
## 3940  -1.7676  0.11877
## 3941  -1.6893  0.11877
## 3942  -1.6111  0.11877
## 3943  -1.5329  0.11877
## 3944  -1.4546  0.11877
## 3945  -1.3764  0.11877
## 3946  -1.2982  0.11877
## 3947  -1.2199  0.11877
## 3948  -1.1417  0.11877
## 3949  -1.0635  0.11877
## 3950  -0.9852  0.11877
## 3951  -0.9070  0.11877
## 3952  -0.8288  0.11877
## 3953  -0.7505  0.11877
## 3954  -0.6723  0.11877
## 3955  -0.5941  0.11877
## 3956  -0.5158  0.11877
## 3957  -0.4376  0.11877
## 3958  -0.3594  0.11877
## 3959  -0.2811  0.11877
## 3960  -0.2029  0.11877
## 3961  -0.1247  0.11877
## 3962  -0.0464  0.11877
## 3963   0.0318  0.11877
## 3964   0.1100  0.11877
## 3965   0.1883  0.11877
## 3966   0.2665  0.11877
## 3967   0.3447  0.11877
## 3968   0.4230  0.11877
## 3969   0.5012  0.11877
## 3970   0.5794  0.11877
## 3971   0.6577  0.11877
## 3972   0.7359  0.11877
## 3973   0.8141  0.11877
## 3974   0.8923  0.11877
## 3975   0.9706  0.11877
## 3976   1.0488  0.11877
## 3977   1.1270  0.11877
## 3978   1.2053  0.11877
## 3979   1.2835  0.11877
## 3980   1.3617  0.11877
## 3981   1.4400  0.11877
## 3982   1.5182  0.11877
## 3983   1.5964  0.11877
## 3984   1.6747  0.11877
## 3985   1.7529  0.11877
## 3986   1.8311  0.11877
## 3987   1.9094  0.11877
## 3988   1.9876  0.11877
## 3989   2.0658  0.11877
## 3990   2.1441  0.11877
## 3991   2.2223  0.11877
## 3992   2.3005  0.11877
## 3993   2.3788  0.11877
## 3994   2.4570  0.11877
## 3995   2.5352  0.11877
## 3996   2.6135  0.11877
## 3997   2.6917  0.11877
## 3998   2.7699  0.11877
## 3999   2.8482  0.11877
## 4000   2.9264  0.11877
## 4001  -4.8186  0.17452
## 4002  -4.7404  0.17452
## 4003  -4.6622  0.17452
## 4004  -4.5839  0.17452
## 4005  -4.5057  0.17452
## 4006  -4.4275  0.17452
## 4007  -4.3492  0.17452
## 4008  -4.2710  0.17452
## 4009  -4.1928  0.17452
## 4010  -4.1145  0.17452
## 4011  -4.0363  0.17452
## 4012  -3.9581  0.17452
## 4013  -3.8798  0.17452
## 4014  -3.8016  0.17452
## 4015  -3.7234  0.17452
## 4016  -3.6451  0.17452
## 4017  -3.5669  0.17452
## 4018  -3.4887  0.17452
## 4019  -3.4104  0.17452
## 4020  -3.3322  0.17452
## 4021  -3.2540  0.17452
## 4022  -3.1757  0.17452
## 4023  -3.0975  0.17452
## 4024  -3.0193  0.17452
## 4025  -2.9410  0.17452
## 4026  -2.8628  0.17452
## 4027  -2.7846  0.17452
## 4028  -2.7063  0.17452
## 4029  -2.6281  0.17452
## 4030  -2.5499  0.17452
## 4031  -2.4716  0.17452
## 4032  -2.3934  0.17452
## 4033  -2.3152  0.17452
## 4034  -2.2369  0.17452
## 4035  -2.1587  0.17452
## 4036  -2.0805  0.17452
## 4037  -2.0022  0.17452
## 4038  -1.9240  0.17452
## 4039  -1.8458  0.17452
## 4040  -1.7676  0.17452
## 4041  -1.6893  0.17452
## 4042  -1.6111  0.17452
## 4043  -1.5329  0.17452
## 4044  -1.4546  0.17452
## 4045  -1.3764  0.17452
## 4046  -1.2982  0.17452
## 4047  -1.2199  0.17452
## 4048  -1.1417  0.17452
## 4049  -1.0635  0.17452
## 4050  -0.9852  0.17452
## 4051  -0.9070  0.17452
## 4052  -0.8288  0.17452
## 4053  -0.7505  0.17452
## 4054  -0.6723  0.17452
## 4055  -0.5941  0.17452
## 4056  -0.5158  0.17452
## 4057  -0.4376  0.17452
## 4058  -0.3594  0.17452
## 4059  -0.2811  0.17452
## 4060  -0.2029  0.17452
## 4061  -0.1247  0.17452
## 4062  -0.0464  0.17452
## 4063   0.0318  0.17452
## 4064   0.1100  0.17452
## 4065   0.1883  0.17452
## 4066   0.2665  0.17452
## 4067   0.3447  0.17452
## 4068   0.4230  0.17452
## 4069   0.5012  0.17452
## 4070   0.5794  0.17452
## 4071   0.6577  0.17452
## 4072   0.7359  0.17452
## 4073   0.8141  0.17452
## 4074   0.8923  0.17452
## 4075   0.9706  0.17452
## 4076   1.0488  0.17452
## 4077   1.1270  0.17452
## 4078   1.2053  0.17452
## 4079   1.2835  0.17452
## 4080   1.3617  0.17452
## 4081   1.4400  0.17452
## 4082   1.5182  0.17452
## 4083   1.5964  0.17452
## 4084   1.6747  0.17452
## 4085   1.7529  0.17452
## 4086   1.8311  0.17452
## 4087   1.9094  0.17452
## 4088   1.9876  0.17452
## 4089   2.0658  0.17452
## 4090   2.1441  0.17452
## 4091   2.2223  0.17452
## 4092   2.3005  0.17452
## 4093   2.3788  0.17452
## 4094   2.4570  0.17452
## 4095   2.5352  0.17452
## 4096   2.6135  0.17452
## 4097   2.6917  0.17452
## 4098   2.7699  0.17452
## 4099   2.8482  0.17452
## 4100   2.9264  0.17452
## 4101  -4.8186  0.23026
## 4102  -4.7404  0.23026
## 4103  -4.6622  0.23026
## 4104  -4.5839  0.23026
## 4105  -4.5057  0.23026
## 4106  -4.4275  0.23026
## 4107  -4.3492  0.23026
## 4108  -4.2710  0.23026
## 4109  -4.1928  0.23026
## 4110  -4.1145  0.23026
## 4111  -4.0363  0.23026
## 4112  -3.9581  0.23026
## 4113  -3.8798  0.23026
## 4114  -3.8016  0.23026
## 4115  -3.7234  0.23026
## 4116  -3.6451  0.23026
## 4117  -3.5669  0.23026
## 4118  -3.4887  0.23026
## 4119  -3.4104  0.23026
## 4120  -3.3322  0.23026
## 4121  -3.2540  0.23026
## 4122  -3.1757  0.23026
## 4123  -3.0975  0.23026
## 4124  -3.0193  0.23026
## 4125  -2.9410  0.23026
## 4126  -2.8628  0.23026
## 4127  -2.7846  0.23026
## 4128  -2.7063  0.23026
## 4129  -2.6281  0.23026
## 4130  -2.5499  0.23026
## 4131  -2.4716  0.23026
## 4132  -2.3934  0.23026
## 4133  -2.3152  0.23026
## 4134  -2.2369  0.23026
## 4135  -2.1587  0.23026
## 4136  -2.0805  0.23026
## 4137  -2.0022  0.23026
## 4138  -1.9240  0.23026
## 4139  -1.8458  0.23026
## 4140  -1.7676  0.23026
## 4141  -1.6893  0.23026
## 4142  -1.6111  0.23026
## 4143  -1.5329  0.23026
## 4144  -1.4546  0.23026
## 4145  -1.3764  0.23026
## 4146  -1.2982  0.23026
## 4147  -1.2199  0.23026
## 4148  -1.1417  0.23026
## 4149  -1.0635  0.23026
## 4150  -0.9852  0.23026
## 4151  -0.9070  0.23026
## 4152  -0.8288  0.23026
## 4153  -0.7505  0.23026
## 4154  -0.6723  0.23026
## 4155  -0.5941  0.23026
## 4156  -0.5158  0.23026
## 4157  -0.4376  0.23026
## 4158  -0.3594  0.23026
## 4159  -0.2811  0.23026
## 4160  -0.2029  0.23026
## 4161  -0.1247  0.23026
## 4162  -0.0464  0.23026
## 4163   0.0318  0.23026
## 4164   0.1100  0.23026
## 4165   0.1883  0.23026
## 4166   0.2665  0.23026
## 4167   0.3447  0.23026
## 4168   0.4230  0.23026
## 4169   0.5012  0.23026
## 4170   0.5794  0.23026
## 4171   0.6577  0.23026
## 4172   0.7359  0.23026
## 4173   0.8141  0.23026
## 4174   0.8923  0.23026
## 4175   0.9706  0.23026
## 4176   1.0488  0.23026
## 4177   1.1270  0.23026
## 4178   1.2053  0.23026
## 4179   1.2835  0.23026
## 4180   1.3617  0.23026
## 4181   1.4400  0.23026
## 4182   1.5182  0.23026
## 4183   1.5964  0.23026
## 4184   1.6747  0.23026
## 4185   1.7529  0.23026
## 4186   1.8311  0.23026
## 4187   1.9094  0.23026
## 4188   1.9876  0.23026
## 4189   2.0658  0.23026
## 4190   2.1441  0.23026
## 4191   2.2223  0.23026
## 4192   2.3005  0.23026
## 4193   2.3788  0.23026
## 4194   2.4570  0.23026
## 4195   2.5352  0.23026
## 4196   2.6135  0.23026
## 4197   2.6917  0.23026
## 4198   2.7699  0.23026
## 4199   2.8482  0.23026
## 4200   2.9264  0.23026
## 4201  -4.8186  0.28601
## 4202  -4.7404  0.28601
## 4203  -4.6622  0.28601
## 4204  -4.5839  0.28601
## 4205  -4.5057  0.28601
## 4206  -4.4275  0.28601
## 4207  -4.3492  0.28601
## 4208  -4.2710  0.28601
## 4209  -4.1928  0.28601
## 4210  -4.1145  0.28601
## 4211  -4.0363  0.28601
## 4212  -3.9581  0.28601
## 4213  -3.8798  0.28601
## 4214  -3.8016  0.28601
## 4215  -3.7234  0.28601
## 4216  -3.6451  0.28601
## 4217  -3.5669  0.28601
## 4218  -3.4887  0.28601
## 4219  -3.4104  0.28601
## 4220  -3.3322  0.28601
## 4221  -3.2540  0.28601
## 4222  -3.1757  0.28601
## 4223  -3.0975  0.28601
## 4224  -3.0193  0.28601
## 4225  -2.9410  0.28601
## 4226  -2.8628  0.28601
## 4227  -2.7846  0.28601
## 4228  -2.7063  0.28601
## 4229  -2.6281  0.28601
## 4230  -2.5499  0.28601
## 4231  -2.4716  0.28601
## 4232  -2.3934  0.28601
## 4233  -2.3152  0.28601
## 4234  -2.2369  0.28601
## 4235  -2.1587  0.28601
## 4236  -2.0805  0.28601
## 4237  -2.0022  0.28601
## 4238  -1.9240  0.28601
## 4239  -1.8458  0.28601
## 4240  -1.7676  0.28601
## 4241  -1.6893  0.28601
## 4242  -1.6111  0.28601
## 4243  -1.5329  0.28601
## 4244  -1.4546  0.28601
## 4245  -1.3764  0.28601
## 4246  -1.2982  0.28601
## 4247  -1.2199  0.28601
## 4248  -1.1417  0.28601
## 4249  -1.0635  0.28601
## 4250  -0.9852  0.28601
## 4251  -0.9070  0.28601
## 4252  -0.8288  0.28601
## 4253  -0.7505  0.28601
## 4254  -0.6723  0.28601
## 4255  -0.5941  0.28601
## 4256  -0.5158  0.28601
## 4257  -0.4376  0.28601
## 4258  -0.3594  0.28601
## 4259  -0.2811  0.28601
## 4260  -0.2029  0.28601
## 4261  -0.1247  0.28601
## 4262  -0.0464  0.28601
## 4263   0.0318  0.28601
## 4264   0.1100  0.28601
## 4265   0.1883  0.28601
## 4266   0.2665  0.28601
## 4267   0.3447  0.28601
## 4268   0.4230  0.28601
## 4269   0.5012  0.28601
## 4270   0.5794  0.28601
## 4271   0.6577  0.28601
## 4272   0.7359  0.28601
## 4273   0.8141  0.28601
## 4274   0.8923  0.28601
## 4275   0.9706  0.28601
## 4276   1.0488  0.28601
## 4277   1.1270  0.28601
## 4278   1.2053  0.28601
## 4279   1.2835  0.28601
## 4280   1.3617  0.28601
## 4281   1.4400  0.28601
## 4282   1.5182  0.28601
## 4283   1.5964  0.28601
## 4284   1.6747  0.28601
## 4285   1.7529  0.28601
## 4286   1.8311  0.28601
## 4287   1.9094  0.28601
## 4288   1.9876  0.28601
## 4289   2.0658  0.28601
## 4290   2.1441  0.28601
## 4291   2.2223  0.28601
## 4292   2.3005  0.28601
## 4293   2.3788  0.28601
## 4294   2.4570  0.28601
## 4295   2.5352  0.28601
## 4296   2.6135  0.28601
## 4297   2.6917  0.28601
## 4298   2.7699  0.28601
## 4299   2.8482  0.28601
## 4300   2.9264  0.28601
## 4301  -4.8186  0.34175
## 4302  -4.7404  0.34175
## 4303  -4.6622  0.34175
## 4304  -4.5839  0.34175
## 4305  -4.5057  0.34175
## 4306  -4.4275  0.34175
## 4307  -4.3492  0.34175
## 4308  -4.2710  0.34175
## 4309  -4.1928  0.34175
## 4310  -4.1145  0.34175
## 4311  -4.0363  0.34175
## 4312  -3.9581  0.34175
## 4313  -3.8798  0.34175
## 4314  -3.8016  0.34175
## 4315  -3.7234  0.34175
## 4316  -3.6451  0.34175
## 4317  -3.5669  0.34175
## 4318  -3.4887  0.34175
## 4319  -3.4104  0.34175
## 4320  -3.3322  0.34175
## 4321  -3.2540  0.34175
## 4322  -3.1757  0.34175
## 4323  -3.0975  0.34175
## 4324  -3.0193  0.34175
## 4325  -2.9410  0.34175
## 4326  -2.8628  0.34175
## 4327  -2.7846  0.34175
## 4328  -2.7063  0.34175
## 4329  -2.6281  0.34175
## 4330  -2.5499  0.34175
## 4331  -2.4716  0.34175
## 4332  -2.3934  0.34175
## 4333  -2.3152  0.34175
## 4334  -2.2369  0.34175
## 4335  -2.1587  0.34175
## 4336  -2.0805  0.34175
## 4337  -2.0022  0.34175
## 4338  -1.9240  0.34175
## 4339  -1.8458  0.34175
## 4340  -1.7676  0.34175
## 4341  -1.6893  0.34175
## 4342  -1.6111  0.34175
## 4343  -1.5329  0.34175
## 4344  -1.4546  0.34175
## 4345  -1.3764  0.34175
## 4346  -1.2982  0.34175
## 4347  -1.2199  0.34175
## 4348  -1.1417  0.34175
## 4349  -1.0635  0.34175
## 4350  -0.9852  0.34175
## 4351  -0.9070  0.34175
## 4352  -0.8288  0.34175
## 4353  -0.7505  0.34175
## 4354  -0.6723  0.34175
## 4355  -0.5941  0.34175
## 4356  -0.5158  0.34175
## 4357  -0.4376  0.34175
## 4358  -0.3594  0.34175
## 4359  -0.2811  0.34175
## 4360  -0.2029  0.34175
## 4361  -0.1247  0.34175
## 4362  -0.0464  0.34175
## 4363   0.0318  0.34175
## 4364   0.1100  0.34175
## 4365   0.1883  0.34175
## 4366   0.2665  0.34175
## 4367   0.3447  0.34175
## 4368   0.4230  0.34175
## 4369   0.5012  0.34175
## 4370   0.5794  0.34175
## 4371   0.6577  0.34175
## 4372   0.7359  0.34175
## 4373   0.8141  0.34175
## 4374   0.8923  0.34175
## 4375   0.9706  0.34175
## 4376   1.0488  0.34175
## 4377   1.1270  0.34175
## 4378   1.2053  0.34175
## 4379   1.2835  0.34175
## 4380   1.3617  0.34175
## 4381   1.4400  0.34175
## 4382   1.5182  0.34175
## 4383   1.5964  0.34175
## 4384   1.6747  0.34175
## 4385   1.7529  0.34175
## 4386   1.8311  0.34175
## 4387   1.9094  0.34175
## 4388   1.9876  0.34175
## 4389   2.0658  0.34175
## 4390   2.1441  0.34175
## 4391   2.2223  0.34175
## 4392   2.3005  0.34175
## 4393   2.3788  0.34175
## 4394   2.4570  0.34175
## 4395   2.5352  0.34175
## 4396   2.6135  0.34175
## 4397   2.6917  0.34175
## 4398   2.7699  0.34175
## 4399   2.8482  0.34175
## 4400   2.9264  0.34175
## 4401  -4.8186  0.39750
## 4402  -4.7404  0.39750
## 4403  -4.6622  0.39750
## 4404  -4.5839  0.39750
## 4405  -4.5057  0.39750
## 4406  -4.4275  0.39750
## 4407  -4.3492  0.39750
## 4408  -4.2710  0.39750
## 4409  -4.1928  0.39750
## 4410  -4.1145  0.39750
## 4411  -4.0363  0.39750
## 4412  -3.9581  0.39750
## 4413  -3.8798  0.39750
## 4414  -3.8016  0.39750
## 4415  -3.7234  0.39750
## 4416  -3.6451  0.39750
## 4417  -3.5669  0.39750
## 4418  -3.4887  0.39750
## 4419  -3.4104  0.39750
## 4420  -3.3322  0.39750
## 4421  -3.2540  0.39750
## 4422  -3.1757  0.39750
## 4423  -3.0975  0.39750
## 4424  -3.0193  0.39750
## 4425  -2.9410  0.39750
## 4426  -2.8628  0.39750
## 4427  -2.7846  0.39750
## 4428  -2.7063  0.39750
## 4429  -2.6281  0.39750
## 4430  -2.5499  0.39750
## 4431  -2.4716  0.39750
## 4432  -2.3934  0.39750
## 4433  -2.3152  0.39750
## 4434  -2.2369  0.39750
## 4435  -2.1587  0.39750
## 4436  -2.0805  0.39750
## 4437  -2.0022  0.39750
## 4438  -1.9240  0.39750
## 4439  -1.8458  0.39750
## 4440  -1.7676  0.39750
## 4441  -1.6893  0.39750
## 4442  -1.6111  0.39750
## 4443  -1.5329  0.39750
## 4444  -1.4546  0.39750
## 4445  -1.3764  0.39750
## 4446  -1.2982  0.39750
## 4447  -1.2199  0.39750
## 4448  -1.1417  0.39750
## 4449  -1.0635  0.39750
## 4450  -0.9852  0.39750
## 4451  -0.9070  0.39750
## 4452  -0.8288  0.39750
## 4453  -0.7505  0.39750
## 4454  -0.6723  0.39750
## 4455  -0.5941  0.39750
## 4456  -0.5158  0.39750
## 4457  -0.4376  0.39750
## 4458  -0.3594  0.39750
## 4459  -0.2811  0.39750
## 4460  -0.2029  0.39750
## 4461  -0.1247  0.39750
## 4462  -0.0464  0.39750
## 4463   0.0318  0.39750
## 4464   0.1100  0.39750
## 4465   0.1883  0.39750
## 4466   0.2665  0.39750
## 4467   0.3447  0.39750
## 4468   0.4230  0.39750
## 4469   0.5012  0.39750
## 4470   0.5794  0.39750
## 4471   0.6577  0.39750
## 4472   0.7359  0.39750
## 4473   0.8141  0.39750
## 4474   0.8923  0.39750
## 4475   0.9706  0.39750
## 4476   1.0488  0.39750
## 4477   1.1270  0.39750
## 4478   1.2053  0.39750
## 4479   1.2835  0.39750
## 4480   1.3617  0.39750
## 4481   1.4400  0.39750
## 4482   1.5182  0.39750
## 4483   1.5964  0.39750
## 4484   1.6747  0.39750
## 4485   1.7529  0.39750
## 4486   1.8311  0.39750
## 4487   1.9094  0.39750
## 4488   1.9876  0.39750
## 4489   2.0658  0.39750
## 4490   2.1441  0.39750
## 4491   2.2223  0.39750
## 4492   2.3005  0.39750
## 4493   2.3788  0.39750
## 4494   2.4570  0.39750
## 4495   2.5352  0.39750
## 4496   2.6135  0.39750
## 4497   2.6917  0.39750
## 4498   2.7699  0.39750
## 4499   2.8482  0.39750
## 4500   2.9264  0.39750
## 4501  -4.8186  0.45324
## 4502  -4.7404  0.45324
## 4503  -4.6622  0.45324
## 4504  -4.5839  0.45324
## 4505  -4.5057  0.45324
## 4506  -4.4275  0.45324
## 4507  -4.3492  0.45324
## 4508  -4.2710  0.45324
## 4509  -4.1928  0.45324
## 4510  -4.1145  0.45324
## 4511  -4.0363  0.45324
## 4512  -3.9581  0.45324
## 4513  -3.8798  0.45324
## 4514  -3.8016  0.45324
## 4515  -3.7234  0.45324
## 4516  -3.6451  0.45324
## 4517  -3.5669  0.45324
## 4518  -3.4887  0.45324
## 4519  -3.4104  0.45324
## 4520  -3.3322  0.45324
## 4521  -3.2540  0.45324
## 4522  -3.1757  0.45324
## 4523  -3.0975  0.45324
## 4524  -3.0193  0.45324
## 4525  -2.9410  0.45324
## 4526  -2.8628  0.45324
## 4527  -2.7846  0.45324
## 4528  -2.7063  0.45324
## 4529  -2.6281  0.45324
## 4530  -2.5499  0.45324
## 4531  -2.4716  0.45324
## 4532  -2.3934  0.45324
## 4533  -2.3152  0.45324
## 4534  -2.2369  0.45324
## 4535  -2.1587  0.45324
## 4536  -2.0805  0.45324
## 4537  -2.0022  0.45324
## 4538  -1.9240  0.45324
## 4539  -1.8458  0.45324
## 4540  -1.7676  0.45324
## 4541  -1.6893  0.45324
## 4542  -1.6111  0.45324
## 4543  -1.5329  0.45324
## 4544  -1.4546  0.45324
## 4545  -1.3764  0.45324
## 4546  -1.2982  0.45324
## 4547  -1.2199  0.45324
## 4548  -1.1417  0.45324
## 4549  -1.0635  0.45324
## 4550  -0.9852  0.45324
## 4551  -0.9070  0.45324
## 4552  -0.8288  0.45324
## 4553  -0.7505  0.45324
## 4554  -0.6723  0.45324
## 4555  -0.5941  0.45324
## 4556  -0.5158  0.45324
## 4557  -0.4376  0.45324
## 4558  -0.3594  0.45324
## 4559  -0.2811  0.45324
## 4560  -0.2029  0.45324
## 4561  -0.1247  0.45324
## 4562  -0.0464  0.45324
## 4563   0.0318  0.45324
## 4564   0.1100  0.45324
## 4565   0.1883  0.45324
## 4566   0.2665  0.45324
## 4567   0.3447  0.45324
## 4568   0.4230  0.45324
## 4569   0.5012  0.45324
## 4570   0.5794  0.45324
## 4571   0.6577  0.45324
## 4572   0.7359  0.45324
## 4573   0.8141  0.45324
## 4574   0.8923  0.45324
## 4575   0.9706  0.45324
## 4576   1.0488  0.45324
## 4577   1.1270  0.45324
## 4578   1.2053  0.45324
## 4579   1.2835  0.45324
## 4580   1.3617  0.45324
## 4581   1.4400  0.45324
## 4582   1.5182  0.45324
## 4583   1.5964  0.45324
## 4584   1.6747  0.45324
## 4585   1.7529  0.45324
## 4586   1.8311  0.45324
## 4587   1.9094  0.45324
## 4588   1.9876  0.45324
## 4589   2.0658  0.45324
## 4590   2.1441  0.45324
## 4591   2.2223  0.45324
## 4592   2.3005  0.45324
## 4593   2.3788  0.45324
## 4594   2.4570  0.45324
## 4595   2.5352  0.45324
## 4596   2.6135  0.45324
## 4597   2.6917  0.45324
## 4598   2.7699  0.45324
## 4599   2.8482  0.45324
## 4600   2.9264  0.45324
## 4601  -4.8186  0.50899
## 4602  -4.7404  0.50899
## 4603  -4.6622  0.50899
## 4604  -4.5839  0.50899
## 4605  -4.5057  0.50899
## 4606  -4.4275  0.50899
## 4607  -4.3492  0.50899
## 4608  -4.2710  0.50899
## 4609  -4.1928  0.50899
## 4610  -4.1145  0.50899
## 4611  -4.0363  0.50899
## 4612  -3.9581  0.50899
## 4613  -3.8798  0.50899
## 4614  -3.8016  0.50899
## 4615  -3.7234  0.50899
## 4616  -3.6451  0.50899
## 4617  -3.5669  0.50899
## 4618  -3.4887  0.50899
## 4619  -3.4104  0.50899
## 4620  -3.3322  0.50899
## 4621  -3.2540  0.50899
## 4622  -3.1757  0.50899
## 4623  -3.0975  0.50899
## 4624  -3.0193  0.50899
## 4625  -2.9410  0.50899
## 4626  -2.8628  0.50899
## 4627  -2.7846  0.50899
## 4628  -2.7063  0.50899
## 4629  -2.6281  0.50899
## 4630  -2.5499  0.50899
## 4631  -2.4716  0.50899
## 4632  -2.3934  0.50899
## 4633  -2.3152  0.50899
## 4634  -2.2369  0.50899
## 4635  -2.1587  0.50899
## 4636  -2.0805  0.50899
## 4637  -2.0022  0.50899
## 4638  -1.9240  0.50899
## 4639  -1.8458  0.50899
## 4640  -1.7676  0.50899
## 4641  -1.6893  0.50899
## 4642  -1.6111  0.50899
## 4643  -1.5329  0.50899
## 4644  -1.4546  0.50899
## 4645  -1.3764  0.50899
## 4646  -1.2982  0.50899
## 4647  -1.2199  0.50899
## 4648  -1.1417  0.50899
## 4649  -1.0635  0.50899
## 4650  -0.9852  0.50899
## 4651  -0.9070  0.50899
## 4652  -0.8288  0.50899
## 4653  -0.7505  0.50899
## 4654  -0.6723  0.50899
## 4655  -0.5941  0.50899
## 4656  -0.5158  0.50899
## 4657  -0.4376  0.50899
## 4658  -0.3594  0.50899
## 4659  -0.2811  0.50899
## 4660  -0.2029  0.50899
## 4661  -0.1247  0.50899
## 4662  -0.0464  0.50899
## 4663   0.0318  0.50899
## 4664   0.1100  0.50899
## 4665   0.1883  0.50899
## 4666   0.2665  0.50899
## 4667   0.3447  0.50899
## 4668   0.4230  0.50899
## 4669   0.5012  0.50899
## 4670   0.5794  0.50899
## 4671   0.6577  0.50899
## 4672   0.7359  0.50899
## 4673   0.8141  0.50899
## 4674   0.8923  0.50899
## 4675   0.9706  0.50899
## 4676   1.0488  0.50899
## 4677   1.1270  0.50899
## 4678   1.2053  0.50899
## 4679   1.2835  0.50899
## 4680   1.3617  0.50899
## 4681   1.4400  0.50899
## 4682   1.5182  0.50899
## 4683   1.5964  0.50899
## 4684   1.6747  0.50899
## 4685   1.7529  0.50899
## 4686   1.8311  0.50899
## 4687   1.9094  0.50899
## 4688   1.9876  0.50899
## 4689   2.0658  0.50899
## 4690   2.1441  0.50899
## 4691   2.2223  0.50899
## 4692   2.3005  0.50899
## 4693   2.3788  0.50899
## 4694   2.4570  0.50899
## 4695   2.5352  0.50899
## 4696   2.6135  0.50899
## 4697   2.6917  0.50899
## 4698   2.7699  0.50899
## 4699   2.8482  0.50899
## 4700   2.9264  0.50899
## 4701  -4.8186  0.56473
## 4702  -4.7404  0.56473
## 4703  -4.6622  0.56473
## 4704  -4.5839  0.56473
## 4705  -4.5057  0.56473
## 4706  -4.4275  0.56473
## 4707  -4.3492  0.56473
## 4708  -4.2710  0.56473
## 4709  -4.1928  0.56473
## 4710  -4.1145  0.56473
## 4711  -4.0363  0.56473
## 4712  -3.9581  0.56473
## 4713  -3.8798  0.56473
## 4714  -3.8016  0.56473
## 4715  -3.7234  0.56473
## 4716  -3.6451  0.56473
## 4717  -3.5669  0.56473
## 4718  -3.4887  0.56473
## 4719  -3.4104  0.56473
## 4720  -3.3322  0.56473
## 4721  -3.2540  0.56473
## 4722  -3.1757  0.56473
## 4723  -3.0975  0.56473
## 4724  -3.0193  0.56473
## 4725  -2.9410  0.56473
## 4726  -2.8628  0.56473
## 4727  -2.7846  0.56473
## 4728  -2.7063  0.56473
## 4729  -2.6281  0.56473
## 4730  -2.5499  0.56473
## 4731  -2.4716  0.56473
## 4732  -2.3934  0.56473
## 4733  -2.3152  0.56473
## 4734  -2.2369  0.56473
## 4735  -2.1587  0.56473
## 4736  -2.0805  0.56473
## 4737  -2.0022  0.56473
## 4738  -1.9240  0.56473
## 4739  -1.8458  0.56473
## 4740  -1.7676  0.56473
## 4741  -1.6893  0.56473
## 4742  -1.6111  0.56473
## 4743  -1.5329  0.56473
## 4744  -1.4546  0.56473
## 4745  -1.3764  0.56473
## 4746  -1.2982  0.56473
## 4747  -1.2199  0.56473
## 4748  -1.1417  0.56473
## 4749  -1.0635  0.56473
## 4750  -0.9852  0.56473
## 4751  -0.9070  0.56473
## 4752  -0.8288  0.56473
## 4753  -0.7505  0.56473
## 4754  -0.6723  0.56473
## 4755  -0.5941  0.56473
## 4756  -0.5158  0.56473
## 4757  -0.4376  0.56473
## 4758  -0.3594  0.56473
## 4759  -0.2811  0.56473
## 4760  -0.2029  0.56473
## 4761  -0.1247  0.56473
## 4762  -0.0464  0.56473
## 4763   0.0318  0.56473
## 4764   0.1100  0.56473
## 4765   0.1883  0.56473
## 4766   0.2665  0.56473
## 4767   0.3447  0.56473
## 4768   0.4230  0.56473
## 4769   0.5012  0.56473
## 4770   0.5794  0.56473
## 4771   0.6577  0.56473
## 4772   0.7359  0.56473
## 4773   0.8141  0.56473
## 4774   0.8923  0.56473
## 4775   0.9706  0.56473
## 4776   1.0488  0.56473
## 4777   1.1270  0.56473
## 4778   1.2053  0.56473
## 4779   1.2835  0.56473
## 4780   1.3617  0.56473
## 4781   1.4400  0.56473
## 4782   1.5182  0.56473
## 4783   1.5964  0.56473
## 4784   1.6747  0.56473
## 4785   1.7529  0.56473
## 4786   1.8311  0.56473
## 4787   1.9094  0.56473
## 4788   1.9876  0.56473
## 4789   2.0658  0.56473
## 4790   2.1441  0.56473
## 4791   2.2223  0.56473
## 4792   2.3005  0.56473
## 4793   2.3788  0.56473
## 4794   2.4570  0.56473
## 4795   2.5352  0.56473
## 4796   2.6135  0.56473
## 4797   2.6917  0.56473
## 4798   2.7699  0.56473
## 4799   2.8482  0.56473
## 4800   2.9264  0.56473
## 4801  -4.8186  0.62048
## 4802  -4.7404  0.62048
## 4803  -4.6622  0.62048
## 4804  -4.5839  0.62048
## 4805  -4.5057  0.62048
## 4806  -4.4275  0.62048
## 4807  -4.3492  0.62048
## 4808  -4.2710  0.62048
## 4809  -4.1928  0.62048
## 4810  -4.1145  0.62048
## 4811  -4.0363  0.62048
## 4812  -3.9581  0.62048
## 4813  -3.8798  0.62048
## 4814  -3.8016  0.62048
## 4815  -3.7234  0.62048
## 4816  -3.6451  0.62048
## 4817  -3.5669  0.62048
## 4818  -3.4887  0.62048
## 4819  -3.4104  0.62048
## 4820  -3.3322  0.62048
## 4821  -3.2540  0.62048
## 4822  -3.1757  0.62048
## 4823  -3.0975  0.62048
## 4824  -3.0193  0.62048
## 4825  -2.9410  0.62048
## 4826  -2.8628  0.62048
## 4827  -2.7846  0.62048
## 4828  -2.7063  0.62048
## 4829  -2.6281  0.62048
## 4830  -2.5499  0.62048
## 4831  -2.4716  0.62048
## 4832  -2.3934  0.62048
## 4833  -2.3152  0.62048
## 4834  -2.2369  0.62048
## 4835  -2.1587  0.62048
## 4836  -2.0805  0.62048
## 4837  -2.0022  0.62048
## 4838  -1.9240  0.62048
## 4839  -1.8458  0.62048
## 4840  -1.7676  0.62048
## 4841  -1.6893  0.62048
## 4842  -1.6111  0.62048
## 4843  -1.5329  0.62048
## 4844  -1.4546  0.62048
## 4845  -1.3764  0.62048
## 4846  -1.2982  0.62048
## 4847  -1.2199  0.62048
## 4848  -1.1417  0.62048
## 4849  -1.0635  0.62048
## 4850  -0.9852  0.62048
## 4851  -0.9070  0.62048
## 4852  -0.8288  0.62048
## 4853  -0.7505  0.62048
## 4854  -0.6723  0.62048
## 4855  -0.5941  0.62048
## 4856  -0.5158  0.62048
## 4857  -0.4376  0.62048
## 4858  -0.3594  0.62048
## 4859  -0.2811  0.62048
## 4860  -0.2029  0.62048
## 4861  -0.1247  0.62048
## 4862  -0.0464  0.62048
## 4863   0.0318  0.62048
## 4864   0.1100  0.62048
## 4865   0.1883  0.62048
## 4866   0.2665  0.62048
## 4867   0.3447  0.62048
## 4868   0.4230  0.62048
## 4869   0.5012  0.62048
## 4870   0.5794  0.62048
## 4871   0.6577  0.62048
## 4872   0.7359  0.62048
## 4873   0.8141  0.62048
## 4874   0.8923  0.62048
## 4875   0.9706  0.62048
## 4876   1.0488  0.62048
## 4877   1.1270  0.62048
## 4878   1.2053  0.62048
## 4879   1.2835  0.62048
## 4880   1.3617  0.62048
## 4881   1.4400  0.62048
## 4882   1.5182  0.62048
## 4883   1.5964  0.62048
## 4884   1.6747  0.62048
## 4885   1.7529  0.62048
## 4886   1.8311  0.62048
## 4887   1.9094  0.62048
## 4888   1.9876  0.62048
## 4889   2.0658  0.62048
## 4890   2.1441  0.62048
## 4891   2.2223  0.62048
## 4892   2.3005  0.62048
## 4893   2.3788  0.62048
## 4894   2.4570  0.62048
## 4895   2.5352  0.62048
## 4896   2.6135  0.62048
## 4897   2.6917  0.62048
## 4898   2.7699  0.62048
## 4899   2.8482  0.62048
## 4900   2.9264  0.62048
## 4901  -4.8186  0.67622
## 4902  -4.7404  0.67622
## 4903  -4.6622  0.67622
## 4904  -4.5839  0.67622
## 4905  -4.5057  0.67622
## 4906  -4.4275  0.67622
## 4907  -4.3492  0.67622
## 4908  -4.2710  0.67622
## 4909  -4.1928  0.67622
## 4910  -4.1145  0.67622
## 4911  -4.0363  0.67622
## 4912  -3.9581  0.67622
## 4913  -3.8798  0.67622
## 4914  -3.8016  0.67622
## 4915  -3.7234  0.67622
## 4916  -3.6451  0.67622
## 4917  -3.5669  0.67622
## 4918  -3.4887  0.67622
## 4919  -3.4104  0.67622
## 4920  -3.3322  0.67622
## 4921  -3.2540  0.67622
## 4922  -3.1757  0.67622
## 4923  -3.0975  0.67622
## 4924  -3.0193  0.67622
## 4925  -2.9410  0.67622
## 4926  -2.8628  0.67622
## 4927  -2.7846  0.67622
## 4928  -2.7063  0.67622
## 4929  -2.6281  0.67622
## 4930  -2.5499  0.67622
## 4931  -2.4716  0.67622
## 4932  -2.3934  0.67622
## 4933  -2.3152  0.67622
## 4934  -2.2369  0.67622
## 4935  -2.1587  0.67622
## 4936  -2.0805  0.67622
## 4937  -2.0022  0.67622
## 4938  -1.9240  0.67622
## 4939  -1.8458  0.67622
## 4940  -1.7676  0.67622
## 4941  -1.6893  0.67622
## 4942  -1.6111  0.67622
## 4943  -1.5329  0.67622
## 4944  -1.4546  0.67622
## 4945  -1.3764  0.67622
## 4946  -1.2982  0.67622
## 4947  -1.2199  0.67622
## 4948  -1.1417  0.67622
## 4949  -1.0635  0.67622
## 4950  -0.9852  0.67622
## 4951  -0.9070  0.67622
## 4952  -0.8288  0.67622
## 4953  -0.7505  0.67622
## 4954  -0.6723  0.67622
## 4955  -0.5941  0.67622
## 4956  -0.5158  0.67622
## 4957  -0.4376  0.67622
## 4958  -0.3594  0.67622
## 4959  -0.2811  0.67622
## 4960  -0.2029  0.67622
## 4961  -0.1247  0.67622
## 4962  -0.0464  0.67622
## 4963   0.0318  0.67622
## 4964   0.1100  0.67622
## 4965   0.1883  0.67622
## 4966   0.2665  0.67622
## 4967   0.3447  0.67622
## 4968   0.4230  0.67622
## 4969   0.5012  0.67622
## 4970   0.5794  0.67622
## 4971   0.6577  0.67622
## 4972   0.7359  0.67622
## 4973   0.8141  0.67622
## 4974   0.8923  0.67622
## 4975   0.9706  0.67622
## 4976   1.0488  0.67622
## 4977   1.1270  0.67622
## 4978   1.2053  0.67622
## 4979   1.2835  0.67622
## 4980   1.3617  0.67622
## 4981   1.4400  0.67622
## 4982   1.5182  0.67622
## 4983   1.5964  0.67622
## 4984   1.6747  0.67622
## 4985   1.7529  0.67622
## 4986   1.8311  0.67622
## 4987   1.9094  0.67622
## 4988   1.9876  0.67622
## 4989   2.0658  0.67622
## 4990   2.1441  0.67622
## 4991   2.2223  0.67622
## 4992   2.3005  0.67622
## 4993   2.3788  0.67622
## 4994   2.4570  0.67622
## 4995   2.5352  0.67622
## 4996   2.6135  0.67622
## 4997   2.6917  0.67622
## 4998   2.7699  0.67622
## 4999   2.8482  0.67622
## 5000   2.9264  0.67622
## 5001  -4.8186  0.73197
## 5002  -4.7404  0.73197
## 5003  -4.6622  0.73197
## 5004  -4.5839  0.73197
## 5005  -4.5057  0.73197
## 5006  -4.4275  0.73197
## 5007  -4.3492  0.73197
## 5008  -4.2710  0.73197
## 5009  -4.1928  0.73197
## 5010  -4.1145  0.73197
## 5011  -4.0363  0.73197
## 5012  -3.9581  0.73197
## 5013  -3.8798  0.73197
## 5014  -3.8016  0.73197
## 5015  -3.7234  0.73197
## 5016  -3.6451  0.73197
## 5017  -3.5669  0.73197
## 5018  -3.4887  0.73197
## 5019  -3.4104  0.73197
## 5020  -3.3322  0.73197
## 5021  -3.2540  0.73197
## 5022  -3.1757  0.73197
## 5023  -3.0975  0.73197
## 5024  -3.0193  0.73197
## 5025  -2.9410  0.73197
## 5026  -2.8628  0.73197
## 5027  -2.7846  0.73197
## 5028  -2.7063  0.73197
## 5029  -2.6281  0.73197
## 5030  -2.5499  0.73197
## 5031  -2.4716  0.73197
## 5032  -2.3934  0.73197
## 5033  -2.3152  0.73197
## 5034  -2.2369  0.73197
## 5035  -2.1587  0.73197
## 5036  -2.0805  0.73197
## 5037  -2.0022  0.73197
## 5038  -1.9240  0.73197
## 5039  -1.8458  0.73197
## 5040  -1.7676  0.73197
## 5041  -1.6893  0.73197
## 5042  -1.6111  0.73197
## 5043  -1.5329  0.73197
## 5044  -1.4546  0.73197
## 5045  -1.3764  0.73197
## 5046  -1.2982  0.73197
## 5047  -1.2199  0.73197
## 5048  -1.1417  0.73197
## 5049  -1.0635  0.73197
## 5050  -0.9852  0.73197
## 5051  -0.9070  0.73197
## 5052  -0.8288  0.73197
## 5053  -0.7505  0.73197
## 5054  -0.6723  0.73197
## 5055  -0.5941  0.73197
## 5056  -0.5158  0.73197
## 5057  -0.4376  0.73197
## 5058  -0.3594  0.73197
## 5059  -0.2811  0.73197
## 5060  -0.2029  0.73197
## 5061  -0.1247  0.73197
## 5062  -0.0464  0.73197
## 5063   0.0318  0.73197
## 5064   0.1100  0.73197
## 5065   0.1883  0.73197
## 5066   0.2665  0.73197
## 5067   0.3447  0.73197
## 5068   0.4230  0.73197
## 5069   0.5012  0.73197
## 5070   0.5794  0.73197
## 5071   0.6577  0.73197
## 5072   0.7359  0.73197
## 5073   0.8141  0.73197
## 5074   0.8923  0.73197
## 5075   0.9706  0.73197
## 5076   1.0488  0.73197
## 5077   1.1270  0.73197
## 5078   1.2053  0.73197
## 5079   1.2835  0.73197
## 5080   1.3617  0.73197
## 5081   1.4400  0.73197
## 5082   1.5182  0.73197
## 5083   1.5964  0.73197
## 5084   1.6747  0.73197
## 5085   1.7529  0.73197
## 5086   1.8311  0.73197
## 5087   1.9094  0.73197
## 5088   1.9876  0.73197
## 5089   2.0658  0.73197
## 5090   2.1441  0.73197
## 5091   2.2223  0.73197
## 5092   2.3005  0.73197
## 5093   2.3788  0.73197
## 5094   2.4570  0.73197
## 5095   2.5352  0.73197
## 5096   2.6135  0.73197
## 5097   2.6917  0.73197
## 5098   2.7699  0.73197
## 5099   2.8482  0.73197
## 5100   2.9264  0.73197
## 5101  -4.8186  0.78771
## 5102  -4.7404  0.78771
## 5103  -4.6622  0.78771
## 5104  -4.5839  0.78771
## 5105  -4.5057  0.78771
## 5106  -4.4275  0.78771
## 5107  -4.3492  0.78771
## 5108  -4.2710  0.78771
## 5109  -4.1928  0.78771
## 5110  -4.1145  0.78771
## 5111  -4.0363  0.78771
## 5112  -3.9581  0.78771
## 5113  -3.8798  0.78771
## 5114  -3.8016  0.78771
## 5115  -3.7234  0.78771
## 5116  -3.6451  0.78771
## 5117  -3.5669  0.78771
## 5118  -3.4887  0.78771
## 5119  -3.4104  0.78771
## 5120  -3.3322  0.78771
## 5121  -3.2540  0.78771
## 5122  -3.1757  0.78771
## 5123  -3.0975  0.78771
## 5124  -3.0193  0.78771
## 5125  -2.9410  0.78771
## 5126  -2.8628  0.78771
## 5127  -2.7846  0.78771
## 5128  -2.7063  0.78771
## 5129  -2.6281  0.78771
## 5130  -2.5499  0.78771
## 5131  -2.4716  0.78771
## 5132  -2.3934  0.78771
## 5133  -2.3152  0.78771
## 5134  -2.2369  0.78771
## 5135  -2.1587  0.78771
## 5136  -2.0805  0.78771
## 5137  -2.0022  0.78771
## 5138  -1.9240  0.78771
## 5139  -1.8458  0.78771
## 5140  -1.7676  0.78771
## 5141  -1.6893  0.78771
## 5142  -1.6111  0.78771
## 5143  -1.5329  0.78771
## 5144  -1.4546  0.78771
## 5145  -1.3764  0.78771
## 5146  -1.2982  0.78771
## 5147  -1.2199  0.78771
## 5148  -1.1417  0.78771
## 5149  -1.0635  0.78771
## 5150  -0.9852  0.78771
## 5151  -0.9070  0.78771
## 5152  -0.8288  0.78771
## 5153  -0.7505  0.78771
## 5154  -0.6723  0.78771
## 5155  -0.5941  0.78771
## 5156  -0.5158  0.78771
## 5157  -0.4376  0.78771
## 5158  -0.3594  0.78771
## 5159  -0.2811  0.78771
## 5160  -0.2029  0.78771
## 5161  -0.1247  0.78771
## 5162  -0.0464  0.78771
## 5163   0.0318  0.78771
## 5164   0.1100  0.78771
## 5165   0.1883  0.78771
## 5166   0.2665  0.78771
## 5167   0.3447  0.78771
## 5168   0.4230  0.78771
## 5169   0.5012  0.78771
## 5170   0.5794  0.78771
## 5171   0.6577  0.78771
## 5172   0.7359  0.78771
## 5173   0.8141  0.78771
## 5174   0.8923  0.78771
## 5175   0.9706  0.78771
## 5176   1.0488  0.78771
## 5177   1.1270  0.78771
## 5178   1.2053  0.78771
## 5179   1.2835  0.78771
## 5180   1.3617  0.78771
## 5181   1.4400  0.78771
## 5182   1.5182  0.78771
## 5183   1.5964  0.78771
## 5184   1.6747  0.78771
## 5185   1.7529  0.78771
## 5186   1.8311  0.78771
## 5187   1.9094  0.78771
## 5188   1.9876  0.78771
## 5189   2.0658  0.78771
## 5190   2.1441  0.78771
## 5191   2.2223  0.78771
## 5192   2.3005  0.78771
## 5193   2.3788  0.78771
## 5194   2.4570  0.78771
## 5195   2.5352  0.78771
## 5196   2.6135  0.78771
## 5197   2.6917  0.78771
## 5198   2.7699  0.78771
## 5199   2.8482  0.78771
## 5200   2.9264  0.78771
## 5201  -4.8186  0.84346
## 5202  -4.7404  0.84346
## 5203  -4.6622  0.84346
## 5204  -4.5839  0.84346
## 5205  -4.5057  0.84346
## 5206  -4.4275  0.84346
## 5207  -4.3492  0.84346
## 5208  -4.2710  0.84346
## 5209  -4.1928  0.84346
## 5210  -4.1145  0.84346
## 5211  -4.0363  0.84346
## 5212  -3.9581  0.84346
## 5213  -3.8798  0.84346
## 5214  -3.8016  0.84346
## 5215  -3.7234  0.84346
## 5216  -3.6451  0.84346
## 5217  -3.5669  0.84346
## 5218  -3.4887  0.84346
## 5219  -3.4104  0.84346
## 5220  -3.3322  0.84346
## 5221  -3.2540  0.84346
## 5222  -3.1757  0.84346
## 5223  -3.0975  0.84346
## 5224  -3.0193  0.84346
## 5225  -2.9410  0.84346
## 5226  -2.8628  0.84346
## 5227  -2.7846  0.84346
## 5228  -2.7063  0.84346
## 5229  -2.6281  0.84346
## 5230  -2.5499  0.84346
## 5231  -2.4716  0.84346
## 5232  -2.3934  0.84346
## 5233  -2.3152  0.84346
## 5234  -2.2369  0.84346
## 5235  -2.1587  0.84346
## 5236  -2.0805  0.84346
## 5237  -2.0022  0.84346
## 5238  -1.9240  0.84346
## 5239  -1.8458  0.84346
## 5240  -1.7676  0.84346
## 5241  -1.6893  0.84346
## 5242  -1.6111  0.84346
## 5243  -1.5329  0.84346
## 5244  -1.4546  0.84346
## 5245  -1.3764  0.84346
## 5246  -1.2982  0.84346
## 5247  -1.2199  0.84346
## 5248  -1.1417  0.84346
## 5249  -1.0635  0.84346
## 5250  -0.9852  0.84346
## 5251  -0.9070  0.84346
## 5252  -0.8288  0.84346
## 5253  -0.7505  0.84346
## 5254  -0.6723  0.84346
## 5255  -0.5941  0.84346
## 5256  -0.5158  0.84346
## 5257  -0.4376  0.84346
## 5258  -0.3594  0.84346
## 5259  -0.2811  0.84346
## 5260  -0.2029  0.84346
## 5261  -0.1247  0.84346
## 5262  -0.0464  0.84346
## 5263   0.0318  0.84346
## 5264   0.1100  0.84346
## 5265   0.1883  0.84346
## 5266   0.2665  0.84346
## 5267   0.3447  0.84346
## 5268   0.4230  0.84346
## 5269   0.5012  0.84346
## 5270   0.5794  0.84346
## 5271   0.6577  0.84346
## 5272   0.7359  0.84346
## 5273   0.8141  0.84346
## 5274   0.8923  0.84346
## 5275   0.9706  0.84346
## 5276   1.0488  0.84346
## 5277   1.1270  0.84346
## 5278   1.2053  0.84346
## 5279   1.2835  0.84346
## 5280   1.3617  0.84346
## 5281   1.4400  0.84346
## 5282   1.5182  0.84346
## 5283   1.5964  0.84346
## 5284   1.6747  0.84346
## 5285   1.7529  0.84346
## 5286   1.8311  0.84346
## 5287   1.9094  0.84346
## 5288   1.9876  0.84346
## 5289   2.0658  0.84346
## 5290   2.1441  0.84346
## 5291   2.2223  0.84346
## 5292   2.3005  0.84346
## 5293   2.3788  0.84346
## 5294   2.4570  0.84346
## 5295   2.5352  0.84346
## 5296   2.6135  0.84346
## 5297   2.6917  0.84346
## 5298   2.7699  0.84346
## 5299   2.8482  0.84346
## 5300   2.9264  0.84346
## 5301  -4.8186  0.89920
## 5302  -4.7404  0.89920
## 5303  -4.6622  0.89920
## 5304  -4.5839  0.89920
## 5305  -4.5057  0.89920
## 5306  -4.4275  0.89920
## 5307  -4.3492  0.89920
## 5308  -4.2710  0.89920
## 5309  -4.1928  0.89920
## 5310  -4.1145  0.89920
## 5311  -4.0363  0.89920
## 5312  -3.9581  0.89920
## 5313  -3.8798  0.89920
## 5314  -3.8016  0.89920
## 5315  -3.7234  0.89920
## 5316  -3.6451  0.89920
## 5317  -3.5669  0.89920
## 5318  -3.4887  0.89920
## 5319  -3.4104  0.89920
## 5320  -3.3322  0.89920
## 5321  -3.2540  0.89920
## 5322  -3.1757  0.89920
## 5323  -3.0975  0.89920
## 5324  -3.0193  0.89920
## 5325  -2.9410  0.89920
## 5326  -2.8628  0.89920
## 5327  -2.7846  0.89920
## 5328  -2.7063  0.89920
## 5329  -2.6281  0.89920
## 5330  -2.5499  0.89920
## 5331  -2.4716  0.89920
## 5332  -2.3934  0.89920
## 5333  -2.3152  0.89920
## 5334  -2.2369  0.89920
## 5335  -2.1587  0.89920
## 5336  -2.0805  0.89920
## 5337  -2.0022  0.89920
## 5338  -1.9240  0.89920
## 5339  -1.8458  0.89920
## 5340  -1.7676  0.89920
## 5341  -1.6893  0.89920
## 5342  -1.6111  0.89920
## 5343  -1.5329  0.89920
## 5344  -1.4546  0.89920
## 5345  -1.3764  0.89920
## 5346  -1.2982  0.89920
## 5347  -1.2199  0.89920
## 5348  -1.1417  0.89920
## 5349  -1.0635  0.89920
## 5350  -0.9852  0.89920
## 5351  -0.9070  0.89920
## 5352  -0.8288  0.89920
## 5353  -0.7505  0.89920
## 5354  -0.6723  0.89920
## 5355  -0.5941  0.89920
## 5356  -0.5158  0.89920
## 5357  -0.4376  0.89920
## 5358  -0.3594  0.89920
## 5359  -0.2811  0.89920
## 5360  -0.2029  0.89920
## 5361  -0.1247  0.89920
## 5362  -0.0464  0.89920
## 5363   0.0318  0.89920
## 5364   0.1100  0.89920
## 5365   0.1883  0.89920
## 5366   0.2665  0.89920
## 5367   0.3447  0.89920
## 5368   0.4230  0.89920
## 5369   0.5012  0.89920
## 5370   0.5794  0.89920
## 5371   0.6577  0.89920
## 5372   0.7359  0.89920
## 5373   0.8141  0.89920
## 5374   0.8923  0.89920
## 5375   0.9706  0.89920
## 5376   1.0488  0.89920
## 5377   1.1270  0.89920
## 5378   1.2053  0.89920
## 5379   1.2835  0.89920
## 5380   1.3617  0.89920
## 5381   1.4400  0.89920
## 5382   1.5182  0.89920
## 5383   1.5964  0.89920
## 5384   1.6747  0.89920
## 5385   1.7529  0.89920
## 5386   1.8311  0.89920
## 5387   1.9094  0.89920
## 5388   1.9876  0.89920
## 5389   2.0658  0.89920
## 5390   2.1441  0.89920
## 5391   2.2223  0.89920
## 5392   2.3005  0.89920
## 5393   2.3788  0.89920
## 5394   2.4570  0.89920
## 5395   2.5352  0.89920
## 5396   2.6135  0.89920
## 5397   2.6917  0.89920
## 5398   2.7699  0.89920
## 5399   2.8482  0.89920
## 5400   2.9264  0.89920
## 5401  -4.8186  0.95495
## 5402  -4.7404  0.95495
## 5403  -4.6622  0.95495
## 5404  -4.5839  0.95495
## 5405  -4.5057  0.95495
## 5406  -4.4275  0.95495
## 5407  -4.3492  0.95495
## 5408  -4.2710  0.95495
## 5409  -4.1928  0.95495
## 5410  -4.1145  0.95495
## 5411  -4.0363  0.95495
## 5412  -3.9581  0.95495
## 5413  -3.8798  0.95495
## 5414  -3.8016  0.95495
## 5415  -3.7234  0.95495
## 5416  -3.6451  0.95495
## 5417  -3.5669  0.95495
## 5418  -3.4887  0.95495
## 5419  -3.4104  0.95495
## 5420  -3.3322  0.95495
## 5421  -3.2540  0.95495
## 5422  -3.1757  0.95495
## 5423  -3.0975  0.95495
## 5424  -3.0193  0.95495
## 5425  -2.9410  0.95495
## 5426  -2.8628  0.95495
## 5427  -2.7846  0.95495
## 5428  -2.7063  0.95495
## 5429  -2.6281  0.95495
## 5430  -2.5499  0.95495
## 5431  -2.4716  0.95495
## 5432  -2.3934  0.95495
## 5433  -2.3152  0.95495
## 5434  -2.2369  0.95495
## 5435  -2.1587  0.95495
## 5436  -2.0805  0.95495
## 5437  -2.0022  0.95495
## 5438  -1.9240  0.95495
## 5439  -1.8458  0.95495
## 5440  -1.7676  0.95495
## 5441  -1.6893  0.95495
## 5442  -1.6111  0.95495
## 5443  -1.5329  0.95495
## 5444  -1.4546  0.95495
## 5445  -1.3764  0.95495
## 5446  -1.2982  0.95495
## 5447  -1.2199  0.95495
## 5448  -1.1417  0.95495
## 5449  -1.0635  0.95495
## 5450  -0.9852  0.95495
## 5451  -0.9070  0.95495
## 5452  -0.8288  0.95495
## 5453  -0.7505  0.95495
## 5454  -0.6723  0.95495
## 5455  -0.5941  0.95495
## 5456  -0.5158  0.95495
## 5457  -0.4376  0.95495
## 5458  -0.3594  0.95495
## 5459  -0.2811  0.95495
## 5460  -0.2029  0.95495
## 5461  -0.1247  0.95495
## 5462  -0.0464  0.95495
## 5463   0.0318  0.95495
## 5464   0.1100  0.95495
## 5465   0.1883  0.95495
## 5466   0.2665  0.95495
## 5467   0.3447  0.95495
## 5468   0.4230  0.95495
## 5469   0.5012  0.95495
## 5470   0.5794  0.95495
## 5471   0.6577  0.95495
## 5472   0.7359  0.95495
## 5473   0.8141  0.95495
## 5474   0.8923  0.95495
## 5475   0.9706  0.95495
## 5476   1.0488  0.95495
## 5477   1.1270  0.95495
## 5478   1.2053  0.95495
## 5479   1.2835  0.95495
## 5480   1.3617  0.95495
## 5481   1.4400  0.95495
## 5482   1.5182  0.95495
## 5483   1.5964  0.95495
## 5484   1.6747  0.95495
## 5485   1.7529  0.95495
## 5486   1.8311  0.95495
## 5487   1.9094  0.95495
## 5488   1.9876  0.95495
## 5489   2.0658  0.95495
## 5490   2.1441  0.95495
## 5491   2.2223  0.95495
## 5492   2.3005  0.95495
## 5493   2.3788  0.95495
## 5494   2.4570  0.95495
## 5495   2.5352  0.95495
## 5496   2.6135  0.95495
## 5497   2.6917  0.95495
## 5498   2.7699  0.95495
## 5499   2.8482  0.95495
## 5500   2.9264  0.95495
## 5501  -4.8186  1.01069
## 5502  -4.7404  1.01069
## 5503  -4.6622  1.01069
## 5504  -4.5839  1.01069
## 5505  -4.5057  1.01069
## 5506  -4.4275  1.01069
## 5507  -4.3492  1.01069
## 5508  -4.2710  1.01069
## 5509  -4.1928  1.01069
## 5510  -4.1145  1.01069
## 5511  -4.0363  1.01069
## 5512  -3.9581  1.01069
## 5513  -3.8798  1.01069
## 5514  -3.8016  1.01069
## 5515  -3.7234  1.01069
## 5516  -3.6451  1.01069
## 5517  -3.5669  1.01069
## 5518  -3.4887  1.01069
## 5519  -3.4104  1.01069
## 5520  -3.3322  1.01069
## 5521  -3.2540  1.01069
## 5522  -3.1757  1.01069
## 5523  -3.0975  1.01069
## 5524  -3.0193  1.01069
## 5525  -2.9410  1.01069
## 5526  -2.8628  1.01069
## 5527  -2.7846  1.01069
## 5528  -2.7063  1.01069
## 5529  -2.6281  1.01069
## 5530  -2.5499  1.01069
## 5531  -2.4716  1.01069
## 5532  -2.3934  1.01069
## 5533  -2.3152  1.01069
## 5534  -2.2369  1.01069
## 5535  -2.1587  1.01069
## 5536  -2.0805  1.01069
## 5537  -2.0022  1.01069
## 5538  -1.9240  1.01069
## 5539  -1.8458  1.01069
## 5540  -1.7676  1.01069
## 5541  -1.6893  1.01069
## 5542  -1.6111  1.01069
## 5543  -1.5329  1.01069
## 5544  -1.4546  1.01069
## 5545  -1.3764  1.01069
## 5546  -1.2982  1.01069
## 5547  -1.2199  1.01069
## 5548  -1.1417  1.01069
## 5549  -1.0635  1.01069
## 5550  -0.9852  1.01069
## 5551  -0.9070  1.01069
## 5552  -0.8288  1.01069
## 5553  -0.7505  1.01069
## 5554  -0.6723  1.01069
## 5555  -0.5941  1.01069
## 5556  -0.5158  1.01069
## 5557  -0.4376  1.01069
## 5558  -0.3594  1.01069
## 5559  -0.2811  1.01069
## 5560  -0.2029  1.01069
## 5561  -0.1247  1.01069
## 5562  -0.0464  1.01069
## 5563   0.0318  1.01069
## 5564   0.1100  1.01069
## 5565   0.1883  1.01069
## 5566   0.2665  1.01069
## 5567   0.3447  1.01069
## 5568   0.4230  1.01069
## 5569   0.5012  1.01069
## 5570   0.5794  1.01069
## 5571   0.6577  1.01069
## 5572   0.7359  1.01069
## 5573   0.8141  1.01069
## 5574   0.8923  1.01069
## 5575   0.9706  1.01069
## 5576   1.0488  1.01069
## 5577   1.1270  1.01069
## 5578   1.2053  1.01069
## 5579   1.2835  1.01069
## 5580   1.3617  1.01069
## 5581   1.4400  1.01069
## 5582   1.5182  1.01069
## 5583   1.5964  1.01069
## 5584   1.6747  1.01069
## 5585   1.7529  1.01069
## 5586   1.8311  1.01069
## 5587   1.9094  1.01069
## 5588   1.9876  1.01069
## 5589   2.0658  1.01069
## 5590   2.1441  1.01069
## 5591   2.2223  1.01069
## 5592   2.3005  1.01069
## 5593   2.3788  1.01069
## 5594   2.4570  1.01069
## 5595   2.5352  1.01069
## 5596   2.6135  1.01069
## 5597   2.6917  1.01069
## 5598   2.7699  1.01069
## 5599   2.8482  1.01069
## 5600   2.9264  1.01069
## 5601  -4.8186  1.06644
## 5602  -4.7404  1.06644
## 5603  -4.6622  1.06644
## 5604  -4.5839  1.06644
## 5605  -4.5057  1.06644
## 5606  -4.4275  1.06644
## 5607  -4.3492  1.06644
## 5608  -4.2710  1.06644
## 5609  -4.1928  1.06644
## 5610  -4.1145  1.06644
## 5611  -4.0363  1.06644
## 5612  -3.9581  1.06644
## 5613  -3.8798  1.06644
## 5614  -3.8016  1.06644
## 5615  -3.7234  1.06644
## 5616  -3.6451  1.06644
## 5617  -3.5669  1.06644
## 5618  -3.4887  1.06644
## 5619  -3.4104  1.06644
## 5620  -3.3322  1.06644
## 5621  -3.2540  1.06644
## 5622  -3.1757  1.06644
## 5623  -3.0975  1.06644
## 5624  -3.0193  1.06644
## 5625  -2.9410  1.06644
## 5626  -2.8628  1.06644
## 5627  -2.7846  1.06644
## 5628  -2.7063  1.06644
## 5629  -2.6281  1.06644
## 5630  -2.5499  1.06644
## 5631  -2.4716  1.06644
## 5632  -2.3934  1.06644
## 5633  -2.3152  1.06644
## 5634  -2.2369  1.06644
## 5635  -2.1587  1.06644
## 5636  -2.0805  1.06644
## 5637  -2.0022  1.06644
## 5638  -1.9240  1.06644
## 5639  -1.8458  1.06644
## 5640  -1.7676  1.06644
## 5641  -1.6893  1.06644
## 5642  -1.6111  1.06644
## 5643  -1.5329  1.06644
## 5644  -1.4546  1.06644
## 5645  -1.3764  1.06644
## 5646  -1.2982  1.06644
## 5647  -1.2199  1.06644
## 5648  -1.1417  1.06644
## 5649  -1.0635  1.06644
## 5650  -0.9852  1.06644
## 5651  -0.9070  1.06644
## 5652  -0.8288  1.06644
## 5653  -0.7505  1.06644
## 5654  -0.6723  1.06644
## 5655  -0.5941  1.06644
## 5656  -0.5158  1.06644
## 5657  -0.4376  1.06644
## 5658  -0.3594  1.06644
## 5659  -0.2811  1.06644
## 5660  -0.2029  1.06644
## 5661  -0.1247  1.06644
## 5662  -0.0464  1.06644
## 5663   0.0318  1.06644
## 5664   0.1100  1.06644
## 5665   0.1883  1.06644
## 5666   0.2665  1.06644
## 5667   0.3447  1.06644
## 5668   0.4230  1.06644
## 5669   0.5012  1.06644
## 5670   0.5794  1.06644
## 5671   0.6577  1.06644
## 5672   0.7359  1.06644
## 5673   0.8141  1.06644
## 5674   0.8923  1.06644
## 5675   0.9706  1.06644
## 5676   1.0488  1.06644
## 5677   1.1270  1.06644
## 5678   1.2053  1.06644
## 5679   1.2835  1.06644
## 5680   1.3617  1.06644
## 5681   1.4400  1.06644
## 5682   1.5182  1.06644
## 5683   1.5964  1.06644
## 5684   1.6747  1.06644
## 5685   1.7529  1.06644
## 5686   1.8311  1.06644
## 5687   1.9094  1.06644
## 5688   1.9876  1.06644
## 5689   2.0658  1.06644
## 5690   2.1441  1.06644
## 5691   2.2223  1.06644
## 5692   2.3005  1.06644
## 5693   2.3788  1.06644
## 5694   2.4570  1.06644
## 5695   2.5352  1.06644
## 5696   2.6135  1.06644
## 5697   2.6917  1.06644
## 5698   2.7699  1.06644
## 5699   2.8482  1.06644
## 5700   2.9264  1.06644
## 5701  -4.8186  1.12218
## 5702  -4.7404  1.12218
## 5703  -4.6622  1.12218
## 5704  -4.5839  1.12218
## 5705  -4.5057  1.12218
## 5706  -4.4275  1.12218
## 5707  -4.3492  1.12218
## 5708  -4.2710  1.12218
## 5709  -4.1928  1.12218
## 5710  -4.1145  1.12218
## 5711  -4.0363  1.12218
## 5712  -3.9581  1.12218
## 5713  -3.8798  1.12218
## 5714  -3.8016  1.12218
## 5715  -3.7234  1.12218
## 5716  -3.6451  1.12218
## 5717  -3.5669  1.12218
## 5718  -3.4887  1.12218
## 5719  -3.4104  1.12218
## 5720  -3.3322  1.12218
## 5721  -3.2540  1.12218
## 5722  -3.1757  1.12218
## 5723  -3.0975  1.12218
## 5724  -3.0193  1.12218
## 5725  -2.9410  1.12218
## 5726  -2.8628  1.12218
## 5727  -2.7846  1.12218
## 5728  -2.7063  1.12218
## 5729  -2.6281  1.12218
## 5730  -2.5499  1.12218
## 5731  -2.4716  1.12218
## 5732  -2.3934  1.12218
## 5733  -2.3152  1.12218
## 5734  -2.2369  1.12218
## 5735  -2.1587  1.12218
## 5736  -2.0805  1.12218
## 5737  -2.0022  1.12218
## 5738  -1.9240  1.12218
## 5739  -1.8458  1.12218
## 5740  -1.7676  1.12218
## 5741  -1.6893  1.12218
## 5742  -1.6111  1.12218
## 5743  -1.5329  1.12218
## 5744  -1.4546  1.12218
## 5745  -1.3764  1.12218
## 5746  -1.2982  1.12218
## 5747  -1.2199  1.12218
## 5748  -1.1417  1.12218
## 5749  -1.0635  1.12218
## 5750  -0.9852  1.12218
## 5751  -0.9070  1.12218
## 5752  -0.8288  1.12218
## 5753  -0.7505  1.12218
## 5754  -0.6723  1.12218
## 5755  -0.5941  1.12218
## 5756  -0.5158  1.12218
## 5757  -0.4376  1.12218
## 5758  -0.3594  1.12218
## 5759  -0.2811  1.12218
## 5760  -0.2029  1.12218
## 5761  -0.1247  1.12218
## 5762  -0.0464  1.12218
## 5763   0.0318  1.12218
## 5764   0.1100  1.12218
## 5765   0.1883  1.12218
## 5766   0.2665  1.12218
## 5767   0.3447  1.12218
## 5768   0.4230  1.12218
## 5769   0.5012  1.12218
## 5770   0.5794  1.12218
## 5771   0.6577  1.12218
## 5772   0.7359  1.12218
## 5773   0.8141  1.12218
## 5774   0.8923  1.12218
## 5775   0.9706  1.12218
## 5776   1.0488  1.12218
## 5777   1.1270  1.12218
## 5778   1.2053  1.12218
## 5779   1.2835  1.12218
## 5780   1.3617  1.12218
## 5781   1.4400  1.12218
## 5782   1.5182  1.12218
## 5783   1.5964  1.12218
## 5784   1.6747  1.12218
## 5785   1.7529  1.12218
## 5786   1.8311  1.12218
## 5787   1.9094  1.12218
## 5788   1.9876  1.12218
## 5789   2.0658  1.12218
## 5790   2.1441  1.12218
## 5791   2.2223  1.12218
## 5792   2.3005  1.12218
## 5793   2.3788  1.12218
## 5794   2.4570  1.12218
## 5795   2.5352  1.12218
## 5796   2.6135  1.12218
## 5797   2.6917  1.12218
## 5798   2.7699  1.12218
## 5799   2.8482  1.12218
## 5800   2.9264  1.12218
## 5801  -4.8186  1.17793
## 5802  -4.7404  1.17793
## 5803  -4.6622  1.17793
## 5804  -4.5839  1.17793
## 5805  -4.5057  1.17793
## 5806  -4.4275  1.17793
## 5807  -4.3492  1.17793
## 5808  -4.2710  1.17793
## 5809  -4.1928  1.17793
## 5810  -4.1145  1.17793
## 5811  -4.0363  1.17793
## 5812  -3.9581  1.17793
## 5813  -3.8798  1.17793
## 5814  -3.8016  1.17793
## 5815  -3.7234  1.17793
## 5816  -3.6451  1.17793
## 5817  -3.5669  1.17793
## 5818  -3.4887  1.17793
## 5819  -3.4104  1.17793
## 5820  -3.3322  1.17793
## 5821  -3.2540  1.17793
## 5822  -3.1757  1.17793
## 5823  -3.0975  1.17793
## 5824  -3.0193  1.17793
## 5825  -2.9410  1.17793
## 5826  -2.8628  1.17793
## 5827  -2.7846  1.17793
## 5828  -2.7063  1.17793
## 5829  -2.6281  1.17793
## 5830  -2.5499  1.17793
## 5831  -2.4716  1.17793
## 5832  -2.3934  1.17793
## 5833  -2.3152  1.17793
## 5834  -2.2369  1.17793
## 5835  -2.1587  1.17793
## 5836  -2.0805  1.17793
## 5837  -2.0022  1.17793
## 5838  -1.9240  1.17793
## 5839  -1.8458  1.17793
## 5840  -1.7676  1.17793
## 5841  -1.6893  1.17793
## 5842  -1.6111  1.17793
## 5843  -1.5329  1.17793
## 5844  -1.4546  1.17793
## 5845  -1.3764  1.17793
## 5846  -1.2982  1.17793
## 5847  -1.2199  1.17793
## 5848  -1.1417  1.17793
## 5849  -1.0635  1.17793
## 5850  -0.9852  1.17793
## 5851  -0.9070  1.17793
## 5852  -0.8288  1.17793
## 5853  -0.7505  1.17793
## 5854  -0.6723  1.17793
## 5855  -0.5941  1.17793
## 5856  -0.5158  1.17793
## 5857  -0.4376  1.17793
## 5858  -0.3594  1.17793
## 5859  -0.2811  1.17793
## 5860  -0.2029  1.17793
## 5861  -0.1247  1.17793
## 5862  -0.0464  1.17793
## 5863   0.0318  1.17793
## 5864   0.1100  1.17793
## 5865   0.1883  1.17793
## 5866   0.2665  1.17793
## 5867   0.3447  1.17793
## 5868   0.4230  1.17793
## 5869   0.5012  1.17793
## 5870   0.5794  1.17793
## 5871   0.6577  1.17793
## 5872   0.7359  1.17793
## 5873   0.8141  1.17793
## 5874   0.8923  1.17793
## 5875   0.9706  1.17793
## 5876   1.0488  1.17793
## 5877   1.1270  1.17793
## 5878   1.2053  1.17793
## 5879   1.2835  1.17793
## 5880   1.3617  1.17793
## 5881   1.4400  1.17793
## 5882   1.5182  1.17793
## 5883   1.5964  1.17793
## 5884   1.6747  1.17793
## 5885   1.7529  1.17793
## 5886   1.8311  1.17793
## 5887   1.9094  1.17793
## 5888   1.9876  1.17793
## 5889   2.0658  1.17793
## 5890   2.1441  1.17793
## 5891   2.2223  1.17793
## 5892   2.3005  1.17793
## 5893   2.3788  1.17793
## 5894   2.4570  1.17793
## 5895   2.5352  1.17793
## 5896   2.6135  1.17793
## 5897   2.6917  1.17793
## 5898   2.7699  1.17793
## 5899   2.8482  1.17793
## 5900   2.9264  1.17793
## 5901  -4.8186  1.23367
## 5902  -4.7404  1.23367
## 5903  -4.6622  1.23367
## 5904  -4.5839  1.23367
## 5905  -4.5057  1.23367
## 5906  -4.4275  1.23367
## 5907  -4.3492  1.23367
## 5908  -4.2710  1.23367
## 5909  -4.1928  1.23367
## 5910  -4.1145  1.23367
## 5911  -4.0363  1.23367
## 5912  -3.9581  1.23367
## 5913  -3.8798  1.23367
## 5914  -3.8016  1.23367
## 5915  -3.7234  1.23367
## 5916  -3.6451  1.23367
## 5917  -3.5669  1.23367
## 5918  -3.4887  1.23367
## 5919  -3.4104  1.23367
## 5920  -3.3322  1.23367
## 5921  -3.2540  1.23367
## 5922  -3.1757  1.23367
## 5923  -3.0975  1.23367
## 5924  -3.0193  1.23367
## 5925  -2.9410  1.23367
## 5926  -2.8628  1.23367
## 5927  -2.7846  1.23367
## 5928  -2.7063  1.23367
## 5929  -2.6281  1.23367
## 5930  -2.5499  1.23367
## 5931  -2.4716  1.23367
## 5932  -2.3934  1.23367
## 5933  -2.3152  1.23367
## 5934  -2.2369  1.23367
## 5935  -2.1587  1.23367
## 5936  -2.0805  1.23367
## 5937  -2.0022  1.23367
## 5938  -1.9240  1.23367
## 5939  -1.8458  1.23367
## 5940  -1.7676  1.23367
## 5941  -1.6893  1.23367
## 5942  -1.6111  1.23367
## 5943  -1.5329  1.23367
## 5944  -1.4546  1.23367
## 5945  -1.3764  1.23367
## 5946  -1.2982  1.23367
## 5947  -1.2199  1.23367
## 5948  -1.1417  1.23367
## 5949  -1.0635  1.23367
## 5950  -0.9852  1.23367
## 5951  -0.9070  1.23367
## 5952  -0.8288  1.23367
## 5953  -0.7505  1.23367
## 5954  -0.6723  1.23367
## 5955  -0.5941  1.23367
## 5956  -0.5158  1.23367
## 5957  -0.4376  1.23367
## 5958  -0.3594  1.23367
## 5959  -0.2811  1.23367
## 5960  -0.2029  1.23367
## 5961  -0.1247  1.23367
## 5962  -0.0464  1.23367
## 5963   0.0318  1.23367
## 5964   0.1100  1.23367
## 5965   0.1883  1.23367
## 5966   0.2665  1.23367
## 5967   0.3447  1.23367
## 5968   0.4230  1.23367
## 5969   0.5012  1.23367
## 5970   0.5794  1.23367
## 5971   0.6577  1.23367
## 5972   0.7359  1.23367
## 5973   0.8141  1.23367
## 5974   0.8923  1.23367
## 5975   0.9706  1.23367
## 5976   1.0488  1.23367
## 5977   1.1270  1.23367
## 5978   1.2053  1.23367
## 5979   1.2835  1.23367
## 5980   1.3617  1.23367
## 5981   1.4400  1.23367
## 5982   1.5182  1.23367
## 5983   1.5964  1.23367
## 5984   1.6747  1.23367
## 5985   1.7529  1.23367
## 5986   1.8311  1.23367
## 5987   1.9094  1.23367
## 5988   1.9876  1.23367
## 5989   2.0658  1.23367
## 5990   2.1441  1.23367
## 5991   2.2223  1.23367
## 5992   2.3005  1.23367
## 5993   2.3788  1.23367
## 5994   2.4570  1.23367
## 5995   2.5352  1.23367
## 5996   2.6135  1.23367
## 5997   2.6917  1.23367
## 5998   2.7699  1.23367
## 5999   2.8482  1.23367
## 6000   2.9264  1.23367
## 6001  -4.8186  1.28942
## 6002  -4.7404  1.28942
## 6003  -4.6622  1.28942
## 6004  -4.5839  1.28942
## 6005  -4.5057  1.28942
## 6006  -4.4275  1.28942
## 6007  -4.3492  1.28942
## 6008  -4.2710  1.28942
## 6009  -4.1928  1.28942
## 6010  -4.1145  1.28942
## 6011  -4.0363  1.28942
## 6012  -3.9581  1.28942
## 6013  -3.8798  1.28942
## 6014  -3.8016  1.28942
## 6015  -3.7234  1.28942
## 6016  -3.6451  1.28942
## 6017  -3.5669  1.28942
## 6018  -3.4887  1.28942
## 6019  -3.4104  1.28942
## 6020  -3.3322  1.28942
## 6021  -3.2540  1.28942
## 6022  -3.1757  1.28942
## 6023  -3.0975  1.28942
## 6024  -3.0193  1.28942
## 6025  -2.9410  1.28942
## 6026  -2.8628  1.28942
## 6027  -2.7846  1.28942
## 6028  -2.7063  1.28942
## 6029  -2.6281  1.28942
## 6030  -2.5499  1.28942
## 6031  -2.4716  1.28942
## 6032  -2.3934  1.28942
## 6033  -2.3152  1.28942
## 6034  -2.2369  1.28942
## 6035  -2.1587  1.28942
## 6036  -2.0805  1.28942
## 6037  -2.0022  1.28942
## 6038  -1.9240  1.28942
## 6039  -1.8458  1.28942
## 6040  -1.7676  1.28942
## 6041  -1.6893  1.28942
## 6042  -1.6111  1.28942
## 6043  -1.5329  1.28942
## 6044  -1.4546  1.28942
## 6045  -1.3764  1.28942
## 6046  -1.2982  1.28942
## 6047  -1.2199  1.28942
## 6048  -1.1417  1.28942
## 6049  -1.0635  1.28942
## 6050  -0.9852  1.28942
## 6051  -0.9070  1.28942
## 6052  -0.8288  1.28942
## 6053  -0.7505  1.28942
## 6054  -0.6723  1.28942
## 6055  -0.5941  1.28942
## 6056  -0.5158  1.28942
## 6057  -0.4376  1.28942
## 6058  -0.3594  1.28942
## 6059  -0.2811  1.28942
## 6060  -0.2029  1.28942
## 6061  -0.1247  1.28942
## 6062  -0.0464  1.28942
## 6063   0.0318  1.28942
## 6064   0.1100  1.28942
## 6065   0.1883  1.28942
## 6066   0.2665  1.28942
## 6067   0.3447  1.28942
## 6068   0.4230  1.28942
## 6069   0.5012  1.28942
## 6070   0.5794  1.28942
## 6071   0.6577  1.28942
## 6072   0.7359  1.28942
## 6073   0.8141  1.28942
## 6074   0.8923  1.28942
## 6075   0.9706  1.28942
## 6076   1.0488  1.28942
## 6077   1.1270  1.28942
## 6078   1.2053  1.28942
## 6079   1.2835  1.28942
## 6080   1.3617  1.28942
## 6081   1.4400  1.28942
## 6082   1.5182  1.28942
## 6083   1.5964  1.28942
## 6084   1.6747  1.28942
## 6085   1.7529  1.28942
## 6086   1.8311  1.28942
## 6087   1.9094  1.28942
## 6088   1.9876  1.28942
## 6089   2.0658  1.28942
## 6090   2.1441  1.28942
## 6091   2.2223  1.28942
## 6092   2.3005  1.28942
## 6093   2.3788  1.28942
## 6094   2.4570  1.28942
## 6095   2.5352  1.28942
## 6096   2.6135  1.28942
## 6097   2.6917  1.28942
## 6098   2.7699  1.28942
## 6099   2.8482  1.28942
## 6100   2.9264  1.28942
## 6101  -4.8186  1.34516
## 6102  -4.7404  1.34516
## 6103  -4.6622  1.34516
## 6104  -4.5839  1.34516
## 6105  -4.5057  1.34516
## 6106  -4.4275  1.34516
## 6107  -4.3492  1.34516
## 6108  -4.2710  1.34516
## 6109  -4.1928  1.34516
## 6110  -4.1145  1.34516
## 6111  -4.0363  1.34516
## 6112  -3.9581  1.34516
## 6113  -3.8798  1.34516
## 6114  -3.8016  1.34516
## 6115  -3.7234  1.34516
## 6116  -3.6451  1.34516
## 6117  -3.5669  1.34516
## 6118  -3.4887  1.34516
## 6119  -3.4104  1.34516
## 6120  -3.3322  1.34516
## 6121  -3.2540  1.34516
## 6122  -3.1757  1.34516
## 6123  -3.0975  1.34516
## 6124  -3.0193  1.34516
## 6125  -2.9410  1.34516
## 6126  -2.8628  1.34516
## 6127  -2.7846  1.34516
## 6128  -2.7063  1.34516
## 6129  -2.6281  1.34516
## 6130  -2.5499  1.34516
## 6131  -2.4716  1.34516
## 6132  -2.3934  1.34516
## 6133  -2.3152  1.34516
## 6134  -2.2369  1.34516
## 6135  -2.1587  1.34516
## 6136  -2.0805  1.34516
## 6137  -2.0022  1.34516
## 6138  -1.9240  1.34516
## 6139  -1.8458  1.34516
## 6140  -1.7676  1.34516
## 6141  -1.6893  1.34516
## 6142  -1.6111  1.34516
## 6143  -1.5329  1.34516
## 6144  -1.4546  1.34516
## 6145  -1.3764  1.34516
## 6146  -1.2982  1.34516
## 6147  -1.2199  1.34516
## 6148  -1.1417  1.34516
## 6149  -1.0635  1.34516
## 6150  -0.9852  1.34516
## 6151  -0.9070  1.34516
## 6152  -0.8288  1.34516
## 6153  -0.7505  1.34516
## 6154  -0.6723  1.34516
## 6155  -0.5941  1.34516
## 6156  -0.5158  1.34516
## 6157  -0.4376  1.34516
## 6158  -0.3594  1.34516
## 6159  -0.2811  1.34516
## 6160  -0.2029  1.34516
## 6161  -0.1247  1.34516
## 6162  -0.0464  1.34516
## 6163   0.0318  1.34516
## 6164   0.1100  1.34516
## 6165   0.1883  1.34516
## 6166   0.2665  1.34516
## 6167   0.3447  1.34516
## 6168   0.4230  1.34516
## 6169   0.5012  1.34516
## 6170   0.5794  1.34516
## 6171   0.6577  1.34516
## 6172   0.7359  1.34516
## 6173   0.8141  1.34516
## 6174   0.8923  1.34516
## 6175   0.9706  1.34516
## 6176   1.0488  1.34516
## 6177   1.1270  1.34516
## 6178   1.2053  1.34516
## 6179   1.2835  1.34516
## 6180   1.3617  1.34516
## 6181   1.4400  1.34516
## 6182   1.5182  1.34516
## 6183   1.5964  1.34516
## 6184   1.6747  1.34516
## 6185   1.7529  1.34516
## 6186   1.8311  1.34516
## 6187   1.9094  1.34516
## 6188   1.9876  1.34516
## 6189   2.0658  1.34516
## 6190   2.1441  1.34516
## 6191   2.2223  1.34516
## 6192   2.3005  1.34516
## 6193   2.3788  1.34516
## 6194   2.4570  1.34516
## 6195   2.5352  1.34516
## 6196   2.6135  1.34516
## 6197   2.6917  1.34516
## 6198   2.7699  1.34516
## 6199   2.8482  1.34516
## 6200   2.9264  1.34516
## 6201  -4.8186  1.40091
## 6202  -4.7404  1.40091
## 6203  -4.6622  1.40091
## 6204  -4.5839  1.40091
## 6205  -4.5057  1.40091
## 6206  -4.4275  1.40091
## 6207  -4.3492  1.40091
## 6208  -4.2710  1.40091
## 6209  -4.1928  1.40091
## 6210  -4.1145  1.40091
## 6211  -4.0363  1.40091
## 6212  -3.9581  1.40091
## 6213  -3.8798  1.40091
## 6214  -3.8016  1.40091
## 6215  -3.7234  1.40091
## 6216  -3.6451  1.40091
## 6217  -3.5669  1.40091
## 6218  -3.4887  1.40091
## 6219  -3.4104  1.40091
## 6220  -3.3322  1.40091
## 6221  -3.2540  1.40091
## 6222  -3.1757  1.40091
## 6223  -3.0975  1.40091
## 6224  -3.0193  1.40091
## 6225  -2.9410  1.40091
## 6226  -2.8628  1.40091
## 6227  -2.7846  1.40091
## 6228  -2.7063  1.40091
## 6229  -2.6281  1.40091
## 6230  -2.5499  1.40091
## 6231  -2.4716  1.40091
## 6232  -2.3934  1.40091
## 6233  -2.3152  1.40091
## 6234  -2.2369  1.40091
## 6235  -2.1587  1.40091
## 6236  -2.0805  1.40091
## 6237  -2.0022  1.40091
## 6238  -1.9240  1.40091
## 6239  -1.8458  1.40091
## 6240  -1.7676  1.40091
## 6241  -1.6893  1.40091
## 6242  -1.6111  1.40091
## 6243  -1.5329  1.40091
## 6244  -1.4546  1.40091
## 6245  -1.3764  1.40091
## 6246  -1.2982  1.40091
## 6247  -1.2199  1.40091
## 6248  -1.1417  1.40091
## 6249  -1.0635  1.40091
## 6250  -0.9852  1.40091
## 6251  -0.9070  1.40091
## 6252  -0.8288  1.40091
## 6253  -0.7505  1.40091
## 6254  -0.6723  1.40091
## 6255  -0.5941  1.40091
## 6256  -0.5158  1.40091
## 6257  -0.4376  1.40091
## 6258  -0.3594  1.40091
## 6259  -0.2811  1.40091
## 6260  -0.2029  1.40091
## 6261  -0.1247  1.40091
## 6262  -0.0464  1.40091
## 6263   0.0318  1.40091
## 6264   0.1100  1.40091
## 6265   0.1883  1.40091
## 6266   0.2665  1.40091
## 6267   0.3447  1.40091
## 6268   0.4230  1.40091
## 6269   0.5012  1.40091
## 6270   0.5794  1.40091
## 6271   0.6577  1.40091
## 6272   0.7359  1.40091
## 6273   0.8141  1.40091
## 6274   0.8923  1.40091
## 6275   0.9706  1.40091
## 6276   1.0488  1.40091
## 6277   1.1270  1.40091
## 6278   1.2053  1.40091
## 6279   1.2835  1.40091
## 6280   1.3617  1.40091
## 6281   1.4400  1.40091
## 6282   1.5182  1.40091
## 6283   1.5964  1.40091
## 6284   1.6747  1.40091
## 6285   1.7529  1.40091
## 6286   1.8311  1.40091
## 6287   1.9094  1.40091
## 6288   1.9876  1.40091
## 6289   2.0658  1.40091
## 6290   2.1441  1.40091
## 6291   2.2223  1.40091
## 6292   2.3005  1.40091
## 6293   2.3788  1.40091
## 6294   2.4570  1.40091
## 6295   2.5352  1.40091
## 6296   2.6135  1.40091
## 6297   2.6917  1.40091
## 6298   2.7699  1.40091
## 6299   2.8482  1.40091
## 6300   2.9264  1.40091
## 6301  -4.8186  1.45665
## 6302  -4.7404  1.45665
## 6303  -4.6622  1.45665
## 6304  -4.5839  1.45665
## 6305  -4.5057  1.45665
## 6306  -4.4275  1.45665
## 6307  -4.3492  1.45665
## 6308  -4.2710  1.45665
## 6309  -4.1928  1.45665
## 6310  -4.1145  1.45665
## 6311  -4.0363  1.45665
## 6312  -3.9581  1.45665
## 6313  -3.8798  1.45665
## 6314  -3.8016  1.45665
## 6315  -3.7234  1.45665
## 6316  -3.6451  1.45665
## 6317  -3.5669  1.45665
## 6318  -3.4887  1.45665
## 6319  -3.4104  1.45665
## 6320  -3.3322  1.45665
## 6321  -3.2540  1.45665
## 6322  -3.1757  1.45665
## 6323  -3.0975  1.45665
## 6324  -3.0193  1.45665
## 6325  -2.9410  1.45665
## 6326  -2.8628  1.45665
## 6327  -2.7846  1.45665
## 6328  -2.7063  1.45665
## 6329  -2.6281  1.45665
## 6330  -2.5499  1.45665
## 6331  -2.4716  1.45665
## 6332  -2.3934  1.45665
## 6333  -2.3152  1.45665
## 6334  -2.2369  1.45665
## 6335  -2.1587  1.45665
## 6336  -2.0805  1.45665
## 6337  -2.0022  1.45665
## 6338  -1.9240  1.45665
## 6339  -1.8458  1.45665
## 6340  -1.7676  1.45665
## 6341  -1.6893  1.45665
## 6342  -1.6111  1.45665
## 6343  -1.5329  1.45665
## 6344  -1.4546  1.45665
## 6345  -1.3764  1.45665
## 6346  -1.2982  1.45665
## 6347  -1.2199  1.45665
## 6348  -1.1417  1.45665
## 6349  -1.0635  1.45665
## 6350  -0.9852  1.45665
## 6351  -0.9070  1.45665
## 6352  -0.8288  1.45665
## 6353  -0.7505  1.45665
## 6354  -0.6723  1.45665
## 6355  -0.5941  1.45665
## 6356  -0.5158  1.45665
## 6357  -0.4376  1.45665
## 6358  -0.3594  1.45665
## 6359  -0.2811  1.45665
## 6360  -0.2029  1.45665
## 6361  -0.1247  1.45665
## 6362  -0.0464  1.45665
## 6363   0.0318  1.45665
## 6364   0.1100  1.45665
## 6365   0.1883  1.45665
## 6366   0.2665  1.45665
## 6367   0.3447  1.45665
## 6368   0.4230  1.45665
## 6369   0.5012  1.45665
## 6370   0.5794  1.45665
## 6371   0.6577  1.45665
## 6372   0.7359  1.45665
## 6373   0.8141  1.45665
## 6374   0.8923  1.45665
## 6375   0.9706  1.45665
## 6376   1.0488  1.45665
## 6377   1.1270  1.45665
## 6378   1.2053  1.45665
## 6379   1.2835  1.45665
## 6380   1.3617  1.45665
## 6381   1.4400  1.45665
## 6382   1.5182  1.45665
## 6383   1.5964  1.45665
## 6384   1.6747  1.45665
## 6385   1.7529  1.45665
## 6386   1.8311  1.45665
## 6387   1.9094  1.45665
## 6388   1.9876  1.45665
## 6389   2.0658  1.45665
## 6390   2.1441  1.45665
## 6391   2.2223  1.45665
## 6392   2.3005  1.45665
## 6393   2.3788  1.45665
## 6394   2.4570  1.45665
## 6395   2.5352  1.45665
## 6396   2.6135  1.45665
## 6397   2.6917  1.45665
## 6398   2.7699  1.45665
## 6399   2.8482  1.45665
## 6400   2.9264  1.45665
## 6401  -4.8186  1.51240
## 6402  -4.7404  1.51240
## 6403  -4.6622  1.51240
## 6404  -4.5839  1.51240
## 6405  -4.5057  1.51240
## 6406  -4.4275  1.51240
## 6407  -4.3492  1.51240
## 6408  -4.2710  1.51240
## 6409  -4.1928  1.51240
## 6410  -4.1145  1.51240
## 6411  -4.0363  1.51240
## 6412  -3.9581  1.51240
## 6413  -3.8798  1.51240
## 6414  -3.8016  1.51240
## 6415  -3.7234  1.51240
## 6416  -3.6451  1.51240
## 6417  -3.5669  1.51240
## 6418  -3.4887  1.51240
## 6419  -3.4104  1.51240
## 6420  -3.3322  1.51240
## 6421  -3.2540  1.51240
## 6422  -3.1757  1.51240
## 6423  -3.0975  1.51240
## 6424  -3.0193  1.51240
## 6425  -2.9410  1.51240
## 6426  -2.8628  1.51240
## 6427  -2.7846  1.51240
## 6428  -2.7063  1.51240
## 6429  -2.6281  1.51240
## 6430  -2.5499  1.51240
## 6431  -2.4716  1.51240
## 6432  -2.3934  1.51240
## 6433  -2.3152  1.51240
## 6434  -2.2369  1.51240
## 6435  -2.1587  1.51240
## 6436  -2.0805  1.51240
## 6437  -2.0022  1.51240
## 6438  -1.9240  1.51240
## 6439  -1.8458  1.51240
## 6440  -1.7676  1.51240
## 6441  -1.6893  1.51240
## 6442  -1.6111  1.51240
## 6443  -1.5329  1.51240
## 6444  -1.4546  1.51240
## 6445  -1.3764  1.51240
## 6446  -1.2982  1.51240
## 6447  -1.2199  1.51240
## 6448  -1.1417  1.51240
## 6449  -1.0635  1.51240
## 6450  -0.9852  1.51240
## 6451  -0.9070  1.51240
## 6452  -0.8288  1.51240
## 6453  -0.7505  1.51240
## 6454  -0.6723  1.51240
## 6455  -0.5941  1.51240
## 6456  -0.5158  1.51240
## 6457  -0.4376  1.51240
## 6458  -0.3594  1.51240
## 6459  -0.2811  1.51240
## 6460  -0.2029  1.51240
## 6461  -0.1247  1.51240
## 6462  -0.0464  1.51240
## 6463   0.0318  1.51240
## 6464   0.1100  1.51240
## 6465   0.1883  1.51240
## 6466   0.2665  1.51240
## 6467   0.3447  1.51240
## 6468   0.4230  1.51240
## 6469   0.5012  1.51240
## 6470   0.5794  1.51240
## 6471   0.6577  1.51240
## 6472   0.7359  1.51240
## 6473   0.8141  1.51240
## 6474   0.8923  1.51240
## 6475   0.9706  1.51240
## 6476   1.0488  1.51240
## 6477   1.1270  1.51240
## 6478   1.2053  1.51240
## 6479   1.2835  1.51240
## 6480   1.3617  1.51240
## 6481   1.4400  1.51240
## 6482   1.5182  1.51240
## 6483   1.5964  1.51240
## 6484   1.6747  1.51240
## 6485   1.7529  1.51240
## 6486   1.8311  1.51240
## 6487   1.9094  1.51240
## 6488   1.9876  1.51240
## 6489   2.0658  1.51240
## 6490   2.1441  1.51240
## 6491   2.2223  1.51240
## 6492   2.3005  1.51240
## 6493   2.3788  1.51240
## 6494   2.4570  1.51240
## 6495   2.5352  1.51240
## 6496   2.6135  1.51240
## 6497   2.6917  1.51240
## 6498   2.7699  1.51240
## 6499   2.8482  1.51240
## 6500   2.9264  1.51240
## 6501  -4.8186  1.56814
## 6502  -4.7404  1.56814
## 6503  -4.6622  1.56814
## 6504  -4.5839  1.56814
## 6505  -4.5057  1.56814
## 6506  -4.4275  1.56814
## 6507  -4.3492  1.56814
## 6508  -4.2710  1.56814
## 6509  -4.1928  1.56814
## 6510  -4.1145  1.56814
## 6511  -4.0363  1.56814
## 6512  -3.9581  1.56814
## 6513  -3.8798  1.56814
## 6514  -3.8016  1.56814
## 6515  -3.7234  1.56814
## 6516  -3.6451  1.56814
## 6517  -3.5669  1.56814
## 6518  -3.4887  1.56814
## 6519  -3.4104  1.56814
## 6520  -3.3322  1.56814
## 6521  -3.2540  1.56814
## 6522  -3.1757  1.56814
## 6523  -3.0975  1.56814
## 6524  -3.0193  1.56814
## 6525  -2.9410  1.56814
## 6526  -2.8628  1.56814
## 6527  -2.7846  1.56814
## 6528  -2.7063  1.56814
## 6529  -2.6281  1.56814
## 6530  -2.5499  1.56814
## 6531  -2.4716  1.56814
## 6532  -2.3934  1.56814
## 6533  -2.3152  1.56814
## 6534  -2.2369  1.56814
## 6535  -2.1587  1.56814
## 6536  -2.0805  1.56814
## 6537  -2.0022  1.56814
## 6538  -1.9240  1.56814
## 6539  -1.8458  1.56814
## 6540  -1.7676  1.56814
## 6541  -1.6893  1.56814
## 6542  -1.6111  1.56814
## 6543  -1.5329  1.56814
## 6544  -1.4546  1.56814
## 6545  -1.3764  1.56814
## 6546  -1.2982  1.56814
## 6547  -1.2199  1.56814
## 6548  -1.1417  1.56814
## 6549  -1.0635  1.56814
## 6550  -0.9852  1.56814
## 6551  -0.9070  1.56814
## 6552  -0.8288  1.56814
## 6553  -0.7505  1.56814
## 6554  -0.6723  1.56814
## 6555  -0.5941  1.56814
## 6556  -0.5158  1.56814
## 6557  -0.4376  1.56814
## 6558  -0.3594  1.56814
## 6559  -0.2811  1.56814
## 6560  -0.2029  1.56814
## 6561  -0.1247  1.56814
## 6562  -0.0464  1.56814
## 6563   0.0318  1.56814
## 6564   0.1100  1.56814
## 6565   0.1883  1.56814
## 6566   0.2665  1.56814
## 6567   0.3447  1.56814
## 6568   0.4230  1.56814
## 6569   0.5012  1.56814
## 6570   0.5794  1.56814
## 6571   0.6577  1.56814
## 6572   0.7359  1.56814
## 6573   0.8141  1.56814
## 6574   0.8923  1.56814
## 6575   0.9706  1.56814
## 6576   1.0488  1.56814
## 6577   1.1270  1.56814
## 6578   1.2053  1.56814
## 6579   1.2835  1.56814
## 6580   1.3617  1.56814
## 6581   1.4400  1.56814
## 6582   1.5182  1.56814
## 6583   1.5964  1.56814
## 6584   1.6747  1.56814
## 6585   1.7529  1.56814
## 6586   1.8311  1.56814
## 6587   1.9094  1.56814
## 6588   1.9876  1.56814
## 6589   2.0658  1.56814
## 6590   2.1441  1.56814
## 6591   2.2223  1.56814
## 6592   2.3005  1.56814
## 6593   2.3788  1.56814
## 6594   2.4570  1.56814
## 6595   2.5352  1.56814
## 6596   2.6135  1.56814
## 6597   2.6917  1.56814
## 6598   2.7699  1.56814
## 6599   2.8482  1.56814
## 6600   2.9264  1.56814
## 6601  -4.8186  1.62389
## 6602  -4.7404  1.62389
## 6603  -4.6622  1.62389
## 6604  -4.5839  1.62389
## 6605  -4.5057  1.62389
## 6606  -4.4275  1.62389
## 6607  -4.3492  1.62389
## 6608  -4.2710  1.62389
## 6609  -4.1928  1.62389
## 6610  -4.1145  1.62389
## 6611  -4.0363  1.62389
## 6612  -3.9581  1.62389
## 6613  -3.8798  1.62389
## 6614  -3.8016  1.62389
## 6615  -3.7234  1.62389
## 6616  -3.6451  1.62389
## 6617  -3.5669  1.62389
## 6618  -3.4887  1.62389
## 6619  -3.4104  1.62389
## 6620  -3.3322  1.62389
## 6621  -3.2540  1.62389
## 6622  -3.1757  1.62389
## 6623  -3.0975  1.62389
## 6624  -3.0193  1.62389
## 6625  -2.9410  1.62389
## 6626  -2.8628  1.62389
## 6627  -2.7846  1.62389
## 6628  -2.7063  1.62389
## 6629  -2.6281  1.62389
## 6630  -2.5499  1.62389
## 6631  -2.4716  1.62389
## 6632  -2.3934  1.62389
## 6633  -2.3152  1.62389
## 6634  -2.2369  1.62389
## 6635  -2.1587  1.62389
## 6636  -2.0805  1.62389
## 6637  -2.0022  1.62389
## 6638  -1.9240  1.62389
## 6639  -1.8458  1.62389
## 6640  -1.7676  1.62389
## 6641  -1.6893  1.62389
## 6642  -1.6111  1.62389
## 6643  -1.5329  1.62389
## 6644  -1.4546  1.62389
## 6645  -1.3764  1.62389
## 6646  -1.2982  1.62389
## 6647  -1.2199  1.62389
## 6648  -1.1417  1.62389
## 6649  -1.0635  1.62389
## 6650  -0.9852  1.62389
## 6651  -0.9070  1.62389
## 6652  -0.8288  1.62389
## 6653  -0.7505  1.62389
## 6654  -0.6723  1.62389
## 6655  -0.5941  1.62389
## 6656  -0.5158  1.62389
## 6657  -0.4376  1.62389
## 6658  -0.3594  1.62389
## 6659  -0.2811  1.62389
## 6660  -0.2029  1.62389
## 6661  -0.1247  1.62389
## 6662  -0.0464  1.62389
## 6663   0.0318  1.62389
## 6664   0.1100  1.62389
## 6665   0.1883  1.62389
## 6666   0.2665  1.62389
## 6667   0.3447  1.62389
## 6668   0.4230  1.62389
## 6669   0.5012  1.62389
## 6670   0.5794  1.62389
## 6671   0.6577  1.62389
## 6672   0.7359  1.62389
## 6673   0.8141  1.62389
## 6674   0.8923  1.62389
## 6675   0.9706  1.62389
## 6676   1.0488  1.62389
## 6677   1.1270  1.62389
## 6678   1.2053  1.62389
## 6679   1.2835  1.62389
## 6680   1.3617  1.62389
## 6681   1.4400  1.62389
## 6682   1.5182  1.62389
## 6683   1.5964  1.62389
## 6684   1.6747  1.62389
## 6685   1.7529  1.62389
## 6686   1.8311  1.62389
## 6687   1.9094  1.62389
## 6688   1.9876  1.62389
## 6689   2.0658  1.62389
## 6690   2.1441  1.62389
## 6691   2.2223  1.62389
## 6692   2.3005  1.62389
## 6693   2.3788  1.62389
## 6694   2.4570  1.62389
## 6695   2.5352  1.62389
## 6696   2.6135  1.62389
## 6697   2.6917  1.62389
## 6698   2.7699  1.62389
## 6699   2.8482  1.62389
## 6700   2.9264  1.62389
## 6701  -4.8186  1.67963
## 6702  -4.7404  1.67963
## 6703  -4.6622  1.67963
## 6704  -4.5839  1.67963
## 6705  -4.5057  1.67963
## 6706  -4.4275  1.67963
## 6707  -4.3492  1.67963
## 6708  -4.2710  1.67963
## 6709  -4.1928  1.67963
## 6710  -4.1145  1.67963
## 6711  -4.0363  1.67963
## 6712  -3.9581  1.67963
## 6713  -3.8798  1.67963
## 6714  -3.8016  1.67963
## 6715  -3.7234  1.67963
## 6716  -3.6451  1.67963
## 6717  -3.5669  1.67963
## 6718  -3.4887  1.67963
## 6719  -3.4104  1.67963
## 6720  -3.3322  1.67963
## 6721  -3.2540  1.67963
## 6722  -3.1757  1.67963
## 6723  -3.0975  1.67963
## 6724  -3.0193  1.67963
## 6725  -2.9410  1.67963
## 6726  -2.8628  1.67963
## 6727  -2.7846  1.67963
## 6728  -2.7063  1.67963
## 6729  -2.6281  1.67963
## 6730  -2.5499  1.67963
## 6731  -2.4716  1.67963
## 6732  -2.3934  1.67963
## 6733  -2.3152  1.67963
## 6734  -2.2369  1.67963
## 6735  -2.1587  1.67963
## 6736  -2.0805  1.67963
## 6737  -2.0022  1.67963
## 6738  -1.9240  1.67963
## 6739  -1.8458  1.67963
## 6740  -1.7676  1.67963
## 6741  -1.6893  1.67963
## 6742  -1.6111  1.67963
## 6743  -1.5329  1.67963
## 6744  -1.4546  1.67963
## 6745  -1.3764  1.67963
## 6746  -1.2982  1.67963
## 6747  -1.2199  1.67963
## 6748  -1.1417  1.67963
## 6749  -1.0635  1.67963
## 6750  -0.9852  1.67963
## 6751  -0.9070  1.67963
## 6752  -0.8288  1.67963
## 6753  -0.7505  1.67963
## 6754  -0.6723  1.67963
## 6755  -0.5941  1.67963
## 6756  -0.5158  1.67963
## 6757  -0.4376  1.67963
## 6758  -0.3594  1.67963
## 6759  -0.2811  1.67963
## 6760  -0.2029  1.67963
## 6761  -0.1247  1.67963
## 6762  -0.0464  1.67963
## 6763   0.0318  1.67963
## 6764   0.1100  1.67963
## 6765   0.1883  1.67963
## 6766   0.2665  1.67963
## 6767   0.3447  1.67963
## 6768   0.4230  1.67963
## 6769   0.5012  1.67963
## 6770   0.5794  1.67963
## 6771   0.6577  1.67963
## 6772   0.7359  1.67963
## 6773   0.8141  1.67963
## 6774   0.8923  1.67963
## 6775   0.9706  1.67963
## 6776   1.0488  1.67963
## 6777   1.1270  1.67963
## 6778   1.2053  1.67963
## 6779   1.2835  1.67963
## 6780   1.3617  1.67963
## 6781   1.4400  1.67963
## 6782   1.5182  1.67963
## 6783   1.5964  1.67963
## 6784   1.6747  1.67963
## 6785   1.7529  1.67963
## 6786   1.8311  1.67963
## 6787   1.9094  1.67963
## 6788   1.9876  1.67963
## 6789   2.0658  1.67963
## 6790   2.1441  1.67963
## 6791   2.2223  1.67963
## 6792   2.3005  1.67963
## 6793   2.3788  1.67963
## 6794   2.4570  1.67963
## 6795   2.5352  1.67963
## 6796   2.6135  1.67963
## 6797   2.6917  1.67963
## 6798   2.7699  1.67963
## 6799   2.8482  1.67963
## 6800   2.9264  1.67963
## 6801  -4.8186  1.73538
## 6802  -4.7404  1.73538
## 6803  -4.6622  1.73538
## 6804  -4.5839  1.73538
## 6805  -4.5057  1.73538
## 6806  -4.4275  1.73538
## 6807  -4.3492  1.73538
## 6808  -4.2710  1.73538
## 6809  -4.1928  1.73538
## 6810  -4.1145  1.73538
## 6811  -4.0363  1.73538
## 6812  -3.9581  1.73538
## 6813  -3.8798  1.73538
## 6814  -3.8016  1.73538
## 6815  -3.7234  1.73538
## 6816  -3.6451  1.73538
## 6817  -3.5669  1.73538
## 6818  -3.4887  1.73538
## 6819  -3.4104  1.73538
## 6820  -3.3322  1.73538
## 6821  -3.2540  1.73538
## 6822  -3.1757  1.73538
## 6823  -3.0975  1.73538
## 6824  -3.0193  1.73538
## 6825  -2.9410  1.73538
## 6826  -2.8628  1.73538
## 6827  -2.7846  1.73538
## 6828  -2.7063  1.73538
## 6829  -2.6281  1.73538
## 6830  -2.5499  1.73538
## 6831  -2.4716  1.73538
## 6832  -2.3934  1.73538
## 6833  -2.3152  1.73538
## 6834  -2.2369  1.73538
## 6835  -2.1587  1.73538
## 6836  -2.0805  1.73538
## 6837  -2.0022  1.73538
## 6838  -1.9240  1.73538
## 6839  -1.8458  1.73538
## 6840  -1.7676  1.73538
## 6841  -1.6893  1.73538
## 6842  -1.6111  1.73538
## 6843  -1.5329  1.73538
## 6844  -1.4546  1.73538
## 6845  -1.3764  1.73538
## 6846  -1.2982  1.73538
## 6847  -1.2199  1.73538
## 6848  -1.1417  1.73538
## 6849  -1.0635  1.73538
## 6850  -0.9852  1.73538
## 6851  -0.9070  1.73538
## 6852  -0.8288  1.73538
## 6853  -0.7505  1.73538
## 6854  -0.6723  1.73538
## 6855  -0.5941  1.73538
## 6856  -0.5158  1.73538
## 6857  -0.4376  1.73538
## 6858  -0.3594  1.73538
## 6859  -0.2811  1.73538
## 6860  -0.2029  1.73538
## 6861  -0.1247  1.73538
## 6862  -0.0464  1.73538
## 6863   0.0318  1.73538
## 6864   0.1100  1.73538
## 6865   0.1883  1.73538
## 6866   0.2665  1.73538
## 6867   0.3447  1.73538
## 6868   0.4230  1.73538
## 6869   0.5012  1.73538
## 6870   0.5794  1.73538
## 6871   0.6577  1.73538
## 6872   0.7359  1.73538
## 6873   0.8141  1.73538
## 6874   0.8923  1.73538
## 6875   0.9706  1.73538
## 6876   1.0488  1.73538
## 6877   1.1270  1.73538
## 6878   1.2053  1.73538
## 6879   1.2835  1.73538
## 6880   1.3617  1.73538
## 6881   1.4400  1.73538
## 6882   1.5182  1.73538
## 6883   1.5964  1.73538
## 6884   1.6747  1.73538
## 6885   1.7529  1.73538
## 6886   1.8311  1.73538
## 6887   1.9094  1.73538
## 6888   1.9876  1.73538
## 6889   2.0658  1.73538
## 6890   2.1441  1.73538
## 6891   2.2223  1.73538
## 6892   2.3005  1.73538
## 6893   2.3788  1.73538
## 6894   2.4570  1.73538
## 6895   2.5352  1.73538
## 6896   2.6135  1.73538
## 6897   2.6917  1.73538
## 6898   2.7699  1.73538
## 6899   2.8482  1.73538
## 6900   2.9264  1.73538
## 6901  -4.8186  1.79112
## 6902  -4.7404  1.79112
## 6903  -4.6622  1.79112
## 6904  -4.5839  1.79112
## 6905  -4.5057  1.79112
## 6906  -4.4275  1.79112
## 6907  -4.3492  1.79112
## 6908  -4.2710  1.79112
## 6909  -4.1928  1.79112
## 6910  -4.1145  1.79112
## 6911  -4.0363  1.79112
## 6912  -3.9581  1.79112
## 6913  -3.8798  1.79112
## 6914  -3.8016  1.79112
## 6915  -3.7234  1.79112
## 6916  -3.6451  1.79112
## 6917  -3.5669  1.79112
## 6918  -3.4887  1.79112
## 6919  -3.4104  1.79112
## 6920  -3.3322  1.79112
## 6921  -3.2540  1.79112
## 6922  -3.1757  1.79112
## 6923  -3.0975  1.79112
## 6924  -3.0193  1.79112
## 6925  -2.9410  1.79112
## 6926  -2.8628  1.79112
## 6927  -2.7846  1.79112
## 6928  -2.7063  1.79112
## 6929  -2.6281  1.79112
## 6930  -2.5499  1.79112
## 6931  -2.4716  1.79112
## 6932  -2.3934  1.79112
## 6933  -2.3152  1.79112
## 6934  -2.2369  1.79112
## 6935  -2.1587  1.79112
## 6936  -2.0805  1.79112
## 6937  -2.0022  1.79112
## 6938  -1.9240  1.79112
## 6939  -1.8458  1.79112
## 6940  -1.7676  1.79112
## 6941  -1.6893  1.79112
## 6942  -1.6111  1.79112
## 6943  -1.5329  1.79112
## 6944  -1.4546  1.79112
## 6945  -1.3764  1.79112
## 6946  -1.2982  1.79112
## 6947  -1.2199  1.79112
## 6948  -1.1417  1.79112
## 6949  -1.0635  1.79112
## 6950  -0.9852  1.79112
## 6951  -0.9070  1.79112
## 6952  -0.8288  1.79112
## 6953  -0.7505  1.79112
## 6954  -0.6723  1.79112
## 6955  -0.5941  1.79112
## 6956  -0.5158  1.79112
## 6957  -0.4376  1.79112
## 6958  -0.3594  1.79112
## 6959  -0.2811  1.79112
## 6960  -0.2029  1.79112
## 6961  -0.1247  1.79112
## 6962  -0.0464  1.79112
## 6963   0.0318  1.79112
## 6964   0.1100  1.79112
## 6965   0.1883  1.79112
## 6966   0.2665  1.79112
## 6967   0.3447  1.79112
## 6968   0.4230  1.79112
## 6969   0.5012  1.79112
## 6970   0.5794  1.79112
## 6971   0.6577  1.79112
## 6972   0.7359  1.79112
## 6973   0.8141  1.79112
## 6974   0.8923  1.79112
## 6975   0.9706  1.79112
## 6976   1.0488  1.79112
## 6977   1.1270  1.79112
## 6978   1.2053  1.79112
## 6979   1.2835  1.79112
## 6980   1.3617  1.79112
## 6981   1.4400  1.79112
## 6982   1.5182  1.79112
## 6983   1.5964  1.79112
## 6984   1.6747  1.79112
## 6985   1.7529  1.79112
## 6986   1.8311  1.79112
## 6987   1.9094  1.79112
## 6988   1.9876  1.79112
## 6989   2.0658  1.79112
## 6990   2.1441  1.79112
## 6991   2.2223  1.79112
## 6992   2.3005  1.79112
## 6993   2.3788  1.79112
## 6994   2.4570  1.79112
## 6995   2.5352  1.79112
## 6996   2.6135  1.79112
## 6997   2.6917  1.79112
## 6998   2.7699  1.79112
## 6999   2.8482  1.79112
## 7000   2.9264  1.79112
## 7001  -4.8186  1.84687
## 7002  -4.7404  1.84687
## 7003  -4.6622  1.84687
## 7004  -4.5839  1.84687
## 7005  -4.5057  1.84687
## 7006  -4.4275  1.84687
## 7007  -4.3492  1.84687
## 7008  -4.2710  1.84687
## 7009  -4.1928  1.84687
## 7010  -4.1145  1.84687
## 7011  -4.0363  1.84687
## 7012  -3.9581  1.84687
## 7013  -3.8798  1.84687
## 7014  -3.8016  1.84687
## 7015  -3.7234  1.84687
## 7016  -3.6451  1.84687
## 7017  -3.5669  1.84687
## 7018  -3.4887  1.84687
## 7019  -3.4104  1.84687
## 7020  -3.3322  1.84687
## 7021  -3.2540  1.84687
## 7022  -3.1757  1.84687
## 7023  -3.0975  1.84687
## 7024  -3.0193  1.84687
## 7025  -2.9410  1.84687
## 7026  -2.8628  1.84687
## 7027  -2.7846  1.84687
## 7028  -2.7063  1.84687
## 7029  -2.6281  1.84687
## 7030  -2.5499  1.84687
## 7031  -2.4716  1.84687
## 7032  -2.3934  1.84687
## 7033  -2.3152  1.84687
## 7034  -2.2369  1.84687
## 7035  -2.1587  1.84687
## 7036  -2.0805  1.84687
## 7037  -2.0022  1.84687
## 7038  -1.9240  1.84687
## 7039  -1.8458  1.84687
## 7040  -1.7676  1.84687
## 7041  -1.6893  1.84687
## 7042  -1.6111  1.84687
## 7043  -1.5329  1.84687
## 7044  -1.4546  1.84687
## 7045  -1.3764  1.84687
## 7046  -1.2982  1.84687
## 7047  -1.2199  1.84687
## 7048  -1.1417  1.84687
## 7049  -1.0635  1.84687
## 7050  -0.9852  1.84687
## 7051  -0.9070  1.84687
## 7052  -0.8288  1.84687
## 7053  -0.7505  1.84687
## 7054  -0.6723  1.84687
## 7055  -0.5941  1.84687
## 7056  -0.5158  1.84687
## 7057  -0.4376  1.84687
## 7058  -0.3594  1.84687
## 7059  -0.2811  1.84687
## 7060  -0.2029  1.84687
## 7061  -0.1247  1.84687
## 7062  -0.0464  1.84687
## 7063   0.0318  1.84687
## 7064   0.1100  1.84687
## 7065   0.1883  1.84687
## 7066   0.2665  1.84687
## 7067   0.3447  1.84687
## 7068   0.4230  1.84687
## 7069   0.5012  1.84687
## 7070   0.5794  1.84687
## 7071   0.6577  1.84687
## 7072   0.7359  1.84687
## 7073   0.8141  1.84687
## 7074   0.8923  1.84687
## 7075   0.9706  1.84687
## 7076   1.0488  1.84687
## 7077   1.1270  1.84687
## 7078   1.2053  1.84687
## 7079   1.2835  1.84687
## 7080   1.3617  1.84687
## 7081   1.4400  1.84687
## 7082   1.5182  1.84687
## 7083   1.5964  1.84687
## 7084   1.6747  1.84687
## 7085   1.7529  1.84687
## 7086   1.8311  1.84687
## 7087   1.9094  1.84687
## 7088   1.9876  1.84687
## 7089   2.0658  1.84687
## 7090   2.1441  1.84687
## 7091   2.2223  1.84687
## 7092   2.3005  1.84687
## 7093   2.3788  1.84687
## 7094   2.4570  1.84687
## 7095   2.5352  1.84687
## 7096   2.6135  1.84687
## 7097   2.6917  1.84687
## 7098   2.7699  1.84687
## 7099   2.8482  1.84687
## 7100   2.9264  1.84687
## 7101  -4.8186  1.90261
## 7102  -4.7404  1.90261
## 7103  -4.6622  1.90261
## 7104  -4.5839  1.90261
## 7105  -4.5057  1.90261
## 7106  -4.4275  1.90261
## 7107  -4.3492  1.90261
## 7108  -4.2710  1.90261
## 7109  -4.1928  1.90261
## 7110  -4.1145  1.90261
## 7111  -4.0363  1.90261
## 7112  -3.9581  1.90261
## 7113  -3.8798  1.90261
## 7114  -3.8016  1.90261
## 7115  -3.7234  1.90261
## 7116  -3.6451  1.90261
## 7117  -3.5669  1.90261
## 7118  -3.4887  1.90261
## 7119  -3.4104  1.90261
## 7120  -3.3322  1.90261
## 7121  -3.2540  1.90261
## 7122  -3.1757  1.90261
## 7123  -3.0975  1.90261
## 7124  -3.0193  1.90261
## 7125  -2.9410  1.90261
## 7126  -2.8628  1.90261
## 7127  -2.7846  1.90261
## 7128  -2.7063  1.90261
## 7129  -2.6281  1.90261
## 7130  -2.5499  1.90261
## 7131  -2.4716  1.90261
## 7132  -2.3934  1.90261
## 7133  -2.3152  1.90261
## 7134  -2.2369  1.90261
## 7135  -2.1587  1.90261
## 7136  -2.0805  1.90261
## 7137  -2.0022  1.90261
## 7138  -1.9240  1.90261
## 7139  -1.8458  1.90261
## 7140  -1.7676  1.90261
## 7141  -1.6893  1.90261
## 7142  -1.6111  1.90261
## 7143  -1.5329  1.90261
## 7144  -1.4546  1.90261
## 7145  -1.3764  1.90261
## 7146  -1.2982  1.90261
## 7147  -1.2199  1.90261
## 7148  -1.1417  1.90261
## 7149  -1.0635  1.90261
## 7150  -0.9852  1.90261
## 7151  -0.9070  1.90261
## 7152  -0.8288  1.90261
## 7153  -0.7505  1.90261
## 7154  -0.6723  1.90261
## 7155  -0.5941  1.90261
## 7156  -0.5158  1.90261
## 7157  -0.4376  1.90261
## 7158  -0.3594  1.90261
## 7159  -0.2811  1.90261
## 7160  -0.2029  1.90261
## 7161  -0.1247  1.90261
## 7162  -0.0464  1.90261
## 7163   0.0318  1.90261
## 7164   0.1100  1.90261
## 7165   0.1883  1.90261
## 7166   0.2665  1.90261
## 7167   0.3447  1.90261
## 7168   0.4230  1.90261
## 7169   0.5012  1.90261
## 7170   0.5794  1.90261
## 7171   0.6577  1.90261
## 7172   0.7359  1.90261
## 7173   0.8141  1.90261
## 7174   0.8923  1.90261
## 7175   0.9706  1.90261
## 7176   1.0488  1.90261
## 7177   1.1270  1.90261
## 7178   1.2053  1.90261
## 7179   1.2835  1.90261
## 7180   1.3617  1.90261
## 7181   1.4400  1.90261
## 7182   1.5182  1.90261
## 7183   1.5964  1.90261
## 7184   1.6747  1.90261
## 7185   1.7529  1.90261
## 7186   1.8311  1.90261
## 7187   1.9094  1.90261
## 7188   1.9876  1.90261
## 7189   2.0658  1.90261
## 7190   2.1441  1.90261
## 7191   2.2223  1.90261
## 7192   2.3005  1.90261
## 7193   2.3788  1.90261
## 7194   2.4570  1.90261
## 7195   2.5352  1.90261
## 7196   2.6135  1.90261
## 7197   2.6917  1.90261
## 7198   2.7699  1.90261
## 7199   2.8482  1.90261
## 7200   2.9264  1.90261
## 7201  -4.8186  1.95836
## 7202  -4.7404  1.95836
## 7203  -4.6622  1.95836
## 7204  -4.5839  1.95836
## 7205  -4.5057  1.95836
## 7206  -4.4275  1.95836
## 7207  -4.3492  1.95836
## 7208  -4.2710  1.95836
## 7209  -4.1928  1.95836
## 7210  -4.1145  1.95836
## 7211  -4.0363  1.95836
## 7212  -3.9581  1.95836
## 7213  -3.8798  1.95836
## 7214  -3.8016  1.95836
## 7215  -3.7234  1.95836
## 7216  -3.6451  1.95836
## 7217  -3.5669  1.95836
## 7218  -3.4887  1.95836
## 7219  -3.4104  1.95836
## 7220  -3.3322  1.95836
## 7221  -3.2540  1.95836
## 7222  -3.1757  1.95836
## 7223  -3.0975  1.95836
## 7224  -3.0193  1.95836
## 7225  -2.9410  1.95836
## 7226  -2.8628  1.95836
## 7227  -2.7846  1.95836
## 7228  -2.7063  1.95836
## 7229  -2.6281  1.95836
## 7230  -2.5499  1.95836
## 7231  -2.4716  1.95836
## 7232  -2.3934  1.95836
## 7233  -2.3152  1.95836
## 7234  -2.2369  1.95836
## 7235  -2.1587  1.95836
## 7236  -2.0805  1.95836
## 7237  -2.0022  1.95836
## 7238  -1.9240  1.95836
## 7239  -1.8458  1.95836
## 7240  -1.7676  1.95836
## 7241  -1.6893  1.95836
## 7242  -1.6111  1.95836
## 7243  -1.5329  1.95836
## 7244  -1.4546  1.95836
## 7245  -1.3764  1.95836
## 7246  -1.2982  1.95836
## 7247  -1.2199  1.95836
## 7248  -1.1417  1.95836
## 7249  -1.0635  1.95836
## 7250  -0.9852  1.95836
## 7251  -0.9070  1.95836
## 7252  -0.8288  1.95836
## 7253  -0.7505  1.95836
## 7254  -0.6723  1.95836
## 7255  -0.5941  1.95836
## 7256  -0.5158  1.95836
## 7257  -0.4376  1.95836
## 7258  -0.3594  1.95836
## 7259  -0.2811  1.95836
## 7260  -0.2029  1.95836
## 7261  -0.1247  1.95836
## 7262  -0.0464  1.95836
## 7263   0.0318  1.95836
## 7264   0.1100  1.95836
## 7265   0.1883  1.95836
## 7266   0.2665  1.95836
## 7267   0.3447  1.95836
## 7268   0.4230  1.95836
## 7269   0.5012  1.95836
## 7270   0.5794  1.95836
## 7271   0.6577  1.95836
## 7272   0.7359  1.95836
## 7273   0.8141  1.95836
## 7274   0.8923  1.95836
## 7275   0.9706  1.95836
## 7276   1.0488  1.95836
## 7277   1.1270  1.95836
## 7278   1.2053  1.95836
## 7279   1.2835  1.95836
## 7280   1.3617  1.95836
## 7281   1.4400  1.95836
## 7282   1.5182  1.95836
## 7283   1.5964  1.95836
## 7284   1.6747  1.95836
## 7285   1.7529  1.95836
## 7286   1.8311  1.95836
## 7287   1.9094  1.95836
## 7288   1.9876  1.95836
## 7289   2.0658  1.95836
## 7290   2.1441  1.95836
## 7291   2.2223  1.95836
## 7292   2.3005  1.95836
## 7293   2.3788  1.95836
## 7294   2.4570  1.95836
## 7295   2.5352  1.95836
## 7296   2.6135  1.95836
## 7297   2.6917  1.95836
## 7298   2.7699  1.95836
## 7299   2.8482  1.95836
## 7300   2.9264  1.95836
## 7301  -4.8186  2.01410
## 7302  -4.7404  2.01410
## 7303  -4.6622  2.01410
## 7304  -4.5839  2.01410
## 7305  -4.5057  2.01410
## 7306  -4.4275  2.01410
## 7307  -4.3492  2.01410
## 7308  -4.2710  2.01410
## 7309  -4.1928  2.01410
## 7310  -4.1145  2.01410
## 7311  -4.0363  2.01410
## 7312  -3.9581  2.01410
## 7313  -3.8798  2.01410
## 7314  -3.8016  2.01410
## 7315  -3.7234  2.01410
## 7316  -3.6451  2.01410
## 7317  -3.5669  2.01410
## 7318  -3.4887  2.01410
## 7319  -3.4104  2.01410
## 7320  -3.3322  2.01410
## 7321  -3.2540  2.01410
## 7322  -3.1757  2.01410
## 7323  -3.0975  2.01410
## 7324  -3.0193  2.01410
## 7325  -2.9410  2.01410
## 7326  -2.8628  2.01410
## 7327  -2.7846  2.01410
## 7328  -2.7063  2.01410
## 7329  -2.6281  2.01410
## 7330  -2.5499  2.01410
## 7331  -2.4716  2.01410
## 7332  -2.3934  2.01410
## 7333  -2.3152  2.01410
## 7334  -2.2369  2.01410
## 7335  -2.1587  2.01410
## 7336  -2.0805  2.01410
## 7337  -2.0022  2.01410
## 7338  -1.9240  2.01410
## 7339  -1.8458  2.01410
## 7340  -1.7676  2.01410
## 7341  -1.6893  2.01410
## 7342  -1.6111  2.01410
## 7343  -1.5329  2.01410
## 7344  -1.4546  2.01410
## 7345  -1.3764  2.01410
## 7346  -1.2982  2.01410
## 7347  -1.2199  2.01410
## 7348  -1.1417  2.01410
## 7349  -1.0635  2.01410
## 7350  -0.9852  2.01410
## 7351  -0.9070  2.01410
## 7352  -0.8288  2.01410
## 7353  -0.7505  2.01410
## 7354  -0.6723  2.01410
## 7355  -0.5941  2.01410
## 7356  -0.5158  2.01410
## 7357  -0.4376  2.01410
## 7358  -0.3594  2.01410
## 7359  -0.2811  2.01410
## 7360  -0.2029  2.01410
## 7361  -0.1247  2.01410
## 7362  -0.0464  2.01410
## 7363   0.0318  2.01410
## 7364   0.1100  2.01410
## 7365   0.1883  2.01410
## 7366   0.2665  2.01410
## 7367   0.3447  2.01410
## 7368   0.4230  2.01410
## 7369   0.5012  2.01410
## 7370   0.5794  2.01410
## 7371   0.6577  2.01410
## 7372   0.7359  2.01410
## 7373   0.8141  2.01410
## 7374   0.8923  2.01410
## 7375   0.9706  2.01410
## 7376   1.0488  2.01410
## 7377   1.1270  2.01410
## 7378   1.2053  2.01410
## 7379   1.2835  2.01410
## 7380   1.3617  2.01410
## 7381   1.4400  2.01410
## 7382   1.5182  2.01410
## 7383   1.5964  2.01410
## 7384   1.6747  2.01410
## 7385   1.7529  2.01410
## 7386   1.8311  2.01410
## 7387   1.9094  2.01410
## 7388   1.9876  2.01410
## 7389   2.0658  2.01410
## 7390   2.1441  2.01410
## 7391   2.2223  2.01410
## 7392   2.3005  2.01410
## 7393   2.3788  2.01410
## 7394   2.4570  2.01410
## 7395   2.5352  2.01410
## 7396   2.6135  2.01410
## 7397   2.6917  2.01410
## 7398   2.7699  2.01410
## 7399   2.8482  2.01410
## 7400   2.9264  2.01410
## 7401  -4.8186  2.06985
## 7402  -4.7404  2.06985
## 7403  -4.6622  2.06985
## 7404  -4.5839  2.06985
## 7405  -4.5057  2.06985
## 7406  -4.4275  2.06985
## 7407  -4.3492  2.06985
## 7408  -4.2710  2.06985
## 7409  -4.1928  2.06985
## 7410  -4.1145  2.06985
## 7411  -4.0363  2.06985
## 7412  -3.9581  2.06985
## 7413  -3.8798  2.06985
## 7414  -3.8016  2.06985
## 7415  -3.7234  2.06985
## 7416  -3.6451  2.06985
## 7417  -3.5669  2.06985
## 7418  -3.4887  2.06985
## 7419  -3.4104  2.06985
## 7420  -3.3322  2.06985
## 7421  -3.2540  2.06985
## 7422  -3.1757  2.06985
## 7423  -3.0975  2.06985
## 7424  -3.0193  2.06985
## 7425  -2.9410  2.06985
## 7426  -2.8628  2.06985
## 7427  -2.7846  2.06985
## 7428  -2.7063  2.06985
## 7429  -2.6281  2.06985
## 7430  -2.5499  2.06985
## 7431  -2.4716  2.06985
## 7432  -2.3934  2.06985
## 7433  -2.3152  2.06985
## 7434  -2.2369  2.06985
## 7435  -2.1587  2.06985
## 7436  -2.0805  2.06985
## 7437  -2.0022  2.06985
## 7438  -1.9240  2.06985
## 7439  -1.8458  2.06985
## 7440  -1.7676  2.06985
## 7441  -1.6893  2.06985
## 7442  -1.6111  2.06985
## 7443  -1.5329  2.06985
## 7444  -1.4546  2.06985
## 7445  -1.3764  2.06985
## 7446  -1.2982  2.06985
## 7447  -1.2199  2.06985
## 7448  -1.1417  2.06985
## 7449  -1.0635  2.06985
## 7450  -0.9852  2.06985
## 7451  -0.9070  2.06985
## 7452  -0.8288  2.06985
## 7453  -0.7505  2.06985
## 7454  -0.6723  2.06985
## 7455  -0.5941  2.06985
## 7456  -0.5158  2.06985
## 7457  -0.4376  2.06985
## 7458  -0.3594  2.06985
## 7459  -0.2811  2.06985
## 7460  -0.2029  2.06985
## 7461  -0.1247  2.06985
## 7462  -0.0464  2.06985
## 7463   0.0318  2.06985
## 7464   0.1100  2.06985
## 7465   0.1883  2.06985
## 7466   0.2665  2.06985
## 7467   0.3447  2.06985
## 7468   0.4230  2.06985
## 7469   0.5012  2.06985
## 7470   0.5794  2.06985
## 7471   0.6577  2.06985
## 7472   0.7359  2.06985
## 7473   0.8141  2.06985
## 7474   0.8923  2.06985
## 7475   0.9706  2.06985
## 7476   1.0488  2.06985
## 7477   1.1270  2.06985
## 7478   1.2053  2.06985
## 7479   1.2835  2.06985
## 7480   1.3617  2.06985
## 7481   1.4400  2.06985
## 7482   1.5182  2.06985
## 7483   1.5964  2.06985
## 7484   1.6747  2.06985
## 7485   1.7529  2.06985
## 7486   1.8311  2.06985
## 7487   1.9094  2.06985
## 7488   1.9876  2.06985
## 7489   2.0658  2.06985
## 7490   2.1441  2.06985
## 7491   2.2223  2.06985
## 7492   2.3005  2.06985
## 7493   2.3788  2.06985
## 7494   2.4570  2.06985
## 7495   2.5352  2.06985
## 7496   2.6135  2.06985
## 7497   2.6917  2.06985
## 7498   2.7699  2.06985
## 7499   2.8482  2.06985
## 7500   2.9264  2.06985
## 7501  -4.8186  2.12559
## 7502  -4.7404  2.12559
## 7503  -4.6622  2.12559
## 7504  -4.5839  2.12559
## 7505  -4.5057  2.12559
## 7506  -4.4275  2.12559
## 7507  -4.3492  2.12559
## 7508  -4.2710  2.12559
## 7509  -4.1928  2.12559
## 7510  -4.1145  2.12559
## 7511  -4.0363  2.12559
## 7512  -3.9581  2.12559
## 7513  -3.8798  2.12559
## 7514  -3.8016  2.12559
## 7515  -3.7234  2.12559
## 7516  -3.6451  2.12559
## 7517  -3.5669  2.12559
## 7518  -3.4887  2.12559
## 7519  -3.4104  2.12559
## 7520  -3.3322  2.12559
## 7521  -3.2540  2.12559
## 7522  -3.1757  2.12559
## 7523  -3.0975  2.12559
## 7524  -3.0193  2.12559
## 7525  -2.9410  2.12559
## 7526  -2.8628  2.12559
## 7527  -2.7846  2.12559
## 7528  -2.7063  2.12559
## 7529  -2.6281  2.12559
## 7530  -2.5499  2.12559
## 7531  -2.4716  2.12559
## 7532  -2.3934  2.12559
## 7533  -2.3152  2.12559
## 7534  -2.2369  2.12559
## 7535  -2.1587  2.12559
## 7536  -2.0805  2.12559
## 7537  -2.0022  2.12559
## 7538  -1.9240  2.12559
## 7539  -1.8458  2.12559
## 7540  -1.7676  2.12559
## 7541  -1.6893  2.12559
## 7542  -1.6111  2.12559
## 7543  -1.5329  2.12559
## 7544  -1.4546  2.12559
## 7545  -1.3764  2.12559
## 7546  -1.2982  2.12559
## 7547  -1.2199  2.12559
## 7548  -1.1417  2.12559
## 7549  -1.0635  2.12559
## 7550  -0.9852  2.12559
## 7551  -0.9070  2.12559
## 7552  -0.8288  2.12559
## 7553  -0.7505  2.12559
## 7554  -0.6723  2.12559
## 7555  -0.5941  2.12559
## 7556  -0.5158  2.12559
## 7557  -0.4376  2.12559
## 7558  -0.3594  2.12559
## 7559  -0.2811  2.12559
## 7560  -0.2029  2.12559
## 7561  -0.1247  2.12559
## 7562  -0.0464  2.12559
## 7563   0.0318  2.12559
## 7564   0.1100  2.12559
## 7565   0.1883  2.12559
## 7566   0.2665  2.12559
## 7567   0.3447  2.12559
## 7568   0.4230  2.12559
## 7569   0.5012  2.12559
## 7570   0.5794  2.12559
## 7571   0.6577  2.12559
## 7572   0.7359  2.12559
## 7573   0.8141  2.12559
## 7574   0.8923  2.12559
## 7575   0.9706  2.12559
## 7576   1.0488  2.12559
## 7577   1.1270  2.12559
## 7578   1.2053  2.12559
## 7579   1.2835  2.12559
## 7580   1.3617  2.12559
## 7581   1.4400  2.12559
## 7582   1.5182  2.12559
## 7583   1.5964  2.12559
## 7584   1.6747  2.12559
## 7585   1.7529  2.12559
## 7586   1.8311  2.12559
## 7587   1.9094  2.12559
## 7588   1.9876  2.12559
## 