9 min read

Principal Component Analysis

Let the random vector \(\mathbf X^T=[X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_p]\) have the covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol\Sigma\) with eigenvalues \(\lambda_1\ge\lambda_2\ge\cdots\ge\lambda_p\ge0\), the linear combinations \(Y_i=\mathbf a_i^T\mathbf X=a_{i1}X_1+a_{i2}X_2+\cdots+a_{ip}X_p, \quad (i=1,2,\cdots,p)\) has \(Var(Y_i)=Var(\mathbf a_i^T\mathbf X)=\mathbf a_i^TCov(\mathbf X)\mathbf a_i=\mathbf a_i^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a_i\) and \(Cov(Y_i,Y_k)=Cov(\mathbf a_i^T\mathbf X, \mathbf a_k^T\mathbf X)=\mathbf a_i^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a_k \quad i,k=1,2,\cdots,p\). The principal components are those uncorrelated linear combinations of \([X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_p]\), \(Y_1,Y_2,\cdots,Y_p\) whose variances \(Var(Y_i)=\mathbf a_i^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a_i\) are as large as possible, subject to \(\mathbf a_i^T\mathbf a_i=1\). These linear combinations represent the selection of a new coordinate system obtained by rotating the original system with \(Y_1,Y_2,\cdots,Y_p\) as the new coordinate axes.
The first principal component is the linear combination with maximum variance, \(Var(Y_1)=\mathbf a_1^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a_1, \quad \mathbf a_1^T\mathbf a_1=1\), and the second principal component is \(Var(Y_2)=\mathbf a_2^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a_2, \quad \mathbf a_2^T\mathbf a_2=1, \quad Cov(Y_1,Y_2)=\mathbf a_1^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a_2=0\), and the \(i^{th}\) principal component is \(Var(Y_i)=\mathbf a_i^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a_i, \quad \mathbf a_i^T\mathbf a_i=1, \quad Cov(Y_i,Y_k)=\mathbf a_i^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a_k=0, \quad i>k\).
Let \((\lambda_i,\boldsymbol e_i), \quad i=1,2,\cdots,p\) are the eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs of \(\boldsymbol\Sigma\), where \(\lambda_1\ge\lambda_2\ge\cdots\ge\lambda_p\ge0\) Because \[\frac{\mathbf a^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a}{\mathbf a^T\mathbf a}=\frac{\mathbf a^T\mathbf B^{\frac{1}{2}}\mathbf B^{\frac{1}{2}}\mathbf a}{\mathbf a^T\mathbf a}=\frac{\mathbf a^T\mathbf P\boldsymbol \Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}\mathbf P^T\mathbf P\boldsymbol \Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}\mathbf P^T\mathbf a}{\mathbf a^T\mathbf P\mathbf P^T\mathbf a}=\frac{\mathbf y^T\boldsymbol\Lambda\mathbf y}{\mathbf y^T\mathbf y}\\ =\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}\lambda_iy_i^2}{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}y_i^2}\le \lambda_1\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}y_i^2}{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}y_i^2}=\lambda_1\] where \(\underset{p\times p}{\mathbf P}\) is the orthogonal matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors \(\mathbf e_1,\mathbf e_2,\cdots,\mathbf e_p\) and \(\underset{p\times p}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\) is the diagonal matrix with eigenvalues \(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\cdots,\lambda_p\) along the main diagonal, and \(\underset{\mathbf a\ne\mathbf 0}{\text{max}}\displaystyle\frac{\mathbf a^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a}{\mathbf a^T\mathbf a}=\lambda_1=\frac{\mathbf e_1^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf e_1}{\mathbf e_1^T\mathbf e_1}=\mathbf e_1^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf e_1=Var(Y_1)\) when \((\mathbf a=\mathbf e_1)\). Similarly,\(\underset{\mathbf a\bot\mathbf e_1,\mathbf e_2,\cdots,\mathbf e_k}{\text{max}}\displaystyle\frac{\mathbf a^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf a}{\mathbf a^T\mathbf a}=\lambda_{k+1}=Var(Y_{k+1}) \quad k=1,2,\cdots,p-1\) when \((\mathbf a=\mathbf e_{k+1})\).