7589   2.0658  2.12559
## 7590   2.1441  2.12559
## 7591   2.2223  2.12559
## 7592   2.3005  2.12559
## 7593   2.3788  2.12559
## 7594   2.4570  2.12559
## 7595   2.5352  2.12559
## 7596   2.6135  2.12559
## 7597   2.6917  2.12559
## 7598   2.7699  2.12559
## 7599   2.8482  2.12559
## 7600   2.9264  2.12559
## 7601  -4.8186  2.18134
## 7602  -4.7404  2.18134
## 7603  -4.6622  2.18134
## 7604  -4.5839  2.18134
## 7605  -4.5057  2.18134
## 7606  -4.4275  2.18134
## 7607  -4.3492  2.18134
## 7608  -4.2710  2.18134
## 7609  -4.1928  2.18134
## 7610  -4.1145  2.18134
## 7611  -4.0363  2.18134
## 7612  -3.9581  2.18134
## 7613  -3.8798  2.18134
## 7614  -3.8016  2.18134
## 7615  -3.7234  2.18134
## 7616  -3.6451  2.18134
## 7617  -3.5669  2.18134
## 7618  -3.4887  2.18134
## 7619  -3.4104  2.18134
## 7620  -3.3322  2.18134
## 7621  -3.2540  2.18134
## 7622  -3.1757  2.18134
## 7623  -3.0975  2.18134
## 7624  -3.0193  2.18134
## 7625  -2.9410  2.18134
## 7626  -2.8628  2.18134
## 7627  -2.7846  2.18134
## 7628  -2.7063  2.18134
## 7629  -2.6281  2.18134
## 7630  -2.5499  2.18134
## 7631  -2.4716  2.18134
## 7632  -2.3934  2.18134
## 7633  -2.3152  2.18134
## 7634  -2.2369  2.18134
## 7635  -2.1587  2.18134
## 7636  -2.0805  2.18134
## 7637  -2.0022  2.18134
## 7638  -1.9240  2.18134
## 7639  -1.8458  2.18134
## 7640  -1.7676  2.18134
## 7641  -1.6893  2.18134
## 7642  -1.6111  2.18134
## 7643  -1.5329  2.18134
## 7644  -1.4546  2.18134
## 7645  -1.3764  2.18134
## 7646  -1.2982  2.18134
## 7647  -1.2199  2.18134
## 7648  -1.1417  2.18134
## 7649  -1.0635  2.18134
## 7650  -0.9852  2.18134
## 7651  -0.9070  2.18134
## 7652  -0.8288  2.18134
## 7653  -0.7505  2.18134
## 7654  -0.6723  2.18134
## 7655  -0.5941  2.18134
## 7656  -0.5158  2.18134
## 7657  -0.4376  2.18134
## 7658  -0.3594  2.18134
## 7659  -0.2811  2.18134
## 7660  -0.2029  2.18134
## 7661  -0.1247  2.18134
## 7662  -0.0464  2.18134
## 7663   0.0318  2.18134
## 7664   0.1100  2.18134
## 7665   0.1883  2.18134
## 7666   0.2665  2.18134
## 7667   0.3447  2.18134
## 7668   0.4230  2.18134
## 7669   0.5012  2.18134
## 7670   0.5794  2.18134
## 7671   0.6577  2.18134
## 7672   0.7359  2.18134
## 7673   0.8141  2.18134
## 7674   0.8923  2.18134
## 7675   0.9706  2.18134
## 7676   1.0488  2.18134
## 7677   1.1270  2.18134
## 7678   1.2053  2.18134
## 7679   1.2835  2.18134
## 7680   1.3617  2.18134
## 7681   1.4400  2.18134
## 7682   1.5182  2.18134
## 7683   1.5964  2.18134
## 7684   1.6747  2.18134
## 7685   1.7529  2.18134
## 7686   1.8311  2.18134
## 7687   1.9094  2.18134
## 7688   1.9876  2.18134
## 7689   2.0658  2.18134
## 7690   2.1441  2.18134
## 7691   2.2223  2.18134
## 7692   2.3005  2.18134
## 7693   2.3788  2.18134
## 7694   2.4570  2.18134
## 7695   2.5352  2.18134
## 7696   2.6135  2.18134
## 7697   2.6917  2.18134
## 7698   2.7699  2.18134
## 7699   2.8482  2.18134
## 7700   2.9264  2.18134
## 7701  -4.8186  2.23708
## 7702  -4.7404  2.23708
## 7703  -4.6622  2.23708
## 7704  -4.5839  2.23708
## 7705  -4.5057  2.23708
## 7706  -4.4275  2.23708
## 7707  -4.3492  2.23708
## 7708  -4.2710  2.23708
## 7709  -4.1928  2.23708
## 7710  -4.1145  2.23708
## 7711  -4.0363  2.23708
## 7712  -3.9581  2.23708
## 7713  -3.8798  2.23708
## 7714  -3.8016  2.23708
## 7715  -3.7234  2.23708
## 7716  -3.6451  2.23708
## 7717  -3.5669  2.23708
## 7718  -3.4887  2.23708
## 7719  -3.4104  2.23708
## 7720  -3.3322  2.23708
## 7721  -3.2540  2.23708
## 7722  -3.1757  2.23708
## 7723  -3.0975  2.23708
## 7724  -3.0193  2.23708
## 7725  -2.9410  2.23708
## 7726  -2.8628  2.23708
## 7727  -2.7846  2.23708
## 7728  -2.7063  2.23708
## 7729  -2.6281  2.23708
## 7730  -2.5499  2.23708
## 7731  -2.4716  2.23708
## 7732  -2.3934  2.23708
## 7733  -2.3152  2.23708
## 7734  -2.2369  2.23708
## 7735  -2.1587  2.23708
## 7736  -2.0805  2.23708
## 7737  -2.0022  2.23708
## 7738  -1.9240  2.23708
## 7739  -1.8458  2.23708
## 7740  -1.7676  2.23708
## 7741  -1.6893  2.23708
## 7742  -1.6111  2.23708
## 7743  -1.5329  2.23708
## 7744  -1.4546  2.23708
## 7745  -1.3764  2.23708
## 7746  -1.2982  2.23708
## 7747  -1.2199  2.23708
## 7748  -1.1417  2.23708
## 7749  -1.0635  2.23708
## 7750  -0.9852  2.23708
## 7751  -0.9070  2.23708
## 7752  -0.8288  2.23708
## 7753  -0.7505  2.23708
## 7754  -0.6723  2.23708
## 7755  -0.5941  2.23708
## 7756  -0.5158  2.23708
## 7757  -0.4376  2.23708
## 7758  -0.3594  2.23708
## 7759  -0.2811  2.23708
## 7760  -0.2029  2.23708
## 7761  -0.1247  2.23708
## 7762  -0.0464  2.23708
## 7763   0.0318  2.23708
## 7764   0.1100  2.23708
## 7765   0.1883  2.23708
## 7766   0.2665  2.23708
## 7767   0.3447  2.23708
## 7768   0.4230  2.23708
## 7769   0.5012  2.23708
## 7770   0.5794  2.23708
## 7771   0.6577  2.23708
## 7772   0.7359  2.23708
## 7773   0.8141  2.23708
## 7774   0.8923  2.23708
## 7775   0.9706  2.23708
## 7776   1.0488  2.23708
## 7777   1.1270  2.23708
## 7778   1.2053  2.23708
## 7779   1.2835  2.23708
## 7780   1.3617  2.23708
## 7781   1.4400  2.23708
## 7782   1.5182  2.23708
## 7783   1.5964  2.23708
## 7784   1.6747  2.23708
## 7785   1.7529  2.23708
## 7786   1.8311  2.23708
## 7787   1.9094  2.23708
## 7788   1.9876  2.23708
## 7789   2.0658  2.23708
## 7790   2.1441  2.23708
## 7791   2.2223  2.23708
## 7792   2.3005  2.23708
## 7793   2.3788  2.23708
## 7794   2.4570  2.23708
## 7795   2.5352  2.23708
## 7796   2.6135  2.23708
## 7797   2.6917  2.23708
## 7798   2.7699  2.23708
## 7799   2.8482  2.23708
## 7800   2.9264  2.23708
## 7801  -4.8186  2.29283
## 7802  -4.7404  2.29283
## 7803  -4.6622  2.29283
## 7804  -4.5839  2.29283
## 7805  -4.5057  2.29283
## 7806  -4.4275  2.29283
## 7807  -4.3492  2.29283
## 7808  -4.2710  2.29283
## 7809  -4.1928  2.29283
## 7810  -4.1145  2.29283
## 7811  -4.0363  2.29283
## 7812  -3.9581  2.29283
## 7813  -3.8798  2.29283
## 7814  -3.8016  2.29283
## 7815  -3.7234  2.29283
## 7816  -3.6451  2.29283
## 7817  -3.5669  2.29283
## 7818  -3.4887  2.29283
## 7819  -3.4104  2.29283
## 7820  -3.3322  2.29283
## 7821  -3.2540  2.29283
## 7822  -3.1757  2.29283
## 7823  -3.0975  2.29283
## 7824  -3.0193  2.29283
## 7825  -2.9410  2.29283
## 7826  -2.8628  2.29283
## 7827  -2.7846  2.29283
## 7828  -2.7063  2.29283
## 7829  -2.6281  2.29283
## 7830  -2.5499  2.29283
## 7831  -2.4716  2.29283
## 7832  -2.3934  2.29283
## 7833  -2.3152  2.29283
## 7834  -2.2369  2.29283
## 7835  -2.1587  2.29283
## 7836  -2.0805  2.29283
## 7837  -2.0022  2.29283
## 7838  -1.9240  2.29283
## 7839  -1.8458  2.29283
## 7840  -1.7676  2.29283
## 7841  -1.6893  2.29283
## 7842  -1.6111  2.29283
## 7843  -1.5329  2.29283
## 7844  -1.4546  2.29283
## 7845  -1.3764  2.29283
## 7846  -1.2982  2.29283
## 7847  -1.2199  2.29283
## 7848  -1.1417  2.29283
## 7849  -1.0635  2.29283
## 7850  -0.9852  2.29283
## 7851  -0.9070  2.29283
## 7852  -0.8288  2.29283
## 7853  -0.7505  2.29283
## 7854  -0.6723  2.29283
## 7855  -0.5941  2.29283
## 7856  -0.5158  2.29283
## 7857  -0.4376  2.29283
## 7858  -0.3594  2.29283
## 7859  -0.2811  2.29283
## 7860  -0.2029  2.29283
## 7861  -0.1247  2.29283
## 7862  -0.0464  2.29283
## 7863   0.0318  2.29283
## 7864   0.1100  2.29283
## 7865   0.1883  2.29283
## 7866   0.2665  2.29283
## 7867   0.3447  2.29283
## 7868   0.4230  2.29283
## 7869   0.5012  2.29283
## 7870   0.5794  2.29283
## 7871   0.6577  2.29283
## 7872   0.7359  2.29283
## 7873   0.8141  2.29283
## 7874   0.8923  2.29283
## 7875   0.9706  2.29283
## 7876   1.0488  2.29283
## 7877   1.1270  2.29283
## 7878   1.2053  2.29283
## 7879   1.2835  2.29283
## 7880   1.3617  2.29283
## 7881   1.4400  2.29283
## 7882   1.5182  2.29283
## 7883   1.5964  2.29283
## 7884   1.6747  2.29283
## 7885   1.7529  2.29283
## 7886   1.8311  2.29283
## 7887   1.9094  2.29283
## 7888   1.9876  2.29283
## 7889   2.0658  2.29283
## 7890   2.1441  2.29283
## 7891   2.2223  2.29283
## 7892   2.3005  2.29283
## 7893   2.3788  2.29283
## 7894   2.4570  2.29283
## 7895   2.5352  2.29283
## 7896   2.6135  2.29283
## 7897   2.6917  2.29283
## 7898   2.7699  2.29283
## 7899   2.8482  2.29283
## 7900   2.9264  2.29283
## 7901  -4.8186  2.34857
## 7902  -4.7404  2.34857
## 7903  -4.6622  2.34857
## 7904  -4.5839  2.34857
## 7905  -4.5057  2.34857
## 7906  -4.4275  2.34857
## 7907  -4.3492  2.34857
## 7908  -4.2710  2.34857
## 7909  -4.1928  2.34857
## 7910  -4.1145  2.34857
## 7911  -4.0363  2.34857
## 7912  -3.9581  2.34857
## 7913  -3.8798  2.34857
## 7914  -3.8016  2.34857
## 7915  -3.7234  2.34857
## 7916  -3.6451  2.34857
## 7917  -3.5669  2.34857
## 7918  -3.4887  2.34857
## 7919  -3.4104  2.34857
## 7920  -3.3322  2.34857
## 7921  -3.2540  2.34857
## 7922  -3.1757  2.34857
## 7923  -3.0975  2.34857
## 7924  -3.0193  2.34857
## 7925  -2.9410  2.34857
## 7926  -2.8628  2.34857
## 7927  -2.7846  2.34857
## 7928  -2.7063  2.34857
## 7929  -2.6281  2.34857
## 7930  -2.5499  2.34857
## 7931  -2.4716  2.34857
## 7932  -2.3934  2.34857
## 7933  -2.3152  2.34857
## 7934  -2.2369  2.34857
## 7935  -2.1587  2.34857
## 7936  -2.0805  2.34857
## 7937  -2.0022  2.34857
## 7938  -1.9240  2.34857
## 7939  -1.8458  2.34857
## 7940  -1.7676  2.34857
## 7941  -1.6893  2.34857
## 7942  -1.6111  2.34857
## 7943  -1.5329  2.34857
## 7944  -1.4546  2.34857
## 7945  -1.3764  2.34857
## 7946  -1.2982  2.34857
## 7947  -1.2199  2.34857
## 7948  -1.1417  2.34857
## 7949  -1.0635  2.34857
## 7950  -0.9852  2.34857
## 7951  -0.9070  2.34857
## 7952  -0.8288  2.34857
## 7953  -0.7505  2.34857
## 7954  -0.6723  2.34857
## 7955  -0.5941  2.34857
## 7956  -0.5158  2.34857
## 7957  -0.4376  2.34857
## 7958  -0.3594  2.34857
## 7959  -0.2811  2.34857
## 7960  -0.2029  2.34857
## 7961  -0.1247  2.34857
## 7962  -0.0464  2.34857
## 7963   0.0318  2.34857
## 7964   0.1100  2.34857
## 7965   0.1883  2.34857
## 7966   0.2665  2.34857
## 7967   0.3447  2.34857
## 7968   0.4230  2.34857
## 7969   0.5012  2.34857
## 7970   0.5794  2.34857
## 7971   0.6577  2.34857
## 7972   0.7359  2.34857
## 7973   0.8141  2.34857
## 7974   0.8923  2.34857
## 7975   0.9706  2.34857
## 7976   1.0488  2.34857
## 7977   1.1270  2.34857
## 7978   1.2053  2.34857
## 7979   1.2835  2.34857
## 7980   1.3617  2.34857
## 7981   1.4400  2.34857
## 7982   1.5182  2.34857
## 7983   1.5964  2.34857
## 7984   1.6747  2.34857
## 7985   1.7529  2.34857
## 7986   1.8311  2.34857
## 7987   1.9094  2.34857
## 7988   1.9876  2.34857
## 7989   2.0658  2.34857
## 7990   2.1441  2.34857
## 7991   2.2223  2.34857
## 7992   2.3005  2.34857
## 7993   2.3788  2.34857
## 7994   2.4570  2.34857
## 7995   2.5352  2.34857
## 7996   2.6135  2.34857
## 7997   2.6917  2.34857
## 7998   2.7699  2.34857
## 7999   2.8482  2.34857
## 8000   2.9264  2.34857
## 8001  -4.8186  2.40432
## 8002  -4.7404  2.40432
## 8003  -4.6622  2.40432
## 8004  -4.5839  2.40432
## 8005  -4.5057  2.40432
## 8006  -4.4275  2.40432
## 8007  -4.3492  2.40432
## 8008  -4.2710  2.40432
## 8009  -4.1928  2.40432
## 8010  -4.1145  2.40432
## 8011  -4.0363  2.40432
## 8012  -3.9581  2.40432
## 8013  -3.8798  2.40432
## 8014  -3.8016  2.40432
## 8015  -3.7234  2.40432
## 8016  -3.6451  2.40432
## 8017  -3.5669  2.40432
## 8018  -3.4887  2.40432
## 8019  -3.4104  2.40432
## 8020  -3.3322  2.40432
## 8021  -3.2540  2.40432
## 8022  -3.1757  2.40432
## 8023  -3.0975  2.40432
## 8024  -3.0193  2.40432
## 8025  -2.9410  2.40432
## 8026  -2.8628  2.40432
## 8027  -2.7846  2.40432
## 8028  -2.7063  2.40432
## 8029  -2.6281  2.40432
## 8030  -2.5499  2.40432
## 8031  -2.4716  2.40432
## 8032  -2.3934  2.40432
## 8033  -2.3152  2.40432
## 8034  -2.2369  2.40432
## 8035  -2.1587  2.40432
## 8036  -2.0805  2.40432
## 8037  -2.0022  2.40432
## 8038  -1.9240  2.40432
## 8039  -1.8458  2.40432
## 8040  -1.7676  2.40432
## 8041  -1.6893  2.40432
## 8042  -1.6111  2.40432
## 8043  -1.5329  2.40432
## 8044  -1.4546  2.40432
## 8045  -1.3764  2.40432
## 8046  -1.2982  2.40432
## 8047  -1.2199  2.40432
## 8048  -1.1417  2.40432
## 8049  -1.0635  2.40432
## 8050  -0.9852  2.40432
## 8051  -0.9070  2.40432
## 8052  -0.8288  2.40432
## 8053  -0.7505  2.40432
## 8054  -0.6723  2.40432
## 8055  -0.5941  2.40432
## 8056  -0.5158  2.40432
## 8057  -0.4376  2.40432
## 8058  -0.3594  2.40432
## 8059  -0.2811  2.40432
## 8060  -0.2029  2.40432
## 8061  -0.1247  2.40432
## 8062  -0.0464  2.40432
## 8063   0.0318  2.40432
## 8064   0.1100  2.40432
## 8065   0.1883  2.40432
## 8066   0.2665  2.40432
## 8067   0.3447  2.40432
## 8068   0.4230  2.40432
## 8069   0.5012  2.40432
## 8070   0.5794  2.40432
## 8071   0.6577  2.40432
## 8072   0.7359  2.40432
## 8073   0.8141  2.40432
## 8074   0.8923  2.40432
## 8075   0.9706  2.40432
## 8076   1.0488  2.40432
## 8077   1.1270  2.40432
## 8078   1.2053  2.40432
## 8079   1.2835  2.40432
## 8080   1.3617  2.40432
## 8081   1.4400  2.40432
## 8082   1.5182  2.40432
## 8083   1.5964  2.40432
## 8084   1.6747  2.40432
## 8085   1.7529  2.40432
## 8086   1.8311  2.40432
## 8087   1.9094  2.40432
## 8088   1.9876  2.40432
## 8089   2.0658  2.40432
## 8090   2.1441  2.40432
## 8091   2.2223  2.40432
## 8092   2.3005  2.40432
## 8093   2.3788  2.40432
## 8094   2.4570  2.40432
## 8095   2.5352  2.40432
## 8096   2.6135  2.40432
## 8097   2.6917  2.40432
## 8098   2.7699  2.40432
## 8099   2.8482  2.40432
## 8100   2.9264  2.40432
## 8101  -4.8186  2.46006
## 8102  -4.7404  2.46006
## 8103  -4.6622  2.46006
## 8104  -4.5839  2.46006
## 8105  -4.5057  2.46006
## 8106  -4.4275  2.46006
## 8107  -4.3492  2.46006
## 8108  -4.2710  2.46006
## 8109  -4.1928  2.46006
## 8110  -4.1145  2.46006
## 8111  -4.0363  2.46006
## 8112  -3.9581  2.46006
## 8113  -3.8798  2.46006
## 8114  -3.8016  2.46006
## 8115  -3.7234  2.46006
## 8116  -3.6451  2.46006
## 8117  -3.5669  2.46006
## 8118  -3.4887  2.46006
## 8119  -3.4104  2.46006
## 8120  -3.3322  2.46006
## 8121  -3.2540  2.46006
## 8122  -3.1757  2.46006
## 8123  -3.0975  2.46006
## 8124  -3.0193  2.46006
## 8125  -2.9410  2.46006
## 8126  -2.8628  2.46006
## 8127  -2.7846  2.46006
## 8128  -2.7063  2.46006
## 8129  -2.6281  2.46006
## 8130  -2.5499  2.46006
## 8131  -2.4716  2.46006
## 8132  -2.3934  2.46006
## 8133  -2.3152  2.46006
## 8134  -2.2369  2.46006
## 8135  -2.1587  2.46006
## 8136  -2.0805  2.46006
## 8137  -2.0022  2.46006
## 8138  -1.9240  2.46006
## 8139  -1.8458  2.46006
## 8140  -1.7676  2.46006
## 8141  -1.6893  2.46006
## 8142  -1.6111  2.46006
## 8143  -1.5329  2.46006
## 8144  -1.4546  2.46006
## 8145  -1.3764  2.46006
## 8146  -1.2982  2.46006
## 8147  -1.2199  2.46006
## 8148  -1.1417  2.46006
## 8149  -1.0635  2.46006
## 8150  -0.9852  2.46006
## 8151  -0.9070  2.46006
## 8152  -0.8288  2.46006
## 8153  -0.7505  2.46006
## 8154  -0.6723  2.46006
## 8155  -0.5941  2.46006
## 8156  -0.5158  2.46006
## 8157  -0.4376  2.46006
## 8158  -0.3594  2.46006
## 8159  -0.2811  2.46006
## 8160  -0.2029  2.46006
## 8161  -0.1247  2.46006
## 8162  -0.0464  2.46006
## 8163   0.0318  2.46006
## 8164   0.1100  2.46006
## 8165   0.1883  2.46006
## 8166   0.2665  2.46006
## 8167   0.3447  2.46006
## 8168   0.4230  2.46006
## 8169   0.5012  2.46006
## 8170   0.5794  2.46006
## 8171   0.6577  2.46006
## 8172   0.7359  2.46006
## 8173   0.8141  2.46006
## 8174   0.8923  2.46006
## 8175   0.9706  2.46006
## 8176   1.0488  2.46006
## 8177   1.1270  2.46006
## 8178   1.2053  2.46006
## 8179   1.2835  2.46006
## 8180   1.3617  2.46006
## 8181   1.4400  2.46006
## 8182   1.5182  2.46006
## 8183   1.5964  2.46006
## 8184   1.6747  2.46006
## 8185   1.7529  2.46006
## 8186   1.8311  2.46006
## 8187   1.9094  2.46006
## 8188   1.9876  2.46006
## 8189   2.0658  2.46006
## 8190   2.1441  2.46006
## 8191   2.2223  2.46006
## 8192   2.3005  2.46006
## 8193   2.3788  2.46006
## 8194   2.4570  2.46006
## 8195   2.5352  2.46006
## 8196   2.6135  2.46006
## 8197   2.6917  2.46006
## 8198   2.7699  2.46006
## 8199   2.8482  2.46006
## 8200   2.9264  2.46006
## 8201  -4.8186  2.51581
## 8202  -4.7404  2.51581
## 8203  -4.6622  2.51581
## 8204  -4.5839  2.51581
## 8205  -4.5057  2.51581
## 8206  -4.4275  2.51581
## 8207  -4.3492  2.51581
## 8208  -4.2710  2.51581
## 8209  -4.1928  2.51581
## 8210  -4.1145  2.51581
## 8211  -4.0363  2.51581
## 8212  -3.9581  2.51581
## 8213  -3.8798  2.51581
## 8214  -3.8016  2.51581
## 8215  -3.7234  2.51581
## 8216  -3.6451  2.51581
## 8217  -3.5669  2.51581
## 8218  -3.4887  2.51581
## 8219  -3.4104  2.51581
## 8220  -3.3322  2.51581
## 8221  -3.2540  2.51581
## 8222  -3.1757  2.51581
## 8223  -3.0975  2.51581
## 8224  -3.0193  2.51581
## 8225  -2.9410  2.51581
## 8226  -2.8628  2.51581
## 8227  -2.7846  2.51581
## 8228  -2.7063  2.51581
## 8229  -2.6281  2.51581
## 8230  -2.5499  2.51581
## 8231  -2.4716  2.51581
## 8232  -2.3934  2.51581
## 8233  -2.3152  2.51581
## 8234  -2.2369  2.51581
## 8235  -2.1587  2.51581
## 8236  -2.0805  2.51581
## 8237  -2.0022  2.51581
## 8238  -1.9240  2.51581
## 8239  -1.8458  2.51581
## 8240  -1.7676  2.51581
## 8241  -1.6893  2.51581
## 8242  -1.6111  2.51581
## 8243  -1.5329  2.51581
## 8244  -1.4546  2.51581
## 8245  -1.3764  2.51581
## 8246  -1.2982  2.51581
## 8247  -1.2199  2.51581
## 8248  -1.1417  2.51581
## 8249  -1.0635  2.51581
## 8250  -0.9852  2.51581
## 8251  -0.9070  2.51581
## 8252  -0.8288  2.51581
## 8253  -0.7505  2.51581
## 8254  -0.6723  2.51581
## 8255  -0.5941  2.51581
## 8256  -0.5158  2.51581
## 8257  -0.4376  2.51581
## 8258  -0.3594  2.51581
## 8259  -0.2811  2.51581
## 8260  -0.2029  2.51581
## 8261  -0.1247  2.51581
## 8262  -0.0464  2.51581
## 8263   0.0318  2.51581
## 8264   0.1100  2.51581
## 8265   0.1883  2.51581
## 8266   0.2665  2.51581
## 8267   0.3447  2.51581
## 8268   0.4230  2.51581
## 8269   0.5012  2.51581
## 8270   0.5794  2.51581
## 8271   0.6577  2.51581
## 8272   0.7359  2.51581
## 8273   0.8141  2.51581
## 8274   0.8923  2.51581
## 8275   0.9706  2.51581
## 8276   1.0488  2.51581
## 8277   1.1270  2.51581
## 8278   1.2053  2.51581
## 8279   1.2835  2.51581
## 8280   1.3617  2.51581
## 8281   1.4400  2.51581
## 8282   1.5182  2.51581
## 8283   1.5964  2.51581
## 8284   1.6747  2.51581
## 8285   1.7529  2.51581
## 8286   1.8311  2.51581
## 8287   1.9094  2.51581
## 8288   1.9876  2.51581
## 8289   2.0658  2.51581
## 8290   2.1441  2.51581
## 8291   2.2223  2.51581
## 8292   2.3005  2.51581
## 8293   2.3788  2.51581
## 8294   2.4570  2.51581
## 8295   2.5352  2.51581
## 8296   2.6135  2.51581
## 8297   2.6917  2.51581
## 8298   2.7699  2.51581
## 8299   2.8482  2.51581
## 8300   2.9264  2.51581
## 8301  -4.8186  2.57155
## 8302  -4.7404  2.57155
## 8303  -4.6622  2.57155
## 8304  -4.5839  2.57155
## 8305  -4.5057  2.57155
## 8306  -4.4275  2.57155
## 8307  -4.3492  2.57155
## 8308  -4.2710  2.57155
## 8309  -4.1928  2.57155
## 8310  -4.1145  2.57155
## 8311  -4.0363  2.57155
## 8312  -3.9581  2.57155
## 8313  -3.8798  2.57155
## 8314  -3.8016  2.57155
## 8315  -3.7234  2.57155
## 8316  -3.6451  2.57155
## 8317  -3.5669  2.57155
## 8318  -3.4887  2.57155
## 8319  -3.4104  2.57155
## 8320  -3.3322  2.57155
## 8321  -3.2540  2.57155
## 8322  -3.1757  2.57155
## 8323  -3.0975  2.57155
## 8324  -3.0193  2.57155
## 8325  -2.9410  2.57155
## 8326  -2.8628  2.57155
## 8327  -2.7846  2.57155
## 8328  -2.7063  2.57155
## 8329  -2.6281  2.57155
## 8330  -2.5499  2.57155
## 8331  -2.4716  2.57155
## 8332  -2.3934  2.57155
## 8333  -2.3152  2.57155
## 8334  -2.2369  2.57155
## 8335  -2.1587  2.57155
## 8336  -2.0805  2.57155
## 8337  -2.0022  2.57155
## 8338  -1.9240  2.57155
## 8339  -1.8458  2.57155
## 8340  -1.7676  2.57155
## 8341  -1.6893  2.57155
## 8342  -1.6111  2.57155
## 8343  -1.5329  2.57155
## 8344  -1.4546  2.57155
## 8345  -1.3764  2.57155
## 8346  -1.2982  2.57155
## 8347  -1.2199  2.57155
## 8348  -1.1417  2.57155
## 8349  -1.0635  2.57155
## 8350  -0.9852  2.57155
## 8351  -0.9070  2.57155
## 8352  -0.8288  2.57155
## 8353  -0.7505  2.57155
## 8354  -0.6723  2.57155
## 8355  -0.5941  2.57155
## 8356  -0.5158  2.57155
## 8357  -0.4376  2.57155
## 8358  -0.3594  2.57155
## 8359  -0.2811  2.57155
## 8360  -0.2029  2.57155
## 8361  -0.1247  2.57155
## 8362  -0.0464  2.57155
## 8363   0.0318  2.57155
## 8364   0.1100  2.57155
## 8365   0.1883  2.57155
## 8366   0.2665  2.57155
## 8367   0.3447  2.57155
## 8368   0.4230  2.57155
## 8369   0.5012  2.57155
## 8370   0.5794  2.57155
## 8371   0.6577  2.57155
## 8372   0.7359  2.57155
## 8373   0.8141  2.57155
## 8374   0.8923  2.57155
## 8375   0.9706  2.57155
## 8376   1.0488  2.57155
## 8377   1.1270  2.57155
## 8378   1.2053  2.57155
## 8379   1.2835  2.57155
## 8380   1.3617  2.57155
## 8381   1.4400  2.57155
## 8382   1.5182  2.57155
## 8383   1.5964  2.57155
## 8384   1.6747  2.57155
## 8385   1.7529  2.57155
## 8386   1.8311  2.57155
## 8387   1.9094  2.57155
## 8388   1.9876  2.57155
## 8389   2.0658  2.57155
## 8390   2.1441  2.57155
## 8391   2.2223  2.57155
## 8392   2.3005  2.57155
## 8393   2.3788  2.57155
## 8394   2.4570  2.57155
## 8395   2.5352  2.57155
## 8396   2.6135  2.57155
## 8397   2.6917  2.57155
## 8398   2.7699  2.57155
## 8399   2.8482  2.57155
## 8400   2.9264  2.57155
## 8401  -4.8186  2.62730
## 8402  -4.7404  2.62730
## 8403  -4.6622  2.62730
## 8404  -4.5839  2.62730
## 8405  -4.5057  2.62730
## 8406  -4.4275  2.62730
## 8407  -4.3492  2.62730
## 8408  -4.2710  2.62730
## 8409  -4.1928  2.62730
## 8410  -4.1145  2.62730
## 8411  -4.0363  2.62730
## 8412  -3.9581  2.62730
## 8413  -3.8798  2.62730
## 8414  -3.8016  2.62730
## 8415  -3.7234  2.62730
## 8416  -3.6451  2.62730
## 8417  -3.5669  2.62730
## 8418  -3.4887  2.62730
## 8419  -3.4104  2.62730
## 8420  -3.3322  2.62730
## 8421  -3.2540  2.62730
## 8422  -3.1757  2.62730
## 8423  -3.0975  2.62730
## 8424  -3.0193  2.62730
## 8425  -2.9410  2.62730
## 8426  -2.8628  2.62730
## 8427  -2.7846  2.62730
## 8428  -2.7063  2.62730
## 8429  -2.6281  2.62730
## 8430  -2.5499  2.62730
## 8431  -2.4716  2.62730
## 8432  -2.3934  2.62730
## 8433  -2.3152  2.62730
## 8434  -2.2369  2.62730
## 8435  -2.1587  2.62730
## 8436  -2.0805  2.62730
## 8437  -2.0022  2.62730
## 8438  -1.9240  2.62730
## 8439  -1.8458  2.62730
## 8440  -1.7676  2.62730
## 8441  -1.6893  2.62730
## 8442  -1.6111  2.62730
## 8443  -1.5329  2.62730
## 8444  -1.4546  2.62730
## 8445  -1.3764  2.62730
## 8446  -1.2982  2.62730
## 8447  -1.2199  2.62730
## 8448  -1.1417  2.62730
## 8449  -1.0635  2.62730
## 8450  -0.9852  2.62730
## 8451  -0.9070  2.62730
## 8452  -0.8288  2.62730
## 8453  -0.7505  2.62730
## 8454  -0.6723  2.62730
## 8455  -0.5941  2.62730
## 8456  -0.5158  2.62730
## 8457  -0.4376  2.62730
## 8458  -0.3594  2.62730
## 8459  -0.2811  2.62730
## 8460  -0.2029  2.62730
## 8461  -0.1247  2.62730
## 8462  -0.0464  2.62730
## 8463   0.0318  2.62730
## 8464   0.1100  2.62730
## 8465   0.1883  2.62730
## 8466   0.2665  2.62730
## 8467   0.3447  2.62730
## 8468   0.4230  2.62730
## 8469   0.5012  2.62730
## 8470   0.5794  2.62730
## 8471   0.6577  2.62730
## 8472   0.7359  2.62730
## 8473   0.8141  2.62730
## 8474   0.8923  2.62730
## 8475   0.9706  2.62730
## 8476   1.0488  2.62730
## 8477   1.1270  2.62730
## 8478   1.2053  2.62730
## 8479   1.2835  2.62730
## 8480   1.3617  2.62730
## 8481   1.4400  2.62730
## 8482   1.5182  2.62730
## 8483   1.5964  2.62730
## 8484   1.6747  2.62730
## 8485   1.7529  2.62730
## 8486   1.8311  2.62730
## 8487   1.9094  2.62730
## 8488   1.9876  2.62730
## 8489   2.0658  2.62730
## 8490   2.1441  2.62730
## 8491   2.2223  2.62730
## 8492   2.3005  2.62730
## 8493   2.3788  2.62730
## 8494   2.4570  2.62730
## 8495   2.5352  2.62730
## 8496   2.6135  2.62730
## 8497   2.6917  2.62730
## 8498   2.7699  2.62730
## 8499   2.8482  2.62730
## 8500   2.9264  2.62730
## 8501  -4.8186  2.68304
## 8502  -4.7404  2.68304
## 8503  -4.6622  2.68304
## 8504  -4.5839  2.68304
## 8505  -4.5057  2.68304
## 8506  -4.4275  2.68304
## 8507  -4.3492  2.68304
## 8508  -4.2710  2.68304
## 8509  -4.1928  2.68304
## 8510  -4.1145  2.68304
## 8511  -4.0363  2.68304
## 8512  -3.9581  2.68304
## 8513  -3.8798  2.68304
## 8514  -3.8016  2.68304
## 8515  -3.7234  2.68304
## 8516  -3.6451  2.68304
## 8517  -3.5669  2.68304
## 8518  -3.4887  2.68304
## 8519  -3.4104  2.68304
## 8520  -3.3322  2.68304
## 8521  -3.2540  2.68304
## 8522  -3.1757  2.68304
## 8523  -3.0975  2.68304
## 8524  -3.0193  2.68304
## 8525  -2.9410  2.68304
## 8526  -2.8628  2.68304
## 8527  -2.7846  2.68304
## 8528  -2.7063  2.68304
## 8529  -2.6281  2.68304
## 8530  -2.5499  2.68304
## 8531  -2.4716  2.68304
## 8532  -2.3934  2.68304
## 8533  -2.3152  2.68304
## 8534  -2.2369  2.68304
## 8535  -2.1587  2.68304
## 8536  -2.0805  2.68304
## 8537  -2.0022  2.68304
## 8538  -1.9240  2.68304
## 8539  -1.8458  2.68304
## 8540  -1.7676  2.68304
## 8541  -1.6893  2.68304
## 8542  -1.6111  2.68304
## 8543  -1.5329  2.68304
## 8544  -1.4546  2.68304
## 8545  -1.3764  2.68304
## 8546  -1.2982  2.68304
## 8547  -1.2199  2.68304
## 8548  -1.1417  2.68304
## 8549  -1.0635  2.68304
## 8550  -0.9852  2.68304
## 8551  -0.9070  2.68304
## 8552  -0.8288  2.68304
## 8553  -0.7505  2.68304
## 8554  -0.6723  2.68304
## 8555  -0.5941  2.68304
## 8556  -0.5158  2.68304
## 8557  -0.4376  2.68304
## 8558  -0.3594  2.68304
## 8559  -0.2811  2.68304
## 8560  -0.2029  2.68304
## 8561  -0.1247  2.68304
## 8562  -0.0464  2.68304
## 8563   0.0318  2.68304
## 8564   0.1100  2.68304
## 8565   0.1883  2.68304
## 8566   0.2665  2.68304
## 8567   0.3447  2.68304
## 8568   0.4230  2.68304
## 8569   0.5012  2.68304
## 8570   0.5794  2.68304
## 8571   0.6577  2.68304
## 8572   0.7359  2.68304
## 8573   0.8141  2.68304
## 8574   0.8923  2.68304
## 8575   0.9706  2.68304
## 8576   1.0488  2.68304
## 8577   1.1270  2.68304
## 8578   1.2053  2.68304
## 8579   1.2835  2.68304
## 8580   1.3617  2.68304
## 8581   1.4400  2.68304
## 8582   1.5182  2.68304
## 8583   1.5964  2.68304
## 8584   1.6747  2.68304
## 8585   1.7529  2.68304
## 8586   1.8311  2.68304
## 8587   1.9094  2.68304
## 8588   1.9876  2.68304
## 8589   2.0658  2.68304
## 8590   2.1441  2.68304
## 8591   2.2223  2.68304
## 8592   2.3005  2.68304
## 8593   2.3788  2.68304
## 8594   2.4570  2.68304
## 8595   2.5352  2.68304
## 8596   2.6135  2.68304
## 8597   2.6917  2.68304
## 8598   2.7699  2.68304
## 8599   2.8482  2.68304
## 8600   2.9264  2.68304
## 8601  -4.8186  2.73879
## 8602  -4.7404  2.73879
## 8603  -4.6622  2.73879
## 8604  -4.5839  2.73879
## 8605  -4.5057  2.73879
## 8606  -4.4275  2.73879
## 8607  -4.3492  2.73879
## 8608  -4.2710  2.73879
## 8609  -4.1928  2.73879
## 8610  -4.1145  2.73879
## 8611  -4.0363  2.73879
## 8612  -3.9581  2.73879
## 8613  -3.8798  2.73879
## 8614  -3.8016  2.73879
## 8615  -3.7234  2.73879
## 8616  -3.6451  2.73879
## 8617  -3.5669  2.73879
## 8618  -3.4887  2.73879
## 8619  -3.4104  2.73879
## 8620  -3.3322  2.73879
## 8621  -3.2540  2.73879
## 8622  -3.1757  2.73879
## 8623  -3.0975  2.73879
## 8624  -3.0193  2.73879
## 8625  -2.9410  2.73879
## 8626  -2.8628  2.73879
## 8627  -2.7846  2.73879
## 8628  -2.7063  2.73879
## 8629  -2.6281  2.73879
## 8630  -2.5499  2.73879
## 8631  -2.4716  2.73879
## 8632  -2.3934  2.73879
## 8633  -2.3152  2.73879
## 8634  -2.2369  2.73879
## 8635  -2.1587  2.73879
## 8636  -2.0805  2.73879
## 8637  -2.0022  2.73879
## 8638  -1.9240  2.73879
## 8639  -1.8458  2.73879
## 8640  -1.7676  2.73879
## 8641  -1.6893  2.73879
## 8642  -1.6111  2.73879
## 8643  -1.5329  2.73879
## 8644  -1.4546  2.73879
## 8645  -1.3764  2.73879
## 8646  -1.2982  2.73879
## 8647  -1.2199  2.73879
## 8648  -1.1417  2.73879
## 8649  -1.0635  2.73879
## 8650  -0.9852  2.73879
## 8651  -0.9070  2.73879
## 8652  -0.8288  2.73879
## 8653  -0.7505  2.73879
## 8654  -0.6723  2.73879
## 8655  -0.5941  2.73879
## 8656  -0.5158  2.73879
## 8657  -0.4376  2.73879
## 8658  -0.3594  2.73879
## 8659  -0.2811  2.73879
## 8660  -0.2029  2.73879
## 8661  -0.1247  2.73879
## 8662  -0.0464  2.73879
## 8663   0.0318  2.73879
## 8664   0.1100  2.73879
## 8665   0.1883  2.73879
## 8666   0.2665  2.73879
## 8667   0.3447  2.73879
## 8668   0.4230  2.73879
## 8669   0.5012  2.73879
## 8670   0.5794  2.73879
## 8671   0.6577  2.73879
## 8672   0.7359  2.73879
## 8673   0.8141  2.73879
## 8674   0.8923  2.73879
## 8675   0.9706  2.73879
## 8676   1.0488  2.73879
## 8677   1.1270  2.73879
## 8678   1.2053  2.73879
## 8679   1.2835  2.73879
## 8680   1.3617  2.73879
## 8681   1.4400  2.73879
## 8682   1.5182  2.73879
## 8683   1.5964  2.73879
## 8684   1.6747  2.73879
## 8685   1.7529  2.73879
## 8686   1.8311  2.73879
## 8687   1.9094  2.73879
## 8688   1.9876  2.73879
## 8689   2.0658  2.73879
## 8690   2.1441  2.73879
## 8691   2.2223  2.73879
## 8692   2.3005  2.73879
## 8693   2.3788  2.73879
## 8694   2.4570  2.73879
## 8695   2.5352  2.73879
## 8696   2.6135  2.73879
## 8697   2.6917  2.73879
## 8698   2.7699  2.73879
## 8699   2.8482  2.73879
## 8700   2.9264  2.73879
## 8701  -4.8186  2.79453
## 8702  -4.7404  2.79453
## 8703  -4.6622  2.79453
## 8704  -4.5839  2.79453
## 8705  -4.5057  2.79453
## 8706  -4.4275  2.79453
## 8707  -4.3492  2.79453
## 8708  -4.2710  2.79453
## 8709  -4.1928  2.79453
## 8710  -4.1145  2.79453
## 8711  -4.0363  2.79453
## 8712  -3.9581  2.79453
## 8713  -3.8798  2.79453
## 8714  -3.8016  2.79453
## 8715  -3.7234  2.79453
## 8716  -3.6451  2.79453
## 8717  -3.5669  2.79453
## 8718  -3.4887  2.79453
## 8719  -3.4104  2.79453
## 8720  -3.3322  2.79453
## 8721  -3.2540  2.79453
## 8722  -3.1757  2.79453
## 8723  -3.0975  2.79453
## 8724  -3.0193  2.79453
## 8725  -2.9410  2.79453
## 8726  -2.8628  2.79453
## 8727  -2.7846  2.79453
## 8728  -2.7063  2.79453
## 8729  -2.6281  2.79453
## 8730  -2.5499  2.79453
## 8731  -2.4716  2.79453
## 8732  -2.3934  2.79453
## 8733  -2.3152  2.79453
## 8734  -2.2369  2.79453
## 8735  -2.1587  2.79453
## 8736  -2.0805  2.79453
## 8737  -2.0022  2.79453
## 8738  -1.9240  2.79453
## 8739  -1.8458  2.79453
## 8740  -1.7676  2.79453
## 8741  -1.6893  2.79453
## 8742  -1.6111  2.79453
## 8743  -1.5329  2.79453
## 8744  -1.4546  2.79453
## 8745  -1.3764  2.79453
## 8746  -1.2982  2.79453
## 8747  -1.2199  2.79453
## 8748  -1.1417  2.79453
## 8749  -1.0635  2.79453
## 8750  -0.9852  2.79453
## 8751  -0.9070  2.79453
## 8752  -0.8288  2.79453
## 8753  -0.7505  2.79453
## 8754  -0.6723  2.79453
## 8755  -0.5941  2.79453
## 8756  -0.5158  2.79453
## 8757  -0.4376  2.79453
## 8758  -0.3594  2.79453
## 8759  -0.2811  2.79453
## 8760  -0.2029  2.79453
## 8761  -0.1247  2.79453
## 8762  -0.0464  2.79453
## 8763   0.0318  2.79453
## 8764   0.1100  2.79453
## 8765   0.1883  2.79453
## 8766   0.2665  2.79453
## 8767   0.3447  2.79453
## 8768   0.4230  2.79453
## 8769   0.5012  2.79453
## 8770   0.5794  2.79453
## 8771   0.6577  2.79453
## 8772   0.7359  2.79453
## 8773   0.8141  2.79453
## 8774   0.8923  2.79453
## 8775   0.9706  2.79453
## 8776   1.0488  2.79453
## 8777   1.1270  2.79453
## 8778   1.2053  2.79453
## 8779   1.2835  2.79453
## 8780   1.3617  2.79453
## 8781   1.4400  2.79453
## 8782   1.5182  2.79453
## 8783   1.5964  2.79453
## 8784   1.6747  2.79453
## 8785   1.7529  2.79453
## 8786   1.8311  2.79453
## 8787   1.9094  2.79453
## 8788   1.9876  2.79453
## 8789   2.0658  2.79453
## 8790   2.1441  2.79453
## 8791   2.2223  2.79453
## 8792   2.3005  2.79453
## 8793   2.3788  2.79453
## 8794   2.4570  2.79453
## 8795   2.5352  2.79453
## 8796   2.6135  2.79453
## 8797   2.6917  2.79453
## 8798   2.7699  2.79453
## 8799   2.8482  2.79453
## 8800   2.9264  2.79453
## 8801  -4.8186  2.85028
## 8802  -4.7404  2.85028
## 8803  -4.6622  2.85028
## 8804  -4.5839  2.85028
## 8805  -4.5057  2.85028
## 8806  -4.4275  2.85028
## 8807  -4.3492  2.85028
## 8808  -4.2710  2.85028
## 8809  -4.1928  2.85028
## 8810  -4.1145  2.85028
## 8811  -4.0363  2.85028
## 8812  -3.9581  2.85028
## 8813  -3.8798  2.85028
## 8814  -3.8016  2.85028
## 8815  -3.7234  2.85028
## 8816  -3.6451  2.85028
## 8817  -3.5669  2.85028
## 8818  -3.4887  2.85028
## 8819  -3.4104  2.85028
## 8820  -3.3322  2.85028
## 8821  -3.2540  2.85028
## 8822  -3.1757  2.85028
## 8823  -3.0975  2.85028
## 8824  -3.0193  2.85028
## 8825  -2.9410  2.85028
## 8826  -2.8628  2.85028
## 8827  -2.7846  2.85028
## 8828  -2.7063  2.85028
## 8829  -2.6281  2.85028
## 8830  -2.5499  2.85028
## 8831  -2.4716  2.85028
## 8832  -2.3934  2.85028
## 8833  -2.3152  2.85028
## 8834  -2.2369  2.85028
## 8835  -2.1587  2.85028
## 8836  -2.0805  2.85028
## 8837  -2.0022  2.85028
## 8838  -1.9240  2.85028
## 8839  -1.8458  2.85028
## 8840  -1.7676  2.85028
## 8841  -1.6893  2.85028
## 8842  -1.6111  2.85028
## 8843  -1.5329  2.85028
## 8844  -1.4546  2.85028
## 8845  -1.3764  2.85028
## 8846  -1.2982  2.85028
## 8847  -1.2199  2.85028
## 8848  -1.1417  2.85028
## 8849  -1.0635  2.85028
## 8850  -0.9852  2.85028
## 8851  -0.9070  2.85028
## 8852  -0.8288  2.85028
## 8853  -0.7505  2.85028
## 8854  -0.6723  2.85028
## 8855  -0.5941  2.85028
## 8856  -0.5158  2.85028
## 8857  -0.4376  2.85028
## 8858  -0.3594  2.85028
## 8859  -0.2811  2.85028
## 8860  -0.2029  2.85028
## 8861  -0.1247  2.85028
## 8862  -0.0464  2.85028
## 8863   0.0318  2.85028
## 8864   0.1100  2.85028
## 8865   0.1883  2.85028
## 8866   0.2665  2.85028
## 8867   0.3447  2.85028
## 8868   0.4230  2.85028
## 8869   0.5012  2.85028
## 8870   0.5794  2.85028
## 8871   0.6577  2.85028
## 8872   0.7359  2.85028
## 8873   0.8141  2.85028
## 8874   0.8923  2.85028
## 8875   0.9706  2.85028
## 8876   1.0488  2.85028
## 8877   1.1270  2.85028
## 8878   1.2053  2.85028
## 8879   1.2835  2.85028
## 8880   1.3617  2.85028
## 8881   1.4400  2.85028
## 8882   1.5182  2.85028
## 8883   1.5964  2.85028
## 8884   1.6747  2.85028
## 8885   1.7529  2.85028
## 8886   1.8311  2.85028
## 8887   1.9094  2.85028
## 8888   1.9876  2.85028
## 8889   2.0658  2.85028
## 8890   2.1441  2.85028
## 8891   2.2223  2.85028
## 8892   2.3005  2.85028
## 8893   2.3788  2.85028
## 8894   2.4570  2.85028
## 8895   2.5352  2.85028
## 8896   2.6135  2.85028
## 8897   2.6917  2.85028
## 8898   2.7699  2.85028
## 8899   2.8482  2.85028
## 8900   2.9264  2.85028
## 8901  -4.8186  2.90602
## 8902  -4.7404  2.90602
## 8903  -4.6622  2.90602
## 8904  -4.5839  2.90602
## 8905  -4.5057  2.90602
## 8906  -4.4275  2.90602
## 8907  -4.3492  2.90602
## 8908  -4.2710  2.90602
## 8909  -4.1928  2.90602
## 8910  -4.1145  2.90602
## 8911  -4.0363  2.90602
## 8912  -3.9581  2.90602
## 8913  -3.8798  2.90602
## 8914  -3.8016  2.90602
## 8915  -3.7234  2.90602
## 8916  -3.6451  2.90602
## 8917  -3.5669  2.90602
## 8918  -3.4887  2.90602
## 8919  -3.4104  2.90602
## 8920  -3.3322  2.90602
## 8921  -3.2540  2.90602
## 8922  -3.1757  2.90602
## 8923  -3.0975  2.90602
## 8924  -3.0193  2.90602
## 8925  -2.9410  2.90602
## 8926  -2.8628  2.90602
## 8927  -2.7846  2.90602
## 8928  -2.7063  2.90602
## 8929  -2.6281  2.90602
## 8930  -2.5499  2.90602
## 8931  -2.4716  2.90602
## 8932  -2.3934  2.90602
## 8933  -2.3152  2.90602
## 8934  -2.2369  2.90602
## 8935  -2.1587  2.90602
## 8936  -2.0805  2.90602
## 8937  -2.0022  2.90602
## 8938  -1.9240  2.90602
## 8939  -1.8458  2.90602
## 8940  -1.7676  2.90602
## 8941  -1.6893  2.90602
## 8942  -1.6111  2.90602
## 8943  -1.5329  2.90602
## 8944  -1.4546  2.90602
## 8945  -1.3764  2.90602
## 8946  -1.2982  2.90602
## 8947  -1.2199  2.90602
## 8948  -1.1417  2.90602
## 8949  -1.0635  2.90602
## 8950  -0.9852  2.90602
## 8951  -0.9070  2.90602
## 8952  -0.8288  2.90602
## 8953  -0.7505  2.90602
## 8954  -0.6723  2.90602
## 8955  -0.5941  2.90602
## 8956  -0.5158  2.90602
## 8957  -0.4376  2.90602
## 8958  -0.3594  2.90602
## 8959  -0.2811  2.90602
## 8960  -0.2029  2.90602
## 8961  -0.1247  2.90602
## 8962  -0.0464  2.90602
## 8963   0.0318  2.90602
## 8964   0.1100  2.90602
## 8965   0.1883  2.90602
## 8966   0.2665  2.90602
## 8967   0.3447  2.90602
## 8968   0.4230  2.90602
## 8969   0.5012  2.90602
## 8970   0.5794  2.90602
## 8971   0.6577  2.90602
## 8972   0.7359  2.90602
## 8973   0.8141  2.90602
## 8974   0.8923  2.90602
## 8975   0.9706  2.90602
## 8976   1.0488  2.90602
## 8977   1.1270  2.90602
## 8978   1.2053  2.90602
## 8979   1.2835  2.90602
## 8980   1.3617  2.90602
## 8981   1.4400  2.90602
## 8982   1.5182  2.90602
## 8983   1.5964  2.90602
## 8984   1.6747  2.90602
## 8985   1.7529  2.90602
## 8986   1.8311  2.90602
## 8987   1.9094  2.90602
## 8988   1.9876  2.90602
## 8989   2.0658  2.90602
## 8990   2.1441  2.90602
## 8991   2.2223  2.90602
## 8992   2.3005  2.90602
## 8993   2.3788  2.90602
## 8994   2.4570  2.90602
## 8995   2.5352  2.90602
## 8996   2.6135  2.90602
## 8997   2.6917  2.90602
## 8998   2.7699  2.90602
## 8999   2.8482  2.90602
## 9000   2.9264  2.90602
## 9001  -4.8186  2.96177
## 9002  -4.7404  2.96177
## 9003  -4.6622  2.96177
## 9004  -4.5839  2.96177
## 9005  -4.5057  2.96177
## 9006  -4.4275  2.96177
## 9007  -4.3492  2.96177
## 9008  -4.2710  2.96177
## 9009  -4.1928  2.96177
## 9010  -4.1145  2.96177
## 9011  -4.0363  2.96177
## 9012  -3.9581  2.96177
## 9013  -3.8798  2.96177
## 9014  -3.8016  2.96177
## 9015  -3.7234  2.96177
## 9016  -3.6451  2.96177
## 9017  -3.5669  2.96177
## 9018  -3.4887  2.96177
## 9019  -3.4104  2.96177
## 9020  -3.3322  2.96177
## 9021  -3.2540  2.96177
## 9022  -3.1757  2.96177
## 9023  -3.0975  2.96177
## 9024  -3.0193  2.96177
## 9025  -2.9410  2.96177
## 9026  -2.8628  2.96177
## 9027  -2.7846  2.96177
## 9028  -2.7063  2.96177
## 9029  -2.6281  2.96177
## 9030  -2.5499  2.96177
## 9031  -2.4716  2.96177
## 9032  -2.3934  2.96177
## 9033  -2.3152  2.96177
## 9034  -2.2369  2.96177
## 9035  -2.1587  2.96177
## 9036  -2.0805  2.96177
## 9037  -2.0022  2.96177
## 9038  -1.9240  2.96177
## 9039  -1.8458  2.96177
## 9040  -1.7676  2.96177
## 9041  -1.6893  2.96177
## 9042  -1.6111  2.96177
## 9043  -1.5329  2.96177
## 9044  -1.4546  2.96177
## 9045  -1.3764  2.96177
## 9046  -1.2982  2.96177
## 9047  -1.2199  2.96177
## 9048  -1.1417  2.96177
## 9049  -1.0635  2.96177
## 9050  -0.9852  2.96177
## 9051  -0.9070  2.96177
## 9052  -0.8288  2.96177
## 9053  -0.7505  2.96177
## 9054  -0.6723  2.96177
## 9055  -0.5941  2.96177
## 9056  -0.5158  2.96177
## 9057  -0.4376  2.96177
## 9058  -0.3594  2.96177
## 9059  -0.2811  2.96177
## 9060  -0.2029  2.96177
## 9061  -0.1247  2.96177
## 9062  -0.0464  2.96177
## 9063   0.0318  2.96177
## 9064   0.1100  2.96177
## 9065   0.1883  2.96177
## 9066   0.2665  2.96177
## 9067   0.3447  2.96177
## 9068   0.4230  2.96177
## 9069   0.5012  2.96177
## 9070   0.5794  2.96177
## 9071   0.6577  2.96177
## 9072   0.7359  2.96177
## 9073   0.8141  2.96177
## 9074   0.8923  2.96177
## 9075   0.9706  2.96177
## 9076   1.0488  2.96177
## 9077   1.1270  2.96177
## 9078   1.2053  2.96177
## 9079   1.2835  2.96177
## 9080   1.3617  2.96177
## 9081   1.4400  2.96177
## 9082   1.5182  2.96177
## 9083   1.5964  2.96177
## 9084   1.6747  2.96177
## 9085   1.7529  2.96177
## 9086   1.8311  2.96177
## 9087   1.9094  2.96177
## 9088   1.9876  2.96177
## 9089   2.0658  2.96177
## 9090   2.1441  2.96177
## 9091   2.2223  2.96177
## 9092   2.3005  2.96177
## 9093   2.3788  2.96177
## 9094   2.4570  2.96177
## 9095   2.5352  2.96177
## 9096   2.6135  2.96177
## 9097   2.6917  2.96177
## 9098   2.7699  2.96177
## 9099   2.8482  2.96177
## 9100   2.9264  2.96177
## 9101  -4.8186  3.01751
## 9102  -4.7404  3.01751
## 9103  -4.6622  3.01751
## 9104  -4.5839  3.01751
## 9105  -4.5057  3.01751
## 9106  -4.4275  3.01751
## 9107  -4.3492  3.01751
## 9108  -4.2710  3.01751
## 9109  -4.1928  3.01751
## 9110  -4.1145  3.01751
## 9111  -4.0363  3.01751
## 9112  -3.9581  3.01751
## 9113  -3.8798  3.01751
## 9114  -3.8016  3.01751
## 9115  -3.7234  3.01751
## 9116  -3.6451  3.01751
## 9117  -3.5669  3.01751
## 9118  -3.4887  3.01751
## 9119  -3.4104  3.01751
## 9120  -3.3322  3.01751
## 9121  -3.2540  3.01751
## 9122  -3.1757  3.01751
## 9123  -3.0975  3.01751
## 9124  -3.0193  3.01751
## 9125  -2.9410  3.01751
## 9126  -2.8628  3.01751
## 9127  -2.7846  3.01751
## 9128  -2.7063  3.01751
## 9129  -2.6281  3.01751
## 9130  -2.5499  3.01751
## 9131  -2.4716  3.01751
## 9132  -2.3934  3.01751
## 9133  -2.3152  3.01751
## 9134  -2.2369  3.01751
## 9135  -2.1587  3.01751
## 9136  -2.0805  3.01751
## 9137  -2.0022  3.01751
## 9138  -1.9240  3.01751
## 9139  -1.8458  3.01751
## 9140  -1.7676  3.01751
## 9141  -1.6893  3.01751
## 9142  -1.6111  3.01751
## 9143  -1.5329  3.01751
## 9144  -1.4546  3.01751
## 9145  -1.3764  3.01751
## 9146  -1.2982  3.01751
## 9147  -1.2199  3.01751
## 9148  -1.1417  3.01751
## 9149  -1.0635  3.01751
## 9150  -0.9852  3.01751
## 9151  -0.9070  3.01751
## 9152  -0.8288  3.01751
## 9153  -0.7505  3.01751
## 9154  -0.6723  3.01751
## 9155  -0.5941  3.01751
## 9156  -0.5158  3.01751
## 9157  -0.4376  3.01751
## 9158  -0.3594  3.01751
## 9159  -0.2811  3.01751
## 9160  -0.2029  3.01751
## 9161  -0.1247  3.01751
## 9162  -0.0464  3.01751
## 9163   0.0318  3.01751
## 9164   0.1100  3.01751
## 9165   0.1883  3.01751
## 9166   0.2665  3.01751
## 9167   0.3447  3.01751
## 9168   0.4230  3.01751
## 9169   0.5012  3.01751
## 9170   0.5794  3.01751
## 9171   0.6577  3.01751
## 9172   0.7359  3.01751
## 9173   0.8141  3.01751
## 9174   0.8923  3.01751
## 9175   0.9706  3.01751
## 9176   1.0488  3.01751
## 9177   1.1270  3.01751
## 9178   1.2053  3.01751
## 9179   1.2835  3.01751
## 9180   1.3617  3.01751
## 9181   1.4400  3.01751
## 9182   1.5182  3.01751
## 9183   1.5964  3.01751
## 9184   1.6747  3.01751
## 9185   1.7529  3.01751
## 9186   1.8311  3.01751
## 9187   1.9094  3.01751
## 9188   1.9876  3.01751
## 9189   2.0658  3.01751
## 9190   2.1441  3.01751
## 9191   2.2223  3.01751
## 9192   2.3005  3.01751
## 9193   2.3788  3.01751
## 9194   2.4570  3.01751
## 9195   2.5352  3.01751
## 9196   2.6135  3.01751
## 9197   2.6917  3.01751
## 9198   2.7699  3.01751
## 9199   2.8482  3.01751
## 9200   2.9264  3.01751
## 9201  -4.8186  3.07326
## 9202  -4.7404  3.07326
## 9203  -4.6622  3.07326
## 9204  -4.5839  3.07326
## 9205  -4.5057  3.07326
## 9206  -4.4275  3.07326
## 9207  -4.3492  3.07326
## 9208  -4.2710  3.07326
## 9209  -4.1928  3.07326
## 9210  -4.1145  3.07326
## 9211  -4.0363  3.07326
## 9212  -3.9581  3.07326
## 9213  -3.8798  3.07326
## 9214  -3.8016  3.07326
## 9215  -3.7234  3.07326
## 9216  -3.6451  3.07326
## 9217  -3.5669  3.07326
## 9218  -3.4887  3.07326
## 9219  -3.4104  3.07326
## 9220  -3.3322  3.07326
## 9221  -3.2540  3.07326
## 9222  -3.1757  3.07326
## 9223  -3.0975  3.07326
## 9224  -3.0193  3.07326
## 9225  -2.9410  3.07326
## 9226  -2.8628  3.07326
## 9227  -2.7846  3.07326
## 9228  -2.7063  3.07326
## 9229  -2.6281  3.07326
## 9230  -2.5499  3.07326
## 9231  -2.4716  3.07326
## 9232  -2.3934  3.07326
## 9233  -2.3152  3.07326
## 9234  -2.2369  3.07326
## 9235  -2.1587  3.07326
## 9236  -2.0805  3.07326
## 9237  -2.0022  3.07326
## 9238  -1.9240  3.07326
## 9239  -1.8458  3.07326
## 9240  -1.7676  3.07326
## 9241  -1.6893  3.07326
## 9242  -1.6111  3.07326
## 9243  -1.5329  3.07326
## 9244  -1.4546  3.07326
## 9245  -1.3764  3.07326
## 9246  -1.2982  3.07326
## 9247  -1.2199  3.07326
## 9248  -1.1417  3.07326
## 9249  -1.0635  3.07326
## 9250  -0.9852  3.07326
## 9251  -0.9070  3.07326
## 9252  -0.8288  3.07326
## 9253  -0.7505  3.07326
## 9254  -0.6723  3.07326
## 9255  -0.5941  3.07326
## 9256  -0.5158  3.07326
## 9257  -0.4376  3.07326
## 9258  -0.3594  3.07326
## 9259  -0.2811  3.07326
## 9260  -0.2029  3.07326
## 9261  -0.1247  3.07326
## 9262  -0.0464  3.07326
## 9263   0.0318  3.07326
## 9264   0.1100  3.07326
## 9265   0.1883  3.07326
## 9266   0.2665  3.07326
## 9267   0.3447  3.07326
## 9268   0.4230  3.07326
## 9269   0.5012  3.07326
## 9270   0.5794  3.07326
## 9271   0.6577  3.07326
## 9272   0.7359  3.07326
## 9273   0.8141  3.07326
## 9274   0.8923  3.07326
## 9275   0.9706  3.07326
## 9276   1.0488  3.07326
## 9277   1.1270  3.07326
## 9278   1.2053  3.07326
## 9279   1.2835  3.07326
## 9280   1.3617  3.07326
## 9281   1.4400  3.07326
## 9282   1.5182  3.07326
## 9283   1.5964  3.07326
## 9284   1.6747  3.07326
## 9285   1.7529  3.07326
## 9286   1.8311  3.07326
## 9287   1.9094  3.07326
## 9288   1.9876  3.07326
## 9289   2.0658  3.07326
## 9290   2.1441  3.07326
## 9291   2.2223  3.07326
## 9292   2.3005  3.07326
## 9293   2.3788  3.07326
## 9294   2.4570  3.07326
## 9295   2.5352  3.07326
## 9296   2.6135  3.07326
## 9297   2.6917  3.07326
## 9298   2.7699  3.07326
## 9299   2.8482  3.07326
## 9300   2.9264  3.07326
## 9301  -4.8186  3.12900
## 9302  -4.7404  3.12900
## 9303  -4.6622  3.12900
## 9304  -4.5839  3.12900
## 9305  -4.5057  3.12900
## 9306  -4.4275  3.12900
## 9307  -4.3492  3.12900
## 9308  -4.2710  3.12900
## 9309  -4.1928  3.12900
## 9310  -4.1145  3.12900
## 9311  -4.0363  3.12900
## 9312  -3.9581  3.12900
## 9313  -3.8798  3.12900
## 9314  -3.8016  3.12900
## 9315  -3.7234  3.12900
## 9316  -3.6451  3.12900
## 9317  -3.5669  3.12900
## 9318  -3.4887  3.12900
## 9319  -3.4104  3.12900
## 9320  -3.3322  3.12900
## 9321  -3.2540  3.12900
## 9322  -3.1757  3.12900
## 9323  -3.0975  3.12900
## 9324  -3.0193  3.12900
## 9325  -2.9410  3.12900
## 9326  -2.8628  3.12900
## 9327  -2.7846  3.12900
## 9328  -2.7063  3.12900
## 9329  -2.6281  3.12900
## 9330  -2.5499  3.12900
## 9331  -2.4716  3.12900
## 9332  -2.3934  3.12900
## 9333  -2.3152  3.12900
## 9334  -2.2369  3.12900
## 9335  -2.1587  3.12900
## 9336  -2.0805  3.12900
## 9337  -2.0022  3.12900
## 9338  -1.9240  3.12900
## 9339  -1.8458  3.12900
## 9340  -1.7676  3.12900
## 9341  -1.6893  3.12900
## 9342  -1.6111  3.12900
## 9343  -1.5329  3.12900
## 9344  -1.4546  3.12900
## 9345  -1.3764  3.12900
## 9346  -1.2982  3.12900
## 9347  -1.2199  3.12900
## 9348  -1.1417  3.12900
## 9349  -1.0635  3.12900
## 9350  -0.9852  3.12900
## 9351  -0.9070  3.12900
## 9352  -0.8288  3.12900
## 9353  -0.7505  3.12900
## 9354  -0.6723  3.12900
## 9355  -0.5941  3.12900
## 9356  -0.5158  3.12900
## 9357  -0.4376  3.12900
## 9358  -0.3594  3.12900
## 9359  -0.2811  3.12900
## 9360  -0.2029  3.12900
## 9361  -0.1247  3.12900
## 9362  -0.0464  3.12900
## 9363   0.0318  3.12900
## 9364   0.1100  3.12900
## 9365   0.1883  3.12900
## 9366   0.2665  3.12900
## 9367   0.3447  3.12900
## 9368   0.4230  3.12900
## 9369   0.5012  3.12900
## 9370   0.5794  3.12900
## 9371   0.6577  3.12900
## 9372   0.7359  3.12900
## 9373   0.8141  3.12900
## 9374   0.8923  3.12900
## 9375   0.9706  3.12900
## 9376   1.0488  3.12900
## 9377   1.1270  3.12900
## 9378   1.2053  3.12900
## 9379   1.2835  3.12900
## 9380   1.3617  3.12900
## 9381   1.4400  3.12900
## 9382   1.5182  3.12900
## 9383   1.5964  3.12900
## 9384   1.6747  3.12900
## 9385   1.7529  3.12900
## 9386   1.8311  3.12900
## 9387   1.9094  3.12900
## 9388   1.9876  3.12900
## 9389   2.0658  3.12900
## 9390   2.1441  3.12900
## 9391   2.2223  3.12900
## 9392   2.3005  3.12900
## 9393   2.3788  3.12900
## 9394   2.4570  3.12900
## 9395   2.5352  3.12900
## 9396   2.6135  3.12900
## 9397   2.6917  3.12900
## 9398   2.7699  3.12900
## 9399   2.8482  3.12900
## 9400   2.9264  3.12900
## 9401  -4.8186  3.18475
## 9402  -4.7404  3.18475
## 9403  -4.6622  3.18475
## 9404  -4.5839  3.18475
## 9405  -4.5057  3.18475
## 9406  -4.4275  3.18475
## 9407  -4.3492  3.18475
## 9408  -4.2710  3.18475
## 9409  -4.1928  3.18475
## 9410  -4.1145  3.18475
## 9411  -4.0363  3.18475
## 9412  -3.9581  3.18475
## 9413  -3.8798  3.18475
## 9414  -3.8016  3.18475
## 9415  -3.7234  3.18475
## 9416  -3.6451  3.18475
## 9417  -3.5669  3.18475
## 9418  -3.4887  3.18475
## 9419  -3.4104  3.18475
## 9420  -3.3322  3.18475
## 9421  -3.2540  3.18475
## 9422  -3.1757  3.18475
## 9423  -3.0975  3.18475
## 9424  -3.0193  3.18475
## 9425  -2.9410  3.18475
## 9426  -2.8628  3.18475
## 9427  -2.7846  3.18475
## 9428  -2.7063  3.18475
## 9429  -2.6281  3.18475
## 9430  -2.5499  3.18475
## 9431  -2.4716  3.18475
## 9432  -2.3934  3.18475
## 9433  -2.3152  3.18475
## 9434  -2.2369  3.18475
## 9435  -2.1587  3.18475
## 9436  -2.0805  3.18475
## 9437  -2.0022  3.18475
## 9438  -1.9240  3.18475
## 9439  -1.8458  3.18475
## 9440  -1.7676  3.18475
## 9441  -1.6893  3.18475
## 9442  -1.6111  3.18475
## 9443  -1.5329  3.18475
## 9444  -1.4546  3.18475
## 9445  -1.3764  3.18475
## 9446  -1.2982  3.18475
## 9447  -1.2199  3.18475
## 9448  -1.1417  3.18475
## 9449  -1.0635  3.18475
## 9450  -0.9852  3.18475
## 9451  -0.9070  3.18475
## 9452  -0.8288  3.18475
## 9453  -0.7505  3.18475
## 9454  -0.6723  3.18475
## 9455  -0.5941  3.18475
## 9456  -0.5158  3.18475
## 9457  -0.4376  3.18475
## 9458  -0.3594  3.18475
## 9459  -0.2811  3.18475
## 9460  -0.2029  3.18475
## 9461  -0.1247  3.18475
## 9462  -0.0464  3.18475
## 9463   0.0318  3.18475
## 9464   0.1100  3.18475
## 9465   0.1883  3.18475
## 9466   0.2665  3.18475
## 9467   0.3447  3.18475
## 9468   0.4230  3.18475
## 9469   0.5012  3.18475
## 9470   0.5794  3.18475
## 9471   0.6577  3.18475
## 9472   0.7359  3.18475
## 9473   0.8141  3.18475
## 9474   0.8923  3.18475
## 9475   0.9706  3.18475
## 9476   1.0488  3.18475
## 9477   1.1270  3.18475
## 9478   1.2053  3.18475
## 9479   1.2835  3.18475
## 9480   1.3617  3.18475
## 9481   1.4400  3.18475
## 9482   1.5182  3.18475
## 9483   1.5964  3.18475
## 9484   1.6747  3.18475
## 9485   1.7529  3.18475
## 9486   1.8311  3.18475
## 9487   1.9094  3.18475
## 9488   1.9876  3.18475
## 9489   2.0658  3.18475
## 9490   2.1441  3.18475
## 9491   2.2223  3.18475
## 9492   2.3005  3.18475
## 9493   2.3788  3.18475
## 9494   2.4570  3.18475
## 9495   2.5352  3.18475
## 9496   2.6135  3.18475
## 9497   2.6917  3.18475
## 9498   2.7699  3.18475
## 9499   2.8482  3.18475
## 9500   2.9264  3.18475
## 9501  -4.8186  3.24049
## 9502  -4.7404  3.24049
## 9503  -4.6622  3.24049
## 9504  -4.5839  3.24049
## 9505  -4.5057  3.24049
## 9506  -4.4275  3.24049
## 9507  -4.3492  3.24049
## 9508  -4.2710  3.24049
## 9509  -4.1928  3.24049
## 9510  -4.1145  3.24049
## 9511  -4.0363  3.24049
## 9512  -3.9581  3.24049
## 9513  -3.8798  3.24049
## 9514  -3.8016  3.24049
## 9515  -3.7234  3.24049
## 9516  -3.6451  3.24049
## 9517  -3.5669  3.24049
## 9518  -3.4887  3.24049
## 9519  -3.4104  3.24049
## 9520  -3.3322  3.24049
## 9521  -3.2540  3.24049
## 9522  -3.1757  3.24049
## 9523  -3.0975  3.24049
## 9524  -3.0193  3.24049
## 9525  -2.9410  3.24049
## 9526  -2.8628  3.24049
## 9527  -2.7846  3.24049
## 9528  -2.7063  3.24049
## 9529  -2.6281  3.24049
## 9530  -2.5499  3.24049
## 9531  -2.4716  3.24049
## 9532  -2.3934  3.24049
## 9533  -2.3152  3.24049
## 9534  -2.2369  3.24049
## 9535  -2.1587  3.24049
## 9536  -2.0805  3.24049
## 9537  -2.0022  3.24049
## 9538  -1.9240  3.24049
## 9539  -1.8458  3.24049
## 9540  -1.7676  3.24049
## 9541  -1.6893  3.24049
## 9542  -1.6111  3.24049
## 9543  -1.5329  3.24049
## 9544  -1.4546  3.24049
## 9545  -1.3764  3.24049
## 9546  -1.2982  3.24049
## 9547  -1.2199  3.24049
## 9548  -1.1417  3.24049
## 9549  -1.0635  3.24049
## 9550  -0.9852  3.24049
## 9551  -0.9070  3.24049
## 9552  -0.8288  3.24049
## 9553  -0.7505  3.24049
## 9554  -0.6723  3.24049
## 9555  -0.5941  3.24049
## 9556  -0.5158  3.24049
## 9557  -0.4376  3.24049
## 9558  -0.3594  3.24049
## 9559  -0.2811  3.24049
## 9560  -0.2029  3.24049
## 9561  -0.1247  3.24049
## 9562  -0.0464  3.24049
## 9563   0.0318  3.24049
## 9564   0.1100  3.24049
## 9565   0.1883  3.24049
## 9566   0.2665  3.24049
## 9567   0.3447  3.24049
## 9568   0.4230  3.24049
## 9569   0.5012  3.24049
## 9570   0.5794  3.24049
## 9571   0.6577  3.24049
## 9572   0.7359  3.24049
## 9573   0.8141  3.24049
## 9574   0.8923  3.24049
## 9575   0.9706  3.24049
## 9576   1.0488  3.24049
## 9577   1.1270  3.24049
## 9578   1.2053  3.24049
## 9579   1.2835  3.24049
## 9580   1.3617  3.24049
## 9581   1.4400  3.24049
## 9582   1.5182  3.24049
## 9583   1.5964  3.24049
## 9584   1.6747  3.24049
## 9585   1.7529  3.24049
## 9586   1.8311  3.24049
## 9587   1.9094  3.24049
## 9588   1.9876  3.24049
## 9589   2.0658  3.24049
## 9590   2.1441  3.24049
## 9591   2.2223  3.24049
## 9592   2.3005  3.24049
## 9593   2.3788  3.24049
## 9594   2.4570  3.24049
## 9595   2.5352  3.24049
## 9596   2.6135  3.24049
## 9597   2.6917  3.24049
## 9598   2.7699  3.24049
## 9599   2.8482  3.24049
## 9600   2.9264  3.24049
## 9601  -4.8186  3.29624
## 9602  -4.7404  3.29624
## 9603  -4.6622  3.29624
## 9604  -4.5839  3.29624
## 9605  -4.5057  3.29624
## 9606  -4.4275  3.29624
## 9607  -4.3492  3.29624
## 9608  -4.2710  3.29624
## 9609  -4.1928  3.29624
## 9610  -4.1145  3.29624
## 9611  -4.0363  3.29624
## 9612  -3.9581  3.29624
## 9613  -3.8798  3.29624
## 9614  -3.8016  3.29624
## 9615  -3.7234  3.29624
## 9616  -3.6451  3.29624
## 9617  -3.5669  3.29624
## 9618  -3.4887  3.29624
## 9619  -3.4104  3.29624
## 9620  -3.3322  3.29624
## 9621  -3.2540  3.29624
## 9622  -3.1757  3.29624
## 9623  -3.0975  3.29624
## 9624  -3.0193  3.29624
## 9625  -2.9410  3.29624
## 9626  -2.8628  3.29624
## 9627  -2.7846  3.29624
## 9628  -2.7063  3.29624
## 9629  -2.6281  3.29624
## 9630  -2.5499  3.29624
## 9631  -2.4716  3.29624
## 9632  -2.3934  3.29624
## 9633  -2.3152  3.29624
## 9634  -2.2369  3.29624
## 9635  -2.1587  3.29624
## 9636  -2.0805  3.29624
## 9637  -2.0022  3.29624
## 9638  -1.9240  3.29624
## 9639  -1.8458  3.29624
## 9640  -1.7676  3.29624
## 9641  -1.6893  3.29624
## 9642  -1.6111  3.29624
## 9643  -1.5329  3.29624
## 9644  -1.4546  3.29624
## 9645  -1.3764  3.29624
## 9646  -1.2982  3.29624
## 9647  -1.2199  3.29624
## 9648  -1.1417  3.29624
## 9649  -1.0635  3.29624
## 9650  -0.9852  3.29624
## 9651  -0.9070  3.29624
## 9652  -0.8288  3.29624
## 9653  -0.7505  3.29624
## 9654  -0.6723  3.29624
## 9655  -0.5941  3.29624
## 9656  -0.5158  3.29624
## 9657  -0.4376  3.29624
## 9658  -0.3594  3.29624
## 9659  -0.2811  3.29624
## 9660  -0.2029  3.29624
## 9661  -0.1247  3.29624
## 9662  -0.0464  3.29624
## 9663   0.0318  3.29624
## 9664   0.1100  3.29624
## 9665   0.1883  3.29624
## 9666   0.2665  3.29624
## 9667   0.3447  3.29624
## 9668   0.4230  3.29624
## 9669   0.5012  3.29624
## 9670   0.5794  3.29624
## 9671   0.6577  3.29624
## 9672   0.7359  3.29624
## 9673   0.8141  3.29624
## 9674   0.8923  3.29624
## 9675   0.9706  3.29624
## 9676   1.0488  3.29624
## 9677   1.1270  3.29624
## 9678   1.2053  3.29624
## 9679   1.2835  3.29624
## 9680   1.3617  3.29624
## 9681   1.4400  3.29624
## 9682   1.5182  3.29624
## 9683   1.5964  3.29624
## 9684   1.6747  3.29624
## 9685   1.7529  3.29624
## 9686   1.8311  3.29624
## 9687   1.9094  3.29624
## 9688   1.9876  3.29624
## 9689   2.0658  3.29624
## 9690   2.1441  3.29624
## 9691   2.2223  3.29624
## 9692   2.3005  3.29624
## 9693   2.3788  3.29624
## 9694   2.4570  3.29624
## 9695   2.5352  3.29624
## 9696   2.6135  3.29624
## 9697   2.6917  3.29624
## 9698   2.7699  3.29624
## 9699   2.8482  3.29624
## 9700   2.9264  3.29624
## 9701  -4.8186  3.35198
## 9702  -4.7404  3.35198
## 9703  -4.6622  3.35198
## 9704  -4.5839  3.35198
## 9705  -4.5057  3.35198
## 9706  -4.4275  3.35198
## 9707  -4.3492  3.35198
## 9708  -4.2710  3.35198
## 9709  -4.1928  3.35198
## 9710  -4.1145  3.35198
## 9711  -4.0363  3.35198
## 9712  -3.9581  3.35198
## 9713  -3.8798  3.35198
## 9714  -3.8016  3.35198
## 9715  -3.7234  3.35198
## 9716  -3.6451  3.35198
## 9717  -3.5669  3.35198
## 9718  -3.4887  3.35198
## 9719  -3.4104  3.35198
## 9720  -3.3322  3.35198
## 9721  -3.2540  3.35198
## 9722  -3.1757  3.35198
## 9723  -3.0975  3.35198
## 9724  -3.0193  3.35198
## 9725  -2.9410  3.35198
## 9726  -2.8628  3.35198
## 9727  -2.7846  3.35198
## 9728  -2.7063  3.35198
## 9729  -2.6281  3.35198
## 9730  -2.5499  3.35198
## 9731  -2.4716  3.35198
## 9732  -2.3934  3.35198
## 9733  -2.3152  3.35198
## 9734  -2.2369  3.35198
## 9735  -2.1587  3.35198
## 9736  -2.0805  3.35198
## 9737  -2.0022  3.35198
## 9738  -1.9240  3.35198
## 9739  -1.8458  3.35198
## 9740  -1.7676  3.35198
## 9741  -1.6893  3.35198
## 9742  -1.6111  3.35198
## 9743  -1.5329  3.35198
## 9744  -1.4546  3.35198
## 9745  -1.3764  3.35198
## 9746  -1.2982  3.35198
## 9747  -1.2199  3.35198
## 9748  -1.1417  3.35198
## 9749  -1.0635  3.35198
## 9750  -0.9852  3.35198
## 9751  -0.9070  3.35198
## 9752  -0.8288  3.35198
## 9753  -0.7505  3.35198
## 9754  -0.6723  3.35198
## 9755  -0.5941  3.35198
## 9756  -0.5158  3.35198
## 9757  -0.4376  3.35198
## 9758  -0.3594  3.35198
## 9759  -0.2811  3.35198
## 9760  -0.2029  3.35198
## 9761  -0.1247  3.35198
## 9762  -0.0464  3.35198
## 9763   0.0318  3.35198
## 9764   0.1100  3.35198
## 9765   0.1883  3.35198
## 9766   0.2665  3.35198
## 9767   0.3447  3.35198
## 9768   0.4230  3.35198
## 9769   0.5012  3.35198
## 9770   0.5794  3.35198
## 9771   0.6577  3.35198
## 9772   0.7359  3.35198
## 9773   0.8141  3.35198
## 9774   0.8923  3.35198
## 9775   0.9706  3.35198
## 9776   1.0488  3.35198
## 9777   1.1270  3.35198
## 9778   1.2053  3.35198
## 9779   1.2835  3.35198
## 9780   1.3617  3.35198
## 9781   1.4400  3.35198
## 9782   1.5182  3.35198
## 9783   1.5964  3.35198
## 9784   1.6747  3.35198
## 9785   1.7529  3.35198
## 9786   1.8311  3.35198
## 9787   1.9094  3.35198
## 9788   1.9876  3.35198
## 9789   2.0658  3.35198
## 9790   2.1441  3.35198
## 9791   2.2223  3.35198
## 9792   2.3005  3.35198
## 9793   2.3788  3.35198
## 9794   2.4570  3.35198
## 9795   2.5352  3.35198
## 9796   2.6135  3.35198
## 9797   2.6917  3.35198
## 9798   2.7699  3.35198
## 9799   2.8482  3.35198
## 9800   2.9264  3.35198
## 9801  -4.8186  3.40773
## 9802  -4.7404  3.40773
## 9803  -4.6622  3.40773
## 9804  -4.5839  3.40773
## 9805  -4.5057  3.40773
## 9806  -4.4275  3.40773
## 9807  -4.3492  3.40773
## 9808  -4.2710  3.40773
## 9809  -4.1928  3.40773
## 9810  -4.1145  3.40773
## 9811  -4.0363  3.40773
## 9812  -3.9581  3.40773
## 9813  -3.8798  3.40773
## 9814  -3.8016  3.40773
## 9815  -3.7234  3.40773
## 9816  -3.6451  3.40773
## 9817  -3.5669  3.40773
## 9818  -3.4887  3.40773
## 9819  -3.4104  3.40773
## 9820  -3.3322  3.40773
## 9821  -3.2540  3.40773
## 9822  -3.1757  3.40773
## 9823  -3.0975  3.40773
## 9824  -3.0193  3.40773
## 9825  -2.9410  3.40773
## 9826  -2.8628  3.40773
## 9827  -2.7846  3.40773
## 9828  -2.7063  3.40773
## 9829  -2.6281  3.40773
## 9830  -2.5499  3.40773
## 9831  -2.4716  3.40773
## 9832  -2.3934  3.40773
## 9833  -2.3152  3.40773
## 9834  -2.2369  3.40773
## 9835  -2.1587  3.40773
## 9836  -2.0805  3.40773
## 9837  -2.0022  3.40773
## 9838  -1.9240  3.40773
## 9839  -1.8458  3.40773
## 9840  -1.7676  3.40773
## 9841  -1.6893  3.40773
## 9842  -1.6111  3.40773
## 9843  -1.5329  3.40773
## 9844  -1.4546  3.40773
## 9845  -1.3764  3.40773
## 9846  -1.2982  3.40773
## 9847  -1.2199  3.40773
## 9848  -1.1417  3.40773
## 9849  -1.0635  3.40773
## 9850  -0.9852  3.40773
## 9851  -0.9070  3.40773
## 9852  -0.8288  3.40773
## 9853  -0.7505  3.40773
## 9854  -0.6723  3.40773
## 9855  -0.5941  3.40773
## 9856  -0.5158  3.40773
## 9857  -0.4376  3.40773
## 9858  -0.3594  3.40773
## 9859  -0.2811  3.40773
## 9860  -0.2029  3.40773
## 9861  -0.1247  3.40773
## 9862  -0.0464  3.40773
## 9863   0.0318  3.40773
## 9864   0.1100  3.40773
## 9865   0.1883  3.40773
## 9866   0.2665  3.40773
## 9867   0.3447  3.40773
## 9868   0.4230  3.40773
## 9869   0.5012  3.40773
## 9870   0.5794  3.40773
## 9871   0.6577  3.40773
## 9872   0.7359  3.40773
## 9873   0.8141  3.40773
## 9874   0.8923  3.40773
## 9875   0.9706  3.40773
## 9876   1.0488  3.40773
## 9877   1.1270  3.40773
## 9878   1.2053  3.40773
## 9879   1.2835  3.40773
## 9880   1.3617  3.40773
## 9881   1.4400  3.40773
## 9882   1.5182  3.40773
## 9883   1.5964  3.40773
## 9884   1.6747  3.40773
## 9885   1.7529  3.40773
## 9886   1.8311  3.40773
## 9887   1.9094  3.40773
## 9888   1.9876  3.40773
## 9889   2.0658  3.40773
## 9890   2.1441  3.40773
## 9891   2.2223  3.40773
## 9892   2.3005  3.40773
## 9893   2.3788  3.40773
## 9894   2.4570  3.40773
## 9895   2.5352  3.40773
## 9896   2.6135  3.40773
## 9897   2.6917  3.40773
## 9898   2.7699  3.40773
## 9899   2.8482  3.40773
## 9900   2.9264  3.40773
## 9901  -4.8186  3.46347
## 9902  -4.7404  3.46347
## 9903  -4.6622  3.46347
## 9904  -4.5839  3.46347
## 9905  -4.5057  3.46347
## 9906  -4.4275  3.46347
## 9907  -4.3492  3.46347
## 9908  -4.2710  3.46347
## 9909  -4.1928  3.46347
## 9910  -4.1145  3.46347
## 9911  -4.0363  3.46347
## 9912  -3.9581  3.46347
## 9913  -3.8798  3.46347
## 9914  -3.8016  3.46347
## 9915  -3.7234  3.46347
## 9916  -3.6451  3.46347
## 9917  -3.5669  3.46347
## 9918  -3.4887  3.46347
## 9919  -3.4104  3.46347
## 9920  -3.3322  3.46347
## 9921  -3.2540  3.46347
## 9922  -3.1757  3.46347
## 9923  -3.0975  3.46347
## 9924  -3.0193  3.46347
## 9925  -2.9410  3.46347
## 9926  -2.8628  3.46347
## 9927  -2.7846  3.46347
## 9928  -2.7063  3.46347
## 9929  -2.6281  3.46347
## 9930  -2.5499  3.46347
## 9931  -2.4716  3.46347
## 9932  -2.3934  3.46347
## 9933  -2.3152  3.46347
## 9934  -2.2369  3.46347
## 9935  -2.1587  3.46347
## 9936  -2.0805  3.46347
## 9937  -2.0022  3.46347
## 9938  -1.9240  3.46347
## 9939  -1.8458  3.46347
## 9940  -1.7676  3.46347
## 9941  -1.6893  3.46347
## 9942  -1.6111  3.46347
## 9943  -1.5329  3.46347
## 9944  -1.4546  3.46347
## 9945  -1.3764  3.46347
## 9946  -1.2982  3.46347
## 9947  -1.2199  3.46347
## 9948  -1.1417  3.46347
## 9949  -1.0635  3.46347
## 9950  -0.9852  3.46347
## 9951  -0.9070  3.46347
## 9952  -0.8288  3.46347
## 9953  -0.7505  3.46347
## 9954  -0.6723  3.46347
## 9955  -0.5941  3.46347
## 9956  -0.5158  3.46347
## 9957  -0.4376  3.46347
## 9958  -0.3594  3.46347
## 9959  -0.2811  3.46347
## 9960  -0.2029  3.46347
## 9961  -0.1247  3.46347
## 9962  -0.0464  3.46347
## 9963   0.0318  3.46347
## 9964   0.1100  3.46347
## 9965   0.1883  3.46347
## 9966   0.2665  3.46347
## 9967   0.3447  3.46347
## 9968   0.4230  3.46347
## 9969   0.5012  3.46347
## 9970   0.5794  3.46347
## 9971   0.6577  3.46347
## 9972   0.7359  3.46347
## 9973   0.8141  3.46347
## 9974   0.8923  3.46347
## 9975   0.9706  3.46347
## 9976   1.0488  3.46347
## 9977   1.1270  3.46347
## 9978   1.2053  3.46347
## 9979   1.2835  3.46347
## 9980   1.3617  3.46347
## 9981   1.4400  3.46347
## 9982   1.5182  3.46347
## 9983   1.5964  3.46347
## 9984   1.6747  3.46347
## 9985   1.7529  3.46347
## 9986   1.8311  3.46347
## 9987   1.9094  3.46347
## 9988   1.9876  3.46347
## 9989   2.0658  3.46347
## 9990   2.1441  3.46347
## 9991   2.2223  3.46347
## 9992   2.3005  3.46347
## 9993   2.3788  3.46347
## 9994   2.4570  3.46347
## 9995   2.5352  3.46347
## 9996   2.6135  3.46347
## 9997   2.6917  3.46347
## 9998   2.7699  3.46347
## 9999   2.8482  3.46347
## 10000  2.9264  3.46347
ec_grid$edhat = predict(ec_lda2, newdata = ec_grid)$class
##           LD1      LD2 edhat
## 1     -4.8186 -2.05528  E3.5
## 2     -4.7404 -2.05528  E3.5
## 3     -4.6622 -2.05528  E3.5
## 4     -4.5839 -2.05528  E3.5
## 5     -4.5057 -2.05528  E3.5
## 6     -4.4275 -2.05528  E3.5
## 7     -4.3492 -2.05528  E3.5
## 8     -4.2710 -2.05528  E3.5
## 9     -4.1928 -2.05528  E3.5
## 10    -4.1145 -2.05528  E3.5
## 11    -4.0363 -2.05528  E3.5
## 12    -3.9581 -2.05528  E3.5
## 13    -3.8798 -2.05528  E3.5
## 14    -3.8016 -2.05528  E3.5
## 15    -3.7234 -2.05528  E3.5
## 16    -3.6451 -2.05528  E3.5
## 17    -3.5669 -2.05528  E3.5
## 18    -3.4887 -2.05528  E3.5
## 19    -3.4104 -2.05528  E3.5
## 20    -3.3322 -2.05528  E3.5
## 21    -3.2540 -2.05528  E3.5
## 22    -3.1757 -2.05528  E3.5
## 23    -3.0975 -2.05528  E3.5
## 24    -3.0193 -2.05528  E3.5
## 25    -2.9410 -2.05528  E3.5
## 26    -2.8628 -2.05528  E3.5
## 27    -2.7846 -2.05528  E3.5
## 28    -2.7063 -2.05528  E3.5
## 29    -2.6281 -2.05528  E3.5
## 30    -2.5499 -2.05528  E3.5
## 31    -2.4716 -2.05528  E3.5
## 32    -2.3934 -2.05528  E3.5
## 33    -2.3152 -2.05528  E3.5
## 34    -2.2369 -2.05528  E3.5
## 35    -2.1587 -2.05528  E3.5
## 36    -2.0805 -2.05528  E3.5
## 37    -2.0022 -2.05528  E3.5
## 38    -1.9240 -2.05528  E3.5
## 39    -1.8458 -2.05528  E3.5
## 40    -1.7676 -2.05528  E3.5
## 41    -1.6893 -2.05528  E3.5
## 42    -1.6111 -2.05528  E3.5
## 43    -1.5329 -2.05528  E3.5
## 44    -1.4546 -2.05528  E3.5
## 45    -1.3764 -2.05528  E3.5
## 46    -1.2982 -2.05528  E3.5
## 47    -1.2199 -2.05528  E3.5
## 48    -1.1417 -2.05528  E3.5
## 49    -1.0635 -2.05528  E3.5
## 50    -0.9852 -2.05528  E3.5
## 51    -0.9070 -2.05528  E3.5
## 52    -0.8288 -2.05528  E3.5
## 53    -0.7505 -2.05528  E3.5
## 54    -0.6723 -2.05528  E3.5
## 55    -0.5941 -2.05528  E3.5
## 56    -0.5158 -2.05528  E3.5
## 57    -0.4376 -2.05528  E3.5
## 58    -0.3594 -2.05528  E3.5
## 59    -0.2811 -2.05528  E3.5
## 60    -0.2029 -2.05528  E3.5
## 61    -0.1247 -2.05528  E3.5
## 62    -0.0464 -2.05528  E3.5
## 63     0.0318 -2.05528  E3.5
## 64     0.1100 -2.05528  E3.5
## 65     0.1883 -2.05528  E3.5
## 66     0.2665 -2.05528  E3.5
## 67     0.3447 -2.05528 E3.25
## 68     0.4230 -2.05528 E3.25
## 69     0.5012 -2.05528 E3.25
## 70     0.5794 -2.05528 E3.25
## 71     0.6577 -2.05528 E3.25
## 72     0.7359 -2.05528 E3.25
## 73     0.8141 -2.05528 E3.25
## 74     0.8923 -2.05528 E3.25
## 75     0.9706 -2.05528 E3.25
## 76     1.0488 -2.05528 E3.25
## 77     1.1270 -2.05528 E3.25
## 78     1.2053 -2.05528 E3.25
## 79     1.2835 -2.05528 E3.25
## 80     1.3617 -2.05528 E3.25
## 81     1.4400 -2.05528 E3.25
## 82     1.5182 -2.05528 E3.25
## 83     1.5964 -2.05528 E3.25
## 84     1.6747 -2.05528 E3.25
## 85     1.7529 -2.05528 E3.25
## 86     1.8311 -2.05528 E3.25
## 87     1.9094 -2.05528 E3.25
## 88     1.9876 -2.05528 E3.25
## 89     2.0658 -2.05528 E3.25
## 90     2.1441 -2.05528 E3.25
## 91     2.2223 -2.05528 E3.25
## 92     2.3005 -2.05528 E3.25
## 93     2.3788 -2.05528 E3.25
## 94     2.4570 -2.05528 E3.25
## 95     2.5352 -2.05528 E3.25
## 96     2.6135 -2.05528 E3.25
## 97     2.6917 -2.05528 E3.25
## 98     2.7699 -2.05528 E3.25
## 99     2.8482 -2.05528 E3.25
## 100    2.9264 -2.05528 E3.25
## 101   -4.8186 -1.99954  E3.5
## 102   -4.7404 -1.99954  E3.5
## 103   -4.6622 -1.99954  E3.5
## 104   -4.5839 -1.99954  E3.5
## 105   -4.5057 -1.99954  E3.5
## 106   -4.4275 -1.99954  E3.5
## 107   -4.3492 -1.99954  E3.5
## 108   -4.2710 -1.99954  E3.5
## 109   -4.1928 -1.99954  E3.5
## 110   -4.1145 -1.99954  E3.5
## 111   -4.0363 -1.99954  E3.5
## 112   -3.9581 -1.99954  E3.5
## 113   -3.8798 -1.99954  E3.5
## 114   -3.8016 -1.99954  E3.5
## 115   -3.7234 -1.99954  E3.5
## 116   -3.6451 -1.99954  E3.5
## 117   -3.5669 -1.99954  E3.5
## 118   -3.4887 -1.99954  E3.5
## 119   -3.4104 -1.99954  E3.5
## 120   -3.3322 -1.99954  E3.5
## 121   -3.2540 -1.99954  E3.5
## 122   -3.1757 -1.99954  E3.5
## 123   -3.0975 -1.99954  E3.5
## 124   -3.0193 -1.99954  E3.5
## 125   -2.9410 -1.99954  E3.5
## 126   -2.8628 -1.99954  E3.5
## 127   -2.7846 -1.99954  E3.5
## 128   -2.7063 -1.99954  E3.5
## 129   -2.6281 -1.99954  E3.5
## 130   -2.5499 -1.99954  E3.5
## 131   -2.4716 -1.99954  E3.5
## 132   -2.3934 -1.99954  E3.5
## 133   -2.3152 -1.99954  E3.5
## 134   -2.2369 -1.99954  E3.5
## 135   -2.1587 -1.99954  E3.5
## 136   -2.0805 -1.99954  E3.5
## 137   -2.0022 -1.99954  E3.5
## 138   -1.9240 -1.99954  E3.5
## 139   -1.8458 -1.99954  E3.5
## 140   -1.7676 -1.99954  E3.5
## 141   -1.6893 -1.99954  E3.5
## 142   -1.6111 -1.99954  E3.5
## 143   -1.5329 -1.99954  E3.5
## 144   -1.4546 -1.99954  E3.5
## 145   -1.3764 -1.99954  E3.5
## 146   -1.2982 -1.99954  E3.5
## 147   -1.2199 -1.99954  E3.5
## 148   -1.1417 -1.99954  E3.5
## 149   -1.0635 -1.99954  E3.5
## 150   -0.9852 -1.99954  E3.5
## 151   -0.9070 -1.99954  E3.5
## 152   -0.8288 -1.99954  E3.5
## 153   -0.7505 -1.99954  E3.5
## 154   -0.6723 -1.99954  E3.5
## 155   -0.5941 -1.99954  E3.5
## 156   -0.5158 -1.99954  E3.5
## 157   -0.4376 -1.99954  E3.5
## 158   -0.3594 -1.99954  E3.5
## 159   -0.2811 -1.99954  E3.5
## 160   -0.2029 -1.99954  E3.5
## 161   -0.1247 -1.99954  E3.5
## 162   -0.0464 -1.99954  E3.5
## 163    0.0318 -1.99954  E3.5
## 164    0.1100 -1.99954  E3.5
## 165    0.1883 -1.99954  E3.5
## 166    0.2665 -1.99954  E3.5
## 167    0.3447 -1.99954 E3.25
## 168    0.4230 -1.99954 E3.25
## 169    0.5012 -1.99954 E3.25
## 170    0.5794 -1.99954 E3.25
## 171    0.6577 -1.99954 E3.25
## 172    0.7359 -1.99954 E3.25
## 173    0.8141 -1.99954 E3.25
## 174    0.8923 -1.99954 E3.25
## 175    0.9706 -1.99954 E3.25
## 176    1.0488 -1.99954 E3.25
## 177    1.1270 -1.99954 E3.25
## 178    1.2053 -1.99954 E3.25
## 179    1.2835 -1.99954 E3.25
## 180    1.3617 -1.99954 E3.25
## 181    1.4400 -1.99954 E3.25
## 182    1.5182 -1.99954 E3.25
## 183    1.5964 -1.99954 E3.25
## 184    1.6747 -1.99954 E3.25
## 185    1.7529 -1.99954 E3.25
## 186    1.8311 -1.99954 E3.25
## 187    1.9094 -1.99954 E3.25
## 188    1.9876 -1.99954 E3.25
## 189    2.0658 -1.99954 E3.25
## 190    2.1441 -1.99954 E3.25
## 191    2.2223 -1.99954 E3.25
## 192    2.3005 -1.99954 E3.25
## 193    2.3788 -1.99954 E3.25
## 194    2.4570 -1.99954 E3.25
## 195    2.5352 -1.99954 E3.25
## 196    2.6135 -1.99954 E3.25
## 197    2.6917 -1.99954 E3.25
## 198    2.7699 -1.99954 E3.25
## 199    2.8482 -1.99954 E3.25
## 200    2.9264 -1.99954 E3.25
## 201   -4.8186 -1.94379  E3.5
## 202   -4.7404 -1.94379  E3.5
## 203   -4.6622 -1.94379  E3.5
## 204   -4.5839 -1.94379  E3.5
## 205   -4.5057 -1.94379  E3.5
## 206   -4.4275 -1.94379  E3.5
## 207   -4.3492 -1.94379  E3.5
## 208   -4.2710 -1.94379  E3.5
## 209   -4.1928 -1.94379  E3.5
## 210   -4.1145 -1.94379  E3.5
## 211   -4.0363 -1.94379  E3.5
## 212   -3.9581 -1.94379  E3.5
## 213   -3.8798 -1.94379  E3.5
## 214   -3.8016 -1.94379  E3.5
## 215   -3.7234 -1.94379  E3.5
## 216   -3.6451 -1.94379  E3.5
## 217   -3.5669 -1.94379  E3.5
## 218   -3.4887 -1.94379  E3.5
## 219   -3.4104 -1.94379  E3.5
## 220   -3.3322 -1.94379  E3.5
## 221   -3.2540 -1.94379  E3.5
## 222   -3.1757 -1.94379  E3.5
## 223   -3.0975 -1.94379  E3.5
## 224   -3.0193 -1.94379  E3.5
## 225   -2.9410 -1.94379  E3.5
## 226   -2.8628 -1.94379  E3.5
## 227   -2.7846 -1.94379  E3.5
## 228   -2.7063 -1.94379  E3.5
## 229   -2.6281 -1.94379  E3.5
## 230   -2.5499 -1.94379  E3.5
## 231   -2.4716 -1.94379  E3.5
## 232   -2.3934 -1.94379  E3.5
## 233   -2.3152 -1.94379  E3.5
## 234   -2.2369 -1.94379  E3.5
## 235   -2.1587 -1.94379  E3.5
## 236   -2.0805 -1.94379  E3.5
## 237   -2.0022 -1.94379  E3.5
## 238   -1.9240 -1.94379  E3.5
## 239   -1.8458 -1.94379  E3.5
## 240   -1.7676 -1.94379  E3.5
## 241   -1.6893 -1.94379  E3.5
## 242   -1.6111 -1.94379  E3.5
## 243   -1.5329 -1.94379  E3.5
## 244   -1.4546 -1.94379  E3.5
## 245   -1.3764 -1.94379  E3.5
## 246   -1.2982 -1.94379  E3.5
## 247   -1.2199 -1.94379  E3.5
## 248   -1.1417 -1.94379  E3.5
## 249   -1.0635 -1.94379  E3.5
## 250   -0.9852 -1.94379  E3.5
## 251   -0.9070 -1.94379  E3.5
## 252   -0.8288 -1.94379  E3.5
## 253   -0.7505 -1.94379  E3.5
## 254   -0.6723 -1.94379  E3.5
## 255   -0.5941 -1.94379  E3.5
## 256   -0.5158 -1.94379  E3.5
## 257   -0.4376 -1.94379  E3.5
## 258   -0.3594 -1.94379  E3.5
## 259   -0.2811 -1.94379  E3.5
## 260   -0.2029 -1.94379  E3.5
## 261   -0.1247 -1.94379  E3.5
## 262   -0.0464 -1.94379  E3.5
## 263    0.0318 -1.94379  E3.5
## 264    0.1100 -1.94379  E3.5
## 265    0.1883 -1.94379  E3.5
## 266    0.2665 -1.94379  E3.5
## 267    0.3447 -1.94379 E3.25
## 268    0.4230 -1.94379 E3.25
## 269    0.5012 -1.94379 E3.25
## 270    0.5794 -1.94379 E3.25
## 271    0.6577 -1.94379 E3.25
## 272    0.7359 -1.94379 E3.25
## 273    0.8141 -1.94379 E3.25
## 274    0.8923 -1.94379 E3.25
## 275    0.9706 -1.94379 E3.25
## 276    1.0488 -1.94379 E3.25
## 277    1.1270 -1.94379 E3.25
## 278    1.2053 -1.94379 E3.25
## 279    1.2835 -1.94379 E3.25
## 280    1.3617 -1.94379 E3.25
## 281    1.4400 -1.94379 E3.25
## 282    1.5182 -1.94379 E3.25
## 283    1.5964 -1.94379 E3.25
## 284    1.6747 -1.94379 E3.25
## 285    1.7529 -1.94379 E3.25
## 286    1.8311 -1.94379 E3.25
## 287    1.9094 -1.94379 E3.25
## 288    1.9876 -1.94379 E3.25
## 289    2.0658 -1.94379 E3.25
## 290    2.1441 -1.94379 E3.25
## 291    2.2223 -1.94379 E3.25
## 292    2.3005 -1.94379 E3.25
## 293    2.3788 -1.94379 E3.25
## 294    2.4570 -1.94379 E3.25
## 295    2.5352 -1.94379 E3.25
## 296    2.6135 -1.94379 E3.25
## 297    2.6917 -1.94379 E3.25
## 298    2.7699 -1.94379 E3.25
## 299    2.8482 -1.94379 E3.25
## 300    2.9264 -1.94379 E3.25
## 301   -4.8186 -1.88805  E3.5
## 302   -4.7404 -1.88805  E3.5
## 303   -4.6622 -1.88805  E3.5
## 304   -4.5839 -1.88805  E3.5
## 305   -4.5057 -1.88805  E3.5
## 306   -4.4275 -1.88805  E3.5
## 307   -4.3492 -1.88805  E3.5
## 308   -4.2710 -1.88805  E3.5
## 309   -4.1928 -1.88805  E3.5
## 310   -4.1145 -1.88805  E3.5
## 311   -4.0363 -1.88805  E3.5
## 312   -3.9581 -1.88805  E3.5
## 313   -3.8798 -1.88805  E3.5
## 314   -3.8016 -1.88805  E3.5
## 315   -3.7234 -1.88805  E3.5
## 316   -3.6451 -1.88805  E3.5
## 317   -3.5669 -1.88805  E3.5
## 318   -3.4887 -1.88805  E3.5
## 319   -3.4104 -1.88805  E3.5
## 320   -3.3322 -1.88805  E3.5
## 321   -3.2540 -1.88805  E3.5
## 322   -3.1757 -1.88805  E3.5
## 323   -3.0975 -1.88805  E3.5
## 324   -3.0193 -1.88805  E3.5
## 325   -2.9410 -1.88805  E3.5
## 326   -2.8628 -1.88805  E3.5
## 327   -2.7846 -1.88805  E3.5
## 328   -2.7063 -1.88805  E3.5
## 329   -2.6281 -1.88805  E3.5
## 330   -2.5499 -1.88805  E3.5
## 331   -2.4716 -1.88805  E3.5
## 332   -2.3934 -1.88805  E3.5
## 333   -2.3152 -1.88805  E3.5
## 334   -2.2369 -1.88805  E3.5
## 335   -2.1587 -1.88805  E3.5
## 336   -2.0805 -1.88805  E3.5
## 337   -2.0022 -1.88805  E3.5
## 338   -1.9240 -1.88805  E3.5
## 339   -1.8458 -1.88805  E3.5
## 340   -1.7676 -1.88805  E3.5
## 341   -1.6893 -1.88805  E3.5
## 342   -1.6111 -1.88805  E3.5
## 343   -1.5329 -1.88805  E3.5
## 344   -1.4546 -1.88805  E3.5
## 345   -1.3764 -1.88805  E3.5
## 346   -1.2982 -1.88805  E3.5
## 347   -1.2199 -1.88805  E3.5
## 348   -1.1417 -1.88805  E3.5
## 349   -1.0635 -1.88805  E3.5
## 350   -0.9852 -1.88805  E3.5
## 351   -0.9070 -1.88805  E3.5
## 352   -0.8288 -1.88805  E3.5
## 353   -0.7505 -1.88805  E3.5
## 354   -0.6723 -1.88805  E3.5
## 355   -0.5941 -1.88805  E3.5
## 356   -0.5158 -1.88805  E3.5
## 357   -0.4376 -1.88805  E3.5
## 358   -0.3594 -1.88805  E3.5
## 359   -0.2811 -1.88805  E3.5
## 360   -0.2029 -1.88805  E3.5
## 361   -0.1247 -1.88805  E3.5
## 362   -0.0464 -1.88805  E3.5
## 363    0.0318 -1.88805  E3.5
## 364    0.1100 -1.88805  E3.5
## 365    0.1883 -1.88805  E3.5
## 366    0.2665 -1.88805  E3.5
## 367    0.3447 -1.88805 E3.25
## 368    0.4230 -1.88805 E3.25
## 369    0.5012 -1.88805 E3.25
## 370    0.5794 -1.88805 E3.25
## 371    0.6577 -1.88805 E3.25
## 372    0.7359 -1.88805 E3.25
## 373    0.8141 -1.88805 E3.25
## 374    0.8923 -1.88805 E3.25
## 375    0.9706 -1.88805 E3.25
## 376    1.0488 -1.88805 E3.25
## 377    1.1270 -1.88805 E3.25
## 378    1.2053 -1.88805 E3.25
## 379    1.2835 -1.88805 E3.25
## 380    1.3617 -1.88805 E3.25
## 381    1.4400 -1.88805 E3.25
## 382    1.5182 -1.88805 E3.25
## 383    1.5964 -1.88805 E3.25
## 384    1.6747 -1.88805 E3.25
## 385    1.7529 -1.88805 E3.25
## 386    1.8311 -1.88805 E3.25
## 387    1.9094 -1.88805 E3.25
## 388    1.9876 -1.88805 E3.25
## 389    2.0658 -1.88805 E3.25
## 390    2.1441 -1.88805 E3.25
## 391    2.2223 -1.88805 E3.25
## 392    2.3005 -1.88805 E3.25
## 393    2.3788 -1.88805 E3.25
## 394    2.4570 -1.88805 E3.25
## 395    2.5352 -1.88805 E3.25
## 396    2.6135 -1.88805 E3.25
## 397    2.6917 -1.88805 E3.25
## 398    2.7699 -1.88805 E3.25
## 399    2.8482 -1.88805 E3.25
## 400    2.9264 -1.88805 E3.25
## 401   -4.8186 -1.83230  E3.5
## 402   -4.7404 -1.83230  E3.5
## 403   -4.6622 -1.83230  E3.5
## 404   -4.5839 -1.83230  E3.5
## 405   -4.5057 -1.83230  E3.5
## 406   -4.4275 -1.83230  E3.5
## 407   -4.3492 -1.83230  E3.5
## 408   -4.2710 -1.83230  E3.5
## 409   -4.1928 -1.83230  E3.5
## 410   -4.1145 -1.83230  E3.5
## 411   -4.0363 -1.83230  E3.5
## 412   -3.9581 -1.83230  E3.5
## 413   -3.8798 -1.83230  E3.5
## 414   -3.8016 -1.83230  E3.5
## 415   -3.7234 -1.83230  E3.5
## 416   -3.6451 -1.83230  E3.5
## 417   -3.5669 -1.83230  E3.5
## 418   -3.4887 -1.83230  E3.5
## 419   -3.4104 -1.83230  E3.5
## 420   -3.3322 -1.83230  E3.5
## 421   -3.2540 -1.83230  E3.5
## 422   -3.1757 -1.83230  E3.5
## 423   -3.0975 -1.83230  E3.5
## 424   -3.0193 -1.83230  E3.5
## 425   -2.9410 -1.83230  E3.5
## 426   -2.8628 -1.83230  E3.5
## 427   -2.7846 -1.83230  E3.5
## 428   -2.7063 -1.83230  E3.5
## 429   -2.6281 -1.83230  E3.5
## 430   -2.5499 -1.83230  E3.5
## 431   -2.4716 -1.83230  E3.5
## 432   -2.3934 -1.83230  E3.5
## 433   -2.3152 -1.83230  E3.5
## 434   -2.2369 -1.83230  E3.5
## 435   -2.1587 -1.83230  E3.5
## 436   -2.0805 -1.83230  E3.5
## 437   -2.0022 -1.83230  E3.5
## 438   -1.9240 -1.83230  E3.5
## 439   -1.8458 -1.83230  E3.5
## 440   -1.7676 -1.83230  E3.5
## 441   -1.6893 -1.83230  E3.5
## 442   -1.6111 -1.83230  E3.5
## 443   -1.5329 -1.83230  E3.5
## 444   -1.4546 -1.83230  E3.5
## 445   -1.3764 -1.83230  E3.5
## 446   -1.2982 -1.83230  E3.5
## 447   -1.2199 -1.83230  E3.5
## 448   -1.1417 -1.83230  E3.5
## 449   -1.0635 -1.83230  E3.5
## 450   -0.9852 -1.83230  E3.5
## 451   -0.9070 -1.83230  E3.5
## 452   -0.8288 -1.83230  E3.5
## 453   -0.7505 -1.83230  E3.5
## 454   -0.6723 -1.83230  E3.5
## 455   -0.5941 -1.83230  E3.5
## 456   -0.5158 -1.83230  E3.5
## 457   -0.4376 -1.83230  E3.5
## 458   -0.3594 -1.83230  E3.5
## 459   -0.2811 -1.83230  E3.5
## 460   -0.2029 -1.83230  E3.5
## 461   -0.1247 -1.83230  E3.5
## 462   -0.0464 -1.83230  E3.5
## 463    0.0318 -1.83230  E3.5
## 464    0.1100 -1.83230  E3.5
## 465    0.1883 -1.83230  E3.5
## 466    0.2665 -1.83230 E3.25
## 467    0.3447 -1.83230 E3.25
## 468    0.4230 -1.83230 E3.25
## 469    0.5012 -1.83230 E3.25
## 470    0.5794 -1.83230 E3.25
## 471    0.6577 -1.83230 E3.25
## 472    0.7359 -1.83230 E3.25
## 473    0.8141 -1.83230 E3.25
## 474    0.8923 -1.83230 E3.25
## 475    0.9706 -1.83230 E3.25
## 476    1.0488 -1.83230 E3.25
## 477    1.1270 -1.83230 E3.25
## 478    1.2053 -1.83230 E3.25
## 479    1.2835 -1.83230 E3.25
## 480    1.3617 -1.83230 E3.25
## 481    1.4400 -1.83230 E3.25
## 482    1.5182 -1.83230 E3.25
## 483    1.5964 -1.83230 E3.25
## 484    1.6747 -1.83230 E3.25
## 485    1.7529 -1.83230 E3.25
## 486    1.8311 -1.83230 E3.25
## 487    1.9094 -1.83230 E3.25
## 488    1.9876 -1.83230 E3.25
## 489    2.0658 -1.83230 E3.25
## 490    2.1441 -1.83230 E3.25
## 491    2.2223 -1.83230 E3.25
## 492    2.3005 -1.83230 E3.25
## 493    2.3788 -1.83230 E3.25
## 494    2.4570 -1.83230 E3.25
## 495    2.5352 -1.83230 E3.25
## 496    2.6135 -1.83230 E3.25
## 497    2.6917 -1.83230 E3.25
## 498    2.7699 -1.83230 E3.25
## 499    2.8482 -1.83230 E3.25
## 500    2.9264 -1.83230 E3.25
## 501   -4.8186 -1.77656  E3.5
## 502   -4.7404 -1.77656  E3.5
## 503   -4.6622 -1.77656  E3.5
## 504   -4.5839 -1.77656  E3.5
## 505   -4.5057 -1.77656  E3.5
## 506   -4.4275 -1.77656  E3.5
## 507   -4.3492 -1.77656  E3.5
## 508   -4.2710 -1.77656  E3.5
## 509   -4.1928 -1.77656  E3.5
## 510   -4.1145 -1.77656  E3.5
## 511   -4.0363 -1.77656  E3.5
## 512   -3.9581 -1.77656  E3.5
## 513   -3.8798 -1.77656  E3.5
## 514   -3.8016 -1.77656  E3.5
## 515   -3.7234 -1.77656  E3.5
## 516   -3.6451 -1.77656  E3.5
## 517   -3.5669 -1.77656  E3.5
## 518   -3.4887 -1.77656  E3.5
## 519   -3.4104 -1.77656  E3.5
## 520   -3.3322 -1.77656  E3.5
## 521   -3.2540 -1.77656  E3.5
## 522   -3.1757 -1.77656  E3.5
## 523   -3.0975 -1.77656  E3.5
## 524   -3.0193 -1.77656  E3.5
## 525   -2.9410 -1.77656  E3.5
## 526   -2.8628 -1.77656  E3.5
## 527   -2.7846 -1.77656  E3.5
## 528   -2.7063 -1.77656  E3.5
## 529   -2.6281 -1.77656  E3.5
## 530   -2.5499 -1.77656  E3.5
## 531   -2.4716 -1.77656  E3.5
## 532   -2.3934 -1.77656  E3.5
## 533   -2.3152 -1.77656  E3.5
## 534   -2.2369 -1.77656  E3.5
## 535   -2.1587 -1.77656  E3.5
## 536   -2.0805 -1.77656  E3.5
## 537   -2.0022 -1.77656  E3.5
## 538   -1.9240 -1.77656  E3.5
## 539   -1.8458 -1.77656  E3.5
## 540   -1.7676 -1.77656  E3.5
## 541   -1.6893 -1.77656  E3.5
## 542   -1.6111 -1.77656  E3.5
## 543   -1.5329 -1.77656  E3.5
## 544   -1.4546 -1.77656  E3.5
## 545   -1.3764 -1.77656  E3.5
## 546   -1.2982 -1.77656  E3.5
## 547   -1.2199 -1.77656  E3.5
## 548   -1.1417 -1.77656  E3.5
## 549   -1.0635 -1.77656  E3.5
## 550   -0.9852 -1.77656  E3.5
## 551   -0.9070 -1.77656  E3.5
## 552   -0.8288 -1.77656  E3.5
## 553   -0.7505 -1.77656  E3.5
## 554   -0.6723 -1.77656  E3.5
## 555   -0.5941 -1.77656  E3.5
## 556   -0.5158 -1.77656  E3.5
## 557   -0.4376 -1.77656  E3.5
## 558   -0.3594 -1.77656  E3.5
## 559   -0.2811 -1.77656  E3.5
## 560   -0.2029 -1.77656  E3.5
## 561   -0.1247 -1.77656  E3.5
## 562   -0.0464 -1.77656  E3.5
## 563    0.0318 -1.77656  E3.5
## 564    0.1100 -1.77656  E3.5
## 565    0.1883 -1.77656  E3.5
## 566    0.2665 -1.77656 E3.25
## 567    0.3447 -1.77656 E3.25
## 568    0.4230 -1.77656 E3.25
## 569    0.5012 -1.77656 E3.25
## 570    0.5794 -1.77656 E3.25
## 571    0.6577 -1.77656 E3.25
## 572    0.7359 -1.77656 E3.25
## 573    0.8141 -1.77656 E3.25
## 574    0.8923 -1.77656 E3.25
## 575    0.9706 -1.77656 E3.25
## 576    1.0488 -1.77656 E3.25
## 577    1.1270 -1.77656 E3.25
## 578    1.2053 -1.77656 E3.25
## 579    1.2835 -1.77656 E3.25
## 580    1.3617 -1.77656 E3.25
## 581    1.4400 -1.77656 E3.25
## 582    1.5182 -1.77656 E3.25
## 583    1.5964 -1.77656 E3.25
## 584    1.6747 -1.77656 E3.25
## 585    1.7529 -1.77656 E3.25
## 586    1.8311 -1.77656 E3.25
## 587    1.9094 -1.77656 E3.25
## 588    1.9876 -1.77656 E3.25
## 589    2.0658 -1.77656 E3.25
## 590    2.1441 -1.77656 E3.25
## 591    2.2223 -1.77656 E3.25
## 592    2.3005 -1.77656 E3.25
## 593    2.3788 -1.77656 E3.25
## 594    2.4570 -1.77656 E3.25
## 595    2.5352 -1.77656 E3.25
## 596    2.6135 -1.77656 E3.25
## 597    2.6917 -1.77656 E3.25
## 598    2.7699 -1.77656 E3.25
## 599    2.8482 -1.77656 E3.25
## 600    2.9264 -1.77656 E3.25
## 601   -4.8186 -1.72081  E3.5
## 602   -4.7404 -1.72081  E3.5
## 603   -4.6622 -1.72081  E3.5
## 604   -4.5839 -1.72081  E3.5
## 605   -4.5057 -1.72081  E3.5
## 606   -4.4275 -1.72081  E3.5
## 607   -4.3492 -1.72081  E3.5
## 608   -4.2710 -1.72081  E3.5
## 609   -4.1928 -1.72081  E3.5
## 610   -4.1145 -1.72081  E3.5
## 611   -4.0363 -1.72081  E3.5
## 612   -3.9581 -1.72081  E3.5
## 613   -3.8798 -1.72081  E3.5
## 614   -3.8016 -1.72081  E3.5
## 615   -3.7234 -1.72081  E3.5
## 616   -3.6451 -1.72081  E3.5
## 617   -3.5669 -1.72081  E3.5
## 618   -3.4887 -1.72081  E3.5
## 619   -3.4104 -1.72081  E3.5
## 620   -3.3322 -1.72081  E3.5
## 621   -3.2540 -1.72081  E3.5
## 622   -3.1757 -1.72081  E3.5
## 623   -3.0975 -1.72081  E3.5
## 624   -3.0193 -1.72081  E3.5
## 625   -2.9410 -1.72081  E3.5
## 626   -2.8628 -1.72081  E3.5
## 627   -2.7846 -1.72081  E3.5
## 628   -2.7063 -1.72081  E3.5
## 629   -2.6281 -1.72081  E3.5
## 630   -2.5499 -1.72081  E3.5
## 631   -2.4716 -1.72081  E3.5
## 632   -2.3934 -1.72081  E3.5
## 633   -2.3152 -1.72081  E3.5
## 634   -2.2369 -1.72081  E3.5
## 635   -2.1587 -1.72081  E3.5
## 636   -2.0805 -1.72081  E3.5
## 637   -2.0022 -1.72081  E3.5
## 638   -1.9240 -1.72081  E3.5
## 639   -1.8458 -1.72081  E3.5
## 640   -1.7676 -1.72081  E3.5
## 641   -1.6893 -1.72081  E3.5
## 642   -1.6111 -1.72081  E3.5
## 643   -1.5329 -1.72081  E3.5
## 644   -1.4546 -1.72081  E3.5
## 645   -1.3764 -1.72081  E3.5
## 646   -1.2982 -1.72081  E3.5
## 647   -1.2199 -1.72081  E3.5
## 648   -1.1417 -1.72081  E3.5
## 649   -1.0635 -1.72081  E3.5
## 650   -0.9852 -1.72081  E3.5
## 651   -0.9070 -1.72081  E3.5
## 652   -0.8288 -1.72081  E3.5
## 653   -0.7505 -1.72081  E3.5
## 654   -0.6723 -1.72081  E3.5
## 655   -0.5941 -1.72081  E3.5
## 656   -0.5158 -1.72081  E3.5
## 657   -0.4376 -1.72081  E3.5
## 658   -0.3594 -1.72081  E3.5
## 659   -0.2811 -1.72081  E3.5
## 660   -0.2029 -1.72081  E3.5
## 661   -0.1247 -1.72081  E3.5
## 662   -0.0464 -1.72081  E3.5
## 663    0.0318 -1.72081  E3.5
## 664    0.1100 -1.72081  E3.5
## 665    0.1883 -1.72081  E3.5
## 666    0.2665 -1.72081 E3.25
## 667    0.3447 -1.72081 E3.25
## 668    0.4230 -1.72081 E3.25
## 669    0.5012 -1.72081 E3.25
## 670    0.5794 -1.72081 E3.25
## 671    0.6577 -1.72081 E3.25
## 672    0.7359 -1.72081 E3.25
## 673    0.8141 -1.72081 E3.25
## 674    0.8923 -1.72081 E3.25
## 675    0.9706 -1.72081 E3.25
## 676    1.0488 -1.72081 E3.25
## 677    1.1270 -1.72081 E3.25
## 678    1.2053 -1.72081 E3.25
## 679    1.2835 -1.72081 E3.25
## 680    1.3617 -1.72081 E3.25
## 681    1.4400 -1.72081 E3.25
## 682    1.5182 -1.72081 E3.25
## 683    1.5964 -1.72081 E3.25
## 684    1.6747 -1.72081 E3.25
## 685    1.7529 -1.72081 E3.25
## 686    1.8311 -1.72081 E3.25
## 687    1.9094 -1.72081 E3.25
## 688    1.9876 -1.72081 E3.25
## 689    2.0658 -1.72081 E3.25
## 690    2.1441 -1.72081 E3.25
## 691    2.2223 -1.72081 E3.25
## 692    2.3005 -1.72081 E3.25
## 693    2.3788 -1.72081 E3.25
## 694    2.4570 -1.72081 E3.25
## 695    2.5352 -1.72081 E3.25
## 696    2.6135 -1.72081 E3.25
## 697    2.6917 -1.72081 E3.25
## 698    2.7699 -1.72081 E3.25
## 699    2.8482 -1.72081 E3.25
## 700    2.9264 -1.72081 E3.25
## 701   -4.8186 -1.66507  E3.5
## 702   -4.7404 -1.66507  E3.5
## 703   -4.6622 -1.66507  E3.5
## 704   -4.5839 -1.66507  E3.5
## 705   -4.5057 -1.66507  E3.5
## 706   -4.4275 -1.66507  E3.5
## 707   -4.3492 -1.66507  E3.5
## 708   -4.2710 -1.66507  E3.5
## 709   -4.1928 -1.66507  E3.5
## 710   -4.1145 -1.66507  E3.5
## 711   -4.0363 -1.66507  E3.5
## 712   -3.9581 -1.66507  E3.5
## 713   -3.8798 -1.66507  E3.5
## 714   -3.8016 -1.66507  E3.5
## 715   -3.7234 -1.66507  E3.5
## 716   -3.6451 -1.66507  E3.5
## 717   -3.5669 -1.66507  E3.5
## 718   -3.4887 -1.66507  E3.5
## 719   -3.4104 -1.66507  E3.5
## 720   -3.3322 -1.66507  E3.5
## 721   -3.2540 -1.66507  E3.5
## 722   -3.1757 -1.66507  E3.5
## 723   -3.0975 -1.66507  E3.5
## 724   -3.0193 -1.66507  E3.5
## 725   -2.9410 -1.66507  E3.5
## 726   -2.8628 -1.66507  E3.5
## 727   -2.7846 -1.66507  E3.5
## 728   -2.7063 -1.66507  E3.5
## 729   -2.6281 -1.66507  E3.5
## 730   -2.5499 -1.66507  E3.5
## 731   -2.4716 -1.66507  E3.5
## 732   -2.3934 -1.66507  E3.5
## 733   -2.3152 -1.66507  E3.5
## 734   -2.2369 -1.66507  E3.5
## 735   -2.1587 -1.66507  E3.5
## 736   -2.0805 -1.66507  E3.5
## 737   -2.0022 -1.66507  E3.5
## 738   -1.9240 -1.66507  E3.5
## 739   -1.8458 -1.66507  E3.5
## 740   -1.7676 -1.66507  E3.5
## 741   -1.6893 -1.66507  E3.5
## 742   -1.6111 -1.66507  E3.5
## 743   -1.5329 -1.66507  E3.5
## 744   -1.4546 -1.66507  E3.5
## 745   -1.3764 -1.66507  E3.5
## 746   -1.2982 -1.66507  E3.5
## 747   -1.2199 -1.66507  E3.5
## 748   -1.1417 -1.66507  E3.5
## 749   -1.0635 -1.66507  E3.5
## 750   -0.9852 -1.66507  E3.5
## 751   -0.9070 -1.66507  E3.5
## 752   -0.8288 -1.66507  E3.5
## 753   -0.7505 -1.66507  E3.5
## 754   -0.6723 -1.66507  E3.5
## 755   -0.5941 -1.66507  E3.5
## 756   -0.5158 -1.66507  E3.5
## 757   -0.4376 -1.66507  E3.5
## 758   -0.3594 -1.66507  E3.5
## 759   -0.2811 -1.66507  E3.5
## 760   -0.2029 -1.66507  E3.5
## 761   -0.1247 -1.66507  E3.5
## 762   -0.0464 -1.66507  E3.5
## 763    0.0318 -1.66507  E3.5
## 764    0.1100 -1.66507  E3.5
## 765    0.1883 -1.66507  E3.5
## 766    0.2665 -1.66507 E3.25
## 767    0.3447 -1.66507 E3.25
## 768    0.4230 -1.66507 E3.25
## 769    0.5012 -1.66507 E3.25
## 770    0.5794 -1.66507 E3.25
## 771    0.6577 -1.66507 E3.25
## 772    0.7359 -1.66507 E3.25
## 773    0.8141 -1.66507 E3.25
## 774    0.8923 -1.66507 E3.25
## 775    0.9706 -1.66507 E3.25
## 776    1.0488 -1.66507 E3.25
## 777    1.1270 -1.66507 E3.25
## 778    1.2053 -1.66507 E3.25
## 779    1.2835 -1.66507 E3.25
## 780    1.3617 -1.66507 E3.25
## 781    1.4400 -1.66507 E3.25
## 782    1.5182 -1.66507 E3.25
## 783    1.5964 -1.66507 E3.25
## 784    1.6747 -1.66507 E3.25
## 785    1.7529 -1.66507 E3.25
## 786    1.8311 -1.66507 E3.25
## 787    1.9094 -1.66507 E3.25
## 788    1.9876 -1.66507 E3.25
## 789    2.0658 -1.66507 E3.25
## 790    2.1441 -1.66507 E3.25
## 791    2.2223 -1.66507 E3.25
## 792    2.3005 -1.66507 E3.25
## 793    2.3788 -1.66507 E3.25
## 794    2.4570 -1.66507 E3.25
## 795    2.5352 -1.66507 E3.25
## 796    2.6135 -1.66507 E3.25
## 797    2.6917 -1.66507 E3.25
## 798    2.7699 -1.66507 E3.25
## 799    2.8482 -1.66507 E3.25
## 800    2.9264 -1.66507 E3.25
## 801   -4.8186 -1.60932  E3.5
## 802   -4.7404 -1.60932  E3.5
## 803   -4.6622 -1.60932  E3.5
## 804   -4.5839 -1.60932  E3.5
## 805   -4.5057 -1.60932  E3.5
## 806   -4.4275 -1.60932  E3.5
## 807   -4.3492 -1.60932  E3.5
## 808   -4.2710 -1.60932  E3.5
## 809   -4.1928 -1.60932  E3.5
## 810   -4.1145 -1.60932  E3.5
## 811   -4.0363 -1.60932  E3.5
## 812   -3.9581 -1.60932  E3.5
## 813   -3.8798 -1.60932  E3.5
## 814   -3.8016 -1.60932  E3.5
## 815   -3.7234 -1.60932  E3.5
## 816   -3.6451 -1.60932  E3.5
## 817   -3.5669 -1.60932  E3.5
## 818   -3.4887 -1.60932  E3.5
## 819   -3.4104 -1.60932  E3.5
## 820   -3.3322 -1.60932  E3.5
## 821   -3.2540 -1.60932  E3.5
## 822   -3.1757 -1.60932  E3.5
## 823   -3.0975 -1.60932  E3.5
## 824   -3.0193 -1.60932  E3.5
## 825   -2.9410 -1.60932  E3.5
## 826   -2.8628 -1.60932  E3.5
## 827   -2.7846 -1.60932  E3.5
## 828   -2.7063 -1.60932  E3.5
## 829   -2.6281 -1.60932  E3.5
## 830   -2.5499 -1.60932  E3.5
## 831   -2.4716 -1.60932  E3.5
## 832   -2.3934 -1.60932  E3.5
## 833   -2.3152 -1.60932  E3.5
## 834   -2.2369 -1.60932  E3.5
## 835   -2.1587 -1.60932  E3.5
## 836   -2.0805 -1.60932  E3.5
## 837   -2.0022 -1.60932  E3.5
## 838   -1.9240 -1.60932  E3.5
## 839   -1.8458 -1.60932  E3.5
## 840   -1.7676 -1.60932  E3.5
## 841   -1.6893 -1.60932  E3.5
## 842   -1.6111 -1.60932  E3.5
## 843   -1.5329 -1.60932  E3.5
## 844   -1.4546 -1.60932  E3.5
## 845   -1.3764 -1.60932  E3.5
## 846   -1.2982 -1.60932  E3.5
## 847   -1.2199 -1.60932  E3.5
## 848   -1.1417 -1.60932  E3.5
## 849   -1.0635 -1.60932  E3.5
## 850   -0.9852 -1.60932  E3.5
## 851   -0.9070 -1.60932  E3.5
## 852   -0.8288 -1.60932  E3.5
## 853   -0.7505 -1.60932  E3.5
## 854   -0.6723 -1.60932  E3.5
## 855   -0.5941 -1.60932  E3.5
## 856   -0.5158 -1.60932  E3.5
## 857   -0.4376 -1.60932  E3.5
## 858   -0.3594 -1.60932  E3.5
## 859   -0.2811 -1.60932  E3.5
## 860   -0.2029 -1.60932  E3.5
## 861   -0.1247 -1.60932  E3.5
## 862   -0.0464 -1.60932  E3.5
## 863    0.0318 -1.60932  E3.5
## 864    0.1100 -1.60932  E3.5
## 865    0.1883 -1.60932  E3.5
## 866    0.2665 -1.60932 E3.25
## 867    0.3447 -1.60932 E3.25
## 868    0.4230 -1.60932 E3.25
## 869    0.5012 -1.60932 E3.25
## 870    0.5794 -1.60932 E3.25
## 871    0.6577 -1.60932 E3.25
## 872    0.7359 -1.60932 E3.25
## 873    0.8141 -1.60932 E3.25
## 874    0.8923 -1.60932 E3.25
## 875    0.9706 -1.60932 E3.25
## 876    1.0488 -1.60932 E3.25
## 877    1.1270 -1.60932 E3.25
## 878    1.2053 -1.60932 E3.25
## 879    1.2835 -1.60932 E3.25
## 880    1.3617 -1.60932 E3.25
## 881    1.4400 -1.60932 E3.25
## 882    1.5182 -1.60932 E3.25
## 883    1.5964 -1.60932 E3.25
## 884    1.6747 -1.60932 E3.25
## 885    1.7529 -1.60932 E3.25
## 886    1.8311 -1.60932 E3.25
## 887    1.9094 -1.60932 E3.25
## 888    1.9876 -1.60932 E3.25
## 889    2.0658 -1.60932 E3.25
## 890    2.1441 -1.60932 E3.25
## 891    2.2223 -1.60932 E3.25
## 892    2.3005 -1.60932 E3.25
## 893    2.3788 -1.60932 E3.25
## 894    2.4570 -1.60932 E3.25
## 895    2.5352 -1.60932 E3.25
## 896    2.6135 -1.60932 E3.25
## 897    2.6917 -1.60932 E3.25
## 898    2.7699 -1.60932 E3.25
## 899    2.8482 -1.60932 E3.25
## 900    2.9264 -1.60932 E3.25
## 901   -4.8186 -1.55358  E3.5
## 902   -4.7404 -1.55358  E3.5
## 903   -4.6622 -1.55358  E3.5
## 904   -4.5839 -1.55358  E3.5
## 905   -4.5057 -1.55358  E3.5
## 906   -4.4275 -1.55358  E3.5
## 907   -4.3492 -1.55358  E3.5
## 908   -4.2710 -1.55358  E3.5
## 909   -4.1928 -1.55358  E3.5
## 910   -4.1145 -1.55358  E3.5
## 911   -4.0363 -1.55358  E3.5
## 912   -3.9581 -1.55358  E3.5
## 913   -3.8798 -1.55358  E3.5
## 914   -3.8016 -1.55358  E3.5
## 915   -3.7234 -1.55358  E3.5
## 916   -3.6451 -1.55358  E3.5
## 917   -3.5669 -1.55358  E3.5
## 918   -3.4887 -1.55358  E3.5
## 919   -3.4104 -1.55358  E3.5
## 920   -3.3322 -1.55358  E3.5
## 921   -3.2540 -1.55358  E3.5
## 922   -3.1757 -1.55358  E3.5
## 923   -3.0975 -1.55358  E3.5
## 924   -3.0193 -1.55358  E3.5
## 925   -2.9410 -1.55358  E3.5
## 926   -2.8628 -1.55358  E3.5
## 927   -2.7846 -1.55358  E3.5
## 928   -2.7063 -1.55358  E3.5
## 929   -2.6281 -1.55358  E3.5
## 930   -2.5499 -1.55358  E3.5
## 931   -2.4716 -1.55358  E3.5
## 932   -2.3934 -1.55358  E3.5
## 933   -2.3152 -1.55358  E3.5
## 934   -2.2369 -1.55358  E3.5
## 935   -2.1587 -1.55358  E3.5
## 936   -2.0805 -1.55358  E3.5
## 937   -2.0022 -1.55358  E3.5
## 938   -1.9240 -1.55358  E3.5
## 939   -1.8458 -1.55358  E3.5
## 940   -1.7676 -1.55358  E3.5
## 941   -1.6893 -1.55358  E3.5
## 942   -1.6111 -1.55358  E3.5
## 943   -1.5329 -1.55358  E3.5
## 944   -1.4546 -1.55358  E3.5
## 945   -1.3764 -1.55358  E3.5
## 946   -1.2982 -1.55358  E3.5
## 947   -1.2199 -1.55358  E3.5
## 948   -1.1417 -1.55358  E3.5
## 949   -1.0635 -1.55358  E3.5
## 950   -0.9852 -1.55358  E3.5
## 951   -0.9070 -1.55358  E3.5
## 952   -0.8288 -1.55358  E3.5
## 953   -0.7505 -1.55358  E3.5
## 954   -0.6723 -1.55358  E3.5
## 955   -0.5941 -1.55358  E3.5
## 956   -0.5158 -1.55358  E3.5
## 957   -0.4376 -1.55358  E3.5
## 958   -0.3594 -1.55358  E3.5
## 959   -0.2811 -1.55358  E3.5
## 960   -0.2029 -1.55358  E3.5
## 961   -0.1247 -1.55358  E3.5
## 962   -0.0464 -1.55358  E3.5
## 963    0.0318 -1.55358  E3.5
## 964    0.1100 -1.55358  E3.5
## 965    0.1883 -1.55358 E3.25
## 966    0.2665 -1.55358 E3.25
## 967    0.3447 -1.55358 E3.25
## 968    0.4230 -1.55358 E3.25
## 969    0.5012 -1.55358 E3.25
## 970    0.5794 -1.55358 E3.25
## 971    0.6577 -1.55358 E3.25
## 972    0.7359 -1.55358 E3.25
## 973    0.8141 -1.55358 E3.25
## 974    0.8923 -1.55358 E3.25
## 975    0.9706 -1.55358 E3.25
## 976    1.0488 -1.55358 E3.25
## 977    1.1270 -1.55358 E3.25
## 978    1.2053 -1.55358 E3.25
## 979    1.2835 -1.55358 E3.25
## 980    1.3617 -1.55358 E3.25
## 981    1.4400 -1.55358 E3.25
## 982    1.5182 -1.55358 E3.25
## 983    1.5964 -1.55358 E3.25
## 984    1.6747 -1.55358 E3.25
## 985    1.7529 -1.55358 E3.25
## 986    1.8311 -1.55358 E3.25
## 987    1.9094 -1.55358 E3.25
## 988    1.9876 -1.55358 E3.25
## 989    2.0658 -1.55358 E3.25
## 990    2.1441 -1.55358 E3.25
## 991    2.2223 -1.55358 E3.25
## 992    2.3005 -1.55358 E3.25
## 993    2.3788 -1.55358 E3.25
## 994    2.4570 -1.55358 E3.25
## 995    2.5352 -1.55358 E3.25
## 996    2.6135 -1.55358 E3.25
## 997    2.6917 -1.55358 E3.25
## 998    2.7699 -1.55358 E3.25
## 999    2.8482 -1.55358 E3.25
## 1000   2.9264 -1.55358 E3.25
## 1001  -4.8186 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1002  -4.7404 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1003  -4.6622 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1004  -4.5839 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1005  -4.5057 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1006  -4.4275 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1007  -4.3492 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1008  -4.2710 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1009  -4.1928 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1010  -4.1145 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1011  -4.0363 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1012  -3.9581 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1013  -3.8798 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1014  -3.8016 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1015  -3.7234 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1016  -3.6451 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1017  -3.5669 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1018  -3.4887 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1019  -3.4104 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1020  -3.3322 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1021  -3.2540 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1022  -3.1757 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1023  -3.0975 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1024  -3.0193 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1025  -2.9410 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1026  -2.8628 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1027  -2.7846 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1028  -2.7063 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1029  -2.6281 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1030  -2.5499 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1031  -2.4716 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1032  -2.3934 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1033  -2.3152 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1034  -2.2369 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1035  -2.1587 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1036  -2.0805 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1037  -2.0022 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1038  -1.9240 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1039  -1.8458 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1040  -1.7676 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1041  -1.6893 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1042  -1.6111 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1043  -1.5329 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1044  -1.4546 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1045  -1.3764 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1046  -1.2982 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1047  -1.2199 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1048  -1.1417 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1049  -1.0635 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1050  -0.9852 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1051  -0.9070 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1052  -0.8288 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1053  -0.7505 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1054  -0.6723 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1055  -0.5941 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1056  -0.5158 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1057  -0.4376 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1058  -0.3594 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1059  -0.2811 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1060  -0.2029 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1061  -0.1247 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1062  -0.0464 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1063   0.0318 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1064   0.1100 -1.49783  E3.5
## 1065   0.1883 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1066   0.2665 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1067   0.3447 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1068   0.4230 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1069   0.5012 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1070   0.5794 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1071   0.6577 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1072   0.7359 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1073   0.8141 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1074   0.8923 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1075   0.9706 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1076   1.0488 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1077   1.1270 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1078   1.2053 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1079   1.2835 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1080   1.3617 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1081   1.4400 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1082   1.5182 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1083   1.5964 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1084   1.6747 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1085   1.7529 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1086   1.8311 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1087   1.9094 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1088   1.9876 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1089   2.0658 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1090   2.1441 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1091   2.2223 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1092   2.3005 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1093   2.3788 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1094   2.4570 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1095   2.5352 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1096   2.6135 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1097   2.6917 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1098   2.7699 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1099   2.8482 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1100   2.9264 -1.49783 E3.25
## 1101  -4.8186 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1102  -4.7404 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1103  -4.6622 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1104  -4.5839 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1105  -4.5057 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1106  -4.4275 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1107  -4.3492 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1108  -4.2710 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1109  -4.1928 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1110  -4.1145 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1111  -4.0363 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1112  -3.9581 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1113  -3.8798 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1114  -3.8016 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1115  -3.7234 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1116  -3.6451 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1117  -3.5669 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1118  -3.4887 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1119  -3.4104 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1120  -3.3322 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1121  -3.2540 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1122  -3.1757 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1123  -3.0975 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1124  -3.0193 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1125  -2.9410 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1126  -2.8628 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1127  -2.7846 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1128  -2.7063 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1129  -2.6281 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1130  -2.5499 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1131  -2.4716 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1132  -2.3934 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1133  -2.3152 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1134  -2.2369 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1135  -2.1587 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1136  -2.0805 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1137  -2.0022 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1138  -1.9240 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1139  -1.8458 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1140  -1.7676 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1141  -1.6893 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1142  -1.6111 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1143  -1.5329 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1144  -1.4546 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1145  -1.3764 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1146  -1.2982 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1147  -1.2199 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1148  -1.1417 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1149  -1.0635 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1150  -0.9852 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1151  -0.9070 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1152  -0.8288 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1153  -0.7505 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1154  -0.6723 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1155  -0.5941 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1156  -0.5158 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1157  -0.4376 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1158  -0.3594 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1159  -0.2811 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1160  -0.2029 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1161  -0.1247 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1162  -0.0464 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1163   0.0318 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1164   0.1100 -1.44209  E3.5
## 1165   0.1883 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1166   0.2665 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1167   0.3447 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1168   0.4230 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1169   0.5012 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1170   0.5794 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1171   0.6577 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1172   0.7359 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1173   0.8141 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1174   0.8923 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1175   0.9706 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1176   1.0488 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1177   1.1270 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1178   1.2053 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1179   1.2835 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1180   1.3617 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1181   1.4400 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1182   1.5182 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1183   1.5964 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1184   1.6747 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1185   1.7529 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1186   1.8311 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1187   1.9094 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1188   1.9876 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1189   2.0658 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1190   2.1441 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1191   2.2223 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1192   2.3005 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1193   2.3788 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1194   2.4570 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1195   2.5352 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1196   2.6135 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1197   2.6917 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1198   2.7699 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1199   2.8482 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1200   2.9264 -1.44209 E3.25
## 1201  -4.8186 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1202  -4.7404 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1203  -4.6622 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1204  -4.5839 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1205  -4.5057 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1206  -4.4275 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1207  -4.3492 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1208  -4.2710 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1209  -4.1928 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1210  -4.1145 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1211  -4.0363 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1212  -3.9581 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1213  -3.8798 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1214  -3.8016 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1215  -3.7234 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1216  -3.6451 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1217  -3.5669 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1218  -3.4887 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1219  -3.4104 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1220  -3.3322 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1221  -3.2540 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1222  -3.1757 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1223  -3.0975 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1224  -3.0193 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1225  -2.9410 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1226  -2.8628 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1227  -2.7846 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1228  -2.7063 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1229  -2.6281 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1230  -2.5499 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1231  -2.4716 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1232  -2.3934 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1233  -2.3152 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1234  -2.2369 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1235  -2.1587 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1236  -2.0805 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1237  -2.0022 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1238  -1.9240 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1239  -1.8458 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1240  -1.7676 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1241  -1.6893 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1242  -1.6111 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1243  -1.5329 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1244  -1.4546 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1245  -1.3764 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1246  -1.2982 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1247  -1.2199 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1248  -1.1417 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1249  -1.0635 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1250  -0.9852 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1251  -0.9070 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1252  -0.8288 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1253  -0.7505 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1254  -0.6723 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1255  -0.5941 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1256  -0.5158 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1257  -0.4376 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1258  -0.3594 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1259  -0.2811 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1260  -0.2029 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1261  -0.1247 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1262  -0.0464 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1263   0.0318 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1264   0.1100 -1.38634  E3.5
## 1265   0.1883 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1266   0.2665 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1267   0.3447 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1268   0.4230 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1269   0.5012 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1270   0.5794 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1271   0.6577 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1272   0.7359 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1273   0.8141 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1274   0.8923 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1275   0.9706 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1276   1.0488 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1277   1.1270 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1278   1.2053 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1279   1.2835 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1280   1.3617 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1281   1.4400 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1282   1.5182 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1283   1.5964 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1284   1.6747 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1285   1.7529 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1286   1.8311 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1287   1.9094 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1288   1.9876 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1289   2.0658 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1290   2.1441 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1291   2.2223 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1292   2.3005 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1293   2.3788 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1294   2.4570 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1295   2.5352 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1296   2.6135 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1297   2.6917 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1298   2.7699 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1299   2.8482 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1300   2.9264 -1.38634 E3.25
## 1301  -4.8186 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1302  -4.7404 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1303  -4.6622 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1304  -4.5839 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1305  -4.5057 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1306  -4.4275 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1307  -4.3492 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1308  -4.2710 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1309  -4.1928 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1310  -4.1145 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1311  -4.0363 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1312  -3.9581 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1313  -3.8798 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1314  -3.8016 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1315  -3.7234 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1316  -3.6451 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1317  -3.5669 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1318  -3.4887 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1319  -3.4104 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1320  -3.3322 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1321  -3.2540 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1322  -3.1757 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1323  -3.0975 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1324  -3.0193 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1325  -2.9410 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1326  -2.8628 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1327  -2.7846 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1328  -2.7063 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1329  -2.6281 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1330  -2.5499 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1331  -2.4716 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1332  -2.3934 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1333  -2.3152 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1334  -2.2369 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1335  -2.1587 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1336  -2.0805 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1337  -2.0022 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1338  -1.9240 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1339  -1.8458 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1340  -1.7676 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1341  -1.6893 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1342  -1.6111 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1343  -1.5329 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1344  -1.4546 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1345  -1.3764 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1346  -1.2982 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1347  -1.2199 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1348  -1.1417 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1349  -1.0635 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1350  -0.9852 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1351  -0.9070 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1352  -0.8288 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1353  -0.7505 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1354  -0.6723 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1355  -0.5941 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1356  -0.5158 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1357  -0.4376 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1358  -0.3594 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1359  -0.2811 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1360  -0.2029 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1361  -0.1247 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1362  -0.0464 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1363   0.0318 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1364   0.1100 -1.33060  E3.5
## 1365   0.1883 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1366   0.2665 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1367   0.3447 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1368   0.4230 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1369   0.5012 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1370   0.5794 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1371   0.6577 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1372   0.7359 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1373   0.8141 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1374   0.8923 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1375   0.9706 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1376   1.0488 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1377   1.1270 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1378   1.2053 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1379   1.2835 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1380   1.3617 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1381   1.4400 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1382   1.5182 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1383   1.5964 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1384   1.6747 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1385   1.7529 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1386   1.8311 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1387   1.9094 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1388   1.9876 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1389   2.0658 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1390   2.1441 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1391   2.2223 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1392   2.3005 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1393   2.3788 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1394   2.4570 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1395   2.5352 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1396   2.6135 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1397   2.6917 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1398   2.7699 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1399   2.8482 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1400   2.9264 -1.33060 E3.25
## 1401  -4.8186 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1402  -4.7404 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1403  -4.6622 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1404  -4.5839 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1405  -4.5057 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1406  -4.4275 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1407  -4.3492 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1408  -4.2710 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1409  -4.1928 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1410  -4.1145 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1411  -4.0363 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1412  -3.9581 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1413  -3.8798 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1414  -3.8016 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1415  -3.7234 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1416  -3.6451 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1417  -3.5669 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1418  -3.4887 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1419  -3.4104 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1420  -3.3322 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1421  -3.2540 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1422  -3.1757 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1423  -3.0975 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1424  -3.0193 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1425  -2.9410 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1426  -2.8628 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1427  -2.7846 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1428  -2.7063 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1429  -2.6281 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1430  -2.5499 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1431  -2.4716 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1432  -2.3934 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1433  -2.3152 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1434  -2.2369 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1435  -2.1587 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1436  -2.0805 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1437  -2.0022 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1438  -1.9240 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1439  -1.8458 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1440  -1.7676 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1441  -1.6893 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1442  -1.6111 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1443  -1.5329 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1444  -1.4546 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1445  -1.3764 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1446  -1.2982 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1447  -1.2199 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1448  -1.1417 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1449  -1.0635 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1450  -0.9852 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1451  -0.9070 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1452  -0.8288 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1453  -0.7505 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1454  -0.6723 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1455  -0.5941 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1456  -0.5158 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1457  -0.4376 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1458  -0.3594 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1459  -0.2811 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1460  -0.2029 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1461  -0.1247 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1462  -0.0464 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1463   0.0318 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1464   0.1100 -1.27485  E3.5
## 1465   0.1883 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1466   0.2665 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1467   0.3447 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1468   0.4230 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1469   0.5012 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1470   0.5794 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1471   0.6577 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1472   0.7359 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1473   0.8141 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1474   0.8923 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1475   0.9706 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1476   1.0488 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1477   1.1270 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1478   1.2053 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1479   1.2835 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1480   1.3617 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1481   1.4400 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1482   1.5182 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1483   1.5964 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1484   1.6747 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1485   1.7529 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1486   1.8311 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1487   1.9094 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1488   1.9876 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1489   2.0658 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1490   2.1441 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1491   2.2223 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1492   2.3005 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1493   2.3788 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1494   2.4570 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1495   2.5352 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1496   2.6135 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1497   2.6917 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1498   2.7699 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1499   2.8482 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1500   2.9264 -1.27485 E3.25
## 1501  -4.8186 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1502  -4.7404 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1503  -4.6622 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1504  -4.5839 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1505  -4.5057 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1506  -4.4275 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1507  -4.3492 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1508  -4.2710 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1509  -4.1928 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1510  -4.1145 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1511  -4.0363 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1512  -3.9581 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1513  -3.8798 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1514  -3.8016 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1515  -3.7234 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1516  -3.6451 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1517  -3.5669 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1518  -3.4887 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1519  -3.4104 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1520  -3.3322 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1521  -3.2540 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1522  -3.1757 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1523  -3.0975 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1524  -3.0193 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1525  -2.9410 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1526  -2.8628 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1527  -2.7846 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1528  -2.7063 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1529  -2.6281 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1530  -2.5499 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1531  -2.4716 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1532  -2.3934 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1533  -2.3152 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1534  -2.2369 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1535  -2.1587 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1536  -2.0805 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1537  -2.0022 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1538  -1.9240 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1539  -1.8458 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1540  -1.7676 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1541  -1.6893 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1542  -1.6111 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1543  -1.5329 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1544  -1.4546 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1545  -1.3764 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1546  -1.2982 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1547  -1.2199 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1548  -1.1417 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1549  -1.0635 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1550  -0.9852 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1551  -0.9070 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1552  -0.8288 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1553  -0.7505 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1554  -0.6723 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1555  -0.5941 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1556  -0.5158 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1557  -0.4376 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1558  -0.3594 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1559  -0.2811 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1560  -0.2029 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1561  -0.1247 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1562  -0.0464 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1563   0.0318 -1.21911  E3.5
## 1564   0.1100 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1565   0.1883 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1566   0.2665 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1567   0.3447 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1568   0.4230 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1569   0.5012 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1570   0.5794 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1571   0.6577 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1572   0.7359 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1573   0.8141 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1574   0.8923 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1575   0.9706 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1576   1.0488 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1577   1.1270 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1578   1.2053 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1579   1.2835 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1580   1.3617 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1581   1.4400 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1582   1.5182 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1583   1.5964 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1584   1.6747 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1585   1.7529 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1586   1.8311 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1587   1.9094 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1588   1.9876 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1589   2.0658 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1590   2.1441 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1591   2.2223 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1592   2.3005 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1593   2.3788 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1594   2.4570 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1595   2.5352 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1596   2.6135 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1597   2.6917 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1598   2.7699 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1599   2.8482 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1600   2.9264 -1.21911 E3.25
## 1601  -4.8186 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1602  -4.7404 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1603  -4.6622 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1604  -4.5839 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1605  -4.5057 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1606  -4.4275 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1607  -4.3492 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1608  -4.2710 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1609  -4.1928 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1610  -4.1145 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1611  -4.0363 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1612  -3.9581 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1613  -3.8798 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1614  -3.8016 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1615  -3.7234 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1616  -3.6451 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1617  -3.5669 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1618  -3.4887 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1619  -3.4104 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1620  -3.3322 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1621  -3.2540 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1622  -3.1757 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1623  -3.0975 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1624  -3.0193 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1625  -2.9410 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1626  -2.8628 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1627  -2.7846 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1628  -2.7063 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1629  -2.6281 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1630  -2.5499 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1631  -2.4716 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1632  -2.3934 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1633  -2.3152 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1634  -2.2369 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1635  -2.1587 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1636  -2.0805 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1637  -2.0022 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1638  -1.9240 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1639  -1.8458 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1640  -1.7676 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1641  -1.6893 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1642  -1.6111 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1643  -1.5329 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1644  -1.4546 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1645  -1.3764 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1646  -1.2982 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1647  -1.2199 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1648  -1.1417 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1649  -1.0635 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1650  -0.9852 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1651  -0.9070 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1652  -0.8288 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1653  -0.7505 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1654  -0.6723 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1655  -0.5941 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1656  -0.5158 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1657  -0.4376 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1658  -0.3594 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1659  -0.2811 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1660  -0.2029 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1661  -0.1247 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1662  -0.0464 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1663   0.0318 -1.16336  E3.5
## 1664   0.1100 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1665   0.1883 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1666   0.2665 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1667   0.3447 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1668   0.4230 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1669   0.5012 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1670   0.5794 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1671   0.6577 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1672   0.7359 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1673   0.8141 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1674   0.8923 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1675   0.9706 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1676   1.0488 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1677   1.1270 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1678   1.2053 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1679   1.2835 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1680   1.3617 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1681   1.4400 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1682   1.5182 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1683   1.5964 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1684   1.6747 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1685   1.7529 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1686   1.8311 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1687   1.9094 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1688   1.9876 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1689   2.0658 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1690   2.1441 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1691   2.2223 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1692   2.3005 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1693   2.3788 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1694   2.4570 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1695   2.5352 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1696   2.6135 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1697   2.6917 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1698   2.7699 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1699   2.8482 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1700   2.9264 -1.16336 E3.25
## 1701  -4.8186 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1702  -4.7404 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1703  -4.6622 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1704  -4.5839 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1705  -4.5057 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1706  -4.4275 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1707  -4.3492 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1708  -4.2710 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1709  -4.1928 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1710  -4.1145 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1711  -4.0363 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1712  -3.9581 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1713  -3.8798 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1714  -3.8016 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1715  -3.7234 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1716  -3.6451 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1717  -3.5669 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1718  -3.4887 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1719  -3.4104 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1720  -3.3322 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1721  -3.2540 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1722  -3.1757 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1723  -3.0975 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1724  -3.0193 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1725  -2.9410 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1726  -2.8628 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1727  -2.7846 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1728  -2.7063 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1729  -2.6281 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1730  -2.5499 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1731  -2.4716 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1732  -2.3934 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1733  -2.3152 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1734  -2.2369 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1735  -2.1587 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1736  -2.0805 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1737  -2.0022 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1738  -1.9240 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1739  -1.8458 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1740  -1.7676 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1741  -1.6893 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1742  -1.6111 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1743  -1.5329 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1744  -1.4546 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1745  -1.3764 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1746  -1.2982 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1747  -1.2199 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1748  -1.1417 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1749  -1.0635 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1750  -0.9852 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1751  -0.9070 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1752  -0.8288 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1753  -0.7505 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1754  -0.6723 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1755  -0.5941 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1756  -0.5158 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1757  -0.4376 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1758  -0.3594 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1759  -0.2811 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1760  -0.2029 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1761  -0.1247 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1762  -0.0464 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1763   0.0318 -1.10762  E3.5
## 1764   0.1100 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1765   0.1883 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1766   0.2665 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1767   0.3447 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1768   0.4230 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1769   0.5012 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1770   0.5794 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1771   0.6577 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1772   0.7359 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1773   0.8141 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1774   0.8923 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1775   0.9706 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1776   1.0488 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1777   1.1270 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1778   1.2053 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1779   1.2835 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1780   1.3617 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1781   1.4400 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1782   1.5182 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1783   1.5964 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1784   1.6747 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1785   1.7529 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1786   1.8311 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1787   1.9094 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1788   1.9876 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1789   2.0658 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1790   2.1441 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1791   2.2223 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1792   2.3005 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1793   2.3788 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1794   2.4570 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1795   2.5352 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1796   2.6135 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1797   2.6917 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1798   2.7699 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1799   2.8482 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1800   2.9264 -1.10762 E3.25
## 1801  -4.8186 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1802  -4.7404 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1803  -4.6622 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1804  -4.5839 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1805  -4.5057 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1806  -4.4275 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1807  -4.3492 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1808  -4.2710 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1809  -4.1928 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1810  -4.1145 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1811  -4.0363 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1812  -3.9581 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1813  -3.8798 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1814  -3.8016 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1815  -3.7234 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1816  -3.6451 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1817  -3.5669 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1818  -3.4887 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1819  -3.4104 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1820  -3.3322 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1821  -3.2540 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1822  -3.1757 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1823  -3.0975 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1824  -3.0193 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1825  -2.9410 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1826  -2.8628 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1827  -2.7846 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1828  -2.7063 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1829  -2.6281 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1830  -2.5499 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1831  -2.4716 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1832  -2.3934 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1833  -2.3152 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1834  -2.2369 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1835  -2.1587 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1836  -2.0805 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1837  -2.0022 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1838  -1.9240 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1839  -1.8458 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1840  -1.7676 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1841  -1.6893 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1842  -1.6111 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1843  -1.5329 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1844  -1.4546 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1845  -1.3764 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1846  -1.2982 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1847  -1.2199 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1848  -1.1417 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1849  -1.0635 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1850  -0.9852 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1851  -0.9070 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1852  -0.8288 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1853  -0.7505 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1854  -0.6723 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1855  -0.5941 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1856  -0.5158 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1857  -0.4376 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1858  -0.3594 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1859  -0.2811 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1860  -0.2029 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1861  -0.1247 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1862  -0.0464 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1863   0.0318 -1.05187  E3.5
## 1864   0.1100 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1865   0.1883 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1866   0.2665 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1867   0.3447 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1868   0.4230 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1869   0.5012 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1870   0.5794 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1871   0.6577 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1872   0.7359 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1873   0.8141 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1874   0.8923 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1875   0.9706 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1876   1.0488 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1877   1.1270 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1878   1.2053 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1879   1.2835 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1880   1.3617 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1881   1.4400 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1882   1.5182 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1883   1.5964 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1884   1.6747 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1885   1.7529 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1886   1.8311 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1887   1.9094 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1888   1.9876 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1889   2.0658 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1890   2.1441 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1891   2.2223 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1892   2.3005 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1893   2.3788 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1894   2.4570 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1895   2.5352 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1896   2.6135 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1897   2.6917 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1898   2.7699 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1899   2.8482 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1900   2.9264 -1.05187 E3.25
## 1901  -4.8186 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1902  -4.7404 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1903  -4.6622 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1904  -4.5839 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1905  -4.5057 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1906  -4.4275 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1907  -4.3492 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1908  -4.2710 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1909  -4.1928 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1910  -4.1145 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1911  -4.0363 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1912  -3.9581 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1913  -3.8798 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1914  -3.8016 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1915  -3.7234 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1916  -3.6451 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1917  -3.5669 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1918  -3.4887 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1919  -3.4104 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1920  -3.3322 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1921  -3.2540 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1922  -3.1757 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1923  -3.0975 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1924  -3.0193 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1925  -2.9410 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1926  -2.8628 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1927  -2.7846 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1928  -2.7063 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1929  -2.6281 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1930  -2.5499 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1931  -2.4716 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1932  -2.3934 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1933  -2.3152 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1934  -2.2369 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1935  -2.1587 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1936  -2.0805 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1937  -2.0022 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1938  -1.9240 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1939  -1.8458 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1940  -1.7676 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1941  -1.6893 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1942  -1.6111 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1943  -1.5329 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1944  -1.4546 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1945  -1.3764 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1946  -1.2982 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1947  -1.2199 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1948  -1.1417 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1949  -1.0635 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1950  -0.9852 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1951  -0.9070 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1952  -0.8288 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1953  -0.7505 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1954  -0.6723 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1955  -0.5941 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1956  -0.5158 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1957  -0.4376 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1958  -0.3594 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1959  -0.2811 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1960  -0.2029 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1961  -0.1247 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1962  -0.0464 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1963   0.0318 -0.99613  E3.5
## 1964   0.1100 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1965   0.1883 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1966   0.2665 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1967   0.3447 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1968   0.4230 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1969   0.5012 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1970   0.5794 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1971   0.6577 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1972   0.7359 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1973   0.8141 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1974   0.8923 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1975   0.9706 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1976   1.0488 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1977   1.1270 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1978   1.2053 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1979   1.2835 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1980   1.3617 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1981   1.4400 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1982   1.5182 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1983   1.5964 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1984   1.6747 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1985   1.7529 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1986   1.8311 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1987   1.9094 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1988   1.9876 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1989   2.0658 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1990   2.1441 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1991   2.2223 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1992   2.3005 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1993   2.3788 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1994   2.4570 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1995   2.5352 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1996   2.6135 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1997   2.6917 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1998   2.7699 -0.99613 E3.25
## 1999   2.8482 -0.99613 E3.25
## 2000   2.9264 -0.99613 E3.25
## 2001  -4.8186 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2002  -4.7404 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2003  -4.6622 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2004  -4.5839 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2005  -4.5057 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2006  -4.4275 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2007  -4.3492 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2008  -4.2710 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2009  -4.1928 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2010  -4.1145 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2011  -4.0363 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2012  -3.9581 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2013  -3.8798 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2014  -3.8016 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2015  -3.7234 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2016  -3.6451 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2017  -3.5669 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2018  -3.4887 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2019  -3.4104 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2020  -3.3322 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2021  -3.2540 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2022  -3.1757 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2023  -3.0975 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2024  -3.0193 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2025  -2.9410 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2026  -2.8628 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2027  -2.7846 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2028  -2.7063 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2029  -2.6281 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2030  -2.5499 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2031  -2.4716 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2032  -2.3934 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2033  -2.3152 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2034  -2.2369 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2035  -2.1587 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2036  -2.0805 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2037  -2.0022 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2038  -1.9240 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2039  -1.8458 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2040  -1.7676 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2041  -1.6893 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2042  -1.6111 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2043  -1.5329 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2044  -1.4546 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2045  -1.3764 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2046  -1.2982 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2047  -1.2199 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2048  -1.1417 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2049  -1.0635 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2050  -0.9852 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2051  -0.9070 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2052  -0.8288 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2053  -0.7505 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2054  -0.6723 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2055  -0.5941 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2056  -0.5158 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2057  -0.4376 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2058  -0.3594 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2059  -0.2811 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2060  -0.2029 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2061  -0.1247 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2062  -0.0464 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2063   0.0318 -0.94038  E3.5
## 2064   0.1100 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2065   0.1883 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2066   0.2665 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2067   0.3447 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2068   0.4230 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2069   0.5012 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2070   0.5794 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2071   0.6577 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2072   0.7359 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2073   0.8141 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2074   0.8923 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2075   0.9706 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2076   1.0488 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2077   1.1270 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2078   1.2053 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2079   1.2835 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2080   1.3617 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2081   1.4400 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2082   1.5182 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2083   1.5964 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2084   1.6747 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2085   1.7529 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2086   1.8311 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2087   1.9094 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2088   1.9876 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2089   2.0658 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2090   2.1441 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2091   2.2223 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2092   2.3005 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2093   2.3788 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2094   2.4570 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2095   2.5352 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2096   2.6135 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2097   2.6917 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2098   2.7699 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2099   2.8482 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2100   2.9264 -0.94038 E3.25
## 2101  -4.8186 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2102  -4.7404 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2103  -4.6622 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2104  -4.5839 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2105  -4.5057 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2106  -4.4275 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2107  -4.3492 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2108  -4.2710 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2109  -4.1928 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2110  -4.1145 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2111  -4.0363 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2112  -3.9581 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2113  -3.8798 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2114  -3.8016 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2115  -3.7234 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2116  -3.6451 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2117  -3.5669 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2118  -3.4887 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2119  -3.4104 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2120  -3.3322 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2121  -3.2540 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2122  -3.1757 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2123  -3.0975 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2124  -3.0193 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2125  -2.9410 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2126  -2.8628 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2127  -2.7846 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2128  -2.7063 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2129  -2.6281 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2130  -2.5499 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2131  -2.4716 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2132  -2.3934 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2133  -2.3152 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2134  -2.2369 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2135  -2.1587 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2136  -2.0805 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2137  -2.0022 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2138  -1.9240 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2139  -1.8458 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2140  -1.7676 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2141  -1.6893 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2142  -1.6111 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2143  -1.5329 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2144  -1.4546 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2145  -1.3764 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2146  -1.2982 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2147  -1.2199 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2148  -1.1417 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2149  -1.0635 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2150  -0.9852 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2151  -0.9070 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2152  -0.8288 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2153  -0.7505 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2154  -0.6723 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2155  -0.5941 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2156  -0.5158 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2157  -0.4376 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2158  -0.3594 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2159  -0.2811 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2160  -0.2029 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2161  -0.1247 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2162  -0.0464 -0.88464  E3.5
## 2163   0.0318 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2164   0.1100 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2165   0.1883 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2166   0.2665 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2167   0.3447 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2168   0.4230 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2169   0.5012 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2170   0.5794 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2171   0.6577 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2172   0.7359 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2173   0.8141 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2174   0.8923 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2175   0.9706 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2176   1.0488 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2177   1.1270 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2178   1.2053 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2179   1.2835 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2180   1.3617 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2181   1.4400 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2182   1.5182 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2183   1.5964 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2184   1.6747 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2185   1.7529 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2186   1.8311 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2187   1.9094 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2188   1.9876 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2189   2.0658 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2190   2.1441 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2191   2.2223 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2192   2.3005 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2193   2.3788 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2194   2.4570 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2195   2.5352 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2196   2.6135 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2197   2.6917 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2198   2.7699 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2199   2.8482 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2200   2.9264 -0.88464 E3.25
## 2201  -4.8186 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2202  -4.7404 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2203  -4.6622 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2204  -4.5839 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2205  -4.5057 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2206  -4.4275 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2207  -4.3492 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2208  -4.2710 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2209  -4.1928 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2210  -4.1145 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2211  -4.0363 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2212  -3.9581 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2213  -3.8798 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2214  -3.8016 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2215  -3.7234 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2216  -3.6451 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2217  -3.5669 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2218  -3.4887 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2219  -3.4104 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2220  -3.3322 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2221  -3.2540 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2222  -3.1757 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2223  -3.0975 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2224  -3.0193 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2225  -2.9410 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2226  -2.8628 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2227  -2.7846 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2228  -2.7063 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2229  -2.6281 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2230  -2.5499 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2231  -2.4716 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2232  -2.3934 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2233  -2.3152 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2234  -2.2369 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2235  -2.1587 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2236  -2.0805 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2237  -2.0022 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2238  -1.9240 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2239  -1.8458 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2240  -1.7676 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2241  -1.6893 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2242  -1.6111 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2243  -1.5329 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2244  -1.4546 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2245  -1.3764 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2246  -1.2982 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2247  -1.2199 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2248  -1.1417 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2249  -1.0635 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2250  -0.9852 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2251  -0.9070 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2252  -0.8288 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2253  -0.7505 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2254  -0.6723 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2255  -0.5941 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2256  -0.5158 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2257  -0.4376 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2258  -0.3594 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2259  -0.2811 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2260  -0.2029 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2261  -0.1247 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2262  -0.0464 -0.82889  E3.5
## 2263   0.0318 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2264   0.1100 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2265   0.1883 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2266   0.2665 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2267   0.3447 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2268   0.4230 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2269   0.5012 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2270   0.5794 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2271   0.6577 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2272   0.7359 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2273   0.8141 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2274   0.8923 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2275   0.9706 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2276   1.0488 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2277   1.1270 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2278   1.2053 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2279   1.2835 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2280   1.3617 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2281   1.4400 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2282   1.5182 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2283   1.5964 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2284   1.6747 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2285   1.7529 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2286   1.8311 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2287   1.9094 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2288   1.9876 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2289   2.0658 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2290   2.1441 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2291   2.2223 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2292   2.3005 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2293   2.3788 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2294   2.4570 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2295   2.5352 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2296   2.6135 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2297   2.6917 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2298   2.7699 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2299   2.8482 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2300   2.9264 -0.82889 E3.25
## 2301  -4.8186 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2302  -4.7404 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2303  -4.6622 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2304  -4.5839 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2305  -4.5057 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2306  -4.4275 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2307  -4.3492 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2308  -4.2710 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2309  -4.1928 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2310  -4.1145 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2311  -4.0363 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2312  -3.9581 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2313  -3.8798 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2314  -3.8016 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2315  -3.7234 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2316  -3.6451 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2317  -3.5669 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2318  -3.4887 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2319  -3.4104 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2320  -3.3322 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2321  -3.2540 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2322  -3.1757 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2323  -3.0975 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2324  -3.0193 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2325  -2.9410 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2326  -2.8628 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2327  -2.7846 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2328  -2.7063 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2329  -2.6281 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2330  -2.5499 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2331  -2.4716 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2332  -2.3934 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2333  -2.3152 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2334  -2.2369 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2335  -2.1587 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2336  -2.0805 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2337  -2.0022 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2338  -1.9240 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2339  -1.8458 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2340  -1.7676 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2341  -1.6893 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2342  -1.6111 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2343  -1.5329 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2344  -1.4546 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2345  -1.3764 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2346  -1.2982 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2347  -1.2199 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2348  -1.1417 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2349  -1.0635 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2350  -0.9852 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2351  -0.9070 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2352  -0.8288 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2353  -0.7505 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2354  -0.6723 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2355  -0.5941 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2356  -0.5158 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2357  -0.4376 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2358  -0.3594 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2359  -0.2811 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2360  -0.2029 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2361  -0.1247 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2362  -0.0464 -0.77315  E3.5
## 2363   0.0318 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2364   0.1100 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2365   0.1883 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2366   0.2665 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2367   0.3447 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2368   0.4230 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2369   0.5012 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2370   0.5794 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2371   0.6577 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2372   0.7359 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2373   0.8141 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2374   0.8923 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2375   0.9706 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2376   1.0488 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2377   1.1270 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2378   1.2053 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2379   1.2835 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2380   1.3617 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2381   1.4400 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2382   1.5182 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2383   1.5964 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2384   1.6747 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2385   1.7529 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2386   1.8311 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2387   1.9094 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2388   1.9876 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2389   2.0658 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2390   2.1441 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2391   2.2223 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2392   2.3005 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2393   2.3788 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2394   2.4570 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2395   2.5352 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2396   2.6135 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2397   2.6917 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2398   2.7699 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2399   2.8482 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2400   2.9264 -0.77315 E3.25
## 2401  -4.8186 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2402  -4.7404 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2403  -4.6622 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2404  -4.5839 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2405  -4.5057 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2406  -4.4275 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2407  -4.3492 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2408  -4.2710 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2409  -4.1928 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2410  -4.1145 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2411  -4.0363 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2412  -3.9581 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2413  -3.8798 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2414  -3.8016 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2415  -3.7234 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2416  -3.6451 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2417  -3.5669 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2418  -3.4887 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2419  -3.4104 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2420  -3.3322 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2421  -3.2540 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2422  -3.1757 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2423  -3.0975 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2424  -3.0193 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2425  -2.9410 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2426  -2.8628 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2427  -2.7846 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2428  -2.7063 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2429  -2.6281 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2430  -2.5499 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2431  -2.4716 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2432  -2.3934 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2433  -2.3152 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2434  -2.2369 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2435  -2.1587 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2436  -2.0805 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2437  -2.0022 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2438  -1.9240 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2439  -1.8458 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2440  -1.7676 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2441  -1.6893 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2442  -1.6111 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2443  -1.5329 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2444  -1.4546 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2445  -1.3764 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2446  -1.2982 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2447  -1.2199 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2448  -1.1417 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2449  -1.0635 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2450  -0.9852 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2451  -0.9070 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2452  -0.8288 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2453  -0.7505 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2454  -0.6723 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2455  -0.5941 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2456  -0.5158 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2457  -0.4376 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2458  -0.3594 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2459  -0.2811 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2460  -0.2029 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2461  -0.1247 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2462  -0.0464 -0.71740  E3.5
## 2463   0.0318 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2464   0.1100 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2465   0.1883 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2466   0.2665 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2467   0.3447 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2468   0.4230 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2469   0.5012 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2470   0.5794 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2471   0.6577 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2472   0.7359 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2473   0.8141 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2474   0.8923 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2475   0.9706 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2476   1.0488 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2477   1.1270 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2478   1.2053 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2479   1.2835 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2480   1.3617 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2481   1.4400 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2482   1.5182 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2483   1.5964 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2484   1.6747 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2485   1.7529 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2486   1.8311 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2487   1.9094 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2488   1.9876 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2489   2.0658 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2490   2.1441 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2491   2.2223 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2492   2.3005 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2493   2.3788 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2494   2.4570 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2495   2.5352 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2496   2.6135 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2497   2.6917 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2498   2.7699 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2499   2.8482 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2500   2.9264 -0.71740 E3.25
## 2501  -4.8186 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2502  -4.7404 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2503  -4.6622 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2504  -4.5839 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2505  -4.5057 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2506  -4.4275 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2507  -4.3492 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2508  -4.2710 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2509  -4.1928 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2510  -4.1145 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2511  -4.0363 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2512  -3.9581 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2513  -3.8798 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2514  -3.8016 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2515  -3.7234 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2516  -3.6451 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2517  -3.5669 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2518  -3.4887 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2519  -3.4104 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2520  -3.3322 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2521  -3.2540 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2522  -3.1757 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2523  -3.0975 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2524  -3.0193 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2525  -2.9410 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2526  -2.8628 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2527  -2.7846 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2528  -2.7063 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2529  -2.6281 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2530  -2.5499 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2531  -2.4716 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2532  -2.3934 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2533  -2.3152 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2534  -2.2369 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2535  -2.1587 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2536  -2.0805 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2537  -2.0022 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2538  -1.9240 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2539  -1.8458 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2540  -1.7676 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2541  -1.6893 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2542  -1.6111 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2543  -1.5329 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2544  -1.4546 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2545  -1.3764 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2546  -1.2982 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2547  -1.2199 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2548  -1.1417 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2549  -1.0635 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2550  -0.9852 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2551  -0.9070 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2552  -0.8288 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2553  -0.7505 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2554  -0.6723 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2555  -0.5941 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2556  -0.5158 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2557  -0.4376 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2558  -0.3594 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2559  -0.2811 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2560  -0.2029 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2561  -0.1247 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2562  -0.0464 -0.66166  E3.5
## 2563   0.0318 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2564   0.1100 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2565   0.1883 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2566   0.2665 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2567   0.3447 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2568   0.4230 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2569   0.5012 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2570   0.5794 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2571   0.6577 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2572   0.7359 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2573   0.8141 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2574   0.8923 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2575   0.9706 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2576   1.0488 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2577   1.1270 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2578   1.2053 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2579   1.2835 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2580   1.3617 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2581   1.4400 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2582   1.5182 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2583   1.5964 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2584   1.6747 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2585   1.7529 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2586   1.8311 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2587   1.9094 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2588   1.9876 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2589   2.0658 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2590   2.1441 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2591   2.2223 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2592   2.3005 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2593   2.3788 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2594   2.4570 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2595   2.5352 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2596   2.6135 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2597   2.6917 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2598   2.7699 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2599   2.8482 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2600   2.9264 -0.66166 E3.25
## 2601  -4.8186 -0.60591  E4.5
## 2602  -4.7404 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2603  -4.6622 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2604  -4.5839 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2605  -4.5057 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2606  -4.4275 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2607  -4.3492 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2608  -4.2710 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2609  -4.1928 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2610  -4.1145 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2611  -4.0363 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2612  -3.9581 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2613  -3.8798 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2614  -3.8016 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2615  -3.7234 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2616  -3.6451 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2617  -3.5669 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2618  -3.4887 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2619  -3.4104 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2620  -3.3322 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2621  -3.2540 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2622  -3.1757 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2623  -3.0975 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2624  -3.0193 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2625  -2.9410 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2626  -2.8628 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2627  -2.7846 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2628  -2.7063 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2629  -2.6281 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2630  -2.5499 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2631  -2.4716 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2632  -2.3934 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2633  -2.3152 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2634  -2.2369 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2635  -2.1587 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2636  -2.0805 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2637  -2.0022 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2638  -1.9240 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2639  -1.8458 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2640  -1.7676 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2641  -1.6893 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2642  -1.6111 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2643  -1.5329 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2644  -1.4546 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2645  -1.3764 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2646  -1.2982 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2647  -1.2199 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2648  -1.1417 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2649  -1.0635 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2650  -0.9852 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2651  -0.9070 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2652  -0.8288 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2653  -0.7505 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2654  -0.6723 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2655  -0.5941 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2656  -0.5158 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2657  -0.4376 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2658  -0.3594 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2659  -0.2811 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2660  -0.2029 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2661  -0.1247 -0.60591  E3.5
## 2662  -0.0464 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2663   0.0318 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2664   0.1100 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2665   0.1883 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2666   0.2665 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2667   0.3447 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2668   0.4230 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2669   0.5012 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2670   0.5794 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2671   0.6577 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2672   0.7359 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2673   0.8141 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2674   0.8923 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2675   0.9706 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2676   1.0488 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2677   1.1270 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2678   1.2053 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2679   1.2835 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2680   1.3617 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2681   1.4400 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2682   1.5182 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2683   1.5964 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2684   1.6747 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2685   1.7529 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2686   1.8311 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2687   1.9094 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2688   1.9876 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2689   2.0658 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2690   2.1441 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2691   2.2223 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2692   2.3005 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2693   2.3788 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2694   2.4570 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2695   2.5352 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2696   2.6135 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2697   2.6917 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2698   2.7699 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2699   2.8482 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2700   2.9264 -0.60591 E3.25
## 2701  -4.8186 -0.55017  E4.5
## 2702  -4.7404 -0.55017  E4.5
## 2703  -4.6622 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2704  -4.5839 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2705  -4.5057 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2706  -4.4275 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2707  -4.3492 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2708  -4.2710 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2709  -4.1928 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2710  -4.1145 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2711  -4.0363 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2712  -3.9581 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2713  -3.8798 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2714  -3.8016 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2715  -3.7234 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2716  -3.6451 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2717  -3.5669 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2718  -3.4887 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2719  -3.4104 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2720  -3.3322 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2721  -3.2540 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2722  -3.1757 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2723  -3.0975 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2724  -3.0193 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2725  -2.9410 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2726  -2.8628 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2727  -2.7846 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2728  -2.7063 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2729  -2.6281 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2730  -2.5499 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2731  -2.4716 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2732  -2.3934 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2733  -2.3152 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2734  -2.2369 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2735  -2.1587 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2736  -2.0805 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2737  -2.0022 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2738  -1.9240 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2739  -1.8458 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2740  -1.7676 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2741  -1.6893 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2742  -1.6111 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2743  -1.5329 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2744  -1.4546 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2745  -1.3764 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2746  -1.2982 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2747  -1.2199 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2748  -1.1417 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2749  -1.0635 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2750  -0.9852 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2751  -0.9070 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2752  -0.8288 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2753  -0.7505 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2754  -0.6723 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2755  -0.5941 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2756  -0.5158 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2757  -0.4376 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2758  -0.3594 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2759  -0.2811 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2760  -0.2029 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2761  -0.1247 -0.55017  E3.5
## 2762  -0.0464 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2763   0.0318 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2764   0.1100 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2765   0.1883 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2766   0.2665 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2767   0.3447 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2768   0.4230 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2769   0.5012 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2770   0.5794 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2771   0.6577 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2772   0.7359 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2773   0.8141 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2774   0.8923 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2775   0.9706 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2776   1.0488 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2777   1.1270 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2778   1.2053 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2779   1.2835 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2780   1.3617 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2781   1.4400 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2782   1.5182 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2783   1.5964 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2784   1.6747 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2785   1.7529 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2786   1.8311 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2787   1.9094 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2788   1.9876 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2789   2.0658 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2790   2.1441 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2791   2.2223 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2792   2.3005 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2793   2.3788 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2794   2.4570 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2795   2.5352 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2796   2.6135 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2797   2.6917 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2798   2.7699 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2799   2.8482 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2800   2.9264 -0.55017 E3.25
## 2801  -4.8186 -0.49442  E4.5
## 2802  -4.7404 -0.49442  E4.5
## 2803  -4.6622 -0.49442  E4.5
## 2804  -4.5839 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2805  -4.5057 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2806  -4.4275 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2807  -4.3492 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2808  -4.2710 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2809  -4.1928 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2810  -4.1145 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2811  -4.0363 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2812  -3.9581 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2813  -3.8798 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2814  -3.8016 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2815  -3.7234 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2816  -3.6451 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2817  -3.5669 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2818  -3.4887 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2819  -3.4104 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2820  -3.3322 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2821  -3.2540 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2822  -3.1757 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2823  -3.0975 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2824  -3.0193 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2825  -2.9410 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2826  -2.8628 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2827  -2.7846 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2828  -2.7063 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2829  -2.6281 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2830  -2.5499 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2831  -2.4716 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2832  -2.3934 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2833  -2.3152 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2834  -2.2369 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2835  -2.1587 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2836  -2.0805 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2837  -2.0022 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2838  -1.9240 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2839  -1.8458 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2840  -1.7676 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2841  -1.6893 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2842  -1.6111 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2843  -1.5329 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2844  -1.4546 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2845  -1.3764 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2846  -1.2982 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2847  -1.2199 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2848  -1.1417 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2849  -1.0635 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2850  -0.9852 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2851  -0.9070 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2852  -0.8288 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2853  -0.7505 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2854  -0.6723 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2855  -0.5941 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2856  -0.5158 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2857  -0.4376 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2858  -0.3594 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2859  -0.2811 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2860  -0.2029 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2861  -0.1247 -0.49442  E3.5
## 2862  -0.0464 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2863   0.0318 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2864   0.1100 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2865   0.1883 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2866   0.2665 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2867   0.3447 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2868   0.4230 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2869   0.5012 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2870   0.5794 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2871   0.6577 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2872   0.7359 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2873   0.8141 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2874   0.8923 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2875   0.9706 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2876   1.0488 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2877   1.1270 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2878   1.2053 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2879   1.2835 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2880   1.3617 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2881   1.4400 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2882   1.5182 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2883   1.5964 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2884   1.6747 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2885   1.7529 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2886   1.8311 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2887   1.9094 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2888   1.9876 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2889   2.0658 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2890   2.1441 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2891   2.2223 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2892   2.3005 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2893   2.3788 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2894   2.4570 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2895   2.5352 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2896   2.6135 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2897   2.6917 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2898   2.7699 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2899   2.8482 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2900   2.9264 -0.49442 E3.25
## 2901  -4.8186 -0.43868  E4.5
## 2902  -4.7404 -0.43868  E4.5
## 2903  -4.6622 -0.43868  E4.5
## 2904  -4.5839 -0.43868  E4.5
## 2905  -4.5057 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2906  -4.4275 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2907  -4.3492 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2908  -4.2710 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2909  -4.1928 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2910  -4.1145 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2911  -4.0363 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2912  -3.9581 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2913  -3.8798 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2914  -3.8016 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2915  -3.7234 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2916  -3.6451 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2917  -3.5669 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2918  -3.4887 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2919  -3.4104 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2920  -3.3322 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2921  -3.2540 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2922  -3.1757 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2923  -3.0975 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2924  -3.0193 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2925  -2.9410 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2926  -2.8628 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2927  -2.7846 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2928  -2.7063 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2929  -2.6281 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2930  -2.5499 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2931  -2.4716 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2932  -2.3934 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2933  -2.3152 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2934  -2.2369 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2935  -2.1587 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2936  -2.0805 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2937  -2.0022 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2938  -1.9240 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2939  -1.8458 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2940  -1.7676 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2941  -1.6893 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2942  -1.6111 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2943  -1.5329 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2944  -1.4546 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2945  -1.3764 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2946  -1.2982 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2947  -1.2199 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2948  -1.1417 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2949  -1.0635 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2950  -0.9852 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2951  -0.9070 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2952  -0.8288 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2953  -0.7505 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2954  -0.6723 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2955  -0.5941 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2956  -0.5158 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2957  -0.4376 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2958  -0.3594 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2959  -0.2811 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2960  -0.2029 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2961  -0.1247 -0.43868  E3.5
## 2962  -0.0464 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2963   0.0318 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2964   0.1100 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2965   0.1883 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2966   0.2665 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2967   0.3447 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2968   0.4230 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2969   0.5012 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2970   0.5794 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2971   0.6577 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2972   0.7359 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2973   0.8141 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2974   0.8923 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2975   0.9706 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2976   1.0488 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2977   1.1270 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2978   1.2053 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2979   1.2835 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2980   1.3617 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2981   1.4400 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2982   1.5182 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2983   1.5964 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2984   1.6747 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2985   1.7529 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2986   1.8311 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2987   1.9094 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2988   1.9876 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2989   2.0658 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2990   2.1441 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2991   2.2223 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2992   2.3005 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2993   2.3788 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2994   2.4570 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2995   2.5352 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2996   2.6135 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2997   2.6917 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2998   2.7699 -0.43868 E3.25
## 2999   2.8482 -0.43868 E3.25
## 3000   2.9264 -0.43868 E3.25
## 3001  -4.8186 -0.38293  E4.5
## 3002  -4.7404 -0.38293  E4.5
## 3003  -4.6622 -0.38293  E4.5
## 3004  -4.5839 -0.38293  E4.5
## 3005  -4.5057 -0.38293  E4.5
## 3006  -4.4275 -0.38293  E4.5
## 3007  -4.3492 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3008  -4.2710 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3009  -4.1928 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3010  -4.1145 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3011  -4.0363 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3012  -3.9581 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3013  -3.8798 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3014  -3.8016 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3015  -3.7234 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3016  -3.6451 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3017  -3.5669 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3018  -3.4887 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3019  -3.4104 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3020  -3.3322 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3021  -3.2540 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3022  -3.1757 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3023  -3.0975 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3024  -3.0193 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3025  -2.9410 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3026  -2.8628 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3027  -2.7846 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3028  -2.7063 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3029  -2.6281 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3030  -2.5499 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3031  -2.4716 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3032  -2.3934 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3033  -2.3152 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3034  -2.2369 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3035  -2.1587 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3036  -2.0805 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3037  -2.0022 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3038  -1.9240 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3039  -1.8458 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3040  -1.7676 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3041  -1.6893 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3042  -1.6111 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3043  -1.5329 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3044  -1.4546 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3045  -1.3764 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3046  -1.2982 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3047  -1.2199 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3048  -1.1417 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3049  -1.0635 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3050  -0.9852 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3051  -0.9070 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3052  -0.8288 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3053  -0.7505 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3054  -0.6723 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3055  -0.5941 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3056  -0.5158 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3057  -0.4376 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3058  -0.3594 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3059  -0.2811 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3060  -0.2029 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3061  -0.1247 -0.38293  E3.5
## 3062  -0.0464 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3063   0.0318 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3064   0.1100 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3065   0.1883 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3066   0.2665 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3067   0.3447 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3068   0.4230 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3069   0.5012 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3070   0.5794 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3071   0.6577 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3072   0.7359 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3073   0.8141 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3074   0.8923 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3075   0.9706 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3076   1.0488 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3077   1.1270 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3078   1.2053 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3079   1.2835 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3080   1.3617 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3081   1.4400 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3082   1.5182 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3083   1.5964 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3084   1.6747 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3085   1.7529 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3086   1.8311 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3087   1.9094 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3088   1.9876 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3089   2.0658 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3090   2.1441 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3091   2.2223 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3092   2.3005 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3093   2.3788 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3094   2.4570 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3095   2.5352 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3096   2.6135 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3097   2.6917 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3098   2.7699 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3099   2.8482 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3100   2.9264 -0.38293 E3.25
## 3101  -4.8186 -0.32719  E4.5
## 3102  -4.7404 -0.32719  E4.5
## 3103  -4.6622 -0.32719  E4.5
## 3104  -4.5839 -0.32719  E4.5
## 3105  -4.5057 -0.32719  E4.5
## 3106  -4.4275 -0.32719  E4.5
## 3107  -4.3492 -0.32719  E4.5
## 3108  -4.2710 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3109  -4.1928 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3110  -4.1145 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3111  -4.0363 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3112  -3.9581 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3113  -3.8798 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3114  -3.8016 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3115  -3.7234 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3116  -3.6451 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3117  -3.5669 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3118  -3.4887 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3119  -3.4104 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3120  -3.3322 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3121  -3.2540 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3122  -3.1757 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3123  -3.0975 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3124  -3.0193 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3125  -2.9410 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3126  -2.8628 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3127  -2.7846 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3128  -2.7063 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3129  -2.6281 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3130  -2.5499 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3131  -2.4716 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3132  -2.3934 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3133  -2.3152 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3134  -2.2369 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3135  -2.1587 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3136  -2.0805 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3137  -2.0022 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3138  -1.9240 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3139  -1.8458 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3140  -1.7676 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3141  -1.6893 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3142  -1.6111 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3143  -1.5329 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3144  -1.4546 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3145  -1.3764 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3146  -1.2982 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3147  -1.2199 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3148  -1.1417 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3149  -1.0635 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3150  -0.9852 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3151  -0.9070 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3152  -0.8288 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3153  -0.7505 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3154  -0.6723 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3155  -0.5941 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3156  -0.5158 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3157  -0.4376 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3158  -0.3594 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3159  -0.2811 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3160  -0.2029 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3161  -0.1247 -0.32719  E3.5
## 3162  -0.0464 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3163   0.0318 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3164   0.1100 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3165   0.1883 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3166   0.2665 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3167   0.3447 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3168   0.4230 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3169   0.5012 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3170   0.5794 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3171   0.6577 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3172   0.7359 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3173   0.8141 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3174   0.8923 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3175   0.9706 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3176   1.0488 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3177   1.1270 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3178   1.2053 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3179   1.2835 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3180   1.3617 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3181   1.4400 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3182   1.5182 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3183   1.5964 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3184   1.6747 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3185   1.7529 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3186   1.8311 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3187   1.9094 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3188   1.9876 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3189   2.0658 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3190   2.1441 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3191   2.2223 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3192   2.3005 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3193   2.3788 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3194   2.4570 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3195   2.5352 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3196   2.6135 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3197   2.6917 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3198   2.7699 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3199   2.8482 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3200   2.9264 -0.32719 E3.25
## 3201  -4.8186 -0.27144  E4.5
## 3202  -4.7404 -0.27144  E4.5
## 3203  -4.6622 -0.27144  E4.5
## 3204  -4.5839 -0.27144  E4.5
## 3205  -4.5057 -0.27144  E4.5
## 3206  -4.4275 -0.27144  E4.5
## 3207  -4.3492 -0.27144  E4.5
## 3208  -4.2710 -0.27144  E4.5
## 3209  -4.1928 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3210  -4.1145 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3211  -4.0363 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3212  -3.9581 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3213  -3.8798 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3214  -3.8016 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3215  -3.7234 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3216  -3.6451 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3217  -3.5669 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3218  -3.4887 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3219  -3.4104 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3220  -3.3322 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3221  -3.2540 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3222  -3.1757 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3223  -3.0975 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3224  -3.0193 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3225  -2.9410 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3226  -2.8628 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3227  -2.7846 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3228  -2.7063 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3229  -2.6281 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3230  -2.5499 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3231  -2.4716 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3232  -2.3934 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3233  -2.3152 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3234  -2.2369 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3235  -2.1587 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3236  -2.0805 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3237  -2.0022 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3238  -1.9240 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3239  -1.8458 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3240  -1.7676 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3241  -1.6893 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3242  -1.6111 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3243  -1.5329 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3244  -1.4546 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3245  -1.3764 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3246  -1.2982 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3247  -1.2199 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3248  -1.1417 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3249  -1.0635 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3250  -0.9852 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3251  -0.9070 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3252  -0.8288 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3253  -0.7505 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3254  -0.6723 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3255  -0.5941 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3256  -0.5158 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3257  -0.4376 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3258  -0.3594 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3259  -0.2811 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3260  -0.2029 -0.27144  E3.5
## 3261  -0.1247 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3262  -0.0464 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3263   0.0318 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3264   0.1100 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3265   0.1883 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3266   0.2665 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3267   0.3447 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3268   0.4230 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3269   0.5012 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3270   0.5794 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3271   0.6577 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3272   0.7359 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3273   0.8141 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3274   0.8923 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3275   0.9706 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3276   1.0488 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3277   1.1270 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3278   1.2053 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3279   1.2835 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3280   1.3617 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3281   1.4400 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3282   1.5182 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3283   1.5964 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3284   1.6747 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3285   1.7529 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3286   1.8311 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3287   1.9094 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3288   1.9876 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3289   2.0658 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3290   2.1441 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3291   2.2223 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3292   2.3005 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3293   2.3788 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3294   2.4570 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3295   2.5352 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3296   2.6135 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3297   2.6917 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3298   2.7699 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3299   2.8482 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3300   2.9264 -0.27144 E3.25
## 3301  -4.8186 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3302  -4.7404 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3303  -4.6622 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3304  -4.5839 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3305  -4.5057 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3306  -4.4275 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3307  -4.3492 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3308  -4.2710 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3309  -4.1928 -0.21570  E4.5
## 3310  -4.1145 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3311  -4.0363 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3312  -3.9581 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3313  -3.8798 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3314  -3.8016 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3315  -3.7234 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3316  -3.6451 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3317  -3.5669 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3318  -3.4887 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3319  -3.4104 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3320  -3.3322 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3321  -3.2540 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3322  -3.1757 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3323  -3.0975 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3324  -3.0193 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3325  -2.9410 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3326  -2.8628 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3327  -2.7846 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3328  -2.7063 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3329  -2.6281 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3330  -2.5499 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3331  -2.4716 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3332  -2.3934 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3333  -2.3152 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3334  -2.2369 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3335  -2.1587 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3336  -2.0805 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3337  -2.0022 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3338  -1.9240 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3339  -1.8458 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3340  -1.7676 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3341  -1.6893 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3342  -1.6111 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3343  -1.5329 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3344  -1.4546 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3345  -1.3764 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3346  -1.2982 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3347  -1.2199 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3348  -1.1417 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3349  -1.0635 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3350  -0.9852 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3351  -0.9070 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3352  -0.8288 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3353  -0.7505 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3354  -0.6723 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3355  -0.5941 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3356  -0.5158 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3357  -0.4376 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3358  -0.3594 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3359  -0.2811 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3360  -0.2029 -0.21570  E3.5
## 3361  -0.1247 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3362  -0.0464 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3363   0.0318 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3364   0.1100 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3365   0.1883 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3366   0.2665 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3367   0.3447 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3368   0.4230 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3369   0.5012 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3370   0.5794 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3371   0.6577 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3372   0.7359 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3373   0.8141 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3374   0.8923 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3375   0.9706 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3376   1.0488 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3377   1.1270 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3378   1.2053 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3379   1.2835 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3380   1.3617 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3381   1.4400 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3382   1.5182 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3383   1.5964 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3384   1.6747 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3385   1.7529 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3386   1.8311 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3387   1.9094 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3388   1.9876 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3389   2.0658 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3390   2.1441 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3391   2.2223 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3392   2.3005 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3393   2.3788 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3394   2.4570 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3395   2.5352 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3396   2.6135 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3397   2.6917 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3398   2.7699 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3399   2.8482 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3400   2.9264 -0.21570 E3.25
## 3401  -4.8186 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3402  -4.7404 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3403  -4.6622 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3404  -4.5839 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3405  -4.5057 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3406  -4.4275 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3407  -4.3492 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3408  -4.2710 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3409  -4.1928 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3410  -4.1145 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3411  -4.0363 -0.15995  E4.5
## 3412  -3.9581 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3413  -3.8798 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3414  -3.8016 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3415  -3.7234 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3416  -3.6451 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3417  -3.5669 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3418  -3.4887 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3419  -3.4104 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3420  -3.3322 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3421  -3.2540 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3422  -3.1757 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3423  -3.0975 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3424  -3.0193 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3425  -2.9410 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3426  -2.8628 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3427  -2.7846 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3428  -2.7063 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3429  -2.6281 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3430  -2.5499 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3431  -2.4716 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3432  -2.3934 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3433  -2.3152 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3434  -2.2369 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3435  -2.1587 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3436  -2.0805 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3437  -2.0022 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3438  -1.9240 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3439  -1.8458 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3440  -1.7676 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3441  -1.6893 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3442  -1.6111 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3443  -1.5329 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3444  -1.4546 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3445  -1.3764 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3446  -1.2982 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3447  -1.2199 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3448  -1.1417 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3449  -1.0635 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3450  -0.9852 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3451  -0.9070 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3452  -0.8288 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3453  -0.7505 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3454  -0.6723 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3455  -0.5941 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3456  -0.5158 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3457  -0.4376 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3458  -0.3594 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3459  -0.2811 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3460  -0.2029 -0.15995  E3.5
## 3461  -0.1247 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3462  -0.0464 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3463   0.0318 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3464   0.1100 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3465   0.1883 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3466   0.2665 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3467   0.3447 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3468   0.4230 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3469   0.5012 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3470   0.5794 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3471   0.6577 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3472   0.7359 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3473   0.8141 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3474   0.8923 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3475   0.9706 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3476   1.0488 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3477   1.1270 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3478   1.2053 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3479   1.2835 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3480   1.3617 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3481   1.4400 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3482   1.5182 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3483   1.5964 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3484   1.6747 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3485   1.7529 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3486   1.8311 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3487   1.9094 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3488   1.9876 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3489   2.0658 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3490   2.1441 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3491   2.2223 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3492   2.3005 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3493   2.3788 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3494   2.4570 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3495   2.5352 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3496   2.6135 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3497   2.6917 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3498   2.7699 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3499   2.8482 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3500   2.9264 -0.15995 E3.25
## 3501  -4.8186 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3502  -4.7404 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3503  -4.6622 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3504  -4.5839 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3505  -4.5057 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3506  -4.4275 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3507  -4.3492 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3508  -4.2710 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3509  -4.1928 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3510  -4.1145 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3511  -4.0363 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3512  -3.9581 -0.10421  E4.5
## 3513  -3.8798 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3514  -3.8016 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3515  -3.7234 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3516  -3.6451 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3517  -3.5669 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3518  -3.4887 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3519  -3.4104 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3520  -3.3322 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3521  -3.2540 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3522  -3.1757 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3523  -3.0975 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3524  -3.0193 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3525  -2.9410 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3526  -2.8628 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3527  -2.7846 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3528  -2.7063 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3529  -2.6281 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3530  -2.5499 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3531  -2.4716 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3532  -2.3934 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3533  -2.3152 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3534  -2.2369 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3535  -2.1587 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3536  -2.0805 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3537  -2.0022 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3538  -1.9240 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3539  -1.8458 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3540  -1.7676 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3541  -1.6893 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3542  -1.6111 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3543  -1.5329 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3544  -1.4546 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3545  -1.3764 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3546  -1.2982 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3547  -1.2199 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3548  -1.1417 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3549  -1.0635 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3550  -0.9852 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3551  -0.9070 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3552  -0.8288 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3553  -0.7505 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3554  -0.6723 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3555  -0.5941 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3556  -0.5158 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3557  -0.4376 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3558  -0.3594 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3559  -0.2811 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3560  -0.2029 -0.10421  E3.5
## 3561  -0.1247 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3562  -0.0464 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3563   0.0318 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3564   0.1100 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3565   0.1883 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3566   0.2665 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3567   0.3447 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3568   0.4230 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3569   0.5012 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3570   0.5794 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3571   0.6577 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3572   0.7359 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3573   0.8141 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3574   0.8923 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3575   0.9706 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3576   1.0488 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3577   1.1270 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3578   1.2053 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3579   1.2835 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3580   1.3617 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3581   1.4400 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3582   1.5182 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3583   1.5964 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3584   1.6747 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3585   1.7529 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3586   1.8311 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3587   1.9094 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3588   1.9876 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3589   2.0658 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3590   2.1441 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3591   2.2223 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3592   2.3005 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3593   2.3788 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3594   2.4570 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3595   2.5352 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3596   2.6135 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3597   2.6917 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3598   2.7699 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3599   2.8482 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3600   2.9264 -0.10421 E3.25
## 3601  -4.8186 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3602  -4.7404 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3603  -4.6622 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3604  -4.5839 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3605  -4.5057 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3606  -4.4275 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3607  -4.3492 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3608  -4.2710 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3609  -4.1928 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3610  -4.1145 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3611  -4.0363 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3612  -3.9581 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3613  -3.8798 -0.04846  E4.5
## 3614  -3.8016 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3615  -3.7234 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3616  -3.6451 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3617  -3.5669 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3618  -3.4887 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3619  -3.4104 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3620  -3.3322 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3621  -3.2540 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3622  -3.1757 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3623  -3.0975 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3624  -3.0193 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3625  -2.9410 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3626  -2.8628 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3627  -2.7846 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3628  -2.7063 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3629  -2.6281 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3630  -2.5499 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3631  -2.4716 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3632  -2.3934 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3633  -2.3152 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3634  -2.2369 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3635  -2.1587 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3636  -2.0805 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3637  -2.0022 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3638  -1.9240 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3639  -1.8458 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3640  -1.7676 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3641  -1.6893 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3642  -1.6111 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3643  -1.5329 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3644  -1.4546 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3645  -1.3764 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3646  -1.2982 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3647  -1.2199 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3648  -1.1417 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3649  -1.0635 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3650  -0.9852 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3651  -0.9070 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3652  -0.8288 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3653  -0.7505 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3654  -0.6723 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3655  -0.5941 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3656  -0.5158 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3657  -0.4376 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3658  -0.3594 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3659  -0.2811 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3660  -0.2029 -0.04846  E3.5
## 3661  -0.1247 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3662  -0.0464 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3663   0.0318 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3664   0.1100 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3665   0.1883 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3666   0.2665 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3667   0.3447 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3668   0.4230 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3669   0.5012 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3670   0.5794 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3671   0.6577 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3672   0.7359 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3673   0.8141 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3674   0.8923 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3675   0.9706 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3676   1.0488 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3677   1.1270 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3678   1.2053 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3679   1.2835 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3680   1.3617 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3681   1.4400 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3682   1.5182 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3683   1.5964 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3684   1.6747 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3685   1.7529 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3686   1.8311 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3687   1.9094 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3688   1.9876 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3689   2.0658 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3690   2.1441 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3691   2.2223 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3692   2.3005 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3693   2.3788 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3694   2.4570 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3695   2.5352 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3696   2.6135 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3697   2.6917 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3698   2.7699 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3699   2.8482 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3700   2.9264 -0.04846 E3.25
## 3701  -4.8186  0.00728  E4.5
## 3702  -4.7404  0.00728  E4.5
## 3703  -4.6622  0.00728  E4.5
## 3704  -4.5839  0.00728  E4.5
## 3705  -4.5057  0.00728  E4.5
## 3706  -4.4275  0.00728  E4.5
## 3707  -4.3492  0.00728  E4.5
## 3708  -4.2710  0.00728  E4.5
## 3709  -4.1928  0.00728  E4.5
## 3710  -4.1145  0.00728  E4.5
## 3711  -4.0363  0.00728  E4.5
## 3712  -3.9581  0.00728  E4.5
## 3713  -3.8798  0.00728  E4.5
## 3714  -3.8016  0.00728  E4.5
## 3715  -3.7234  0.00728  E3.5
## 3716  -3.6451  0.00728  E3.5
## 3717  -3.5669  0.00728  E3.5
## 3718  -3.4887  0.00728  E3.5
## 3719  -3.4104  0.00728  E3.5
## 3720  -3.3322  0.00728  E3.5
## 3721  -3.2540  0.00728  E3.5
## 3722  -3.1757  0.00728  E3.5
## 3723  -3.0975  0.00728  E3.5
## 3724  -3.0193  0.00728  E3.5
## 3725  -2.9410  0.00728  E3.5
## 3726  -2.8628  0.00728  E3.5
## 3727  -2.7846  0.00728  E3.5
## 3728  -2.7063  0.00728  E3.5
## 3729  -2.6281  0.00728  E3.5
## 3730  -2.5499  0.00728  E3.5
## 3731  -2.4716  0.00728  E3.5
## 3732  -2.3934  0.00728  E3.5
## 3733  -2.3152  0.00728  E3.5
## 3734  -2.2369  0.00728  E3.5
## 3735  -2.1587  0.00728  E3.5
## 3736  -2.0805  0.00728  E3.5
## 3737  -2.0022  0.00728  E3.5
## 3738  -1.9240  0.00728  E3.5
## 3739  -1.8458  0.00728  E3.5
## 3740  -1.7676  0.00728  E3.5
## 3741  -1.6893  0.00728  E3.5
## 3742  -1.6111  0.00728  E3.5
## 3743  -1.5329  0.00728  E3.5
## 3744  -1.4546  0.00728  E3.5
## 3745  -1.3764  0.00728  E3.5
## 3746  -1.2982  0.00728  E3.5
## 3747  -1.2199  0.00728  E3.5
## 3748  -1.1417  0.00728  E3.5
## 3749  -1.0635  0.00728  E3.5
## 3750  -0.9852  0.00728  E3.5
## 3751  -0.9070  0.00728  E3.5
## 3752  -0.8288  0.00728  E3.5
## 3753  -0.7505  0.00728  E3.5
## 3754  -0.6723  0.00728  E3.5
## 3755  -0.5941  0.00728  E3.5
## 3756  -0.5158  0.00728  E3.5
## 3757  -0.4376  0.00728  E3.5
## 3758  -0.3594  0.00728  E3.5
## 3759  -0.2811  0.00728  E3.5
## 3760  -0.2029  0.00728  E3.5
## 3761  -0.1247  0.00728 E3.25
## 3762  -0.0464  0.00728 E3.25
## 3763   0.0318  0.00728 E3.25
## 3764   0.1100  0.00728 E3.25
## 3765   0.1883  0.00728 E3.25
## 3766   0.2665  0.00728 E3.25
## 3767   0.3447  0.00728 E3.25
## 3768   0.4230  0.00728 E3.25
## 3769   0.5012  0.00728 E3.25
## 3770   0.5794  0.00728 E3.25
## 3771   0.6577  0.00728 E3.25
## 3772   0.7359  0.00728 E3.25
## 3773   0.8141  0.00728 E3.25
## 3774   0.8923  0.00728 E3.25
## 3775   0.9706  0.00728 E3.25
## 3776   1.0488  0.00728 E3.25
## 3777   1.1270  0.00728 E3.25
## 3778   1.2053  0.00728 E3.25
## 3779   1.2835  0.00728 E3.25
## 3780   1.3617  0.00728 E3.25
## 3781   1.4400  0.00728 E3.25
## 3782   1.5182  0.00728 E3.25
## 3783   1.5964  0.00728 E3.25
## 3784   1.6747  0.00728 E3.25
## 3785   1.7529  0.00728 E3.25
## 3786   1.8311  0.00728 E3.25
## 3787   1.9094  0.00728 E3.25
## 3788   1.9876  0.00728 E3.25
## 3789   2.0658  0.00728 E3.25
## 3790   2.1441  0.00728 E3.25
## 3791   2.2223  0.00728 E3.25
## 3792   2.3005  0.00728 E3.25
## 3793   2.3788  0.00728 E3.25
## 3794   2.4570  0.00728 E3.25
## 3795   2.5352  0.00728 E3.25
## 3796   2.6135  0.00728 E3.25
## 3797   2.6917  0.00728 E3.25
## 3798   2.7699  0.00728 E3.25
## 3799   2.8482  0.00728 E3.25
## 3800   2.9264  0.00728 E3.25
## 3801  -4.8186  0.06303  E4.5
## 3802  -4.7404  0.06303  E4.5
## 3803  -4.6622  0.06303  E4.5
## 3804  -4.5839  0.06303  E4.5
## 3805  -4.5057  0.06303  E4.5
## 3806  -4.4275  0.06303  E4.5
## 3807  -4.3492  0.06303  E4.5
## 3808  -4.2710  0.06303  E4.5
## 3809  -4.1928  0.06303  E4.5
## 3810  -4.1145  0.06303  E4.5
## 3811  -4.0363  0.06303  E4.5
## 3812  -3.9581  0.06303  E4.5
## 3813  -3.8798  0.06303  E4.5
## 3814  -3.8016  0.06303  E4.5
## 3815  -3.7234  0.06303  E4.5
## 3816  -3.6451  0.06303  E4.5
## 3817  -3.5669  0.06303  E3.5
## 3818  -3.4887  0.06303  E3.5
## 3819  -3.4104  0.06303  E3.5
## 3820  -3.3322  0.06303  E3.5
## 3821  -3.2540  0.06303  E3.5
## 3822  -3.1757  0.06303  E3.5
## 3823  -3.0975  0.06303  E3.5
## 3824  -3.0193  0.06303  E3.5
## 3825  -2.9410  0.06303  E3.5
## 3826  -2.8628  0.06303  E3.5
## 3827  -2.7846  0.06303  E3.5
## 3828  -2.7063  0.06303  E3.5
## 3829  -2.6281  0.06303  E3.5
## 3830  -2.5499  0.06303  E3.5
## 3831  -2.4716  0.06303  E3.5
## 3832  -2.3934  0.06303  E3.5
## 3833  -2.3152  0.06303  E3.5
## 3834  -2.2369  0.06303  E3.5
## 3835  -2.1587  0.06303  E3.5
## 3836  -2.0805  0.06303  E3.5
## 3837  -2.0022  0.06303  E3.5
## 3838  -1.9240  0.06303  E3.5
## 3839  -1.8458  0.06303  E3.5
## 3840  -1.7676  0.06303  E3.5
## 3841  -1.6893  0.06303  E3.5
## 3842  -1.6111  0.06303  E3.5
## 3843  -1.5329  0.06303  E3.5
## 3844  -1.4546  0.06303  E3.5
## 3845  -1.3764  0.06303  E3.5
## 3846  -1.2982  0.06303  E3.5
## 3847  -1.2199  0.06303  E3.5
## 3848  -1.1417  0.06303  E3.5
## 3849  -1.0635  0.06303  E3.5
## 3850  -0.9852  0.06303  E3.5
## 3851  -0.9070  0.06303  E3.5
## 3852  -0.8288  0.06303  E3.5
## 3853  -0.7505  0.06303  E3.5
## 3854  -0.6723  0.06303  E3.5
## 3855  -0.5941  0.06303  E3.5
## 3856  -0.5158  0.06303  E3.5
## 3857  -0.4376  0.06303  E3.5
## 3858  -0.3594  0.06303  E3.5
## 3859  -0.2811  0.06303  E3.5
## 3860  -0.2029  0.06303 E3.25
## 3861  -0.1247  0.06303 E3.25
## 3862  -0.0464  0.06303 E3.25
## 3863   0.0318  0.06303 E3.25
## 3864   0.1100  0.06303 E3.25
## 3865   0.1883  0.06303 E3.25
## 3866   0.2665  0.06303 E3.25
## 3867   0.3447  0.06303 E3.25
## 3868   0.4230  0.06303 E3.25
## 3869   0.5012  0.06303 E3.25
## 3870   0.5794  0.06303 E3.25
## 3871   0.6577  0.06303 E3.25
## 3872   0.7359  0.06303 E3.25
## 3873   0.8141  0.06303 E3.25
## 3874   0.8923  0.06303 E3.25
## 3875   0.9706  0.06303 E3.25
## 3876   1.0488  0.06303 E3.25
## 3877   1.1270  0.06303 E3.25
## 3878   1.2053  0.06303 E3.25
## 3879   1.2835  0.06303 E3.25
## 3880   1.3617  0.06303 E3.25
## 3881   1.4400  0.06303 E3.25
## 3882   1.5182  0.06303 E3.25
## 3883   1.5964  0.06303 E3.25
## 3884   1.6747  0.06303 E3.25
## 3885   1.7529  0.06303 E3.25
## 3886   1.8311  0.06303 E3.25
## 3887   1.9094  0.06303 E3.25
## 3888   1.9876  0.06303 E3.25
## 3889   2.0658  0.06303 E3.25
## 3890   2.1441  0.06303 E3.25
## 3891   2.2223  0.06303 E3.25
## 3892   2.3005  0.06303 E3.25
## 3893   2.3788  0.06303 E3.25
## 3894   2.4570  0.06303 E3.25
## 3895   2.5352  0.06303 E3.25
## 3896   2.6135  0.06303 E3.25
## 3897   2.6917  0.06303 E3.25
## 3898   2.7699  0.06303 E3.25
## 3899   2.8482  0.06303 E3.25
## 3900   2.9264  0.06303 E3.25
## 3901  -4.8186  0.11877  E4.5
## 3902  -4.7404  0.11877  E4.5
## 3903  -4.6622  0.11877  E4.5
## 3904  -4.5839  0.11877  E4.5
## 3905  -4.5057  0.11877  E4.5
## 3906  -4.4275  0.11877  E4.5
## 3907  -4.3492  0.11877  E4.5
## 3908  -4.2710  0.11877  E4.5
## 3909  -4.1928  0.11877  E4.5
## 3910  -4.1145  0.11877  E4.5
## 3911  -4.0363  0.11877  E4.5
## 3912  -3.9581  0.11877  E4.5
## 3913  -3.8798  0.11877  E4.5
## 3914  -3.8016  0.11877  E4.5
## 3915  -3.7234  0.11877  E4.5
## 3916  -3.6451  0.11877  E4.5
## 3917  -3.5669  0.11877  E4.5
## 3918  -3.4887  0.11877  E3.5
## 3919  -3.4104  0.11877  E3.5
## 3920  -3.3322  0.11877  E3.5
## 3921  -3.2540  0.11877  E3.5
## 3922  -3.1757  0.11877  E3.5
## 3923  -3.0975  0.11877  E3.5
## 3924  -3.0193  0.11877  E3.5
## 3925  -2.9410  0.11877  E3.5
## 3926  -2.8628  0.11877  E3.5
## 3927  -2.7846  0.11877  E3.5
## 3928  -2.7063  0.11877  E3.5
## 3929  -2.6281  0.11877  E3.5
## 3930  -2.5499  0.11877  E3.5
## 3931  -2.4716  0.11877  E3.5
## 3932  -2.3934  0.11877  E3.5
## 3933  -2.3152  0.11877  E3.5
## 3934  -2.2369  0.11877  E3.5
## 3935  -2.1587  0.11877  E3.5
## 3936  -2.0805  0.11877  E3.5
## 3937  -2.0022  0.11877  E3.5
## 3938  -1.9240  0.11877  E3.5
## 3939  -1.8458  0.11877  E3.5
## 3940  -1.7676  0.11877  E3.5
## 3941  -1.6893  0.11877  E3.5
## 3942  -1.6111  0.11877  E3.5
## 3943  -1.5329  0.11877  E3.5
## 3944  -1.4546  0.11877  E3.5
## 3945  -1.3764  0.11877  E3.5
## 3946  -1.2982  0.11877  E3.5
## 3947  -1.2199  0.11877  E3.5
## 3948  -1.1417  0.11877  E3.5
## 3949  -1.0635  0.11877  E3.5
## 3950  -0.9852  0.11877  E3.5
## 3951  -0.9070  0.11877  E3.5
## 3952  -0.8288  0.11877  E3.5
## 3953  -0.7505  0.11877  E3.5
## 3954  -0.6723  0.11877  E3.5
## 3955  -0.5941  0.11877  E3.5
## 3956  -0.5158  0.11877  E3.5
## 3957  -0.4376  0.11877  E3.5
## 3958  -0.3594  0.11877  E3.5
## 3959  -0.2811  0.11877  E3.5
## 3960  -0.2029  0.11877 E3.25
## 3961  -0.1247  0.11877 E3.25
## 3962  -0.0464  0.11877 E3.25
## 3963   0.0318  0.11877 E3.25
## 3964   0.1100  0.11877 E3.25
## 3965   0.1883  0.11877 E3.25
## 3966   0.2665  0.11877 E3.25
## 3967   0.3447  0.11877 E3.25
## 3968   0.4230  0.11877 E3.25
## 3969   0.5012  0.11877 E3.25
## 3970   0.5794  0.11877 E3.25
## 3971   0.6577  0.11877 E3.25
## 3972   0.7359  0.11877 E3.25
## 3973   0.8141  0.11877 E3.25
## 3974   0.8923  0.11877 E3.25
## 3975   0.9706  0.11877 E3.25
## 3976   1.0488  0.11877 E3.25
## 3977   1.1270  0.11877 E3.25
## 3978   1.2053  0.11877 E3.25
## 3979   1.2835  0.11877 E3.25
## 3980   1.3617  0.11877 E3.25
## 3981   1.4400  0.11877 E3.25
## 3982   1.5182  0.11877 E3.25
## 3983   1.5964  0.11877 E3.25
## 3984   1.6747  0.11877 E3.25
## 3985   1.7529  0.11877 E3.25
## 3986   1.8311  0.11877 E3.25
## 3987   1.9094  0.11877 E3.25
## 3988   1.9876  0.11877 E3.25
## 3989   2.0658  0.11877 E3.25
## 3990   2.1441  0.11877 E3.25
## 3991   2.2223  0.11877 E3.25
## 3992   2.3005  0.11877 E3.25
## 3993   2.3788  0.11877 E3.25
## 3994   2.4570  0.11877 E3.25
## 3995   2.5352  0.11877 E3.25
## 3996   2.6135  0.11877 E3.25
## 3997   2.6917  0.11877 E3.25
## 3998   2.7699  0.11877 E3.25
## 3999   2.8482  0.11877 E3.25
## 4000   2.9264  0.11877 E3.25
## 4001  -4.8186  0.17452  E4.5
## 4002  -4.7404  0.17452  E4.5
## 4003  -4.6622  0.17452  E4.5
## 4004  -4.5839  0.17452  E4.5
## 4005  -4.5057  0.17452  E4.5
## 4006  -4.4275  0.17452  E4.5
## 4007  -4.3492  0.17452  E4.5
## 4008  -4.2710  0.17452  E4.5
## 4009  -4.1928  0.17452  E4.5
## 4010  -4.1145  0.17452  E4.5
## 4011  -4.0363  0.17452  E4.5
## 4012  -3.9581  0.17452  E4.5
## 4013  -3.8798  0.17452  E4.5
## 4014  -3.8016  0.17452  E4.5
## 4015  -3.7234  0.17452  E4.5
## 4016  -3.6451  0.17452  E4.5
## 4017  -3.5669  0.17452  E4.5
## 4018  -3.4887  0.17452  E4.5
## 4019  -3.4104  0.17452  E3.5
## 4020  -3.3322  0.17452  E3.5
## 4021  -3.2540  0.17452  E3.5
## 4022  -3.1757  0.17452  E3.5
## 4023  -3.0975  0.17452  E3.5
## 4024  -3.0193  0.17452  E3.5
## 4025  -2.9410  0.17452  E3.5
## 4026  -2.8628  0.17452  E3.5
## 4027  -2.7846  0.17452  E3.5
## 4028  -2.7063  0.17452  E3.5
## 4029  -2.6281  0.17452  E3.5
## 4030  -2.5499  0.17452  E3.5
## 4031  -2.4716  0.17452  E3.5
## 4032  -2.3934  0.17452  E3.5
## 4033  -2.3152  0.17452  E3.5
## 4034  -2.2369  0.17452  E3.5
## 4035  -2.1587  0.17452  E3.5
## 4036  -2.0805  0.17452  E3.5
## 4037  -2.0022  0.17452  E3.5
## 4038  -1.9240  0.17452  E3.5
## 4039  -1.8458  0.17452  E3.5
## 4040  -1.7676  0.17452  E3.5
## 4041  -1.6893  0.17452  E3.5
## 4042  -1.6111  0.17452  E3.5
## 4043  -1.5329  0.17452  E3.5
## 4044  -1.4546  0.17452  E3.5
## 4045  -1.3764  0.17452  E3.5
## 4046  -1.2982  0.17452  E3.5
## 4047  -1.2199  0.17452  E3.5
## 4048  -1.1417  0.17452  E3.5
## 4049  -1.0635  0.17452  E3.5
## 4050  -0.9852  0.17452  E3.5
## 4051  -0.9070  0.17452  E3.5
## 4052  -0.8288  0.17452  E3.5
## 4053  -0.7505  0.17452  E3.5
## 4054  -0.6723  0.17452  E3.5
## 4055  -0.5941  0.17452  E3.5
## 4056  -0.5158  0.17452  E3.5
## 4057  -0.4376  0.17452  E3.5
## 4058  -0.3594  0.17452  E3.5
## 4059  -0.2811  0.17452  E3.5
## 4060  -0.2029  0.17452 E3.25
## 4061  -0.1247  0.17452 E3.25
## 4062  -0.0464  0.17452 E3.25
## 4063   0.0318  0.17452 E3.25
## 4064   0.1100  0.17452 E3.25
## 4065   0.1883  0.17452 E3.25
## 4066   0.2665  0.17452 E3.25
## 4067   0.3447  0.17452 E3.25
## 4068   0.4230  0.17452 E3.25
## 4069   0.5012  0.17452 E3.25
## 4070   0.5794  0.17452 E3.25
## 4071   0.6577  0.17452 E3.25
## 4072   0.7359  0.17452 E3.25
## 4073   0.8141  0.17452 E3.25
## 4074   0.8923  0.17452 E3.25
## 4075   0.9706  0.17452 E3.25
## 4076   1.0488  0.17452 E3.25
## 4077   1.1270  0.17452 E3.25
## 4078   1.2053  0.17452 E3.25
## 4079   1.2835  0.17452 E3.25
## 4080   1.3617  0.17452 E3.25
## 4081   1.4400  0.17452 E3.25
## 