Then \(Y_1=\mathbf e_1^T\mathbf X, Y_2=\mathbf e_2^T\mathbf X,\cdots,Y_p=\mathbf e_p^T\mathbf X\) are the principal components, which are uncorrelated and have variances equal to the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol\Sigma\) of \(\mathbf X^T=[X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_p]\).

  • Population Principal Components
  1. Because the covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol\Sigma\) of \(\mathbf X^T=[X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_p]\) has diagonal elements \(\sigma_{11},\sigma_{22},\dots,\sigma_{pp}\), so \(tr(\boldsymbol\Sigma)=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}\sigma_{ii}=\sum_{i=1}^{p}Var(X_i)\) And because \(tr(\boldsymbol\Sigma)=tr(\mathbf P\boldsymbol\Lambda\mathbf P^T)=tr(\boldsymbol\Lambda\mathbf P^T\mathbf P)=tr(\boldsymbol\Lambda)=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}\lambda_i=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}Var(Y_i)\) so \((\text{Total population variance })=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}Var(X_i)=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}\sigma_{ii}=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}Var(Y_i)=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}\lambda_{i}\) The proportion of total variance explained by the \(k^{th}\) principal component is \(\Biggl({\substack{\text{Proportion of total }\\ \text{population variance due to } k^{th}\\ \text{ principal component}}}\Biggr)=\displaystyle\frac{\lambda_k}{\lambda_1+\lambda_2+\cdots+\lambda_p}, \quad k=1,2,\cdots,p\)

  2. Becasue the \(k^{th}\) component of \(\mathbf X\) is \(X_k=\mathbf a_k^T\mathbf X\), where \(\mathbf a_k^T=[0,\cdots,0,1,0,\cdots,0]\) and because \(Y_i=\mathbf e_i^T\mathbf X\), then \(Cov(Y_i, X_k)=Cov(X_k, Y_i)=Cov(\mathbf a_k^T\mathbf X, \mathbf e_i^T\mathbf X)=\mathbf a_k^T\boldsymbol\Sigma\mathbf e_i=\mathbf a_k^T\lambda_i\mathbf e_i=\lambda_ie_{ik}\) Then the correlation coefficients between the principal components \(Y_i\) and the variables \(X_k\) is \[\rho_{Y_i,X_k}=\frac{Cov(Y_i, X_k)}{\sqrt{Var(Y_i)}\sqrt{Var(X_k)}}=\frac{\lambda_ie_{ik}}{\sqrt{\lambda_i}\sqrt{\sigma_{kk}}}=\frac{\sqrt{\lambda_i}e_{ik}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{kk}}}\quad (i,k=1,2,\cdots,p)\]

  3. If multivariate normal random variables \(\mathbf X\) is distributed as \(N_p(\boldsymbol\mu, \boldsymbol\Sigma)\), then contours of constant density for \(\mathbf X\) are on the ellipsoids centered with \(\boldsymbol\mu\): \[(\mathbf x-\boldsymbol\mu)^T\boldsymbol\Sigma^{-1}(\mathbf x-\boldsymbol\mu)=(\mathbf x-\boldsymbol\mu)^T\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}(\frac{1}{\lambda_i}\mathbf e_i\mathbf e_i^T)(\mathbf x-\boldsymbol\mu)\\ =\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}\frac{1}{\lambda_i}\Bigl[\mathbf e_i^T(\mathbf x-\boldsymbol\mu)\Bigr]^2=c^2\], which have axes \(\pm c\sqrt{\lambda_i}\mathbf e_i, \quad (i=1,2,\cdots, p)\), where \((\lambda_i,\mathbf e_i)\) are the eigenvalue–eigenvector pairs of \(\boldsymbol\Sigma\). We can translate \(\boldsymbol\mu=\boldsymbol0\) without change the Covariance of \(\mathbf X\), then \(\mathbf x^T\boldsymbol\Sigma^{-1}\mathbf x=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}\frac{1}{\lambda_i}(\mathbf e_i^T\mathbf x)^2=\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}\frac{1}{\lambda_i}y_i^2=c^2\), where \(y_i=\mathbf e_i^T\mathbf x\) are the principal components of \(\mathbf x\) and this equation defines an ellipsoid in a coordinate system with axes \(y_i\) lying in the directions \(\mathbf e_i\), which are the directions of the axes of a constant density ellipsoid. Any point on the \(i^{th}\) ellipsoid axis has \(\mathbf x\) coordinates proportional to \(\mathbf e_i^T=[e_{i1},e_{i2},\cdots,e_{ip}]\)

  4. If the random variables are standardized with \[Z_i=\frac{X_i-\mu_i}{\sqrt{\sigma_{ii}}}\], with matrix notation \(\mathbf Z=(\mathbf D^{\frac{1}{2}})^{-1}(\mathbf X-\boldsymbol\mu)\) where \[\mathbf D=\begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{11}&0&0&\cdots&0\\ 0&\sigma_{22}&0&\cdots&0\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ 0&0&0&\cdots&\sigma_{pp}\\ \end{bmatrix}\] Then \(E(\mathbf Z)=\mathbf0\) and \[Cov(\mathbf Z)=(\mathbf D^{\frac{1}{2}})^{-1}\boldsymbol\Sigma(\mathbf D^{\frac{1}{2}})^{-1}=\begin{bmatrix} \frac{\sigma_{11}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{11}}\sqrt{\sigma_{11}}}&\frac{\sigma_{12}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{11}}\sqrt{\sigma_{22}}}&\frac{\sigma_{13}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{11}}\sqrt{\sigma_{33}}}&\cdots&\frac{\sigma_{1p}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{11}}\sqrt{\sigma_{pp}}}\\ \frac{\sigma_{12}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{11}}\sqrt{\sigma_{22}}}&\frac{\sigma_{22}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{22}}\sqrt{\sigma_{22}}}&\frac{\sigma_{23}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{22}}\sqrt{\sigma_{33}}}&\cdots&\frac{\sigma_{2p}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{22}}\sqrt{\sigma_{pp}}}\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ \frac{\sigma_{1p}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{11}}\sqrt{\sigma_{pp}}}&\frac{\sigma_{2p}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{22}}\sqrt{\sigma_{pp}}}&\frac{\sigma_{3p}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{33}}\sqrt{\sigma_{pp}}}&\cdots&\frac{\sigma_{pp}}{\sqrt{\sigma_{pp}}\sqrt{\sigma_{pp}}}\\ \end{bmatrix}=\boldsymbol\rho\] Then the principal components of \(\mathbf Z\) can be generated from the eigenvectors of \(\boldsymbol\rho\), which is both the covariance matrix of \(\mathbf Z\) and the correlation matrix of \(\mathbf X\) Usually, the principal components derived from \(\boldsymbol\Sigma\) are different from those derived from \(\boldsymbol\rho\)

  • Sample Principal Components
  1. For the \(n\) measurements on \(p\)-dimensional population \(\mathbf x_1,\mathbf x_2,\cdots,\mathbf x_n\), with mean vector \(\boldsymbol\mu\) and covariance matrix \(\underset{p\times p}{\boldsymbol\Sigma}\). These samples has the mean vector \(\bar{\mathbf x}\) and sample covariance matrix \(\underset{p\times p}{\mathbf S}\) and the sample correlation matrix of \(\underset{p\times p}{\mathbf R}\). The linear combination of the \(j^{th}\) measurement \(\mathbf x_j\), is \(\mathbf a_1^T\mathbf x_j=a_{11}x_{j1}+a_{12}x_{j2}+\cdots+a_{1p}x_{jp}, \quad (j=1,2,\cdots,n)\), then the linear combination of sample mean is \(\mathbf a_1^T\bar{\mathbf x}\) and sample variance is \(\mathbf a_1^T\mathbf S\mathbf a_1\), two linear combinations \(\mathbf a_1^T\mathbf x_j, \mathbf a_2^T\mathbf x_j\) have sample covariance \(\mathbf a_1^T\mathbf S\mathbf a_2\). The \(i^{th}\) principal component of of sample \(\mathbf x_j\) is the linear combination \(\mathbf a_i^T\mathbf x_j\) that maximizes \(Var(\mathbf a_i^T\mathbf x_j)\) subject to \(\mathbf a_i^T\mathbf a_i=1\) and \(Var(\mathbf a_i^T\mathbf x_j,\mathbf a_k^T\mathbf x_j)=0, \quad k<i\). The first principal component maximizes \(\mathbf a_1^T\mathbf S\mathbf a_1\) is \(\hat{y}_1=\hat{\mathbf e}_1^T\mathbf x_j\), which is attained when \(\mathbf a_1=\hat{\mathbf e}_1\), and \(\hat{\mathbf e}_1\) is the eigenvector of \(\mathbf S\).