4082   1.5182  0.17452 E3.25
## 4083   1.5964  0.17452 E3.25
## 4084   1.6747  0.17452 E3.25
## 4085   1.7529  0.17452 E3.25
## 4086   1.8311  0.17452 E3.25
## 4087   1.9094  0.17452 E3.25
## 4088   1.9876  0.17452 E3.25
## 4089   2.0658  0.17452 E3.25
## 4090   2.1441  0.17452 E3.25
## 4091   2.2223  0.17452 E3.25
## 4092   2.3005  0.17452 E3.25
## 4093   2.3788  0.17452 E3.25
## 4094   2.4570  0.17452 E3.25
## 4095   2.5352  0.17452 E3.25
## 4096   2.6135  0.17452 E3.25
## 4097   2.6917  0.17452 E3.25
## 4098   2.7699  0.17452 E3.25
## 4099   2.8482  0.17452 E3.25
## 4100   2.9264  0.17452 E3.25
## 4101  -4.8186  0.23026  E4.5
## 4102  -4.7404  0.23026  E4.5
## 4103  -4.6622  0.23026  E4.5
## 4104  -4.5839  0.23026  E4.5
## 4105  -4.5057  0.23026  E4.5
## 4106  -4.4275  0.23026  E4.5
## 4107  -4.3492  0.23026  E4.5
## 4108  -4.2710  0.23026  E4.5
## 4109  -4.1928  0.23026  E4.5
## 4110  -4.1145  0.23026  E4.5
## 4111  -4.0363  0.23026  E4.5
## 4112  -3.9581  0.23026  E4.5
## 4113  -3.8798  0.23026  E4.5
## 4114  -3.8016  0.23026  E4.5
## 4115  -3.7234  0.23026  E4.5
## 4116  -3.6451  0.23026  E4.5
## 4117  -3.5669  0.23026  E4.5
## 4118  -3.4887  0.23026  E4.5
## 4119  -3.4104  0.23026  E4.5
## 4120  -3.3322  0.23026  E3.5
## 4121  -3.2540  0.23026  E3.5
## 4122  -3.1757  0.23026  E3.5
## 4123  -3.0975  0.23026  E3.5
## 4124  -3.0193  0.23026  E3.5
## 4125  -2.9410  0.23026  E3.5
## 4126  -2.8628  0.23026  E3.5
## 4127  -2.7846  0.23026  E3.5
## 4128  -2.7063  0.23026  E3.5
## 4129  -2.6281  0.23026  E3.5
## 4130  -2.5499  0.23026  E3.5
## 4131  -2.4716  0.23026  E3.5
## 4132  -2.3934  0.23026  E3.5
## 4133  -2.3152  0.23026  E3.5
## 4134  -2.2369  0.23026  E3.5
## 4135  -2.1587  0.23026  E3.5
## 4136  -2.0805  0.23026  E3.5
## 4137  -2.0022  0.23026  E3.5
## 4138  -1.9240  0.23026  E3.5
## 4139  -1.8458  0.23026  E3.5
## 4140  -1.7676  0.23026  E3.5
## 4141  -1.6893  0.23026  E3.5
## 4142  -1.6111  0.23026  E3.5
## 4143  -1.5329  0.23026  E3.5
## 4144  -1.4546  0.23026  E3.5
## 4145  -1.3764  0.23026  E3.5
## 4146  -1.2982  0.23026  E3.5
## 4147  -1.2199  0.23026  E3.5
## 4148  -1.1417  0.23026  E3.5
## 4149  -1.0635  0.23026  E3.5
## 4150  -0.9852  0.23026  E3.5
## 4151  -0.9070  0.23026  E3.5
## 4152  -0.8288  0.23026  E3.5
## 4153  -0.7505  0.23026  E3.5
## 4154  -0.6723  0.23026  E3.5
## 4155  -0.5941  0.23026  E3.5
## 4156  -0.5158  0.23026  E3.5
## 4157  -0.4376  0.23026  E3.5
## 4158  -0.3594  0.23026  E3.5
## 4159  -0.2811  0.23026  E3.5
## 4160  -0.2029  0.23026 E3.25
## 4161  -0.1247  0.23026 E3.25
## 4162  -0.0464  0.23026 E3.25
## 4163   0.0318  0.23026 E3.25
## 4164   0.1100  0.23026 E3.25
## 4165   0.1883  0.23026 E3.25
## 4166   0.2665  0.23026 E3.25
## 4167   0.3447  0.23026 E3.25
## 4168   0.4230  0.23026 E3.25
## 4169   0.5012  0.23026 E3.25
## 4170   0.5794  0.23026 E3.25
## 4171   0.6577  0.23026 E3.25
## 4172   0.7359  0.23026 E3.25
## 4173   0.8141  0.23026 E3.25
## 4174   0.8923  0.23026 E3.25
## 4175   0.9706  0.23026 E3.25
## 4176   1.0488  0.23026 E3.25
## 4177   1.1270  0.23026 E3.25
## 4178   1.2053  0.23026 E3.25
## 4179   1.2835  0.23026 E3.25
## 4180   1.3617  0.23026 E3.25
## 4181   1.4400  0.23026 E3.25
## 4182   1.5182  0.23026 E3.25
## 4183   1.5964  0.23026 E3.25
## 4184   1.6747  0.23026 E3.25
## 4185   1.7529  0.23026 E3.25
## 4186   1.8311  0.23026 E3.25
## 4187   1.9094  0.23026 E3.25
## 4188   1.9876  0.23026 E3.25
## 4189   2.0658  0.23026 E3.25
## 4190   2.1441  0.23026 E3.25
## 4191   2.2223  0.23026 E3.25
## 4192   2.3005  0.23026 E3.25
## 4193   2.3788  0.23026 E3.25
## 4194   2.4570  0.23026 E3.25
## 4195   2.5352  0.23026 E3.25
## 4196   2.6135  0.23026 E3.25
## 4197   2.6917  0.23026 E3.25
## 4198   2.7699  0.23026 E3.25
## 4199   2.8482  0.23026 E3.25
## 4200   2.9264  0.23026 E3.25
## 4201  -4.8186  0.28601  E4.5
## 4202  -4.7404  0.28601  E4.5
## 4203  -4.6622  0.28601  E4.5
## 4204  -4.5839  0.28601  E4.5
## 4205  -4.5057  0.28601  E4.5
## 4206  -4.4275  0.28601  E4.5
## 4207  -4.3492  0.28601  E4.5
## 4208  -4.2710  0.28601  E4.5
## 4209  -4.1928  0.28601  E4.5
## 4210  -4.1145  0.28601  E4.5
## 4211  -4.0363  0.28601  E4.5
## 4212  -3.9581  0.28601  E4.5
## 4213  -3.8798  0.28601  E4.5
## 4214  -3.8016  0.28601  E4.5
## 4215  -3.7234  0.28601  E4.5
## 4216  -3.6451  0.28601  E4.5
## 4217  -3.5669  0.28601  E4.5
## 4218  -3.4887  0.28601  E4.5
## 4219  -3.4104  0.28601  E4.5
## 4220  -3.3322  0.28601  E4.5
## 4221  -3.2540  0.28601  E4.5
## 4222  -3.1757  0.28601  E3.5
## 4223  -3.0975  0.28601  E3.5
## 4224  -3.0193  0.28601  E3.5
## 4225  -2.9410  0.28601  E3.5
## 4226  -2.8628  0.28601  E3.5
## 4227  -2.7846  0.28601  E3.5
## 4228  -2.7063  0.28601  E3.5
## 4229  -2.6281  0.28601  E3.5
## 4230  -2.5499  0.28601  E3.5
## 4231  -2.4716  0.28601  E3.5
## 4232  -2.3934  0.28601  E3.5
## 4233  -2.3152  0.28601  E3.5
## 4234  -2.2369  0.28601  E3.5
## 4235  -2.1587  0.28601  E3.5
## 4236  -2.0805  0.28601  E3.5
## 4237  -2.0022  0.28601  E3.5
## 4238  -1.9240  0.28601  E3.5
## 4239  -1.8458  0.28601  E3.5
## 4240  -1.7676  0.28601  E3.5
## 4241  -1.6893  0.28601  E3.5
## 4242  -1.6111  0.28601  E3.5
## 4243  -1.5329  0.28601  E3.5
## 4244  -1.4546  0.28601  E3.5
## 4245  -1.3764  0.28601  E3.5
## 4246  -1.2982  0.28601  E3.5
## 4247  -1.2199  0.28601  E3.5
## 4248  -1.1417  0.28601  E3.5
## 4249  -1.0635  0.28601  E3.5
## 4250  -0.9852  0.28601  E3.5
## 4251  -0.9070  0.28601  E3.5
## 4252  -0.8288  0.28601  E3.5
## 4253  -0.7505  0.28601  E3.5
## 4254  -0.6723  0.28601  E3.5
## 4255  -0.5941  0.28601  E3.5
## 4256  -0.5158  0.28601  E3.5
## 4257  -0.4376  0.28601  E3.5
## 4258  -0.3594  0.28601  E3.5
## 4259  -0.2811  0.28601  E3.5
## 4260  -0.2029  0.28601 E3.25
## 4261  -0.1247  0.28601 E3.25
## 4262  -0.0464  0.28601 E3.25
## 4263   0.0318  0.28601 E3.25
## 4264   0.1100  0.28601 E3.25
## 4265   0.1883  0.28601 E3.25
## 4266   0.2665  0.28601 E3.25
## 4267   0.3447  0.28601 E3.25
## 4268   0.4230  0.28601 E3.25
## 4269   0.5012  0.28601 E3.25
## 4270   0.5794  0.28601 E3.25
## 4271   0.6577  0.28601 E3.25
## 4272   0.7359  0.28601 E3.25
## 4273   0.8141  0.28601 E3.25
## 4274   0.8923  0.28601 E3.25
## 4275   0.9706  0.28601 E3.25
## 4276   1.0488  0.28601 E3.25
## 4277   1.1270  0.28601 E3.25
## 4278   1.2053  0.28601 E3.25
## 4279   1.2835  0.28601 E3.25
## 4280   1.3617  0.28601 E3.25
## 4281   1.4400  0.28601 E3.25
## 4282   1.5182  0.28601 E3.25
## 4283   1.5964  0.28601 E3.25
## 4284   1.6747  0.28601 E3.25
## 4285   1.7529  0.28601 E3.25
## 4286   1.8311  0.28601 E3.25
## 4287   1.9094  0.28601 E3.25
## 4288   1.9876  0.28601 E3.25
## 4289   2.0658  0.28601 E3.25
## 4290   2.1441  0.28601 E3.25
## 4291   2.2223  0.28601 E3.25
## 4292   2.3005  0.28601 E3.25
## 4293   2.3788  0.28601 E3.25
## 4294   2.4570  0.28601 E3.25
## 4295   2.5352  0.28601 E3.25
## 4296   2.6135  0.28601 E3.25
## 4297   2.6917  0.28601 E3.25
## 4298   2.7699  0.28601 E3.25
## 4299   2.8482  0.28601 E3.25
## 4300   2.9264  0.28601 E3.25
## 4301  -4.8186  0.34175  E4.5
## 4302  -4.7404  0.34175  E4.5
## 4303  -4.6622  0.34175  E4.5
## 4304  -4.5839  0.34175  E4.5
## 4305  -4.5057  0.34175  E4.5
## 4306  -4.4275  0.34175  E4.5
## 4307  -4.3492  0.34175  E4.5
## 4308  -4.2710  0.34175  E4.5
## 4309  -4.1928  0.34175  E4.5
## 4310  -4.1145  0.34175  E4.5
## 4311  -4.0363  0.34175  E4.5
## 4312  -3.9581  0.34175  E4.5
## 4313  -3.8798  0.34175  E4.5
## 4314  -3.8016  0.34175  E4.5
## 4315  -3.7234  0.34175  E4.5
## 4316  -3.6451  0.34175  E4.5
## 4317  -3.5669  0.34175  E4.5
## 4318  -3.4887  0.34175  E4.5
## 4319  -3.4104  0.34175  E4.5
## 4320  -3.3322  0.34175  E4.5
## 4321  -3.2540  0.34175  E4.5
## 4322  -3.1757  0.34175  E4.5
## 4323  -3.0975  0.34175  E3.5
## 4324  -3.0193  0.34175  E3.5
## 4325  -2.9410  0.34175  E3.5
## 4326  -2.8628  0.34175  E3.5
## 4327  -2.7846  0.34175  E3.5
## 4328  -2.7063  0.34175  E3.5
## 4329  -2.6281  0.34175  E3.5
## 4330  -2.5499  0.34175  E3.5
## 4331  -2.4716  0.34175  E3.5
## 4332  -2.3934  0.34175  E3.5
## 4333  -2.3152  0.34175  E3.5
## 4334  -2.2369  0.34175  E3.5
## 4335  -2.1587  0.34175  E3.5
## 4336  -2.0805  0.34175  E3.5
## 4337  -2.0022  0.34175  E3.5
## 4338  -1.9240  0.34175  E3.5
## 4339  -1.8458  0.34175  E3.5
## 4340  -1.7676  0.34175  E3.5
## 4341  -1.6893  0.34175  E3.5
## 4342  -1.6111  0.34175  E3.5
## 4343  -1.5329  0.34175  E3.5
## 4344  -1.4546  0.34175  E3.5
## 4345  -1.3764  0.34175  E3.5
## 4346  -1.2982  0.34175  E3.5
## 4347  -1.2199  0.34175  E3.5
## 4348  -1.1417  0.34175  E3.5
## 4349  -1.0635  0.34175  E3.5
## 4350  -0.9852  0.34175  E3.5
## 4351  -0.9070  0.34175  E3.5
## 4352  -0.8288  0.34175  E3.5
## 4353  -0.7505  0.34175  E3.5
## 4354  -0.6723  0.34175  E3.5
## 4355  -0.5941  0.34175  E3.5
## 4356  -0.5158  0.34175  E3.5
## 4357  -0.4376  0.34175  E3.5
## 4358  -0.3594  0.34175  E3.5
## 4359  -0.2811  0.34175 E3.25
## 4360  -0.2029  0.34175 E3.25
## 4361  -0.1247  0.34175 E3.25
## 4362  -0.0464  0.34175 E3.25
## 4363   0.0318  0.34175 E3.25
## 4364   0.1100  0.34175 E3.25
## 4365   0.1883  0.34175 E3.25
## 4366   0.2665  0.34175 E3.25
## 4367   0.3447  0.34175 E3.25
## 4368   0.4230  0.34175 E3.25
## 4369   0.5012  0.34175 E3.25
## 4370   0.5794  0.34175 E3.25
## 4371   0.6577  0.34175 E3.25
## 4372   0.7359  0.34175 E3.25
## 4373   0.8141  0.34175 E3.25
## 4374   0.8923  0.34175 E3.25
## 4375   0.9706  0.34175 E3.25
## 4376   1.0488  0.34175 E3.25
## 4377   1.1270  0.34175 E3.25
## 4378   1.2053  0.34175 E3.25
## 4379   1.2835  0.34175 E3.25
## 4380   1.3617  0.34175 E3.25
## 4381   1.4400  0.34175 E3.25
## 4382   1.5182  0.34175 E3.25
## 4383   1.5964  0.34175 E3.25
## 4384   1.6747  0.34175 E3.25
## 4385   1.7529  0.34175 E3.25
## 4386   1.8311  0.34175 E3.25
## 4387   1.9094  0.34175 E3.25
## 4388   1.9876  0.34175 E3.25
## 4389   2.0658  0.34175 E3.25
## 4390   2.1441  0.34175 E3.25
## 4391   2.2223  0.34175 E3.25
## 4392   2.3005  0.34175 E3.25
## 4393   2.3788  0.34175 E3.25
## 4394   2.4570  0.34175 E3.25
## 4395   2.5352  0.34175 E3.25
## 4396   2.6135  0.34175 E3.25
## 4397   2.6917  0.34175 E3.25
## 4398   2.7699  0.34175 E3.25
## 4399   2.8482  0.34175 E3.25
## 4400   2.9264  0.34175 E3.25
## 4401  -4.8186  0.39750  E4.5
## 4402  -4.7404  0.39750  E4.5
## 4403  -4.6622  0.39750  E4.5
## 4404  -4.5839  0.39750  E4.5
## 4405  -4.5057  0.39750  E4.5
## 4406  -4.4275  0.39750  E4.5
## 4407  -4.3492  0.39750  E4.5
## 4408  -4.2710  0.39750  E4.5
## 4409  -4.1928  0.39750  E4.5
## 4410  -4.1145  0.39750  E4.5
## 4411  -4.0363  0.39750  E4.5
## 4412  -3.9581  0.39750  E4.5
## 4413  -3.8798  0.39750  E4.5
## 4414  -3.8016  0.39750  E4.5
## 4415  -3.7234  0.39750  E4.5
## 4416  -3.6451  0.39750  E4.5
## 4417  -3.5669  0.39750  E4.5
## 4418  -3.4887  0.39750  E4.5
## 4419  -3.4104  0.39750  E4.5
## 4420  -3.3322  0.39750  E4.5
## 4421  -3.2540  0.39750  E4.5
## 4422  -3.1757  0.39750  E4.5
## 4423  -3.0975  0.39750  E4.5
## 4424  -3.0193  0.39750  E3.5
## 4425  -2.9410  0.39750  E3.5
## 4426  -2.8628  0.39750  E3.5
## 4427  -2.7846  0.39750  E3.5
## 4428  -2.7063  0.39750  E3.5
## 4429  -2.6281  0.39750  E3.5
## 4430  -2.5499  0.39750  E3.5
## 4431  -2.4716  0.39750  E3.5
## 4432  -2.3934  0.39750  E3.5
## 4433  -2.3152  0.39750  E3.5
## 4434  -2.2369  0.39750  E3.5
## 4435  -2.1587  0.39750  E3.5
## 4436  -2.0805  0.39750  E3.5
## 4437  -2.0022  0.39750  E3.5
## 4438  -1.9240  0.39750  E3.5
## 4439  -1.8458  0.39750  E3.5
## 4440  -1.7676  0.39750  E3.5
## 4441  -1.6893  0.39750  E3.5
## 4442  -1.6111  0.39750  E3.5
## 4443  -1.5329  0.39750  E3.5
## 4444  -1.4546  0.39750  E3.5
## 4445  -1.3764  0.39750  E3.5
## 4446  -1.2982  0.39750  E3.5
## 4447  -1.2199  0.39750  E3.5
## 4448  -1.1417  0.39750  E3.5
## 4449  -1.0635  0.39750  E3.5
## 4450  -0.9852  0.39750  E3.5
## 4451  -0.9070  0.39750  E3.5
## 4452  -0.8288  0.39750  E3.5
## 4453  -0.7505  0.39750  E3.5
## 4454  -0.6723  0.39750  E3.5
## 4455  -0.5941  0.39750  E3.5
## 4456  -0.5158  0.39750  E3.5
## 4457  -0.4376  0.39750  E3.5
## 4458  -0.3594  0.39750  E3.5
## 4459  -0.2811  0.39750 E3.25
## 4460  -0.2029  0.39750 E3.25
## 4461  -0.1247  0.39750 E3.25
## 4462  -0.0464  0.39750 E3.25
## 4463   0.0318  0.39750 E3.25
## 4464   0.1100  0.39750 E3.25
## 4465   0.1883  0.39750 E3.25
## 4466   0.2665  0.39750 E3.25
## 4467   0.3447  0.39750 E3.25
## 4468   0.4230  0.39750 E3.25
## 4469   0.5012  0.39750 E3.25
## 4470   0.5794  0.39750 E3.25
## 4471   0.6577  0.39750 E3.25
## 4472   0.7359  0.39750 E3.25
## 4473   0.8141  0.39750 E3.25
## 4474   0.8923  0.39750 E3.25
## 4475   0.9706  0.39750 E3.25
## 4476   1.0488  0.39750 E3.25
## 4477   1.1270  0.39750 E3.25
## 4478   1.2053  0.39750 E3.25
## 4479   1.2835  0.39750 E3.25
## 4480   1.3617  0.39750 E3.25
## 4481   1.4400  0.39750 E3.25
## 4482   1.5182  0.39750 E3.25
## 4483   1.5964  0.39750 E3.25
## 4484   1.6747  0.39750 E3.25
## 4485   1.7529  0.39750 E3.25
## 4486   1.8311  0.39750 E3.25
## 4487   1.9094  0.39750 E3.25
## 4488   1.9876  0.39750 E3.25
## 4489   2.0658  0.39750 E3.25
## 4490   2.1441  0.39750 E3.25
## 4491   2.2223  0.39750 E3.25
## 4492   2.3005  0.39750 E3.25
## 4493   2.3788  0.39750 E3.25
## 4494   2.4570  0.39750 E3.25
## 4495   2.5352  0.39750 E3.25
## 4496   2.6135  0.39750 E3.25
## 4497   2.6917  0.39750 E3.25
## 4498   2.7699  0.39750 E3.25
## 4499   2.8482  0.39750 E3.25
## 4500   2.9264  0.39750 E3.25
## 4501  -4.8186  0.45324  E4.5
## 4502  -4.7404  0.45324  E4.5
## 4503  -4.6622  0.45324  E4.5
## 4504  -4.5839  0.45324  E4.5
## 4505  -4.5057  0.45324  E4.5
## 4506  -4.4275  0.45324  E4.5
## 4507  -4.3492  0.45324  E4.5
## 4508  -4.2710  0.45324  E4.5
## 4509  -4.1928  0.45324  E4.5
## 4510  -4.1145  0.45324  E4.5
## 4511  -4.0363  0.45324  E4.5
## 4512  -3.9581  0.45324  E4.5
## 4513  -3.8798  0.45324  E4.5
## 4514  -3.8016  0.45324  E4.5
## 4515  -3.7234  0.45324  E4.5
## 4516  -3.6451  0.45324  E4.5
## 4517  -3.5669  0.45324  E4.5
## 4518  -3.4887  0.45324  E4.5
## 4519  -3.4104  0.45324  E4.5
## 4520  -3.3322  0.45324  E4.5
## 4521  -3.2540  0.45324  E4.5
## 4522  -3.1757  0.45324  E4.5
## 4523  -3.0975  0.45324  E4.5
## 4524  -3.0193  0.45324  E4.5
## 4525  -2.9410  0.45324  E3.5
## 4526  -2.8628  0.45324  E3.5
## 4527  -2.7846  0.45324  E3.5
## 4528  -2.7063  0.45324  E3.5
## 4529  -2.6281  0.45324  E3.5
## 4530  -2.5499  0.45324  E3.5
## 4531  -2.4716  0.45324  E3.5
## 4532  -2.3934  0.45324  E3.5
## 4533  -2.3152  0.45324  E3.5
## 4534  -2.2369  0.45324  E3.5
## 4535  -2.1587  0.45324  E3.5
## 4536  -2.0805  0.45324  E3.5
## 4537  -2.0022  0.45324  E3.5
## 4538  -1.9240  0.45324  E3.5
## 4539  -1.8458  0.45324  E3.5
## 4540  -1.7676  0.45324  E3.5
## 4541  -1.6893  0.45324  E3.5
## 4542  -1.6111  0.45324  E3.5
## 4543  -1.5329  0.45324  E3.5
## 4544  -1.4546  0.45324  E3.5
## 4545  -1.3764  0.45324  E3.5
## 4546  -1.2982  0.45324  E3.5
## 4547  -1.2199  0.45324  E3.5
## 4548  -1.1417  0.45324  E3.5
## 4549  -1.0635  0.45324  E3.5
## 4550  -0.9852  0.45324  E3.5
## 4551  -0.9070  0.45324  E3.5
## 4552  -0.8288  0.45324  E3.5
## 4553  -0.7505  0.45324  E3.5
## 4554  -0.6723  0.45324  E3.5
## 4555  -0.5941  0.45324  E3.5
## 4556  -0.5158  0.45324  E3.5
## 4557  -0.4376  0.45324  E3.5
## 4558  -0.3594  0.45324  E3.5
## 4559  -0.2811  0.45324 E3.25
## 4560  -0.2029  0.45324 E3.25
## 4561  -0.1247  0.45324 E3.25
## 4562  -0.0464  0.45324 E3.25
## 4563   0.0318  0.45324 E3.25
## 4564   0.1100  0.45324 E3.25
## 4565   0.1883  0.45324 E3.25
## 4566   0.2665  0.45324 E3.25
## 4567   0.3447  0.45324 E3.25
## 4568   0.4230  0.45324 E3.25
## 4569   0.5012  0.45324 E3.25
## 4570   0.5794  0.45324 E3.25
## 4571   0.6577  0.45324 E3.25
## 4572   0.7359  0.45324 E3.25
## 4573   0.8141  0.45324 E3.25
## 4574   0.8923  0.45324 E3.25
## 4575   0.9706  0.45324 E3.25
## 4576   1.0488  0.45324 E3.25
## 4577   1.1270  0.45324 E3.25
## 4578   1.2053  0.45324 E3.25
## 4579   1.2835  0.45324 E3.25
## 4580   1.3617  0.45324 E3.25
## 4581   1.4400  0.45324 E3.25
## 4582   1.5182  0.45324 E3.25
## 4583   1.5964  0.45324 E3.25
## 4584   1.6747  0.45324 E3.25
## 4585   1.7529  0.45324 E3.25
## 4586   1.8311  0.45324 E3.25
## 4587   1.9094  0.45324 E3.25
## 4588   1.9876  0.45324 E3.25
## 4589   2.0658  0.45324 E3.25
## 4590   2.1441  0.45324 E3.25
## 4591   2.2223  0.45324 E3.25
## 4592   2.3005  0.45324 E3.25
## 4593   2.3788  0.45324 E3.25
## 4594   2.4570  0.45324 E3.25
## 4595   2.5352  0.45324 E3.25
## 4596   2.6135  0.45324 E3.25
## 4597   2.6917  0.45324 E3.25
## 4598   2.7699  0.45324 E3.25
## 4599   2.8482  0.45324 E3.25
## 4600   2.9264  0.45324 E3.25
## 4601  -4.8186  0.50899  E4.5
## 4602  -4.7404  0.50899  E4.5
## 4603  -4.6622  0.50899  E4.5
## 4604  -4.5839  0.50899  E4.5
## 4605  -4.5057  0.50899  E4.5
## 4606  -4.4275  0.50899  E4.5
## 4607  -4.3492  0.50899  E4.5
## 4608  -4.2710  0.50899  E4.5
## 4609  -4.1928  0.50899  E4.5
## 4610  -4.1145  0.50899  E4.5
## 4611  -4.0363  0.50899  E4.5
## 4612  -3.9581  0.50899  E4.5
## 4613  -3.8798  0.50899  E4.5
## 4614  -3.8016  0.50899  E4.5
## 4615  -3.7234  0.50899  E4.5
## 4616  -3.6451  0.50899  E4.5
## 4617  -3.5669  0.50899  E4.5
## 4618  -3.4887  0.50899  E4.5
## 4619  -3.4104  0.50899  E4.5
## 4620  -3.3322  0.50899  E4.5
## 4621  -3.2540  0.50899  E4.5
## 4622  -3.1757  0.50899  E4.5
## 4623  -3.0975  0.50899  E4.5
## 4624  -3.0193  0.50899  E4.5
## 4625  -2.9410  0.50899  E4.5
## 4626  -2.8628  0.50899  E4.5
## 4627  -2.7846  0.50899  E3.5
## 4628  -2.7063  0.50899  E3.5
## 4629  -2.6281  0.50899  E3.5
## 4630  -2.5499  0.50899  E3.5
## 4631  -2.4716  0.50899  E3.5
## 4632  -2.3934  0.50899  E3.5
## 4633  -2.3152  0.50899  E3.5
## 4634  -2.2369  0.50899  E3.5
## 4635  -2.1587  0.50899  E3.5
## 4636  -2.0805  0.50899  E3.5
## 4637  -2.0022  0.50899  E3.5
## 4638  -1.9240  0.50899  E3.5
## 4639  -1.8458  0.50899  E3.5
## 4640  -1.7676  0.50899  E3.5
## 4641  -1.6893  0.50899  E3.5
## 4642  -1.6111  0.50899  E3.5
## 4643  -1.5329  0.50899  E3.5
## 4644  -1.4546  0.50899  E3.5
## 4645  -1.3764  0.50899  E3.5
## 4646  -1.2982  0.50899  E3.5
## 4647  -1.2199  0.50899  E3.5
## 4648  -1.1417  0.50899  E3.5
## 4649  -1.0635  0.50899  E3.5
## 4650  -0.9852  0.50899  E3.5
## 4651  -0.9070  0.50899  E3.5
## 4652  -0.8288  0.50899  E3.5
## 4653  -0.7505  0.50899  E3.5
## 4654  -0.6723  0.50899  E3.5
## 4655  -0.5941  0.50899  E3.5
## 4656  -0.5158  0.50899  E3.5
## 4657  -0.4376  0.50899  E3.5
## 4658  -0.3594  0.50899  E3.5
## 4659  -0.2811  0.50899 E3.25
## 4660  -0.2029  0.50899 E3.25
## 4661  -0.1247  0.50899 E3.25
## 4662  -0.0464  0.50899 E3.25
## 4663   0.0318  0.50899 E3.25
## 4664   0.1100  0.50899 E3.25
## 4665   0.1883  0.50899 E3.25
## 4666   0.2665  0.50899 E3.25
## 4667   0.3447  0.50899 E3.25
## 4668   0.4230  0.50899 E3.25
## 4669   0.5012  0.50899 E3.25
## 4670   0.5794  0.50899 E3.25
## 4671   0.6577  0.50899 E3.25
## 4672   0.7359  0.50899 E3.25
## 4673   0.8141  0.50899 E3.25
## 4674   0.8923  0.50899 E3.25
## 4675   0.9706  0.50899 E3.25
## 4676   1.0488  0.50899 E3.25
## 4677   1.1270  0.50899 E3.25
## 4678   1.2053  0.50899 E3.25
## 4679   1.2835  0.50899 E3.25
## 4680   1.3617  0.50899 E3.25
## 4681   1.4400  0.50899 E3.25
## 4682   1.5182  0.50899 E3.25
## 4683   1.5964  0.50899 E3.25
## 4684   1.6747  0.50899 E3.25
## 4685   1.7529  0.50899 E3.25
## 4686   1.8311  0.50899 E3.25
## 4687   1.9094  0.50899 E3.25
## 4688   1.9876  0.50899 E3.25
## 4689   2.0658  0.50899 E3.25
## 4690   2.1441  0.50899 E3.25
## 4691   2.2223  0.50899 E3.25
## 4692   2.3005  0.50899 E3.25
## 4693   2.3788  0.50899 E3.25
## 4694   2.4570  0.50899 E3.25
## 4695   2.5352  0.50899 E3.25
## 4696   2.6135  0.50899 E3.25
## 4697   2.6917  0.50899 E3.25
## 4698   2.7699  0.50899 E3.25
## 4699   2.8482  0.50899 E3.25
## 4700   2.9264  0.50899 E3.25
## 4701  -4.8186  0.56473  E4.5
## 4702  -4.7404  0.56473  E4.5
## 4703  -4.6622  0.56473  E4.5
## 4704  -4.5839  0.56473  E4.5
## 4705  -4.5057  0.56473  E4.5
## 4706  -4.4275  0.56473  E4.5
## 4707  -4.3492  0.56473  E4.5
## 4708  -4.2710  0.56473  E4.5
## 4709  -4.1928  0.56473  E4.5
## 4710  -4.1145  0.56473  E4.5
## 4711  -4.0363  0.56473  E4.5
## 4712  -3.9581  0.56473  E4.5
## 4713  -3.8798  0.56473  E4.5
## 4714  -3.8016  0.56473  E4.5
## 4715  -3.7234  0.56473  E4.5
## 4716  -3.6451  0.56473  E4.5
## 4717  -3.5669  0.56473  E4.5
## 4718  -3.4887  0.56473  E4.5
## 4719  -3.4104  0.56473  E4.5
## 4720  -3.3322  0.56473  E4.5
## 4721  -3.2540  0.56473  E4.5
## 4722  -3.1757  0.56473  E4.5
## 4723  -3.0975  0.56473  E4.5
## 4724  -3.0193  0.56473  E4.5
## 4725  -2.9410  0.56473  E4.5
## 4726  -2.8628  0.56473  E4.5
## 4727  -2.7846  0.56473  E4.5
## 4728  -2.7063  0.56473  E3.5
## 4729  -2.6281  0.56473  E3.5
## 4730  -2.5499  0.56473  E3.5
## 4731  -2.4716  0.56473  E3.5
## 4732  -2.3934  0.56473  E3.5
## 4733  -2.3152  0.56473  E3.5
## 4734  -2.2369  0.56473  E3.5
## 4735  -2.1587  0.56473  E3.5
## 4736  -2.0805  0.56473  E3.5
## 4737  -2.0022  0.56473  E3.5
## 4738  -1.9240  0.56473  E3.5
## 4739  -1.8458  0.56473  E3.5
## 4740  -1.7676  0.56473  E3.5
## 4741  -1.6893  0.56473  E3.5
## 4742  -1.6111  0.56473  E3.5
## 4743  -1.5329  0.56473  E3.5
## 4744  -1.4546  0.56473  E3.5
## 4745  -1.3764  0.56473  E3.5
## 4746  -1.2982  0.56473  E3.5
## 4747  -1.2199  0.56473  E3.5
## 4748  -1.1417  0.56473  E3.5
## 4749  -1.0635  0.56473  E3.5
## 4750  -0.9852  0.56473  E3.5
## 4751  -0.9070  0.56473  E3.5
## 4752  -0.8288  0.56473  E3.5
## 4753  -0.7505  0.56473  E3.5
## 4754  -0.6723  0.56473  E3.5
## 4755  -0.5941  0.56473  E3.5
## 4756  -0.5158  0.56473  E3.5
## 4757  -0.4376  0.56473  E3.5
## 4758  -0.3594  0.56473  E3.5
## 4759  -0.2811  0.56473 E3.25
## 4760  -0.2029  0.56473 E3.25
## 4761  -0.1247  0.56473 E3.25
## 4762  -0.0464  0.56473 E3.25
## 4763   0.0318  0.56473 E3.25
## 4764   0.1100  0.56473 E3.25
## 4765   0.1883  0.56473 E3.25
## 4766   0.2665  0.56473 E3.25
## 4767   0.3447  0.56473 E3.25
## 4768   0.4230  0.56473 E3.25
## 4769   0.5012  0.56473 E3.25
## 4770   0.5794  0.56473 E3.25
## 4771   0.6577  0.56473 E3.25
## 4772   0.7359  0.56473 E3.25
## 4773   0.8141  0.56473 E3.25
## 4774   0.8923  0.56473 E3.25
## 4775   0.9706  0.56473 E3.25
## 4776   1.0488  0.56473 E3.25
## 4777   1.1270  0.56473 E3.25
## 4778   1.2053  0.56473 E3.25
## 4779   1.2835  0.56473 E3.25
## 4780   1.3617  0.56473 E3.25
## 4781   1.4400  0.56473 E3.25
## 4782   1.5182  0.56473 E3.25
## 4783   1.5964  0.56473 E3.25
## 4784   1.6747  0.56473 E3.25
## 4785   1.7529  0.56473 E3.25
## 4786   1.8311  0.56473 E3.25
## 4787   1.9094  0.56473 E3.25
## 4788   1.9876  0.56473 E3.25
## 4789   2.0658  0.56473 E3.25
## 4790   2.1441  0.56473 E3.25
## 4791   2.2223  0.56473 E3.25
## 4792   2.3005  0.56473 E3.25
## 4793   2.3788  0.56473 E3.25
## 4794   2.4570  0.56473 E3.25
## 4795   2.5352  0.56473 E3.25
## 4796   2.6135  0.56473 E3.25
## 4797   2.6917  0.56473 E3.25
## 4798   2.7699  0.56473 E3.25
## 4799   2.8482  0.56473 E3.25
## 4800   2.9264  0.56473 E3.25
## 4801  -4.8186  0.62048  E4.5
## 4802  -4.7404  0.62048  E4.5
## 4803  -4.6622  0.62048  E4.5
## 4804  -4.5839  0.62048  E4.5
## 4805  -4.5057  0.62048  E4.5
## 4806  -4.4275  0.62048  E4.5
## 4807  -4.3492  0.62048  E4.5
## 4808  -4.2710  0.62048  E4.5
## 4809  -4.1928  0.62048  E4.5
## 4810  -4.1145  0.62048  E4.5
## 4811  -4.0363  0.62048  E4.5
## 4812  -3.9581  0.62048  E4.5
## 4813  -3.8798  0.62048  E4.5
## 4814  -3.8016  0.62048  E4.5
## 4815  -3.7234  0.62048  E4.5
## 4816  -3.6451  0.62048  E4.5
## 4817  -3.5669  0.62048  E4.5
## 4818  -3.4887  0.62048  E4.5
## 4819  -3.4104  0.62048  E4.5
## 4820  -3.3322  0.62048  E4.5
## 4821  -3.2540  0.62048  E4.5
## 4822  -3.1757  0.62048  E4.5
## 4823  -3.0975  0.62048  E4.5
## 4824  -3.0193  0.62048  E4.5
## 4825  -2.9410  0.62048  E4.5
## 4826  -2.8628  0.62048  E4.5
## 4827  -2.7846  0.62048  E4.5
## 4828  -2.7063  0.62048  E4.5
## 4829  -2.6281  0.62048  E3.5
## 4830  -2.5499  0.62048  E3.5
## 4831  -2.4716  0.62048  E3.5
## 4832  -2.3934  0.62048  E3.5
## 4833  -2.3152  0.62048  E3.5
## 4834  -2.2369  0.62048  E3.5
## 4835  -2.1587  0.62048  E3.5
## 4836  -2.0805  0.62048  E3.5
## 4837  -2.0022  0.62048  E3.5
## 4838  -1.9240  0.62048  E3.5
## 4839  -1.8458  0.62048  E3.5
## 4840  -1.7676  0.62048  E3.5
## 4841  -1.6893  0.62048  E3.5
## 4842  -1.6111  0.62048  E3.5
## 4843  -1.5329  0.62048  E3.5
## 4844  -1.4546  0.62048  E3.5
## 4845  -1.3764  0.62048  E3.5
## 4846  -1.2982  0.62048  E3.5
## 4847  -1.2199  0.62048  E3.5
## 4848  -1.1417  0.62048  E3.5
## 4849  -1.0635  0.62048  E3.5
## 4850  -0.9852  0.62048  E3.5
## 4851  -0.9070  0.62048  E3.5
## 4852  -0.8288  0.62048  E3.5
## 4853  -0.7505  0.62048  E3.5
## 4854  -0.6723  0.62048  E3.5
## 4855  -0.5941  0.62048  E3.5
## 4856  -0.5158  0.62048  E3.5
## 4857  -0.4376  0.62048  E3.5
## 4858  -0.3594  0.62048  E3.5
## 4859  -0.2811  0.62048 E3.25
## 4860  -0.2029  0.62048 E3.25
## 4861  -0.1247  0.62048 E3.25
## 4862  -0.0464  0.62048 E3.25
## 4863   0.0318  0.62048 E3.25
## 4864   0.1100  0.62048 E3.25
## 4865   0.1883  0.62048 E3.25
## 4866   0.2665  0.62048 E3.25
## 4867   0.3447  0.62048 E3.25
## 4868   0.4230  0.62048 E3.25
## 4869   0.5012  0.62048 E3.25
## 4870   0.5794  0.62048 E3.25
## 4871   0.6577  0.62048 E3.25
## 4872   0.7359  0.62048 E3.25
## 4873   0.8141  0.62048 E3.25
## 4874   0.8923  0.62048 E3.25
## 4875   0.9706  0.62048 E3.25
## 4876   1.0488  0.62048 E3.25
## 4877   1.1270  0.62048 E3.25
## 4878   1.2053  0.62048 E3.25
## 4879   1.2835  0.62048 E3.25
## 4880   1.3617  0.62048 E3.25
## 4881   1.4400  0.62048 E3.25
## 4882   1.5182  0.62048 E3.25
## 4883   1.5964  0.62048 E3.25
## 4884   1.6747  0.62048 E3.25
## 4885   1.7529  0.62048 E3.25
## 4886   1.8311  0.62048 E3.25
## 4887   1.9094  0.62048 E3.25
## 4888   1.9876  0.62048 E3.25
## 4889   2.0658  0.62048 E3.25
## 4890   2.1441  0.62048 E3.25
## 4891   2.2223  0.62048 E3.25
## 4892   2.3005  0.62048 E3.25
## 4893   2.3788  0.62048 E3.25
## 4894   2.4570  0.62048 E3.25
## 4895   2.5352  0.62048 E3.25
## 4896   2.6135  0.62048 E3.25
## 4897   2.6917  0.62048 E3.25
## 4898   2.7699  0.62048 E3.25
## 4899   2.8482  0.62048 E3.25
## 4900   2.9264  0.62048 E3.25
## 4901  -4.8186  0.67622  E4.5
## 4902  -4.7404  0.67622  E4.5
## 4903  -4.6622  0.67622  E4.5
## 4904  -4.5839  0.67622  E4.5
## 4905  -4.5057  0.67622  E4.5
## 4906  -4.4275  0.67622  E4.5
## 4907  -4.3492  0.67622  E4.5
## 4908  -4.2710  0.67622  E4.5
## 4909  -4.1928  0.67622  E4.5
## 4910  -4.1145  0.67622  E4.5
## 4911  -4.0363  0.67622  E4.5
## 4912  -3.9581  0.67622  E4.5
## 4913  -3.8798  0.67622  E4.5
## 4914  -3.8016  0.67622  E4.5
## 4915  -3.7234  0.67622  E4.5
## 4916  -3.6451  0.67622  E4.5
## 4917  -3.5669  0.67622  E4.5
## 4918  -3.4887  0.67622  E4.5
## 4919  -3.4104  0.67622  E4.5
## 4920  -3.3322  0.67622  E4.5
## 4921  -3.2540  0.67622  E4.5
## 4922  -3.1757  0.67622  E4.5
## 4923  -3.0975  0.67622  E4.5
## 4924  -3.0193  0.67622  E4.5
## 4925  -2.9410  0.67622  E4.5
## 4926  -2.8628  0.67622  E4.5
## 4927  -2.7846  0.67622  E4.5
## 4928  -2.7063  0.67622  E4.5
## 4929  -2.6281  0.67622  E4.5
## 4930  -2.5499  0.67622  E3.5
## 4931  -2.4716  0.67622  E3.5
## 4932  -2.3934  0.67622  E3.5
## 4933  -2.3152  0.67622  E3.5
## 4934  -2.2369  0.67622  E3.5
## 4935  -2.1587  0.67622  E3.5
## 4936  -2.0805  0.67622  E3.5
## 4937  -2.0022  0.67622  E3.5
## 4938  -1.9240  0.67622  E3.5
## 4939  -1.8458  0.67622  E3.5
## 4940  -1.7676  0.67622  E3.5
## 4941  -1.6893  0.67622  E3.5
## 4942  -1.6111  0.67622  E3.5
## 4943  -1.5329  0.67622  E3.5
## 4944  -1.4546  0.67622  E3.5
## 4945  -1.3764  0.67622  E3.5
## 4946  -1.2982  0.67622  E3.5
## 4947  -1.2199  0.67622  E3.5
## 4948  -1.1417  0.67622  E3.5
## 4949  -1.0635  0.67622  E3.5
## 4950  -0.9852  0.67622  E3.5
## 4951  -0.9070  0.67622  E3.5
## 4952  -0.8288  0.67622  E3.5
## 4953  -0.7505  0.67622  E3.5
## 4954  -0.6723  0.67622  E3.5
## 4955  -0.5941  0.67622  E3.5
## 4956  -0.5158  0.67622  E3.5
## 4957  -0.4376  0.67622  E3.5
## 4958  -0.3594  0.67622 E3.25
## 4959  -0.2811  0.67622 E3.25
## 4960  -0.2029  0.67622 E3.25
## 4961  -0.1247  0.67622 E3.25
## 4962  -0.0464  0.67622 E3.25
## 4963   0.0318  0.67622 E3.25
## 4964   0.1100  0.67622 E3.25
## 4965   0.1883  0.67622 E3.25
## 4966   0.2665  0.67622 E3.25
## 4967   0.3447  0.67622 E3.25
## 4968   0.4230  0.67622 E3.25
## 4969   0.5012  0.67622 E3.25
## 4970   0.5794  0.67622 E3.25
## 4971   0.6577  0.67622 E3.25
## 4972   0.7359  0.67622 E3.25
## 4973   0.8141  0.67622 E3.25
## 4974   0.8923  0.67622 E3.25
## 4975   0.9706  0.67622 E3.25
## 4976   1.0488  0.67622 E3.25
## 4977   1.1270  0.67622 E3.25
## 4978   1.2053  0.67622 E3.25
## 4979   1.2835  0.67622 E3.25
## 4980   1.3617  0.67622 E3.25
## 4981   1.4400  0.67622 E3.25
## 4982   1.5182  0.67622 E3.25
## 4983   1.5964  0.67622 E3.25
## 4984   1.6747  0.67622 E3.25
## 4985   1.7529  0.67622 E3.25
## 4986   1.8311  0.67622 E3.25
## 4987   1.9094  0.67622 E3.25
## 4988   1.9876  0.67622 E3.25
## 4989   2.0658  0.67622 E3.25
## 4990   2.1441  0.67622 E3.25
## 4991   2.2223  0.67622 E3.25
## 4992   2.3005  0.67622 E3.25
## 4993   2.3788  0.67622 E3.25
## 4994   2.4570  0.67622 E3.25
## 4995   2.5352  0.67622 E3.25
## 4996   2.6135  0.67622 E3.25
## 4997   2.6917  0.67622 E3.25
## 4998   2.7699  0.67622 E3.25
## 4999   2.8482  0.67622 E3.25
## 5000   2.9264  0.67622 E3.25
## 5001  -4.8186  0.73197  E4.5
## 5002  -4.7404  0.73197  E4.5
## 5003  -4.6622  0.73197  E4.5
## 5004  -4.5839  0.73197  E4.5
## 5005  -4.5057  0.73197  E4.5
## 5006  -4.4275  0.73197  E4.5
## 5007  -4.3492  0.73197  E4.5
## 5008  -4.2710  0.73197  E4.5
## 5009  -4.1928  0.73197  E4.5
## 5010  -4.1145  0.73197  E4.5
## 5011  -4.0363  0.73197  E4.5
## 5012  -3.9581  0.73197  E4.5
## 5013  -3.8798  0.73197  E4.5
## 5014  -3.8016  0.73197  E4.5
## 5015  -3.7234  0.73197  E4.5
## 5016  -3.6451  0.73197  E4.5
## 5017  -3.5669  0.73197  E4.5
## 5018  -3.4887  0.73197  E4.5
## 5019  -3.4104  0.73197  E4.5
## 5020  -3.3322  0.73197  E4.5
## 5021  -3.2540  0.73197  E4.5
## 5022  -3.1757  0.73197  E4.5
## 5023  -3.0975  0.73197  E4.5
## 5024  -3.0193  0.73197  E4.5
## 5025  -2.9410  0.73197  E4.5
## 5026  -2.8628  0.73197  E4.5
## 5027  -2.7846  0.73197  E4.5
## 5028  -2.7063  0.73197  E4.5
## 5029  -2.6281  0.73197  E4.5
## 5030  -2.5499  0.73197  E4.5
## 5031  -2.4716  0.73197  E4.5
## 5032  -2.3934  0.73197  E3.5
## 5033  -2.3152  0.73197  E3.5
## 5034  -2.2369  0.73197  E3.5
## 5035  -2.1587  0.73197  E3.5
## 5036  -2.0805  0.73197  E3.5
## 5037  -2.0022  0.73197  E3.5
## 5038  -1.9240  0.73197  E3.5
## 5039  -1.8458  0.73197  E3.5
## 5040  -1.7676  0.73197  E3.5
## 5041  -1.6893  0.73197  E3.5
## 5042  -1.6111  0.73197  E3.5
## 5043  -1.5329  0.73197  E3.5
## 5044  -1.4546  0.73197  E3.5
## 5045  -1.3764  0.73197  E3.5
## 5046  -1.2982  0.73197  E3.5
## 5047  -1.2199  0.73197  E3.5
## 5048  -1.1417  0.73197  E3.5
## 5049  -1.0635  0.73197  E3.5
## 5050  -0.9852  0.73197  E3.5
## 5051  -0.9070  0.73197  E3.5
## 5052  -0.8288  0.73197  E3.5
## 5053  -0.7505  0.73197  E3.5
## 5054  -0.6723  0.73197  E3.5
## 5055  -0.5941  0.73197  E3.5
## 5056  -0.5158  0.73197  E3.5
## 5057  -0.4376  0.73197  E3.5
## 5058  -0.3594  0.73197 E3.25
## 5059  -0.2811  0.73197 E3.25
## 5060  -0.2029  0.73197 E3.25
## 5061  -0.1247  0.73197 E3.25
## 5062  -0.0464  0.73197 E3.25
## 5063   0.0318  0.73197 E3.25
## 5064   0.1100  0.73197 E3.25
## 5065   0.1883  0.73197 E3.25
## 5066   0.2665  0.73197 E3.25
## 5067   0.3447  0.73197 E3.25
## 5068   0.4230  0.73197 E3.25
## 5069   0.5012  0.73197 E3.25
## 5070   0.5794  0.73197 E3.25
## 5071   0.6577  0.73197 E3.25
## 5072   0.7359  0.73197 E3.25
## 5073   0.8141  0.73197 E3.25
## 5074   0.8923  0.73197 E3.25
## 5075   0.9706  0.73197 E3.25
## 5076   1.0488  0.73197 E3.25
## 5077   1.1270  0.73197 E3.25
## 5078   1.2053  0.73197 E3.25
## 5079   1.2835  0.73197 E3.25
## 5080   1.3617  0.73197 E3.25
## 5081   1.4400  0.73197 E3.25
## 5082   1.5182  0.73197 E3.25
## 5083   1.5964  0.73197 E3.25
## 5084   1.6747  0.73197 E3.25
## 5085   1.7529  0.73197 E3.25
## 5086   1.8311  0.73197 E3.25
## 5087   1.9094  0.73197 E3.25
## 5088   1.9876  0.73197 E3.25
## 5089   2.0658  0.73197 E3.25
## 5090   2.1441  0.73197 E3.25
## 5091   2.2223  0.73197 E3.25
## 5092   2.3005  0.73197 E3.25
## 5093   2.3788  0.73197 E3.25
## 5094   2.4570  0.73197 E3.25
## 5095   2.5352  0.73197 E3.25
## 5096   2.6135  0.73197 E3.25
## 5097   2.6917  0.73197 E3.25
## 5098   2.7699  0.73197 E3.25
## 5099   2.8482  0.73197 E3.25
## 5100   2.9264  0.73197 E3.25
## 5101  -4.8186  0.78771  E4.5
## 5102  -4.7404  0.78771  E4.5
## 5103  -4.6622  0.78771  E4.5
## 5104  -4.5839  0.78771  E4.5
## 5105  -4.5057  0.78771  E4.5
## 5106  -4.4275  0.78771  E4.5
## 5107  -4.3492  0.78771  E4.5
## 5108  -4.2710  0.78771  E4.5
## 5109  -4.1928  0.78771  E4.5
## 5110  -4.1145  0.78771  E4.5
## 5111  -4.0363  0.78771  E4.5
## 5112  -3.9581  0.78771  E4.5
## 5113  -3.8798  0.78771  E4.5
## 5114  -3.8016  0.78771  E4.5
## 5115  -3.7234  0.78771  E4.5
## 5116  -3.6451  0.78771  E4.5
## 5117  -3.5669  0.78771  E4.5
## 5118  -3.4887  0.78771  E4.5
## 5119  -3.4104  0.78771  E4.5
## 5120  -3.3322  0.78771  E4.5
## 5121  -3.2540  0.78771  E4.5
## 5122  -3.1757  0.78771  E4.5
## 5123  -3.0975  0.78771  E4.5
## 5124  -3.0193  0.78771  E4.5
## 5125  -2.9410  0.78771  E4.5
## 5126  -2.8628  0.78771  E4.5
## 5127  -2.7846  0.78771  E4.5
## 5128  -2.7063  0.78771  E4.5
## 5129  -2.6281  0.78771  E4.5
## 5130  -2.5499  0.78771  E4.5
## 5131  -2.4716  0.78771  E4.5
## 5132  -2.3934  0.78771  E4.5
## 5133  -2.3152  0.78771  E3.5
## 5134  -2.2369  0.78771  E3.5
## 5135  -2.1587  0.78771  E3.5
## 5136  -2.0805  0.78771  E3.5
## 5137  -2.0022  0.78771  E3.5
## 5138  -1.9240  0.78771  E3.5
## 5139  -1.8458  0.78771  E3.5
## 5140  -1.7676  0.78771  E3.5
## 5141  -1.6893  0.78771  E3.5
## 5142  -1.6111  0.78771  E3.5
## 5143  -1.5329  0.78771  E3.5
## 5144  -1.4546  0.78771  E3.5
## 5145  -1.3764  0.78771  E3.5
## 5146  -1.2982  0.78771  E3.5
## 5147  -1.2199  0.78771  E3.5
## 5148  -1.1417  0.78771  E3.5
## 5149  -1.0635  0.78771  E3.5
## 5150  -0.9852  0.78771  E3.5
## 5151  -0.9070  0.78771  E3.5
## 5152  -0.8288  0.78771  E3.5
## 5153  -0.7505  0.78771  E3.5
## 5154  -0.6723  0.78771  E3.5
## 5155  -0.5941  0.78771  E3.5
## 5156  -0.5158  0.78771  E3.5
## 5157  -0.4376  0.78771  E3.5
## 5158  -0.3594  0.78771 E3.25
## 5159  -0.2811  0.78771 E3.25
## 5160  -0.2029  0.78771 E3.25
## 5161  -0.1247  0.78771 E3.25
## 5162  -0.0464  0.78771 E3.25
## 5163   0.0318  0.78771 E3.25
## 5164   0.1100  0.78771 E3.25
## 5165   0.1883  0.78771 E3.25
## 5166   0.2665  0.78771 E3.25
## 5167   0.3447  0.78771 E3.25
## 5168   0.4230  0.78771 E3.25
## 5169   0.5012  0.78771 E3.25
## 5170   0.5794  0.78771 E3.25
## 5171   0.6577  0.78771 E3.25
## 5172   0.7359  0.78771 E3.25
## 5173   0.8141  0.78771 E3.25
## 5174   0.8923  0.78771 E3.25
## 5175   0.9706  0.78771 E3.25
## 5176   1.0488  0.78771 E3.25
## 5177   1.1270  0.78771 E3.25
## 5178   1.2053  0.78771 E3.25
## 5179   1.2835  0.78771 E3.25
## 5180   1.3617  0.78771 E3.25
## 5181   1.4400  0.78771 E3.25
## 5182   1.5182  0.78771 E3.25
## 5183   1.5964  0.78771 E3.25
## 5184   1.6747  0.78771 E3.25
## 5185   1.7529  0.78771 E3.25
## 5186   1.8311  0.78771 E3.25
## 5187   1.9094  0.78771 E3.25
## 5188   1.9876  0.78771 E3.25
## 5189   2.0658  0.78771 E3.25
## 5190   2.1441  0.78771 E3.25
## 5191   2.2223  0.78771 E3.25
## 5192   2.3005  0.78771 E3.25
## 5193   2.3788  0.78771 E3.25
## 5194   2.4570  0.78771 E3.25
## 5195   2.5352  0.78771 E3.25
## 5196   2.6135  0.78771 E3.25
## 5197   2.6917  0.78771 E3.25
## 5198   2.7699  0.78771 E3.25
## 5199   2.8482  0.78771 E3.25
## 5200   2.9264  0.78771 E3.25
## 5201  -4.8186  0.84346  E4.5
## 5202  -4.7404  0.84346  E4.5
## 5203  -4.6622  0.84346  E4.5
## 5204  -4.5839  0.84346  E4.5
## 5205  -4.5057  0.84346  E4.5
## 5206  -4.4275  0.84346  E4.5
## 5207  -4.3492  0.84346  E4.5
## 5208  -4.2710  0.84346  E4.5
## 5209  -4.1928  0.84346  E4.5
## 5210  -4.1145  0.84346  E4.5
## 5211  -4.0363  0.84346  E4.5
## 5212  -3.9581  0.84346  E4.5
## 5213  -3.8798  0.84346  E4.5
## 5214  -3.8016  0.84346  E4.5
## 5215  -3.7234  0.84346  E4.5
## 5216  -3.6451  0.84346  E4.5
## 5217  -3.5669  0.84346  E4.5
## 5218  -3.4887  0.84346  E4.5
## 5219  -3.4104  0.84346  E4.5
## 5220  -3.3322  0.84346  E4.5
## 5221  -3.2540  0.84346  E4.5
## 5222  -3.1757  0.84346  E4.5
## 5223  -3.0975  0.84346  E4.5
## 5224  -3.0193  0.84346  E4.5
## 5225  -2.9410  0.84346  E4.5
## 5226  -2.8628  0.84346  E4.5
## 5227  -2.7846  0.84346  E4.5
## 5228  -2.7063  0.84346  E4.5
## 5229  -2.6281  0.84346  E4.5
## 5230  -2.5499  0.84346  E4.5
## 5231  -2.4716  0.84346  E4.5
## 5232  -2.3934  0.84346  E4.5
## 5233  -2.3152  0.84346  E4.5
## 5234  -2.2369  0.84346  E3.5
## 5235  -2.1587  0.84346  E3.5
## 5236  -2.0805  0.84346  E3.5
## 5237  -2.0022  0.84346  E3.5
## 5238  -1.9240  0.84346  E3.5
## 5239  -1.8458  0.84346  E3.5
## 5240  -1.7676  0.84346  E3.5
## 5241  -1.6893  0.84346  E3.5
## 5242  -1.6111  0.84346  E3.5
## 5243  -1.5329  0.84346  E3.5
## 5244  -1.4546  0.84346  E3.5
## 5245  -1.3764  0.84346  E3.5
## 5246  -1.2982  0.84346  E3.5
## 5247  -1.2199  0.84346  E3.5
## 5248  -1.1417  0.84346  E3.5
## 5249  -1.0635  0.84346  E3.5
## 5250  -0.9852  0.84346  E3.5
## 5251  -0.9070  0.84346  E3.5
## 5252  -0.8288  0.84346  E3.5
## 5253  -0.7505  0.84346  E3.5
## 5254  -0.6723  0.84346  E3.5
## 5255  -0.5941  0.84346  E3.5
## 5256  -0.5158  0.84346  E3.5
## 5257  -0.4376  0.84346  E3.5
## 5258  -0.3594  0.84346 E3.25
## 5259  -0.2811  0.84346 E3.25
## 5260  -0.2029  0.84346 E3.25
## 5261  -0.1247  0.84346 E3.25
## 5262  -0.0464  0.84346 E3.25
## 5263   0.0318  0.84346 E3.25
## 5264   0.1100  0.84346 E3.25
## 5265   0.1883  0.84346 E3.25
## 5266   0.2665  0.84346 E3.25
## 5267   0.3447  0.84346 E3.25
## 5268   0.4230  0.84346 E3.25
## 5269   0.5012  0.84346 E3.25
## 5270   0.5794  0.84346 E3.25
## 5271   0.6577  0.84346 E3.25
## 5272   0.7359  0.84346 E3.25
## 5273   0.8141  0.84346 E3.25
## 5274   0.8923  0.84346 E3.25
## 5275   0.9706  0.84346 E3.25
## 5276   1.0488  0.84346 E3.25
## 5277   1.1270  0.84346 E3.25
## 5278   1.2053  0.84346 E3.25
## 5279   1.2835  0.84346 E3.25
## 5280   1.3617  0.84346 E3.25
## 5281   1.4400  0.84346 E3.25
## 5282   1.5182  0.84346 E3.25
## 5283   1.5964  0.84346 E3.25
## 5284   1.6747  0.84346 E3.25
## 5285   1.7529  0.84346 E3.25
## 5286   1.8311  0.84346 E3.25
## 5287   1.9094  0.84346 E3.25
## 5288   1.9876  0.84346 E3.25
## 5289   2.0658  0.84346 E3.25
## 5290   2.1441  0.84346 E3.25
## 5291   2.2223  0.84346 E3.25
## 5292   2.3005  0.84346 E3.25
## 5293   2.3788  0.84346 E3.25
## 5294   2.4570  0.84346 E3.25
## 5295   2.5352  0.84346 E3.25
## 5296   2.6135  0.84346 E3.25
## 5297   2.6917  0.84346 E3.25
## 5298   2.7699  0.84346 E3.25
## 5299   2.8482  0.84346 E3.25
## 5300   2.9264  0.84346 E3.25
## 5301  -4.8186  0.89920  E4.5
## 5302  -4.7404  0.89920  E4.5
## 5303  -4.6622  0.89920  E4.5
## 5304  -4.5839  0.89920  E4.5
## 5305  -4.5057  0.89920  E4.5
## 5306  -4.4275  0.89920  E4.5
## 5307  -4.3492  0.89920  E4.5
## 5308  -4.2710  0.89920  E4.5
## 5309  -4.1928  0.89920  E4.5
## 5310  -4.1145  0.89920  E4.5
## 5311  -4.0363  0.89920  E4.5
## 5312  -3.9581  0.89920  E4.5
## 5313  -3.8798  0.89920  E4.5
## 5314  -3.8016  0.89920  E4.5
## 5315  -3.7234  0.89920  E4.5
## 5316  -3.6451  0.89920  E4.5
## 5317  -3.5669  0.89920  E4.5
## 5318  -3.4887  0.89920  E4.5
## 5319  -3.4104  0.89920  E4.5
## 5320  -3.3322  0.89920  E4.5
## 5321  -3.2540  0.89920  E4.5
## 5322  -3.1757  0.89920  E4.5
## 5323  -3.0975  0.89920  E4.5
## 5324  -3.0193  0.89920  E4.5
## 5325  -2.9410  0.89920  E4.5
## 5326  -2.8628  0.89920  E4.5
## 5327  -2.7846  0.89920  E4.5
## 5328  -2.7063  0.89920  E4.5
## 5329  -2.6281  0.89920  E4.5
## 5330  -2.5499  0.89920  E4.5
## 5331  -2.4716  0.89920  E4.5
## 5332  -2.3934  0.89920  E4.5
## 5333  -2.3152  0.89920  E4.5
## 5334  -2.2369  0.89920  E4.5
## 5335  -2.1587  0.89920  E3.5
## 5336  -2.0805  0.89920  E3.5
## 5337  -2.0022  0.89920  E3.5
## 5338  -1.9240  0.89920  E3.5
## 5339  -1.8458  0.89920  E3.5
## 5340  -1.7676  0.89920  E3.5
## 5341  -1.6893  0.89920  E3.5
## 5342  -1.6111  0.89920  E3.5
## 5343  -1.5329  0.89920  E3.5
## 5344  -1.4546  0.89920  E3.5
## 5345  -1.3764  0.89920  E3.5
## 5346  -1.2982  0.89920  E3.5
## 5347  -1.2199  0.89920  E3.5
## 5348  -1.1417  0.89920  E3.5
## 5349  -1.0635  0.89920  E3.5
## 5350  -0.9852  0.89920  E3.5
## 5351  -0.9070  0.89920  E3.5
## 5352  -0.8288  0.89920  E3.5
## 5353  -0.7505  0.89920  E3.5
## 5354  -0.6723  0.89920  E3.5
## 5355  -0.5941  0.89920  E3.5
## 5356  -0.5158  0.89920  E3.5
## 5357  -0.4376  0.89920  E3.5
## 5358  -0.3594  0.89920 E3.25
## 5359  -0.2811  0.89920 E3.25
## 5360  -0.2029  0.89920 E3.25
## 5361  -0.1247  0.89920 E3.25
## 5362  -0.0464  0.89920 E3.25
## 5363   0.0318  0.89920 E3.25
## 5364   0.1100  0.89920 E3.25
## 5365   0.1883  0.89920 E3.25
## 5366   0.2665  0.89920 E3.25
## 5367   0.3447  0.89920 E3.25
## 5368   0.4230  0.89920 E3.25
## 5369   0.5012  0.89920 E3.25
## 5370   0.5794  0.89920 E3.25
## 5371   0.6577  0.89920 E3.25
## 5372   0.7359  0.89920 E3.25
## 5373   0.8141  0.89920 E3.25
## 5374   0.8923  0.89920 E3.25
## 5375   0.9706  0.89920 E3.25
## 5376   1.0488  0.89920 E3.25
## 5377   1.1270  0.89920 E3.25
## 5378   1.2053  0.89920 E3.25
## 5379   1.2835  0.89920 E3.25
## 5380   1.3617  0.89920 E3.25
## 5381   1.4400  0.89920 E3.25
## 5382   1.5182  0.89920 E3.25
## 5383   1.5964  0.89920 E3.25
## 5384   1.6747  0.89920 E3.25
## 5385   1.7529  0.89920 E3.25
## 5386   1.8311  0.89920 E3.25
## 5387   1.9094  0.89920 E3.25
## 5388   1.9876  0.89920 E3.25
## 5389   2.0658  0.89920 E3.25
## 5390   2.1441  0.89920 E3.25
## 5391   2.2223  0.89920 E3.25
## 5392   2.3005  0.89920 E3.25
## 5393   2.3788  0.89920 E3.25
## 5394   2.4570  0.89920 E3.25
## 5395   2.5352  0.89920 E3.25
## 5396   2.6135  0.89920 E3.25
## 5397   2.6917  0.89920 E3.25
## 5398   2.7699  0.89920 E3.25
## 5399   2.8482  0.89920 E3.25
## 5400   2.9264  0.89920 E3.25
## 5401  -4.8186  0.95495  E4.5
## 5402  -4.7404  0.95495  E4.5
## 5403  -4.6622  0.95495  E4.5
## 5404  -4.5839  0.95495  E4.5
## 5405  -4.5057  0.95495  E4.5
## 5406  -4.4275  0.95495  E4.5
## 5407  -4.3492  0.95495  E4.5
## 5408  -4.2710  0.95495  E4.5
## 5409  -4.1928  0.95495  E4.5
## 5410  -4.1145  0.95495  E4.5
## 5411  -4.0363  0.95495  E4.5
## 5412  -3.9581  0.95495  E4.5
## 5413  -3.8798  0.95495  E4.5
## 5414  -3.8016  0.95495  E4.5
## 5415  -3.7234  0.95495  E4.5
## 5416  -3.6451  0.95495  E4.5
## 5417  -3.5669  0.95495  E4.5
## 5418  -3.4887  0.95495  E4.5
## 5419  -3.4104  0.95495  E4.5
## 5420  -3.3322  0.95495  E4.5
## 5421  -3.2540  0.95495  E4.5
## 5422  -3.1757  0.95495  E4.5
## 5423  -3.0975  0.95495  E4.5
## 5424  -3.0193  0.95495  E4.5
## 5425  -2.9410  0.95495  E4.5
## 5426  -2.8628  0.95495  E4.5
## 5427  -2.7846  0.95495  E4.5
## 5428  -2.7063  0.95495  E4.5
## 5429  -2.6281  0.95495  E4.5
## 5430  -2.5499  0.95495  E4.5
## 5431  -2.4716  0.95495  E4.5
## 5432  -2.3934  0.95495  E4.5
## 5433  -2.3152  0.95495  E4.5
## 5434  -2.2369  0.95495  E4.5
## 5435  -2.1587  0.95495  E4.5
## 5436  -2.0805  0.95495  E4.5
## 5437  -2.0022  0.95495  E3.5
## 5438  -1.9240  0.95495  E3.5
## 5439  -1.8458  0.95495  E3.5
## 5440  -1.7676  0.95495  E3.5
## 5441  -1.6893  0.95495  E3.5
## 5442  -1.6111  0.95495  E3.5
## 5443  -1.5329  0.95495  E3.5
## 5444  -1.4546  0.95495  E3.5
## 5445  -1.3764  0.95495  E3.5
## 5446  -1.2982  0.95495  E3.5
## 5447  -1.2199  0.95495  E3.5
## 5448  -1.1417  0.95495  E3.5
## 5449  -1.0635  0.95495  E3.5
## 5450  -0.9852  0.95495  E3.5
## 5451  -0.9070  0.95495  E3.5
## 5452  -0.8288  0.95495  E3.5
## 5453  -0.7505  0.95495  E3.5
## 5454  -0.6723  0.95495  E3.5
## 5455  -0.5941  0.95495  E3.5
## 5456  -0.5158  0.95495  E3.5
## 5457  -0.4376  0.95495 E3.25
## 5458  -0.3594  0.95495 E3.25
## 5459  -0.2811  0.95495 E3.25
## 5460  -0.2029  0.95495 E3.25
## 5461  -0.1247  0.95495 E3.25
## 5462  -0.0464  0.95495 E3.25
## 5463   0.0318  0.95495 E3.25
## 5464   0.1100  0.95495 E3.25
## 5465   0.1883  0.95495 E3.25
## 5466   0.2665  0.95495 E3.25
## 5467   0.3447  0.95495 E3.25
## 5468   0.4230  0.95495 E3.25
## 5469   0.5012  0.95495 E3.25
## 5470   0.5794  0.95495 E3.25
## 5471   0.6577  0.95495 E3.25
## 5472   0.7359  0.95495 E3.25
## 5473   0.8141  0.95495 E3.25
## 5474   0.8923  0.95495 E3.25
## 5475   0.9706  0.95495 E3.25
## 5476   1.0488  0.95495 E3.25
## 5477   1.1270  0.95495 E3.25
## 5478   1.2053  0.95495 E3.25
## 5479   1.2835  0.95495 E3.25
## 5480   1.3617  0.95495 E3.25
## 5481   1.4400  0.95495 E3.25
## 5482   1.5182  0.95495 E3.25
## 5483   1.5964  0.95495 E3.25
## 5484   1.6747  0.95495 E3.25
## 5485   1.7529  0.95495 E3.25
## 5486   1.8311  0.95495 E3.25
## 5487   1.9094  0.95495 E3.25
## 5488   1.9876  0.95495 E3.25
## 5489   2.0658  0.95495 E3.25
## 5490   2.1441  0.95495 E3.25
## 5491   2.2223  0.95495 E3.25
## 5492   2.3005  0.95495 E3.25
## 5493   2.3788  0.95495 E3.25
## 5494   2.4570  0.95495 E3.25
## 5495   2.5352  0.95495 E3.25
## 5496   2.6135  0.95495 E3.25
## 5497   2.6917  0.95495 E3.25
## 5498   2.7699  0.95495 E3.25
## 5499   2.8482  0.95495 E3.25
## 5500   2.9264  0.95495 E3.25
## 5501  -4.8186  1.01069  E4.5
## 5502  -4.7404  1.01069  E4.5
## 5503  -4.6622  1.01069  E4.5
## 5504  -4.5839  1.01069  E4.5
## 5505  -4.5057  1.01069  E4.5
## 5506  -4.4275  1.01069  E4.5
## 5507  -4.3492  1.01069  E4.5
## 5508  -4.2710  1.01069  E4.5
## 5509  -4.1928  1.01069  E4.5
## 5510  -4.1145  1.01069  E4.5
## 5511  -4.0363  1.01069  E4.5
## 5512  -3.9581  1.01069  E4.5
## 5513  -3.8798  1.01069  E4.5
## 5514  -3.8016  1.01069  E4.5
## 5515  -3.7234  1.01069  E4.5
## 5516  -3.6451  1.01069  E4.5
## 5517  -3.5669  1.01069  E4.5
## 5518  -3.4887  1.01069  E4.5
## 5519  -3.4104  1.01069  E4.5
## 5520  -3.3322  1.01069  E4.5
## 5521  -3.2540  1.01069  E4.5
## 5522  -3.1757  1.01069  E4.5
## 5523  -3.0975  1.01069  E4.5
## 5524  -3.0193  1.01069  E4.5
## 5525  -2.9410  1.01069  E4.5
## 5526  -2.8628  1.01069  E4.5
## 5527  -2.7846  1.01069  E4.5
## 5528  -2.7063  1.01069  E4.5
## 5529  -2.6281  1.01069  E4.5
## 5530  -2.5499  1.01069  E4.5
## 5531  -2.4716  1.01069  E4.5
## 5532  -2.3934  1.01069  E4.5
## 5533  -2.3152  1.01069  E4.5
## 5534  -2.2369  1.01069  E4.5
## 5535  -2.1587  1.01069  E4.5
## 5536  -2.0805  1.01069  E4.5
## 5537  -2.0022  1.01069  E4.5
## 5538  -1.9240  1.01069  E3.5
## 5539  -1.8458  1.01069  E3.5
## 5540  -1.7676  1.01069  E3.5
## 5541  -1.6893  1.01069  E3.5
## 5542  -1.6111  1.01069  E3.5
## 5543  -1.5329  1.01069  E3.5
## 5544  -1.4546  1.01069  E3.5
## 5545  -1.3764  1.01069  E3.5
## 5546  -1.2982  1.01069  E3.5
## 5547  -1.2199  1.01069  E3.5
## 5548  -1.1417  1.01069  E3.5
## 5549  -1.0635  1.01069  E3.5
## 5550  -0.9852  1.01069  E3.5
## 5551  -0.9070  1.01069  E3.5
## 5552  -0.8288  1.01069  E3.5
## 5553  -0.7505  1.01069  E3.5
## 5554  -0.6723  1.01069  E3.5
## 5555  -0.5941  1.01069  E3.5
## 5556  -0.5158  1.01069  E3.5
## 5557  -0.4376  1.01069 E3.25
## 5558  -0.3594  1.01069 E3.25
## 5559  -0.2811  1.01069 E3.25
## 5560  -0.2029  1.01069 E3.25
## 5561  -0.1247  1.01069 E3.25
## 5562  -0.0464  1.01069 E3.25
## 5563   0.0318  1.01069 E3.25
## 5564   0.1100  1.01069 E3.25
## 5565   0.1883  1.01069 E3.25
## 5566   0.2665  1.01069 E3.25
## 5567   0.3447  1.01069 E3.25
## 5568   0.4230  1.01069 E3.25
## 5569   0.5012  1.01069 E3.25
## 5570   0.5794  1.01069 E3.25
## 5571   0.6577  1.01069 E3.25
## 5572   0.7359  1.01069 E3.25
## 5573   0.8141  1.01069 E3.25
## 5574   0.8923  1.01069 E3.25
## 5575   0.9706  1.01069 E3.25
## 5576   1.0488  1.01069 E3.25
## 5577   1.1270  1.01069 E3.25
## 5578   1.2053  1.01069 E3.25
## 5579   1.2835  1.01069 E3.25
## 5580   1.3617  1.01069 E3.25
## 5581   1.4400  1.01069 E3.25
## 5582   1.5182  1.01069 E3.25
## 5583   1.5964  1.01069 E3.25
## 5584   1.6747  1.01069 E3.25
## 5585   1.7529  1.01069 E3.25
## 5586   1.8311  1.01069 E3.25
## 5587   1.9094  1.01069 E3.25
## 5588   1.9876  1.01069 E3.25
## 5589   2.0658  1.01069 E3.25
## 5590   2.1441  1.01069 E3.25
## 5591   2.2223  1.01069 E3.25
## 5592   2.3005  1.01069 E3.25
## 5593   2.3788  1.01069 E3.25
## 5594   2.4570  1.01069 E3.25
## 5595   2.5352  1.01069 E3.25
## 5596   2.6135  1.01069 E3.25
## 5597   2.6917  1.01069 E3.25
## 5598   2.7699  1.01069 E3.25
## 5599   2.8482  1.01069 E3.25
## 5600   2.9264  1.01069 E3.25
## 5601  -4.8186  1.06644  E4.5
## 5602  -4.7404  1.06644  E4.5
## 5603  -4.6622  1.06644  E4.5
## 5604  -4.5839  1.06644  E4.5
## 5605  -4.5057  1.06644  E4.5
## 5606  -4.4275  1.06644  E4.5
## 5607  -4.3492  1.06644  E4.5
## 5608  -4.2710  1.06644  E4.5
## 5609  -4.1928  1.06644  E4.5
## 5610  -4.1145  1.06644  E4.5
## 5611  -4.0363  1.06644  E4.5
## 5612  -3.9581  1.06644  E4.5
## 5613  -3.8798  1.06644  E4.5
## 5614  -3.8016  1.06644  E4.5
## 5615  -3.7234  1.06644  E4.5
## 5616  -3.6451  1.06644  E4.5
## 5617  -3.5669  1.06644  E4.5
## 5618  -3.4887  1.06644  E4.5
## 5619  -3.4104  1.06644  E4.5
## 5620  -3.3322  1.06644  E4.5
## 5621  -3.2540  1.06644  E4.5
## 5622  -3.1757  1.06644  E4.5
## 5623  -3.0975  1.06644  E4.5
## 5624  -3.0193  1.06644  E4.5
## 5625  -2.9410  1.06644  E4.5
## 5626  -2.8628  1.06644  E4.5
## 5627  -2.7846  1.06644  E4.5
## 5628  -2.7063  1.06644  E4.5
## 5629  -2.6281  1.06644  E4.5
## 5630  -2.5499  1.06644  E4.5
## 5631  -2.4716  1.06644  E4.5
## 5632  -2.3934  1.06644  E4.5
## 5633  -2.3152  1.06644  E4.5
## 5634  -2.2369  1.06644  E4.5
## 5635  -2.1587  1.06644  E4.5
## 5636  -2.0805  1.06644  E4.5
## 5637  -2.0022  1.06644  E4.5
## 5638  -1.9240  1.06644  E4.5
## 5639  -1.8458  1.06644  E3.5
## 5640  -1.7676  1.06644  E3.5
## 5641  -1.6893  1.06644  E3.5
## 5642  -1.6111  1.06644  E3.5
## 5643  -1.5329  1.06644  E3.5
## 5644  -1.4546  1.06644  E3.5
## 5645  -1.3764  1.06644  E3.5
## 5646  -1.2982  1.06644  E3.5
## 5647  -1.2199  1.06644  E3.5
## 5648  -1.1417  1.06644  E3.5
## 5649  -1.0635  1.06644  E3.5
## 5650  -0.9852  1.06644  E3.5
## 5651  -0.9070  1.06644  E3.5
## 5652  -0.8288  1.06644  E3.5
## 5653  -0.7505  1.06644  E3.5
## 5654  -0.6723  1.06644  E3.5
## 5655  -0.5941  1.06644  E3.5
## 5656  -0.5158  1.06644  E3.5
## 5657  -0.4376  1.06644 E3.25
## 5658  -0.3594  1.06644 E3.25
## 5659  -0.2811  1.06644 E3.25
## 5660  -0.2029  1.06644 E3.25
## 5661  -0.1247  1.06644 E3.25
## 5662  -0.0464  1.06644 E3.25
## 5663   0.0318  1.06644 E3.25
## 5664   0.1100  1.06644 E3.25
## 5665   0.1883  1.06644 E3.25
## 5666   0.2665  1.06644 E3.25
## 5667   0.3447  1.06644 E3.25
## 5668   0.4230  1.06644 E3.25
## 5669   0.5012  1.06644 E3.25
## 5670   0.5794  1.06644 E3.25
## 5671   0.6577  1.06644 E3.25
## 5672   0.7359  1.06644 E3.25
## 5673   0.8141  1.06644 E3.25
## 5674   0.8923  1.06644 E3.25
## 5675   0.9706  1.06644 E3.25
## 5676   1.0488  1.06644 E3.25
## 5677   1.1270  1.06644 E3.25
## 5678   1.2053  1.06644 E3.25
## 5679   1.2835  1.06644 E3.25
## 5680   1.3617  1.06644 E3.25
## 5681   1.4400  1.06644 E3.25
## 5682   1.5182  1.06644 E3.25
## 5683   1.5964  1.06644 E3.25
## 5684   1.6747  1.06644 E3.25
## 5685   1.7529  1.06644 E3.25
## 5686   1.8311  1.06644 E3.25
## 5687   1.9094  1.06644 E3.25
## 5688   1.9876  1.06644 E3.25
## 5689   2.0658  1.06644 E3.25
## 5690   2.1441  1.06644 E3.25
## 5691   2.2223  1.06644 E3.25
## 5692   2.3005  1.06644 E3.25
## 5693   2.3788  1.06644 E3.25
## 5694   2.4570  1.06644 E3.25
## 5695   2.5352  1.06644 E3.25
## 5696   2.6135  1.06644 E3.25
## 5697   2.6917  1.06644 E3.25
## 5698   2.7699  1.06644 E3.25
## 5699   2.8482  1.06644 E3.25
## 5700   2.9264  1.06644 E3.25
## 5701  -4.8186  1.12218  E4.5
## 5702  -4.7404  1.12218  E4.5
## 5703  -4.6622  1.12218  E4.5
## 5704  -4.5839  1.12218  E4.5
## 5705  -4.5057  1.12218  E4.5
## 5706  -4.4275  1.12218  E4.5
## 5707  -4.3492  1.12218  E4.5
## 5708  -4.2710  1.12218  E4.5
## 5709  -4.1928  1.12218  E4.5
## 5710  -4.1145  1.12218  E4.5
## 5711  -4.0363  1.12218  E4.5
## 5712  -3.9581  1.12218  E4.5
## 5713  -3.8798  1.12218  E4.5
## 5714  -3.8016  1.12218  E4.5
## 5715  -3.7234  1.12218  E4.5
## 5716  -3.6451  1.12218  E4.5
## 5717  -3.5669  1.12218  E4.5
## 5718  -3.4887  1.12218  E4.5
## 5719  -3.4104  1.12218  E4.5
## 5720  -3.3322  1.12218  E4.5
## 5721  -3.2540  1.12218  E4.5
## 5722  -3.1757  1.12218  E4.5
## 5723  -3.0975  1.12218  E4.5
## 5724  -3.0193  1.12218  E4.5
## 5725  -2.9410  1.12218  E4.5
## 5726  -2.8628  1.12218  E4.5
## 5727  -2.7846  1.12218  E4.5
## 5728  -2.7063  1.12218  E4.5
## 5729  -2.6281  1.12218  E4.5
## 5730  -2.5499  1.12218  E4.5
## 5731  -2.4716  1.12218  E4.5
## 5732  -2.3934  1.12218  E4.5
## 5733  -2.3152  1.12218  E4.5
## 5734  -2.2369  1.12218  E4.5
## 5735  -2.1587  1.12218  E4.5
## 5736  -2.0805  1.12218  E4.5
## 5737  -2.0022  1.12218  E4.5
## 5738  -1.9240  1.12218  E4.5
## 5739  -1.8458  1.12218  E4.5
## 5740  -1.7676  1.12218  E3.5
## 5741  -1.6893  1.12218  E3.5
## 5742  -1.6111  1.12218  E3.5
## 5743  -1.5329  1.12218  E3.5
## 5744  -1.4546  1.12218  E3.5
## 5745  -1.3764  1.12218  E3.5
## 5746  -1.2982  1.12218  E3.5
## 5747  -1.2199  1.12218  E3.5
## 5748  -1.1417  1.12218  E3.5
## 5749  -1.0635  1.12218  E3.5
## 5750  -0.9852  1.12218  E3.5
## 5751  -0.9070  1.12218  E3.5
## 5752  -0.8288  1.12218  E3.5
## 5753  -0.7505  1.12218  E3.5
## 5754  -0.6723  1.12218  E3.5
## 5755  -0.5941  1.12218  E3.5
## 5756  -0.5158  1.12218  E3.5
## 5757  -0.4376  1.12218 E3.25
## 5758  -0.3594  1.12218 E3.25
## 5759  -0.2811  1.12218 E3.25
## 5760  -0.2029  1.12218 E3.25
## 5761  -0.1247  1.12218 E3.25
## 5762  -0.0464  1.12218 E3.25
## 5763   0.0318  1.12218 E3.25
## 5764   0.1100  1.12218 E3.25
## 5765   0.1883  1.12218 E3.25
## 5766   0.2665  1.12218 E3.25
## 5767   0.3447  1.12218 E3.25
## 5768   0.4230  1.12218 E3.25
## 5769   0.5012  1.12218 E3.25
## 5770   0.5794  1.12218 E3.25
## 5771   0.6577  1.12218 E3.25
## 5772   0.7359  1.12218 E3.25
## 5773   0.8141  1.12218 E3.25
## 5774   0.8923  1.12218 E3.25
## 5775   0.9706  1.12218 E3.25
## 5776   1.0488  1.12218 E3.25
## 5777   1.1270  1.12218 E3.25
## 5778   1.2053  1.12218 E3.25
## 5779   1.2835  1.12218 E3.25
## 5780   1.3617  1.12218 E3.25
## 5781   1.4400  1.12218 E3.25
## 5782   1.5182  1.12218 E3.25
## 5783   1.5964  1.12218 E3.25
## 5784   1.6747  1.12218 E3.25
## 5785   1.7529  1.12218 E3.25
## 5786   1.8311  1.12218 E3.25
## 5787   1.9094  1.12218 E3.25
## 5788   1.9876  1.12218 E3.25
## 5789   2.0658  1.12218 E3.25
## 5790   2.1441  1.12218 E3.25
## 5791   2.2223  1.12218 E3.25
## 5792   2.3005  1.12218 E3.25
## 5793   2.3788  1.12218 E3.25
## 5794   2.4570  1.12218 E3.25
## 5795   2.5352  1.12218 E3.25
## 5796   2.6135  1.12218 E3.25
## 5797   2.6917  1.12218 E3.25
## 5798   2.7699  1.12218 E3.25
## 5799   2.8482  1.12218 E3.25
## 5800   2.9264  1.12218 E3.25
## 5801  -4.8186  1.17793  E4.5
## 5802  -4.7404  1.17793  E4.5
## 5803  -4.6622  1.17793  E4.5
## 5804  -4.5839  1.17793  E4.5
## 5805  -4.5057  1.17793  E4.5
## 5806  -4.4275  1.17793  E4.5
## 5807  -4.3492  1.17793  E4.5
## 5808  -4.2710  1.17793  E4.5
## 5809  -4.1928  1.17793  E4.5
## 5810  -4.1145  1.17793  E4.5
## 5811  -4.0363  1.17793  E4.5
## 5812  -3.9581  1.17793  E4.5
## 5813  -3.8798  1.17793  E4.5
## 5814  -3.8016  1.17793  E4.5
## 5815  -3.7234  1.17793  E4.5
## 5816  -3.6451  1.17793  E4.5
## 5817  -3.5669  1.17793  E4.5
## 5818  -3.4887  1.17793  E4.5
## 5819  -3.4104  1.17793  E4.5
## 5820  -3.3322  1.17793  E4.5
## 5821  -3.2540  1.17793  E4.5
## 5822  -3.1757  1.17793  E4.5
## 5823  -3.0975  1.17793  E4.5
## 5824  -3.0193  1.17793  E4.5
## 5825  -2.9410  1.17793  E4.5
## 5826  -2.8628  1.17793  E4.5
## 5827  -2.7846  1.17793  E4.5
## 5828  -2.7063  1.17793  E4.5
## 5829  -2.6281  1.17793  E4.5
## 5830  -2.5499  1.17793  E4.5
## 5831  -2.4716  1.17793  E4.5
## 5832  -2.3934  1.17793  E4.5
## 5833  -2.3152  1.17793  E4.5
## 5834  -2.2369  1.17793  E4.5
## 5835  -2.1587  1.17793  E4.5
## 5836  -2.0805  1.17793  E4.5
## 5837  -2.0022  1.17793  E4.5
## 5838  -1.9240  1.17793  E4.5
## 5839  -1.8458  1.17793  E4.5
## 5840  -1.7676  1.17793  E4.5
## 5841  -1.6893  1.17793  E4.5
## 5842  -1.6111  1.17793  E3.5
## 5843  -1.5329  1.17793  E3.5
## 5844  -1.4546  1.17793  E3.5
## 5845  -1.3764  1.17793  E3.5
## 5846  -1.2982  1.17793  E3.5
## 5847  -1.2199  1.17793  E3.5
## 5848  -1.1417  1.17793  E3.5
## 5849  -1.0635  1.17793  E3.5
## 5850  -0.9852  1.17793  E3.5
## 5851  -0.9070  1.17793  E3.5
## 5852  -0.8288  1.17793  E3.5
## 5853  -0.7505  1.17793  E3.5
## 5854  -0.6723  1.17793  E3.5
## 5855  -0.5941  1.17793  E3.5
## 5856  -0.5158  1.17793  E3.5
## 5857  -0.4376  1.17793 E3.25
## 5858  -0.3594  1.17793 E3.25
## 5859  -0.2811  1.17793 E3.25
## 5860  -0.2029  1.17793 E3.25
## 5861  -0.1247  1.17793 E3.25
## 5862  -0.0464  1.17793 E3.25
## 5863   0.0318  1.17793 E3.25
## 5864   0.1100  1.17793 E3.25
## 5865   0.1883  1.17793 E3.25
## 5866   0.2665  1.17793 E3.25
## 5867   0.3447  1.17793 E3.25
## 5868   0.4230  1.17793 E3.25
## 5869   0.5012  1.17793 E3.25
## 5870   0.5794  1.17793 E3.25
## 5871   0.6577  1.17793 E3.25
## 5872   0.7359  1.17793 E3.25
## 5873   0.8141  1.17793 E3.25
## 5874   0.8923  1.17793 E3.25
## 5875   0.9706  1.17793 E3.25
## 5876   1.0488  1.17793 E3.25
## 5877   1.1270  1.17793 E3.25
## 5878   1.2053  1.17793 E3.25
## 5879   1.2835  1.17793 E3.25
## 5880   1.3617  1.17793 E3.25
## 5881   1.4400  1.17793 E3.25
## 5882   1.5182  1.17793 E3.25
## 5883   1.5964  1.17793 E3.25
## 5884   1.6747  1.17793 E3.25
## 5885   1.7529  1.17793 E3.25
## 5886   1.8311  1.17793 E3.25
## 5887   1.9094  1.17793 E3.25
## 5888   1.9876  1.17793 E3.25
## 5889   2.0658  1.17793 E3.25
## 5890   2.1441  1.17793 E3.25
## 5891   2.2223  1.17793 E3.25
## 5892   2.3005  1.17793 E3.25
## 5893   2.3788  1.17793 E3.25
## 5894   2.4570  1.17793 E3.25
## 5895   2.5352  1.17793 E3.25
## 5896   2.6135  1.17793 E3.25
## 5897   2.6917  1.17793 E3.25
## 5898   2.7699  1.17793 E3.25
## 5899   2.8482  1.17793 E3.25
## 5900   2.9264  1.17793 E3.25
## 5901  -4.8186  1.23367  E4.5
## 5902  -4.7404  1.23367  E4.5
## 5903  -4.6622  1.23367  E4.5
## 5904  -4.5839  1.23367  E4.5
## 5905  -4.5057  1.23367  E4.5
## 5906  -4.4275  1.23367  E4.5
## 5907  -4.3492  1.23367  E4.5
## 5908  -4.2710  1.23367  E4.5
## 5909  -4.1928  1.23367  E4.5
## 5910  -4.1145  1.23367  E4.5
## 5911  -4.0363  1.23367  E4.5
## 5912  -3.9581  1.23367  E4.5
## 5913  -3.8798  1.23367  E4.5
## 5914  -3.8016  1.23367  E4.5
## 5915  -3.7234  1.23367  E4.5
## 5916  -3.6451  1.23367  E4.5
## 5917  -3.5669  1.23367  E4.5
## 5918  -3.4887  1.23367  E4.5
## 5919  -3.4104  1.23367  E4.5
## 5920  -3.3322  1.23367  E4.5
## 5921  -3.2540  1.23367  E4.5
## 5922  -3.1757  1.23367  E4.5
## 5923  -3.0975  1.23367  E4.5
## 5924  -3.0193  1.23367  E4.5
## 5925  -2.9410  1.23367  E4.5
## 5926  -2.8628  1.23367  E4.5
## 5927  -2.7846  1.23367  E4.5
## 5928  -2.7063  1.23367  E4.5
## 5929  -2.6281  1.23367  E4.5
## 5930  -2.5499  1.23367  E4.5
## 5931  -2.4716  1.23367  E4.5
## 5932  -2.3934  1.23367  E4.5
## 5933  -2.3152  1.23367  E4.5
## 5934  -2.2369  1.23367  E4.5
## 5935  -2.1587  1.23367  E4.5
## 5936  -2.0805  1.23367  E4.5
## 5937  -2.0022  1.23367  E4.5
## 5938  -1.9240  1.23367  E4.5
## 5939  -1.8458  1.23367  E4.5
## 5940  -1.7676  1.23367  E4.5
## 5941  -1.6893  1.23367  E4.5
## 5942  -1.6111  1.23367  E4.5
## 5943  -1.5329  1.23367  E3.5
## 5944  -1.4546  1.23367  E3.5
## 5945  -1.3764  1.23367  E3.5
## 5946  -1.2982  1.23367  E3.5
## 5947  -1.2199  1.23367  E3.5
## 5948  -1.1417  1.23367  E3.5
## 5949  -1.0635  1.23367  E3.5
## 5950  -0.9852  1.23367  E3.5
## 5951  -0.9070  1.23367  E3.5
## 5952  -0.8288  1.23367  E3.5
## 5953  -0.7505  1.23367  E3.5
## 5954  -0.6723  1.23367  E3.5
## 5955  -0.5941  1.23367  E3.5
## 5956  -0.5158  1.23367  E3.5
## 5957  -0.4376  1.23367 E3.25
## 5958  -0.3594  1.23367 E3.25
## 5959  -0.2811  1.23367 E3.25
## 5960  -0.2029  1.23367 E3.25
## 5961  -0.1247  1.23367 E3.25
## 5962  -0.0464  1.23367 E3.25
## 5963   0.0318  1.23367 E3.25
## 5964   0.1100  1.23367 E3.25
## 5965   0.1883  1.23367 E3.25
## 5966   0.2665  1.23367 E3.25
## 5967   0.3447  1.23367 E3.25
## 5968   0.4230  1.23367 E3.25
## 5969   0.5012  1.23367 E3.25
## 5970   0.5794  1.23367 E3.25
## 5971   0.6577  1.23367 E3.25
## 5972   0.7359  1.23367 E3.25
## 5973   0.8141  1.23367 E3.25
## 5974   0.8923  1.23367 E3.25
## 5975   0.9706  1.23367 E3.25
## 5976   1.0488  1.23367 E3.25
## 5977   1.1270  1.23367 E3.25
## 5978   1.2053  1.23367 E3.25
## 5979   1.2835  1.23367 E3.25
## 5980   1.3617  1.23367 E3.25
## 5981   1.4400  1.23367 E3.25
## 5982   1.5182  1.23367 E3.25
## 5983   1.5964  1.23367 E3.25
## 5984   1.6747  1.23367 E3.25
## 5985   1.7529  1.23367 E3.25
## 5986   1.8311  1.23367 E3.25
## 5987   1.9094  1.23367 E3.25
## 5988   1.9876  1.23367 E3.25
## 5989   2.0658  1.23367 E3.25
## 5990   2.1441  1.23367 E3.25
## 5991   2.2223  1.23367 E3.25
## 5992   2.3005  1.23367 E3.25
## 5993   2.3788  1.23367 E3.25
## 5994   2.4570  1.23367 E3.25
## 5995   2.5352  1.23367 E3.25
## 5996   2.6135  1.23367 E3.25
## 5997   2.6917  1.23367 E3.25
## 5998   2.7699  1.23367 E3.25
## 5999   2.8482  1.23367 E3.25
## 6000   2.9264  1.23367 E3.25
## 6001  -4.8186  1.28942  E4.5
## 6002  -4.7404  1.28942  E4.5
## 6003  -4.6622  1.28942  E4.5
## 6004  -4.5839  1.28942  E4.5
## 6005  -4.5057  1.28942  E4.5
## 6006  -4.4275  1.28942  E4.5
## 6007  -4.3492  1.28942  E4.5
## 6008  -4.2710  1.28942  E4.5
## 6009  -4.1928  1.28942  E4.5
## 6010  -4.1145  1.28942  E4.5
## 6011  -4.0363  1.28942  E4.5
## 6012  -3.9581  1.28942  E4.5
## 6013  -3.8798  1.28942  E4.5
## 6014  -3.8016  1.28942  E4.5
## 6015  -3.7234  1.28942  E4.5
## 6016  -3.6451  1.28942  E4.5
## 6017  -3.5669  1.28942  E4.5
## 6018  -3.4887  1.28942  E4.5
## 6019  -3.4104  1.28942  E4.5
## 6020  -3.3322  1.28942  E4.5
## 6021  -3.2540  1.28942  E4.5
## 6022  -3.1757  1.28942  E4.5
## 6023  -3.0975  1.28942  E4.5
## 6024  -3.0193  1.28942  E4.5
## 6025  -2.9410  1.28942  E4.5
## 6026  -2.8628  1.28942  E4.5
## 6027  -2.7846  1.28942  E4.5
## 6028  -2.7063  1.28942  E4.5
## 6029  -2.6281  1.28942  E4.5
## 6030  -2.5499  1.28942  E4.5
## 6031  -2.4716  1.28942  E4.5
## 6032  -2.3934  1.28942  E4.5
## 6033  -2.3152  1.28942  E4.5
## 6034  -2.2369  1.28942  E4.5
## 6035  -2.1587  1.28942  E4.5
## 6036  -2.0805  1.28942  E4.5
## 6037  -2.0022  1.28942  E4.5
## 6038  -1.9240  1.28942  E4.5
## 6039  -1.8458  1.28942  E4.5
## 6040  -1.7676  1.28942  E4.5
## 6041  -1.6893  1.28942  E4.5
## 6042  -1.6111  1.28942  E4.5
## 6043  -1.5329  1.28942  E4.5
## 6044  -1.4546  1.28942  E3.5
## 6045  -1.3764  1.28942  E3.5
## 6046  -1.2982  1.28942  E3.5
## 6047  -1.2199  1.28942  E3.5
## 6048  -1.1417  1.28942  E3.5
## 6049  -1.0635  1.28942  E3.5
## 6050  -0.9852  1.28942  E3.5
## 6051  -0.9070  1.28942  E3.5
## 6052  -0.8288  1.28942  E3.5
## 6053  -0.7505  1.28942  E3.5
## 6054  -0.6723  1.28942  E3.5
## 6055  -0.5941  1.28942  E3.5
## 6056  -0.5158  1.28942 E3.25
## 6057  -0.4376  1.28942 E3.25
## 6058  -0.3594  1.28942 E3.25
## 6059  -0.2811  1.28942 E3.25
## 6060  -0.2029  1.28942 E3.25
## 6061  -0.1247  1.28942 E3.25
## 6062  -0.0464  1.28942 E3.25
## 6063   0.0318  1.28942 E3.25
## 6064   0.1100  1.28942 E3.25
## 6065   0.1883  1.28942 E3.25
## 6066   0.2665  1.28942 E3.25
## 6067   0.3447  1.28942 E3.25
## 6068   0.4230  1.28942 E3.25
## 6069   0.5012  1.28942 E3.25
## 6070   0.5794  1.28942 E3.25
## 6071   0.6577  1.28942 E3.25
## 6072   0.7359  1.28942 E3.25
## 6073   0.8141  1.28942 E3.25
## 6074   0.8923  1.28942 E3.25
## 6075   0.9706  1.28942 E3.25
## 6076   1.0488  1.28942 E3.25
## 6077   1.1270  1.28942 E3.25
## 6078   1.2053  1.28942 E3.25
## 6079   1.2835  1.28942 E3.25
## 6080   1.3617  1.28942 E3.25
## 6081   1.4400  1.28942 E3.25
## 6082   1.5182  1.28942 E3.25
## 6083   1.5964  1.28942 E3.25
## 6084   1.6747  1.28942 E3.25
## 6085   1.7529  1.28942 E3.25
## 6086   1.8311  1.28942 E3.25
## 6087   1.9094  1.28942 E3.25
## 6088   1.9876  1.28942 E3.25
## 6089   2.0658  1.28942 E3.25
## 6090   2.1441  1.28942 E3.25
## 6091   2.2223  1.28942 E3.25
## 6092   2.3005  1.28942 E3.25
## 6093   2.3788  1.28942 E3.25
## 6094   2.4570  1.28942 E3.25
## 6095   2.5352  1.28942 E3.25
## 6096   2.6135  1.28942 E3.25
## 6097   2.6917  1.28942 E3.25
## 6098   2.7699  1.28942 E3.25
## 6099   2.8482  1.28942 E3.25
## 6100   2.9264  1.28942 E3.25
## 6101  -4.8186  1.34516  E4.5
## 6102  -4.7404  1.34516  E4.5
## 6103  -4.6622  1.34516  E4.5
## 6104  -4.5839  1.34516  E4.5
## 6105  -4.5057  1.34516  E4.5
## 6106  -4.4275  1.34516  E4.5
## 6107  -4.3492  1.34516  E4.5
## 6108  -4.2710  1.34516  E4.5
## 6109  -4.1928  1.34516  E4.5
## 6110  -4.1145  1.34516  E4.5
## 6111  -4.0363  1.34516  E4.5
## 6112  -3.9581  1.34516  E4.5
## 6113  -3.8798  1.34516  E4.5
## 6114  -3.8016  1.34516  E4.5
## 6115  -3.7234  1.34516  E4.5
## 6116  -3.6451  1.34516  E4.5
## 6117  -3.5669  1.34516  E4.5
## 6118  -3.4887  1.34516  E4.5
## 6119  -3.4104  1.34516  E4.5
## 6120  -3.3322  1.34516  E4.5
## 6121  -3.2540  1.34516  E4.5
## 6122  -3.1757  1.34516  E4.5
## 6123  -3.0975  1.34516  E4.5
## 6124  -3.0193  1.34516  E4.5
## 6125  -2.9410  1.34516  E4.5
## 6126  -2.8628  1.34516  E4.5
## 6127  -2.7846  1.34516  E4.5
## 6128  -2.7063  1.34516  E4.5
## 6129  -2.6281  1.34516  E4.5
## 6130  -2.5499  1.34516  E4.5
## 6131  -2.4716  1.34516  E4.5
## 6132  -2.3934  1.34516  E4.5
## 6133  -2.3152  1.34516  E4.5
## 6134  -2.2369  1.34516  E4.5
## 6135  -2.1587  1.34516  E4.5
## 6136  -2.0805  1.34516  E4.5
## 6137  -2.0022  1.34516  E4.5
## 6138  -1.9240  1.34516  E4.5
## 6139  -1.8458  1.34516  E4.5
## 6140  -1.7676  1.34516  E4.5
## 6141  -1.6893  1.34516  E4.5
## 6142  -1.6111  1.34516  E4.5
## 6143  -1.5329  1.34516  E4.5
## 6144  -1.4546  1.34516  E4.5
## 6145  -1.3764  1.34516  E3.5
## 6146  -1.2982  1.34516  E3.5
## 6147  -1.2199  1.34516  E3.5
## 6148  -1.1417  1.34516  E3.5
## 6149  -1.0635  1.34516  E3.5
## 6150  -0.9852  1.34516  E3.5
## 6151  -0.9070  1.34516  E3.5
## 6152  -0.8288  1.34516  E3.5
## 6153  -0.7505  1.34516  E3.5
## 6154  -0.6723  1.34516  E3.5
## 6155  -0.5941  1.34516  E3.5
## 6156  -0.5158  1.34516 E3.25
## 6157  -0.4376  1.34516 E3.25
## 6158  -0.3594  1.34516 E3.25
## 6159  -0.2811  1.34516 E3.25
## 6160  -0.2029  1.34516 E3.25
## 6161  -0.1247  1.34516 E3.25
## 6162  -0.0464  1.34516 E3.25
## 6163   0.0318  1.34516 E3.25
## 6164   0.1100  1.34516 E3.25
## 6165   0.1883  1.34516 E3.25
## 6166   0.2665  1.34516 E3.25
## 6167   0.3447  1.34516 E3.25
## 6168   0.4230  1.34516 E3.25
## 6169   0.5012  1.34516 E3.25
## 6170   0.5794  1.34516 E3.25
## 6171   0.6577  1.34516 E3.25
## 6172   0.7359  1.34516 E3.25
## 6173   0.8141  1.34516 E3.25
## 6174   0.8923  1.34516 E3.25
## 6175   0.9706  1.34516 E3.25
## 6176   1.0488  1.34516 E3.25
## 6177   1.1270  1.34516 E3.25
## 6178   1.2053  1.34516 E3.25
## 6179   1.2835  1.34516 E3.25
## 6180   1.3617  1.34516 E3.25
## 6181   1.4400  1.34516 E3.25
## 6182   1.5182  1.34516 E3.25
## 6183   1.5964  1.34516 E3.25
## 6184   1.6747  1.34516 E3.25
## 6185   1.7529  1.34516 E3.25
## 6186   1.8311  1.34516 E3.25
## 6187   1.9094  1.34516 E3.25
## 6188   1.9876  1.34516 E3.25
## 6189   2.0658  1.34516 E3.25
## 6190   2.1441  1.34516 E3.25
## 6191   2.2223  1.34516 E3.25
## 6192   2.3005  1.34516 E3.25
## 6193   2.3788  1.34516 E3.25
## 6194   2.4570  1.34516 E3.25
## 6195   2.5352  1.34516 E3.25
## 6196   2.6135  1.34516 E3.25
## 6197   2.6917  1.34516 E3.25
## 6198   2.7699  1.34516 E3.25
## 6199   2.8482  1.34516 E3.25
## 6200   2.9264  1.34516 E3.25
## 6201  -4.8186  1.40091  E4.5
## 6202  -4.7404  1.40091  E4.5
## 6203  -4.6622  1.40091  E4.5
## 6204  -4.5839  1.40091  E4.5
## 6205  -4.5057  1.40091  E4.5
## 6206  -4.4275  1.40091  E4.5
## 6207  -4.3492  1.40091  E4.5
## 6208  -4.2710  1.40091  E4.5
## 6209  -4.1928  1.40091  E4.5
## 6210  -4.1145  1.40091  E4.5
## 6211  -4.0363  1.40091  E4.5
## 6212  -3.9581  1.40091  E4.5
## 6213  -3.8798  1.40091  E4.5
## 6214  -3.8016  1.40091  E4.5
## 6215  -3.7234  1.40091  E4.5
## 6216  -3.6451  1.40091  E4.5
## 6217  -3.5669  1.40091  E4.5
## 6218  -3.4887  1.40091  E4.5
## 6219  -3.4104  1.40091  E4.5
## 6220  -3.3322  1.40091  E4.5
## 6221  -3.2540  1.40091  E4.5
## 6222  -3.1757  1.40091  E4.5
## 6223  -3.0975  1.40091  E4.5
## 6224  -3.0193  1.40091  E4.5
## 6225  -2.9410  1.40091  E4.5
## 6226  -2.8628  1.40091  E4.5
## 6227  -2.7846  1.40091  E4.5
## 6228  -2.7063  1.40091  E4.5
## 6229  -2.6281  1.40091  E4.5
## 6230  -2.5499  1.40091  E4.5
## 6231  -2.4716  1.40091  E4.5
## 6232  -2.3934  1.40091  E4.5
## 6233  -2.3152  1.40091  E4.5
## 6234  -2.2369  1.40091  E4.5
## 6235  -2.1587  1.40091  E4.5
## 6236  -2.0805  1.40091  E4.5
## 6237  -2.0022  1.40091  E4.5
## 6238  -1.9240  1.40091  E4.5
## 6239  -1.8458  1.40091  E4.5
## 6240  -1.7676  1.40091  E4.5
## 6241  -1.6893  1.40091  E4.5
## 6242  -1.6111  1.40091  E4.5
## 6243  -1.5329  1.40091  E4.5
## 6244  -1.4546  1.40091  E4.5
## 6245  -1.3764  1.40091  E4.5
## 6246  -1.2982  1.40091  E4.5
## 6247  -1.2199  1.40091  E3.5
## 6248  -1.1417  1.40091  E3.5
## 6249  -1.0635  1.40091  E3.5
## 6250  -0.9852  1.40091  E3.5
## 6251  -0.9070  1.40091  E3.5
## 6252  -0.8288  1.40091  E3.5
## 6253  -0.7505  1.40091  E3.5
## 6254  -0.6723  1.40091  E3.5
## 6255  -0.5941  1.40091  E3.5
## 6256  -0.5158  1.40091 E3.25
## 6257  -0.4376  1.40091 E3.25
## 6258  -0.3594  1.40091 E3.25
## 6259  -0.2811  1.40091 E3.25
## 6260  -0.2029  1.40091 E3.25
## 6261  -0.1247  1.40091 E3.25
## 6262  -0.0464  1.40091 E3.25
## 6263   0.0318  1.40091 E3.25
## 6264   0.1100  1.40091 E3.25
## 6265   0.1883  1.40091 E3.25
## 6266   0.2665  1.40091 E3.25
## 6267   0.3447  1.40091 E3.25
## 6268   0.4230  1.40091 E3.25
## 6269   0.5012  1.40091 E3.25
## 6270   0.5794  1.40091 E3.25
## 6271   0.6577  1.40091 E3.25
## 6272   0.7359  1.40091 E3.25
## 6273   0.8141  1.40091 E3.25
## 6274   0.8923  1.40091 E3.25
## 6275   0.9706  1.40091 E3.25
## 6276   1.0488  1.40091 E3.25
## 6277   1.1270  1.40091 E3.25
## 6278   1.2053  1.40091 E3.25
## 6279   1.2835  1.40091 E3.25
## 6280   1.3617  1.40091 E3.25
## 6281   1.4400  1.40091 E3.25
## 6282   1.5182  1.40091 E3.25
## 6283   1.5964  1.40091 E3.25
## 6284   1.6747  1.40091 E3.25
## 6285   1.7529  1.40091 E3.25
## 6286   1.8311  1.40091 E3.25
## 6287   1.9094  1.40091 E3.25
## 6288   1.9876  1.40091 E3.25
## 6289   2.0658  1.40091 E3.25
## 6290   2.1441  1.40091 E3.25
## 6291   2.2223  1.40091 E3.25
## 6292   2.3005  1.40091 E3.25
## 6293   2.3788  1.40091 E3.25
## 6294   2.4570  1.40091 E3.25
## 6295   2.5352  1.40091 E3.25
## 6296   2.6135  1.40091 E3.25
## 6297   2.6917  1.40091 E3.25
## 6298   2.7699  1.40091 E3.25
## 6299   2.8482  1.40091 E3.25
## 6300   2.9264  1.40091 E3.25
## 6301  -4.8186  1.45665  E4.5
## 6302  -4.7404  1.45665  E4.5
## 6303  -4.6622  1.45665  E4.5
## 6304  -4.5839  1.45665  E4.5
## 6305  -4.5057  1.45665  E4.5
## 6306  -4.4275  1.45665  E4.5
## 6307  -4.3492  1.45665  E4.5
## 6308  -4.2710  1.45665  E4.5
## 6309  -4.1928  1.45665  E4.5
## 6310  -4.1145  1.45665  E4.5
## 6311  -4.0363  1.45665  E4.5
## 6312  -3.9581  1.45665  E4.5
## 6313  -3.8798  1.45665  E4.5
## 6314  -3.8016  1.45665  E4.5
## 6315  -3.7234  1.45665  E4.5
## 6316  -3.6451  1.45665  E4.5
## 6317  -3.5669  1.45665  E4.5
## 6318  -3.4887  1.45665  E4.5
## 6319  -3.4104  1.45665  E4.5
## 6320  -3.3322  1.45665  E4.5
## 6321  -3.2540  1.45665  E4.5
## 6322  -3.1757  1.45665  E4.5
## 6323  -3.0975  1.45665  E4.5
## 6324  -3.0193  1.45665  E4.5
## 6325  -2.9410  1.45665  E4.5
## 6326  -2.8628  1.45665  E4.5
## 6327  -2.7846  1.45665  E4.5
## 6328  -2.7063  1.45665  E4.5
## 6329  -2.6281  1.45665  E4.5
## 6330  -2.5499  1.45665  E4.5
## 6331  -2.4716  1.45665  E4.5
## 6332  -2.3934  1.45665  E4.5
## 6333  -2.3152  1.45665  E4.5
## 6334  -2.2369  1.45665  E4.5
## 6335  -2.1587  1.45665  E4.5
## 6336  -2.0805  1.45665  E4.5
## 6337  -2.0022  1.45665  E4.5
## 6338  -1.9240  1.45665  E4.5
## 6339  -1.8458  1.45665  E4.5
## 6340  -1.7676  1.45665  E4.5
## 6341  -1.6893  1.45665  E4.5
## 6342  -1.6111  1.45665  E4.5
## 6343  -1.5329  1.45665  E4.5
## 6344  -1.4546  1.45665  E4.5
## 6345  -1.3764  1.45665  E4.5
## 6346  -1.2982  1.45665  E4.5
## 6347  -1.2199  1.45665  E4.5
## 6348  -1.1417  1.45665  E3.5
## 6349  -1.0635  1.45665  E3.5
## 6350  -0.9852  1.45665  E3.5
## 6351  -0.9070  1.45665  E3.5
## 6352  -0.8288  1.45665  E3.5
## 6353  -0.7505  1.45665  E3.5
## 6354  -0.6723  1.45665  E3.5
## 6355  -0.5941  1.45665  E3.5
## 6356  -0.5158  1.45665 E3.25
## 6357  -0.4376  1.45665 E3.25
## 6358  -0.3594  1.45665 E3.25
## 6359  -0.2811  1.45665 E3.25
## 6360  -0.2029  1.45665 E3.25
## 6361  -0.1247  1.45665 E3.25
## 6362  -0.0464  1.45665 E3.25
## 6363   0.0318  1.45665 E3.25
## 6364   0.1100  1.45665 E3.25
## 6365   0.1883  1.45665 E3.25
## 6366   0.2665  1.45665 E3.25
## 6367   0.3447  1.45665 E3.25
## 6368   0.4230  1.45665 E3.25
## 6369   0.5012  1.45665 E3.25
## 6370   0.5794  1.45665 E3.25
## 6371   0.6577  1.45665 E3.25
## 6372   0.7359  1.45665 E3.25
## 6373   0.8141  1.45665 E3.25
## 6374   0.8923  1.45665 E3.25
## 6375   0.9706  1.45665 E3.25
## 6376   1.0488  1.45665 E3.25
## 6377   1.1270  1.45665 E3.25
## 6378   1.2053  1.45665 E3.25
## 6379   1.2835  1.45665 E3.25
## 6380   1.3617  1.45665 E3.25
## 6381   1.4400  1.45665 E3.25
## 6382   1.5182  1.45665 E3.25
## 6383   1.5964  1.45665 E3.25
## 6384   1.6747  1.45665 E3.25
## 6385   1.7529  1.45665 E3.25
## 6386   1.8311  1.45665 E3.25
## 6387   1.9094  1.45665 E3.25
## 6388   1.9876  1.45665 E3.25
## 6389   2.0658  1.45665 E3.25
## 6390   2.1441  1.45665 E3.25
## 6391   2.2223  1.45665 E3.25
## 6392   2.3005  1.45665 E3.25
## 6393   2.3788  1.45665 E3.25
## 6394   2.4570  1.45665 E3.25
## 6395   2.5352  1.45665 E3.25
## 6396   2.6135  1.45665 E3.25
## 6397   2.6917  1.45665 E3.25
## 6398   2.7699  1.45665 E3.25
## 6399   2.8482  1.45665 E3.25
## 6400   2.9264  1.45665 E3.25
## 6401  -4.8186  1.51240  E4.5
## 6402  -4.7404  1.51240  E4.5
## 6403  -4.6622  1.51240  E4.5
## 6404  -4.5839  1.51240  E4.5
## 6405  -4.5057  1.51240  E4.5
## 6406  -4.4275  1.51240  E4.5
## 6407  -4.3492  1.51240  E4.5
## 6408  -4.2710  1.51240  E4.5
## 6409  -4.1928  1.51240  E4.5
## 6410  -4.1145  1.51240  E4.5
## 6411  -4.0363  1.51240  E4.5
## 6412  -3.9581  1.51240  E4.5
## 6413  -3.8798  1.51240  E4.5
## 6414  -3.8016  1.51240  E4.5
## 6415  -3.7234  1.51240  E4.5
## 6416  -3.6451  1.51240  E4.5
## 6417  -3.5669  1.51240  E4.5
## 6418  -3.4887  1.51240  E4.5
## 6419  -3.4104  1.51240  E4.5
## 6420  -3.3322  1.51240  E4.5
## 6421  -3.2540  1.51240  E4.5
## 6422  -3.1757  1.51240  E4.5
## 6423  -3.0975  1.51240  E4.5
## 6424  -3.0193  1.51240  E4.5
## 6425  -2.9410  1.51240  E4.5
## 6426  -2.8628  1.51240  E4.5
## 6427  -2.7846  1.51240  E4.5
## 6428  -2.7063  1.51240  E4.5
## 6429  -2.6281  1.51240  E4.5
## 6430  -2.5499  1.51240  E4.5
## 6431  -2.4716  1.51240  E4.5
## 6432  -2.3934  1.51240  E4.5
## 6433  -2.3152  1.51240  E4.5
## 6434  -2.2369  1.51240  E4.5
## 6435  -2.1587  1.51240  E4.5
## 6436  -2.0805  1.51240  E4.5
## 6437  -2.0022  1.51240  E4.5
## 6438  -1.9240  1.51240  E4.5
## 6439  -1.8458  1.51240  E4.5
## 6440  -1.7676  1.51240  E4.5
## 6441  -1.6893  1.51240  E4.5
## 6442  -1.6111  1.51240  E4.5
## 6443  -1.5329  1.51240  E4.5
## 6444  -1.4546  1.51240  E4.5
## 6445  -1.3764  1.51240  E4.5
## 6446  -1.2982  1.51240  E4.5
## 6447  -1.2199  1.51240  E4.5
## 6448  -1.1417  1.51240  E4.5
## 6449  -1.0635  1.51240  E3.5
## 6450  -0.9852  1.51240  E3.5
## 6451  -0.9070  1.51240  E3.5
## 6452  -0.8288  1.51240  E3.5
## 6453  -0.7505  1.51240  E3.5
## 6454  -0.6723  1.51240  E3.5
## 6455  -0.5941  1.51240  E3.5
## 6456  -0.5158  1.51240 E3.25
## 6457  -0.4376  1.51240 E3.25
## 6458  -0.3594  1.51240 E3.25
## 6459  -0.2811  1.51240 E3.25
## 6460  -0.2029  1.51240 E3.25
## 6461  -0.1247  1.51240 E3.25
## 6462  -0.0464  1.51240 E3.25
## 6463   0.0318  1.51240 E3.25
## 6464   0.1100  1.51240 E3.25
## 6465   0.1883  1.51240 E3.25
## 6466   0.2665  1.51240 E3.25
## 6467   0.3447  1.51240 E3.25
## 6468   0.4230  1.51240 E3.25
## 6469   0.5012  1.51240 E3.25
## 6470   0.5794  1.51240 E3.25
## 6471   0.6577  1.51240 E3.25
## 6472   0.7359  1.51240 E3.25
## 6473   0.8141  1.51240 E3.25
## 6474   0.8923  1.51240 E3.25
## 6475   0.9706  1.51240 E3.25
## 6476   1.0488  1.51240 E3.25
## 6477   1.1270  1.51240 E3.25
## 6478   1.2053  1.51240 E3.25
## 6479   1.2835  1.51240 E3.25
## 6480   1.3617  1.51240 E3.25
## 6481   1.4400  1.51240 E3.25
## 6482   1.5182  1.51240 E3.25
## 6483   1.5964  1.51240 E3.25
## 6484   1.6747  1.51240 E3.25
## 6485   1.7529  1.51240 E3.25
## 6486   1.8311  1.51240 E3.25
## 6487   1.9094  1.51240 E3.25
## 6488   1.9876  1.51240 E3.25
## 6489   2.0658  1.51240 E3.25
## 6490   2.1441  1.51240 E3.25
## 6491   2.2223  1.51240 E3.25
## 6492   2.3005  1.51240 E3.25
## 6493   2.3788  1.51240 E3.25
## 6494   2.4570  1.51240 E3.25
## 6495   2.5352  1.51240 E3.25
## 6496   2.6135  1.51240 E3.25
## 6497   2.6917  1.51240 E3.25
## 6498   2.7699  1.51240 E3.25
## 6499   2.8482  1.51240 E3.25
## 6500   2.9264  1.51240 E3.25
## 6501  -4.8186  1.56814  E4.5
## 6502  -4.7404  1.56814  E4.5
## 6503  -4.6622  1.56814  E4.5
## 6504  -4.5839  1.56814  E4.5
## 6505  -4.5057  1.56814  E4.5
## 6506  -4.4275  1.56814  E4.5
## 6507  -4.3492  1.56814  E4.5
## 6508  -4.2710  1.56814  E4.5
## 6509  -4.1928  1.56814  E4.5
## 6510  -4.1145  1.56814  E4.5
## 6511  -4.0363  1.56814  E4.5
## 6512  -3.9581  1.56814  E4.5
## 6513  -3.8798  1.56814  E4.5
## 6514  -3.8016  1.56814  E4.5
## 6515  -3.7234  1.56814  E4.5
## 6516  -3.6451  1.56814  E4.5
## 6517  -3.5669  1.56814  E4.5
## 6518  -3.4887  1.56814  E4.5
## 6519  -3.4104  1.56814  E4.5
## 6520  -3.3322  1.56814  E4.5
## 6521  -3.2540  1.56814  E4.5
## 6522  -3.1757  1.56814  E4.5
## 6523  -3.0975  1.56814  E4.5
## 6524  -3.0193  1.56814  E4.5
## 6525  -2.9410  1.56814  E4.5
## 6526  -2.8628  1.56814  E4.5
## 6527  -2.7846  1.56814  E4.5
## 6528  -2.7063  1.56814  E4.5
## 6529  -2.6281  1.56814  E4.5
## 6530  -2.5499  1.56814  E4.5
## 6531  -2.4716  1.56814  E4.5
## 6532  -2.3934  1.56814  E4.5
## 6533  -2.3152  1.56814  E4.5
## 6534  -2.2369  1.56814  E4.5
## 6535  -2.1587  1.56814  E4.5
## 6536  -2.0805  1.56814  E4.5
## 6537  -2.0022  1.56814  E4.5
## 6538  -1.9240  1.56814  E4.5
## 6539  -1.8458  1.56814  E4.5
## 6540  -1.7676  1.56814  E4.5
## 6541  -1.6893  1.56814  E4.5
## 6542  -1.6111  1.56814  E4.5
## 6543  -1.5329  1.56814  E4.5
## 6544  -1.4546  1.56814  E4.5
## 6545  -1.3764  1.56814  E4.5
## 6546  -1.2982  1.56814  E4.5
## 6547  -1.2199  1.56814  E4.5
## 6548  -1.1417  1.56814  E4.5
## 6549  -1.0635  1.56814  E4.5
## 6550  -0.9852  1.56814  E3.5
## 6551  -0.9070  1.56814  E3.5
## 6552  -0.8288  1.56814  E3.5
## 6553  -0.7505  1.56814  E3.5
## 6554  -0.6723  1.56814  E3.5
## 6555  -0.5941  1.56814  E3.5
## 6556  -0.5158  1.56814 E3.25
## 6557  -0.4376  1.56814 E3.25
## 6558  -0.3594  1.56814 E3.25
## 6559  -0.2811  1.56814 E3.25
## 6560  -0.2029  1.56814 E3.25
## 6561  -0.1247  1.56814 E3.25
## 6562  -0.0464  1.56814 E3.25
## 6563   0.0318  1.56814 E3.25
## 6564   0.1100  1.56814 E3.25
## 6565   0.1883  1.56814 E3.25
## 6566   0.2665  1.56814 E3.25
## 6567   0.3447  1.56814 E3.25
## 6568   0.4230  1.56814 E3.25
## 6569   0.5012  1.56814 E3.25
## 6570   0.5794  1.56814 E3.25
## 6571   0.6577  1.56814 E3.25
## 6572   0.7359  1.56814 E3.25
## 6573   0.8141  1.56814 E3.25
## 6574   0.8923  1.56814 E3.25
## 6575   0.9706  1.56814 E3.25
## 6576   1.0488  1.56814 E3.25
## 6577   1.1270  1.56814 E3.25
## 6578   1.2053  1.56814 E3.25
## 6579   1.2835  1.56814 E3.25
## 6580   1.3617  1.56814 E3.25
## 6581   1.4400  1.56814 E3.25
## 6582   1.5182  1.56814 E3.25
## 6583   1.5964  1.56814 E3.25
## 6584   1.6747  1.56814 E3.25
## 6585   1.7529  1.56814 E3.25
## 6586   1.8311  1.56814 E3.25
## 6587   1.9094  1.56814 E3.25
## 6588   1.9876  1.56814 E3.25
## 6589   2.0658  1.56814 E3.25
## 6590   2.1441  1.56814 E3.25
## 6591   2.2223  1.56814 E3.25
## 6592   2.3005  1.56814 E3.25
## 6593   2.3788  1.56814 E3.25
## 6594   2.4570  1.56814 E3.25
## 6595   2.5352  1.56814 E3.25
## 6596   2.6135  1.56814 E3.25
## 6597   2.6917  1.56814 E3.25
## 6598   2.7699  1.56814 E3.25
## 6599   2.8482  1.56814 E3.25
## 6600   2.9264  1.56814 E3.25
## 6601  -4.8186  1.62389  E4.5
## 6602  -4.7404  1.62389  E4.5
## 6603  -4.6622  1.62389  E4.5
## 6604  -4.5839  1.62389  E4.5
## 6605  -4.5057  1.62389  E4.5
## 6606  -4.4275  1.62389  E4.5
## 6607  -4.3492  1.62389  E4.5
## 6608  -4.2710  1.62389  E4.5
## 6609  -4.1928  1.62389  E4.5
## 6610  -4.1145  1.62389  E4.5
## 6611  -4.0363  1.62389  E4.5
## 6612  -3.9581  1.62389  E4.5
## 6613  -3.8798  1.62389  E4.5
## 6614  -3.8016  1.62389  E4.5
## 6615  -3.7234  1.62389  E4.5
## 6616  -3.6451  1.62389  E4.5
## 6617  -3.5669  1.62389  E4.5
## 6618  -3.4887  1.62389  E4.5
## 6619  -3.4104  1.62389  E4.5
## 6620  -3.3322  1.62389  E4.5
## 6621  -3.2540  1.62389  E4.5
## 6622  -3.1757  1.62389  E4.5
## 6623  -3.0975  1.62389  E4.5
## 6624  -3.0193  1.62389  E4.5
## 6625  -2.9410  1.62389  E4.5
## 6626  -2.8628  1.62389  E4.5
## 6627  -2.7846  1.62389  E4.5
## 6628  -2.7063  1.62389  E4.5
## 6629  -2.6281  1.62389  E4.5
## 6630  -2.5499  1.62389  E4.5
## 6631  -2.4716  1.62389  E4.5
## 6632  -2.3934  1.62389  E4.5
## 6633  -2.3152  1.62389  E4.5
## 6634  -2.2369  1.62389  E4.5
## 6635  -2.1587  1.62389  E4.5
## 6636  -2.0805  1.62389  E4.5
## 6637  -2.0022  1.62389  E4.5
## 6638  -1.9240  1.62389  E4.5
## 6639  -1.8458  1.62389  E4.5
## 6640  -1.7676  1.62389  E4.5
## 6641  -1.6893  1.62389  E4.5
## 6642  -1.6111  1.62389  E4.5
## 6643  -1.5329  1.62389  E4.5
## 6644  -1.4546  1.62389  E4.5
## 6645  -1.3764  1.62389  E4.5
## 6646  -1.2982  1.62389  E4.5
## 6647  -1.2199  1.62389  E4.5
## 6648  -1.1417  1.62389  E4.5
## 6649  -1.0635  1.62389  E4.5
## 6650  -0.9852  1.62389  E4.5
## 6651  -0.9070  1.62389  E4.5
## 6652  -0.8288  1.62389  E3.5
## 6653  -0.7505  1.62389  E3.5
## 6654  -0.6723  1.62389  E3.5
## 6655  -0.5941  1.62389 E3.25
## 6656  -0.5158  1.62389 E3.25
## 6657  -0.4376  1.62389 E3.25
## 6658  -0.3594  1.62389 E3.25
## 6659  -0.2811  1.62389 E3.25
## 6660  -0.2029  1.62389 E3.25
## 6661  -0.1247  1.62389 E3.25
## 6662  -0.0464  1.62389 E3.25
## 6663   0.0318  1.62389 E3.25
## 6664   0.1100  1.62389 E3.25
## 6665   0.1883  1.62389 E3.25
## 6666   0.2665  1.62389 E3.25
## 6667   0.3447  1.62389 E3.25
## 6668   0.4230  1.62389 E3.25
## 6669   0.5012  1.62389 E3.25
## 6670   0.5794  1.62389 E3.25
## 6671   0.6577  1.62389 E3.25
## 6672   0.7359  1.62389 E3.25
## 6673   0.8141  1.62389 E3.25
## 6674   0.8923  1.62389 E3.25
## 6675   0.9706  1.62389 E3.25
## 6676   1.0488  1.62389 E3.25
## 6677   1.1270  1.62389 E3.25
## 6678   1.2053  1.62389 E3.25
## 6679   1.2835  1.62389 E3.25
## 6680   1.3617  1.62389 E3.25
## 6681   1.4400  1.62389 E3.25
## 6682   1.5182  1.62389 E3.25
## 6683   1.5964  1.62389 E3.25
## 6684   1.6747  1.62389 E3.25
## 6685   1.7529  1.62389 E3.25
## 6686   1.8311  1.62389 E3.25
## 6687   1.9094  1.62389 E3.25
## 6688   1.9876  1.62389 E3.25
## 6689   2.0658  1.62389 E3.25
## 6690   2.1441  1.62389 E3.25
## 6691   2.2223  1.62389 E3.25
## 6692   2.3005  1.62389 E3.25
## 6693   2.3788  1.62389 E3.25
## 6694   2.4570  1.62389 E3.25
## 6695   2.5352  1.62389 E3.25
## 6696   2.6135  1.62389 E3.25
## 6697   2.6917  1.62389 E3.25
## 6698   2.7699  1.62389 E3.25
## 6699   2.8482  1.62389 E3.25
## 6700   2.9264  1.62389 E3.25
## 6701  -4.8186  1.67963  E4.5
## 6702  -4.7404  1.67963  E4.5
## 6703  -4.6622  1.67963  E4.5
## 6704  -4.5839  1.67963  E4.5
## 6705  -4.5057  1.67963  E4.5
## 6706  -4.4275  1.67963  E4.5
## 6707  -4.3492  1.67963  E4.5
## 6708  -4.2710  1.67963  E4.5
## 6709  -4.1928  1.67963  E4.5
## 6710  -4.1145  1.67963  E4.5
## 6711  -4.0363  1.67963  E4.5
## 6712  -3.9581  1.67963  E4.5
## 6713  -3.8798  1.67963  E4.5
## 6714  -3.8016  1.67963  E4.5
## 6715  -3.7234  1.67963  E4.5
## 6716  -3.6451  1.67963  E4.5
## 6717  -3.5669  1.67963  E4.5
## 6718  -3.4887  1.67963  E4.5
## 6719  -3.4104  1.67963  E4.5
## 6720  -3.3322  1.67963  E4.5
## 6721  -3.2540  1.67963  E4.5
## 6722  -3.1757  1.67963  E4.5
## 6723  -3.0975  1.67963  E4.5
## 6724  -3.0193  1.67963  E4.5
## 6725  -2.9410  1.67963  E4.5
## 6726  -2.8628  1.67963  E4.5
## 6727  -2.7846  1.67963  E4.5
## 6728  -2.7063  1.67963  E4.5
## 6729  -2.6281  1.67963  E4.5
## 6730  -2.5499  1.67963  E4.5
## 6731  -2.4716  1.67963  E4.5
## 6732  -2.3934  1.67963  E4.5
## 6733  -2.3152  1.67963  E4.5
## 6734  -2.2369  1.67963  E4.5
## 6735  -2.1587  1.67963  E4.5
## 6736  -2.0805  1.67963  E4.5
## 6737  -2.0022  1.67963  E4.5
## 6738  -1.9240  1.67963  E4.5
## 6739  -1.8458  1.67963  E4.5
## 6740  -1.7676  1.67963  E4.5
## 6741  -1.6893  1.67963  E4.5
## 6742  -1.6111  1.67963  E4.5
## 6743  -1.5329  1.67963  E4.5
## 6744  -1.4546  1.67963  E4.5
## 6745  -1.3764  1.67963  E4.5
## 6746  -1.2982  1.67963  E4.5
## 6747  -1.2199  1.67963  E4.5
## 6748  -1.1417  1.67963  E4.5
## 6749  -1.0635  1.67963  E4.5
## 6750  -0.9852  1.67963  E4.5
## 6751  -0.9070  1.67963  E4.5
## 6752  -0.8288  1.67963  E4.5
## 6753  -0.7505  1.67963  E3.5
## 6754  -0.6723  1.67963  E3.5
## 6755  -0.5941  1.67963 E3.25
## 6756  -0.5158  1.67963 E3.25
## 6757  -0.4376  1.67963 E3.25
## 6758  -0.3594  1.67963 E3.25
## 6759  -0.2811  1.67963 E3.25
## 6760  -0.2029  1.67963 E3.25
## 6761  -0.1247  1.67963 E3.25
## 6762  -0.0464  1.67963 E3.25
## 6763   0.0318  1.67963 E3.25
## 6764   0.1100  1.67963 E3.25
## 6765   0.1883  1.67963 E3.25
## 6766   0.2665  1.67963 E3.25
## 6767   0.3447  1.67963 E3.25
## 6768   0.4230  1.67963 E3.25
## 6769   0.5012  1.67963 E3.25
## 6770   0.5794  1.67963 E3.25
## 6771   0.6577  1.67963 E3.25
## 6772   0.7359  1.67963 E3.25
## 6773   0.8141  1.67963 E3.25
## 6774   0.8923  1.67963 E3.25
## 6775   0.9706  1.67963 E3.25
## 6776   1.0488  1.67963 E3.25
## 6777   1.1270  1.67963 E3.25
## 6778   1.2053  1.67963 E3.25
## 6779   1.2835  1.67963 E3.25
## 6780   1.3617  1.67963 E3.25
## 6781   1.4400  1.67963 E3.25
## 6782   1.5182  1.67963 E3.25
## 6783   1.5964  1.67963 E3.25
## 6784   1.6747  1.67963 E3.25
## 6785   1.7529  1.67963 E3.25
## 6786   1.8311  1.67963 E3.25
## 6787   1.9094  1.67963 E3.25
## 6788   1.9876  1.67963 E3.25
## 6789   2.0658  1.67963 E3.25
## 6790   2.1441  1.67963 E3.25
## 6791   2.2223  1.67963 E3.25
## 6792   2.3005  1.67963 E3.25
## 6793   2.3788  1.67963 E3.25
## 6794   2.4570  1.67963 E3.25
## 6795   2.5352  1.67963 E3.25
## 6796   2.6135  1.67963 E3.25
## 6797   2.6917  1.67963 E3.25
## 6798   2.7699  1.67963 E3.25
## 6799   2.8482  1.67963 E3.25
## 6800   2.9264  1.67963 E3.25
## 6801  -4.8186  1.73538  E4.5
## 6802  -4.7404  1.73538  E4.5
## 6803  -4.6622  1.73538  E4.5
## 6804  -4.5839  1.73538  E4.5
## 6805  -4.5057  1.73538  E4.5
## 6806  -4.4275  1.73538  E4.5
## 6807  -4.3492  1.73538  E4.5
## 6808  -4.2710  1.73538  E4.5
## 6809  -4.1928  1.73538  E4.5
## 6810  -4.1145  1.73538  E4.5
## 6811  -4.0363  1.73538  E4.5
## 6812  -3.9581  1.73538  E4.5
## 6813  -3.8798  1.73538  E4.5
## 6814  -3.8016  1.73538  E4.5
## 6815  -3.7234  1.73538  E4.5
## 6816  -3.6451  1.73538  E4.5
## 6817  -3.5669  1.73538  E4.5
## 6818  -3.4887  1.73538  E4.5
## 6819  -3.4104  1.73538  E4.5
## 6820  -3.3322  1.73538  E4.5
## 6821  -3.2540  1.73538  E4.5
## 6822  -3.1757  1.73538  E4.5
## 6823  -3.0975  1.73538  E4.5
## 6824  -3.0193  1.73538  E4.5
## 6825  -2.9410  1.73538  E4.5
## 6826  -2.8628  1.73538  E4.5
## 6827  -2.7846  1.73538  E4.5
## 6828  -2.7063  1.73538  E4.5
## 6829  -2.6281  1.73538  E4.5
## 6830  -2.5499  1.73538  E4.5
## 6831  -2.4716  1.73538  E4.5
## 6832  -2.3934  1.73538  E4.5
## 6833  -2.3152  1.73538  E4.5
## 6834  -2.2369  1.73538  E4.5
## 6835  -2.1587  1.73538  E4.5
## 6836  -2.0805  1.73538  E4.5
## 6837  -2.0022  1.73538  E4.5
## 6838  -1.9240  1.73538  E4.5
## 6839  -1.8458  1.73538  E4.5
## 6840  -1.7676  1.73538  E4.5
## 6841  -1.6893  1.73538  E4.5
## 6842  -1.6111  1.73538  E4.5
## 6843  -1.5329  1.73538  E4.5
## 6844  -1.4546  1.73538  E4.5
## 6845  -1.3764  1.73538  E4.5
## 6846  -1.2982  1.73538  E4.5
## 6847  -1.2199  1.73538  E4.5
## 6848  -1.1417  1.73538  E4.5
## 6849  -1.0635  1.73538  E4.5
## 6850  -0.9852  1.73538  E4.5
## 6851  -0.9070  1.73538  E4.5
## 6852  -0.8288  1.73538  E4.5
## 6853  -0.7505  1.73538  E4.5
## 6854  -0.6723  1.73538  E3.5
## 6855  -0.5941  1.73538 E3.25
## 6856  -0.5158  1.73538 E3.25
## 6857  -0.4376  1.73538 E3.25
## 6858  -0.3594  1.73538 E3.25
## 6859  -0.2811  1.73538 E3.25
## 6860  -0.2029  1.73538 E3.25
## 6861  -0.1247  1.73538 E3.25
## 6862  -0.0464  1.73538 E3.25
## 6863   0.0318  1.73538 E3.25
## 6864   0.1100  1.73538 E3.25
## 6865   0.1883  1.73538 E3.25
## 6866   0.2665  1.73538 E3.25
## 6867   0.3447  1.73538 E3.25
## 6868   0.4230  1.73538 E3.25
## 6869   0.5012  1.73538 E3.25
## 6870   0.5794  1.73538 E3.25
## 6871   0.6577  1.73538 E3.25
## 6872   0.7359  1.73538 E3.25
## 6873   0.8141  1.73538 E3.25
## 6874   0.8923  1.73538 E3.25
## 6875   0.9706  1.73538 E3.25
## 6876   1.0488  1.73538 E3.25
## 6877   1.1270  1.73538 E3.25
## 6878   1.2053  1.73538 E3.25
## 6879   1.2835  1.73538 E3.25
## 6880   1.3617  1.73538 E3.25
## 6881   1.4400  1.73538 E3.25
## 6882   1.5182  1.73538 E3.25
## 6883   1.5964  1.73538 E3.25
## 6884   1.6747  1.73538 E3.25
## 6885   1.7529  1.73538 E3.25
## 6886   1.8311  1.73538 E3.25
## 6887   1.9094  1.73538 E3.25
## 6888   1.9876  1.73538 E3.25
## 6889   2.0658  1.73538 E3.25
## 6890   2.1441  1.73538 E3.25
## 6891   2.2223  1.73538 E3.25
## 6892   2.3005  1.73538 E3.25
## 6893   2.3788  1.73538 E3.25
## 6894   2.4570  1.73538 E3.25
## 6895   2.5352  1.73538 E3.25
## 6896   2.6135  1.73538 E3.25
## 6897   2.6917  1.73538 E3.25
## 6898   2.7699  1.73538 E3.25
## 6899   2.8482  1.73538 E3.25
## 6900   2.9264  1.73538 E3.25
## 6901  -4.8186  1.79112  E4.5
## 6902  -4.7404  1.79112  E4.5
## 6903  -4.6622  1.79112  E4.5
## 6904  -4.5839  1.79112  E4.5
## 6905  -4.5057  1.79112  E4.5
## 6906  -4.4275  1.79112  E4.5
## 6907  -4.3492  1.79112  E4.5
## 6908  -4.2710  1.79112  E4.5
## 6909  -4.1928  1.79112  E4.5
## 6910  -4.1145  1.79112  E4.5
## 6911  -4.0363  1.79112  E4.5
## 6912  -3.9581  1.79112  E4.5
## 6913  -3.8798  1.79112  E4.5
## 6914  -3.8016  1.79112  E4.5
## 6915  -3.7234  1.79112  E4.5
## 6916  -3.6451  1.79112  E4.5
## 6917  -3.5669  1.79112  E4.5
## 6918  -3.4887  1.79112  E4.5
## 6919  -3.4104  1.79112  E4.5
## 6920  -3.3322  1.79112  E4.5
## 6921  -3.2540  1.79112  E4.5
## 6922  -3.1757  1.79112  E4.5
## 6923  -3.0975  1.79112  E4.5
## 6924  -3.0193  1.79112  E4.5
## 6925  -2.9410  1.79112  E4.5
## 6926  -2.8628  1.79112  E4.5
## 6927  -2.7846  1.79112  E4.5
## 6928  -2.7063  1.79112  E4.5
## 6929  -2.6281  1.79112  E4.5
## 6930  -2.5499  1.79112  E4.5
## 6931  -2.4716  1.79112  E4.5
## 6932  -2.3934  1.79112  E4.5
## 6933  -2.3152  1.79112  E4.5
## 6934  -2.2369  1.79112  E4.5
## 6935  -2.1587  1.79112  E4.5
## 6936  -2.0805  1.79112  E4.5
## 6937  -2.0022  1.79112  E4.5
## 6938  -1.9240  1.79112  E4.5
## 6939  -1.8458  1.79112  E4.5
## 6940  -1.7676  1.79112  E4.5
## 6941  -1.6893  1.79112  E4.5
## 6942  -1.6111  1.79112  E4.5
## 6943  -1.5329  1.79112  E4.5
## 6944  -1.4546  1.79112  E4.5
## 6945  -1.3764  1.79112  E4.5
## 6946  -1.2982  1.79112  E4.5
## 6947  -1.2199  1.79112  E4.5
## 6948  -1.1417  1.79112  E4.5
## 6949  -1.0635  1.79112  E4.5
## 6950  -0.9852  1.79112  E4.5
## 6951  -0.9070  1.79112  E4.5
## 6952  -0.8288  1.79112  E4.5
## 6953  -0.7505  1.79112  E4.5
## 6954  -0.6723  1.79112  E4.5
## 6955  -0.5941  1.79112 E3.25
## 6956  -0.5158  1.79112 E3.25
## 6957  -0.4376  1.79112 E3.25
## 6958  -0.3594  1.79112 E3.25
## 6959  -0.2811  1.79112 E3.25
## 6960  -0.2029  1.79112 E3.25
## 6961  -0.1247  1.79112 E3.25
## 6962  -0.0464  1.79112 E3.25
## 6963   0.0318  1.79112 E3.25
## 6964   0.1100  1.79112 E3.25
## 6965   0.1883  1.79112 E3.25
## 6966   0.2665  1.79112 E3.25
## 6967   0.3447  1.79112 E3.25
## 6968   0.4230  1.79112 E3.25
## 6969   0.5012  1.79112 E3.25
## 6970   0.5794  1.79112 E3.25
## 6971   0.6577  1.79112 E3.25
## 6972   0.7359  1.79112 E3.25
## 6973   0.8141  1.79112 E3.25
## 6974   0.8923  1.79112 E3.25
## 6975   0.9706  1.79112 E3.25
## 6976   1.0488  1.79112 E3.25
## 6977   1.1270  1.79112 E3.25
## 6978   1.2053  1.79112 E3.25
## 6979   1.2835  1.79112 E3.25
## 6980   1.3617  1.79112 E3.25
## 6981   1.4400  1.79112 E3.25
## 6982   1.5182  1.79112 E3.25
## 6983   1.5964  1.79112 E3.25
## 6984   1.6747  1.79112 E3.25
## 6985   1.7529  1.79112 E3.25
## 6986   1.8311  1.79112 E3.25
## 6987   1.9094  1.79112 E3.25
## 6988   1.9876  1.79112 E3.25
## 6989   2.0658  1.79112 E3.25
## 6990   2.1441  1.79112 E3.25
## 6991   2.2223  1.79112 E3.25
## 6992   2.3005  1.79112 E3.25
## 6993   2.3788  1.79112 E3.25
## 6994   2.4570  1.79112 E3.25
## 6995   2.5352  1.79112 E3.25
## 6996   2.6135  1.79112 E3.25
## 6997   2.6917  1.79112 E3.25
## 6998   2.7699  1.79112 E3.25
## 6999   2.8482  1.79112 E3.25
## 7000   2.9264  1.79112 E3.25
## 7001  -4.8186  1.84687  E4.5
## 7002  -4.7404  1.84687  E4.5
## 7003  -4.6622  1.84687  E4.5
## 7004  -4.5839  1.84687  E4.5
## 7005  -4.5057  1.84687  E4.5
## 7006  -4.4275  1.84687  E4.5
## 7007  -4.3492  1.84687  E4.5
## 7008  -4.2710  1.84687  E4.5
## 7009  -4.1928  1.84687  E4.5
## 7010  -4.1145  1.84687  E4.5
## 7011  -4.0363  1.84687  E4.5
## 7012  -3.9581  1.84687  E4.5
## 7013  -3.8798  1.84687  E4.5
## 7014  -3.8016  1.84687  E4.5
## 7015  -3.7234  1.84687  E4.5
## 7016  -3.6451  1.84687  E4.5
## 7017  -3.5669  1.84687  E4.5
## 7018  -3.4887  1.84687  E4.5
## 7019  -3.4104  1.84687  E4.5
## 7020  -3.3322  1.84687  E4.5
## 7021  -3.2540  1.84687  E4.5
## 7022  -3.1757  1.84687  E4.5
## 7023  -3.0975  1.84687  E4.5
## 7024  -3.0193  1.84687  E4.5
## 7025  -2.9410  1.84687  E4.5
## 7026  -2.8628  1.84687  E4.5
## 7027  -2.7846  1.84687  E4.5
## 7028  -2.7063  1.84687  E4.5
## 7029  -2.6281  1.84687  E4.5
## 7030  -2.5499  1.84687  E4.5
## 7031  -2.4716  1.84687  E4.5
## 7032  -2.3934  1.84687  E4.5
## 7033  -2.3152  1.84687  E4.5
## 7034  -2.2369  1.84687  E4.5
## 7035  -2.1587  1.84687  E4.5
## 7036  -2.0805  1.84687  E4.5
## 7037  -2.0022  1.84687  E4.5
## 7038  -1.9240  1.84687  E4.5
## 7039  -1.8458  1.84687  E4.5
## 7040  -1.7676  1.84687  E4.5
## 7041  -1.6893  1.84687  E4.5
## 7042  -1.6111  1.84687  E4.5
## 7043  -1.5329  1.84687  E4.5
## 7044  -1.4546  1.84687  E4.5
## 7045  -1.3764  1.84687  E4.5
## 7046  -1.2982  1.84687  E4.5
## 7047  -1.2199  1.84687  E4.5
## 7048  -1.1417  1.84687  E4.5
## 7049  -1.0635  1.84687  E4.5
## 7050  -0.9852  1.84687  E4.5
## 7051  -0.9070  1.84687  E4.5
## 7052  -0.8288  1.84687  E4.5
## 7053  -0.7505  1.84687  E4.5
## 7054  -0.6723  1.84687  E4.5
## 7055  -0.5941  1.84687  E4.5
## 7056  -0.5158  1.84687 E3.25
## 7057  -0.4376  1.84687 E3.25
## 7058  -0.3594  1.84687 E3.25
## 7059  -0.2811  1.84687 E3.25
## 7060  -0.2029  1.84687 E3.25
## 7061  -0.1247  1.84687 E3.25
## 7062  -0.0464  1.84687 E3.25
## 7063   0.0318  1.84687 E3.25
## 7064   0.1100  1.84687 E3.25
## 7065   0.1883  1.84687 E3.25
## 7066   0.2665  1.84687 E3.25
## 7067   0.3447  1.84687 E3.25
## 7068   0.4230  1.84687 E3.25
## 7069   0.5012  1.84687 E3.25
## 7070   0.5794  1.84687 E3.25
## 7071   0.6577  1.84687 E3.25
## 7072   0.7359  1.84687 E3.25
## 7073   0.8141  1.84687 E3.25
## 7074   0.8923  1.84687 E3.25
## 7075   0.9706  1.84687 E3.25
## 7076   1.0488  1.84687 E3.25
## 7077   1.1270  1.84687 E3.25
## 7078   1.2053  1.84687 E3.25
## 7079   1.2835  1.84687 E3.25
## 7080   1.3617  1.84687 E3.25
## 7081   1.4400  1.84687 E3.25
## 7082   1.5182  1.84687 E3.25
## 7083   1.5964  1.84687 E3.25
## 7084   1.6747  1.84687 E3.25
## 7085   1.7529  1.84687 E3.25
## 7086   1.8311  1.84687 E3.25
## 7087   1.9094  1.84687 E3.25
## 7088   1.9876  1.84687 E3.25
## 7089   2.0658  1.84687 E3.25
## 7090   2.1441  1.84687 E3.25
## 7091   2.2223  1.84687 E3.25
## 7092   2.3005  1.84687 E3.25
## 7093   2.3788  1.84687 E3.25
## 7094   2.4570  1.84687 E3.25
## 7095   2.5352  1.84687 E3.25
## 7096   2.6135  1.84687 E3.25
## 7097   2.6917  1.84687 E3.25
## 7098   2.7699  1.84687 E3.25
## 7099   2.8482  1.84687 E3.25
## 7100   2.9264  1.84687 E3.25
## 7101  -4.8186  1.90261  E4.5
## 7102  -4.7404  1.90261  E4.5
## 7103  -4.6622  1.90261  E4.5
## 7104  -4.5839  1.90261  E4.5
## 7105  -4.5057  1.90261  E4.5
## 7106  -4.4275  1.90261  E4.5
## 7107  -4.3492  1.90261  E4.5
## 7108  -4.2710  1.90261  E4.5
## 7109  -4.1928  1.90261  E4.5
## 7110  -4.1145  1.90261  E4.5
## 7111  -4.0363  1.90261  E4.5
## 7112  -3.9581  1.90261  E4.5
## 7113  -3.8798  1.90261  E4.5
## 7114  -3.8016  1.90261  E4.5
## 7115  -3.7234  1.90261  E4.5
## 7116  -3.6451  1.90261  E4.5
## 7117  -3.5669  1.90261  E4.5
## 7118  -3.4887  1.90261  E4.5
## 7119  -3.4104  1.90261  E4.5
## 7120  -3.3322  1.90261  E4.5
## 7121  -3.2540  1.90261  E4.5
## 7122  -3.1757  1.90261  E4.5
## 7123  -3.0975  1.90261  E4.5
## 7124  -3.0193  1.90261  E4.5
## 7125  -2.9410  1.90261  E4.5
## 7126  -2.8628  1.90261  E4.5
## 7127  -2.7846  1.90261  E4.5
## 7128  -2.7063  1.90261  E4.5
## 7129  -2.6281  1.90261  E4.5
## 7130  -2.5499  1.90261  E4.5
## 7131  -2.4716  1.90261  E4.5
## 7132  -2.3934  1.90261  E4.5
## 7133  -2.3152  1.90261  E4.5
## 7134  -2.2369  1.90261  E4.5
## 7135  -2.1587  1.90261  E4.5
## 7136  -2.0805  1.90261  E4.5
## 7137  -2.0022  1.90261  E4.5
## 7138  -1.9240  1.90261  E4.5
## 7139  -1.8458  1.90261  E4.5
## 7140  -1.7676  1.90261  E4.5
## 7141  -1.6893  1.90261  E4.5
## 7142  -1.6111  1.90261  E4.5
## 7143  -1.5329  1.90261  E4.5
## 7144  -1.4546  1.90261  E4.5
## 7145  -1.3764  1.90261  E4.5
## 7146  -1.2982  1.90261  E4.5
## 7147  -1.2199  1.90261  E4.5
## 7148  -1.1417  1.90261  E4.5
## 7149  -1.0635  1.90261  E4.5
## 7150  -0.9852  1.90261  E4.5
## 7151  -0.9070  1.90261  E4.5
## 7152  -0.8288  1.90261  E4.5
## 7153  -0.7505  1.90261  E4.5
## 7154  -0.6723  1.90261  E4.5
## 7155  -0.5941  1.90261  E4.5
## 7156  -0.5158  1.90261  E4.5
## 7157  -0.4376  1.90261 E3.25
## 7158  -0.3594  1.90261 E3.25
## 7159  -0.2811  1.90261 E3.25
## 7160  -0.2029  1.90261 E3.25
## 7161  -0.1247  1.90261 E3.25
## 7162  -0.0464  1.90261 E3.25
## 7163   0.0318  1.90261 E3.25
## 7164   0.1100  1.90261 E3.25
## 7165   0.1883  1.90261 E3.25
## 7166   0.2665  1.90261 E3.25
## 7167   0.3447  1.90261 E3.25
## 7168   0.4230  1.90261 E3.25
## 7169   0.5012  1.90261 E3.25
## 7170   0.5794  1.90261 E3.25
## 7171   0.6577  1.90261 E3.25
## 7172   0.7359  1.90261 E3.25
## 7173   0.8141  1.90261 E3.25
## 7174   0.8923  1.90261 E3.25
## 7175   0.9706  1.90261 E3.25
## 7176   1.0488  1.90261 E3.25
## 7177   1.1270  1.90261 E3.25
## 7178   1.2053  1.90261 E3.25
## 7179   1.2835  1.90261 E3.25
## 7180   1.3617  1.90261 E3.25
## 7181   1.4400  1.90261 E3.25
## 7182   1.5182  1.90261 E3.25
## 7183   1.5964  1.90261 E3.25
## 7184   1.6747  1.90261 E3.25
## 7185   1.7529  1.90261 E3.25
## 7186   1.8311  1.90261 E3.25
## 7187   1.9094  1.90261 E3.25
## 7188   1.9876  1.90261 E3.25
## 7189   2.0658  1.90261 E3.25
## 7190   2.1441  1.90261 E3.25
## 7191   2.2223  1.90261 E3.25
## 7192   2.3005  1.90261 E3.25
## 7193   2.3788  1.90261 E3.25
## 7194   2.4570  1.90261 E3.25
## 7195   2.5352  1.90261 E3.25
## 7196   2.6135  1.90261 E3.25
## 7197   2.6917  1.90261 E3.25
## 7198   2.7699  1.90261 E3.25
## 7199   2.8482  1.90261 E3.25
## 7200   2.9264  1.90261 E3.25
## 7201  -4.8186  1.95836  E4.5
## 7202  -4.7404  1.95836  E4.5
## 7203  -4.6622  1.95836  E4.5
## 7204  -4.5839  1.95836  E4.5
## 7205  -4.5057  1.95836  E4.5
## 7206  -4.4275  1.95836  E4.5
## 7207  -4.3492  1.95836  E4.5
## 7208  -4.2710  1.95836  E4.5
## 7209  -4.1928  1.95836  E4.5
## 7210  -4.1145  1.95836  E4.5
## 7211  -4.0363  1.95836  E4.5
## 7212  -3.9581  1.95836  E4.5
## 7213  -3.8798  1.95836  E4.5
## 7214  -3.8016  1.95836  E4.5
## 7215  -3.7234  1.95836  E4.5
## 7216  -3.6451  1.95836  E4.5
## 7217  -3.5669  1.95836  E4.5
## 7218  -3.4887  1.95836  E4.5
## 7219  -3.4104  1.95836  E4.5
## 7220  -3.3322  1.95836  E4.5
## 7221  -3.2540  1.95836  E4.5
## 7222  -3.1757  1.95836  E4.5
## 7223  -3.0975  1.95836  E4.5
## 7224  -3.0193  1.95836  E4.5
## 7225  -2.9410  1.95836  E4.5
## 7226  -2.8628  1.95836  E4.5
## 7227  -2.7846  1.95836  E4.5
## 7228  -2.7063  1.95836  E4.5
## 7229  -2.6281  1.95836  E4.5
## 7230  -2.5499  1.95836  E4.5
## 7231  -2.4716  1.95836  E4.5
## 7232  -2.3934  1.95836  E4.5
## 7233  -2.3152  1.95836  E4.5
## 7234  -2.2369  1.95836  E4.5
## 7235  -2.1587  1.95836  E4.5
## 7236  -2.0805  1.95836  E4.5
## 7237  -2.0022  1.95836  E4.5
## 7238  -1.9240  1.95836  E4.5
## 7239  -1.8458  1.95836  E4.5
## 7240  -1.7676  1.95836  E4.5
## 7241  -1.6893  1.95836  E4.5
## 7242  -1.6111  1.95836  E4.5
## 7243  -1.5329  1.95836  E4.5
## 7244  -1.4546  1.95836  E4.5
## 7245  -1.3764  1.95836  E4.5
## 7246  -1.2982  1.95836  E4.5
## 7247  -1.2199  1.95836  E4.5
## 7248  -1.1417  1.95836  E4.5
## 7249  -1.0635  1.95836  E4.5
## 7250  -0.9852  1.95836  E4.5
## 7251  -0.9070  1.95836  E4.5
## 7252  -0.8288  1.95836  E4.5
## 7253  -0.7505  1.95836  E4.5
## 7254  -0.6723  1.95836  E4.5
## 7255  -0.5941  1.95836  E4.5
## 7256  -0.5158  1.95836  E4.5
## 7257  -0.4376  1.95836  E4.5
## 7258  -0.3594  1.95836 E3.25
## 7259  -0.2811  1.95836 E3.25
## 7260  -0.2029  1.95836 E3.25
## 7261  -0.1247  1.95836 E3.25
## 7262  -0.0464  1.95836 E3.25
## 7263   0.0318  1.95836 E3.25
## 7264   0.1100  1.95836 E3.25
## 7265   0.1883  1.95836 E3.25
## 7266   0.2665  1.95836 E3.25
## 7267   0.3447  1.95836 E3.25
## 7268   0.4230  1.95836 E3.25
## 7269   0.5012  1.95836 E3.25
## 7270   0.5794  1.95836 E3.25
## 7271   0.6577  1.95836 E3.25
## 7272   0.7359  1.95836 E3.25
## 7273   0.8141  1.95836 E3.25
## 7274   0.8923  1.95836 E3.25
## 7275   0.9706  1.95836 E3.25
## 7276   1.0488  1.95836 E3.25
## 7277   1.1270  1.95836 E3.25
## 7278   1.2053  1.95836 E3.25
## 7279   1.2835  1.95836 E3.25
## 7280   1.3617  1.95836 E3.25
## 7281   1.4400  1.95836 E3.25
## 7282   1.5182  1.95836 E3.25
## 7283   1.5964  1.95836 E3.25
## 7284   1.6747  1.95836 E3.25
## 7285   1.7529  1.95836 E3.25
## 7286   1.8311  1.95836 E3.25
## 7287   1.9094  1.95836 E3.25
## 7288   1.9876  1.95836 E3.25
## 7289   2.0658  1.95836 E3.25
## 7290   2.1441  1.95836 E3.25
## 7291   2.2223  1.95836 E3.25
## 7292   2.3005  1.95836 E3.25
## 7293   2.3788  1.95836 E3.25
## 7294   2.4570  1.95836 E3.25
## 7295   2.5352  1.95836 E3.25
## 7296   2.6135  1.95836 E3.25
## 7297   2.6917  1.95836 E3.25
## 7298   2.7699  1.95836 E3.25
## 7299   2.8482  1.95836 E3.25
## 7300   2.9264  1.95836 E3.25
## 7301  -4.8186  2.01410  E4.5
## 7302  -4.7404  2.01410  E4.5
## 7303  -4.6622  2.01410  E4.5
## 7304  -4.5839  2.01410  E4.5
## 7305  -4.5057  2.01410  E4.5
## 7306  -4.4275  2.01410  E4.5
## 7307  -4.3492  2.01410  E4.5
## 7308  -4.2710  2.01410  E4.5
## 7309  -4.1928  2.01410  E4.5
## 7310  -4.1145  2.01410  E4.5
## 7311  -4.0363  2.01410  E4.5
## 7312  -3.9581  2.01410  E4.5
## 7313  -3.8798  2.01410  E4.5
## 7314  -3.8016  2.01410  E4.5
## 7315  -3.7234  2.01410  E4.5
## 7316  -3.6451  2.01410  E4.5
## 7317  -3.5669  2.01410  E4.5
## 7318  -3.4887  2.01410  E4.5
## 7319  -3.4104  2.01410  E4.5
## 7320  -3.3322  2.01410  E4.5
## 7321  -3.2540  2.01410  E4.5
## 7322  -3.1757  2.01410  E4.5
## 7323  -3.0975  2.01410  E4.5
## 7324  -3.0193  2.01410  E4.5
## 7325  -2.9410  2.01410  E4.5
## 7326  -2.8628  2.01410  E4.5
## 7327  -2.7846  2.01410  E4.5
## 7328  -2.7063  2.01410  E4.5
## 7329  -2.6281  2.01410  E4.5
## 7330  -2.5499  2.01410  E4.5
## 7331  -2.4716  2.01410  E4.5
## 7332  -2.3934  2.01410  E4.5
## 7333  -2.3152  2.01410  E4.5
## 7334  -2.2369  2.01410  E4.5
## 7335  -2.1587  2.01410  E4.5
## 7336  -2.0805  2.01410  E4.5
## 7337  -2.0022  2.01410  E4.5
## 7338  -1.9240  2.01410  E4.5
## 7339  -1.8458  2.01410  E4.5
## 7340  -1.7676  2.01410  E4.5
## 7341  -1.6893  2.01410  E4.5
## 7342  -1.6111  2.01410  E4.5
## 7343  -1.5329  2.01410  E4.5
## 7344  -1.4546  2.01410  E4.5
## 7345  -1.3764  2.01410  E4.5
## 7346  -1.2982  2.01410  E4.5
## 7347  -1.2199  2.01410  E4.5
## 7348  -1.1417  2.01410  E4.5
## 7349  -1.0635  2.01410  E4.5
## 7350  -0.9852  2.01410  E4.5
## 7351  -0.9070  2.01410  E4.5
## 7352  -0.8288  2.01410  E4.5
## 7353  -0.7505  2.01410  E4.5
## 7354  -0.6723  2.01410  E4.5
## 7355  -0.5941  2.01410  E4.5
## 7356  -0.5158  2.01410  E4.5
## 7357  -0.4376  2.01410  E4.5
## 7358  -0.3594  2.01410 E3.25
## 7359  -0.2811  2.01410 E3.25
## 7360  -0.2029  2.01410 E3.25
## 7361  -0.1247  2.01410 E3.25
## 7362  -0.0464  2.01410 E3.25
## 7363   0.0318  2.01410 E3.25
## 7364   0.1100  2.01410 E3.25
## 7365   0.1883  2.01410 E3.25
## 7366   0.2665  2.01410 E3.25
## 7367   0.3447  2.01410 E3.25
## 7368   0.4230  2.01410 E3.25
## 7369   0.5012  2.01410 E3.25
## 7370   0.5794  2.01410 E3.25
## 7371   0.6577  2.01410 E3.25
## 7372   0.7359  2.01410 E3.25
## 7373   0.8141  2.01410 E3.25
## 7374   0.8923  2.01410 E3.25
## 7375   0.9706  2.01410 E3.25
## 7376   1.0488  2.01410 E3.25
## 7377   1.1270  2.01410 E3.25
## 7378   1.2053  2.01410 E3.25
## 7379   1.2835  2.01410 E3.25
## 7380   1.3617  2.01410 E3.25
## 7381   1.4400  2.01410 E3.25
## 7382   1.5182  2.01410 E3.25
## 7383   1.5964  2.01410 E3.25
## 7384   1.6747  2.01410 E3.25
## 7385   1.7529  2.01410 E3.25
## 7386   1.8311  2.01410 E3.25
## 7387   1.9094  2.01410 E3.25
## 7388   1.9876  2.01410 E3.25
## 7389   2.0658  2.01410 E3.25
## 7390   2.1441  2.01410 E3.25
## 7391   2.2223  2.01410 E3.25
## 7392   2.3005  2.01410 E3.25
## 7393   2.3788  2.01410 E3.25
## 7394   2.4570  2.01410 E3.25
## 7395   2.5352  2.01410 E3.25
## 7396   2.6135  2.01410 E3.25
## 7397   2.6917  2.01410 E3.25
## 7398   2.7699  2.01410 E3.25
## 7399   2.8482  2.01410 E3.25
## 7400   2.9264  2.01410 E3.25
## 7401  -4.8186  2.06985  E4.5
## 7402  -4.7404  2.06985  E4.5
## 7403  -4.6622  2.06985  E4.5
## 7404  -4.5839  2.06985  E4.5
## 7405  -4.5057  2.06985  E4.5
## 7406  -4.4275  2.06985  E4.5
## 7407  -4.3492  2.06985  E4.5
## 7408  -4.2710  2.06985  E4.5
## 7409  -4.1928  2.06985  E4.5
## 7410  -4.1145  2.06985  E4.5
## 7411  -4.0363  2.06985  E4.5
## 7412  -3.9581  2.06985  E4.5
## 7413  -3.8798  2.06985  E4.5
## 7414  -3.8016  2.06985  E4.5
## 7415  -3.7234  2.06985  E4.5
## 7416  -3.6451  2.06985  E4.5
## 7417  -3.5669  2.06985  E4.5
## 7418  -3.4887  2.06985  E4.5
## 7419  -3.4104  2.06985  E4.5
## 7420  -3.3322  2.06985  E4.5
## 7421  -3.2540  2.06985  E4.5
## 7422  -3.1757  2.06985  E4.5
## 7423  -3.0975  2.06985  E4.5
## 7424  -3.0193  2.06985  E4.5
## 7425  -2.9410  2.06985  E4.5
## 7426  -2.8628  2.06985  E4.5
## 7427  -2.7846  2.06985  E4.5
## 7428  -2.7063  2.06985  E4.5
## 7429  -2.6281  2.06985  E4.5
## 7430  -2.5499  2.06985  E4.5
## 7431  -2.4716  2.06985  E4.5
## 7432  -2.3934  2.06985  E4.5
## 7433  -2.3152  2.06985  E4.5
## 7434  -2.2369  2.06985  E4.5
## 7435  -2.1587  2.06985  E4.5
## 7436  -2.0805  2.06985  E4.5
## 7437  -2.0022  2.06985  E4.5
## 7438  -1.9240  2.06985  E4.5
## 7439  -1.8458  2.06985  E4.5
## 7440  -1.7676  2.06985  E4.5
## 7441  -1.6893  2.06985  E4.5
## 7442  -1.6111  2.06985  E4.5
## 7443  -1.5329  2.06985  E4.5
## 7444  -1.4546  2.06985  E4.5
## 7445  -1.3764  2.06985  E4.5
## 7446  -1.2982  2.06985  E4.5
## 7447  -1.2199  2.06985  E4.5
## 7448  -1.1417  2.06985  E4.5
## 7449  -1.0635  2.06985  E4.5
## 7450  -0.9852  2.06985  E4.5
## 7451  -0.9070  2.06985  E4.5
## 7452  -0.8288  2.06985  E4.5
## 7453  -0.7505  2.06985  E4.5
## 7454  -0.6723  2.06985  E4.5
## 7455  -0.5941  2.06985  E4.5
## 7456  -0.5158  2.06985  E4.5
## 7457  -0.4376  2.06985  E4.5
## 7458  -0.3594  2.06985  E4.5
## 7459  -0.2811  2.06985 E3.25
## 7460  -0.2029  2.06985 E3.25
## 7461  -0.1247  2.06985 E3.25
## 7462  -0.0464  2.06985 E3.25
## 7463   0.0318  2.06985 E3.25
## 7464   0.1100  2.06985 E3.25
## 7465   0.1883  2.06985 E3.25
## 7466   0.2665  2.06985 E3.25
## 7467   0.3447  2.06985 E3.25
## 7468   0.4230  2.06985 E3.25
## 7469   0.5012  2.06985 E3.25
## 7470   0.5794  2.06985 E3.25
## 7471   0.6577  2.06985 E3.25
## 7472   0.7359  2.06985 E3.25
## 7473   0.8141  2.06985 E3.25
## 7474   0.8923  2.06985 E3.25
## 7475   0.9706  2.06985 E3.25
## 7476   1.0488  2.06985 E3.25
## 7477   1.1270  2.06985 E3.25
## 7478   1.2053  2.06985 E3.25
## 7479   1.2835  2.06985 E3.25
## 7480   1.3617  2.06985 E3.25
## 7481   1.4400  2.06985 E3.25
## 7482   1.5182  2.06985 E3.25
## 7483   1.5964  2.06985 E3.25
## 7484   1.6747  2.06985 E3.25
## 7485   1.7529  2.06985 E3.25
## 7486   1.8311  2.06985 E3.25
## 7487   1.9094  2.06985 E3.25
## 7488   1.9876  2.06985 E3.25
## 7489   2.0658  2.06985 E3.25
## 7490   2.1441  2.06985 E3.25
## 7491   2.2223  2.06985 E3.25
## 7492   2.3005  2.06985 E3.25
## 7493   2.3788  2.06985 E3.25
## 7494   2.4570  2.06985 E3.25
## 7495   2.5352  2.06985 E3.25
## 7496   2.6135  2.06985 E3.25
## 7497   2.6917  2.06985 E3.25
## 7498   2.7699  2.06985 E3.25
## 7499   2.8482  2.06985 E3.25
## 7500   2.9264  2.06985 E3.25
## 7501  -4.8186  2.12559  E4.5
## 7502  -4.7404  2.12559  E4.5
## 7503  -4.6622  2.12559  E4.5
## 7504  -4.5839  2.12559  E4.5
## 7505  -4.5057  2.12559  E4.5
## 7506  -4.4275  2.12559  E4.5
## 7507  -4.3492  2.12559  E4.5
## 7508  -4.2710  2.12559  E4.5
## 7509  -4.1928  2.12559  E4.5
## 7510  -4.1145  2.12559  E4.5
## 7511  -4.0363  2.12559  E4.5
## 7512  -3.9581  2.12559  E4.5
## 7513  -3.8798  2.12559  E4.5
## 7514  -3.8016  2.12559  E4.5
## 7515  -3.7234  2.12559  E4.5
## 7516  -3.6451  2.12559  E4.5
## 7517  -3.5669  2.12559  E4.5
## 7518  -3.4887  2.12559  E4.5
## 7519  -3.4104  2.12559  E4.5
## 7520  -3.3322  2.12559  E4.5
## 7521  -3.2540  2.12559  E4.5
## 7522  -3.1757  2.12559  E4.5
## 7523  -3.0975  2.12559  E4.5
## 7524  -3.0193  2.12559  E4.5
## 7525  -2.9410  2.12559  E4.5
## 7526  -2.8628  2.12559  E4.5
## 7527  -2.7846  2.12559  E4.5
## 7528  -2.7063  2.12559  E4.5
## 7529  -2.6281  2.12559  E4.5
## 7530  -2.5499  2.12559  E4.5
## 7531  -2.4716  2.12559  E4.5
## 7532  -2.3934  2.12559  E4.5
## 7533  -2.3152  2.12559  E4.5
## 7534  -2.2369  2.12559  E4.5
## 7535  -2.1587  2.12559  E4.5
## 7536  -2.0805  2.12559  E4.5
## 7537  -2.0022  2.12559  E4.5
## 7538  -1.9240  2.12559  E4.5
## 7539  -1.8458  2.12559  E4.5
## 7540  -1.7676  2.12559  E4.5
## 7541  -1.6893  2.12559  E4.5
## 7542  -1.6111  2.12559  E4.5
## 7543  -1.5329  2.12559  E4.5
## 7544  -1.4546  2.12559  E4.5
## 7545  -1.3764  2.12559  E4.5
## 7546  -1.2982  2.12559  E4.5
## 7547  -1.2199  2.12559  E4.5
## 7548  -1.1417  2.12559  E4.5
## 7549  -1.0635  2.12559  E4.5
## 7550  -0.9852  2.12559  E4.5
## 7551  -0.9070  2.12559  E4.5
## 7552  -0.8288  2.12559  E4.5
## 7553  -0.7505  2.12559  E4.5
## 7554  -0.6723  2.12559  E4.5
## 7555  -0.5941  2.12559  E4.5
## 7556  -0.5158  2.12559  E4.5
## 7557  -0.4376  2.12559  E4.5
## 7558  -0.3594  2.12559  E4.5
## 7559  -0.2811  2.12559  E4.5
## 7560  -0.2029  2.12559 E3.25
## 7561  -0.1247  2.12559 E3.25
## 7562  -0.0464  2.12559 E3.25
## 7563   0.0318  2.12559 E3.25
## 7564   0.1100  2.12559 E3.25
## 7565   0.1883  2.12559 E3.25
## 7566   0.2665  2.12559 E3.25
## 7567   0.3447  2.12559 E3.25
## 7568   0.4230  2.12559 E3.25
## 7569   0.5012  2.12559 E3.25
## 7570   0.5794  2.12559 E3.25
## 7571   0.6577  2.12559 E3.25
## 7572   0.7359  2.12559 E3.25
## 7573   0.8141  2.12559 E3.25
## 7574   0.8923  2.12559 E3.25
## 7575   0.9706  2.12559 E3.25
## 7576   1.0488  2.12559 E3.25
## 7577   1.1270  2.12559 E3.25
## 7578   1.2053  2.12559 E3.25
## 7579   1.2835  2.12559 E3.25
## 7580   1.3617  2.12559 E3.25
## 7581   1.4400  2.12559 E3.25
## 7582   1.5182  2.12559 E3.25
## 7583   1.5964  2.12559 E3.25
## 7584   1.6747  2.12559 E3.25
## 7585   1.7529  2.12559 E3.25
## 7586   1.8311  2.12559 E3.25
## 7587   1.9094  2.12559 E3.25
## 7588   1.9876  2.12559 E3.25
## 7589   2.0658  2.12559 E3.25
## 7590   2.1441  2.12559 E3.25
## 7591   2.2223  2.12559 E3.25
## 7592   2.3005  2.12559 E3.25
## 7593   2.3788  2.12559 E3.25
## 7594   2.4570  2.12559 E3.25
## 7595   2.5352  2.12559 E3.25
## 7596   2.6135  2.12559 E3.25
## 7597   2.6917  2.12559 E3.25
## 7598   2.7699  2.12559 E3.25
## 7599   2.8482  2.12559 E3.25
## 7600   2.9264  2.12559 E3.25
## 7601  -4.8186  2.18134  E4.5
## 7602  -4.7404  2.18134  E4.5
## 7603  -4.6622  2.18134  E4.5
## 7604  -4.5839  2.18134  E4.5
## 7605  -4.5057  2.18134  E4.5
## 7606  -4.4275  2.18134  E4.5
## 7607  -4.3492  2.18134  E4.5
## 7608  -4.2710  2.18134  E4.5
## 7609  -4.1928  2.18134  E4.5
## 7610  -4.1145  2.18134  E4.5
## 7611  -4.0363  2.18134  E4.5
## 7612  -3.9581  2.18134  E4.5
## 7613  -3.8798  2.18134  E4.5
## 7614  -3.8016  2.18134  E4.5
## 7615  -3.7234  2.18134  E4.5
## 7616  -3.6451  2.18134  E4.5
## 7617  -3.5669  2.18134  E4.5
## 7618  -3.4887  2.18134  E4.5
## 7619  -3.4104  2.18134  E4.5
## 7620  -3.3322  2.18134  E4.5
## 7621  -3.2540  2.18134  E4.5
## 7622  -3.1757  2.18134  E4.5
## 7623  -3.0975  2.18134  E4.5
## 7624  -3.0193  2.18134  E4.5
## 7625  -2.9410  2.18134  E4.5
## 7626  -2.8628  2.18134  E4.5
## 7627  -2.7846  2.18134  E4.5
## 7628  -2.7063  2.18134  E4.5
## 7629  -2.6281  2.18134  E4.5
## 7630  -2.5499  2.18134  E4.5
## 7631  -2.4716  2.18134  E4.5
## 7632  -2.3934  2.18134  E4.5
## 7633  -2.3152  2.18134  E4.5
## 7634  -2.2369  2.18134  E4.5
## 7635  -2.1587  2.18134  E4.5
## 7636  -2.0805  2.18134  E4.5
## 7637  -2.0022  2.18134  E4.5
## 7638  -1.9240  2.18134  E4.5
## 7639  -1.8458  2.18134  E4.5
## 7640  -1.7676  2.18134  E4.5
## 7641  -1.6893  2.18134  E4.5
## 7642  -1.6111  2.18134  E4.5
## 7643  -1.5329  2.18134  E4.5
## 7644  -1.4546  2.18134  E4.5
## 7645  -1.3764  2.18134  E4.5
## 7646  -1.2982  2.18134  E4.5
## 7647  -1.2199  2.18134  E4.5
## 7648  -1.1417  2.18134  E4.5
## 7649  -1.0635  2.18134  E4.5
## 7650  -0.9852  2.18134  E4.5
## 7651  -0.9070  2.18134  E4.5
## 7652  -0.8288  2.18134  E4.5
## 7653  -0.7505  2.18134  E4.5
## 7654  -0.6723  2.18134  E4.5
## 7655  -0.5941  2.18134  E4.5
## 7656  -0.5158  2.18134  E4.5
## 7657  -0.4376  2.18134  E4.5
## 7658  -0.3594  2.18134  E4.5
## 7659  -0.2811  2.18134  E4.5
## 7660  -0.2029  2.18134  E4.5
## 7661  -0.1247  2.18134 E3.25
## 7662  -0.0464  2.18134 E3.25
## 7663   0.0318  2.18134 E3.25
## 7664   0.1100  2.18134 E3.25
## 7665   0.1883  2.18134 E3.25
## 7666   0.2665  2.18134 E3.25
## 7667   0.3447  2.18134 E3.25
## 7668   0.4230  2.18134 E3.25
## 7669   0.5012  2.18134 E3.25
## 7670   0.5794  2.18134 E3.25
## 7671   0.6577  2.18134 E3.25
## 7672   0.7359  2.18134 E3.25
## 7673   0.8141  2.18134 E3.25
## 7674   0.8923  2.18134 E3.25
## 7675   0.9706  2.18134 E3.25
## 7676   1.0488  2.18134 E3.25
## 7677   1.1270  2.18134 E3.25
## 7678   1.2053  2.18134 E3.25
## 7679   1.2835  2.18134 E3.25
## 7680   1.3617  2.18134 E3.25
## 7681   1.4400  2.18134 E3.25
## 7682   1.5182  2.18134 E3.25
## 7683   1.5964  2.18134 E3.25
## 7684   1.6747  2.18134 E3.25
## 7685   1.7529  2.18134 E3.25
## 7686   1.8311  2.18134 E3.25
## 7687   1.9094  2.18134 E3.25
## 7688   1.9876  2.18134 E3.25
## 7689   2.0658  2.18134 E3.25
## 7690   2.1441  2.18134 E3.25
## 7691   2.2223  2.18134 E3.25
## 7692   2.3005  2.18134 E3.25
## 7693   2.3788  2.18134 E3.25
## 7694   2.4570  2.18134 E3.25
## 7695   2.5352  2.18134 E3.25
## 7696   2.6135  2.18134 E3.25
## 7697   2.6917  2.18134 E3.25
## 7698   2.7699  2.18134 E3.25
## 7699   2.8482  2.18134 E3.25
## 7700   2.9264  2.18134 E3.25
## 7701  -4.8186  2.23708  E4.5
## 7702  -4.7404  2.23708  E4.5
## 7703  -4.6622  2.23708  E4.5
## 7704  -4.5839  2.23708  E4.5
## 7705  -4.5057  2.23708  E4.5
## 7706  -4.4275  2.23708  E4.5
## 7707  -4.3492  2.23708  E4.5
## 7708  -4.2710  2.23708  E4.5
## 7709  -4.1928  2.23708  E4.5
## 7710  -4.1145  2.23708  E4.5
## 7711  -4.0363  2.23708  E4.5
## 7712  -3.9581  2.23708  E4.5
## 7713  -3.8798  2.23708  E4.5
## 7714  -3.8016  2.23708  E4.5
## 7715  -3.7234  2.23708  E4.5
## 7716  -3.6451  2.23708  E4.5
## 7717  -3.5669  2.23708  E4.5
## 7718  -3.4887  2.23708  E4.5
## 7719  -3.4104  2.23708  E4.5
## 7720  -3.3322  2.23708  E4.5
## 7721  -3.2540  2.23708  E4.5
## 7722  -3.1757  2.23708  E4.5
## 7723  -3.0975  2.23708  E4.5
## 7724  -3.0193  2.23708  E4.5
## 7725  -2.9410  2.23708  E4.5
## 7726  -2.8628  2.23708  E4.5
## 7727  -2.7846  2.23708  E4.5
## 7728  -2.7063  2.23708  E4.5
## 7729  -2.6281  2.23708  E4.5
## 7730  -2.5499  2.23708  E4.5
## 7731  -2.4716  2.23708  E4.5
## 7732  -2.3934  2.23708  E4.5
## 7733  -2.3152  2.23708  E4.5
## 7734  -2.2369  2.23708  E4.5
## 7735  -2.1587  2.23708  E4.5
## 7736  -2.0805  2.23708  E4.5
## 7737  -2.0022  2.23708  E4.5
## 7738  -1.9240  2.23708  E4.5
## 7739  -1.8458  2.23708  E4.5
## 7740  -1.7676  2.23708  E4.5
## 7741  -1.6893  2.23708  E4.5
## 7742  -1.6111  2.23708  E4.5
## 7743  -1.5329  2.23708  E4.5
## 7744  -1.4546  2.23708  E4.5
## 7745  -1.3764  2.23708  E4.5
## 7746  -1.2982  2.23708  E4.5
## 7747  -1.2199  2.23708  E4.5
## 7748  -1.1417  2.23708  E4.5
## 7749  -1.0635  2.23708  E4.5
## 7750  -0.9852  2.23708  E4.5
## 7751  -0.9070  2.23708  E4.5
## 7752  -0.8288  2.23708  E4.5
## 7753  -0.7505  2.23708  E4.5
## 7754  -0.6723  2.23708  E4.5
## 7755  -0.5941  2.23708  E4.5
## 7756  -0.5158  2.23708  E4.5
## 7757  -0.4376  2.23708  E4.5
## 7758  -0.3594  2.23708  E4.5
## 7759  -0.2811  2.23708  E4.5
## 7760  -0.2029  2.23708  E4.5
## 7761  -0.1247  2.23708 E3.25
## 7762  -0.0464  2.23708 E3.25
## 7763   0.0318  2.23708 E3.25
## 7764   0.1100  2.23708 E3.25
## 7765   0.1883  2.23708 E3.25
## 7766   0.2665  2.23708 E3.25
## 7767   0.3447  2.23708 E3.25
## 7768   0.4230  2.23708 E3.25
## 7769   0.5012  2.23708 E3.25
## 7770   0.5794  2.23708 E3.25
## 7771   0.6577  2.23708 E3.25
## 7772   0.7359  2.23708 E3.25
## 7773   0.8141  2.23708 E3.25
## 7774   0.8923  2.23708 E3.25
## 7775   0.9706  2.23708 E3.25
## 7776   1.0488  2.23708 E3.25
## 7777   1.1270  2.23708 E3.25
## 7778   1.2053  2.23708 E3.25
## 7779   1.2835  2.23708 E3.25
## 7780   1.3617  2.23708 E3.25
## 7781   1.4400  2.23708 E3.25
## 7782   1.5182  2.23708 E3.25
## 7783   1.5964  2.23708 E3.25
## 7784   1.6747  2.23708 E3.25
## 7785   1.7529  2.23708 E3.25
## 7786   1.8311  2.23708 E3.25
## 7787   1.9094  2.23708 E3.25
## 7788   1.9876  2.23708 E3.25
## 7789   2.0658  2.23708 E3.25
## 7790   2.1441  2.23708 E3.25
## 7791   2.2223  2.23708 E3.25
## 7792   2.3005  2.23708 E3.25
## 7793   2.3788  2.23708 E3.25
## 7794   2.4570  2.23708 E3.25
## 7795   2.5352  2.23708 E3.25
## 7796   2.6135  2.23708 E3.25
## 7797   2.6917  2.23708 E3.25
## 7798   2.7699  2.23708 E3.25
## 7799   2.8482  2.23708 E3.25
## 7800   2.9264  2.23708 E3.25
## 7801  -4.8186  2.29283  E4.5
## 7802  -4.7404  2.29283  E4.5
## 7803  -4.6622  2.29283  E4.5
## 7804  -4.5839  2.29283  E4.5
## 7805  -4.5057  2.29283  E4.5
## 7806  -4.4275  2.29283  E4.5
## 7807  -4.3492  2.29283  E4.5
## 7808  -4.2710  2.29283  E4.5
## 7809  -4.1928  2.29283  E4.5
## 7810  -4.1145  2.29283  E4.5
## 7811  -4.0363  2.29283  E4.5
## 7812  -3.9581  2.29283  E4.5
## 7813  -3.8798  2.29283  E4.5
## 7814  -3.8016  2.29283  E4.5
## 7815  -3.7234  2.29283  E4.5
## 7816  -3.6451  2.29283  E4.5
## 7817  -3.5669  2.29283  E4.5
## 7818  -3.4887  2.29283  E4.5
## 7819  -3.4104  2.29283  E4.5
## 7820  -3.3322  2.29283  E4.5
## 7821  -3.2540  2.29283  E4.5
## 7822  -3.1757  2.29283  E4.5
## 7823  -3.0975  2.29283  E4.5
## 7824  -3.0193  2.29283  E4.5
## 7825  -2.9410  2.29283  E4.5
## 7826  -2.8628  2.29283  E4.5
## 7827  -2.7846  2.29283  E4.5
## 7828  -2.7063  2.29283  E4.5
## 7829  -2.6281  2.29283  E4.5
## 7830  -2.5499  2.29283  E4.5
## 7831  -2.4716  2.29283  E4.5
## 7832  -2.3934  2.29283  E4.5
## 7833  -2.3152  2.29283  E4.5
## 7834  -2.2369  2.29283  E4.5
## 7835  -2.1587  2.29283  E4.5
## 7836  -2.0805  2.29283  E4.5
## 7837  -2.0022  2.29283  E4.5
## 7838  -1.9240  2.29283  E4.5
## 7839  -1.8458  2.29283  E4.5
## 7840  -1.7676  2.29283  E4.5
## 7841  -1.6893  2.29283  E4.5
## 7842  -1.6111  2.29283  E4.5
## 7843  -1.5329  2.29283  E4.5
## 7844  -1.4546  2.29283  E4.5
## 7845  -1.3764  2.29283  E4.5
## 7846  -1.2982  2.29283  E4.5
## 7847  -1.2199  2.29283  E4.5
## 7848  -1.1417  2.29283  E4.5
## 7849  -1.0635  2.29283  E4.5
## 7850  -0.9852  2.29283  E4.5
## 7851  -0.9070  2.29283  E4.5
## 7852  -0.8288  2.29283  E4.5
## 7853  -0.7505  2.29283  E4.5
## 7854  -0.6723  2.29283  E4.5
## 7855  -0.5941  2.29283  E4.5
## 7856  -0.5158  2.29283  E4.5
## 7857  -0.4376  2.29283  E4.5
## 7858  -0.3594  2.29283  E4.5
## 7859  -0.2811  2.29283  E4.5
## 7860  -0.2029  2.29283  E4.5
## 7861  -0.1247  2.29283  E4.5
## 7862  -0.0464  2.29283 E3.25
## 7863   0.0318  2.29283 E3.25
## 7864   0.1100  2.29283 E3.25
## 7865   0.1883  2.29283 E3.25
## 7866   0.2665  2.29283 E3.25
## 7867   0.3447  2.29283 E3.25
## 7868   0.4230  2.29283 E3.25
## 7869   0.5012  2.29283 E3.25
## 7870   0.5794  2.29283 E3.25
## 7871   0.6577  2.29283 E3.25
## 7872   0.7359  2.29283 E3.25
## 7873   0.8141  2.29283 E3.25
## 7874   0.8923  2.29283 E3.25
## 7875   0.9706  2.29283 E3.25
## 7876   1.0488  2.29283 E3.25
## 7877   1.1270  2.29283 E3.25
## 7878   1.2053  2.29283 E3.25
## 7879   1.2835  2.29283 E3.25
## 7880   1.3617  2.29283 E3.25
## 7881   1.4400  2.29283 E3.25
## 7882   1.5182  2.29283 E3.25
## 7883   1.5964  2.29283 E3.25
## 7884   1.6747  2.29283 E3.25
## 7885   1.7529  2.29283 E3.25
## 7886   1.8311  2.29283 E3.25
## 7887   1.9094  2.29283 E3.25
## 7888   1.9876  2.29283 E3.25
## 7889   2.0658  2.29283 E3.25
## 7890   2.1441  2.29283 E3.25
## 7891   2.2223  2.29283 E3.25
## 7892   2.3005  2.29283 E3.25
## 7893   2.3788  2.29283 E3.25
## 7894   2.4570  2.29283 E3.25
## 7895   2.5352  2.29283 E3.25
## 7896   2.6135  2.29283 E3.25
## 7897   2.6917  2.29283 E3.25
## 7898   2.7699  2.29283 E3.25
## 7899   2.8482  2.29283 E3.25
## 7900   2.9264  2.29283 E3.25
## 7901  -4.8186  2.34857  E4.5
## 7902  -4.7404  2.34857  E4.5
## 7903  -4.6622  2.34857  E4.5
## 7904  -4.5839  2.34857  E4.5
## 7905  -4.5057  2.34857  E4.5
## 7906  -4.4275  2.34857  E4.5
## 7907  -4.3492  2.34857  E4.5
## 7908  -4.2710  2.34857  E4.5
## 7909  -4.1928  2.34857  E4.5
## 7910  -4.1145  2.34857  E4.5
## 7911  -4.0363  2.34857  E4.5
## 7912  -3.9581  2.34857  E4.5
## 7913  -3.8798  2.34857  E4.5
## 7914  -3.8016  2.34857  E4.5
## 7915  -3.7234  2.34857  E4.5
## 7916  -3.6451  2.34857  E4.5
## 7917  -3.5669  2.34857  E4.5
## 7918  -3.4887  2.34857  E4.5
## 7919  -3.4104  2.34857  E4.5
## 7920  -3.3322  2.34857  E4.5
## 7921  -3.2540  2.34857  E4.5
## 7922  -3.1757  2.34857  E4.5
## 7923  -3.0975  2.34857  E4.5
## 7924  -3.0193  2.34857  E4.5
## 7925  -2.9410  2.34857  E4.5
## 7926  -2.8628  2.34857  E4.5
## 7927  -2.7846  2.34857  E4.5
## 7928  -2.7063  2.34857  E4.5
## 7929  -2.6281  2.34857  E4.5
## 7930  -2.5499  2.34857  E4.5
## 7931  -2.4716  2.34857  E4.5
## 7932  -2.3934  2.34857  E4.5
## 7933  -2.3152  2.34857  E4.5
## 7934  -2.2369  2.34857  E4.5
## 7935  -2.1587  2.34857  E4.5
## 7936  -2.0805  2.34857  E4.5
## 7937  -2.0022  2.34857  E4.5
## 7938  -1.9240  2.34857  E4.5
## 7939  -1.8458  2.34857  E4.5
## 7940  -1.7676  2.34857  E4.5
## 7941  -1.6893  2.34857  E4.5
## 7942  -1.6111  2.34857  E4.5
## 7943  -1.5329  2.34857  E4.5
## 7944  -1.4546  2.34857  E4.5
## 7945  -1.3764  2.34857  E4.5
## 7946  -1.2982  2.34857  E4.5
## 7947  -1.2199  2.34857  E4.5
## 7948  -1.1417  2.34857  E4.5
## 7949  -1.0635  2.34857  E4.5
## 7950  -0.9852  2.34857  E4.5
## 7951  -0.9070  2.34857  E4.5
## 7952  -0.8288  2.34857  E4.5
## 7953  -0.7505  2.34857  E4.5
## 7954  -0.6723  2.34857  E4.5
## 7955  -0.5941  2.34857  E4.5
## 7956  -0.5158  2.34857  E4.5
## 7957  -0.4376  2.34857  E4.5
## 7958  -0.3594  2.34857  E4.5
## 7959  -0.2811  2.34857  E4.5
## 7960  -0.2029  2.34857  E4.5
## 7961  -0.1247  2.34857  E4.5
## 7962  -0.0464  2.34857  E4.5
## 7963   0.0318  2.34857 E3.25
## 7964   0.1100  2.34857 E3.25
## 7965   0.1883  2.34857 E3.25
## 7966   0.2665  2.34857 E3.25
## 7967   0.3447  2.34857 E3.25
## 7968   0.4230  2.34857 E3.25
## 7969   0.5012  2.34857 E3.25
## 7970   0.5794  2.34857 E3.25
## 7971   0.6577  2.34857 E3.25
## 7972   0.7359  2.34857 E3.25
## 7973   0.8141  2.34857 E3.25
## 7974   0.8923  2.34857 E3.25
## 7975   0.9706  2.34857 E3.25
## 7976   1.0488  2.34857 E3.25
## 7977   1.1270  2.34857 E3.25
## 7978   1.2053  2.34857 E3.25
## 7979   1.2835  2.34857 E3.25
## 7980   1.3617  2.34857 E3.25
## 7981   1.4400  2.34857 E3.25
## 7982   1.5182  2.34857 E3.25
## 7983   1.5964  2.34857 E3.25
## 7984   1.6747  2.34857 E3.25
## 7985   1.7529  2.34857 E3.25
## 7986   1.8311  2.34857 E3.25
## 7987   1.9094  2.34857 E3.25
## 7988   1.9876  2.34857 E3.25
## 7989   2.0658  2.34857 E3.25
## 7990   2.1441  2.34857 E3.25
## 7991   2.2223  2.34857 E3.25
## 7992   2.3005  2.34857 E3.25
## 7993   2.3788  2.34857 E3.25
## 7994   2.4570  2.34857 E3.25
## 7995   2.5352  2.34857 E3.25
## 7996   2.6135  2.34857 E3.25
## 7997   2.6917  2.34857 E3.25
## 7998   2.7699  2.34857 E3.25
## 7999   2.8482  2.34857 E3.25
## 8000   2.9264  2.34857 E3.25
## 8001  -4.8186  2.40432  E4.5
## 8002  -4.7404  2.40432  E4.5
## 8003  -4.6622  2.40432  E4.5
## 8004  -4.5839  2.40432  E4.5
## 8005  -4.5057  2.40432  E4.5
## 8006  -4.4275  2.40432  E4.5
## 8007  -4.3492  2.40432  E4.5
## 8008  -4.2710  2.40432  E4.5
## 8009  -4.1928  2.40432  E4.5
## 8010  -4.1145  2.40432  E4.5
## 8011  -4.0363  2.40432  E4.5
## 8012  -3.9581  2.40432  E4.5
## 8013  -3.8798  2.40432  E4.5
## 8014  -3.8016  2.40432  E4.5
## 8015  -3.7234  2.40432  E4.5
## 8016  -3.6451  2.40432  E4.5
## 8017  -3.5669  2.40432  E4.5
## 8018  -3.4887  2.40432  E4.5
## 8019  -3.4104  2.40432  E4.5
## 8020  -3.3322  2.40432  E4.5
## 8021  -3.2540  2.40432  E4.5
## 8022  -3.1757  2.40432  E4.5
## 8023  -3.0975  2.40432  E4.5
## 8024  -3.0193  2.40432  E4.5
## 8025  -2.9410  2.40432  E4.5
## 8026  -2.8628  2.40432  E4.5
## 8027  -2.7846  2.40432  E4.5
## 8028  -2.7063  2.40432  E4.5
## 8029  -2.6281  2.40432  E4.5
## 8030  -2.5499  2.40432  E4.5
## 8031  -2.4716  2.40432  E4.5
## 8032  -2.3934  2.40432  E4.5
## 8033  -2.3152  2.40432  E4.5
## 8034  -2.2369  2.40432  E4.5
## 8035  -2.1587  2.40432  E4.5
## 8036  -2.0805  2.40432  E4.5
## 8037  -2.0022  2.40432  E4.5
## 8038  -1.9240  2.40432  E4.5
## 8039  -1.8458  2.40432  E4.5
## 8040  -1.7676  2.40432  E4.5
## 8041  -1.6893  2.40432  E4.5
## 8042  -1.6111  2.40432  E4.5
## 8043  -1.5329  2.40432  E4.5
## 8044  -1.4546  2.40432  E4.5
## 8045  -1.3764  2.40432  E4.5
## 8046  -1.2982  2.40432  E4.5
## 8047  -1.2199  2.40432  E4.5
## 8048  -1.1417  2.40432  E4.5
## 8049  -1.0635  2.40432  E4.5
## 8050  -0.9852  2.40432  E4.5
## 8051  -0.9070  2.40432  E4.5
## 8052  -0.8288  2.40432  E4.5
## 8053  -0.7505  2.40432  E4.5
## 8054  -0.6723  2.40432  E4.5
## 8055  -0.5941  2.40432  E4.5
## 8056  -0.5158  2.40432  E4.5
## 8057  -0.4376  2.40432  E4.5
## 8058  -0.3594  2.40432  E4.5
## 8059  -0.2811  2.40432  E4.5
## 8060  -0.2029  2.40432  E4.5
## 8061  -0.1247  2.40432  E4.5
## 8062  -0.0464  2.40432  E4.5
## 8063   0.0318  2.40432  E4.5
## 8064   0.1100  2.40432 E3.25
## 8065   0.1883  2.40432 E3.25
## 8066   0.2665  2.40432 E3.25
## 8067   0.3447  2.40432 E3.25
## 8068   0.4230  2.40432 E3.25
## 8069   0.5012  2.40432 E3.25
## 8070   0.5794  2.40432 E3.25
## 8071   0.6577  2.40432 E3.25
## 8072   0.7359  2.40432 E3.25
## 8073   0.8141  2.40432 E3.25
## 8074   0.8923  2.40432 E3.25
## 8075   0.9706  2.40432 E3.25
## 8076   1.0488  2.40432 E3.25
## 8077   1.1270  2.40432 E3.25
## 8078   1.2053  2.40432 E3.25
## 8079   1.2835  2.40432 E3.25
## 8080   1.3617  2.40432 E3.25
## 8081   1.4400  2.40432 E3.25
## 8082   1.5182  2.40432 E3.25
## 8083   1.5964  2.40432 E3.25
## 8084   1.6747  2.40432 E3.25
## 8085   1.7529  2.40432 E3.25
## 8086   1.8311  2.40432 E3.25
## 8087   1.9094  2.40432 E3.25
## 8088   1.9876  2.40432 E3.25
## 8089   2.0658  2.40432 E3.25
## 8090   2.1441  2.40432 E3.25
## 8091   2.2223  2.40432 E3.25
## 8092   2.3005  2.40432 E3.25
## 8093   2.3788  2.40432 E3.25
## 8094   2.4570  2.40432 E3.25
## 8095   2.5352  2.40432 E3.25
## 8096   2.6135  2.40432 E3.25
## 8097   2.6917  2.40432 E3.25
## 8098   2.7699  2.40432 E3.25
## 8099   2.8482  2.40432 E3.25
## 8100   2.9264  2.40432 E3.25
## 8101  -4.8186  2.46006  E4.5
## 8102  -4.7404  2.46006  E4.5
## 8103  -4.6622  2.46006  E4.5
## 8104  -4.5839  2.46006  E4.5
## 8105  -4.5057  2.46006  E4.5
## 8106  -4.4275  2.46006  E4.5
## 8107  -4.3492  2.46006  E4.5
## 8108  -4.2710  2.46006  E4.5
## 8109  -4.1928  2.46006  E4.5
## 8110  -4.1145  2.46006  E4.5
## 8111  -4.0363  2.46006  E4.5
## 8112  -3.9581  2.46006  E4.5
## 8113  -3.8798  2.46006  E4.5
## 8114  -3.8016  2.46006  E4.5
## 8115  -3.7234  2.46006  E4.5
## 8116  -3.6451  2.46006  E4.5
## 8117  -3.5669  2.46006  E4.5
## 8118  -3.4887  2.46006  E4.5
## 8119  -3.4104  2.46006  E4.5
## 8120  -3.3322  2.46006  E4.5
## 8121  -3.2540  2.46006  E4.5
## 8122  -3.1757  2.46006  E4.5
## 8123  -3.0975  2.46006  E4.5
## 8124  -3.0193  2.46006  E4.5
## 8125  -2.9410  2.46006  E4.5
## 8126  -2.8628  2.46006  E4.5
## 8127  -2.7846  2.46006  E4.5
## 8128  -2.7063  2.46006  E4.5
## 8129  -2.6281  2.46006  E4.5
## 8130  -2.5499  2.46006  E4.5
## 8131  -2.4716  2.46006  E4.5
## 8132  -2.3934  2.46006  E4.5
## 8133  -2.3152  2.46006  E4.5
## 8134  -2.2369  2.46006  E4.5
## 8135  -2.1587  2.46006  E4.5
## 8136  -2.0805  2.46006  E4.5
## 8137  -2.0022  2.46006  E4.5
## 8138  -1.9240  2.46006  E4.5
## 8139  -1.8458  2.46006  E4.5
## 8140  -1.7676  2.46006  E4.5
## 8141  -1.6893  2.46006  E4.5
## 8142  -1.6111  2.46006  E4.5
## 8143  -1.5329  2.46006  E4.5
## 8144  -1.4546  2.46006  E4.5
## 8145  -1.3764  2.46006  E4.5
## 8146  -1.2982  2.46006  E4.5
## 8147  -1.2199  2.46006  E4.5
## 8148  -1.1417  2.46006  E4.5
## 8149  -1.0635  2.46006  E4.5
## 8150  -0.9852  2.46006  E4.5
## 8151  -0.9070  2.46006  E4.5
## 8152  -0.8288  2.46006  E4.5
## 8153  -0.7505  2.46006  E4.5
## 8154  -0.6723  2.46006  E4.5
## 8155  -0.5941  2.46006  E4.5
## 8156  -0.5158  2.46006  E4.5
## 8157  -0.4376  2.46006  E4.5
## 8158  -0.3594  2.46006  E4.5
## 8159  -0.2811  2.46006  E4.5
## 8160  -0.2029  2.46006  E4.5
## 8161  -0.1247  2.46006  E4.5
## 8162  -0.0464  2.46006  E4.5
## 8163   0.0318  2.46006  E4.5
## 8164   0.1100  2.46006 E3.25
## 8165   0.1883  2.46006 E3.25
## 8166   0.2665  2.46006 E3.25
## 8167   0.3447  2.46006 E3.25
## 8168   0.4230  2.46006 E3.25
## 8169   0.5012  2.46006 E3.25
## 8170   0.5794  2.46006 E3.25
## 8171   0.6577  2.46006 E3.25
## 8172   0.7359  2.46006 E3.25
## 8173   0.8141  2.46006 E3.25
## 8174   0.8923  2.46006 E3.25
## 8175   0.9706  2.46006 E3.25
## 8176   1.0488  2.46006 E3.25
## 8177   1.1270  2.46006 E3.25
## 8178   1.2053  2.46006 E3.25
## 8179   1.2835  2.46006 E3.25
## 8180   1.3617  2.46006 E3.25
## 8181   1.4400  2.46006 E3.25
## 8182   1.5182  2.46006 E3.25
## 8183   1.5964  2.46006 E3.25
## 8184   1.6747  2.46006 E3.25
## 8185   1.7529  2.46006 E3.25
## 8186   1.8311  2.46006 E3.25
## 8187   1.9094  2.46006 E3.25
## 8188   1.9876  2.46006 E3.25
## 8189   2.0658  2.46006 E3.25
## 8190   2.1441  2.46006 E3.25
## 8191   2.2223  2.46006 E3.25
## 8192   2.3005  2.46006 E3.25
## 8193   2.3788  2.46006 E3.25
## 8194   2.4570  2.46006 E3.25
## 8195   2.5352  2.46006 E3.25
## 8196   2.6135  2.46006 E3.25
## 8197   2.6917  2.46006 E3.25
## 8198   2.7699  2.46006 E3.25
## 8199   2.8482  2.46006 E3.25
## 8200   2.9264  2.46006 E3.25
## 8201  -4.8186  2.51581  E4.5
## 8202  -4.7404  2.51581  E4.5
## 8203  -4.6622  2.51581  E4.5
## 8204  -4.5839  2.51581  E4.5
## 8205  -4.5057  2.51581  E4.5
## 8206  -4.4275  2.51581  E4.5
## 8207  -4.3492  2.51581  E4.5
## 8208  -4.2710  2.51581  E4.5
## 8209  -4.1928  2.51581  E4.5
## 8210  -4.1145  2.51581  E4.5
## 8211  -4.0363  2.51581  E4.5
## 8212  -3.9581  2.51581  E4.5
## 8213  -3.8798  2.51581  E4.5
## 8214  -3.8016  2.51581  E4.5
## 8215  -3.7234  2.51581  E4.5
## 8216  -3.6451  2.51581  E4.5
## 8217  -3.5669  2.51581  E4.5
## 8218  -3.4887  2.51581  E4.5
## 8219  -3.4104  2.51581  E4.5
## 8220  -3.3322  2.51581  E4.5
## 8221  -3.2540  2.51581  E4.5
## 8222  -3.1757  2.51581  E4.5
## 8223  -3.0975  2.51581  E4.5
## 8224  -3.0193  2.51581  E4.5
## 8225  -2.9410  2.51581  E4.5
## 8226  -2.8628  2.51581  E4.5
## 8227  -2.7846  2.51581  E4.5
## 8228  -2.7063  2.51581  E4.5
## 8229  -2.6281  2.51581  E4.5
## 8230  -2.5499  2.51581  E4.5
## 8231  -2.4716  2.51581  E4.5
## 8232  -2.3934  2.51581  E4.5
## 8233  -2.3152  2.51581  E4.5
## 8234  -2.2369  2.51581  E4.5
## 8235  -2.1587  2.51581  E4.5
## 8236  -2.0805  2.51581  E4.5
## 8237  -2.0022  2.51581  E4.5
## 8238  -1.9240  2.51581  E4.5
## 8239  -1.8458  2.51581  E4.5
## 8240  -1.7676  2.51581  E4.5
## 8241  -1.6893  2.51581  E4.5
## 8242  -1.6111  2.51581  E4.5
## 8243  -1.5329  2.51581  E4.5
## 8244  -1.4546  2.51581  E4.5
## 8245  -1.3764  2.51581  E4.5
## 8246  -1.2982  2.51581  E4.5
## 8247  -1.2199  2.51581  E4.5
## 8248  -1.1417  2.51581  E4.5
## 8249  -1.0635  2.51581  E4.5
## 8250  -0.9852  2.51581  E4.5
## 8251  -0.9070  2.51581  E4.5
## 8252  -0.8288  2.51581  E4.5
## 8253  -0.7505  2.51581  E4.5
## 8254  -0.6723  2.51581  E4.5
## 8255  -0.5941  2.51581  E4.5
## 8256  -0.5158  2.51581  E4.5
## 8257  -0.4376  2.51581  E4.5
## 8258  -0.3594  2.51581  E4.5
## 8259  -0.2811  2.51581  E4.5
## 8260  -0.2029  2.51581  E4.5
## 8261  -0.1247  2.51581  E4.5
## 8262  -0.0464  2.51581  E4.5
## 8263   0.0318  2.51581  E4.5
## 8264   0.1100  2.51581  E4.5
## 8265   0.1883  2.51581 E3.25
## 8266   0.2665  2.51581 E3.25
## 8267   0.3447  2.51581 E3.25
## 8268   0.4230  2.51581 E3.25
## 8269   0.5012  2.51581 E3.25
## 8270   0.5794  2.51581 E3.25
## 8271   0.6577  2.51581 E3.25
## 8272   0.7359  2.51581 E3.25
## 8273   0.8141  2.51581 E3.25
## 8274   0.8923  2.51581 E3.25
## 8275   0.9706  2.51581 E3.25
## 8276   1.0488  2.51581 E3.25
## 8277   1.1270  2.51581 E3.25
## 8278   1.2053  2.51581 E3.25
## 8279   1.2835  2.51581 E3.25
## 8280   1.3617  2.51581 E3.25
## 8281   1.4400  2.51581 E3.25
## 8282   1.5182  2.51581 E3.25
## 8283   1.5964  2.51581 E3.25
## 8284   1.6747  2.51581 E3.25
## 8285   1.7529  2.51581 E3.25
## 8286   1.8311  2.51581 E3.25
## 8287   1.9094  2.51581 E3.25
## 8288   1.9876  2.51581 E3.25
## 8289   2.0658  2.51581 E3.25
## 8290   2.1441  2.51581 E3.25
## 8291   2.2223  2.51581 E3.25
## 8292   2.3005  2.51581 E3.25
## 8293   2.3788  2.51581 E3.25
## 8294   2.4570  2.51581 E3.25
## 8295   2.5352  2.51581 E3.25
## 8296   2.6135  2.51581 E3.25
## 8297   2.6917  2.51581 E3.25
## 8298   2.7699  2.51581 E3.25
## 8299   2.8482  2.51581 E3.25
## 8300   2.9264  2.51581 E3.25
## 8301  -4.8186  2.57155  E4.5
## 8302  -4.7404  2.57155  E4.5
## 8303  -4.6622  2.57155  E4.5
## 8304  -4.5839  2.57155  E4.5
## 8305  -4.5057  2.57155  E4.5
## 8306  -4.4275  2.57155  E4.5
## 8307  -4.3492  2.57155  E4.5
## 8308  -4.2710  2.57155  E4.5
## 8309  -4.1928  2.57155  E4.5
## 8310  -4.1145  2.57155  E4.5
## 8311  -4.0363  2.57155  E4.5
## 8312  -3.9581  2.57155  E4.5
## 8313  -3.8798  2.57155  E4.5
## 8314  -3.8016  2.57155  E4.5
## 8315  -3.7234  2.57155  E4.5
## 8316  -3.6451  2.57155  E4.5
## 8317  -3.5669  2.57155  E4.5
## 8318  -3.4887  2.57155  E4.5
## 8319  -3.4104  2.57155  E4.5
## 8320  -3.3322  2.57155  E4.5
## 8321  -3.2540  2.57155  E4.5
## 8322  -3.1757  2.57155  E4.5
## 8323  -3.0975  2.57155  E4.5
## 8324  -3.0193  2.57155  E4.5
## 8325  -2.9410  2.57155  E4.5
## 8326  -2.8628  2.57155  E4.5
## 8327  -2.7846  2.57155  E4.5
## 8328  -2.7063  2.57155  E4.5
## 8329  -2.6281  2.57155  E4.5
## 8330  -2.5499  2.57155  E4.5
## 8331  -2.4716  2.57155  E4.5
## 8332  -2.3934  2.57155  E4.5
## 8333  -2.3152  2.57155  E4.5
## 8334  -2.2369  2.57155  E4.5
## 8335  -2.1587  2.57155  E4.5
## 8336  -2.0805  2.57155  E4.5
## 8337  -2.0022  2.57155  E4.5
## 8338  -1.9240  2.57155  E4.5
## 8339  -1.8458  2.57155  E4.5
## 8340  -1.7676  2.57155  E4.5
## 8341  -1.6893  2.57155  E4.5
## 8342  -1.6111  2.57155  E4.5
## 8343  -1.5329  2.57155  E4.5
## 8344  -1.4546  2.57155  E4.5
## 8345  -1.3764  2.57155  E4.5
## 8346  -1.2982  2.57155  E4.5
## 8347  -1.2199  2.57155  E4.5
## 8348  -1.1417  2.57155  E4.5
## 8349  -1.0635  2.57155  E4.5
## 8350  -0.9852  2.57155  E4.5
## 8351  -0.9070  2.57155  E4.5
## 8352  -0.8288  2.57155  E4.5
## 8353  -0.7505  2.57155  E4.5
## 8354  -0.6723  2.57155  E4.5
## 8355  -0.5941  2.57155  E4.5
## 8356  -0.5158  2.57155  E4.5
## 8357  -0.4376  2.57155  E4.5
## 8358  -0.3594  2.57155  E4.5
## 8359  -0.2811  2.57155  E4.5
## 8360  -0.2029  2.57155  E4.5
## 8361  -0.1247  2.57155  E4.5
## 8362  -0.0464  2.57155  E4.5
## 8363   0.0318  2.57155  E4.5
## 8364   0.1100  2.57155  E4.5
## 8365   0.1883  2.57155  E4.5
## 8366   0.2665  2.57155 E3.25
## 8367   0.3447  2.57155 E3.25
## 8368   0.4230  2.57155 E3.25
## 8369   0.5012  2.57155 E3.25
## 8370   0.5794  2.57155 E3.25
## 8371   0.6577  2.57155 E3.25
## 8372   0.7359  2.57155 E3.25
## 8373   0.8141  2.57155 E3.25
## 8374   0.8923  2.57155 E3.25
## 8375   0.9706  2.57155 E3.25
## 8376   1.0488  2.57155 E3.25
## 8377   1.1270  2.57155 E3.25
## 8378   1.2053  2.57155 E3.25
## 8379   1.2835  2.57155 E3.25
## 8380   1.3617  2.57155 E3.25
## 8381   1.4400  2.57155 E3.25
## 8382   1.5182  2.57155 E3.25
## 8383   1.5964  2.57155 E3.25
## 8384   1.6747  2.57155 E3.25
## 8385   1.7529  2.57155 E3.25
## 8386   1.8311  2.57155 E3.25
## 8387   1.9094  2.57155 E3.25
## 8388   1.9876  2.57155 E3.25
## 8389   2.0658  2.57155 E3.25
## 8390   2.1441  2.57155 E3.25
## 8391   2.2223  2.57155 E3.25
## 8392   2.3005  2.57155 E3.25
## 8393   2.3788  2.57155 E3.25
## 8394   2.4570  2.57155 E3.25
## 8395   2.5352  2.57155 E3.25
## 8396   2.6135  2.57155 E3.25
## 8397   2.6917  2.57155 E3.25
## 8398   2.7699  2.57155 E3.25
## 8399   2.8482  2.57155 E3.25
## 8400   2.9264  2.57155 E3.25
## 8401  -4.8186  2.62730  E4.5
## 8402  -4.7404  2.62730  E4.5
## 8403  -4.6622  2.62730  E4.5
## 8404  -4.5839  2.62730  E4.5
## 8405  -4.5057  2.62730  E4.5
## 8406  -4.4275  2.62730  E4.5
## 8407  -4.3492  2.62730  E4.5
## 8408  -4.2710  2.62730  E4.5
## 8409  -4.1928  2.62730  E4.5
## 8410  -4.1145  2.62730  E4.5
## 8411  -4.0363  2.62730  E4.5
## 8412  -3.9581  2.62730  E4.5
## 8413  -3.8798  2.62730  E4.5
## 8414  -3.8016  2.62730  E4.5
## 8415  -3.7234  2.62730  E4.5
## 8416  -3.6451  2.62730  E4.5
## 8417  -3.5669  2.62730  E4.5
## 8418  -3.4887  2.62730  E4.5
## 8419  -3.4104  2.62730  E4.5
## 8420  -3.3322  2.62730  E4.5
## 8421  -3.2540  2.62730  E4.5
## 8422  -3.1757  2.62730  E4.5
## 8423  -3.0975  2.62730  E4.5
## 8424  -3.0193  2.62730  E4.5
## 8425  -2.9410  2.62730  E4.5
## 8426  -2.8628  2.62730  E4.5
## 8427  -2.7846  2.62730  E4.5
## 8428  -2.7063  2.62730  E4.5
## 8429  -2.6281  2.62730  E4.5
## 8430  -2.5499  2.62730  E4.5
## 8431  -2.4716  2.62730  E4.5
## 8432  -2.3934  2.62730  E4.5
## 8433  -2.3152  2.62730  E4.5
## 8434  -2.2369  2.62730  E4.5
## 8435  -2.1587  2.62730  E4.5
## 8436  -2.0805  2.62730  E4.5
## 8437  -2.0022  2.62730  E4.5
## 8438  -1.9240  2.62730  E4.5
## 8439  -1.8458  2.62730  E4.5
## 8440  -1.7676  2.62730  E4.5
## 8441  -1.6893  2.62730  E4.5
## 8442  -1.6111  2.62730  E4.5
## 8443  -1.5329  2.62730  E4.5
## 8444  -1.4546  2.62730  E4.5
## 8445  -1.3764  2.62730  E4.5
## 8446  -1.2982  2.62730  E4.5
## 8447  -1.2199  2.62730  E4.5
## 8448  -1.1417  2.62730  E4.5
## 8449  -1.0635  2.62730  E4.5
## 8450  -0.9852  2.62730  E4.5
## 8451  -0.9070  2.62730  E4.5
## 8452  -0.8288  2.62730  E4.5
## 8453  -0.7505  2.62730  E4.5
## 8454  -0.6723  2.62730  E4.5
## 8455  -0.5941  2.62730  E4.5
## 8456  -0.5158  2.62730  E4.5
## 8457  -0.4376  2.62730  E4.5
## 8458  -0.3594  2.62730  E4.5
## 8459  -0.2811  2.62730  E4.5
## 8460  -0.2029  2.62730  E4.5
## 8461  -0.1247  2.62730  E4.5
## 8462  -0.0464  2.62730  E4.5
## 8463   0.0318  2.62730  E4.5
## 8464   0.1100  2.62730  E4.5
## 8465   0.1883  2.62730  E4.5
## 8466   0.2665  2.62730  E4.5
## 8467   0.3447  2.62730 E3.25
## 8468   0.4230  2.62730 E3.25
## 8469   0.5012  2.62730 E3.25
## 8470   0.5794  2.62730 E3.25
## 8471   0.6577  2.62730 E3.25
## 8472   0.7359  2.62730 E3.25
## 8473   0.8141  2.62730 E3.25
## 8474   0.8923  2.62730 E3.25
## 8475   0.9706  2.62730 E3.25
## 8476   1.0488  2.62730 E3.25
## 8477   1.1270  2.62730 E3.25
## 8478   1.2053  2.62730 E3.25
## 8479   1.2835  2.62730 E3.25
## 8480   1.3617  2.62730 E3.25
## 8481   1.4400  2.62730 E3.25
## 8482   1.5182  2.62730 E3.25
## 8483   1.5964  2.62730 E3.25
## 8484   1.6747  2.62730 E3.25
## 8485   1.7529  2.62730 E3.25
## 8486   1.8311  2.62730 E3.25
## 8487   1.9094  2.62730 E3.25
## 8488   1.9876  2.62730 E3.25
## 8489   2.0658  2.62730 E3.25
## 8490   2.1441  2.62730 E3.25
## 8491   2.2223  2.62730 E3.25
## 8492   2.3005  2.62730 E3.25
## 8493   2.3788  2.62730 E3.25
## 8494   2.4570  2.62730 E3.25
## 8495   2.5352  2.62730 E3.25
## 8496   2.6135  2.62730 E3.25
## 8497   2.6917  2.62730 E3.25
## 8498   2.7699  2.62730 E3.25
## 8499   2.8482  2.62730 E3.25
## 8500   2.9264  2.62730 E3.25
## 8501  -4.8186  2.68304  E4.5
## 8502  -4.7404  2.68304  E4.5
## 8503  -4.6622  2.68304  E4.5
## 8504  -4.5839  2.68304  E4.5
## 8505  -4.5057  2.68304  E4.5
## 8506  -4.4275  2.68304  E4.5
## 8507  -4.3492  2.68304  E4.5
## 8508  -4.2710  2.68304  E4.5
## 8509  -4.1928  2.68304  E4.5
## 8510  -4.1145  2.68304  E4.5
## 8511  -4.0363  2.68304  E4.5
## 8512  -3.9581  2.68304  E4.5
## 8513  -3.8798  2.68304  E4.5
## 8514  -3.8016  2.68304  E4.5
## 8515  -3.7234  2.68304  E4.5
## 8516  -3.6451  2.68304  E4.5
## 8517  -3.5669  2.68304  E4.5
## 8518  -3.4887  2.68304  E4.5
## 8519  -3.4104  2.68304  E4.5
## 8520  -3.3322  2.68304  E4.5
## 8521  -3.2540  2.68304  E4.5
## 8522  -3.1757  2.68304  E4.5
## 8523  -3.0975  2.68304  E4.5
## 8524  -3.0193  2.68304  E4.5
## 8525  -2.9410  2.68304  E4.5
## 8526  -2.8628  2.68304  E4.5
## 8527  -2.7846  2.68304  E4.5
## 8528  -2.7063  2.68304  E4.5
## 8529  -2.6281  2.68304  E4.5
## 8530  -2.5499  2.68304  E4.5
## 8531  -2.4716  2.68304  E4.5
## 8532  -2.3934  2.68304  E4.5
## 8533  -2.3152  2.68304  E4.5
## 8534  -2.2369  2.68304  E4.5
## 8535  -2.1587  2.68304  E4.5
## 8536  -2.0805  2.68304  E4.5
## 8537  -2.0022  2.68304  E4.5
## 8538  -1.9240  2.68304  E4.5
## 8539  -1.8458  2.68304  E4.5
## 8540  -1.7676  2.68304  E4.5
## 8541  -1.6893  2.68304  E4.5
## 8542  -1.6111  2.68304  E4.5
## 8543  -1.5329  2.68304  E4.5
## 8544  -1.4546  2.68304  E4.5
## 8545  -1.3764  2.68304  E4.5
## 8546  -1.2982  2.68304  E4.5
## 8547  -1.2199  2.68304  E4.5
## 8548  -1.1417  2.68304  E4.5
## 8549  -1.0635  2.68304  E4.5
## 8550  -0.9852  2.68304  E4.5
## 8551  -0.9070  2.68304  E4.5
## 8552  -0.8288  2.68304  E4.5
## 8553  -0.7505  2.68304  E4.5
## 8554  -0.6723  2.68304  E4.5
## 8555  -0.5941  2.68304  E4.5
## 8556  -0.5158  2.68304  E4.5
## 8557  -0.4376  2.68304  E4.5
## 8558  -0.3594  2.68304  E4.5
## 8559  -0.2811  2.68304  E4.5
## 8560  -0.2029  2.68304  E4.5
## 8561  -0.1247  2.68304  E4.5
## 8562  -0.0464  2.68304  E4.5
## 8563   0.0318  2.68304  E4.5
## 8564   0.1100  2.68304  E4.5
## 8565   0.1883  2.68304  E4.5
## 8566   0.2665  2.68304  E4.5
## 8567   0.3447  2.68304 E3.25
## 8568   0.4230  2.68304 E3.25
## 8569   0.5012  2.68304 E3.25
## 8570   0.5794  2.68304 E3.25
## 8571   0.6577  2.68304 E3.25
## 8572   0.7359  2.68304 E3.25
## 8573   0.8141  2.68304 E3.25
## 8574   0.8923  2.68304 E3.25
## 8575   0.9706  2.68304 E3.25
## 8576   1.0488  2.68304 E3.25
## 8577   1.1270  2.68304 E3.25
## 8578   1.2053  2.68304 E3.25
## 8579   1.2835  2.68304 E3.25
## 8580   1.3617  2.68304 E3.25
## 8581   1.4400  2.68304 E3.25
## 8582   1.5182  2.68304 E3.25
## 8583   1.5964  2.68304 E3.25
## 8584   1.6747  2.68304 E3.25
## 8585   1.7529  2.68304 E3.25
## 8586   1.8311  2.68304 E3.25
## 8587   1.9094  2.68304 E3.25
## 8588   1.9876  2.68304 E3.25
## 8589   2.0658  2.68304 E3.25
## 8590   2.1441  2.68304 E3.25
## 8591   2.2223  2.68304 E3.25
## 8592   2.3005  2.68304 E3.25
## 8593   2.3788  2.68304 E3.25
## 8594   2.4570  2.68304 E3.25
## 8595   2.5352  2.68304 E3.25
## 8596   2.6135  2.68304 E3.25
## 8597   2.6917  2.68304 E3.25
## 8598   2.7699  2.68304 E3.25
## 8599   2.8482  2.68304 E3.25
## 8600   2.9264  2.68304 E3.25
## 8601  -4.8186  2.73879  E4.5
## 8602  -4.7404  2.73879  E4.5
## 8603  -4.6622  2.73879  E4.5
## 8604  -4.5839  2.73879  E4.5
## 8605  -4.5057  2.73879  E4.5
## 8606  -4.4275  2.73879  E4.5
## 8607  -4.3492  2.73879  E4.5
## 8608  -4.2710  2.73879  E4.5
## 8609  -4.1928  2.73879  E4.5
## 8610  -4.1145  2.73879  E4.5
## 8611  -4.0363  2.73879  E4.5
## 8612  -3.9581  2.73879  E4.5
## 8613  -3.8798  2.73879  E4.5
## 8614  -3.8016  2.73879  E4.5
## 8615  -3.7234  2.73879  E4.5
## 8616  -3.6451  2.73879  E4.5
## 8617  -3.5669  2.73879  E4.5
## 8618  -3.4887  2.73879  E4.5
## 8619  -3.4104  2.73879  E4.5
## 8620  -3.3322  2.73879  E4.5
## 8621  -3.2540  2.73879  E4.5
## 8622  -3.1757  2.73879  E4.5
## 8623  -3.0975  2.73879  E4.5
## 8624  -3.0193  2.73879  E4.5
## 8625  -2.9410  2.73879  E4.5
## 8626  -2.8628  2.73879  E4.5
## 8627  -2.7846  2.73879  E4.5
## 8628  -2.7063  2.73879  E4.5
## 8629  -2.6281  2.73879  E4.5
## 8630  -2.5499  2.73879  E4.5
## 8631  -2.4716  2.73879  E4.5
## 8632  -2.3934  2.73879  E4.5
## 8633  -2.3152  2.73879  E4.5
## 8634  -2.2369  2.73879  E4.5
## 8635  -2.1587  2.73879  E4.5
## 8636  -2.0805  2.73879  E4.5
## 8637  -2.0022  2.73879  E4.5
## 8638  -1.9240  2.73879  E4.5
## 8639  -1.8458  2.73879  E4.5
## 8640  -1.7676  2.73879  E4.5
## 8641  -1.6893  2.73879  E4.5
## 8642  -1.6111  2.73879  E4.5
## 8643  -1.5329  2.73879  E4.5
## 8644  -1.4546  2.73879  E4.5
## 8645  -1.3764  2.73879  E4.5
## 8646  -1.2982  2.73879  E4.5
## 8647  -1.2199  2.73879  E4.5
## 8648  -1.1417  2.73879  E4.5
## 8649  -1.0635  2.73879  E4.5
## 8650  -0.9852  2.73879  E4.5
## 8651  -0.9070  2.73879  E4.5
## 8652  -0.8288  2.73879  E4.5
## 8653  -0.7505  2.73879  E4.5
## 8654  -0.6723  2.73879  E4.5
## 8655  -0.5941  2.73879  E4.5
## 8656  -0.5158  2.73879  E4.5
## 8657  -0.4376  2.73879  E4.5
## 8658  -0.3594  2.73879  E4.5
## 8659  -0.2811  2.73879  E4.5
## 8660  -0.2029  2.73879  E4.5
## 8661  -0.1247  2.73879  E4.5
## 8662  -0.0464  2.73879  E4.5
## 8663   0.0318  2.73879  E4.5
## 8664   0.1100  2.73879  E4.5
## 8665   0.1883  2.73879  E4.5
## 8666   0.2665  2.73879  E4.5
## 8667   0.3447  2.73879  E4.5
## 8668   0.4230  2.73879 E3.25
## 8669   0.5012  2.73879 E3.25
## 8670   0.5794  2.73879 E3.25
## 8671   0.6577  2.73879 E3.25
## 8672   0.7359  2.73879 E3.25
## 8673   0.8141  2.73879 E3.25
## 8674   0.8923  2.73879 E3.25
## 8675   0.9706  2.73879 E3.25
## 8676   1.0488  2.73879 E3.25
## 8677   1.1270  2.73879 E3.25
## 8678   1.2053  2.73879 E3.25
## 8679   1.2835  2.73879 E3.25
## 8680   1.3617  2.73879 E3.25
## 8681   1.4400  2.73879 E3.25
## 8682   1.5182  2.73879 E3.25
## 8683   1.5964  2.73879 E3.25
## 8684   1.6747  2.73879 E3.25
## 8685   1.7529  2.73879 E3.25
## 8686   1.8311  2.73879 E3.25
## 8687   1.9094  2.73879 E3.25
## 8688   1.9876  2.73879 E3.25
## 8689   2.0658  2.73879 E3.25
## 8690   2.1441  2.73879 E3.25
## 8691   2.2223  2.73879 E3.25
## 8692   2.3005  2.73879 E3.25
## 8693   2.3788  2.73879 E3.25
## 8694   2.4570  2.73879 E3.25
## 8695   2.5352  2.73879 E3.25
## 8696   2.6135  2.73879 E3.25
## 8697   2.6917  2.73879 E3.25
## 8698   2.7699  2.73879 E3.25
## 8699   2.8482  2.73879 E3.25
## 8700   2.9264  2.73879 E3.25
## 8701  -4.8186  2.79453  E4.5
## 8702  -4.7404  2.79453  E4.5
## 8703  -4.6622  2.79453  E4.5
## 8704  -4.5839  2.79453  E4.5
## 8705  -4.5057  2.79453  E4.5
## 8706  -4.4275  2.79453  E4.5
## 8707  -4.3492  2.79453  E4.5
## 8708  -4.2710  2.79453  E4.5
## 8709  -4.1928  2.79453  E4.5
## 8710  -4.1145  2.79453  E4.5
## 8711  -4.0363  2.79453  E4.5
## 8712  -3.9581  2.79453  E4.5
## 8713  -3.8798  2.79453  E4.5
## 8714  -3.8016  2.79453  E4.5
## 8715  -3.7234  2.79453  E4.5
## 8716  -3.6451  2.79453  E4.5
## 8717  -3.5669  2.79453  E4.5
## 8718  -3.4887  2.79453  E4.5
## 8719  -3.4104  2.79453  E4.5
## 8720  -3.3322  2.79453  E4.5
## 8721  -3.2540  2.79453  E4.5
## 8722  -3.1757  2.79453  E4.5
## 8723  -3.0975  2.79453  E4.5
## 8724  -3.0193  2.79453  E4.5
## 8725  -2.9410  2.79453  E4.5
## 8726  -2.8628  2.79453  E4.5
## 8727  -2.7846  2.79453  E4.5
## 8728  -2.7063  2.79453  E4.5
## 8729  -2.6281  2.79453  E4.5
## 8730  -2.5499  2.79453  E4.5
## 8731  -2.4716  2.79453  E4.5
## 8732  -2.3934  2.79453  E4.5
## 8733  -2.3152  2.79453  E4.5
## 8734  -2.2369  2.79453  E4.5
## 8735  -2.1587  2.79453  E4.5
## 8736  -2.0805  2.79453  E4.5
## 8737  -2.0022  2.79453  E4.5
## 8738  -1.9240  2.79453  E4.5
## 8739  -1.8458  2.79453  E4.5
## 8740  -1.7676  2.79453  E4.5
## 8741  -1.6893  2.79453  E4.5
## 8742  -1.6111  2.79453  E4.5
## 8743  -1.5329  2.79453  E4.5
## 8744  -1.4546  2.79453  E4.5
## 8745  -1.3764  2.79453  E4.5
## 8746  -1.2982  2.79453  E4.5
## 8747  -1.2199  2.79453  E4.5
## 8748  -1.1417  2.79453  E4.5
## 8749  -1.0635  2.79453  E4.5
## 8750  -0.9852  2.79453  E4.5
## 8751  -0.9070  2.79453  E4.5
## 8752  -0.8288  2.79453  E4.5
## 8753  -0.7505  2.79453  E4.5
## 8754  -0.6723  2.79453  E4.5
## 8755  -0.5941  2.79453  E4.5
## 8756  -0.5158  2.79453  E4.5
## 8757  -0.4376  2.79453  E4.5
## 8758  -0.3594  2.79453  E4.5
## 8759  -0.2811  2.79453  E4.5
## 8760  -0.2029  2.79453  E4.5
## 8761  -0.1247  2.79453  E4.5
## 8762  -0.0464  2.79453  E4.5
## 8763   0.0318  2.79453  E4.5
## 8764   0.1100  2.79453  E4.5
## 8765   0.1883  2.79453  E4.5
## 8766   0.2665  2.79453  E4.5
## 8767   0.3447  2.79453  E4.5
## 8768   0.4230  2.79453  E4.5
## 8769   0.5012  2.79453 E3.25
## 8770   0.5794  2.79453 E3.25
## 8771   0.6577  2.79453 E3.25
## 8772   0.7359  2.79453 E3.25
## 8773   0.8141  2.79453 E3.25
## 8774   0.8923  2.79453 E3.25
## 8775   0.9706  2.79453 E3.25
## 8776   1.0488  2.79453 E3.25
## 8777   1.1270  2.79453 E3.25
## 8778   1.2053  2.79453 E3.25
## 8779   1.2835  2.79453 E3.25
## 8780   1.3617  2.79453 E3.25
## 8781   1.4400  2.79453 E3.25
## 8782   1.5182  2.79453 E3.25
## 8783   1.5964  2.79453 E3.25
## 8784   1.6747  2.79453 E3.25
## 8785   1.7529  2.79453 E3.25
## 8786   1.8311  2.79453 E3.25
## 8787   1.9094  2.79453 E3.25
## 8788   1.9876  2.79453 E3.25
## 8789   2.0658  2.79453 E3.25
## 8790   2.1441  2.79453 E3.25
## 8791   2.2223  2.79453 E3.25
## 8792   2.3005  2.79453 E3.25
## 8793   2.3788  2.79453 E3.25
## 8794   2.4570  2.79453 E3.25
## 8795   2.5352  2.79453 E3.25
## 8796   2.6135  2.79453 E3.25
## 8797   2.6917  2.79453 E3.25
## 8798   2.7699  2.79453 E3.25
## 8799   2.8482  2.79453 E3.25
## 8800   2.9264  2.79453 E3.25
## 8801  -4.8186  2.85028  E4.5
## 8802  -4.7404  2.85028  E4.5
## 8803  -4.6622  2.85028  E4.5
## 8804  -4.5839  2.85028  E4.5
## 8805  -4.5057  2.85028  E4.5
## 8806  -4.4275  2.85028  E4.5
## 8807  -4.3492  2.85028  E4.5
## 8808  -4.2710  2.85028  E4.5
## 8809  -4.1928  2.85028  E4.5
## 8810  -4.1145  2.85028  E4.5
## 8811  -4.0363  2.85028  E4.5
## 8812  -3.9581  2.85028  E4.5
## 8813  -3.8798  2.85028  E4.5
## 8814  -3.8016  2.85028  E4.5
## 8815  -3.7234  2.85028  E4.5
## 8816  -3.6451  2.85028  E4.5
## 8817  -3.5669  2.85028  E4.5
## 8818  -3.4887  2.85028  E4.5
## 8819  -3.4104  2.85028  E4.5
## 8820  -3.3322  2.85028  E4.5
## 8821  -3.2540  2.85028  E4.5
## 8822  -3.1757  2.85028  E4.5
## 8823  -3.0975  2.85028  E4.5
## 8824  -3.0193  2.85028  E4.5
## 8825  -2.9410  2.85028  E4.5
## 8826  -2.8628  2.85028  E4.5
## 8827  -2.7846  2.85028  E4.5
## 8828  -2.7063  2.85028  E4.5
## 8829  -2.6281  2.85028  E4.5
## 8830  -2.5499  2.85028  E4.5
## 8831  -2.4716  2.85028  E4.5
## 8832  -2.3934  2.85028  E4.5
## 8833  -2.3152  2.85028  E4.5
## 8834  -2.2369  2.85028  E4.5
## 8835  -2.1587  2.85028  E4.5
## 8836  -2.0805  2.85028  E4.5
## 8837  -2.0022  2.85028  E4.5
## 8838  -1.9240  2.85028  E4.5
## 8839  -1.8458  2.85028  E4.5
## 8840  -1.7676  2.85028  E4.5
## 8841  -1.6893  2.85028  E4.5
## 8842  -1.6111  2.85028  E4.5
## 8843  -1.5329  2.85028  E4.5
## 8844  -1.4546  2.85028  E4.5
## 8845  -1.3764  2.85028  E4.5
## 8846  -1.2982  2.85028  E4.5
## 8847  -1.2199  2.85028  E4.5
## 8848  -1.1417  2.85028  E4.5
## 8849  -1.0635  2.85028  E4.5
## 8850  -0.9852  2.85028  E4.5
## 8851  -0.9070  2.85028  E4.5
## 8852  -0.8288  2.85028  E4.5
## 8853  -0.7505  2.85028  E4.5
## 8854  -0.6723  2.85028  E4.5
## 8855  -0.5941  2.85028  E4.5
## 8856  -0.5158  2.85028  E4.5
## 8857  -0.4376  2.85028  E4.5
## 8858  -0.3594  2.85028  E4.5
## 8859  -0.2811  2.85028  E4.5
## 8860  -0.2029  2.85028  E4.5
## 8861  -0.1247  2.85028  E4.5
## 8862  -0.0464  2.85028  E4.5
## 8863   0.0318  2.85028  E4.5
## 8864   0.1100  2.85028  E4.5
## 8865   0.1883  2.85028  E4.5
## 8866   0.2665  2.85028  E4.5
## 8867   0.3447  2.85028  E4.5
## 8868   0.4230  2.85028  E4.5
## 8869   0.5012  2.85028  E4.5
## 8870   0.5794  2.85028 E3.25
## 8871   0.6577  2.85028 E3.25
## 8872   0.7359  2.85028 E3.25
## 8873   0.8141  2.85028 E3.25
## 8874   0.8923  2.85028 E3.25
## 8875   0.9706  2.85028 E3.25
## 8876   1.0488  2.85028 E3.25
## 8877   1.1270  2.85028 E3.25
## 8878   1.2053  2.85028 E3.25
## 8879   1.2835  2.85028 E3.25
## 8880   1.3617  2.85028 E3.25
## 8881   1.4400  2.85028 E3.25
## 8882   1.5182  2.85028 E3.25
## 8883   1.5964  2.85028 E3.25
## 8884   1.6747  2.85028 E3.25
## 8885   1.7529  2.85028 E3.25
## 8886   1.8311  2.85028 E3.25
## 8887   1.9094  2.85028 E3.25
## 8888   1.9876  2.85028 E3.25
## 8889   2.0658  2.85028 E3.25
## 8890   2.1441  2.85028 E3.25
## 8891   2.2223  2.85028 E3.25
## 8892   2.3005  2.85028 E3.25
## 8893   2.3788  2.85028 E3.25
## 8894   2.4570  2.85028 E3.25
## 8895   2.5352  2.85028 E3.25
## 8896   2.6135  2.85028 E3.25
## 8897   2.6917  2.85028 E3.25
## 8898   2.7699  2.85028 E3.25
## 8899   2.8482  2.85028 E3.25
## 8900   2.9264  2.85028 E3.25
## 8901  -4.8186  2.90602  E4.5
## 8902  -4.7404  2.90602  E4.5
## 8903  -4.6622  2.90602  E4.5
## 8904  -4.5839  2.90602  E4.5
## 8905  -4.5057  2.90602  E4.5
## 8906  -4.4275  2.90602  E4.5
## 8907  -4.3492  2.90602  E4.5
## 8908  -4.2710  2.90602  E4.5
## 8909  -4.1928  2.90602  E4.5
## 8910  -4.1145  2.90602  E4.5
## 8911  -4.0363  2.90602  E4.5
## 8912  -3.9581  2.90602  E4.5
## 8913  -3.8798  2.90602  E4.5
## 8914  -3.8016  2.90602  E4.5
## 8915  -3.7234  2.90602  E4.5
## 8916  -3.6451  2.90602  E4.5
## 8917  -3.5669  2.90602  E4.5
## 8918  -3.4887  2.90602  E4.5
## 8919  -3.4104  2.90602  E4.5
## 8920  -3.3322  2.90602  E4.5
## 8921  -3.2540  2.90602  E4.5
## 8922  -3.1757  2.90602  E4.5
## 8923  -3.0975  2.90602  E4.5
## 8924  -3.0193  2.90602  E4.5
## 8925  -2.9410  2.90602  E4.5
## 8926  -2.8628  2.90602  E4.5
## 8927  -2.7846  2.90602  E4.5
## 8928  -2.7063  2.90602  E4.5
## 8929  -2.6281  2.90602  E4.5
## 8930  -2.5499  2.90602  E4.5
## 8931  -2.4716  2.90602  E4.5
## 8932  -2.3934  2.90602  E4.5
## 8933  -2.3152  2.90602  E4.5
## 8934  -2.2369  2.90602  E4.5
## 8935  -2.1587  2.90602  E4.5
## 8936  -2.0805  2.90602  E4.5
## 8937  -2.0022  2.90602  E4.5
## 8938  -1.9240  2.90602  E4.5
## 8939  -1.8458  2.90602  E4.5
## 8940  -1.7676  2.90602  E4.5
## 8941  -1.6893  2.90602  E4.5
## 8942  -1.6111  2.90602  E4.5
## 8943  -1.5329  2.90602  E4.5
## 8944  -1.4546  2.90602  E4.5
## 8945  -1.3764  2.90602  E4.5
## 8946  -1.2982  2.90602  E4.5
## 8947  -1.2199  2.90602  E4.5
## 8948  -1.1417  2.90602  E4.5
## 8949  -1.0635  2.90602  E4.5
## 8950  -0.9852  2.90602  E4.5
## 8951  -0.9070  2.90602  E4.5
## 8952  -0.8288  2.90602  E4.5
## 8953  -0.7505  2.90602  E4.5
## 8954  -0.6723  2.90602  E4.5
## 8955  -0.5941  2.90602  E4.5
## 8956  -0.5158  2.90602  E4.5
## 8957  -0.4376  2.90602  E4.5
## 8958  -0.3594  2.90602  E4.5
## 8959  -0.2811  2.90602  E4.5
## 8960  -0.2029  2.90602  E4.5
## 8961  -0.1247  2.90602  E4.5
## 8962  -0.0464  2.90602  E4.5
## 8963   0.0318  2.90602  E4.5
## 8964   0.1100  2.90602  E4.5
## 8965   0.1883  2.90602  E4.5
## 8966   0.2665  2.90602  E4.5
## 8967   0.3447  2.90602  E4.5
## 8968   0.4230  2.90602  E4.5
## 8969   0.5012  2.90602  E4.5
## 8970   0.5794  2.90602 E3.25
## 8971   0.6577  2.90602 E3.25
## 8972   0.7359  2.90602 E3.25
## 8973   0.8141  2.90602 E3.25
## 8974   0.8923  2.90602 E3.25
## 8975   0.9706  2.90602 E3.25
## 8976   1.0488  2.90602 E3.25
## 8977   1.1270  2.90602 E3.25
## 8978   1.2053  2.90602 E3.25
## 8979   1.2835  2.90602 E3.25
## 8980   1.3617  2.90602 E3.25
## 8981   1.4400  2.90602 E3.25
## 8982   1.5182  2.90602 E3.25
## 8983   1.5964  2.90602 E3.25
## 8984   1.6747  2.90602 E3.25
## 8985   1.7529  2.90602 E3.25
## 8986   1.8311  2.90602 E3.25
## 8987   1.9094  2.90602 E3.25
## 8988   1.9876  2.90602 E3.25
## 8989   2.0658  2.90602 E3.25
## 8990   2.1441  2.90602 E3.25
## 8991   2.2223  2.90602 E3.25
## 8992   2.3005  2.90602 E3.25
## 8993   2.3788  2.90602 E3.25
## 8994   2.4570  2.90602 E3.25
## 8995   2.5352  2.90602 E3.25
## 8996   2.6135  2.90602 E3.25
## 8997   2.6917  2.90602 E3.25
## 8998   2.7699  2.90602 E3.25
## 8999   2.8482  2.90602 E3.25
## 9000   2.9264  2.90602 E3.25
## 9001  -4.8186  2.96177  E4.5
## 9002  -4.7404  2.96177  E4.5
## 9003  -4.6622  2.96177  E4.5
## 9004  -4.5839  2.96177  E4.5
## 9005  -4.5057  2.96177  E4.5
## 9006  -4.4275  2.96177  E4.5
## 9007  -4.3492  2.96177  E4.5
## 9008  -4.2710  2.96177  E4.5
## 9009  -4.1928  2.96177  E4.5
## 9010  -4.1145  2.96177  E4.5
## 9011  -4.0363  2.96177  E4.5
## 9012  -3.9581  2.96177  E4.5
## 9013  -3.8798  2.96177  E4.5
## 9014  -3.8016  2.96177  E4.5
## 9015  -3.7234  2.96177  E4.5
## 9016  -3.6451  2.96177  E4.5
## 9017  -3.5669  2.96177  E4.5
## 9018  -3.4887  2.96177  E4.5
## 9019  -3.4104  2.96177  E4.5
## 9020  -3.3322  2.96177  E4.5
## 9021  -3.2540  2.96177  E4.5
## 9022  -3.1757  2.96177  E4.5
## 9023  -3.0975  2.96177  E4.5
## 9024  -3.0193  2.96177  E4.5
## 9025  -2.9410  2.96177  E4.5
## 9026  -2.8628  2.96177  E4.5
## 9027  -2.7846  2.96177  E4.5
## 9028  -2.7063  2.96177  E4.5
## 9029  -2.6281  2.96177  E4.5
## 9030  -2.5499  2.96177  E4.5
## 9031  -2.4716  2.96177  E4.5
## 9032  -2.3934  2.96177  E4.5
## 9033  -2.3152  2.96177  E4.5
## 9034  -2.2369  2.96177  E4.5
## 9035  -2.1587  2.96177  E4.5
## 9036  -2.0805  2.96177  E4.5
## 9037  -2.0022  2.96177  E4.5
## 9038  -1.9240  2.96177  E4.5
## 9039  -1.8458  2.96177  E4.5
## 9040  -1.7676  2.96177  E4.5
## 9041  -1.6893  2.96177  E4.5
## 9042  -1.6111  2.96177  E4.5
## 9043  -1.5329  2.96177  E4.5
## 9044  -1.4546  2.96177  E4.5
## 9045  -1.3764  2.96177  E4.5
## 9046  -1.2982  2.96177  E4.5
## 9047  -1.2199  2.96177  E4.5
## 9048  -1.1417  2.96177  E4.5
## 9049  -1.0635  2.96177  E4.5
## 9050  -0.9852  2.96177  E4.5
## 9051  -0.9070  2.96177  E4.5
## 9052  -0.8288  2.96177  E4.5
## 9053  -0.7505  2.96177  E4.5
## 9054  -0.6723  2.96177  E4.5
## 9055  -0.5941  2.96177  E4.5
## 9056  -0.5158  2.96177  E4.5
## 9057  -0.4376  2.96177  E4.5
## 9058  -0.3594  2.96177  E4.5
## 9059  -0.2811  2.96177  E4.5
## 9060  -0.2029  2.96177  E4.5
## 9061  -0.1247  2.96177  E4.5
## 9062  -0.0464  2.96177  E4.5
## 9063   0.0318  2.96177  E4.5
## 9064   0.1100  2.96177  E4.5
## 9065   0.1883  2.96177  E4.5
## 9066   0.2665  2.96177  E4.5
## 9067   0.3447  2.96177  E4.5
## 9068   0.4230  2.96177  E4.5
## 9069   0.5012  2.96177  E4.5
## 9070   0.5794  2.96177  E4.5
## 9071   0.6577  2.96177 E3.25
## 9072   0.7359  2.96177 E3.25
## 9073   0.8141  2.96177 E3.25
## 9074   0.8923  2.96177 E3.25
## 9075   0.9706  2.96177 E3.25
## 9076   1.0488  2.96177 E3.25
## 9077   1.1270  2.96177 E3.25
## 9078   1.2053  2.96177 E3.25
## 9079   1.2835  2.96177 E3.25
## 9080   1.3617  2.96177 E3.25
## 9081   1.4400  2.96177 E3.25
## 9082   1.5182  2.96177 E3.25
## 9083   1.5964  2.96177 E3.25
## 9084   1.6747  2.96177 E3.25
## 9085   1.7529  2.96177 E3.25
## 9086   1.8311  2.96177 E3.25
## 9087   1.9094  2.96177 E3.25
## 9088   1.9876  2.96177 E3.25
## 9089   2.0658  2.96177 E3.25
## 9090   2.1441  2.96177 E3.25
## 9091   2.2223  2.96177 E3.25
## 9092   2.3005  2.96177 E3.25
## 9093   2.3788  2.96177 E3.25
## 9094   2.4570  2.96177 E3.25
## 9095   2.5352  2.96177 E3.25
## 9096   2.6135  2.96177 E3.25
## 9097   2.6917  2.96177 E3.25
## 9098   2.7699  2.96177 E3.25
## 9099   2.8482  2.96177 E3.25
## 9100   2.9264  2.96177 E3.25
## 9101  -4.8186  3.01751  E4.5
## 9102  -4.7404  3.01751  E4.5
## 9103  -4.6622  3.01751  E4.5
## 9104  -4.5839  3.01751  E4.5
## 9105  -4.5057  3.01751  E4.5
## 9106  -4.4275  3.01751  E4.5
## 9107  -4.3492  3.01751  E4.5
## 9108  -4.2710  3.01751  E4.5
## 9109  -4.1928  3.01751  E4.5
## 9110  -4.1145  3.01751  E4.5
## 9111  -4.0363  3.01751  E4.5
## 9112  -3.9581  3.01751  E4.5
## 9113  -3.8798  3.01751  E4.5
## 9114  -3.8016  3.01751  E4.5
## 9115  -3.7234  3.01751  E4.5
## 9116  -3.6451  3.01751  E4.5
## 9117  -3.5669  3.01751  E4.5
## 9118  -3.4887  3.01751  E4.5
## 9119  -3.4104  3.01751  E4.5
## 9120  -3.3322  3.01751  E4.5
## 9121  -3.2540  3.01751  E4.5
## 9122  -3.1757  3.01751  E4.5
## 9123  -3.0975  3.01751  E4.5
## 9124  -3.0193  3.01751  E4.5
## 9125  -2.9410  3.01751  E4.5
## 9126  -2.8628  3.01751  E4.5
## 9127  -2.7846  3.01751  E4.5
## 9128  -2.7063  3.01751  E4.5
## 9129  -2.6281  3.01751  E4.5
## 9130  -2.5499  3.01751  E4.5
## 9131  -2.4716  3.01751  E4.5
## 9132  -2.3934  3.01751  E4.5
## 9133  -2.3152  3.01751  E4.5
## 9134  -2.2369  3.01751  E4.5
## 9135  -2.1587  3.01751  E4.5
## 9136  -2.0805  3.01751  E4.5
## 9137  -2.0022  3.01751  E4.5
## 9138  -1.9240  3.01751  E4.5
## 9139  -1.8458  3.01751  E4.5
## 9140  -1.7676  3.01751  E4.5
## 9141  -1.6893  3.01751  E4.5
## 9142  -1.6111  3.01751  E4.5
## 9143  -1.5329  3.01751  E4.5
## 9144  -1.4546  3.01751  E4.5
## 9145  -1.3764  3.01751  E4.5
## 9146  -1.2982  3.01751  E4.5
## 9147  -1.2199  3.01751  E4.5
## 9148  -1.1417  3.01751  E4.5
## 9149  -1.0635  3.01751  E4.5
## 9150  -0.9852  3.01751  E4.5
## 9151  -0.9070  3.01751  E4.5
## 9152  -0.8288  3.01751  E4.5
## 9153  -0.7505  3.01751  E4.5
## 9154  -0.6723  3.01751  E4.5
## 9155  -0.5941  3.01751  E4.5
## 9156  -0.5158  3.01751  E4.5
## 9157  -0.4376  3.01751  E4.5
## 9158  -0.3594  3.01751  E4.5
## 9159  -0.2811  3.01751  E4.5
## 9160  -0.2029  3.01751  E4.5
## 9161  -0.1247  3.01751  E4.5
## 9162  -0.0464  3.01751  E4.5
## 9163   0.0318  3.01751  E4.5
## 9164   0.1100  3.01751  E4.5
## 9165   0.1883  3.01751  E4.5
## 9166   0.2665  3.01751  E4.5
## 9167   0.3447  3.01751  E4.5
## 9168   0.4230  3.01751  E4.5
## 9169   0.5012  3.01751  E4.5
## 9170   0.5794  3.01751  E4.5
## 9171   0.6577  3.01751  E4.5
## 9172   0.7359  3.01751 E3.25
## 9173   0.8141  3.01751 E3.25
## 9174   0.8923  3.01751 E3.25
## 9175   0.9706  3.01751 E3.25
## 9176   1.0488  3.01751 E3.25
## 9177   1.1270  3.01751 E3.25
## 9178   1.2053  3.01751 E3.25
## 9179   1.2835  3.01751 E3.25
## 9180   1.3617  3.01751 E3.25
## 9181   1.4400  3.01751 E3.25
## 9182   1.5182  3.01751 E3.25
## 9183   1.5964  3.01751 E3.25
## 9184   1.6747  3.01751 E3.25
## 9185   1.7529  3.01751 E3.25
## 9186   1.8311  3.01751 E3.25
## 9187   1.9094  3.01751 E3.25
## 9188   1.9876  3.01751 E3.25
## 9189   2.0658  3.01751 E3.25
## 9190   2.1441  3.01751 E3.25
## 9191   2.2223  3.01751 E3.25
## 9192   2.3005  3.01751 E3.25
## 9193   2.3788  3.01751 E3.25
## 9194   2.4570  3.01751 E3.25
## 9195   2.5352  3.01751 E3.25
## 9196   2.6135  3.01751 E3.25
## 9197   2.6917  3.01751 E3.25
## 9198   2.7699  3.01751 E3.25
## 9199   2.8482  3.01751 E3.25
## 9200   2.9264  3.01751 E3.25
## 9201  -4.8186  3.07326  E4.5
## 9202  -4.7404  3.07326  E4.5
## 9203  -4.6622  3.07326  E4.5
## 9204  -4.5839  3.07326  E4.5
## 9205  -4.5057  3.07326  E4.5
## 9206  -4.4275  3.07326  E4.5
## 9207  -4.3492  3.07326  E4.5
## 9208  -4.2710  3.07326  E4.5
## 9209  -4.1928  3.07326  E4.5
## 9210  -4.1145  3.07326  E4.5
## 9211  -4.0363  3.07326  E4.5
## 9212  -3.9581  3.07326  E4.5
## 9213  -3.8798  3.07326  E4.5
## 9214  -3.8016  3.07326  E4.5
## 9215  -3.7234  3.07326  E4.5
## 9216  -3.6451  3.07326  E4.5
## 9217  -3.5669  3.07326  E4.5
## 9218  -3.4887  3.07326  E4.5
## 9219  -3.4104  3.07326  E4.5
## 9220  -3.3322  3.07326  E4.5
## 9221  -3.2540  3.07326  E4.5
## 9222  -3.1757  3.07326  E4.5
## 9223  -3.0975  3.07326  E4.5
## 9224  -3.0193  3.07326  E4.5
## 9225  -2.9410  3.07326  E4.5
## 9226  -2.8628  3.07326  E4.5
## 9227  -2.7846  3.07326  E4.5
## 9228  -2.7063  3.07326  E4.5
## 9229  -2.6281  3.07326  E4.5
## 9230  -2.5499  3.07326  E4.5
## 9231  -2.4716  3.07326  E4.5
## 9232  -2.3934  3.07326  E4.5
## 9233  -2.3152  3.07326  E4.5
## 9234  -2.2369  3.07326  E4.5
## 9235  -2.1587  3.07326  E4.5
## 9236  -2.0805  3.07326  E4.5
## 9237  -2.0022  3.07326  E4.5
## 9238  -1.9240  3.07326  E4.5
## 9239  -1.8458  3.07326  E4.5
## 9240  -1.7676  3.07326  E4.5
## 9241  -1.6893  3.07326  E4.5
## 9242  -1.6111  3.07326  E4.5
## 9243  -1.5329  3.07326  E4.5
## 9244  -1.4546  3.07326  E4.5
## 9245  -1.3764  3.07326  E4.5
## 9246  -1.2982  3.07326  E4.5
## 9247  -1.2199  3.07326  E4.5
## 9248  -1.1417  3.07326  E4.5
## 9249  -1.0635  3.07326  E4.5
## 9250  -0.9852  3.07326  E4.5
## 9251  -0.9070  3.07326  E4.5
## 9252  -0.8288  3.07326  E4.5
## 9253  -0.7505  3.07326  E4.5
## 9254  -0.6723  3.07326  E4.5
## 9255  -0.5941  3.07326  E4.5
## 9256  -0.5158  3.07326  E4.5
## 9257  -0.4376  3.07326  E4.5
## 9258  -0.3594  3.07326  E4.5
## 9259  -0.2811  3.07326  E4.5
## 9260  -0.2029  3.07326  E4.5
## 9261  -0.1247  3.07326  E4.5
## 9262  -0.0464  3.07326  E4.5
## 9263   0.0318  3.07326  E4.5
## 9264   0.1100  3.07326  E4.5
## 9265   0.1883  3.07326  E4.5
## 9266   0.2665  3.07326  E4.5
## 9267   0.3447  3.07326  E4.5
## 9268   0.4230  3.07326  E4.5
## 9269   0.5012  3.07326  E4.5
## 9270   0.5794  3.07326  E4.5
## 9271   0.6577  3.07326  E4.5
## 9272   0.7359  3.07326  E4.5
## 9273   0.8141  3.07326 E3.25
## 9274   0.8923  3.07326 E3.25
## 9275   0.9706  3.07326 E3.25
## 9276   1.0488  3.07326 E3.25
## 9277   1.1270  3.07326 E3.25
## 9278   1.2053  3.07326 E3.25
## 9279   1.2835  3.07326 E3.25
## 9280   1.3617  3.07326 E3.25
## 9281   1.4400  3.07326 E3.25
## 9282   1.5182  3.07326 E3.25
## 9283   1.5964  3.07326 E3.25
## 9284   1.6747  3.07326 E3.25
## 9285   1.7529  3.07326 E3.25
## 9286   1.8311  3.07326 E3.25
## 9287   1.9094  3.07326 E3.25
## 9288   1.9876  3.07326 E3.25
## 9289   2.0658  3.07326 E3.25
## 9290   2.1441  3.07326 E3.25
## 9291   2.2223  3.07326 E3.25
## 9292   2.3005  3.07326 E3.25
## 9293   2.3788  3.07326 E3.25
## 9294   2.4570  3.07326 E3.25
## 9295   2.5352  3.07326 E3.25
## 9296   2.6135  3.07326 E3.25
## 9297   2.6917  3.07326 E3.25
## 9298   2.7699  3.07326 E3.25
## 9299   2.8482  3.07326 E3.25
## 9300   2.9264  3.07326 E3.25
## 9301  -4.8186  3.12900  E4.5
## 9302  -4.7404  3.12900  E4.5
## 9303  -4.6622  3.12900  E4.5
## 9304  -4.5839  3.12900  E4.5
## 9305  -4.5057  3.12900  E4.5
## 9306  -4.4275  3.12900  E4.5
## 9307  -4.3492  3.12900  E4.5
## 9308  -4.2710  3.12900  E4.5
## 9309  -4.1928  3.12900  E4.5
## 9310  -4.1145  3.12900  E4.5
## 9311  -4.0363  3.12900  E4.5
## 9312  -3.9581  3.12900  E4.5
## 9313  -3.8798  3.12900  E4.5
## 9314  -3.8016  3.12900  E4.5
## 9315  -3.7234  3.12900  E4.5
## 9316  -3.6451  3.12900  E4.5
## 9317  -3.5669  3.12900  E4.5
## 9318  -3.4887  3.12900  E4.5
## 9319  -3.4104  3.12900  E4.5
## 9320  -3.3322  3.12900  E4.5
## 9321  -3.2540  3.12900  E4.5
## 9322  -3.1757  3.12900  E4.5
## 9323  -3.0975  3.12900  E4.5
## 9324  -3.0193  3.12900  E4.5
## 9325  -2.9410  3.12900  E4.5
## 9326  -2.8628  3.12900  E4.5
## 9327  -2.7846  3.12900  E4.5
## 9328  -2.7063  3.12900  E4.5
## 9329  -2.6281  3.12900  E4.5
## 9330  -2.5499  3.12900  E4.5
## 9331  -2.4716  3.12900  E4.5
## 9332  -2.3934  3.12900  E4.5
## 9333  -2.3152  3.12900  E4.5
## 9334  -2.2369  3.12900  E4.5
## 9335  -2.1587  3.12900  E4.5
## 9336  -2.0805  3.12900  E4.5
## 9337  -2.0022  3.12900  E4.5
## 9338  -1.9240  3.12900  E4.5
## 9339  -1.8458  3.12900  E4.5
## 9340  -1.7676  3.12900  E4.5
## 9341  -1.6893  3.12900  E4.5
## 9342  -1.6111  3.12900  E4.5
## 9343  -1.5329  3.12900  E4.5
## 9344  -1.4546  3.12900  E4.5
## 9345  -1.3764  3.12900  E4.5
## 9346  -1.2982  3.12900  E4.5
## 9347  -1.2199  3.12900  E4.5
## 9348  -1.1417  3.12900  E4.5
## 9349  -1.0635  3.12900  E4.5
## 9350  -0.9852  3.12900  E4.5
## 9351  -0.9070  3.12900  E4.5
## 9352  -0.8288  3.12900  E4.5
## 9353  -0.7505  3.12900  E4.5
## 9354  -0.6723  3.12900  E4.5
## 9355  -0.5941  3.12900  E4.5
## 9356  -0.5158  3.12900  E4.5
## 9357  -0.4376  3.12900  E4.5
## 9358  -0.3594  3.12900  E4.5
## 9359  -0.2811  3.12900  E4.5
## 9360  -0.2029  3.12900  E4.5
## 9361  -0.1247  3.12900  E4.5
## 9362  -0.0464  3.12900  E4.5
## 9363   0.0318  3.12900  E4.5
## 9364   0.1100  3.12900  E4.5
## 9365   0.1883  3.12900  E4.5
## 9366   0.2665  3.12900  E4.5
## 9367   0.3447  3.12900  E4.5
## 9368   0.4230  3.12900  E4.5
## 9369   0.5012  3.12900  E4.5
## 9370   0.5794  3.12900  E4.5
## 9371   0.6577  3.12900  E4.5
## 9372   0.7359  3.12900  E4.5
## 9373   0.8141  3.12900 E3.25
## 9374   0.8923  3.12900 E3.25
## 9375   0.9706  3.12900 E3.25
## 9376   1.0488  3.12900 E3.25
## 9377   1.1270  3.12900 E3.25
## 9378   1.2053  3.12900 E3.25
## 9379   1.2835  3.12900 E3.25
## 9380   1.3617  3.12900 E3.25
## 9381   1.4400  3.12900 E3.25
## 9382   1.5182  3.12900 E3.25
## 9383   1.5964  3.12900 E3.25
## 9384   1.6747  3.12900 E3.25
## 9385   1.7529  3.12900 E3.25
## 9386   1.8311  3.12900 E3.25
## 9387   1.9094  3.12900 E3.25
## 9388   1.9876  3.12900 E3.25
## 9389   2.0658  3.12900 E3.25
## 9390   2.1441  3.12900 E3.25
## 9391   2.2223  3.12900 E3.25
## 9392   2.3005  3.12900 E3.25
## 9393   2.3788  3.12900 E3.25
## 9394   2.4570  3.12900 E3.25
## 9395   2.5352  3.12900 E3.25
## 9396   2.6135  3.12900 E3.25
## 9397   2.6917  3.12900 E3.25
## 9398   2.7699  3.12900 E3.25
## 9399   2.8482  3.12900 E3.25
## 9400   2.9264  3.12900 E3.25
## 9401  -4.8186  3.18475  E4.5
## 9402  -4.7404  3.18475  E4.5
## 9403  -4.6622  3.18475  E4.5
## 9404  -4.5839  3.18475  E4.5
## 9405  -4.5057  3.18475  E4.5
## 9406  -4.4275  3.18475  E4.5
## 9407  -4.3492  3.18475  E4.5
## 9408  -4.2710  3.18475  E4.5
## 9409  -4.1928  3.18475  E4.5
## 9410  -4.1145  3.18475  E4.5
## 9411  -4.0363  3.18475  E4.5
## 9412  -3.9581  3.18475  E4.5
## 9413  -3.8798  3.18475  E4.5
## 9414  -3.8016  3.18475  E4.5
## 9415  -3.7234  3.18475  E4.5
## 9416  -3.6451  3.18475  E4.5
## 9417  -3.5669  3.18475  E4.5
## 9418  -3.4887  3.18475  E4.5
## 9419  -3.4104  3.18475  E4.5
## 9420  -3.3322  3.18475  E4.5
## 9421  -3.2540  3.18475  E4.5
## 9422  -3.1757  3.18475  E4.5
## 9423  -3.0975  3.18475  E4.5
## 9424  -3.0193  3.18475  E4.5
## 9425  -2.9410  3.18475  E4.5
## 9426  -2.8628  3.18475  E4.5
## 9427  -2.7846  3.18475  E4.5
## 9428  -2.7063  3.18475  E4.5
## 9429  -2.6281  3.18475  E4.5
## 9430  -2.5499  3.18475  E4.5
## 9431  -2.4716  3.18475  E4.5
## 9432  -2.3934  3.18475  E4.5
## 9433  -2.3152  3.18475  E4.5
## 9434  -2.2369  3.18475  E4.5
## 9435  -2.1587  3.18475  E4.5
## 9436  -2.0805  3.18475  E4.5
## 9437  -2.0022  3.18475  E4.5
## 9438  -1.9240  3.18475  E4.5
## 9439  -1.8458  3.18475  E4.5
## 9440  -1.7676  3.18475  E4.5
## 9441  -1.6893  3.18475  E4.5
## 9442  -1.6111  3.18475  E4.5
## 9443  -1.5329  3.18475  E4.5
## 9444  -1.4546  3.18475  E4.5
## 9445  -1.3764  3.18475  E4.5
## 9446  -1.2982  3.18475  E4.5
## 9447  -1.2199  3.18475  E4.5
## 9448  -1.1417  3.18475  E4.5
## 9449  -1.0635  3.18475  E4.5
## 9450  -0.9852  3.18475  E4.5
## 9451  -0.9070  3.18475  E4.5
## 9452  -0.8288  3.18475  E4.5
## 9453  -0.7505  3.18475  E4.5
## 9454  -0.6723  3.18475  E4.5
## 9455  -0.5941  3.18475  E4.5
## 9456  -0.5158  3.18475  E4.5
## 9457  -0.4376  3.18475  E4.5
## 9458  -0.3594  3.18475  E4.5
## 9459  -0.2811  3.18475  E4.5
## 9460  -0.2029  3.18475  E4.5
## 9461  -0.1247  3.18475  E4.5
## 9462  -0.0464  3.18475  E4.5
## 9463   0.0318  3.18475  E4.5
## 9464   0.1100  3.18475  E4.5
## 9465   0.1883  3.18475  E4.5
## 9466   0.2665  3.18475  E4.5
## 9467   0.3447  3.18475  E4.5
## 9468   0.4230  3.18475  E4.5
## 9469   0.5012  3.18475  E4.5
## 9470   0.5794  3.18475  E4.5
## 9471   0.6577  3.18475  E4.5
## 9472   0.7359  3.18475  E4.5
## 9473   0.8141  3.18475  E4.5
## 9474   0.8923  3.18475 E3.25
## 9475   0.9706  3.18475 E3.25
## 9476   1.0488  3.18475 E3.25
## 9477   1.1270  3.18475 E3.25
## 9478   1.2053  3.18475 E3.25
## 9479   1.2835  3.18475 E3.25
## 9480   1.3617  3.18475 E3.25
## 9481   1.4400  3.18475 E3.25
## 9482   1.5182  3.18475 E3.25
## 9483   1.5964  3.18475 E3.25
## 9484   1.6747  3.18475 E3.25
## 9485   1.7529  3.18475 E3.25
## 9486   1.8311  3.18475 E3.25
## 9487   1.9094  3.18475 E3.25
## 9488   1.9876  3.18475 E3.25
## 9489   2.0658  3.18475 E3.25
## 9490   2.1441  3.18475 E3.25
## 9491   2.2223  3.18475 E3.25
## 9492   2.3005  3.18475 E3.25
## 9493   2.3788  3.18475 E3.25
## 9494   2.4570  3.18475 E3.25
## 9495   2.5352  3.18475 E3.25
## 9496   2.6135  3.18475 E3.25
## 9497   2.6917  3.18475 E3.25
## 9498   2.7699  3.18475 E3.25
## 9499   2.8482  3.18475 E3.25
## 9500   2.9264  3.18475 E3.25
## 9501  -4.8186  3.24049  E4.5
## 9502  -4.7404  3.24049  E4.5
## 9503  -4.6622  3.24049  E4.5
## 9504  -4.5839  3.24049  E4.5
## 9505  -4.5057  3.24049  E4.5
## 9506  -4.4275  3.24049  E4.5
## 9507  -4.3492  3.24049  E4.5
## 9508  -4.2710  3.24049  E4.5
## 9509  -4.1928  3.24049  E4.5
## 9510  -4.1145  3.24049  E4.5
## 9511  -4.0363  3.24049  E4.5
## 9512  -3.9581  3.24049  E4.5
## 9513  -3.8798  3.24049  E4.5
## 9514  -3.8016  3.24049  E4.5
## 9515  -3.7234  3.24049  E4.5
## 9516  -3.6451  3.24049  E4.5
## 9517  -3.5669  3.24049  E4.5
## 9518  -3.4887  3.24049  E4.5
## 9519  -3.4104  3.24049  E4.5
## 9520  -3.3322  3.24049  E4.5
## 9521  -3.2540  3.24049  E4.5
## 9522  -3.1757  3.24049  E4.5
## 9523  -3.0975  3.24049  E4.5
## 9524  -3.0193  3.24049  E4.5
## 9525  -2.9410  3.24049  E4.5
## 9526  -2.8628  3.24049  E4.5
## 9527  -2.7846  3.24049  E4.5
## 9528  -2.7063  3.24049  E4.5
## 9529  -2.6281  3.24049  E4.5
## 9530  -2.5499  3.24049  E4.5
## 9531  -2.4716  3.24049  E4.5
## 9532  -2.3934  3.24049  E4.5
## 9533  -2.3152  3.24049  E4.5
## 9534  -2.2369  3.24049  E4.5
## 9535  -2.1587  3.24049  E4.5
## 9536  -2.0805  3.24049  E4.5
## 9537  -2.0022  3.24049  E4.5
## 9538  -1.9240  3.24049  E4.5
## 9539  -1.8458  3.24049  E4.5
## 9540  -1.7676  3.24049  E4.5
## 9541  -1.6893  3.24049  E4.5
## 9542  -1.6111  3.24049  E4.5
## 9543  -1.5329  3.24049  E4.5
## 9544  -1.4546  3.24049  E4.5
## 9545  -1.3764  3.24049  E4.5
## 9546  -1.2982  3.24049  E4.5
## 9547  -1.2199  3.24049  E4.5
## 9548  -1.1417  3.24049  E4.5
## 9549  -1.0635  3.24049  E4.5
## 9550  -0.9852  3.24049  E4.5
## 9551  -0.9070  3.24049  E4.5
## 9552  -0.8288  3.24049  E4.5
## 9553  -0.7505  3.24049  E4.5
## 9554  -0.6723  3.24049  E4.5
## 9555  -0.5941  3.24049  E4.5
## 9556  -0.5158  3.24049  E4.5
## 9557  -0.4376  3.24049  E4.5
## 9558  -0.3594  3.24049  E4.5
## 9559  -0.2811  3.24049  E4.5
## 9560  -0.2029  3.24049  E4.5
## 9561  -0.1247  3.24049  E4.5
## 9562  -0.0464  3.24049  E4.5
## 9563   0.0318  3.24049  E4.5
## 9564   0.1100  3.24049  E4.5
## 9565   0.1883  3.24049  E4.5
## 9566   0.2665  3.24049  E4.5
## 9567   0.3447  3.24049  E4.5
## 9568   0.4230  3.24049  E4.5
## 9569   0.5012  3.24049  E4.5
## 9570   0.5794  3.24049  E4.5
## 9571   0.6577  3.24049  E4.5
## 9572   0.7359  3.24049  E4.5
## 9573   0.8141  3.24049  E4.5
## 9574   0.8923  3.24049  E4.5
## 9575   0.9706  3.24049 E3.25
## 9576   1.0488  3.24049 E3.25
## 9577   1.1270  3.24049 E3.25
## 9578   1.2053  3.24049 E3.25
## 9579   1.2835  3.24049 E3.25
## 9580   1.3617  3.24049 E3.25
## 9581   1.4400  3.24049 E3.25
## 9582   1.5182  3.24049 E3.25
## 9583   1.5964  3.24049 E3.25
## 9584   1.6747  3.24049 E3.25
## 9585   1.7529  3.24049 E3.25
## 9586   1.8311  3.24049 E3.25
## 9587   1.9094  3.24049 E3.25
## 9588   1.9876  3.24049 E3.25
## 9589   2.0658  3.24049 E3.25
## 9590   2.1441  3.24049 E3.25
## 9591   2.2223  3.24049 E3.25
## 9592   2.3005  3.24049 E3.25
## 9593   2.3788  3.24049 E3.25
## 9594   2.4570  3.24049 E3.25
## 9595   2.5352  3.24049 E3.25
## 9596   2.6135  3.24049 E3.25
## 9597   2.6917  3.24049 E3.25
## 9598   2.7699  3.24049 E3.25
## 9599   2.8482  3.24049 E3.25
## 9600   2.9264  3.24049 E3.25
## 9601  -4.8186  3.29624  E4.5
## 9602  -4.7404  3.29624  E4.5
## 9603  -4.6622  3.29624  E4.5
## 9604  -4.5839  3.29624  E4.5
## 9605  -4.5057  3.29624  E4.5
## 9606  -4.4275  3.29624  E4.5
## 9607  -4.3492  3.29624  E4.5
## 9608  -4.2710  3.29624  E4.5
## 9609  -4.1928  3.29624  E4.5
## 9610  -4.1145  3.29624  E4.5
## 9611  -4.0363  3.29624  E4.5
## 9612  -3.9581  3.29624  E4.5
## 9613  -3.8798  3.29624  E4.5
## 9614  -3.8016  3.29624  E4.5
## 9615  -3.7234  3.29624  E4.5
## 9616  -3.6451  3.29624  E4.5
## 9617  -3.5669  3.29624  E4.5
## 9618  -3.4887  3.29624  E4.5
## 9619  -3.4104  3.29624  E4.5
## 9620  -3.3322  3.29624  E4.5
## 9621  -3.2540  3.29624  E4.5
## 9622  -3.1757  3.29624  E4.5
## 9623  -3.0975  3.29624  E4.5
## 9624  -3.0193  3.29624  E4.5
## 9625  -2.9410  3.29624  E4.5
## 9626  -2.8628  3.29624  E4.5
## 9627  -2.7846  3.29624  E4.5
## 9628  -2.7063  3.29624  E4.5
## 9629  -2.6281  3.29624  E4.5
## 9630  -2.5499  3.29624  E4.5
## 9631  -2.4716  3.29624  E4.5
## 9632  -2.3934  3.29624  E4.5
## 9633  -2.3152  3.29624  E4.5
## 9634  -2.2369  3.29624  E4.5
## 9635  -2.1587  3.29624  E4.5
## 9636  -2.0805  3.29624  E4.5
## 9637  -2.0022  3.29624  E4.5
## 9638  -1.9240  3.29624  E4.5
## 9639  -1.8458  3.29624  E4.5
## 9640  -1.7676  3.29624  E4.5
## 9641  -1.6893  3.29624  E4.5
## 9642  -1.6111  3.29624  E4.5
## 9643  -1.5329  3.29624  E4.5
## 9644  -1.4546  3.29624  E4.5
## 9645  -1.3764  3.29624  E4.5
## 9646  -1.2982  3.29624  E4.5
## 9647  -1.2199  3.29624  E4.5
## 9648  -1.1417  3.29624  E4.5
## 9649  -1.0635  3.29624  E4.5
## 9650  -0.9852  3.29624  E4.5
## 9651  -0.9070  3.29624  E4.5
## 9652  -0.8288  3.29624  E4.5
## 9653  -0.7505  3.29624  E4.5
## 9654  -0.6723  3.29624  E4.5
## 9655  -0.5941  3.29624  E4.5
## 9656  -0.5158  3.29624  E4.5
## 9657  -0.4376  3.29624  E4.5
## 9658  -0.3594  3.29624  E4.5
## 9659  -0.2811  3.29624  E4.5
## 9660  -0.2029  3.29624  E4.5
## 9661  -0.1247  3.29624  E4.5
## 9662  -0.0464  3.29624  E4.5
## 9663   0.0318  3.29624  E4.5
## 9664   0.1100  3.29624  E4.5
## 9665   0.1883  3.29624  E4.5
## 9666   0.2665  3.29624  E4.5
## 9667   0.3447  3.29624  E4.5
## 9668   0.4230  3.29624  E4.5
## 9669   0.5012  3.29624  E4.5
## 9670   0.5794  3.29624  E4.5
## 9671   0.6577  3.29624  E4.5
## 9672   0.7359  3.29624  E4.5
## 9673   0.8141  3.29624  E4.5
## 9674   0.8923  3.29624  E4.5
## 9675   0.9706  3.29624  E4.5
## 9676   1.0488  3.29624 E3.25
## 9677   1.1270  3.29624 E3.25
## 9678   1.2053  3.29624 E3.25
## 9679   1.2835  3.29624 E3.25
## 9680   1.3617  3.29624 E3.25
## 9681   1.4400  3.29624 E3.25
## 9682   1.5182  3.29624 E3.25
## 9683   1.5964  3.29624 E3.25
## 9684   1.6747  3.29624 E3.25
## 9685   1.7529  3.29624 E3.25
## 9686   1.8311  3.29624 E3.25
## 9687   1.9094  3.29624 E3.25
## 9688   1.9876  3.29624 E3.25
## 9689   2.0658  3.29624 E3.25
## 9690   2.1441  3.29624 E3.25
## 9691   2.2223  3.29624 E3.25
## 9692   2.3005  3.29624 E3.25
## 9693   2.3788  3.29624 E3.25
## 9694   2.4570  3.29624 E3.25
## 9695   2.5352  3.29624 E3.25
## 9696   2.6135  3.29624 E3.25
## 9697   2.6917  3.29624 E3.25
## 9698   2.7699  3.29624 E3.25
## 9699   2.8482  3.29624 E3.25
## 9700   2.9264  3.29624 E3.25
## 9701  -4.8186  3.35198  E4.5
## 9702  -4.7404  3.35198  E4.5
## 9703  -4.6622  3.35198  E4.5
## 9704  -4.5839  3.35198  E4.5
## 9705  -4.5057  3.35198  E4.5
## 9706  -4.4275  3.35198  E4.5
## 9707  -4.3492  3.35198  E4.5
## 9708  -4.2710  3.35198  E4.5
## 9709  -4.1928  3.35198  E4.5
## 9710  -4.1145  3.35198  E4.5
## 9711  -4.0363  3.35198  E4.5
## 9712  -3.9581  3.35198  E4.5
## 9713  -3.8798  3.35198  E4.5
## 9714  -3.8016  3.35198  E4.5
## 9715  -3.7234  3.35198  E4.5
## 9716  -3.6451  3.35198  E4.5
## 9717  -3.5669  3.35198  E4.5
## 9718  -3.4887  3.35198  E4.5
## 9719  -3.4104  3.35198  E4.5
## 9720  -3.3322  3.35198  E4.5
## 9721  -3.2540  3.35198  E4.5
## 9722  -3.1757  3.35198  E4.5
## 9723  -3.0975  3.35198  E4.5
## 9724  -3.0193  3.35198  E4.5
## 9725  -2.9410  3.35198  E4.5
## 9726  -2.8628  3.35198  E4.5
## 9727  -2.7846  3.35198  E4.5
## 9728  -2.7063  3.35198  E4.5
## 9729  -2.6281  3.35198  E4.5
## 9730  -2.5499  3.35198  E4.5
## 9731  -2.4716  3.35198  E4.5
## 9732  -2.3934  3.35198  E4.5
## 9733  -2.3152  3.35198  E4.5
## 9734  -2.2369  3.35198  E4.5
## 9735  -2.1587  3.35198  E4.5
## 9736  -2.0805  3.35198  E4.5
## 9737  -2.0022  3.35198  E4.5
## 9738  -1.9240  3.35198  E4.5
## 9739  -1.8458  3.35198  E4.5
## 9740  -1.7676  3.35198  E4.5
## 9741  -1.6893  3.35198  E4.5
## 9742  -1.6111  3.35198  E4.5
## 9743  -1.5329  3.35198  E4.5
## 9744  -1.4546  3.35198  E4.5
## 9745  -1.3764  3.35198  E4.5
## 9746  -1.2982  3.35198  E4.5
## 9747  -1.2199  3.35198  E4.5
## 9748  -1.1417  3.35198  E4.5
## 9749  -1.0635  3.35198  E4.5
## 9750  -0.9852  3.35198  E4.5
## 9751  -0.9070  3.35198  E4.5
## 9752  -0.8288  3.35198  E4.5
## 9753  -0.7505  3.35198  E4.5
## 9754  -0.6723  3.35198  E4.5
## 9755  -0.5941  3.35198  E4.5
## 9756  -0.5158  3.35198  E4.5
## 9757  -0.4376  3.35198  E4.5
## 9758  -0.3594  3.35198  E4.5
## 9759  -0.2811  3.35198  E4.5
## 9760  -0.2029  3.35198  E4.5
## 9761  -0.1247  3.35198  E4.5
## 9762  -0.0464  3.35198  E4.5
## 9763   0.0318  3.35198  E4.5
## 9764   0.1100  3.35198  E4.5
## 9765   0.1883  3.35198  E4.5
## 9766   0.2665  3.35198  E4.5
## 9767   0.3447  3.35198  E4.5
## 9768   0.4230  3.35198  E4.5
## 9769   0.5012  3.35198  E4.5
## 9770   0.5794  3.35198  E4.5
## 9771   0.6577  3.35198  E4.5
## 9772   0.7359  3.35198  E4.5
## 9773   0.8141  3.35198  E4.5
## 9774   0.8923  3.35198  E4.5
## 9775   0.9706  3.35198  E4.5
## 9776   1.0488  3.35198 E3.25
## 9777   1.1270  3.35198 E3.25
## 9778   1.2053  3.35198 E3.25
## 9779   1.2835  3.35198 E3.25
## 9780   1.3617  3.35198 E3.25
## 9781   1.4400  3.35198 E3.25
## 9782   1.5182  3.35198 E3.25
## 9783   1.5964  3.35198 E3.25
## 9784   1.6747  3.35198 E3.25
## 9785   1.7529  3.35198 E3.25
## 9786   1.8311  3.35198 E3.25
## 9787   1.9094  3.35198 E3.25
## 9788   1.9876  3.35198 E3.25
## 9789   2.0658  3.35198 E3.25
## 9790   2.1441  3.35198 E3.25
## 9791   2.2223  3.35198 E3.25
## 9792   2.3005  3.35198 E3.25
## 9793   2.3788  3.35198 E3.25
## 9794   2.4570  3.35198 E3.25
## 9795   2.5352  3.35198 E3.25
## 9796   2.6135  3.35198 E3.25
## 9797   2.6917  3.35198 E3.25
## 9798   2.7699  3.35198 E3.25
## 9799   2.8482  3.35198 E3.25
## 9800   2.9264  3.35198 E3.25
## 9801  -4.8186  3.40773  E4.5
## 9802  -4.7404  3.40773  E4.5
## 9803  -4.6622  3.40773  E4.5
## 9804  -4.5839  3.40773  E4.5
## 9805  -4.5057  3.40773  E4.5
## 9806  -4.4275  3.40773  E4.5
## 9807  -4.3492  3.40773  E4.5
## 9808  -4.2710  3.40773  E4.5
## 9809  -4.1928  3.40773  E4.5
## 9810  -4.1145  3.40773  E4.5
## 9811  -4.0363  3.40773  E4.5
## 9812  -3.9581  3.40773  E4.5
## 9813  -3.8798  3.40773  E4.5
## 9814  -3.8016  3.40773  E4.5
## 9815  -3.7234  3.40773  E4.5
## 9816  -3.6451  3.40773  E4.5
## 9817  -3.5669  3.40773  E4.5
## 9818  -3.4887  3.40773  E4.5
## 9819  -3.4104  3.40773  E4.5
## 9820  -3.3322  3.40773  E4.5
## 9821  -3.2540  3.40773  E4.5
## 9822  -3.1757  3.40773  E4.5
## 9823  -3.0975  3.40773  E4.5
## 9824  -3.0193  3.40773  E4.5
## 9825  -2.9410  3.40773  E4.5
## 9826  -2.8628  3.40773  E4.5
## 9827  -2.7846  3.40773  E4.5
## 9828  -2.7063  3.40773  E4.5
## 9829  -2.6281  3.40773  E4.5
## 9830  -2.5499  3.40773  E4.5
## 9831  -2.4716  3.40773  E4.5
## 9832  -2.3934  3.40773  E4.5
## 9833  -2.3152  3.40773  E4.5
## 9834  -2.2369  3.40773  E4.5
## 9835  -2.1587  3.40773  E4.5
## 9836  -2.0805  3.40773  E4.5
## 9837  -2.0022  3.40773  E4.5
## 9838  -1.9240  3.40773  E4.5
## 9839  -1.8458  3.40773  E4.5
## 9840  -1.7676  3.40773  E4.5
## 9841  -1.6893  3.40773  E4.5
## 9842  -1.6111  3.40773  E4.5
## 9843  -1.5329  3.40773  E4.5
## 9844  -1.4546  3.40773  E4.5
## 9845  -1.3764  3.40773  E4.5
## 9846  -1.2982  3.40773  E4.5
## 9847  -1.2199  3.40773  E4.5
## 9848  -1.1417  3.40773  E4.5
## 9849  -1.0635  3.40773  E4.5
## 9850  -0.9852  3.40773  E4.5
## 9851  -0.9070  3.40773  E4.5
## 9852  -0.8288  3.40773  E4.5
## 9853  -0.7505  3.40773  E4.5
## 9854  -0.6723  3.40773  E4.5
## 9855  -0.5941  3.40773  E4.5
## 9856  -0.5158  3.40773  E4.5
## 9857  -0.4376  3.40773  E4.5
## 9858  -0.3594  3.40773  E4.5
## 9859  -0.2811  3.40773  E4.5
## 9860  -0.2029  3.40773  E4.5
## 9861  -0.1247  3.40773  E4.5
## 9862  -0.0464  3.40773  E4.5
## 9863   0.0318  3.40773  E4.5
## 9864   0.1100  3.40773  E4.5
## 9865   0.1883  3.40773  E4.5
## 9866   0.2665  3.40773  E4.5
## 9867   0.3447  3.40773  E4.5
## 9868   0.4230  3.40773  E4.5
## 9869   0.5012  3.40773  E4.5
## 9870   0.5794  3.40773  E4.5
## 9871   0.6577  3.40773  E4.5
## 9872   0.7359  3.40773  E4.5
## 9873   0.8141  3.40773  E4.5
## 9874   0.8923  3.40773  E4.5
## 9875   0.9706  3.40773  E4.5
## 9876   1.0488  3.40773  E4.5
## 9877   1.1270  3.40773 E3.25
## 9878   1.2053  3.40773 E3.25
## 9879   1.2835  3.40773 E3.25
## 9880   1.3617  3.40773 E3.25
## 9881   1.4400  3.40773 E3.25
## 9882   1.5182  3.40773 E3.25
## 9883   1.5964  3.40773 E3.25
## 9884   1.6747  3.40773 E3.25
## 9885   1.7529  3.40773 E3.25
## 9886   1.8311  3.40773 E3.25
## 9887   1.9094  3.40773 E3.25
## 9888   1.9876  3.40773 E3.25
## 9889   2.0658  3.40773 E3.25
## 9890   2.1441  3.40773 E3.25
## 9891   2.2223  3.40773 E3.25
## 9892   2.3005  3.40773 E3.25
## 9893   2.3788  3.40773 E3.25
## 9894   2.4570  3.40773 E3.25
## 9895   2.5352  3.40773 E3.25
## 9896   2.6135  3.40773 E3.25
## 9897   2.6917  3.40773 E3.25
## 9898   2.7699  3.40773 E3.25
## 9899   2.8482  3.40773 E3.25
## 9900   2.9264  3.40773 E3.25
## 9901  -4.8186  3.46347  E4.5
## 9902  -4.7404  3.46347  E4.5
## 9903  -4.6622  3.46347  E4.5
## 9904  -4.5839  3.46347  E4.5
## 9905  -4.5057  3.46347  E4.5
## 9906  -4.4275  3.46347  E4.5
## 9907  -4.3492  3.46347  E4.5
## 9908  -4.2710  3.46347  E4.5
## 9909  -4.1928  3.46347  E4.5
## 9910  -4.1145  3.46347  E4.5
## 9911  -4.0363  3.46347  E4.5
## 9912  -3.9581  3.46347  E4.5
## 9913  -3.8798  3.46347  E4.5
## 9914  -3.8016  3.46347  E4.5
## 9915  -3.7234  3.46347  E4.5
## 9916  -3.6451  3.46347  E4.5
## 9917  -3.5669  3.46347  E4.5
## 9918  -3.4887  3.46347  E4.5
## 9919  -3.4104  3.46347  E4.5
## 9920  -3.3322  3.46347  E4.5
## 9921  -3.2540  3.46347  E4.5
## 9922  -3.1757  3.46347  E4.5
## 9923  -3.0975  3.46347  E4.5
## 9924  -3.0193  3.46347  E4.5
## 9925  -2.9410  3.46347  E4.5
## 9926  -2.8628  3.46347  E4.5
## 9927  -2.7846  3.46347  E4.5
## 9928  -2.7063  3.46347  E4.5
## 9929  -2.6281  3.46347  E4.5
## 9930  -2.5499  3.46347  E4.5
## 9931  -2.4716  3.46347  E4.5
## 9932  -2.3934  3.46347  E4.5
## 9933  -2.3152  3.46347  E4.5
## 9934  -2.2369  3.46347  E4.5
## 9935  -2.1587  3.46347  E4.5
## 9936  -2.0805  3.46347  E4.5
## 9937  -2.0022  3.46347  E4.5
## 9938  -1.9240  3.46347  E4.5
## 9939  -1.8458  3.46347  E4.5
## 9940  -1.7676  3.46347  E4.5
## 9941  -1.6893  3.46347  E4.5
## 9942  -1.6111  3.46347  E4.5
## 9943  -1.5329  3.46347  E4.5
## 9944  -1.4546  3.46347  E4.5
## 9945  -1.3764  3.46347  E4.5
## 9946  -1.2982  3.46347  E4.5
## 9947  -1.2199  3.46347  E4.5
## 9948  -1.1417  3.46347  E4.5
## 9949  -1.0635  3.46347  E4.5
## 9950  -0.9852  3.46347  E4.5
## 9951  -0.9070  3.46347  E4.5
## 9952  -0.8288  3.46347  E4.5
## 9953  -0.7505  3.46347  E4.5
## 9954  -0.6723  3.46347  E4.5
## 9955  -0.5941  3.46347  E4.5
## 9956  -0.5158  3.46347  E4.5
## 9957  -0.4376  3.46347  E4.5
## 9958  -0.3594  3.46347  E4.5
## 9959  -0.2811  3.46347  E4.5
## 9960  -0.2029  3.46347  E4.5
## 9961  -0.1247  3.46347  E4.5
## 9962  -0.0464  3.46347  E4.5
## 9963   0.0318  3.46347  E4.5
## 9964   0.1100  3.46347  E4.5
## 9965   0.1883  3.46347  E4.5
## 9966   0.2665  3.46347  E4.5
## 9967   0.3447  3.46347  E4.5
## 9968   0.4230  3.46347  E4.5
## 9969   0.5012  3.46347  E4.5
## 9970   0.5794  3.46347  E4.5
## 9971   0.6577  3.46347  E4.5
## 9972   0.7359  3.46347  E4.5
## 9973   0.8141  3.46347  E4.5
## 9974   0.8923  3.46347  E4.5
## 9975   0.9706  3.46347  E4.5
## 9976   1.0488  3.46347  E4.5
## 9977   1.1270  3.46347  E4.5
## 9978   1.2053  3.46347 E3.25
## 9979   1.2835  3.46347 E3.25
## 9980   1.3617  3.46347 E3.25
## 9981   1.4400  3.46347 E3.25
## 9982   1.5182  3.46347 E3.25
## 9983   1.5964  3.46347 E3.25
## 9984   1.6747  3.46347 E3.25
## 9985   1.7529  3.46347 E3.25
## 9986   1.8311  3.46347 E3.25
## 9987   1.9094  3.46347 E3.25
## 9988   1.9876  3.46347 E3.25
## 9989   2.0658  3.46347 E3.25
## 9990   2.1441  3.46347 E3.25
## 9991   2.2223  3.46347 E3.25
## 9992   2.3005  3.46347 E3.25
## 9993   2.3788  3.46347 E3.25
## 9994   2.4570  3.46347 E3.25
## 9995   2.5352  3.46347 E3.25
## 9996   2.6135  3.46347 E3.25
## 9997   2.6917  3.46347 E3.25
## 9998   2.7699  3.46347 E3.25
## 9999   2.8482  3.46347 E3.25
## 10000  2.9264  3.46347 E3.25
ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(x = LD1, y = LD2, colour = ed), data = ec_rot) +
  geom_raster(aes(x = LD1, y = LD2, fill = edhat),
            data = ec_grid, alpha = 0.4, interpolate = TRUE) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ec_qda = qda(Embryonic.day ~ Fn1 + Timd2 + Gata4 + Sox7,
             data = embryoCells)