    For the \(n\) measurements on \(p\)-dimensional population, if the eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs of the sample covariance matrix \(\underset{p\times p}{\mathbf S}\) are \(\{(\hat{\lambda}_i,\hat{\mathbf e}_i), \quad (i=1,2,\cdots,p)\}\), the \(i^{th}\) sample principal component is given by \(\hat{y}_i=\hat{\mathbf e}_i^T\mathbf x, \quad (i=1,2,\cdots,p)\), where \(\hat{\lambda}_1\ge\hat{\lambda}_2\ge\cdots\hat{\lambda}_p\) and \(\mathbf x\) is any observation on the variables \(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_p\). Also the variance of sample principal component is \(Var(\hat{y}_i)=\hat{\lambda}_i\) and the covariance between the sample principal component and the variables is \(Cov(\hat{y}_i,\hat{x}_k)=0, k\ne i\) and total sample variance is \(\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{p}s_{ii}=\sum_{i=1}^{p}\hat{\lambda}_i\). Similarly, the correlation coefficients between the principal component \(\hat{y}_i\) and the variables \(x_k\) is \(\rho_{\hat{y}_i,x_k}=\displaystyle\frac{Cov(\hat{y}_i,x_k)}{\sqrt{Var(\hat{y}_i)}\sqrt{Var(x_k)}}=\frac{\hat{e}_{ik}\sqrt{\hat{\lambda}_i}}{\sqrt{s_{kk}}}, \quad i,k=1,2,\cdots,p\)

  2. If \(\mathbf X\) is distributed as \(N_p(\boldsymbol\mu, \boldsymbol\Sigma)\), the sample principal components \(\hat{y}_i=\hat{\mathbf e}_i^T(\mathbf x-\bar{\mathbf x})\) are realizations of population principal components \(Y_i=\mathbf e_i^T(\mathbf X-\boldsymbol\mu)\), with \(Y_i\) is distributed as \(N_p(\boldsymbol0, \boldsymbol\Lambda)\), and the diagonal matrix \(\boldsymbol\Lambda\) has entries \(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\cdots,\lambda_p\), which are the eigenvalues of \(\boldsymbol\Sigma\). The contour consisting of all vectors \(\mathbf x\) that satisfy \((\mathbf x-\bar{\mathbf x})^T\mathbf S^{-1}(\mathbf x-\bar{\mathbf x})=c^2\), estimates the constant density contour \((\mathbf x-\boldsymbol\mu)^T\boldsymbol\Sigma^{-1}(\mathbf x-\boldsymbol\mu)=c^2\)

##      GNP.deflator     GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population Year Employed
## 1947         83.0 234.289      235.6        159.0    107.608 1947   60.323
## 1948         88.5 259.426      232.5        145.6    108.632 1948   61.122
## 1949         88.2 258.054      368.2        161.6    109.773 1949   60.171
## 1950         89.5 284.599      335.1        165.0    110.929 1950   61.187
## 1951         96.2 328.975      209.9        309.9    112.075 1951   63.221
## 1952         98.1 346.999      193.2        359.4    113.270 1952   63.639
## 1953         99.0 365.385      187.0        354.7    115.094 1953   64.989
## 1954        100.0 363.112      357.8        335.0    116.219 1954   63.761
## 1955        101.2 397.469      290.4        304.8    117.388 1955   66.019
## 1956        104.6 419.180      282.2        285.7    118.734 1956   67.857
## 1957        108.4 442.769      293.6        279.8    120.445 1957   68.169
## 1958        110.8 444.546      468.1        263.7    121.950 1958   66.513
## 1959        112.6 482.704      381.3        255.2    123.366 1959   68.655
## 1960        114.2 