variables = colnames(ec_qda$means)
pairs = combn(variables, 2)
lapply(seq_len(ncol(pairs)), function(i) {
  grid = with(embryoCells,
    expand.grid(x = make1Dgrid(get(pairs[1, i])),
                y = make1Dgrid(get(pairs[2, i])))) |>
    `colnames<-`(pairs[, i])

  for (v in setdiff(variables, pairs[, i]))
    grid[[v]] = median(embryoCells[[v]])

  grid$edhat = predict(ec_qda, newdata = grid)$class

  x <- pairs[1,i]
  y <- pairs[2,i]
  ggplot() + 
      data = embryoCells,
      aes(x = .data[[x]], y = .data[[y]], colour = Embryonic.day)
    ) +
      aes(x = .data[[x]], y = .data[[y]], fill = edhat),
      data = grid, alpha = 0.4, interpolate = TRUE
    ) +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
    coord_fixed() +
    if (i != ncol(pairs)) theme(legend.position = "none")
}) |> (\(g) grid.arrange(grobs = g, ncol = 2))()

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lda(t(Biobase::exprs(x))[, 1:1000], x$Embryonic.day)
## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear
## Call:
## lda(t(Biobase::exprs(x))[, 1:1000], grouping = x$Embryonic.day)
## Prior probabilities of groups:
## E3.25  E3.5  E4.5 
## 0.525 0.297 0.178 
## Group means:
##       1415670_at 1415671_at 1415672_at 1415673_at 1415674_a_at 1415675_at
## E3.25       7.56      10.56      10.03       6.48         8.48       8.67
## E3.5        8.10      10.43      10.24       7.07         8.11       8.75
## E4.5        8.18       9.68       9.36       6.74         8.15       8.42
##       1415676_a_at 1415677_at 1415678_at 1415679_at 1415680_at 1415681_at
## E3.25         11.1       4.46      10.59       10.3       8.59       9.20
## E3.5          11.2       4.68      11.03       10.2       8.61       9.37
## E4.5          10.9       4.51       7.98       10.4       7.33       8.44
##       1415682_at 1415683_at 1415684_at 1415685_at 1415686_at 1415687_a_at
## E3.25       6.91       8.33       6.69       4.96       7.30         9.74
## E3.5        7.70       7.99       6.80       5.55       8.07        10.08
## E4.5        8.70       6.80       5.96       4.78       7.51         8.52
##       1415688_at 1415689_s_at 1415690_at 1415691_at 1415692_s_at 1415693_at
## E3.25       7.13         3.46       8.80       6.74         9.30       6.96
## E3.5        7.78         4.67       9.75       7.07         9.60       6.97
## E4.5        7.53         4.09       8.95       6.29         9.69       7.21
##       1415694_at 1415695_at 1415696_at 1415697_at 1415698_at 1415699_a_at
## E3.25       6.36       10.8       8.58      10.35       7.24         10.3
## E3.5        6.72       11.3       8.87      10.10       8.37         10.6
## E4.5        6.39       10.5       8.67       9.32       7.86         10.7
##       1415700_a_at 1415701_x_at 1415702_a_at 1415703_at 1415704_a_at 1415705_at
## E3.25         9.11         13.8         8.62       9.54         11.0       5.43
## E3.5          9.97         13.9         8.43      10.33         11.3       6.32
## E4.5          9.00         13.7         7.75      10.09         11.2       5.92
##       1415706_at 1415707_at 1415708_at 1415709_s_at 1415710_at 1415711_at
## E3.25       8.69       9.03       5.91         7.38       9.67       7.91
## E3.5        9.36       9.17       7.93         7.46       9.85       8.79
## E4.5        9.49       8.09       7.03         7.03       8.35       8.15
##       1415712_at 1415713_a_at 1415714_a_at 1415715_at 1415716_a_at 1415717_at
## E3.25       5.43         8.03         8.80       5.36         13.6       7.26
## E3.5        5.65         8.26         9.93       5.22         13.5       8.26
## E4.5        6.26         7.25        10.06       4.67         12.7       8.37
##       1415718_at 1415719_s_at 1415720_s_at 1415721_a_at 1415722_a_at 1415723_at
## E3.25      10.69         7.70         8.03         7.77         7.77      10.68
## E3.5        9.70         7.96         7.42         7.89         8.62      10.82
## E4.5        8.66         6.86         6.97         7.16         8.35       9.19
##       1415724_a_at 1415725_at 1415726_at 1415727_at 1415728_at 1415729_at
## E3.25         9.05       6.91       6.97       8.01       7.69       6.27
## E3.5          9.78       7.71       7.64       8.16       8.58       8.22
## E4.5          8.45       8.85       7.37       7.83       8.44       7.38
##       1415730_at 1415731_at 1415732_at 1415733_a_at 1415734_at 1415735_at
## E3.25       7.99       6.10       7.39         11.6       10.7       11.3
## E3.5        8.17       6.46       7.58         11.1       10.9       11.4
## E4.5        8.29       6.96       7.21         10.8       10.4       11.8
##       1415736_at 1415737_at 1415738_at 1415739_at 1415740_at 1415741_at
## E3.25       9.34       9.50       9.39      10.42      10.47       8.01
## E3.5        9.38       9.46      10.11      10.32      10.59       8.77
## E4.5        9.26       8.57       9.31       9.16       9.85       8.86
##       1415742_at 1415743_at 1415744_at 1415745_a_at 1415746_at 1415747_s_at
## E3.25       7.79       4.93      10.27         7.61       8.51         9.15
## E3.5        7.97       4.97       9.35         7.89       9.06         9.33
## E4.5        7.40       5.48       8.94         7.64       8.51        10.01
##       1415748_a_at 1415749_a_at 1415750_at 1415751_at 1415752_at 1415753_at
## E3.25         7.10         7.37       7.64       6.94      10.13       9.02
## E3.5          7.35         7.74       7.85       7.01      10.38       9.60
## E4.5          7.17         8.16       8.39       5.61       9.63       8.80
##       1415754_at 1415755_a_at 1415756_a_at 1415757_at 1415758_at 1415759_a_at
## E3.25       10.5        10.44         5.79       7.01       5.79         10.2
## E3.5        10.5        10.49         6.86       7.21       7.37         10.5
## E4.5        10.1         9.86         6.16       7.42       6.62         10.3
##       1415760_s_at 1415761_at 1415762_x_at 1415763_a_at 1415764_at 1415765_at
## E3.25         10.7       9.92         9.90         9.74       8.87       7.81
## E3.5          10.8       9.67         9.66         9.96       9.78       7.26
## E4.5          10.4       8.83         8.88         8.57       8.56       6.32
##       1415766_at 1415767_at 1415768_a_at 1415769_at 1415770_at 1415771_at
## E3.25       5.89       6.36         7.48       6.43       7.97       9.12
## E3.5        5.65       7.71         8.50       7.04       8.53      10.90
## E4.5        5.97       7.44         8.05       6.71       8.27      10.62
##       1415772_at 1415773_at 1415774_at 1415775_at 1415776_at 1415777_at
## E3.25       9.14       4.37       7.10       11.9       5.59       3.84
## E3.5        9.13       5.15       7.57       11.8       5.52       3.65
## E4.5        8.43       4.87       7.65       11.6       5.61       3.83
##       1415778_at 1415779_s_at 1415780_a_at 1415781_a_at 1415782_at 1415783_at
## E3.25       11.2         13.3         3.87         13.3       12.0      10.18
## E3.5        11.8         13.3         3.73         13.1       12.2      10.85
## E4.5        11.8         13.1         4.02         12.8       12.1       9.87
##       1415784_at 1415785_a_at 1415786_at 1415787_at 1415788_at 1415789_a_at
## E3.25       4.14         11.1       3.92       5.99       8.29         3.04
## E3.5        4.13         11.9       3.74       7.28       8.06         3.34
## E4.5        4.36         11.5       4.01       7.85       6.45         2.90
##       1415790_at 1415791_at 1415792_at 1415793_at 1415794_a_at 1415795_at
## E3.25       4.80       7.94       7.79       6.60         7.08       5.50
## E3.5        4.80       8.35       7.76       6.44         8.33       5.31
## E4.5        4.63       7.06       7.98       6.21         7.94       5.90
##       1415796_at 1415797_at 1415798_at 1415799_at 1415800_at 1415801_at
## E3.25       9.04       5.58       5.09       9.19      10.39       3.09
## E3.5        8.93       5.27       4.92       9.74      11.19       3.03
## E4.5        8.23       5.78       5.21       8.96       7.99       3.03
##       1415802_at 1415803_at 1415804_at 1415805_at 1415806_at 1415807_s_at
## E3.25       7.54       5.09       5.36       4.97       5.07         8.03
## E3.5        8.16       5.06       5.29       4.75       4.99         8.12
## E4.5        8.84       5.52       5.39       4.81       6.11         8.16
##       1415808_at 1415809_at 1415810_at 1415811_at 1415812_at 1415813_at
## E3.25       3.89       2.53       7.35       3.98       5.64       9.32
## E3.5        3.79       2.44       8.32       3.95       5.10       9.36
## E4.5        3.84       2.65       8.95       3.83       5.28       8.62
##       1415814_at 1415815_at 1415816_at 1415817_s_at 1415818_at 1415819_a_at
## E3.25       9.29       2.93       12.4         11.2       6.29         9.29
## E3.5        9.72       2.85       12.5         11.4       7.06        10.46
## E4.5        9.37       3.01       12.1         11.1       6.37        10.03
##       1415820_x_at 1415821_at 1415822_at 1415823_at 1415824_at 1415825_s_at
## E3.25         9.75       6.38       11.0       4.20       3.19         6.08
## E3.5         10.23       7.17       11.0       4.29       3.11         7.16
## E4.5         10.43       6.08       11.1       5.24       3.08         6.92
##       1415826_at 1415827_a_at 1415828_a_at 1415829_at 1415830_at 1415831_at
## E3.25       6.27         8.77        10.05       9.30       7.62      10.02
## E3.5        6.76         8.95         9.28       8.65       8.48      10.46
## E4.5        6.00         9.42         8.95       8.95       6.63       9.89
##       1415832_at 1415833_x_at 1415834_at 1415835_at 1415836_at 1415837_at
## E3.25       2.18         14.5       2.73       3.05       4.19       2.70
## E3.5        2.23         14.5       3.20       2.50       5.45       2.79
## E4.5        2.36         13.9       3.89       2.37       5.51       2.56
##       1415838_at 1415839_a_at 1415840_at 1415841_at 1415842_at 1415843_at
## E3.25       3.89         12.7       7.09       8.51       6.16       4.82
## E3.5        5.06         13.1       7.86       8.22       5.87       4.60
## E4.5        4.58         12.9       8.84       7.52       5.88       4.33
##       1415844_at 1415845_at 1415846_a_at 1415847_at 1415848_at 1415849_s_at
## E3.25       2.29       3.48         2.71       3.87       5.73         9.73
## E3.5        2.31       3.51         2.87       3.76       5.70        11.03
## E4.5        2.43       3.71         2.97       4.22       5.89        10.62
##       1415850_at 1415851_a_at 1415852_at 1415853_at 1415854_at 1415855_at
## E3.25       3.42         11.9       10.8       6.46       2.91       2.33
## E3.5        3.30         11.3       10.7       6.05       2.85       2.32
## E4.5        3.18         11.1       10.6       7.82       2.97       2.46
##       1415856_at 1415857_at 1415858_at 1415859_at 1415860_at 1415861_at
## E3.25       3.73       4.72       11.6       5.31       11.4       2.64
## E3.5        4.58       5.58       11.8       5.39       11.5       2.60
## E4.5        6.16       6.73       11.3       5.18       10.1       2.82
##       1415862_at 1415863_at 1415864_at 1415865_s_at 1415866_at 1415867_at
## E3.25       3.22       11.3       2.70         3.84       6.20       11.6
## E3.5        3.13       11.9       2.93         4.09       5.44       12.0
## E4.5        3.39       10.8       2.65         4.16       5.60       11.5
##       1415868_at 1415869_a_at 1415870_at 1415871_at 1415872_at 1415873_a_at
## E3.25       3.08         11.9       8.53       3.68       10.5         8.75
## E3.5        3.06         12.7       8.95       3.64       11.7         9.16
## E4.5        2.78         12.4       9.26       3.62       11.6         8.73
##       1415874_at 1415875_at 1415876_a_at 1415877_at 1415878_at 1415879_a_at
## E3.25       5.77       3.15         13.5       3.85       9.10         13.9
## E3.5        5.92       3.09         13.6       3.76       9.66         13.9
## E4.5        6.18       3.34         13.6       3.87       9.32         13.8
##       1415880_a_at 1415881_at 1415882_at 1415883_a_at 1415884_at 1415885_at
## E3.25         11.8       8.65      11.14         4.53       5.60       3.24
## E3.5          12.1       9.18      11.19         4.54       5.53       3.12
## E4.5          11.8       7.83       9.63         4.70       5.43       3.35
##       1415886_at 1415887_at 1415888_at 1415889_a_at 1415890_at 1415891_at
## E3.25       6.52      10.26       9.26         8.43       4.09       10.6
## E3.5        6.20      10.39       9.76         9.90       4.48       10.9
## E4.5        6.56       9.82       9.46         9.01       5.28       10.4
##       1415892_at 1415893_at 1415894_at 1415895_at 1415896_x_at 1415897_a_at
## E3.25       6.86       4.07       4.12       11.0         11.0         2.14
## E3.5        8.68       4.85       3.98       11.2         11.3         2.12
## E4.5        8.00       4.56       4.06       10.5         10.5         2.14
##       1415898_at 1415899_at 1415900_a_at 1415901_at 1415902_at 1415903_at
## E3.25       2.99       5.41         4.27       7.60       3.12       5.67
## E3.5        2.97       7.05         4.26       7.67       3.05       5.44
## E4.5        3.12       6.41         4.47       7.96       3.16       5.70
##       1415904_at 1415905_at 1415906_at 1415907_at 1415908_at 1415909_at
## E3.25       3.57       3.22       5.39       9.74       4.23       9.68
## E3.5        3.85       3.52       5.68      10.95       5.28      10.06
## E4.5        5.92       3.25       8.97      10.80       5.35       9.11
##       1415910_s_at 1415911_at 1415912_a_at 1415913_at 1415914_at 1415915_at
## E3.25         8.79       6.31         12.9       5.50       12.3       9.64
## E3.5          8.47       7.27         13.1       5.99       12.6       9.95
## E4.5          8.06       7.35         13.1       5.11       12.4       9.60
##       1415916_a_at 1415917_at 1415918_a_at 1415919_at 1415920_at 1415921_a_at
## E3.25        10.61       9.39         8.60       5.71       7.40         3.49
## E3.5         10.94      10.26         8.13       5.32       7.66         3.23
## E4.5          9.99       9.81         7.64       4.77       7.07         3.26
##       1415922_s_at 1415923_at 1415924_at 1415925_a_at 1415926_at 1415927_at
## E3.25         11.5       2.59       2.77         9.00       7.74       5.52
## E3.5          11.4       2.54       2.71         9.46       8.78       5.46
## E4.5          11.1       2.50       2.82         9.41       8.59       5.69
##       1415928_a_at 1415929_at 1415930_a_at 1415931_at 1415932_x_at 1415933_a_at
## E3.25         11.6        9.2         13.7       2.96         6.30         12.7
## E3.5          11.5       10.3         13.5       2.70         6.34         12.6
## E4.5          10.6       10.2         12.4       3.04         6.52         13.0
##       1415934_at 1415935_at 1415936_at 1415937_s_at 1415938_at 1415939_at
## E3.25       9.19       2.79       4.60         3.38       2.74       3.56
## E3.5        9.31       2.94       5.65         4.24       3.00       3.42
## E4.5        8.66       2.89       5.69         4.76       4.17       3.42
##       1415940_at 1415941_s_at 1415942_at 1415943_at 1415944_at 1415945_at
## E3.25       8.58         7.87       13.1       4.33       5.14       9.52
## E3.5        8.38         7.33       13.5       4.95       5.10      10.14
## E4.5        8.29         6.84       13.6       4.72       5.02      10.07
##       1415946_at 1415947_at 1415948_at 1415949_at 1415950_a_at 1415951_at
## E3.25       8.40       8.91       6.66       3.77         10.9       4.48
## E3.5        8.77       9.61       8.69       4.75         11.1       4.28
## E4.5        7.33       6.49       6.63       4.23         11.0       4.69
##       1415952_at 1415953_s_at 1415954_at 1415955_x_at 1415956_a_at 1415957_a_at
## E3.25       6.73         6.19       2.25         5.56         8.67         3.72
## E3.5        6.82         6.21       2.25         5.53         9.41         3.70
## E4.5        6.90         6.44       2.46         5.52         7.98         4.21
##       1415958_at 1415959_at 1415960_at 1415961_at 1415962_at 1415963_at
## E3.25       5.79       4.96       3.98       5.71       11.3       9.00
## E3.5        5.54       4.82       3.97       6.38       11.3       9.68
## E4.5        5.48       5.12       3.82       7.06       10.9       9.73
##       1415964_at 1415965_at 1415966_a_at 1415967_at 1415968_a_at 1415969_s_at
## E3.25       9.19       8.75        10.54       10.0         5.55         2.25
## E3.5        9.34       8.27        10.37       10.5         5.56         2.18
## E4.5       10.09       6.34         9.75       10.3         5.22         2.35
##       1415970_at 1415971_at 1415972_at 1415973_at 1415974_at 1415975_at
## E3.25       12.6       9.63       5.47       7.25      10.23       4.98
## E3.5        12.9      10.44       6.46       8.43      10.23       5.44
## E4.5        12.3       7.80       5.74       4.85       9.33       6.84
##       1415976_a_at 1415977_at 1415978_at 1415979_x_at 1415980_at 1415981_at
## E3.25         7.73       12.1       3.22         13.2       10.7       4.91
## E3.5          8.17       11.8       3.41         13.3       11.3       6.10
## E4.5          7.63       10.8       5.20         13.3       11.5       5.37
##       1415982_at 1415983_at 1415984_at 1415985_at 1415986_at 1415987_at
## E3.25       5.03       6.03      10.26       9.69       5.40      10.59
## E3.5        4.77       6.58      10.37      10.51       4.82      10.67
## E4.5        5.72       5.62       9.18      10.50       4.75       9.51
##       1415988_at 1415989_at 1415990_at 1415991_a_at 1415992_at 1415993_at
## E3.25       4.36       5.95       10.7        10.17       7.34       7.94
## E3.5        4.33       5.87       11.2        10.49       7.67       7.08
## E4.5        4.44       6.21       11.2         9.48       7.09       8.16
##       1415994_at 1415995_at 1415996_at 1415997_at 1415998_at 1415999_at
## E3.25       3.53       8.62       5.31       4.77       5.56       5.37
## E3.5        3.43       9.36       5.26       4.70       6.86       5.34
## E4.5        3.57       5.58       7.63       5.02       8.85       5.20
##       1416000_a_at 1416001_a_at 1416002_x_at 1416003_at 1416004_at 1416005_at
## E3.25         12.1         8.29         5.46       2.43       9.96        9.8
## E3.5          13.0         8.45         5.39       2.17      10.57       10.0
## E4.5          12.5         8.96         6.55       2.27       9.32        9.0
##       1416006_at 1416007_at 1416008_at 1416009_at 1416010_a_at 1416011_x_at
## E3.25       6.57       6.56       8.41       7.89         8.45         7.75
## E3.5        8.50       7.16       8.24       8.90         7.69         7.72
## E4.5        7.96       2.76       3.33       8.27         8.52         8.22
##       1416012_at 1416013_at 1416014_at 1416015_s_at 1416016_at 1416017_at
## E3.25       6.58       8.85       6.85         8.42       4.84       6.54
## E3.5        6.42       8.70       7.11         8.68       4.44       7.09
## E4.5        7.30       7.81       7.33         7.47       4.57       7.50
##       1416018_at 1416019_at 1416020_a_at 1416021_a_at 1416022_at 1416023_at
## E3.25       7.22       4.42         12.0         12.7      10.14       9.20
## E3.5        7.45       3.71         12.2         13.1      11.36       7.32
## E4.5        5.85       3.89         12.0         10.5       9.12       9.33
##       1416024_x_at 1416025_at 1416026_a_at 1416027_at 1416028_a_at 1416029_at
## E3.25         12.6       4.34         13.0       10.3         9.98       5.38
## E3.5          12.6       4.39         13.1       10.6         9.47       5.86
## E4.5          12.4       4.45         13.0       10.4        10.15       5.60
##       1416030_a_at 1416031_s_at 1416032_at 1416033_at 1416034_at 1416035_at
## E3.25          9.7         9.81       6.17       4.34       3.48       6.16
## E3.5          10.4        10.24       5.91       4.13       4.02       6.25
## E4.5          10.2        10.18       6.53       4.13       3.94       5.11
##       1416036_at 1416037_a_at 1416038_at 1416039_x_at 1416040_at 1416041_at
## E3.25       7.33         11.6       4.20         5.08       3.16       8.27
## E3.5        7.52         12.2       4.26         5.45       3.15       9.04
## E4.5        8.70         12.0       4.52         5.68       3.18       9.82
##       1416042_s_at 1416043_at 1416044_at 1416045_a_at 1416046_a_at 1416047_at
## E3.25         10.8       3.49       7.73         7.67         5.73       3.42
## E3.5          11.1       3.79       7.50         7.95         5.41       3.35
## E4.5          10.6       4.35       7.19         7.77         5.60       3.54
##       1416048_at 1416049_at 1416050_a_at 1416051_at 1416052_at 1416053_at
## E3.25       6.60       9.73         5.80       5.42       10.3       2.08
## E3.5        6.87       9.60         6.44       5.01       11.3       2.08
## E4.5        6.18       9.62         7.62       5.40       10.7       2.21
##       1416054_at 1416055_at 1416056_a_at 1416057_at 1416058_s_at 1416059_at
## E3.25       13.5       2.28         11.4       10.1         11.9       9.27
## E3.5        13.5       2.29         11.3       10.8         12.2       9.88
## E4.5        13.5       2.32         11.4       11.3         12.2       9.26
##       1416060_at 1416061_at 1416062_at 1416063_x_at 1416064_a_at 1416065_a_at
## E3.25       8.30       8.42       4.60         2.34         10.5         8.93
## E3.5        8.66       8.70       4.53         2.32         11.4         8.78
## E4.5        8.03       7.56       4.50         2.50         10.8         8.46
##       1416066_at 1416067_at 1416068_at 1416069_at 1416070_a_at 1416071_at
## E3.25       10.1       8.03       9.51       4.62         9.42       9.20
## E3.5        10.5       8.10      10.35       4.83         9.47      10.09
## E4.5        11.3       6.40       9.86       7.58         8.88       9.64
##       1416072_at 1416073_a_at 1416074_a_at 1416075_at 1416076_at 1416077_at
## E3.25       2.52        10.01         13.5       6.44       9.90       3.92
## E3.5        2.58        10.28         13.6       5.98       9.82       4.05
## E4.5        2.56         9.68         13.4       6.02       9.58       3.62
##       1416078_s_at 1416079_a_at 1416080_at 1416081_at 1416082_at 1416083_at
## E3.25         8.98         7.79       5.02       2.65       11.8       8.33
## E3.5          9.30         8.53       5.08       2.69       12.1       8.37
## E4.5          9.04         7.65       5.13       2.75       11.3       6.78
##       1416084_at 1416085_s_at 1416086_at 1416087_at 1416088_a_at 1416089_at
## E3.25       7.54        10.18       7.06       8.48         11.4       10.3
## E3.5        7.16         8.88       7.08       8.46         11.3       10.1
## E4.5        6.56         6.59       6.74       8.34         12.0       11.3
##       1416090_at 1416091_at 1416092_a_at 1416093_a_at 1416094_at 1416095_x_at
## E3.25       11.7       7.19         7.92         9.47       6.93         9.88
## E3.5        11.5       7.95         8.36         9.81       7.48        10.58
## E4.5        11.5       8.28         8.27        10.08       7.11        10.07
##       1416096_at 1416097_at 1416098_at 1416099_at 1416100_at 1416101_a_at
## E3.25       7.33       4.22       5.49       12.9       11.0         4.56
## E3.5        7.52       4.08       5.15       13.1       11.2         4.28
## E4.5        6.49       3.94       5.43       13.0       10.6         4.13
##       1416102_at 1416103_at 1416104_at 1416105_at 1416106_at 1416107_at
## E3.25       5.46       7.48       7.58       2.97       8.57       4.07
## E3.5        6.16       7.31       8.07       3.22       8.78       4.06
## E4.5        6.36       8.02       7.13       3.60       7.79       4.37
##       1416108_a_at 1416109_at 1416110_at 1416111_at 1416112_at 1416113_at
## E3.25         4.33       7.83       7.39       3.47       11.5       8.82
## E3.5          4.66       8.14       7.77       3.28       11.8       9.05
## E4.5          5.46       7.32       7.75       3.52       11.4       8.81
##       1416114_at 1416115_at 1416116_at 1416117_at 1416118_at 1416119_at
## E3.25       3.73       7.75       3.98       5.47       6.61       12.5
## E3.5        3.72       8.61       4.38       5.30       7.64       13.0
## E4.5        3.82       7.35       4.83       5.66       6.03       13.1
##       1416120_at 1416121_at 1416122_at 1416123_at 1416124_at 1416125_at
## E3.25       8.08       3.67       4.36       3.02       2.36       7.01
## E3.5        8.11       3.48       4.49       2.63       2.29       8.04
## E4.5        7.05       3.92       4.43       2.88       2.54       6.93
##       1416126_at 1416127_a_at 1416128_at 1416129_at 1416130_at 1416131_s_at
## E3.25       8.48         9.81       8.21       4.14       4.83         5.70
## E3.5        8.58         9.67       7.95       4.32       4.72         6.45
## E4.5        7.59         8.35       7.05       4.53       5.09         4.83
##       1416132_at 1416133_at 1416134_at 1416135_at 1416136_at 1416137_at
## E3.25       3.36       8.14       5.43       10.5       4.05       7.21
## E3.5        3.50       8.95       5.31       10.8       3.96       7.09
## E4.5        3.21       7.72       6.33       10.4       4.05       5.27
##       1416138_at 1416139_at 1416140_a_at 1416141_a_at 1416142_at 1416143_at
## E3.25      10.76       4.89         8.76         14.1       7.47       11.7
## E3.5       10.73       4.95         8.52         14.2       7.67       12.0
## E4.5        8.86       5.24         9.08         14.0       6.09       11.9
##       1416144_a_at 1416145_at 1416146_at 1416147_at 1416148_at 1416149_at
## E3.25         11.0       10.4       11.1       4.82       6.97       3.32
## E3.5          11.2       11.4       11.3       4.82       7.82       3.47
## E4.5          10.2       10.8       10.8       4.86       6.17       3.28
##       1416150_a_at 1416151_at 1416152_a_at 1416153_at 1416154_at 1416155_at
## E3.25         10.9       6.46         7.28       9.43       3.08       8.12
## E3.5          11.3       6.80         8.99       9.70       2.99       9.09
## E4.5          11.1       6.48         7.97       8.83       3.07       7.55
##       1416156_at 1416157_at 1416158_at 1416159_at 1416160_at 1416161_at
## E3.25       7.54       3.76       1.91       4.47       2.33      10.18
## E3.5        7.84       3.95       1.89       4.36       2.18      10.77
## E4.5        6.43       4.08       1.99       4.40       2.28       9.56
##       1416162_at 1416163_at 1416164_at 1416165_at 1416166_a_at 1416167_at
## E3.25       3.94       9.19       4.08       6.36         7.46       9.01
## E3.5        4.08       9.52       4.36       5.88         7.27       9.79
## E4.5        5.13       8.79       4.33       5.40         6.72       9.97
##       1416168_at 1416169_at 1416170_at 1416171_at 1416172_at 1416173_at
## E3.25       3.59       2.78       7.81       9.98       9.17       4.16
## E3.5        3.56       2.77       8.27      10.44       9.35       4.23
## E4.5        3.39       2.99       8.37       9.44       9.67       4.56
##       1416174_at 1416175_a_at 1416176_at 1416177_at 1416178_a_at 1416179_a_at
## E3.25       3.30         10.3       9.96       10.4         4.82         9.04
## E3.5        3.41         10.7      10.18       10.9         4.80         9.65
## E4.5        3.47         10.8       8.48       10.4         4.92         8.33
##       1416180_a_at 1416181_at 1416182_at 1416183_a_at 1416184_s_at 1416185_a_at
## E3.25         2.64       10.4       8.67         6.92        10.03         10.4
## E3.5          3.42       11.1       8.31         6.83         9.92         10.7
## E4.5          2.63       10.6       7.26         7.64        10.23         10.6
##       1416186_at 1416187_s_at 1416188_at 1416189_a_at 1416190_a_at 1416191_at
## E3.25       4.84         6.23       3.88         11.1         2.50       4.00
## E3.5        6.14         7.09       3.92         11.0         2.61       3.88
## E4.5        5.63         6.50       4.00         10.9         2.65       4.07
##       1416192_at 1416193_at 1416194_at 1416195_at 1416196_at 1416197_at
## E3.25       5.49       3.56       4.73       6.10       3.14       11.1
## E3.5        4.64       3.53       4.57       6.01       2.80       11.1
## E4.5        5.24       3.32       4.48       6.13       2.91       10.7
##       1416198_at 1416199_at 1416200_at 1416201_at 1416202_at 1416203_at
## E3.25       7.74       7.52       2.91       4.47       10.6       2.90
## E3.5        7.50       8.50       2.53       5.93       11.0       2.87
## E4.5        7.41       7.75       3.49       6.05       10.4       3.10
##       1416204_at 1416205_at 1416206_at 1416207_at 1416208_at 1416209_at
## E3.25       3.92       7.62       5.36       7.18       8.52       9.62
## E3.5        3.98       9.13       5.62       6.90       9.67      10.50
## E4.5        4.24       7.75       5.73       7.22       8.01       9.51
##       1416210_at 1416211_a_at 1416212_at 1416213_x_at 1416214_at 1416215_at
## E3.25       9.31         3.90       11.1         7.63       10.2       3.61
## E3.5        9.14         3.77       11.7         8.39       10.6       4.24
## E4.5        9.69         3.96       11.8         7.70       10.7       3.64
##       1416216_at 1416217_a_at 1416218_x_at 1416219_at 1416220_at 1416221_at
## E3.25       7.72         13.8         7.94       12.9       10.3       3.58
## E3.5        8.41         13.9         7.66       13.0       10.8       3.37
## E4.5        7.83         13.7         7.68       12.9       10.6       3.63
##       1416222_at 1416223_at 1416224_at 1416225_at 1416226_at 1416227_at
## E3.25       7.67       6.75       8.38       4.60        9.8       5.68
## E3.5        8.25       6.40       8.21       4.52       10.4       5.69
## E4.5        7.51       6.17       7.47       4.44       10.2       5.91
##       1416228_at 1416229_at 1416230_at 1416231_at 1416232_at 1416233_at
## E3.25       8.72       9.28       7.90       6.49       2.07       12.0
## E3.5       10.10       8.28       6.79       7.32       2.21       11.9
## E4.5       10.16       6.75       4.95       7.10       2.13       11.9
##       1416234_at 1416235_at 1416236_a_at 1416237_at 1416238_at 1416239_at
## E3.25       11.0      10.28         7.34       5.17       3.24       7.69
## E3.5        11.3      10.32         8.18       4.94       3.22       6.93
## E4.5        10.7       8.54         8.30       5.32       2.97       7.17
##       1416240_at 1416241_at 1416242_at 1416243_a_at 1416244_a_at 1416245_at
## E3.25       10.0       9.00       2.14         12.9         11.4       10.1
## E3.5        10.6       9.21       2.13         12.9         11.6       10.5
## E4.5        10.2       9.05       2.61         12.9         11.2       10.6
##       1416246_a_at 1416247_at 1416248_at 1416249_at 1416250_at 1416251_at
## E3.25         3.60       8.33       9.00       8.30       4.72       10.0
## E3.5          3.59       8.90       9.27       8.19       4.56       10.7
## E4.5          4.07       8.93       8.87       6.26       4.69       10.9
##       1416252_at 1416253_at 1416254_a_at 1416255_at 1416256_a_at 1416257_at
## E3.25       9.47       4.56         7.06       4.02         10.6       3.56
## E3.5        9.84       4.32         7.22       5.44         11.8       3.09
## E4.5        9.33       6.06         6.76       3.53         11.7       4.24
##       1416258_at 1416259_at 1416260_a_at 1416261_at 1416262_at 1416263_at
## E3.25       8.23       5.27         8.94       6.12       4.03       5.13
## E3.5        8.36       5.53         8.64       7.04       4.15       4.91
## E4.5        8.75       4.16         7.46       5.72       3.33       5.01
##       1416264_at 1416265_at 1416266_at 1416267_at 1416268_at 1416269_at
## E3.25       6.07       6.68       3.58       3.61       4.76       11.6
## E3.5        6.03       7.71       3.50       4.58       3.97       12.1
## E4.5        6.23       5.71       3.76       4.28       5.68       12.1
##       1416270_at 1416271_at 1416272_at 1416273_at 1416274_at 1416275_at
## E3.25       9.61       7.35       8.44       5.59       4.82       5.03
## E3.5        9.71       5.28       8.64       5.57       5.05       4.91
## E4.5        9.26       3.60       8.63       5.70       5.54       5.44
##       1416276_a_at 1416277_a_at 1416278_a_at 1416279_at 1416280_at 1416281_at
## E3.25         13.4         14.0         10.6       8.60       10.3       9.35
## E3.5          13.6         14.1         10.8       8.38       11.2       9.28
## E4.5          13.7         13.9         10.9       8.61       11.3       8.24
##       1416282_at 1416283_at 1416284_at 1416285_at 1416286_at 1416287_at
## E3.25       11.2       8.72       9.85       11.0       2.86       4.57
## E3.5        11.1       9.42       9.94       11.5       2.78       4.45
## E4.5        10.3       8.86       9.53       10.7       3.03       4.53
##       1416288_at 1416289_at 1416290_a_at 1416291_at 1416292_at 1416293_at
## E3.25       12.6       6.69         12.1      10.75       7.99       5.35
## E3.5        12.7       6.61         11.7      10.85       8.17       5.27
## E4.5        11.8       6.31         10.3       9.79       7.88       5.52
##       1416294_at 1416295_a_at 1416296_at 1416297_s_at 1416298_at 1416299_at
## E3.25       8.54         3.14       4.85         4.22       4.48       8.65
## E3.5        8.64         4.27       5.61         4.22       4.32       8.70
## E4.5        8.35         4.08       5.87         4.28       4.42       8.18
##       1416300_a_at 1416301_a_at 1416302_at 1416303_at 1416304_at 1416305_at
## E3.25         12.2         2.15       2.53       9.14       7.68       6.88
## E3.5          12.2         2.21       2.64       8.12       7.04       7.43
## E4.5          12.0         2.27       2.66       7.19       6.72       7.07
##       1416306_at 1416307_at 1416308_at 1416309_at 1416310_at 1416311_s_at
## E3.25       2.58       6.88       7.30       7.14       3.14         5.73
## E3.5        2.50       7.98       8.98       8.10       3.15         6.18
## E4.5        2.76       7.35       8.05       6.55       3.29         7.12
##       1416312_at 1416313_at 1416314_at 1416315_at 1416316_at 1416317_a_at
## E3.25       9.31       4.96       4.18       7.19       4.14         5.11
## E3.5        9.26       4.27       4.17       6.89       4.13         5.22
## E4.5        9.25       4.51       4.17       6.69       4.11         5.36
##       1416318_at 1416319_at 1416320_at 1416321_s_at 1416322_at 1416323_at
## E3.25       2.79       5.49       6.28         4.71       4.81       4.45
## E3.5        3.10       5.63       6.41         4.66       4.61       4.83
## E4.5        3.63       5.98       5.65         4.90       4.76       5.16
##       1416324_s_at 1416325_at 1416326_at 1416327_at 1416328_a_at 1416329_at
## E3.25         6.13       1.93       9.31       9.06         10.8       8.08
## E3.5          5.86       2.02       8.39       9.20         10.7       8.29
## E4.5          6.39       3.59       7.64       9.30         11.1       7.83
##       1416330_at 1416331_a_at 1416332_at 1416333_at 1416334_at 1416335_at
## E3.25       3.42         8.09       5.17       5.40       3.99       11.2
## E3.5        3.34         8.44       5.56       5.32       4.05       11.6
## E4.5        4.30         8.04       5.28       6.61       4.00       12.4
##       1416336_s_at 1416337_at 1416338_at 1416339_a_at 1416340_a_at 1416341_at
## E3.25         10.1       10.3       8.43         8.73         8.18       10.3
## E3.5          10.3       10.8       8.76         9.32         7.94       10.5
## E4.5          10.6       10.8       8.59         9.64         6.47       10.1
##       1416342_at 1416343_a_at 1416344_at 1416345_at 1416346_at 1416347_at
## E3.25       3.43         6.45       7.18       9.47       8.25       7.33
## E3.5        3.41         5.79       7.15       9.37       7.98       7.46
## E4.5        3.41         5.18       7.02       9.98       8.73       7.98
##       1416348_at 1416349_at 1416350_at 1416351_at 1416352_s_at 1416353_at
## E3.25       4.23       8.85       6.23       8.38          9.6       8.76
## E3.5        4.82       8.84       5.91       9.34         10.4       8.71
## E4.5        6.07       8.55       6.93       8.53         10.3       7.72
##       1416354_at 1416355_at 1416356_at 1416357_a_at 1416358_at 1416359_at
## E3.25       7.10       2.59       6.03         4.99       6.54       7.84
## E3.5        6.50       2.47       6.34         4.89       7.19       9.09
## E4.5        5.68       2.65       6.66         5.34       7.25       7.76
##       1416360_at 1416361_a_at 1416362_a_at 1416363_at 1416364_at 1416365_at
## E3.25       5.29         2.60         9.89       5.36       13.1       9.05
## E3.5        5.46         2.61        10.16       5.09       13.2       8.70
## E4.5        5.66         2.56        10.47       5.71       12.7       8.75
##       1416366_at 1416367_at 1416368_at 1416369_at 1416370_at 1416371_at
## E3.25       7.55       7.78       7.82       7.54       6.18       4.41
## E3.5        8.84       7.98       9.89       8.42       5.75       4.36
## E4.5       10.11       7.61      11.05       7.33       4.65       4.75
##       1416372_at 1416373_at 1416374_at 1416375_at 1416376_at 1416377_at
## E3.25       8.59       7.83       5.11       4.32       7.69       6.88
## E3.5        9.81       8.79       6.18       3.76       8.34       7.26
## E4.5        8.67       6.89       5.86       3.86       8.58       6.79
##       1416378_at 1416379_at 1416380_at 1416381_a_at 1416382_at 1416383_a_at
## E3.25       7.64       7.77       5.17        10.00      10.84         5.51
## E3.5        7.49       7.68       6.03         9.47      10.44         5.79
## E4.5        6.07       6.68       6.98         8.16       8.84         6.07
##       1416384_a_at 1416385_a_at 1416386_a_at 1416387_at 1416388_at 1416389_a_at
## E3.25         9.59         9.26         5.74       8.68       4.67         3.04
## E3.5          9.65         9.52         6.07       8.66       4.73         3.26
## E4.5          8.91         9.49         6.49       9.64       5.29         3.92
##       1416390_at 1416391_at 1416392_a_at 1416393_at 1416394_at 1416395_at
## E3.25       2.33       5.35         12.7       10.6       9.64       9.19
## E3.5        2.14       5.34         12.8       11.1       9.54       9.22
## E4.5        2.71       5.06         12.7       11.4       7.78       8.60
##       1416396_at 1416397_at 1416398_at 1416399_a_at 1416400_at 1416401_at
## E3.25       5.25       5.83       2.76         8.22       7.11       5.73
## E3.5        4.91       6.02       3.03         7.82       6.50       5.50
## E4.5        5.21       5.58       2.75         7.66       5.90       5.86
##       1416402_at 1416403_at 1416404_s_at 1416405_at 1416406_at 1416407_at
## E3.25       6.88       3.95         13.6       5.21       5.89       4.81
## E3.5        7.47       3.98         13.7       5.04       5.92       4.85
## E4.5        7.69       4.33         13.7       5.42       6.31       4.82
##       1416408_at 1416409_at 1416410_at 1416411_at 1416412_at 1416413_at
## E3.25       7.28       6.65       8.39       3.10       6.16       2.67
## E3.5        7.55       6.52       8.16       3.79       6.94       2.68
## E4.5        6.53       6.42       7.97       3.73       6.07       2.84
##       1416414_at 1416415_a_at 1416416_x_at 1416417_a_at 1416418_at 1416419_s_at
## E3.25       3.97         12.7         5.22         10.8       4.19         7.87
## E3.5        3.63         13.4         5.72         10.5       4.29         7.71
## E4.5        3.98         13.3         6.17         10.0       3.63         6.03
##       1416420_a_at 1416421_a_at 1416422_a_at 1416423_x_at 1416424_at 1416425_at
## E3.25         13.3         3.18         7.80         7.57       6.40       7.84
## E3.5          13.5         3.35         7.61         7.62       7.13       7.64
## E4.5          13.5         4.11         5.35         5.28       7.51       6.28
##       1416426_at 1416427_at 1416428_at 1416429_a_at 1416430_at 1416431_at
## E3.25       9.88       5.79       8.39         8.51       7.81       8.09
## E3.5        9.91       8.79       8.47         7.80       7.49       7.40
## E4.5        8.43       7.05       7.56         6.49       6.93       6.75
##       1416432_at 1416433_at 1416434_at 1416435_at 1416436_a_at 1416437_a_at
## E3.25       4.97       8.97       3.42       4.30         6.91         3.82
## E3.5        4.90       9.21       3.36       4.19         6.50         3.80
## E4.5        4.75       9.44       3.19       4.32         5.36         4.00
##       1416438_at 1416439_at 1416440_at 1416441_at 1416442_at 1416443_a_at
## E3.25       10.5       9.44       10.2       3.62       7.62         8.06
## E3.5        10.4       9.53       10.7       3.51       8.13         8.99
## E4.5        10.0       9.89       10.2       3.62       9.49         8.55
##       1416444_at 1416445_at 1416446_at 1416447_at 1416448_at 1416449_x_at
## E3.25       2.33       9.23       5.94       3.39       8.20         7.39
## E3.5        2.36       9.09       6.32       3.20       8.57         7.70
## E4.5        2.47       6.67       4.77       3.71       8.40         7.50
##       1416450_at 1416451_s_at 1416452_at 1416453_x_at 1416454_s_at 1416455_a_at
## E3.25       4.26         4.62       5.77         13.1         5.74         4.43
## E3.5        4.32         5.20       5.94         13.1         5.53         3.41
## E4.5        4.91         5.67       6.45         13.0         5.96         4.16
##       1416456_a_at 1416457_at 1416458_at 1416459_at 1416460_at 1416461_at
## E3.25         4.37       7.09       6.01       3.81       4.34       10.5
## E3.5          4.40       7.35       6.04       3.71       4.24       11.5
## E4.5          4.45       7.95       6.23       3.90       4.42       10.6
##       1416462_at 1416463_at 1416464_at 1416465_a_at 1416466_at 1416467_at
## E3.25       9.58       3.70       3.07        11.29      10.99       8.40
## E3.5       10.41       3.43       3.04        10.89      10.92       8.17
## E4.5        9.90       4.52       3.04         9.22       9.65       8.10
##       1416468_at 1416469_at 1416470_a_at 1416471_at 1416472_at 1416473_a_at
## E3.25       2.06       8.03         9.17       7.54       8.39         3.93
## E3.5        2.23       7.38        10.13       8.02       8.19         3.84
## E4.5        2.29       7.23         9.84       7.94       7.64         4.22
##       1416474_at 1416475_at 1416476_a_at 1416477_at 1416478_a_at 1416479_a_at
## E3.25       1.91       5.85        10.09       8.34         12.1         7.22
## E3.5        1.92       5.76        10.28       9.62         12.3         7.96
## E4.5        2.25       5.71         9.68       9.58         12.1         7.45
##       1416480_a_at 1416481_s_at 1416482_at 1416483_at 1416484_at 1416485_at
## E3.25         10.8         3.01       4.24       3.56       2.33       12.0
## E3.5          10.7         3.20       4.17       3.88       2.39       12.3
## E4.5          10.8         2.91       4.32       4.68       2.63       11.2
##       1416486_at 1416487_a_at 1416488_at 1416489_at 1416490_at 1416491_at
## E3.25      10.44         6.79       3.36       6.30       3.05       5.25
## E3.5       10.61         6.06       3.65       5.67       2.72       5.16
## E4.5        9.78         6.84       3.62       4.90       2.39       4.77
##       1416492_at 1416493_at 1416494_at 1416495_s_at 1416496_at 1416497_at
## E3.25       8.46       8.09      10.71         10.8       11.2       4.84
## E3.5        7.73       8.77      10.89         11.0       11.5       4.62
## E4.5        8.04       9.03       9.93         10.4       11.2       5.40
##       1416498_at 1416499_a_at 1416500_at 1416501_at 1416502_a_at 1416503_at
## E3.25       5.99         8.75       8.64       4.20         9.22       3.56
## E3.5        6.70         8.19       8.86       4.58         9.45       3.62
## E4.5        6.00         7.35       7.90       4.44         8.19       4.37
##       1416504_at 1416505_at 1416506_at 1416507_at 1416508_at 1416509_at
## E3.25       7.17       6.82       11.5       2.43       10.6       8.43
## E3.5        7.09       6.44       11.7       2.32       10.8       9.07
## E4.5        6.64       6.35       11.0       2.54       10.3       8.07
##       1416510_at 1416511_a_at 1416512_at 1416513_at 1416514_a_at 1416515_at
## E3.25       10.3         5.49       8.63       4.62         11.3       4.71
## E3.5        10.4         5.35       8.66       4.13         11.6       4.38
## E4.5        10.2         5.57       8.08       4.74         11.5       4.58
##       1416516_at 1416517_at 1416518_at 1416519_at 1416520_x_at 1416521_at
## E3.25       5.06       6.81       5.28       13.5         12.5       6.91
## E3.5        5.01       7.00       5.03       13.4         12.4       6.78
## E4.5        5.44       7.47       5.33       13.0         11.9       6.50
##       1416522_a_at 1416523_at 1416524_at 1416525_at 1416526_a_at 1416527_at
## E3.25         6.91       4.31       7.67       3.68         9.21       2.09
## E3.5          8.45       4.15       7.59       3.72         9.58       2.12
## E4.5          7.23       4.26       6.27       3.84         9.77       2.39
##       1416528_at 1416529_at 1416530_a_at 1416531_at 1416532_at 1416533_at
## E3.25       9.78       2.16         8.95      10.22       6.86       8.24
## E3.5        9.78       1.98         8.43       9.73       7.68       7.96
## E4.5        8.74       2.66         7.46       7.12       7.22       8.11
##       1416534_at 1416535_at 1416536_at 1416537_at 1416538_at 1416539_at
## E3.25       9.98       9.61       7.55       5.53       2.84       3.53
## E3.5        9.97       9.87       7.92       5.26       3.21       3.61
## E4.5        9.47       9.26       7.40       5.78       2.96       3.83
##       1416540_at 1416541_at 1416542_at 1416543_at 1416544_at 1416545_at
## E3.25       8.55       5.94       5.40       7.77      10.17       7.26
## E3.5        8.09       5.81       5.56       8.62      10.85       6.89
## E4.5        7.98       5.50       5.14       9.13       9.99       7.01
##       1416546_a_at 1416547_at 1416548_at 1416549_at 1416550_at 1416551_at
## E3.25         12.9       10.0       3.97       4.84       4.72       7.14
## E3.5          13.1       10.6       3.71       5.48       4.48       6.57
## E4.5          12.9       10.4       4.66       5.42       4.75       6.30
##       1416552_at 1416553_at 1416554_at 1416555_at 1416556_at 1416557_a_at
## E3.25       13.5       9.11       9.07       8.80       8.63         8.30
## E3.5        14.1       9.06       8.97       9.36       9.38         9.32
## E4.5        14.1       8.44       8.90       8.42       8.53         8.73
##       1416558_at 1416559_at 1416560_at 1416561_at 1416562_at 1416563_at
## E3.25       7.68       7.40       3.78       1.92       3.90       9.51
## E3.5        8.01       6.69       3.69       1.95       3.78       9.21
## E4.5        6.78       6.54       3.80       1.98       4.00       8.22
##       1416564_at 1416565_at 1416566_at 1416567_s_at 1416568_a_at 1416569_at
## E3.25       3.61       11.8       9.66        11.25         3.38       7.91
## E3.5        3.65       12.2      10.14        11.25         3.21       9.32
## E4.5        5.03       12.3       9.47         9.64         3.22       8.95
##       1416570_s_at 1416571_at 1416572_at 1416573_at 1416574_at 1416575_at
## E3.25         8.80       3.87       5.29       3.61       8.73       7.55
## E3.5          8.66       3.68       5.20       3.60       8.03       7.75
## E4.5          7.92       4.28       5.33       4.55       7.38       7.88
##       1416576_at 1416577_a_at 1416578_at 1416579_a_at 1416580_a_at 1416581_at
## E3.25       6.15         12.5       4.31         10.3         9.18       9.71
## E3.5        9.01         12.1       4.65         10.7         9.47       9.90
## E4.5        6.69         11.9       4.60          9.9         9.07      10.09
##       1416582_a_at 1416583_at 1416584_at 1416585_at 1416586_at 1416587_a_at
## E3.25         9.05       7.46       5.17       9.46       6.55         9.38
## E3.5          8.53       7.38       4.86       9.77       5.89         8.63
## E4.5          7.48       7.08       4.87      10.06       4.84         8.37
##       1416588_at 1416589_at 1416590_a_at 1416591_at 1416592_at 1416593_at
## E3.25       6.67       5.07         4.72       4.13       9.30       6.28
## E3.5        6.52       6.53         4.85       4.36      10.67       8.56
## E4.5        4.97       9.15         4.55       4.43       8.96       7.97
##       1416594_at 1416595_at 1416596_at 1416597_at 1416598_at 1416599_at
## E3.25       5.88       9.14       5.90       7.17       4.89       6.53
## E3.5        6.41       9.25       5.38       6.96       5.65       6.35
## E4.5        6.05       7.96       5.77       6.92       7.18       6.47
##       1416600_a_at 1416601_a_at 1416602_a_at 1416603_at 1416604_at 1416605_at
## E3.25         7.55         3.95         5.06       12.7       11.4       10.7
## E3.5          7.02         3.83         4.89       12.9       11.5       10.5
## E4.5          6.70         3.83         5.28       12.9       10.8       10.4
##       1416606_s_at 1416607_at 1416608_a_at 1416609_at 1416610_a_at 1416611_at
## E3.25         12.2       3.84          9.1       7.33         3.87       6.81
## E3.5          12.0       4.70          8.4       7.43         3.89       7.11
## E4.5          11.8       3.21          7.4       7.11         3.83       7.47
##       1416612_at 1416613_at 1416614_at 1416615_at 1416616_s_at 1416617_at
## E3.25       4.43       2.29       3.17      10.09        10.33       3.61
## E3.5        4.33       2.25       3.12      10.16         9.69       5.33
## E4.5        4.58       2.41       3.07       9.76         8.99       4.33
##       1416618_at 1416619_at 1416620_at 1416621_at 1416622_at 1416623_at
## E3.25       5.93       3.21       6.55       9.53       5.69       4.29
## E3.5        6.19       2.97       6.91       8.90       6.28       3.99
## E4.5        6.27       3.56       6.26       9.17       5.59       4.64
##       1416624_a_at 1416625_at 1416626_at 1416627_at 1416628_at 1416629_at
## E3.25         14.1       5.13       4.85       9.54       7.12       6.08
## E3.5          14.1       6.32       4.80       9.94       7.09       5.49
## E4.5          13.9       7.74       4.93       8.97       6.79       8.10
##       1416630_at 1416631_at 1416632_at 1416633_a_at 1416634_at 1416635_at
## E3.25       7.30       6.29       8.83        11.13       9.07       7.30
## E3.5        7.50       6.36      10.29        10.71       9.69       5.51
## E4.5        7.12       4.92       9.71         8.78       7.99       3.17
##       1416636_at 1416637_at 1416638_at 1416639_at 1416640_at 1416641_at
## E3.25       11.0       6.43       3.74       5.31       3.10       9.07
## E3.5        11.1       6.21       3.89       5.12       2.95      10.04
## E4.5        10.4       6.75       4.34       5.34       3.08       9.42
##       1416642_a_at 1416643_at 1416644_a_at 1416645_a_at 1416646_at 1416647_at
## E3.25         13.7       4.32         4.95         2.22       4.36       6.91
## E3.5          13.7       4.10         4.85         2.46       4.40       6.69
## E4.5          13.7       4.99         4.94         1.94       4.28       6.80
##       1416648_at 1416649_at 1416650_at 1416651_at 1416652_at 1416653_at
## E3.25       8.96       4.53       2.16       7.22       2.57       3.04
## E3.5        8.91       4.53       2.16       7.23       2.58       4.04
## E4.5        9.84       4.44       2.24       6.85       2.52       3.80
##       1416654_at 1416655_at 1416656_at 1416657_at 1416658_at 1416659_at
## E3.25       4.80       4.27       6.67       8.55       2.87       9.95
## E3.5        4.90       4.66       6.82       8.77       2.70      10.62
## E4.5        5.56       4.50       6.87       7.06       3.06      10.47
##       1416660_at 1416661_at 1416662_at 1416663_at 1416664_at 1416665_at
## E3.25       6.27       2.66       5.35      10.19      10.02       9.19
## E3.5        6.23       2.67       5.27      10.13       9.76       9.19
## E4.5        6.58       3.56       5.49       9.96       9.33       9.18
##       1416666_at 1416667_at 1416668_at 1416669_s_at
## E3.25       5.92       7.91       9.53         12.5
## E3.5        7.35       7.97       9.96         12.8
## E4.5        4.69       8.79       9.48         12.8
## Coefficients of linear discriminants:
##                    LD1       LD2
## 1415670_at    3.97e-03 -9.01e-03
## 1415671_at   -1.57e-02  9.00e-03
## 1415672_at   -1.04e-02  3.28e-03
## 1415673_at    8.01e-03 -1.03e-02
## 1415674_a_at -1.14e-02  6.94e-03
## 1415675_at    1.64e-02 -4.75e-03
## 1415676_a_at  6.77e-03 -1.58e-04
## 1415677_at    2.42e-02 -7.13e-03
## 1415678_at   -1.08e-02 -2.97e-03
## 1415679_at    7.53e-04 -1.51e-02
## 1415680_at    5.66e-03  5.51e-06
## 1415681_at   -3.91e-03 -5.70e-03
## 1415682_at    2.24e-02 -2.34e-03
## 1415683_at   -1.13e-02 -8.14e-03
## 1415684_at   -1.29e-03  1.13e-02
## 1415685_at   -1.03e-03 -8.65e-03
## 1415686_at    1.42e-02 -1.33e-03
## 1415687_a_at  4.25e-03 -5.64e-03
## 1415688_at    1.15e-02 -7.97e-03
## 1415689_s_at  1.44e-02 -2.46e-03
## 1415690_at    5.11e-04 -8.20e-03
## 1415691_at    3.83e-03  8.46e-04
## 1415692_s_at -1.09e-02  1.60e-02
## 1415693_at    3.81e-03  5.48e-03
## 1415694_at    1.06e-02 -5.53e-04
## 1415695_at    1.22e-02 -1.01e-02
## 1415696_at    1.39e-02  2.38e-04
## 1415697_at    2.77e-03  3.49e-03
## 1415698_at   -4.40e-03  5.02e-04
## 1415699_a_at -1.44e-02 -3.33e-03
## 1415700_a_at  3.62e-04 -2.17e-02
## 1415701_x_at -7.56e-02 -1.29e-01
## 1415702_a_at -8.10e-03  4.86e-03
## 1415703_at   -7.55e-03 -8.55e-03
## 1415704_a_at  1.02e-03 -6.51e-03
## 1415705_at    5.71e-03  7.48e-03
## 1415706_at   -3.65e-03 -1.19e-02
## 1415707_at    1.80e-03  2.67e-03
## 1415708_at   -4.57e-03 -3.27e-04
## 1415709_s_at -6.38e-03  1.25e-03
## 1415710_at   -1.51e-02 -1.02e-02
## 1415711_at   -5.02e-03 -3.68e-03
## 1415712_at    1.65e-03  7.64e-03
## 1415713_a_at  2.42e-03 -1.10e-02
## 1415714_a_at  9.55e-03 -3.59e-02
## 1415715_at    1.24e-02 -3.46e-03
## 1415716_a_at -8.92e-02 -5.12e-02
## 1415717_at    1.32e-02 -1.94e-03
## 1415718_at   -6.68e-03  1.51e-02
## 1415719_s_at  3.22e-03 -4.42e-03
## 1415720_s_at -3.25e-03  8.16e-03
## 1415721_a_at -1.24e-02 -4.96e-03
## 1415722_a_at  1.53e-02 -4.41e-03
## 1415723_at   -8.93e-03 -2.11e-02
## 1415724_a_at -1.18e-03 -4.40e-03
## 1415725_at    6.34e-03  1.29e-03
## 1415726_at   -7.04e-04  4.30e-03
## 1415727_at   -9.72e-03 -7.13e-03
## 1415728_at    6.29e-03 -8.42e-03
## 1415729_at    6.31e-03  8.05e-03
## 1415730_at   -1.32e-02  6.66e-03
## 1415731_at    2.14e-03 -4.90e-03
## 1415732_at    2.15e-03  6.50e-03
## 1415733_a_at  1.90e-03  2.28e-02
## 1415734_at    9.95e-03 -1.88e-02
## 1415735_at    2.31e-02  5.87e-03
## 1415736_at   -1.43e-04  2.00e-03
## 1415737_at   -1.04e-02 -1.90e-03
## 1415738_at   -8.61e-03 -1.27e-03
## 1415739_at   -3.14e-02  4.57e-03
## 1415740_at   -2.17e-03 -7.95e-03
## 1415741_at    4.83e-03 -1.53e-02
## 1415742_at    1.99e-02 -8.37e-04
## 1415743_at   -4.71e-03 -1.27e-02
## 1415744_at   -2.07e-02  3.18e-02
## 1415745_a_at  1.11e-02 -1.91e-03
## 1415746_at   -6.96e-03  6.33e-04
## 1415747_s_at  6.93e-03  5.04e-03
## 1415748_a_at -8.76e-03  7.16e-03
## 1415749_a_at  4.20e-03  1.19e-02
## 1415750_at   -8.07e-03  3.87e-03
## 1415751_at   -4.25e-03 -1.04e-02
## 1415752_at   -1.14e-02 -7.87e-03
## 1415753_at    1.39e-02 -1.04e-02
## 1415754_at    2.74e-02  1.25e-02
## 1415755_a_at -4.53e-03 -3.61e-02
## 1415756_a_at  3.57e-03 -3.20e-03
## 1415757_at   -4.54e-03 -5.91e-03
## 1415758_at    1.22e-02 -6.74e-03
## 1415759_a_at -5.48e-03  5.77e-03
## 1415760_s_at -1.32e-02 -3.24e-03
## 1415761_at   -2.22e-02 -3.18e-03
## 1415762_x_at -2.74e-02 -3.65e-03
## 1415763_a_at  1.15e-02 -1.97e-02
## 1415764_at   -1.16e-02  8.70e-04
## 1415765_at   -1.67e-02 -5.02e-03
## 1415766_at   -3.89e-03  1.80e-03
## 1415767_at    1.48e-02 -1.72e-03
## 1415768_a_at  1.47e-02  5.92e-03
## 1415769_at   -4.38e-03 -9.81e-03
## 1415770_at   -3.34e-03 -6.20e-03
## 1415771_at   -1.17e-03 -2.52e-03
## 1415772_at   -1.29e-02  1.47e-02
## 1415773_at    1.96e-03  6.67e-05
## 1415774_at   -4.83e-03 -6.46e-03
## 1415775_at   -9.57e-03  8.19e-03
## 1415776_at   -5.04e-03  3.50e-03
## 1415777_at    3.27e-03  3.55e-02
## 1415778_at    9.12e-03 -1.07e-02
## 1415779_s_at -2.11e-02  2.54e-02
## 1415780_a_at  1.91e-02 -1.94e-02
## 1415781_a_at -1.00e-01  5.28e-02
## 1415782_at   -1.29e-02  4.55e-03
## 1415783_at    3.45e-03  1.56e-03
## 1415784_at   -2.12e-02  9.16e-03
## 1415785_a_at  1.22e-02 -1.66e-02
## 1415786_at    1.38e-03  7.38e-02
## 1415787_at    8.56e-03 -1.56e-02
## 1415788_at   -7.76e-03  3.94e-05
## 1415789_a_at -1.45e-03  1.38e-03
## 1415790_at    3.31e-03  1.70e-02
## 1415791_at   -9.91e-03 -7.60e-03
## 1415792_at    2.03e-02 -9.81e-03
## 1415793_at    2.92e-03  2.66e-03
## 1415794_a_at  7.79e-03  6.56e-04
## 1415795_at    1.06e-02  1.51e-02
## 1415796_at   -3.23e-03 -7.71e-03
## 1415797_at    5.63e-03  2.38e-02
## 1415798_at    1.74e-02 -1.44e-02
## 1415799_at    7.33e-03 -8.69e-03
## 1415800_at   -1.92e-04  2.10e-03
## 1415801_at   -2.56e-03 -4.39e-02
## 1415802_at    5.98e-03  4.96e-03
## 1415803_at    1.73e-03 -3.09e-02
## 1415804_at    1.05e-02  5.53e-02
## 1415805_at   -8.61e-03  1.78e-02
## 1415806_at   -2.65e-03  1.14e-02
## 1415807_s_at -4.38e-03  2.97e-03
## 1415808_at    5.38e-02  5.59e-02
## 1415809_at    6.16e-03  4.54e-02
## 1415810_at   -2.36e-03 -1.09e-02
## 1415811_at   -1.07e-02 -1.62e-02
## 1415812_at    5.47e-03  4.80e-03
## 1415813_at   -1.57e-03  1.22e-02
## 1415814_at   -9.34e-03 -2.91e-03
## 1415815_at    6.52e-02  8.90e-02
## 1415816_at   -6.06e-02 -3.05e-02
## 1415817_s_at -8.13e-03  5.78e-03
## 1415818_at    2.50e-02  3.81e-03
## 1415819_a_at  1.90e-02 -2.10e-02
## 1415820_x_at -1.49e-03 -2.31e-03
## 1415821_at   -8.55e-03 -8.65e-03
## 1415822_at    6.78e-03  4.86e-03
## 1415823_at   -4.80e-03  1.85e-02
## 1415824_at   -2.00e-02  1.11e-02
## 1415825_s_at -7.77e-03 -2.61e-03
## 1415826_at    2.85e-03  7.50e-03
## 1415827_a_at  9.19e-03  3.87e-03
## 1415828_a_at -5.98e-03 -6.63e-04
## 1415829_at    4.24e-03  4.42e-05
## 1415830_at    4.10e-03 -7.49e-03
## 1415831_at   -1.24e-02 -1.06e-02
## 1415832_at    4.00e-02  8.30e-02
## 1415833_x_at -5.26e-02 -1.64e-02
## 1415834_at   -7.77e-04  3.54e-03
## 1415835_at   -3.87e-03  1.06e-04
## 1415836_at    1.45e-03 -3.41e-03
## 1415837_at    1.66e-02  1.60e-02
## 1415838_at    6.52e-05  6.12e-03
## 1415839_a_at  5.24e-03 -1.43e-03
## 1415840_at    3.85e-03 -4.04e-03
## 1415841_at   -6.20e-03 -4.90e-03
## 1415842_at   -1.09e-02  5.50e-03
## 1415843_at    2.30e-03  3.32e-03
## 1415844_at    3.31e-03 -3.96e-03
## 1415845_at    3.52e-02  3.83e-02
## 1415846_a_at  1.18e-02  1.33e-02
## 1415847_at    1.60e-02  1.03e-02
## 1415848_at   -1.14e-01 -1.74e-02
## 1415849_s_at  3.76e-03 -3.95e-03
## 1415850_at    2.60e-03  5.53e-03
## 1415851_a_at -3.06e-02  7.20e-03
## 1415852_at   -4.15e-02  2.17e-02
## 1415853_at    4.44e-02  2.09e-02
## 1415854_at    2.02e-02  6.18e-02
## 1415855_at   -2.93e-02 -4.23e-03
## 1415856_at    5.27e-03  3.59e-03
## 1415857_at   -9.52e-04 -1.92e-03
## 1415858_at    7.26e-03  5.92e-03
## 1415859_at    7.90e-03  1.66e-02
## 1415860_at   -5.10e-03 -7.19e-03
## 1415861_at    2.33e-02  4.89e-02
## 1415862_at    2.09e-02  8.09e-03
## 1415863_at   -9.82e-03 -2.50e-03
## 1415864_at    1.65e-02 -7.96e-03
## 1415865_s_at  1.27e-02 -1.12e-02
## 1415866_at   -1.48e-02 -5.42e-03
## 1415867_at   -3.84e-02 -4.22e-03
## 1415868_at   -1.26e-02 -1.16e-02
## 1415869_a_at  2.11e-02 -1.36e-02
## 1415870_at   -4.87e-03  2.15e-03
## 1415871_at    1.35e-02  1.01e-02
## 1415872_at    4.61e-03 -1.01e-02
## 1415873_a_at -2.18e-02  1.06e-03
## 1415874_at   -1.06e-03  5.10e-03
## 1415875_at    7.48e-02  3.60e-02
## 1415876_a_at  4.13e-02 -1.16e-01
## 1415877_at   -1.77e-02  8.42e-03
## 1415878_at    4.72e-03 -1.11e-02
## 1415879_a_at -3.29e-02 -9.34e-02
## 1415880_a_at  3.65e-02 -2.43e-02
## 1415881_at   -3.73e-03  4.57e-03
## 1415882_at   -3.62e-03 -5.22e-03
## 1415883_a_at  2.42e-03  2.33e-03
## 1415884_at   -2.78e-02  1.02e-02
## 1415885_at   -9.31e-03  2.76e-02
## 1415886_at    2.37e-02 -2.60e-02
## 1415887_at   -3.87e-03  1.23e-02
## 1415888_at   -8.34e-03  1.03e-02
## 1415889_a_at -3.24e-04 -1.23e-02
## 1415890_at    1.18e-02 -1.09e-02
## 1415891_at   -2.43e-02  4.80e-03
## 1415892_at   -1.03e-02  2.24e-03
## 1415893_at   -3.36e-03  9.67e-03
## 1415894_at   -9.31e-02  1.64e-02
## 1415895_at   -3.85e-02 -4.11e-02
## 1415896_x_at -2.86e-02 -4.39e-02
## 1415897_a_at  1.77e-02 -3.50e-02
## 1415898_at    5.54e-02  2.62e-02
## 1415899_at    6.71e-03 -4.22e-03
## 1415900_a_at  2.65e-02 -1.65e-02
## 1415901_at    1.30e-02 -1.18e-02
## 1415902_at    6.07e-02 -1.78e-02
## 1415903_at   -7.43e-03  3.75e-02
## 1415904_at    5.41e-03 -3.69e-03
## 1415905_at    1.85e-02 -9.79e-03
## 1415906_at    5.58e-04  6.55e-03
## 1415907_at    7.00e-03 -1.17e-03
## 1415908_at   -6.93e-03  5.65e-03
## 1415909_at   -1.43e-02  3.97e-03
## 1415910_s_at -8.59e-04  1.35e-03
## 1415911_at    3.32e-03  7.64e-03
## 1415912_a_at -2.33e-02 -2.31e-02
## 1415913_at   -1.50e-02  5.39e-03
## 1415914_at   -5.32e-03 -9.83e-03
## 1415915_at   -1.17e-02 -8.69e-03
## 1415916_a_at -3.34e-02 -1.33e-02
## 1415917_at   -1.58e-02 -1.17e-02
## 1415918_a_at -6.00e-03  1.57e-03
## 1415919_at   -2.21e-02 -4.00e-03
## 1415920_at    1.43e-03  5.94e-03
## 1415921_a_at -1.04e-02  2.24e-02
## 1415922_s_at  1.54e-03 -9.66e-03
## 1415923_at   -3.50e-02  3.23e-02
## 1415924_at    5.80e-02 -5.23e-03
## 1415925_a_at  9.15e-03  9.99e-03
## 1415926_at    8.97e-03  7.71e-03
## 1415927_at    8.19e-02  8.01e-02
## 1415928_a_at -7.08e-03 -7.36e-03
## 1415929_at    6.92e-03 -1.23e-02
## 1415930_a_at -3.45e-02 -7.09e-03
## 1415931_at    2.01e-02 -1.19e-02
## 1415932_x_at -1.16e-03  3.90e-03
## 1415933_a_at  9.69e-03  1.04e-02
## 1415934_at   -4.09e-03  3.62e-03
## 1415935_at    2.86e-02 -3.47e-02
## 1415936_at   -3.33e-03 -1.10e-02
## 1415937_s_at  6.26e-03  6.05e-03
## 1415938_at    6.15e-04 -1.17e-02
## 1415939_at   -1.59e-01  5.04e-02
## 1415940_at   -8.29e-03  3.56e-03
## 1415941_s_at  9.36e-04  1.09e-02
## 1415942_at    3.91e-02 -3.03e-02
## 1415943_at    8.60e-04 -2.60e-03
## 1415944_at   -3.35e-02 -2.41e-02
## 1415945_at    1.73e-02  5.74e-03
## 1415946_at   -7.66e-03 -3.87e-03
## 1415947_at    6.10e-03 -1.04e-02
## 1415948_at    9.83e-04 -8.60e-03
## 1415949_at    1.05e-03  9.20e-03
## 1415950_a_at  1.26e-02 -4.25e-03
## 1415951_at    2.61e-02  6.07e-03
## 1415952_at   -1.75e-02  2.20e-02
## 1415953_s_at -4.26e-04 -3.80e-02
## 1415954_at   -7.55e-02  3.85e-02
## 1415955_x_at  2.04e-02 -5.00e-02
## 1415956_a_at -1.34e-02  2.06e-03
## 1415957_a_at -1.99e-02  7.69e-03
## 1415958_at   -5.16e-02  1.93e-02
## 1415959_at    1.35e-02  2.02e-02
## 1415960_at    8.97e-02 -4.89e-02
## 1415961_at    1.08e-02 -9.82e-04
## 1415962_at   -7.82e-03 -1.24e-02
## 1415963_at    1.12e-02 -1.01e-03
## 1415964_at    7.89e-04  3.61e-04
## 1415965_at   -5.46e-03 -5.02e-03
## 1415966_a_at -4.47e-03  1.26e-03
## 1415967_at    8.17e-03  1.12e-02
## 1415968_a_at -1.81e-02  2.98e-02
## 1415969_s_at -8.29e-02 -5.88e-03
## 1415970_at   -6.59e-04 -3.94e-03
## 1415971_at    4.49e-03 -8.60e-03
## 1415972_at    7.80e-03 -7.28e-03
## 1415973_at   -2.73e-04 -2.15e-02
## 1415974_at    4.75e-03  1.22e-02
## 1415975_at    4.93e-03  9.93e-03
## 1415976_a_at -6.00e-03 -2.95e-02
## 1415977_at   -1.88e-02  9.31e-03
## 1415978_at    1.15e-02 -1.64e-02
## 1415979_x_at -3.12e-02  1.94e-02
## 1415980_at    3.79e-02 -2.02e-02
## 1415981_at    3.36e-03 -1.48e-03
## 1415982_at    4.18e-03  1.92e-02
## 1415983_at    4.58e-04 -5.95e-04
## 1415984_at   -7.70e-03 -1.30e-03
## 1415985_at   -3.27e-02 -1.05e-02
## 1415986_at    8.38e-03  5.86e-03
## 1415987_at   -3.52e-02 -9.08e-03
## 1415988_at    2.19e-02 -2.13e-02
## 1415989_at   -4.85e-03 -1.54e-02
## 1415990_at    8.44e-03  1.22e-02
## 1415991_a_at -1.05e-02 -8.60e-03
## 1415992_at   -1.77e-02  1.29e-03
## 1415993_at    9.27e-04  1.69e-02
## 1415994_at    1.82e-02  3.19e-02
## 1415995_at   -1.53e-02 -5.06e-03
## 1415996_at   -1.26e-02  4.51e-03
## 1415997_at   -5.17e-03 -2.16e-02
## 1415998_at    1.59e-02  2.31e-03
## 1415999_at    2.79e-02  8.24e-03
## 1416000_a_at  1.31e-02 -2.59e-02
## 1416001_a_at -2.46e-03 -5.20e-02
## 1416002_x_at  6.74e-03 -5.98e-03
## 1416003_at    4.84e-03 -6.69e-03
## 1416004_at   -2.31e-03  1.40e-02
## 1416005_at   -1.16e-03  4.63e-03
## 1416006_at    1.89e-02 -9.36e-03
## 1416007_at   -8.74e-03 -8.66e-03
## 1416008_at   -1.23e-02  2.77e-03
## 1416009_at    5.25e-03 -2.95e-04
## 1416010_a_at -1.59e-03  1.89e-03
## 1416011_x_at  2.17e-03 -5.23e-03
## 1416012_at   -8.27e-06  2.68e-02
## 1416013_at    9.38e-03 -3.55e-03
## 1416014_at   -3.52e-03 -3.70e-03
## 1416015_s_at  5.50e-03 -7.30e-04
## 1416016_at    2.19e-02  1.81e-02
## 1416017_at    1.57e-02  1.88e-03
## 1416018_at    5.80e-04  2.30e-03
## 1416019_at   -7.63e-03  6.74e-03
## 1416020_a_at  4.84e-02 -1.80e-02
## 1416021_a_at -4.28e-03 -1.42e-02
## 1416022_at    5.73e-03 -8.86e-03
## 1416023_at   -6.62e-04  6.69e-03
## 1416024_x_at -4.33e-02 -1.00e-02
## 1416025_at   -5.69e-03 -3.84e-02
## 1416026_a_at  1.18e-01  2.51e-02
## 1416027_at    3.08e-03  1.71e-02
## 1416028_a_at -1.18e-03  2.08e-03
## 1416029_at    7.16e-03 -1.27e-03
## 1416030_a_at  3.14e-03 -2.16e-03
## 1416031_s_at -7.33e-03 -1.94e-02
## 1416032_at    5.09e-03  2.74e-02
## 1416033_at   -4.86e-03  1.79e-02
## 1416034_at   -1.61e-03  1.31e-04
## 1416035_at   -3.34e-03 -7.03e-03
## 1416036_at    5.88e-03  6.07e-04
## 1416037_a_at  2.01e-02 -2.11e-02
## 1416038_at    1.66e-02 -1.98e-02
## 1416039_x_at  2.00e-02  1.75e-02
## 1416040_at    8.20e-02 -6.51e-02
## 1416041_at   -5.17e-03  3.44e-03
## 1416042_s_at  1.90e-03 -1.31e-02
## 1416043_at    3.46e-03  1.47e-02
## 1416044_at   -1.14e-02  1.02e-02
## 1416045_a_at  3.46e-03  1.00e-02
## 1416046_a_at  3.41e-03 -4.20e-03
## 1416047_at    4.32e-02 -4.27e-02
## 1416048_at    1.94e-02  3.13e-03
## 1416049_at    1.31e-03  8.63e-04
## 1416050_a_at  1.63e-02  1.81e-02
## 1416051_at   -1.14e-02 -6.64e-03
## 1416052_at    1.05e-03 -1.28e-03
## 1416053_at    5.47e-02 -6.38e-02
## 1416054_at   -5.18e-03 -4.53e-02
## 1416055_at   -9.11e-02 -4.53e-02
## 1416056_a_at  2.58e-02  1.40e-02
## 1416057_at    3.02e-02 -6.35e-04
## 1416058_s_at -2.10e-02 -8.32e-02
## 1416059_at   -6.82e-03  3.73e-04
## 1416060_at    2.13e-03  6.98e-03
## 1416061_at   -9.99e-03 -8.03e-03
## 1416062_at   -2.16e-02  5.14e-02
## 1416063_x_at  3.07e-02 -3.40e-02
## 1416064_a_at  8.58e-04 -1.79e-02
## 1416065_a_at -3.00e-03  2.00e-03
## 1416066_at    8.17e-03 -7.84e-03
## 1416067_at   -3.34e-03  3.91e-03
## 1416068_at   -1.20e-02  1.00e-02
## 1416069_at    4.41e-04 -6.38e-03
## 1416070_a_at  1.01e-04 -7.51e-03
## 1416071_at    5.53e-03 -1.31e-02
## 1416072_at   -5.40e-02 -5.46e-02
## 1416073_a_at  2.20e-02  7.33e-03
## 1416074_a_at -2.40e-02 -1.09e-02
## 1416075_at    1.72e-03  4.66e-04
## 1416076_at   -7.54e-03  1.25e-02
## 1416077_at   -9.24e-04 -2.12e-02
## 1416078_s_at -8.61e-03  1.48e-02
## 1416079_a_at  1.08e-03 -1.20e-02
## 1416080_at    1.54e-02 -8.42e-03
## 1416081_at   -4.71e-02 -2.77e-02
## 1416082_at   -2.44e-03 -2.39e-03
## 1416083_at   -1.42e-03 -5.52e-03
## 1416084_at   -2.58e-02  8.64e-03
## 1416085_s_at -1.43e-02  2.97e-03
## 1416086_at    1.48e-03  1.27e-02
## 1416087_at   -2.11e-02 -2.35e-03
## 1416088_a_at -1.30e-02  9.35e-03
## 1416089_at   -2.57e-04  1.58e-02
## 1416090_at    7.22e-03  4.73e-03
## 1416091_at    1.54e-02  7.30e-04
## 1416092_a_at  3.26e-03 -4.27e-03
## 1416093_a_at -3.85e-03  1.15e-02
## 1416094_at   -2.72e-03  8.71e-03
## 1416095_x_at  2.99e-02 -1.46e-02
## 1416096_at   -1.47e-03 -5.18e-03
## 1416097_at   -2.59e-02 -2.00e-03
## 1416098_at    3.94e-02  1.87e-02
## 1416099_at    2.56e-02 -8.02e-03
## 1416100_at    1.38e-03 -3.54e-04
## 1416101_a_at  3.58e-03 -7.24e-03
## 1416102_at    6.12e-03  5.07e-03
## 1416103_at   -2.81e-02  1.33e-02
## 1416104_at   -5.59e-03  1.77e-03
## 1416105_at    1.74e-03 -5.34e-03
## 1416106_at   -3.33e-03  4.98e-03
## 1416107_at   -1.96e-02 -1.66e-02
## 1416108_a_at -1.43e-03 -5.06e-03
## 1416109_at   -5.81e-03 -1.08e-02
## 1416110_at    4.77e-03 -3.47e-03
## 1416111_at    6.11e-02  7.81e-02
## 1416112_at    2.27e-02 -8.47e-03
## 1416113_at   -7.14e-03  3.49e-02
## 1416114_at    9.13e-02  3.13e-02
## 1416115_at   -5.21e-03 -8.01e-03
## 1416116_at   -1.84e-02  1.29e-02
## 1416117_at   -2.25e-02 -1.33e-02
## 1416118_at   -7.37e-04 -1.10e-02
## 1416119_at    3.70e-02 -2.91e-02
## 1416120_at    4.40e-03  8.22e-03
## 1416121_at   -3.34e-03  3.29e-02
## 1416122_at    2.29e-02 -7.76e-02
## 1416123_at    2.24e-02 -4.13e-04
## 1416124_at   -1.23e-02  1.20e-02
## 1416125_at   -1.25e-04 -7.55e-03
## 1416126_at   -2.36e-02  1.30e-02
## 1416127_a_at -8.56e-03  7.65e-03
## 1416128_at    7.44e-03 -1.90e-03
## 1416129_at   -5.87e-03  1.25e-03
## 1416130_at    1.48e-02  1.21e-01
## 1416131_s_at -6.67e-03  1.97e-03
## 1416132_at    7.99e-04  7.10e-03
## 1416133_at    4.31e-03 -6.44e-03
## 1416134_at   -2.10e-03  1.73e-02
## 1416135_at   -9.05e-03  4.85e-03
## 1416136_at    6.56e-03  1.08e-01
## 1416137_at   -1.55e-02  3.33e-03
## 1416138_at   -1.98e-02 -1.18e-02
## 1416139_at   -2.58e-02 -1.30e-02
## 1416140_a_at -1.40e-03 -5.96e-03
## 1416141_a_at -4.60e-02  5.09e-03
## 1416142_at   -4.12e-03 -8.41e-03
## 1416143_at   -1.98e-02 -1.91e-02
## 1416144_a_at -1.50e-02 -1.59e-03
## 1416145_at   -1.38e-03  1.77e-04
## 1416146_at    1.33e-03 -3.37e-03
## 1416147_at    2.03e-03 -4.79e-02
## 1416148_at   -6.37e-03  9.64e-03
## 1416149_at    4.54e-03 -2.44e-02
## 1416150_a_at  3.07e-02  2.62e-02
## 1416151_at   -3.79e-03 -2.20e-04
## 1416152_a_at -5.06e-04 -3.15e-03
## 1416153_at   -1.43e-02 -1.06e-02
## 1416154_at   -1.35e-02  8.08e-02
## 1416155_at   -2.94e-03  1.36e-04
## 1416156_at    9.72e-04  4.03e-04
## 1416157_at    1.04e-02 -1.30e-02
## 1416158_at    1.08e-02  8.10e-02
## 1416159_at    1.60e-02  1.84e-02
## 1416160_at    3.82e-02  1.62e-02
## 1416161_at    4.82e-04 -2.28e-03
## 1416162_at    1.40e-02  4.84e-03
## 1416163_at   -1.27e-02 -1.41e-02
## 1416164_at   -1.35e-03  1.06e-02
## 1416165_at   -1.29e-02  1.24e-03
## 1416166_a_at  2.70e-03  2.50e-03
## 1416167_at    7.56e-03 -9.44e-03
## 1416168_at   -1.16e-02 -8.86e-03
## 1416169_at    4.89e-02 -1.42e-02
## 1416170_at    2.28e-03 -2.33e-02
## 1416171_at    1.19e-02 -1.01e-02
## 1416172_at   -7.50e-03  1.04e-02
## 1416173_at    6.91e-03  2.76e-03
## 1416174_at    6.22e-05 -4.58e-03
## 1416175_a_at  3.68e-03  1.15e-02
## 1416176_at   -9.51e-03 -4.26e-03
## 1416177_at   -4.90e-03 -1.39e-03
## 1416178_a_at  6.71e-02 -4.82e-03
## 1416179_a_at -5.33e-03 -1.40e-02
## 1416180_a_at  5.93e-04 -2.42e-03
## 1416181_at    4.58e-03 -4.73e-03
## 1416182_at   -1.82e-02 -8.78e-03
## 1416183_a_at -1.34e-02  2.03e-02
## 1416184_s_at -6.32e-03 -3.64e-03
## 1416185_a_at -1.56e-04 -3.55e-03
## 1416186_at    4.61e-03  2.07e-03
## 1416187_s_at  1.10e-03  3.97e-03
## 1416188_at   -6.03e-02 -4.12e-02
## 1416189_a_at  8.28e-03 -1.22e-02
## 1416190_a_at -6.14e-03  7.91e-03
## 1416191_at   -8.63e-03  8.48e-03
## 1416192_at   -1.11e-03  1.44e-02
## 1416193_at   -9.34e-03  7.27e-03
## 1416194_at   -7.29e-02  5.45e-02
## 1416195_at    9.68e-03 -2.13e-03
## 1416196_at    3.11e-02  2.06e-02
## 1416197_at   -3.29e-02 -3.50e-02
## 1416198_at   -4.54e-04 -3.23e-03
## 1416199_at   -1.01e-04 -5.89e-03
## 1416200_at    1.16e-02  3.91e-03
## 1416201_at    1.22e-02 -1.53e-03
## 1416202_at    1.10e-03 -5.86e-03
## 1416203_at   -2.71e-03 -1.58e-02
## 1416204_at    3.02e-03 -2.79e-03
## 1416205_at    8.81e-03 -7.39e-03
## 1416206_at    1.56e-02  4.30e-03
## 1416207_at    1.28e-02  7.26e-03
## 1416208_at   -1.32e-02  3.91e-03
## 1416209_at    1.81e-03 -1.91e-03
## 1416210_at    2.20e-02  2.24e-02
## 1416211_a_at  6.03e-03  2.41e-02
## 1416212_at    1.96e-02  1.06e-02
## 1416213_x_at  1.24e-03 -8.92e-03
## 1416214_at    9.01e-03 -5.47e-03
## 1416215_at    2.59e-03 -2.15e-03
## 1416216_at    1.03e-02  9.48e-04
## 1416217_a_at -3.00e-02 -1.95e-02
## 1416218_x_at -6.16e-03  7.99e-03
## 1416219_at   -1.47e-02  2.66e-02
## 1416220_at    7.79e-04 -4.69e-03
## 1416221_at   -1.25e-02  1.42e-02
## 1416222_at   -9.20e-03  9.84e-03
## 1416223_at   -5.38e-03  2.84e-02
## 1416224_at   -1.31e-02  1.88e-02
## 1416225_at    2.61e-04  3.81e-03
## 1416226_at    1.39e-02  1.50e-02
## 1416227_at    1.37e-02 -3.62e-03
## 1416228_at   -8.76e-03 -3.33e-03
## 1416229_at   -1.18e-02  7.73e-03
## 1416230_at   -1.01e-02  6.78e-03
## 1416231_at    2.06e-02  6.07e-04
## 1416232_at    6.90e-03 -1.94e-02
## 1416233_at    3.61e-02  8.49e-03
## 1416234_at   -5.60e-03 -2.61e-02
## 1416235_at   -8.23e-03 -3.95e-03
## 1416236_a_at -1.98e-04  2.88e-03
## 1416237_at    4.03e-03  4.76e-03
## 1416238_at    1.07e-02 -2.98e-02
## 1416239_at    6.31e-03  6.93e-03
## 1416240_at    1.85e-02 -1.75e-02
## 1416241_at   -1.40e-02  2.31e-02
## 1416242_at    1.16e-03  2.77e-03
## 1416243_a_at  2.34e-02 -1.31e-02
## 1416244_a_at -1.42e-02 -6.16e-03
## 1416245_at    1.48e-02 -1.03e-02
## 1416246_a_at  7.66e-03  1.79e-02
## 1416247_at    1.52e-02  4.03e-03
## 1416248_at    3.36e-03  7.27e-04
## 1416249_at   -2.78e-02 -2.13e-04
## 1416250_at    4.14e-02  2.23e-03
## 1416251_at    2.36e-03  3.26e-03
## 1416252_at    5.80e-04 -3.84e-03
## 1416253_at   -3.57e-03  4.08e-04
## 1416254_a_at  6.77e-04 -8.77e-03
## 1416255_at    8.18e-03 -1.51e-02
## 1416256_a_at  5.20e-03 -8.19e-03
## 1416257_at   -5.51e-03  9.44e-03
## 1416258_at   -4.01e-03  6.92e-03
## 1416259_at   -4.18e-03 -5.31e-04
## 1416260_a_at -4.99e-03  7.41e-03
## 1416261_at   -1.76e-03 -9.92e-03
## 1416262_at    9.90e-03 -1.24e-03
## 1416263_at    3.44e-02  1.83e-02
## 1416264_at   -2.36e-03 -2.00e-02
## 1416265_at   -1.47e-03 -9.78e-03
## 1416266_at    3.85e-02 -1.50e-02
## 1416267_at   -6.84e-04 -1.17e-02
## 1416268_at   -3.76e-03  1.29e-02
## 1416269_at    1.37e-02 -1.89e-02
## 1416270_at   -1.41e-02  1.66e-03
## 1416271_at   -8.97e-03  2.11e-03
## 1416272_at    1.04e-02  1.06e-02
## 1416273_at   -1.75e-02  6.68e-02
## 1416274_at   -1.08e-02  4.17e-03
## 1416275_at   -9.59e-03  1.18e-02
## 1416276_a_at  5.72e-02 -1.66e-03
## 1416277_a_at -5.06e-02 -4.18e-02
## 1416278_a_at -2.21e-03 -1.20e-02
## 1416279_at   -6.89e-03  6.29e-03
## 1416280_at    7.67e-03 -5.86e-03
## 1416281_at   -3.61e-03 -5.48e-03
## 1416282_at   -9.15e-03 -2.07e-04
## 1416283_at    5.87e-03  3.37e-05
## 1416284_at    1.21e-02 -1.02e-02
## 1416285_at    5.29e-03 -3.56e-02
## 1416286_at    4.74e-02  3.22e-02
## 1416287_at   -5.76e-02  3.08e-02
## 1416288_at   -2.59e-02  1.61e-02
## 1416289_at    1.14e-03 -8.87e-03
## 1416290_a_at -2.83e-02  7.42e-03
## 1416291_at   -1.08e-02 -5.84e-03
## 1416292_at    1.60e-02 -1.90e-02
## 1416293_at   -6.59e-03  6.28e-02
## 1416294_at    1.27e-02 -1.94e-02
## 1416295_a_at  5.36e-03 -5.56e-04
## 1416296_at    1.62e-03 -9.99e-03
## 1416297_s_at -1.23e-02 -4.89e-02
## 1416298_at    1.51e-02  4.78e-03
## 1416299_at   -7.02e-03  1.88e-03
## 1416300_a_at -2.26e-02 -1.45e-02
## 1416301_a_at  1.53e-02 -2.57e-03
## 1416302_at    2.24e-02  4.71e-02
## 1416303_at   -8.26e-03  7.22e-03
## 1416304_at    6.86e-03  1.97e-02
## 1416305_at    1.99e-02  9.35e-03
## 1416306_at    1.03e-02  6.92e-03
## 1416307_at    9.53e-03 -2.16e-02
## 1416308_at    8.13e-04 -3.55e-03
## 1416309_at   -2.61e-03 -3.71e-03
## 1416310_at    4.23e-02 -2.40e-02
## 1416311_s_at  1.14e-02  9.50e-03
## 1416312_at   -2.44e-02 -4.76e-03
## 1416313_at   -1.09e-02 -2.33e-03
## 1416314_at   -2.43e-02 -5.57e-02
## 1416315_at   -7.04e-03 -7.74e-04
## 1416316_at    7.45e-03 -1.69e-03
## 1416317_a_at  5.47e-03  3.55e-02
## 1416318_at   -7.48e-04 -4.54e-03
## 1416319_at    1.22e-02  1.21e-03
## 1416320_at    2.35e-03 -4.74e-03
## 1416321_s_at -3.79e-02  2.52e-03
## 1416322_at   -2.48e-02  7.03e-02
## 1416323_at    8.63e-03  6.07e-04
## 1416324_s_at  7.87e-03 -3.99e-03
## 1416325_at   -1.17e-02  7.47e-03
## 1416326_at   -9.78e-03 -1.14e-03
## 1416327_at   -2.83e-03  1.90e-02
## 1416328_a_at -5.47e-03  2.43e-02
## 1416329_at    6.99e-03  9.71e-03
## 1416330_at   -4.84e-03  1.23e-02
## 1416331_a_at  3.22e-02 -6.13e-04
## 1416332_at   -6.76e-03 -7.44e-03
## 1416333_at   -5.06e-03  1.72e-02
## 1416334_at   -6.71e-03  2.55e-03
## 1416335_at    1.74e-03 -1.23e-02
## 1416336_s_at  1.05e-02  1.48e-02
## 1416337_at    1.17e-02 -1.65e-02
## 1416338_at    1.10e-02  7.68e-03
## 1416339_a_at -9.10e-04 -1.20e-02
## 1416340_a_at  6.64e-03 -6.60e-03
## 1416341_at    2.44e-02  9.92e-03
## 1416342_at    6.85e-02 -3.80e-02
## 1416343_a_at -1.05e-02 -8.59e-03
## 1416344_at    1.84e-03 -7.62e-03
## 1416345_at    9.00e-03  1.45e-02
## 1416346_at   -5.30e-03  1.22e-02
## 1416347_at   -4.54e-03 -2.46e-03
## 1416348_at    1.05e-02  6.04e-03
## 1416349_at   -6.58e-03  2.25e-02
## 1416350_at    2.20e-02  1.43e-02
## 1416351_at    5.62e-03 -1.33e-02
## 1416352_s_at -6.93e-03 -2.01e-02
## 1416353_at    1.46e-03 -3.63e-03
## 1416354_at    7.87e-03 -3.10e-03
## 1416355_at   -4.84e-02 -2.32e-02
## 1416356_at    8.56e-03  8.07e-03
## 1416357_a_at  2.67e-02 -1.43e-02
## 1416358_at    6.11e-03  3.79e-03
## 1416359_at    7.60e-04  4.67e-03
## 1416360_at    2.85e-02  5.79e-03
## 1416361_a_at  2.26e-02 -1.40e-02
## 1416362_a_at  7.71e-03  6.11e-03
## 1416363_at    1.20e-02  3.76e-02
## 1416364_at   -4.39e-02 -2.07e-02
## 1416365_at    2.84e-03 -8.71e-04
## 1416366_at    2.34e-02  1.09e-02
## 1416367_at   -3.64e-03  6.26e-03
## 1416368_at    1.36e-02 -6.28e-03
## 1416369_at   -4.22e-03 -1.19e-02
## 1416370_at   -8.60e-03 -6.49e-03
## 1416371_at    2.33e-02 -2.17e-02
## 1416372_at    2.45e-03  9.16e-03
## 1416373_at    3.29e-03  5.16e-03
## 1416374_at    4.45e-03  4.56e-03
## 1416375_at    6.44e-03 -8.68e-03
## 1416376_at   -5.11e-03 -3.16e-03
## 1416377_at    7.45e-03 -2.12e-04
## 1416378_at    1.05e-02 -8.09e-03
## 1416379_at    1.95e-02  5.73e-03
## 1416380_at    4.48e-02 -1.50e-03
## 1416381_a_at -3.41e-02  1.66e-02
## 1416382_at   -6.41e-03 -7.66e-03
## 1416383_a_at  8.02e-03 -9.54e-04
## 1416384_a_at -3.78e-03  2.08e-02
## 1416385_a_at  5.12e-03 -3.82e-03
## 1416386_a_at  3.14e-03  6.35e-03
## 1416387_at    7.40e-03  1.87e-02
## 1416388_at    4.59e-02  2.09e-02
## 1416389_a_at  1.19e-02  1.79e-02
## 1416390_at    3.00e-02  2.66e-02
## 1416391_at    1.42e-02  1.12e-03
## 1416392_a_at -4.36e-02 -2.19e-02
## 1416393_at    3.34e-02 -5.59e-03
## 1416394_at   -1.07e-03 -1.64e-02
## 1416395_at    6.38e-03 -5.59e-03
## 1416396_at    1.35e-02  6.67e-02
## 1416397_at    2.09e-02 -9.48e-03
## 1416398_at    5.86e-03 -1.37e-03
## 1416399_a_at -1.17e-02 -1.22e-02
## 1416400_at   -4.64e-03  4.36e-03
## 1416401_at    1.95e-02 -3.04e-03
## 1416402_at    1.01e-02  5.93e-03
## 1416403_at    4.75e-02 -1.13e-02
## 1416404_s_at  3.74e-03 -9.16e-03
## 1416405_at    2.45e-05  1.57e-02
## 1416406_at    2.66e-02  2.69e-02
## 1416407_at    1.89e-02 -1.93e-02
## 1416408_at   -3.14e-03 -9.52e-04
## 1416409_at    7.61e-03 -2.15e-02
## 1416410_at    4.71e-03 -1.08e-02
## 1416411_at    2.53e-03 -2.28e-02
## 1416412_at    4.96e-03  1.26e-02
## 1416413_at    2.87e-03 -4.40e-03
## 1416414_at    1.62e-02  6.11e-03
## 1416415_a_at  2.24e-02 -1.46e-02
## 1416416_x_at  8.01e-03 -3.87e-03
## 1416417_a_at -7.26e-03  1.62e-02
## 1416418_at   -1.27e-02  1.50e-03
## 1416419_s_at -6.44e-04  5.34e-04
## 1416420_a_at  2.92e-02 -1.56e-02
## 1416421_a_at  1.60e-02  1.05e-02
## 1416422_a_at -2.37e-03 -7.62e-05
## 1416423_x_at -4.34e-03 -3.21e-03
## 1416424_at    7.99e-03  4.34e-03
## 1416425_at   -2.84e-03  1.23e-02
## 1416426_at   -1.56e-03 -1.62e-02
## 1416427_at    9.30e-03 -6.89e-03
## 1416428_at   -3.81e-03  1.27e-02
## 1416429_a_at -6.65e-03  2.56e-03
## 1416430_at   -3.78e-03  2.59e-04
## 1416431_at    4.41e-03  1.08e-03
## 1416432_at    1.71e-02 -6.02e-03
## 1416433_at   -4.70e-03  2.53e-03
## 1416434_at   -1.99e-02 -5.05e-03
## 1416435_at   -4.16e-03  2.72e-02
## 1416436_a_at  1.09e-02  5.39e-03
## 1416437_a_at -2.55e-02  4.67e-02
## 1416438_at    8.37e-03 -1.24e-02
## 1416439_at    1.78e-02 -1.18e-02
## 1416440_at   -1.02e-02 -2.39e-03
## 1416441_at    1.79e-02  4.70e-02
## 1416442_at    3.97e-03  2.31e-03
## 1416443_a_at -8.15e-03  3.03e-03
## 1416444_at   -5.66e-04  1.54e-02
## 1416445_at   -4.55e-03  4.40e-03
## 1416446_at   -1.62e-03 -4.37e-03
## 1416447_at    1.86e-03  5.61e-03
## 1416448_at    1.46e-02 -1.11e-02
## 1416449_x_at -5.11e-03  9.19e-03
## 1416450_at    9.69e-03  7.48e-03
## 1416451_s_at  3.89e-03  9.82e-03
## 1416452_at    5.80e-03  5.24e-03
## 1416453_x_at -5.13e-02 -9.15e-03
## 1416454_s_at  3.14e-02  2.17e-02
## 1416455_a_at -1.15e-04  5.69e-03
## 1416456_a_at  3.69e-03  3.11e-02
## 1416457_at    1.04e-02  7.87e-03
## 1416458_at    1.25e-02  1.01e-02
## 1416459_at    1.79e-02  3.32e-02
## 1416460_at    6.65e-03  5.26e-02
## 1416461_at    1.22e-02 -1.25e-02
## 1416462_at    1.20e-02  5.72e-03
## 1416463_at    1.96e-02  1.54e-02
## 1416464_at   -2.67e-02  1.10e-01
## 1416465_a_at -4.76e-03  1.35e-04
## 1416466_at   -4.12e-03 -7.60e-03
## 1416467_at   -1.39e-02  4.24e-03
## 1416468_at    1.36e-02  1.48e-02
## 1416469_at    6.59e-03  1.74e-02
## 1416470_a_at  8.34e-03 -1.17e-02
## 1416471_at    2.20e-03 -7.26e-03
## 1416472_at   -6.20e-03 -6.63e-03
## 1416473_a_at -2.94e-02 -3.08e-02
## 1416474_at   -5.69e-02 -3.80e-02
## 1416475_at   -4.75e-03  5.04e-03
## 1416476_a_at -5.02e-03 -1.49e-02
## 1416477_at   -2.24e-03 -2.25e-02
## 1416478_a_at  4.20e-02 -1.89e-02
## 1416479_a_at  8.68e-03 -1.51e-03
## 1416480_a_at -1.94e-03 -3.89e-03
## 1416481_s_at -5.98e-03  9.13e-03
## 1416482_at    3.96e-04  2.03e-02
## 1416483_at    1.02e-02 -7.22e-04
## 1416484_at    7.08e-02 -5.89e-05
## 1416485_at    6.14e-03 -3.33e-02
## 1416486_at    2.07e-03  1.03e-02
## 1416487_a_at  2.94e-03 -4.69e-03
## 1416488_at    1.08e-02 -6.88e-04
## 1416489_at    5.36e-03 -5.91e-03
## 1416490_at    1.13e-02  4.74e-03
## 1416491_at   -2.99e-02 -1.51e-03
## 1416492_at    1.60e-03  8.16e-03
## 1416493_at    7.92e-03  6.46e-03
## 1416494_at    3.03e-03  1.73e-02
## 1416495_s_at -1.79e-02  1.28e-02
## 1416496_at    3.13e-02  1.05e-02
## 1416497_at    5.06e-03  2.60e-02
## 1416498_at    1.35e-03  1.02e-02
## 1416499_a_at -9.49e-03 -6.28e-04
## 1416500_at    1.14e-02 -1.40e-02
## 1416501_at    1.41e-03  6.56e-03
## 1416502_a_at -6.30e-03  5.80e-03
## 1416503_at    9.53e-03 -1.57e-02
## 1416504_at    1.02e-02 -3.61e-03
## 1416505_at   -3.31e-02  2.28e-02
## 1416506_at    4.29e-03 -1.13e-03
## 1416507_at    1.40e-02  5.50e-03
## 1416508_at   -1.28e-02 -6.26e-03
## 1416509_at    1.00e-02 -1.29e-02
## 1416510_at    4.38e-03 -1.96e-03
## 1416511_a_at -3.19e-03 -1.04e-02
## 1416512_at   -1.68e-02 -1.97e-03
## 1416513_at    2.48e-02  2.40e-03
## 1416514_a_at  3.34e-02 -2.08e-03
## 1416515_at    1.06e-02  2.92e-02
## 1416516_at   -1.84e-02  1.47e-02
## 1416517_at    1.61e-03  7.92e-03
## 1416518_at    1.65e-02  7.95e-03
## 1416519_at   -2.35e-02  7.88e-03
## 1416520_x_at -3.50e-02 -2.61e-03
## 1416521_at   -7.57e-03  9.54e-03
## 1416522_a_at  8.94e-03 -6.41e-03
## 1416523_at    1.71e-02 -1.64e-02
## 1416524_at   -1.96e-02  4.55e-03
## 1416525_at    8.28e-03  1.18e-02
## 1416526_a_at  1.32e-02  6.52e-03
## 1416527_at    4.72e-02 -1.88e-02
## 1416528_at    1.12e-03  2.12e-03
## 1416529_at    6.04e-03 -3.24e-03
## 1416530_a_at -3.22e-03  1.97e-04
## 1416531_at   -1.78e-02  5.66e-03
## 1416532_at    1.27e-02  8.67e-03
## 1416533_at   -1.05e-02  4.49e-02
## 1416534_at   -1.13e-02 -1.18e-02
## 1416535_at   -5.87e-03 -5.96e-03
## 1416536_at   -1.57e-02 -4.02e-03
## 1416537_at    5.09e-03  1.57e-02
## 1416538_at   -1.48e-02  2.99e-03
## 1416539_at    3.24e-02 -2.61e-02
## 1416540_at    6.87e-03  6.32e-03
## 1416541_at   -2.51e-02 -7.19e-03
## 1416542_at    6.54e-03 -1.61e-02
## 1416543_at    8.61e-03 -4.28e-03
## 1416544_at   -9.30e-03 -2.54e-02
## 1416545_at   -3.04e-03  2.60e-02
## 1416546_a_at -6.30e-03 -4.04e-02
## 1416547_at    1.22e-02 -2.37e-02
## 1416548_at    6.80e-03  1.18e-02
## 1416549_at   -4.00e-03  4.28e-03
## 1416550_at   -1.72e-02  2.65e-03
## 1416551_at    1.06e-03  8.85e-03
## 1416552_at    3.73e-02 -2.94e-02
## 1416553_at   -1.20e-02 -4.43e-03
## 1416554_at    7.22e-04 -3.92e-03
## 1416555_at    1.00e-02  1.02e-02
## 1416556_at   -4.88e-03 -7.93e-03
## 1416557_a_at  2.92e-03 -7.70e-03
## 1416558_at    4.52e-03 -1.92e-03
## 1416559_at   -4.40e-03  1.21e-02
## 1416560_at   -6.33e-02  8.51e-03
## 1416561_at    3.19e-02  1.00e-01
## 1416562_at    6.26e-02  6.20e-02
## 1416563_at   -2.18e-02  2.27e-02
## 1416564_at    2.08e-04  4.76e-04
## 1416565_at    2.44e-02 -4.64e-03
## 1416566_at   -5.02e-03  1.15e-03
## 1416567_s_at  2.32e-03  5.39e-04
## 1416568_a_at  1.99e-02  2.43e-02
## 1416569_at    2.75e-03 -5.09e-03
## 1416570_s_at  3.18e-03 -1.78e-03
## 1416571_at    1.28e-02  1.86e-02
## 1416572_at    7.14e-03  3.87e-03
## 1416573_at    3.24e-02  2.92e-02
## 1416574_at   -1.07e-02  1.68e-04
## 1416575_at    3.37e-03 -1.77e-03
## 1416576_at    2.16e-02 -1.50e-03
## 1416577_a_at -3.30e-02  1.39e-02
## 1416578_at    4.74e-03  8.63e-03
## 1416579_a_at -2.74e-03 -2.15e-03
## 1416580_a_at  6.58e-03 -1.16e-02
## 1416581_at    1.24e-02  2.30e-02
## 1416582_a_at  6.36e-03 -1.16e-02
## 1416583_at   -5.90e-03  3.47e-03
## 1416584_at   -9.64e-03  3.09e-02
## 1416585_at    1.49e-02  3.36e-03
## 1416586_at   -8.12e-03  3.20e-03
## 1416587_a_at -2.57e-02 -1.30e-02
## 1416588_at   -1.06e-02  4.70e-03
## 1416589_at    1.27e-02 -1.28e-03
## 1416590_a_at  9.79e-03  9.81e-03
## 1416591_at    9.65e-03  1.58e-02
## 1416592_at   -2.05e-03 -5.15e-03
## 1416593_at    5.41e-03 -8.91e-04
## 1416594_at   -9.62e-03  7.80e-03
## 1416595_at   -5.29e-03 -2.83e-03
## 1416596_at    2.67e-03  4.25e-03
## 1416597_at   -6.89e-03  1.12e-03
## 1416598_at    1.34e-02 -8.55e-03
## 1416599_at    2.01e-02  4.55e-02
## 1416600_a_at -1.75e-02  7.04e-04
## 1416601_a_at  1.72e-02  1.42e-02
## 1416602_a_at  6.09e-03 -1.34e-02
## 1416603_at    1.00e-01 -9.28e-03
## 1416604_at    1.69e-02  1.28e-02
## 1416605_at   -2.76e-03  4.66e-03
## 1416606_s_at -3.64e-02 -1.40e-02
## 1416607_at   -1.54e-02  1.18e-02
## 1416608_a_at -4.15e-03 -2.21e-03
## 1416609_at    1.82e-03  8.99e-03
## 1416610_a_at -3.54e-03 -8.56e-03
## 1416611_at    7.35e-03 -6.38e-04
## 1416612_at    1.55e-02 -4.13e-02
## 1416613_at   -7.44e-03  1.77e-02
## 1416614_at   -6.10e-03 -6.73e-03
## 1416615_at    1.70e-02  1.24e-02
## 1416616_s_at -1.65e-02  5.43e-02
## 1416617_at   -1.26e-03 -5.65e-03
## 1416618_at   -1.91e-02  4.78e-03
## 1416619_at    2.35e-02  6.77e-03
## 1416620_at   -2.29e-03  3.22e-03
## 1416621_at   -9.33e-03  2.37e-02
## 1416622_at    2.11e-03 -7.23e-04
## 1416623_at    2.40e-02  7.13e-03
## 1416624_a_at -1.09e-01  3.16e-02
## 1416625_at    1.31e-02  7.71e-03
## 1416626_at   -3.38e-03 -6.06e-03
## 1416627_at   -3.25e-03  6.85e-03
## 1416628_at   -1.60e-02  1.61e-03
## 1416629_at    2.77e-02  2.56e-02
## 1416630_at    7.82e-04 -1.43e-03
## 1416631_at   -2.30e-03  3.31e-03
## 1416632_at   -7.22e-03 -1.30e-02
## 1416633_a_at -1.44e-02 -1.81e-03
## 1416634_at   -8.15e-03  4.14e-04
## 1416635_at   -1.18e-02  1.76e-03
## 1416636_at   -7.10e-03  1.23e-02
## 1416637_at   -6.62e-03 -7.28e-03
## 1416638_at   -4.72e-03  1.20e-02
## 1416639_at   -1.20e-02 -4.49e-02
## 1416640_at    1.20e-02 -3.60e-02
## 1416641_at   -1.34e-02 -9.07e-03
## 1416642_a_at -6.86e-02 -9.23e-03
## 1416643_at    1.99e-02  9.79e-03
## 1416644_a_at  3.81e-02 -1.29e-02
## 1416645_a_at  2.53e-03  4.71e-04
## 1416646_at    2.76e-03  7.83e-03
## 1416647_at    6.75e-03  8.14e-04
## 1416648_at    7.57e-04 -4.74e-03
## 1416649_at   -1.76e-02  3.78e-02
## 1416650_at    2.09e-02 -2.96e-02
## 1416651_at   -1.73e-02 -7.72e-03
## 1416652_at   -2.58e-02 -6.37e-02
## 1416653_at   -3.28e-03 -1.72e-03
## 1416654_at    1.18e-02  9.84e-03
## 1416655_at    2.20e-03 -1.42e-02
## 1416656_at    2.67e-03  5.93e-03
## 1416657_at   -7.44e-03  4.93e-03
## 1416658_at   -2.25e-02  6.04e-02
## 1416659_at    1.98e-02 -1.85e-02
## 1416660_at    2.82e-02  1.91e-02
## 1416661_at    3.22e-03 -2.11e-02
## 1416662_at    3.13e-02 -3.37e-02
## 1416663_at   -1.02e-02 -8.54e-03
## 1416664_at   -6.88e-03  2.13e-03
## 1416665_at   -1.30e-02  1.35e-03
## 1416666_at    2.65e-03 -2.93e-03
## 1416667_at    1.99e-03  1.30e-02
## 1416668_at    5.01e-03 -1.58e-02
## 1416669_s_at  1.44e-02 -2.06e-02
## Proportion of trace:
##   LD1   LD2 
## 0.762 0.238
#qda(t(Biobase::exprs(x))[, 1:1000], x$Embryonic.day)
matrix(rnorm(20 * 2), nrow = 20)
##          [,1]   [,2]
##  [1,] -0.9106  1.264
##  [2,] -0.0616 -0.531
##  [3,] -2.2346 -0.641
##  [4,] -0.5595 -0.307
##  [5,] -1.6834  0.184
##  [6,]  0.7323  0.484
##  [7,]  2.0667 -1.385
##  [8,] -1.3935  1.204
##  [9,] -1.6610 -1.453
## [10,] -0.5876 -1.023
## [11,]  1.1999  1.529
## [12,] -1.2280 -0.700
## [13,] -0.4984 -0.914
## [14,]  2.8024 -1.556
## [15,] -0.6863  0.124
## [16,]  0.8714 -0.507
## [17,] -0.7350 -1.681
## [18,]  0.2104 -0.510
## [19,] -0.1358  0.428
## [20,]  0.2203  1.072
matrix(rnorm(20 * 3), nrow = 20)
##          [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
##  [1,]  1.5199 -1.23863  0.69779
##  [2,] -1.3536  0.75475  1.26739
##  [3,] -1.3634  0.16011  0.83064
##  [4,] -0.2013  1.20941  1.23852
##  [5,] -1.1145  0.00138 -2.00139
##  [6,]  1.5154  0.86872  0.54153
##  [7,]  0.4902 -0.15494 -2.10550
##  [8,]  0.0624 -0.56368  1.07817
##  [9,] -1.9319  0.71686  0.53913
## [10,]  1.2471  1.23937  0.71919
## [11,] -0.5710 -1.13127  1.14757
## [12,]  0.8412 -0.23484 -0.85612
## [13,] -2.6392  0.83469  0.28027
## [14,]  0.1472  0.83743 -0.44619
## [15,]  1.3062 -0.91179 -1.14817
## [16,]  0.0446 -0.52577  0.05398
## [17,]  0.1008 -0.29500 -0.18467
## [18,] -0.5795 -0.75791  0.00102
## [19,]  0.0857 -0.56614 -0.70781
## [20,] -1.2129 -0.01982 -1.46973
sample(c("apple", "orange"), 20, replace = TRUE)
##  [1] "apple"  "apple"  "orange" "apple"  "orange" "apple"  "apple"  "orange"
##  [9] "orange" "orange" "apple"  "apple"  "orange" "orange" "orange" "apple" 
## [17] "orange" "orange" "orange" "orange"
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
p = 2:21
n = 20

mcl = lapply(p, function(pp) {
  replicate(100, {
    xmat = matrix(rnorm(n * pp), nrow = n)
    resp = sample(c("apple", "orange"), n, replace = TRUE)
    fit  = lda(xmat, resp)
    pred = predict(fit)$class
    mean(pred != resp)
  }) |> mean() |> (\(x) tibble(mcl = x, p = pp))()
}) |> bind_rows()
## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear
## # A tibble: 20 × 2
##       mcl     p
##     <dbl> <int>
##  1 0.358      2
##  2 0.323      3
##  3 0.281      4
##  4 0.270      5
##  5 0.248      6
##  6 0.221      7
##  7 0.200      8
##  8 0.178      9
##  9 0.134     10
## 10 0.120     11
## 11 0.09      12
## 12 0.0735    13
## 13 0.0455    14
## 14 0.037     15
## 15 0.0175    16
## 16 0.0105    17
## 17 0.002     18
## 18 0.0095    19
## 19 0.0105    20
## 20 0.031     21
ggplot(mcl, aes(x = p, y = mcl)) + 
  geom_line() + geom_point() +
  ylab("Misclassification rate")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
estimate_mcl_loocv = function(x, resp) {
  vapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i) {
    fit  = lda(x[-i, ], resp[-i])
    ptrn = predict(fit, newdata = x[-i,, drop = FALSE])$class
    ptst = predict(fit, newdata = x[ i,, drop = FALSE])$class
    c(train = mean(ptrn != resp[-i]), test = (ptst != resp[i]))
  }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(2)) |> rowMeans() |> t() |> as_tibble()
## function(x, resp) {
##   vapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i) {
##     fit  = lda(x[-i, ], resp[-i])
##     ptrn = predict(fit, newdata = x[-i,, drop = FALSE])$class
##     ptst = predict(fit, newdata = x[ i,, drop = FALSE])$class
##     c(train = mean(ptrn != resp[-i]), test = (ptst != resp[i]))
##   }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(2)) |> rowMeans() |> t() |> as_tibble()
## }
xmat = matrix(rnorm(n * last(p)), nrow = n)
resp = sample(c("apple", "orange"), n, replace = TRUE)

lapply(p, function(k) {
  estimate_mcl_loocv(xmat[, 1:k], resp)
}) |> bind_rows()
## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear
## # A tibble: 20 × 2
##      train  test
##      <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 0.358    0.45
##  2 0.405    0.5 
##  3 0.392    0.55
##  4 0.374    0.65
##  5 0.184    0.5 
##  6 0.192    0.5 
##  7 0.208    0.6 
##  8 0.139    0.55
##  9 0.0842   0.3 
## 10 0.0816   0.35
## 11 0.0789   0.4 
## 12 0        0.3 
## 13 0        0   
## 14 0        0   
## 15 0        0.05
## 16 0        0.2 
## 17 0        0.35
## 18 0        0.4 
## 19 0.00526  0.35
## 20 0.0316   0.45
xmat = matrix(rnorm(n * last(p)), nrow = n)
resp = sample(c("apple", "orange"), n, replace = TRUE)

mcl = lapply(p, function(k) {
  estimate_mcl_loocv(xmat[, 1:k], resp)
}) |> bind_rows() |> data.frame(p) |> melt(id.var = "p")
## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear
##     p variable   value
## 1   2    train 0.21842
## 2   3    train 0.22895
## 3   4    train 0.19737
## 4   5    train 0.21053
## 5   6    train 0.18947
## 6   7    train 0.17895
## 7   8    train 0.13421
## 8   9    train 0.09211
## 9  10    train 0.04737
## 10 11    train 0.04474
## 11 12    train 0.03684
## 12 13    train 0.03421
## 13 14    train 0.02632
## 14 15    train 0.04737
## 15 16    train 0.03158
## 16 17    train 0.01842
## 17 18    train 0.01842
## 18 19    train 0.00000
## 19 20    train 0.00526
## 20 21    train 0.00526
## 21  2     test 0.25000
## 22  3     test 0.25000
## 23  4     test 0.25000
## 24  5     test 0.35000
## 25  6     test 0.45000
## 26  7     test 0.45000
## 27  8     test 0.30000
## 28  9     test 0.45000
## 29 10     test 0.50000
## 30 11     test 0.50000
## 31 12     test 0.55000
## 32 13     test 0.65000
## 33 14     test 0.65000
## 34 15     test 0.55000
## 35 16     test 0.60000
## 36 17     test 0.60000
## 37 18     test 0.65000
## 38 19     test 0.55000
## 39 20     test 0.35000
## 40 21     test 0.40000
ggplot(mcl, aes(x = p, y = value, col = variable)) + geom_line() +
  geom_point() + ylab("Misclassification rate")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
p   = 2:20
mcl = replicate(100, {
  xmat = matrix(rnorm(n * last(p)), nrow = n)
  resp = sample(c("apple", "orange"), n, replace = TRUE)
  xmat[, 1:6] = xmat[, 1:6] + as.integer(factor(resp))

  lapply(p, function(k) {
    estimate_mcl_loocv(xmat[, 1:k], resp)
  }) |> bind_rows() |> cbind(p = p) |> melt(id.var = "p")
}, simplify = FALSE) |> bind_rows()
## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear

## Warning in lda.default(x, grouping, ...): variables are collinear
mcl = group_by(mcl, p, variable) |> summarise(value = mean(value))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'p'. You can override using the `.groups`
## argument.
ggplot(mcl, aes(x = p, y = value, col = variable)) + geom_line() +
   geom_point() + ylab("Misclassification rate")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sideLength = function(p, pointDensity = 1e6, pointsNeeded = 10)
  (pointsNeeded / pointDensity) ^ (1 / p)
ggplot(tibble(p = 1:400, sideLength = sideLength(p)),
       aes(x = p, y = sideLength)) + geom_line(col = "red") +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 1), linetype = 2)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  p = 1:400,
  volOuterCube = 1 ^ p,
  volInnerCube = 0.98 ^ p,  # 0.98 = 1 - 2 * 0.01
  `V(shell)` = volOuterCube - volInnerCube) |>
ggplot(aes(x = p, y =`V(shell)`)) + geom_line(col = "blue")

round(10 ^ seq(0, 4, by = 0.25))
##  [1]     1     2     3     6    10    18    32    56   100   178   316   562
## [13]  1000  1778  3162  5623 10000
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
n = 1000
df = tibble(
  p = round(10 ^ seq(0, 4, by = 0.25)),
  cv = vapply(p, function(k) {
    x1 = matrix(runif(k * n), nrow = n)
    x2 = matrix(runif(k * n), nrow = n)
    d = sqrt(rowSums((x1 - x2)^2))
    sd(d) / mean(d)
  }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
## # A tibble: 17 × 2
##        p      cv
##    <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1     1 0.736  
##  2     2 0.464  
##  3     3 0.368  
##  4     6 0.254  
##  5    10 0.196  
##  6    18 0.143  
##  7    32 0.104  
##  8    56 0.0820 
##  9   100 0.0596 
## 10   178 0.0433 
## 11   316 0.0318 
## 12   562 0.0254 
## 13  1000 0.0189 
## 14  1778 0.0142 
## 15  3162 0.0105 
## 16  5623 0.00768
## 17 10000 0.00612
ggplot(df, aes(x = log10(p), y = cv)) + geom_line(col = "orange") +

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## table(truth, response)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: AnnotationHub
## Loading required package: BiocFileCache
## Loading required package: dbplyr
## Attaching package: 'dbplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     ident, sql
## Attaching package: 'AnnotationHub'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     cache
eh = ExperimentHub()
## snapshotDate(): 2022-04-26
## ExperimentHub with 6306 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2022-04-26
## # $dataprovider: Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, NCBI,...
## # $species: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, human gut ...
## # $rdataclass: SummarizedExperiment, ExpressionSet, matrix, character, list,...
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
## #   coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags,
## #   rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype 
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["EH1"]]' 
##            title                                                              
##   EH1    | RNA-Sequencing and clinical data for 7706 tumor samples from The...
##   EH166  | ERR188297                                                          
##   EH167  | ERR188088                                                          
##   EH168  | ERR188204                                                          
##   EH169  | ERR188317                                                          
##   ...      ...                                                                
##   EH7538 | Visium_humanDLPFC                                                  
##   EH7539 | Visium_mouseCoronal                                                
##   EH7540 | seqFISH_mouseEmbryo                                                
##   EH7541 | ST_mouseOB                                                         
##   EH7542 | SlideSeqV2_mouseHPC
zeller = eh[["EH361"]]
## see ?curatedMetagenomicData and browseVignettes('curatedMetagenomicData') for documentation
## loading from cache
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
##        cancer large_adenoma             n small_adenoma 
##            53            15            61            27
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 1505 features, 156 samples 
##   element names: exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: CCIS00146684ST-4-0 CCIS00281083ST-3-0 ...
##     CCIS98832363ST-4-0 (156 total)
##   varLabels: subjectID age ... number_reads (15 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
##   pubMedIds: 25432777 
## Annotation:
colnames(zeller) # 156 humans that included colorectal cancer patients and tumor-free controls
##   [1] "CCIS00146684ST-4-0"  "CCIS00281083ST-3-0"  "CCIS02124300ST-4-0" 
##   [4] "CCIS02379307ST-4-0"  "CCIS02856720ST-4-0"  "CCIS03473770ST-4-0" 
##   [7] "CCIS03857607ST-4-0"  "CCIS05314658ST-4-0"  "CCIS06260551ST-3-0" 
##  [10] "CCIS07277498ST-4-0"  "CCIS07539127ST-4-0"  "CCIS07648107ST-4-0" 
##  [13] "CCIS08668806ST-3-0"  "CCIS09568613ST-4-0"  "CCIS10706551ST-3-0" 
##  [16] "CCIS10793554ST-4-0"  "CCIS11015875ST-4-0"  "CCIS11019776ST-4-0" 
##  [19] "CCIS11354283ST-4-0"  "CCIS11362406ST-4-0"  "CCIS11558985ST-4-0" 
##  [22] "CCIS12370844ST-4-0"  "CCIS12656533ST-4-0"  "CCIS13047523ST-4-0" 
##  [25] "CCIS14449628ST-4-0"  "CCIS15704761ST-4-0"  "CCIS15794887ST-4-0" 
##  [28] "CCIS16326685ST-4-0"  "CCIS16383318ST-4-0"  "CCIS16561622ST-4-0" 
##  [31] "CCIS17669415ST-4-0"  "CCIS19142497ST-3-0"  "CCIS20795251ST-4-0" 
##  [34] "CCIS21126322ST-4-0"  "CCIS21278152ST-4-0"  "CCIS22275061ST-4-0" 
##  [37] "CCIS22416007ST-4-0"  "CCIS22906510ST-20-0" "CCIS22958137ST-20-0"
##  [40] "CCIS23164343ST-4-0"  "CCIS24254057ST-4-0"  "CCIS24898163ST-4-0" 
##  [43] "CCIS25399172ST-4-0"  "CCIS27304052ST-3-0"  "CCIS27927933ST-4-0" 
##  [46] "CCIS28384594ST-4-0"  "CCIS29210128ST-4-0"  "CCIS29688262ST-20-0"
##  [49] "CCIS31434951ST-20-0" "CCIS32105356ST-4-0"  "CCIS32452666ST-4-0" 
##  [52] "CCIS33816588ST-4-0"  "CCIS34055159ST-4-0"  "CCIS34604008ST-4-0" 
##  [55] "CCIS35092938ST-4-0"  "CCIS35100175ST-4-0"  "CCIS36699628ST-4-0" 
##  [58] "CCIS36797902ST-4-0"  "CCIS37250421ST-4-0"  "CCIS38765456ST-20-0"
##  [61] "CCIS40244499ST-3-0"  "CCIS41222843ST-4-0"  "CCIS41288781ST-4-0" 
##  [64] "CCIS41548810ST-4-0"  "CCIS41692898ST-4-0"  "CCIS41806458ST-4-0" 
##  [67] "CCIS44093303ST-4-0"  "CCIS44676181ST-4-0"  "CCIS44743950ST-4-0" 
##  [70] "CCIS44757994ST-4-0"  "CCIS45571137ST-3-0"  "CCIS45793747ST-4-0" 
##  [73] "CCIS46047672ST-4-0"  "CCIS46467422ST-4-0"  "CCIS47284573ST-4-0" 
##  [76] "CCIS47745468ST-4-0"  "CCIS48174381ST-4-0"  "CCIS48507077ST-4-0" 
##  [79] "CCIS48579360ST-4-0"  "CCIS48725289ST-4-0"  "CCIS50003399ST-4-0" 
##  [82] "CCIS50148151ST-4-0"  "CCIS50369211ST-20-0" "CCIS50471204ST-4-0" 
##  [85] "CCIS50561855ST-4-0"  "CCIS51595129ST-4-0"  "CCIS51667829ST-4-0" 
##  [88] "CCIS52234160ST-4-0"  "CCIS52370277ST-4-0"  "CCIS53043478ST-4-0" 
##  [91] "CCIS53355328ST-4-0"  "CCIS53557295ST-4-0"  "CCIS54027808ST-4-0" 
##  [94] "CCIS55230578ST-4-0"  "CCIS55531770ST-4-0"  "CCIS56503244ST-3-0" 
##  [97] "CCIS58234805ST-4-0"  "CCIS59132091ST-4-0"  "CCIS59903910ST-4-0" 
## [100] "CCIS61287323ST-4-0"  "CCIS62605362ST-3-0"  "CCIS62794166ST-4-0" 
## [103] "CCIS63448910ST-4-0"  "CCIS63468405ST-4-0"  "CCIS63910149ST-4-0" 
## [106] "CCIS64773582ST-4-0"  "CCIS64785924ST-20-0" "CCIS65479369ST-4-0" 
## [109] "CCIS70398272ST-4-0"  "CCIS71301801ST-4-0"  "CCIS71578391ST-4-0" 
## [112] "CCIS72607085ST-4-0"  "CCIS74239020ST-4-0"  "CCIS74726977ST-3-0" 
## [115] "CCIS76563044ST-4-0"  "CCIS76845094ST-20-0" "CCIS77100899ST-4-0" 
## [118] "CCIS77252613ST-4-0"  "CCIS78100604ST-4-0"  "CCIS78318719ST-4-0" 
## [121] "CCIS79210440ST-3-0"  "CCIS80834637ST-4-0"  "CCIS81139242ST-4-0" 
## [124] "CCIS81710917ST-20-0" "CCIS81735969ST-20-0" "CCIS81887263ST-4-0" 
## [127] "CCIS82146115ST-4-0"  "CCIS82507866ST-3-0"  "CCIS82944710ST-20-0"
## [130] "CCIS83445808ST-4-0"  "CCIS83574003ST-4-0"  "CCIS83870198ST-4-0" 
## [133] "CCIS84543192ST-4-0"  "CCIS85214191ST-3-0"  "CCIS87116798ST-4-0" 
## [136] "CCIS87167916ST-4-0"  "CCIS87252800ST-4-0"  "CCIS87290971ST-4-0" 
## [139] "CCIS87605453ST-4-0"  "CCIS88007743ST-4-0"  "CCIS88317640ST-4-0" 
## [142] "CCIS90164298ST-4-0"  "CCIS90166425ST-4-0"  "CCIS90443472ST-4-0" 
## [145] "CCIS90903952ST-3-0"  "CCIS91228662ST-4-0"  "CCIS93040568ST-20-0"
## [148] "CCIS94417875ST-3-0"  "CCIS94496512ST-4-0"  "CCIS94603952ST-4-0" 
## [151] "CCIS95097901ST-4-0"  "CCIS95409808ST-4-0"  "CCIS96387239ST-4-0" 
## [154] "CCIS98482370ST-3-0"  "CCIS98512455ST-4-0"  "CCIS98832363ST-4-0"
rownames(zeller)[1:10]  # 1505 Bacteria
##  [1] "k__Bacteria"                               
##  [2] "k__Viruses"                                
##  [3] "k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes"                 
##  [4] "k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes"              
##  [5] "k__Bacteria|p__Actinobacteria"             
##  [6] "k__Bacteria|p__Verrucomicrobia"            
##  [7] "k__Bacteria|p__Proteobacteria"             
##  [8] "k__Viruses|p__Viruses_noname"              
##  [9] "k__Bacteria|p__Candidatus_Saccharibacteria"
## [10] "k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia"
## [1] 1505
##   [1] "n"             "n"             "n"             "cancer"       
##   [5] "n"             "n"             "n"             "n"            
##   [9] "cancer"        "n"             "n"             "n"            
##  [13] "small_adenoma" "n"             "n"             "small_adenoma"
##  [17] "cancer"        "large_adenoma" "n"             "n"            
##  [21] "n"             "cancer"        "cancer"        "n"            
##  [25] "cancer"        "cancer"        "n"             "n"            
##  [29] "n"             "n"             "cancer"        "large_adenoma"
##  [33] "n"             "n"             "cancer"        "large_adenoma"
##  [37] "cancer"        "small_adenoma" "cancer"        "n"            
##  [41] "cancer"        "small_adenoma" "small_adenoma" "n"            
##  [45] "n"             "large_adenoma" "n"             "n"            
##  [49] "small_adenoma" "small_adenoma" "n"             "cancer"       
##  [53] "cancer"        "n"             "small_adenoma" "cancer"       
##  [57] "n"             "n"             "small_adenoma" "cancer"       
##  [61] "cancer"        "cancer"        "cancer"        "cancer"       
##  [65] "n"             "small_adenoma" "n"             "small_adenoma"
##  [69] "small_adenoma" "cancer"        "n"             "n"            
##  [73] "cancer"        "cancer"        "cancer"        "large_adenoma"
##  [77] "n"             "small_adenoma" "small_adenoma" "cancer"       
##  [81] "n"             "cancer"        "small_adenoma" "n"            
##  [85] "large_adenoma" "n"             "small_adenoma" "large_adenoma"
##  [89] "cancer"        "cancer"        "cancer"        "small_adenoma"
##  [93] "small_adenoma" "cancer"        "small_adenoma" "large_adenoma"
##  [97] "cancer"        "cancer"        "small_adenoma" "cancer"       
## [101] "cancer"        "cancer"        "n"             "n"            
## [105] "n"             "n"             "n"             "cancer"       
## [109] "small_adenoma" "cancer"        "n"             "cancer"       
## [113] "n"             "small_adenoma" "small_adenoma" "cancer"       
## [117] "large_adenoma" "cancer"        "n"             "cancer"       
## [121] "n"             "n"             "n"             "small_adenoma"
## [125] "large_adenoma" "cancer"        "cancer"        "n"            
## [129] "n"             "small_adenoma" "large_adenoma" "cancer"       
## [133] "cancer"        "cancer"        "cancer"        "cancer"       
## [137] "cancer"        "large_adenoma" "cancer"        "n"            
## [141] "n"             "n"             "large_adenoma" "large_adenoma"
## [145] "large_adenoma" "cancer"        "n"             "n"            
## [149] "small_adenoma" "n"             "n"             "n"            
## [153] "small_adenoma" "n"             "cancer"        "cancer"
## An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'
##   sampleNames: CCIS00146684ST-4-0 CCIS00281083ST-3-0 ...
##     CCIS98832363ST-4-0 (156 total)
##   varLabels: subjectID age ... number_reads (15 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## Experiment data
##   Experimenter name: Zeller G, Tap J, Voigt AY, Sunagawa S, Kultima JR, Costea PI, Amiot A, Böhm J, Brunetti F, Habermann N, Hercog R, Koch M, Luciani A, Mende DR, Schneider MA, Schrotz-King P, Tournigand C, Tran Van Nhieu J, Yamada T, Zimmermann J, Benes V, Kloor M, Ulrich CM, von Knebel Doeberitz M, Sobhani I, Bork P 
##   Laboratory: Structural and Computational Biology Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany. 
##   Contact information:  
##   Title: Potential of fecal microbiota for early-stage detection of colorectal cancer. 
##   URL:  
##   PMIDs: 25432777 
##   Abstract: A 175 word abstract is available. Use 'abstract' method.
##   notes:
##    Sequencing technology:     
##       Illumina
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
zellerNC = zeller[, zeller$disease %in% c("n", "cancer")]
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 1505 features, 114 samples 
##   element names: exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: CCIS00146684ST-4-0 CCIS00281083ST-3-0 ...
##     CCIS98832363ST-4-0 (114 total)
##   varLabels: subjectID age ... number_reads (15 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
##   pubMedIds: 25432777 
## Annotation:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(is.numeric(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)), !any(is.na(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC))))
##                     subjectID age gender bmi country disease tnm_stage
## CCIS00146684ST-4-0     FR-726  72 female  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS00281083ST-3-0     FR-060  53   male  32  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS02124300ST-4-0     FR-568  35   male  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS02379307ST-4-0     FR-828  67   male  28  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS02856720ST-4-0     FR-027  74   male  27  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS03473770ST-4-0     FR-192  29   male  24  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS03857607ST-4-0     FR-349  61   male  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS05314658ST-4-0     FR-169  65 female  24  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS06260551ST-3-0     FR-200  58   male  24  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS07277498ST-4-0     FR-276  63   male  NA  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS07539127ST-4-0     FR-460  77 female  22  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS07648107ST-4-0     FR-053  62 female  21  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS09568613ST-4-0     FR-400  67   male  21  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS10706551ST-3-0     FR-193  25   male  24  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS11015875ST-4-0     FR-788  62   male  26  france  cancer    t3n1m0
## CCIS11354283ST-4-0     FR-212  67   male  27  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS11362406ST-4-0     FR-398  44 female  26  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS11558985ST-4-0     FR-902  56 female  NA  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS12370844ST-4-0     FR-823  81 female  39  france  cancer    t2n0m0
## CCIS12656533ST-4-0     FR-654  51   male  30  france  cancer    t2n1m1
## CCIS13047523ST-4-0     FR-003  70   male  22  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS14449628ST-4-0     FR-404  59 female  20  france  cancer    t4n1m0
## CCIS15704761ST-4-0     FR-901  56 female  NA  france  cancer    t4n1m1
## CCIS15794887ST-4-0     FR-024  37 female  18  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS16326685ST-4-0     FR-542  46 female  29  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS16383318ST-4-0     FR-139  61 female  24  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS16561622ST-4-0     FR-030  54   male  26  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS17669415ST-4-0     FR-125  72 female  37  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS20795251ST-4-0     FR-221  71 female  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS21126322ST-4-0     FR-121  59   male  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS21278152ST-4-0     FR-414  63   male  25  france  cancer    t3n0m0
## CCIS22416007ST-4-0     FR-815  82   male  24  france  cancer    t4n1m1
## CCIS22958137ST-20-0    FR-506  60   male  26  france  cancer    t4n1m1
## CCIS23164343ST-4-0     FR-316  62   male  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS24254057ST-4-0     FR-767  69 female  24  france  cancer    t4n1m1
## CCIS27304052ST-3-0     FR-001  52 female  20  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS27927933ST-4-0     FR-115  72   male  24  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS29210128ST-4-0     FR-166  64   male  27  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS29688262ST-20-0    FR-305  50   male  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS32452666ST-4-0     FR-105  68   male  26  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS33816588ST-4-0     FR-652  64   male  21  france  cancer    t3n1m0
## CCIS34055159ST-4-0     FR-430  80   male  29  france  cancer    t2n0m0
## CCIS34604008ST-4-0     FR-129  63 female  27  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS35100175ST-4-0     FR-812  73   male  40  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS36699628ST-4-0     FR-142  68 female  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS36797902ST-4-0     FR-198  63   male  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS38765456ST-20-0    FR-723  79 female  22  france  cancer    t4n1m1
## CCIS40244499ST-3-0     FR-202  87 female  32  france  cancer    t4n0m0
## CCIS41222843ST-4-0     FR-298  73 female  24  france  cancer    t3n1m0
## CCIS41288781ST-4-0     FR-817  74 female  19  france  cancer    t3n0m0
## CCIS41548810ST-4-0     FR-451  78   male  19  france  cancer    t3n0m1
## CCIS41692898ST-4-0     FR-558  67 female  28  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS44093303ST-4-0     FR-721  62 female  20  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS44757994ST-4-0     FR-770  75   male  37  france  cancer    t3n1m0
## CCIS45571137ST-3-0     FR-116  55 female  20  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS45793747ST-4-0     FR-684  67   male  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS46047672ST-4-0     FR-825  65   male  24  france  cancer    t4n0m1
## CCIS46467422ST-4-0     FR-830  54 female  22  france  cancer    t3n1m0
## CCIS47284573ST-4-0     FR-667  67   male  25  france  cancer    t4n1m0
## CCIS48174381ST-4-0     FR-751  66   male  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS48725289ST-4-0     FR-170  62 female  21  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS50003399ST-4-0     FR-194  66 female  28  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS50148151ST-4-0     FR-503  87 female  15  france  cancer    t2n1m0
## CCIS50471204ST-4-0     FR-213  61 female  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS51595129ST-4-0     FR-399  63 female  22  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS52370277ST-4-0     FR-827  53   male  25  france  cancer    t4n1m1
## CCIS53043478ST-4-0     FR-551  72   male  22  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS53355328ST-4-0     FR-293  76   male  NA  france  cancer    t2n0m0
## CCIS55230578ST-4-0     FR-734  64   male  30  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS58234805ST-4-0     FR-268  70 female  26  france  cancer    t3n1m0
## CCIS59132091ST-4-0     FR-617  80 female  23  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS61287323ST-4-0     FR-376  76   male  25  france  cancer    t3n0m0
## CCIS62605362ST-3-0     FR-504  56 female  23  france  cancer    t3n0m0
## CCIS62794166ST-4-0     FR-780  68   male  23  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS63448910ST-4-0     FR-390  61 female  34  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS63468405ST-4-0     FR-132  69 female  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS63910149ST-4-0     FR-719  49 female  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS64773582ST-4-0     FR-195  63 female  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS64785924ST-20-0    FR-173  59 female  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS65479369ST-4-0     FR-772  69 female  25  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS71301801ST-4-0     FR-281  50 female  24  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS71578391ST-4-0     FR-187  70   male  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS72607085ST-4-0     FR-824  74 female  26  france  cancer    t3nxm1
## CCIS74239020ST-4-0     FR-156  62   male  24  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS76845094ST-20-0    FR-450  44   male  20  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS77252613ST-4-0     FR-783  65   male  26  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS78100604ST-4-0     FR-728  64 female  30  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS78318719ST-4-0     FR-768  69 female  30  france  cancer    t3n0m0
## CCIS79210440ST-3-0     FR-039  65   male  30  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS80834637ST-4-0     FR-716  60 female  28  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS81139242ST-4-0     FR-118  64 female  20  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS81887263ST-4-0     FR-302  59   male  27  france  cancer    t2n0m0
## CCIS82146115ST-4-0     FR-628  51   male  24  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS82507866ST-3-0     FR-040  57   male  24  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS82944710ST-20-0    FR-730  38 female  22  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS83870198ST-4-0     FR-344  48 female  24  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS84543192ST-4-0     FR-722  45 female  28  france  cancer    t2n0m0
## CCIS85214191ST-3-0     FR-208  63   male  22  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS87116798ST-4-0     FR-310  85 female  20  france  cancer    t3n1m1
## CCIS87167916ST-4-0     FR-223  79   male  30  france  cancer    t4n1m1
## CCIS87252800ST-4-0     FR-505  73   male  17  france  cancer    t2n0m0
## CCIS87605453ST-4-0     FR-328  73 female  26  france  cancer    t3n0m0
## CCIS88007743ST-4-0     FR-393  67 female  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS88317640ST-4-0     FR-759  74   male  27  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS90164298ST-4-0     FR-294  84   male  23  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS91228662ST-4-0     FR-275  63   male  31  france  cancer    t1n0m0
## CCIS93040568ST-20-0    FR-682  65   male  30  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS94417875ST-3-0     FR-110  59 female  25  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS94603952ST-4-0     FR-025  80 female  21  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS95097901ST-4-0     FR-696  52   male  24  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS95409808ST-4-0     FR-152  63 female  21  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS98482370ST-3-0     FR-052  53 female  30  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS98512455ST-4-0     FR-459  63   male  29  france  cancer    t4n1m1
## CCIS98832363ST-4-0     FR-552  55 female  25  france  cancer    t3n1m0
##                     ajcc_stage localization     fobt
## CCIS00146684ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS00281083ST-3-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS02124300ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS02379307ST-4-0           i           rc positive
## CCIS02856720ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> positive
## CCIS03473770ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS03857607ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS05314658ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS06260551ST-3-0          iv           lc negative
## CCIS07277498ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA>     <NA>
## CCIS07539127ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS07648107ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS09568613ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS10706551ST-3-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS11015875ST-4-0         iii       rectum positive
## CCIS11354283ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS11362406ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS11558985ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS12370844ST-4-0           i       rectum positive
## CCIS12656533ST-4-0          iv       rectum negative
## CCIS13047523ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS14449628ST-4-0         iii           rc negative
## CCIS15704761ST-4-0          iv        sigma negative
## CCIS15794887ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS16326685ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS16383318ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS16561622ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS17669415ST-4-0           i           lc negative
## CCIS20795251ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS21126322ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS21278152ST-4-0          ii        sigma positive
## CCIS22416007ST-4-0          iv           lc negative
## CCIS22958137ST-20-0         iv           rc positive
## CCIS23164343ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS24254057ST-4-0          iv           rc negative
## CCIS27304052ST-3-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS27927933ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS29210128ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS29688262ST-20-0       <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS32452666ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS33816588ST-4-0         iii           lc positive
## CCIS34055159ST-4-0           i           lc positive
## CCIS34604008ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS35100175ST-4-0           i           lc negative
## CCIS36699628ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS36797902ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS38765456ST-20-0         iv           lc positive
## CCIS40244499ST-3-0          ii           rc negative
## CCIS41222843ST-4-0         iii           lc negative
## CCIS41288781ST-4-0          ii           rc negative
## CCIS41548810ST-4-0          iv           lc positive
## CCIS41692898ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS44093303ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> positive
## CCIS44757994ST-4-0         iii           lc negative
## CCIS45571137ST-3-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS45793747ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS46047672ST-4-0          iv           lc negative
## CCIS46467422ST-4-0         iii           rc negative
## CCIS47284573ST-4-0         iii       rectum positive
## CCIS48174381ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS48725289ST-4-0           i        sigma positive
## CCIS50003399ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS50148151ST-4-0         iii           rc negative
## CCIS50471204ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS51595129ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS52370277ST-4-0          iv           lc negative
## CCIS53043478ST-4-0          iv           lc positive
## CCIS53355328ST-4-0           i           lc positive
## CCIS55230578ST-4-0          iv           rc negative
## CCIS58234805ST-4-0         iii           lc positive
## CCIS59132091ST-4-0           i           lc negative
## CCIS61287323ST-4-0          ii       rectum positive
## CCIS62605362ST-3-0          ii           rc positive
## CCIS62794166ST-4-0          iv           lc negative
## CCIS63448910ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS63468405ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS63910149ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS64773582ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS64785924ST-20-0       <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS65479369ST-4-0          iv           rc positive
## CCIS71301801ST-4-0           i       rectum positive
## CCIS71578391ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS72607085ST-4-0          iv           lc negative
## CCIS74239020ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS76845094ST-20-0         iv           rc positive
## CCIS77252613ST-4-0           i           lc positive
## CCIS78100604ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS78318719ST-4-0          ii           rc negative
## CCIS79210440ST-3-0        <NA>         <NA> positive
## CCIS80834637ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS81139242ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS81887263ST-4-0           i       rectum positive
## CCIS82146115ST-4-0          iv           rc negative
## CCIS82507866ST-3-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS82944710ST-20-0       <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS83870198ST-4-0           i           lc negative
## CCIS84543192ST-4-0           i       rectum positive
## CCIS85214191ST-3-0          iv           rc positive
## CCIS87116798ST-4-0          iv           lc negative
## CCIS87167916ST-4-0          iv       rectum positive
## CCIS87252800ST-4-0           i        sigma negative
## CCIS87605453ST-4-0          ii           rc positive
## CCIS88007743ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS88317640ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS90164298ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS91228662ST-4-0           i           lc negative
## CCIS93040568ST-20-0       <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS94417875ST-3-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS94603952ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS95097901ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS95409808ST-4-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS98482370ST-3-0        <NA>         <NA> negative
## CCIS98512455ST-4-0          iv           rc negative
## CCIS98832363ST-4-0         iii           lc positive
##                     wif-1_gene_methylation_test   group bodysite ethnicity
## CCIS00146684ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS00281083ST-3-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS02124300ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS02379307ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS02856720ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS03473770ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS03857607ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS05314658ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS06260551ST-3-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS07277498ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS07539127ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS07648107ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS09568613ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS10706551ST-3-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS11015875ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS11354283ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS11362406ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS11558985ST-4-0                         <NA> control    stool     white
## CCIS12370844ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS12656533ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS13047523ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS14449628ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS15704761ST-4-0                         <NA>     crc    stool     white
## CCIS15794887ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS16326685ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS16383318ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS16561622ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS17669415ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS20795251ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS21126322ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS21278152ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS22416007ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS22958137ST-20-0                    negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS23164343ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS24254057ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS27304052ST-3-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS27927933ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS29210128ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS29688262ST-20-0                    positive control    stool     white
## CCIS32452666ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS33816588ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS34055159ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS34604008ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS35100175ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS36699628ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS36797902ST-4-0                     positive control    stool     white
## CCIS38765456ST-20-0                    positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS40244499ST-3-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS41222843ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS41288781ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS41548810ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS41692898ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS44093303ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS44757994ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS45571137ST-3-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS45793747ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS46047672ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS46467422ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS47284573ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS48174381ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS48725289ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS50003399ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS50148151ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS50471204ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS51595129ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS52370277ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS53043478ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS53355328ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS55230578ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS58234805ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS59132091ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS61287323ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS62605362ST-3-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS62794166ST-4-0                         <NA>     crc    stool     white
## CCIS63448910ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS63468405ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS63910149ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS64773582ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS64785924ST-20-0                    negative control    stool     white
## CCIS65479369ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS71301801ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS71578391ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS72607085ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS74239020ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS76845094ST-20-0                    negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS77252613ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS78100604ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS78318719ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS79210440ST-3-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS80834637ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS81139242ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS81887263ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS82146115ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS82507866ST-3-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS82944710ST-20-0                    negative control    stool     white
## CCIS83870198ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS84543192ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS85214191ST-3-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS87116798ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS87167916ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS87252800ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS87605453ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS88007743ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS88317640ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS90164298ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS91228662ST-4-0                     positive     crc    stool     white
## CCIS93040568ST-20-0                    negative control    stool     white
## CCIS94417875ST-3-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS94603952ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS95097901ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS95409808ST-4-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS98482370ST-3-0                     negative control    stool     white
## CCIS98512455ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
## CCIS98832363ST-4-0                     negative     crc    stool     white
##                     number_reads
## CCIS00146684ST-4-0      76003628
## CCIS00281083ST-3-0      47190574
## CCIS02124300ST-4-0      87631061
## CCIS02379307ST-4-0      10574044
## CCIS02856720ST-4-0      73567419
## CCIS03473770ST-4-0      46217866
## CCIS03857607ST-4-0      63911163
## CCIS05314658ST-4-0      61688036
## CCIS06260551ST-3-0      36441111
## CCIS07277498ST-4-0      66936604
## CCIS07539127ST-4-0      68406226
## CCIS07648107ST-4-0      66245949
## CCIS09568613ST-4-0      75876874
## CCIS10706551ST-3-0      65983849
## CCIS11015875ST-4-0      57428555
## CCIS11354283ST-4-0      62234037
## CCIS11362406ST-4-0     103363989
## CCIS11558985ST-4-0      37988049
## CCIS12370844ST-4-0       5783578
## CCIS12656533ST-4-0      45546920
## CCIS13047523ST-4-0      62891719
## CCIS14449628ST-4-0      51748595
## CCIS15704761ST-4-0      42764985
## CCIS15794887ST-4-0      45764894
## CCIS16326685ST-4-0      53344597
## CCIS16383318ST-4-0      78085760
## CCIS16561622ST-4-0      87807063
## CCIS17669415ST-4-0      69983469
## CCIS20795251ST-4-0      55286215
## CCIS21126322ST-4-0      82207625
## CCIS21278152ST-4-0      53183717
## CCIS22416007ST-4-0      90417909
## CCIS22958137ST-20-0     98059549
## CCIS23164343ST-4-0      68712649
## CCIS24254057ST-4-0     133597487
## CCIS27304052ST-3-0      48552680
## CCIS27927933ST-4-0      97043260
## CCIS29210128ST-4-0      48275455
## CCIS29688262ST-20-0     81666867
## CCIS32452666ST-4-0      53858804
## CCIS33816588ST-4-0      64242756
## CCIS34055159ST-4-0      46734542
## CCIS34604008ST-4-0      71147118
## CCIS35100175ST-4-0      54177103
## CCIS36699628ST-4-0      66456701
## CCIS36797902ST-4-0      43056463
## CCIS38765456ST-20-0     81682982
## CCIS40244499ST-3-0      55812127
## CCIS41222843ST-4-0      90240238
## CCIS41288781ST-4-0      44391860
## CCIS41548810ST-4-0      55469214
## CCIS41692898ST-4-0      75046271
## CCIS44093303ST-4-0      73343518
## CCIS44757994ST-4-0      49916410
## CCIS45571137ST-3-0      37805003
## CCIS45793747ST-4-0      84805529
## CCIS46047672ST-4-0      42982745
## CCIS46467422ST-4-0      12659025
## CCIS47284573ST-4-0      39745148
## CCIS48174381ST-4-0      51253211
## CCIS48725289ST-4-0      35971780
## CCIS50003399ST-4-0      63416533
## CCIS50148151ST-4-0      54709150
## CCIS50471204ST-4-0      81465089
## CCIS51595129ST-4-0      59350393
## CCIS52370277ST-4-0      56128839
## CCIS53043478ST-4-0      41468101
## CCIS53355328ST-4-0      40022941
## CCIS55230578ST-4-0      62688390
## CCIS58234805ST-4-0      24459826
## CCIS59132091ST-4-0     103034276
## CCIS61287323ST-4-0      79673095
## CCIS62605362ST-3-0     134059337
## CCIS62794166ST-4-0      39333809
## CCIS63448910ST-4-0      61901654
## CCIS63468405ST-4-0      67395395
## CCIS63910149ST-4-0      24843993
## CCIS64773582ST-4-0      91118209
## CCIS64785924ST-20-0     12636839
## CCIS65479369ST-4-0      16650614
## CCIS71301801ST-4-0      95671668
## CCIS71578391ST-4-0      74021867
## CCIS72607085ST-4-0      46481994
## CCIS74239020ST-4-0      60489281
## CCIS76845094ST-20-0    153432400
## CCIS77252613ST-4-0      89494083
## CCIS78100604ST-4-0      78150540
## CCIS78318719ST-4-0      59124409
## CCIS79210440ST-3-0      44022141
## CCIS80834637ST-4-0      95462023
## CCIS81139242ST-4-0      66773170
## CCIS81887263ST-4-0      89976522
## CCIS82146115ST-4-0      96243432
## CCIS82507866ST-3-0      45388199
## CCIS82944710ST-20-0      8890877
## CCIS83870198ST-4-0      75224196
## CCIS84543192ST-4-0      35125765
## CCIS85214191ST-3-0      60695192
## CCIS87116798ST-4-0      50624818
## CCIS87167916ST-4-0      50204707
## CCIS87252800ST-4-0      26015120
## CCIS87605453ST-4-0      83221305
## CCIS88007743ST-4-0      62698501
## CCIS88317640ST-4-0      72027798
## CCIS90164298ST-4-0      64903644
## CCIS91228662ST-4-0      94076829
## CCIS93040568ST-20-0     13523536
## CCIS94417875ST-3-0      44052987
## CCIS94603952ST-4-0      69804753
## CCIS95097901ST-4-0      51567166
## CCIS95409808ST-4-0      66865743
## CCIS98482370ST-3-0      45190917
## CCIS98512455ST-4-0      46052438
## CCIS98832363ST-4-0      69793122
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pData(zellerNC)[ sample(ncol(zellerNC), 3), ]
##                    subjectID age gender bmi country disease tnm_stage
## CCIS95409808ST-4-0    FR-152  63 female  21  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS80834637ST-4-0    FR-716  60 female  28  france       n      <NA>
## CCIS09568613ST-4-0    FR-400  67   male  21  france       n      <NA>
##                    ajcc_stage localization     fobt wif-1_gene_methylation_test
## CCIS95409808ST-4-0       <NA>         <NA> negative                    negative
## CCIS80834637ST-4-0       <NA>         <NA> negative                    negative
## CCIS09568613ST-4-0       <NA>         <NA> negative                    negative
##                      group bodysite ethnicity number_reads
## CCIS95409808ST-4-0 control    stool     white     66865743
## CCIS80834637ST-4-0 control    stool     white     95462023
## CCIS09568613ST-4-0 control    stool     white     75876874
## function (x, width = 0.9 * getOption("width"), indent = 0, exdent = 0, 
##     prefix = "", simplify = TRUE, initial = prefix) 
## {
##     if (!is.character(x)) 
##         x <- as.character(x)
##     indentString <- strrep(" ", indent)
##     exdentString <- strrep(" ", exdent)
##     y <- list()
##     enc <- Encoding(x)
##     x <- enc2utf8(x)
##     if (any(ind <- !validEnc(x))) 
##         x[ind] <- iconv(x[ind], "UTF-8", "UTF-8", sub = "byte")
##     z <- lapply(strsplit(x, "\n[ \t\n]*\n", perl = TRUE), strsplit, 
##         "[ \t\n]", perl = TRUE)
##     for (i in seq_along(z)) {
##         yi <- character()
##         for (j in seq_along(z[[i]])) {
##             words <- z[[i]][[j]]
##             nc <- nchar(words, type = "w")
##             if (anyNA(nc)) {
##                 nc0 <- nchar(words, type = "b")
##                 nc[is.na(nc)] <- nc0[is.na(nc)]
##             }
##             if (any(nc == 0L)) {
##                 zLenInd <- which(nc == 0L)
##                 zLenInd <- zLenInd[!(zLenInd %in% (grep("[.?!][)\"']{0,1}$", 
##                   words, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) + 1L))]
##                 if (length(zLenInd)) {
##                   words <- words[-zLenInd]
##                   nc <- nc[-zLenInd]
##                 }
##             }
##             if (!length(words)) {
##                 yi <- c(yi, "", initial)
##                 next
##             }
##             currentIndex <- 0L
##             lowerBlockIndex <- 1L
##             upperBlockIndex <- integer()
##             lens <- cumsum(nc + 1L)
##             first <- TRUE
##             maxLength <- width - nchar(initial, type = "w") - 
##                 indent
##             while (length(lens)) {
##                 k <- max(sum(lens <= maxLength), 1L)
##                 if (first) {
##                   first <- FALSE
##                   maxLength <- width - nchar(prefix, type = "w") - 
##                     exdent
##                 }
##                 currentIndex <- currentIndex + k
##                 if (nc[currentIndex] == 0L) 
##                   upperBlockIndex <- c(upperBlockIndex, currentIndex - 
##                     1L)
##                 else upperBlockIndex <- c(upperBlockIndex, currentIndex)
##                 if (length(lens) > k) {
##                   if (nc[currentIndex + 1L] == 0L) {
##                     currentIndex <- currentIndex + 1L
##                     k <- k + 1L
##                   }
##                   lowerBlockIndex <- c(lowerBlockIndex, currentIndex + 
##                     1L)
##                 }
##                 if (length(lens) > k) 
##                   lens <- lens[-seq_len(k)] - lens[k]
##                 else lens <- NULL
##             }
##             nBlocks <- length(upperBlockIndex)
##             s <- paste0(c(initial, rep.int(prefix, nBlocks - 
##                 1L)), c(indentString, rep.int(exdentString, nBlocks - 
##                 1L)))
##             initial <- prefix
##             for (k in seq_len(nBlocks)) s[k] <- paste0(s[k], 
##                 paste(words[lowerBlockIndex[k]:upperBlockIndex[k]], 
##                   collapse = " "))
##             yi <- c(yi, s, prefix)
##         }
##         y <- if (length(yi)) 
##             c(y, list(yi[-length(yi)]))
##         else c(y, "")
##     }
##     if (length(pos <- which(enc == "latin1"))) {
##         y[pos] <- lapply(y[pos], function(s) {
##             e <- Encoding(s)
##             if (length(p <- which(e == "UTF-8"))) 
##                 s[p] <- iconv(s[p], "UTF-8", "latin1", sub = "byte")
##             s
##         })
##     }
##     if (simplify) 
##         y <- as.character(unlist(y))
##     y
## }
## <bytecode: 0x00000233b6850190>
## <environment: namespace:base>
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
formatfn = function(x)
   gsub("|", "| ", x, fixed = TRUE) |> lapply(strwrap)

## [1] "k__Bacteria"                  "k__Viruses"                  
## [3] "k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes"    "k__Bacteria|p__Bacteroidetes"
nrow(zellerNC) + (-2:0)
## [1] 1503 1504 1505
rownames(zellerNC)[nrow(zellerNC) + (-2:0)]
## [1] "k__Bacteria|p__Proteobacteria|c__Deltaproteobacteria|o__Desulfovibrionales|f__Desulfovibrionaceae|g__Desulfovibrio|s__Desulfovibrio_termitidis"                                            
## [2] "k__Viruses|p__Viruses_noname|c__Viruses_noname|o__Viruses_noname|f__Baculoviridae|g__Alphabaculovirus|s__Bombyx_mori_nucleopolyhedrovirus|t__Bombyx_mori_nucleopolyhedrovirus_unclassified"
## [3] "k__Bacteria|p__Proteobacteria|c__Deltaproteobacteria|o__Desulfovibrionales|f__Desulfovibrionaceae|g__Desulfovibrio|s__Desulfovibrio_termitidis|t__GCF_000504305"
rownames(zellerNC)[nrow(zellerNC) + (-2:0)] |> formatfn()
## [[1]]
## [1] "k__Bacteria| p__Proteobacteria| c__Deltaproteobacteria|"         
## [2] "o__Desulfovibrionales| f__Desulfovibrionaceae| g__Desulfovibrio|"
## [3] "s__Desulfovibrio_termitidis"                                     
## [[2]]
## [1] "k__Viruses| p__Viruses_noname| c__Viruses_noname| o__Viruses_noname|"
## [2] "f__Baculoviridae| g__Alphabaculovirus|"                              
## [3] "s__Bombyx_mori_nucleopolyhedrovirus|"                                
## [4] "t__Bombyx_mori_nucleopolyhedrovirus_unclassified"                    
## [[3]]
## [1] "k__Bacteria| p__Proteobacteria| c__Deltaproteobacteria|"         
## [2] "o__Desulfovibrionales| f__Desulfovibrionaceae| g__Desulfovibrio|"
## [3] "s__Desulfovibrio_termitidis| t__GCF_000504305"
## [1] 1505  114
dim(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)[c(510, 527), ])
## [1]   2 114
Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)[c(510, 527), ][, 1:2]
##                                                                                                                                                          CCIS00146684ST-4-0
## k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055                                       0
## k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified                  0
##                                                                                                                                                          CCIS00281083ST-3-0
## k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055                                       0
## k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified                  0
melt(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)[c(510, 527), ])
##                                                                                                                                                         Var1
## 1                        k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 2   k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 3                        k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 4   k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 5                        k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 6   k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 7                        k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 8   k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 9                        k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 10  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 11                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 12  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 13                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 14  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 15                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 16  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 17                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 18  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 19                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 20  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 21                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 22  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 23                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 24  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 25                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 26  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 27                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 28  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 29                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 30  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 31                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 32  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 33                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 34  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 35                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 36  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 37                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 38  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 39                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 40  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 41                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 42  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 43                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 44  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 45                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 46  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 47                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 48  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 49                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 50  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 51                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 52  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 53                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 54  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 55                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 56  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 57                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 58  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 59                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 60  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 61                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 62  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 63                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 64  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 65                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 66  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 67                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 68  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 69                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 70  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 71                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 72  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 73                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 74  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 75                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 76  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 77                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 78  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 79                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 80  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 81                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 82  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 83                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 84  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 85                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 86  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 87                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 88  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 89                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 90  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 91                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 92  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 93                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 94  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 95                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 96  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 97                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 98  k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 99                       k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 100 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 101                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 102 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 103                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 104 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 105                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 106 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 107                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 108 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 109                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 110 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 111                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 112 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 113                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 114 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 115                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 116 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 117                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 118 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 119                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 120 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 121                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 122 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 123                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 124 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 125                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 126 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 127                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 128 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 129                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 130 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 131                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 132 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 133                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 134 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 135                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 136 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 137                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 138 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 139                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 140 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 141                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 142 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 143                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 144 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 145                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 146 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 147                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 148 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 149                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 150 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 151                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 152 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 153                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 154 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 155                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 156 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 157                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 158 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 159                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 160 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 161                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 162 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 163                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 164 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 165                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 166 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 167                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 168 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 169                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 170 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 171                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 172 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 173                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 174 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 175                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 176 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 177                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 178 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 179                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 180 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 181                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 182 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 183                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 184 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 185                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 186 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 187                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 188 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 189                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 190 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 191                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 192 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 193                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 194 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 195                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 196 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 197                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 198 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 199                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 200 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 201                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 202 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 203                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 204 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 205                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 206 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 207                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 208 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 209                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 210 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 211                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 212 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 213                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 214 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 215                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 216 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 217                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 218 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 219                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 220 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 221                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 222 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 223                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 224 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 225                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 226 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
## 227                      k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Negativicutes|o__Selenomonadales|f__Veillonellaceae|g__Dialister|s__Dialister_invisus|t__GCF_000160055
## 228 k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia|o__Clostridiales|f__Clostridiaceae|g__Clostridium|s__Clostridium_symbiosum|t__Clostridium_symbiosum_unclassified
##                    Var2    value
## 1    CCIS00146684ST-4-0  0.00000
## 2    CCIS00146684ST-4-0  0.00000
## 3    CCIS00281083ST-3-0  0.00000
## 4    CCIS00281083ST-3-0  0.00000
## 5    CCIS02124300ST-4-0 10.11448
## 6    CCIS02124300ST-4-0  0.03374
## 7    CCIS02379307ST-4-0  0.00000
## 8    CCIS02379307ST-4-0  0.00000
## 9    CCIS02856720ST-4-0  0.00062
## 10   CCIS02856720ST-4-0  0.00915
## 11   CCIS03473770ST-4-0  1.08436
## 12   CCIS03473770ST-4-0  0.00000
## 13   CCIS03857607ST-4-0  0.00000
## 14   CCIS03857607ST-4-0  0.00000
## 15   CCIS05314658ST-4-0  0.00040
## 16   CCIS05314658ST-4-0  0.00000
## 17   CCIS06260551ST-3-0  0.00000
## 18   CCIS06260551ST-3-0  0.60786
## 19   CCIS07277498ST-4-0  3.37841
## 20   CCIS07277498ST-4-0  0.00000
## 21   CCIS07539127ST-4-0  0.00000
## 22   CCIS07539127ST-4-0  0.00000
## 23   CCIS07648107ST-4-0  0.00000
## 24   CCIS07648107ST-4-0  0.06993
## 25   CCIS09568613ST-4-0  0.00000
## 26   CCIS09568613ST-4-0  0.08619
## 27   CCIS10706551ST-3-0  0.00000
## 28   CCIS10706551ST-3-0  0.00000
## 29   CCIS11015875ST-4-0  0.00000
## 30   CCIS11015875ST-4-0  0.00000
## 31   CCIS11354283ST-4-0  0.00000
## 32   CCIS11354283ST-4-0  0.00925
## 33   CCIS11362406ST-4-0  0.02717
## 34   CCIS11362406ST-4-0  0.00000
## 35   CCIS11558985ST-4-0  0.00000
## 36   CCIS11558985ST-4-0  0.00000
## 37   CCIS12370844ST-4-0  0.00000
## 38   CCIS12370844ST-4-0  0.00000
## 39   CCIS12656533ST-4-0  0.00000
## 40   CCIS12656533ST-4-0  0.42758
## 41   CCIS13047523ST-4-0  0.89276
## 42   CCIS13047523ST-4-0  0.01828
## 43   CCIS14449628ST-4-0  0.09691
## 44   CCIS14449628ST-4-0  0.69246
## 45   CCIS15704761ST-4-0  0.03921
## 46   CCIS15704761ST-4-0  0.00000
## 47   CCIS15794887ST-4-0  0.00094
## 48   CCIS15794887ST-4-0  0.00000
## 49   CCIS16326685ST-4-0  0.00501
## 50   CCIS16326685ST-4-0  0.08719
## 51   CCIS16383318ST-4-0  0.00000
## 52   CCIS16383318ST-4-0  0.00721
## 53   CCIS16561622ST-4-0  0.00000
## 54   CCIS16561622ST-4-0  0.02169
## 55   CCIS17669415ST-4-0  0.00000
## 56   CCIS17669415ST-4-0  0.02061
## 57   CCIS20795251ST-4-0  0.27611
## 58   CCIS20795251ST-4-0  0.00000
## 59   CCIS21126322ST-4-0  3.50635
## 60   CCIS21126322ST-4-0  0.00000
## 61   CCIS21278152ST-4-0  0.00092
## 62   CCIS21278152ST-4-0  0.00000
## 63   CCIS22416007ST-4-0  0.00000
## 64   CCIS22416007ST-4-0  0.00344
## 65  CCIS22958137ST-20-0  0.00000
## 66  CCIS22958137ST-20-0  0.18182
## 67   CCIS23164343ST-4-0  0.00000
## 68   CCIS23164343ST-4-0  0.00201
## 69   CCIS24254057ST-4-0  0.00260
## 70   CCIS24254057ST-4-0  0.57575
## 71   CCIS27304052ST-3-0  7.33171
## 72   CCIS27304052ST-3-0  0.00000
## 73   CCIS27927933ST-4-0  0.00623
## 74   CCIS27927933ST-4-0  0.00000
## 75   CCIS29210128ST-4-0  0.00000
## 76   CCIS29210128ST-4-0  0.00000
## 77  CCIS29688262ST-20-0  0.00000
## 78  CCIS29688262ST-20-0  0.00000
## 79   CCIS32452666ST-4-0  0.00000
## 80   CCIS32452666ST-4-0  0.00398
## 81   CCIS33816588ST-4-0  0.00000
## 82   CCIS33816588ST-4-0  0.00000
## 83   CCIS34055159ST-4-0  0.00610
## 84   CCIS34055159ST-4-0  0.02700
## 85   CCIS34604008ST-4-0  0.00000
## 86   CCIS34604008ST-4-0  0.00301
## 87   CCIS35100175ST-4-0  0.01598
## 88   CCIS35100175ST-4-0  0.00073
## 89   CCIS36699628ST-4-0  0.00000
## 90   CCIS36699628ST-4-0  0.00000
## 91   CCIS36797902ST-4-0  0.00000
## 92   CCIS36797902ST-4-0  0.00000
## 93  CCIS38765456ST-20-0  0.00000
## 94  CCIS38765456ST-20-0  0.00000
## 95   CCIS40244499ST-3-0  0.00000
## 96   CCIS40244499ST-3-0  0.50718
## 97   CCIS41222843ST-4-0  0.00000
## 98   CCIS41222843ST-4-0  0.00467
## 99   CCIS41288781ST-4-0  0.00000
## 100  CCIS41288781ST-4-0  0.29511
## 101  CCIS41548810ST-4-0  0.00000
## 102  CCIS41548810ST-4-0  0.01368
## 103  CCIS41692898ST-4-0  0.00000
## 104  CCIS41692898ST-4-0  0.00000
## 105  CCIS44093303ST-4-0  0.00000
## 106  CCIS44093303ST-4-0  0.00951
## 107  CCIS44757994ST-4-0  0.36456
## 108  CCIS44757994ST-4-0  0.00000
## 109  CCIS45571137ST-3-0  0.00000
## 110  CCIS45571137ST-3-0  0.00000
## 111  CCIS45793747ST-4-0  0.00036
## 112  CCIS45793747ST-4-0  0.00000
## 113  CCIS46047672ST-4-0  0.00730
## 114  CCIS46047672ST-4-0  0.36784
## 115  CCIS46467422ST-4-0  0.00000
## 116  CCIS46467422ST-4-0  0.00000
## 117  CCIS47284573ST-4-0  8.19573
## 118  CCIS47284573ST-4-0  0.00200
## 119  CCIS48174381ST-4-0  0.00000
## 120  CCIS48174381ST-4-0  0.09872
## 121  CCIS48725289ST-4-0  4.48686
## 122  CCIS48725289ST-4-0  0.00000
## 123  CCIS50003399ST-4-0  0.04973
## 124  CCIS50003399ST-4-0  0.00091
## 125  CCIS50148151ST-4-0  0.00000
## 126  CCIS50148151ST-4-0  1.04018
## 127  CCIS50471204ST-4-0  0.00000
## 128  CCIS50471204ST-4-0  0.10714
## 129  CCIS51595129ST-4-0  0.00000
## 130  CCIS51595129ST-4-0  0.00000
## 131  CCIS52370277ST-4-0  0.85960
## 132  CCIS52370277ST-4-0  0.13898
## 133  CCIS53043478ST-4-0  0.00000
## 134  CCIS53043478ST-4-0  0.00000
## 135  CCIS53355328ST-4-0  0.02184
## 136  CCIS53355328ST-4-0  0.12606
## 137  CCIS55230578ST-4-0  0.00064
## 138  CCIS55230578ST-4-0  0.00541
## 139  CCIS58234805ST-4-0  0.00000
## 140  CCIS58234805ST-4-0  0.01199
## 141  CCIS59132091ST-4-0  0.00460
## 142  CCIS59132091ST-4-0  0.00000
## 143  CCIS61287323ST-4-0  0.00000
## 144  CCIS61287323ST-4-0  0.00000
## 145  CCIS62605362ST-3-0  1.07064
## 146  CCIS62605362ST-3-0  0.00000
## 147  CCIS62794166ST-4-0  0.00000
## 148  CCIS62794166ST-4-0  0.00000
## 149  CCIS63448910ST-4-0  0.00000
## 150  CCIS63448910ST-4-0  0.00000
## 151  CCIS63468405ST-4-0  0.00000
## 152  CCIS63468405ST-4-0  0.00000
## 153  CCIS63910149ST-4-0  0.00000
## 154  CCIS63910149ST-4-0  0.00000
## 155  CCIS64773582ST-4-0  0.00000
## 156  CCIS64773582ST-4-0  0.00000
## 157 CCIS64785924ST-20-0  0.00000
## 158 CCIS64785924ST-20-0  0.00000
## 159  CCIS65479369ST-4-0  0.00000
## 160  CCIS65479369ST-4-0  0.00370
## 161  CCIS71301801ST-4-0  0.00000
## 162  CCIS71301801ST-4-0  0.01570
## 163  CCIS71578391ST-4-0  0.00000
## 164  CCIS71578391ST-4-0  0.00000
## 165  CCIS72607085ST-4-0  0.01170
## 166  CCIS72607085ST-4-0  0.23107
## 167  CCIS74239020ST-4-0  0.00000
## 168  CCIS74239020ST-4-0  0.00000
## 169 CCIS76845094ST-20-0  5.38988
## 170 CCIS76845094ST-20-0  0.03105
## 171  CCIS77252613ST-4-0  0.00000
## 172  CCIS77252613ST-4-0  0.00075
## 173  CCIS78100604ST-4-0  5.02251
## 174  CCIS78100604ST-4-0  0.03202
## 175  CCIS78318719ST-4-0  0.33630
## 176  CCIS78318719ST-4-0  0.00000
## 177  CCIS79210440ST-3-0  0.00000
## 178  CCIS79210440ST-3-0  0.00000
## 179  CCIS80834637ST-4-0  0.51982
## 180  CCIS80834637ST-4-0  0.00000
## 181  CCIS81139242ST-4-0  0.47711
## 182  CCIS81139242ST-4-0  0.00000
## 183  CCIS81887263ST-4-0  0.00000
## 184  CCIS81887263ST-4-0  0.00709
## 185  CCIS82146115ST-4-0  2.47878
## 186  CCIS82146115ST-4-0  0.00000
## 187  CCIS82507866ST-3-0  0.00000
## 188  CCIS82507866ST-3-0  0.00000
## 189 CCIS82944710ST-20-0  2.16650
## 190 CCIS82944710ST-20-0  0.00000
## 191  CCIS83870198ST-4-0  5.55376
## 192  CCIS83870198ST-4-0  0.00000
## 193  CCIS84543192ST-4-0  0.00000
## 194  CCIS84543192ST-4-0  0.00000
## 195  CCIS85214191ST-3-0  0.00000
## 196  CCIS85214191ST-3-0  0.83507
## 197  CCIS87116798ST-4-0  0.00000
## 198  CCIS87116798ST-4-0  0.00000
## 199  CCIS87167916ST-4-0  0.00000
## 200  CCIS87167916ST-4-0  0.00704
## 201  CCIS87252800ST-4-0  0.00000
## 202  CCIS87252800ST-4-0  0.34714
## 203  CCIS87605453ST-4-0  0.00000
## 204  CCIS87605453ST-4-0  0.22750
## 205  CCIS88007743ST-4-0  1.76747
## 206  CCIS88007743ST-4-0  0.18357
## 207  CCIS88317640ST-4-0  1.94223
## 208  CCIS88317640ST-4-0  0.00000
## 209  CCIS90164298ST-4-0  0.00000
## 210  CCIS90164298ST-4-0  0.00000
## 211  CCIS91228662ST-4-0  0.00000
## 212  CCIS91228662ST-4-0  0.06044
## 213 CCIS93040568ST-20-0  0.00000
## 214 CCIS93040568ST-20-0  0.00000
## 215  CCIS94417875ST-3-0  0.00000
## 216  CCIS94417875ST-3-0  0.00000
## 217  CCIS94603952ST-4-0  2.48109
## 218  CCIS94603952ST-4-0  0.00000
## 219  CCIS95097901ST-4-0 11.65876
## 220  CCIS95097901ST-4-0  0.47501
## 221  CCIS95409808ST-4-0  0.00000
## 222  CCIS95409808ST-4-0  0.00000
## 223  CCIS98482370ST-3-0  0.00000
## 224  CCIS98482370ST-3-0  0.00000
## 225  CCIS98512455ST-4-0  0.00000
## 226  CCIS98512455ST-4-0  0.00000
## 227  CCIS98832363ST-4-0  0.00000
## 228  CCIS98832363ST-4-0  0.00000
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data <- melt(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)[c(510, 527), ])
ggplot(data, aes(x = value)) +
    geom_histogram(bins = 25)

dim(t(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC))) # 114 patients 1505 bacteria types
## [1]  114 1505
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Attaching package: 'Matrix'
## The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
##     expand
## The following object is masked from 'package:reshape':
##     expand
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     expand
## Loaded glmnet 4.1-3
## Attaching package: 'glmnet'
## The following object is masked from 'package:gtools':
##     na.replace
glmfit = glmnet(x = t(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)),
                y = factor(zellerNC$disease),
                family = "binomial")
## Call:  glmnet(x = t(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)), y = factor(zellerNC$disease),      family = "binomial") 
##      Df %Dev Lambda
## 1     0  0.0 0.1860
## 2     2  0.9 0.1770
## 3     2  1.7 0.1690
## 4     2  2.5 0.1620
## 5     2  3.1 0.1540
## 6     2  3.8 0.1470
## 7     2  4.4 0.1410
## 8     3  5.0 0.1340
## 9     5  6.0 0.1280
## 10   11  7.7 0.1220
## 11   11  9.6 0.1170
## 12   12 11.4 0.1110
## 13   15 13.6 0.1060
## 14   15 15.6 0.1020
## 15   17 17.6 0.0969
## 16   20 19.7 0.0925
## 17   20 21.8 0.0883
## 18   23 23.8 0.0843
## 19   29 25.7 0.0805
## 20   32 27.9 0.0768
## 21   41 30.3 0.0733
## 22   44 32.6 0.0700
## 23   46 35.0 0.0668
## 24   47 37.2 0.0638
## 25   53 39.4 0.0609
## 26   65 41.6 0.0581
## 27   71 43.9 0.0555
## 28   72 46.1 0.0529
## 29   74 48.4 0.0505
## 30   79 50.6 0.0482
## 31   87 52.7 0.0460
## 32   94 54.8 0.0440
## 33  101 56.9 0.0420
## 34  103 58.9 0.0400
## 35  104 60.9 0.0382
## 36  115 62.7 0.0365
## 37  116 64.5 0.0348
## 38  122 66.2 0.0332
## 39  132 67.8 0.0317
## 40  131 69.4 0.0303
## 41  131 70.9 0.0289
## 42  135 72.3 0.0276
## 43  139 73.7 0.0263
## 44  136 75.0 0.0252
## 45  135 76.2 0.0240
## 46  136 77.4 0.0229
## 47  139 78.5 0.0219
## 48  140 79.5 0.0209
## 49  144 80.5 0.0199
## 50  144 81.5 0.0190
## 51  143 82.4 0.0182
## 52  145 83.2 0.0173
## 53  142 84.0 0.0165
## 54  142 84.8 0.0158
## 55  144 85.5 0.0151
## 56  145 86.2 0.0144
## 57  146 86.8 0.0137
## 58  148 87.5 0.0131
## 59  148 88.1 0.0125
## 60  152 88.6 0.0119
## 61  153 89.2 0.0114
## 62  154 89.7 0.0109
## 63  154 90.2 0.0104
## 64  155 90.6 0.0099
## 65  155 91.1 0.0095
## 66  155 91.5 0.0090
## 67  155 91.9 0.0086
## 68  153 92.2 0.0082
## 69  155 92.6 0.0079
## 70  155 93.0 0.0075
## 71  152 93.3 0.0072
## 72  158 93.6 0.0068
## 73  156 93.9 0.0065
## 74  156 94.2 0.0062
## 75  157 94.4 0.0060
## 76  157 94.7 0.0057
## 77  156 94.9 0.0054
## 78  155 95.2 0.0052
## 79  158 95.4 0.0049
## 80  159 95.6 0.0047
## 81  160 95.8 0.0045
## 82  161 96.0 0.0043
## 83  160 96.2 0.0041
## 84  159 96.4 0.0039
## 85  158 96.5 0.0037
## 86  158 96.7 0.0036
## 87  161 96.8 0.0034
## 88  162 97.0 0.0032
## 89  163 97.1 0.0031
## 90  162 97.3 0.0030
## 91  158 97.4 0.0028
## 92  160 97.5 0.0027
## 93  161 97.6 0.0026
## 94  161 97.7 0.0025
## 95  160 97.8 0.0024
## 96  157 97.9 0.0022
## 97  156 98.0 0.0021
## 98  157 98.1 0.0020
## 99  159 98.2 0.0019
## 100 159 98.3 0.0019
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
predTrsf = predict(glmfit, newx = t(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)),
                   type = "class", s = 0.04)
table(predTrsf, zellerNC$disease)
## predTrsf cancer  n
##   cancer     51  0
##   n           2 61
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
par(mai = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.575, 0.05))
plot(glmfit, col = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"), lwd = sqrt(3), ylab = "")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cvglmfit = cv.glmnet(x = t(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)),
                     y = factor(zellerNC$disease),
                     family = "binomial")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## [1] 0.0581
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## [1] 0.106
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
s0 = cvglmfit$lambda.1se
predict(glmfit, newx = t(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC)),type = "class", s = s0) |>
##          cancer  n
##   cancer     35  8
##   n          18 53
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
coefs = coef(glmfit)[, which.min(abs(glmfit$lambda - s0))]
topthree = order(abs(coefs), decreasing = TRUE)[1:3]
## [1] -15.945  -2.130  -0.949
## [[1]]
## [1] "k__Bacteria| p__Candidatus_Saccharibacteria|"      
## [2] "c__Candidatus_Saccharibacteria_noname|"            
## [3] "o__Candidatus_Saccharibacteria_noname|"            
## [4] "f__Candidatus_Saccharibacteria_noname|"            
## [5] "g__Candidatus_Saccharibacteria_noname|"            
## [6] "s__candidate_division_TM7_single_cell_isolate_TM7b"
## [[2]]
## [1] "k__Bacteria| p__Firmicutes| c__Clostridia| o__Clostridiales|"        
## [2] "f__Ruminococcaceae| g__Subdoligranulum| s__Subdoligranulum_variabile"
## [[3]]
## [1] "k__Bacteria| p__Firmicutes| c__Clostridia| o__Clostridiales|"
## [2] "f__Lachnospiraceae| g__Lachnospiraceae_noname|"              
## [3] "s__Lachnospiraceae_bacterium_7_1_58FAA"
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cv.glmnet(x = t(asinh(Biobase::exprs(zellerNC))),
          y = factor(zellerNC$disease),
          family = "binomial") |> plot()