502.601      393.1        251.4    125.368 1960   69.564
## 1961        115.7 518.173      480.6        257.2    127.852 1961   69.331
## 1962        116.9 554.894      400.7        282.7    130.081 1962   70.551
## [1] 16  7
##              GNP.deflator       GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population
## GNP.deflator    1.0000000 0.9915892  0.6206334    0.4647442  0.9791634
## GNP             0.9915892 1.0000000  0.6042609    0.4464368  0.9910901
## Unemployed      0.6206334 0.6042609  1.0000000   -0.1774206  0.6865515
## Armed.Forces    0.4647442 0.4464368 -0.1774206    1.0000000  0.3644163
## Population      0.9791634 0.9910901  0.6865515    0.3644163  1.0000000
## Year            0.9911492 0.9952735  0.6682566    0.4172451  0.9939528
## Employed        0.9708985 0.9835516  0.5024981    0.4573074  0.9603906
##                   Year  Employed
## GNP.deflator 0.9911492 0.9708985
## GNP          0.9952735 0.9835516
## Unemployed   0.6682566 0.5024981
## Armed.Forces 0.4172451 0.4573074
## Population   0.9939528 0.9603906
## Year         1.0000000 0.9713295
## Employed     0.9713295 1.0000000
##              GNP.deflator       GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population
## GNP.deflator    116.45763 1063.6041   625.8666     349.0254   73.50300
## GNP            1063.60412 9879.3537  5612.4370    3088.0428  685.24094
## Unemployed      625.86663 5612.4370  8732.2343   -1153.7876  446.27415
## Armed.Forces    349.02537 3088.0428 -1153.7876    4843.0410  176.40981
## Population       73.50300  685.2409   446.2742     176.4098   48.38735
## Year             50.92333  470.9779   297.3033     138.2433   32.91740
## Employed         36.79666  343.3302   164.9103     111.7681   23.46197
##                   Year  Employed
## GNP.deflator  50.92333  36.79666
## GNP          470.97790 343.33021
## Unemployed   297.30333 164.91027
## Armed.Forces 138.24333 111.76811
## Population    32.91740  23.46197
## Year          22.66667  16.24093
## Employed      16.24093  12.33392
# Get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors using eigen()
(en <- eigen(cov(longley)))
## eigen() decomposition
## $values
## [1] 1.536819e+04 7.078799e+03 1.205492e+03 1.645780e+00 2.352774e-01
## [6] 9.817098e-02 9.428974e-03
## $vectors
##             [,1]        [,2]        [,3]         [,4]         [,5]         [,6]
## [1,] -0.08246505  0.03431671  0.04174461  0.953414736  0.200588528 -0.201911092
## [2,] -0.75612880  0.31889266  0.55626174 -0.078811527 -0.003389211  0.100012924
## [3,] -0.62581871 -0.58065916 -0.52048350 -0.006811143 -0.010137793  0.006269162
## [4,] -0.15764282  0.74796225 -0.64460779 -0.011957646 -0.003793022 -0.002353907
## [5,] -0.05438061  0.01345204  0.03418848 -0.281879616  0.461366947 -0.837567707
## [6,] -0.03716835  0.01181644  0.01849000  0.019100099 -0.323260157 -0.132982953
## [7,] -0.02509395  0.01402362  0.02995436  0.069128695 -0.801423112 -0.479562668
##              [,7]
## [1,] -0.016606051
## [2,]  0.030401713
## [3,]  0.009713214
## [4,]  0.004370434
## [5,] -0.043101018
## [6,] -0.935729980
## [7,]  0.348192811
# Eigenvectors are always orthogonal, calculate A'A using crossprod()
##               [,1]          [,2]          [,3]          [,4]          [,5]
## [1,]  1.000000e+00 -6.619054e-17  5.594483e-17 -7.155734e-18 -3.469447e-18
## [2,] -6.619054e-17  1.000000e+00  1.501078e-16 -4.445229e-17  0.000000e+00
## [3,]  5.594483e-17  1.501078e-16  1.000000e+00 -1.647987e-17  6.938894e-18
## [4,] -7.155734e-18 -4.445229e-17 -1.647987e-17  1.000000e+00 -5.551115e-17
## [5,] -3.469447e-18  0.000000e+00  6.938894e-18 -5.551115e-17  1.000000e+00
## [6,] -5.204170e-18  1.561251e-17  1.734723e-18  2.012279e-16 -4.440892e-16
## [7,]  0.000000e+00  8.673617e-19 -6.938894e-18  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
##               [,6]          [,7]
## [1,] -5.204170e-18  0.000000e+00
## [2,]  1.561251e-17  8.673617e-19
## [3,]  1.734723e-18 -6.938894e-18
## [4,]  2.012279e-16  0.000000e+00
## [5,] -4.440892e-16  0.000000e+00
## [6,]  1.000000e+00 -2.775558e-17
## [7,] -2.775558e-17  1.000000e+00
# trace(cov) = sum of eigenvalues
## [1] 23654.47
## [1] 23654.47
# determinant = product of eigenvalues, det(A)=∏λi, This means that the determinant will be zero # if any λi=0.
## [1] 47005222
## [1] 47005222
# rank = number of non-zero eigenvalues
## [1] 7
sum(en$values != 0)
## [1] 7
# sum of squares of A = sum of squares of eigenvalues, ∑λ2i.
## [1] 287744025
## [1] 287744025
# get the reverse matrix using solve()
AI <- solve(cov(longley))
##              GNP.deflator         GNP   Unemployed Armed.Forces   Population
## GNP.deflator   1.16786027 -0.30776300 -0.042606945 -0.013034547  2.028608136
## GNP           -0.30776300  0.20404438  0.037941637  0.012064719 -0.985381346
## Unemployed    -0.04260695  0.03794164  0.011169221  0.004788169 -0.116613849
## Armed.Forces  -0.01303455  0.01206472  0.004788169  0.002655552 -0.005301107
## Population     2.02860814 -0.98538135 -0.116613849 -0.005301107  8.295913765
## Year           1.65695843 -3.14878669 -0.958587835 -0.425468239  4.774745254
## Employed      -0.27011189  0.64236279  0.362297651  0.185293607  0.916474819
##                     Year    Employed
## GNP.deflator   1.6569584  -0.2701119
## GNP           -3.1487867   0.6423628
## Unemployed    -0.9585878   0.3622977
## Armed.Forces  -0.4254682   0.1852936
## Population     4.7747453   0.9164748
## Year          93.4862110 -32.8030642
## Employed     -32.8030642  17.9334871
# zapsmall() is handy for cleaning up tiny values.
zapsmall(AI %*% cov(longley))
##              GNP.deflator GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population Year Employed
## GNP.deflator            1   0          0            0          0    0        0
## GNP                     0   1          0            0          0    0        0
## Unemployed              0   0          1            0          0    0        0
## Armed.Forces            0   0          0            1          0    0        0
## Population              0   0          0            0          1    0        0
## Year                    0   0          0            0          0    1        0
## Employed                0   0          0            0          0    0        1