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sx = x[, x$Embryonic.day == "E3.25"]
embryoCellsClassifier = cv.glmnet(t(Biobase::exprs(sx)), sx$genotype,
                family = "binomial", type.measure = "class")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(sum((diff(embryoCellsClassifier$cvm) * diff(embryoCellsClassifier$lambda)) < 0) <= 2)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mouse_de = rowttests(sx, "genotype")
ggplot(mouse_de, aes(x = p.value)) +
  geom_histogram(boundary = 0, breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dists = as.matrix(dist(scale(t(Biobase::exprs(x)))))
## Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
## Also defined by 'spam'
## Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'BiocGenerics'
## Also defined by 'spam'
diag(dists) = +Inf
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
nn = sapply(seq_len(ncol(dists)), function(i) which.min(dists[, i]))
table(x$sampleGroup, x$sampleGroup[nn]) |> `colnames<-`(NULL)
##                   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
##   E3.25             33    0    0    0    3    0    0    0
##   E3.25 (FGF4-KO)    1   15    0    1    0    0    0    0
##   E3.5 (EPI)         2    0    3    0    6    0    0    0
##   E3.5 (FGF4-KO)     0    0    0    8    0    0    0    0
##   E3.5 (PE)          0    0    0    0   11    0    0    0
##   E4.5 (EPI)         0    0    0    0    2    2    0    0
##   E4.5 (FGF4-KO)     1    0    0    0    0    0    9    0
##   E4.5 (PE)          0    0    0    0    2    0    0    2
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
caretMethods = names(getModelInfo())
##   [1] "ada"                 "AdaBag"              "AdaBoost.M1"        
##   [4] "adaboost"            "amdai"               "ANFIS"              
##   [7] "avNNet"              "awnb"                "awtan"              
##  [10] "bag"                 "bagEarth"            "bagEarthGCV"        
##  [13] "bagFDA"              "bagFDAGCV"           "bam"                
##  [16] "bartMachine"         "bayesglm"            "binda"              
##  [19] "blackboost"          "blasso"              "blassoAveraged"     
##  [22] "bridge"              "brnn"                "BstLm"              
##  [25] "bstSm"               "bstTree"             "C5.0"               
##  [28] "C5.0Cost"            "C5.0Rules"           "C5.0Tree"           
##  [31] "cforest"             "chaid"               "CSimca"             
##  [34] "ctree"               "ctree2"              "cubist"             
##  [37] "dda"                 "deepboost"           "DENFIS"             
##  [40] "dnn"                 "dwdLinear"           "dwdPoly"            
##  [43] "dwdRadial"           "earth"               "elm"                
##  [46] "enet"                "evtree"              "extraTrees"         
##  [49] "fda"                 "FH.GBML"             "FIR.DM"             
##  [52] "foba"                "FRBCS.CHI"           "FRBCS.W"            
##  [55] "FS.HGD"              "gam"                 "gamboost"           
##  [58] "gamLoess"            "gamSpline"           "gaussprLinear"      
##  [61] "gaussprPoly"         "gaussprRadial"       "gbm_h2o"            
##  [64] "gbm"                 "gcvEarth"            "GFS.FR.MOGUL"       
##  [67] "GFS.LT.RS"           "GFS.THRIFT"          "glm.nb"             
##  [70] "glm"                 "glmboost"            "glmnet_h2o"         
##  [73] "glmnet"              "glmStepAIC"          "gpls"               
##  [76] "hda"                 "hdda"                "hdrda"              
##  [79] "HYFIS"               "icr"                 "J48"                
##  [82] "JRip"                "kernelpls"           "kknn"               
##  [85] "knn"                 "krlsPoly"            "krlsRadial"         
##  [88] "lars"                "lars2"               "lasso"              
##  [91] "lda"                 "lda2"                "leapBackward"       
##  [94] "leapForward"         "leapSeq"             "Linda"              
##  [97] "lm"                  "lmStepAIC"           "LMT"                
## [100] "loclda"              "logicBag"            "LogitBoost"         
## [103] "logreg"              "lssvmLinear"         "lssvmPoly"          
## [106] "lssvmRadial"         "lvq"                 "M5"                 
## [109] "M5Rules"             "manb"                "mda"                
## [112] "Mlda"                "mlp"                 "mlpKerasDecay"      
## [115] "mlpKerasDecayCost"   "mlpKerasDropout"     "mlpKerasDropoutCost"
## [118] "mlpML"               "mlpSGD"              "mlpWeightDecay"     
## [121] "mlpWeightDecayML"    "monmlp"              "msaenet"            
## [124] "multinom"            "mxnet"               "mxnetAdam"          
## [127] "naive_bayes"         "nb"                  "nbDiscrete"         
## [130] "nbSearch"            "neuralnet"           "nnet"               
## [133] "nnls"                "nodeHarvest"         "null"               
## [136] "OneR"                "ordinalNet"          "ordinalRF"          
## [139] "ORFlog"              "ORFpls"              "ORFridge"           
## [142] "ORFsvm"              "ownn"                "pam"                
## [145] "parRF"               "PART"                "partDSA"            
## [148] "pcaNNet"             "pcr"                 "pda"                
## [151] "pda2"                "penalized"           "PenalizedLDA"       
## [154] "plr"                 "pls"                 "plsRglm"            
## [157] "polr"                "ppr"                 "pre"                
## [160] "PRIM"                "protoclass"          "qda"                
## [163] "QdaCov"              "qrf"                 "qrnn"               
## [166] "randomGLM"           "ranger"              "rbf"                
## [169] "rbfDDA"              "Rborist"             "rda"                
## [172] "regLogistic"         "relaxo"              "rf"                 
## [175] "rFerns"              "RFlda"               "rfRules"            
## [178] "ridge"               "rlda"                "rlm"                
## [181] "rmda"                "rocc"                "rotationForest"     
## [184] "rotationForestCp"    "rpart"               "rpart1SE"           
## [187] "rpart2"              "rpartCost"           "rpartScore"         
## [190] "rqlasso"             "rqnc"                "RRF"                
## [193] "RRFglobal"           "rrlda"               "RSimca"             
## [196] "rvmLinear"           "rvmPoly"             "rvmRadial"          
## [199] "SBC"                 "sda"                 "sdwd"               
## [202] "simpls"              "SLAVE"               "slda"               
## [205] "smda"                "snn"                 "sparseLDA"          
## [208] "spikeslab"           "spls"                "stepLDA"            
## [211] "stepQDA"             "superpc"             "svmBoundrangeString"
## [214] "svmExpoString"       "svmLinear"           "svmLinear2"         
## [217] "svmLinear3"          "svmLinearWeights"    "svmLinearWeights2"  
## [220] "svmPoly"             "svmRadial"           "svmRadialCost"      
## [223] "svmRadialSigma"      "svmRadialWeights"    "svmSpectrumString"  
## [226] "tan"                 "tanSearch"           "treebag"            
## [229] "vbmpRadial"          "vglmAdjCat"          "vglmContRatio"      
## [232] "vglmCumulative"      "widekernelpls"       "WM"                 
## [235] "wsrf"                "xgbDART"             "xgbLinear"          
## [238] "xgbTree"             "xyf"
## [1] 239
## $nnet
## $nnet$label
## [1] "Neural Network"
## $nnet$library
## [1] "nnet"
## $nnet$loop
## $nnet$type
## [1] "Classification" "Regression"    
## $nnet$parameters
##   parameter   class         label
## 1      size numeric #Hidden Units
## 2     decay numeric  Weight Decay
## $nnet$grid
## function (x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid") 
## {
##     if (search == "grid") {
##         out <- expand.grid(size = ((1:len) * 2) - 1, decay = c(0, 
##             10^seq(-1, -4, length = len - 1)))
##     }
##     else {
##         out <- data.frame(size = sample(1:20, size = len, replace = TRUE), 
##             decay = 10^runif(len, min = -5, 1))
##     }
##     out
## }
## $nnet$fit
## function (x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...) 
## {
##     dat <- if (is.data.frame(x)) 
##         x
##     else as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
##     dat$.outcome <- y
##     if (!is.null(wts)) {
##         out <- nnet::nnet(.outcome ~ ., data = dat, weights = wts, 
##             size = param$size, decay = param$decay, ...)
##     }
##     else out <- nnet::nnet(.outcome ~ ., data = dat, size = param$size, 
##         decay = param$decay, ...)
##     out
## }
## $nnet$predict
## function (modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) 
## {
##     if (modelFit$problemType == "Classification") {
##         out <- predict(modelFit, newdata, type = "class")
##     }
##     else {
##         out <- predict(modelFit, newdata, type = "raw")[, 1]
##     }
##     out
## }
## $nnet$prob
## function (modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) 
## {
##     out <- predict(modelFit, newdata)
##     if (ncol(as.data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)) == 
##         1) {
##         out <- cbind(out, 1 - out)
##         dimnames(out)[[2]] <- rev(modelFit$obsLevels)
##     }
##     out
## }
## $nnet$varImp
## function (object, ...) 
## {
##     imp <- caret:::GarsonWeights(object, ...)
##     if (ncol(imp) > 1) {
##         imp <- cbind(apply(imp, 1, mean), imp)
##         colnames(imp)[1] <- "Overall"
##     }
##     else {
##         imp <- as.data.frame(imp, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
##         names(imp) <- "Overall"
##     }
##     if (!is.null(object$xNames)) 
##         rownames(imp) <- object$xNames
##     imp
## }
## $nnet$predictors
## function (x, ...) 
## if (hasTerms(x)) predictors(x$terms) else NA
## $nnet$tags
## [1] "Neural Network"       "L2 Regularization"    "Accepts Case Weights"
## $nnet$levels
## function (x) 
## x$lev
## $nnet$sort
## function (x) 
## x[order(x$size, -x$decay), ]
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
getModelInfo("nnet", regex = FALSE)[[1]]$parameter
##   parameter   class         label
## 1      size numeric #Hidden Units
## 2     decay numeric  Weight Decay
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trnCtrl = trainControl(
  method = "repeatedcv",
  repeats = 3,
  classProbs = TRUE)
## [1] 27
## $method
## [1] "repeatedcv"
## $number
## [1] 10
tuneGrid = expand.grid(
  size = c(2, 4, 8),
  decay = c(0, 1e-2, 1e-1))

##   size decay
## 1    2  0.00
## 2    4  0.00
## 3    8  0.00
## 4    2  0.01
## 5    4  0.01
## 6    8  0.01
## 7    2  0.10
## 8    4  0.10
## 9    8  0.10
nnfit = train(
  Embryonic.day ~ Fn1 + Timd2 + Gata4 + Sox7,
  data = embryoCells,
  method = "nnet",
  tuneGrid  = tuneGrid,
  trControl = trnCtrl,
  metric = "Accuracy")
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 59.333037 
## iter  10 value 56.134816
## iter  20 value 55.729873
## iter  30 value 38.738569
## iter  40 value 28.528661
## iter  50 value 24.414262
## iter  60 value 24.185448
## iter  70 value 24.072615
## iter  80 value 24.000343
## final  value 23.994636 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 63.008134 
## iter  10 value 56.133341
## iter  20 value 36.068180
## iter  30 value 31.594105
## iter  40 value 25.809883
## iter  50 value 23.224542
## iter  60 value 20.273720
## iter  70 value 20.243851
## iter  80 value 20.241563
## iter  90 value 20.232558
## final  value 20.231167 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 75.289286 
## iter  10 value 28.339475
## iter  20 value 21.158409
## iter  30 value 18.652139
## iter  40 value 18.528125
## iter  50 value 18.527162
## iter  60 value 18.527136
## iter  60 value 18.527136
## final  value 18.527136 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 68.172432 
## iter  10 value 31.798436
## iter  20 value 28.167466
## iter  30 value 24.395831
## iter  40 value 24.169223
## iter  50 value 24.139163
## iter  60 value 24.135227
## iter  70 value 24.135125
## final  value 24.135124 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 57.532747 
## iter  10 value 49.723760
## iter  20 value 46.920518
## iter  30 value 25.887168
## iter  40 value 21.385895
## iter  50 value 20.093340
## iter  60 value 19.841860
## iter  70 value 19.783302
## iter  80 value 18.385908
## iter  90 value 18.026425
## iter 100 value 17.843928
## final  value 17.843928 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 85.782718 
## iter  10 value 31.219555
## iter  20 value 24.267754
## iter  30 value 23.094937
## iter  40 value 21.890637
## iter  50 value 19.620880
## iter  60 value 15.638963
## iter  70 value 13.863519
## iter  80 value 13.282409
## iter  90 value 12.779956
## iter 100 value 12.307588
## final  value 12.307588 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 64.264995 
## iter  10 value 36.530237
## iter  20 value 35.298711
## iter  30 value 31.467791
## iter  40 value 30.332139
## iter  50 value 29.940732
## final  value 29.939954 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 61.521730 
## iter  10 value 37.779554
## iter  20 value 34.294990
## iter  30 value 28.393288
## iter  40 value 27.672226
## iter  50 value 27.422303
## iter  60 value 27.403887
## iter  70 value 27.402279
## iter  80 value 27.402159
## final  value 27.402155 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 104.700987 
## iter  10 value 54.327474
## iter  20 value 34.084418
## iter  30 value 30.858325
## iter  40 value 28.508831
## iter  50 value 27.686078
## iter  60 value 27.310005
## iter  70 value 26.963859
## iter  80 value 26.664357
## iter  90 value 26.588355
## iter 100 value 26.576957
## final  value 26.576957 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 57.296909 
## iter  10 value 31.584501
## iter  20 value 26.314596
## iter  30 value 26.132620
## iter  40 value 26.109009
## final  value 26.108616 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 68.505534 
## iter  10 value 23.733617
## iter  20 value 20.125214
## iter  30 value 16.677053
## iter  40 value 15.579274
## iter  50 value 15.105309
## iter  60 value 12.118637
## iter  70 value 10.447087
## iter  80 value 10.180198
## iter  90 value 10.159532
## iter 100 value 9.761404
## final  value 9.761404 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 151.146592 
## iter  10 value 41.354745
## iter  20 value 33.954300
## iter  30 value 27.263201
## iter  40 value 24.376850
## iter  50 value 24.290703
## iter  60 value 24.206697
## iter  70 value 24.179591
## iter  80 value 24.173893
## iter  90 value 24.170747
## iter 100 value 24.169465
## final  value 24.169465 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 82.952481 
## iter  10 value 55.656916
## iter  20 value 44.743357
## iter  30 value 29.055005
## iter  40 value 28.987859
## iter  50 value 27.176647
## iter  60 value 20.673944
## iter  70 value 20.610186
## iter  80 value 20.608352
## final  value 20.608343 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 66.252331 
## iter  10 value 25.351339
## iter  20 value 22.145005
## iter  30 value 19.543518
## iter  40 value 18.804456
## iter  50 value 18.684313
## iter  60 value 18.648263
## iter  70 value 16.854643
## iter  80 value 15.865818
## iter  90 value 15.221796
## iter 100 value 15.155765
## final  value 15.155765 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 63.402178 
## iter  10 value 27.689442
## iter  20 value 20.079879
## iter  30 value 17.729582
## iter  40 value 16.366287
## iter  50 value 15.089020
## iter  60 value 14.320750
## iter  70 value 14.276793
## iter  80 value 13.228262
## iter  90 value 10.845989
## iter 100 value 10.326784
## final  value 10.326784 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 68.052212 
## iter  10 value 36.223823
## iter  20 value 31.323428
## iter  30 value 29.003155
## iter  40 value 28.240399
## iter  50 value 28.202048
## final  value 28.194580 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 74.170118 
## iter  10 value 37.634621
## iter  20 value 29.070371
## iter  30 value 26.100384
## iter  40 value 25.887195
## iter  50 value 25.497567
## iter  60 value 25.466383
## iter  70 value 25.443006
## iter  80 value 25.440718
## iter  90 value 25.393103
## final  value 25.392934 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 86.194084 
## iter  10 value 36.587755
## iter  20 value 29.044050
## iter  30 value 26.494891
## iter  40 value 25.542289
## iter  50 value 24.736913
## iter  60 value 24.328149
## iter  70 value 24.200966
## iter  80 value 24.151551
## iter  90 value 24.146417
## iter 100 value 24.142877
## final  value 24.142877 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 66.696115 
## iter  10 value 54.308229
## iter  20 value 36.558303
## iter  30 value 33.756270
## iter  40 value 33.033597
## iter  50 value 32.750307
## iter  60 value 32.709619
## iter  70 value 31.672597
## iter  80 value 31.566986
## iter  90 value 31.371432
## iter 100 value 31.298833
## final  value 31.298833 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 80.401842 
## iter  10 value 35.633398
## iter  20 value 22.983238
## iter  30 value 18.562962
## iter  40 value 16.746114
## iter  50 value 12.972295
## iter  60 value 9.530074
## iter  70 value 8.986155
## iter  80 value 8.951792
## iter  90 value 8.936321
## iter 100 value 8.897334
## final  value 8.897334 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 58.501787 
## iter  10 value 33.910657
## iter  20 value 23.016062
## iter  30 value 17.994375
## iter  40 value 16.354005
## iter  50 value 16.169106
## iter  60 value 10.661303
## iter  70 value 10.532687
## iter  80 value 10.532527
## final  value 10.532507 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 62.282871 
## iter  10 value 43.795115
## iter  20 value 42.288330
## iter  30 value 33.188759
## iter  40 value 27.672024
## iter  50 value 26.431743
## iter  60 value 24.949284
## iter  70 value 24.940557
## iter  80 value 24.940451
## final  value 24.940446 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 80.454075 
## iter  10 value 58.348785
## iter  20 value 55.336832
## iter  30 value 33.808594
## iter  40 value 30.943581
## iter  50 value 26.228675
## iter  60 value 23.812101
## iter  70 value 19.283051
## iter  80 value 17.262669
## iter  90 value 16.768583
## iter 100 value 16.608026
## final  value 16.608026 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 119.258978 
## iter  10 value 32.299323
## iter  20 value 25.633004
## iter  30 value 23.441400
## iter  40 value 20.569049
## iter  50 value 18.441345
## iter  60 value 17.524531
## iter  70 value 16.837435
## iter  80 value 16.211565
## iter  90 value 15.416156
## iter 100 value 14.510685
## final  value 14.510685 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 79.553142 
## iter  10 value 58.895343
## iter  20 value 43.861517
## iter  30 value 32.701940
## iter  40 value 31.272589
## iter  50 value 31.231416
## iter  50 value 31.231416
## iter  50 value 31.231416
## final  value 31.231416 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 74.103762 
## iter  10 value 57.130244
## iter  20 value 38.614061
## iter  30 value 34.205405
## iter  40 value 31.012175
## iter  50 value 29.212820
## iter  60 value 29.081850
## iter  70 value 29.069927
## iter  80 value 28.982177
## iter  90 value 28.506558
## iter 100 value 28.425048
## final  value 28.425048 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 88.096915 
## iter  10 value 35.373626
## iter  20 value 30.243445
## iter  30 value 29.041288
## iter  40 value 28.475423
## iter  50 value 27.625049
## iter  60 value 27.267760
## iter  70 value 27.104967
## iter  80 value 27.082550
## iter  90 value 27.072743
## iter 100 value 27.066619
## final  value 27.066619 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 76.940412 
## iter  10 value 32.699075
## iter  20 value 16.939468
## iter  30 value 11.510103
## iter  40 value 11.304968
## iter  50 value 10.862427
## iter  60 value 10.055003
## iter  70 value 9.686723
## iter  80 value 9.667015
## iter  90 value 9.659316
## iter 100 value 9.654033
## final  value 9.654033 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 58.538588 
## iter  10 value 24.081685
## iter  20 value 16.429715
## iter  30 value 12.968161
## iter  40 value 9.622206
## iter  50 value 7.930908
## iter  60 value 7.584994
## iter  70 value 7.493205
## iter  80 value 7.436336
## iter  90 value 7.208847
## iter 100 value 7.135444
## final  value 7.135444 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 61.725937 
## iter  10 value 35.191687
## iter  20 value 13.709876
## iter  30 value 10.715756
## iter  40 value 10.386869
## iter  50 value 10.381196
## iter  60 value 10.247713
## iter  70 value 10.247631
## iter  80 value 10.240892
## iter  90 value 10.237921
## iter 100 value 10.226217
## final  value 10.226217 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 68.025192 
## iter  10 value 33.769234
## iter  20 value 26.865647
## iter  30 value 19.352820
## iter  40 value 16.032516
## iter  50 value 15.933265
## iter  60 value 15.931261
## iter  60 value 15.931261
## final  value 15.931260 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 71.670375 
## iter  10 value 29.359618
## iter  20 value 23.978360
## iter  30 value 16.773028
## iter  40 value 16.018543
## iter  50 value 15.653822
## iter  60 value 14.319435
## iter  70 value 13.954947
## iter  80 value 13.272745
## iter  90 value 12.917337
## iter 100 value 12.018996
## final  value 12.018996 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 62.356830 
## iter  10 value 31.940009
## iter  20 value 21.268892
## iter  30 value 20.574490
## iter  40 value 15.958784
## iter  50 value 14.282902
## iter  60 value 13.095402
## iter  70 value 11.807398
## iter  80 value 11.177823
## iter  90 value 10.360525
## iter 100 value 9.861563
## final  value 9.861563 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 58.093012 
## iter  10 value 46.714959
## iter  20 value 27.382677
## iter  30 value 25.589581
## iter  40 value 25.272917
## final  value 25.268868 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 79.046424 
## iter  10 value 31.292227
## iter  20 value 25.046393
## iter  30 value 23.291871
## iter  40 value 22.513949
## iter  50 value 22.490823
## iter  60 value 22.490183
## final  value 22.490159 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 56.690093 
## iter  10 value 35.752607
## iter  20 value 23.784035
## iter  30 value 23.067271
## iter  40 value 22.064715
## iter  50 value 21.593568
## iter  60 value 21.429480
## iter  70 value 21.380792
## iter  80 value 21.366953
## iter  90 value 21.361650
## iter 100 value 21.357398
## final  value 21.357398 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 61.240893 
## iter  10 value 53.776364
## iter  20 value 40.334675
## iter  30 value 39.887775
## iter  40 value 39.822068
## iter  50 value 39.814042
## iter  60 value 39.813788
## iter  70 value 38.433868
## iter  80 value 27.392498
## iter  90 value 26.010747
## iter 100 value 25.002662
## final  value 25.002662 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 145.956150 
## iter  10 value 55.036588
## iter  20 value 45.684985
## iter  30 value 30.956795
## iter  40 value 30.387788
## iter  50 value 30.206322
## iter  60 value 30.049369
## iter  70 value 29.943435
## iter  80 value 29.929697
## iter  90 value 29.927506
## iter 100 value 29.927387
## final  value 29.927387 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 59.634317 
## iter  10 value 29.058558
## iter  20 value 19.227255
## iter  30 value 15.336671
## iter  40 value 11.048586
## iter  50 value 7.531037
## iter  60 value 6.535703
## iter  70 value 5.875909
## iter  80 value 2.783533
## iter  90 value 2.294520
## iter 100 value 2.006215
## final  value 2.006215 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 58.239968 
## iter  10 value 39.210031
## iter  20 value 32.097536
## iter  30 value 31.297302
## iter  40 value 25.814506
## iter  50 value 25.311069
## iter  60 value 25.286701
## iter  70 value 25.248410
## iter  80 value 25.197649
## iter  90 value 25.185130
## iter 100 value 25.184717
## final  value 25.184717 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 78.559753 
## iter  10 value 55.228165
## iter  20 value 41.990937
## iter  30 value 29.861406
## iter  40 value 25.307168
## iter  50 value 20.789279
## iter  60 value 19.736924
## iter  70 value 19.439759
## iter  80 value 17.619172
## iter  90 value 17.115401
## iter 100 value 17.101273
## final  value 17.101273 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 65.890440 
## iter  10 value 29.335254
## iter  20 value 20.904503
## iter  30 value 19.563746
## iter  40 value 15.660338
## iter  50 value 14.235237
## iter  60 value 12.799649
## iter  70 value 11.072377
## iter  80 value 10.239959
## iter  90 value 9.916474
## iter 100 value 9.739604
## final  value 9.739604 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 77.642667 
## iter  10 value 42.746454
## iter  20 value 35.862003
## iter  30 value 31.093876
## iter  40 value 30.616766
## iter  50 value 29.968707
## final  value 29.949193 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 80.746800 
## iter  10 value 40.512957
## iter  20 value 33.830712
## iter  30 value 28.083014
## iter  40 value 26.982647
## iter  50 value 26.951324
## iter  60 value 26.914006
## iter  70 value 26.897226
## final  value 26.897224 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 150.598883 
## iter  10 value 42.088153
## iter  20 value 35.292945
## iter  30 value 29.173779
## iter  40 value 27.134262
## iter  50 value 26.294849
## iter  60 value 25.928265
## iter  70 value 25.818103
## iter  80 value 25.792000
## iter  90 value 25.789437
## iter 100 value 25.789307
## final  value 25.789307 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 65.941844 
## iter  10 value 38.501880
## iter  20 value 37.490732
## iter  30 value 34.870719
## iter  40 value 33.531809
## iter  50 value 28.684186
## iter  60 value 27.251331
## iter  70 value 27.176719
## iter  80 value 27.032045
## iter  90 value 26.849886
## iter 100 value 26.785877
## final  value 26.785877 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 60.391097 
## iter  10 value 30.176579
## iter  20 value 20.791085
## iter  30 value 15.775644
## iter  40 value 13.368332
## iter  50 value 12.436709
## iter  60 value 12.243520
## iter  70 value 11.829182
## iter  80 value 11.806411
## iter  90 value 11.801247
## iter 100 value 11.800487
## final  value 11.800487 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 62.733979 
## iter  10 value 37.091128
## iter  20 value 19.560162
## iter  30 value 15.319731
## iter  40 value 13.336970
## iter  50 value 13.172220
## iter  60 value 13.090501
## iter  70 value 13.034888
## iter  80 value 11.959199
## iter  90 value 10.518519
## iter 100 value 9.347498
## final  value 9.347498 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 61.944169 
## iter  10 value 30.945820
## iter  20 value 21.655385
## iter  30 value 21.165287
## iter  40 value 21.149720
## final  value 21.149316 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 56.170994 
## iter  10 value 34.016574
## iter  20 value 24.679679
## iter  30 value 23.167568
## iter  40 value 20.724393
## iter  50 value 19.982183
## iter  60 value 19.739466
## iter  70 value 19.662152
## iter  80 value 19.606230
## iter  90 value 19.049265
## iter 100 value 17.364902
## final  value 17.364902 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 62.632029 
## iter  10 value 29.710617
## iter  20 value 21.279533
## iter  30 value 18.981865
## iter  40 value 14.516749
## iter  50 value 12.338956
## iter  60 value 11.903888
## iter  70 value 11.215539
## iter  80 value 10.819653
## iter  90 value 10.468578
## iter 100 value 10.293818
## final  value 10.293818 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 68.268338 
## iter  10 value 55.141414
## iter  20 value 41.259187
## iter  30 value 31.656531
## iter  40 value 30.337497
## iter  50 value 29.838784
## iter  60 value 29.639227
## iter  70 value 29.616894
## final  value 29.615312 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 90.176009 
## iter  10 value 41.579715
## iter  20 value 35.033432
## iter  30 value 29.866446
## iter  40 value 28.997486
## iter  50 value 28.054653
## iter  60 value 27.872748
## iter  70 value 27.863315
## iter  80 value 27.848434
## iter  90 value 27.842116
## iter 100 value 27.842022
## final  value 27.842022 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 72.537016 
## iter  10 value 38.072416
## iter  20 value 29.384030
## iter  30 value 27.491597
## iter  40 value 26.639894
## iter  50 value 26.347376
## iter  60 value 26.155670
## iter  70 value 26.084723
## iter  80 value 26.065211
## iter  90 value 26.055934
## iter 100 value 26.051243
## final  value 26.051243 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 82.433885 
## final  value 56.135144 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 62.359424 
## iter  10 value 45.537160
## iter  20 value 27.525600
## iter  30 value 23.906074
## iter  40 value 20.416672
## iter  50 value 20.380959
## iter  60 value 20.293013
## iter  70 value 20.129002
## iter  80 value 20.070885
## iter  90 value 20.067656
## iter 100 value 19.992258
## final  value 19.992258 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 65.335868 
## iter  10 value 32.305338
## iter  20 value 22.455686
## iter  30 value 15.487382
## iter  40 value 12.011446
## iter  50 value 9.952913
## iter  60 value 9.644599
## iter  70 value 9.469919
## iter  80 value 9.314324
## iter  90 value 9.215793
## iter 100 value 9.118748
## final  value 9.118748 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 65.015031 
## iter  10 value 54.563458
## iter  20 value 31.388998
## iter  30 value 30.895290
## iter  40 value 28.896398
## iter  50 value 27.945590
## iter  60 value 27.629047
## iter  70 value 27.612946
## final  value 27.612909 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 59.358233 
## iter  10 value 31.096766
## iter  20 value 24.846746
## iter  30 value 20.270136
## iter  40 value 18.448552
## iter  50 value 17.359451
## iter  60 value 17.293134
## iter  70 value 17.285635
## iter  80 value 16.866227
## iter  90 value 16.603115
## iter 100 value 16.588558
## final  value 16.588558 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 75.138408 
## iter  10 value 34.159442
## iter  20 value 31.089906
## iter  30 value 25.624710
## iter  40 value 20.856057
## iter  50 value 19.310462
## iter  60 value 17.732829
## iter  70 value 17.189591
## iter  80 value 15.548546
## iter  90 value 13.627298
## iter 100 value 12.568763
## final  value 12.568763 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 90.332459 
## iter  10 value 43.524273
## iter  20 value 33.000511
## iter  30 value 30.212879
## iter  40 value 29.064503
## iter  50 value 27.522349
## final  value 27.522336 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 70.797154 
## iter  10 value 52.914046
## iter  20 value 34.286740
## iter  30 value 26.452940
## iter  40 value 25.581558
## iter  50 value 25.117346
## iter  60 value 25.018469
## iter  70 value 25.012827
## iter  80 value 25.012020
## iter  90 value 25.011463
## final  value 25.011457 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 59.794959 
## iter  10 value 33.570589
## iter  20 value 26.236308
## iter  30 value 25.004625
## iter  40 value 24.621232
## iter  50 value 24.070785
## iter  60 value 23.923587
## iter  70 value 23.885632
## iter  80 value 23.871240
## iter  90 value 23.869368
## iter 100 value 23.868141
## final  value 23.868141 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 86.814531 
## iter  10 value 56.135211
## final  value 56.135144 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 85.245881 
## iter  10 value 33.645447
## iter  20 value 23.207879
## iter  30 value 16.653973
## iter  40 value 15.817387
## iter  50 value 15.732422
## iter  60 value 14.743798
## iter  70 value 12.970697
## iter  80 value 11.707435
## iter  90 value 11.611274
## iter 100 value 11.234976
## final  value 11.234976 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 74.061659 
## iter  10 value 29.427406
## iter  20 value 20.936616
## iter  30 value 13.025904
## iter  40 value 10.479349
## iter  50 value 10.257203
## iter  60 value 10.256338
## final  value 10.256313 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 62.606446 
## iter  10 value 56.006820
## iter  20 value 40.917821
## iter  30 value 38.599812
## iter  40 value 27.503669
## iter  50 value 26.468512
## iter  60 value 25.992711
## iter  70 value 25.922424
## iter  80 value 25.921296
## final  value 25.921276 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 88.258698 
## iter  10 value 32.733650
## iter  20 value 26.040517
## iter  30 value 24.816895
## iter  40 value 24.645755
## iter  50 value 23.865931
## iter  60 value 20.882066
## iter  70 value 20.242182
## iter  80 value 20.207750
## iter  90 value 20.205497
## iter 100 value 20.205074
## final  value 20.205074 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 57.586633 
## iter  10 value 28.494178
## iter  20 value 23.131501
## iter  30 value 19.453641
## iter  40 value 17.924434
## iter  50 value 16.103998
## iter  60 value 14.162578
## iter  70 value 13.235799
## iter  80 value 12.621814
## iter  90 value 11.990745
## iter 100 value 11.249195
## final  value 11.249195 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 69.500127 
## iter  10 value 41.674905
## iter  20 value 34.791053
## iter  30 value 33.209860
## iter  40 value 30.115924
## iter  50 value 30.106887
## final  value 30.106882 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 72.588372 
## iter  10 value 53.490529
## iter  20 value 38.280304
## iter  30 value 29.479803
## iter  40 value 28.037362
## iter  50 value 27.903299
## iter  60 value 27.890857
## iter  70 value 27.888402
## iter  80 value 27.886671
## final  value 27.886428 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 74.881291 
## iter  10 value 45.916265
## iter  20 value 35.833625
## iter  30 value 30.027235
## iter  40 value 28.183358
## iter  50 value 27.618118
## iter  60 value 27.106972
## iter  70 value 26.954648
## iter  80 value 26.909404
## iter  90 value 26.888524
## iter 100 value 26.882295
## final  value 26.882295 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 63.207560 
## iter  10 value 37.711462
## iter  20 value 33.386547
## iter  30 value 32.699288
## iter  40 value 32.459893
## iter  50 value 32.400121
## iter  60 value 29.108363
## iter  70 value 27.310903
## iter  80 value 27.159450
## iter  90 value 27.113524
## iter 100 value 25.581708
## final  value 25.581708 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 60.465155 
## iter  10 value 40.529696
## iter  20 value 32.493608
## iter  30 value 24.704852
## iter  40 value 21.847028
## iter  50 value 20.441154
## iter  60 value 18.368152
## iter  70 value 18.298315
## iter  80 value 18.294377
## iter  90 value 18.294029
## iter 100 value 18.289022
## final  value 18.289022 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 94.295165 
## iter  10 value 42.092557
## iter  20 value 24.468274
## iter  30 value 19.494170
## iter  40 value 15.214867
## iter  50 value 13.189191
## iter  60 value 12.821882
## iter  70 value 12.757375
## iter  80 value 12.755018
## iter  90 value 12.754734
## final  value 12.754635 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 102.867390 
## iter  10 value 58.832000
## iter  20 value 43.181056
## iter  30 value 26.707697
## iter  40 value 25.899329
## iter  50 value 24.231179
## iter  60 value 23.488693
## iter  70 value 22.741912
## iter  80 value 22.612126
## final  value 22.605257 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 71.629148 
## iter  10 value 39.269803
## iter  20 value 26.091625
## iter  30 value 22.449795
## iter  40 value 21.273305
## iter  50 value 20.922933
## iter  60 value 19.976959
## iter  70 value 17.849437
## iter  80 value 17.469567
## iter  90 value 17.447410
## iter 100 value 17.446852
## final  value 17.446852 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 86.538422 
## iter  10 value 30.856803
## iter  20 value 24.263498
## iter  30 value 22.291073
## iter  40 value 20.017093
## iter  50 value 17.832727
## iter  60 value 16.571979
## iter  70 value 13.738539
## iter  80 value 12.276209
## iter  90 value 11.983596
## iter 100 value 11.755731
## final  value 11.755731 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 88.041353 
## iter  10 value 59.098740
## iter  20 value 37.656226
## iter  30 value 36.743938
## iter  40 value 34.562170
## iter  50 value 29.044175
## iter  60 value 28.737660
## final  value 28.736175 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 74.181330 
## iter  10 value 43.623763
## iter  20 value 32.147848
## iter  30 value 28.375065
## iter  40 value 27.442767
## iter  50 value 27.330135
## final  value 27.330117 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 67.321902 
## iter  10 value 32.193747
## iter  20 value 27.064011
## iter  30 value 26.576407
## iter  40 value 26.323093
## iter  50 value 26.028468
## iter  60 value 25.922044
## iter  70 value 25.886922
## iter  80 value 25.874496
## iter  90 value 25.873589
## iter 100 value 25.873326
## final  value 25.873326 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 68.916368 
## iter  10 value 41.029327
## iter  20 value 38.274291
## iter  30 value 37.973498
## iter  40 value 37.973109
## iter  40 value 37.973109
## final  value 37.973109 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 101.062200 
## iter  10 value 39.217805
## iter  20 value 34.899366
## iter  30 value 34.609823
## iter  40 value 34.540242
## iter  50 value 34.530463
## iter  60 value 34.529147
## iter  70 value 34.528962
## final  value 34.528952 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 69.097478 
## iter  10 value 30.127199
## iter  20 value 19.258658
## iter  30 value 16.861767
## iter  40 value 14.931977
## iter  50 value 14.601288
## iter  60 value 13.435909
## iter  70 value 10.294675
## iter  80 value 9.493766
## iter  90 value 9.389006
## iter 100 value 9.308071
## final  value 9.308071 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 82.026569 
## iter  10 value 37.635027
## iter  20 value 33.652667
## iter  30 value 23.923975
## iter  40 value 22.720618
## iter  50 value 22.706138
## iter  60 value 22.705746
## iter  60 value 22.705746
## final  value 22.705746 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 80.694025 
## iter  10 value 56.874350
## iter  20 value 34.125495
## iter  30 value 23.024539
## iter  40 value 20.646848
## iter  50 value 19.596267
## iter  60 value 18.264715
## iter  70 value 17.936757
## iter  80 value 17.829388
## iter  90 value 17.493709
## iter 100 value 15.449364
## final  value 15.449364 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 100.566217 
## iter  10 value 52.576531
## iter  20 value 31.383450
## iter  30 value 23.388817
## iter  40 value 19.913510
## iter  50 value 18.974381
## iter  60 value 16.799279
## iter  70 value 16.295030
## iter  80 value 13.437162
## iter  90 value 12.152369
## iter 100 value 10.379224
## final  value 10.379224 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 70.282491 
## iter  10 value 56.530786
## iter  20 value 40.693864
## iter  30 value 29.927561
## iter  40 value 29.493403
## iter  50 value 28.477362
## iter  60 value 28.428280
## final  value 28.428273 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 77.993079 
## iter  10 value 39.145006
## iter  20 value 28.388824
## iter  30 value 26.607931
## iter  40 value 25.453966
## iter  50 value 25.386828
## iter  60 value 25.385294
## final  value 25.385155 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 113.340264 
## iter  10 value 61.641077
## iter  20 value 36.844922
## iter  30 value 31.487999
## iter  40 value 27.168217
## iter  50 value 25.894138
## iter  60 value 25.124793
## iter  70 value 24.811118
## iter  80 value 24.688576
## iter  90 value 24.592536
## iter 100 value 24.415861
## final  value 24.415861 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 82.521277 
## iter  10 value 29.397083
## iter  20 value 20.666581
## iter  30 value 19.801723
## iter  40 value 19.798501
## iter  50 value 19.792248
## iter  60 value 19.741245
## iter  70 value 19.727235
## iter  80 value 19.682004
## iter  90 value 19.681829
## final  value 19.681828 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 93.665913 
## iter  10 value 30.847840
## iter  20 value 29.125692
## iter  30 value 23.654240
## iter  40 value 17.530135
## iter  50 value 16.662931
## iter  60 value 16.064096
## iter  70 value 15.507467
## iter  80 value 15.220956
## iter  90 value 15.164877
## iter 100 value 15.150181
## final  value 15.150181 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 53.594847 
## iter  10 value 31.450502
## iter  20 value 20.002771
## iter  30 value 15.889548
## iter  40 value 15.542620
## iter  50 value 15.128530
## iter  60 value 14.265782
## iter  70 value 13.829617
## iter  80 value 13.743596
## iter  90 value 13.725109
## iter 100 value 13.677416
## final  value 13.677416 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 85.276764 
## iter  10 value 39.307388
## iter  20 value 36.473421
## iter  30 value 26.603606
## iter  40 value 21.830077
## iter  50 value 20.536819
## iter  60 value 20.468942
## iter  70 value 20.462689
## iter  80 value 20.459812
## final  value 20.459783 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 98.900932 
## iter  10 value 55.672289
## iter  20 value 31.740092
## iter  30 value 31.011694
## iter  40 value 27.037373
## iter  50 value 23.507000
## iter  60 value 20.930656
## iter  70 value 20.582791
## iter  80 value 18.224886
## iter  90 value 17.452429
## iter 100 value 16.530632
## final  value 16.530632 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 112.463519 
## iter  10 value 40.081188
## iter  20 value 31.249200
## iter  30 value 26.829198
## iter  40 value 22.277260
## iter  50 value 20.736048
## iter  60 value 19.832821
## iter  70 value 16.844929
## iter  80 value 15.882282
## iter  90 value 15.311168
## iter 100 value 14.716615
## final  value 14.716615 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 75.944113 
## iter  10 value 53.691347
## iter  20 value 30.912446
## iter  30 value 27.690039
## iter  40 value 27.606461
## final  value 27.606455 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 69.685244 
## iter  10 value 38.105955
## iter  20 value 30.705583
## iter  30 value 27.122691
## iter  40 value 26.012054
## iter  50 value 25.687894
## iter  60 value 25.596363
## iter  70 value 25.561921
## iter  80 value 25.550205
## final  value 25.549466 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 82.732652 
## iter  10 value 28.354013
## iter  20 value 26.138077
## iter  30 value 25.617570
## iter  40 value 24.707160
## iter  50 value 24.525243
## iter  60 value 24.476503
## iter  70 value 24.425787
## iter  80 value 24.413801
## iter  90 value 24.412161
## iter 100 value 24.412105
## final  value 24.412105 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 70.332024 
## iter  10 value 28.570512
## iter  20 value 22.245652
## iter  30 value 20.516392
## iter  40 value 19.633288
## iter  50 value 19.259602
## iter  60 value 16.747963
## iter  70 value 15.265933
## iter  80 value 15.257689
## iter  90 value 15.231150
## iter 100 value 15.226492
## final  value 15.226492 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 58.577794 
## iter  10 value 22.571365
## iter  20 value 17.899341
## iter  30 value 14.976179
## iter  40 value 11.242405
## iter  50 value 9.156883
## iter  60 value 6.356395
## iter  70 value 4.764571
## iter  80 value 3.878524
## iter  90 value 3.822437
## iter 100 value 3.810843
## final  value 3.810843 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 84.821847 
## iter  10 value 50.696009
## iter  20 value 28.792948
## iter  30 value 18.101640
## iter  40 value 13.058414
## iter  50 value 12.453154
## iter  60 value 12.301370
## iter  70 value 12.240327
## iter  80 value 12.183087
## iter  90 value 12.126314
## iter 100 value 11.712453
## final  value 11.712453 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 71.370948 
## iter  10 value 56.317212
## iter  20 value 54.835159
## iter  30 value 28.066395
## iter  40 value 23.874975
## iter  50 value 22.592750
## iter  60 value 22.174949
## iter  70 value 22.165339
## final  value 22.165290 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 59.071346 
## iter  10 value 28.954616
## iter  20 value 21.303540
## iter  30 value 19.631349
## iter  40 value 18.569683
## iter  50 value 17.827934
## iter  60 value 17.585155
## iter  70 value 16.285780
## iter  80 value 14.237982
## iter  90 value 13.755098
## iter 100 value 13.691137
## final  value 13.691137 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 83.327796 
## iter  10 value 35.517237
## iter  20 value 23.028337
## iter  30 value 16.924335
## iter  40 value 15.538584
## iter  50 value 12.987462
## iter  60 value 11.425006
## iter  70 value 10.530563
## iter  80 value 9.809360
## iter  90 value 9.689303
## iter 100 value 9.260350
## final  value 9.260350 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 87.285374 
## iter  10 value 56.832600
## iter  20 value 32.944448
## iter  30 value 30.901590
## iter  40 value 25.256449
## iter  50 value 25.184420
## final  value 25.184378 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 66.314878 
## iter  10 value 40.538913
## iter  20 value 25.801263
## iter  30 value 23.401775
## iter  40 value 22.709387
## iter  50 value 22.426957
## iter  60 value 22.421371
## final  value 22.421346 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 82.621468 
## iter  10 value 37.744510
## iter  20 value 29.189876
## iter  30 value 24.292640
## iter  40 value 22.745325
## iter  50 value 21.932151
## iter  60 value 21.451304
## iter  70 value 21.356110
## iter  80 value 21.258310
## iter  90 value 21.192362
## iter 100 value 21.165576
## final  value 21.165576 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 69.834420 
## iter  10 value 29.552261
## iter  20 value 21.566937
## iter  30 value 21.298297
## iter  40 value 21.103348
## iter  50 value 20.996917
## iter  60 value 20.974596
## iter  70 value 20.971986
## iter  80 value 20.956314
## iter  90 value 20.953208
## iter 100 value 20.947968
## final  value 20.947968 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 84.937432 
## iter  10 value 55.592091
## iter  20 value 40.302173
## iter  30 value 25.076122
## iter  40 value 23.388469
## iter  50 value 22.893626
## iter  60 value 22.666925
## iter  70 value 22.582007
## iter  80 value 22.579663
## iter  90 value 22.573674
## iter 100 value 22.573073
## final  value 22.573073 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 70.251238 
## iter  10 value 32.541661
## iter  20 value 19.579579
## iter  30 value 12.907799
## iter  40 value 12.396597
## iter  50 value 12.248598
## iter  60 value 12.121245
## iter  70 value 11.964877
## iter  80 value 11.956007
## iter  90 value 11.955904
## iter 100 value 11.955234
## final  value 11.955234 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 58.683473 
## iter  10 value 33.948091
## iter  20 value 28.065680
## iter  30 value 27.747424
## iter  40 value 27.715243
## iter  50 value 27.708020
## iter  60 value 27.703088
## iter  70 value 27.571694
## iter  80 value 23.979539
## iter  90 value 23.740521
## iter 100 value 23.739422
## final  value 23.739422 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 57.287652 
## iter  10 value 25.446547
## iter  20 value 23.114356
## iter  30 value 22.652715
## iter  40 value 22.462517
## iter  50 value 21.053706
## iter  60 value 18.746209
## iter  70 value 18.564909
## iter  80 value 18.410610
## iter  90 value 18.135058
## iter 100 value 18.132890
## final  value 18.132890 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 150.206482 
## iter  10 value 51.531831
## iter  20 value 26.947114
## iter  30 value 22.231645
## iter  40 value 20.733622
## iter  50 value 20.046047
## iter  60 value 19.026451
## iter  70 value 18.107833
## iter  80 value 14.782330
## iter  90 value 13.660283
## iter 100 value 13.236634
## final  value 13.236634 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 63.443507 
## iter  10 value 36.644097
## iter  20 value 32.890608
## iter  30 value 31.167279
## iter  40 value 31.034758
## iter  50 value 30.049535
## final  value 30.040929 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 73.824540 
## iter  10 value 46.369780
## iter  20 value 30.334350
## iter  30 value 29.119836
## iter  40 value 28.211390
## iter  50 value 27.333178
## iter  60 value 27.188383
## iter  70 value 27.119252
## iter  80 value 27.085097
## final  value 27.085093 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 68.992107 
## iter  10 value 31.222018
## iter  20 value 27.798524
## iter  30 value 27.066153
## iter  40 value 26.424389
## iter  50 value 26.252256
## iter  60 value 26.216011
## iter  70 value 26.147987
## iter  80 value 26.118403
## iter  90 value 26.114309
## final  value 26.114232 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 74.566567 
## iter  10 value 48.471049
## iter  20 value 35.234052
## iter  30 value 29.929320
## iter  40 value 28.858920
## iter  50 value 28.816212
## iter  60 value 28.628689
## iter  70 value 28.627269
## iter  80 value 28.618022
## iter  90 value 28.617953
## final  value 28.617947 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 68.101285 
## iter  10 value 35.825919
## iter  20 value 28.219256
## iter  30 value 26.165892
## iter  40 value 18.946589
## iter  50 value 16.581682
## iter  60 value 15.279663
## iter  70 value 14.458470
## iter  80 value 14.029203
## iter  90 value 11.504586
## iter 100 value 10.558332
## final  value 10.558332 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 129.754147 
## iter  10 value 32.931132
## iter  20 value 21.792682
## iter  30 value 15.843367
## iter  40 value 14.942391
## iter  50 value 14.920517
## iter  60 value 14.917107
## iter  70 value 14.913146
## iter  80 value 14.909313
## iter  90 value 14.901248
## iter 100 value 14.899556
## final  value 14.899556 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 61.219555 
## iter  10 value 32.160921
## iter  20 value 26.766907
## iter  30 value 24.348517
## iter  40 value 23.625044
## iter  50 value 23.432321
## iter  60 value 23.336308
## iter  70 value 23.325048
## final  value 23.324919 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 61.870195 
## iter  10 value 43.704446
## iter  20 value 32.088111
## iter  30 value 31.763615
## iter  40 value 23.942993
## iter  50 value 22.261856
## iter  60 value 21.222156
## iter  70 value 19.580919
## iter  80 value 18.458934
## iter  90 value 17.761835
## iter 100 value 16.758666
## final  value 16.758666 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 99.058716 
## iter  10 value 33.083864
## iter  20 value 23.113187
## iter  30 value 19.061357
## iter  40 value 17.285269
## iter  50 value 15.754178
## iter  60 value 14.588421
## iter  70 value 13.724770
## iter  80 value 13.013988
## iter  90 value 12.342814
## iter 100 value 12.026888
## final  value 12.026888 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 63.156067 
## iter  10 value 56.300562
## iter  20 value 38.855299
## iter  30 value 34.740390
## iter  40 value 30.308695
## iter  50 value 29.509653
## iter  60 value 29.460753
## final  value 29.459253 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 67.789610 
## iter  10 value 54.459949
## iter  20 value 41.036513
## iter  30 value 30.407342
## iter  40 value 28.254219
## iter  50 value 27.818049
## iter  60 value 27.591583
## iter  70 value 27.580516
## iter  80 value 27.580381
## iter  90 value 27.579825
## iter 100 value 27.579527
## final  value 27.579527 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 64.446618 
## iter  10 value 37.723137
## iter  20 value 30.324492
## iter  30 value 27.572865
## iter  40 value 26.982383
## iter  50 value 26.696478
## iter  60 value 26.557358
## iter  70 value 26.447277
## iter  80 value 26.414461
## iter  90 value 26.398754
## iter 100 value 26.386569
## final  value 26.386569 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 88.823293 
## iter  10 value 40.702263
## iter  20 value 33.505993
## iter  30 value 29.943062
## iter  40 value 25.071172
## iter  50 value 22.003738
## iter  60 value 20.375648
## iter  70 value 20.181820
## iter  80 value 20.086196
## iter  90 value 20.006040
## iter 100 value 19.428787
## final  value 19.428787 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 75.954316 
## iter  10 value 38.307615
## iter  20 value 24.684372
## iter  30 value 19.918640
## iter  40 value 17.736627
## iter  50 value 17.008299
## iter  60 value 16.308206
## iter  70 value 14.456399
## iter  80 value 13.911677
## iter  90 value 13.719576
## iter 100 value 13.577532
## final  value 13.577532 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 59.479345 
## iter  10 value 32.674853
## iter  20 value 23.062761
## iter  30 value 20.487154
## iter  40 value 16.821682
## iter  50 value 15.795795
## iter  60 value 14.115092
## iter  70 value 10.972365
## iter  80 value 9.578265
## iter  90 value 9.457983
## iter 100 value 9.376043
## final  value 9.376043 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 58.321337 
## iter  10 value 42.931667
## iter  20 value 31.428327
## iter  30 value 29.352898
## iter  40 value 29.265917
## iter  50 value 29.164135
## iter  60 value 29.116066
## iter  70 value 28.555902
## iter  80 value 27.074979
## iter  90 value 25.291028
## iter 100 value 24.700014
## final  value 24.700014 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 64.753220 
## iter  10 value 35.923084
## iter  20 value 28.022965
## iter  30 value 23.280754
## iter  40 value 22.157102
## iter  50 value 22.083055
## iter  60 value 20.898920
## iter  70 value 18.188664
## iter  80 value 17.829617
## iter  90 value 17.675691
## iter 100 value 17.322660
## final  value 17.322660 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 113.643946 
## iter  10 value 29.247281
## iter  20 value 23.622014
## iter  30 value 22.554983
## iter  40 value 21.087942
## iter  50 value 16.274401
## iter  60 value 14.960621
## iter  70 value 14.693475
## iter  80 value 13.612761
## iter  90 value 10.057052
## iter 100 value 9.441773
## final  value 9.441773 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 59.909923 
## iter  10 value 41.711248
## iter  20 value 30.929094
## iter  30 value 30.249161
## iter  40 value 30.186979
## iter  50 value 30.186297
## final  value 30.186292 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 93.680614 
## iter  10 value 45.240789
## iter  20 value 33.447537
## iter  30 value 29.874890
## iter  40 value 29.628109
## iter  50 value 29.166870
## iter  60 value 28.671145
## iter  70 value 28.655547
## final  value 28.653626 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 98.510540 
## iter  10 value 43.290074
## iter  20 value 29.819479
## iter  30 value 27.938950
## iter  40 value 27.269436
## iter  50 value 26.994527
## iter  60 value 26.916656
## iter  70 value 26.902612
## iter  80 value 26.879395
## iter  90 value 26.832627
## iter 100 value 26.817418
## final  value 26.817418 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 66.077860 
## iter  10 value 52.848219
## iter  20 value 49.029168
## iter  30 value 48.989143
## iter  40 value 48.973712
## final  value 48.973700 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 92.521014 
## iter  10 value 38.618185
## iter  20 value 23.536609
## iter  30 value 17.528542
## iter  40 value 16.752470
## iter  50 value 13.920120
## iter  60 value 12.401070
## iter  70 value 12.249120
## iter  80 value 12.132932
## iter  90 value 11.956904
## iter 100 value 11.144651
## final  value 11.144651 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 73.071008 
## iter  10 value 57.305386
## iter  20 value 33.490870
## iter  30 value 32.180710
## iter  40 value 30.189293
## iter  50 value 17.939556
## iter  60 value 15.075991
## iter  70 value 12.744797
## iter  80 value 10.940543
## iter  90 value 10.860932
## iter 100 value 10.714813
## final  value 10.714813 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 59.476380 
## iter  10 value 42.678719
## iter  20 value 42.356196
## iter  30 value 41.562239
## iter  40 value 35.340365
## iter  50 value 31.330372
## iter  60 value 25.268454
## iter  70 value 24.881003
## iter  80 value 23.923937
## iter  90 value 23.615903
## iter 100 value 23.596427
## final  value 23.596427 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 77.962560 
## iter  10 value 37.941515
## iter  20 value 28.914006
## iter  30 value 28.194848
## iter  40 value 23.363964
## iter  50 value 20.248233
## iter  60 value 19.182912
## iter  70 value 18.005417
## iter  80 value 17.796027
## iter  90 value 17.792096
## iter 100 value 17.791940
## final  value 17.791940 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 62.887819 
## iter  10 value 35.441087
## iter  20 value 30.931521
## iter  30 value 22.614671
## iter  40 value 20.897682
## iter  50 value 20.176888
## iter  60 value 19.998332
## iter  70 value 17.921934
## iter  80 value 16.041448
## iter  90 value 14.954014
## iter 100 value 14.166804
## final  value 14.166804 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 69.123627 
## iter  10 value 51.657071
## iter  20 value 37.970653
## iter  30 value 36.608645
## iter  40 value 32.506287
## iter  50 value 30.494954
## iter  60 value 30.335864
## final  value 30.335847 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 58.369018 
## iter  10 value 45.451266
## iter  20 value 32.313120
## iter  30 value 29.527483
## iter  40 value 28.948596
## iter  50 value 28.879763
## iter  60 value 28.769251
## iter  70 value 28.706043
## final  value 28.706041 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 124.871987 
## iter  10 value 46.893322
## iter  20 value 32.827655
## iter  30 value 30.043102
## iter  40 value 28.922478
## iter  50 value 28.351277
## iter  60 value 28.056274
## iter  70 value 27.672308
## iter  80 value 27.620713
## iter  90 value 27.440038
## iter 100 value 27.321627
## final  value 27.321627 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 57.436620 
## iter  10 value 48.947609
## iter  20 value 29.672771
## iter  30 value 24.541467
## iter  40 value 19.234133
## iter  50 value 19.149012
## iter  60 value 19.147386
## iter  70 value 19.143756
## iter  80 value 19.143254
## iter  90 value 19.131856
## iter 100 value 19.126797
## final  value 19.126797 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 88.681149 
## iter  10 value 47.087296
## iter  20 value 36.991368
## iter  30 value 36.129763
## iter  40 value 36.115103
## final  value 36.115060 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 71.109580 
## iter  10 value 32.503437
## iter  20 value 18.832156
## iter  30 value 16.092708
## iter  40 value 15.755967
## iter  50 value 11.671068
## iter  60 value 11.141487
## iter  70 value 10.867138
## iter  80 value 10.829070
## iter  90 value 10.625209
## iter 100 value 10.525714
## final  value 10.525714 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 72.464722 
## iter  10 value 56.771303
## iter  20 value 31.949630
## iter  30 value 27.390643
## iter  40 value 23.416611
## iter  50 value 22.797549
## iter  60 value 22.765977
## iter  70 value 22.762856
## iter  80 value 22.762757
## iter  80 value 22.762757
## iter  80 value 22.762757
## final  value 22.762757 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 86.668806 
## iter  10 value 35.413468
## iter  20 value 20.060100
## iter  30 value 17.913390
## iter  40 value 17.295768
## iter  50 value 16.649727
## iter  60 value 14.420142
## iter  70 value 13.976562
## iter  80 value 13.955722
## iter  90 value 13.955056
## final  value 13.955045 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 68.583920 
## iter  10 value 28.405466
## iter  20 value 19.902860
## iter  30 value 16.466573
## iter  40 value 15.260182
## iter  50 value 13.285160
## iter  60 value 11.847773
## iter  70 value 11.552580
## iter  80 value 11.434758
## iter  90 value 11.372435
## iter 100 value 11.347780
## final  value 11.347780 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 63.171734 
## iter  10 value 53.761485
## iter  20 value 41.847991
## iter  30 value 29.190724
## iter  40 value 26.433847
## final  value 26.433455 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 67.015373 
## iter  10 value 42.193660
## iter  20 value 29.275760
## iter  30 value 26.028500
## iter  40 value 24.667018
## iter  50 value 24.326516
## iter  60 value 24.324912
## final  value 24.324909 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 118.041672 
## iter  10 value 36.549520
## iter  20 value 26.972978
## iter  30 value 24.842031
## iter  40 value 24.318196
## iter  50 value 23.822760
## iter  60 value 23.763276
## iter  70 value 23.720838
## iter  80 value 23.683800
## iter  90 value 23.642863
## iter 100 value 23.416676
## final  value 23.416676 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 65.763633 
## iter  10 value 55.025765
## iter  20 value 36.747981
## iter  30 value 31.060086
## iter  40 value 28.873023
## iter  50 value 28.529726
## iter  60 value 28.463801
## final  value 28.457960 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 71.421712 
## iter  10 value 50.924474
## iter  20 value 33.307512
## iter  30 value 29.462283
## iter  40 value 28.536122
## iter  50 value 28.325204
## iter  60 value 28.255718
## iter  70 value 28.229767
## iter  80 value 28.224667
## iter  90 value 28.196644
## iter 100 value 28.194621
## final  value 28.194621 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 88.045335 
## iter  10 value 33.458740
## iter  20 value 24.347033
## iter  30 value 19.995021
## iter  40 value 18.710405
## iter  50 value 18.496174
## iter  60 value 17.984634
## iter  70 value 17.983702
## final  value 17.983581 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 71.136468 
## iter  10 value 43.300897
## iter  20 value 33.534092
## iter  30 value 31.473780
## iter  40 value 27.607763
## iter  50 value 22.435129
## iter  60 value 22.231431
## iter  70 value 22.226467
## final  value 22.226397 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 61.204143 
## iter  10 value 30.892120
## iter  20 value 26.654080
## iter  30 value 22.278402
## iter  40 value 16.205774
## iter  50 value 14.973355
## iter  60 value 14.625450
## iter  70 value 14.618304
## iter  80 value 14.617946
## final  value 14.617938 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 94.729005 
## iter  10 value 38.447934
## iter  20 value 24.509062
## iter  30 value 20.269434
## iter  40 value 15.302837
## iter  50 value 11.715456
## iter  60 value 10.660136
## iter  70 value 9.199200
## iter  80 value 8.587602
## iter  90 value 8.433945
## iter 100 value 8.326131
## final  value 8.326131 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 65.848383 
## iter  10 value 49.459509
## iter  20 value 36.648783
## iter  30 value 30.251230
## iter  40 value 29.810544
## final  value 29.810301 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 87.772379 
## iter  10 value 53.758331
## iter  20 value 38.097656
## iter  30 value 31.012051
## iter  40 value 29.563648
## iter  50 value 28.142535
## iter  60 value 27.576258
## iter  70 value 27.416505
## iter  80 value 27.402821
## iter  90 value 27.396526
## iter 100 value 27.395200
## final  value 27.395200 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 71.281226 
## iter  10 value 36.369656
## iter  20 value 31.229462
## iter  30 value 28.892531
## iter  40 value 27.827304
## iter  50 value 26.900483
## iter  60 value 25.784701
## iter  70 value 25.643227
## iter  80 value 25.631125
## iter  90 value 25.624383
## iter 100 value 25.621888
## final  value 25.621888 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 72.123256 
## iter  10 value 36.535912
## iter  20 value 29.101546
## iter  30 value 27.428844
## iter  40 value 23.678951
## iter  50 value 21.093642
## iter  60 value 17.673990
## iter  70 value 16.909950
## iter  80 value 15.467947
## iter  90 value 15.077761
## iter 100 value 15.056594
## final  value 15.056594 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 73.903080 
## iter  10 value 36.652988
## iter  20 value 27.937052
## iter  30 value 22.657681
## iter  40 value 22.452859
## iter  50 value 22.388907
## iter  60 value 22.376508
## iter  70 value 22.376435
## iter  80 value 22.376091
## iter  90 value 22.374271
## iter 100 value 22.121066
## final  value 22.121066 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 57.822999 
## iter  10 value 24.926470
## iter  20 value 15.199092
## iter  30 value 6.157054
## iter  40 value 6.029153
## iter  50 value 5.888241
## iter  60 value 5.427909
## iter  70 value 5.407712
## iter  80 value 5.406692
## iter  90 value 5.406635
## iter 100 value 5.406528
## final  value 5.406528 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 79.561239 
## iter  10 value 31.943371
## iter  20 value 29.212000
## iter  30 value 29.047726
## iter  40 value 28.834315
## iter  50 value 28.119747
## iter  60 value 25.011163
## iter  70 value 23.626870
## iter  80 value 22.862031
## iter  90 value 22.609431
## iter 100 value 22.599740
## final  value 22.599740 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 68.958522 
## iter  10 value 31.489207
## iter  20 value 28.951568
## iter  30 value 23.439821
## iter  40 value 19.532713
## iter  50 value 16.332305
## iter  60 value 15.486073
## iter  70 value 15.175307
## iter  80 value 14.364892
## iter  90 value 13.742630
## iter 100 value 13.025746
## final  value 13.025746 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 64.297817 
## iter  10 value 45.609784
## iter  20 value 27.774593
## iter  30 value 19.423693
## iter  40 value 16.626672
## iter  50 value 15.752918
## iter  60 value 13.836657
## iter  70 value 13.334052
## iter  80 value 13.198081
## iter  90 value 12.816667
## iter 100 value 11.906883
## final  value 11.906883 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 70.765045 
## iter  10 value 39.894896
## iter  20 value 34.949716
## iter  30 value 32.083517
## iter  40 value 27.807707
## iter  50 value 27.686771
## final  value 27.686768 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 58.742418 
## iter  10 value 44.439529
## iter  20 value 32.612076
## iter  30 value 25.726709
## iter  40 value 25.677924
## final  value 25.677120 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 89.312667 
## iter  10 value 39.777708
## iter  20 value 27.710565
## iter  30 value 25.069151
## iter  40 value 24.712242
## iter  50 value 24.483239
## iter  60 value 24.376797
## iter  70 value 24.319220
## iter  80 value 24.291632
## iter  90 value 24.276384
## iter 100 value 24.271754
## final  value 24.271754 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 81.377780 
## iter  10 value 38.615144
## iter  20 value 33.927509
## iter  30 value 33.114655
## iter  40 value 33.107603
## iter  50 value 33.071649
## iter  60 value 29.608541
## iter  70 value 27.884373
## iter  80 value 27.724742
## iter  90 value 27.704878
## iter 100 value 27.621318
## final  value 27.621318 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 64.328691 
## iter  10 value 39.718690
## iter  20 value 38.110947
## iter  30 value 36.773680
## iter  40 value 36.485727
## iter  50 value 36.476757
## iter  60 value 36.474815
## iter  70 value 36.474510
## final  value 36.474494 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 65.214572 
## iter  10 value 33.598883
## iter  20 value 18.513366
## iter  30 value 15.699405
## iter  40 value 14.541734
## iter  50 value 14.115694
## iter  60 value 13.933037
## iter  70 value 13.675704
## iter  80 value 13.672746
## iter  90 value 13.672693
## final  value 13.672688 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 68.233041 
## iter  10 value 40.892496
## iter  20 value 38.160798
## iter  30 value 27.525284
## iter  40 value 25.477065
## iter  50 value 23.781036
## iter  60 value 23.678603
## iter  70 value 23.675991
## final  value 23.675973 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 128.881383 
## iter  10 value 30.837978
## iter  20 value 23.031248
## iter  30 value 21.151616
## iter  40 value 20.462348
## iter  50 value 20.157863
## iter  60 value 20.078882
## iter  70 value 20.071291
## iter  80 value 20.065392
## iter  90 value 20.046404
## iter 100 value 18.738125
## final  value 18.738125 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 68.478393 
## iter  10 value 35.263088
## iter  20 value 26.314243
## iter  30 value 21.205316
## iter  40 value 20.197587
## iter  50 value 18.447353
## iter  60 value 14.528946
## iter  70 value 11.058796
## iter  80 value 10.094397
## iter  90 value 9.905473
## iter 100 value 9.741728
## final  value 9.741728 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 68.204211 
## iter  10 value 55.212741
## iter  20 value 37.346904
## iter  30 value 33.953849
## iter  40 value 31.162124
## iter  50 value 28.994766
## iter  60 value 28.899059
## final  value 28.865557 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 90.584957 
## iter  10 value 47.936741
## iter  20 value 31.531750
## iter  30 value 29.603154
## iter  40 value 28.156109
## iter  50 value 27.360057
## iter  60 value 27.290387
## iter  70 value 27.282925
## iter  80 value 27.276532
## iter  90 value 27.273879
## final  value 27.273267 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 76.436326 
## iter  10 value 35.177841
## iter  20 value 29.385689
## iter  30 value 27.403408
## iter  40 value 26.934898
## iter  50 value 26.428781
## iter  60 value 26.173252
## iter  70 value 25.970293
## iter  80 value 25.883183
## iter  90 value 25.873608
## iter 100 value 25.869198
## final  value 25.869198 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 59.575865 
## iter  10 value 33.897151
## iter  20 value 26.657541
## iter  30 value 26.498493
## iter  40 value 26.434638
## iter  50 value 26.426371
## iter  60 value 26.389451
## iter  70 value 26.294686
## iter  80 value 26.284049
## iter  90 value 26.280964
## iter 100 value 26.276331
## final  value 26.276331 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 56.299786 
## iter  10 value 29.342257
## iter  20 value 17.241632
## iter  30 value 11.623458
## iter  40 value 10.731926
## iter  50 value 8.313862
## iter  60 value 8.220913
## iter  70 value 8.215711
## iter  80 value 8.214746
## iter  90 value 8.212694
## iter 100 value 8.208368
## final  value 8.208368 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 54.106711 
## iter  10 value 29.328309
## iter  20 value 16.627318
## iter  30 value 12.573291
## iter  40 value 12.251515
## iter  50 value 12.249849
## iter  60 value 12.185032
## iter  70 value 6.590184
## iter  80 value 6.522540
## iter  90 value 6.522452
## final  value 6.522452 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 71.843904 
## iter  10 value 56.845203
## iter  20 value 46.144362
## iter  30 value 32.292685
## iter  40 value 30.994310
## iter  50 value 23.485392
## iter  60 value 22.318831
## iter  70 value 21.313225
## iter  80 value 21.276915
## iter  90 value 21.275869
## final  value 21.275867 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 68.225101 
## iter  10 value 36.362743
## iter  20 value 31.810145
## iter  30 value 26.392257
## iter  40 value 21.461200
## iter  50 value 20.169255
## iter  60 value 20.059224
## iter  70 value 18.684151
## iter  80 value 18.456039
## iter  90 value 18.213535
## iter 100 value 18.045826
## final  value 18.045826 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 59.429829 
## iter  10 value 40.850628
## iter  20 value 31.849085
## iter  30 value 26.262709
## iter  40 value 19.949353
## iter  50 value 17.412731
## iter  60 value 13.820226
## iter  70 value 12.834118
## iter  80 value 11.692783
## iter  90 value 10.624431
## iter 100 value 9.998099
## final  value 9.998099 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 83.851271 
## iter  10 value 56.165193
## iter  20 value 41.547250
## iter  30 value 33.294311
## iter  40 value 29.938998
## iter  50 value 29.902044
## iter  60 value 29.901328
## final  value 29.901326 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 77.046664 
## iter  10 value 45.795613
## iter  20 value 31.908312
## iter  30 value 29.649910
## iter  40 value 29.204923
## iter  50 value 28.984644
## iter  60 value 28.785246
## iter  70 value 27.720660
## iter  80 value 27.330875
## final  value 27.330373 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 92.070609 
## iter  10 value 42.322945
## iter  20 value 31.091397
## iter  30 value 28.586412
## iter  40 value 28.209807
## iter  50 value 27.893261
## iter  60 value 27.294151
## iter  70 value 27.052629
## iter  80 value 26.952930
## iter  90 value 26.842453
## iter 100 value 26.826333
## final  value 26.826333 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 81.916434 
## iter  10 value 56.135217
## final  value 56.135144 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 66.149552 
## iter  10 value 33.056157
## iter  20 value 23.486439
## iter  30 value 18.414264
## iter  40 value 16.500354
## iter  50 value 15.903684
## iter  60 value 15.893139
## iter  70 value 15.882790
## iter  80 value 15.880116
## iter  90 value 15.669398
## iter 100 value 14.812105
## final  value 14.812105 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 69.026292 
## iter  10 value 29.115205
## iter  20 value 19.096811
## iter  30 value 11.018586
## iter  40 value 9.468229
## iter  50 value 7.563866
## iter  60 value 6.402460
## iter  70 value 5.169594
## iter  80 value 4.258070
## iter  90 value 4.181539
## iter 100 value 4.168320
## final  value 4.168320 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 77.837374 
## iter  10 value 37.175557
## iter  20 value 31.661664
## iter  30 value 31.637442
## iter  40 value 30.224535
## iter  50 value 28.073115
## iter  60 value 25.312938
## iter  70 value 25.000801
## iter  80 value 24.998991
## final  value 24.998876 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 72.953250 
## iter  10 value 34.011817
## iter  20 value 30.981740
## iter  30 value 24.675990
## iter  40 value 20.714592
## iter  50 value 19.032351
## iter  60 value 18.437734
## iter  70 value 18.222618
## iter  80 value 18.045805
## iter  90 value 17.522409
## iter 100 value 17.462968
## final  value 17.462968 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 90.825685 
## iter  10 value 38.230526
## iter  20 value 28.804025
## iter  30 value 22.265336
## iter  40 value 19.960257
## iter  50 value 14.983150
## iter  60 value 12.161417
## iter  70 value 11.466589
## iter  80 value 11.252493
## iter  90 value 10.282016
## iter 100 value 9.992494
## final  value 9.992494 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 67.427194 
## iter  10 value 46.572215
## iter  20 value 36.022556
## iter  30 value 30.985086
## iter  40 value 30.246599
## iter  50 value 30.229041
## final  value 30.228121 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 96.602058 
## iter  10 value 49.960469
## iter  20 value 36.626274
## iter  30 value 32.119865
## iter  40 value 30.945869
## iter  50 value 28.660744
## iter  60 value 27.196685
## iter  70 value 27.057841
## iter  80 value 27.057163
## iter  90 value 27.057096
## iter  90 value 27.057096
## iter  90 value 27.057096
## final  value 27.057096 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 87.016806 
## iter  10 value 36.636812
## iter  20 value 29.599136
## iter  30 value 28.067111
## iter  40 value 27.290771
## iter  50 value 26.987103
## iter  60 value 26.516786
## iter  70 value 26.098431
## iter  80 value 26.051979
## iter  90 value 26.048120
## iter 100 value 26.047399
## final  value 26.047399 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 64.648465 
## iter  10 value 30.505845
## iter  20 value 24.841835
## iter  30 value 24.779196
## iter  40 value 24.753078
## iter  50 value 24.752112
## iter  60 value 24.643576
## iter  70 value 24.536123
## iter  70 value 24.536123
## iter  70 value 24.536123
## final  value 24.536123 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 72.570241 
## iter  10 value 55.624415
## final  value 55.624254 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 114.022531 
## iter  10 value 38.999030
## iter  20 value 19.365985
## iter  30 value 17.959447
## iter  40 value 17.935848
## iter  50 value 17.934676
## iter  60 value 17.319999
## iter  70 value 10.951812
## iter  80 value 10.704248
## iter  90 value 10.703540
## final  value 10.703532 
## converged
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 69.694317 
## iter  10 value 34.627786
## iter  20 value 25.676829
## iter  30 value 19.067044
## iter  40 value 18.892344
## iter  50 value 18.890606
## final  value 18.890522 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 64.568683 
## iter  10 value 33.143655
## iter  20 value 23.694408
## iter  30 value 22.253355
## iter  40 value 21.946308
## iter  50 value 17.200060
## iter  60 value 15.625412
## iter  70 value 15.339454
## iter  80 value 15.167091
## iter  90 value 12.561987
## iter 100 value 12.338881
## final  value 12.338881 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 74.800763 
## iter  10 value 32.084101
## iter  20 value 27.653805
## iter  30 value 25.617548
## iter  40 value 16.735026
## iter  50 value 14.842026
## iter  60 value 13.882462
## iter  70 value 11.569197
## iter  80 value 10.787822
## iter  90 value 9.444569
## iter 100 value 8.000421
## final  value 8.000421 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 77.360391 
## iter  10 value 42.440960
## iter  20 value 32.992093
## iter  30 value 32.450321
## iter  40 value 28.481106
## iter  50 value 27.139888
## iter  60 value 25.903714
## final  value 25.898183 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 58.249235 
## iter  10 value 32.650402
## iter  20 value 24.951111
## iter  30 value 23.972774
## iter  40 value 23.780086
## iter  50 value 23.731694
## iter  60 value 23.721204
## final  value 23.721172 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 72.715374 
## iter  10 value 27.708970
## iter  20 value 23.248888
## iter  30 value 22.381512
## iter  40 value 22.099500
## iter  50 value 21.927216
## iter  60 value 21.773576
## iter  70 value 21.748419
## iter  80 value 21.733664
## iter  90 value 21.730140
## iter 100 value 21.729880
## final  value 21.729880 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 63.148507 
## iter  10 value 42.106052
## iter  20 value 28.183136
## iter  30 value 20.612627
## iter  40 value 19.395372
## iter  50 value 18.790832
## iter  60 value 18.460712
## iter  70 value 18.014945
## iter  80 value 17.620176
## iter  90 value 17.520806
## iter 100 value 17.493341
## final  value 17.493341 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 56.105723 
## iter  10 value 34.084806
## iter  20 value 21.728182
## iter  30 value 15.462051
## iter  40 value 15.055599
## iter  50 value 15.053983
## iter  60 value 15.053925
## iter  70 value 15.053841
## final  value 15.053841 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 77.570452 
## iter  10 value 42.674038
## iter  20 value 24.419317
## iter  30 value 20.662158
## iter  40 value 12.747644
## iter  50 value 10.041219
## iter  60 value 9.147227
## iter  70 value 8.679822
## iter  80 value 8.522161
## iter  90 value 8.408496
## iter 100 value 8.397174
## final  value 8.397174 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 74.600979 
## iter  10 value 43.437167
## iter  20 value 33.301098
## iter  30 value 33.218265
## iter  40 value 30.270064
## iter  50 value 28.501598
## iter  60 value 28.451097
## iter  70 value 28.423961
## iter  80 value 28.265126
## iter  90 value 26.780548
## iter 100 value 26.224424
## final  value 26.224424 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 67.458820 
## iter  10 value 34.165290
## iter  20 value 23.925420
## iter  30 value 22.207571
## iter  40 value 21.683652
## iter  50 value 21.618964
## iter  60 value 21.595790
## iter  70 value 21.573666
## iter  80 value 21.541384
## iter  90 value 21.487115
## iter 100 value 21.242605
## final  value 21.242605 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 100.679926 
## iter  10 value 34.704567
## iter  20 value 23.422154
## iter  30 value 20.130971
## iter  40 value 19.086921
## iter  50 value 17.072926
## iter  60 value 13.956384
## iter  70 value 12.495071
## iter  80 value 12.151955
## iter  90 value 12.067839
## iter 100 value 11.916275
## final  value 11.916275 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 80.949976 
## iter  10 value 56.344696
## iter  20 value 41.530438
## iter  30 value 35.921478
## iter  40 value 32.853057
## iter  50 value 30.056658
## iter  60 value 29.942071
## iter  70 value 29.928305
## final  value 29.928301 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 80.462624 
## iter  10 value 56.294442
## iter  20 value 36.814192
## iter  30 value 32.943973
## iter  40 value 30.249918
## iter  50 value 29.211198
## iter  60 value 29.085561
## iter  70 value 29.006322
## iter  80 value 28.983238
## iter  90 value 28.978160
## iter 100 value 28.977604
## final  value 28.977604 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 75.073346 
## iter  10 value 39.920951
## iter  20 value 30.036431
## iter  30 value 28.539216
## iter  40 value 27.685695
## iter  50 value 27.223684
## iter  60 value 27.029297
## iter  70 value 26.898115
## iter  80 value 26.838183
## iter  90 value 26.824920
## iter 100 value 26.821724
## final  value 26.821724 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 78.818237 
## iter  10 value 37.285245
## iter  20 value 36.552473
## iter  30 value 35.515234
## iter  40 value 35.267903
## iter  50 value 35.017501
## iter  60 value 34.827643
## iter  70 value 33.804015
## iter  80 value 33.648783
## iter  90 value 33.647938
## iter 100 value 33.644815
## final  value 33.644815 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 68.209712 
## iter  10 value 30.339978
## iter  20 value 20.452533
## iter  30 value 18.643215
## iter  40 value 18.615234
## iter  50 value 18.393635
## iter  60 value 18.388582
## final  value 18.388577 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 111.042933 
## iter  10 value 30.901398
## iter  20 value 22.974439
## iter  30 value 20.193443
## iter  40 value 16.176243
## iter  50 value 16.124387
## iter  60 value 14.926321
## iter  70 value 11.314320
## iter  80 value 8.169793
## iter  90 value 5.404332
## iter 100 value 3.865206
## final  value 3.865206 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 79.261698 
## iter  10 value 48.523162
## iter  20 value 28.645181
## iter  30 value 27.458931
## iter  40 value 27.240582
## iter  50 value 27.209976
## iter  60 value 27.203168
## final  value 27.203048 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 70.412206 
## iter  10 value 36.716605
## iter  20 value 26.620518
## iter  30 value 24.296549
## iter  40 value 24.122271
## iter  50 value 24.098110
## iter  60 value 24.072123
## iter  70 value 24.011561
## iter  80 value 23.710496
## iter  90 value 21.069964
## iter 100 value 20.353341
## final  value 20.353341 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 101.794441 
## iter  10 value 32.306536
## iter  20 value 23.521759
## iter  30 value 20.267607
## iter  40 value 18.487997
## iter  50 value 17.816802
## iter  60 value 17.631305
## iter  70 value 17.393452
## iter  80 value 17.174833
## iter  90 value 17.108953
## iter 100 value 17.061923
## final  value 17.061923 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 75.651652 
## iter  10 value 52.434246
## iter  20 value 35.858819
## iter  30 value 34.827849
## iter  40 value 31.138324
## iter  50 value 30.908118
## final  value 30.901512 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 64.976948 
## iter  10 value 33.791117
## iter  20 value 29.514434
## iter  30 value 28.882343
## iter  40 value 28.291158
## iter  50 value 27.662971
## iter  60 value 27.480172
## iter  70 value 27.477828
## final  value 27.477818 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 67.320250 
## iter  10 value 32.552079
## iter  20 value 27.875663
## iter  30 value 27.028434
## iter  40 value 26.511963
## iter  50 value 26.372848
## iter  60 value 26.244126
## iter  70 value 26.230438
## iter  80 value 26.228317
## iter  90 value 26.227822
## iter 100 value 26.227795
## final  value 26.227795 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 70.555627 
## iter  10 value 58.187090
## iter  20 value 36.234800
## iter  30 value 30.315832
## iter  40 value 24.374171
## iter  50 value 24.189523
## iter  60 value 23.858202
## iter  70 value 23.837947
## iter  80 value 23.834242
## iter  90 value 23.832611
## iter 100 value 23.830106
## final  value 23.830106 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 72.406109 
## iter  10 value 42.294811
## iter  20 value 32.938924
## iter  30 value 28.186655
## iter  40 value 26.111103
## iter  50 value 26.021495
## iter  60 value 25.956028
## iter  70 value 25.943779
## iter  80 value 25.942043
## final  value 25.941977 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 76.989178 
## iter  10 value 34.146976
## iter  20 value 28.608676
## iter  30 value 26.767152
## iter  40 value 17.703636
## iter  50 value 14.750806
## iter  60 value 13.251067
## iter  70 value 12.355101
## iter  80 value 8.852113
## iter  90 value 5.064081
## iter 100 value 3.781475
## final  value 3.781475 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 70.959972 
## iter  10 value 58.226283
## iter  20 value 41.979601
## iter  30 value 41.471141
## iter  40 value 29.194347
## iter  50 value 24.954133
## iter  60 value 24.480034
## iter  70 value 24.322318
## iter  80 value 24.313311
## iter  90 value 24.311123
## final  value 24.311081 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 58.333828 
## iter  10 value 29.343996
## iter  20 value 21.322216
## iter  30 value 18.488452
## iter  40 value 17.729506
## iter  50 value 17.293716
## iter  60 value 16.986135
## iter  70 value 16.565387
## iter  80 value 16.513874
## iter  90 value 16.492125
## iter 100 value 16.491375
## final  value 16.491375 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 63.111545 
## iter  10 value 33.774346
## iter  20 value 24.691415
## iter  30 value 20.984948
## iter  40 value 18.895639
## iter  50 value 16.142344
## iter  60 value 15.749028
## iter  70 value 15.626388
## iter  80 value 14.982840
## iter  90 value 13.763123
## iter 100 value 13.544617
## final  value 13.544617 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 63.705595 
## iter  10 value 38.455946
## iter  20 value 33.683899
## iter  30 value 30.570946
## iter  40 value 29.927216
## iter  50 value 29.923695
## final  value 29.923498 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 67.636370 
## iter  10 value 41.685333
## iter  20 value 34.232948
## iter  30 value 29.241973
## iter  40 value 28.513496
## iter  50 value 28.369392
## final  value 28.368262 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 58.795924 
## iter  10 value 34.098052
## iter  20 value 29.613660
## iter  30 value 28.093021
## iter  40 value 27.454748
## iter  50 value 26.515024
## iter  60 value 26.314225
## iter  70 value 26.272689
## iter  80 value 26.268419
## iter  90 value 26.266488
## iter 100 value 26.265355
## final  value 26.265355 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 66.021620 
## iter  10 value 32.122810
## iter  20 value 28.691893
## iter  30 value 28.477050
## iter  40 value 28.343874
## iter  50 value 28.203014
## final  value 28.202889 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 59.365036 
## iter  10 value 26.888559
## iter  20 value 19.789669
## iter  30 value 15.549538
## iter  40 value 14.938959
## iter  50 value 14.326853
## iter  60 value 13.559457
## iter  70 value 13.526698
## iter  80 value 13.465672
## iter  90 value 13.442886
## iter 100 value 13.440656
## final  value 13.440656 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 117.998659 
## iter  10 value 53.260053
## iter  20 value 33.330719
## iter  30 value 29.760033
## iter  40 value 22.912863
## iter  50 value 18.800415
## iter  60 value 16.792983
## iter  70 value 12.695476
## iter  80 value 11.654009
## iter  90 value 11.549841
## iter 100 value 11.509517
## final  value 11.509517 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 83.226663 
## iter  10 value 41.071834
## iter  20 value 36.664140
## iter  30 value 31.792606
## iter  40 value 29.437409
## iter  50 value 25.686028
## iter  60 value 24.947719
## iter  70 value 24.680132
## iter  80 value 24.643949
## iter  90 value 24.643049
## final  value 24.643036 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 59.486136 
## iter  10 value 40.673338
## iter  20 value 29.515172
## iter  30 value 27.947423
## iter  40 value 27.156141
## iter  50 value 21.662165
## iter  60 value 21.475518
## iter  70 value 18.383650
## iter  80 value 16.544854
## iter  90 value 16.175520
## iter 100 value 16.096606
## final  value 16.096606 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 102.571693 
## iter  10 value 34.656323
## iter  20 value 23.983387
## iter  30 value 23.273243
## iter  40 value 19.638155
## iter  50 value 18.607088
## iter  60 value 17.900428
## iter  70 value 17.017276
## iter  80 value 14.907387
## iter  90 value 13.203035
## iter 100 value 12.952056
## final  value 12.952056 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 91.871340 
## iter  10 value 56.241086
## iter  20 value 37.667167
## iter  30 value 30.707275
## iter  40 value 28.967986
## iter  50 value 27.574535
## iter  60 value 27.451254
## final  value 27.451216 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 85.974267 
## iter  10 value 53.459184
## iter  20 value 35.582457
## iter  30 value 28.617193
## iter  40 value 27.170881
## iter  50 value 26.350662
## iter  60 value 26.054819
## iter  70 value 25.997872
## iter  80 value 25.987101
## iter  90 value 25.985235
## iter 100 value 25.984718
## final  value 25.984718 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 69.644905 
## iter  10 value 29.880911
## iter  20 value 26.361113
## iter  30 value 25.447720
## iter  40 value 25.032682
## iter  50 value 24.720221
## iter  60 value 24.587889
## iter  70 value 24.553028
## iter  80 value 24.549248
## iter  90 value 24.548258
## iter 100 value 24.547925
## final  value 24.547925 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 65.870765 
## iter  10 value 36.415182
## iter  20 value 31.795692
## iter  30 value 27.173312
## iter  40 value 26.745183
## iter  50 value 26.289922
## iter  60 value 26.207544
## final  value 26.206786 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 88.922910 
## iter  10 value 41.664899
## iter  20 value 25.830211
## iter  30 value 25.199080
## iter  40 value 25.072286
## iter  50 value 24.906343
## iter  60 value 24.734893
## iter  70 value 22.518263
## iter  80 value 22.488365
## final  value 22.488272 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 66.521249 
## iter  10 value 30.142198
## iter  20 value 25.941209
## iter  30 value 19.470142
## iter  40 value 15.517675
## iter  50 value 14.402728
## iter  60 value 14.261228
## iter  70 value 12.384661
## iter  80 value 7.534000
## iter  90 value 7.132516
## iter 100 value 7.045498
## final  value 7.045498 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 87.867921 
## iter  10 value 41.456987
## iter  20 value 30.821033
## iter  30 value 29.636729
## iter  40 value 23.743013
## iter  50 value 23.313279
## iter  60 value 23.300719
## iter  70 value 22.753273
## iter  80 value 21.076239
## iter  90 value 20.982838
## iter 100 value 20.981554
## final  value 20.981554 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 78.141563 
## iter  10 value 48.536139
## iter  20 value 31.786071
## iter  30 value 24.793253
## iter  40 value 22.350105
## iter  50 value 17.812267
## iter  60 value 17.070099
## iter  70 value 15.909222
## iter  80 value 13.944764
## iter  90 value 13.619873
## iter 100 value 13.449144
## final  value 13.449144 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 59.413882 
## iter  10 value 29.224507
## iter  20 value 19.497093
## iter  30 value 17.615548
## iter  40 value 16.790670
## iter  50 value 16.431600
## iter  60 value 16.121994
## iter  70 value 12.913648
## iter  80 value 10.900557
## iter  90 value 10.174714
## iter 100 value 9.404254
## final  value 9.404254 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 79.181407 
## iter  10 value 54.357584
## iter  20 value 35.233849
## iter  30 value 33.872257
## iter  40 value 30.568057
## iter  50 value 27.833486
## iter  60 value 27.365884
## final  value 27.349365 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 72.316595 
## iter  10 value 37.571888
## iter  20 value 29.676418
## iter  30 value 25.887714
## iter  40 value 25.350179
## iter  50 value 24.651165
## iter  60 value 24.446483
## iter  70 value 24.411706
## iter  80 value 24.411305
## final  value 24.411293 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 67.173168 
## iter  10 value 33.465401
## iter  20 value 26.953421
## iter  30 value 25.846923
## iter  40 value 24.805171
## iter  50 value 24.180471
## iter  60 value 23.913776
## iter  70 value 23.825384
## iter  80 value 23.822486
## iter  90 value 23.821971
## iter 100 value 23.821688
## final  value 23.821688 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 71.934407 
## iter  10 value 45.390648
## iter  20 value 34.143577
## iter  30 value 31.040612
## iter  40 value 30.409458
## iter  50 value 30.340646
## iter  60 value 29.591652
## iter  70 value 29.151736
## iter  80 value 28.780346
## iter  90 value 28.538914
## iter 100 value 28.396520
## final  value 28.396520 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 53.953850 
## iter  10 value 35.240948
## iter  20 value 31.105172
## iter  30 value 22.267148
## iter  40 value 20.358701
## iter  50 value 19.827836
## iter  60 value 19.478659
## iter  70 value 18.910220
## iter  80 value 17.494160
## iter  90 value 17.056607
## iter 100 value 16.676510
## final  value 16.676510 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 74.882383 
## iter  10 value 30.785560
## iter  20 value 20.712745
## iter  30 value 16.042178
## iter  40 value 10.938791
## iter  50 value 9.277460
## iter  60 value 7.052624
## iter  70 value 4.821113
## iter  80 value 4.653224
## iter  90 value 4.546651
## iter 100 value 4.483797
## final  value 4.483797 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 60.326536 
## iter  10 value 27.884947
## iter  20 value 23.706689
## iter  30 value 22.766759
## iter  40 value 22.434443
## iter  50 value 22.430024
## iter  60 value 22.429803
## final  value 22.429792 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 75.045559 
## iter  10 value 34.100380
## iter  20 value 25.400722
## iter  30 value 22.882940
## iter  40 value 22.194107
## iter  50 value 22.088547
## iter  60 value 21.121374
## iter  70 value 20.876993
## iter  80 value 20.672735
## iter  90 value 20.404735
## iter 100 value 20.327831
## final  value 20.327831 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 68.734925 
## iter  10 value 50.932066
## iter  20 value 35.449891
## iter  30 value 33.110235
## iter  40 value 32.646665
## iter  50 value 26.626117
## iter  60 value 22.338815
## iter  70 value 20.093133
## iter  80 value 16.457096
## iter  90 value 14.692833
## iter 100 value 12.933198
## final  value 12.933198 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 61.052674 
## iter  10 value 52.666774
## iter  20 value 36.734428
## iter  30 value 36.186845
## iter  40 value 33.583908
## iter  50 value 29.215388
## iter  60 value 28.556156
## final  value 28.552579 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 64.744859 
## iter  10 value 36.534932
## iter  20 value 31.213182
## iter  30 value 29.134425
## iter  40 value 28.235548
## iter  50 value 27.721499
## iter  60 value 27.293588
## iter  70 value 27.101398
## iter  80 value 27.020800
## iter  90 value 27.005923
## final  value 27.005922 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 109.930467 
## iter  10 value 47.254451
## iter  20 value 31.204158
## iter  30 value 27.827205
## iter  40 value 26.962510
## iter  50 value 26.556292
## iter  60 value 26.063783
## iter  70 value 25.846958
## iter  80 value 25.776877
## iter  90 value 25.758139
## iter 100 value 25.751576
## final  value 25.751576 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 61.332561 
## iter  10 value 56.116909
## iter  20 value 37.487992
## iter  30 value 28.896829
## iter  40 value 26.579207
## iter  50 value 26.406932
## iter  60 value 21.712903
## iter  70 value 20.477519
## iter  80 value 20.109745
## iter  90 value 20.029233
## iter 100 value 19.966549
## final  value 19.966549 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 62.446807 
## iter  10 value 30.914761
## iter  20 value 23.808015
## iter  30 value 19.817092
## iter  40 value 18.041908
## iter  50 value 16.863711
## iter  60 value 16.516601
## iter  70 value 15.695498
## iter  80 value 15.207204
## iter  90 value 15.165719
## iter 100 value 15.146995
## final  value 15.146995 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 74.782885 
## iter  10 value 33.610620
## iter  20 value 17.864644
## iter  30 value 13.194315
## iter  40 value 12.134315
## iter  50 value 12.066094
## iter  60 value 11.896444
## iter  70 value 11.879307
## iter  80 value 11.874390
## iter  90 value 11.872029
## iter 100 value 11.869983
## final  value 11.869983 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 60.719508 
## iter  10 value 32.350623
## iter  20 value 28.314956
## iter  30 value 26.893606
## iter  40 value 26.285819
## iter  50 value 26.243089
## iter  60 value 26.240071
## iter  70 value 26.240037
## iter  70 value 26.240037
## iter  70 value 26.240037
## final  value 26.240037 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 76.592120 
## iter  10 value 37.386585
## iter  20 value 33.005514
## iter  30 value 28.919437
## iter  40 value 26.885087
## iter  50 value 19.716232
## iter  60 value 18.492723
## iter  70 value 17.076745
## iter  80 value 16.556900
## iter  90 value 16.509970
## iter 100 value 16.501743
## final  value 16.501743 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 110.129427 
## iter  10 value 41.130968
## iter  20 value 23.615129
## iter  30 value 20.661788
## iter  40 value 18.458690
## iter  50 value 17.525032
## iter  60 value 16.916031
## iter  70 value 15.327224
## iter  80 value 14.144299
## iter  90 value 13.720858
## iter 100 value 11.753965
## final  value 11.753965 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  19
## initial  value 78.447261 
## iter  10 value 37.089537
## iter  20 value 30.494111
## iter  30 value 29.973696
## final  value 29.973694 
## converged
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 66.642212 
## iter  10 value 49.633443
## iter  20 value 31.556594
## iter  30 value 29.548708
## iter  40 value 26.679139
## iter  50 value 26.272821
## iter  60 value 25.821112
## iter  70 value 25.784252
## iter  80 value 25.761208
## final  value 25.757171 
## converged
## # weights:  67
## initial  value 63.647614 
## iter  10 value 31.492124
## iter  20 value 27.046393
## iter  30 value 25.827810
## iter  40 value 25.115006
## iter  50 value 24.962524
## iter  60 value 24.894178
## iter  70 value 24.865106
## iter  80 value 24.853633
## iter  90 value 24.851485
## iter 100 value 24.851340
## final  value 24.851340 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## # weights:  35
## initial  value 121.317731 
## iter  10 value 64.825358
## iter  20 value 47.953789
## iter  30 value 34.871190
## iter  40 value 34.368392
## iter  50 value 31.153327
## iter  60 value 28.319336
## iter  70 value 27.806457
## iter  80 value 21.873171
## iter  90 value 20.615480
## iter 100 value 19.335936
## final  value 19.335936 
## stopped after 100 iterations
## Neural Network 
## 66 samples
##  4 predictor
##  3 classes: 'E3.25', 'E3.5', 'E4.5' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 3 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 59, 59, 60, 59, 58, 60, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   size  decay  Accuracy  Kappa
##   2     0.00   0.745     0.512
##   2     0.01   0.751     0.572
##   2     0.10   0.760     0.581
##   4     0.00   0.745     0.552
##   4     0.01   0.797     0.654
##   4     0.10   0.769     0.598
##   8     0.00   0.750     0.578
##   8     0.01   0.773     0.611
##   8     0.10   0.760     0.585
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final values used for the model were size = 4 and decay = 0.01.

predict(nnfit) |> head(10)
##  [1] E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25 E3.25
## Levels: E3.25 E3.5 E4.5
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## library("kernlab")
## kfunction= function(linear =0, quadratic=0)
## {  k = function (v,w){ linear*sum((v)*(w)) + quadratic*sum((v^2)*(w^2))}
##   class(k) = "kernel"
##   return(k) }
## subx=subx[,2:3]
## svp = ksvm(subx,dftxy$tg,type="C-svc",C = 100, kernel=kfunction(1,0),scaled=c())
## plot(c(min(subx[,1]), max(subx[,1])),c(min(subx[,2]), max(subx[,2])),
##             type='n',xlab='x1',ylab='x2')
## ymat = ymatrix(svp)
## points(subx[-SVindex(svp),1], subx[-SVindex(svp),2],
##          pch = ifelse(ymat[-SVindex(svp)] < 0, 2, 1))
## points(subx[SVindex(svp),1], subx[SVindex(svp),2],
##          pch = ifelse(ymat[SVindex(svp)] < 0, 17, 16))
## # Extract w and b from the model
## w = colSums(coef(svp)[[1]] * subx[SVindex(svp),])
## b = b(svp)
## # Draw the lines
## abline(b/w[2],-w[1]/w[2])
## abline((b+1)/w[2],-w[1]/w[2],lty=2)
## abline((b-1)/w[2],-w[1]/w[2],lty=2)

13 Design of High Throughput Experiments and their Analyses

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bat6 = tibble(
  state  = factor(c("healthy", "disease")[rep(1:2, 6)]),
  time  = factor(rep(1:3, each = 4)),
  exprst = 0.5 * as.integer(time) + rep(c(0.5, 1), 6) + rnorm(12, 0, 0.3),
  exprs0 = rep(c(1.5, 2), 6) + rnorm(12,0,0.1),
  batch  = factor(c("Batch 1", "Batch 2")[rep(c(1, 2), 6)]))
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   state   time  exprst exprs0 batch  
##   <fct>   <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl> <fct>  
## 1 healthy 1      1.56    1.52 Batch 1
## 2 disease 1      1.44    1.78 Batch 2
## 3 healthy 1      0.796   1.50 Batch 1
## 4 disease 1      2.21    1.97 Batch 2
## 5 healthy 2      1.16    1.67 Batch 1
## 6 disease 2      2.64    2.08 Batch 2
ms0 = dplyr::group_by(bat6, state) %>% dplyr::summarize(y = median(exprs0))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   state       y
##   <fct>   <dbl>
## 1 disease  2.02
## 2 healthy  1.52
bat60 = tibble(
  state = factor(c("healthy", "disease")[rep(c(1, 2), 60)], levels = c("healthy", "disease")),
  exprs = rep(c(1.5, 2), 60) + rnorm(120, 0, 0.3))
## save(bat60, bat6, ms0, file = "../data/designI.rda")

## # A tibble: 10 × 2
##    state   exprs
##    <fct>   <dbl>
##  1 healthy  1.86
##  2 disease  2.05
##  3 healthy  1.66
##  4 disease  2.22
##  5 healthy  1.35
##  6 disease  2.06
##  7 healthy  1.47
##  8 disease  2.05
##  9 healthy  1.96
## 10 disease  2.47
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## load("../data/designI.rda")
p0 = ggplot(bat6, aes(x = state, y = exprs0)) +
       geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5, col="blue") + geom_beeswarm(size = 2, cex = 6) + # geom_point(size = 2) +
       ylab("biomarker level")
grid.arrange(p0, p0 + geom_beeswarm(aes(col = batch), size = 2, cex = 6),  # geom_point(aes(col = batch), size = 2),
  ncol = 2, widths = c(1.3, 2))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
p0 + geom_segment(data = ms0, aes(y = y[1], yend = y[2]),
    x = 1.5, xend = 1.5, col = "red", arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.5, "cm"),
    ends = "both", type = "closed"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
p = ggplot(bat6, aes(x = state, y = exprst)) + geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5, col = "blue") +
    ylim(c(0.5, 3)) + ylab("biomarker level")
p1 = p + geom_beeswarm(size = 2, cex = 6) # geom_point(size = 2)
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

p2 = p + geom_beeswarm(aes(col = time), size = 2, cex = 6) + geom_point(aes(col = time), size = 2)
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
## Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

mN = summarise(group_by(bat60, state), med = median(exprs))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   state     med
##   <fct>   <dbl>
## 1 healthy  1.47
## 2 disease  2.03
pN = ggplot(bat60, aes(x = state, y = exprs)) + geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5, col="blue") +
  ylab("biomarker level") + ylim(c(0.5,3)) + geom_beeswarm(size = 2, cex = 2)  +
  geom_segment(data = mN, aes(y = med[1],yend=med[2]), x = 1.5, xend = 1.5,
               col = "red", arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.5, "cm"), ends = "both", type = "closed"))
grid.arrange(p1, pN, ncol = 2, widths = c(1.6, 2.5))
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

sample(8, 8)
## [1] 4 1 6 2 7 8 5 3
## [1] -0.7399 -1.7173 -0.4182 -0.2383  1.0908 -1.4257  1.0463  0.0228
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
theta = round((2 * sample(8, 8) + rnorm(8)), 1)
## [1]  8.0  6.4 15.5  9.0 13.3  4.5  1.3 15.1
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
X = theta + rnorm(length(theta), 0, 0.1)
## [1]  8.17  6.50 15.62  8.98 13.43  4.58  1.34 15.22
errors1 = X - theta
## [1]  0.1733  0.1005  0.1243 -0.0221  0.1259  0.0817  0.0378  0.1239
## [1] 0.0954
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: grid
## Attaching package: 'grid'
## The following object is masked from 'package:spatstat.geom':
##     as.mask
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biostrings':
##     pattern
## Loading required package: survival
## Attaching package: 'survival'
## The following object is masked from 'package:caret':
##     cluster
## The following object is masked from 'package:boot':
##     aml
## Attaching package: 'survey'
## The following object is masked from 'package:genefilter':
##     cv
## The following object is masked from 'package:phangorn':
##     hadamard
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     dotchart
h8 = hadamard(6)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
## [2,]    1    0    1    0    1    0    1    0
## [3,]    1    1    0    0    1    1    0    0
## [4,]    1    0    0    1    1    0    0    1
## [5,]    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0
## [6,]    1    0    1    0    0    1    0    1
## [7,]    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1
## [8,]    1    0    0    1    0    1    1    0
coef8 = 2*h8 - 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
## [2,]    1   -1    1   -1    1   -1    1   -1
## [3,]    1    1   -1   -1    1    1   -1   -1
## [4,]    1   -1   -1    1    1   -1   -1    1
## [5,]    1    1    1    1   -1   -1   -1   -1
## [6,]    1   -1    1   -1   -1    1   -1    1
## [7,]    1    1   -1   -1   -1   -1    1    1
## [8,]    1   -1   -1    1   -1    1    1   -1
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Y = theta  %*% coef8 + rnorm(length(theta), 0, 0.1)

##      [,1] [,2]  [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]  [,7]  [,8]
## [1,] 73.1 3.09 -8.71 17.6 4.61   13 -11.5 -27.5
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
coef8 %*% t(coef8)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    8    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [2,]    0    8    0    0    0    0    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    8    0    0    0    0    0
## [4,]    0    0    0    8    0    0    0    0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    8    0    0    0
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0    8    0    0
## [7,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    8    0
## [8,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    8
theta %*% coef8 %*% t(coef8) / ncol(coef8)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    8  6.4 15.5    9 13.3  4.5  1.3 15.1
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
thetahat = Y %*% t(coef8) / ncol(coef8)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,] 7.98 6.41 15.5 8.99 13.3 4.51 1.33 15.1
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
errors2 = as.vector(thetahat) - theta
## [1] -0.02006  0.01097 -0.01071 -0.00648  0.01137  0.01407  0.03447  0.00506
## [1] 0.00222
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
B  = 10000
tc = t(coef8) / ncol(coef8)
sse = replicate(B, {
  theta = round((2 * sample(8, 8)) + rnorm(8), 1)
  X = theta + rnorm(length(theta), 0, 0.1)
  err1 = sum((X - theta)^2)
  Y = coef8 %*% theta + rnorm(length(theta), 0, 0.1)
  thetahat = tc %*% Y
  err2 = sum((thetahat - theta)^2)
  c(err1, err2)
## [1] 0.0798 0.0100
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ggplot(tibble(lr = log2(sse[1, ] / sse[2, ])), aes(x = lr)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 50) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = log2(8), col = "orange") +
  xlab("log2 ratio of SSE, Method 1 vs 2")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2, widths = c(1.3, 2))
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
## Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
n = 15
effect = 0.2
pots   = rnorm(n, 0, 1)
noiseh = rnorm(n, 0, 0.25)
noisea = rnorm(n, 0, 0.25)
hybrid = pots + effect + noiseh
autoz  = pots + noisea

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
t.test(hybrid, autoz, paired = FALSE)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  hybrid and autoz
## t = 0.4, df = 28, p-value = 0.7
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.617  0.953
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##    0.0571   -0.1111
t.test(hybrid, autoz, paired = TRUE)
##  Paired t-test
## data:  hybrid and autoz
## t = 2, df = 14, p-value = 0.1
## alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.0586  0.3950
## sample estimates:
## mean difference 
##           0.168
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
B     = 1000
alpha = 0.05
what  = c(FALSE, TRUE)
pvs = replicate(B, {
  pots   = rnorm(n, 0, 1)
  noiseh = rnorm(n, 0, 0.25)
  noisea = rnorm(n, 0, 0.25)
  hybrid = pots + effect + noiseh
  autoz  = pots + noisea
      t.test(hybrid, autoz, paired = paired)$p.value,
    double(1)) |> setNames(paste(what))
rowMeans(pvs <= alpha)
## 0.000 0.579
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tidyr::pivot_longer(as.data.frame(t(pvs)), cols = everything(), names_to = "paired") |>
  ggplot(aes(x = value, fill = paired)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, boundary = 0, alpha = 1/3)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
powercomparison = function(effect = 0.2, n = 15, alpha = 0.05,
                sdnoise, sdpots, B = 1000) {
  what = c(FALSE, TRUE)
  pvs = replicate(B, {
    pots   = rnorm(n, 0, sdpots)
    noiseh = rnorm(n, 0, sdnoise)
    noisea = rnorm(n, 0, sdnoise)
    hybrid = pots + effect + noiseh
    autoz  = pots + noisea
        t.test(hybrid, autoz, paired = paired)$p.value,
      double(1)) |> setNames(paste(what))
  rowMeans(pvs <= alpha)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
powercomparison(sdpots = 0.5,  sdnoise = 0.25)
## 0.042 0.532
powercomparison(sdpots = 0.25, sdnoise = 0.25)
## 0.263 0.540
powercomparison(sdpots = 0.1,  sdnoise = 0.25)
## 0.467 0.510
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
powercomparison(sdpots = 0.5, sdnoise = 0.5, n = 100)
## 0.495 0.788
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## function (n = NULL, d = NULL, sig.level = 0.05, power = NULL, type = c("two.sample", 
##     "one.sample", "paired"), alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pwr.t.test(n = 15, d = 0.4, sig.level = 0.05, type = "two.sample")
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 15
##               d = 0.4
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.185
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group
pwr.t.test(n = 15, d = 0.4, sig.level = 0.05, type = "paired")
##      Paired t test power calculation 
##               n = 15
##               d = 0.4
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.303
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number of *pairs*
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pwr.t.test(d = 0.4, sig.level = 0.05, type = "two.sample", power=0.8)
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 99.1
##               d = 0.4
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.8
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group
pwr.t.test(d = 0.4, sig.level = 0.05, type = "paired", power=0.8)
##      Paired t test power calculation 
##               n = 51
##               d = 0.4
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.8
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number of *pairs*
sample(100, 12)
##  [1] 18 17 25 98 33 93 88 78 64 23  3 92
seq(3, 100, by = 3)
##  [1]  3  6  9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75
## [26] 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99
sample(seq(3, 100, by = 3), 12 / 3)
## [1] 57 72 96 48
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
doPoll = function(n = 100, numPeoplePolled = 12) {
  opinion = sort(rnorm(n))
  i1 = sample(n, numPeoplePolled)
  i2 = sample(seq(3, n, by = 3), numPeoplePolled / 3)
  i2 = c(i2, i2 - 1, i2 - 2)
  c(independent = mean(opinion[i1]), correlated = mean(opinion[i2]))
responses = replicate(5000, doPoll())
## [1]    2 5000
##                [,1]    [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]    [,7]   [,8]   [,9]
## independent -0.2669  0.0131 -0.245  0.188  0.619 0.0842  0.0758  0.203  0.143
## correlated   0.0888 -0.9604 -0.121 -0.935 -0.149 0.0396 -0.0711 -0.405 -0.445
##             [,10]
## independent 0.434
## correlated  0.558
        cols = everything(), names_to = "design") |>
ggplot(aes(x = value, col = design)) + geom_density() +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + xlab("Opinion poll result")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'magrittr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     inset
data("x", package = "Hiiragi2013")
xwdf = tibble(
  probe  = c("1420085_at", "1418863_at", "1425463_at", "1416967_at"),
  symbol = c(      "Fgf4",      "Gata4",      "Gata6",       "Sox2"))
xwdf %<>% bind_cols(as_tibble(Biobase::exprs(x)[xwdf$probe, ]))
## [1]   4 103
xwdf[, 1:5]
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   probe      symbol `1 E3.25` `2 E3.25` `3 E3.25`
##   <chr>      <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 1420085_at Fgf4        3.03      9.29      2.94
## 2 1418863_at Gata4       4.84      5.53      4.42
## 3 1425463_at Gata6       5.50      6.16      4.58
## 4 1416967_at Sox2        1.73      9.70      4.16
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'tidyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:magrittr':
##     extract
## The following objects are masked from 'package:Matrix':
##     expand, pack, unpack
## The following object is masked from 'package:reshape2':
##     smiths
## The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
##     expand
## The following objects are masked from 'package:reshape':
##     expand, smiths
## The following object is masked from 'package:igraph':
##     crossing
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':
##     expand
xldf = pivot_longer(xwdf, cols = !all_of(c("probe", "symbol")),
                          names_to = "sample")
## [1] 404   4
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   probe      symbol sample  value
##   <chr>      <chr>  <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 1420085_at Fgf4   1 E3.25  3.03
## 2 1420085_at Fgf4   2 E3.25  9.29
## 3 1420085_at Fgf4   3 E3.25  2.94
## 4 1420085_at Fgf4   4 E3.25  9.72
## 5 1420085_at Fgf4   5 E3.25  8.92
## 6 1420085_at Fgf4   6 E3.25 11.3
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
a = runif(1e6)
b = runif(length(a))
  z1 = numeric(length(a))
  for (i in seq(along = a))
    z1[i] = a[i]^2 * b[i]
##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.07    0.00    0.07
  z2 = a^2 * b
##    user  system elapsed 
##       0       0       0
identical(z1, z2)
## [1] TRUE
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(identical(z1, z2))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  NumericVector myfun(NumericVector x, NumericVector y) {
    int n = x.size();
    NumericVector out(n);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      out[i] = pow(x[i], 2) * y[i];
    return out;
z3 = myfun(a, b)
identical(z1, z3)
## [1] TRUE
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot(identical(z1, z3))